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1.A. homework B. come C. pagoda D. suppose
2. A. cave B. disabled C. altitude D. shape
3. A. resort B. printer C. newcomer D. persuade
4. A. brother B. wonder C. from D. love
5. A. site B. picturesque C. botanical D. protective
II./ CHOOSE A, B,C or D.
1.They have gone on a(n)----------------to Nhatrang. B. way C. excursion D. sightseeing
2. I’m sorry to have kept you ---------------so long. I forgot the key.
A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting
3. The window is shut and-----------is the door.
A. so B. either C. that D. neither
4. We intend to make --------------trip next month.
A. a two-weeks B. two weeks C. a two-week D. a two- week’s
5. Which hotel------------in when you ------------there next month?
A. do you stay; are coming B. are you staying; come
C. stay; come D. will you stay; will come
6. We’ve heard Mary’s won a lottery. What----------with such a big sum of money?
A. is she going to do B. did she do C. does she do D. was she do
7. We are lying on the beach enjoying the-----------.
A. sun B. suntan C. sunshine D. sunny
8. All the seats in the coach are------------.
A. crowded B. packed C. held D. occupied
9. For the excursion, you’d better---------- some canned food and fresh fruits.
A. get B. carry out C. bring D. give
10. We don’t have enough food for everyone, some of you have to-----------.
A. share B. cut C. divide D. distribute
1.The (A) director, as well as his (B)wife and two children, were(C) injured in(D) the accident
2. Jack used to working(A) in Leeds, but(B)his company had him transfer(C) to a better(D ) position in
3. Haiphong is the place(A) which(B) I was(C) born and grew up.(D)
4. This is (A)Nancy, that(B) is taking over my job(C) when I leave(D).
5. The man for who(A) the police are(B) looking robbed(C) the(D) bank yesterday.
Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers -----------(1) in
fishing, hunting, swimming, plant study, wildlife watching, and nature photography. It provides physical
benefits when it involves hiking around a campsite, and many people believe that camping---------(2)
youngsters feel more confident.
People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking
because it involves carrying such essential camping gear as---------(3) tent, food, clothing, and sleeping
bag on the back in a bag----------(4) a backpack. Backpacking is best suited for-----------(5) who are in
good physical conditions as it may require walking several miles.
1.A. enter B. take place C. take parts D. participate
2. A. makes B. causes C. enables D. allows
3.A.some B. any C. a D. the
4.A. told B. called C. known D. mentioned
5.A. everyone B. those C. someone D. anyone
1.A.chalk B. walk C. subtract D .talk
2.A.torch B. formal C. dolphin D. bored

3. A. moon B. look C. school D. shoot
4.A.literature B. biology C. fire D. time
5. A. required B. enclose. C. determination D. demonstration
6. A. mean B. meat C. deaf D. cream
7. A. ensure B. measure C. figure D. furniture
8. A. destination B. press C. demonstration D. resort
9. A. floppy B. mouse C. photography D. software
10. A. century B. locate C. second D. school
1.A.spacious B. lotus C. punctual D. resort
2. A. conception B. excursion C. refreshment D. picturesque
3. A. control B. remote C. volume D. device
4. A. memo B. display C. request D. subtract
5.A. devotion B. division C. suspicious D. photograph
6. A. honest B. labour C. sorrow D. antique
7. A. allow B. harrow C. fasten D. tidy
8. A. important B. passenger C. amazing D. expensive
9. A. intelligent B. opinion C. contribution D. responsible
10. A. professor B. determine C. institute D. appearance
1.You must make more------------so that you can win the prize.
A. effects B. efforts C. energy D. attempts
2. Many students now----English classes in the evening with the hope of getting a good job in the future.
A. join B. enter C. attend D. study
3. The new young teacher made a good impression on us with her lively------------.
A. voice B. equipment C. demonstration D. practice
4. Nha Trang has become a well- known tourism centre with its places of----------beauty.
A. scenic B. terrific C. romance D. pretty
5. His attention seemed to be a-------------remedy which helped his mother recover soon.
A. magic B. strange C. miraculous D. mysterious
6. Vietnam will be an attractive-----------for many tourists in the 21st century.
A. site B. stop C. destination D. zone
7. This------------site in Dalat certainly bring tourists a feeling of being in the heaven.
A. famous B. picturesque C. expensive D. luxurious
8. On the bus, the tour guide told us about the--------------where Thach Sanh was kept in.
A. hut B. prison C. valley D. cave
9. “ You look unhappy. What’s wrong with you?” “ I’m -------about my mother’s health.”
A. aware B. nervous C. eager D. anxious
10. This school has special facilities for---------------students.
A. bad B. good C. poor D. disabled
11. All children from large and poor families should have properly--------.
A. class B. school C. educate D. schooling
12. My father didn’t know how to ------------this printer.
A. order B. operate C. demand D. do
13. You should read the------------carefully before drinking any kinds of medicines.
A. key B. direction C. message D. instruction
14. How about your trip to the beach, Mai? I guess you enjoyed it a lot because you’ve got a nice----------
A. sunshine B. sunlight C. suntan D. sunburnt
15. I’ve just received a letter of---------from the hotel manager.
A. confirmation B. affirmation C. agreement D. respond
16. Mrs. Green was the 1st owner-------------dog won 3 prizes in the same show.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
17. Ann offered to put me up for the night------------was very kind of her.
A. where B. who C. which D. , which
18. Mary-----mother is a doctor, intends to choose medical career.

