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arta. Os eae S6 BIOLOGY (3% 3h) CHAPTER 5 THE CELL ¢a je, BEACON COLLEGE BES RK Pe “ BEACON’ BES R REMIT ALL (EAA : 178) WAFEE: ERO EAE HE © HRPRTELIRAL” HF MLE RK + Ba et AU Bi ARES « CHAPTER FIVE = THE CELL tai You need to learn Molecules ofife 23° © Water and inorganic ios (eg. N, Mg, Ca & Fe) : RA AMIE (bib Sk Fife I) ah © Biomolecules carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleie acids (gata ARE ahtot BH OTe (k C,0,tm, building blocks #4 caabenttes,) functions 29 oy Hy aes Cellular organisation sox © Discovery of cells oes © Subcellular structures & their funetions Eom Rb © nucleus & chromosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, chloroplast, cell wall & vacuole ‘LA oR OAR + 9 SUA» SRE + SLARRE ~ ba a AP Fo ‘Transport across membrane 54) #58 © Cell membrane: properties and functions Sa AE Loh A @ Movement of substances across membrane tH Aah mLMLAn 6 My © Diffusion, osmosis and active transport Omer ‘unto a ease by capa oer REAR an (2a Po ol TA Re 2 © Occurrence of phagocytosis in cells PaO, You should be able to © Relate the significance of water, inorganic ions and biomolecules to life. HK RMAF LT FO RIANA Hk + © perform common biochemical tests (e.g. Benedict’s test, iodine test, grease spot test, and different types of test papers) to identify the presence of biomolecules in living tissues. © LTE Meta ( (do 50 A SR Mo A A $6) SLOPE AR) TF «© © prepare temporary mounts of specimens for examination, and make observations and drawings under a light microscope. © SLRS MR MLSeaE ARS ALIA EE «0 © compare the cellular organisation of animal and plant cells. Heth Rk © © identify cell organelles as seen under light and electron microscopes. ARMS ET MHOET + PDN» © account for the movement of substances across membrane using the concepts of diffusion, osmosis and active transport. EAH BLT LOMO MLS + MAHDI RM © apply the concept of osmosis to explain plasmolysis and haemolysis, RABI | MART MAE A LOPE 1. WATER 2K a. Chemical nature 1-4 © 2 Itis polar, having strong electrostatic attraction for ‘each other. PASH RPE M ARES DY » b. Biological functions #47 > asa solvent #23681 © to provide a medium for chemical reactions. Aba LER RATT © © to provide a medium for transport, e.g. blood. RSET Hos > © wallow difison of substance, ty, ae eee D asa metabolite (reactant) 4AM KRM) — arch, —> walle X . a © to take part in some metabolic reactions iter SAUCES Hb, D asacooling agent #47581 heat is removed through tunpntficn eg, sweating and transpiration. SSL R SIME» OHTA HR + providing support #0 £3 © to give shape. Ma AMAR ‘© Plant cells become turgid when they are full of water, This provides the main support for ‘young seedlings and herbaceous plants. ALA TBR LAE AE RHE Esme e @ Boon esc Gang ena a we om ae ‘owner HERA 2. BIOMOLECULES 449- @. Carbohydrates aktt tray OH () Monosaccharides 9.4 D_ simplest form, e.g. glucose. ROS Oh wae > soluble in water Taek Bosh monossecardes and , ; ssacchrides are reducing ‘©. broken down in respiration to release energy for | sugars except Suorsee_. various cellular activities penrerra PAIL PARI RE UIA RMA set Lt (i) Disaccharides $84 > formed by joining 2 ‘monosaccharide molecules, eg, maltose, Sucrose, lactose mM RID FIR HS SUERE ie aL soluble in water TERK emp (iii)Polysaccharides $4 © formed by joining many monosaccharide molecules into chains, e.g. starch, glycogen, ws cellulose HHSERTTE OMAR: HORAK HS ie Raat @eeeod 2 insoluble / slightly soluble in water es MORI re 2D as storage products: starch in plants and all all ‘lycogen in animals and fungi | AERA A MAb th RN Mh HH lyon © as a structural material: cellulose in plant cell wall {Vestona. ay, ar tceaed by nay ener HEAR Cina | eemncant | 1S b. Lipids ms = CH OO eel > non-polar, insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as _ fa deni nenk mrenameneom [CaCl A © formed from 3 fatty acids +1 glycerol Y eee eee eal REMARKS: Unsaturated fats ~ do not change 0 PTeholesscol. e.g. many vegetable oils FRPRE- ERLE OE ptt Serrated asco ‘cholesterol, e.g. animal fat, egg yolk Rpm -eekENE oe om RE Poke me te Fine Tania bal, > Functions 26: © 8 a food reserve ~ stored in fatty tissues under the skin or around internal organs SANS oF © asa eat insulator ~ fat under the kin helps reduce heat loss APSR AL = AF AGIA MAD Ma A © asa shock-absorber — protet intemal organs from mechanical injury em) AERA RANMA peer y # help transport fat-soluble vitamins, e.g), ise whe | AMEE © asa.component of cell membrane AB menBUD fe Proteins 5 4 2 building blocks: amino acids eh ae © polar, soluble in water ferterres @ BEACON: ae > polypeptides ~ formed by joining many amino acids 7 into chains Sik FA Retin ese > different proteins have different conformation because AREA TARAS + Ba proteins are built from 20 different amino acids; KOKLh WARAMR RMR HA; © the sequence of amino acids determines the final conformation of protein molecule; RAMWAHAR TRIE OPER: © amino acids are joined together to form a polypeptide; BMRA AAS AK: © the polypeptide then folds up into a protein molecule while some polypeptide chains may bind together to form a molecule with specific ‘conformation FUR RG HTT 5 mR AES wR TR 8 BRERA ROE > _ Functions 246: as building blocks of the body for growth and repair Dh ARUGULA © as a component of cell membrane and cytoplasm fe 9 bo Ht AP = may be broken down to release energy (during starvation) STARS URSA (MED) © the unique shape of each protein allows different proteins to perform different functional roles in our body, e.g. IR KOA RE A a SATE ma HA > do ‘encan Galegn i eset ala pu crs y emo omer HEAR wth unique[aetve sited that fit Sri specific substrates for controlling cellular metablism AGHA AHEREH TOLL Ae uMERE antibodies with specific antigen-binding sites for recognition of pathogens for ody defence ARRERSOR MERA HR RPA RANGA = haemoglobin with oxygen-binding site forearying oxygen FARES Date Re MIA, 3. INORGANIC IONS (MINERALS) SEF (BOR) Tons RF Function 3 #6 Tron forming haemoglobin %1it six & & Calcium 4 | keeping bones and teeth hard and strong; involving in muscle contraction and blood clotting [Nitrate kG | forming proteins Raza te nee HTD THEM HFM ia a Magnesium 44 [forming chlorophyll in plants tim ? Mit Kak BUSS SS & te ne jie, oe NUCLEUS faite a. Structure s4% 2 Itis enclosed by a nuclear envelope of double ‘membranes that is perforated by . CAMA AMON ame og D Meontains dhwtfig ear : enc ‘ha rat Genin Gags ena a pe om Ceara any whan yey one WERK ae VC prsate 1 eee esan conn | EICRRESSSRESTD ——————— b. General functions of nucleus ‘pa 6 — Ah ‘> Itsynthesizes and contains genetic materials. ERHARDT ‘> It synthesizes genetic messages ( mPNA 10 be cea eC ) aeedenn Sate 2 oe 7 th Jos oh TA ns -— Ee “= " os = front a a. Structure #at 3 Its the complex network of folded membranes running throughout the cytoplasm. It consists of two types : rough ER and smooth ER. HR EMAOMMO MG» bib LMT ORM WN 9 ECA | NET Tm FIO + @ BEACON” aa “Rivas esved by Bonn Calg i excent a ple tam ‘Qusoors, my, arenas by expe ona WREAK. C1010 | wen mnansant | $6 REGULAR Se sient the outer surface while smooth ER has none. RO AURA MRS HAA: b. Function 351% @ ‘Rough ER sates ¥ > Rough ER is concemed with the transport of Peli synthesized by ribosomes on its BMATMATEW ERA DH REM (i SHOWER tant > isthe) ‘> Smooth ER is concerned wit transport of| and AANTMATRARE som 3. “MITOCHONDRION ser a. Structures the synthesis and 'D rod-shaped, bounded bya _qonbly _ membrane. 