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Assessing knowledge and skill of information technoloIndexed Paper

Web technology Exam Papers
Program integriti wajib Text
Integrasi bangunan Text
Thermotolerance of lactobacillus rhamnosus NRRL 442Thesis
Optimization of carbon dioxide methanation over nick Thesis
Legislation on issuing MyKad soon Text
China negara ke-31 sah dijangkiti H1N1 Text
Design of precast concrete structures Exam Papers
Digital electronics Exam Papers
Saintis UTM cipta simulator haji, umrah News Paper Cuttings
4G Internet service for UTM News Paper Cuttings
Mesyuarat pertama ICT G15 bincang saranan MalaysiaText
Tokoh Islam cetus perubatan lengkap semua zaman Text
Site stall management system for UTM convocation Thesis
Improvement of transportation facility planning in a l Thesis
Perubahan dasar AP tidak jejas industri permotoran Text
JAS digesa kaji kesan pencemaran Hutan Tembat Text
Green concrete production incorporating waste carpetIndexed
f Paper
Syor kurangkan caj PTPTN ke Kabinet Text
Time to ease pressure on kids Text
Teknologi oleokimia Text
Kementerian tak haram semua ubat import Text
Isteri bergaji lebih tinggi meningkat Text
PBB : Malaysia kecewa Text
Kelancaran lebuh raya bantu pembangunan Text
Kenapa bumiputera kurang melabur? Text
Development of pulse power generator for electrical Thesis
Application of virtual instrumentation in position contro
Ultrafiltration of natural organic removal (NOM) durin Conference Papers
Sistem kawalan kualiti berasaskan web di IT Industries Thesis
Need to produce thinking students Text
Sindrom tiada lesen, permit Text
Social support during pre-natal and post-natal stage : Indexed Paper
Tawar dua kursus marin News Paper Cuttings
Kadar inflasi terus menurun Text
Effect of IPPS on electricity generation expansion pla Text
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Kajian kesan perubahan suhu dan masa pensinteran teText
An honour for Sabahans, says V-C Text
Elektronik lanjutan Exam Papers
Early-warning system in bridge monitoring based on a Indexed Paper
Teliti dulu sekolah harian Text
Delay of as-built drawings submission for Malaysian toJournal Article
Plans to retain retiring scientists Text
Number to call is 999 Text
Kenderaan awam tua sebelum waktunya Text
Analysis of IVAT laboratory grounding system using C Thesis
Kongres minyak sawit `panas' ketika pembentangan ti Text
26,96 penuntut UTM terima Baucar Buku 1Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Land information system I Exam Papers
Dilema pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Blueprint sets realistic goals News Paper Cuttings
Crowd detection from aerial images Thesis
Persamaan terbitan Text
Melawat semula Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan Text
Case study to determine the camber of post-tensionedText '
The privilege of voting Text
English for professional communication Exam Papers
Jail for visitor who worked Text
Fizik vakum & teknologi Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Bersatu untuk jantung sihat : Ibu bapa patut jadi cont Text
Effects of hydroxyapatite coating with oxide interlaye Thesis
Dual layer printed microstrip reflectarray antenna wi Thesis
Teknologi laser Text
Sistem permohonan tauliah penyembelihan Jabatan A Thesis
Rahsia kejayaan tiga Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan 2007 Text
Kinetic study of glucose conversion to levulinic acid ovIndexed Paper
Segerakan tindakan tegas Text
Biotechnology Text
UTM cadang perkenal program tingkat mutu pensyaraText
Pengurusan banjir bagi kawasan tadahan Kuala LumpuThesis
2,918 penjawat awam dibuang Text
Modeling proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFCThesis
Wajah, suara wanita menuntut perhatian dunia Text
9 pasangan terima anugerah Space UTM Text
Program perkasa jati diri graduan Text
Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris perlu kreatif Text
Kemahiran ICT dan budaya perkongsian pengetahuan Thesis
Goodbye haze, welcome rain Text
Sept 9 transmission for Channel 9 TV station Text
Material engineering Exam Papers
Peserta PKN dapat elaun RM100 sebulan Text
Modification of polyethersulfone using sericin and pol Indexed Paper
Semi-active suspension for ride improvement using staConference Papers
Carta rekabentuk untuk keratan tiang konkrit tidak se Text
Cost modelling for inland waterway transport systems Text
Dadah : tiada cadangan gubal akta baru Text
Ekspedidi Biodiesel Lembah Mekong 2013 beri bantu News Paper Cuttings
Laws unfair to mums may be amended Text
Influence of starch pretreatment on yield of cyclodex Indexed Paper
Rangka dasar automotif : Dana Pelarasan Industri, 4 Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Majlis usahawan digerak Text
Lanjut jaminan rumah Text
Tangguh garis panduan bukan bererti izin hiburan ghaiText
Wireless switch in smart home application Thesis
MyFranchise bawa jenama Malaysia ke luar negara Text
Performance investigation of a rubber V-belt mini-CVTText
Pembangunan MSC lonjak kedudukan Malaysia : NajibText
Speak up, students told,we welcome feedback, says DeText
EPF: Ministers support lump sum withdrawal Text
The characteristics of polyester coated carbon cable unThesis
Edaran VCD haram di bawah paras serius Text
Put history back in expert hands Text
Effects of delocalised pi-electrons around the linear a Indexed Paper
Pelajar lebih semangat hadapi SPM News Paper Cuttings
Online filing of tax returns á Text
Astro tambah empat saluran baru Text
No cheats here, say varsity heads Text
The factors that make directors effective Text
Kemudahan-kemudahan dan ciri-ciri pejalan kaki di k Thesis
Lagi cubaan larikan mesin ATM Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Jenis dan komposisi kimia sisa pepejal yang terhasil d Thesis
Industrial research linkage at Universiti Putra Malaysi Thesis
Does organizational identification lead to information Indexed Paper
Eating for health Text
Peningkatan tahap penembusan jalur lebar rapatkan juText
Nilai murni banteras rasuah Text
Bahasa Inggeris untuk dua ketul ayam, kentang gorengText
Admission of fault is no solace Text
Najib : consider national primary schools as an option Text
Master plan for Seri Setia News Paper Cuttings
Krisis diesel jejas sektor industri Text
Undang-undang mengenai ketenteraman awam akan Text
Penggantian Buku Lali Text
Syarahan perdana kurang sambutan Text
Pelajar jurusan agama perlu terbuka cari kerja Text
10 elemen penting untuk pensyarah Text
Polis tumpaskan sindiket edar dadah Text
Structural behaviour of cantilever beam of reinforced Thesis
Cultural melting pot Text
Dengue update : weather conducive to Aedes Text
Foto sama cerita berbeza News Paper Cuttings
Professional Engineering Practice Exam Papers
Doa, ingat mati amalan berkesan suburkan hidayah daText
Knowledge management in the Palestinian higher educIndexed Paper
Making the mark on rights Text
Easing poverty in Terengganu Text
Accident claims sixth victim Text
Conflict management Exam Papers
Analisis panel papak pratuang Text
Worm farm Text
Penerbitan buku terus bertahan Text
Police hail Ops Sikap as a resounding success Text
Feasibility study on incorporating IEC/ISO27001 infor Thesis
Design a micro hydro turbine Thesis
Kimia fizik II Text
Effect of brake pad design on friction and wear with haIndexed Paper
Bulan Membaca : ADaP mengisi program sekolah Text
Criteria and processes of handling customer complaintThesis
Syarat baru lesen berniaga Text
Nonlinear response of SemiSWATH ship, bow-diving, and Non-Index Paper
Computational fluid dynamics Exam Papers
Trust fund set up to improve public transport Text
Pemasaran harta tanah Exam Papers
Generating DNA code word for DNA computing with reConference Papers
Terap sistem pendidikan Jerman, Jepun untuk maju : DText
USM boikot penggunaan polisterina, plastik Text
Perubahan ekonomi ummah perlu dibuat secara berteText
3,000 rakyat miskin dibimbing Text
Effect of amber duration on traffic operations at signalThesis
PM : pembentukan komuniti Asia Timur perlu formul Text
Kadaster field to finish penyelesaian masalah kemasukText
Kemahiran employability: tanggapan guru terhadap pen Conference Papers
Politeknik melangkah global Text
Karya ilmiah kayu ukur prestasi IPT Text
Kedudukan universiti tempatan meningkat – P. Kam News Paper Cuttings
Hydrodynamic of catenary offset buoyancy riser assemb Thesis
Move to curb study loan reliance Text
17 pelajar UKM terima Zamalah Yayasan Canselor Text
Fiber optic displacement sensor for thickness measureIndexed Paper
Hoverkraf untuk operasi menyelamat Text
Fabrication and characterization of electrospun silver Thesis
Ayah 'semai' minat Syahoor dalam bidang nuklear News Paper Cuttings
Disparity between urban and rural schools to be wipedText
Learning to share Text
RM10j dikeluar bantu mangsa tsunami : Najib Text
Choosing the right recruitment firm Text
Salam contract with credit risk model by partial differ Journal Article
Teknik pemisahan protein dalam bioteknologi Text
Akta baru tangani masalah sosial belia Text
70,000 pupils in Kedah to receive government aidá Text
Pelbagai kos akibat nahas Text
Pelajar baru universiti mungkin dibekal komputer Text
Student 17, raped, strangled and buried Text
Coagulation-flocculation in water treatment using calotIndexed Paper
Fungsi masjid perlu pembaharuan Text
Yes to women Syariah judges Text
PPSMI baik, kelemahan perlu penyelesaian segera Text
Membina pembangunan syumul Text
Comparison of fluidised bed and spouted bed for the co Text
Abdullah mahu Melayu hebat politik, ekonomi Text
MARA sasar 30,000 usahawan peruncitan Text
Haze likely to get worse Text
Identification of attack / misuse with email header for Thesis
Design and implementation of TMS320C31 DSP and FPGA Conference Papers
Effect of UV radiation duration and molecular weight Journal Article
Performance of an anaerobic stage reactor (ASR) treatiIndexed Paper
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
Pengusaha pertanian perlu teroka ilmu teknologi Text
Kewangan Islam era baru tuntut anjakan paradigma Text
UTM, Irda plan halal industrial park in Iskandar News Paper Cuttings
SchoolNet : akses ICT untuk pelajar di seluruh negara Text
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Large number of drug addicts are labourers and joblesText
Clean but not safe Text
Modified inter prediction H.264 video encoding for marThesis
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Bata tanpa bakar Text
Urban growth determinants for the state of Kelantan : Text
MMU in Cyberjaya links up with five remote sites Text
Formative assessment in HE : feedback practices fro Conference Papers
Exergoeconomic analysis of heat exchanger Text
Jarum suntikan, kondom percuma tangani HIV Text
Tangani isu secara hikmah Text
Modern Control Systems Exam Papers
Kecerdasan emosi fizikal mahasiswa penting bentuk p Text
Rotanlah jika mampu membentuk disiplin pelajar Text
Geotechnical engineering design Exam Papers
Analisis prestasi pemampat berputar jenis bulat untu Text
Hak-hak politik wanita Text
Principles of microeconomics Exam Papers
Insentif baru sekolah desa akan diumum Text
Wireless power for the future Text
UPM proposes to offer degrees to senior citizens Text
Menjayakan misi universiti bertaraf dunia Text
Design of microwave sensor using bandpass filter princThesis
MAHB kendali 7 juta penumpang LCCT tahun ini Text
Productivity improvement through line balancing in Text
Statik Text
RM5m plan to turn grads into entrepreneurs Text
Radiological study of Mersing district, Johor, Malaysia Indexed Paper
Impak limpahan pembandaran ke atas kampung pinggir Text
Hidraul & hidrologi Text
Factors associated with scholarly publication productivIndexed Paper
10 syarikat Jepun sertai pameran Text
Geotechnics II Exam Papers
Trend jenayah ganas membimbangkan Text
Demonstrasi hukuman sebat di semua sekolah Text
LoSS detection using parameter's adjustment based onConference
s Papers
Pelaburan syariah diiktiraf antarabangsa Text
Biomimetic design and development of a hexapedal runn Conference Papers
Analisis hidraulik Sungai Skudai dengan menggunakan Text
Modern algebra Exam Papers
10,000 usahawan baru belia India 2011 Text
Al-Quran : asas bahasa Arab murid sangat lemah Text
Modern physics Text
Analysis and design of hammerhead bridge pier using aText
Penyelidik USM temui formulasi air isotonik daun misaText
Apa dasar kita? Text
Manila sebagai jiran Kuala Lumpur News Paper Cuttings
Dual band antenna array incorporated with electromagThesis
Analisis isu bahasa UPSR 16 Disember Text
Teksi penyayang bagi golongan orang kurang upaya (OThesis
FTIR-ATR spectroscopy based metabolite fingerprintingIndexed Paper
Malaysian legal system Exam Papers
Liquid-liquid extraction of tuqoise blue reactive dye u Conference Papers
Social psychology Exam Papers
Sasaran 30 peratus wanita Text
Hello, hello? cell phone use to fight Alzheimer's Text
5 sen up Text
Pencemaran ammonia terkawal Text
Grey scale image steganography using Exploiting ModiThesis
Universiti KL di Pasir Guang Text
Visualisation skills among Universiti Teknologi Malaysi Non-Index Paper
The role of coopetition, market orientation and innovaThesis
Maklum balas positif Text
Analysis of perturb and observe maximum power pointConference
t Papers
Kenaf jadi komoditi masa depan di Malaysia? Text
A survey on 3D rendering methods for MRI images Conference Papers
Keselamatan dalam projek pembinaan jalanraya Text
Pelajar asing wajib ambil subjek bahasa Melayu Text
Simpanan SSPN syarat wajib mohon PTPTN Text
Improved backpropagation error function for classific Conference Papers
UPM, PAM tangani isu pembangunan mapan Text
Sekolah pertama RMK-9 Text
Comparative analysis of gravitational search algorithmIndexed Paper
Teknologi elektrik Text
Fouling studies on natural rubber skim latex concentraThesis
Lesson learnt from best practice experiences: a compaConference Papers
Evaluation of different techniques for generating landsThesis
GLC dikenal pasti bantu usahawan bumiputera Text
Adaptive online fault detection on network-on-chip b Thesis
Jambatan pemangkin ekonomi dua negara Text
Celcom lancar khidmat 3G Text
Outlining ways to stop gangsterism in schools Text
Tapau-mania : sinergi USM dengan alam Text
Dua badan laksana pembangunan WPI Johor Text
Menteri Kabinet dilarang lawat Taiwan Text
Pameran orkid terbesar 25 Mei Text
Mechanical and thermal properties of chemical treatedIndexed Paper
Powerful hands involved in ousting Text
Leukoaraiosis enhancement and classification for bra Thesis
HEPWM implementation for fifteen level cascaded inveIndexed Paper
Syor wang KWSP ditakrif harta sepencarian Text
Tahap kefahaman kemahiran mereka bentuk eksperimen Thesis
Electronic systems Exam Papers
USM goes steady on computer-glitch culprits Text
Perolehan minyak tertingkat Text
Program Kesedaran Pelestarian Dan Keselamatan Per Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pesticide risk reduction methodologies for women cot Indexed Paper
Sabah wants to develop downstream petroleum industText
Dasar, strategi pengurangan risiko bencana alam perl Text
Pensyarah UTM cipta bahan kukuhkan binaan retak Text
Haze Heat = Hazards : air quality in many places continText
Election panel wants more bite Text
Applications of building information modelling in arch Thesis
Islamic Web content filtering and categorization on deIndexed Paper
Risiko korek telinga Text
Titik tumpuan bagi pelawat-pelawar dari semua destinText
Analysis of factors critical to construction project succ Non-Index Paper
Pengesanan minutiae imej cap jari berskala kelabu meText
Penterjemahan data bahasa tandaan boleh diperlua Text
Sistem pengurusan pusat sumber Fakulti Komputeran Thesis
Malaysia ada pertimbangan sendiri majukan WPI Text
Closer to the brink Text
Stress detector Thesis
Orang Malaysia rajin membaca Text
Errant employees must repay public funds Text
Masjid jangan pinggirkan remaja Text
Construction Mathematics Exam Papers
Smart Consumer mudahkan pengguna semak harga Text
Felda Jengka, Kuantan alami gejala dadah paling teruk Text
Perpustakaan penyelidikan Raja Zarith Sofiah UTM berNews Paper Cuttings
Quantitative analysis of plant growth exposed to electriIndexed Paper
JB to install early flood detection system Text
Two pig farms ordered closed Text
Application of sewage sludge and leachate generated Thesis
Parametric evaluation of microwave-assisted extractioIndexed Paper
Penilaian formasi Text
Melampaui sentimen serumpun Text
Kepincangan institusi keluarga wajar dibaiki Text
Preparation of polyaniline asymmetric hollow fiber m Indexed Paper
85% pelatih PLKN sedia pertahan negara Text
Prinsip æCara MalaysiaÆ membangun Text
Issues and challenges in construction of roller compa Thesis
Dasar pendidikan awal digubal Text
Optimization of mixed composite tiles waste as cool Thesis
Kalkulus I Text
Kementerian Kesihatan bubar pertubuhan perubatan tText
The detection of sugar in honey by transmission fiber Thesis
Pelan induk K-ekonomi atasi kemerosotan daya saing Text
More intelligent cities Text
Plan to boost agriculture, agro-based industries Text
Transmission lines fault analysis using bus impedance Thesis
IJM to stamp mark in plantations Text
Ilmu matematik ajar manusia hidup lebih bersistem, efNews Paper Cuttings
Effect of cutting parameters on cutting zone in cryogenJournal Article
Human information processing Exam Papers
Ciri-ciri persekitaran fizikal kemudahan pejalan kaki Thesis
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
MalaysiaÆs first sub arrives after 54-day journey fro Text
Rules relaxed for doctors Text
Laba industri halal Text
Bank Muamalat yakin segmen pinjaman catat pertum Text
Lahir pelajar serba boleh : dasar pendidikan berorient Text
Perubahan aliran trafik sehala di Jalan Sultan Zainal Thesis
Dua dituduh miliki dadah bebas hukuman gantung Text
Exsperimen modal analisis terhadap rasuk konkrit me Thesis
Citrawarna jual 2,680 pakej pelancongan tempatan Text
Implementation of an ant colony system for DNA sequConference Papers
Jerebu belum berakhir : operasi besar-besaran padam Text
Teknologi hantar maklumat guna talian elektrik Text
Kesan kepada sifat-sifat elektrik akibat radiasi sina Text
Fizik sinaran Exam Papers
Kesesuaian kursus kemahiran asas di IKM negeri KedahThesis
Website evaluation measures, website credibility and Conference Papers
Ciri - ciri mekanikal kayudi bawah kitaran beban Text
Kaedah baharu rawat sungai News Paper Cuttings
Penyenggaraan bangunan Text
Glaucoma hits the young Text
52 Malaysians who were in HK during SARS outbreak ÃText
Program Aidiladha UTM disambut meriah News Paper Cuttings
School spycams to stop bullying Text
Removal of orange g from aqueous solutions by polystJournal Article
Tiga warga UiTM tawan Everest dianugerah biasiswa Text
PM urges Muslims to help each other get ahead Text
The discontinued traditions of malay wood carvings in Text
Perkhidmatan tambahan KTM sempena tahun baru Ci News Paper Cuttings
Unique learning experience for students Text
Elektronik Text
An exact analysis of heat and mass transfer past a ver Indexed Paper
Tourism assets under threat Text
Inflasi : strategi lebih berkesan diperlukan Text
Centre on gender and development Text
Hope rides on Bella, the endangered sun bear Text
Kinetics and isotherm studies of Pb(II) imprinted car Journal Article
Menstruktur semula vagina dengan kaedah laser LVR Text
Unions to boycott greedy retailers Text
Absorption properties enhancement using Montmorillon Indexed Paper
World Environment Day : caring for environs æa shareText
Remote sensing image fusion in the context of digital Indexed Paper
Teknik pemisahan Text
People must set a fine example Text
Getah asli negara hasilkan but kalis nuklear Text
Berhati-hati terima tawaran Singapura Text
Perbandingan kadar penyejukan lapisan Stone Mastic Thesis
Structures and emission features of high-density Zn Indexed Paper
Lima ciri perkukuh institusi keluarga Text
Rekacipta instrumen standing broad jump bagi ujian k Thesis
Frequency restrictions for wireless power transfer of Indexed Paper
Vibration analysis of natural rubber engine mount Thesis
Do your pets have rights? Text
Improved output voltage quality using space vector mod Indexed Paper
Shaft resistance of model pile in dry silt Conference Papers
Kegiatan tebang pokok gaharu dibongkar Text
Keep cholesterol in check to ward off dementia Text
Passion will raise your creativity News Paper Cuttings
Natrah : kisah sebenar penyatuan orang Melayu Text
The effectiveness of ogee spillway to assist the functionText
Sasaran 40% ke IPT menjelang 2010 Text
Performance evaluation and non-destructive test of boText
Run on green banks Text
Professionalism among academicians: a literature revi Conference Papers
Electric circuit Exam Papers
Bomba : 2,843 perjawatan baru Text
Rain attenuation prediction using frequency scaling tech Indexed Paper
Komitmen pemandu bantu kurangkan nahas Text
Those who hide flu illness to be punished Text
New model needed for study loans Text
Universiti perlu pantau pelajar elak diperalat Text
The levels of Higher Order Thhinking Skills (HOTS) in Thesis
Dance modelling, learning and recognition system of Journal Article
Developing methodology for cradle to grave cost planniIndexed Paper
Teori Medan Elektromagnet Text
Potential anti-dengue medicinal plants : a review Indexed Paper
Pembangunan sistem pangkalan data khairat kematianThesis me
Stemming the tide of HIV cases Text
Ilmu mampu kembalikan kemasyhuran peradaban, tamText
IPTS Sains Kesihatan Text
Critical success factors for post occupancy evaluation oIndexed Paper
RMK-9 jangka lahirkan 150,000 usahawan baru Text
Modeling and control of a photovoltaic energy system Non-Index Paper
Hutan Bakau Kuala Selangor dipertahan Text
Penggunaan batu bata tanah liat dalam industri pemb Thesis
Pengaruh dorongan kejayaan dalam hubungan antara p Thesis
Sensitivity measurement of Fibre Bragg grating sensor Indexed Paper
Experimental studies on savonius - type vertical axis t Indexed Paper
Sistem pendidikan mesti berubah : Najib Text
Amaran permintaan hartanah mewah menurun Text
Kewibawaan Najib pada pandangan bekas staf Text
Asia mampu tampung impak kelembapan ekonomi Text
Palm Oil : A big fat lie, despite all the research Text
Simulasi litar elektronik Text
Decolourisation of reactive black 5 by klebsiella pneu Journal Article
Interaksi belia siswa diteruskan News Paper Cuttings
Software process and quality Exam Papers
Theoretical evaluation of composite joint using cold f Thesis
Aerodinamics / aerodinamik Text
Give factories power, Cabinet tells TNB Text
A regional comparison News Paper Cuttings
BN letak wanita di 21 kerusi Parlimen, 43 DUN Text
CFD Investigation of theEffects of split main fuel inje Conference Papers
PM to chair task force studying report on police Text
CCC lindungi kepentingan pembeli hartanah Text
Valuation mathematic Exam Papers
Tunku Ismail terus tradisi diplomatik Text
Johor crime down 12% Text
Jakarta vows not to surrender Text
Is this the Big Kahuna? Text
Masalah kulat di HSI tanggungjawab pemaju Text
Pelbagai usaha tangani kezaliman kanak-kanak Text
We don't shield the bad guys, says Ismail Text
A heuristic room matching algorithm in generating enha Indexed Paper
Bank perlu biaya sektor pertumbuhan baru : Zeti Text
KWPSM belanja RM1.9 juta latih pekerja Text
Internal marketing practices and customer orientationIndexed Paper
M’sia hopes to have its own car designers News Paper Cuttings
Kaedah berangka Text
Cadangan Zon Akses Bebas di WPI batal Text
The effectiveness of inculcating Education for Sustai Indexed Paper
Isu dan permasalahan dalam pengeluaran hakmilik str Thesis
Sektor pengilangan terus jana pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Kuota Bumiputera dipertahan Text
Hidraul Text
Merchants up noodle prices Text
Kesan dedahan yang berbeza terhadap sistem lekatan Text
The socio-economic impacts on tourism after the Qingha Thesis
Banteras perniagaan DVD cetak rompak menerusi inteText
Sejarah senibinaan barat Text
Computational intelligence approach for prediction of Thesis
Trusted connection decision support mechanism usingThesis
Maintenance management system for Nirvana Memorial Thesis
Too many breeding grounds for aedes mosquito Text
AP issue of another kind Text
Preparation and characterization of SPEEK/MMT-STA Indexed Paper
PM : financial crisis a chance for islamic banking to shi Text
Direct observation of structural change in Au-incorpor Indexed Paper
Giving voice to Islam News Paper Cuttings
Bending behavior of timber beams strengthened usingConference Papers
Errant developers now have no escape clause Text
The hydrodynamics and performances of fluidized bedText
Marketing constraints to real estate sector and impro Non-Index Paper
Kaji isu bahasa rojak : Dr M Text
Mimos, microsoft kerjasama jayakan hab halal Text
Industrial and hazadous waste treatment Exam Papers
Operasi unit I / proses pemisahan Text
Computerized system for resort management and adveThesis
Knots of substitution techniques of audio steganaogra Conference Papers
Estimation of public transport trip interchange matriceText
Modeling a balanced score card systems in it departmeNon-Index Paper
Kemalangan motosikal : satu analisis sikap penunggangText
RM436j lahirkan graduan Melayu profesional Text
Drivers affecting the perception of feasibility towards Thesis
Konsep pengurusan alatan dan bahan untuk pembelajaJournal Article
Seluruh negara luah bantahan Text
Guru perlu bestarikan diri Text
Pelbagai reaksi tindakan Mara tolak anak ke MRSM Text
Taxation II Exam Papers
Numerical estimation of rolling load and torque for hoIndexed Paper
Konsep penggunaan lestari ajar rakyat bermatlamat Text
Kerajaan kaji hapus tarif produk kaca, keluli Text
Combination of TOPSIS and AHP in load shedding scheme Indexed Paper
Settlement analysis of prefabricated vertical drain by Thesis
Instilling environmental sustainability among first ye Thesis
Psychosocial work environment and psychological str Conference Papers
Johor Bahru catat kes denggi tertinggi Text
Daily's afternoon edition suspended Text
Logik digital Text
Prinsip pengisian RMK-9 Text
Cadangan wujudkan pertanian kontrak Text
Narrowband to narrowband frequency reconfigurationIndexed Paper
Tenatkah amalan rasuah! Text
Hukuman penjara, denda jika musnahkan tanah tinggi Text
Tujuh faktor punca IKS gagal Text
Space utilisation: interpreting the result Journal Article
Mengenali kelebihan Melayu Text
Options for athletes Text
Review of microalgae growth in palm oil mill effluent f Indexed Paper
200,000 guru bukan siswazah berpeluang cepat naik p Text
PM tegur Pulau Pinang : pembangunan tidak sekata, t Text
Persepsi mahasiswa Fakulti Pendidikan terhadap makaThesis
Electroless nickel plating on copper alloy Thesis
Wireless technologies provide mobility Text
Hospital damper in fight against food poisoning Text
Dept confiscates 866 melamine-tainted items Text
Application of Fenton's chemistry for industrial waste Text
PM: Put MoUs to effect Text
8 calon selesai ditemu duga Text
Design of a diesel propulsin polant for a small fishing Text
Demokrasi kita selari kehendak Islam Text
TPM syor program berkembar antara SK, SJK Text
Burnout among ESL practitioners in Universiti Teknolo Thesis
Automation & control of mechatronic systems Text
Simulation of a queueing system in the banking industThesis
Collapsibility studies of MJM acrylate patterns for inv Indexed Paper
Persaraan: Malaysia dijangka hilang 1.6j tenaga kerja Text
Product optimization of a fed-batch fermentation procConference Papers
Two weeks for cops to curb porn and pirated VCDs Text
3,000 squatters to be relocated for rail link Text
Haptic Emotional Avatar a challenge for serious game Conference Papers
Image quality assessment for fused remote sensing imIndexed Paper
Design and simulation of a solar powered absorption reThesis
Ketidaksamaan gender tidak jelas Text
Permainan pembelajaran atas talian: Super Tutor Thesis
Current problems of substitution technique of audio Conference Papers
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Chromium(VI) resistance and removal by acinetobacteConference Papers
PBT harus kurangkan birokrasi luluskan projek, CF Text
Proton, Detroit to sign RM1b electric car deal Text
Still a hot spot for investment Text
Towards a new education model Text
Usah ambil mudah keakraban 2 negara Text
Pengurusan dan perkongsian pengetahuan CAD melaluText
Kerjasama MAS, AirAsia tidak terhad kongsi laluan domText
Doktor tak ikut prosedur kesan H1N1 disoal siasat Text
Lots and lots of green, and it's all protected Text
Spatial visualization ability among engineering studentConference Papers
1,000 wells to mine water Text
Dare to succeed, PM tells young Malaysians Text
Metallic material characterization using acoustics signaJournal Article
Study on swelling behaviours and characterization of Conference Papers
Monitoring the flank wear using piezoelectric of rotatinJournal Article
Corporate default prediction with adaboost and bagging Indexed Paper
Asas kaedah penyelidikan Exam Papers
UM, USM pilihan terbaik jadi Universiti Apex? Text
NUTP tolak Sains, Matematik guna BI di sekolah renda Text
Rakan Muda rancang strategi lebih berkesan Text
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Kaunseling mampu bina ketahanan keluarga Text
Paskal ditauliah KD Panglima Hitam Text
Vets can help curb spread of diseases Text
Validation of performance analysis for optimized vehi Journal Article
Bahasa Malaysia untuk pelajar luar negara Text
The instability improvement of the symmetric angle-plIndexed Paper
Rubber scheme set to benefit 3,000 families Text
Kerajaan selaras adunan biodiesel Text
Anniversary turns tragic as couple and baby die in crasText
Virus SARS boleh hidup lama -- Mampu bertahan sehinText
A prototype for network intrusion detection system usIndexed Paper
Consumer behavior research Exam Papers
Local authorities still have power Text
RT patrol units to be increased nationwide Text
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
13 sampel darah positif H1N1 Text
Application of particle swarm optimization in Job sho Thesis
Prediction of micro surface cooler performance for di Indexed Paper
Abdullah minta pekerja tingkatkan komitmen majukanText
Pengurusan sisa klinikal di Hospital Kota Belud, Sabah Text
Puasa : patuhi arahan ubat Text
Perlu bantu tanpa syarat Text
Hutan Gunung Banang patut jadi produk pelancongan Text
Malaysia jangka pertumbuhan lebih tinggi suku ketiga Text
Production of biodiesel from palm oil using egg shell Journal Article
Applying concurrent engineering principles to construcText
7 korban terbaru Plaza Tol Jelapang Text
Keberkesanan proses pengudaraan terhadap kecekapan Text
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Development of magnetic graphene oxide adsorbent for Indexed Paper
Harga siling ayam standard, super turun Text
Usaha Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah dalam menggalaka Text
Cabaran pendakian Everest News Paper Cuttings
Persamaan terbitan Text
Pengurusan silang budaya Text
UPC barcode APPS for drug registered verification Thesis
EPR dosimeter material properties of potassium tartr Indexed Paper
Flight mechanics and navigation systems Exam Papers
RTD to focus on 7 major offences Text
Model penerapan kemahiran employability IPTA berk Conference Papers
3D geo information system - where are we? Conference Papers
Majlis Fatwa perlu kajian lanjut halal haram Botox Text
A preliminary study on meandering channels (Preview)Text
Driving cooperation News Paper Cuttings
Kolej ambil 380 pelajar æhantuÆ Text
Audit for MSC-status seekers Text
Keng Yaik : register or lose phone lines Text
Differential Equations I Exam Papers
Johor garis lima strategi bajet Text
Penanda aras khidmat wakil rakyat berkualiti Text
Pembaikan keretakan pada papak dengan menggunakaText
Pilot programme for drug users successful Text
RM3.2 bilion bantu PKS Text
Nafkah harta demi agama umpama menanam saham ak Text
Efficiency of space utilisation in Higher Education Ins Thesis
Didikan agama bendung dadah Text
The effect of crystalline rice husk silica on Polysulf Indexed Paper
Fuel cell technology review Indexed Paper
Software construction Exam Papers
Detection of water leakage location by utilizing optic Thesis
Expression of ron tyrosin kinase receptor on breast canc Thesis
Kelakuan aliran melalui sempak sisi dalam saluran berbThesis
Statistik Text
Amalan pendekatan inkuiri guru dalam pengajaran Sa Thesis
Nature's come to collect Text
Concentration and desalination of protein derived fromJournal Article
Penentuan ketinggian ortometrik GPS menggunakan my Thesis
Penilaian gunaan Text
Watson-Crick Petri net languages with finite sets of fi Indexed Paper
Ikan lumba-lumba iringi kapal sebelum serangan Text
Sektor pertanian negara disusun semula supaya lebih Text
STAM now the equivalent of STPM Text
A new efficient ode solve for solving imitial value pro Text
AS tidak bantah program nuklear Text
Project management Exam Papers
Analysis of double loops discrete single input PI fuzzy fConference Papers
Kimia tak organik II Text
Perspektif terhadap pengurangan, penggunaan semulaThesis
Government bans Bestrim Text
Polis Trafik tidak putus asa lahirkan pemandu berdisipiText
More to enjoy benefits under Employment Act Text
77-year-old latest dengue victim Text
Computer application in accounting Exam Papers
Malay language is fourth most commonly used Text
Fibroid sukar dikesan Text
Global economic outlook darkens Text
Mechanical and thermal properties of poly(methyl metha Thesis
'At your service' in Sarawak Text
Aksesori dwifungsi perlu sesuai dekorasi Text
Few takers for 1,000 hotel jobs on offer Text
Histogram of oriented gradient architecture : orientat Thesis
Parameter extraction for control of a one dimensional Conference Papers
Kuarantin, pencegahan selesema babi tiada kesan Text
Careful, you are on candid camera! Text
A new realistic - believable avatar to enhance user a Conference Papers
Enam pendaki UTM di Nepal selamat News Paper Cuttings
HRMIS, e-Syariah dikomersialkan Text
Lebuh raya Senai-Desaru diharap jadi pemangkin eko Text
Homes, shophouses breeding grounds for Aedes Text
Pembangunan aplikasi mudah alih melalui pembelajaran Conference Papers
Sistem hidraulik & pneumatik Text
Malaysia starts ad campaign on water talks Text
Schoolbus fares going up by 20pc Text
KWSP longgar pengeluaran Text
Assisting learning using computers through the applicaConference Papers
Coordination Chemistry Exam Papers
Overprotection effect due to cathodic protection: the Thesis
Aircraft noise level study at the Sultan Ismail Internati Text
Segmentation of tumor in digital mammograms using w Conference Papers
Modelling of volatile organic compounds in groundwa Conference Papers
Kedai kurang tempah buku Text
Kejuruteraan pantai Text
Survivability protection schemes for all optical networ Thesis
The effect of enterprise risk management on firm perfor Thesis
Perak perkenal e-mel hayat Text
Integrating gis into urban and regional planning educa Conference Papers
Statistik 1 Text
NN speech recognition utilizing aligned DTW local dist Conference Papers
Masyarakat sumber terbaik sebuah negara Text
Introductory academic english Exam Papers
Supply chain modelling Exam Papers
Guru tabika disaran tambah ilmu Text
Concern over price competition among gloves exporteText
Adaptive Fuzzy-PI control for active front steering sys Indexed Paper
KLIAs simple way to get rid of touts Text
Calling for Paralympic coaches Text
Improving the understanding of small medium enterpriThesis
UM diiktiraf paling cemerlang dalam bidang penyelidi Text
Environmental Study Exam Papers
More super teachers in 2006 Text
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk loji Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Digital Signal Processing 1 Exam Papers
Building information modeling in planning and schedulThesis
A study on double conversion uninterruptible power sup Thesis
PM : comprehensive plan to attract top talent to retu Text
Ciri-ciri modal insan dalam institusi kehakiman Text
Bukan kerja mudah tutup IPTA kekang penularan wab Text
Malaysia ranked 33 in least corrupt poll Text
Berpuluh-puluh tan sampah dalam sungai punca banjirText
Patuhi arahan, dasar kerajaan Text
Penggunaan komputer dalam kimia Text
10 tahun MSC Malaysia Text
Peserta praktis tongkat istiwa Text
Enterpreneurial learning organization & culture Exam Papers
Termodinamik I Text
Mechanicals and electrical system Exam Papers
Multimedia courseware for learning types of reading teThesis
Tranducers & Applications Exam Papers
Lift enhancement on unconventional airfoils Conference Papers
51st Merdeka : how Jalur Gemilang came into being Text
Hanya kafe francais dibenar operasi di IPTA Text
Selesema burung tak jejas pelancong Text
Balbir tempelak Nadzmi News Paper Cuttings
Free and forced vibration of equivalent functionally gr Thesis
Negeri diminta tangguh undang-undang keluarga Isla Text
Perubatan Orang Asli dibukukan Text
Applying process failure modes and effects analysis Text
Permodalan dan Analisis Ruang Text
Tingkatkan mutu pengangkutan awam, kasihani penggText
The effectiveness of pavement rehabilitation at Kual Text
Ekonomi Malaysia dikagumi Text
Great things expected of Asean, says Abe Text
Guru, pelajar celik komputer terus meningkat Text
Bas ekspres, henti-henti akan nikmati subsidi diesel Text
Bukan mudah tetapi tidak mustahil News Paper Cuttings
Sugeno - type fuzzy logic controller (SFLC) for a modul Conference Papers
Principles of law in Malaysia Exam Papers
Pengenalan bangunan Text
MTEN jelaskan butiran hasil jualan air Singapura Text
Robust Islamic finance opens new avenues Text
A teaching-learning based optimization algorithm in Thesis
Thermal analysis of adsorptive natural gas storages Indexed Paper
Terbuka dalam program pendidikan Text
Seagate programme to give UTM faculty staff exposur News Paper Cuttings
Wawasan 2020 inspirasi: PM kemuka usul terima kasihText
Penglibatan komuniti dalam penyenggaraan kebersihaThesis
Elak ke AS, Australia Text
Fizik superkonduktor Text
Promosikan skim perbankan Islam Text
IJN perkenal TAVI bagi pesakit jantung Text
20 kes baru H1N1 dikesan Text
Five-star schools in the offing Text
Sukan akar umbi bantu naikkan imej Text
Rating public service Text
Lebuh raya baru tingkat pelancongan Text
The use of FFT method in geoid modelling Text
Hidup tanpa asas agama punca kerosakan alam Text
Modelling for extraction of major phytochemical compConference Papers
Sistem ABR atasi kecacatan kongenital News Paper Cuttings
Cuepacs masih harap ækejutanÆ Text
An analysis on the relationship between parenting styleIndexed Paper
Kecemerlangan pelajar bukan sekadar akademik Text
Kementerian Kewangan pantau penurunan harga kereText
A review on challenging issues in Arabic sentiment analIndexed Paper
Analysis of slope stability with reinforced soil nail by Thesis
UiTM garis 4 strategi capai 200,000 pelajar Text
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
El Nino lonjak harga sawit Text
Isu tuntutan : hubungan dua hala Malaysia-Indonesia bText
Composite material production of nonmetallic printed Thesis
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Manufacturing Processes Exam Papers
East Asia Summit proposal to discuss ænew era of re Text
Urban highway congestion : a study on the existing trafText
Women realise name freedom Text
Syor tubuh lembaga pantau khidmat kesihatan Text
Survey : S'poreans are class-conscious Text
Inflasi bawah 3 peratus 2007 Text
Modul latihan, kurikulum usahawan diseragam Text
Integrasi bangunan Text
It's now UTM 'city campus'áá Text
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Alpha mangostin optimized extraction by supercritical Thesis
Government going after spectators too in bid to curb ilText
Structure and construction II Exam Papers
Civil servants top graft list Text
Ganti pegawai PBT gagal laksanakan tugas: PM Text
Larang bas ekspres bertolak malam Text
Acceptance towards using mobile phone number as sing Thesis
Preparation, characterization and the effect of PANI Indexed Paper
Sastera Melayu boleh perkukuh jati diri Text
Sistem ekonomi Islam Text
Bajet 2009 perkasa modal insan Text
Animal lovers want law amended Text
Ganti Pendidikan Moral Text
Memupuk nilai menghormati guru Text
No Monday blues for them Text
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
New fares for school buses out soon Text
Memukau pandangan Text
Lima kawasan tidak sihat : kemerosotan status kualiti Text
Anorexia of ageing Text
Kontraktor tiada pengalaman wajib ikuti kursus intensiText
Heat transfer analysis of MHD thin film flow of an unste Indexed Paper
7 wasiat raja Melayu Text
Highway scheduled to be completed in 2008 Text
Keberanian, kecekalan PM wajar dicontohi Text
Pemodelan rekomendasi halaman web berasaskan tekn Text
The role of perceived organizational support and emo Conference Papers
Mekanisme total cegah samseng sekolah Text
Library books delivered at your doorstep Text
Raising workplace safety standards Text
Volumetric comparison methods for dregging works Thesis
A new statistic to the theory of correlation stability te Thesis
Ekonomi bangunan & pengurusan kewangan Text
A hybrid SVM-FFA method for prediction of monthly me Indexed Paper
Performance of geothermal energy piles under thermo- Thesis
Minimize the makespan for job shop scheduling probleIndexed Paper
Study of stress distribution in a cylinder using photo-e Thesis
Terminal 3 Pelabuhan Utara akan diperdalam Text
Introduction to architectural history _ history & theoryExam Papers
TNB to pay more for power from palm oil biomass wasText
Combination of FeGAC/H2O2 advanced oxidation proces Indexed Paper
Architechtural theory Exam Papers
Kelulusan segera ambil 369,021 pekerja asing Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Pengurusan sisa dan alam sekitar Text
BNM akui cabaran tahun ini paling getir Text
Pupuk semangat kekitaan : Abdullah ajak anggota Ase Text
FTA has potential to attract investments Text
An improved load shedding scheduling strategy for solvJournal Article
Tanggungjawab menjaga alam Text
Career choice among Malaysian accounting students Thesis
JAS, polis pantau pembakaran terbuka Text
Construction workers' perception on safety and healthThesis
Protein relative estimation from leukemia data using vThesis
Sains forensik bongkar punca jenayah Text
The mediating effect of process based management onThesis
Effects of chromium content on fatique crack growth be Conference Papers
Say no to transfat Text
Lawatan Pelajar Undergraduate Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kebolehpasaran graduan Text
Keganasan : Lapan negara ASEAN meterai triti Text
Pengisian 50 tahun erti kebebasan Text
Buffer management policies for delay tolerant netwo Thesis
Bioinformatics and biocomputation Exam Papers
Robustness criteria for reinforced concrete structural Thesis
Buprenorphine dapat kurangkan keinginaná Text
CTOS : Bank diminta patuhi keputusan Kabinet Text
Courts not to blame for slow disposal of cases involvingText
Electronics 1 / elektronik 1 Text
Preprocessing digital breast mammograms using adaptiv Indexed Paper
Touch n Go dijangka jadi sistem e-tunai utama Text
Johor wartakan tiga gunung Text
IPTA bebas pilih naib canselor Text
Tiada pilih kasih usaha banteras rasuah Text
Optimization of operating parameters for aggregation Indexed Paper
Loan help for housebuyers Text
Kimia permukaan dan koloid Text
Mencari penawar industri automotif Text
Socio-phychological experiences of converts in Penins Thesis
3 rang undang-undang dibentang sidang 17 Mei Text
Ethical issues in information and communication technConference Papers
Nahas : dua pelajar politeknik maut, dua rakan parah Text
Pelajar diingat tidak sebar isu negara Text
Pelajar Australia bertambah Text
The soft skills perceived by employers and possessed bThesis
Pusat penyelamat Dugong di Gelang Patah Text
Children's view of child friendly environment in a low Thesis
Biometric in information assurance Exam Papers
Kursus pendekatan audit dalam mengikut keperluan I Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bandwidth controlled antenna for lte applications Thesis
Penjenamaan semula Text
Design of graphene wet transferring system Thesis
Ekonomi antarabangsa Text
Why teh tarik and roti canai should not cost more Text
Calculus of variations Exam Papers
Fusing the line intensity profile and support vector maIndexed Paper
Terengganu beku lesen balak untuk buat penilaian Text
Aplikasi bioteknologi Text
Malaysia paling banyak kontraktor di dunia Text
Prediction of total concentration for spherical and te Thesis
Comparison of jers-1 and radarsat synthetic aperture Conference Papers
RM30 sebulan tidak cukup : Shahrizat Text
Planning Law Exam Papers
Terminalia Catappa sebagai agen anti-bakteria dalam Thesis
Pagoh bakal jadi model kawasan pertanian moden Text
Power system analysis Exam Papers
Manfaat kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
Pakaian alternatif tak perlu pinda Peraturan MesyuaraText
History and theory of architechture Exam Papers
Two-path succesive relaying schemes in the presence of Thesis
KL, Canberra atasi kes seludup orang Text
Kawal remaja daripada AIDS Text
Kempen besar-besaran atasi H1N1 Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
Tingkat keluaran makanan Text
Perancangan pelancongan Text
MTUC syor tubuh unit khas pantau majikan Text
Simulation of industrialised building system componenConference Papers
Improving cluster detection of functional microarray dThesis
Performance of micro surfacing on expressway Thesis
Analysis and classification of airborne radar signal typ Thesis
Najib : get new jobs or learn new skills Text
Qualitative studies of high voltage air insulated tran Thesis
Laboratories to check on diseases Text
Kaedah berurus niaga menerusi talian Text
Government’s ICT project failure factors: a revisit Conference Papers
Sekolah ajar lima modul pendidikan seks Text
IT pemangkin kecemerlangan akademik universiti Text
Enhancement of scheduling system interfaces and functi Thesis
Flow field of a model gas turbine swirl burner Indexed Paper
Warna Kehidupan: apa ada pada nama? Text
USM Inventors bag five medals at international exhibitText
Asas komputer Text
Menjana Melayu Glokal Text
Taman Wilayah kedua dibuka di ibu negara Text
Ekonomi tahap lebih tinggi sasaran RMK-9 Text
The effect of over dosage of concrete retarder daratarText
Syor pemandu jalani latihan psikologi minda Text
Chemistry Text
Perubahan radikal IPT Text
Biodegradation of linear alkyl benzene Sulfonate by baConference Papers
Industri tayar tempatan terancam Text
Cubaan lumpuh kuasa Sultan Text
Kawalan kualiti Text
JAS perlu pangkalan data kimia Text
Multiple layer reversible images watermarking using Conference Papers
Optimization of a rapid DNA extraction protocol in riceThesis
Kementerian lancar Projek Rintis E-Guru Text
Kemudahan bangunan I Text
Infrared thermometer Thesis
Synthesis, characterization and activity of A1-MCM-41 Text
Taguchi method for the determination of optimised sinConference Papers
PPBBMT bersedia hadapi risiko pertahan memorandu News Paper Cuttings
Lattice Boltzmann method for convective heat transferIndexed Paper
Captive breeding efforts Text
Bush tidak jujur selesai isu Palestin Text
324 lokasi maut seluruh negara dipantau Text
On par with rest of the world Text
Masalah pembelajaran matematik dalam tajuk trigonome Thesis
An evaluation of communications for software project Thesis
Tak jejas prestasi UPSR Text
Multiband antenna for mobile handset (Full text) Text
Production planning and control Exam Papers
AmResearch : Govt likely to raise price of petrol, dieselText
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Deklarasi Putrajaya bukti OIC berani Text
Gaji lebih baik untuk jururawat Text
Tiga didakwa palsu wang kertas RM50 Text
Groups : maintain price of low-cost homes Text
Gesture-based interaction for 3D object manipulation Thesis
Pengenalan struktur & binaan Text
Negri move to improve water dept Text
An investigation of reticence among first year underg Thesis
Texture modelling for remote sensing data (Fulltext) Text
PM : punish those who let public buildings fall apart Text
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Basic Electrical Engineering Exam Papers
Ismail letak syarat sertai Umno Text
Respiratory carbon dioxide (C02) measurement monitoThesis
Perodua sedia 400 peluang pekerjaan Text
Incorporating author's activeness in online discussion Indexed Paper
Akta Pertubuhan Belia tangani keseluruhan isu belia Text
The high performance linpack (HPL) benchmark evaluaJournal Article
Perodua planning to roll out new model by end of 200 Text
Fire resistant testing on a gypsum composite mixture wThesis
Kesan pengaruh kecerdasan emosi, personaliti dan estThesis
Change attitude towards Orang Asli Text
Dengue alert! Text
Sains pengurusan Exam Papers
Robot technology for automation Exam Papers
More choosing to work in Singapore News Paper Cuttings
Gaji baru perlu realistik Text
Structure and adhesion property of deposited nickel-tiThesis
Application of CO2-based vapor extraction process forIndexed Paper
My schoolmates perished in a fire Text
Sikap tak peduli H1N1 Text
The new role of principals in improving teachers’ pNon-Index Paper
Proses pembuatan Text
Development of a surrogate-based vehicle dynamic mod Indexed Paper
Najib : no plan for new universities Text
MedMaps, the mobile application for finding, managi Thesis
Digital photogrammetry: an experience of processing aConference Papers
Development of decision support system for drinking Text
Structure and machine (struktur dan mesin) Text
Asas ukur kejuruteraan Exam Papers
Sains dan teknologi Asia : hadiah Asia kepada dunia Text
Pemprosesan data remote sensing Text
Offer to train teachers from developing countries Text
Bersiap sedia guna tenaga nuklear Text
Pengharaman iklan makanan segera jejas industri kecilText
You can run but we will get you Text
Providing for civil servants Text
Mengintegrasi pensyarah, industri Text
70 produk MARDI sedia dikomersial Text
Synthesis of nano-sized nickel particles by a bottom-u Non-Index Paper
Litter marks around oil palm tree base indicating infil Conference Papers
Process control Exam Papers
UTM, DES kaji fenomena pulau haba News Paper Cuttings
Usaha tarik pelancong terus diperhebat Text
Professional practice II Exam Papers
Effect of pre-treatment and biofouling of proton exc Indexed Paper
Jelaskan konsep islam Hadhari Text
Inisiatif setimpal strategi tarik semula pekerja tempat Text
Vocational, technical streams to begin in secondary sc News Paper Cuttings
Expert : brace for nastier haze Text
Taste of success for Malaysian gloves Text
Blast geometry survey in limestone Quarry using Qua Thesis
Menjual Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelancongan Text
Laluan percuma sebulan Text
Landfill site suitability using geographic information s Thesis
Konsep baru sekolah integrasi berjaya Text
Sistem keselamatan kediaman dengan kawalan komputText
Pembelajaran matematik: faktor kelemahan pelajar Conference Papers
Penyesuaian tempatan atasi jurang bahasa Text
Structural seismic and maintenance Exam Papers
Assurance on joint projects with UTM News Paper Cuttings
Johor bebas asap rokok 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of pedestrian-level wind velocity in four neig Indexed Paper
Mechanism-based model for creep of austenitic stainles Conference Papers
Pekema sokong perketat beri AP Text
Construction Technology Exam Papers
Does moving towards renewable energy causes water Indexed
an Paper
Sharizatul tetap cemerlang walaupun berkerusi roda News Paper Cuttings
Psoriasis bukan penghalang untuk bermasyarakat Text
On the abelianization of all bieberbach groups of dimeIndexed Paper
Assessment of Landsat 7 scan line corrector-off data g Indexed Paper
Geological features mapping using palsar-2 data in KelIndexed Paper
Behaviour and strength study on steel semi rigid conn Text
Long term ocean wave modelling using satellite data Thesis
A numerical analysis of fixed offshore structure subje Text
Introduction to finance Exam Papers
Lebih 10,000 hilang kerja Text
Study on medicinal plants Text
Survey : Malaysians spend more time watching TV Text
Sekolah sesak Text
Feature base fusion for splicing forgery detection bas Thesis
Gagasan PM ceriakan alam sekitar Text
Philippine poultry banned : move to prevent bird flu i Text
Moving vehicles detection and tracking approach via Thesis
Kerajaan sokong penubuhan universiti swasta Text
Collect rainwater to reduce floods Text
Stem cell treatment a hype Text
Amerika Syarikat terima paten enzim dari UPM Text
Malaysia jadi hub teknologi kereta api Asia Tenggara Text
Malaysia tingkat kerjasama dengan AS majukan industText
UIAM wajar diiktiraf IPT Islam terkemuka Text
Program Bahasa Inggeris UTMSPACE untuk golongan bText
Clamping and interlocking effects on IBS block house Journal Article
Public preference towards TNB power generation syst Text
Evaluating organ dose and radiation risk of routine CT Indexed Paper
Curriculum planning and management Exam Papers
Bond stress in grouted spiral connectors Indexed Paper
Study of glass insulator performance aged by acid rain Thesis
Effects of xanthan gum and HPMC on the structure of Journal Article
Membrane bioreactor for leachate treatment Conference Papers
Teks Raja Ali Haji Text
Start specialising, varsities told Text
Maritime capability in the Muslim world : a historical Conference Papers
Malacca to carry out rationing Text
Performance bond and an injunction (Full text) Text
2 lagi kategori dilulus Text
Amalan sihir perlu dikekang undang-undang Text
Sorting out Year One pupils by 3R skills Text
UTM says Khairul can study at UTM campus Text
Reduction of dislocation density of aluminium nitride Indexed Paper
Sungai Terip dam ready by mid-april Text
Musa: Utusan Pendidikan sesuai akhbar dalam darjah Text
Geofizik Text
Kanun Tanah Negara akan dipinda Text
An extra RM3m to clean up fungus attack Text
Penderaan seksual - Kanak-kanak masih jadi mangsa Text
Priority of structural housing attribute preferences : Indexed Paper
Pattern recognition using mahalanobis-taguchi systemIndexed Paper
Mechanical properties of alumina trihydrate filled p Indexed Paper
Context sensitive solution (CSS) in designing urban th Thesis
Surveyor mathematics 1 Exam Papers
Checks on bogus degrees News Paper Cuttings
Expression, purification and characterization of flavin Indexed Paper
Signals and systems Exam Papers
UTM-Universiti Airlangga meterai MoU bidang sains Text
Mengkomersialkan R&D : bukan tugas penyelidik Text
RM600j bina Lebuh Raya Barat Johor Text
Pro dancer (Android mobile game) Thesis
A new hybrid multilevel inverter topology with harmo Conference Papers
Tiada cadangan mansuh UPSR Text
Boosting domestic tourism Text
Pertumbuhan perbelanjaan ICT dalam PKS atasi sektorText
Pa, whats a durian? Text
Formation and stability study of some Malaysian crudeText
Kementerian batal lesen syarikat terbabit skim piramidText
Pesakit kronik lewat dapat bantuan Text
Peniaga Muslim dituntut utama kebajikan masyarakat Text
Teliti cadangan wajib lulus Bahasa Inggeris Text
RM100 juta untuk bantu pelajar miskin Text
Syarikat AS-Malaysia saling memerlukan Text
Guru direman 5 hari berikutan aduan Linda Rafar Text
Johor tubuh Pusat Sehenti Makanan Halal Text
Analisis fungsian Text
Tarif air Lembah Klang naik 15% Text
UTM survey finds secondary school teenagers with mulNews Paper Cuttings
Polymer based multimode interference optical devicesText (
More effeminate males in varsities Text
Engineering varsity aims to break into global arena Text
Tabiat membaca rakyat kita tak konsisten Text
Robbers get away with RM2.3mil haul after gun shoot Text
Enhancing university-industry ties News Paper Cuttings
Niat ikhlas hapus empat perkara halang manusia beribText
Kawalan kualiti Text
Freeze on high-rise buildings in KL stays Text
Numerical conformal mapping via the bergman kernel Text
730,000 murid miskin terima bantuan hujung bulan iniText
Bawa kempen kesedaran pemanasan global ke IndonesNews Paper Cuttings
Second law analysis of the transcritical CO2 refrigerati Thesis
The commutativity degree of all nonabelian metabeliaThesis
Simulation and performance of multiple input multipleText
Lima peratus penjawat awam ponteng kerja Text
Exact solutions for free convection flow of nanofluid Indexed Paper
New toll system to beat traffic jams Text
Dilema sudut pidato Text
Swasta khidmat air dibantah : cadangan dilihat sebag Text
Perkasa perkataan dan bahasa Melayu Text
Merenung sejarah, membina kekuatan bangsa Text
Mohamad Akbal Abdul Mutalib, 1973- 245 10 Amalan kThesis
Statistik gunaan (remote sensing) Text
Focus on growth, safety net in Budget 2009 Text
Credential purpose-based access control for personal Thesis
Economists say steps will boost spending Text
Malaysia sedia bantu mangsa gempa Nepal News Paper Cuttings
Analytical and statistical approaches to study the imp Conference Papers
Abdullah wants OIC to battle poverty first Text
Everyone has a wish list for Budget 2006 Text
Mikroelektronik Text
Ulama diminta bantu pulih penagih dadah Text
Uggah : review current requirements for an emergenc Text
Kuasai ilmu setiap bidang Text
Menjelang Bajet 2006 : pengguna digalak berbelanja Text
Properties of polylactic acid composites reinforced witIndexed Paper
Prestasi rasuk konkrit bertertulang dibaikpulih mengg Text
Advanced hydrology Exam Papers
Penyembunyian maklumat rahsia menggunakan teknikThesis k
HFMD situation under control Text
Woman killed in supermarket fire Text
Bentuk pampasan selain daripada wang tunai bagi penThesis
Usahawan wanita bijak rebut peluang Text
Rekabentuk konkrit tetulang lanjutan Text
Pengurusan pelancongan Text
Abdullah terima Ijazah Kehormat UPSI Text
Learning path tracking system (Full text) Text
Pakej edu-tourism perkenal negara Text
Malaysia tingkat penyelidikan kelapa sawit Text
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
Pameran Draf Pelan Struktur Kelang dilanjutkan News Paper Cuttings
All systems go for new English policy Text
Professional practice II Exam Papers
NUTP dakwa penstrukturan sekolah timbulkan masala Text
An initial study of couples finite element lattice bolt Conference Papers
Parliament House good for more than a century Text
100 pegawai kastam ditukar Text
Isolation and characterization of photosynthetic bact Thesis
Language learning styles of engineering and non engineConference Papers
Finite element analysis of three commonly used external Indexed Paper
Kualiti universiti, kolej universiti swasta dipantau Text
Dysfunctional audit behaviors : an exploratory study inIndexed Paper
Perancangan dan pembangunan Text
Kesedaran keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerj Thesis
Universiti perluas sasaran dana R&D Text
FAMA beli mempelam Sala atasi lambakan Text
Collision detection: technique and applications Conference Papers
Siswa IPTA desak tangguh pilihan raya kampus Text
MAS maintains loose monetary policy Text
MP : carry out cloud seeding Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Bullet train to Singapore : from KL in 90 minutes Text
Enam prinsip rukun niaga Malaysia Text
Pressure drop analysis for optimum inside-casing gravel Text
Tsunami may have changed depth in Malacca Straits, Text
Mutual coupling analysis using FDTD for di- electric re Conference Papers
Tambang bas biasa, ekspres naik 10 sen Text
Mahasiswa UTM anjur derma anak yatim Padang Text
Politik wang tetap bawa maksud rasuah Text
Malaysia hosts 40,000 refugees Text
The impact of supply chain integration on operational Indexed Paper
Nutrients and heavy metals in the straits of Johor Thesis
Tamper-proof passports soon Text
First technical college for orang asli soon Text
JHEV bayar terus pencen kepada 70,000 pesara ATM Text
Calcium alginate caged multiwalled carbon nanotubes Thesis
Bukit Cherakah to lose more land Text
Kerajaan perlu pinda beberapa peraturan atasi kemal Text
Bahan api untuk lancarkan roket Text
Tangkap segera Ayah Pin : ajaran sesat boleh menggu Text
Hospital pakar jana ekonomi Text
Developing a stochastic model for partial discharge detText
Tahap berkesanan kerja berpasukan dan kepuasan kerja Thesis
Awareness and understanding of government total as Thesis
Teaching English as a Second Language to pre-school l Thesis
UTM anjur kempen keselamatan News Paper Cuttings
USM perkenal ujian khas ambil pelajar baru Text
Status air Selangor diumum selepas menghadap Sulta Text
DonÆt sit too long on the throne Text
Kaedah terbaru cegah aedes Text
Deformation behaviour of self-compacting concrete con Conference Papers
Ibu bapa penentu kualiti percutian anak Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
Dr Sharifah Hapsah vows to deliver qualification Bill Text
Three-dimensional potential and electric field distributIndexed Paper
New world class thinkers Text
Kaedah ekstrak berteknologi tinggi Text
Najib : free trade pact depends on US policy Text
Bebanan tugas bukan lesen Text
Ciri-ciri pusat penjagaan warga emas bagi muslim Thesis
Bahasa Malaysia akademik I Text
Royal advice for students Text
Split right down the middle over language Text
Bajet 2008 tumpu kebajikan rakyat Text
Dissipative heat transfer in Sisko fluid peristaltic flow Indexed Paper
Mencari integriti undang-undang Text
Structural analysis of precast high-rise building using Thesis
Conduct study before privatising management of wateText
Pencarian judul baru bahan ilmiah lesu Text
UM, Johor laksana projek pemuliharaan dugong Text
New conditions for contracts Text
Protim pantau murid Tahun Empat lemah 3M Text
Music to the ears of gifted children Text
Mapping of subsurface utility and methodology for detThesis
Enam IPT rebut juara mahkamah mut di UIAM Text
Automatic coronary artery detection in cardiogram im Text
Dunia animasi komputer Text
Automated photogrammetric measurement of humanText faces
Iman mantap bentuk keinsanan mulia Text
The application of a Quasi Z-source AC-AC converter inConference Papers
CCMC majukan 4 produk penyelidikan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Cars worth RM50m seized Text
Malaysian-made phones, finally Text
3D visualization of tropical rainforest stand and structuThesis
Parents can avoid social ilIs among teenagers, says couText
Perbandingan kurikulum sains KBSM dengan pendidikaConference Papers
Insan tawaduk sentiasa merendah diri, bijak bicara Text
Action taken against Syabas for using imported pipes Text
Manufacturing methods for machining micro pits of hipConference Papers
Health workers first Text
A spectrum sharing model for compatibility between I Indexed Paper
Muhyiddin to rope in experts to assess education syst Text
Kembali kepada fitrah manusia News Paper Cuttings
UTM designs equipment to test athletesÆ fitness Text
KL bus and rail overhaul Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Government may offer perks for workplace childcare cText
Don't procrastinate, says NRD Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Semua jenis pembakaran diharamkan Text
Bid to save the Napoleon wrasse Text
Basic digital VLSI design Exam Papers
808 kakitangan cemerlang UTM dapat pengiktirafan Text
Rantaian hiliran bantu industri perabot Bumiputera Text
Resevoir system modelling using nondominated sortingThesis
Warping behaviour of cantilever steel beam with openin Text
Perbandingan pemisahan hidrograf menggunakan kaedText
Prestasi ekonomi negara kian pulih Text
High-tech assistance in fighting crime Text
Internal audit information system (IAIS) for internal a Text
Girl, 3, becomes ninth fatality Text
Design of linear distance measurement and speed contThesis
Reusable framework for web application developmentThesis
Pembangunan Sabah juga tanggungjawab saya - SakarNews Paper Cuttings
Application of SDSM and LARS-WG for simulating and dIndexed Paper
Integrated system of automatic identification system (Thesis
Penganggaran dan pengawalan ralat dalam kaedah HaM Text
Bank Negara wants e-payments in full use by 2010 Text
Penerbitan makalah ilmiah UMT diiktiraf antarabangsaText
A review of graphene based field effect transistor arc Indexed Paper
Application of unmanned aerial system for change de Thesis
Kesan kualiti persekitaran dalaman untuk kawasan kej Text
PM akan lawat Bukit Golan Text
Construction Measurement 3 Exam Papers
Future reservoir performance projection using integr Thesis
Using association rules to study patterns of medicine uJournal Article
Promise of increased development for Sabah and Sar Text
Perspektif : 5P pendekatan atasi masalah belia Text
Pengurusan fasiliti Text
HFMD returns to Sarawak Text
Public transport is for all Text
OSCC rujukan utama tingkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan Text
Proton believes worst is over Text
Putrajaya all set to bloom into a garden city Text
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
Families block organ donation Text
Professional engineering practice Exam Papers
PFI retrofit-kit as green technology for small 4-stroke SIndexed Paper
17 tahun syarat lesen : bagi mengurangkan jumlah ke Text
Urban design Exam Papers
Mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/ multiwal Indexed Paper
Instrumentasi proses Text
Azmi : government agencies not spending enough timeText
Penjagaan gigi jamin kesihatan mulut Text
Penggunaan teknik sel portal pada sistem telusur may Thesis
Real time and low cost stereo photogrammetric basedThesis
Bandar Tentera Laut martabatkan kerjaya tentera Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
No need for referendum on project cancellation Text
Spatial analysis of the incidences of meningococcal meThesis
Mansuh PPSMI tak jejas BI : Najib Text
Sensing properties of deformed graphene nanoribbon Thesis
Sistem maklumat geografi Text
Carter kecam kesediaan Washington perangi Iraq Text
Peneroka akan nikmati faedah besar - Dr. Tan Text
Sektor pendidikan tahun depan tidak terjejas Text
Kebijakan ekonomi Islam dikagumi penulis Barat Text
Design of precast concrete corbel using microsoft visuaText
Laser induced Coulomb explosion of gold nanoparticlesNon-Index Paper
UTM guna kajian kes Harvard Business School Text
Radial slits maps of unbounded multiply connected re Indexed Paper
Sistem bantuan keputusan laluan kerjaya bagi bidang sThesis
Islam : antara ibadah ritual dan pembangunan umat Text
Syor tanam kelapa sawit di tanah terbiar Text
Youth apathetic and lazy when it comes to voting Text
Keberkesanan lapisan pengangkut dalam cerun tanah Thesis
Kakitangan lesap lebih setahun masih dibenarkan bertText
Irwan goes to school, thanks to trust fund Text
Ukur binaan I Exam Papers
Pelan perlukan penyertaan aktif anggota ASEAN Text
External corrosion growth for buried steel pipeline in Thesis
Hentikan segera pembangunan di Cameron Highlands Text
Teknologi jana integriti perkhidmatan awam Text
Organometallic Chemistry Exam Papers
Inflasi tentukan keputusan kadar faedah Text
Stop the delaying tactics, PM tells civil servants Text
A portable non-invasive blood glucose monitoring deviThesis
All-optical OFDM generation for IEEE802.11a based onIndexed
s Paper
Perlaksanaan insentif dalam pembelian rumah penjawaThesis
Corrosion performance of zn-al-mg coated steel wire roThesis
Gaya hidup tidak sihat punca diabetes Text
Juita helps single mothers to acquire computer skills Text
Kerajaan komited majukan bola sepak Text
MyKad syndicate busted Text
Retaining the best and brightest we have Text
Building services Exam Papers
Makanan ringan, tekanan punca darah tinggi Text
Robot control over IP network Text
Higher car loans for civil servants Text
Prinsip ekonomi Text
Active shape models (ASM) optic disc segmentation Thesis
2,500 berpeluang naik pangkat guru super Text
Internet : China atasi AS Text
Pelaksanaan kursus reka cipta : pengalaman pengajar Conference Papers
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Keputusan pemerintah wajib ditaati : Mufti Text
Boundary layer flow due to a stretching sheet in a por Conference Papers
Bank kena berhemat, kad kredit, pinjaman perumahanText
Botol plastik PET tetap selamat diguna : MPF Text
Jaga produk pelancongan negara Text
5 strategi perkembang sistem kewangan Islam Text
Lepas sisa : JAS dakwa Ramly Food Text
Neuro-fuzzy systems approach to infill missing rainfall Indexed Paper
Tahap motivasi dan kebimbangan serta hubungannya den Thesis
Finite element analysis of single cell surgery using rig Thesis
Using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for Southern JohConference Papers
Post occupancy evaluation for sustainability assessmenThesis
Kementerian siasat kekurangan gula di pasaran tempaText
Amerika punca, penyelesai pemanasan global Text
Pemimpin perlu kerjasama kesan penduduk miskin Text
Malaysia, Indonesia hasil biodiesel sawit Text
Jangan kekang potensi pelajar Text
Kajian kesan gred mortar ke atas kekuatan mampatan Text
Papa tetap potong gaji amah asing Text
Kerajaan diminta bantu usahawan Bumiputera jadi franText
Indians top suicide list Text
Ummah diseru tampil bersihkan nama tercemar Text
2,420 perniagaan diwujud Text
Old buses can still be used Text
Laboratory–based return voltage measurement sys Thesis
SIRIM hasilkan prototaip robot kegunaan sektor pendi Text
Software testing and framework for smart climate co Thesis
Application of optical tomography for monitoring gas Indexed Paper
Inferental estimation and control of chemical processesText
Arah tuju pimpinan Najib amat jelas Rakyat didahulu Text
Akreditasi ASIC Text
Kerajaan kaji keseluruhan latihan PKN di kem Text
Application of fuzzy logic method in electric charge to Conference Papers
Little Champs Camp to shape sports talents Text
Effect of diffuser on aerodynamic analysis of Proton P Thesis
ICS pererat hubungan keilmuan China, Malaysia Text
Kajian undang-undang I Text
Software process for integrated pattern oriented ana Text
Modeling of electric double layer capacitor Thesis
Fluid power / kuasa bendalir Text
Relationship between corporate attributes and timelinJournal Article
Siapa layak dapat subsidi tunai Text
Only a few lecturers are with KMM, says Abdullah Text
Second satellite terminal at KLIA Text
Strengthening Malaysia-Indonesia ties Text
Aishah syor kod etika isteri menteri Text
Pembelajaran motor Exam Papers
Be 1 Malaysian, women urged Text
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
P. Kannan terus menyumbang walau telah lama 'terbaNews Paper Cuttings
Improving the stiffness and dynamic behavior of patienText
Vacuum pyrolysis of scrap tires Text
Anggap air produk konsumer Text
E-learning development for MSc in operational research Text
Integrated solid waste management : a life cycle asse Indexed Paper
Visualizing the application of GIS in transformation t Indexed Paper
Gearing nation for the next 50 years Text
Modeling of shear bond in composite slab using interf Text
H1N1 merebak ke burung pula Text
Laman web penganggaran kos bangunan untuk Pusat M Text
Lazy to eat... especially breakfast and fruits Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Inflasi dijangka dapat dibendung Text
Utilization of low rank coal as oxidation catalyst by Indexed Paper
Sekolah patut amal konsep berpasukan Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan makmal kawalan mutu Text
Creating a special identity for Labuan News Paper Cuttings
GIS dalam perancangan Text
Parents misunderstood Text
TM tawar kadar Protokol Internet lebih murah Text
Kejuruteraan sisa air buangan Text
A regression model for vessel turnaraound time Conference Papers
Attribution factors of chemistry anxiety: what are theyConference Papers
Pegawai belia diingat jauhi rasuah, penyelewengan Text
The influences of technical support, self efficacy and Indexed Paper
IPP perlu bantu tanggung kos TNB Text
Teach kids to deal with stress Text
Plasma parameters characterization of laser induced bThesis
A view from academic administrators on the characteris Indexed Paper
Kemanusiaan mesej ajaran Islam murni Text
Penerapan eleman kemahiran generik dalam pengajaraThesis
Professional engineering practice Exam Papers
Akhbar tidak mengalah kepada media digital Text
Danger theory metaphor in artificial immune system for Text
KUT dijangka muncul terbesar di Pantai Timur Text
Unclear outlook for Proton Text
Penerimaan produk FRP dalam industri pembinaan di Ma Text
UTM records big number of postgraduate students News Paper Cuttings
Going for less sugar and salt Text
Sistem maklumat aduan kerosakan Kolej Perdana Thesis
Shear resistance effect of bedding sand on underside Thesis
Proton tidak terdesak untuk jalin perkongsian Text
Sistem perkhidmatan patron function berasaskan SMSThesis
Manusia masih kekurangan makanan Text
Varsity chance for the skilled Text
Influence of electromagnetic waves on viscosity and elJournal Article
Statistik Text
Pikat profesional bekerja di negara sendiri Text
UTHM kaji masalah hakisan pantai Batu Pahat Text
Electronic eye on Johor lock-ups Text
Solat Dhuha hindari kepapaan Text
Numerical solution of one dimensional burgers’ equThesis
C++ programming Exam Papers
Dr Colour beri nasihat suai, padan warna Text
Pengurusan keselamatan menyeluruh di tapak bina Thesis
MAS, SIA, SilkAir sign code-share pact Text
Distraught mums cry for justice Text
Tekno : inV pelindung tersembunyi Text
Tram-like buses for 2 cities Text
Asas penilaian program Text
Green tech for Kota Iskandar Text
DBKL mahu hebah amaran awal banjir dari masjid Text
Persediaan imbangi ekonomi negara Text
Finite element analysis of dry floor system in 3 dimensThesis
Primary history takes off 2010? Text
No new case of avian flu Text
Akta Dadah Berbahaya akan dikaji semula Text
Pemudah targets future improvements Text
KWSP tangguh permohonan skim komputer Text
Comparison of standards and codes in the determinatiThesis
Matematik asas Text
Cost modelling for inland waterway transport systems Text
Mengungguli isu kependudukan Text
UPM kaji bahan tenaga gas metana Text
Quality of service ontology languages for web services Indexed Paper
300 terima sumbangan Sultan Johor News Paper Cuttings
Persidangan Pustakawan Perpustakaan Utm Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UiTM Arau perkenal Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi MaText
Tall building system analysis & design Exam Papers
Sisi kedua Shamsiah Text
Amanat untuk remaja 13 Mac Text
Sewa telefon naik RM3 Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Kalkulus ubahan Text
Power consumption optimization of a building Thesis
The practices of corporate social responsibility among Thesis
Isu keganasan wajar diberi perhatian berterusan Text
The significance of implicit socio-cultural values in sel Non-Index Paper
Evaluating potential of diatomite as anti-clogging agenJournal Article
Modelling and optimisation of eurycoma longifolia extra Conference Papers
A gradient algorithm for optimal control problems withIndexed Paper
Mobile Food Hunting System Thesis
Reduction of harmonic using PSO technique for grid c Thesis
Aplikasi modul belajar melaui bermain dalam kefaha Thesis
Transformasi dan kejayaan komuniti orang asli Mah MThesis
A new algebraic pinch analysis tool for optimising CO2cIndexed Paper
Collision detection: review of methods and recent adv Conference Papers
UTM lancar bas Mobile Hotspot News Paper Cuttings
Vehicle tracking and shipment management system Thesis
Tight binding model of graphene nanoribbon based field Thesis
UPM tubuh 12 pusat penyelidikan fakulti Text
Berhenti jika tak mampu : amaran PM kepada pegawaiText
Biotechnology for engineers Exam Papers
Finding market bottom tricky Text
Harga getah dijangka naik Text
UTM di tangga ke-68 Asia News Paper Cuttings
Biscuit ingredient tainted with melamine Text
Computing with spiking neuron networks a review Indexed Paper
English proficiency Exam Papers
Majikan, pekerja digesa utamakan keselamatan Text
PM arah BPR siasat : dakwaan cubaan sogok calon p Text
Malaysia losing war against dengue, laments Ismail MeText
Improving the documentation of user’s requirements Thesis
Better solid waste services once bills passed Text
Legal studies II Exam Papers
Creativity that nurtures Text
Pengenalan sistem geoinformasi Text
Teknologi baru vaksin influenza Text
Strong mutually-beneficial ties critical Text
Elektronik digit Text
Sharp rise in crime index Text
Malaysia, Indonesia to sign pacts during annual meet Text
Sumber terbuka - Jangan sia-siakan teknologi maklumaText
Guna pakar B. Inggeris Australia di Malaysia Text
Dong Zong kena terima realiti keputusan PRU-13 - PengNews Paper Cuttings
Gerak usahawan dirancang Text
Kabinet lulus garis panduan pembangunan tanah tinggText
Integriti negara dipulih Text
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Intrusion detection system : a step ahead in protectingText
Using essential processes in knowledge integration Indexed Paper
Condition monitoring of metal-oxide surge arresters Thesis
Sistem Komputer Dan Multimedia Text
Experimental investigation on flexural behaviour with Conference Papers
Study on the performance of palm methyl ester in a Thesis
Statutory valuation Exam Papers
Conceptual design of UTM 4-seater helicopter Conference Papers
Fake review detection using time series Thesis
Asas Kaedah Penyelidikan Text
Mathematics achievement as a function of within- andIndexed Paper
One website for government info Text
Tadahan air semula jadi elak banjir besar Text
Felda identifies sites for development as growth centr Text
Kerjasama ekonomi komprehensif mantapkan hubungaText
Statistik I Text
Impact of climate change on regional irrigation water de
Indexed Paper
Umat terpaksa jual harta punca institusi tanpa riba di Text
Growers defensive as doctor raises starfruit danger Text
Trend estimation of travel speed at roundabout Thesis
Construction management Exam Papers
Penambahbaikan sektor hartanah menuju perubahan Text
Kesan mikroorganisma efektif (EM) ke atas prestasi konText
40% usahawan tani dapat hasil RM3,000 sebulan Text
Profiling of mineral contents of typical Malaysian mus Thesis
Dewaxing of ABS rapid prototype pattern for ceramic Thesis
Better pay for security guards Text
Risiko motosikal murah Text
Modeling and control of a two wheeld inverted pendulThesis
Malaysia belum terlewat jadi pusat automotif Text
5kg buying limit on cooking oil Text
Robot jejas peluang pekerjaan rakyat Text
Global financial crisis and its effect on entrepreneursh Non-Index Paper
Design of steel and timber / rekabentuk keluli dan kay Text
Catalytic chelation technique for the removal of toxic Thesis
Kios zakat, tabung masjid diperluas Text
Pembangunan permainan berkomputer berasaskan pernia Thesis
A statistical analysis on price elasticity of electrici Indexed Paper
Kakitangan awam kena faham budaya : pekerja dari SeText
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Indoor transparent antenna for television reception Indexed Paper
Analysis of micropatterned wireless resonant heaters Indexed Paper
Establishing calorific value prediction models of municText
IT centres for small towns Text
Development of transmission use of system charges scText
Steps to successful breastfeeding Text
Features extraction of heart sounds using time-frequenText
'Keldai dadah' Malaysia kena tahan di Austria Text
Pemilik kad PLUSMiles diberi rebat tol September Text
'Forest garden' for urban dwellers proposed Text
Effect of solvent annealing on the crystallinity of spra Indexed Paper
Perlunya makan secara berhemah Text
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Circuit theory 2 Exam Papers
A new mode to make the great leap forward Text
Gejala sosial : semua pihak perlu bekerjasama Text
Why muslims must master science Text
Negri sees deficit budget of RM28.2 mil Text
Sistem pengurusan skim pinjaman buku teks Sekolah MText
Detection of arcing fault in underground distribution cabText
Celcom, Maxis hubung pelanggan khidmat 3G Text
Reminders of a glorious past Text
The nonabelian tensor square and homological functorConference Papers
BPR jadi suruhanjaya bebas Text
Bantu bersih jenayah Text
Empirical validation of simulation software with expe Indexed Paper
Improving social responsiveness of children with auti Thesis
Structured genetic algorithm technique for unit com Non-Index Paper
Bayar cukai sebelum 30 April Text
Linear static performance of building structure under Thesis
Election process not entirely in our hands Text
Islamic banking is our strong point, says Nor MohamedText
Rumah murah: Ibu tunggal diutamakan Text
PM launches initiative to accelerate economic growth Text
Perisian Al-Quran Digital Ciptaan Anak Malaysia Text
4.48 juta pelancong Islam lawat Malaysia Text
Design of quick assembly scaffold and handrail for conThesis
Faktor kewangan halang bina pusat amaran awal Text
Tokoh bank asing yakin prestasi ekonomi Malaysia Text
Food industry site selection using geospatial technolo Thesis
Lawatan penyelidik UTM ke NUS Text
Technocrat and development Exam Papers
Deadline for registration of mobile prepaid users staysText
The development of self-esteem among school studenConference Papers
Mapping 2D to 3D forensic facial recognition via bio- Journal Article
Floods force families to change their diets Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
AirAsia tak setuju ubah tambang MAS Text
Magnetic induction tomography : a brief review Indexed Paper
Pak Lah : Islam Hadhari not a new religion or order Text
Orang ramai tidak perlu bimbang Text
Proses kimia industri Text
The impact of planning and development of Senai townThesis
Di mana rumah kami? Text
As I Wonder : great expectations Text
Bantah tol 3 tahun sekali Text
Malaysia mahu jadi hab logistik dunia Text
Land law Exam Papers
PTPTN sedia RM3b pinjaman pelajar Text
Peluang kurangkan ambil gula Text
Team to tackle Mat Rempit Text
Electronics / elektronik Text
Sarawak jolted 10 times in nine years Text
Asia the brightest spot for vehicles Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Pemilihan produk halal di tangan pengguna Text
Parametric study on catalytic cracking of LDPE to liqui Indexed Paper
Effectiveness of chloride salts on the behaviour of limeNon-Index Paper
Kerajaan sentiasa prihatin bantu rakyat ditimpa benca Text
Engineering economics and project management Exam Papers
Teknologi laser Text
Tarik pelancong baru : Najib Text
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Ethics and planning practice Exam Papers
A component based development approach for embedd Conference Papers
Program penempatan bekerja mahasiswa Jun ini Text
Bekalan elektrik terputus lagi Text
A technique to remove second order singularity applicaNon-Index Paper
Human resource management Exam Papers
Pride and prejudice News Paper Cuttings
Restriction on land ownership and its implications on Conference Papers
The relationship between organizational culture and Thesis
PLUS toll revenue hits record high Text
Bukan sekadar penyakit biasa kanak-kanak Text
Penggunaan sijil formula unit syer dalam permohonan Thesis
TV Pendidikan : kandungan, sikap guru punca kegagalaText
Perketat disiplin tangani gejala pelajar samseng Text
Disisih, tiada kerja punca penagih sukar pulih Text
Kampung Ulu Geroh bakal diwarta Hutan Simpan KekaText
Penuntut UTM lawat loji percetakan NSTP Text
OSC memperkasa perkhidmatan PBT Text
Palestin di tangan Israel Text
BI makin mantap Text
Plagiarism detection scheme based on semantic role laConference Papers
UTHM raih 9 pingat Ekspo Teknologi Text
Kempen derma darah di foyer perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Study on the performance of underground XLPE cablesText i
An improved swarm optimization for parameter estimat Indexed Paper
Tidak setuju larang warga UTM buat pendedahan di mText
A novel scan architecture for low power scan-based teIndexed Paper
UTMBridge uji kreativiti pereka News Paper Cuttings
Car wiring system for UTM formula sae (Design digital Thesis
Kadar perkahwinan turun : IKIM bimbang masa depan Text ins
Globalisasi cabar bahasa Malaysia Text
Perkasa kesihatan awam Text
Pengusaha bas sekolah diarah pulang tambang Text
Kelebihan, risiko subsidi minyak Text
Engineering properties of bio-inspired cement mortar Conference Papers
Memahami konsep pelaburan harga tetap berubah-ubText
Batal permit pekerja asing Text
Development of a new enclosure migration prototype Thesis
Bioenergy from anaerobic digestion in Pakistan : pote Indexed Paper
Impact of unplanned schedule compression on projectConference Papers
Parents seek info on NS travel plans Text
Penggunaan busa untuk mengawal mobiliti dalam banjiText
Students learn leadership skills at Johor Zoo Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
Record number of PhD students at USM Text
BSN sasar pertumbuhan pinjaman cecah RM2b Text
Second chance for plastics Text
Poor industry response Text
Dual modality tomography system using optical and elNon-Index Paper
Ancaman banjir besar : hujan berterusan dijangka melaText
Control systems Exam Papers
Social ills rising in Kelantan Text
Local community's perception of the appropriateness Thesis
Rafidah : Chips industry poised for double-digit growthText
Harga padi akan naik Text
Construction plants management Exam Papers
Dinar emas bukan alat mengislamkan kapitalisme Text
Make life better for our children Text
Civil servants to help cops nab errant motorists Text
Creating strong com munity via korban Text
Potential of nanofiltration membrane in groundwater Journal Article
More avian flu centres Text
Mekanik keplastikan & pembentukan logam Text
Transmission enhancement using textile artificial ma Indexed Paper
E-dagang Masa Wetra Trading Thesis
Pengenalan sejarah dan teori seni Text
28 pasukan sertai VBR 2015 News Paper Cuttings
Malaysian firms also to blame Text
A new method of pure automated dictionary attacks onThesis
Bantuan pakar atasi masalah kewangan Text
Demand side management using direct load control forConference Papers
Ciri-ciri aliran keluar dengan menggunakan empang bula Thesis
Proses pembelajaran sepanjang hayat Text
Application of microwave in wood tomography (Full teText
Construction mathematics / matematik binaan Text
450 standard piawaian dikeluarkan Text
Isolation of leucosporidium antarcaticum chitinase ge Conference Papers
No proposal to raise maximum fine for traffic offences Text
Pembudayaan keusahawanan didik bumiputera berdayText
AirAsia sasar bawa 8 juta penumpang Text
Kejiranan Lestari dilanjutkan Text
Integrated supplier management system a case study :Text
Characteristics of brain activities in the first impress Thesis
Cohesive band structure of carbon nanotubes for appl Indexed Paper
Asas ukur kejuruteraan Text
Right to play Text
Fingerprint matching using minutiae Thesis
ASM mahu kembali capai kecemerlangan Text
Nelayan mengeluh ikan tak laku Text
Petronas profit drops to RM22b Text
Carrier scattering and impact ionization in bilayer gra Indexed Paper
Kementerian lulus 51 projek DAGS tingkat penggunan Text
Photografting of polyacrylamide hydrogel coating ontoIndexed Paper
Study the effect of corrosion on the mechanical properText
Kelewatan penyiapan projek pembinaan dalam kontrakText
Mekah pusat bumi dan ibadat Text
Pipeline Inspection robot Thesis
Pemindahan program aeroangkasa ke UKM secara berp Text
Perlu kaji semula lokasi SAR News Paper Cuttings
Mixed reaction to English in pre-schools Text
Undang-undang syariah terbaik : Gani Text
Malaysia mahu Konvensyen PBB Mengenai KeganasanText
Mohd. Noh dilantik NC UTHM Text
Bajet pertanian 2006 propertumbuhan Text
Effect of curing time on microbial induced cementationThesis
Prosedur kawalan longgar di PTD, PBT punca rasuah Text
Easy steps to wireless networking Text
IPPH teras produk halal negara Text
Net-savvy Najib is way to go, says Facebook's Zuckerb Text
Perakaunan II Text
Performance comparison of optical character recognit Thesis
Alahan susu atau intolerans laktosa? Text
Analisis perbandingan kaedah pelarasan penyegitigaanText
Peningkatan kualiti guru keperluan mendesak Text
Digital watermarking and data hiding techniques Conference Papers
Crystallization of electrodeposited germanium thin filmIndexed Paper
Projek akuakultur 25,000 hektar mulai 2008 Text
UMNO elections 2004 : race for three V-P posts wide Text
Amalan syura dalam kalangan guru besar dan hubungaThesis
University bags 17 innovation awards Text
Stress distributions in maxillary central incisors resto Indexed Paper
Joomsurvey - android application for mobile retail servThesis
180,000 youths going in for Change Text
Abroad and full of grouses Text
Local and global messages for prompting energy conserIndexed Paper
Pengalaman berharga saintis wanita di Antartika Text
Ejen hadapi tuduhan tipu 19 pembeli rumah murah Text
Why review speed limits? Text
Co-channel and adjacent channel interference evaluatiConference Papers
MMC jual 7.93 peratus ekuiti dalam Proton Text
Ketagih kafe siber Text
UTM to turn KL branch into world class city campus Text
Pensampelan dan kawalan mutu Text
Analisis pelancongan Text
Modelling and simulation of magnetically suspended Text
An asset we can be proud of Text
100 juta saham percuma Text
500,000 peluang kerja Text
Site management Exam Papers
PROTON ke UTM News Paper Cuttings
Meningkatkan aset strategik maritim negara Text
Management information systems Exam Papers
Fong : donÆt neglect safety, health of foreign worker Text
Bahasa Arab Exam Papers
Pesara terima kenaikan pencen 10 peratus Text
Membina tamadun sendiri Text
CIMB kembang operasi ke Asia Barat Text
Health Ministry : use rapid tests to check for flu Text
Air conditioning system for office building Thesis
Nitrogen uptake of SRI paddy field compare to conventiJournal Article
Pertandingan futsal pra konvo UTM Sabtu, Ahad ini Text
Jalur lebar SchoolNet di 8,000 sekolah setakat ini Text
Malaysia lokasi pilihan pelajar dari luar negara Text
Interleaved boost DC-DC converter with large conversiThesis
IMF puji prestasi ekonomi Malaysia Text
Kebersihan cegah penyebaran wabak Text
Sistem baru PCB satu pilihan Text
The implementation of a productivity measurement tech Text
Influnenza A(H1N1) : virus exists in pigs but not same aText
Quality improvement in an electronics manufacturing Thesis
E-service quality in public academic library Thesis
Jalur lebar tanpa wayar mulai Oktober Text
Development of storage and logistic system (abstrak) Text
PM rintis 'Asia Baru' : rantau ini bakal menjadi penta Text
Kimia organo logam Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Kukuhkan sistem penyampaian semua sektor Text
H1N1 : Practise social distancing Text
Inherent safety index for proton membrane fuel cell v Indexed Paper
Ramai salah anggap dasar bahasa Text
Kefahaman Islam : IKIM sediakan suasana bebas, terb Text
Tabung Haji eyes halal food market Text
Don't raise chicken prices, says Muhyiddin Text
Bertegaslah dalam pelaksanaan larangan merokok Text
Effect of depth placement of geocell reinforcement in Conference Papers
Hikmah air zamzam kekal sepanjang zaman Text
Welcome news Text
Langkawi given geopark status Text
Taxation 1 / percukaian 1 Text
Estimating I Exam Papers
Risiko gempa baru : kemungkinan kerak bumi berubahText d
Air : Pulau Pinang tidak wajar dikenakan bayaran Text
Kajian makmal ke atas prestasi pemecah ombak tengg Text
Sekat lucah di Internet, guna perisian khas komputer bText
Differential extraction of DNA types in semen mixture Thesis
Detection of concentration during mental arithmetic bThesis
Proton yakin eksport 100,000 kereta 2008 Text
Bandar siber diperluas, ke arah menjadikan Malaysia pText
Langkah bijak pantau kemudahan awam Text
Scholarship award system is fair Text
Kerajaan sentiasa berusaha beri yang terbaik kepada r Text
Dialogue in Swaziland to forge smart partnerships Text
Behavior of cold formed lipped c-channel with ferroc Thesis
Malam Puisi Riong Ke-2 di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Bintulu exciting mix of both worlds News Paper Cuttings
GIS dalam perancangan Text
Students' behaviour problems : an attempt to underst Text
Enhancing teaching and learning through the incorporat Conference Papers
Complex object matching using polynomial regression Conference Papers
Ternakan Intergrasi hasil 256,000 lembu Text
The method of lines solution of the Forced Korteweg- Conference Papers
Electricity load reduction in hybrid power systems usi Indexed Paper
Mengurus perpustakaan bukan sekadar meletakkan baText
Sejarah Nobel Laureat Exam Papers
Ultra wideband six-port receiver using an integrated coThesis
Tumor mata himpit saraf optik, sebabkan buta Text
Azalina lancar buku Jelajah Belia Text
Fire safety awareness drive to target teenagers Text
Saving behaviour among students of faculty of mana Thesis
Antenna with metamaterial design (Preview) Text
Effects of geometric parameters of TWP section on t Thesis
Grid-connected distributed energy generation system Indexed Paper
Pengalaman luar bantu pertingkat mutu produk Text
Teknologi pemetaan Exam Papers
Perhubungan data & rangkaian komputer Text
Architecture theory and criticism Exam Papers
8.75 sen gain per ASB unit Text
Removal of Remazol Brilliant Blue R and Crystal Violet Thesis
Piawaian elak makanan kesihatan bawa mudarat Text
Fesko-50 UTM sasar 80,000 pengunjung News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia can meet the target News Paper Cuttings
Active integrated antenna with simultaneous transmit Text
Miniaturized planar tomography for multiphase stagnaIndexed Paper
RM5.3b untuk kos persaraan Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Discrete adomian decomposition method for solving frThesis
Liow : keep taking precautions Text
Kementerian rancang pertemuan berkala Text
Rekabentuk struktur sayap, fiuslaj dan ekor pesawat Text
Pusat kawalan RazakSAT Text
Image transmission using multiple description coding Thesis
Pendidikan Islam Exam Papers
Paksi agama bertiang lima Text
Characterization of planar and vertical N-Channel MosText
Optical tomography : image improvement using mixedIndexed Paper
Banglo, rumah kedai diubahsuai jadi tadika Text
UTM perkenal kaedah PLEX proses sabut sawit Text
Comparison of three dimensional modeling software for Thesis
Dynamic hysteresis based modeling of piezoelectric acIndexed Paper
Pingat Hang Tuah revived Text
Kajian mengenai tahap kualiti binaan bangunan di DaeThesis
Hasrat JKKK mahu lihat belia aktif tercapai News Paper Cuttings
Jelajah Singapura-Laos guna minyak masak terpakai News Paper Cuttings
The understanding of contract documentation in projeText
Rakyat patut cintai ilmu berterusan Text
Analisis kerangka ruang terhadap beban angin Text
UTM tewaskan lima universiti lain di POPPIM News Paper Cuttings
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Teknologi Penderia & Sistem Penglihatan Robotik Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Advanced biotechnology Text
Better care for elderly Text
Energy efficient distillation columns analysis for aromaConference Papers
More dead than alive Text
IPTA kurang profesor Text
Cabinet to review open system for diesel purchase Text
Hasrat jadikan program agenda nasional News Paper Cuttings
Dasar ekonomi dunia perlu dirombak Text
Survey : Poor English holds back job-seekers Text
Industri penjagaan kesihatan perlu agresif Text
Pusat karaoke tak daftar lagu hadapi risiko denda RM1Text
Penyelidikan operasi I Text
Passively Q-switched flashlamp pumped Nd : YAG laserIndexed Paper
Penjadualan pengeluaran menggunakan aturan pelepasa Text
Terengganu guna SMS pilih pekerja cemerlang Text
Pemasaran pelancongan Text
UTM sedia salur kepakaran tingkatkan ilmu Text
Toll for several roads to increase Text
Robust model for sea surface current simulation from Conference Papers
New curriculum gets nod Text
Critical factors to assess safety requirements of manu Thesis
Control of unmanned surface vessel Thesis
Fotodegradasi 4-Nitrofenol dengan fotomangkin titaniText
Tingkatkan kerjaya media Text
Plan to get pupils to mingle Text
Pengajian diploma lanjutan IKBN 2009 Text
Tiga strategi capai kegemilangan Text
Coverage and network performance study for wireles Thesis
Sultan Ibrahim crowned News Paper Cuttings
Kawal aliran kredit bank Text
Kabinet lulus 5 syor pulihara Cameron Highlands Text
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk loji Text
An integrity based radio frequency identification (RFIDThesis
Assessment of new operational strategy in optimization Indexed Paper
Gaya hidup sihat elak penyakit kencing manis Text
Bahaya dadah di kalangan remaja Text
Kemajuan teknologi Bluetooth Text
PM to unveil national co-op policy today Text
Orang ramai mungkin dibenar guna sendiri alatan per Text
Mailbox notification via SMS Thesis
Persepsi Guru Besar terhadap pengurusan kerja rumahThesis
More than just religious studies Text
Sasaran 2 juta tan metrik ikan 2010 Text
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanowires for hydrogen gas senThesis
Puncak Niaga rancang bina pusat R&D air Text
Kaji tubuh syarikat sijil halal sistematik Text
Biochemical analysis of a semiconstrained elbow prothConference Papers
Rawatan intervensi IJN secara langsung ke Paris Text
Scholar's Inn e-reservation system (SIE-RS) Thesis
Application of coagulation-ultrafiltration hybrid proce Indexed Paper
PM : farmers must pool resources to succeed farmers Text
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Register or face fine of RM300,000, doctors told Text
Peningkatan dagangan intra-Asia bantu lindungi ekon Text
Penggunaan spektroskopi organik Text
Assessment on water quality and biodiversity within S Text
Sugar solution within 24 hours Text
Sistem backup dengan menggunakan visual studio .NEText
Malaysia, Singapura puas hati kerjasama bidang kesel Text
Sistem kehadiran pelajar menggunakan pengenalan w Thesis
Keseimbangan rohani, fizikal elak serangan penyakit Text
Syarikat bioteknologi minat labur di Malaysia Text
Penyelidikan sosial, sains lonjak UMS Text
Laman IPTS : berdaya saing Text
Passive infrared motion detector in dark area Thesis
Semester baharu azam baharu News Paper Cuttings
Falling into the extremists' net Text
Dasar Sosial Negara cara terbaik ærawatÆ jiwa remaText
Smart tawar peluang usaha stesen minyak mini Text
Performance of grouted vertical aluminium duct conneThesis
Three dimensional modeling analysis of craniofacial haConference Papers
Ekstrak aprikot mengurangkan risiko penyakit Text
Drive-thru shopping mobile application Thesis
Malaysia kekal pasaran utama Kia Motors Text
Water leakage detection using ground penetrating radThesis
Buku elektronik mampu tingkat pencapaian Text
Kadar inflasi diramal melebihi tiga peratus Text
Biologi gunaan Text
Optimisation of yaw rejection control for armoured veIndexed Paper
PM leads roadshow to highlight MalaysiaÆs attractio Text
Bilayer graphene application on NO2 sensor modellingIndexed Paper
TLDM perkenal konsep dwilaluan luaskan peluang ken Text
Banyak cuti umum jejas kebijaksanaan Text
Air lombong tak selamat News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Sewa bilik hotel mungkin dinaikkan Text
Pernama tanda kejayaan institusi peruncitan Melayu Text
Characterization of detailed features in high resolutionConference Papers
Seasonal and spatial variability of sea surface temper Thesis
Control mechanism and analysis for fish arm feeding Thesis
Bekalan diesel, petrol mencukupi Text
Amalan perancangan dalam pembangunan tanah Text
Catalytic combustion of soot emission Text
Experimenting a computer-based essay marking system Text
A framework for designing analyzing and classifying c Thesis
Govt not protecting Naza at Protons expense : RafidahText
Tsunami : ekonomi negara tidak terjejas Text
Kesan penghargaan kendiri sebagai moderator ke atasThesis
Tuning of PI controller for coupled-tank liquid level c Conference Papers
Impact of international court of justice decisions on Thesis
Naib Canselor UTM jadi teka teki Text
UTM, Newcastle to boost Iskandar Text
Thermochemical analysis of palm oil wastes as fuel forJournal Article
RM3 bilion hasil yuran peiajar asing tahun lalu News Paper Cuttings
Caring for baby Text
Tabung Endowment UTM terima RM423,000 News Paper Cuttings
India's RM570bil carrot Text
Study on properties of blended biodiesel and mineral oi Thesis
PNB kuasai 14 peratus Text
Peluang tambah pendapatan Text
Kenali alat kelamin anda Text
Computer networking Exam Papers
China gusar matlamat latihan tentera News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia perlu laksana Kesban News Paper Cuttings
Pseudo dynamic cyclic test for IBS block work Thesis
A microfluidic device for single cell hydrodynamic trapThesis
Naik gaji minimum swasta : MTUC Text
Credit card interest rates to be reduced Text
The design of a single seater helicopter fuselage Text
Dato' Onn Jaafar, 1895 - 1962 Book Chapter
Projek lulus tak ikut laporan -- PPM dakwa wujud cam Text
Chua : Malaysia on full alert against outbreak Text
Hubungan antara pembangunan kerjaya dengan prestaThesis
Peluang peroleh maklumat ICT melalui Kemjis UTM Text
Application of extreme learning machine for predictionIndexed Paper
Johor Port dapat kod : ISPS pelabuhan selamat Text
Kedai buku di Massachusetts menenangkan cendekia Text
Development of a decision support system for nutrien Text
Software construction Exam Papers
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Kesan perbezaan saiz simpang terhadap kadar pelang Thesis
Doctor : exempt no one from vaccination Text
Bakar sate, barbeku diharamkan ekoran cuaca panas Text
Arahan pewartaan tidak timbulkan masalah: Rais Text
Kualiti, keselamatan faktor utama pikat pelancong asi Text
Macro feature-based discretization for identical twin'sThesis
Comparative study on partial discharge characteristic Indexed Paper
Second order laplacian edge detection model for medicThesis
Post-mortem also shows woman was strangled to dea Text
Pakaian alternatif Rais cetus perbahasan Text
Passengers, cyclists to pay 100pc more Text
Influence of inorganic additives on the performance ofJournal Article
Structural plan analysis of earthquake resistant small mThesis
Pak Lah is new Umno president Text
Its all about environmental pride Text
Water level at Selangor dams dropping Text
Arkib abadikan identiti negara dan bangsa Text
Traffic management and analysis Exam Papers
Chromosomal abnormality Text
Sediakan garis panduan kelas tuisyen Text
Hydrolysis of virgin coconut oil using immobilized lipasConference Papers
Langkawi Pusat Daftar Kapal Layar Antarabangsa Text
Sasaran tanam 20 juta pokok mampu dicapai Text
Phosphorus loadings estimation using fuzzy vollenwei Text
Permata dilancar tahun depan Text
Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemindahan latihan pengurus Thesis
Keunikan Kota Buku Paju Text
Minimum input variances for modelling rainfall-runoff Indexed Paper
Jumlah pengeluaran permit bas sekolah tidak dihadka Text
Watch out Outlook, here comes Thunderbird Text
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
Et war mobile game Thesis
Najib yakin penembusan jalur lebar capai sasaran Text
Performance of undergraduate students in mathematicJournal Article
Pelancongan beri rezeki kepada masyarakat Orang AsliText
Proposal appealing to minority shareholders Text
Numerical investigation of thermal fluid flow through Thesis
Calculus Exam Papers
Observation of isolated breakdown lightning flashes inIndexed Paper
Joint strength of mixed silyl modified polymer-epoxy aJournal Article
Efficacy of biological activity of andrographis panicula Indexed Paper
Tingkatkan kecemerlangan IPTA Text
A-G wants appeal into boyÆs murder case speeded u Text
Shortage of fresh fish with fishing fleet decimated Text
59 warga UTM tawan Gunung Arong News Paper Cuttings
Bantulah Aceh : Syed Hamid rayu rakyat Malaysia dermText
Investigation of fiber Bragg grating sensor efficiency Thesis
Hadkan kos majlis Text
UTM bina makmal canggih News Paper Cuttings
Non-negative matrix factorization for blind image sepaThesis
Foundation engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Menyemarak semangat setiakawan Text
Ergonomic factor in design of books trolley in library Thesis
Instruments analog and digital Exam Papers
Structure–property relationships of iron–hydrox Indexed Paper
Perlaksanaan konsep 5:95 dalam sistem penyampaia Thesis
Jalinan kemanusiaan Malaysia - Australia Text
Oil producers investment group proposed Text
Simulation and development of plasma discharge circuThesis
Software development for aerodynamic characteristicsText
Hasil kajian MPOB diperluas Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Persimpangan bertingkat pemangkin pembangunan Text
Usahawan digalak ceburi perniagaan jarang diterokai Text
Relationship between loss of load expectation and res Journal Article
Ghani : set up units to ensure clean public toilets Text
UTP juara pertandingan Debat Kemerdekaan Text
Senario geopolitik baharu ASEAN News Paper Cuttings
Kesangsian Kuala Lumpur terhadap aktiviti pengintipa News Paper Cuttings
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
Management information systems Exam Papers
Active force control of an nonholonomic wheeled mobiThesis
Police question MyKad holders in Sabah Text
Infrastruktur sekolah dipertikai strategi rapatkan jura Text
Agihan zakat bantu pelajar UTM News Paper Cuttings
PM : help small farms flourish Text
Numerical investigation of 2-D free convection of nanoIndexed Paper
The effect of anxiety on breast cancer patients Conference Papers
Improved semantic graph-based plagiarism detection Thesis
8 public universities to become centres for sports exceText
Influenza A(H1N1) : fears of a second wave Text
800 unit GEN.2 diserah akhir bulan Text
UTM hosts Johor horse show News Paper Cuttings
Buku RM1j diagih bagi 1,000 sekolah Text
j-Qaf bagi 12,000 murid bermasalah Text
Biopulping of pineapple leaf fiber using ceriporiopsis Thesis
Memahami konsep membanteras jenayah Text
Preliminary development of an atmospheric boundary Text
Preparation and characterization of carbon molecular sText
Johor to preserve three wetland sites Text
FTA: Perjanjian ditandatangan di Bali Text
Inspak lancarkan pengangkutan awam Text
Liquid phase microextraction with sol-gel coated hollowThesis
Jakim perkenal logo halal baru Text
Bapa sebak terima ijazah anak Text
Photogrammetry Exam Papers
Enhancing the rheological properties and shale inhibit Thesis
Pertahan profesion tentera Text
Eight-point master plan for success Text
Influence of copper oxide nanomaterials in a poly(et Indexed Paper
Work environment fast improving Text
Halal Mart tawar 200 produk News Paper Cuttings
Fizik berkomputer Text
Korban akibat kebakaran meningkat Text
10% projek kontraktor Kelas F bumiputera Text
9 tip erat hubungan keluarga Text
The improvement of confidence level of students lea Indexed Paper
Model fitness on emotional intelligence, personality t Journal Article
Memahami Islam secara kulit dan isi Text
AirAsia calls for better facilities at terminal Text
Design of a mimo rectangular dielectric resonator anteThesis
Comparative analysis of stage and phase signal controlThesis
Professional engineering practice Exam Papers
Pekerja pos curi 10,000 surat ditahan Text
Strategi pengeluaran produk halal akan diseragam Text
Bone scaffold geometrical design and material selectioJournal Article
SPR, Jabatan Peguam Negara buat persiapan hadapi peText
Object classification using deep learning Thesis
5 diberkas 11,120 pil kuda dirampas Text
Lebih ramai pilih pengeluaran fleksibel KWSP Text
13 juta berpeluang kerja separuh masa Text
Penggunaan perpustakaan sebagai ukuran negara majText
Hiburan Islamik menerusi iFest UTM News Paper Cuttings
Khidmat pertanian bantu petani tingkat hasil Text
Repair of damaged reinforced concrete beams using pThesis
Asas Kejuruteraan Elektrik Text
Rakyat jadi juruaudit prestasi YB Text
Knowledge discovery for interesting places for touristsThesis
Mohamed Khaled terima ijazah kehormat UTM News Paper Cuttings
Robust of doppler frequency spectra model for estimaConference Papers
Persepsi pengguna terhadap kesesuaian lokasi dan re Thesis
Kejuruteraan sisa air buangan Text
RFID-based electronic fare toll collection system for Indexed Paper
Negara-negara Selatan perlu segera sepakat Text
Spektroskopi Text
Virus boleh hidup pada semua permukaan Text
Prediction of surface flow by forcing of climate foreca Indexed Paper
Program agrikultur Text
Chemical constituents and bioactivity studies on Premna Thesis
Tidak interaktif punca kurang minat Matematik, Sains News Paper Cuttings
Wanita perlu kesedaran maksimum elak ragut Text
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Mekanik tanah & geologi Text
UTM aiming for world-class status Text
Warga pendidik ikrar khidmat penuh komitmen Text
Three steps to treat acne Text
Contohi Rasulullah sebagai insan terbilang Text
Make developers think green, banks urged Text
Several settlements in Ulu Baram suffer as rivers run dText
Modification and stabilisation of Malaysian cohesive soConference Papers
Geometric nonlinear analysis of truss structure Thesis
Blanket ban on burning Text
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
An alternative routing mechanisms for mobile ad - ho Text
Mutu soalan STPM bertaraf antarabangsa Text
Designing a low cost cubesat's command and data hand Indexed Paper
Cheaper books Text
Characteristics of hollow cone swirl spray at various noJournal Article
Better trade figures in the offing Text
Teknologi laser Text
Medical seats : no guarantee in future Text
Calling for revival of Asean youth interaction Text
A discrete single input PI fuzzy controller for inverter Conference Papers
Single phase measurement of magnetic induction tomThesis
Fizik neutron dan reaktor Text
Grooming dedicated managers Text
Autonomous target follower mobile robot Thesis
Pengenalan kepada teknologi maklumat Exam Papers
Vocational training courses for public News Paper Cuttings
Lawatan Edupelancongan Smk.Taman Seri Saujana ke Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Foreign students to be allowed part-time work Text
Royal Belum now a white area, off limits to loggers Text
Ukur binaan IV Text
Rekod dalam MyKad rahsia Text
Perpecahan akibat perebutan kuasa punca umat IslamText t
TR-IR-UWB performance improvement using modifiedIndexed Paper
Anti-truancy task force reactivated Text
Malaysian may join RussiaÆs mission to Mars Text
Relationship between strength and liquidity index of ceThesis
Mesin kupas bawang produk terbaik. News Paper Cuttings
Syarikat AS teroka minyak Iraq Text
Ekonomi baik kelebihan bagi BN News Paper Cuttings
Kajian punca berlakunya jurang persepsi di antara pe Thesis
Profesor penentu kecemerlangan universiti Text
Submodeling technique in stress analysis of heavy dutyConference Papers
See the human factor, not race Text
English courses to help graduates gain confidence Text
Rekabentuk awal robot tempur Text
New nonlinear four-step method for y"=f(t,y) Text
Kimia organologam Text
Elektronik Asas Text
40% of youths getting higher education in Malaysia n Text
Statistics II Exam Papers
Sejarah senibina moden Text
Teknologi pemakanan untuk ternakan keli Text
Sifat-sifat polimer Text
Kajian permasalahan menyiapkan kerja ukuran hakmiliText
Cerita sebelum tidur bina daya imaginasi Text
Consumer purchase intention towards pure tea vs flavoThesis
Challenges and prospects in implementing e - governme Text
Dynamical systems Exam Papers
Novel fiksyen sains bantu lahirkan modal insan kreatif News Paper Cuttings
Awards for top Muslim students Text
Synthesis, modification and functionalization of silica Conference Papers
Program AADK dapat sambutan Text
Jururawat akan dilatih rawat pesakit kronik Text
No water tariff hikes until supply improves Text
Boosting ties with China Text
The performance of correlative coding in MIMO-OFDMConference Papers
Tinjauan terhadap kemahiran pekerja di industri kecil Text
Wujudkan permuafakatan nasional baru Text
Mengubah pemikiran ahli akademik Text
Polis umum kes besar yang memeranjatkan Isnin ini Text
41 kem PLKN sedia terima 26,000 peserta serentak Text
Major drug trafficking ring busted Text
Equitable returns from pact with Japan : Najib Text
Negara maju curi, paten Tongkat Ali Text
Balai bergerak atasi jenayah kawasan panas Text
Statistik II Text
Shahrizat bantah Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam dala Text
Pembelajaran Mesin & Robot Pintar Text
Solid state physics Exam Papers
Technology reshapes US classrooms Text
Resistivity measurement of ZnO:Al films for solar cell Conference Papers
Border alert : death of Thai man from bird flu leads to Text
Sistem pengurusan laporan pemantauan pejabat pelajThesis
Malaysian furniture makers told to step up use of IT Text
Profil YB dikemas kini Text
A review on the effectiveness of safety training methoIndexed Paper
Relative importance of factors affecting construction Indexed Paper
Isu jambatan : butiran rahsia didedah Text
Malaysia, Brunei tubuh konsortium pantau projek ber Text
Ramai pembayar cukai salah isi Borang BE Text
Pelajar sekolah terlibat jenayah meningkat Text
Many unaware they have diabetes until very late Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan sistem pangkalan data Thesis mas
Sejarah, kaedah, serta Model Pengajaran dan PembelaConference Papers
Empat IPTA sedia diberi autonomi Text
A contour based approach for word extraction from han Conference Papers
Mathematical modeling II Exam Papers
2 Oktober dan keharmonian antara agama Text
Pembedahan plastik dan rekonstruktif Text
Influence of recycled polyethylene terephthalate fiber Thesis
Mengaktifkan masjid untuk berfungsi setiap masa Text
Self-explaining agents Journal Article
Proposed tunnel to ease flood, traffic woes Text
Safety and environmental risk and reliability model fo Non-Index Paper
Learning social skills via sports Text
Experiments on the dynamics of density currents Journal Article
Golongan muda disaran sertai pasukan polis Text
Time for bold trade initiatives Text
1,200 pusat MLVK tutup Text
Adil bagi pembeli Text
Corrosion and oxidation behaviours of magnesium andText i
Pygmy jumbos may be relocated Text
Analisis pasang surut dengan kaedah harmonik menggun Text
Abdullah Ayub among 1,707 conferred titles in conjun News Paper Cuttings
Confirmatory factor analysis of social environmental s Indexed Paper
Mesyuarat tergempar OIC: Empat negara setuju hadir Text
Evaluation of structural flood mitigation approach us Thesis
Import daging dikaji semula Text
Analisis aliran melalui skrin dalam saluran terbuka Text
Hubungan di antara masalah kerja dengan tekanan kerja Text
Instrumentasi proses Text
Park planning and recreation Exam Papers
Fine or jail for sale of small cigarette packs Text
Institusi-institusi islam (islamic institutions) Text
Pensyarah IPTA - Fenomena `lari', `berhijrah' masih be Text
Presence at Copenhagen climate summit not merely dText
The big clean-up Text
RHB Islamic Bank yakin pertumbuhan dua angka Text
Elektronik digit Text
Masuk kelas pemulihan : murid dapat gred D dan E da Text
Metod pengajaran guru bagi meningkatkan kemahiranConference Papers
RM4.8m aid for 33,800 pupils Text
Move to make Proton City wireless Text
Intake to increase News Paper Cuttings
Iskandar Malaysia hab pengajian perubatan Text
Bahasa Arab asas spiritual tamadun Text
Celebs take to social media to express sorrow over TunkNews Paper Cuttings
PTPTN kaji kursus di IPTA, IPTS untuk pinjaman pendidText
Penggunaan laman rangkaian social (facebook) dalam Thesis
JPJ perkenal modul baru usaha kurangkan nahas Text
Mesin turbo Text
Tunku Laksamana Johor mangkat News Paper Cuttings
Simulation of brick masonry wall behaviour under cycliThesis
Sistem maklumat perancangan bandar dan wilayah : Text
PM temui pemimpin 4 negara di CHOGM Text
Preparation and characterization of polyethersulfone Journal Article
Investigating the relationship between creativity an Journal Article
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk julur konkrit bertetula Text
Akta Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dipinda Text
Time series Exam Papers
Implementation of inclusive education programme in Conference Papers
Deployment tool for EMP software and database back Thesis
Gaji naik hingga 35 peratus Text
Petani kena nilai semula diri jika mahu maju Text
Avioniks dan instrumentasi Text
Mofaz minat kembalikan kegemilangan Proton Text
Implementing customer relationship mangement and serv Text
Kecemerlangan akademik dalam kalangan mahasiswa da Thesis
Some courses in english may be mandatory Text
History begins in 2012 at primary schools Text
Ultra wideband antenna with band notch at 5.8 gigahert Thesis
Hampir setahun hilangnya MH370 News Paper Cuttings
Codesl : a framework for system - lavel modeling, co - Conference Papers
Integrating outcome-based assessment in learning m Thesis
UTM lancar program OCW News Paper Cuttings
Microsoft to end chat services Text
Theory of plate and shell Exam Papers
Melakar nama di peringkat antarabangsa Text
Hubungan di antara personaliti dan prestasi kerja staf Thesis
Venezuela minat contohi kejayaan kita basmi kemiski Text
Tekanan baru Washington terhadap Teheran Text
Moreáspecial education teachers for autism, dyslexi Text
Harga ubat perlu dikawal selia Text
Students' understanding of integrating social responsibIndexed Paper
Dengue hotspots Text
Menteri Luar minta sistem perdagangan lebih adil diw Text
Suhakam, NGOsÆ efforts pay off Text
Transformasi P&P Text
Ancaman Kapal Perang USS LASSEN News Paper Cuttings
Imej Malaysia sebagai ikon perpaduan kena dipertaha Text
TNB tidak lagi monopoli tenaga Text
Stesen minyak dalang : 1,160 disyaki seleweng, seludupText
Forensic analysis of explosives from water samples us Text
PM : change lifestyle to spend less Text
Fire safety in high rise residential building in Malaysia Thesis
Malaysia di kedudukan ke-20 indeks mesra perniagaanText
Gaya kepimpinan guru besar dan hubungannya denganThesis
Spam filtering using Bayesian Technique based on indeText
Modification of media formulation for enhancing prodThesis
Ummah perlu berakhlak majukan ekonomi Text
Modelling and control of an intelligent antilock brakin Text
Wanita : bakal tawan dunia Text
Kes HFMD meningkat semula di Sarawak Text
Sistem perancangan kewangan islam : SPEKIS (Full textText
UTM wujud pelantar penyelidikan geodinamik Text
NSTP inks deal with Indonesian media group Text
Enough water for Johor should El Nino strike Text
Flood round up : high tide a few days from now will m Text
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Getting the feel of flood victims Text
Kecenderungan keusahawanan dikalangan pelajar KoleThesis
The influence of 90 degree bends in closed pipe syst Indexed Paper
Analisis kerangka dengan menggunakan pengaturcaraaThesis
KUB gabung ITTAR, Unitar Text
PM expected to table a æcaring BudgetÆ today Text
Planning Exam Papers
Preparation of molybdenum carbide via microwave indJournal Article
Ibu fail saman selepas kaki anak dipotong Text
KPYPJ tawar program ijazah sarjana muda Text
Pengenalan sains & kejuruteraan polimer Text
Caj tambahan dilarang Text
Management the Toyota Way Text
Handling stress the right way Text
Application of genetic algorithm in solving thermal u Text
Fail khusus projek negeri, daerah diwujud Text
Asean 3 landasan wujud komuniti tulen serantau Text
Memodel dan simulasi pergerakan lengan robot mitsuThesis
Gain recognition at KUTPM Text
Microelectronics 1 Exam Papers
Teaching Science and Mathematics in English : wrong tText
The effects of heat generation or absorption on MHD stIndexed Paper
More room for heart patients Text
Erbitux : peluang bedah kanser kolorektal Text
Malaysian purchase intention towards well-known braThesis
Remaja dan semangat cintakan negara Text
Kesan penggunaan serbuk getah dalam campuran konkrit Text
Gambar batu, lumpur tanda Marikh ada air Text
Instrumentasi Text
Mendedahkan penjenayah perang Text
Effect of velocity variation at high swirl on axial flo Journal Article
Microcontroller-based for system identification tools uJournal Article
Relief centre plan gets support Text
Utusan Melayu Mingguan jadi bahan bantuan pengajaText
Langkah awal pastikan struktur binaan selamat Text
Wealthy snatch thief jailed for nine years Text
Pengiraan bilangan pokok kelapa sawit berdasarkan imThesis
Agents of American hegemony in management educatio Indexed Paper
RMK-9 : PM arah persediaan awal Text
Malaysia latih guru negara membangun Text
Prinsip sistem informasi Text
Critical success factor for Community Benefiting throu Thesis
IPT disaran bina potensi kanak-kanak Text
Offline Arabic character recognition using genetic app Conference Papers
Mobile based - practical training messaging system Thesis
Feasibility study of biogas production and utilization Indexed Paper
Salah faham hak asasi Text
MSU graduates shine in job market Text
Nilai wanita berdasarkan merit Text
Scientists up close with orang utan all day long Text
To evaluate the performance of cold asphalt mixtures Thesis
More can qualify for study loans Text
Free WiFi on Rapid buses Text
ASK akan jadi IPTA Text
A comparative study of the active force control schemText
Teknologi bangunan Text
Think-tank charts path to excellence in education sys Text
Pekerja asing tidak perlu bayar levi RM4 bilion Text
UTM rampas takhta juara divisyen satu Text
Cuepacs wants RM500 for all civil servants Text
Forum Ekonomi Dunia bincang pelbagai isu Text
Qatar minat Permata Negara Text
Bajet mini jana pertumbuhan ekonomi negara Text
E-Syariah dieksport ke negara OIC Text
Urutan diraja Melayu mujarab pulih keletihan Text
Analysis of fake hologram and paracetamol content in Thesis
Tumpu pendidikan awal pastikan Melayu maju Text
Cube kohonen self-organizing map (CKSOM) model with Indexed Paper
The effect of water hammer on pressure oscillation of Indexed Paper
Nilai inovasi, kreativiti perlu dalam keusahawanan Text
Development and implementation of a portable nucleoJournal Article
Israk Mikraj pengajaran paling bermakna bagi umat Text
Cadastral Surveying 1 Exam Papers
Ahli Parlimen usah tipu rakyat Text
Rural planning Exam Papers
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) receiver screeniThesis
Jakim goes online to save Muslim marriages Text
Modenisasi lenyapkan persepsi sektor awam kelas kedText
Skim intensif latih 32,000 tenaga kerja perikanan Text
Perlindungan sinaran perubatan Exam Papers
Lebih 2/3 Pekan Mukah musnah terbakar Text
Syor tambah 200,000 kakitangan ditolak Text
Critical success factors of manufacturing solution adopConference Papers
Rivers, drains need de-silting Text
Thermal mannequin assessment on different types of Thesis
Kejuruteraan genetik Text
Fewer pirate attacks in straits last year Text
Cabaran guru bandar Text
For the love of classical music News Paper Cuttings
PM : provide quality education for all Text
Perairan sempadan Malaysia-Thailand selamat Text
Pembinaan modul pembelajaran kendiri tajuk Asas LanThesis
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Managing the delayed completion in construction projThesis
Major security risk at Nusajaya Text
Rekabentuk kemudahan Text
Matematik IV / Mathematics IV Text
Tin mining industry in Malaysia : the need for a nationaText
Analisis kelakuan ricih plat GFRP menggunakan kaedahText
Wahid mahu tingkatkan prestasi UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Mechanics meterial and structure Exam Papers
Yielding benefits Text
Data leakage model in the use of social media among Thesis
Pakar bahasa Inggeris digaji secara kontrak Text
Saintis perlu beritahu masyarakat Text
Flow analysis of cooling water in the gas turbine fin fanThesis
Pendekatan berhikmah beri impak positif, buka mata News Paper Cuttings
The effect of residence time on the physical character Indexed Paper
Experimental investigation and development of new cor Indexed Paper
Peraturan baru mampu kurang kemalangan Text
Usman Awang dalam kenangan Text
Produk oleokimia berasas sawit dilancar Text
Over 100 hillslopes prone to landslides Text
Tekanan hidup usia muda punca sakit mental Text
Scale formation due to water injection in Malaysian s Conference Papers
Effect of silver nanoparticles on spectral features of e Thesis
Investigating students' reflective thinking level in onl Indexed Paper
Antilock braking system using dynamic speed estimati Indexed Paper
Kabinet tangguh projek landasan kereta api berkembaText
The impact of the regional economy and its relation toText
Tahan murid ponteng : Kabinet setuju akta dipinda berText
Tokoh awal perintis kejayaan Felda Text
4 aspek kokurikulum keutamaan ke IPTA Text
Welcome boost for builders Text
Surface integrity characterization in high-speed dry endIndexed Paper
UTM tawar kelulusan berkembar Text
Environmental pollution in Malaysia : are medicinal p Indexed Paper
UPM tingkatkan usaha jadi universiti penyelidikan Text
Test register insertion at rtl based on reduced bist Journal Article
Pastikan syarikat konsesi air tidak utamakan untung Text
Aircraft systems Exam Papers
Contact quality based forwarding strategy for delay to Indexed Paper
Kafe siber di sekolah : Pusat Akses Komputer untuk peText
Kenderaan membelok kiri mengambil jalan pintas bagiThesis
Drawing on peoples strengths Text
Hanya UiTM tawar subjek Seni Muzium dan Galeri Text
Impact of rainfall on speed of vehicles at night Thesis
Coal-fired power plant airborne particles impact towa Journal Article
GLC didesak tolong Melayu Text
Optimisation of growth medium for the production of Indexed Paper
Materials chemistry Exam Papers
Najib: Cabinet wants National Service to continue Text
Najib digelar 'Pemimpin Reformis Ekonomi' Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Sistem penyeliaan latihan mengajar secara elektronik Thesis
Study of specific pharmacological activity of sodium saJournal Article
Health: Oxygen chamber for faster wound healing Text
Mandarin classes a hit among Johor folk Text
Fizik semikonduktor Exam Papers
Malaysia masih destinasi FDI pilihan Jepun Text
Laporan forensik perlu tepat, betul Text
8 syarikat kita terbabit : melakukan pembakaran terbuText
Ministry to investigate teacher associations Text
Imunologi Text
Impact of TQM practices on innovation performance Indexed Paper
Murtad sambut hari kekasih mirip agama Kristian Text
Modelling and optimization of combined cycle power Indexed Paper
Pusat Pembelajaran Sains diperluas Text
Housing contractor problems and poor performance inText S
Titas I Text
UTM cipta hoverkraf berteknologi tinggi Text
5A bukan jaminan ke asrama penuh Text
Application of information and communication technolConference Papers
Planning Exam Papers
Liquid membrane formulation for removal of dyes fromConference Papers
Bijak urus tanah bandar Text
Tiada tender kapal selam elak dedah rahsia negara Text
Properties of microfine cement grouts at 4 degrees C, Indexed Paper
Feasibility study of wind energy as an alternative poweText
Quality factors in implementation of mobile learning usThesis
Stochastic processes Exam Papers
Melayu berjaya bantu pendidikan anak bangsa Text
Pelalian percuma elak barah Text
Joining private colleges online Text
Pelatih PLKN dipupuk hargai diri Text
Kajian UM panduan rangka pelan basmi miskin Text
Undang-undang maritim Text
Sistem kamus elektronik bahasa Arab secara atas talia Text
Pengurusan cekap penentu jatuh bangun perniagaan Text
Kaum Ibu dan kemerdekaan Text
A review of direct torque control of induction motors fo
Indexed Paper
Too busy teaching to do research Text
Multifunctional sensor module with wireless transmissThesis
Building a global infranet Text
Makanan penggalak ke-3 ekonomi kita Text
Sistem pembangun e-dagang secara atas talian Thesis
Spekulasi punca kenaikan minyak Text
Fluid mechanics / mekanik bendalir Text
Gaya bahasa pengulangan dalam Al-Quran : satu kajia Thesis
Bertekad membanteras rasuah Text
Malaysian economy grows 5.9pc in 2006 Text
Keusahawanan Text
Management accounting 2 Exam Papers
Amanah perisai hindari amalan rasuah Text
Device that helps stroke patients communicate Text
Optimum combination of pond volume and outlet capac Indexed Paper
Jualan kereta tua susut 70 peratus Text
Young scientists to show off inventions Text
IPTA diarah kemuka laporan penggunaan bahasa InggeText
Land, planning and environmental law Text
Cabaran kematangan mahasiswa Text
Fully automated region growing segmentation of brainConference Papers
Pemimpin muda bantu wujud Kabinet dinamik Text
Graduan tidak berkualiti : henti salahkan dasar kerajaaText
Degradation of styrene by Pseudomonas SP. from pet Conference Papers
Wind environment evaluation in neighborhood resident Conference Papers
'Pengalaman banduan' boleh dijadikan kaedah kempenText
Political parties go all out to woo youth Text
BSN tambah dana pinjaman kenderaan RM500 juta Text
Pelaksanaan 4 peringkat : pengajaran sains, matematikText
Industri insurans catat pertumbuhan positif Text
Bancian keluarga miskin seluruh negara Text
Kriteria khas keperluan pengajian elak amali bakal gradText
Jangan pentingkan diri : PM mahu rakyat terapkan sur Text
From vision to action Text
Transformasi ekonomi negara berteraskan inovasi, kreaText
Gene identification using pathway-based analysis and Thesis
Tawaran pakej khas jadi banduan Text
Pembaca kad berkonsepkan jalur warna Text
The effect of green initiative to the builder corporate sThesis
Hasilkan produk jenama dunia Text
Mandatory health forms among 10 steps to combat A Text
Business mathematics / matematik perniagaan Text
The mediating role of organisational innovation in the Thesis
Had laju Ops Sikap XI diturun Text
EPOS (Electronic Point of Sales) faedah dan masalah Text
Malaysia to help Indon orphans Text
Kemahiran usahawan jadi subjek wajib IPTA Text
PM : perbezaan Barat-Islam ancaman sebenar keamanText
Materials Chemistry Exam Papers
Dua universiti UK dipantau Text
TNB may increase rates, new tariffs still require Cabin Text
No slowing down an extraordinary man Text
UM tambah pelajar asing 40% Text
UTM mahu lahirkan ramai teknopreneur News Paper Cuttings
Second harmonic suppression characteristic of a groovConference Papers
Dendam disyaki motif Hasleza dibunuh Text
Outdoor propagation prediction and measurement forText W
DHA baik untuk perkembangan otak Text
PID controller tuning by differential evolution algori Indexed Paper
Elektrik terputus : KL, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, MelaText
AS Text
Arc discharge synthesis of CNTs in hydrogen environmeIndexed Paper
Tiada cadangan beri pelalian percuma Text
Vegetable recognition based on texture features Thesis
Sikap sambil lewa punca nahas Text
Great to use, but you can't buy it Text
Kes tertangguh menurun, baki 17% dapat diselesaikan Text a
Comparison of activity concentration of U-238, TH-232Indexed Paper
A hybrid clonal selection algorithm with conflict based Thesis
Inflation rate hitsthree per cent Text
Belanjawan pembangunan Selangor dianggar lebih $80News Paper Cuttings
MOICA : a novel multi-objective approach based on imp Indexed Paper
2 kaedah atasi peningkatan suhu bumi Text
Optimized local protein structure with support vector Thesis
Keupayaan penjimatan tenaga bendung harga minyak Text
Advanced nuclear physics Exam Papers
Mustapa : economic future lies in service sector Text
Institut Pendidikan : guru sambut baik Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Consumers can make errant traders pay Text
Applied Robust Control Exam Papers
Football / sepaktakraw Exam Papers
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
A need to relook at poverty eradication Text
Kanak-kanak HIV patut dapat pendidikan sempurna Text
Pantau tahap kesihatan jemaah News Paper Cuttings
Potensi penggunaan gentian asli dalam industri pemb Text
Varsity students for community service Text
Sistem seragam kes dera kanak-kanak perlu diwujud Text
Numerical methods for solving temperature and mass Conference
tr Papers
The effects of temperature on different laser transit Journal Article
Gangguan seksual di tempat kerja serius Text
Chemical variations of the essential oils of five zingibe Text
Kualiti pendidikan negara ditingkat Text
Peluang pekerjaan semua sektor cukup Text
Justice and fairness rule, says Abdullah Text
Bahan kejuruteraan marin Text
Elektronik kuasa dan pemacu Text
Jurubahasa mahkamah lakukan tugas bukan hakiki Text
Penilaian batu baur halus sebagai bahan dalam pembi Thesis
International business and globalization Exam Papers
More royal professors soon Text
Forecasting as a pinnacle for rural revitalization: ca Non-Index Paper
Review of the existing policies pertaining to dengue in Journal Article
Slope stability of the design concept of the sheet pile Non-Index Paper
Kajian awal voltammetri perlucutan penjerapan sebatiText
Sektor pendidikan dapat peruntukan RM21.5b Text
Evaluation of heat of hydration of concrete containingIndexed Paper
Malaysia ke-25 mesra perniagaan : Bank Dunia Text
Modeling and simulation to extend fibre optic communi Thesis
All about our PMs Text
Statistical variability in n-channel SOI FinFET in the Indexed Paper
Struktur data / data structure Text
Green lung plan in Turf Club project News Paper Cuttings
UTM, Universiti Nantes meterai MoU penyelidikan sai Text
Setiap remaja peruntuk 87 jam setahun layari web luc Text
BN pelihara kestabilan Text
Making sure only genuine biotech firms enjoy perks Text
Image using matching using relational graph representat Text
Laser technology Exam Papers
RM48b economic spillover from SPNB housing project Text
Isu kualiti dan pendaftaran produk berasaskan bioteknConference Papers
Singapura patut berbincang Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan & pengurusan projek Text
Titas II Text
Amalan rasuah jadi penghinaan diri Text
Principles of assignment on accrued causes of action Thesis
Satelit rapatkan jurang digital rakyat : Najib Text
Najib : give national service a chance Text
Kerajaan kaji konsep bina dan jual rumah Text
Turn mosques into wellspring of knowledge Text
UTM turun padang promosi biodiesel B5 News Paper Cuttings
Ekonomi masih menarik untuk pelabur asing Text
Polyvinylidene fluoride and polyetherimide hollow fi Indexed Paper
Pollution control Exam Papers
High frequency harmonics of leakage current as potenti Thesis
22nd Vietnam Sea Games/Athletics: Nazmizan ends 36Text
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Aljabar linear Text
Microwave synthesis of sodalite from coal fly ash as soThesis
Perlukah KPLI diteruskan Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
What is the UN Human Rights Council? Text
RVM versus PDC methods for insulations’ conductivJournal Article
Pantun dan kebijaksanaan akal budi Melayu Book
UTM nafi bebankan pelajar senior Text
Masalah membaca di universiti Text
Organic chemistry- functional groups Exam Papers
Characterization of thermal and mechanical propertiesThesis
Privacy information disclosure on Facebook (a case stud Thesis
Dynamics Exam Papers
Pelajaran erat integrasi Text
Life-long education for the global workforce in the so Indexed Paper
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Local car industry æstill relevantÆ Text
Good response to special classes for top students Text
PKNP diarah kemuka senarai kemudahan News Paper Cuttings
Angry doctors issue ultimatum to MMA leaders Text
Characterization of phosphate-free detergent powdersIndexed Paper
Orang ramai bantah tambang baru pengangkutan aw Text
Alogrithm to prevent and detect insider multi transactiThesis
Communication principles Exam Papers
Ekonomi baik ekoran pendekatan berhemat Text
Solidification of floating dispersed organic droplets Thesis
44 daripada 6,586 pelajar dikesan positif dadah Text
Perangi rasuah ke akar umbi : Pak Lah arah bertindak Text
Development of creep and shrinkage prediction modelText
Comparison study of two commercial spectrometers for Indexed Paper
Personal global positioning system tracking device wit Thesis
Hasil kajian tambak diserah secepat mungkin Text
Violence prevention campaign to involve ministries, a Text
Measuring efficiency of automotive parts suppliers fr Thesis
Bahasa Melayu untuk pelajar luar negara Text
Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of flexIndexed Paper
Johor to pioneer new wakaf concept Text
MB determined to protect big trees Text
Professional practice III Exam Papers
RM4.9 juta geran permulaan Text
Projek kereta api laju beri kesan positif Text
Pengenalan sains & kej. polimer Text
Recovery of pure economic loss in construction indust Text
Raja Nazrin : treasures of Belum forest left unprotecte Text
RM300 million to fight HIV/AIDS Text
Food processing engineering Exam Papers
Pengukuran pesongan ke atas cerucuk bergerudi berseText
The effect of joint roughness coefficient on shear strenThesis
Pinjaman terkumpul kenderaan RM61.4b Text
Good response to safe home drive Text
Matlamat tepat tentukan hala tuju remaja Text
EEG based BCI using visual imagery task for robot contJournal Article
Image encryption framework based on multi-chaotic ma Thesis
Penagih ATS golongan berada meningkat ketara Text
RM132,000 penalty slapped on firms for violating the Text
Data processing Exam Papers
Teknologi dedah pembohong Text
Teori struktur II Text
Mikropemproses Text
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Orientasi sikap keusahawanan dalam kalangan usahawThesis
Pendidikan prasyarat penting capai kejayaan Text
Syor terima peguam dari Semenanjung Text
The investigation of point of zero charge for sandstoneThesis
KLIA may get more CCTVs to reduce pilfering Text
Four made research varsities Text
A novel poly(xylitol-co-dodecanedioate)/hydroxyapat Indexed Paper
Indoor air conditioning unit air flow performance studyJournal Article
Graduan jurutera UTM diterima pasaran kerja global Text
Alternative fuzzy C-Means clustering for DNA comput Conference Papers
160 saintis alam sekitar sertai AsiaFlux News Paper Cuttings
Planning energy saving cities in Malaysia = Perancang Text
Control and analysis of anti-islanding protection tech Thesis
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
3 indeks sawit di Bursa Malaysia Text
Dinamik Text
UTM mahu dokumentasi bangunan di Asia Tenggara News Paper Cuttings
Anggaran kehilangan prategasan dalam anggota konkriText
Government hospitals safe to go to, Chua assures publText
Many hands make library a reality Text
Evaluation of six high-resolution satellite and ground- Indexed Paper
H1N1 and pregnancy Text
Merentasi dikotomi bandar/desa : ke arah pewilaya Text
Bringing back the tourist dollars Text
Banteras sumbang mahram : MB Text
Azmi : IWK the biggest polluter Text
Kerajaan diminta pantau pelaksanaan SSM Text
Pelan pertanian bersepadu bagi tingkatkan pendapataText
Frequency scaling of rain attenuation (Full text) Text
First wave caused RM45m in infrastructure damage Text
Bahasa Melayu dipertikai, peranan DBP dipersoal Text
UTM rangkul 6 emas MTE Text
Analisis perbandingan antara bahasa Arab dengan ba Text
Mencari alternatif beras Text
Pilot scale extraction of proteolytic enzyme bromelai Conference Papers
Tumpuan tingkat pelaburan asing langsung Text
Sistem kupon beras jaminan subsidi kerajaan tak tersaText
Zoom Qurban promosi pelancongan Text
Tiada manusia bawa virus Text
Spatial variability of infiltration in tropical watershe Thesis
UTM tersenarai 100 universiti terbaik Asia News Paper Cuttings
Lee's model of plasma focus dynamics and neutron yield Thesis
USM perlu bajet RM830j Text
Performance analysis of a two-rotating sleeve rotary Thesis
Idle chat wonÆt change lives of fishermen Text
Let consumers pay credit card charges Text
SPR larang salah guna majlis kerajaan untuk berkempeText
Pinjaman RM20,000 tanpa cagaran Text
Hydrodynamics Text
Sayembara Fiksyen Sains dan Teknologi tarik golonganNews Paper Cuttings
Morphological and strength properties of Tanjung Bin co Non-Index Paper
Perlakuan buruk undang berlaku bala, bencana terha Text
Hutang negara diurus secara berhemat : PM Text
Alternative design of foundations subjected to uplift foText
Biopetrol dari sweet sorghum Text
Suspend or expel, HMs told Text
Unesco akui keberkesanan PIPP Text
Peguam perlu nilai murni Text
Estimating effective connectivity from fMRI data usin Indexed Paper
Tempoh darurat beri tiga pengajaran penting Text
G8 perlu hentikan spekulasi Text
PM : Malaysia needs more intangible assets Text
PIPP mantapkan pendidikan negara Text
Teknologi penderia & pembelajaran mesin Text
Koperasi perlu ambil peluang globalisasi Text
Potassium doped microwave induced molybdenum in hy Thesis
Tanggapan kualiti kehidupan isirumah terhadap kemudText
Introduction to industrial and organizational psycologyExam Papers
Solution in sight News Paper Cuttings
23 pegawai khas buru pengelak cukai Text
Mahkamah tolak semua petisyen pilihan raya Text
Jangan asyik merungut pinjaman PTPTN Text
BMW mahu semua pusat jualan laksana sistem 3S Text
Mathematics 1 Exam Papers
Senaman - Meningkatkan kesihatan jantung Text
Kedutaan puas hati Ops Tegas Text
Malaysian connection : 300 Chinese nationals doing ti Text
Kemahiran komunikasi Exam Papers
The unsteady free convection flow of rotating second gr Journal Article
Air ambient quality and noise level assessment within Thesis
Winds of change bring relief to many Text
Gaining a competitive edge Text
Terima kasih abang, kakak kerana bantu kami Text
Fundamental analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Chemical reaction engineering Exam Papers
Pemegang PhD palsu perosak imej ilmuwan Text
Nickel oxide based catalysts for the simultaneous reac Thesis
Atomistic simulation of electronics and transport propThesis
Penjadualan Text
Performance of surface-modified poly (Ether imide) h Indexed Paper
Critical success factors of disaster recovery process a Thesis
Keselamatan ICT berterusan Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Real-time shadow casting using fake soft shadow volum Text
Frequency reconfigurable microstrip patch-slot anten Indexed Paper
Conceptualization of tacit knowledge dimension Conference Papers
Peningkatan kes jenayah warga asing ancaman baru r Text
Kerajaan negeri mesti tetap pendirian serah urus air Text
12 Mahasiswa UTM ke Korea News Paper Cuttings
Mengukuh hubungan KL-Beijing Text
Perkenal subjek Islam Hadhari di IPTA Text
Pengendalian, pengarkiban dan penghantaran data Exam Papers
Ujian tanpa musnah 1 Exam Papers
Urban land economics / ekonomi tanah bandar Text
Probability and statistical data analysis Exam Papers
Analisis berangka 1 Text
Intermediate mathematics Text
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Wanita 20-39 tahun hidap HIV meningkat Text
National Service : mandatory health checks? Text
Organizational perspective of CRM implementation fact Conference Papers
The need to consider customary ancestral adat land in Conference Papers
Designing a logical security framework for enterprise sText
UTM anjur Program Kecemerlangan Akademik PRS Text
Self-development teaching module Conference Papers
Design and structure analysis on fish farming feeding Thesis
500 hilang tempat tinggal Text
Tabung Haji buktikan kecekapan urus jemaah ke MakkText
Kod etika pakaian ziarah jenazah Tunku Laksamana Jo News Paper Cuttings
Ministry wants 535 private colleges to merge Text
UIA upbeat on RM1b hospital in Kuantan Text
Penentuan tempoh waktu imsak : amalan masyarakat IThesis
JE : babi hutan diburu Text
Berfikir secara kritis melalui pengajaran kesusasteraa Conference Papers
Larang dedah tubuh suspek : Suruhanjaya Bebas cadanText
Enhancement of the response time of a reflective typ Indexed Paper
Tunnel will ensure KL is flood free Text
UTM anjur seminar LPS 25 Mac Text
Pendekatan pembelajaran berteraskan visualisasi bagiThesis
Food analysis Text
Compact dual-port polarization-reconfigurable antennaIndexed Paper
System identification of electro-hydraulic actuator s Indexed Paper
Dimensi baru Mahkamah Syariah Text
Marital satisfaction among married Iranian students inThesis
Kejuruteraan sisa air buangan Text
Design & development of a CVT for Modenas Kriss 110Thesis
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Tindakan undang-undang pemaju gagal patuhi arahan Text
Kenderaan kelas C dibenar operasi seluruh negara Text
Construction science Exam Papers
Principle management Exam Papers
Constant frequency torque controller for DTC with mult Indexed Paper
Mekanik bahan & struktur Text
Managing diabetes mellitus Text
Yeast cell counting using graphene channel Thesis
Interception loss in Sedenak Oil Palm Plantation Text
130,000 usahawan bumiputera sejak 2004 Text
Aplikasi pengambilan pesanan mudah alih untuk pela Thesis
Intelligent line fill buffer Thesis
GPU-based multiple back propagation for big data pro Indexed Paper
Dasar pengagihan 10 peratus majukan kontraktor KelaText
Help children achieve their goals, says Rosmah Text
Aerodynamic design and analysis of SURIAKAR 4 Thesis
Committees to guide vocational training News Paper Cuttings
Jaya, gagal PTK bergantung penuh sokongan penjawa Text
Speech Detection Algorithm Thesis
Anti collision car system Thesis
Development of safe navigation system for tidal restricConference Papers
Mapping perception of community preparedness toward Indexed Paper
MAS gives travellers full control of fares Text
Banyakkan program pembangunan belia Text
Perkasakan pelajar lelaki : Shahrizat Text
Pemahaman kosep pecahan dalam kalangan tiga kelompo Thesis
Zoologi Text
Dubais quiet giant stands steady Text
Karnival seminggu Fesko-50 UTM sarat tema patriotik News Paper Cuttings
Sistem perancangan kewangan islam : SPEKIS (PreviewText
Two-rotor VTOL mini UAV: design autopilot control sy Thesis
CJ plans to review justice system Text
Polemik PPSMI belum tamat Text
Nano-indentation of y/y' interface of nickel based su Thesis
Lawatan Dari Persatuan Kejuruteraan Awam (PEKA) U Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Meletakkan tokoh pada tempatnya Text
In silico analyses of flavin reductase from Citrobacter Non-Index Paper
Innobiologics akan hasilkan 'antibodi insan' Text
UTM tempat ketiga reka bentuk bandar di Switerzerla Text
AS akui sukar basmi dadah Text
Pembangunan portal interaktif Pendidikan Sivik dan K Thesis
Compressibility behaviour of biomass silica treated maThesis
Folk in SarawakÆs interior highlight problems Text
Kajian kitar semula minyak masak terpakai bagi prose Thesis
Amar makruf nahi mungkar teras kesatuan ummah Text
KL, Georgetown antara pilihan ekspatriat di Asia Text
Najib : more young missionaries needed Text
Skim pencen pastikan masa depan pesara swasta lebihText
The effect of sulfate ion on the hydrogen adsorption ovConference Papers
Numerical analysis of disc brake squeal considering te Conference Papers
Landscape construction II Exam Papers
Human resource information systems Exam Papers
Michelle Yeoh to donate books to library Text
DPMÆs wife rejects æmisyarÆ marriage Text
7 agenda transformasi pengajian tinggi Text
Lawatan ke China dimanfaat Text
Jurang jantina melampau di sekolah Text
Natural products chemistry Exam Papers
Thieves drill way to RM1mil jewellery Text
Persepsi pelajar orang asli terhadap Bengkel Kemahi Thesis
Fabrication of gold nanoparticles as a catalyst for gro Thesis
Projek lembu fidlot 2010 Text
Kemudahan penyenggaraan bangunan Text
Penggunaan campuran pemasaran (4P) oleh usahawanThesis Pe
Kerjasama di bidang kajian sains News Paper Cuttings
Lestari budayakan pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Coconut fiber reinforced wall panelling system (Full texText
The green supplier selection and order allocation in th Thesis
Bahasa Inggeris : MRSM wajib pelajar hafal perkataan Text
Komunikasi interpersonal guru besar dan komitmen g Thesis
Online repatronage intention : an empirical study am Indexed Paper
Effect of side force on the structural integrity of th Conference Papers
NIEW rai penerima Anugerah Merdeka Text
Technology management Exam Papers
Transportation & traffic engineering Exam Papers
University students may soon graduate with an edge Text
Asas inovasi dan pengeluaran produk Exam Papers
83 firms get fine EPF lesson Text
Sains bangunan 2 Text
Setiap Perdana Menteri memimpin dalam suasana berText
Student dies after alleged assault by seniors Text
GPS survey Exam Papers
Low cost near infrared night vision system Thesis
Kedudukan joint-tenancy dan kepentingannya dalam pe Journal Article
Responsiveness to the market mechanisms : a way to sConference Papers
Sikap punca kemalangan meningkat Text
Tubuhkan institut kepimpinan Text
Buku panduan rancang perkahwinan Text
GSM based vehicle security system Thesis
No to hike in water and power tariffs Text
Investigation of systematic errors for the hybrid and Journal Article
Status Sekolah Kluster berjaya tingkat pengurusan, pe Text
Akta dipinda sekat mengemis jadi pekerjaan Text
Near-real-time GIS database updating system using G Conference Papers
Nuclear Techniques Exam Papers
Assessment of radiological health implicat from ambienIndexed Paper
Tiga strategi perkukuh ekonomi Text
Direct complaints to ministry Text
Mesyuarat tentukan nasib Apec Text
Undang-undang pembinaan dan pembangunan Text
Bidang robotik fokus utama UTM Text
Parameters affecting down-hole water sink (DWS) in verThesis
Kontroversi hukuman sebat berpunca daripada persepsText
Kandungan al-Quran mesti dihayati, praktik Text
Adsorption of heavy metals from recovered base oil usiConference Papers
Siswa UTM promosi penggunaan biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Cina majoriti pesakit kanser payu dara Text
Ramai guru naik pangkat Text
Effects of the optimized resonator dimensions on the Conference Papers
Percukaian Text
Proton lancar Waja, Savvy berwajah baru : pelbagai ci Text
Tropical forest degradation monitoring using ETM+ an Indexed Paper
Bank Rakyat perkasa kualiti IPT Text
Perbezaan antara Renzi dan Anwar News Paper Cuttings
Desperate for space at camps to hold illegals Text
More flexible EPF withdrawals Text
A meta-model for automatic modeling dynamic web apIndexed Paper
Bahan polimer Text
An intrusion detection system (IDS) for internet netwoText
Microstrip dipole antenna analysis with different widt Conference Papers
Factors affecting speed of adjustment under different eIndexed Paper
PM mahu swasta tingkat tanggungjawab sosial Text
Iktiraf kecemerlangan ilmu Text
Comunity perception towards voluntourism as an alterna Thesis
Dam monitoring network and deformation studies Conference Papers
Power system engineering Exam Papers
Bas terbalik tiga pelajar UUM parah, 48 cedera Text
Guna mekanisme sedia ada : Najib Text
Identification of non-linear dynamic systems using fuz Text
Pembangunan berasaskan K-ekonomi Text
Bureaucracy can be a killer : for those on Death Row, i Text
Sensor technologies in monitoring of civil engineering sText
Pengutipan data batimetri dengan menggunakan sisteText
Ulul Albab : Al-Quran sebagai panduan kajian sains Text
Kondom, jarum percuma Januari Text
Merawat gejala menopaus melalui Terapi Penggantia Text
Pelan B hadapi ekonomi global Text
Fundamential of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Pastikan kesihatan baik sebelum ke luar negara Text
USM hasilkan alat pengesan ID jarak jauh Text
Photogrammetry/Fotogrammetri Text
Phytochemical and biological studies of Tibouchina S Thesis
Usaha tangani pelajar nakal : kabinet sokong tubuh e Text
Design of prestressed concrete Exam Papers
Kajian amalan kitar semula dalam kalangan mahasisw Thesis
Urban stormwater management Exam Papers
Memperkasa modal insan dalam sistem pendidikan Text
Alumni UTM bantu 109 penuntut keluarga miskin News Paper Cuttings
Validation of MODIS data for localized spatiotempora Indexed Paper
Move to register all commercial vehicles Text
Influence of churning and thawing temperatures on yiel Thesis
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activity oIndexed Paper
Bid to stem the brain drain Text
Sains & Teknologi : Forensik bermula sejak 700 tahun lText
Musa : review education system every 10 to 15 years Text
Relationship between supply chain management and oConference Papers
Identifying the potential of transcription factor Sox9 g Journal Article
Defisit bajet tidak jejas projek pembangunan Text
Protection of IGBT Thesis
Study : troubled teens having sex Text
Kerajaan cadang stok penimbal kawal harga ayam Text
Synthesize of gold nanoparticles with 532 NM and 106Indexed Paper
Go slow on teaching subjects in english Text
Education history in the making : big say for 300 schooText
Study on hydrogen embrittlement of titanium alumini Text
No to poultry in the city Text
Delaying motherhood Text
Pemahaman kosep pecahan dalam kalangan tiga kelompo Text
Sleep tight Text
Darurat di Sarawak jika jerebu semakin buruk Text
Optimal power plant location in a power system netwoThesis
Fostering ties among UTM students News Paper Cuttings
Anti-graft commission to start as early as January Text
Atasi halangan ekonomi bumiputera : Husni Text
Fluid power Exam Papers
Effect of static stretching on muscle activation during Journal Article
Study of antilock braking system (ABS) - performances Text
Pemaju kurang minat bina rumah kos rendah boleh beText
Takutkan Pencipta suatu kebahagiaan Text
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Komitmen Arshad pastikan pencapaian UiTM selaras Text
Generasi cuai solat, ikut nafsu punca kehancuran bangText
Teori litar Text
Performance analysis of a solar window incorporating Indexed Paper
Ibu bapa boleh bantu anak Text
Senarai hitam kontraktor gagal Text
Kaedah penyembelihan Islam menurut sains kesihatanThesis
H5N1 dipantau elak jejas pelancongan Text
Drug dealers using teens as front-liners Text
Characterization, pressure and temperature influence Non-Index Paper
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
9MP details announced by PM : RM15b construction prText
Persepsi pemaju dan pihak berkuasa tempatan terha Thesis
The big cheese Text
The construction of residential houses in Gombe, NigerThesis
Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang penuh pantangText
Field investigation for detecting the presence of hard ma Text
Keadaan penjara kini dalam bahaya Text
Khidmat penutur jati bahasa Inggeris di IPTA Text
Fizik superkonduktor Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Dr. Khatijah : saintis Asia pertama terima anugerah H Text
UiTM tambah kampus kota di seluruh negara Text
Negara catat produktiviti 3.7 peratus bagi 2006 Text
Characteristics and utilization of steel slag in road con Indexed Paper
Business visibility monitoring over the internet Thesis
Laporan Belia Negara dibentang hujung 2006 Text
The effect of divalent ions on surfactant solutions in Thesis
20,000 kunjungi Karnival Pendidikan Mara 2003 Text
Big role for rural folk : PM kicks off whistle-stop tour Text
Resilient capital markets Text
Sekam padi 'di tangan' Halimaton Text
Guru sains, matematik belum bersedia Text
Kapal nuklear AS dibenar berlabuh Text
Kebolehpasaran graduan perancangan bandar lepasanThesis Un
Fault location using line impedance with the presence Thesis
Optimized local protein structure with support vector Conference Papers
Kajian mengenai sistem pembetungan Indah Water KoText
Dispersive graphene-based silica coated magnetic nanoIndexed Paper
UKM tubuh Institut Kajian Sains Angkasa Text
MRSM : kuota 10 peratus tambahan tempat Text
NCER tepati konsep baru ekonomi Text
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Mathematics for designers Text
Masjid Muhammadi tumpuan pelancong Text
Development of a fuzzy expert system to prioritize trafJournal Article
Abdullah : Muslim and West links vital Text
Kerajaan komited tingkatkan sistem pengangkutan Text
Kongres mahu kerajaan mantapkan Bahasa Melayu peText
Lakukan perubahan dalam pendidikan News Paper Cuttings
Budaya, adat tetap dipelihara Text
Cabinet : no to SelangorÆs æbuy and rentÆ plan fo Text
Sifat-sifat batu baur laterit-simen Text
Logging may be banned in Ulu Geroh Text
Ubah minda bebas belenggu kemiskinan Text
Strategi pintas Text
Act provides for setting up of childrens court Text
Kajian ke atas faktor yang mempengaruhi penghabluran Text
Anti-aliasing in image based shadow generation techn Indexed Paper
Peranan budaya kualiti dan kearifan tempatan sebagaiThesis
Pakistan offers more workers to Malaysia Text
The 7th CASIS Saturday Night Lecture & the Queen of Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Investigation of sensor-based quantitative model for bIndexed Paper
Universiti harus bersikap lebih terbuka Text
Pembelian senjata negara Asia merunsingkan? News Paper Cuttings
A simulation of multiple peaks maximum power point tThesis
Techno-economic evaluation of solar PV system in Mala Thesis
Dielectric properties and characteristics of agro-wast Thesis
Estate agency practice / amalan agensi harta tanah Text
Defunct medical schools on list Text
Analisis struktur Text
Lebih banyak NGO, pertubuhan kebajikan diminta banText
Evaluation of granitic bedrock using 2-D resistivity m Thesis
Health bent on women Text
Grooming potential scientists Text
A guide to statistical resources on the internet for MalaText
ASJ, DJ perlu suntikan modal RM649.91 juta Text
Online medical equipment management system Thesis
10 charged with mismanagement of funds Text
Pelan induk industri pembinaan dilulus Text
11,319 bukan Islam kahwini orang asing Text
GIS based planning support system for the state of Ne Conference Papers
Pengukuran aliran Text
Power systems & high voltage engineering Text
Calculus II Exam Papers
Clearing the ambiguity in religious conversions Text
Kesepaduan, sikap, orientasi pembelajaran, motivasi dThesis
Parents shocked by medical council move Text
Tentukan JKK khas tangani rempit Text
A design of 2.35 GHz to 2.45 GHz sensor Text
Daftar telefon prabayar usah tunggu Disember Text
SoC-based biomedical embedded system design of arrJournal Article
Sliding mode control power system stabilizer (PSS) for Conference Papers
Raise Indian equity or weÆll close shop Text
WCIT 2008 jana ICT dan ekonomi negara Text
Sistem penjadualan staf penyelenggaraan mesin di GGText C
Basic electrical and electronics Exam Papers
Environmental engineering Exam Papers
Programmes on crime prevention awareness identifie Text
Data modelling fo Kuala Lumpur composite index withConference Papers
Strong growth forecastsá Text
Projek kesan penyakit keturunan dilancar Text
Improved scheme of e-mail spam classification using mThesis
Kemasukan telefon bimbit 3G boleh tingkatkan kadar Text
Fizik tubuh manusia Text
CrowdSci : a platform for crowdsourcing the classificatiThesis
Web-based system for hajj service office Thesis
Healthy coconut yogurt News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia hab kewangan Islam Text
History of south east asia architecture Exam Papers
Phone scam that empties your account Text
Undaunted by failures News Paper Cuttings
Dasar automotif negara hala tuju industri kereta Text
Project and construction procurement Exam Papers
Pengurusan pembangunan pelajar Exam Papers
Mahir bahasa Inggeris bukan bermakna antinasional Text
Hadkan 8 jam sehari : tempoh doktor kerajaan lakuka Text
Latest development on computational approaches for Indexed Paper
Advanced spatial data management Exam Papers
Design of an automatic alignment on multiple choices Thesis
Optimal speed and torque estimations for improving Thesis
Death dive to probe SaturnÆs biggest moon Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Penuntut UTM melawat loji NSTP News Paper Cuttings
Fizik Sinaran Exam Papers
Optimisation of energy in electric power-assisted stee Indexed Paper
Malaysian PM offers to help mediate in Iraq Text
Penentuan logam plumbum (II) dengan teknik voltammText
Unfair tactics in students union poll News Paper Cuttings
Simulation of future climate variations using global c Thesis
Faktor sosio–ekonomi mempengaruhi kemampuan pe Thesis
Utamakan kebersihan diri elak jangkitan Text
Fastening technology in construction for sustainabilit Thesis
Businessmen, Afta and WTO are already with us Text
Fan beam optical tomography (Full text) Text
Keberkesanan kerja-kerja tampalan jalan di Daerah Jo Text
Student achievement system (SAS) Thesis
Labour crunch causes price of non-leafy greens to rise Text
Malaysia on target to wipe out poverty by 2010 Text
Pemanasan global kian serius tuntut keprihatinan war Text
Pengasuh taska kerjaya profesional Text
Malaysia pelabur keempat terbesar Arab Saudi Text
Teaching english for science and technology Exam Papers
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Property management Exam Papers
Valuation mathemathic / Matematik penilaian Text
KLIA jadi terminal serantau 2007 : TPM Text
Influence of organo-montmorillonite on electrical tre Journal Article
Kerajan Negeri Selangor menggalakkan perkembanganText
Technology adoption of mobile application among oldeThesis
Model perancangan sumber tenaga manusia : kajian kes Text
DRB-Hicom perlu strategi baru Text
Dulu maktab kini institut Text
Training medical, dentistry experts Text
Design of embankment on soft clay by finite element Text
Perak aims to be education centre Text
Cannula design evaluation Thesis
Online driving licence renewal service soon Text
Menuju negara kelas satu Text
Integration of the computer and cartography : a proposText
Control modeling and design of power electronic syst Exam Papers
Sistem Perhubungan Digit Text
Business law Exam Papers
TPM saran projek khusus majukan ekonomi luar bandaText
Menerokai dunia sains News Paper Cuttings
Keelektromagnetan Exam Papers
Performance evaluation of routing protocols in live v Journal Article
Comparison of segmentation techniques remotely sensed Text
Biochemical and morphological changes of uvb-irradiatedThesis
Atasi murid lembam Text
NST a proven tool for learning Text
Pejabat Pendaftar UTM juara golf kategori kumpulan News Paper Cuttings
1.2 juta lawat Perkampungan Hadhari Text
Wind effects on twin multistorey buildings : laporan haText
Kemajuan ikut konsep bandar raya moden Text
Sistem pembelian aksesori wanita secara online Thesis
Fuzzy delay predator-prey system : existence theorem Indexed
a Paper
Negara pengeluar sawit perlu kerjasama Text
320 mahasiswa di rai News Paper Cuttings
Pelantikan dibuat Majlis Raja-Raja Text
Spotlight on schools Text
Human resource research method Exam Papers
Enhancemet and analysis of a hybrid liquid desiccant Text
Fund to help boost English proficiency Text
Use software to block porn kong : censorship cannot Text
Client satisfaction on contractors' work performance (FText
Engineering management Exam Papers
Menjalin hubungan Kedah-Riau Text
Lapor jenayah berkonsepkan kumpulan Text
Hala tuju D-8 perlu fokus Text
Kenaikan tambang bas sekolah tak sah Text
Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail pusat eksport orkid Text
Long term studies on compressive strength of high volConference Papers
MPP UUM anjur program bantu masyarakat kampung Text
Sex and the young ones Text
Defect growth time dependent model off corrosion in sConference Papers
Program pelayaran Text
Business communication Text
Fingerprint image enhancement (Preview) Text
Car theft prevention system Text
Jetstar mahu jadikan Malaysia hab pendaratan Text
Salah guna terma teknologi nano Text
Wanita digalakkan jalani ujian pangkal rahim secara b Text
Hydrodynamic features and fractal dimension study forThesis
Hijrah ke arah gaya hidup lebih lestari Text
Penyelidik UTM ke Antartika News Paper Cuttings
Inspection data error and its consequence towards su Conference Papers
Framework for pose-invariant face recognition Thesis
Sifat malu melambangkan nilai keimanan Text
Mixed convection heat transfer of nanofluids over backIndexed Paper
The impact of Iskandar Malaysia development on urbaIndexed Paper
Line differential power system protection using the c Thesis
Penyelidikan : UTM kurangkan 14 pusat kecemerlangaText
Eksperimen calon melayu makan diri News Paper Cuttings
Measures provide minor savings Text
Tingkat akademik pensyarah setaraf universiti terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Sistem maklumat pengurusan kejohanan olahraga MajlText
Spot checks among moves to curb exploitation of con Text
Pemalsuan MyKad membimbangkan Text
JAS terima RM85 juta tingkat penguatkuasaan Text
Jejambat hubung Kinrara Utara siap Oktober 2010 Text
Modelling and control of a balancing robot using digitaText
Pulse power generator design for machining micro-pitsIndexed Paper
Kecemerlangan USM bukti pusat pengajian tempatan bText
Rawat luka dengan kulit udang Text
Kerajaan tidak akan teruskan dasar PPSMI Text
Penyatuan aset mampu atasi ekonomi ummah Text
Free ride : no charge for garbage disposal Text
Tingkat sahsiah diri menerusi aktiviti sukarela Text
Ministry to build more vocational schools nationwide Text
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation prediction method with Indexed Paper
Kerjasama kursus perubatan bukan buka kampus baruText
East Asia ties keep region vital Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
USM cipta Bio-Geomat atasi hakisan tanah Text
Dual effects of supported W catalysts for dehydroaromIndexed Paper
Penggunaan bahasa Melayu kian merosot Text
Malaysia mampu muncul pusat pengajian tinggi di AsiaText
Prospek ekonomi dunia 2004 lebih optimistik Text
Sangsi terhadap dasar Asia Pasifik Obama News Paper Cuttings
Budaya tekno-da'i dalam kalangan mahasiswa : satu kaji Thesis
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
Karyawan Tamu beraksi di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Migrants from Africa didn't entirely replace others, sa Text
Appeal rejected, ex-driver to hang Text
Anak perlukan nilai sahsiah Text
Capacitance and voltage distribution of string suspensiThesis
Kebakaran di Riau boleh jerebu semula Text
Lagi ijazah tajaan JPA tak diiktiraf, bakal doktor jadi g Text
Environmental science Exam Papers
Influencing factors of high school seat selection and Thesis
Asymmetric mixed matrix membrane incorporating organi Indexed Paper
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
Cabinet agrees on new rate for PTPTN loan applicants Text
Sikap kurang prihatin boleh sebabkan buta Text
Methods development for separation of fungicides usinText
Tingkat nilai murni rakyat agenda negara Text
Golongan dewasa gemuk sesuai dipanggil 'gedebok' Text
Wage councils to ensure fair deal for workers Text
Teknologi agen bergerak dalam sistem pendaftaran maText
Ekonomi dunia perlu masa untuk pulih Text
Property valuation and investment / Penilaian dan pel Text
Flood losses RM100 million : Govt announces fresh aidText
Nilai pelaburan lima koridor RM156 bilion Text
Improving quality of service through road side back- Journal Article
UiTM honorary doctorate for Dr Mahathir Text
Komputer untuk pengurusan Text
Malaysians losing virginity before marriage Text
Quality of healing environment in healthcare facilities Thesis
The effect of eccentricity at beam support to beam sti Text
Universiti Apex bebas tambah pensyarah asing Text
Al-Quran mengandungi petunjuk saintifik Text
Perubahan sosial di kalangan pelajar institusi pendidikaConference Papers
NUTP syor tambah kemudahan sukan, jurulatih Text
Cadangan buka Penjara Industri Text
A comparative study of e-learning practices at MalaysiaConference Papers
Influence of temperature on saccharomyces cerevisiaeThesis
Contribution of human factors to shipping safety Indexed Paper
Bomoh tujuh æisteriÆ ditahan rogol, liwat gadis Text
Pasport mampu milik untuk semua rakyat Text
Felda cipta rekod baru proses sawit Text
Modification of physical force approach for simulatin Indexed Paper
Negara tetap beli helikopter EC-725 Cougar Text
Ibu bapa prihatin corak keluarga bahagia Text
Siraj the new king of padi Text
The cost overruns in green building development : caseThesis
Budaya pesta air bah hanya undang kematian Text
Kesan bunyi bising hasil dari jalur lintang kuning Thesis
MB : civil servants must cut red tape, focus on work Text
RM3.5j bantu pelajar miskin Text
50,000 keluarga miskin tegar di Malaysia Text
Preventing yellow fever Text
Guna sampah hasilkan diesel Text
Characterisation of melastoma malabathricum leaves aThesis
New polytechnic to meet demand for skilled workers Text
Pengurusan dan keselamatan makmal Exam Papers
Pendapatan perkapita meningkat RM15,336 Text
PTPTN kaji bayar ketika belajar Text
WomanÆs death third tragedy to befall family Text
Teachers blossom with help of videos News Paper Cuttings
Tajdid Ima : benci takdir boleh bawa kekufuran Text
RTM to launch third channel Text
Pretreatment of oil palm fronds for improving hemicellJournal Article
A review of thermal comfort criteria for naturally ven Conference Papers
Life cycle costing of industrialized building system an Thesis
Latihan industri dikecualikan News Paper Cuttings
Using online grammar resources to develop learners' Thesis
Struktur data/ Data structure Exam Papers
Perkenalkan dasar keselamatan, kesihatan di sekolah Text
Umat Islam diminta henti suntik botox Text
Aid in but Aceh still a nightmare Text
Mahasiswa holistik News Paper Cuttings
No review of PSD scholarship selection criteria Text
Estimating industrial effects on Johor regional economText
Malaysia kuasai pasaran pembekalan produk tulen Text
Bank Rakyat untung RM250.4j Text
Bumiputera meningkat : meritokrasi tidak halang lebihTextr
Kerajaan nafi kurangkan subsidi petrol, diesel, LPG Text
Thermal analysis of a disc brake model considering a r Non-Index Paper
Lumba bot universiti teroka dimensi baru Text
Demotion warning for exam cheats Text
Speech recognition for mini dictionary Text
Light way to a normal life for children with asthma Text
Stesen TV siar adegan panas akan diheret ke mahkam Text
Amplification of partial rice florigen from Malaysian upThesis
Portal system for soft-computing research group UniveThesis
Pakej pelancongan dalam negeri bernilai RM1.5j dijualText
Evaluation of asphalt mixtures incorporating electric a Indexed Paper
Penggunaan aplikasi bantu kecekapan petugas haji News Paper Cuttings
Development of rigid bio-nanocomposite polyurethaneIndexedf Paper
Allow intellectual development Text
KIK platform tingkat mutu perkhidmatan UTM News Paper Cuttings
299 cops disciplined in January-July 2005 Text
An ant based route optimization algorithm for optical Conference Papers
Kekurangan bakat sains akan diatasi Text
Who's minding your wealth? Text
Pembedahan lutut semakin canggih Text
Terminal kereta api utama dibina di Pasir Mas Text
10 juta rakyat Malaysia gemuk Text
Ghani : UTM must act against extremist groups Text
Johor dijamin bebas jenayah Text
Pelajar digesa terokai bidang baru Text
mRNA isolation from citrus sinensis and cDNA synthesiThesis
Focus on glass as the main building material in design Journal Article
Pengambilan pelajar IPTA ikut sistem merit mulai 2006Text
Jururawat wajib ikuti program CPD Text
Pelajar UTM bantu 'bedah rumah' News Paper Cuttings
Jakim keluar garis panduan hiburan Text
Current trends on Halal tourism : cases on selected As Indexed Paper
Pendekatan diplomasi Text
Behaviour and load bearing capacity of composite slabThesis
Approximation of vehicle dynamic model (VDM) comput Text
Hubungan antara konsep kendiri, motivasi dan gaya k Conference Papers
Profil Datuk Dr. Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus : Naib Canselo Text
Development of survey feedback Module for training Thesis
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
A reconfigurable circular patch antenna with switchable Indexed Paper
Pembinaan pangkalan data genetik terbesar dunia Text
Hakim perlu ada ilmu syariah : Prof Text
Dasar bahasa kekal : Bahasa Melayu tetap jadi pengantText
Kalkulus Text
Bahasa Melayu bahasa ilmiah News Paper Cuttings
The effect of stress and displacement in soil based on Thesis
Dunia tumpu gerhana bulan Text
Spending slows Text
Kimia fizik 1 Text
Empangan Beris : 600 keluarga terima RM80 juta Text
An integrated mewma-ann scheme towards balanced mon Non-Index Paper
Virus linked to deadly disease known Text
Meta search models for online forum thread retrieval :Indexed Paper
Construction safety practices in Batam, Indonesia (Full Text
Hire qualified personnel at dialysis centres Text
Land use classification and mapping using hyperspectrThesis
Report cards for BN reps Text
Quantitative techniques for decision making Exam Papers
Sejarah senibina moden Text
BPR cadang kaji sistem beli terus Text
Keinginan,keupayaan dan harapan kanak-kanak berkepThesis
Kaca optik rawat kanser dihasilkan dua tahun lagi Text
Sustainable campus master plan for UTM land develo Thesis
RM2b majukan projek akuakultur Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Kemiskinan tegar sifar menjelang 2010 Text
Proaspirasi menang besar di IPTA Text
Pensyarah UTM cipta pengimbas logo halal News Paper Cuttings
Intelligent caching wireless data access in the wireles Indexed Paper
Komunikasi berkesan Text
Taxi fare from JB to Singapore to cost RM4 more Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyerakan pembeliThesis
Switch to a 5-star fridge to save costs Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
Rasional penstrukturan subsidi minyak Text
Personaliti dan kebimbangan komunikasi dalam kalangThesis
Three-tier detection and multi-level synergy for coastaThesis
Halangan komunikasi antara pihak pengurusan denganThesis p
e-Integrasi tingkat perpaduan murid Text
Development of a noninvasive wireless remote monit Thesis
Komponen sawit jadi bahan bina jalan Text
Producing bathymetric plan from HYDROpro data by usText
Program Latihan Khidmat Negara tetap diteruskan Text
It's open source from now on Text
Acoustics Engineering Exam Papers
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Malaysia House - DinnerPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fatwa dadah haram boleh dikeluarkan Text
Accuracy of positioning based on sispelsat stations u Thesis
Tingkatkan penyelidikan dalam IBS Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Presiden Kumpulan Sapura terima Ijazah Kehormat U News Paper Cuttings
Ong : Port Klang Free Zone still viable Text
Choose to Be Healthy for Life Text
The development of digital database and platform desiThesis
Cold formed steel sections as main structural elementsThesis
Total quality management training practices for manage Text
Plans to build more by-passes in key towns Text
Traffic matrix estimation with enhanced origin destina Thesis
Teknologi elektrik Text
Kehamilan ibu HIV Text
Perebutan kuasa, saling membenci punca kemerosotanText
Malaysia too slow to profit from halal food, says Khair Text
Drug haul from suspectÆs car comes up to RM3.8m Text
Electrical technology / teknologi elektrik Text
Integrating security services into active network (Prev Text
Kaji APJ atasi pemalsuan hak milik kenderaan Text
Innovation in quantity surveying Firms Thesis
100,000 to help end drug addiction Text
Asset management system Thesis
An optimized ship hull fitting approach using NURBS Conference Papers
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Evaluation of palm oil lubricity with varies rotating speThesis
Segi tiga emas Johor Selatan Text
Sistem penukaran format data dalam sistem bank soa Thesis
Wireless water meter system Thesis
Suri rumah, pekerja tanpa bayaran wajar dapat pengiktText
NEM will be led by three principles Text
Using science to pick babyÆs sex Text
The 'OCTAPAC' culture as a core component of HRD cliConference Papers
Penentuan pekali Beta, bagi geseran kulit berdasarkanText
Menilai kemelut projek landasan kereta api berkemba Text
Dana Bantuan UIAM bina pusat perniagaan dalam ka Text
Faktor kewangan hadkan promosi meluas Bulan Mem Text
SMC guna sistem OPMI bedah saraf Text
Urban design Text
Skim gaji baru untuk jururawat berijazah Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Syor konsep baru bina rumah Text
Geophysics applications in engineering and environmen Journal Article
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
Orientasi Kabinet rakyat Text
Characterization of collagen extract from the skins of Journal Article
Malaysia, Brunei agree on border solution Text
Collision detection using bounding-volume hierarchiesConference Papers
Geometrical enhancement of planar loop antennas forIndexedi Paper
A new trust and energy aware routing protocol for wirThesis
SARS: Warga Singapura bawa keluarga ke Malaysia Text
Simulator for electrical discharge machining (EDM) pr Thesis
Komputer punca rabun? Text
UTeM cipta mesin penyisihan ciri SMS Text
Badan kehakiman perlu ikut garis panduan Text
Barisan pelapis Petronas wajar contohi perintis : TPM Text
Fractional ornstein-uhlenbeck for index prices of FTSE Indexed Paper
Kimia analisis I Text
Flood plain simulation model by integration of survey Conference Papers
Wanita nadi pembangunan Text
Risiko obesiti Text
Persediaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam mengata Conference Papers
Village puts hopes in solar power Text
Critical and creative thinking Exam Papers
Subjek MPV diperluas ke sekolah luar bandar Text
Branding leadership in Malaysian SMEs Indexed Paper
Join forces and grow, says PM Text
Sains bahan Text
Malaysia does well in Unesco survey Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Introduction to finance (pengenalan kewangan) Text
An in vitro study of wound healing activity of ficus deltIndexed Paper
Mutton, red chilli prices drop Text
A CRM adoption model for Malaysian telecommunicatiNon-Index Paper
HFCVD diamond coated and tungsten carbide insert cutThesis
PRK UTM 28 November ini News Paper Cuttings
The challenge starts now Text
Crude cathepsin activity and quality characteristic of Journal Article
Pekerja hospital turut dijangkiti Text
Ekonomi bakal lebih sukar Text
Tunku Laksamana Johor dipakaikan pangkat inspektor News Paper Cuttings
Flash point prediction of tailor-made green diesel blenIndexed Paper
Development of heritage building conservation informa Thesis
IJN tandatangani MoU tingkatkan kepakaran rawatan Text
Asas kaedah penyelidikan Text
Biar tentera kendalikan PLKN Text
Rekabentuk sistem mekatronik Text
An improved for the detection of Malaysian licensed c Thesis
New defences against bird flu Text
An investigation on national tourism websites for pro Thesis
Kawalan kualiti dan pengurusan makmal Text
Pembangunan modal isu penting Text
Malaysia bekal makanan halal tentera Islam Text
Grant moved to US firm in RM50m MSC sting Text
Bahan termaju Text
The construction guideline of using top-down method Thesis
On neuro-fuzzy application for automatic control, super Text
Business statistics / statistik perniagaan Text
Varsity staff problem to be settled: Don News Paper Cuttings
Electronic dictionary production system (EDIPS) (Previ Text
Ramadan penuh keberkatan Text
Comparison of tie-up survey methodology in cadastral Text
Sektor swasta diminta lebih proaktif tarik pelancong Text
Sains forensik Text
Tarif baru air Lembah Klang berkuat kuasa hari ini Text
CFD simulation of particulate matters inside a bus p Indexed Paper
Kajian kesan kelembapan tanah dan jenis tanah terha Thesis
Manfaat ekspo kerjaya Text
Characterization of space charge in the solid insulatingThesis
A developed asymmetric PVDF hollow fiber membraneIndexed Paper
Terengganu yakin universiti diumum dalam tiga bulan Text
Traders upbeat on palm oil's performance Text
4,041 guru tadika Kemas miliki diploma 2011 Text
UUM kecualikan yuran siswa miskin Text
Kanak-kanak Sarawak tidak digalak sertai aktiviti luar Text
Lebih 400 juta pesakit asma menjelang 2025 Text
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Simulation of mixed convection heat transfer using la Non-Index Paper
The impact of social media use in collaborative learn Thesis
Sarawak pushes e-commerce Text
Hydraulics Exam Papers
A comparative study on factors that influence EC ad Journal Article
Tackling green issues Text
Bilangan dapat sijil SPM bertambah Text
Measat-3 dilancarkan Text
Flood relief staff sent to east coast Text
UPM tidak wajar dikaitkan kegagalan sektor pertanian Text
Daftar ubat untuk haiwan Text
Thermal analysis Text
Kuasai ekuiti Bumiputera Text
Physiology & screening of industrial microorganisms Text
Doing medicine in Egypt Text
Teguran Laporan Ketua Audit wajar ada tindakan susu Text
Simulasi suis optik menggunakan teknologi MEMs (PreText
Cuttings transport in horizontal and highly deviated welText
Towards the differential global positioning system servConference Papers
Reverse evolution theory about the Johor Bigfoot Text
Gaji baru 100,000 askar mula hujung bulan Text
UPM lancar promosi martabatkan pertanian Text
Extraction of squalene from palm oil mesocarp using suThesis
Protecting the Straits through technology Text
Muhyiddin sertai forum dunia tingkat pendidikan Text
Pengenalan binaan bangunan / binaan landskap 1 Text
Teknologi penderia & pembelajaran mesin Text
WPI tidak gadai kedaulatan negara : TPM Text
Cabinet firm on aid issue Text
Economy set to grow 5 per cent Text
PTP wujudkan 25,000 peluang kerja Text
Synthesis and characterization of novel thin film nan Indexed Paper
Aktiviti luar kuliah beri kesan positif News Paper Cuttings
Construction safety practices in Batam, Indonesia (Pre Text
Emulsion liquid membrane extraction of precious metalConference Papers
Pekebun diseru tanam nanas bermutu tinggi Text
Neuro-fuzzy system in web client-side caching Conference Papers
Industri tempatan wajar hargai penyelidikan IPTA Text
Faktor penyumbang kepada kemerosotan penyertaan Conference
pelaj Papers
Program Bumi Hijau usaha berkesan galak rakyat semaText
Effect of cooling rate and silicon refiner/modifier on s Indexed Paper
A threshold-based controller for multi-agent systems Journal Article
Antaramuka kawalan gerakan berasaskan WIIMOTE untu Thesis
Politik dikira ibadah jika dilakukan dengan ikhlas Text
Kakitangan awam harus tingkat penanda aras perkhid Text
An RFID based serving robot (servingbot) Thesis
The investigation of active sites on nickel oxide based Conference Papers
Iklim pengaruhi kekerapan petir Text
Bank Negara unlikely to raise rates in short term Text
Organisational psychology Exam Papers
KL one of the world's cheapest cities Text
Sistem keluar masuk asrama berkomputer Sek. Men. SText
Differential equations 2 Exam Papers
Kolerasi antara keputusan proba JKR dan ujian penusuThesis
Computational physics Exam Papers
Public poll on govt policies soon Text
Development of brake system for Perodua Eco challenThesis
RM40 juta tangani miskin tegar Text
Kesan efluen loji rawatan kumbahan berpusat KuchingThesis
Berhenti merokok suatu pengorbanan terbaik Text
Dulu pengalas kini penghias Text
200 aduan penyakit pekerjaan setiap tahun Text
Computer applications in chemistry Text
UTM dipilih atasi masalah Masjid Nabawi Text
Solving two-class classification problem using adaboosConference Papers
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk julur konkrit bertetula Text
Dr Zulkifli mahu jadikan UTM terus dikagumi Text
Helping students move on from school to college Text
Easy, fast road tax renewal Text
Multicomponent devolatilization kinetics and thermal Indexed Paper
Kad ATM bercip ganti jalur magnetik Text
Contempt or not? Text
Ekonomi mengukuh, defisit turun, pendapatan rakyat Text
Bumis continue to do well Text
Malaysia wajar guna tenaga nuklear 2020 Text
Effects of the heat carrier’s temperature and particlIndexed Paper
Affordable broadband technology for rural folk Text
Tindakan segera jika gagal kurangkan harga VCD Text
The use of lignosulfonate as sacrificial agent to reduceConference Papers
Merealisasikan wawasan Petronas Text
Postgraduate education through university-industry li Conference Papers
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
Kedatangan mendadak pelancong Asia Barat ke Malaysi Text
Synthesis and characterization of cassava starch nanocThesis
Pelajar cemerlang SPM 2004 akan diberi biasiswa : PMText
Tangani isu perumahan Text
Hubungan tret personaliti dan kecekapan guru bimbin Non-Index Paper
5,590 graduan UTM terima ijazah, diploma News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah Bestari : konsepnya banyak kelebihan Text
Minat membaca kalangan rakyat masih rendah Text
Users’ perceptions towards m-learning adoption: an Conference Papers
Penggabungan bank lonjak sentimen bursa Text
Digital signal processing I Exam Papers
Transport firms fear impact of diesel price Text
Persepsi wujudnya pengganas News Paper Cuttings
Perbelanjaan RM10b : naik taraf sistem pengangkuta Text
Peranan pekerja laksanakan wawasan Text
Transparent antenna for WiFi application : RSSI and Indexed Paper
Growing interest in Bigfoot Text
The removal of bisphenol A in water treatment plant uIndexed Paper
Helikopter Nuri diguna 10 tahun lagi Text
Pengkelasan dokumen web menggunakan teknik suppoConference Papers
KIPSAS serambi pendidikan Islam di Pahang Text
Siapa sebenarnya yang mencabar undang-undang? Text
Matematik I Text
45 laman web diceroboh Text
Process analysis of mercury adsorption onto chemicallyIndexed Paper
Implementation of PKCS11 and PKCS12 cryptographic fu Thesis
The effect of hollow spherical inclusion on the propertiText
Membaca pemikiran pengurusan Peter F. Drucker Text
Analisis semula keberkesanan terhadap kolam tahananThesis
Sains kakisan bahan Text
Accelerated weathering properties of compatibilized Indexed Paper
Pinjaman minimum SME Bank RM30,000 Text
Biomass mapping at different tree classes in tropical foThesis
145 sertai bengkel urus jenazah, harta Text
Malaysia, Brunei setuju hapus cukai berganda Text
Transport upgrade comes first Text
Yemeni consumers' perceptions and attitudes toward Conference Papers
Functional dimensions at 'Kuala Lumpur Waterfront' Non-Index Paper
Najib : upgraded special schools can take in more Text
Hubungan erat majukan bioperubatan Text
A study on co-injection molding process optimization Thesis
The effect of magnitude and shape of applied voltage on Indexed Paper
Penggunaan huruf Ya' dalam sintaksis bahasa arab dal Thesis
Robot control based on reactive paradigm Thesis
Instrumentasi proses Text
Sistem lelong collectibles atas talian Text
Detection of hydrocarbon level in distilled water using Thesis
Effect of cultivation scale and shear stress on cell g Indexed Paper
IPTS tawar pengajian bermutu Text
US presence will attract terrorists Text
Rugi RM1.5 juta setiap kematian kemalangan Text
UTM wins 4 gold, 11 silver and 11 bronze medals Text
Kaedah pemantauan kemajuan projek: kajian kes di SeThesis
Design and evaluation of multidimensional turbo pr Text
Wartakan kawasan berisiko tinggi kemalangan maut Text
Ekstremis bawa kehancuran News Paper Cuttings
Johor set to face heavy rain in second wave Text
Hamdan : act vital to protect freedom of information Text
Investigate the effect of feature selection methods on Thesis
Curbing fraud with indelible ink in next polls Text
Design of non destructive testing on composite materiJournal Article
Civilising role of Islamic education Text
Mengenalpasti pilihan cenderamata oleh pelancong anThesis
Cabaran Faust di Harvard Text
PM : nation should create new breed of intellectuals Text
USM innovators impress jury News Paper Cuttings
Operasi antarabangsa Petronas raih RM90b Text
Estimating the effects of light rail transit (LRT) syste Journal Article
Persepsi ibu bapa terhadap pengaruh negatif televisy Thesis
Tibi tidak mengenal mangsa Text
Unsupervised learning for automated structural corre Conference Papers
Naza bakal perkenalkan 6 model baru Text
A thermo-optic multimode interference switch structure Indexed Paper
Boosting defence ties through joint training, up keep Text
Pengurusan Pengeluaran Untuk Rekabentuk Industri Text
1,000 guru Inggeris dari luar negara Text
The development of BEEM modeling for the characterizConference Papers
UMS students come up with solar-powered cookers Text
Pak Lah utama kepentingan negara Text
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
JPJ kesan cukai jalan dipalsu Text
Influence of submerged weir on salinity in a river Thesis
Kerajaan disaran tambah peruntukan penyelidikan Text
Kaedah Berangka Text
Factors affecting passengers choice of airline : a case Text
Concreteandbrickworkconstruction Exam Papers
Anugerah Penyelidikan Citra Karisma 2008 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Cegah wabak H1N1 guna kaedah Islam Text
Some characterizations of groups of order 8 (Preview) Text
Using TAM to study the user acceptance of IT in the YeThesis
Implementation of autonomous maintenance for a maThesis
Wajib bayar deposit ubah suai bangunan Text
Revised pension perks Text
Iltizam Model Ekonomi Baru Text
Design of fully integrated impedimetric CMOS biosens Indexed Paper
Pelaksanaan sistem IBS kurangkan pergantungan kepadText
Behavior of self-compacting concrete incorporating re Thesis
Afta : francaisor tempatan digesa teroka pasaran baru Text
Robot technology for automation Exam Papers
Islam tidak iktiraf perjanjian praperkahwinan Text
Mengenal pasti jika anak anda mengambil dadah Text
Effective location of thyristor controlled series capa Thesis
Calon Ph.D perlu kuasai BI profesional Text
Bid to make plastic from palm oil Text
Kasih sayang ibu tiada nilainya News Paper Cuttings
Biocomputation and bioinformatics Exam Papers
Persendaan agama tidak boleh diterima Text
Kaedah matematik Text
Electricity market model for deregulated electricity su Thesis
Polyurethane modified with mesoporous silica polymeText
Empirical mode decomposition with least square suppor Thesis
Extraction of calcium from red gypsum for calcium ca Indexed Paper
Annuar dilantik semula pengerusi Mara News Paper Cuttings
More Malaysians studying in Britain now Text
Fizik spektroskopi molekul Text
Non-linear dynamic and push-over analysis of an Air TrThesis
Pembaca komik mampu bijak dan kreatif Text
Borrowers advised to pay up Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Remote sensing & pengurusan alam sekitar / remote Exam Papers
Jom meriahkan Karnival Rakan Alam Sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Girl lives on in seven children Text
Tiga tahun bagi pasang tali pinggang keledar Text
Instrumentation & measurement Exam Papers
Kerajaan sasar jamin RM1b pinjaman rumah Text
PNB bukti antara institusi pelaburan terbaik dunia Text
Hyper-clean may lead to allergies Text
Teknologi binaan II Text
Potential of rainwater harvesting in industrial area Thesis
Hydraulic structures Exam Papers
Factors inhibiting the adoption of a uniform pricing meIndexed Paper
Gaya hidup sihat, pendekatan agama kaedah terbaik j Text
Rekabentuk pemungut sampah terapung Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Management accounting II Exam Papers
Punca kemelut Lebanon Text
The design of a computer-supported collaborative lea Indexed Paper
Comparison of two type of fuzzy sliding mode with regIndexed Paper
Pengekalan program matrikulasi di IPTA tak wajar diperText
Advisers positive about project Text
One in three in nation's prisons is a foreigner Text
Rep : find new ways to boost tourism Text
New formulation of supported co-Mo catalyst for the pConference Papers
Predicting and simulating future land use pattern : a c Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Islam di dunia kontemporari baru Conference Papers
SJER sinar kegemilangan Johor Text
Kajian terhadap e-sisa (komputer) di UTM Skudai, JohoThesis
Three-parameter lognormal distribution: parametric Journal Article
Effects of zinc borate loading on thermal stability, f Indexed Paper
Pak Lah : SME loans are for all Text
Analysis of efficiency and misalignment tolerances in lasNon-Index Paper
Experiencing museum learning through multimedia insJournal Article
Rule-based supervisory control of split-parallel hybrid eIndexed Paper
Oxidative coupling of methane in a corona discharge plIndexed Paper
Amalan perancangan Text
Proses pendidikan perlu disertai asas agama kukuh Text
RM30m more to house the poor in Terengganu Text
Build operate and own financial scheme analysis for anText
LHDN minta pekerja simpan rekod belanja Text
Cholinesterase inhibitors from heartwood of artocarpus Journal Article
Hernia komplikasi gangren Text
Grid based cluster head selection mechanism for wire Indexed Paper
Environmental management Exam Papers
Fizik moden Text
Cetak rompak berterusan selagi harga CD, VCD tidak d Text
Capital Ideas : what to do with extra cash? Text
Kes demam denggi naik 2.8% Text
Risk variable on contractor’s tender figure in MalayJournal Article
Halal vaccine to treat meningitis Text
Kelembapan jualan kereta tiada kaitan dasar AP Text
Bioteknologi berkembang 22% Text
Influence of interface components on the street level Thesis
Jenayah siber ancaman baru dunia Text
Kaunseling agama tangani isu dadah Text
Pengeluar kereta perlu teroka pasaran eksport Text
Inventory for knowledge management in construction Thesis
An experimental investigation into noise and vibratio Conference Papers
Gabem perhebat ekonomi Melayu Text
Knowledge management enables among it organization Thesis
Autonomous natural lighting transmission system Thesis
No more lip service, broadband operators told Text
Derhaka terhadap ibu bapa hampiri dosa syirik Text
Awasi pemakanan anak Text
Fizik matematik Exam Papers
Tindakan tegas pengusaha bas abai peraturan Text
Trend penggunaan air bagi bangunan dan premis yangThesis
Hydrogen recovery from the reforming gas using commThesis
Membangunkan modal insan untuk kerjaya cemerlangText d
Altiris perisian pengurusan terperinci Text
Tudung not compulsory in schools Text
UTM building RM53m sports centre Text
Materials chemistry Exam Papers
Characterization and performance of hybrid catalysts fIndexed Paper
Prinsip pemasaran Text
Differentiated services enhancements for efficient IP Conference Papers
Pegawai punca sistem lembap : Mampu kesan ada penjText
Glass fibre reinforced polymer in Malaysian constructi Conference Papers
Dengue vaccine still a long way off Text
Usaha sama pendidikan Malaysia-Thailand dimeterai Text
Sound aquaculture management can boost agri sectorText
Guidelines on development Text
Addressing the problem of floods in urban areas Text
Terbelenggu tanpa penglihatan Text
Keselamatan dan kesihatan di tapak binaan : kajian te Text
Keperluan kursus keusahawanan dalam kalangan usahaw Conference Papers
Bank Pertanian mula dikorporat awal 2007 Text
Pasar raya had jualan gula elak diseleweng Text
Acara penyampaian anugerah high usage award worlwid Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Customer knowledge management antecedent factorsThesis fo
Construction management information system / informa Exam Papers
Flexural behaviour of steel fibre prestressed concrete Thesis
Pelan strategik Islam Hadhari untuk pengajian tinggi Text
Lagi mangsa denggi Text
Transient electro-magneto-hydrodynamic two-phase blo Indexed Paper
Malaysia tempat ketiga termurah di Asia Text
Mobile text reader for the visually impaired Thesis
AUKU 2009 membangun kuasa intelektual pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Usahawan baru sukar dapat pinjaman bank Text
Putrajayas new landmark Text
Sarawak braces for more floods Text
The effect of Zn on n-pentane isomerization over HZS Conference Papers
Malaysia perlu tubuh sekolah perniagaan Islam Text
Tujuh sungai diancam pencemaran serius Text
MRR2 Kepong flyover to close for repairs Text
Simulation of forced convection in a channel with nan Thesis
Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange using Ti Thesis
Business law / undang-undang perniagaan Text
ISA bukan kekang kegiatan orang politik Text
Media perlu main peranan di peringkat global Text
RSSB, LLM, pengendali tol bincang guna Touch 'n Go Text
Housewife held in drug bust Text
World looking at Asean Text
A dual band metamaterial antenna with circular polariIndexed Paper
Kalkulus vektor Text
Ramai pelajar asing ikuti program pasca siswazah Text
A simulation study on the intelligent active force cont Text
Those with old ICs can vote in polls Text
Twin objectives in development plants News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan negeri pastikan keseimbangan pendidikan Text
Comparison of measured rain attenuation in the 10.982 Indexed Paper
Brass fillers in friction composite materials : tribologi Indexed Paper
Pengecaman nombor plat kenderaan Thesis
Tuntut ilmu sepanjang hayat : PM Text
Pencapaian Bahasa Melayu menurun Text
The development of building information modeling (BIIndexed Paper
A model-driven approach to develop semantic web serv Thesis
The impact of green purchasing practices on environ Thesis
Jenama Agromas usaha Fama pasarkan produk PKS Text
Unhappy with heritage list, AsiaÆs own wanted Text
The Apex University : a tall order? Text
More schools to be adopted Text
Lelaki gemar rawat sendiri penyakit dihidapi Text
Density functional theory study of atomic layer deposiIndexed Paper
Program Mersik Text
Rafidah sedia letak jawatan Text
The feedforward linearization system of optical transmiConference Papers
Adsorption of phosphate from domestic wastewater tre Indexed Paper
Rebat, insentif maju tenaga solar Text
Pertahan matrikulasi langkah bijak Text
Autopsi maya lebih sesuai untuk mayat orang Islam Text
Assault on Afiq : bullies wanted money Text
First electronic warfare training centre Text
An improved circuit-based model of a grounding electrod Indexed Paper
Three dimensional visualisation of Port Dickson Polyt Thesis
Circuit theory 1 Exam Papers
Muamalat sebagai ibadah jamin kesejahteraan umat Text
Expert duo to æsniff outÆ disc pirates Text
Menteri arah siasat segera : kelemahan penguat kua Text
Banjir kilat Text
Vehicle rationalization study of Telekom Malaysia Ber Text
New lease of life for heart patients Text
Reusable resources in waste Text
L&G Twintech jalin kerjasama Text
Malaysian women can register children born abroad Text
Proton wheels out the Exora Text
Kementerian lancar lima buah buku sempena Hari GurText
Diabetes elak amputasi kaki Text
Unit to help women in business Text
Smart walking cane Thesis
Loan rulings to be strictly enforced for good of civil se Text
Asean Tourism launches platform for industry players Text
Radioactive decontamination of water by membrane prIndexed Paper
Study Of flutter on UAV WING Thesis
7 to tackle Everest the hard way Text
Shoddy work led to roof collapse Text
Tumbuhan II & nurseri Text
Sarawak to protect more wetlands Text
Hackers faster at unleashing attacks Text
Electronic 2 Exam Papers
The impacts of dividend policy on corporate performanThesis
Pemilihan jawatankuasa pembangunan pelajar kolej ked Conference Papers
Changes to University Colleges Act to suit the times Text
Quantitative precipitation forecast using numerical weaJournal Article
Microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunc
Indexed Paper
Usaha bendung jenayah perlu dipergiat : Sultan Azlan Text
Electronic security device (ESD) alert system Thesis
T-DVB services coexistence with IMT-advanced serviceConference Papers
Anggaran taburan cahaya suria di Malaysia dengan ka Text
Hari kualiti hargai warga kerja UIAM Text
Groundwater hydrology Exam Papers
Elak jadi keldai dadah Text
Ex-gratia penjawat tanpa waris ikut khidmat Text
Yayasan Kepimpinan pusat sumber rujukan Text
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan universiti di Makasar News Paper Cuttings
Kimia fizik I Text
Deputy D-G and kin held Text
Pelan pengurusan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan Text
Kawasan hidupan liar mesti dipulihara Text
Pemeriksaan H1N1 di KLIA lebih ketat Text
New needs but same aims Text
Consumers stay loyal to favourite ingredients Text
WomenÆs groups: Have more consultations on compul Text
Racial disparity hinders national integration Text
Universiti Malaya will not be moved Text
Hospital P. Pinang beri peluang pesakit mental buka kaText
When the woman says 'no', obey Text
Mistake in another PMR paper Text
Pejabat JPN sesak akan dibuka waktu rehat Text
Application of GFRP rubbish trap in open channel syst Conference Papers
Kesempurnaan iman diukur dengan tiga sifat dimiliki i Text
Kaedah penternakan moden faktor negara bebas jangkText
The design and verification of malay text to speech sy Text
Perkasakan bahasa Melayu : Khalid Text
Sindiket palsu jaminan bank dibongkar Text
Radially symmetric waves in plates (Preview) Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
260,000 guru nikmati kemudahan Cuti Rehat Khas Text
Analysis on directional filter bank for preserving textu Journal Article
Ban kiddie packs now, says group Text
Man to machine ratio (productivity improvement) Text
Rumours spark off mad dash for petrol Text
Zero tolerance target on crime Text
Kesan dan faedah pengelompokan perusahaan kek lapiThesis
Study shows old cared for out of duty, not love Text
Transformational project manager: an enabler of an e Thesis
Kaedah mengajar fizik Exam Papers
UTM tingkat kemudahan internet Text
Sektor pertanian ada nilai tambah : PM Text
Tindakan pihak gagalkan usaha tarik pelancong Text
Geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Spooked investors cause markets to tumble around thText
Aircraft transport management Exam Papers
Interpretation of GPR image by using digital image pr Thesis
Penuntut UTM, UTHM meriahkan Ponggal 1Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Experimental study on unsaturated double-porosity soJournal Article
Kakitangan awam dapat imbuhan 2 bulan dibayar berpText
Women be warned : don't get Fry-ed Text
Pengurusan pelancongan Text
Pesta buku medan promosi Text
