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TABLE: Mass Source

Name Include Elements Include Added Mass Include Loads Include Lateral Include Vertical

MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No

MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
MsSrc1 No No Yes Yes No
Lump at Stories IsDefault Load Pattern Multiplier

Yes Yes Dead 1

Yes Yes 9''wall 1
Yes Yes 9''wall opening 1
Yes Yes 4''wall 1
Yes Yes 4''wall opening 1
Yes Yes Parapet 1
Yes Yes Roomlive 0.25
Yes Yes Stairs 0.25
Yes Yes Roof access 0.25
Yes Yes Roof no access 0.25
TABLE: Load Patterns
Name Type Self Weight Multiplier Auto Load

Dead Dead 1
9''wall Dead 0
9''wall opening Dead 0
4''wall Dead 0
4''wall opening Dead 0
Parapet Dead 0
Roomlive Live 0
Stairs Live 0
Roof access Live 0
Roof no access Live 0
EQx Seismic 0 IS1893 2002
EQy Seismic 0 IS1893 2002
TABLE: Load Cases - Summary
Name Type

Dead Linear Static

9''wall Linear Static
9''wall opening Linear Static
4''wall Linear Static
4''wall opening Linear Static
Parapet Linear Static
Roomlive Linear Static
Stairs Linear Static
Roof access Linear Static
Roof no access Linear Static
EQx Linear Static
EQy Linear Static
TABLE: Story Max/Avg Displacements
Story Load Case/Combo Direction Maximum Average Ratio
mm mm
TABLE: Base Reactions
Load Case/Combo FX FY FZ MX MY MZ X
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m m
Dead 0 0 339.7948 335.5297 -700.3219 0 0
9''wall 0 0 434.8403 425.9732 -688.1997 0 0
9''wall opening 0 0 32.2761 32.8079 -120.6126 0 0
4''wall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4''wall opening 0 0 19.206 19.0139 -39.3723 0 0
Parapet 0 0 39.42 39.0106 -84.7456 0 0
Roomlive 0 0 17.9738 18.1104 -57.0031 0 0
Stairs 0 0 11.64 11.2956 -12.177 0 0
Roof access 0 0 6.7402 6.7914 -21.3762 0 0
Roof no access 0 0 2.9828 2.8937 -3.0783 0 0
EQx 1 -55.0238 0 0 0 -481.583 53.9741 0
EQx 2 -55.0238 0 0 0 -481.583 53.9741 0
EQx 3 -55.0238 0 0 0 -481.583 53.9741 0
EQy 1 0 -65.8559 0 576.3889 0 -109.8639 0
EQy 2 0 -65.8559 0 576.3889 0 -109.8639 0
EQy 3 0 -65.8559 0 576.3889 0 -109.8639 0
1.5(DL+LL) 0 0 1357.3109 1337.1396 -2590.3301 0 0
1.2(DL+LL)+1.2EQx Max -66.0285 0 1085.8488 1069.7117 -2650.1637 64.7689 0
1.2(DL+LL)+1.2EQx Min -66.0285 0 1085.8488 1069.7117 -2650.1637 64.7689 0
1.2(DL+LL)-1.2EQx Max 66.0285 0 1085.8488 1069.7117 -1494.3644 -64.7689 0
1.2(DL+LL)-1.2EQx Min 66.0285 0 1085.8488 1069.7117 -1494.3644 -64.7689 0
1.2(DL+LL)+1.2EQy Max 0 -79.0271 1085.8488 1761.3783 -2072.2641 -131.8367 0
1.2(DL+LL)+1.2EQy Min 0 -79.0271 1085.8488 1761.3783 -2072.2641 -131.8367 0
1.2(DL+LL)-1.2EQy Max 0 79.0271 1085.8488 378.045 -2072.2641 131.8367 0
1.2(DL+LL)-1.2EQy Min 0 79.0271 1085.8488 378.045 -2072.2641 131.8367 0
1.5DL+1.5EQx Max -82.5356 0 1298.3059 1278.5029 -3172.2527 80.9612 0
1.5DL+1.5EQx Min -82.5356 0 1298.3059 1278.5029 -3172.2527 80.9612 0
1.5DL-1.5EQx Max 82.5356 0 1298.3059 1278.5029 -1727.5036 -80.9612 0
1.5DL-1.5EQx Min 82.5356 0 1298.3059 1278.5029 -1727.5036 -80.9612 0
1.5DL+1.5EQy Max 0 -98.7838 1298.3059 2143.0862 -2449.8782 -164.7958 0
1.5DL+1.5EQy Min 0 -98.7838 1298.3059 2143.0862 -2449.8782 -164.7958 0
1.5DL-1.5EQy Max 0 98.7838 1298.3059 413.9196 -2449.8782 164.7958 0
1.5DL-1.5EQy Min 0 98.7838 1298.3059 413.9196 -2449.8782 164.7958 0
Envelop Max 82.5356 98.7838 1357.3109 2143.0862 -1494.3644 164.7958 0
Envelop Min -82.5356 -98.7838 1085.8488 378.045 -3172.2527 -164.7958 0
m m
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ
Modal 1 0.756 0.722 0.0003 0 0.722 0.0003 0
Modal 2 0.632 0.0003 0.6955 0 0.7223 0.6958 0
Modal 3 0.416 6.01E-06 0.0464 0 0.7224 0.7422 0
Modal 4 0.299 0.0828 1.076E-05 0 0.8051 0.7422 0
Modal 5 0.235 1.963E-05 0.0598 0 0.8052 0.802 0
Modal 6 0.169 0.0011 0.0446 0 0.8063 0.8466 0
Modal 7 0.167 0.0596 0.0007 0 0.8659 0.8473 0
Modal 8 0.135 1.353E-06 0.0253 0 0.8659 0.8726 0
Modal 9 0.106 3.383E-05 0.0589 0 0.8659 0.9315 0
Modal 10 0.096 1.028E-05 0.0019 0 0.8659 0.9334 0
Modal 11 0.096 0.0253 8.87E-06 0 0.8913 0.9334 0
Modal 12 0.082 9.433E-07 0.0008 0 0.8913 0.9342 0

