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Reprint ed fro m


The Institute of Materia ls

Textures of strip cast and hot rolled ferritic and
austenitic stainless steel
D. Raabe

Recent progressin strip C/lsring t('Ch IIO /OK.\" allo\\"s rhe production of'ferrtuc and mmenir ic stainless JCeds .,;;,h rhe _~nre
geonrerry (lIld quali /f cu thoSt' prodded by CQlln'mionol h'" rolling. This enables rhe t'Ilt;re hm rolling procedure ro he bypass.eJ.
Th e random initial rrplal/og raphic orientalioll diMribllt;oll rhrouxh the thickness of the cost strip feads to more homogeneous
properties of rhefinal steel .~IIf.'et. The /olll.'r effect eliminates the 11"1'11 kllo"'11 ridging phenome/lon ill [erri tic stoirdess .~tee/ II"ll;eh
of ten d,'fe r;orales tilt' surface quality of ini/i<lUy hOI rolled bands. tn the present paper the rrptallllgraplJir texture ofstrip fllSI
[errtsic and illlstellit ic stainless.\ll'e/ is examined ill various rlirrJl/gli thickness depths. The results are compared wirh rlw,w! f or
fOIll'elllimwlly produced. i.e. t>ol1fimwlIsl.l' ("a.~f and suh.\t',/uelltl.l' 1101 rolled specimens. ;\/.'1"1"/3010

C 1995 The Instill/Ie of .\lme riah ..\lanu.q:ript receired 24 Febflw ry 1994; i'l final fo rm 16 .\lay 1994. The author i.' in the
1ll5 rirut fu r .\leral/kunde und .\le/al/physik. RUTH Aat·hen. Germany.

