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Nama : Niasti Telaumbanua

NIM : 2113201030

Our attitude as a Muslim in dealing with problems or calamities with

empathy and sympathy for others

Every human being must have experienced a problem or disaster in his life.
Whatever the disaster, starting from losing someone we love, losing our
possessions, getting sick, or even being hit by a natural disaster that wipes out
almost everything we have.
As servants of Allah SWT, we will not escape from various kinds of trials
or calamities, both in the form of difficulties and pleasures. It is a sunnatullah that
applies to every human being, believer or disbeliever. Because Allah SWT has
said :
We will test you with evil and good as a trial (the truth), and only to Us
you will be returned (Surat al-Anbiya': 35)

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said :

(The meaning of this verse) is: We test you (O mankind), sometimes with
disaster and sometimes with pleasure, so that We may see who is grateful and
who is disobedient, and who is patient and who despairs.

Then how do we as Muslims in the face of problems or calamities? To

answer this, we return to one of Allah's words which reads :
There is no misfortune that befalls (a person) except by Allah's permission;
whoever believes in Allah, surely He will guide (into) his heart. And Allah is All-
Knowing of everything (Surat At-Taghabun: 11)

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said :

Meaning: someone who is afflicted with calamity and he believes that the
disaster is a provision and destiny of Allah Ta'ala, then he is patient and hopes
(reward of reward from Allah Ta'ala), accompanied by (feeling) submission to
surrender to the provisions of Allah Ta'ala, then Allah Ta'ala will guide (into) his
heart and replace the calamity of the world that befell him with guidance and true
belief in his heart, it is even possible that Allah Ta'ala will replace what he lost
with something better for him.

From the interpretation above, we can conclude that our attitude when
facing calamity is Rida. Because that every calamity that comes is with the
permission of Allah SWT, which of course there is always wisdom behind the
arrival of calamities.
Disasters do come and befall both believers and unbelievers. However,
believers have a privilege that unbelievers do not have, namely fortitude and hope
for a reward from Allah SWT in the face of such calamities. And of course all this
will further ease the severity of the calamity for a Muslim.

In explaining this great wisdom, Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said :

Indeed, all (disaster) that befalls those who believe in (practicing religion)
Allah Ta'ala is always accompanied by an attitude of pleasure and ihtisab
(expecting a reward from Him). Even if they do not have the attitude of pleasure,
then their grip is an attitude of patience and ihtisâb. This (all) will lighten the
burden of the disaster. Because, every time they witness (remember) the (kindness)
reward, it will feel light for them to face the difficulties and calamities.
As for the disbelievers, they have neither an attitude of pleasure nor ihtisâb.
Even if they are patient (restraint), then (nothing more) like the patience of the
animals (when experiencing difficulty).

Indeed, Allah Ta'ala has reminded this in His word which means :
Do not be weak-hearted in pursuing them (your enemies). If you suffer
from pain, then indeed they suffer from pain (as well), as you suffer, while you
expect from Allah what they do not expect. (Surat an-Nisa: 104).

So, believers and disbelievers alike suffer from pain, but believers are
privileged with the hope of reward and closeness to Allah Ta'ala.

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