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It’s still dark outside, a beautiful blonde was sleeping on her bed. Without her
knowing, there’s this fire mage creeping through her window. Watching the
celestial mage who looks peaceful in her sleeps.
Without hesitation he directly went towards her, trying to be comfortable as he
sneak down, lying beside the blondy.
Even though he knew she’ll kick him out. He really likes staying with the blonde,
especially on her apartment because it smells so much like her.
He loves everything about the blonde. Especially for who she is and last but not
the least her lovely smell.
He notice that the blonde was shivering to he decided to cuddle her. A smile
crept on his face after the blonde girl put her arms around him, pulling him closer.
As he went back to his sleep.
Later on he fell on his deep slumber. And he’s ready for the consequences
when the blonde wakes up. He know he’ll be scolded from the blonde later. But
he doesn’t care, he loves to be with her.

(Remember at the last episode of final season in fairy tail? The part when Lucy
sulked after remembering what she did to Natsu? Riding on his back, making him
no choice but to carry her home, making him change her clothes and cuddling him
and Happy to sleep?...i don’t know why I brought it up…I just cant help but to
squeal when Natsu held Lucy’s shoulder as she was still crying, saying that he also
had something to say after Lucy thanked him for everything. Lucy asked what is it
but Natsu only pulled her saying that it doesn’t matter, as from that day on they
would be together forever …… Natsu is really childish but for some part, he’s also
an ideal, despite of him being dense)

Lucy’s Pov

I woke up, cuddling the pillow beside me, as it arm surround me. I felt warm as
it felt good at the same time. I-
“Wait what?!” I shot back up. Getting up realizing that pillows doesn’t have hands
nor legs…
“Natsuuuu~” I groaned, looking at my ‘best friend’. Geez, how didn’t I notice that
I was about to do my signature kick but I watch at him in awe cause he looks
“I’ll let you pass this once” I mumbled. Getting out of the bed, my face lighten up
as what I had heard.
“L-luce~” He granted. Shit is he having a wet dream? About me?
I can feel my face heated up again.
“Ah ahhh Luce~” He moaned…
‘shit’ I muter under my breath, feeling myself wet.
“L-luce, ah!” He grunted.. God he’s already sweating.
I know my face is getting redder and redder.
“A-Ah luce faster” He purred.
No no no, no… Lucy you should get ready, take a bath and act like nothing
I can’t let him know that I know what he had dreamt off… But I didn’t know he
could be this-
….No no no no. bad Lucy, don’t think that way, I knew you like him but no,
don’t think that way to your best friend.

Natsu’s Pov.

I woke up, Lucy’s nowhere to be found, I couldn’t really pin point out if she’s still
here because her apartment smells like her.
I was about to get up when I remember something.
“Shit” I mutter under my breath, feeling my cheek getting red.
I can’t believe it… having a wet dream about my Luce. I don’t think I could see her,
after sneaking through her apartment then having a rough dreams about her…
She doesn’t know that right? Did she? No I bet she doesn’t.
MIND… What am I gonna do.

Lucy’s Pov.

Natsu… having a wet dream about me? I couldn’t get it off my mind.
“Hmmm~” I moaned, touching myself. This is the less thing I can do, to keep
myself from being sexual frustrated. I just can’t get over what I had heard…
“Natssu~” I moaned quietly… but stop what I am doing after the door shot open.

Natsu’s Pov
I decided to take a bath. I didn’t think of asking Luce, besides I know that she’s
already at the guild and I also know that she’ll let me use her bathroom since she
let me sleep through her bed without getting kick out.
But it’s weird, she often woke me up gently or live a note if she’s having a good
day… (Which also means me, not getting a Lucy kick).
I shot the door open wide but didn’t move after that.
I could feel myself redden. Why is this happening to me… I keep cursing on my


Lucy’s Pov

“N-natsu, What are you doing here?!” I yelled but he didn’t even flinch or do
anything, he’s not moving.
Did he caught me doing something? I keep asking myself the same questions.
Why is this happening to me.

Natsu’s Pov

Oh my Mavis, did she just masturbate?

*flash back*
I decided to take a bath, walking to her bathroom door without any hesitation I
open the door, but what I heard makes me freeze.
“Natssu~” She moaned, touching her self.
After that the door shot open wide.
I don’t know but it felt like it was a slow motion, but after what I had heard I
didn’t do anything but just to look at the door.
*End of flash back*
My face heated again, but I decided to shrug my thoughts off after I could do
I don’t know what to do but I started walking towards, where luce is.
I don’t think this is a good Idea but I better find a something to reasoned out. I
looked at Luce who was sittng with her knees, hugging them together….But crap

…what am I gonna do...

A/n’s Pov

Natsu walked towards the blonde, deep in thoughts as he was trying to think
what to say.
He’s actually cursing at himself right know. Asking himself what he was doing and
why is he walking towards the naked blonde who was still soaked on her bath tub.
As for Lucy, she was also lost in thoughts… but what is she asking herself was,
what is he doing here?! He’s walking towards me shit!
Lucy’s Pov

‘WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?’ I mentally screamed.

“What… w-what are you trying to do Natsu?” I asked nervously.

“I don’t know either?” He asked?...
“Get out! Can’t you see I’m taking a bath right know?” I angrily yelled at him.
Geez, I thought he’s up to something.
…it’s not like that but I’m relief that he’s not gonna do something to me.
“I was about to take a bath, I didn’t know you were still here… I thought you
already went to the guild.” He explained looking down.
“Ok now go out!” I-
“Can I take a bath with you?” He asked.