Wireless channel model development using FPGA Thesis
Boarding schools urged to offer literature Text
Active steering system based on nonliner control system Text
Finite element modelling of absorption energy of com Thesis
Johor convention centre taking shape Text
Mikropemproses (C) Text
Rancang aktiviti elak gejala ponteng selepas UPSR Text
Kedaulatan negara dipertahan Text
A study on part-time work experience : the case of F Thesis
Perception of women drivers towards women-only parki Thesis
Pengurusan Islam utamakan keadilan Text
Microwave engineering Exam Papers
Freeze on recruiting for third party Text
Date palm waste gasification in downdraft gasifier an Indexed Paper
Differential equation 1 Exam Papers
A review of assembled polyacrylonitrile-based carbon Indexed Paper
Ramai puas hati khidmat awam Text
Kuasa tambahan bagi pendakwa raya Text
Electronics Exam Papers
Dadah: 5 juta pelajar terdedah bahaya Text
3,897 tamat PhD. di universiti penyelidikan, negara j News Paper Cuttings
Tiada cadangan kelas tuisyen diurus graduan Text
Pelaburan WPI luar jangkaan Text
The use of fujifilm finepix W series real 3D camera fo Thesis
Master/Slave controller using encrypted serial communThesis
Water pollution control Exam Papers
New lives at Community colleges Text
Kempen didik pengguna bijak berbelanja Text
Permodelan hidrodinamik sistem estuari Sungai Pulai, Text
EPF : stop misleading ads Text
Application of GPS handheld (GARMIN GPSMAP 76CSX)Thesis
A class of proportional integral sliding mode control w Conference Papers
Discounted MAS fares stay Text
Majikan disaran gubal dasar baru latihan pekerja Text
Universities as conscience of society Text
Kajian ke atas perlakuan penyongsang pelbagai aras d Text
Kupon beli beras Text
Student’s competency in solving and creating mathe Journal Article
Stability analysis of rockfill and re-profiling method forThesis
Khidmat sambilan : doktor kerajaan boleh dapat RM10Text
Web based application development 2 Exam Papers
Perancangan komuniti & perumahan Text
e-Filing permudahkan urusan dengan LHDN Text
Duplex black ceramic coating for copper and stainless Thesis
4,000 hit as rivers breach banks Text
Atasi masalah keciciran pelajar Orang Asli Text
Fong : basic command of English a must Text
How women can take lead in protecting environment Text
Pengenalan senibina landskap Exam Papers
Unpaid lecturers file complaint Text
Kursus cipta robot Text
The moderation effect of gender: a case study at an intNon-Index Paper
Gaya hidup mesra alam didik komuniti korporat Text
Lima pendekatan bina budaya inovatif Malaysia Text
Analysis of household water-based paints for forensic Non-Index Paper
Malaysiana coral database and portal Thesis
Sik dijadikan daerah contoh projek IKS Text
Tukun tiruan lipat ganda pendapatan nelayan Text
Penyelidik USM temui kaedah tingkat gred arang batu Text
Pusat Islam UTM dapat sumbangan RM236,000 News Paper Cuttings
Development of rapid low-cost lars platform for oil pa Indexed Paper
Kajian kesan bahan pengisi berbeza ke atas sifat mekanText
Dynamics Exam Papers
Batuk kering ragut tiga nyawa setiap hari Text
Construction management information system Exam Papers
Your kids can soon apply for MyKid Text
Gas separation performance of thin film nanocomposi Indexed Paper
Design and development of a logic and line interface uText
RM58 juta untuk bina makmal kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Does organisational identification lead to information Thesis
Robotik Exam Papers
Minimum four-hour pre-school Text
Program kemahiran bagi pelajar tercicir IPT Text
Labour attaches to solve workers' woes Text
Mengimbau æBah BesarÆ 1926, 1971 Text
Orang ramai dinasihat waspada : pakar Perancis rama Text
Maybank diminta kekal semula syarat 50% pemilikan Text
Mikrocip: Negara dapat hak -- Pemindahan teknologi dText
Sistem kawalan Text
Utilisation of inland water transport system in South E Conference Papers
Kaji logam Text
Kawalan Sistem Kuasa Text
Comparing total productivity through effiency and effeThesis
Jualan kenderaan 2009 kekal optimistik Text
Generation expansion considering transmission servic Thesis
Pengeluar gula di Perlis sedia turun harga Text
Majukan Lapangan Terbang Senai Text
Negara bebas wabak, usah takut makan ayam Text
Reduced transformed features based breast mammogra Indexed Paper
Laporan suruhanjaya polis bulan depan Text
Remote sensing untuk pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Asas mikrokomputer Text
E-commerce boost for key sectors Text
Antara konspirasi, jagung dan kopi Text
4.4 juta bantu kerajaan Text
The hybrid feature selection k-means method for ArabiIndexed Paper
Transmission system / sistem penghantaran Text
Overmodulation and field weakening in direct torque cConference Papers
Tasawwur Islam Exam Papers
Bahan polimer petroleum Text
Smart school project on track Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Multi-level sampling approach for continous loss detecNon-Index Paper
Building the complete simulation for PIC16F87X series Text
Teknologi kultur tisu tumbuhan Text
Sifat mekanik bahan Text
Pelaburan asing dalam sektor perkilangan ASEAN menText
Tracking down defaulters Text
KL ditelan jerebu Text
Kolej Teknologi Islam Melaka dinaik taraf kolej universiText
Daulatkan BM, perkasakan BI Text
Tambang feri naik Text
Petronas untung RM42b Text
Semiconductor material engineering Exam Papers
540 IPTS seluruh negara babitkan 314,344 pelajar Text
Daya berfikir dan struktur pemikiran refleksi kritikal Text
A development of web - based bernese automated glob Text
Wartawan internet tidak boleh terlalu bebas Text
Pilih makanan lebih sihat Text
Rawat leachate : MPPJ diminta henti pembangunan Text
Johor orchids robbed of their name Text
220,000 peluang kerja baru Text
74 graduan UPM dapat ijazah kelas pertama Text
Book your hotel rooms online - in ringgit Text
Malaysia disaran manfaat tenaga 50,000 pelarian Text
Generate of three dimensional map from laser scanning Thesis
Kajian banjir di lembangan Sungai Batu Pahat mengg Thesis
Penulenan tiubnano karbon dan aplikasinya dalam penText
Estimation of temperature and electron density in sta Journal Article
Pengenalan kaunseling industri Text
Bajet 2006 gerakkan perpustakaan desa Text
Keseimbangan ekonomi Islam atasi krisis dunia Text
Jangan tolak ansur permintaan Singapura Text
ParkinsonÆs sufferers on the rise, says Liow Text
Kajian UPSI sahkan buli wujud di sekolah Text
Malaysia tawar kepakaran guna sistem solar hibrid Text
Thai police informer killed Text
Finding ways to attract foreign direct investments Text
Properties of sandstone for excavation assessments Text
Surface reconstruction techniques : a review Indexed Paper
USM willing to study impact of reclamation project Text
RMK-9 letak fokus pada luar bandar Text
Deposit waived for study loans Text
Performance of IBS precast concrete beam-column conn Non-Index Paper
Lawatan pereratkan hubungan KL, Beijing Text
Why not marry single mums? Text
Pasukan cegah penyakit diwujud Text
Elektrostimulator Text
Pusat tidak harus tolak penggunaan dinar, dirham Text
Sustainable multi-period electricity planning for Iskan Indexed Paper
Seven killed in road mishaps Text
Tingkat hubungan ekonomi sesama negara Text
Attitudinal factors affecting viral advertising pass-on Thesis
Model ekonomi baru RMK-10 Text
Proposing a framework for exploration of crime data Indexed Paper
ASMC kesan 23 titik panas Text
Najib wants bilateral ties expanded Text
Istilah asing di Putrajaya ditukar ke bahasa Melayu Text
An observer design for active suspension system Conference Papers
Flood situation worsens in Penang Text
Schools to get RM200m aid from next week Text
World's population to reach 9.2 billion : UN agency se Text
Facing up to the challenges ahead Text
Memupuk tabiat membaca melalui paksaan Text
Umat Islam perlu pantas kuasai ilmu era globalisasi Text
Guna nuklear jika harga minyak terus naik Text
Removal of etyhl orange dye using waste eggshell Indexed Paper
Ground potential rise determintion from power fault Thesis
Minimizing defects in building construction project Journal Article
Kebun Ramuan budaya baru landskap laman Text
Effect of rear slant angle on vehicle crosswind stabilit Indexed Paper
Software simulation and experimental characterisationIndexed Paper
Burger prince of Malaysia sizzles Text
Ibu bapa kena ambil tahu perkembangan anak di luar Text
Penilaian kestabilan struktur Thesis
Kos accounting / perakaunan kos Text
Kewajaran projek cadangan Sime Darby, AirAsia akan diText
Direct synthesis of mesoporous aluminosilicates from IIndexed Paper
Data quality elements in big data integration Thesis
Program swasta di sekolah dikawal Text
AS guna kekuatan paksa dunia ikut telunjuk : Dr M Text
Fear sparks chase for drugs Text
Effect of alkali ph on adsorption in alkaline-surfactant Thesis
Ujian lisan - Ahli akademik sokong format baru Text
35% guru Sains, Matematik lemah BI Text
54 school projects under 9MP identified Text
Menjelang Bajet 2008 : insentif cukai, takaful agenda Text
PM: New airport in Tioman to benefit islanders and th Text
Potential of antimicrobial film containing thymol with Indexed Paper
3,000 warga asing sertai Malaysia Rumah Keduaku Text
Politeknik dinaik taraf pusat pengajian terpilih Text
Dielectric strength improvement of natural ester insulat Indexed Paper
Hubungan antara pendekatan pengajaran pensyarah terh Thesis
A study of ultrasonic waves in improved oil recovery Thesis
Misteri dan kesaktian Text
MalaysiaÆs red-hot recovery Text
KWSP wajar tingkat pelaburan di luar negara : Abdulla Text
Chloride penetration of RHA concrete under marine e Indexed Paper
Kenyataan akhbar : larangan sekat suara MPP Text
Tiga loji biodiesel MPOB dijangka bernilai RM120j Text
Sikap cauvinis Cina dikecam Text
Formulation and functional properties of purple sweetThesis
Maktab Polis bakal menjadi universiti Text
Tamadun bangsa di Muzium Negara Text
Comparison of multibeam data processing – Qloud Thesis
Dalil Malaysia menyertai PSI News Paper Cuttings
Pemprosesan data backscatter berbilang alur mengguna Text
Pelaksanaan kampungstay dalam industri homestay Ma Thesis
UKM pastikan kursus di IPTS sentiasa berkualiti Text
Jangan lari dari rumah News Paper Cuttings
Penerapan nilai aqidah dalam pengajaran dan pembelaJournal Article
Swasta sedia labur RM2b majukan sektor pertanian Text
Global optimization using homotopy with 2-step predi Indexed Paper
Negara Islam patut teroka pemikiran baru Text
Go for life-long education Text
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Pelupusan tanah Text
Thumbs up for 1 Malaysia clinic Text
Internet satelit - Jalur lebar wayarles di pedalaman Text
Switching power improvement of hybrid polymer-silic Conference Papers
Organic and inorganic passivation performance on elect Text
Pengenalan hubungan antarabangsa Text
Factors effecting the acoustic properties of date palm Thesis
Martabatkan reputasi guru : sambutan Hari Guru Pering Text
Masyarakat diminta elak cemarkan sumber air Text
Guru raih RM15,000 menerusi Kala Yuda Text
Tanjung Tuah threatened by pollution Text
Ten-minute lunchtime workouts Text
Spatial data management Exam Papers
Pendekatan modular Text
Budaya Hari Kekasih bercanggah syariat Islam Text
Kontrak sosial Rukun Negara bina kesepakatan kaum Text
Locating nearby lightning from induced voltage analys Thesis
Effect of surface pretreatments on the deposition of p Text
Police chiefs laud human rights seminar Text
Malaysia menang lima anugerah majalah Amerika Text
Impact of patient weight on tumor visibility based o Indexed Paper
Theory of modern architecture Exam Papers
Kepala Batas Kawasan Perindustrian Asas Tani Text
Kod etika seragam tingkatkan imej wartawan Text
Magnetic induction tomography for imaging of steel inThesis
Impact of entrepreneurial leadership on organization Indexed Paper
R&D : penyelidik UIAM cipta kaedah kesan gelatin Text
Suruhanjaya bebas elak pertikaian, tiada cover up ter Text
ÆLangkah Kementerian Kesihatan tidak masuk akalÆText
Only Malaysians entitled to subsidised healthcare Text
Penguatkuasa Malaysia rasuah Text
Optimization of electrostatic sensor design for veloci Thesis
Effect of photon irradiation on the thermoluminescence Thesis
Zaini harap pengganti terus transformasi UTM News Paper Cuttings
An interactive environmental model for economic growIndexed Paper
Singapore PM saddened with the passing of Tunku Abdu News Paper Cuttings
Projek bekalan gas asli 96km usaha sama menang-me Text
UiTM bina kampus cawangan baru di Kota Tinggi Text
Royal Belum nama Taman Negara Perak Text
A review on conceptualization and dimensions of safetConference Papers
Stochastic Processes Exam Papers
Operational research Exam Papers
Teras pentadbiran Wisma Pertahanan Text
Too many immigrants harmful for the country Text
Bahasa Melayu dimusnahkan orang Melayu sendiri Text
A hybrid model for monthly time series forecasting Indexed Paper
Counting on the nest egg Text
Study of scale formation in oil reservoir during water i Conference Papers
Meletakkan tarikh berlaku kiamat adalah khurafat Text
Web-based digital rights management system for the ma Thesis
Expert : poverty in KL problems may crop up by 2009 Text
A hybrid parallel genetic algorithm for solving job-sh Text
Pengurusan strategi Text
Marina will protect marine life Text
Amaran tahap merah : hujan lebat dengan angin kencaText
Improving savonius marine current turbine Thesis
Organic chemistry - biomoleculars Exam Papers
Fizik bahan polimer Exam Papers
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Menangani apnea dan dengkur Text
Effects of legihility and complexlty on path choice beh Conference Papers
Hydrographic positioning Exam Papers
Making sure who will get your EPF savings Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan melancong Thesis
Change of medium of instruction in the teaching of M Thesis
Kapal selam TLDM bukan untuk menakut-nakutkan Text
Abdullah mahu gejala rasuah dihapus hingga ke akar Text
Design and tailoring of a novel heterogeneous catalystText
A role of ultrasonic frequency and power on oil mobil Non-Index Paper
Melayu pascaliberalisasi ekonomi Text
UKM ambil 5,343 pelajar baru Text
Teknologi pengeluaran asas Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Johor banjir lagi Text
Site management Exam Papers
Sasar 10% peningkatan tabiat membaca Text
Mengukur dinamik harga harta tanah kediaman di MalThesis
Analisis kerangka Thesis
PTPTN dijangka defisit RM46 bilion Text
Pembangunan pengkalan data untuk analisis penempatan Thesis
Race to save MalaccaÆs Hawksbill Text
Control of electrical discharge machining servo systemThesis
Ledingan panel komposit Text
IENA Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Move to end Mat Rempit menace Text
Cipta nama di pentas antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Fire safety in high rise buildings Text
Kekurangan doktor di luar bandar masih ketara : Rosn Text
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Mara tetap biayai pinjaman usahawan Text
University to open next year Text
Geotechnical assessment of pile carrying capacity Thesis
Gerak Gempur Dadah 2007 diperluas ke seluruh negarText
Mechanical properties of high strength concrete at hi Text
UTM penerima pertama penarafan IR Text
Kosong kerusi DUN mainan politik Text
Sistem penentuan penawaran kursus UTMSPACE bera Thesis
Optimization of power quality monitors in transmissi Thesis
Industrial automation and robotic Exam Papers
Variable step size Perturb and observe MPPT for PV solIndexed Paper
Development and characterization of microcontroller ba Text
Bantah doktor kerja swasta Text
Peperiksaan diadakan semula jika dakwaan bocor ben Text
Optimal forecasting and control of reservoir in muda irText
Numerical analysis of spray-dic modeling for fruit co Indexed Paper
Planning and contemporay social issues/ community soExam Papers
Analisis keberkesanan kaedah pembaikan cerun dengan Text
Pangkor jetty to be ready soon News Paper Cuttings
UTM tawar kejuruteraan nuklear News Paper Cuttings
Pentaksiran pelaburan dan pembangunan tanah Text
MAS tawar diskaun : potongan hingga 44 peratus pakejText
Human face verification under illumination variation Thesis
Advanced software process improvements Exam Papers
Tiga negara kerjasama banteras lanun Text
Simulasi dan rekabentuk penguat hingar rendah untu Text
A numerical study of convectio heat transfer from a rotText
Kempen beli produk Malaysia dilancar semula Text
Factors affecting overtaking behaviour on single carriaIndexed Paper
Waspada hadapi banjir Text
Prove by setting a good example to all Text
Arak punca segala kejahatan, cetus permusuhan Text
Siswa manfaat peluang sertai GOP News Paper Cuttings
Understanding polycystic ovary syndrome Text
824 sertai pertandingan silat IPT Text
Presiden Iraq berjanji kejutkan tentera sekutu Text
Majikan kena sensitif Text
The potential of artificial neural network technique i Non-Index Paper
Pahang mampu jadi hab biodiesel negara Text
Tangani masalah mat rempit di usia remaja Text
Swiftlet hotels cleared of bird flu Text
E-project to revamp land office services Text
Insan bertaqarrub dijanji ganjaran, kedudukan mulia Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Exam Papers
Profiling dangerous drivers : move to reduce road fatalText
Kidnapping inspired by HK movie Text
Recovery of ionized nanosilver from wash water solut Indexed Paper
Muafakat wujud masyarakat berkasih sayang, menghoText
Subsidi distruktur semula Text
Komitmen seumur hidup tanpa ganjaran sesuai jadi doText
Molecular biology techniques Text
Remaja 12 tahun tidak dikecualikan bayaran MyKad Text
Komposit ferit serap mikro gelombang Text
Biokimia Text
Optimization of chemical pretreatment for removing cIndexed Paper
Email scam offers RM1.67m and BMW car Text
Bahas sumbangan kemerdekaan Text
Empat remaja dituduh culik, bunuh pelajar Text
Murid bukan Bumiputera di SK akan ditambah Text
FAM mungkin tiru Akademi Fantasia Text
Halang perang meletus Text
IGP : Malaysia is still a safe place Text
73 vehicle thefts every day last year Text
Implementation of an online collaborative learning thrThesis
Kota Tinggi daerah terbaik PMR 2006 Text
Waste management and environment Text
The performance of euler-maruyama and 2-stage SRK in Conference Papers
Sports priority for schools Text
Trends and issues in E-communities Exam Papers
Cancer detection using aritifical neural network and Journal Article
Swoop on those who send SMS while driving Text
Effects of burner configuration on the characteristics Indexed Paper
Squatters to be relocated to 12 sites Text
Fuel card plan to improve subsidy rebate system Text
Performance study on GSM (Preview) Text
National Housing Company revived 16 low-cost projectText
Organics chemistry - functional group Exam Papers
Anti-friction performance of palm oil nanolubricant Thesis
Pemandu langgar peraturan jalan raya pengarah disenText
Laser based optical tomography for measuring bubblesThesis
Floods worsen in east coast states Text
Asas kaedah penyelidikan Text
Shame : our rivers are filthy Text
Electrokinetic supercharging in nonaqueous capillary Indexed Paper
Guru disiplin perlu cekap memahami kelakuan pelajar Text
Sultan Ibrahim declares Bandar Maharani as Johor’sNews Paper Cuttings
The right buy with MySize Text
Modeling of batch and continuous anaerobic digestionJournalo Article
Quantum nanoelectronics : challenges and opportunitiConference Papers
Design and optimization of the scavenging system of aText
Sikap, nilai positif tunjang utama kejayaan organisasi Text
Parents to pay for underage driversÆ folly Text
Higher pay and awareness can attract more Chinese Text
Penyakit peluh melampau Text
Construction measurement 2 Exam Papers
Selected few to get Rela powers Text
Six killed in car-trailer crash Text
Study on joint-filling sand and bedding layer on concr Text
Saintis kaji punca malapetaka Text
Pelancongan Asia rugi RM11.4b akibat tsunami Text
Young women spending on beauty product or service Thesis
English on the Web Text
Factors and challenges influencing grammar teaching iThesis
Estimating 1 Exam Papers
Celcom lancar internet BlackBerry Text
Effect of viscoelastic behavior of cellulose oil palm f Indexed Paper
Sistem tempahan dan jualan produk gano secara on-li Text
Multi casting presenter (Messenger) Thesis
Amalan pengajaran guru-guru teknikal di Sekolah MenThesis
Puas hati perkembangan projek ECER Text
The use of horizontal and inclined bars as shear reinfo Text
Tingkat perdagangan dua hala : Abdullah Text
Accomodating telecenters into cybercafes : a case study Text
Teachers' perception in teaching Mathematics and Sci Thesis
Performance analysis for 6loWPAN IEEE 802.15.4 with Conference Papers
School-based assessments to gauge students perform Text
Rhizomucor miehei lipase supported on chitosan-graphThesis
Interrelationship of incivility, cynicism and turnover in Indexed Paper
Pengurusan sisa pejal dan sisa berbahaya Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
Walaupun sibuk, makan secara sihat Text
Workplace learning and competence acquisition: A sinThesis
The impact of total quality management and process Thesis
Kampung tradisional jadi produk pelancongan Text
Belanjawan 2003 pacu pertumbuhan ICT negara Text
University lecturers laud move to upgrade status News Paper Cuttings
Dept heads can give nod for second job Text
Polis Marin kerja keras kawal perairan negara Text
The used of infrared sensor for 3D image reconstructi Indexed Paper
Air mineral umpama ubat kuat Text
Lecturer’s awareness on information security threatThesis
RM2.871b subsidi biaya pelajar IPT Text
Tahun melawat Terengganu 12 keunikan menanti Text
Natural radioactivity level of products and by-productsThesis
Usah musnahkan Umno Text
Evaluation of stone mastic asphalt using palm oil fuel as
UTM, Cardiff jalin kerjasama bola sepak Text
Poly-Tech Mara jadi kolej universiti Text
Multi-layer micro channels system: interpretation an Conference Papers
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
æHelp farmers hold equity in industriesÆ Text
Antiproliferative properties of aqueous Labisia pumila eIndexed Paper
Sistem pengurusan tabung bantuan zakat Universiti T Thesis
UTM Skudai Hostel E-Feedback system Thesis
Applied cryptography Exam Papers
Isu jambatan sudah selesai Text
Kelektromagnetan Exam Papers
84 peratus pensyarah UPM miliki PhD Text
SARS ward visits discouraged Text
The production of COx-free hydrogen and carbon nanof Conference Papers
High tempertature oxidation of austenitic and martensit Thesis
Identifying pertinent elements of critical thinking and Indexed Paper
Monitoring of water level in Shi Jia Zhuang city using Thesis
The study of claims arising from building collapse Thesis
Kementerian utama sistem pasang siap Text
Experimental and simulation studies of a two seater ligConference Papers
6,277 aced all subjects taken in SPM last year Text
Mete out stiffer penalties on illegal trade of offal Text
Development of structural model of relationship betweThesis
Mixed matrix membrane incorporated with large pore Indexed
si Paper
Musyarakah mutanaqisah untuk pembiayaan rumah Text
Hasil kajian beban kos persekolahan Text
Membudayakan amalan membaca Text
Bekalan gula masih kurang di Terengganu, Perlis Text
Malaysia akan terus membangun : PM Text
RM60 billion transfusion to keep economy ticking Text
CFD simulation and wind tunnel testing of an express Text
Wabak denggi : korban demam denggi meningkat Text
Comparative analysis on synthetic genetic transcriptionThesis
Kursus seimbang dapat atasi masalah siswazah mengaText
Quantum mechanics Exam Papers
A simulation study of hybrid wind-ultracapacitor ener Indexed Paper
Pendekatan pengajaran Sejarah akan dirombak Text
Designing, constructing, and testing vertical axis wind Thesis
SPACE UTM merealisasikan impian pelajar dewasa Text
Manoeuvring of a vessel in shallow water with ship - baConference Papers
Electronics Devices Exam Papers
Motivation in learning English as second language of s Thesis
Evolusi industri perikanan Text
Cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and adipogenic effects ofIndexed Paper
Tambah RM30 bilion, bagi menampung peningkatan koText
The impacts of service quality and customer satisfacti Thesis
Umat Islam perlu kembali hayati ajaran al-Quran Text
Blended problem based learning (BPBL): opportunitiesConference Papers
Powerpoint presentation remote control using infrare Thesis
Principles & planning system Exam Papers
Perangi rasuah dalam politik Text
Rock mechanics in petroleum industries and the importConference Papers
PM tinjau projek Gerbang Selatan di Bukit Chagar Text
Investigating the effect of taper length on sensitivity Journal Article
Wanita bidas graduan IPTA suka tukar kerja Text
Finite element analysis of rapid footing for industriali Thesis
Finite automata in DNA splicing and sticker systems wiThesis
Fuzzy logic controller optimization using metamodelingConference Papers
Help for entrepreneurs Text
Comparative study of orange-G degradation using ho Text
Sheikh Al-Azhar sambut baik Islam Hadhari Text
Bench marks of womenÆs progress Text
Mempopularkan kompang sebagi alat seni budaya MeText
K-Sharing Program Pelaksanaan Bandar Selamat Sekit Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UniMAP tekankan amali industri Text
Documentation of medicinal plants traditionally used Journal Article
Corrosion chemistry Exam Papers
Datuk Bandar KL perlu miliki kuasa sewajarnya Text
Kementerian garis dasar tingkat kerjasama 17 IPTA Text
Students' and Lectures' conceptions and philosophy ofText
Development of PC-based automated body mass indexThesis
Doktor cerita detik cemas bedah kembar siam Text
Review on co-curriculum activities Text
Not according to guidelines Text
Asid borik dalam kuih tradisional Text
Saintis Barat mencari Pencipta cakerawala Text
Prestasi : kakitangan awam akan diberi ganjaran Text
Sultan Johor mahu pelajar UTM manfaatkan ilmu News Paper Cuttings
Developing 3D Geoportal for Wilayah Persekutuan Isk Conference Papers
Penyengat kawal tanaman daripada serangga Text
Plus tinjau satu lagi projek jalan di India Text
Hospital under fungus attack again Text
Gaji pensyarah lulusan sarjana sama gred guru sekola Text
Kepimpinan di dalam industri pembinaan Thesis
Robust control of a walking bipedal robot Thesis
Akhbar NST beri kesan kuasai BI Text
Fotogrametri asas Text
Perbelanjaan rakyat terjejas jika perang berlanjutan Text
Electrical Machines Exam Papers
Wanita boleh bantu kurangkan nahas maut Text
Miskin antara punca 200,000 murid keciciran Text
Perancangan kewangan boleh atasi masalah kenaikan Text
Pervez, Anwar dalam proses pengadilan Text
Decolorization of palm oil mill effluent using selected Thesis
Perkukuh hubungan dagang Text
Pengurusan rantaian bekalan menggunakan MRP dan Text
Building services I (Kemudahan bangunan I) Text
Survivor! one by one the others drowned bu Rizal clungText
GGDM model on validation of the interior building lay Indexed Paper
5 gunung berapi kian aktif : lebih 25,000 penduduk In Text
Kolej 11 UTM jayakan program gerak minda News Paper Cuttings
Alat analisis : kesan lebihan racun dalam makanan Text
Optimizing flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes: expeJournal Article
21 peratus Bajet 2007 bangunkan modal insan Text
Pusat pendidikan kewangan Islam ditubuh Text
Structural analysis of 100KW microturbine combustio Text
Gubal pendidikan perpaduan Text
IJN wants use of empty hospital Text
Polis perhebat gerakan banteras penagih dadah Text
Religious graduates can also work in private sector c Text
An integrated student admission model based on hollan Thesis
Felda document management system (Preview) Text
Guna perayaan pupuk toleransi Text
Simulation of double-effect solar driven absorption sy Thesis
Majlis Pelancaran Bulan Kemerdekaan Ke-59 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Investigation into low energy beta imaging using CCD iText
Liquid-gas boundary catalysis by gold/polystyrene-coate Thesis
Gen.2 dijangka kuasai 45% pasaran kenderaan kelas 1.6 Text
Housemen lack basic know-how Text
The rain-lashed states : reports from Johor, Negeri S Text
Channel estimation and intercarrier interference reducThesis
Image encryption algorithm based on chaotic mappingText
Chloride stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steThesis
Imbangan jisim Text
Overcurrent protection and coordination using CAE tooText
MyKad jadi contoh ID digital dunia Text
Johor Sultan begins 15th edition of Kembara Mahkota News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia-Jepun tingkat kerjasama teroka angkasa lepaText
Bush tidak jujur selesai isu Palestin News Paper Cuttings
Plastik pembungkus ketupat selamat digunakan Text
Safety and health in chemical industry Exam Papers
Analytical modelling of monolayer graphene-based ionIndexed Paper
The level of compliance to safety audit in constructionText
Foreign students miss home and family Text
Bangkok kena sensitif pandangan negara jiran Text
20,000 Naza Ria kereta nasional Text
Sistem pemantauan rumah cendawan masa nyata Thesis
Mercury (Hg) adsorption performance by hybrid spheric Thesis
Move to attract 100,000 foreign students by 2010 Text
Bersatu hadapi cabaran 2009 Text
Principles of macrodeconomics Exam Papers
Penetration testing and intrusion mechanism Exam Papers
Meneruskan kegemilangan saintis Islam Text
Better water deal in the pipeline Text
Digital imej processing I Text
Kesan peletakan tapak pelupusan sisa pepejal di kaw Thesis
Kuasa teratai Text
PM : kerajaan sedia timbang : jika rakyat mahu sebagaiText
Fahami, ketahui kesesuaian pokok Text
The impact of intellectual capital on firm financial p Indexed Paper
Lapan lagi kes Influenza A dikesan Text
Influence of compatibilizer on the structure propertiesIndexed Paper
Intelligent neural network for modelling and control o Thesis
Konsep wakaf tangani dana pengajian tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Reverse logistic for industrial building system construcThesis
Involve private sector in technology development Text
Off-line writer recognition for Arabic handwritten te Thesis
Majlis sambutan hari raya aidil fitri peringkat Perpu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Harga petrol, diesel, gas petroleum cecair kekal Text
Jenayah buang bayi salah siapa? Text
4 tabung baru usahawan Text
Konvensyen Fiqh Ummah lerai kekeliruan News Paper Cuttings
PM jamin terus sediakan suasana ekonomi kondusif Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Rakan Cop a big success, KL crime rate down 20pc Text
UTM bangun teknologi buat peluru berpandu Text
Pengurusan projek / pembinaan Text
A study of the in-column detection performance for Indexed Paper
Creating awareness on sex Text
Produk makanan wajib lulus BKKM Text
150 pensyarah UTM ikuti pengajian kedoktoran Text
Image reconstruction comparison on quantity of ultrasConference Papers
Menjelaskan realiti Islam Text
New system for quicker checkpoint clearance Text
UM in top 150 list News Paper Cuttings
Asas kuasa dan mesin elektrik Text
Augmented diffuser for horizontal axis marine current Indexed Paper
Electronic circuit Exam Papers
Polypyrrole-magnetite dispersive micro-solid phase extThesis
Ujian ukuran tahap cinta terhadap Ilahi Text
Characterization and optimization of biodegradable chThesis
Jamarat Bridge : Malaysia's badge of honour Text
Asean, EU kena rebut peluang Text
Clean living Text
Usability testing for standalone applications Thesis
Design of a low air draft passenger boat for inland naviThesis
Tun M syor buat kajian Text
Tuning spatial database using quadtree indexing to s Conference Papers
The impact of total quality management (TQM) practi Thesis
Teknologi hijau tingkat daya saing industri automotif Text
Kabinet arah rangka strategi bantu nelayan Text
Assessment on the permittance of noise impact levels Non-Index Paper
Johor aims to eradicate hardcore poverty by 2009 Text
Zakat basmi kemiskinan dunia Text
Crafting effective engineering problems for problem-baConference Papers
Penstabilan cerun menggunakan slinder tanah-runtuh Text
Sustainability and environmental management in consExam Papers
Tuntutan gaji minimum bela nasib pekerja swasta Text
Clean kitchen equals more money Text
Subjek Sejarah bakal dirombak Text
Kehadiran pelancong cecah sejuta sebulan Text
Self-efficacy belief as a practical and parsimonious evaIndexed Paper
Sampai masa gubal Kanun Wakaf Negara News Paper Cuttings
Analysis and design of precast framing system for low Thesis
Reka bentuk industri Exam Papers
UTM perlu tajaan RM2j majukan projek kereta solar Text
91,447 penagih dikesan di seluruh negara sejak 2001 Text
Stricter rules for commercial licence Text
Changes for the better for police force Text
Lembah Klang taraf MSC, bagi meningkatkan pembabita Text
Flow separation studies above UTM 2d aerofoil Thesis
Pastikan pembangunan Johor Selatan seimbang Text
Enhancing generic pipeline model for code clone dete Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa : polarisasi masih menebal Text
Maybank perkenal pembayaran dividen secara elektroText
Kawalan dan instrumentasi Text
Knowledge, religious beliefs and perception towards oNon-Index Paper
Teachers the key to truly smart schools Text
Kaji semula kursus ICT Text
Makanan segera antara punca penyakit kronik Text
Smarteye-vehicle security system using facial recognit Text
Ananda Krishnan rakyat Malaysia terkaya Text
Development of reactive control strategy for multi-ag Text
Mimos, UTM kongsi maju teknologi tanpa wayar Text
Tentera Israel mula ceroboh sempadan Lubnan Text
PM : maintaining assets means less money spent Text
Mathematical modelling of mass transfer in a multi-staText
Teachers’ perception towards virtual learning env Thesis
Semi active roll control suspension system using mag Text
Sistem e-Carta Hidrografi pedoman kapal Text
Formulation and application of optimal homotopty asym Indexed Paper
IEM : elak kahwin saudara terdekat Text
Bosses to deduct loan monies from salaries Text
Preventing web defacement using encryption techniq Thesis
Implicit leadership theories of Bruneians Indexed Paper
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Muar maut nahas Text
Balai berlepas baru LCCT mula operasi Text
PM lancar kempen kesedaran bahaya dadah Text
Effects of wellbore stability to sand production Conference Papers
UTM launches first locally-built hovercraft Text
Kumpulan Naza guna AP tingkat ekonomi Text
UMS buat kajian pengkomersialan ikan ketutu Text
Major causes of construction delays under client cate Conference Papers
Chitosan starch based packaging film enhanced with em Thesis
Remote control transmit and receive via infra-red Thesis
Fatwa perlu selari keperluan semasa : Sempena Pela Text
Otak lelaki, wanita berbeza Text
Indeks Harga Pengguna meningkat 1.3 peratus Text
Too many breakdowns put strain on old train service Text
Boon Soon mahu kelilingi dunia promosi seni bina News Paper Cuttings
Fizik moden Text
Warnings on fast food Text
Construction contract studies II Exam Papers
55,000 ayam mula dihantar ke Singapura Text
90 pelajar IPT harungi gelombang Selat Melaka berkayText
Proses pembangunan tanah Text
Guna media asing promosi buah tempatan Text
Effect of chitosan as a functionalization agent on th Indexed Paper
Introduction to business / pengenalan perniagaan Text
Pembangunan alat pengarangan (authoring tool) halamText
Effects of mud contamination to cement casing bondi Conference Papers
Penderia & transduser Text
Kenaikan kadar tol tidak dapat dielak Text
Ministry on alert for more tainted products Text
Bekalan makanan mencukupi : Najib Text
Brain food Text
Majlis Fatwa putuskan pengkid haram Text
Effect of post-curing regime on density, compressive s Indexed Paper
SBP jadi pilihan utama pendidikan berkualiti tinggi Text
Asas VLSI digit Text
Kisah Nabi Yusuf iktibar jaga persaudaraan Text
Bahan amorfus & seramik Exam Papers
Elaun guru kini pada peringkat akhir : Najib Text
Analisis kinematik pergerakan kaki dalam latihan suk Thesis
Nitrogen dioxide detection using copper oxide thin fil Thesis
Control system of remotely operated underwater vehiThesis
3,000 tempat bagi lepasan sekolah Text
Program Homestay diperkuatkan Text
Siswa perlu manfaat pusat sumber media Text
Islam Hadhari penyambung kemerdekaan Text
USM team invention is best Text
Lebih ramai bukan Melayu sertai PDRM Text
RM590j basmi miskin Text
Experimental study of an electro-mechanical CVT ratioIndexed Paper
Kementerian ambil langkah proaktif sedia guru prasek Text
Malaysia 10 terbaik tawar pengajian berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
Discrete dislocation dynamics study on cutting behavyioThesis
Maximising heat recovery in batch processes via produIndexed Paper
System analysis and design methods Exam Papers
Journalism and science at camp Text
41 NSAs fail to submit reports, budget requests Text
PM : address jobless grads issue urgently Text
BCB naikkan kadar BLR Text
Kuasa udara, kuasa negara News Paper Cuttings
Hasil pertanian Malaysia Best diaudit untuk jamin kualiText
Aggregate composition in cold mix design Thesis
Technology acceptance over usage of tablets and behav Thesis
Closely spaced dual-wavelength fiber laser using an ul Indexed Paper
R & D : gel elektroforesis Text
KWSP sedia timbang keluar caruman tunai haji Text
Do social work, govt officers urged Text
Situational factors and intuitive decision style among Non-Index Paper
Experimental study of flame synthesis of carbonaceousThesis
1,003 kes demam denggi dicatat Text
Steps in place to deal with viral flu outbreak Text
Prediction of surface roughness in the end milling usingConference Papers
E-latihan sebagai komponen asas membentuk k-pekerjText
Centre for export of batik and songket Text
The attractiveness of ASEAN countries to foreign directThesis
Pusat bina Taman Ilmu Terengganu RM250j Text
Reinforced concrete design Exam Papers
Ultrasonik dalam perubatan Text
Only registered drugs for animals from August Text
Cuti Sabtu tidak jejas produktiviti Text
Selidik tahap kebenaran maklumat elak berlaku fitnah Text
Sistem kawalan Text
Banned : fast food ads on kids' TV shows Text
Basic animation in multimedia (asas animasi dalam muText
Banks æpushing them to seek out Ah LongÆ Text
Perodua sedia RM3 bilion Text
K3G medan siswazah tinjau peluang kerja Text
Preparation of poly eter eter keton as alternative memIndexed Paper
UTM sedia 250 tempat calon laluan istimewa News Paper Cuttings
An improved method for predicting and ranking supplieIndexed Paper
Varsities urged to step up R&D, innovation work Text
Guru : 1,300 lepasan SPM pelopor program ijazah Text
Persatuan tetap mahu caruman KWSP diiktiraf harta s Text
Introduction to biomedical material Exam Papers
Human, society & culture : sister disciplines Text
A study of the plastic life cycle assessment (Full text) Text
Seruan ke Baitullah wajar dilaksana tanpa bertangguh Text
A document - based software traceabiliy to support chaText
Kakitangan awam bersih dadah boleh diambil semula Text
IT governance elements for shared services Thesis
Batuan Tengah mungkin dicantumkan Text
Environmental pollution to blame Text
Zainuddin selar akhbar tukar identiti untuk jadi populaText
Rising number of Bumi entrepreneurs Text
Cardiovascular control system (During Anesthesia) usi Text
Kalkulus II Text
Sugar cane fuel, a sweet alternative to petrol Text
Soft drinks to have less sugar and fast food less fat Text
Japan must show the way Text
Methods for improving the accuracy of forecasts in timText
Daging lembu Australia disah halal Text
Technology and information system Exam Papers
Projek SOGT pemangkin pembangunan Sabah : PM Text
Value chain performance measurement: a simple DEA N a on-Index Paper
Indeks rasuah : kedudukan Malaysia merosot ke tanggText
Hasil kajian bantu tangani hakisan pantai Tanjung Piai Text
Peranan pengurusan sekolah dalam meningkatkan kepua Thesis
Assessment of hybrid Lean-Agile (Leagile) supply chainIndexed Paper
Bioenergetics Exam Papers
Usahawan Melayu usah banyak berangan Text
Claim issues in structural failure Thesis
Assessment of photogrammetric micro fixed-wing unman Journal Article
Composite chitosan membranes for the separation of Indexed Paper
A comparative simulation study of chemical eor methodo Thesis
Harga beras terus naik Text
Gaji minimum diumum Mac ini Text
Pertembungan kuasa di Laut China Selatan News Paper Cuttings
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Police help for ministry Text
ICI alleviation in OFDM system utilizing scale alpha pu Indexed Paper
Usah jadi seperti British : Industri automotif perlu u Text
Joint drill to fight piracy in Malacca strait Text
Glenoid implant with new artificial glenoid labrum us Thesis
Sistem akruan cegah seleweng Text
Self development / perkembangan kendiri Text
FinFet-based 6-T SRAM circuit modeling and RC delay aThesis
Relationship between cone penetration test and undrain Thesis
Kadar baru duti import jana jualan kenderaan Text
Pembangunan budaya penyenggaraan Thesis
Melestari kepenggunaan cabaran urus sumber air Text
Mobile streaming of H.264 video over Gilbert-Elliotts Conference Papers
Ink washout Text
Akta Pemberi Pinjaman Wang 1951 sudah lapuk Text
Estimating the efficiency of Pahang rubber smallholde Journal Article
Perancangan kemudahan Text
Abdullah to monitor efforts to wipe out poverty Text
Bajet mini diharap suburkan ekosistem intelektual Text
Recovery of spent bleaching clay for reuse in water treText
Govt studying Linux systems for public sector and schoText
Planning law Exam Papers
Integrating content analysis and social network analys Conference Papers
Robot arm end effecter control using soft actuator Thesis
Monash mahu bangunkan R&D perniagaan di MalaysiaText
UTM to be given full autonomy News Paper Cuttings
Rundingan harga kenderaan peringkat akhir : Rafidah Text
Quadrant-based directional routing protocol for mobileText
Property valuation and investment Exam Papers
The performance of electrical treeing in silicone rubberThesis
Perancangan guna tanah I Text
Measurement of the human face using close-range digConference Papers
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Arbitration schemes of wishbone on chip bus system Thesis
27 sports bodies wiped out Text
Unmanned ground vehicle(UGV) Thesis
Khidmat bas awam mesti lebih bermutu Text
Network losses with penetration of photovoltaic (PV) aThesis
Abdullah : tudung a must for parades Text
Geological factors consideration for the rehabilitatio Thesis
Double strap joint mechanical characteristics of glassf Text
Pematuhan kendiri industri terhadap pengurusan dan Thesis
Boundary integral equation with the generalized NeumThesis
Sistem maklumat kejuruteraan awam Text
Govt depts must stop ads thanking VIPs Text
G-jitter mixed convective slip flow of nanofluid past Indexed Paper
Ramlan saintis herba Text
Using scopus and science direct as research and publicPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Burden on rice producers Text
Pembangunan tanah wakaf pertanian terbiar Thesis
Curriculum development and implementation : implicat Text
ItÆs all a question of money Text
Concentration influence of different additives on perf Conference Papers
Tapered plastic optical fiber coated with single wall Indexed Paper
USM kaji vaksin baru cegah TB Text
Sistem elektrik kenderaan Text
The machine efficiency of (M/M/1) machine interfere Thesis
PAN - based carbon fibers: fabrication, potential appli Conference Papers
Aceh once a centre of trade and learning Text
3,837 evacuated in east coast Text
Phylogenetic analysis of eleven Malaysian rice cultiva Thesis
The relationship between amplitude of displacement aThesis
E-crime investigation and incident response managemExam Papers
Six-port network as complex ratio measuring unit for Thesis
Thermo optic switch based on multimode interferenceConference Papers
CIMB is tops Text
Effect of hydrophobicity degree on PVDF hollow fiber Journal Article
300 civil servants sacked last year Text
BER performance simulation rake receiver for WCDMAText
The commutativity degree of 3-engel groups up to ordThesis
UTM B juara cipta robot News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan ulang jaminan harga petroleum tidak dinaikk Text
PPSMI : how do we train our future teachers? Text
A smart handover prediction system based on curve fittIndexed Paper
Two-phase flow regime identification by ultrasonic c Non-Index Paper
Foreign doctor caught at clinic Text
UUM wins accounting contest Text
Use allocation for crucial matters Text
Greatest inheritance of all Text
The effectiveness of ecletric therapy for middle childh Thesis
Structural properties of nanostructured lithium mangan Thesis
Stop snooping around for khalwat couples Text
Saying no to drugs through clean-up Text
PM : hold prayers for victims Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
Gracilaria edulis as phytoremediation agent to improv Non-Index Paper
Free trade agreement for better ties between Malays Text
Information security awareness and training program Thesis
UTMSpace the new frontier in education News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa Mandarin, Tamil tahun depan Text
Parametric evaluation of microwave-assisted extraction Journal Article
Comparative kinetic study of functionalized carbon n Indexed Paper
Football tournament system faculty of computer scienThesis
Hudud : Pas terkontang-kanting News Paper Cuttings
Many still unable to teach in English Text
Pelancongan jana pendapatan negeri Kedah Text
Computer aided resistance prediction of high speed plText
Triple-band printed dipole tag antenna for RFID Non-Index Paper
Galak remaja sertai aktiviti masjid elak terjerumus gejaText
Measurements and correlations of frictional pressure Indexed Paper
Perkhidmatan pergigian moden, terkini Text
Merungkai rahsia kejayaan Perodua Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Heat attenuation by using water spray curtain Thesis
Ambil peluang lanjut pengajian teknikal, vokasional: News Paper Cuttings
Amalan dalam membuat keputusan pelaburan harta t Thesis
Naza sasar kereta 100% buatan sendiri Text
Kajian terhadap perlaksanaan program local agenda 21Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Pengurusan tapak bina Text
Groundwater conceptual model for paddy irrigation Journal Article
Synthesis and characterization of zeolite linde type A Thesis
Rib sidewall scattering loss estimation for trapezoidal Conference Papers
Tarikh merdeka dipersetujui dua tahun awal daripada Text
Olahan air larut resapan menggunakan colocasia giga Thesis
Consumers’ confidence towards halal logo productThesis
Fong : we'll educate foreign workers on culture, lifestyText
The Impact of sustainability on the value of commerciaJournal Article
Pertandingan zapin IPTA di UTM Text
Vibration analysis of supported multilayered and functiThesis
Software design Exam Papers
Jangan jadikan bahasa Inggeris pengantar di IPTA Text
Development of mobile apps for patient medical treat Thesis
Answer to haze poser in 24 hours Text
Dari Gerbang Negeri : Terengganu pulih semula imej pText
Johor muncul pengeluar benih nanas, pisang berkualitiText
Johor rancang pelbagai strategi majukan ummah Text
Pengangkutan marin Text
Technopreneur plan for jobless Bumi grads Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Bangunan SUB - Bumipu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
Co2 and surface tempreature reduction on building surThesis
Peniaga naik harga ayam Text
Penduduk bimbang warga asing monopoli mesin ATM Text
Quality improvement in a manufacturing company Text
Peratus wanita jadi guru mengatasi lelaki Text
Isolation and characterization of styryllactone of goni Indexed Paper
Sekolah khas gilap pelajar berbakat Text
Faedah untuk pengguna Text
Tahap hubungan kerjasama universiti - industri di UnivThesis
New exam for engineers Text
Construction Technology I Exam Papers
Usaha pikat pelancong negara Islam Text
Ontology for mobile device utilization towards knowledThesis
Hubungan di antara budaya organisasi dengan kepuasaThesis
Modification of structural and physical properties of Indexed Paper
Pineapple branding and biorefinery program (PBBP) Conference Papers
Interpol alert for Soosai Text
Masa menunggu kerana masa lengah bas di Putrajaya Journal Article
Literasi komputer Text
Soy, fish keep away cancer Text
Dasar AP dirombak Text
Response of savanna gross primary productivity to interaIndexed Paper
Kimia analisis II Text
Ketua jabatan perlu amal budaya berjimat Text
Development of equations through trajectories linear Conference Papers
Pencapaian bahasa pelajar asing diuji Text
Modeling and analysis of ballistic carbon nanotube fie Text
Buku adat raja Johor diterbitkan News Paper Cuttings
River mapping using digital imagery of unmanned aeriaThesis
Application of fuzzy logic controller to enhance the Indexed Paper
Environmental management Exam Papers
Perejenan dan urusbicara tanah Text
Kesejagatan nilai Islam untuk semua umat Text
Modified zeolite beta as catalysts in friedel-crafts alkylaText
Bond behaviour of grouted spiral and splice connectionThesis
Learning with augmented reality : effects toward student Indexed Paper
Hairpin tunable bandpass filter Thesis
Automated sorting system for postal and courier compThesis
Misi mewujudkan persekitaran sejahtera Text
E-commerce and recommendation system for star booThesis
GIS in urban planning and management: Malaysian ex Conference Papers
Standard identification Text
Pelbagai pandangan tentang solat wusta Text
Berpada dalam berslogan, apa niat sebenar Page? Text
Way for diabetics to avoid amputations Text
Kurikulum tadika diselaras Text
Komputer grafik lanjutan Text
Hiasan tingkap beri gaya menarik Text
Gejala sosial remaja membimbangkan Text
Liputan temuramah Media Perpustakaan UTM sepanjaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fungsi atau bentuk? Text
Budaya perdebatan ilmiah Text
Affect of urban design aspect in the urban spaces crea Conference Papers
Had tuntutan pembeli rumah dinaikkan Text
Sandwich structure polymer electrolyte membranes coConference Papers
UTM perkenal konsep pejabat terbuka News Paper Cuttings
Killing the industry by overfishing Text
Application of interface management in construction i Thesis
Evaluation of user’s behaviors in handling computerThesis se
Fenomena demam penjenamaan semula Text
2011 conferment of fellowship News Paper Cuttings
Driver's overtaking behavior on single carriageway roadText
Penal Code section on domestic violence Text
Ajal nak ziarah nenek News Paper Cuttings
Penggunaan air bawah tanah perlu sistematik Text
Membentuk masyarakat penjimat air Text
Sensitivity analysis of columns at extreme temperatur Text
Penjawat awam takut buat aduan Text
UTM names building in honour of sultan News Paper Cuttings
Cecair EM mesra sungai Text
Guru berpolitik dikhuatiri lemahkan sistem pendidikanText
A reviews paper on voluntourism theories and paradigm Non-Index Paper
Teknik mikroskopi Text
Ending the crawl Text
Malaysia jadi destinasi pelabur Timur Tengah Text
Mining and mapping of protein-protein interaction assThesis
Keep up momentum on Bigfoot Text
Kristalografi sinar-x Exam Papers
Lapangan terbang baru Kedah siap Ogos 2005 Text
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
EPF move protects those above 55 Text
The effect of top and bottom cast on the behavior andText
Kerajaan perlu tegas tangani isu bahasa rojak Text
Alzheimer belum ada penawar Text
Sistem Perhubungan Text
Pendidikan percuma untuk pelajar miskin News Paper Cuttings
Syor tubuh institusi rujuk syariat Text
Bengkel kereta setuju pamer senarai harga Text
UNDP iktiraf Malaysia lindungi ozon Text
Need experts? TheyÆre a click away Text
Courtesy visit from Osaka Prefecture University Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Crack progression models for flexible pavements Conference Papers
Teknologi Penderia Dan Pembelajaran Mesin Text
Effective training factors for competency of demolitionIndexed Paper
Sengaja bakar sampah, sisa tani punca utama kebakar Text
Syor wajib periksa bangunan 2 tahun sekali Text
Hukuman haramkan rotan dikekal : Ketua Pengarah Text
Measurement of customer satisfaction in online banking Thesis
Lesen sambungan akhir mungkin ditarik balik Text
Improvement of dielectrophoretic data analysis algoritThesis
A review of application electrical resistance tomograp Journal Article
GLC memperkasa ekonomi Text
Kajian penilaian bangunan bersejarah Text
Saintis perlu berperanan meleblhi sempadan bidang News Paper Cuttings
Prosedur ambil pekerja Pakistan diperhalusi semula Text
The effect of different phosphate concentration on gr Journal Article
Geotechnical engineering design Text
BPR intip gaya hidup jerung rasuah Text
Belia malas berfikir Text
765 shipments of imported food rejected Text
Sasar hapus kemiskinan tegar menjelang 2010 Text
Photodegradation of chlordane using titanium dioxide Text
Electricity demand to double by 2030 Text
Real-time mass flow rate measurement for bulk solid fText
Petronas menjadi mangsa keadaan geopolitik global News Paper Cuttings
Golongan sederhana Islam perlu bangkit kuasai sains - News Paper Cuttings
Kunjungan Hormat : Datuk NC bersama Pengurusan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hiburan, permainan aliran terkini pengguna Text
Pengangkutan awam bersepadu di Pulau Pinang Text
Pengisian kemerdekaan masyarakat menerusi pelestariText
Development of biogranules using selected mix cultureThesis
Diode bridge T-type LC reactor as transformer inrush cNon-Index Paper
Analysis of queue length at toll booth Thesis
Tambahan RM10b pastikan ekonomi terus berkembanText
Cyclodextrin-functionalized carbon nanotubes for mi Conference Papers
Increment of access points in integrated system of wavIndexed Paper
Entropy generation in gear mechanism Text
Pelajar UTM terima BB1M News Paper Cuttings
Will 2005 be another good year for market? Text
Kawalan pencemaran pembakaran Text
Malays lacking in awareness of drawing up a will Text
Obesiti punca makin ramai lelaki mandul Text
Nutraceutical analysis of organic vinegar Thesis
Kita mungkin guna semula tenaga nuklear Text
Screening of biotechnological organism Text
Managing positive changes Text
Rawatan air tercemar berteknologi tinggi Text
Abdullah takes dirty Malaysians to task Text
KDNK tujuh peratus mampu dicapai Text
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) bagi pengurusaThesis
UTM-MIT lancar projek Blossoms News Paper Cuttings
An optimal mesh algorithm for remote protein homoloConference Papers
PM bangga pencapaian Petronas Text
Kemahiran profesional dalam industri pembinaan di MThesis
UiTM anjur Persidangan Sedunia ISME2006 Text
Kej. bioproses alam sekitar Text
The heck reactions of aryl bromides in ionic liquids m Text
Courts to test out recording systems Text
Ilmu ukur dan maklumat milikan tanah Text
70 peratus kawasan tadahan air diwartakan Text
Sistem kuasa Text
Kesan kawalan harga perisian Text
IPTS disaran khususkan program peringkat diploma Text
Thermoeconomic optimization of a vapor compressionText
Bateri luput bukan pengakhiran usaha cari kotak hitamNews Paper Cuttings
Factors affecting residential development in Bekasi RegText
Reaction products of lime zeolite stabilized kaolin humIndexed Paper
Small aperture radial waveguide slot array antenna desText
Universiti Islam wajar kembali kuasai dunia Text
MMA wants strict control on traditional medicine ads Text
Persuasive technology: a systematic review on the rol Journal Article
Laporan Permohonan Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor 2Text
Classification of universities in Malaysia Thesis
Digital logic Exam Papers
Teori dan prinsip perancangan Text
Design and development of chassis for road vehicle forText
Pelajar perubatan diminta berkhidmat di tanah air Text
Kencing tidak terkawal Text
Thermal - mechanical responses of Ti - 6A1 - 4V duringConference Papers
Tanggungjawab basmi kemiskinan perlu jadi agenda u Text
Thermal analysis of a vertically based fin array in a bo Text
Kesilapan Bush kuatkan Taliban di Afghanistan Text
Kolej SPACE sasar IPTS terbaik menjelang 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Issues on 3D property Non-Index Paper
Promoting health care to woo Indon Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan kejohanan olahraga majlis Text
Teknologi Pemetaan (DBP2102B) Text
Perunding dilantik kaji skim insurans kesihatan Text
Quadruped motion robot Thesis
Vibration and related machine condition monitoring ofText
Guru besar diminta bantu tingkat mutu pendidikan Text
Erosion study on Sungai Skudai tributary Thesis
Hayati proses pembelajaran sepanjang hayat Text
Pejabat tanah dirombak: Pertingkat kecekapan tadbir, Text
Road safety takes top priority Text
A design method of a model-following control system Indexed Paper
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi wujud empat jawatan Text
Jangan diskriminasi wanita Text
Weeding out lazy Class F jobbers Text
Usahawan barangan terpakai kini terajui syarikat bioteNews Paper Cuttings
Enhancement of genetic algorithm for diabetic patientThesis
New MAS in-flight services promotion blitz takes off t Text
Teknologi hijau seiring pembangunan lestari Text
Isu ekonomi, kemiskinan antara agenda utama G77 Text
Zoo Negara mahu capai taraf dunia Text
Getting Malaysians to spend billions Text
Medical colleges churning out sub-standard doctors with Text
Kekuatan mampatan konkrit menggunakan abu kelapaThesis sa
13 kriteria modenkan pasukan Text
Tiket : sindiket guna kad kredit palsu Text
Electrospun membranes for drug delivery and tissue enThesis
Atlit tak perlu terbabit dalam pengurusan persatuan Text
Hubungan antara tingkah laku kepimpinan dengan komit Thesis
BM juga bakal diwajibkan lulus peringkat kredit Text
Parents group wants policy to stay Text
Determination of ultrasonic welding optimal parameterJournal Article
Amalan pengupayaan dan hubungan kepuasan kerja gur Thesis
Intellectual property division to be corporatised Text
Electro-generated ortho-quinoide intermediates : templ Indexed Paper
Analisis data kualiti air bagi Sungai Langat, Selangor D Text
Integrated MARTE-based model for designing componIndexed Paper
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
R & D : Pengesan kuman Text
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk loji Text
Application of artificial neural network : genetic algori Text
Anggota tentera perlu kekuatan iman Text
Pengurusan projek dan pembinaan Text
Halangan jual R&D universiti Text
9,500 frontliners get H1N1 jabs Text
Proposed nature inspired self-organized secure aut Conference Papers
Less stress Text
Physical and chemical characterization of oxide/germ Thesis
Two dimensional finite element analysis of a dry floor Text
SMS and e-mail via fixed line Text
Tanaman herba komersial ditingkat Text
Synthesis and application of microporous carbon sphe Thesis
BPR Sarawak soal 23 pegawai kanan DBKU Text
Mechanical behavior of sand-tire chips mixture under Thesis
Optical communication systems Text
Kajian kerja Text
Towards higher quality education Text
Sistem pengurusan produk Syarikat Besta Sdn, Bhd be Text
Auditor independence debate : a critical review of th Text
Rekabentuk grout polimer untuk pembaikan bangunanText
Dana Ainuddin Wahid ditubuhkan News Paper Cuttings
Kaedah pengajaran bahasa Inggeris patut dirombak Text
Cuti dikurang 5 hari Text
Strategi AS-EU tangani isu Myanmar ditempelak News Paper Cuttings
Properties of Malaysia fired clay bricks and their evalu Text
Tiada toleransi antara penduduk Islam - Hindu di Kash Text
Act swiftly to save mangroves Text
Generation of a homogeneous glow discharge: a compa Non-Index Paper
Chikungunya virus still a threat in Johor, Perak Text
Principles of structure Exam Papers
The construction of regression-based mass appraisal mText
Effects of inlet air cooling and the performance of gas Text
Spectral and geographical domain coordination for IMTConference Papers
Reassessing self-assessment of ability: possible influe Conference Papers
Lebuh raya dinaik taraf : Plaza Tol Jelapang akibatka Text
A practical method for evaluating parking area level ofIndexed Paper
Mekanik gunaan Text
Analytical study of end-plate connection on cruciform Indexed Paper
Chloride stress corrosion cracking of 316L stainless steThesis
Kajian mengenai hubungan struktur modal dan prestasiThesis s
Perbandingan kerosakan permukaan jalan di bahagia Text
PM satisfied with flood relief efforts Text
Review of curricula soon Text
Accomodating telecenters into cybercafes : a case study Text
Persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan teknologi mak Thesis
Tren analysis corak taburan hujan di kawasan timur d Thesis
Kepupusan terumbu karang ancam ekosistem hidupanText
Catalytic methanation of carbon dioxide over nickel s Thesis
A dynamic Ninth Malaysia Plan Text
Economy can grow by 4-5% next year Text
Getting to grips with the bullies : safe school concept Text
Farmers told to change mindset and shed poor stigma Text
Pantai Timur diramal banjir : hujan lebat dijangka di Text
Another baby-selling ring busted Text
Separation mechanism of mono- and divalent ions by Conference Papers
Robotic camera system Thesis
Reban hawa dingin tingkatkan hasil Text
Optimization Methods Exam Papers
Optical characterization on ITO/TiO2/P3HT/Areca Catech Journal Article
Generation of protonic acid site on nanosized ZnO/HZSConference Papers
Kedudukan belia dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9 Text
Sistem penarafan mampu perbaiki kedudukan IPT Text
Constructive heuristics for weather-type models of capThesis
Bahasa lambang kewujudan bangsa Text
Current mode fuzzy based controller for multilevel inv Thesis
Not all are equal Text
Guru besar berijazah kekal di sekolah asal Text
UM menang anugerah utama Pecipta 2009 Text
Entrepreneurial learning organization & culture Exam Papers
Automated audio visual room system Thesis
Petrol RON 95 tidak jejas prestasi enjin Text
Synthesis and characterization of coconut husk based Thesis
Liow : biggest one-day jump in A (H1N1) victims so far Text
Malaysia rancang guna sistem AEWC Text
Critical success factors for successful enterprise arch Thesis
Teori kawalan asas Text
Kementerian tambah prasarana fakulti popular Text
Shorter price control period to help traders Text
Grounding effect on the performance of UWB ice-cre Journal Article
Factors affecting students’ change of learning behaNon-Index Paper
Kolej Mara laksana program masuk universiti terkemu Text
Report on the synthesis of zeolites from rice husk and tText
Cipta satelit bukti kemampuan Unisel Text
Syarat pengambilan guru diperketat mulai tahun depaText
Ab initio study of the structural, electronic, elastic Indexed Paper
3 pendekatan perkasa koperasi dalam RMK-9 Text
Langkah-langkah dalam pengawalan perlombongan pasir Thesis
Empat program utama hapus kemiskinan tegar Text
Information and communication technology for contr Non-Index Paper
Ketagihan gula tahap serius Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelatih-pelatih untuThesis
Pelajar miskin dikecuali syarat minimum SSPN Text
Utilization of coconut shell as fine aggregate in asphal Thesis
Kenaikan harga minyak tidak normal : Hassan Marican Text
Menteri berhak jawab Dr M Text
Pelajari rahsia kejayaan Nissan, Renault Text
Dr Fathi arkitek dakwah, gerakan Islam lebih setengah Text
Application of demand side management strategies to Thesis
Modification of cellulose by polymethyl methacrylate Journal Article
Sistem komunikasi pejabat untuk organisasi PHHP MarText
Big step for LadyÆs Slipper Text
Experiments for three space agencies Text
Zoo NegaraÆs Jenjulung feat Text
Popipil dapat kurangkan hipertensi Text
Conceptual implementation to access the extend of infConference Papers
Dual band compact size microstrip antenna operating Indexed Paper
Industri diminta bantu IPTA tentukan kursus Text
IMU gedung lahir pakar bioteknologi Text
Air flow optimization of the vehicle cooling system tes Thesis
Separation of N-nitrosamines by micellar electrokine Indexed Paper
Veterinary dept to test two pig vaccines Text
Earthquake induced landslide susceptibility mapping uIndexed Paper
Kerajaan prihatin rakyat terjejas Text
Integration model of mobile learning based on augmenThesis
Bio product development Exam Papers
Appropriate type of digital camera for craniofacial dat Conference Papers
An overview of renewable energy potential and utilisatIndexed Paper
Pulai Springs lands best landscaped resort award Text
Database integration approaches for heterogeneous biConference Papers
Advanced hydraulics Exam Papers
Pendapatan pelaburan KWSP meningkat RM9.8 bilion Text
LHDN kutip cukai RM46 bilion Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Effect of guide vanes on incidence angle distribution o Thesis
Optimisation of tubing size selection in a nature offshore
Active control of a robotic arm with pneumatic artifici Conference Papers
Flood frequency analysis : a recent perspective Text
Automated vending machine system Text
Evaluation of design criteria for inflow and infiltrat Text
Experimental and numerical modeling of uplift behavior Indexed Paper
Budayakan rakan cop atasi jenayah Text
Tahap hubungan antara perbelanjaan modal dengan pre Thesis
Membrane technology enhancement in oil-water separa Indexed Paper
Mantik kabur dan unsur emosi melayu Conference Papers
Optoelectronic properties of XIn2S4 (X = Cd, Mg) thio Indexed Paper
Effects of air voids content on the performance of po Thesis
Skim latihan siswazah menganggur disambung Text
Off-line cursive handwriting word recognition, a surv Conference Papers
Wilayah Iskandar Malaysia : 60% kontraktor BumiputeText
Harga besi billet, keluli bulat naik hari ini Text
Three claim trial over false claims News Paper Cuttings
Escherichia coli LysU is a potential surrogate for huma Indexed Paper
Pelancongan dijangka sumbang 10 peratus KDNK Text
CAD & asic design Exam Papers
Alam : meningkatkan taraf kerjaya sektor perkapalan Text
Pasaran akhbar NSTP meningkat Text
Pulihara alam sekitar tugas semua Text
Multi-criteria approach for customer trust model in i Indexed Paper
PM mahu tarikan Cyberjaya dipertingkat Text
Qualitative project management (QPM),a case study ofThesis
Bid to improve teachersÆ lot Text
Mekanik Text
Barriers to absorptive capacity in the Malaysian aeros Thesis
Development of safety jacket for motorcyclits Thesis
Less taxing year Text
Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS-based stati Indexed Paper
RM1m fund for UM in memory of Goh Tong Text
Bar's disciplinary mechanism may be reviewed Text
Kegunaan kitosan sebagai pembalut makanan berdasark Text
Polymer synthesis Exam Papers
Government uneasy over frequent landslides Text
Tertiary treatment of palm oil mill effluent using sequeThesis
Menteri Besar jamin KWSP untung RM48j jika beri pin Text
Red tape in way of better education Text
Kadar minimum bilik hotel lima bintang ditetap AS Text
Kursus Video 2014 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sedia kaedah terbaik bantu pelajar gagal SPM Text
Gempur cetak rompak Text
Pertandingan pelihara seni muzik keroncong News Paper Cuttings
Adoption of social network sites for teaching and learnThesis
PTPTN alami defisit RM46b Text
Fugitive emission estimation from storage tank and w Thesis
Seabad meniti cabaran menjana peradaban terbilang 1Text
Baccalaureate diploma programme in school Text
Advanced analytical chemistry Text
Penyakit futur boleh membunuh sahsiah diri Text
Lack of proper maintenance is also vandalism Text
Effect of moisture content in the combustion of simulaThesis
Serius basmi kemiskinan Text
Bilangan kolej matrikulasi ditambah Text
Penggunaan tempurung kelapa sawit terubahsuai untuText
A study on watershed characteristics and rainfall runofThesis
Formation of micro and mesoporous amorphous silica-b Indexed Paper
Dua pemimpin gembleng tenaga majukan Pahang Text
UTM wins three medals at South Africa Solar Challeng Text
A compact and wideband flat lens antenna based on apJournal Article
Nanotechnology in Malaysia : a new paradigm Conference Papers
Telemedicine adoption model for clinicians in Nigeria Thesis
The employment, consequences and policy implicationThesis
Hukuman kerja sosial : pelbagai pihak berpendapat ia Text
Teknologi robotik bagi pengotomatan Text
Organic synthesis & mechanism Text
Wujudkan biasiswa pendidikan khas OKU Text
Perjuangan : keupayaan wanita tinggi nilainya Text
Dodecyl sulfate chain anchored mesoporous grapheneIndexed: Paper
Design for manufacturing & assembly Text
Kajian kualiti air di Sungai Sengkuang, Johor (Preview) Text
Putting Sarawak back on the tourist map Text
Teaching only for the dedicated Text
Copy-Move digital image forgery detection applicatio Thesis
Kakitangan awam cuti 23 Oktober Text
User-centered system design of edutainment mathemThesis
Halfway houses for mental patients Text
Development of fed-batch cultivation strategy for effi Indexed Paper
Kes jenayah Malaysia antara paling rendah Text
Kerajaan tubuh agensi maju pendidikan Islam Text
Hubungan di antara personaliti dan efikasi kendiri dal Thesis
Estimation of the maximum credible hazard in Kuala L Indexed Paper
Optimal design of passive power filters using genetic Thesis
One of RM2.3mil robbery suspects identified Text
Study on segmented switching for electrical capacita Thesis
RM1.7b to alleviate flood woes Text
RM7b mampu jana ekonomi Text
100,000 teachers to, be IT-trained Text
Senibina termuka dan bersejarah di Johor (Preview) Text
Industrial engineering/Kejuruteraan industri Text
NST School Sponsorship Programme : new boost for E Text
Fizik nukleus Text
Fast fourier transform (FFT) method for turtle hearing Conference Papers
Fatigue lives of solder joints subjected to accelerate Conference Papers
PM supports move to supply needles, condoms Text
Knowledge creation community portal for research d Thesis
Communication Electronics Exam Papers
KDNK suku keempat 4.5 peratus Text
Perpustakaan masjid perlu berwajah baru Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Effect of rain on probability distributions fitted to ve Non-Index Paper
USM dipilih Universiti Apex pertama Text
Al-Quran mengajar sains Text
An improved scheme for online recognition of control Non-Index Paper
Unit Pengaduan Awam dapat sambutan ramai Text
Sistem pengajaran kendiri sejarah berasaskan Modul Text
The effect of fuel contamination on the wear characteriThesis
Sikap tidak pernah berubah Text
Experienced nurses to get higher pay Text
Sistem bantuan pemilihan ke Institut Pendidikan TinggiText
Gut gives nose heads up Text
Wajib pakai baju batik setiap Khamis Text
Bonus Oktober, Disember Text
Giant step to boost growth Text
Welfare institutions must have child-protection policy Text
Diabetic patient smart kit Thesis
Modeling of human motion through motion captured Conference Papers
Sultan Iskandar had his people's welfare at heart Text
New programme to help Year 6 pupils read, write Text
ECER perluas industri herba Text
Improved data normalisation and dimensionality reducti Thesis
Kanak-kanak kencing malam perlu dirawat Text
Development of a water cooling system for Nd : YAG l Text
Kakitangan awam perlu jadi penggerak majukan negarText
Real-time mobile information system for constructi Conference Papers
Purchase intention towards remanufactured smartphoThesis
Kiai Fadhil rujukan Istana Johor Text
PM: Car prices wonÆt drop Text
Perjuangan Mat Kilau dikaji Text
7 causes of headaches Text
MB orders officials to seek solutions to save fireflies Text
One-stop centre for booze, sex raided Text
Financial accounting 2 / perakaunan kewangan 2 Text
Familial caregiving architectural provision in Nigerian Thesis
Cooperative mobile robots using wireless communicatThesis
Electroencephalographic motor imagery brain connectivi Indexed Paper
Defence varsity may get seaside campus Text
Prasekolah : pastikan guru, prasarana cukup Text
Tertarik dengan bakat graduan News Paper Cuttings
JPJ rules anger Sarawak cargo transporters Text
Performance evaluation of coated carbide cutting toolText
Teknologi binaan Text
Lima universiti penyelidikan jana RM3.6 bilion News Paper Cuttings
Ulama tulen tak tamak kehidupan dunia, tidak sombonText
Study : NST linked to better grades Text
APQ terima Anugerah Inovasi Naib Canselor News Paper Cuttings
Notch adaptive filter solution under unbalanced and/orIndexed Paper
Effects of heavy metals and selected carbon compoun Thesis
Works Ministry gets five stars Text
Airports to have signboards in Arabic, Chinese Text
Inovasi terbaru UTM News Paper Cuttings
Ancaman siber - Mitos atau realiti? Text
R&D anjakan kritikal kejayaan negara masa depan Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Application of minimum phase filter to adaptive beam Thesis
Pewaris baru raja automotif Text
Banyak faktor boleh berlaku litar pintas News Paper Cuttings
Behavioral observations of crossing pedestrians at urbaJournal Article
Kerelatifan Am Exam Papers
Hakim syariah tak terikat mahkamah lebih tinggi Text
Memperkasa pemimpin pelapis belia Text
Influences of metal ions on microcystin-LR degradatio Indexed Paper
Undang- undang perancangan bandar Text
Restaurants and SMIs badly hit by new labour freeze Text
Application of Spectroscopy Exam Papers
UTM raih anugerah emas AEMAS News Paper Cuttings
Kebakaran hutan kian buruk, lebih 8,000 hektar musn Text
MPOB sudah lulus 623 permohonan tanam semula Text
On alert for danger foods Text
Housing economy, management and finance Text
Kesan hakisan kepada keluasan lot-lot kadaster tepi s Thesis
A breeder genetic algorithm for vehicle routing probl Conference Papers
Energy - efficient and reliable data delivery in wireles Indexed Paper
A cognitive conflict strategy for conceptual change wi Conference Papers
Centres to be given autonomy Text
Location-based crowdsourcing for efficient and effectivThesis
Generalized predictive control approach for a modifiedThesis
Satellite-based characterization of climatic conditions Indexed Paper
Mencari kesaksamaan dalam kesihatan awam Text
Online network traffic classification with incremental l Indexed Paper
Bajet 2010 fokus kukuh ekonomi : PM Text
Bandar pelabuhan kecil menjadi pintu masuk baru ke LText
Assessment of performance of buildings with high impNon-Index Paper
Methods to measure material viscoelastic properties usConference Papers
Sektor pembuatan sumbang 45.6 peratus KDNK Johor Text
LPKP tingkatkan pemantauan bas ekspres Text
Principle of information system Text
Business statistics Exam Papers
Plan to get rid of 1.2m illegals Text
Brainwave students wins RM60000 Text
UTM a thiefÆs heaven Text
Photoelectrochemical analysis of titanium dioxide by usiJournal Article
Pekerja sihat hasil kerja berkualiti Text
Human resource management Exam Papers
Principles of structures Exam Papers
Harapan di sebalik kemusnahan banjir Text
Hentikan tuntut UiTM untuk semua kaum Text
Subordinates preference of leadership behavior : task oText
Pasaran kelapa potensi besar sebagai komoditi utama Text
Customer knowledge management antecedent factorsThesis fo
30,000 guru pembantu kanan menerima `durian runtuText
Construction science Exam Papers
Suara puisi di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia boleh capai pertumbuhan KDNK 6% Text
Ibu bapa perlu peka keperluan pendidikan anak : NajibText
Geoteknik Text
Perkukuh kesedaran pelestarian alam Text
Matlab implementation of digital watermaking using FThesis
The effect of glycerol content on mechanical properti Journal Article
Low-sulphur fuel to take off, minus price hike Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk pelbagai tembok penahan ya Text
Graduan sains akui turut dibelenggu pengangguran Text
Aljabar linear Text
Application of multi dimensional diagnosis system or PConference Papers
Pulih masalah tulang rapuh News Paper Cuttings
RM2b deal for Sarawak halal park Text
Local IT investors want to see the beef, says senior projText
Only one varsity rated excellent Text
5 muka baru sertai kabinet Sabah Text
Commissioning of a pilot scale fluidised bed combustoText
Gaji : Cuepacs masih kaji Text
Fuel 15 sen cheaper following dip in global oil prices Text
Embedded remote telemedicine terminal Thesis
Perkahwinan campur tuntut toleransi pasangan, keluaText
Copter centre here by 2011 Text
MMA distributes 4,000 notices about killer flu Text
Airbus A380 mampu rangsang pelancongan Text
The study of optical gain for terahertz quantum casca Journal Article
Conflict management Text
Abdullah sworn in as PM Text
Perancangan Text
Factors influencing performance Text
Melayu paling ramai terbabit jenayah juvana Text
Lampu tambah nilai estetika taman Text
Persepsi kaunselor bukan Islam terhadap perkhidmataConference Papers
Boost for unity : reinforcing the positives Text
UPM wajar beri peluang pelajar ambil sarjana Text
Effect of P84 (BTDA-TDI/MDI) composition towards th Journal Article
Unit Kerjaya UTM bantu pelajar lanjut pelajaran Text
KDNK : sumbangan pertanian dijangka naik sekali gandText
Decline in marriages Text
Be wary of oil palm cancer Text
Hasil minyak dijangka meningkat RM14.9b Text
Motivating GLCs to become champions Text
The impact of the number of tears in patient-specific sIndexed Paper
Representation of the cross-sectional stress distribution
Conference Papers
Noncooperative game-based energy welfare topology Icndexed Paper
Merokok rosakkan sperma Text
Jururawat hospis perlu miliki kecekapan luar biasa Text
Kualiti udara tidak sihat Text
Urban Design Exam Papers
Teori Tingkap Pecah berkesan bendung gejala sosial Text
Microfinance institutions performance measurement Indexed Paper
Biodegradation of dye using free laccase and sol-gel la Journal Article
Penilaian kualiti alam sekitar terhadap bunyi bising Text
NGO mahu kualiti air ditingkat Text
Perkemas fungsi Baitulmal Text
Unit operasi II Text
Introduction to financial accounting Exam Papers
Adilkah? : mula bayar balik pinjaman PTPTN selepas d Text
More nursery schools needed News Paper Cuttings
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Menara telekomunikasi : berkongsi untuk keindahan dText
RM500j bantu pelajar vokasional Text
Aluminium modified mesostructure siliceous nanopartiThesis
Menteri yakin capai 20 juta pelancong Text
Stadium Sains Sukan UM dibina April ini Text
Penyelidikan makmurkan penerbitan Text
Experimental and numerical study of thermo-hydraulicIndexed Paper
Location aware e-patient's medical record based on WLText
Investigation of systematic errors for the hybrid and Indexed Paper
Improved scheme for palm vein recognition using wavele Thesis
Fundamental of computer graphics Exam Papers
Kepentingan mengekalkan hidrasi tubuh Text
Bank Industri unjur lulus pinjaman RM360 juta Text
Taktik batang mancis berjaya keluarkan RM200,000 d Text
Sumber Online diperluas ke seluruh IPT Text
Graduan perubatan mesti kembali berkhidmat Text
Kamus elektronik bantu tahap pembelajaran Text
Microstructural and electrical conductivity of annealedIndexed Paper
Theoretical analysis of voltage dependent ion channel Thesis
Analisis dan merekabentuk semula sistem tukup cerucText
Mula-mula jaguh kampung, kemudian dunia Text
Financial crisis : rescue plan to avoid meltdown Text
New CO2 adsorbent containing aminated poly(glycidylIndexed Paper
A framework for the integration of employability skills Thesis
Modular kohonen network for classification problems Conference Papers
Beaufort train derails, plunges into river Text
Urban land economics Exam Papers
Asas statistik Text
Sikap Delhi bantut penyelesaian Kashmir Text
Deposition of reduced graphene oxide film using drop Thesis
UPSR 2008 panduan teruskan PPSMI Text
Olympic IT gold for Sarawak company Text
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Kaunseling industri Text
Extraction and identification of proteins and their an Thesis
Exhaust emissions of diesel engine equipped with real Thesis
Human information processing Exam Papers
Ikut piawai antarabangsa Text
Instrumentasi Text
Matematik asas Text
Ubah pendekatan dakwah : Seri Paduka mahu ulama tuText
Baiki kawalan, pemeriksaan KLIA Text
Septuagenarian's test of endurance News Paper Cuttings
Impact of sector level variables on political scenarios i Indexed Paper
Linear algebra Text
Data acquisition and processing of multibeam bathymeText
Nanoteknologi beri kelebihan kepada wanita Text
Simulation of LNAPL migration and remediation at a p Thesis
UiTM boleh daftar tanpa surat tawaran Text
UPM laksana penyelidikan air Text
Dwiijazah Text
Kawasan industri halal di setiap negeri : PM Text
Make study on highlands public : group Text
Particle swarm optimization for neural network learn Text
AIDS : 3 mati setiap hari : 19 kes baru HIV turut dikesanText
Kegiatan keluarga Alsagoff dalam ekonomi negeri JohoJournal Article
Peranan media bina negara Text
Move under way to set up DNA database of criminals Text
UKM tawar khidmat kaunseling profesional Text
Design and testing of lubrication test rig for two-stro Thesis
Reduced size microstrip fractal filter with suppressed Conference Papers
Introduction to landscape architechture Exam Papers
Tutup sekolah diancam denggi Text
Felda concept took root in 1953 Text
Bank tempatan akan dipastikan kekal mantap Text
Reduction of mutual coupling effect on millimeter wavThesis
Comparison of topology based protocols of vehicular Indexed Paper
Lebih ramai pelajar dihantar ke Mesir News Paper Cuttings
Project management Exam Papers
Mekanik kuantum Text
100,000 deptors owe Mara RM500m Text
Material science/Sains bahan Text
Liberalisasi tak pinggir usahawan Bumiputera Text
Students arrested for sabotage Text
Call to reaffirm commitment Text
Dedah sukan ekstrem News Paper Cuttings
Bekalan kita jadi rebutan Text
Sains forensik Text
Warisan Malaysia gah di negara jiran Text
Sistem pendidikan Malaysia perlu kembali kepada amaText
Optimization of oleic acid esterification catalyzed by ioIndexed Paper
Majlis Penutup & Penyampaian Hadiah ‘My FavouriPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Issues and trends in e-commmunities Exam Papers
Prawn catch and mangroves link Text
Malaysia to gain organic farming expertise Text
System analysis and design/Kaedah analisa dan reka b Text
Aplikasi mikro komputer Text
Integration between the Asian REIT markets and macr Indexed Paper
Evaluation on the performance of composite steel-concText
Pengenalan model baru tidak jejas pasaran kereta terpText
Keunikan grafiti ' Kaki Vandal ' News Paper Cuttings
Comprehensive study of transmission techniques for reConference Papers
Bilangan penagih dadah turun 25% Text
All goods must have price tags and bar codes Text
A new ship design method for sustainability Thesis
Prasarana jalur lebar rangsang daya saing ekonomi ne Text
Basic graphic design in multimedia Exam Papers
Elektronik industri Exam Papers
Enam projek hospital `tersadai' Text
Government staff responsible for BudgetÆs success Text
Performance of flame retardant type 4 antenna as lighThesis
Financial planning û a new profession? Text
Data on all students at the click of a mouse Text
Extended overtime and the effect to labour productivity Text
Sejarah buktikan perpaduan asas kekuatan Malayu : Text
Beyond religious affinity : Malaysia's relations with couIndexed Paper
Ganjaran insentif rangsang warga pendidik Text
Masyarakat relakan mak nyah diterima Text
UPNM tawar 800 kekosongan Text
Majoriti senyap penentu kemenangan calon dan parti Text
Penduduk umur 40 ke atas tidak aktif seks Text
Kelahiran anak ujian dunia buat ibu bapa Text
Pembentukan sahsiah anak soleh berdasarkan surah L Thesis
Gis dalam perancangan Text
Pemasaran inap desa di Felda Semenchu Kota Tinggi, JThesis
Kajian menyeluruh sistem pendidikan 2005 Text
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Finite element analysis of reinforced concrete norma Text
RM200 bilion untuk RMK-9 Text
Kemalangan semasa bekerja di tapak pembinaan Thesis
Project financing Exam Papers
Diesel RM1 seliter bagi nelayan Text
Penuntut Indonesia kecewa News Paper Cuttings
Kaji semula sistem cuti Text
Second housing loan at 6pc interest for civil servants Text
Pendaki UTM dalam proses turun dari EBC News Paper Cuttings
Vision based mobile robot for object identification an Thesis
Penternak diancam kenaikan harga makanan ayam Text
Predicting housing bubble in Penang and its determinaThesis
Antenna and propagation Exam Papers
Frequency varaiations measurement techiques in poweText
Minimum age for motorcyclists raised to 17 Text
Pejuang UMNO usah dilupa Text
Horizontal well application on two-store gas cap blowdThesis
Program evaluation Exam Papers
Synthesis of new bio-based thermoset resin from palmIndexed Paper
Experimental aerodynamic characteristics of a compouIndexed Paper
6th reduction in petrol price Text
Padi Hybrid berkualiti Text
Anjakan imbangan kuasa dunia Text
On the strength and vibration analysis of a 8000 dwt c Text
Optimisation of plating parameter for duplex black c Text
TUMEC giat pulihara penyu Text
Pustaka desa masih diminati Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Perancangan pengangkutan Text
Statistical quality control Text
Regraded papers out today, resit for evidence paper Text
Ilmu keibubapaan kawal kes sosial Text
Microbial induced cementation on tropical residual soiThesis
DeFlood GS bantu bina struktur hidraulik Text
Pesakit mental dirawat di Villa Minda Sihat Text
Unit operasi Text
Photocatalytic removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic aConference Papers
Proses pengangkutan Text
Evaluation of vegetable oil based lubrication when endConference Papers
Bio Desaru dijangka hasilkan RM500 juta Text
Talian semak tarikh luput pasport Text
Kaum, bangsa dan rakyat Malaysia Text
PPUKM cipta sejarah bantu pulih mata buta Text
Industrial chemical process Exam Papers
A case of academic social networking sites usage in Mala
Indexed Paper
Modeling and simulation of silicon nanowire multigateThesis
Syariah wajar dijadikan teras kehidupan Text
Handling emergence of dynamic visual representation Journal
de Article
Mekanik kejuruteraan II Text
Changes in tourism after the tsunami Text
Shahrir : no floor price for petrol Text
Several people questioned over UTM fire Text
Artificial neural network approach for predicting the wIndexed Paper
Pengiktirafan bawa impak besar Text
Vernacular schools prefer Maths, Science in mother t Text
2005 penentu Wawasan 2020 : RMK-9 mula dilaksana Text pa
A flexible method to estimate the software development Indexed Paper
Persistent gender inequity in US undergraduate enginee Conference Papers
Suria terma salai produk pertanian Text
Kursus Andragogy Pustakawan (Kumpulan 2) UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
JPA diminta perjelas kekeliruan ijazah tidak diiktiraf Text
MUS latih pakar perubatan UKM Text
Guru kaunseling kena celik teknologi Text
There's still room to grow Text
Integrated services switching system (ISSS) : research Text
Implementation of multiple fan beam projection techniThesis
PM : Kerajaan kaji guna teknologi pasang siap Text
Proton to keep Lotus Text
Transition metal oxide based catalysts for the simulta Conference Papers
Menteri mesti jaga diri, dekati rakyat Text
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Transit-oriented development and urban placemaking Thesis
Bekalan darah untuk pesakit dijamin bebas penyakit Text
Kepentingan air dalam Islam Text
Development of semi-submersible fast infiltrate craft Text
Badan khas siasat masalah bagasi di KLIA Text
Polis perlu 23,000 anggota tambahan Text
Management of infrastructure maintenance complaints Thesis
26 projek RM2.4b dipercepat : PM yakin dapat cergas Text
PM asks world to stop forces of extremism Text
Jangan berbalah sesama sendiri : Abdullah Text
Ride and handling of a heavy vehicle using semi-activeThesis
Projek RM350j mercu tanda baru Terengganu Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Estimation of refined palm oil product quality Thesis
RM1.2 bilion untuk lahir lulusan PhD : Mustapa Text
Business performance evaluation through integration oThesis
Electron-beam irradiation of low density polyethylene/Indexed Paper
Dynamics Exam Papers
Electrical machines and drives Exam Papers
Kecederaan biasa di padang bola Text
Plastic analysis of concrete beam structure using LUSAThesis
Sarawak jalankan R&D vaksin HFMD Text
Information loss minimization using automata based ass Indexed Paper
Polis dulu, sekarang hadapi masalah sama Text
Strategi hadapi globalisasi Text
Bakun cable project gets green light Text
Mathematical modeling of a single stage ultrasonicallyIndexed
a Paper
Dasar perlu selari perubahan masa depan : Raja NazrinText
Waterfall simulation using particle system with collisi Thesis
Development of small steam generator for evaporativeThesisp
Pengaturcaraan komputer Text
Malay literature in 8 languages Text
MaCDI : isu-isu dalam pentadbiran dan pembangunan Text ta
Solution of hilbert sixteenth problem for the cubic lie Thesis
Wajib bayar RM120 induksi pekerja Text
Thermal and statistical physics Exam Papers
Mechanics Exam Papers
Pelan pengurusan kualiti air Sungai Skudai Thesis
Development of neural network models for a crude oilText
Defining the garden city of Kuching Conference Papers
Knowledge : bridging business and society Text
Planar monopole antenna for WBAN Indexed Paper
Simulation flow inside a fluidized bed combustor Text
Create Sabah-Sarawak-Brunei economic zone Text
Programming 1 (C) Text
Ekonomi dan penentuan Text
Sabah negeri menarik untuk dilawati : Duta AS Text
Kajian kes penggunaan pembelajaran koperatif dan kem Conference Papers
PM : kekal hubungan baik majikan-pekerja Text
UPM hasilkan produk kurangkan kolesterol daripada dText
Field more women, political chiefs told Text
A comparison of renewable energy technologies usingThesis
Dedah lokasi panas H1N1 Text
Aljabar linear Text
Integrated control mechanism of electrical discharge Thesis
Using rough set through for classification of image se Thesis
Programming 1 Exam Papers
Kawalan keselamatan dipertingkat elak ragut Text
IPTS cemerlang dipromosi ke luar negara Text
Economic and social feasibility in providing vertical ex Thesis
Kajian mengenai kurikulum pengurusan projek untuk luThesis
Guna tenaga nuklear dikaji Text
Improving KTMB ticket mobile application using user Thesis
Analysis of air and airborne particles movements in a hConference Papers
Advanced construction materials Exam Papers
Pembangunan jiwa pendidik dalam kalangan bakal penJournal Article
Kursus bahasa inggeris kepada pelatih di 140 Pusat Gi Text
Rogol anak: Bapa mengaku, datuk, abang nafi Text
Major challenges in protecting biodiversity Text
The sustainability of small-scale tourism in Malaysia (FuText
Internal combustion engines Text
Kerajaan makin tegas ambil tindakan disiplin Text
Pesakit dibimbing solat di wad Text
Needle exchange programme to cover three more towText
Numerical analysis I Text
Apply for government jobs on the Internet Text
Sistem pengurusan berkesan mampu kurangkan risiko Text
Ekonomi antarabangsa Text
Investigation Of Modelling Method For Dome Roof O Text
5,000 setinggan tinggal sehelai sepinggang Text
Olive core banking system : banking transactions Thesis
Immunologi Text
Keberkesanan dasar alam sekitar dituntut Text
Kawalan kualiti & pengurusan makmal Text
Glove controlled robotic arm with pressure sensor Thesis
Speak up, UTM chancellor tells moderates News Paper Cuttings
Removal of reactive black 5 and methyl orange from a Thesis
New format for medical qualifying examination Text
Ice quality to adhere to international standards Text
Relationship between motivation, organizational citi Thesis
Tren Singapura-Kluang tambah sejuta pelancong Text
Move to improve education system in varsities Text
The diesel shortage : solution in the pipeline Text
1,100 doktor dibawa masuk atasi kekurangan Text
Onion peeling triangular mesh formation for wireless Conference Papers
Particle transport in an operating room furnished withThesis
Property agencies and marketing Exam Papers
An improved perturb and observe (P&O) maximum power Indexed Paper
Utamakan alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Pemimpin perlu atasi masalah PPSMI : Dr. Mahathir Text
IPTA dibenar laksana pengajian secara online Text
Need for a mutually beneficial system Text
Amalan berzikir terapi jiwa paling mujarab Text
Our own Rescue 911 team Text
Bahasa lnggeris alat capai ilmu antarabangsa : Musa Text
PTA backs exam-before-holidays proposal Text
The use of white led for reflectance and surface struct Thesis
Government think-tank to help eradicate urban povertText
37,799 penagih ditahan hingga November 2005 Text
Tinjauan pasaran di Zon Selatan Program Ijazah Sarja Thesis
Performance of a modified ejector air-conditioning sy Thesis
Menghadiri temuduga perlukan keyakinan diri Text
KBS perkenal Satu Belia Text
Ong : developers must get it right Text
24-year-old woman latest fatality, 217 more infected Text
Faster Cloud-based ECG analysis using GA auto-tuning Thesis
Ibu bapa mesti berusaha atasi risiko budak hilang Text
We cannot afford industrial rate Text
JPJ akui sistem demerit ada kelemahan Text
Transport economics Exam Papers
Selangor siasat punca PKNS ingkar syarat pembangunaText
Gearing for tsunami via maps Text
Ensuring safe health technology Text
Evaluation of major causes of road accidents along no Indexed Paper
Syor hadkan kenderaan ke ibu kota atasi kesesakan Text
MASkargo mulls over more African flights Text
Environmental hydraulics and hydrology Text
I-visual translation for deaf and dumb people Thesis
Being reasonable Text
Sekolah rendah akan dilengkapi komputer Text
Performance of GFRP plates as strengthening material Text
Modeling and sway control of a double-pendulum oveThesis
PM arah kerajaan negeri perbetul sistem pengurusan :Text
Mud flood as a suitable material for subgrade layer of Thesis
Dynamic modelling and vibration control of a semi act Thesis
Tackle poverty from all angles, say activists Text
Mesyuarat senat UTM secara maya Text
Another hunt for loan sharks Text
Safety system for car steering Thesis
A study of backpropagation and particle swarm optimiza Thesis
Analisis dan reka bentuk tiang dalam kerangka keluli t Text
Kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi Text
Sampling of unregulated commponents of an SI two-stText
The performance of foaming agent to stability, lubricityThesis
Penggunaan simulasi komputer bagi memahami konsep Text
BN menang 198 kerusi Text
A deterministic-approach controller design for electro Text
Pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh di sekolah menengah ata Thesis
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
RM194 juta tanam semula getah Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
Be test bed for TCM, says Abdullah Text
Decolourisation of dye solution containing azo acid oraText
Penyelesaian ke atas pencerobohan tanah wakaf mengg Thesis
Effect of extraction process parameters on the yield o Indexed Paper
A study on the performance improvement of a combine Thesis
Drought action as authorities prepare for dry days aheaText
Curve length estimation using vertix chain code Non-Index Paper
Fortunes of our wetlands ebb and flow like the tide Text
Flood hits Putrajaya for first time Text
Development economics Exam Papers
A hybrid genetic-firefly algorithm for siting and sizing Non-Index Paper
Determination of mass attenuation coeffcients for seveThesis
Pesta buku memperkasa budaya ilmiah Text
Changing demands malay politics Text
Removal of phenol from leachate water by modified oiText
Eclectic model in the Malaysian education system Non-Index Paper
At least 700 teachers needed by Chinese schools in Jo Text
Network and service economy systems and technolog Exam Papers
The persona! issues of knowiedge sharing among academ Non-Index Paper
Kajian tentang prosedur tukar syarat dan pecah bahagThesis
BN reaches consensus Text
Kajian bukti ekologi terjejas : Profesor Text
Finite element analysis of dry floor system in 3 dimensText
Tourism marketing Exam Papers
Permasalahan pembangunan tanah pertanian di pinggir Text
English for professional communication Exam Papers
Persepsi pelanggan di kalangan pekerja swasta terhadaThesis
Unjuran peta Text
Simulation of position-based routing protocol in wirel Conference Papers
Boost intake of science students: UTM head News Paper Cuttings
Ministry : textbooks will reach all schools Text
Academic computing components in Malaysian higher Conference Papers
Sistem Perundangan Nasional dirancang Text
Macro and mesoscale simulations of free convective hea Conference Papers
Suitability of capsule as a paddy coating material for thJournal Article
Reputasi cemerlang USM harus dipertahan Text
Kajian semula DAN tangani banyak isu ekosistem auto Text
KKDN murah hati keluarkan permit penerbitan Text
Media asing lebih minat isu sensasi Text
Derma darah tiada kesan sampingan Text
Multi - stage filtering for improving confidence level Indexed Paper
Population up 100,000 to 26.1 million Text
Hishammuddin dilantik Naib Presiden Persidangan A Text
Penentuan kadar hakisan daripada plot rumput menggThesis
Pembangunan sistem bajet ladang untuk LKPP Corp. Sdn. Text
What's cooking in the tourism sector? Text
Head for the management university Text
Logik digital Text
Possibilities of using void to improve natural cross ventText
Natural play materials as motivator for health restoratiIndexed Paper
Journey to preserve rail history Text
Kabinet baru mampu pulih ekonomi negara Text
Biokimia sel & metablisma Text
Hand-gesture recognition switch to control home applThesis
Potential damage assessment in buildings undergoing tIndexed Paper
Industrial organic chemistry Exam Papers
Pemprosesan isyarat Text
Adoption of Building Information Modelling technologyIndexed Paper
Stability from sound economic measures Text
Ejen pendebunga pastikan bekalan makanan berterus Text
Effect of temperature on the performance of porous mIndexed Paper
Urusniaga tanah/ land dealings Exam Papers
PVDF/CaCO3 composite hollow fiber membrane for CO2 Indexed Paper
Life-span prediction of abandoned reinforced concreteIndexed Paper
The study of training needs analysis (TNA) practice i Thesis
Three dimensional stratigraphy view from GPR attributes Thesis
Ship's speed determination based on doppler shift inf Conference Papers
RM1.3m gone in 20 minutes Text
Video Transmission Via Software Defined Radio Thesis
Measure of success of healthcare information system :Thesis
Modelling and optimisation of tongkat ali water extractConference Papers
Dua kementerian jayakan program usahawan tani Text
Pembangunan aplikasi berasaskan web I Exam Papers
Proton conducting composite membrane from sulfonated Indexed Paper
Modified fermentation for production of bacterial cell Journal Article
Diabetes potong kaki pilihan terakhir pesakit Text
Evaluation of selected honey and one of its phenolic Indexed Paper
Pengusaha IKS perlu kuasai ICT Text
Surface and collooid chemistry Text
Abdullah tells top fund managers : come boom with usText
Kalkulus II Text
Jihad perniagaan, wakaf korporat kembalikan kekuat Text
Tax revenue to hit RM65b Text
Driving private investments Text
Combined effect of horizontal well completion and nit Thesis
Effects of wall shear stress on MHD conjugate flow ov Indexed Paper
Siasat pegawai UPU Text
Pembangunan program tropic untuk simulasi pemboleText
Works Minister not impressed with delay at toll plaza Text
China mahu perkasa kerjasama pendidikan Text
Dosimetric properties of AI2O3:C, Mg exposed to exterThesis
Pegawai ADK cuai jalankan tugas boleh diambil tindak Text
Permaisuri Johor buka puasa di UTM News Paper Cuttings
An investigation into qualitative differences between bIndexed Paper
Permudahkan pelancong kahwin Text
Mengingati Rasulullah sepanjang masa Text
RM3bil power supply for ECER Text
Najib warisi kecemerlangan kepemimpinan Tun Razak Text
Hubungan Malaysia-India diperkukuh Text
e-Filing mudahkan pembayar cukai Text
Tibial component mobile bearing unicompartmental kne Thesis
Kuasai lebih satu bahasa Text
Feasibility of power generation from pulse detonation Thesis
The Effect of steel yielding on cfrp plated steel memberJournal Article
Najib garis tiga formula perkasakan wanita Text
Mixed integer programming model for scheduling in unr Indexed Paper
Pengurusan dan ekonomi gas asli Text
Teachers without SPM to be sacked Text
Jurutera pesawat Text
Pindaan yang bertujuan memudahkan operasi koperasiText
Stubbing out the smokers Text
Take advantage of info centres, firms told News Paper Cuttings
Kurikulum latihan menyeluruh digubal Text
Program Bumi Hijau perlu berterusan Text
Menabung untuk anak-anak Text
Take your money back, says minister Text
Good job by our crime-busters Text
Harga getah dijangka meningkat lagi Text
Delegasi China minat maju sektor pertanian Text
An improved gSVM-SCADL2 with firefly algorithm for idIndexed Paper
Performance analysis of hydropneumatic suspension Text
Analisis dan reka bentuk tembok penahan cerun terstaThesis
KSN janji tindakan Text
Construction technology 3 Exam Papers
Demarcation of marine cadastre using total station casText
Integrated on-chip gallium arsenide schottky diode an Thesis
A novel hybrid binary reconstruction algorithm for ul Non-Index Paper
Implementation of single base reverse real-time kinematThesis
Arrhythmia recognition and classification using combinIndexed Paper
Genetic algorithm approach in solving minisum facility Thesis
HUSM berjaya bedah otak rawat Parkinson Text
NCICH sedia sistem trilogi pertama di Malaysia Text
Seragamkan skim kakitangan IPTA Text
Wanita tempatan digalak jadi pembantu rumah Text
TPM arah atasi segera masalah Text
Tiada pakej ekonomi baru Text
Peramalan kadar kes jenayah di Kuala Lumpur Text
Lapan strategi perbaiki industri kawalan keselamatan Text
Kenaikan gaji di Asia Pasifik berkurangan Text
Model baru Proton tumpu segmen khusus Text
Pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris sekolah rendah guna w Text
Comparative stiffness analysis between conventional aText
Pengenalan perakaunan kewangan Text
Sepuluh tabiat mudah menabung Text
Design of hydraulic vehicle (components) Text
Structural, thermal, morphology, and shape-memory ana Thesis
RM1 bilion tubuh Perbadanan Sisa Pepejal dan PemberText
An effective hybrid of bees algorithm and differential Indexed Paper
Bahasa inggeris : UPSI cukup persediaan Text
Warga tempatan jadi dalang sindiket dadah Text
Building services Exam Papers
Large scale mapping by using aerial video captured fr Thesis
Circuit theory 1 / teori litar 1 Text
Tentera Darat setanding angkatan negara maju Text
Full scale testing on partial strength composite connecConference Papers
Synthesis and preparation of asymmetric PSf/ZIF-8 m Indexed Paper
DPM : commission shows Govt wants to ensure judiciarText
Kepuasan penumpang terhadap sistem perkhidmatan fe Thesis
Biological assessment of functionally graded dental Thesis
Sultan Mizan Yang di-Pertuan Agong ke-13 Text
Kaedah lebih radikal kuasai BI Text
VISION-e e-dagang orang buta Text
Pencapaian PIPP membanggakan Text
Errant colleges to lose licences Text
Pengajaran dalam BI tingkat pencapaian Text
Trend analisis corak taburan hujan di kawasan utara Thesis
Do it yourself moves and changes Pbxoip system (PrevText
Cabbies want RM4 base fare Text
Ekonomi mula pulih awal tahun depan? Text
Naib Canselor ketuai pendakian Gunung Kinabalu News Paper Cuttings
Lawatan Ke Muzium Johor Lama Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Impak program angkasa Text
Pencerobohan tanah hakmilik persendirian dan tang Thesis
Pelancongan pelajar diperluas Text
The effect of amorphous rice husk silica to the polys Indexed Paper
Tali keledar belakang diperluas Text
Effects of carbonization heating rate on CO2 separat Indexed Paper
Combustion visualization and mesurement in a closed Thesis
Defining today's job descriptions Text
Unit to monitor the elected reps Text
Defining a probiotic Text
Agihkan fungsi KL ke lebih banyak daerah lain Text
Using gegraphic information system (GIS) as a supportingThesis
Tambah subsidi atau naikkan harga minyak Text
Hisham warns suppliers Text
A study on exhaust emission, performance and lubricati Text
Thermal effects of prenatal ultrasound exposure on t Journal Article
Ahli akademik sambut baik penubuhan Fakulti Peruba Text
Life cycle assessment of palm oil biodiesel production Indexed Paper
Mixed matrix membrane incorporated with large pore Indexed
si Paper
Empat lokasi projek akuakultur ditawar kepada pengu Text
Less painful way to own a house Text
First-in-first-out pre-allocation logic Thesis
Effect of impactor geometry and impact height in low Thesis
Kewibawaan bahasa Melayu sudah terbukti Text
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Spatial data adjustment I Exam Papers
Adopt new work culture, civil service told Text
Lahirkan pemimpin bertaraf dunia - PM Text
Implementation of co-teaching approach in an inclusive Indexed Paper
Serakan efluen di dalam aliran saluran terbuka : laporaText
Examining ethical leadership and its impacts on the f Indexed Paper
Pengurusan nilai Text
Implikasi penubuhan UTHM terhadap perubahan gunaThesis
Analysis and design of raft foundation for industrialis Thesis
JPJ wajib pemeriksaan kenderaan import Text
Effect of gradations on the performance of porous aspThesis
Pemilihan perumahan oleh golongan berpendapatan sThesis
Kesan emosi perlu lebih perhatian Text
Why is there prejudice? Text
Music genre classification using neural network with Thesis
Petronas Gas jangka pendapatan lebih tinggi Text
Love remains strong despite distance News Paper Cuttings
Model predictive control Text
Dadah RM44 juta dirampas Text
Improving emotional intelligence and teamwork skills Thesis
Performance improvement using subcooling on freezerIndexed Paper
Production, partial purification and characterization o Thesis
Chemical reaction process Exam Papers
Examining risk behavior and risk management practicesThesis
Kuala Lumpur Kota Buku Text
Blood cells counting using modified circular hough tra Thesis
Media Malaysia jangan ikut Barat : Najib Text
Analysis on the thoughts of imam Abu Hanifah and imaJournal Article
Strategic use of gis in controlling pipeline vandalism ofThesis
Development of house price index for Nusajaya IskandThesis
How to avoid theft of identity Text
Akademi ekuestrian pertama News Paper Cuttings
Dunia buku tidak lagi kesepian Text
Mansor tidak sentuh Natrah Text
Surface resistance measurement on ceramic and non-cThesis
PM to speak on faith and role of Asean Text
Kenaikan harga besi, simen beri kesan kepada industr Text
Customs officers remanded Text
Program Imbauan Budaya dilancar Text
A review on atrial fibrillation and its related analysis Journal Article
Arbitration Exam Papers
Effects of culture conditions of immobilized recombinan Indexed Paper
Sarawak approves 100 projects worth RM2.8b Text
7,239 pegawai akademik kolej komuniti, politeknik naikText
Software development for induction motors - performaConference Papers
Fabrication, fouling and foulant analyses of asymmetr Indexed Paper
Preschool teachers’ beliefs and practices on early liConference Papers
The effect of industrial training on ethical awareness oIndexed Paper
Estimating single tree stem and branch biomass using te Journal Article
The influence of personality traits towards job perf Thesis
Analysis on GPS-RTK techniques for continuous stucturConference Papers
Three-phase liquid-phase microextraction for the deterThesis
Usah ambil orang asing : PM mahu anak tempatan dilaText
16,450 permohonan warga negara diproses Text
Government to secure visa-free status Text
Penggunaan bahan tambah pozzolana di dalam indust Text
Al-Qaeda biayai dana JI -- Wan Min akui diarah hantar Text
KPDNHEP jamin bekalan mencukupi Text
A hybrid parallel genetic algorithm for solving job-sho Text
EPU terima anugerah PBB Text
PHM yakin Malaysia pusat homestay popular Asean Text
Development model of social exegesis in Indonesia : exe Indexed Paper
Kesan kegagalan cerun terhadap aras air bumi Thesis
Building services system Exam Papers
Abdullah : Proton should consider foreign partner Text
Cytotoxicity effects of typhonium flagelliforme and cli Journal Article
Principles of Economics Exam Papers
Luminescence properties of rare earth and transition Indexed Paper
Great Hornbill nest discovery Text
Why many PSD students are not coming home Text
4 langkah atasi beban Text
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Amalan pengajaran & pembelajaran berbantukan kompu Conference Papers
Structural assessment of flexible pavement on various Thesis
A spectroscope ozone gas sensor in the visible light s Thesis
Persatuan anak negeri di IPTA dinilai semula Text
BPG gubal kurikulum program ijazah sarjana muda Text
Seludup candu dalam basikal Text
UPSI terap budaya ilmu kepada pelajar pelajar Text
Targeting the China tourists Text
A review on applications of ANN and SVM for building Indexed Paper
Root cause analysis (RCA) of fractured ASTM A53 carboIndexed Paper
Online way to keep track of drug offenders Text
Ocean wind speed characteristic over Malaysian seas fIndexed Paper
Bank Islam sedia taja usaha penyelidikan Text
Study of a suitable mechanism for controlling the 2-bl Thesis
Menjadikan gangguan seksual sebagai jenayah Text
Friction resistance of refined, bleached and deodorize Journal Article
Health Ministry issues nationwide dengue alert Text
Signal processing Text
Copy-move image forgery detection scheme based on Thesis new
Faktor positif Malaysia mampu tepis tempias AS Text
4 varsities to take polytechnic graduates Text
LHDN bayar balik RM96j Text
Insinerator: Pandangan orang ramai diambil kira Text
Sistem zakat UTM Thesis
Complexity of the floral patten in ventilation panel of Thesis
684 mangsa dipindahkan Text
Pulau Sibu dijangka terima ramai pelancong Eropah Text
Dinamik dan kawalan penerbangan Text
RM10j peruntukan kekang wabak H1N1 Text
Kontraktor bumiputera perlu pelbagaikan kemahiran Text
Recovery of lignin from liquid waste solution using e Thesis
Kawasan pelupusan sampah baru di Bukit Tagar Text
Segera laksana Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi Text
Cold laser therapy modeling of human cell/tissue by soIndexed Paper
3D object tracking for user interaction in augmented r Thesis
Debit cards gain appeal as payment channel Text
Investigation of stimulated brillouin scattering for the Text
Penghayatan etika, akhlak tingkat prestasi kerja Text
Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy Exam Papers
Milk thistle, dandelion pertingkat fungsi hati Text
Homeschooling among children of Iranian postgraduatThesis
Need to understand independence Text
Pensyarah IPTA wajib jalani latihan industri Text
Water quality management Exam Papers
Teori struktur I Text
Ensemble of one - class classifiers for network intrusi Conference Papers
Improved multivariate statistical process control for chText
Portable power supply device using photovoltaic syst Thesis
Pendapatan eksport naik RM144.9 bilion Text
Penambakan Spratly Gusarkan ASEAN News Paper Cuttings
Iktibar sikap pengundi Melayu Singapura News Paper Cuttings
Study of a single cell temperature measurement usin Thesis
Water table management for upland crops : a theoreticText
Physical and rheological characteristics of polymer modIndexed Paper
UTM hasil binaan rumah pascabanjir News Paper Cuttings
PM syor Konsortium Perniagaan ASEAN Text
Cloud computing for ECG analysis using mapreduce Conference Papers
Dasar langit terbuka keistimewaan baru Labuan Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Pulling up bosses who abuse foreign workers Text
Quality control Text
300 sekolah kluster : ditadbir mirip sekolah swasta, Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk hidrologi Text
Principles & methods of property valuation Exam Papers
Groups: Onus on society to protect women Text
Hydrodynamic coefficients of manoeuvring for small ves Text
A generalization on the nth commutativity degree of aIndexed Paper
Kemeriahan konvokesyen UTM terjejas akibat H1N1 Text
Tafakur kejadian alam, diri mantapkan iman Text
Produk mengikut standard halal Malaysia Text
Chance for all to own a home Text
Digital terrain and automated mapping system develo Conference Papers
Pelancong tarik 5 juta pelawat Text
Formulation of key performance indicators through imple Thesis
Imaging tools for the analysis of microvessel and angi Conference Papers
Penilaian baru jadikan tugas guru makin mencabar Text
Computer based data acquisition for rotor apparatus Thesis
Pengaruh tekanan penyuntikan, suhu penyuntikan danConference Papers
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
KDN sasar kadar jenayah turun 20 peratus Text
Hutan Simpan Lakum dikhuatiri pupus Text
Resource scheduling for infrastructure as a service (Ia Indexed Paper
The integration of GPS and GIS (Abstract) Text
Communication electronics Text
MRSM - Kuota 10 peratus perlu publisiti lebih meluas Text
Tiga negara mulakan rondaan di Selat Melaka Text
Penilaian terhadap garis penglihatan di persimpangan Thesis
Malaysia mahu manfaatkan kepakaran bioteknologi C Text
Satu sekolah untuk semua? Text
Cerapan GPS teknik VRS menggunakan stesen rujukan Text
An improved load-displacement prediction for a conedIndexed Paper
The commutativity degree of some nonabelian two-grou Thesis
Rakyat harap bajet beri hadiah merdeka Text
UTM wujud pusat pengurusan IP Text
Laporan suruhanjaya jadi dokumen awam Text
Perak's local authorities to take over FTZs News Paper Cuttings
80km gold mine tunnel can draw tourists Text
USM to offer programme on women, gender sensitivitText
Wettability alteration due to surfactant in oil based muThesis
Feasibility studies on the development of a hybrid PV Thesis
UTM ada ekosistem intelektual Text
Projek Bukit Lanjan majukan Orang Asli Text
Analog-q bagi transformasi linear terhadap Polinomial Text
Malaysia, Russia tingkat kerjasama Text
Kaunseling ganti hukuman korporal Text
Flaperon: harapan penemuan MH370 News Paper Cuttings
Autonomous transportation robot with localization Thesis
Finite element simulation of reinforced concrete dee Thesis
Statistical machine translation for Indonesian-German Indexed Paper
Intellectual capital as the essence of sustainable cor Indexed Paper
Cross culture management Exam Papers
Organizational behaviour Text
Malaysian global roadshow : PM's big pitch Text
Pengaruh kekuatan konkrit ke atas gayalaku sambungan Thesis
A rheological properties study of water-based mud wi Thesis
Subsidi pertanian mungkin diperkenal Text
Kerajaan Johor serius fahami pemanasan global Text
16 peserta terima sijil kursus hidrografi Text
Breakthrough with new source of fuel Text
UTM, Seagate jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Transformasi kurikulum B. Malaysia Text
Accelerated weathering of limestone for CO2 Mitigati Thesis
Megamall navigation system Thesis
Children of immigrants get chance to study Text
Intipati Pelan Induk Perindustrian Ketiga (PIP3) Text
Decline in snatch thefts Text
Evaluation of pavement mixture incorporating waste oiJournal Article
Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas Kimia (B) Text
Generic vertical handover framework for heterogeneoThesis
Sistem penilaian pelajar dwibahasa sedia dilaksana Text
The application of braced and unbraced frames in reinThesis
FDI Iskandar Malaysia hampir RM47 bilion Text
Mantapkan universiti tempatan dalam hab pendidikanNews Paper Cuttings
Investigation of temperature profile for liquefied pet Conference Papers
Perjuangan Sekretariat Pembela Masyarakat Text
Penghidap talasemia bertambah Text
Pemprosesan gas Text
UiTM sasar jadi pusat penyelidikan terunggul Text
Analysis on junction performance from 5 developmentThesis
Prospek IPO dijangka terus menggalakkan Text
RM20j biayai prasarana IT belia Text
Penyelidikan ilmu Melayu perlu diteruskan Text
Influences of crumb rubber sizes on hot mix asphalt mIndexed Paper
Operasi SAR di Bario paling mencabar dalam sejarah Text
Melayu memasuki fasa kedua 50 tahun Text
Kawasan mengundi seperti alamat di kad pengenalan m Text
Managing project features to mitigate construction haThesis
Factory owners secret exposed Text
Inorganic chemistry I Text
KL terima paling ramai pemimpin tertinggi OIC Text
Digital signal processing 1 Exam Papers
Beating the drug habit with drugs Text
Automated web pages classification with integration oConference Papers
Cadangan denda lebih tinggi tidak tuntut MyKad Text
A review of e-financial reporting research Non-Index Paper
Impak Kolej Kominiti kepada masyarakat Text
Effect of magnetic field on aluminium electrodes for prThesis
Geographical information system database development Thesis
Kajian simulasi berbentukan komputer bagi menilai kesText
Analysis of flat roof trusses with tubular members Thesis
An algorithm for classification of five types of defects Non-Index Paper
Undang-undang siber Exam Papers
Sinar baru tingkatkan prestasi atlit taraf dunia Text
Tanpa aduan NCCC tak dapat pantau harga secara ber Text
Biofizik Text
Sisa biojisim untuk tiga negeri Text
Analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Relationship between self concepts and personality a Conference Papers
Stacking sequence effects on the moisture absorption Thesis
Tuah pensyarah muda News Paper Cuttings
Permasalahan bantuan bina rumah Majlis Agama IslamThesis
Derivation of finite elements models of connected ca Thesis
Terengganu keluar 300 kambing baka tempatan setah Text
Swasta puji cara kerajaan kurangkan kerenah birokrasiText
A critical assessement of provisions of the federal consConference Papers
Abdullah : tougher laws to fight sex crimes Text
Tahap kesedaran pengunjung terhadap keselamatan keThesis
Mekanik Text
Warga kampus bimbang pelajaran terabai News Paper Cuttings
800 juta buta huruf Text
Varsities must teach the skill to acquire knowledge Text
Tekanan punca berlaku peningkatan berat badan Text
Pembinaan iman, takwa bendung gejala sosial Text
The effect of Pd on electrical properties of Sn02 in CH Text
SMS tidak boleh jadi bukti: Rais Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Islam bukan ibadah semata-mata Text
Development of hybrid skinning surface method for ship Text
Denda buang makanan mampu didik pengguna Text
Proses buat tuntutan lebih mudah Text
Misyar dari perspektif perundangan Text
Malaysia ada banyak kelebihan jadi pusat MRO pesawaText
6 teras perkasa mutu pendidikan Text
Lelaki bijak, sperma bermutu : Kajian Text
Purification and characterization of xylanase from a Thesis
Co2 reforming of methane over Ni supported on mesostr Journal Article
Larger green lung in Bukit Gasing Text
Effects of chromium addition on fatigue crack growth Text
Hubungan antara ganjaran dan etika kerja islam den Thesis
UTM to keep tabs on quality of joint venture program Text
Hidrologi (hydrology) Text
Materials chemistry Exam Papers
Universiti Sains Angkasa Lepas Text
Hala tuju teknologi nano News Paper Cuttings
Hidrografi I Text
Effectiveness of unsaturated drainage layer in water diConference Papers
Termodinamik Text
Giliran UTM tawan puncak Everest News Paper Cuttings
Usaha berterusan kerajaan melahirkan usahawan bumText
A case for the establishment of Malaysian standard forConference Papers
Celcom sokong daftar telefon prabayar Text
Seorang doktor kerajaan letak jawatan setiap hari Text
Comparison between aligned and slanted PEG glenoid Conference Papers
Aplikasi mikrokomputer Text
Kimia bahan Text
Memajukan pelancongan dan penyelidikan di Belum Text
Decolourization of acid orange 7 by JanthinobacteriumThesis
Applications of digital photogrammetric systems for Conference Papers
Pelbagai skim insentif untuk pengetua, guru besar Text
Penyelidik temui kaedah urus air tanaman padi Text
MACRES bangun sistem penderiaan jauh udara Text
Failure and success factors influencing IT project man Thesis
MRSM diwajib tubuh Kelab Inovasi dan Reka Cipta Text
ANFIS modeling for bacteria detection based on GNR bIndexed Paper
Pelajar, petugas UTM berbasikal News Paper Cuttings
Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) : an improvedIndexed
s Paper
Rakyat berkebolehan jayakan projek angkasawan Text
Syor wujud Pusat Fatwa Sedunia Text
Pengorbanan di perantauan Text
Theory of structure Exam Papers
Pertalian hujan-air larian permukaan profil padang Thesis
Ghani : bridge project must start Text
Oil palm estate owners likely to pay govt cess Text
Keselamatan rekabentuk loji Text
Ekonomi binaan & pengurusan kewangan Text
Removal of phosphorus from domestic wastewater treatm Thesis
MMC-Gamuda laksana sendiri projek landasan berkemText
Tanjung Ketapang dirancang jadi pusat Pentadbiran MText
The effects of heating and tree configurations on poll Thesis
Wireless home security system Thesis
Ada pihak guna lambang JP palsu elak kena saman trafText
100 dipilih sekolah berprestij Text
Lapan IPT tempatan, antarabangsa ditawar status swaaText
Cephalometric measurements: comparison between anal Conference Papers
Dilema pelan pengunduran Afghanistan Obama News Paper Cuttings
Fatini cadang filemkan kisah Natrah tahun depan Text
Experimental study on flexural behavior of cold-formeIndexed Paper
Jemaah dijamin selesa Text
Pemandu lori miliki senjata api dipenjara, sebat Text
A hybrid of optimization method for multiobjective co Indexed Paper
The study of aerodynamic performance on tilt-rotor airText
Effectiveness of palm oil fuel ash as micro-filler in po Indexed Paper
The demand for luxury coach service in Malaysia : caseText
RM1 juta setahun bantu pelajar Text
Pembangunan bandar Text
PM at a loss on how to reduce accidents on the roads Text
Sains kejuruteraan II (termo-bendalir) Text
Unhappy doctors to pass on costs Text
An elliptically planar UWB monopole antenna with stepIndexed Paper
Single evaluation of C. Elegans inside environmental Conference Papers
Development of fuzzy logic water bath temperature c Indexed Paper
Peningkatan perolehan minyak Text
10 years' jail for killing wife Text
The relationship between personality and organizatio Thesis
Strive to be specialists, medical students told Text
Proper parental upbringing of children is essential News Paper Cuttings
4.5 juta kanak-kanak diberi suntikan campak mulai ApriText
Artificial reefs to boost fishermen's catch Text
Top marks for Malaysian scientists Text
Reducing PAPR in PRS-OFDM system using Fraction Time Conference Papers
Takrifan umum bangsa Malaysia elak prejudis Text
Teknologi Filem Tipis Exam Papers
Parameter estimation using improved differential evoluThesis
IGP acknowledges the crucial role of media Text
An improved automatic segmentation of cell nuclei in Thesis
Baja kompos kulit kopi bantu petani tingkat hasil Text
First padi farm to be fully mechanised Text
Syor swasta, GLC isi jawatan sektor awam Text
Perception of plagiarism concept among UTM studentThesis
Neighbourhood planning and design Exam Papers
CPI for June surges to 7.7% Text
Ramai guru berpenyakit akibat stres Text
More dengue cases reported Text
Polis ambil keterangan siasat punca kebakaran dewa Text
Large scale terrain mapping under different land cove Thesis
IKS : tingkat keupayaan ICT Text
4As to make MÆsia hub for education Text
Lebih banyak pakar ortodontik diperlukan Text
Elevated temperature fatigue life investigation of alu Journal Article
Win 32 overclocking calculation tool Text
A comprehensive approach to addressing drought andText des
Worst flood experience yet Text
Asas VLSI digit Text
Visi Kustem -- Universiti pilihan pelajar Text
Design and implementation of a PID-based luminance cJournal Article
Code switching in informal interaction among a group Thesis
PM minta China terima produk jenama Malaysia Text
Education key to socio-economic growth Text
Penguasaan bahasa dorong orang Melayu hantar anakText
Significant broadband photocurrent enhancement by AIndexed Paper
Fuel subsidy to be revamped to benefit deserving grouText
Fluids mechanics 2 Exam Papers
RM7.6m spent on drugs each day Text
Syor Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim pusat rujukan Text
When tribunal is too big to try judges Text
Our own lokam harvest in 2008 Text
A comparison of intrinsic and extrinsic compensation i Non-Index Paper
Lawyer Balwant acquitted of murder Text
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Protecting the Constitution Text
Kekuatan intelektual, akhlak perlu disepadu Text
Pembangunan sistem pangkalan data marin untuk bantText
10,782 sekolah terima peruntukan RM50 juta Text
Jacket may have cost Azlini her life Text
Ketegasan Majlis Raja-Raja mampu elak perpecahan Text
Tuna lubuk industri baru Text
Relay beamforming to mitigate inter-relay interferenceIndexed Paper
Development of hybrid skinning surface method for shiText
Our biscuits are safe, says Liow Text
Kokurikulum sekolah dipakej Text
129 lintasan kereta api naik taraf Text
ThatÆs my gene Text
USM cipta kaedah kesan gelatin babi Text
The effect of sample preparation parameters on magneText
Purification of a fibrinolytic enzyme from bacillus sp. Journal Article
Life better last year than in 2007 Text
809 pelajar baru daftar di Unitar Text
Negara perlu syarikat sawit mega Text
Most Muslims prefer to treat stroke with traditional mText
The efficacy of using perlite and rice hull as blended Thesis
Metafora dalam seni bina Text
Scheme to help the retrenched find jobs Text
Induced enzyme activities by acclimatised BAC-ZS mixeThesis
200,000 penduduk Kluang terima semula bekalan air ha Text
C++ visual programming Exam Papers
Komunikasi berkesan Text
Modeling and control of electrohydraulic robot manipul Text
Institut Pemikiran Mahathir perlu kaji lahirkan saintis Text
Tahap kemahiran metakognitif pelajar dalam menyele Conference Papers
Tulisan galakan masyarakat fikir semula DEB : Ungku AText
Use of new efficient lossless data compression methodJournal Article
Risk analysis of database privelege implementation in Journal Article
Pemenang pingat Olimpik dapat pencen Text
PM mahu PKS pertingkat penyelidikan, pembangunan Text
Assessment of WLC and fuzzy logic methods for site selIndexed Paper
Modeling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) evaporation d Thesis
Photonics Exam Papers
Force and deformation behaviour of roof truss system Conference Papers
Kerajaan lulus saluran TV Islam Text
Drastic measures to curb H1N1 Text
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
Mudarat calon payung terjun News Paper Cuttings
PM : stop complaining Text
Security requirements validation for mobile apps: a sy Journal Article
Tracing the power flow using upstream looking algori Thesis
Shafie akui rekod PTPTN bermasalah Text
Instability worsening economy Text
Pastikan hukum setimpal Text
New pitcher species Text
Idris : ensure safety of raw food imports Text
Adjustment of an intensive care unit (ICU) data in fuz Non-Index Paper
The effect of leaders’ emotional intelligence on Indexed Paper
Mapping of a river using close range photogrammetry Indexed Paper
Bionanocomposites of regenerated cellulose reinforcedIndexed Paper
Kampung Melayu berpotensi program Homestay Text
The quality of construction work in the district of Joho Thesis
Proton utama keselamatan pengguna Text
Employing forward osmosis technology through hybridJournal Article
The effects of Van Hiele's phase-based learning on s Indexed Paper
DC motor control using flyback converter Thesis
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Buffer zone not for housing News Paper Cuttings
Effect of regeneration air temperature on the performConference Papers
Flow analysis with different number of passes of fire t Thesis
Kerajaan kaji naikkan elaun guru pedalaman Text
Development of low cost and robust nursing calling devIndexed Paper
Cyber crimes on the rise Text
Coping with joint pain Text
Pastikan gangguan elektrik tidak berulang : PM Text
State-of-the-art technologies for separation of azeotr Indexed Paper
Kelalaian ibu bapa punca gejala sosial remaja Text
Kaedah rawat air tanpa bahan kimia Text
Hari Bumi tingkat kesedaran, penghargaan kepada kh Text
Energy cost reduction in commercial building using Thesis
Enhancement of ground penetrating radar(GPR) imageThesis
UKM nafi pelajar matrikulasi tidak setanding lulusan Text
Guru baru wajib ke pedalaman Text
Now 200,000 civil servants want more pay Text
PC-based logic analyzer Thesis
Classical mechanics Exam Papers
Bimbang penguasaan wanita Text
Configuration of carved components and its layout patConference Papers
Kaitan faktor penyumbang dengan kecemerlangan akaThesis
Magic LUCT Text
Industri petroleum melabur RM61.5b dalam RM-8 Text
Urban highway congestion : a study on the existing traText
Effect of Cu-Al substitution on the structural and magne Indexed Paper
Can Malaysians stomach this? Text
Felda sasar tingkat pendapatan peneroka sehingga R Text
ULBS - Ganti Ujian Lisan SPM Text
Pengambilan kawasan sawah tidak jejaskan pengeluar Text
Advance encryption standard (AES-Rijndeal) software Text
Pengamal perubatan tradisional perlu berdaftar Text
PKN penerus usaha lahirkan pejuang bangsa Text
Sasar kemiskinan sifar tahun depan Text
Amal piawaian OSH antarabangsa untuk terus maju : NText
Malaysia bebas jangkitan virus Influenza A Text
Pengurusan CAD Text
Projek penyelidikan bot perikanan laut dalam (abstrak)Text
Developing online community: where does teacher pract Conference Papers
PM : use new technology for batik Text
Consumer associations want more anti-smoking measuText
Three with KMM links nabbed Text
Hishammuddin : free education to cost ministry RM1 Text
Bad weather unable to break PMÆs will to visit flood Text
Design of reconfigurable multiple element microstrip rNon-Index Paper
Menyambut Ketibaan Robocon Team dari Bangkok, Tha Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kaunseling lebih berkesan didik pelajar Text
Pemadam perlu kemaskan sistem perangi dadah Text
Estimation of high-dimensional connectivity in FMRI d Indexed Paper
Interlocked reinforced concrete precast slab using steelThesis
UTM ambil tindakan ke atas penuntut News Paper Cuttings
5 pilihan atasi polemik ternak babi Text
The use of adsorbents in the reduction of petrol vola Text
Potensi kepimpinan ulama masa kini Text
495 kes kenaikan harga dikesan Text
Akhbar baru Sarawak dijangka terbit Mac Text
KESEDAR terpaksa tangguh projek $33 juta News Paper Cuttings
Kesan jermang besi ke atas sifat-sifat bitumen Text
Malaysia eksport produk komoditi RM112.4 bilion Text
Perancangan pelancongan Text
Three-day mourning period in Johor begins tomorrow News Paper Cuttings
Sarawak kenal pasti kawasan padi Text
Pemegang kad e-diesel, e-petrol perlu isi borang khas Text
Kepemimpinan teras universiti cemerlang Text
The problems of construction quality in Sabah construcThesis
Insentif caj lapangan terbang dikaji Text
Dana pinjaman JPA kontang 2 tahun lagi Text
New Product Development (NPD) implementation withi Thesis
Controller parameter optimization for an electro-hydr Journal Article
5G Accelerating Digital Malaysia Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bank safe vault raided, valuables worth RM500,000 ta Text
PTPTN perlu dana RM5b setahun menjelang 2012 Text
Landskap dapat membentuk keseimbangan Text
2014 date to switch off traditional light bulb Text
Bioteknologi Text
Jambatan hubungkan Perlis-Langkawi terpanjang di AsText
Police seize 3kg of heroin from Pakistani at KLIA Text
Wanita minta pandangan mereka dikaji Text
Taman kebun dapur Text
Aerodynamic study of flow over rocket body Text
Penyelenggaraan menara telekomunikasi Text
Mengindustrikan sektor tani negara Text
Aerobic sludge granulation at high temperature-low h Conference Papers
Hopes rise for pay and benefits to go up Text
Ukur dan pemetaan I Text
Ruang terhad dedah remaja kepada gejala negatif Text
The PhD : is it overrated? Text
Perogol akan digantung, penjara 30 tahun, sebat Text
King, Queen attend royal forum in conjuction with birtNews Paper Cuttings
Processing and evaluation of an investment cast magnes Text
Purata 119 kes rogol dicatat setiap bulan Text
Ethical and psychological factors in 5S and total prod Thesis
Gabung, ambil alih warnai senario korporat tahun 200 Text
Kecemerlangan pelajar bukan pada sekolah Text
Principle of structure Exam Papers
Kementerian pertahan kualiti kursus matrikulasi Text
Influence of heat treatment cooling mediums on the dIndexed Paper
Lapan lagi lebuh raya naik tol 2008 Text
Microstrip patch reflectarray antenna with H shaped slThesis
Keselamatan rekabentuk loji Text
Software requirements Exam Papers
A nature-inspired of bat algorithm in parameter estimaThesis
Arkib Negara simpan khazanah tidak ternilai Text
Kes gangsterisme di sekolah kecil Text
RM350m to prevent floods in Shah Alam Text
Manfaat spirulina untuk kesihatan Text
Overland pipes preferred Text
Design and development of an omnidirectional mobileIndexed Paper
UTM tarik lebih ramai ikuti kursus robotik Text
Automatic color nuclei segmentation of leukocytes fo Indexed Paper
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Pengetua bincang isu penggunaan bahasa Inggeris Text
Effect of clogging on the permeability of porous asphalThesis
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
A review of balanced scorecard framework in higher edu Indexed Paper
Mikologi Text
The influences of perforation parameters to wellbore iConference Papers
Home electrical goods must pass safety tests Text
Trees inventory system based on RFID at Frim Thesis
Transfer function models for statistical downscaling ofJournal Article
Technology and information Exam Papers
Modelling and control of an adaptive cruise control s Text
Dosage and administration length of centella asiatica (Journal Article
Masalah 15 tahun akan diatasi Text
Johor Bahru catat 1,838 kes Chikungunya Text
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Old ICs : warning to 500,000 Text
Langkah proaktif bekalan air, elektrik ke sekolah Text
79,199 Melayu lepaskan kerakyatan Text
Bulan Membaca dan surat layang! Text
Time series Exam Papers
Dynamic analysis of submerged structure due to distu Thesis
Johor laksana pelan tindakan maksimum penggunaan Text
Bersatu pertahan raja Melayu Text
Sistem temujanji pelajar-pensyarah berasaskan web d Thesis
Gallium arsenide nanowires formed by Au-assisted metConference Papers
Cabaran dan lokus kawalan dalam kalangan ibu tunggalThesis
Tambahan 100,000 guru mahir komputer tahun depanText
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar Text
Proton komited baiki mutu Text
Robotik Text
100 sports scholarships up for grabs Text
Sistem pengurusan penyenggaraan bangunan bagi struk Text
Effect of Dy2O3 impurities on the physical, optical an Indexed Paper
Sedia beri kerjasama wujud pusat serenti Wanita Text
Jabatan Koperasi naik taraf Text
Hubby receives scroll of wife lost to cancer Text
Sains: Melayu harap ganjaran segera Text
Tumpuan ekonomi OIC Text
The elements of social development: the social experienNon-Index Paper
Government wants to nurture more well-rounded gra Text
Syor undang-undang lindungi saksi ke Kabinet Text
More Federal projects in Seberang Prai News Paper Cuttings
Masih di Lautan Hindi Oleh Ikram News Paper Cuttings
Sedia hadapi kenaikan harga minyak lagi Text
Novel method of synthesizing polyethersulfone membra Non-Index Paper
Laporan tahunan : Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah 20Text
Arterial hemodynamics in patent ductus arteriosus steThesis
Path reduction factor for microwave terrestrial links Text
Kajian susut nilai dalam penilaian loji dan jentera Conference Papers
Permasalahan program penyatuan dan pemulihan tanaThesis
Dominant weathering profiles of granite in southern P Indexed Paper
Mengembalikan kegemilangan perpustakaan di masjidText
The principles and practice of the built, operate and tr Text
Pelancongan bakal raih RM38b Text
Mechanical properties of tyre fibre in concrete Thesis
Perkemaskan pengeluaran sijil halal Text
Characterization of the catabolic pathway for a phenylIndexed Paper
Manova on print advertising Conference Papers
Aplikasi 'e-learning' dalam pengajaran & pembelajaranConference Papers
Fault analysis in microgrid Thesis
Sistem keselamatan automatik dan kawalan rumah se Text
Principles of management (Prinsip Pengurusan) Exam Papers
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Nuroth FC Parit Sulong naib juara Piala Menteri Besar News Paper Cuttings
Meru-NKVE interchange collapse Text
More young people getting heart attacks Text
Teknik pemanduan mahir kurangkan nahas bas ekspreText
Water Quality Exam Papers
Kelemahan polis selesai kes jenayah aduan terbanyak Text
Kursus microsoft excel tahap 1 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Language idenntifications of arabic script web docum Conference Papers
Colourful history of right to vote Text
Faktor-faktor keyakinan pengguna terhadap herba Text
Kita serik ambil doktor asing Text
Kajian kos Text
Fizik matematik Exam Papers
Dadah : 3 pemain takraw dihantar pulang Text
Modelling the cervical cancer growth process by stochaIndexed Paper
Gabem, Melayu dan NCER Text
Proses simulasi P-Spice ke atas penebat voltan tinggi Text
Design of acoustic range finder Thesis
Iktiraf hak wanita Islam dalam perkahwinan Text
Pengurusan projek dan pembinaan Text
Kajian sistem pengairan di kawasan-kawasan tanamanThesis
Green cleaning : an essential aspect of Malaysian gree Indexed Paper
Development of ultra-low-cost chemical sensing devic Thesis
Comparative performance for predictive modelling in Journal Article
Low noise amplifier perfomance study for wireless ma Text
8 langkah urus kesakitan osteoartritis Text
Implementation of workflow system for performance m Thesis
Population growth rate maintained Text
Mempromosi produk pelancongan Islam Text
BIMB yakin kekal penguasaan industri perbankan Isla Text
General relativity Exam Papers
Estate owners to pay cess Text
Kajian terhadap pembangunan kemudahan di terminalThesis
Islam Hadhari gabung ulama, profesional Text
Machinability of aluminium alloy when face milling usiThesis
Senario pembaharuan tenaga di Malaysia (tenaga ombThesis
CNBC Strategic Forum : ekonomi Malaysia dijangka le Text
KWSP kumpul caruman RM203.55b suku pertama 200Text
A review of literature on communication skills develo Conference Papers
Bersama memacu bidang penyelidikan dan pembanguText
Personalized meta search engine : a learning automat Thesis
The application of fuzzy expert system to preliminary Text
Development of aerobic granular sludge using domestic Thesis
Paten perlu untuk niaga Text
Ekonomi negara lebih baik 2010 : TPM Text
Kes HFMD bertambah Text
Hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak : Bintulu girl isText
Malaysia needs 200,000 engineers Text
Isu global mengikut acuan Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Send SMS to Hishammuddin over school problems Text
Steel slag as an aggregate replacement in malaysian h Non-Index Paper
Gas dinamik Text
Kress smoothing transformation for weakly singular freText
Design of an automatic feeder for large scale marine's Text
Tunjuk sikap benci jenayah : PM Text
Anti-cervical cancer jabs to go on despite UK death Text
Hydrogen fuel cell motorcycle with triple hybrid drive tThesis
Azalina tegur amalan beri topi Text
Blocking threats to security Text
Zeti dipilih gabenor bank pusat terbaik dunia Text
3D Geospatial database using land adminisration domaThesis
Masa untuk berubah Text
Bekalan air perlu lebih banyak modal Text
Installation ceremony steeped in tradition Text
Pembangunan sistem sokongan pembelajaran kendiri at Thesis
Hidden costs of free higher education News Paper Cuttings
Microwave remote sensing II Text
Sistem Perundangan & Pentadbiran Negara Text
Self-assessment instrument for sustaining quality exceThesis
Sistem pungutan sampah di Damai, Kota Kinabalu, SabText
Palm oil mill effluent sludge ash as adsorbent for met Indexed Paper
Syarikat penerbangan dapat jaminan Text
Investigation and evaluation of low cost depth senso Non-Index Paper
Adjustment, motivation for retention and environmenta Journal Article
Dominant factors determine property values (fulltext) Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Vehicle sales tipped to be robust even after Sept Text
Selatan : sistem saliran ikut panduan mesra alam Text
Court : TNB can cut power Text
1 bilion ASM dijual Isnin Text
Guru : kementerian perlu cari alternatif lain Text
Multimedia environmental fate and transport model ofConference Papers
Kajian kualiti air di Lembangan Sungai Ibai, Terenggan Thesis
Proportional integral sliding mode control for the half Conference Papers
Memperkasa sekolah kebangsaan Text
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
Analisis dan reka bentuk papak rata berbantukan kompText
Special children speech training system Thesis
Differential bees flux balance analysis with OptKnock foIndexed Paper
The effect of sample preparation parameters on magnet Text
Proton talks with Renault, GM on technology alliance Text
Kebimbangan komunikasi di kalangan pelajar UTM: satu Conference Papers
Inflasi 2007 dua peratus Text
ICT kita diiktiraf Text
Sudut pidato galak percambahan minda Text
Perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam bukan untuk syarikText
Petugas kaunter sukar senyum akan ditukar Text
Pupuk patriotisme Text
Cleaner fuel from now Text
Design of simulator for elevator supevisory group contrText
Face detection using color and eigenface techniques f Text
Penyediaan perumahan mampu milik di antara institusThesis
Malaysia, Mesir perkukuh hubungan dagangan 2 hala Text
Pendidikan akhlak dalam sistem pendidikan di MalaysiConference Papers
No handphones in schools ruling Text
Automatic human guided shopping trolley with smart Indexed Paper
Tenaga pakar dan kemudahan perubatan bertaraf dunText
Kempen iklan Ambience ZOOM! Malaysia di KLIA Text
Agong isytihar bendera, lagu baru Wilayah PersekutuaText
PM : bank perlu terus beri pinjaman kepada syarikat P Text
AIM to offer animation programme in july Text
Dependency on smartphones: an analysis of structuralJournal Article
B. Cina, Tamil tidak diketepikan Text
Had laju Jalan Persekutuan 80km/j Text
Study the effect of silica on the mechanical properties Text
Free and mixed convective boundary layer flow of a viscoThesis
MTUC proposes RM150 Cola, intended to defray fuel prText
Hubungan antara laju dan aliran bagi Jalan Bandar Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Perubatan alternatif dibayangi paradigma perubatan Text
Usul pemulihan radikal parti Text
Consensus on language debate unlikely Text
Kawalan produk di Malaysia lemah Text
Indoor thermal comfort of three garment factories in Thesis
A proposed model of virtual university based on studeThesis
A light carriage system for UTM towing tank Text
Effect of solder bump size on intermetallic compound fText
Government to promote ICT culture among rural folk Text
Salary cuts for Mara study loan defaulters Text
Online commercial refrigeration sale and service ma Thesis
Masa bukan halangan bagi R&D Text
Increasing the potential of Razaksat images for map-upIndexed Paper
Detection system graduates for convocation using RFI Thesis
Development of low pressure filtration system for em Thesis
The effects of role-play on students' attitude and moti Thesis
Volunteer units for 234 crime-prone areas by year-endText
All heavy-duty drivers to be retrained Text
Pelarian : hubungan Malaysia-Thailand dibimbangi terjText
Sistem kejuruteraan marin I Text
Distinctive features of radiation pulses in the very fir Indexed Paper
Teknologi saput tipis Text
Asean hadapi H1N1 sepasukan Text
Pelajar terima pampasan takaful Text
Perpustakaan awam sunyi Text
Construction surveying (ukur binaan) Text
Electrical performance of xlpe insulation filled with n Thesis
Computational prosess design, optimization and growth Thesis
Automasi pembuatan Text
Advanced inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
New Saga to drive Proton back to pole position Text
Corporate probability default prediction with industry Thesis
Tangani disiplin murid di sekolah Text
Modeling of microbial approach in wastewater treatmeIndexed Paper
Methane emission from paddy soil in relation to soil t Journal Article
Federal Govt help for 57 low-cost housing projects Text
Hunger in midst of plenty Text
Merealisasikan kemajuan luar bandar melalui pendidi Text
Dynamic modelling and control of a flexible manipulator Text
Media diminta terus salur maklumat pembangunan Text
Accuracy assessment of LIDAR-derived elevation valueIndexed
o Paper
Fizik moden Text
Different views on limits of self-defence Text
Bridge and box : a typological study on the constructi Indexed Paper
Jangan pinggirkan kanak-kanak istimewa Text
Gerak usahawan nasional 2007 perluas bidang keusa Text
Malaysian children eat too much but exercise little Text
Krisis diesel meruncing : jawatankuasa khas bermesyuara Text
Theoretical investigations of β-tricalcium phosphate b Journal Article
Instrumental analysis Exam Papers
The effects of VAT Text
Study on defect of aluminium filled epoxy mold insert Thesis
Sistem pengurusan E-Kaunseling Thesis
Identification and analysis of personal information in Thesis
Elastomer compatibility testing of blended biodiesel anThesis
PM : jadikan Malaysia pangkalan pelaburan Text
Boleh kenakan surcaj tambang Text
Learning through play Text
Socso to haul up defaulters Text
Transport economics Exam Papers
Poultry from Indonesia will be culled Text
Critical need to balance development with environs Text
Malay articulation system for early screening diagnos Thesis
Fizik Moden Exam Papers
Programming in operation search Exam Papers
PM mahu kerjasama TNB, IPP tak berat sebelah Text
Kaedah baru rawatan gigi Text
The right to a cera-free life - Text
Active integrated antenna with image reject mixer Conference Papers
Microbial diversity in disturbed and undisturbed peat Conference Papers
Kajian rekabentuk dan keberkesanan toe protection t Text
Bahan termaju (Advanced materials) Text
In silico prediction of gene knockout candidates in Es Indexed Paper
TNB lends a hand to Earth Hour Text
UTM Sports App mobile application Thesis
Petronas raih laba harga minyak naik Text
Kenaikan harga barang fenomena global Text
The role of organizational information systems capabiliThesis
Signal processing Exam Papers
Suhakam : emergency still on technically Text
Susun modal insan tani Text
Parameter estimation of tapioca starch hydrolysis proce Non-Index Paper
Fizik nukleus Text
Perkukuh undang-undang perangi jenayah IP Text
Wireless access network using radio over fiber techno Thesis
Mikropemproses I Text
Program ECEC pelaburan terbaik Text
DPM : contracts will be revised for rising prices Text
Syor wujud jabatan perundangan syariahá Text
Peranan DBP terus dipersoal Text
Pentingnya ilmu untuk kecemasan Text
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Lesen teksi individu Lembah Klang terus dikeluar Text
The influences of consumer styles inventory and innova Thesis
UUM to confer honorary PhD on Abdullah Text
Heuristic vs neuro - heuristic script segmentation a Conference Papers
Developing an educational module and tool for soil co Text
Keraguan logo halal Text
UTM terajui teknologi robotik Text
Penswastaan air tidak korbankan kepentingan penggu Text
Badminton : BAM to use funds for development Text
Saifuddin galak pensyarah tulis buku rujukan Text
Testing Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Doktor tempatan digalak tingkat ilmu sehingga PhD Text
Watch out for cyber predators Text
Tiga langkah bantu usahawan IKS Text
Pelihara kemuliaan Adat Perpatih Text
Mahaleel : Proton sedia hadapi cabaran global Text
We can't stop foreigners buying a stake, says Shahrir Text
Evaluation on OmniSTAR wide area DGPS service Conference Papers
Anggota NAM, OIC beri komitmen susun semula PBB : Text
Maqis periksa status halal Text
Empat asas utama kajian cegah banjir Text
Sabar perisai hadapi musibah Text
Pengurusan UTM lawat Balai Berita Text
Teknologi, persepaduan penyelesaian terbaik isu air Text
Ragut : kesan psikologi mangsa Text
Imaging concentration profile using laser based tomogText
Negara terbaik akses kepada kredit Text
Evaluation of mineral oil basestock containing palm fattyThesis
A study of the throughflow of nucleating steam in a t Indexed Paper
Design and implementation of ADS-B modem using data Thesis
Data mining and business analytics Exam Papers
Teori Medan Elektromagnet Text
Malaysia, Thailand setuju teruskan kerjasama : PM Text
Bioprospecting for culturable psychrotrophic bacteria w Thesis
Online preconcentration by electrokinetic supercharginIndexed Paper
Perancangan komuniti dan perumahan Text
Pameran kraf sempena cuti musim panas, sejuk Text
Chemical engineering thermodynamics Exam Papers
Non-linear stress strain model for coated fabrics Text
Evaluation of used cooking oils as a diesel substitute i Text
Keselamatan dan kesihatan di tapak binaan : bkajian Text
Logi binaan dan kerja sementara Text
Peningkatan kadar had laju perlu kajian terperinci Text
PPSMI gagal bentuk kecemerlangan pelajar bandar, deText
Dasar PPSMI bukan jaminan masa depan bahasa Mela Text
Real Analysis Exam Papers
Emergency cases wonÆt be put on waiting list, says Text
Masalah pembinaan makmal komputer: Kontrak Bell GText
A readout circuit for MEMS based moisture sensor Thesis
40,000 kakitangan kontrak berisiko hilang kerja Text
Real time scheduling for autonomous mobile robots usiText
The implementation of inventory management in metal Thesis
Kerajaan guna pendekatan persepakatan Text
Sukan air akan diperkenal dalam PLKN mulai 2006 Text
Issues and trends in E-communities Exam Papers
Malaysia disah bebas wabak radang paru-paru Text
Smart digital electronic chess set Thesis
Fewer road deaths after ban on heavy vehicles Text
Tax refunds æwill take some timeÆ Text
Pengangkutan awam lebih cekap, mantap Text
A third generation gamma-ray industrial computed tom Journal Article
Sistem cadangan pemilihan penempatan Latihan IndustThesis
UTM wakil negara ke Robocon Antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Persepsi mahasiswa non muslim terhadap kehidupan Thesis
Comparison between predicted and observed settlement Text
Pra Universiti MSU tawar 4 pilihan Text
Performance analysis of dynamic source routing protoText
Teknologi elektrik Text
Monitoring shoreline change using remote sensing andIndexed Paper
LAN: Partner quality varsities Text
Improvement of existing facility layout in a company Thesis
Relative commutativity degree of some dihedral groupIndexed Paper
Sustainable tourism on the flood plain Text
Teknik perundingan Exam Papers
Teachers taken to task for giving tuition News Paper Cuttings
Numerical modeling of fusiform aneurysm with high a Conference Papers
Removal of tartrazine from aqueous solution using palConference Papers
On the location of different titanium sites in Ti-OMS-2 Taext
Effect of temperature and hydrogen on palm oil crackiText
Petrol tank farm destroyed in blaze Text
40 errant motorists to face the music soon Text
Process improvement to reduce defect in packaging prThesis
The investigation of point of zero charge for a carbon Thesis
Application of several non-linear prediction tools for Indexed Paper
Museums sustain interest in cultural heritage News Paper Cuttings
Sistem bayaran tol gantri dilaksana 2008 Text
Kupas isu gender dari pandangan holisitik Text
IJN lakar sejarah bedah paru-paru Text
Study on crack alleviation in bending of AL-2024 for wiThesis
Susun laluan : MAS masih raih faedah Text
Evaluation of rain cell models using Indonesian meteorThesis
Pemadam saran segera beri kondom percuma Text
Struktur harga air ambil kira pelestarian alam Text
Tourism expected to rake in RM44.5b next year Text
Visi, misi baru mampu tingkat integriti pasukan polis Text
Growth of binary, ternary and quatenary III-V comp Non-Index Paper
Effect of pH on bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution Indexed Paper
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Gelanggang Kolej Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Finding his niche in Rolls-Royce Text
Optimization of non-uniform relational B-Spline surfaceThesis
Pembaikan kualiti di syarikat pemasangan PCB melalui Text
UMS to set up wildlife research centres Text
Work at home saves RM500 Text
Employees contentment in an organization Non-Index Paper
Growing the nation's skilled talent Text
Residents' attitudes and support for tourism developme Thesis
A mobile security awareness management model in airThesis
Masjid elak belia terjebak gejala sosial Text
Bid to get States on Heritage List Text
Najib lancar buku Menakhoda Zaman, Helming the Ti Text
11 graduan sulung Program Dwi Sarjana UTM-UniversitNews Paper Cuttings
Anggota Maritim beroperasi tahun depan Text
Abdullah : I will work hard Text
Teknologi keselamatan pemindahan darah Text
Jalesveva Jayamahe Jokowi News Paper Cuttings
Jualan kereta meningkat Text
The effect of V/III ratio on the crystal structure of ga Indexed Paper
Memastikan kelancaran sistem bekalan air negara Text
Kartografi & pemetaan berdigit cartography & digital Exam Papers
Johor offers a model religious school for those in mai Text
Konsep inisiatif baru tanah hak adat bumiputera (NCR)Thesis
Palapes laut UTM lemas News Paper Cuttings
Towards the development of a framework for sustainab Indexed Paper
Influence of iron bacteria on the corrosion behavior o Journal Article
Analisis Rangkaian Text
Agreement on cars, farm products Text
Model analisis interaksi pelajar dalam forum perbinc Thesis
IK buktikan ekonomi kukuh Text
Negara kerugian berbilion ringgit Text
Stadium Merdeka dikekalkan sebagai warisan negara Text
Finding global minimum using filled function method Conference Papers
Evaluation of tank hydraulic characteristics using tran Text
Users' perception of educational facility for post-gra Thesis
Identification of putative drug targets for human spe Indexed Paper
Wind tunnel testing on microlight model Text
Hasrat orang muda menjelang pilihan raya Text
Dogs, intelligence bring pirates to their knees Text
No cover-up of graft cases Text
Pupuk etika niaga kelas pertama Text
Vapor liquid equilibrium of ternary mixture toluene-x Thesis
Power to arrest VCD pirates Text
Projek pembangunan RMK-9 dipecah jadi saiz sederhaText
255 calon SPM raih gred tertinggi A Text
Muzium Kesenian Islam selepas satu dekad Text
Tujuh lagi IPTS diarah tutup Text
Influence of flaky aggregate on stone mastic asphalt Thesis
Johor perlu tumpu pelaburan Text
User interface programming Exam Papers
Penilaian pelajar-pelajar pelaksanaan Pendidikan Isla Conference Papers
Pemuliharaan kawasan terganggu Text
Pesakit diabetes perlu pemantauan Text
Perubatan Islam cara terbaik pulih sihir Text
Strategi baru tarik pelancong negara jauh Text
Optimal forwarding routing protocol in IPv6- based wi Conference Papers
Noh guna Turba pertingkat imej sektor pertanian negaText
Dual-directional polarization insensitive multiband me Indexed Paper
Pencemaran sungai punca banjir kilat Text
Laminate orientation effect on drilling of carbon fiber Indexed Paper
Electro-driven extraction of low levels of lipophilic o Indexed Paper
UM gets first woman V-C Text
Pakar bahasa tolak istilah 'Infotainmen' Text
Come experience the MSC Text
MayKad now has more applications Text
Design of new passenger boat for Menumbok and LabuThesis
Fast turbulent flames in duct - vented gas explosion Indexed Paper
Perakaunan pertengahan II Text
Characterization of gas tunnel type plasma sprayed hyIndexed Paper
Studies æmust not be disruptedÆ Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Review : parametric study on the performance of progIndexed Paper
Pekerja tempatan ditempatkan dalam sektor teknologiText
UTM to research rise in water under Medina Text
Judi 'ibu' segala perbuatan jijik, binasakan hidup Text
Comparison of ultimate capacity of a pile based on in sThesis
Effect of heat treatment on the microstructures and c Thesis
Spectrum sensing using energy detection for reconfig Thesis
Subsidi diesel akuakultur, tanaman komoditi, perikanaText
Tuning of first order plus time delay process using fee Thesis
Remaja mudah ketagih seks Text
Review of evaluating existing capacity of weaving seg Non-Index Paper
Raleigh's gift of a library for remote school Text
Bila pluralisme jadi isu Text
Software testing process for shared banking services ( Text
A comparative evaluation of state of the art approach Conference Papers
Antithrombin protein from hirudinaria manillensis: preConference Papers
Ekonomi Malaysia diyakini Eropah Text
Memastikan kemapanan sumber air sejagat Text
Pendidikan sepanjang hayat perlu dibudayakan Text
Education system on right track Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Reduction in subsidies benefits nation Text
A survey of routing protocols in wireless body sensor Indexed Paper
Estimating residential imperviousness at subdivision l Conference Papers
Investigating level of understanding and compliance Indexed Paper
Sistem maklumat geografi II Text
Debat pakaian alternatif Text
The assessment of the management effectiveness evalThesis
Design of an ergonomic wheelchair Thesis
Melihat PPSMI dari sudut undang-undang Text
1,000 kes denggi dilapor setiap minggu Text
Turning oil palm biomass into valuable by-products News Paper Cuttings
i-Pintar tingkatkan mutu pengajaran Text
Enhancing fishermen’s place attachment to Kukup tThesis
Semua kesatuan guru tolak PPSMI Text
Kajian hadkan subjek peperiksaan SPM bermula Text
Gap response of linear and non-linear discharge modelIndexed Paper
UTM wakil negara ke Robocon Antarabangsa Text
More seed banks needed to meet agri demands Text
Testing time for drug cases Text
Fahami masalah air negara Text
Peluang pendidikan tinggi terbuka luas, elitis Text
Manfaat untuk semua Text
Acoustics and ultrasonics Exam Papers
Mansuh prosedur melambatkan : Perdana Menteri Text
Anti-drug campaigns to be intensified, says Noh Text
Teknorat dan pembangunan Text
Reaksi wajib lulus Bahasa Inggeris Text
Kesatuan sekerja perlu diurus cekap Text
Jangan putus semangat lawan penyakit Text
Sumatra earthquake aftermath : more than 1,000 killedText
Peluang penuhi syarat ke IPTA Text
Site management Exam Papers
Batu Pahat pemangkin kemajuan Koridor Johor Barat Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Perisytiharan oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Objectivity in valuation techniques Text
Beri maklumat benar pastikan tindakan kerajaan betulText
Kajian literatur sistem atap genting konkrit saling men Text
Beri sebab jika tidak setuju 10 mata pelajaran Text
Biosorption efficacy of gold (Au) onto oil palm trunk b Thesis
Sahut cabaran tiga hari News Paper Cuttings
Kerjasama demi mencapai matlamat Text
Kajian jarak kepala bagi pengangkutan bot ekspres di SThesis
Computer maintainance and installation Exam Papers
Fabrication of ultrafiltration membrane using addtive Journal Article
5,554 polis awasi trafik Text
Synthesis and catalytic perpormances of palladium (II Thesis
Pusat Sumber : usaha UKM bantu bimbing anak-anak Text
Compact 8x8 butler matrix for ISM band (Full text) Text
Rawatan air larut lesap menggunakan tanah bencah buThesis
Geoteknik Text
Regional and rural planning Exam Papers
Development of plasma discharge system mechanism Thesis
Suruhanjaya Air Kebangsaan ditubuh Text
Al-Ahkamal-Sultaniyyah Ofal-Qadi Abu Ya'la and Al-Mawa Conference Papers
Harga Proton diperjelas Text
Realiti Bahasa Melayu Malaysia Text
Passengers cause of plunge? Text
The central subgroups of the nonabelian tensor squar Journal Article
Hak rakyat tidak dinafi Text
Elektronik industri Text
Long term sea level rise trend in Malaysia using tide g Thesis
Jawatankuasa khas JPM pantau prestasi menteri Text
Biological control and enviromental conservation Exam Papers
Karnival Sukan UTMSpace Text
Desperate job seekers, graduates vie for chance to be Text
Leaders’ emotional intelligence and employees’Non-Index Paper
Profil personaliti rasuah Text
Investigation of integer-coefficient partial response Conference Papers
Melaka guna kimia khas cegah klon cek Text
Matlamat murni program pembangunan usahawan asas Text
Konsortium syor naik insurans untuk amah asing Text
RS untuk aplikasi oseanografi Text
Pakar perubatan Text
Penyakit tetap isu serius Text
Start sorting out and recycling your waste Text
Real estate investment valuation Exam Papers
TPM mahu media eksploitasi ICT Text
Malay films badly hit by pirated VCDs Text
Ground data collection Exam Papers
Warga USM diseru dapatkan pengiktirafan dunia Text
Faculty notice subscription system Text
Application of satellite remote sensing for detailed la Non-Index Paper
The effectiveness of vortex chamber as sediment extraText
An exploratory study on goal programming as an alter Text
Programming in operational research Exam Papers
Gaji 80,000 anggota polis naik hingga 15 peratus Text
Control systems Exam Papers
Kajian penggunaan kaedah fotogrametri terrestrial Conference Papers
Model KIPP untuk penilaian pengajaran dan pembelajaran Thesis
Penjawat awam elak penting diri Text
Sekolah asrama penuh elok ajar semula Sastera Text
Kalkulus I Text
800 bas bawa 26,000 peserta PLKN Text
Generation of energy from wind in Malaysia : laporan hText
Program Sukan Malam tangani mat rempit Text
Demand and socio economic aspects of up market conConference Papers
Kajian terhadap penggunaan perangkap sampah dalamText
Study - the effect of fibrinogen/thrombin composition Tohesis
Sesuaikah pendidikan percuma di Malaysia? News Paper Cuttings
Power quality analysis using linear time-frequency distConference Papers
Gagal selamatkan Bumi? Text
Meritokrasi tidak tindas Melayu Text
In the dark for months Text
Ex-students owe RM50m Text
Barriers for practicing BIM in facilities management in Thesis
Intelligent web caching using neurocomputing and parConference Papers
Performance investigation of DRG-03 CVT gearbox Text
Merging gap acceptance at midblock U-turn facility (a Indexed Paper
Determination of surface displacement for industrial aConference Papers
Malaysia-India strategies create trade opportunities Text
Innovative design of horse stable in tropical climate coThesis
Hidrologi Text
HFMD : 488 taska tutup 2 minggu Text
Petrol and diesel down 10 sen Text
The presence of beneficial knowledge in web forum: anConference Papers
Nano iron porphyrinated poly (Amidoamine) dendrimer Thesis
RM13b bayar pencen 559,165 pesara pada 2011 Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Fundamentals of project management Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Banyakkan buku terbaru di KLIBF 2006 Text
Mengimport ilmu melalui ITNM Text
U-oxo-bridged dinuclear iron(III) complex incorporatedConference Papers
Kos pengangkutan air lebih murah Text
13.7j pelancong masuk ke Malaysia melalui Johor Text
Optimizing PID tuning parameters using grey predictioNon-Index Paper
Gunung berapi mengancam manusia Text
Nor Mohamed ketuai terima darjah : 1,405 terima bin Text
Evidence regarding patient compliance with incentive sIndexed Paper
Critical success factors for low cost housing building Indexed Paper
Wireless electric power using coupled magnetic reso Thesis
Cabinet gives RM3b gas pipeline the nod Text
Constraint factors of commercialization innovative pr Thesis
Split pond design and the use of Nano TiO2 for storm Thesis
Mechatronic design and development of a robotic armText
Treatment and generation of electricity from palm oil mi
UM gets award for isolating Nipah virus. Text
Hasilkan penyelesaian IT sendiri : Najib Text
Kaedah pengujian tanpa musnah Text
Melayu masih tertinggi penagih dadah Text
EU grants for degree holders Text
Padi MR219 beri hasil dua kali ganda Text
All out to locate the poor Text
RM5.3b laksana projek tebatan banjir RMK-9 Text
Permohonan bagi anugerah perpustakaan cemerlang Text
Daya penarik gelombang membaca Text
Escherichia coli bacteria detection by using graphene Indexed Paper
Support vector machine for solving small dataset probThesis
Wanita nafi tidak aktif Text
Ekonomi tonggak kedaulatan Text
Military team paddles into record books Text
Government plans to lower amount of tar and nicotineText
Keimanan latih insan patuh undang-undang duniawi, sText
Precise coordinate determination of continuously operText
Splashing debate over water topic Text
Penggunaan teknologi drone didalam pemantauan pener Thesis
Discrete mathematics Text
Didik anak tentang pemakanan sihat Text
Stadium runtuh Text
Kejuruteraan reservoir Text
Pembangunan laman web penyenaraian harta tanah Text
Ketahui kedudukan anak anda sepanjang masa : peng Text
Malaysian Way secret to development success Text
Pemimpin kena dekat di hati rakyat Text
Groups see weaknesses in price-cut campaign Text
Rawatan tradisional di tiga hospital kerajaan Text
Johor Government wants to meet IGP Text
Ringgit soars to 9-year high against greenback Text
Termodinamik Text
Pinjam buku dalam talian Text
Study on master plan to start next year News Paper Cuttings
Jualan kereta berkurangan Text
Celcom yakin mampu jadi peneraju perkhidmatan teleText
Golongan tak lalai mendambakan masjid Text
BSKL kini dikenali Bursa Malaysia Text
Isu halal haram bukan sekadar tampal lambang Text
Padah amal diet barat Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Enam undang-undang akan dipinda ganti CFO Text
Port and harbour engineering Exam Papers
Pelan ekonomi 2008-2018 diterima sebulat suara Text
Write a great paper and get it published in a research Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Building Cham Vietnamese electronic dictionary Conference Papers
The development of reading readiness test in Malay Text
Ex-lecturer opens shelter for girls, women News Paper Cuttings
Agro sector needs seed, gene bank Text
Novel landscape design model system approach: monito Journal Article
A hybrid of ant colony optimization and dynamic flux bThesis
5 negeri naik gaji, Cola Text
Electric field distribution in nanocomposites containin Thesis
Kukuh institusi keluarga Text
A study of biodiesel production from crude jatropha oilIndexed Paper
BSN tegas keluar Skim Kredit Mikro Text
An ocerview of arc/info a tool-box aproached GIS Text
A multi-performance prediction model based on ANFISIndexed Paper
Overview on smes family-run local coffee shop in Malay Journal Article
Simultaneous computation of model order and paramete Indexed Paper
Exploration of fast growing Botryococcus sudeticus fo Indexed Paper
Insights from students' writing of literature review via Thesis
Study on the outward flow of turbine ventilator Text
Ramai kanak-kanak maut Text
Transformasi sistem penyampaian bermula Text
Masjid sebagai pusat bangunkan masyarakat Text
Functional analysis of microarray gene expression dat Thesis
Hydrographic surveying Exam Papers
Gajet hiburan dan multimedia dalam satu PC Text
Perilaku pengguna Text
Climate havoc : water levels at dams falling Text
Akta Pencen 2008 dilulus Text
IJN lakar sejarah Asia Text
MJIIT bekerjasama dengan syarikat jepun News Paper Cuttings
Getting HFM does not mean death Text
Malaysia tidak alami kemelesetan Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Comparative analysis of active contour and hough tra Thesis
Standard format for house eligibility Text
Friendly foods for the kids Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Adapting bronfenbrenner bioecological model at the prThesis
Penyelakuan reservoir berangka Text
Information technology project management Exam Papers
Two new courses from UTM News Paper Cuttings
Isu alam sekitar polemik besar 2006 Text
RMK-9: Sektor pengilangan berkembang 6.7 peratus Text
Information security management framewrk for intra-oConference Papers
Social learning approach in designing persuasive e Indexed Paper
Roadshow sokongan gmail di Perpustakaan Sultanah ZPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Effect of culture on urban public housing non-occupancNon-Index Paper
Banjir makin buruk 18,856 pindah Text
Draf Dasar Hiburan W. Persekutuan ke Kabinet Text
Cyberjaya terus mantap sebagai pusat ICT Text
Origami art contest Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Typherix vaksin baru demam kepialu Text
GuocoLand in bid to develop UM land? Text
Tahap penguasaan kemahiran manipulatif dan penyediaa Thesis
Beware as stroke can strike children, too Text
Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan pelajar S Thesis
Usahawan bumiputera perlu bantu sesama sendiri Text
Bahasa Perancis Text
Effect of penalty function parameter in objective functIndexed Paper
Lubrication effect of metal-on-metal in hip joint repl Thesis
Teknologi binaan 4 Text
Electrical discharge machining of silicon carbide using Thesis
Development of a low turbulence wind tunnel for the iText
A professional the new measure of wealth Text
Boost productivity to strengthen economy, says King Text
Bogged down by red tape : armed forces unable to buyText
Back to original design for new bridge replacing the c Text
Emulsion liquid membrane extraction of palladium fro Thesis
Smaller dams better Text
Ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi di kalangan pelajar Thesis
Compressibilty and young's modulus of filled joint (Pr Text
Babies die for want of vaccine Text
Syarat baru mohon guru dilaksana akhir tahun Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Pengenalan kejuruteraan gas Text
Does successful project management equates to projecConference Papers
HPTP mula operasi tahun depan News Paper Cuttings
Museum preserves Malaysia's monetary heritage Text
Sri Lanka mahu bantuan Malaysia majukan bandar Text
Rawatan kanser lebih murah : Perdana Menteri mahu Text
Quality graduates Text
PM to launch seed centre Text
More civil servants against graft Text
Rawatan awal bantu tangani glukoma Text
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
The psychographic segmentation of the unit trust invesConference Papers
Remote sensing assessment of carbon storage by urban Indexed Paper
Pulapol gets its first Chinese commandant Text
Polisi, prosedur dan rekabentuk pemasangan paip bekala Thesis
Pemeriksaan kesihatan percuma kakitangan awam dipText
Separation of farm animals Text
Bahasa tambahan diperkenal di sekolah Text
Analisis nyata Text
Malaysia antara pilihan utama graduan Indonesia Text
Hydrology and water resources Exam Papers
Skim pelupusan kereta terpakai dapat sambutan Text
Bencana banjir beri pengajaran kepada kami Text
Utility consumption among Malaysian electricity usersIndexed Paper
Bursa Malaysia perkenal penanda aras utama baru Text
USM keen to focus on medical specialists Text
English for academic communication Text
Characterization, antibacterial and in vitro compatibi Indexed Paper
Curing blood cancers Text
Sliding mode control with particle swarm optimization Thesis
4 calon cemerlang di Russia Text
Another dam in Kedah fast drying up Text
Faster tax refunds with e-filing Text
Microwave parameters for bitumen emulsion and its ap Thesis
Warisan Muzium Negara : selepas 45 tahun ditubuhkaText
5 IPTA jalin kerjasama R&D Text
Development of air traffic safety monitoring system Thesis
Kursus perguruan ikut unjuran kementerian Text
Kimia pemangkinan Text
Tindakan tegas peniaga naikkan harga barang Text
Grounding of abstract words in cognitive robot throu Thesis
Eight charged with student's murder Text
Advanced differential equations Exam Papers
Polymer technology II Exam Papers
Malaysia, Saudi Arabia to boost cooperation Text
Dynamic simulation model of beef supply chain to fulf Journal Article
Solid waste as environmental benign corrosion inhibit Non-Index Paper
Our coral reefs under threat Text
Tarnishing reputations Text
Modified Fletcher-Reeves and Dai-Yuan conjugate gra Non-Index Paper
Pengajian geografi Text
Act fast to open up more forest plantations Text
Bright prospects Text
Future direction of R and D in carbon membranes for gIndexed Paper
Teknik bedah siasat maya tahun depan Text
Hybrid fish to save seafood sector Text
Strontium sulphate scale formation in oil reservoir durConference Papers
Selecting the right trustee Text
The effects of cell-sizes,environmental conditions,and Conference Papers
Keberkesanan program latihan industri bagi pelajar peThesis
Sistem bangunan tinggi : Analisis rekabentuk Text
200 murid sekolah rendah berisiko dadah Text
Chemistry teaching method Exam Papers
Shaping Asia's e-business landscape Text
Langkah tangani kenaikan bahan binaan diumum Text
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Application of regression and ANN techniques for mode Conference Papers
Penyelesaian kamiran nyata bagi persamaan resapan ko Text
Flow modelling around propeller for a deep drafted vesThesis
Muhyiddin minta Sabah, Sarawak selesai isu ayam Text
Cloud computing for teaching practice : a new design?Indexed Paper
Load-side voltage sag assessment : hands on investigatThesis
Screening for high kaempferol content in different speConference Papers
Impact on structural behavior due to installation of bil Journal Article
Kajian terhadap masalah yang dihadapi oleh peniaga-pe Thesis
Empat langkah elak jerebu berulang Text
Coal mining prohibited Text
Contohi kesabaran Rasulullah berdakwah Text
Bank Rakyat laksana sistem islam 100 peratus Text
Mathematical methods Exam Papers
The hidden dimension of sexual harassment Text
Peranti elektronik / elektronik I Text
Matematik asas Text
Monitor use of chemicals Text
Improving shale inhibitive performance using methyl Indexed Paper
Modeling of thermal contact problem of disc brake sysIndexed Paper
A multiple information technology governance framewo Thesis
Customer perception on service quality of bank and itsThesis
Siswa UTM cipta losyen antinyamuk News Paper Cuttings
Hadiah Nobel : petunjuk pencapaian cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Jerebu di Nilai, Seremban semakin buruk Text
Adab bermasyarakat perkukuh ikatan ukhuwah Text
Financial accounting and reporting IV Exam Papers
Kumpulan kedua bengkel kik Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Intermetallic formation during soldering on EPIG and CText
Preliminary findings for Pulau Jerejak Leper Settlemen Conference Papers
Tunable morphological evolution of in situ gold cataly Indexed Paper
Langkah berkesan untuk bangunkan usahawan BumipuText
A review on enhancing the teaching and learning of Non-Index Paper
A new topology - reversing voltage - for multi level in Conference Papers
Reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna array with b Conference Papers
IRB yet to refund RM841m to the people Text
Perhitungan ukur Text
The effect of multiwall carbon nanotubes in drilling fluThesis
UPM bangunkan teknologi pembaca RFID wayarles Text
Battle lines are drawn Text
Images information retrieval using gustafson-kessel relText
Analysis of 1 ton hoist in hooks system Thesis
Simultaneous azo dye degradation and biohydrogen prod Thesis
Structural studies of magnesium calsium titanate sys Conference Papers
Usia lapan tahun sudah ketagih rokok Text
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Modal teroka cara terbaik komersial R&D : Najib Text
Some reasons why the young take to violent behaviouText
Komunisme : kerajaan pantau IPT Text
Advance notice must be given at age 56 Text
Singaporean Malays using more English than mother Text
Kinetics of bromelain in soft cheese production Thesis
Murid sekitar Skudai ikuti kelas bimbingan UPSR News Paper Cuttings
Efficiency for photovoltaic inverter : a technological r Indexed Paper
Gardasil vaksin pertama cegah kanser serviks Text
Hope for weak students Text
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Multiscale boundary element method for laplace equaJournal Article
Melaka buka 20 kuota perumahan bumiputera Text
UTM jana sumber baru dana News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa kebangsaan sebagai bahasa keadilan Text
Undang-undang tanah untuk pengurus harta tanah Text
Time – frequency profile of ligthning event prior to Thesis
Engineering mathematics obstacles and improvement:Conference
a Papers
Implementation of embedded web server for mobile r Conference Papers
BPMB tawar RM1.38b untuk projek pertanian Text
Interconnection networks for modular exponentiation Thesis
Beradab semasa di meja makan Conference Papers
PM arah segera projek Text
Pemantapan peranan guru dan kaedah P&P PendidikanConference Papers
Storing cord blood can save lives in future Text
Produk satu jenama untuk pasaran Britain Text
Comparison of normal incident sound absorption coeffic Indexed Paper
Malaysia ketuai kajian aeroangkasa Text
Technology remote sensing II Text
Dynamic modeling of an automotive air conditioning s Indexed Paper
Pelancongan seni tarikan terbaru Text
Only nine doctors for elderly care Text
A bit about prostate cancer Text
Memetic binary particle swarm optimization for discreIndexed Paper
Kad kredit baru tawarkan banyak keistimewaan Text
Sirkulasi Kampong Bharu : 118 TAHUN Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Real analysis / mathematical analysis Exam Papers
Kaji selidik tenaga kerja Text
The effects of risk management practices, risk behav Thesis
Malaysia dalam kedudukan terbaik tarik pelabur : Naji Text
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Pengurusan rantaian bekalan menggunakan MRP dan DR Text
Boost for agriculture Text
Berjaga-jaga kes selesema luar biasa Text
Reformasi sektor pertanian tepis tempias krisis makanText
USM honours Nobel laureate Text
Krisis ekonomi bukan akibat kapitalisme Text
Mekanik Tanah Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya Text
Water consumption pattern of urban households in Jo Thesis
Hadiah Nobel Keamanan gagal iktiraf perubahan duniaText
Nurturing Olympic dream in schools Text
Gravity field determination over the mountainous are Text
Johor, pasar raya kerjasama pasar produk ke luar negaText
Extra funds to fight avian flu approved Text
Modeling of fluidized-bed reactor for the production Thesis
43% of students in science streams Musa Text
Effect of surcharge on the consolidation of peat soil Thesis
Keep the momentum going, civil servants told Text
Persepsi pelajar kemahiran hidup terhadap tingkatan Conference Papers
NGOs discuss Indian issues with PM in heart-to-heart Text
Aplikasi fotogrametri jarak dekat dalam bidang arkeol Text
Fitnah, khabar angin gugat keamanan Text
The efficiency of niosome in entrapment of Andrograph Thesis
Sakit dada biasa atau serangan jantung Text
Melayu diajak utama pendidikan Text
The study of porosity characteristics of sandstone as a Thesis
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Retail petrol price to reflect world crude price Text
UTM UNISSA kaji perkembangan Islam News Paper Cuttings
Traditional medicine, herbal products a growth area Text
122-year-old prison to be turned into museum Text
Puasa bina kekuatan insan Text
PM : weÆll help teachers carry out duties well Text
Polisi rekabentuk sistem retikulasi air Text
Tegas laksanakan kitar semula Text
Magnetic field effects on the adsorption of dyes, heterThesis
BPR akui kes pengubahan wang haram semakin rumit Text
A DNA sequence design for direct-proportional leng Conference Papers
The construction and maintenance of transmission lin Thesis
Guna pakai sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) bagi pengurText
Agenda jana gelombang dakwah abad ke-21 Text
Ekonomi semasa Malaysia masih kukuh : Dr Mahathir Text
Mantapkan SMV Text
Pelabuhan Kuantan rangsang ekonomi Pahang Text
Melayu perlu mengisi bidang kritikal : Najib Text
Amaran keras redakan kegiatan mat rempit Text
Usaha Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah dalam menggalaka Text
Engineering surveying II/Ukur kejuruteraan II Text
Enam bulan biaya aktiviti kokurikulum Text
Pendidikan wadah perpaduan rakyat News Paper Cuttings
45,000 guru terlatih jalani kursus bahasa inggeris Text
A metamodel-based knowledge sharing system for di Indexed Paper
Teknologi gas petroleum cecair Text
Liabilities of the contract administrator in certification Thesis
Effect of surface morphology on the field emission proIndexed Paper
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Malaysia House - DinnerPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Elementary survey (Ukur asas) Exam Papers
Object detection and identification for waste electric Thesis
Kualiti diperakui dunia News Paper Cuttings
Customs officers to learn body language Text
Analisa sistem sukatan (MSA) dalam industri automoti Text
Electromagnetic behaviors of thin film CPW-Fed CSRR Indexed Paper
Transport economics Exam Papers
Adsorption of methane on modified MCM - 41 Conference Papers
Impact of celebrity endorsement on customers' attitu Thesis
Quality Control Exam Papers
The role of silane gas flow rate on PECVD-assisted fabrIndexed Paper
Transformasi Abu Sekam padi kepada zeolit beta : ka Text
UPSI tawar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Khas Text
Ethics of final year accounting students Thesis
Discrete spectrum of a noncompact perturbation of a tIndexed Paper
Kematian akibat denggi meningkat Text
Kemudahan ICT tidak diguna secara maksimum Text
A study of the relationship between cognitive diversityThesis
Synthesis, characterization and application of zirconia Text
Study on flash flood in Wangsa Melawati Kuala LumpuText
Analysis of water hammer with different closing valve Indexed Paper
Buang tabiat tunggu kematian Text
The influence of SS316l foam fabrication parameter u Indexed Paper
Ministry acts to curb abuse of student visas Text
Durian sejuk beku Malaysia ke pasaran Australia Text
Contemporary planning theory Exam Papers
NGV mampu tangani beban rakyat Text
Sekolah satu aliran, sukar tapi tak mustahil Text
Jangan perbesarkan isu toksid Text
RM42j sediakan Loji Pandu Kejuruteraan Kimia Text
Response of orthosiphon stamineus towards copper stThesis
Data analysis application for variable message signs usConference Papers
Naza tingkat pengeluaran Text
Selangor rancang sumber air tambahan Text
Pollution killing Tasik Chini Text
The effects of slug ratio on oil recovery using surfacta Thesis
Tidak lupa golongan senasib News Paper Cuttings
Boboiboy interactive holographic action card game appThesis
Online management system for Gerakan Belia BersatuThesis
Rekabentuk kejuruteraan geoteknik Text
Broadband users in for better service Text
Single frequency network evaluations for multimedia Journal Article
Hishammuddin to help SPM top scorers Text
Remote dynamically reconfigurable network processi Thesis
Applications of graphene and its derivatives as an ad Indexed Paper
Kawasan berbahaya : sebahagian besar Bukit AntarabaText
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Stairs to entrance Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A plant transformation vector containing the gene dehIndexed Paper
Effect of surface pretreatments on the deposition of p Thesis
Syor khidmat masyarakat jadi hukuman kes ringan Text
Digitalizing Construction Monitoring (DCM): an overvi Conference Papers
A PIC micro controller based home security cum auto Text
Jakim akan tubuh Institut Pendakwah Malaysia Text
Non technical approach to multi layered network secuThesis
Never leave your child alone Text
RM2.85b untuk 400,000 petani Text
High capacity of reversible watermarking for military Thesis
Principles of structures Exam Papers
Pakar kimia Text
LM Star dapat francais edar kereta China Text
RMK-9 : 48 diiktiraf Sekolah Perkasa Text
Effects of chitin nanowhiskers on tensile properties of Indexed Paper
Effect of filler metals on the mechanical properties of Indexed Paper
Rainwater harvesting system for paddy field at KampuThesis
Low-cost carriers seen driving aviation market Text
Malaysia dijangka bebas selesema burung Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ (Image 01) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A sketch based image retrival : areviw of literature Indexed Paper
Isu-isu pengintegrasian pengkalan data ukur kadaster Text
Thermoluminescence characteristics of zinc lithium boIndexed Paper
Striving for customer loyalty : what are the building bl Indexed Paper
Comparison of genre analysis approach and audio-linguConference Papers
Ekonomi petroleum Text
Slope stability analysis by using multiple shear streng Thesis
Ekonomi kejuruteraan dan pengurusan projek Text
Enhanced approach for evaluating information securi Thesis
LCCT under MAHB Text
Pembunuh diburu sampai dapat Text
Property worth RM21.9b sold under Govt's stamp dut Text
Does gender diversity moderate the relationship betwIndexed Paper
Monte carlo analysis for prediction of noise from a conConference Papers
Organometallic chemistry Text
Materials stockpile mooted Text
RM649m for Mara study aid Text
Consciousness and subconsciousness detection model Indexed Paper
Teachers want transparency Text
LPKP lancar operasi banteras kegiatan tipu pelancong Text
Emel dari Los Cabos, Mexico: Wartawan asing puji ke Text
Tesis pensyarah UUM diiktiraf Text
Assessment of low cost road pavements (with laterite Thesis
Dual band trapezoidal antenna with partial ground an Indexed Paper
Pembinaan jadual piawai bagi sambungan web sesiku Text
Novel compact inverted u-shaped directional coupler us Indexed Paper
Microgrid stability study Thesis
Microhardness evaluation of pure aluminum substrateNon-Index
a Paper
Senja romantis di Danga Bay Text
Construction defect analysis of insulation panels for caThesis
SPA guna ujian psikologi dalam temu duga Text
The role and significance of roof top gardens towards Conference Papers
Tugas lebih berat Text
Fizik nukleus Text
Madangones A and B : Two new neolignans from the ste Indexed Paper
Construction and project management Exam Papers
Afternoon shower clears haze in many areas Text
HMs can close schools due to haze Text
A review of iris recognition system Indexed Paper
Armed police on vessels Text
Rafidah: Ingkar prosedur punca rasuah Text
UTM's Faculty of Civil Engineering bags second VC QuaText
Pulau Pinang digesa selaras bantuan projek di Sungai News Paper Cuttings
UTM kukuh kedudukan Text
Penilaian kelengahan di persimpangan lampu isyarat Thesis
Pulse combustion of hydrocarbon fuel Text
Fuzzy logic based monitor, fault detection and automaThesis
PM : donÆt misuse 1Malaysia to make demands Text
Larangan iklan rokok kuat kuasa serta-merta Text
Heat shock protein 47 histidine 191 mustagenesis and Tt hesis
Five varsities make it Text
Improved crowd psychological model and control Journal Article
Budak dipukul hingga mati Text
Agenda basmi kemiskinan Text
Principle management Exam Papers
Standard operating procedure for tape recording and hThesis
JPJ kaji kurikulum tingkat mutu pemanduan Text
Titan Chemicals taja program dugong Text
RM25j geran sekolah perniagaan terulung Text
Pembakaran bermangkin Text
Developing world in trouble too Text
Pelbagai khasiat herba Text
Malaysia a model of harmony Text
Permohonan ke IPTA secara talian sepenuhnya sesi 2 Text
The effects of voids on the flexural properties and f Indexed Paper
Tumpuan atasi kegagalan kuasai 3M Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
A heuristic approach to the evaluation of seafloor bat Text
Lifting the lid on hospital infections Text
Elektronics 2 / elektronik 2 Text
Mesin kupas bawang menang anugerah inovasi UTM News Paper Cuttings
Further development of in-situ combustion simulator :Thesis
Pelajar kurang cemerlang, miskin tumpuan RMK-9 Text
Lack of trees to hold the soil Text
Test rig design for HCCI engine Thesis
UTM perluas teknologi halal News Paper Cuttings
Lebih 100 juta laman web telah dibangunkan Text
Mathematics for computer graphics Exam Papers
Big bucks from tourist shopping Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Masyarakat Islam perlu berdagang sesama sendiri Text
Anaerobic co-cultivation of multi-algal species with o Journal Article
UMP tubuh sekretariat cegah rasuah Text
Sektor pendidikan jadi tumpuan Text
E-learning development for MSc in operational research Text
UPM benam UTM News Paper Cuttings
An equivalent circuit model for broadband modified r Indexed Paper
My teacher, my friend Text
Flash floods force evacuation Text
Electronics 2 Exam Papers
Effects of feed temperature on pervaporation dehydraThesis
A review of snake models in medical MR image segmeIndexed Paper
Melaka lokasi tumpuan penyu News Paper Cuttings
Physical optics Text
Peluang pasaran kerja kompetitif global Text
Johor sedia 16,000 hektar hasilkan kayu mentah Text
Ethical behaviors in E-Tendering based construction p Thesis
Conflict free trajectories development for air traffic a Thesis
Hentikan keganasan terhadap wanita Text
Pengesahan halal beri kelebihan peringkat global Text
UTM royal gala dinner 2017 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kelakuan dinding galas beban tanpa bukaan dengan mThesis
Identification and characterization of bacteria from ricThesis
The development of knowledge sharing culture in the co Text
Modul program dipertingkat Text
Ministry to intensify employment training drive Text
Mengkaji kefahaman pelajar mengenai fenomena fizikThesis
Fragment reweighting in ligand-based virtual screenin Thesis
Exploitation of ICT for strategic education marketing i Conference Papers
Bantuan tambahan RM3b mula diagih Text
Asthma : preventable and can be controlled Text
Masa tunggu pesakit kini 30 minit Text
Guru gemilang : beri peluang kepada guru biasa Text
Seminar Sains dan Matematik Antarabangsa di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Cara AirAsia mencari rakan Text
BPR siasat tipu model makmal Text
Performance management framework for research andThesis de
Comparison of the effectiveness of different scale inh Thesis
Red blood cells segmentation and estimation Thesis
Skim Baucer Tuisyen gagal Text
Geometry and trigonometry Exam Papers
Business, international letters to cost more from next Text
Pinda Undang-undang Keluarga Islam jika lemah Text
Exploration of the smartphone as an input device for Journal Article
300 evacuated in ammonia cleanup Text
The complex structure of royal titles News Paper Cuttings
Non-invasive discrimination between diabetic state Thesis
Kementerian lantik juruaudit pantau pembestarian sekText
Establishment of software quality assurance system forThesis
Tadbir urus baik untuk RMK-9 Text
A 6.0GHz small printed monopole antenna for wirelessIndexed Paper
Housing practice & law Text
Malaysia mampu jadi antara peneraju industri Text
Numerical methods for boundary value problems (FulltText
Amirsham : get second job to meet rising costs Text
High speed Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) proc Thesis
Thermal performance of potted plants in mitigating in Thesis
UPM kerjasama universiti Perancis Text
A new graph-based molecular descriptor using the canIndexed Paper
Ultrasounic distance measurements using microcontroThesis
Pandu Puteri perlu jalin kerjasama Text
Struktur tanah di cerun longgar Text
Bahasa Melayu tidak sama dengan bahasa Inggeris Text
Instilling values for character building of children in e Conference Papers
Wanita perlu kenal potensi diri Text
Statics Exam Papers
Arguing case for certifying managers Text
Pembangunan seimbang perlu pertimbangan faktor keText
260 kenderaan tolak jalani ujian Puspakom Text
Shahrizat : give citizenship for babies born overseas Text
Penilaian Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) bagi Thesis
Kesedaran cegah H1N1 rendah Text
February vehicle sales up 20% Text
JAIS mohon naikkan elaun guru KAFA Text
TB top infectious killer Text
Halangan kritikal bagi keberkesanan pengurusan peny Thesis
Kajian mengenai hubungan saiz, perbelanjaan modal da Thesis
Few ministers email-friendly Text
Sistem kewangan Islam terus kukuh Text
Terlepas hutang RM376,000 Text
Penilaian kualiti air sungai di UTM : kandungan logam Text
Pasaran saham utama dunia terus merudum Text
Pengalaman berharga tanam bakau News Paper Cuttings
Enggan pamer tanda harga Text
The step-powered energy harvester ( SPEH) at sidewalThesis
Investigation of rollover performance for Malaysia busThesis
Thumbs down to electronic voting Text
UIAM dahului daftar pelajar baru 28 Mei Text
Ciri-ciri memotong di atas jalan tunggal Text
Mandarin 123 for preschooler Thesis
Titah Sultan Perak perlu jadi iktibar Text
Feasibility of A-mode ultrasound attenuation as a monIndexed Paper
Identification of On-And Off-Line Linear State Space Journal Article
Pesakit diabetes terima ijazah Text
The effect of road profile on one quarter car suspensi Thesis
Pulau penjara jadi pusat pelancongan Text
Elektrokimia Text
DFT characterization of cadmium doped zinc oxide for Ipndexed Paper
Basmi kemiskinan tidak ada tarikh luputnya Text
Tech managers keen on cabling investment Text
Pembangunan sistem perkadaran bagi tujuan penilaianText
Kunyit bantu turunkan lemak Text
Simulating mutational effects on thermal stability of c Thesis
Building second bridge to prosperity Text
Feasibility study of ultrasonic frequency application o Journal Article
Control : Analysis & Design Exam Papers
Punca air berbau najis Text
Determination of constructs and dimensions of employa Indexed Paper
Classification of stock market index based on predictivText
Lebar jambatan siap 2008 Text
Analysis of tumor growth and immune system interactConference Papers
Perbandingan analisis kerangka dirembat menggunakaText
Bumi intake up in varsities Text
Shahrir : Causeway replacement needs re-look Text
Pelan induk pembangunan sukan dirangka Text
35 mahasiswa UTM berkampungdi Mersing, Kota TinggNews Paper Cuttings
UTM naib juara pertandingan di Singapura News Paper Cuttings
Bersih: UTM ulangi amaran News Paper Cuttings
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Pemikiran akidah Imam Al-Syafi’i Journal Article
Mechanism-based reliabilty model for electronic packag Text
ATM sedia pertahan kedaulatan Text
Tourism planning Text
Menunduk musuh Islam dengan ilmu Text
Worry over social, economic development of KelantanNews Paper Cuttings
Hubungan antara kepimpinan instruksional dan iklim Thesis
Ketua jabatan diarah pastikan kakitangan bebas dadahText
Cabinet freezes dailys publishing permit indefinitely Text
Adat land laws in Malaysia Conference Papers
Aplikasi konsep dan kaedah lukisan kejuruteraan dal Text
TPM tegur program realiti : stesen televisyen kita tid Text
Sasar lahir 25 usahawan mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Centralized or decentralized - best project option (BPONon-Index Paper
Pekerja asing dikurang kepada 1.8 juta 2010 Text
Usah naik harga barang, bimbang produk keluaran nega Text
UTM pamer hasil ciptaan News Paper Cuttings
Process optimization in an injection molding company Text
Pembentukan model stereo dengan menggunakan periThesis
Perubahan corak guna tanah kesan daripada pembinaan Text
Therapeutic effects of garden : preference of ill chil Text
Eksport, pengeluaran Malaysia diramal kukuh Text
Guna bahan gantian terbaik selenggara jalan News Paper Cuttings
IPT perlu terap elemen keusahawanan Text
Prime Minister to brief Barisan partners on UmnoÆs pText
Analisis aliran lalulintas di atas jalan cerun (Preview) Text
A systematic literature review on enterprise architec Indexed Paper
HK identifies pneumonia bug Text
Food tops agenda in talks between Thailand and MalayText
Novel security conscious evaluation criteria for web s Indexed Paper
Scholarships for local PhD students News Paper Cuttings
A modified computational model of ant colony systemThesis
Reanalysing the ASHRAE RP-884 database to determineConference
t Papers
Malaysia giat bendung penyakit kuku, mulut Text
IJN perkenal teknik baru bedah pintasan jantung Text
Tindakan darurat perlu lindungi rakyat kesan jerebu Text
Amanah Saham National Berhad's : promotional strateg Non-Index Paper
For our young adults, it's too much trouble Text
Signals selection of TCSC device for damping oscillatio Non-Index Paper
General Motors masih minat dengan Proton Text
Dasar warga tua perlu dinilai semula : Abdul Halim Text
Ballistic carrier transport in a quasi-two-dimensional naConference Papers
Cheap and generic AIDS drugs plan Text
The investigation of the folding pathway of trp-cage mConference Papers
Kawalan biologi dalam pemuliharaan persekitaran Text
MAS to offer better perks to prevent brain drain Text
Australia sedia tandatangani perjanjian damai ASEAN Text
Novel fiksyen sains menyerlah News Paper Cuttings
Experimental study of motions of two floating offshoreIndexed Paper
Teknik mikroskopi Text
Mekanik tanah Text
Switch off the lights for planet's sake Text
Pusat Kegiatan Guru - Penggerak kreativiti, inovasi P& Text
Teknologi pemantauan jarak jauh tangani kegiatan curiText
Persekitaran integrasi pembinaan Text
Mobile hotel reservation system (MHRS) Thesis
Fuzzy generalized bi-г-ideals of type (λ, θ) in order Journal Article
Multimedia application development Exam Papers
21 graduan SPACE UTM terima Anugerah Medal Text
Factors influencing the selection of procurement systeConference Papers
Kajian masalah pembuangan sisa pepejal secara hara Text
Pengekalan kadar tol tidak jejaskan syarikat pengendalText
Ban on beta agonist farms Text
UTM, Cambridge in renewable energy collaboration News Paper Cuttings
Fingerprinting analysis of Malaysian pineapple cultiv Thesis
Kimia pengguna Text
HIV terus hantui dunia Text
Pindah paru-paru di IJN hujung tahun Text
Cuepacs, MTUC minta bonus 2 bulan Text
UTM hasilkan produk berasas sisa tanaman News Paper Cuttings
Stress transfer and stability of interlocking mechanis Conference Papers
Interrelationship of clinicopathological features of br Journal Article
Estimating of regional evapotranspiration for arid ar Conference Papers
Idea pemikiran unggul News Paper Cuttings
Trust monies Thesis
Central banks pump in billions to douse firestorm Text
They are Seals Text
Mahdzir angkat sumpah Rabu Text
Application of radial basis function neural networks f Indexed Paper
Temulawak, kunyit, lidah buaya penyembuh selesema Text
Ellison buka trend baru politik Amerika Text
Land scams on the rise Text
Pencirian bahan & kawalan kualiti (Materials characteriText
Mikrobiologi Text
Mengajar peserta PLKN hormati undang-undang Text
UTM should aspire for greater heights Text
Production of compost from food waste Thesis
Generic carbon cascade analysis technique for carbo Indexed Paper
Mekanik statik Text
Ergonomic factors in shoe design Thesis
Pengurusan nilai Text
Craniofacial anthropometry : the comparison of accu Conference Papers
Preferred communication channels for office building Thesis
Subsidi pekebun kecil getah diterus Text
Composite Exam Papers
Perbandingan antara perisian 12d model dengan perisText
Civil engineering works measurement Exam Papers
Building service 2 Exam Papers
Aplikasi konsep halal dalam kalangan pengusaha RestoThesis
State gives RM100,000 aid, task force to identify othe Text
Pengurusan logistik Exam Papers
Efficient motion estimation algorithms for HEVC/H.265Indexed Paper
The photochemistry of Cr (CO)6 in high pressure low Journal Article
Perpustakaan Negara ambil alih Pangkalan Data MyLibText
Kajian banjir di daerah Seremban dengan menggunak Text
Perubahan nisbah guru terbaik dalam 24 tahun : NUTPText
Factors that influence people's behavior using public t Thesis
10,000 rakyat Malaysia diusir dari Jepun Text
Mekanik kejuruteraan I : statik Text
RM2b more for each economic corridor Text
Tidak had permit perniagaan : PM Text
Principles of marketing Exam Papers
High performance of chromium recovery from aqueousIndexed Paper
Komposisi jururawat tidak seimbang dikaji Text
Harmonic load flow analysis Thesis
Synthesis of carbon modified titanium dioxide photocaThesis
MASkargoÆs ACC delivers on its promise Text
768 budak dirogol tahun lalu Text
Implikasi pembinaan loji rawatan kumbahan serantau Thesis
Memberi nafas baru pada kriket Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Hukuman jenayah syariah perlu dipertingkat Text
Modeling of photonics alcohol detector system consi Conference Papers
Pakej pembelajaran asas Bahasa Jepun (tahap 1) Text
The variation of tidal and sounding datum along SungaText
Pandu berhemah tingkat keselamatan Text
HSA lancar budaya membaca Text
High voltage testing calibration Exam Papers
Coupling effect of suction variation on riverbank stabiliThesis
Protien engineering Exam Papers
Extent of capacity loss resulting from road works Conference Papers
Diagnosis dan rawatan telaga Text
Student expectation and perception of service quality Thesis
PM : gandingan ulama, umara berjaya majukan negaraText
Sistem Kawalan Moden Text
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
First Malaysian into space Text
Tol dalam bandar Text
Pergau reservoir information system (PRIS) for mappinConference Papers
Robot UTM ke Kaherah Text
PM : Indonesia jiran penting Text
Management science Exam Papers
Fizik am II Text
Pastikan semua rakyat manfaat ICT Text
Tingkah laku dan modifikasi tingkah laku Text
Cari cara kekal bahagia Text
Najib explains stand on Indonesian TV Text
Persekitaran tidak kondusif ganggu proses pembelajarText
Analysis and enhancement of the denoising depth dataJournal Article
Ban all products with high levels of arcylamide Text
Chua suggests exam for all foreign medical graduates Text
Kajian prestasi dan aplikasi penggunaan grout dalam i Text
Development of an adoption model to assess smart caText
Free varsity education unwise News Paper Cuttings
Aplikasi penggunaan geosintetik dalam kejuruteraan Text