0.0001 0.3098 3.309E-05 0.0001 0.3098 3.309E-05

0.3013 0.0001 0.0449 0.3015 0.3099 0.0449
2.392E-05 8.066E-06 0.7077 0.3015 0.3099 0.7526
2.933E-05 0.2295 2.271E-05 0.3015 0.5394 0.7526
0.2074 0.0001 0.0012 0.5089 0.5395 0.7538
0.147 0.0029 0.0216 0.6559 0.5424 0.7754
0.0024 0.1577 0.0005 0.6583 0.7001 0.7759
0.0605 3.12E-06 0.0643 0.7187 0.7001 0.8401
0.1067 0.0001 0.0049 0.8255 0.7002 0.845
0.0132 1.275E-05 0.015 0.8386 0.7002 0.86
4.763E-06 0.0414 3.142E-05 0.8386 0.7416 0.8601
0.0024 2.021E-06 0.0111 0.841 0.7416 0.8712
TABLE: Story Stiffness
Story Load Case Shear X Drift X Stiffness X Shear Y Drift Y Stiffness Y
kN mm kN/m kN mm kN/m
Story5 EQx 1 12.2753 6.642 1848.035 0 0.042 0
Story4 EQx 1 34.2729 4.703 7287.561 0 0.029 0
Story3 EQx 1 48.9955 5.662 8653.263 0 0.032 0
Story2 EQx 1 54.474 5.237 10401.09 0 0.026 0
Story1 EQx 1 55.0238 1.146 48019.5 0 0.005 0
Story5 EQx 2 12.2753 6.642 1848.035 0 0.042 0
Story4 EQx 2 34.2729 4.703 7287.561 0 0.029 0
Story3 EQx 2 48.9955 5.662 8653.263 0 0.032 0
Story2 EQx 2 54.474 5.237 10401.09 0 0.026 0
Story1 EQx 2 55.0238 1.146 48019.5 0 0.005 0
Story5 EQx 3 12.2753 6.642 1848.035 0 0.042 0
Story4 EQx 3 34.2729 4.703 7287.561 0 0.029 0
Story3 EQx 3 48.9955 5.662 8653.263 0 0.032 0
Story2 EQx 3 54.474 5.237 10401.09 0 0.026 0
Story1 EQx 3 55.0238 1.146 48019.5 0 0.005 0
Story5 EQy 1 0 0.864 0 14.6919 3.934 3734.541
Story4 EQy 1 0 0.344 0 41.02 3.478 11795.313
Story3 EQy 1 0 0.365 0 58.6409 4.434 13225.762
Story2 EQy 1 0 0.301 0 65.1979 4.318 15099.656
Story1 EQy 1 0 0.073 0 65.8559 0.942 69903.184
Story5 EQy 2 0 0.864 0 14.6919 3.934 3734.541
Story4 EQy 2 0 0.344 0 41.02 3.478 11795.313
Story3 EQy 2 0 0.365 0 58.6409 4.434 13225.762
Story2 EQy 2 0 0.301 0 65.1979 4.318 15099.656
Story1 EQy 2 0 0.073 0 65.8559 0.942 69903.184
Story5 EQy 3 0 0.864 0 14.6919 3.934 3734.541
Story4 EQy 3 0 0.344 0 41.02 3.478 11795.313
Story3 EQy 3 0 0.365 0 58.6409 4.434 13225.762
Story2 EQy 3 0 0.301 0 65.1979 4.318 15099.656
Story1 EQy 3 0 0.073 0 65.8559 0.942 69903.184
TABLE: Program Control
Program Name Version Level License Number Current Units Steel Frame Code