coo led steel ro lls. T he two casti ng rolls with different

Intro d u ctio n diameters are located as shown in Fig. I. and the steel
solidifies as a thin film on the roll surfaces. The process is
Fla t products of highly allo yed fern uc and aus tenitic contro lled in such a manner that the contactlength between
stainless steels are conve ntio nally ma nufacturcd by contin- the liquid metal and the ro ll surface is equal for both
uous casting, hot rolling. hot hand ann ealing. and sub- rolls. In the rolling gap the solid films impinge and
sequent pickling. cold rolling. and final recrystallisation. are compressed to a str ip which leaves the gap with a
However. recent progress in strip casti ng technology. in temperat ure.' of about 1370 K. A tho rough survey of the
which liquid steel solidifies on the surfaces of two rotating casting technique is given in Refs. 1-3. The thic kness of the
water cooled rolls, provides three mai n improve ments ferritic strip cast sample was -I mm and that of the auste nitic
compared with the customary processing method. I.l First. sample was 2·4 mm.
it allows the castin g of steel sheet with the same thickness Unidirecti onal ho t rolling of conti nuously cast slab was
and width as tha t produced by hot rolling. This means ca rried out after reheating and initia l reversing hot rolling
tha t the entire hot ro lling process is bypassed. Second, the in a conventi onal hot strip mill. where the band is deformed
strip cast material reveals a weak initial crystallogra phic in seven subsequent rolling passes, The temperatu re was in
textur e as well as a weak th rou gh thickness texture gradient. the range 1420- 1470 K during the first hot rolling pass.
These features are beneficial for the strength and deep and in the rang e 1050-1200 K d uring the last pass. The
drawing prope rties or the final sheet. As has been discussed thic kness of the ferritic hot band was -I mm and that of the
pre\·iously.J.4 the latter is of special relevance for the avoid - aus tenitic band was 2·2 mm.
ance of the ridging phenomenon in Ierriuc stainless steels Both types of sample (i.e. the conventionally hot rolled
with l7 "1oCr con tent, which considera bly affects the surface as well as the strip cast sheet] were heat treated at 1370 K
qua lity of convention ally produced sheets. Third, it is for 20 min an d sub sequently dcscaled before cold rolling.
economically unfavourable to prod uce small amounts of The crystallograp hic textures were investigated quan tita-
highly alloyed sta inless steel by continuous casting and hot tively by measuring the four incomple te pole figures {l lOl.
rolling. Strip casting technology is the refore considered to {2oo}. 1112), and l 103} in the femuc steel an d {ll l },
playa compeunve role in the future production of stai nless {200}. {2201. and 0131 in the auste nitic samples using
steel sheet. Mo K. l radiation in the back reflection mod e." Fro m the
Whereas the tex- ture and micros tructure of cold rolled pole figures the orientation distribution function (O OF)
and recr ysta jlised ferri t ic~ · 6 and aus tenuict-" stainless steels was com puted ma king use of the series expa nsion met hod
have already been subject 10 deta iled investigation s in the (lmu = 221. 13 Owing to the cubic crystal symmetry or the
past. the micros tructural and crystallographic featur es steels and the ort horh ombic symmetry of the samp les
resulting from hOI rolling. IO . 1 1 and especially from strip (characterised by the rolling (or casting ). normal. and
casting. have not yet been thoroughl y discussed in the transverse directions ( RD. N O. TO) respectively], an
literature. In the present work , therefore. the crys tallo- orientation is represented by the three Euler angles /Pl'~'
graphic tex-ture and microstructure of strip cast Ierrinc and and I{ll in the reduced Euler space. For simplicity an
a ustenitic stainless steel are compared with those of orientation is often described using the Miller no tation
continuously cas t and hot rolled ma terial. For this purpose l hk/l ( un l). In this nomenclature the first indices lhkll
the correspo nding measurements are carried OU! with high describe the crystallogra phic plane which is parall el to the
spatial resolution at various depths on samples from sheet surface an d ( ur\\') indica tes the direction tha t is
both alloys. parallelto RD.
Stainless steels often develop cha racte ristic crystallo -
gra phic fibre textures during rolling dcforma uon."!' In
Tab te 1 Che m ical co m po sit io ns of st eels inve stigated
(bat Fel. wt· %
The chemical composition of both steels is given in Ta ble 1.
The samp les were prepared from conventionally processed C C,
hot band <IS well as from as strip cast material. Th e latt er
specimens were indus trially produ ced by casti ng liquid steel
Typ e of ste el

AU$len ilic 0'07 18'0

" "
85 0'03
Fe,'itic 0'05 16'5 0'03 0'01 0'01
into a pre heated tundish. which contacts two ro tating water