A. , who B. ,whom C. ,whose D. ,that
19. The book------------is on the table belongs to my teacher.
A. which B., which C. ,that D. whose
20. The man-------------we met on the train was the boss of my brother’s company.
A. why B. when C. that D. who
21. It’s 11 p.m now but my son isn't at home yet------ worries me.
A. who B. ,that C. which D. ,which
22. The student next to me kept-----------------his knuckles,--------------bothered me a lot.
A. crack; which B. to crack; that C. cracking; which D. crack; who
23. Sue------------to see us tomorrow, and she -------------by train.
A. comes; travels B. is coming; is travelling
C. comes; is travelling D. is coming; travels
24. David------------football on Saturday. He’s hurt his leg.
A. isn’t playing B. won’t play C. didn’t play D. doesn’t play
25. She --------------in her first big concert next month.
A. is going to sing B. shall sing C. sings D. A and B
26. Teaching the---------is a time- consuming work which requires your patience and sympathy.
A. poor B. young C. disabled D. rich
27. In the beginning, the-----------from the parents of the disabled children caused some trouble for the
teachers here.
A. interruption B. impression C. opposition D. contribution
28. Mrs. Brown’s always happy whenever we ask about her son. She’s ---of his study.
A. pleased B. satisfied C. proud D. interested
29. Tom didn’t get good marks because he made some mistakes in his-------------.
A. calculus B. calculate C. calculators D. calculations
30. I wonder how a computer------------very large amount of information so quickly.
A. designs B. processes C. carries D. calculates
31. A computer is a magical calculator that can do calculations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying
and dividing with an amazing------------.
A. perfect B. care C. accuracy D. method
32.It took us a long time to------------the villagers to move to a new neighborhood.
A. force B. encourage C. support D. persuade
33. When I was a young child, I couldn’t go out without my parents’---------.
A. promise B. permit C. acceptance D. permission
34. We learnt many new things during the----------to Ha Long Bay.
A. adventure B. excursion C. exam D. knowledge
35. We’ll send an e-mail to------------ you the result of the interview if you are chosen.
A. retell B. tell C. inform D. report
36. I think the exhibition will------------interest in his work.
A. stimulate B. do C. make D. interrupt
37. The------------have been taken care of by the nurses.
A. young B. sick C. rich D. unemployed
38. In this province, children who are mentally retarded are sent--------- a special school.
A. on B. to C. for D. with
39. In my country, the-----------in the war have been looked after.
A. injure B. injures C. injured D. injuring
40. Why do you say a computer a----------device?
A. miraculous B. joy C. wonder D. well
41. Tom------------had been driving all day, was tired.
A. that B. who C. ,who D. whom
42. Many people--------eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species, get ill or die every year.
A. who B. , who C. , that D. which
43. I won a gold medal in the 100-meter race------------------- made my parents happy.
A. who B. ,who C. which D. ,which
44. This building ------now a furniture shop. It----------a cinema.

