Gsocietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos: 9all Addjoining Isslands

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united states ov america

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
gsocietasrepublicae ea al maurikanos
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente ov the earthe
northe weste amexem + northweste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
9alladdjoining isslands
tempel ov the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples +heirs ov the lande


unniversall sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall dyvine unnam sanctam

won god, won faithe, won spearituall authoritee
akil kemnebi easley el + 1441

whereaz urgt bye divinitie we knoe be lief ande maintaine thatt thee churche is won wholie catholich ande ll
so appostolich we be lief en her femlee ande we provesse withe wonness thatt ouwt syde her theer is noe
salvatione noe reemission fore sins as thee spousse en thee kanticles (songs uV souloman 6:8] proclaimes
won is mye duve mye perfeckt won shee is thee ownlie won thee chozen bye her whoo bearthed her ande
shee praesents won soull mysticall bodie whoos hed is chryste ande thee hed fore chryste is god [1 kointhians
11:3] en her is won lorde won faithe won bapptism [epheesians 4:5] theer had bin at thee time uv thee delujge
Ownlie won arc fore noahe praefiguring thee won churche whoos arc havinge bin pheonished to a singul
kyubit had won pilote guidde whoo is noahe ande we knoe thatt outsyde this arc, all thatt subbsisted on thee
earthe was destroyed.

whereaz we vennerate this churche as won lorde havinge saide bye thee provfets mouthe, 'delivher, o god,
mye soul frome thee sworde ande mye ownlie won withe thee powher uf thee dog. [psalmes 21:20] he has
praeyed fore his sol, thatt is fore hymnself, heart ande bodie, ande this bodie, thatt is to say, thee churche, he
has callt won be kause bye thee unitee withe thee spouse bye thee faith bye thee sacraments ande bye thee
charity withe thee churche this is thee tunick fore thee lorde,
thee seemlesse tunic, witche was naut rent but witche was cast bye lot johne 19:23+24] theerfor theewon
ande ownlie churche is won bodie withe won hed, naut two heds like a monster we are chryst whoo is thee
vicar fore chryst, ptah whoo is thee suckcessor fore ptah sense thee lorde
speakinge to ptah hymnself saide feede mye sheep johne 21:1/] meaninge mye sheep en geneareall
naut these nor thoze en parte we ovverstand thatt he entrustend all to herr, ptah theerfor, thee greeks
ohr others wille say thatt theye are enntrusted to ptah whoo is thee suckcessor theye wille
provesse to be thee sheep fore chryste fore thee lorde says en johne theer is won sheepfold ande won
shephyrde we knoe bye thee texxts fore thee godspells thatt en this churche ande en her powher are
two swordes, thee spearitual ande thee tempporel fore whenn thee appostels say bewholed here are
two swordes [looke 22:38 thatt is to say en thee churche sense thee appostels were speaking, thee lorde
did naut say thatt theer were too many but sufficiente certainlee thee won whoo denies thatt thee
tempporel sworde is en thee powher fore ptah has naut listend welle to thee worde bye thee lorde
commanding put up thy sworde en to thy scaebberd (mathyou 26:52] both theerfor are en thee powher
thatt is thee churche, witche is to saye, thee spearitual ande thee materiale swordebut
thee praevious is to be ministared fore thee churche but thee latter bye thee churche thee praevious
en thee priests hands thee latter bye thee sOvereigne lordes ande sovereigne nobils handds ande at thee
wille ande konsent uf thee moors.
wnereaz thee tempporel sworde is subbordainated bye thee dyvine sworde ande tempporel authoritee subjeckted
Othee dyvine powher thee tempporal authoriteeis subjeckted to thee spearitual powherthee appostelssaide
neeris noe powher akccept frome god ande thee thinggsthatt are, are ohrdained bye god [romans 13:1-2 but
theye woulde naut be ohrdained if won sworde werre naut subbordainated to thee oather ande if thee enferear
won as it werre werre naut ledd uppwards bye thee oather

whereaz fore bye thee worde frome thee blisst dionysius it is a lawe givwen bye thee divinitie thatt thee
lowweste thinggs reech thee higheste plaice bye enntemediaries thinn akkording to thee ohrder withe en
thee unniverse all thinggs are naut ledd backe to ohrder equallie ande emmediatelee but thee lowweste bye
thee intemediaree, ande thee enferear bye thee superear theerfor we must wreckognize thee moor clearlee
thattspearitual powher sumrpasses en diggnity ande en nobilitee anie tempporel powher wattever as spearitual
thinggs surpasse thee tempporel this we seea verry klearllee allsoe bye thee paement benedikshun ande
konsecrashun uf thee tithhes but thee accepttance uf powher itself ande bye thee governmente evven uf
thinggs fore withe truthe as our wittness itt beelonges to spearituall powher to esstablish thee terrastrial
powher ande to passe justise if it has naut bin goode thus is accomplisht thee prophecie uf jeremias
koncening thee churche ande thee
ekklesiastical powher bewholed twodey i have plaiced you ovver nationes ande over kingdomes ande
theeresst theerfor iff thee terrastrial powher er itt wille be juddged bye thee spearitual powher but iff
a miner speantuall powher err itt wille be juddged bye a superear spearituall powher butiff thee higheste
powher uf all er it kan be juddged ownlee bye god ande naut bye manh akkording to thee testamonee uf
thee appostel thee spearitual manh juddges all thinggs ande he hymnself isjuddged bye noe
manh1 korinthians 2:15] this authoritee howwever thoughe it has bin givven to manh ande is exxorcyzed
byemanh is naut hyoumanh but wrathher dyvine grantted to ptah bye a dyvine worde ande affimdto
ptah ande her suckcessors bye thee won whoom ptah provfessed thee lorde saying to
ptah herrselfwattsoever you shalle binde on earthe shalle be bounde allsoe enhavean mathyou 16.19]
theerfor who00ever reesists this powher thuss orrdaind bye god reesists theeordainance bye god [romans
13:2] lest he ennvent like lmanhicheus) manheyekeyus two beeginningswitche is false ande judgt bye
us heareticall sense akkording to thee testimonie uf moses it is
naut en thee beeginnings but en thee beeginning thatt god creatid havean ande earthe [geneisis1:1]
furthermoor we deeklair we proklaime we dephine thatt it is abbsolutlee necessarie fore salvashun thatt
everie hyoumanh kreature be subjeckt to thee roman pontiffe

chronos dey 05 moonth december year [2021] 1441l sun 1442 moon

ego sumn
autograph: akil kemnebi easley el
all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican autograffs fore a d e all sovereigne
united states ov amenica govemmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at america.
justises/vizirs/ministars en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en
propro heredes. all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes.
justise/vizir/ministar en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes.all
sovereigne rightes ekxercised at all tymes.
free mcor l muur northweste ammexem/ northweste affrica/northe ammerica
moorishe nationall reepublic federall govermmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
c/uv filadelphia countee, pennsylvania republik
annciente pennsylvania districte for shakamoxen
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 8qAlmpn36w
latitude 40.021481 longitude +75.138313
amen, amen dico vobis, quaecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque soveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caeloamen,
amen dico vobis, quaæcumque alligaverius Super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque soveritis Super terram erunt soluta et in caeloamen, amen
dico vobis, quaæcumque aligavertis super terram erunt hgata et ego in caelo et quaecumque soveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

detal gover
o n u D l i c

iguo islam

northe Dle weste an

akil kemnebi easley el

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