MaterialS Scienc e and Technology May 199 5 Vol. 11 461

462 Raabe Textures of strip cast and hot rolled ferriti c and austen itic stain less steel

, . .... .90"
1( 112 < IIQ;;.
~ {ll1 j<ll lbo 0 0

(. fibre \ /
(1 lR)
/ \0
0 0 0

LAwu C...t;ng Roll - -

0 0 0 0

Schemat ic cro ss- sect io n of st r ip casti ng process

0 0 0 0
man y instances it is thus conv enient 10 present t he o rien- {l ll )<Ol l>
ta tion dist ributio n by isoinrc nsity dia grams in secti ons
through the Euler space or by fibre diagrams (.\.'" Table 2 ). {OOI )<110>
In the first instance the orien tation space is subdivided
pa rallel 10 one Euler a xis (for ferruic ste els usually !PI and 0 0 0
fo r a uste nitic steels usua lly 1f2) in 5' steps . In t he second {111}<1f2>
instance the o rientation den sity' rIg} is given on the o rdinate
versus one of the ang les Ifl '?' o r 1f2 while the ot her two , ,= ..... 90"
coo rdinates remain constan t. In Fig. 2 the posi tions of so me " Ib l
relevant orie nta tio ns and texture fibres a re schema tica lly (a fibre)
~ - 0- ",-
0 11J< l1 l>
presented in \II a nd III sections through Euler space .
Since the text ure a nd microst ruct ure. particular ly o r hot \ '1011 < 112>@ fibre)
work ed stai nless steels. is often "en mhomoeeneous lOttt<
th rough the thickness." all samples were exami ned at
different depths. To indicate the inspected layer the
parameter ! _ It Ii x til is defined. where Q is the distance
from the centre layer and J the thic kness of the sheet. i.e.
the surface layer is defined by s = I and the cent re layer by 1'wild II"
s = O. T he text ures of all sa mples arc exami ned in d \ = 0-1
through thic kness steps. To remo ve a surface layer of 20 urn
{i.e. to remo ve dist urbi ng grinding effects before the texture
measu rements ]. the a ustenitic sam ples were etched in a
/ " . - ..
(1 filR)
{11 1J<112>
(~ fibre)
111k OI l
solution of 100 ml, H 20 . 100 mL H Cl. a nd 30 mL Hr-.;0 3
at a tempe rature of 330 K. The ferritic sa mples were e tched 0 {I }<634>
at room temper a ture in a solution or 100 mL 11 2 0 2, 10 m L (~ fibre)
HF. 5 m L IIN O J • an d 5 mL HCl.
il},! {Oil <11 1>
Experimental re sults ~ - 0- Cil
(. fibre)1 < , ( ~ ~I <I I 2>
The micrographs of the st rip cast a ustenitic steel (t ra nsverse a ,., sections. ferrilie sleel; b,., sect ions. a u51e nilic I1HI
section]. ( Fig. 31 sho w tha t compa red with the ho t rolled 2 Re lev an1 fibre s and o r ie n1at ions in r edu ced Eul er
material. a more inhomogeneous microstruct ure t hrough space
the thic kness of the sheet is found. Whereas between the
surface a nd t he near centre la yers n.e. between s = I a nd
s '" 0-41 lar ge uniforml y orie nted blocks of a usteni tic equiaxed austenitic gra in struct ure with a manensnic
dendrit es can he seen. closer to the cen tre layers a different volu me Fraction of up to 20% becomes visible. T he same
microst ructure appears. Between s '" l) 3 a nd! :;:-l} 1 a more chan ges in mo rph ology also occu r in the strip cas t ferrinc
blocky a nd nea rly equ iaxed aus tenite mo rphology. which steel. T he differences between the str ip cas t samples and
contain s marte nsite plates. has developed. Between s :;:-0- 1 the hOI rolled band ca n be seen in Fig. 4. Whereas in the
and s = O. i.e. in the rmdthic kness la yer of the ma terial. an subsu rface la yer of the st rip cast auste nitic ba nd ( Fig. 4a)
a dendr itic zone. which in this micrograph is cut perpendicu-
lar to the den d rite axis. ca n be seen. at the sa me depth the
Tabl e 2 Rel ev ant ori ent ati o n fibres fOf d escript ion of
t ext ures in stai nless steel s
corresponding a ustenitic hOI ban d revea ls an cquiaxcd.
twinned microstr uct ure ( Fig. 4h).
"'l a m.. 01 lib'e Fibr.. a xis Oriental ions o n fib' e

l fib, e (lerrile1 ( 110) RD (OO1J(l lD ). {112l ( 11D). 1111l ( 110 )

l fibre ( 110) NO (11 0) ( 001 >. {110)( 112). (ll O)( l l l ) Both types o r stainless strip cast material revea l a nearly
(a uste nitel random o rientation dist ribution in all through thickness
y fibre ( 111) INO (111l ( 110 ),{111) (1 12 )
Ii fib'e less s vmm e tric (1 121(111 ). {123)( 634 ). (011l (2 11) layers (.Iee Fig. 5 ). The ob served texture grad ients arc
negligible in bot h alloys when compared with the corres-
RD rolling direction ; NO norma l d irect ion. po nding hot rolled material. As note d previously.!" t he

