Emergence of The Social Science Disciplines

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Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
Wangal,La Trinidad,Benguet

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Learning Resource Management and Development System



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What I Need to Know

This module contains lesson on the major events and its contribution that led to
the emergence of the social science disciplines. It is developed for a clearer and more
purposive teaching-learning of the topic.

It includes a pretest that would measure how far you know about the topic, the
concepts that you would need to learn, varied enrichment activities that would allow you
to enhance your reading and writing skills, an application that would deepen your
knowledge about the topic and a post test that would measure what you have learned
from this module.

This module will help you to demonstrate understanding on the following learning
specific objectives:

a. Trace the historical background of social sciences;

b. Identify the important events and its contribution that led to the emergence
of the social science disciplines;
c. Determine the significant people who contributed in the development of the
social science disciplines;
d. Identify the various social science disciplines;
e. Value the essence of the social science disciplines to one’s life and society.

What I Know

PRE-ASSESSMENT. The following activity will test you on what do you know about the
lesson we will be taking. This will give you an idea on the topic that will be discovered and
understood at the end of the module.

IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is asked in each statement. Choose the letter of your
answer from the word pool then write on the space provided before each number.
(15 pts.)
A. Anthropology I. Peter Lewis
B. Auguste Comte J. Political Science
C. Economics K. Psychology
D. Fairchild L. Social Science
E. Geography M. Sociology
F. History N. 18th Century
G. Karl Marx O. 19th Century
H. Linguistics P. 20th Century

1. It deals with the study of human society.

2. He pointed out that social sciences are concerned with the laws that govern
society and the social department of man.
3. According to him, social science is a general term for all the sciences that
are concerned with the human affairs.
4. The revival of interest in social science occurred in this period.
5. He systematized and gave a complete analysis of the principle of the positive
character of the social science.
6. He gave the first general theory of social science.
7. It was in this period that social science become a subject of research.
8. It is the study of human races, origins, societies and cultures.
9. It is a science concerned with the process or system by which goods and
services are produced, sold and bought.
_ 10. This concern on the study of the society, social institutions and social
_ 11. It is the study of language.
_ 12. It is the study of the mind and behavior.
_ 13. It concerns on the study of the human past.
14.This area of study deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers,
mountains, lakes, etc.
_ 15. It is the study of governments and how they work

You did great if you got 15/15 or 100% in the Pre-Assessmentt

Yet, it is still a good start if you got 14 and below or 99% and below. You
are then advised and encouraged to continue with the module for you to
further understand the lesson and attain the learning objectives.

I believe that you can do it! Enjoy learning!

What’s In

A. ILLUSTRATION: Compare and contrast the nature and functions of social science and
natural science through a Venn Diagram. Write your answers in the given illustration.
(10 pts.)


B. FIVE-SENTENCE ESSAY: Based from our previous discussions, construct a five-

sentence essay briefly defining and describing social sciences and natural sciences.
Your essay will be assessed with the following criteria: sentence organization - 3 pts;
grammar/mechanics – 2 pts.



What’s New

A.UNLOCKING OF WORDS: Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters inside
the box. These are some of the key terms used in our topic. Write your answer in the
space provided. (6 pts.)






6. _

B.GUESS WHO AM I?: Identify the following significant people who made a great
impact in the development of social sciences. Draw an arrow to connect the picture to
their names. (4 pts.)





 In Activity A, what could be the connection of the words that you have formulated
to the historical background of social sciences?

 In Activity B, what could be the relevant contributions of these significant people in

the development of social sciences?

What is It



The focus of the social sciences is on the study of the following:

1. change in human relationship and reinterpretation between the present and past
2. human activities, spatial distributions and interaction of culture, biological and
physical elements;
3. basic social systems, institutions and recesses;
4. relationships between individual and institutions and among political economic and
social institutions; and
5. the nature of societies and authors and the interactions of people with each other
and also their social and physical environment.

A. Definitions of Social Science

1. According to Seligman – Social Sciences are mental or cultural sciences which
deal with the activities of the individual as member of the group. The term social
science thus embrace all those subjects that deal with the relationship of man to
the society.
2. According to Mitchell – Social Science is loosely applied to any kind of study
concerning man and society. It involves application of scientific method to the study
of the intricate and complex network of human relationship and the form of
organization designed to enable people to live together in societies.
3. According to Fairchild – Social Science is a general term for all the sciences which
are concerned with the human affairs.
4. According to Peter Lewis – Social Sciences are concerned with the laws that
govern society and the social department of man.
5. Social Science can be defined as study of men living in society.

B. History of Social Science
- the study of man and society. - the following were published:Hobbes Leviathan,
Lock’s Two Treatises on Government, Vico’s New
Science, and Montesquieu Spirit of Laws.

