The Spirit of The Nymphs, Chapt.1

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Chapter One

Sola was nine years old. Well, she was about to be

ten, if Pahoe would just finish braiding her hair! “What is
taking you so long! My hair is not even down to my waist!”
said Sola impatiently.
“Sola, this is your tenth birthday! Thats important.”
said Pahoe in disgust. “You must look perfect in every
Even her dress would not lift her spirits. Her dress
was new, and Sola loved it. It was made of a flowing
material, that shined reds, oranges, yellows and little bits
of blue. It had a golden waistband studded with bright red
and orange gems. Along with the dress were flats in all the
colors of the fire, and a crown that matched the waistband.
The flats were Pahoe’s, from when she was Sola’s age,
but they looked new and sparkling.
“There! Done!” said Pahoe at last. Sola studied
herself in the looking glass. She could see the shimmering
ribbons that Pahoe had braided in. Finally, she felt her
spirits rising like smoke from a fire. “I’m ready” she said at
Pahoe and Sola made their way to the hearth. There
stood the oldest of the Fire nymphs, Ember. Ember looked
angry and troubled, and kept looking up and murmuring to
himself. “Ember, what ever is troubling you?” asked Pahoe
“It’s those blasted Air nymphs! Weeping in their beds,
pouring cold droplets on our fires, killing our spirits. Why
do they blame us for the forests crisis? This forest was
founded by a Fire nymph.” said Ember angrily. “If anything,
they should be coming to us, bowing their heads and
begging for help. But what do they do? Try to kill us! I say
we should banish them, once and for all. I say…”
“I say you should stop blaming other nymphs for what
is happening.” retorted Pahoe. “Today is Sola’s tenth
birthday. Pull yourself together and come for the
Pahoe grabbed Sola’s hand and led her out of the
hearth. Ember trudged on behind them. Pahoe led them
out of the FirePit and too a pool of lava. peering over the
rocky ledge, Sola could just see a reddish rock in the
middle of the pool.
At first, she thought that small fires covered the rock.
Then she noticed that they were all the Fire nymphs of
Ruby grove!
“How do we get down there?” asked Sola, her voice
full of wonder.
“We fly, of course!” said Pahoe, as she grabbed
Sola’s and Ember’s hands, and soared over the edge.
“Welcome to the Magma Meeting Mat!”
As Pahoe and Sola floated to the peak, Ember took
his seat and all the other fire nymphs bowed to them as
they passed.
When they reached the peak, Pahoe squeezed Sola’s
shoulder, and turned to the crowd.
“Today Sola celebrates her tenth birthday, at a time of
crisis. She is now a full member of the bold Fire nymphs.
You may know that, as we speak, three other girls are
celebrating their tenth birthday. Sola has a connection to
these girls. Me and the other leaders agree we each must
send one young member of our family on a quest. Sola will
be our representative. Sola will go on a quest the will go
down in History. She will go on the quest to save the
Loud applause followed Pahoe speech. “I know it’s a
lot to ask, Sola, but our lives depend on it.” Pahoe said,
looking Sola in the eye. “Are you ready to meet the other
Sola took a deep breath and looked in to Pahoe’s
eyes. “I’m ready for anything.”

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