Materi als Science and Technology M ay 1995 Vol. 11

R8ilbe Textures of strip cast and hot roll ed ferritie and austenit ic stainless steel 463

transverse direction _ tnmsverse direction -

3 Micro graphs of austen it ic str ip cast st eel tr r an sv erse section s)

strip cast texture is unequal on both sides of the sheet i.e. In the centre layer of the hot rolled ferritic steel band. a
the through thickness texture is nOI symmetric with respect strong rolling texture consisting of a sharp '1- fibre and a
to the centre layer. The nearly random strip casting textures weaker i' fibre is detected (wt' Fig. 6a). At the subsurface
which are found in both (110)'s are completely different layer. a strong shear texture: with a maximum at the Goss
fro m the textu res which result from continuous casting and component. tOII} (IOO) . and a weaker component at
subsequent hot rolling. 14 4 I I I ( I I 11 8) is revealed (Fig. 6b1. The maximum or

Materials Science and Technology M ay 1995 Vol. 11

464 Raabe Textu re s of strip cast a nd hot rolled lerr itic a nd au sten itic stai nle s s ste el

transverse directio n _


" ler ,jjic: b 1"S1enjjic
b ........: 5 Te xt u re of strip cast steel [cent r e la Ve rl

"Slrip C'l!st lustenite: b t>ot rolled austenite

4 S ubsurface m icro gr aphs 01 austenitic steel If ta t
these steels (.~I.'e Fig. 71.5. 6 The resulting profile of the
secncnsl orientation density of the G oss component throu gh various
dept hs is shown in Fig. 8, using data from vario us steels
with 17%C r co ntent. The occurrence of this type of textu re
these shear components. in ho t rolled fcmuc stain less profile within a hot rolled stainless steel ba nd is well known
steels. is frequen tly located at s = O· 7~~ 8 . When the texture from various fcrritic alloys containing I I %Cr, 17%Cr, or
profil e is inspected with a local thro ugh thickness resolution 3-4 %Si, H. l l. ' ~ In Fig. 9 it is shown that with increasing
of 1'1\ "" 0-1 , it can be seen that between the centre and the alloy content (especially Cr and Si], i.e. with decreasing
surface layers there is a continuous decrease in the rolling volume fraction of phase transformation du ring cooling
texture and a steady increase in the typical shear textu re after hot rolling, the intensity of the orientati on density of
components. which represent a characteristic feature of the midthic kucss component {ool } <110) is enha nced,

Mat e nals Sc ie nce and Tec hno log y Ma y 1995 Vol. 11

Raabe Textures of str ip cast and hot rolled ferritic and austenit ic stainless steel 465

({Jl=co n s t. {00 11 {1121 11111 (l1 0 l

<110 > <11 0> <110 > <110>

f (g) s parameter

r 25
o 0.0
c 0. 1
lJ 0.2
x 0.3
20 T 0.4
o 0.5
v 0.6
15 + 0.7
),. 0.8
e- 0.9
10 <l 1.0

30 ' 60 ' 90 '

a. f lor e
7 Te ll.lure ot hot rolled ferritic steerIe fibre pre s ent ation}

30- abou t TD rota ted rolling component (IIO) ( 11.2), are

developed [see Figs. lOb and 11). In the subsurface layers
[s = () 7~(}8) the orientation dist ribution is again random.
At the surface Is = Hl} a similar texture as in laver s = 0-6
is developed. In order to describe the through" thickness
texture profile of the hot rolled auste nite, the three shear
compone nts which show a maximum orientation density
close to s;; 0-6 arc chosen as indicators I Fig. 11). It is
revealed that the orienta tion density of all three components
shows a similar thro ugh thickness variation. Close to the
centre layer both orientatio ns arc very weak and increase
continuously up to layer s = 0'6. Between s " 0·6 and s =
0-9 a decrease, and at the surface again an increase can be
seen. T h i ~ pattern represents the main cont rast to the
Icrrinc hot hand where the shear compo nents reveal a

Fet1itoc: s tai nless 51.... '

