Pharmacology Pharmacology History MATERIA MEDICA Latin (Medical Material)

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 Etymologically, it is the science of drugs. MATERIA MEDICA Latin (medical material)

 Pharmacology is derived from Greek words:
• Body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic
Pharmacon = Drug properties of any substance used for healing.

Logos = Discourse in / study • Derived from work of ancient Greek physician

DIOSCORIDES in 1st century AD
 It is the study of how chemical agents affect living
processes.  The term material medica was used from the
 It studies the effects of drugs and how they exert Roman Empire until the 20th century but now has
their effects to the body. been replaced in medical education contexts by the
 Pharmacology is the branch of biology concerned term PHARMACOLOGY.
with the study of drug action.  1st extensive PHARMACOPEIA commentary on 600
 It deals with interaction of exogenously plants along with therapeutically useful animal and
administered drugs with living systems. mineral products.
 De Materia Medica included about a thousand
natural product drugs (mostly plant-based), 4,740
PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS medicinal usages for drugs, and 360 medical
 Otherwise known as clinical pharmacology, the properties (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory etc.)
branch of pharmacology that uses drugs to treat, ANCIENT EGYPT
prevent, and diagnose disease.
 Addresses two key concerns: the drug’s effects on  The EBERS PAPYRUS is an Egyptian Medical
the body and the body’s response to the drug. Papyrus of herbal knowledge.
 A scroll, some 60 feet long and a foot wide,
PHARMACOGNOSY contains 700 magical formula and folk
• branch of pharmacology dealing with natural drugs & medicines.
their constituents.  The EBERS PAPYRUS is meant to cure afflictions
ranging from crocodile bite to toe nail pain and
• deals with the sources, procurement & chemistry of to get rid of the pest such as flies, rats, and
natural products. scorpions.
PHARMATHERAPEUTICS  The EBERS PAPYRUS also includes an accurate
description of the circulatory system, noting the
 treatment of diseases with medicines. existence of blood vessels throughout the body
TOXICOLOGY and the hearths function as center of the blood
 study of poisons  The EBERS PAPYRUS is an ancient recipe book
dated to
 approximately 1552 BC. It contains a mixture of
 The use of chemicals for the treatment of any magic and medicine with invocations to banish
disease. disease and a catalogue of useful plants,
 May also be synonymous to cancer treatment. minerals, magic amulets and spells.
 The most famous Egyptian physician was
IMHOTEP who lived in Memphis around 2500
 The science of identification, compounding and B.C.
dispensing of drugs.
 It also includes collection, isolation, purification,
synthesis and standardization of medical

 In India, the Ayurveda is traditional medicine that Every DRUG has three (3) of Names
emphasizes plant-based treatments, hygiene, and
1. Chemical Name
balance in the body’s state of being.
2. Non-proprietary Name (Generic Name)
 Indian materia medica included knowledge of
3. Proprietary Name ( Trade/Brand Name)
plants, where they grow in all season, methods for
storage and shelf life of harvested materials. It also It is a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure,
included directions for making juice from prevention or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise
vegetables, dried powders from herb, cold infusions enhance physical or mental wellbeing.
and extracts.
1. Chemical Name – These are given according to the
ANCIENT CHINA MEDICINE chemical constitution of drug.
2. Non-proprietary Name– (Official name) It is
 Compendium of Materia Medica (also known by
assigned by the United States Adopted name
the romanizations Bencao Gangmu or Pen-tsao
(USAN) council. It is uniform all over the world.
Kang-mu) is a Chinese herbology volume
 Generic Name – Typically derived from
written by Li Shizhen during the Ming dynasty;
chemical name. Usually shorter.
its first draft was completed in 1578.
 Proprietary Name– It is given by the
 It is a work epitomizing the materia medica
pharmaceutical manufacturer.
known at the time.
3. Trade/Brand Name – Name registered by the
manufacturer; only be used by the single
manufacturer; The first letter of the name is
The Compendium of Materia
 Medica is regarded as the most complete and CHARACTERISTICS OF IDEAL DRUG
comprehensive medical book ever written in
the history of traditional Chinese medicine. 1. It should be biocompatible and biodegradable.
 It lists all the plants, animals, minerals, and 2. No side effects.
other items that were believed to have 3. Shows the selectivity in its action.
medicinal properties.
 The text consists of 1,892 entries, each entry
with its own name called a gang. The mu in the 1. Reversible
title refers to the synonyms of each name. 2. Predictable
3. NO adverse effects
4. NO interaction
 HIPPOCRATES – Father of Medicine 5. Cheap and simple
 He founded a school of medicine that focused GOALS OF PHARMACOLOGY
on treating the causes of disease rather than its
symptoms. 1. Maximum benefit for the patient.
 Disease was dictated by natural laws and 2. Minimum harm to the patient.
therefore could be treated through close
observation of symptoms.
1. Administering drugs.
2. Assessing drug effects.
According to WHO, “Any substance or product which is 3. Intervening to make the drug regimen more
used or intended to be used to modify or explore tolerable.
physiological systems or pathological states for the 4. Providing patient teaching about drugs and the
benefit of the recipient”. drug regimen.
5. Monitoring the overall patient care plan to Advantage:
prevent medication errors.
1. Quality can be controlled.
2. Process is easier and cheaper.
3. More potent and safer
4. Large scale production.

 Is the oldest source of drugs.

 Almost all parts of the plants are used i.e. leaves,
stem, bark, fruits and roots.
 Ex: Morphine, Digoxin, Quinine, Reserpine etc.

A study to test a drug, a procedure, or another medical

ALKALOIDS treatment in animals. The aim of a preclinical study is to
collect data in support of the safety of the new
 Diverse group of bitter tasting, organic, basic treatment.
 substances found in plants with examples such
as Preclinical studies
 caffeine, morphine and atropine.
 are required before clinical trials in humans can
o Digitalis purpurea are the source of
 be started In this stage, chemicals that may have
Digitoxin and Digoxin, which are cardiac therapeutic value are tested on laboratory animals
glycosides. for two main purposes:
o Leaves of Eucalyptus give oil of o To determine whether they have the
Eucalyptus, which is important presumed effects in living tissue.
component of cough syrup. o To evaluate any adverse effects.
 Tobacco leaves give nicotine.
o Poppy papaver somniferum gives
morphine (opoid) At the end of the preclinical trials, some chemicals are
discarded for the following reasons:

1. The chemical lacks therapeutic activity when

ANIMAL SOURCES used with living animals.
 Drugs obtained from animals sources are whole 2. The chemical is too toxic to living animals to be
animals, glandular products (thyroid organ), insulin, worth the risk of developing into a drug.
heparin, liver extract, polypeptide venoms, non- 3. The chemical is highly teratogenic (causing
peptide toxins and adverse effects to the fetus).
 Urine of pregnant women 4. The safety margins are so small that the
 Gives hCG used for the treatment of infertility. chemical would not be useful in the clinical
 Thyroid of sheep is a source of thyroxine, used in setting.
 Cod liver is used as a source of vitamin A and D. NOTE:
INORGANIC COMPUNDS REFER TO NB Some chemicals, however, are found to have
SYNTHETIC SOURCES therapeutic effects and reasonable safety margins.