Lower crime rate recorded Text
Harga minyak akan turun lagi Text
14 kes baru dikesan, jumlah 105 Text
Quantum mechanics Exam Papers
Dana RM200 juta dipohon untuk IPTA tingkat R&D Text
Development of the compact RIO-based monitoring pro Thesis
Call to increase sugar output Text
Factors influencing customers' participation intentio Thesis
Device and circuit level model of carbon nanotubes fielThesis
Rabuan belum ada pengganti Text
MCA sokong kuota bukan bumiputera ke matrikulasi Text
Developing a profile of workplace written communicatIndexed Paper
21 pegawai tadbir ikuti pengajian di UTMIsmail News Paper Cuttings
Dr Zeti khidmat 5 tahun lagi Text
Television white space management scheme based onThesis
Improvement and characterization of Sabkha soil of SaJournal Article
No action yet on palm oil spill Text
Sports : as an appliance of incorporation toward MalayNon-Index Paper
Rawat pesakit dengan sentuhan profesional Text
Flexible house attributes as perceived by the end-user Indexed Paper
Review of knowledge management systems as socio-teNon-Index Paper
Visitors that Malaysia can do without Text
15,202 graduan empat IPTA terima ijazah mulai hari inText
Simetri molekul dan spektroskopi Text
An integrated theoretical framework for cloud computin Indexed Paper
Experimental and numerical study of fluidized bed comb Thesis
Information exchanges of social media evangelists duriJournal Article
Formation and breakup patterns of falling droplets Indexed Paper
Tamu selasa : UM rangka strategi raih pengiktirafan a Text
Jimat minyak, elektrik untungkan negara, individu Text
Pembangkang tetap perlu : Dr M Text
Antara dua pertarungan di Kelantan Text
CPRC terima 102 kes H1N1 Text
Pendekatan menarik disediakan : Fong Text
Move to improve literacy rate in Malaysia Text
Seni bina Islam serlah identiti unik : binaan kubah sen Text
Facilities management relevant competencies for MalaIndexed Paper
Pay rise for civil servants depends on productivity Text
Syarat ketat jadi majistret Text
Sedimentation rate at Setiu lagoon using natural radi Thesis
Rujuk masalah bekalan air bersih kepada Felcra Text
Sistem penarafan reputasi lonjak prestasi IPT Text
Parameter study of ionized nanosilver recovery from Indexed Paper
Development of online speed trap system (DOSTS) (FullText
Going all out to bridge the digital divide Text
Kesihatan awasi apa yang anda makan Text
Laboratory evaluation of horizontal coefficient of consol
Facts about pneumonia and influenza Text
Dua IPT kaji jadikan Endau-Rompin warisan dunia Text
Mahkamah Harta Intelek beroperasi akhir tahun Text
1,000 tan sisa toksik dikeluarkan Text
Fizik semikonduktor Text
Isu perihal wanita topik utama persidangan kesihatan Text
Pengurangan bekalan ayam reaksi biasa Text
Curi kereta : permintaan alat ganti tinggi Text
Dunia Islam kena rasional Text
Evaluation of Brazilian test under solid and ring disks uThesis
Maybank tawar biasiswa ke IPT Text
Optical front - end receiver structures for free space o Conference Papers
Only associate professors for dean's post, says UUM viText
Enough is enough, Indonesia Text
High impact projects to help rural schools Text
Perasaan menguasai minda antara punca kemalangan Text
Sembang Sarjana: Bahasa Melayu tidak terpinggir: Kar Text
Terminal minyak sawit Bintulu dijangka siap Jun Text
Effects of physical punishment on young adults' psych Thesis
Liga bola jaring MASUM Text
Rekabentuk sambungan tiang konkrit pratuang ke penText
Silaturahim terputus akibat dibelenggu sifat mazmum Text
Bersama banteras denggi Text
Tiada subjek ajar seks : pelajar hanya diberi pengetah Text
Wanita mudah terdedah anemia Text
Kod cegah gangguan seksual dalam Perintah Am Text
Fahmi Bahri, Siti Sri Dalimah atlet terbaik UTM 2010 News Paper Cuttings
Bina semula kekuatan umat Islam : Najib Text
New link to cost RM1.1bil Text
Stimulating the senses Text
Radzi : no clash over Foreign Workers Bill Text
Mamogram pantas kesan barah payu dara Text
All govt clinics to get Tamiflu Text
Akhlak dan tasawuf Exam Papers
12 juta tenaga kerja diperlukan Text
Clicking up expensive calls Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Fast handoff scheme for vehicular Ad-Hoc network (V Thesis
Ceroboh hak orang lain ancaman baru Text
Intuitionistic fuzzy approach in enhancing image of fla Indexed Paper
Strategic framework for road maintenance managemeThesis
Japan firm offers RM3m grant to UTM News Paper Cuttings
Wabak menular di AS, Eropah Text
Ejen buru peminjam Mara tahun depan Text
Battery operated portable motorized car jacking syste Text
Sindiket jadi ejen tawar kad pemgenalan palsu Text
Pasar tani mega diperluas Text
Musim damai di rantau Asia Text
Four initiatives to boost nationÆs ICT industry Text
Dynamic modelling and system identification of an offsThesis
Analytical investigations of gas-sensor using methane Indexed Paper
Bangun modal insan Text
Telefon 4G : bersediakah anda? Text
Study of a novel method for single cell stiffness mea Thesis
Assessment and correction SRTM DEM with reference Conference
to Papers
Halal food potential in MÆsia Text
Kajian dedah pasangan enggan jaga ibu bapa Text
Lex arbitri and seat of arbitration Thesis
Kelulusan FIC lebih cepat : format baru proses permo Text
Natural gas storage valuation based on observable gasThesis
Makanan kafe IPT mahal Text
Dilema pesakit dewan bedah tidak siap Text
Titas Exam Papers
Influence of gating system, sand grain size, and mould Conference Papers
Financial Accounting I Exam Papers
Modeling in an optical tomography system using differe Indexed Paper
Storan & pengagihan gas asli Text
Remote sensing bagi aplikasi atmosfera remote sensingExam Papers
Sistem gred untuk PBT Text
Building an ethical corporation Text
Microstructure and corrosion resistance of welded supe Thesis
Parents blamed for jobless disabled Text
Dasar dikaji kurangkan kos buku Text
Convenience for adults at OUM Text
Malaysia expects China to play key role at summit Text
Program KIA2M atasi 390,794 gagal baca, tulis Text
590 pengedar digantung sampai mati sejak 1952 Text
Remote sensing untuk hidrologi dan sumber air Text
Kerajaan sasar kurangkan 50 peratus kemalangan mauText
Nilai indeks kebebasan akhbar Text
Ops Sikap sepanjang tahun? Text
Wajib PBT wujudkan jawatankuasa selaras bahasa MelText
APEC 2005 : PM to meet Bush in bilateral talks Text
Managerial communication Exam Papers
Kastam guna 3G kesan perisytiharan palsu Text
Pemodelan sistem agihan air dengan menggunakan peText
Awasi kepialu Text
Perihal perkara remeh dan hak asasi manusia Text
Pernah jadi pembantu profesor di Cornell Universiti Text
Characteristics of narrow bipolar pulses and negative re
Board reviewing plans for higher public transport char Text
Synergizing an ecosphere of lean for sustainable operaIndexed Paper
800 hektar untuk tanaman herba Text
LHDN lewat bayar balik RM648.70j lebihan cukai Text
Process synthesis and optimization of a sustainable intIndexed Paper
Formulation of hybrid membrane layer by using PVA/ch Journal Article
AS pantau pelabuhan asing termasuk di Malaysia Text
Transport geography Exam Papers
Lahirkan lebih ramai tenaga pakar, teknokrat Islam Text
UTM to take in roomless IIU students News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kos Text
Peranan, kompetensi dan elemen teras untuk jurulati Thesis
Penyuburan semula pendidikan Text
200 preman di lokasi jenayah Text
USM menabur bakti di Riau Text
Teaching creativity through ‘dramatic activities' News Paper Cuttings
Shear buckling of trapezoidal web plate (Preview) Text
Cuai urus rekod kerajaan akan didenda Text
Effect of physicochemical parameters on starch degra Thesis
An evaluation of privatization in land development in Text
Furthering studies regionally Text
For now, the highway killings will go on Text
Comparative study on the behaviour of buckling restraIndexed Paper
Online furniture sales support system using augmentedThesis
Konsep halal perlu ke peringkat global Text
e-undi terbukti berkesan Text
PM arah siasat Astro - Kadir Text
Guidelines on sex education finalised Text
Malaysia risau trend negara maju kuasai maklumat Text
Agama naikkan semangat juang : Seri Paduka mahu waText
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
Skudai site now UTM main campus News Paper Cuttings
Pembolehubah kompleks Text
Pengoptimuman Text
Pengupayaan dalam pengurusan sekolah: satu tinjauanConference Papers
4 sub NKRA pendidikan Text
RM9.6j beli mesin pengimbas kesan toksik Text
Vinyl-silica-titania material derived through sol-gel fo Thesis
Temporal and spectral features of lightning generated Tvhesis
Index selection engine for spatial database system Thesis
A development of byod risk assessment metamodel Thesis
Labelkan had umur pengguna Text
Zainuddin gets a pleasant surprise Text
Intellectual property awareness low Text
Hubungan antara konsep kendiri dan gaya keibubapaaThesis
Pastikan empat subjek utamakan jati diri pelajar Text
Particle swarm optimization & gravitational search alg Thesis
Konsep caretaker government : di mana peranan SPR Conference Papers
UPM, Kustem hasilkan vaksin radang paru-paru Text
Sustainability & environmental management in constr Exam Papers
Arahan kerja rumah tak bebankan pelajar Text
Plagiarism detection using graph-based representationNon-Index Paper
Malu bertutur, tidak yakin diri punca kegagalan pelajarText
Kelahiran Islam ubah sikap taksub asabiah Text
BPR hanya laksanakan tugas : PM Text
Comparison between BS 5950 : part 1 : 2000 & eurocode Text
Limit on liquid, gel in air travellersÆ hand luggage Text
Set theory and logic Exam Papers
Mutiple perspectives of open source software appropriThesis
OIC nations invited to try Islam Hadhari Text
Two UiTM campuses closed over flu Text
Design of stand alone solar system with consideration Thesis
Fibre Bragg grating sensor system for temperature appJournal Article
Three-dimensional model database for space utilizationThesis
Boulevard Putrajaya - Lokasi menemukan rakyat MalayText
Application of zeolite-activated carbon macrocompositIndexed Paper
Special units for women and disabled athletes Text
Unit berkuda cegah jenayah Text
Merealisasikan kemiskinan sifar Text
Perbezaan kesan penggunaan bat sofbol jenis aluminiuThesis
Globalisasi tuntut ulama kuasai pelbagai ilmu Text
30,000 pesakit jantung setiap tahun Text
Pelajar bumiputera di luar negara kurang Text
Jambatan lurus bukan bengkok : Shahrir Text
Pelaksanaan program pembangunan profesionalisme Thesis
Untung TM melonjak Text
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Minimizing structural parameter of thin film composi Indexed Paper
System architecture, behaviour and optimisation Exam Papers
Digital signal processing I Exam Papers
Performance assessment of a solid desiccant air dehumJournal Article
Pengurusan kualiti Text
Malaysian legal and administrative system I Exam Papers
Reliability modeling of mircoelectronics assembly Conference Papers
Penyelidikan pemasaran Exam Papers
Kapal selam kedua negara dilancar Text
VW bekal komponen kereta nasional Text
Microstructure analysis and toughness effect on weld jText
Peranan DBP dipersoalkan Text
Investigating the blood compatibility of metallocene Thesis
Tidak boleh lagi mohon kerakyatan Malaysia Text
Relocation attempt turns ugly Text
Pelaksanaan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah di seko Thesis
Tingkat aplikasi teknologi dalam industri kreatif News Paper Cuttings
Sultan Iskandar tepikan protokol Text
59pc households spared Text
A development of a web-based application system of Thesis
Memperluaskan fungsi dana zakat Text
Tumble motion studies in a small two-stroke engine Text
Relationship between degree of compaction and shearText
Introduction to finance / pengenalan kewangan Text
Shape up, Liow tells staff Text
Open building system towards functional sustainabilityThesis
Menyuburkan semula Dasar Pandang Ke Timur Text
Puspahanas pusat rujukan penyelidikan pertahanan Text
Broadcasting Services coexistence with IMT-advanced Conference Papers
The effect of perporation injection strategy under s Thesis
Agro sector a goldmine worth RM6b, says PM Text
Development of direct to indirect cost ratio of occupa Indexed Paper
A hardware implementation of Rivest-Shamir-AdlemanText
Social Network Site (SNS) appropriation process in famIndexed Paper
Digital electronics 2 Exam Papers
Sistem perhubungan wayarles Text
Fault detection accomodation and isolation for paper miText
Khalid beri jaminan News Paper Cuttings
Influence of rainfall on roundabout capacity Thesis
TLDM galak anggota tingkat tahap intelektual Text
Determination of epoch length and regression model fJournal Article
Sistem pengurusan PSM I bagi Jabatan SKK secara atasThesis
USM comes awooing postgrad students Text
Study on static and dynamic analysis of truck chassis Conference Papers
PM : GDP poised to keep growing Text
66 calon tawarkan diri rebut 56 kerusi MPP UTM News Paper Cuttings
Penggredan baru SPM mudah pilih pelajar cemerlang Text
Kempen saban tahun gagal perkasa bahasa Melayu Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk struktur sambungan keluli meText
Perceived image of chinese tourists on Malacca world h Thesis
VIP sasaran buruan LHDN : gagal bayar cukai pendapa Text
Sifat kehausan nanokomposit aluminium yang diperkuat Text
Jati diri - Tentukan masa depan negara Text
30 peratus markah kokuriulum ke IPTA Text
Collaborative timesheet management system (Full textText
A proposed framework for nature-based tourism destinJournal Article
Green synthesis of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles usIndexed Paper
Sorotan dua dekad politik serlah pelbagai keanehan Text
Extremely low frequency magnetic field measurementThesis
Driver's decision model at an onset of amber period atIndexed Paper
Biomechanical evaluation of fracture construct for fractThesis
Potential materials for food packaging from nanoclay/nIndexed Paper
Malaysia bakal bangunkan kereta perisai Text
Genggam 50 universiti terbaik News Paper Cuttings
7,000 guru besar berpeluang naik gred Text
Getting leaders to end child abuse Text
Jakim syor larang program hiburan ketika waktu solat Text
Sindiket jual kereta curi Waja RM2,500, Wira RM1,50 Text
Velvet glove mode Text
Graphical user interface of pollutant concentration di Thesis
Application of activity based costing for manufacturingText
Bahaya jika rakyat diberi terlalu banyak harapan Text
Gamification factors for supporting student engagement Thesis
Aktiviti kokurikulum menjurus ke taraf global Text
Penjara akan perkenal penandaan elektronik Text
USM cipta bahan asas ubat kurangkan sakit jantung Text
Pra-Pemprosesan pengecaman aksara jawi bercetak diThesis l
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Program IPT wajib senarai di MQA Text
Manfaat teroka angkasa Text
JPA perlu ganti proses kerja lapuk Text
India tawar Malaysia buka taman teknologi Text
Distributed information dispersal approach in cloud stoThesis
Legasi unik mata wang Text
Fong jawab isu cuti bersalin Text
Membangun personaliti unggul Text
Synthesis and characterization of novel sulfur-functionIndexed Paper
Pembolehubah kompleks (complex variables) Text
Kuasa Jakim perlu diperkasa Text
Pengalaman kriteria utama kurangkan kemalangan Text
Flood flow characteristics and bed load transport in Journal Article
Monitoring elevator using PLC and SCADA system Thesis
Leadership Lecture Series by President of Toray IndustrPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Experimental investigation of wood wool cement boarText
Effect of crumb rubber on concrete strength and chloriJournal Article
Ke arah meningkatkan sinar kegemilangan ilmu falak s Conference Papers
Kerajaan benar sawit dicampur dalam diesel Text
CAP warns of melamine tableware Text
Weather downtime and its effect on fishing operation Text
209,675 peluang kerja untuk rakyat tempatan Text
Khaled tells private colleges: Gold mine in technical coText
Felcra syarikat antarabangsa jalin kerjasama perluas p Text
Industri sarang burung layang-layang penyumbang ut Text
Skop: Kakitangan tidak profesional gagal pulihkan pen Text
Deodorizing morinda citrifolia (mengkudu) strong odorJournal
j Article
Cloud seeding in hazy areas Text
Treatment of hydrological missing data : filling the mi Text
Ekonomi negara diunjur 5.8% Text
Ahmad Fairuz nafi 112 kes majikan tak selesai Text
Rekabentuk terperinci dan analisis struktur kompone Text
Malaysias measures to restore confidence Text
Biodegradation of low concentration of monochloroacet Conference Papers
Melahirkan majikan di kalangan siswazah Text
Mechanism of IMC growth during non-linear solder re Text
UTMSpace tingkat kredibiliti UTM News Paper Cuttings
Strategi pemasaran Text
Working with India on space technology Text
SBaja tingkat keluaran padi Text
Usahawan pertama Sarawak guna teknologi ikan hibri Text
Structure and construction II Exam Papers
Non-invasive blood glucose measurement using tempeIndexed Paper
Sistem perhubungan optik Text
Wawasan varsity to run school out of KL centre Text
AP Issue : Rafidah backtracks Text
Prediction of students' performance in e-learning e Thesis
Pengurusan pemindahan teknologi Text
Kaitan antara sifat ultrasonik dengan kekuatan mampaThesis
Kimia organik I Text
JPA rujuk amalan peringkat antarabangsa Text
Fahami epilepsi Text
Adoption model for Iran e-government services from tThesis
Teleskop Webb bakal ganti Hubble pada 2014 Text
Ijazah kembali 4 tahun : langkah lahirkan siswazah penText
Cuepacs galak petugas rendah kerja sampingan Text
Penyelidikan lestari bandar News Paper Cuttings
Probe terrorists minds, says PM Text
Buck- up, food Producers told Text
Jerebu semakin pulih Text
Privatisation of water supply may be put off Text
Pembelajaran dewasa Text
Musa pinpoints causes of racial strife in the U S News Paper Cuttings
121 projek rumah dipulih Text
Analisis sumberjaya dan pengenalan gis Text
Cabaran globalisasi ke atas warga pendidikan di MalayText
Assessment of supply chain strategies and analysis on Journal Article
Fiber tip temperature sensor based on michelson inte Thesis
Pendidikan percuma mampu capai sasaran keciciran siText
Design and development of a small water tunner for caThesis
Kimia kakisan Text
Jenama tentukan daya saing Text
Lihat penarafan THES sebagai cabaran positif pada IPT Text
Penyelidikan produk dua IPTA terus cemerlang Text
Modeling of time of arrival method for lightning locat Indexed Paper
Proton perlu teroka pasaran `niche' motosikal Text
IPTA ambil pelajar ijazah pendidikan ikut ketetapan k Text
Menangani agenda global dan memenuhi tuntutan sosiText
Guru bahasa Inggeris : mampu tambah pendapatan le Text
Budget 2006 : RM2.8b boost for farmers Text
A model of behaviour intention factors on social mediaThesis
Causes of delay in government construction projects inThesis
Experimental investigation on short interlocking block Thesis
Service quality by a facilities management company in Text
Preliminary study of CdTe and CdTe:Cu thin films nan Indexed Paper
Biotech collaboration between UTM and Dutch varsityText
Pembelajaran masa depan - mobile learning (m-learninConference Papers
Sistem pemproses mikro Text
Pastikan pengajian tak terabai News Paper Cuttings
Automation of petri nets simulation Thesis
Ask less, smile more affects security, says Radzi Text
Stress level and its influencing factors among seconda Conference Papers
Program basmi kemiskinan ubah nasib rakyat Terengg Text
Effects of chitosan concentration on the protein relea Indexed Paper
Pekerja asing hanya isi kekosongan kerja Text
Pengalaman komunikasi interpersonal antara pensyarah Thesis
Comparison of water level measurement performanceJournal for Article
Improve perks, urges Cuepacs Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Pembangunan perisian latihan keselamatan berbantukText
RM120m expansion for Malacca airport Text
Penggunaan masjid dan persekitaran sekolah dalam a Conference Papers
Kaedah perolehan dalam industri pembinaan MalaysiaThesis
Hubungan etnik Text
E-services at local authorities Text
Effect of volumetric joint count on rock slope stability Thesis
Gantikan AS daripada peranan selesai isu Palestin News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah agama negeri model terbaik Text
Rural-urban migration and regional policy peninsular Ma Text
Synthesis of heterocyclie chalcones and their novel pyrThesis
Minister keen to turn ICT job fair into an annual affair Text
Warga kampus UTM dilarang terbabit politik Text
RM1 billion to keep our team in F1 races Text
Lawatan pemimpin galak kemasukan FDI Text
Hidrologi Text
Arthritis tulang belakang tidak ada ubat Text
Kajian keberkesanan enapcemar teraktif secara konve Text
KL seeks South Korea's support Text
Modeling effective connectivity in high-dimensional corIndexed Paper
Pengaruh kekuatan konkrit ke atas gayalaku sambungan Text
Perbandingan di antara kaedah kelangsingan ikatan r Thesis
Kadir : air more unity programme Text
Minimum wage gaining ground Text
Organic chemistry : functional groups Text
Organisasi komputer dan bahasa himpunan Text
Tall building system: analysis and design Exam Papers
Meeting national rice demand with high-yield seedlingText
Analisis status kualiti air dan kesesuaiannya untuk Thesis
Optimization of cellulose acetate hollow fiber rever Indexed Paper
Sustainable tourism planning and development Exam Papers
Kafe francais wujud budaya lepak sihat Text
Musa: English use not a policy reversal Text
Bioteknologi Text
Utar seeks to enrol more Malays, Indians Text
Hon : School tours will soon be authorised by local de Text
Maleic anhydride polyethylene octene elastomer tou Conference Papers
Syabu punca utama jenayah meningkat Text
Investigations of asymmetric non-premixed meso-scal Indexed Paper
Pengurusan & ekonomi gas asli Text
Biofuel bidang kerjasama baru KL, Tokyo Text
Analisis keberkesanan pelaksanaan 5S : kajian di FakultThesis
Visualization and centrality measurement of social netIndexed Paper
Physical chemistry I Text
Understand knowledge workers in using KMS for knowNon-Index Paper
Production of high bromelain pineapple (ananas comosThesis
Aktiviti kokurikulum pada hari sekolah 2006 Text
Luar bandar lengkap kemudahan asas 2015 Text
Positif ujian dadah : Amirul digantung dua tahun Text
Contractor selection at prequalification stage : curre Indexed Paper
Bersepadu basmi jenayah Text
Syarat ketat bank sekat rezeki peminjam tulen Text
Sistem analisis prestasi akademik murid : Sekolah Keb Text
Islam tuntut ummah waspada penyebaran penyakit Text
Water tree simulation on medium voltage of undergroThesis
Kids saved in nick of time Text
Malaysia to benefit from space project Text
Ceramah Amalan Hidup Sihat Oleh Pegawai Kesihatan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Johor Sultan to launch book on royal customs and tradNews Paper Cuttings
Ministry help sought over water revenues Text
ATM, perisikan luar saling bekerjasama Text
Effect of surface pattern formation on membrane foulin Indexed Paper
Proton needs foreign partner Text
Liquid crystal phase shifter Thesis
Aduan orang ramai bantu perbaiki kelemahan Text
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
KWSP pastikan RHB patuhi dasar pelaburan Text
Diagnosis dan rawatan telaga Text
Police retirees in Sarawak find it hard to make ends m Text
Fatini mahu karyawan seni jujur persembah kisah seja News Paper Cuttings
Factors affecting customer satisfaction of the wi-fi servJournal Article
Kriteria baru bantu warga miskin Text
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Kadar mendapan tanah melalui kaedah buang dan gantThesis
Pendekkan proses kelulusan harta intelek Text
Engineering properties of high volume biomass waste Journal Article
Cheaper medicine could just be fakes Text
The effect of eccentricity at beam support to beam stiffText
No need to pay for NRDÆs error Text
Usahawan perlu ubah minda ali baba, sleeping partnerText
5,467 graduan UTM bakal terima Ijazah, Diploma News Paper Cuttings
Quantifying scheme for detection heterogeneous phase Non-Index Paper
Sektor hartanah dijangka berkembang pesat Text
Tambahan kursus di universiti News Paper Cuttings
Carbon balance impacts of land use changes related toIndexed
t Paper
Maybank sedia pembiayaan khas bagi PKS bidang IT Text
Tambah saintis, jurutera Text
Mesin turbo Text
Reference pulse CNC interpolator based on enclosing lText
Kabinet arah tanah rizab kerajaan dipagar Text
Ranking THES-QS tidak tepat Text
Pengurusan projek teknologi maklumat Text
Doctors, nurses take supplements too Text
Bendung rasa marah menerusi sabar Text
Biological psychology Exam Papers
Removal of ethyl orange dye using activated carbon deThesis
Johor Bahru bakal jadi bandar raya tanpa wayar Text
Proposal to limit vehicles in KL Text
Media usah ghairah dedah aib orang Text
11 laman web, blog disekat Text
Dua kes kematian di Kelantan tiada kaitan JE Text
Anak pemandu lori terima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja Text
Factors that lead to incompetencies among property Thesis
Monsoon Cup jana ekonomi Terengganu Text
Complications diagnosis women men treatment preveText
Web advertising : the effectiveness of banner AD (FulltText
Parametric study in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) steThesis
Abdullah garis tiga strategi biofuel nasional Text
Development of a new sound quality metric for evaluati Indexed Paper
MBA courses : managing innovation Text
Pengeluaran hasil ladang, kilang Espek melonjak Text
Mechanical and thermal properties of halloysite nano Thesis
Toxin in baby food: Chua orders probe into claims Text
Bantuan : sistem e-Kasih tentukan kelayakan pelajar Text
Syor bina jambatan lurus hubungi Singapura-Johor Text
Applications of Computer in Chemistry Exam Papers
Second dyslexic kids centre opens Text
Mediating role of organizational cynicism in relations Indexed Paper
USM universiti pertama lantik Dekan Penyelidikan Text
Fill up for less : lower petrol, diesel prices to help poo Text
Metropolis : the making of a world-class Text
AFTA : ramai masih buat tanggapan salah Text
RM5m for flood victims Text
Penyelesaian adil atasi masalah perumahan Text
Time series Exam Papers
A survey of hand gesture dialogue modeling for map nNon-Index Paper
Problem/project based lab for 4th year electrical engi Conference Papers
Biodiesel trial runs to start next year Text
Perlis kesal UiTM pindah fakulti Text
Fatwa harus menderma organ Text
PM offers Malaysia as a peacemaker Text
10,000 rakyat Malaysia mati setiap tahun Text
Pemudah tangani kerenah birokrasi Text
Kebimbangan kerjasama nuklear News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kos Text
Harga barang keperluan mahal Text
What the universities must employ Text
MTUC : banyak cuti umum jejaskan produktiviti pekerjText
Dua kementerian bantu 80,000 graduan tak kerja Text
Effects of shear rate and forced convection residenc Indexed Paper
Risk based contingency ranking of a power system Thesis
Maklum balas tak sesuai emosi juga mendera Text
Mara peruntukkan RM1b lahirkan 59,000 usahawan Text
Construction site management Exam Papers
Cabaran mengurus pembinaan kampus News Paper Cuttings
Piagam ASEAN mengesahkan pendekatan cara ASEAN Text
Kerajaan akan terus perkasa sekolah kebangsaan : AbdText
An inquiry-based simulation-supported approach to assis Thesis
Lima pelajar UTM bertuah News Paper Cuttings
Pasar raya besar dakwa bekalan ayam kurang Text
Pengesanan dan dosimetri sinaran Text
Android application for child with learning difficulties Thesis
The single step converison of methane to gasoline overText
Sasaran sejuta pelancong China jika e-visa dilulus Text
UPM sasar 30 ikuti sarjana, PhD bahasa Arab Text
Biosains, bioteknologi - UKM kini di hadapan Text
Introduction to build environment Exam Papers
Keupayaan galas tanah liat lembut bertetulang mengguText
Asas penilaian program Text
YBJB peruntuk RM60,000 biasiswa pelajar menengah, Text
The effects of liquid environment on ablation efficien Indexed Paper
English competition for Science, Math teachers Text
Harga siling perisian komputer sukar ditetapkan: Piko Text
Mechanical properties of rice husk filled impact modifiText
Proffesional engineering practice Exam Papers
Cargo inspection soon to protect the straits News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
Influence of angle thickness towards stiffness and stre Indexed Paper
Systematic framework for sustainability assessment onIndexed Paper
3D model reconstruction from multi-views of 2D imageIndexed Paper
Factors affecting tourism Text
Pindaan kanun tanah tertinggal dana pampasan News Paper Cuttings
Ethnic relations module : one course, one nation Text
Air kencing tak terkawal memalukan penghidap Text
Hukuman pemberi, penerima rasuah sama Text
Skim Perlindungan Saksi diperkenal tahun depan Text
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Air tanah sumber minuman, pertanian, industri Text
Investigation on the applicability of response surfac Thesis
Bajet proaktif Text
Komputer riba : bukan hak milik kekal Text
Industri automotif negara berdepan cabaran getir Text
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Kandungan minyak sawit dalam biodiesel dikurang Text
Muhasabah diri sempena Hari Guru Text
Amendment will cut down time Text
Permintaan rumah kediaman dijangka meningkat tahuText
Study of air flow characteristics on the controllable he Thesis
Guna SMS lapor disiplin pelajar Text
Wanita antara 4 calon angkasawan berjaya ke Russia Text
State of civil service : too few, or bloated? Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Imaging of solid flow in a gravity flow rig using infra Text
Shafie : resolve credit card charges issue fast Text
Hortyculture and nusery Exam Papers
Kerajaan perlu gubal Dasar Pengiklanan Negara Text
Basic digital VLSI Exam Papers
Kestabilan/hayat storan adunan minyak bahanapi (absText
Bottom-up approach of teaching classical thermodynam Conference Papers
Vanila diperkenal jadi tanaman komoditi baru Text
New levies and rules for foreign workers Text
Atmospheric dispersion analysis for potential radiolog Thesis
Principles of business continuity management Exam Papers
Frequency agile antenna integrated with band pass filtThesis
Govt officers face music in a week Text
Language assessment and training support system (LATConference Papers
Pemuda anggap Australia tiada semangat kejiranan Text
Mufti calls for law to govern practice of black magic Text
Najib mahu swasta turut bantu golongan kurang upay Text
833 polis tambahan ronda 11 kawasan panas Text
Pembinaan perisian multimedia pendidikan berasaskanConference Papers
Keselamatan data : sejauh mana syarikat melindungin Text
Keberkesanan pengurusan keselamatan di tapak bina Thesis
Tiada lagi ikon pelajar cemerlang SPM Text
Student‘s perspectives regarding e-service quality Thesis
Tak boleh elak bayar caj IWK Text
Eksport biodiesel sawit tahun lalu 182,108 tan Text
Behaviour of bolted beam to column precast contrete C c onference Papers
Pak Lah : we need to build a more flexible workforce Text
Evaluation of quality and performance of fishing port Thesis
Physical and catalytic activity studies of nickel oxide Text
Dasar atasi kegawatan digubal Text
Preparation and performance of plasma/polymer compIndexed Paper
Kajian pengudaraan semulajadi di sekolah menggunakan Text
Master plan to chart growth o£ Perlis News Paper Cuttings
A production performance measurement technique using Thesis
Growth will continue, says Pak Lah Text
Malaysia leads other OECD nations in productivity gro Text
Carbon nanotubes for desalination: performance evaluIndexed Paper
Remaja KL terbabit jenayah serius Text
Statik Text
E-Propalm : sistem penilaian kos pengeluaran sawit MaThesis
Double population multi-relaxation time Lattice Boltz Thesis
Computer based deaf hearing simulator Thesis
Only 20% of waste is rubbish Text
Perak to develop highland resort project News Paper Cuttings
Investigation of film cooling effectiveness enhancemenIndexed Paper
Important human resource competence for HR managers Journal Article
Pregnant woman dies but docs save baby Text
Permata realisasi 1Malaysia Text
CHOGM kurang menjadi Text
Hospital to screen all flu patients Text
Buku panduan Hubungan Etnik dibentang ke Kabinet Text
Masalah pengubahsuaian kediaman persendirian Thesis
Examining the relationship between emotional intelligThesis
Intensif untuk guru pakar luar bandar Text
Portal pengurusan penempatan pelajar sekolah renda Thesis
Tahap dan perbezaan keupayaan mental primer merenta Text
Pengenalan komputer Text
Terus sokong GLC Text
Program pertanian intensif Sarawak berkembang Text
Design and development of mimo antenna for point-to- Thesis
Dua projek KL, Singapura dalam Iskandar Malaysia Text
Development of computer software for determinationThesis of
Mendalami masalah keganasan kanak-kanak Text
Statistics Exam Papers
Data modelling for GIS based saturation excess overla Conference Papers
Rural Planning Exam Papers
Percepat hantar pekerja : TPM Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Text
Hubungan antara tahap ganjaran ekstrinsik dan tahap gThesis
LHDN perkenal e-refund 2009 Text
Pelihara khazanah alam - Tengku Mahkota Text
A modular structured multilevel inverter active power Cf onference Papers
PPB Oil looks to expand Indon estates Text
A single-network ANN-based oracle to verify logical s Conference Papers
Studies on fouling by natural organic matter (NOM) onIndexed Paper
Quick! buy that new car now Text
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Tanah Melayu abad ke-18 Journal Article
Multiband printed slot meander patch antenna for M Indexed Paper
Graduan PhD warga emas meningkat 12 peratus News Paper Cuttings
Cancer is not one disease Text
Maybank catat keuntungan kumpulan RM2.38 bilion Text
Naza keluarkan kereta ala Peugeot 206 dikilang RM1b Text
Kebakaran bertambah buruk Text
Distributed optical-fibre strain sensing in reinforced c Indexed Paper
Pengurusan pelancongan Text
Masuk ke politeknik dipertingkatkan Text
Credit card bankruptcies on the rise Text
Opposition confident of winning Stulang seat News Paper Cuttings
Tubuh koperasi agro, rintis para petani bina kilang tin Text
Sistem sekolah vokasional, teknik dirombak 2008 Text
Sistem maklumat tarian tradisional Malaysia Thesis
Putera Andrew puji Malaysia Text
Pelajar berpeluang kembang bakat Text
Bahasa Inggeris penting untuk bersaing Text
Pembangunan perisian antaramuka bagi menganalisis Tkhesis
Ceramah amalan hidup sihat oleh pegawai kesihatan dPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Second generation bioethanol potential from selected Indexed Paper
Cuepacs teliti cadangan Skim FPB Text
Empat kriteria dapatkan status MSC Text
Pembangunan sukan IPT Text
Malaysia ænegara tuaÆ pada 2035 Text
Perzim tuntut peluru meriam zaman Belanda Text
UTM, MIT bakal bangunkan sistem pengajaran Blosso News Paper Cuttings
Pusat pemuliharaan muzium pertama di rantau Asia T Text
Mesin elektrik Text
Malaysia dijangka mampu capai sasaran pertumbuhanText
Thailand perlu komited Text
Mid-water trawling study Text
Lembah Bujang dinaik taraf Text
Scientists see us as bio-diversity keepers Text
Asymmetric hollow fiber membrane coated with polydim Indexed Paper
Second-hand clothing shopping among Universiti Tekno Thesis
Zero voltage switching buck converter Text
Characteristics of creative students based on academ Thesis
Ilmu yang bermanfaat perlu dicari Text
Straits users urged to help littoral states Text
Environmental hydraulics and hydrology Text
The effect of petrol and diesel on high density polyeth Conference Papers
Harapan rundingan Hamas-Israel News Paper Cuttings
Pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar Sekolah Tunas BaThesis
Refractive index sensor based on hollow-core photonicThesis
Multiple regression analysis and its application to valuaText
Aturcaraan C Text
Privacy and behaviour management model for social nThesis
Partial diferential equations Exam Papers
A new case-based reasoning approach in computer-aide Thesis
Lawatan sambil belajar pelajar Sekolah Kebangsaan J Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Removal of reactive dye with flat sheet supported li Thesis
MDC tambah 15% perbelanjaan proses lonjakan kedu Text
Kanak-kanak sumbing berpeluang dibedah betulkan keText
Curi elektrik : TNB rugi RM9j Text
Removal of reactive dyes from aqueous solution by modi Indexed Paper
Penggunaan data jenis tanah dan gunatanah dalam peni Thesis
Tarbiah anak bermula dalam kandungan Text
Yayasan Raja Zarith Sofiah Jana dana menerusi pelabu News Paper Cuttings
Pahang pertingkat usaha atasi gangguan air Text
Promosi pelancongan minat khas Text
Bumiputera Sabah, Sarawak lebih miskin Text
Rapatkan jurang Matematik antara pelajar wanita, lelaNews Paper Cuttings
Upsi mohon tawar sarjana muda bukan pendidikan Text
USM, 2 firm to undertake research in pest control Text
Malaysia berpotensi sebagai pusat pelaburan Text
More go for notebooks than desktops Text
Program lawatan penandaarasan 5s ke Perpustakaan Tu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sistem penyelenggaran pokok ladang kelapa sawit "G Thesis
RM1 bilion naik taraf jalan kampung Text
Pameran Keranda di Muzium Negara Text
Lima pendaki UTM pulang ke tanah air News Paper Cuttings
Hill folks seek PM's intervention Text
Surfing for more on Pulau Redangá Text
USM scientists come up with vaccine for two types of Text
More incentives for male teachers Text
Malaysia berpotensi jadi pusat hasil ubat Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Pullman Hotels and News Paper Cuttings
Panglima : jadikan TUDM berwibawa Text
Wish list for Education Blueprint Text
Rekabentuk berkomputer jambatan konkrit prategasa Text
Mach-zehnder interferometer (Preview) Text
Steroid focusing by micelle collapse in micellar elect Journal Article
Space distruktur semula Text
Sistem pendidikan alami perubahan selepas 2010 Text
Use of mind-mapping and flashcards in vocabulary de Thesis
Synthetic wastewater treatment by using microbial fuelThesis
Pelaksanaan prosedur 7 hari proses dalam kelulusan Thesis
The visual pattern of integrated spaces for Chow Kit Thesis
Keluasan Batu Puteh hanya separuh padang bola sepa Text
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Masalah dan halangan penggunaan kontrak 'partneringThesis
Assessing statistical reasoning in descriptive statistics Indexed Paper
Foreign students worth RM4b to us Text
Permata seeks 50 gifted pupils Text
Programming / pengaturcaraan Text
Dilema tahanan profil tinggi Gitmo Text
Country free of bird flu, says ministry Text
Residential housing development in kurdistan region gThesis
Strengthening method and structural performance of Indexed Paper
Global 'ice' plant melted Text
UPSR 2005 : slightly better results Text
The effect of cavity configuration on synthetic jet actu Thesis
Sistem pakar penyakit kulit bayi online Text
Marine technology education for the changing Malaysia Text
Aktiviti Pembukaan UTMRS Di Kolej Vokasional Kota TiPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Taiping prisoners chip in to help tsunami victims Text
Matematik untuk juruukur II Text
Lima peratus majikan terlibat kes gangguan seksual Text
Melayu tak ghairah urus perniagaan Text
Energy analysis for building (Abstract) Text
Evaluation of palm oil combustion characteristics by u Indexed Paper
Alternative views on optimal urban planning model anIndexed Paper
English for excellence in education Text
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Numerical modeling of eigenmodes and eigenfrequencie Indexed Paper
2005 growth to top 5% Text
UTM, MIT jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Inceif, varsity in pact to promote education in Islamic Text
Usaha sama hasil vaksin Text
Geosains asas Text
Revision to Maths, Science plan completed Text
2,098 pembeli rumah hadapi masalah buat tuntutan Text
Miti jamin dasar 3 agensi kekal Text
Juices that can reduce dengue fever Text
More economic growth corridors to be launched Text
Geological study and mining plan importance for mitigat Journal Article
Productivity assessment and schedule compression inde Text
Analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Hishammuddin boleh selesai isu guru : NUTP Text
Academy to spur love for reading Text
Novel dual-band B-shaped printed monopole antenna Indexed Paper
Johor plans committee to review tourism efforts Text
Syarikat gergasi diminta latih usahawan runcit Text
Sistem maklumat pemantauan dan penyelenggaraan Text
Kurikulum sekolah rendah dikaji semula Text
Projek jambatan bermula : kerja-kerja ganti Tambak J Text
Flow profiles of channel confluence (Preview) Text
Generasi muda dibangunkan dalam pelbagai kepakaraText
MAS sasar kurangkan 6,500 pekerja : Idris Text
Royal Mint keluar lima jenis dinar emas Text
Introducing environmental management system withinText
Analisis dan rekabentuk tembok penahan Gabion Thesis
Rock strength assessment based on regression tree te Indexed Paper
Major boost for higher education : going big (Ivy) Leag Text
Pembelian Su-30 MKM naikkan imej pertahanan udaraText
Business plan to help low-wage earners cope Text
246 juta budak jadi buruh Text
Thursday D-Day News Paper Cuttings
Syor sidang percepat bantuan bencana alam Text
Usaha cegah ragut digembleng Text
Satelit Pyongyang ancam keselamatan dunia? News Paper Cuttings
Only marine police can provide escort Text
Ministry denies forcing deaf students on vocational sc Text
Ministry mulls NS for teachers Text
Business to consumer trust model for e-commerce in SThesis
Effects of Montmorillonite and electron beam irradiat Thesis
IMF sifatkan perbankan Islam kita terbaik di dunia Text
100,000 kunjungi Danga Bay seminggu Text
The technical efficiency analysis of Malaysian contain Thesis
Medical ultrasound power measurement system usingIndexed Paper
Kestabilan pesawat Text
Focusing on security Text
Parallelisma : trend mega komputer masa depan Text
A comprehensive study on fast image deblurring technNon-Index Paper
Enhancing anomalies traffic detection in grid using su Thesis
LINKORD : link ordering-based data gathering protocolIndexed Paper
Lawatan sambil belajar tingkat kualiti graduan Text
Perkhidmatan bot ekspres sebagai mod pengangkutanThesis
Ziarah orang sakit dikira kunjungan wajib, ganjaran be Text
Analisis struktur Text
Next generation Pap Text
Application of bulbous for malaysian fishing vessel Text
A model for adoption of cloud services for University Thesis
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
First Malaysian in space : angkasawan to inspire schoolText
Container stacking and retrieval prototype simulation Text
Synthesis, characterization and morphological study ofThesis
Pandangan panel mengenai sistem penilaian keselamaThesis
Perancangan strategik Malaysia perlu bertunjangkan aText
Isu pengambilan anak angkat perlu difahami Text
Computer based learning adoption model for teachersThesis
24-hour ATMs to be installed in police stations Text
Acquisition and manifestation of competence among M Thesis
Assisted and opposed mixed convective nanofluids flow Indexed Paper
Partial differential equations Exam Papers
Politeknik, kolej komuniti wajib adakan pilihan raya k Text
Performance of dielectric properties due to the presenc Thesis
1.5 juta pelancong Indonesia kunjungi jualan Mega 23 Text
Mendaulatkan bahasa kebangsaan Text
We'll distribute economic wealth fairly, vows PM Text
Toll charges likely to go up in the coming years Text
Resource-driven scheduling : barriers to implementation Text
Kerjasama dengan Asia Timur ditingkat Text
Dasar ekonomi ikut cara Amerika melingkupkan dunia Text
Load distribution in edge-stiffening beam of a simply s Text
2.5 juta kerja baru Text
Industri penerbangan rangsang sektor pelancongan Text
Don : Race Relations Act needs more thought Text
æUsah tunggu disuap, cipta peluang pekerjaan sendirText
Permodelan air ribut dan air larian di kawasan tad Text
Vanadium oxides doped porous titania photocatalyst Thesis
Gelagat pengguna hadapi harga barangan Text
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Parking payment system using RFID and GSM Thesis
Semi-automated segmentation of leukoaraiosis in bra Thesis
Malaysia kekalkan unjuran KDNK Text
Deadwood dons in UTM Text
PM lancar pelan RM802 juta tingkat pengeluaran padi Text
Water quality data observation and management for SText
Instrumentasi & pengukuran Text
Kekurangan guru BI tidak serius Text
Kenaikan tarif air tidak dilakukan automatik Text
Business statistics Exam Papers
Cita rasa pengundi Cina News Paper Cuttings
Crisis prevention IMF's top priority Text
Naik taraf Sekolah Bestari ditumpu di luar bandar Text
Development of analytical probabilistic model param Indexed Paper
Pemintaan kemahiran profesional meningkat Text
Ramadan sinonim bulan penyucian rohani, fizikal Text
Village in school feel for Orang Asli students Text
Pengguna harus guna hak Text
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FT Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Humble kerepek business goes online Text
Tarif kereta import tetap dikurangkan selepas 2005 Text
Application of PROMETHEE method for demand side mJournal Article
Association between ergonomic risk factors and musculo Thesis
Skin this! Text
Aging behaviour of compocast SiCp/AZ91 magnesium Text
Kimia am II Text
Near surface mounted bamboo reinforcement for flexuJournal Article
Mechatronics systems design Exam Papers
Guru diploma di Taska, Tadika Kemas mulai 2011 Text
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals using low Text
Pasaran harta tanah kediaman berdasarkan implikasi Thesis
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize an ass Thesis
A review of thermal stress on zincoxide surge arrester Thesis
Numerical simulation of synthetic jet actuator design Thesis
Jadikan perawatan gigi industri lumayan Text
Child model size and mesh refinement effect to the resConference Papers
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Why process oriented guided inquiry learning should Conference Papers
Kimia fizik II Text
Investigating the relationship between learning Engli Thesis
Acoustics and ultrasonics Exam Papers
The use of standard form of domestic subcontract in MText
Coalition of 21 NGOs formed to fight child abuse Text
Ibu kuat membaca jadi contoh kepada anak Text
Pegawai awam kena komited Text
Offline handwritten arabic writer identification using Thesis
Keadaan HFMD belum darurat Text
Bonsai lebih berusia semakin berharga Text
Development of clothes ironing machine Thesis
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Charge coupled device based on optical tomography syst Indexed Paper
Diskaun gas industri naik Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Realigning HR to new realities Text
A bus every 15 minutes in Klang Valley Text
Heart sound monitoring system Indexed Paper
Medan quake causes tremors in cities here Text
Laporan akhir projek pencampurtulinan petrol (abstrakText
Costly drugs prevent proper cancer treatment Text
Peluang lanjut pelajaran kursus kritikal di IPTA pentin Text
Ozone water treatment system for aquaculture applicaThesis
Ensuring smooth flow of water for the future Text
Kesedaran masyarakat mengenai hidupan liar penting -News Paper Cuttings
Pertubuhan peladang diberi lesen beli padi Text
1.2m face eye diabetic risk Text
Unimas team wins Maxis challenge Text
A study of macro economy in determining the commerci Text
Ulama pewaris nabi perlu berani memperkasakan Isla Text
e-Kehakiman bantu tingkat kendali kes di 410 mahka Text
The factors that influence on adoption of cloud compuThesis
Halal hub boon for industry but R&D also vital Text
Cabaran ekonomi dekad baru Text
Kejuruteraan gas Text
Tourism product planning Text
Proton tembusi pasaran khidmat R&D Text
Highly commercial fisheries tawar fish: molecular ana Journal Article
Housing needs and preferences based on maslow,s mot Thesis
Closure of hospital : ACA probes causes Text
Malay sign language gesture recognition system Conference Papers
Pembuli siber ancam pengguna internet Text
Fire resistance testing on a gypsum composite mixtureThesis
Tak usah lulus projek ingkar Text
PM : Aeroangkasa jana RM25 bilion Text
Mustapa, Azmi janji beri khidmat terbaik Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
Usaha pelihara warisan mesti serius Text
Kedah bekal air dikenalpasti Text
Xylitol production of recombinant escherichia coli im Thesis
Guru diberi surat tunjuk sebab jika murid gagal 3M Text
Identifying creativity engagement among nigerian chil Indexed Paper
Malaysia's first desktop CNC machine News Paper Cuttings
Pioneer Novell course for 7 colleges, varsities Text
Battery modelling for hybrid electric vehicle’s appliThesis
Berhati-hati tangani isu bahasa Text
Seeking fresh trade winds Text
æTiada hak mengadu jika gagal bayar cukaiÆ Text
Bid to attract more specialists in public hospitals Text
ACA on right track in tackling graft Text
Earth analysis of IBS for single storey housing (Full textText
Pelarasan garis panduan dalam prosedur penyerahan Thesis
Sistem e-tiket permudah penumpang bas Text
A new holistic framework for design of cost effectiv Text
JAS kesan tumpahan minyak hitam Text
A tutoring system for engine : living skills subject (Pre Text
Q-parameterization controller design for a class of DC Thesis
Kajian terhadap tahap penggunaan CUL-DE SAC dan jalThesis
Managing asthma Text
Mystery flu: Johor working with Singapore Text
Teknologi binaan II Text
Temperature and water level measurement of liquid inJournal Article
Influenza A : high rise in just a week Text
Optimized distance for non-damaging in laser cleaningIndexed Paper
Krisis makanan global bukan masa cari untung Text
Dilema loji nuklear di Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
All hospitals must report medication errors, says D-G Text
Wujudkan pelan struktur News Paper Cuttings
Garis panduan peraturan disiplin wajar dirombak Text
Crimean war 2005 : we want quality doctors Text
Mathematical modelling for degradation of water polluThesis
Rumah Haji Mohamad Jali permburu buaya Text
Kerajaan perkukuh MSC jadi hab industri ICT Text
Penang government plans to take over public transporText
A dynamic bayesian network-based model for inferringIndexed Paper
Kajian universiti perlu diperluas Text
Technology supported face-to-face collaborative knowThesis
Development of camera calibration software using b Conference Papers
250 pelajar sertai Seminar SPM anjuran UEM Land News Paper Cuttings
What a spread : a study pinpoints genetic drivers of lu Text
Hardware implementation of multiple fan beam project Conference Papers
Pendidikan tinggi perlu seimbang News Paper Cuttings
Membudayakan tabiat suka membaca Text
Malaysia tumpuan pendidikan antarabangsa Text
Hubungan di antara gaya kepemimpinan dengan tahapThesis
Cuepacs, JPA perlu cari penyelesaian isu peperiksaan Text
Application approved Text
Teknologi pillowtube tanam bakau jaga pantai Text
Demokrasi tidak patut menyusahkan rakyat Text
Synthesis and characterization of phosphotungstic acidThesis
Penurunan harga sawit tidak jejas peladang Text
Setarafkan sivil, syariah Text
Prinsip akaun Text
TNB lantik kontraktor dibenar kementerian Text
UTM guna alat pengimbas 3D News Paper Cuttings
Statistik Text
Automatic kidney volume measurement based on ultr Thesis
Tougher to become a teacher next year Text
English, Quran lessons for RM1 Text
Prestasi UPSR luar bandar kian baik Text
Antenna and propagation Exam Papers
Optoelectronics Exam Papers
Kos bina projek LPT2 dijangka naik RM2.3b Text
Performance measurement and reporting Exam Papers
Kerangka I Text
Community planning and housing Exam Papers
Hybrid markerless augmented reality tracking method Thesis
Teori dan prinsip perancangan Text
Expert : bird flu still a threat Text
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
IPT diberi kuasa laksana sendiri nilai akreditasi Text
Problem resolution process to avoid disputes in partneConference Papers
Arbitration Exam Papers
RM158m to upgrade intensive care units Text
Engineering mathematgics 3 Exam Papers
Physical Optics Exam Papers
Kekal pencapaian Text
Association to push for prisoner exchange Text
Tutup ruang penyelewengan urus dana awam Text
Link-up option for Singapore Text
Affordances of home-school journey as a play and learThesis
Motorists let self-centredness get in the way of drivingText
60% cut in electricity use Text
Project estimating Exam Papers
Production of hydrogen from ammonia borane Thesis
Electrical tracking degradation of polymer material witThesis
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
Pakej SME start-UP tawar pembiayaan, pembangunan Text
Malaysias corporate captains turn master salesmen Text
Penerimaan orang asli terhadap program pelanconganThesis
Scientometric assessment of Malaysian engineering resThesis
Comparative study between ester based lubricants andThesis
Testing information security management system toolThesis
Need for better laws to defend children's rights Text
Kampus canggih : UPSI sasar 25,000 pelajar Text
Syarat baru mohon permit teksi Text
Perancangan Text
Kehebatan saintis wanita Islam perlu diperakui Text
Muzium Sejarah Kota Tinggi dibuka 1 September Text
Pelabur asing dibenar miliki ekuiti 100 peratus Text
Kesan pertumbuhan pusat membeli belah pinggir banda Thesis
Kawal berat, kekal bentuk badan : Sempena Hari Jant Text
Projek pertanian Johor dapat sokong Pusat Text
Sukatan pengajian: UTM sangkal dakwaan MEF Text
Flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (S Text
Bertindak cepat selesai isu: Malaysia, Indonesia ambi Text
Kurung, kebaya : mengangkat martabat songket Text
Pelaksanaan konsep peraturan kendiri dan pensijilan kThesis
Lokasi optimum cerucuk gantian akibat kegagalan sat Thesis
The cultural landscape values of a nupe community in Thesis
Improving the insertion loss of traffic noise barrier in Thesis
NS trainees have to get clean bill of health first Text
Teachers canÆt use mobile phones in class Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - BATC Resource Centre (ImPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Menukar lampu jadi pembersih udara Text
Pusat baru matrikulasi Text
PDRM mahu tubuh universiti Text
Analysis of household water-based paints for forensic Conference Papers
Implementation and integration of high frequency mesText
Sedia hadapi serangan kedua H1N1 Text
Pak Lah : SMEs can play a role Text
Penagih internet alami tekanan jiwa Text
236 calon dapat prinsipal A semua mata pelajaran Text
Light weight concrete in construction for sustainabili Thesis
The long road to tariff hike Text
Construction Safety Exam Papers
Autonomous network selection strategy for telecardioJournal Article
LITS tingkatkan hasil pekebun kecil getah Text
Asrama 1Malaysia tahun depan Text
Melahirkan tenaga mahir ASKB Text
Metodologi pengumpulan data dalam penyelidikan kuali Conference Papers
Statistik dan penyelidikan operasi Text
Fizik optik Text
Experimental and numerical investigations of biogas Indexed Paper
Rangka kerja objek pembelajaran boleh guna semula: Journal Article
65,000 jawatan perlu diisi : kerajaan anjur Pesta Ker Text
Pre-treatment ammonia removal of scheduled waste leJournal Article
The influence of community attachment factor on williThesis
Generasi berilmu pacu negara capai status maju News Paper Cuttings
Perbandingan di antara teknik pemprosesan masa hakThesis
Finite element analysis of mandibular fractures with rigConference Papers
Teknologi fitokimia Text
Quantification of chlorine and hydrogen chloride in air Non-Index Paper
Tanam herba dalam kampus News Paper Cuttings
Pengenalan kepada pembinaan Text
Taubat, muhasabah diri ubati penyakit rohani Text
Royal Commission to review police force Text
Extraction of rubber (hevea brasiliensis) seed oil usin Thesis
Manufacturing process / Proses pembuatan Text
Kaunseling Islam perlu institusi khusus Text
Your lifeline's in your waistline Text
Malaysia short of engineers Text
KL, Jakarta berunding : sepakat elak ketegangan isu s Text
Water level measurement by using ultrasonic sensor Thesis
Manufacturing processes Exam Papers
A reverse engineering process to support software de Conference Papers
Promote health tourism to sustain profits, private hospText
UTM universiti sulung miliki EMC ZAMANEE News Paper Cuttings
Wave height modelling using surfer 8.0 Thesis
Langkah hadapi serangan kedua SARS Text
Kemiskinan, buta huruf negara Islam perlu ditangani Text
Skim baru guru Tabika Kemas Text
Mengesan perubahan kawasan pembangunan menggunak Text
Syor CCTV di sekolah : memorandum ketiga kementerian Text
Kepuasan pembeli rumah terhadap penggunaan kompo Text
The study of handwriting character recognition (HRC) Conference Papers
Kenaikan gaji perbaiki perkhidmatan awam Text
AbdullahÆs baby, a super corridor in south Johor Text
UTMSpace anjuran seminar 'Untukmu Lelaki' Text
36 graduan UTM terima diploma, ijazah hari ini Text
RM500m letdown : MyKad's many other roles go abegText
Pelancongan catat tukaran wang asing RM21.1 bilion Text
Ensuring supply of potable water Text
Keusahawanan Exam Papers
EPF chief sees ample opportunities for fund Text
Seven percent GDP growth on target Text
Organizational culture for knowledge management actiThesis
Membrane fouling in microfiltration of sanitary landfillIndexed Paper
Ikhlas petua Zamir cemerlang Text
Intelligent mining multi dimensional association rules Text
KL-Singapura meterai MoU tingkat pendidikan Text
The effects of nominal maximum aggregate size on theText p
Foreign workforce down by 200,000 Text
Influenza A (H1N1) : Few takers for free vaccines Text
Parametric study on Fanno flow and normal shock wave Thesis
Quantitative methods and planning Text
E-marketing Exam Papers
Bank Rakyat bayar dividen 15.5 peratus Text
Kedatangan pelancong meningkat 7.5% Text
Bluetooth transceivers for full duplex communicationsText
Tahap kefahaman guru mengenai konsep jirim Thesis
Drop balik kampung mindset, soldiers told Text
Malaysian with WSJ bags Pulitzer Text
Fuel price cuts to ease burden Text
Penuntut cemerlang UTM lawat Australia Text
Pintu kecil ke taman rahsia Text
Construction technology III Exam Papers
More Malaysians getting dialup access Text
Peruncit Bumiputera perlu berdikari : PM Text
Proposing a conceptual framework on factors to develoJournal Article
Sains bahan Text
Design and behavior of welded connectons for tubularrThesis
The finite element modelling of glulam tropical timbe Journal Article
Real-time implementation of feed rate active force cont Journal Article
Sektor pembuatan cepatkan pertumbuhan Text
Late approvals affect morale Text
Perlindungan urus niaga siber Text
Behavior of short rigid pile in sand under uplift loadingText
Study the behavior of laser plasma in longitudinal magn Conference Papers
Pastikan tiada riba dalam caj PTPTN Text
Effect of ball milling of fly ash particle size on foam st Journal Article
Aerial, sea hunt for pirates Text
YTL pilih UTM lancar Kedai Peranti 4G News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Banyak aduan tahanan diseksa Text
Jabatan kerajaan diberi tempoh empat minggu lulus News Paper Cuttings
Wear and tear among reasons for leaking roof at Parl Text
Errant drivers beware! E-cameras will track you Text
Penang Global City Centre to stimulate socio-economi Text
Coherence in environmental policies among Iskandar Ma Thesis
Malaysia destinasi pelaburan terbaik Text
Malaysia lacks scientists, lags in research facilities Text
Kaji semula lesen pelajar asing Text
The simulation of the direct torque control of perma Text
UPSR luar bandar menyaingi sekolah di bandar Text
Jambatan baru banyak kelebihan Text
A study on second language learning and motivation Conference Papers
JI recruiting off campus News Paper Cuttings
Supplementary exam tracking system (SETS) (Preview)Text
Glaukoma jejas penglihatan Text
Assessing perceptions towards public bus service amonThesis
Control of materials on site (Full text) Text
Pelaburan hartanah Islam Text
Impact of construction waste minimization at constructJournal Article
Eye therapy effects on visual stress based on electroe Indexed Paper
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk loji Text
Pembangunan perisian berasaskan objek pembelajaranThesis
Circuit theory II/Teori litar II Text
Pembangunan bandar II Text
Computational fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Pengadilan kes jenayah berat patut dipercepatkan: RaiText
Kaunseling islam Text
English for professional communication Text
Tidak perlu syarat Mandarin Text
UTM highly regarded Text
DPM : students must improve command of English Text
The potential health hazards of chronic exposure to lo Indexed Paper
Kaji punca cerun runtuh Text
An improvement in support vector machine classificatio Journal Article
Lecturer makes her mark in ICT Text
Tangani gejala merokok : Sempena Minggu Tanpa Temb Text
Civil servants opening stalls must get green light Text
Kes barah meningkat Text
Malaysia perlu bangunkan tenaga suria Text
Tahap kesedaran ergonomik dalam kalangan operator Thesis
Groups want Govt to check rise in premiums Text
Safer toys in the near future Text
Kemudahan infrastruktur asas utama majukan ummahText
How WTO talks will affect us Text
Negri trying to ease water woes Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air & airsisa Text
Lawatan PM ke Itali tingkat kerjasama dagang, pertaniText
Juruukur swasta atasi segera hak milik tanah Text
Chemical engineering thermodynamics Exam Papers
Assessment of health hazard due to natural radioactivitIndexed Paper
Agensi pertanian diingatkan elak pembaziran Text
Bank Negara projects rise in nationÆs economic growText
Stochastic groundwater flow a case study in Pontian Thesis
Design of roof ventilation system for harvesting electriThesis
Improving communication skill Text
Bah : TNB alami kerugian RM10j Text
Harga produk petrol naik dua sen seliter hari ini Text
Berita Harian now a top-seller Text
Menjamin masa depan Malaysia Text
Optical couplers based on wet-etch processing of ben Conference Papers
Automated construction project progress monitoring sText
Public Bank sekali lagi dipilih bank terbaik Text
Kilang lupus sampah mesra alam Text
APEC untuk ekonomi : PM : tolak usaha negara maju Text
Prestasi pembakaran minyak jatropha sebagai bahan ap Journal Article
Sifat penebatan haba terma bagi bata tanpa bakar Text
Why campaigns and initiatives fail Text
Ozone Treatment For Wastewater From Chicken Proces Thesis
Swasta diminta peruntuk sehari setahun bagi programText
Vehicle equipment selection model for preliminary desConference Papers
RM1b for healthcare staff training Text
Performance testing on effective microorganisms in tr Thesis
Tiga atlet judo julang UiTM News Paper Cuttings
Storage stability of a-tocopherol extracted from heat Non-Index Paper
The impact of capital structure and internal governa Thesis
Syura cara terbaik melerai kekusutan sosial Text
Unitar plans four branch campuses in Indonesia Text
UKM, UPM cemerlang dalam penyelidikan Text
Exploring psychographic traits in tourism maketing: cauJournal Article
Antena fabrik rekaan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Struktur pesawat terbang II Text
Three key criteria to succeed Text
Transaction cost analysis in redeveloping indigenous l Non-Index Paper
Transport safety Exam Papers
Isolation and identification of starch degrading micr Thesis
Kurikulum IPTA disemak semula Text
Analysis of laterally loaded pile in layered soils Thesis
End-of-life product performance by using of design f Thesis
PBT pastikan laluan joging, riadah selamat Text
Perubahan guna tanah jejas kawasan tadahan air Text
Tidak patut benarkan kapal nuklear AS di Malaysia Text
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Kepayahan lawan Inggeris Text
Perodua sedia peruntukan RM60j Text
Keyakinan kontraktor China Text
Kakitangan HSK teruskan tugas Text
Kerajaan kaji semula Skim Perkhidmatan Polis Text
Industrial automation & robotics / Pengautomatan indu Text
Nanas mampu berikan pulangan lumayan Text
Business mathematics Text
Petronas buka 54 stesen NGV Text
CAT terjemah Web BI Text
Characterization of acrylonitrile grafted onto pineappleConference Papers
Jadikan penyelidikan budaya untuk kemajuan MalaysiaText
Fund offers RM3b in study loans Text
The financial burden of living with thalassaemia Text
Foreign workers have paid for legal services Text
Kesedaran pertolongan cemas di kalangan pelajar IjazaThesis
NGO, kesatuan yakin pakej berkesan jana ekonomi Text
Perceived service quality and its relationship with satisThesis
Kualiti kehidupan staf akademik di Universiti Teknolog Conference Papers
Salah siapa anak muda rakus di jalan raya? Text
Teach astronomy in schools Text
Jangkitan pundi kencing Text
Demand side management through energy efficient teText
Religious bodyÆs approval required Text
Old hands will only teach, guide officers Text
Dynamic and thermodynamic analysis of film-cooling Indexed Paper
Kawalan mutu dan metrologi Text
Anatomi & fisiologi manusia Text
Government has no plans to control price of fertiliser Text
Raise awareness with cartoons Text
Operasi berkesan dan penyelenggaraan loji Text
Ciri keselamatan rumah kebajikan ditingkat Text
Development of defect-free and hyperthin-skinned asyText
Dialog selesai kemiskinan Melayu Pulau Pinang Text
Malaysia model UNDP majukan perniagaan PKS Text
Dunia alami iklim baru menjelang tahun 2100 Text
Ternakan haiwan pengurusan sistematik wujudkan eraText
Jualan kenderaan 2005 dijangka capai rekod baru Text
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
A comparative study of linear ARX and nonlinear ANFISIndexed Paper
A cloud-based teaching framework : an introduction Indexed Paper
No dengue outbreak Text
Penyediaan kemudahan di stesen-stesen LRT bawah tan Thesis
Bilangan penagih baru bagi tempoh 7 bulan turun 40 pText
Pintar way to retain our gifted kids Text
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Teletek Centre (Image 0Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Comparison of bond stresses of deformed steel bars e Conference Papers
Fotogrametri Text
Singapore : case not admissible Text
CHOGM minta negara maju fleksibel dalam sidang WT Text
Major mitigation measures for delays in construction pConference Papers
Kenaikan gaji patut dorong motivasi pekerja Text
Operasi gempur 1 Mac : Malaysia, Indonesia sepakat Text
Schools nutrition scheme to be reviewed Text
Introductory academic english Exam Papers
Power to halt green damage Text
KLIA terbaik dunia 2006 Text
Mathematical analysis Exam Papers
Women not forbidden from sports Text
Kempen budi bahasa permulaan positif ke arah pemb Text
Multimodal interaction for map navigation based on v Thesis
Study on the performance of two topology multilevel iJournal Article
Keganasan rumah tangga virus masyarakat Text
Assessment of radiological health from ambient enviroIndexed Paper
Episiotomi bantu kelahiran sukar Text
Kursus Pengacaraan Di PSZ UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Public transport gaining popularity Text
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Understanding employees' second prospective concepText
Sustainability assessment for biodiesel production vi Indexed Paper
Makalah Kawan sesuai jadi bahan rujukan Text
Application of field programmable gate array to gener Thesis
Arahan jauhi riba Text
Optimization of process parameter setting for distribu Thesis
SPRM kuat kuasa 1 Januari Text
Sekolah diminta ikut garis panduan cegah influenza A Text
Numerical differential equations Text
Mengaplikasikan perbincangan berkomputer mengguna Text
5 isu dibincang pertemuan PM-Cuepacs esok Text
Vending machine intelligent dispenser system using miThesis
Portable micro hydro electric system Text
Cost estimating Exam Papers
Pengusaha santan raih pendapatan lumayan Text
59 penuntut UTM tawan Gunung Arong News Paper Cuttings
Gain enhancement in L-band EDFA by splitting EDF int Text
Teachers from US to coach students Text
Pelajar PhD, pensyarah UiTM menang anugerah antar Text
Dearer fuel hits fishermen Text
Risalah Muhammad transformasi hapus perhambaan Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Open source software appropriation in Malaysian publiConference Papers
Dua juta terjejas Syabas tutup loji air Semenyih Text
A systematic review of intervention to reduce musculoJournal Article
Persatuan risau pelajar keliru Text
Intermediate accounting II / Perakaunan pertengahan TI ext
Finite difference methods for partial differential equatExam Papers
Supply chain strategies and competitors' priority in Thesis
Hubungan antara amalan kerja amali dengan pencapaia Conference Papers
Mechanical and shrinkage properties of hybrid steel a Journal Article
Budaya membaca amalan harian Text
Control systems (sistem kawalan) Text
Semua pihak mesti bantu kerajaan atasi kemiskinan teText
Mengembalikan kekuatan bangsa Text
Ops Sikap X bermula 23 Januari Text
UTM Skudai sudah sedia anjur SUKIPT News Paper Cuttings
Town that grew and grew News Paper Cuttings
Architecture practise/management Exam Papers
Keberkesanan shassic dalam industri pembinaan di Sa Thesis
Performance of worldwide interoperability for microwText
Gas asli kini sumbang 80% penjanaan kuasa Text
Seven ærat urineÆ cases, one death Text
Niat ikhlas bantu pekerja capai kecemerlangan Text
Kes denggi seluruh negara makin serius Text
TPM garis 3 langkah pastikan projek siap Text
Strategi metakognitif pelajar dalam penyelesaian soal Thesis
Kaji semula sistem saliran di Parit Stan Text
New prisons to ease congestion Text
A novel optical single-sideband frequency translation Indexed Paper
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
Teori Kawalan Asas Text
Melamine-Laced Milk : Ministry to release test results Text
Persidangan kebangsaan IKS fokus produk baru Text
Swasta diminta aktif pacu sektor tani Text
MRR2 dibuka, dijamin selamat Text
Kursus falak syar'i di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Flying cheap from KL to London : budget flights expectedText
Temerloh Bakal bandar industri Text
Just too much ado over race Text
Khazanah and Pinewood in RM400mil studio project Text
KWSP lulus RM277.5j ansuran rumah Text
Herba tongkat ali, pegaga peroleh tiga paten antaraba Text
Geoteknik Text
Pelajar miskin dibantu Text
Using MyKad for Singapore entry Text
Estimation of temperature and electron density in sta Indexed Paper
Risk ranking of Malaysian public private partnership prIndexed Paper
455 lokasi nahas maut Text
Landasan elektrik Johor Bahru-Seremban Text
Dakwaan Mufti Perak dipertikai Text
16 open landfills dumped, no compromise on health : Text
Load-deformation behaviour of joints of GFRP struct Thesis
Orang ramai sambut baik program JOM Centre Text
Rekabentuk konkrit tetulang I Text
Ekonomi negara diunjur berkembang 5.7 peratus Text
Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer experienceThesis
Nonlinear meshfree formulation of nonlinear geometriThesis
70 syarikat sedia 2,000 pekerjaan News Paper Cuttings
Biasiswa sukan untuk 200 atlet sekolah cemerlang Text
Optimization of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysisThesis
MasterCard PayPass permudah kaedah bayaran Text
Pinjaman untuk semua, pelajar daripada keluarga ka Text
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
Protac sedia skim khairat kematian, kemalangan Text
Voice activated switching device Thesis
Analysis of an industrial wind turbine to harness wasteThesis
Pentadbiran tanah di Sabah berkaitan prosedur permoh Thesis
Elak pekerja asing jadi bebanan Text
Seasonal ARIMA for forecasting air pollution index: a cConference Papers
IPT mesti hidupkan budaya membaca Text
Supply chain configuration using hybrid SCOR model anIndexed Paper
Sosej keluaran dua kilang tiada bahan asas babi Text
Malaysian students' scientific argumentation : do grouIndexed Paper
Persepsi pekerja terhadap strategi pembangunan kerjay Thesis
Counsellor : help women with problems Text
Pembangunan dan penilaian keberkesanan persekitaraThesis
Kerajaan sokong industri automotif Text
UTM kaji guna minyak sawit untuk enjin turbin gas AerNews Paper Cuttings
Energy efficient control for compressed air with step Thesis
On time delivery improvement in a manufacturing co Thesis
Tangani ekonomi cara kolektif Text
Fear and loathing of Mat Rempit Text
Akttiviti luar imbangi akademik, sahsiah mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Cina mahu guna mandarin : hanya setuju sains, matemText
Beca elektrik di Kuala Terengganu Text
Flood round up : thousands more forced to flee homesText
Caj baru PTPTN Disember Text
Pick the right VC for the job Text
Pendidikan cemerlang melalui sekolah kluster Text
Pride and sorrow at son's graduation Text
Langkah penyelesaian terhadap pencerobohan di atas Thesis
Magneto-convective instability in a horizontal viscoelaJournal Article
The identification of design for maintainability impera Journal Article
The haptic - audio navigation control to enhance interacConference Papers
Sediakan laporan impak setiap projek : PM Text
Cuepacs yakin gaji disemak Text
Separation of organophosphorus pesticides using micelText
The development of an online debt collection manag Thesis
ICT tempatan kekal positif Text
Lebih 50,000 pemandu tanpa lesen Text
Budaya Keusahawanan : kaedah pemasaran hasilkan bText
Luminescence properties of 30SrO-30MgO-40P2O5D Non-Index Paper
Kempen Budi Bahasa, Nilai Murni dilaksana hingga 20 Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Ulama diminta atasi konflik Asia Barat Text
Kemalangan tempat kerja turun Text
3D point cloud model generated by terrestrial laser sc Thesis
Synthesis of BIS (2-methylcylopropyl) methanone fromThesis
Jenayah bukan sebab penurunan pelancong Text
Consumer prices on the rise Text
Atarabangsa Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Klang Valley residents promised cleaner water Text
Effect of multi-design skin model and characteristic onJournal Article
Kesan kilat ke atas sistem touch n go di plaza tol Text
The design of a 20 meter diameter low wind speed winText
Forced, natural and mixed-convection heat transfer and Indexed Paper
Pengukuhan institusi keluarga mampu tangani kes buaText
Stesen TV wajar laksana tanggungjawab moral Text
Planning practice and land development Exam Papers
Bacterial infection killed over 10 fowls in Perak last weText
Mikropengawal Exam Papers
Proses sosialisasi pensyarah penyelia, guru pembimbi Journal Article
UKM galak tenaga akademik lawat universiti luar Text
Memulih keluarga miskin secara total Text
Ng : honesty vital in trade Text
Device which helps in tibia healing to be tested Text
Only Cabinet will decide on science and maths Text
50,000 dijangka kunjungi Pameran Orkid Antarabangs Text
Characteristics of 1500 cc LPG fueled engine at variou Journal Article
DNA amplification optimization and cloning of several Journal Article
Rekabentuk perisian multimedia Exam Papers
Najib yakin hapus miskin tegar tahun depan Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
UTM bina perisian kenal pasti profil tingkah laku Text
Kesan perlumbaan peluru berpandu Text
Congress to project Malay culture Text
Peraturan kerja separuh masa dijangka diguna pakai Text
Malaysia Rumah Keduaku bawah Kementerian Pelanc Text
RM7m to put love back into rivers Text
Design phase constructability concepts for highway coConference Papers
Remaja dan sifat kepimpinan Text
Varsity course on race Text
Scalable heterogeneous nodes deployment algorithm fIndexed Paper
Pembinaan ujian diagnostik objektif dan kupasan jawaThesis
Dr. Zulkifli cipta baja berasas bakteria Text
Optimizing cloud removal from satellite remotely sensIndexed Paper
Kabinet tegur Tee Keat Text
Bahasa Melayu perlu diperkukuh Text
Pendidikan untuk hadapi globalisasi Text
Analisis taburan saiz partikel serbuk SS316L bagi keg Conference Papers
A comparative study of artificial neural network and a Indexed Paper
Johor pengeluar sawit terbesar Text
PM : keep adding value to build stronger nation Text
Multimode interference couplers based on photosensiti Indexed Paper
Pameran Anugerah Merdeka dan Sketsa Sains News Paper Cuttings
Pak Lah tak layan sikap macam iblis Text
Dr M : a lot to learn from China Text
Herba mampu menjadi agen cegah penyakit Text
English is AsiaÆs tongue Text
Pembangunan perisian pengajaran dan pembelajaran mu Journal Article
Sistem baru pencen Text
High precision technique of measuring the reflectance Text
IPTA perlu kaji semula KPI pilihan raya kampus Text
Madinah, Zaini dilantik KSU Kementerian Pendidikan, News Paper Cuttings
Panduan kekang sikap chauvinis Text
Boy, 14, pleads guilty to culpable homicide Text
Pengurusan bahan buangan pembinaan : satu kajian keText
Kepimpinan sekolah jadi kunci kejayaan Text
Ekonomi Malaysia cukup stamina kekalkan lanjakan Text
Galven is world champ Text
Muzium Pelajaran Negara ditubuh Text
Virtual Web Contents (VWC) for personalized presentaNon-Index Paper
Fiber-wireless (Fiwi) access network : performance evalIndexed Paper
UTM menuju institusi penyelidikan Text
Pelajar UTM anjur cari harta karun News Paper Cuttings
Pengaturcaraan fortran Text
Kajian kutipan tunggakan cukai tanah bagi lot kediamaThesis
Sultan Mizan lancar buku Antartika News Paper Cuttings
RAS komited tingkat ahli News Paper Cuttings
IPT dapat autonomi akreditasi program Text
Polyvinylpyrrolidone/polyaniline composite based 36 dIndexed Paper
A new empirical propagation model and coverage predic Thesis
Sistem jadual waktu sekolah (Abstract) Text
CR2 rawat pesakit angin ahmar News Paper Cuttings
Akta pertama derma organ Text
Construction measurement II Exam Papers
PLC and scada system design Exam Papers
Post-service plan for educators sought Text
Kajian ikonografi perletakan dan jenis ukiran kayu ber Text
Performance of cold in place recycle method for differeThesis
Show respect for the law Text
Secure open wireless LAN using point to point protocolText
Modal insan acuan Malaysia Text
IPTA dibenar lantik pegawai kontrak Text
Dual band sectorial slot Pac-man antenna by using pol Journal Article
More come under padi estate plan News Paper Cuttings
SabahÆs mobile courts ensure justice for all Text
Anak muda lebih terpukau jana aspek kepenggunaan Text
Sistem ganjaran lebih berkesan Text
Multi-floor facility layout improvement using systematThesis
Simulasi litar elektronik Exam Papers
Daging lembu Australia halal Text
Principles of polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Analisa teknik penyembunyian maklumat di dalam imejThesis
Seminar kaunseling di tempat kerja Text
Nanomaterial and mesoporous material-based micro-sol Thesis
Kajian operasi kepastian Text
Technology and business Exam Papers
Membendung penghijrahan modal insan Text
1Malaysia hasrat Najib perkukuh negara-bangsa Text
60,000 pelancong tiba enam hari pertama 2007 Text
Five caught stealing by TNB Text
PM mahu guru, ibu bapa banteras jenayah sekolah Text
Survey plan for Taiping ready for display soon News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan mahu promosi daging, kulit burung unta Text
Susu sumber protein, kalsium kuatkan tulang Text
Kebolehrobekan batu pasir dan batu syal berdasarkan Text
Sesi pembentangan peringkat kedua untuk anugerah kPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Creature prefers cool spot Text
Keperluan nilai murni dalam pembangunan insan Text
Celcom sasar 40,000 langgan 3G Text
Bungled kidnapping : schoolgirl rescued Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Main entrance arch Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Encapsulation of tocopherol and tocotrienol in vitaminConference Papers
Coordination chemistry inorganic chemistry II Text
Biologi sel & molekul Text
Manfaat ilmu cara terbaik hargai jasa guru Text
10 UPM researchers to attend Geneva fair Text
Honorary doctorate in humanities for Endon Text
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Design and implementation of a distributed cache sys Thesis
Pelajar IPTA tak boleh tukar kursus, universiti Text
Telefon canggih popular Text
Skim khidmat gred pensyarah dikaji Text
Mikropemproses Text
A sickening virus Text
Big plans for public transport Text
Preventing plagiarism Text
Relationship between Carlifornia bearing ratio and beaThesis
Cuepacs syor bayar gaji 30:70 Text
Sistem sembuh ekologi bantu cegah penyakit Text
PM : new models will help Proton Text
Pengurusan leachate di pusat pelupusan sampah KayuText
Interest group using electronic management systems (Text
Hybrid of firefly algorithm and minimization of metaboThesis
Sektor pembinaan aktif tahun ini Text
Mechanical, thermal and physical properties of chitos Thesis
Impak program pelan integriti organisasi terhadap gur Thesis
Determination of optimum concentration of lime solutio Text
GLC bantu jayakan Program Pintar Text
Web-based appointment system for lecturer and stud Thesis
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan berdasarkan kajian keberk Text
Menjaga toleransi negara Text
Mahkamah tiada CF Text
Don : women shown in negative light in media Text
First Malaysian in space : next mission will be more ch Text
Studies on performance of standard and non-standardText c
Application of ultraviolet radiation to control microbi Indexed Paper
Jumlah perokok wanita dijangka meningkat Text
Pengembangan kreativiti pelajar luar bandar melalui prText
Social CRM framework for a telecomunication company Thesis
Linear programming Exam Papers
Self assessment green building index for residential es Thesis
Jadikan 3L konsep induk dasar pendidikan negara Text
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
High voltage low current switch mode power supply Conference Papers
Pelajar Selatan Thai pilih bahasa Melayu Text
Kesanggupan pengunjung membayar untuk aktiviti d Text
UTM kaji cuaca guna GPS News Paper Cuttings
Kestabilan dan kawalan pesawat terbang Text
Development of gesture controlled tool for 3D city mod Thesis
High tide to worsen floods in Kedah Text
Termodinamik Text
Kesan gred konkrit terhadap kos papak konkrit bertetuText
Perkeso beri pekerja hilang upaya sinar bina semula k Text
Koridor pembangunan Sabah dipercepat Text
Effect of 2,4-D on embryogenic callusi of Malaysian indJournal Article
Speedier internet for Sarawak varsity Text
Kemudahan bangunan III Text
Cek kerajaan Melaka bernilai RM1.29 juta turut diklon Text
Tourists to Malaysia expected to triple Text
Tahap kepuasan pelancong warga emas terhadap keper Thesis
Hydrodynamic coefficients of manoeuvring for small veText
Dana khas mudahkan saintis daftar kajian Text
Lawatan akademik Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Paloh Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
USM tawar bantu Indonesia Text
KTMB gulung tikar jika gagal tingkat kemudahan Text
Management accounting I Exam Papers
Three dimensional indoor mapping and visualisation usi Thesis
Heavy metal accumulation and antioxidant properties Indexed Paper
Design and development of rotating-sleeve refrigeran Text
Effect of knowledge sharing on organizational performThesis
Experimental study on premixed flame acceleration in Journal Article
Permohonan pinjaman PTPTN dalam talian Text
Indeks jenayah naik Text
Sistem talaan stesen radio automatik untuk kenderaanText
Dimensi risik ATM 2008 Text
Indoor microbial contamination and its relation to physi Journal Article
Perbandingan pemulihan turapan kaedah guna semulaThesis
Application of water quality evaluation systems to asses Thesis
Sikap petani Melayu dalam pertanian moden: satu kajiJournal Article
Klinik golf untuk si cilik Text
Hanya seorang Cina sertai kursus Program Khidmat NeText
Surface chemistry modifications of rice husk toward e Indexed Paper
Mining seen boosting Malaysia's Oct industrial output Text
UKM rangkul 10 pingat emas di Seoul Text
Tingkat kerjasama dalam R&D Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Alpha Guard News Paper Cuttings
Aussies give insight into caring for kids with disabilitiesText
Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif Exam Papers
A groupware system in monitoring construction projectText
Users’ perceptions of various aspects of Malaysian N i on-Index Paper
First derivative prediction of raw broiler shear force u Journal Article
13 more canteens closed Text
Now, it's cyber cafes for schools Text
Profesional Malaysia digesa tingkat kewibawaan Text
Baktisiswa peluang berkhidmat kepada masyarakat Text
History of landscape architecture Exam Papers
Don't- violate act, traders warned Text
Additional resource allocation for improving fairness Indexed Paper
Fizik molekul spektroskopi Text
Hidrologi Text
Pengkomputeran lanjutan Text
Unjani 'berguru' di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Road maintenance and rehabilitation in tropical climatThesis
Warga polis kurang jaga kesihatan Text
Three gold medals for USMÆs Fazlina Text
Ilmu : Melayu perlu menabung Text
Silat bentuk rakyat berdisiplin Text
CWorks : sektor hartanah, automotif sumber pertumb Text
Contribution of nanoclays to the barrier properties Conference Papers
Program agensi basmi kemiskinan diselaras Text
UniMAP IPT pertama terima OHSAS Text
Application of terrestrial laser scanner for three dimenThesis
Keistimewaan misi satelit RazakSat Text
Indication of corruption at every level Text
æImports must meet Sirim standardsÆ Text
Panel khas permudah eksport produk Text
Fares going up for taxis, buses Text
Leadership capability of team leaders in construction i Thesis
MMC suspends three doctors Text
Islam Hadhari promotes progress Text
Modification of polyethersulfone hollow fiber membraIndexed Paper
Teknologi polimer Text
Media perlu sensitif siar iklan arak Text
Only half of Rapid KL buses working Text
Tarif lama jika bawah 200kWj Text
Actively quenched and recharged circuit for on-chip 8 Thesis
Membangunkan perisian anggaran kejatuhan voltan daText
Estimation of soil compaction parameters based on atter Text
Adaptive nonlinear multivariate brain connectivity an Thesis
Behavior of reinforced concrete moment resisting fra Thesis
Pejuang LGBT ikut jejak syaitan News Paper Cuttings
Mentaati ibu bapa tanpa akta khas Text
Islam and the pursuit of true knowledge Text
The language observatory project (LOP) Conference Papers
Nur Asyikin timba pengalaman di Bangladesh News Paper Cuttings
Johor urged to promote Iskandar with UTM know-howText
Pembentukan pemikiran kreatif melalui hobi Text
Tahap penguasaan kemahiran berfikir secara kritis danThesis
Gelombang antena tarik panahan petir Text
Melayu tidak serius martabatkan bahasa Text
Bursa Malaysia perkenal ETF baru Text
Probabilistic neural network for brain tumor classificatConference Papers
Langkah selepas bersidang Text
The relationship between information technology flexibi Thesis
Crackdown on rear seat belt offenders Text
Failure of engineering components and structures Text
Khasiat ubi keledek Text
Effect of sulphuric acid on concrete with iron ore tailinJournal Article
PM mahu siasatan segera : kes jurulatih PKN didakwa rText
Guru lulusan PJJ ada peluang naik pangkat Text
Analysis of inorganic cations in low explosive residue Thesis
Deklarasi Sydney sepakat tangani isu iklim Text
Hybrid particle swarm optimization feature selection foIndexed Paper
Data acquisition system for optical tomography syste Thesis
Kalkulus vektor Text
Kekurangan profesor hanya berlaku di UUM Text
Langkah jadikan industri automotif berdaya maju Text
PPSMI satu kesilapan Text
Kastam rampas 37 kenderaan jenama Wald Text
Hak ibu bapa tak terputus jika anak peluk Islam Text
Aircraft structure Exam Papers
Forging academic ties with Jordan varsities Text
PM : add value to education Text
RM33m for sports at tertiary level Text
Barisan Nasional yakin berkuasa semula Text
Girl, 5, boy, 7, die of dengue Text
Petronas jenama nombor satu Text
Kerajaan keluar pinjaman rumah RM27 bilion Text
Bug algorithm to guide wheelchair motion based on offThesis
Be practical to deliver, cluster schools advised Text
The possibility of using liquified petroleum gas in dom Non-Index Paper
The energy saving performance of chiller air condition Thesis
KTMB rugi RM2j, penduduk rosakkan peralatan landasText
Cuepacs : assess staff during course Text
Warning to errant borrowers Text
Menangani gejala disiplin murid Text
Littoral zone mapping using geographical information Thesis
Lateral movement of vehicles under weak-lane discipliIndexed Paper
Japan Day 2017 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
RM5.8 juta untuk sukan rakyat Text
Akhlak asas pembentukan masyarakat cemerlang Text
Rooting out tax evaders, mobile units to go door-to-doText
Budaya Malaysia Text
PM : greater Asean integration feasible Text
Lukisan binaan Text
Economy & specifacations Exam Papers
Polisi, prosedur dan rekabentuk pemasangan paip bekala Text
Private doctors to help treat young addicts Text
Many seeking foreign donors, dilemma faced by kidneyText
Projek Muzium Bukit Kepong diteruskan Text
Unisel mahu beli tanah RM5j di Sepang Text
Pemprosesan isyarat digit Text
Mara hantar pelajar kedoktoran ke India Text
No price rise in most items Text
Low fees for poor a govt condition on IJN takeover Text
Police force to undergo major reshuffle Text
Keadaan serius - Norian -- Penyertaan kaum Cina dala Text
Sistem elektrik kenderaan (automobile electrical syste Text
Software engineering Text
Thermal energy storage for office building Text
Strategi RDC3, CSCC dan Sawab News Paper Cuttings
Iskandar research centre gets RM500mil from China Text
Raja Zarith Sofiah lancar Pakej Modul Sejahtera : lindu News Paper Cuttings
Prudential yakin capai satu juta pelanggan Text
Bitter end to Highland Towers tragedy : survivors' hop Text
Line balancing in a combination of a batch process an Text
Subjek bakal diajar sekolah seni diteliti Text
Aid criteria under review Text
Teknologi nano pantau diesel Text
Ministry moves to protect image as education hub Text
ASEAN setuju tangani cabaran bersama Text
Effect of mixture flow stratification on premixed flam Indexed Paper
Pengimejan perubatan Text
Cengal tarikan baru ke Terengganu Text
Sukan sekolah diperkasa 2011 Text
Static load test-A comparison of ultimate load betweenText
Stepping up ties with Asian giants Text
Make Islam Hadhari clear to all Text
Belia perlu ruang bersuara buktikan kepemimpinan Text
Keluarga bahagia online Text
Analisis kendalian dinamik sistem suspensi Wishbone Text
Spiral flow inducing cannula design Thesis
Psychology of personality Exam Papers
Marching cubes algorithm for big datasets Thesis
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Riding safely Text
Implementation of multiple fan beam projection techniq Text
Developing Malaysian 3D cadastre system-preliminary Conference Papers
UTM tubuh pusat kecergasan lahirkan warga lebih sihaNews Paper Cuttings
Object-oriented programming / pengaturcaraan beroriText
Alarming rise in people with allergies Text
Laboratory evaluation of horizontal coefficient of consoText
The essential aspects of fire safety management in highText
JPA3 sasar capai 260,000 anggota menjelang 2020 Text
Masalah gejala sosial remaja di salah sebuah daerah NThesis
System software / Perisian sistem Text
Potong telinga perogol antara cadangan pindaan und Text
Anugerah Harta Intelek Negara milik UTM News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia sumbang RM57b gerakkan projek kereta api Text
TNB dijangka untung, umum berita baik Text
Kaji dasar naik tingkatan empat Text
Potensi guna semula efluen dalam sektor industri Thesis
Resolution on setting up Islamic panel likely News Paper Cuttings
Amalan autonomi dalam pengurusan berasaskan sekola Thesis
Satellite imagery to detect logging Text
Kaedah urus, guna data dibuang Text
Nordin Kardi dilantik semula Naib Canselor UUM Text
KL, Bangkok setuju kongsi maklumat perisikan Text
Chemical reactions processes Text
Perkongsian pintar : terus berkembang ke tahun ke-10Text
CAP terus persoal asid borik dalam makanan Text
University students' attitudes toward shopping online Thesis
The effectiveness of 1 Malaysia maintenance fund on Thesis
PUO ungguli sejarah politeknik Text
Kabinet kaji kos atasi banjir Text
1.4 juta belum mohon MyKad Text
Gone within three years Text
SPM maksimum 12 subjek Text
Membudayakan al-Quran dalam hidup Text
Perancangan dan pembangunan mampan Text
Delegasi keilmuan UTM ke China News Paper Cuttings
Rising number of unruly girls worrying Text
Pengurusan projek teknologi maklumat Text
KL hab pelancongan perubatan Text
Lecture language in Malaysian engineering lecture cor Non-Index Paper
A new type of planar chamber for high frequency ozo Indexed Paper
A new biosensor based on nanogold doping in p-HEMANon-Index Paper
Swasta dingin komersialkan produk IPTA Text
Perancangan Wilayah Metropolitan Text
Kreativiti dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains Conference Papers
Ujian sebenar pakatan pembangkang Text
The evolution of muqarnas in Iran from pre-seljuk to i Thesis
Devices to save lives, help kids Text
Introduction to survey collection & processing info Exam Papers
Halimaton Pakar Penebat Haba Ulung Text
ATM terokai bidang forensik Text
Impact load theory: a new theory in pile driving and i Conference Papers
Kajian kos Text
Road bullys appeal may land him with maximum jail t Text
Pembakaran turbin gas dan pendorongan roket Text
Motion detection in cyclopean vision system Thesis
Instructional and learning technology Exam Papers
Indoor microbial contamination through water mist aerJournal Article
Caught in middle-income trap Text
Penerimaan teknologi sistem pengurusan maklumat sumb Thesis
Numerical analysis of swirl intensity in turbulent swirl Journal Article
Buku terbaru Naib Canselor UTM dilancar Text
Pencerobohan RSAF ke ruang udara Malaysia sensitif News Paper Cuttings
Tall building system: analysis and design Exam Papers
Majlis bacaan yasin staf Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Study of the surface integrity of AISI 4140 steel in wir Conference Papers
PM tinjau tiga institusi perubatan terkemuka Cuba Text
UTM menang 11 pingat emas, perak News Paper Cuttings
Clinical engineering Text
Liberalisasi ekuiti, kewangan mesti dimanfaat rakyat Text
When BMI is no clue to well-being Text
Minimizing conflicts during construction stage by usin Thesis
Public transport systems and operations Exam Papers
3D solid buffering for 3D GIS Conference Papers
Kajian kesan bahan pengikat dalam dalam pengeluara Text
Murid teruja jalani terapi, bermesra dengan kuda News Paper Cuttings
Jambatan pacu ekonomi Text
A numerical simulation study to evaluate the use of w Text
Ketegasan Tun Dr Ismail dihormati Text
Abduct-and-rape gangster shot dead Text
Kuasai pelbagai disiplin ilmu : PM Text
Guna pendekatan berhemah selesai isu PPSMI Text
Guru dapat hadiah tahun baru : kerajaan bersetuju 30 Text
Motion graph for synthesizing human motion : a compa Conference Papers
Electronic devices Exam Papers
Structural performance and ductility of fiber reinforc Journal Article
Kajian terhadap pembangunan kemudahan di terminalThesis
Pavement management system Exam Papers
Decision theory Exam Papers
A bidirectional UPS inverter utilising high frequency Text
Methane conversion to liquid hydrocarbons in single- Text
Critical success factors influencing in house applicat Thesis
A guideline-based approach to support the assessmentJournal Article
Asphaltic concrete incorporating styrene-butadiene r Thesis
Kementerian arah 10 IPTS haram henti operasi Text
Pengesanan TEC ionosfera dengan teknologi GPS Text
Structure and function of proteins Exam Papers
Kerajaan cadang mansuh CF Text
Penyelesaian pembangunan sistem IT Text
Kod amalan cegah gangguan seksual dikaji Text
Raptors fly by, birders zoom in by the thousands Text
Towards quality software Text
Kaji PTPTN ikut syarak atau riba Text
PM's call to nurture responsible youth Text
TNB terpaksa naik tarif Text
Start of another race for these graduates News Paper Cuttings
Tokpa : ethnic relations module a lesson in complicati Text
Prestasi ekonomi suku ketiga sangat memberangsang Text
Establishing the construct of workplace written comm Non-Index Paper
Engineering the maltose binding protein for metal ionsConference Papers
Experimental study on the impact of harmonics on tra Indexed Paper
Experiment-based study on the impact of soiling on P Indexed Paper
UiTM paling banyak lahir pegawai kadet Palapes Text
An experimental and numerical prediction of marine prIndexed Paper
Experimental study on tsunami risk reduction on coasta Indexed Paper
Kajian guna bahasa Inggeris hampir siap Text
Computer hardware management services Exam Papers
Traces study of research in management accounting: idThesis
Sistem portal modifikasi kenderan tiga dimensi (3D) Thesis
Synthesis of polyethylene of glycol-coated manganese Thesis
Kaji guna kenderaan kuasa hidrogen Text
PM : women have proven themselves in all fields Text
Tribunal rumah beroperasi Februari Text
Transformasi ekonomi baru Text
Application of ANNs model with the SDSM for the hydro Non-Index Paper
Leaking pipes ruled out as cause Text
Persepsi pelajar pendidikan Islam UTM terhadap ajara Thesis
Asas Kejuruteraan Elektirk Text
Nonlinear analysis for performance characterization o Conference Papers
Ranking method stays Text
Detik jam besar rakam sejarah Text
Sistem laporan pemantauan keselamatan Universiti T Text
Elak Malaysia jadi pusat lambakan dadah Text
Calculus I Exam Papers
Car security using radio frequency identification and Thesis
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
High-strength concrete : mix design procedures and labText
KDNK Jepun alami kemerosotan teruk Text
Jualan kenderaan tempatan melonjak Text
Pelajar UTM daki Everest 2014 News Paper Cuttings
Kajian pengangkutan awam di taman perumahan bagi Tdext
A review on the application of nanofluids in vehicle e Indexed Paper
Hishammuddin : state criteria for awarding PSD scholaText
102-str-mus stiffening of cold-formed steel section at Conference Papers
Mengajar kanak-kanak toleransi dan empati Text
Guru tak pandai mengajar : antara punca ponteng sekoText
Parents in a fix over bullies Text
Bahasa Melayu tidak akan pupus Text
Menjana ekonomi guna hasil komersial R&D Text
Promoting our products abroad Text
Ke arah pembentukan model peruntukan guna tanah :Text ke
A comparative analysis of feature ranking methods to Thesis
Kajian terhadap tahap keberkesanan amalan 5S di LemThesis
Jangan pandang remeh ketulan pada payu dara Text
Rakyat tidak mudah lupa keganasan komunis Text
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Guidelines on defining poverty to be revised Text
Modeling and control of ventilation and heating syste Thesis
Liquid-gas boundary catalysis by using gold/polystyrenIndexed Paper
Ergonomics study at medical record department in hosThesis
Penilaian awal kestabilan cerun menggunakan borang Thesis
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Contract administration Exam Papers
Aviation centre creates history Text
The effect of the adhesive strength of HFCVD diamon Thesis
Move to wipe- out, gangsterism and bulling Text
Compact a band RF vector reflectormeter Thesis
Umno kena ikhlas pulihkan imej Text
Principle of microeconomics Exam Papers
Evaluation of the compactive effort on the stripping c Text
UTM wakil tunggal Malaysia ke SDC 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Leave stock market to investing community Text
Development of automated scripts sharepoint binary inThesis
2004 berakhir dengan ratapan rakyat Asia Text
Thermal energy storage for rusch manufacturing sdn. Text
An integral equation related to a boundary relationsh Conference Papers
PM mahu MAHA jadi acara tahunan Text
A novel approach toward fuzzy generalized bi-ideals i Indexed Paper
Usaha mantap daya saing PKS diutama Text
Pembangunan kompetensi Guru Sandaran Sekolah Renda Thesis
Experimental study on the performance and long-termIndexed Paper
Memberi pilihan rawatan terbaik Text
PM : let's share toll hike burden Text
Avian flu checks at border intensified Text
Characterization of coated cuting tool materials Text
Jumlah penduduk Malaysia kini menghampiri 30 juta oText
Tingkatkan laluan awam Text
Parents happy with present system Text
Elektronik Text
Jakim sedia anjur muzakarah ulama Text
Agensi kesihatan cukup sedia hadapi ancaman wabak Text
A weakly hard scheduling approach of partitioned sch Indexed Paper
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Modelling the rheological properties of bituminous bi Indexed Paper
Prinsip akaun Text
Sultan Johor berkecil hati penyebaran berita palsu te News Paper Cuttings
UTM juara debat antara universiti Text
Zaiton Othman si gadis bionik Text
Regional factors and ICT in university-industry collabo Conference Papers
The application of palm oil Conference Papers
Akademik, sahsiah kena seimbang Text
Astronomers figure out a way to measure the universeText
Showing affection can keep depression away Text
RTD to pay RM90,000 for negligence Text
Design and tailoring of a novel heterogeneous catalystText
Taklimat Pelajar Baru Pasca Ijazah Kemasukan FebruarPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kakitangan awam tak ramai melabur Text
Institusi Keluarga : perlu sistem nilai yang tinggi Text
Penggredan bintang ICT sekolah diperkenal Text
Regional and rural planning Exam Papers
Study of sea level variation of exclusive economic zon Conference Papers
Sistem penilaian kenaikan pangkat pensyarah secara Text
Provide careers for retiring athletes Text
A framework for the sustainability evaluation of produThesis
Kraf tangan kian diminati Text
Visualizing copper assisted graphene growth in nanoscIndexed Paper
Fahami kategori IPTS Text
Penduduk terkejut telaga digali mengeluarkan gas Text
Mitigation of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), DesulfovIndexed Paper
Masyarakat masih kurang derma organ Text
SKM wujudkan koperasi berwibawa, berdaya maju Text
Building structure concrete cracks detection using im Thesis
Comparisons of the LH moments and the L moments Text
Penuntut baru UTM mahu kekal kecemerlangan Text
Study on micro droplet reduction on tin coated biomedJournal Article
Dinamik (C) Text
Polyamide 6 / Polypropylene/Organoclay nanocomposite Text
Tambang teksi, bas ekspres dikaji. Text
Formula ajaib capai kemiskinan sifar Text
Italian language Text
A study to develop critical success factors of roads Indexed Paper
Portal komuniti penduduk menggunakan kaedah sist Thesis
Modelling of lithium-titanate battery with ambient temIndexed Paper
Pembedahan serentak kembar berjaya Text
Flood frequency analysis based on t-copula for Johor r Indexed Paper
Domestic travel set to rise Text
Action against working students Text
6 strategi baru basmi kemiskinan tegar Text
MIDF jadi bank pelaburan lengkap Text
Membina, mengurus My Citation, dan meningkatkan cit Conference Papers
Merakyatkan pendidikan Text
The motivation level of learning chemistry among sec Conference Papers
Banks ordered to provide no-frills accounts Text
Lawatan perpustakaan cendiakawan UiTM TerengganuPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bandar sejahtera Labuan nikmati pembangunan berte Text
Pemimpin MMSP tertarik konsep 1Malaysia Text
Computerized accounting / perakaunan berkomputer Text
Expansion of a diesel plant into a hybrid power systemIndexed Paper
Shelf life of ready made paste using sorption isother Thesis
Hydrogen production by infrared laser electrolysis on nIndexed Paper
Appliction of digital image correlation method to stud Text
Simulating interaction of tuberculosis antigen 85B pr Thesis
Electronically reconfigurable beam steering antenna u Indexed Paper
Sistem pesanan makanan menggunakan skrin sentuh diThesis
Multi–state analysis of process status using multile Journal Article
Commercial law Exam Papers
Flexural performance of laminated composite plates wiConference Papers
Syor tempoh kerahan tenaga dipendekkan Text
Dasar pinjaman pengajian kekal Text
The characterisation of an alkali-stable maltogenic a Indexed Paper
Bioinformatics II Exam Papers
Britain minat belajar dari Malaysia Text
Simulation of Cruise Control Model Thesis
Diet kanak-kanak Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Taman botani negara dimaju tahun depan Text
The fundamental aspects of polynomial equations Text
Tingkatkan usaha tangani jenayah Text
Feasibility of using bolted shear connector with cold- Journal Article
Ong : building low-cost houses becoming costly Text
Kenetik dan energetik bioproses Text
Kajian perbandingan rekabentuk di antara kekuda keluText
Golongan Sindrom down, OKU intelektual Text
The relationship of trust and security in developing Thesis
Garis panduan hiburan Islam Hadhari Text
Pengantar mikroekonomi Exam Papers
Kesetaraan jadi sasaran Text
Effects of wetting time on properties of steel-aluminiu Journal Article
Knowledge management in success of ERP systems Non-Index Paper
UTM perkenal Sarjana Pengurusan Risiko News Paper Cuttings
Epoxidized natural rubber toughened polyamide 6/PalThesis
Pesakit kena ubah tanggapan ubat generik tidak berkuaText
Commercial crimes department ropes in grads to beef Text
Quantum mechanical effects on the performance of stra Thesis
Alternative dispute resolutions and adjudication Exam Papers
Negri title recipients to be vetted Text
Tsunami bawa keinsafan ke Aceh Text
Keharmonian politik mendorong keutuhan ukhuwah Text
Construction knowledge for improving buildability of sThesis
Selecting shear strength models for joints - experienc Conference Papers
Data communications Exam Papers
Biofuels from an esterification of sludge palm oil as an Non-Index Paper
Doctors voice their fears about new Health Act Text
Kecemerlangan sekolah menerusi konsep kluster Text
Kadar faedah dikekalkan Text
Dr. Mundzir Abdullah pemegang Ph.D termuda negaraNews Paper Cuttings
Graph representation of blood flow in cardiovascular Thesis
Kelakunan salur penurun dengan gentian kelapa dalamText
Problem-based learning (PBL) in mathematics: a meta Conference Papers
Subcontractor selection method using analytic hierarchy Text
Indeks jenayah turun hasil kerjasama masyarakat Text
Soft computing based controllers for automotive air c Thesis
The cytotoxicity effect of nephelium lappaceum leavesIndexed Paper
Terajui pemasangan kenderaan premium Text
Projek Gerbang Selatan operasi September 2006 Text
Malaysia antara 10 negara teratas mampu tangani krisText
No funds for laptops Text
Engineering analysis on the conceptual design of portaConference Papers
Automatic pattern recognition of single and multiple pIndexed Paper
Dugongs in Johor to be tagged Text
Ujian nuklear Pyongyang gugat keamanan, kestabilan Text
Assessment of turbocharger turbine unsteady flow m Indexed Paper
Bahasa rojak hakis identiti budaya Text
Teori senibina Text
Ikan pekasam ke pasaran global Text
2,000 rumah tenggelam Text
The effects of rotor disc clearance on lift performance Thesis
Circuit theory 2 Exam Papers
Mathematical modelling of groundwater flow with theThesis
Gold Fever Forest reserve reduced to wasteland by illeText
Green information technology adoption model based on Thesis
Vision-based customer counting for shopping lots Thesis
Beberapa aspek dalam interaksi soliton (Fulltext) Text
Mitigation of variation order in construction project Thesis
Instrumentasi Text
Jadikan saintis usahawan Text
Malaysia tubuh INCEIF, lahirkan profesional dan paka Text
Kawal iklan makanan segera Text
CIQ complex to finally open next month Text
Ajaran dan kepercayaan Agama Islam Conference Papers
An investigation on light structure modal parameter b Journal Article
AIDS vaccine unlikely in near future Text
An overview of tension leg platform layout and generalThesis
Meneroka seni bina agung dunia Text
Identification of selected forest genus using hyperspectThesis
Cendekiawan Islam digesa atasi perbezaan pendapat Text
Luaskan penyertaan Sukma Text
Tougher measures needed to deter illegal immigrants Text
Pos Slim - Cameron Highlands dipromosi Text
Terengganu smells money Text
Rawatan eksotik ikan, lintah Text
Construction & development law Exam Papers
Siapa penasihat ekonomi? Text
Kulit kerang ganti tulang rosak Text
GST, UTM terpaksa tanggung RM6 juta News Paper Cuttings
Effect of investment casting process variables on machText
Building economics Exam Papers
Ciri-ciri perumahan dalam pembentukan sub pasaran Thesis
Highlighting womenÆs progress Text
Latihan SPP Perpustakaan UTM kumpulan 2 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Phosphonated polyimides : enhancement of proton con Indexed Paper
Inhibiting sulphate attack on concrete by hydrophobic Conference Papers
E-crime investigation and incident response mgmt Exam Papers
Early detection of corrosion activity in reinforced con Conference Papers
Quality improvement using six sigma methodology Text
Manfaat teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam inText
Prestasi campuran asflt panas menggunakan pasir sungText
PNM pindahkan bahan dalam bentuk digital mudahka Text
Felda akan lancar Skim pinjaman perumahan bagi pen Text
SportCheck: Room only for excellence Text
Electricity generation from soybeans synthetic wastewa Thesis
Transport safety Exam Papers
Experimental determination of non load dependent losse Text
Pencen swasta diwujud Text
KLIA lapangan terbang ketiga terbaik di dunia Text
UUM to accept visually impaired as undergrads Text
Pintar 2005 kikis persepsi graduan Melayu tak layak Text
Car sales to move up a gear Text
Study on auto storage pusher bargers for mobile float Thesis
Sasaran FDI RM20 bilion boleh dicapai : Mukhriz Text
Kidnapping gang busted Text
Pastikan ECER bergerak Text
Tiada kes sindrom radang paru-paru Text
Swiftlet joint venture project for Bio Desaru News Paper Cuttings
Addicts to be given methadone Text
Experimental study on vented gas explosion in a cylindrIndexed Paper
Jangan malas berfikir jika mahu cemerlang Text
Warning of more flash floods Text
Potential of multibeam backscatter data to support baText
Modeling the effect of velocity saturation in nanoscal Text
Spektroskopi Text
40 Bigfoot dipercayai hidup di hutan Johor Text
PM ada penyelesaian : nasib 128 pelajar gagal ikuti Text
Mobile application for medical device management usThesis
Pembangunan instrumen penilaian akhlak pelajar di insThesis
Effects of two-phase flow friction factor correlations Conference Papers
Teknologi fermentasi Text
Kilang plastik musnah terbakar Text
6 MoU termasuk perkhidmatan rel dimeterai News Paper Cuttings
PM pelawa Jepun bangunkan Lembah Bio Text
Pecat anggota cemar nama PDRM : Abdullah Text
Performance analysis of nanostructured NiO-In2O3/TiOIndexed Paper
Development of teaching courseware for principal of elText
Singapore has not rejected Smart card plan Text
Falling into the extremists’ net News Paper Cuttings
Application of spectroscopy Text
Be careful in Thailand Text
Mathematical thinking in differential equations amongJournal Article
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Hiasan ceria kamar si comel Text
Tampering detection based on JPEG analysis for imageThesis
Options for those who fail to make cut for varsity Text
Determination of hydrocarbon levels in water via lase Indexed Paper
Fatique limit of drawn steel wire for wire rope applicatThesis
Ilmu ukur & pemetaaan I Text
Wanita dan perkahwinan dalam Islam Conference Papers
Seek integration, Islamic finance services industry told Text
Ambil langkah lebih fleksibel dalam rundingan dagang Text
Kempen miliki komputer tidak terjejas Text
PM : jayakan transformasi besar negara Text
Optimum number of soil investigating methods required Thesis
Lane detection system using Matlab/Simulink Thesis
Pakistan hargai bantuan Malaysia Text
Keupayaan teknologi dalam industri acuan dan dal : p Text
Time to remit foreign income back home? Text
Semua IPTA sama Text
Automatic operation of the newly modified pulse com Thesis
Acoustic emission-based diagnosis for valve faults in Thesis
Mechanic and friend killed in fiery car crash Text
Elak lama di dalam kereta bersama pendingin hawa Text
Stochastic processes Exam Papers
Bahasa Inggeris : sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina, Tamil Text
Selesema burung : ayam dilarang disembelih di pasar Text
Greener fuel in your tank Text
Review of tourism policy Text
Construction plants and equipment Exam Papers
Move to raise number of royal professors Text
Basic electrical engineering Exam Papers
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 08) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kadar faedah domestik tidak hadapi tekanan Text
Faktor - faktor pemindahan latihan teknologi maklum Text
Pembangunan dan penilaian perisian prototaip MS-Grav Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Characteristics of brain activities in the first impress Thesis
Beampatten optimization in distributed beamforming Indexed Paper
Community involvement on facilites management funcThesis
Laksana projek RMK-9 ikut jadual, kualiti dipelihara : Text
Cross layer design of multimedia transmission over Conference Papers
Thousands of vacancies in hospitality industry Text
Preliminary results of stratification study in Sembrong Conference Papers
Mixed instructional approach for remedial mathematics Thesis
Dual-band CPW-fed transparent antenna for active RFIIndexed Paper
Bid to boost trade, IT ties with Saudi Arabia Text
Ubah tanggapan lapuk Text
Wujudkan jaringan kerjasama saintis, media Text
Ministry to hold courses for public News Paper Cuttings
Portal pengetahuan sebagai pusat aset pengetahuan : Text
Kerangka gaya hidup dan keutamaan perumahan gol Thesis
Preliminary survey finding of the built and living envi Indexed Paper
A new combined shewhart-cumulative sum S chart forIndexed Paper
Development of hardware and software interfaces for Tf ext
Penyelidikan marin tumpuan UMS Text
Ucapan bajet tahun 2004 Text
Sindiket guna budak edar dadah Text
Organizational measurement of defect density Thesis
The vitality of a pedestrian street in Johor Bahru City Conference Papers
Jail air and water polluters News Paper Cuttings
MSU perkukuh kemahiran insaniah Text
Effect of leaching on lime stabilised contaminated soil Text
Polis tidak lengah kes profil tinggi Text
Penggabungan lahirkan bank pelaburan pertengahan Text
High frequency measurements and testing system (AbsText
Planning education in Malaysia - between frontiers an Conference Papers
Tapered plastic optical fiber coated with ZnO nanostruIndexed Paper
Bank Negara akan aktifkan semula CDRC Text
Pengguna e-filing naik 30 peratus Text
Kancil-8255 robot intelligent sensors in design and fabrText
Enhancing SRAM performance of common gate FinFETThesis b
Watersports next on list Text
Histogram of transition for human head recognition Journal Article
Jabatan Audit mahu SOP lemah dibaiki Text
Wanita tidak pernah ditawar jadi hakim syarie Text
Terus lapor masalah rakyat : PM minta media jangan seText
BPR boleh guna ilmu forensik kenal pasti penyelewen Text
Kementerian Kesihatan diarah sedia cukup ubat Text
The Influence of organizational structure and readinesJournal Article
Pembangunan bandar Text
A dynamic approach of using dispatching rules in sche Journal Article
Planning techniques and analysis Exam Papers
Project management Exam Papers
Produk bioteknologi Mardi sedia dikomersial Text
Kemudahan OKU Text
Nilai cipta-sama sistem pengurusan pembelajaran Journal Article
Want to fight graft? Join ACA Text
Penternak patut guna bahan gantian ractopamine Text
Tadbir urus baik elemen utama dalam RMK-9 Text
Dissemination of chart information using web-based GConference Papers
Pencen swasta dikaji Text
Tolak IPT tidak berkualiti Text
Intrumentation and engineering measurement Exam Papers
Consumer purchase intention toward products made inIndexed Paper
Tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap fasiliti di terminalThesis
Dua kes kematian terbaru akibat denggi Text
Comparison of steam-alkali-chemical and microwave-alk Indexed Paper
Dinamik Text
Workshops good way to help prisoners Text
Economic analysis on SAJH induction motor for potentThesis
Pembolehubah kompleks / complex variables Text
Kemudahan-kemudahan dan ciri-ciri pejalan kaki di k Text
Najib : nationÆs interest and rights come first Text
Hubungan kecerdasan spiritual dengan kualiti kehidupaThesis
Concern over dropout rate Text
Pintu taubat wanita berzina terbuka luas Text
The correlation of P - Wave velocity with tensile stren Text
Cadangan ciri benchmark pendidikan Text
Houses on stilts exude a rustic charm Text
Treatment of palm oil mill secondary effluent using so Text
PM : we must preserve mangrove forests Text
The design of a single seater helicopter blade Text
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Feather in the cap for UTM faculty News Paper Cuttings
Protection of intellectual property crucial Text
Visa rules eased for Chinese, Indians Text
Organic chemistry: functional groups Exam Papers
Land USB planning II Exam Papers
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
Numerical analysis on the effects of cavity geometry Indexed Paper
Teknik biologi molekul Text
PM : cyberthreats no small matter Text
Layout-designs get 10 years automatic protection Text
Ethanol from biomass Thesis
Mekanik gunaan Text
Mansuhkan UPSR : Razali Text
Krisis gula selesai bulan depan Text
Analysis of fractal koch dipole antenna for UHF band aConference Papers
PM on the true purpose of education Text
PM : I will not tolerate bias against women Text
PM : help Malaysian inventors Text
Double tracking can help trains compete Text
Comparison of physico-chemical properties and fatty aNon-Index Paper
Human resource training management system (Full texText
The ultimate strength of coupled shear wall with symme Thesis
Structure & machine Exam Papers
Sains pengurusan Text
Help speed up recruitment Text
Perak gerakkan usahawan PBT Text
Perjuangan, keikhlasan dan kemenangan Text
PKS disaran manfaat ICT tingkat kecekapan operasi Text
Harga siling barang kawalan dikaji semula Text
Amalan ikhtisas III Exam Papers
The effect of Kv/Kh (ratio of vertical permeability to Thesis
Numerical study of hydrogen fuel combustion in compJournal Article
Modeling of Arcing Fault on Overhead Line Using MatlThesis
Ekonomi kita miliki daya tahan kukuh Text
Kartografi Text
Surcaj bas ekspres ditimbang Text
Extent of highway capacity loss resulting from road h Non-Index Paper
Mahir pelbagai bahasa suatu kelebihan Text
Influenza A : All 208 declared free from flu virus Text
Penjara hingga 30 tahun: Pesalah kes rogol kena sebatText
Temperature and water level measurement of liquid inIndexed Paper
Perkim minta kaji semula fatwa wajib mualaf guna namText
Experiencing the visual field of vegetation spaces in ur Thesis
The dependence of saturation velocity on temperature,Non-Index Paper
Suhakam : low awareness of human rights Text
Bumis urged to team up with non-bumis to acquire expText
Design of hydro dreging information system (HYDRIS) Thesis
Methodology for assessing the sustainability of holl Thesis
PGCC lonjak kemajuan P. Pinang Text
PM mahu usahawan ICT tingkat kerjasama Text
80kph speed limit for three months Text
Kerajaan pastikan keamanan negara Text
Development of database management system (DBMS)Text ba
Dengue surge in Sarawak Text
Application of high resolution image for pipeline det Thesis
Khidmat Guru sandaran tampung subjek kritikal Text
No decision yet on Math and Science in English policy Text
Predicting the average reservoir pressure of field X by Thesis
Call for independent judicial commission Text
The legal framework for determining the land tenure Thesis
Cracking of low density polyethylene dissolved in benzeThesis
Impact of cloud adoption on efficiency, flexibility, sca Thesis
UIAM dipelawa buka kampus di luar negara Text
Politik kebangsaan memperkasa negara Text
Menjadikan Ungku Aziz sebagai Melayu contoh Text
Landasan berkembar jana RM15b Text
More funding needed for 4 research varsities Text
Supplier selection framework for strategic governmen Text
Brake wear particle size and shape analysis of non-as Indexed Paper
TV Islam pertama operasi minggu depan Text
Hari memperlihatkan kualiti, kecemerlangan Text
Gelombang radio frekuensi tinggi untuk komunikasi Text
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Asas komputeran kejuruteraan Text
Kadar cukai pintu di beberapa negeri naik Text
Simetri molekul dan spektroskopi Text
Build straight bridge, say MPs Text
Socso to diversify portfolio to boost returns Text
Intracellular thermal sensor for single cell analysis - s Indexed Paper
Life lost over RM4,000 Text
Numerical analysis of convection heat transfer for crosText
UTM students to hold show on computers News Paper Cuttings
MTUC concerned over 10,000 idle foreign workers Text
Information security compliance assessment using inf Thesis
Quadcopter based transporter Thesis
Help affected fishermen get back to sea quickly Text
Keselamatan alam sekitar Text
Ekonomi Tanah I Text
Psikologi Islam Exam Papers
Material and construction Exam Papers
Sistem maklumat sumber manusia Exam Papers
Isolation of thermotolerant bacteria producing fibrino Journal Article
Estimating carbon storage of different tree species us Thesis
Industri hab halal mesti disertai PKS Text
Determination of optimum conditions in preparing higConference Papers
Bahasa Inggeris : martabat bangsa tidak terjejas Text
Dari angkasa ke dasar laut Text
Fun programme to teach students about integration Text
Rescission, variation and waiver of contract Thesis
Mediating effect of Islamic work ethics on perceived o Thesis
Malacca tops in Hawksbill turtle landings News Paper Cuttings
Mikrobiologi Text
Kerajaan benar kemasukan pakar terapi asing Text
Civil servants suffer from workplace frustrations, too Text
PTP terima tiga kren kontena terbesar di Asia Text
Artificial neural networks application in combined carbText
Development of a prototype for Johore tourism informText
Jika Internet sedunia lumpuh Text
Identification of aerodynamic coefficients of ground v Conference Papers
Automatic edge detection in noisy fringe patterns : a pText
Pokok menghijau di balkoni apartmen Text
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Doktor diwujud Text
Theáteacher-technology divide Text
Building friendlier mosques Text
What foreign students want Text
Preprocessing and solving finite element analysis for Indexed Paper
Manipulasi industri punca kurang gula Text
Kaji cara elak pelajar ponteng Text
113 juta kanak-kanak tiada akses kepada pendidikan Text
Kad debit elak belenggu hutang Text
Hanya McDonald's boleh guna 'Mc' Text
Saya kesal, kegiatan memusnahkan kawasan bukit danText
The effect of virtual environment courseware on student Thesis
Pore size determination of asymmetric membrane usinConference Papers
Effect of solvent/additives ratio on cellulose acetate Conference Papers
Fault location and isolation in micro-grids using a digit Indexed Paper
Implication of South China Sea Arbitration to Malaysia Thesis
RMK-9 tumpu modal insan Text
Pengaruh kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan kayu Text ter
Environmental engineering and sustainability Exam Papers
Porous biodegradablemetals for hard tissue scaffolds: Conference Papers
Automatic generation control via fuzzy logic controllerThesis
Stadium Merdeka mula dibaik pulih Text
Kota Gelanggi : missing piece in ancient chain Text
Factorial design screening for the red pigment produ Journal Article
Thai girl dies in bus crash Text
Govt to honour work permit pact with Sarawak Text
Teh tarik bukan punca utama strok Text
Knowledge sharing session ICT Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sejarah senibina landskap timur dan barat Text
Urban Engineering Exam Papers
Elak terpedaya perangkap jenayah siber Text
Visa redesigns card, enhances security Text
STAR buang 20 pelajar: Kumpulan ala samseng æHighText
Kesan kedatangan warga asing di kawasan taman perum Thesis
Malaysia welcomes support in straits security Text
Taxation II Exam Papers
Tidak perlu RCI banjir News Paper Cuttings
Smart Auto tambah usahawan bumiputera Text
Arabic script language identifications using adaptive Conference Papers
Sindiket dadah peralat wanita Text
UTM cipta alat simpan elektrik Text
Persoalan di sebalik tragedi Text
Barter trade at jetties Text
Immobilization of antibacterial chlorhexidine on stainl Indexed Paper
Beban tugas guru dalam pelaksanaan PBS di sekolah k Thesis
Antara moden dan tradisional Text
Nutrition policy to help win battle of the bulge Text
RM5.5b in EPF withdrawals Text
Implementation of adaptive coding and modulation forIndexed
s Paper
Modeling and simulation of graphene based gas sensoThesis
Dynamic energy absorption performances of rain forestIndexed Paper
Chief Secretary : complaints against civil service not c Text
Perpustakaan : pupuk minat keluarga membaca Text
Computational fluid mechanics Exam Papers
An evaluation of the effectiveness of interacite multimText
Study of relationship between heart rate variability Thesis
Pengurusan dan pemerhatian data kualiti air Text
Education Ministry releases names of best schools andText
Mee hoon and baby milk may be controlled items Text
Lat's 'Kampung Boy' makes it big in US Text
Taking the AIDS battle to schools Text
KDN minta IPTS pantau pelajar asing Text
Rekabentuk rasuk kayu menggunakan MS544 dan BS Thesis
Ops Sikap VIII under way Text
User resistance factors in post ERP implementation Thesis
Memerangi dadah hingga ke akar umbi Text
Perbezaan hukuman kelirukan ummah Text
Chemometrics study and assessment of selected IndianConference Papers
Polis bongkar kegiatan sindiket cek tendang Text
Soft lean practices for successful lean production s Journal Article
Active steering for vehicle system using sliding mode coText
Teknologi oleokimia Text
Tapak toksid haram masih wasap Text
Pengenalan kewangan Text
PPSMI bantu kejayaan masa depan Text
Insaf mampu tangani tekanan Text
Acuan bagi pembinaan bangunan bertingkat : penyiasaText
Revitalising the property market Text
The growth mechanism in self-assembly nanostructures Thesis
Bandar raya bergantung pada LRT Text
Stop blaming others for dengue, says Chua Text
Azam ingin tawan puncak Everest News Paper Cuttings
Pinda Perlembagaan untuk sekolah satu aliran Text
IPTA hyper market Text
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi di dalam perancangThesis
Effects of electromagnetic field under transmission lin Thesis
Optimization of fresh palm oil mill effluent biodegrad Indexed Paper
Good stake in Second Penang Bridge project Text
Kriteria perancangan dalam pembangunan perumahanText
Development of a pulse repetition interval (PRI) mod Indexed Paper
Transport and environmental planning Exam Papers
IRB working on secure system and software Text
Extremities in store Text
Simulation study on the carbon dioxide reforming of Text
Condolences pour in from royals on passing of Tunku Ab News Paper Cuttings
Comparison of fluidised bed and spouted bed for the cText
Optimal control theory Text
All clear : smog emergency lifted Text
Structural and optical properties of erbium doped phosThesis
Kesedaran keselamatan jalan raya meningkat Text
A new approach to assess the effects of Sr and Bi interaIndexed Paper
Integrating principles of new urbanism in planning appThesis
Kesan pembangunan terhadap kestabilan garis pantai di Thesis
Statistical parametric speech synthesis of Malay langu Indexed Paper
Crunch time preparing for the journey ahead Text
Amalan puja kubur di zaman ICT? Text
Disiplin: NUTP kaji selidik 3,000 guru Text
Makanan di kantin mudaratkan murid Text
Implementation of article 76 to delineate the continentaThesis
Sentiasa dalam situasi dinamik Text
Bahasa Melayu, Manglish, Singlish @ Queen's English Text
Waspada aktiviti jualan langsung Text
Spot welding analysis using stainless steel sheet for a Thesis
Kajian kes mengenai sistem penyelenggaraan struktur Tj ext
Bersikap adil nilai utama akhlak Muslim Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk puntiran tidak dihalan Text
Pak Lah beri ingatan kepada PBT Text
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) for manufacturing inThesis
Banjir terus pulih Text
Training monitoring system for cyclist based on andro Thesis
MTUC mahu layanan sama Text
Last word on switch to English Text
Particle detection in gas insulated switchgear using i Thesis
Bahan binaan Text
Abdullah umum rombakan Kabinet dalam masa terdekText
Govt seeks Chinas recognition for twinning programm Text
Metabolism of biomolecules Exam Papers
Teknologi komputer dan maklumat Text
Pelancaran Pelan Tindakan Pembangunan Belia Nasional Text
Engineering elements profile among first- and final- y Conference Papers
Budaya menghargai masa Text
A comprehensive study of data collection schemes usinIndexed Paper
Sound exposure and water supply modification effect tJournal Article
Physical chemistry I Text
Majikan tiada hak buang pekerja bertudung Text
Flood modeling of ungauged arid volcanic environmenThesis
Jumlah Perpustakaan Desa ditambah dalam RMK-9 Text
Kembalikan perpaduan umat Text
Program ‘Writing A Great Paper And Getting It PublPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Salute to the Corps News Paper Cuttings
Computers relieve tedium of taking notes Text
Bank nafi paksa æjual sahamÆ Text
Development of Malaysian contemporary furniture Thesis
Urusniaga tanah Text
Wujudkan ikatan strategik Text
Profiling of organic explosives from post-blast pipe Thesis
A royal visit to boost Norway-Malaysia relations Text
Bicara 50 Tahun Muzium Negara News Paper Cuttings
Singapura politikkan isu jambatan : Dr. Mahathir Text
Control system design for an autonomous helicopter Conference Papers
Kajian kes penggunaan air oleh pelajar di kolej kedia Text
Ombudsman dirangka : siasat tuduhan babitkan semu Text
Permintaan tinggi punca jualan meningkat Text
Pengurusan Putrajaya Wetland menggunakan pengatuc Thesis
Institusi perbankan beralih kepada bankassurans Text
Electromyography control of motorized skateboard Thesis
Kaunselor perlu dedikasi Text
Unsteady MHD flow of viscous and second grade fluid Thesis
Terminal satelit jalur lebar terkecil Text
The effect of test parameters on insulator leakage curre
Jepun hapus duti import 88 peratus produk Malaysia Text
The perception of environmental awareness based on Conference
th Papers
A Stakeholder analysis for collaborative mobile moneyJournal Article
New system to check food safety Text
350 guru diploma Kemas mula tugas 2009 Text
Varsity Boat Race 2016 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Gelagat pengguna Text
Jangan diberi diskaun pesalah Ops Sikap Text
`Kem khas' didik pelatih bermasalah Text
BSN jangka salur pinjaman RM2 bilion Text
Ridza to head panel on merger of LRTs Text
More Malaysians eyeing international schools Text
Modul khas tangani buta al-Quran diperkenal Text
Mach-zehnder interferometer (Full text) Text
A software framework for code security using M-cot-mJournal Article
Active shape models (ASM) optic disc segmentation Thesis
Negara membangun minat dalami sistem pendidikan MText
Taraf Dunia : UTM catat sejarah cipta produk membra News Paper Cuttings
The relationship between technostress, psychological Thesis
Control : Modelling & simulation Exam Papers
Sistem bantuan untuk mengenalpasti kecenderungan Thesis
Sistem hidraulic/pneumatik Text
Coretan Angkasawan : ikat kaki ketika solat Text
Pengukuran & instrumentasi Text
Geneva awards for USM inventors Text
New wedges design for audible frequency test anechoConference Papers
CHOGM mahu UNFCCC berjaya Text
Malaysia among top 10 in Asia Text
Design of experiments Exam Papers
A novel square dielectric resonator antenna with two unIndexed Paper
Gunung Stong jadi tarikan utama pelancong Text
Mengkaji kesesuaian dos polimer dan penghasilan ara Thesis
Aplikasi mudah alih laluan bas di dalam Universiti Tek Thesis
Islam iktiraf kerjaya usahawan Text
Reader's Digest : Maybank raih anugerah berganda Text
A case study of lean manufacturing implementation Indexed Paper
Forum tumpu piawaian global industri halal Text
Performance of large signal model heterojunction bipoIndexed Paper
Countering node misbehavior attacks using trust basedIndexed Paper
A simplified novel technique for solving fully fuzzy l Indexed Paper
Pengguna telefon bimbit dinasihat abai gangguan Text
Nilai ditambah Text
Following the elephant dung Text
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 07) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bush pancing Arab Saudi Text
Switch to bio-diesel with ease Text
Mechanical properties of double layer rubberized concIndexed Paper
Board to seek powers Text
Gender and handedness differences in problem solvingThesis
Bendung provokasi Hindraf Text
Crimes involving children on the rise Text
Helah pelan damai terbaru Bush Text
Sekali seks kena HIV Text
58,000 dijangka hilang pekerjaan Text
Masalah kewangan punca kahwin lewat Text
Chemical engineering computational Exam Papers
Linear algebra Text
An Analysis on the selected factors contributing to Journal Article
Sindiket seludup dadah RM2.6j tumpas Text
Freshwater fish products to bait tourists Text
Teknologi filem tipis Text
Auditor-General's report : ACA arrests 10 over abuse Text
Islam elak jadi jenama lariskan produk Text
The design of bioparticles for treating petrochemical eConference Papers
Leaf disease classification using artificial neural netwo Journal Article
Factors affecting the role of human resource departmen Non-Index Paper
Drug trafficking via post not new Text
Molecular dynamic simulation of V176G mutation assoIndexed Paper
Mahathir di mata media Text
Engineering mathematics II Exam Papers
Medical tomography Exam Papers
Determination of lead content in whitening cream usi Thesis
A survey on factors affecting fuel smart card user acc Thesis
Neural network-based meta-modelling approach for estim Indexed Paper
Permudahan lengkung tegasan-terikan bagi struktur k Text
History and theory of architecture Exam Papers
Large eddy simulation on erodynamic interference of he Thesis
Perodua Eco-Challenge uji kehebatan kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
BNBBC mahu Bank Negara segera bertindak Text
Tokoh Guru Selangor : Pengetua orang terpenting atasiText
Meneroka industri angkasa lepas Text
Abdullah to raise many issues at UN meet Text
UTM hantar 1,000 pelajar ke luar negara Text
Wanita umur 40 diberi subsidi periksa payu dara Text
Response surface methodology integrated modeling ofIndexedg Paper
Circular polarized microstrip antenna for wireless bod Thesis
Bid to stop lies in blogs Text
Gender and accent identification for Malaysian Engli Thesis
Pas perlukan UMNO News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis and characterization of thin film nanocomp Indexed Paper
Synthesis of nickel-colbalt-iron supported alumina comp Thesis
Automasi pembuatan Text
Unified bandgap engineering of graphene nanoribbonsIndexed Paper
Synthesis and characterization of porous carbon from Indexed Paper
Cell and molecular biology Text
Pengukuran dan instrumentasi Text
1,600 turn to Bank NegaraÆs AKPK unit every month Text
Service quality dimensions in pay TV industry : a preli Indexed Paper
Highway Engineering Text
Sistem GMPC diperluas ke seluruh JPN Text
Peserta Program Khidmat Negara dilindungi insurans Text
Pelajar baru UTM wajib jalani saringan H1N1 Text
Effect of alumina - formers addition on the isothermal Text
Pertingkat kualiti hasil pertanian Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
A study on the instrumentation control between globalConference Papers
Asas kejuruteraan petroleum Text
That fuel price hike : the net reason Text
Effect of skewed signalised T–intersection on traffic Journal Article
Development of a prototype of blood glucose meter baThesis
Tahap stres dan hubungannya dengan komitmen kerjaThesis d
Assessment on methods used to detect asthmatic and Journal Article
Numerical simulations of all-optical switching in silico Thesis
Developing e-learning system for primary school level Thesis
5,442 graduan UTM Skudai terima ijazah, diploma Text
KUIM bakal lahirkan ilmuan Islam Text
Menangani gejala sosial generasi muda Text
The black economy Text
Construction technology and design Exam Papers
Tiga strategi kekalkan perolehan sektor pelancongan Text
Constructability comparison between IBS and conventiThesis
Kimia alam sekitar (environmental chemistry) Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan sistem pembersihan auto Text
R&D : UPM temui cara kesan ejen selesema burung Text
Amanat PM cetus perkhidmatan awam dinamik Text
Pelabur kita diseru kembali ke Afrika Text
PM warns of threat to energy supply Text
Beating child abuse Text
GIS in planning Exam Papers
The effect of resonant breathing technique biofeedback Thesis
Voidable and void construction contracts (Full text) Text
Financial accounting II Exam Papers
Investigation of fork and spoon die Text
Lensa rencam di UTM News Paper Cuttings
20-year growth plan for Penang completed News Paper Cuttings
Ministry sets up committee to probe into buggy crash News Paper Cuttings
Rawatan hingga malam Text
Characterization and identfication of bacteria from s Thesis
Bimbingan dan kaunseling Exam Papers
Kemampuan pelajar dalam mengaplikasikan kemahira Text
Ministry help sought over water revenues Text
Tourism management Exam Papers
Penilaian baru ke asrama penuh dilaksana 2015 Text
Analysis of parameters that impacting performance of Thesis
Thermal comfort and occupant adaptive behaviour in un Conference Papers
Malaysia wants more multinationals to open regional of Text
Penerbitan maklumat tiga dimensi sebuah lukisan gar Text
Analisis kekuatan statik sambungan tubular Y dengan Text
Strategi penyiasatan untuk penilaian pembaikan dan reText
Women now getting a kick Text
Geared up for year-end floods Text
Proton eyes RM2b sales boost from Detroit deal Text
Implementing corrective and preventive action methodThesis
Masih kurang pembuat dasar wanita Text
Tingkatkan hubungan dagang dengan Qatar : Tuanku Text
Amaran Rusia di Eropah Timur Text
The socratic method online to improve critical and hi Conference Papers
TD Cars rancang masuki Eropah Text
Perbandingan ramalan enapan dengan enapan sebenarThesis
The effect of cryogenic cooling during turning of titani Text
Proton mahu kekal berkuasa Text
Majlis perpisahan staf dan pelajar praktikal Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Development of android mobile-based telecardiology aThesis
RM6b baik pulih pengairan sawah Text
Heat transfer enhancement in st channel with nanofluid Thesis
Kota Keriangan saji persembahan bertaraf dunia Text
EPU tumpu golongan berpendapatan rendah Text
My health, my country Text
Budget's key aim to speed up projects under 9MP Text
IC testing techniques Exam Papers
Rekabentuk konkrit bertetulang I Text
Utilitarian and hedonic information systems in social Indexed Paper
Teori elektro magnet Text
Circular polarized transparent antenna for 5.8 GHz WLIndexed Paper
Lebih 100 derma darah di Kolej Tun Fatimah News Paper Cuttings
Aquaponic system for self-sustain living Thesis
IGP seeks partnership to combat crime Text
ECER tak sisih rakyat Kelantan Text
Energy analysis of wall materials using building inform Journal Article
Malam Puisi Riong gelanggang seni UTM Text
Improvement method of wax pattern development usin Text
Pressure control of chloride and hydrogen gas header iThesis
Dynaz freed of drug charge Text
UTM hantar enam saintis ke Antartika News Paper Cuttings
Coastal structures Exam Papers
Investigation of a designed fabry perot resonator usingConference Papers
Greenhouse gas emissions: quantifying methane emissiNon-Index Paper
Lima kes baru H1N1 Text
A review of flash point prediction models for flammablIndexed Paper
Principles of human resource planning Exam Papers
Ada pihak taja belia Felda sertai lumba haram Text
Kombinasi kaedah pemprosesan terhadap betik Text
Trade markisa marketing tool to the trader Text
A picture of Hope, Faith and Love Text
Sekolah satu aliran tak rugikan sesiapa Text
A neighbor-aware broadcasting protocol for safety m Thesis
Kaji semula ujian memandu : Dr. M Text
Projek rel elektrik perlu manfaat kontraktor Melayu Text
Surface and colloid chemistry Exam Papers
Bijak kawal hawa nafsu tentukan martabat insan Text
Pengaruh awetan dan agregat kasar bi-modal terhadapText
Industrial thefts carried out with inside help Text
Perbanyak program latih golongan miskin Text
Statistics II Exam Papers
Effect of skewed signalised T- intersection on traffic deIndexed Paper
Peranan Baitulmal diperkasa gerak ekonomi ummah Text
Mechanics of statictics Exam Papers
Batu Putih hak Singapura : ICJ juga putuskan Middle Text
Prices of other food commodities not affected Text
Diagnosis kerosakan litar menggunakan PSPICE dan ranText
Managing human capital for sustainable competitive aNon-Index Paper
Esterification of levulinic acid over heteropolyscid sup Thesis
Projek RM500,000 tak perlu tender Text
Computation and performance analysis of Double Stage Journal Article
Amalan sistem pemisahan manfaatkan Bank Rakyat Text
Looking to KL for leadership Text
Majlis Perujian Tilawah al-Quran Makum Oktober ini News Paper Cuttings
Over 80% chose to answer Maths papers in English Text
Negara bermasalah jika terus beri subsidi minyak Text
Suffering Malaysians unhappy with Indonesia Text
How will the WTO fare this time? Text
Cetak rompak : Kementerian akan laksana hukuman peText
An investigation of volute cross-sectional shape on tu Indexed Paper
Perlindungan untuk pengguna Text
Development of a compact linguistic rules-tree (CLR-TrText
Tiada kuota khas pelajar lelaki masuki IPTA Text
196 nabbed over TNB thefts Text
Pemasaran harta tanah Text
Mass production of carbon nanofibers using microwavIndexed Paper
60 peratus pesara kehabisan wang KWSP sebelum 3 t Text
Investigation of heat impact behavior on exterior wall Non-Index Paper
RM2m in drug trade assets seized Text
Halal list includes cosmetics Text
Jegathesan jaguh pecut terbilang Text
A review of : application of synthetic scaffold in tissue Indexed Paper
Carbon dioxide capture from reforming gases using ac Indexed Paper
Land information system / Sistem maklumat tanah Text
Analisis nyata Text
TPM rasmi pusat penyelidikan karbon rendah di ImperiNews Paper Cuttings
Karnival UTMSPACE dapat sambutan News Paper Cuttings
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Gadget to inform motorists of congested routes Text
Linear algebra Exam Papers
Tangan ghaib ganggu ekonomi Text
Ramai pelatih Melayu gagal kursus jururawat Text
A heuristic automatic and robust ROI detection methoIndexed Paper
JPJ masih kaji kenderaan awam guna tali keledar Text
MPMUTM bantu capai misi tingkat produk inovasi Text
27 calon angkasawan latih tanpa oksigen Text
Kertas siasatan 3 kes bunuh dibuka semula Text
Mechanical properties of quasi-static and ultrasonic c Indexed Paper
Pelajar cemerlang guna slip keputusan palsu Text
Guru pendidikan jasmani, kesihatan ditambah Text
Menangani risiko bahan kimia Text
RTM beku masa siaran baru TV Text
Modelling and simulation of paralleled series-loaded Conference Papers
Design of an OFDM transmitter and receiver using FPGText
An implementation of a knowledge-based system method Text
Monotonic behaviour of beam-to-column connectionsConference
w Papers
Different glueline thicknesses pull-out behaviour of Journal Article
Introduction to multimedia Exam Papers
Professional liability of civil engineer (Full text) Text
Azam PM bangunkan negara Text
Kesedaran terhadap bahaya kebisingan di kalangan konText
Semangat DEB jadikan asas Model Ekonomi Baru Text
A masterplan for the implementation of sustainable enThesis
Ops Sikap : statistik kematian turun 17 kes Text
Sharing ideas on pre-school education Text
Prioritization of reputation loss factor subject to on Thesis
Organic synthesis Exam Papers
Teknologi binaan 1 Text
Penentuan unit kereta penumpang bagi kenderaan bera Thesis
Perbalahan AS-Pakistan mudaratkan jiran News Paper Cuttings
Cost comparison of interlocking block building system Text
Most against proposal to cane female students Text
Belia ditawar ikuti kursus vokasional News Paper Cuttings
100 usahawan francais di bawah RMK-8 Text
UTM terbit 342 judul buku Ilmiah Text
Stability improvement of beam-column structure by usThesis
Kajian tinjauan potensi pembangunan tanah adat Kes Thesis
Stress intensity factor and plastic zone of auxetic mateIndexed Paper
Effect of solution treatment on corrosion characterist Thesis
The need of end-of-life vehicles management system iIndexed Paper
Teknologi oleokimia Text
Modeling and simulation of a novel active vibration conConference Papers
Collapse/swell potential of residual laterite soil due t Indexed Paper
Inisiatif khas pelajar tercicir Text
30 penuntut UTM timba pengalam mengajar di IndoneNews Paper Cuttings
Importance of social health Text
MSC Malaysia catat kemajuan Text
Review on densification of palm residues as a techniquJournal Article
Thumbs up for progress of Multimedia Super Corridor Text
Introduction to psychology Exam Papers
Sistem penyaman udara kereta menggunakan haba ekText
Teknologi hijau pemacu pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemba News Paper Cuttings
Give pensioners RM750 bonus Text
C programming Text
Take steps to prevent accidents, highway authority tolText
Space-UTM ke pasaran luar negara Text
Elemental and physical effect of carbon from date's froNon-Index Paper
Controllers design of an active suspension syatem bas Thesis
Survey work begins News Paper Cuttings
Rapatkan jurang pendapatan Text
Uncertainty analysis of HEC-HMS model parameters usNon-Index Paper
Kabinet setuju wujudkan Kursi Pengajian Eropah Text
Field hydraulic conductivity of some Malaysia peat Text
PM : UiTM hanya untuk bumiputera Text
Kad pintar tangani pelajar asing æhilangÆ Text
Anugerah UTM untuk Endon Text
Mean shift for direction finding and separation of so Thesis
The effects of temperature on the resilient modulus o Text
English an asset for life Text
Krisis ekonomi punca banyak jenayah dikaji Text
Removal of acid gas emissions using hollow fiber gas Indexed Paper
Rubber glove prices may rise this year Text
Lailatulqadar sebagai malam paling istimewa Text
Langkah tambahan atasi kesan krisis akan diumum Text
Kalsium mampu tangani keretakan, kerapuhan tulang Text
UTM lancar kad digital MMSKu khusus untuk penggun News Paper Cuttings
Fizik matematik Text
Senarai IPTA diiktiraf universiti penyelidikan Text
Yuran aksesori : rujuk sekolah Text
Program ala khidmat sosial di sekolah mulai tahun de Text
Computer-based monitoring system for analysing surfac Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa lanjutan Text
Interpol puji sistem data pasport kita Text
Construction of customizable SOA security framework Journal
us Article
Central controller for re-circulating aquaculture moni Thesis
Imrec lonjak pembangunan Text
MECU nama rasmi universiti Kelantan Text
Dua tokoh UTM terima Anugerah Merdeka Text
Tourism management Exam Papers
PAMJ anjur majlis tahlil, bacaan Yasin untuk Tunku Abdu News Paper Cuttings
Tall building system analysis and design Text
Asean Plus 3 best avenue for Asian community buildinText
Safety of LNG cargo handling operation Thesis
Persatuan Alumni UUM sumbang dua kereta Text
Simulations of solid particle in a lid-driven cavity flo Thesis
Progress for rural Perak News Paper Cuttings
Application of data envelopment alaysis in measuring tThesis
Improving the system performance of a two-link robo Thesis
States, local councils not doing to reduce road accidentText
Guru capai gaji maksimum boleh mohon naik pangkat Text
Polis Johor azam kurangkan indeks jenayah Text
English schools may be the answer Text
Tenant's perception of an ideal tenant mix a case stu Thesis
Cuepacs gesa kakitangan kontrak diserap jawatan tetaText
Elektronik Kuasa & Pemancu Text
Home Ministry to review foreign labour intake Text
Digital stereo close range videogrammetry for high a Conference Papers
Keputusan pelaksanaan PPSMI tahun depan Text
Pelanggan bukan bola : PM : berucap dua jam setengaText
Graphic display on altera dsp development kit cyclone Thesis
Kesilapan masyhur dalam sembahyang Text
Computer application Exam Papers
Selecting texture measures for detection of pneumoniConference Papers
Visualizing cardiovascular three-dimensional computedThesis
Experimental investigation on cold†formed steel b Journal Article
Seorang daripada sembilan rakyat kita sakit mental Text
The prevailing practice in deciding the practical compl Thesis
Effects of ferrous toxicity on seedling traits and ion d Journal Article
Effect of white noise stimulation and visual working m Indexed Paper
Krisis : Lembaga Pengarah UPM beri penjelasan kepad Text
Johor jadi pusat khidmat pengangkutan bersepadu Text
Kemudahan asas Pulau Tioman dipertingkat Text
People counting using webcam Thesis
Pembangunan sistem maklumat perjalanan pelancongan Text
39 kementerian catat tunggakan lebih RM8b Text
Sean Yee, Alif tuai emas buat UPM News Paper Cuttings
Jasa besar dua Naib Canselor Text
Law will catch up with the corrupt Text
Ibu bapa perlu beri keutamaan pendidikan awal anak Text
Integrating the best of EAST and WEST Text
CMMI journey in Heitech Padu Berhad:process and prod Thesis
Kilang sarung tangan terbakar kerugian RM6j Text
Performance enhancement of microbial fuel cell by Indexed Paper
Pembaharuan dalam tradisi orientasi News Paper Cuttings
Measurement and correlation of solid-liquid equilibria Indexed Paper
Teknologi, penyelidikan air agenda utama kemajuan Text
Optimum utilization of quarry dust as partial replacemThesis
Monitoring corrosion of steel reinforcement : half cell Text
5 million may get diabetes Text
Development of hydrophilic carbon particle in dye sensi Thesis
PBB voted best local bank Text
Puteri UMNO disaran tambah program kemasyarakataText
PM: Singapura bermasalah -- Jadikan Malaysia kambingText
Mapping technology Exam Papers
Trends and issues in E-communities Exam Papers
Pertingkat daya saing atasi kemerosotan sukan negaraText
Pindaan AUKU bukan untuk wujudkan dua kelas pelajaText
Induced electromagnetic spectral response for an earlyThesis
Resource conservation for UTM campus sustainability Thesis
Keseimbangan rohani, jasmani bentuk ummah terbaik Text
Development & performance evaluation of standard T-s Text
Heavy metals (Hg and Pb) adsorption capacity and seleThesis
Antara dasar luar Manila dan KL News Paper Cuttings
Only 3 types of schools next year Text
Rekabentuk Litar Bersepadu DanTeknik Pengujian Text
Landfill blamed for smelly water Text
Focus on women Text
Effects of different serial fiber arrangements on micro Thesis
Locating fault section using voltage sags database in d Thesis
Tuntutan memelihara zuriat Text
Tahap penerimaan perdagangan elektronik di kalanganThesis
Design of a floatable rubbish collector device at UTM rThesis
Kajian mengenai penawaran terhadap perkhidmatan pe Thesis
A perspective on catalytic conversion of glycerol to oleIndexed Paper
Kejuruteraan bandar Text
Exploring the role of green and blue infrastructure in Indexed Paper
Reactivation of in-stored aerobic granular sludge usingThesis
Senyuman Rasulullah banyak bantu misi dakwah Text
20 SBT langkah pertama lonjak sistem pendidikan Text
Getah : Thailand atasi Malaysia Text
Fundamental sensor development in electrical resist Indexed Paper
Monitoring of vancomycin in human plasma via portable Thesis
Sistem maklumat perakaunan Text
Umno tunggu maklum balas ahli Text
A survey of demolition works in Malaysia (Full text) Text
Malaysia boleh lagi Text
What next after the good news? Text
Development of a building energy analysis package (BEA Text
Khidmat sektor awam ketinggalan Text
Tambang bas tidak boleh dinaikkan: LPKP Text
Najib saksikan MoU bina kilang biodiesel sawit Text
Swarm intelligence algorithm for identification and conThesis
Quality management Exam Papers
Reverse biased schottky contact hydrogen sensors ba Conference Papers
Additional RM1.3b for pension benefit Text
JPJ senarai hitam pemilik kenderaan gagal jelas samanText
Kuala Lumpur perlu terajui Perjanjian Kaherah dan Do News Paper Cuttings
Pasukan penyiasat kes jambatan roboh ditubuh Text
Lanjut usia bersara masih dikaji Text
Biofuel lonjak harga minyak sawit mentah Text
Mukmin berhak pertahan kalimah Allah Text
No need for circular to rehire ex-teachers Text
More than just beautiful vistas News Paper Cuttings
Tourism planning Text
Analysis of polyetherimide/n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone/noIndexed Paper
No need for an Islam-based response Text
Dignity helps women stay clear of graft Text
Graft is everyoneÆs concern Text
Effect of sodium silicate as liquid based stabilizer on s Indexed Paper
Changes await Terengganu Text
Surface electromyography-based facial expression recog Conference Papers
UiTM urus Kolej Yayasan Terengganu Text
Tobacco companies price war hots up Text
Web-based property management system (Preview) Text
Differential evolution for neural networks learning e Text
Exemption from levy for three sectors Text
The comparison of image manifold method and volume Thesis
Malaysia bukan boneka imperialisme Amerika SyarikatText
Media diminta lebih berhati-hati lapor kes jenayah Text
A neural network based approach for call admission c Indexed Paper
Gala weekend to mark birth of wetland park Text
Proton Edar unjur jualan naik 23 peratus Text
Pengangkutan beca sebagai salah satu pengangkutan Thesis
Effect of bio-mediated route synthesized silver nanop Indexed Paper
SARS di Sarawak terkawal: Walaupun wad wanita Hospi Text
JPA3 gigih tingkat kemahiran anggota Text
Optimization of multi-echelon supply chain kanban moThesis
Electrical tree growth in silicone rubber/organo-mon Indexed Paper
Geographical information system (GIS) map for fire an Journal Article
KPDNHEP akui kawalan lemah Text
Multiple-choice items analysis using classical test t Indexed Paper
Guru disiplin perlu diberi latihan profesional Text
Making the transition from school to college Text
The mediating role of commitment, trust and satisfactio Thesis
Tak bermaruah jika pinggir bahasa Text
Emergency lane not for stalled vehicles Text
Terminal expansion model for a container port for Joh Thesis
Effectiveness of water quality index for monitoring MalIndexed Paper
Chewing gum can boost brainpower Text
Jordan mahu bekerjasama tangani keganasan Text
A rush for cooking oil Text
Kabinet tolak syor akta perpaduan Text
Conceptual design of a multi-purpose floating structurThesis
Implementation of beamforming algorithm for heart Thesis
Follow AseanÆs way to cement peace, says PM Text
Evaluation and management of petroleum projects Exam Papers
Amalan kepimpinan instruksional dalam pencapaian s Thesis
UTM-towards and entrepreneurial research university News Paper Cuttings
Security conscious composition of semantic web servicConference Papers
Kaedah baru elak tunggakan PTPTN Text
Guru bukan sekadar mendidik Text
An analysis of the sensitivity of soil erosion models wi Text
Kereta elektrik Proton dijual tahun depan atasi kenaik Text
Negara Islam mundur mudah ditekan Text
Novel sejarah alat perkukuh ideologi Text
Bangunan baru perkasa syiar Islam, imej Mahkamah SyText
Feature-based sentence extraction using fuzzy inferencConference Papers
Kerjasama UTM, Universiti Sarajevo News Paper Cuttings
Study of seawater intrusion modelling in Kg.Tekek, Ti Thesis
Sumber pendapatan 50 nelayan terjejas Text
Ke arah mencapai MS ISO 9001:2008 Text
Toyad: Vice chancellor is no chauvinist News Paper Cuttings
Vaksin percuma untuk kanak-kanak, pelajar Text
Warga IPTA digesa keluar mengundi Text
Risiko jalinan FTA AS-Malaysia Text
Projek penswastaan dikaji Text
Jakim siasat dakwaan Fomca Text
Characterization and gravimetric analysis of the dissolvConference Papers
USIM gondol dua kategori debat diraja Text
Primary Plus workshop proves a hit Text
Jalan pulang ke pangkuan Tuhan terlalu luas Text
Kawalan kualiti Text
TPM minta pemaju tingkat piawaian Text
20kg ganja di jirat Cina Text
Security awareness: a lesson from TCP dump and etherConference Papers
Modelling of stagnant zone formation on diamond cuttiThesis
Cheaper Asean-made vehicles Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
MPs say sorry Text
Application of two intelligent systems in predicting en Indexed Paper
Jakim uncovers halal food certificate scam Text
Mengapa merokok ? Text
Application of differential evolution for cascaded mul Indexed Paper
Aplikasi Bioteknologi Text
UTM tempa sejarah peringkat dunia Text
Poultry sector told to take precautions Text
Electron beam irradiation of LDPE filled with calcium Indexed Paper
Penerimaan teknologi sistem informasi sumber manusia Thesis
Sakit kelamin : mudah berjangkit Text
Kalkulus vektor Text
Heritage clock Text
Pengangkutan teras pembangunan Text
Sifat mekanik dan tingkah laku resapan air bitumen t Journal Article
UTM, DOSH jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Economic aspect of square hollow section in the desig Indexed Paper
Hisham : additional fees not a must Text
Facile synthesis of an electrically conductive polyc Indexed Paper
Palm oil industry in for a boomá Text
Tall building system analysis and design Exam Papers
Tukar kelapa sawit dengan beras Text
Pegawai telus pertingkat mutu khidmat awam Text
Mencari sumber tenaga diperbaharui dan air Text
Perancangan komuniti & perumahan Text
2012 target for special facilities Text
Program PDK - Dermawan disaran hulur bantuan Text
Penjagaan kesihatan khusus untuk rakyat Text
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Prinsip demokrasi perlu terus dipertahankan Text
Exploring new fields Text
Pengurusan kewangan Exam Papers
Bersama membendung inflasi Text
Pakej kehidupan asas promosi alam sekitar Text
Amalan ibadat wajib, sunat mesti disertai keikhlasan Text
Preparation of activated carbon from empty fruit buncIndexed Paper
Housewife is 55th person to die of dengue Text
Intelligent system for power system fault diagnosis us Thesis
RM110m to restore mangroves Text
Penglibatan pelajar secara aktif dalam aktiviti kolej Conference Papers
Reckless bus driver gets seven years Text
Quality assurance in halal food manufacturing in MalayConference Papers
PDRM buat rombakan besar Text
53 peserta PKN, merusuh, ditahan polis Text
Pendirian pertahanan Jepun menyukarkan ASEAN News Paper Cuttings
Kementerian perkenal laporan adab belajar Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Masalah pengurusan kondominium : satu kajian di KualText
Arahan wujud laluan pantas di hospital Text
Projek Taman Teknologi usahasama UTM-Johor siap s News Paper Cuttings
Semangat dan keazaman diri Text
KTMB majukan empat lagi projek tingkatkan perkhidmText
A study of the change of strategy and technology in LeThesis
Rock fall analysis at Pangsapuri Intan, Cheras Thesis
A Modern strategy for the development of academic sta Journal Article
Dinamik / dynamics Text
Pelaksanaan program bandar selamat di kawasan peruThesis
Ainuddin to retire as head of UTM News Paper Cuttings
The use of adsorbents in the reduction of petrol volat Text
Enhancing networking between those in Malaysia and Text
Sekolah seni dibina di Johor, Sarawak Text
10-subject limit for SPM Text
All government hospitals beef up security measures Text
Faktor penumpuan tegasan untuk sambungan tubula Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur binaan Text
Private health practitioners will discuss ways to handl Text
Sistem Kawalan Moden Text
Using Inquiry based module in chemistry laboratory woConference Papers
Food makers able to meet label deadline Text
Pasaran hadapan haram kaut untung lebih RM10 juta Text
Amanah asas dalam diri pekerja Text
Automated web pages classification with independentConference Papers
Penghasilan poli- gb s-Hidroksibutiret (PHB) daripada Thesis
Sistem perhubungan Text
Seminar for Indian women entrepreneurs Text
UTM mula projek bina helikopter Text
Sains bahan Text
'Perosak' rumah tangga boleh didakwa Text
Flow in a pipeline with leakage Thesis
Rangkaian 3G - Berbaloikah pelaburan telefon masa d Text
Ramai tidak faham fungsi subsidi minyak Text
Design consideration for front-end system in ultrason Journal Article
Piawaian import hasil pertanian diperketat Text
Improving nurse scheduling using genetic algorithm and Thesis
High efficient coupling using fiber - tapped micro lens Conference Papers
18 road deaths daily but it's not shocking Text
Rekabentuk kartografi Text
Problem based learning in engineering education: a viaConference Papers
Analisis logam pencemar di dalam air dan hidupan marin Text
Pengurusan dan ekonomi Text
Small signal analysis of heterojunction bipolar transis Thesis
Will boom in commodities last? Text
First Malaysian in Space : earth-coming tomorrow Text
Assessment of the influence of continuous and intermiJournal Article
Cadangan kajian untuk memajukan kawasan air terjun,Text U
Kerajaan perlu terus sokong Proton Text
Layanan istimewa untuk wanita Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Cabaran jurukur tanah berlesen dalam pengeluaran hak Thesis
Side effects recognition as implicit opinion words in d Thesis
Four students ill, UiTM Alor Gajah campus may be closText
Plantation chief feels the heat over forest fires Text
Study on the relationship between training factors an Thesis
Simulation of vegetative induced deformation in an unConference Papers
Multivariable pid control tuning based on optimizatio Thesis
A (H1N1) virus claims eight more victims Text
Tugas IPT selesaikan isu Ph.D Text
Melonjak pendidikan tinggi Text
Bread and butter matters Text
Pembangunan ontologi kanser payudara bagi pemilihaThesis
RM2.7b projek gas, minyak tahun ini Text
Mohon kerajaan semak lagi gaji Text
Remote control of camera mounting Thesis
Pelan integriti dilancar : dibentuk ikut acuan Malaysi Text
Eksport getah negara mencecah RM25 bilion Text
Sekolah kluster utamakan pendidik terbaik Text
Software development for EDM calibration computati Thesis
Wakil UTM kunjungi Balai Berita News Paper Cuttings
The effects of nominal maximum aggregate size on hotConference Papers
Surfactant dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotube/ Indexed Paper
Makan lewat : kesan jangka panjang lebih buruk Text
Ontology modelling for knowledge representation in bu Thesis
Jangan terlalu gopoh Text
Sistem penyampaian terus diperkukuh : PM Text
Teknologi gentian optik Exam Papers
An enhanced test case generation technique using actiThesis
RM903 juta bersih tiga sungai di Johor Text
Systems testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Preformulation studies on lactuca sativa as nutraceuticJournal Article
Drying the sea of fish Text
Automatic demerit points for offenders Text
PLKN : peluang terakhir : lapor diri sehingga 25 Julai a Text
Audit on government buildings nearly done Text
Soft skills boost for front-liners Text
RB Biotech to reap hybrid sown Text
Construction Productivity and Quality Exam Papers
Bengkel pencapaian seimbang, integriti tingkat prestasiText
Kampus Unitem di Sungai Petani Text
Dasar tak serius di SJK sukarkan usaha kuasai bahasa Text
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Audio dan video dalam multimedia Exam Papers
Implications of parents’ socio-economic status in t Indexed Paper
Research best practices seminar publisher talk by Dr Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Jangan biar Islam Hadhari jadi retorik politik Text
Inculcation of values to overcome disciplinary problems Conference Papers
Kontraktor perlu bergabung majukan projek di Arab SaText
Conceptual framework of video learning practices to enh Conference Papers
Proton : pengecualian duti eksais hak Malaysia Text
Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) for microstrip antennText
Proposals to benefit Indian community Text
An enhanced simulated annealing approach for cylindrThesis
70 peratus wanita profesional tidak berkahwin Text
Penyelidik bertekad teruskan percubaan klon manusiaText
Sasar jual 36,000 Exora Text
Fizik polimer Text
Perniagaan sumber luar ICT miliki potensi cerah Text
PUTRA-LRT cadang bina landasan di Jambatan Pulau P Text
Effect of hydrolysed cellulose nanowhiskers on properIndexed Paper
Microvessel containing multi-cellular lumen formationsConference Papers
UIAM tawar 3,500 tempat untuk program matrikulasi Text
Inspirasi majukan teknologi angkasa Text
Elaun pelajar OKU RM300 sebulan Text
Sindrom bahu beku Text
Computer aided design in product design developmenThesis
Pengurusan risiko melalui kaedah pengendalian proje Text
Cabinet to debate water privatisation Text
Perubahan sosial pantas cetus teori konspirasi Text
Traffic engineering IP/GMPLS over WDM (Preview) Text
Advances in visible light responsive titanium oxide-ba Indexed Paper
Free broadcast DGPS service in marine: how good is it Conference Papers
Felda ubah landskap luar bandar Text
Kasino baru tidak dibenar, menjadi dasar kerajaan danText
Propagation measurements and prediction for indoor wl Text
Penggunaan perisian perancangan di dalam industri Text
Hubungkait di antara kedalaman aluran dan kekukuhanThesis
Web-based evaluation system for a problem-based labConference Papers
Pengajian undang-undang I Text
Carbon based solutions sensor for agricultural applicatThesis
Civil servants who opted for EPF can revert to pension Text
RM34 juta bangunkan Pusat Penyelidikan Pengangkut News Paper Cuttings
Online peer-to-peer traffic identification based on comJournal Article
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Cadmium in cuttlefish Text
TDM bakal penggiat utama industri minyak sawit Text
Enhanced 355 nm lasers obtained from BBO and KDP bIndexed Paper
Strategi baru perangi penyeludupan : Bakri Text
Malaysia layak majukan kewangan Islam global Text
Greenhouse gas emission of organic waste compostingIndexed
: Paper
Utamakan penyelenggaraan Text
Melahirkan graduan global Text
Effectiveness of electrical capacitance volume tomog Journal Article
Statistik I Text
4,640 tempat untuk jadi guru berijazah Text
Performance of cold stone mastic asphalt Thesis
Interactive recipe book mobile application using augmeThesis
Rumah Amfibia terapung ketika bah News Paper Cuttings
Ekonomi pembangunan Text
Microbiology Exam Papers
Al-Quran sebagai penawar kegelisahan jiwa Text
Structural and optical properties of strontium/copper Indexed Paper
GIS and planning support system for Klang Valley Regi Conference Papers
Statistik II Text
Hanya kontraktor miliki sijil ISO layak dapat projek Text
Tingkat ekonomi Melayu perlu dijadikan usul penting Text
Sistem pemantauan zoo Thesis
Programming/Pengaturcaraan Text
Kawalan pundi kencing, tidak kira usia Text
Sediakan peruntukan khas Text
Using bayesian networks to construct gene regulatory Conference Papers
Anggota NAM perlu tambah saluran maklumat Text
Kerangka Dasar Automotif Negara ke kabinet Text
Enhanced methods for measuring quality of service anThesis
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Production of orthophoto and volume determination us Indexed Paper
Dasar Laut Kebangsaan selaras urusan marin Text
Characterization of sound speed profile in Malaysian s Thesis
Analysis of heave and sway forces for semi-submersiblText
Abdullah : fuel price cut not politically motivated Text
UTM wujud kerusi Prof. Keusahawanan Text
Analisis berangka Text
Traffic engineering Text
Model ekonomi baru Text
Penggunaan biodiesel dikuatkuasa Februari Text
Mathematical model for a backpack load carriage Conference Papers
Noise cancellation in sound signal Thesis
Karam Singh ikon pelestarian alam sekitar Text
Ekstrak sawit jimatkan bahan bakar Text
IPT menggapai taraf enam bintang Text
Study loan defaulters to be blacklisted Text
Got a crime to report? just push a button Text
Ikhlas muhasabah diri cara berkesan baiki kelemaha Text
More opting to travel by rail Text
Numerical solution of delay differential equations usi Conference Papers
Developing alternatives of small monopole antenna des Indexed Paper
Bayesian analysis of linear and nonlinear latent variab Indexed Paper
Ekonomi dijangka kukuh 2010 Text
Prospek industri sawit terus kukuh Text
LHDN terus buru pembayar cukai Text
Kebersihan asas utama banteras penyakit Text
Kelemahan komunikasi pengurusan bencana Text
Architectural landscape Exam Papers
Irama Alam tema LAMAN 2008 Text
Overwhelming support for Najib Text
Penataan ikut gaya hidup personaliti Text
Developing a construction industry web-based learnin Text
Hemodynamic effect of Patent Ductus Asteriosus (PDAThesis
Botanical features extraction method for leaf recognit Thesis
NAT tingkat pelancongan perubatan Text
2.45 GHz beam-steering textile antenna for WBAN applConference Papers
Pasangan bukan Islam turut jalani ujian HIV Text
Expedition to give hope to youth Text
Artificial Intelligence Exam Papers
Vibration / shock transmission through soils Text
Tenaga sees more demand for power next year Text
SPM, STPM - Pelajar wanita terus monopoli kecemerl Text
Comparison of permeability on the actual and ideal ca Conference Papers
Mekanik pepejal II Text
TouristsÆ pains and pleasures Text
Microbial inactivation using pulsed light - a review Indexed Paper
SARS: Penghunian hotel merosot 40 peratus April Text
Effectiveness of business ethics course: development Thesis
The Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite data for geologi Conference Papers
Semua rakyat mesti jaga sensitiviti setiap kaum News Paper Cuttings
The performance of microbeads in water-based mud asThesis
Teknologi bangunan Text
Negara mampu guna nuklear Text
Perak to focus on industries News Paper Cuttings
Front end bandpass filter for cognitive radio applicatioThesis
Buku dan muzium Text
Halatuju penyelidikan sains matematik untuk mereali Text
Cement products manufacturing factory management Thesis
What makes a man? Text
IRPA - UPM terima peruntukan tertinggi Text
R&D grant scheme returns encouraging Text
Menyingkir logam toksik di dalam air ternakan Text
Kabinet arah BPR siasat isu makmal komputer Text
Database of grads planned Text
USIM martabatkan pendidikan islam dalam teknologi Text
RM13m for flu vaccinations Text
Kesan pasca awet ke atas sifat mekanikal komposit uniText
Malaysia tidak iktiraf nikah mutaah Text
Kesungguhan KUIM terbitkan buku-buku mengenai Isl Text
Study on leakage current of insulator due to environmThesis
USM's journey to be inked in book Text
Subsidies on fuel to be revised Text
Pengambilan tak selaras punca lebihan guru sekolah Text
Now love gives Guna a high Text
Preliminary study on the behaviour of ferrocement - Thesis
Kerja keras tingkat momentum ekonomi Text
Didakwa selepas 3 kali notis : 5 langkah tangani syar Text
Water commission to be set up this year Text
Dysfunctional audit behaviors: an exploratory study in Conference Papers
Game Theory dalam politik Text
Production of hydrogen by steam reforming of glycerolThesis
Menabung cara terbaik biayai pengajian anak Text
UTM sasar biayai 30 peratus kos operasi News Paper Cuttings
UTMSpace rai warga emas News Paper Cuttings
Government plan to overcome shortage Text
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of p Thesis
Energy rate hike on the way? Text
Pembenihan awan atasi jerebu Text
Mempromosi amalan ke arah kerjasama keselamatan Text
Aussie is 7th H1N1 victim Text
Perkhidmatan awam diukur dari kelemahan Text
Firm turns waste into bricks Text
Mandarin language Exam Papers
CM demands public apology Text
Modular structured multilevel inverter as active powerText
Rangkaian komputer Text
Conversion of chemically treated empty palm fruit bunConference Papers
Undang-undang cara terbaik kawal moral Text
A heuristic approach to the evaluation of seafloor bat Text
Tidak endah punca denggi meningkat Text
Entrepreneurship education : incorporation of soft ski Indexed Paper
Third deep ocean buoy to be installed Text
Kementerian beri subsidi padi RM3.72 bilion Text
A review of endiandric acid analogues Indexed Paper
Adopting components of traditional midwifery Text
Malays lack interest in own heritage Text
Architecture practice management Exam Papers
Ramai peguam pakar bidang harta intelek bakal dilahirText
Stochastic streamflow analysis and simulation using d Thesis
Integrated biomass and solar town : incorporation of l Indexed Paper
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Teknologi konkrit Text
SAHPPA: a novel power pinch analysis approach for theIndexed Paper
Makan keledek, ubi kentang ganti nasi Text
Perangkaan pertanian, komoditi diasing : PM Text
A review on application of waste cooking oil as rejuve Journal Article
Malaysians enjoy better pay rise than Europeans and Text
Tingkah laku seksual dalam kalangan remaja Thesis
Keselamatan komputer Text
Experts : do impact studies first Text
Logo halal baru kebal Text
R&D kena guna teknologi asas terkini Text
Flexural behavior of steel reinforced brick beam utilizi Thesis
Era baru KL, Riyadh Text
Bahana seks bebas Text
Gelora penolakan PPSMI buat renungan semua Text
Film cooling effectiveness in a gas turbine engine: a re Journal Article
Application of neural network for prediction of unme Indexed Paper
Baitulmal pusat mampu perkasa aset umat Islam Text
JPJ to install new computer system Text
Pemanduan berhemah satu kewajipan Text
Jom Membaca 10 Minit Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penyelidik UPM ungguli pingat ekspo teknologi Text
Seismic hazard assessment for earthquake resistant des Conference Papers
Road Safety Trust Fund gets the nod Text
Isu remeh tak wajar cetus pergeseran Malaysia-IndoneText
Statics Exam Papers
A quantum-based similarity method in virtual screeninIndexed Paper
The effectiveness of using effective microorganism to Thesis
Pelajar Melayu enggan baiki kelemahan ditegur Text
Pekerja dari sudut berbeza Text
Pelupusan sampah dibebani faktor kewangan Text
Matematik asas Text
Pengurusan projek teknologi maklumat Text
Electric potential distribution of electrical capacita Journal Article
Kaji wujud stadium berasingan : Azalina Text
800,000 workers in 20 years Text
Power system analysis Exam Papers
Eye-hand coordination reaction time device Thesis
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
VSL Engineers jamin struktur jejambat selamat Text
Port Dickson needs to think tourism Text
MMC's action puts students in a dilemma Text
Miskin tegar hapus tahun depan Text
SPM dedah dilema pendidikan Melayu Text
Civil servants want more perks in budget Text
Shortage of court interpreters Text
Bank Negara : economy in recovery mode Text
Hak akses maklumat Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Highly homogeneous nitrogen doped titania nanomateri Journal Article
Field astronomy (astronomi lapangan) Text
Investigation of thickness and thermal treatments on Non-Index Paper
Teori medan elektromagnet I Text
Tyre pressure sensing system Thesis
Teknologi robotik bagi pengautomatan Text
Women becoming more prone to heart diseases than bText
The benefits of headship mentoring : an analysis of M Indexed Paper
Estimation of optimal machining control parameters usi Indexed Paper
Senibina kapal II Text
Effects of spiral confinement to the bond behavior of Indexed Paper
AirAsia terbaik di dunia Text
Rakyat tak acuh penularan H1N1 Text
Influence of lithium chloride, lithium bromide and lit Conference Papers
A review of laboratory and numerical simulations of Conference Papers
Indoor and outdoor navigation based on 3D game eng Conference Papers
Perbicaraan lebih telus, terbuka Text
Analysis of low wind speed small hawt using blade Thesis
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar lanjutan Text
Tarikh akhir pengampunan pendatang asing 31 JanuariText
Housing theory and practice Exam Papers
Rumah Kutai mesra alam Text
Sesuap nasi disubsidi : kerajaan belanja RM2.2 bilion Text
Sistem berhubungan Text
Optimizing production line of IBS by using simulation mText
Mekanik bendalir Text
Specific heats of neat and glycerol plasticized polyvinylNon-Index Paper
Intermediate Accounting I (Perakaunan Pertengahan I)Exam Papers
Sektor pembinaan diramal berkembang 5.8 peratus Text
How computers influence our lives Text
Study part time Text
FTA with New Zealand by end of this year Text
Effect of soil resistivity and grounding system on the Thesis
Pesta kerjaya, pendidikan bantu gerak RMK-9 Text
Kementerian kaji wajibkan sukan, pendidikan jasmani Text
Characterizes of the rediative and nonradiative transi Conference Papers
Ergonomics study in contact lenses manufacturing pla Thesis
KWSP diminta telus dalam dasar pelaburan Text
MyIPO terima 400 permohonan paten R&D Text
Pembaharuan IPT langkah baru Text
Tuntutan pulau ikut rundingan Text
Dual band Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structure Conference Papers
Experimental verification of column at extreme tempeText
e-Syariah ke jabatan kerajaan Text
Kajian ke atas program kitar semula minyak terpakai Text
Kabinet tangguh syor Jakim, garis panduan hiburan b Text
Group : all sectors must help establish water plan Text
Daun getah kering RM300 sekilogram Text
Malay contractors in the dark about Iskandar Text
Catalytic neutralization method for naphthenic acid reIndexed Paper
Sukan syarat baru ke IPT Text
Critical success factors for the implementation of s Thesis
Experts in favour of bus rapid transport system Text
Implementation of UMMP using the localization of webJournal Article
Kilang bio-diesel beroperasi 2008 Text
Mahasiswa UKM bantu mangsa banjir Text
Null and void, inoperative or incapable of being perfo Thesis
Tingkatkan kecairan ekuiti tempatan : PM Text
Teknologi fitokimia Text
Memahami konsep pendemokrasian pendidikan Text
UiTM bukan kelas kedua Text
Syarat baru pelajar kita ke luar negara Text
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi USM kini taraf dunia Text
UTM buka empat lagi kolej kediaman prasiswazah Text
Cuepacs perlu cari kaedah imbangi kakitangan awam Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya Text
Sidang alam sekitar di Tromso buka mata dunia Text
Pemakaian konsep multimodalisma di dalam perancanga Text
Produk UTM diiktiraf News Paper Cuttings
Sokong kaji kurikulum Text
Application of lignin from coconut fiber in surfactant Conference Papers
Matematik binaan Text
Dr MahathirÆs novel proposal for world corporate ta Text
Laila Majnun uji bakat muda dalam bangsawan Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Supplement your health Text
Plus jangka masih mampu catat pertumbuhan trafik Text
Penderia & Tranduser Text
Warm mix asphalt the green technology in the pavemeConference Papers
Ainuddin, Zainal Abidin suntik semangat Melayu di univText
Penentu masa depan Text
Rehda akur kos rendah RM42,000 Text
Fuzzy swarm based text summarization Conference Papers
RM123.8j subsidi hemodialisis Text
Kajian penyerapan air pada bata tanah liat menggunakThesis
Pendekatan taksiran dalam perancangan projek pemb Text
Problems in grammar and strategies being used by Arab Thesis
Solar-powered scooter set to make an impact Text
State working on measures to eradicate poverty Text
Penentuan kestabilan cerun disebabkan oleh penyusupText
Membrane computing for shortest path problem Thesis
Application of multiple regression analysis (MRA) in prThesis
Outdated course, short practice hours produce unskilleText
GST waiver for basic goods and services Text
Optimization of biovanillin production of lemongrass Journal Article
Technology acceptance model and E-learning Conference Papers
Pelajar ikuti aliran sains meningkat Text
Model and non-model based positional controllers desThesis
Kajian penggunaan buruh asing di tapak bina Text
Application of surfactant-polymer stabilized carbaon Thesis
Forensik : UTM, Jabatan Kimia jalin kerjasama Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Tetapkan gaji minimum pekerja Text
Bicara karya pengurusan dan pembahagian harta pusaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian pewarna reaktif antrakuinon dan fotodegradas Text
New bridge moves a step closer to reality Text
Hargai hutan kita Text
Speeding maintenance performance through time stu Indexed Paper
Sazali Samad gemilang di pentas bina badan Text
Wajib baca Rukun Negara di majlis rasmi Text
Effect of microwave heating with different exposure ti Indexed Paper
Facelift for PJ Old Town News Paper Cuttings
Ladang ikan mesra alam diwujud Text
Potential alkali silica reaction on local aggregates Thesis
Defisit bajet 2009 diunjur lebih tinggi Text
Bahasa Melayu jaga alam sekitar Text
Sasar kurangkan bil utiliti 10% Text
The implementation of quality management system (ISO Text
Pulse wave transit time (PWTT) and its relationship witThesis
Sistem pengurusan disiplin pelajar sekolah menerusi Thesis
Investigation of micro-pits formation on billet surfacesJournal Article
Fractionation and characterization of polyphenols rich Thesis
Grim facts on Earth in crisis Text
Qawaid fiqhiyyah Exam Papers
An expert system to remedy concrete imperfections and Indexed Paper
Exploring online repurchase behavioural intention of uIndexed Paper
Pave a clearer way for science Text
Wireless fault tolerances decision using artificial intel Indexed Paper
Logik digital Text
A comparative study of statistical and natural languag Journal Article
UPSR permulaan penting tentukan hala tuju pendidikaText
Google Maps Malaysia bantu pencari hartanah Text
Mutual termination agreement Thesis
KTMB to have 'women only' carriages soon Text
Expensive lessons learnec at Dot-Com University Text
UKM goes global Text
Enhancement heat transfer characteristics in the channIndexed Paper
Meta-analysis of the relationship between TQM and b Indexed Paper
Kakitangan awam perlu bijak guna kad kredit Text
Critical success factors framework for business intell Thesis
Tsunami kills 45 in four states Text
Tugas empat kementerian : laksana program Pelan InteText
Palm oil extract to treat stroke Text
Wired to the max Text
Regal affair at varsity convo dinner News Paper Cuttings
Ismail mahu jadi doktor swasta Text
Exam duties are on rotation Text
Mahasiswa perlu jadi agen perubahan Text
Pengenalan komputer Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
ICJ decision on islands today Text
Peranan GLC bantu usahawan bumiputera Text
Sasaran basmi kemiskinan boleh dicapai Text
Comparative study of Fe doped ZnO based diluted andIndexed
c Paper
Pelan keselamatan hadapi ancaman pengganas Text
Keelektromagnetan Text
Problem solving : algorithms and conceptual and openIndexed Paper
Pemikiran wanita di takuk lama Text
Ukur Binaan I Exam Papers
Strategi sistematik buka peluang pekerjaan Text
Kualiti udara negara bertambah baik Text
Khemah Remaja Teknologi UTM 24 hingga 28 Mei News Paper Cuttings
Chemistry Exam Papers
Sequence analysis of starch degrading enzymes from aThesis
Tekad hapus rasuah tak pernah luntur : PM jawab kritiText
Analisis rekabentuk saiz kolam perangkap sedimen Text
Najib : point out errors Text
Temporal soliton : generation and applications in opt Indexed Paper
Teknik arus pusar Text
Graphical user interface (GUI) for a system identificat Thesis
Cadangan elaun pesara guru diserah kepada JPA Text
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Alloy wThesis
Post-mortem shows woman brutally killed Text
Pendidikan Orang Asli Text
Agropolis to boost research on crops Text
80 centres to keep tabs on retrenchments Text
Proaspirasi kuasai pemilihan MPP News Paper Cuttings
Penyediaan pangkalan data untuk ujian bahan binaan Text
Experimental investigation of short interlocking block Thesis
Computational study on the effect of temperature in flThesis
Foundation of macroeconomics Exam Papers
Sinaran gamma kawal mutu makanan Text
CMMI-based software process improvement initiative Thesis
Anatomy of career failure Text
Penerbit buku perbanyakkan hasil bahan pembelajara Text
Anggota NAM diminta Promosi isu kemanusiaan Text
Prepare for a flu pandemic Text
Resource allocation schemes for wireless asynchronousText
Ibu bapa mengeluh belanja sekolah tinggi Text
Safer mode choice to school Thesis
Dasar bayar balik pinjaman PTPTN kekal Text
Cuepacs minta insentif khas kepada 850,000 kakitang Text
Ready to face cocaine æhitÆ Text
Kenaikan tambang feri lulus Text
A study on accounting undergraduates' career choice Thesis
Determination of silica aerogels nanostructure characteText
Islam Hadhari dasar maju wilayah, koridor ekonomi Text
Project management Exam Papers
Building economics Exam Papers
Lupakan formula kontrak sosial antara kaum : Keng YaiText
Seven new water sources identified Text
Regional demand for auto components to rise Text
The study of controlled release propagating substrate Thesis
Penguasaan, fasih BI perlu dipertingkat : TPM Text
Pengurusan CAD Text
Ubah kaedah bekalan program Text
RM1,000 to close case on khalwat Text
Dua universiti awam disasar 100 terbaik dunia menjel News Paper Cuttings
IT security requirement analysis for maritime industr Thesis
Missing ætouristsÆ Text
Merangka strategi pembangunan mapan komuniti orang Text
Target selection using single channel brain computer i Thesis
Ubah pemikiran untuk maju : Dr. Mahathir Text
Dunia hadapi bahaya pertembungan tamadun : PM Text
Characterization of underwater transmission channel Thesis
Differential equations II Exam Papers
Tarif elektrik lebih rendah sebelum 1 Mac Text
Pelancong dijangka 16.7 juta tahun ini Text
Biotechnology the engine for growth in the 21st centurText
Distributed resource allocation for interference mitig Thesis
GIS dalam harta tanah Exam Papers
RHB sues Rashid Hussain and five others Text
RM200 juta insentif tanam semula sawit Text
Saman sekolah : kes meningkat setiap tahun Text
Performance analysis of a cooling tower Text
On-line preconcentration by analyte focusing micelle coThesis
Salah tafsir agama punca negara Islam mundur : Dr. MText
Arabic writer identification : a review of literature Indexed Paper
The impact of hotel staffs' english language proficiencyThesis
Graduan perlu tingkat martabat UiTM Text
Analytical study of drift velocity in N - type silicon nan Conference Papers
MAS, AirAsia operasi di terminal baru KKIA Text
Polls will mark end of an era for veteran politicians Text
Role of Cu-Mfi zeolite catalyst on direct conversion o Non-Index Paper
Malaysia perlu teroka teknologi baru : Najib Text
Extraction of rubber (hevea Brasiliensis) seed oil using Indexed Paper
Tarif baru telefon talian tidak bebankan pengguna Text
Ajar Sejarah secara penceritaan Text
Protect our water resources, says PM Text
Membina semula memori warisan Aceh Text
Agriculture sector may get tax relief Text
Case study : comparisons between pad footings and pilText
Pengiktirafan guru bertugas di pedalaman Text
Fundamental Analytical Chemistry Exam Papers
Kebolehpasaran graduan dan hubungannya dengan rasion Thesis
Amend varsity Act, say youth Text
Development of low coefficient of thermal expansion cText
Syed Hamid : we won't recognise refugees Text
Meneroka khazanah ilmu ketika percutian Text
Rasa selamat di sekolah News Paper Cuttings
Bengkak prostat ancam lelaki tua muka Text
Ragging comes under fire News Paper Cuttings
Syarat kelayakan guru pelatih lelaki dikaji : perbezaan Text
Rumah terbengkalai tidak boleh diatasi segera Text
Continuous microwave flow synthesis (CMFS) of nano-si Indexed Paper
Optimal translation of english to Bahasa Indonesia usinIndexed Paper
Analisis struktur Text
Port and harbour engineering Exam Papers
Automatic motorcycle security mechanism using ATMEG Thesis
Kontraktor Kelas F wajib dapat 10% Text
Numerical conformal mapping of doubly connected regi Conference Papers
242,195 pelajar menengah tercicir Text
Empirical validation of daylight simulation tool with Conference Papers
The influence of success factors toward software deveThesis
Collaborative efforts in developing the PhD in enginee Non-Index Paper
Thermal analysis of microchannel heat sink Thesis
Permintaan kini pulih Text
Shear delamination damage process in carbon fiber re Thesis
A feasibility study of jatropha curcas oil as alternative Thesis
Mean and seasonal circulation of the south Indian oceaIndexed Paper
Frontline : striking fear into hearts of most hardened cText
Shafie mahu IPTA tangani masalah mahasiswa menganText
Time for education on sustainable development Text
Fundamental research methodology Exam Papers
Site selection for new memorial park using GIS: musli Conference Papers
Tips to avoid fear when when making a presentation Text
Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah Persekutuan wajar ditubuhText
Move Pesticides Board out of Agriculture Ministry Text
Factors affecting the performance of ad hoc on-demanThesis
Secure framework for implementing close circuit televiText
350,000 murid sekolah rendah alami disleksia Text
Sarawak SEDC to invest $1bn in 5 years News Paper Cuttings
Determination of pavement condition using ground peThesis
Organizational memory information system case studyConference Papers
Matematik III Text
Al Rajhi perkukuh hab kewangan Islam : PM Text
Pulau Pinang perkukuh industri ICT pacu ekonomi Text
R&D hab halal Iskandar Malaysia di UTM News Paper Cuttings
PDRM lancar Sistem Laporan Polis Text
PID controller for automotive suspension system Thesis
Projek monorel di Johor RM1b Text
Fisioterapi dan rawatan kecederaan tisu lembut Text
R&D : HUKM catat sejarah dalam bidang perubatan Text
Pendekatan kurangkan jurang pendapatan rakyat bakalText
Prosedur pemilihan tepat mampu lahirkan doktor berku Text
Ministry has no intention to make life difficult for teac Text
South Johor Economic Region (SJER) comprehensive d Conference Papers
PM : go into rice-based ventures Text
Lightning protection design database for engineering aText
Kokuat bangun rantaian nilai asas tani Text
Orang ramai bantu ringankan masalah kewangan cal News Paper Cuttings
Cheng Ho museum to open on Sept 28 Text
Menteri Kesihatan dipecat -- Gagal tangani wabak SARSText
Karisma Nur Haliza News Paper Cuttings
Tachnology and information system Exam Papers
Fund accepts MTUC proposal with some modificationsText
Sistem maklumat pelesenan cukai jualan dan cukai pe Text
Thumbs-up for national schools Text
Mengimbangi petrol dengan teknologi hydroxene Text
Khalwat raids by order only Text
Metal fabrication evaluation through additive manufact Conference Papers
Nilai kesejahteraan sosial Text
A hybrid of Newton method and genetic algorithm for Indexed Paper
Arbitration Exam Papers
Professional practice 3 Exam Papers
Fenomena banjir kilat akan berakhir Text
Interactive UTM bus route map Thesis
H1N1 : hadkan pergerakan Text
Preparation and properties of proton exchange membran Thesis
Kelab Ibu Tunggal tingkat kemahiran Text
Lelaki abai tugas pelindung tanda akhir zaman Text
The impact of brownfield on residental property valueThesis
Isu nuklear perlu selesai secara aman Text
Adsorption of carbon dioxide on monoethanolamine (M Indexed Paper
Ilmu bangkitkan keberanian umat, bangsa Text
Kajian banjir di Sungai Muar Text
Kilang nafi terlibat buang sisa toksik Text
Analytical approach in blue ocean strategy formulatio Thesis
The mechanical properties of aluminium pole from (T6Text
Numerical investigation of nanoscale and vertical MOSFConference Papers
Dry spell may last until May Text
33 reject PSD foreign awards Text
UTM short of 250 lecturers News Paper Cuttings
No more subsidy for fuel at pumps Text
Farah minat kerja dengan kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Governments mulls opening 1Malaysia clinic for foreigText
Hasil khazanah alam Sabah berpotensi dikomersial Text
Peningkatan peringkat berfikir geometri pelajar lep Thesis
Kajian kesan migrasi keluar ke atas pembangunan luar Text
Kajian penilaian kerosakan turapan anjal Thesis
Peranan perpustakaan dalam pembangunan masyarakNews Paper Cuttings
Comparative results of a developed vehicle dynamic modJournal Article
Kimia organologam Text
Teknik pemisahan protein dalam bioteknologi Text
Potential of energy improvement at a Malaysian small Thesis
Natural language processing engine for on-the-go applThesis
The effectiveness of sealants on concrete block pavemThesis
Minister clears the air Text
Talks on elevated bridge still going on Text
Views sought on teaching Science, Maths in English Text
Jagoan dayung MASUM News Paper Cuttings
Similar cases reported in Malaysian hospitals Text
Physicians to get better allowance Text
Kesempitan hidup dorong cemerlang dalam pengajian News Paper Cuttings
Embedded local contrast image enhancement processin Thesis
Jauhi pelaburan tidak berlesen Text
6,000 peminjam JPA ditegah ke luar negara Text
Rahah lancar buku Zainab Ahmad Text
Felda to set up food warehouses Text
Promoting medical tourism in JB Text
USM tawar 3,500 tempat pengajian 2009/2010 Text
Jerebu dijangka kembali selubungi negara minggu depText
Diabetes threat bigger than H1N1 Text
Analisis struktur terhadap pelbagai beban mengguna Text
Hubungan antara curahan dan air larian permukaan di Thesis
Geotechnical modelling and instrumentation techniquExam Papers
Malaysia serius tangani masalah alam sekitar Text
Aplikasi mobil bagi peralatan pengurusan laman blog Thesis
RM1.2b pertingkat mutu khidmat TNB Text
Active suspension system of railway wheelset using fuzz
Terjemahan buku teks matematik, sains tidak semesti Text
1,000 mahasiswa Johor berkampung di Universiti TeknNews Paper Cuttings
Kastam buru profesional, peniaga tidak bayar cukai Text
Mengatasi kekurangan pelajar teknik, vokasional Text
Usaha jaya integriti berterusan Text
Undang-undang perdagangan Text
Circuit theory I / teori litar I Text
UTM juarai Uniten Rowing Invitational 2007 Text
Consumers' attitude towards social network advertisinThesis
Matematik asas Text
Harga minyak tidak naik masa terdekat Text
Four wave mixing nonlinearity effect in wavelength divText
Better than Smart Tag radio system by USM Text
Ibu bapa sanggup belanja ribuan ringgit perubatan an Text
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
Effects of thermal aging and absorbed hydrogen on fatConference Papers
Flying start for 9MP school projects Text
TUDM semakin canggih Text
Orang Melayu banyak kesabaran Text
The mechanical properties of aluminium pole from T7 Text
Ground rice husk as filler in rubber compounding Text
Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in J Thesis
Application of continual liquid-phase microextraction Conference Papers
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Krisis Pelancongan ditubuh Text
Scholarships, teacher perks and new schools Text
New curriculum to produce the æcompleteÆ studenText
GLCM based adaptive crossed reconstructed (ACR) k- Conference Papers
Modern optics Exam Papers
Numerical prediction of free convection in an open e Indexed Paper
Malaysia's stand on municipal solid waste conversion tIndexed Paper
Toxicity study of oil-based mud and ester-based mud onThesis
389 ahli akademik luar negara mohon mengajar di UT Text
Lebih 37,000 mangsa banjir dipindahkan Text
Assessment of groundwater potential zones in an arid Indexed Paper
Protect your child Text
Universiti diarah wujud sistem mentor mentee Text
A review on hybrid electric vehicles architecture and Indexed Paper
A numerical model of alcohol photodetector Thesis
Syor kita jayakan hubungan Asia, Eropah melalui buda Text
97.7 peratus penagih usia 25 hingga 29 Text
Sistem pembayaran e-zakat Text
Kematian menyeksakan bagi orang tak beriman Text
MPOB hasilkan keju mozzarella sawit Text
Partial discharge monitoring system on high voltage eqThesis
Thermal and area optimization for component placemen Thesis
Analysis of internet malware propagation models and m Non-Index Paper
Sulfonated polystyrene pore-filled electrolyte membrane Conference Papers
Ramai yakin pakej mampu jana semula ekonomi Text
Education and family development Exam Papers
Dr M nafi lulus Naza jadi kereta nasional Text
Lawatan ke China berjaya Text
Tsu Koon akhirnya akui usaha bantu Melayu P. Pinang Text
Holograms prove effective Text
Watch out for gantries and guardrails too, says institu Text
A Cambridge campus here? Text
Optimization of radial line slots array antenna design Indexed Paper
Design of experiments Exam Papers
Fake marriage certs for sale Text
Sistem peperiksaan diubah : tumpu penilaian seimbangText
UiTM hargai Dr M Text
Tuan Tulis ulama terbilang Text
USM mahu capai status antarabangsa Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Industry needs more goodies Text
Pasport alternatif tetap selamat walau harga rendah Text
Membida nombor plat Text
NPC bentuk kumpulan penandaarasan, perkongsian amText
Flying in to share the gift of sight Text
Isteri kerabat diraja Perak dibunuh Text
Kaligrafi atas kertas jerami padi inovasi unik kraf tangaText
Sungai terpanjang di Australia kontang Text
Bahan polimer Text
Menguji ketahanan diri News Paper Cuttings
Chemical compositions and biological activities of the Indexed Paper
Separation processes II Exam Papers
Internet broadband service for schools Text
Janji Najib tidak rosakkan Umno Text
PM beri penghormatan terakhir News Paper Cuttings
UTM starts new system to reduce number of dropoutsNews Paper Cuttings
Security control for consumer's trust in personal data Thesis
The content of various domestic microbes and their coJournal Article
Rekabentuk struktur I Text
Online peer-to-peer traffic identification based on comIndexed Paper
Isu bahasa inggeris bukti pandangan jauh Dr M Text
Structural and surface morphology of nanocystalline bThesis
200 english language experts identified to train teacheText
The influence of compositions on liquefied petroleum gNon-Index Paper
Application of region growing segmentation method foConference Papers
Radial basis function network based on multi objectiveConference Papers
The comparison of various gas turbine inlet aircoolin Conference Papers
Penggunaan penjelmaan Laplace dalam analisis litar r Text
Tempoh idah ialah 4 bulan 10 hari Text
Modeling and control of underwater flexible single-li Thesis
Budaya membisu jejas daya inovasi organisasi Text
Floodgates, CCTV a must for basement car parks Text
Recently emerging trends in thermal conductivity of Indexed Paper
Wujudkan perbadanan perumahan Johor Text
Gerak yakin ganjaran wang tingkat kegiatan penyelidi Text
Hidup sederhana bantu lestari alam Text
Swasta, IPTA perlu tingkat kerjasama R&D Text
Aerodinamik Exam Papers
Dynamic measurement techniques for pile capacity preText
Pos Malaysia profit surges : positive results attributed Text
Porous polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane in gasIndexed Paper
Resolving our water woes Text
Effect of sand/gravel interface on gravel pack permeabiThesis
Kakitangan awam perlu bekerja melampaui kebiasaan Text
Comparison of time series forecasting methods using Text
Performance of sealed lead acid battery enhanced by Conference Papers
Application of StreetMapper systems for engineering Thesis
Kalkulus Text
Rawatan air kolam udang dan kolam ikan menggunakan Text
Sejarah & teori senibina Text
5 langkah strategik bangunkan teknologi air Text
Batuk kering kian meningkat di Sarawak Text
Separation process 1 Exam Papers
Annealing time dependent up-conversion luminescence Indexed Paper
UiTM tidak setuju buka pintu kepada semua kaum Text
Teras 2 : Membestari semua sekolah menjelang 2010 Text
Perancangan taman & rekreasi Text
Persekitaran sesuai mampu galak tabiat membaca kanText
Forest clearing may be shelved Text
Binaan landskap 2 / Binaan landskap 3 Text
Nuclear family fission Text
Penyakit Aids : umpama isyarat maut kepada wanita Text
RM1b subsidi tiga barang Text
Elektrolit bantu kekalkan hidrasi tubuh Text
Penderia & transduser Text
Laksanakan strategi cegah rasuah Text
Pengurusan pemasaran Text
Source identification of captured video using photo re Thesis
Penggunaan semula air sisa domestik sebagai air banc Text
More students to get full loans Text
The readiness of facilities audit process in local authoriThesis
Proton, Mitsubishi jalin pakatan strategik Text
Social network analysis and visualization for general elThesis
RM200mil suit against food firm Text
Bersaing menguasai ruang udara Text
Direct design to horinzontal sway limitation for unbra Text
PM : government willing to spend billions on rail links Text
Perancangan guna tanah 1 Text
Principles of environmental engineering Exam Papers
Makan telur tingkat risiko diabetes Text
Development of a computer software for the monitoriConference Papers
Pegawai kementerian patut pantau P&P guru bukan faiText
Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic oil palm empty Thesis
Take a shot Text
Malaysia assessing offshore ringgit trading Text
Program homestay boleh jana ekonomi Text
RM12.1 bilion laksana pembangunan luar bandar Text
Skim persaraan 1Malaysia diperkenal Text
Penguasaan 3M : saiz kelas jadi penentu Text
Teknologi boleh kurangkan tenaga asing Text
E-dagang Text
The effect of pure aluminium pin on steel disc with va Thesis
Wanita bukan penyebab utama kemalangan Text
Swasta perlu pantas rebut peluang niaga Text
Stoker design mechanism for MSW incineration Thesis
Middle class going for ganja and ecstasy Text
Advances in CZTS thin films and nanostructured Indexed Paper
Modeling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) evaporation duThesis
Development of a water utility map of Kuala TerengganText
Kenyataan bank saudagar bukti ekonomi negara kukuhText
Pengenalan kepada GIS untuk harta tanah Text