29 . 6 30 • Goss componenl


-a 20

~ cenlr. leyer; b wrl_ l~er. s parameter _ 0'8
6 'texture o f ho t roll ed Iernt te st eel

s• 15
The austenitic hot band also reveals an inhomogeneous .e
<5 10
texture profile through the thickness. Close to the centre
layer. i.e. at s;; 0-0 and s = 0·1. the orientatio n distribut ion

is characterised hy a weak fJ fibre with a maximum at
[Illl ] ( 211). accompa nied by the appeara nce of a weak
cube component 1000 ( 100) ( _\ 1-'1-' Fig. lOa). In the layer o. - .-=-' --- , I

.\ = 0·2 the orientations mentione d above are replaced by a 0 0.2 0.4 0.' 0.8
nearly random orientation distrib ution , Close to s = 0-5- 0-6 centre s parameter surfa ce
layer laye r
a texture tran sition takes place. Th ree new orienta tions.
namely a weak {OO I I( I IO) compone nt. a I fibre, and a 8 Th r ou gh thi ckn ess p ro file of Goss co mp o ne n t
strong 11121( 110) orientation. which corresponds to the {0 l1 }( 100) tterr tttc steel)

Materials Science and Technology May 1995 Vol. 11

466 Raabe Textures of strip cast and hot rolled Iemnc and austenitic stainless steer

3 0 . , - - - - - - - -- - --,---, tfJ2= cons t .


•" Cr , r
c 0:,
-e C8J S i ,' 6
0 g , r

,, ,


.c /5; '
0 ,,
0 /
0 5 /

0 low C
9 Dependence of o rie ntat io n de ns ity of 10011( 110)
co m po n ent in centr e layer of h ot r o ll ed ferrit ic st eels
o n a lloy co ntent

maximum a t S = 0-8 and not a r S = ()'6 or s = 1-0. respe ctively

(see Fig. 8).

Di scussion

Th e first im por ta nt contrast between the textures resultin g
from the differe n t processing tech niq ues, which is de tected
for fcrritic as well as fo r nuste nuic steel. is the nearly
rand om ori en ta tio n di stri bution genera ted d u ring st rip
casting and the strong a nd inho mogeneous texture which
develops duri ng hOI rolling. The almost ra ndom textures
of both strip cast samples can be explained by the wea k
growth selectio n which is attrib uted to heterogeneous
nucleati on. i.e. 10 the high solidifica tio n rate on the surfaces
of the casting rolls.
As investigat ed pre\·iously, .3.~ for the ferritie steel. where 5.B
the ridging phenomenon usuall y' deterio rates the surface
properties of conve ntionally ' hot rolled a nd subsequently'
eold rolled and recrystallised steel sheet. the random
initial casting textu re has a very beneficial effect on the
eliminat ion of the ridging phenomenon. The ridging. which II cent re laye<; b subsurface layer. s paramele< _ 0 '6
occurs after 7% elonga tion of conven tionally pro- 10 Text ure of h ot rolled austen it ic ste el
cessed fcrritic hot ban d, is a ttrib uted to the inheritance of
the inhomo geneity of the initia l textu re and micro structure.
i.e. to the presence of elonga ted region s with simila r
oricntnuons. In str ip cast ferritic stainless steels which great deal of phase tra nsformation during the last hot
have a nearly ran do m starting text ure. ridging no longer rolling passes so t hat no texture randomisatio n, as in low
occu rs. C steels. takes place duri ng coo ling after hot rolling,
T he resulting profile of the ferri te texture through the
sheet thick ness can be explained by the occurrence of a so
HOT ROLLING OF FERRITIC STEEL called ideal plane strain deformation state (1:) ) = - t ll • all
The hot rolling textu res (Fi gs. 6 and 10) in both alloys arc other compo nents equal lero) accompanied b)' recover)'
completely different from the corresponding ra ndom strip instead of recrysrallisation in thc rmdthickness layers
casti ng textures ( Fig. 5 ). Owing to the high alloy content. I Fig, 601 and strong shear deformation dose 10 the surface
the ferritic steel with 17'"1oCr con tent does not und ergo a layers (Fig. 6b 1,'6 The values of the orientation densities
Raab e Textures of strip cast and hot rolled renmc and austen itic stainless steel 467