18th Century Development

- revival of interest in social - there is multiplication of works with the following
science. scientific characters:
- capitalism had begun to  Auguste Comte (1798-1853) –invented the
outgrow. term sociology and the first to systematize and
- faster growth in urbanization give a complete analysis of the principles of the
and population growth positive character of the social sciences.
- slums, alcoholism, brutality
 Montesquieu and Voltaire broke a new path for
of manners, etc., were
politics and history.
developed which eventually
become the targets of social

19th Century Development

- social science became a - Auguste Comte’s contribution was accepted
firm and respectable immediately and later influenced Emile Durkheim
position in all the leading and the sociologists of the late 19th century and
European countries. early 20th century. Moreover, Karl Marx gave the
first general theory of social science.

20th Century Development

- social science has become - Five Developments of Social Sciences
institutionalized to a high 1. Many of those who took the analogy to the
degree and has become a natural science seriously engaged in social
subject of research on the research.
part of academic 2. Science is more than fact finding.
specialists. 3. Methodological dichotomy was born. Max
Weber (1921) straddles different approaches
but his approach was introduced in to social
science which was later called “hermeneutic” or
“phenomenological” perspectives.
4. Economics soon began to go its own way.
5. Max Weber insisted on another distinction of
social science between knowledge and values.

C. Various Disciplines in the Field of Social Science
Anthropology - deals with the integration of different aspects
of the social sciences, humanities, and human
Economics - deals with the ways in which men and
societies seek to satisfy their material needs
and desires. It also seeks to analyze and
describe the production distribution and
consumption of wealth.
Geography - study of the Earth and its lands, features,
inhabitants, and phenomena. Four historical
traditions in geographical research are the
spatial analysis of natural and human
phenomena, area studies (places and
regions), study man-land relationship, and
research in earth sciences.
History - study of the human past.
Linguistics - study of language, sometimes called the “the
science of language” that includes various
fields such as sound (phonetics and
phonology), sentence structure (syntax,
structuralism, deep grammar), meaning
(semantics), practical psychology
(psycholinguistics) and contexts of language
choice (pragmatics).
Political Science - concerned with the theory and practice of
politics and the description and analysis of
political systems and political behavior.
Political science intersects with other fields
including public policy, national polities,
international relations, comparative polities,
and political theory.
Psychology - study of human mental functions and
behaviors. In this field, a professional
practitioner or researcher is a psychologist.
Sociology - study of society.
Demography - discussion of family, city, minorities, and
industrial sociology. It is also the study of
culture, socialization, social stratification, and
others. Thus, demography is part of sociology.

What’s More

MY TIMELINE! List down three (3) important events in the development of social sciences
in the three time lines.

18th Century 19th Century 20th Century

1. What can you say in the development of social sciences?

2. Who are the significant people who contributed in the development of social
sciences? How essential are their works?

3. What is the significance of studying social science?

WORD COMPLETION: Supply the blanks with letters to form a word related to the given
word. (5 pts.)

1. the study of humankind - A_TH_OP_L_G_

2. production, distribution and consumption - _C_N_M_C_

of goods and services

3. features of the earth and the location of - G _ O _ R _ P_ _

living things on the planet

4. events of the past - H__TO_Y

5. the study of men living in society - S_C_AL SC _ _ N C _ S

1. What are the social science disciplines that were mentioned in Activity 2?

2. If you are an anthropologist, what specific Filipino tradition will you be interested

3. How does your environment affect your way of living?

4. Do you find history useful to your daily lives? Why?

Determine the word that does not belong to the group. Encircle the letter of your answer.
(5 pts.)

1. A. morphology C. phonology
B. syntax D. politics

2. A. culture C. behavior
B. mental function D. neurological process

3. A. political system C. language

B. political behavior D. public policy

4. A. society C. social relationships

B. social institutions D. theory and practice

5. A. human population C. size and density of population

B. political theory D. number of birth, deaths, etc.


1. What are the social science disciplines that were mentioned in Activity 3?

2. How do you use language appropriately in your daily communication?

3. What government position would you like to hold someday? What would be your
priority project?

What I Have Learned

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up the lesson by completing the chart

What were your

thoughts or I thought
ideas about the
emergence of
the social
prior to the .
discussion of
this lesson?

What new or I learned that

additional ideas
did you learn
after taking up
I thought…
this lesson?

What I Can Do

Now that you were already informed about the historical background of the
emergence of the social science disciplines, I believe that you were challenged and ready
to share the knowledge that you have gained from it through the activities prepared for

Construct a three-stanza poem that talks about the emergence of the social
science disciplines. Be guided with the following rubric:

CATEGORY Exceptional Good Work Developing Beginning
5 4 3 2
Content The entire poem Most of the poem Some of the No attempt has
(Focus on is related to the is related to the poem is related been made to
Assigned Topic) assigned topic assigned topic. to the assigned relate the poem
and allows the The poem topic, but a to the assigned
reader to wanders off at reader does not topic.
understand much one point, but the learn much about
more about the reader can still the topic.
topic. learn something
about the topic.
Creativity The poem The poem The poem There is little
contains many contains a few contains a few evidence of
creative details creative details creative details creativity in the
and/or and/or and/or poem. The
descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but author does not
contribute to the contribute to the they distract from seem to have
reader's reader's the poem. The used much
enjoyment. The enjoyment. The author has tried imagination.
author has really author has used to use his
used his his imagination. imagination.
Spelling and There are no There is one There are 2-3 The final draft
Punctuation spelling or spelling or spelling and has more than 3
punctuation punctuation error punctuation spelling and
errors in the in the poem. errors in the punctuation
poem. poem. errors.