Liputan temuramah media Perpustakaan UTM sepanjaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Generasi muda perlu ada impian Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
A two switch topology with interleaved buck-boost conv Indexed Paper
Effects of ring support and internal pressure on the vibIndexed Paper
Experts study local roads Text
Hydraulics Exam Papers
Sistem pengurusan pesakit menggunakan teknologi ASText
The zoo management information system (Case study Thesis:
Swasta digalak melabur dalam sektor pertanian: Pakej Text
All set for increase in bus, taxi fares very soon Text
Local community participation in development of ecotThesis
The assessement of 6CS on social engagement at Majl Thesis
Recovery plan strategy on the delay construction projec Text
A novel surface modified polyvinylidene fluoride holl Indexed Paper
Kadar pendaratan ikan merosot 21% Text
Optimization of biohydrogen production by Enterococcu Thesis
Land use planning / Land use planning 1 Exam Papers
Tangani dua isu besar STPM Text
Rawatan air larut resap menggunakan tumbuhan Vetive Thesis
Automatic question classification models for computerIndexed Paper
Hubungan antara ujian makmal, ujian tanpa musnah dThesis
Deria ikan sensitif kesan gempa bumi lebih awal Text
The effect of preservation maintenance activities in a Indexed Paper
Camar uav kebanggaan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Sistem Kawalan Text
An intelligent framework for modelling and active vibratText
Thermal and statistical physics Exam Papers
Macrobenthos as potential bioindicator for tropical rivThesis
Rugby dan bola jaring Exam Papers
Jelapang padi kedua negara Text
The effect of chain extender on viscosity and mechanicNon-Index Paper
Malaysia eksport kembali makanan laut ke Eropah Text
30,000 work permits issued since Aug I Text
Enhancement of parallel thinning algorithm for handwri Text
Use of failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) to reduce dText
Cabaran menghadapi persaingan global Text
Greed, not low income, the root of corruption Text
Hukuman rogol, sumbang mahram diberi perhatian Text
Localization and motion control implementation for anJournal Article
Govt may add to package announced by Najib Text
ISO 9001 : 2000 development in a manufacturing com Text
Antopia development of an online data repository systThesis
The impact of the regional economy and its relation toText
R&D : kuasa mikro sel fuel Text
Set theory and logic Text
Perbandingan kadar denyutan jantung sebagai indikator Thesis
MyTuition, inovasi basmi kemiskinan Text
Neural network modeling for main steam temperatureIndexed Paper
Elektronik II Text
Matlamat GTP capai Wawasan 2020, status negara berText
Determination of local geoid using geometric method :Thesis
Bioactive glass : an in-vitro comparative study of dopi Indexed Paper
Kimia hasil semula jadi Text
Sektor awam patuhi standard pengurusan rekod melalu Text
Integrated flood mitigation and control system (IFMACThesis
Blood pressure monitoring for illiterate and disable peThesis
Survey : cost of living, salary and debt main concerns Text
IDLE land boost News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi voltan tinggi Text
Jenayah 11 bulan turun 0.78% : Polis Text
Microcomputer Text
Water quality modeling of Sungai Tiram using EFDC so Text
Novel method to improve engine exhaust energy extrac Indexed Paper
RM30 langgan MiTV Text
Development of black chromium coating using nanomaThesis
Media Prima untung RM22.26j dalam enam bulan Text
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Sea level change in the Malaysian seas from multi- sateConference Papers
Aplikasi penggunaan handheld global positioning sy Text
Effect of addition of Ni metal catalyst onto the Co an Conference Papers
On-board touch screen graphical interface design for Thesis
Penentuan tahap pencemaran udara dan bunyi di kawas Thesis
Pengguna era kapitalisme baru Text
Pekebun kecil sawit digesa pelajari teknik perladanganText
3,000 penganut agama doakan kesejahteraan Tunku Abd News Paper Cuttings
Computerized accounting (perakaunan berkomputer) Text
Measurement of entrepreneurial personality characteriThesis
Ship structure & vibration Text
Najib : apart from loving the country one must have g Text
MBA tailored to healthcare professionals Text
Winds of change at Bukit Aman Text
Ubah pemikiran pengguna Text
The need to transform for more value creation News Paper Cuttings
Menukar strategi jadi pelaksanaan Text
Petrography of limestone as reservoir rock Thesis
Ekonomi kekal positif Text
Tenaga buruh 10.5 juta orang tahun ini Text
Hopes, fears as talks resume Text
Mufti kesal nama dikait SMS baptis Text
Groundwater hydrology Exam Papers
Landskap Text
Relay selection in mobile multihop relay network Indexed Paper
Islam Hadhari perkasakan bangsa Melayu : Abdullah Text
Kalkulus I Text
Aussie woman with 3kg heroin escapes trafficking cha Text
Biomedical emaging Exam Papers
Experimental tests on SSTT-confined HSC columns Indexed Paper
Cipta alat pemeriksaan jantung mudah alih News Paper Cuttings
Syor insentif bas mini beli diesel, alat ganti Text
Development of a submersible design Text
Gejala dadah terus merebak Text
Najib : new strategy needed Text
Kursi Noordin Sopiee akan beri sumbangan besar Text
Take charge, students told Text
Pensioners slam EPF move to cut contribution Text
7 syarikat bioteknologi dapat status BioNexus Text
Background radiation measurements in the contaminated Thesis
Molecular cloning of and homology modelling of cycli Thesis
Ling : govt is considering higher speed limit Text
Mechanics Exam Papers
Dengue deaths down to 55 Text
China, India not immune to global crisis Text
Fama tingkat usaha bantu usahawan tani Text
Sugar detection in adulterated honey via fiber optic di Indexed Paper
Automatic energy and carbon emissions monitoring usiConference Papers
425,000 kenderaan diramal dijual tahun ini Text
Few venture into responsible tourism Text
Apa itu 9 skala Richter? Text
Feature selection and text classification for high bloo Thesis
Pengoptimuman mata alat mesin kawalan berangka bag Thesis
Data compression based on enhanced lzw technique Text
Penguatkuasaan berterusan lindungi hak pengguna Text
Pendidikan teknikal, vokasional diperkasa Text
Teori perancangan Text
IMU lahir pakar dietatik profesional Text
Pencemaran gas ammonia disahkan tidak lagi bahaya Text
Effects of montmorillonite nano-clay fillers on PEI m Indexed Paper
PM : enough of self-pity, seize opportunities Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Introduction to utility mapping Exam Papers
Empat sasaran utama jayakan agenda pendidikan ber Text
More time for bosses to adjust Text
Iphone based E-Nose Thesis
Reaksi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar IPTA News Paper Cuttings
Pembacaan : bagaimana membaca dengan betul Text
Lokasi optimum cerucuk gantian akibat kegagalan sat Thesis
Scholarships for Indian students who score 9As Text
Bahasa Jepun I (Penulisan B) Text
Numerical conformal mapping and its inverse of unbound Indexed Paper
PSD : fewer cases of indiscipline Text
7 universiti kaji program integrasi nasional Text
Category of fuzzy graph and its relation to morphism Non-Index Paper
Dealing with inefficient staff Text
Rise in accident claims Text
Pengaturcaraan Objek C Text
Women communal life within traditional Iranian bazaaThesis
Keberkesanan hubungan antara pelajar dan penyelia dConference Papers
PBB perlu dirombak Text
Daftar tukar agama Text
Fabrication of electrospun membranes based on poly(cThesis
Optimization through artificial neural network on a pr Indexed Paper
Tourism analysis Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan program pembangunan kerjaya dan hubungan Thesis
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Rais wants incentives for musicians, composers Text
Land use diversity indices and change of mixed land u Conference Papers
Piagam Asean bentuk entiti kebal Text
Hidrologi Text
Rear seat passengers have to buckle up Text
Strategi serampang dua mata mantapkan 2 bahasa Text
Syor perbaharui permit pengangkutan tiap tahun Text
OU Malaysia tubuh perpustakaan digital Text
Pembangunan set perlakuan dalam persekitaran kolabor Text
Kefahaman pelajar bermasalah pendengaran terhadapThesis
Faktor faktor kritikal kejayaan projek pembinaan sektoNon-Index Paper
UIAM ke peringkat global Text
Design and development of a robust tyre prefailure di Thesis
Aplikasi web di dalam sistem pengurusan maklumbalasText
Dr Shafie jumpa pengurusan IPTA, IPTS Text
Development of waste minimization awareness modelThesis
Teknologi bahan Text
Puasa perkukuh ikatan silaturahim sesama Islam Text
Coverage enhancement algorithms for distributed mobi Indexed Paper
Faktor agama bukan alasan utama Text
More than one way to show ‘femininity’ News Paper Cuttings
Hutan penebat banjir semula jadi Text
Kajian secara teori dan ujikaji terhadap pemampat ramText
Parang, cangkul kini alat pemadam api Text
Syor liberalisasi penerbangan Asean Text
Mobile application for PSZ UTM in android platform Thesis
Isu kualiti : Proton dengar kritikan Text
479,000 kereta dapat tali pinggang keledar percuma Text
Analysis of acalypha indica extracts for antioxidant andThesis
Better future for teachers Text
People in region see common identity Text
Kesediaan guru terhadap perlaksanaan pentaksiran beConference Papers
Kesan dedahan ultrabunyi secara in-situ dalam meningk Text
Disiplin pelajar : kadangkala berpunca daripada guru Text
Sensitiviti pengguna terhadap pengurusan air Text
Portal CRIIS Thesis
Hubungan gaya kepimpinan Guru Besar dengan motivas Thesis
FYE bantu pelajar baharu News Paper Cuttings
Back to basics a good move Text
Sastera remaja terserlah di Pesta Buku Jakarta 2006 Text
Detection of paraquat in calliphorid maggots by capillaThesis
Hydrogen production from renewable and sustainable Indexed
e Paper
Communication engineering Exam Papers
Antimicrobial (AM) effects of strach-based film incorp Conference Papers
UPSI rancang jadi pusat rujukan bahasa Melayu Text
Jihad Memerangi Rasuah di semua agensi kerajaan Text
Representation of multi-connected system of fuzzy st Thesis
Menjadikan Ipoh hab penerbangan wilayah utara Text
MQA ganti Lembaga Akreditasi Negara Text
Kesan pemanasan bandar di sekitar Jalan Tuanku Abd Thesis
Career options for students Text
Kajian secara teori dan ujikaji terhadap pemampat ramText
NCER mengiringi harapan rakyat Text
Fatwa Council gives Islam Hadhari the thumbs up Text
Exemption for specialists Text
Computational analysis of particulate flow in expansio Indexed Paper
Father, son discharged,both tested negative for bird fl Text
Kos cuti bersalin RM1.57b setahun Text
Environmental degradation assessment of biodiesel prod Thesis
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Jadikan Felda komuniti contoh : Najib Text
Menjajarkan pengurusan harta tanah dengan strategi ko Thesis
Solid Waste Bill passed Text
Nature of delay in nominated subcontracting (PreviewText
Kajian alam sekitar Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - New Building Under ConstPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Konvokesyen KPYPJ di UTM Skudai 23 Ogos Text
Kajian kemalangan jalanraya di KM 1.7 hingga KM 2.1 dThesis
An Efficient reconciliation in removing errors using Journal Article
Industrial chemical process Exam Papers
95 peratus kebakaran hutan sudah dipadam Text
Gis dalam harta tanah Exam Papers
Visible and near infrared (VIS-NIR) spectroscopy: measNon-Index Paper
PM announces measures to strengthen the economy Text
Perakaunan kos Exam Papers
The living may be allowed to give organs Text
Tingkat kemampuan R&D cabaran utama k-ekonomi Text
Ministry braces for dry spell Text
Software process and quality Exam Papers
Multidimensional unreplicated linear functional relatioConference Papers
Software piracy rate down but losses rise Text
Strategi kerajaan berjaya kurangkan kemiskinan Text
Kajian kualiti air dan kandungan logam berat di Sunga Text
Ibu tunggal Perkaba UTM terima sumbangan News Paper Cuttings
Development of a novel method for 3D scientific datasConference Papers
Information technology (teknologi maklumat) Text
An algebraic problem arising in biomathematics Journal Article
Effects of Mn additions on the structure, mechanical Indexed Paper
RM20 juta bersih sungai di bandar Text
Pemansuhan PPSMI kembalikan kebudayaan Melayu Text
3 sectors to spearhead development Text
Ikan tercemar punca wabak taun Text
Perunding UTM pulihara 208 bangunan lama News Paper Cuttings
Elak jenayah : wanita perlu perkasakan diri Text
House-to-house visit by IRB to deliver forms to errant fText
Declare assets or face axe Text
Adsorption selective carbon membrane the for separ Conference Papers
Prediction of relevance between requests and web serIndexed Paper
Integrasi sistem Text
Penggunaan model kontek, input, proses dan produk (Conference Papers
Online portal for career advice, job application Text
MB arah pemborong jual kepada pengguna Text
Pengguna Muslim perlu bijak guna hak Text
Aerobic granulation with industrial wastewater in seq Thesis
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Ethnobotany plant materials Exam Papers
BNÆs winning formula Text
Kegagalan lahirkan ramai graduan ICT jejas masa depaText
Finite element analysis of an integrated gear-shaft c Thesis
Pindaan akta tangani krisis kesatuan sekerja Text
Malaysia offers expertise to African nations Text
Factors influencing on resdidential mobility Thesis
Syarat autonomi IPTA diperketat Text
Pendidikan vokasional strategi elak keciciran Text
Najib : good English still target Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu bata Text
Influence of tin content on the texture properties and Indexed Paper
Fatigue and tensile properties of carbon steel Text
Comparison nondestructive testing techniques detectiThesis
Effectiveness of ultrafiltration system using hollow fi Thesis
Application of SVM and SWAT models for monthly stream Indexed Paper
Gejala dadah makin parah Text
Environmental management Exam Papers
Simulation study on the effect orifice opening in pass Text
Sifat mekanik bahan Text
Persepsi pelajar asrama terhadap sistem perkhidma Thesis
Cleanroom door interlock system Thesis
MAHA 2008 : Maha catat hasil jualan RM9.7j Text
Penjara sebat pesalah minum arak Text
Reka bentuk loji Text
Teknologi getah Text
Fizik moden Text
Pengkorporatan kastam dikaji News Paper Cuttings
Konsep imam solat asas rujukan pentadbiran Text
Program Anak Angkat UTM di Gelang Patah. April ini News Paper Cuttings
Towards adapting metamodeling approach for the mobi Conference Papers
Fizik matematik Text
Developing e - learning for Kazakh National University Thesis
UTM zooms in on innovation News Paper Cuttings
Buktikan penajaan Text
Adsorption of trypsin onto chitosan/Psf affinity memb Indexed Paper
UTM ungguli pertandingan Veritas Text
Need for golden citizens' plan Text
UTM guna rumpai tiruan kawal ekosistem pantai Text
Perak pelopori industri minda Text
Experimental investigation of extended end-plate con Thesis
Sistem pengurusan Taska Raudatul Iman Thesis
Schemes for special pupils Text
Economy still strong and healthy Text
Kajian terhadap tindakan kerajaan Negeri Johor dalamText
Panasonic dan pengawasan jarak jauh Maxis Text
Sukan lebih serius : kementerian mahu tingkat minat Text
Development of a graphical user interface using labvieConference Papers
Pembayaran gaji berkomputer sistem teragih (PreviewText
Non-euclidean geometry Exam Papers
Terrestrial laser scanners pre-processing : registratio Indexed Paper
Koperasi tangani isu rakyat Text
Pemudah tubuh Mahkamah Harta Intelek Text
Biological activity on the extract of Derris elliptica : Indexed Paper
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Block PA (Image 03) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Microcontroller based ratio control for electro-mechanThesis
Biologi Sel Dan Molekul Text
On-body investigation of dual band diamond textile anIndexed Paper
Priority to safe closure of landfills Text
Harus bijak urus masa News Paper Cuttings
Perforated wellbore stability Conference Papers
Modenas dapat kontrak pasang 75 motosikal `superbikText
50pc jump in dengue cases Text
SEAMEO tumpu pendidikan untuk semua 2015 Text
Holistic approach to measure innovation performance Journal
f Article
Magnetic resonance image segmentation for eye globeThesis
Pinggan pakai buang ubi kayu Text
UTM tawar dua sijil profesional baharu News Paper Cuttings
Statik Text
Performance evaluation of deregulated power system Jsournal Article
Sintesis & keselamatan Text
Multi-residue analytical methodology-based liquid chr Indexed Paper
Melahirkan generasi literat melalui minat membaca Text
Warna terang buah, sayur pengaruhi kesihatan Text
Computerized accounting Exam Papers
10,248 rakyat Malaysia ada kelulusan PhD sehingga Ju Text
Three dimensional surface reconstruction of lower limbThesis
Kukuhkan kekuatan diri menghadapi banjir Text
Pelajar miskin dikecuali yuran Text
An inquiry of perceived image of urban tourism desti Conference Papers
Unit Rawatan Neuro USM tercanggih di Asia Pasifik Text
Diplomasi cara Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
ISA jika sabotaj kemudahan awam Text
Konsep Hanruh melalui BTN Text
Database management inventory system (Preview) Text
Strength and porosity of cement mortar blended with Indexed Paper
Student Societies And Entrepreneurial Exhibition Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Customer service and maintenance system (Preview) Text
Mencari kekuatan mengawal hawa nafsu Text
Assessment of lighting protection system for faculty ofThesis
Pencarian ikut kaedah grid, guna mata kasar News Paper Cuttings
SingaporeÆs rebranding tactic slammed Text
Pengelompokan selari untuk data skala besar dan dimeConference Papers
Penjaja penyumbang terbesar pencemaran sungai Text
Structure II Exam Papers
Drive to register single mothers Text
PWD, MHA to report on hazards Text
Keunikan warisan Portugis jadi lokasi pelancongan Text
Post occupation evaluation of Larkin Bus Terminal Thesis
Palestine on NAM agenda Text
The relationship between self-leadership, personality aIndexed Paper
Applied microbial biochemistry and biotransformationText
Etika dan amalan ikhtisas perancangan Text
Porosity architecture in ecological design Thesis
æMonsterÆ may face many charges Text
Peristiwa hitam 1963 teladan buat Malaysia-IndonesiaText
Kimia keadaan pepejal Text
37% aduan kepada jabatan persekutuan tidak berasas Text
IPTA, IPTS diseragam Text
Site suitability analysis of parks in Iskandar Malaysia Thesis
Optimal input shaping for vibration control of a flexib Conference Papers
Kewajaran batalkan projek landasan berkembar KTMBText
On-Chip droplets sensing using capacitive technique Journal Article
Sabah mahu jadi pusat pertanian moden Text
Sekolah khas tingkatan 6 Text
UM Raih Anugerah Perdana Penyelidikan Text
106 more schools to be turned into relief centres Text
A role-oriented content-based filtering approach: per Non-Index Paper
True blue change : Malaysians want Govt to enforce mText
Intelligent web objects prediction approach in web pr Indexed Paper
Malaysia sedia jadi orang tengah konflik di Filipina Text
ID card proposed as valid document for travel to SÆp Text
JPA tak layan tuntutan Cuepacs Text
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Fluid power Exam Papers
Islamic psychology Exam Papers
Plagiarism common among students Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Elektronik I Text
Pembangunan model penilaian kaedah mass-appraisalText me
Aliran Permukaan Jalanraya Di Universiti Teknologi MaThesis
Permata Hati : rangsang IQ anak Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Bario sends SOS with diesel running low Text
Analisis unsur terhingga jambatan komposit UTM (versiText
UTM kumpul RM53 juta News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia sedia jadi akses daging global Text
Wireless biomedical monitoring system Thesis
Pegawai kerap ponteng wajib jalani kursus pemulihan Text
Isu AP : antara persepsi dan realiti Text
Rosmah : early literacy essential Text
Finalis Ikon Varsiti Sukan News Paper Cuttings
Kursus IPT tak relevan Text
Synthesis and characterization of renewable carbon c Non-Index Paper
UTM kumpul 250 sampel di Antartika News Paper Cuttings
Characterization of tree growth in RTV silicone rubber Thesis
PM ajak Barat respons kepada reformasi aman di negaText
PM beri suntikan semangat News Paper Cuttings
Safety climate among contractor organizations Conference Papers
The practice of time management in construction proj Thesis
Wettability effect and performance of nano-columnar Thesis
Novelapproaches to fabricate carbon membranes based Conference Papers
Detection of cross-country fault on distance protectio Thesis
Quality improvement for the casting of hard disk driveText
Flow regime identification of particles conveying in p Text
Pinch analysis targeting for CO2 total site planning Indexed Paper
Teras 5 : dasar baru martabat profesion keguruan Text
Utilization of waste cooking oil as diesel fuel and im Non-Index Paper
Pengurusan penyenggaraan bangunan : (kajian kes di Un Thesis
Penilaian CBR untuk agregat hancur Thesis
Jenazah Tunku Jalil selamat dimakamkan News Paper Cuttings
Microwave assisted biodiesel production from JatrophaIndexed Paper
The effect of blast holes pattern and rock fragmentati Thesis
Smart communication using radio frequency identifi Thesis
Customer relationship management Exam Papers
Development of lignin surfactant blend from oil palm Thesis
RM112 billion plan for development of the East Coast Text
Malaysia vision and pathway towards Low carbon SocieConference Papers
Coupled BSc. and associate diploma programs: the exper Conference Papers
The effect of varies camera calibration fields on came Journal Article
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Partially degradable friction-welded pure iron-stainles Indexed Paper
Results on frequency weighted model reduction techniIndexed Paper
Software requirements Exam Papers
Tiada arahan periksa vcd di rumah : Muhyiddin Text
Hukuman sebat syariah perlu diseragam Text
Free vibration of symmetric angle-ply laminated annulaIndexed Paper
An electronic stethoscope based on wireless bluetoot Thesis
Forest management units to be reviewed Text
Model Ekonomi Baru penentu survival kemakmuran n Text
Computer networking Exam Papers
Hindari unsur negatif kemajuan teknologi Text
Cuepacs, MTUC sedia terima keputusan kerajaan Text
PSA tawar diploma selenggara pesawat Text
Tiada orang baca buku di Stesen LRT, tren, komuter, Text
Enhancement of pedestrian network system in Johor BThesis
Akta ambil alih UDA dirangka Text
Buku umpama kekasih Text
Multi - agent verification and validation for RFID syst Conference Papers
Kaedah berangka Text
UUM wujudkan tiga kolej akademik Text
PM arah MAS, AirAsia tingkat perkhidmatan Text
Advanced software process Exam Papers
Analysis of C4 explosive residues on post blast hair sa Conference Papers
Bahasa Malaysia untuk semua Text
Coconut fiber reinforced wall panelling system (Previe Text
Amalan ikhtisas 1 Exam Papers
Labour of love pays off for couple News Paper Cuttings
72 masakan diwarta warisan kebangsaan Text
The improved BPNN-NAR and BPNN-NARMA models on Journal
Ma Article
Reka bentuk pembangunan antara punca banjir di KL Text
Antara kehendak kerohanian dan tarekat Text
Menolak takdir bawa kepada kekufuran Text
Pointers for sustainable tourism development in MalayText
Air quality drops in Klang Valley and Sarawak Text
Synthesis of novel ZnV2O4 spinel oxide nanosheets andIndexed Paper
Asas pemasaran Exam Papers
UTM-Universiti Southampton jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Universiti kita bertaraf antarabangsa Text
Anak nelayan menagih dadah meningkat Text
Effectiveness of supply chain management with referenc Indexed Paper
Pendedahan WikiLeaks beri pengajaran buat AS News Paper Cuttings
H1N1 ancaman kepada ibu hamil Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Projek Tua saring kesihatan warga emas News Paper Cuttings
RM5b rail project on drawing board Text
UUM jalin usaha sama dengan dua kolej swasta Text
Negara Islam mampu bawa pemodenan ke tahap globaText
Numerical simulation of hydraulic jump using the im Indexed Paper
Pemetaan konformal daerah banyak segi melalui persaText
Perpustakaan USM bakal terima ISO 2000 Text
Memperkasa BM tanggungjawab semua kaum Text
Fesem-edx and cv characteristics of dopant (mn, co, niIndexed Paper
Mengkaji kemahiran berfikir kritis dan pencapaian pe Conference Papers
Study of spray characteristic of biofuel Thesis
Rogue access point detection on the client-side Thesis
Software application in geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes-mesostructured silica nThesis
Statistics / statistik Text
Muszaphar mulakan penyelidikan mikrob angkasa Text
Formation of large-grain crystalline germanium on singIndexed Paper
Doktor tidak minat lanjut pelajaran ke peringkat pakarText
Instrumental analysis Exam Papers
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Best practices of local (Malaysian) automotive vendorsText
A new watermarking technique for mammogram images Indexed Paper
Application of particle swarm optimization for solving Non-Index Paper
Israel rakus rampas tanah Palestin News Paper Cuttings
Control of active suspension for full car model Thesis
Optimal input shaping for vibration control of a flexib Text
UMS : IPTA pertama miliki Institut Penyelidikan Biotek Text
The effect of transfer climate on transfer training Conference Papers
Conceptual privacy threat model for personal data protThesis
DBP kesal majikan memilih pekerja Text
Dana KWAPA patut pertingkat sistem pengangkutan Text
NRD, Immigration sign deal to link data Text
Pembangunan di Tioman tidak abai alam sekitar Text
Protokol Cartagena peraturan tadbir pergerakan Orga Text
Khidmat awam kian merosot Text
Barisan Nasional is for everyone Text
Terengganu bina lapangan terbang baru bernilai RM1 Text
Melonjak Prestasi Tahap Global News Paper Cuttings
IPTA berkuasa lantik pensyarah kontrak Text
Application of fiber bragg crating sensors in monitoringText
Terapi solat pulihkan mati pucuk : Pakar UM Text
Ex-IRD officers who joined board not entitIed to pensi Text
Modern algebra Text
Matematik diskret Text
Penerangan Islam Hadhari berjalan lancar Text
New anti-drug war model Text
Warna rambut punca barah : CAP Text
Kejuruteraan persis Text
Rethinking conservation in Islam : lessons from the P Conference Papers
Development and evaluation of a web-based learning sys Text
Gaya dan ciri kepimpinan pengurus pertengahan seko Thesis
Peranan universiti di ECER Text
Improve the lifting of different drill cutting sizes us Thesis
Amalan komuniti pembelajaran profesional (KPP) bagi Tt hesis
NUS develops asthma vaccine Text
The use of scrap tyre as fine and coarse aggregate in c Thesis
PLKN dedah cara cegah jenayah Text
A novel optimization algorithm based on epsilon constIndexed Paper
Widowed hours after wedding Text
MB : Arabic and Chinese classes from next month Text
25,000 jobs available Text
40,000 rumah OKU, ibu tunggal, warga emas Text
Teacher shortage æwill get worseÆ Text
Rakyat Terengganu kurang mesra layan pelancong Text
Stages in which one can master English Text
Jalan Johor Bahru - Pontian tiada lampu isyarat News Paper Cuttings
PM mahu pelabur cergaskan pasaran Text
10 co-ops under probe Text
Telefom bimbit : penggunaan pengaruhi perlakuan sosText
Malaysia-Brunei komited teruskan kerjasama Text
Hayati konsep alam sebagai sebuah rumah besar Text
10,000 sekolah manfaat Rakan Pembelajaran Text
Change mindset on agriculture Text
An anti virus scheme using digital signature and anom Text
Development of post dry period hydrographs Text
Industrial and hazardous waste treatment Exam Papers
Analytical voltammetry of reactive dyes and metal comText
Prestasi Badan Kehakiman meningkat Text
Penerbangan domestik : hanya kerajaan putuskan Text
Thermodynamics II Exam Papers
Effect of operating parameters on the minimum fluidisat Text
Building sector to get 369,000 more workers Text
HMs get powers to act in ensuring discipline in schoolsText
Near infrared face recognition : a literature survey Indexed Paper
U entry: Priority for these STPM holders News Paper Cuttings
Fabrication of poly (lactic acid)-zeolite composite nanoThesis
Kurikulum Permata diperluas ke pusat asuhan tahun dText
Hybrid active power filter method in frequency domainJournal Article
National Education Blueprint 2006-2010 : making of thText
Laboratory evaluation on the effect of clogging on per Indexed Paper
PM : all Malaysians to benefit from savings Text
King urges Muslims to adopt lifelong learning Text
Felda sasar 20 tan sawit sehektar Text
Pensyarah IPTS diwajibkan ikuti kursus mengajar Text
Bahasa Jepun II (bahagian 2) Text
Kerajaan yakin tingkat akses pendidikan tinggi Text
1,000 pekerja asing masuk Malaysia setiap hari Text
Tujuan sebenar berpuasa kurang dihayati Text
Number of tourists from India set to increase Text
Tracking rail opportunities in region Text
Moderating role of perceived benefit between sustain Journal Article
Pelajar guna telefon ditentukan esok Text
Recent development on time and wavelength-division Indexed Paper
Senario pendidikan moral masyarakat Melayu zaman tek Text
Pra-pemprosesan bagi pengecaman dokumen bercetakThesis d
Malayan Union demonstration, tribute to Onn by Umno Text
Compensation features for task fulfilment in discussio Journal Article
Mier : 5.7% growth for 2005 Text
Tak payah kursus, cadangan kursus pascaperkahwinanText
Car speed alarm ultrasonic sensor Thesis
Teknologi cip pada kad kredit kurangkan pemalsuan Text
Malaysian legal system and administration / sistem p Text
New regulations on land use Text
Study on English usage Text
Konvokesyen UTM 21-28 September News Paper Cuttings
Assessment of atomic force microscopy for characteri Indexed Paper
Ajaran al-Quran satukan ummah sepanjang zaman Text
Seri Paduka rasmi bangunan DUN Sarawak Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Student crime on the rise Text
Islam reason for peace in Malaysia Text
Tindakan ikut undang-undang News Paper Cuttings
Comparison between QR and cholesky method in dynaThesis
A review of big five personality and job performance Conference Papers
Cuepacs : no room for old style work Text
Comparison of decision tree methods in classification Indexed Paper
Preventing entry of illegals Text
Kesan saiz, bentuk dan jenis batu baur ke atas sifat konText
Ubiquitous geospatial concept in evolution of the macrIndexed Paper
Tingkatan Empat bukan masa berehat News Paper Cuttings
Construction project development Exam Papers
Contractor's liability under unforeseen ground conditi Thesis
Felcra to open more land schemes Text
Advanced reinforced concrete design Exam Papers
Chemical thermodynamics Exam Papers
Sex status stays in MyKad Text
Tiada permintaan naik tarif gas Text
A review on plasma treatment for the processing of soIndexed Paper
Import duty cut for cars could result in 10% savings Text
Calon SPM dihad ambil 10 subjek Text
The development of flora database system (case studyThesis
Lateral movement of vehicles under weak-lane discipliJournal Article
Digital signal processing Exam Papers
Akta Perindustrian Nanas dipinda Text
Komunikasi berkesan jamin kejayaan organisasi Text
Penting dalam menentukan kecemerlangan institusi Text
DPM: LetÆs not be emotional Text
Saham amanah tingkat ilmu pelaburan rakyat Text
Pembiakan dan pengurusan tanaman Exam Papers
Rasulullah manusia istimewa Text
Atlit berprestasi tinggi tidak cukup cergas Text
Development of integrated process engineering and Thesis
Kimia polimer Text
Cytotoxic and antibacterial evaluation of coumarins Indexed Paper
Waris tradisi intelektual Text
Courtesy can overcome corruption and theft, says RaisText
Dinamik Text
Tan Chong to bump up car market share Text
Potentials of steel slag and copper mine tailings as conIndexed Paper
Strange bedfellows Text
Design of fertigation pipeline system for agriculture Thesis
The use of the combination of FTIR, pyridine adsorpti Journal Article
Dr M : Bush merely tried to explain Text
Johor civil service reshuffle Text
Structural prediction of a novel laminarinase from the Indexed Paper
Park and recreation planning Exam Papers
Mathematics v Text
Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent nanofluid flowIndexed Paper
Bayaran tambahan tidak membebankan Text
Biotech courses most popular Text
UTeM mahu jadi universiti teknikal terkemuka dunia Text
Simulation study on non-homogenous system of non-iJournal Article
Kerja kajian tanah dihenti Text
Majikan sukar dapat pekerja Text
Kejuruteraan pembakaran dan penggunaan gas Text
Aspek perancangan sosial Text
Institut latihan pakar kewangan Islam ditubuh Text
Microporous carbon spheres solid phase membrane tipIndexed e Paper
Menentukan nilai pekali pengukuhan menggunakan ujiText
Data governance Exam Papers
Isytihar harta : FAM Text
Infant vaccination reminder system Thesis
Tekno : perisian AuTR terjemah bahasa universal robotText
Mikroelektronik I Text
Screening of artocarpus lanceifolius for antibacterial acConference Papers
Jambatan kedua atasi kesesakan di Muar Text
Keberkesanan program pemulihan akhlak di Sekolah HConference Papers
First principles investigations of electronic, photolum Indexed Paper
The practicality of appointing third party in the rectifi Thesis
Recycling of waste papers into synthetic dye adsorbenThesis
Pegawai kastam ke tiga negara tinjau harga kereta Text
Perkasakan institusi keluarga untuk jayakan reformasi Text
PDRM buru jenayah sifar Text
Kerajaan dan penjawat awam perlu intim Text
NAM mahu sistem ekonomi antarabangsa disusun semText
Pengajian IPTS lebih komersial Text
Rekabentuk susun atur tapak bagi pembinaan bangunaText
Fuzzy modeling with genetic algorithm and recursive leConference Papers
Time-frequency analysis and classification of heart so Text
Anak mati dihentak alu lesung Text
No cough and cold cases at emergency depts Text
How they won the breast cancer battle Text
Kementerian sedia wujud program pendidikan asas Text
Performance evaluation of concrete containing high v Indexed Paper
Iktibar rakyat Thai akibat demonstrasi jalanan News Paper Cuttings
Memahami proses jual beli rumah Text
Bebas bersuara, wakil rakyat diberi kekebalan demi keText
Pengurusan kewangan UPM diiktiraf Text
Mixed convection over a backward-facing step in a verIndexed Paper
Eksport Proton meningkat Text
Construction technology III Exam Papers
Kerajaan dicadang wujudkan Akta Logo Halal Text
Strategizing policy for the learning english as a langu Conference Papers
Electric field distribution and thermal generated by in Thesis
Exploring factors that affect on cancer patients perfo Indexed Paper
Site planning and architectural design considerations oConference Papers
Nilai profesionalisme bakal guru berteraskan indikato Journal Article
Sambutan Hari Raya UTM Kuala Lumpur Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pensyarah UTM terima Anugerah Klas Jan Beek Text
Harith Amar, Zaidatul Husniah kuasai 100m News Paper Cuttings
Methodology for the development of national digital Conference Papers
Dasar mencukupi untuk perkasa wanita Text
Tambak laut tetap beri kesan negatif Text
Parallel crawler and optimization for e-business social Conference Papers
Topik khas (Kriptopgrafi) Text
Privacy aware conceptual desgin of flooding message Thesis
10,000 remaja didakwa -- Gagal daftarkan diri walaupun Text
Effects of obstacles on premixed hydrogen-air mixturesIndexed Paper
Simple calibration technique for reflection / transmi Thesis
Energy management of multiple sources for electric veThesis
Penagih gila menjelang 2020 Text
Good move, say employers, students Text
Point source SO2 dispersion modeling under various stConference Papers
Experts: MSC a 'miracle' that progressed beyond expecText
Serangan Internet meningkat dua kali ganda Text
Impact of rain attenuation on high altitude platform stConference Papers
UTM tingkatkan kecemerlangan News Paper Cuttings
Kebakaran : kerugian RM67 juta Text
Sense of well-being from experiencing green infrastru Conference Papers
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ (Image 02) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Risk analysis on malware in a campus network based oThesis
Muafakat demi ekonomi APEC Text
Economic comparison of steel-concrete beams and bare Text
Construction workers deserve better housing Text
UTMSpace bimbing pelajar separuh masa News Paper Cuttings
A novel chemical product design framework with the inIndexed Paper
Keindahan syurga dorongan perkasakan iman, ketakw Text
Study on our foreign worker needs Text
Voice your opinions, Najib tells civil servants Text
UTM tawar Ph.D Pendidikan Kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Thailand syak wabak maut kembali Text
Atasi cabaran baru Felda Text
Penduduk Malaysia 25.45j Text
Development of a valvetrain mechanism (actuation of Teext
Design of quasi elliptic bandpass filter with defected Thesis
Move to revoke driving licence Text
Najib mahu rakyat Malaysia membaca Text
Pusat kambing Boer terbesar di Alor Gajah Text
Cadangan semakan semula kurikulum program diploma Thesis
Satelit Malaysia terokai angkasa Text
Morphological study of RF magnetron sputtered siliconConference
t Papers
ntv7 eksport program TV Text
Karakter pemain ragbi bawah 16 tahun berdasarkan k Thesis
Melahirkan penulis fiksyen sains berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa Melayu, bahasa Malaysia Text
Tiga syarikat runding labur di Malaysia Text
Guna kemahiran tingkatkan taraf hidup Text
Korban cecah 23,000 : amaran gegaran susulan di Pulau Text
Bidang teknologi hijau industri masa depan: PM Text
Behaviour of pinned beam-to-column connections for Text
A survey on singular points detection technique Conference Papers
More needs to be done to address PWD's welfare News Paper Cuttings
Submission satisfaction in planning permission applicaThesis
Effect of surfactant on the properties of tin dioxide na Thesis
A novel intelligent water drops optimization approach Ifndexed Paper
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Performance characterization of bidirectional wavele Thesis
Core Sports programme a success, claims Jefri Text
Konvensyen IKS diharap bawa usahawan ke pasaran glText
Catalytic decomposition of palm oil to liquid fuels and Conference Papers
Pakej rangsangan dibelanja secara telus Text
Pastikan kes tidak tertangguh lama Text
Datuk saudara paling ramai terbabit rogol Text
Chancellor : donÆt give in to greed Text
A refined technology-based statistical reasoning assessm Indexed Paper
Fault diagnostic advisory system for precut column us Text
The relationship of marketing innovation and service Thesis
10-year limit for schoolbuses? Text
Versatile enhanced encryption process (VEEP) for im Thesis
Customer satisfaction towards the facilities managemeThesis
Structural design of UAV WING Thesis
Buckling analyses of triaxial weave fabric composites Thesis
Kesan penambahan strontium ke atas mikrostruktur daText
MASKUM-UTM tingkat kesedaran jaga alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
3,000 pegawai pertanian baru akan dilantik Text
Pesawat UAV mantapkan sistem pertahanan Text
Lelaki perlu periksa payu dara seperti wanita Text
Harga sayur, ikan terus meningkat Text
Performance of stone mastic asphalt mix using selected Journal Article
Surface modification of titanium and its alloys for th Indexed Paper
Kenal pasti suspek lebih tepat News Paper Cuttings
Akta dipinda beri wanita waktu kerja anjal Text
Polyvinylidene fluoride and polyetherimide hollow fib Thesis
Denggi berdarah ragut nyawa di Pulau Pinang Text
Program Pejabat@Rumah dilancar Text
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
A case study of soil nail installation system for slope s Text
Pembedahan tanpa darah Text
PPUKM perlu setanding negara maju Text
Ke arah pembangunan sistem perancangan dan penyelen Text
Drug-treated stents revolutionise coronary op Text
Pertukaran pelajar lahirkan graduan berpengalaman Text
Today's problem, tomorrow's solutions : lay theory e Indexed Paper
Parameterizable decision tree classifier on NetFPGA Indexed Paper
People of Sabah to decide Text
Yayasan Salam sends team to evaluate damage Text
Fizik amorfus Text
Wujud suasana 'segar' kelas Text
Gabungan kesatuan tolak pelaksanaan PTK ke atas kakiText
Applied mechanics Text
UTM anjur persidangan bioteknologi antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Roadshow Di Fakulti Biosains Dan Kejuruteraan PerubaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Skim pencen bagi swasta Text
Negara perlukan pemain badminton berilmu Text
Taxpayers bear brunt of bike theft Text
Fabric defect detections using wavelet transform Text
Imposeks dalam siput haliah, thais sp, sebagai penunj Text
Najib terima kunjungan empat pelajar Jepun MJIIT News Paper Cuttings
Fuzzy logic based PID control of a helicopter like twin Thesis
Bahasa Jepun I (Penulisan B) Text
Utamakan pelaburan dalam negara Text
Chicken to will be imported if prices here go up Text
CCC pertingkat mutu industri pembinaan Text
Theoretical study : analysis of automated flow lines usiText
More autonomy for school heads in 9MP Text
Feature selection and classification for high dimensionThesis
Tarikan helang Text
Mutu khidmat pengangkutan awam cemerlang jadi sasText
Proses pengangkutan Text
Conflict of laws in arbitration Thesis
Swiftlet bird building temperature and humidity controThesis
Design of the image streaming processor architecture Thesis
Partial disharge measurement for high voltage system Thesis
Evaluation and treatment of moulding sand for green Text
PID controller for micro-unmanned air vehicle (micro- Thesis
The application of mapinfo in managing material and was Text
EMC chamber di UTHM akan dibuka Text
UN lauds HIV/AIDS reduction methods Text
Invest more in biotech, PM urges strong sectors Text
Giving life to the Constitution Text
Tabung Haji bayar bonus 3.25 peratus Text
Rekabentuk struktur II (Rekabentuk struktur keluli & k Text
Fomca calls for ban on melamine in food products Text
Laporan hasil penyelidikan sistem maklumat pengurusaText
Pembentangan Pelajar Praktikal Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Investigating daylight quality using self-shading strat Indexed Paper
Sistem bantuan keputusan bagi laluan kerjaya bidang Thesis
Removal of object's shadow (Preview) Text
Felling of tree was not illegal Text
Study of secure firewall filtering mechanism for networThesis
Arkib Negara simpan fail sepanjang 24km Text
Tree induced suction on slope stabilization analysis Indexed Paper
Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of flavonoids from artocaJournal Article
Bond strength assessment asphalt pavement surfacingThesis
Mckeen matrix application protfolio : a case study in Thesis
Sekolah tidak lengkap tanpa kaunselor Text
Pemasaran & perejenan harta tanah Text
Dana sains dapat sambutan Text
Medical tourists coming to Malaysia in thousands Text
Air and noise pollution Exam Papers
Preparation of regenerated cellulose/montmorillonite Inndexed Paper
Web based online bakery system with short messagingThesis
Isyarat Dan Rangkaian Text
Menangani pencemaran alam atas Text
H1N1 : Don't take pandemic lightly, says WHO rep Text
Pelabuhan Kuantan destinasi ketiga MasKargo Text
UTM tidak bimbang ranking turun News Paper Cuttings
Decision known by mid-April on language for Maths a Text
Semantic of visual form in kukuran Thesis
Hydrogen storage properties of a destabilized MgH2-SnIndexed Paper
RM30m fund to set up national arts village Text
Aplikasi biokimia mikrob dan biotransformasi Text
Kisah wanita-wanita Amerika memeluk Islam Text
Sarawak wants own fishing consortium Text
Pengkomersialan kereta elektrik ganti bahan api Text
Prestasi seimbang Text
Basic of financial management Exam Papers
Planning strategies to ensure national schools remain Text
Rob-and-fly gang grounded Text
Ministry seeks lower tariffs for electricity Text
Simple and low-cost preparation of carbon-coated tit Indexed Paper
Geotechnical engineering design Exam Papers
Lagi mangsa nahas meninggal Text
Mendekatkan sains angkasa kepada rakyat Text
Chikungunya serius di Johor Text
Suppression of plasticization in polysulfone membraneIndexed Paper
Saraan baru kakitangan awam dikuatkuasakan esok Text
Pain for some but gains for everyone Text
Landslides in the hillside development In the Hulu KlanConference Papers
Alas meja mencorakkan suasana Text
UTM sasar 90% pelajar menetap di kawasan kampus Text
Perkahwinan institusi penting Text
Number recognition by using chain code technique Thesis
Pisang Montel : memanfaatkan kawasan kelapa sawit Text
Water resources management Exam Papers
World trade talks fail Text
Syor kaji semula undang-undang diskriminasi wanita Text
Amalan perkongsian ilmu di institusi Pendidikan Tekn Conference Papers
Pembestarian sekolah agenda kritikal 2010 Text
Effect silica fume to the strength and permeability of Text
Income-carbon footprint relationships for urban and r Indexed Paper
20 artificial reefs in Jugra waters Text
Training and development Exam Papers
Kerajaan terus komited jayakan MSC Malaysia Text
Formal language theory and DNA (Full text) Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Wireless sensor network for smart home and ambient Tahesis
Kadar inflasi 2.5 peratus : Najib Text
RM9 billion pour into Halal Hub in Sarawak Text
Promoting problem-based learning in engineering cours Conference Papers
Akal bimbing manusia dekati kebajikan, jauhi kejahata Text
Pusat pendidikan khas Text
Syarat mohon ke IPTA dilonggar Text
Elemen-elemen kritikal pengurusan perubahan di peri Thesis
Museum that aims to spark public’s interest News Paper Cuttings
Klinik konsep wakaf Text
Pelatih PLKN maut : remaja kena tendang di tengkuk Text
Mengimbas kembali tugas wartawan Utusan Melayu Text
Najib : I am proud to be Malay but I can still relate to Text
Engineering mechanics Exam Papers
Muhyiddin urges inventors to file patents early Text
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Sistem diagnosis jenis penyakit kanser di kalangan wanThesis
Document text scalability using minhash algorithm Thesis
Laser in medicine Text
Heritage tourist movement and their behaviors in worlConference Papers
Livestock wastewater treatment using aerobic granulaIndexed Paper
Pemberian kontrak projek kekal : PM Text
IPT diminta pantau graduan bekerjaya Text
Ilmu angkat martabat manusia sebagai khalifah Text
Embox for laptop safety Thesis
16 killed on roads every day Text
Model integrasi pelbagai jenis pangkalan data Thesis
Asia-Africa Summit : Malaysia lists five areas of co-opeText
Water element finding based on water reflection in coConference Papers
Kesan faktor bentuk oleh beban ufuk terhadap cerucukText
Aplikasi modul terapi jiwa dalam kalangan pesakit me Thesis
More emphasis on schoolwork from 2010 Text
Pekebun kecil digalak mohon skim bantuan Text
Mendidik generasi baru tolak perang Text
Ultimate flexural capacity of SFRC beam with emnedded Thesis
Improved email spam detection model with negative se Indexed Paper
High tide brings flash floods Text
Engineering mechanics Exam Papers
Keperluan komponen pembekuan darah Text
Kuala Lumpur pusat kebudayaan, kesenian dan warisa Text
Optimal electricity generation mix with carbon dioxideConference Papers
Education Ministry does away with sim tests for princi Text
Green sonochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles Indexed Paper
Perbandingan rekabentuk papak lompang konkrit pra Thesis
Teknologi pemesinan mesin alat Text
Pembangunan inventori jalan kawasan Kampus UTM mText
Lelaki dituduh bunuh : kes mangsa ragut mati Text
Fuzzy logic model for dynamic multiprocessor scheduliText
Al-Quran pedoman hidup insan takwa Text
Penggunaan komputer dalam kimia Text
Inheritance of function properties for functionals Conference Papers
Structural design of helicopter deck for ship and offshor
RMK-9 utama pembangunan masyarakat luar bandar Text
History of modern architecture Exam Papers
Strategi tingkat daya saing universiti tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Fathiah's at ease teaching Mandarin Text
Design of high speed craft propulsion system Thesis
Effects of inadequate surface sound speed measurem Conference Papers
Lima mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah antarabangsa Text
No more squatters by 2000 Text
Antara beban buku dengan industri muzik Text
Elektronik digit Text
Model and analysis of wind speed profile using artificiaIndexed Paper
Berus bulu haiwan dari China, Taiwan haram Text
Study of flutter on a composite uav wing Thesis
Piracy in straits : KL and Jakarta must co-operate Text
Hidup jimat cermat tangani krisis harga minyak Text
Space education in Malaysia universities Conference Papers
Modeling of shear bond in composite slab using interfaText
Blade faults diagnosis in multi stage rotor system by mThesis
100,000 guru lagi jalani latihan komputer pada 2003 Text
Politik, ekonomi, perpaduan jaminan kegemilangan neText
Dynamic photoelastic studies of stress-waves Text
UTM dijangka cipta rekod baru News Paper Cuttings
Proposing a model to predict students’ perception Indexed Paper
Berat badan ideal perlukan pemakanan bijak Text
Zoology Text
The unplanned residential environment as the ideal lanThesis
Urban economics Exam Papers
Usaha Arkib Negara menerbitkan jurnal biografi Text
FTW beri nilai tambah sektor pembinaan News Paper Cuttings
Perlindungan insurans jaminan masa depan Text
Hukuman lebih berat ingkar bayar cukai Text
Collaborative augmented reality for multi-user in urba Conference Papers
Alatan pengeluaran Text
Solution-focused coaching Text
Pemimpin MPP mesti realisasikan aspirasi mahasiswa Text
Density functional theory study of the electronic and Indexed Paper
Thermal aging behavior in Cu-Al-Ni-xCo shape memoryIndexed Paper
Distribution of maximum principal stress under distribuJournal Article
Round two talks on new bridge Text
Safety system using motion sensor and M68HC11 Text
Pengaturcaraan komputer Text
Talian bantu lahir murid cemerlang Text
Men must stay healthy to care for family well Text
Bersalin melalui caesarean Text
Positive growth forecast but below one per cent owin Text
Pembangunan jejas keupayaan perparitan Text
Palm oil fuel ash as sorbent for the removal of methy Thesis
Budget direction gets wide business support Text
Usah naik tarif air, elektrik : gesaan pelbagai pihak Text
Penyelidikan kanser perlu persatuan Text
Subsidi diesel kurang beban rakyat Text
Kakitangan awam elak tuntut bonus setiap tahun Text
Computational calculation of gas and water propertiesIndexed Paper
Risiko wanita bujang susui anak angkat dikaji Text
Bird flu update : two more admitted for tests Text
ABU Robocon di Korea Azam UTM tewaskan Thailand Text
Effect of rheological behaviour of cellulose acetate Text
Projek Diraja bantu rakyat Text
Trafik data MyIX melonjak sehingga 13 kali ganda Text
Effects of lightning current and ground conductivity onJournal
t Article
Valuation mathematics Exam Papers
Optimization of PID controllers for cartesian coordin Conference Papers
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Thumbs up for Kuching airport Text
Merancakkan ekonomi Text
The student in 2007 - 2010 Text
Syarat pelajar asing tidak akan dilonggar Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
Petronas kekal dalam senarai 50 syarikat paling untungText
A review of semiconductor materials as sensitizers for Indexed Paper
Synthesis, catalytic activity and characterization of a Thesis
Pemuliharaan air : air terbaikpulih Text
Organic chemistry biomolecules Exam Papers
Perginya seorang taikun Text
Factors that influence the level of innovation managemThesis
Oil exploration costs Petronas a bomb, says CEO Text
Narrowing the rural-urban gap Text
Dimensionless analysis of steady hollow fiber spinning Conference Papers
Moving object detection in a sequence of images take Text
Most bakeries sticking to old prices Text
Nilaikan serangan secara saksama News Paper Cuttings
Henti segera ambil pil kurus : Fomca Text
Power system engineering Exam Papers
R&D bioteknologi tempatan setanding negara maju Text
Health care at college Text
Factors to manage in a crisis Text
Thermoluminscence dosimetric properties of carbon anThesis
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Graduan mahir, bermutu mudah dapat kerja Text
Effect of PH variation on static strength in corrosive Thesis
Syor kaji kadar faedah pinjaman kenderaan Text
Sistem pengurusan sumber di tapak bina di atas talian Text
Dana bagi saintis paten ciptaan Text
Women will leave men by wayside, says Dr M Text
Symmetry and Molecular Spectroscopy Exam Papers
The effects of solvents and extraction methods on the Indexed
an Paper
UTM signs MOU with institute to reforest rubber plantNews Paper Cuttings
Kajian hukuman berat cerai luar mahkamah akhir tahuText
An operational framework for alert correlation using aNon-Index Paper
A theoretical framework of data quality in participatorJournal Article
Students paying price of stigma Text
Teknologi fitokimia Text
Vortex-induced vibration characteristics and suppressiThesis
Selesema burung dikesan di P. Pinang Text
Differential equations II Exam Papers
Assessing eye fixation behaviour through design evaluaJournal Article
Politicians beware Text
Revolusi pembangunan usahawan Bumiputera hendaklText
Tourism hurting Redang corals Text
Characterization and antibacterial activity of silver Indexed Paper
Operational research Text
Predictors and outcome of organizational cynicism andThesis
Penstrukturan subsidi tak jejas rakyat gaji kecil Text
Kejuruteraan angin dan gempabumi struktur Text
Pengurusan pengeluaran dan operasi Text
Gaji minimum ditangguh Text
Juruterbang wanita pertama Tentera Darat News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan perisian multimedia berteraskan pembela Thesis
Herbal pill is no cure Text
Learning at all stages of life Text
Usaha membasmi 'blind spot' dalam kepesatan komuniText
Masjid UTM berjaya kumpul RM88,220 sepanjang Ra Text
Hubungan proses pembangunan guru dengan kemahuan Thesis
A state of the art comparison of databases for facial o Journal Article
Usah terbiasa dengan sikap 'cukuplah' : PM Text
Laboratory study on precipitation of barium sulphate Conference Papers
Heavy metals in Kuala Lumpur municipal solid waste ( Text
Pembekal bahan binaan, bitumen diberi peringatan News Paper Cuttings
Effect of pHon electroless nickel deposited on aluminaThesis
Fuzzy logic control of a magnetic ball system Conference Papers
Skim Pinjaman Usahawan Sukan akan diwujudkan Text
Program kemahiran kendiri IPB bina modal insan Text
When pills offer no relief Text
Dunia seni taman Text
Calculus II Exam Papers
USM guna teknologi terkini imej otak Text
Kempen Budi Bahasa disambut positif Text
Dr. Johari dilantik Pro Canselor UTeM Text
Penyelidikan universiti tempatan perlu dikomersial Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Accaunting information system II Exam Papers
Exploition of contract document for construction projec Text
RM300,000 bina tiga kutub khanah Text
The firms’ specific factors of mergers and acquisiti Thesis
Kaedah boleh diamal hindari mengumpat jadi budaya Text
Textile-based flexible electrode for electrocardiographThesis
Stress turning mums into killers Text
Jawi keluar kad pintar permudah saudara baru Text
World's children want their say on environment Text
Didik murid istimewa Text
Teknik pengaturcaraan I Text
Najib : be fair to local councils Text
Marine parks in danger Text
More doctors to get specialist training Text
Ethylene conversion to higher hydrocarbon over coppeConference Papers
Maintenance of commercial building -case study Thesis
Graphene-magnetite as magnetic solid phase adsorbent Thesis
Monsoon unlikely to be too severe Text
A review on metrics to measure and monitor the perf Conference Papers
Enhanced rules application order approach to stem redIndexed Paper
UTM anjur sayembar cereka sains Text
Pembangunan aplikasi mobil Mydietdiary Thesis
Organometallic chemistry Exam Papers
Factors that influence the choice of an educational weThesis
Ceramah agama jadi tarikan Festival Islamik UTM News Paper Cuttings
Perubahan corak guna tanah sawah padi di Negeri Ke Thesis
Monoestolides synthesis from ricinoleic-oleic acids using
Non-Index Paper
TITAS II Exam Papers
Asrama UTM mampu tampung 26,800 pelajar Text
Implementing business inteligence using Pentaho to s Thesis
Rebut peluang cipta pekerjaan Text
Memupuk budaya saintifik Text
White Rabbit candy tests positive for melamine Text
Aplikasi mikro komputer (Seksyen 03,04) Text
Influence of polyethylene thickness on Axis pin in lin Indexed Paper
Makmal kaunseling dan komunikasi USIM bertaraf antText
Najib mahu setiap tanah rancangan berdaya maju Text
A study on a service performance of express bus compan Text
Artificial immune network clustering approach for anoNon-Index Paper
Masyarakat jadi tentera tambahan perangi dadah Text
A futher characteristization of 3-chloropropionic aci Conference Papers
QuadR - tree indexing selection engine for tuning spa Conference Papers
Takungan air berbentuk 'Y' dipercayai punca tanah ru Text
Interface system for colour vision deficiency (CVD) assiThesis
Experimental study to identify common engine part lo Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan geoteknik lanjutan Text
Polls sooner than later Text
PM rebukes civil service for contract delays Text
Peristiwa 1946 akan berulang di Johor Text
Delay tactic in arbitration proceedings Thesis
White-collar crime on the rise Text
SARS: Tujuh lagi dirujuk kepada kementerian Text
Ukur dan maklumat tanah Text
Islamisasi Bahasa Melayu dan pengaruh tradisi keilmuaThesis
Self-regulated learning strategies, concept understandThesis
Ubah strategi eksport minyak sawit ke India Text
Foss-based GIS training tools for the field of urban pl Conference Papers
Sistem perhubungan optik Text
UTM bus tracking application Thesis
Kerjasama tiga pihak perlu jaya pelan koridor Text
Malaysia-Indonesia tetap sahabat sejati Text
Effect of knowledge management and total quality m Thesis
Applied cryptography Exam Papers
Pirates jailed : seven also to be caned for terrorising Text
A review on process conditions for optimum bio-oil yieIndexed Paper
Penggunaan kamiran tentu dalam bidang ekonomi Text
Star-ratings a good move Text
Kimia analisis Text
Numerical simulation of outdoor ventilation around adjThesis
Towards progressive Islam on our terms Text
PM Britain minta bantuan Malaysia Text
Simultaneous phase measurement interferometry for las Text
Development of verification algorithm for a biometric Text
Management information systems Text
SPM limit of 10 subjects may start next year Text
Gejala sosial dikira ancaman jahiliah era moden Text
The effect of socio-cultural factors on residents' su Thesis
RM112b majukan ECER : Perdana Menteri lancar pela Text
Factors influencing security measures in IT outsourcin Thesis
Akta baru atasi nahas tempat kerja Text
Kunjungan PM perjelas kepelbagaian ekonomi Text
Application of the learning organization in a muslim Thesis
Kokurikulum koperasi, kegiatan baru keusahawanan pel Text
On top of the world for just 5 minutes Text
User testing on Game Usability, Mobility, Playability, Journal Article
Kewajaran wajibkan ujian saringan HIV/AIDS Text
Mixed approach in tackling terrorism Text
Electrospinning of synthesized chitosan nanoparticles Thesis
Royal Commission Report on the Police : launch all-outText
Microstrip patch array antenna-optimization Thesis
Bertemu jodoh di UTM, terima ijazah pun bersama News Paper Cuttings
Find out why Malays failed to get 30%, says Lim Text
Kalkulus Text
Cabaran memulihkan si penagih Text
Amaran langgar 5 kesalahan berat Text
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Budget to explore new ground Text
Engineering software Exam Papers
Kesan perubahan atitud bot ke atas data hidrografi p Text
Petronas unit discovers oil in Niger Text
On nth commutativity degree of some 3-Engel groups Conference Papers
Conceptualising the indicators of walkability for susta Journal Article
Project development management (pengurusan pembaText
Harga air: Singapura cabar dakwaan Malaysia Text
Bivariate quality control using two-stage intelligent Indexed Paper
Awareness and acceptance of lecturers in Universiti TeText
Bioteknologi Text
Program perintis bantu pemimpin masa depan News Paper Cuttings
Cuepacs told to remember non-smokers Text
Value-based wealth management Text
Permodelan mendapan tanah disebabkan oleh pengelua Text
Lean construction : knowledge and barriers in implemeText
Persidangan industri Johor, 9 Jun News Paper Cuttings
Perpindahan teknologi dan perniagaan antarabangsa Text
RM19j wujud sistem amaran tsunami Text
Hidrologi Text
Relationship between diamond nucleation density an Thesis
SMF-MMF-NOA fiber-based semi-reflecting mirrow Thesis
Unsaturated soil mechanics Exam Papers
Bumiputera minoriti sasar miliki ekuiti korporat tiga p Text
Hydrophobic silica thin films by sol-gel processing an Non-Index Paper
Kerajaan pastikan kemajuan bioteknologi Text
Fizik am II Text
A modified differential evolution based maximum power Indexed Paper
Wettability effect and durability performance of nan Thesis
What a graduate needs to find a job Text
E-learning development for MSc in operational research Text
Channel modeling and bit error rate performance simulThesis
Apa nak jadi? Text
A study on the factors that influences to small and me Thesis
Star rating for school ICT usage Text
Perketat prosedur lantik kontraktor perunding projek Text
PTPTN syor majikan bayar separuh hutang peminjam Text
Three top issues for KL, Beijing Text
Tidak mampu atasi krisis Text
Parametric studies of sleeve connector using steel pipeThesis
Model for other felda schemes News Paper Cuttings
Programming fundamental Exam Papers
Rumahku syurgaku: bagaimana menyelesaikan masalaConference Papers
Jalin kerjasama erat jika mahu jadi anggota tetap PBB Text
ASEAN capai kata sepakat lindungi alam sekitar Text
Program penjenamaan beri pulangan amat besar Text
Preliminary investigation on gas separation ability Journal Article
Dunia Botani : Seri gading, kemuning berbau wangi Text
Traffic offenders beware Text
Better skills the way to better wages Text
Wanita perlu celik undang-undang Text
Road material and evaluation Exam Papers
Pengakap mesti ada sikap kasih sayang : PM Text
A pain in the neck, and head Text
Noise exposure to the workers in Malaysian constructiThesis
Program Interaksi Belia Siswa News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar dan kelestarian Exam Papers
English will define our competitiveness and global ima Text
Status autonomi universiti penyelidikan 2015 Text
Kajian kemudahan kolam takungan di Taman Desa MoyThesis
Presentation and validation of remote sensing ocean Non-Index Paper
Chemical cross linking modification of matrimid membConference Papers
Teknik arus pusar Text
Internet bakal lapuk Text
Women more vulnerable to HIV Text
Minggu Malaysia di London berbaloi Text
23 Ogos diisytihar hari cegah jenayah Text
Abdullah : EAS wonÆt replace Asean Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Enhancement of VECTOR method by adapting OCTAVEIndexed for Paper
NGO sejuk kempen denggi Text
Preliminary study of local bentonite treatments for oil Conference Papers
Jualan buku cecah RM2.1 bilion Text
Habuan pencen RM9b Text
Triz business improvement and innovation framework Conference Papers
Potential for electric vehicles in Malaysia Text
On some Abelian p-groups and their capability Conference Papers
Belajar tadbir pelbagai kaum Text
Fizik neutron dan reaktor Text
Development of flame stabilizer for a micro gas turbi Text
Arena to interact with others Text
Tourism players sound red alert Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Insomnia : rawatan pakar perlu Text
RM300 fine with no appeal for traffic offences Text
Kembalikan kegemilangan badminton negara Text
Isolation, purification and screening of fingal strain forConference Papers
Binaan konkrit dan batu-bata Text
Bioprocess development for kefiran production by Lacto Indexed Paper
Comparison of current control methods on carrier baseNon-Index Paper
Gastrik bukan alasan tidak puasa Text
Minyak kurangkan bebanan Text
Industri tak boleh salah universiti Text
Warga UTM laksanakan program peringati Tunku Abd News Paper Cuttings
Imputation of missing data with different missingnes Conference Papers
4 local public universities rise in QS World University News Paper Cuttings
Control of a robot arm using artificial intelligence app Thesis
Johor wonÆt be free of squatters by next year Text
Sabah miliki potensi industri pelancongan kesihatan Text
Orang ramai sedih kemangkatan Tunku Abdul Jalil, sif News Paper Cuttings
Optoelektroniks Text
Tambah kemahiran untuk tingkat kerjaya Text
Cabaran kembalikan reputasi IPTA Text
Masak tidak sempurna punca kes keracunan Text
Ontouji-ontology to evaluate domain ontology for sema Indexed Paper
Air : Malaysia dapat pinjaman Jepun RM2.9 bilion Text
Mantapkan pendidikan rendah Text
Pembentukan isohyet menggunakan kaedah kriging Text
MPOB lancar 34 teknologi majukan industri sawit Text
Design a four-stroke homogeneous charge compression Thesis
Ijazah perubatan yang diiktiraf di Allianze College Text
The impact of the security competency on “self-effic Indexed Paper
Flow characteristics in straight compound channel wit Thesis
Using Z-scan technique to measure the nonlinear op Journal Article
Nada Nadi Komuniti penggerak utama masyarakat pe Text
Mengelak Malaysia import petroleum 10 tahun lagi Text
Kajian keberkesanan efluen terawat loji rawatan kumbText
Suhakam : draft action plan Text
Pangkalan data pastikan pertukaran guru telus Text
PC based building security system Text
335 families in Precinct 9 apartments evacuated Text
Kecemerlangan bermula dengan anda Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Advanced highway engineering Exam Papers
To stay healthy with age, you need to stay active Text
Advanced biochemistry Exam Papers
Organic chemistry : functional groups Exam Papers
Petroleum jadi segmen pembangunan di Pahang Text
Bioconversion of seaweed with white rot fungi for prodJournal Article
DAN : kerajaan bukti komitmen Text
Harga saham Asia jatuh, bursa Mumbai terhenti Text
Too enthusiastic to care for safety : present status a Indexed Paper
Implementation of switched beam smart antenna usingIndexed Paper
Kronologi gempa,tsunami besar seluruh dunia Text
Sudut pidato diwujudkan semula Text
Characterization of bright-band in a tropical station f Thesis
Take care of the basics Text
Kementerian sasar 30 pelajar setiap kelas Text
Exciting events lined up for Visit Malaysia Year 2007 Text
3,000 jobless IT grads to serve in school labs Text
Detonation study in a combustion chamber Text
Penyediaan garis panduan bagi campurtangan pembanguna Text
Confirmatory factor analysis of TQM practices in Mala Non-Index Paper
RM10 for each stroke, RM500 for each hanging Text
PLKN : pemeriksaan kesihatan diwajibkan Text
Sistem penjadualan tugas berkomputer Balai Polis DaeText
Komunikasi multimedia interaktif Text
Look at Constitution in totality, says analyst Text
Training management system (TraMS) for ePerolehan un Thesis
Judicial interpretation of consequential loss in constru Thesis
Dept wants more student to take up skills studies Text
Improved windowed cross wigner-ville distribution for Non-Index Paper
Pengurusan insurans dalam industri pembinaan di Malay Text
PM berazam jadikan sektor tani lumayan Text
Effect of mechanical alloying on the phase evolution Indexed Paper
A positive graduate study experience News Paper Cuttings
Pertingkatkan ilmu ketenteraan Text
Caruman KWSP boleh bayar PTPTN Text
Baiki mutu pengangkutan awam Text
Specification of SMEs and SITUs in developing countrieConference Papers
ASN 3 : Pengagihan pendapatan 8 sen seunit Text
Numerical simulation of tangential flow flameless comThesis
KWSP dibenar melabur RM1.9b di luar negara Text
Self service food ordering system Thesis
Risiko dan pengurusan dalam pembinaan : perspektif ko Text
A study of overtaking behaviour on single carriagewayText
Compact dual-fed slotted circular polarization antennaIndexed Paper
Lukisan Raja Zarith Sofia bakal tarik kunjungan pelanc News Paper Cuttings
Kualiti pembangunan modal insan berminda kelas pertThesis
Fungsi bioteknologi menangani wabak H1N1 Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Urus kemalangan lebih cekap News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidik Kuktem cipta enjin mesra alam Text
Encouraging green lifestyle through neighborhood pla Thesis
The role of green corridors for wildlife conservation in Indexed Paper
Prinsip perhubungan I Text
Pinjaman : bank diseru tidak terlalu ketat Text
Ingat mati ukur persediaan bekalan hidup di akhirat Text
Masjid Wilayah : masjid dalam taman Text
Usaha memperkasa belia Text
PM cadang Bank Negara sedia maklumat kewangan Text
Pak Samad guru terbaik penulisan Text
Material science / sains bahan Text
Analytical evaluation of active control turbocharger (AThesis
Budget 2009 : Nor Mohamed nafi negara gawat Text
Unhealthy air quality in five areas Text
Peningkatan harga minyak beri tekanan Text
Celebrating without pain Text
Early -life cycle reuse approach for component-based Conference Papers
Modern Physics Exam Papers
Bon Bakun: Kerajaan tidak perlu tergesa-gesa Text
Partner in HR management Text
Magnetoviscous effect and thermomagnetic convection Indexed Paper
3D coastalbathymetry reconstruction using topsar dat Conference Papers
Imbangi pendidikan dunia, akhirat Text
Longer compulsory service Text
Budget priority for public transport Text
A study on bolt sizes selection and the effects on conn Text
Self organizing map and least square support vector mThesis
Statistical quality control Exam Papers
Sistem pilihan raya Malaysia telus, adil : PM Text
Time dotCom, Jaring akan bergabung Text
100 dipilih ikuti pengajian perisian News Paper Cuttings
Circuit theory Text
Vibration suppression of a elexible manipulator using Thesis
Optical bistability in mobius microring resonator Thesis
Masyarakat perlu perbaiki institusi keluarga Text
Pelajar Melayu tidak minat membaca Text
Label, tag haiwan import Text
Reologi dan pemprosesan polimer Text
Laws that work against women to be repealed Text
Ukur asas Exam Papers
Analisis kendalian dinamik kereta penumpang Text
Sistem perancangan dan cadangan untuk pengangkut Thesis
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
Guru disiplin dipilih di maktab perguruan Text
Datuk Bandars powers stay Text
Give the new system time to work out, teachers told Text
Application of optimization technique for PID controll Indexed Paper
Performance evaluation of the parallel classical and c Text
Query optimization in relevance feedback using hybridConference Papers
Some essential figures Text
Teori litar Text
The profile of construction disputes (Full text) Text
Potensi guna semula air sisa dalam industri - kawasan Thesis
Pelancongan Islam dorong hasrat negara jadi pusat habText
Storing and harvesting atoms/molecules on-chip: challNon-Index Paper
Malaysia akan terus hasilkan satu juta tan metrik geta Text
Eksport ikan hiasan mampu jana RM300j Text
Robot force control of a sheet metal bending process Text
Brain lesion segmentation using fuzzy C-means on dif Indexed Paper
Media elektronik wadah berkesan sebar dakwah Text
Erosion study integration between GIS and USLE modeText
Sejarah senibinaan barat Text
Preparation and characterization of starch grafted w Indexed Paper
Special issue honoring Takeshi Matsuura Indexed Paper
Lawatan pelajar program mini I am for you ke Perpus Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Telekesihatan - Cabaran wujudkan pusat kecemerlang Text
Rekacipta instrumen pengukuran elektronik dan kebe Thesis
Pembangunan peta interaktif bagi kampus Universiti TText
Pelan khas bantu PKS Text
Accuracy assessment of height coordinate using unmanThesis
The effect of thickness on ZnO thin film CO gas sensor Conference Papers
Bas tambahan wajib ada pemandu kedua Text
Asean nations meet to revive economy Text
High resolution impulsi analysing system Thesis
Synthesis and luminescence properties of doped magne Indexed Paper
Strategi perniagaan Exam Papers
Experimental study on hard turning of hardened tool stText
Unimas gets Centre of Excellence Text
Lonjakan hebat sektor pelancongan 2004 Text
Applied mechanic Exam Papers
Errant petrol station owners may be forced to close s Text
Pembangunan program penyediaan data rukyah Thesis
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Base isolation on nuclear power plant under earthqua Thesis
Lactic acid production from cassava mill effluent usin Thesis
20 IPTA tawar 4,411 jawatan akademik Text
Johor ACA to hand out 4,000 car stickers Text
Consumers driven to despair Text
Accurate palm vein recognition based on wavelet scatte Indexed Paper
Overview on design considerations for development ofJournal Article
Usaha pencegahan H1N1 di sekolah harus ditingkat Text
Trapped electron on surface modified sol gel magnesi Conference Papers
Nasioncom lancar telefon jalur lebar Text
Delay in Johor Bahru construction project Thesis
UTM tubuh tiga fakulti baru Text
Pengurusan projek dan ekonomi kejuruteraan Exam Papers
Varsities urged to generate own money Text
MyPR untuk 300,000 warga asing Text
Kelantan to get $2bn over next 5 years, says Ghafar News Paper Cuttings
Para-hydroxybenzene sulfonic acid as a suitable dopanIndexed Paper
Ibu bapa alami tekanan perlu jalani kaunseling : Rosm Text
Tsunami buoy to be activated Text
Proses pembelajaran berterusan dalam peningkatan koThesis
SARS Alert: Healthcare workers, some under quaranti Text
Villages cut off by flood Text
Pendekatan SSM bukan menghukum, tetapi mendidik Text
Strategic management Exam Papers
Surface morphology of insulting material due to surfaceThesis
Kebolehrobekan batu pasir berdasarkan ujikaji makmaText
UNITAR gives account of cource rigours Text
Effect of jute fibre loading on the mechanical and the Indexed Paper
Active damping network in DC distributed power systeIndexed Paper
Pengurusan projek Text
Malaysia wins 59 performing arts medals Text
World Environment Day : all must be NatureÆs custo Text
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Hybrid model for sentiment analysis of multi-faceted AThesis
Majalah membentuk budaya membaca Text
Syarat kecuali suntikan vaksin campak Text
Elak ke kopitiam tanpa sijil halal Jakim Text
Noise prediction and measurement from construction Ts hesis
Development of a computer programme for the designText o
Pertumbuhan ekonomi luar jangka : Abdullah Text
Jadikan pengetahuan am elemen peperiksaan Text
Memupuk budaya kerja selamat, bebas bahaya Text
55 perokok remaja baru setiap hari Text
Skop: Badan persendirian mahu kendali pusat pemulihText
TTS tingkat pelaburan modal asing Text
Materials chemistry Text
Behaviour of confined high strength concrete column sThesis
Aliquat 336 stabilized multi-faceted gold nanoparticlesIndexed Paper
Cadang ubah kaedah pengajaran tingkatan enam Text
Pemandu kenderaan berat wajib kursus Text
Clean-up at zoo to mark Earth Day Text
Prof Lawrence: Let experts handle Lynas issue News Paper Cuttings
Automatic night lamp with security door Thesis
20,000 dipindah Gunung Berapi Talang mula muntahk Text
Kukuhkan perpaduan Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
Waste-handling lessons Text
Wireless infrastructure security Exam Papers
Government all out to eradicate hardcore poverty in f Text
PM : speed up probe on projects Text
Influence of pulsating flow frequencies towards the fl Indexed Paper
Project-based learning framework for non-technical skiThesis
Sedia hadapi gempa, tsunami Text
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Seimbang sahsiah, teknologi Text
It may be last 'timber!' for some Text
Assembly line improvement by using industrial engineeThesis
Football link-up helps tourist chiefs to score millions ofText
Kementerian mahu maklum balas lanjut Text
Penyelidikan operasi I (Operational research I) Text
Saya tidak mahu bina dinasti : Dr Mahathir Text
Pensyarah IPT perlu hasilkan bahan ilmiah Text
Construction safety Exam Papers
Computer-based assessment for suturing task Thesis
Menouvering performance improvement study of a higThesis
Housebreaker beaten to death Text
RM7.3j untuk sekolah bantuan modal RMK-9 Text
Tambang feri naik Text
Multivariable PID controllers for dynamic process Indexed Paper
Warping constant of steel section (Full text) Text
Calon dapat AI, A2 meningkat Text
Impact performance analysis on a UTM racing car Text
Industrial relations law Exam Papers
Usah cuba buat kaca Text
Simulation game mini beverage stall Thesis
Love, not shun, AIDS patients Text
Don relishes job at Beijing varsity Text
Kimia am I Text
Better dividends in the offing for fund investors Text
10% markah kokurikulum ke IPTA berdasar 4 komponeText
Internet communication through point-to-point protocol Text
RM2.3b bagi inisiatif ICT Text
Sebati dengan alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Pensyarah UTM cipta alat uji tahap ketangkasan diri Text
KTMB bakal miliki 35 kereta api laju Text
On-line per-concentration of arsenic compounds by dyn Text
Faster payments as public sector improves delivery Text
Keli-kelip Kg. Kuantan kian pupus Text
FTTM : an alexandroff space construction Conference Papers
Prestasi lenturan rasuk konkrit bertetulang menggunaka Thesis
Kajian penggunaan perisian dalam kejuruteraan struktText
Jumlah warga Singapura belum dikemas kini Text
She takes safety seriously for commercial driver Text
Teaching spoken english to L2 learners “an effecti Journal Article
Leachate treatment using Vetiveria Zizanioides in sub Thesis
Malaysia bina kilang RM40 juta rintis pengeluaran biodText
Using local food to æbaitÆ tourists Text
Spatiotemporal land use and land cover change in majIndexed Paper
Bahasa Jepun I Text
Facilities management service performance in a univerThesis
Keselamatan kunci kemajuan perniagaan Text
Estimation of crown size in tropical lowland rainforest Thesis
Economy grew by 7.6% in first quarter Text
Langkah drastik elak lebih ramai warga kota miskin Text
Pelajar universiti 'diharam' jadi ejen skim cepat kaya News Paper Cuttings
Fokus Bajet 2008 wajar menyeluruh Text
Optimization of heterogeneous biodiesel production f Indexed Paper
Iklim baru hubungan luar rangsang ekonomi Text
The effect of trust, communication, supplier's willing Thesis
Bush did not rebuke me Text
Effectiveness study of localised adjustment in strengthThesis
MPOB komersialkan 43 teknologi, produk baru Text
Hydrogenation of CO2 to value-added products—A reIndexed Paper
Perdebatan hanya jalan terakhir jika betul tujuan Text
Penghasilan enzim organik dan menguji kebolehannya Thesis
Managing the impact of economic crisis to constructioThesis
Adsorptive efficacy analysis of lignocellulosic waste Indexed Paper
PSD to crack down on 'missing' civil servants Text
Improved interfacial charge transfer and visible light Indexed Paper
Fluid power Exam Papers
Environmential chemistry Exam Papers
Study on pollution performance on a wind turbine blade Journal Article
Mohd. Sidek KSN baru Text
Optimizing ethanol production in Escherichia Coli usin Thesis
Kalkulus vektor Text
Processing of sludge oil to biodiesel by microwave irra Thesis
Problem With Illegals : some Indon workers returning ilText
Biasiswa naik 100 peratus Text
Masa sesuai bincang sekolah satu aliran Text
Penjawat awam mesti komited, bertanggungjawab Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
A review on carbon dioxide mineral carbonation throuIndexed Paper
Bank Negara : economy may contract in 1st half, recove Text
45 Thugs released Text
Reliability testing of UML activity diagram using fuzzy pConference Papers
Mobile-based highway code test application Thesis
Exergoeconomic based optimization of a gas fired steaIndexed Paper
Quality of service for video packet over peer to peer Text
Restraint windows application using speech recognitioThesis
Quality of grads from local varsities poor Text
Singapura sedia timbang Text
Additions to driving test syllabus Text
MSC Malaysia sedia peluang institusi kewangan menjad Text
Mengkaji kesan penggunaan tiang kapur terhadap enap Text
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Kursus jati diri wajib bagi pelajar bermasalah Text
Pengurusan sumber air Text
Penyelakuan reservoir Text
High field transport in carbon nanotube Thesis
Electric system cascade analysis (ESCA) : cost and effi Indexed Paper
Theory of modern architecture Exam Papers
Different stream schools important Text
Kerelatifan Exam Papers
Two dead as bus slams into lorry Text
Object - Oriented programming / Object - Oriented p Exam Papers
Marine corrosion control Exam Papers
Integrated bridge health monitoring, evaluation and alThesis
Pengetahuan agama, moral jadi tonggak Text
Pelajar kena bijak pilih kursus bidang baru : MuhyiddinText
Electrical machines Exam Papers
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Hubungan di antara konsep kendiri dan kesejahteraan Non-Index Paper
Law of contract, agency, tort & sale of goods Text
Software design Exam Papers
Krisis global bukan sebab kerajaan tak pandai urus ek Text
Misi pertahan hak Malaysia Text
Impak penguatkuasaan pematuhan standard bahan binThesis
New police headquarters for Kulaijaya News Paper Cuttings
JPA digesa kaji fungsi lembaga tatatertib Text
Ciri-ciri antena bowtie (Full text) Text
Fabrication of cadmium sulfide and cadmium telluride Thesis
Fewer unemployed graduates expected Text
Chua : gullible women attracting the quacks Text
Pasar Tani soon at highway stops Text
Majlis khas majukan biodiversiti, bioteknologi Text
Outsourcing in Malaysian healthcare support services: Conference Papers
Shahrizat: Allocate houses for single mums from next Text
Simulation of non-point sources of pollution in a he Thesis
Krisis gula selesai 2 minggu lagi Text
Kawalan Industri Text
Jakim sedia beri kaunseling Text
Mereka bentuk tempat duduk pemandu berergonomikText
Pemupukan ciri-ciri keusahawanan di kalangan keluargText
Malaysia jadi pilihan Text
Mencipta usahawan Text
Survival jawi di tangan kita Text
Identification and selection of best-fitting candidate d Text
MU hantar 10 siswa ke UTM News Paper Cuttings
Computer assisted mass appraisal Exam Papers
Point groups of order at most eight and their conjugacThesis
Doktor tajaan kerajaan harus pulang berkhidmat Text
Seven die as æslidingÆ car hits roadblock Text
Bahasa Jepun II Text
Atasi manipulasi harga keluli Text
Saintis negara berjaya hasilkan tisu kulit manusia Text
Ibadah haji lambang tauhid paling unggul Text
RM88,000 boost for spastic kids programme Text
Composite scaffolds based on poly (caprolactone) and Indexed Paper
Kerajaan perlu sokongan Text
Wanita di puncak, hujung dunia Text
Era baru hubungan dua hala Malaysia, Britain Text
Peranan PBT memurnikan bahasa Melayu dituntut Text
Function of cancer genes influenced by food we eat Text
Bumiputera tidak terjejas Text
Pendapatan pekebun kecil RM1,200 sebulan tahun de Text
Diabetes answer sought : scientists trying to identify Text
ItÆs legal to use pictures to prosecute errant drivers Text
Road material and pavement evaluation Exam Papers
Distributed leadership practices in developing teacher Thesis
Lamp shades design Thesis
Professional practice II Exam Papers
Undang-undang maritim Text
FPGA design of discrete wavelet transform for speech Thesis
Dinamik dan mesin Text
Synthesis and characterization of bio-based porous ca Indexed Paper
Kajian produktiviti buruh dalam pembinaan kerja keluliText
Evaluation of different peak models of eye blink EEG foIndexed Paper
Hubungan pengurusan menangani jenayah dengan kompet Thesis
Sistem maklumat pengurusan kumpulan penyelidikan inf Thesis
Harga minyak tidak naik buat masa ini Text
Supplier selection framework for strategic governmentText
Kejuruteraan bandar Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Pentingnya peranan pengasuh kanak-kanak Text
A study of supply chain management practices: an empi Non-Index Paper
Effect of size and drying of critronella grass on extractiConference Papers
Getaran pada jentera berputar menggunakan kajian anThesis
Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide condition on oil yIndexed Paper
Bangladeshis make up bulk of foreign students Text
A model transformation framework to increase OCL usa Indexed Paper
The ethical awareness and influence of religiosity am Thesis
Penggunaan sistem binaan berindustri (IBS) dalam induThesis
Doctor to be our first astronaut Text
Pengajian Kuantitatif Text
States urged to be competitive Text
The impact of value management on project success inThesis
Pemodelan harga minyak sayuran menggunakan analisis Text
Teknologi kitar semula Text
More taxpayers opt for the e-filing system Text
90 peratus umat Islam tiada wasiat Text
Program Bumi Hijau beri kesan kepada pelajar Text
Development of decision support system for integra Thesis
Lebih 33,000 jawatan guru baru diwujud Text
Physicochemical characterization of lime and cement sThesis
Focus more on economic tie-ups with Asean, US urgedText
RFID-based object's storage management system Thesis
Wheeled mobile robot referenc trajecotry formulationText
Amaran Najib : jangan gambarkan kerajaan tidak telus Text
Effects of Kinesio® taping on dynamic postural controJournal Article
Branding durian for the global market Text
Simulation of image fusion of dual modality (electrical Non-Index Paper
Blast response on composite structure Thesis
Malaysia paling teruk hadapi masalah obesiti Text
Saman tak pakai tali keledar belakang dibatal Text
Characterization of soil mixed with garnet waste for r Thesis
Japan with ASEAN & Malaysia -looking back on the 50 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pengurangan emisi dari pembakar berbahan api gas mText
Phosphorus loadings estimation and estimation and eut Text
Rasulullah pemimpin paling berpengaruh Text
Intrusion detection system : a step ahead in protectin Text
Don't castrate or hang rapists Text
Kota Buku mercu tanda baru KL Text
The design of a mobile app for controlling content appThesis
Sistem maklumat pengurusan Text
Makmal nilai pencapaian guru diwujud Text
RM1m robbery was like Hollywood movie Text
Application of radial basis function network on parkin Journal Article
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Calculus 1 Exam Papers
Conceptual design of Malaysia geopostcode system Indexed Paper
Hemodynamics analysis for cosine shaped stenoses to Thesis
Creep analysis of 2-span continuous and integral brid Thesis
Analisa peramalan terhadap permintaan speaker di Ki Text
To Design An Alarm System Based On EEG waves Thesis
Manusia istidraj dihina Allah Text
Website speed testing analysis using speedtesting modJournal Article
Pusat tadbir negeri siap 2010 Text
Financing an office development Text
Teori set dan mantik Text
Ship machinery design synthesis embracing green tec Thesis
Program perkampungan budaya menerap amalan budiText
Ramai hidap kencing manis di Kelantan Text
LPP sasar 10,000 peladang jaya pelbagai sektor Text
Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater by advancedConference Papers
Quality control in cocoa powder production process: Journal Article
Makanan halal pelihara hati, bentuk peribadi mulia Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Adenovirus-mediated gene transduction of pancreatic Conference
t Papers
Intelligent robot arm pick and place using hough trans Thesis
Semi-automatic red blood cells counting in microscopicIndexed Paper
Pemasangan replika meja menggunakan pengaturcaraThesis
Using extreme value theory to evaluate conditional VAJournal Article
Gaya politik kampung kekuatan Ghafar Text
Lelaki tumpu kemahiran Text
Bekalan air agenda utama perbincangan Text
Pembelajaran Matematik, Sains perlu kaedah menarik Text
A coupled model for particle agglomeration in poly-disThesis
Analysis of site suitability of evacuation area for flood Thesis
Engineering survey Exam Papers
GIS database for land development in the ex-mining are Thesis
Projek tunas penyelidikan bioteknologi perubatan Text
Takrif, ukuran pendapatan garis kemiskinan dikaji Text
Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara Text
Myren project to be transferred to MOHE Text
Setahun lagi diperlukan hasilkan vaksin SARS Text
Mahu beri khidmat terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Methadrone therapy for addicts showing results Text
A comparative analysis of deflection estimation for pr Thesis
DOSH check on safety of govt agency workers Text
More Malaysians are netting a mate in cyberspace Text
Properties of asphaltic concrete containing sasobit Journal Article
Usaha UTM lahirkan siswazah aktif niaga News Paper Cuttings
Machining pits on the curvature surface cup using spa Indexed Paper
A design of 2.35GHz - 2.45GHz sensor Text
Crowd simulation modeling using XNA platform Thesis
Embroidery paddy machine Thesis
New courts, new system to speed up cases Text
Pembangunan transformasi datum tiga dimensi menggText
Bayaran yuran tambahan sekolah dikurang : Najib Text
Sains bahan Text
Shahrizat keen to introduce reproductive health educaText
Guru buta : pengambilan calon berkurang Text
Sensitivity map generation for conducting strategy in Journal Article
Quasicontinuum study of y/y' interface in nickel-basedThesis
Sidewalk design decision making model based on walkin Non-Index Paper
Fenomena jerebu dijangka berterusan Text
PM : Semangar water treatment plant testimony to capab Text
4 daerah diramal banjir besar Text
Increasing rutile phase amount in chromium-doped titaIndexed Paper
Pelihara hasrat murni PLKN Text
Media strategy of tv advertising in Indonesia Journal Article
Youths paying price for poor command of English Text
TV Islam diwujudkan Text
History of landscape architechture Exam Papers
Sistem perancangan penggunaan lori di FELDA Transport Thesis
Producing succinic acid in yeast using differential evo Thesis
20,101 calon PMR dapat pangkat A semua mata pelajaText
NUTP : teachers burdened with extra activities Text
Standardised certification for halal food Text
Design of an open pod air intake system for the turbo Thesis
A blended community of inquiry approach: the usage oConference Papers
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Maksud pendedahan data Inmarsat News Paper Cuttings
Bersama Diplomat : sukan, pendidikan erat kerjasama Text
Negara mampu keluar hasil padi melebihi keperluan Text
Parameter study of ionized nanosilver recovery from Indexed Paper
Facility planning improvement in a manufacturing co Thesis
Melayu itu bangsa, Islam itu agama Text
Finite element modeling of laminated composite platesIndexed Paper
Sektor pembuatan fokus utama industri hiliran Text
Impact of ZnO substitution on magnetic response and m Indexed Paper
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown over suppp Conference Papers
Perbandingan rekabentuk kekuda menggunakan pelbag Text
KLIA, LCCT dihubung landasan Text
Slash crime rate, police told Text
Overcurrent relay setting by using adaptive technique Thesis
Development and design of a quater car model test rigText
Kerjasama akses pasaran dimeterai Text
Akademi bangkitkan industri buku Malaysia Text
Static security assessment on power system using artifiText
Bakat Unit Kebudayaan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Johor to have a new university under 9MP Text
Performance of Kaolin-tire derived aggregate mixture as Thesis
Manfaat faedah rendah Text
Design eight bits microprocessor udsing VHDL Thesis
Robotics in enhancing scientific reasoning skills in physThesis
RM21m down the river Text
Langkah PTPTN dapat maklum balas positif Text
Improving transient stability of wind generator using uThesis
700 sertai program basikal UTM News Paper Cuttings
MOU/MOA for UTP - UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pengintegrasian kemahiran berfikir dalam mata pelaj Thesis
An investigation of integrated contingency model of s Indexed Paper
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Pulse Oximetry colour coded heart rate monitoring sy Thesis
Mesostructured technische universiteit delft-1 and tech Thesis
Children and the aged to benefit Text
Plan for 5,000ha of peat swamp as forest reserve Text
Proses pemesinan moden Text
Distance evaluated simulated kalman filter for combinIndexed Paper
Keputusan bahasa 2 subjek disember Text
Experimental study of post tension precast subframe un Thesis
Dasar tidak benar pelabur asing miliki saham majoriti inText
Memperkasa generasi baru kereta Proton Text
Johor has second highest number of drug addicts Text
Control system design Exam Papers
Systematic analysis on response of 160k DWT FPSO baThesis
PM : wujudkan ikatan janji setia Text
Kadar bayaran pakaian istiadat, rasmi naik Text
Path selection and scheduling for mobile multihop rel Thesis
Bahasa Jepun untuk perniagaan I (bahagian I) Text
Intercarrier interference self-cancellation for spac Conference Papers
HFMD : 12 dimasukkan hospital, tiga tenat Text
Aplikasi media teknologi dalam pengajaran pembelaja Thesis
Tabu search method for solving multiobjective job sh Thesis
Planar dipole antenna with and without circular parasiConference Papers
Obesity now a major health concern Text
20 IPTA dinaik taraf pusat kecemerlangan Text
ATM teroka dimensi elektromagnetik Text
Najib sets 5pc as growth target for next year Text
Create more jobs for locals Text
Persediaan untuk SPM News Paper Cuttings
Fundamentals of speech commmunication Text
Potential reuse of recovered nonmetallic printed circu Thesis
Analysis of heat transfer in Jeffrey fluid over an infiniteConference Papers
An investigation of the expectancy theory elements f Conference Papers
Vessels classification (Full text) Text
Komputer terpantas di dunia Text
Hubungan erat KL-Canberra Text
Tides during monsoon season in Peninsular Malaysia Conference Papers
3 kesatuan bidas NUTP : bebanan tugas guru sekara Text
A new covariance structure stability test based on vec Thesis
Investigation on the water absorption characteristics Journal Article
No more funding without accreditation Text
Sustainability assessment of an automotive componenThesis
Pelancongan pendidikan tarikan baharu universiti News Paper Cuttings
Pemulihan projek perumahan terbengkalai di SelangorText
Education Minister confirms no return to PPSMI policyText
Pinjaman tambahan untuk pelajar IPT beli komputer riText
Tekanan, bosan punca remaja merokok Text
Kayu lebih baik diguna dalam industri pembinaan Text
BH wins top media award Text
Anugerah Raja Zarith Sofia News Paper Cuttings
UTM tawar dua kursus baru Text
Influence of carbon concentrations in reducing Co and Indexed
C Paper
Clout for Rela Text
Malaysia may go for nuke energy Text
Semiconductor physics Exam Papers
Usaha negara banteras rasuah lebih telus Text
Teks penuh ucapan PM : mengenali ancaman terhadapText
Mahasiswa wajib sertai sukan di IPTA Text
Physics Exam Papers
No more wild heartbeats with new technique Text
Classification of the marking on integrated circuit ch Conference Papers
Tingkat usaha perangi kes dera kanak-kanak : Najib Text
Taking a fall Text
NGO : kaji syarat kelayakan tabung penyakit kronik Text
Cari punca bagi tangani mat rempit : Muhyiddin Text
Optimal operation of klang gate dam using genetic alg Journal Article
Mengkaji keberkesanan penggunaan bahu jalan di jalanText
Influence of diagonal reinforcement with spiral stirrupThesis
Optimum acid system for Trengganu offshore gas well Caonference Papers
User access control and security model Text
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Mini review: a glimpse of nonstructural protein 1 of i Non-Index Paper
Call for less use of imported building materials Text
27 pelajar UTM lawat logi percetakan NSTP Text
Air paip kotor, pengguna terpaksa guna air mineral Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Enhancement of nucleate boiling heat transfer throug Thesis
The effect of green management on customer satisfactiThesis
Proses instrumentasi Text
Advanced english for academic communication Text
TIME dotCom bangun satelit jalur lebar Text
Catalytic chemistry Text
Penetration of particle across a newly formulated filterConference Papers
Retirement boring for men Text
Penagihan dadah memusnahkan kemerdekaan Text
Structural analysis of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UA Thesis
Mahasiswa UTM dilatih jadi pemimpin negara pada m News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa jepun untuk perniagaan II Text
Pemasaran Text
Malaysia, Thailand capai formula isu dua kerakyatan Text
Kemudahan bangunan 2 Text
Logic simulator : sequential logic minimization Text
Gunakan BI - Hanya guru baru, berkelulusan rendah kuText
Iran's achievements in renewable energy during fourt Indexed Paper
Characterization of musty odor producing actinomycetConference Papers
Waterbot : a watering plant robot Thesis
Industrial automation and robotics Exam Papers
Industri udang harimau Sarawak kembali pulih Text
Kes Chikungunya menurun Text
Strategy selection for sustainable manufacturing wit Indexed Paper
Solar array and battery sizing for a photovoltaic buildi Journal Article
Kementerian tetapkan 5 modul pendidikan seks Text
The performance of oil recovery by using tapered wat Thesis
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Optimization of oil palm fronds conversion to levulinic Indexed Paper
Application of the runge-kutta discretization method Thesis
Assessment of forest encroachment using remote sensiIndexed Paper
Exora nama MPV Proton Text
Swasta mahu gaji minimum Text
Temperature influence on total volatile compounds (TVO Indexed Paper
Lima persediaan umat Islam hadapi kemajuan Text
Keperluan kelasakan dalam struktur konkrit bertetulanThesis
Nanocrystalline ni-co alloy synthesis by high speed ele Indexed Paper
A study on image security in social media using digit Thesis
Pengiraan keluasan menggunakan kaedah Bowditch dan Thesis
Critical and creative thinking Exam Papers
Security architectures and models Exam Papers
Isu kenaikan gaji dalam pertimbangan aktif : PM Text
Electrical technology / Teknologi elektrik Text
Negara berasaskan kedaulatan raja Text
Budaya kualiti pengurusan jana kecemerlangan organisText
Geoid based seamless vertical height datum for marineThesis
Advanced software process Exam Papers
Education tools wasted Text
Structural and electrical properties of high and low- Journal Article
Treatment of lead-contaminated water using activatedIndexed Paper
Bahasa isyarat diiktiraf Text
BOD sensor using immobilized microbial consortium inJournal
a Article
Inovasi di dalam latihan perguruan : projek pengayaan Conference Papers
Draf Akta Belia di peringkat akhir Text
Modeling and simulation of current ripple in DC link Conference Papers
Active tracking of rotational mode heliostat (Preview) Text
Understand design, live in harmony Text
Laluan Taufan Durian tersasar Text
Kepentingan dan sumbangan taman atas bumbung dalam Thesis
Environmental management Text
Insentif khas martabat semula vokasional Text
Detecting basal stem rot disease (Gonoderma) in oil p Thesis
Saintis tempatan cipta radar mampu kesan tsunami Text
Equilibrium adsorption isotherms of anionic, nonionic Non-Index Paper
Tunku Abdul Jalil dipakaikan pangkat Inspektor News Paper Cuttings
A review on polyamide thin film nanocomposite (TFN) Indexed Paper
Bullies extorting protection money Text
Bazir wang rakyat : jika bekal jarum suntikan, kondo Text
Hanya 25 doktor rawat pesakit HIV seluruh negara Text
Lorry driver gets 38 years Text
Sistem saman dan pendaftaran kenderaan pelajar Univer Thesis
Ultra-short of pico and femtosecond soliton laser puls Non-Index Paper
Kappa-carrageenan/halloysite nanocomposite hydrogels Indexed Paper
Pampasan nelayan pada peringkat akhir: Exco Text
Pelajar diperalat jika AUKU dimansuh Text
Pemecatan serlah kekalutan White House Text
Herba berpotensi maju Text
Latihan Standard People Practice (SPP) di bilik semina Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Automated computerized hearing screening system Thesis
Civil servants advised to budget and spend money wiseText
Influx of Arab tourists starts next month Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
SMS alert on floods Text
AVON sumbang RM315,000 bantu HUSM rawat kanserText
Adopt the code and avoid the problem Text
Indeks kadar jenayah terus turun Text
Characterization of soil contamination at power stati Thesis
Kejuruteraan air sisa buangan Exam Papers
Pencemaran najis antara tertinggi di Asia Tenggara Text
Each State to have a sports complex Text
Wah! We are now a space power Text
Road rage murder : police hunt two road bullies Text
Fahami asas pelaburan Text
Great strides for task force but more still needs to be Text
Planar monopole antenna for WBAN Indexed Paper
Program kembar Text
Discriminiation of different type of meats using las Thesis
Makna to build research hospital Text
Guideline for forensic analysis on windows xp and vistaText
Development and evaluation of riding for disabled theThesis
Price hikes : bus firms cautioned Text
Schools to focus on ability test by 2010 Text
Design and development of an experimental friction Text
Design of single layer interdigital band pass filter with eText
Hak pengguna lebih terjamin Text
Government eye on NS camps and trainers Text
JB's new facade set to capture market Text
Wide-ranging incentives for all medical staff Text
Teknologi binaan IV Text
It's time to repackage Penang Text
Kejuruteraan angin dan gempa bumi Text
Kurang perhatian pengaruhi personaliti anak-anak Text
R&D menyeluruh pastikan warisan batik berkembang Text
Banyak masalah cuba diatasi melibatkan perangai, tabiText
Terpaksa kerja semula tampung hidup Text
Program ceramah agama pelan strategi ramadhan olehPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kerajaan tidak bantu SAR ingkar Text
Kemampuan mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian rumah Thesis
Factors affecting the information security awareness i Thesis
Sistem pengurusan maklumat kompleks sukan MAKSAKThesis
The great Socso scam Text
Image processing Exam Papers
Move to re-launch skills retraining Text
Pameran satu daerah satu industri (SDSI) 2007 : gerba Text
Engineering a sustainable environment Text
Education Ministry invites public for discussions Text
Elektronik kuasa & pemacu Text
Simulation study of two chambers soft actuators usin Thesis
Sultan Perak bukan punca kemelut politik : Najib Text
Pengaturcaraan pangkalan data Text
UTM anjur program korban, berkhatan di Kemboja News Paper Cuttings
Water quality analysis of Johor River Estuary Thesis
Ensuring Budget strategies are carried out Text
Robot Technology For Automation Exam Papers
Design and development of semi active suspension maThesis
Pakar akademik kita diiktiraf antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Jangan terlalu pilih kerja – Zarith Sofiah News Paper Cuttings
Overview of numerical simulation for the performanceConference Papers
Penumpang diperiksa 100 peratus Text
AbdullahÆs views give French establishment food forText
Nasib pekerja dilindungi Text
Ibu segala pandemik Text
A novel method to water level prediction using RBF anIndexed Paper
Teori Medan Elektromagnet Text
A modified EMD-ARIMA based on clustering analysis for Indexed Paper
Development of a compact vacuum freeze drying for jeJournal Article
Kesihatan pekerjaan (occupational health) Text
Bio pemisahan Text
Pekerja asing didaftar ikut kawasan Text
Malaysia gubal Dasar Laut Kebangsaan Text
PM : inisiatif masyarakat penyayang hidup subur Text
Rely less on foreign workers Text
Helping buyers get homes faster Text
Overheating online- detection system Thesis
Decolorization of orange II DYE using bacteria immob Thesis
Timber and steel construction Text
Carbon sequestration model of tropical rainforest ecosThesis
Baik buruk penubuhan semula ITM Text
Blueprint for a brighter future Text
Estimating the environmental impacts of carbon emissiThesis
Liquid refractometer based mirrorless fiber optic disp Indexed Paper
Perhebat operasi cegah pembalakan haram : PM Text
Wahyu, sunah sumber motivasi kesihatan jiwa Text
Appraisal of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in health
Indexed Paper
Appraisal of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) Indexed Paper
Amalan leatari di rumah Text
Outdoor WDM-based optical wireless communication Indexed Paper
Mensyukuri nikmat, bencana ukuran keimanan insan Text
Pay attention to maintenance Text
Fizik matematik Text
Jalinan diplomatik KL-Canberra Text
Memperkasa bahasa Melayu perlu sokongan semua piText
Hikmah di sebalik menang, kalah Text
Pemproses Imej Text
Konvokesyen diharap jadi inspirasi siswa News Paper Cuttings
Allow youths lead role, says Azalina Text
Language teaching conference at UTM News Paper Cuttings
Quality management implementation : a comparative st Text
Unit Kebudayaan, Pusat Kokurikulum, Sukan dan KebuText
Rechap : an approach for simplifying requirement chanConference Papers
Jerebu : pusat perubatan diarah bersedia Text
Cost-effective 2.5 Gbs bidirectional WDM PON using singIndexed Paper
Pengurusan sukan mesti ikut kehendak semasa Text
Biodegradable gas separation membrane preparation bIndexed Paper
Biotechnologys growing pains Text
Multimedia application development Exam Papers
University Act? WhatÆs that? Text
Modelling and simulation of boost converter with maxJournal Article
Sains bahan Text
Emotion walking for humanoid avatars using brain signIndexed Paper
Peace Malaysia urges aid for Iraqi people Text
A void drugs, the young told News Paper Cuttings
Tindakan jika tinggal anak bersendirian Text
Kilang Proton capai tahap pensijilan ketat Eropah Text
A new concept of multimode magnetorheological brakIndexed Paper
Termodinamik I Text
Second tanker accident at same spot Text
Manfaat Program Angkasawan Negara Text
Bahasa Melayu mampu berkembang dalam era siber Text
BPR pantau amalan kerja pejabat tanah Text
Malaysia's inflation rate seen moderate in 2006 Text
Mengemis sokongan asing khianati negara : Abdullah Text
Kajian mengenai kandungan alkohol dalam produk mi Conference Papers
Masalah belum selesai News Paper Cuttings
Govt wants to boost computer ownership Text
Kerajaan elektronik jimat tenaga, masa Text
Manusia tidak berilmu mudah terbabit jenayah Text
Model pembelajaran haji berasaskan teori kecerdasan Thesis
IPTA utama aktif kokurikulum Text
IPTA azam capai status antarabangsa Text
The effect of fibrin extracellular matrix properties for Thesis
Object oriented programming Exam Papers
Intergrasi teknologi remote sensing dan sistem makl Text
Development of meta-model of vehicle ride Thesis
Work on bridge expansion soon Text
Johor to supply Malacca with 1.6m litres of water Text
Improvement of handover performance based on bio-in Indexed Paper
Maut sebelum konvokesyen Text
Kajian alam sekitar II Text
Applied mechanics Text
Embrace the spirit of giving, says Abdullah Text
Agile adoption in IT organizations Indexed Paper
Kecemerlangan bermula di UTAR Text
RM148b minerals to be exploited Text
RM200j persediaan banjir Text
Maklumat barah payu dara perlu diperluas Text
Modified monkman-grant relationship for austenitic stai Indexed Paper
East Coast to see serious development Text
EPF beats the odds Text
Teknologi peruncitan Text
Bermuafakat jayakan Misi Nasional Text
Jenayah tanpa sempadan cabaran baru PDRM Text
Kepentingan teknologi sistem pembinaan berindustri Thesis
Early education is no childÆs play Text
Sembunyi ketamin dalam sabun mandi Text
Novel design of circular and monopole UWB antennas Thesis
London riots bring up questions about society News Paper Cuttings
Penerapan 5 prinsip new urbanism oleh pemaju perumah Thesis
PM: Harga kereta tidak turun mendadak bila AFTA dilaText
Remote sensing technology for sustainable developmeText
Enhanced compact artificial bee colony Indexed Paper
Kereta penumpang dihadkan 5 orang Text
Kajian kelengahan perjalanan kenderaan kesan pengguThesis
Pelupusan Tanah Text
The psychographic segmentation of the unit trust invest
Conference Papers
25 mati akibat dadah moden Text
Hubungan agama, kehidupan ibarat irama dan lagu Text
Expert : lucky ours was a secondary hit Text
Agihan 10 peratus kontrak ditangguh Text
More Malaysians pledge to donate their organs Text
5 IPTA rintis program 2U2I mulai September News Paper Cuttings
A systematic procedure for developing the 3D model toNon-Index Paper
Muslims face corruption of knowledge Text
The psychology of incest Text
Disturbed Land Reclamation Exam Papers
R&D : dua penyelidik UTM bangunkan pengisian IPSAZText
Tenaga solar berpotensi diguna secara meluas Text
UIAM tawar kepakaran terowong angin Text
Terik matahari bawa penyakit Text
Analisis ke atas prestasi kamera digital kompak untuk ap
Faktor penentu nilai tanah pembangunan : kes kajian Text
Building bridges with settlement Text
Berpakaian bukan ukuran keimanan Text
Urusniaga tanah Text
IPT sasaran strategi perpaduan kaum Text
Cadang bina terowong dasar laut, jambatan hubungkaNews Paper Cuttings
Agenda jahat bertopeng kebebasan bersuara Text
Tiga matlamat jadikan Felda korporat taraf dunia Text
Keadilan dalam organisasi elak salah guna kuasa, peni Text
Impacts of dredging and reclamation projects Journal Article
Bahan api daripada kelapa sawit Text
PWD canÆt act without approval Text
Ontology knowledge map for enhancing health care servi Indexed Paper
Menonton TV punca gemuk? Text
Effectiveness of used engine oil on improvement of pr Conference Papers
Fenomena tabarruj dalam kalangan guru muslimah di Thesis
Electrical machine Exam Papers
9,000ha of land lying idle Text
Ciri-ciri kreativiti bakal guru Fizik dalam latihan amali f Thesis
Negara bakal hadapi krisis air Text
Mara sewakan lot kepada bukan Melayu Text
Contract administration Exam Papers
Effect of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) fineness on the prop Thesis
Mencegah buli secara bersepadu Text
Saya tidak akan kecewakan rakyat Text
20 years for a nuke plant Text
Two women killed, two feared buried Text
Kemuncak wabak SARS sudah berlalu kecuali di China Text
LAN wayarles - Potensi dan ancaman keselamatan Text
Impact of architecture on sense of place and public p Indexed Paper
Mengenal pasti kesan pendidikan keusahawanan padaConference Papers
Study of carbon dioxide-methane reaction using Co- Non-Index Paper
Mayat budak ditemui dalam beg Text
Islamic web pages filtering and categorization Thesis
Sah babi punca H1N1 Text
Sultan summons officials Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Applying rough sets for the identification of significa Journal Article
Penambahbaikan diteruskan Text
Education success puts Malaysia 45th in UN index Text
Program pembangunan pelajar di Fakulti Pengurusan Conference Papers
Electrochemically deposited zinc oxide morphologies oThesis
Fast numerical conformal mapping of bounded multiply Thesis
IPT semakin galak merit kokurikulum bantu negara maText
Asas kejuruteraan petroleum Text
Samy Vellu : government agrees to 10% increase for Text
Experimental study of OFDM implementation utilizin Conference Papers
Unimas cipta alat percepat pulih kaki patah Text
Tokoh kuasai 47 cabang ilmu Text
Jururawat pergigian swasta bertauliah Text
Stabilty of cypermethrin against a prepared high surf Text
MIER semak unjuran pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
ICT : pelatih sokong usaha kementerian Text
A Novel cost efficient evaluation model for assessing Journal Article
Computer programming for design of reinforced concrThesis
Program Ekspres UTM berjaya Text
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of micro Thesis
Performance evaluation of carbide tool when end milliText
Industri hadapi masalah kekurangan Text
Syarat baru premis dapat sijil kebakaran Text
Malaysia sends Smart team, medical officers Text
USM pelawa lulusan diploma sertai PJJ Text
Shear strength improvement of peat soil due to consolid Text
Seven dead : they may be casualties of the haze Text
Industri perlu manfaat hasil penyelidik IPT Text
UTM-Riau bertukar kepakaran Text
Elite college to be relocated to Nilai Text
Better pay for specialists Text
4 strategi lestari fungsi ekosistem elak bah Text
Sifat-sifat konkrit berudara yang mengandungi pelbag Text
Sektor swasta Malaysia, Finland diminta kerjasama Text
Consumer acceptance of Ar-Rahnu at Bank Muamalat Thesis
Study of aerofoil characteristics near/round stall point Thesis
Islam titikberatkan masalah pemakanan Text
Hybrid channel estimation technique with reduced com Indexed Paper
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Flood damage assessment model using cost-benefit anal Text
Comparative study of retail tenancy agreement clausesText
Construction project delivery and industry skills : craftiText
R & D : Penemuan baru Text
Engineering Statistics Exam Papers
Tabung Haji lancar kemudahan simpanan menerusi intText
Tahap penglibatan penduduk dan permasalahan dalamThesis
Sultan Kedah rasmi UUM Text
200,000 students go to polls today News Paper Cuttings
Naib Canselor UKM - Teka teki pengganti Anuwar Ali Text
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Kerelatifan am Text
Development of new attenuation equation for subductIndexed Paper
Moderate growth expected for housing developers in Text
Perluas kempen cegah jenayah News Paper Cuttings
Partially textured slider and journal bearing analysis Journal Article
Proton ada strategi bersaing : Najib Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada MMC News Paper Cuttings
Developing a stochastic model for partial discharge dete Text
Murah tidak semestinya rendah kualiti : Perodua Text
Heavy metal tolerance and organic compounds utilizatiThesis
Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipina tingkat kerjasama tanga Text
Hubungkait di antara kedalaman aluran dan kekukuhanText
Thermodynamic assessment of integrated biogas-baseIndexed Paper
Computational modelling and simulation of biomagnetic Thesis
Evaluation of antibacterial properties of leather treateIndexed Paper
Generasi muda perlu hargai persamaan Text
Help for contractors building government projects Text
Najib : going nuclear an option Text
Sistem pantau program keusahawanan dilaksana Text
A three competing species model for wastewater treatIndexed Paper
Evaluating affordances of streams and rivers pertainin Conference Papers
Ancaman besar pemanasan global Text
Utilization of waste materials in manufacturing of con Conference Papers
Transformation of engineering sketch to valid solid objConference Papers
Kerja ukur saluran paip luar pantai menggunakan alataThesis
Hukuman mati babitkan rogol bawah 12 tahun Text
Fong to Socso : speed up claims Text
Rehabilitation application program for obesity adolescThesis
Public transport system Exam Papers
Usia bertambah sayang berkurang Text
Pelan tindakan nasional dirangka Text
Kimia am II Text
Kaji sebab 16% projek gagal siap : Abdullah Text
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Analisis data Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP Thesis
Posture analyses study on turning operated bedsore pre Thesis
Sandiwara AS pada laporan perisikan Iran Text
Mekanik statik Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Kinetic models for prediction of COD effluent from up Journal Article
Syor pelajar 10A1 diberi biasiswa JPA Text
Maim mahu berdialog isu agama, kaum Text
Kejuruteraan pantai Text
Padi can bring good returns Text
Perakaunan kos Text
Pemasaran hotel wakaf di Kuala Terengganu Thesis
Sistem maklumat pelesenan cukai jualan dan cukai perText
Be more imaginative, PM tells rural folk Text
Property tax performance of local authorities in MalayNon-Index Paper
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
The catalytic activity and stability of immobilized horseThesis
Energy consumption behaviour assessment model for sThesis
Use of fake degrees worrisome Text
What to look for in an investment manager Text
Bioteknologi Text
Dark fermentation of crude glycerol by locally isolat Indexed Paper
Physical properties and catalytic behaviour of sulfate- Conference Papers
Puas hati khidmat MPJBT News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia hampiri sasaran EFA menjelang 2015 Text
Ego atasi keinginan lelaki rawat penyakit Text
Berhibur atau melancong Text
Saving jobs Text
Teknologi & pengurusan maklumat Text
Banyak lagi tempat program francais UiTM Text
Gapena setuju syarat lulus BI Text
Permata spreads its wings Text
Construction management Exam Papers
Bincang isu jambatan Text
Comparative analysis between net and gross meteringThesisb
Self-regulated learning: motivation and learning stra Conference Papers
Web based medical device post market management Thesis
Kurikulum terancang bantu minda anak Text
Abdullah : industri automotif tempatan perlu komitmen Text
Terrestrial laser scanners pre-processing: registration Journal Article
90,000 tidak mendapat rawatan Text
Govt to address shortfall in number of scientists Text
Promoting safety among varsity students Text
Ministry : TNB not liable for Jan 13 blackout Text
Chemical named entities recognition : a review on appIndexed Paper
Tamak harta benda lalaikan umat Islam tunai haji Text
Kesan infrastruktur terhadap nilai harta dan aktiviti e Thesis
LKIM majukan ternakan kupang komersial Text
Short-term salinity predictions in back bay of biloxl, MiText
The development of generic skills among Malaysian grConference Papers
Kaji semula lanjut tempoh khidmat pegawai tinggi lep Text
Case study on cleaner production in food processing i Text
Quality improvement using Statistical Process Control Thesis
Mara taja 67,000 pelajar Text
Perancangan wilayah Text
Peranan lelaki pelihara maruah wanita Text
Bajet prihatin Text
Modul Keluarga Sakinah bantu kukuh rumah tangga Text
Real estate management Exam Papers
Designed to lure, laced with poison Text
Pelan khusus tangani nahas jalan raya dirangka Text
50,000 rakyat Thai bekerja secara haram di Malaysia Text
Najib a proud product of Nottingham Text
Tambang dan kualiti bas Text
Corak pemakanan pententu kesihatan Text
Row and column matrices in multiple correspondence Jaournal Article
No more fast food ads on kidsÆ TV shows Text
Pembangunan aplikasi telefon pintar bagi perkongsia Thesis
Analisis struktur Text
Orang cergas lebih banyak tenaga Text
Harga barang keperluan tidak dikawal sepanjang tahu Text
Undang-undang Malaysia antara terbaik di dunia keka News Paper Cuttings
Tugas berat Kuala Lumpur selesai isu MILF News Paper Cuttings
The effectiveness of UTM lake for recreational purpos Text
Elementary surveying / Ukur asas Text
New technique for estimating the monthly average dailIndexed Paper
Software design Exam Papers
Akta Anti Piramid dijangka dikuat kuasa 2003 Text
Kaji kaedah lawan denggi Text
A bivariate causality test between exchange rates and Indexed Paper
Kolej Risda lahirkan tenaga kerja pertanian Text
Calculus II Text
Synthesis of zeolite ferrierite from rice husk ash, cha Text
Non-formal education and its role in establishing a d Text
Green information technology adoption model based on Thesis
Makmal patologi perlu ikut prosedur Text
Rekabentuk konkrit prategasan Text
Formulation of emulsion liquid membrane for reactiveThesis
Sabah seragam peraturan perumahan Text
Ir/pt-HZSM5 for n-pentane isomerization : effect of Si Indexed Paper
Nilai status universiti Text
Jobs for hapless graduates Text
Teroka peluang pasaran antarabangsa : Abdul Taib Text
Perisian interaktif bacaan al-Quran News Paper Cuttings
How AIS addresses adaptability in IDS Conference Papers
Hasil penyelidikan IPTA tidak laku Text
Measuring security in requirements engineering Non-Index Paper
Market forces make for costly affair Text
Peperiksaan ganti pendidikan? Text
Geometrical design of stand pipe air distributors for t Conference Papers
Malaysia negara kedua jadi pilihan pelancong Text
Mechanical behavior of functionally graded sandwich hIndexed Paper
Ensuring healthcare delivery system works Text
Factors contributing to crash involvement of unlicenseJournal Article
A comprehensive study on pathfinding techniques for Indexed Paper
Bukan mudah pertahankan keamanan negara Text
Accuracy of three parametric storm runoff pollutant loText
Sugeno fuzzy PID tuning, by genetic-neutral for AVR in Indexed Paper
Electric circuits Exam Papers
Makmal komputer tidak selamat : 574 daripada 600 buah Text
Reka bentuk struktur II Text
Pengurusan binaan Text
15 kawasan denggi tidak terkawal di Johor Bahru Text
Ekonomi Dan Pengurusan Projek Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Finite element method Exam Papers
62% wanita Malaysia alami obesiti abdomen Text
NAM backs Iran in nuke dispute with US Text
Rumah kedai Haji Mohammed Kaya Text
Air quality unhealthy in 15 areas Text
Reka bentuk industri Exam Papers
Quality improvement of electroless nickel process usedThesis
Developing seamless integrated approach of corrodingConference Papers
ESL interactional features in negotiation task Thesis
Bersekedudukan punca gejala sosial Text
Dasar niaga adil dirangka Text
Business communication (komunikasi perniagaan) Text
Concrete technology Exam Papers
FRIM rancang tubuh pusat teknologi herba Text
Expert : teach public cost of money politics Text
Benchmarking water utilisation using minimum water Conference Papers
The effect of physical changes in a furnished indoor Indexed Paper
Penternak digalak bela lembu tenusu Text
Jenayah harta benda paling tinggi musim perayaan Text
Persepsi terhadap green building index Thesis
Kesediaan pelajar tahun akhir politeknik dalam mempeConference Papers
Pembelian kereta terpakai : pinjaman kurang Text
Host based instrusion detection system for android pl Thesis
Cabinet wants Dr M and five others investigated Text
Buku sumber matematik diagnostik dan pemulihan (AbText
Authentication study and implementation using IPSec Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya dan lalu lintas Text
Factors on adoption of internet banking among UTM Thesis
An integrated-method to analysze online asynchronousConference Papers
Rumah Kanak-kanak HIV/AIDS siap Disember 2006 Text
Batu Pahat berpotensi jadi bandar industri Text
Persekitaran kondusif pikat kemasukan FDI Text
Chemical compositions and antimicrobial activity of theIndexed Paper
RM3b to revive abandoned housing projects Text
Berkongsi kertas soalan - SM Teknik Kajang pertama Text
Development of test section for reactive shockwave e Thesis
Historic moment Text
Pollution control Exam Papers
Gudang lahirkan penulis tersohor Text
Bid to revive housing projects Text
Screening for high kaempferol content in different speJournal Article
Port Dickson zon kesihatan Text
Sammy Vellu dikecam : didakwa gagal tangani masalahText
MoPMIT : a prototype system for reactive maintenanceText
Sistem penjadualan staf untuk Syarikat Universiti Bas TThesis
JPA dedah pegawai kena tindakan Text
Air Asia X eyes more Aussie destinations Text
Protein secondary structure prediction using optimal l Conference Papers
Tinjau pandangan pakar majukan pendidikan di KelantText
Influence of spatial visibility and integration on social Thesis
Sungai tercemar kimia pulih Text
Batal lesen jurutera Highland Towers kekal Text
Former sprint queen to lead dash to success Text
5 negeri catat peningkatan kes denggi Text
Memartabatkan bahasa Text
Automated construction project progress monitoring sy Text
Microstructure and mechanical properties of modifiedIndexed Paper
UTM perkenal pengajian Sarjana Pengurusan Penerba News Paper Cuttings
Undang - undang perniagaan Text
History of western architecture (Sejarah senibinaan baText
Urban development and housing Exam Papers
Young and unhealthy : more falling prey to chronic dis Text
The design and verification of malay text to speech synText
Dua lagi program latihan untuk siswazah Text
873 anak nelayan masuk universiti Text
Muzakarah kes Natrah Text
Permodelan kualiti air bagi Hulu Sungai Skudai mengg Text
Hasrat melahirkan dunia mesra wanita Text
Network traffic stream classification on hardware-so Thesis
Malaysia tawar model Islam Hadhari Text
Raja Nazrin : five ways to empower the people Text
DonÆt raise bus fares, firms told Text
Saham Proton melonjak 70 sen Text
Kampung Punggai jadi lokasi kajian 14 universiti News Paper Cuttings
Kesediaan mahasiswa Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Thesis
UTM pamer kehebatan prototaip UAV News Paper Cuttings
Fewer days of annual leave for new civil servants Text
Integrating cycling route infrastructure and social spaceThesis
Guru kontrak - 2,000 guru bahasa Inggeris terima taw Text
Masjid tarikan pelancong Text
Tinjauan & Semakan Peralatan Komputer Di CICT UntukPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Modeling the inventory coordination decisions in a mulThesis
Tackle English problem, says Tunku Naquiyuddin Text
Keluarga bahagia ukuran kejayaan ibu cemerlang Text
Architecture practice management Exam Papers
Pembayaran gaji berkomputer sistem teragih (fulltext)Text
Senibina kapal II Text
Ship to ship interaction and bank effect on manoeuvrabi Thesis
Malaysia harap perkongsian tenaga ASEAN dicapai Text
Ubah tabiat bukan pertikai Ops Sikap Text
Manfaat program kesihatan Text
Modul pikat saintis siap akhir tahun Text
Computational of flow characteristics in a compound sThesis
Ukur kejuruteraan III : automasi ukur Text
Analisis spatial kawasan hijau untuk pelestarian kawa Thesis
Optimal dispatch of power generation based on thermThesis
JAS tak boleh alih sisa toksik di Simpang Renggam Text
Neuro-heuristic approach for segmenting cursive handConference Papers
Jangan putus asa harungi cabaran kehidupan News Paper Cuttings
Hakmilik subsidiari Text
Penilaian tahap kualiti hidup penghuni di perumahan rThesis
AIPA gesa selaras undang-undang perangi dadah Text
Kesungguhan membanteras rasuah Text
Angle modulated simulated kalman filter algorithm fo Indexed Paper
Dr Ahmad Kamal dilantik TNC baru UTM Text
Influenza A : 86 possible flu carriers still missing eithe Text
Pump scheduling optimization for water supply systemThesis
Penduduk gembira Tol Senai ditutup Text
Kementerian tak pinggir pengusaha kecil, koperasi Text
Get more children to take online IQ test, says Rosmah Text
Customer citizenship behavior in online commerce co Indexed Paper
UTM: Computer centre viable News Paper Cuttings
Research methods in education Exam Papers
RM250bil liquidity in banking and capital marts, says NText
The integration of total quality management (TQM) and Text
Alternative approaches to poverty alleviation : a stu Text
The superintending officer's duties under JKR Sarawak Thesis
Metagenomic analysis of 16S rRNA sequences from sele Conference Papers
Malaysia sedia tambah bantuan Text
UTM batal kemenangan 17 pelajar Text
University gets RM3.4m boost Text
Reaktor mini biodiesel mudah alih News Paper Cuttings
Pacu industri bioteknologi produk semula jadi Text
Bangunkan tanah wakaf Text
Basic graphic design in multimedia Exam Papers
Pendidik perlu tegakkan nilai mulia bentuk generasi beText
Interpersonal skills amd cross cultural management Exam Papers
Perbankan Islam masih goyah Text
Siswazah perlu pendedahan bekerja di syarikat antara Text
Kajian kemungkinan dalam pembangunan hartanah ked Text
Beware of misleading health ads Text
Streamflow prediction in ungauged river basin using Thesis
Program inoreka dapat sambutan Text
Kerusi panas tumpuan pengundi Text
TPM, rasmi karnival pengajian tinggi, Sabtu Text
Perceptions of commercialization activities of researc Non-Index Paper
20 sekolah berprestasi tinggi dikenal pasti Text
No use of æDrÆ for honorary doctorate Text
Sekolah biasa pun berkualiti Text
Iklan makanan segera semasa program kanak-kanak diText
Felda tidak disenarai jika rugikan peneroka Text
Transporting the nation Text
Artificial intelligence Exam Papers
Kerjasama membanteras dadah Text
Felda perlu lahir pemimpin pelapis berwibawa Text
Beauty and the thief Text
Solid state chemistry Exam Papers
Ciri-ciri lelehan batang dalam tadahan kelapa sawit (AbText
Akta DNA ke Parlimen : wajibkan suspek kes jenayah bText
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Human resource management Text
MEB perlu ambil iktibar kelemahan pelaksanaan DEB Text
TPM bentang pengalaman negara struktur semula Fel Text
Bank benar anjalkan pinjaman Text
Biodiesel production from high FFA rubber seed oil usiIndexed Paper
Apa sumbangan ibu bapa kepada sekolah? Text
YPM tawar pengajian silibus universiti Jepun Text
Tall buildings to be made safe from tremors Text
Universiti Apeks diumum Ogos Text
Entiti baharu Esscom dan Esszone lebih efektif News Paper Cuttings
TLDM terus gah menjangkau usia 76 tahun Text
Anugerah yang amat bermakna : Tony Fernandes Text
Perlindungan IP tarik pelaburan firma asing Text
Pengangkutan awam di Sarawak naik 10% Text
Design and analysis of bending motion in single and d Journal Article
Kempen baru didik pengguna jalan raya Text
Analisis radiokimia Text
Correlation Between Unconfined Compressive StrengthIndexed Paper
Experimental investigation of a wing-in-ground effect cIndexed Paper
Isu kewangan jejas pengajian tinggi berkualiti di Engla News Paper Cuttings
War against snatch thieves Text
Improvement of voltage SAGS, harmonic distortion andThesis
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
10 tahun baru bertindak : JAS Selangor siasat syarikat Text
Mohd Rozi Melayu pertama felo International PresidenText
RM14j atasi masalah kulat di HSI Text
Pelajar UiTM ditahan guna kad kredit peniaga Text
Teori medan elektromagnet II Text
Sintesis model wajah tiga dimensi menggunakan berbilThesis
Segera naik taraf pengangkutan rakyat Text
Singapura tarik balik larangan import produk ayam, iti Text
Proffesional Practice 2 Exam Papers
Final year project management system for Faculty of Thesis
Seminar sains sukan Exam Papers
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Calculus 2 Exam Papers
Level of service (LOS) for multilane highway and road Text
Spesies herba berpotensi dikomersialkan Text
Akhbar sesuai bahan bantu pengajaran dan pembelajaText
Kimia Tak Organik I (C) Text
Dedikasi wanita penyumbang kejayaan lelaki Text
Enjin pembakaran dalam (Internal combustion enginesText
Taxation II Exam Papers
Biochemistry and microbial physiology Exam Papers
Syor sistem penarafan di hospital kerajaan Text
Kanchong Darat : nama di peta pelancong asing Text
Jadikan j-Qaf model dunia Text
Kos operasi 2009 tinggi Text
Combining syariah, civil court systems Text
Headaches ay spell trouble Text
Hikmah di sebalik krisis gula Text
Parameter estimation for a mechanistic model of high Indexed Paper
Production planning and inventory control in automot Indexed Paper
Addicts buying and reselling methadone Text
Enhancing a hybrid pre-processing and transformationIndexed
p Paper
Musa berang terumbu Sipadan rosak Text
Penuhi selera penonton cabaran utama TV Islam Text
Cheap and novel ways to prevent accidents Text
Pangkalan data pantau warga asing Text
Teknologi maklumat dalam pendidikan : cabaran kepa Text
Saya rasa merdeka : Samsudin Text
Penyediaan senarai semak untuk pemeriksaan di tapakText
Pilihanraya UTM lancar News Paper Cuttings
Study on water quality of unconfined and confined aquJournal Article
Kejuruteraan penggerudian lanjutan Text
Lakar Kolej Komuniti sejarah News Paper Cuttings
PM wants more Chinese investment in Malaysia Text
UKM juara Sistem Kuasa Elektrik 2009 Text
Industri labur RM30 bilion tingkat kapasiti elektrik Text
UMS cadang wujud Pusat Penyelidikan Antartika Text
Ketegasan KPDNHEP lindungi pengguna Text
Technology acceptance model as the influencing factoThesis
Shortage of staff nurses still severe Text
Automation in numerical control (NC) code generationText
Condition diagnosis of bearing system using multiple clIndexed Paper
Mechanics of using gold dinar Text
Perjanjian program Symbiosis MTDC, IPT News Paper Cuttings
Institut Pemikiran Dr. Mahathir di UUM Text
Performance of steel end plate precast concrete beamConference Papers
Counselling for problem kids Text
Technohome untuk 43,000 keluarga miskin Text
Memberi nilai pada buku Text
Feasibility study of hybrid system for resident area in Thesis
Support for one-way street News Paper Cuttings
Gaji penjaga tandas MPK RM1,500 sebulan Text
Effect of catalyst loading in direct methanol fuel ce Thesis
Spatial accuracy assessment of topographic map prod Thesis
Effect of reaction conditions on the thermal stability Indexed Paper
Guru Pemacu Kejayaan RMK-9 Text
Penstrukturan BPR tingkat keyakinan masyarakat Text
Kimia bahan Text
Real-time implementation of twelve - lead automated Text
Kaedah e-learning untuk kastam diperkenal Okt. Text
Yuran PIBG sehingga RM200? Text
Much to be learnt from university rankings Text
Analysis and improvement in an assembly line throughThesis
Guru guna 66.24 jam seminggu mendidik Text
JPA batal diskaun bayaran Text
Architecture theory and criticism Exam Papers
Pengurusan sumber air bersepadu Text
Kekurangan calon saintis amat ketara Text
Cina paling ramai tukar nama cuba mohon pasport an Text
Promotion controversy : non-grad teachers sidelined inText
Product development through Design for Assembly (DFA) Thesis
5,310 rakyat dilucut warganegara Text
Stesen TV sembunyi penderitaan rakyat Iraq Text
Insurans perubatan, kesihatan pacu pertumbuhan Text
Synthesis and biological activities of O- and C- prenyla Thesis
Highway makes safety a priority Text
Buku politik dan pilihan raya Text
Sistem penilaian secara dinamik bagi latihan pratik Thesis
Isotherms and morphology of nanocomposite thin filmJournal Article
Bajet 2005 bukti pendidikan diutama Text
Car ignition based on fingerprint scanning Thesis
PM digelar Bapa Pembaharuan Demokrasi Text
Plan to link top schools in region Text
Let's Stop H1N1! : Chinese traditional medicine gets a Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Program perpaduan negara tiada penghujung Text
Dimensi Islam dan syariah Conference Papers
A corpus-based genre analysis of quality, health, saf Thesis
Floods ease but Perlis not in the clear yet Text
Controllers optimization for a fluid mixing system us Conference Papers
7 termasuk 3 polis terbunuh Text
Malacca eyeing 100,000 students Text
Adsorption of nickle ion from aqueous solution by exh Thesis
Sentimen kepartian gugat integrasi Persekutuan Text
Programming language II Exam Papers
Synthesis and characterization of nanozeolite NaY and Thesis
Ion beam elemental analysis of doped Si02 optical fib Non-Index Paper
Malaysia a true friend, says Thai ambassador Text
Asiatic, UPM tubuh dana Lim Goh Tong Text
Tugasan berunsur plagiat Text
IMR patents innovation in five countries and EU Text
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Constract administration Exam Papers
Laksana secara telus Text
Kadar kitar semula disasar 22 peratus menjelang 2020 Text
Behavior of defects in a-plane GaN films grown by lowIndexed Paper
Pangkalan data senarai harga Text
PNSF buka restoran segera, halal di Tokyo Text
ECG signal analysis using hidden markov models Thesis
Mathematics 2 Text
Abu Talib : retain only the best Text
Dengue outbreak : foggers at fault Text
Economists on rising living costs Text
Campaign goes organic Text
Better EPF results for April to June Text
Teknologi bangunan Text
Pengimejan perubatan Text
Erbium ions oscillator strength and emission enhanc Indexed Paper
Guna sebaik-baiknya Text
Wrong time of year to send teachers for training Text
No to online qualifications Text
Comparative analysis of electricity generation of cya Thesis
Effect of using waste tyre rubber on the properties of Indexed Paper
AIDS kian membimbangkan Text
Sabah : no outside lawyers Text
Cepat membaca guna kaedah I-Sina Text
SPR mesyuarat esok tentukan penamaan calon, buang Text
Removal of manganese tetraoxide based filter cake usiThesis
Comparison of gas permeability models for mixed ma Conference Papers
Membina generasi ambil berat al-Quran Text
Perlombongan data menggunakan teknik penginduksian Text
Kerajaan cari jalan kurang tarif kereta Text
Concentration dependent structural and spectroscopicIndexed Paper
Generasi muda beriman perkukuh perjuangan Islam Text
Mengenal pasti pola kefahaman warga pekerja terhadap Thesis
How earthquakes are shaping Earth Text
Kajian pencapaian sekolah rendah orang asli tiga buah Thesis
Role of value co-creation concept in e-services Non-Index Paper
Lanscape ecology Exam Papers
Antibacterial activity of zingiber officinale and zingibe Indexed Paper
Performance of surface modification of polyvinylideneIndexed Paper
Malaysia, Kuwait perkukuh hubungan dagang, pelaburText
Selangor, Negri and Malacca worst hit by haze Text
Fabrication of porous silicon for pH-based biosensor Thesis
The development supercapacitor from activated carbon Indexed Paper
Experimental investigation on locally produced cold-foConference Papers
Introduction to industrial psychology Exam Papers
UPM guna jalur lebar dalam program PJJ Text
Statistics Exam Papers
Sistem maklumat pengurusan sumber islam Text
Structural use of coated fabric for long span roofs -an Text
Guna hak mengundi demi agenda negara News Paper Cuttings
Flood and water quality management using stormwateText
Strategi khas tingkat taraf penduduk Text
Belia kurang ceburi pembinaan Text
Characterization and biodegradability of foam based on Thesis
Asean must go a step further on Myanmar Text
Exact solutions for mhd natural convection flow near Journal Article
Principles of management Exam Papers
Explore ICT opportunities in China, urges Rafidah Text
Penyingkiran ion plumbum dan ion nikel dengan menggun Text
Malaysia perlu belajar daripada pengalaman Jepun Text
Perbankan Islam terus cemerlang Text
RM35 juta bina 50 perpustakaan desa tahun lalu Text
Synthesis of a sustainable integrated rice mill complexIndexed Paper
UTM hasil bahan api daripada campuran tanah liat News Paper Cuttings
UTM Reading Station SMK Padang Tembak Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim beroperasi NovemberText
Penjara sesak jumlah banduan terlebih 40% Text
15,000 siswazah menganggur mula latihan Jun Text
Outdoor propagation prediction for WiMax(802.16a) siText
Henti ambil air jika sungai kotor Text
Kuasai BI bukan bermakna pro-British Text
Schools to teach road safety Text
What if inflation rises? Text
Hubungan makanan dan pemakanan halalan toyyiba dThesis
Discharge detection using ultrasound Thesis
Kuala Lumpur puts emphasis on IT and biotechnology Text
Ramadan table talk : Dr M ready to meet PM, hopefullText
The Influence of lubricant viscosoty in cold work forwaJournal Article
Alumina supported polymolybdate catalysts utilizing teIndexed Paper
Photo grammetry Exam Papers
UWB wearable textile antenna Journal Article
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Organisasi berintegriti visi baru PDRM Text
Menguruskan subsidi secara bijak Text
Effect of raw water quality on coagulant dosage and o Text
Dua program baru usahawan siswazah dilancar tahun Text
Royal Commission's conclusion : police must restore pubText
Self-supporting web design and crash analysis of eco-hThesis
Cyclic prefix design for orthogonal frequency division Thesis
Pembelajaran informal dalam kalangan guru mata pelajThesis
Memori perjuangan 60 tahun Text
30 ekspo promosi produk tempatan Text
Tranformasi fikiran agung menentukan hala tuju negarText
Jakim kena sahut cabaran hab halal Text
Big plans for polytechs Text
Tiga kriteria mewujudkan universiti cemerlang Text
Syarat baru benar binaan atas bukit Text
Negative pressure wound healing device Thesis
Microsoft boost for 10 000 schools Text
Predction of ultimate load bearing capacity of driven pilText
Lebuh raya ke Terengganu disambung semula Text
Chemical constituents of Curcuma Heyneana and CurcThesis
Perangi samseng sekolah : mesyuarat pertama Jawatank Text
Global leaders going green Text
Pembebasan pengebom Lockerbie taktik sisihkan Gadaf Text
Perlindungan litar voltan tinggi 275 kv menggunakan sText
Electrospun nanofiber-coated membrane: a review Journal Article
Dielectric resonator antenna design (Preview) Text
Sekitar Kampus : UTM peneraju eko pelancongan kam Text
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
Perisian interaktif Pintar bantu pembelajaran Text
Selidik kesilapan fakta sejarah News Paper Cuttings
Banjir ragut lima nyawa Text
CCTV di sekolah bermasalah Text
Counsellors for schools Text
Sarjana pengajian rasuah di UKM Text
Bah di Pantai Timur semakin buruk Text
Helpline for kids seeking care Text
Sebulan kaji pendidikan seks Text
Tourists should not buy fakes Text
Tiada lagi alasan orang ramai elak bayar cukai pendap Text
Malacca declares war on Aedes Text
I quit, really Text
IPTA disaran adakan kelas bahasa Inggeris untuk pelajaText
Teras strategik pengajian tinggi negara Text
Autonomous four legged robot Thesis
Supplier-manufacturer collaboration in new product dThesis
Uniten : kuasa besar yang kian menonjol dalam R&D Text
An approach for web service selection based on confidIndexed Paper
Pengurusan pembelian Text
Every one of us should know his limits, says Shafie ApdText
Penambahbaikan penyediaan infrastruktur berdasarkan Thesis
Amalan istighfar dituntut sebagai penghapusan dosa laText
Akidah tunjang keimanan, kepercayaan Text
Laser tattoo removal comparison between 1064 and 5Journal Article
Cara Rasulullah atasi krisis ekonomi Text
Kerja 5 hari seminggu Text
Some aspects in Banu Musa's philosophy of technologyThesis w
Exploring critical success factors of energy management Indexed Paper
Langkah radikal, tegas dalam memartabatkan Bahasa Text
Pendidikan Khas diperkemas Text
Nickel supported on mesostructured silica nanoparticl Thesis
Sabah, Sarawak positioned for growth Text
Medical education : priority to rural doctors Text
Universiti terbaik dunia Text
Mekanik pepejal I Text
National Language : Bahasa needs a push, too Text
Soft skills vital, grads told Text
Standard operating procedure for digital evidence in c Thesis
Islamic banking and globalisation Text
Michael Soosai case : top cops shocked! Text
Prestasi STPM meningkat Text
Longgar syarat tambahan KPLI Text
Surface morphology studies of single and double lay Conference Papers
Keberkesanan program akrab terhadap pembangunan Thesis pe
Pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains berbantukan kom Text
Intraguild predation model (IGP) with disease Thesis
Polyvinylidene fluoride/graphene oxide nanocompositeThesis a
334 remaja maut kemalangan sehingga Mei Text
Influence of silica sand particles on disc brake squeal nIndexed Paper
Farming needs a super-ministry Text
Institutions in property market operation : a case stud Text
Tiga langkah kekalkan profesionalisme guru Text
Harga minyak punca ketidaktentuan ekonomi Text
Particle swarm optimization with a modified sigmoid f Conference Papers
'Adventure' learning will rope them in Text
Development of balancing kit Thesis
Board will not impose standard water rate Text
Landscape resource assessment : determining the recreat Text
Perancangan tapak Text
World rivers day Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A case study : factors that influence knowledge sharin Thesis
Micro computer application Exam Papers
New power tariff from March 1 Text
Adaptive penalized likelihood method in high dimensioThesis
Keputusan kajian semula NAP diumum Oktober Text
New trends in modern industry and oral presentation bNon-Index Paper
Sistem maklumat pemeriksaan kerja-kerja pembinaan Thesis
Sistem maklumat kumpulan penyelidikan ISSI Thesis
Modeling and design of plasma needle supply Thesis
Kontrak : persetujuan guru bersyarat Text
UTM johan pertandingan cipta robot Text
RM56j bangunkan industri pembinaan Text
Hubungan ekonomi dua negara diperkukuh Text
Robbers escape with RM1m in gold bars Text
Knowledge key to economy Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
A novel effort estimation approach for requirement Indexed Paper
Kesabaran menahan lapar mampu bentuk sikap ketik Text
Bukan semua majikan aniaya pekerja Indonesia Text
The effect of geometry of prosthesis on the stability o Thesis
Civil servants top ACA list Text
The importance of environmental factors in choosing Thesis
CVLB : ads for all buses to boost income of operators Text
Annual leave under review Text
When genius alone is not protection enough Text
Comparison of performances photomodeler and photom Thesis
Produktiviti Malaysia 3.3 peratus Text
Semua 33 penyertaan UM menang pingat di Geneva Text
Oil palm sector playing a responsible role Text
NST terima Anugerah Raja Zarith Sofiah News Paper Cuttings
15 pengusaha dipilih bangun Taman Botani Text
Thermodynamics effects on the compression dynamicsThesis o
Test management system to support web applications Thesis
Morphology, mineralogy and physical characteristics ofConference Papers
Comparison of metaheuristic algorithm in enhancing UThesis
Building a future of excellence Text
Program minda lestari mentaliti jamban oleh Khairul APhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bandaraya Alor Star jadi pusat tadbir berdaya maju Text
Danum wonders charm scientists Text
Hospital tutup sementara : serangan dua kulat berba Text
Striking a balance Text
The moderating role of supporting technology on the rNon-Index Paper
PM puji umat Islam Malaysia tidak terbabit keganasan Text
University does country proud News Paper Cuttings
Fitoremediasi menggunakan Keladi Bunting (EichhorniaThesis
Sistem automasi Text
Mobile learning to support teaching English as a seco Non-Index Paper
UTM hasil baja bio karbon News Paper Cuttings
Rambutan Malaysia dilabel laici Singapura Text
PM : Government will look into grouses Text
Optimization of pretreatments for the hydrolysis of oi Indexed Paper
Projek baru wajar dapat jaminan KPI Text
Elektronik Kuasa & Pemacu Text
1Malaysia clinics to go ahead without docs Text
USM lakar sejarah buka Makmal Neurosains Text
Tol tetap naik 1 Jan. : jika tidak kerajaan perlu baya Text
Perkhidmatan pelabuhan sentiasa dibangunkan Text
B. Malaysia ælanguage æof all races Text
Including gamification techniques in the design of TA Journal Article
Lapan puluh peratus sampah sarap Text
Persepsi penduduk terhadap imej negatif kawasan kejiThesis
RFID reader antenna for croceries auto payment syst Thesis
Acoustic modeling of UTM grand hall and its optimum Text
Perception of teachers about classroom assessment anThesis
An effective technique for solving Korteweg de-Vrie Indexed Paper
Rasuah membimbangkan, indeks persepsi menurun Text
Kes rasuah Kasitah 5 hingga 29 Oktober Text
Representation of antenna in two-port network S-Par Conference Papers
Fama wujud 1,000 Kedai Rakyat Text
UTM tubuh rakan HEMA News Paper Cuttings
Simulation study on cadastral control infrastructure prText
Ministers to adopt strategy on management of commoText
CCTV antara alternatif perangi jenayah Text
Persatuan peguam syor kasi pesalah sumbang mahra Text
Novel computation of expecting interference betweenConference Papers
Implementation framework system for accreditation ofJournal
p Article
Stormwater runoff quality control in green highway prThesis
Missing value estimation for gene expression data usi Thesis
Kawalan pantai barat diperketat Text
Getting info for effective posting of teachers Text
Business statistics Exam Papers
Sistem pembangunan E-Portfolio ; integrasi moodle d Thesis
Octagon modelling using parallel projection of optica Indexed Paper
Mobile phone adoption and appropriation in Malaysia Conference Papers
Budaya Keusahawanan : usahawan pelapis akan muncText
Kemiskinan Kelantan dirancang Tuhan — Nik Aziz News Paper Cuttings
Fenomena luar biasa : beratus-ratus timun laut ditemuText
Pemerhatian terhadap beberapa kajian kes kemerosotan Text
Computer process control Exam Papers
Performance evaluation of transmission for multiuse Journal Article
Employment relations Exam Papers
Google in Malaysia makes sense Text
Nothing wrong if Malays go to Chinese schools' Text
Bayar nafkah bekas isteri, anak secara automatik lepasText
Liquid state bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent for Conference Papers
IGP to propose salary hike Text
Compensation for bridge project to be confirmed laterText
Saintis temui gen kaitan diabetes Text
Cabaran wanita hadapi RMK-9 Text
Understanding of the key performance indicators meaConference Papers
How safe are our schools? Text
Syarat UIAM bantutkan impian pelajar cacat Text
Customer satisfaction towards service quality of Ban Thesis
Kajian kegagalan struktur Text
High-speed wireless Internet by March Text
Melayu majoriti pengguna telefon bimbit Text
Masum 2015: UTM pertahan kejuaraan bola tampar seNews Paper Cuttings
Modal insan berkesan tangani kes kemiskinan Text
Effect of switching method in polarization and depola Journal Article
Kabinet lulus 3 langkah perkasakan bahasa Text
Study the effect of fluid medium toward synthetic can Indexed Paper
Study of water resources at Sempadi, Lundu district, Text
Web based GIS Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
A qibla compass for visually impaired muslims Indexed Paper
Building technology Exam Papers
Syor pesalah juvana dihukum buat kerja komuniti : ShaText
Popular zoo has tame front but may hide 'wild' activiti Text
Harga kereta bawah 1.8 liter dijangka turun 10 peratusText
Pelajar perlu inovatif : Musa Text
Prinsip akaun Text
Sistem rekabentuk corak dan acuan pinggan (Full text)Text
Mekanisme khas pantau prestasi pelajar tajaan Mara Text
Sexual health Text
Sirim tingkat teknologi pembuatan seramik Text
Kebersihan diri rangkumi jasmani, rohani Text
Gejala anak abai ibu bapa perlu segera dikekang Text
Emerging trends in eco-compliant, synergistic, and hy Indexed Paper
Pengurusan sumber manusia terhadap kepuasan kerjaThesis
Hubungan 2 negara dipertingkat Text
Muhyiddin musykil JPH gagal Text
JPJ guna syarat baru untuk sekolah memandu Text
Penggunaan peranti mobil dalam perkongsian bahan Thesis
Continue efforts to preserve wildlife Text
Insentif khas bagi guru luar bandar Text
Photocatalytic membrance reactor for degradation an Thesis
Malaysia wajar jadi pengeluar biodiesel utama : Najib Text
Pemakanan bijak untuk gigi sihat Text
Portal komuniti kolej di UTM Thesis
Mitigating wellbore solid deposition by heat transfer Thesis
Juruukur bangunan terpinggir Text
Cellphones distracting students Text
Theory and philosophy of HRD Exam Papers
Pengiktirafan kecemerlangan sektor awam Text
Development of online mail tracking management sys Thesis
Labview based electrocardiograph (ECG) classification Thesis
Istilah pengundi hantu Text
Isu sempadan, 2 hala dibincang Text
Sistem pendidikan sedia banyak peluang ke IPT Text
Matching job skills with needs Text
Methods of planning analysis Exam Papers
The unsteady free convection flow of rotating MHD seConference Papers
Electronic Troubleshooting and Maintenance Exam Papers
Copper/nickel/manganese doped cerium oxides basedIndexed c Paper
12 pelajar terima biasiswa Yang di-Pertuan Agong Text
Improving activity of commercial P25 titanium dioxide Conference Papers
Velocity control of a unicycle type of mobile robot usinIndexed Paper
Synthesis and modelling of radio frequency integrated Text
Fenomena baharu dasar luar Riyadh News Paper Cuttings
1,000 mahasiswa Johor berkampung di Universiti TeknNews Paper Cuttings
Pembentukan karektor pelajar kreatif mengikut teori Journal Article
Money lessons through comics Text
Reliability of safety performance indicator : complianc Thesis
A framework for ontology learning from textual data Conference Papers
Warning from Deputy IGP : don't interfere Text
Pengenalan remote sensing Text
Goh understands decision to scrap bridge project Text
Realisasikan pusat asuhan anak Text
UTM-Dorken Reef hasilkan tukun, bantu kekalkan alamNews Paper Cuttings
Peraturan pensyarah pilih menjadi bisu dan beku Text
An evaluation of the effectiveness of interacite multimeText
Construction Technology and Design Exam Papers
Melestari perairan negara, pertahan industri perkapal News Paper Cuttings
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Modeling and position control of electro - hydarulic actConference Papers
Keberkesanan pelaksanaan mata pelajaran vokasional Thesis
COE memperteguh penyelidikan dan inovasi Text
Corporate governance in MÆsia Text
Sistem pengurusan kualiti : proses penyerahan tapak Thesis
Petronas dipilih syarikat terbaik Text
Tumpu rumah kos rendah Text
Perodua beli RM3.8 bilion komponen tempatan Text
Renewable energy potentials in Cameroon : prospects Indexed Paper
CFD and wind tunnel testing on a suspension bridge mText
Hardly any takers for inventions Text
TH model kepada negara Islam Text
A design of 2.35GHz - 2.45GHz sensor Text
Polis kecewa sikap pengguna jalan raya Text
Kompleks hotel mega dibina di Mekah Text
Najib arah tutup tapak pelupusan sampah tidak ikut p Text
Tiada kaum terpinggir bangunkan sektor tani Text
Implementing prototype method for electronic payment Thesis
UniMAP sasar graduan kejuruteraan pelbagai kemahir Text
Simulation of safe processes using aspen plus: an eco Conference Papers
Kajian bagi mengenalpasti karektor fizikal dan sosio- Text
Fruit growers operating in complex trade environmentText
Predictive data mining based on similarity and cluster Text
Image reconstruction algorithm for electrical charge Conference Papers
GLC perkasakan ekonomi Text
Sistem elektrik kenderaan (automobile electrical syste Text
Experimental study on the replacement of HFC-R134A Indexed Paper
Adopt a mangrove area plan Text
Pasaran besar di Amerika Text
Numerical study of viscous effects on acoustic waves Text
Kawalan harga bantu atasi masalah pengguna Text
Pengajar UTM akan diserap budaya inovasi Text
Beberapa ciri hidraulik saluran terbuka menggunakan Text
Moving towards national reconciliation Text
Production flow analysis for implementing group tech Text
Mediating effect of organisational culture between leaJournal Article
Korporat jangan abai tanggungjawab sosial Text
Performance of micro surfacing on expressway Thesis
Analisa dan peramalan pertumbuhan industri pelanconText
Tanjung Pelepas antara pelabuhan terbaik di dunia Text
Pengurusan tenaga Text
Laksana segera audit air keluarga Text
Tangki tadah hujan diwajib Text
Pengenalan struktur Text
C++ visual programming Exam Papers
E-learning development for MSc in operational research Text
MDKT cadang naik taraf Pasar Borong Kota Tinggi Text
Banjir di utara makin buruk Text
Saringan kesihatan tipu Text
Digital library for UKM students Text
14 pelajar cemerlang KYM dapat ganjaran kereta KanciText
In vitro enhancement of roses shoot multiplication usinThesis
Melayu Melaka wujud 3,000 tahun dulu Text
Pemuda BN harap Susilo kawal keterlaluan Text
Polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Producing innovative entrepreneurs News Paper Cuttings
Rekabentuk latihan sumber manusia Text
Ensuring rail development Text
PMR 2008 serlah kemahiran jawab soalan dalam bahasa Text
Review on the development of defect-free and ultrathIndexed Paper
Selangor mahu dakwa 14 syarikat Text
Hasrat Malaysia merungkai misteri angkasa Text
Effect of surface pretreatments on nanocrystalline dia Conference Papers
Kompetensi guru sekolah menengah dalam mereka beThesis
Program Sukan Malam galak remaja berpeleseran Text
Taxis will get 720 litres of fuel a month at RM1.92 Text
OUM penyumbang pendemokrasian pendidikan Text
Semua program matang IPT perlu akreditasi Text
Menangani keracunan makanan di sekolah Text
‘German Day’ offers students a glimpse of the c News Paper Cuttings
Catalyst screening for conversion of glycerol to light olIndexed Paper
Kemampuan pembiayaan perumahan untuk golongan Thesis
Isu penggunan kalimah Allah oleh orang bukan Islam : Thesis
Sequential logic basics microprocessor Exam Papers
Banteras harga naik kena tegas Text
Flexural behavior of functionally graded slender beam Indexed Paper
Generic analysis metamodel based on service orientedIndexed Paper
Menginstitusi perkhidmatan awam Text
Banks face staff crunch Text
Perisian latihan berbantu komputer bagi proses pelen Text
Tindakan tegas jika tawar kursus tanpa kelulusan JPS Text
Modern algebra Exam Papers
Program K-Sharing Komunikasi yang Efektif Pemacu P Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
MDV bantu usahawan majukan perniagaan Text
Driver's overtaking behavior on single carriageway roaText
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Polis tumpas sindiket dadah rakyat asing Text
Determination of the oil palm age using high resolutio Thesis
Hubungan antara fungsi pementoran dengan pembangun Thesis
Legal studies II Exam Papers
Effects of interactive digital media on architectural herJournal Article
Jumlah kematian jalan raya terus meningkat Text
Design of intelligent wood recognition system for the cText
Government sees signs of housing industry revival Text
Akta label halal akan dipinda Text
Boleh menyusu bayi satu jam Text
Experimental and numerical study of nanofluid flow anIndexed Paper
Tinjauan rancangan pemulihan bencana PC di Malaysi Text
The capacitated minimax location-allocation problem wi Thesis
Scheduling on transportation for industrialized buildingText
Calculus 2 Exam Papers
From experience to influence: positive contribution Thesis
Business strategy Exam Papers
Control of a non-holonomic mobile robot (Full text) Text
Teori struktur II Text
Kajian makmal pencampuran di dalam estuari baji garaText
TKKK-Dana Khas akan digabung Text
SPM had 10 subjek Text
The structural and optical properties of hydrogenated Text
Structural and luminescence study of rare earth and t Indexed Paper
Bioremediasi & biodegradasi Text
Department : no blanket ban on wild bird import Text
Impulsive teens make for many problems Text
Rugi akibat kurang penjenamaan produk tempatan Text
High performance blended cement concrete in MalaysConference Papers
74,000 kakitangan awam, swasta dikenal pasti hidap HIText
Penggunaan komputer dalam kimia Text
Maximum number of limit cycles of cubic lie´nard dif Indexed Paper
Selangor unjur 6.6 peratus pertumbuhan ekonomi 200Text
Concentration and velocity measurement of flowing obj Text
DPM : policy decision final, but fine-tuning will go on Text
Fault diagnostic algorithm for precut fractionation co Conference Papers
1,274 anggota polis kawal Selatan Johor Text
Bina rangkaian elak kesesakan Text
Implementation of single phase full bridge unipolar P Thesis
Khaled cabar IPTS setanding IPTA Text
Covalent immobilization of Candida antarctica lipase BIndexed Paper
Time series methods for water level forecasting of Du Non-Index Paper
150 guru, ikuti bengkel e-tuisyen Portal Pendidikan La Text
Study of novel method for single cell viability detect Thesis
Penjenamaan semula Majlis Agama Islam Johor melaluiThesis
Ubah persepsi ubat perlu diisi dalam plastik Text
Novel cancer treatments ahead Text
'Star Rating' tingkat tahap prestasi PBT Text
TNB peruntukkan RM3.3j tingkat bekalan elektrik 24 j Text
Usaha teruskan momentum kecemerlangan News Paper Cuttings
Universiti asing ditawar bantuan tubuh Pusat Pengaji Text
EAS tidak jejas sidang Asean Text
Spectroscopic enhancement in nanoparticles embeddeIndexed Paper
Dunia iktiraf Tunku dalam agama, sukan Text
Agama bukan pemisah kasih sayang anak Text
JKJR di setiap negeri menjelang pertengahan tahun Text
A new steganography technique using magic square mat Thesis
Determination of bloom's cognitive level of question itConference Papers
If youÆre a counsellor, itÆs time to register with bo Text
Adopting Smart Partnership ideals Text
RM4.9 billion shot in the arm to combat crime Text
Klon kad kredit guna SMS Text
Potential alkali silica reaction on aggregates with " Thesis
Rituximab : modes of action, remaining dispute and fuIndexed Paper
Tidak perlu bahasa kasar di Parlimen Text
Electric circuit / litar elektrik Text
Penentuan nilai faktor geseran terhadap pelbagai bah Text
Pact to better Asean-US ties Text
Pengujian radiografi industri Text
Penyelidik UTM menang 9 pingat Text
Temui kedamaian di pulau fantasi Text
Semai sikap cintai Bahasa Kebangsaan Text
Membuang kekhuatiran Piagam ASEAN Text
Linux driver for NIOS 2 Thesis
Permeability study of cancellous bone and its idealisedIndexed Paper
Critical success factors for post occupancy evaluation Thesis
Application of commercial grade ammonia liquor in theText
Leadership derailment : does self-leadership matters? Indexed Paper
Schools given RM2.6m for masks and thermometers Text
Penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dalam penText
Non-Malays shy away from govt skills training centres Text
Characterisation of titanium alloy feedstock for metal Conference Papers
Penggunaan PSpice dalam menganalisis ketidakseimbaText
Materials chemistry Text
Harga minyak dunia terus meningkat Text
Tiada perancangan rapi punca IPTS bumiputera tenaText
Usaha sama projek kertas tandan kelapa sawit Text
High order polynomial of numerical method for solviThesis
Chemistry education Exam Papers
90 peratus kakitangan awam isytihar harta Text
Memastikan sistem WAN sentiasa stabil Text
Pesta pilihan raya Text
e-daftar atasi palsu dokumen kenderaan Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Pengukuran subjektif terhadap kebolehfahaman per Thesis
KWSP labur luar disokong, dengan syarat pulangan uText
Biological nutrient removal of palm oil mill effluen Thesis
TMR&D majukan teknologi futuristik Text
Golongan OKU perlu dibela : Rosmah Text
Improved look for Kg Cina, no threat to heritage buil Text
KWSP guna sistem baru kira dividen Text
Consumer campaign kicks off next month Text
Program angkasawan bakar semangat rakyat : PM Text
Simulation and design of pulse width modulator for Thesis
UTM to spearhead language seminar News Paper Cuttings
PLUS needs green light from Govt before increasing Text
Optimization of n-channel silicon nanowire field effe Thesis
Patents worry in rice research Text
SARS dedah kelemahan infrastruktur kesihatan awa Text
The significance of EIA and DPR in the development Conference Papers
Mediating effects of customer satisfaction and custom Thesis
TPM rayu rakyat elak skim cepat kaya Text
Analisis kos-faedah terhadap Wetland Semberong (PText
Kadar kematian nahas jalan raya berkurangan Text
Dasar kerajaan kukuhkan asas ekonomi Malaysia Text
Genotypic and phenotypic comparison of JeotgalibaciThesis
Initial study on microwave technique to find the rel Journal Article
Peluang untuk Proton Text
Gender does not matter in busines Text
Principle of valuation / prinsip penilaian Text
Mencetus perubahan diri demi kecemerlangan ummText
Incapable builders must pay Text
Behavior of concrete with polymer additive in fresh Thesis
Malaysia pengeluar daging boer terbesar Text
Tiada sebab keliru Text
Bahana nafsu Text
Methodology of the external growth modelling of corr Conference Papers
Waspada wabak baru Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Pendidikan perlu sesuai usia murid Text
5 kaki antara punca wanita terjebak jenayah Text
Process integration Exam Papers
Aircraft system (Sistem pesawat udara) Text
Mobile dietary and fitness system Thesis
English for academic study Exam Papers
Bearing capacity of footings on bamboo - geotextile Conference Papers
Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara 5-6% tahun ini Text
Bid to expand airport in Ipoh Text
The relationship between ground wind direction andIndexeds Paper
Urusan lulus CF lebih sistematik Text
Pembangunan tekno-usahawan Text
LHDN beri tempoh 30 hari bayar anggaran taksiran Text
Negara perlukan strategi ekonomi masa panjang Text
Armed to fight piracy Text
Physics Exam Papers
Sea surface salinity retrieval based on levenberg marThesis
Stimulus packages worth RM473b Text
Pastikan pengajar asing miliki kelulusan tulen, diiktiraText
Mahasiswa PhD UTM meningkat 50 peratus News Paper Cuttings
Persepsi pelancong terhadap aspek keselamatan (kajiText
RM2.5J untuk Tabung Pramula Innovasi Text
Memperkasa Jakim pastikan standard logo halal dipaText
Seoul mahu hubungan Asean dinamik Text
Kes kehilangan anak remaja masih tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Keeping online tabs on waste Text
The effectiveness of industrial training program for Thesis
Publish or perish? How to publish and not perish se Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Masih wujud ruang bincang isu MyKad Text
Ukur kadaster II Text
Improvement of paintball robot Thesis
Mudahkan pengeluaran visa Text
Tumpuan RMK-9 manfaatkan firma prasarana, pembText
Green on the outside : toxic inside Text
I-City masuk kalendar pelancongan Text
Easier citizenship rules for elderly Text
Classical mechanics Exam Papers
Indoor overhead video camera for efficient people c Journal Article
3,500 manuskrip Melayu lama dikumpul Text
WOU tawar pembelajaran sepanjang hayat Text
Dam levels still low despite rainy spell Text
Sarawak using æfish testÆ to check if rivers are cle Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
Development of survey feedback module for trainin Thesis
Nelayan jumpa lagi syiling, peluru lama Text
Perkenalkan pembelajaran Internet Text
For UTM, the world beckons Text
Kajian terhadap pengurusan pasar basah di kawasanText
Najib : MDIC mantapkan Dasar Pertahanan Negara Text
Produk negara Islam diiktiraf antarabangsa Text
Pendidikan seksual dalam menangani permasalahan Conference
se Papers
Screening and characterization of potential copper biThesis
Going the distance on cooking oil News Paper Cuttings
IOT : smart city automated parking system Thesis
Are changes in store post-election? Text
Drying shrinkage and thermal expansion of geopoly Thesis
Timber & steel construction Exam Papers
Peluru berpandu Malaysia dibaik pulih di Pakistan Text
1,265 calon cemerlang SPM ditawar biasiswa Text
Ekonomi terus cemerlang Text
Statistics for property manager (statistik untuk peng Text
Flume investigation on bed load transport and bedfoConference Papers
Jakim monitors websites Text
Community needs more orang asli teachers Text
Aplikasi pertanyaan aduan di FSKSM Text
eKesihatan system online by Oct 1 Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku keingina Thesis
Bioremediasi dan biodegradasi Text
IPT tidak boleh sekat kebebasan bersuara siswa Text
Swimming Exam Papers
Langkah kawal penyakit kuku, mulut di Pahang Text
Structural behavior of end-plate connections to cr Thesis
Sindiket curi kenderaan mewah taja pengganas Text
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Quantitative risk associated with intermittent wind Indexed Paper
On the dielectric response of silica-based polyethy Indexed Paper
Advanced road material Exam Papers
Pemakanan & kesihatan : bahaya di hujung jari Text
Making national schools the school of choice Text
Suhakam lapor kes seludup wanita, budak kepada T Text
Teknologi getah Text
Factors influencing mortgage valuation inaccuracy ofThesis
Show MyKad to purchase pre-paid cards Text
Site management and safety control Exam Papers
RFID main peranan di perpustakaan : operasi lebih Text
Expense tracking and budgeting mobile application Thesis
Pendidikan akhlak terhadap Allah menurut Imam Al-Na Thesis
Influence of groundwater on the beach profile changThesis
Normal concrete to polymer concrete bond strengthConference Papers
Kajian terhadap kerjaya graduan Universiti TeknologiText
Melahirkan usahawan wanita Text
Zon akuakultur dijangka tarik pelaburan RM570j Text
An active tool tracking system for tool management Text
Kejayaan sepanjang 100 tahun meletakkan UM bertaText
Religious beliefs the key to battling graft Text
Peningkatan FDI melebihi sasaran bukti daya saing Text
Sarawak pelbagai industri asas tani ; kerajaan nege Text
Kelemahan pulihara sumber alam perlu dikenal pastiText
Isu alam sekitar tuntut integriti masyarakat Text
Ramai amal gaya hidup tak sihat Text
Sarawak to study sites tagged for heritage list Text
Health teams sent to relief centres Text
UMS sertai Piala Dunia SIFE di Berlin Text
RM14 juta subsidi rawatan hemodialisis Text
Beware of false teachings Text
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Developing ocean thermal energy in Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
1Belia, 1Malaysia perlu diterap dalam pergerakan Text
Kemasukan calon bidang perubatan di IPTA sengit Text
Broadband plasmon photocurrent generation from AIndexed Paper
Penggunaan MapInfo Pro dalam pengurusan kualiti ud Thesis
A study on technical requirement of vibration-based Thesis
Project estimating Exam Papers
Hubungan motivasi dengan pencapaian pelajar dala Thesis
Iklan global mendominasi produk tempatan Text
PJ council acts to clean up lakes News Paper Cuttings
Kesungguhan usaha Malaysia pikat Poland Text
The national information policy of Malaysia : assessi Text
Influence of personality on social networking sites u Thesis
Fine aggregate angularity effects on rutting resistancJournal Article
Peruntukan bantuan pelajar dikaji semula Text
Antioxidant activity of three honey samples in relat Indexed Paper
Critical success factor of online small business on socThesis
In vitro degradation and cell viability assessment o Indexed Paper
JPA nilai skim sangkutan latihan Text
Memugar nilai kemanusiaan sejagat Text
Assistive smart knee brace Thesis
Introduction to real estate Exam Papers
Polis ketuai pusat serenti : ganti komandan ADK ba Text
Son : dad told me he shot someone Text
PM: Kelantanese have the capability to administer stText
3 konsep hiasi rumah Text
Mara wujud pangkalan data pasarkan graduan bumi Text
Ramadan boleh jadi tarikan pelancong News Paper Cuttings
Clean method to be used to close landfills Text
School closure "a last option" Text
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Development and commissioning of controlled struvite Conference Papers
Chikungunya under control Text
Training for 40,000 teachers Text
Ong : all need IT know-how Text
Taking formal education beyond exams : do you know Text
Penentuan komponen varians bagi cerapan jaringan Text
Order batching in warehouses by minimizing total tarIndexed Paper
Tuntutan pembaharuan sektor binaan Text
Best practice for offshore platform deformation surveThesis
Review issues on Islam, says Mahathir Text
Aplikasi kultur tisu Text
NUTP : teachers need training Text
Effect of zero measurement in rainfall data Indexed Paper
Muslihat penjualan senjata kepada Arab Saudi News Paper Cuttings
Development of automated parallel parking system in Indexed Paper
The hardness and thermal expansion of erbium doped Thesis
Closing gap between private, public varsities Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan air sisa Text
Proton Holdings catat untung RM64 juta Text
All systems go for RM3b bridge Text
Voltage stability analysis on industry load with preseThesis
Hukum pelaku rasuah : Abdullah Text
Malaysia perlukan FTA : Najib Text
PM : its not for popularity Text
Multivatiate analysis Exam Papers
Malaysia drops 20 places in gender gap index Text
Development of cooperative relay using universal soThesis
Assessment of the teaching methods that influence the Indexed Paper
Low-lying states of W-184 and Os-184 nuclei Indexed Paper
Malay language losing its stature Text
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Perlaksanaan amalan hijau di Majlis Perbandaran JasThesis
An Embedded fuzzy type-2 controller based sensor bConference Papers
Implementation of wireless thermal camera remote Indexed Paper
Research methodology Exam Papers
IMH pemangkin hab halal Text
PC-based spy robot Thesis
Kimia polimer Text
Improved performance of hybrid algorithm for 3G†Journal Article
17,941 pekerja Petronas warga tempatan Text
Development of wireless sensor network for motion Thesis
A Review on customer loyalty as a main goal of cus Journal Article
Development of high density polyethylene (HDPE)/oilThesis
Star Tortoise to join protected species list Text
MAS laksana program kecekapan bahan api Text
LHDN jamin e-Filing lancar Text
Representing 3D model of building from TLS data scaJournal Article
Highest honour for PM Text
Polylactic acid based blends, composites and nanoc Indexed Paper
Najib diberi tanggungjawab penuh terhadap Felda Text
Perancang kewangan Islam ditauliah 2007 Text
Kesalahan dalam kes pengambilan tanah dari segi p Thesis
Terminal penerbangan murah KLIA dibina minggu deText
Enhanced test pattern generator for block box testinThesis
Program evaluation Exam Papers
Dynamic analysis of wharf structure under seismic l Text
Jaminan kejayaan pembangunan koridor Text
Cuttings transport in horizontal and highly deviated Text
Pengurusan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah di seko Thesis
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Electrical machines Text
Sea level rise projection in the sulu sea and the cele Thesis
A survey on self-organized cluster-based wireless se Indexed Paper
Harga minyak mentah kekal Text
A secure recognition based graphical password by w Conference Papers
Netnography study of MOOCs community in order toThesis
UTM sedia beri pendidikan percuma 8 tahun lagi News Paper Cuttings
Abdul Aziz bersalah seleweng RM11j Text
Mahasiswa berpuak-puak Text
Keadaan SARS di Malaysia terkawal Text
Zaini pilih puisi Usman Awang News Paper Cuttings
Kelajuan memang membunuh Text
Tingkatkan insentif doktor tempatan Text
Pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran pembelThesis
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Terowong SMART dijangka beroperasi tahun depan Text
Isu pengurusan dalam pelaksanaan GIS : satu kes ka Text
Issues of payment procurement process for industrialJournal Article
Isu kecacatan pada bangunan kediaman semasa temThesis
Kokus selaras perundangan Text
Bajet 2009 legakan rakyat Text
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan industri Text
Rawatan kombinasi baru psoriasis Text
Procrastination among university students of MalaysConference Papers
Between 7.5% and 42% : lowest-paid civil staff now of Text
Selecting the appropriate decision alternatives usin Non-Index Paper
Urus sumber air secara holistik Text
Lampu belon Sirocco mudahkan kerja menyelamat Text
OIC perlu rangka pelan atasi masalah umat Islam Text
Move to promote Putrajaya's potential as tourism h Text
The effect of supplier integration and knowledge m Thesis
Jathropa untuk biofuel Text
Program JOC beri peluang penuntut tambah pendap News Paper Cuttings
Influenza A(H1N1) : Warning over shortage of H1N1 Text
Keluaran Khas: Perbankan Islam seiring sistem konv Text
Development of enzymatic membrane reactor (EMR)Conferencef Papers
Truancy a problem among pupils Text
Face detection using color and eigenface techniques Text
Exploring fundamental engineering word list for engin Indexed Paper
Bold ideas to spur investment Text
China ketatkan kawalan produk budaya popular Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Sayur dan ulam penting untuk badan yang sihat Text
Perpustakaan keluarga : suntik minat membaca Text
5,000 hektar di Long Lama dikenalpasti untuk dimaj News Paper Cuttings
Kewibawaan pemilihan Presiden AS dan China News Paper Cuttings
The relationship between service quality and custome Thesis
Matematik II Text
Perubahan tabii punca nilai tamadun terhakis Text
Kelestarian, inovasi atasi krisis ekonomi Text
Mundzir graduan PhD termuda News Paper Cuttings
Making professionals more marketable Text
Malaysia to build on trade with UAE Text
Musibah menimpa akibat kealpaan umat Islam sendirText
'Bebaskan' 40% bergaji rendah Text
Human development Exam Papers
Statistik multivariat Text
Evaluation of specific absorption rate due to medicalJournal Article
Misi bertaraf dunia Text
Inclusion of strain-rate effects in low velocity impa Indexed Paper
Hapus prejudis hukuman Mahkamah Syariah Text
Beauty of material : selecting timber species for Ma Text
Perubatan : darah belangkas bakal dikomersialkan Text
Kreativiti pelajar UTM terserlah lagi News Paper Cuttings
Sains bangunan I Text
OUM buka tiga lagi kampus di Asia Barat Text
Stiffness analysis on the turbine blade of the F404 t Text
Physical optics Exam Papers
A chance for students to build nation Text
Sudut foto tarikan terbaru Zoo Negara Text
The role of weights in final output of the multicriteri Thesis
Biologi sel dan molekul Text
DBP tidak jemu mendaulat bahasa Text
Organic chemistry-biomolecules Exam Papers
Multivariate regression model between land uses anConference Papers
New eye in the sky for Measat Text
Contractors expect 9MP boost Text
Terengganu hopes to woo 3.5m tourists Text
Kaji selidik tentang faktor yang menyumbangkan kepThesis
Cadangan gaji baru polis akhir tahun Text
All key facilities safeguarded against attacks Text
Derivation of sea level anomaly based on the best raIndexed Paper
Prinsip Qurani panduan pengurusan terbaik Text
Hukuman lebih berat ke atas pelumba haram Text
Perbandingan rekabentuk papak menggunakan BS 81Text
Carta RS ramal tanah runtuh menang Anugerah InovaText
Extraction of beta carotene from palm mesocarp via Igndexed Paper
Activity-based life cycle cost process model for facili Thesis
Heat transfer and nanofluid flow characteristics throuThesis
Pulsed electric field by cascaded H-bridge multilevel Thesis
Analisis hidrodinamik bagi sungai yang dipengaruhi pText
Fotogrametri I Text
Kempen penyusuan ibu gagal Text
Three-phase plan to develop Sabah Text
Wabak denggi dijangka meningkat Text
Kaji semula amalan tempatkan tertuduh kes jenayahText
Diploma : peluang ke UM tertutup Text
The integration of close range photogrammetry and Thesis
IRDA kenal pasti sumber tempatan sertai WPI Text
Payment issues - the present dilemmas of Malaysian Text
Experimental analysis of bending and axial crush behav Indexed Paper
Evaluation of sludge from coagulation of palm oil milJournal Article
Development of a new process for palm oil refining bConference Papers
Amalan serta peranan dan tanggungjawab kaunselorConference Papers
Boleh pindah jam kredit Text
Trust in virtual team software development Indexed Paper
Menaik taraf dekorasi bilik galerium Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hak wanita : antara hukum Tuhan dan pelaksanaan iText
Kawalan pergerakan menggunakan pen dan tablet grThesis
Facing a shaky future Text
Kakitangan awam dilarang kerja sambilan Text
CFs issued faster under new system Text
Singapura tidak boleh bertindak sesuka hati Text
Kerajaan tolak status langit terbuka untuk Langkawi Text
Malaysia prihatin kempen negatif sawit Text
Pensioners want better deal Text
Mathematical modelling of splicing systems Conference Papers
Menyuntik semangat baru dalam sektor awam Text
Rancang susunan bingkai gambar Text
Abdullah mahu pasukan remaja pulihkan imej hoki nText
Organizational development Exam Papers
The sensitivity of harp model on atmospheric boundaConference Papers
Development of monopole sensors for rice quality chThesis
Development of photocatalytic coupled zinc-iron oxi Indexed Paper
Pembolehubah kompleks Text
Town that grew on pineapples Text
A Target needs analysis of the written communication Journal Article
SabahÆs Chief Minister rotation system scrapped Text
LPG & NG dalam industri Text
Pembangunan Putrajaya tak tergendala : KSN Text
Daging halal diimport dari Argentina, China Text
Vibration analysis on SMT machine (Moving camera Thesis
The effect of polyoxyethylene (40) stearate surfac Indexed Paper
Merdeka, patriotism and a younger generation born Text
Costs and benefits of ISO 9001:2008 series to the conThesis
Performance studies between wimax (802.16m) and Thesis
IPTA diarah lapor graduan 'ikat perut' Text
Foreign job-seekers need certificate to work here Text
Meninjau semangat pertanian Australia Text
Kuasa pengguna berkesan kawal harga Text
Malaysian practitioners perception on knowledge m Non-Index Paper
Influence of midblock U-turn facility on traffic flow Thesis
Development of a micro gas turbine power generati Thesis
Modification of mesoporaus silica nanoparticles for iThesis
Identification of test rig for a quarter car active sus Text
Kementerian pergiat kempen galakkan sains Text
Kesedaran pemandu elak kemalangan Text
Mobile based application with gamification applied Thesis
Land suitability procedure for sustainable citrus pla Indexed Paper
Rakyat syukuri nikmat kemajuan Text
Emerging trends in graphene carbon based polymer Indexed Paper
Impak program pencegahan dadah Shields kepada peThesis
Computer sysytem maintenance and installations / Text
Penjara mandatori kesalahan buang sisa toksik cara Text
IEM galakkan aliran baru kejuruteraan Text
Kilang cemari Sungai Skudai didakwa Text
Syor pinda AUKU langkah positif Text
Pelajar pakai seragam dilarang ke pusat siber Text
A development of model for service quality, student Ts hesis
164 kereta dicuri setiap hari Text
Four axis solar tracking system Thesis
Projek landasan berkembar perlu diteruskan Text
Pengambilan warga Pakistan lancar Text
Color scene image segmentation based on line boun Thesis
Laman blog PM erat hubungan kerajaan, rakyat Text
Ekonomi negara semakin pulih lepasi rintangan globaText
Pengaruh ruangan Sejarah dan Kesenian majalah Web Thesis
Significance of substrate temperature on electrical c Journal Article
Timely shots Text
Principles of economic Exam Papers
High pressure die casting process modeling and simuThesis
Soyuz docks with space station Text
Pre-treatment of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for Indexed Paper
PD kaedah pilihan rawat buah pinggang di rumah Text
Aplikasi multimedia interaktif bagi subjek hidraulik s Text
Address book builder for network monitoring (Previ Text
Accommodative financial: policies to stay: JamaludinText
Synthesis and characterization of Sn-Sb-S thin films f Indexed Paper
No low-cost houses for the rich Text
Pollution can trigger heart attack Text
X-Raying rainfall pattern and variability in Northeas Non-Index Paper
Comparison between superpave gyratory and marshal Conference Papers
Kepulauan Spratly kembali panas Text
Active steering for vehicle system using sliding modeText
Effects of surfactant concentration on oil recovery b Thesis
Luaskan peranan kita di Bosnia : PM Text
Pembolehubah kompleks Text
UTM anjur kempen keselamatan News Paper Cuttings
Ethics in psychology Exam Papers
Radiobiologi Text
UTM bina makmal tenaga mapan News Paper Cuttings
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Kajian penyelakuan penyinar kenderaan Text
Pendatang asing jadi rakyat Text
Sick nation : non-communicable diseases affect 11. Text
Thomson reuters datastream training Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Isothermal crystallization study and mechanical pro Thesis
Proffessional practice Exam Papers
Alatan pengeluaran Text
Pengesahan tandatangan secara luar talian melalui pen Thesis
Easing the way to teaching jobs Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Direct loss and expense relating to remoteness of d Text
Naza rancang lancar kereta sendiri Oktober ini Text
Streamflow estimation at ungauged site using waveleThesis
Lebih 1,000 kereta Proton dijual di Thailand Text
An evaluation of sustainable design and constructionIndexed Paper
JPJ kaji wujud garis panduan kawal selia trak penundText
Pengurusan terminal bas milik pihak berkuasa tempata Thesis
Warganegara 18 tahun ke atas wajib ikuti Khidmat NText
Taxing environmental abuse Text
Design and analysis of a earthaquake simulator usingText
Economics in real estate Exam Papers
Mind your work Text
4,050 pusat pindah mangsa banjir disedia Text
Technical and economic viability of photovoltaic eneThesis
Gaji, pencen tarikan utama sektor awam Text
Semua mesti bersatu atasi krisis kewangan Text
Teachers to be exempted from assessment exam Text
Sekolah terbilang : menjana kecemerlangan Text
Semua projek buka tanah akan diwajibkan EIA : Law Text
Amalan perkara remeh jejas ibadah haji Text
Tenaga pakar teknologi nano cabaran besar MalaysiaText
Boards engagement in strategy execution : an emergiConference Papers
Teori medan elektromagnet I Text
Johor usaha tarik pelancong ke hutan Endau-RompinText
Memodenkan jentera pilihan raya Text
Headwind or tailwind? Text
Kembar siam stabil Text
Emergency prenatal telemonitoring system in wirel Indexed Paper
Mathematical simulation to up-scale electrolysis for Indexed Paper
Consumers' perception and purchase intention towarThesis
Surface roughness effect on vortex-induced vibrat Thesis
PM : face challenges head-on Text
IPT tawar 1.6 juta tempat menjelang 2010 Text
Government yet to rule out having local partners forText
Partnership and company law / undang-undang perko Text
Teknologi mampu ramal tanah runtuh Text
MAS and AirAsia ground more planes due to Iceland'Text
Percanggahan dalam menganggarkan jumlah pampasThesis
Perbankan Islam : Hong Kong minat contohi Malaysi Text
Wind tunnel testing on high wing plane Text
Teknologi pertahanan sentiasa dipertingkat Text
History of modern architecture/Sejarah senibina mo Exam Papers
Compact UWB multilayer 3 DB directional coupler deIndexed Paper
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Soil confinement system Text
Statistical approach grading mixture modeling (Previ Text
Kajian semula analisis cerucuk pendek dalam pasir Thesis
Penilaian keberkesanan pusat rekreasi air terjun K Thesis
36 projek bernilai $1,308 juta bagi N. Sembilan News Paper Cuttings
Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara mula capai Text
Online consecutive secure multi-party computation aThesis
Tourism management Exam Papers
Sekolah diminta bersedia hadapi bencana banjir Text
Computer technology competencies perceived as neede Text
Negara membangun perlu tingkat persaingan hadapiText
Thermal stratification and water quality in upper lay Text
Voice search for Quranic verses recitation Conference Papers
Zakat tidak mengikis pendapatan Text
Industri sawit tingkat taraf hidup pekebun Text
Valuation statute / penilaian statut Text
Penggunaan enapcemar sungai dalam pembuatan baThesis
5-star rating for 30 more smart schools Text
Effects of the immobilization of recombinant EschericIndexed Paper
Projek MSC fasa kedua fokus aplikasi teknologi tinggiText
The influence of PEEK as a pore former on the micro Indexed Paper
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Air flow analysis and effect of angle on rotation va Thesis
Pendedahan kesan CO2 di Maldives News Paper Cuttings
Rombakan pentadbir kanan UUM Text
Method of planning analysis Exam Papers
Ground plane obstacle detection for mobile robot navi Text
Persepsi banduan terhadap program pembangunan sa Thesis
Pelajar mesti seimbang akademik, kokurikulum Text
BPR teliti maklumat dakwaan rasuah Text
Housing contractor problems and poor performance Text i
Ancaman lingkaran api Pasifik Text
11 langkah untuk tingkat pengajaran bahasa InggerisText
Prinsip akaun Text
Journalists and Web 2.0 Text
Operasi hospital disusun semula Text
Non-Muslims benefit from landmark ruling Text
Modelling steam generator system of pressurized wat Indexed Paper
An empirical investigation of capability factors affec Non-Index Paper
Projek milenium untuk basmi kemiskinan Text
Ancaman cetak rompak semakin mencabar Text
Kajian terhadap penggunaan ibs dalam projek swast Journal Article
Subsidi pemasangan NGV perlu diperkenal Text
Asean fully prepared for flu pandemic Text
Pengurusan pengeluaran dan operasi Text
Hope for survivors of æDeath RailwayÆ Text
Bigger jails, depots to solve problem of illegals Text
Dasar ekonomi galakkan kerjasama antara kaum Text
Review on passive approaches for detecting image t Conference Papers
Program latihan pertanian percuma Text
Bajet 2006 diharap ambil kira keperluan logistik polisText
The ultimate drift velocity in degenerately doped na Conference Papers
Program khidmat masyarakat Pertubuhan Kebajikan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
12 petitions challenging polls results to be filed soonText
Indonesia berminat meneliti akta di Malaysia Text
Business hours vs non-business hours in business zo Journal Article
Logging may be banned in Ulu Geroh Text
Pusat hemodialisis RM1j di Hospital Muar Text
Elektronik Text
TPM pantau isu kad kredit di stesen minyak Text
Panel to improve KL-Jakarta ties Text
Pressurized pyrolysis of solid waste Text
Cabinet approves RM70m to repair collapsed slope Text
Biologi molekul dan kejuruteraan genetik Text
Malaysians die in China crash Text
60% kematian libatkan motosikal Text
Geology & rock mechanics Text
Control of a non-holonomic mobile robot (Preview) Text
Nasib lebih 10,000 penduduk Pulau Banyak belum diText
Polis nasihat orang ramai usah layan pemandu agresiText
Air bawah tanah mampu atasi masalah kualiti Text
Extra english classes for students Text
Development of shell expansion program using surfaText
Waste not, want not or youÆll pay for it Text
Bajet 2005 tetapkan strategi hapuskan kemiskinan a Text
Kajian tahap kemampuan sosioekonomi komuniti Uma, Thesis
Semarakkan kokurikulum Text
Prevention method of microbiologically influenced c Text
Faktor penentu nilai tanah pembangunan : kes kaji Text
Rain wreaks havoc in city Text
Pemakanan teratur bantu kawal diabetes Text
Abdullah to Bush : be fair Text
Pengurusan projek berbantu komputer untuk pera Text
Managing your boss Text
Perception of triangulated structure system in high rThesis
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Services to lead the way Text
A synopsis on the effects of anthropogenic greenho Non-Index Paper
Longgokan silika berjuta ringgit ditemui Text
Assessment for learning : supervisory feedback practConference Papers
Lawatan Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian InstitutePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Time series support vector regression models with miThesis
Kebudayaan sebagai jambatan keamanan di selatan Text
Kesihatan pekerjaan Text
Parameter identification for fault detection of powerThesis
Fiqh Islam II Exam Papers
Kesan kepada sifat-sifat elektrik akibat radiasi sin Text
Sultan of Selangor unhappy at Hindraf's action Text
Need a job? Go shopping! Text
Senai Airport mahu contohi kepakaran Dubai Cargo VText
Mechanism of a retractable rostrum system Thesis
Global collaborations News Paper Cuttings
That bird's nest soup may kill you Text
Sistem pelajaran perlu perubahan dari sekolah rend Text
Malay continuous speech recognition using continuoText
Bantu kurangkan inflasi Text
Cuaca bom jangka dunia Text
Pencirian bahan organik semulajadi (NOM) dan sifat Thesis
Communication electronics Exam Papers
Perlaksanaan ISO 9000 : kajian ke atas firma kontrak Text
Penyelidikan operasi lanjutan / penyelidikan operasi TI ext
Performance of steel beams strengthened with pultrIndexed Paper
Comparative study of defect liability period practic Thesis
Advanced optimization techniques Exam Papers
Pakej rangsang ekonomi asas laksana projek kecil Text
Peluang peningkatan industri maritim negara Text
Virtual autopsy under study Text
Human reliability analysis (HRA) emanating from useNon-Index Paper
Mission to fight global crises Text
Penilaian kesan alam sekitar Text
EON mahu mantapkan kedudukan dalam industri Text
Developments in hydrogen production through microb Non-Index Paper
Bulan madu sudah berakhir : PM Text
Comparative study of georefference technique usingThesis
Is your course recognised? Text
Human action recognition and retrieval in digital v Thesis
Lawyers who waste time must pay Text
Statute valuation Exam Papers
Evaluation of indicator tests for identification of seg Text
Catalytic deacidification of acidic petroleum crude o Thesis
Bangunkan piawaian halal antarabangsa : PM Text
Pengajian undang - undang II Text
Pengantar perakaunan kewangan (principles of financText
Jangan pertikai Perkara 121(A) Text
Enterprise risk management maturity and firm financiThesis
40,016 calon ke IPTA bulan depan Text
India seeking Malaysian recognition for varsities Text
Numerical modelling study for application of hydrauliText
Coarse resolution defect localization algorithm for Text
Kesesakan lalu lintas di bandar Segamat, Johor Thesis
Streamlines as a collaborative tool for time series ev Conference Papers
Analisa corak hujan Text
Strategi pengukuhan Text
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Wimax companies agree to share infrastructure Text
An analysis of the water surface profile for Sungai SkThesis
Rizab minyak di daratan Kelantan dikesan Text
Pengguna ada hak selidik status produk, perkhidmat Text
Optical power splitter based on multimode interfere Text
Effect of wettability and low salinity waterflooding Thesis
Bonding performance of bolted timber-concrete co Thesis
Antecedents of customer satisfaction in mobile com Thesis
L&G Twintech : kini bertaraf kolej universiti Text
Kajian sistem saliran sub permukaan di 'Starhill Golf Text
Tinted window crackdown put off pending review Text
Isolation and characterization polyhydrobutyrate (p Journal Article
Retirees turning backs on EPF Text
We all need to become millionaires Text
Effect of titania loading on properties and catalytic Indexed Paper
Offer incentives for research, suggests scientist Text
Johor tidak dapat peruntukan air sejak RMK-7 Text
Stop clearing forests, states told Text
Malaysian firm helps turn Namibia around Text
LimÆs remarks spark protest Text
Planning theory Exam Papers
Subsidies gone to waste for lack of creches Text
A new method for evaluating decision making units Indexed Paper
Cultural differences spark conflict Text
Sikap remehkan subjek luar fakulti punca lambakan Text
Keperluan domestik perlu diutama atasi masalah air Text
Home healthcare via wireless biomedical sensor net Conference Papers
JPA usaha kumpul dana bantu pelajar cemerlang Text
The disclosure on directors training in annual repo Thesis
Menggempur kemiskinan menerusi pendidikan Text
Evaluation of antibacterial properties of leather trea Journal Article
Azam, niat ikhlas amalan berpahala Text
Getting people to assimilate technology Text
Islam keutamaan tertinggi News Paper Cuttings
Integration of chaotic map and confusion technique Conference Papers
Over 2,000 delegates enjoyed country’s culture aNews Paper Cuttings
Procedure in negotiation amounts in construction prThesis
Subcloning and purification of beta glucosidase fromThesis
Sik dipilih projek perintis tingkatkan pendapatan go Text
Batasan pengklonan manusia perlu diperjelas Text
Wettability effect and performance of nano-columnaConference Papers
Amalan membaca rakyat Malaysia meningkat Text
Balai Polis Cyberjaya peneraju guna teknologi maklu Text
Najib : use cultural diversity to reinforce human rightText
A new chitinase-producer strain Streptomyces glaucin Indexed Paper
Rise in co-curricular budget Text
UPM dirikan menara jam ulang tahun ke-75 Text
Girls in assault video identified Text
Model peralihan jisim serentak bagi titisan-titisan ya Thesis
Lonjakan mega P. Banggi Text
Celcom Uni-League : UTM buat UIAM gigit jari Text
DonÆt let our kids fall behind Text
Effect of parameter on forward extraction of amoxicilIndexed Paper
Microstrip array antenna for automobile radar system Text
WPI perlu penonjolan antarabangsa Text
Bank hanya peruntukkan empat peratus bagi sektor Text
Score aims to reduce poverty in Sarawak Text
GLC ganggu industri ternakan Text
Detection of natural oil seeps using remote sensing Thesis
Sekolah menengah bertaraf asrama penuh : TPM Text
Influenza A(H1N1) : Johor boy is sixth to die Text
Anak jati Muar pakar filem animasi News Paper Cuttings
Computer assisted problem based learning assessment Thesis
Error handling and controller design for controller Thesis
Study of a novel method for single cell adhesion fr Thesis
Blast-off marks historic leap into space Text
Shahrir : open mart better for prices Text
Effect of feed temperature on dehydration isopropa Thesis
Thyristor control series capacitor ANFIS controller foNon-Index Paper
Badan khas jaga kualiti air ditubuh Text
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Ukur kadaster Text
Akibat perbuatan manusia Text
Penggunaan penyedapan imej berdasarkan kawasan Text da
The music industryÆs new attitude Text
Graduan ICT, pentadbiran perniagaan paling ramai Text
Decolourisation of reactive black 5 using LysinibacilluThesis
Parametric studies of capillary flow front velocity Thesis
Application of system dynamic in selection of distrib Thesis
Kanak-kanak hidap celaru mental tidak wajar disisih Text
Mind the signs Text
Analisis punca-punca kegagalan struktur di Malaysia Text
JPJ kuat kuasa dua langkah baru Text
Pengurusan tapak dan keselamatan binaan Text
Tahap minat, pengetahuan dan kemahiran, latihan g Conference Papers
Pendekatan hadapi krisis Text
Deformation survey Exam Papers
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam pengurusanThesisf
Why Islam should be taught in varsities and colleges News Paper Cuttings
Special unit to handle sexual, child abuse cases Text
SPM showing to be proud of Text
Comparison between A-mode and B-mode ultrasound Thesis
Saintis Islam inspirasi Barat Text
Warga emas mati tangan terikat Text
Rancang basmi kemiskinan Text
Taman Budaya dibina di Kelantan Text
IPTA perlu perluas akses internet tanpa wayar Text
Unimas bawa pembaharuan ke pedalaman Text
Pemberi, penerima riba umpama binatang buas Text
New bus and taxi fares in peninsula to take effect n Text
Ant colony optimization for solving solid waste coll Conference Papers
Transformational and transactional leadership style Thesis
Role of surveyor in airport development for obstacleThesis
Study to identify areas in danger if sea level rises Text
Development of bentonite beneficiation technique foText
4 tahun berlalu : wawasan kerajaan bawa banyak ra Text
Fizik superkonduktor Text
Strive harder for knowledge, says PM Text
Hang Tuah Jaya bandar pintar Melaka Text
Agriculture sector biggest gainer of biotech schemesText
Pengajian perniagaan UTM guna pendekatan permain News Paper Cuttings
Kolej Risda pacu sektor tani Text
Effects of double skin facade configurations on decrea Thesis
Tunable ultra-long random distributed feedback fiberJournal Article
Aspek lokasi dalam perletakan pembangunan harta tThesis
Architectural theory Exam Papers
Rula and reba analysis on work postures at the shee Thesis
Robbery and kidnap bid foiled Text
Hutan gondol akibat melombong emas Text
Currency hedging strategies using multivariate garc Journal Article
Assessment score for green pavement technology e Thesis
Environmental-conscious factors affecting street micro Indexed Paper
New find raises hope for the rhino Text
Explore other job options, grads told Text
A study of voice activity detector as virtual instrume Thesis
Mentol tak perlu lulus ujian Sirim Text
Sepakat elak perkauman Text
Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution by Text so
Suami isteri suka tuding jari lemahkan sistem kekelu Text
Pengawalan pembaziran bahan binaan di tapak bina Text
Competition to hone studentsÆ business skills Text
Enhancement of network access control architectureThesis
Telefon bimbit punca marah Text
Analysis and design of structural systems Exam Papers
Kajian tol siap akhir tahun Text
Thermal analysis Text
Model perubatan lebih berkesan merawat penagih Text
Schemes for fighting inflation planned Text
Pelajar miskin MRSM dapat bantuan khas Text
History of modern architecture / Sejarah senibina m Text
Reliance Capital to tap syariah market Text
Budak dua tahun dirogol sebelum dibunuh Text
Kebolehpasaran graduan di luar negara kena diutam Text
Issues and challenges in business intelligence case stIndexed Paper
Numerical simulation of the influence of the chirali Thesis
Penumpang AirAsia naik 44 peratus Text
Mosques perfect place to spread Islam Hadhari Text
Jaga pemakanan musim cuti Text
Harga minyak tinggi cetus kebimbangan Text
Foster way to boost integration at camps Text
Merapatkan jurang sosioekonomi bumiputera Text
Jualan kereta terpakai merudum 30 peratus Text
Ladang anggur di Perlis mula keluar hasil Text
Diesel smugglers face ISA Text
Pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan kualiti di dalam pr Thesis
MMA minta kesan penggunaan kot putih dikaji Text
Govt to boost services sector Text
Basmi kemiskinan Text
Nahas kapal bukan kerana rumah api tidak berfungsiText
Cheaper RON95 petrol from Sept 1 Text
Pelajar bermasalah wajib ikuti program pemulihan Text
Weighted kernel regression in solving small sample pThesis
Optimization of process parameters and catalyst co Indexed Paper
Martabat tulisan jawi akan ditingkatkan Text
Lebih 3 juta pokok bakau ditanam atasi tsunami Text
Landscape construction 2 Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
KDN tumpu usaha kurang jumlah kemalangan maut Text
Synthesis and characterization of cobalt based ferrit Thesis
F1 1Malaysia serlah keupayaan anak tempatan Text
Accounting system switch Text
Content-based image retrieval using PSO and k-means Indexed Paper
Osteoporosis menyerang dalam senyap Text
Development of ultrasound power meter receiver Thesis
Remaja wanita merokok meningkat Text
Polluting our drinking water Text
Client satisfaction with valuations carried out in Ind Text
RM3b bantu murid miskin Text
Datu Mustapha Bapa Kemerdekaan Sabah Text
Fermentative production of xylitol : a first trial on xy Indexed Paper
Pembangunan aplikasi panduan solat untuk platformThesis
Detect early signs of abuse Text
