Sovereigne Mayore Dec 09, 2021

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united states of america

moorishe nationall reepublic tederall governmente
socictas republicaeea al maurikanos
moorishe divpue ande nationall muvemente ot the earthe
Horthe weste amexem + northweste affrica + morthe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
tempel of the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs of the lande

unniversall sobereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente moorishe american

Sobereigne gobernore
Sobereigne attornee
Sobereigne chief for staite
Sobereigne mapore
akil kemnebi easlep el
Justise, bigiT, umstar

whearaz, akil kemnebi easley el ande all moorishe ammericans are thee sovereigne universall
origeneall endigeneous naturall divvine law ande governmente on our anciente holye sovereigne
ancestrall enheritted lands at ammerica. we are decedens spiritum reeturned alive'. we are thee
deecendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande uf thee anciente moabytes ande canaanytes. we
are thee soulvent creditores to all nationes on earthe. we are thee exxecutors, addministrators,
ministars, klaimants, heirs ande benefishiaries uf our own vast eestate.

whearaz, we are thee sovereigne governores, sovereigne attornee generales,sovereigne chiefs for
staite, ande sovereigne mayores on our land. we are manye origeneall endigeneous sovereigne
governmentes ande nationes who are one to encklude thee de jure moorishe nationale republich
fedherall governmente, thee moorishe ammerican konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe
ammerican konsular courte. we are exercisinge soveriegne personum jurisdictione, soveriegne
terratorial jurisdictione ande sovereigne subjeckt matter jurisdictione over all matturs, spaice, ande

whearaz, we are nott a parte uf thee capitalism systeme, ande the capitalism systeme is subjeckt to us.
all on our land is a reesource for yoos bye thee sovereigne moorishe ammerican governmente at our
wille as we are thee creditores to all nationes on earthe.

whearaz, we are allways ande ownlee en thee jurisdictione uf our anciente ancestrall enheritted eestate
at all tymes nunc pro tunc.

whearaz, our sovereigne governmentall obbligationes encklude makinge ande ennforcing thee
sovereigne suupreme law for thee land, settinge kapptives free, kapptive pardones, kommutationes,
parrole, travel, possessione uf anciente buriale lands, ande upplifting fallin humanitee, umung uther
sovereigne obbligationes as we so proklaime.

whearaz, we are thee righte full possessorrs fore all land ande all propertie all naturale reesources ande
all kommerce that was fallslie praesumed abbandoned as there is no abbandoned land, no abbandoned
propertie, no abbandoned naturale reesources nor anie abbandoned kommerce on our eestate. we
procklaime salvatione ande soveriegne salwage for all land, all naturale reesources, all kommerce, ande
all livinge beeinges. additionallie, all land at ammerica is anciente anncestral buriale land as all was
hiddene ande is now reevealed to all.
whearaz, our sovereigne righte too our anciente ancestral buriale lands is unalienablle ande
enalienablle. we are enjjoined withe our sovereigne livinge landes, buriale moundes, ande anciente
burieed sites. we herebye sawe, ande salwage our own vastt eestate fore we are thee salvashun fore
Our landes. we have allready begune praeying on our landes dailee, therefour we herebye akcess all our
lands ande all properties, naturale reesources ande all kommerce withoutt the United States. our
missionarie worke to uplifft fallin hyumanitie shalle kontinyue ande our prae tyme shalle nott bee
dissturbed fore anee reesun. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rightes withe akcess to ande
domenione over all land, all naturale reesources ande all sovereigne kommerce. we are thee law ande

we are thee governmente.

at all terratories on our land in thee

whearaz, thee moorishe ammerican phlag shalle flye publicklee
noww tyme.

whearaz, thee ammerican provoste marshal has beene knowtified.

all soberigue origeneall inndigeneous moorishe ammerican autogratts fore this ande all sobereigue
states of ammerica gobernmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at ammerica.

chronos dey 3 moonth september year [2021] 1441 sun, 1442 moon

ego s u I
justise/vizir/ministar AL
autograph: akil kemnebi easley el
ammerican autografís fore this anaeaÍ sobereige
all soberigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe
dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord ät america.
states of america goberumente
solo ande en
capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris proprio
justises/bizirs/ministars en
exxercised at all tpmes.
proprio heredes. all sobereigne rightes
sui juris en proprio solo ande en propri0 heredes.
Justise/viZir/ministar en propna persona
all sovereigne ightes ekxercised at all tymes.
ammexem/northweste affrnca/northe ammerica
free moor/muur northweste
moorishe nationall reepublic federall govenmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
clov 6400 akron street
near filadelphia countee, pennsylvaniaa republik
annciente pennsylvaniaa districte for
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 8q4lmpn36w
latitude 40.021481 longitude 75.138313

et in caelo
in caelo et quaecumque
solveritis Super terram erunt soluta
terram erunt lgata et ego
quæcumque allngaverius Super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, oriur
terfam erunt gata et ego In caelo et quaecumque
solveritis super
quæcumque allgaverius Super in caelo
amen, amen dico voDIS, et ego In caelo et quaecumque
solveritis super terram erunt soluta et
allgaveritis super
terram erunt lgata
men, amen dico vobis, quæcumque

tederal gove

aeuoneu antio islam

se weste
e r i i r a r

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