8 removed the detected rolling text ure at s = 0, this result

Aus!enitic alai nlus ale suggests the possibility tha t d uring hot rolling. a high

{1I 1}-lib•• volume fraction of ma teria l has o nly' undergo ne recove ry.
T his, however. would be in co ntra diction to the o bserved
6 microstru ct ure. which consists of an equiaxcd instea d of an
: • elonga ted recovered grai n mo rphology ( Fig. 2 ), and 10 the
z- 5
• lo w stac king fault energy' ISFE) of the aus tenitic stai nless
<, • • steel. 21 x IO- 'J m - z f Ref.2 2), which suggests a stro ng


:[ •
• • •
• •

tendency' for rec rystallisanon instead of reco very. It is thus
more likely that recrystallisauon has occu rred d urin g
the first ho t rolling pass es and tha t t he weak detected fJ
fibre texture was de veloped du ring t he last rollin g
f • • • •• • • •• • passes, i.e. after considerable coo ling of the sheet where
t he temperature of the ba nd a nd the sto red energy imposed
• • by the last rolling pass were too low for rccrystallisatio n.
'1 • • T his co nclusio n is in good agreement with the obse rved

• I low o rient ation de nsity. because the recover y of rolled
0 0.2 D.' 0.6 0.8 material would have led to a much stronger texture
oe""~ ' vo'aco
ma ximum . Owi ng: to the low SFE of the aus tenite , the
s parameter
I.~, ,~ occurrence of the cube orientation ( Fig. lOa) in the
11 T hro ug h t h ick ness prof ile 0 1 shea r co m p o nent s centre layer of the austenuic hot band is uuributed to
laust en it ic et een rccrystallisation.
The textures in the other layers of the a ustenitic alloy
arc different when compa red with t ha t which is observed
of the shea r components lO1 11 <100) (F ig. R), 11101 ( 112), at .~ = O. Whereas in so me layers a random textu re occurs.
and 14 -I I II ( I I II 8) I Fig. 6b) at va rious dep ths corre- at s = 0-6 and -5 = I ( Fig. II ) a y fibre. a lOOlj (1 10). and
spo nd to the pro fi le of the shear strain which results from a 11121 ( 110) o rienta tion a re detected . All three o rien-
the innuence of the tempera ture o n the flow stress a nd t he tati ons a re well known from inhomogeneously rolled Al
through thickness profile of the Zener - Ho lomon param- a nd rep resent typical orienta tions which are att ributed
eter, as calcula ted b)" Beynon et <lLI ~ a nd Mct. aren and to shear deformation.ll- 2S Acco rd ing to xtao." the
Sel1arsU '. l 8 Fro m these simula tions it can also be :>L'Cn that 1112j ( 1I0 ) component results from the 10111( 211)
the: centre: of the sheet is deformed unde r idea l plane stra in orie ntatio n, which represe nts the stro ngest ideal pla ne
condi tions. T his lea ds to the presently observed strong st rain rolling component in fcc me ta ls with low SFE values
increase of the: % fibr e. especially the 10011( 110) o rienta tion a nd which has been rota ted 30' abou t the TO owing to
in the midthick ness layer of tbe Icrritic ho t band. which the rota tion of the strain sta te. The throug h thickness
also represents the main texture compo nent in cold rolled profile of the auste nitic shear co mponents th us co rrespo nds
ferriuc sta inless steels.s.b to the texure profile of the co mpa rative shea r orientations
The :r fibre texture in the cent re lay-en; of the hot band of t he hot rolled ferritic stainless steel ( Fig, 8), However.
is also co nside red 10 be t he reaso n for the ridging whereas in the ferrite t he st rongest shea r and thus also the
phenomenon mentio ned above, especia lly in Fe -1 7%Cr. highest orie ntatio n densities of the co rres pondi ng texture
As discussed by Hol scher !" and Bethk e ('I <11..20 the main :r co mpo nents occur at .~ = 0·7-0·8. in the a usteni tic hot band