2k __mem- (211001 | wees conte | CRMs S6 REGULAR ‘> outer membrane is smooth while inner membrane ishighly folded, PRA A MIT eth « b. Function 94% 2 It camies out __dunbic respiration, producing _X{P — molecules which are the form of energy to drive cellular activity. eat___¢a-42 97 - 2eORE BM MRE « 4, CHLOROPLAST (SOME PLANT CELLS ONLY) 368M (REE ORY) a. Structure #3 © tis surrounded by. deuble, _ membranes and contains a system of flattened membrane-bond sacs to hold chlorophyll. eke MOM: 2A MA PRAM AR A Da EAE + +thylotid ae <) ‘ick ey conta net HERA ose | ERS ELA ak RMT HR WARMER AO 5, WACUOVE 364 a, Structure Mit ‘> Itis a fluid-filled sac bounded by a membrane. A ON RA» ‘© Plant cells usually have a large central vacuole which is surrounded by a membrane called youl wary fae and contains a fluid called Ah bah BH — A Ree Ht Om: oe, b. Functions 346, ‘D Ithelps keep plant cells in a juni state. CAMA MAMMA — Yayo 4 dogetin D Osmotic uptake of water results in cell expansion uring cell growth. AR A A A A SL + It is used for the storage of water and food, etc. ary ERM UAMAKR tht + It provides a place to hold harmful substances or at metabolic wastes so as not to interfere with the } mi will wd normal metabolism of the cytop| jou h CHIN T — AK MRAM», Apri Ei AM + © Itis made up of cellulose and is therefore rigid. TRMMMEK OiMEe © Itis guy permeable, sa hate. see a © Function : gives shape, support and protection pd ub to the cell. a pt ai Ms + aM WKI E+ FORA ba —_—— ** Structural differences between a plant cell & an animal cell ‘Lone on LZ Plant cell 14h be ‘Animal cell $9 i, |? _has'cellwall 5 sue 92 [has NO cell wall 22 jae I> has adargecentralvacule > has NO large vacuole acy acme | esitle IRPRARE i [> has‘ehloroplasts* 4 asat+ [= has NO chloroplasts :2 4% ake —<—<— _.ii i... 7. CELL MEMBRANE #ifftipit a. Chemical composition 4: 4 > membranes isolated from red blood cells were chemically analysed and found to be composed of ‘'phospholipids and proteins, A Say A A i I Akat: b. Model of membrane structure a A © Cell membranes are actually phospholipid bilayers. Such a bilayer could exist as a stable boundary between 2 aqueous media, because the molecular $6 REGULAR arrangement shelters the hydrophobic fatty acid tals fom water, while exposing the hydrophilic heads to water. Pe T AAR» LEM ATH MR — a8 St 2 AAO AT RRA LAA ARE ARR I, AMAMAONTLM + ernie troy) hoes et eK ROE srowrelne eae AROS (© SP WGA fHIORATE model sk tan sem a: © The phospholipid bilayer forms a structural framework for the embedmentsofistoten so that they can perform their respective functions SLA ALARA CIR ALN aR TH RE AHR © Both phospholipid and protein molecules are ‘MOBILE to varying degree within the membrane which is therefore, regarded as a ld structure, MAK OME A RPA UES ML AD © BIE eM Ay A Aetrsect RM pean ER NU nrCneyntn .. ws SSICELA S6 REGULAR: ee > The arrangement of Proteins varies according to the type and function of the membrane, FALOM TAM H MRE HK MAD « . Properties of membranes tj Bk Hh At D Selective permeability smuste © The lipid bilayer makes the membrane a good physical B@FHIé? for compartmentalization and can help restrict the entry / exit of ions and polar molecules, ILA Dh — AL PE A a EM SET LOLA RAB a + can move across the HOephalipidy ‘Wily freely. RANA mh RE TA 20 move ‘across the membrane through the ‘hinfel’ Aor bw kinttly } ie ae Rather mK + > Fluidity of membranes RUE © The phospholipid and some protein molecules can move laterally AFM RAND T TM © This allows the membrane to invaginate / camry ‘out phagocytosis EMMANN / toate > © This also allows membrane fusion, thus enabling the export of materials contained in vesicles. LAR REMAIN HEN + ee ‘as channel / carrier