A. is; was B. used to be; is C. is; used to be D. will be; used to be
45. Look at the black clouds! It---------------rain.
A. is B. will C. can D. is going to
46. The lift is often out of order--------------- is too bad.
A. that B. which C. who D. ,which
47. There was a serious accident on THD street------means I’ll be late for work this morning.
A. that B., which C. which D. where
48. I------------because I------------------- abroad in July.
A. save; am going B. save; go C. save; went D. am saving; am going
49. What are you going to do with that dress?- Well, I’ve decided. I------------------.
A. am shortening B. short C. shorten D. shortage
50. This room hasn’t been used------------ages.
A. in B. since C. for D. at
1.They have a new(A) project to teach (B)the homeless children what (C)to read and write.(D)
2. Have (A)you ever operated a TV (B)set by (C)a remote control (D)before?
3. Can you show (A)me the (B)shop that(C) sell (D)computers?
4. I’ve saved (A)since 2005 but (B)I don’t have enough (C)money for buy (D) a computer.
5. I like (A)the present what (B)you gave (C)me for (D)my birthday.
6. The (A)Internet have changed (B)the way (C)people communicate.(D)
7. We look (A)forward to having (B)the solution for (C)the problem of traffic(D) jams.
8. Nam is one (A)of the participant (B)on a boat trip(C) to (D)Ha Long Bay.
9. It is (A)very surprised (B)that he came (C)to class late.(D)
10. Her (A)class is going to having (B)a picnic to (C)SaPa this weekend.(D)
A./ The world’s first computer was------------(1) at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946 though
computer- like machines were built in the 19th century. Computers were sold commercially for the first
time in the 1950s, and a lot of-------------(2) has been made since then. Computers are now much smaller
and powerful. Computers are used in many -------(3), in business, science, medicine, and education. They
can be used to forecast the weather or to control robots--------(4) make cars. The computer’s memory is
the place---------(5) information is kept and calculations are done. A lot of difficult calculations can be
done on a computer.
1.A. found B. created C. built D. established
2. A. success B. changes C. advantages D. progress
3. A. cases B. ways C. aspects D. fields
4. A. who B. which C. where D. what
5. A. what B. when C. why D. where
B./ Deaf people can’t hear sounds. How do they “hear” words and talk? Deaf people use American
Sign Language(ASL). They talk with their hands. Sometimes two deaf people “ talk” to each other. They
both use ASL. Sometimes a person who can hear interprets for deaf people. The person listens to
someone talking, and then he or she makes hand signs.
There are two kinds of sign language. One kind has a sign for every letter in the alphabet. The
person spells every word. This is finger spelling. The other sign has a sign for every word. There are
about 5,000 of these signs. They are signs for verbs, things, and ideas. Some of the signs are very easy,
for example, eat, milk, and house. You can see what they mean. Others are more difficult, for example,
star, egg or week. People from any country can learn ASL. They use signs, not words, so they can
understand people from other countries. ASL is almost like a dance. The whole body “ talks”. American
Sign Language is a “ beautiful” language.
1.A deaf person is the one who can’t------------.
A. talk B. hear sound C. see anything D. make signs

2. Sometimes a person who can hear interprets for deaf people by--------------.
A. listening to someone talking, and then he or she makes hand signs.
B. listening to someone talking, and then he or she uses body signs.
C. listening to someone talking, and then he or she speaks slowly and loudly.
D. listening to someone talking, and then he or she speaks in his or her own language.
3. There are-------------kinds of sign language.
A. many B. 2 C.3 D.5,000
4. With finger spelling, the deaf person spells-----------------.
A. no word B. some words C. almost word D. every word
5. Who can learn ASL?
A. People in the U.S.A B. Only deaf people
C. People from any country in the world. D. People in some parts of the U.S.A
1.My sister gets high pay because she works well.
Because of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Because of-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2. Nobody has invited her to the party.
3. He started working as an engineer 5 years ago.
He has------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
4. I began living here 10 years ago.
I have-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
5.I will get home at about seven and I will give you a ring then.
When I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
6. David used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
David often------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
7. Getting to know a person is always time- consuming.
It takes so long-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
8. I prefer typing to writing by hand.
I would rather--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
9. We haven’t seen Mai since we left school.
The last time we----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
10. All of the students but Minh studied hard.
Except ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
1. Your computer is also a useful device that helps you------with other computers around the world.
A. catch up B. get along C. exchange D. interact
2. My uncle likes collecting oil-lamps. He has a huge--------- of ancient oil- lamps.
A. set B. collection C. section D. volume
3. Everyone recognized his-----on his face when he heard the news of his mother’s death.
A. pain B. sore C. regret D. sorrow
4. I think we should do something to------------the spread of this serious disease.
A. forbid B. cut C. prevent D. shorten
5. TV has a great-----------on the way we think and talk.
A. influence B. reflect C. temptation D. experience
6. It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most are built for---purposes.