Kepimpinan teserlah Text
Dr Nik Mustapha Naib Canselor UPM Text
Faktor penentu pembayaran zakat harta di Majlis AgThesis
Electrical generation using savonius-darrieus turbin Thesis
Rangsang pembangunan Text
Foundation of microeconomics Exam Papers
Impulsive noise reduction in broadband power line Thesis
Determination of inorganic anions in chemical ignit Thesis
Amalan pengajaran inkuiri guru kimia melalui intera Thesis
FT gets its own flag and anthem Text
PHYSICS Exam Papers
Kementerian sedia kaji benar polis simpan DNA pen Text
Statik (Statics) Text
Kerajaan pastikan R&D universiti dikomersial Text
Getting serious about reading Text
Sistem sokongan keputusan rancangan perjalanan peThesis
Munching on cat whiskers for health Text
2X2 optical waveguide polymer based photonic swit Conference Papers
Flexible 16 × 10-Gb/s all-optical broadcast and muIndexed Paper
Sebak terima diploma anak Text
FPGA based spectrum analyzer using filter bank Thesis
SLK Bridge dari USM muncul pemenang pertandinga News Paper Cuttings
Platform perkukuh industri biosains Text
NGV tenaga alternatif ganti petrol Text
Tingkap melengkapi reka bentuk kediaman Text
Prediction of big wave IT adoption Text
Pusat panggilan catat kenaikan 17 peratus Text
Amalan kecerdasan emosi sebagai pendorong kecemerl Conference Papers
Garis panduan baru bina bangunan tinggi Text
MIMO-OFDM optical backhaul backup system using Thesis
Enhancement of an electrocoagulation process for thIndexed Paper
Pantai Barat alami pulau bandar haba Text
Fakulti Perubatan UiTM ditubuhkan hujung tahun iniText
Sains maklumat tanah Text
Resource management system in e - office Thesis
Diabetes : risiko ambil Avandia Text
Clarification of crude palm oil slurry by filtration (Pr Text
Antioxidant and anti-cancer actvity of standardized eIndexed Paper
Lanun di perairan Johor tumpas Text
Pelajar istimewa boleh ambil subjek vokasional Text
Ultrasonic enhancement of separation azeotropic mixt Indexed Paper
Crushing response of frusta under axial loading Thesis
BTP analisis tahap guna kemudahan ICT di sekolah Text
Cabaran industry herba News Paper Cuttings
TSP (Time Sector Privatisation) wadah pembelajaran Text
Jabatan Perikanan tinjau lokasi ribuan ikan siakap maText
Clinical Engineering Exam Papers
Teacher training to ensure kindy standards Text
Armed forces must upgrade continuously Text
Behavior of externally confined circular high streng Thesis
Hubungan keliangan, penyerapan air dan kekuatan mThesis
Effect of mobile computing enabled laboratory infor Thesis
Human heart image reconstruction using labview Thesis
Effect of surfactant modified clinoptilolite added pr Conference Papers
Rais: House Dr M's papers in special library Text
Potential of antimicrobial film containing thymol wit Journal Article
Lima universiti tempatan antara 100 terbaik Asia Text
Pelajar UTM cipta peti sejuk boleh dikawal guna SMSText
ICT-literate society needed Text
Penerimaan komuniti tempatan terhadap perlaksan Thesis
Guna kekuatan ekonomi Text
Allergy warnings on food products a must Text
Senyum untuk nilai murni Text
Kajian kos kontraktor semasa pembinaan Text
Performance of bearing capacity for eco-friendly raftThesis
PIPP, pelajar sekolah rendah dinilai dalam lima aspekText
Timba ilmu ke peringkat tertinggi News Paper Cuttings
Implementing congestion avoidance mechanism in clu Indexed Paper
Evolution of abstract vegetal ornaments in Islamic arIndexed Paper
An improved load shedding scheduling strategy for soIndexed Paper
Fungicide extraction using head space-solid phase mic Text
Survey on reading habits Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan (bahagian perakaunan) Text
Rekabentuk pembungkusan minyak wangi Text
Applied Mechanics Exam Papers
Desak TH turunkan tambang haji Text
Pusat ambil alih pengurusan air menjelang Jun 2007 Text
MPM laksana kemudahan elektronik Text
JPEG Image
Gene selection based on iterative feature eliminatio Thesis
Effects of alkaline and polymer addition to the surfa Thesis
15,000 jawatan kosong di Johor News Paper Cuttings
Rewarding teachers' sacrifice Text
Ketamin pilihan baru penagih Text
Koperasi perlu buka pasar raya Text
Kajian ke atas penguatkuasaan pelanggaran syarat guText
Penyair, penghibur terkenal serikan Puisi Riong di U News Paper Cuttings
Remote sensing untuk pemuliharaan alam sekitar d Text
50 peratus kes ragut dilakukan penagih dadah Text
Cell enumeration with hemocytometer using circula Thesis
Struktur cukai baru tidak pengaruhi harga kereta Text
RM30m 'Eye on Malaysia' Ferris wheel in the works Text
Facility layout improvement using systematic layout Text
The design and constructuion of an equatorial ring s Thesis
A hybrid imperialist competitive algorthm for optimizThesis
Asean jalin integrasi ekonomi ke arah pasaran terbu Text
Status undang-undang wanita dalam Islam Conference Papers
Tugas berat menanti Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Computational analysis of nanofluids in heat exchan Thesis
Electronics Exam Papers
Budak dipenjara selama diperkenan Seri Paduka Text
Iskandar research centre gets RM500mil from China News Paper Cuttings
Missing students : college faces closure Text
When a gift is no longer a gift Text
Malay contractors want to build computer labs Text
Mathematics 3 / matematik 3 Text
Egg producers thrive, chicken broilers deprived Text
Penguatkuasaan pelanggaran syarat gunatanah mengThesis
Learning tool of image segmentation techniques for Thesis
Tingkatkan hubungan Australia dengan Negara IslamText
Tools in data science for better processing Conference Papers
Energy conservation and planning: guidelines for eneConference Papers
ISA : utamakan kebebasan awam Text
The feasibility of kaolin as main material for low Journal Article
PIPP di landasan terbaik Text
Permeation, antifouling and desalination performa Indexed Paper
Sludge hits Kukup fish farms Text
Peneroka Felda dapat bonus lagi Text
Use of granulated modified zeolite Y for the removalConference Papers
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Locational accuracy of underground utility mapping Indexed Paper
Pandangan peserta PLKN dirujuk sebelum ubah modul Text
Kepentingan ulasan tanah oleh pejabat tanah daer Thesis
Hapus setinggan sebelum mulakan SJER : Shahrir Text
Optical tomography hardware development for solidIndexed Paper
Intelligent learning model based on significant weig Thesis
Initial analysis on heat exchanger networks of fatty aIndexed Paper
Kajian undang-undang III Text
Simulation of assembly of components for industrialiThesis
Transverse impact and axial compression of basalt c Thesis
Inisiatif pergabungan bank Text
Kesan bukaan dalam rasuk terhadap lenturan dan riciText
Bandar Bangi akan dibangun bila pelan struktur siap -News Paper Cuttings
MAS umum tambang baru bulan depan Text
Malaysia mampu jadi pusat kewangan Islam global Text
MRO pesawat kipas, MAS raih taraf dunia Text
Perbandingan pola pembelajaran kontekstual dan taJournal Article
Water quality assessment of UTM river Thesis
Rescue team still searching for victims of landslide Text
Media penerbitan dan penyebaran idea identiti seni bText
Groundwater resource evaluation in the western partIndexed
o Paper
Development of gas-separation membrane-assisted lIndexed Paper
7 die in crash at Jelapang toll Text
Kimia am II Text
Kadar jenayah di KLIA rendah Text
Menghukum remaja dengan rotan Text
Conflict management Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan jalan raya dan lalu lintas Text
Analisis sumberjaya dan perancangan Text
2 years after Mar 8, 08 : young voters to call the shotText
Pengurusan projek dan kejuruteraan penyenggaraanText
Must-do stint for beauty docs Text
Observations on nudibranch behaviour patterns undeJournal Article
A comparative evaluation of features for medical imaJournal Article
Assistance for public transport Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Effect of annealing treatment on the wear propertiesIndexed
o Paper
Penjawat awam mesti keluar dari zon selesa Text
Initial study on microwave technique to find the rel Indexed Paper
Penumpang penerbangan terus London ke LangkawiText
PM : scrutinise hillslope projects Text
Mass oscillation curves development of throated cyliText
Hybridization model of linear and nonlinear time seriConference Papers
Ministry plans to cut red tape Text
Struktur kenderaan Text
Tahap pengetahuan terhadap pelan kelangsungan peThesis
Mesej kepada anak perlu jelas, berkesan Text
Sistem diagnosis penyakit jantung menggunakan hujText
Pembangunan semula Kg. Baru Text
Ethnic ties book ready next year Text
UTM perhebat kempen Influenza A Text
Polis terpaksa henti operasi akibat lokap sesak Text
Dasar ekonomi baru : kelemahan dan penyelewenganText
Ekonomi binaan Text
Pick and place using rhino XR-4 in robotic lab Thesis
RM117.4b bagi Bajet 2005 Text
Ketboard typing trainer using intel atom processor Thesis
Microstructural analysis of fired clay masonry brick Non-Index Paper
Robot enam kaki berjalan di atas jalan yang tidak rat Thesis
The effect of step height of microscale backward-facIndexed Paper
Kementerian tawar tempat 6,100 calon ke asrama p Text
Punca tsunami dari Tasmania Text
JB to be a wireless city soon Text
Workshop technology I/Teknologi worksyop I Exam Papers
Meningkatkan usahawan IKS bertaraf dunia Text
R & D : pasteur elektrik Text
Mak ciks go high-tech in cottage industry ... and profiText
HK varsity offers scholarships to Malaysians Text
Kemahiran permentoran pemimpin pertengahan di sThesis
Pembentangan akhir pelajar praktikal di Perpustak Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Applying self-regulation models in online learning Conference Papers
Geo-DBMS : data management of 3D spatial objects Conference Papers
Malaysia penerima terbesar dana pendidikan UK Text
Pembangunan kiosk maklumat kawalan pembangunan Text
Improving energy saving evaluation in lighting using Thesis
Kurangkan IPTS boleh tingkat kualiti : Najib Text
Media kena bantu pelihara kemakmuran Text
China ties something special for Najib Text
Initial recommendations of MOOCs characteristics forIndexed Paper
Glycerol for renewable acrolein production by catalyIndexed Paper
Penawar stres Text
H-1 NMR metabolic profiling of biofluids from rats wIndexed Paper
Rating outlook upgrade positive sign for banks Text
Kajian untuk iktiraf universiti China Text
Know this sweet enemy Text
Kawalan kualiti Text
Behaviour of high strength confined concrete columnThesis
Bukit Aman siasat web bincang isu hina Islam Text
Resolution improvement in fabry-perot displacementThesis
On the upstream inputs into the MODIS primary produ Indexed Paper
2 kaedah pacu negara Text
PTPTN wajib penjamin : syarat baru bagi pastikan pe Text
Kesan inflasi dunia Text
Oxidation of commercial petronas diesel with tert-b Indexed Paper
Natural convection boundary layer flow past a sphereJournal Article
Proaktif rangka sistem pengangkutan Text
Kaedah mengajar pendidikan teknik & vokasional Exam Papers
Hukuman syariah perlu diseragam elak kekeliruan Text
Datuk Syabu nabbed in RM254.3m bust Text
Undergrads to sign conduct pact Text
UMNO tidak perlu tubuh universiti sendiri : AbdullahText
Kelakuan pemandu ketika masa amber dalam kawasan Text
Funds to buy undervalued stocks raised to RM10bil Text
Pertandingan boling erat hubungan kakitangan UTMText
Ilmu pengetahuan teras utama pembangunan Text
Sistem Perhubungan Wayarles Text
Pembalakan tidak gugat punca air Pahang Text
Development of implementation and assessment strat Thesis
Balancing ballbot Thesis
Hi-tech zone at Sarawak border Text
Keep drilling, Shell advised Text
Muhyiddin akui pertanian masih gagal dibangun Text
Development of constructivist multiple intelligences Thesis
Solid waste management Text
PLBE bukan memihak kontraktor Text
Identifying the different aesthetic quality of building Non-Index Paper
Insentif untuk petani dilulus Text
Kepimpinan transformasional dalam kalangan PengeThesis
BSN lulus RM1 juta Skim Kredit Mikro Text
Scholarship criteria under review Text
Bandwidth enhanced and sidelobes level reduced radi Indexed Paper
Usaha memantapkan pengangkutan awam Text
Modified virtual semi-circle path planning Journal Article
Siswazah berhutang tidak dilarang Text
Real-time remote control car racing system (PC VERSIText
Fuaad : we donÆt intend to take over immediately Text
Performance analysis of a 2.4 GHz ISM-band wirelessConference Papers
Interpersonal communication Exam Papers
Urus wang anda : prinsip, etika penting uruskan hart Text
Tahap pengetahuan guru Kemahiran Hidup dalam pen Thesis
Etika dan amalan perancangan Text
Normalized cross-correlation based filtering process fIndexed Paper
MAS kerugian RM706.4 juta pada suku pertama Text
Ceiling price for steel abolished Text
Laluan motosikal 323km : dibina di seluruh negara Text
Menegur pemimpin perlu dilakukan secara bijaksanaText
Saham amanah mampu berkembang Text
Must pass for SPM next Text
Lecturers' and students' perception on teaching and Thesis
Enhancement of artificial neural network learning usIndexed Paper
Bermanja dengan Raja Air Tawar Text
Sustainable integrated process design and control f Thesis
IPT wajar sedia program khidmat masyarakat Text
Diskaun tol 10 peratus Text
Inherent safety assessment technique for separationIndexed Paper
Peningkatan skim pelaburan palsu bimbangkan SuruhText
Kumpulan elit tingkat kecekapan JPA3 Text
Pensyarah patut tumpu kajian bukan bertelagah Text
Pupuk semangat patriotik News Paper Cuttings
Pesalah trafik kembali serbu kaunter Text
Kena kuat semangat hadapi persepsi masyarakat Text
Kajian MyKad ganti pasport kini peringkat akhir Text
Nilai kebolehpasaran Text
Satu kehilangan besar bagi dunia Islam Text
Ban on paraquat: PM's help sought to review board'sText
RM38j laksana projek rumah golongan miskin Text
Usaha pulihara terumbu karang diperhebat Text
Pendidikan seks : ibu bapa perlu beri perhatian Text
Sistem kejuruteraan marin II Text
Filtering antenna for WLAN application Thesis
IK merosot tak jejas Malaysia : Nor Mohamed Text
Persepsi ibu bapa terhadap pendedahan pendidikan Thesis
Tiga perkara penyelamat, membinasa manusia Text
National Education Blueprint : pioneering the nation Text
Remote sensing / penderiaan jauh Text
Processing of activated carbon using steam microwaThesis
Amalan penghayatan pendidikan islam terhadap muriThesis
Projek ikut tender terbuka : langkah tangani rasuah, Text
Perubahan gaya kempen Text
Penggunaan peluru hidup dalam latihan PLKN diteru Text
Sistem kewangan Islam terbukti berdaya tahan Text
Pemanasan global ancam Sungai Amazon Text
Tiga pelabur asing suntik RM380j dalam AirAsia Text
Explain scheme, Cuepacs told Text
A new method to optimize geometric design of electrJournal Article
Empat lagi barang masuk senarai harga terkawal se Text
Warga asing boleh beli rumah RM250,000 Text
Perisian komputer bagi memantau penggunaan stim Text u
Insentif cukai percepatkan prasarana jalur lebar Text
Conceptual design of smokehouse Text
Tulang gantian guna cengkerang kerang Text
Inventori pokok kelapa sawit secara automatik berd Thesis
Development of biological treatment system for reduText
Open cell stent versus closed cell stent toward diff Thesis
Auto navigating car using intel embedded platform aThesis
Hukum syarak rujukan utama dalam penyelesaian keText
Pembangunan ICT pendidikan dipercepatkan Text
TLDM kelmarin, hari ini dan esok Text
Penuntut UTM, UTHM meriahkan Ponggal 1MalaysiaNews Paper Cuttings
Institusi agama perlu lahirkan usahawan Muslim Text
Bentuk metodologi pengajaran Rasulullah SAW Dari Conference Papers
Robotics dream News Paper Cuttings
Effect of fiber packing density on physical CO2 abs Indexed Paper
Effect of procurement systems on the performance of Conference Papers
Adaptive Chebyshev fusion of vegetation imagery basJournal Article
An analysis on the effects of encryption algorithms oThesis
Glkabus : pembangunan pustaka bagi permodelan kaText
UiTM kukuh kedudukan pendahulu News Paper Cuttings
Organic chemistry functional groups Exam Papers
Fuss-free vacation Text
Dynamic fusion of zernike moments and undecimated Thesis
Mesyuarat teknologi hijau 26 Januari Text
Kesan radiasi bom atom masih berlaku Text
Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif matematis sis Journal Article
Immobilization of glucose oxidase on poly(vinyl alco Conference Papers
Wideband polarization-insensitive metamaterial absoIndexed Paper
Cops seize RM80,000 in drugs, 5 held Text
Performance of downhole water sink (DWS) in thin Thesis
GM, Toyota mahu tandingi Nano Text
Solid state chemistry I Exam Papers
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Industri buku tempatan makin rancak Text
Perbelanjaan berhemat: Kerajaan laksana projek ik Text
Ramai remaja perokok tegar Text
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Damage based reliability of smart industrialised buildThesis
The effect justicia gendarussa ethanolic extract enhaConference Papers
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
44th victim of deadly stretch Text
On-line sample preconcentration of selected chloroph Thesis
UM honours former don News Paper Cuttings
JPH hapus 2,000 unggas di empat kampung Text
Ujian gagasan Asia Timur Text
Elastic behaviour analysis of multi-layered composi Thesis
Pusat Animasi MSC Malaysia ditubuh Text
The behaviour of buckling restrained brace system a Thesis
USIM tawar empat program sijil Text
Sikap pemandu punca kemalangan Text
Ambil berat pelan penurunan harta pusaka Text
SPD response to internal generated neutral to earth Thesis
Challenge of arbitrators' neutrality Thesis
Hidupkan teknologi hijau sebagai industri strategik Text
Negri to have 20-year master plan News Paper Cuttings
Polyethylene/silica nanocomposites : absorption currIndexed Paper
NationÆs success story on parade this year Text
Characterizing the awareness of values in ISI2020 sy Text
Rakyat patut bangga, hormati tulisan jawi Text
Physical properties study of local agriculture-based Thesis
Harga turun 10 peratus : bagi kenderaan dipasang diText
Intelligent blood pressure monitoring wireless syste Thesis
Puasa latih peribadi mulia Text
Detection of harmful algal blooms of Karenia MikimoIndexed Paper
UiTM pengimbang sosioekonomi Text
14 pelajar cemerlang IPTA terima biasiswa TML News Paper Cuttings
e-learning sedia peluang pendidikan Text
Seismic hazard assessment of peninsular Malaysia b Thesis
Antifouling properties of novel PSf and TNT compos Indexed Paper
Implementation of generalized predictive control (GPText
Implementation of Malaysian goverment initiatives Journal Article
3.2 juta daftar saat akhir Text
Usaha murni Kingham selamatkan alam sekitar Text
Statistics / statistik Text
Perkembangan kognitif anak-anak di luar rumah Conference Papers
Mechanical properties of self-compacting geopolymer Journal Article
Siswazah usah cerewet pilih kerja Text
Pengimbasan haram : Malaysia antara 5 negara utama Text
Photonics Exam Papers
PLUS digesa tubuh pasukan khas Text
Kadar faedah kekal Text
Dua bekas naib canselor siasat buku komunis Text
Perbandingan dan pengoptimumkan prestasi perisianThesis
Dasar pendidikan mantapkan generasi kedua Felda Text
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
Pembinaan GMI siap bulan depan News Paper Cuttings
Kanser payu dara : usia 50 tahun jadi sasaran Text
Call for higher fines over use of boric acid Text
More help for smokers to quit Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Perdana College Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Newcastle University akan ditubuhkan di Johor Text
Crop land suitability analysis incorporating indigeno Thesis
PM : I'm aware... Text
We are producing palm oil the right way, says Chin Text
Education service: international students’ percepNon-Index Paper
Pakar tempatan letak Malaysia antara negara utamaText
Pekerja diberhenti semakin kurang Text
Pemantauan satelit mikro terhad - Najib Text
Polis siasat kegiatan sindiket buang sisa di perairan Text
Rancangan pemulihan kampong-kampong tradisionalText
Perbandingan model kos waranti kajian kes di Syarik Text
Flood insurance penetration in residential propertiesThesis
The effect of maximum load of RBD palm stearin using Thesis
A review of crumb rubber modification in dry mixed Indexed Paper
KDNK suku ketiga 2008 berkembang 4.7 peratus Text
Bajet 2010 lebih kecil berbanding tahun lalu Text
Perancangan dan kawalan pengeluaran Text
27 institusi latihan guru terima sijil MS ISO 9000 Text
Kekangan pelajar dalam mengikuti kursus penghasilaConference Papers
Menghitung amalan sendiri elak seksaan di akhirat Text
Confession ruling gets nods and a few frowns Text
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Lapor kekosongan dalam seminggu Text
Saintis bersara boleh mohon kerja dengan MBC Text
Noh : teachersÆ union can sue parents Text
A review of web based expert systems for flexible Journal Article
Soft soil improvement by using chemical-rubber chipThesis
Six charged with robbing airport coach Text
Pupuk nilai kasih sayang Text
Instrumentasi Text
Stability analysis PV penetration using power world Thesis
Fears for rainforest over palm oil are refuted Text
Revamp public transport now, says Nadzmi Text
Positive response to ringgit-for-ringgit incentive planText
A model to optimize competitive strategy for enterprThesis
UM di tangga 230 Text
One-step explicit methods for solving stiff differentialText
Amalan iktisas I Text
TM Net mewujudkan masyarakat bermaklumat melalText
Dinamik (Dynamics) Text
Nisbah doktor seorang bagi 1,236 penduduk negara Text
Wireless power transfer by using electromagnetic in Thesis
Program hadhari mampu angkat martabat ummah Text
Performance analysis of bootstrap transimpedance amp Conference Papers
Mobile electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) dev Indexed Paper
Textile effluent discoloration by immobilized phane Journal Article
Penentuan kursus Text
Two more flood fatalities Text
Makin ramai remaja terbabit kes rogol Text
Prosedur import bahan bacaan perlu di kemas kini Text
Pivotal factors influencing the performance of const Thesis
Flood mapping of northern Peninsular Malaysia usingThesis
Escaping from the middle-income trap Text
Polytechnic upgrade under way Text
Atlet IPT harus dihormati News Paper Cuttings
Keeping tabs on teachers action taken in cases of indText
Engineering mechanics Exam Papers
Impacts of heritages status on market value of Geo Thesis
Sistem elektronik / elektronik III Text
Predicting the performance of design-bid-build projeText
A new approach in Islamic education: mosque based Non-Index Paper
On line fault detection for transmission line using poText
Awareness towards the biomechanical concepts of s Text
Study fast food and health link, says Chua Text
RM130m for flood victims nationwide Text
Tenaga elektrik daripada sisa buangan perbandaran Thesis
Transient expression of GUS gene in Malaysian rice Thesis
Assessing built environment attributes of walkable Thesis
Majlis Fellow dibentuk bantu usahawan Melayu Text
Potensi Iran diserang Text
Building technology Exam Papers
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Affine-based time-scale ultra wideband wireless ch Thesis
New devices to enhance marine police operations Text
Ujian tanpa musnah 2 Exam Papers
Perbangunan persisian bagi perolehan data cerapan Text da
An overview of green retrofitting implementation in nIndexed Paper
Fizik matematik Text
Teras pertama PIPP dilaksana bulan ini Text
Lindungilah anak daripada diabetes Text
Tidak zalimi wanita : NGO diingat jangan perlekeh Text
Larangan telefon bimbit serta-merta Text
Ladang ayam seluruh negara bebas selesema Text
Power optimization for a variable-speed stall-regulatIndexed Paper
Najib mahu rakyat Malaysia pelajari kekuatan Ameri Text
Masalah sosial runtuhkan tamadun manusia Text
Psychological strain as the mediator in the relatio Non-Index Paper
Robbers nabbed four hours after Text
Stroke : you may be next... it's the nationÆs No. 4 kiText
Polis diminta maklum pemandu sebelum keluarkan Text
Sindiket kutip derma dikesan di Melaka Text
Jarum, kondom untuk penagih masih dipertimbang : Text
Pelajar perempuan dominasi IPTA News Paper Cuttings
Akta baru lindungi pengguna Text
Gis in planning Exam Papers
All poultry may be culled Text
Blanket ban on alfresco dining lifted Text
Cryptanalysis and improvement of a robust smart carIndexed Paper
Ops Tegas ikut garis panduan : PM yakin kebijaksan Text
Uniten raih Anugerah Kecemerlangan PM 2009 Text
Graduates must hone leadership qualities Text
1,600 masuk sehari : pekerja asing banjiri Malaysia Text
Reliability analysis on the stability of slope (Full text) Text
Pelabur asing mula tumpu pasaran saham Malaysia Text
Evaluation of fusion score for face verification syste Thesis
Money is not everything students told Text
Resorcinol - formaldehyde carbon xerogel as molecula Conference Papers
Aliran pilihan raya global Text
Kesediaan isi rumah terhadap program pengasingan Ts hesis
HIV cases on the rise in Kelantan Text
Teknologi enzim (enzyme technology) Text
Functional test generation using micro operation fauThesis
Mekanik penerbangan Text
Optimizing removal of COD from water by catalytic Indexed Paper
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Aspiring doctors can look to India Text
Kaedah penstabilan cerun untuk mengelakkan tanahText
Amin iktiraf tokoh dakwah menerusi media Text
Design an interactive learning model : using persuasiThesis
Kos pematuhan kepada sistem pengurusan keselamata Thesis
Workers hit by UTM move to end contract News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi Elektrik Text
17 umur minimum lesen motosikal Text
Statistik I Text
Gagasan Asia penggerak kerjasama serantau Text
Feasibility analysis of standalone PV/Wind/battery h Indexed Paper
Design and analysis of an ergonomic, portable and l Thesis
History and theory of architechture Exam Papers
Geoteknik II Text
New Technology slices, dices Internet Text
Poor turnout at NS camps Text
KPT masih sah selepas 31 Disember Text
Banyak ciptaan pelajar IPT terkubur Text
Haze blankets KL and several towns Text
Optimization of glucose conversion to 5-hydroxymethy Indexed Paper
Modelling of through-the-road hybrid electric vehicl Thesis
Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate concentrations on sThesis
Ibrahim punya wawasan dalam berkarya Text
Teknologi Hijau satu konsep terkehadapan Text
Data sampling time scheduling algorithm based on mThesis
Ministry to prepare report on illegal immigrants' set Text
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Miniature parallel ECT : a preliminary study using co Indexed Paper
Celcom backs registration plan Text
Pusat dialisis di masjid Text
Ketua polis menyamar mat rempit Text
Indonesia terima bantuan Malaysia Text
eTuanku Mizan rasmi program AIS UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kawalan ketat sekat ubat haram Text
Optimal choice of FACTS devices for ATC enhancemen Conference Papers
Vocational schools to introduce new subjects News Paper Cuttings
Pembelajaran Mesin & Robot Pintar Text
The many problems facing Chinese schools Text
Dua satelit Malaysia dilancar akhir tahun Text
Sistem right sewa Thesis
Number of obese growing bigger, says Liow Text
Didik anak membenci dadah Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
A review of authentication technique in MANET Conference Papers
Psikologi, emosi mangsa banjir Text
Aplikasi penyulitan teks rahsia termampat ke dalam Text
Doktor gigi kurang Text
Menyelesaikan isu jerebu di ASEAN Text
The effect of thermal on electrical properties of ref Thesis
OUM adakan konvokesyen buat julung kali di Bahrai Text
Experimental and simulation study of redrawing procThesis
Kontrak & taksiran Text
Unconventional vehicle - skymover Thesis
Optimization of a thermoacoustic refrigerator with Journal Article
Kemagnetan Text
Plans for aerial surveillance Text
Wanita maju kerana pesaingnya lelaki Text
Dasar tegas tempatkan guru Text
The impact of use case format on the understandingThesis
Pencemaran di negara membangun serius Text
Between sales and marketing Text
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
Penyelidik UKM temui sebatian ditiokarbamat Text
Sasaran baru unjuran KDNK diumum 10 Mac Text
Pengurusan insurans dalam industri pembinaan di Ma Text
RM2j bantu usahawan muda animasi Text
Family suspects foul play in businesswomanÆs deatText
Kejuruteraan asas Text
Retailing management Exam Papers
Umat Islam perlu ketepi sengketa demi memelihara Text
Design of PID tuning rule using optimization method Non-Index Paper
Integrating consumer trust in building an e-commercText
USM buktikan kerjasama saintifik dan penyelidikan Text
HF messaging system with automatic link establishmen Text
Jaga kebersihan elak pembiakan nyamuk aedes Text
Groups want paraquat ban to proceed Text
Rakan Cop diperluaskan Orang ramai boleh bantu ceText
A case study on the management of UTM new hostelText
Polis trafik buntu : cuti dibeku, bertugas 24 jam tet Text
Conductance modulation of charged lipid bilayer using Indexed Paper
It's easier now to do business in Malaysia Text
Research strategies for remote sensing developmentConference Papers
Stolen trucks may have been used Text
RM2 bilion biayai pelajar kita di luar negara : PM Text
Finite element analysis on the defected reinforced coText
Development techno-economic computer program on Text
Animasi bagi litar-litar elektronik Text
A comparison of controllers for balancing two whee Indexed Paper
Refugees to be absorbed, bid to ease shortage of forText
Jambatan kian mendesak Text
100,116 mula bersekolah Text
ICT rangsang kreativiti pengajaran-pembelajaran Text
Tan Sri Dato' Ainuddin bin Abdul Wahid : Naib CanseText
Bridge engineering Exam Papers
Beri peluang guru sertai jawatankuasa kurikulum Text
Aliran sains dalam bahasa inggeris di universiti Text
Menangani krisis air Text
Senario doktor luar bandar 'dilupakan' jejas peluang Text
Zeolite-supported transition metal catalyst to enha Text
Ops Sikap V catat jumlah kematian ketara Text
82 children infected with HIV/AIDS since 1996 Text
Modelling of electric field distribution in polymer Thesis
Ground state energy, electronic and chemical properti Conference Papers
Bantuan kerajaan terjejas kontraktor kelas A rakus Text
A perspective on catalytic conversion of glycerol to oIndexed Paper
Flower pollination algorithm for kinetic parameter e Thesis
Measurement methods of torsional vibration of shipThesis
Dr M : sacrifice for unity Text
Condition monitoring on surge arrester using improvThesis
Isyarat dan Rangkaian Exam Papers
Programming in operational researches Exam Papers
Penyediaan dan pencirian membrane pertukaran katio Text
UTM, Duta Klasik berganding kongsi kepakaran minyNews Paper Cuttings
Faulty land titles detected Text
Fear of SARS pandemic looms Text
Sikap pengguna punca bekalan gula kurang Text
Cyber law & ethical issue Exam Papers
Peneroka Felda getah mampu peroleh RM10,000 sebText
Microelectronics II Exam Papers
The diverse applications of water hyacinth with mainIndexed Paper
Jerami dijadikan baja atasi pembakaran terbuka Text
Optimization studies for catalytic ozonation of cephalIndexed Paper
KUiTTHO diancam pencemaran serius sisa bahan ter Text
CCTV gabung 3 teknologi Text
Sistem e-citizen WPI Thesis
Kawalan kualiti & pengurusan makmal Text
Discipline problem among secondary school studentsConference Papers
Stesen minyak akur khidmat layan diri Text
Hospital pakar swasta kurang minat akreditasi ISO Text
Penarik beca sebagai "informal local tourist interp Thesis
Prinsip 6M perlu diamalkan Text
30 pendeposit Tabung Haji ada simpanan lebih RM10Text
PM10 pollution: Its prediction and meteorological in Indexed Paper
Pendidikan Khas mohon RM500 juta dalam RMK-9 Text
Development of breast cancer diagnosis tool using h Non-Index Paper
Analisis sambungan plat hujung sedatar menggunakan Text
Beam reconfigurable array antenna with dual band f Thesis
Raja Zarith is UTM chancellor News Paper Cuttings
Determination of mixing and compacting temperature Text
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
Sistem inventori untuk sistem maklumat logistik ber Thesis
Kesultanan Melaka akar umbi institusi Raja Text
Dilema sistem pengangkutan Indonesia Text
Spend, spend and overspend Text
Kajian sistem saliran subpermukaan di Austin Hills GoThesis
Pinjaman buku secara automatik bonus kepada ibu ba Text
Sistem carian makanan dan restoran di Johor Bahru Thesis
Influence of the TMJ implant geometry on stress distConference Papers
Analysis of non-stationary properties of Capnogram fThesis
Cadangan prototaip sistem pengurusan maklumat lada Journal Article
Laser teknologi Exam Papers
Tugas guru sebagai ejen sosial patut difahami Text
Tanpa ekosistem inovasi, kemajuan sekadar impian Text
Interpersonal communication Exam Papers
IPTA bukan lagi menara gading golongan elit Text
Cadang undang-undang elak penipuan pemaju Text
Digital logic Exam Papers
Quality of service approaches in cloud computing : Indexed Paper
Design a rainwater harvesting system for Tan Sri Ai Thesis
Keberkesanan meneroka konsep matematik dengan Conference Papers
Peserta PLKN ingkar dicari sampai dapat Text
SMS, laman sembang internet ancaman kepada bahaText
A polar-based guided multi-objective evolutionary alIndexed Paper
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
Smoking taxes the breath Text
102 calon bertanding Pilihan Raya MPPUTM rebut 51Text
English from standard one for all vernacular schools Text
Rekreasi berasaskan air di Pantai Lido Text
Jerebu dijangka kurang Text
Search for super sleuths Text
Construction contract and procurement system Text
Pengurusan silang budaya Text
Development of pole balancing mobile robot Thesis
Finite element analysis of single cell wall cutting by Indexed Paper
Tahap kemahiran employability pelajar kejuruteraan Journal Article
3 siswi UTM ikuti latihan praktikal di luar negara News Paper Cuttings
Penyakit mental kanak-kanak : bukan isu remeh Text
Use of an online forum to promote use english lang Text
Memartabat bahasa Melayu patut dikongsi bersamaText
Cultural dimensions of housing entrance spaces : l Indexed Paper
Pelarasan jaringan kawalan geodesi Semenanjung Mal Text
Isu gaji amah selesai 20 Julai Text
CIDB syor cara jimat kos bina rumah murah Text
Improving english language learners' public speakin Thesis
The susceptibility of APHIDS, Aphis gossypii Glover toThesis
Solving University course timetable problem using hyConference Papers
Ocean wind speed characteristic over malaysian seasJournal Article
Tiada lagi subsidi minyak, diberi terus kepada pem Text
Robotic engineering plan for all hospitals Text
EQUESTRIAN : Passion for horses News Paper Cuttings
Agong, Permaisuri Agong offer condolences for Tunku News Paper Cuttings
Genomic extraction of several Malaysian herbal planConference Papers
Penjenayah dikesan dengan ujian DNA Text
Classification and indexing of 2D medical images for Text
Architect’s potential role in self-built housing: a Non-Index Paper
Kalkulus Text
KR1M jual barang basah News Paper Cuttings
A bicycle safety index for evaluating urban street facilIndexed Paper
'Govt determined to create entrepreneurs' Text
Studies on the effects of signal attenuation due to raText
Graduan disaran tingkat sahsiah diri Text
Kebakaran paya gambut terkawal Text
Effective image tampering detection and self recove Thesis
Insulator leakage current studies in artificial climati Thesis
Pak Lah mahu maklum balas MNC Text
Malaysia diisytihar bebas selesema burung 9 SeptemText
The microstructural and adhesion properties of sili Thesis
Fizik vakum & teknologi Text
Construction site management Exam Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan & pengurusan projek Text
Photocatalytic oxidation of gas phase volatile orga Text
Sains tanah Text
Jadikan Internet mampu milik : Najib Text
Technology management Exam Papers
Wind farm layout optimization using combined area d Thesis
Tanggungjawab terhadap ibu bapa Text
Turning of Ramin wood Thesis
Financial management Exam Papers
New drug hope for schizopherenics Text
Signal modulation using embedded linux on XILINX Thesis
Leading careers in new millennium Text
Wujudkan undang-undang kawal bank sel stem Text
Projek jambatan baru ganti Tambak Johor perlu dise Text
Industrial automation and robotic Exam Papers
Pembangunan Koridor Utara dalam 2 tahun Text
Perceraian dalam Enakmen undang-undang keluargaThesis
Teknologi binaan 4 Text
Memahami perguruan sebagai institusi keinsanan, p News Paper Cuttings
Teachers to get RM675mil in teaching aid Text
Developing of emergency evacuation kit in response Coonference Papers
Design and development of low power ultraviolet di Thesis
10-year visa for them now Text
Kotak hitam dalam kereta belajar pandu Text
Simulasi suis optik menggunakan teknologi MEMs (Ful Text
Minta NGO main peranan penting babitkan wanita News Paper Cuttings
New module to boost e-procurement system Text
Investigation of intermetallic phase formation and strIndexed Paper
Construction technology 3 Exam Papers
Book on Iban idioms launched Text
Malaysia tetap amal dasar bilateral selesai pertikaianText
Varsities agree to do drug tests Text
Amal kaedah kawalan kos : PM Text
Profesional ethics Exam Papers
Development of ECG instrumentation with bluetoothThesis
Kajian Suara Hati Johor usaha merakyatkan kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Time to walk the talk and get public transportation Text
Firma Belanda rancang bangun kereta elektrik Text
Bird flu back on watch list Text
Program UMS di PTPL Shah Alam Text
Construction Plant and equipment Exam Papers
Kajian semikonduktor dan perantinya (Abstract) Text
MIT iktiraf wanita Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
UMS mahu jadi pusat pengajian bahasa asing bertaraText
Propeller locations study on delta-winged unmannedThesis
Deposition and characterization of polycrystalline Text
Inorganic chemistry I Text
Political awareness lacking Text
Pembangunan sistem panduan pemilihan kursus danConference
k Papers
Evaluation of the modis NPP product for a Japanese tConference Papers
PM : promoting innovation in science and technolog Text
Semi-local friction factor of turbulent gas flow thro Indexed Paper
Ekonomi negara diramal pulih suku kedua 2002 Text
Beli rumah cara lelong Text
More PSD scholarships Text
Former PM is Corridor adviser, says Najib Text
Statistics Exam Papers
RON95 to be priced 25 sen cheaper than RON97 Text
Mengerjakan korban mengikut sunah Text
Gaji pekerja Malaysia lebih rendah Text
Development of integrated multiple ankle technologIndexed Paper
Ultrasound-assisted in the synthesis of silver nanop Indexed Paper
‘Unprofessional’ conduct by institutes criticiseNews Paper Cuttings
UTM tidak bertolak ansur terhadap kesalahan moral Text
KL to prepare disaster control guide Text
Let workers retire at 60 Text
Beri kanak-kanak ækuasaÆ Text
Zinc oxide nanoparticles-immobilized mesoporous hoIndexed Paper
Formation and stability study of some Malaysian crude Text
More flocking to Malacca Text
Planar fractal dipole antenna for the UHF band (Full tText
Predictions of water level in Dungun River Terengganu Non-Index Paper
Quality oriented for physical design data warehouse Indexed Paper
Experimental measurement and statistical analysis Indexed Paper
Development of register transfer level fault simulati Thesis
Malaysian architect in hunt for ecoStyle award Text
Multimodal fusion : gesture and speech input in au Conference Papers
Naikkan kadar faedah tidak bendung inflasi Text
New automotive policy out soon Text
Mangsa kebuluran : 122,122 maut Text
The integrated framework of estate distributions: eqThesis
Jasa penjawat awam terus dihargai News Paper Cuttings
State space modeling of reactor core in a pressurize Indexed Paper
Organisasi Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang disusun s Text
Enhanced affixation word stemmer with stemming err Indexed Paper
Critical success factors of project quality manageme Indexed Paper
Keprihatinan Perdana Menteri Text
Woman, 22, the latest to die of H1N1-related illness Text
Electric power system/sistem kuasa elektrik Exam Papers
AirAsia urges MAS to join hands in national interest Text
Family fun and fiends Text
Kadar faedah dikurangkan Text
The implementation of construction cost index (CCI) Conference Papers
Melindungi kanak-kanak, remaja di alam siber Text
Energy crisis, greenhouse gas emissions and sectoralIndexed Paper
Getting strict on foreign labour Text
MH1973 penerbangan terakhir di Subang Text
Effects of magnetic field on the properties and nutr Thesis
Pembangunan metrik penilaian universiti lestari Thesis
USM abadi nama Text
Electrocatalytic study of efficient synthesized grap Indexed Paper
Lepasan SPM boleh terus ikuti ACCA, LCCI Text
Operasi berkesan dan pengengaraan logi Text
Geographic information system (GIS) based for coa Thesis
Pemeriksaan luaran saluran paip dengan menggunakThesis
Magic star puzzle for educational mathematics Indexed Paper
Introductory engineering corpus : a needs analysis Indexed Paper
Passport readers for foreign checkpoints Text
Digital eyes on the lookout for speed fiends Text
Strategi baru pengurusan, insentif boleh ubah tabiat Text
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
KPI akan diperluas ke universiti awam Text
Development of database for strata title in three di Text
Awasi keselamatan makanan Text
Risiko kes buang kerja sukar dielak Text
Hubungan ASEAN-India Text
Elaun ketua kampung naik disambut baik Text
Operasi berkesan dan penyelenggaraan loji Text
Malaysia komited bantu Thailand Text
Google Maps Malaysia platform carian baru Text
Cegah infeksi kulat kanta lekap Text
Sains bahan Text
YTL : 4G diperkenal suku ke-4 Text
PM : donÆt be afraid to try new things Text
A factorial analysis study on factors contribution to Journal Article
Kita cuma perlu kuat kuasakan akta Text
Suara rakyat dalam semangat perundangan Text
Preparation of methacrylamide-functionalized crossliIndexed Paper
Digital logic (logik digital) Text
Relationship between microstructure and mechanicalThesisp
Innovation capacity and economic sustainability of MThesis
Free condoms and needles : pros and cons Text
Ornamental Plants Exam Papers
Application of magnetic water to stimulate the lady Thesis
Help needed to find defaulters Text
Sarawak protecting mangroves for years Text
Museum boost for Sg Lembing Text
KFH dapat kelulusan wujud bank Islam Text
Pujuk anak mengamuk Text
8 telefon bimbit baru Motorola Text
Development of product design specifications for pa Thesis
Under-enrolled schools not cost-effective to maintai Text
DNA bantu pembuktian Text
Projek infrastruktur 2007 Text
Clarification of crude palm oil slurry by filtration (FullText
Congestion cost allocation in a pool-based electricit Conference Papers
The effect of omega shape and kinked keel on resist Thesis
EPF to invest RM1.9bil overseas Text
$100m facelift for Kajang News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan pemindahan teknologi Exam Papers
Sekeluarga rentung Text
Padi hibrid ditanam 2011 Text
Adoption of requirements engineering practices in Non-Index Paper
10 more dengue cases in Penang Text
Asean, Korea meterai perjanjian Text
Soal Jawab : Angkasawan pencetus pelajar minat sai Text
PM : 2010 is the year to deliver Text
Contract and estimating Text
Study and application of holography system for mechText
Penyelenggaraan bangunan dan infrastruktur di Ma Thesis
Mengekalkan sistem imun yang sihat Text
Tanah mengandungi sisa toksik berjaya dipindahkan Text
BN tak amal politik balas dendam Text
Urban design Exam Papers
Miniaturized planar sensor development Indexed Paper
Production of biodiesel from palm oil using cockle s Journal Article
Pembuatan panel badan kereta lumba formula-M darText
Quantum chemistry Exam Papers
Kajian kepuasan pelancong terhadap kualiti perkhid Text
Road Show Di Fakulti Tamadun Islam (FTI) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kementerian terajui tabung Text
Private finance initiative in Malaysia Conference Papers
Cyclone alert for northern states Text
Ekonomi pembangunan Text
R&D : Mesra Alam Text
2008 tinggalkan 1,001 cabaran ekonomi Text
The structural linguistics patterns of the written co Indexed Paper
Pelantikan Ahmad Fuaad tingkat industri penerbang Text
Hukuman buang daerah dorong jenayah berlaku di teText
Keberkesanan koperasi dalam pengurusan inap desa Thesis k
A local controller for discrete-time large-scale systemIndexed Paper
Persepsi pelajar terhadap hasil pembelajaran bidangJournal Article
Soil mechanics / mekanik tanah Text
Hanya satu syarikat mampu bina bas selamat Text
Tambang naik Text
Arid hydrological modeling at Wadi Alaqiq, Madinah,Journal Article
Slight dip in H1N1 cases Text
Arbitration Act 2005 to be implemented today Text
Design of crane gantry girder according to BS 5950 byThesis
Pusat kesarjanaan Text
How solar power works Text
Trend in ground-based gps sensing of atmospheric wJournal Article
Solubility of swietenia mahagoni seed in supercriticaThesis
Penentuan had cecair tanah liat menggunakan kon be Thesis
UTM-SHTP majukan Taman Teknologi Tinggi Senai Text
Jualan Tengah Malam tarik pelancong Singapura Text
The new payment clauses in PWD 203A (Rev 1/2010)Thesis co
Accounting and value based determinants of MalaysThesis
Calling jobless graduates Text
Kontraktor Bumiputera disaran ceburi bidang lain Text
Sistem tempahan dan pengurusan stok berasaskan we Text
Remaja keluar selepas 12 malam tidak boleh dihuku Text
In silico gene deletion of Escherichia Coli for optim Journal Article
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Usah biar calet RM6.8j Pulau Payar musnah : SAM Text
Saham bakal positif Text
Comparison of flow field between steady and unsteaJournal Article
Lima langkah pertingkat pelancongan kesihatan Text
The use of implant for total knee arthroplasty in th Conference Papers
Tambang bas, teksi naik : kadar baru hanya untuk S Text
Teknologi dan pembangunan ekonomi Text
Keberkesanan modul Beams dalam meningkatkan pen Thesis
Determination of gap acceptance at priority intersecConference Papers
Photogrammetry Exam Papers
Budget 2008 : schooling will be totally free in MalaysText
Professorship, speedier promotions for lecturers Text
Mergers and biodiesel the commodity buzzwords Text
IPT diarah bentuk jawatankuasa khas elak H1N1 merText
Kokurikulum jadi faktor Text
Model evaluation of proton exchange membrance fuel Thesis
Selected issues in financial accounting Exam Papers
Khidmat Rafidah masih diperlukan kerajaan Text
Awas gelombang kedua Text
LetÆs help the very poor first Text
Program pertukaran pelajar pertama Text
Genomics and proteomics Exam Papers
Barramundi set to make big splash Text
9 peniaga dikompaun Text
Kes nahas maut turun Text
GDP growth seen at 5.8pc Text
Penilaian Kompleks Kastam, Imigresen dan KuarantinThesis
Synthesis and characterization of cobalt(ii) salicyla Indexed Paper
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Government to insert 9MP clauses Text
Pembinaan dan penilaian modul pembelajaran kendiri Thesis
PM : develop other sources of energy Text
Penyemaian benih kesedaran keselamatan dan kesihat Thesis
Professional presentations: factors that influence or Non-Index Paper
Hasil kaji selidik bandar raya biadab boleh dipertikai Text
Programming language I Exam Papers
Hipotiroidisme penyakit rahsia Text
A secure framework for e-banking systems based on Thesis
Improved NCTF control method for a two-mass rotary Conference Papers
Hubungan dengan China istimewa Text
Judiciary wants laws modified to boost efficiency of jText
Afta landasan industri automotif tempatan teroka p Text
Engineering statistics Text
Durian beku, nanas Malaysia ke China Text
Perlaksanaan pengukuran seismik di perairan cetek Text
Police to get 400 more patrol cars Text
Enam hospital daerah dilengkapi 64 mesin haemodialText
Got gout? Text
Kontraktor bumiputera disaran ceburi bidang pembuText
Projek pembinaan tangki penyimpanan air GFRP muatan Text
Johor to ration water if dry spell continues Text
Islam tidak diskriminasi wanita Text
The determination of reasonable time in selling prope Text
40,000 penagih tegar akan diasing : TPM Text
Business ethics and corporate governance Exam Papers
Kerajaan ulangi amaran akan guna Akta Hasutan Text
Perluasan kawasan pertumbuhan ekonomi beri kesanText
Sumbangan KUKUM kepada pembangunan negara Text
Aset pertahanan laut kritikal News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pengurusan maklumat dan penilian PSM Thesis
The effectiveness of different grass types for polluta Text
Identification of a quarter car passive suspension Thesis
Identification of algal bloom along Johor Straits Thesis
EPU kaji beban rakyat tangani isu kenaikan tol Text
70 mahasiswa Kolej Perdana UTM jayakan GePaCS 2 News Paper Cuttings
Ekspedisi biodiesel lonjak nama UTM News Paper Cuttings
Medical reports go online Text
Amerika Latin sukar terima Bush Text
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Effect of palm cooking oil as processing aids in biod Conference Papers
Hospital pengajaran UiTM Text
H1N1 : toddler is victim number 70 Text
Bangunkan usahawan ICT Text
How effective is computer assisted language english Text
Crying foul over land clearing Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Water level continues to rise with rain Text
Air quality visibiling drop : peat fast causing hazy conText
Receiver-based ad hoc on demand multipath routingIndexed Paper
Help on dieting for kidney patients Text
Dual fuel engine performance and emission characteri Thesis
Sekolah berasrama penuh jadi pusat kecemerlangan Text
Doktor tak tahan beban kerja dinasihat berhenti Text
Regenerated cellulose/halloysite nanotube nanocompo Thesis
Intermediate accounting 2 / perakaunan pertengahaText
The issues of strata title development in Malaysia and Text
Wahid Naib Canselor UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kustem, TLDM kerjasama jalankan penyelidikan mariText
Gandingan mantap, saling melengkapi Text
Development of novel galactosylation method for theText
Fluid mechanics I Exam Papers
Angkasawan kita selesai uji kaji Text
Improving state estimation accuracy through incremIndexed Paper
Drop in number of fatalities this festive season Text
Kajian persepsi skim and park and ride di kalangan peThesis
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Inovasi UTM hasilkan ekstrak misai kucing antibarah News Paper Cuttings
Saingan sengit News Paper Cuttings
500,000 kakitangan awam berisiko guna kereta lamaText
Theoretical and trustees’ perspectives on the estaIndexed Paper
UTM juara Liga Bola Jaring IPT 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Banjir dahsyat dijangka berlaku Text
Tiga pelajar paksa gusti sudah digantung sekolah Text
Kempen jimat eletrik UTM berhasil News Paper Cuttings
The strategic information systems planning (SISP) p Conference Papers
Modelling of andrographolide extraction from androgr Conference Papers
The importance of securing the sense of place in ur Text
Fizik I Exam Papers
Inflasi meningkat 3.1 peratus Text
Closing in on RM766m : taxman out to get 2,498 erraText
UPSR results as benchmark Text
Modul keusahawanan wajib di semua universiti Text
Homebuyers' requirement for housing development Text with
Aduan rakyat perlu diselesaikan: Abdullah Text
Positive policies Text
Proton gabung 282 rangkaian pengedar di seluruh n Text
Hubungan pengetahuan kemahiran, penyeliaan dan ko Thesis
The role of gender and human resource practices in tThesis
Autonomous SPY©: Intelligent web proxy caching dConference Papers
Investigation of datum constraints effect in terrestriaIndexed Paper
Spatial and non-spatial databases enhancement for hText
Dr Ng mahu pulih imej Kementerian Pelancongan Text
MP3 audio steganography technique using extendedThesis le
Perarakan citrawarna produk baru pelancongan Text
Polemik beras negara Text
Sintesis dan penggunaan cecair ionik terbitan N-MetilText
Larangan lesen lima tahun bagi pemandu bersalah Text
Comparative performance of channel and angle shear Indexed Paper
Masalah Disiplin : guru dinasihati terima khidmat ka Text
Bioteknologi sumber kekayaan baru Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Universiti Southampton,UTM, jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Gas-liquid flow distribution uniformity parameters Journal Article
Pengawal Terbenam Text
Permodelan kawasan banjir Text
Najib : conserve and nurture our forest Text
Reka bentuk struktur I Text
PMIUTM berbakti di Kampung Chokro News Paper Cuttings
Application of Spectroscopy Exam Papers
Kekuatan kaolin yang dicampur dengan abu dasar araThesis
Removal of lead from waste water by using spent blea Thesis
Kita mesti hentikan sikap sekadar tengok jenayah be Text
Fakulti Bioteknologi hanya terima lulusan PNGK 3.00Text
Effect of ceramic aggregate on high strength multi Indexed Paper
RM8j dibelanja tingkat taraf kesihatan Text
Gas adsoprtion phenomenon in microporous zeolite Conference Papers
Sistem pengurusan aset alih kerajaan secara atas t Thesis
Classified and clustered data constellation : an eff Indexed Paper
The effect of grid size of the scanning line to GPR im Thesis
Pengalaman industri aset alam pekerjaan Text
Ke arah kehidupan lebih baik : PM lancar penambahbText
Biasiswa BH, MSU kini RM1.175 juta Text
TNB sasar tahap SAIDI 25 minit setahuná Text
15,000 vacancies for locals Text
Pusat Latihan Bahasa Inggeris 2010 Text
Risiko projek semasa pembinaan Text
Bantu kanak-kanak mengatasi kesedihan Text
Treatment of starch-processing wastewater in sequeThesis
Extreme growth behaviour of corrosion pit in hydrocConference Papers
All-in-one panel on public transport will be set up Text
Rekabentuk asas PAD dan berkembar berbantukan ko Thesis
Sukan, politik tidak boleh dipisahkan Text
Generasi muda perlu sedia hadapi cabaran minda Text
Competent professionals with æadabÆ Text
Condolences from the royal family News Paper Cuttings
Kewajaran IPTA lantik pakar luar lonjak kecemerlangText
Ikat jamin tinggi, ramai remaja masuk penjara Text
A way to get the best of the best in SPM Text
Water flooding performance in a heavy oil reservoir Thesis
Talks with US on security in straits Text
Sign language recognition system using SEMG and Thesis
Kemudahan untuk bantu penyelidikan News Paper Cuttings
Rintangan Keadilan MH17 News Paper Cuttings
Johor jadi hab pelancong Thailand Text
UTM, BEM jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Daylight driven design in enhancing energy efficiencyThesis
Micro hydraulic turbine for power generation in micrThesis
Integrasi kemahiran ''employability'' dalam program Text
Kadir saran Asia Pasifik wujud etika kewartawanan Text
Hormati penggunaan bahasa Melayu Text
Experimental evaluation of paraffinic mineral oil withThesis
E-crime investigation and incident response manag Exam Papers
Alternative dispute resolution and adjudication Exam Papers
Lokasi pasarkan hasil kepakaran universiti Text
Penambakan laut jejas hasil 1,000 nelayan Text
Audit Text
Pelajar UTM sertai khidmat masyarakat Text
Melayu akan hilang di dunia Text
Permintaan air dan aktiviti - aktiviti yang mempenga Text
Rai kejayaan tanpa riak Text
Automatic lighting control system based on occupancThesis
Usahawan Arab minat melabur dalam ECER Text
Postural comfort of driver works space in vehicle pa Indexed Paper
Radioactivity in Bukit Merah revisited with new dumpText
Tabung kumpulan wang amanah IPTS bantu institusi,Text
Caj PTPTN tidak langgar syarak Text
Contohi ASEAN wujud zon bebas nuklear : Syed HamText
The relationship between breadth and depth of voc Thesis
Kerajaan luas pasaran eksport durian Text
Thermodynamics II Exam Papers
Improved methanol barrier property of nafion hybridIndexed Paper
Looking for first-class mentality Text
Ibu dakwa anak tujuh tahun dirogol hingga terkeluarText
Malaysia lokasi pelaburan selamat Text
Weaning addicts off drugs Text
International conference of Ulama : Islam and civilisaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Development of a semi-automated on-the-road painThesis
Particle size characteristics of a palm oil mill boiler fl Conference Papers
No wireless project if proven bad for health Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan geographic information Thesis
UTM to hire dons from West Text
15,000 pantau harga barang Text
Tuition scheme may be extended Text
Sustainable growth of women-owned technology base Thesis
Penambahan kapal tidak jejas SAR News Paper Cuttings
Seni pertahanan diri perkukuh disiplin Text
Perbezaan pembiayaan perumahan di antara sistem Tphesis
Bank sebagai sumber pembiayaan projek perumaha Text
Teori dan amalan perakaunan Text
Wanita perlu bersikap positif bagi saingi lelaki Text
Biomedical image processing Exam Papers
Bird flu update : compensation for surrendering chic Text
Biochemistry Text
Ada yang tak kena dengan Laporan Jabatan Negara ANews Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Khaled tumpu transformasi sistem pengajian tinggi Text
Let royalty decide status Text
Hydraulics Exam Papers
A study of Feasibility and effectiveness of RFID chec Thesis
DBP boleh hukum pesalah bahasa Text
Universities : study at your own pace Text
Millions in unclaimed EPF money Text
Sakit jantung 'pembunuh' utama Text
IJN lakukan 23,626 pembedahan Text
Keeping the old healthy Text
Kursus hidrografi UTM dapat pengiktirafan antaraba Text
Discrete-time integral sliding mode control for larg Indexed Paper
Hubungan hati ke hati Text
Development of USB biosignal DAQ system using MatThesis
Secure cloud storage model to preserve confidentialiThesis
Development of micro- and mesoporous ceramic-basThesis
First-ever footage of new species Text
Mini Bug - Behaviour based robot Thesis
Academy to be ready next year Text
Lim : water wastage may lead to higher tariff Text
Pelancong ke Pulau Sibu meningkat 11% Text
Scorpene submarines to be delivered in 2009 Text
Adaptive burst assembly and intelligent offset time sThesis
Removal of bisphenol a from aqueous solution by ac Thesis
Pelaksanaan komunikasi kepimpinan dalam organisasConference Papers
Preserving rice varieties Text
Perpustakaan awam wajar diwujudkan di tempat tu Text
Aid for stricken schools Text
Study on the vertical component of lightning electri Indexed Paper
Go for practical, functional schools Text
Hutan, bukit di Selayang pula ditarah, digondol Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Utilization of agro-industrial waste for the produc Indexed Paper
Beri peluang Proton kembali kukuhkan kedudukan Text
Polymer chemistry Text
Fizik tenaga dan alam sekitar Exam Papers
English plan to go ahead Text
Meningkatkan kekukuhan ufuk statik bagi struktur baText
Touts can't be arrested under the law Text
Pikul dua tanggungjawab News Paper Cuttings
Kaji semula kadar bantuan warga emas Text
A self-adaptive binary differential evolution algorith Indexed Paper
Project development management / pengurusan pe Text
Cornered gunman shoots himself in the head Text
Undang-undang biodiesel dibentang Jun Text
Keperluan pensyarah baru di lima buah institusi penga Conference Papers
Jualan kenderaan dijangka meningkat tahun ini Text
Marketing communications Exam Papers
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Model ekonomi sufi imam Al-Ghazali Journal Article
Kejuruteraan asas Text
The effect of PH and brine composition towards emuls Thesis
Atlet Johor berazam wakili Malaysia dalam Sukan Ol Text
Maybank : no plans to cut staff Text
UTM kongsi teknik buat bot News Paper Cuttings
Pullout capacity of irregular shape anchor in sand Indexed Paper
FOMCA saran had laju di lebuh raya 130km sejam Text
UTM and 4B Youth to set up fund for underprivilege News Paper Cuttings
Application of video mapping system for 3D building Thesis
Drug crimes on the rise, says agency Text
Low computational cost crowd rendering method forNon-Index Paper
Enhancements of E-learning system by using social nThesis
MAHB terap budaya kebersihan di LTARG Text
Application of NURBS for skinning of ship surface Text
Peranti semikonduktor Text
Software engineering research: a review of its parad Conference Papers
Kesediaan Singapura ke ICJ tanda positif Text
Team up for foreign ventures, Malaysian firms told Text
PM yakin pertumbuhan 5 peratus mampu dicapai Text
Comparative investigation of NMOS CAMCELLS (PrevText
High resolution impulse analysing system - hardwar Thesis
Development of anti vibration glove for tremor Thesis
Klang plan: Views of public will be considered News Paper Cuttings
Integration of the computer and cartography : a propo Text
Larangan jual petrol : dikuatkuasakan ke atas kende Text
Dasar alam sekitar holistik perlu dirangka Text
Investigating the environmental impacts of green roof Indexed Paper
Underwater surveillance system of remotely operated Thesis
Enzim betik kesan logam berat Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Real-time water quality monitoring system powered Thesis
Reduce reuse and recycle behaviour model for acadeIndexed Paper
Wake effect modeling : a review of wind farm layoutIndexed Paper
Sound stimuli for detection turtle hearing threshold Conference Papers
English for professional communication Exam Papers
Penyucian rohaniah dan fizikal Text
PM : find ways to tackle poverty Text
Penurunan tarif elektrik kurangkan beban rakyat danText
Rekabentuk kolam tahanan jenis basah berdasarkan Text
Introduction to business / pengenalan perniagaan Text
Qur'anic approach to instill social values of the chil Thesis
Reinforced concrete design II Exam Papers
A survey of grid-based searching techniques for largeIndexed Paper
Strategi tersusun basmi kemiskinan diperkenal Text
The relationship between transformational leadership Thesis
Pengubah nisbah pelajar Melayu News Paper Cuttings
Cloning and DNA sequence analysis of the haloalkan Conference Papers
Effect of design peak flow factor to the capital cost Thesis
Development of land-based mobile mapping system Conference Papers
Wujud institusi media Islam sebar maklumat lebih teText
Opinions from tweets as good indicators of leadershiIndexed Paper
493,596 pelajar baru tahun satu sesi 2004 Text
Wanita harus bersedia sesuaikan diri dengan suasan News Paper Cuttings
Mutu bahasa kebangsaan dipertingkat Text
Wau bawa Shafie terbang ke seluruh dunia Text
Perak catat kes denggi tertinggi Text
Tumpu usaha memulihkan ekonomi Text
Vaksin PCV7 elak kanak-kanak diserang PneumokokaText
An implementation of blazeds technology on TM moText
Mahkamah elektronik kurangkan kes tertunggak Text
Integrasi persekitaran dalam pembinaan Text
Dosimetric properties of dysprosium doped lithium bIndexed Paper
Teknologi satelit dan stesyen bumi satellite technol Exam Papers
Kerajaan berusaha atasi kekurangan bekalan gula Text
Kesan kenaikan harga bahan bakar terhadap pengg Journal Article
Raya ceiling prices for 11 essential goods Text
Children independent mobility (CIM) : kaitannya de Thesis
Project can reduce dependence on imports Text
DonÆt be complacent, civil servants told Text
Syor harga padi naik 100 peratus Text
Development of a pc-based tank model real-time flood Text
Microencapsulation of alginate-immobilized bagasseIndexed Paper
Development of new product's report in unit trust Text
Sign language recognition system for speaking and Thesis
MyKad gantikan pasport sebagai dokumen perjalanaText
Leadership is all about attitude Text
Masyarakat perlu peka kesucian makanan ikut syara Text
Tranformasi khidmat kereta api Text
Pasaran saham dijangka lebih tinggi Text
Bukan campur tangan, pegawai kerajaan perlu ambilText s
Operations stepped up, 2,282 birds culled Text
Produce more doctors to improve hospital service Text
700 sertai program basikal UTM News Paper Cuttings
Akta Pengangkutan Jalan dipinda Text
Solid mechanics 1 Exam Papers
Liberalisasi sektor perkhidmatan tingkat KDNK Text
Contour vs non-contour based word segmentation fro Conference Papers
Kongsi penjagaan atasi rebut anak lepas bercerai Text
Malaysia saran strukturkan semula Majlis Keselamat News Paper Cuttings
Program Seni Bina UTM dimantapkan News Paper Cuttings
More women with HIV puts children at risk Text
Masalah jentera menuai bantutkan penghasilan Text
Guna strategi terbaik elak mudarat alam sekitar Text
Synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of hydroxyThesis
Macromolecular chemistry Exam Papers
Harga telefon bantutkan teknologi 3G Text
Simulation of active integrated antenna with image rConference Papers
Development of defect-free and hyperthin-skinned asText
Kebersihan lambang keteguhan iman Text
Development of defect-free asymmetric polysulfoneIndexed Paper
UTM links up with Riau varsity Text
Research methods in education I Exam Papers
Minister : bad management worsened last weekÆs Text
Multi-speaker frequency warping vocal tract length Thesis
KBS perkenal konsep Satu Belia Text
Ministry looking for outstanding schools Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan & pengurusan projek Text
Improving accuracy of decoding process using pore-ba Thesis
Ultrasonic range meter Thesis
Automatic generation of test cases from activity dia Indexed Paper
Bumiputera entrepreneurship : an evaluation of the Text
Children equals sexual prowess Text
Wujudkan sistem kewangan global Text
Handphones 'ok' in wards Text
Abdullah lancar Hari Pengguna Kebangsaan 26 Julai Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Rain fall - runoff characteristics of young oil palm c Conference Papers
Langkah elak TNB muflis : kerajaan arah kurangkan seText
Penggunaan perisian khas sekat laman web lucah tidText
The application of WiFi-based wireless sensor networIndexed Paper
Laporan kajiselidik bandar Pusat Jengka : kajian pe Text
Undang-undang Perdagangan Adil diperkenal tahun Text
Generation of contour plan in Malaysia-Indonesia in Text
PM syor tubuh badan zakat Asia Tenggara Text
Effect of impact load on the tubular steel members ofText
The influence of splitter plate lenght as a passive de Thesis
Nano-sensor for single cell thermal characterization Indexed Paper
Sime Darby untung RM1.36b Text
Sejarah & falsafah matematik Text
Understanding factors on the customer intention b Indexed Paper
Simulation of OFDM over fiber for wireless communiText
The pattern of land values for residential uses withinText
Kesedaran generasi muda daftar jadi pemilih masih Text
Workshop tackles stormy issue of spousal violence Text
Simulasi litar elektronik Text
Lagi RM2.6b bagi pendidikan Text
Workers yes, extremists no Text
Managing the disease Text
Effects of cooperative learning on students' achiev Thesis
Ekonomi kekal positif dalam 2 bulan pertama Text
Pemudah tunjuk prestasi Text
Arab factor to boost mega sales Text
Numerical analysis on performance of compact spiralText
Quantitative analysis Exam Papers
Pirates recording movies in relay Text
Pastikan Kampung Baru kekal hak Melayu Text
Tidak ada AP baru : Najib Text
Pemencilan Mikroorganisma Bioteknologi Text
Memahami kontrak niaga hadapan Islam Text
Evolusi kad pengenalan dari kertas ke digital Text
Raman and TEM studies of carbon nanotubes produced Conference Papers
Penilaian gunaan Text
Grey wolf optimizer based placement and sizing of mu Indexed Paper
Senario dunia perubatan tanpa sempadan Text
Kerajaan kaji benar rumah 90 peratus siap baru dijuaText
Historical and projected methane emission determinIndexed Paper
JohorÆs latest gated community Text
Start your own business, Bumiputera grads told Text
Unesco perakui Malaysia capai taraf pendidikan unt Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
PZA harapan baru umat Islam Text
Crackdown on illegals to start on March 1 Text
Father wants abductor rearrested Text
Training methodology Exam Papers
Reka bentuk dalaman : pemidang bukan sekadar pemText
Unsur integriti bangunkan negara Text
Pencirian polimer Text
Anticorrosion epoxy coating enriched with hybrid naIndexed Paper
Petani guna racun tidak berdaftar boleh dihukum Text
Strengthning the reinforced concrete beam using extThesis
Teruskan perjuangan dasar pembangunan nasional Text
Most PSD job applicants have work Text
Obesiti : adakah ibubapa menjadi punca ? Text
Numerical methods 1 Exam Papers
Financial time series representation using zigzag ba Conference Papers
Stop stealing river water Text
Malaysia tidak pandang mudah ancaman gempa bumText
UTM tersenarai 100 terbaik Text
TB No. 1 killer infectious disease Text
Model-driven decision support system for estimatingIndexed Paper
Selangor targets æzero squatterÆ status by 2005 Text
Advance database system Exam Papers
Berikan saya peluang : Najib Text
Pengaruh ruangan statistik dan isu semasa majalah Thesis
Natural zeolite characterization for adsorptive coag Conference Papers
Modeling of waste water treatment plant VIA systemThesis
Computer applications / aplikasi komputer Exam Papers
UPM creates safer natural gas tanks for cars Text
Uji HIV pada pengantin semua kaum Text
Altantuya murder trial brought forward Text
Permohonan tubuh Bank Wanita dikemuka Text
Value stream mapping and simulation in a construc Thesis
Pegawai cuti belajar dapat pergerakan gaji sebenar Text
Garis panduan kawal perniagaan besi buruk : peraturText
Assessment of sewage sludge bioremediation at differ Indexed Paper
AHP model for optimum distribution network selectioThesis
Kejuruteraan gas Text
Kesan penggunaan RHA terhadap kekuatan dan kebolText
Hari Keluarga Utm ‘Keluarga Bahagia Utm Ceriaâ Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian kualiti air Sungai Cat dan Sungai Air Molek di Thesis
Checking the education slide Text
Strategy for executing activities of disaster recovery Thesis
Demam chikungunya meningkat mendadak Text
Link capacity based channel assignment (LCCA) for c Journal Article
Highway card's tracking system to help monitor shipsText
Eight left in the astronaut race Text
Elektronik Text
Wildlife feeding on trash in river Text
Analysing the relationship between park-and-ride faciIndexed Paper
Educational psychology Exam Papers
Criteria of acceptance for constant rate of strain consIndexed Paper
Plam oil empty fruit bunch based magnetic biochar Indexed Paper
The fire resistance rate of the oil palm fibre and ce Text
Creep characteristics of austenitic stainless steel fo Thesis
Perception of taxi services in oman-a cross examinatio Indexed Paper
Penjagaan kesihatan kanak-kanak Text
Mobiliti sosial Malaysia atasi UK Text
Call for disaster relief centre Text
Kalkulus ubahan Text
Penerapan Strategi Lautan Biru (BOS) dalam amalan Thesis
Issues and challenges in providing quality ICT infras Conference Papers
Kimia permukaan dan koloid Text
Thugs released : we were never prepared, says Noh Text
Serangan lanun di Selat Melaka menurun Text
Simulation and optimized analysis of cooling channe Thesis
FMM syor cukai korporat dikurang Text
Usrati News Paper Cuttings
Assessment index tool for green highway in MalaysiaIndexed Paper
Kalkulus II Text
Projek pindah air mentah mula tahun ini Text
Efficiency key generation management in a big organThesis
Kesederhanaan sistem perbicaraan Islam Text
Abdullah : loans for students will continue Text
Sains pengurusan Text
A new MPEG layer III steganography technique by chIndexed Paper
Improving broadcast reliability for neighbor discoverIndexed Paper
Pemimpin, ulama jana kekuatan ummah Text
Sekretariat selaras tugas 2,000 pemantau harga ditu Text
Selesai kes majikan, pekerja lebih cepat Text
Development economics Exam Papers
Earthquarke : why we need to worry Text
Siraj nama baru baka padi hibrid Text
Prediction of hardness in TIA1N coating process usi Indexed Paper
Business basics don't change in K-economy era Text
Seri Paduka gembira rundingan Malaysia-Singapura Text
Wearable electrocardiogram device Thesis
Effect of filler on self-healing properties of silicone Thesis
'Horseback riding an affordable affair' News Paper Cuttings
Calculus I Exam Papers
Digital electronics I (Elektronik digital I) Exam Papers
Sequence analysis of the cytochrome oxidase I gene Journal Article
A study on the interaction of motorcyclists and otherText
Kemelut dapatkan udara bersih Text
Rancang harta pusaka awal elak anak merempat : MuText
Kaji iktiraf kolej swasta kampus francais UiTM Text
Earlier scrapping of tariffs Text
Agensi kerajaan gagal Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan Thesis
Inferring gene regulatory networks using dynamic b Thesis
Jalur lebar 4G di semua IPTA Text
Radio sebagai alat komunikasi penting Text
Jangan biar 13 Mei berulang Text
TMM æ07 sasar 20.1 juta pelancong : TPM Text
BNM mahu Akta baru Text
Thin film nanocomposite membrane incorporated with Thesis
Najib : quality of service important, not gender Text
Alkali pretreatment and acid hydrolysis of coconut Indexed Paper
Sunglasses a must for children Text
Luminescence properties of Dy3+ and Sm3+ : potassiIndexed Paper
11 'on-the-take' cops arrested Text
Syor makan kentang tak dapat sambutan Text
Ke arah pertanian berwajah robotik Text
Developing data model for sustainable urban devel Thesis
Pembangunan alat pengubahsuai SMA berputar untuText
Jimat elektrik jamin kesejahteraan Text
Natural products chemistry Exam Papers
Pseiedo-ulama threat to regional stability News Paper Cuttings
Pengutaraan masalah matematik dalam kalangan pelThesis
Thermal and mechanical properties of prepacked conc Thesis
Declare assets or face action, civil servants told Text
Analisis kerangka portal keluli bersambungan sepa Thesis
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Microstrip sierpinski carpet antenna design (Full textText
Pelabur kecil paling ramai melabur dalam PNB Text
Perancangan guna tanah Text
Rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural netwoText
Sektor pelancongan Johor makin pulih Text
Dinamik gas Text
Syarikat AS minat jayakan pertanian Malaysia : PM Text
Grand Prix City Sale to start tourism year Text
Optimised an active anti-roll bar system using compoThesis
Gas permeability and permselectivity properties of Indexed Paper
Tujuh lagi disahkan H1N1 Text
Evaluating information security culture in higher learThesis
Teen killed, 10 hurt in crash Text
Physiology & introduction to medicine Exam Papers
Proses pelantikan guru besar, pengetua perlu dikaji Text
Syor Bahasa Melayu Indonesia sebagai bahasa rasmi Text
Baby among three new A(H1N1) deaths Text
HIV couples will be allowed to marry Text
Ambil tindakan tegas pelajar ponteng Text
Program basmi kemiskinan menyeluruh, tak kira ka Text
Jerebu bertambah baik Text
RISM buka cawangan di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Honouring pledge Text
SST ikon baru industri penerbangan Text
Radiobiologi Text
How prior knowledge affects user's understanding o Conference Papers
Pemprosesan bahan Text
Band structure effects on the carbon nanotube carrier Conference Papers
Antenna design and development for outdoor/indoorThesis
Evaluation method of manet over next generation opt Indexed Paper
Ultra-wideband printed monopole circular antenna Conference Papers
Lightning simulation study on line surge arresters an Text
Durability of polymer composite materials for struct Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Pengguna tidak setuju jika Lapangan Sultan Abdul AzText
Using ICTs for rural development: an overview Conference Papers
Zakat fitrah mungkin naik sekali ganda Text
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Tidak perlu pelalian meningitis Text
RM500,000 bangunkan perpustakaan digital UKM Text
Fourth body in Jaya mall disaster found Text
Kesan komunikasi internet tanpa batasan News Paper Cuttings
Do more to make local grads stay, say dons Text
Smart cards for travellers to Singapore Text
Kelulusan lesen dipercepat Text
Baja kompos bantu petani News Paper Cuttings
DBP perlu kuasa : ambil tindakan undang-undang pi Text
Masalah pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab Text
Reproductive tract infections Text
Accuracy of three parametric storm runoff pollutant Text
JPA mengaku : henti pengiktirafan selepas 6 tahun haText
Surface and Colloid Chemistry Exam Papers
In-situ thermal paraffin solvent system for treating Thesis
Information technology project management Exam Papers
Lemah bahasa Inggeris punca gagal kursus jururawatText
Pelajari BI tidak jejas kemelayuan diri Text
Top plantation group sees success in diversification Text
Industrial bioteknologi bantu negara jana pendapataText
Hubungan Malaysia, Indonesia dipertingkat Text
BN rugi jika hilang khidmat pemimpin berwibawa Text
Rock mass assessment at Jalan Bukit Permai, Kuala Thesis
SMS management system for direct sales and netwoConference Papers
Air flow and superstructure interaction on a model ofThesis
Keeping an eye from the sky Text
Uniaxial deformation of jointed rock Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Electromagnetic band gap antenna structure incorpoThesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyewa dalam pem Thesis
Army to strive for excellence Text
Rhizofiltration for the enhancement of biofuel produIndexed Paper
PM : Asia needs regional forum for networking in in Text
The application of ultrasound at high temperature - Text
Introduction to bioprocess engineering Text
Development of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane Text
Peniaga mula naikkan harga barang keperluan Text
Pak Lah : new initiatives will be basic building blocks Text
Pemulihan beberapa sifat gentian polimer semula jadText
Bajet 2008 : pendekatan murah hati ditunggu Text
Insentif tambahan kepada pensyarah IPTA : Najib Text
Profesion perguruan setanding peranan ulama Text
Synthesis and characterization of coconut husk base Thesis
Pak Lah mahu media terus lapor jenayah seks Text
Melaka beli air bersih dari Johor Text
Performance indicators of stratified residental pro Thesis
Comprehensive analysis on the influences of compute Text
Cabinet unlikely to make decision before Jan 5 on te Text
UTM IPTA pertama hantar bantuan Text
Jawatan guru super : peluang naik pangkat jika engg Text
Obscuration system smoke detector Thesis
Persepsi staf MayBank Taman Universiti terhadap p Text
Sistem penanda barang kawalan elak seleweng Text
Philadelphia university offers four-year courses next Text
Kajian kerja (work study) Text
Preliminary design of an air to air missile Text
Sea level variation using satellite altimeter Thesis
Response of cold mix asphalt produced with straightJournal Article
UTM-Proton hasilkan EV News Paper Cuttings
New law to help disabled Text
Penggunaan teksi ke Singapura meningkat Text
Naib Canselor UTM dilantik semula Text
Kesan campuran turapan asfalt tebusguna (RAP) di dal Thesis
Boundary layer flow and heat transfer due to permeab Indexed Paper
Kejayaan Program Angkasawan Negara Text
Algebra Exam Papers
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
E-learning vital for k-economy Text
Sistem maklumat unit kenderaan UTM Thesis
Gold clusters on thiol-functionalized FE3O4@SIO2 nan Conference Papers
Mikroelektronik I Text
Compressive strenght of cement-treated marine clayThesis
Mandatory tests for old vehicles Text
AS cuai simpan nuklear Text
Automated deform detection on automotive body pan Journal Article
Malaysians aware of Asean potential Text
Development GIS database for oil and gas pipeline caThesis
Polis sedia peti aduan di sekolah Text
Planning theory Exam Papers
Government to tighten hiring rules of foreign workerText
Terengganu perkenal kad nikah bercip Text
Feasibility to develop three dimensional national di Thesis
Rakyat dapat jaminan keselamatan lebih baik Text
Developers : low-cost rules a burden Text
MB ke China tinjau operasi monorel Text
PM : letÆs go the extra mile like Mr Mohan Singh Text
Electrospinning of synthesized zinc nanoparticles c Thesis
The effects of fast rise multiple lightning impulse on Text
Jangan ambil pemandu teksi warga asing Text
UTM students win RM12,000 each for engineering viNews Paper Cuttings
PM syor wujud mekanisme pantau agihan dana ODAText
Effect of single face compaction on stability and flo Indexed Paper
Programming in operational research / kaedah kuantiText
Guru SK ikuti kelas di SJKC 2010 Text
Earning from rental Text
e-Lab Online tarik minat generasi muda Text
Suruhanjaya Diraja pulih imej PDRM: PM umum penuText
No slowdown on investment flow to Iskandar, says Text
Bioremediasi & biodegradasi Text
Kerajaan tidak bercadang laksana ISA terhadap penyText
Hukuman gantung wanita Nigeria dikekalkan Text
Effect of loading rate on fracture behaviour of Mg-AlJournal Article
Pengaruh jumlah kenderaan terhadap pencemaran uda Thesis
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
A study on the interaction of motorcyclists and othe Text
Menjadikan Pulau Pinang bandar selamat Text
Production planning & control (perancangan & kawaText
Gabungan Utusan, NSTP tidak sekat kebebasan akhbText
Kaedah mengajar sains komputer Exam Papers
Magnetic materials Exam Papers
Potensi luas spesies buah-buahan nadir, liar Text
Perubahan struktur ekonomi negara Text
Feature selection for content based image retrieval us Text
Pre-emptive projects : three States take full advanta Text
Wireless infrastructure security Exam Papers
Manuscript magic Text
Elektronik lanjutan Text
An observer design for active suspension system (FullText
Efficient biosorption of Hg(II) over treated banana st Conference Papers
Pelbagai caj punca harga ubat mahal Text
Motion control of a bipedal walking robot Thesis
Rumah Datuk Undang Kamat Text
Kajian kualiti air di Sungai UTM Thesis
Dolar AS pesong ekonomi dunia -- PM : patut ada pil Text
Changing the rural heartland Text
Penghantaran dan pengagihan gas Text
Sembilan harga barang dipantau Text
A comparison of ontology servers Conference Papers
Local timber faces obstacle Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Penglibatan pengurus harta tanah tidak berdaftar d Thesis
Improving the on-line applicability of step-by step meText
Our tax culture exemplary Text
'Blossoms' to boost interest in science and technologNews Paper Cuttings
Development of the prototype system for design fo Text
Industri letak kereta RM2.4b Text
Lima universiti terbaik News Paper Cuttings
KDN tubuh unit antarabangsa tangani jenayah Text
Projects to help rural Malays in Penang News Paper Cuttings
Advanced transport Exam Papers
Asymmetric fiber taper for narrow linewidth comb filJournal Article
Mikropengawal / Pengawal Terbenam Text
Mechanical and rehological properties of waste poly Thesis
Molecular orientation and the performance of synth Indexed Paper
1,000 francaise RMK-8 tercapai Text
Six-year toil pays off for vaccine researcher Text
Multiband antenna for gsm and 3G mobile system (Ful Text
Muslim world at lowest ebb Text
Ujian DNA jawab segala misteri Text
Government dealings just a click away Text
Tahap kefahaman dan keberkesanan skim amalan penin Text
Pembangunan sosio-ekonomi Malaysia Text
Synthesis and characterisation of multi-walled carbonText
Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic propeller perforIndexed Paper
Tiga sekeluarga maut kereta, bas bertembung Text
Sistem analisis prestasi akademik murid : Sekolah Text
PM : civil servants will be rewarded at the appropria Text
R&D : UPM hasil beras lebih berkhasiat Text
Wireless notification system for the hearing impairedText
Study on the AFM force curve common errors and thei Indexed Paper
Kata dua 14 hari : Najib arah pengeluar tambah gula Text
Guru tidak mahu kuasa tahan PATI Text
Pemproses air ciptaan UTM bantu penduduk KelantaNews Paper Cuttings
PM minta ahli Parlimen terima kenaikan gaji, elaun 1Text
Mathematical modelling Exam Papers
Huge savings with petroleum hub Text
Learning programming concepts for novice programmer Thesis
Extraction of soil stratigraphy in Ground Penetrating Thesis
Perkongsian strategik Proton, VW ditamatkan Text
Biasiswa harus jadi suntikan semangat News Paper Cuttings
The effect of soil-root interaction by Vertiver grass onThesis
Permanent eye on police force Text
Still plagued by labour shortage Text
GPMS persoal UPU buang 400 pelajar Text
DOSH aims for 20pc drop in workplace deaths Text
Architecture for clinical decision support system (CD Indexed Paper
The effect of rubber dipping by-product on bitumen Thesis
Kanak-kanak kuasai ilmu teknologi melalui permainanText
Professional practice III Exam Papers
Effect of drying on michelia alba oil extraction using Thesis
Local tourists æa spoilt lotÆ Text
Usahawan patut manfaat TMM2007 Text
Enhance succinate and ethanol production in fungi mThesis
Pelajar IPT jadi pelacur tampung kos pengajian Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Resource-driven scheduling : barriers to implementaText
UTM students get first byte at 4G News Paper Cuttings
Malam Puisi Riong bakal catat sejarah Text
Mixed views over call for lower speed limit Text
Magnetism Exam Papers
Swasta disaran bayar imbuhan baki cuti Text
Rosmah : allow women to work from home Text
Isyarat dan Rangkaian Exam Papers
Ionic solid nanomaterials : synthesis, characterizatio Indexed Paper
Syor program diperluas ke IPTA Text
Personnel administration in the University of TechnolText
Dynamics of asset-backed securities Text
Study and characterisation of the post processing ag Indexed Paper
Bahasa jepun untuk perniagaan II Text
Istana bukan cuma rai, istiadat : Raja Nazrin saran i Text
Our space odyssey must go on Text
Pengurusan kawalan keselamatan dalam kawasan kedi Text
UTM choir needs to raise RM57,000 fast Text
Perkhidmatan bangunan dan pengurusan tenaga Text
Perlakuan zina mengundang bencana, kemelaratan Text
Flood hazard simulation for development plans in urbConference Papers
Menangani kekeliruan tentang syarak Text
Kolej 11 UTM jayakan program gerak minda Text
1,800 kes penganiayaan kanak-kanak Text
Dr. Jamil rektor baru Kuin Text
Magnetic field application and its potential in wate Indexed Paper
Characterization and antibacterial activity of chlorheIndexed Paper
Remotely controlled observation mobile robot with Thesis
Introduction to Planning Exam Papers
Time and budget overrun in the construction of townThesis
Sony Ericsson makin kukuh di Malaysia Text
The whole genome sequence finishing of bacillus sp.Conference Papers
Experiences and appreciation attained by volunteer Thesis
Cuepacs sambut baik gaji dikaji : semakan kurangka Text
Sediakan payung sebelum hujan Text
Fending off fever Text
Chemometric analysis of petroleum-based accelerants Thesis
RM1 juta untuk mencari juara Text
Kajian penggunaan teknologi cold in-place recycling Text
Tun Razak negarawan ulung, pelopor perpaduan ka Text
Jadikan basmi kemiskinan agenda utama Text
Microsoft doing its bit to ensure security Text
Akta baru kecantikan, komestik digubal Text
Hubungan antara ujian musnah, ujian tanpa musna Text
18 firemen sacked for disciplinary problems Text
Najib : Cabinet stands by decision Text
Cooling load estimation method : CLTD and TFM Thesis
Smart team searches for Padang quake survivors Text
No plan to control prices of goods all year : MuhyiddText
Integration of theory of inventive problem solving Thesis
Pengurusan promosi dan pengiklanan Text
Learning Japanese language web based system Thesis
Body search rules to be part of the law Text
Thaksin: I admire Dr M Text
Building services system Exam Papers
Go for tough jobs, women told Text
Pembentukan nilai peribadi kepada anak-anak Conference Papers
FinFET based design of XOR and XNOR using HSPICE Thesis
Study of the network performance using differentiateText
Hidraulik & hidrologi persekitaran Text
Innovative operation strategies and performance o Thesis
Hybrid lattice-boltzmann simulation of convective fl Thesis
Mechanical and morphological properties of surface Tmhesis
Perluaskan pengambilan pekerja tempatan Text
99 kebakaran dikesan : Lembah Klang dijangka berje Text
Optical frequency upconversion technique for transmi Indexed Paper
Big money from traditional medicine industry Text
Penerima pertama Program Biasiswa Melbourne PMText
Computer Applications Exam Papers
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Stadium Azman H Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Corrosion behaviour of heat-treated low carbon steeThesis
A data mining analysis of College English Test (CET) r Thesis
Characterization of strained silicon MOSFET using s Conference Papers
Prediction of the solubility of caffeic acid in water us Journal Article
Penyelidik UTM hasil perisian ikatan cip Text
Kajian keberkesanan saiz tangki simpanan OSD sebagText
Asia perlu contohi EU Text
Mutual termination of contract in construction projeThesis
Microprocessor Text
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Audio forensics : a voice identification investigation Thesis
Majlis mufti tolak IRC Text
Malaysia jadi negara tua 30 tahun lagi Text
Root causes of project delay at Felcra Berhad Thesis
Kalkulus I Text
Institut Pertanian dinaik taraf Text
NC baru tekad satukan warga UM Text
SKSM menang RM20,000 Text
Tanjak warisan Melayu Text
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar Text
Laporan tahunan Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah 2 Internal Electronic Report
Computer programming III Exam Papers
Statistik Text
Inatex 2013 - Silver Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian tahap kebersihan dan kepuasan pengguna tanThesis
Penetapan kata laluan pada komputer, dokumen Text
Enzymatic hydrolysis of treated palm oil empty fruit Conference Papers
Adsorption of methylene blue with adsorbent producThesis
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Jangan malu ada anak Sindrom Down Text
Dedahkan kedudukan sebenar kewangan negeri Text
Meritokrasi adil untuk semua kaum Text
Sistem penilaian permarkahan latihan praktik (FSKSM) Text
One super research varsity ænot feasibleÆ Text
Forensic paint database system of automobile topcoaThesis
Address shortage of talent for top corporate posts Text
Kurikulum latihan maktab perguruan dikaji semula Text
Pokok Menara pelengkap hiasan laman Text
Modeling and analysis of a microresonating biosensoIndexed Paper
Apendisitis keradangan apendiks Text
Danger theory metaphor in artificial immune system Textf
Laporan penarafan universiti awam bulan depan Text
Façade material selection criteria for optimising buiIndexed Paper
Advanced surface and colloid chemistry Exam Papers
E - business social network optimization and visualiz Conference Papers
Muzium RM1.2j kurang pengunjung Text
Clay modification using diamine surfactants Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of green porous carboIndexed Paper
Syor baharui permit setiap tahun dibatal Text
PM : VW can buy stake in Proton Text
Berjemur boleh elak risiko barah Text
Education fund to review service charge Text
Universiti disaran perkenal inisiatif baru pembelajar Text
Bario folk face diesel rationing Text
Business statistics/Statistik perniagaan Text
A proposed monitoring dashboard of smart cable guaJournal Article
PBB beri amaran penyakit merebak Text
Penggunaan analisis nilai eigen kompleks terhadap Text
Kurang tidur jejas kesihatan Text
Friction capacity of steel H-Pile with corrugated web Thesis
Security conscious AI-planning-based composition ofConference Papers
Kawasan pembinaan tempat utama pembiakan aedeText
Malaysia kekurangan pakar bedah kanak-kanak Text
Stok penimbal jamin beras sentiasa cukup Text
A model to enhance security of live virtual machine Thesis
Hydrogen production via catalyst of green laser, m Indexed Paper
Civil engineering system Exam Papers
Comparison performance of savonius vertical axis wiThesis
Manfaatkan Pasar Nelayan Text
Seven core issues facing IT execs Text
Why we must cut fuel subsidies Text
Protection for orang utan forests Text
LibQUAL 2004 : instrumen pengukuran jurang kualiti Text
Online financial teaching game Thesis
Dollars and sense Text
Young children selections of the physical elements Non-Index Paper
Internet Exchange revival by year-end Text
Muhyiddin hails it as 'one of the best' Text
Enhance womenÆs health, firms urged Text
Tindakan polis betul Text
Lactic acid production from microwave-alkali (MWA)Conference
p Papers
Implementation of 5S practice in a water treatment Thesis
Multivariate statistics Text
Termodinamik Kejuruteraan kimia Text
Optimization of solar Fenton oxidation and compariso Journal Article
Merealisasikan impian Text
Makmal Kejuruteraan Elektrik Tahun 3 Text
Novel filter components and point - of - use filters f Conference Papers
Web service architecture for scholarly publication Thesis
Anjakan paradigma dalam rawatan penagih dadah Text
New anti-diabetic product to boost INS Text
Penagih dadah baru bertambah di seluruh negara Text
Forensic Science : USM is first at the scene Text
Malaysia negara timbang tara News Paper Cuttings
Perlantikan pentadbir harta pusaka sebagai penyele Thesis
Foreign mediaÆs reports about haze irk Adnan Text
PM : donÆt over-hype headlines Text
Manufacturing process of blended delta-shaped win Indexed Paper
Budget to focus on the people Text
Deflection analysis of underpinned secant pile wall Thesis
Penghidap barah ovari boleh hamil Text
Building technology Exam Papers
Semiconductor devices Exam Papers
Komponen bertanggungjawab terhadap pemimpin dip Text
Have laws to stop trafficking of women, children Text
Kaedah pemberian projek punca kebanjiran kontrakto Text
Numerical experiment of sound absorption coefficienThesis
A kampung steeped in history Text
Tingkatkan teknologi hijau : TPM Text
Growth strategy still in line with New Economic PolicText
Determination of road pavement condition using groThesis
Baby dies of HFMD in Sibu Text
Teori Kawalan Asas Text
Celcom tawar inisiatif baru kembalikan kedudukan Text
PM orders measures to protect environment Text
Sekolah Wawasan kaedah terbaik tangani ekstremi Text
The characterisation of composite lanthanum (III)-TinText
14 mahasiswa UTM cemerlang Text
Institusi perundangan Islam perlu diperkasa elak ter Text
Buku adat istiadat Diraja Johor laris News Paper Cuttings
Rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol based nanofThesis
Malaysia strong enough to invest in other countries, Text
Jangan jadikan jalan raya tempat berlumba Text
Saintis Thai temui durian tak berbau Text
Etika menyahut lambaian Kaabah Text
Effectiveness of intervention on epistemological beli Thesis
Dua pendekatan tingkat kerjasama anggota Asean Text
Pengajaran dan langkah atasi krisis air Text
Chemical constituents and bioactivity studies of bauhThesis
Construction technology 1 Exam Papers
Lesen pemandu khayal digantung Text
Pelancaran RazakSAT tahun depan Text
Upgrade for Sabah rail link Text
Ukur kejuruteraan awam Text
Preliminary investigation of a commercial car to floa Thesis
Mufti tidak terbabit : MB Text
Kajian penggunaan tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam pengawal Thesis
Pengenalan kaunseling industri Exam Papers
Kenaikan harga minyak mentah tidak jejas ekonomi Text
Malaysia berpotensi jadi pengeluar terbesar vanila Text
Mengkaji perubahan guna tanah dan pengaruh alam Thesis s
Pelajar sekolah digesa teroka bidang R&D Text
Higher pay, better life abroad Text
The consultancy fee for structural design changes of Text
Build houses for rental also, says PM Text
Samy pertikai statistik kaum India 7.5% Text
Cerita hak asasi dari perspektif Yasmin Alibhai Text
Tentera, polis disaran tubuh pasukan khas banteras Text
Graduan FSU kuasai dua perundangan serentak Text
Program lahir graduan industri distruktur semula Text
The service usage improvement for alumni liason un Thesis
Setting up a separate and free entity News Paper Cuttings
Perlembagaan Persekutuan pertahan kedaulatan Isl Text
Operating speed of vehicles during rainfall at night : Indexed Paper
Leadership capability of team leaders in constructionThesis
Malaysian universities to take in foreigners Text
Health officers to go undercover to nab medicine pe Text
Hapus kemiskinan tegar perlu pengorbanan rakyat Text
LID 2007 sepakat pendidikan kunci basmi kemiskinanText
Schools to pay RM1 quit rent Text
Extension of time and acceleration claims (Preview) Text
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Retired teachers to be hired Text
Two Malaysians among six more wanted for Bali bo Text
Kesihatan pekerjaan (occupational health) Text
The performance of business incubation in Malaysia Thesis
HIV test for all Muslim couples Text
PM umum 3 keutamaan pembangunan ekonomi Text
Commercial crime chief charged with failing to declaText
Swasta diseru bantu kerajaan sedia kemudahan pelaText
Water to cost more Text
Effect of high current surge on data transmission Thesis
High voltage power supply for electro-optics devices Conference Papers
Proton to tighten grip on giving out cars Text
Molecular characterisation of Malaysian rice germplaThesis
Rangkakan usaha menangani stres guru Text
Wireless infrastructure security Exam Papers
The implementation of refactoring : an experience r Thesis
Hartanah kediaman terus pacu pertumbuhan Text
Pekerjaan : sektor swasta perlu berkorban Text
Law of contract, agency & tort (undang-undang kontrText
Keluarga bahagia lahirkan pekerja amanah Text
3D shape descriptor for object recognition based on Indexed Paper
Police go hi-tech to fight car thefts Text
NRW : ujian kelasakan meter air domestik jenis turbiText
Robustfied least square adjustment (RLSE) for detectiThesis
We value friendship with KL Text
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Preliminary study on the mechanical properties of p Conference Papers
Adsorption and stripping of ethanol from aqueous s Thesis
Surge arrester leakage current analysis by using par Indexed Paper
Value management Exam Papers
Pengurusan modal kerja Text
Men above 40 with sexual problems at risk of life-thrText
Sumbang 22 Ekor Lembu Korban News Paper Cuttings
Analisis blog sebagai media alternative penyebaran Text
Pelajar lelaki lebih cemerlang jika dipisahkan : kajian Text
Bulbul losing the war-ble Text
Preventing disc brake squeal using thin plate shims Thesis
ITEX ke-16 - UPM menang 31 pingat Text
Biotech thrust : nine-point policy includes tax breaksText
Kad hijau ganti pasport terhad Text
Cadangan mantapkan BI sebagai persediaan pelajar kText
Cooperate real estate management in higher education Thesis
Mengkaji kesan tekanan dalam pemprosesan produkText
Sedia kaji turun tarif elektrik Text
Kejuruteraan pengeluaran petroleum Text
PM outlines five-point plan for co-operation Text
Trend nilai harga untuk harta tanah pertanian (Kes k Thesis
Melabur walaupun RM10 Text
Inovasi tuntut pembaharuan, penggerak pertumbuh Text
Aplikasi pencarian pekerjaan – JobSniff Thesis
Another pregnant woman dies after snatch theft Text
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Tapak Ramsar habitat flora, fauna Text
Participatory approach for sustainable rural communConference Papers
Pegawai BPR paling ramai mohon tanah Text
Decoupled LQR controllers of two degree of freedomThesis
Metal-free carbon nitride as a fluorescence sensor foConference Papers
Jerebu tidak jejas pelancongan kita Text
Kadar kematian nahas jalan raya menurun 4.9% Text
Measat-3a dilancar awal pagi semalam Text
Teaching of marco skills in TESL Exam Papers
Very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) of a neur Text
Pengertian undang-undang Text
Design approach thinking order in industrial design Thesis
Matematik diskret Text
Client server based live meeting Thesis
Pelebur aluminium RM7.6b dibina di Bintulu Text
Industri kimia perlu pentingkan alam sekitar Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk bioreaktor Text
Malaysia digesa desak campur tangan antarabangsa Text
ASEAN patut guna ARF kawal tindakan AS News Paper Cuttings
Learning management system guidelines for self-direThesis
Enhancement of heavy metals sorption via nanocompos Indexed Paper
Economy & specification Exam Papers
'Pelancongan pelajar' serampang banyak mata Text
Asean must speak up Text
g-Jitter induced mixed convection flow of heat and maJournal Article
Lengkapkan kanak-kanak dengan ilmu Text
Kelas pulih murid lembap Text
Managing risk ensures quality Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Mathematical modelling of non-newtonian blood flow Text
Preparation of water-in-oil-in-water emulsions by r Thesis
Bajet 2011 dijangka utama lestari alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan pendidikan : kementerian bersikap teText
Syabas rejects terms for free water supply Text
Be fair to local workers, employers told Text
MRSM Felda beroperasi awal 2009 Text
Syor PBT majukan Johor Bahru timur Text
Optical Y - junction power splitter (Preview) Text
Antioxidant property and chemical profile of pyroli Indexed Paper
Identifying employment significant factors amongst fThesis
Kinetic study and thermodynamic of simultaneous ext Thesis
9,500 majikan tak carum Text
Perkongsian Ilmu Senaman Kekal Cergas Di Pejabat Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pengurusan setinggan di atas tanah rizab : kajian ke Thesis
Mathematical modelling applied for the resonance fre Journal Article
Pemilikan komputer masih rendah Text
Pengurusan tapak bina Text
Physics Exam Papers
Influence of suction induced by grass root Thesis
Set up advisory committees in all districts, Socso toldText
Course notes wiped out in virus attack at two varsitieText
Mongolian model murder : remand extended Text
Tubuh jawatankuasa khas kaji beban tugas guru : MuText
Teknologi cip atasi pemalsuan kad kredit Text
Specialists to go æprivateÆ soon Text
UIAM perkenalkan sistem graduan senat Text
The competence of school principals: what kind of Non-Index Paper
Malaysia bakal pengeluar rifel, pistol Text
PM pujuk graduan pulang Text
Tiada tambahan kolej universiti swasta Text
Real-time remote control car racing system (PC VERSText
Kemiskinan bukan alasan tidak hantar anak ke sekol Text
Lulusan UiTM diajak perkukuh ekonomi Text
Isu pekerja asing : iklan pekerja tempatan hanya se Text
Default prediction in Pakistan using financial ratios a Indexed Paper
Analysis, design and construction principle of marineExam Papers
Mixture temperature prediction of waxy oil-water Indexed Paper
Optimization of empty fruit bunch (EFB) liquefaction Thesis
Jurunikah wanita cetus keraguan, pertikaian Text
Manusia punca utama bencana alam Text
Samy : Onus on developers Text
Digital Signal Processing I Exam Papers
Prepation and characteriztion of poly (methyl methacr Text
Projek landasan berkembar elektrik dipastikan siap Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
CelcomÆs new journey Text
Bilangan pelajar sarjana ke luar negara ditambah Text
Bekalan beras negara mencukupi Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Permata anggap kanak-kanak modal insan masa depText
Ingatkan diri : kecuaian itu membunuh Text
Jantung tiruan lanjut jangka hayat Text
Flammability and thermal properties of polycarbonatIndexed Paper
Teleskop Hubble mencerap bumi Text
Roles of mentees via virtual mentoring Journal Article
Landsat TM-8 data for retrieving salinity in al Huwai Indexed Paper
Influences of crumb rubber size on hot mix asphalt mThesis
Jalan Persekutuan, negeri masih selamat Text
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Proposed Act to protect contractors Text
Manfaat potensi emas hijau Text
Pertingkat nilai mulia atasi pengaruh negatif Text
Secondary students must join at least one uniforme Text
Bekalan minyak dunia bertahan hanya 40 tahun lagi Text
Kaedah Sulh bantu selesai kes Text
Kakitangan wanita perlu tumpu anak Text
Kerajaan tetap lindungi Proton Text
High purity mesoporous Γ-AL2O3 from kano kaolin inJournal Article
Proton puas hati prestasi jualan di Australia Text
New forestry policy for Terengganu Text
Kej. tindak balas kimia Text
Applications of semiconductor optical amplifier for f Thesis
When will they ever learn? Text
Savvy recall helps rebuild credibility Text
Feasibility study for automating production operatio Text
Membebaskan negara daripada belenggu rasuah Text
Raja Nazrin : strive for excellence Text
Khidmat istirehat MAS terbaik dunia Text
Manufacturing process Exam Papers
Usaha lahirkan atlet pelajar bertaraf dunia Text
Measurement of facility management competencies Journalin Article
Petani kampung digesa majukan sektor pertanian Text
Belia benteng negara hadapi globalisasi Text
Bureaucracy a hurdle, Indian IT firm tells Najib Text
Teori struktur II Text
Anaerobic co digestion of biologically pretreated oi Thesis
Program khidmat masyarakat UTM penubuhan UTMRS Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Culture integration and spatial morphology in public Thesis
Food microbiology Text
High purity alumina and zeolite from local low grade Conference Papers
Interactive multi-media pocket Japanese learning appThesis
Ganjaran pengetua cemerlang Text
Dendrobium Abdullah Badawi hasil kajian MARDI sejText
Manfaatkan kepakaran modal insan tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Johor's new govt city opens with royal touch Text
Sistem baru bantu rakyat termiskin Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Initial result on electrical impedance tomography Text
Design of a circular polarization microstrip antenna atText
Mengukuh asas j-QAF Text
Caj khidmat PTPTN 1 peratus Text
MultI-Back propagation (MBP) algorithm for big dataThesis
Kufur jika kakitangan awam abai tugas Text
Mapping and modelling of petrophysical and stratigraThesis
A review on the design and development of turbidimIndexed Paper
Lower higher education loan charge in the offing Text
Utamakan pulihara tanah tinggi Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Preventitve fire-safety design in tall buildings Text
Analisis data remote sensing Text
329 practising law illegally Text
Islam utama perpaduan Text
Tidak berlapar boleh kurus Text
Salah siapa anak terabai Text
Dua kawasan longgokan emas dijumpai di Perak Text
Factors influencing individuals' trust in online purch Indexed Paper
IPTA/IPTS disaran giatkan program kajian Text
Vandalisme : sekolah selamat sepanjang cuti penggalText
Biodiversity bank set up Text
First halal food centre in Malaysia Text
5 strategi gerakkan kegemilangan Melayu Text
Maintenance management system through strategicText pla
Lulus ujian PTK syarat kakitangan awam naik pangka Text
Keselamatan pembinaan Text
Selangor buka 240 hektar ladang sayur Text
Generation of Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser (Journal Article
Turning to the power of the elements Text
Abdullah suburkan demokrasi Text
Prestasi debu kuari sebagai pengganti pasir dalam raThesis
Questions generation and result management syste Thesis
Toyota and Proton dominate 2005 sales Text
Evaluating design for upgradability at the conceptualJournal Article
Kos tunai haji kini RM8,937 Text
Support vector machine for solving small dataset pr Thesis
Akta tingkat usahawan Bumiputera Text
Perpaduan politik umat Islam boleh dicapai : Nashar Text
Fizik matematik Text
Analisis kemarau menggunakan kaedah lengkung temThesis
Electricity & magnetism Exam Papers
Open and transparent approach to H1N1 Text
UTM mahu tingkat guna bahasa Inggeris Text
Rawatan penglihatan kanak-kanak afakia Text
Burnishing effect on disc brake corrosion and frictio Indexed Paper
Find ways to help top students become doctors Text
Stannic oxide - titanium dioxide coupled semiconductConference Papers
Sisa buangan elektronik ancam alam sekitar Text
Development of integrated quantitative risk assessmThesis
Bertanggungjawab menyebarkan maklumat Text
Noh : need to spice up anti-drug campaigns Text
Simulation of 0.18 micron mosfet and its characteriz Text
Journey through the potential energy surfaces for t Indexed Paper
Syor rekod pertukaran agama di JPN diteliti Text
Fast modelling of tidal phenomenon for the Straits ofThesis
Penghijrahan tenaga mahir rugikan negara Text
Pembiayaan, penstrukturan semula hutang diutama Text
Social sustainability of urban high-rise community Thesis
An approach for automatic generation of test cases Indexed Paper
Gaji minimum empat sektor akan diumum : Subram Text
Penghantaran data kualiti air dengan menggunakan Thesis
Bearing capacity of circular footing on geocell reinfo Thesis
A statistical approach to segment brain MR images Conference Papers
Kementerian sedia teliti syor Gerak perkasa IPT Text
Parameter estimation of nonlinear dynamic system uText
Chemical constituents and essential oils of Citrus AurThesis
The project manager's personal characteristic, skills Text
Improvement of disaster coordination preparedness Thesis
Kempen satu rumah satu perpustakaan Text
The yield and quality of gaharu oil (aquilaria malacc Thesis
PM : rising oil prices our biggest problem Text
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
Cuepacs thanks PM for extension Text
Teknologi & pengurusan maklumat Text
Transparency in Malaysian property companies Conference Papers
Malaysia perlu terlibat siasatan News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia-Indonesia perlu majukan kewangan Islam, pText
Kerajaan sedia aset tambahan bantu mangsa empat Text
The effect of flow compaction on sand pack’s perThesis
Maju Pulau Pinang secara menyeluruh Text
Jabatan kimia perlu dua lagi makmal DNA Text
Biomaterials based nano-applications of aloe vera and Indexed Paper
PM : we can achieve higher productivity Text
The road map of advance laser science in University Conference Papers
4 program bantu usahawan Johor Text
Modeling and vibration control of a gantry crane (FullText
Langkah ringankan beban rakyat, harga minyak, gas kek Text
Development of electromagnetic suspension systemThesis
Penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi dalam penguThesis
Food analysis Exam Papers
A comparison of schedulability analysis tools Thesis
The relationship between strategic compensation praNon-Index Paper
Principles of macroeconomics Exam Papers
1 Belia sasaran Shabery Text
Advanced rock mechanics & engineering geology Exam Papers
Martabatkan bahasa Melayu Text
The framework for minimizing construction time andText
Premis kerajaan, swasta bazir karan Text
Consumers shun pork Text
GPS peramal cuaca tepat Text
300,000 rakyat kita bekerja di luar negara Text
Children to help police fight crime Text
Nickel removal from electroless nickel plating waste Thesis
Komposit Text
Melihat kekurangan SPR Text
Abdullah : cyber threats no small matter Text
Five Malaysian varsities among AsiaÆs top 100 Text
The influence of learning transfer factors on transf Thesis
Perbandingan antara model diskrit dan serakan bagi Text
Sistem pengautomatan pejabat bersepadu : kajian kes Text
Malaysia has the space to support king of the jungle Text
New move to tackle juvenile deliquency Text
Computer hardware management and services Exam Papers
Computer-based safety training for semiconductor i Conference Papers
Terrestrial gamma dose rate in Pahang state MalaysiIndexed Paper
Kejutan liga Text
DonÆt text and drive Text
Penggunaan rangka kepermimpinan pengetua di Johor: Conference Papers
Sistem pengurusan konvokesyen UTM atas talian Thesis
Banyak hutan belum diwarta Text
Tidak guna bahasa rojak Text
Bus crash horror : 10 killed as double-decker rams in Text
UTM, MIT meterai MoU selidik bandar lestari News Paper Cuttings
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Government counter staff to be retrained Text
Islamic E-organizer (Preview) Text
`Topi berfikirÆ bantu golongan lumpuh guna kompuText
Decentralized sliding mode control for an electrohydrText
Pembuatan monorel tempatan jimat kos Text
English language lll / Bahasa Inggeris lV (Relp) / Eng Text
Comparing the expected, intended and implementedThesis Ma
UM mahu dedah plagiat Text
Pengoptimuman rekabentuk struktur menara teleko Text
Memprogram minda kanak-kanak ikut acuan ibu bapText
Pelihara alam sekitar untuk pembangunan Text
Pasaran kereta Proton dikhuatiri merosot Text
Amalan profesional kejuruteraan Text
Malaysians more wary of what they eat Text
CFD validation for efficient gravitational vortex pool Indexed Paper
Statistical hydrology Exam Papers
Pembangunan ekonomi, alam mesti seimbang Text
Review of hepatoprotective agents in herbs Indexed Paper
Public perception on transforming Johor Bahru innerThesis
Kemahiran befikir aras tinggi matematik dalam kala Thesis
Teori struktur III Text
Ground penetrating radar: Accuracy assessment of mThesis
Transition probability matrix for fuzzy autocatalytic Non-Index Paper
Kuota pekerja asing perlu dikawal Text
Thumbprint rule to curb fraud in land deals Text
Shorter housemanship, govt service possible, says Li Text
Suasana pilu selubungi penghormatan terakhir jenazNews Paper Cuttings
Bajet 2008 dibentang 7 Sept. Text
Permata perkenal pendidikan awal kanak-kanak 5 ta Text
Keutuhan akhlak lahir individu maju, progresif Text
Kesan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matem Conference Papers
Pembangunan modal insan yang sempurna menurut Conference Papers
Beri perhatian soal pengadilan : KJ News Paper Cuttings
Multiuser wireless pulse oximeter for medical care Thesis
All set for women Syariah judges Text
Boon for docs with 10 yearsÆ working experience aText
Industrialised building system formation scheduling fText
We owe our children the right to a safe life Text
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Electrical Measureme Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hydrology / hidrologi Text
Pendekatan baru tangani cetak rompak Text
Dual axes active control of brake noise and vibrationConference Papers
Statistik perniagaan Text
Effect of suction and injection on the mixd conveectiConference Papers
Najib set to steer nation to greater heights Text
Pensyarah muda masih dangkal ilmu Text
Ekonomi negara terus catat pertumbuhan Text
Kemuka bukti rasuah : Najib Text
Mohd. Hafiz juara Raja Zarith Sofiah Awards News Paper Cuttings
Motivations for value co-creation in higher educationIndexed Paper
Milled groove square shape conformal cooling channe Indexed Paper
Kakitangan awam berniaga jangan sampai abai tugasText
Najib minta 3 negeri berikan penjelasan Text
Network and service economy systems & technologyExam Papers
Kaedah Pintas Jawi diperkenal seluruh negara - Aziz Text
Performance comparison of NxN matrix multiplicatioThesis
Feasibility study of rural electrification utilizing hy Thesis
Rekabentuk proses dan susunatur pengeluaran kilangText
Qualifying the QoS factor Text
Aksi disanjung News Paper Cuttings
The effect of stenoses and irregular flow rates in hu Thesis
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a demand dispatchThesis
Construction project management Exam Papers
Pemasaran industri Text
Panel khas baiki program TV Text
Economic in real estate Exam Papers
Utamakan pekerja tempatan Text
Implementation of mobile laser scanner in coastline Thesis
Produk kering berasas getah masih lembap: Dr Lim Text
Islamic education (tasawwur) / pendidikan islam (ta Text
Kasitah dituduh rasuah Text
Hanya pelajar boleh bawa salinan MyKad Text
Parametric optimization of GMAW process for mild stThesis
The conjugate graph and conjugacy class graph of orConference Papers
Majukan bidang sains robotik Text
Comparison between monohulls and catamarans forText a
Municipal solid waste management Exam Papers
Sistem urus sisa pepejal Text
12 sub sektor pelancongan Melaka Text
Literature in English language teaching Exam Papers
Six election petitions filed Text
Kajian keperluan air tanaman jagung Text
Health Ministry labs to hasten melamine tests Text
Islam Hadhari galak kemajuan Text
Microstructure study of laterite soil stabilized by bi Thesis
Teknologi dan perniagaan Text
Siswa perlu didedah bidang usahawan Text
A comparative analysis of energy conservation approa Indexed Paper
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Design of an accurate valve for air control Thesis
Pemasaran elektronik Text
Fractional freezing of ethanol and water mixture Indexed Paper
Online signature verification discriminators Conference Papers
Malaysia-Indonesia terus bincang tuntutan dua blok Text
Catalytic chemistry Text
Bringing change to curriculum Text
Forum Presiden universiti News Paper Cuttings
Rugi tak rebut ganjaran berlipat ganda bersolat jem Text
PVDF-cloisite hollow fiber membrane for CO2 absor Journal Article
Pengesanan sinaran Exam Papers
Now a RM50 fine for not using headscarf Text
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Keyakinan pengguna Malaysia tetap positif Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Sikap ibu bapa antara punca masalah sosial Text
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Persekitaran pembelajaran peribadi mengikut gaya pThesis
The integration of total quality management (TQM) aText
Prinsip rekabentuk latihan Text
Gaji tekstil, elektronik diselaras Text
Analisis lintasan menjejak perahan pelajar, guru, ra Text
Objektif utama pembangunan dicapai sepenuhnya Jula Text
Polymer Chemistry Exam Papers
Pendidikan tetap diberi keutamaan Text
Penentuan pekali beta bagi geseran kulit berdasark Thesis
Development of vehicle roll center analaysis progr Thesis
Swasta enggan daftar klinik Text
Making food safe Text
Novel housing deal that went awry Text
Stream flow trend urbanizing river basin : LangatriveText
Kalkulus II Text
Split PhD offer from down under Text
Mahkamah khas kendali kes IP Text
Biodiesel from non-edible Malaysian fruits Conference Papers
Atmospheric physics Exam Papers
Mobile internet protocol version 6 in local area netwText
Face Identification and Verification Using PCA and L Conference Papers
Membrane distillation for textile wastewater treatm Thesis
Kawalan pencemaran Text
UPM salur teknologi terkini kepada petani Text
Evaluation of entrapment potentiality and turbidity rJournal Article
Ride comfort performance improvement of electric ve Journal Article
Introduction to ship technology Exam Papers
Delivery robot Thesis
Bakal pelajar perubatan wajib lalui tiga saringan Text
Tanah runtuh ancam nyawa penghuni flet Text
Alternative assessment and redesign of a packaging Thesis
Sistem bina dan jual rumah hanya pilihan Text
Landscape construction IV Exam Papers
Peningkatan penempatan Tentera Laut AS di Pasifi News Paper Cuttings
A review on lighting control technologies in commerciIndexed Paper
Malaysia sedia kaji semula insentif sektor ICT Text
Aidiladha titik demografi Islam Text
Sekolah Kebangsaan terus diperkukuh Text
Fenomena Plagiarism Text
Aplikasi radio untuk IOS Thesis
Web-based St. John ambulance membership manag Thesis
No action against UTM chief News Paper Cuttings
Droughts may dry up taps in state Text
UIAM, ISTAC mahu capai status universiti penyelidik Text
Dagangan Malaysia dengan lima negara meningkat 5.Text
Privacy protection scheme for RFID tags using dual Thesis
Collecting more volatile information in live investiga Thesis
Sistem penilaian kenaikan pangkat pensyarah secaraText
Cabaran dalam membangunkan rumah mampu milikThesis dari
Aljabar I Text
The development and measurement of conducive camp Indexed Paper
Memahami makna Aidilfitri Text
Muslims still lagging in global trade Text
Move to promote handicraft at complexes Text
Semai nilai murni Text
Design phase constructability concepts in highway prText
UUM - 49 program baru ijazah ditawar Text
Model endowmen Harvard boleh ditiru IPT kita Text
5K dalam menjayakan Parlimen Mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Cadangan perundingan pemetaan dari foto udara & ime Text
SAR teachers get invitation to teach Text
Kuota bukan bumiputera mulai 2003 Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian Text
RM12j tingkat tahap kesihatan penduduk Text
Kesan enapan asas terhadap struktur kerangka rasukThesis
Aboveground biomass and carbon stock estimation uJournal Article
Pusat pemotongan babi dikhuatiri cemari air Text
Memanfaatkan pameran sains dalam Islam Text
Cellular functional roles of celastrol on mitochondriaThesis
Pemberian logo halal diselaras Text
The impact of values on the motivation of domestic tThesis
Bit error rate for private mobile radio (PMR) due to l Text
A virtual manipulator (VM) based kinematics simulatiText
Cadangan naikkan tol Jambatan P.Pinang Text
UPSI, IAB rangka kursus ijazah guru besar Text
Optimizing the performance of a paper mill effluent Indexed Paper
Perubahan berani Riyadh Text
Memperkasa kokurikulum Text
A new torque and flux controllers for direct torque Conference Papers
Profil pencemaran kualiti air di tasik (Preview) Text
Analysts : Tech investors need steel nerves in 2005 Text
Kes keracunan makanan turun 44.3% Text
Ukur kejuruteraan (Engineering surveying) Text
Jamal akui hampir jadi gila Text
Sistem perhubungan digit Text
Peranan bapa bukan hanya sara keluarga Text
Act faster for success, bumi businessmen told Text
Analisis banjir bagi sungai yang dipengaruhi oleh ke Text
H1N1outbreak not over Text
Globalisation : play it fair Text
Reduction of computational cost in driving simulati Indexed Paper
Identification of the potentials and barriers of ado Non-Index Paper
Introduction to optimal control Text
Ekonomi nikmati momentum kukuh Text
Pelajar asing jadi pemandu pelancong Text
Corrosion study on X70-carbon steel material influenConference Papers
Study of a fiber optic humidity sensor based on agar Indexed Paper
Characterization of ZnO/TiO2 bilayer film for extendeJournal Article
ADB unjur pertumbuhan ekonomi memberangsangk Text
Semakan harga minyak jadikan subsidi lebih cekap Text
Gelombang mikro, antena dan perambatan Text
Construction law and contract 1 Exam Papers
Wonders of palm oil vitamin E Text
Setiap kaum di Malaysia diberi peluang pilih sistem pText
Active force control applied to a rigid robot arm Text
Controller gain tuning for road vehicle following in Thesis
UTM tubuh tabung bantu pelajar kurang mampu News Paper Cuttings
Coping with extreme events in the built environment:Conference Papers
Take an interest in national issues, undergraduates Text
Termodinamik II Text
Empat pendekatan didik pelajar benci rasuah Text
Pendopan tanpa elektrod mangan dioksida elektrolitiText
Negara bukan lombong emas pelabur : PM Text
Risk based analysis for detention pond overflow at I Text
Microwave Engineering Exam Papers
Upaya bahasa Melayu Text
Motor policy may have to wait Text
Subjek pendidikan seks di sekolah? Text
Perkeso diarah ambil tiga tindakan segera Text
Management science Exam Papers
Refining E-government readiness index by cloud comJournal Article
Prinsip dan kaedah penilaian harta tanah Text
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Cobalt-nickel and managese-nickel oxide based catalyConference Papers
Jangan lalai dengan bantuan kerajaan : Najib Text
PDRM hadapi masalah selesai kes jenayah komersial Text
A numerical solution of traffic flow problem for one Conference Papers
Hydrogen production from acetic acid steam reforming Indexed Paper
Hadiah Hari Guru Text
Kakitangan awam perlu amal budaya belanja berhe Text
Mengimarahkan masjid sebagai nadi masyarakat Text
Pak Lah Perdana Menteri ke-5 Text
Spatial and temporal patterns of groundwater qualityThesis
Dua kereta pada satu harga Text
Teacher killed in fight with robbers Text
Banjir makin buruk : Terengganu terputus hubungan,Text
Perkampungan budaya dibina di ibu negara 2007 Text
PM : Women are assets Text
Kawalan perairan negara diperkukuh : Muhyiddin Text
Sub-contractors' remedies upon breach of the main Thesis
Enhancing a future version of the Nigerian SME tech Non-Index Paper
Menguji keutuhan struktur Proton Waja Text
System Software/ Perisian sistem Exam Papers
Electronics II Exam Papers
Fakta dan sasaran industri pertanian dalam RMK-9 Text
Fall prevention among bedridden using Kinect-like d Thesis
An efficient real-time terrain data organization and vText
A simple vector control technique for 3-phase inductIndexed Paper
Lebuh raya SDE pesatkan timur Johor Text
UTM cipta perisian uji kecenderungan pelajar Text
Penyusunan semula kerja di operasi manual Text
The silent killer Text
Implementing maintainability in building material selJournal Article
Harga mi naik hingga 70 sen mulai hari ini Text
Adsorption of Methylene Blue and Remazol Brilliant Thesis
JPA setuju cadangan cuti khas kakitangan awam seb Text
Non-motorized three degree of freedom assessmentThesis t
Use public transport to reduce accidents Text
Statistical byte frequency analysis for identifying JP Thesis
Satu aliran bukan mimpi Text
Design of a compact microstrip antenna AT 2.4GHZ (Fu Text
Kalkulus I Text
Hishammuddin : let teachers take part in politics Text
Pesawat MiG terhempas, juruterbang TUDM hilang Text
New batch of squatters pose fresh problem Text
Kajian permodelan kualiti air untuk muara Sungai Thesis
Sedia hadapi gempa bumi Text
Misi kita berjaya : Sheikh Muszaphar dan dua lagi k Text
Dua anak bongsu terima Anugerah Canselor UTM Text
Lecturer's lightning breakthrough Text
Jualan Proton merosot Text
Projek ubah imej Chow Kit diteruskan Text
Mems fabry- perot albumim sensor using PDMS thin Thesis
GIS Based hydrologic modelling for infiltration exces Conference Papers
Persekitaran pengaruhi kanak-kanak membuli Text
Identification of dehalogenase producing bacteria Thesis
Multi document summarization based on cross-docum Indexed Paper
Maths and Science in English: Is it the best way to Text
Minister : we won't stop students from submitting Text
Varsities to benefit Text
Azly pecah rekod lompat tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Program berkembar : UM akan bertindak Text
Berdoa agar musuh Islam tumpas di Gaza Text
Ramalan unjuran harga rumah kesan daripada kitaranThesis
Ungku Aziz ikon kesarjanaan evergreen progresif, m Text
Biometric facial identification system Thesis
Development of web-based geographic information sys Thesis
Boat race Siti, Adila clinch team's first medal News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa Jepun I Text
Polisi dan pengurusan Pusat Komputer Text
Printed document forgery detection using text reordThesis
Ekonomi dijangka mula pulih dalam enam bulan Text
Pelbagai inisiatif baru bantu usahawan teknologi te Text
Kajian kos dan faedah teleworking di kalangan perusText
A content analysis on online travel review of MalaysiaThesis
Public transport system Exam Papers
Ethics, moral values in teacher training Text
Pengurusan binaan II Text
Strategi perniagaan Text
Rear seat belts a must for cars made in 1995 and aft Text
Amalan agensi harta tanah Text
Construction management of power transmission lines Conference Papers
Non-homogeneous hidden markov model for daily rain Indexed Paper
Mengekang internet jadi lubuk luahan tidak bermoraText
Bioteknologi Text
Dynamic analysis, updating and modification of truckConference Papers
Effects of Poe and Poe-G-Ma on impact and tensile Conference Papers
Analog and digital instrument Exam Papers
Industrial Electronics Exam Papers
The assessment of heavy metal concentration in riverJournal Article
ASEAN perlu pikul bersama isu Myanmar Text
Embroidered dual band textile antenna for ISM bandIndexed Paper
Antibiotic resistant bacteria from sediment of coast Journal Article
Interaksi perlaksanaan sistem pengurusan kualiti meThesis
The effects of mass transfer on drop breakage in rotaConference Papers
The use of white led for reflectance and surface stru Thesis
Kerjasama dagangan biotek Malaysia-Pakistan Text
Prioritizing climate change mitigation : an assessmenIndexed Paper
Penggunaan teknologi ICT dalam pengajaran bahasa Thesis
Betulkan kefahaman tentang penguasaan BI Text
Ties good despite diplomatic hiccup Text
Smart Solat terap nilai murni Text
Optimization of renewable levulinic acid production Indexed Paper
Warga UTM diseru lakukan transformasi News Paper Cuttings
Good clean fun at IWK Open Day News Paper Cuttings
Tun Abdullah syor kaji mansuh ISA Text
General chemistry II Text
Applied valuation Exam Papers
Police to come a-knocking Text
Three dimensional (3D) modelling of public vehicle (CThesis
A review of quality enggineering tools and techniqueConference Papers
Big jump in number of cases Text
Building information modeling (BIM) in Malaysian coThesis
Thermal characteristics of Malaysian rice husk Text
Multilayer stock forecasting model using fuzzy time sIndexed Paper
Pusat transformasi luar bandar Johor pemangkin ek Thesis
A mathematical model for wastewater treatment proIndexed Paper
Success depends on teachers Text
Managing risk in property development : planning apThesis
Mufti setaraf dengan Exco di Negeri Sembilan Text
Istiadat pemakaman lancar News Paper Cuttings
Najib : prepare for end of subsidies Text
Gabungan UTM Racing Team, Mofaz hadapi Cub PrixText
Kejuruteraan aeroangkasa patut kekal di UPM untuk Textt
Harga gula di Kelantan naik 50 sen Text
Footballer in drug scandal identified Text
Effects of substrate temperatures on the thermal stabIndexed Paper
A hybrid genetic algorithm for solving job shop sche Indexed Paper
A secure routing protocol with trust and energy awa Indexed Paper
Feasibility study on improving of helicopter forward Conference Papers
Pulih pasaran hartanah Text
52,000 tak bayar ansuran kereta RM3.16b Text
Hukuman sebat terhadap pendatang tetap dilaksanaText
Cellular biochemistry and metabolism Text
Comprasion of partial strength connection between eConference Papers
Graft perception index : better score for Malaysia Text
Latihan dan hubungannya dengan prestasi kerja dari Thesis
Computer application in real estate Exam Papers
Potential technique for the production of micronisedConference
l Papers
Konsep Raja Berperlembagaan diuji sekali lagi Text
Call to revive trade among Muslim nations Text
Misteri toksik 12,500 tan : bertahun-tahun bahan beText
Pelajar cipta logo terbesar guna anak kunci Text
Elektronik III Text
Gombak water treatment plant closed after spill Text
Intermidiate accounting II Exam Papers
Pengaruh Rancangan Televisyen Sebagai Sumber MakText
The relationship between HRD strategise, career su Thesis
Darah tinggi, kencing manis potensi strok Text
Thermodynamics2 Exam Papers
Organic chemistry : functional groups Exam Papers
Effect of different temperature pretreatment on th Thesis
Perlu tegas wujud Kod Tatacara Laut China Selatan News Paper Cuttings
Maritim Malaysia semakin digeruni Text
RM1 juta beli hasil nelayan Text
Analisa Rangkaian Text
Najib : measures aimed at encouraging spending Text
Konsep 1Malaysia bukan slogan kosong Text
Tree water uptake on suction distribution in unsaturat Thesis
Elektronik II Text
UTM rai 96 graduan cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Kawalan kualiti dan pengurusan makmal Text
Pelancongan : Indonesia sasaran Johor Text
Kindies happy with plan Text
Aplikasi tisu kultur Text
Aplikasi media teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pem Thesis
Pak Lah : think out of the box Text
Extraction, characterization and application of cellu Thesis
Gas engineering Exam Papers
Maintenance factors in building design (Full text) Text
Pendedahan bahasa Inggeris di pusat asuhan Text
Stringent checks on poultry farms nationwide Text
Sedia geran kaji rahsia al-Quran : Raja Nazrin Text
Struggling to cope with scale of human tragedy Text
Ziarah Ramadan utarakan konsep kunjungan bersamNews Paper Cuttings
Sirim to inspect retread tyres Text
Cadangan mansuh UPSR tidak praktikal Text
JKR ambil alih 2,000 makmal komputer terbengkalai Text
Project management & estimating Exam Papers
Hotel pertama konsep halal Text
First, abolish Unit Pusat Universiti Text
Air : isu berpakej dibincang Isnin ini Text
The effects of climatic factors on urban context and Conference Papers
Proton usaha mantapkan rangkaian pengedaran Text
Aqueous extraction of hydroxychavicol from Piper Bet Conference Papers
Government hospitals bleeding a doctor a day Text
ICT for education : developing 21st century digital skiText
Empirical investigation of indoor environmental qualiIndexed Paper
Digital image processing Exam Papers
Communication system Exam Papers
Perkembangan ekonomi bagi aktiviti bukan ladang diThesis
Introduction to real estate Exam Papers
Khazanah disusun semula : jadi syarikat pelaburan Ma Text
Praise for civil service Text
Performance of steel slag and steel sludge in concretIndexed Paper
TPPA: Bahas berlandas fakta News Paper Cuttings
Dengue fever : 11 hospitalised Text
Industri binaan hadapi kenaikan harga bahan menta Text
UTM yakin kutip RM1j isi Tabung Endowmen News Paper Cuttings
Pengambilan guru diperketat 2007 : Hishammuddin Text
Poser over results and rankings News Paper Cuttings
Aura pengaruhi aktiviti mental, fizikal Text
Recommendation quality, transparency, and websiteIndexed Paper
Floods ease in most of Kedah Text
Development of a computer programme for the design Text
A comparative study on the positive lightning return Isndexed Paper
Najib : no time frame for FTA deal Text
Microstructural evaluation of a slurry based Ni/YSZ Indexed Paper
Novel applications of elevated temperature high perfText
Prinsip dan kaedah penilaian harta tanah Text
Analisa punca masalah kecacatan produk menggunakan Text
Development of properties database of carbon dioxidThesis
Kerajaan kurangkan pekerja asing secara berperingkaText
Sistem pilihan raya kampus berkomputer bagi Univers Thesis
HKB tawar rawatan tradisional Text
Peraturan baru bilik sejuk beku perlu lulus 3 agensi Text
Portal bantu ibu tunggal News Paper Cuttings
Program control instruction class of X86 instruction Thesis
Combustion characteristics of gaseous fuel mixtures Thesis
10 langkah kekal pertumbuhan ekonomi negara Text
Telemedicine the key to lack of experts Text
Aviation industry to encourage tourism Text
Digital map update using carrier phase handheld GPSText
The introduction of strata act in Indonesia : its im Text
Malam Puisi Riong tawan UTM Text
Give schools option to teach in English Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Positive signal on Islamic banking sector liberalisatio Text
New algorithms for optimizing the sizes of dixon and Thesis
Tanah dan pertanian orang Melayu di Negeri SembilaText
Teknik baru alih hujan Text
Characterization of antioxidant, antimicrobial and a Thesis
Decision soon on English schools Text
26 juta penumpang guna KLIA Text
RM15j bagi projek pengindahan JB Text
Pembangunan lanjut acuan tuangan slusy Text
Firemen saved property worth RM9bil last year Text
Virtual screening of aptamer against arsenite speciesThesis
Peranan kelab buku, kumpulan pembaca Text
Corporations, foreigners free to negotiate FD rates Text
Nurse who was allegedly assaulted by ex-hubby dies Text
Improved particle swarm optimization for fuzzy based Thesis
Appoint women Syariah judges Text
Plagiarism: the perceptions from accounting underg Thesis
Kereta api JB-Singapura dikaji Text
Lat antara penerima Anugerah Merdeka 2014 News Paper Cuttings
Tabung percepat bayar balik lebihan cukai LHDN Text
The effect of soil humidity on ground penetrating ra Thesis
BKL to embark on a pilot project soon Text
KDNK tahun ini tidak akan jatuh di bawah 5 peratus Text
PM, Surayud rasmi jambatan muhibah kedua MalaysiText
Jualan kereta catat paras tertinggi Text
Kanaq promised a better life, 25ha land for poorest oText
2,177 graduan UTM akan dianugerah ijazah dan dip News Paper Cuttings
Haze : HMs can decide to close schools Text
Ensuring better life for Orang Asli Text
Program sains di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Pusat sehenti sepadu elak kerenah birokrasi Text
Kambing Boer ganti Tongkat Ali Text
Guna sukan promosi pelancongan Text
Ekonomi negara beroperasi di bawah keupayaan sebText
Takaful Ikhlas yakin raih premium RM150 juta Text
Perhubungan Wayarles Text
Teknologi tuangan Text
Penunggang motosikal catat kematian tinggi Text
Exco tertinggi MPM UTM sesi 2003 dipilih Text
Berhemat guna kad kredit kurangkan kes muflis Text
Bonus Tabung Haji 3.5 peratus Text
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for palm coo Journal Article
Tingkatan Enam ke luar negara Text
Durability studies of single cylinder diesel engine ru Indexed Paper
New water pipes for Klang Valley Text
Penjenamaan semula perlu untuk kemajuan negara Text
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Isu keselamatan industri petroleum kian penting Text
PM mahu PBT beri peluang penduduk miskin berniagText
The design of heart and lung sounds acquisition appaThesis
Childcare centre gives joy to learning Text
Tiga pengsan, 1,000 dipindah dan 6 sekolah tutup Text
Persepsi guru terhadap pemansuhan Pengajaran danThesis
Application of computer in chemistry Exam Papers
LQG and fuzzy correction mechanism in tilting railwayConference Papers
Air quality expected to improve Text
Kelakuan beban pesongan struktur kekuda kompositText
Expert : natural resources in territorial waters now Text
Kabinet tentukan had subjek SPM Text
Jangan salahkan sistem di sekolah Text
Craft centres boon to industry Text
The respect between workers and leaders Text
Alam kubur perhentian sebelum kehidupan abadi di aText
Melayu masih lemah sistem kewangan Text
Diet : are you weighing in on food? Text
Ringgit dijangka terus mengukuh tahun depan Text
Degradation of 3-chloropropionic acid by escherichiaConference Papers
Hydrodynamics Text
Doktor swasta diminta lapor segera kes denggi Text
An improved method based on two-factor authenticaThesis
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Sekolah Agama UTM miliki laman web sendiri Text
USM plans to enhance quality Text
Rendering of single scattering using types of light so Conference Papers
Menyingkap rahsia pepatung dari zaman dinosaur Text
PD corals to draw tourists Text
Najib outlines strategy of co-operation with India Text
New Johor stretch cuts travel time Text
Melonjak pendidikan tinggi Text
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi di dalam pengurusText
Physics Exam Papers
Instructional and learning technology Exam Papers
Had umur guru kontrak dilanjutkan 65 tahun Text
Determination of para-arsanilic acid with improved dIndexed Paper
Emulsion liquid membrane for cadmium removal: expJournal Article
Object-oriented programming / Pengaturcaraan beroText
Performance evaluation of electrical discharge machiThesis
The effect of solid acid catalysts for biodiesel producThesis
Latihan amali tingkat kualiti siswazah Text
Microelectronics II Exam Papers
Web programming 1 Exam Papers
UM kaji semula garis panduan pertubuhan Text
Gangguan seksual di tempat kerja dan hubungannya Text
Still a ray of hope for minimum pay Text
Fasa kedua Lebuh Raya Pantai Timur akan rancakk Text
Negara maju : Kerajaan sasar pertumbuhan ekonomiText
Penghantaran dan pengagihan gas Text
3,000 guru SAR mohon ke sekolah kebangsaan Text
Space tawar 250 kursus intensif Text
Resistance spot welding of duplex stainless steel U Thesis
Building services 2 Exam Papers
Pulau Sipadan now in 14th place Text
Menabur bakti Text
Maxis labur RM3b bagi 3G, jalur lebar Text
Willingness to pay for intangible environmental am Thesis
Khidmat terbaik kakitangan awam pikat pelabur Text
RM1bil initiative to promote high-speed broadband Text
Special team to probe fire at schools Text
RM5bil in study loans owing Text
Integriti pelihara sifat amanah penjawat awam Text
Kadar jenayah di JB menurun Text
Law on motorcycle licence to change Text
KDN pantau pergerakan 89,000 pelajar asing Text
Agensi Maritim kawal perairan 80 km nautika Text
Substrate and cofactor binding interaction studies ofIndexed Paper
EAS catat sejarah : berjaya bentuk pakatan bagi kes Text
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
Doctors bogged down with other duties Text
TNB berjaya turunkan indeks gangguan bekalan elektText
Organogenesis in indigenous upland rice cultivars Thesis
Forecasting malaysian gold using GARCH model Indexed Paper
Separuh wanita Malaysia bekerja Text
Effect of wire electro-discharge machining on mechaThesis
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa lanjutan Text
Modeling realistic facial object from laser scanner Conference Papers
Determination of selected metals in honey using ato Text
Learn English from an early age Text
Biomechanical evaluation of two commonly used extern Indexed Paper
Penyelesaian POA manifestasi strategi Najib strategikText
Thermal induction and overexpression of a foreign protText
Pantai Timur nikmati limpahan projek NCER Text
UTM saran pengecualian GST kepada universiti News Paper Cuttings
Building technology Exam Papers
Tali pinggang keledar di belakang wajib Text
Remote controlled dispatch robot Thesis
Pembangunan perisian multimedia berkonsepkan teori Thesis
Designing a framework for acquiring technological k Non-Index Paper
Corruption a disease affecting public and private sec Text
Kenapa Barat tidak terima Islam? Text
Usah jadikan kesempitan hidup penghalang pupuk Text
Isu AP bertambah hangat Text
Statistik II Text
Mikrobiologi industri Text
Improving the f-16 SAS handling qualities Thesis
Wanita profesional Melayu diminta sentiasa seiring Text
Water temperature and automatic feeder node for reThesis
Evaluation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) aIndexed Paper
Projects spell end of Penang flood woes Text
Numerical model of the migration of toluene in por Text
Amalan pengurusan pelupusan bahan Al-Quran di MaThesis
The moderating role in crisis management capability Thesis
Determinants of performance management system in Non-Index Paper
PM No plans to increase electricity rates for now Text
Cancer research blueprint a critical need Text
Introduction landscape architechture Exam Papers
Abdullah janji terus adil kepada semua kaum Text
Pesara mewah belanja caruman KWSP ditegur Text
Derivation of safety climate model in East Malaysia Thesis
Mathematical methods II Exam Papers
Classification of petroleum-based accelerants in fi Conference Papers
The effect of ferrule height and post length on endodoThesis
Power tariff hike soon Text
Kajian tahap keberkesanan struktur perangkap sampText
Going overseas to check on car prices Text
Local community perspective of tourism in world herit Thesis
Impacts of heritage declaration on rent and price p Thesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Socso : be wary of scam crooks targeting widows in vText
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Johor CorporationNews Paper Cuttings
Converting non-metallic printed circuit boards wasteIndexed Paper
Oral english communication needs in Business EnglishThesis
Margenta ganti tembakau Text
Instrumentasi & pengukuran dalam perubatan Text
Islam tidak halalkan keganasan, penindasan Text
Era baru Indonesia-Malaysia Text
Hasil pembelajaran dalam MQF Text
Silver-filled polyethersulfone membranes for antibactIndexed Paper
In situ biodiesel production from residual oil recove Non-Index Paper
Analysis on visual signal based on the effect of eye Indexed Paper
SMEs eager to tap e-commerce Text
Bajet prihatin Text
Water quality and shellfish related gastrointestinal Text
PM : punitive steps needed to fight drug scourge Text
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
Fuzzy-PID controller on ANFIS, NN-NARX and NN-NARIndexed
s Paper
Mapping technology Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan SSM: 20,000 naik pangkat, pangku jawaText
Saleh minta selesai segera isu jual ekuiti Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
Melonjakkan pendidikan tinggi negara News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan antara faktor-faktor pemindahan latihan Thesis
3 universiti tempatan bantu kerjasama bangun ergo News Paper Cuttings
Program Subur tidak pinggir golongan miskin : Noh Text
Bank Islam catat kenaikan positif Text
MAS lancar tempahan e-tiket baru Text
Kejuruteraan airsisa Text
Tackle haze at source Text
Simplified gesture set for tawaf simulation Thesis
Kreativiti dan inovasi bidang teknologi angkasa Text
Frequency response of gas turbine condition monitoriText
Survey on 'too fat to teach' cases Text
Stiffer penalties to protect wildlife Text
Professional fees for tourist guides Text
Industrial plan for Batang Kali News Paper Cuttings
Dinar emas kaedah pembayaran pilihan Text
Kompetensi teknologi maklumat dan telekomunikasiThesis
Risiko kesan gempa bumi di Malaysia Timur Text
Recount of votes on March 22á Text
Medical image encryption using PWLCM with digital Thesis
Regulating utility services Text
Berhenti bersikap negatif Text
Elektronik III Text
Design and implementation of mathematics curricul Exam Papers
History of landscape architecture Exam Papers
Penggunaan model KIPP dalam penilain matapelajaraConference Papers
UTM pasukan pertama Malaysia sertai Shell Eco-Ma Text
Wireless communication system Text
Kustem hasil kit kesan penyakit ikan Text
Saingan harga kereta kesan Afta bermula Text
Software piracy declined in 2003 ... maybe Text
Teknologi kultur tisu Text
Yayasan 1Malaysia dilancar Text
Syria, Melaka jalin kerjasama Text
UTM lantik 9 profesor News Paper Cuttings
800 transaksi mencurigakan bernilai jutaan ringgit diText
Pelaburan asing tak harus tumpu negeri tertentu Text
Behaviour of reinforced concrete frame at ultimate liText
Bony trabecular micro-structure and porosity with agJournal Article
Frequency analysis for surface electrocardiogram of atr
Indexed Paper
No space for 20,200 illegals Text
Potential of tissue cultured medicinal plants in MalayIndexed Paper
First derivative prediction of raw broiler shear force Indexed Paper
Designing for less maintenance: lessons learned fro Indexed Paper
Pelan atasi beban rakyat dirangka Text
Development of haptic soft exoskeleton system Thesis
Perbincangan agenda niaga perlu positif Text
Mangsa tsunami, suaka politik tak ditahan Text
Diversification, economic impact and volatility modelThesis
Return voltage measurement to investigate the degrad Conference Papers
Program "Jom Baca 10 minit" Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Passports ready in three hours for special cases Text
SKMM tidak tegas pantau stesen TV Text
Kos pilihan raya Sarawak dijangka lebih RM 30 juta Text
Behavioral intention to accept and use ICT in public uNon-Index Paper
Development of common work breakdown structureText (W
Kimia kakisan Text
50 tahun hubungan ASûMalaysia Text
Meranti terbesar dunia Text
Dynamics Exam Papers
Dua lelaki Malaysia akui pejuang pemisah di Thai Text
Impak cuaca terhadap kehidupan manusia Text
Malaysia hantar angkasawan 2007 dianggap usaha hText
Undang-undang harta intelek Text
Tingkat daya saing Text
Microelectromechanical system floating-fabry perot Thesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Rising number of visa privilege abuse Text
Rel lingkaran luar di ibu kota Text
Mekanik kuantum Text
Amalkan budaya makan yang sihat Text
Sejarah senibina landskap Exam Papers
Variety means better health Text
X-2 Power guna minyak sawit Text
Kabinet setuju iktiraf ijazah perubatan 1,061 gradu Text
Divorces among non-Muslims highest since 2001 Text
A small and slim coaxial probe for single rice grain m Indexed Paper
Aplikasi kaedah hibah dalam menangani masalah pe Thesis
Unigram language identifications using adaptive neuConference Papers
Evaluation of the EGM96 model of the geopotential iConference Papers
Analysis of gamma irradiated fourth generation mut Journal Article
Sijil halal tidak seragam Text
Ekonomi penerbangan Text
A comparative study on the performance of side-lit atText
Park planning and recreation Exam Papers
Teknologi enzim Text
Symmetry and Molecular Spectroscopy Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
The nonabelian tensor square of a Bieberbach groupIndexed Paper
Multilayer phase shifter using aperture and broadsidIndexed Paper
Applicability of electrical resistivity tomography in s Indexed Paper
Emergency medical services delivery performance b Thesis
Seri Paduka mahu perpaduan dipererat Text
Understanding the difference in Islamic and convent Text
Specific wear rate of kenaf epoxy composite and oil Journal Article
Panduan terakhir calon SPM 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Guna akal layari Internet Text
Investigation on CPW koch antenna durability for m Indexed Paper
Passports in two hours Text
Pelajar aliran agama sains boleh ambil 11 subjek SP Text
Survey on heterogeneous data for recognizing threatConference Papers
Modern architecture (Sejarah senibina moden) Text
9,264 pekerja asing hidap penyakit berbahaya Text
Improving gender classification with feature selectio Indexed Paper
The structural and optical properties of neodymium Thesis
Tingkatkan industri padi Text
A wavelet-based technique for damage quantificati Indexed Paper
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - General RePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Assessment of strength of the weathered rock materia Text
300,000 kondom diedar di 20 lokasi Text
Use of zinc in scale inhibitor squeeze-life enhancemeThesis
Pengeksport digesa cari pasaran baru Text
IGP wants police officers to buck up Text
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
Evaluation of carbon dioxide molding sand for recyclText
Reduction of vibration and noise in air compressor Indexed Paper
Patuhi tahap keselamatan makanan diiktiraf antarabText
Guna kewangan Islam : PM pelawa negara D8 manfaaText
Bilangan universiti tidak akan ditambah Text
Tunnel scanning and generating 3D modelling using tThesis
Syarikat kecil terancam Text
Penyumberan luar lahir lebih ramai usahawan Text
Kapasiti universiti Text
Close watch on bird sanctuaries Text
Housing economy, management and finance Text
Government ready to invest more on training Text
Cros layer design of wireless LAN for telemedicine apConference Papers
Telekom minta tempoh kaji turun tarif panggilan Text
Design of steel and timber Exam Papers
A study on velocity profile in pump impeller and its cText
The effect of corporate governance on the cost of deThesis
On understanding Islam Text
Strategies for preventing the premature and fault ce Thesis
WOU opens doors in September next year Text
Berhenti jika tidak mampu : peringatan Perdana MenText
ItÆs RM200 for beating traffic lights Text
Sharp rise in women with AIDS Text
Persatuan belia perlu sokongan Text
Malaysia tidak sangkal indeks rasuah Transparency I Text
Improving learning enhancement radial basis functi Thesis
Guru tidak sesuai berpolitik Text
Harga kereta tidak patut naik : PM Text
Kelakuan lenturan rasuk konkrit berkekuatan tinggi dText
Information engineering Exam Papers
RM1.7j untuk persatuan belia Text
Udang harimau bebas penyakit dihasilkan Text
Gelombang Mikro, Antena & Perambatan Text
Automatic sluice gate control at paddy field Thesis
Principles of instructional designs Exam Papers
Asem wants to hear more about Islam Hadhari from Text
Influence of WO3 on the properties of WO3-ZrO2 soliConference Papers
Terpinggir tiada kaitan sejarah tempatan Text
Ban on designer babies : selection of sex not permittText
Normaziah dinobat Wanita Ikon 2007 Text
The influence of technology acceptance model on beh Thesis
Kajian alam sekitar II Text
Kaedah baru pembedahan kraniofasial lebih selamatText
UTM berjaya cipta yogurt guna santan kelapa News Paper Cuttings
Fungsi media seimbangi laporan demi perpaduan Text
Robust GDP growth Text
Winds blow haze south Text
1,200 unit rumah untuk mangsa di Kedah Text
Apa sebenarnya perwatakan Islam? Text
UTM lancar laman web baru Text
Asian teams gear up for eco-marathon Text
Studies of thermal annealing on suppression of plas Indexed Paper
Frequency-reconfigurable rectangular dielectric res Indexed Paper
Ekonomi binaan Text
Corporate real estate management Exam Papers
Many abuse cases not reported : Doc Text
Modified printed dipole with reflector and director Journal Article
Study on removal of diesel subsidy Text
Differential equations Text
Malaysia, Indonesia setuju hanya sebuah kapal rondaText
Nilai rumah kediaman dijangka turun 10% tahun ini Text
Mendisiplinkan anak - Bukan mengenakan hukuman Text
Classification of seafloor habitats using acoustic b Conference Papers
Project in forest reserve irks residents Text
An enhanced receiver-based ad hoc on-demand routiConference Papers
Setiap anak permata negara Text
Closed-form expressions of wave induced forces on Text
Mengurus sumber tenaga secara berkesan Text
Designing user roles and content sharing workflow Thesis
Sumber terbuka - Cabaran mengadaptasikan e-kera Text
Traders to go ahead with fish import boycott Text
Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain simu Thesis
CMMIsm journey in Heitech Padu Berhad : project plThesis
Polis mesti berpengetahuan Text
Micro-sequencer based control unit design for a centr Text
UUM bersaing 15 acara di Bangi Text
Recipients have shown progress Text
Kajian laluan berisiko wajar disegerakan Text
Pegawai tidak mesra pelanggan kena tukar Text
Statistik Text
The effect of benefits and costs on use social media Thesis
Projek besar perlu utama rakyat : PM Text
Design and manufacturing of flow induced vibration Thesis
Young and reckless Text
Finding out when your bus is due Text
Analisa statistik kerosakan struktur bangunan konkritThesis
Kerajaan tidak paksa guru terlibat aktiviti tahan PATI Text
Enhancing map visualization using motion sensing Thesis
Building information modeling for space clash detectThesis
Hukuman sebat bagi penagih dadah dari segi saintifi Conference Papers
USM to get high-tech library Text
Pembangunan sekolah wajar ikut keadaan sekitar Text
Will insurance help? Text
Technical and cost model for slipway development Thesis
Integrated supplier management system a case studyText :
Urban surface temperature behaviour and heat island Indexed Paper
Integriti dari kaca mata KSN Text
Perancangan pembangunan Text
RM175 juta bina unjam, tukun tiruan Text
Delay approval in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) proj Thesis
A Low cost stirring platform with integrated temper Journal Article
Budayakan konsep kebersihan tandas Text
Warta kampung warisan Melayu Text
National anti-piracy law in the pipeline Text
Special secretariat to oversee hillside projects Text
Persepsi pendidikan teknikal perlu diubah: Pak Lah Text
Transient thermal performance prediction method for Conference Papers
Business law Exam Papers
RM100j pupuk pemikiran pelancong Text
Intelligent control of a PH neutralization process pla Thesis
Harga sayur di bandar utama terus meningkat Text
Hydrographic surveying Exam Papers
Influence of feed conditions on the rejection of salt Indexed Paper
Integriti jadi agenda kepemimpinan Text
Multi solitons solutions of Korteweg de Vries (KdV) eqThesis
Mod penyelesaian konflik interpersonel : satu kajian Text
Secondary effects of crisis Text
Early detection of potential forest fires using satell Thesis
A Novel electrical cpacitance sensor design for du Journal Article
Determination of threshold value for estimating signiThesis
Artificial neural network-based photovoltaic module Indexed Paper
With grades, itÆs no longer hard to open up Text
Reka bentuk konkrit bertetulang II Text
Estate planning Text
Dana Harapan institusi pelaburan baru bumiputera Text
The effect of coastline changes to local community' Thesis
Minister plans more strategies for trade Text
Calculus 1 Text
Fuel economy through deactivation strategy on optim Thesis
Kawalan proses dan dinamik Text
Making their mark on their own terms Text
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
Suitability analysis of corrective actions to prevent Journal Article
Literary appreciation Exam Papers
Safety in process plant design Exam Papers
BPR siasat penyelewengan projek makmal sekolah Text
Sikap praktikal teras pendirian diplomatik negara Text
Sains sukan kawan rapat atlet Text
Direct torque control of multilevel inverter-fed indu Non-Index Paper
Voltage balancing in cascaded multilevel inverter u Thesis
Enhanced grid resource selection mechanism Conference Papers
Ubah landskap pengajian tinggi demi kualiti, inovasi Text
Shopping centers in Jakarta : locational analysis and Text
Islam itu agama : Muslim itu penganutnya Text
Development of a computerised eddy current inspecText
UTMÆs international students celebrate each othersText
Agriculture sector gets RM350m funding Text
Twisting the truth Text
Ular kapak Perang Kinabalu ditemui selepas 94 tahu Text
Design phase constructability assessment model (FullText
Nnumerical methods I Exam Papers
Prinsip dan teori perumahan Text
Monitoring rubber factory malodour using artificial Journal Article
Requirement engineering best practices for MalaysiaThesis
Matlab application in chemical engineering Exam Papers
A potential use of dehalogenase D (DEHD) from RhizoText
Mahkamah Syariah : bukan islam boleh dapat keadil Text
Pengamal diet ikut jenis darah tetap ambil nasi Text
Professional practice 3 Exam Papers
MAA : Proton perlu sasar negara membangun Text
18 children stopped schooling due to povertyá Text
Air : PM beri jaminan tarif bekalan tidak akan dinai Text
Modeling and controller design for a ball and beam bThesis
Intelligent segmentation of fruit images using an i Journal Article
Terpaksa naik tambang Text
Accuracy assessment of orthophoto using ground cont Thesis
Foundation of macroeconomics Exam Papers
Rakaman keterangan mungkin jadi bahan bukti Text
No hike in Johor water tariffs Text
OIC to undergo major makeover Text
Study of beating phenomena of acoustics in a recta Text
Development of biological treatment system for reduc Text
Lulusan IPTA disaran manfaat ilmu ceburi bidang us Text
Pemulihan projek perumahan terbengkalai Thesis
Teori struktur Text
Antifouling polyethersulfone hemodialysis membranes Indexed Paper
Teknik pembedahan laser kornea Text
251 pingat emas jadi rebutan 8,000 atlet News Paper Cuttings
Effect of emulsion fuel on engine emissions - a revie Indexed Paper
Performance and modelling of transverse rumble strip Thesis
Process integration of hybrid power systems with eneIndexed Paper
Sistem perlindungan harta intelek di Malaysia Text
UIAM anjur bengkel wanita dan undang-undang Text
Establishment of temperature control scheme for miIndexed Paper
Herbal products business expected to hit RM8b this Text
USM, Cuban institute to make vaccines Text
Group theory I Exam Papers
Enzymatic analysis of native and recombinant fibrinoThesis
Primary school system to be revamped Text
The perceived effect of lean manufacturing and wor Thesis
UTM menang pingat emas, perak pameran IENA di J Text
Perbetul matlamat asal UPSR Text
36 have died of bird flu in Indonesia Text
Creative campus Text
Telefon dengan fungsi `Walkman' Text
Deformation studies on slope area using a digital c Thesis
Permasalahan dan peranan juruukur tanah berlesen Thesis
Perlaksanaan Skim Rumah Pertamaku ke arah menanThesis
Abdullah, Sultan Brunei bincang isu dua hala Text
Evaluation of biomechanical properties of decellulariThesis
Vaksin tilapia ciptaan UPM Text
Talks on free trade soon to benefit Malaysia and Ne Text
Segmentasi iris menggunakan Circular Hough TransfoThesis
Green manufacturing application in SMEs an exploratThesis
Big cat haven Text
ItÆs for all primary schools Text
Pendek akal dan lemah daya fikir punca pelajar terbaText
Investigation of the mechanical properties of carbonThesis
Perlu ada agenda rakyat News Paper Cuttings
Enhanced infrared to visible upconversion emission iNon-Index Paper
Dua negeri kongsi bina LPB Text
Penguasaan bahasa Inggeris guru, pelajar 10 tabika Text
KWSP wajar beli saham RHB : Nor Mohamed Text
Hukuman gantung, buang sekolah dikaji semula Text
Utilizing silica fume for development of concrete str Thesis
Tsunami : pakar ramal gempa lebih kuat di Jawa BaraText
Seludup dadah ke Asia bodoh Text
A (H1N1) and the pregnant woman Text
Perogol budak ke tali gantung -- Cadangan undang- Text
Islamic banking licensed to grow Text
Feasibility study of e-assessment acceptance from teThesis
Akta Pekerja Asing dibentang Text
Malaysia to host global IT meeting Text
Computational power of weighted splicing systems Indexed Paper
Sastera Melayu di pentas dunia Text
Aceh waits for reconstruction Text
Kerajaan timbang kurangkan cukai jalan, tidak naikkaText
Landslide at North-South Expressway Text
Committee to look into issue of jobless graduates Text
Kenapa tiada tindakan : 16 syarikat lupus sisa alum Text
Perancangan wilayah metropolitan Text
Malaysia destinasi terbaik Text
Architecture practise/management Exam Papers
Physics (fizik) Text
Johor to have three incinerators by 2008 Text
Malaysian technology park study (Abstract) Text
Persepsi pelajar wanita Islam UTM terhadap fesyen tThesis
Kerjasama global majukan bioteknologi Text
Healing the child survivors Text
Application of weight kernel regression to solve an a Thesis
Fabrication of V2O5 super long nanobelts : optical, inIndexed Paper
Intelligent delivery of multimedia content in mobile Indexed Paper
Incinerator will be built in 2007, says official Text
Geomechanical model for surface excavation in tropiThesis
Enhancement of embedding capacity in GSM full rat Thesis
Structural design of a composite UAV V-tail Thesis
Hemodynamics analysis for cosine shaped stenoses tThesis
Tensile test machine for unsymmetrical materials Indexed Paper
Software requirements Exam Papers
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Management science Exam Papers
Kementerian kenal pasti pelajar cenderung bidang v Text
Analisis terma Text
HIV/AIDS trend disturbing Up to 4,000 may be infecteText
Hidupkan semula persembahan bunyi, cahaya di Pa Text
Report with care, media told Text
Computer application and property Exam Papers
MAS unveils across-the-board fare hike Text
Higher engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Tubuh konsortium Penerbit UA News Paper Cuttings
Fizik vakum Text
Ekonomi cergas lonjak sektor hartanah Text
Tailor by day, forger by night Text
Artificial neural network model for rainfall-runoff rel Text
Tambah baik integriti anggota Tentera Darat Text
Interaksi verbal pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains Conference Papers
Indonesian learning centres to be upgraded Text
Gombak diisytihar bebas H5N1 Text
E-government adoption success factors for developinConference Papers
Feng Shui dan makanan keseimbangan dalam setiap Text
Universiti perlu raih populariti dunia Text
Be prepared to accept fresh fatwa, says PM Text
Soil erodibility and surface runoff potentiality for Conference Papers
An overview on alternative binders for flexible pave Indexed Paper
Komitmen kurangkan jurang rakyat diteruskan Text
Cina juga kurang sertai ATM Text
Investigation of physical properties for jatropha oil i Indexed Paper
Car make and model recognition using minimum averThesis
Parameter analysis of a remotely controlled home mJournal Article
CO2 reforming of CH4 over Ni/mesostructured silica Indexed Paper
Computer scheme scrapped Text
Factors affecting the acceptance of e-learning amongThesis
The effect of decontaminants on vehicle cooling sys Conference Papers
Small axial pump impeller design Text
Struktur bangunan abad ketiga ditemui Text
Wujudkan suasana positif dalam diri anak Text
Agenda baru CHOGM Text
Hala tuju Piagam ASEAN Text
Home adaptation as perceived by Malay users Thesis
Sekadar penuhi takwim MPP? Text
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Isu kepenggunaan matangkan KPDNHEP Text
Tensile behavior of bolted timber composite half-la Journal Article
Performance investigation on a new design for progrConference Papers
Bi-layer nano-TiO2/FHA composite coatings on Mg-ZnIndexed Paper
Gold nanoparticles assisted structural and spectroscoIndexed Paper
Metal oxide surge arrester trending and analysis Thesis
Hope for unborn children, treatment for HIV-positiv Text
Kesan suhu penyuntikan yang tidak optimum terhad Conference Papers
Common approach used by the industry in assessing Thesis t
Application of universal serial bus (USB) in data acq Text
Pemprosesan dan pencairan gas Text
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Harm reduction way to tackle AIDS Text
PDRM dibenar kongsi kemudahan tentera Text
Biosorption of heavy metals by scenedesmus sp. iso Journal Article
Dua syarikat multinasional, USM laksana kaji selidik Text
Pengurusan penyelidikan dan pembangunan Text
Statistical analysis of electric field parameters for ne Indexed Paper
Ubah gaya hidup elak penyakit : TPM Text
A comparative analysis of EGFR and IGFIR pathways iThesis
Lantikan semula bukti Anwar masih berbisa: PenganalNews Paper Cuttings
Maintenance costs of mosque (preview) Text
Comparison between predicted and measured generat Indexed Paper
Negara Asia mampu hasil biodiesel besar-besaran News Paper Cuttings
Building economics Exam Papers
A simulation study of chemically enhanced water alt Thesis
The effect of methane concentration and chamber prConference Papers
ACA team for Seoul in Tourism Malaysia probe Text
The ultimate ballstic drift velocity in carbon nanotub Conference Papers
Kalkulus Text
Perception and evaluation of prototype web-based ma Thesis
Teknologi bahan Text
Pelajar perubatan ingkar dikena tindakan Text
Wanted : long-haul tourists Text
Kikis sikap lebih kurang : Najib Text
Perluaskan aktiviti masjid Text
Ujian tanpa musnah Exam Papers
Hubungan antara penggunaan internet bermasalah de Thesis
Modelling and active control of flexible plate using Thesis
Ngah Ibrahim pejuang pemikir Melayu Text
Software change impact analysis model for large so Thesis
Varsity aims for excellence Text
Mental health : treating teen angst Text
Kahwin percuma di Kuala Lumpur Text
Futile wait for donor lungs Text
EPFÆs æmillionaire clubÆ members Text
Fishing for variety Text
Lukisan binaan Text
Iris image localization using binning approach Conference Papers
RM700j pulih prasarana akibat banjir di Johor Text
Software construction Exam Papers
Car wash industry in Malaysia: treatment of car washIndexed Paper
Natural products chemistry Text
5 teras pelan industri pertahanan Text
Speed kills, as dangerous overtaking ends with 12 deText
Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties oThesis
Penyelidik UKM cipta ubat penyakit kulit Text
Lawatan TPM cari kaedah mantap pendidikan Text
Teknologi remote sensing II Text
Think glocal, become billionaires Text
Steganografic : penyembunyian teks dalam video Text
Kajian kekuatan sambungan papak konkrit pra-tuangText
Meshfree formulation of geometric composite beamThesisw
Tibi ancam badan Text
Build-sell concept gets big aye Text
Kaedah analisis perancangan Text
Stochastic process Exam Papers
Effects of feed Effects of feed concentration on pr Thesis
Modal insan, ilmu jana ekonomi arus globalisasi Text
Ujian penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem maklu Thesis
Sesi latihan dan perbincangan berkaitan pangkalan da Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A hybrid model for stream flow forecasting using wa Indexed Paper
Flood frequency analysis at ungauged site using grouIndexed Paper
Recipe generation of under fill process based on impThesis
Berusaha pantau jenayah warga asing Text
Mekanik kuantum Text
Optimization of ambulance location model using maxThesis
Retraining mechanism for on-line peer-to-peer trafficIndexed Paper
Sindiket dadah makin berbahaya Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Sultanah Zanariah LibraPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
DonÆt come running to us Text
Score pemangkin ekonomi Text
Sumatera dilanda gempa kedua dalam 24 jam Text
Risda seleweng RM34j Text
MJIIT ambil 90 pelajar September ini News Paper Cuttings
Characterization of PCL/zeolite electrospun membrane Journal Article
Lecturers lack English fluency Text
Tiga saintis AS menang Hadiah Nobel Perubatan 200 Text
Robotik Text
Rakyat perlu manfaat web khas PM Text
Data communication & switching systems Exam Papers
Crystallizaton, mineral content and metabolite profileThesis
Semak semula PPSMI Text
Jualan unit ASD ditambah Text
Preparation, characterisation and performance of polIndexed Paper
Evaluation of changing open water boundary condit Thesis
Proposal for equestrian centre in every State Text
Experimental study on the effect of curved tube of Indexed Paper
Structural electronic and magnetic properties of dil Thesis
Exploiting intranet technology in facilitating know Conference Papers
Team to zero in on black areas to protect environs Text
English for profesional communication Exam Papers
Landscape construction IV Exam Papers
Quantitative technique for real estate Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan 5S dalam sektor perkhidmatan di Malaysia Thesis
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Low pressure reverse osmosis membrane for rejection Text
Public transport system Exam Papers
Effect of atomic layer deposition temperature on t Indexed Paper
Malaysia tidak hadapi risiko kemelesetan Text
Development of proposed bi-modal human motion cla Indexed Paper
Konflik China-Jepun sukarkan Asia Text
Sizing of hybrid power system with varying current t Indexed Paper
London Buzz: When 'halal' food is not what it is Text
Role of education as tool for transformation Text
Analisis dan reka bentuk struktur kekuda keluli me Text
Waterflooding Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu-bata Text
Kempen boikot Coca Cola, Starbucks Text
Jabatan khas taman-taman laut Text
Kompilasi Travelog: 7 Benua Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bahasa Melayu bentuk perpaduan kebangsaan Text
Carbon and energy use reporting for government offic Thesis
MRR2 declared safe, one lane remains closed Text
Bioaugmentation involving a bacterial consortium isoIndexed Paper
Anjing laut di Port Dickson Text
Generation of real world traffic using Ns2 traffic agenIndexed Paper
Ekonomi penerbangan Text
Agropolitan basmi kemiskinan Text
Mesomorphic properties and X-ray diffraction studieIndexed Paper
Kementerian nafi dakwaan tidak proaktif kesan wab Text
Development of a flexible serpentine robot for disastJournal Article
Askar veteran British dirai Text
Tuntutan Pulau Batu Putih : Malaysia buat persediaaText
170,000 tenaga kerja bidang perubatan diperlukan Text
Pulau Redang: Destinasi popular aktiviti skuba Text
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Designing and analysis of tiered reinforced segmentalThesis
Pengisian program agama perlu anjakan Text
Flexi-loan idea for single mums Text
Bekal buku bantu penulis Text
Multimodal fusion based on hand gesture recognitioThesis
Kabinet sokong struktur semula GLC Text
Private sector's role in developing economic regions Text
Mara to train 11,000 entrepreneurs under 9MP Text
Preparation and characterization of clinoptilolite-i Thesis
Turtles face great perils to survive to maturity Text
Tambak : bantahan sudah dihantar Text
Harga sawit diramal RM1,600 satu tan Text
Perbankan Islam dunia perlu 150,000 profesional Text
Pendidikan mengenai air Text
Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution by Text s
Family : a place for cultivating positive attitudes and Conference Papers
Asean leaders affirm UN should play major role Text
Guru pemulihan bantu tingkat pencapaian pelajar lu Text
Single mums, kids given RM50m aid Text
Remote sensing untuk pengurusan sumber bumi Text
Muslim women cannot be imam Text
Computer information retrieval system (CIRS) Thesis
Utusan Melayu Mingguan di semua sekolah agama Text
Registration of 3D spatial objects 3D for cadastre Conference Papers
Proposal to keep tabs on sex criminals Text
TQM implementation in a manufacturing company Text
Tawaran ke IPTA akhir bulan Text
A genetic-algorithm-based approach for audio stega Conference Papers
Mechanism of triphenylmethane cresol red degrada Indexed Paper
Kalkulus II Text
Fizik moden Text
Abdullah : nothing will stop me Text
Rekod lintang-pukang : punca PTPTN gagal dapatkanText
Dapatkan rawatan segera jika ada tanda SARS Text
Uniaxial deformation of jointed rock Text
Inbiosis tumpu penyelidikan sistem biologi Text
Hasil pekebun dijangka RM1,000 menjelang 2005 Text
MyKad lucky draw scrapped Text
Mengenali sifat seorang penghuni syurga Text
Kes denggi turun mendadak Text
e-tender dilancar untuk kemudahan kontraktor Text
Remote sensing kesan kebun getah tua Text
Antibiofilm and antiadhesion activities of phaleria Journal Article
Kerajaan negeri akan tambah bilangan sekolah Cina Text
Degradasifoto parakuat menggunakan TiQ2 saput tipText
Persepsi pelajar terhadap peluang kerjaya dalam bi Conference Papers
Solving damped wave equation using finite differencThesis
Our education system is Islamic, says Pak Lah Text
Education wish list Text
Managing tourism in national parks : case studies of Text
Biasiswa pensyarah antikerajaan ditamatkan Text
Kimia pemangkinan Text
Pak Mat kes tipu KWSP ditahan Text
Pelaburan terkumpul KWSP RM253.65b Text
Education a key player in growth News Paper Cuttings
Analisis struktur kenderaan Text
Perbandingan rekabentuk serta penilaian kos di ant Text
ChinaÆs Geely to make Malaysia its hub for Asean Text
Perisian kursus : TSS keluarkan CD-Rom terbaru Text
Change, the only constant Text
Microcomputer Text
Introduction to computer science Exam Papers
Register to vote now Text
CNFET-based design ternary logic design and arithmet Thesis
Menjadi tuan melalui keusahawanan Text
Kerajaan pantau secara dekat pergerakan harga min Text
Pendidikan wadah terbaik pupuk perpaduan Text
Siswazah pendidikan menganggur ditawar opsyen kritText
Kesan sekitaran terhadap kematangan buah-buahan Text
Najib's RM137m aid wakes up sleepy town Text
A new metaheuristic algorithm for global optimizati Indexed Paper
A proposal for a single tribunal of estates distributio Indexed Paper
Pekerja diminta tambah kemahiran Text
Evaluating the key criteria of viral marketing among Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of collagen-hydroxyapIndexed Paper
Kos pendidikan pelajar Bumiputera di IPTS : tiada p Text
Pasukan Petugas Pembangunan Akuakultur Negara dText
Syor denda bukan Islam jual Quran Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan hargaThesis
Floods : evacuations in Pahang, Sabah; Kelantan rive Text
Hubungan antara iklim organisasi dengan komitmen Thesis pe
Rekabentuk lenturan rasuk konkrit bertetulang be Text
Projek salur air Lembah Klang jejas alam sekitar Text
Whistleblowers are protected by law, says Nazri Text
Sifat asabiyyah cetus perpecahan, lemahkan ummahText
Jet erosion device (JEd) – measurement of soil erodiJournal Article
Missing data problem in random electrocardiogram sThesis
Kerajaan setuju tempoh tahanan ISA hanya 30 hari Text
Effect of pH, temperature and chloride concentrationText
UPM raih semilan pingat di pameran iENA Jerman Text
Ceiling prices for CDs, VCDs stay Text
An intelligent method to estimate the inertia matrix Text
Govt reviewing major projects Text
Proton kembali untung Text
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Relationship between leadership development and leThesis
Smuggled cigarettes still widely available Text
Pemasaran Text
Voronoi classified and clustered constellation data s Thesis
Tarif baru elektrik tidak membebankan Text
Causes of truck and cargo drivers’ fatigue in Ban Journal Article
Numerical investigation on gusset plate joints for colThesis
Adsorption studies of nickel(ii) metal ions uptake u Journal Article
Introduction landscape architecture Exam Papers
Integrated ecological risk assessment of dioxin com Indexed Paper
Asia needs more clout in global financial system Text
A comparison of the education systems in Ireland andIndexed Paper
English as SPM compulsory subject : majority says ayText
UTM to install $55m wave generator tank News Paper Cuttings
Meningkatkan penggunaan nanoteknologi Text
Development of a video tampering dataset for forensIndexed Paper
Cardiovascular control system (During Anesthesia) u Text
1,000 pegawai sertai kejohanan sukan JKM Text
Sumber makanan negara dipelbagai Text
Customs, immigration and quarantine complex facilitiThesis
Cognitive function assessment in young adult based oThesis
Talak hanya tiga kali Text
Numerical simulation of magnetic nanofluid forced t Thesis
Numerical analysis on mathematical model for drug dIndexed Paper
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
The relationship of knowledge management practiceThesiso
Build and sell concept to protect house buyers Text
Palm oil mill effluent polishing treatment using palm Thesis
A secure e-voting system based on fingerprint Thesis
Buck up, civil servants told Text
For good of all News Paper Cuttings
Tahap penerimaan teknologi 'TEST BED' dalam firma Thesis
Intersystem interference scenarios between fixed and Conference Papers
UTM KL kini Kampus Kota Text
Control of a bidirectional converter to interface ult Indexed Paper
Bajet 2009 tumpu modal insan Text
Perang: Tabung Haji sedia pelan kecemasan Text
Exergoenvironmental optimization of heat recovery Indexed Paper
Ajaran kumpulan pengasas Al-Mansur diharamkan Text
Defining the typologies of visual artist workspaces i Thesis
Magnetorheological semi active suspension employinThesis
Projek diteruskan, usaha baiki sistem pengangkutan Text
Tumbuhan 1 & bortikultur Text
Banjir kilat : TPM minta jangan tuduh menuduh Text
Kumpul maklumat kerugian petani Text
Association between diabetes incidence and perceptiThesis
Development of a novel device for monitoring incen Indexed Paper
Dadah RM6.4 juta dirampas Text
The perception of undergraduate accounting studentThesis
Protecting computers from hackers Text
Budaya ukhuwah landasan eratkan perpaduan umat Text
Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor Book Chapter
Jadikan Malaysia hub halal global Text
Facebook UTM tempat ketiga Asia News Paper Cuttings
Beralih kepada tenaga suria Text
Johor bekerjasama perkenal mata pelajaran keusah Text
Khidmat Negara: Kerajaan mungkin kerah jurulatih Text
Malaysia kekalkan dasar pertukaran matawang - ZetiText
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Perbahasan kuasa syariah Text
A compact dual-band microstrip antenna array with aIndexed Paper
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Fizik matematik Text
A new homotopy analysis method for approximatingIndexedt Paper
Laying the foundation for bio-tech industry Text
Review of mass flow rate measurement methods in Conference Papers
Bangunan mesti tahan gegaran Text
Penghasilan karbon teraktif daripada buangan perta Conference Papers
Masalah implikasi terhadap sistem pengurusan proj Text
Umat Islam perlu buka minda Text
Submerged membrane photocatalytic reactor using pol Thesis
Mathematical modelling and simulation of heat dispeText
Kelakuan sambungan sambat bersama bar pilin dan Thesis
Malaysian business community social network mappiConference Papers
UTM biayai Skim Mikro Kredit Mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Fully differential 0.18uM OP-AMP design Thesis
Kaji selidik dedah ekspatriat berasa selamat di MalayText
Performance of steel slag aggregate concrete with v Journal Article
Petugas khas dibentuk tingkat khidmat polis Text
Gearing education to produce skilled workforce Text
An application of negative selection algorithm (Artif Text
Mechanics Exam Papers
ItÆs back to normal with SARS-free declaration fr Text
Rationale for SPM subject cap out soon Text
The effects of carbonated water injection (CWI) on we Thesis
Penggunaan RUNS RULES dan ZONE TEST untuk meng Text
Teori set dan mantik Text
Kerajaan disyor tubuh mahkamah maritim Text
Kesan kerja lebih masa dan pertambahan buruh ke atText
Acidity and structure of modified chromium oxide zi Thesis
Organisations built on trust Text
Malaysia, Jepun ambil langkah bersama Text
Water quality management Text
A preliminary study on FDM prototype surface roug Conference Papers
Panel khas pulih perpaduan di universiti akan ditubuText
Sodium modified mesoporous gamma-alumina from Thesis kan
Kesedaran aspek keselamatan untuk pelajar Text
CSR tingkat daya saing negara Text
Monitoring the effects of land use/land cover changeIndexed Paper
Novel Dual Demand Side Management (2DSM) Scheme Indexed
I Paper
Dasar monetari semasa kekal Text
JAS nafi lulus projek taman laut Text
Benefits of stronger ringgit Text
Developing PLC based gantry robot using poaitioningThesis
RM5,000 reason to trade in old car for new Text
Sikap manusia punca gagal basmi denggi Text
Pasukan khas PDRM tangani sindiket pengemis Text
Syor wujud jawatan kuasa wabak basmi penyakit berText
Time series Exam Papers
Kanser serviks : ambil sampel sel sendiri Text
KTMB to buy 38 electric trains Text
Pemindahan haba Text
Derivation of hydrodynamic coefficients for nonline Thesis
Pengasingan kuasa Mahkamah Sivil, Syariah perlu d Text
Fibre optic installation techniques for pile instrumenConference Papers
Penuntut UTM bantu 197 calon SPM News Paper Cuttings
Enough money for science and technology R&D, saysText
Kalkulus Text
Ilmu pendorong kejayaan, benteng kejahatan Text
Malaysian law & administration system (Sistem per Exam Papers
Principle of accounting and finance management Exam Papers
Puduraya berubah wajah Text
UTM students' perceptions towards teaching styles, lThesis
Johor police step up street patrols Text
Modelling of leakage current different level of conta Thesis
Statistics and operational research Text
Effect of solution viscosity on poly(caprolactone) an Thesis
Department upgrades online service Text
Integrasi teknologi hijau dalam kurikulum pendidikanNon-Index Paper
A feasibility study for solar as a potential heat sourc Text
Journalism and science at camp Text
Communication principles Exam Papers
Stick to studies and keep politics out, students told Text
A reliability estimation model using integrated tasks Indexed Paper
Passive q-switched Nd : YAG laser by liquid grapheneThesis
Pameran seni cat air di UTM Text
Makanan segera pengaruhi peningkatan kadar obesitText
Two-stage design method for enhanced inductive ene Indexed Paper
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ (Image 03) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
An activity prediction model using shape-based descJournal Article
Penyakit sendi dan tulang Text
Registering foreign varsity agents Text
Numerical modelling of fully quantum, spontaneous Thesis
Needed - 400 rheumatologists Text
Hubungan di antara ciri-ciri perumahan dan perseki Thesis
Nelayan pantai disaran ternak ikan sangkar Text
Workspace management system for UTM postgraduaThesis
Curriculum design in vocational and technical educatExam Papers
Smokers light up in no-smoking zones Text
RMK-9 : pendidikan diutama Text
Applied thermal lattice Boltzmann model for fluid floIndexed Paper
Thieves target steel plates Text
Asas kejuruteran elektrik Text
Shifting sands : Dr M's claim on sand, airspace baseleText
Reviving æsickÆ housing projects Text
ATM tumpu sektor kritikal Text
Kajian pengoptimuman penyahikatan larutan meng Conference Papers
Manfaat haiwan korban Text
Sisa : syarikat burger Ramly didenda RM70,000 Text
Catalytic conversion of palm oil to gasoline over HZS Thesis
Lapan faktor punca prestasi pasukan Johor menurunText
Ageing Nuri to be replaced Text
Tarikan lapangan terbang ditingkat Text
Determination of unit skin friction for pile in sand Thesis
j-QAF diperluas tingkat kemahiran pelajar dalam jawiText
42 institutions pledge to give RM9.7m worth of scholText
Preparation and characterization of novel PSf-PVP-PAIndexed Paper
Getting tough with sellers of illegal health products Text
Penggunaan undang-undang British disemak Text
Locals can help boost tourism, say hoteliers Text
More teachers to be trained in sign language Text
Big Indonesian drive to woo M'sian tourists Text
Mekanik Text
Kerajaan tak bina IPTA baru : Khaled Text
Menghalang kepupusan industri buku melayu Text
MPOB yakin mandatori B5 lancar Text
Kajian kualiti perkhidmatan dari perspektif pelangg Thesis
Sustainable management of palm oil mill effluent Thesis
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Wanita Umno kekal berperanan bantu parti, kerajaa Text
Interaction-based collaborative recommendation : a Indexed Paper
Face recognition based security robot incorporating Thesis
64,226 murid miskin Iayak bantuan persekolahan Text
Laporan permohonan Anugerah Kualiti Naib CanseloText
Lost in the courts : for the majority, justice is costly Text
Vehicle stability control Thesis
Muslim women get secretariat Text
Perlindungan radiologi Exam Papers
16 schools to pioneer bid to fight obesity Text
Bioinorganic chemistry Text
Automatic mapping of concrete strength in structuraConference Papers
Better facilities for disabled in varsities Text
Preparation, characterization and mechanistic study Tohesis
Pengajaran Israk, Mikraj Text
Low-velocity impact of composite sandwich plate witIndexed Paper
Islamic REITS one way to invest in assets Text
Cooking oil to sta at ceiling price Text
Segerabak Membaca pecah tradisi Text
Law of contract and agency/Undang-undang kontrakExam Papers
Negara yakin sasaran kurangkan jangkitan HIV/Aids Text
Tahap penerimaan pekerja terhadap penggunaan teknol Thesis
Be responsible, Malaysians told Text
Conservatism of earnings and investor protection Non-Index Paper
Standard Chartered mahu kuasai pasaran IKS MalaysText
Rediscovering the truth of who and what we are Text
Princess : help people improve English Text
Masalah rakyat jadi penentu pru News Paper Cuttings
Universiti Apex mesti tingkat standard Text
Animatronics robot arms Thesis
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
RM1b budget for waste management Text
Pengurusan binaan Text
Tingkatkan pasaran makanan halal - PM Text
Developing a cadastral database in Nigeria: a case st Thesis
Characterization of particulate matter at constructionThesis
Kerajaan wujud MyNIC, i-CoE Text
Draft genome sequence of Vitellibacter vladivostok Indexed Paper
Electrical installation work / kerja pemasangan elektrText
Mara eyes Indian varsities Text
Kerenah isi borang beri kesan produktiviti Text
Kesihatan mulut menyeluruh Text
Heroes sustained injuries to lungs News Paper Cuttings
Swasta pilih graduan lulusan luar negara Text
Pendapatan lumayan sekelip mata jadi alasan Text
Malaysia won't dole out money to unemployed Text
Penyelidik UTM cipta T21 kesan masalah genetik Text
Viral threat from deforestation Text
New method to synthesize mesoporous titania by phIndexed Paper
Undang-undang siber Text
Human heart oscillatory behaviour for atrial fibrill Thesis
Zarith Sofiah dilantik Canselor baru UTM News Paper Cuttings
PAP punca hubungan dengan Malaysia tidak erat : Text
Online optical tomography system for detecting and Indexed Paper
Mayat bergelimpangan di Nepal – Pendaki UTM News Paper Cuttings
Consequences of Cu and Zn coated urea to minimize Journal Article
Tambang bas kekal : Khaled Text
Ethnic Relations module for universities revised and Text
University and port to develop navigation system Text
Micro counseling Exam Papers
Analisis dan reka bentuk penapak menggunakan visua Text
Slow start seen for hybrid cars Text
Analisis isotropik dan ortotropik bagi struktur rasuk Thesis
Nasihat perjalanan Jabatan Negara AS tidak bantu j Text
Pengguna resah dengan kenaikan harga minyak Text
Perjanjian Jual Beli dalam Akta Perumahan Text
Format PLKN dirombak : batal latihan di IPTA : peng Text
Global Dialogue By H.E. Jesper Vahr Denmark AmbasPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Modelling of routing and spectrum handoff in CR-M Indexed Paper
Modified fermentation for production of bacterial ceIndexed Paper
Improved Malay text-to-speech system of large corpuThesis
UM plans revamp to improve ranking Text
Manufacturing of precast tunnel lining segments at aText
Pekerja awam dapat pelarasan gaji 6 kali Text
UTM appoints new Deputy Vice Chancellor News Paper Cuttings
Chemistry Exam Papers
Prinsip perancangan sumber manusia Text
Structure II Exam Papers
Grad teachers for primary pupils Text
Development of computer program for soil slope stabi Thesis
Pakar bantu guru kuasai bahasa inggeris Text
Bakun to power peninsula Text
Kerajaan tambah 3,000 anggota polis Text
Pertumbuhan ekonomi, kebajikan perlu seiring Text
The investigation of active sites on nickel oxide bas Non-Index Paper
Perkongsian ilmu nilai budi dan budaya Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Some uneven nuclear angles Text
Tony terima Ijazah Kehormat UTM hari ini Text
Perubahan fungsi OIC selepas sidang kemuncak Text
1/2 juta kenderaan æsakitÆ : Puspakom Text
Pegawai polis digesa kuasai bidang ICT Text
Analytical chemistry for engineering Exam Papers
Pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi, mapan harus dikekalkaText
Potential use of biofibers for functional immobilizat Indexed Paper
Tourism Planning Text
Kesan bahan organik ke atas parameter pengukuhanThesis
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasti Thesis
Rakyat miskin disaran manfaat program PPR Text
Pengurusan keselamatan di Larkin Sentral Thesis
Developing ethics, professional skills and competenciConference Papers
R&D focus of MSCÆs second phase Text
When rape within marriage is not a crime Text
Blur : lifestyle to blame for child myopia Text
Deadly dengue strain to dominate Text
Sejarah mungkin masuk dalam UPSR Text
Inflasi Januari-Ogos 1.3 peratus Text
Cyberspace : the warfare domain Indexed Paper
PM : dua langkah penyelesaian tangani jurang Islam-Text
Young and confused Text
Sekolah hadapi risiko disaman Text
Syor dana lindungi kawasan tadahan Text
Najib : soldiers in FSFM face dismissal Text
Engineering Aspect's of Road Accident (Fulltext) Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Persamaan akidah perkukuh ukhuwah ummah Text
Jadikan Malaysia Negara Pembaca : Najib Text
Info IPTS : MMU guna satelit dalam pembelajaran Text
Manfaat pendidikan lahirkan mahasiswa holistik News Paper Cuttings
AIS algorithm for smart antenna application in WLANIndexed Paper
Pengurusan bencana Text
PM : education key to becoming competitive Text
Evora to vroom in next month Text
Kuota guru, pengetua cemerlang ditambah Text
Penentuan had plastik tanah menggunakan alat pengText
Projections of future extreme rainfall events using stThesis
14 juta dijangka lawat Kuala Lumpur Text
Determinants of traditional kopitiams survival in Be Thesis
Treat rheumatoid arthritis early Text
The effectiveness of monitoring mechanisms for consIndexed Paper
Determination of available transfer capability for de Text
Self - efficacy towards career satisfaction female engThesis
Struktural analysis Text
Menentukan pilihan pembaca Text
Produk kosmetik : wanita jadi bahan uji kaji Text
LHDN diminta permudah prosedur pembayaran cukaText
GTLSB jalin kerjasama dengan ICC UTM News Paper Cuttings
RazakSAT siap untuk dihantar ke orbit Text
TPM cadang petani Mada tanam MR219 Text
Educational aid for poor children Text
Fatimah, PG Lim set first for Merdeka Award Text
Pengangkutan laut Text
Teruskan amalan jimat air Text
Take-home pay higher Text
Kenaikan harga petrol, ayam bebani pengguna Text
Dynamic behaviour of long span cantilever steel-con Thesis
Sekolah asrama penuh akan berkonsep integrasi Text
Wujud hubungan istimewa kanak-kanak û buku Text
Analysis of web worm attack on web application Text
2.2 juta mesti ikuti kursus kebersihan Text
37,732 guru naik pangkat Text
Keberkesanan pelaksanaan teknik pembelajaran mastThesis
Turunkan harga barang : PM Text
The effects in hacking of social media among college Thesis
Inhalable and respirable dust from coal-fired power Journal Article
Biologi am II Text
Pelajar UTM kaji tapak bangunan News Paper Cuttings
Persamaan terbitan II Text
Many ignoring face mask advice Text
Malaysia promosi pelancongan pendidikan di Iran Text
Shareline : teknologi agen bergerak dalam pencari Text
Speech intelligibility prediction model in room with Text
Dana Warisan biayai kerja pulihara artifak Text
Hasil penyelidikan sumber kekayaan baru Text
Kreativiti wujud peluang rezeki zaman gawat Text
The effect of starch lubricant in emulsion and wate Thesis
Chemometrics and multiblock methods for quantitativ Thesis
Tiada peluang kedua beli rumah murah Text
The application of going concern valuation as a tool Text
Kos pilihan raya umum semakin mahal Text
Thermoluminescent response of single mode optical Indexed
fi Paper
Pasaran produk Islam masih 'bayi' Text
Lebuh Raya ke Kuantan dijangka siap dalam 18 bulanText
Essential oils, phytochemicals and bioactivities of p Thesis
Pore pressure response of undrained two-way cyclic Tl ext
Valuation mathematics / matematik penilaian Text
Johor perluas latihan ICT ke luar bandar Text
Victim fails to identify rape suspect Text
Peristaltic flow of a magnetohydrodynamic Oldroyd-BNon-Index Paper
Pelajar UTM perlu miliki kualiti dikehendaki majikan Text
Kajian bagi mengenalpasti karektor fizikal dan sosio Text
Implementation of computer simulation in rubber assem Text
UMS signs agreement to conduct music courses Text
Fuzzy set theory Exam Papers
Assessment of porous carbons derived from sustainab Indexed Paper
Pengabaian tanggungjawab suami terhadap hak isterConference Papers
Real-valued negative selection algorithm for abnormThesis
85 syarikat sertai Program Pembangunan Vendor Text
Stay out of MalaysiaÆs affairs, Rais tells US Text
Research issues in adaptive intrusion detection Conference Papers
Vitellibacter aquimaris sp. nov., a marine bacterium Indexed Paper
Order to bring down crime rate in 3 months Text
Penyelidikan operasi I Text
Lebih 1,000 guru Tabika ikuti diploma pendidikan pr Text
Sikap faktor utama kemalangan meningkat Text
Government policy on palm oil-based bio-fuel Text
Nasib Malang Rohingya Myanmar News Paper Cuttings
6,000 keping tembikar berusia 400 tahun ditemui Text
Kementerian mahu jadi pengajian pertanian jurusan Text
140 construction-related industries to benefit Text
Reducing handoff latency in mobile IPv6 based WLA Conference Papers
Elektronik Lanjutan Exam Papers
English in Universities : in full swing Text
Sistem kehadiran berasaskan RFID Fakulti Sains Ko Thesis
E-crime investigation and incident response manag Exam Papers
Tubuh suruhanjaya elak dasar negara berubah Text
Development of plane frame finite element analysis Thesis
Removal of colour from waste water using coconut sJournal Article
Tiga negara perlu sepakat tentukan pendirian : NajibText
Sejarah pemenang nobel Text
Rasuah simbol kemusnahan negara Text
Pelajar UC, New Zealand terpikat kesenian Melayu Text
Kerajaan rancang tubuh muzium hasil seni filem Text
Hikmah di sebalik penarafan universiti Text
Innovative workplace and innovative work behaviourThesis
Menggunakan teknologi baru bantu orang kurang upText
Implementation of beverage vending machine using Thesis
Umno perlu berani buat perubahan, menerajui pem Text
Low cost sensor data fusion in omnidirectional mobi Indexed Paper
Road show Perpustakaan UTM di cafe mak jah UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Design and development of compacting mould with tText
Sistem panduan pengurusan jenazah islam berasask Text
Surface morphology and optical properties of copperThesis
Palapes ajar Iylia erti displin dan kepimpinan News Paper Cuttings
Jobless youths prefer to find work in Kuala Lumpur Text
Image - based object detection and identification (P Text
Hutan bakau untuk kehidupan Text
Dua penuntut UTM terima Geran Yayasan James DysNews Paper Cuttings
Concept design of a hot reservoir from solar for a t Text
Gene amplification and sequencing of hemicellulase Thesis
Cross-layer hybrid automatic repeat request error coThesis
Pembentangan Pelajar Praktikal Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Moral education up for review Text
Hasil ciptaan suami isteri menang Anugerah Potensi RNews Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan genetik & molekul biologi Text
Tahap pengetahuan terhadap pendidikan keusahawaThesis
Innovative technology for urban planning and monit Conference Papers
Atma dinaik taraf universiti Text
Libatkan IPT dalam program kemasyarakatan Text
Penagih merintih belaian Pengasih Text
Over-qualified for fire department job Text
Hak memastikan keselamatan produk Text
TM Net ungguli kesihatan on-line Text
Peningkatan keluiusan SPM (V) tanda baik bagi MalayNews Paper Cuttings
Warga asing salah guna pas pelajar segera diusir Text
Development of finite different codes to simulate disText
Power light emitting diode (LED) automatic dimmer Thesis
Firma kita membanggakan Text
The booming trade of counterfeit medicines Text
Group theory II Exam Papers
Characterization on silica from waste sugarcane bag Journal Article
Examining the least square method to retrieve sea surConference Papers
What factors affect university research commercializThesis
Facilitating earthquake-affected rural women commun Indexed Paper
South Johor plan out on Nov 4 Text
The first step to saving rhinos Text
17,000 individu bankrap setiap tahun Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Language option in UPSR remains only till next year Text
Peruntukan RM22.7 bilion jana pelajar cemerlang Text
The role of ballistic mobility and saturation velocit Conference Papers
More special schools under Eighth MÆsia Plan Text
Illegal forex dealings keep on rising Text
Quality control and quality assurance in bituminous Text
Kit tempatan berupaya kesan TB tiga jam Text
Pembaca Utusan Melayu Mingguan dijangka naik Text
Industry-based training a hit with IT graduates Text
Image-based measurement system Thesis
Builders, developers lament high steel price Text
IPTA diminta nilai semula peranan Text
Kajian menaiktaraf saliran utama di Bandar Sitiawan,Text
Building technology Exam Papers
Performance prediction of HCCI engines with oxygenat Indexed Paper
Evolusi ISA Amerika - ISA Malaysia Text
Poster penerima Anugerah Merdeka Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Soft skills of mediator Thesis
Sound economic strategies drive Malaysia's productiText
UUM anjur Seminar Kebangsaan Perguruan Text
Pro Canselor UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Bus Rapid Transit Plan : streamlined bus services ne Text
A virus disaster recovery plan framework for academThesis
Kakitangan, pelajar UTM berkempen di Ketari akan diText
UTM kaji teknologi kereta elektrik Text
Tren pantas KL-Ipoh tahun depan Text
Pemproses isyarat digit I Text
Death likely for child rapists Text
UTM menang peraduan Maxis Text
Life-long learning will see better workers Text
Statistik korban jalan raya catat penurunan Text
Aplikasi E-Pembelajaran ujikaji penitratan Thesis
Najib : act against those who abuse halal logos Text
Penerapan gaya pemikiran usahawan dalam kaedah p Thesis
Pinjaman PTPTN tidak naik Text
Abdullah : kakitangan awam perlu kekal kemesraan Text
PSD relaxes increment ruling Text
Comparison of analysis models for semi circular curvThesis
Skills training a worthy option Text
Sembelit di kalangan kanak-kanak Text
Sistem Kawalan Moden Text
Biasiswa tajaan kerajaan Jepun kini dibuka Text
Eksperimen penghabluran protein ke angkasa Text
Program pengajian berkembar IPTS diberi kelonggar Text
Negara akan hadapi masalah kekurangan serius guruText
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Multiple channels EEG amplifier with various referenThesis
Guru lemah tak kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Rice plant disease identification and detection tech Journal Article
Pengurusan data hidrologi dengan menggunakan Mi Thesis
Abdullah kecewa pengamal media abai tanggungjawText
Integration of customer relationship management and Thesis
Helping doctors keep abreast of advances Text
Sistem MQF diperkenal : membolehkan kursus universi Text
Interface design for dyslexia: teachers’ perceptio Journal Article
Takwa ciri paling penting bentuk insan lebih bertam Text
UTM cipta alat amaran banjir fotonik News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia-Jepun majukan teknologi minyak bio Text
A term weighting algorithm for the classification of ilConference Papers
Thermogravimetric analysis of rice husk and coconutIndexed Paper
BPR cari maklumat : dakwaan pegawai polis rasuah Text
PM : crucial to follow true teachings of Islam Text
Learning the way of the boss Text
Sistem Kuasa Text
UIAM lambang kecemerlangan Malaysia Text
Using values and religion to counter globalisation Text
Engineering properties of horse hair and kenaf fibre Thesis
Pendekatan kualitatif : faktor-faktor sebuah pusat mThesis
Kecuaian perubatan: Kerajaan sedia pinda undang-u Text
Womens as transformational leaders: a case study i Conference Papers
USM temui ubat radang sendi Text
Human capital essential to stay competitive Text
Reaksi harga beras kekal : langkah tepat Text
Rayuan 'buang IslamÆ ditolak Text
Pengekspresan gen Text
Council to aid growth of oil, gas services Text
Modelling world gold prices and USD foreign exchan Indexed Paper
Biometric cards for vehicle owners Text
No biometrics as 360,000 still hold old IC Text
3D virtual environment as a sport psychological rehabThesis
Pc based home automation using speech recognitionThesis
Thermomechanical behavior of bulk NiTi shape-memo Indexed Paper
Guru tanpa ijazah diitukar secara berperingkat Text
Raja berada di atas politik Text
Another life snatched Text
Only 12 liver donors a year Text
Rampas serta-merta lesen pemandu cuai : Najib Text
Graduan menganggur wajar pelajari ICT Text
Keberkatan kenaikan gaji Text
Mahasiswa dari kampung tidak perlu malu News Paper Cuttings
Educate children on their basic rights Text
Business opportunities in digital content Text
Contract and estimating Exam Papers
Menanti kesudahan nasib Pulau Jerejak Text
JPS Johor laksana enam projek tebatan banjir Text
Analog Cmos Design Exam Papers
695 rogue developers detected Text
UTM food portal Thesis
Bidding of govt contracts to be made public via My Text