fibre co mpo nents 11121 ( 110 ) and 11111 ( 110) both defo rm the max imum of the shear texture is locally split into o ne
by asymmet ric activa tio n of glide systems a nd lead to a peak at s =0·6 and a second peak at .\" = I. At s= 0·7- 0 g
resultin g t-n shea r (2 = T D. 3=NDI, T he topological even a local minim um is de rected (Fig, II). In order 10
arrangement uf these o rientations in thc elonga ted hot explain this deviation of the austenitic texture profile, it is
band morphology leads to the observed macroscop ic assumed that the maxim um of the shear was trul y
ridging, Onl y a reduction of these component s in the hot positioned in the range s = 0·7-0·g as suggested by the
band texture, a change in the deformation mode , or the ferrite and as predicted by simulations I .... !" (schematically'
randomisat ion of the texture by phase transformation can indicated by' the dotted line in Fig, I I ). Ho wever. since this
thus co ntribute to eliminatio n of the ridging phenomenon. implie s a higher local deformation , i.e. a hig her sto red
dislocation energy, it is assumed that in these layers
recr ystallisa ticn could take place mo re easily, leadi ng to
HOT ROLLING OF AUS TENITIC STEEL random isa tion o f the texture.
The mos t releva nt feature of the austenitic ho t ba nd texture
is also. as in the ferri tic steel. the course of the through
thickness in homogeneity which is cha racterised by' a wea k
fJ fibre. by the occu rrence of t he cube orien tatio n in the Concl usions
centre layer (Fig_ 10a 1. and by a ')'fibre. the -IS- NO rotated
cube orientation, a nd the {lil l (1 10) co mpo nent dose T he crystallographic texture of two industrially stri p cast
to the surface lay-ers ( Figs. lOb and 11 ). As shown in and t wo hot ro lled sta inless steels. one with I7%Cr co ntent
Fig. II two maxima of the orientatio n density of the [ jerriticj and o ne with 18% C r and S·S8f. Ni co ntent
latter type of text ure occur. one at s '" 0-6 and a second a t (austenitic) was investigated thro ugh the thickness of the
.~= 1·0. specimens. T he text ure of both st rip cast alloys was nea rly
According to expe rimental results by' Good ma n a nd I l u.' ra ndo m in a ll the layers examined which was attri buted to
Donadille et ill., Rand Rickert." as well as Ta ylor simulatio ns the weak gro wth selection, due to the high solidi fication
by Hirsch a nd Lucke." the o bserved Ii fibre a t .,· =0 ra te o n the surfaces of the casting rolls. In the hot ba nds
( Fig. lOiI) is a typical rolling textur e which results from of both alloys a strong texture profile was fo und. showing
ideal plan e strain deformation of fee polycrystals at ambient orientation s stemming from ideal plan e strain ro lling
temperatures. although in the present aus tenitic hot band deformation in the centre layers and st ro ng shear texture
the maximum orientation de nsity is considerably lower components close to the su rface. T hese textures were
than after cold rolling of comp arable alloys. Since complete interpreted in terms of the through thickness strain profile
recrys tallisatiou during or after hot rollin g would have which OCCUfS during industrial hot ro lling,

Malerials Science and Technology May 1995 Vol. 11

468 Raabe Te xt ures of st rip Cast and hot rolled ferritic and austen itic stainless steel

9. I. IttCUItT:Ua/.., . Sci. Fo....m. 1993. 157 162.. :!O11-1014.

A cknowledg ements 10. C D. 51"'(;11. v. 1l.A),lA5W"'~l\·. and c. Sl· RYA:-....UY...:sA: T" .TIIlr..s
,\Iicr"'lr"cl~ 199 1. 13. 12 7.
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