Drugs that are produced upon alteration of chemical This means that the chemicals are therapeutic at doses
compositions of exisiting plants and animals when that are reasonably different from doses that cause
proven to have therapeutic activity. toxic effects.
PHASE 1 STUDIES 4. It has a low benefit-to-risk ratio, meaning that
the therapeutic benefit it provides does not
 Uses human volunteers to test the drugs.
outweigh the risk of potential adverse effects
 More tightly controlled than preclinical trials
that it causes.
and are performed by specially trained clinical
5. It is no more effective than other drugs already
on the market.
 The volunteers are fully informed of possible
risks and may be paid for their participation.
 Usually, the volunteers are healthy, young men.
 Women are not good candidates because the
chemicals may exert unknown and harmful  Involves use of the drug in a vast clinical market.
effects on a woman’s ova.  Prescribers are informed of all the known reactions
to the drug and precautions required for its safe
Many chemicals are dropped from the process for the
following reasons:
 Prescribers observe patients very closely,
1. They lack therapeutic effect in humans. monitoring them for any adverse effects.
2. They cause unacceptable adverse effects.  Prescribers ask patients to keep journals and record
3. They are highly teratogenic. any symptoms they experience.
4. They are too toxic.  Prescribers then evaluate the reported effects to
determine whether they are caused by the disease
or by the drug.
Some chemicals move to the next stage of testing  A drug that produces unacceptable adverse effects
is usually removed from further study by the drug
For example, the antihypertensive drug minoxidil company.
malignant hypertension, but it caused unusual hair growth on  In some cases, the FDA may have to request that a
drug be removed from the market.
Now, its hair-growing effect has been channeled for FDA APPROVAL
h preparations such as Rogaine.
 Drugs that finish phase III studies are evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration, which
 Allows clinical investigators to try out the drug relies on committees of experts familiar with
in patients who have the disease that the drug the specialty area in which the drugs will be
is designed to treat to evaluate the drug’s used before marketing in the public.
effects.  An approved drug will be given generic name,
 Usually, phase II studies are performed at brand name, and chemical name.
various sites across the country—in hospitals, PHASE 4 STUDIES
clinics, and doctors’ offices—and are monitored
by representatives of the pharmaceutical  Stage of continual evaluation.
company studying the drug.  Prescribers are obligated to report to the FDA any
untoward or unexpected adverse effects associated
with drugs.
 Some drugs cause unexpected effects that are not seen
until wide distribution occurs.
Drug may be removed from further investigation for the  Sometimes, those effects are therapeutic.
following reasons: o For example, patients taking the antiparkinsonism
1. It is less effective than anticipated. drug amantadine (Symmetrel) were found to have
2. It is too toxic when used with patients. fewer cases of influenza than other patients, leading
3. It produces unacceptable adverse effects. to the discovery that amantadine is an effective
antiviral agent.
 In other instances, the unexpected effects are BODY SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION
 It answer the question, “Which system of the body
 The diet drug dexfenfluramine (Redux) may develop
is the drug for?” Examples include drugs intended
serious heart problems.
for the cardiovascular system, respiratory,
 NSAID Rofecoxib (Vioxx) show an increase in
genitourinary, gastrointestinal etc.
cardiovascular mortality.
 It answer the question, “What disease or illness is
To be approved for marketing, a drug must pass
being treated”
through animal testing, testing on healthy humans,
selected testing on people with the disease being  Examples include drugs intended for diabetes,
treated, and then broad testing on people with the hypertension, kidney problems etc.
DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS  It answer the question, “What does the drug do
ORPHAN DRUGS in the body”
 Examples include drugs to reduce cholesterol,
 Drugs that have been discovered but are not lower down blood pressure, relieve pain, etc.
financially viable and therefore have not been  PRESCRIPTION / NONPRESCRIPTION
“adopted” by any drug company.  It answer the question, “Does the medication
 It may be useful in treating a rare disease, or require a prescription or can be availed OTC?”
they may have potentially dangerous adverse o Examples include prescription drugs
effects. such as for hypertension, anti-cancer
 These are often abandoned after preclinical drugs or nonprescriptions drugs such as
trials or phase I studies. some pain relievers, supplements, etc.
 Products that are available without prescription It answer the question, “Is the drug use for non
for self-treatment of a variety of complaints. therapeutic reasons?”
 OTC drugs have been found to be safe when
taken as directed, nurses should consider Examples include some controlled substances such as
several problems related to OTC drug use: cannabis.

1. Taking these drugs could mask the signs and

symptoms of underlying disease, making diagnosis DRUG FORMS/ PREPARATIONS
2. Taking these drugs with prescription medications
could result in drug interactions and interfere with drug  The entire dose is contained in the preparation
therapy. minimizing measuring errors.
 Difficult to swallow, slower onset and may be
3. It could result in serious overdoses. degraded by acidic content of the stomach.
These are drugs no longer protected by patent and can The active ingredient is combined with another
be produced by companies other than the one that substance and pressed into a round or oval solid shape.
developed it.
Soluble or dispersible tablets can safely be dissolved in
OTHER WAYS TO CLASSIFY DRUGS Buccal or Sublingual Tablets
These are held in the cheek (buccal) or underneath the A.) Spanules - capsules that are filled with granules that
tongue (sublingual) so the mouth lining absorbs the dissolves at different rates, in effect causing sustained
active ingredient. release of the active ingredient.

FORMS OF TABLET B.) Sprinkle Capsule - similar to spanules but unique in

that it is designed to be pulled apart and the contents
A.) Chewable Tablets – designed to be chewed and
are sprinkled into foods.
contain a base that is flavored or colored.
Covenient for patients who have difficulty swallowing
1. Immediate- Release Formulation
B.) Oral Disintegrating Tablets (ODT) - designed to
dissolve in the mouth without water; useful for pedia The medication is released within a short period of time
and eriatric clients who have difficulty swallowing and after the drug is taken.
for those who are experiencing nausea and vomitting.
2. Delayed- Release Formulation
Can not be “cheeked” by patients who are not
The release of the medication is extended or delayed
compliant with the drug regimen.
until it has passed through the stomach.
C.) Enteric- Coated Tablets – with coating to mask the
3. Controlled- Release Formulation
unpleasant flavor or odor, and to protect the drug from
the stomach contents.  It regulate the rate of release of the active
The coat prevents dissolution in the stomach and are
 They are designed to vary the dissolution rate or
meant to dissolve in the intestines
release of the active drug.
Protects as well the stomach lining with the effects of  Also referred to as long-acting and timed-released
the drug (i.e. KCl and ASA) formulations.
D.) Film- Coated Tablets – are coated with a thin outer 4. Sustained- Release Formulation
layer of water soluble material that dissolves rapidly in
the stomach. It allows the frequency of the dosing to be reduced
compared to that of immediate- release dosage forms.
The coat is designed to cover the unpleasant taste or
smell and protect sensitive drugs from deterioration 5. Extended- Release Formulation
due to air and light (i.e. Erythromycin).  The active ingredient is released at a constant rate
E.) Sugar- Coated Tablets - are coated with outside for a prolonged period so that the frequency of
layer of sugar that protects the medication and dosing is less than the immediate-release dosage
improves the taste and the appearance of the form.
medication.  Usually for once daily dosing and the medication is
available over an extended period of time.
CAPSULES  Compared to immediate-release preparations,
advantages of extended-release dosage forms
 The active part of the medicine is contained inside a
include the following:
plastic shell (transparent, semi-transparent, or
o Constant drug level following long-term
opaque) that dissolves slowly in the stomach.
 It contains liquid, powder, granule, or crushed
o Reduction of side effects
tablet and are formulated with delayed-release
characteristics to allow for less-frequent dosing and o Reduction in administration frequency
or side effects. o Increased patient compliance


Identified as flat, hard, oval, or discoid disks containing  A chemical that is used to bind substances that
a medicinal agent in a suitable flavoured base which is normally do not mix.
held in the mouth to dissolve slowly.  It has water-loving and oil-loving properties that
keep oil and water together.
 Consists of fine mineral dusts such as talc and are
applied by dusting.  Applied externally to the skin or mucous
 This is used to absorb moisture from the skin membranes or can be formulated and sterilized for
thereby altering conditions favorable to the growth use in the eyes.
of microorganisms.  It is an example of water-in-oil emulsion.
 It can be used internally and should be dissolved in  It contain medication in a glycol or oil base and can
water prior to ingestion. effectively cover the skin.
 Generally greasier and can leave oily residue at the
site of application.
 Larger than powders and are wetted, allowed to
dry, and ground into coarse, irregularly shaped
pieces.  It contains suspension or solutions of drug
 More stable than powders and are more suitable in intended for external use.
solutions because they will less likely to float in  An example of oil-in-water emulsion and can
liquids. easily be massaged into the skin without leaving
oily residue.
 It can be formulated for vaginal or rectal use.
 They come in tubs, bottles or tubes depending on
Examples include hydrocortisone cream, benzoyl
the type of medicine.
peroxide cream, and betamethasone valerate cream.
 The active part of the medicine is mixed with
another substance, making it easy to apply to the LOTIONS
 An oil-in-water emulsion that is thinner than a
 These are creams, lotions or ointments applied
cream because it contains more water.
directly onto the skin (topical application).
 It can penetrate in the skin and can cover large
 Maybe placed in nasal, vaginal, rectal, and anorectal
areas without leaving an oily residue.
o Examples are calamine lotion and
 The dosage are too thick not to be considered a
hydrocortisone lotion.
liquid form and not solid enough to be considered
solid form. GELS
EMULSIONS  Contain solid medication like a suspension in a
thick liquid that can be used internally or
 A type of semi-solid dosage form wherein a mixture
is unblendable.
 Particles are ultrafine and form semisolid.
 One substance is dispersed in the other.
 Can penetrate the skin without leaving residue.
 An Oil-in-Water (O/W) emulsion contains small
amount of oil dispersed in water. o Examples are aluminum hydroxide gel
 A Water-in-Oil (W/O) emulsion contains small and benzocaine gel.
amount of water dispersed in oil.