Pengaruh ruangan kuiz matematik moden majalah we Thesis
Raja Zarith Sofia ketuai penerima darjah News Paper Cuttings
Effect of reflux and sonication methods on the adsorConference Papers
Seismic refraction subsurface investigation of prop Thesis
Pair-wise discrimination of some lung diseases using Indexed Paper
Statistical method Exam Papers
Development of ceramic cutting insert of aluminium Text
Local firm sweeps software awards in US Text
Perlindungan sinaran Text
Era baru industri ternakan tempatan Text
Optimum distribution network operation consideringIndexed Paper
Civil servants urged to give their best Text
Analysis on the effect of oxygen addition on combus Text
UTM majukan teknologi enjin hibrid Text
Pembangunan mapan lima koridor ekonomi Text
Isolation and quantification of flavonoids from leavesThesis
Molecular biology & genetic engineering Exam Papers
Bantu OKU jana pendapatan News Paper Cuttings
Ciri-ciri pemimpin sejati Text
Langkah terbaik tangani masalah air Text
Skills centre for dropouts News Paper Cuttings
Syarat baru elak rasuah projek awam Text
Pemodelan lebat hujan-air larian menggunakan HEC-Text
Persepsi negatif punca pelajar tidak minat sains News Paper Cuttings
Islam bimbing kecapi kebaikan dunia, akhirat Text
Static and biomaterial Exam Papers
Galian bukti ada hidupan di Marikh Text
Penilaian semula kualiti air sungai Universiti Teknolo Text
Ministry probes diesel disparity Text
Tokoh Akademik Negara Ke-9 mahu terus buat kajia News Paper Cuttings
Program politeknik, kolej komuniti diberi penarafan Text
Effects of ventilation setups on air flow velocity a Journal Article
Pakar bantu atasi krisis air Text
Modelling corrosion rate of biodegradable magnesium-based
Indexed Paper
alloys : the case study of Mg-Zn-RE-xCa (x = 0, 0.5, 1.5, 3 and
Menggerakkan agenda inovasi Text
Semangat DEB bukan perkauman : Pak Lah Text
MAS to pay staff up to RM850m to leave Text
Optimization of offshore mooring systems using consThesis
Crosstalk improvement of polymer in glass thermo-oNon-Index Paper
Bridging the racial divide Text
Biomechanical and bioactivity concepts of polyether Indexed Paper
Electromagnetic radiation between pacemaker and ce Thesis
Johor royal expedition ends in Gelang Patah News Paper Cuttings
An experimental and field study of cavitation detect Text
Mobile-based product verification system Thesis
An embedded system for networking security applyinThesis
Molecular biotechnology Exam Papers
Educational psychology Exam Papers
Rainwater harvesting tank design using Matlab Thesis
Proses pengangkutan Exam Papers
Termodinamik Text
Enzymatic degradation of oli palm empty fruit bunchConference Papers
Tissues segmentation of brain MR images by utilizingConference Papers
Malam Anugerah Kolej 11 UTM meriah Text
3,000 civil servants sacked since 2002 Text
Issues and challenges in business intelligence case stJournal Article
Pagoh to be education centre Text
Artificial bee colony and dynamic flux balance analysThesis
Optimization of guard time length for mobile wiMax Conference Papers
Peruntukan tambahan RM1b Text
Sekolah baru mesti sedia kemudahan OKU Text
Anti-inflation moves get the nod Text
Project quality management Exam Papers
Akta Kawalan Harga 1946 mudah dimanipulasi secaraText
Eating problems Text
Hukum faraid ditetapkan al-Quran bersih daripada unText
Bioinformatics analysis and purification of beta gluc Thesis
SC sekat laman web Text
Demand for hard-working Malaysians in England Text
Panduan membeli rumah lelong Text
Tunku Abdul Jalil passes away News Paper Cuttings
Large block size AES Thesis
Diesel : aktiviti ekonomi di utara mungkin lumpuh Text
Aplikasi sistem sokongan perancangan dalam menentu Text
Dusun tropika tarikan baru pelancongan di Melaka Text
4 asas pertingkat sistem peperiksaan Text
Racun ubi kayu boleh rawat kanser Text
Effect of substrate and enzyme concentration on cycIndexed Paper
Fitoremediasi kromium menggunakan dua tumbuhanThesis
Application of lignosulfonate from palm oil empty fruThesis
Global fight against slave trade inefficient Text
270,000 guru dapat cuti tahun Text
Temporal crime mapping and crime analysis Thesis
Move to curb sale of govt contracts Text
Risda jangka harga getah meningkat RM10 sekilogra Text
Latihan fizikal pupuk disiplin diri ditambah Text
Varsity promise will be kept Text
Hospital baru ATM beroperasi 2008 Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
Professional practice III Exam Papers
TimeÆs up, police tell illegals Text
Bising jadi faktor serangan jantung Text
Bantu atasi kepincangan masyarakat Text
Graft hits poor in Africa, Asia hardest Text
Programming / pengaturcaraan Text
Pembeli rumah dapat lebih perlindungan Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian lanjutan Text
Sistem maklumat penyelenggaraan jalan secara onli Text
Propose a methodology to implement balanced scoreca Indexed Paper
The practice of assessment for learning and constructThesis
A variable neighborhood search for the heterogeneou Journal Article
Peguam Negara jamin proses pendakwaan dibuat s Text
Numerical estimation of moisture content in spray d Journal Article
Data transmission between PDA and PC using WIFI foText
Pemilihan sistem perparitan sementara untuk diaplikas Text
Quicker payment by socso Text
Perhubungan Data & Rangkaian Komputer Text
Vision 2020 for an Asean community Text
International medical varsity for Perak Text
Pesta Kaamatan perkukuh pemuafakatan rakyat Text
Industri herba ada potensi berkembang Text
Kajian tenaga hampir siap Text
Cities must make learning easier, says Najib Text
Paraffinic mineral oil lubrication for cold forward extrIndexed Paper
Diari William Pretyman sarat sejarah Borneo Utara Text
Penilaian kualiti imej digital berdasarkan kaedah ciri Journal Article
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelajar di dalam Thesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas polimer Text
UTM dapati 90% responden puas hati MPJBT News Paper Cuttings
Ganjaran pahala solat Subuh mengatasi keindahan dText
Kes larang bertudung disiasat Text
Cost studies Exam Papers
US alert over strange effects of sleeping pills Text
A natural query language for deductive databases : aText
Kajilogam asas Text
Mathematics for computer science Exam Papers
Planning law Exam Papers
The supply constraints on indigenous land in Kuala Text
Sistem perhubungan wireless Text
Pelajar pintar negara ASEAN dijemput ikuti PERMATAText
Traffic management and analysis Exam Papers
Local people perceptions toward social, economic anNon-Index Paper
R&D : projek pemetaan GIS Text
PM ajak usahawan Malaysia, Brazil terokai bidang baText
Load carrying capacity of dry floor panel system (PreText
Isolation and characterization of hydrogen producingThesis
1.2 juta pekerja asing dikurang pada 2010 Text
A synchronous-asynchronous particle swarm optimisIndexed Paper
Kaji pinda piagam pelanggan, polisi kerja Text
Institusi perlu diimarahkan secara sistematik, berkes Text
Synthesis of a sustainable integrated rice mill compl Indexed Paper
PD pusat rawatan alternatif Text
17 IPTA sedia 80,750 tempat untuk pelajar baru Text
Golf Korporat Dunia 2005 - Malaysia tuan rumah Text
Madinah contoh unggul konsep satu bangsa Text
Kepuasan majikan terhadap prestasi pelajar ketika me Thesis
Statutory bodies must detail all funds used Text
In silico characterisation of the glaciozyma antarct Indexed Paper
Application of solid phase membrane tip extraction to Thesis
Pindaan DEB untung semua kaum Text
Analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Development of catalysts for hydrogen peroxide mo Thesis
Fizik berkomputer Text
Kurangkan berat cara sihat Text
UTP mahu miliki ciri antarabangsa Text
Permintaan domestik pemangkin ekonomi ASEAN Text
Kolej Tafe tawar pinjaman Mara Text
Gangguan elektrik : TNB didesak dedah hasil siasatanText
Pearl-chain-type trees in silicone gel under AC voltagJournal Article
Nod for NST programme Text
The implementation of gamification in massive openThesis
Memahami rasional kenaikan tol Text
The effect of seismic loading of slope stability using Thesis
Tetapkan hala tuju Sains, Matematik Text
Gembira kesungguhan kerajaan selesai isu PPSMI : Text
Proton plans to open 10 centres in Indonesia Text
Bilangan kes denggi belum menunjukkan tanda-tandaText
Automated phototherapy vest Conference Papers
Liputan jenayah media tempatan takutkan pelabur aText
When prejudice makes you just another drug mule Text
Reinventing the trishaw business Text
Modeling and querying alternative paths in Kuantan Text
RM5 bilion bayar rebat kenderaan Text
Sains & Teknologi : Malaysia terajui teknologi komunikText
The use of horizontal and inclined bars as shear rei Text
Learning while leading Text
Kustem giatkan usaha memulihara, lindungi penyu Text
Industry requirement analysis for Malaysian it graduatText
Keajaiban India Text
Multiband planar antenna for wireless LAN and LTE aThesis
Usaha modenkan sektor pertanian desa Text
Object oriented programming using java Exam Papers
Pembangunan di Johor tenggelamkan Melayu? News Paper Cuttings
Telekom untung RM2.4b meningkat 95.4 peratus Text
Keberkesanaan pembinaan jalanraya di atas tanah Text
Mara to offer courses with Japanese syllabus Text
Kebocoran paip punca rugi ratusan juta ringgit Text
Prediction of bed-load transport rates for Skudai riveThesis
Gang rampage leaves two dead Text
Expectations and challenges towards complying withConference Papers
Menangani penetrasi budaya hedonisme di kalanganConference Papers
Malaysia tuan rumah Sukan Memori Sedunia ke-13 Text
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
Application of direct and indirect methods for meas Thesis
Management information system / sistem maklumatText
Strategy to address dependence on foreign workers Text
Mengubah budaya PBB hadapi dunia lebih mencabarText
Malaysia bantu Program Makanan Sedunia RM3.7j Text
Islamic banking needs performance indicators Text
Optimization of an efficient DNA extraction protocol Tf hesis
Titas II Text
Operasi besar-besaran buru Geng M-16 dilancar Text
Agropolitan : 10,000 keluarga bebas kemiskinan tegaText
Amalan berjimat asas kebahagiaan keluarga, kukuh Text
No plastic bag campaign day in malaysia and the poliIndexed Paper
Indon tourists yet to see the other Malaysia Text
FSM-F : finite state machine based framework for den Indexed Paper
Penggunaan fiber reinforce dalam turapan asfalt Thesis
Effect of handling time to supply chain management Thesis
Mere declaration Text
UTM student drowns in varsity swimming pool News Paper Cuttings
Elemental bending test and modeling of shear bond Conference Papers
Marine engineering plant 1 Exam Papers
Digital systems Exam Papers
IMT-advanced coexistence method with fixed serviceConference Papers
Ujian ketelapan ke atas pelbagai jenis bahan penampa Text
Prestasi SPM membanggakan Text
Empat produk baru perkasa sektor koperasi dilancar Text
5,000 lot tanah untuk genarasi kedua Felda Text
Kerugian hasil pertanian RM17.26j akibat banjir Text
Network progamming Exam Papers
Kekal RM42,000 : Kerajaan tolak rayuan REHDA nai Text
UTHM, 11 institusi terkemuka meterai MoU Text
Dagang Net mahu eksport kepakaran Malaysia Text
Uniknya tuntutan perpisahan negeri AS News Paper Cuttings
Karbohidrat, protein boleh beri tenaga Text
50,000 pelaut Malaysia sukar dapat pekerjaan Text
A study on high-pressure adsorption and desorption Text
Najib sifatkan Tunku Abdul Jalil insan yang merendahNews Paper Cuttings
Bahasa bukan penentu kejayaan Text
Materials and specifications Exam Papers
Rain fade dynamic characteristics for ku-band satell Thesis
Pressure analysis for in-situ sterilization of photosyn Thesis
Effect of electron beam radiation on the mechanical Indexed Paper
Lebih berkesan belajar bahasa Inggeris di sekolah Text
Konsep politik syura menyubur amalan demokrasi Text
Ibu bapa diminta buat aduan Text
Oil spill detection using electrode microfluidics syst Thesis
1,300 National Service dodgers facing jail term Text
Program pertanian Text
Computing the greatest common divisor of polynomiConference Papers
Dielectric and structural properties of RF magnetron Indexed Paper
Malaysia Truly Asia berjaya tarik 22 juta pelancong Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Grace period for college Text
Nafas baru industri padi Text
7 steps to a stronger Asean : Abdullah spells out ho Text
Persepsi pensyarah Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti T Thesis
Feasibility study of the acceptance of e-assessment bThesis
Perkara yang perlu diketahui sebelum membeli keretText
Perbandingan pelbagai bentuk cerucuk konkrit berdas Text
Behaviour of weak soils reinforced with soil cement Indexed Paper
Modelling the perceptions toward telecommuting in Text M
Hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan transformasi denThesis
Bencana jadi iktibar untuk segerakan teknologi hijau Text
RM2 juta untuk rizab landskap sungai Text
Parents and the ækilling machinesÆ Text
Denggi : PBT cuai dikena tindakan Text
Advanced software application in geotechnical and t Exam Papers
5,000 penduduk di Kelantan guna air telaga, sungai Text
Najib : jambatan lambang keakraban dua negara Text
Malaysia bantah Deklarasi Rio dirunding semula Text
Sifar sampah: PTNJ terus anjur kempen kebersihan Text
Gharar sebagai suatu elemen negatif dalam transaksiText
Government intervention in the marketing system : Text
HAS bakal cipta sejarah bedah serentak kembar seiraText
Patuhi semua piawaian amalan kerja pembinaan ela Text
“Seminar Research Best Practices† Publisher TPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Prinsip ergonomik Text
First-principles study of electronic, elastic and opt Indexed Paper
The perception of property managers on the regula Thesis
Peperiksaan sains, matematik STPM juga dalam bahas Text
Pembinaan diramal positif Text
Komunikasi ke atas antara pekerja asing dengan penyThesis
Fizik atmosfera Text
Manusia ghurur ditipu keegoan diri sendiri Text
It's still around ... Text
Pemusnahan hutan Indonesia paling pantas Text
Project development Exam Papers
Semak kemasukan UTM hari ini News Paper Cuttings
No-sex campaign for teenagers Text
Local way to beat global crisis Text
Macromolecular chemistry Exam Papers
Dynamic modelling of an automotive variable speed Indexed Paper
Survey on broadcasting in VANETs Indexed Paper
Finance, financial market & financial management Exam Papers
Cabaran farmasi selepas setengah abad Text
Pertandingan model jambatan dapat sambutan Text
Perbandingan kesan keheterogenan menegak reserbor Thesis
Investigation on heat transfer enhancement in a co Indexed Paper
Sistem pengurusan akademik sekolah Thesis
Diagnosis data getaran bearing dengan menggunakanThesis
Tangkis serangan jenayah siber Text
Navigational aid system with dynamic tide Conference Papers
Statistics / Statistik Text
Pengampunan tak dilanjut dan tindakan terhadap peText
Buncit masalah besar negara Text
Life cycle cost analysis case study on corrosion reme Text
Perception of employers towards technical skills a Thesis
Implikasi garis panduan jawatankuasa pelaburan asi Thesis
Enhancement of template-based method for overlappin Indexed Paper
The performance of segmented control rod in suppres Thesis
Program pemulihan akhlak wanita: sejauhmanakah Conference Papers
Study of relationship between heart rate variability Conference Papers
MJIIT mula pengambilan pelajar Sept. ini News Paper Cuttings
Analisis semula parameter pengukuhan di tapak un Text
Skills to help urban poor get ahead Text
Buku tidak akan ada lagi di dunia Text
Ministry sets four priorities Text
Indeks 100 koperasi terbaik diperkenal Text
Kerjasama risikan sekat keldai dadah Text
Mesra pelancong asing diperkukuh Text
Enchancement of a simple user authentication schemText
Pemeriksaan ketat bukti serius cegah keganasan Text
Penggunaan kawalan sistem skala besar (Preview) Text
Bio System Modelling Exam Papers
Pengaruh kecerdasan emosi dan kecerdasan spiritualThesis
Bi-ideals of ordered semigroups based on the intervaIndexed Paper
Rangkaian pencetak teknologi tinggi Text
I wanna grow up to be ... Text
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ke arah kampus lestari Thesis
Khidmat telekomunikasi bermutu tinggi untuk dinik Text
Forum Ekonomi syor FTA Islam Text
Sasar baik taraf prasarana pelancongan kesihatan Text
Kerajaan tanggung subsidi jika gula RM1.45 sekilo Text
2 negara sepakat mantapkan sistem pendidikan Isla Text
12-channel USB data acquisition system for QT disperConference Papers
Kurus tidak semesti badan tanpa lemak Text
Water quality analysis of Johor River Estuary Text
Calon SPM boleh ambil 12 subjek Text
Selat Melaka berdepan masalah persepsi Text
Determination of level of service along the closed to Text
Ketawa terapi untuk kesihatan Text
Tunku Jalil jalani latihan lasak UTK PDRM News Paper Cuttings
An inflamed liver Text
Road safety Text
Modelling a uniform field electrode (Chang) in a laseThesis
Skin-deep enforcement, lax laws make snake-skin traText
Nasi lemak, teh tarik makanan warisan Text
Fuzzy logic control for ankle foot orthoses equipped Journal Article
Pelajar perubatan perlu tambah nilai kepakaran Text
A proposed model of business excellence for the MalConference Papers
Syarat ketat bank tak jejas pinjaman Text
Pelan strategik pendidikan khas Text
ASN umum agihan pendapatan 5.3 sen Text
Empat tokoh diiktiraf dapat Anugerah Merdeka Text
Comparison of accuracy between total station TC(R) Thesis
Etika profesional Exam Papers
Any Malaysian can be selected to be first person in Text
Drastic increase in drug seizures Text
Jepun akan lancar kapal layar angkasa Text
DonÆt make it an issue, says DPM Text
Melayu masih kurang dalam pelancongan Text
GM dies in freak accident Text
In vitro lipid of Eurycoma longifolia Jack extracts lo Thesis
Valuation for specialies properties Exam Papers
Fenomena tanah runtuh dan kaedah meramalnya Text
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar lanjutan Text
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
Critical issues in microwave - assisted activated car Indexed Paper
Isolation and identification of bacteria capable of su Thesis
Siapa menjaga anak-anak anda? Text
Building economics Exam Papers
Sains bangunan I Text
Activated carbon production from agricultural biomaIndexed Paper
Penyelidik UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
An MIMO rectangular dielectric resonator antenna foIndexed Paper
Your duty to explain to the public, civil servants told Text
Search-and-rescue team and RM3.8m sent to Pakist Text
Event-based rainfall-runoff modeling using adaptive Journal Article
Malaysia, Brunei perkukuh kerjasama serantau Text
Furniture export to surpass RM10b by 2010 Text
CFD modeling of flow induced vibration mechanism in Thesis
Cop worth only RM4m not RM34m Text
Kamera kesan saman trafik 1 September Text
Beyond a transit station : applying station area plan Thesis
The potential of cloud computing technology for consConference Papers
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Arab Saudi pelawa pelaburan Text
Lewat isyarat tidak cekap Text
Statistical byte frequency analysis for identifying JP Thesis
Site management and safety control Exam Papers
Marketing boost for islands, spa industry Text
Occurrence of natural radioactivity and correspondinIndexed Paper
Tinggalan garam bukti wujud hidupan di Marikh Text
Kemahuan Mew Choo penentu kejayaan berterusan Text
Henti hantar amah jejas sektor awam Text
Terrestrial gamma radiation dose rates (TGRD) from sIndexed Paper
Modal choice for work trip among Malaysia Airline em Text
Impact assessment of change management capabilityConference
m Papers
Determination of dispersibility using pinhole test for Text
UTM imej baru mahu bina reputasi universiti diseganText
Dasar liberal pengangkutan wajar ada had permit, haText
Computational mechanics modelling of carbon nano Thesis
Prosedur agihan AP tiada penyelewengan Text
Theory and philosophy of HRD Exam Papers
UMNO-MCA ilham Tun Omar Text
Analisa rangkaian dan aplikasi industri Text
The main factors which influences secondary students Conference Papers
Panduan meningkatkan kreativiti murid berbantukanThesis
Sistem Perhubungan Digit Text
Mangsa ragut meninggal : keanggotaan polis dirombaText
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Computer organisation / organisasi komputer Text
Brass electroplating on high carbon steel wire for tir Thesis
Al-Quran, hadis perjelas khasiat kurma Text
SIRIM perlu lebih kreatif bantu negara capai keceme Text
Abdullah : no need to make changes to article 121 (1A Text
User interface Exam Papers
Strategies to improve berth turnaround time of mainli Text
Melayu berhemah tinggi Text
Study by the sea Text
Turun lagi 15 sen, jika harga minyak mentah dunia d Text
Melayu pinggir bahasa sendiri Text
Sistem pengajaran dan penggantian guru Thesis
Human driving skill for human adaptive mechatronicsIndexed Paper
Production data representation using cubic spline meThesis
Reaksi terhadap jerebu Text
Kita silap jika pinggir pelajar kurang cemerlang Text
Numerical conformal mapping of bounded multiply cConference Papers
Teknologi cahaya Philips Text
Information systems success model in mandatory sy Thesis
Heart rate based on electrocardiography (ECG) and its Thesis
TPK mahu pinjam RM500j wang KWSP Text
Tsunami : unjuran ekonomi negara tidak terjejas Text
Organic chemistry / biomolecules Text
Moving object detection using image registration fo Indexed Paper
UTM menang cipta robot Text
Pembudayaan bahasa di Aswara Text
Study on different method of aeration in palm oil milText
Layanan Rasulullah terhadap isteri perlu jadi pedom Text
Rainwater harvesting storage system analysis (Previ Text
Seri Paduka bimbang kes curi pensyarah Text
Non-formal education in Malaysia (Fulltext) Text
Penyeliaan industri Text
Sektor pertanian akan dimodenkan Text
Defining knowledge worker Text
Progress of mobile services Text
Rakyat Johor beri penghormatan terakhir News Paper Cuttings
Anugerah Raja Zarith Sofiah dilancar News Paper Cuttings
Bancian gaji swasta untuk tentukan gaji minimum Text
Bakti siswa UTM di Tanjung Sedili News Paper Cuttings
The effect of cuttings transport on polymer muds in Thesis
Nafas gunung berapi Text
Elektronik asas Text
Krisis hilang kerja berakhir Text
Performance study of flat antenna in direct broadcastText
Fabrication, degradation behavior and cytotoxicity o Indexed Paper
Improving construction industry safety standard throConference Papers
Golongan murabbi utamakan peluasan ilmiah, ketepiText
Ong: National service will not disrupt studies Text
Nondestructive measuremnet using radio frequency Thesis
Imbuhan baru sektor awam : tuntutan kerja lebih maText
Info on crooks at touch of a button Text
Hadis palsu menyesatkan umat Text
Continuous quality improvement business process Thesis
Covering photo-realistic properties of outdoor compon Indexed Paper
TITAS Exam Papers
Move to trace illegal use of subsidised diesel pays offText
Guna media baru, ICT untuk sebar dakwah Text
Transition probability matrix for fuzzy autocatalytic Non-Index Paper
156 riders to show off prowess News Paper Cuttings
1.2 juta naik gaji : PM setuju formula kenaikan amb Text
Student behavior based adoption model of electroniThesis
Numerical analysis program for multilayer optical w Text
Geometri and trigonometry Exam Papers
Congenital heart diseases detection using low cost 2 Thesis
Usaha lahir generasi al-Quran Text
Setuju usia belia 40 tahun Text
An energy policy for Malaysia (Fulltext) Text
Syor hukuman lebih berat untuk penyeludup Text
Kongres harap permohonan cuti guru 30 hari dilulus Text
Peguam Syarie Menulis : hak kebebasan manusia terText
Magnetic solid-phase extraction based on modified feIndexed Paper
138,000 petani perlu raih manfaat Text
Pelan induk usaha perangi rasuah Text
Warga India rakyat asing pertama menghidap SARS Text
Modeling and simulation of microturbine based dist Thesis
Electrical technology / teknologi elektrik Text
Terapi ulat kaedah alternatif rawat luka pesakit Text
Pelan pembangunan lima tahun pertanian Text
Design of Mach-Zehnder interferometer and ring resIndexed Paper
Pendidikan islam, moral tidak mungkin punca perpe Text
600 pelajar UPSI ikuti pelbagai kegiatan Text
Evaluation of kaolin slurry properties treated with c Indexed Paper
Environmental science Exam Papers
Kajian kimia zerumbon daripada Zingiber Zerumbet, Sm Text
How reliable are child witnesses? Text
Quality of surface waters in the Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar Conference Papers
Physicochemical properties of "green" nanocrystallinIndexed Paper
Cruise along PLUS highway after midnight for 10 per Text
Microelectronics II Exam Papers
Comparative analysis of ASTER DEM, ASTER GDEM, Indexed Paper
Subjek reka cipta dimantap Text
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Pasaran getah semasa makin melonjak Text
Software construction Exam Papers
Modeling monthly rainfall time series using ets stat Non-Index Paper
One fixed price for sugar nationwide by February Text
AseanÆs first bio-informatics lab Text
Mechanical characteristics of circular elastomeric h Conference Papers
Determinants of quality of life related to ACL reconstJournal Article
Kajian alam sekitar Text
Effect of calcination temperatures on the photocatalyt Conference Papers
A reference ontology for profiling scholar’s ba Indexed Paper
Analysis of glenoid fixation features under simulatedConference Papers
Dr. M bimbang budaya rasuah politik semakin serius Text
Budaya mengkaji Text
Empirical and feed forward neural networks models oIndexed Paper
Preliminary analysis of a high rise building subjected Thesis
Agama menyatukan ummah Text
Universiti lahir graduan sulung ijazah kedoktoran Text
Pendekatan komprehensif, komitmen semua pihak Text
When the taps run dry... : Labu residents head for rivText
Martabatkan bangsa Melayu : PM Text
Basic geosains Exam Papers
Government servants moonlighting as cabbies Text
Dua institusi diarah kaji penggunaan Bahasa Melayu Text
Kerajaan negeri diarah pastikan pembangunan ikut pText
Telekom announces VSS Text
855 pusat kesihatan sedang dinaik taraf Text
Subjek vokasional ke sekolah harian Text
Kementerian Kerjaraya dapat 5 bintang Text
In vitro reconstitution of the catabolic reactions c Indexed Paper
Sistem meritokrasi terus digunakan Text
More projects in the pipeline News Paper Cuttings
Influence of tin additions on the phase-transformati Indexed Paper
Computer systems and multimedia Exam Papers
Prediction of gas permeability in mixed matrix membIndexed Paper
Sikap ibu bapa dorong anak layari web lucah Text
Structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silText
Satu lagi punca penyakit dari China Text
Sifat kelakunan lenturan rasuk konkrit prategasan p Thesis
EPF : investment panel did not deviate from task Text
Kajian kesesuaian 'real time kinematic global positi Text
Ipoh bandar raya tanpa wayar 2010 Text
Identiti seni bina Malaysia : pengajaran daripada geraText
UiTM to conduct study on depression among studenText
Kekalkan formula ABCDE penjawat awam Text
Fluoridated hydroxyapatite nanorods as novel fillers Indexed Paper
Pengambilan pelajar program kompetitif patut diper Text
A gray-scale image steganography techmique using fThesis
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Evaluating reliability of system sequence diagram usiConference Papers
Tiada kes baru petanda wabak mungkin berakhir Text
Selamatkan bumi Text
Effect of stabilization condition on PEI/PVP-based Indexed Paper
Kemampuan kumpulan pelaksana PBT dalam memiliki Thesis
K-economy, an imperative for progress Text
Integration of polyethersulfone and hydroxyapatite nJournal Article
Stability analysis of a small scale remotely operated Thesis
Hybridization of cuckoo search and flux balance analys Thesis
Ketepikan kerenah birokrasi : PM Text
Anggota tentera kuat kuasa disiplin peserta Text
Six homes, bridge swept away in floods Text
Random forest and gene ontology for functional analIndexed Paper
Instrumental analysis Exam Papers
Extraction of virgin coconut (cocos nucifera) oil usingIndexed Paper
All government hospitals to get hi-tech facilities Text
Structural seismic performance of reinforced concretIndexed Paper
Rapat umum dibenarkan : jika parti bertanding patuhText
Digital signal processing Exam Papers
An exploration study on stages of technology transfeThesis
AbdullahÆs Beyond 2020 mission æbrilliantÆ Text
Konvokesyen ke-39 : UM cipta sejarah lahirkan grad Text
Interactive mapping of UTM campus using google eaThesis
Zikir penawar paling mujarab ubati penyakit hati Text
IT for organizational transformation (ITOT) Exam Papers
Leachate treatment using horizontal subsurface flo Text
The application of banana stem as a lost circulation Thesis
Parit tempat lupus sisa toksik ditimbus Text
Johor panel to oversee developers Text
Inisiatif Damai bantu graduan pengajian Islam Text
School bus fares to go up Text
Debaran angkasawan pertama negara Text
Sistem pengurusan hebahan dan pendaftaran aktivitiThesis
Pertumbuhan permintaan tenaga dijangka lima peraText
Entrepreneurial learning organisation and culture Exam Papers
UTM Space tawar pengajian separuh masa Text
50,000 penduduk Johor bekerja di Singapura dinasihaText
Sel stem haiwan cetus persoalan Text
Makanan segera penyebab kanser: Makna Text
24-hour watch in Golden Triangle Text
Public Bank's net profit rises 6.6pc to RM770.2m Text
Development of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum m Conference Papers
Efforts stepped up to compile database on handicap Text
UTM buktikan keupayaan pakar tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Kanak-kanak terbabit kes rogol, bunuh, samun Text
Kementerian mahu urus doktor asing Text
Kejayaan usahawan tempatan terletak pada diri sendiText
Kajian operasi kepastian Text
Umat wajar beri nafas baru laksana fardu kifayah Text
Analog And Digital Instrumentation Exam Papers
Muzium warisan catat kecemerlangan pelajar : SekolaText
An examination of social networking sites usage amoNon-Index Paper
Tambak laut : kelajuan arus perairan negara meningkText
Modeling reccurence motion on a large volume semiThesis
Performance investigation of ATF and CVTF lubricantThesis
PM answers the questions Text
Pendekatan temubual sebagai metod kajian kes di kaConference Papers
Consumer prefefrences and the role of value influen Thesis
Urban livability indicators for secondary cities in Sou Thesis
UTM, Universiti Qatar meterai MoU tingkat teknolo News Paper Cuttings
Pelan 5 tahun baiki imej PDRM Text
Johor negara maju tahun 2020 Text
Lawatan rasmi delegasi Islamic State University Wal Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
The impact of green brand positioning, knowledge anThesis
GGA plus U investigations of impurity D-electrons ef Indexed Paper
Perancangan dan pengurusan sistem maklumat stratText
Universiti untuk wanita Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Estimating farmers’ willingness to pay for climateIndexed Paper
Calculus 2/ kalkulus 2 Text
Olahan air Text
Thermodynamics II (termodinamik II) Text
UTM stage gutted, short circuit suspected Text
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Insentif khas guru sekolah prestasi tinggi diperkenal Text
Bahasa membina bangsa Text
Relationship between occupational stress and turno Journal Article
Pencinta ilmu mesti jadikan buku teman setia Text
Bank Negara move lauded Text
Air dalam konteks kehidupan, pembangunan modal iNews Paper Cuttings
Effects of the geometric parameters of TWP section Thesis
Evaluation of capsaicinoids extracts as bioactive subsIndexed Paper
Teknologi angkasa NASA rintis perubatan katarak Text
Tanggapan pelajar 4SPH (Fakulti Pendidikan) terhadaThesis
Meneroka keunikan gaya Inggeris Text
Kidney failure due to diabetes : Malaysia ranks as woText
Numerical modeling of the eigenmodes and eigenfreq Indexed Paper
Bekal laptop dibincang hari ini Text
Drop in number of foreign workers, says Hisham Text
Durian orchard a real treasure trove of biodiversity Text
Permudah kemasukan pelaburan dana Islam Text
Program Rakan Muda Wawasan Desa dilaksana di PeText
Steady state open drainage system for minizing fire Text
Performance analysis of Malaysia's open-ended real Thesis
Kontroversi KRI Usman-Harun perlu selesai secara baNews Paper Cuttings
Hubungan stres dan personaliti, tingkahlaku devian Thesis
Customer satisfaction measurement towards improving Thesis
Principles of valuation and methodology Exam Papers
Asean needs to produce own technology, says Najib Text
Olahan air larut resap menggunakan tumbuhan VetivThesis
Kartografi dan pemetaan berdigit Text
Rekabentuk loji Text
A science framework (SF) for agricultural sustainabiliIndexed Paper
Critical evaluation on steganography metrics Indexed Paper
The study of optical characteristic in variable focusi Text
Syor jadikan KWSP harta sepencarian Text
Police trained to handle cases involving child victims Text
Rang Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam ke Kabinet Text
Nilai eksport perabot disasarkan cecah RM11.4b Text
Education ads on Net must follow rules Text
Kabinet lulus lima syor pulihara Cameron Highlands Text
Alliance Bank starts syariah-based loans Text
25,000 pemandu guna dadah : antara faktor pening Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Negara peroleh RM25b dari industri pelancongan Text
Sistem penganggaran masa ketibaan bas Thesis
Slow start to needle plan Text
Tiga maut kereta bertembung Text
Persuasive mathematics courseware design model for Thesis
Financial help for scientists to patent inventions Text
Gaji kakitangan awam dijangka naik Text
Confinement of concrete column reiforced with weldText
Spam detection with genetic optimized artificial im Thesis
Set Theory And Logic Exam Papers
Graduan OKU tamat pengajian PhD News Paper Cuttings
Misi ke bulan 2020 : projek angkasawan Malaysia pert Text
Penggunaan e-kerajaan negara meningkat perlahan Text
Chua : asthma causes big economic losses Text
Licences of inactive contractors to be revoked Text
Tacit knowledge manifestations in an institute of hig Conference Papers
Empat kakitangan perpustakaan maut Text
Kreativiti rekaan unik News Paper Cuttings
AIMO : a framework to support semantic web serviceConference Papers
Effect of solution annealing and low temperature ageIndexed Paper
Language learning strategies employed by Arab speaThesis
Malaysia's timber export earnings set to hit record Text
Merekabentuk menganalisa aturan kolam tahanan wiText
Application of water hyacinth in wastewater treatmeThesis
Najib : weÆll back it if it can improve financial ma Text
Dengue updates : death toll reaches 72 Text
Microstructure and mechanical properties of alumin Conference Papers
Quick way to tell if it's minced pork Text
Private doctors called to take action on dengue Text
Apabila cinta atasi segalanya Text
Pembinaan Teman bantu promosi hasil tani Text
Modifications of coconut pith as mercury adsorbentsThesis
NGO wanita perlu melobi kurangkan diskriminasi Text
Treatment of industrial textile waste water using p Thesis
The utilization of RTK-GPS for real-time structural heConference Papers
Shortage of medical staff Text
Facile synthesis of polyaniline-silver composites throIndexed Paper
Satu daerah satu industri dirombak Text
UTM dapat kontrak $1 juta dari EC News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan tubuh jawatankuasa kaji kelemahan Akta SyText
Proton may shelve plans for production plant in ChinText
Noh seeks money for school fields Text
50,000 graduan menganggur Text
UWB channel characterization in 28 ghz millimeter wIndexed Paper
Using social media as a tool for improving academic Indexed Paper
Henti sebar khabar angin kenaikan harga minyak : P Text
Kabinet baru dipilih berdasar kepakaran Text
Asia Timur perlu tubuh kumpulan pakar Text
The integrated aircraft routing and crew pairing pro Journal Article
Output improvement by using design of experiment oThesis
Catalytic conversion of methane and carbon dioxide in Text
Dua wakil UTM unggul di Singapura News Paper Cuttings
Industri ayam rugi hingga RM200j sebulan Text
Crimes against kids go up Text
UTM terus kukuh kerjasama dengan universiti News Paper Cuttings
KWSP tahan 80 pasport majikan Text
Pengurusan latihan Text
Need to tackle crime fast as number of city dwellers iText
Kembara Kasih Ajak Bantu Rakyat Kemboja Text
Sejarah memfokus kepada masyarakat, bukan indivi Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Geometric form synthesis of gears using interactive Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
2 - Dimensional image acquisition system using chargThesis
Komunikasi data Text
IPT mahu bantu perkaya ilmu usahawan IKS Text
PKS perlu manfaat dana : PM Text
Bentuk efektif bagi bangunan tinggi untuk pengukuhThesis
I-Bah : Pusat Info Banjir Bersepadu Kelantan Thesis
Impact characteristic and energy absorption of auxetThesis
Travellers looking for quality Text
UTM lancar sistem rangkaian pengecas kenderaan eleNews Paper Cuttings
Diagnosis kesalahan lazim dalam tajuk pecahan di kaThesis
Bantu negara atasi pandemik selesema babi, pakail Text
Syor pinda akta selepas rayuan pendakwa Text
XPS and UV–vis studies of Ga-doped zinc oxide nanIndexed Paper
Hakmilik tanah GSA FELDA dan kelewatan pengeluarann Text
A vending machine controller using hardware descripThesis
Legasi Bapa Penyembelihan News Paper Cuttings
White balance calibration Thesis
Strength characteristics and morphological changes oThesis
ECER : PM saksi 3 MoU pertanian Text
Selami keunikan Taman Negara Tanjung News Paper Cuttings
UPSR : 5A bukan jaminan ke asrama penuh Text
We have an eye on corrupt officers Text
PUIP galak manfaatkan internet secara positif Text
Validation of hierarchical gene clusters using repe Thesis
RM1 coin no more from Dec 7 Text
Determination of concentration of pesticide in grou Thesis
PM lancar Malaysia Inovatif 2010 Text
Acoustic Environment of FKA student area Thesis
Site management Exam Papers
Wave height and wave energy mapping in MalaysianThesis se
Banking for your future health Text
Prinsip asas kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Numerical experiment on conformal mappiing of doubl Conference Papers
Kebakaran seluas 6,508 hektar berjaya dipadam Text
Electronic teaching aid for biomedical engineering c Thesis
Mathematical methods 1 Exam Papers
Malaysia hanya perlu lima atau enam bank Text
Zeti : Malaysia pastikan ringgit stabil Text
Negri seeks to be major rattan producer News Paper Cuttings
Report card out soon on blueprint Text
Sistem kawalan kualiti multi vechicle factory plant Thesis
UTM’s congress on IT towards Year 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Peniaga makanan berasaskan ayam digesa turun harText
Pelajar UTM berlepas ke Jepun Text
Parallel numerical solution for temperature predicti Conference Papers
Information engineering Exam Papers
Jambatan tetap dibatal : PM Text
CJ : Don't interfere with courts Text
Sisa cerucuk konkrit bertetulang dari kerja-kerja p Thesis
Palm oil mill effluent treatment using rotating biologText
Sequence of fuzzy topographic topological mapping Indexed Paper
Profesion perguruan tagih kejujuran Text
Termination procedures of projects by the public w Thesis
Permata Negara guna kaedah murah, berkesan Text
Natural bioactive compound from moringa oleiferaaga Journal Article
Evaluation and prediction of flyrock resulting from Indexed Paper
Sifat kehausan komposit bermatrik logam (MMC) aloiText
Teknologi pemisahan selaput Text
UTM first in Asia to offer forensic degree Text
Malaysia tawar pengajian untuk pelajar miskin negara Text
Negara Islam kena berusaha perkukuh jaringan ekonText
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dalam menanThesis
Umur persaraan tidak dilanjut Text
The dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship and tNon-Index Paper
Overview on solving stiff problems using one-step m Text
Pembangunan perisian (vollatte) menggunakan kaedaText
Arson poser as fire destroys DOE files Text
Penyusuan badan eratkan hubungan Text
Test case generation from UML sequence diagram anThesis
Lightweight distributed geographical: a lightweight dIndexed Paper
Random amplification polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD) Journalanal Article
H1N1 dibimbangi menular di Malaysia Text
Help sought to kick start HIV farm Text
Parenting stress and psychological distress among mNon-Index Paper
Abnormal psychology Exam Papers
Breast basics, including treatment Text
PGSM minta segerakan akta, Majlis Peguam Syarie Text
Modelling and optimization of catalytic-dielectric ba Indexed Paper
The squared commutativity degree of dihedral groupIndexed Paper
Hukum dan pelaksanaan agihan harta pusaka dalam Thesis
Analysis of domestic water consumption in Malaysia Thesis
PTP peruntuk dana lebih RM500,000 News Paper Cuttings
Liberalisasi kewangan tak pinggir Bumiputera Text
Usahawan produk Unitar Text
Kementerian Kesihatan buat pengawasan rapi di Lu Text
Urban design Exam Papers
Wireless energy transfer via coupled magnetic resonThesis
Tuisyen bahasa Inggeris di masjid, surau Text
Industrial chemical process Text
Use of seat belts, helmets pays off Text
Genetik Text
Malaysia akan usul IDB tubuh dana prasarana Text
Geofizik Text
Malaysia destinasi utama pelaburan Asia Barat Text
Wanita berusia lahirkan bayi lebih pintar : Kajian Text
Effect of acid oxidation on the dispersion property Indexed Paper
Successful public places : a case study of historical P Indexed Paper
Rasulullah ingatkan ummah sentiasa menunjukkan akText
Tsunami early warning system being planned Text
Analysis and translation of Kitab Al-Mudarabah of A Thesis
Signs that show Malaysia on human trafficking routeText
Masalah air berterusan selagi ada pencemaran sungaText
Nisbah penuntut IPT lelaki ditambah Text
Halangan-halangan pembangunan tanah di PengkalaThesis
Alarm over sharp rise in dengue cases Text
UTM terima Geran Bank Dunia biayai penyelidikan Text
Expo displays latest variety of gadgets for practical u News Paper Cuttings
Plans for increased public transport use Text
Electric power / Elektrik kuasa Exam Papers
Bahasa pengaturcaraan III Exam Papers
Pendekatan model solat perkukuh ummah Text
Modelling of discharge characteristic of uniform fiel Thesis
Malaysia, Indonesia akan mulakan program pemben Text
Kajian Platform Orbit Berpusing Text
Hasilkan produk kraf identiti Johor Text
Metamorphic malware detection based on support vec Indexed Paper
Pembolehubah kompleks Text
Melabur : rakyat perlu rasional Text
Cara berkesan pikat remaja minat agama Text
Audit dalaman UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian aliran masuk dan penyusupan dalam sistem peText
Development of fiber-based concave mirror for confoc Thesis
Kepentingan pewartaan tanah rizab orang asli Thesis
Structure I Exam Papers
Assert your rights to claim overpaid tax Text
Tutup sekolah 10 hari -- Arahan kementerian jika adaText
The mechanics of the presentation mining frameworJournal Article
Wujud panduan ujian praimplanasi genetik Text
Solving burger’s equation using explicit finite di Thesis
Ministry on quest to end polarisation Text
Hanya Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Text
DS-dashboard: distributed server’s resource manag Journal Article
Domestic tourist's perception on Sarawak ethnic natiThesis
Pasaran wang dan modal Exam Papers
Representing the company Text
Penggunaan kon had cecair dalam menentukan had pThesis
Microbubble resistance reduction study on a flat pla Thesis
The grammar of traditional Malay long-roof type houConference Papers
The effect of rotenone crude extract from derris elliptConference Papers
Spirulina padat nutrien elak letih ketika puasa Text
Threat to drinking water from landfill Text
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
A novel approach to predict risk in dengue hemorrhaThesis
Kenaikan levi pekerja asing kekal Text
Capillary barrier effect on the response of residual sloText
Insentif menarik majukan industri bioteknologi, ICT Text
Dimension of exterior column to minimize building r Thesis
UTM vicechancellor under fire News Paper Cuttings
Car thief shot dead after 3-hour pursuit Text
Berbicara dengan bunga kendurkan tekanan mental Text
Advanced analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Asia has great growth potential Text
UM researcher invents electronic walking stick Text
Chinese nationals top list Text
Changing topology analysis for ad hoc routing proto Conference Papers
UMS digesa tingkatkan penyelidikan hasil makanan i Text
Brothers injured in parang attack Text
Pakar sejarah bidas kerajaan Perak Text
Sindiket dadah perdaya wanita Malaysia dikesan Text
Nuclear the way to go Text
Design of 477MHZ mixed signal phase - locked loop (Thesis
60 saintis setiap 10,000 pekerja mahir pada 2010 Text
Force transducer for the 6 components rig Thesis
NGOs training Indonesians how to survive without buText
Perubahan sosial dan pembangunan modal insan berk Thesis
Status kualiti udara di seluruh negara masih baik Text
System doesn't support science Text
UTM lancar ekspedisi biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Aircraft maintenance and repair Exam Papers
Kajian wajib pendidikan peringkat menengah Text
Two lecturers from UTM resigned abruptly Text
Nanoteknologi : Teknologi 'seni' berimpak besar News Paper Cuttings
Angkasawan Malaysia mampu laksana misi : PM Text
Di sebalik tabir kejayaan anak Text
Airports are high security areas, says DPM Text
Lawatan Pelajar Praktikal UITM Segamat Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Analisis kerangka struktur konkrit pratuang terhad Text
Karnival dedah maklumat ditawarkan UA News Paper Cuttings
3 IPTA anjur Program Rentas Budaya News Paper Cuttings
Kesan perambatan dedenyut kilat terhadap talian intText
Kajian profil aliran dan pelesapan tenaga melalui al Text
Kesan penggunaan abu tandan sawit di dalam asfalt cText
Kesan bahan tambah pelambat terhadap sifat konkriThesis
Exploring computer assisted learning for low achievi Journal Article
Reduced graphene oxide-graphitic carbon nitride phot Thesis
70 ICT centres for villages Text
Iran mahu Petronas teruskan projek LNG Pars Text
Construction technology 1 Exam Papers
Jenama, bungkusan faktor penting kejayaan syarikat Text
More cautious over varsity autonomy Text
No more side business Text
A review of non-invasive imaging: the opportunity Journal Article
Nine kids facing dire future Text
Berfikir waras mengenai masa depan Text
SPM students do better in English, Maths and SciencText
Saintis akan dihantar timba pengalaman di luar negaText
Standard mahkamah syariah belum mantap Text
Simulation of totafor ellipsoidal shape drops by usin Thesis
Teknologi gas petroleum cecair Text
KTMB yakin projek rel berkembar berdaya maju Text
The Critical factors for the successful transformati Journal Article
Malaysia puas hati keputusan tribunal Text
One eye on all : new independent body to handle co Text
Estet padi cabaran besar buat petani Text
Materials selection for hip prosthesis by the method Indexed Paper
Application of ANFIS system in prediction of machin Non-Index Paper
UKM emerges tops in contest Text
MBJB akan tutup premis kotor Text
Teori struktur II Text
Malaysia a net carbon sink Text
Ruang kukuhkan hubungan Text
OKU jual lukisan ke luar negara News Paper Cuttings
Pemprosesan imej digital 1 digital image processing IExam Papers
Microbial decolorization of an azo dye reactive blackIndexed Paper
Malaysia hab serantau sektor minyak, gas Text
Pusat R&D mampu lonjak industri bunga negara Text
Melayu gagal kuasai ekonomi jika peranan GLC tidak Text
Jayakan era cinta ilmu Text
Pakar R&D dipanggil pulang Text
Cabaran pendidikan alaf 21 Text
Flush bad practices from the water system Text
A repudiatory breach in the construction industry : Text
JAS nafi kebakaran musnah fail siasat kes profil tinggiText
Fitting GARCH models to crude oil spot price data Indexed Paper
Preliminary investigations on an enzyme immobilizedJournal Article
Rubber tree diseases detection using low cost remotThesis
Pekerja Malaysia pilihan terakhir diberhenti kerja Text
Action against 5 private centres Text
Tiga strategi galak swasta tangkap tuna Text
Perbandingan faktor - faktor motivasi antara buruh Text
Sasaran mencipta pemenang Nobel negara Text
Malaysian timber board promoting furniture-makingText
Yakin Presiden Pas dicabar kali ini Penganalisis News Paper Cuttings
Electrochemical control of degradation of biodegrad Thesis
Protein separation techniques in biotechnology Exam Papers
Civil servants facing serious debt problem Text
Proses pembuatan Text
The consultancy fee for structural design changes of Text
Protected bird in danger Text
3-dB Branch-line coupler using coupled line radial st Indexed Paper
Influence of moisture content on the strength index Thesis
Biggest egg-tray artwork News Paper Cuttings
Sulfonated polyether ether ketone composite membran Indexed Paper
The privatization projects implemented by ministry ofText
Financial accounting 1 Text
Women short-changed in healthcare Text
Independent consultant sought to study flyover Text
Analisis berangka I Text
Kajian faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaanText I
Local push to make real estate awards global Text
Kadar mas kahwin ikut perubahan masyarakat Text
Leadership styles : incentive or disincentive approa Indexed Paper
Felda making headway in America Text
Sikap nak cepat punca rasuah sukar dibendung Text
Lawatan penyelidikan pelajar UiTM Segamat berkenaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Generic digital forensic business model for MalaysianThesis
Evaluation of Trichoderma isolates as potential bio Indexed Paper
Pembangunan modul CHEMQ berdasarkan PPK bagi kConference Papers
Enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated kenaf using a rec Indexed Paper
Hydrographic survey I Exam Papers
Kementerian pertingkat usaha basmi denggi Text
Robot rehabilition to train grasping movement for stThesis
TNB untung RM1.39 bilion Text
The effects of P53 on pancreatic cancer cells by apopThesis
Penentuan kestabilan cerun disebabkan oleh penyusu Text
Aktiviti mendokumenkan tamadun dunia Melayu Text
Effects of animation on students’ understanding oThesis
Authorities concerned over unregistered drugs Text
Data communications and protocols Exam Papers
Identification and characterization of bacteria from thThesis
Antioxidative and antiproliferative activity of polyg Thesis
No to extra study year, say private institutions Text
Excellence the target in education blueprint Text
Sekolah kluster wujud saingan sihat Text
Shahrir : use cheaper petrol to save money Text
Statik Text
Rediscover cultural strength Text
Purification of rhizobial Dehl from expression of deh Conference Papers
Hanya pelajar cemerlang dipilih ikuti lawatan ke luar Text
Pengiktirafan Empat Thanawi, UEC masih samar Text
Minda al-Quran dalam pembangunan insan Text
Determinants of consumers' decision in choosing h Thesis
Kejuruteraan : teruskan sistem Fachhochscule Text
Fenomena pengangkutan lanjutan Text
Gagal kuasai teknologi umat Islam ketinggalan Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Keupayaan berdakwah secara maya masih terhad Text
Ministry does about-turn on ceiling price for chickenText
Website adoption and performance by Iranian hotelsIndexed Paper
Growth of silicon carbide on graphene by hot mesh Thesis
Characteristics of binderless palm biomass briquettesIndexed Paper
Macroeconomics Exam Papers
Gergasi ekonomi dunia ranap angkara riba Text
Vein support Text
Yang indah itu bahasa: Amal tabiat membaca untuk Text
Distributed decision making database issues (FulltextText
Penstrukturan khidmat kesihatan ke Kabinet Text
An even closer bond Text
Al-Quran mengajak kepada perpaduan, bukannya peText
Bandar Raya Airport di Senai Text
PM sedih indeks rasuah di kalangan negara Islam masText
Establishment and development of IBS in Malaysia Conference Papers
Raise fares and face the music Text
X-phase precipitation in aging of Cu-Al-Ni-xTi shape Indexed Paper
Strategi pembangunan kerjaya organisasi dan strategThesis
Pendidikan awal kanak-kanak mampu bendung gejalaText
Pengenalan geografi fizikal dan oseanografi Text
Students in Free Enterprise : weÆre in business Text
Establishing an optimal quality planning decision thr Journal Article
Wake up to sex crime Text
Raja Zarith Sofiah kini bergelar Tuanku News Paper Cuttings
Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry of Thesis
UTM lecturers pledge to help develop nation Text
Pemenang pingat Olimpik dapat imbuhan seumur hi Text
RADARSAT-1 SAR for modelling sea surface current Conference Papers
Statistik untuk GIS Text
Arima model time-series forecasting for structural Conference Papers
Analisis multivariat Text
Breaking down the stereotype image of women Text
Quantitative techniques Exam Papers
Computer supported collaborative work dalam pengText
Effect of artificially produced pit-like defects on the Journal Article
Taguchi method for development of mass flow rate co Indexed Paper
Institute revamps courses to meet local needs News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan pemprosesan bahan makanan Text
Industrial microbiology Exam Papers
Towards reliable online services Text
3 lagi hospital dilengkapi unit rawatan tradisional Text
Hidraulik dan sistem paip Text
Modul pemprosesan lakaran untuk ukuran butiran men Text
Penyelidikan UPM : raih tarikan antarabangsa di GenText
Light-based therapy on wound healing : a review Indexed Paper
Kajian tipologi rumah kedai awal era Belanda di ba Thesis
Sludge management Exam Papers
Composite cones under axial compression loading Text
Ekonomi pembangunan Text
RM3 bilion pertingkat pendidikan di Johor Text
MRB – Customs data integration : extraction transfThesis
UIAM pertikai matrikulasi setahun Text
Atlet judo UTM dinobat olahragawan, olahragawati News Paper Cuttings
Analisis keperluan latihan Text
Spatial quality in space design for promoting self - h Thesis
Control system Exam Papers
Basic Japanese learning application for android Thesis
Tiada aktiviti Syiah di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Terengganu terus ungguli UPSR 2009 Text
Police get creative to cut road deaths Text
Termodinamik II Text
Multi objectives decision making Exam Papers
PDRM, USM tangani jenayah Text
Influence of web design features on attitudes and intThesis
Software development for digital filter application i Text
Magnetic levitation-driver and controller Thesis
Projek perikanan ala Felda Text
Persidangan antarabangsa pendidikan guru di UPSI Text
Swasta boleh tubuh universiti pertanian Text
Banyak premis tiada piawaian kesan gempa Text
Pusat Rakan Muda setiap bandar Text
Web API design considerations for resolving inheren Conference Papers
38 pelajar UTM ikuti, kursus JKM Text
More money available for under-enrolled rural schooText
Produk asas tani di pasar raya besar Text
Rasuah tidak perlu suruhanjaya Text
Memupuk minda kelas pertama melalui pembacaan Text
Water and wastewater treatment design Text
Kempen anti-merokok Tak Nak capai kejayaan? Text
Islam, perundangan negara isu berbeza Text
Belanda kongsi kepakaran pertanian, bioteknologi Text
Analytical modeling and artificial neural network (ANIndexed Paper
Sibuk kerja punca penyakit Text
Aspek Sosial Perancangan Text
Sistem kejuruteraan marin III Text
Natural frequency analysis of all edges clamped flexibConference Papers
Triple bottom line sustainability assessment of an eleThesis
Application of spectroscopy Exam Papers
UTM temui kaedah tingkat kebolehan minda News Paper Cuttings
The issue of Bahasa Malayu from colonial to decoloniConference Papers
Indian dadah ring : more arrested Text
Ekspo sains teknologi - UPM rangkul 30 pingat Text
Pengesahan sinaran Exam Papers
Assessment of water quality status in Sungai Bunus Thesis
Time to wake up to the world of English Text
UTM sedia lahirkan usahawan giat dalam m ICT Text
Kementerian akan teruskan pembangunan PKFZ Text
Elektrokimia Text
Penilaian prestasi Text
Giant to spend RM3mil a month for fresh produce Text
Semangat kekitaan subur di Malaysia Text
Balai polis distruktur semula Text
Evaluation of kappa carrageenan as potential carrier Indexed Paper
Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in hydrochloric Thesis
Software development for water pricing model (PrevText
Ceburi buatan mesin IKS Text
Geoteknik Text
Pengenalan sains & kejuruteraan polimer Text
Ministry plans varsity for nurses Text
Pembangunan luar bandar dipercepat Text
Computer-based malay stuttering assessment systemText
Indoor temperature control and energy saving potenti Indexed Paper
Extraction and characterization of cellulose from empIndexed Paper
PUBJ bantu pasar produk kraf Text
Beri peluang kedua Text
Kilang berisiko tinggi perlu audit keselamatan Text
DPMM cadang basmi kemiskinan sebagai input BajetText
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan pengeluaran petroleum 1 Text
Penambahbaikan PTK diumum tidak lama lagi Text
Mesostructured silica nanoparticles supported electrThesis
PM : we can fight bird flu Text
Cuti ronda malam sehari Text
Niaga kerana know-how bukan know-who Text
Syor wujud akaun khas Qardul Hassan bantu sesam Text
Teknologi elektrik untuk pengurusan Text
Variable selection using least absolute shrinkage andThesis
Some homological functors of infinite non-abelian 2-Conference Papers
BPR berjaya melakukan 32 tangkapan Text
UTM terunggul harta intelek News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan majikan dan pekerja dari perspektif islam Text
Pemuliharaan bangunan lama [compact disc] : kajianThesis
Perak akan kaji pembangunan News Paper Cuttings
Pematuhan program kitar semula akan diwajibkan Text
Determination of saturated permeability of tropical rThesis
Structure of english Exam Papers
Malaysia mahu OIC tingkat kerjasama, perkukuh ek Text
Will find kindle love for history? Text
Jakim siap garis panduan tubuh sekolah agama, tahfiText
Maxis untung sebelum cukai RM2.338 bilion Text
54 kawasan panas denggi Text
Rapist gets 24 years and rotan Text
Peranan sektor tak formal dalam konteks pembangunText
Massive open online courses acceptance model among Thesis
Dr M syor nilai ringgit ditambat Text
6 pelajar pintar alam sekitar wakili negara Text
Dasar Automatif Negara diharap terus beri perlindu Text
Mencintai negara kerana Allah, Rasul satu tuntutan Text
Pendekatan pengawalan banjir di Bandar Segamat Thesis
Higher earnings for Pos Malaysia Text
Sifat-sifat mekanikal hardpan yang berkaitan denga Thesis
Tiga negara mungkin setuju terima MyKad ganti paspText
Sukan agenda utama negara Text
Proliferative activity of saponin-reducing Carica pap Journal Article
Subsidi beras perlu diikuti pelan jangka panjang Text
Membangunkan sistem perolehan data berintegrasi Thesis
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Kaedah megawatt mile menggunakan pendekatan bera Thesis
Improving end-to-end delay in optical-burst-switch Non-Index Paper
Fizik matematik Text
Ranking the multiple intelligences of people with ep Indexed Paper
Theory & principles of housing Text
Keputihan bermasalah perlu rawatan segera Text
Closed-form solutions for accelerated MHD flow of aIndexed Paper
Effect of reduction time on optical properties of re Journal Article
Finding granular features using rough-PSO in IDS Conference Papers
Malaysia catat ketibaan lebih 3 juta pelancong Text
Marketers can benefit from crises Text
Deterministic prediction of corroding pipeline remai Conference Papers
Pengkhususan pelabuhan perlukan kajian terperinci Text
Catatan PA dedah apa sebenar yang berlaku News Paper Cuttings
An admission control method for IEEE 802.11e cont Thesis
The high-field drift velocity in degenerately-doped s Conference Papers
Data disaster recovery model for the association of Thesis
Preliminary study for designing a yard waste compostJournal Article
Union : let unwell teachers go Text
Kembar seiras yang gagal terpisah Text
Kajian penjanaan dan komposisi sisa pepejal di kawaText
Tracking control of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile Non-Index Paper
Gabem jadi badan perkasa ekonomi bangsa Melayu Text
Bengkel Penjajaran Peranan Dan Fungsi PerpustakaaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
PM : encourage creativity and innovation Text
Contrast enhancement of ultrasound imaging of the kne Indexed Paper
Voltage regulation in a smart distribution system in Indexed Paper
Sistem maklumat tanah Text
Minister wants correct figure Text
Crystallization of polycrystalline silicon thin film by Thesis
Two government hospitals to adopt full-paying patieText
Pengambilan susu - Rakyat Malaysia paling rendah Text
Perak perlu proaktif untuk maju Text
Program lawatan akademik pelajar kolej dari ThailanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Prinsip perhubungan I Text
Condensation of indole with isatin over Alcl3/mesop Indexed Paper
Mekanik kuantum nama Exam Papers
UP dimensi baru pendidikan tinggi negara News Paper Cuttings
Kos hantar angkasawan pertama negara RM95j Text
On-line supercritical fluid extraction-high performa Text
Unity gain block floating-point IFFT-FFT pair in OFDMThesis
Syarat lancar Bahasa Inggeris Text
Zon-zon waktu solat seragam dan sistematik bagi S Text
Food security high on agenda Text
Teknologi binaan III Text
Masih ada IPTS bumiputera terus maju Text
Reka bentuk masjid lambang identiti Johor News Paper Cuttings
Forced convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluidThesis
Educators and parents laud NajibÆs pro-English sta Text
Globalisation must not harm people Text
Development of connectionist models of steady sta Text
Jadikan Malaysia pusat inovasi produk Finland Text
Jangan terpedaya mentol jimat elektrik Text
Bahasa inggeris diperkenal di tabika Text
Ubat kurang kolesterol cegah kanser prostat Text
Reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery in sustainable Conference Papers
Tindakan disiplin jika guru ingkar guna bahasa InggerText
1Malaysia rubber clone launched Text
Pelajar luar perlu fahami adat penduduk tempatan Text
Periksa PC elak jadi sarang pencuri Text
Urban development / pembangunan bandar Text
Laksana hukuman sebat perlu kelulusan kerajaan Pa Text
Teknologi peruncitan Text
USM sahkan cacing harimau lupus sampah Text
Bank patut bantu usahawan keluar daripada kemelu Text
eKasih list to be used to give out school aid Text
Map reducing processing on authorship recognition Thesis
Public varsities have to learn to stand on their own f Text
Employer's implied obligation in construction contra Thesis
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Urban Development Exam Papers
The effect of polypropylene fibre and steel fibre in Thesis
An ant colony system for DNA sequence design bas Conference Papers
Amalan undang-undang pembinaan Text
Decomposition of methane into carbonaceous materiThesis
Tokoh ICT beri komitmen bantu maju projek MSC Text
Metaphor analysis of Dr. Mahathir's business speechThesis
Rasuah bukan legasi saya Text
Paras air di tiga empangan menurun Text
Model reference control of conceptual clutched trainIndexed Paper
The parallel algorithm for human tumor growth usin Conference Papers
Experts dispute 80% loss claim Text
Syor pasang segera pengimbas haba Text
Najib : if we are united, we are strong Text
Petronas sumbang RM67.6b Text
Electrical discharge machining of silicon carbide usin Thesis
Effect of ammonium polyphosphate on flame retardancy Indexed Paper
Kapal peronda baru TLDM tingkat kawalan Text
Wooing days are here again Text
Solar-powered adsorption refrigeration optimizationConference Papers
Siswa IPTA kurang guna bahasa Inggeris Text
Police mull plan to ban motorcycles in cities, towns Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
Bit error rate for private mobile radio (PMR) due to Text
Introduction to finance / pengenalan kewangan Text
10,000 ejen hartanah haram dikesan kaut beratus jutText
PM : traditional crafts hold promise Text
Simulation of effects on electromagnetic waves disper Thesis
KBS perkenal indeks penilaian Text
Ergonomic analysis of working posture in a plastic Thesis
Malaysia orang tengah rundingan Manila-MILF Text
Development of a gas heating system oven for bakinText
UTM students visit seven villages on field trip Text
Farmers urged to copy the Dutch Text
Trends and practices of seeking online information soNon-Index Paper
SPICE modelling of a valley switching flyback power sConference Papers
Dana Pencen Swasta akan dilaksana 2010 Text
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Schoolbus operators taking parents for a ride Text
3D hardtissue database Conference Papers
One language, one goal Text
Persekitaran dan motivasi : bantu penguasaan bahasa Text
The behaviour of steel pipe sleeve connector infille Thesis
Pencalonan AAN masih dibuka Text
Mengkaji kekukuhan bilah pemampat tekanan rendah Text
Real-time barcode reader using active vision (Previe Text
PMR standards remain high Text
Feature selection for classification of gene expressio Conference Papers
Abd. Hadi dipilih wakil pelajar UTM Text
Hukuman penjara ahli Black Metal Text
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Rethinking nursing home typology with a communityThesis s
Waris korban di luar negara turut dibantu Text
A prediction of acoustics characteristics for steam g Non-Index Paper
Buku bentuk minda rakyat Text
Thaksin seeks our help Text
UTM AIS research repository system Thesis
Modeling and analysis of ballistic carbon nanotube fiText
Non-invasive ultrasonic tomography: liquid/gas flow Conference Papers
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pusat pengawalan Y&LThesis
Pembangunan perisian analisis kerosakan sistem ku Text
Tiada lagi IPTS kelas rendah menjelang 2005 Text
An autonomous mobile planting robot-robocorn Thesis
Siswa UTM cipta losen antinyamuk News Paper Cuttings
Six-day week for teachers Text
Response of lemna minor and salninia natans as phyrJournal Article
Inlet air cooling of gas turbines with absorption coo Text
School to adopt tighter security measures Text
1,484 graduan IPTS terima ijazah, diploma UTM Text
UTM may set up medical faculty News Paper Cuttings
Teaching teens about their family role Text
Nikmat kesihatan anugerah tidak ternilai Text
Building services 2 Exam Papers
Sektor perumahan jana ekonomi RM48b Text
Mitos, realiti pekerja asing Text
Wecam gesa sedia kajian laporan, kesan ekosistem j Text
Karnival TaHa@U di UTM Skudai dapat sambutan News Paper Cuttings
Biosynthesis of autoinducer-2 as the possible mechanNon-Index Paper
Ibu bapa abai anak boleh dipenjara Text
Punca kelewatan satu sesi Text
IWA puji pelajar Malaysia Text
Design and development of MIMO antenna for LTE ap Thesis
Field hydraulic conductivity of peat using auger-hol Text
ElMARace sudah ambil langkah keselamatan News Paper Cuttings
Analog input sampling for audio streaming Thesis
Pupils learn to mingle in summer camps Text
Tingkat penyertaan dalam bomba dan penyelamat Text
Effect of creep on time-dependent behaviour of presConference Papers
Tumbuhan ento-botani Exam Papers
BH lancar portal pendidikan Text
Engineering management Exam Papers
A CFD simulation of indoor air contaminant on venti Conference Papers
Analisis air aliran dan curahan hujan di tadahan Text
Dual band microstrip antenna for wireless LAN appli Conference Papers
Akta baru kawal produk herba mesti tegas Text
Najib : GDP growth may be revised if other nations faText
USM tuan rumah Karnival Universiti Penyelidikan JumNews Paper Cuttings
A comparative investigation on the effect of thermalIndexed Paper
Think seriously about private pension funds Text
Lonjakan berganda mutu pendidikan Text
LCD mampu jimat hingga 50% bil elektrik Text
P3HT: PCBM bilayer planar heterojunction organic phot Thesis
Pensyarah menang Anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Darah tinggi : pembunuh senyap Text
Thermal analysis of a vertically based fin array in a Text
SHC 1143 - Pengenalan Kepada Perakaunan Kewangan Exam Papers
HIV buta kaum, agama Text
Anti-Corruption Act complete : Rais Text
Elaun keraian menteri, timbalan dikurangkan 10 per Text
Pelan tingkatkan pendapatan pekebun Text
The performance of OFDM in mobile radio channel (Fu Text
Sarawak rural roads turn mud traps Text
Projek pengkomputeran : 2,000 sekolah terima kompText
Pelbagai agenda mantap perpaduan Text
Taxman's promise : no more shocks Text
Minimal spanning tree problem in stock networks anal Indexed Paper
Malaysia, Itali meterai kerjasama pertanian Text
Ethylene conversion to higher hydrocarbon over copIndexed Paper
Bahasa Inggeris catat peningkatan tertinggi Text
No-Fault Liability scheme : how our current system Text
Synthesis and catalytic activities of the immobilize Conference Papers
Penulisan sastera bagaimana menghasilkan karya terText
Teknologi hijau jadikan alam sekitar lestari Text
Martabatkan sarjana Islam Text
Faster growth this year : economists Text
Antena fabrik rekaan UTM News Paper Cuttings
A study on physical properties of clay brick containinThesis
The new multipoint relays selection in OLSR using paNon-Index Paper
Harapan terhadap Belanjawan 2003 Text
Graphene and carbon nanotube based gas sensor Thesis
Malaysia selamat krisis ekonomi 2009 Text
Speech emotion classification using SVM and MLP onJournal Article
Kerajaan lebih berhati-hati lanjut khidmat pegawai tiText
Malaysia kecewa tindakan Lloyds of London Text
Identification of protein from Eurycoma Longifolia roThesis
Eco-friendly homes for poor Text
Analytical chemistry for engineering Exam Papers
45,000 pendatang diusir dalam 8 bulan Text
LPKP pantau kadar tambang baru Text
Proper crackdown, rights of illegals will be respectedText
Targeting the maximum heat recovery for systems wit Indexed Paper
Hanya lima peratus daripada 50,000 pelajar IPTS bu Text
Tiada disiplin punca usahawan bumiputera gagal Text
The relationship between facilitative language learn Thesis
Struktur pesawat terbang II Text
Emergency lifted for Port Klang and Kuala Selangor Text
Teori struktur II Text
Development economics Exam Papers
Perbandingan hasil pendigitan foto udara secara st Text
Identification of harmonic power flow direction Thesis
Wriggly wonder : culture of the good worm Text
Mesej KL Kota Kebudayaan Islam Text
Stream flow trend on urbanizing river basin : Langat Text
Belanjawan 2003 dijangka bersifat mesra perniagaanText
PTD : 26 kesatuan guru tetap bantah Text
Surface modified nano calcium oxide for base heteroIndexed Paper
Keperluan rawatan tradisional di hospital Text
UTM menang 3 hadiah utama Autodesk 2010 Text
Rescue robot Thesis
Perak offers water to Selangor Text
Tadika Islam kian dapat sambutan Text
Strategi penyiasatan untuk penilaian, pembaikan da Text
The technology of GIS for civil engineering professio Text
Sector analysis on determinants of capital structure Thesis
Maruah negara di tangan diplomat Malaysia Text
Information security culture in healthcare informaticsIndexed Paper
A systematic methodology for design of tailor-made Indexed Paper
HUSM tawar khidmat bedah jantung pertama di PantText
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - International Business Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Malaysia sedia jadi tapak pelancaran automotif duni Text
Effectiveness of marine clay treated by demolished cThesis
Agriculture and food security challenge of climate chIndexed Paper
Five dimensions of the economic crisis Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Modeling water supply and demand for effective watJournal Article
Coconut industry set to grow Text
Power electronics / elektronik kuasa Text
Malaysia bantu negara miskin OIC Text
Govt takes over low-cost housing Text
Hydrodynamic analysis of Spar platform connected toThesis
RM 30000 menanti johan Liga Bola Sepak IPT 2010 Text
Modul institut memandu dikaji kurangkan kemalang Text
Unit kereta penumpang dalam aliran lalulintas untu Text
Learning enhancement of radial basis function neur Thesis
Gold nanoparticles assisted surface enhanced RamanIndexed Paper
Atasi kekurangan guru bahasa lnggeris di luar bandarText
Incorporation of homogenous ceramic tile waste to Conference Papers
Big rush to pay up Text
300 sekolah layak dapat autonomi Text
Penyelidik UiTM cipta alat kesan sisa racun seranggaText
Industrial instrumentations and applications Exam Papers
Widening of Penang Bridge starts September Text
Harga minyak kekal Text
Felda perlu ada universiti sendiri Text
View empowerment of women in positive light, says Text
Pelajar asing wajar ikuti pengajian Bahasa Melayu Text
Making good investment decisions Text
Surface roughness prediction model of SNTR coated cu Conference Papers
Control systems / sistem kawalan Text
Pendidik cemerlang terima insentif istimewa Text
Move to safeguard co-ops' funds Text
Extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from plant sourc Indexed Paper
UPM catat hasil komersial penyelidikan terbesar Text
More workers from vocational schools News Paper Cuttings
PERS mudahkan orang ramai buat laporan dilancar Text
Tiga siswa hasilkan mesin kupas bawang News Paper Cuttings
Tarif elektrik dijangka naik : peningkatan kos operas Text
Intermediate accounting Exam Papers
Penyelidikan kelas dunia News Paper Cuttings
Bolehkah hematit menggantikan Barit sebagai baha Text
Syarikat miliki 6,000 permit didedah selepas siasatanText
LID jana rangkaian Malaysia-Negara Selatan Text
Military expenditures and unemployment nexus for sIndexed Paper
UTM tawar 250 tempat untuk calon istimewa lanjut News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of an intrusion detection system based on Text
ISO 9001 Quality Management System in Facility M Thesis
LHDN jangka kutipan cukai terus meningkat Text
2,000 evacuated : two Sabah rivers breach danger leText
Melindungi hak asasi kanak-kanak Text
Guru tuisyen diiktiraf graduan tertua UTM News Paper Cuttings
Introduction to land development Exam Papers
Kerajaan tiada kuasa tentu kadar rawatan hospital s Text
Surge in HFMD cases Text
Comparison of soil index properties value for differenThesis
Tas aw ur Islam Exam Papers
Pola dan kemampanan aktiviti ekonomi luar bandar Thesis
Menghargai saintis wanita Text
Number theory Exam Papers
More rural kids getting education Text
Mist bath better way to kill viruses Text
Linking entrepreneurial orientation with organizati Indexed Paper
Power system analysis Text
SMIs hope tax perks will remain Text
Construction technology 2 Exam Papers
6,000 more study loan defaulters get on blacklists Text
A numerical simulation on the effects of slope and f Thesis
Management of information and infrastructure of in Thesis
Radiochemistry Exam Papers
UTM makes device that cuts pollution News Paper Cuttings
The nature of cognitive processing among students inIndexed Paper
INATEX 2011 - gold Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Proposed implementation strategies for energy sustaNon-Index Paper
Tin-tannin-lingnosulfonate complex : an improved lign Text
Stability analysis and control of an active suspensio Text
Cuepacs rayu pertimbang permintaan Text
Further validations of the hydrodynamic force coefficie Text
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Matematik binaan Text
Statistics Exam Papers
Income tax not a priority debt for receivership firms Text
Perancangan guna tanah I Text
Anugerah Srikandi iktiraf 
penghuni Kolej Tun Fat News Paper Cuttings
Enhancing staff's satisfaction with comfort toward prIndexed Paper
1Malaysia clinics meet target Text
Portable automatic blood pressure monitor Thesis
Elektronik kuasa Text
TMM 2007 catat rekod Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar & EIA Text
Mata pelajaran IT diperkenal secara berperingkat Text
Permintaan dan penawaran kondominium di WilayahText P
Higher petrol price leads to shrinking, costlier portio Text
Application on Google Earth for tax property purposeThesis
The causes of construction dispute on client organizaText
Real-time mass flow rate measurement for bulk soli Text
Sukarnya berhenti merokok Text
Penggunaan tenaga yang berkesan dalam pengumpulThesis
Managing dengue Text
KPI tingkat mutu sistem pengangkutan awam Text
Tingkat program ubah minda kakitangan Text
Jaminan kualiti Text
Encapsulation of nonmetallic fractions recovered froIndexed Paper
Application of scheduling techniques on a split air coThesis
KL kaji hantar nota bantahan kepada Berlin Text
Experimental investigations on ultimate bearing capaIndexed Paper
Asas statistik Text
Workshop technology 1 Text
Al-Quran kitab petunjuk serba lengkap Text
Tawaran hantar angkasawan kedua 2010 Text
Traffic wardens to learn road safety Text
Proses serah balik berimilik semula tanah pajakan keThesis
UiTM sasar lahir pelajar berkemahiran insaniah Text
Characterization of cadmium sulfide/titania heterostru Indexed Paper
Automated white blood cells counting system for ac Journal Article
PGM terima 6 bot ronda RM50j Text
It shows governmentÆs commitment to help work Text
Boleh tubuh sekolah Indonesia di ladang : Najib Text
Semua urusan secara online di KUKTEM Text
Kabinet setuju 2 cadangan kurang kadar kemalanganText
Improving mobile signal reception Thesis
Penyakit fanatik, minda tertutup hancurkan negara Text
Islamic banking services adoption as a new banking re Indexed Paper
Ancient coins, relics found in Sungai Melaka Text
Ahli bomba ditambah bantu padam kebakaran Text
Sistem Sokongan Perancangan Text
Keutamaan ciri-ciri pengajaran pensyarah yang baik da Thesis
Cuepacs terus perjuang kerja lima hari seminggu Text
Syor e-pembayaran sepenuhnya 2010 Text
PROTON mahu komersial hasil penyelidikan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Influence of chemical and mineral admixtures on sh Thesis
Minat kerjaya : UTM gunakan ujian psikologi online Text
The effect of water cooling on reducing NOx from gaText
Universiti diminta anjur program perpaduan Text
Umat Islam perlu ketepi perbezaan untuk berjaya Text
A passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser b Indexed Paper
Earning a Masters while reporting Text
Bioelectricity generation in microbial fuel cell using Indexed Paper
Higher education : access at the entry or the exit lev Text
Deaf hearing simulator Thesis
Badan khas gubal akta pengklonaná Text
Organisasi komputer & bahasa himpunan Text
Crime scene investigation Exam Papers
Towards unification of vertical datum for Sabah and Thesis
Suruhanjaya siasat salah laku dicadang Text
Masalah psikologi jejas kesihatan Text
Hukuman menakutkan Text
Agricultural water stress and risk assessment using Thesis
Autonomous mobile robot navigation and control in Tt hesis
Learning styles and performance on chemistry probleThesis
New Act will ensure patients get better care Text
Taxpayers can now have rebates deducted monthly Text
Fizik matematik Text
Nonparametric least squares mixture density estima Journal Article
A study of coastal problems in Kemasin Semerak areaText
Hari Pekerja ketika gawat tuntut pengorbanan Text
Adaptive control of a temperature control system w Text
Online re-purchase intention : testing expectation c Indexed Paper
Study of accuracy and precision of reflectorless sur Thesis
Eurocopter purchase : Abdullah gives exact figure forText
Potensi keperluan perundangan khas yang berkaita Thesis
Sains binaan Text
A review on application of waste cooking oil as reju Journal Article
Development of state geospatial data infrastructure Thesis
RM100j untuk skim latih graduan Text
An analysis of foods and drinks based on qur'an and Thesis
Dasar melampau undang serangan balas Text
Performance of straight steel fibres reinforced alkali Indexed Paper
Subsidi tidak ditambah : PM Text
Carbon nanotubes for desalination - an innovative mIndexed Paper
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Jenayah juvana membimbangkan Text
IPTA perlu utamakan R&D produk komersialá Text
Sabar suburkan ketakwaan insan Text
Mahmood offers the carrot and the stick Text
Malaysia bakal terajui teknologi kereta elektrik Text
Rheological characterization of water atomised stainConference Papers
Rawatan air kolam udang menggunakan daun ketap Text
Feature extraction of encephalography (EEG) signal iThesis
Kadazandusun to be UPSR exam subject Text
Computer application in hydraulic structure design Thesis
Ke arah mana kempen membaca Text
16,000 bekas penagih dadah gagal lapor diri Text
The development of Malaysia electric vehicle (MyEV Thesis
Xenotransplan : pemindahan sel haiwan ke manusia Text
Optoelectronics Exam Papers
A review of microstructure properties of porous con Indexed Paper
2006 : impian 3G jadi nyata Text
Modeling, attitude estimation, and control of HexaroIndexed Paper
Bahan suhu tinggi Text
Microscopic RGB color images enhancement for blood Indexed Paper
Karya anak tokoh pejuang Text
Structural properties of zinc lithium borate glass Indexed Paper
SLK Bridge USM paling kreatif News Paper Cuttings
Tiada syarat tambahan Text
Prototype home loan packages selection decision supp Text
Budget for 1Malaysia Text
A comparative evaluation of cloud migration optimizaIndexed Paper
It's not about mega stadiums Text
Knowledge sharing culture in Malaysian public instit Conference Papers
RM3.8 bilion bantu usahawan Text
A collaborative case management framework for inlaThesis
Muslim digalak mereka cipta ikut acuan budaya Text
Kadar pertukaran ringgit masih kukuh Text
335 peserta sertai Klinik UPSR Khas di UTM Text
Rangka pelan tindakan PKS lulus Text
Introduction to remote sensing Exam Papers
Tenaga profesional untuk sekolah teknik News Paper Cuttings
SPM : 489 dapat A1 semua subjek Text
Eye on Malaysia to stay if crowds are controlled Text
Masyarakat perlu yakin perubatan moden Text
Kementerian tolak ekspo tembakau antarabangsa Text
Safety net for bank depositors Text
Kemalangan jalan raya di atas jalan tunggal - penilai Text
Reliable multimedia transmission over wireless sens Thesis
Meninjau tahap kesedaran nasionalisme dalam kalanga Thesis
Production of hydroxyapatite(HA) nanoparticle and HConference Papers
Mutiara Motors terus cemerlang Text
CoupleÆs healthy rivalry brings results Text
Siri syarahan Anugerah Merdeka mulai 23 Januari Text
We must survive that crash to learn from it Text
Rekabentuk fabrikasi dan ujikaji pam gea Text
Kerajaan sedia kaji semula akta tangani isu alam sekiText
Multi-period planning of centralized sewage treatment Indexed Paper
Pengurusan projek / pengurusan projek untuk remotText
Zaini appointed UTM V-C Text
Penggunaan tayar getah sebagai bahan pengisi dalamText a
Comparative planning Exam Papers
Bajet 2005 bela rakyat berpendapatan rendah Text
Adaptive chebyshev fusion of vegetation imagery basConference Papers
Permainan aplikasi mudah alih iOS : Cupcake master Thesis
Jadual keupayaan penapak tunggal yang menanggunText
Bank Rakyat terus bantu murid luar bandar Text
Digital control system Exam Papers
Pelajar wajib ambil satu bidang sukan Text
Shorter leave for civil servants Text
Digital elevation model (DEM) extraction from googl Conference Papers
MAS bukti jenama Malaysia taraf dunia Text
Kerangka I Text
Termodinamik Text
Multiple choice form checking using windows phoneThesis
Comparison of emission factors from biomass burning Indexed Paper
Sejarah senibina moden Text
High cost of being sick Text
Merenung sejarah di sebalik penubuhan PersekutuanText
Don't be misled students urged Text
Harga gula kekal RM1.40 sekilogram Text
Membina tamadun menjulang martabat bangsa Text
Budaya SMS semasa memandu kini serius, perlu dib Text
Pusat maklumat pelancongan Tambak Johor akan di Text
Pameran serlahkan kehebatan saintis Muslim Text
Pelabur saham amanah dapat manfaat : Najib Text
Sistem biometrik pas lawatan kerja diperkenal Text
Atlet judo UTM dinobat olahragawan, olahragawati News Paper Cuttings
Proses permohonan untuk pembangunan tanah di Neg Text
Model ramalan kutipan zakat harta di Pahang Thesis
Proficiency skills in english Text
UTM tawar kepakaran bantu PROTON hasilkan enjin News Paper Cuttings
Evaluation of stormwater runoff quality during mon Indexed Paper
DBP terbit 500 manuskrip tahun ini Text
Paving the way for new era in financial plannins Text
Umat Islam perlu kuasai ilmu sains Text
Jenama Proton diiktiraf hebat Text
3G tingkat penderaan seksual kanak-kanak Text
Kekal 50 Warisan Kebangsaan Text
RM112b majukan ECER : kawasan seluas 66,736km pe Text
Mesra pelabur tingkatkan daya saing Text
Iktiraf silat sebagai seni bela diri negara Text
Najib : stop the lies on fuel subsidy cutbacks Text
Design of an automatic satay skewer Text
Detection of vegetable oil residues from fire debris Thesis
Vietnam welcomes Malaysian involvement Text
Ahli kimia pakar proses dadah sintetik ditahan Text
Menghadapi pesakit mati otak Text
Legal studies II Exam Papers
Kekurangan kaunselor profesional kritikal Text
RM513 juta diperuntuk insentif petani Text
LPT beri kemudahan penduduk Pantai Timur Text
Selaras prasekolah Text
Middle cost housing development in Jakarta-Bogor-Ta Text
Plan to teach students income tax Text
Pengenalan Penyelenggaraan Text
Analisa Rangkaian Text
An overview on related issues in integrated circuits teText
Proton sedia bentuk pakatan strategik Text
Bomba terima kelengkapan baru RM4 juta Text
Pengarah Eksekutif CFiRST Tokoh Maal Hijrah Johor News Paper Cuttings
Syarat CGPA punca propembangkang boikot Text
Sistem penggera kereta dwi hala Thesis
Bahasa Melayu rojak kritikal Text
Depth error budget for multibeam echo sounding Thesis
Early stage in the silicon self-assembled growth of Conference Papers
Port structure monitoring and maintenance system (Text
Peranan CHOGM masih relevan Text
Quality assurance implementation : users concern anConference Papers
Dr M : Varsities Act put in place to protect students Text
An algorithm for classification of six types of defect Conference Papers
Ensemble of one - class classifiers for network intru Conference Papers
Solid state laser engineering Exam Papers
Penyelidikan UMS wajar dimanfaat Text
ECER tingkat nilai tanah Melayu Text
Penilaian terhadap peranan pusat perkhidmatan luarThesis
Pilih tanaman berkualiti tinggi Text
PM lancar Proton Exora Text
Chemical constituents and antioxidant activity of garConference Papers
Masalah kontraktor dorman yang berdaftar di Lemb Thesis
Building services Exam Papers
PM : good to discuss national unity Text
Basic digital VLSI Text
Slantlet transform-based image splicing forgery det Thesis
USM bangun makmal kaliberasi Text
Rough neuro-PSO web caching and XML prefetching C f onference Papers
UTM meterai MoA dengan Taiba Care Co. Ltd. News Paper Cuttings
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Pensyarah UMP cipta mesin bahan ekstrak Text
Kajian makmal pelepasan efluen apungan di dasar s Text
Menjana ekonomi dan pertahan maruah wanita Text
14 more appointed as judicial commissioners Text
Separations method Exam Papers
Tangguh ke luar negara Text
Initial investigation of land subsidence using GPS datConference Papers
Percaya ramalan karut bomoh boleh rosak akidah Text
RM11.3b bangun jalur lebar Text
Pengurusan ancaman siber bersepadu Text
End to classroom disruptions Text
Bomba cadang wajib pemadam api di rumah Text
Pengenalan multimedia Text
Kementerian sedia khidmat kaunseling, rundingan p Text
Kajian tahap kepuasan pengguna terhadap fasiliti bi Thesis
Pelengkapan telaga Text
Rekabentuk pangkalan data GIS untuk kawalan pemban Text
Facing globalisation challenges Text
Bahan binaan Text
Low sidelobe and wideband characteristics of densit Journal Article
IJN College to offer new courses Text
Rain attenuation estimated from radar measurements Text
Avioniks dan instrumentasi Text
Melaka, the world heritage city conservation approaConference Papers
Finger spelling detection using flexible sensors, tou Thesis
More people sending their parents to homes Text
Application of response surface methodology for optiJournal Article
Extraction and identification of vitamin e from Pithe Indexed Paper
Conract and estimation Exam Papers
Reclamation to be monitored Text
Undang-undang khas perlu haramkan hidu gam Text
English for professional communication Text
Web-based short messaging system (easySMS) Thesis
Graduan diingat waspada tawaran gaji lumayan Text
Thumbprint identification Text
Cabinet agrees to tariff review for energy sector Text
Peranan Badan Penasihat Syariah Text
Delays at unsignalised junction Thesis
Diploma teknologi makmal perubatan ptpl pilihan pelText
Manfaatkan ICT untuk perkembangan bioteknologi Text
Construction sector will rebound : reports Text
Tak ganggu rundingan Text
Four changes in Cabinet KL bourse reacts positively Text
This bias must stop, Najib tells employers Text
Dye wastewater treatment by direct contact membrane Indexed Paper
Stationarity regions for ultrawideband channels Indexed Paper
Kajian operasi ketidakpastian Text
Computer process control Exam Papers
They have been sitting on a time bomb for two yearsText
Phytochemical and quantification studies of secon Thesis
Keberanian Zabri dikagumi askar Indonesia Text
Geran R&D IPTA RM39j Text
Construction plant and temporary works Exam Papers
Pustaka maya berhasil Text
Sustainable integrated process design and control forThesis
Controlled pore diameter in porous anodic aluminiu Non-Index Paper
Integrity assessment of corroded pipeline using in-linText
Heavy rain causes flash floods and landslides in Pen Text
Come to your senses! Text
Pembangunan web GIS bagi kadaster pelbagai guna Thesis
Perception of using e-portfolio among UTM postgradu Thesis
A comparison of pile performance base on static for Text
Utamakan kualiti graduan IPTA Text
Menjana budaya ilmu di kalangan pelajar institusi peConference Papers
UTM moves up the rankings to 320th Text
Rough set based clustering of the self organizing ma Conference Papers
Mechanic on murder charge Text
Perpustakaan perlu tarikan baru galak minat membaText
RON95 lebih kualiti, murah Text
Interchangeability of liquified petroleum and naturalText
Adaption of invariant features in image for point clouIndexed Paper
Pengaruh fic dalam perolehan harta tanah kediamanThesis
Jawatankuasa segerakan pengeluaran CF ditubuh Text
Application of high tempreature liquid chromatograph Conference Papers
Realisasi program manfaat institusi wakaf Text
Friction capability of steel H-Pile with corrugated we Thesis
80 stesen minyak salah guna subsidi RM50 juta Text
Konflik Selatan Filipina terpalit Sabah News Paper Cuttings
Rawatan percuma semua peringkat Text
New target : 60,000 PhD holders by 2020 Text
Adab defines Islamic education Text
Set up medical body for drivers Text
Ministry launches Fair Price Stores award Text
Strategies to build customers trust in acceptance andThesis
Effect of rainfall intensity and road crossfall on skid Indexed Paper
Pengetua, guru besar diberi kuasa Text
House prices in Johor to go up Text
Sains bahan Text
Framework of controlling 3d virtual human emotionalIndexed Paper
LHDN mahu mahkamah khas kendali kes cukai diseg Text
Kad kredit bukan sumber berbelanja besar Text
Malaysia betul struktur semula subsidi Text
Pengeluaran beras ditingkat Text
Mechatronic design of electrical discharge machiningThesis
Adaptive course sequencing for personalization of leNon-Index Paper
Warga IPT perlu matang Text
PTP sasar kendali 8 juta TEU kontena Text
Development of gel electrophoresis unit to reduce DIndexed Paper
Perak targets $2.5bn foreign investments News Paper Cuttings
Foundation engineering mathemathics Exam Papers
UTMSpace cadang teroka pasaran luar negara News Paper Cuttings
Kedudukan akal dalam pendalilan akidah Journal Article
Bonus Tabung Haji 4.5 peratus Text
Malaysia, Perancis kerjasama dalam bidang bioteknoText
Penyelidik UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan perisian masa nyata Text
Kurangkan defisit, tidak jejas pembangunan : PM Text
Lawatan The Karabuk University Delegates ke Perp Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UPM lancar Pelan Strategi 2001-2010 Text
Features extraction of heart sounds using time-frequText
Factors that influence entrepreneurial intention amoThesis
Switched parasitic dielectric resonator antenna arrayIndexed Paper
Employing qualitative assessment to identify individua Conference Papers
Kakitangan kerajaan dilarang main golf pada waktu pText
Building measurement 2 Exam Papers
The application of package plant system in upgradin Text
Tourists’ preferences and satisfaction towards MeThesis
Keperluan bahasa Inggeris profesional Text
Influence of porosity and facies of Baturaja carbonatConference Papers
Naza letak Gurun pusat pengeluaran kenderaan terbText
Hubungan Malaysia, Singapura tidak terencat Text
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction methods for Thesis
NUTP perjuang kenaikan pangkat, gaji guru ijazah Text
UTM ambil 2,805 pelajar baru News Paper Cuttings
Majlis Perasmian Azman Hashim International BusinePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Buku ilmiah Text
Higher penalty for losing MyKad Text
Pengajian secara maya Text
LID realisasikan perkongsian pintar Text
Halaman rumah bersih, sungai tercemar Text
Pelajar gagal tawaran pertama tetap ke IPTA Text
Sliding mode varable structure control design principText
Sistem maklumat pemantauan perkembangan anak iThesis
Banyak sebab anak lambat bercakap Text
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Electric circuits and signals Exam Papers
Pelajar bumiputera lebih ramai dalam bidang kompeti Text
Programming Text
Contingency analysis on Putrajaya and Cyberjaya dis Thesis
Efficient output solution for nonlinear stochastic op Indexed Paper
Analysis of user awareness on phishing attempt amoThesis
11 come in with flu virus Text
Kawal ketat H1N1 demi keselamatan, kesihatan rakyText
Teknik perundingan Text
Lessons to be learnt from Thai experience Text
Alam Maritim bina limbungan Text
Finite element analysis of reinforced concrete normaText
Factors affecting purchase intention of car among unThesis
Malaysia beli 17 Aermacchi Text
Estimation of compression strength of concrete withThesis
A design of precision linear Z-transverse antenna posText
Twist deformation of buildings from ground movemeIndexed Paper
MRI edge detection using canny method Conference Papers
13 village libraries to open next month Text
Six killed in 2am accidents Text
Towards sustainable campus environment: case stu Conference Papers
Bahasa Malaysia II Text
Shopping hub in Johor Text
Structural performance of cold-formed steel with s Thesis
Detachable water saving shower head Thesis
Kereta elektrik : pakar ekonomi sokong Text
Food analysis Text
Tax records at fingertips Text
Improving hierarchical clustering method to classify Thesis
Close shave for robbery victim Text
Amalan perancangan Text
CFD modeling of binary mixture hydrodynamics in gas- Journal Article
Agenda pelajaran tetap diutamakan Text
Impact of growing Malaysia on property-generated Thesis
The compressibility of fill subjected to applied stress Text
Interface developing for hata model using matlab Text
Forecasting the energy demand in Malaysia using genThesis
Lighting performance study on existing 275KV overheThesis
Micro-structural analysis of strength development inIndexed
l Paper
Konflik sivil, syariah diselesai Text
Plat guna cip akan diperkenal Text
USM seeks partners to sell solar panels Text
Aplikasi amaran lebih sesuai News Paper Cuttings
Gallic acid : prospects and molecular mechanisms of Iindexed Paper
Perbandingan teknik penembokan melalui pendekatan Text
Pegawai keselamatan kebakaran di premis tinggi Text
Jenama Malaysia tarik perhatian masyarakat Turki Text
Cabaran paling sukar : ubah sikap orang Melayu; hapText
Optimal landfill gas utilization for renewable energy Indexed Paper
Kesan penggantian jermang arka elektrik dan wasap sText
Malaysia negara penyumbang basmi kemiskinan Text
UTM anjur Festival Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2012 di ka News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan bahan pembelajaran elektronik berasThesis
Faktor persekitaran pengaruhi kegemukan Text
Integriti bahasa, membina integriti bangsa Text
Pentingnya psiko-sejarah, psiko-biografi Text
Corrosion chemistry Text
DEB bukan dasar tetap : PM Text
Hunger and thirst for billions : scientists warn of cl Text
Produk diberi logo Malaysia Best akan diaudit Text
Civil servants a complacent lot Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
UTM raih emas bola tampar News Paper Cuttings
UTM cipta gelang kesan emosi anak OKU News Paper Cuttings
Azo dyes decolorization by bacteria originated from Thesis
Designing an inherently healthier process based on i Indexed Paper
Development of an effective assessment and trainingConference
s Papers
Illegal timber trade still on Text
Bon Merdeka dapat sambutan warga emas Text
Evaluating heat integration scheme for batch productConference Papers
Advanced electronics Exam Papers
Avionik Dan Instrumentasi Text
Uniten Roadmap Text
Parameter and strutural retrofit of palm oil fatty aci Text
Critical requirements of integrated quality managemThesis
New scheme for hybrid predictive model in motor inThesis
Sustainable energy efficiency distillation columns se Journal Article
Local universities still on track Text
Kembali berunding : langkah Malaysia-Singapura pe Text
Jangan terbabit rasuah : KSN Text
Mengurus hutang dengan baik Text
Kejuruteraan akustik Text
Exploiting technology to stay in the race Text
Pelajar bumiputera UKM - Cemerlang, tetapi hanya da Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Surface treatment on tungsten carbide substrate pri Thesis
New graphical tools for process changes via load shi Indexed Paper
UKM komersialkan penyelidikan Text
Tahap kawalan maksimum cegah selesema burung Text
UTM hantar makmal bergerak kaji kualiti air di KelanNews Paper Cuttings
Structure, electronic and thermoelectric properties oThesis
Kabinet tidak setuju : PMájual rumah kos rendah k Text
Principles of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Toward synthesis model of college students motivation Journal Article
Tamu Selasa : membudayakan kesedaran elak pendeText
Electrical technology Exam Papers
40,000 rumah kos rendah akan dibina Text
A 4 × 4 butler matrix for 28 GHz switched multi-b Indexed Paper
MEB lonjak taraf hidup Text
Penguasaan jumlat ismiyyat dan jumlat fi'liyyat d Thesis
Stress distribution on glenoid implant based on surf Thesis
Menjaga sendi : apakah artritis? Text
Consistency of atterberg limit properties for crushe Thesis
Pembelajaran berterusan UTMSpace News Paper Cuttings
Development of mapping procedures using digital imConference Papers
Valuation approaches and methodologies for stratumThesis
Synthetics latex waste as mud brick filter Thesis
Travel protection Text
Scheduling on transportation for industrialized build Text
Memperkasa aliran teknikal dan vokasional Text
UTM website sports new look Text
Kempen kesan waris pencarum KWSP berkesan Text
Malaysian firms not the culprits Text
Pengurusan latihan Text
5 teras Misi Nasional Text
Rubberwood export ban good for industry Text
KKIA baru lonjak industri pelancongan Text
Key factors influencing a technology transfer recip Thesis
Decision on teaching of Science and Maths in EnglishText
Mengiktiraf sumbangan wanita Text
34 pelajar SMV Kajang, Sungai Buluh sertai UTMIJHS News Paper Cuttings
Perbekalan air di Daerah Johor Bahru Text
Warga Johor diseru sertai Rakan Cop Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Hadiah Najib untuk rakyat Text
Poll : people happy with GovtÆs anti-graft efforts Text
Matrikulasi teknikal Text
Stem cells reverse Parkinsons in monkeys Text
Mekanik bendalir Exam Papers
Sedia tanah rancakkan sektor tani Text
Resume beri persepsi awal majikan terhadap anda Text
Melancong dalam negeri penjimatan terbaik Text
Menangani kualiti makanan di sekolah Text
A check list for evaluating persuasive features of m Indexed Paper
Bioinorganic chemistry Text
Penerusan sistem meritokrasi dianggap tepat Text
Calculus 1 Exam Papers
Aspects of climate change the government is lookingText
Stok beras dunia merudum Text
3 koridor pembangunan akan dilancar Text
Imbangan jisim dan tenaga Text
Development of polarization and depolarization cur Thesis
Mandarin, Tamil in national schools Text
Lahir pekerja mahir tangani pengangguran Text
Sektor awam, swasta terokai bidang ICT Text
ASEAN 3 perlu terokai kerjasama lebih luas Text
Islam hormati kaum lain Text
War on dengue : are we getting it wrong? Text
Ketat syarat pengambilan doktor Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Optimizing agrobacterium-mediated transformation Thesis
Good job on curbing graft under Pak Lah Text
Islamic financial system / sistem kewangan islam Text
Kejuruteraan memproses makanan Text
Accuracy analysis between NOGGIN PLUS and MALA Thesis RA
Malaysia antara 25 teratas guna perisian cetak rompText
Guidelines for technology transfer sought Text
Bumbung Stadium Sultan Mizan runtuh Text
Satu butang selamatkan warga emas Text
Health-wise, we are walking time bombs Text
Pengurusan keselamatan & kesihatan pekerjaan / kesText
High hopes for Senai airport Text
Handover management in mobile WiMAX using adapti Thesis
The moderated mediation effect of the internal audi Thesis
Demand for synthetic drugs on the rise Text
Time dependence of morphological and optical proper Thesis
Inhibition of sulphate reducing bacteria to enhance Thesis
Sistem maklumat kejuruteraan awam Text
Ulasan kaedah kitar semula sisa bateri Journal Article
Smart glove for the blind Thesis
Varsity entry criteria to stay Text
A critical review of ‘city-labelling’ and profess Thesis
Aligned-PSNR (APSNR) for objective video quality m Conference Papers
Wires crossed over ailment Text
Icon for XML
Malaysian breast cancer patients’ performance inIndexed
u Paper
Fighting corruption across borders Text
Development of a functionalized MCM-41 biosensor Tmhesis
Physical chemistry for engineer Exam Papers
Bio-inspired and musical-harmony approaches for mac Thesis
Characteristics of free space optics communication l Indexed Paper
Ciptaan Dr Halimahton raih lapan pingat antarabang Text
Beri Proton peluang, teruskan program pemulihan taText
Aircraft transport management Exam Papers
Special topic Exam Papers
Application of RSM technique to optimize the solve Conference Papers
Malaysia, Singapura wajar manfaat perubahan positiText
107,688 nikmati ganjaran berganda Text
Mangrove haven in Terengganu Text
Penyalahgunaan dadah penyumbang utama gejala mText
Agenda semua cari punca cuaca panas Text
Corrosion of x-70 carbon steel pipeline subject to sulIndexed Paper
Burning desire for green tech policy Text
Analisis terhadap sambungan plat memanjang deng Text
Drug testing for varsity students soon Text
An exploratory study on goal programming as an alter Text
Kursi Dr. Siti Hasmah - Penghargaan kepada wanita Text
Application of finite element method (FEM) for the de Text
The design and implementation of a two and three-dim Text
TV Pendidikan : Kementerian akan pinda jadual siaraText
Baseline of carbon footprint of UTM building: a case Thesis
The relationship of macro factors and different investThesis
Cigarette smoke more polluting Text
Menang festival inovasi News Paper Cuttings
Fast wave propagation in the gas insulated system (aText
UKM mercu tanda kualiti pendidikan negara Text
Virus hits 25 at pharmacy conference Text
Public knowledge of climate change: Malaysia’s pConference Papers
Ilmu bersumberkan wahyu bina manusia rabbani Text
The viscous dissipation effects on the mixed convectiJournal Article
Second Malaysian swims Channel under 10 hours Text
Perancangan & rekabentuk lapangan terbang Text
Kenderaan China tambah saingan di Malaysia Text
90 warga UTM sertai kursus praperkahwinan News Paper Cuttings
Silanized maghemite for cross-linked enzyme aggregIndexed Paper
Motivasi pelajar : UM jadikan program tahunan Text
Modul Keusahawanan jadi subjek wajib IPTA Text
Media imperialism and body image discernment : a Indexed Paper
HIV patients may get free drugs Text
Land use planning / perancanagn gunatanah Text
Laminar mixed convective nanofluids flow over a triplThesis
Effect of heat treatment on the antioxidant activitiesJournal Article
Accidents at workplace show steady decline Text
Malaysians complain about everything Government Text
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
No small cigarette pack sales from today Text
Digital information evaluation skills among students Indexed Paper
Introduction to business Exam Papers
Vaksin percuma cegah kanser rahim Text
Let pupils raise funds for schools Text
IPT perlu utama nilai murni, persaingan global Text
Peranan kolej komuniti akan diperhebat : Shafie Text
Pineapples offering good returns Text
Milk programme for schools suspended again Text
Keberkesanan Akta Ubat dikaji semula Text
Mapping lineament features using remote sensing d Conference Papers
Development of wideband multiple input multiple out Thesis
Orang utanÆs last stand Text
The Enhanced EWMA control chart with autocorrelatJournal Article
Transforma i kediaman flat News Paper Cuttings
Efficient reduction of graphene oxide nanosheets us Indexed Paper
Krisis cuaca dunia mesti ditangani secara serius Text
Keselamatan kanak-kanak tanggungjawab bersama Text
Sistem kad di stesen minyak tahun depan Text
Rain spoils solar car's record bid Text
Ekonomi : jurang antara kaum masih ancaman besarText
Still RM1.80 per kg for ST15 rice Text
Pengeboman untuk lumpuhkan ekonomi News Paper Cuttings
Hanya 30,847 lelaki usia 45-49 tahun belum berkahwText
Pengurusan masa dalam kalangan guru berkeluarga te Thesis
RM10j tingkat kualiti produk halal Text
Exergy analysis of a capillary tube Text
Kefahaman bantu cegah penganiayaan Text
Micro controller-based fuzzy logic controller for a Non-Index Paper
Pengumpulan data lapangan Text
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Mikroelektronik Text
Dasar Perumahan lindungi pembeli Text
Influence of urban form on pedestrian perception o Thesis
Empat jurujual pecah masuk IPT diberkas Text
Kerajaan galak pelaburan domestik Text
Highest number of HIV cases in Kelantan Text
Pengaruh umur terhadap kekuatan tanah yang distabi Text
Tiada rombakan Kabinet: Masa terlalu suntuk sebe Text
Pilih pemimpin diyakini rakyat Text
Thermal performance of vertical greenery systems i Thesis
Integration of web-based failure mode and effects anThesis
Program 3P tawar 24,937 peluang pekerjaan Text
Knowing the Master-truth Text
Evaluation of geotextiles on embankment displacemeIndexed Paper
Asia Pasifik catat kematian paling tinggi akibat asma Text
Software board to be 250,000 strong in 2 years' timeText
Menabung di SSPN Text
RM2 bil saved by keeping PhD students in local unis News Paper Cuttings
The relationship of knowledge management practiceThesis
Dirty toilets get up touristsÆ nose Text
A study of contractor's procurement performance casThesis
A glimpse into the research space of location based sNon-Index Paper
Wawasan baru RMK-9 utamakan R&D Text
Synthesis and characterization of immobilized white-rIndexed Paper
Remaja tawar khidmat kepada gay Text
Peranan Malaysia dalam bidang sains diiktiraf Text
Bird flu update : Govt preparing for worst-case scenaText
Integral equation approach for computing green’sJournal Article
Interaction simulation and experimental physico-mecha Indexed Paper
Freedom within boundaries Text
Jangan kaitkan Petronas dengan harga minyak Text
A hardware implementation of Rivest-Shamir-AdlemaText
Implan sten jantung News Paper Cuttings
Lesung batu elektronik memudahkan tugas suri rum Text
Program K-Sharing ‘Bahaya Logam Berat Dalam Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian kelakuan vortek di belakang bluff body menggText
Microwave and reflection properties of palm shell c Text
Dry spell forces states to brace for rationing Text
Tahap kesediaan guru-guru dalam melaksanakan pent Thesis
Modeling of vacuum gas oil hydrocracking process u Thesis
Big projects in JohorÆs south-east areas Text
18 tahun ke atas tidak tukar MyKad dikompaun Text
Tinjauan terhadap tingkah laku maklumat dalam kalan Conference Papers
The perception of tourist on the importance and perThesis
Design and analysis of bending motion in single and Indexed Paper
Advanced accounting Exam Papers
Kegunaan anomali tumbuhan bagi mengesan kawasan Text
Determination of precise geodetic coordinate using gThesis
R&D tempatan kurang memberangsangkan Text
Implication of field abandonment cost towards the ecThesis
Size segregated of atmospheric sulphate aerosols in Conference Papers
Dadah RM61 juta dirampas Text
Denggi ragut 29 nyawa dalam seminggu Text
Manfaatkan minggu orientasi sebaik mungkin Text
Tahap amalan keselamatan makanan yang diamalkanThesis o
Temperature reduction pinch analysis (TERPA): applica Thesis
Hui Yi the miracle girl Text
Bukan pertembungan Sunni-Syiah News Paper Cuttings
Move to obtain fire certs for govt buildings Text
Ministry sticks with London sports centre plan Text
Big five trait personality and academic achievemen Thesis
Development methodology for herbal knowledge capConference Papers
Development of porous mixed matrix hollow fiber meThesis
The impact of organizational culture on knowledge Thesis
Fong orders probe into abuse of Socso claims Text
Pupuk nilai murni Text
CCC mampu kurang beban kerja Text
Characterization study of platinum-doped stannic oxid Text
Drop hip names attached to illicit drugs Text
Polymer technology II Exam Papers
Menteri belum bincang tarif baru elektrik Text
Hukuman lebih berat boleh tangani gejala pelajar s Text
Johor crime down slightly, solving rate up Text
Krisis ekonomi dunia : pekerja Malaysia turut terken Text
Group highlights threat to Gunung Jasar Text
Reduction of major pollutants via air-staged commb Indexed Paper
Robot technology for automation Exam Papers
Conduct business with honesty and transparency, PMText
Ismail assures private docs over new law Text
Kaedah analisis perancangan Text
Piagam Pesakit jaminan hak perubatan terbaik Text
Membina suis kawalan jauh frekuensi radio untuk meThesis
Knowledge sharing in a multi-nationality workforce : Indexed Paper
Adaptive fuzzy switching noise reduction filter for iri Indexed Paper
A study of the cognitive reading strategies employedThesis
Marine systems II Text
Klausa perubahan harga besi keluli diwujud Text
Media Malaysia membosankan : Samad Ismail Text
Pelaburan infrastruktur IDB pacu ekonomi Islam Text
UKM to honour alumni in a book Text
Gugatan akidah: bertawakal kepada selain Allah Conference Papers
Sekolah perlu jadi acuan 1Belia, 1Malaysia Text
For highway training News Paper Cuttings
Imperialisme baru lebih bahaya Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Unsaturated soil mechanics Exam Papers
Perkukuh identiti agama Text
Shahrizat mahu majikan biayai ujian kanser Text
Law needed against spammers Text
Free tuition for poor city students to start soon Text
Tumpukan usaha tingkat daya saing negara Text
Methods of Planning Analysis Exam Papers
Customer relationship management implementationThesis i
Industri francais mampu berkembang Text
Nilai dominan ekonomi pesawah dan penoreh : kajianText
Differentiating KMS strategy from business strategy, Conference Papers
Sektor tani perlu pakar ekonomi Text
E-passport pride of Malaysian technology Text
Miss Malaysia kebaya Thesis
Hab Halal Dunia buka peluang usahawan Muslim Text
Catalytic hydrolysis of cellulose and oil palm biomassIndexed Paper
Tabu atau perlu pendidikan seks di sekolah? Text
Fresh properties and mechanical properties of steel Conference Papers
Smart fire alarm system Thesis
Gejala rasuah masih berleluasa Text
Icon for Compressed/archive
Akupuntur penyelesai segala penyakit Text
It could be a swamp dweller Text
Plan for new banking standards Text
Syor hukuman penjara mandatori kesalahan buang siText
Clamour to raise prices Text
1,908 more to join tourist police Text
Construction of precast segmental box girder bridge Tuext
21,241 tempat ditawar ikuti program politeknik Text
Incorporating K-MAP into KM-Oriented BPR : a case Thesis
Structure integrity assessment of deteriorating con Thesis
Pelajar baru usah persia peluang ke IPTA Text
On the relationship between multiple power-flow solConference Papers
Penduduk gesa perangi jenayah, gejala sosial Text
Catalytic steam reforming of acetic acid over bimeta Thesis
Intelligent beaconless geographical forwarding for Indexed Paper
TM Net, Jaring pantau pulih kabel internet Text
Persamaan terbitan separa Text
Internet, permainan elektronik ancam industri akhbaText
Why many Muslims are not organ donors Text
Preparation and characterization of sulfonated poly Indexed Paper
R&D pastikan kejayaan kewangan Islam Text
Nilai riots : four Indons get 30 months each Text
Improving generalization of radial basis function net Conference Papers
Kerajaan lulus pelaburan RM321j suku pertama Text
Residents fear floods may occur Text
Persepsi peneroka Felda Air Tawar 5 dan Felda SemeThesis
Novel design Rabi oscillation system for human quanIndexed Paper
Mencorakkan Parlimen kelas pertama Text
Kerajaan negeri jimatkan kos bekalan air bersih Text
Pahang, Perak bersih dari gejala rasuah Text
The impact of university’s development to real esThesis
UTM didik kesedaran alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Inflasi : jangan takut guna dasar monetari Text
Iltizam antarabangsa perlu tangani krisis makanan Text
55 terbaik seluruh negara Text
An experiment in X.25 datagram implementation for Text
UK kenakan syarat kecualikan visa Text
Bid to lessen teachersÆ workload Text
Penyelesaian masalah penjadualan dinamik dengan Text
Liberalisasi kewangan mampu tingkat taraf hidup rakText
PM mahu hubungan ekonomi dipertingkat Text
Pyramid vector quantization of video subband with dText
Connection system of ferrocement sandwich block Text
Threats to health information security Non-Index Paper
Meeting research needs Text
Examination Papers - Faculty of Build Environment
Exact solutions for unsteady flow of second grade fluIndexed Paper
Planning and environment Exam Papers
Bukan selama-lama gagal Text
Ubat cegah HIV/AIDS Text
Memelihara air, menangani banjir Text
Pengalaman berharga di Everest Base Camp News Paper Cuttings
Tahap pengetahuan, amalan dan cabaran guru-guru K Thesis
Commercialization success factors of university rese Journal Article
Basmi cetak rompak selamatkan industri IT dan hibu Text
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Pelan "Bukan Hanya Simpanan" Text
Hybrid of structural-causal and statistical model for iThesis
Chemical reactions process Exam Papers
KTMB terima lapan lokomotif baru Text
Penuntut UTM turun padang News Paper Cuttings
Brown sugar as a low-cost medium for the production Indexed Paper
90,000 OKU belum daftar Text
Inovasi baru siapkan bangunan seminggu Text
Pendidikan perlu liberal Text
Modern medical centre Text
Telekom needs to fork out RM1.3b Text
Nectar of life Text
Pengaplikasian kemahiran amali mata pelajaran kemaConference Papers
Aplikasi android berbentuk penganalisa status hala Thesis
Sesi pembentangan bagi Anugerah Kualiti PerkhidmaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pemindahan pembelajaran antara konsep dan aplikasThesis
Rewriting Out of Africa theory Text
Program penempatan pelajar IPTA diperluas Text
Dana insurans kesihatan tak jejas golongan miskin Text
Analisis keberkesanan membran bioreaktor menggunText
Protection system analysis using fault signatures in Indexed Paper
Instrumentasi proses Text
The concepts through the mediating effects of psycho Non-Index Paper
Numerical modelling of fully quantum, spontaneous Thesis
Kerajaan rangka dasar pembangunan kandungan te Text
Penyelenggaraan dan operasi aset menggunakan volu Thesis
An overview of agricultural biomass for decentralize Indexed Paper
Beri galakan bekerja sambilan Text
Train lecturers to use English, varsities told Text
Explaining team performance : a study of the effec Thesis
Pendekatan terbuka pulih pentadbiran Text
Gas subsidy for interior Sarawak acts to ease burdenText
Pencarum KWSP perlu berhati-hati melabur Text
Bukan usia menjadi ukuran Text
Ong : councils still have a say Text
MPOB lowers CPO production estimate Text
Tiga termasuk dua budak maut dirempuh Text
Youth camp focuses on global diversity News Paper Cuttings
1,600 pantau logo halal : KPDNHEP ambil alih pengu Text
Development of delay tolerant network with automaThesis
One in 4 chance of cancer Text
Pengguna telefon bimbit tidak hadapi risiko kanser oText
Construction technology III Exam Papers
Government jobs for 3,000 ICT grads Text
Network integrity monitoring for network -RTK (real Thesis
Modelling of bathymetry changes from airsar / polsaConference Papers
Museum team discovers hidden well Text
Managing sustainable development through planningConference Papers
Isu alam sekitar jadi senjata baru APEC Text
Perkemaskan pengangkutan awam Text
Expect more suicides in future Text
Simplified tonnage measurement for local fishing vessThesis
Kaedah bioteknologi DNA khinzir haram Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
10,000 diberi peluang kedua : jalani latihan khas P Text
Nutrient removal of grey water from wet market usi Indexed Paper
RM50 juta untuk GSM-UPM, GSB-UKM Text
Nuclear physics Exam Papers
Amalan nilai pancasila dan gaya membuat keputusanThesis
Development of rigid bio-based polyurethane foam rIndexed Paper
Master plan to boost new villages Text
Akta Perubatan 1971 dikaji semula Text
Optimisation of synozol red decolourization by paeniConference Papers
Gaza medan percubaan senjata Israel News Paper Cuttings
Development of an enriched method for introductoryThesis
Ukur binaan 2 Exam Papers
Losing face over melasma Text
Keruntuhan akhlak hancurkan peradaban bangsa Text
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Malaysia sedia bantu AS pulih hubungan Islam, BaratText
Tasawwur Islam/Pendidikan Islam Exam Papers
Character building in ESL materials: values and Mala Journal Article
Dynamics Exam Papers
Mikroelektronik I Text
Notification system for online subject registration Thesis
Kajian terhadap punca ketidakpatuhan had harga r Thesis
MAS bakal guna sistem daftar masuk terkini Text
Instrumentation and Measurement Exam Papers
Extraction and characterization of lignin from oil p Indexed Paper
Automated MR brain image segmentation and classifiConference Papers
4 strategi perkukuh Proton Text
Industri aeroangkasa terima pelaburan RM1.66 bilio Text
Urusan kemasukan ke IPTA menerusi talian mulai 20Text
MIDF turut tumpu sektor perkhidmatan Text
Mahmoud Abbas Presiden Palestin Text
Perabot mahogani ada kelas tersendiri Text
Berbakti melalui buku undang-undang Text
The local structures of E2O3, Dy203 doped strontiumConference Papers
Proton mampu berdikari Text
Ancaman kejatuhan Pervez Text
Factors influencing knowledge sharing among universThesis
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Proton sudah bersedia hadapi Afta 2005 Text
Reshuffle plan to lower street crime Text
Galak anak bermain Text
Penarafan dunia tidak jejas prestasi IPTA (bersama Text
A one-dimensional implementation of a coupled elasThesis
Development of asymmetric polysulfone and zeoliti Thesis
Information sharing platform to support collaborati Thesis
72.2% keluar mengundi Text
Energy absorption of sandwich structure under impacThesis
Penderaan jejas memori kanak-kanak Text
Partial discharge characteristic of linear low densit Indexed Paper
Reduction of reject rate by using design of experim Thesis
Management science Exam Papers
PM : foundation has been laid Text
Penyelia, guru cemerlang berhak gred lebih tinggi Text
Understanding women managers' competence acquiThesis
Logik Digital Text
UTM’s first woman graduand to get a surveying News Paper Cuttings
Pendidikan secara maya Text
Guidelines on integrity Text
An efficient real-time terrain data organization and Text
Remaja disyaki peragut amat dikehendaki dicekup Text
Tabiat di sekolah : terbawa-bawa sehingga dewasa Text
AS restu pembunuhan, Beijing tidak tamak kuasa: P Text
Potensi hasil industri landskap, hortikultur Text
Dr Jism buang kotoran Text
Tawar RM350,000 beli prototaip rumah solar UTM News Paper Cuttings
Palm oil recovery from spent bleaching earth using diThesis
Electrochemical potential study using NaCI brine soluThesis
Taguchi method in performance evaluation of routinThesis
Land use planning / Land use planning 1 Exam Papers
IPTA digesa perbanyak kokurikulum Text
Kimia organik I Text
Police in nationwide blitz Text
Pembelajaran bahasa inggeris melalui Internet Text
Terengganu sedia pinjaman negeri minat guna e-booText
Sains fizik polimer Text
Keeping your children safe online... Text
Pensyarah cipta alat rawat air sisa sawit Text
Pengurusan bangunan 2 Text
Beach profile changes in Desaru Beach, Johor Thesis
Generasi muda perlukan kekuatan minda Text
Improved recovery of chitin from scampi waste usingText
Kementerian akan bertindak Text
Synthesis and characterization of alkyl and porous silThesis
Perak hits snag over tsunami aid Text
Budaya penyelidikan sains Text
Kadar baru tol 5 lebuh raya Text
Illicit image detection based on enhanced bag of vi Thesis
Zambia minat laksana modul ikut Malaysia Text
Flexible and operable heat exchanger networks Indexed Paper
More places for students at public universities Text
Analisis spatial untuk Pulau Langkawi (Fulltext) Text
The quest for world heritage site listing : lessons fro Conference Papers
Malaysia perintis dunia teknologi magneprint Text
Strength behavior and microstructural characteristicsIndexed
o Paper
Estimation of forest chemical energy content in tropic Thesis
Bersih ; UTM ulangi amaran News Paper Cuttings
Guru patut akur arahan bertukar Text
Geographical indications also given to same product Text
A neighbor's trust based model for prevention of blaThesis
Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking Journal Article
ASM bayar dividen 6.6 sen seunit Text
Lower EPF dividends a possibility Text
Capacitor bank controller (power factor controller) Text
CFS ganti matrikulasi UIAM Text
Removal of nitrate nitrogen in conventional wastewaText
Instrumentation and electrical measurement Exam Papers
1Malaysia : The road to an inclusive nation Text
Persamaan terbitan I Text
Effect of jointing sand sizes and width on horizonta Indexed Paper
The causel factors of increase in project cost and its Text
Kulim improving palm oil yield Text
Machining of bone: An analysis of cutting force, sur Thesis
Impact of river basin changes on ecosystem services Thesis
Ubat bukan halangan berpuasa Text
The role of the mosque in the Kurdistan community Thesis
Mekanik gunaan Text
Pengantar perakaunan kewangan Text
Applied optic Exam Papers
Speech intelligibility of BM words using auralization Thesis
The probability that an element of a non-abelian grouThesis
Teacher and student questions : a case study in Mal Indexed Paper
Alert on dengue Text
Malacca may give loans to needy college students Text
Real - time routing in wireless sensor networks Conference Papers
Seminar kaunseling di tempat kerja Text
Rape victim outrage Text
The impact on capital investment on working capit Thesis
Program Bakti diselaras ikut gagasan Satu Malaysia Text
Harga runcit petrol akan diselaraskan Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Jalan Sultan Ibrahim, Kota Bh Text
Advanced thermodynamics Exam Papers
Liquidated and ascertained damage (LAD) and requirem Text
Pembentangan pelajar praktikal Disember 2016 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kawalan biologi dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar Text
Baca buku kuat rangsang minda anak Text
The deduction of fine structural details of reverse Indexed Paper
Rid civil service of complacency Text
Penentuan kadar mendakan di Teluk Punggai, Johor Thesis
Implikasi kelewatan pewartaan kawasan lapang Thesis
One man four passports Text
Solving one dimensional heat equation and ground wa Thesis
Lagi 70,000 pekerja Bangladesh tiba di Malaysia Text
The root of his success Text
Experimental study of wingtip device Text
Strength of cement stabilised earth block Text
UPSI raih pelbagai kejayaan, pengiktirafan dalam R& Text
Clean bill for flu patients Text
Keberkesanan pengurusan penyenggaraan fasiliti ba Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Taktik baru seludup dadah dibongkar Text
Kos dan faedah pembangunan sistem maklumat geogr Text
Lelaki rentung dalam nahas empat kenderaan Text
Sistem pengundian pilihanraya Majlis Perwakilan Mah Text
RM3 bilion bantu pelajar miskin Text
Quantum Mechanics Exam Papers
Akta Hubungan Kaum Text
UTMSpace peneraju pembelajaran sepanjang hayat News Paper Cuttings
Pengguna Facebook 250 juta Text
Penagihan dadah di tempat kerja tinggi Text
Malam anugerah kolej 11 UTM Skudai meriah Text
Correlation between lightning occurrence and rainfalThesis
More teens get diabetes due to taste for sweet life Text
4B bakal diterajui pemimpin muda Text
MSU tawar program berkualiti permudah graduan daText
Modeling of non point source pollution from residentText
2 generasi bayar rumah : anak sambung selepas ibu bText
Virtualised load management algorithm to reduce CO2 Indexed Paper
Wujudkan Akta Hiburan Nasional Text
Sultan Johor rasmi sambutan 30 tahun UTM Text
Law must click with the times, says Bar chif Text
miniature bioreactors for rapid bioprocess developmJournal Article
The study of the possibility of processing semi solid Text
Pengeluar umum harga baru minggu depan Text
Multivariate statistics Text
World leaders expected to unveil debt freeze in JakaText
Tabung tsunami tempatan diarah tutup 31 Januari Text
Preserve pudu jail or move it Text
Second Angkasawan can go up in 2010-2011 Text
Modeling and simulation of 6-pulse and 12-pulse recConference Papers
Dr M : Malay roots in Southeast Asia Text
Multiple driving forces of paddy land conversion : a Indexed Paper
Jenayah di Johor turun 3.8% Text
Tunneling method in global optimization Thesis
Genetic algorithm approach for parameters estimati Thesis
Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extractionThesis
Coretan Angkasawan : kejayaan dorong kanak-kanakText
Higher global price linked to increase in sugar smuggText
Malaysia-Japan varsitys first intake in July Text
Circuit Theory I Exam Papers
Differential equations Exam Papers
Exact solutions and lattice Boltzmann method modellIndexed Paper
Introduction to computer Exam Papers
UNESCO serah sijil perakuan tapak warisan dunia Text
Mantapkan peranan Felda Text
JPJ tetap pertahan e-Kesihatan Text
Cost accounting / Kos perakaunan Text
Identification of retina image size in relation to elec Thesis
Computer simulation on natural ventilation design o Thesis
Kabinet setuju markah kokurikulum syarat ke IPTA Text
Sabah CM : don't harbour illegals Text
Mahkamah disiplin kawal kelakuan murid Text
Nilai ringgit patut RM3.5 berbanding dolar Amerika Text
Indicators of sustainable community based rural tou Conference Papers
Common religion for children Text
Kalkulus II Text
Syor benarkan lelaki mengamalkan perkahwinan misText
Lebih 376.3 tan gula dirampas Text
Kertas cadangan satu komputer riba setiap pelajar I Text
PIPC lonjak minat pelajar Bumiputera News Paper Cuttings
Sistem kuasa Text
TNB raih keuntungan bersih RM995.1 juta Text
Tujuh lagi kematian akibat demam denggi Text
More SPM subjects to pick from Text
PM : handle issues of race, religion with care Text
Method of planning analysis Exam Papers
Pahang rancang komersialkan sumber air Text
Sistem kawalan Text
61 IPTA/IPTS diaudit akademik Okt. Text
Ornamental harmony Text
Prestasi kontraktor bagi kerja-kerja kecil Thesis
Effect of monomer to cross linker percentage on physThesis
A virtual instrument development and analysis of slow Thesis
Pengajian perniagaan II Text
212 pekebun sawit terima insentif RM1.6j Text
Piracy hurting music industry Text
RM20,000 drugs in car : 2 held Text
Pelaburan terus asing ke ASEAN dijangka meningkat Text
Kesihatan Pekerjaan Exam Papers
Keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan Exam Papers
Landscape Construction IV Exam Papers
Ambil alih konsesi lebuh raya bakal tambah beban raText
Persepsi kejiranan terhadap faktor yang mendorong Thesis
Modified particle swarm optimization with time varyiIndexed Paper
Modified sago based membranes for pervaporation sThesis
Simulation of a robotic manipulator Text
Optimisation of electrophoretic deposition parameteIndexed Paper
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Tangkap, buang, bunuh virus Influenza A Text
Prestasi baik di negara ini Text
Dr Chua : no basis for keeping stem cells Text
Harga minyak dijangka turun lagi ikut pasaran Text
Improving the inventory levels of a blood supply ch Indexed Paper
21 juta penumpang gunakan KLIA Text
Hybrid geographic routing protocol on realistic mobi Thesis
MW-mile charging methodology for wheeling transacti Text
Analysis of emission of Eu3+ and Dy3+ doped MagnesIndexed Paper
A review on critical success facteffect of tourism on Indexed Paper
Adaptation to climate change impacts on water demIndexed Paper
Wanita perlu disiplin bersenam Text
Dr Mahathir, Mahaleel tawar ú1 beli Lotus Text
Kawalan banjir menggunakan kaedah kolam tadahanText d
Cost planning and control Exam Papers
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah bakal naikkan imej Text
Numerical modelling of homogeneous two-phase gas-l Journal Article
In-depth study on IJN plan Text
Universiti terima geran $7.5 juta News Paper Cuttings
Target to reduce street crimes by 20% on course to Text
One-pot electro-synthesis of ZrO2-ZnO/HY nanocompo Indexed Paper
Pusat sehenti kendali Program Malaysia Rumah Ked Text
Vokasional perlu dirombak, dinaik taraf Text
Cabby found murdered Text
Institute finds virus behind flu outbreaks Text
Magnetohydrodynamic flow past a sphere in a viscous Thesis
Penentukuran alat ukur jarak lektronik = calibratio Text
Kesan penggunaan pemodelan bongkah 3-dimensi dalam Conference Papers
IIB changing strategies to woo investors Text
Keberkesanan pelaksanaan konsep perumahan hon Thesis
Penggunaan teknik reflectorless dalam penghasilan Text
Pesawat berkuasa kipas Text
PM : luar bandar, Felda pusat pembangunan baru Text
New chemical for lighting air terminal capturing cap Thesis
Tahap kefahaman kemahiran komunikasi dan mengeks Conference Papers
WYSIWYG HTML editor Text
Ultrasound kesan kecacatan bayi Text
Abdullah extols power of prayer Text
Traffic impact assessment of new commercial devel Thesis
USM cipta alat terapi strok : hasil penyelidikan ber Text
Peranan media rapat hubungan Islam, Barat Text
Banyak rumah rosak dilanda ribut, hujan batu Text
Koridor maksimumkan guna tenaga Text
Model dan Struktur Data Text
PSM topic field guidance system Thesis
Factors of attraction to Johor Bahru Shopping CenterText
R&D : penampal gigi baru Text
Kajian terhadap faktor pengaruh di dalam strategi peText
SARS: Kerajaan tidak mahu terburu-buru kenakan se Text
All-out war against crime Text
Optical and structural properties of lithium sodium Indexed Paper
A comparative study on different proportion of crushThesis
Personalization as a sustainable approach to mass h Conference Papers
Pengurusan zakat cekap bantu ekonomi : PM Text
Universiti Terbuka : usaha jadi universiti swasta teru Text
Enhancement of ethanol production in Escherichia Col Thesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Instrumen sukuk mercu tanda pasaran modal islam Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Pemodelan akustik dan sistem audio bagi sebuah masText
Unmanned hovercraft Thesis
Scale fees information application for mobile user Thesis
Maxis turns in highest ever quarterly profit Text
RM50,000 boost for research on migratory pattern ofText
Influences of dysprosium and phosphorous oxides coIndexed Paper
Struktur semula sistem kewangan dunia : TPM Text
Bio-composite material from bio-fibers Thesis
IPTA : putar belit maklumat punca kekeliruan Text
Independent component analysis and rough fuzzy baConference Papers
Tiga pengajaran daripada episod jerebu Text
Design for end-of-life value framework for vehicle Non-Index Paper
Cari jalan penyelesaian : PM mahu langkah jangka paText
Starting Islamic bank not as easy as it seems Text
200,000 pekerja hilang kerja? Text
Modeling of warranty cost for a lifetime warranty polThesis
A new strontium/copper co-doped lithium borate glaIndexed Paper
Khidmat TMC percuma untuk pemandu lebuh raya Text
Study on meritocracy system Text
Langkah bersepadu kukuhkan ekonomi Text
Hybrid self organizing map for overlapping clusters Conference Papers
An investigation study of academic writing problem Thesis
Mekanik mesin Text
Diversity at workplace Text
Kebangkitan dan gerakan tentera selendang merah dJournal Article
2.2 juta pekerja bergaji rendah Text
Performance and resistance of paint used as exteriorIndexed Paper
Kerajaan kaji pengkorporatan Kastam News Paper Cuttings
Penambahbaikan jalan raya perlu seiring pertambah Text
Sistem merit tidak sesuai untuk pelajar India : Samy Text
Kajian lanjutan rekabentuk terperinci dan analisis Text
Evaluation of aluminium investment casting by in-sit Thesis
Nodularisation of grey iron by mould method Text
Theory of design Exam Papers
Kandungan tempatan rendah punca liputan Internet Text
Sistem digit Text
Why 10 subjects is enough for SPM Text
Menganggarkan kadaralir puncak untuk tempoh danText k
Pengantar perancang Text
Behaviour of driven vertical and batter piles embeddThesis
Fundamental of image processing Exam Papers
An investigation of temperature effects on the pr Indexed Paper
Dynamics / Dinamik Text
Housing affordability for public servants in Bauchi St Thesis
Jerebu : 1,160 sekolah ditutup Text
Generasi muda diminta ceburi pertanian Text
E-filing LHDN : baki dikembali dalam sebulan Text
Sistem bangunan tinggi : analisis & rekabentuk Text
Reprieve for passport holders Text
Daftar jadi pengundi melalui Internet, SMS mulai ta Text
Laman web lucah dorong zina, jenayah seks Text
Peluang 23,471 guru naik pangkat Text
Perbandingan analisa modal secara analitikal dan ek Text
Railing over poor rail network Text
Human body posture monitoring system Thesis
Aplikasi bioteknologi Text
Text-independent speaker identification by artificia Conference Papers
Effect of raw multi-wall carbon nanotubes on morphIndexed Paper
Jawatankuasa tangani gejala sosial di sekolah Text
Ternakan dalam sangkar boleh atasi kekurangan ikanText
Graceful gallops News Paper Cuttings
US and Britain fast becoming the main enemy of civilText
Klang Valley to have ample water by 2009 Text
Biologi am I Text
Theoretical studies on the morphological and electri Indexed Paper
Polarization-insensitivity for 2x2 multimode interfer Conference Papers
Laporan prestasi PIPP diumum esok Text
The tribological characteristics of the cactus and mineJournal Article
Johor pertingkat kebun integrasi Text
UTM laksana program 5ETP News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan sedia dana kaji kedatangan Islam Text
Perubahan dan belanjawan Text
Pengaruh asid fosforik terhadap kekuatan mampatanText
Lembaga Penasihat Perpustakaan Negara dirombak Text
Bajet 2008 perlu libatkan sektor perkapalan Text
Sustainability assessment of compact-city developm Thesis
A combined sensitivity analysis of seven potential e Indexed Paper
Optimal sensor placement for mode shapes using imIndexed Paper
Design of a compact microstrip antenna AT 2.4GHZ (Text
Keselamatan Selat Melaka terjamin Text
Environmental hydraulic & hydrology Text
Automatic detection of coastal geomorphology changConference Papers
Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy Exam Papers
Abdullah : many more to come Text
Kabinet tubuh Pusat Pembelajaran BI di Putrajaya Text
Menjadikan Ipoh bandar raya idaman Text
Dependence of membrane morphology and performance Indexed Paper
Sidang APEC didominasi isu iklim, keselamatan Text
Banking holds great potential News Paper Cuttings
Differential Equations Exam Papers
Extraction of reactive dye using new supported liq Thesis
Titik sentuhan membangun dekad baharu yang sejahBook
Penyusunan semula proses pendaftaran hakmilik (FullText
Tahap pengetahuan prosedur pembinaan item ujian Ts hesis
LCCT : AirAsia kecewa lambat Text
Design for egress in tall building Text
KWSP jangka beri dividen tinggi Text
The environmental effect of mass housing developmeConference Papers
Reka bentuk konkrit bertetulang II / reka bentuk struk Text
Timbang tara cara terbaik : PM perjelas kaedah selesText
Copter sent to fight landfill fire Text
Optimal scheduling of energy storage for renewable Indexed Paper
A new numerical approach for total site heat integraThesis
Satisfaction, trust, participation and brand loyalty i Thesis
Pangkat, gred hadiah Hari Guru Text
Folic acid delivery device based on porous silicon na Indexed Paper
Elektronik III Text
Two weeks more to put out peat fires Text
Sex education, please Text
A study on budgeting practices in small and medium Thesis
Biomass production and nutrient removal by spontanConference Papers
The needs for capacity building in local government iConference Papers
Retorik kebangkitan China mudaratkan Asia Pasifik News Paper Cuttings
Hospital information system modeling Text
Reda hadapi musibah Text
Improving performance and antifouling capability of Indexed Paper
Reform UN and return to multilateralism Text
Contextual preferences of experts and residents: issueIndexed Paper
Ikan kelah makes comeback in Tasik Kenyir sanctuar Text
Selaras harga minyak ikut pasaran dunia Text
Kedudukan konsep rasmi pada negara Text
Exotic pets pose a health risk to kids Text
Bakal angkasawan kita jalani latihan di Rusia Text
Guru lepasan IPTA tak didiskriminasi Text
Maktab khas latih guru Sains, Matematik Text
Design study of tuna fishing vessel Text
Quantitative Techniques and Computer Exam Papers
Degradation and transformation of anthracene by whi Indexed Paper
Bank pertahan prosedur pinjaman tani Text
Johor cadang pasang pelindung cakera keras Text
Gems sedia latih 12,000 graduan Text
Aplikasi perisian terramodel dan terramodel visuali Thesis
Kekuatan blok apit ringan dengan ketebalan lapisa Thesis
GBC Malindo terus perkukuh kerjasama Malaysia, In Text
Fast asleep? Text
Penyakit 'Window-Shopping' satu nama yang naif unText
Jerebu bawa kesan psikologi kepada masyarakat Text
Business intelligence readiness factors for higher eduConference Papers
Lepas sisa : JAS dakwa Ramly Food Text
Implication of training on job satisfaction and turno Thesis
Six killed in two car crashes Text
A Comparative study of sound transmission loss proviJournal Article
Hanya amah berkualiti dihantar ke Malaysia Text
Pengurusan tapak dan keselamatan Text
Dr M : pay if you borrow Text
Basic graphic design in multimedia / asas rekabentu Text
IPP bekal elektrik ke pusat pertukaran Text
Are you robbing your kids of their childhood? Text
Penuaian air di Malaysia Text
Royal Mint temui empat institusi kewangan perkena Text
Kualiti makanan jadi keutamaan Text
Hospital review apt in costly times Text
Mampu takes lead in tackling bureaucracy Text
Pendatang : UPP Perlis ketatkan kawalan sempadan Text
R&D promotion efforts paying off Text
Proton, Kleemann bangunkan enjin model baru Text
Jepun mahu tingkat kerjasama pendidikan Text
DBP dan kemandulan minda Text
DonÆt scrap pension scheme Text
Pekali rintangan bagi aliran saluran terbuka berumpuThesis
Six firms keen to do research at USM's park Text
Bird flu update : only two of 10 patients still warded Text
Hasil kajian beban tugas guru dilaksana 2006 Text
Personal digital assistants as a mobile inspection sys Text
Halitosis : mulut bau bangsal, telur busuk Text
Buku berkaitan warisan seni sebagai tarikan pelanco Text
Jangan naikkan harga sewenang-wenang Text
Pil tongkat ali, pegaga ekstrak larut air Text
Malam Puisi Riong bakal gegarkan UTeM Text
Jakim tiada kuasa wajibkan logo halal Text
PM mahu tiga syarikat gergasi perluas pelaburan Text
Strategi AS-Eropah gugat geopolitik antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan dan pengusahaan tanah pertanian di Thesis
Preserving documents for posterity Text
Penyelenggaran bangunan bukan kerja remeh Text
Incentives for rural teachers Text
Pulihara ekosistem marin dari pupus Text
Elektronik digit Text
Bodies of 15 villagers recovered Text
Sirim to introduce integrated standards-based man Text
Zeti : SMEs are important engine of growth Text
The application of discrete homotopy analysis meth Thesis
Khaled wants more corporations to work with universText
Majikan digesa lipat ganda usaha capai kemalangan sText
Transmitting GPS as text form through wireless on d Journal Article
Pilih hiburan sesuai News Paper Cuttings
Penggunaan ciri hibernasi pada Window XP Text
Pelekat logo halal boleh dibeli dengan mudah Text
Perubahan sifat fizik batuan akibat pemadatan reserbText
Kejora jalin kerjasama pendidikan dengan UTM News Paper Cuttings
TPP sedia RM18 juta dilancar Text
Lembah Bio dapat sambutan Text
Kursus kolej komuniti dipertingkat Text
Flow in a pipeline with leakage Thesis
Ujian saringan HIV bukan sekat pasangan kahwin Text
Qisas mampu cegah pertumpahan darah Text
Varsities can set up cultural societies Text
Guidelines out on dental lab safety Text
Bank dilarang guna khidmat penarik kereta Text
Application of spectroscopy Exam Papers
One-stop centre for chronically ill to seek funds Text
Achieving energy efficiency through overall thermal tThesis
Contract administration Exam Papers
Iskandar Malaysia tarik pelaburan RM80j Text
Kemelut harga minyak tiada akhirnya Text
PM rasmi kampus WOU 19 Januari Text
Object tracking camera Thesis
Ramadan, Aidilfitri lebih syahdu di desa Text
Hala tuju industri automotif negara Text
Etika profesional Text
No to medicine at Crimea U Text
Hakikat kenaikan tol sukar dielakkan Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan I Text
Sejarah senibina moden Text
Terengganu perangi kemiskinan tegar Text
Projek RM1.5b bagi kontraktor kelas F Text
A crisis of digital storage Text
A comparison between traditional pavement rehabilText
Hubungan antara trait kepimpinan guru besar dengan Thesis
Proton terus kuasai pasaran kereta ASEAN Text
Industrial technology and bioreactor design Exam Papers
Business strategy, environmental uncertainty, bala Thesis
Tidak sekadar cari untung tapi berikan khidmat terbaText
Titas II Text
Effect of community participation on school communiIndexed Paper
Hybrid particle swarm optimization-artificial neural Thesis
Serial rapist loses appeal Text
Belajar mencintai buku Text
Overmodulation and field weakening in direct torqueText
Multilevel learning in kohonen som network for classText
Lightweight geopolymer wood composite synthesizedJournal Article
RSSI measurements for enabling IEEE 802.15.4 coexisConference Papers
Morphological and electrical characterization of hybrJournal Article
Police storm hotel room to rescue mother, son Text
Kenaikan ikut penggunaan Text
Pemasaran pelancongan Text
Correlation between cone penetration test and bearin Text
Photogrammetry I Text
Introduction to industrial psychology (Pengenalan psiExam Papers
Civil courts can review Syariah Court cases Text
DRB-Hicom untung RM276.7j Text
Islam garis kaedah berkesan atasi penularan wabak Text
Reducing scrap in a manufacturing company by usin Text
USM hasilkan kit penghalang sinar UV Text
Application of the modified hazop to an advisory sy Text
Equitable remedy : injunction (Preview) Text
Persatuan pengguna naik angin dengan Shafie ApdalText
Banjir kilat paling buruk landa Langkawi Text
Akta baru kawal selia koperasi diperkenal Text
Heat transfer enhancement comparisons in differentIndexed Paper
Permata Sarawak Text
Penyelidikan berkualiti tingkat daya saing News Paper Cuttings
IT classes for the blind available Text
A review of optimum DG placement based on minimiza Indexed Paper
Kajian kes keretakan struktur bangunan sederhana t Text
RM100m boost for micro-credit scheme Text
Pembangunan perisian agen pedagogi animasi bagi mat Thesis
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Malaysia still has edge in Asia Text
RM500 juta pulihkan semula Sungai Sekudai Text
Handover signaling for mobile user in relay LTE-adv Conference Papers
Gaya kognitif dan penguasaan kemahiran saintifik dalThesis
Badan kawal urusan aset negara perlu Text
Bajet Mini boleh rangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Analytical chemistry I Text
JKR lewat baiki bumbung stadium : MB Text
PMR results show excellence in Maths Text
Microconstructural studies of strontium titanate cer Thesis
Bajet hadapi cabaran Text
A review of commercialization tools : university inc Indexed Paper
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Kegagalan pembinaan tender pemasangan perancahThesis un
Pembangunan sumber air Text
Study of noise direction and intensity of a wing Text
Slope stability analyze during rapid drawdown in ea Thesis
Suruhanjaya Media perlu diwujudkan Text
Ontology-based cloud service discovery and attributeThesis
Radial slit maps of bounded multiply connected regi Indexed Paper
The motivation factors in the provision of green crit Thesis
Monitoring foam stability in foam assisted water alt Indexed Paper
Studies on spoiler influence on a car aerodynamic chrText
Satu rangka cadangan alternatif dalam pembangunanText
Pastikan flora, fauna tidak pupus Text
Landskap Text
Hasil pembakaran emisi rendah dengan menggunakan Thesis
Tsunami remembrance, keep helping the victims : P Text
Sistem penyelenggaran dan pameran kenderaan (SP Thesis
Make movies which reflect diversity Text
Teachers for young inmates Text
Comparison on acoustic performance between dust an Journal Article
Gagasan 1Malaysia diperluas dalam kepentingan straText
Study on early streamers emission (ESE) mechanism ai Text
Lesen 23 IPTS ditarik balik Text
The Breakdown of symmetry in word pairs in 1,092 Journal Article
Jumlah peminjam gagal bayar hutang terkawal Text
Teori perancangan Text
Siti Hasmah Tokoh Ibu Harmoni Text
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
UPM anjur seminar keluaran makanan Text
Structural and optical properties of undoped and m Thesis
Kia Motors keluar kereta fuel cell selepas 2012 Text
Engineering management Exam Papers
Pengurusan kejuruteraan dan keselamatan Text
Sistem mekanikal dan elektrikal Text
Towards monetary cooperation Text
Muafakat serantau tangani krisis dunia Text
When to sell or buy Text
Protect our wetlands, says Sultan Text
Learners' perceptions towards explicit and implicit Thesis
Police smash ketamine ring Text
3 bulan baiki hospital berkulat Text
Putting more value in the trash business Text
Minda kelas pertama : saranan PM dalam bangunkanText
Computational biology II Exam Papers
Much to do before AFTA Text
Kerajaan rancang perbesarkan fakulti IPTA Text
The use of contextual learning to promote scientific lConference Papers
RM15j jayakan Bumi Hijau Text
Dasar liberalisasi biar terkawal Text
Ex-addict helping drug users find new life Text
Nod needed for blood transfusion Text
Air buatan Pepsi tidak selamat Text
RM8m to replant mangroves, states urged to protec Text
Varsities to teach Science and Maths in English Text
Statstistik masuk hospital tinggi Text
Teruskan program khidmat bakti Text
RM100b Bonanza Text
Pak Lah assures Japan on policies Text
Susu terapi minda : Pakar Text
Tenaga nuklear ganti minyak Text
PM garis 9 perkara OIC perlu laksana basmi kemiskinText
SJK sistem pendidikan diwarisi Text
NUTP bantah subjek jalan raya Text
Malaysia mahu konflik di selatan Thailand berakhir Text
Jualan kenderaan merosot, pertama dalam 8 tahun Text
Depression can worsen illnesses, survey shows Text
Indeks kepelbagaian guna tanah dan perubahan pemThesis
Kejuruteraan geoteknikal cegah tragedi tanah runtu Text
Comparative analysis of noise removal techniques forThesis
Polyvinyl alcohol-alginate ferrophoto gels for mercurIndexed Paper
PTPTN : no conversion of loans into scholarships Text
An analytical approach for simulating aerial perspectiv
Harga getah terus meningkat Text
Pembentukan piagam beri Asean lebih suara dalam po Text
Suami curang, isteri enggan bermadu Text
UiTM sedia ambil 10,000 pelajar miskin, anak yatim Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
A review of the importance of physical fitness to c Indexed Paper
Cita sempurna Saidina Hussein sesuai dicontohi Text
Kajian kes keretakan struktur bangunan sederhana t Text
Evaluating the appropriateness of using BS5228 for co Thesis
Pasaran produk PKS dijangka positif Text
Pembangunan keusahawanan Text
Pendidikan seks ikut Islam tangani kemelut sosial Text
Wakil rakyat jangan penting diri Text
Malaysia, Brunei perbaharui iltizam Text
Single phase controlled rectifier using thyristor Thesis
Pengaruh lebuhraya baru ke atas pembangunan harta Thesis
Disiplin : UPSI wujudkan waktu senyap Text
Abdullah: Peningkatan FDI ke China bukan pukulan hText
85 peratus faktor pemandu Text
Kesedaran jimat tenaga masih rendah Text
Optimization of medium and cultivation conditions for Thesis
Banking on retail to spur growth Text
Tujuh syarikat Malaysia sertai pameran udara Paris Text
Equipment tracking and security system for hospital Text
Laws to hold parents liable Text
Tiga penyelidik UTM bangun produk belajar sambil News Paper Cuttings
Hydrodynamic studies of circulating fluidised bed c Text
Production of gasoline range hydrocarbons from cat Indexed Paper
Johor Sultan not in favour of third bridge Text
Simulated annealing approach for solving job shop Thesis
Health tourism reaps RM41m in first nine months Text
Cloning of family 11 xylanase,xynG1 from locally isolaConference Papers
A study on the tri-trophic food chain without diseas Thesis
Jobless rate may rise despite recovery Text
UTM cemerlang raih lima anugerah utama Ekspo MTText
Comparative study of robust invisible digital image Thesis
Physics / fizik Text
Mencapai matlamat misi nasional Text
Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat ditubuh 20 Text
Subjek peperiksaan dikurang Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Cemar sungai : kuat kuasa undang-undang lebih tegaText
Advanced organic chemistry Text
Senibina kapal II Text
Panduan sekolah bestari diperkenal Text
Kementerian Pendidikan latih guru manfaatkan mak Text
Pengaruh gaya kognitif terhadap pencapaian pelajar Conference Papers
Preparation and characterization of polysulfone/polyJournal Article
Fakulti S&T : UPSI guna bahasa inggeris tahun depanText
Nahas jalan raya boleh dielak Text
Penilaian perisian multimedia bertajuk pythagoras Conference Papers
Effect of asymmetrical street aspect ratios on microcIndexed Paper
Pengaruh besar berita televisyen Text
Metropolitan regional planning Exam Papers
UTM pusat sukan ekuestrian News Paper Cuttings
Retirees who work again must contribute Text
Felcra sasar pengeluaran makanan hasil pendapata Text
Pemusnah artifak jenayah perang News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia-Indonesia runding tingkat perkongsian ma Text
Quality improvement of solder paste printing procesText
Internet, e-dagang terus berkembang Text
Flood induced health and food safety web informatioThesis
Teachers and students to have same food Text
Kerajaan lulus RM1.3b bina kampus tetap KUKUM Text
UTM-PKWDSPG bersama bangunkan Kg. Khleang SbeNews Paper Cuttings
69,760 graduan IPTA daftar di Jobs Malaysia Text
Proton Waja dipilih kereta æpaling hijauÆ Text
Kerajaan berjaya tingkat mutu penyampaian awam Text
Design of steel tank for oil storage Text
Numerical investigation of road barrier impact crash Thesis
Technological knowledge, innovation and risk-takingJournal Article
Samy : we donÆt need your approval Text
Pakej bendung pengangguran Text
Issues faced by women in construction industry Thesis
Kaedah bimbingan bantu kurangkan kemiskinan tegaText
Prediction of unconfined compressive strength of l Indexed Paper
DUN Chempaka uji sokongan rakyat News Paper Cuttings
Undang-undang wajib anak jaga ibu bapa tidak perluText
Tidak semua barang naik Text
E-Kerja secara atas talian (untuk Unit Pembangunan Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Evolution of simple reaction type turbines for pico-h Journal Article
Business law / Undang-undang perniagaan Text
Bus ticket booking mobile application Thesis
Centralized attendance system Thesis
Quality control Text
Kendalian MASkargo Sarawak meningkat 20 peratus Text
Knee joint sound analysis for knee arthritis Thesis
Calculus Exam Papers
Solid mechanic 1 Exam Papers
Kajian kesan trafik terhadap pencemaran hingar di k Text
Langkawi set to become top organic rice producer Text
Disiplin gaya hidup sihat elak obesiti, penyakit kronikText
Air pressuring system for harmful gases Thesis
Perihal jambatan Bukit Bunga - Buketa Text
Aeration rate effect on the growth kinetics, phytase Indexed Paper
Penilaian terhadap kursus Bahasa Inggeris yang menText
Hire women and disabled, co-operatives urged Text
A study of near-infrared (NIR) filter for surveillance aThesis
Reliability in integrating NDT results of concrete stru Text
Arts, customs and beliefs of malaysian Exam Papers
Bas guna minyak masak Text
Pengenalan sains angkasa Text
PM: Localise all aspects of manufacturing to lower coText
Bird flu update : H5N1 virus detected in Seberang PraText
Multimedia application development Exam Papers
Business training for Bumiputeras and Indians Text
Pelbagai tanggungjawab terpikul di atas bahu guru Text
Elektronik Digit Text
9th plan boost for Johor Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Syarikat MSC cipta komponen canggih Text
The influence of growth parameter on zinc oxide na Thesis
Computer architecture and organization Exam Papers
Teheran tidak peduli amaran Washington Text
Weak imposition of essential boundary conditions inIndexed Paper
Proton kaji hasilkan teksi berimej Malaysia Text
Capillary flow responses in a soil-plant system for moIndexed Paper
Performance comparison and optimization methodolThesis
Pembentukan konsep dan ciri-ciri kawasan pinggir ban Text
550 sekolah rendah sertai program perintis Text
240,000 keluarga miskin layak dapat bantuan Text
Floods round-up : PM wants people to arrest lootersText
Kerajaan disaran kawal jumlah kontraktor binaan Text
Kesan penggunan jejaring logam di dalam lapisan apiText
Lembah Ternakan di Gemas jadi projek nasional Text
Pesara guru tauke minyak angin Text
Analisis terhadap model rasuk untuk mendapatkan f Text
Development of new systematic techniques for retrofText
No new foreign workers in two sectors Text
Bridge evaluation through nondestructive testing in Conference Papers
Jantung lebih sihat dengan oat Text
Poison Control : for the sake of agro-workers Text
Kalkulus I Text
Pengenalan sosiologi industri Text
Jangan rosakkan hubungan -- Singapura sepatutnya tText
Selamatkan ILKS bumiputera Text
Ibu, bapa mualaf boleh mengislamkan anak Text
Varsity pushing to save terrapins Text
Jangan benar 13 Mei berulang Text
Frontier area development and migration in Pahang,Text
Numerical modeling of disc brake system in frictionaIndexed Paper
Identification of audio and room parameters for optiText
Saintis Britain reka topi keledar cegah nyanyuk elak Text
42 peminjam ingkar PTPTN didakwa bulan depan Text
Menangani masalah : ASMA Text
Structural behaviour of an innovative precast cold- Thesis
Electrical treeing resistance characteristics of sili Thesis
Imbas detik gemilang Malaysia di Muzium Negara Text
Influence of initial water content and compaction Thesis
Technoeconomic and carbon emission analysis for a Non-Index Paper
Analisis berangka I Text
A full order sliding mode tracking controller design f Text
A framework for information security management to Thesis
Anaerobic pre-treatment of pharmaceutical wastewaNon-Index Paper
The effect of fins and ridges on the stability of cem Conference Papers
Financial management Exam Papers
Ultrasound power measurement system design usingThesis
Sultan Perak buktikan Raja bijak guna kuasa Text
Mechanical and durability performance of reinforce Thesis
Pelbagai kaedah merancang keluarga Text
Kajian keberkesanan struktur kawalan banjir di U Text
Auditor to check Smart schools Text
UTM buru reputasi cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Mengesan jenayah penipuan Text
The effect of different ge concentration on the characConference Papers
Development of portable high voltage power supply Thesis
Civil engineering materials Text
Perception of users towards the impact of modernisaThesis
Many still clueless about H1N1, says D-G Text
Islamic psychology Exam Papers
Keeping the code Text
A comparison of optimization methods in cutting pa Non-Index Paper
Techno economic study of potential using solar energNon-Index Paper
Electronic police report system by 2005 Text
Polymer physics and properties Exam Papers
Landscapes in transition : an analysis of sustainable Indexed Paper
Malaysia to woo Chinese investors Text
Stop releasing exotic animals, urges Frim Text
An effective numerical method for solving the nonlinJournal Article
Carbon dioxide can control Aedes Text
One in 650 born with DownÆs syndrome Text
Bumiputera perlu kuasai 65 peratus ekonomi negaraText
China sends first ætaikonautÆ to space Text
Hubungan keberkesanan latihan operasi perbankan ter Thesis
Kelas Tingkatan Enam wajar penjenamaan semula Text
Documentation of modern da'wah mosque in MalaysConference Papers
Kesan ubahbentuk mekanikal terhadap kekuatan lesuText
Negara kita hab pengajian tinggi global News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pengurusan air punca banjir Text
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using different sourceText
Numerical investigation of turbulent nanofluid flow eThesis
Lessons learnt from May 13 Text
Peraturan peguam syarie diseragamkan Text
LPJ bincang keselamatan laluan kapal Text
Mathematical communication skills of junior secondar Journal Article
Pengajian tinggi terus diperkasa Text
Effects of the activation temperature on the polyacryIndexed Paper
Enhanced genetic algorithm-based back propagationThesis
A digital forensic readiness components for operationThesis
Malaysians not innovative enough Text
RM500j lagi majukan industri kecil, sederhana Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Hang Tuah award for teen who saved sibling News Paper Cuttings
Analisa kaedah berangka terhadap masalah lubang t Text
Semi - flexible pavement : an overiew Conference Papers
Software engineering Exam Papers
Persepsi guru pelatih terhadap perkembangan indu Thesis
Penyiasatan sambil lewa punca hukuman tidak adil Text
Waktu piawai Malaysia dan implikasinya terhadap waThesis
Biodiesel production from oleic acid and palm fatty acThesis
Closer watch on diesel quota Text
Synthesis of poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/titanium o Journal Article
Cerita derita sang bumi Text
Komunikasi keluarga tangani masalah remaja Text
Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Karyawan Tamu Diraja UT News Paper Cuttings
Langkawi International Dialogue : real benefits for MText
Perkenal modul hubungan kaum Text
Separation of dissolved oil from aqueous solution byIndexed Paper
Polemics of polygamy Text
SOBB ada tarikan News Paper Cuttings
Tropika Melayu pilihan mahligai hinggap Text
Consumer psychology Exam Papers
Bukit mendap, 15 rumah ranap Text
All-round skills to be focus of new curriculum Text
The construction of rent prediction model for west eText
Aktif kokurikulum bukan penghalang News Paper Cuttings
Asas baru Dasar Pertanian Negara Text
Bioremediation and biodegradation Text
On the drastic reduction of organic structure directinIndexed Paper
Syariah court must keep pace Text
Orientation angle-based 2D ear recognition system Indexed Paper
Assessment of IT training and professional developmen Text
Syor usia 21 tahun automatik jadi pengundi Text
Simulation of liquid fuel spray combustion using GDI Text
UEM environment cemerlang Text
Bonus tetap sektor awam Text
Development of GIS application for local house priceThesis
Bantu usahawan tani : PM Text
An optimal performance control scheme for a 3D cr Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan jalan raya Text
Proposal for better healthcare Text
Knowledge alone inadequate to meet life's challengeText
A study on the tow rope length and design optimisatThesis
Usaha pikat lebih ramai pakar tempatan pulang diterText
Masjid Kristal mercu tanda baru Terengganu Text
He's the first : ... but it's no honour Text
Perodua yakin model MPV dapat sambutan Text
Dr M, Pak Lah and the economy Text
Ekonomi kukuh tarik pelabur tanam modal Text
An exploratory study Universiti Teknologi Malaysia' Thesis
Selangor beku serta-merta Text
Pemudah aims for top 10 ranking Text
Lesen memandu dibatal serta-merta jika positif dadaText
Project management & maintenance engineering Text
The effect of aging on the consumption of nickel layeText
Tafsir al-Quran : penafsiran al-Quran tanpa ilmu dite Text
Graduan tempatan mampu bekerja dalam bidang perText
An overview on audio steganography techniques Conference Papers
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Panduan penggunaan program zoom-A berdasarkan Thesis st
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Authentication in mobile cloud computing : a survey Indexed Paper
Jenayah boleh kurang jika ada kerjasama Text
Pasaran produk halal RM11.4 trilion harus diteroka : Text
MBM bantu atasi jenayah mat rempit Text
34 terbunuh ribut hujan batu landa Jeddah Text
Larangan rotan di khalayak Text
Spectroscopy and materials analysis Exam Papers
Tajuk-tajuk khas Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Student participation model in e-learning Thesis
Kembalikan martabat bahasa Melayu : KGGMMB Text
Estimating distribution parameters of extreme eve Thesis
Krisis minyak global tingkat kos hidup Text
Micro air vehicle: technology review and design studConference Papers
Project time management and communication syste Text
Pembangunan perisian analisis bahan rencam (Versi Text
Keseronokan angkasa News Paper Cuttings
Rainfall intensity duration frequency curve for Sun Thesis
Performance of soils treated with Liquid Chemical SoiThesis
An Autonomous Robot Tank Thesis
Diffrential equations I Exam Papers
Pinch technology: supertargetting for optimum synthConference Papers
Human face detection from color images: preliminaryConference Papers
The trend analysis of geodetic monitoring network bThesis
Highly overcrowded prisons Text
Hak Bumiputera jangan dipersoal Text
Budget 2007 : higher but prudent spending Text
Penilaian program pembangunan sumber manusia Text
Boleh mohon fleetCard di semua negeri Text
K-ekonomi ubah orientasi hubungan perusahaan Text
Optimization of formulation of floating hydrogels c Indexed Paper
Government evaluating success of Maths and ScienceText
Energy balance Exam Papers
Sarawak antara negeri paling banyak rasuah Text
Perceptions of Malaysian office workers on the adoptIndexed Paper
Modul pembelajaran kendiri berbantukan komputer Thesisbag
Teladan daripada Tuanku Canselor yang dikasihi Text
Back to Bahasa Malaysia Text
Study of silane treatment on poly-lactic acid (PLA)/s Indexed Paper
Dr. M : petunjuk ekonomi wajarkan nilai tambatan riText
Cuaca buruk dijangka berterusan Text
Pembangunan multimedia interaktif untuk pengajaran Text
Landasan berkembar ikut jadual Text
Parameterizable Decision tree classifier on NetFPGA Book Chapter
Buku panduan hadapi bencana diedarkan Text
Ikhlas tuntut ilmu azimat kejayaan Text
Kecanggihan sains forensik bantu tegak hukum syari Text
The effects of socio-economic characteristics on houText
Perlunya akta diskriminasi OKU Text
Masa terbaik untuk laksana FTA Text
10 maut bas dua tingkat terbabas di lebuh raya Text
Future looks bright Text
Bajet 2009 perlu sentuhan lestari Text
UTM, Universiti Newcastle jalin kerjasama Text
Rombakan pendidikan utama sejarah negara Text
Abdullah proposes that tax panel hold public hearin Text
Terahertz modeling of heat conduction, thermal mapp Thesis
Hydraulic & pneumatic Text
Training on counselling Text
Kesan hakisan / pemendapan akibat pengangkutan bThesis
PPSMI : keputusan enam bulan lagi Text
Stress and deformation characteristics study of EMDThesis
Lori ingkar arahan boleh ditahan 48 jam Text
UTM comes up with fabric-based antenna News Paper Cuttings
Filters a must at eateries Text
DonÆt curb lending, says PM Text
Kesan alam sekitar dalam penilaian kebolehtampungan Text
Makmal Marin, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, UTMText
Pengecaman imej kapal terbang menggunakan tekniThesis
Pengoptimuman skema logikal pangkalan data hubung Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu-bata Exam Papers
Kampung Organik dikenal pasti di Tampin Text
Selangor tertinggi buang bayi Text
Jentera pentadbiran UM lumpuh pulih semula Text
Syarat wanita dalam institusi fatwa Text
Quality programmes on tap Text
Sistem pengurusan latihan praktikal bagi FSKSM secarText
Persekitaran selamat perlu diwujud di Asia Timur Text
Maktab guru dinaik taraf IPG Text
Giving agriculture a big push Text
Analisis beban muktamad rasuk rencam pratuang kelu Text
Multi-element spectrometric analysis of stingless be Thesis
Services-oriented economy the key Text
Pusat kajian genomik di UKM Text
Utar population growing fast Text
World Environment Day : laws alone not enough to Text
Application of ANFIS, ARIMA and hybrid models in wThesis
Research on search engine optimization (SEO) techn Thesis
Kawalan sistem kuasa Text
Tawaran tempat ke IPTA dibuat pertengahan Mei Text
Polymer chemistry Exam Papers
400 SAR tidak berdaftar Text
Kementerian setuju bincang lindungi siswa dedah peText
WIEF diharap wujud kemakmuran, pertingkat ekono Text
Conceptualization of safety leadership in Malaysia' Conference Papers
Occupant kinematic study in safe bus superstructureIndexed Paper
Tahap stres dan tahap kepuasan kerja dalam kalangaThesis
Abdullah mahu generasi muda warisi nilai moral tingText
Bertindak pantas aduan rakyat, laporan media : Naji Text
Cadangan kurangkan nikotina, tar rokok Text
MyKad number for passports Text
Intelligent controllers for velocity tracking of two Indexed Paper
Kerja sambilan perlu peroleh kebenaran Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Negara tidak boleh bergantung kepada pembantu rum Text
Circuit theory 1 Exam Papers
Why it's wise to close the Skudai Waterworks News Paper Cuttings
Mencari realiti hubungan Malaysia - Singapura Text
Rakyat Malaysia terlibat pembalakan haram Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Effect of cations on microbial aggregation using BreviThesis
Najib : sesi akademik Universiti Pertahanan bermula Text
LAHS : a novel harmony search algorithm based on l Indexed Paper
Gangguan ADHD beri tekanan kepada ibu bapa Text
Human resource planning Exam Papers
Prinsip asas undang - undang Malaysia Text
RTM perkenal program pendidikan bahasa Text
Universiti semarak seni warisan Text
No milk, please Text
Produktiviti bank komersial meningkat Text
Semangat ASEAN hadapi krisis ekonomi Text
Private skills training institutes to enrol foreign stud Text
Bureaucratic delay affecting MS trio Text
Pengantar mikroekonomi Exam Papers
Penilaian gunaan Text
Fishing made easy with satellites Text
Education best defence for ills Text
An automated oracle approach to test decision-makiConference Papers
Kredit buku teks bantu pelajar UPM Text
Aeroller: herbicides roller machine for aerobic rice Journal Article
Najib : no need to panic, we will weather global financ Text
Membaca bentuk sahsiah remaja Text
15,798 kes ragut libatkan pendatang Text
The impact of rewards system toward job satisfactio Thesis
Simulation and animation of human motion using mod Thesis
Adoption factors and implementation steps of ITSM iConference Papers
Wanita tonggak utama corakkan kesihatan keluarga Text
Effect of weathering on disintegration and shear streJournal Article
Kutipan zakat cecah RM1.03b Text
Najib : ICT must benefit everyone Text
A promise of clean water, always Text
Penyenaraian THP tetap diteruskan Text
Air quality worsens in Sarawak Text
Voltage stability index for voltage stability enchance Thesis
Ekonomi negara tumbuh 5.7 peratus Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Bandaraya Johor Bahru Text
Sasaran 10,426 keluar kemiskinan Text
Pastikan pelan memartabatkan IPT jadi kenyataan Text
Kurangkan kerenah di semua jabatan Text
Development of block building game in a 3D virtual Thesis
Rombak prosedur agih kontrak untuk Kelas F Text
Bulan membaca 2005 : kempen menarik keahlian luaText
Show us proof, says Abdullah Text
Sungai Klang masih dapat dibersihkan Text
Generate fuzzy membership function using particle Conference Papers
Teknologi minyak sayuran dan oleokimia Exam Papers
Hujan lebat padam hutan terbakar Text
Abdullah to present report card nationwide Text
Assessment of potential toxicological effects of cinn Indexed Paper
Introduction to construction Exam Papers
Ministry to get tough on indiscipline Text
Mahathir Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Wawasan 1440 Hij Text
Masjid platform tangani dadah : Johari Text
Kontraktor kelas F diberi kerja bersih tanah Text
Najib : mindset must change Text
Critical success factors for implementing quality eng Conference Papers
Kelestarian alam sekitar : penggunaan polisterin dan Thesis
Permintaan biodiesel Eropah mampu tingkatkan ha Text
Generalization, formulation and heat contents of si Non-Index Paper
Handover threshold analysis using velocity for proxy Indexed Paper
SMEs and knowledge management Text
Aplikasi rangkain neural dalam pengesanan simpang Text
Mathematical modelling of some uniform and null-coThesis
40,184 ditawar kursus ijazah pertama Text
TMM 2007 mungkin dilanjut Ogos 2008 Text
Smart home wireless power monitoring system Thesis
Wanted : organ donors Text
Tunggu 8 bulan untuk bedah Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
A study on entrepreneurial intention among informaText
Faktor-faktor yang mendorong pelajar menghadiri Thesis
Instrumentasi & pengukuran Text
Sistem maklumat harga hasil pertanian diwujud Text
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Stadium Azman H Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Geosains asas Text
Saintis UPM menang pingat emas ISESCO Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Kg Baru Student HostelPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
A library catering to every need Text
Test for critical courses proposed Text
Markov chain model for predicting pitting corrosion Indexed Paper
Platinum loaded on fibrous ZSM-5 for cumene hydroThesis
Loop back connected component labeling algorithm aNon-Index Paper
Performance analysis of the energy consumption of tJournal Article
Introduction to financial accounting Exam Papers
Tambang haji dijangka naik Text
Doc : herbal drugs may not be safe Text
Sealing an agreement Text
Tujuh IPTS sudah hentikan kursus Text
Boleh rujuk BPR, jika didapati bersalah dan ada bukt Text
Applying model based testing approach in electric v Thesis
History Of South East Asian Architecture Exam Papers
Modeling and characterization of schottky diode on Conference Papers
Vain and foolish excuses Text
Hukum ibu atau bapa? Text
Mobile phone food ordering using bluetooth Thesis
Cabinet to discuss ways to curb crime Text
Tabung Endoment kumpuI RM350,000 News Paper Cuttings
New shuttle fare at RM6 to RM10 Text
Move to allow only Sirim-approved helmets Text
More myth than reality? Text
Innovative method to prepare a stable emulsion liquiIndexed Paper
Berdoa juga perlu mengikut adab serta syarat tertenText
Max 12 sen drop in fuel prices Text
Ancaman salji hitam : penduduk Perlis bimbang pembText
Compact 8x8 butler matrix for ISM band (Preview) Text
Steps to reduce road deaths Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Kerajaan pastikan asas ekonomi negara terus kukuh Text
R&D : memulihara spesies Text
Haiwan dalam al-quran menurut tafsir ilmi kajian te Thesis
Biologi sel dan molekul asas Text
Be self-reliant, youths advised Text
Cabaran institusi baru lebih kompleks News Paper Cuttings
Lelaki dua isteri diutama beli rumah kos rendah Text
Structural behaviour of slab panel system with embeThesis
Level of awareness on low carbon society concept a Conference Papers
Computer labs coming up in vocational schools News Paper Cuttings
Students' readiness and perceptions towards mobile Thesis
Gamification's role as an assessment and learning to Conference Papers
Penyelidikan mikrob selesai Text
Rural areas need more English teachers Text
PTG mungkin kenakan caj simpan dokumen Text
Tugas jaga zoo uji sahsiah diri Text
Combined use of design of experiment and computerJournal s Article
Optimised intelligent tilt controller scheme using ge Conference Papers
A ground-plane-truncated, broadly steerable yagi-udIndexed Paper
Transactional leadership as a moderator between selConference Papers
Sedekah boleh dilaksana tujuan pembangunan Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Preparation of activated carbon filled epoxy nanoco Indexed Paper
Rasional bukan emosi News Paper Cuttings
Mengekstrak metrik reka bentuk menggunakan nahuText
Capital structure determinants between domestic-own Thesis
Mathematical modelling of mixed convection boundary Conference Papers
Persenda Islam boleh jejas keharmonian Text
Introduction to industrial sociology Exam Papers
Identification, control strategies, and analytical ap Indexed Paper
Fission barriers and energy spectra of odd-mass actiniThesis
Security system using biometric technology: Design Conference Papers
Ijazah pekerja sosial bertaraf dunia di USM Text
Polymer chemistry Text
Implementation intelligent network services - speechText
Analytical chemistry Text
Planning Practice Exam Papers
Housewife first dengue death in Kelantan Text
Cyclic oxidation of Ti-Al based intermetallic in laboratText
Performance analysis of indirect vector control algorConference Papers
Dr Mahathir terima doktor pengurusan, kejuruteraa Text
Perbaharui sijil halal lebih awal Text
Premier schools to become centres Text
Fuel costs prompt Tenaga tariff hike Text
Mukmin diingat supaya tak tangguh bertaubat Text
Noise cancellation for phone conversation Thesis
Exploring reproducing kernel hilbert space and its app Conference Papers
Self-tuning position tracking control of an electro-hy Non-Index Paper
Space the next frontier for internet Text
Comparative analysis of level of service (LOS) under vThesis
Wholesale price cap for fair profit Text
Tiada hasrat British miliki Bt. Putih Text
Design of simple integrated rectenna for green energThesis
Defer water rate increase Text
Teknik perlucutan udara bagi penyingkiran amonia daConference Papers
Characterization of 2.3 mu m GaInAsSb-based verticalIndexed Paper
Lightning characterization using short baseline light Thesis
Tiada kompromi perjuangan Text
A planar antenna array with separated feed line for Non-Index Paper
Warga Singapura paling banyak belanja online Text
First woman brigadier-general in army Text
Proportional odds model affiliate with random-effectIndexed Paper
More secure Net link for government Text
Endau Rompin Selai rimba damai kaya air terjun Text
Automatic fingerprint classification scheme using te Thesis
Propagation and plant management Exam Papers
Dapat pendedahan sejak kecil News Paper Cuttings
Matematik binaan Text
Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry det Indexed Paper
Kesan rejuvenator terhadap ciri - ciri marshal campu Text
Impact of thermal behaviour on outdoor human therm Thesis
Kimia analisis Text
Malaysia sedia curah pengalaman bangun Afghanist Text
E-wanita bantu ibu tunggal jana pendapatan Text
Training monitoring system for national rowing teamThesis
General defends his company Text
Teknologi air berpotensi ke pasaran global Text
Beberapa aspek dalam interaksi soliton (Preview) Text
Hubungan emosi malu dengan motivasi pencapaian ma Thesis
Mencorak blog bertanggungjawab Text
PTAs' action plan to support English policy Text
Pengubatan penyakit migrain menggunakan kaedah Text
Pasar ala-Kaherah di Chow Kit Text
A unified constitutive model for solder materials (Pr Text
Jangan paksa pelajar pulang hujung minggu Text
Multiprobe system Thesis
The influence of surface types on foot kinematics du Journal Article
Abdullah : time to work together now Text
10 mesin kira setiap UMNO bahagian News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kualiti air perigi persendirian di Mukim Mani Thesis
Performance of PSf ultrafiltration membrane : effec Indexed Paper
Bersatu jadikan ASEAN destinasi pelancongan utamaText
Contohi budaya cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Ministry set for probe into lab delays Text
Pembangunan kerjaya Text
Gelombang kedua H1N1 : pasukan pemantau ditubuhText
Generalized finite sequence of FTTM Conference Papers
UTM tewaskan UPM News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Dunia rasai kenaikan harga barang keperluan Text
Software design Exam Papers
Johor relics predate Malacca Text
Ijazah Aeronautik bakal lonjak nama UTHM Text
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Prinsip sistem informasi Text
On the selection of ground-motion attenuation relat Indexed Paper
Kemuncak dalam tamadun Islam Conference Papers
Algoritma genetik : hasilkan teori evolusi? Text
Performance evaluation of vector evaluated gravitat Indexed Paper
Projek pembangunan 2 negeri Text
In vivo wound healing activity of different types of esThesis
Banjir : tiada gelombang ketiga Text
Pembangunan sistem maklumat perjalanan pelanconga Text
Parking behavior in selecting on-street and off-streetThesis
Experimental study of human hand-arm model resp Conference Papers
Prototaip pembangunan pangkalan data ukur strata Thesis
Perhubungan data dan sistem pensuisan Text
PKS laksana 34 program, bentuk modal teroka RM30Text
Development of visual asset management and monitThesis
Mesin elektrik Exam Papers
Isu-isu pengintegrasian pengkalan data ukur kadast Text
Maxis tawar lebih pilihan kandungan multimedia tel Text
Modelling and simulation of PWM switched autotrans Thesis
Sultan of Johor dies Text
Professional practice II Exam Papers
A Q-switched multi-wavelength Brillouin erbium fibeIndexed Paper
IPTS degree courses may go four years Text
Hakim syarie : beri wanita peluang sewajarnya Text
Fighting fakes with new hologram labels Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Pemantauan pembelajaran dan pengajaran guru di seThesis
UM menang Anugerah Sains Mahathir 2006 Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Number of single mothers to increase Text
Performance evaluation of correlative interferometryThesis
Rumahku Syurgaku perkukuhkan institusi kekeluargaText
Demi maruah Islam, Melayu Text
Exact solutions of unsteady free convection flow pastThesis
Perbandingan ketepatan antara perisian photomodeler Thesis
81,000 could be HIV victims Text
Classification of sexual harassment on facebook usi Thesis
Synergy perlu fokus Text
Restaurant owner booked for overcharging Text
Business statistics Exam Papers
RM100j bantu golongan gaji rendah di bandar Text
More Malaysians bitten by the travel bug Text
National Service for all in 2014 Text
Teknologi maklumat dalam perancangan dan penjaduText
Ripped off in Australia : foreign students seen as softText
Bounding volume hierarchy for avatar collision detecConference Papers
More informants for ACA Text
Cobra-Eagles bertempur di UTM Text
The aggregate degradation characteristics of stone mText
Kerajaan sedia wad remaja Text
Tongkat Ali 'not harmful or toxic but beneficial' Text
Arts, customs and beliefs of malaysians Exam Papers
Pemandu mengaku tidak bersalah Text
Development of high porosity carbon (HPC) from palm Thesis
Design of single seater helicopter swash plate Text
Electronics Exam Papers
Optimization of the friction factor and frictional pr Indexed Paper
Modeling and performance evaluation of the graphene Thesis
SSB tunggu kabinet lulus : saya sudah teliti hasil kaj Text
Effects of bluff body shape on the efficiency and fla Thesis
Ibadat dianggap tidak berkualiti jika diamalkan tanpaText
Teaching of macro skills in TESL Exam Papers
Cartography Exam Papers
SMEs need financial help Text
Public Bank catat untung lebih RM2b Text
Building a secure standard library for ASP.NET tech Thesis
USM jadi peneraju penyelidikan sel stem Text
Peranan herba mengawal obesiti Text
Gelombang ancaman virus H1N1 Text
Study of power line electromagnetic interference in EConference Papers
Biosensor technology Text
Dilema Sekolah Wawasan : SJK Cina Hill Side enggan Text
Pelajar perlu bijak pilih bidang pengajian Text
PSD to work out new scheme for loan defaulters Text
Rekabentuk dan simulasi bandar secara bersepadu daText
Gaji : ada pendatang reka cerita kerana kecewa Text
Penuntut UTM maut nahas jalan raya Text
Disruption of oil palm trunks and fronds by microwavIndexed Paper
Performance of a solar oven using black chromium c Text
Electrical treeing performance of plasma-treated sil Thesis
Tiga negeri catu air : Lembah Klang, Melaka, NS had Text
Hubungan antarabangsa Text
A case for having a company secretary Text
Gender poser Text
Laporan nuklear IAEA berat sebelah News Paper Cuttings
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Multi-port reflectometer in multilayer microstrip-slo Thesis
Landscape construction III Exam Papers
Khalil : no discrimination against foreigners Text
'Gadget' to track AirAsia deals Text
Jalan-jalan di Kuala Terengganu Text
Sistem kursus haji online Text
Pelan kualiti dapat elak projek hadapi masalah Text
Pengawal Terbenam Text
Gene expression Exam Papers
Mekanik gunaan Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
PPSM proaktif martabat kuasa Mahkamah Syariah Text
Share knowledge and resources, businessmen told Text
Car plate localization system Thesis
Removal of suspended colloids through the control ofIndexed Paper
Pelan khusus usahawan wanita Text
Persediaan satu sesi Text
The implementation of the global navigation satelliteConference Papers
Remajakan usaha perkasakan bahasa kebangsaan Text
Kerajaan tidak peralat undang-undang Text
Minds offers to help students Text
Duti import kenderaan dari Asia dikurang Text
Peningkatan perkongsian komponen berdasarkan kaed Text
Kebebasan media dijamin sejajar prinsip demokrasi Text
Implementing smoke test technique on online applicThesis
Elemen batu, hidupkan suasana laman Text
Engineer's performance indicator management syst Thesis
Iqra soft hasil e-mel jawi pertama di dunia Text
R&D : kenderaan masa depan Text
Measurement and modeling of radio frequency identif Thesis
Teknologi satelit dan stesen bumi Text
More people-oriented projects in the pipeline Text
Vegetable oil & oleochemical technologies Exam Papers
40-GHz ROF downlink system with SFP modules Indexed Paper
Introduction to counseling Exam Papers
Bio-wastes become fertiliser in 45 minutes Text
Land use planning Exam Papers
Rumah : arahan baru kerajaan kepada pemaju Text
Port to make own criminal investigations Text
Perkongsian masalah bantu tangani kemurungan Text
Muzium Lukut Text
Construction material Exam Papers
Asas Kejuruteraan Elektrik (B) Text
Pusat multimedia untuk semua kem tentera tetap Text
Islamic values to the fore Text
Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer of ferrofluids ov Thesis
Perkaitan keunggulan persaingan berterusan dan su Thesis
Pengurusan potfolio Exam Papers
Education museum in the works Text
Kesan 3K : sekolah cemerlang akademik, kokurikulu Text
Pemasaran antarabangsa Text
D-8 dipelawa manfaat kewangan Islam, industri halalText
Sustainability assessment methodology in product des Journal Article
Sungai aset kehidupan Text
Disney food fest may feature Malaysian fare Text
Car plate detection under heavy rain condition Thesis
Sistem Pensuisan Telekomunikasi Text
PNM lancar bibliografi Tunku Abdul Rahman Text
Akses kandungan podcast di telefon bimbit Text
A study of Malaysian consumers' channel switching Thesis
Kenaf empty fruit bunch fibers hybrid reinforced po Thesis
Smart traffic light system using fuzzy logic controller Thesis
Johor orders detailed EIA on two mega estuary projeText
Amylose content calibration model for the three types Thesis
Prosedur khusus merotan pelajar Text
Structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic prIndexed Paper
Pendidikan seks tak diajar secara khusus Text
Zaini terima anugerah berprestij News Paper Cuttings
UTM buat pertukaran kajian sains News Paper Cuttings
Persepsi pelajar asli terhadap penggunaaan alat b Thesis
Synthesis and modelling of radio frequency integrateText
Framework for stakeholder quantification and requirThesis
The effect of spot weld models on the dynamic proper Thesis
Anak penoreh getah cemerlang akademik News Paper Cuttings
Kejayaan pembedahan jantung mekanikal kedua Text
Pintasan jantung Text
Kempen Buku Hijau mampu jimat RM720 juta Text
LPG dan MG dalam industri automotif Text
Pelajar lawat loji IWK News Paper Cuttings
Feature reduction using standard deviation with diffeIndexed Paper
Prepation and characteriztion of poly (methyl methacr Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Hydrographic survey using real time kinematic methoThesis
Kes dera menurun Text
The growth of mixing zone in heterogeneous porous Text
2007 sumbangan wanita kekal relevan Text
Pengubahsuaian batu arang bergred rendah sebagai Thesis
Students requirement analysis for the e-marketing Thesis
Norhisham serap unsur alam Text
Kembalikan seni rakyat Kelantan Text
Influence of forest plantation establishment on the hThesis
Learning functions of two variables based on mathemJournal Article
Factors that facilitate systematic problems solving Indexed Paper
Petronas gali minyak Filipina Text
Hanya satu peratus kemiskinan tegar Text
1Malaysia dapat kekal perpaduan, hak semua kaum Text
UTM pelawa ISM buka pejabat cawangan Johor Text
Kedudukan kewangan Malaysia kukuh : PM Text
Lagi VIP akan ditahan : kertas siasatan diserah kep Text
Lim, 112, endorsed as oldest woman in country Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat penyengaraan bersepaThesis
Project management Exam Papers
Invest in regionÆs economies, says PM Text
Keaslian nilai warisan perkampungan tradisional Me Thesis
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
UTM gears up for student polls Text
ZIM cover for improvement of the bandwidth and gaIndexed Paper
UiTM ambil 7,290 pelajar baru Jun Text
The applications of statistics in educational research Exam Papers
Rangka manusia purba dipindahkan ke UKM Text
Can donor PIUs support country systems? Indexed Paper
UTM to offer forensic degree Text
Forensic Science Exam Papers
Cara beli kita, bijak atau buruk? Text
Rutting performance of hot mix asphalt mixture incorThesis
Application of similarity solution on gaseous polluta Thesis
A new data embedding method for MPEG layer iii auJournal Article
Menilai perisian CPSTablet dalam kerja-kerja tanam Text
4 subjek teras SPM? Text
Faster promotion for health service professionals Text
Elektronik kuasa & pemacu Text
Review on tools for image detection forgery Conference Papers
Active tracking of rotational mode heliostat (Full textText
Pendidikan khas terima peruntukan RM440 juta Text
Evaluation on aggregate effective specific gravity as Text
Air empangan di Pulau Pinang hanya mampu bertahaText
Too early to decide on bridge concession Text
Conceptual design for deep water pipeline Thesis
The relationship between supervisory reward power Journal
a Article
Workplace improvement in fasteners manufacturin Thesis
DNA sequence optimization based on continous partConference Papers
More action needed to check dengue Text
Bajet 2007 beri kesejahteraan kepada rakyat Text
Direct in situ activation of Ag-0 nanoparticles in synt Indexed Paper
Car plate perspective distortion correction Thesis
10,000 anggota Briged Bencana digerak Text
Tackling University course timetable constraints usi Conference Papers
Wad di HKL sesak, katil tidak mencukupi: Kes denggi Text
Gempa bumi di dua pulau tidak sebabkan tsunami Text
Leapfrogging and internet implementation by touris Non-Index Paper
Kekuatan patah prisma konkrit terubahsuai berpolime Text
Pembinaan modul pembelajaran kendiri tajuk penghilThesis
Najib chides producers over reality shows Text
On the orthogonalised reverse path method for nonliConference Papers
Don't tolerate corruption Text
Can buildings be Malaysian? Text
Latihan Serial Solutions di bilik Mpm Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
10 didakwa salah urus dana awam Text
UPM paten, komersial 28 produk Text
Malaysia rebut 68 pingat emas ICAS Text
Kajian hakisan dan mendapan di kawasan struktur Thesis
The scientific edge Text
UPSI cadang tawar program pengajian persediaan suText
Analysis and design of inclined column Thesis
Industri aeroangkasa mampu jana keuntungan Text
Most freed criminals re-arrested Text
Martabatkan bahasa Melayu dalam Sains dan MatemText
Assessment of public water distribution using geograThesis
Factors affecting energy conservation behaviour of s Thesis
Overcurrent and earth fault relay protection assessmThesis
Bioteknologi molekul Text
EMG - based facial gesture recognition through versat Indexed Paper
Ramadan didik ketakwaan Text
17 srikandi UTM ke United Kingdom Text
The effectiveness of soot removal techniques for theConference Papers
Interaksi dinamika budaya dan ekonomi dalam amalan Thesis
Setiap rukun tetangga disaran hasilkan satu produk bText
RM8.08b bangunkan prasarana di luar bandar Text
Pengoptimuman Text
RM43bil raised from capital market Text
Physics Text
LKM ganti cukai jalan motosikal bawah 150cc Text
Extension of time : the issue of delay notification Thesis
The Delphi method for internationalization of higher Indexed Paper
Impak "digital countdown system" di persimpangan be Text
Extraction of rubber (hevea Brasiliensis) seeds oil us Indexed Paper
Malaysian-made parts for Avanza Text
Korelasi antara hasil ujian mampatan dengan had attText
Assessing the role of higher education in developing Indexed Paper
Pengagihan pendapatan ASN 5.5 sen Text
University rankings : think again on academic staff Text
48,100 siswazah Melayu menganggur Text
How to strike a balance Text
Facile preparation of highly reactive electrogenerateConference Papers
Strong support for second home programme Text
Compressibility behavior of marine clay treated by l Thesis
EPU diminta timbang kadar tol istimewa Text
Islam galak segera bahagi pusaka Text
CIMB urus lebih banyak terbitan bon Islam Text
Perodua tingkatkan pengeluaran 250,000 kereta set Text
Sistem penggera pintar (intelligent alarm system) Text
Arahan bersedia hadapi bencana Text
Student academic management system Thesis
The effect of economic load dispatch under deregulatThesis
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
Characterization of tri-material gate n-channel MOS Thesis
Incentives for biotech firms with innovative productsText
Kerajaan beri tumpuan khusus atasi kemiskinan tegaText
WHF 2008 sasar sijil halal Malaysia taraf antarabang Text
Usaha martabat bahasa Melayu dibelit lingkaran lap Text
Friction and wear of bearing material under water c Thesis
Saintis hasilkan hati tiruan Text
Produk berasaskan sekam padi News Paper Cuttings
Najib mahu semangat sukarelawan disuburkan kemba Text
GPU-based centripetal accelerated particle swarm opThesis
The tuning of error signal for back - propagation alg Text
Graduan USM laris : 3,760 graduan yang baru dapat iText
Bank tak ketepi permohonan PKS Text
Effect of organic coating on the corrosion behaviour Thesis
Melaka pertama di dunia lancar perpustakaan e-mobText
ASLI akan kemuka 53 cadangan elak kemalangan maText
Anak tidak dapat pinjaman : Mara bertindak tegas t Text
Umat Islam dituntut gigih tingkat produktiviti Text
Kekuatan mampatan turapan blok konkrit terubahs Thesis
Makan bukan punca gemuk Text
Data communication and networks data communicatiExam Papers
Spoken english alphabet recognition with mel frequeNon-Index Paper
Pengendalian, pengarkiban dan penghantaran data Text
Malaysia and Brunei closer to inking deal on oil and gText
Ajar guru bantuan kecemasan Text
Preliminary study on the sound absorption behavior of Journal Article
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer / pemerosesan dataText
Kehadiran pelancong meningkat 10 peratus Text
Natural products chemistry Text
Students to be involved in agricultural activities Text
3 komponen maju R&D Text
Penderia dan transduser Text
Liberalisation of the car industry :itÆs finally here Text
A survey on access technologies for broadband opticIndexed Paper
Integration of 3D visualization and GIS in asset man Thesis
Kalkulus I Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
Ummah gagal terjemah nilai ajaran dalam kehidupanText
Nationwide diesel woes Text
Kebarangkalian dan statistik Text
Seismic response of base-isolated building Text
A novel design of needle aspiration biopsy monitori Indexed Paper
Praise for education system Text
Anggap Misi Nasional RMK-9 milik sendiri : Najib Text
Dehalogenase from methylobacterium sp.HJ1 induced Conference Papers
Pantau kontraktor menyeleweng Text
Obama diharap wujud masa depan dunia gagasan hijText
Undang-undang lemah dikaji Text
Syor badan khas bantu pekebun kecil sawit Text
A theoretical model for portfolio optimization duringJournal Article
Wang KWSP boleh bayar hutang Text
Tali pusat boleh dipotong pada pangkal Text
Tempoh sah AP kurangkan seludup beras Text
EPF withdrawal review Text
Pengaplikasian kaedah suntikan hidraulik dalam pemText
Kualiti air sungai berdasarkan analisis kimia dan kepeText
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Thermodynamics I / termodinamik I Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Sistem pengangkutan patogen Text
Kerajaan sedia insentif sektor aeroangkasa Text
Spectrum surveying for policy based cognitive radio Thesis
Mekanisme jitu mampu rangsang melayu guna Inter Text
Ballistic quantum transport in nano devices and circuConference Papers
Kinect : realibility of hand-eye coordination among Conference Papers
Research of skill in model making process among theThesis
Homes in prime urban land for Penang Malays Text
Pelaksanaan dasar berkesan Text
Conceptual design of biodiversity data model (bidamConference Papers
Detection and parameter estimation of frequency hoThesis
RTM's coverage was dismal Text
A similarity-based cellular selection mechanisim for Conference Papers
Occupational health risk assessment of chemical proThesis
Surat layang - Fitnah melanda MPP UTM Text
Muslims must work to regain dignity and honour of IText
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia graduates on cloud ninNews Paper Cuttings
Universiti awam sedia ambil langkah proaktif News Paper Cuttings
Design of steel and timber (rekabentuk keluli dan ka Text
E-Medicine's here : now you can fall sick anywhere i Text
Guru cemerlang lahir pelajar berkualiti Text
Anion recognition properties of poly(amidoamine) den Thesis
Production of biosurfaction by locally isolated bacte Text
Puasa, haji jadikan umat Islam sama rata Text
The development of IT strategic planning for Institut Thesis
A novel approach of demand side management framew Journal Article
700 pelumba sahut cabaran News Paper Cuttings
RM10m lifeline for Paya Indah Text
Suntik semangat anak yatim Pontian Text
Minum arak : ambil pengajaran hukuman sebat ke atText
Electronic plastic waste management in Malaysia: thConference Papers
Use of diesel engine and surface-piercing propeller toIndexed Paper
Model pisah ragaman : perjalanan penduduk ke pusat Thesis
Puntung rokok punca 50% kebakaran hutan Text
Biar pasaran kerja tentukan kadar gaji Text
Novel hybrid fuzzy-bees algorithm for optimal feederIndexed Paper
Penggunaan komputer dalam kimia Text
Reading for specific purposes Text
UNSC: Amanah selesaikan kemelut ummah di seluruhNews Paper Cuttings
Ong : pass modern technology to farmers Text
Kadar kemiskinan rakyat menurun Text
Pervaporation separation of isopropanol-water mixt Text
US heartspecialists to perform free surgeries Text
Relationships between moisture content and dielect Thesis
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk dan tiang keluli ber Text
Flu jabs for frontliners Text
Electronic circuit simulation Exam Papers
23,260 ikuti latihan kerjaya Text
Acid-vacuo heat treated low cost banana stems fiberIndexed
f Paper
Home truths about safety Text
An investigation the effect of transient switching ov Text
Bluetooth-based home automation system using an Indexed Paper
Application of low-cost gps tools and techniques for Journal Article
English for academic communication Text
Relationship between workforce diversity and job p Thesis
Draw halal standard from all 4 Sunni schools Text
Iktibar ketidaktentuan keputusan pilihan raya Itali News Paper Cuttings
21 subjek vokasional diajar di SM Teknik Text
Grants for oil and gas research Text
UTM anjur Ekspo Konvensyen Text
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Second wave hits Johor Text
Bridging the gap: architecture and structural engineeConference Papers
Electronics 1 Exam Papers
Low dimensional simulator for carbon-based devicesIndexed Paper
Performance of vegetated swale in reducing pollutioText
Pengurusan mantap jika kod etika kerja lebih jelas Text
Pekerja Malaysia guna pasport, MyKad masuk SingapText
Hayati kepintaran rohani Text
A novel protective framework for defeating HTTP-base Indexed Paper
No more cheap sugar, flour for Thais and SingaporeaText
Use less water, says Guan Eng Text
Stress analysis of automotive ventilate d disc brake Indexed Paper
Najib : consider taking up critical courses Text
The effect of stents structural parameters to flow i Text
Automatic speaker identification using reusable and Conference Papers
Ahmad Fauzi selidik teknologi membran News Paper Cuttings
Internship a must for new nurses Text
Kimia pengguna Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Motosikal UTM raih tiga hadiah Text
21,000 can't escape Text
Digital logic / logik digital Text
E-niaga landasan kejayaan syarikat kecil, sederhana Text
A newly composed paraffin encapsulated prototype ro Indexed Paper
Hubungan antara faktor persekitaran kerja dengan Thesis
Rippability assessment of rock based on specific ene Conference Papers
The significance of property sector diversification an Conference Papers
UPSI stays ahead of language curve Text
Bajet 2008 manfaat rakyat berpendapatan rendah Text
Big potential in biotech ties with Clemson Text
1Malaysia untuk semua, langkau batas politik Text
Debat 100 jam tanpa henti bermula Text
Statics Exam Papers
Penggerak ekonomi Utara Semenanjung Text
Pembangunan dan implemintasi lis lis development Exam Papers
Electronic troubleshooting and maintenance Text
UM, UKM medical grads allowed to practise in Singa Text
Rakyat perlu kuasai ilmu menjelang 2020 Text
Design and characterization of planar antennas on t Conference Papers
Golongan tidak berdosa jadi mangsa penyakit maut Text
Information and technology management Exam Papers
Boundary detection of kidney ultrasound image baseIndexed Paper
Perceptions of residents in Felda Bukit Goh, Kuanta Thesis
Development of contractor's proposal process modelText
Controller gains tuning and analysis for the simulati Thesis
Analysis of center pivot irrigation system by experi Thesis
Life for elderly far from rosy Text
Pengaruh debu kuari sebagai gantian pasir dalam konText
Ekonomi binaan dan pengurusan kewangan II Text
The making of the Ninth Malaysia Plan Text
Tugas berat MKN News Paper Cuttings
Draf lindungi data peribadi dibentang Text
Experimental and simulation studies on the effect of Thesis
Growth of graphene on nickel using a natural carbonIndexed Paper
Perlu tegas terhadap Singapura Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Medical students cry foul Text
Investigating the dynamic relationships among the inConference Papers
Penubuhan Mahkamah Syariah Persekutuan perlukanText k
Berbakti kepada ibu bapa diberi ganjaran besar Text
A study on hazard risk governance framework in FS Thesis
Karya seni eratkan hubungan diplomatik Text
Relationship between bank customer service represen Thesis
Construction technology 1 Exam Papers
Pembinaan Negara Bangsa diterus Text
Munasabah ukuran piawaian perkhidmatan Text
Hydrographic surveying / ukur hidrografi Text
Evaluation of reed-solomon (R-S) coding performancText
Kempen Baca@LRT : baca Sastera Text
Kaji aliran trafik di Selat Melaka Text
Aberrant driving among young Malaysian drivers Journal Article
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Penilaian atribut kepentingan dan prestasi pusat me Thesis
Prinsip penilaian harta tanah Text
Kesedaran krisis global Text
Modul pengajaran Q-Redoks berasaskan model 5E bag Conference Papers
A bi-objective optimization model for a carbon-cap jiThesis
Landscape construction 2 Exam Papers
Comparison of pattern matching algorithm for enha Thesis
Jawatankuasa khas atasi pencemaran Text
Detection of spam on feature selection using cuckoo'Thesis
Jurnal News Paper Cuttings
Events challenging investment scene Text
Ramai rakyat Malaysia gemuk Text
Damage stability analysis using probabilistic analysis Thesis
Teknologi konkrit Text
KUSTEMvax raih emas di ekspo reka cipta Amerika Text
Prestasi program TP1M dalam meningkatkan kualiti fThesis
Askar Wataniah tidak sesuai banteras jenayah : NajibText
Effect of natural Fe3O4 nanoparticles on structural anIndexed Paper