A. unusual B. specific C. strange D. certainly
7. Many schools in the U.S.A provide special education services for ------children.
A. gifted B. skilful C. greedy D. high- born
8. One of special ----------- of this device is that it never needs recharging because it runs on solar energy.
A. uses B. targets C. gadgets D. features
9. He decided--------- his paintings in a small gallery in his hometown.
A. to hang B. to exhibit C. to perform D. to expose
10. The computer’s-------is the place where information is kept and calculations are done.
A. memory B. memorize C. memorial D. memoir
11. Correcting the writing tasks of the students is always---------------.
A. expensive B. powerful C. wasteful D. time-consuming
12. The little boy answered our questions wisely-------------surprised us all.
A. who B. ,which C. what D. why
13. My father’s company is going to close down--------------worries my parents a lot.
A. which B. , who C. ,which D. when
14. My brother would like to visit Macao-----------there are a lot of casinos.
A. , who B. ,which C., whom D., that
15. There used to ----------4 cinemas in the town. Now there----------------only one.
A. be; is B. is; be C. was; is D. be; used to be
16. Jane lost her job, ----------wasn’t surprising to us.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
17. Sorry, I’m late. I---------stuck in a traffic jam.
A. was B. have been C. am D. had
18. He tries his best to save the little girl but unluckily he is------------.
A. succeed B. success C. successful D. unsuccessful
19. I’m used to ------------in this town.
A. live B. living C. lived D. lives
20. I find it -------------to study well.
A. use B. useful C. using D. to use
21. He is very----------------.
A. kind B. kindest C. kindly D. kindness
22. He is one of the most suitable--------------.
A. apply B. applicant C. applications D. applicants
23. He is famous-------------his kindness.
A. of B. for C. to D. with
24. He looks very-------------------.
A. hardly B. health C. healthy D. badly
25. It is raining -----------.
A. many B. hard C. hardly D. heavy
A. Nowadays, computers play a very important------------(1) in our everyday life. Computers can work
with information much more quickly than a person because they can work---------(2) lots of information
at the same time. They can keep information a long time. Computers aren’t completely perfect.
Consider the use of computers in both shops and offices. Big shops especially chain stores with branches
all over the country, have to deal with very large amounts of -----------(3). They have to make sure that
there are-----------(4) goods on the shelves for customers to buy, they need to be able re- order before
stocks run-----------(5), to decide which things are selling well and so on.
1.A. thing B. past C. part D. path
2.A.on B. in C. of D. with
3.A.way B. information C. news D. thing
4.A.alot B. many C. enough D. much
5.A.after B. out C. away D. through
B. Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880. When she was 20 months old, she got an illness. After
her illness, Helen couldn’t hear or see. She was deaf and blind. Helen was a difficult child. Her parents
didn’t know what to do.

Finally, when Helen was 7 years old, her parents got her a special teacher. Her name was Miss Anne
Sullivan. Miss Sullivan worked with Helen all day. She took Helen’s hand and spelled a work in her
hand. Helen soon learnt to say what she wanted in this way.
In1900, Helen entered Radcliffe College. Miss Sullivan sat next to Helen in class. She spelled all the
words into Helen’s hand. Miss Sullivan also read to Helen all the time. At that time there were only a few
books for the blind. These were Braille books. They had a special alphabet made with dots that blind
people could read with their fingers. Helen graduated from Radcliffe College with honors.
Helen wrote books like The Story of My Life and Midstream, My Later Life. She also wrote magazine
articles and spoke all over the country. She learned to speak. It wasn’t easy to understand her. Miss
Sullivan repeated what Helen said. Helen spoke about the deaf and blind. People everywhere became
interested. There was new hope for the deaf and blind.
1.How did Helen learn at Radcliffe College?
A. She listened to the lectures and wrote them down.
B. She read books and wrote essays by herself.
C. Her friends in class helped her understand the lectures.
D. Miss Sullivan spelled all the words into her hand.
2. From the passage, we know that Miss Sullivan was-------.
A. a nice and easy teacher.
B. a helpful and patient teacher.
C. an intelligent, impatient teacher.
D. a young and beautiful teacher.
3.Which of the following things had Helen NOT done in her life?
A. Giving lectures to people through the country.
B. Making a film about her own life.
C. Writing 2 books about her own life.
D. Writing magazine articles.
4.It is possible to infer from the passage that Helen was deaf and blind--------.
A. but she was an excellent student at the college.
B. and she found it impossible to understand the lectures.
C. so she only graduated with very humble grades.
D. but she was a lazy student at college.
5. How did Helen speak in public?
A. Miss Sullivan had to repeat what Helen said.
B. She wrote her speeches on a board.
C. She used her hands to make everybody understand.
D. She could make herself understood by everyone.