 It contains more solid material and less liquid base Aqueous solution that contains oil or other volatile
than a solid. substance. They usually have pleasant smell.
 They are like ointments, but stiffer, less greasy, and
B.) Elixir
applied more thickly.
 An example is zinc oxide. It is a clear, sweet solution that contains dissolved
medication in a base of water and ethanol
 The active part of the medicine is combined with
C.) Syrup
another substance and pressed into a “bullet
shape” so it can be inserted in the anal, rectal, Sugar-based solution that may masked the taste of the
vaginal or urethral area and melts in a cavity, drug.
releasing the medication.
D.) Extract
 It can be for local action and vehicle for systemic
drugs. It is a powder or liquid derived from animal or plant
 Suppositories must not be swallowed. sources in which all or most of the solvent has been
 Used for children with difficulty taking oral evaporated.
E.) Tincture
Rectal suppositories by- pass stomach and helpful to
An alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution that contains
patients with nausea and vomitting.
plant extract.
Used to treat inflammatory bowel disease or pain.
F.) Spirit
Vaginal suppositories are for yeast infections and
It is an alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution that contains
vaginal athropy.
volatile, aromatic ingredients.
 Examples are miconazole (vaginal) and bisacodyl
G.) Irrigating Solution
(rectal) suppositories.
A solution that is used for cleansing an area of the body.
The active part of the medicine is combined with a
liquid to make it easier to take or better absorbed. The medication is not dissolved in a liquid but is
“dispersed” throughout.
It is also called a “mixture”, “solution” or “syrup”.
- a mixture of undissolved, fine, solid particles
 These are often used where the active part of the
throughout the solid, liquid, or gas.
medicine works best if it reaches the affected area
directly. AQUEOUS SUSPENSION- a mixture of medication in
 They tend to be used for eye, ear or nose. which solids are dispersed in a water medium.
SOLUTIONS NOTE: Suspension needs to be shaken before use and
must have shake well” auxillary label.
A homogenous mixture of solute and solvent where it is
in aqueous (water-based), alcoholic or hydroalcoholic INJECTABLE SUSPENSION
allows insoluble drugs to be administered using a

Often used for depot therapy- the drug is released over

a long period of time.
A.) Aromatic Solution
Subcutaneous or SC injections are given just under the IMPLANTS
surface of the skin.
Placing a drug form or a device in the desired site by
Intramuscular or IM injections are given into a muscle. insertion in a body tissue or cavity by surgical or
appropriate insertion techniques.
Intrathecal injections are given into the fluid around
the spinal cord.

Intravenous or IV injections are given into a vein. SOURCES OF DRUG INFORMATION


 Deliver medications rectally, a way that by-passes  It contains all of the chemical and study information
the stomach. that led to the drug’s approval.
 Water-based medication used to evacuate intestinal  It is difficult to understand and are almost always in
contents as a preparation for surgeries and very small print, making them difficult to read.
examinations of the intestines.
 The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) is a
The active part of the medicine is released under compilation of the package insert information from
pressure directly into the lungs via the nose or mouth. drugs along with some drug advertising.
 Information is not refereed and is not the best
source of information about a drug.
It is a spray that contains very fine liquid or solid  This information is heavily cross-referenced.
particles in a gas propellant that is packaged under  The book may be difficult to use.
The Drug Facts and Comparisons
It has a rapid onset of action
 It provides a wide range of drug information,
SPRAYS including comparisons of drug costs, patient
information sections, and preparation and
 It consists of a container that has a valve assembly
administration guidelines.
unit that contains various bases, such as alcohol or
 This book is organized by drug class and can be
water, in pump-type dispenser.
more user-friendly than the PDR.
 When activated, it emits fine liquid, solid or gaseous
 However, it is cumbersome and very expensive.
The AMA Drug Evaluations
 It contains detailed monographs in an unbiased
Patch or Disk
format and includes many new drugs and drugs
 Designed to hold medication to be released in the still in the research stage.
skin and absorbed into the blood stream.
The Lippincot's Nursing Drug Guide
 It contains backing, drug reservoir, control
membrane and adhesive layer.  It has drug monographs organized
 Drugs are absorbed slowly, easily applied, and alphabetically and includes nursing implications
minimized stomach upset. and patient teaching points.
o Examples are nitroglycerine, fentanyl,
scopolamine, and nicotine for their systemic
effects.  The Medical Letter is a monthly review of new
drugs, drug classes, and specific treatment
Note: Gels are also in transdermal forms which are
slowly absorbed in the skin.

The American Journal of Nursing HIGH or WIDE therapeutic index

offers information on new drugs, drug errors, and = safer drugs

nursing implications.

An illustration that evaluates and compares efficacy and

The American Hospital Formulary Service Dug potency of related drugs.
 Drug Interaction Facts
It refers to the concentration or amount of drug needed
 Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs
to achieve a therapeutic effect.
 Natural Medications Comprehensive
 Database The lesser the amount of drug needed to achieve a
therapeutic effect, the more potent the drug is.

The level as to which a drug reaches a therapeutic
The study of the interactions between the chemical
effect. The higher the effect, the more efficacious the
components of living systems and the foreign chemicals,
drug is.
including drugs, that enter those systems.
“how the drug affects the body”.

The extent to which a persons behavior when taking

medication, following a diet or executing lifestyle
changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations
Also known as therapeutic window or ratio. from health care provider.

It is the comparison between the amount of drug that Non-adherent behaviors include missing doses, taking
causes harm (toxicity) and the amount of drug providing drug holidays, taking extra doses when not feeling well,
therapeutic effect. changing the timing of doses or inconsistently not taking
Mathematically expressed as:
TD50 / ED50
 Complex instructions
Where:  Asymptomatic diseases
ED = median effective dose, a dose where 50% effect is  Side effects of medications
reached.  Cognitive impairment
 Poor insight to illness
TD = toxic dose, a dose where 50% experience toxicity is  Cost of medication
reached.  Poor nurse-patient relationship
INTERPRETATIONS  Inadequate discharge planning
 Lack of follow up
LOW therapeutic index  Lack of belief in the regimen
=not safe drugs

= needs monitoring
GENERAL FORMULACELLULAR RECEPTOR SITES AND Those effects can be therapeutic (e.g., relieving
DRUG ACTION depression) or adverse (e.g., increasing heart rate and
blood pressure).
1. Drugs usually work in one of four ways:
2. To replace or act as substitutes for missing COMPETITIVE ANTAGONIST
 Drugs react with receptor sites to block normal
3. To increase or stimulate certain cellular
stimulation, producing no effect.
 EXAMPLE: Curare occupies receptor sites for
4. To depress or slow cellular activities.
acetylcholine, which is necessary for muscle
5. To interfere with the functioning of foreign
contraction and movement.
cells, such as invading microorganisms or
 Curare prevents muscle stimulation, causing
 Areas on the cell membrane where drugs or
 Drugs that react with specific receptor sites on a cell
chemical react to cause an effect within the cell.
and by reacting there, prevent the reaction of
 Nearby enzymes break down the reacting chemicals
another chemical with a different receptor site on
and open the receptor site for further stimulation.
that cell.
 The interaction between the chemical and the
receptor site affects enzyme systems within the cell. DRUG- ENZYME INTERACTION
 The activated enzyme systems then produce certain
effects, such as increased or decreased cellular  Drugs can interfere with the enzyme systems that
activity, changes in cell membrane permeability, or act as catalysts for various chemical reactions.
alterations in cellular metabolism. Enzyme systems work in a cascade fashion, with one
AGONIST enzyme activating another until a cellular reaction
eventually occurs.
 These are drugs that interact directly with receptor
sites to cause the same activity that natural If a single step in one of the many enzyme systems is
chemicals would cause at that site. blocked, normal cell function is disrupted.
 For example, insulin reacts with specific insulin- EXAMPLE: Acetazolamide (Diamox) is a diuretic that
receptor sites to change cell membrane blocks the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which
permeability, thus promoting the movement of subsequently causes alterations in the hydrogen ion and
glucose into the cell. water exchange system in the kidney, as well as in the

