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Linux Basics and Installation

ERC 8.2

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Course overview
This 4-day course is designed to teach students enough about Linux to
successfully install, configure, and run Linux on the student's personal
workstation and be productive with it.

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Course prerequisites
• Students should be able to use a Microsoft Windows-based workstation

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Course objectives
• Install and configure Linux on a workstation
• Use Linux for daily work

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Agenda: Day 1
• Course introduction
• Unit 1: Linux – Introduction and installation
• Exercise 1: Installing Linux
• Unit 2: Using the system
• Exercise 2: Using the system
• Unit 3: Working with files and directories
• Exercise 3: Working with files and directories

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Agenda: Day 2
• Unit 4: File and directory permissions
• Exercise 4: File and directory permissions
• Unit 5: Linux documentation
• Exercise 5: Linux documentation
• Unit 6: Editing files
• Exercise 6: Editing files
• Unit 7: Shell basics
• Exercise 7: Shell basics

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Agenda: Day 3
• Unit 8: Working with processes
• Exercise 8: Working with processes
• Unit 9: Linux utilities
• Exercise 9: Linux utilities
• Unit 10: Shell scripting
• Exercise 10: Shell scripting
• Unit 11: The Linux GUI
• Exercise 11: The Linux GUI

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Agenda: Day 4
• Unit 12: Customizing the user environment
• Exercise 12: Customizing the user environment
• Unit 13: Basic system configuration
• Exercise 13: Basic system configuration
• Unit 14: Integrating Linux in a Windows environment
• Exercise 14: Integrating Linux in a Windows environment

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

• Name
• Company
• Where you live
• Your job role
• Your current experience with the products and technologies in this
• Do you meet the course prerequisites?
• What you expect from this class

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

Class logistics
• Course environment
• Start and end times
• Lab exercise procedures
• Materials in your student packet
• Topics not on the agenda
• Evaluations
• Breaks and lunch
• Outside business
• For classroom courses:
▪ Lab room availability
▪ Food
▪ Restrooms
▪ Fire exits
▪ Local amenities

Course introduction © Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2018

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