ae PAST teaa/ae 7 ae a SHONET Se ss receptor © toreceive chemical signals ak RKCERS ‘sree PITS to sped up reactions inthe cell tam itm BAe RS > with rmolecles attached 10 as antigen fen reroeis Beep pope HARE ma OE RRO aH (MECHANISMS OF MEMBRANE TRANSPORT| ‘se AEE 6 a 1. (DIFFUSION 368 © Diffusion is the _yéf movement of particles down a concentration gradient / from a region of 4. higher concentration to a region of lower ody concentration (down a concentration gradient). AVANT RARBAH 6 RS RTRRL SOERSORARHER RAHA) ° ‘When the particles have become evenly distributed (¢yuillvam,) (ie. concentration gradient = 0), there will be no net ‘movement of particles. pase PRRMAAEAD MEARE ° Se eae errrerres ; ee | Magis neonty Sean OL appa pa on | ‘roca tenes oonel wr eeranienne maak (Ge | teen | ion is determined by the size, ‘charges of the substance, and PARE AOI EK BRAMMER R a. SHABIG diffusion §§ Rapa > Substances diffuse across the NGAI. ‘itaVeR, c.g, uptake of oxygen by cells. 0, ,C0., fit ake HR AAR IAL» Hotere b, Facilitated diffusion & tat > It refers to the diffusion of solute molecules across the membrane assisted by specific transmembrane AHEKIFABHARO __FARMMMH BE 2, ACTIVE TRANSPORT 50838 ‘movement of substances across the cell membrane in the expense of energy from _respielion _. seReaee FLOCE RH TE BNW Fa + © Substances can be moved cis a ‘concentration gradient, i.e. from ¥ region of lower ‘concentration to a region of higher concentration. woe | Mapes BEXowe | ate connec coer men BEACON | cot Poweenoa | nn eS A A Te $6 REGULAR ns Pr aS 2 Sis 1 whee RABREM” We eREERS ahRRER © It ensures that the substance is moved in One CRRTOCHALA- © Specific _(avvitxs _are required. STHHRMIH - niger mii \ te’ intake of large solid particles by tion of cell membrane, forming a fed ously. ASAMBST MMB AMAT OM Ue © Its carried out by some single-celled organisms (eg. Amoeba) and certain types of white blood ells. — BERS (Ho PBA) PREG ATM SURAMT RAB + © It requiresweneray and must involve the cell ‘membrane. REAEARERS ORS» rab ‘i eared by Beacon Calege Ud except al al ble = ‘Hen. yr cna by opi ones HREAA, (27400 | sewteene cnt | BORED = ox # © It refers to the met movement selectively permeable membrane ‘of water molecules water potential to a Water potential across a from a region of _ his region of __ [ower PARADT FRESHER RK ABERG__ AMERG SB - |. Water potential (1%) Kg tis the fefideney of water molecules to move. ABWEARF ty MER EF — MMO He + ‘The more S614t& dissolved in water, the _ [oer is its water potential FERAL TRIER OAT + ERI K we Since the water potential of pure water is defined as _( , the water potential of solutions always asa neqgtive value. PMA MATR A __» LARA HR, aa Hay i etemer era _S6 REGULAR [Nan b. Water relations in animal celts” Hh eBROM isoboic 4 ao SS eS ay Mise o” aan B85 2 Mo Bal SF ee -ee wells & busts LIES | hab, © indypbrtonie solution: cell_Shrinks Ge_uvinbled seagate —__ 2 weadktel ions aedangein dw pe EREPRAY MHABRMA RD d. Water relations in planticells AIRE > in Aypotonie solution ERG ERY © water potential of the external solution is higher than that of the cell ane ERO Mba ‘> water enters the cell by osmosis ARB ILAA DoH © the cell becomes _furgid as © the rigid cell wall prevents the cell from bursting BAUM BIL mA ‘> iniypertonie solution Lnheaay © ‘> water potential of the external solution is lower than that of the cell Sah ERO fm, © water leaves the cell by osmosis AMP LAM ta, the cell becomes flactid —/ _ plasma (its cytoplasm shrinks and detacHes from the cell wall) as MAE OG / RAD Om Coa muah) a at pane tol ot mee sors forbecelwel ness” Soman Noe Y, > Yo. eas the pigret fle all > Yor 4 at 7 0 fe it 17 wrt dey

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