 These are drugs act to prevent the breakdown of SELECTIVE TOXICITY

natural chemicals that are stimulating the receptor The ability of a drug to attack only those systems found
site. in foreign cells.
 EXAMPLE Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
block the breakdown of norepinephrine by the Penicillin, an antibiotic affects an enzyme system unique
enzyme MAO. to bacteria, causing bacterial cell death without
 Normally, MAO breaks down norepinephrine. disrupting normal human cell functioning.
 The blocking action of MAO inhibitors allows TYPES OF INTERACTIONS
norepinephrine to stay on the receptor site,
stimulating the cell longer and leading to prolonged 1. Drug–Drug / Drug–Alternative Therapy Interactions
norepinephrine effects.
2. Drug–Food Interactions

3. Drug–Laboratory Test Interactions

INTERACTIONS 4. During excretion: One drug competes for excretion
with the other drug, leading to accumulation and toxic
When two or more drugs or substances are taken
effects of one of the drugs.
together, there is a possibility that an interaction can
occur, causing unanticipated effects in the body. o For example, Digoxin (Lanoxin) and quinidine are
both excreted from the same sites in the kidney.
Drug–Drug / Drug–Alternative Therapy Interactions
o If they are given together, the quinidine is more
If there is very little difference between a therapeutic competitive for these sites and is excreted, resulting
dose and a toxic dose of the drug (margin of safety), in increased serum levels of digoxin, which cannot
interference with the drug’s pharmacokinetics or be excreted.
pharmacodynamics can produce serious problems.
5. At the site of action: One drug may be an antagonist
Drug–drug interactions can occur in the following of the other drug or may cause effects that oppose
situations: those of the other drug, leading to no therapeutic
1. At the site of absorption: One drug prevents or
accelerates absorption of the other drug. Example, when an antihypertensive drug is taken with
an antiallergy drug that also increases blood pressure.
o For example, the antibiotic tetracycline is not
absorbed from the GI tract if calcium or The effects on blood pressure are negated, and there is
calcium products (milk) are present in the a loss of the antihypertensive effectiveness of the drug.
o Example: If a patient is taking antidiabetic
2. During distribution: One drug competes for the medication and also takes the herb ginseng,
protein-binding site of another drug, so the second drug which lowers blood glucose levels, he or she
cannot be transported to the reactive tissue. may experience episodes of hypoglycemia
and loss of blood glucose control.
o For example, aspirin competes with the drug
methotrexate (Rheumatrex) for protein- NURSE'S RESPONSIBILITY
binding sites.
1. Whenever two or more drugs are being given
o Because aspirin is more competitive for the
together, first consult a drug guide for a listing of
sites, the methotrexate is bumped off, resulting
clinically significant drug–drug interactions.
in increased release of methotrexate and
2. Sometimes problems can be avoided by staggering
increased toxicity to the tissues.:
the administration of the drugs or adjusting their
3. During biotransformation: One drug stimulates or doses.
blocks the metabolism of the other drug.
o For example: Warfarin (Coumadin), an oral
It occurs when the drug and the food are in direct
anticoagulant, is biotransformed more quickly if it is
contact in the stomach. Some foods increase acid
taken at the same time as barbiturates, rifampin, or
production, speeding the breakdown of the drug
many other drugs.
molecule and preventing absorption and distribution of
o Because the warfarin is biotransformed to an
the drug.
inactive state more quickly, higher doses will be
needed to achieve the desired effect. EXAMPLES
o Patients who use St. John’s wort may experience
1. Antibiotic tetracycline cannot be taken with iron
altered effectiveness of several drugs that are
products. Tetracycline binds with calcium and should
affected by that herb’s effects on the liver.
not be taken with foods or other drugs containing
o Digoxin, theophylline, oral contraceptives,
anticancer drugs, drugs used to treat HIV, and
antidepressants are all reported to have serious 2. Grapefruit juice has found to affect liver enzyme
interactions with St. John’s wort. systems for up to 48 hours after it has been ingested.
This can result in increased or decreased serum levels of CRITICAL CONCENTRATION
certain drugs.
 The amount of a drug that is needed to cause a
NURSE'S RESPONSIBILITY therapeutic effect (recommended dose).
 Too much of a drug will produce toxic (poisonous)
 Food selection for ingestion with the drug should be
something that is known not to interact with it.
 Too little will not produce the desired therapeutic
 Drug monographs usually list important drug–food
interactions and give guidelines for avoiding
problems and optimizing the drug’s therapeutic LOADING DOSE
Some drugs may take a prolonged period to reach a
DRUG - LAB TEST INTERACTIONS critical concentration.

 It is caused by the drug being given and not If their effects are needed quickly, a loading dose is
necessarily by a change in the body’s responses or recommended.
A higher dose than that usually used for treatment to
 If one test result is altered and does not fit in with
reach the critical concentration.
the clinical picture or other test results, consider the
possibility of this interaction. The critical concentration then is maintained by using
the recommended dosing schedule.
Dalteparin (Fragmin), a low-molecular_x0002_weight
heparin used to prevent deep vein thrombosis after  Digoxin (Lanoxin) - a drug used to increase the
abdominal surgery, may cause increased levels of the strength of heart contractions.
liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase and alanine  Xanthine bronchodilators (e.g., aminophylline,
aminotransferase with no injury to liver cells or theophylline) used to treat asthma attacks are
hepatitis. often started with a loading dose.
 History taking and physical assessment should be The actual concentration that a drug reaches in the
added in the plan of care so that problems can be body results from a dynamic equilibrium involving
handled promptly. several processes:
 If a drug just does not do what it is expected to do,
further examine the factors that are known to 1. Absorption from the site of entry
influence drug effects. 2. Distribution to the active site
 Drug regimen can be modified to deal with that 3. Biotransformation (metabolism) in the liver
influence. 4. Excretion from the body
 Rarely it is necessary to completely stop drug These processes are key elements in determining the
regimen because of adverse or intolerable effects. amount of drug (dose) and the frequency of dose
PHARMACOKINETICS repetition (scheduling) required to achieve the critical
concentration for the desired length of time.
 How the body acts on the drug including
absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and When administering a drug, the nurse needs to consider
excretion. the phases of pharmacokinetics so that the drug
 In clinical practice, it include the onset of drug regimen can be made as effective as possible.
action, drug half-life, timing of the peak effect,
duration of drug effects, metabolism or
biotransformation of the drug, and the site of
PHASES OF PHARMACOKINETICS immediate onset and are fully absorbed at
administration because they directly enter the blood
The process in which a pharmaceutical substance is
These drugs are more likely to cause toxic effects
released from the formulation it is delivered in.
because the margin for error in dose is much smaller.
The release of the drug from it's dosage form.
INTRAMUSCULAR ROUTE - absorbed directly into the
This must occur before the drug can be absorbed into capillaries in the muscle and sent into circulation.
the body.
This takes time because the drug must be picked up by
2.) ABSORPTION the capillary and taken into the veins.

It refers to what happens to a drug from the time it is Men have more vascular muscles than women do. As a
introduced to the body until it reaches the circulating result, drugs administered to men via the IM route
fluids and tissues. reach a peak level faster than they do in women.