Among all the disciplines of Social Science, what do you think would be the
useful discipline?

Based from your answer, draw a scenario that depicts how useful it is in real life
situations. Your work will be assessed with the following rubric:
CATEGORY Exceptional Good Work Developing Beginning
5 4 3 2
Craftsmanship Drawing is Drawing is neat Drawing is Drawing is
impeccable and and shows very somewhat messy messy and
shows no little evidence of and shows either shows smudge
evidence of smudge marks, smudge marks or marks and rips,
smudge marks, rips, tears, or rips, tears, or tears, or folds.
rips, tears, or folds. folds. A few folds. Erasure lines
No erasure lines erasure lines Some erasure showing.
showing. showing. lines showing.
Technique/Art Drawing shows a Drawing shows Drawing shows Drawing lacks
Concepts mastery of good technique. some technique technique and/or
advanced All objects are and understanding of
techniques in placed in correct understanding of art concepts.
composition. All space. Negative art concepts. Paper is left
objects are placed and positive Average use of mainly blank,
in correct space. space is almost negative and little area drawn
Negative and balanced. Paper positive space. on and does not
positive space is is drawn on Paper is half- show a
balanced. Paper is leaving some filled and background, mid-
completely drawn area undone and foreground and ground and/or
on and shows a shows a background is foreground
background, mid- background, clearly shown.
ground and mid-ground and
foreground. foreground.
Creativity Drawing reflects a Drawing reflects Drawing shows .
high level of originality. some evidence of Drawing shows
originality. Student uses originality. little or no
Student uses line, line, shading or Student uses evidence of
shading or form in form in an line, shading or original thought.
a highly original original manner. form in a slightly Student does not
manner original manner. use line, shading
or form in a
creative manner.





MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement
is incorrect, underline the word that made it wrong. Then, write the appropriate answer
on the space provided before each number. (15 pts.)

1. Peter Lewis pointed out the idea that Social Sciences are
concerned with the laws that govern society and the social
department of man.

2. Social Science deals with the study of human society.

3. Auguste Comte systematized and gave a complete analysis

of the principle of the positive character of the social science.

4. Sociology is the study of the mind and behavior.

5. The science concerned with the process or system by which

goods and services are produced, sold and bought is called

6. Anthropology is the study of human races, origins, societies

and cultures.

7. Linguistics is the study of language.

8. According to Fairchild, social science is a general term for all

the sciences that are concerned with the human affairs.

9. Psychology is the study of governments and how they work.

10. It was in the 18th century that social science become a

subject of research.

11. Political Science deals on the study of the society, social

institutions and social relationships.

12. The revival of interest in social science occurred in the 19th


13. Geography deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers,

mountains, lakes, etc.

14. The first general theory of social science was introduced by

Karl Marx.

15. History concerns on the study of the human past.



1. What are the anthropological, economic, geographical and historical activities

that you observe, perform or do at home?





2. What would happen to the lives of people and the society without language,
leaders, laws and families?

Congratulations for accomplishing this module. I hope

that you were enlightened and informed about the topic on the
emergence of social science disciplines. Continue learning in
the next module.
Thank you very much!



Cherille V. Siquete, Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences Manila: Mindshapers
Co., Inc., 2016, 18-25.
Karl Marx images, Stock Photos & Vectors/Shutterstock. Accessed June 2, 2020.

Library of jeepney clip art free use library black and white clip art Art 2019. Accessed
June 1, 2020. https://clipart.com

Rubistar.4teachers.org.ALTEC, University of Kansas. Accessed June 4, 2020.


Shodhganga. Historical Background of Social Sciences. Accessed May 31, 2020.


Star Evaluation-WMendez sites.google.com. Accessed June 4, 2020.


151 Best Emile Durkheim images/Sociology, Sociologist, Sociology Major. Accessed

June 2, 2020. https://www.pinterest.com>emile durkheim

8 Best Max Weber images/Weber, Sociology, Social Science. Accessed June 2, 2020.
https://www.pinterest.com>max weber

11 Best Auguste Comte images/Social Care, Positivism, Philosophy of Science.

Accessed June 2, 2020. https://www.pinterest.com>auguste comte

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Benguet
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
Telephone: 074 422 6570
Email Address: benguet@deped.gov.ph


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