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In the middle of Book Sea, Captain Panda, a penguin named

Soma and, a banana were riding in their flamboyant blue and pink

boat, when they came into rocky waters. Suddenly, they hit a

boulder and were launched out of the ship, which was turned into

a debacle. Captain Panda and Soma, (the banana was no where

to be found) were in a conundrum. They had no inflammable

material, and, to exacerbate the problem, no aegis. “We are

doomed, DOOMED!” cried Captain Panda in distress. “Hey!

What’s that over there?” asked Soma pointing to a pristine ship in

the distance. “Hey there!’’ said the koala standing on the ship.

“Pretty ludicrous docking, eh?” “Be careful Kai! How do we know

they are not psychosomatic?” said a short-necked giraffe, walking

up behind the koala named Kai. “Come off it! Gina, they seem

fine!” “They could maraud us!’’ Gina squeaked. “This ship is

impregnable!” said Kai proudly. “Let them come onboard.” Kai

hopped off the boat to help Captain Panda and Soma on to the

boat. As they climbed onboard, Gina came up to Captain Panda

holding a banana. “Is this yours?” she asked showing it to him. “I

found it on the deck just after your crash.” “Apple!” cried Soma

running toward Gina. “It’s not an apple, it’s a banana.” said Gina

exasperated. “No, no. That banana there is my pet banana. His

name is Apple.” corrected Soma. “Oh. Well, that’s weird. You can

have him back now if you want.” said Gina. Soma took Apple and

cradled it in his arms. Gina and Captain Panda rolled their eyes.

“Sorry.” said Gina. “I did not mean to delude.” “It’s okay. Apple is

not somatic. Soma is fine with out him at his side.” Captain Panda

said in return. Kai walked over to them. “You panda and that

penguin are welcome to join us.” He said. “Captain Panda,” said

Captain Panda, annoyed. “And the penguin is named Soma.”

“What ever.” Kai replied. “We have one rule aboard the B.S.S.

Wumple-Snumple, that is no acerbic behavior.” “B.S.S.?” asked

Captain Panda. “What does that stand for?” “Better Super

Something” Gina replied. “Oh.” said Captain Panda. “My ship was

the C.C. Flumble-Bumble. Cucumber Clarinet.” “‘Cucumber

Clarinet’ HA!” Kai laughed. “That’s psychotic.” Gina shook her

head as Captain Panda and Kai headed up to the cockpit. “I hope

you can drive boats.” said Kai, sounding worried. “My captain

drove us here and then when we were asleep, he stole the

rowboat and dashed!” “That’s awful!” gasped Captain Panda.

“But, yes. I can drive any boat.” She walked up to the controls.

“Candy Floss Island, here we come!”

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