Site of absorption: GI tract either orally or rectally, SUBCUTANEOUS ROUTE - deposit the drug just under
mucous membranes, skin, lungs, muscles or the skin, where it is slowly absorbed into circulation.
subcutaneous tissues.
Timing of absorption varies with subcutaneous
GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF ROUTES injection, depending on the fat content of the injection
site and the state of local circulation.
ENTERAL- drugs administered directly in the
gastrointestinal tract. TOPICAL ROUTE - suitable on intact skin and others that
contain a medication are used for the treatment of
PARENTERAL- drugs administered that by-pass the broken skin or a wound.
gastrointestinal tract.
TRANSDERMAL- absorbed from the surface of the skin.
PERCUTANEOUS- drugs administered through the skin
or mucous membrane. OPTHALMIC ROUTE - medications are administered and
absorbed in the eyes.

OTIC ROUTE- absorbed from the ears.

INHALATION ROUTE- absorbed in the lungs via the
ORAL ROUTE - slow absortion, most frequently used, nose.
less expensive, safest, and patients can easily continue
their drug regimen at home when they are taking ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION
 It subjects the drug to a number of barriers aimed 2. INTRAVAGINAL ROUTE
at destroying ingested foreign chemicals. 3. INTRAVENOUS PIGGY BACK
 When food is present, stomach acidity is higher and 4. RECTAL ROUTE
the stomach empties more slowly, thus exposing 5. BUCCAL AND SUBLINGUAL ROUTES
the drug to the acidic environment for a longer 6. ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION
period. 7. INTRATHECAL
 Certain foods that increase stomach acidity, such as 8. INTRACARDIAL
milk products, alcohol, and protein, also speed the 9. INTRA-ARTICULAR
breakdown of many drugs. 10. NASAL
 Oral drugs ideally are to be given 1 hour before or 2 11. INTRADERMAL
hours after a meal. 12. ABSORPTION PROCESSES

INTRAVENOUS ROUTE - reach their full strength at the

time of injection, avoiding initial breakdown, have an
PASSIVE DIFFUSION- movement of drug from higher to The circulating blood would be unable to deliver drugs
lower concentration and does not require energy. to those areas, and the patient would receive little
therapeutic effect from drugs intended to react with
Occurs quickly to smaller molecules, soluble in water &
those tissues.
lipids, has no electrical charge that could repel it from
the cell membrane.


ACTIVE TRANPOST - that uses energy to actively move a PROTEIN BINDING

molecule across a cell membrane.
 Some drugs are tightly bound and are released very
The molecule may be large, or it may be moving against slowly.
a concentration gradient.  These drugs have a very long duration of action
because they are not free to be broken down or
It is a very important process in drug excretion in the
excreted and are released very slowly into the
reactive tissue.
 Some drugs are loosely bound; they tend to act
quickly and to be excreted quickly.
FILTRATION - involves movement through pores in the  Some drugs compete with each other for protein
cell membrane, either down a concentration gradient or binding sites, altering effectiveness or causing
as a result of the pull of plasma proteins (when pushed toxicity when the two drugs are given together.
by hydrostatic, blood, or osmotic pressure).
It is another process the body commonly uses in drug
excretion.  It is a protective system of cellular activity that
keeps foreign invaders, poisons and similar
3. DISTRIBUTION materials away from the CNS.
It involves the movement of a drug to the body’s  Drugs that are highly lipid soluble are more likely to
tissues. pass through the blood–brain barrier and reach the
Factors that can affect distribution include the drug’s  Almost all antibiotics are not lipid soluble and
lipid solubility and ionization and the perfusion of the cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. Effective
reactive tissue. antibiotic treatment can occur only when the
EXAMPLE # 1 infection is severe enough to alter the blood–brain
barrier and allow antibiotics to cross.
 Tissue perfusion is a factor in treating a patient with  Although many drugs can cause adverse CNS
diabetes who has a lower-leg infection and needs effects, these are often the result of indirect drug
antibiotics to destroy the bacteria in the area. effects and not the actual reaction of the drug with
 In this case, systemic drugs may not be effective CNS tissue.
because part of the disease process involves  For example, alterations in glucose levels and
changes in the vasculature and decreased blood electrolyte changes can interfere with nerve
flow to some areas, particularly the lower limbs. functioning and produce CNS effects such as
 If there is no adequate blood flow to the area, little dizziness, confusion, or changes in thinking ability.
antibiotic can be delivered to the tissues, and little
antibiotic effect will be seen.
Many drugs readily pass through the placenta and affect
Patients in a cold environment may have constricted the developing fetus in pregnant women.
blood vessels (vasoconstriction) in the extremities,
which would prevent blood flow to those areas. It is best not to administer any drugs to pregnant
Drugs should be given only when the benefit clearly metabolized as it should be, and toxic levels could
outweighs any risk. develop rather quickly.


The liver is the most important site of this process It is the removal of a drug from the body.
wherein drugs are changed into new, less active
The kidneys, skin, saliva, lungs, bile and feces are some
of the routes used to excrete drugs.
Everything that is absorbed from the GI tract first enters
Drugs that have been made water soluble in the liver
the liver to be “treated.”
are often readily excreted from the kidney by
The liver detoxifies many chemicals and uses others to glomerular filtration—the passage of water and water-
produce needed enzymes and structures. soluble components from the plasma into the renal
Kidney dysfunction and urine acidity are factors to
The phenomenon in which drugs given orally are carried
consider in drug toxicity due to inability to excrete
directly to the liver after absorption, where they may be
poisonous substances.
largely inactivated by liver enzymes before they can
enter the general circulation. NURSING RESPOSIBILITY

Oral drugs frequently are given in higher doses than Dose adjustment needs to be considered if a patient has
drugs given by other routes because of this early problems with either the liver or the kidneys.
Assessment should be done before starting drug

Phase I biotransformation- involves oxidation- DRUG HALF- LIFE

reduction, or hydrolysis of the drug via the cytochrome
 The time it takes for the amount of drug in the body
P450 system of enzymes.
to decrease to one half of the peak level it
Phase II biotransformation- usually involves a previously achieved.
conjugation reaction that makes the drug more polar  This information is important in determining the
and more readily excreted by the kidneys. appropriate timing for a drug dose or determining
the duration of a drug’s effect on the body.
 Increased activity in an enzyme system speeds the
 The half-life that is indicated in any drug monograph
metabolism of the drug.
is the half-life for a healthy person.
 This explains why some drugs cannot be taken
 Using this information, one can estimate the half-
together effectively.
life of a drug for a patient with kidney or liver
 The presence of one drug speeds the metabolism of
dysfunction allowing the prescriber to make
others, preventing them from reaching their
changes in the dosing schedule.
therapeutic levels.
 Some drugs inhibit an enzyme system, making it less Factors Affecting Responses to Drug
 As a consequence, any drug that is metabolized by
that system will not be broken down for excretion, The nurse must be aware that the human factor has a
and the blood levels of that drug will increase, often tremendous influence on what actually happens to a
to toxic levels. drug when it enters the body.
 These actions also explain why liver disease is often
a contraindication or a reason to use caution when No two people react in exactly the same way to any
administering certain drugs. If the liver is not given drug.
functioning effectively, the drug will not be