Basic banking services at minimal cost from FebruaryText
The effect of europium oxide impurity on the optical Indexed Paper
Molecular modeling of the ideal gas enthalpy of for Indexed Paper
Teknologi hydrofuel jimat petrol 29-50 peratus Text
Marking 1945 Labuan landing Text
Status of IPTA associations under review Text
E-govt the way, not more staff Text
Review of offline text independent writer identificat Journal Article
Dielectric response of polyethylene nanocomposites:Conference Papers
Kaji semula hukuman ke atas peragut Text
Sistem Komputer Dan Multimedia Text
Kilat : Antara bukti kebesaran Allah News Paper Cuttings
Perlaksanaan penggunaan Program Score A di kalanga Thesis
Celcom pajak menara telekomunikasi kepada MiTV Text
Calculus of variations Exam Papers
A compact S-Band front-end rectenna for wireless poText
Making time to write Text
Projek fasa kedua dipecah kepada kontraktor individText
Mega-speed Internet to benefit 1.2m Text
UTM dilantik sekretariat Magnetic News Paper Cuttings
Design of a multihull for offshore racing Thesis
Design of power oscillation damping controller for T Conference Papers
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Yuran sekolah asrama penuh tidak munasabah Text
Ethics in auditing : the perspective from UTM accounThesis
Budaya inovasi mampu tangani isu karbon, alam Text
10 pelajar cemerlang terima Biasiswa Yang di-Pertu Text
HK scientists identify SARS virus Text
Sea cucumber a new malaria weapon Text
UTM bebas Syiah News Paper Cuttings
DNA nanotechnology : a future perspective Indexed Paper
Pelajar teknik, vokasional tidak mencukupi Text
Hydrodynamic interactions and relative motions of flThesis
Proceed with caution in animal grafting Text
Kos cegah jenayah semakin naik Text
Removal of ionized nanosilver from wash water usin Thesis
Engineering students’ perception on learning throConference Papers
Pengesan sinaran Text
Ensuring good teachers stay Text
Computer application in property Exam Papers
Dam Break flood inundation modelling for Klang gat Thesis
Kajian lenturan ke atas pelapik terowong konkrit praThesis
Titas Exam Papers
Pengurusan tanah terbiar : terbaik di negara ini Text
Drivers influencing shared services adoption Indexed Paper
Decision analysis of multi-pollutant control strategy Indexed Paper
Seminar Increase Research Visibility ‘How To Be CPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Harga minyak diramal terus tidak menentu Text
Krisis ekonomi tak jejas sektor koperasi Text
Get scholarships to study in top-notch universities Text
Design circular microwave dryer for Mahkota Dewa Thesis
One step activation using potassium hydroxide on preThesis
Bahaya virus hepatitis Text
Wabak selesema babi serius tapi terkawal : Liow Text
Implementation of environmental data explorer for Text
Projek di luar bandar selesai 2012 Text
Moscow lancar semula program angkasa lepas Text
A beam steering patch array antenna for WiMAX applIndexed Paper
Rintangan dan dorongan (resistance and propulsion)Text
Effect of silica in calcium phosphate material for bio Journal Article
Wind induced vibration of cable stayed bridge Thesis
Bioteknologi berkembang Text
EPF to rollout 1Malaysia Retirement Savings SchemeText
Melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) ressin : the effec Text
Malaysia negara pertama anjur sidang global SARS Text
Knowledge base tuning using genetic algorithm for Conference Papers
Managing human resource Text
Construction and technology 2 Exam Papers
Kementerian Kesihatan akui kalah 'perang' denggi Text
Establishing an ergonomics program in hard disc induThesis
JPS perlu RM1b siap tebatan banjir Text
Angklong tarik perhatian pelajar UTM Text
Air : Singapura setuju semakan : langkah diharap da Text
Site diversity against rain in LMDS system (Full text) Text
Model rumah abadikan seni bina tradisional Text
Made-in-Malaysia medicine cheapest Text
59,176 siswazah mohon ikuti kursus perguruan Text
JPJ terima 60-100 aduan dalam sebulan Text
Pendekatan penilaian untuk analisa cerun tanah (FullText
Acute shortage of anaesthetists in government hospiText
Learn from innovators who took risks News Paper Cuttings
Automated spam fingerprinting Thesis
RM8m diesel crew held Text
Detection of high potential gold mineralization area Thesis
Karut tidak boleh belajar dalam bahasa Inggeris Text
The role and effectiveness of tour guide in influencinThesis
Abdullah : Asia must ensure sustained growth Text
Undang-undang reman dijangka dikaji semula Text
UTM Library Kuala Lumpur Info Day 2017 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Polymer based optical waveguides (Full text) Text
The whistleblowing policy of organizations in MalaysThesis
Flood forecasting by statistical methods for Rivers DiText
Implikasi penggunaan teknologi dalam proses pembelThesis
Real estate agent non verbal communication trainingThesis
Pembangunan hijau Text
Teknologi binaan II Text
Hari Kebangsaan China ke-63 di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Analisis makanan Text
Real estate agency practice / Amalan agensi harta t Text
Automatic discovery and composition of semantic weNon-Index Paper
Experimental investigation of the influence of intern Indexed Paper
Cukai tanah Kedah naik 156% Text
Pastikah tanah Felda tidak terlepas kepada pihak luaText
A two-step biodiesel production from waste cooking Indexed
o Paper
Islam galak perbelanjaan berhemah Text
Imam Samudera mengaku bom Bali Text
Dua sindiket dadah antarabangsa tumpas Text
Radiation characteristics improvement of monopole Indexed Paper
Adaptive traffic priority medium access control prot Thesis
Market-based valuation multiples : evidence from agIndexed Paper
Experimental investigations of curved fin rocket Thesis
Sick leave and work Text
Stereotyping in graduate education: an insight of w Non-Index Paper
Influence of academic researchers' absorptive capaciThesis
Influenza A : travellers should practise self-quarantinText
SLDN wujudkan peluang kerja baru Text
Pembangunan gunatanah perniagaan di Bandar BaruThesis
RM100j bantuan ihsan banjir Text
Shear strength parameters of improved organic soil bThesis
Prediction of coefficient of permeability based on phyText
Malaysia bidas badan hak asasi manusia Text
Matlamat sifar buta huruf gagal jika tiada kesunggu Text
Essential facilities for postgraduate research studentThesis
RM50mil fund to help needy in IDR Text
Keberkesanan latihan perguruan berasaskan sekolahThesis
KUiTTHO tubuh Mahasiswa Perdagangan Bebas Text
Characterisation and stabilisation of recombinant huIndexed Paper
HaslezaÆs death: Four get 20-year jail term each Text
KL masih jadi tarikan pelabur Text
Removing cultural blinkers Text
Lembaga Juruukur Bahan pentingkan profesionalismText
Car prices expected to rise Text
Pengurusan dan pentadbiran asrama di Sekolah MenThesis
Materials and construction Exam Papers
Pembakaran bermangkin Text
Sains kesihatan Text
Persampelan & kawalan mutu Text
Seasonal variation of surface circulation along Peni Indexed Paper
V-band fade dynamics characteristics analysis in tropConference Papers
No tolerance for terrorists Text
Temperatures may go up by 3ó¬C with El Nino p Text
Review off days in Terengganu Text
Train services disrupted Text
Syor perketat keluar sijil halal Text
MBMMBI perlu dipercepat untuk manfaat pelajar Text
Taman & rekreasi Text
A hybrid control approach for precise positioning of Indexed Paper
The role informal street activities in the context of c Text
Strength of materials and structures Text
Runoff characteristics and application of HEC - HMS Conference Papers
Sasaran anggota Rela 2.5 juta Text
Beam propagation modelling of the digital response Conference Papers
The relative commutativity degree for cyclic subgrouThesis
Model ekonomi baru mudahkan tuntutan pekerja Text
Kesibukan dunia bukan alasan remehkan ibadah Text
USM sasar 10 anugerah inovasi peringkat dunia Text
Theoretical and experimental evaluation of mass tranIndexed Paper
Penguasaan Melayu belum seimbang Text
Larangan jual petrol lebih 20 liter Text
Sistem rekod kehadiran pelajar guna MyKad diperke Text
Cadangan penambahbaikan ke atas skim pengairan BText
Does Proton have a chance? Text
MEB mampu tarik pelaburan asing Text
The impact of government policy and investment on Text l
Rubber seed oil as lubricant in water-based mud Thesis
Pos Malaysia unlocking assets Text
Turn on the good times Text
Stok penimbal beras diwujudkan Text
An extended evolving spiking neural network model fo Conference Papers
Heart sound classification using cross match techniq Thesis
Pelajar UTM ambil sampel lemas Text
Islam tentang pengklonan reproduktif manusia Text
Instrumentation And Electrical Measurement Exam Papers
Levelling up polytechnics Text
MPOB sertai Ekspedisi Biodiesel UTM News Paper Cuttings
Jalin ikatan peradaban Text
Questionnaire survey on behavior for natural ventilatConference Papers
Combustion characteristics of refuse derived fuel (R Indexed Paper
Asas cerucuk terjara di kawasan batu kapur Thesis
Enhanced loss of self-similarity definition using mu Thesis
Amalan empat kumpulan bezakan ibadah puasa Text
PIPP merealisasikan misi nasional Text
R&D : plastik larut air Text
Dr M : teaching subjects in English helps Malays Text
UTM studies new mixtures News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Minyak sawit perlu diberi pengiktirafan Text
Image processing software package in medical imaginNon-Index Paper
The Juke Box Concept Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Amalan pengangkutan minimum untuk masa depan Text
Jayakan dialog, gesaan Abdullah kepada pemimpin du Text
No approval yet for highway toll increase Text
Bapa alaf baru hadapi cabaran lebih hebat Text
Free vibrations of laminated symmetric angle-ply annuThesis
Combi berjaya kurangkan wabak denggi Text
Automated spectrum monitoring system for communi Thesis
1.5 juta pelancong Indonesia kunjungi Jualan Mega Text
Kegawatan beri peluang tumpu keluarga Text
Optical absorption and structural studies of Er3+ dope
Conference Papers
Bahasa arab Text
Whistle-blower gets RM20,000 Text
10,000 mati sehari akibat rokok Text
Programming III Text
Construction and development law Exam Papers
English policy avidly followed Text
Application of electrical capacitance tomography for Journal Article
Sistem perundangan Malaysia Text
Seniority won't guarantee promotion Text
Warning on flyover collapse Text
Empangan dibina di Kelantan tahun depan Text
Industrial training for MLVK students News Paper Cuttings
Ontology evaluation approach for semantic web do Thesis
Performance of blended cement concrete by using pal Thesis
Keberkesanan kaedah model bar dalam menyelesaikThesis
Study on the effectiveness of gross pollutant trap i Thesis
Budaya kerja universiti patut diubah Text
A study of coastal problems in Kemasin Semerak area, Text
Kejuruteraan bandar Text
WCIT 2008 jana industri ICT Text
Urban housing ownership: factors influenced the prob Conference Papers
Kesusasteraan Inggeris diajar semula di sekolah re Text
Life cycle assessment on electricity genaration from pThesis
Budaya membaca semakin meningkat Text
Performance evaluation of finish hard turning using Thesis
Self-efficacy moulding reflective practice among tea Thesis
Technical illustration in bicycle design Thesis
Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water on Ga, Indexed Paper
Tongkat Ali dadah terlarang Text
Teachers to get incentives for extra work Text
Pelajar sekolah menengah wajib sertai badan beruni Text
UTM anjur sidang bangunan tinggi Text
Government may subsidise switch to digital TV Text
Metal tolerance and organic compound utilization ofThesis
The role of the public and private sectors in the prodText
Statistical hydrology Exam Papers
AHSL guna kaedah moden lupus sampah Text
Banjir di Pantai Timur semakin buruk Text
Malaysia negara pertama gubal sistem pengadilan j Text
Memelihara mata sebelum buta Text
Construction drawing Exam Papers
Islamic banking too good to ignore : Banker Text
Experimental analysis on the thermal anisotropy of sIndexed Paper
Kerajaan kaji cadangan swasta Text
Transitibility (transit-ability) of transit stations in Kla Thesis
Housing Exam Papers
Bright prospects for Malaysian herbs Text
3,000 rakyat sertai majlis mendoakan kesejahteraa News Paper Cuttings
Degradation of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) by bacteri Thesis
Leadership, citizenship behavior, performance and orConference Papers
Dinamik Text
Anidolic daylighting system for efficient daylighting i Thesis
PM ulangi azam bangun sektor pertanian Text
Group welcomes move to jazz up boring curriculum Text
Computer organization and assembly language Exam Papers
Numerical analysis of effect of preheat and swirl of i Indexed Paper
Community service proposal Text
Derma bukan sekadar beri wang Text
SCORE dilancar, libatkan pelaburan RM334b : tarik Text
Entrepreneurial learning organization & culture Exam Papers
20 sayur berpotensi diusahakan Text
Sains forensik Text
Column study of humic acid removal from water intoConference Papers
Papers are not enough to succeed News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia, AS tetap terus rundingan FTA Text
Asas kaedah penyelidikan Text
Investors have another viable choice of location News Paper Cuttings
The role of cross-layered designs in wireless body a Journal Article
Communication lines management system Text
Tingkatkan kesedaran ICT Text
Neuro-fuzzy systems approach to infill missing rainfaJournal Article
Kritikan Dr. Mahathir wujud perspektif negatif News Paper Cuttings
Sabah and Sarawak to get RM21mil under governmen Text
Multi-objective decision making Exam Papers
Hydrologic characteristics of a drained tropical peat Text
Enhancement of anti-corrosion properties of titaniumThesis
Pengenalan kejuruteraan gas Text
Dengue deaths worrying Text
Pengujian ultrasonik Text
8,000 restoran Malaysia di luar negara Text
Diagnosis & rawatan Text
More women getting infected with HIV/AIDS Text
Double bootstrap control chart for monitoring sukukJournal
v Article
Formulation of traffic management strategies in disaNon-Index Paper
Mekanik kuantum I Exam Papers
Perdagangan lebih bebas dengan Jepun Text
Seri Paduka lancar enjin baru Proton Text
Manoeuvring prediction of offshore supply vessel Text
Monitoring fish rearing system Thesis
Semi-jaringan polimer saling menusuk (Semi-IPN) beras Text
Finite element analysis of a semi-small water-plane Conference Papers
Singapura mungkin tidak faham perjalanan mahkam Text
Analisa paralelistk Ar Ra'ad 13;17 dengan tenaga hidConference Papers
Diabetes dan mata Text
Network monitoring system for servers using Nagios Thesis
Penangites get reminder as dry spell leaves dams halfText
Upbeat over perak fish find Text
CIMB Group bank terbaik Text
Synthesis and emission properties of meso-substitut Indexed Paper
Agency to finalise astronaut selection process Text
IEM bantu kurangkan masalah industri pembinaan Text
UTM computer links with foreign varsities News Paper Cuttings
Performance of steel-carbon fibre reinforced polym Conference Papers
Make meal time fun Text
Analisis berangka II Text
UTM bina kereta elektrik guna chasis Proton Saga News Paper Cuttings
Theoretical accounts to practical models : groundin Indexed Paper
46 bayi kongsi hari bersejarah News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah kluster perintis kaedah taksiran holistik Text
Computers take the toil out of farming Text
New look housing Text
Treatment of produced water containing emulsion usi Thesis
Kiraan mata di UTM Skudai News Paper Cuttings
Automated and integrated analysis and design of conc Thesis
Pengendalian pilihan raya dalam perlembagaan: perlConference Papers
UUM IPTA pertama perkenal Kor Suksis Text
Data communications Exam Papers
Eric Chia nabbed Text
A hybrid method for classifying cognitive states fro Indexed Paper
1,050 terlibat Kayuhan Merdeka UTM News Paper Cuttings
Instructional design technique and authoring tools Exam Papers
Collision aversion model for inland water transportatNon-Index Paper
Electronic circuit simulation Exam Papers
Influence of thermal loads on energy piles in cohesiveThesis
Kekalkan keselamatan Selat Melaka Text
Effect of green laser irradiation on hydrogen productIndexed Paper
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Monitoring of offshore platform subsidence using p Conference Papers
Oral presentation preparation of engineering studentNon-Index Paper
Rebates only for citizens Text
Effects of graphene nanoplatelets on the mechanicalThesis
Organic chemistry functional groups Text
TNB sedia bertanggungjawab Text
Influence of midblock median opening on quality of Thesis
Sektor pertanian lebih dinamik Text
Price rises hurting the wallets of Malaysians Text
Guard due for retirement killed by robbers Text
Makna awards RM90,000 for researchers to find cureText
Pendidikan tinggi kritikal : Bank Dunia saran sistem Text
Ketika mana hadiah menjadi rasuah Text
Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic triazol Conference Papers
Mansuh PPSMI muktamad : TPM Text
Mekanik kuantum Text
Evaluation of capsaicinoids extracts as bioactive subsJournal Article
Investigation of frequency noise and spectrum linewiJournal Article
Kajian kualiti air dan perairan negeri Johor : pengsp Text
Multiple factor analysis with continuous and dichot Indexed Paper
UiTM terap ilmu ciri global Text
Swasta disaran ambil pesara wanita Text
Aziz hasilkan buku budaya tentera Text
Materials & specifications Exam Papers
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Rotan pelajar untuk baiki displin bukan penderaan Text
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Lack of info from medical staff top complaint Text
Keselamatan anak tugas keluarga Text
Isothermal flow study of primary zone characteristi Conference Papers
Organic synthesis mechanism Text
Pemasaran antarabangsa Text
Kebersihan - Atasi penyakit berjangkit Text
Healthy earnings growth for banks Text
English for professional communication Text
Modeling and simulation of nanoscale temperature be Conference Papers
Improved capacity for real-time video watermarking Thesis
Instrumentasi dan kawalan Text
Ke arah pembangunan suatu kerangka keberkesananText p
A new approach using palm olein, palm kernel oil, and Indexed Paper
Perspektif : kampus patut elak politik kebencian Text
Sindiket ancam bunuh rakan jika larikan diri Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Fizik nukleus Text
A safe zone for troubled teenagers Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Analisis siri masa : peramalan kadaralir sungai deng Thesis
Desk-bound until fit to pound beat Text
Evaluation of rutting potential and skid resistance of Indexed Paper
Effect of coolant temperature and initial concentrati Thesis
Noodle nation Text
Indeks integriti bantu ukur kejayaan Text
FTA ASEAN-Jepun mungkin dimuktamad Text
4,000 peserta PKN gagal dihubungi Text
Lis database Exam Papers
Population and landuse based model in sewerage catc Text
Sustainable eco-culture tourism in Royal Belum-TemeConference Papers
Kajian kebolehupayaan frekuensi tunggal GPS dalamText
Multi model software process improvement framew Thesis
Kabinet mahu blog internet dipantau Text
Earthwork activities in private housing industry (Full Text
Pusat pertanian berteknologi tinggi dibina Text
Menilai semula perbankan Islam Text
Room material identification system from photo imaJournal Article
Kursus perkahwinan diubah tahun depan Text
Bioteknologi melangkaui ubat tradisional Text
Plan for more halal products Text
RM57.6m aid for Palestine : casting a lifeline for cas Text
Scientists want open access to research Text
Recent progresses in polymeric hollow fiber membran Indexed Paper
PM lancar kenderaan guna teknologi air ganti minya Text
Pemakanan sihat untuk remaja Text
Toll on 5 highways going up Text
Tiga faktor Bumiputera abaikan industri francais Text
Terapi bayi atasi tekanan mental Text
Lagi pegawai kastam disiasat Text
The development of green innovation measurement Indexedba Paper
Is mom energy efficient? A study of gender, househoIndexed Paper
PAC berhak panggil menteri Text
Pusat sumber dapat RM23j Text
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Computer application / aplikasi komputer Text
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach to mini Thesis
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Hydrology and water resources Exam Papers
Optimization of standalone street light system with cIndexed Paper
Matematik diskret Text
M and e works measurement Exam Papers
More govt loans for small businesses Text
Effect of solvent extraction on antioxidant and antibaIndexed Paper
UTM-Universiti Southampton jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
BPR amal tiga strategi pantau rasuah Text
Islam utamakan tarbiah pesalah Text
A phenomenological dynamic model of a magnetorheo Indexed Paper
Mukmin dituntut berbicara ikut adab, disiplin agamaText
A comparative study of electronic health record secuThesis
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Pelajar IPTA masih lemah bahasa Inggeris Text
Perpustakaan buka cawangan ketiga Text
Sifar kemiskinan terus jadi agenda negara Text
Not up to par still News Paper Cuttings
Bagaimana tribunal bantu pengguna Text
Liberalisasi pengajian tinggi acuan model ekonomi b Text
The mediating effects of resistance and readiness to Thesis
Pembangunan bandar lestari News Paper Cuttings
Evaluating floodplain management alternatives usi Text
WhatÆs happening in cancer research? Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Internet Lab (ImagPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Garis panduan paras bayaran tambahan sekolah Text
Ekonomi binaan dan pengurusan kewangan II Text
Performance of cascade control with variation of p Thesis
Bursa Malaysia net profit surges Text
Koizumi setuju universiti ASEAN-Jepun di Malaysia Text
IPTA, kuasa badan berkanun Text
Rasional mewujudkan perpustakaan digital dunia Text
Ergonomics analysis of falling among workers at worThesis
Fabrication of layer-by-layer electrospun composite Indexed Paper
Consumer behavior research Exam Papers
PMR maths & science trial exam : students perform Text
ASEAN tunjuk kematangan bersama rakan Text
Rafidah jawab isu AP 45 minit Text
Wanita diabetes perlu penjagaan ketika hamil Text
Technocrat and development Exam Papers
Ekonomi Pengurusan Dan Kewangan Perumahan Text
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Asian domination all but certain Text
Saga pastikan kejayaan Proton berterusan selepas P Text
Production of polyhydroxyalkanate (PHA) from wast Thesis
Lighting detector sensor for mobile ad hoc network Conference Papers
Security in voice over internet protocol (VOIP) : imp Thesis
Pengurusan organisasi Text
Proton akan lancar tiga model baru Text
Aplikasi dan analisis rekabentuk tembok penahan gabText
Development of a new approach for high-quality quadr Indexed Paper
HL Bank perkenal produk perbankan Islam baru Text
Sistem pengurusan sijil digital Thesis
High speed computing of ice thickness equation for Journal Article
Nano–physics of transient phenomenon in semicond Conference Papers
5.5pc growth achievable Text
Forest reserve plundered Text
Budaya melayu berkait rapat istana : Sultan Text
RHB Bank kendali dua kaedah perbankan Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Building CommuniNews Paper Cuttings
Menjadikan Asia Timur sebagai kuasa baru ekonomi Text
Design and implementation of a highly efficient DBD Indexed Paper
Characterization of sound speed profile in MalaysianThesis
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Wanita muda perlu buktikan kemampuan diri Text
Maritime Enforcement Agency starts operations on Text
Onshore pipeline risk and consequence assessment Text
Rebut peluang kembangkan produk halal Text
Pelajar UTM selami kehidupan masyarakat di dungu Text
Performance of concrete block pavement without edg Thesis
Memahami identiti dan kecelaruan remaja Text
Faktor-faktor kegagalan pemilik tanah mengemukak Thesis
Agents call for tourism image uplift Text
Energy absorption of hexagon and square cell hone Thesis
Binary PSO approach to minimize tool changing for Thesis
UTM bantu mangsa gempa bumi Padang Text
Sel kanser turut diuji kaji di angkasa lepas Text
Desaru Fruit Farm semakin mendapat perhatian pel Text
Education as a bridge to better ties with Singapore Text
OBE and WA: understanding the paradigm shift on Non-Index Paper
Elektronik I Text
Amalan pelajar tahun 4 Sarjana Muda Teknologi sertThesis
Ops Sikap showing results Text
Gallium nitride nanowire by nitridation of electrocheThesis
Available transfer capability determination using artiText
Enhancement of VECTOR method by adapting OCTAVE Thesis
Peningkatan jumlah sisa pepejal di JB berterusan Text
Statics Text
Commodities to the rescue Text
KUiTTHO lahir jurutera bertaraf dunia Text
Dua pelajar UM menangi pertandingan Projek Litar Text
ThereÆs no escaping the smog Text
Features of discussion skills of high english as a s Thesis
Instructional design technique and authoring tools ( Text
Program agropolitan bebaskan 10,000 keluarga miskiText
Perbandingan rekabentuk konkrit bertetulang menggText
Logo halal tak ikut spesifikasi Text
Engineering mechanics/ applied mechanics Exam Papers
Status sekolah bukan ukuran mutlak capai kecemerl Text
Analisis taburan spatial kawasan setinggan ke arah Thesis
Gamma-ray tomography instrumentation for investigat Thesis
Kurikulum IPTA perlu menyeluruh Text
Propellant development for small rockets Conference Papers
Shopping for jobs in shopping complexes Text
Kemelut bahasa Melayu Text
Meshfree formulation of buckling of composite beamThesis
Polytech to run degree courses News Paper Cuttings
Construction measurement 2 Exam Papers
Simposium jurutera kimia di UTM Text
Sistem permohonan dan pengurusan asrama (SPPA) Thesis
Mengingati kiamat bangkit keinsafan Text
Organizational behaviour Exam Papers
Cuisine researcher promotes Malaysian food in Japa Text
Formation and evolution of blister on organic coatedThesis
Biomass estimation in tropical rainforest using integrThesis
Bar votes against death penalty Text
Human information processing Exam Papers
Kerajaan Johor sahkan perairan semakin sempit Text
Malaysia di tangga keempat IPI 2006 Text
Veggie prices skyrocketing Text
Johor expects higher growth of 6.7 per cent Text
Analisis aliran melalui empang batu baur boleh telus Text
Three shot dead in botched robbery Text
Back propagation neural network and non-linear regText
26,693 lepasan SPM diterima masuk IPTA Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Najib : rising petrol prices inevitable Text
Ringgit cecah paras tertinggi Text
Peruntukan RM1.3b perkasa penyelidikan IPT tempaNews Paper Cuttings
Syor PM elak projek tanah tinggi jejas alam sekitar: Text
TM jangka raih RM250 juta Text
Organic chemistry biomolecules Exam Papers
The effect of formation water cement slurry, and dri Thesis
MAT - nadi pentadbiran bersama Text
Flu virus spurs epidemic Text
Determination of Bahasa Melayu word list from Frid Journal Article
PM mahu pemandu berhemah balik raya Text
Part-time courses need govt nods: Musa Text
University plans RM30m building to house incubationText
10 to face the music for skipping National Service Text
Medicines in Malaysia : high prices claim misleading Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat kokurikulum untuk si Thesis
Ministry to table vehicle passenger limit plan soon Text
Sains forensik Text
UKM mantap kepakaran Text
Naluri manusia gemar buat perkara dilarang Text
Fuelling needs Text
Persepsi berat sebelah kilang nadir bumi News Paper Cuttings
Tiada kelulusan universiti baru Text
Pelaksanaan sistem merit ke IPTA telus Text
MTEN sokong bank bantu IKS, sektor pelancongan Text
Ujian sahkan HIV di PPUM ikut garis panduan WHO Text
Kementerian beri 5 alasan MBMMBI dilaksana pada Text
Pelbagai program baru banteras kemiskinan Text
Detection of volatile compounds in urine using an el Indexed Paper
Undervoltage load shedding for voltage stability Thesis
Cost monitoring for construction works carried out byThesis
Response surface methodology optimization of proces Indexed Paper
Disiplin ketat cipta keuntungan bukan zalim, bakhil Text
Amanat ketua pustakawan 2015 dan majlis meraikanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lat-The Early Series karya khidmat di NST Text
Ujian nuklear Pyongyang boleh cetus ketegangan Text
Kita tidak tunduk kepada Singapura Text
Senibina komputer organisasi & senibina komputer Text
Joint survival and longitudinal models with missing dThesis
Africans refuse to co-operate with police Text
ADaP : di Maktab Perguruan Ipoh Text
Demokrasi pendidikan rapat jurang kaum : HishammText
Outdoor ventilation performance of various configuraIndexed Paper
Jurnal ilmiah patut terbitkan rencana asli Text
Embedded instrumentation system for optical tomogThesis
Analisis berasaskan GIS terhadap dimensi sosio-ek Thesis
Penubuhan Majlis Tindakan Bioteknologi, BiodiversitiText
Ukur kuantiti I Text
Performance review of cabinet every 6 months Text
Fitnah dan karya kreatif Text
Langkah khas bendung kenaikan harga barang Text
Pemuliharaan alam sekitar berkait rapat ilmu Islam Text
3 anak penoreh getah dapat ijazah serentak Text
A prototype for filesystem integrity checker in user Thesis
Tandus falsafah hidup punca mundur Text
PM : Asian solutions needed Text
Experimental investigation on the effect of natural Indexed Paper
Effects of complexing agents on three steps pulse eleIndexed Paper
Sistem pengurusan zakat berasaskan web bagi MajlisText
UTM laksana program dwipengkhususan Text
Optimization of laser cutting parameter of acrylic b Thesis
Term extraction using hybrid fuzzy particle swarm opIndexed Paper
Ulu Sedili logging brings fear of floods Text
A biometric e-voting framework for Nigeria Journal Article
Fewer industrial deaths, on par with developed nati Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
UiTM jalin kerjasama tangani jenayah perakaunan Text
Will there be anything left? Text
Mahkamah khas sekolah terima reaksi berbeza Text
Fabrication and in vitro evaluation of nanosized hyd Indexed Paper
BioValley: UKM bina makmal genomik Text
Skim latihan graduan menganggur dapat sambutan Text
Smarteye-vehicle security system using facial recognText
Data management maturity model (dm3) for an explThesis
Kejuruteraan olahan air & air sisa Text
Power conditioning optimization for ultra low voltag Thesis
A prince who touched people’s lives News Paper Cuttings
Alumni management system (AMS) Thesis
Modelling of road surface pollution buildup and washoThesis
Kedah mahu kekal negeri pertanian : Syed Razak Text
Construction science Exam Papers
Performance evaluation of biometric system (Full texText
Pirates rob crew of Japanese vessel in Straits Text
Cadangan semak gaji setiap 5 tahun sekali Text
Hazman siswa cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Pengujian Ultrasonik Text
NUTP saran wujud jawatan baru pensyarah maktab Text
Cost of performing haj may go up Text
Nusajaya to have unique theme park Text
Post occupancy evaluation for Johor Zoo Thesis
Masalah yang dihadapi dalam penyediaan perumahan Text
Self-service check-in starts at KLIA Text
Modeling and simulation of ground vehicle motion Text
Ekonomi dan penentuan Text
Biomedical Instrumentation And Measurement Exam Papers
Kedah hit by worst hot spell in living memory Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan taman asuhan kanak-kana Thesis
Wanita mesti sertai ruang MEB Text
Malaysia bina semula sekolah, rumah Text
Pemadam needs to reassert role Text
Reaping the whirlwind Text
Many fall prey to ‘bogus priest’s ‘goddess Text
Electronic portfolio motivational factors from studentIndexed Paper
Jail for dumping toxic waste Text
Pembangunan sistem bajet ladang untuk LKPP Corp. TSext
Experimental study of flameless combustion for wastThesis
UTM issues show-cause letters to 12 Text
Optimization of machining parameters during drillin Indexed Paper
UPM lancar laman web pencegahan kanser Text
Peluang wanita jadi usahawan Text
Bahasa Jepun I (Penulisan A) Text
Radiokimia Text
Integrated collaborative tools for precast supply c Indexed Paper
Rising with globalisation in in trade Text
Highway robbery : PLUS gets its way Text
Pendidikan berteras fitrah Text
Short term congestion management model and strategy Thesis
Ikrar Rukun Negara lepas lagu Negaraku Text
Housebuyers deserve more Text
Drug-free Malaysia by 2015 Text
Guru lemah punca murid gagal kuasai 3M Text
IPT-industri perlujalinkan kerjasama Text
Foreign patients bring in RM204m Text
Rock bearing resistance of bored piles socketed into Journal Article
Piagam ASEAN dimeterai, satu detik sejarah ke arah Text
Akademi NLP dan UTM anjur seminar teknologi mudText
Marine education and research development in MalaIndexed Paper
Optik / fizik optik Text
Construction plant / equipment Text
Gasification ash melting technology for municipal w Text
Experts influence on fire safety criteria ranking for faIndexed Paper
X-ray diffraction study of evaporated cadmium telluriText
Asas sistem perundangan dan pentadbiran negara / iText
New algorithm to reduce file size and bandwidth of hIndexed Paper
Thrills at outbound school Text
Petronas raih RM78.2b dari sektor pembuatan Text
Sekolah Cina tidak halang integrasi Text
Guru kurang punca gagal Text
UTM giat tingkatkan agenda pengantarabangsaan News Paper Cuttings
Coli tak ikut saiz rosak payu dara Text
Masalah penyesuaian: punca pelajar gagal menyempur Conference Papers
Dari lipatan sejarah Text
Pengaturcaraan pangkalan data Text
The effectiveness of safety and health assessment syThesis
25pc of Malays in S'pore not speaking Malay Text
Anak ikut agama asal ibu bapa Text
Pusat Serenti ædoes not workÆ Text
Rakyat mahu WPI dirancang teliti Text
Improved characteristics of radio frequency interdigita
Kementerian galak pendidik tingkat kualiti akademik Text
Numerical analysis of MHD accelerator using equilibrConference Papers
Pemandu sambut baik petrol baru Text
Toxic risk from recycled bottles Text
Improved air quality after rain Text
Penyimpanan markah pelajar serta pemprosesannyaText s
Finishing school in ICT studies Text
Critical success factor in e-learning: an examination Non-Index Paper
Lebuh raya pesatkan pembangunan Pasir Gudang, MText
Spatial and stochastic modelling of long-term persisteThesis
Padah memantau ikut musim Text
Abdullah : build on Asean strengths to rival EU Text
Produk kraftangan: Skim francais dilaksana Text
Effects of irradiation on the mechanical, electrical, Indexed Paper
Robust electronic brake force distribution in hybrid eThesis
Quality control of adjusted survey accurate cadastra Thesis
Lawatan kongsi idea teknologi kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Akademi Kesenian Malaysia ditubuh Text
Discretization of flat electroencephalography (EEG) uThesis
Optimization of reaction conditions on titanium dioxiThesis
300 hingga 600 jenayah juvana didaftar setiap tahunText
Strategi penghujahan saintifik terhadap perubahan Thesis
Pelanggan puas hati dengan kereta nasional Text
Services sector boosts second-quarter growth Text
Water pipe flow simulation using improved virtual p Indexed Paper
The effect of WAG ratio and injection rate on oil re Thesis
Elak terus jadi koperasi 'kampung' Text
Predictive functional control with observer (PFC-O) Indexed Paper
Draf isu nuklear Iran siap Text
Antara Strategi AKP dan Pas News Paper Cuttings
Block-base robot programming software Text
Visible light-active Mesoporous Carbon Nitride materiThesis
Drug for the prostate Text
Peraturan larangan dari perspektif pendidikan dalamThesis
Just Parkinsons Text
MP with an unusual name and style News Paper Cuttings
Struktur gaji pengetua, penolong kanan perlu disem Text
Sedia batal gantung permit Text
Buku teks percuma untuk pelajar miskin : PM Text
Dataran Merdeka turut dikenali Dataran Budaya Text
2,300 SK di pedalaman masih belum ada bekalan air,Text
Schools ready to teach in English Text
Adaptive parallel model combination for reduced en Conference Papers
22 mahasiswa UTM terpilih sertai pertandingan robotText
Performance characteristics study of engine cooling Thesis
Susu kuda liar mampu cegah pelbagai penyakit baha Text
Performance and emission of compression ignition eng Thesis
MFN selaraskan urusan tukar status hutan simpan Text
Virtues of a good developer Text
Terengganu akan wujudkan pusat latihan skim kilan News Paper Cuttings
Pinda undang-undang lapuk : PM Text
Strategi membanteras gelandangan di pusat bandar Thesis
6 perantis bina model Legoland Text
Felda plant for Selangor Halal Hub : land developer i Text
Anggota NAM perlu tindakan konkrit baiki keadaan Text
Tokoh belia mesti bawah 40 Text
Designing a BDI agent reactant model of behaviouralJournal Article
PM : embrace 1Youth 1Malaysia Text
Material handling in a manufacturing company Thesis
An application of soft set in decision making Journal Article
Purpose and satisfaction for foreign participants Thesis
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Komen lantang PKR makan diri News Paper Cuttings
Perbandingan perisian ukur dalam pengiraan isipaduThesis
UPM sediakan taman istirahat siber untuk pelajar Text
Water resources management Exam Papers
Vegetative induced ground displacements: a compariConference Papers
Pasukan khas jejak mangsa sindiket edar dadah Text
Pengujian elektronik dan penyenggaraan Text
Pusat perubatan desa UMS lahir 56,000 doktor Text
Kedekut untuk perbelanjaan kesihatan Text
Kesan rawatan haba T4 ke atas mikrostruktur dan si Text
Google may drop Yahoo tie-up plan Text
Kabinet bertindak : kerah segera tambahan anggota pText
Synthesis of hybrid polymer/graphene materials usi Thesis
Myofascial pain syndrome trigger point detection sy Thesis
MalaysiaÆs fast response gets thumbs up from WH Text
Climate change : everyone's in one boat Text
YTL Comms to extend 4G campus network Text
Masalah-masalah pengubahsuaian rumah terhadap kText
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Pelajar perempuan kuasai IPTA News Paper Cuttings
A component-based approach for developing auton Conference Papers
Effect of etching as pre-treatment for electroless copJournal Article
Impak letupan saluran paip minyak dan gas terhadapThesis
In dire straits Text
Pengubahsuaian UPSR mampu lahir murid berdaya sText
Particulate reinforcement in glass fibre polymer comThesis
UTM galak penuntut melawat sambil belajar Text
A review of the models of land development processText
Patients get to pick medicine Text
Kerajaan tak benar buka ladang sawit baru : PM Text
Timber and steel construction / binaan kayu dan keluText
A structural model of green cleaning components andThesis
MeCD melahirkan usahawan industri aeroangkasa Text
Luminescence characteristics of Li2O-MgO-B2O3 dope Indexed Paper
Experts warn against EIA quick-fix Text
Laser irradiation effects on in-vivo rat skin Thesis
Abnormal market return surrounding asset divestitu Thesis
Statistics II Text
Media utama artikel penuhi selera sasaran Text
Pentadbiran air : swasta atau kerajaan? Text
Fabrication of flexural testing machine for laboratoryThesis
Civil servants parking claims capped at RM90 Text
UTM jadi IPTA pertama menawarkan Sarjana Muda Ke News Paper Cuttings
Sapura pengedar sah baru BMW Text
Laluan Selat Johor mungkin tertutup Text
Professional Practice I Exam Papers
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Experimental performance of harmonic suppressed ba Conference Papers
Hubungan antara persepsi kepuasan pekerja terhad Thesis
Kesan penuaan oven jangka panjang terhadap Resilien Thesis
Masa untuk kerajaan fokus News Paper Cuttings
Modelling stock prices using garch and portfolio optiThesis
Integration of theory of inventive problem solving Thesis
A comparative evaluation of the performance and emis Conference Papers
Passports ready within 24 hours Text
Research on extraction of contour line from topogra Thesis
Design and analysis of ejector as an expansion deviceThesis
Refined numerical simulation of the mechanical behaText
Drilling of autenitic stainless steel AISI 316L using c Thesis
Effect of surface roughness on Escherichia Coli biofi Thesis
Najib : punish headmaster and teachers Text
Bunuh wanita Bangladesh : tiga lagi ditahan Text
Glokal Malay Text
Green awareness, attitudes, and behavior : a study Thesis
Vaksin halal : 9BIO mampu eratkan kerjasama negar Text
Quantum mechanics Exam Papers
Need to monitor MSC status Text
Malaysia, Brunei selaras pengangkutan : Chin Text
Bayar saman RM300 serta-merta mansuh Text
Barisan Exco gandingan muka lama, baru Text
Negara masih kurang pakar remote sensing Text
UTM to set up technology centre News Paper Cuttings
Kimia analisis II Text
Wheel-rail contact parameters estimation for a conica Conference Papers
Paparan akhbar Cina ditegur Text
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Pemborong naik harga beras Text
Calculus Exam Papers
Program Khidmat Masyarakat Perpustakaan UTM Di PMhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
The effects of wettability on polymer adsorption on Thesis
Construction safety and management practices in B Thesis
Intellectual property court proposed Text
Economists see high CPI till June Text
Programmable logic controller (PLC) / (Kawalan logikExam Papers
Kementerian Pendidikan tubuh pejabat khas di seberText
Alam poised to be regional training centre Text
Protein cegah pembiakan aedes Text
Sistem kawalan kualiti bagi pembuatan suntikan plastThesis
Express bus passengers may be the next to belt up Text
Speed limit raised to 120kph Text
Going out with a big ban : Chap Goh Meh warning a dText
Mati otak alasan cabut sistem sokongan hayat Text
Tonjol gaya kepimpinan Islam News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia bimbang gelombang kedua selesema babi lText
Structure I Exam Papers
Treatability of methylene blue solution by adsorpt Indexed Paper
The role of extrinsic product cues in automotive bra Thesis
Getting tough with those who ignore ban Text
Bubble speed measurement using infrared sensor in Thesis
Optimal multi-site resource allocation and utility pla Indexed Paper
Selepas Bangsamoro, tangani Rohingya News Paper Cuttings
More bikers, accidents on the road Text
A review of structural performance of oil palm emptyIndexed Paper
80% nahas di LPT berpunca dari kenderaan terbabas Text
Bumiputera diseru perluaskan perniagaan Text
Pakistan pelawa usahawan Malaysia melabur di Isla Text
The civil service beckons Text
Ethnobotany plant materials Exam Papers
Evaluation of empirical equation for flow duration c Thesis
Gunakan ICT tingkat mutu kerja Text
PTPTN hanya tawar pinjaman kursus kritikal Text
Rekabentuk dan keselamatan Text
Pengaruh kepercayaan Feng Shui bagi pemilihan ko Thesis
Guru Besar sebagai 'role model' pemimpin kepada Thesis
Cabaran wanita bekerjaya dalam menguruskan rumaht Thesis
Optimization of fermentation conditions for protein Thesis
Jepun perlu contohi Malaysia Text
Kajian kualiti air serta punca pencemaran di Sungai J Thesis
Fishermen get cheaper fuel Text
Moving up with flying hovercraft Text
Kajian keberkesanan sistem ESCP di tapak pembinaa Text
Tun Datuk Awang bin Hassan : Pro-Canselor UTM (19Text
Vitamin C pills unnecessary Text
The study of fluorescence enhancing and quenching ef Text
46,000 jawatan kosong di sektor awam Text
Pengenalan kaunseling industri Text
Centre to help SMEs link with IT firms Text
RMK-9 bukti komitmen Pak Lah Text
Coastal fishermen protest against new net regulatio Text
Alza, MPV pertama Perodua dilancar Text
Masa depan negara terancam Text
MPHL masalah perubatan Text
Sasaran WTO makin jauh tersasar Text
Easy way to dehusk coconuts Text
Energy, economic and environmental (3E) analysis o Indexed Paper
Orang cakap tak serupa bikin tidak bersama saya Text
Tiga anggota polis dibuang kerja Text
Robiah is first woman state police chief Text
Tunnel engineering Exam Papers
UTM to train air traffic controllers News Paper Cuttings
Subjek dihad tidak jejas pembelajaran Text
Majlis Media Muslim Malaysia akan ditubuh Text
Loceng pintar : pertingkat sistem keselamatan sekol Text
Dosimetri sinaran Text
A new technique to pyrolyse biomass in a microwaveIndexed
s Paper
Duo mowed down by car Text
Cost studies Exam Papers
Sludge management options for energy recovery usinThesis
Pembinaan lengkung keamatan-tempoh-kekerapan de Thesis
Disease forces more schools to close Text
The relationship between self-efficacy and academicConference Papers
PMÆs premier lessons Text
Finite element analysis of cold formed steel connect Non-Index Paper
Defisit tunai TNB berkurangan RM2b Text
Moral asas penting lahirkan masyarakat amanah Text
IC testing techniques Text
8 hospital negara miliki pakar tulang belakang Text
IPTs urged to award students credits for voluntary seText
Doktor swasta disaran bantu hospital kerajaan Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
3,000 guru siswazah dipertimbang naik pangkat Text
Tiada lagi anugerah sekolah pada Hari Guru Text
Pump prices to be lowest in 3 years Text
Syor wujud sistem inovasi untuk jual hasil penyelidik Text
Abdullah : creativity can transform waste to wealth Text
Impak pemanasan global sukar dinilai Text
Kabinet lulus draf cegah perdagangan manusia Text
Perkongsian pintar kerajaan dan swasta tambah penText
TM to upgrade Internet access at Unimas Text
Tindakan tidak beradab Hindraf cemar keharmonian Text
Going from prince to sultan on a motorcycle News Paper Cuttings
Awareness, acceptance, and perception of Malaysia'sText
Penjagaan kesihatan menerusi senaman dari perspekti Thesis
Behavioural intention and actual usage of s-commercThesis
Janakuasa hidro jadi pilihan Text
Mempromosi perbankan Islam di Hong Kong Text
SPR jamin pilihan raya berjalan telus Text
Effect of titanium on the NI-based superalloys using Thesis
Risk management in contractors' organization Thesis
Sejarah dan falsafah matematik Text
Jepun perlu agresif realisasi forum Asian 3 Text
Mohd Hassan dilantik Pro Canselor UTP Text
UPM jadi tumpuan pelajar asing Text
Sistem kejuruteran marin III Text
Tingkat kelajuan sambungan jalur lebar Text
Perakaunan pengurusan Text
170 counsellors reach out to victims Text
Assessing pre-service teachers' information technoloText
Najib pelengkap teori 'Rahman' Text
Innovation and creativity Exam Papers
PM : education vital for Muslims to stay dynamic Text
Cadangan naik had laju diteliti Text
Interventions with radiology Text
Lebih 1.8 juta tidak baharui alamat pada lesen mem Text
Pelan tindakan dilancar, sasar 10,000 usahawan induText
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanosphere by electrochemi Conference Papers
Industri insurans terus kukuh Text
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Adsorption between conventional surfactant floodingThesis
Implementation learning and forgetting curve to pre Journal Article
Jakim perkemas Portal Halal Text
Cuepacs upbeat about pay hike after meeting PM Text
Kesan persekitaran terhadap prestasi konkrit yang Text
Uncertainty in digital image analysis Text
RM1 billion request to end flooding in Penang Text
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Exploring new rights and responsibilities Text
UTM strives for global recognition Text
Teacher's Club hantar ahli ke UK Text
Tahap kesedaran awam terhadap program bandar selam Thesis
Say No, No and No Text
A modified gravitational search algorithm for discre Indexed Paper
Kementerian Kesihatan mohon RM24.5 bilion Text
Inherently healthier design-current status and futureThesis
Bank Islam perlu agresif Text
JPJ permudah ganti lesen Text
Pendidikan akhlak bermula dari rumah Text
Pengebumian penuh istiadat Text
Kepercayaan rakyat asas lantikan Text
Umno dapat suntikan baru Text
Secure authentication short messaging service (SMS)Thesis
Pendidikan bahasa Arab, al-Quran perlu dipertingkatText
Adaptive cyclic prefix using power delay profile in o Thesis
Elementary particles Exam Papers
Analysis of product disassemblability using the dis Text
Tensile performance of grout-filled mild steel pipe s Conference Papers
Redesign electro mechanical dual acting pulley (EMDThesis
Ibu tunggal - Terdedah kesan psikologi Text
The orbit graph of metacyclic 2-groups of negative t Indexed Paper
Peserta PLKN didakwa -- Pejabat Peguam Negara buat Text
TPM nasihat pelajar IPT pertahan perpaduan Text
Hubungan antara harga diri dan pencapaian sains d Conference Papers
Laluan ke ICT global Text
BPG sedia panduan piawaian kualiti guru Text
Jurnal ilmiah umat Islam hanya 1.1 peratus Text
Investment valuation Exam Papers
RTD : choose - Malaysian or Singaporean driving lice Text
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
Organic chemistry / functional groups Text
Domestic water supply management to reduce non-rText
School sponsorship programme : required daily readText
USM cipta ubat batuk kering Text
The effect of aging treatment on the microstructu Thesis
Akhlak dan tasawuf Exam Papers
Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif Text
Chemical kinetics and electrochemistry Exam Papers
Tumpu kesihatan, alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Multibeam survey system installation and operating Text
Trend in ground-based GPS sensing of atmospheric wIndexed Paper
Distributed generation impacts on the coordination oThesis
Thermal analysis Text
RM10b to expand Klang ValleyÆs light rail system Text
Isteri kedua cadang tubuh persatuan isteri berpoliga Text
Learning orientation as moderating factor in stimula Thesis
Proton mahu keluarkan 150,000 Gen.2 menjelang MText
Personal digital assistants as a mobile inspection sys Conference Papers
Pre-processing technique for wireless capsule end Indexed Paper
Kerajaan jamin makanan cukup : Mustapa Text
Development of a course module for signal processi Text
Location service management protocol for vehicula Conference Papers
Analytical chemistry Text
Mechanical properties of mica-filled polycarbonate/pIndexed Paper
Botol susu bertoksik Text
Pencirian elektrolit polimer campuran polivinil klori Text
Testing and evaluation in science and mathematics Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan kualiti Text
γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles filled polyvinyl alcohol as pot Indexed Paper
Penggunaan gentian asli dalam komposit polimer Text
Utilization of high-speed DSP algorithms of cyclic r Journal Article
Kamiran feynman dan sistem terkamir lengkap SuatuConference Papers
Manufacturing process Exam Papers
ATM keluar pesawat pengintip Jun Text
Sistem pembelajaran secara elektronik di dalam persText
Mariah calon Anugerah Naib Canselor UTM Text
Kerja sambilan tak ganggu kuliah News Paper Cuttings
Angkasawan pertama China mulakan misi kelilingi b Text
Human resource development planning, design and eExam Papers
Channel allocation in multi-radio multi-channel wire Indexed Paper
Elektromagnetism Exam Papers
Cuti bersalin 60 hari kekal : Subramaniam Text
Cyber-help for farmers Text
Virologi Text
OUM mohon kementerian longgar syarat kemasukanText
Score bawa harapan baru kepada penduduk Text
Human information processing Exam Papers
Penyusun, penerbit buku mahu gugat perpaduan U News Paper Cuttings
Signal & networks Text
Effect of mecoprop (RS)-MCPP on the biological tre Indexed Paper
Pemaju perumahan disaran pasang CCTV bantu polisText
Padi baru MR220 mampu bersaing Text
Kawad Kecekapan Pasukan Keselamatan Kebakaran aPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Scenic Bridge Saga : this was the only option open Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Pulih ekonomi Melayu Text
Bigfoot blues Text
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Study on slaughter of poultry at wet markets Text
Teen first Kelantan organ donor Text
Calcite precipitation in sand pack model Thesis
USM temui kaedah murah kitar semula kertas Text
Effect of moisture damage on gap-graded asphalt mixt Indexed Paper
Kaligrafi buka hati arkitek TTI Text
Determination of optical path difference of white li Journal Article
Memperkasa organisasi dan pengurusan politeknik Text
Aye to branch campuses Text
Ruang serta peralatan di Pejabat Harta Bina UTM Sk Thesis
Mean-line model of a turbocharger with graphical use Thesis
Organometallic chemistry Exam Papers
Call to give palm oil refinery licences to firms in Sab Text
Gases breakthrough adsorption on activated carbon Thesis
Detection of seabed rock piles using starfish 450F anThesis
Johor to study highlands Text
Heart care augmented reality mobile simulation (HE Thesis
Numerical analysis of aluminium foam sandwich comp Thesis
Secure on-demand routing protocol in wireless sens Thesis
Penduduk minta percepat buka Jambatan Kedua MuText
Chemical kinetics and electrochemistry Exam Papers
Teknologi elektrik Text
521 pelajar lafaz ikrar News Paper Cuttings
Sistem maklumat pengurusan temujanji dan mesyuara Text
Pahang to have police training centre Text
Tambang kereta api tak naik Text
4 langkah atasi birokrasi di PBT Text
Ministry steps up virus watch Text
Peguam korban terbaru H1N1 Text
Noxious emission reduction from liquid fuel burner vConference Papers
Guru perlu beri khidmat terbaik Text
Changing profiles of leadership Text
Pembinaan lengkung keamatan tempoh frekuensi hujText
Mekanik pepejal Text
Isolation and cloning of human VEGF promoter region Non-Index Paper
U-Bonus metric card Thesis
EPF funds study to help elderly Text
MKIM pulihara khazanah silam Text
Sustaining the means of sustainability: the need for Conference Papers
Comparison of the performance of MR-deDuster withIndexed Paper
LKIM import ikan segar dari Aceh Text
What you can do to lower monthly electricity bill Text
Mathematical modelling of mass transfer in a multi-stText
KPT kenal pasti IPTA cemerlang Text
RM29.4b - That's the credit card charges Malaysians Text
Heat transfer analysis on a low cost housing unit Text
Childcare centre as a self supported social facility (FuText
Penyakit SARS merebak ke 22 negara Text
Prime Minister unveils 15-year blueprint for prosperitText
Aplikasi pengawasan aktiviti keluarga melalui media sThesis
UTM dons hauled up in ethics probe : show-cause letText
Full-scale trials speed measurement Text
Pengalaman baru yang menyeronokkan Text
Principles of economics / Prinsip ekonomi Text
RM2b selamat saham negeri Text
Factors that influence consumers' perceptions towarThesis
Pelaburan hartanah Cyberjaya cecah RM1.3b Text
e-Filing bottleneck fixed Text
A comparitive analysis and time series forecasting o Indexed Paper
Meningitis : 1 mati, 3 masuk icu, 85 dikuarantin Text
Evolusi 268 tahun Alor Star Text
Khasiat buah 'superstar' Text
Maintenance management assessment in a local ma Thesis
Kejuruteraan getaran dan kawalan Text
Mertabatkan bahasa - Jawatankuasa kabinet di bari Text
Focus on physical education Text
LPG & NG dalam industri otomotif Text
Banjir termenung berterusan Text
Sayembara Fiksyen Sains UTM-Utusan musim kedua N d ews Paper Cuttings
Matrikulasi : melayu merosot, pelajar bukan bumipu Text
Top wages, perks to woo the best brains Text
Pengetahuan pedagogi kandungan guru pelatih mat Conference Papers
Hubungan antara JRC dengan sudut geseran asas pe Text
Organic chemistry-biomolecules Text
Disease on the rise, alert issued Text
Kenaikan gaji sektor awam bawa kesan positif Text
Lebuh raya jana ekonomi Text
Fresh hopes of wiping out poverty Text
Data structure Exam Papers
Tujuh kriteria pendidik cemerlang Text
Teknologi satelit kritikal untuk Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia pastikan FTA saksama : Rafidah Text
Kerajaan laksana GST 2011 Text
Estimation of rain height and one-minute rain rate b Thesis
NST fastest-growing English daily Text
TEKUN bantu semua kaum Text
Dana Mutiara : pelabur wanita diiktiraf Text
Kawalan inventori alat ganti menggunakan Teorem Ba Conference Papers
Krisis air teruk di Lembah Klang mungkin berulang Text
USM study : marriage institution intact, despite rap Text
Visa on arrival for 23 nations on Sept 1 Text
KTMB hopes to see profits from 2012 Text
Graphene oxide dispersed with ferrite nano - particleConference Papers
Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif Exam Papers
The role of UTM reading stations (UTMRS) in creatingThesis
Undang-undang baru jaga keselamatan kanak-kanakText
Biostabilised icosahedral gold nanoparticles : synthesIndexed Paper
Disaggregation of daily into hourly rainfall using bar Thesis
Thermal analysis of wirelessly powered thermo-pneuIndexed Paper
100 usahawan akuakultur akan diwujudkan Text
Mekanik Text
Job satisfactions of academics in Malaysian Public UnIndexed Paper
Rekabentuk konkrit prategasan Text
IBM, bank tempatan perbankan pintar Text
Language testing and evaluation Exam Papers
The role of intellectual capital in mediating the r Thesis
Ministry keeps tabs on outsourcing Text
MPM UTM hindari tindakan keterlaluan Text
Inspection on buses and drivers Text
Stressed civil servants can seek advice of mentors Text
A matlab-based petri net simulation tool Text
KWSP perkenal caruman baru Text
UTMSpace bantu pembangunan kerjaya News Paper Cuttings
3 anak peneroka menang emas di festival Finland Text
Tidal energy generation using the double-emptying Non-Index Paper
Study on the effectiveness of therapeutic garden as Text
Serene learning environment as a medium towards nur Thesis
Sistem perhubungan Text
Kenapa peduli soal membaca? Text
A study of properties of low density polyethylene / Thesis
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Bad for babies Text
Radiation grafted adsorbents for newly emerging envIndexed Paper
Textile artificial magnetic conductor waveguide sheeJournal Article
Sehari lima peratus sampah dikitar semula Text
Building integration Exam Papers
Development of adsorption selective carbon membran Text
A new tomographic based keypoint descriptor using h Indexed Paper
Competencies framework for culinary profession in M Thesis
No exit exam for Manipal final students Text
Reclamation deal gives relations needed boost Text
Laksana inisiatif berkesan lonjak pencapaian News Paper Cuttings
Guru BI luar bandar bakal dapat insentif Text
New antirheumatic substance based on phenolic glyco Journal Article
Pembedahan prostat guna robot canggih Text
Sweet pregnancy Text
Kesesuaian ciri-ciri harta tanah small office home of Thesis
Pak Lah outlines seven milestones for East Asia Text
Terminal 2 KKIA catat rekod lapangan terbang paling Text
Melihat realiti ekonomi Melayu Text
Doctor may have been involved Text
Skim Permodenan Nelayan diwujud 2006 Text
3 politeknik premier Text
Simulation of blood vessel surrounded by tissue dur Thesis
Prasarana ICT - Masih belum cukup di sekolah, IPT Text
A performance improved certificateless key agreemen Indexed Paper
Mencari taraf jihad dalam kerjaya Text
The development of automated system for evaluating Thesis
Mengkaji kemungkinan wujudnya kesan - kesan positThesis
Kajian pola kepelbagaian kecerdasan, jenis personalitThesis
Mengkaji kesan pengurusan sisa makanan di kafeteria Thesis
500 komputer dikesan dijangkiti cecacing `Blaster' Text
Sewa novel konsep menarik : Kedai Buku Text
Hubungan antara budaya keselamatan dan prestasi ke Thesis
Perpaduan negara-negara Islam Text
UTM tingkat kualiti pengajar Text
Spelling out the nation's future educational needs Text
Bank Negara perlu keluar pekeliling Text
Using multiscale edge detection for low bit-rate sub Text
SBT misi iktiraf sekolah negara ke taraf dunia Text
Building time comparison between conventional andThesisi
Application of advanced microprocessor in modern aThesis
Design and development of low-cost friction stir wel Thesis
Hydrographics surveying / ukur hydrografi Text
Kajian rawatan minyak dan gris dari kedai makan Pa Thesis
Pusat Marina Antarabangsa Text
Rasional ganti MiG-29N News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik gunaan Text
In search of a new approach in the teaching-learnin Text
GIS dalam perancangan Text
ITTAR, Unitar bergabung tahun depan Text
UTM respons Laporan Audit News Paper Cuttings
Privatisation must ensure greater effciency Text
Sekolah digalak tanam pokok Text
Pendekatan baru berurusan dengan China Text
An improved SQL injection detection model in signatuThesis
Penetration testing and intrusion mechanism Exam Papers
Sekolah kebangsaan akan bertaraf dunia Text
Belajar dari insan lain News Paper Cuttings
Nod for new expressway in Klang Valley Text
Router simulation and configuration in networking uThesis
Budaya jaga kebersihan elok disemai sejak kecil Text
Sekatan pembiayaan jejas jualan kenderaan Text
Segelintir syarikat kuasai sebahagian besar AP : Dr. Text
Maximising ICT in education Text
Memperlekeh bahasa Melayu gambaran warga tidakText p
Doctor Fitness UTM muncul juara News Paper Cuttings
Kepelbagaian kaum satu rahmat Text
Pelaksanaan indikator penilaian cerun bagi mengura Thesis
Attenuation of ground penetrating radar signal ampliJournal Article
Lung segmentation for HRCT thorax images using radIndexed Paper
Kolej Komuniti melajirkan modul insan berkualiti Text
3 negeri langgar peraturan Text
Bank-bank pembangunan perlu cari sumber dana Text
Surveying and mapping II Exam Papers
Kerajaan kekal pemacu utama ekonomi Text
Tensile and fracture behaviour of very thin 304 stainlJournal Article
Extraction of lignosulfonate using TOA-kerosene-PV Indexed Paper
Chisel & Stone : getting to the heart of the english d Text
Guiding wheelchair motion using EOG signal based oThesis
Consumer chemistry (kimia pengguna) Text
Development of mini robotic arm using shape-memorThesis
Development of rigid biocomposite polyurethane foaIndexed Paper
Perogol tidak boleh dijamin, merayu Text
VHF-PECVD grown silicon nanoneedles : role of subs Indexed Paper
Water level measurement via polymer-fiber bragg grIndexed Paper
Sport Check: Sports University on the cards Text
Kerajaan bayar terus kepada sub kontraktor Text
JPA tawar 8,000 biasiswa IPTA Text
Syor majikan wajib latih modal insan universiti Text
Wanita pemacu kempen alam sekitar Text
Machinability study of coated and uncoated carbide Thesis
Computer application in property / penggunaan komText
Program khas untuk murid gagal ke SBP Text
RM2b untuk pelaksanaan projek Sistem Solar Hibrid Text
A graphical user interface of blood flow through a mulConference Papers
Contohi sistem pendidikan Malaysia Text
Design and development of virtual bus super structurThesis
DonÆt have cooking oil? DonÆt use any Text
PSD study loans for support group staff Text
Malaysian Palm Oil Board plans bio-diesel exports toText
Undang-undang harta intelek Text
Effects of approximation and close-fitting technique Indexed Paper
Creme de la creme ikuti Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Struktur binaan jambatan gantung runtuh tak kukuh Text
Penyelesaian berkala persamaan pembeza York Text
YB proaktif pilihan sesuai jadi calon Text
Database Text
Marine renewable energy system for an Island ResorThesis
Fabrication of carbon thin films by pulsed laser depoIndexed Paper
Thermodynamic cycle analysis of pulse detonation enThesis
Kamera pengawasan di lokasi strategik 2007 Text
S&T, inovasi ditingkat pacu ekonomi negara Text
Komputer bantu doktor analisis tanda penyakit Text
UHF(800 MHz-3GHz) band antenna for communication Thesis
Joint projects will ease Thai troubles, says PM Text
Statistical test for mean hypoteses of skew distribut Text
JAS sedia ambil tindakan Text
Perpustakaan Yong Peng pelawa jadi ahli Text
The application of MapInfo pro in air quality manageText
Intermediate accounting (perakaunan pertengahan) Text
Hakikat hak antara kaum Text
Penuntut UKM wajib ikuti program finishing school Text
Tertiary treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) Text
Ilmu Ukur & Pemetaan Text
Curi buku, budaya membaca dan kerenah dana Text
UTM nafi penuntut ketagih ubat batuk Text
Loop's subdivision surfaces scheme in virtual envir Conference Papers
Tahap burnout dalam kalangan staf Pusat Kesihatan :Thesis
Perkenal sistem pendidikan khusus untuk pelajar luaText
Public varsities to mentor cluster schools Text
Mengubah budaya pemandu abai keselamatan jalan Text
Effect of frying on the rheological and chemical propeIndexed Paper
Mekanik mesin Text
Dynamic transient analysis for a drum brake squeal Text
Development of low cost impedance tube v2 Thesis
Pak Lah, Thaksin bincang isu 2 kerakyatan Text
Lepasan kolej kerjasama UTM gagal dapat tempat d Text
Mathematical models for the boundary layer flow due Text
Universiti Terbuka tawar ijazah untuk lulusan PMR Text
Self-optimized autonomous routing protocol for WSNs Conference Papers
Input output analysis on the CO2 emission in housingConference Papers
Optimisation of legal information and knowledge Conference Papers
First-principles investigations of Mn doped zinc-ble Indexed Paper
Artificial ant robot Thesis
600 pusat vokasional ditutup : kementerian segera Text
Spatiotemporal land use change analysis using open Conference Papers
Synthesis and catalytic performance of palladium (II Thesis
Study on quenching effect of nitrite ions on zinc oxi Conference Papers
Scheme to help lower-income group cope with housiText
Closer towards k-society Text
Separation of carbon dioxide using emulsion liqui Thesis
Kerajaan negeri bangunkan laman web kampung Text
Berjaga-jaga hadapi cuaca panas Text
Formaldehyde removal from synthetic contaminatedThesis air
Application of a hybrid of least square support vectorJournal Article
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
Pinjaman pelajaran tak terjejas Text
Prinsip Penilaian harta Tanah Text
Aerodinamik Text
Eating turtle eggs to be outlawed Text
Teori dan praktis perumahan Text
Proton utamakan keselamatan kenderaan, penumpaText
Pusat jagaan kanak-kanak sistematik alternatif kem Text
Social change among fulbe nomadic primary school ch Thesis
Stability analysis and vibration control of a class of Journal Article
UECI mahu tindakan kuat kuasa lebih tegas Text
Construction technology III Exam Papers
Pencirian bahan Text
Wanita dan politik Conference Papers
Prasekolah dedah kanak-kanak ke alam pendidikan Text
70 warden pantau operasi teksi Text
Oil slick : clean-up begins Text
Embedded vision systems for ship recognition Conference Papers
Mechanics of Materials & Structures Exam Papers
Keberkesanan sistem geotube untuk mengawal hakisa Text
The application mi pro in the management of air qualit Text
Turapan blok saling mengunci; satu alternatif keles Thesis
Abdullah's team Text
A review for the time integration of semi-linear stiff Non-Index Paper
Bioteknologi pinggirkan penduduk miskin Text
Schools to be restructured Text
Pejabat Shahidan musnah dalam kebakaran Text
Kementerian perkenal program baru hantar pelajar kText
Rain impairment on 26 ghz terrestrial link in Malaysi Thesis
Merebut khazanah Ramadan Text
Trends and tips in protein engineering, a review Journal Article
DPM: Find out why varsities fell in rankings News Paper Cuttings
Sarawak to let foreign investors own some land News Paper Cuttings
Program belia perlu disulami akidah Islamiah Text
Buruh asing tidak ancam peluang pekerja tempatan Text
Explicit dynamic simulation of high density polyethy Conference Papers
Ministry plans new varsity calendar in line with the Text
Betulkan fakta sejarah P. Pinang dapat imbuhan Text
Matematik diskret Text
20,000 ikuti program latihan siswazah menganggur J Text
Architectural history and theory Exam Papers
Penubuhan jawatankuasa penilaian tingkatkan produk News Paper Cuttings
Storage for nuclear waste Text
LHDN hantar anggaran : taksiran dibuat bagi yang g Text
International marketing Exam Papers
Synthesis of gold (Au) nanoparticles for mercury ads Conference Papers
Polymer characterization Exam Papers
Polis siasat laporan MAS : urus niaga kargo rugi berj Text
Kinetic parameter studies of 6-amino penicillanic ac Conference Papers
Numerical simulation on the effect of anastomosis anThesis
Electronics Exam Papers
Penggunaan Al-quran dalam kaedah mengajar bahasConference Papers
Bahaya kemiskinan terhadap kedaulatan negara Text
Laporan akhir kajian Dasar Ekonomi Baru selepas 19 Text
BPR mesti ada kuasa Text
Application of micropile at Ambulatory Care Centre, Text
Lawatan PM penting kukuhkan hubungan Malaysia-AText
1Malaysia dan polarisasi pelajar di IPT Text
Ibnu Sina perintis ilmu kedoktoran Text
Duta Universiti jambatan masyarakat dan kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Rasuah sekat kemajuan ekonomi Text
Ekonomi negara dijangka semakin kukuh dalam RMKText
3D modeling and photogrammetric measurement proced Conference Papers
Shortage of qualified town planners Text
Bi-view semi-supervised active learning for cross-lingIndexed Paper
Routing in wide area ATM network (Fulltext) Text
Data structures and algorithms Exam Papers
A comparative genomic analysis of the alkalitolerant Indexed Paper
Equivalent capacitance network for distribution surgText
PRK Kajang: Undi BN dijangka tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Guru sains, matematik akan diberi kursus Text
Program inap desa dipakej semula tarik pelancong Text
3D numerical modelling of shallow tunnel in weatherJournal Article
Pulau Pinang hab logistik Koridor Utara Text
Kakitangan JPA diarah bayar pinjaman PTPTN Text
Raja Nazrin joins effort Text
Programme to honour the birth of the Prophet News Paper Cuttings
Kadar pengambilan oksigen maksimum (v02 max) pem Thesis
Internet tops favourite pastime Text
Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities of s Indexed Paper
E-learning environment for deaf students in learningConference Papers
Elak negara banyak hutang Text
Principles of environmental engineering Exam Papers
Ukur binaan 3 Text
Senaman untuk jantung sihat Text
Development of an interactive ergonomic chair Thesis
Hubungan Nuzul Quran dengan Lailatulqadar Text
UTM’s water treatment machines for Kelantan News Paper Cuttings
Few using RM9.2m bridge Text
Prediction of SO2 dispersion from a gas processing pText
StakeMeter : value-based stakeholder identification Indexed Paper
Separation Methods Exam Papers
$33m loan for Sabah project News Paper Cuttings
Misi tentera serba moden diteruskan Text
Peneroka hidup selesa hasil keprihatinan kerajaan Text
Pemakanan seimbang elakkan obesiti Text
Teknologi HFT bantu kurangkan beban kos petrol Text
Memperkasakan pangkalan data ukur kadaster digit Thesis
Capacitated arc routing problem with time window inConference Papers
Kejuruteraan pantai Text
Wanita capai tahap tertinggi Text
Hakim perlu berintegriti, tak memihak Text
View: a 3D virtual learning environment for introduc Conference Papers
Pulihara segera alam sekitar, selamatkan bumi Text
MTDC masih kaji projek industri bioteknologi Text
Behaviour based control of mobile robot via voting Thesis
Framework of computer-aided sustainable integratedThesis
Tingkat risiko kanser perut Text
Penyelesaian gelombang solitari : kaedah analisis P Text
T84 basic training aircraft nose undercarriage (Previ Text
Kakitangan awam dinasihat berbelanja ikut kemampText
10,000 kes pasport hilang setiap tahun Text
Alternatif rawatan kulit melalui Hidrogel Text
Visual composition of Malay woodcarvings in vernacuText
Bakal pesara perlu bijak pilih dana persaraan Text
Kawalan proses Text
Perluas makna patriotisme Text
Kangar is now Bandar Melati News Paper Cuttings
Lulus segera visa profesional Text
Extraction and purification of azoreductase from Paen Thesis
Perceived service quality vs customer expectation i Thesis
Total particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5 emissions from Journal Article
Kajian prestasi dan aplikasi penggunaan grout dalam Thesis
The effect of scour depths and scour patterns aroundThesis
Simulated annealing technique for routing in a rect Indexed Paper
Investigate Jatropha oil as new source of lubricant oiIndexed Paper
Insan kreatif jika berpegang kepada al-Quran Text
Proton, UTM hasilkan panel suria News Paper Cuttings
Planning a will Text
Keupayaan keratan rasuk bertetulang bagi menanggun Text
Brief review : cold plasma Indexed Paper
Kaedah sesuai urus kualiti sungai mesti dicari Text
UTM terima RM11.58juta biayai program GE News Paper Cuttings
Sikap sebenar Obama Text
Gamma radiation technology to boost halal food secText
Shot in the arm for SMEs with new central agency Text
Malaysia mampu jadi pusat kewangan Islam seduniaText
Waste minimization by recycling of construction wasText
Configuration of horizontal voids and lightwell to impThesis
Hakmilik strata Text
Harga air: Malaysia yakin masih ada ruang rundinganText
Pemetaan elektronik mudah polis bertindak Text
Khairil pejuang kesukarelawanan tulen Text
Karikatur : pegawai RTM akan disiasat Text
Model kepuasan pelanggan bagi laman web e-runcit Text
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Bank Negara Malaysia kekal faedah 3.5 peratus Text
Masalah ergonomik di kalangan pekerja binaan bagi Thesis
Kokurikulum tetap penting Text
Development of high performance and defect-free asText
The study of non-revenue water reduction control forText
Golden Merdeka Memories : national flag chosen by Textpe
A small novel ultra wideband antenna with slotted g Conference Papers
Numerical analysis of free convection from a rectangThesis
Pesawat bomba udara Kanada tiba hari ini Text
Suatu bencana gejala sosial Text
Field measurement of airborne particulate matters cJournal Article
Salah laku pelajar Text
ICT dalam RMK-9 memperluas rangkaian digital negaText
Jangan bimbang wabak chikungunya Text
Lahir modal insan berkemahiran News Paper Cuttings
Proses pemisahan II Text
Kajian konsep dan rekabentuk jambatan kamiran yang Text
In silico identification of metabolites contributing t Thesis
Tuning a first order plus time delay process with cas Thesis
Malaysia, Indonesia kekal komitmen Text
Pelajar SBP perlu mampu saingi sistem pembelajaranText
Isu hak milik strata ditangani : negeri dibenar lant Text
Reduction of losses due to harmonic in distribution Thesis
Bajet 2008 : PKS masih perlu dibantu tingkat daya sa Text iklan 66,700 jawatan Text
Incentives for teachers willing to transfer to rural sc Text
Pelan pengurusan kualiti air Sungai Skudai Text
Office and shopping mall wireless security system Thesis
Pemprosesan isyarat Text
Komplikasi jika bina jambatan bengkok : Syed HamidText
Go green, Azmi urges banks Text
Introduction to measurement Exam Papers
Setiap petani dapat 150kg baja tambahan Text
Kabinet arah Rafidah jawab Text
Bacterial count high in mussels News Paper Cuttings
Three States to limit logging Text
Performance study on high data rate modulation tecText
Politeknik penyumbang terbesar pekerja separa profText
Cuepacs rancang skim hari tua Text
The impact of job stress toward employees' job satisThesis
Land use planning Exam Papers
KKDN setuju naik gaji polis Text
Influence of nano-titanium dioxide on electrical treeiThesis
Seismic behavior of tall building structures by fricti Thesis
Usaha perkasa Bahasa Inggeris News Paper Cuttings
Bahan api daripada minyak buangan Text
Call to take up rocket science Text
Universiti penyelidikan sasar kelompok IPT terbaik 2 Text
Manfaat pakej rangsangan harus menyeluruh Text
Flight mechanics / mekanik penerbangan Text
Teachers to get new pay scale and rewards Text
Teamwork to achieve excellence Text
Syor pinda akta perkahwinan Text
Quality management framework for the SME's food pr Indexed Paper
Two killed in car crash Text
Perkasa sistem pengurusan, pembelajaran Sekolah Text
Teaching and learning space allocation in higher educThesis
Sistem kawalan lapangan terbang Malaysia terbaik Text
Modern control systems Exam Papers
Geared for progress Text
Kajian ke atas aplikasi e-dagang dalam industri pembText
Tiada lagi web lucah : firma telekomunikasi, pembekaText
Permohonan - UiTM henti guna kertas tahun depan Text
Extreme learning machine for prediction of heat loadIndexed Paper
KMM had links with al-Qaeda Text
Flashover phenomena prevention during GIS installaConference Papers
Mekanik bendalir Text
USM cemerlang bidang penyelidikan Text
Pelajar UiTM cipta jam tangan pengesan barang Text
Pengantarabangsaan UTm IBS News Paper Cuttings
The utilitarian and hedonic factors affecting the p Thesis
Nanoteknologi : meneroka kehebatan zarah-zarah Text
Belia mahir mampu ganti pekerja asing Text
Analisis sistem gantungan aktif bersama penggerak hText
Option for students of elite schools to sit for IB or S Text
Quality of service provisioning in optical burst switc Thesis
Adsorption of acid orange 7 by cetylpyridinium bro Thesis
Projek landasan berkembar siap 2008 Text
Kit HV RAPID kesan HIV 15 minit Text
We need SEA change Text
Kajian untuk kenal pasti punca kelewatan projek Text
Pembangunan dan aplikasi sistem e-dagang bagi urusn Text
85% sekolah di Malaysia terdedah kemalangan Text
Black Metal : 105 remaja ditahan Text
Play therapy for the autistic Text
UTM tubuh Akademi Ekuin News Paper Cuttings
Lights emitting diode on plant growth and photomorp Thesis
Effect of warm forging parameters on properties of Thesis
Rehabilitating your mouth Text
JPJ kenalpasti 28 lokasi kemalangan maut di seluruh Text
Reflective gas cell structure for spectroscopic carbonThesis
Integrated water resources management Exam Papers
Kesan radiasi telefon bimbit diuji kali ke-2 Text
UTM offers assistance to set correct prayer directionNews Paper Cuttings
Finite element (FE) model of brake insulator in redu Thesis
Jangan pertikai bumiputera kuasai ekonomi 18.9% Text
Solar-assisted wireless sensor node (SA-WSN) Thesis
Characteristics determination on scientific computingConference Papers
Aplikasi telefon pintar jom fit Thesis
Basic power & electrical machines Exam Papers
Membongkar misteri lohong hitam penyedut kosmosText
A hybrid of bees algorithm and regulatory on/off minThesis
Tambah tapak pelupusan sisa Text
Flexible energy harvesting system Thesis
Wakaf cara berkesan bangunkan ummah Text
Pancreatic effect of andrographolide isolated from a Indexed Paper
Radiation characteristics improvement of monopole Indexed Paper
Tren dan amalan penggunaan tenaga ke arah pengurus Thesis
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
Software process improvement in a case organizatio Thesis
Kemiskinan di Kelantan serius Text
FPGA based a PWM technique for permanent magnetNon-Index Paper
Proses pembangunan tanah Text
Regenerated cellulose/epoxidized natural rubber bleIndexed Paper
Transparent antenna design using aght film for wifi Thesis
Engineering surveying I / ukur kejuruteraan I Text
Development of a model for dimethyl ether non-adiaIndexed Paper
Land use planning Text
Bilangan pelajar kita di Amerika merosot Text
Distal end of flexible bronchoscope using fiber reinfoThesis
Kementerian Kesihatan bertindak cegah polio Text
Jangan politikkan kontrak sosial Text
Jarum, kondom percuma tidak jamin penularan HIV dText
When the going gets tough... Text
Wajib perbaharuni permit setiap tahun Text
Design criteria for inflow and infiltration in sewerag Text
Pertumbuhan ekonomi kukuh pada suku kedua : ZetiText
IPT didik penuntut jadi usahawan muda berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
Cash soon to flow pipe firmÆs way Text
Mekanik bendalir (Fluid Mechanics) Text
Pengajaran Sains, Matematik perlu elemen falsafah, Text
Imbangan jisim dan tenaga Text
Penggunaan broadband ditingkat 50% Text
Harga minyak mentah naik hampir AS Text
The effects of nodularity distribution on vertical con Conference Papers
H1N1 : 39 kes baru dikesan Text
Reforming the judiciary Text
Exergy analysis of an industrial oven Thesis
Handwriting recognition using artificial neural netwoThesis
Current issues in architectural theory and urban desiExam Papers
DonÆt cocoon yourselves, students told Text
TUDM bimbang pakar ke swasta Text
Dasar alam sekitar patut berteraskan pencapaian Text
40,000 addicts unsupervised due to red tape Text
Usah tunjuk kuasa Text
Streamflow estimation at ungauged site using waveleIndexed Paper
Protection of Proton not indefinite Text
Geo-Protect berkesan atasi hakisan tebing sungai Text
A binary vector evaluated particle swarm optimizat Conference Papers
Japanese basic travel conversations and Kansai regi Thesis
Petronas to cut cost by 30% Text
Wi-Net pelanggan pukal pertama broadband TM Text
Rotan : sedia garis panduan Text
Pelabur ASB dapat pulangan 8.55 peratus Text
Principles of macroeconomics Exam Papers
Denda rosakkan alam semula jadi dijangka naik RM2Text
Waspada strategi gugat pemikiran golongan muda Text
Varsity selection process favours STPM holders, says Text
106,000 Malaysians emigrated between 1996 and 2 Text
UTM iktiraf sumbangan 3 genius News Paper Cuttings
Autonomous car utilizing optical sensor Thesis
Leadership competency : a tool for project success Indexed Paper
Salary rise mooted for graduate police Text
Comparison of ultimate capacity of a pile based on inText
Membangun produk bioteknologi Text
Mudah untuk menjadi pemimpin Text
Persepsi pelanggan terhadap aplikasi tahap perkhidmat Text
Pelaksanaan dan keberkesanan teknik kawalan kualitText
Pendidikan swasta ke arah pembangunan pendidikanConference Papers
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
Shahrizat : subsidies benefit every Malaysian Text
Usah pertikai hak Melayu Text
Evaluation of a brain-compatible literacy interventionThesis
IPT tiada wang untuk penyelidikan Text
Construction foreign labour skill drain Thesis
Study loans used for lots of other things Text
Tangani masalah buruh mahir Text
Garis panduan seksual lindungi kakitangan Text
The effect of using Jatropha biodiesel as base fluid inThesis
Incorporation of homogenous ceramic tile waste to Indexed Paper
Kemampuan TLDM terbukti Text
Rising trend of disease to push up treatment bill Text
Kuasa ekonomi beralih ke Timur Text
Termodinamik Text
Magnetic graphene oxide as adsorbent for the remova Indexed Paper
Peruntukan tambahan hidupkan semula kokurikulumText
Performance comparison between vertical and horizoThesis
Cracks force 108 from homes Text
Performance, emissions and lubricant oil analysis of Indexed Paper
SPNB bina 138 Rumah Mesra Rakyat di Johor Text
Menggilap bakat kepimpinan News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik III Text
UPSR tetap diteruskan : Alimuddin Text
Fibre optic pH sensor embeded in concrete Thesis
Unsur masa dalam rekabentuk dan implimentasi mode Text
Kesihatan pekerjaan Text
Dynamic analysis of tramcar suspension system Text
A study in flow characteristics in rectangular non-m Thesis
Building services 2 Exam Papers
PM ajak Jerman melabur di bidang kejuruteraan, ICTText
Kejuruteraan asas Text
Kerajaan sedia runding Text
E-mail contact with teachers rare Text
Final account closing framework in construction projThesis
Synthesis and characterization of oil palm empty fruiThesis
Establishment of sustainable design criteria for Mal Thesis
Solitons and nonlinear waves Exam Papers
One number for distressed folk to call for help Text
Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam dan arah tujunya Conference Papers
Telecommunications and switching Exam Papers
FDI vital for growth momentum Text
Sosiologi dan profesionalisme pendidikan Exam Papers
Kerajaan setuju tubuh Institut Pemikiran Dr. MahathiText
Matrikulasi dalam konteks agenda Melayu Text
Boat survey using photogrammetry method Conference Papers
Perbandingan potensi keselamatan dan kesihatan maThesis
Resource conservation for campus sustainability :phyThesis
Tak urus toksik kena mandatori Text
Warping behaviour of cantilever steel beam with opeText
Performance of two new empirical equations compared Indexed Paper
Knowledge details in web forums: how high or low a Conference Papers
Kerajaan tiada pilihan kenaikan harga minyak Text
Corrosion behaviour of aluminium alloy in palm oil mJournal Article
Tsunami rintis kerjasama atasi bencana Text
USM hasilkan ubat ikut genetik Text
Uncovering the hidden values of wetlands to local Conference Papers
Perfect score for 6pc of candidates Text
Financial liberalisation may be delayed : analyst Text
Elektrik terputus : TNB harus siasat punca sebenar Text
Potensi memakmurkan negara Islam tidak dimanfaatText
Pemodenan pertahanan negara berjalan lancar Text
Sabah backs IC scam probe Text
Menangani krisis cara kita Text
Multi-objective optimization using differential evolu Thesis
Development of gross motor assessment and trainingThesis
Penyeliaan industri Text
Return-to-Work scheme extended Text
UPM anjur pameran rekaan, penyelidikan, inovasi Text
Full scale testing on steel beam with partial strengt Conference Papers
Pak Lah : no radical changes when I become PM Text
Ketahanan ekonomi negara diuji Text
Curing properties of UV-cured pressure sensitive adhIndexed Paper
Sistem Kawalan Text
Sains, Matematik dalam BI tak jejas prestasi PMR tahText
Some numerical methods on temperature and mass Conference
tra Papers
Sejarah Adat Istiadat Diraja Johor News Paper Cuttings
Influences of crumb rubber sizes on hot mix asphalt Journal Article
Graduan perlu ada 3K : Azalina Text
50 peratus pilih bank Islam Text
Design and development of rotating-sleeve refrigeranText
Panel to check teacher mismatch : graduate teachersText
CoLMIS: sistem maklumat pengurusan kepimpinan koConference Papers
Usah pertikai status UiTM Text
Ekonomi Malaysia di landasan betul - Pakar News Paper Cuttings
Augmented Mankiw-Romer-Weil model for the impact Thesis
Synthesis of biodegradable flocculants using OPEFBs Thesis
Application of MODAPTS for determining standard t Text
Modelling and biomedical analysis of human spine Thesis
Finite element method Exam Papers
Bahaya bahan pewarna dalam makanan ringan Text
The role of corporate social responsibility in flood Indexed Paper
Biohydrogen production from fermentation of sweetIndexed Paper
Peluang lepasan SPM ikuti kursus ijazah Text
Sistem maklumant perakaunan dan kewangan Text
Fotogrametri II Text
Stringent tests, labelling for new drugs, food Text
UTM adakan KEMJIS'03 13 April - 1 Mei Text
Malaysian legal and administrative system (sistem Text
Effect of solution treatment on corrosion characteri Indexed Paper
PTPTN sedia jumlah pinjaman pendidikan terbesar tah Text
Usahawan Islam perlu pentingkan sijil halal Text
410 children died in 2008 road accidents Text
Pembangunan pendidikan dinilai setiap tahun Text
Simulation of linear and non-linear soil water deficit Thesis
Young doctors fear errors most Text
Muftis' take on what ails Muslims Text
Dengkuran mengganggu tidur Text
Communication electronics Exam Papers
Keupayaan galas model asas rakit berusuk (Abstract)Text
The application of process failure mode and effect Text
Tapping health tourism Text
A seminar by National Kidney Foundation for early Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Development of a remote accessible electrical powe Indexed Paper
The performance of glass beads and xanthan gum asThesis sta
Polygamous civil servants told to declare marriages Text
Malaysia kurang 40% doktor Text
Back to basics Text
Water treatment Exam Papers
Pengurusan dan pembiayaan projek Text
Dasar kerajaan tidak berubah Text
Run-time transmission power reconfiguration and ada Thesis
Principles of Management Exam Papers
Novel Natrah terus dapat sambutan Text
Instrumentasi Text
Termodinamik II Text
Material science Exam Papers
Electromagnetic field theory Text
Plastic bags to be eased out Text
Kuasa Singapura terhad : nelayan kita kini bebas me Text
Saranan bersegera laksana kebaikan, amalan ujian Text
Energy management of multiple renewable energiesThesis
Had muatan kereta kecil dikaji : kerajaan mungkin Text
Mechatronic development of an in-pipe microrobot wit Thesis
Liquefaction potential of soils at Iskandar Malaysia r Thesis
Kajian kualiti air di sungai UTM Thesis
Penyelidik sains sahkan daun ketum ramuan ubat traText
Naib Canselor sokong pindaan AUKU Text
Import barang pertanian dikaji semula Text
Effects of mechanical turbo compounding on a turboIndexed Paper
50pc of all buildings are æsickÆ Text
Wireless portable public address system (FM ReceiveThesis
Polymer chemistry Exam Papers
A computer program for evaluating matrix acidizing Thesis
Guru penjana modal insan gemilang Text
When a state for the Palestinians is more than just a Tpext
Avoid overlap in biotech drive Text
Kreativiti sekolah : atasi ponteng hujung tahun Text
Robust control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robo Thesis
Berhenti merokok selepas mati : Sempena Hari Tan Text
Operasi stesen minyak dihad hingga 11 malam Text
Langgar AUKU Text
English not neglected Text
Smart hardware for all schools Text
Pemprosesan Isyarat Digit (B) Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas Text
Garis panduan pelajar di luar negara dirangka Text
Analisis terhadap kepelbagaian resolusi digital terr Thesis
Kajian kepuasan pelancong terhadap perkhidmatan shu Text
Wide range analysis of ozone gas concentration in ultThesis
Carbon nanotube based biosensor Thesis
Pejuang bahasa Melayu perlu lebih inovatif : Najib Text
WPI mampu capai sasaran pelaburan Text
Celebrating Pakistan Day News Paper Cuttings
Dr M : stop raising Islamic state issue Text
Bahasa Melayu kuasai ilmu Text
Pembangunan sistem penentuan tempat berkumpul Thesis
Biologically inspired hexapod robot "TED" Text
Ergonomics analysis of visual displays in Kuala LumpuThesis
Employability of young people (18-30 years old) in t Thesis
Kelakuan pemandu ketika isyarat amber di persimpang Text
The development of water house navigation with GarThesis
Lateritic soil stabilization by using roadpacker plus Thesis
420 firma jualan langsung ambil kesempatan Text
Potensi melaksanakan konsep khidmat luaran ke atasText
Synthesis and characterization of ceramic nanoparti Thesis
Computer assisted language learning Exam Papers
Raya cheer for 860,000 civil servants Text
UTM lahir tenaga mahir Biosains dan Bioteknologi News Paper Cuttings
The effect of heat processing on triterpene glycosidesText
Penyelidik UTM cipta perisian data Text
The development of metrica/NPR 3.3 Thesis
Solution-diffusion model for a small scale reverse o Journal Article
Fuel prices reduced for seventh time Text
Dasar Wanita Negara 2009 mencorakkan lanskap pe Text
Undergrads in a quandary Text
Application of sustainable construction principles in Thesis
PM supports code of ethics for MPs Text
Development and characterization of phototrophic aThesis
Risks influencing brand image perception : purchasi Thesis
The homological functors of bieberbach groups with Tchesis
An analysis of hierarchical clustering and neural net Text
A fabrication of intelligent spiral reconfigurable b Indexed Paper
Angkara manusia Text
Structural modification of zerumbone from zingiber Conference Papers
Perlaksanaan pengajaran sains dalam Bahasa InggerisConference Papers
Celcom starts new Internet service Text
Ibu sawat Internet pertama mula operasi 6 bulan lagiText
Hidrologi (Hydrology) Text
Budaya keintelektualan makin subur Text
Bumiputera majoriti enam kursus kritikal Text
Minding the mind Text
Chemical kinetics and electrochemistry Exam Papers
Design of a low cost PH optical sensor Thesis
UiTM guna pakar dari luar negara tingkat R&D Text
Medicines being sold at exorbitant prices, says surveText
Pak Lah wants more done to strengthen unity Text
Pengguna masih sukar dapatkan bekalan diesel Text
Subsidi petrol guna MyKad Mei Text
Cameron Highlands hydrology studies : erosion aspecText
Frequency agile home energy management system Thesis
Shell Gas perkenal teknologi logam palet Text
Instrumen pemerhatian berlandaskan pendekatan kon Conference Papers
Ceiling price of petrol for next year capped at RM2.7Text
Offshore platform site inspection survey Thesis
Kad rakan muda diperkenal Text
Perubatan nuklear di IPTA Text
Perbezaan fatwa dan ijtihad Text
Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on the productConference Papers
Penagih dapat bantuan Text
Identiti nasional seni bina tempatan Text
Perbandingan berat kekuda bumbung untuk pelbagaiText
Current practices of bridge visual inspection in MalayText
Another green lung for Penang Text
Invest EPF money, retirees told Text
Kempen membanteras gejala mat rempit perlu seriu Text
GIS in development control process: the case of deveConference Papers
Usability considerations make digital interactive bookJournal Article
Kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kualiti kehidupan di Kol Thesis
Software construction Exam Papers
Pemimpin perlu faham erti sebenar akar umbi Text
Skirting around the money game Text
Five new cases, flu panel to meet Text
Mati pucuk boleh sebabkan serangan jantung Text
Pakej akuakultur RM2 bilion Text
Expert lauds MalaysiaÆs efforts to promote harmonText
KLCI at its lowest in two years Text
Jantung tiruan mampu milik News Paper Cuttings
Mara kutip semula lebih RM500j wang pinjaman Text
Measurements of ozone absorption cross section witIndexed Paper
PM mahu makanan tempatan dipopularkan seluruh Text
Performance of system with and without queuing of Tt ext
Relocate low-enrolment schools Text
Effects of acetone/water mixtures for pulping of su Thesis
Pendapatan di Malaysia meningkat 6.2 peratus Text
Formulasi metarhizium mesra alam Text
Behaviour of the hand-arm postural tremor model inConference Papers
Funds that boost women's role in business Text
Menganalisis model-model peramalan bagi penjuala Thesis
Soalan objektif tambahan dalam Matematik SPM, S Text
Design and construction of magnetic flux leakage inspText
Sudut Pidato hidup semula Text
Exact solutions of unsteady magnetohydrodynamic flThesis
Finite element analysis of structural steel work con Text
Membanteras jenayah rogol : lelaki perlu bertanggu Text
Remaja jangan terlalu taksub dengan laman sosial News Paper Cuttings
Geometrical parameter variations effect on stress con Thesis
Construction technology Exam Papers
CSI untuk kebaikan pengguna, negara : Suhakam Text
Promosi BM menerusi sastera, budaya Text
Focus on private education Text
UPSI lantik TNC HEP yang pertama Text
UUM tawar 5,000 tempat belajar Text
Mencari kebenaran melalui penyelidikan Text
Proaspirasi menang pilihan raya MPP UTM Text
Theory of plates and shells Exam Papers
Impak jambatan kedua Text
Lignocellulolytic enzymes by aspergillus sp. A1 and baThesis
Driven to pursue ideals Text
UM, MINT bangunkan teknologi perubatan nuklear dText
Suffer the children Text
Debate over the death penalty heating up Text
Hearing loss is not “just” a loss of hearing Journal Article
Pemimpin pelajar di IPTA kini semakin matang Text
Fruits and vegetables shape detection Thesis
Dr. M : Agensi berita Selatan perlu wujud jaringan k Text
More judges needed to solve shortage Text
Pemuda mahu IPTA beri jumlah pelajar Melayu kursus Text
Dual band dielectric resonator antenna operates at Thesis
Enhancement of junior academics professionalism thrThesis
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Botol plastik terpakai : penggunaan berulang jejas k Text
Pemahaman fikah wakaf dan amalan pengurusannyaThesis
Demarcation of marine title in marine cadastre envi Text
Selangor MB: we will spend wisely News Paper Cuttings
A new linguistic out-sample approach of fuzzy time seIndexed Paper
National higher education action plan 2007-2010 / P Text
Optimization of traffic signal coordination system onConference Papers
Estimating local based house price index by using Thesis
Pembalakan jejas eko-pelancongan Text
The office development process in Kuala Lumpur : anText
D8 supports peaceful nuke power Text
Femtosecond pulse generation using microring resonIndexed Paper
UTM lakar sejarah tersendiri News Paper Cuttings
Leveraging Malaysian diaspora for cluster developmen Conference Papers
Modelling and control of two-link flexible manipulat Thesis
PM, isteri beri penghormatan terakhir kepada dua p News Paper Cuttings
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Lotte Chemical Ti News Paper Cuttings
Focus on tourism, not timber Text
New model on track Text
Tambak Johor diroboh? Text
Kerajaan berpuas hati prestasi kewangan GLC Text
Proses pemisahan 1 Text
Merangka agenda masa depan IT Text
Reflective review of relationship between total qua Conference Papers
Ensuring human rights for all Malaysians Text
Buku terpakai untuk perpustakaan desa diperlukan Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempergaruhi masalah ponteng Thesis
Effects of photorespiration in metabolic network of sThesis
E-pembelajaran atasi kekurangan pakar Text
Johor kuasa ekonomi baru Text
Darurat kesihatan diumum lebih awal jika dekati tah Text
Kereta solar : UiTM diiktiraf juara antarabangsa Text
Lebih 10 juta pengundi berdaftar Text
Sarawak closes 1,265 schools Text
PM: Haramkan perang -- Jangan biarkan mana-manaText s
Intelligent bus tracking system (IBTS) Thesis
Development of trajectory tracking of quadrotor UA Thesis
Racial cliques still the norm at varsities Text
Teori litar Text
Comparison between theoretical and practical valuesText
Pengenalan psikologi industri Text
English letdown Text
KPDNHEP pastikan harga 255 barang tidak naik Text
Israk Mikraj motivasi ketuanan umat Text
Mineral carbonation of red gypsum via pH-swing proce Indexed Paper
A new approach to model sensitivity of graphene-baIndexed Paper
4 kilang diarah tambah gula Text
The relationship between social characteristics and Conference Papers
Siaran DTV tahun depan Text
Investigating the impact of rainfall on travel speed Indexed Paper
Extra charges not binding Text
Konsep jual beli rumah untungkan pemaju Text
Maxis makes first foray abroad Text
Trust and security in e-banking adoption in Romania Non-Index Paper
Felda perlu tingkat bidang R&D Text
Our right to impose restrictions Text
Implementation method on medical image compressiJournal Article
Wideband active antenna (Full text) Text
Trauma stigma AIDS Text
Penilaian parameter marshall dan rintangan aluran Text
Polis lancar gerakan kesan calon PLKN 'degil tear' Text
Development of high performance surface modified p Indexed Paper
Aplikasi informasi perlancongan di Langkawi Thesis
Second chance for young refugees Text
Dasar bioteknologi dilancar : 9 teras utama digaris Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk tembok penahan julur mengg Text
Port and harbour engineering Exam Papers
Isolation and screening of fungi from oil palm empty Conference Papers
Laboratory investigation of transport and treatment Conference Papers
Bahasa Perancis Text
Sense of attachment for old people in public space Thesis
Biodegradation of fresh palm oil mill effluent and fu Thesis
Dumb Housing in a Smart IT era Text
10 tea brands use colouring Text
Pengrekrutan sumber manusia Text
Forum to discuss needs of women Text
Pengalaman hampir dibuang universiti jadi pemangkNews Paper Cuttings
PLC based adaptive FUZZY pid speed control of DC b Indexed Paper
Application of effective microorganisms on the growConference Papers
Millers get green light to pack ST15 grade rice Text
Polis syor sebat peragut : Hukuman lebih berat seti Text
TH perlu utamakan pendeposit Text
Variance corrected proportional hazard model for theJournal Article
School system creating mere bookworms Text
Najibs surprise city walkabout Text
Enhanced building management system using X-10 PLJournal Article
Fabrication parameters dependent morphology variatio Conference Papers
Analisis pelancongan Text
Dam break study Thesis
Electrical property analytical prediction on archimedIndexed Paper
Chemistry Exam Papers
MISC keen to wholly own shipyard Text
The effect of solid solution treatment on the corro Thesis
The development and assessment of organobentonite Thesis
Unconfined compressive strength and microstructureThesis s
Ekonomi seimbang atasi keganasan di negara Islam Text
Ikan susu permata baru Sungai Danga Text
Najib launches RM40mil Fish Protech Project Text
Organ donor at age of two Text
Instrumentation & engineering measurement Exam Papers
Risk assessment process of hazards in construction siText
Long-term rain attenuation probability and site diversText
Tunku Abdul Jalil berjiwa rakyat News Paper Cuttings
IHP Jun naik 7.7 peratus, inflasi diramal kekal tinggi Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi SabasText
Analisis radiokimia Text
Prosedur roboh bangunan perlu lebih ketat Text
Orang Melayu perlu utamakan pendidikan Text
Classification of multibeam snippets data using stati Thesis
Ujikaji pemindahan haba untuk sistem penyejuk hentText
RM30j untuk promosi gaya hidup sihat Text
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
16 pelajar IPT terima biasiswa Talisman bernilai RM2Text
Sabah school wins environmental award Text
Optoelectronics Exam Papers
Perkembangan silibus teknologi maklumat didalam siConference Papers
HDC tubuh Pusat Sokongan Halal Global Text
Mesti peka hal keselamatan News Paper Cuttings
UTM dilantik sekretariat Magnetic News Paper Cuttings
Kurungan sisi konkrit kekuatan tinggi menggunakan Text
Keselamatan Selat Melaka semakin baik Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Lebih sejuta pelancong China dijangka lawat MalaysiText
Villagers reap benefits of biotech Text
Production and evaluation of layer by layer electros Thesis
Proses pemisahan II Text
Identification of an unknown pigmented marine bactThesis
Introduction optimal control theory Text
Kenang jasa sejarah Text
Larangan kenderaan berat musim perayaan diperluaText
Tolerance and removal of aluminum by anoxybacillusThesis
UTM skudai johan bola jaring IPT News Paper Cuttings
Tahap kemudahansampaian bagi mod pejalan kaki keThesis
NCSM saran naikkan cukai rokok, arak Text
Preparation, optimization and characterization of casThesis
Pegawai awasi kilang cakera optik Text
Enhancing the detection of metamorphic malware usiIndexed Paper
Enchanced scatter search for parameter estimation inThesis
Construction safety Exam Papers
Fizik perubatan Exam Papers
RM20j perkasa pertanian Text
Extra RM23m for school libraries Text
Beri pendidikan berkualiti : TPM Text
Embedding tacit knowledge and best practice in cou Thesis
New descriptor for object detection using an impro Thesis
Budaya selenggara jana keuntungan Text
Structure and variability of antarctic circumpolar cur Thesis
Ipoh-Padang Besar rail project may be revived Text
Study on emulsion stability and chemical demulsificatText
Air mentah dari bekas lombong selamat digunakan - News Paper Cuttings
UTM impresses British university News Paper Cuttings
Ductile failure prediction of spot welded lap joint Non-Index Paper
Stesen TV sedia kaji waktu siaran program hiburan Text
Modeling of induction machine using matlab simulinThesis
Terengganu to build breakwater Text
Menikmati kelazatan ibadat dengan sabar Text
Urusan kerajaan ¡ negeri harus dipercepat : MB Text
A comparative study of acceptance and use of ICT amNon-Index Paper
Pelajar cipta mesin basuh bercakap Text
Development of a compressed natural gas (CNG) mixe Text
Umno's 60th anniversary : seize the day Text
Vital for grads to have suitable ICT skills Text
Giving states a bigger say Text
Teknologi enzim Text
Dadah : 16 pelajar IPTA termasuk dua wanita ditaha Text
Metrology & quality control technology Text
Rakyat Malaysia hadapi cabaran amal pemakanan sihText
Enhanced matching engine for improving the perform Thesis
Where they bite all day long Text
Latihan Kemasukan Data Penerbitan Ke Radis Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program Sejahtera bantu 1,000 keluarga Text
Bahana apabila teknologi komunikasi disalahguna Text
Construction measurement I Exam Papers
Modeling of time-varying ultra wideband multiple-inIndexed Paper
The newton-like properties of the updating mechanisText
ACA to reopen files on MRR2 over graft claims Text
The impact of human resource management practices Indexed Paper
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Main entrance Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian kualiti air dan kandungan nutrien di Sungai U Text
Glomac lancar 3,000 rumah RM700 juta Text
Port capacity forecasting and the impact of the dred Indexed Paper
Penggunaan analisis regresi berganda dan sistem mak Text
CRLB analysis for cognitive IR-UWB with imperfect s Journal Article
No reliable evidence, no khalwat raids Text
Syarat ketat ikuti kursus guru Text
Tahap kesediaan guru sekolah menengah harian me Journal Article
Keperluan pekebun kecil ditambah Text
A numerical solution of convective heat transfer in t Thesis
Perakaunan organisasi bukan keuntungan Text
Usaha berterusan tingkat Mutu graduan Text
Conceptual framework for the study of food waste geIndexed Paper
Pengantar perakaunan kewangan (Principles of financExam Papers
The issues of strata title development in Malaysia anText
A modified artificial potential field method for river Journal Article
Nonlinear behavior of prefabricated industrialized buThesis
Undang-undang perindustrian / undang-undang hubuText
Systhesis and characterization of aluminium substituThesis
Usahawan elayu kurang membantu : profesional perText
Pelaksanaan pembelajaran berasaskan projek (PJBL) C donference Papers
8,215 guru tabika ambil diploma Text
Legal studies 11 Exam Papers
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Diabetes menular di kalangan kanak-kanak, remaja Text
Bekalan air bersih pulih Text
Upgrade for Kuching airport Text
Pengurusan silang budaya Text
Study of dynamic behaviour of truck chassis Text
Pengangkutan canggih tarik minat pelancong Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Kursus jangka pendek untuk komuniti Text
Signals and systems Exam Papers
Women today more ED-ucated Text
Festival KL bakal jadi ikon seni budaya negara Text
Strategi membudayakan inovasi News Paper Cuttings
Estimating the ageing of oil paper insulation system Thesis
Dua lokasi lapangan terbang Terengganu dikenal pastText
Teaching kids to be smart consumers Text
Provide alternative routes before raising toll Text
Exact solutions of free convection flow in rotating m Thesis
Kalkulus I Text
PM : merger good for BN Text
Negara tiada rakyat termiskin 10 tahun akan datang Text
Infrastuktur terancang 95% kawasan Perak dihubungiText
Tribunal berhak putuskan jual beli rumah Text
Bilangan saintis pelbagai bidang patut melebihi 100, Text
4 pelajar juara reka cipta kreatif, inovatif Text
A study of polymer retention and adsorption in polym Thesis
Giant reiterates support Text
Mekanik pepejal Text
Skim galakan penggiat seni diwujud : Rais Text
Masalah kesuburan suami kini lebih terbuka Text
Malaysia tiada cadangan sambung perjanjian 2061 Text
Assessment of reinforced concrete element subjecteThesis
Literature ratified knowledge based view of poultry Journal Article
Electronics 1 Exam Papers
UiTM antara 3 universiti terbaik Text
Johor belanja RM100 juta tingkat mutu sekolah aga Text
Dunia mesti bertindak Text
Thalassaemia major cure out of reach of most Text
DonÆt just stick to one firm, Najib tells grads Text
Icon for Audio
Kamarudin ketua pengarah JPKK pertama Text
Najib tegur pengusaha stesen minyak enggan buka 2Text
Kepentingan sektor tani Text
Automation of metrology facility for calibration a Text
Amalkan budaya menabung Text
Beli barang tempatan bantu jana permintaan domestText
Natijah hubungan Malaysia-China News Paper Cuttings
Flight to gold Text
Syor gubal segera akta sisa pepejal Text
NUTP ada bukti 70,000 tiada peluang naik pangkat Text
Mediating role of organizational commitment amongNon-Index Paper
Pusat Neurosains diwujudkan di HUSM Text
Cyclodextrin-functionalized carbon nanotubes for Indexed Paper
Teknologi penderia & pembelajaran mesin Text
30,000 miss school because of floods Text
Petronas to explore at least 10 deepwater sites Text
Kami ada kualiti, bukan hampas News Paper Cuttings
Larangan demi prestasi sukan Text
RM30m bill to promote Visit Johor Year Text
Bank Rakyat catat keuntungan kasar RM333.3 juta Text
Optimising the production of succinate and lactate inIndexed Paper
Influence of compatibilizer on mechanical propertiesIndexed Paper
Maklumat terbaru kes denggi setiap minggu Text
Organ donation waiting game Text
Estimation of public transport trip interchange matricText
The influence of vessel volume and equivalence ratioNon-Index Paper
Public transport systems and operations Exam Papers
Effect of operating temperature on the behavior o Indexed Paper
Remaja jangan terlalu taksub dengan laman sosial News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar UTM harumkan nama negara di Australia News Paper Cuttings
Intro to architecture history / binaan kayu dan keluli Text
National Union of the Teaching Profession : non-MalaText
Investigation of ferroresonance mitigation techniqu Indexed Paper
Physical mettallurgy Text
Flood frequency analysis using PL-moments approac Thesis
Kajian aplikasi penapis biologi dalam meningkatkan ku Text
Studies on gas permeation performance of asymmetric Indexed Paper
Thai IC to curb dual citizenship Text
Some sceptical diesel supplies will last Text
Plastic load of branched pipes subjected to pressur Text
Liberalisasi beri kesan positif Text
Sedia tambah mata pelajaran bahasa suku kaum Text
Spot vital dengue signs early, doctors are told Text
CEO duality, board independence, corporate governan Indexed Paper
Audio car accessories assembly line improvement usThesis
Sayangi sendi dan kecapi nikmat hidup berkualiti Text
CoAd : a cluster based adhoc cognitive radio networkIndexed Paper
Cuti bersalin 84 hari dapat reaksi positif PM Text
Free i-Newspapers for undergrads Text
Tan Tock Seng designated SARS hospital Text
Construction business practice Exam Papers
Industri automotif terus berkembang Text
GHope plans biodiesel plant Text
Two phase micro-electrodriven membrane extractionThesis
Makanan segera punca kanak-kanak darah tinggi Text
Illegals posing as refugees to work here Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Miti rangka program perkasakan IKS Text
EMCcentre makmal elektromagnetik universiti terul Text
Samarium activated absorption and emission of zinc Indexed
te Paper
A model for knowledge management strategy : an appl Conference Papers
Pengurusan halal di Malaysia Thesis
UTM beri kad pesara iktiraf jasa bekas kakitangan News Paper Cuttings
High candidates generation: a new efficient method Journal Article
Private sector as prime mover Text
Kelemahan RTM lapor gempa bumi diakui Text
Pilih IPTS - Hati-hati iklan palsu Text
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
Sistem pengurusan aktiviti Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Thesis
A new code based test case prioritization technique Indexed Paper
Agro brains to the to the fore Text
Lend a hand and learn about diseases Text
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
A comparative study of k-means and self organizing Thesis
Pembaharuan dibuat ikut cara sendiri, matlamat tet Text
Preventing drum brake squeal through lining modificIndexed Paper
Islamic financial system Exam Papers
Infected foreigner blamed for fever Text
Batal lesen pemandu tak berhemah Text
Asas VLSI Digit Text
Devastating : psychologically Text
Abdullah: Bumi housing quota to stay Text
Performance of savonius turbine with different overlThesis
NIEW anjur kempen cinta buku Text
Infrastructure development a boon Text
Analisis kekuatan statik sambungan tubular Y deng Thesis
Kontraktor bumiputera perlu tingkat daya saing Text
Pelbagai masalah haid Text
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
Pengesanan sinaran Text
Curb on errant immigrants Text
Curb the extremists in our midst, says PM Text
Fire resistant testing on a gypsum composite mixtureText
Electronics and instrumentations Exam Papers
Development of integrated floating house conceptualText
ePage mudahkan capaian kandungan multimedia Text
Development of prototype grid-tie inverter Thesis
Our salaries must go up Text
A gold standard for education Text
Pemikiran wajar bina manhaj wahyu dalam realiti hi Text
Analisis sekuriti & pengurusan portfolio Text
Sistem Jaminan Kualiti dilaksana di semua universiti Text
Kuala Terengganu banjir besar jika air Empangan Keny Text
Use loans wisely, not on cars or wives Text
Analisis perbandingan jenis keratan keluli bagi str Thesis
Modal insan terbaik bantu hadapi globalisasi Text
Program pembestarian sekolah mulai bulan ini Text
Kuala Krau berpotensi jadi tarikan utama TMM 2007 Text
Control of a coupled tank system using pi controlle Journal Article
Partial discharge behaviour of cross-linked polyethyl Thesis
1D and 2D gel-based proteomic study of commercialiThesis
Isolation and 16S rRNA charaterisation of bacteria caConference Papers
Link capacity based channel assignment (LCCA) for c Indexed Paper
UTeM cipta perisian kawal helikopter jarak jauh Text
Detik bersejarah Malaysia Text
Jadikan Malaysia pintu masuk pasaran ASEAN Text
Evalution of cutting sizes and deviated angles on per Thesis
Development of multiplexed microcontroller based sThesis
Fuzzy analysis of phosphorus loading estimation at Thesis
Ethnobotanic plants Exam Papers
Syed Faizuddin Canselor Kukum Text
IPT disaran pelbagaikan kursus Text
Shopping centresÆ floor area seen reaching 1b sq ftText
Dua anggota sindiket seludup senjata api ditembak mText
Development of formaldehyde detection method usin Indexed Paper
Study on vision application of face understanding Thesis
Kajian keberkesanan sistem rawatan air dalam mening Text
Kejuruteraan pantai (coastal engineering) Text
Importance of a view window in rating green office bConference Papers
Masalah pada pembinaan masonry Text
Legal studies 11 Exam Papers
Penyeliaan industri Exam Papers
Usaha memupuk minat membaca Text
Geometri Dan Trigonometri (B) Text
Tsu Koon akui hidupan laut di perairan Jelutong terc Text
Introduction to finance Exam Papers
Harmonic suppressed reconfigurable fractal dipole Thesis
UDA tingkat bina rumah di utara News Paper Cuttings
Factors supporting teamwork communication in clinicIndexed Paper
Misi amal UTM di Bangladesh News Paper Cuttings
Knowledge park to be ready by 2008 Text
Baiki perkhidmatan telekomunikasi - PM Text
Parameter estimation for a system operating in clos Conference Papers
Analisis peramalan kadar kemalangan jalanraya bagi Text
50,000 kakitangan awam ancam tak kerja lebih masaText
System dynamcs for remanufactuirng system Thesis
Biologi manusia Text
Bahan amorfus & seramik Exam Papers
Geoteknik Text
Shear bond behaviour in composite slab made by a Thesis
Malaysia mahu bina stesen di Antartika Text
Call for special Orang Asli curriculum Text
Plagiat jejas imej, integriti pendidikan Text
Kajian harga ubat harus menyeluruh Text
Decision making framework for an earthquake resistaThesis
Inflasi menyederhana : kenaikan bulan lalu kesan p Text
Ukur satelit I Text
Pendidikan Islam/Moral tingkat jati diri Text
Fotogrametri III Text
Quality system Exam Papers
Illegal gatherers making beeline for sandalwood Text
Hall current effect on g-jitter induced MHD mixed conConference Papers
Jemaah menteri terbaik mampu bawa perubahan Text
Analytical chemistry I Text
Compressed natural gas passenger vehicle developme Conference Papers
Employers urged to hire more locals Text
Daim ketuai pasukan petugas khas Labuan News Paper Cuttings
Non-motorised level of service : addressing challenges
Indexed Paper
HDC keluar sijil halal antarabangsa 2008 Text
Geofizik Text
Wideband antenna for microwave imaging Indexed Paper
Tanggungjawab ibu bapa, masyarakat lahir generasi Text
LPJ tubuh pusat kecemerlangan News Paper Cuttings
New rules on part-time workers out in June Text
Assessment of ground improvement work on soft groun Thesis
Bahasa Melayu lambang jati diri nasional Text
Room temperature monitoring system Thesis
Errant diesel sellers warned Text
Kalkulus 2 Text
AS sedia tingkatkan kerjasama Text
Kegagalan projek saluran konkrit punca banjir Text
Ekonomi dan penentuan Text
Feature selection method for offline signature verificIndexed Paper
Design of optimum torsionally flexible proprotors fo Conference Papers
AirAsia jangan persoalkan kadar tambang MAS Text
290 kes bunuh Jan. hingga Jun 2004 Text
Proaspirasi kekalkan penguasaan IPTA Text
Selangor belanja RM840,000 selenggara kapal SultanNews Paper Cuttings
The relationship of ownership structure on capital i Thesis
Seameo diminta tumpu pendidikan Text
Demokrasi Thailand sudah mati News Paper Cuttings
SPA guna komputer kendali temuduga Text
Operasi pembenihan awan gagal hasilkan hujan Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar Thesis
Q-ibadah mobile application: a usability pilot testing Journal Article
New 120,000-foreign student target for varsities Text
Bahasa Melayu boleh kuasai sains Text
Gangguan elektrik tidak jejas ekonomi Text
The role of scattering - limited and ballistic transp Conference Papers
Teacher educators' attitudes toward computers: A stu Text
Semai semangat patriotik sayangi negara, bangsa News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia di belakang China destinasi pelancong ke AsText
IMF : waspada kesan buruk inflasi Text
Sistem maklumat dan pengurusan berkomputer ZNNThesis
UPM terima sijil MS ISO ke-40 Text
Thieves cash in on high latex prices Text
KLIA finds being green pays Text
Kerajaan wujudkan kota buku Text
Syarat calon pasca siswazah API ketat Text
Muar dilanda banjir kilat lagi Text
NATO jadi alat penuhi agenda AS Text
Jawatankuasa Kabinet kaji sistem pengangkutan aw Text
An improved time-critical collision culling scheme f Thesis
Synergetic effect of in and ag co-doped zns for enhanIndexed Paper
Army officer faces 14 charges of corruption Text
Maktab perguruan jadi Institusi Pendidikan Guru Text
Tol Jelapang, Ipoh Selatan akan ditutup Text
Test management with test execution on a web bas Thesis
Pokok herba sumber hutan baru Selangor : MB Text
Tenaga nuklear Exam Papers
Transport geography Exam Papers
Design and implementation of a simple web search Conference Papers
Muslim to get 4WD wheelchair Text
Numerical methods II Exam Papers
Analisa peramalan beberapa majalah keluaran Utus Text
Masa bantu industri hotel Text
Rosmah : Let children reach for the stars Text
Teliti draf rancangan tempatan Text
A collaborative metacognitive community model in imp Thesis
SARS: Pelancong dinasihat jangan ke Hong Kong Text
Faktor-faktor kejayaan perlaksanaan sistem kualiti I Text
Ultrasound treatment as intervention in intrauterin Journal Article
A modified microstrip ring resonator sensor with lu Indexed Paper
High resolution measurement of the velocity profilesText
Study of flutter on UAV wing Thesis
Keistimewaan The Hague Text
Loans from EPF to fund some 9MP projects Text
Instrumentasi Text
So many vacancies but hard to find workers Text
Structural performance of bolted moment connection Non-Index Paper
Particle swarm optimization for NURBS curve fitting Conference Papers
Abdullah mahu OIC pertingkat dagangan Text
Exploring strategies for vocabulary learning and teacJournal Article
Graduan jangan memilih pekerjaan Text
Melonjak pendidikan tinggi Text
High-rise owners in a bind Text
An analysis of annual maximum streamflows in Tere Indexed Paper
Effect of plasma power and flow rate of silane gas Conference Papers
UKM pusat kesihatan global Text
Proportional integral derivative controller optimisa Thesis
Design analog cells based on threshold voltage redu Thesis
Government may raise diesel quotas Text
Microbial dehalogenation of 2,2 - dichloropropionic Conference Papers
Prinsip pemasaran Exam Papers
Hanya Tinggal 9 hari News Paper Cuttings
Mobile business intelligent center (MBIC) (Preview) Text
Badan pengurusan harta keluarga : kajian kes : Kam Text
A green method for the quantitative assessment of neu Indexed Paper
Numerical simulation of flow around a simplified h Indexed Paper
Living with haemophilia Text
Kecekapan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dalam kal Thesis
Sistem e-borang berasaskan web Text
A high performance magnetorheological valve with Indexed Paper
Yuran tambahan dipersetujui sekolah, PIBG : Pengar Text
Just donÆt keep the people waiting Text
Development of pre-expanded polystrene (PS) patte Thesis
A review on the applications of driving data and traf Indexed Paper
PTPL kekal prestasi, hasilkan graduan makin cemerlaText
Hisham : build trust for good ties Text
Perancangan komuniti dan perumahan Text
USM develops plankton paste meal kit Text
Electronic 1 Exam Papers
Minimum water network design for batch process Thesis
Strategi atasi kejatuhan harga minyak sawit Text
300 lagi sekolah bestari akan dibina Text
Rakyat perlu berusaha jadi petani moden Text
Students' perception and loyalty towards Mcdonald fThesis
Banyak keistimewaan solat Subuh berjemaah Text
Ujian bertulis untuk kursus perubatan Text
Pentadbiran statistik Text
Denda, penjara jika tidak bayar zakat Text
Industrial and hazardous waste treatment Exam Papers
Laman web lucah dekatkan diri kepada zina Text
Pelajar dapat Gred E boleh masuk vokasional Text
Pengaruh pengetahuan agama ke atas amalan agamaConference
d Papers
Finally, a clear answer to haze Text
Inherently safer design review and their timing dur Indexed Paper
Spatiotemporal analysis on the squatter developmenConference Papers
Public art, whose art?: Public perception of public ar Thesis
Looking to aid in 10 minutes Text
400,000 pelajar nikmati 4G News Paper Cuttings
Protokol keselamatan kanak-kanak Text
Momentum kaut tarik pelaburan News Paper Cuttings
My immunity Text
Eight from Bentong school positive for H1N1 Text
Defining the values of man Text
High quality cDNA synthesis and amplification of chaJournal Article
Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Comparative study of eight metallic yielding damper Indexed Paper
Agreements on education, information technology t Text
Rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural netwoText
120 pelajar tingkatan lima sertai kem motivasi PTP, News Paper Cuttings
Industri ikan hiasan berpotensi dimajukan Text
Chitosan-filled filter media from lignocelulosic biomaThesis
Quality assurance of remanufactured components ofConference
en Papers
Investigation of wake wash from patrol craft Text
Algebra I Exam Papers
Asian bloc to promote economic cooperation Text
M Amiruddin pakar kereta sport News Paper Cuttings
Slotted ultra wideband antenna for bandwidth enh Conference Papers
A solar tracking system with an intelligent method Thesis
Daftar telefon prabayar : bagi membendung unsur fi Text
Communication system Exam Papers
Pemudah mengurangkan kerenah birokrasi Text
The mediating effect of TQM practice on cost lead Conference Papers
Industri telekomunikasi kian penting Text
UTM bangun portal interaktif News Paper Cuttings
A comparison of the efficacy of two strains of Bacill Indexed Paper
Govt still open to talks on retirement scheme Text
Johor Sultan visits grave of Tunku Abdul Jalil News Paper Cuttings
Bank data pekerja mahir Text
Mengatasi dilema wanita Text
Mediasi bantu selesai pertikaian tanpa bicara Text
University aims to gear students towards entrepreneur News Paper Cuttings
When will our stock market recover? Text
Engineering Survey Exam Papers
On-site partial discharge monitoring system in generIndexed Paper
Tariff uncertainty still clouds car sector Text
Helping Chinese tourists Text
Rules on manufacturing licence relaxed to encourag Text
Worksite mishaps decline as safety drive kicks in Text
Keluarga perlu bantu anak hyperactive Text
JKR to ensure all roads are safe Text
Majukan segera Kampung Baru Text
Recent new trends for solving open-region problemsIndexed Paper
Syarat lulus BI jejas pelajar luar bandar Text
Knowledge management processes and firm innovation Indexed Paper
Provisioning QOS using diffserv with hierarchical sch Conference Papers
Tabung Haji tambah pelaburan dalam BHB Text
Anti-proliferative activity of crude and fractionated Thesis
School of choice for Malaysians again Text
Anomaly-based intrusion detection using fuzzy roughConference Papers
Statik Text
Menjejaki tinggalan sejarah dan tradisi Text
Jawatankuasa khas siasat hospital berkulat Text
The health risks of SMS Text
Promosi dua produk perbankan Islam secara aktif Text
Radio 24 jam mula di Kelantan esok Text
IT for organizational transformation (ITOT) Exam Papers
Penyakit ujian tingkat keimanan Text
Government aid for flood victims Text
RM373.5 juta pulih industri akuakultur Text
Effective gene selection techniques for classification Text
The selection of knowledge sharing tools for special Conference Papers
Jerami tambah pendapatan petani Text
Assessment of functional and emotional attachment Journal Article
Penilaian keupayaan cerucuk hentakan bagi kajian k Thesis
Hanif : lots of complaints about police force Text
Collaborative-based decision making for web serviceThesis
Peristiwa tahkim antara Ali dan Mu'awiyah (Tahun 36Text
MoU UTM-SSB berganding kongsi kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
Rethinking our human resource development Text
Practical implementation of skyhook and adaptive acConference Papers
Kekuatan mampatan dan keliangan konkrit terhadapText
Preserving cultural sites Text
The development 0f predictive modeling of nanofiltrConference Papers
Move to improve english faster Text
Faktor pemilihan profesion perguruan di kalangan pelThesis
Ontology-based, process-oriented, and society-inde Indexed Paper
Determination of aerodynamic parameters of urban su Indexed Paper
Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Modern Control System Exam Papers
Aggregate degradation characteristics of stone mastiJournal Article
Contohi TV3 perkasa bahasa Melayu Text
16pc fall in motor sales expected Text
Kerajaan akan pinda syarat masuk ke IPTA tahun de Text
Methadone ubat alternatif rawat ketagihan dadah Text
Free vibration of anti symmetric angle ply laminated Thesis
Removal of remazol brilliant blue R from aqueous so Indexed Paper
Kesedaran guru tentang peraturan dan pelaksanaan h Thesis
Bahasa Jepun II (Tatabahasa) Text
Millimetre-wave radio over fibre system with selectivThesis
Optimization of 3D culture model of MDA MB468 vi Thesis
PM jamin subsidi kekal : walaupun kerajaan terpaksaText
Energy efficient node disjoint multipath routing to i Indexed Paper
Stress analysis and fatigue life perdiction of a weld Text
Pemasaran Text
Rukunegara drive for private sector Text
Program angkasawan fardu kifayah Text
Dividen KWSP antara pulangan terbaik Text
Kekurangan tenaga mahir automotif meruncing Text
Skim remaja tercicir sekolah Text
Wind-moment design of semi-rigid un-braced steel f Indexed Paper
UPM bolot 13 pingat reka cipta Geneva 2005 Text
Tenaga elektrik daripada tandan sawit Text
Local fruits for Middle East, European markets Text
Time series Exam Papers
A comparison of conventional and miniprimer PCR toConference
e Papers
Tiada diskriminasi dalam pendidikan Text
36,000 students from 150 countries in Malaysia Text
Pengurusan projek / pengurusan projek untuk remotText
Keberkesanan perisian tapis bahan lucah kurang diyaText
Ghani furious over theft of land office CPUs Text
Pembangunan dan keberkesanan perisian berdasarkan Conference Papers
Berdosa sebabkan kemalangan Text
Is malay society feudal or familial Text
UTM, HATTl sepakat tangani bencana tropika News Paper Cuttings
Conjugate effects of radiation flux on double diffus Non-Index Paper
Teknologi Assistive membantu orang kurang upaya Text
Matematik diskret Text
Chin : donÆt blame oil palm Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Sistem kewangan Islam global gagal jika kita bawa Text
Labu LCCT ownership structure ready by April Text
MPP IPT wajib kaji buku Menakhoda Zaman Text
Application of digital image correlation analysis to Text
Chitosan supported biosynthesized gold nanoparticles Thesis
Users' perception of the information security policy Text
Kreativiti, inovasi jadi teras Text
Clinical Engineering Exam Papers
Umat Islam perlu menjadi contoh : Abdullah Text
Carbon dioxide solubility in saline aqueous solution Thesis
Documentation of Seri Menanti palace using three-dim Thesis
Facile modulation of enantioselectivity of thermophilIndexed Paper
Enhancing global competitiveness of penang electronText
Isu Pulau Batu Putih serlah sikap degil Singapura Text
Tanjung Agas lonjak ekonomi Text
Samy wants Dr M and PM to bury the hatchet Text
Voltage sag detection via optimal monitor locations Conference Papers
Solar-powered adsorption refrigeration cycle optimizJournal Article
Kelulusan visa diperketat Text
Kejuruteraan gas Text
Cellular biochemistry and metabolism Text
Membangunkan aplikasi panduan berhubung haji men Thesis
Type of music associated with relaxation based on eeJournal Article
Malaysia kuasai teknologi satelit Text
Pengurusan UDA mesti terus jana untung Text
Free, but theyÆre still in jail Text
Evolution of frequency composition for atrial arrhyt Indexed Paper
Pembangunan pangkalan data persempadanan negeri Thesis
Projek Lembah Bio diperluas melalui satelit Text
Software development for determining sun's and moo Text
Penamaan calon pilihan raya semua IPT tetap hari iniText
Kompang groups present fresh sounds in contest Text
Laporan kimia asas siasatan semula kes kebakaran J Text
Air terjun Kampung Perlis bakal jadi produk pelanco Text
Pekerja Pakistan bantu sektor pertanian Text
Risiko perbankan Internet : pakar komputer pernah dText
Higher population density not a threat Text
Temperature rise in a tropical south-eastern Asian c Conference Papers
Politeknik Ungku Omar juara Perodua Eco-ChallengeNews Paper Cuttings
69,000 children barely read or write Text
Pelajar tajaan kerajaan tak boleh tangguh pulang Text
Batuk : madu lebih mujarab Text
Engaging the flood volunteers through mobile and weConference Papers
White space detection in cognitive radio environmenThesis
Falsafah pendidikan Exam Papers
Urban planning & development control (Perancang Exam Papers
Kronisme jangan dijadikan amalan warga PDRM Text
Application of remote sensing data for environmentaConference Papers
BN Selangor sedia tangkis tohmahan Text
Iskandar Malaysia's doing just fine Text
Merintis pembangunan kereta elektrik negara Text
IMF naikkan unjuran ekonomi Text
Program kemahiran Text
Outlier removal approach as a continuous process inIndexed Paper
Fahami fungsi AUKU Text
UTM kurang 250 tenaga pengajar News Paper Cuttings
Linear algebra Exam Papers
An innovative survey poles configuration : an altern Text
Group behaviour analysis in crowd simulation Conference Papers
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Evaluating parameters affecting non-participants s Thesis
Perubahan cuaca bukan isu retorik Text
KKLW mahu bina tabika Kemas atas tanah sendiri Text
Bourse able to grow by 20pc Text
A case atudy of the Felda / Felcra women entrepreneu Text
Many seek UM link Text
FMM jamin pengurangan pekerja pilihan terakhir Text
Kerajaan tidak pasti motif hidup semula PKPM Text
Kemudahan bangunan I Text
Modenas sasar jual 100,000 motosikal tahun ini Text
DuoÆs RM2 device gets global recognition Text
Guru wajar manfaat insentif bahasa Inggeris Text
Development of dental material testing equipment (Fu Text
Tourists drawn by shopping Text
Keakraban Sino-Thai Text
Business management with a technology, innovationNews Paper Cuttings
Kenaikan pangkat pensyarah IPG secara berperingkaText
Second chance for vagrants Text
Murid tahun 6 cipta selipar penyedut habuk Text
Penting bendung inflasi Text
PID parameters optimization using PSO technique forJournal Article
Assessing the forward osmosis performances using ctJournal Article
Memupuk minda kelas pertama Text
Kesan kekasaran dinding saluran terhadap aliran di Thesis
Simulasi baris pembungkusan produk di Syarikat EnerText
UTM launches pioneer low carbon village project News Paper Cuttings
ICT acceptance and usage: a proposed model for ICT Non-Index Paper
Functional analysis Exam Papers
Name PRO : to boost tourism Text
Review of PSD study awards Text
Developing e - learning for Kazakh National UniversitThesis
Analytical radiochemistry Text
Nombor plat cip frekuensi radio diperkenal Text
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Feasibility study of coastal protection works at Perm Text
Compressibilty and young's modulus of filled joint (FuText
Muhyiddin proposes a review of education curriculu Text
Elgamal digital signature scheme with integrated CF Journal Article
UTM anjur seminar Keagungan Sains Islam Text
Ketenteraan jambatan berkesan integrasi kaum Text
Lacto cegah gastrik Text
Kajian tahap kepuasan pengunjung terhadap tarika Thesis
The conceptual design of Malaysia geopostcode : re Thesis
Mekanik bendalir Text
An improved scheme of multilayer perceptron networ Thesis
Binaan landskap 2 Text
Ambient intelligence to improve quality of life News Paper Cuttings
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Sol-gel grown Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles : antibacteIndexed Paper
Three phase permanent magnet brushless DC motor Thesisc
Sultan Azlan mahu kampus baru UPSI disiapkan segeText
Assessment of abrasive wear resistance potential in Text
Device to detect dadah abuse Text
Institute to help find ways to reduce road accidents Text
Numerical conformal mapping of triply connected regConference Papers
Apakah ini wabak pemusnah umat manusia? Text
Attenuation measurement on cyclotene (BCB PHOTOText R
Kekuatan spiritual halang keretakan rumah tangga Text
Rakyat Malaysia pilihan Dubai Text
Politik semberono Duterte News Paper Cuttings
Integrating the transmission loss component with theIndexed Paper
Building integration Exam Papers
Cuban fillip to prawn industry Text
Kempen Buku Hijau sasar jimat belanja dapur RM720Text
PBB iktiraf belia kita antara terbaik dunia Text
Ops Sikap 3 bulan nilai keberkesanan arahan baru Text
Hubungan antara kecerdasan pelbagai dengan pencaThesis
Majlis perkahwinan mesti bebas amalan khurafat Text
Engineering mathematics 1 Exam Papers
95 addicts from colleges, varsities Text
Majikan perlu beri kerjasama Text
Chance for poor students who excel in exams Text
Peluang berniaga, kerajaan sedia permit bantu gol Text
Pengecaj mudah alih Nano mesra alam Text
Teh tarik not to blame for stroke Text
Pesara dapat imbuhan RM200 Text
Microalgae cultivation using various sources of organiThesis
Introduction to multimedia Exam Papers
Preserving identify of users in social networking site Non-Index Paper
Calon Presiden AS dituduh bersifat perkauman News Paper Cuttings
Peranan pemaju dan masalah pengurusan bangunanText ber
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Antikeganasan siber, Malaysia tubuh institut antara Text
Sistem digit Text
Commuters perception of legibility and complexity wit Non-Index Paper
Development of advisory fault detection and diagnosiText
Classification techniques for handwriting difficulties Thesis
Kerajaan timbang tuntutan Cuepacs Text
Jangan pandang ringan sakit pedih hulu hati Text
Kesan dedahan air laut terhadap struktur konkrit berThesis
The feasibility study of accelerometer for automatedThesis
Enhanced energy path aware routing mechanism forThesis
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Teknologi sisa kumbahan dikomersial di Arab Saudi Text
3D modelling of electrical capacitance and ultrasoni Indexed Paper
Jambatan kedua Muar tiada tol Text
First Malaysian in space : cheers as Soyuz lands safel Text
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Principles of instructional design Exam Papers
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Develop action plan an AIDS : UN envoy Text
ICT blueprint for Perak Text
Perak ACA chief slams heads who fail to act on graft Text
Image analysis of non-aqueous phase liquid migratioIndexed Paper
Projek besar mesti manfaat rakyat : PM Text
Skim Bumiputera jual produk ke pasar raya diseraga Text
Ekonomi diunjur terus berkembang tahun ini Text
Private skills training institutes to enrol foreign stud Text
Operations research II Text
Negara elak tempias krisis makanan Text
Halal industry needs cold chain institute Text
Project development management Exam Papers
Polis rampas 149 pucuk pistol tiruan Text
Security situation under control Text
Principles of microeconomics Exam Papers
A comparison between blast debris from lightweightText
The effect of resistance elements on meandering co Thesis
The application of stone column and cement colum Text
Lima tahun hapus kemiskinan di Terengganu Text
A review on the sustainable concept of offshore pip Conference Papers
Kesan ketinggian pemecah ombak tenggelam yang por Text
Cadangan ukur prestasi pensyarah IPT dihalusi Text
Aljabar linear Text
Mathematical Methods I Exam Papers
Peningkatan harga harta tanah kediaman di IskandarThesis
Wanita hamil antara 3 terbunuh Text
Asas penilaian program Text
Tindakan tegas guru abaikan tugas hakiki Text
Varsity’s Japanese course open to all News Paper Cuttings
RM30b majukan pendidikan Text
Comparison of three multibeam acoustic wave path Thesis
RM500j insentif ringan beban sektor pertanian Text
Permit AP import kereta dikaji semula Text
Petronas posts pre-tax profit of RM26.87b Text
AirAsia pilihan UTM Global Outreach Text
An analysis on the application of EIA process in MalaJournal Article
China ahead in human cloning Text
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Portal pengguna berpandukan konsep CRM : BahagiaText
A conformance measurement model for quality assuran Thesis
Reverse logistics in food industries : a case study in Indexed Paper
Strategi pembunuhan disasarkan perlu disekat News Paper Cuttings
Petronas utamakan pendidikan semua peringkat Text
University courts car makers Text
EQUESTRIAN : Seminar to boost equine sports News Paper Cuttings
Rizab antarabangsa tak dibayangi dolar Text
Microbial community analysis in upflow anaerobic sluText
Prinsip perakaunan II Text
H1N1 'ajar' masyarakat jaga kebersihan, patuh arahaText
Herba bantu kurangkan sakit sendi Text
Focus on form in an EFL context learners' uptake Indexed Paper
UTM bangunkan teknologi binaan rumah kos rendahText
Riding the wave of globalisation Text
Kajian kes : penyiasatan tapak bagi projek cadanga Text
Kajian dua dimensi terhadap vorteks di belakang badText
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Tingkatkan saingan IPT Text
Rawatan asma perlu kos tinggi Text
Degradation behaviour of biodegradable magnesium-c Thesis
An energy efficient and void avoidance algorithm fo Thesis
Police consider using the law on suicide Text
Low voltage AC protection system Thesis
Generasi muda mesti kuasai tiga kekuatan Text
Hydraulic study on Taman Sri Lambak's drainage sys Text
Hydroxyapatite coating on stainless steel 316L using Thesis
Expectancy theory analysis to conduct research at MaIndexed Paper
Sweeter times for cocoa trade Text
Celcom perkenal 3GX Text
Sihir mainan jin, syaitan pesongkan akidah ummah Text
Kajian kaedah buang sisa ceriakan alam sekitar Text
Reflection coefficient measurement through the impJournal Article
Penentuan Synergy Drive Text
Pusat pentadbiran Johor dipindah ke Bandar NusajayText
Kes ragut punca bilangan pelancong kurang Text
Extreme weather : 1,300ha of forest reserve razed Text
MBM mahu peruntukan latihan siswazah disegeraka Text
Research methodology implications in automotive pro Journal Article
Mushroom immunomodulators : unique molecules wit Indexed Paper
A modified savonius turbine with moveable blades for Thesis
Pemimpin pertubuhan belia perlu sedia program sesText
Effect of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) and urea Indexed Paper
Chain code algorithm in deriving T-junction and regi Text
The effects of water and methanolic extracts of labisNon-Index Paper
Ecology Text
PM : social impact assessment crucial Text
Pekerja bawah 29 tahun lebih yakin KWSP: Kajian Text
Persefahaman kunci kejayaan diraih Text
Energy management key practices for universities in Text
Six flood relief centres reopen after downpour Text
Sektor pengangkutan turut nikmati kesan pelaksana Text
Gagasan Islam Hadhari disokong Text
Mobile robot with vision system Thesis
Musculoskeletal disorders among offshore-structure Thesis
Umat perlu didedah sistem takwim tetapkan anak buText
The impacts of hybrid connection pumped storage hyIndexed Paper
Formation of porous silicon mechanism of macropores Indexed Paper
Keberkesanan sistem pelan kawalan hakisan dan sedText
Isolation and identification of potential antineopla Indexed Paper
DSA 2004 : negara dijangka peroleh pendapatan RM Text
Demonstration of solar engine system using low powe Thesis
Non-point phosphorus loadings estimation from a sma Conference Papers
The relationship between self efficacy and academic Thesis
Program lahir usahawan Islam global diperkenal Text
Scour characteristics around single pier and two pie Thesis
Sime Darby perkukuh perniagaan automotif Text
Isolation and identification of rhizospheric bacteria Journal Article
Kementerian Pelajaran syor tetap peratus jantina p Text
Industri automotif negara hadapi proses penyesuaia Text
Kajian tentang sambungan mekanikal menggunakan Thesis
Numerical analysis of flow behavior around an airfoi Thesis
Bajet 2007 : usaha pacu ekonomi Text
Navies pledge better communication Text
Taman Pertanian jadi Taman Botani Negara Text
Simple tips on handling appointments at the workpl Text
Ergonomics studies at an electronic assembly plant Text
Lori Malaysia dipantau : Singapura wajibkan pemasa Text
Sekolah Country Homes siap akhir tahun Text
Kekangan kepada peningkatan hasil padi di Kawasa Thesis
Malaysia gets thumbs up for poverty plans Text
A case study analysis on human resource planning inThesis
Kesan penggunaan 'Plug - In Hybrid Electric Vehicle' Thesis
Building bridges together Text
Pecipta'17 - silver award Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
British Council bantu guru kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
ASEAN setujui sidang mengenai keganasan Text
Medical image watermarking using predictionexpansio Thesis
Towards a sound recognition system for traditional Conference Papers
OIC sukar selesaikan isu Rohingya News Paper Cuttings
Ministry to fund R&D at institutions Text
Kerajaan jamin Bajet 2009 tidak bebankan rakyat Text
Dynamic characteristics of a lattice tower with U-secText
Numerical modeling of groundwater flow a case studText
Kajian undang-undang I Text
Model perancangan sumber tenaga manusia : kajian Text ke
TM, MNS anjur Perkhemahan alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Influence of bentonite in polymer membranes for effIndexed Paper
Rural folk get digital boost Text
Raising performance Text
Design of a small-swath vessel with fuel cell propuls Thesis
DonÆt take problems directly to NUTP Text
Syarat ke maktab guru diperketat Text
Persaingan dalam bidaan bagi kontraktor kelas F Thesis
A tolerant and efficient laser diode to single mode f Conference Papers
Sistem kawalan moden Text
More places under hazy siege Text
Tahap kemantapan budaya ilmu di kalangan pelajar ta Thesis
In-situ melting assessment of AZ91D magnesium alloThesis
Prices of vegetables soar as flood waters rise Text
Back up claims, ulamas told Text
Fabrikasi dan ujian silinder pneumatik Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat secara online untuk pro Text
Performance analysis for a gantry crane system (GCS)Indexed Paper
SARS: Lima sekeluarga kena kuarantin Text
VW ditawar 40 peratus Text
An approach for e-learning data analytics using SOM Indexed Paper
Pekerja Indonesia boleh masuk guna visa pelancong Text
IPM tingkat kemahiran perikanan Text
Nuclear physics Exam Papers
Peranan perunding tanah dalam proses permohonanText se
Computer assisted language learning I Exam Papers
UTM lonjak Wilayah Iskandar Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Australia-Malaysia Institute focuses on sports and Text
Tiada stok penimbal untuk ayam Text
Modelling aboveground biomass of oil palm using deThesis
Rujuk majlis fatwa : isu suami jadi suri rumah, isteri kText
Teori struktur II Text
Antimicrobial activity of copper kaolinite and surfa Journal Article
Proses menimba ilmu mestilah berterusan : PM Text
Population dynamics of acclimatised decolourising bac Thesis
Dana Endowmen : jamin sumber kewangan perpust Text
Re-adjustment of precise levelling network and analyThesis
Visiting scholars from Institute Sultan Iskandar at Un Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
System modeling and analysis Exam Papers
On the correlation of theory and experiment for transConference Papers
Analisis kekurangan tenaga mahir dalam industri pe Text
Fomema patut lapor MMA untuk tindakan : kementeri Text
Kaji umur persaraan lelaki, wanita diseragam Text
Pelajar UTM cipta kereta jimat minyak News Paper Cuttings
Evaluation of young user intention to acceptance of Thesis
$100 million project to take off this year News Paper Cuttings
Data governance Exam Papers
Hybrid topmodel for rainfall runoff modeling Thesis
Disputes in design and build construction contract Thesis
Felda gives 12 grants to 5 universities Text
Kegunaan pozzolana tempatan sebagai bahan gantian Text
Proses pemisahan II Text
Advances in nanostructured thin film materials for solIndexed Paper
Jangan sembunyi barah News Paper Cuttings
Kempen antimerokok dipergiat di kampus News Paper Cuttings
Parameter estimation of lotka-volterra model : a tw Indexed Paper
Spilled petrol pollutes river Text
Kempen membaca bermula Text
Belia mesti semai sikap positif untuk berjaya : PM Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Investigation of ferroresonance mitigation techniqu Journal Article
Negara Islam mesti berani suarakan hak Text
A review on operating parameters for optimum liquidIndexed Paper
IPT perlu bantu program kanak-kanak Text
Development of synthetic time histories at bedrock Conference Papers
Persepsi mahasiswa Universiti Teknologi Malaysia t Thesis
Tumbuhan I & hortikultur Text
Rombak sistem pendidikan IPT Text
Pembinaan dan rekabentuk litar bagi elektrometer Text
Moving object detection at night (Preview) Text
Malaysia kekal antara pelabur utama di Indonesia Text
Rural-urban migration and regional policy peninsularText M
Ruang simpanan buat rumah lebih teratur Text
Teori set & mantik Text
A graphical User Interface (GUI) for assessing the s Non-Index Paper
Management of melana watershed using multicriteriText
UTM tawar kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
Pendapatan suku ketiga Maybank dijangka mendatarText
Perkongsian bijak Text
Tahap kepuasan pelajar antarabangsa terhadap kemuThesis
Comparative study of OBS network simulators for real Conference Papers
PDRM ucap takziah News Paper Cuttings
Chitosan-starch solution as an antibacterial dip for f Non-Index Paper
Levels of practical skills in basic electronic laborato Conference Papers
Engineering Mathematics 1 Exam Papers
Sound attenuation due to barrier with voids Text
Adabi labur RM2.8 juta ceburi khidmat katering Text
An analysis of green features that affect office prop Thesis
Antara influenza A H1N1 dan denggi Text
Semak elaun pensyarah Gred 45 Text
Change point detection of genomic sequences using Twhesis
Persepakatan lahirkan umat contoh, terpuji Text
School for gifted kids to open in 2011 Text
Schools told to plant 3 trees each Text
Decomposition level comparison of stationary wavelet Indexed Paper
No Saturdays off for teachers Text
Laungan azan ketika salji runtuh News Paper Cuttings
Personaliti, iklim keselamatan dan prestasi kesela Thesis
Effect of modified cam profile on petrol internal c Text
Optimization of constructal design of a microchannelThesis
Digital metric camera for forensic photogrammetry aThesis
Letterhead trick to bring in illegals Text
Proficiency skills in english Text
Data reduction and ensemble Classifiers in intrusion Conference Papers
Kotaka’s model in land acquisition for infrastruct Non-Index Paper
Perakaunan lanjutan Text
Effect of spiral split ring resonator (S-SRR) structu Conference Papers
Cultivation and characteristics of aerobic granular Conference Papers
A framework of success factors for reviving abandonConference Papers
Electronic devices Exam Papers
Random forest for gene selection and microarray data Conference Papers
Alternative methodological approaches in understandi Conference Papers
Lima faktor dikenal pasti punca keganasan Text
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan & lalulintas Text
Industrial Microbiology Text
Prestasi kekuatan lekatan antara polimer bertetulangText
Asia henti guna bahan kimia penghakis ozon lebih awText
Effect of antimicrobial agent toward bacteria from skThesis
Keberkesanan pemasangan perangkap sampah di sunga Text
Penternak kupang minta atasi pencemaran Selat TebText
China harap hubungan ketenteraan dipertingkat Text
System software / perisian sistem Text
Disiplin pelajar mesti ditangani secara bijak Text
Kesan krisis kewangan individu Text
Keeping our water safe Text
Ubat farmasi lebih murah Text
Koperasi digesa jalin usaha sama tingkat modal Text
Merintis kawalan kebebasan media Text
Open-skies policy with China proposed Text
Effects of construction delays on construction projecConference Papers
Osteoarthritis detection system using optimal dynamIndexed Paper
Colour : coded corruption Text
Poll finds professionals keen on govt jobs Text
Treating breast cancer Text
Saintis USM Kubang Kerian temui vaksin baru taun Text
Permit dibatal jika ubah suai meter sendiri Text
Warga UTM perlu hayati perana News Paper Cuttings
Tingkat minat membaca kanak-kanak Text
Multiphase reactor analysis Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Prestressed concrete design Text
Automatic trisomy 21 risk calculation based on bioc Thesis
Kaedah analisis perancangan Text
MAS mansuh surcaj bila harga minyak turun Text
Garis panduan industri senggara kenderaan Text
Sistem pengurusan data produk untuk pengeluaran pe Text
Pengaturcaraan C Text
Sistem maklumat geografi Text
Medan infodesa tingkat celik ICT Text
Dual band miniaturized microstrip slot antenna for Indexed Paper
Study of enzymatic activites of enterococcus faecalisThesis
Essentials of annual report Text
Penyelidikan Malaysia untuk dunia Text
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
Disaster management system: disaster relief mobile Thesis
A review on novel processes of biodiesel production Indexed Paper
More natural gas stations to get motorists to switch Text
Crisis over lack of burial ground Text
Band gap and polarizability of boro-tellurite glass : i Indexed Paper
Mier jangka peningkatan positif boleh dikekalkan Text
Dua jawatan tertinggi untuk profesor Text
Agriculture in Sabah gets boost Text
Synthesis, characterization and application of zircon Text
Anti-phishing model for phishing websites detection:Thesis
A comparison study of water filtering materials madeThesis
Reformasi pengajian tinggi Text
Congestion-aware and predictive geo-casting routin Thesis
Cabaran sebenar ASEAN Text
An ecological gold mine Text
Pembangunan sistem analisa data waranti di Proton Thesis
Security plan for strategic islands Text
Evaluation of shear resistance in reinforced concret Thesis
PNS galak ramai bumiputera sertai francais Text
UTM perjelas tangkapan pelajar News Paper Cuttings
'Henti dan Cakap' usaha kurangkan nahas jalan raya Text
The mechanical properties of high strength concrete Conference Papers
Rightful ruler of their hearts News Paper Cuttings
Sungai Buloh bandar seni taman Text
Moving object detection at night (Full text) Text
Dasar, isu pengguna jangan tersasar Text
Developments in organic solid-liquid phase change ma Indexed Paper
Lawatan naib canselor ke Perpustakaan UTM KL Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
PM kecewa hutan gondol Text
Efforts to make KLIA regional aviation hub in full swi Text
Penyelidikan diutamakan Text
Kimia organik II Text
Parametric controller design for electro-pneumatic Thesis
Bahaya meningitis Text
Media perlu utamakan tanggungjawab sosial : PM Text
Guru Kemas taraf diploma Text
JPA tambah 200 biasiswa ikuti ijazah luar negara Text
Varsity links to make them even more special Text
Transnasional buses the safest, thanks to SHE Text
Sistem digit Text
Rawang slaying sets off media frenzy in India Text
New regiment to take over border operations Text
Close tabs on candidates Text
Power system analysis Exam Papers
Semakin ramai wanita di Perlis, Kedah dijangkiti AIDSText
Analysis of the in-cylinder flow characteristics of gdi Thesis
Plenty of reasons to smile in Desa Tebrau Text
Green bonds to raise RM2b Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
Peranan NAM pulihkan kuasa PBB Text
Rekabentuk ujikaji Text
System identification and PI neuro-fuzzy control a p Thesis
Principle of marketing Exam Papers
Tidak mustahil wanita pimpin negara Text
Kerajaan mahu perkhidmatan sisa pepejal holistik, b Text
The impact of board competency and ownership struThesis
Taburan statistik ketibaan kenderaan di berlampu is Text
Emitter locating performance analysis for multilater Thesis
Dengue : 13 deaths a sobering start to year Text
Menentukan jangka hayat perundangan Text
Pertahankan tanah pusaka Text
KUTKM bergelar universiti tidak lama lagi Text
Sarawak reports 44 new cases of HFMD Text
Relative wavelet energy as a tool to select suitable wConference Papers
EPF to adjust members' contributions to 8% from Ja Text
PM: Use science to enhance agro field Text
Bersatu padu, tolak unsur negatif - Raja Zarith News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan semula Perpustakaan Iskandariah Text
Teknologi penderia dan pembelajaran mesin Text
Danger of climate change : global warming my amplify Text
Relationship between irrational beliefs and job bu Thesis
Penarafan baru kursus IPTS 2005 Text
Johor henti beli air Singapura tahun 2004 Text
Kerja keras hapus kemiskinan : PM Text
History and theory of architechture Exam Papers
P. Pinang diminta kaji semula honorarium Text
Quicker tourist arrival data by end of year Text
Asas elektrik dan elektronik Exam Papers
Audit keselamatan pejalan kaki dan penunggang basText
Ekspedisi baru ke Antartika kaji ekologi Text
Jaket pemain muzik digital Text
The architecture of information extraction for ontoloJournal Article
Ten ways to boost competitiveness Text
Food Watch : forget rice, try potatoes instead Text
USM-Iran jalin kerjasama bidang ICT Text
Partner ICT firms to design relevant courses, says Pa Text
Sistem pengurusan penyenggaraan berkomputer di JText
Teruskan Sains, Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris: DText
Soil science Exam Papers
Characterization of a novel gene involved in cadmi Indexed Paper
Police smash armed robbery gang Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dan kayu Text
54,914 kes HIV/AIDS dilapor sehingga Jun Text
The development of high speed receiving and archiv Thesis
Unifying syariah laws Text
Autonomic service composition through context orieConference Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Climate and festival effects on Penang road accidentJournal Article
The effect of pump profile on absorption efficiency Journal Article
Analisis rasuk disokong mudah menggunakan kaedahText u
Planar electromagnetic sensors array for nitrate and Thesis
Design for paraplegia : preparing product design specIndexed Paper
Tesis pra lapangan kajian dalam penyelidikan kualitatConference Papers
Anwar cipta sejarah negara Text
Malaysia mampu elak kemelesetan teknikal Text
Faktor-faktor membuat keputusan untuk penyumberan Thesis
Umat Islam dituntut sembunyi keaiban orang lain Text
Automated menu and kaiten system using RFID Thesis
PPPPKK (Pusat Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Polit Text
Effectiveness and mechanism of corrosion inhibiting Conference Papers
Pembangunan peta interaktif bagi pulau yang mena Thesis
Production and testing of ultrafiltration hollow fibe Text
Perak negeri pertama laksana program PBE Text
Jumlah penghidap HIV meningkat setiap tahun Text
A 35% graduate workforce by 2010 Text
Pemudah told to identify idle land for food producti Text
Azmin mampu digugat News Paper Cuttings
Umar cetus era pemodenan pentadbiran Islam Text
Indigenous community tree inventory : assessment ofIndexed Paper
Persepsi penduduk tempatan terhadap penganjuran Thesis
Pelancong kagumi budaya Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Getting personal Text
Berhati-hati tuduhan dalang pengeboman News Paper Cuttings
Development of software platform for crowd modellThesis
Development of MATLAB source code for the behaviou Thesis
Kesan aliran kenderaan terhadap lintasan pejalan kakText
Kerja sepasukan dan tahap kepuasan kerja guru di ti Thesis
RM1.5b diperlukan sambung lebuh raya Text
Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) for microstrip antenn Text
Investigation of vortex reacting flows in asymmetri Indexed Paper
UTM, IEM to set up engineering centre News Paper Cuttings
Numerical experiment of radiation self-absorption a Thesis
Low - sulfate seawater injection into oil reservoir to Conference Papers
A study on the effect of vertical reorientation of th Text
PSPTN landasan terbaik lahir modal insan Text
Hentikan pekerja asing dulu Text
Stesen TV perlu perbanyak program bercorak keilmuText
Mewujudkan dunia bersih karbon cabaran tahun barText
A model for mobile exergame development to promoThesis
Asas sistem mikropemproses Text
Keselamatan dan kesihatan di tapak binaan : keber Text
Change of rules leads to drop in ranking of varsities Text
Integration of microalgae biomass in biomethanatio Indexed Paper
Analisis pasang surut dengan kaedah harmonik mengg Text
PM mahu pemberian lesen pembalakan diketatkan Text
Quality improvement in a manufacturing company Text
21 tahun tunggu geran berbaloi Text
The value of mixed-method research with families ofJournal Article
Network monitoring system using Nagios Thesis
Inferential statistics Text
MAS scores first with æroadblockÆ ads Text
Bukan keluarga mungkin diharam derma Text
Critical success factors of total quality management Non-Index Paper
Rakyat kena bantu usaha pulih ekonomi Text
Pembangunan modul pengajaran Fizik berasaskan proj Thesis
Usahawan wanita penyambung pertumbuhan ekonoText
Construction project procurement Exam Papers
UTM, dua universiti luar negara bekerjasama tingkatText
Tioman dive site set to be destroyed Text
Study on manpower needs of new economy Text
Fundamental analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Improvement of excretory overexpression for bacilluConference Papers
Don't deny our children the chance to master Englis Text
Virus similar to that in Indonesia Text
Malaysia and Singapore to promote natural sites Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Skim kredit mikro dapat sambutan peniaga kecil Text
A bio-Inspired secure routing protocol for WSNs Conference Papers
Point-to-point (PTP) control performances of an upp Journal Article
Muhyiddin seeks private sector help to cut food bill Text
Adult learning Exam Papers
Johor contoh modul pendidikan Islam bersepadu Text
KTM seeking RM350m to upgrade bridges Text
NS-style plan for problem youths Text
Pemimpin sombong dibimbangi cenderung selewengText
Statistics for real estate manager Exam Papers
Method to evaluate transfer of tire contact patch fo Thesis
Melestari tapak warisan dunia Text
Skills for trainers Exam Papers
Relationship between job content factors, occupationThesis
Kajian persepsi pekerja terhadap faktor persekitaranThesis
Environmental science Exam Papers
Mahasiswa amal plagiat boleh dilucut jawatan Text
Cadangan wajib BM kepada pelajar asing Text
A comparison between index of entropy and catastroIndexed Paper
Undang-undang tidak jelas aniaya wanita Text
Appropriating affordances for learning through play Thesis
Isu kepenggunaan negara belum matang Text
88 hours non-stop teaching Text
An overview of moisture damage in asphalt mixturesIndexed Paper
Kadar celik huruf rakyat tinggi Text
The relationship between leadership styles and te Thesis
A fast adaptation technique for building dialectal M Journal Article
Value management Exam Papers
Planned village project in Dingkir called off News Paper Cuttings
Perkasa ekonomi Melayu Text
Mathematics for Surveyors Exam Papers
Mikrocip Malaysia dijangka siap April Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Membina budaya pengurangan risiko bencana alam Text
Ergonomik gunaan Text
Textual and structural approaches to detecting figureIndexed Paper
Register numbers or lose credit balance Text
The homological functors of a bieberbach group of diThesis
Bahasa Inggeris : UUM, UTM ambil langkah proaktif Text
JPA diarah kaji cuti tahunan Text
Recycling of iron sludge in fenton reagent Text
IPT perlu lakar identiti tersendiri agar terus diiktiraf News Paper Cuttings
Last of the original æTringgusÆ tribe Text
Masalah pembelajaran Matematik dalam tajuk trigonom Thesis
Mooring analysis for very large offshore aquaculture Indexed Paper
PTPTN to iron out problems Text
Comparative analysis of shrinkage covariance matrixJournal Article
Shying away due to stigma Text
Automated image based CAPTCHA solver Thesis
Penswastaan Pelabuhan Kemaman akhir tahun Text
Kecerdasan Pelbagai : Teori didik kanak-kanak mengiText
Kendalian Labuan Port naik Text
JPJ : we can only act against buses that abuse their Text
Azalina : drug addicts getting younger Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Pengajaran matematik bersasakan animasi untuk men Thesis
Photosynthetic microbial granules developed from paConference Papers
Bank usah henti beri pinjaman : PM Text
Acoustic engineering Text
Physicochemical characteristic of regenerated cellu Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa perlu ada integriti News Paper Cuttings
Multifaceted requirement traceability approach to s Conference Papers
Termodinamik Text
English language an edge for lecturers Text
Undergrads to learn soft skills from next month Text
Kakitangan awam diminta bekerja bersama PM Text
Plan to save Teluk Intan News Paper Cuttings
Tol : kementerian kumpul maklumat Text
Taklimat biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Model of pulse power generator in electrical discha Indexed Paper
Masalah reka bentuk : Samy akui antara punca kere Text
Total quality management (TQM) at an original devicText
Reconstruction of ground penetrating radar backscattThesis
Effect of the ovality towards the failure of subsea pi Thesis
UTM raih 25 pingat sempena MTE 2014 News Paper Cuttings
UM tingkat program antarabangsa Text
PM : East Asian Summit will not compete with Apec Text
Amalan membaca bantu kuasai ilmu, kemahiran Text
IENA Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tambah prasarana UiTM sudah memadai Text
A critical review of electric vehicle charging using so Indexed Paper
Cops on buses prove effective Text
Developing professionalism in engineering students Conference Papers
Kakitangan UTM tawan puncak Gunung Kinabalu News Paper Cuttings
Elements of relational contract in the delivery of pubNon-Index Paper
IC testing techniques Exam Papers
Effect of corrosive environment under elevated tempe Thesis
Soft sensor based on neural network model for polypThesis
'Krisis' agama rugikan umat Text
Kajian permintaan dan penawaran bahan binaan utam Text
Ta'wil dalam tradisi Islam dan penyalahgunaannya o Thesis
Learning english vocabulary using web-based leitner Journal Article
Tough to get in and out of the US Text
Peramalan terhadap pengeluran lesen kenderaan moto Text
Penjadualan preemption menggunakan aturan pelepa Text
Introductory academic english Exam Papers
Kajian naikkan elaun guru di pedalaman Text
PM urges Arab world to focus on education Text
IPTS sokong syor longgar syarat Text
Big boost for Malaysian halal product exporters Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Eksport produk sawit cecah RM49.6 bilion Text
Cryptography technique in securing the e-passport aThesis
Dituflex : hand rehabilitation robot for stroke patientThesis
Evaluation of sigma and SCTPMX for high handover raNon-Index Paper
Kajian awal penggunaan tempurung kelapa untuk meText
Cotton fabric as an immobilization matrix for low-c Indexed Paper
Local input for advisory panel Text
End of a burden with new e-Books Text
Managing construction project risks : case study con Text
On their toes for a tsunami Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Sistem kaunter pembayaran secara layan diri bagi p Thesis
Pakar Jepun akan bantu bangunkan harta intelek Text
Najib gives clear signals Text
Ketua Hakim Negara dahului penerima pingat Text
More Malaysians may study in Indonesia Text
Prinsip pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Enhanced algorithms for three-dimensional object inte Text
Ke arah reka bentuk beridentitikan Malaysia Text
Every state wants to set up halal park Text
SMK Mutiara Rini guna flat antenna : teknologi tanp Text
Blame the parents! attitudes towards business ethic Indexed Paper
Teori kawalan asas Text
Effect of on-the-job coaching on management traineeNon-Index Paper
States should expose corrupt officials of local authoriText
PPBOP perluas ladang sawit di Kalimantan Text
IGP : police need to be colour-blind in their work Text
Caffeine kimia yang tidak memudaratkan Text
Learning to deal with scoliosis Text
Contact effect on the current-voltage characteristic Indexed Paper
Kahwin lari boleh jejas institusi kekeluargaan Islam Text
Tumbuhan Gurun serlahkan dekorasi taman Text
Non-invasive imaging of liquid/gas flow using ultra Text
MAS sedia khidmat premium domestik Text
Quality improvement in food manufacturing companThesis
The housing affordability of middle income group in Thesis
Important fibre facts Text
Pengawasan kenderaan masuk negara jiran dipertingText
Perbandingan ketepatan ortofoto digital menggunakan Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli & kayu / Rekabentuk strukText
PM launches public opinion poll system Text
EPF Pension Scheme : not workable, says MTUC Text
Sulfonated radiation grafted polystyrene pore-filled Indexed Paper
Internet tanpa wayar Text
Kajian terhadap tahap reliabiliti perisian analisis da Thesis
Kajian kesesuaian pemakaian definisi luar bandar : kaThesis
Lebih banyak kepakaran aeroangkasa diperlukan Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Alternative wavelength for linearity preservation Indexed Paper
Determination of thiram by voltammetry technique us Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Sustainable hospital for urban residents Journal Article
War on dengue Text
UTM tubuh Unit Rondaan Berbasikal News Paper Cuttings
Development of low wake wash hull form Indexed Paper
Kajian masalah sosial di Felda akan disegera Text
JB to be world-class city Text
Healthcare staff who do not wash their hands Text
Carbon nanotubes and graphene as emerging candida Indexed Paper
183 kes ingkar peraturan harga Text
Rakyat perlu ubah sikap majukan taraf ekonomi Text
Simulation of micro-EDM servomotor for machining m Journal Article
Proses pembangunan institusi pondok di Kelantan Thesis
7 langkah atasi pencemaran minyak di Pengerang Text
Johor farmers turn to pomelo cultivation Text
The application of effective microorganism (EM) comConference Papers
Performance of carbon fibre reinforced polymer pla Conference Papers
LHDN lepasi sasaran kutipan cukai pendapatan RM4 Text
Musnahkan ternakan punca virus JE Text
Myasthenia what? Text
Tribunal may hear claims of up to RM50,000 Text
Current status of industrial accident learning in MalaConference Papers
The impact of mixed - use development on property Thesis
Dalang jual diesel subsidi ditahan Text
Conduciveness of women social setting in traditionalIndexed Paper
What will houses and buildings look like in the futur Text
Makmal kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Kajian keupayaan galas cerucuk terpacu di tapak be Thesis
New phytochemical based cocktail for in vitro adipocy Conference Papers
APEC gesa elak guna dasar perlindungan atasi krisis Text
Pupils will leave stable classrooms next year Text
Kajian keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di tap Text
An integrated approach to formulate a value-based sJournal Article
Analytical solutions of magnetohydrodynamic newton Thesis
Warga Malaysia seludup rokok didenda RM9j Text
Family donate organs of accident victim Text
Kajian eksperimen sistem papak kering Text
Sistem kejuruteraan marin II / III Text
Melayu abai hak memilih Text
Numerical simulation of hypoxic cell regulation in a Indexed Paper
40 siswa UTM, UMP bantu mangsa tsunami Text
Penyelidik UPM kaji kestabilan tanah tinggi Text
Harga barang masih terkawal Text
Rakyat diminta positif dalam pencarian MH370 News Paper Cuttings
Assessment of short term operating reserve of a po Thesis
Polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Mixed reaction to ranking list Text
Longgarkan nisbah bantuan sakit kronik Text
Komited jayakan projek Text
Leadership style and organizational commitment in Thesis
Troubled waters over bridge Text
Amplification and sequence analysis of dioxygenase Thesis
Prediction of groundwater flowing well zone at An-Naj Indexed Paper
Ascending and descending psychological changes in tConference Papers
Property valuation and investment Exam Papers
Feasibility of filtering crude palm oil slurry Conference Papers
Malaysia, Pakistan working towards making effectiveText
Peramalan jumlah pendapatan harian bagi Syarikat Thesis
Activated carbon from pineapple waste biomass for Thesis
Construction contract studies II Exam Papers
Estimating II Exam Papers
Vetalert : livestock and poultry disease monitoring Thesis
Asas pengaturcaraan C Text
A study on the factors influencing domestic air car Text
Pelan penstabil ekonomi hadapi krisis kewangan globText
Analisis rekabentuk tembok penstabilan tanah mekaThesis
Menara Tinjau koleksi baru pelancongan Melaka Text
Hidup 'manis' sekarang, terseksa kemudian Text
Bumi businessmen will not lose : Najib Text
Development of employability skill profile for constr Thesis
Professional practice Exam Papers
Still very few applications for civil service jobs from Text
Use of mundane analogies as an effective tool for te Conference Papers
Undang-undang dan Amalan Perumahan Text
No monsters in Aedes biotech war Text
Use-case and sequence diagram models for developing Conference Papers
Motor industry happy with new policy Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Low carbon measures for cement plant - a review Indexed Paper
Rekabentuk II Exam Papers
PM : use technology to tackle climate change Text
Gunung Panti is home to worldÆs largest dragonfly Text
An educator in a class of her own Text
Banjaran hutan negara dilindungi Text
Simulation of cruise control model Thesis
A numerical simulation study to evaluate the use of Text
Sistem Kuasa Dan Kejuruteraan Voltan Tinggi Text
Affirming children Text
Voidable and void construction contracts (Preview) Text
Indeks integriti November ini Text
Hasil penyelidikan angkasawan Mei Text
Unimas researchers bag 11 awards at invention expoText
Filem, permainan video pengaruhi murid ganas Text
Pengadu kes rasuah boleh tahu perkembangan siasaText
Agensi agama perlu lebih terbuka Text
Terengganu mahu LPT Fasa 2 dekat bandar Text
Kimia hasil semula jadi Text
Perbandingan di antara ujian beban dinamik dan ujiaText
DOE officer lodges report at Ipoh police headquarterText
Circuit - based transient model of grounding electrode Thesis
Recent advances in new generation dye removal techIndexed Paper
Multi-touch table-touch sensing by using Frustrated Thesis
Prinsip perhubungan II Text
No proof Kota Gelanggi is in Johor, says Ghani Text
Development of online speed trap system (DOSTS) ( Text
Indoor location tracking in mobile ad hoc network ( Conference Papers
A study on the effectiveness of in-situ high intensity ul
Kristalografi sinar - X Text
Switch to English in varsities by next year Text
Move to ensure younger generation can compete gloText
Pengenalan hubungan antarabangsa Text
Pollution affects supply of durians and petai Text
Study on thermal characteristic of oscilloscope with Text
Taufan Katrina landa Teluk Mexico : harga petroleumText
Mathematics for surveyors Exam Papers
Panduan menjaga kesihatan manusia Text
Elektronik lanjutan Exam Papers
Green building in Putrajaya by 2012 Text
Jualan kenderaan diramal susut 8.1 peratus Text
Koir UTM : sertai Kejohanan Koir Olimpik di Jerman Text
Cegah dan kawal penyakit wanita Text
Nasal pathways blockpage detector Thesis
Rekabentuk bahan pembelajaran penyelesaian masala Conference Papers
Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Towards the design of a mobile cataract screening Journal Article
Projek air bawah tanah dijangka siap akhir 2012 Text
WCC terajui penyelidikan komunikasi News Paper Cuttings
An approach Tele-ECG system to broadcast ECG signal Text
Tahap kefahaman dan keberkesanan amalan 5S selepThesis
Mutu penerbitan harus setaraf buku antarabangsa Text
Accuracy and quickness criterion-based driving skil Thesis
Commercial Law Exam Papers
Energy efficiency award system in Malaysia for energyConference Papers
Review on the potential use of waste cooking palm oilJournal Article
Synthesis and methods development of adsorbents bas Text
Kerjasama strategik angkasa lepas News Paper Cuttings
Modern algebra Exam Papers
Introduction to computer Exam Papers
Pengenalan senibina landskap Exam Papers
Teknologi binaan II Text
Malaysia belum beli pesawat Sukhoi SU-30 Text
Solar photovoltaic (PV) maximum power point tracker Thesis
Architectural design process : relating designer ite Thesis
Job market : graduate to a better job Text
USM hasil kamera imej wajah tepat Text
Najib names 2010 Year of Creativity, Innovation Text
Pelaburan dinar emas direalisasikan Text
Bertafakur atasi masalah keras hati Text
Astro tambah 50 saluran akhir 2006 Text
Effect of partial slip on an unsteady MHD mixed convIndexed Paper
Let's do a fast job on 'clumsiest ever' probe Text
Perbadanan ditubuh majukan industri halal Text
Prediction of carbonation depth of concrete structurText
Hypermarts to cut down on plastic bags Text
Recurrence of fires blamed on apathy Text
Naza jadikan Malaysia pusat interport Text
Kesan pembangunan agropolitan di Pulau Banggi, Saba Thesis
KEMAS akan buka lagi 4,241 kelas prasekolah bagi k News Paper Cuttings
9th plan : education a major focus Text
Geotechnic 1 Exam Papers
Kerajaan cadang beri DBP kuasa atasi kepincangan b Text
Belia Islam perlu bangkit rebut ilmu, peluang majukanText
Sistem pensuisan telekomunikasi Text
Air rebusan bunga raflesia mengandungi toksin Text
Mata air penawar ada E-coli Text
RM10.88 juta gerak koperasi daerah Text
Kelantan perlu ikut ekonomi moden News Paper Cuttings
Harga perangi kanser Text
Kindergartens need one curriculum Text
The lag windowed wigner-ville distribution : an anal Text
Jurutera kembar berdebar tunggu pelancaran misi Text
Antibiotics as microbial secondary metabolites: prodJournal Article
An exploratory analysis of 200 Malaysian enterpr Conference Papers
Najib : understand past events to appreciate policiesText
PM : every Malaysian has a role to play Text
Programming 3 Exam Papers
Nisbah 1:15 guru pemulihan sekolah rendah Text
Prinsip perniagaan Text
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Virtual rehabilitation game to enhance hand exerciseThesis
KWSP patut perketat keluar caruman Text
The study of digital preservation in malaysian culturalThesis
Penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi untuk meramal Text
RM900m for Class F contractors Text
Johor's religious schools model for nation Text
Tough task of promoting condom use goes to NGOs Text
Security management Exam Papers
Pembukaan tanah punca Sungai Kelantan cetek Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Circulation CountePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lelaki kena tembak miliki dadah RM3.8j Text
Imunisasi tidak beri kesan sampingan Text
Green purchasing behavior among adolescents in MaThesis
Perilaku daya dalam anggota kekuda ruang berbentuText
Analysis of human hand kinematics : forearm pronatIndexed Paper
Contractor management performance evaluation mode Indexed Paper
Pak Lah whips up surprises Text
Asian leaders : cooperate to fight terrorism Text
Pertukaran kakitangan GLC, kerajaan dilancar Text
HIV/AIDS : pasangan Islam wajar jalani ujian sebelu Text
Usahawan bumiputera disaran guna teknologi tinggi Text
Government says no to retirement at 58 Text
Strong support for reforming public agencies Text
PSO-Fuzzy optimization for truck backer-upper prob Conference Papers
Digital communication system Text
Opsyen bersara pada usia 60 tahun Text
Perkasakan kokurikulum Text
Kobena-Sambu may sue UTM over contract News Paper Cuttings
Kursus seni, budaya Aswara diantarabangsakan Text
Removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution Indexed Paper
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Akta Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak dipinda Text
Critical state of sand matrix soils Indexed Paper
English in America Text
Programming in operations research Exam Papers
A tool to measure engineering students' design strateConference Papers
Tahap kompetensi dalam kalangan guru : satu perb Thesis
Chitosan supported biosynthesised palladium nanopart Thesis
Performance of sasobit modified asphalt binder in Thesis
Pakar ekonomi unjur KDNK 7.4 peratus Text
2 universiti sokong agenda News Paper Cuttings
Binary effect of fly ash and palm oil fuel ash on heat Indexed Paper
Cuba wants its medical degrees recognised Text
Syaiful bags fashion award, eyes own label Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
Failure of OHM's law and circuit design Thesis
Construction project management Exam Papers
Arduino-Uno based mobile data logger with GPS featIndexed Paper
Focus on developing bio-tech sector Text
Pensyarah UiTM cipta bahan api dari sisa kayu Text
Parallel RSA encryption based on tree architecture Indexed Paper
Malaysia Week in UK to forge ties, attract tourists Text
Public tip-off system on polluters Text
Malaysia mampu kekalkan pelaburan sektor pembuaText
Bantu siswa kerja sambilan News Paper Cuttings
Should universities be ranked? Text
Bank sperma bekal baka terbaik Text
LCCT baru dekat KLIA Text
Physiology & screening of industrial microorganisms Exam Papers
Launching of Joint Master Degree Programme(JMDP)Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Umat Islam kurang tulis wasiat Text
Barah, kemalangan jalan raya punca utama kematianText
Engineering surveying I / ukur kejuruteraan I Text
Hubungan dua hala dengan UAE dimanfaat Text
A reliability analysis of a Malaysian jacket platform (FText
Lawatan staf pejabat perpustakaan dan pengurusan iPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
The mediating impact of innovation of the relations Thesis
Addressing the issues and challenges in ensuring q Non-Index Paper
Medical certs anyone? Text
Geometry & trigonometry Exam Papers
3 Politeknik akan naik taraf IPTA Text
Effect of aggregates on mechanical properties of conThesis
RazakSAT to be operational in two months Text
Antioxidant activity of leaf extracts of globimetula b Journal Article
Teknologi nuklear bantu Malaysia capai status negarText
Masalah sara hidup pelajar kita di Asia Barat dikaji Text
Formalizing context aware requirement patterns usi Journal Article
Exploring the potential use of adhesion strength for Non-Index Paper
A framework for improving performance of secured Thesis
Software development for predicting crescent visibiliThesis
Najib mahu fahami aspirasi rakyat Text
Gray-level co-occurrence matrix bone fracture detecConference Papers
Menjamin kekebalan bangsa harungi globalisasi Text
500 desk personnel roped in Text
Potensi pelaburan Jepun hampir RM5b Text
Pembaikan sistem pembelajaran Text
Jamaludin: Help demystify economy Text
Rekabentuk Wau Merak, Johor Thesis
Frequency analysis for surface electrocardiogram (ECG) Thesis
PM : venture capital fund can drive Muslims ahead Text
A perspective on traditional verses modern technologi Conference Papers
Bumbung runtuh persoal kredibiliti industri binaan Text
Implementation of family friendly policies in MalaysiConference Papers
Persepsi pelatih terhadap kaedah bimbingan di RaudThesis
Bridge to link eastern Johor to Singapore proposed Text
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
17,000 vie for 43 vacancies Text
Ontology - based metabolic pathway prediction usin Text
Amalan budaya kerja dan hubungannya dengan prestas Thesis
Khazanah filem P. Ramlee dibukukan Text
Building a private equity portfolio Text
Jambatan 48 kilometer hubung Perlis, Langkawi Text
500 juta ASM habis dalam 39 minit Text
Pembasmian kemiskinan : satu penelitian tentang p Text
20 batang rokok sehari 10 kali ganda risiko sakit jant Text
Impact of solar shading geometry on building energyConference Papers
19 rumah musnah terbakar Text
Union : give english teachers more perks Text
Insinerator : kerajaan belum putuskan lagi Text
CAD & rekabentuk asic Text
System thinking in single- and double-loop learning Indexed Paper
HRD planning, design and evaluation Exam Papers
IPTS gagal sedia kursus penting Text
Perbandingan berat kekuda keluli yang menggunakanText
UTM sasar 25 pingat emas dalam SukIPT 2016 News Paper Cuttings
Secure search over encrypted data in cloud computi Indexed Paper
Kalkulus II Text
Bahasa Melayu sebagai petunjuk tamadun Text
PTPTN perlukan dana RM4.2b biaya pelajar Text
Liveability of Kuala Lumpur city centre from the persIndexed Paper
Remote sensing gelombang mikro Text
WHO praises Malaysia's efforts in tackling H1N1 Text
ASEAN-China rancang tubuh pusat lindungi alam sekiText
37 penuntut UTM jadi anak angkat Text
Surgeons stay in burning building News Paper Cuttings
Supervisory skill Exam Papers
Emerging ballast water treatment technologies: a re Conference Papers
Tanggungjawab UDA majukan bumiputera Text
Residents at witsÆ end over foul air Text
US health experts keen to work with Malaysian peer Text
Employees' job satisfaction in Kee Fatt Industries SdnThesis
Computer intelligence Exam Papers
Design of multi-port network formed by enhanced brThesis
Penggunaan dinar emas jadikan institusi kewangan Text
Smart power recovery for consumer application Thesis
Felda berminat kerjasama dengan Sime Darby Text
Program Infosys mantapkan kemahiran graduan IPT Text
Penilaian akademik di IPT dipelbagaikan Text
Bayar pinjaman patut jadi budaya Text
To sue or not to sue Text
Optimizing time of use (ToU) electricity pricing in re Journal Article
Kertas dinding serlah kemewahan kediaman Text
Multi-objectives adaptive array synthesis using spe Indexed Paper
YnICT4D lahirkan belia celik ICT Text
Profil akhlak pelajar sekolah menengah menurut penConference Papers
Some characterizations of groups of order 8 (FulltextText
IChemE Awards Winner 2013 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Institusi kewangan giat perkukuh kedudukan Text
Tarif elektrik kekal Text
Usah perkecil peranan wali Text
The influence of Service Quality on Satisfaction : do Indexed Paper
Flexural properties of compression moulded kenaf p Journal Article
UTM students visit NSTP Text
Sikap sepi Barat terhadap satelit pengintip India Text
EPF schemes to suit local needs Text
Earth observatory data for maritime silk road develoJournal Article
Overview of empirical equation prediction for ultimaIndexed Paper
Aplikasi mudah alih audit halal dalaman rumah sembThesis
Carcass quality of raw and smoked fish fillets prepa Journal Article
Seremban rations water Text
Development of a pc-based tank model real-time flooText
SMS parking system-interfaces between server and mThesis
Safety and health improvement in heavy industry Thesis
Pendirian Malaysia elak ASEAN berpecah News Paper Cuttings
Precursor selection and process conditions in the p Indexed Paper
Incorporation of N-doped TiO2 nanorods in regeneratIndexed Paper
R&D : pewarna mesra alam Text
Karnival Membaca tambah ahli perpustakaan 200 peText
Kajian kepuasan pelancong terhadap kualiti perkhi Text
Delay cell for the 5 taps analog continuous time CMOS Thesis
Programming for geographic applications Text
1,000 grads duped by job offer Text
A two-step binary particle swarm optimization approa Conference Papers
Optimizing the selection of architecture for compon Thesis
Kejuruteraan perisian Text
Building services II / Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Junior govt officers can cut delays, says Abdullah Text
Architechtural theory Exam Papers
Pengajian peringkat sarjana tidak perlu ijazah perta Text
Model Ekonomi Baru sama rata Text
A comprhensive examination on the decomposition of Thesis
Dana RM15,000 hilang tak luntur buka pusat tahfiz News Paper Cuttings
Hardware transactional memory on multi-processor Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa UTM ikuti Program Pendidikan Perisian News Paper Cuttings
Child beggars roaming Kota Baru shopping malls Text
Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar IPTA perlu berdepan 5 cab Text
Under siege Text
ATM menggalas amanah rakyat Text
Memartabatkan golongan guru Text
Jaya æ98 pemangkin kebangkitan sukan negara Text
A traceability tool for hybrid coverage analysis of a Thesis
40 cadangan tangani disiplin pelajar Text
Johor tidak cerewet bangun rumah kos rendah di ba Text
UTM bantu projek halal Arab Saudi News Paper Cuttings
IPTA mampu lahir graduan bertaraf global Text
Kuwait pelawa Malaysia melabur Text
Kajian audit keselamatan jalanraya di Kampus Univers Text
Application of salt extracted peanut seeds in the pre Indexed Paper
Hierarchical complexity of krohn-rhodes decompositio Thesis
No need for foreign escorts, says Najib Text
Management and organizational Exam Papers
Development of a fuzzy system model for candidate-we Conference Papers
UiTM slams MBÆs proposal Text
Muslim tawaduk dikurnia hikmah kebijaksanaan Text
Fuzzy b-spline algorithm for 3-d lineament reconstruNon-Index Paper
Empat universiti awam lonjak kedudukan News Paper Cuttings
Perjanjian ekonomi Jepun-Malaysia dimeterai DisembText
Pertanian organik dipertingkat Text
Proton UK ties with Lotus set to get a boost Text
Adaptive crossed reconstructed (ACR) kmean cluste Conference Papers
Unimas, UTM bantu gelandangan News Paper Cuttings
Pentadbiran pampasan Exam Papers
Rakyat penentu pembangunan Sabah Text
Simulation of wideband inverted suspended patch a Conference Papers
56 tahun kekal umur bersara Text
Characterization and performance of proton exchange Indexed Paper
Trust mechanisms : an integrated approach for e-c Conference Papers
Pengetua gagal tangani disiplin dibuang kerja : Noh Text
Kesihatan mental di Kelantan makin membimbangkaText
Penyelesaian menyeluruh untuk kemiskinan bandar Text
Sarawak gets RM1b more for rural poor Text
Analisa penerimaan bola pertama dalam permainan sThesis
Inventori dan penyelenggaraan aset air dengan men Thesis
JPJ berkuasa gantung lesen pesalah trafik Text
Usaha atasi masalah setinggan Text
Introduction to industrial counseling Exam Papers
Pihak berkuasa tunggal disyor atasi masalah pengan Text
Thousands of pensioners unable to take it easy Text
Tidak pernah berputus asa News Paper Cuttings
Development of remotely operated underwater vehicl Thesis
Perang mata wang Iran-AS Text
Kementerian sasar sejuta pelancong China tahun ini Text
MoU perkukuh kerjasama pendidikan dua negara Text
Mathematical modelling of surface waves = Permod Text
Police force findings : Royal Commission submits 43 Text
Modelling of blood flow as extended korteweg-de vrThesis
48% banduan terlibat kes dadah Text
Stop demands... it's time for contributions Text
Kita lebih suka hiburan daripada membaca Text
An integrated model for sustainable supplier selection
Groups : curb rising prices with Green Book Plan Text
Marine and human habitat mapping for the Coral TriaIndexed Paper
Dr Norbik elak maklumat dicuri : penyelidikan kript Text
Instrumentasi Text
Felda bakal berubah wajah Text
Najib's call for revised school system timely Text
Islam saran kutip hutang cara baik, bayar bila mamp Text
Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo agree to chart ænew frontier Text
Knowledge management implementation in Malaysian Conference
p Papers
Perbaiki persepsi serong keganasan News Paper Cuttings
A few lines from author Najib Text
Memodel dan mensimulasi sistem suspensi wishbon Text
Kajian kelegahan berhenti dan aliran tepu di persim Text
Rewards for HMs, teachers Text
Undang-undang hubungan industri Text
Melayu tak kuasai ekonomi Text
Industri francais di Malaysia masih lembap Text
Cloud computing adoption in the healthcare sector : Indexed Paper
Human resource information systems Exam Papers
Akademi Bahasa UTM lahirkan graduan PhD sulung News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik I Text
Sistem bersepadu tambah keselesaan, kurangkan ke Text
Kekal nikmat kemerdekaan jihad setiap Muslim Text
Teknologi Penderia Dan Pembelajaran Mesin Text
Wing-external store aerodynamic interferences of a sThesis
Muslims keen on donating organs Text
Ramai guru sains, matematik mahu tarik diri Text
Treatment of palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSText
UTM sets up anti-graft secretariat Text
Rakan Hema UTM jaga kebajikan mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Mewujudkan keseimbangan pelancongan di Melaka Text
Dendam, sifat takbur parti halang perpaduan umma Text
Terowong pintar dibina : PM : saluran bawah tanah ant Text
Bar on sale of houses given to squatters Text
Forensic evidence and the aspects of law Exam Papers
130,000 daftar penderma organ Text
Thermal response factors for multilayer hollow sphe Thesis
Focus on students: a blended business english writingJournal Article
Design must be new and original to quality for ID regText
Microwave irradiated palm shell-polyetheretherketoIndexed Paper
Finely tunable laser based on a bulk silicon wafer forIndexed Paper
Numerical simulation of a minichannel Text
Penyunting perl untuk pembangunan aplikasi web Thesis
Penagih lebih sesuai dibekal metadon Text
Ramadan dorong budaya membaca Text
Outdoor wdm-based optical wireless communicationIndexed Paper
A review on selection of tunneling method and para Indexed Paper
Performance of tail-pipe water sink (TWS) and bilaterThesis
An energy recovery scheme to enhance the performan Thesis
Signal And Networks Exam Papers
Power system control Exam Papers
Generation Y's responses toward the innovative adv Thesis
Kedegilan penunggang motosikal Text
Membaca al-Quran - Pelihara adab-adabnya Text
Get students to love Maths, teachers told Text
Research methodology Exam Papers
Construction safety Exam Papers
Francais : cara terbaik tingkat ekonomi Melayu Text
Understanding schizophrenia Text
Bicara profesor : UTM tingkat kemudahan fizikal Text
Analaysis and design of steel truss element with euroText
Modelling of external corrosion growth of steel pipelin
Risk assessment mapping of landscape developmentConference
ba Papers
Dual band slot antenna for 3.5 WiMAX and 5.8 WLA Indexed Paper
Ladang bioteknologi tanam herba tahun ini Text
Audio equalizer design using altera digital signal pro Thesis
Latency reduction in packet forwarding and beaconinThesis
Undang-undang wajib zakat perlu kajian teliti Text
Cool island curtain for mitigation of urban heat islan Thesis
Petani, penternak terima RM11.38j bantuan banjir Text
Program datastream training di Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ber performance study of PSK-Based digital modulat Text
Design and implementation of predictive control for Thesis
Finite difference model for modeling sea surface c Conference Papers
Boleh tukar skim pencen Text
Tiada tolak ansur kes dera bayi, kanak-kanak Text
UTM grads win royal education award Text
Kerangka pemikiran baru tangani ketidaktentuan cu News Paper Cuttings
Banjir : hentikan tohmahan terhadap kerajaan negeriText
Siswazah menganggur digesa segera daftar skim lati Text
Banteras mat rempit Text
Construction Mathematics Exam Papers
Pasang tali pinggang keledar belakang percuma Text
MyChef : aplikasi perkongsian resepi bersama pema Thesis
Pencarum KWSP mesti bijak guna dana persaraan Text
Tafsiran berbeza halang capai matlamat pelestarian Text
Pelihara permuafakatan : amanat PM kepada rakyat Text
Penyelidik perlu peka keperluan industri Text
Elektronik digit Text
USM appoints consultant to study drop in ranking Text
Kontraktor cemerlang berpeluang dapat projek Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Demam arnab : Kerajaan berjaga-jaga Text
Seks semasa hamil Text
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Jui Meng jamin telefon bimbit selamat digunakan Text
Phase change materials-assisted heat flux reduction Indexed Paper
Pemodelan pemetaan banjir akibat kegagalan empanThesis
Composition of macrobenthos as biological indicatorThesis
Statistik Text
UTM fire: itÆs sabotage Text
Memusuhi UMNO bererti menikam orang Melayu Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
RM10j latih urus rumah tangga Text
Analysis of IBS for school complex (THT) Text
Rakyat Kelantan buru kerja : 10,000 serbu pesta tawaText
Electromagnetism Exam Papers
1.75 juta liter air kumbahan babi sehari mustahil dil Text
Principles of chemistry Exam Papers
UTM raih tiga emas di Geneva Text
Formula baru beli rumah : RAM syor bayar dulu 10% Text
Pembangunan laman web Geometri Pepejal Matemati Thesis
21-year USM, Intel tie-up to be used as model Text
Needle plan by next year Text
Performance of SARAL/AltiKa satellite altimetry missConference Papers
Championing a disabled-friendly Kedah Text
Callus induction and development of suspension cell Thesis
New transport system under study Text
Membina semula umat Islam Text
Johor to stop buying water soon Text
Cukai jalan: Rebat selepas 3 Sept. Text
Cara pelajar pendidikan teknik dan vokasional mem Conference Papers
Ujian prestasi bahan geseran pad brek Text
Rare find in newly gazetted forest Text
Strength characterisation of shale using Mohr-Coul Indexed Paper
Oil touches US Text
Introduction to petroleum engineering Text
Najib : vernacular schools stay Text
An overview of Australia's hydropower energy: StatuIndexed Paper
Helping government staff with low incomes Text
300 juta penduduk dunia tutur bahasa Melayu Text
Minda lestari utama kesedaran pulihara alam Text
The effects of faulty design and construction on buil Text
Gene expression Exam Papers
The use of Ipomoea pes-caprae plant species to monit Journal Article
New economy : embrace ICT innovations or perish Text
RM877.5j dibelanja untuk 6.7 juta pelajar miskin Text
Bajet 2006 diharap 'melegakan' rakyat Text
Genuine voters need not worry about old ICs Text
Majlis jamuan hari raya perpustakaan UTM di PerpustPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Matematik : senario aneh di Malaysia Text
Kajian terhadap rasuk konkrit bertulang yang diperk Text
Predictive model of 2-cyclohexylthiophene for corrosConference Papers
Musawah bela nasib wanita Islam Text
Memantapkan pengajian tinggi Text
Logic digital Exam Papers
Analisis berkomputer bagi kesan fana ke atas sistem Text
Mekanik tanah Text
Measurement and improvement of organisational peThesis
English for academic communication Exam Papers
Chemical constituents and bioactivity studies of sele Thesis
Pemodelan dinding kon tangki simpanan air konkrit Thesis
PNM perkenal pendekatan baru kempen membaca Text
Amalan perkongsian pengetahuan dalam kalangan gur Thesis
Dr. M : students should apply knowledge gained Text
Design of enclosure Text
Tempoh pengampunan PATI tidak dilanjut : Najib Text
Make it truly free Text
Jangan curiga potensi bahasa Melayu Text
Jangan manjakan pelajar Text
Pembangunan laman web bagi tajuk garam, Kimia ti Thesis
Bioteknologi jana pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
National interest a priority in trade talks with US Text
Mekanik mesin II (mechanic of machines II) Text
Bisa kala jengking dijadikan ubat barah Text
Korea Selatan tarik pelancong Islam Text
Automatic speech emotion detection using neural n Thesis
Developing a spreadsheet program in analysing contThesis
Mixed formulation for navier stokes equations Thesis
Pengenalan binaan Text
Bahasa Perancis Text
Effects of externally applied electrical stimulus on b Thesis
Guru jangan hilang fokus Text
Logo halal jadi alat perdaya pengguna Text
Ensuring sugar gets to consumers Text
Penggunaan bahasa keluarga memudahkan pelajar be Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimisation Exam Papers
Soil corrosivity condition index for buried steel pipel Thesis
Akta khas Jalur Gemilang Text
DonÆt ridicule women Text
Hydrocarbon degradation and separation of bilge w Indexed Paper
Teknologi & sistem maklumat Text
UTM Skudai destinasi pelancongan Text
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Labuan has edge over other offshore financial centreNews Paper Cuttings
Wanita kuasai 30% jawatan pentadbir kanan menjel Text
High temperature oxidation of HR120 and 800H Fe-NiThesis
Rancangan asal kekal Text
IISJ jadikan Johor hab inovasi global News Paper Cuttings
Comprehensive analysis on hardware forensic for g Text
Akta Kerja 1955 akan dikaji semula Text
Health of nation at heart Text
Economy & specifications Exam Papers
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Jaga nama baik UiTM : Seri Paduka Text
Hapus jurang sekolah : RMK-9 atasi masalah kemudah Text
Pay more attention to children, parents urged Text
Special op to fight forest and peat fires in four statesText
A generic database forensic investigation process m Journal Article
60 SMT kembali jadi vokasional Text
Susu penting untuk pembesaran anak anda Text
University clears air on use of English Text
Move to identify more fair price outlets Text
Kesan penggunaan abu bahan bakar kelapa sawit keat Thesis
Civil servants must change attitude, says Samsudin Text
No open APs after 2015 Text
Government offers perks for doctors Text
Single station localised lightning locating system Thesis
Syabas starts replacing pipes Text
A pattern-reconfigurable parasitic patch antenna u Indexed Paper
Sustaining service facilities in a Research University Non-Index Paper
Pulihara sungai tanda anugerah alam dihargai Text
Public survey onsmokers disease Text
Electrical machines & drives (mesin & pemacu elektriText
Barriers to learning English Text
Kajian pembinaan jadual kadar harga berkomputer (aText
Remote sensing untuk aplikasi daratan remote sensinExam Papers
Boost for PhD holders Text
Mathematical modelling Exam Papers
Prinsip-prinsip agihan zakat dan pelaksanaannya di NThesis
The need for and importance of problem based learniConference Papers
Ilmu bantu lahirkan keluarga bahagia Text
Mathematical models for free and mixed convection Text b
Sedimentation analysis at Sarawak Kanan River Thesis
Enhancement of control's parameter of decoupled HVA Indexed Paper
UTM bantu pemuliharaan kampung warisan News Paper Cuttings
Pil perancang keluarga boleh elak barah payu dara Text
Pemimpin Umno anggap sepuluh menteri biadap Text
Sifat sabar, syukur jadikan hidup lebih tenteram Text
Kadar pengangguran meningkat Text
ASEAN perlu lebih pragmatik terhadap Myanmar Text
PM : understand fuel price hike, play your role Text
Peranan besar wanita Text
Pemetaan medan graviti di selatan Semenanjung Mala Text
Knowledge sharing impact factors selection for reseaNon-Index Paper
Setuju elak halangan baru Text
Potty training Text
Operation management system for security departme Thesis
Topik khas rangkaian Text
Dadah tiruan rawat penagih disalah guna Text
Budak 2 tahun maut dipukul Text
Geoteknik I Text
Finite element formulation of one-dimensional uncoThesis
3,421 usahawan tani baru Text
Olivenol mampu rungkai masalah kulit Text
Pusat Sumber Islam RM300 juta di i-City Text
Statistik sains sosial Exam Papers
Kerosakan dan kecacatan binaan sekolah Text
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Steelwork design guide using locally produced steel Thesis
A review on phase change material (PCM) for sustaina Indexed Paper
Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Mahasiswa UTM Kuala L Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Misuse of corporate entities for illicit aims Text
Sektor swasta diminta tidak buang pekerja Text
Meluaskan akses, meningkatkan ekuiti Text
Haemodialysis centres to be audited Text
Usaha halang Iraq diserang -- Sidang tergempar pemText
Front-end design of low power radio access point forText
Gaji anggota tentera naik : di bawah skim baru pr Text
BN seeks backing to build Malaysia of excellence, gloText
Banjiran air Text
Smart Management Parking System Thesis
PDRM tingkat kemampuan yakinkan rakyat : PM Text
Perlembagaan negara perlu sentiasa dipatuhi Text
Introduction to business / pengenalan perniagaan Exam Papers
Koszul connections of flat EEG bundles for descriptioThesis
Pengurusan tenaga manusia tidak penuhi keperluan Text
The year of creativity and innovation Text
Power pinch analysis supply side management : strate Indexed Paper
Ekonomi Malaysia masih catat pertumbuhan Text
Pupils to master basic skills by Year Three Text
Profesional perlu amal pembelajaran sepanjang hayaText
Pahang sultan opens Uniten, branch campus Text
Fingerprint recognition based on minutia matching s Thesis
Portal penawar semulajadi herba secara tradisional Thesis
The usage of computer integrated classroom (CIC) teConference Papers
Materials science Exam Papers
EEG sub-band spectral centroid frequency and amplitud Journal Article
IDC paints rosy picture for this year Text
New fluorogenic reagent for the determination of Al Text
Universiti Sains Angkasa Lepas bakal dibina di Johor Text
No room for error in education Text