ETABS 2016 16.0.0 Ultimate *1TTSU9ZBGAAX5FS Varies IS 800:2007

Concrete Frame Code Composite Beam Code Composite Column Code Shear Wall Code

IS 456:2000 AISC 360-10 AISC 360-10 IS 456:2000

Steel Connection Code

AISC 360-10
Story mbo Location kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
Story5 EQx 1 Top 0 -12.2765 0 11.9021 0 0
Story5 EQx 1 Bottom 0 -12.2765 0 11.9021 0 -32.6556
Story5 EQx 2 Top 0 -12.2765 0 12.7727 0 0
Story5 EQx 2 Bottom 0 -12.2765 0 12.7727 0 -32.6556
Story5 EQx 3 Top 0 -12.2765 0 11.0316 0 0
Story4 EQx 1 Top 0 -34.2762 0 33.4856 0 -32.6556
Story4 EQx 1 Bottom 0 -34.2762 0 33.4856 0 -123.83
Story4 EQx 2 Top 0 -34.2762 0 36.1516 0 -32.6556
Story4 EQx 2 Bottom 0 -34.2762 0 36.1516 0 -123.83
Story3 EQx 1 Top 0 -49.0003 0 48.0259 0 -123.83
Story3 EQx 1 Bottom 0 -49.0003 0 48.0259 0 -254.171
Story3 EQx 2 Top 0 -49.0003 0 51.9596 0 -123.83
Story3 EQx 2 Bottom 0 -49.0003 0 51.9596 0 -254.171
Story2 EQx 1 Top 0 -54.4793 0 53.4373 0 -254.171
Story2 EQx 1 Bottom 0 -54.4793 0 53.4373 0 -399.086
Story2 EQx 2 Top 0 -54.4793 0 57.8427 0 -254.171
Story2 EQx 2 Bottom 0 -54.4793 0 57.8427 0 -399.086
Story1 EQx 1 Top 0 -55.0291 0 53.9793 0 -399.086
Story1 EQx 1 Bottom 0 -55.0291 0 53.9793 0 -481.63
Story1 EQx 2 Top 0 -55.0291 0 58.4411 0 -399.086
Story1 EQx 2 Bottom 0 -55.0291 0 58.4411 0 -481.63
Load X Y Z
Story Case/Co Drift Label
n m m m
Story5 EQx 1 X 0.002497 10 4.28 2.05 12.14
Story5 EQx 2 X 0.00252 10 4.28 2.05 12.14
Story5 EQx 3 X 0.002509 1 0 0 12.14
Story5 EQy 1 Y 0.002436 10 4.28 2.05 12.14
Story4 EQx 1 X 0.001771 13 4.73 0 9.48
Story4 EQx 2 X 0.001777 14 4.73 2.05 9.48
Story4 EQx 3 X 0.001783 13 4.73 0 9.48
Story4 EQy 1 Y 0.001631 4 0 1.9 9.48
Story3 EQx 1 X 0.002131 13 4.73 0 6.82
Story3 EQx 2 X 0.002143 14 4.73 2.05 6.82
Story3 EQx 3 X 0.002147 13 4.73 0 6.82
Story3 EQy 1 Y 0.002007 4 0 1.9 6.82
Story2 EQx 1 X 0.001971 7 4.28 0 4.16
Story2 EQx 2 X 0.001984 10 4.28 2.05 4.16
Story2 EQx 3 X 0.001987 7 4.28 0 4.16
Story2 EQy 1 Y 0.001885 4 0 1.9 4.16
Story1 EQx 1 X 0.000765 7 4.28 0 1.5
Story1 EQx 2 X 0.00077 10 4.28 2.05 1.5
Story1 EQx 3 X 0.000771 7 4.28 0 1.5
Story1 EQy 1 Y 0.000726 4 0 1.9 1.5
fy= 500 fck = 20