People who are much heavier mayr equire larger doses  The disease that the drug is intended to treat can
to get a therapeutic effect from a drug because they change the functioning of the chemical reactions
have increased tissues to perfuse and increased within the body and thus change the response to
receptor sites in some reactive tissue. the drug.
 Body conditions can change the basic
Toxic effects may occur at the recommended dose if the
pharmacokinetics of a drug.
person is very small.
o GI disorders can affect the absorption of
Older adults undergo many physical changes that are a
many oral drugs.
part of the aging process.
o Vascular diseases and low blood pressure
Their bodies may respond very differently in all aspects alter the distribution of a drug, preventing it
of pharmacokinetics—less effective absorption, from being delivered to the reactive tissue,
distribution, perfusion, altered biotransformation or thus rendering the drug nontherapeutic.
metabolism and less effective excretion. o Liver or kidney diseases affect the way that
a drug is biotransformed and excreted and
Children metabolize many drugs differently than adults
can lead to toxic reactions when the usual
do, and they have immature systems for handling drugs.
dose is given.
Many drugs come with recommended pediatric doses,
and others can be converted to pediatric doses.
Some people lack certain enzyme systems necessary for
metabolizing a drug, whereas others have overactive
When giving IM injections, for it is important to enzyme systems that cause drugs to be broken down
remember that men have more vascular muscles, so the more quickly.
effects of the drug will be seen sooner in men than in
Others have differing metabolisms or slightly different
enzymatic makeups that alter their chemical reactions
Women have more fat cells than men do, so drugs that and the effects of a given drug.
deposit in fat may be slowly released and cause effects
for a prolonged period.
It is an area of study that explores the unique
EXAMPLE, gas anesthetics have an affinity for
differences in response to drugs that each individual
depositing in fat and can cause drowsiness and sedation
possesses based on genetic makeup.
sometimes weeks after surgery.
Predictable differences in the pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamic effects of drugs can be anticipated
 Physiological differences such as diurnal rhythm of with people of particular cultural backgrounds.
the nervous and endocrine systems, acid–base
balance, hydration, and electrolyte balance can
affect the way that a drug works on the body and  People can develop an allergy to a drug.
the way that the body handles the drug.  After exposure to its proteins, a person can
 If a drug does not produce the desired effect, one develop antibodies to a drug.
should review the patient’s acid–base and  With future exposure to the same drug, that
electrolyte profiles and the timing of the drug. person may experience a full-blown allergic
PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS Cross-tolerance—or resistance to drugs within the same
class may also occur in some situations.
 The patient’s attitude about a drug have an effect
on how that drug works. CUMULATION
 A drug is more likely to be effective if the patient
If a drug is taken in successive doses at intervals that are
thinks it will work than if the patient believes it will
shorter than recommended, or if the body is unable to
not work.
eliminate a drug properly, the drug can accumulate in
 This is called the PLACEBO EFFECT.
the body, leading to toxic levels and adverse effects.
 The patient’s personality also influences compliance
This can be avoided by following the drug regimen
with the drug regimen.
 Some people willingly follow a prescribed regimen.
 Others do not trust the medical system. INTERACTIONS
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS When two or more drugs or substances are taken
together, there is a possibility that an interaction can
Some drug effects are enhanced by a quiet, cool, non-
occur, causing unanticipated effects in the body.
stimulating environment.
Other drug effects may be influenced by temperature.
EXAMPLE # 1: Sedating drugs are given to help a patient
relax or to decrease tension. Reducing external stimuli
to decrease tension and stimulation help the drug be
more effective. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

EXAMPLE # 2: Antihypertensives that work well during The law that prevented the marketing of adulterated
cold, winter months may become too effective in drugs; required labeling to eliminate false or misleading
warmer environments, when natural vasodilation may
lead to a release of heat thattends to lower the blood claims.

TOLERANCE Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938

Tolerance may arise because of increased Mandated tests for drug toxicity and provided means
biotransformation of the drug, increased resistance to for recall of drugs; established procedures for
its effects, or other pharmacokinetic factors. introducing new drugs; gave FDA the power of
When tolerance occurs, the drug no longer causes the enforcement.
same reaction. Durham- Humphrey Amendment of 1951
Therefore, increasingly larger doses are needed to Tightened control of certain drugs; specifi ed
achieve a therapeutic effect.
drugs to be labeled “may not be distributed
without a prescription”.
Morphine is an opiate used for pain relief.
Kefauver- Harris Act of 1962
The longer morphine is taken, the more tolerant the
body becomes to the drug, so that larger and larger Tightened control over the quality of drugs; gave
doses are needed to relieve pain.
FDA regulatory power over the procedure of drug
It should be given in smaller doses or in combination
investigations; stated that efficacy as well as
with other drugs that may also relieve pain.
safety of drugs had to be established.
Controlled Substances Act of 1970 CATEGORY X

Defined drug abuse and classified drugs as to Studies in animals or humans demonstrate fetal
abnormalities or adverse reaction; reports indicate
their potential for abuse; provided strict
evidence of fetal risk.
controls over the distribution, storage, and
The risk of use in a pregnant woman clearly outweighs
use of these drugs. any possible benefit.

Orphan Drug Act of 1983 IMPORTANT NOTE

Provided incentives for the development of Regardless of the designated Pregnancy Category or
presumed safety, no drug should be administered
orphan drugs for treatment of rare diseases. during pregnancy unless it is clearly needed.

SAFETY DURING PREGNANCY These are drugs with abuse potential.
Food and Drug Administration Pregnancy Categories Controlled Substances Act of 1970 established
categories for ranking of the abuse potential of various
This same act gave control over the coding of drugs and
Adequate studies in pregnant women have not the enforcement of these codes to the FDA and the
demonstrated a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
pregnancy, and there is no evidence of risk in later
trimesters. The FDA studies the drugs and determines their abuse
potential; the DEA enforces their control.
Each prescriber has a DEA number, which allows the
Animal studies have not demonstrated a risk to the DEA to monitor prescription patterns and possible
fetus but there are no adequate studies in pregnant abuse.
women, or animal studies have shown an adverse
effect, but adequate studies in pregnant women have These drugs are divided into five DEA schedules based
not demonstrated a risk to the fetus during the first on their potential for abuse and physical and
trimester of pregnancy, and there is no evidence of risk psychological dependence.
in later trimesters.


 Animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the Schedule I (C-I): High abuse potential
fetus but there are no adequate studies in humans.
 The benefits from the use of the drug in pregnant and no accepted medical use (heroin,
women may be acceptable despite its potential
marijuana, LSD)
risks, or there are no animal reproduction studies
and no adequate studies in humans.

CATEGORY D Schedule II (C-II): High abuse potential

There is evidence of human fetal risk, but the potential with severe dependence liability
benefits from the use of the drug in pregnant women
(narcotics, amphetamines, and
may be acceptable despite its potential risks.
Schedule III (C-III): Less abuse before beginning drug therapy will help to promote safe
and effective use of the drug and prevent adverse
potential than schedule II drugs and
effects, clinically important drug–drug, drug–food, or
moderate dependence liability drug–alternative therapy interactions, and medication
(nonbarbiturate sedatives,
History of Chronic Conditions
nonamphetamine stimulants, limited
 It can affect the pharmacokinetics and
amounts of certain narcotics). pharmacodynamics of a drug.
 Certain conditions like renal disease, heart disease,
diabetes, chronic lung disease may be
Schedule IV (C-IV): Less abuse contraindications to the use of a drug.
potential than schedule III and  These conditions may require cautious use or dose
adjustment when administering a certain drug.
limited dependence liability

(some sedatives, antianxiety

History of Drug Use
agents, and nonnarcotic
 Prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs,
analgesics). street drugs, alcohol, nicotine, alternative therapies,
and caffeine may have an impact on a drug’s effect.
 Always ask specifically about all types of
Schedule V (C-V): medications that the patient might use including
 Limited abuse potential.
 Primarily small amounts of narcotics (codeine) used History of Allergies
as antitussives or antidiarrheals.
 Past exposure to a drug or other allergens can
 Limited quantities of these drugs may be purchased
provoke a future reaction or necessitate the need
without a prescription.
for cautious use of the drug, food, or animal
 Obtain information about the allergic reaction to
 The purchaser must be at least 18 years of age and
determine whether the patient has experienced a
must furnish suitable identification.
true drug allergy or was experiencing an actual
 All such transactions must be recorded by the
effect or adverse effect of the drug.
dispensing pharmacist.
Level of Education and Understanding
The Nursing Process in Drug Therapy and Patient
Safety  It provides a baseline from which the nurse can
determine the appropriate types of teaching
information to use with the patient.
THE NURSING PROCESS  Stress, disease, and environmental factors can all
affect a patient’s learning readiness and ability.
Application of the nursing process with drug therapy
ensures that the patient receives the best, safest, most Social and Financial Support
efficient, scientifically based, holistic care.
Discharge planning involves determining what support
1.) ASSESSMENT is available to the patient at home.