1. A. anxious B. convenient C. excursion D. formation
2. A. lotus B. guitar C. peaceful D. glorious
3. A. spacious B. visit C. campfire D. soundly
4. A. persuade B. permit C. delicious D. sunburn
5. A. occasional B. geography C. information D. participant
6. A. resort B. request C. progressive D. fortunate
7. A. banana B. classmate C. pagoda D. camera
8. A. worse B. world C. sword D. worm
9. A. husband B. button C. circus D. funny
10. A. excursion B. sunburn C. nurse D. picture
11. A. caves B. marks C. exams D. days
12. I know that he __________ in the library at this moment.
A. works B. has worked C. is working D. was working
13. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It __________ soon.
A. is raining B. will have rained C. is going to rain D. will rain
14. By the time he arrived, all his classmates __________
A. would leave B. were leaving C. left D. had left

15. I work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my __________.
A. working days B. days out C. breaks D. days off
16. The cottage is surrounded by the most glorious countryside.
A. ordinary B. honorable C. beautiful D. gloomy
17. Your tour includes a one-day __________ to the Grand Canyon by air.
A. camping B. travel C. excursion D. visit
18. The cheese is soft and white and absolutely __________.
A. tasteful B. glorious C. delicious D. interesting
19. He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to __________ him.
A. believe B. permit C. persuade D. take
20. This town is a popular __________ for art lovers.
A. destination B. arrival C. department D. visitation
21. Don't throw away the __________ . We can have them for supper.
A. sundeck B. photos C. food D. leftovers
22. Tom and I __________ to Mary’s birthday party together.
A. am going B. are going C. will go D. go
23. It will __________ rain later so we should go and have our picnic now.
A. preferable B. probably C. likely D. usually
24. The school prepares students for a wide range of __________ qualifications.
A. profess B. professional C. profession D. professionally
25. She __________ sixteen years old next Saturday.
A. is B. is going to C. will be D. has
26. I __________ our teacher tomorrow, so I shall give him your note.
A. have seen B. going to see C. shall have seen D. am seeing
27. Our class __________ a picnic at Thay Pagoda this Sunday.
A. am having B. will has C. is going to have D. go to have
28. Look! The bus ____________________.
A. will come B. is coming C. will be coming D. is going to come
29. “Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?" – “No, they __________ to Dallas.”
A. are moving. B. had already moved
C. have just moved D. will moved
30. I'll fly to Mars next week. I've already gotten a ticket.
31. The rock formations in the Valley of Fire in Nevada has been worn into many strange shapes by the
action of wind and water.
32. Have you heard the news? The President has been shooting!
33. The girl whom you met last night was used to be a singer.
34. They are going to have to leave soon, and so do we.
35.Don’t forget posting the letter I gave you
Hi everyone.
I've been in Paris for over a week now and I'm having a great (36) ........... In the first few days I did
quite a lot of (37)……….. the Eiffel Tower. Notre Dame. and all the usual tourist attractions. Most
places are absolutely (38) .......... with tourists, so yesterday I decided to have a (39) ..........round the
shops. Today I've been to a couple of interesting art (40) ........... I got (41)..............on my way back to
the hotel, but it didn't matter because I discovered a really fascinating (42) ..........with lots of little stalls,
selling just about everything from apples to antiques.I ate in the hotel the first night but usually I
(43)....for dinner - the restaurants are great and I can get a set meal for less than 25 euros. I’m afraid I've
(44) .......... a lot of money, but it's a great place. You'll be able to see for yourself (45) .......... I get back -
I've taken lots of photos.
I hope you're all well. I'll write again next week.
36. A. visit B. holiday C. trip D. excursion
37. A. viewing B. sightseeing C. looking D. landscape
38. A. took B. stayed C. packed D. full
39. A. look B. visit C. day-off D. walking
40. A. exhibits B. castles C. concerts D. galleries

41. A. left B. loss C. lost D. disappeared
42. A. temple B. palace C. cathedral D. market
43. A. go out B. leave C. call D. stay in
44. A. paid B. spent C. lost D. gotten
45 A. until B. while C. after D. when
For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more
exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with
this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we
decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We
decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though
it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we
wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a
small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again
at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took
much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there
just two minutes before our coach left.
46. According to the passage the writer __________.
A. usually spends his weekend at home. B. went to London with some of his friends.
C. has lived in London for ten years. D. feels bored with his life.
47. He felt so excited about going to London because __________.
A. he hadn't been there before. B. he hadn't been there for ten years.
C. he went there ten years ago. D. he hadn't been there for a long time.
48. Why did they decide to go by coach?
A. Because it was available. B. Because they wanted to start early.
C. Because other means of transport were more expensive.
D. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport.
49. Which of the following is true?
A. They all went shopping before going to theater.
B. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch.
C. They had lunch in a small restaurant. D. They left the city at 6:30 p.m.
50. It can be inferred from the text that __________.
A. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal.
B. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much.
C. the coach had already left when they got to the station.
D. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back.


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