Jesus Feeding Ministry

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As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already
getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
“We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five
loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave
them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the
disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were leftover. The number of those who ate
was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

The photo was a program by the World Mercy Team, which Nurture and Nourish provides
regular nutritious meals to over 300 underprivileged children through a partnership with local
volunteers in Christian communities of Leyte and Samar, Philippines. In addition, they visit
regularly to provide medical care for the children and their communities. Their hope is to bring
down the barriers that prevent these little ones from getting a solid education and becoming
Christian leaders in their communities. With others help, we can make the difference.


Another photo of feeding program in a ‘poorer’ area the folks lined up with their bowls and spoons for
plain hot noodles dished out from a huge pot, and they were invited to attend the barangay/community
church. Sometimes special services are held at night and because there will always be a meal served, it
seems like a whole barangay will be walking on a road (no lights) toward a church at dusk.  Before the
service is over, many more people will have arrived and the small country church would be bursting at
its seams!   Later, meals would be handed to those lined up in several lines for a late dinner and bottled
drink.  Again, respect and order always prevails.  
This photo was a feeding in Abyod,
Philippines, is the first of many feedings
made possible by Dr. Barry Carpenter,
pastor of Destin United Methodist Church,
and members of the church.

During Communion Sunday, the offering

collected for the poor went to Mission Love
Seeds to feed the hungry in the Philippines.
Other feedings are planned in the near
future. Children’s clothes have been given to
them by donations to Mission Love Seeds.


These are Filipino children

gathering under a tree to hear
Bible stories, before receiving
a meal. This is from our 2015
ministry trip to the Philippines.
Feeding children and sharing
the gospel with them is one of
the things that they usually

This is a photo from Precious Heritage Ministries
Foundation has instituted a Feeding Program for
the children ages 3-10 years old with nutritional
meals daily. These children are from the poorest
families living in the squatters area in Metro
Manila and the neighboring provinces.
The Feeding Program aims to put into practice
the admonition of Jesus Christ for Christians to
feed their hungry. Believing that the poor also deserves decent meals, Precious Heritage Foundation has
been actively distributing food and vitamins to ease a critical malnutrition problem that affects 6.3
million children across all regions in the country.


The Sermon on the Mount comes from when Jesus was just beginning his early ministry after being
baptized by John and was traveling through Galilee. On a mountainside, not far from Capernaum, Jesus
stopped to give his longest and most popular sermon, giving this event the name "Sermon on the
Mount." Jesus' teachings in this message include what's known as the Lord's Prayer as well as the

1. For over 20 years, Helping Hands Healing Hearts has been keeping children Safe; Safe from
harm, Safe from illness and Safe from abuse and neglect. They believes that children belong in
families and so we work hard at family preservation whenever possible and after exhausting
every effort to keep a child in their biological family or in Kinship care, we support adoption,
both domestic and international. The Photo was taken last November 15, 2020.
2. In his homily taken July
20, 2019, Fr. Suarez
emphasized that it is
God’s almighty power
that cures the sick, and
he is just being an
instrument of the Lord
in the healing process.
He said that he is
powerless and points to
our Lord Jesus Christ as
the true healer. During
the anointing of the sick
following the Mass,
many fell down on the
floor after being
touched by Fr. Suarez.
Four to five laymen
standing behind
cushioned the fall, and
put them gently on the
3. The photo was a Ministry outreach continues to develop throughout Taysan Batangas,
Philippines in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. It began as a single home study group
outreach has now blossomed into a church family throughout a broader region, touching
hundreds with the gospel message of the Lord Jesus’. It originated as a humble outreach
ministry, beginning of one congregation, all by the grace of God is now forming many outreach
4. Due to pandemic all churches had to temporarily suspend their activities, and find new ways of
reaching out to congregations, and the most vulnerable. This was taken last June 2020 at
Quezon province. They mainly reflected on the immediate stress and uncertainty churches face,
some cautioned becoming too absorbed in immediate and contextual challenges. Many
recognized a stronger calling for the church to be a public voice for justice, and advocate for
human rights, gender justice, and raise awareness about climate change.

Music is an integral and vibrant part of our worship together at Christ the King.  Through vocal
music, our desire is to enhance the prayer of and lead the gathered assembly into a deeper faith
experience. in point is the Hangad Group, which sings every Sunday at 5 pm and have released
their 10th liturgical music album recently at Ateneo’s House of Gesu. The other notable choir is
Coro Amadeo, which sings at the first and second Saturday anticipated masses.

As I read from the bible there was 5000 people that wanted to go
home but Jesus had a better plan. So God got five loaves of bread
and two fish from a boys’ lunch. Then God handed them to the
disciples and asked them to distribute them to the 5,000 people.
The people ate them and they got enough food to satisfy
themselves. Did the disciples hesitate to give the 5000 people
with just 5 loaves of brea and two fish? No, because they trust
God and they know that God is always there and they want to
share their blessings to other people. And that is why I chose to
participate in the feeding ministry because I want to help people
that are in need of food. I also want to share my blessings to them
and I am willing to help the people that I can. For example, there
are other people that are in need of food and I could eat more
than 3 meals a day, if I wanted to, instead of eating extra meals I’d
rather share it

Also, I could do this by maybe joining other feeding programs or

start a program with my family, I know that I am still young but I
am willing to help the people in my simplest way. I know that God
is always with us and He will provide.

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