A.) Patient's history Financial constraints may cause a patient not to follow a
prescribed drug regimen.
Knowledge of this important information
Referral to appropriate community resources must be 2.) NURSING DIAGNOSIS
It is simply a statement of the patient’s status from a
nursing perspective.

Pattern of Healthcare The nurse analyzes the information gathered during

assessment to arrive at some conclusions that lead to a
 Knowing how a patient seeks health care provides
particular goal and set of interventions.
the nurse with valuable information to include
when preparing the patient’s teaching plan. It shows actual or potential alterations in patient
 Does this patient routinely seek follow-up care, or function based on the assessment of the clinical
does he or she wait for emergency situations? situation.
 Does the patient tend to self-treat many
Diagnoses that are related to drug therapy must be
complaints, or is every problem brought to a health
incorporated into a total picture of the patient.
care provider?
B.) Physical Examination
1. Knowledge deficit
These determine if any conditions exist that would be
2. Impaired swallowing
contraindications or cautions for using the drug and to
3. Risk for impaired liver function
develop a baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of
4. Impaired oral mucous membrane .....
the drug and the occurrence of any adverse effects.
5. Impaired memory
Weight 6. Nausea
7. Non-compliance
It helps to determine whether the recommended drug
8. Risk for poisoning .....
dose is appropriate. Because the recommended dose
9. Ineffective role performance .....
typically is based on a 150-pound adult man, patients
10. Self-care deficit .....
who are much lighter or much heavier often need a
11. Stress overload .....
dose adjustment.
1. Ineffective therapeutic regimen management
 Patients at the extremes of the age spectrum—
2. Ineffective family therapeutic regimen management
children and older adults—often require dose
3. Wandering
adjustments based on the functional level of the
4. Impaired urinary elimination
liver and kidneys, the responsiveness of other
organs and other existing medical conditions. 3.) IMPLEMENTATION
 The child’s age and developmental level will also
 Interventions involve ensuring effective response to
alert the nurse to possible problems with drug
drug therapy, minimizing adverse effects, and
delivery, such as the ability to swallow pills or follow
understanding the drug regimen.
directions related to other delivery methods.
 Three types of nursing interventions: drug
Physical Parameters Related to Disease or Drug Effects administration, provision of comfort measures, and
patient/family education.
 Assessing these factors before drug therapy begins
provides a baseline level to which future A.) Proper Drug Administration
assessments can be compared to determine the
 Correct drug and patient
effects of drug therapy.
 Correct storage of drug
 If a patient is being treated for chronic pulmonary
 Correct and most effective route
disease, his or her respiratory status and reserve
 Correct dose and preparation
need to be assessed, especially if a drug is being
 Correct timing
given that is known to affect the respiratory tract.
 Correct recording of administration
B.) Comfort Measures drug–food, drug–alternative therapy, or drug–
laboratory test interactions.
A patient is more likely to be compliant with a drug
 The efficacy of the nursing interventions and
regimen if the effects of the therapy are not too
the education program also are evaluated.
uncomfortable or overwhelming.
 The nurse evaluates the patient simply by
PLACEBO EFFECT reapplying the beginning steps of the nursing
process and then analyzing for changes, either
 The anticipation that a drug will be helpful has positive or negative.
proved to have tremendous impact on the  The process of evaluation may lead to changes
actual success of drug therapy. in the nursing interventions being used to
 The nurse’s attitude and support can be a provide better and safer patient care.
critical part of drug therapy. For example, a
back rub, a kind word, and a positive approach MEDICATION SAFETY
may be as beneficial as the drug itself.

 Interventions can be directed at promoting patient

The Nurse's Role- The monumental task of ensuring
safety and decreasing the impact of the anticipated
medication safety with all of the potential problems
adverse effects of a drug.
that could confront the patient can best be managed by
 Such interventions include environmental control
consistently using the “rights” of medication
(e.g., temperature, light), safety measures (e.g.,
avoiding driving, avoiding the sun, using side rails),
and physical comfort measures (e.g., skin care, 1. Right drug
laxatives, frequent meals). 2. Right client/ patient
3. Right route
4. Right dose
LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENT 5. Right frequency/ time
6. Right assessment
Some medications and their effects require that a 7. Right approach
patient make changes in his or her lifestyle. 8. Right evaluation
The change in lifestyle that is needed can have a 9. Right documentation
tremendous impact on the patient and can affect his or 10. Right to refuse
her ability to cope and comply with any medical 11. Right principle of care
regimen. 12. Right prescription
13. Right nurse clinician
14. Right education
C.) Patient and Family Education PREVENTION OF ERRORS
 It is essential that they have all of the The Patient's Role- Encourage patients to be their own
information necessary to ensure safe and advocates and to speak up and ask questions.
effective drug therapy at home.
 In fact patients are now given written Only the patient really knows what is being taken and
information. when, and can report the actual as opposed to the
prescribed drug regimen being followed.

 The patient is continually evaluated for

therapeutic response, occurrence of adverse
drug effects, and occurrence of drug–drug,

 Keep a written list of all medications you are 3. Use commas for dosing units at or above 1,000
taking, including prescription, OTC, and herbal or use words such as 1 thousand to improve
medications. readability.
 Know what each of your drugs is being used to 4. Place adequate space between entries.
 Read the labels, and follow the directions.
 Store drugs in a dry place, away from children 1.) PRN Order
and pets.
 When in doubt, do not hesitate to ask  medications are given on "as needed" or “when
questions. necessary” basis for specific signs and symptoms
 Never use adult medications to treat a child. within a designated number of hours
 Measure liquid medications using appropriate  It can be prescription medications or over-the-
measuring devices. counter medications.
 Call your health care provider immediately if  Cannot have multiple medications with same reason
your child seems to get worse or seems to be such as both Tylenol and morphine “PRN for pain”.
having trouble with a drug. Example:
PRESCRIPTIONS AND MEDICATION ORDERS  Tylenol 650 mg PO every four hours PRN for pain or
 Mary complains of headache. You have check the
 The primary means in which a physician therapeutic or medication sheet and found that she
communicate with other health care team members have not received any Tylenol within the past 4
regarding the desired treatment regimen for a hours.
patient.  According to the order, the medication is for “pain”
 It can be handwritten, typed, preprinted, verbal or and “fever”.
entered in a computer system.  This means that you can give Mary Tylenol for her
 Prescriptions are used in the OPD or ambulatory headache.
setting whereas medication orders and used in
inpatient setting. 2.) SINGLE/ ONE TIME ORDER
 A legal order that can be used for medications, medications to be given only once and are ordered to
devices, laboratory test, special procedures and the be given at a specific time and then discontinued.
 Pen-vee K 1000 mg PO 1 hour pre-op dental
The following information must be present: surgey
1. Name, address, age, birthdate, date of issue  Seconal 100 mg HS before surgery
2. Drug, dosage and form 3.) STAT ORDER
3. Frequency, route of administration
4. Duration, quantitY  medications need to be given immediately or
5. Height and weight (for pediatric client) NOW.
6. Physician's DEA number (for controlled drugs)
 Demerol 100 mg IM now
1. Do not use trailing zeros for doses expressed as  Tramadol 50 mg/ml IV now
whole numbers.
2. Use a decimal point when the dose is less than a
whole unit. 4.) ROUTINE/ STANDING
ORDER Drugs that may be part of a bundled procedure such as
a Prep kit for a colonoscopy.
Detailed order for a
Drugs that may be used as part of a protocol but not
medication given on a
individually documented on the chart.
routine or regularly
scheduled basis.
Medications not specifically prescribed as to time and
Example: number of doses will be automatically discountinued on
the following days:
1. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 1 tab
3. Vancomycin 1500 mg IV q
1. Are minimized whenever possible.
4. 12 hrs for 3 days
2. Immediately write down and “read back” to
verify (NOT REPEAT).
3. Must be counter signed within 24hours.
Client Education on Drug Therapy
Do not accept medication orders that state “continue
previous medications” or “same medications” because ASPECTS OF EDUCATION
they are not complete medication orders.
1. The purpose of the medication
5.) ANCILLARY ORDER 2. The dosage of the medication
3. The side effects of the medication
It refers to information other than medication that 4. The possible adverse effects of the medication
allow the nurse to do certain things to a patient. 5. When to call the doctor about any side effects
EXAMPLES OF ANCILLARY ORDER 6. How and where the medication should be safely
stored, such as in the refrigerator or in a dark place,
1. Catheterize with a 16 French, 5 ml, indwelling for example.
catheter. If residual is greater than 75 ml, leave the 7. The importance of and the method for checking the
catheter in place and notify the physician; if less than 75 medication's label for the name, dose, and
ml, remove and notify the physician. expiration date.
2. Encourage fluids to 2000 ml daily unless restricted by 8. Special instructions such as shaking the medication,
order; keep accurate I and O; perineal care with soap taking the medication with meals or between meals
and water twice daily; replace catheter every 30 days or and on an empty stomach, for example.
if no drainage in 4 hours, irrigate with 50 ml saline once. 9. The importance of taking the medication as
3. Attempt irrigation with 60 ml saline; if leaking 10. The need to continue the medication unless the
continues, remove the catheter and replace with one doctor discontinues it
size larger except Supra Pubics. 11. Information about foods, supplements and other
medications, including over the counter
medications and preparations, that can interact
 Drugs that have been administered outside of the with the ordered medication
facility (Emergency Room visit, Dental visits, 12. The safe disposal of unused and expired
specialist appointments). medications.
 Drugs that may be administered during a procedure 13. The importance of keeping medications in a secure
in the facility but not documented in the patient’s place that would not place a curious child or a
chart (example: Lidocaine w Epi). cognitively impaired adult at risk for taking
medications not intended for them.
14. The proper and safe disposal of any biohazardous Recording and Reporting
equipment such as used needles that the client uses
for insulin andother medications.
 Use double locked cabinets to secure controlled
Age Specific Route, Forms & Dosage Consideration
substances. Others use more sophisticated
INFANTS  bar coded entry systems to access controlled
Use a syringe, dropper for oral liquid medications.
 Double locked narcotics cabinet is used, the
Use the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and contents are counted and checked by the nurse at
ventrogluteal muscle sites the beginning of the shift; this count is then
compared to the documented count that was done
for intramuscular injections and not the deltoid or the
by the nurse from the prior shift.
gluteus maximus muscles because these muscles have
 If there are any discrepancies, these are
not yet developed.
immediately addressed, explored and corrected if it
TODDLERS was a simple oversight or mathematical error.
When the narcotics count cannot be corrected, a
Liquid oral medications are given with a spoon or a cup, report must be filed according to the facility's
the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and ventrogluteal policies and procedures.
sites are used for intramuscular injections.  If a controlled substance is wasted for any reason,
The gluteus maximus muscle can be used after the either in its entirety or only partially, this waste
toddler has been walking for at least a year, flavors can must be witnessed or documented by the wasting
be used to improve the taste of oral medications, and nurse and another nurse. Both nurses document
the dosages continue to be based on kilograms of this wasting.
weight.  Medications that are given, omitted, held or refused
by the patient must be documented.