Wait did he just ask that?!

Natsu’s Pov

“Can I take a bath with you?” I asked.

…Geez bad move Natsu now she’ll think you’re a pervert…
Why did I even asked that kind of question, by the way?...
“What the heck are you saying Natsu?!” Her stern voice…Oh god, sometimes
she’s scary as Mira and Erza.
“It’s fine right? You saw me naked for many times right?” I asked again while
mentally slapping myself.

… Natsu what are you doing. I think that stripper is right I’m an idiot.

“Natsu? ARE YOU HEARING YOURSELF?” I knew this would happen.

“Its fine right?” I asked again? Why am saying this kind of things by the way?


Lucy’s Pov

What is he doing? Is this for real? Why is he doing this? Is he out of his mind?
….Questions keep budging on my mind…
“What’s wrong with you?” I look at him confusedly but he seems lost in his mind
“Natsu? You still there?” I wave my hands in front of his face, trying to get him
through his senses.
“What are you thinking?” I asked but here he goes again… thinking hardly.
“Sorry?” Really? What is wrong with this guy?
“Huh” I look at him.
“What?” He asked again… really what’s happening right now?
“What, what?” I asked again, but now on an annoyed tone.
“What do you mean?” Natsu, if I’m not only naked right know I’ll really kick your
“Are you that dense?” Glaring at him madly, he only give me his signature grin.
Like really, what is wrong with this guy?
“What?” He’s really annoying, Geez can’t he think something even just for once?
“Get out!” I yelled across his face but he somewhat felt disappointed.
“What?” I gave him an angry glare but he send me a pout.
“Just get out! NOW”
“Please…”He begged… what the?! Is he begging to stay?
“Please, just this once, I always took a bath with Erza and Gray toghether when
we were young, were bestfriends so its alright… But why can’t we do the same?”
“Natsu, you’re not a kid anymore, so stop being childish”
“Please, even just once.” He begged.
“Really Natsu, werw adult now, I’m a girl and you’re a boy, you should understand
that.” I explained.
“So what? We’re still best friends right?” He asked as I nodded.

A/n’s Pov

Without any words, Natsu strip off his shirt.

“Natsu, What are you doing?” The blonde eyes widen.
“You agreed right?”
“What I never said anything”
“Well I asked you and you said ‘right’” He said trying to mimic Lucy’s voice.
“Well you asked a different question” The blonde answered.
“It’s the same thing.” He said taking off his under pants…
“NO DON’T YOU DARE-“ She was cutted off when Natsu joined her on her Bath
She went silent while Natsu only look at her.
The water was full of bubbles so she didn’t see anything same to him. So she was
glad about that. But the fact that they were sharing the same bath tub… can’t get
her straight in mind.
She sat, her knees was curled up, as she hugged them. Tring to cover her up…
(This is what her position after Natsu opened the door)
“See it isn’t a big deal.” Natsu reassured while she only rolls her eyes.

Natsu’s Pov.

I’m really out of my mind… why did I said that? Why did I joined her?
I‘m not on my right mind now...
I look at Luce who seems uncomfortable. I sighed hardly, trying to make a
conversation to make her comfortable.
I can’t still think staright. What is really the reason of joining her if I could wait for
her to finished first.

Natsu’s Pov


A/n’s Pov

Natsu sat up infront Lucy, they were both in an uncomfortable silence, only the
faucet who was still pouring was the thing that can be heard, but everything went
quite when Lucy turned it off.

Lucy’s Pov

This is really awkward…

I didn’t even know what to say, but right now I was thinking of the best solution
to cover up the cold breeze and finally get out of this awkward position.

A/n’s Pov

“Sooo” Lucy started the conversation awkwardly while Natsu only took a glance
and scratch the back of his neck.
“Sooo” Natsu answered…
(Geeze, even I, the writer, couldn’t think on what to type)
“A-about earlier, you said about taking a bath together with Erza and Gray right?”
The blonde continued as she finally break the ice.
“Yeah what about it?” He eyed the girl who was in front of him.
“Nah, just asking, actually Erza mentioned about it when we was still having fun at
the sauna” Lucy shrugged but then another question came up her mind.
“So I guess, you also tried having a bath together with Lisanna, since you said you
used to take a bath with Erza san.
‘Well also with that stripper but why only Erza’ He though, for once (Natsu: Hey!)
“Hmmm” Natsu hummed. Looking at the blonde, trying to understand what she

(Natsu: Do you really have to say that???? A: Whatever Happy: Such a

Minnie A:hmmptttt)

“Maybe” He answered as the blonde frowned. He lied about that, since he never
ever think of taking a bath together with Lisanna, not because of her she-devil
sister, it’s just that he doesn’t want that.
“O-oh” Lucy tighten her grip on her legs which Natsu caught making him smirked
“Why’d you ask?” He look at the blonde carefully. Not even knowing why, but he
started to like what the blonde is acting right now.
“Nothing” She sighed as she got up, not caring if Natsu was still staring, she went
to the shower area as Natsu carefully took a glance at her, actually staring while
He doesn’t know what is he feeling, but the fact that she’s jealous over Lisanna
makes him think that he really has a chance.

____ - - - - - ____
‘Do he really have to say that???’ The blonde thought as she got up from the bath
thub, though this time she doesn’t even care if Natsu was still staring.
____- - - - - ____

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