Priliminary determination of depth of slab

type of slab ratio
simply supported 28
one side continuous 30
both side continuous 32

clear size of 1.9 * 2.23

width length

For the critical sectoin of the slab

effective spans will be
lx = 2.005 m
ly = 2.335 m
ly/lx = 1.164589

assume over all depth of 125 mm

effective depth = 105 mm
from page 91 IS456:2000
Negative short span coefficient (αx)'= 0.0665
positive short span coefficient (αx)= 0.05

Negative long span coefficient (αy)' = 0.047

positive long span coefficient (αy) = 0.035
Dead load of slab= 0.125*= 3.125 kn/m2
live load = 2 kn/m2
finish load = 1.4
total load = 6.525 kn/m2
Factored total load = 1.5*6.525
w= 9.788 kn/m2
positive moments
Mx = 0.05*9.7875*2.0 = 1.9673 knm/m
My = 0.035*9.7875*2. = 1.37711 knm/m
negative moments
Mx' = 0.0665*9.7875*2= 2.616509 knm/m
My' = 0.047*9.7875*2. = 1.849262 knm/m
Effective depth of slab (d)= 30.7898 mm
adopt effective depth of 80 mm
with over all depth of 100 mm
long edge =
middle strips 0.75*2= 1.75125 m
edge strips 0.125*= 0.291875 m
short edge =
middle strips 0.75*2= 1.75125 m
edge strips= 0.125*= 0.250625 m
Positive Reinforcement
Area of steel along short span
Reinforcement in middle strips=

Area of reinforcement (Ast)x


where ,
Bm = 1.967 knm
fy = 415
d= 80 mm
fck = 20 n/mm2
b= 1m

by solving Ast = 70 mm2

minimum reinforcement Ast= 150 mm2
design Ast= 150
Use 8 mm bars @ 330 mm c/c
provided Ast= 152.2424 mm2
(pt= 0.152242 %)

reinforcement in edge strips

Minimum Ast= 150 mm2
use 8 mm bars @ 330 mm c/c
(pt= 0.152242 %)
Area of steel along long span
Reinforcement in middle strips=

Area of reinforcement (Ast)x


where ,
Bm = 1.37711 knm
fy = 415
d= 70 mm
fck = 20 n/mm2
b= 1m

by solving Ast = 56 mm2

minimum reinforcement Ast= 330 mm2
design Ast= 330
Use 8 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c
provided Ast= 334.9333 mm2
(pt= 0.334933 %)

reinforcement in edge strips

Minimum Ast= 330 mm2
use 8 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c
(pt= 0.334933 %)
Negative Reinforcement
Area of steel along short span
Reinforcement in middle strips=

Area of reinforcement (Ast)x


where ,
Bm = 2.61651 knm
fy = 415
d= 80 mm
fck = 20 n/mm2
b= 1m

by solving Ast = 93 mm2

minimum reinforcement Ast= 150 mm2
design Ast= 150
Use 8 mm bars @ 330 mm c/c
provided Ast= 152.2424 mm2
(pt= 0.152242 %)

reinforcement in edge strips

Minimum Ast= 150 mm2
use 8 mm bars @ 330 mm c/c
(pt= 0.152242 %)
Area of steel along long span
Reinforcement in middle strips=

Area of reinforcement (Ast)x

where ,
Bm = 1.84926 knm
fy = 415
d= 70 mm
fck = 20 n/mm2
b= 1m

by solving Ast = 75 mm2

minimum reinforcement Ast= 330 mm2
design Ast= 330
Use 8 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c
provided Ast= 334.9333 mm2
(pt= 0.334933 %)

reinforcement in edge strips

Minimum Ast= 330 mm2
use 8 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c
(pt= 0.334933 %)
Corner reinforcement
Ast= 69.75 mm2
Use 8 mm bars @ 720 mm c/c
(pt= 0.069778 %)

Check for deflection

designed lx/d = 2.005 / 0.1 20.05
max area of steel required Ast= 330
max area of steel provided = 334.933
fs= 237.155

pt of maximum tension steel = 0.30448

modification factor from graph page 38 IS 456 2000= 1.45

maximum L/d ratio for the critcal slab= 30

maximum ratio of Lx/d with modification = 43.5

Thus Provide 8mm dia bars @150mm c/c all types of reinforcement.

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