Able to take capsules and tablets, the gluteus maximus

muscle and the deltoid muscle can now be used for DRUG ARITHMETICS
intramuscular injections, in addition to the vastus
lateralis, rectus femoris and ventrogluteal intramuscular
injection sites, and dosages continue to be based on To determine the correct dose of a particular drug for a
kilograms of weight. patient, the nurse must consider the patient’s sex,
weight, age, and physical condition, as well as the other
drugs that the patient is taking.
Adolescents get adult dosages, routes and forms of
medications as prescribed by the physician.
1.) Metric System- It is based on the decimal system, so
all units are determined as multiples of 10.
Dosages may be decreased because the normal
Uses the gram as the basic unit of solid measure and the
physiological changes of the aging process makes more
liter as the basic unit of liquid measure.
susceptible to side effects, adverse drug reactions, and
toxicity and over dosages.
2.) Apothecary System- Uses the minim as the basic
unit of liquid measure and the grain as the basic unit of
solid measure.

It uses Roman numerals placed after the unit of

measure to denote amount.
For example, 15 grains would be written “gr xv.” 1 oz = 30 mL = 2 tbsp

3.) Household System- found in recipe books and uses 1 g = 1,000 mg

the teaspoon as the basic unit of fluid measure and the
1 mg = 1,000 mc
pound as the basic unit of solid measure.
1 cm = 10 mm
4.) Avoirdupois System-
1 tbsp = 15 mL
Another older system that was very popular when
pharmacists routinely had to compound medications. It 1 cup = 8 fl oz
is seldom used by prescribers but may be used for bulk
medications that come directly from the manufacturer. 1 pint = 2 cups

5.) Other System- Some drugs are measured in “units” 12 inches = 1 foot
that reflect chemical activity or biological equivalence. 1 L = 1.057 qt
 A “unit” usually reflects the biological activity of the 1 lb = 16 oz
drug in 1 mL of solution.
 The unit is unique for the drug it measures; a unit of 1 tbsp = 3 tsp
heparin is not comparable to a unit of insulin. Why? 60 minute = 1 hour
 Heparin is measured in Units, but these units are
not the same volume as the Units used to measure 1 cc = 1 mL
insulin or penicillin. Common concentrations of 2 pints = 1 qt
heparin are 1000 units per mL, 5000 units per mL,
and 10,000 units per mL; these can be used for I or 8 oz = 240 mL = 1 glass
s.q. dosing or diluted in a diluent liquid for IV use.
1 tsp = 60 gtt
 For heparin administration as an IV flush, common
concentrations are 2 units per mL, 10 units per mL, 1 pt = 500 mL = 16 oz
50 units per mL, or 100 units per mL.
1 oz = 30 mL
Milliequivalents (mEq) are used to measure
4 oz = 120 mL (Casey, 2018).
electrolytes. (e.g., potassium, sodium, etc).
 The milliequivalent refers to the ionic activity of the
drug in question; the order is usually written for a Frequently, tablets or capsules for oral administration
number of milliequivalents instead of a volume of are not available in the exact dose that has been
drug. ordered.
 International units are sometimes used to measure
The easiest way to determine dose is to set up a ratio
certain vitamins or enzymes.
and proportion equation.
 These are also unique to each drug and cannot be
converted to another measuring PARENTERAL DRUGS
Conversion Factors All drugs administered parenterally must be
administered in liquid form.
1 kg = 2.2 lb
The person administering the drug needs to calculate
1 gallon = 4 quart
the volume of the liquid that must be given to
1 tsp = 5 mL administerthe prescribed dose. INTRAVENOUS
1 inch = 2.54 cm
Used to deliver a fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, nutrients,
1 L = 1,000 mL
or drugs directly into the bloodstream.
1 kg = 1,000 g

 To calculate the drops per minute, the drop factor is It uses the child’s weight in pounds to calculate the dose
needed. The formula for calculating the IV flow rate and assumes that the adult dose is based on a 150-lb
(drip rate) is… total volume (in mL) divided by time person.
(in min), multiplied by the drop factor (in gtts/mL),
The child’s surface area is determined with the use of a
which equals the IV flow rate in gtts/min
 MACRODRIP system delivers 15 drops per mililiter
and is used when a large volume must be delivered The height and weight of the child are taken into
quickly. consideration in this chart.
 MICRODRIP delivery system delivers 60 drops per

Draw a straight line connecting the child’s height to the

child’s weight.
There are two standard giving sets of drip rates.
The BSA value, which is calculated in square meters, is
Macro drop factor = 15 drops (divide by 4) found at the point where the line intersects the SA
Micro drop factor = 60 drops (divide by 1)



 An adult’s body handles drugs differently and may

respond to drugs differently than a child.
 A child’s body may handle a drug differently in all
areas of pharmacokinetics—absorption,
distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
 The responses of the child’s organs to the effects of
the drug may vary because of the immaturity of the
 Most of the time a child requires a smaller dose of a
drug to achieve the comparable critical
concentration as that for an adult.


A calculation method that applies to a child younger

than 1 year of age.

The rule assumes that an adult dose would be

appropriate for a child who is 12.5 years (150 months)

A calculation method that applies to children 1 to 12

years of age.

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