DonÆt be distracted by political situation, teachers Text
Property management / pengurusan harta tanah Text
Ekonomi Malaysia tumbuh 4.2 peratus Text
Perubahan besar perkasakan wanita hadapi arus globText
RIM3.5j bantu askar belajar di IPTS Text
Persekitaran sistem e-pembelajaran berasaskan kontThesis
Gelombang perubahan rakyat Kelantan : PM Text
Parents back hike, claim bus operators Text
Effect of roughness on shear strength of joint in granThesis
Guru bukan sekadar mendidik pelajar Text
500 sekolah dipilih laksana projek perintis transformaText
Effects of perceptions on BIM adoption in Malaysian Indexed Paper
Building Maintenance Exam Papers
Similarity measure for retrieval of question items witText
Removal of colour from waste water using coconut sIndexed Paper
Pengaturcaraan C Text
Jangan gaji pekerja guna pas pelancong Text
Proffessional practice Exam Papers
Fundamental analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Varsities told to raise 25pc funds Text
Enhancing bilateral trade with India Text
Model dan modul pengajaran integrasi holistik guru Thesis
PAC to scrutinise quantum of bridge payments Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Determining road lighting impact on traffic stream chIndexed Paper
Usaha pulihara hutan bakau terlalu lembap Text
Kualiti air bagi sumber bertitik di Tasik Nahrim Thesis
Muslim tanpa semangat dakwah, jihad tiada jati diri Text
Give us a chance, firm urges UTM News Paper Cuttings
Effects of chitosan alkali pretreatment on the preparIndexed Paper
Orientasi kurikulum dan gaya pengajaran pensyarah Thesis
Degradation of Acid Red 27 by the Recombinant FlavConference Papers
Car industry has lost its way Text
Lawyers delay cases on intellectual property Text
RM40 bilion perbelanjaan awam 2007 Text
Behavior and behavior modification Exam Papers
Influence of configuration at the end of reinforcing Thesis
Pelaksanaan PIPP terkawal Text
Mobile homestay booking system Thesis
Development of a smart glove Thesis
Bank Rakyat rancang jual produk takaful Text
Abdullah minta pertahan harga barangan Text
Double simulated annealing model for mapping of grConference Papers
Murid prasekolah naik 87% pada 2012 Text
Malaysia lokasi pelaburan selamat Text
Exco : malaria death an isolated case Text
An improvement study for effective and sustainabl Thesis
Engineers always get blamed for disasters Text
Measuring project success Thesis
CO2 adsorption equilibria on a hybrid palm shell-PE Indexed Paper
An assessment of the applicability of solid lubricant iText
Pembangunan sistem pangkalan data bagi proses peni Text
Varsity gets moving with lubricants Text
MPSK27- algoritma genetik untuk multi-tempoh untuk Conference Papers
Logic digital Exam Papers
Penentuan lokasi berpotensi bagi tenaga mampan (sThesis
The acceptance and problems faced by teachers in con Thesis
Pelan Strategik 2009-2010 usaha UTeM jadi universi Text
Issues and challenges in the implementation of industConference Papers
Heroes of 2008 : you inspire me Text
Najmil Faiz azam kembang teknologi Nano Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air & air sisa lanjutan Text
Jambatan baru tetap dibina Text
Effective of elastic and inelastic zone on behavior of Indexed Paper
Kempen kerajaan guna bahasa rojak dibidas Text
Smart car line follower with distance controller Thesis
The performance of handover scenario for macrocellJournal Article
The relationship between marketing mix and customer Non-Index Paper
Analytical model for peer-to-peer outbound flow conThesis
Pesta liar : 78 penuntut IPTA ditahan, 15 positif dadaText
The implementation of a productivity measurement tText
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Application of ion chromatography for the assessme Indexed Paper
Kesan kandungan air terhadap parameter kekuatan riThesis
Agriculture sector will cushion impact of downturn, Text
Effect of process parameters on quality of cold spin Indexed Paper
Kemas Johor lancar program pembelajaran di UTM SText
RM234 juta bangun usahawan luar bandar Text
Rombak sistem kehakiman dikaji Text
A simple electromagnetically fed circularly-polarized Indexed Paper
Properties and performance of water treatment sludg Journal Article
Preliminary experimental investigation on autorotat Conference Papers
Memahami makna haji mabrur Text
Menepati janji kunci raih kepercayaan, sokongan rakText
Sistem maklumat penyelenggaran jalan Thesis
Sasaran kenaikan 3% dalam peperiksaan gagal Text
Beri peluang penyelidik tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Talking about safe sex does not promote sex Text
Chikungunya and dengue situation in Perak, Negri a Text
An analysis of fuzzy clustering algorithms for suggestiText
PCB drilling machine Thesis
Physics Exam Papers
BN tetapkan 2057 sasaran baru pembangunan negarText
Matematik asas Text
Hospital, klinik dibekal antiviral Tamiflu Text
Kenaikan pangkat hakim diputuskan Majlis Raja-RajaText
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Kepelbagaian Asean pikat pelancong Text
Kementerian mohon dana tambahan skim latihan Text
Bahasa rojak dikhuatiri kikis ketulenan bahasa MelayText
2-D DWT system architecture for image compressionThesis
N-Heptane isomerization over mesostructured silica Indexed Paper
Frequency and pattern reconfigurable dipole - yagi Indexed Paper
Guidelines on hilltop projects still being ignored Text
Dubai's big plans to attract worldÆs wealthy Text
Pemergian seorang sahabat, maharaja auto Text
Concerns over Johor Ports latest deal Text
Tourism Ministry target Hollywood Text
Financial accounting and reporting I Exam Papers
Pontian, Kota Tinggi destinasi pelancongan baru Text
UTM, KPJ bina hospital RM128j News Paper Cuttings
Visual-based bone fracture detection Thesis
Apabila hak asasi manusia dinafikan Text
Noise prediction for open site activities Thesis
Helping teens to serve society via the National Servi Text
An intelligent vertical handover scheme for audio a Indexed Paper
Merawat luka tak nampak Text
Call to make NS compulsory Text
Penyelidikan pasaran harta tanah Text
Ekstrak herba misai kucing rawat penyakit kanser Text
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) receiver screeThesis
Construction project procurement Exam Papers
Seasoned moneylenders of old now fading out Text
Kastam rampas empat lagi kereta mewah seludup Text
High rate of success for claims Text
Dielectric properties of potassium hydroxide-treatedIndexed Paper
Vortex formation at sluice gate as used at Department Thesis
Stripping voltammetric methods for the deteminatioText
Intercity passenger rail services : case study Ipoh - K Text
Failure of fully clamped laminated composite hemispThesis
Kanser serviks dan langkah pencegahan Text
Kedaulatan negara diutamakan kawal keselamatan pText
Kita akan semak, kerajaan bersedia kaji kembali kuotText
Kajian kesan kerosakan tompokan oleh mikrojet (FullText
Tahap pengetahuan peneroka terhadap skim pinjaman Thesis
Program televisyen membentuk hala tuju ummah Text
Penderaan seksual - Kezaliman yang tersembunyi Text
112,775 peneroka Felda diberi wang insentif RM350 Text
An experimental study of total quality management ap Non-Index Paper
Tingkatkan pengetahuan mengenai PBB Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan penentuan lokasi penghanta Thesis
Frequency reconfigurable microstrip slot antenna Thesis
Bioteknologi Text
Ilmu, khidmat lebih efektif pertahan kemerdekaan Text
A Natural conversational virtual human with multimoJournal Article
Engineering software Exam Papers
Disiplin Murid 2005 akan diperkenal Text
Seksanya mayat bayi ini Text
Minat remaja pada biografi Text
SMEs urged to boost networking at international hal Text
Chemical and physical properties of new insulating oiThesis
Hydrolysis of virgin coconut oil using immobilized lip Non-Index Paper
Krisis akibat perubahan iklim semakin ketara Text
Pakej rangsangan rancakkan sektor pembinaan negaText
Project monitoring systems (PMS II) - case study on th Text
Laporan media perlu bertaraf dunia : Najib Text
Food inspectors to visit camps Text
Analysis of reinforced concrete shear walls with sin Indexed Paper
Rekabentuk dan analisis menara telekomunikasi Text
A conceptual model of trust in learning for generatioThesis
Broadcasting and multicasting in all optical packet Non-Index Paper
Klon terbaru sawit beri hasil dua kali ganda Text
Doing away with one-sen coin payment Text
Optimization of machining parameters for minimizatiIndexed Paper
Kinetic Modeling, Thermodynamic, and Mass-Transfer Indexed Paper
Pusat sehenti sebar maklumat R&D Text
Ekologi landskap Text
Pendidikan Islam tidak halang kemasukan bukan MelText
Inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric Conference Papers
UUM promosi basikal elektrik jimat petrol Text
Teknologi penapisan petroleum Text
ILIM pencetus budaya ilmu Text
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
System upgrade for Johor Port Text
Eksploitasi kanak-kanak kian serius Text
WPI pusat metropolis baru Text
Four-wave mixing analyses for future ultrafast wavelIndexed Paper
Ketua perlu peka krisis organisasi Text
Antara kemelut ekonomi dan gawat politik Text
A Review of cell adhesion studies for biomedical and Indexed Paper
Guru bukan lagi pilihan terakhir Text
Tribunal tidak jamin pengguna dapat ganti rugi Text
Sektor pendidikan pererat KL, Berlin Text
PM : China and Japan can sort out their differences Text
Memperteguh penyelidikan dan inovasi Text
Subs to be named after former PMs Text
A model for integrating social network's data and en Thesis
Differential equations Exam Papers
Driver's merging gap at midblock U-turn on divided Thesis
Prestasi ketinggian dan ketahanan penerbangan dal Thesis
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Investors don’t get extra land, says oouneillor News Paper Cuttings
Construction information technology Exam Papers
Nyah toksin atasi masalah usus Text
Produk M&E Malaysia dapat tempat di China Text
Mathematics for geoinformation Exam Papers
An analysis of shipboard waste heat availability for Conference Papers
SMK Sultanah Asma sekolah harian terbaik peringkatText
Surveillance quadrotor with auto dock function Thesis
Nik Aziz : no formal request for land Text
Effect of synthesis reaction time and doping on uv/viJournal Article
Rang Undang-Undang Parol dilulus Text
Students don't want Act to be abolished Text
Turtle hearing capability based on ABR signal assesmNon-Index Paper
Three cars, a stall and a shop wrecked during pursuitText
Teknik kuantitatif untuk harta tanah Text
IPT perlu sedia tenaga pengajar berkualiti Text
Smoother roads ahead Text
Motor vehicle sales 9% lower in the first six months Text
Aduan kadar tarif baru telefon akan dikumpul Text
First submarine to be named by year end Text
Renewable energy distributed electricity generation aIndexed Paper
Ajar Matematik, Sains dalam BM Text
Hybrid migrating bird optimization based algorithms Thesis
Kajian terhadap sambungan tegar rasuk-tiang bagi strText
Kelesuan penulisan buku Text
Penentuan misi PPSMI Text
Fair wealth distribution leads to political stability Text
Cleaner rivers with public's help Text
UNISEL dan INPENS kian matang Text
Collaboration between university-industry for engin Conference Papers
Pengkulturan sel stem di Pahang Text
Bad blood Text
Pastikan saman ikut undang-undang Text
Makkah bandar raya bebas rokok Text
Perancangan pengangkutan Text
Synthesis and bioactivities of novel thio-and selen Thesis
An enhanced chaotic encryption method for fragile Thesis
Ready for the big leap Text
The effect of additives and size distribution on the p Thesis
Kimia polimer Text
Kalkulus I Text
Remaja bermasalah : ibu bapa gagal main peranan Text
Pakatan Strategik KL, New Delhi bangunkan IT Text
In situ measurement of gold nanoparticle produced by Thesis
11 gunung berapi diramal meletup Text
Astronaut to help change mindset Text
Sambutan terhadap Najib wujudkan tekanan baru Text
Keberkesanan kecerunan sistem level spreader dal Text
UTM dicadang kawal selia perpustakaan terbuka Text
Tiada had beli diesel bagi semua pengusaha bas Text
Construction industry building itself up again Text
Fizik vakum & teknologi Text
Image splicing forgery detection using discrete cosin Thesis
Kepentingan alumni Text
Guna formula ABCDE tingkat perkhidmatan awam : Text
Skim Latihan Graduan diperluas Text
Shop! Shop! and Shop! Text
Embracing change vital for academic excellence Text
Organometallic chemistry Exam Papers
Development of gross motor assessment and trainingThesis
SPM: Sui Lin catat sejarah cemerlang peroleh 16A Text
Krisis kewangan dedah kesan buruk globalisasi Text
Persoalan bahasa Inggeris tidak habis-habis Text
Bekalan air awam kurang berkualiti, hilang rasa enakNews Paper Cuttings
Kuala Berang pengeluar jagung manis Text
Effects of El Nino southern oscillation on the dischargIndexed Paper
Human epithelial type 2 cell classification based on Thesis
Road collapses in landslide in Bukit Serdang Text
Cadastral survey II Exam Papers
'Malaysiaku Berdaulat Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku News Paper Cuttings
UTM perlu pastikan R&D boleh dikomersial Text
Caj penumpang KLIA naik tahun ini Text
Abdullah : give local artists a chance Text
Treating fibroids Text
Optimization of y-cyclodextrin production using m Thesis
Pelan jadikan ICT industri RM50b disusun Text
Program lahirkan pejuang bangsa News Paper Cuttings
Manfaat multimedia kembangkan bahasa Text
Tighter security at KLIA cargo village Text
Occurrence and morphological description of seagra Text
Finite element method Text
Syarikat diminta taja lawatan News Paper Cuttings
Perlindungan radiologi Exam Papers
Lambakan punca nilai pelaburan AS merosot Text
Subang airport to become aerospace park Text
Optical and thermoluminescence properties of samarThesis
Dunia kutuk serangan Israel Text
Participation, information giving and decision makin Thesis
Study on heart attacks in young people Text
Enhancement of poly (vinyl alcohol) membrane packaThesis
Biodiesel production from palm oil mill effluent (PO Thesis
To assess a level of mental skills among athletes in UText
Syor penceramah agama berpolitik mohon tauliah Text
Industri kereta mengecewakan Text
Langkah terakhir kesan kotak hitam guna teknologi sNews Paper Cuttings
Malaysia sedia persekitaran niaga kondusif Text
Malaysians in US offer to help Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran Text
Kereta masuk ke Putrajaya dihadkan 30% Text
Effect of using minimum quantity lubrication on tool Cl onference Papers
New investment limit more meaningful Text
English proficiency Exam Papers
Discipline at work and the changing scenario Text
Women oil? Text
PKENS kenalpasti dua projek estet News Paper Cuttings
Cool island pavement mitigate phenomenon of urbanThesis
Banyakkan produk multimedia prasekolah Text
Kad kredit : cadangan PDAM dibantah Text
Utamakan pekerja tempatan : Najib Text
PKS digesa ceburi industri penerbangan Text
Designing motor in hydraulic system Text
Kerjasama universiti-sekolah kluster pacu R&D Text
Aerodinamik Text
Bending behaviour of the timber beams strengthened Text
TenagaÆs 20-year power plan Text
Effect of rain attenuation on mimo system Thesis
Iklan makanan segera diharamkan di TV Text
Chinese, Tamil language subjects to be improved Text
Global influences on modern industry and oral presenNon-Index Paper
Hybrid four legged robot Thesis
Kekangan guru menerapkan kemahiran berfikir dalam Thesis
Pengenalan kewangan korporat Text
The challenges and potential of value management inText
Pemantauan mampu cegah bencana buatan manusiaText
Genome analysis of a new rhodothermaceae strain isIndexed Paper
Petani rugi RM10.4juta akibat karah padi Text
Activity based costing software for manufacturing indu Text
Techno-economic issues of biomass based cogeneration Text
Employer's rights and contractor's liabilities in relatioText
Simulation of dark bright soliton converison in micr Thesis
Malaysia ambil bahagian bincang enam isu utama Text
Comparison of various methods to control an inver Text
Penggunaan shortcrete dalam pembinaan : kajian keText
Lantik segera Pengarah Pelajaran Kelantan Text
MARA perluas syarat ibu bapa bayar hutang Text
Priority for womenÆs safety Text
Pembangunan modal insan tingkat generasi minda k Text
Pendidikan agama berkesan perkukuh institusi keluaText
New human action recognition scheme with geometrica Thesis
Land use planning Exam Papers
Langkawi to be first geopark Text
Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara diunjur - 5 peratus Text
Critical success factors of project management of riv Thesis
Flood Round-Up : three states hit, some schools delayText
Dr M beri sumbangan besar majukan pendidikan Text
Rakyat Malaysia lebih utamakan kerjaya berbanding Text
CIMB sedia program latihan untuk pelajar UM Text
Proton sangkal dakwaan kos penyelenggaraan V6 tinText
Determination of nifedipine, ampicillin and penicilli Thesis
Kimia am II Text
Termodinamik II Text
A new approach in protein folding studies revealed thNon-Index Paper
Quality control in cocoa powder production process Indexed Paper
Dwiijazah News Paper Cuttings
Gang robberies up by 14,143 Text
Permodelan kualiti air bagi Sungai Melana menggun Text
Blackout hits five States Text
Pusat komputer antarabangsa di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Perbandingan antara pengeringan ketuhar dan udar Text
Ulat lalat : perubatan alternatif Text
Java based positioning application for mobile positi Thesis
A slower journey home Text
Biological responses in oil palm post-treatment with TNhesis
PM targets US Text
More sites of Bujang kingdom Text
Filem pendek UTM ke akhir Text
Performance evaluation of multistage adsorber desi Thesis
UTM bangun pusat inovasi agriteknologi bioproses News Paper Cuttings
Getting women to be leaders Text
Program antidadah tiada arah : Khir Text
Limit of detection and limit of quantification devel Indexed Paper
KL sentiasa bekerjasama atasi keganasan global Text
Disiplin pelajar Text
Heart rate monitoring (HRM) system for athletes usi Thesis
Cegah jenayah seks kini jadi keutamaan Text
ITNM dapat dana khas terjemah karya Islam Text
Lagi khazanah alam bakal musnah Text
RM112b investment till 2020 to spur growth Text
Lens integrated laser based optical tomography syst Thesis
Percubaan beri jarum, kondom percuma kepada 1,20Text
Inner bound capacity analysis of cooperative relay inConference Papers
Remote sensing for oceanography applications Exam Papers
Floods force 1,000 to flee homes Text
Tahap pelaksanaan amalan penyenggaraan bangunanThesis d
The framework of bounding - volume hierarchies for Conference Papers
Health university on the cards Text
Hospital Sungai Petani mungkin dirombak Text
Jawatankuasa kaji impak terhadap sektor pertanian Text
Untung pada pengguna panggilan jauh Text
Generation and characterization of self-starting tita Thesis
Facile modification of ZIF-8 mixed matrix membrane Indexed Paper
No receipt, no permit warning to taxi drivers Text
Perpustakaan penghubung antara pelajar, maklumatText
Warning on credit card expenditure Text
Petronas looking at oil, gas prospects in India Text
Usaha sama bekal produk halal ke semua negara OICText
Johor MIC deputy chief Krishnasamy killed by hitmanText
Hukum sebat di khalayak jika rakyat setuju : PM Text
Mengangkat integriti kehakiman Text
41 IPTS ditutup sejak kempen gempur dilancar Text
Exploring the effect of cellulose nanowhiskers isolat Indexed Paper
Chua : donÆt buy drugs online Text
Pertanian jual RM80 juta hasil Text
Kefahaman tentang konsep asas dakwah islamiah dan Conference Papers
2,600 guru ijazah ke sekolah rendah Text
Avoid jailing children, urges Suhakam head Text
Design and modeling of on-chip planar capacitor for Text
Bowtie antenna for ground penetrating radar (Previ Text
Siddiq asas bina perilaku insan terbilang Text
Kimia tak organik Text
Characterization of human heat shock protein 47 pH-Thesis
Khutbah terakhir Rasulullah pesanan sepanjang zam Text
Tiga bulan - Tempoh guru guna sepenuhnya BI dala Text
PM : economic packages have created jobs and incom Text
'KameRider1 rangkul anugerah RoboCup Japan News Paper Cuttings
Pengukuhan tiang konkrit dengan penambahan saiz dText
Konsep bina dan jual bela pembeli rumah Text
Amanah saham national berhad's promotional strategi Conference Papers
Kehakiman kena pulih keyakinan orang ramai Text
Ministry : NKVE link developer ignored safety rules Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
The effectiveness of near infrared (NIR) filter in diff Thesis
Selective conversion of methane to C2 hydrocarbonsIndexed Paper
Dielectric resonator reflectarray antenna in KU-BandThesis
Kakitangan awam digesa fokus NKRA Text
Spillover plans for Selangor News Paper Cuttings
Hydrographic positioning comparison based on data Tphesis
Singapura beri pegawai gaji besar elak rasuah Text
Not safe to use cheap plastics for hot drinks Text
Foreign boost for research products Text
Sediakan pelan tindakan hadapi fenomena El Nino Text
Guna pendekatan saintifik News Paper Cuttings
Penawar demam denggi masih belum ditemui Text
Technology transfer model for the Libyan informati Journal Article
Design of decentralized biopower generation and disIndexed Paper
Kimia/Chemistry Text
RM 30j bangunkan pelancongan berasaskan eko-tourText
Engine speed control using artificial neutral networ Conference Papers
Design of Sierpinski gasket fractal antenna with slits Journal Article
Bentuk mekanisme halang rasuah syarikat multinasioText
Magneto rheological for motorcycle suspension usi Indexed Paper
Sistem pengawalan lalulintas berlampu isyarat di Ba Text
Epoxidized natural rubber toughened polylactic acid Indexed Paper
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Ukur binaan III Text
Measuring perceived helpfulness of computerized dec Journal Article
Buku elektronik selamatkan penerbitan Text
Soil suction profile due to tree induced suction Thesis
A prototyping model of intelligent hearing protectio Indexed Paper
Advanced mechanics of materials Exam Papers
Perladangan Hutan FRIM-UTM News Paper Cuttings
Pemahaman inti pati al-Quran jayakan 1Malaysia Text
Rekabentuk terperinci sistem perparitan bandar Maha Text
Surface runoff variation assessment using process-b Journal Article
40,000 pelajar baru IPTA daftar diri Text
MAS yakin catat untung : di bawah penyusunan sem Text
Harapan menjejakkan kaki di Marikh Text
Public participation in conservation of heritage area Thesis
Teori struktur Text
Projek ekstrak air hanya beri kesan buruk kepada ek Text
Condition assessment of high voltage instrument tranJournal Article
Inflation : figures that go up and up Text
Study on passive suspension damper performance cha Text
Analisis dan pengurusan pelaburan sekuriti Text
Comparison of decision tree, naive bayes and svm in Thesis
An investigating on facebook as a destination marketThesis
Smart detection of over speeding vehicles at public Thesis
Latihan standard people practice (SPP) kumpulan 2&Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fluidised bed technology for energy recovery from wConference Papers
Alternative fuzzy C-Means clustering for DNA comp Conference Papers
Business activities in new townships in rural areas of Text
MalaysiaÆs population board gets prestigious UN a Text
Avoid making others suffer Text
SAR -- Jangan sia-siakan 126,000 pelajar Text
37 pelajar Malaysia ditawar biasiswa Jepun Text
Perkeso lantik pegawai risik Text
æMalaysiaku GemilangÆ tema baru Hari Kemerde Text
Bahasa Inggeris perlu dipertingkat Text
Operasi mencari di Lautan Hindi lebih sukar News Paper Cuttings
Martabat kerjaya guru bukan cuma janji kosong Text
Towards better efficiency : heat on un-civil servants Text
Application of sustainable development into proje Thesis
5 peratus penduduk Malaysia masih buta huruf Text
Comparative studies of cell growth of freshwater micJournal Article
Khazanah kuasai Pantai Holdings Text
Dua universiti awam sedia bantu SPR daftar pengundText
Separation of binary mixtures of propylene and propIndexed Paper
Kastam guna kaedah baru : elak kerugian pengisytih Text
Developing e - learning for kazakh national universit Thesis
Cuepacs tuntut lima isu utama Text
Sistem Komputer Dan Multimedia Text
Kementerian kaji cadangan beri kuasa semua guru mText
Tempayan penyeri laman tropika Text
Learning through playing for children with Cerebral PJournal Article
The relationship of website quality and customer e-sat Thesis
UM disenarai universiti awam paling berkualiti Text
Konsep cuti perbankan mampu rangsang pelancongaText
System architecture, behaviour and optimisation Exam Papers
Sistem pengurusan surat secara web Text
Kabinet lulus pindaan Akta AUKU Text
Pangkalan data lanjutan Text
Code of ethics for ex-judges proposed Text
Prodigy Ainan gets a little HELP Text
PM : civil service must be relevant to the times Text
Penyelidikan pasaran harta tanah Exam Papers
Pesakit diabetes boleh berpuasa Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Effect of general montmorillonite and Cloisite 15A Indexed Paper
Hubungan Malaysia, Indonesia biar kekal Text
Human information processing Exam Papers
Automatic phototherapy vest (APV) Thesis
An improved energy based load-displacement predicti Indexed Paper
Rising groundwater levels problem in urban areas : aIndexed Paper
Protection for submarines Text
Chemistry dept and police to form DNA data bank toText
Tenaga mahir Text
Constuction Technology I Exam Papers
Pelupusan sampah punca air busuk Text
7,000 pelajar Malaysia di AS Text
Simulating a full field reservoir by compartments to Thesis
Synthesis of zeolite Na-A from local kaolin for bioethIndexed Paper
Readiness of manufacturing small and medium enterpr Journal Article
Mathematical methods 1 Exam Papers
Web server improvement using two-thered web cachThesis
Web-based sales and inventory management systemThesis fo
Design and further development of the wrap aroundText
Fertility centres popular Text
Pendidikan kekeluargaan Exam Papers
State to focus on biotech News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia tiada kepentingan ekonomi bina jambatan Text
UTM wins gold medals at Geneva competition Text
Penghayatan konsep 1Malaysia perlu diperluas ke lu Text
Sistem maklumat kitar semula Thesis
Where exceIlence should thrive Text
Perbandingan keberkesanan sistem rawatan kumbahan Thesis
Electrical discharge machining of titanium alloy usingText
Perkenal pengajian hubungan kaum, budaya, agama Text
Naive, greedy Malaysians Text
Screening of microorganism capable of decolourizingThesis
Numerical evaluation of conformal mapping and its Indexed Paper
Cabaran baru risikan tentera Text
Penghayatan ilmu, hidayah bentuk peribadi Muslim Text
Environmental impact of rural-urban migration in theConference Papers
UTM Space graduan cemerlang Text
Korban gempa 30,000 Text
Landasan bina projek satelit Text
Minyak melambung : cecah AS Text
New economic growth model for 10MP Text
RM10b baiki pengangkutan Text
Keberkesanan program-program pemulihan tingkah la Conference Papers
A question of justice in civil and criminal cases Text
Gabem perjuang ekonomi Melayu Text
Cabaran melaksanakan e-pendidikan di IPT Text
Tahun Melawat Malaysia raih RM46.7b Text
PM : search for real solutions to fight poverty Text
UiTM kurangkan 20 peratus pengambilan pelajar barText
Malaysia sokong perjuangan masyarakat Islam Tatar Text
Productivity and work design improvement in a full- Thesis
Approximation of time headway on two-lane highwayConference Papers
CVLB: Most express buses donÆt have co-driver Text
Software fault prediction models using machine lear Thesis
Aspek-aspek sekuriti di kolej kediaman Kajian Kes: KoThesis
Screening efficiency and entrepreneurship potential Indexed Paper
For the maid's sake Text
Plan to breed deep-ocean fish Text
Selection of the industrialized building material sup Thesis
Hukuman tak berkesan didik anak Text
WAO reiterates demand Text
Shear behaviour of steel fiber prestressed concrete Thesis
Curriculum construction and development Exam Papers
The effects of raw material particles size, types of so Indexed Paper
Acetic acid-phenol steam reforming for hydrogen prod Indexed Paper
Molecular cloning and bioinformatic analysis of endoJournal Article
Mothers usually blamed for suicides, says study Text
Dr. M terima ijazah kehormat persuratan Text
Cautioned statements, confessions no longer allowe Text
Malaysia Airlines : select domestic destinations - Air Text
Student loses hand in parang attack Text
ADMM pastikan kerjasama pertahanan ASEAN Text
Fundamentals of petroleum engineering Exam Papers
Sultan lancar buku, SI-1, SI-2 News Paper Cuttings
Systems testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Development of high voltage ultrasound pulser for Thesis
5,807 pelajar... diperiksa dalam Ops Sayang Text
Practical implementation of an intelligent car parki Thesis
Selling Malaysian brands Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Planning Exam Papers
Sistem federalisme utama hak rakyat Text
Characterization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is Text
Evaluation of gas retention time effects on the bio-t Indexed Paper
Malaysia targets 500,000 British tourists Text
Education Ministry to help produce top athletes Text
Unsur masa dalam rekabentuk dan implimentasi model Text
Usaha jadikan cuti bersalin 80 hari Text
Project to boost water supply in Air Hitam Text
Najib terus pantau ancaman banjir di enam negeri Text
Jabatan Pertanian mahu lahir 1,500 usahawan Text
Statistical analysis on mean rainfall and mean temperIndexed Paper
Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap Pusat Kaunseling dan Ke Thesis
Kurikulum pendidikan teknikal disemak Jun Text
Pembangunan perisian rekabentuk pembentung ber Text
The Malaysian maritime industry and its dependenc Thesis
Buku kupas adat Kesultanan Johor News Paper Cuttings
Shell Malaysia, partners strike biggest deepwater oil Text
Indeks Kepuasan Pengguna : cadangan bagi lindungi Text
Govt gets aggressive on jobs for blind people Text
No design defects in flyover says Samy Vellu Text
TPDM beri semangat untuk hidup semula Text
Grid independent study on tetrahedral and hexahedral Journal Article
Murid korban terbaru denggi Text
Nusajaya bertaraf dunia : PM lancar projek utama Text
Vortex-induced vibration caused by external load Thesis
Kerajaan jamin pembangunan mapan di luar bandar Text
Tidak salah pindah organ: Pakar Text
Dr Abu dilantik Timbalan Rektor KUTKM Text
Medical Tomography Exam Papers
Current issues in educational measurement and evalExam Papers
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Etika wakil rakyat BN : prestasi, peribadi termasuk Text
Safety and health in chemical industries Exam Papers
Majlis agama Islam boleh ambil tindakan Text
Syarat bank beku akaun Text
Cemar : JAS ambil sampel minyak kapal Text
Little inkling of subsidy spending Text
A study of an im two-step learning artificial neurel Thesis
Lower speed can reduce death toll Text
Two Chief Ministers sworn in Text
Case of Malaysian students with foreign qualificationThesis
Elektronik Text
Sistem integrasi pengurusan maklumat untuk industrText
The relationship between the total rewards system aThesis
Area impact assessment in urban sustainable using spThesis
Aircraft structure / struktur pesawat udara Text
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Pengurusan disiplin pelajar di sekolah gugusan BandaThesis
Controller area network (CAN) based geometric trackThesis
Discount cards for blood donors soon Text
Pertolongan cemas : kemalangan jalan raya Text
Pengaruh kompetensi keusahawanan terhadap tingka Conference Papers
Stricter rules for hill resort projects Text
Back to hazy skies Text
Sex education gets Cabinet go-ahead Text
A three dimensional limit load solution for highly Indexed Paper
Kurikulum latihan teknologi tidak menepati kehendaNews Paper Cuttings
Kadar jenayah sempadan berjaya dikurangkan Text
IBS construction : time to look the safety aspect Conference Papers
Harta Intelek Malaysia lindungi paten barangan Text
400 kakitangan UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
A proposed counseling attribute framework against Journal Article
Mathematical method III Exam Papers
Sektor perladangan bergantung kepada pekerja asin Text
The visual pattern of pedestrian connectivity to the Thesis
UPM to make agriculture courses more glamorous Text
UTM jalin dengan Isunsg News Paper Cuttings
TNB pushes for use of nuclear energy Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan upholsteri Thesis
Comparison of control light using Kramers-Kronig m Indexed Paper
The implementation of refactoring: an experience reThesis
Matematik binaan Text
M-commerce builder system Thesis
Push for halal industry Text
Kajian tahap kepuasan penghuni terhadap fasiliti penThesis
Biodegradable flocculant of chitosan grafted acryla Thesis
Kos pelajar IPTA RM5.9 bilion Text
Medical perks draw more to civil service Text
Singapura perlu henti pembinaan di Batu Putih Text
Kaji semula Peraturan Pertahanan Lima Negara Text
Ornamental and natural plant materials Exam Papers
JPA tawar 1,290 biasiswa ke luar negara Text
PLUS likely to raise toll rates by five per cent Text
Malaysia guna nuklear 2023 Text
Effect of slag content to cement grout on the compr Conference Papers
PM ajak rakyat kongsi keperitan kenaikan harga min Text
Kawalan terhadap keretakan dalam konkrit bertetulaText
Prinsip-prinsip pembinaan rumah adat minangkabau Text(
Home-based ankle rehabilitation system: literature Journal Article
Cuaca panas boleh sebabkan strok haba Text
The mediating role of organizational innovation on Conference Papers
More power for ministry to probe Text
A non-motorized level of service method for evaluatinThesis
Kesan penuaan ketuhar jangka panjang terhadap modul Thesis
Jangan anggap pelancong Indonesia kelas dua Text
Gated community getting popular Text
A study of wear characteristic aluminium pin using dou
Analisis kemarau menggunakan kaedah indek kemarau Thesis
Hijau coklat bangkitkan karektor ruang Text
Our education system has come full circle Text
Project to help 'green ’ Ipoh News Paper Cuttings
INATEX 2016 - gold. Industrial Art and Technology E Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Gender empowerment yet to be achieved Text
DPM : we must adopt contingency plan for disasters Text
167 penjawat awam sabit dadah Text
Boost converter for stand alone photovoltaic power Thesis
Bukit Antarabangsa Tragedy : massive landslide hits Text
Jururawat perlu utama negara : PM Text
Integration of topographic and deformation survey f Thesis
Tow-dimensional turbidity currents model Text
Construction plant and temporary works Exam Papers
HEWM 2015 promosi bidang pendidikan tertinggi News Paper Cuttings
Usaha cari pelajar cicir Text
Pembangunan laman web EZ-Arabic sebagai alternatiJournal Article
A technique of data privacy preservation in deployin Indexed Paper
Tera air imej skala kelabu menggunakan bit berertianThesis
Preparation, characterization and biocompatibility e Thesis
Watson-Crick Petri net languages : the effect of labelIndexed Paper
Mathematical thinking in multivariable calculus thro Thesis
Kementerian Pelajaran jangka dapat RM6.2b Text
Microelectronics 1 Exam Papers
Goods owners to pay for overloading Text
Isolated speech recognition using linear predictive coThesis
Malaysia ranks ahead of Thailand Text
Electrical treeing phenomena of silicone rubber-ba Thesis
Malaysia, Thailand agree to act on dual citizenship Text
Pemberi maklumat dilindungi Text
PM : National Mision to achieve excellence Text
Harga minimum rokok RM6.40 Text
Pinjam buku tanpa sempadan masa, lokasi Text
Kolej Komuniti Jasin tawar pelbagai program kemahiText
Structural performance of composite beam-to-column Thesis
Brake squeal suppression using active force control Conference Papers
Bank Islam rebrands four unit trust funds Text
A systematic literature review of technological factorIndexed Paper
Jerebu burukkan Influenza A Text
Gene essentiality and nutrient rescue prediction usi Thesis
Design and development of new CNG (Compressed Nat Text
Quasi-static indentation behaviour of glass fibre rei Indexed Paper
All pensioners will get RM500 Text
RM2.9b subsidi minyak Text
Ministry wants retail war by tobacco firms checked Text
Natural radioactivity and geological influence on su Indexed Paper
Computer forensics Exam Papers
Synthesis of GE film using electrochemical depositi Thesis
Kerajaan tidak abai nasib pegawai kumpulan sokong Text
Islam in the corporate world Text
De-liver me from cancer Text
Crime index rising Text
Coral bleaching mapping using remote sensing and gThesis
Banteras ajaran sesat diperhebat Text
Modeling dynamic weight for 3D navigation routing Conference Papers
Rekabentuk Litar Bersepadu Dan Teknik Pengujian Text
GNSS radiobeacon service availability study: the SIS Conference Papers
ItÆs all in the tone Text
FRIM offers help to clear forests for agriculture Text
Ensuring equal distribution of globalisation benefits Text
Analyzing and evaluating a PMV-based thermal comfor Journal Article
A decomposition algorithm of fuzzy Petri net using a Indexed Paper
Cellular biochemistry and metabolism Text
Bantah waktu disko, lanjut operasi ke dinihari undanText
Selective and simultaneous solid phase extraction of Journal Article
Most Proton Edar dealers to upgrade outlets into 3S Text
Faktor-faktor pemilihan kursus dan masalah-masalahNon-Index Paper
1,339 di Kolej Legenda lulus Text
Pre-talent management for construction industry (FulText
Optical absorption and refractive index study of Ti: ANon-Index Paper
5 jabatan Kementerian Pelajaran disusun semula Text
WHO arah selesema babi dirujuk Influenza A Text
Buku ilmiah, karya agung patut jadi pilihan utama Text
Israel makin melampau Text
Rintihan bahasa Melayu Text
Ternak raja Sungai Sarawak Text
Gold hedging strategies in the Asian markets Journal Article
Modenisasi sektor awam Text
Analisis dan simulasi suspensi automotif Text
Ikram persoal 35 pemaju belum serah laporan Text
Cut Socso pension to ensure employees return to woText
Program khas tangani kakitangan kurang sopan Text
Undang-undang perdagangan Text
Optical path length, temperature, and wavelength efIndexed Paper
Google minat melabur di Malaysia Text
Alternative dispute resolution and adjudication Exam Papers
KL, Jakarta runding isu kabel dasar laut Text
Prediction of reef fish spawning aggregations using Indexed Paper
Dr M will do us proud if he wins Text
Enhancement of sugar content through progressive fre Indexed Paper
Life cycle assessment of front impact beam Thesis
Malaysia sudah kemuka cadangan baru harga air Text
Pendidikan kebaikan berpoligami tangkis label amal Text
Undergraduates may get leeway on political activity Text
Document management system (DOMAS) Thesis
Hasrat lanjut pelajaran tercapai News Paper Cuttings
Cyberstalking victimization model using lifestyle routiThesis
Prospect of flexible housing for lower income group Thesis
Use revised pension formula Text
Fizik & teknologi polimer Text
The performance of Felda Plantation Sdn. Bhd. Contra Text
Audit I Exam Papers
UTM-MIMOS komersialkan hasil R&D Text
UPSR, PMR, SPM : penilaian tara masih indikator penText
Satria Neo dapat sambutan Text
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Analisis dan rekabentuk menggunakan kaedah momen Text
UTM 3D event browser Thesis
Growth corridor to boost state potential Text
Development of remotely operated underwater vehicl Thesis
Intelligent active force control of a manipulator actu Conference Papers
Implikasi pelaksanaan program Malaysia rumah keduak Thesis
Petrol prices to dip again soon Text
Incest : sibling couple charged Text
Teknik penanaman gaharu Text
Dua ijazah bantu pelajar IPTA dapat pekerjaan Text
Capillary-based subsurface irrigation system for wateThesis
Permohonan MyKad meningkat Text
Arahan perubahan dalam projek pembinaan jalan ra Text
Tiada unsur dera dalam program Khidmat Negara Text
Laksana 30 projek berimpak tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Jambatan indah diteruskan Text
Chiral separation of four stereoisomers of ketoconazo Indexed Paper
11 maut MPV rempuh trailer di lebuh raya Text
Enough sugar in hypermarkets Text
Kempen kesedaran dadah di Felda Text
Harga rumah dijangka naik 10 peratus Text
Penggunaan kawalan sistem skala besar (fulltext) Text
Termodinamik Text
PM : Penang second bridge and Sentral hub to proceText
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Kesan pisah arah terhadap perkaitan laju-aliran bagi Text
Faedah sumbangan Petronas terus dinikmati rakyat Text
UK minat wujud kerjasama penyelidikan Text
Elektronik Text
Najib : bersama banteras lanun di tempat persembu Text
Development of adsorption selective carbon membrane Text
Lumba haram bermula di rumah Text
Developmental psycology Exam Papers
British economy shrinks at sharpest pace in 3 decadeText
A review of the effects of emerging contaminants in Indexed Paper
Bahasa Melayu elak jadi melukut Text
Sektor pertanian disusun semula bagi berdaya saing Text
Facility layout planning for industrialised building s Thesis
Application of lens model in measuring responsis of Thesis
Removal of carbon dioxide using water-in-oil emuls Non-Index Paper
Microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior oIndexed Paper
Simulation study of real-time load distribution routi Conference Papers
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of mic Thesis
RM1 juta untuk atlet OKU Text
Permasalahan tekanan dalam kalangan wanita melayConference Papers
Thermodynamic modelling and exergoeconomic-enviro Thesis
Orang Asli kids get online Text
Chua : fund has benefited 44 chronic illness patients Text
Leading the way Text
Bestari sekolah melalui program komputer berjaya Text
Indirect tension test of hot mix asphalt as related Thesis
SMS, blogs used to exploit racial remarks Text
Recovery plan strategy on the delay construction proText
Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution byThesis
13 months salary sought Text
Standardized tables for column splice connections forText
Kedah mahu tubuh sebuah lagi perpustakaan khazanText
Extraction of lignosulfonate using supported liquid Thesis
DPM : stop hoarding Class F licences Text
Proses pembuatan Text
Riak ketika ibadat lebih bahaya daripada dajal Text
Arak : hukuman sebat boleh dilakukan di luar penjar Text
Characteristics of developed granules containing phoIndexed Paper
RTM kerjasama dengan Utusan untuk rating Text
The application of finite element method in 2d heat Thesis
Ontalogy driven privacy access control for healthcar Thesis
Electronic keyboard playing robotic hand Thesis
Johor MB and new State Exco to be sworn in tomorr Text
Preparation and properties of poly(acrylamide)-grafteThesis
Changing religion, not ethnicity News Paper Cuttings
Firms probed over hoarding of palm oil Text
Remote visualization on medical datasets over thin cConference Papers
Sistem pengendalian komputer Text
The reshuffle guessing game Text
Pension windfall : truly revolutionary new scheme forText
UTMSpace rai warga emas News Paper Cuttings
JHEOA sasar keciciran sifar Text
Landscape for children to play and learn: a concep Text
Analisis dan pembaikan sistem Sungai Jeram Batu, P Text
Ironman Langkawi jadi perhatian dunia Text
Kelajuan mengundang maut Text
Pertahan bahasa kebangsaan Text
LID berhasil rungkai kemelut kemiskinan Text
Ekstremis sukar dihapus, tetapi boleh dikawal News Paper Cuttings
Virus may have infected 140,000, says Liow Text
Etika guna telefon mudah alih Text
Ekspedisi maritim Jun ini Text
Islam iktiraf ujian DNA Text
Perodua kurang 20 peratus lagi komponen import Text
Faster product rollout will promote MSC brand nameText
Serangan alahan hidung Text
A security awareness model for the establishment ofThesis
Grow out of this bullying culture Text
Wajibkan tulisan jawi selepas teliti keberkesanan j-QText
BER performance simulation rake receiver for WCDMA Text
Analisis keperluan latihan Text
Fizik omurfus & seramik Exam Papers
SPAN kaji penyelarasan 15 kategori caj air : Lim Text
A new wideband circularly polarized dielectric reson Indexed Paper
IPTA tertakluk kepada dasar kerajaan : Dr Shafie Text
Using mannose as a positive selection of transformedJournal Article
Tahap kepuasan pembayar cukai terhadap perkhidmaThesis
Dinamik gas Text
Biodegradable film from pleurotus sajor-caju waste Journal Article
State-of-the-art membrane based CO2 separation usIndexed Paper
Evaluation of business inteligence application usabi Thesis
Introduction to built environment Exam Papers
Stability test for NaI(TI) scintillation detector Journal Article
Factors influences residential location selection pr Journal Article
Time for businesswomen to broaden their horizons Text
Proton rugi RM338 juta Text
Recovery of carotenoids from crude palm oil using orThesis
Construction measurement 3 Exam Papers
Program peningkatan mutu sukan Text
UTM raih pingat Text
Synthesis of tungsten carbide from waste date palm Thesis
Physical chemistry Text
Kajian ke atas kecacatan struktur di loji-loji rawa Thesis
Bakun reservoir - 695 sq km - ready to be filled Text
Servomechanism study of an electrical discharge ma Conference Papers
On line fault detection for transmission line using pow
Make-over of parks, greens Text
Perkukuh agenda Melayu Text
Pensyarah hasil makanan ikan rangsang keluar OmegText
Doktor gigi maut nahas Text
Matematik asas Text
Image processing and sensor based home energy savThesis
Discrete time event simulation model of channel assiConference Papers
Transformative learning in social life change among Thesis
Optimal multiple distributed generation output thro Indexed Paper
Unit Pemantau Usahawan Wanita bantu ibu tunggal T: ext
Kesan bahan tambah pemplastikan ke atas kekuatan Text
Najib : US, Russia must be committed to Asean Text
Solid state chemistry Exam Papers
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Library Building - BeforePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hubungan kepimpinan instruksional guru besar terhaThesis
Malaysia bakal dilanda El Nino Text
Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Teknik kuantitatif untuk harta tanah Text
A New cost effective estimator in the presence of n Journal Article
Rekabentuk konkrit bertetulang II Text
Panjang tambatan mampatan Text
The effects of EFB micro-filler on propagation of elecThesis
2.3kg baby has heart operation in IJN Text
Syor perlembagaan dijadikan subjek tambahan di se Text
Hasil kajian Dr Afzan terbaik INATEX News Paper Cuttings
Unisel mahu bina usahawan Text
Bencana alam jejas pembangunan Text
Sistem pengoperasian Text
26 years for killing mum and daughter Text
Perbandingan pengaratan di dalam konkrit berkekuatText
Kristalografi sinar-x Exam Papers
Maybank perkenal dua akaun simpanan baru Text
ASEAN masih bebas selesema babi Text
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Hybrid symbiotic organisms search optimization algoIndexed Paper
Perkembangkan ilmu oksidentalisme Text
Six cancer treatment centres to be set up soon Text
Breast-feeding enhances kids' eyesight Text
9th Malaysia Plan : rustic face of east coast all set t Text
Prestasi ICT sekolah dipantau Text
Islam galakkan semangat toleransi, nilai sejagat Text
Improvement of water quality in reservoirs through art Text
Real-time-position control of intelligent pneumatic Indexed Paper
RM2b untuk pendidikan di Sabah Text
Software process and quality Exam Papers
Seks bebas di kalangan remaja membimbangkan Text
Cabaran Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) meConference Papers
Misi 2057 tumpu pembanguan spiritual, perpaduan Text
Performance comparison between vertical horizontalThesis
RM700 juta pulihara sungai utama dalam RM-9 Text
Gembleng kepakaran sarjana, martabatkan bahasa Text
Miniature parallel ECT: a preliminary study using C Journal Article
Compact ultra-wideband dielectric resonator antennThesis
Usaha martabatkan bahasa Melayu hanya bermusimText
Static security assessment on power system using artif Text
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Molecular and enzymatic studies of cyclodextrin glucText
Experimental investigation on quasi-static response fo Thesis
Mixed forecast berasfalt cirian rheology using neura Indexed Paper
Thermal hydraulic performance of microchannel heatThesis
UPM bangunkan 2 penyelidikan bernilai komersial Text
Moderating effect of dynamic capability on the relat Thesis
Kerugian akibat bencana RM908 juta Text
Modelling ultrasonic sensor for gas bubble profiles Indexed Paper
Mekanik kuantum Text
Influence of organizational leadership on knowledge Indexed Paper
The effect air drying and oven drying method on soil Tpext
Fault detection and diagnosis via improved multivariat Text
Palm oil fuel ash as the future supplementary cementNon-Index Paper
Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna design for pointText
Kejuruteraan jalanraya Text
Recognition of side effects as implicit-opinion words Indexed Paper
Proton beri kereta percuma Text
Taklimat presiden teguran dalam seloka Text
Jumlah remaja hidu gam semakin ramai Text
Mawar mahu jadikan wanita Johor unggul Text
Biodegradation of palm oil mesocarp fibre by white rNon-Index Paper
Antartika : suhu semakin sejuk Text
Industrial engineering Exam Papers
Analisis aliran melalui slot segiempat pada sisi salur Text
Dynamic stress analysis of stowage rack Text
Simulation game-based learning for oceanography e Thesis
Investigation of fundamental combustion characteristi Thesis
Usaha capai integriti mesti disemai di bangku sekola Text
Metaheuristic search approach based on in-house/ouConference Papers
UTM plans to increase partnership and teams up wi News Paper Cuttings
Agensi Penguatkuasa Maritim beroperasi November Text
Kalsium, vitamin D tak dapat halang osteoporosis Text
The performance of bricks using foamed concrete wiThesis
Structural Design Exam Papers
New Exora set to boost Proton sales Text
Sistem penyelenggaraan dan pengurusan penghawa Thesis
Barisan promahasiswwa mula bangkit di kampus Text
Ombak besar : empat gegaran dalam 4 jam Text
Persamaan terbitan II Text
The effect of time slot parameters on slotted optica Conference Papers
A study on the instrumentation control between GPSText
Development of a line of sight tool for computer monText
Composite proton conducting membrane by radiation- Indexed Paper
Building laws to be amended to raise quality and saf Text
Agenda dedah tabiat buruk merokok perlu meluas Text
Pengkelasan kompetensi bidang kepakaran berasaskan Text
Persidangan Antarabangsa Bahasa dan Jati Diri: Pres Text
H1N1 : borang isytihar kesihatan diwajibkan di pint Text
Radio frequency vehicle immobilizer Thesis
Kabinet lulus Dasar Pengguna Negara Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - Journal Re Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Euthanasia: melanggar etika dan hak asasi manusia Journal Article
Pertanian cara komersial, estet Text
Road materials and pavement Exam Papers
Graduan UMP laris di pasaran Text
Enhanced activity of C3N4 with addition of ZnO for Indexed Paper
Komunikasi data Exam Papers
Target strength measurement of selar boops (oxeye sConference Papers
Urban design Exam Papers
Malaysia mahu terlibat sektor tenaga di Rusia Text
4 universiti penyelidikan terima dana tambahan Text
Mansuh PPSMI perlu menyeluruh Text
Constitution part of national history Text
Control : analysis and design Exam Papers
Tuntutan China harus rasional News Paper Cuttings
Adoption of information technology for counterprodThesis
Make learning BM fun Text
JB's crime rate rises in tandem with development Text
Fruit park for Pahang Text
Combined maghemite - titania nanoparticles embedded Thesis
JPJ officers to go undercover to film errant motoristsText
Preparation and characterization of a nigerian me Indexed Paper
Effect of zinc borate on flammability/thermal propertIndexed Paper
Massage magic Text
Visitors from China to be screened for EV71 Text
Applicability of next generation attenuation (NGA) e Thesis
Microwave irradiation technique for the perparatio Conference Papers
Sultanah Johor mahu graduan jadi aset negara Text
Kajian penyingkiran logam ferum, mangan dan plumbThesis
A review on printed circuit boards waste recycling t Non-Index Paper
Sirim jadi pemangkin R&D Text
Backpackers heading here Text
Semangat Malaysia Boleh terbukti berjaya Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
MyBrain15 dilancar 25 Sept. Text
Menentukan nilai pekali pengukuhan menggunakan uj Text
Drug firms should not be greedy : PM Text
Kapitalisme rosak nilai murni agama Text
Tumpuan bangunkan modal insan Text
Crime-busters to patrol hot spots in KL Text
Gaya pembelajaran pelajar cemerlang: Kajian kes di FConference Papers
Malaysia, Singapore to discuss details of common smText
Usahawan Bumiputera wajar bukti kemampuan bersText
Picking national servive pioneers Text
Ibu anggap kejayaan Hazzirah satu anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Self-diagnosis for HIV not recommended, says Chua Text
Biar halal News Paper Cuttings
Kadar jenayah jalanan di pusat bandar menurun 13 pText
Industry sees best performance in 2004 Text
RM100j bina kompleks sukan udara, air Text
Kekangan dalam pencapaian mata pelajaran lukisan Thesis
Bahasa Mandarin Text
Software requirements Exam Papers
The development of two-wheeled balancing robot Thesis
D8 tumpu sektor makanan halal Text
Isolation, screening, and identification of potential Indexed Paper
Home nursing for quick healing Text
Microstructure analysis of electrokinetically stabilizeIndexed Paper
Ultrasonic sensor for measuring water flow Thesis
Jangan beri mesej salah mengenai isu sensitif di TV Text
Dynamic cluster-based architecture and data congregIndexed Paper
Melayu teguh pegang nilai telus berasas Islam Text
Malaysians in, Singapore, make up second largest gr Text
Easier for foreign spouses Text
Help boost economy, urges PM Text
A balanced approach that is Islam Hadhari Text
7 universiti kita makin meningkat News Paper Cuttings
Bahan api : subsidi setengah tahun cecah RM10.25b Text
Further study of ocean energy device Text
Jawatankuasa pantau GLC perlu libatkan pelbagai pi Text
SH waves diffusion in fluid-saturated medium Non-Index Paper
Characterization of carbon nanotubes from flame synThesis
Generation of Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser (Indexed Paper
Padi farmers prosper under Mada Text
UMS majukan 2 produk pembinaan Text
Peperiksaan guna bahasa inggeris : mata pelajaran Text
Perbandingan penilaian kaedah kos dan kaedah pendap Text
Demand control and quota management strategy forIndexed Paper
Phytochemical and bioactivity studies of Melastom Text
Monitor prices to ensure relief package works Text
HousebuyersÆ rights endorsed Text
Seluruh Lembah Klang diiktiraf kawasan MSC Text
Enhancement of heat transfer coefficient in an auto Thesis
Fizik berkomputer Exam Papers
Teknologi binaan Text
Penduduk tetap antara punca masalah Text
Saintis digalak hasilkan teknologi permudah ibadat Text
Estimation of mixing ratio for saturated air over wateIndexed Paper
Sec-gen jobs on the line Text
Relationship between degree of compaction and set Text
Nonparametric orthogonal NMF and its application inIndexed Paper
83,500 evacuees go home Text
Kerjasama dua negara bangunkan industri bahan api Text
Natural products chemistry Exam Papers
Investigating the effects of word pairs on word knowThesis
Skim Takaful tabungan menghadapi kesukaran Text
Art of science News Paper Cuttings
Moral tonggak utama lahir generasi cemerlang Text
Jihad ekonomi jana Misi Nasional Text
Outdoor propagation predictoin and measurements poi Text
Kajian aliran melalui pembetung (Preview) Text
Chemistry Exam Papers
Hidraul Text
UIAM anjur program dakwah masjid Text
AS rancang marin meronda di Selat Melaka Text
Majoriti kakitangan awam komited, ikhlas Text
An empirical study about the underlying it challen Thesis
Misteri istilah Wahabi Text
Seamless VoIP service using centralized codec adjus Journal Article
Prinsip-prinsip ergonomik / ergonomics principles Text
Chemical constituents and bioactivities of garcinia griThesis
Applying risk based testing methodology in mastercarThesis
Criteria for selecting building technology students forConference Papers
Comparison of computational tools for protein-proteiIndexed Paper
Banjir besar 2007? Text
Isytihar jika peluk Islam Text
Logik digital Text
Effects of feed concentration on pervaporation dehyThesis
Astrophysics Exam Papers
Selangor wajib ujian HIV Ogos Text
Computation of strata title survey services fees usingText
Tiada lagi teka-teki di sebalik pengumuman terbaru Text
EU dan AS perlu berhati-hati tangani isu Crimea News Paper Cuttings
Internet data uploading and processing Thesis
A robust against rotation attack watermaking techn Thesis
Potensi WPI mengimbangi dagangan Text
Introduction to business Exam Papers
Analisis kerangka Text
DPPT lahir graduan kejuruteraan berkualiti Text
PM : women will decide future of the country Text
Factors influencing adoption of hospital information Thesis
English switch by 2007/08 Text
Autonomic computing systems utilizing agents for risJournal Article
Goal-based filtering approach for recommender sys Thesis
Geologi petroleum Text
Civil servants to get Cola from January Text
NuNumerical investigation of composite materials r Indexed Paper
An adoption model for employee's perspective in IraThesis
Unravelling prion diseases using molecular dynamicsConference Papers
Survey : Urban Malays more receptive to ads Text
Hubungan antara personaliti dengan stres : kajian keThesis
Position-based routing protocols of vehicular ad hoc Inndexed Paper
2013 : Cabaran getir ASEAN News Paper Cuttings
Statistical hydrology Exam Papers
A study of waste materials in conventional constructThesis
Game theory approach in Malaysia palm biomass indus Indexed Paper
Malaysia, Indonesia tubuh sekolah seni Text
MB, KM bersaing majukan negeri Text
Memanfaat komunikasi maklumat dan digital Text
Applied and computational complex analysis Exam Papers
Money woes mount for PTPTN Text
Writing for specific purposes Text
Soosai dalam senarai paling dikehendaki Interpol Text
27 peratus pekerja tidak jujur tentang cuti sakit : KajiText
Muslim beriman mesti akur ketentuan nasib Text
Teknologi bahan Text
Program kerjasama UTM dengan IPTS dan IPTA Text
Eye in the sky launched Text
RM1b PKS ke luar negara Text
Memartabatkan status perundangan Islam Text
Pesta buku perlu dibaiki Text
Isa digantung 6 tahun Text
Review on progressive freeze concentration designs Indexed Paper
Kementerian belanja RM1.3b bantu pelajar tahun lalText
Analysis of variance on the metal injection molding pConference Papers
Mouldability of wood filler reinforced polypropyleneJournal Article
Halal food producers get exposure at Europ event Text
Ringgit dijangka terus galakkan kenaikan harga saha Text
Need to upgrade power transmission infrastructure Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Optimal control of inverted pendulum (IP) system usiThesis
Membentuk pelajar lemah menjadi cemerlang Text
Teknologi voltan tinggi/high voltage technology Text
Bosses who abuse foreign staff warned Text
Institusi Mahkamah Syariah antara yang cemerlang : Text
PM : world hopes for positive change Text
Panel set up to tackle bird flu Text
JAJ kesan 1,047 kes umat Islam berjudi tahun lalu Text
Potensi pembangunan pelancongan di bandar sempaThesis
Dithering analysis in an orthogonal frequency divisionIndexed Paper
Televisyen : ibu bapa perlu tapis Text
Govt expected to reduce petrol price by 15 sen a litr Text
Synthesis and characterization of nanosized EGZn / Conference Papers
USM utamakan penyelidikan berorientasi kehendak iText
High performance large sparse PDEs with parabolic aIndexed Paper
Rakyat tidak punya banyak pilihan News Paper Cuttings
Kerumitan pengeluaran sijil kelayakan menduduki (S Thesis
Kawalan biologi dalam pemeliharaan persekitaran Text
Enhanced removal of Cu(II) by photocatalytic reduct Indexed Paper
Redevelopment cost of road infrastructure damage Thesis
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Meningkatkan kemahiran penaakulan matematik berf Conference Papers
RM1m fines collected for letting Aedes breed Text
Electrical energy potential of rice husk as fuel for p Indexed Paper
Embrace English as our language Text
Recent approaches and applications of non-intrusiveIndexed Paper
The RM1 solution to job losses Text
Contohi UTM komersial produk penyelidikan Text
Penyediaan air minuman kawalan automatik mengg Text
Noh : bus fares to go up before Raya Text
Malaysia-Indonesia tingkat kerjasama pendidikan Text
Tiga teras strategik perkukuh sektor PKS Text
Kutipan zakat asas keadilan ekonomi Text
Buku tarikan baru Korea Text
Force control for a pneumatic cylinder using general Indexed Paper
Multimedia application development Exam Papers
UTM sentiasa pastikan kakitangan tambah pengetahuText
Global warming potential of building demolition activThesis
The British advance in Johore, 1885-1914 Journal Article
Autonomi universiti diperluas Text
The development of green construction site index Thesis
RM200m fund for poor pupils in primary schools Text
Development of an autonomous crop inspection mobThesis
An improved packet forwarding approach for source Thesisl
A preliminary study of environmental noise in public Indexed Paper
Pastikan undang-undang tidak diskriminasi wanita Text
Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman bukti keterbukaaText
Matematik asas Text
Pencari kerja tunjuk aliran positif Text
Bencana alam peringatan manusia tingkat keimananText
Hi-tech halal certification Text
Privatisating squatter resettlement programmes : t Text
Majlis perasmian makmal di Malaysia-Japan InternatiPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Mesoporous MCM-48 synthesized from risk husk ashText sili
Keselamatan komputer (computer security) Text
Bersedia hadapi kesan kemelesetan ekonomi AS Text
MAS cuts back on local flights Text
Kembangkan perniagaan dengan set minda ASEAN dText
Electronic dictionary production system (EDIPS) (Full Text
Analysis of GPS visibility and satellite-receiver geomeConference Papers
Identification of test rig for a quarter car active sus Thesis
Varsity students do badly in MUET Text
Kajian kesan perincian ikat tegar pada sambungan t Text
Simulation of industrialised building system componeText
Prominent features for generation Z learning behavioThesis
UniMap raih pingat emas pertandingan produk di G Text
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
32,200 ditawar memasuki sekolah menengah teknik Text
Cabaran guru : bersiap sedia hadapi perubahan Text
Mempertingkat mutu penguasaan BI graduan tempaNews Paper Cuttings
Image retrieval using artificial bee colony and k-mea Thesis
Printed microwave wideband passive balun (PreviewText
Multaqa Ulama Sedunia: Globalisasi harus ditentang Text
Pertimbang mansuh UPSR Text
Rekabentuk ujikaji Text
Kualiti udara tidak sihat Text
Modeling of ANFIS in predicting tin coatings roughneIndexed Paper
Statistic Exam Papers
Aircraft system Exam Papers
Need for intellectual property experts Text
Health Ministry issues wheat gluten alert Text
Pendekatan baru tangani gejala sosial Text
Eight new Proton models on the way Text
Pengukuhan tiang konkrit dengan penambahan saiz sThesis
Optimization of batch conditions for the removal of Journal Article
UTM bangunkan SMS Parkir News Paper Cuttings
Krisis pemanasan global tanggungjawab bersama Text
English language II/english for professional communiText
Properties of thermoplastic elastomer based on PP Text
Dua strategi integrasi kaum Text
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Sikap prihatin mampu elak ragut, rogol Text
Dynamical systems Exam Papers
Aircraft maintenance management: role of licence aiConference Papers
Tahap sivik rakyat masih rendah Text
Electric ARC furnace steel slag and copper mine taili Thesis
Mechanical properties of oil palm empty fruit bunch T( hesis
Empat cedera nahas 2 tren LRT RapidKL Text
Kos cecah RM10j News Paper Cuttings
Histeria penyakit psikiatri Text
More studies needed on loans for higher education Text
Success factors for ISMS self-implementation Thesis
UTM cipta alat kesan banjir Text
Kena bayar tunai RM490j jika tol tak naik Text
Beauty of biogas Text
Comparison between anode-supported and electrolyte Indexed Paper
Keputusan tarif awal tahun depan Text
The effect of lubricant viscosity in cold forward planeConference Papers
Dr M : utiliser research findings Text
Kajian keberkesanan bimbingan pembelajaran di Unive Text
Ada bukti jelas bahasa Melayu bahasa dunia Text
JPJ sita kenderaan dipandu tanpa lesen Text
Kesan penggunaan abu sekam padi di dalam konkrit Text
Intranet chatting and file sharing application (Myme Thesis
Kenali prostat anda : sempena Kempen Kesedaran PrText
Rukun Negara kian dilupa Text
Aplikasi sistem Malaysian real time kinematics ne Text
A secure RFID model for denial of service attack pre Thesis
Siapa bakal teraju PBB Text
The development of battery cell housing cap and theThesis
Robust growth ahead Text
Optimization and the effect of steam turbine outlet Indexed Paper
Dons win research awards Text
scanstation testing Text
Go into agro-based industries Text
Determination of noise equivalent quanta of medicalText
Peranan Stadium Merdeka dipamerkan Text
Conceptualization of e-Government integration studiIndexed Paper
Implementation of direct torque control of inductionText
Optimal sizing and siting of distributed generators b Indexed Paper
Minggu Malaysia di London berjaya promosikan neg Text
Pelabuhan Johor hadapi saingan sengit Text
Kakitangan UTM bersedia tandatangani surat akujanjText
Joint venture agreement in construction industry Thesis
Kajian berdiri dan berduduk ketika bekerja di kilang Text
CO2 methanation over Ni-promoted mesostructuredIndexed sil Paper
Cara hidup beragama makin mencabar Text
NazriÆs thieving maids caught Text
Abdullah adakan pertemuan dengan Bush Text
Pembaikan kerja dalam industri pembuatan Text
UTP wujud Kursi Prof Mitsubishi Text
Control of two-wheels inverted pendulum mobile robo Conference Papers
Undang-undang perindustrian pengenalan hubunganText
Setahun di Aras 5 Text
ASEAN 3 tingkatkan kerjasama bidang pertanian, pe Text
Strategi menyeluruh hasilkan keluaran bermutu Text
Bina budaya baru : Pak Lah Text
TPC sedia khidmat pakar untuk penduduk pedalama Text
Shale swelling mitigation in water based drilling flui Thesis
Sistem pengurusan kursus jangka pendek berasaskanText
Pengguna minta kualiti perkhidmatan telefon diting Text
Gadis luar bandar ramai lari Text
Buffer management scheme of an input buffered ATM Text
PEHARTA UTM adakan Seminar Kadaran dan KerajaaNews Paper Cuttings
Subsidi pengasuh RM180 Text
The perception of juveniles towards the facilities in Thesis
e-Kasih kenal pasti murid miskin Text
Kuala Gula destinasi burung migrasi Text
An efficient distribution factors enhanced transmis Indexed Paper
Kemahiran visualisasi: kemahiran kognitif tahap ting Conference Papers
Petronas Dagangan edar petroleum di luar bandar Text
Kuching is a winner Text
Jadikan F1 1Malaysia projek rakyat Text
Projek pacu ekonomi Text
Urus niaga Bursa Malaysia bagi 2008 ditutup suram Text
Control : analysis and design Exam Papers
Aplikasi surface-water modelling system (SMS 8.1) : Text
Pusat Inovasi Negara ditubuh Text
RM583j atasi setinggan Text
Biaya baru PKS suku ketiga tahun ini Text
SPR sedia disiasat, rombak : Rashid Text
Principle of law Exam Papers
Low ranking belies UMÆs capabilities Text
The effect of moderated mediation to the relationsh Thesis
Teknologi binaan II Text
Software development of plane frame with inclined Thesis
Single minute exchange of die (SMED) to overcome loText
A decision support system for sustainable developmen Thesis
OUM mahu masyarakat nikmati pendidikan sepanjanText
Masalah tulang belakang bukan penghalang kejayaa News Paper Cuttings
Keilmuan tinggi jadi benteng kekuatan bangsa Text
Rangka kerja urus aset negara Text
Kesesuaian pengaplikasian kaedah bio-kejuruteraan Thesis
Knowledge-focused marketing strategy implementatio Text
Chiral separation of selected triazole fungicide ena Conference Papers
Climate change mitigation and voluntary disclosure Indexed Paper
Treatment of palm oil mill effluent using sequencing Thesis
Toll rises with 6 more deaths Text
Tindakan SMM jejas imej siswa Text
UIAM dapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa Text
Malaysia pusat pembangunan permainan online Text
The effect of different binders on mechanical properThesis
Fewer places for SPM holders Text
Modelling high performance and operation of anti-isThesis
Advanced construction materials Exam Papers
Dinamika Malaysia/Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
RM620j biaya pembangunan, rancangan sukan Text
Daftar produk, reka cipta sebagai harta intelek News Paper Cuttings
KWSP melabur dalam projek pembangunan Text
The weaker sex Text
Bangunkan pelabuhan Kuantan lebih intensif : RahimText
PM mahu PNB teroka peluang pelaburan Text
Buck up, bumi AP holders told Text
Adsorption of benzene and toluene onto KOH activatIndexed Paper
PKS boleh contohi usahawan India : PM Text
The impact of environmental management accounting Thesis
UTM anjur program Perdana Ilmu di Mersing Text
Digital Electronics Exam Papers
The Representations of Tun Dr Mahathir in Lat’s carJournal Article
Lebih 800,000 pelajar IPTA dijamin dapat pekerjaan Text
Combustion characteristics of ammonium perchlorate Thesis
DPM : back to BM a step forward Text
Voter erosion in some seats Text
Swasta labur dalam bioteknologi diberi insentif Text
Information privacy concerns in the use of social medIndexed Paper
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Sirih pulang ke gagang Text
UKM gets new vice-chancellor Text
Hardware development of electrical capacitance tomIndexed Paper
Pemodelan tiga dimensi dengan menggunakan topcon Thesis
Dinamika harga harta tanah kediaman dalam segmenThesis
Agensi kerajaan diminta laksana inisiatif MyID Text
Optimization of energy use intensity using data env Journal Article
Synergistic effect of catalyst basicity and reducibi Indexed Paper
WWF : stop eating turtle eggs to save species from eText
Program wakaf proaktif galak penyertaan umat Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli lanjutan Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Pengurangan cukai tingkat daya saing Text
Simulation of hybrid stepping motor using matlab-si Text
Guru Besar perlu ada kepimpinan berkualiti Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi JabatThesis
Dengue patients to go into special wards Text
Develop of 3D spatial memory game (cuboid breaker)Thesis
A case study on strategic leadership in TNB : Tan Sri Text
Pelajar ditangkap kesalahan jenayah meningkat Text
Merawat pesakit maya Text
Sarawak playing catch-up on phone and Net access Text
Analysis of open stormwater detention ponds in serieText
Rekabentuk berkomputer influent pump sump konkrit Text
Pelancongan tidak terjejas Text
Aplikasi penggunaan geosintetik dalam kejuruteraa Thesis
Technology parks of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapor Journal Article
Engine performance and exhaust emission of diesel dua Journal Article
Instrumentasi proses Text
Pesta buku medan tambah jualan Text
Quantitative structure–activity relationship model Indexed
f Paper
Persamaan terbitan Text
Kelas al-Quran, Jawi wajib: Bagi memperkasa pendidiText
Students social presence in online learning: a review Conference Papers
Tiga cadangan utama bantu sektor industri, perdaga Text
Ikhtilaf dalam memahami hukum syarak News Paper Cuttings
Performance of load -bearing pile with trapezoid webConference Papers
Kilang biodiesel terbesar di Bintulu Text
Reputation system for c2c online auction Text
Guna semula air sisa efluen ke atas tanaman makan Text
Mahasiswa baharu UTM lebih berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
MAI launches COMOS initiati News Paper Cuttings
Smart card for foreign students to be launched toda Text
Weapons find in top security detention camp Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
So what's safe to eat now? : eat at your own risk Text
Najib sifatkan lawatan ke China produktif Text
Lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in marine ga Indexed Paper
Menangani bencana alam angkara manusia Text
Kerajaan Pulau Pinang bantah kenaikan kadar tol ja Text
Family drug ring busted Text
Carbon dioxide stripping through water by porous Indexed Paper
Communication engineering/Kejuruteraan perhubunText
A robust calibration approach for PM10 prediction f Indexed Paper
Empat dokumen ditandatangani Text
Fiber optic hydrophone seismic sensor utilizing diff Thesis
Punca lelaki tertekan... Text
Preparation and characterization of TiO2-sulfonate Indexed Paper
Laporan tamat projek penyelidikan di bawah progamText
Pelabur Jepun mahu tenaga mahir Text
Improvement of universal parts for pick and place Indexed Paper
Kustem cipta alat baru kesan identiti Text
Jangan cantik atas kertas sahaja Text
Fizik suhu rendah Text
New technique towards operator independent kidney Non-Index Paper
Pengantar makroekonomi Text
Synergistic effect of maghemite and titania nanopartiIndexed Paper
Najib: 1 Malaysia idea for everyone Text
Jualan produk kesihatan tak daftar meningkat Text
Nepal Earthquake ; UTM mountaineers lucky to be s News Paper Cuttings
Perkeso naik kadar pencen Text
Various interaction patterns of free-surface flow o Indexed Paper
Kerajaan perlu siapkan jambatan kedua Pulau Pinan Text
Move to protect illegitimate children Text
Flat layout and children outdoor activities Non-Index Paper
Perangi setiap sudut virus rasuah Text
Mencari alternatif atasi krisis Text
Genome sequence survey of local isolated alkaliphilicConference Papers
Strategic business informatics Exam Papers
Komitmen pemimpin Asean bendung penularan SARText
NUTP setuju tutup SK kurang murid Text
Modeling and performance evaluation of self-similarText
We cannot do without each other Text
Integrity study of seawater ballast tank of oil tankersConference Papers
Kekukuhan sektor PKS jamin kestabilan ekonomi negText
Tidak minat anestesiologi punca pakar bius kurang Text
TM, MNS anjur perkhemahan alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Ibu bapa diberi pilihan : Menteri Text
Kekurangan buku latihan : sekolah perlu bertanggun Text
Cloud computing adoption banking system (UTM) in Thesis
Gembleng tenaga 5 juta petani Text
Senai penyambung operasi serantau AirAsia Text
Real analysis Text
Mesej PM kepada rakyat Text
Punish students who smoke in public Text
Kerajaan teliti guna nuklear Text
Planning theory Exam Papers
Analytical chemistry Text
Simulation of hybrid electric vehicle based on a seriesIndexed Paper
4,410 SPM students score straight As Text
Ministry out to curb human trafficking Text
Performance of LCX-MIMO antenna system Indexed Paper
Construction safety Exam Papers
Terjemah pendekatan Islam dalam urusan perniagaaText
BI wajib lebih munasabah daripada PPSMI Text
PM : adapt to rising costs Text
Modified cyclic shift tree denoising technique with Thesis
Differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry Conference Papers
Corrosion chemistry Exam Papers
Pokok herba, ulaman hias laman Text
Microwave-assisted pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of coaThesis
Kerajaan masih kaji dasar semasa sektor automotif Text
Guru mesti henti rotan di khalayak Text
Construction technology and design Exam Papers
AVIAN FLU UPDATE : ban on US poultry, livestock Text
Formation of biomimetic hydroxyapatite coating in siThesis
Struktur lepas pantai Text
Bina lebih banyak taman tema News Paper Cuttings
Raja Nazrin : be investor friendly Text
Physical and mechanical properties of high performaJournal Article
UKM bantu pulihara keindahan Tasik Chini Text
Digital electronics 2 / eletronik digital 2 Text
Oil palm tree counting based on aerial photo using Thesis
NUTP beri jaminan ahli sokong penuh SGM Text
University receives Unesco study grant Text
Konsep Pasarakyat berfaedah : menteri Text
PM : we will continue to support Palestine Text
The association between riverscape and place attachme Indexed Paper
Pembenihan awan diteruskan : PM Text
A survey of energy-aware routing and MAC layer proNon-Index Paper
Sistem kawalan Text
Teknologi sebagai alat perpaduan Text
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Factors that influence demand of single storey terra Thesis
Persepsi penduduk terhadap perkhidmatan bas rakyaThesis
Komunikasi di tapak bina Text
Lean manufacturing and cost reduction at rice mill Thesis
All optical wavelength conversion and noise suppres Thesis
Ubah sikap, tutup peluang peragut bertindak Text
Penilaian dan pelaburan harta tanah Text
Pusat dapat kuasa tangani sisa pepejal Text
A study on a service performance of express bus comText
Landslide mapping and volume analysis using photogConference Papers
Geometri dan trigonometri Exam Papers
Atlet karate do terbaik UTM News Paper Cuttings
Scavenging energy study and analysis from biomechaThesis
Masih perlu bersikap berhati-hati Text
Eratkan jalinan ASEAN Text
Kerajaan jamin rakyat tidak dibebani pelbagai cukai Text
Insentif pensyarah ikut budi bicara universiti Text
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Face localization-based template matching approachIndexed Paper
Method to increase boiler efficiency through reheat Thesis
48pc of juveniles in Kelantan smoke Text
KLIUC lahir generasi kreatif, serba boleh Text
PM mahu keselamatan bioteknologi ditingkat Text
Negara membangun maju perlu bantu rakan mundurText
Labour of love Text
Sasaran satu juta ahli Rakan Muda dapat dicapai Text
Robust PC with wild bootstrap estimation of linear mo Conference Papers
A review relations of optical tomography and optic Indexed Paper
Channel monitored channel duplexer for optimizationJournal Article
A big plus Text
Singapura perlu sedia bincang kesan tambak laut Text
An application of the UTAUT model for understanding Non-Index Paper
Development of shipyard layout evaluation method Thesis
A model of ICT acceptance and use for teachers in hiNon-Index Paper
Penentuan radiasi akhir suria menggunakan data re Text
Magical charms of Pulau Tioman beckon visitors Text
The determinants of working capital management and Indexed Paper
Semenanjung bergegar : berpuluh-puluh maut gempaText
Usaha tingkat ekonomi petani disambut baik Text
Ummah diminta kuasai ilmu sejagat Text
A hybrid edge detection method based on fuzzy set tConference Papers
Proses pemisahan II Text
PTP tarik lebih banyak syarikat perkapalan asing Text
Effect of slug ratio on oil recovery and viscous finger Thesis
PM : country has potential to be leader in processed Text
Bilangan pesakit naik 100% Text
Home boost for foreigners Text
Mier sees rise in petrol price Text
Penilaian impak sosial (SIA) terhadap pembinaan tra Thesis
Assessing the factors that affect adoption of social Indexed Paper
Premium tanah RM10 bina cawangan UTM Text
Growth of au nanoparticles stimulate spectroscopic Indexed Paper
Advanced differential equations Exam Papers
Analysis of capnography for asthmatic patient Conference Papers
Gabung terap minat baca Text
Identification of road congestion factors at Jalan Pa Thesis
OIC lebih tumpu kepada pembangunan ekonomi Text
Study on probability distribution of energy consumptThesis
Desperate students turn to education bureaus for heText
Analyzing the effectiveness of information security Thesis
RM60 juta bantu golongan miskin ceburi perniagaan Text
Contaminated fish : source being traced Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Study on structure plan ready by end of 1991 News Paper Cuttings
Promosi sekolah premier pusat kecemerlangan Text
Elimination of raindrops effects in infrared sensitive Text
Elektronik Digit Text
Development of continuous wave and mode locked tiText
Pengecaman pokok buah-buahan tempatan melalui sThesis
Pembangunan sosio-ekonomi kaum Tani Parit Jawa Journal Article
UM and USM lead the way Text
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
Extra precautions at 40 danger stretches Text
Mountain-shaped coupler for ultra wideband applicaIndexed Paper
Penyingkiran bahan organik berwarna dengan menggun Text
Relationship between direct and indirect compressioThesis
New subject to be introduced in schools Text
Pengurusan total ambil kira sistem keselamatan Text
USM pelopori kampus tanpa plastik Text
Surface modified polyvinyldene flouride hollow fiberThesis
Pendidikan : kembali ke asasnya Text
Online incremental learning for high bandwidth networ Indexed Paper
Bank staff share RM200mil bonanza Text
Pelan strategik pengajian tinggi dikaji semula News Paper Cuttings
Enam teras pakej liberalisasi Text
Compact rehabilition robot Thesis
Thousands of trading lots for jobless grads Text
LPM pastikan soalan tak bocor Text
The dropout kids Text
Belajar menabung untuk pendidikan anak-anak Text
Keupayaan penyampaian jurulatih dan kesannya terhThesis
Optimization of medium using response surface metThesis
Hasil ternakan klon boleh dimakan Text
Dunia perlu bersatu atasi perubahan iklim Text
Melaka catat kemasukan pelaburan RM4.05b Text
Malaysia needs enterprising citizens Text
Government nod sought for bio-diesel plant Text
Optical directional couplers with variable spacing Text
Identifying future leaders Text
Kewangan Islam Text
2 tan dadah dirampas, 15 ditahan Text
The use of cruciform column sections for multi - storConference Papers
Memanfaatkan MyKad Text
Johor ceases dependence on Singapore Text
Molecular phylogeny and structure prediction of riceIndexed Paper
Kesan hakisan/pemendapan akibat pengangkutan beb Thesis
Varsity's clinical school opens Text
Obesiti naik 20 peratus Text
Camp for the gifted Text
Sikap mahasiswi terhadap gejala pembuangan bayi : Tkhesis
Positive outcome with neurofeedback treatment in aConference Papers
Join efforts to bridge divide, Australia urged Text
Age Invariant Face Recognition System Using Autom Thesis
Ireland offers expert help Text
New approach to fight corruption Text
Kurikulum pendidikan sumber mencorak manusia Text
Photodegradation of methylene blue and phenol under Thesis
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Sumber terbuka - Alternatif ICT berkesan, murah Text
Industrial chemical process Exam Papers
Media joins academia in bowling competition News Paper Cuttings
15 food items on control list Text
Sistem inventori alat ganti jabatan penyelenggaraan Text
Rekabentuk loji Text
A secure virtualization model for cloud computing toThesis
Kepentingan faktor keselamatan dalam pemilihan keThesis
Belia perlu miliki paradigma baru : Najib Text
Ditukar jika tidak faham PIPP : Hishammuddin Text
Pakej RM7 bilion perlu elak gawat Text
Multi-class predictive model based on weighted multThesis
Estimating and tendering Exam Papers
Kanak-kanak paling berisiko mangsa asap rokok basi Text
Kajian operasi ketidakpastian Text
Akaun dan simpankira untuk pengurus harta Text
Tioman proving to be a biological goldmine Text
Penggantian gigi tiruan Text
Perincian rekabentuk rasuk konkrit bertetulang-perbText
China utama kerjasama strategik Text
Second nightmare for victims Text
Kaedah tingkat prestasi pemacu keras luaran Text
Physico-chemical properties of palm oil fuel ash as coConference Papers
Kajian kaedah ujian hentaman ke atas panel rintang Text
Masyarakat sukar terima bekas penagih dadah Text
Maintenance of concrete defect in building Text
Syabas pipes shortage critical Text
RM5 juta tingkat peluang niaga PKS Text
Naza sedia RM1b bangunkan bandar automotif di KeText
Effect of electrical ageing properties of refined blea Thesis
Physical characteristics and geotechnical properties Thesis
Separation Methods Exam Papers
Malaysian scientists : working conditions drive them Text
Tapping the rubber boom Text
Taman Budaya Kelantan RM15 juta dibina Text
Cabaran mempelbagaikan penggunaan aplikasi MyK Text
Elektronik lanjutan Exam Papers
Production of strontium and zeolite incorporated w Thesis
Pengeluaran buah-buahan bermusim tempatan 2007Text
Overall improvement and more high achievers in ST Text
Emosi rakyat rumitkan rundingan dengan Singapura Text
Microstructural stability of nanostructured YSZ-alu Indexed Paper
Tun Datuk Patinggi Hj. Abdul Rahman bin Yaakub : PrText
Intelligent web proxy caching based on supervised mThesis
Najib : make Malaysia leading biodiesel producer Text
Dunia terus iktiraf Malaysia sebagai negara Islam co Text
Penilaian keberkesanan penubuhan satu wilayah satuThesis
Methods of planning analysis Exam Papers
A social network analysis of international tourist m Thesis
Multiple failures of API 5L X42 natural gas pipe : ex Indexed Paper
Development of a water cooling system for Nd : YAGText l
Service quality satisfaction, trust and loyalty in on Thesis
The estimation of atmospheric water vapour during Thesis
Usaha naik taraf guna kaedah sanitari elak penutupaText
$116 mil projects approved News Paper Cuttings
Sickle that's three times as efficient Text
Kelengkapan loji pembinaan Text
Economic exposure, pricing of risk and various volat Thesis
Kadar tarif elektrik kekal walaupun TNB hutang RM3 Text
UM to have more postgrads and fewer undergrads Text
Embedded TCP/IP in sensor nodes (sensornets) (PrevText
Cervix detection using squared error subtraction Conference Papers
Penyelidikan : UKM UPM diberi RM3.5j Text
Pegawai belia dan sukan perlu ada inisiatif Text
Pembenihan awan di laut atasi banjir besar akibat huText
Firma transnasional Muslim mampu perkasa kuasa poText
Tumbuh tapi perlahan Text
Improving the performance of signature-based netwo Thesis
Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo saling memerlukan Text
Kimia fizik II Text
Integration of frequency dependent soil electrical pr Indexed Paper
The development of mini sports car structure Text
Control of two wheeled inverted pendulum mobile roThesis
Data communication / perhubungan data Text
An economic forecasting based on association rules Text
Genetic comparison of different human population grThesis
Power systems analysis Exam Papers
Factors of accident cases in manufacturing industry Thesis
A hybrid of ant colony optimization and genetic algorThesis
Modul latihan Rela, JPAM diubah Text
Woman is latest H1N1 victim Text
Majlis usahawan di setiap daerah Text
Aidiladha dirayakan tanpa pengorbanan tak beri ap Text
Bahan polimer Text
Hydrogen-fuel car put to the test News Paper Cuttings
Makna eyes æunused coinsÆ Text
Tenaga manusia mapan lahir modal insan terlatih Text
Bersukan boleh hilangkan cecair dalam badan Text
A review on prioritization techniques in regression teIndexed Paper
Sistem tender terbuka sukarkan kontraktor bumiput Text
Agenda jalin Barat-Islam Text
Pengurusan strategik Text
Ecological indicator agents for inorganic contaminanJournal Article
Kes tempatan 405, import 573 Text
IPT elit isi tuntutan ilmu, industri Text
Jualan buku pupuk perpaduan masyarakat Text
Overview on agent application to support collaboratiConference Papers
MBSB labur lebih RM8 juta bagi projek pengkomput Text
Pelajar perempuan dominasi IPTA Text
Reconfigurable antenna using capacitive loading to AIndexed Paper
Memerdekakan pemikiran melalui perubahan budayText
Performance evaluation of deregulated power system Indexed Paper
Its survival of the fittest Text
Kesesakan LCCT kian meruncing Text
Terpulang Sultan Text
The inside story Text
Pemilihan MPP hangat Text
Zon Siber Perpustakaan Negara Text
Penggunaan analisis regresi berganda menilai kedai Thesis
Perancangan luar bandar Text
Study and design of rapid tooling by rapid prototypi Text
The study of supply chain management strategy and Non-Index Paper
Recent advances in the development of (bio)fouling Indexed Paper
THE-QS World University Rankings 2008 : Vice-chancText
Malay continuous speech recognition using fast HM Conference Papers
Kimia fizik II Text
Help weather economic storm, civil servants told Text
Effect of substrate, pH and hydraulic retention time Thesis
Mekanik kuantum I Exam Papers
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Banjir di utara makin kritikal, lebih 25,000 dipindahk Text
Our next target to ensure we deliver Text
Bulk semiconducting materials Exam Papers
Developing schools a priority under 9PPP Text
Golongan pekerja perlukan senator Text
Balai polis bergerak di 50 kawasan panas Text
Suami perlu contohi personaliti Najib Text
IPT wajib pantau warga Afrika Text
Swasta disaran bantu kerajaan sedia kemudahan penText
Lawatan penandaarasan kik kumpulan kristallib Per Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Block PA (Image 01) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tingkatkan amalan penjagaan alam sekitar Text
Effect of long term tidal constituents on mean sea Thesis
No Cola for those on long leave Text
Menggalakkan kemahiran pemodelan pelajar dalam kConference Papers
Nanoteknologi sains masa depan News Paper Cuttings
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Jerebu : hasil minyak sawit boleh terjejas Text
The mediating effect of attitude between halal and spThesis
Potential of solar farm development at UTM campusIndexed Paper
A preliminary study on the learning style of civil eng Conference Papers
Usaha sama Proton-Mitsubishi bakal cipta kejayaan Text
'Perencah' popular Pesta Buku KL 2010 Text
Robustness index analysis of IBS building Thesis
Enhancing MANET security using secret public keys Conference Papers
KPT perkenal pertandingan 1Malaysia@Kampus Text
Comparison study of relay selection schemes in long Thesis
Era baru Fatah ke arah Palestin merdeka Text
Daya saing, gaji tinggi, inovatif dan kreatif Text
Police seize over RM1mil in drugs Text
Industri pengurup wang jana 10 peratus KDNK Text
Second east-west link nears completion Text
Trusted cloud computing framework for healthcare sIndexed Paper
Dasar dirombak hasilkan graduan berkualiti Text
Horticulture of lettuce (Lactuvasativa L.) Using red Journal Article
Sasar kutip cukai News Paper Cuttings
Life analysis of a mounting pivot structure prototypedThesis
Malaysia runding semula khidmat feri ke Changi Text
DOE announces ban on open burning Text
Performance analysis of EXP-BET algorithm for triple Journal Article
Pengajian Ekonomi Text
Environmental management and sustainability Exam Papers
Kaum Cina gesa Melayu martabatkan tulisan jawi Text
Water level control system Thesis
Fault detection and diagnosis using correlation coeff Text
Kajian fizik kesihatan negeri Selangor, Wilayah Per Thesis
Consumer spending at a high Text
Biologi molekul dan kejuruteraan genetik Text
Interdigital-gated HEMT structure for high frequencyConference Papers
Hydration and properties of blended cement system Conference Papers
Review ongoing research of several countries on th Conference Papers
A tightly coupled finite field arithmetic hardware i Conference Papers
Industri wajar bantu tingkat latihan teknik, vokasionaText
Civil servants wonÆt be assessed based on exams Text
Jenama Malaysia kian menyerlah di Asia Barat Text
Realiti ekonomi Melayu Text
Kejuruteraan reservoir Text
Miliki dua anak, negara bakal kurang generasi pelapi Text
Biodegradation of oil and grease in upflow anaerobicText
RM14.4m in drugs seized, international ring busted Text
Genetik baru ubah cara kesan barah Text
Kos tinggi untuk rawat air sungai Text
An evaluation of financial performance of cooperative Text
Jadikan membaca satu gaya hidup Text
PPSMI mampu tingkat kemahiran, pemahaman SainsText
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Adaptive neuro-modeling of a twin rotor system Conference Papers
Permodelan dan simulasi lebat hujan dan air laria Thesis
Penstrukturan semula dunia sekolah Text
Koc jamin keselamatan wanita Text
Real-time power quality monitoring system based Conference Papers
Budaya membaca rakyat Malaysia belum subur Text
The influence of Yb3+ co-doping on optical propertieIndexed Paper
PDRM perlu terima, sebarang keputusan kerajaan beText
Toll-free line to be scrapped Text
Signal processing Exam Papers
Sistem kawalan masa bagi lampu isyarat menggun Text
27 kontraktor bumiputera dapat tender bina hentianText
Prinsip penilaian harta tanah Text
Bencana virus punca kerugian ICT tertinggi di MalaysText
Screening for cancer Text
Application of h and h-type indices at meso level : a Indexed Paper
Sumber baru ekonomi - PM -- Penggunaan MM Chip Text ak
Sumbangan Abdullah Hukum semakin dilupai Text
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Kolej TPM melahirkan usahawan teknologi dan profeText
2,354 Penduduk, Selangor disahkan dijangkiti HIV Text
OPR jadi teras penentuan BLR Text
Multiple input multiple output dielectric resonator a Thesis
Improving and-to-end delay of optical burst switch Thesis
Factors affecting language learning strategies emplo Thesis
Kerajaan kaji mansuh PMR, rombak UPSR : Wee Text
Wee : do we need 3 public exams? Text
Laman web lucah perlu dibendung Text
Jangan anggap tanam padi bertaraf rendah Text
Vicious gang of rapists nabbed Text
Vitamin jadi keperluan tubuh Text
Robust motion control of a two wheeled mobile roboThesis
Selling your properties to foreigners? Conference Papers
Evaluation on properties of tender mixes (Full text) Text
Membangunkan perisian kursus e-Falak Syarie berasThesis
Pendekatan Islam penyelesai krisis ekonomi Text
Sekolah Bestari berteras teknologi tingkat persainga Text
Study of C02 adsorption and desorption on activate Journal Article
Low velocity impact behaviour of polycarbonate at aThesis
Pintar brings out their best Text
Design an inverter using H-Bridge pulse width modulThesis
Drastic action against errant express bus firms Text
Pemilihan pelajar guna sistem meritokrasi tepat Text
Beefed-up MACC has more muscle to fight corruptio Text
Effect of using SiC on surface integrity of titanium Conference Papers
Study on nuclear isomers in odd-even 67-79As, 71-8 Thesis
Fibre reinforced polymer composite in infrastructureConference Papers
Dengue alert as cases spike Text
Skim sekat guna telefon curi Text
Information security awareness model in social netwThesis
Kerjasama Batam, UTM Text
Evolved intelligent clustered bee colony for voltage Indexed Paper
Malaysians clueless about diseases Text
Impact of lifestyle and socio-economic factors on ho Thesis
Optimization on wireless power transfer Journal Article
Menjenamakan negara melalui Minggu Malaysia Text
Analysis and implementation of transformerless LCL Indexed Paper
Flow measurement of four cylinders intake manifoldThesis
Digital gamers' attitude towards intention to continuConference Papers
Debt collector shot dead Text
Agensi dikenakan deposit elak pembantu rumah lari Text
An integrative model of market orintation constructsConference Papers
Guru bersara dapat RM10,000 hingga RM15,000 Text
Sistem Maklumat pengurusan Inventori Jabatan Sist Thesis
Kenaikan elak beban kewangan Text
Kakitangan awam perlu amal budaya prestasi tinggi, Text
RM1,069,000,000,000 : Malaysia's annual total tradeText b
Portal khas untuk ibu tunggal News Paper Cuttings
Lawatan pejabat pengajian prasiswazah bersama ke Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Majlis pragraduasi Kolej Shahputra rai 55 pelajar Text
Industri mesra alam kita belum menyeluruh Text
Road to unity : a guide for all Malaysians Text
Penonton lumba haram kena hukuman lebih keras Text
Guna roket buat hujan tiruan di Malaysia Text
Device a boon for breast cancer Text
A novel hydroxyapatite composite reinforced with t Indexed Paper
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Sikap guru novis terhadap program pembangunan staThesis
Boost for rural schools :Yayasan Pahang's english w Text
Real time visual system for starfruit maturity index clThesis
Even seven-year-olds get Type 2 diabetes Text
Problem posing of undergraduates in calculus Thesis
The effectiveness of Continuing Tourism Related EducThesis
Introduction to operation management/Pengenalan Text
Pencuci berasakan kelapa dara menang News Paper Cuttings
Some applications of Two-Generator p-Groups of NilText
Antara timun laut dan gamat Text
The aggregate degradation characteristics of stone Conference Papers
Proper governance will create wealth Text
Using binary interaction coefficient and splitting c Thesis
Budayakan timbang rasa dan budi bahasa Text
Cracking process of reinforced concrete induced by Journal Article
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
Penilaian dan pemilihan pengurus projek (Preview) Text
Industri perikanan perlu guna teknologi terbaru Text
Malaysia bakal hub kesihatan Text
Landscape Construction 3 Exam Papers
Sistem u-map Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Thesis
Complex variables Exam Papers
Pembangunan perisian pembelajaran kendiri berbantThesis
1,000 students to take part in Online project Text
UTM sambut ulang tahun ke-30 Text
UIAM perlu jadi universiti pilihan Text
Electronics Exam Papers
Help put stop to graft culture, urges Musa Text
Lorong motosikal dibina di lebih banyak lebuh raya Text
Legal studies III Exam Papers
SPR salahkan Percetakan Nasional Text
880 projects will be tendered under 9th plan Text
Grey relational analysis feature selection for cancer Thesis
Kewangan Islam global berkembang 15% setahun Text
Design of single and multilayer interdigital band passText
Policy soon on solid waste disposal Text
Calculus II Exam Papers
Tingkat kerjasama maklumat risikan Text
Semakin banyak negara Islam dipinggirkan Text
UTM to award posthumous degrees News Paper Cuttings
Identifying metabolic pathway wthin microarray geneThesis
Classification of DNA sequences using deep convolutThesis
Mengelak kehamilan tidak dirancang Text
Optical tomography system: charge-coupled device lNon-Index Paper
Finite element investigation on the strength of semi Text
UTM tawar kursus untuk pelajar UAE Text
Physical Optics Exam Papers
Banyak lagi sektor dibuka tarik pelaburan bermutu Text
Badan bebas siasat agensi kerajaan ditubuh Text
Air travel no longer cheap Text
Pembangunan satelit serantau kian rancak Text
Malaysia, Singapore to discuss haze this week Text
Amalan ikhtisas 2 Text
MoU Semarak Budi Bahasa dimeterai Text
MQA mampu pacu pendidikan negara Text
Relationship between outrigger position and externalThesis
Billion-ringgit boost for broadband Text
Sarawak mampu anjur sukan pelancongan Text
Reliabiability analysis of prestressed concrete bridg Text
Corrosion behaviour of coated and non-coated steel Thesis
Perkasa bahasa galak kreativiti Text
Data communications and protocols Exam Papers
$201m plan to upgrade Labuan airport, facilities News Paper Cuttings
Lebih 50,000 pelancong kunjungi negara hari pert Text
Rafiah ready for National Service Text
Penggunaan teknik voltammetri bagi penentuan pewThesis
Prioritization method in the analytic hierarchy proc Conference Papers
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan atlas digital semenanThesis
The development of organization information in indus Thesis
Glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) for optimizatioIndexed Paper
Sains bangunan Text
Hubungan etnik Text
Traffic engineering Text
Savings fund plan for higher education Text
Tourism sector gets big boost Text
Risk management of temporary works in constructionThesis
Pengurusan sisa binaan dari pelbagai aktiviti pembinText
Sistem pengurusan maklumat penyelenggaraan mesin Text
Kembalikan gemilang sukan kita Text
SMEs urged to form strategic alliances Text
Jarum, kondom percuma ditangguh Text
Bank Negara blueprint to include bigger presence of Text
Hybrid WDM/multibeam free-space optics for multigiIndexed Paper
Treatment of blue dye wastewater by using sequenchThesis
Vitamin check : ensuring health supplements are whaText
Dark soliton array for communication security Conference Papers
Semua pihak harus sedia hadapi kemungkinan wabakText
Analysis and simulation of three phase trapezoidal P Thesis
Importance of knowledge protection in knowledge ma Indexed Paper
Categories of problems among international studentsThesis
Ways to meet the shortage Text
Keep top posts for teachers Text
Sistem pemantau visual melalui web Text
Senaraikan buku popular Text
Wujudkan budaya inovasi : Abdullah Text
Biofilm-based macrocomposite for the decolourisatioThesis
Kejuruteraan Perisian Text
UTM perkukuh kerjasama dengan Indonesia News Paper Cuttings
Sistem sekolah memandu secara atas talian berasas Text
Modeling and control of electrohydraulic robot maniText
Geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Anggota MCA hanya boleh jadi menteri dua penggal Text
Harga minyak dijangka meningkat sederhana Text
Interaction design issues: a literature review Conference Papers
Robust design - a case study in a research and dev Indexed Paper
Ubat di Malaysia mahal berganda Text
Another case of falling construction material Text
Reasons why globalisation is resisted by governmentText
Seminar PT3 beri manfaat besar News Paper Cuttings
Tiga rakyat kita ditahan kes dadah Text
Strengthening method and structural performance ofJournal Article
Sekolah pertanian UMS siap 2010 Text
Lokasi sesuai promosi barang pengguna halal Text
Jualan kenderaan catat paras tertinggi Text
Sistem penempahan tiket dan paparan jadual perjal Text
Performance and emission tests of biodiesel fuels usText
Keajaiban Malaysia Text
Kecemerlangan UTM jadi tarikan News Paper Cuttings
5000 siswa UTM ke luar negara Text
Tests and methods of evaluating the self-healing effi Indexed Paper
Sirah Rasulullah contoh kehidupan sejagat penuh ra Text
Pembangunan perisian pemisahan dan pemampatanText se
Statistik 2 Exam Papers
Pokok lengkuas, remunggai asal dari India Text
Projek lebih 200 hektar perlu perakuan bebas mineraText
Checks for polio stepped up Text
Support for PMÆs idea on schools' real function Text
Sekecil-kecil amalan tetap jadi penyelamat kita di akhText
A hybrid approach for web service selection Non-Index Paper
Kenapa penting bagi kita untuk menjalankan penilai Text
Investigating the issue of project progress performa Conference Papers
Rakan cop kanak-kanak akan dilancar Text
Awas gemuk di pinggang Text
Consumer adoption of electronic word of mouth in Thesis
JPN utamakan perkhidmatan pelanggan Text
Opposition to focus on hot topics Text
Assessment of diatom composition at several location Thesis
Helping ICT grads secure employment Text
Enhanced winnow key reconciliation for bennett-braThesis
Tambah pegawai sosial perubatan di semua hospital Text
Stakeholders’ perception on the buildability practiNon-Index Paper
Staff training and administrative post system (STAPS)Thesis
Capacity performance evaluation of radio over fib Thesis
Scale-up strategies in stirred and aerated bioreactor Text
Improved letter weighting feature selection on arabicConference Papers
Kredit BM syarat lulus SPM wajar Text
Ekonomi Malaysia tumbuh 0.4 peratus tahun lalu Text
Kelulusan STPM 2002 semua negeri meningkat Text
Isolation and characterization of polyhydroxyalkano Journal Article
Bahasa Mandarin Text
Sekolah perintis dikenal pasti Text
Arm monitoring system for physiotheraphy Thesis
Haze clears slightly Text
A security awareness model of data leakage preventio Thesis
Program PKS di semua perkampungan nelayan Text
Kolej Shahputra pelbagaikan kursus Text
Librarians adapt to new demands Text
Development of bio-granules using selected mixed cul Indexed Paper
Perak wants Ipoh airport upgraded Text
The Homological functors of some abelian groups of Journal Article
Francais jana ekonomi Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Cabaran NC baru UKM Text
Cyber law & ethical issues Exam Papers
Synthesis of precursor of anti-cancer drugs Conference Papers
EON-proton talks hit the rocks Text
Memperkasa pertanian atasi krisis makanan Text
Hubungan dengan AS, imej Malaysia di persada antaNews Paper Cuttings
UTM semarak patriotisme Text
Pelajar wanita korban ke-77 Text
Software configuration management principles and pra Thesis
Tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dan hubungannyaConference
d Papers
2,000 terkorban : Pulau Nias paling teruk dilanda g Text
Cops seize diesel worth RM1.3m Text
Reduction of oil’s viscosity using nanoparticles Thesis
Soros agrees with measures Dr M took Text
Surface and foam technology Exam Papers
Development of estimation force feedback torque cont Indexed Paper
The development of autopilot system for an autono Conference Papers
Workplace bullying and turnover intention Thesis
Program Perantis belia menganggur Text
Integrated curriculum concepts in Malaysia: knowledg Conference Papers
Ismail is Health Ministry D-G Text
Applied valuation / penilaian gunaan Text
Increasing the sensitivity of cumulative sum charts foIndexed Paper
Kelewatan dalam permohonan tanah umum kawasanThesis k
Impak perkhidmatan kereta api berelektrik terhada Thesis
Amalan pengurusan dan pembinaan Text
The Malaysian seas: variation of sea level observed bConference Papers
An improved ring method for calibration of hydromeThesis
Pesakit kanser jadikan Tunku Abdul Jalil inspirasi News Paper Cuttings
RM19j wujud pusat amaran tsunami Text
Characterization of marine clay treated with pondedThesis
Persatuan nelayan tawar khidmat nasihat menterna Text
Principles of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Pembangunan aplikasi multimedia bagi proses analisiText
Structural and luminescence properties of fe3+ dop Indexed Paper
Lembah Bio bantu atasi kesulitan ekonomi Text
Sistem pengurusan sukan negara dirombak Text
Go to villages, Ong tells MCA leaders Text
Prestasi dan cabaran pendidikan Text
Malaysian invention eases effects of knee surgery Text
Swasta diminta mainkan peranan besar Text
Nanotech talk at lecture series Text
Analisa rangkaian dan aplikasi industri Text
Konsep Islam Hadhari elak salah faham dunia Text
1,340 lulus sains komputer News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Land information system for the Civil Engineering Fa Text
Cops want annual renewal to curb road accidents Text
Shipping data system to be used from January News Paper Cuttings
IC testing techniques Exam Papers
SARS-designated wards to resume original duties Text
Akta Perhutanan Negara dipinda Text
Metodologi Pemprograman Exam Papers
Kepimpinan Pengetua cemerlang di sekolah menengaThesis
Customer satisfaction and loyalty : a review in the p Journal Article
Amalan, etika dan institusi dalam Islam Conference Papers
Pub khas untuk Muslim Text
Nationwide operation to nab illegals soon Text
Ringgit paras tinggi baru 3.1305 banding dolar AS Text
Konsep sekolah pusat : tingkatkan kualiti pendidikan Text
Mengenali penyakit lupus Text
Territorial Dispute : Indon ulama want peace Text
Sistem inventori kedai runcit Alkisrah Enterprise Thesis
Promosi orkid dipertingkat Text
Inorganic chemistry I Text
Effect of piperazine (PIP) concentration and reacti Journal Article
UTM, JobStreet jalin kerjasama sahkan ijazah News Paper Cuttings
Estimation of occupational accident prevention cost Thesis
RM3.3j perkasa potensi belia Text
Determination of best location of SVC device for damConference Papers
Biodegradation of brewery effluent using packed-b Text
Wanita disah hidap JE di Kelantan Text
Peluang baru perubatan Text
Improved design solution for motion resistance problThesis
$$ Hitch in UTM move to Skudai News Paper Cuttings
Faktor persekitaran fizikal dalaman pejabat terhada Thesis
Solid state chemistry Exam Papers
Kementerian Pendidikan bantu BPR siasat penyelew Text
Multiple faults detection using artificial neural networ
One-dimensional finite element discretization of cra Non-Index Paper
Enhancing tolerance in Malaysia Text
Sea surface temperature determination from satelli Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
English for academic communication Text
Supporting and improving reflective practice among Conference Papers
DPM to make announcement on the use of English toText
Pembangunan jadual input-output bagi industri pemb Text
Low latitude troposphere: a preliminary study using Conference Papers
Penghantaran dan pengagihan gas Text
Faktor bantuan kerajaan yang meningkatkan kejayaaThesis
Long term investigation on sulphate resistance of aerIndexed Paper
Jabatan akan tutup IPTS tidak berdaftaf Text
Rombak kaedah belajar BM, BI Text
Approximate solution of forced korteweg-de vries e Text
Enrolmen pelajar bukan Melayu di SK meningkat Text
Fully integrated impedimetric deoxyribonucleic aci Thesis
Bilangan inovator Bumiputera meningkat Text
The first wave Text
Design and simulation of hydraulic shaking table Text
Azam baru MQA Text
Recovery path is not without risks Text
Ternak tongsan dalam lombong Text
Inorganic chemistry I Exam Papers
Methadon pulih penagih Text
Drivers to bear fine for offenders below 17 Text
H1N1 : Kes tempatan dikesan Text
Banjir : hargai khidmat penyelamat Text
Perkasakan wanita, Malaysia cadangkan NAM tubuh Text
Fungsi perpustakaan awam harus berubah Text
5pc service tax will be back in force on Jan 1, hospitalText
Determinants of knowledge sharing intention in e-le Thesis
Ganti rugi jika ternakan kena selesema burung Text
Application of lignin from Jatropha Cursas as demulsiThesis
Chromium (VI) biosorption studies using non-living Text
Legendary Taming Sari keris goes on display Text
Olahan kumbahan menggunakan Pistia Stratiotes da Thesis
Kepuasan penerima PhD termuda News Paper Cuttings
Evaluating service quality and tourists' satisfaction ofThesis
Malaysia tetap iktiraf Kosovo Text
UPM guna kluster majukan R&D Text
Study of performance of solar collection system Thesis
Kajian keberkesanan penyingkiran logam berat di da Text
Comparing neural network performance of a charactText
MAHB rekod untung sebelum cukai RM403.64j Text
BCB : financial bureau must have mediators of calibr Text
Circuit Theory Exam Papers
Palm oil moisture monitoring based on dielectric pr Indexed Paper
An adaptive and efficient dimension reduction modelIndexed Paper
Bilangan graduan menganggur berkurangan Text
Real-time remote monitoring system for TV3 FLY FMThesis
Sistem bantuan keputusan Text
Rise in EPF withdrawals Text
2 wanted men shot dead Text
Pembahagian harta secara faraid lindung hak wanitaText
Scattering by ferrite-dielectric cylinders in a recta Text
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Bahasa Perancis Text
EEG signal based on aromatherapy Thesis
Metformin-functionalized mesoporous SBA-15 nanoco Thesis
UIAM juara debat alam sekitar Text
Limiting and excreting metabolites of succinate producThesis
Pengenalan sistem pangkalan data Text
Landskap Text
Ismail argues for universal health coverage Text
Ministry hopes for 80,000 homes in 2009 Text
Menyediakan kemudahan rakyat Text
School assessments a better yardstick Text
Najib honoured during state visit to Japan Text
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Racun berlebihan punca hasil tani tidak dapat diekspText
Nahas jalan : Negara rugi RM9.3 bilion Text
Pendorongan pesawat udara Text
Women told to embrace ICT Text
Enam nilai teras khidmat kakitangan awam Text
57,000 pembantu warga asing lari dari rumah Text
Multilingual ICT education: language observatory as Conference Papers
Sistem upah pekerja perlu diubah Text
Contoh minyak kenal pasti punca pencemaran Text
Development and verification of a 9-DOF armored vehi Journal Article
Population grows to 25.1m but birth rate continues tText
Kalkulus Text
A course-to-fine-matching method for image retrievalThesis
Drawing fractal image (Sierpinski Triangle) using Mit Thesis
Algebra II Text
Sistem Digit Text
Indoor broadcasting using visible free space optic Thesis
KL surprised by harsh reaction Text
Telefon bimbit punca keluarga alami tekanan Text
Butt seriously ... Text
Wanita Islam perlu juarai isu diskriminasi Text
Selective extraction of silver from semiconductor waConference Papers
40,000 students begin varsity life Text
Bring back language classes, say parents Text
$1.55 juta untuk projek pembangunan kawasan Rasah News Paper Cuttings
$803mil to bring progress to Selangor News Paper Cuttings
(Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz) Melayu Baru mesti jadi bangsa Text
(Super) Hero worship Text
`Sabar, ini dugaan Tuhan' News Paper Cuttings
1 Toilet plan to let teachers and students mingle freely Text
1,000 ditawar guru kontrak Text
1,000 guru dilatih jurulatih utama bermula 16 SeptembText
1,000 hopefuls fight for three spots Text
1,000 kursus di IPT perlu diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris Text
1,000 profesional bantu siswa tingkat kemahiran Text
1,000-year-old image of temple may be that of Kota GeText
1,115 lagi makmal belum disiapkan Text
1,480 graduan IPTS - UTM terima ijazah Text
1,500 dengue cases so far this year Text
1,825 kes Chikungunya sejak Januari Text
1,839 penagih baru di Sabah, Sarawak Text
1.2 billion women working last year : but they are still Text
1.2 million involved in drugs, says DPM Text
1.5 bilion penduduk dunia menonton Piala Dunia hari inText
1.5 juta dijangka guna e-Filing Text
10 jurutera kita cipta alat layari internet guna litar elektText
10 lagi remaja didakwa : rayuan 4,269 ingkar PLKN tida Text
10 more specialist hospitals under 9MP Text
10 peraturan penting dalam e-niaga Text
10 peratus markah kokurikulum masuk IPTA Text
10 warga asing Geng VIP ditahan Text
10 ways to make your mind up Text
10 ways to preserve parks News Paper Cuttings
10% penagih dadah sintetik mungkin gila menjelang 20 Text
10,000 disahkan pembawa HIV Text
10,000 jawatan untuk OKU Text
10,000 NS shirkers to face charges Text
10,000 sekolah kerja 5 hari Text
10,000 usahawan industri berasas makanan diperlukanText
100 guru berpeluang lanjut PhD di UTM News Paper Cuttings
100 sertai kayuhan kibar jalur gemilang News Paper Cuttings
100 sertai kayuhan kibar Jalur Gemilang News Paper Cuttings
100% penagih dadah mula daripada merokok Text
100,000 jawatan kosong di sektor awam Text
100,000 murid tahun 2 hingga 6 tidak tahu membaca Text
100,000 Pakistani workers by next year? Text
100,000 penyelidik, PhD disasar menjelang 2020 Text
100kg of ganja seized Text
102 kedai runcit, pasar awam diambil tindakan Text
11 graduan terima dwi sarjana News Paper Cuttings
11 IPTS, dua pusat perubatan tipu KWSP Text
11 juta kad ATM perlu ditukar -- Hanya Bankcard MEPS Text
11 kategori perubatan kurang kakitangan : Chua Text
11 resolusi usaha penambahbaikan Text
11.4 peratus guna internet untuk khidmat e-dagang Text
12 new cases, two by local transmission, total now 80 Text
12 sekolah terima anugerah Majlis Peperiksaan MalaysiText
12 skin creams banned for health danger Text
12,000 buah pinggang mangsa nahas tidak diguna setiaText
12.7m tourist arrivals projected Text
120 pensyarah sertai persidangan kejuruteraan Text
120ha factory zone to aid growth News Paper Cuttings
120m people could die in the next 25 years Text
122,000 guru Matematik, Sains selesai ikuti ETeMS Text
125,000 tidak bersekolah Text
13 more varsities agree to implement iCGPA system News Paper Cuttings
13 suspected KMM members in Kamunting Text
13,000 rumah rakyat miskin selesai dibina Text
14 menteri baru dilantik : tubuh dua kementerian baru,Text
14 pelajar UTM lawat Sydney News Paper Cuttings
14,877 kes tertangguh dilupuskan Text
147 keluarga Orang Asli jadi hartawan Text
15 maut dalam 8 nahas Text
15% penerima Skim Kredit Mikro tidak jelaskan pinjam Text
15,000 tak pernah dinaik pangkat Text
15,500 pantau harga barang : mudahkan penguat kuasaText
157 killer stretches identified Text
15PengusahaDipilihBangunTamanBotani Text
16 dumpsites to be shut down Text
16 IPT sertai pameran reka cipta, inovasi 2008 Text
16 kakitangan UTM kutip ilmu, pengalaman di China News Paper Cuttings
16 missing and five others hurt in landslide Text
160,000 tanpa lesen salah ibu bapa Text
17 IPTA ketengahkan produk penyelidikan Text
17 Maktab Perguruan seluruh negara dinaik taraf Text
17 strategi PIN diguna terap nilai murni di sekolah Text
17,000 tested positive for HIV/AIDS last year Text
17,000 usahawan Bumiputera Text
170 to be trained in five years to overcome shortage ofText
173 pekerja di KLIA ditahan sejak 5 tahun Text
17pc increase in tourist arrivals Text
18 debt collectors nabbed Text
18,000 to be relocated Text
19 Kolej Komuniti baru dibina Text
19 pelajar Havard di UTM Text
19 years, 12 stroke for raping student Text
190,000 student loan defaulters owe RM420m Text
1Student, 1Sport policy to be implemented Text
2 kematian bagi 10,000 kenderaan Text
2 kilang import gula Brazil Text
2 menara pencakar langit Text
2 pendaki muda diberi sambutan wira negara Text
2 pil wajar disenarai produk Perubatan Text
2 program khas tingkat kelulusan akademik guru Text
2 projek besar di China : eksport enjin kereta Petronas Text
2 wakil BN hadapi tindakan Text
2,500 bunuh diri setahun Text
2,695 maut tahun lalu akibat topi keledar Text
2,846 notis kesalahan merokok dikeluarkan News Paper Cuttings
2.06 bilion unit tambahan ASW 2020 Text
2.5m to be taught disaster handling Text
2.6 million indigenous people feel sidelined Text
20 Bugbear virus infections since last week Text
20 honoured with Rising Star awards News Paper Cuttings
20 pelatih PKN ditahan Text
20 pelatih PKN gaduh ditahan Text
20 rumah Kampung Baru ditenggelami air sedalam 1.3 Text
20 sekolah di Johor catat keputusan 100% Text
20 sekolah hebat Text
20 syarat untuk stesen TV Text
20 tahun penjara kes dagang kanak-kanak Text
20 tahun yang mengubah wajah Malaysia Text
20% kakitangan awam Johor salah guna Internet Text
200 °C annealed combinatorially deposited chalcogenid Indexed Paper
200 gagal bayar PTPTN akan didakwa Text
200 mahasiswa berentap pada festival nasyid Text
200 more seats for medicine Text
200 pelajar UTM sertai pameran Text
200 pelajar UTM sertai program keusahawanan News Paper Cuttings
200 terbunuh sepanjang Ops Sikap Text
200,000 jurutera diperlukan Text
2005 tahun baik CIMB Text
2007 berjaya merintis pembaharuan Text
2010 deadline to stamp out poverty in the country Text
2012 deadline on Science and Maths to cushion impactText
2015 Highly Cited Review Paper Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
21 barang kawalan akan diwarta Text
21 more warded with suspected meningitis Text
21 penuntut SIT sertai Kem Musim Panas di UTM News Paper Cuttings
23 kereta curi ditemui Text
230 kes baru H1N1 dikesan Text
24,728 daftar skim siswazah menganggur Text
240 juta ujian makmal patologi setahun Text
24-hour sea blockades, blanket ops hit smugglers Text
25 pangkalan haram Text
25,000 to get full stipend Text
250,000 nikmati kenaikan harga getah Text
255 barang dijangka naik, kementerian pantau harga di Text
275 juta rakyat lndia hidup dalam kedaifan Text
28,000 rumah untuk rakyat News Paper Cuttings
29 korban banjir terburuk di Madinah Text
29 Mei Hari Seniman Kebangsaan Text
29 pelan rapat jurang ekonomi Text
3 cabaran tambah usahawan Islam Text
3 elemen rombak aliran vokasional, teknik Text
3 IPTA bergabung anjur IFLA Text
3 juta kanak - kanak bekerja Text
3 killed as runaway lorry slams into factory wall Text
3 lagi negara sah dijangkiti H1N1 Text
3 million diabetics in the 'near future' Text
3 million have high blood pressure Text
3 persimpangan bertingkat PLUS Text
3 punca polis lemah : Laporan awal suruhanjaya pen Text
3 sektor dapat tambahan RM30b Text
3 sektor perkukuh daya saing negara Text
3 September hari rakyat Malaysia tanam bunga raya Text
3,000 places left for jobless graduates Text
3,011 projek perkilangan dilulus dalam empat tahun Text
3,500 usahawan bumiputera akan lahir dalam RMK-9 Text
3,600 jenis industri kecil perlu bantuan Text
3,627 kes jenayah babitkan pelajar sepanjang tahun 20 Text
3,900 hidap barah usus setahun Text
3.08 juta hidap darah tinggi Text
3.2pc GDP growth next year Text
30 guru SBP jalani program Phd di UTM News Paper Cuttings
30 peratus guna gelatin babi Text
30 peratus pantai alami hakisan News Paper Cuttings
30 peratus penghidap barah payudara kronik Text
30 tahun atasi pencemaran sungai Text
30% daripada 100 produk kesihatan diuji USM tidak halText
30% kawasan NS jadi 'Lembah Klang' Text
30% penagih bawah 30 tahun Text
30,000 segera ditemuduga : KSN Text
300 siswa UTM jadi ahli kelab PEMADAM News Paper Cuttings
300 Smart Schools by 2005 Text
300,000 permohonan : PTPTN tambah kakitangan Text
300,000 terus diburu Text
300pc rise in children with mental problems Text
32,000 beli unit tambahan ASM Text
32-bit NxN matrix multiplication: performance evaluati Non-Index Paper
333 pelajar terima ijazah di Konvokesyen Ketiga UTP Text
335 peserta sertai Klinik UPSR Khas di UTM News Paper Cuttings
34 aduan dera budak sebulan Text
34 pelajar SMV Kajang, Sungai Buluh sertai UTMIJHS News Paper Cuttings
34 wrecks in sealane threaten passing ships Text
35,000 murid tak tahu baca, menulis Text
35,000 profesional asing bekerja di Malaysia Text
35cm of rain in just a day Text
36 lagi maut nahas : 70 peratus penunggang, pembonc Text
388 juta penduduk dunia sakit kronik Text
39 IPTS tawar tempat, kemudahan RM7.5j Text
3D electro-thermal modelling and experimental validatiIndexed Paper
3D modeling using laser scanning for reverse engineeringConference Papers
3D modelling using Topcon IS and Image Master Thesis
3D numerical analysis of centrifuge tests on embankmen Indexed Paper
3d reconstruction technique using a modified laser poinThesis
3D solids and their management in DBMS Conference Papers
3D wayang kulit edutaiment games using leap motion Thesis
3MT berjaya tingkatkan keberkesanan komunikasi News Paper Cuttings
3rd National workshop & training courses on ocean enePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
4 jawatankuasa tangani disiplin pelajar Text
4 langkah bantu sektor swasta kekalkan operasi Text
4 penuntut UTM disyaki edar dadah ditahan Text
4 sekeluarga rentung : kereta rempuh tembok 500 met Text
4 syarikat Jepun layak tender pembinaan terowong Text
4 tempat pembiakan Culex Text
4 tonggak jaya agenda negara : PM Text
4,000 kanak-kanak terjebak pelacuran Text
4,509 penghidap Aids meninggal sejak 1995 Text
4,800 guru sandaran ke jawatan tetap bulan depan Text
40 firms to seek employees at career fair in JB Text
40 hadith for android application Thesis
40,000 hektar bagi projek akuakultur Text
40,000 kereta tidak selamat di jalan raya Text
40,000 majikan ælesapkanÆ caruman Perkeso Text
40,000 pesakit baru dikesan kanser kini pembunuh no Text
400 Kedai.Com sedia internet kelajuan tinggi di luar ba Text
400 sekolah anak angkat Jabatan Nazir bulan depan Text
400,000 dos vaksin ditempah Text
400,000 pekerjaan dalam sektor pertanian pada 2010 Text
416 anak Felda terima diploma Universiti Limkokwing Text
42,000 projek dua pakej rangsangan dilaksana Text
44 doktor tajaan JPA tidak pulang Text
45,000 to be laid off temporarily Text
450 mangsa banjir dipindah Text
450 portal kerajaan naik taraf Text
46 ibu tunggal terima sijil terapi Text
48 jam : 1 destinasi 2 benua Text
4x4 microstrip array antenna for point to point applicatConference Papers
5 'carrots' to boost hospital expansion Text
5 juta pekerja asing banjiri negara 2010 Text
5 sasaran Tekad 2008 : Kerajaan lancar Pelan Integriti NText
5 terima Anugerah Merdeka News Paper Cuttings
5 universiti dilantik kaji Indeks Syariah News Paper Cuttings
5,000 individu diberhenti dapat pekerjaan semula Text
5,000 places for students Text
5,000 siswazah dipilih ikuti SME-University Internship Text
5,597 graduan UTM terima ijazah, diploma Text
50 nelayan susah ke laut Text
50 new HFMD cases detected in Sarawak Text
50 tahun UiTM : melakar kecemerlangan Text
50 unique items on heritage list Text
50,000 pencuri air diberi tempoh 21 hari Text
500 foreign students missing Text
500 guru Bahasa Arab akan dilatih Text
500 meriahkan Puisi Riong kedua di UTM News Paper Cuttings
500,000 want low-cost houses Text
53 peratus banduan warga Indonesia Text
535 died of AIDS In first seven months Text
550 passports held by trio Text
551,681 pesalah trafik punyai waran tangkap akan dita Text
552 IPTS wajib jalani penilaian prestasi : aspek dinil Text
569 new A(H1N1) infections Text
6 DOF mobil robot manipulator Thesis
6 hospital biak Aedes Text
6 kawasan Parlimen jadi anak angkat UTM Text
6 kawasan Parlimen jadi anak angkat UTM News Paper Cuttings
6 langkah cegah penularan virus selesema babi Text
6 pelajar MCKK disingkir -- 18 pelajar bawa parang panjText
6,500 tunggu organ Text
60 graduan serbu Noh minta ditempatkan Text
60 peratus tenaga pengajar lulusan PhD Text
60 SMT jadi sekolah vokasional Text
60,000 new cops still not enough Text
60,000 pil khayal jadi bukti kes dadah hilang Text
600 peluang pekerjaan Text
600 to watch IJN's live video of new procedure Text
62,034 lulus STPM Text
625,987 guna bahasa Melayu Text
66 pemaju kena tindakan Text
7 i Pillars berjaya bentuk sahsiah pelajar Text
7 lonjakan perdana : PM umum langkah kurangkan juraText
7 pelajar UTM diberi surat tunjuk sebab Text
7 pemaju U10 langgar peraturan didakwa Text
7 pilihan ajar Sains, Matematik Text
7 syor laksana PPSMI ke kabinet Text
7,000 guru mula ikuti kursus ajar matematik, sains dala Text
7,000 kilang di Selangor berpotensi cemarkan alam sekitText
7,577 pekerja pilih VSS, 31,895 berhenti sementara Text
70 peratus bosan usaha cegah rasuah VVIP tidak berhasText
70 rugi RM1.3j ditipu sindiket luar negara Text
70% pekerja pelancongan tiada kelayakan akademik Text
70,000 rakyat Malaysia dijangkiti HIV sejak 1986 Text
713 more people-friendly houses under construction Text
75,645 projek pakej rangsangan dilaksana Text
76 pernah ke pasar borong Singapura masih gagal dike Text
76,000 homes to be built Text
8 geng Tuan Zaki ditahan Text
8 kawasan catat kualiti udara tidak sihat Text
8 kilang proses sawit Felda kurang bekalan mungkin ditText
8 universities confirm going to Geneva expo Text
80 pelajar UTM dekati dekati penduduk kampung Text
80 peratus penagih gagal dipulihkan Text
80 peratus pesakit barah lewat dikesan Text
80 peratus taska tidak berdaftar dengan JKM Text
80% lesen sijil halal dipohon bukan bumiputera Text
80% siswazah UiTM dapat kerja Text
80,000 graduan dilatih : skim latihan siswazah menga Text
80,000 peserta nilai PKN : Najib Text
800 kolej bumiputera dakwa rugi RM1.9 bilion Text
800 mangsa dipindah Text
800 pelajar terpaksa hidu asap, debu Text
800,000 penduduk hidap diabetes Text
84 kes Chikungunya dikesan minggu lalu Text
85 kem PLKN dijamin selamat Text
85 peratus lulusan UTM berjaya dapat kerja News Paper Cuttings
85,000 remaja dipilih secara rawak sertai PLKN tahun k Text
866 produk terdapat melamin disita Text
894 vying to be first in space Text
9 negara panik : Internet terjejas teruk kabel dasar lau Text
9 NGO dipercayai aktif sebar Syiah News Paper Cuttings
9 tahun baru siap Text
9 tapak lupus toksik dikesan Text
9,000 illegals still being held at detention centres Text
9,718 sekolah dilengkapi kemudahan jalur lebar Text
9,973 daftar secara online Text
90 peratus murid boleh membaca selepas ikuti KIA2M Text
90 peratus rakyat sedar penting rancang kewangan Text
90% penduduk dapat air bersih kurang baik Text
900 lesen baru teksi untuk wanita Text
93 premis naikkan harga barang kena tindakan Text
99.363 mohon pinjaman Skim Kredit Mikro Text
9th Malaysia Plan : yearly economic growth of 6 pc Text
A 3D-GIS implementation for realizing 3D network analyIndexed Paper
A band notch rectangular patch UWB antenna with timeIndexed Paper
A bank solely for SMEs Text
A beam steering compact patch antenna with high gainConference Papers
A big day for 103 UTM graduands News Paper Cuttings
A biogeography-based optimization algorithm hybridizeIndexed Paper
A British effort for orang utans Text
A case study approach to EPCM in light of construction Non-Index Paper
A case study on concrete problems in UTM (Preview) Text
A case-based reasoning approach for design of machininIndexed Paper
A caution in socialization: a preliminary identification Journal Article
A cell formation problem improvement using particle s Thesis
A changing paradigm in language planning : English-medi Indexed Paper
A clash of wills that led to won't Text
A closed loop control based power manager for WiNoC Indexed Paper
A clustered semantic graph approach for multi-documeJournal Article
A clustering method based on genetic algorithm to red Thesis
A compact 4 x 4 butler matrix on double-layer substrat Indexed Paper
A compact MIMO ultra-wide band antenna with low muIndexed Paper
A comparative among recent & proposed hybrid patternConference
c Papers
A comparative statistical analysis of pseudorandom bit Conference Papers
A comparative study between different distance metricsThesis
A comparative study of breast cancer dataset using multi Thesis
A comparative study of interface design approaches forConference Papers
A comparative study of mixture cure model Conference Papers
A comparative study of PVDF hollow fiber membranes fConference Papers
A comparative study of the effectiveness of three methText
A comparative study of various oil extraction techniqueIndexed Paper
A comparative study on coastline delineation techniqu Thesis
A comparative study on enzyme functional class predi Thesis
A comparative study on gene selection methods for tissu Journal Article
A comparative study on service quality in the grocery r Indexed Paper
A comparative study on the jet loop reactor and continuo Text
A comparative study to analyze bone ct data (Preview) Text
A comparison of fatigue levels among Malaysian seafareText
A comparison of voltage stability indices Indexed Paper
A comparison study between B-spline surface fitting andJournal Article
A comparison study of particale swarm optimizzation and Thesis
A complementary metal oxide semiconductor low noiseText a
A complementary metal oxide semiconductor low noiseText a
A computational intelligence approach to solve the inver Indexed Paper
A computational model for water use efficiency in rice Text
A computational simulation of rotor - fuselage flow inteText
A computational study on the electronics and transportThesis
A computer vision system for the classification of movi Text
A computerised training system Text
A conceptual model for individual level implementationConference Papers
A contingency-based framework of strategic managemen Thesis
A cranky pancreas Text
A critical review of multinational companies, their str Non-Index Paper
A crying need for counsellors Text
A decision support system (DSS) for sustainable productIndexed Paper
A delphi study of the important factors for bi system i Indexed Paper
A design of CO2 gas control system in baby incubator Thesis
A design of compact ultra wideband coupler for butler Indexed Paper
A direct method for optimal control problem Conference Papers
A document-like software visualization method for effecText
A document-like software visualization method for effeText
A dynamic PDE solver for breasts' cancerous cell visual Conference Papers
A FAPA based model for protection flooding attack in a Thesis
A fast transmission scheduler for WDM optical networkText
A fault-tolerant multi-path multi-channel routing proto Indexed Paper
A field evaluation of particulate emission concentrationsText
A first for Malaysia Text
A flexible wearable textile antenna Conference Papers
A framework for an operational process based internet Thesis
A framework for data storage security in cloud computing Thesis
A framework for helping muslim parents of children with Thesis
A framework of school classroom facilities for improv Thesis
A friend mechanism for mobile ad hoc networks Conference Papers
A fuzzy logic controller to line starting performance s Journal Article
A hierarchical latent variable model of leadership style Indexed Paper
A high gain pifa at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz using wireles Indexed Paper
A hint of more campus liberty Text
A holistic based digital forensic readiness framework foConference Papers
A hybrid model based on differential fuzzy logic relatio Indexed Paper
A hybrid model for assessing the quality performance oThesis
A hybrid of ant colony optimization algorithm and flux bThesis
A hybrid of ant colony optimization and minimization ofIndexed Paper
A hybrid of bees algorithm and dynamic flux balance ana Thesis
A hybrid of bees algorithm and flux balance analysis (BAIndexed Paper
A hybrid power transfer allocation approach for dereg Conference Papers
A learning automata-based algorithm for solving coveraIndexed Paper
A linear mathematical model to determine the minimum Indexed
u Paper
A literature analysis on the relationship between exte Indexed Paper
A literature survey of ultrasound and computed tomogrIndexed Paper
A longitudinal study of accounting students’ ethical Conference Papers
A low latency NoC router supporting routing adaptivity Thesis
A Malay text corpus analysis for sentence compression Journal Article
A mathematical formulation to estimate the fundamental Indexed Paper
A mathematical model for minimum water and energy Thesis
A mathematical model for simultaneous minimum direcThesis
A medical first : boy gets mechanical heart Text
A meta-analysis of research of problem solving activitiesConference Papers
A micellar flood simulation of tapis field Thesis
A micro focus with macro impact : exploration of initial Indexed Paper
A mixed integer programming model formulation for solNon-Index Paper
A model for controlling access to XML document Text
A model for enhancing performance in using social netwo Thesis
A model for it practitioners' participation in it governancThesis
A model of security awareness in cloud computing Thesis
A model to enhance security of virtualization for secureThesis
A model-based methodology for simultaneous process aConference Papers
A modified differential evolution based maximum power Indexed Paper
A multi-band antenna for mobile handset (Full text) Text
A multi-criteria collaborative filtering recommender Indexed Paper
A multiresolution important point retrieval method for Conference Papers
A naive recommendation model for large databases Non-Index Paper
A new approach for developing comprehensive agricultur Indexed Paper
A new coefficient of conjugate gradient methods for noJournal Article
A new design enhances hydrogen production by g. sulfurr Journal Article
A new electro-generated o-dianisidine derivative stabi Indexed Paper
A new energy usage indicator for domestic loads Thesis
A new error handling algorithm for controller area net Indexed Paper
A new fuzzy back-propagation learning method based on Text
A new heterogeneous acid catalyst for esterification: Indexed Paper
A new holistic framework for design of cost effective Text
A new improved walsh function algorithm for active a Indexed Paper
A new localised lighting locating system utilising telec Conference Papers
A new method to extract the resitive component of theConference Papers
A new per-phase control scheme for three-phase four-lIndexed Paper
A new simple, fast and efficient algorithm for global Indexed Paper
A new task distribution model to increase user performJournal Article
A new technique to predict the fractures DIP using arti Indexed Paper
A new way to control the coordination of titanium (IV) iIndexed Paper
A non-instrumental method to determine hydraulic head Text
A novel 2.45GHz switchable beam textile antenna (SBTAIndexed Paper
A novel approach for the synthesis of tin antimony sulph Indexed Paper
A novel approach towards fuzzy I"-ideals in ordered I" Indexed Paper
A novel dynamic data blocking mechanism for symmetrIndexed Paper
A novel hybrid algorithm of differential evolution with Indexed Paper
A novel job rotation schedule model regarding posture Non-Index
va Paper
A novel low cost telemedicine system using wireless m Conference Papers
A novel microwave sensor with high-q symmetrical spli Journal Article
A novel model of PZT actuator and its application in hysJournal Article
A novel thin film nanocomposite reverse osmosis membra Indexed Paper
A numerical parametric study of mechanical behavior ofIndexed Paper
A parametric investigation of castor oil (Ricinus comminIndexed Paper
A pathway-based approach for analyzing microarray daThesis
A PIC16F876A based secondary visually impaired assistaThesis
A Poisson regression model for analysis of censored co Journal Article
A positive graduate study experience News Paper Cuttings
A potential health hazard of carbon monoxide exposureThesis
A power-efficient CMOS adaptive biasing operational t Indexed Paper
A preliminary assessment of factors influencing driver ' Conference Papers
A preliminary basin scale evaluation framework of poteIndexed Paper
A preliminary study of software traceability referance Thesis
A preliminary study on implementation of aerobic fitnesConference Papers
A process prediction model based on Cuckoo algorithmIndexed Paper
A proposed conceptual model of determinants of supplyNon-Index Paper
A quantum mechanical analysis of Smith-Purcell free-elIndexed Paper
A Raleigh good cheer Text
A rasch model analysis of critical thinking problem solviThesis
A recent progress in thin film composite membrane : a Indexed Paper
A redox mediated UME biosensor using immobilized ChIndexed Paper
A review current routing attacks in mobile Ad-Hoc netwNon-Index Paper
A review into traffic signal improvement at pedestrian sIndexed Paper
A review of 3D gesture interaction for handheld augmenJournal Article
A review of facial caricature generator Non-Index Paper
A review of geothermal energy resources in Australia : Indexed Paper
A review of maximum power point tracking techniques Indexed
of Paper
A review of mixed reverse Micelle system for antibiotic Indexed Paper
A review of palm oil biomass as a feedstock for syngas Indexed Paper
A review of sensor technology and sensor fusion method Journal Article
A Review of tomography system Journal Article
A review on application of geographical information sy Non-Index Paper
A review on bisphenol A occurrences, health effects a Indexed Paper
A review on classification and comparison of different mIndexed Paper
A review on crack relief layer (CRL) in roads and highwaJournal Article
A Review on electrodynamic tomography Journal Article
A review on geographical information system (GIS) in t Non-Index Paper
A review on green energy potentials in Iran Indexed Paper
A Review on influence of alloying elements on the micr Journal Article
A Review on integrated active steering and braking contr Journal Article
A review on metrics to measure and monitor the perfo Non-Index Paper
A review on missing value imputation algorithms for miIndexed Paper
A review on printed circuit board recycling technology Non-Index Paper
A review on retrofit fuel injection technology for sma Indexed Paper
A review on text detection techniques Journal Article
A review on the application of bio-oil as an additive for Indexed Paper
A review on the bioinformatics tools for neuroimaging Indexed Paper
A review on the potential of silicon nanowires (SINWS) Indexed Paper
A review on the potential use of chitosan-based deliveryIndexed Paper
A review on use of social media in teaching and learnin Conference Papers
A review: digital stereo close range videogrammetry f Conference Papers
A richer Science, Maths experience News Paper Cuttings
A ridge waveguide for thermo-optic application Conference Papers
A risk and protective behavior model for identity thef Thesis
A robust dynamic region-based control scheme for an Indexed Paper
A robust image watermarking technique based on Cox 'sThesis
A robust optimization model for agile and build-to-ordeIndexed Paper
A robust stabilization using state feedback with feedfo Indexed Paper
A secure and anonymous authentication scheme for se Thesis
A secure infrastructure for digital campus Thesis
A shot in the arm...or a headache for the law? Text
A signal processing technique for PD detection and locaThesis
A similarity of multivariate time series in stocks networ Thesis
A simulated annealing approach for uncapacitated contText
A single-phase to three-phase converter using modifie Thesis
A snip, snip here and a snip, snip there Text
A software traceability approach to support requiremenThesis
A source of renewable energy in Malaysia, why biodieseIndexed Paper
A standard framework for evaluating ant colony optimi Conference Papers
A standard operating procedure for online writing ass Thesis
A static jobs scheduling for independent jobs in grid Conference Papers
A statistical reasoning assessment framework in descript Thesis
A Statistical test for the stability of covariance structureJournal Article
A step forward Text
A step towards an Asian vision Text
A story to be proud of Text
A structured critical success factors model for the impl Thesis
A study airflow in propulsion's laboratory fume cabinet Thesis
A study of an investment casting product quality produ Text
A study of conflict management style and employee’s Thesis
A study of extrusion shear and forced convection resid Indexed Paper
A study of fan shape phenomena and its effect on the suText
A study of hydroxyapatite coating for biocompatible maThesis
A study of hypoxia in Skudai river estuary Thesis
A study of plasma assisted physical vapour deposition Text
A study of possible application of rotating sleeve vane Text
A study of safety climate as a moderator on the relati Thesis
A study of scales development on high temperature isotText
A study of the stagnant zone on cutting edges of coate Text
A study of the stangnant zone on cutting edges of HSS Text
A study of waste oils as lubricant in water based mud Thesis
A study of weather resistant dye for outdoor applicatio Text
A study on benchmarking understanding, knowledge and Journal Article
A study on entrepreneurial intention among information Text
A study on gas assisted injection molding: process op Thesis
A study on international student satisfaction towards s Thesis
A study on microchannel heat transfer into electron douText
A study on the effect of temperature on nanoparticle Thesis
A study on the geological features and rock types at T Thesis
A study on the optimization of plastic injection mould Thesis
A study on the performance of novel ground resistan Text
A study on wing-external store aerodynamic interferen Text
A study to enhance risk management practice in Jabatan Thesis
A super perfect coronation News Paper Cuttings
A sure hand with special children Text
A survey of active tranmission technique for improve quConference Papers
A survey of self-collisoin detection for dynamic cloth in Conference Papers
A survey of wireless sensor network security and routi Indexed Paper
A survey on attacks in RFID networks Non-Index Paper
A survey on MANET intrusion detection Non-Index Paper
A survey on trust based detection and isolation of mal Indexed Paper
A survey on usage of forecasting in electronics industri Text
A system of collaborative writing among writers througText
A systematic research gap finding framework: case st Non-Index Paper
A tomography imaging system using two types of sensoText
A trust fund just for women Text
A two - in - one model for evaluating an automotive cloConference Papers
A unique combination in biotechnology Text
A universal formula for asymptotic stabilization with b Indexed Paper
A warmer, watter world Text
A waste of energy Text
A weakly hard real-time scheduling analysis framework Indexed Paper
A web based environment for buildings' life cycle cost aThesis
A weighted discrete imperialist competitive algorithm Indexed Paper
æElak kunjungi Singapura, Hong Kong, ChinaÆ Text
æHalal hubÆ boleh terjejas : penyediaan sosej daripa Text
æJangan salah guna kelulusan ambil pelajar antaraba Text
æKertas undi silap cetak tanggungjawab SPRÆ Text
æNo smokingÆ campaign among pupils Text
æPool of doomÆ warning Text
‘Safety measures taken at race venue’ News Paper Cuttings
AADK beku, tidak kreatif, punca program antidadah kurText
Abandoned housing project in Malaysia Thesis
Abdul Kudus ditahan kerja sebulan Text
Abdul Malik first Asian to swim across English Channel Text
Abdullah : broaden concept of wakaf Text
Abdullah : Malaysia will intensify ties with Iran Text
Abdullah : Terengganu to manage the 5% oil royalty on Text
Abdullah announces 10 steps to make companies moreText a
Abdullah explains Islam Hadhari to Aussies Text
Abdullah Fahim mengangkat ulama ke arus perdana Text
Abdullah lancar penerbitan semula Utusan Melayu Text
Abdullah lawat Qatar dua hari Text
Abdullah minta Proton kuasai teknologi baru Text
Abdullah praises ACA for a job well done Text
Abdullah raps Drainage and Irrigation Department Text
Abdullah seeks commitment in ICT Text
Abdullah sworn in as PM Text
Abdullah tells agency to recategorise agriculture Text
Abdullah, Bush discuss bridging gap between Western Text
AbdullahÆs aide remembers valuable advice on scandaText
Abdullah's coup in Austin, Texas : Malaysia scores firs Text
Abim says yes to syringes, condoms Text
Abnormal psycology Exam Papers
About-turn in water move Text
AC interference on gas pipelines due to phase to groundIndexed Paper
ACA reopens probe into RM34m assets allegation Text
Academic advisory system (ACADS) (Full text) Text
Academic advisory system (ACADS) (Preview) Text
Academic publishing workshop how to be an effective Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Accelerating the convergence of the dynamic integrate Text
Acceptance and usage of ICT by university academiciansNon-Index Paper
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Accidents involving buses down 60pc Text
Accounting information system I Exam Papers
Accounting information system I Exam Papers
Accounting theory and practice Exam Papers
Accrual accounting implementation by Malaysian Goverm Thesis
Accuracy evaluation of digital terrain model from unmann Thesis
Achievement of male and female students using E-DialoText
Achieving pakis’s thermal conductivity as architectuNon-Index Paper
Achieving sustainable construction in electrified doubleThesis
Achieving sustainable food industries : good practices Text
Achieving Vision 2020 through religious values Text
Aching backs Text
Acid hydrolysis of oil palm mesocarp fiber Thesis
Acoustic emission parameters evaluation in machinery cIndexed Paper
Acoustic engineering Exam Papers
Acoustic engineering Text
Acquiring competency in penetration testing among it stThesis
Acquisition of abstract words for cognitive robots Indexed Paper
Act againts foreigners buying controlled items Text
Act fast, PM tells ACA Text
Act not meant to punish doctors Text
Action against 81 PTPTN borrowers Text
Action against four private colleges Text
Active damping network in DC distributed power systemThesis
Active damping of DC power networks (Preview) Text
Active response intrusion prevention system using dyn Thesis
Activity-based management (ABM) for competitive advan Text
Activity-based management (ABM) for competitive advText
Acute aquatic toxicity effect of oil based mud and este Thesis
Acute toxicity determination of drilling fluid corrosion i Thesis
Ada masa kita tonjol potensi, merendah diri News Paper Cuttings
Ada ruang bagi bukan Islam di Mahkamah Syariah : PegText
Adakan pertandingan, Abakus, Aritmetik Mental dalam Text
Adaptation of sustainable neighbourhood elements (SNNon-Index Paper
Adaptation of urban infill housing towards Malaysian city Text
Adaptation of urban infill housing towards Malaysian citText
Adapted grounded group decision making model Indexed Paper
Adaptive PI controller of a spark ignition engine Conference Papers
Adaptive windowed cross Wigner-Ville distribution as aIndexed Paper
Adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system analysisIndexed Paper
ADB gesa pelarasan ekonomi Text
ADK bekal 150,000 bekas penagih kepada sektor ladangText
ADK diminta sediakan pangkalan data penagih Text
Adomian decomposition method for two-dimensional nonl Conference Papers
Adoption act under review Text
Adoption of business continuity planning in IT services Non-Index Paper
Adoption of enterprise risk management practices in orNon-Index Paper
Adsorption behaviors of surfactants for chemical floodiIndexed Paper
Adsorption characteristics of sulfur-functionalized sili Indexed Paper
Adsorption enhancement of elemental mercury by variou Indexed Paper
Adsorption of acid orange 7 by cetylpyridinium bromid Indexed Paper
Adsorption of acid orange 7 by cetylpyridinium bromid Journal Article
Adsorption of surfactants on different types of clay minThesis
Adsorptive removal of methylene blue and acid orang Journal Article
Adsorptive removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solution by Indexed Paper
Adual band gap slotted patch electronmagnetic band gaConference Papers
Advanced analytical chemistry Text
Advanced analytical techniques Text
Advanced composites in Malaysian construction indust Conference Papers
Advanced computer graphics Exam Papers
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Advanced digital signal processing Exam Papers
Advanced electronics Exam Papers
Advanced encryption standard architecture for IP secu Thesis
Advanced financial accounting Exam Papers
Advanced financial accounting Exam Papers
Advanced integrated building management system Thesis
Advanced mechanics of materials Exam Papers
Advanced mechanics of materials Exam Papers
Advanced nuclear physics Exam Papers
Advanced optimization tehnique Exam Papers
Advanced rock mechanics & engineering geology Exam Papers
Advanced rock mechanics & engineering geology Exam Papers
Advanced rock mechanics and engineering geology Exam Papers
Advanced rock mechanics and engineering geology Exam Papers
Advanced software process Exam Papers
Advanced software process improvements Exam Papers
Advanced software process improvements Exam Papers
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Advanced techniques for reducing spray losses in agrocIndexed Paper
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Exam Papers
Advances in analytical microextraction methods towardConference Papers
Advances in chiral separations by nonaqueous capillaryIndexed Paper
Advertising and promotion Exam Papers
Aedes trail across Asia Text
AEGRP : an enhanced geographical routing protocol forIndexed Paper
Aerated lightweight concrete using aluminium powder Thesis
Aerobic fermentation of saccharomeyes cerevisae in a Indexed Paper
Aerodinamik Text
Aerodinamik Text
Aerodynamic and flow analysis of air deflector for truc Thesis
Aerodynamic behavior of a compound wing configuratioConference Papers
Aerospace engineering- more than just the dream of fli Text
Affordable studies next door to us Text
Affordance of orchard and forest as playscape for youngConference Papers
Affordances of garden towards restorative process of hoConference Papers
Affordances of school grounds for children's outdoor p Thesis
Afidavit dan ikat jamin Text
After bridge delay, PORR and monorail projects in doubText
A-G highlights childrenÆs rights Text
Ageing effects on high damping bridge rubber bearing Conference Papers
Agen antipenuaan dalam Kacip Fatimah Text
Agen sastera perkasa dunia kreatif Text
Agency gets RM50m to cut road deaths in half Text
Agency to ensure courses are up to mark Text
Agency to pay for maid who didn't measure up Text
Agensi alam sekitar dirombak Text
Agensi kerajaan masih tak cekap : PM tegur prosedur r Text
Agensi pelancongan tidak terjejas Text
Agent-based information technology resource invento Thesis
Aggregation simulation model of flow and rainfall serie Text
Aggressive behavior and the influencing factors at five Non-Index Paper
Agihan ekonomi tetap jadi agenda Text
Agihan kontrak RM3.2b nafas baru kontraktor Text
Agihan pendapatan ASB 7.25 sen, bonus 2 sen Text
Agihan pendapatan ASN2 5.5 sen Text
Agihan subsidi dan insentif dikaji semula Text
Agong rasmi masjid UTM di Jalan Semarak News Paper Cuttings
Agreement with Bahrain on oil exploration Text
Agriculture to gain from 9MP Text
Agro sector needs skilled workers Text
Agroteknologi Exam Papers
Ah Boy Gang's vicious ways Text
Ahli akademik perlu latihan jadi pentadbir Text
Ahli akademik sambut baik kurikulum baru BI Text
Ahli fizik dilantik Timbalan Naib Canselor USM Text
Ahli KWSP terima notis sebelum bersara Text
Ahli Parlimen minta penjara peniaga tipu logo halal Text
Ahmad Said assumes MB's role Text
Ahmed Zewail terima Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Sains Text
Aib juvana remaja Text
Aid is for all flood victims Text
AIDS affecting more local women Text
Aim for unity, schools told Text
Aim to be apex varsity, Raja Nazrin tells UM Text
Aiming for the complete student Text
Aiming higher : PM maps out plan for world-class varsitText
Aiming to win more awards Text
AIMO translator: bridging the gap between semantic weConference Papers
Ainuddin dapat ijazah kehormat Doktor Pendidikan News Paper Cuttings
Air : beban kerajaan negeri kurang Text
Air conditioning system design software Text
Air mentah bebas ammonia Text
Air particulate pollution in Kuala Lumpur: a statistical c Conference Papers
Air permeability of hardener-free epoxy-modified mortNon-Index Paper
Air pollution with reference to haze episode Thesis
Air quality in three areas still unhealthy Text
AirAsia ke JB sebelum akhir tahun Text
Aircraft engineering and flight practice / kejurutera Text
Aircraft stability and control Exam Papers
Aircraft structure Exam Papers
Aircraft structure Exam Papers
Airsar dem height correction and the reduction to gro Thesis
Akademia pentas akliah, wadah kepemimpinan Text
Akal didasari iman, akhlak mulia pertingkat martabat mText
Akar sains moden ada pada warisan Islam Text
Akar umbi sasaran utama cegah rasuah Text
Akept latih pemimpin pengurusan tertinggi IPT Text
Akhbar boleh bantu pertingkat kemahiran bahasa Ingger Text
Akhbar pencetus isu pembaca Text
Akhir bulan tempoh insuranskan pekerja asing Text
Akhlak landasan utama kualiti hidup Text
Akhlak mulia penentu kecemerlangan tamadun sesuatuText
Akhlak remaja penanda aras pembangunan bangsa, negText
Akhlak sempurna jamin keadilan sosial Text
Akibat pencemaran di bandar raya Asia Text
Akses sistem ICT luar bandar dipertingkat Text
Akta baru digubal lindungi flora, fauna Text
Akta baru lebih spesifik lindungi khazanah alam Text
Akta baru mampu atasi dilema pembeli rumah Text
Akta baru pastikan pembangunan tiga wilayah lebih te Text
Akta baru tingkat penguatkuasaan ubat Text
Akta dagang orang elak kawasan panas jenayah Text
Akta e-dagang dikaji Text
Akta e-Dagang diperinci Text
Akta Gangguan Seksual diwujud Text
Akta Kerja 1955 akan dipinda Text
Akta KWSP dipinda Text
Akta lindungi maklumat peribadi perlu disegera Text
Akta peraduan gores dan menang dirangka Text
Akta profil DNA diteliti Text
Akta wajib label produk haram perlu digubal Text
Akta Warisan Kebangsaan 2005 Text
Aktifkan semula Rukun Tetangga Text
Aktiviti pembelajaran dalam persekitaran autentik ber Conference Papers
Aktiviti penyelidikan penentu rating IPTA Text
Akujanji : KUIM wajibkan semua pelajar tandatangan Text
Al Hibah : the principles and operational mechanism in Text
Al Hibah : the principles and operational mechanism in Text
Alam sekitar, sumber asli dan masyarakat Text
Alat pengukur mutu padi diperkenal Text
Album puisi kaedah terbaru berdakwah : Mohd Asri Text
Alertness on sex crimes in Malaysia Conference Papers
Algebra Exam Papers
AlGebra I / Aljabar I Text
Algebra II Exam Papers
Algorithm for calculation of cephalometric soft tissue fac
Conference Papers
Algorithm for identifying writing stroke and direction Conference Papers
Algorithmic targeting for total site heat Integration w Indexed Paper
Aliran dagangan Malaysia tahun ini lebih fleksibel Text
Aljabar II Text
Aljabar linear Text
Aljabar linear Text
All Class IV hillside projects banned Text
All commercial jet ops at Subang to shift to KLIA by JulyText
All Cosmos invests RM200mil in Medan, Vietnam Text
All races to get quality opportunities, says PM Text
All roads lead to China Text
All schools to be ranked this year Text
All set to tackle another tsunami Text
All varsity researchers can apply for govt funding next News Paper Cuttings
All will gain from 10-subject limit, says Muhyiddin Text
All-out war on corruption Text
Allow pilgrims to pay penalty here Text
All's well with chicken Text
Alor Star naik taraf bandar raya Text
Al-Quran digital permudah pembelajaran Text
Al-Quran digital teknologi baru tilawah Text
Al-Quran, hadis asas penyatuan masyarakat pelbagai k Text
Alternative approaches to poverty alleviation : a stud Text
Alternative authentication scheme for mobile Ad Hoc Conference Papers
Alternative dispute resolutions and adjudication Exam Papers
Alumni digalak menyumbang kepada Tabung EndowmeNews Paper Cuttings
Amah culik bayi Text
Amah RM25 satu jam (HL) Text
Amal cara hidup sihat : Abdullah Text
Amalan - amalan yang baik untuk mengurangkan masalaText
Amalan budaya kerja dan hubungannya dengan prestasiThesis
Amalan ciri-ciri sekolah berkesan di sekolah-sekolah Thesis
Amalan dan undang-undang pembinaan Text
Amalan ikhtisas Text
Amalan ikhtisas Text
Amalan ikhtisas 2 Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Exam Papers
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
Amalan iktisas I Text
Amalan kaunseling keluarga dalam agensi kerajaan : k Conference Papers
Amalan kawalan perancangan pihak berkuasa tempatanTextd
Amalan kawalan perancangan pihak berkuasa tempatanText
Amalan kepimpinan autentik pengetua dan komitmen gThesis
Amalan kepimpinan transformasi guru besar dan pengetThesis
Amalan pembelajaran Homeschooling Thesis
Amalan pengajaran menggunakan alat dan bahan bantuText
Amalan pengajaran menggunakan alat dan bahan bantuText
Amalan penyeliaan pengajaran keatas guru-guru teknikThesis
Amalan perancangan Text
Amalan perancangan Text
Amalan riba boleh rosakkan sistem ekonomi Text
Amalan saling membantu tunjang utama hidup masyar Text
Amalan sewaan jentera di kalangan kontraktor kecil B Thesis
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
Amalan Undang-undang dan Perancangan Text
Amaran bagi penghidap Aids Text
Amaran banjir buruk di Pantai Timur Text
Amaran jimat air atau naik harga Text
Amaran masih Fasa 5 : WHO Text
Amaran serangan penggodam - Internet besar-besaran Text
Amaran usah ambil pekerja masuk semula secara hara Text
Amazing chef android application Thesis
Ambil iktibar hikmah al-Quran Text
Ambil kira idea penyelidik muda Text
Ambil kira kebolehan bergaul untuk masuk IPTA Text
Ambil peluang jadi guru berilmu Text
Ambil peluang Rejab lunas hutang puasa Ramadan Text
Amelioration of mitochondrial dysfunction-induced insul Indexed Paper
Amend laws that discriminate Text
Amerika puji Malaysia sedia bekalan air bersih, selamatNews Paper Cuttings
Amine-functionalized kenaf as carbon dioxide adsorbenThesis
Amine-modified MCM-41 as CO2 adsorbents Conference Papers
Ammoniacal nitrogen removal from aqueous solution usThesis
Amplification of bromelain gene from Ananas Comosus Thesis
An accurate fault detection and location on transmissi Indexed Paper
An accurate operation of wideband multi-port reflecto Indexed Paper
An accurate upper bound solution for plane strain ext Indexed Paper
An adaptive localization system using particle swarm opt Journal Article
An Adoption model for cloud computing in Malaysian sm Thesis
An analysis of hierarchical clustering and neural netwo Text
An analysis of technological development in propulsionConference Papers
An analysis on internet diffusion and online presence Thesis
An analysis on stability of steady state in fuzzy delay di Thesis
An analysis on the relationship between work family con Indexed Paper
An appraisal of multibeam echosounder calibration Conference Papers
An Approach to brain tumor mr image detection and clas Journal Article
An artificial neural network approach in service life p Conference Papers
An assessment of cancer patients performance using soci Indexed Paper
An assessment of geogrid reinforced soil slope Thesis
An autonomous robot tank Thesis
An autonomous target approached mobile robot basedThesis on
An effective model of multiple multi-objective evolutio Indexed Paper
An effective model to measure students’ awarenessThesis f
An efficient microcontroller-based electronic ballast fo Thesis
An efficient robust hyperheuristic clustering algorithm Thesis
An electric go-kart using BLDC motor as propulsion sys Thesis
An empirical model for sedimentation of suspended soliConference Papers
An empirical study on HR technology competency in MaIndexed Paper
An empirical validation of excellent work culture scales Indexed Paper
An enhanced bulk synchronous parallel based model f Thesis
An enhanced geographical routing and channel congestThesis
An enhanced sensitive graphene-based spr biosensor wIndexed Paper
An enhancement of succinate and lactate production inThesis
An escherichia coli expression system for the extracelluConference Papers
An ethical assessment of computer ethics using scenar Non-Index Paper
An evaluation of parks using assessment tools Conference Papers
An evaluation of privatization in land development in KeText
An evaluation of state-of-the-art approaches for web seConference Papers
An evaluation of the depth of similarity between linear Conference Papers
An experimental analysis of compressor cycling in an a Text
An experimental determination of thermal conductivityIndexed Paper
An experimental determination of thermal conductivityIndexed Paper
An experimental investigation of palm pressed fibre wasIndexed Paper
An experimental investigation of the strength of brickwo Text
An experimental investigation on partial-ductile mode gri Text
An FPGA implementation of an elliptic curve processor Thesis
An FPGA-based quantum computing emulation framework Indexed Paper
An iconic market place for Muar town Thesis
An Ideal strain gage placement plan for structural heal Indexed Paper
An improved adaptive rood pattern search for motion eThesis
An improved algorithm for active-reactive and distort Thesis
An improved automated herbicides machine for farmersIndexed Paper
An improved differential evolution algorithm for enha Indexed Paper
An improved FPGA implementation of direct torque conIndexed Paper
An improved laser transmitter using feedforward linearConference Papers
An improved method for university building's energy effThesis
An improved MODIS standard chlorophyll-a algorithm foIndexed Paper
An improved parallelized MRMR for gene subset selection Thesis
An improvement study for effective and sustainable l Thesis
An industry survey of the screw press system in palm oilIndexed Paper
An innovative mobile application for construction pr Conference Papers
An innovative technique for contrast enhancement of Indexed Paper
An integrated modeling for simultaneous energy recover Thesis
An integrated service architecture framework for info Thesis
An integrative framework to understand the influence of Indexed Paper
An interactive learning tool for biomedical image registThesis
An investigation into the strategies of firms and their Text
An investigation of job satisfaction organizational com Thesis
An investigation of performance and productivity in petrText
An investigation of the attitude and development of agrThesis
An investigation on chemical bubble column using ultraIndexed Paper
An Investigation on the performance of a diesel engine Journal Article
An MIMO rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for Indexed Paper
An ontology-based recommender system using scholar Thesis
An operational guideline for ITIL change management: Thesis
An optimization model for blocks allocation to service vThesis
An optimum design of fused silica directional fiber coupIndexed Paper
An outdoor fibre bragg grating temperature sensor Thesis
An overview of content-based image retrieval techniquIndexed Paper
An overview of ionic liquids as solvents in biodiesel syn Indexed Paper
An overview of moisture damage performance tests onJournal Article
An overview of tendering option for maintenance work Text
An Overview of the application of property market mode Journal Article
An overview of vehicles lane changing model developme Journal Article
An s-pi vision-based tracking system for object manipulIndexed Paper
An ultrasonic sensing system for assisting visually impa Journal Article
Anak buruh ladang sawit cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Anak jati Muar pakar filem animasi News Paper Cuttings
Anak Johor di IPTA diingat jangan lupa diri News Paper Cuttings
Anak lelaki jurukimpal pelajar terbaik STPM Text
Anak Melayu bina J115 Maiden Hong Kong Text
Anak penebar roti canai terima anugerah Text
Analisa data keboleharapan pesawat (kajian kes : MAS Thesis
Analisa lompatan hidraulik disebabkan lebihan aliran Thesis
Analisa nyata (real analysis) Text
Analisa pasang surut Exam Papers
Analisa Rangkaian Text
Analisa sistem sukatan (MSA) dalam industri automoti Text
Analisis : baki 15 tahun menuju Wawasan 2020 tempohText
Analisis berangka Text
Analisis berangka 1 Text
Analisis berkomputer bagi kesan fana ke atas sistem paText
Analisis dan merekabentuk semula sistem tukup cerucuText
Analisis dan pengurusan pelaburan sekuriti Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk hidrologi Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk hidrologi Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk kontena keluli mudah alih Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk papak pasca-tegangan Thesis
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk julur konkrit bertetulan Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk sistem kolam takungan menggun Text
Analisis EPS menggunakan watercad bagi kajian kehilanText
Analisis hidraulik dan merekabentuk sistem sungai yan Text
Analisis hubungan laju dan kadar aliran di atas tanjak Thesis
Analisis isu bahasa Inggeris kena telus Text
Analisis kaedah penentuan ketinggian ortometrik GP Text
Analisis keatas data pengaratan bagi tangki ballast kap Thesis
Analisis kepimpinan ketua eksekutif berdasarkan modelThesis
Analisis kerangka Thesis
Analisis kesan diafram pertengahan keatas jambatan koThesis
Analisis pemindahan haba olakan dalam saluran segie Text
Analisis PMR 2006 : kecenderungan penentu hala tuju Text
Analisis profil pengambilan pelajar dan kebolehpasaranThesis
Analisis rekabentuk bioreaktor Text
Analisis spatial terhadap corak pekerja asing tidak mahiThesis
Analisis spatial untuk Pulau Langkawi (Abstract) Text
Analisis statistik PM10 dan TSP di udara Bandaraya Ku Conference Papers
Analisis struktur Text
Analisis Struktur Text
Analisis sumberjaya & perancangan Text
Analisis tahap air tak berhasil antara zon : kajian kes di Text
Analisis tahap pengetahuan tentang undang-undang paten Thesis
Analisis terhadap postur tubuh murid-murid sekolah re Thesis
Analisis terma Text
Analisis untuk agihan kawasan hutan bakau bagi komunThesis
Analog and digital instrumentation Exam Papers
Analog cmos design Exam Papers
Analog CMOS IC design Exam Papers
Analog CMOS IC design Exam Papers
Analysis and categorization of e-learning activities bas Non-Index Paper
Analysis and comparison the security and performance Indexed Paper
Analysis and design of shear wall-transfer beam structuText
Analysis and design of the Integrated Sistem Pemanta Thesis
Analysis and design of tubular steel roof structure for Text
Analysis and modeling of exhaust gas temperature in anIndexed Paper
Analysis and performance evaluation of a fault-toleran Text
Analysis and redesign of pile cap due to pile failure Thesis
Analysis and testing of WELLGUARD pre - cast retainin Text
Analysis of a contiguous bored pile wall for slope stabil Text
Analysis of a continuous multicellular curved bridge de Thesis
Analysis of accuracy and precision on signature recog Thesis
Analysis of an epidemic model with awareness programThesis
Analysis of anionic post-blast residues of low explosivesConference Papers
Analysis of anoxybacillus genomes from the aspects of Indexed Paper
Analysis of center pivot irrigation system by experime Thesis
Analysis of contradictions in online collaborative learni Indexed Paper
Analysis of corrugated web beam to column extended en Text
Analysis of flight departure delays in Malaysia Airlines (Text
Analysis of losses in transformers and cables under nonThesis
Analysis of marine incidents in Malaysia Thesis
Analysis of organic micropollutants in sewage sludge Text
Analysis of perforated column stud using cold formed Thesis
Analysis of pharmaceutical compounds using reversed Text
Analysis of power consumption SAR-ADC dynamic compJournal Article
Analysis of power system with SVC device for damping oConference Papers
Analysis of proposed noise detection & removal techni Indexed Paper
Analysis of thermal and mechanical properties of glass Thesis
Analysis of vertical and lateral structures for nanoscale fConference Papers
Analysis on anti rotating mechanism of new symmetric Conference Papers
Analysis on the performance of a three-phase cascadedConference Papers
Analysis, design and construction of marine structure Exam Papers
Analysis, design and construction of marine structures Exam Papers
Analysts not alarmed over home loan defaults Text
Analysys on security issue of service dilevery model sof Thesis
Analytical and numerical modeling of flush end-plate c Thesis
Analytical assessment of carbon allotropes for gas sens Indexed Paper
Analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Analytical chemistry for engineering Exam Papers
Analytical chemistry II Text
Analytical modeling of partially shaded photovoltaic sy Indexed Paper
Analytical modeling of the sensing parameters for grap Indexed Paper
Analytical techniques Exam Papers
Analyzing the effect of free stream turbulence on gase Conference Papers
Analyzing the effects of capacitor bank in harmonic di Thesis
Ancaman dadah kian menakutkan Text
Ancaman HIV : memahami bagaimana virus merebak Text
Ancient fort likely to knock down tower plan Text
Andaian Aristotle, Copernicus : ulasan ringkas terhada Text
Android based game dev. dropdown path Thesis
Android smart switch for smart home Thesis
Android turn based collectible card role playing game : Thesis
Anggota agensi dadah diberi kuasa seperti polis Text
Anggota OIC perlu ada strategi pembangunan sistematiText
Angka kematian meningkat 900 orang Text
Angka petunjuk ekonomi negara bukan rekaan Text
Angkasawan negara bakar semangat pelajar Text
Angkasawan Sepanyol bantu Jakim Text
Animal detector Thesis
Anjakan rawat dan cegah Text
Anjing : gigitan boleh bawa maut Text
Ann expert system for diagnosing faults and assessing Indexed Paper
Anonymity and untraceability assessment of authenticatIndexed Paper
Another 60 get cluster school status Text
Another boost for economy Text
Another milestone for triplets News Paper Cuttings
Antara kebebasan, kredibiliti akhbar Text
Antara kebimbangan, harapan tahun baru Text
Antara merebut nama Allah dan mempertahan akidah Text
Antara pergerakan feminisme dengan perjuangan waniText
Antara tugas dan jasa wartawan News Paper Cuttings
Antaramuka & aplikasi mikropemproses Text
Antecedents of satisfaction among university students Thesis
Antiadhesion and antibiofilm activity of lawsonia alba Thesis
Anti-aedes steps mulled Text
Anticancer effects of clinacanthus nutans crude extractsThesis
Anticipating an historic event News Paper Cuttings
Antidiabetic effects of knema glauca leaf extract towardJournal Article
Anti-drugs talk to be revived Text
Antimicrobial activity of locally isolate bacteria from f Thesis
Antioxidant activity of flavonoids isolated from the leavConference Papers
Antioxidant activity of leaves of Calophyllum rubiginos Non-Index Paper
Antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory constituenIndexed Paper
Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of tinospora c Journal Article
Antioxidant and antityrosinase activities of piper maingaIndexed Paper
Antioxidant, antidiabetic and cytotoxic activities of renne
Journal Article
Antioxidise your health Text
Anti-trafficking laws needed Text
Anugerah khas UTM untuk PM Text
Anugerah Penyelidikan Terbaik Citra Karisma - KumpulaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Anugerah Terjemahan Kategori Baru Hadiah Sastera Text
Anwar Panglima Angkatan Tentera pertama dari TLDM Text
Anwar: Govt to set up body to oversee Labuan develo News Paper Cuttings
AP overhaul : major revamp to end abuses Text
Apa itu Implan Koklea Text
Apa jadi institusi keluarga Text
Apabila cita-cita politik menjadi keutamaan News Paper Cuttings
Apabila demokrasi diperalatkan Text
Apabila dua ujian menjadi satu Text
Apabila hadiah menjadi rasuah Text
Apabila pemimpin agama lain langgar sempadan Text
Apabila pengangkutan awam jadi pilihan Text
Apakah keistimewaan drama bersiri Nur Kasih Text
Apartment law in Malaysia buying properties without titl Conference Papers
APEC perlu beri tumpuan soal perdagangan : PM Text
Aperture coupled microstrip antenna with different feed Conference Papers
Aplikasi analisis faktor (FA) dalam menganalisis punca Text
Aplikasi artificial neural network (ANN) dan case base Text
Aplikasi bahan bantu mengajar Rasulullah S.A.W. dala Conference Papers
Aplikasi biokimia mikrob dan biotransformasi Text
Aplikasi 'Building information modelling' (BIM) di dala Thesis
Aplikasi kaedah ortogonal serta model komputer terh Text
Aplikasi konkrit ringan berudara & campuran mortar daThesis
Aplikasi konsep halal dalam produk makanan dan minu Thesis
Aplikasi Mikrokomputer Exam Papers
Aplikasi MSMA dan XP-SWMM di dalam merekabentuk Thesis kol
Aplikasi pembelajaran pra-sekolah untuk kanak-kanak diThesis
Aplikasi pengurusan kewangan berasaskan web untuk Text
Aplikasi penjanaan rajah hubungan kelas daripada atur Text
Aplikasi penyulitan kandungan e-mel yang mengandungThesis
Aplikasi perdana sekolah bestari Text
Aplikasi perisian autodesk land desktop dalam penghasiText
Aplikasi rainbow jawi Thesis
Aplikasi seni mushaf : rahsia kehebatan tamadun Islam Text
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi bagi penentuan ka Thesis
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam pemilihan lok Thesis
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam pengurusan inText
Aplikasi surface-water modelling system : kajian hidro Thesis
APMM beroperasi 30 Nov. Text
Apparel market segmentation for Universiti Teknologi Thesis
Apparent shear stress and drag force in compound chanThesis
Appeal to rethink planned levy on employers Text
Appeal to rethink plans on airport Text
Apple unveils smart cellphone Text
Application independent in location tracking framewor Thesis
Application of a grounded group decision-making (GGDM) Indexed Paper
Application of anaytical hierarchical process in oil and gConference Papers
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for fre Conference Papers
Application of artificial neural network for prediction Thesis
Application of biofilter for water quality improvement Text
Application of bioparticle and constructed wetlands in Thesis
Application of bioparticle in biofilter (PI 2006 2119) f Conference Papers
Application of carrier element-free co-precipitation m Indexed Paper
Application of cimfactory software towards improvemen Text
Application of dependancy structure matrix model in F Thesis
Application of electronic communication in Malaysian sThesis
Application of FEM and FDM in solving 2D irregular ge Thesis
Application of fuzzy logic control for roof-top bus multi Conference Papers
Application of genetic algorithm for thermal optimizati Conference Papers
Application of geographical information system in propThesis
Application of GIS based multi-criteria analysis in site Indexed Paper
Application of herbal extract and its medicinal value Indexed Paper
Application of lighting control in commercial building Thesis
Application of lignosulfonate from areca catechu fibre hThesis
Application of marmot method for autonomous mobileConference Papers
Application of mortar and slag cement based aerated li Text
Application of moss as bio-monitor for heavy metals dep Journal Article
Application of packaging technique in fiber bragg grat Journal Article
Application of parallel processing in fast decoupled loadConference Papers
Application of polymer in concrete construction Thesis
Application of polymer in concrete construction Text
Application of probabilistic method in assessing the res Text
Application of radio-over-fiber (ROF) in mobile communConference Papers
Application of real time kinematic network in landslide Text
Application of rubber (hevea brasiliensis) seeds oil extr Indexed Paper
Application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method Thesis
Application of soil nailing for strengthening slope Thesis
Application of sol gel technique for glucose oxidase immConference Papers
Application of ststistical and nerual network model for oiText
Application of system calibration comparator for digita Thesis
Application of the travel cost method to urban forests Thesis
Application of total productive maintenance (TPM) conce Text
Application of viscosity reducing agents to reduce the pThesis
Application of wind moment method on the design of mul Conference Papers
Applied cryptography Exam Papers
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Applied numerical methods Text
Applied valuation Exam Papers
Applying design of experiment method to improve weldThesis
Applying facebook-connected technology to recycle ed Thesis
Applying value engineering in road reconstruction by usThesis
Appraisal system for civil servants stays Text
Appropriate lightweight cryptosystems for wireless senIndexed Paper
Appropriate urban public open space Thesis
Approximate analytical solutions for viscoelastic diffe Thesis
Approximate analytical solutions of KdV and burgers' Indexed Paper
Apungan proses penuaan mata Text
Aqidah islamiyyah II Exam Papers
Aqidah islamiyyah II Exam Papers
Aquatred Services perkenal A-One Interceptor Text
Arab Saudi labur RM8.5 bilion : Najib Text
Arab Saudi penyelamat ekonomi AS News Paper Cuttings
Arahan letak tanda harga khas Text
Arbitration Exam Papers
Arbitrator's misconduct in receiving evidence in arbitr Thesis
Architechtural Landscape Exam Papers
Architectural management and practice Exam Papers
Architectural theory Exam Papers
Architecture theory and criticism Exam Papers
Are foreign graduates better than locals? Text
Are girls smarter than boys? Text
Are the neighborhood commercial areas of Iskandar Mala Conference Papers
Are videogames bad for your health? Text
Are we really ready for sales and service tax? Text
Areas in Hulu Klang sit on weak rock Text
Arithmetic logic unit design for silicon nanowire field-efThesis
Arkib Negara berkongsi maklumat Text
Arkitek Islam disaran tak taksub teknologi Barat Text
Arkitek perlu tonjolkan nilai kesenian, tempatan Text
Army to strive for excellence Text
Arresting MalaysiaÆs relative decline Text
Artificial bee colony for producing high yields of succinaThesis
Artificial intelligence Exam Papers
Artificial neural network based arcing fault detection a Conference Papers
Artificial neural network modelling of steady state che Conference Papers
Artificial neural networks to predict of liquidus temperaConference Papers
Artificial weathering as a function of CO2 injection in P Indexed Paper
Artikel 121 (1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak per Text
AS dalang rusuhan di Iran Text
AS dan jenayah perang Gaza News Paper Cuttings
AS guna proksi di Asia Text
AS patut bertegas proses damai Asia Barat News Paper Cuttings
AS puji cara kita tangani keganasan Text
Asas grafik komputer Text
Asas Kejuruteraan Elektrik Text
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Asas kuantitatif / statistik sains sosial / statistik pernia Text
Asas kuasa dan mesin elektrik Text
Asas pemasaran Text
Asas pemprosesan imej Text
Asas pengaturcaraan Text
Asas persaudaraan perkukuh setiakawan dalam masyarText
Asas statistik Text
Asas statistik Text
Asas ukur Text
Asas VLSI Digit Text
Asean Defence Ministers Meeting : agreement on militar Text
ASEAN jadi pengeluar teknologi baru Text
Asean leaders in Tokyo to commemorate relations withText
Asean must agree to expulsion Text
Asean perlu sepakat News Paper Cuttings
ASEAN perlu wujudkan pasaran tunggal Text
ASEAN proksi pertelingkahan AS, China News Paper Cuttings
ASEAN sanjungi Dr. M : Presiden Megawati sebak bebera Text
Asean sebagai blok ekonomi Text
Asean sepakat percepat kerjasama universiti Text
Asean to get latest data on R&D conducted by JapaneseText
ASEAN tubuh rangka kerja kerjasama keselamatan seraText
Asean, EU should agree on Asem Text
Ashaaris book has influences of old sect Text
Asia and Europe can stop money laundering Text
Asia kekal sebagai rantau ekonomi paling dinamik Text
Asia perlu berubah Text
Asia perlu bina ekonomi melalui pengukuhan hubunganText
Asia perlu perkukuh dasar monetari bendung inflasi Text
Asia perlu proaktif bentuk globalisasi: Dr Mahathir Text
Asia-Afrika sepakat laksana pelan tindakan perkongsianText
ASK-to-PSK generation based on nonlinear microring r Conference Papers
ASM mahu tingkatkan saintis kaji Antartika Text
Aspek dan polisi perundangan remote sensing Text
Aspek keselamatan jalan raya diserap dalam kurikulum Text
Aspek lokasi dalam penentuan peletakan rumah mampuThesis
Aspek rekabentuk bagi komponen sistem binaan berindu Thesis
Aspek-aspek keselamatan dalam pembinaan bangunanText
Aspirasi masa depan Proton Text
Assessing e-arbitration adoption in Saudi Arabia Islam Thesis
Assessing students' knowledge in first-year electronic Conference Papers
Assessing the prevalence of hand, foot and mouth diseaThesis
Assessing the treatment of acetaminophen-contaminatIndexed Paper
Assessmant of qualitative road service at signalised int Thesis
Assessment and correction of Airsar Dem in Cameron HThesis
Assessment for learning instrumentation in higher educIndexed Paper
Assessment in bending and shear strength of glued lamiJournal Article
Assessment of aquatic ecosystem status using macrophyt Journal Article
Assessment of disturbance impact of hydraulic jack in pil Thesis
Assessment of imazapic presence in surface water and Journal Article
Assessment of municipal solid waste disposal options usi Thesis
Assessment of potential human health and environmentIndexed Paper
Assessment of power plant emission and its health impaConference Papers
Assessment of PV cell performance under actual MalaysConference Papers
Assessment of ship-bank interactions on LNG tanker in Indexed Paper
Assessment of strength of weathered sandstone by usinText
Assessment of urban quality of life for selected cities i Thesis
Assessment of warpage and shrinkage in injection moulThesis
Assessment on the performance of pairwise sequence Thesis
Assessment practices of science process skills in the cl Conference Papers
Assessment quality product of additive manufacturing Thesis
Assessment to replace UPSR and PMR Text
Assets and facilities information system (case study: buThesis
Assistive guide robot for visually impaired person Thesis
ASTRO mungkin menjadi syarikat persendirian Text
Astrofizik Text
Astrologers weigh in on rare Venus phenomenon Text
Astronomi lapangan Text
Astronomy Exam Papers
Asymmetric mixed matrix membrane incorporating organi Indexed Paper
Asymmetric synthesis using sugars as homochiral auxiliaText
At 99 sen, anyone can sleep well Text
At least 53 Malaysians killed by tidal waves Text
At least one cell phone for every Malaysian Text
Atasi cabaran birokrasi Text
Atasi masalah 3G tanpa perlu berdiet Text
Atasi pedih ulu hati ketika hamil Text
Atasi segera isu pendidikan 'lapuk' Text
Atasi segera kebanjiran IPTS Text
Atlet UTM diiktiraf News Paper Cuttings
ATM dimoden melalui konsep pembangunan seimbangText
ATM kukuhkan tuntutan Malaysia melalui penempatan Text
ATM lindung kedaulatan, integriti negara Text
ATM mampu lahirkan ramai angkasawan Text
ATM sesuai buat belia : PM Text
ATM tubuh pusat kepemimpinan Text
Atma ambil 323 pelajar lepasan SPM Text
Atma dinaik taraf universiti Text
Atmospheric electric field data logger system Journal Article
Attack on Aziz scheme News Paper Cuttings
Attaining points for certification of green building thro Indexed Paper
Attennuation prediction for satellite propagation from Text
Attenuation of noise by using absorption materials and Non-Index Paper
Audi on fast lane in Malaysia Text
Audit Exam Papers
Audit Text
Audit Exam Papers
Audit 1 Exam Papers
Audit bagi Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Peker Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Audit ISO SIRIM Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Auditing Exam Papers
Auditor independence debate : a critical review of th Text
Augmenting commercialization of new technology intenIndexed Paper
AURA positif dan negatif Text
Aussies want close ties with neighbours Text
Authoring language Exam Papers
Auto prices a thorny issue among consumers Text
Automasi pembuatan Text
Automata diagrams for non-simple splicing system Conference Papers
Automated brain lesion classification using hybrid fuz Journal Article
Automated current control for pulse anodic etching of pThesis
Automated system for children bone age classification uThesis
Automated watering system for indoor plant Thesis
Automatic chair for cerebral palsy children Thesis
Automatic coronary artery detection in cardiogram image Text
Automatic detection of lineaments from LANDSAT image Conference Papers
Automatic monitoring and maintenance of grouping s Text
Automatic pan-tilt camera positioning system for motion Text
Automatic phonetic segmentation of malay speech dat Conference Papers
Automatic presenter tracking for video recording Thesis
Automatic region-based brain classification of MRI-T1 dIndexed Paper
Automatic tissue classification in magnetic resonance Thesis
Automatic ultrasound kidney's centroid detection syst Thesis
Automation of DNA computing readout method impleme Conference Papers
Automotif: Cari rakan kongsi pindah teknologi Text
Automotive leds lighting using PWM controller Thesis
Autonomi tadbir sekolah Text
Autonomous battery replacing mobile robot Thesis
Autonomous Four Legged Robot Thesis
Autonomous four legged robot Thesis
Autonomous mobile robot with realtime mapping Thesis
Autonomous network selection strategy for telecardiol Indexed Paper
Autonomous tawaf crowd simulation Conference Papers
Autonomuos mobile robot navigation Thesis
Autonomy for UTM News Paper Cuttings
Available transfer capability determination using artificiText
Avionik dan instrumentasi Text
Avoid arrest, pay your summonses now Text
Avoid shaking hands and wear a mask, Liow advises pe Text
Awal Muharam sesuai bermuhasabah Text
Ayam serama warisan negara Text
Ayat al-Quran, doa mampu hindari sihir Text
Azahari Husin letupkan diri Text
Azalina moots youth index Text
Azam tahun baharu Nadiah News Paper Cuttings
Azam tingkat kecemerlangan News Paper Cuttings
Azhari pilih keganasan satu kerugian Text
Azlan dilantik TNC Pembangunan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Azlina jual rekaan RM245.5j Text
Azman Pro-Canselor OUM Text
Azmi puas komitmen tinggi pemain News Paper Cuttings
Bachok shows tourism potential Text
Back analysis of slope failure induced by rainfall infiltra Thesis
Back to normal after US blackout Text
Back to old way for civil cases Text
Back-analysis of geotechnical parameters from full scal Thesis
Backing for avian flu fund Text
Bad air risingá Text
Badan bebas pantau polis : cadangan untuk pastikan a Text
Badan khas pantau pelajar sertai kempen pilihan raya Text
Badan khas patut pantau kemiskinan di bandar Text
Bagaimana HBV merebak Text
Bagaimana tsunami terbentuk Text
Baggage out in 15 minutes at KLIA Text
Bah di Perak makin buruk Text
Bahamas pusat pelancongan terkenal Text
Bahan Amorfus dan Seramik Exam Papers
Bahan baru yang dapat mengurangkan pecah tebat dalam Thesis
Bahan binaan punca projek tergendala Text
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Bahan makan, produk abstrak diselaraskan Text
Bahan polimer dan teknologi Text
Bahasa arab Exam Papers
Bahasa inggeris : antara ilmuan dan fasih berbahasa Text
Bahasa Inggeris : galak kanak-kanak bermula di rumah Text
Bahasa Inggeris : kelemahan pelajar universiti bermula Text
Bahasa Inggeris : kementerian tidak hadapi masalah Text
Bahasa inggeris : MELTC latih 22,500 guru matematik, sText
Bahasa inggeris diguna 50 peratus waktu kuliah di UTMText
Bahasa Jepun perniagaan I Text
Bahasa Jepun perniagaan I Text
Bahasa kebangsaan di semua kementerian Text
Bahasa Malaysia akademik II Text
Bahasa Malaysia makin terpinggir : Pakar Text
Bahasa Mandarin Text
Bahasa Mandarin tidak wajar diguna dalam UPSR Text
Bahasa Mandarin, Tamil diperkenal di MRSM Text
Bahasa Melayu - Pengukuhan secara kreatif perlu Text
Bahasa Melayu : Korea harap jalin kerjasama dengan Text
Bahasa Melayu pupuk perpaduan Text
Bahasa Melayu terus diperlekeh Text
Bahasa pengaturcaraan III Exam Papers
Bahasa perancis Exam Papers
Bahasa sembang in web forums: knowledge management Conference Papers
Bahasa Tambahan, tidak ganti subjek Pengetahuan MorText
Bahaya jika sempadan bolos News Paper Cuttings
Bahaya mengurut hernia Text
Bahaya penyakit kencing manis Text
Baiki mutu khidmat feri dahulu sebelum naikkan tambaText
Baiki mutu khidmat LRT memuaskan Text
Baiki sistem saliran Text
Bajet 2005 diharap beri IPT insentif menarik Text
Bajet 2006 beri penekanan pembangunan berkualiti Text
Bajet 2007 komited pacu ekonomi Text
Bajet 2008 ada kejutan : ia menitik berat kepentingan, Text
Bajet 2008 beri pengertian lebih luas Text
Bajet 2008 kreatif, inovatif Text
Bajet 2008 rancakkan RMK-9 Text
Bajet 2009 mampu legakan beban rakyat Text
Bajet 2009 tumpu perkasa sektor pengangkutan Text
Bajet bersifat penyayang Text
Bajet fokus rakyat berpendapatan rendah Text
Bajet makmurkan rakyat Text
Bajet matang ke arah visi 2020 Text
Bajet Mini bantu negara hadapi badai Text
Bajet Mini RM10b Text
Bakal guru wajib akujanji? Text
Bakal menjalankan penyelidikan bagi menemui vaksin Text
Bakri takes his men to task Text
Balai bergerak UTM mesra pelanggan News Paper Cuttings
Balak bukan sumber utama Text
Balak: Jabatan Perhutanan tidak rujuk JAS Text
Balancing idealism with pragmatism Text
Ballast water treatment using shipboard heat resource Thesis
Ballistic mobility and saturation velocity in low-dimens Conference Papers
Ban on paraquat lifted for study Text
Bandar bersepadu RM1b rumah mampu milik dilancar aText
Bandar ideal berasaskan ilmu pengetahuan Text
Bandar raya pertama di Pantai Timur Text
Bandwidth enhancement of a narrowband rectangular mi Conference Papers
Bandwidth enhancement of rectangular dielectric resona Indexed Paper
Bandwidth enhancement of Vivaldi antenna using triangJournal Article
Bangga daki Everest dalam masa singkat Text
Bangkok parah gugat ASEAN News Paper Cuttings
Banglo di Selangor jadi sarang aedes : MB Text
Bangunan berayun di atas telapak getah Text
Bangunan kediaman diwajib sedia alat cegah kebakara Text
Bangunan Stadthuys siang malam jadi tarikan Text
Bangunan tinggi tidak tahan gempa Text
Bangunkan P. Pisang : bagi menjamin status kedaulatanText
Banjir : semua pihak diarah bersiap sedia Text
Banjir makin buruk Text
Banjir makin buruk : mangsa dipindah meningkat 24,59Text
Banjir ragut satu nyawa, 200 dipindah Text
Bank Bahrain minat ambil alih ekuiti BHB Text
Bank bantu Melayu Text
Bank darah tali pusat bantu transplantasi Text
Bank digesa pulihara alam sekitar Text
Bank diminta kurangkan penghutang jatuh muflis Text
Bank diminta tanam semangat tolong usahawan luar b Text
Bank Dunia, WTO, IMF perlu kembali kepada mandat asText
Bank employees get 17 per cent pay rise Text
Bank guna MyKad ganti ATM Text
Bank Idea Rakyat kongsi buah fikiran masyarakat Text
Bank IKS perlu mesra usahawan muda Text
Bank Islam hanya pengantara kewangan Text
Bank Islam kembang perkhidmatan kewangan Text
Bank Islam lancar Bancatakaful September Text
Bank Islam launches SMS banking Text
Bank Islam mega Text
Bank kena bantu pemaju Text
Bank kurang ansuran pinjaman Text
Bank Muamalat sedia berkembang Text
Bank Negara akan perkenal Indeks Kepuasan PelangganText
Bank Negara benarkan 42 PKS struktur semula hutang Text
Bank Negara cari kaedah berkesan tangani inflasi Text
Bank Negara kekalkan Kadar Dasar Semalaman Text
Bank Negara kekalkan kadar faedah domestik Text
Bank Pembangunan utama projek RMK-9 Text
Bank perlu pelbagai kaedah bayaran balik pinjaman ru Text
Bank Pertanian sasarkan lesen perbankan komersial Text
Bank PKS luaskan rezeki usahawan kecil Text
Bank Rakyat jadi Bank Koperasi April depan Text
Bank Rakyat pays out RM320m Text
Bank Rakyat perkenal perbankan Internet Text
Bank Rakyat sasar salur pinjaman RM15 juta Text
Bank revises conditions for its panel of lawyers Text
Bank sector geared for growth Text
Bank tak ketat syarat pinjaman kenderaan Text
Bank tempatan untung RM2.4b suku pertama 2002 Text
Banking on expats, embassy staff to boost homestay toText
Banking on research to boost ranking Text
Banks to ensure credit access for all sectors Text
Banned 50 years ago, Rhodamine B still used in foodstuText
BANNED with immediate effect Text
Bantu kecemerlangan organisasi UTM News Paper Cuttings
Bantu kontraktor bumiputera teroka pasaran luar nega Text
Bantu promosi bahasa Melayu Text
Bantuan bukan cara BN pancing undi News Paper Cuttings
Bantuan pendidikan tak terjejas Text
Banyak aktiviti menanti anda di Kuala Selangor Text
Banyak projek e-kerajaan gagal Text
Banyak undang-undang tak ikut perubahan zaman Text
Bapa sibuk punca anak lelaki tak cemerlang Text
Bapa terbaik mendidik, bergaul mesra dengan anak Text
Barah payu dara tidak harus jadi igauan ngeri Text
Barat bimbang Islam kuasai dunia Text
Barat gagal tawan hati orang Islam Text
Barter traders taking out controlled items Text
Bas ekspres perlu pemandu kedua Text
Bas mesti pasang tali keledar Text
Bas Putrajaya guna gas asli ganti diesel Text
Bas terbabas : pelajar mati, 39 cedera Text
Basic Animation In Multimedia Exam Papers
Basic audio and video in multimedia Exam Papers
Basic Digital VLSI Exam Papers
Basic Digital VLSI Exam Papers
Basic electrical engineering Exam Papers
Basic financial accounting Exam Papers
Basic surveying Exam Papers
Basmi kemiskinan diteruskan : PM Text
Batal penerbangan: MAS jangka rugi RM131.2 juta Text
Batu Bersurat diiktiraf Text
Batu karang 100 tahun dimusnah tongkang Text
Batu Maung set to be among world's top tuna landing pText
Batu Puteh hak Singapura Text
Baucar RM5,000 lupus kereta lama Text
Bawal hitam naik hampir RM10 Text
Bayar cukai pendapatan guna kad kredit Text
Bayaran bonus tidak jejas kewangan negara Text
Bayaran pinjaman PTPTN dipermudah Text
Bayesian estimation of reliability (Full text) Text
Bayi bebas barah pertama lahir Text
Bayi disyaki mangsa dera mati Text
BBC : revise the AP policy Text
BCB : new rules wonÆt affect quality of service Text
Be a savvy taxpayer Text
Be assertive and put an end to office politics Text
Be firm with the extended deadline for any illegal Text
Be friendly, PM tells staff Text
Be involved, Malaysians urged Text
Be more flexible, hospitals urged Text
Be proactive, accounts panels told Text
Beban guru ditangani Text
Bebanan tugas Text
Bebas selesema burung : pemeriksaan di seluruh negaraText
Bebas virus jika tiada kes 14 hari Text
Bebas, sukarela jadi cara paling berkesan menggalakk Text
Becoming exemplary employee Text
Bedah siasat bukan suka-suka Text
Behavior modification Exam Papers
Behavior of concrete with polymer additive at fresh an Conference Papers
Behaviour of cold formed steel under axial compressionText
Behaviour of cold-formed steel composite floor section Thesis
Behaviour of eccentrically loaded slender concrete fill Journal Article
Behaviour of externally confined high strength concret Thesis
Behaviour of high strength reinforced concrete beam wit Text
Behaviour of laterally confined high strength concrete wThesis
Behaviour of precast isolate pad foundation in sand Thesis
Behaviour of reinforced concerete infilled frames underJournal Article
Behaviour of reinforced concrete frame at ultimate limitText
Behaviour of steel straps confined concrete column withConference Papers
Behaviour of timber beams strengthened with fibre rei Text
Behaviour-based facilities energy management framewor Thesis
Beilschglabrines A and B : two new bioactive phenanthrIndexed Paper
Being business savvy News Paper Cuttings
Bekalan buku teks untuk 5.7 juta pelajar cukup Text
Bekalan dadah percuma kepada penagih dikaji Text
Bekalan elektrik terputus kejadian luar biasa Text
Bekalan gula cukup di Johor Text
Bekas banduan rogol anak kena 60 tahun Text
Bekas pekerja KWSP terlibat keluarkan caruman RM1j dText
Bekas pemimpin mahu GPMS diterajui semula golonganText
Bekas penagih dijangkiti HIV hadapi tekanan kahwin Text
Beku ambil pekerja asing tidak wajar Text
Belajar selagi ada kudrat : Yan chee Text
Belanja projek rakyat diterus Text
Beli baju angkasawan Text
Beli kereta sekarang : MAA Text
Belia Cina digalak sertai Wataniah Text
Belia Cina tiada kepujian Bahasa Melayu boleh jadi poli Text
Belia dan agenda Satu Malaysia Text
Belia Islam perlu pertingkat pengetahuan Text
Belia kita perlu pelajari kemahiran Thailand Text
Belia perlu martabatkan kecemerlangan Text
Belia perlu mohon tauliah guru al-Qurandaripada JAIJ Text
Belum to be centre for research Text
Bencana alam berpunca daripada kesilapan manusia Text
Bendera identiti tersendiri WP Text
Bendung keganasan guna pelbagai saluran media Text
Bendung kemasukan pendatang haram Text
Benefits in sharing cellular site for celcos Text
Benefits on e-commerce adoption in Zanzibar Thesis
Bengkel "Turnitin training for instructors" Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bengkel fiksyen sains dan teknologi dapat sambutan News Paper Cuttings
Bengkel fiksyen sains dapat sambutan News Paper Cuttings
Bengkel pengurusan sistem online producteev Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bengkel peralihan dari ISO 90012008 ke ISO 90012015 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bentuk generasi muda bersatu padu Text
Bentuk rakyat cekap urus wang Text
Berakhirnya era Bill Gates di Microsoft Text
Beramal tanpa ilmu jadi sia-sia Text
Berat badan ideal, senaman elak sakit sendi Text
Berbangga dengan Proton Text
Berbelanja bantu ekonomi Text
Berfikir di luar kotak bantu peniaga Text
Bergaya dengan teknologi nano Text
Berhati-hati timbang syarat lulus BI untuk SPM Text
Berhenti bergantung agensi berita Barat Text
Beri insentif usahawan berpotensi Text
Beri peluang pekerja sambung belajar News Paper Cuttings
Berikutan perubahan kepemimpinan dalam MCA KabineText
Berita baik untuk pencari kerja Text
Berjimat cermat bukan sampai jadi bakhil Text
Berkahwin kurangkan risiko nyanyuk Text
Berkampung di Belukar Durian News Paper Cuttings
Berkhatan bukan sekadar penuhi tuntutan agama Text
Berkorban untuk kemakmuran negara Text
Berlebihan rai Syawal hapus berkat sebulan Ramadan Text
Bermain sambil belajar Text
Bersatu demi keamanan negara News Paper Cuttings
Bersatu syarat kebangkitan Umno Text
Bersedia hadapi cabaran uji kecekapan, kemampuan kitText
Bersenam kena ikut umur Text
Bersepadu tangani penyalahgunaan dadah Text
Bersih 4.0 cabar kedaulatan negara News Paper Cuttings
Berusaha rapat jurang pengguna, perniagaan Text
Best taste guide for the foodies Text
BestariEd - kementerian galakkan semua sekolah guna Text
Beta-cyclodextrin functionalized MWCNT: a potential Indexed Paper
Better deal for house buyers Text
Better deal for teachers, HMs, education officers Text
Better dividends soon for EPF, Tabung Haji and LTAT Text
Better housing for police Text
Between a rock and a hard place Text
Beware of adulterated herbal products Text
Beware of quacks at 24-hour clinics Text
Beza Teheran, Pyongyang di mata Washington Text
Biar kerajaan negeri urus pengangkutan awam Text
Biasiswa Agong untuk sambung sarjana, PhD Text
Biasiswa JPA pelajar bukan Melayu naik kepada 45 peraText
Biasiswa khas : 11 IPTS bukan bumiputera setuju sumb Text
Biasiswa Khazanah Merdeka taja 25 pelajar setiap tahu Text
Biasiswa pelajar cemerlang akan ditambah Text
Biasiswa pelajar cemerlang terhad Text
Bicara Akademia : skop penyelidikan Text
Bid to use stevia in place of sugar Text
Bidang pengkeranian penting Text
Bidang sawit dekat dihati News Paper Cuttings
Bidang teknologi - Wanita perlu sahut cabaran Text
Big boost for biotech firms Text
Big boost for R&D Text
Big hope for warrior Aedes Text
Big jump in dengue cases Text
Big jump in reported cases of Influenza B Text
Big plans for Kajang News Paper Cuttings
Big plans for pepper sector Text
BigfootÆs 4am howls? Text
Bijani sisters relentless in their struggle to lead indepenText
Bijani twins die in marathon operation Text
Bike sales surge as more locals work in Singapore Text
Bila hilang nikmat dan rasa Text
Bila Perdana Menteri buat lawatan mengejut Text
Bilangan penonton RTM meningkat 10 peratus Text
Bilangan warga emas bertambah Text
Bill to outline transplant rules Text
BIMB lancar kad kredit, berlandaskan syariah Text
BIMB susun strategi hadapi pesaing baru perbankan Is Text
Bimbang kemelut Thai Text
Bimbang reaksi pasangan punca pesakit berdiam diri Text
Bimbang trend kahwin lewat Text
Bina jambatan mampu pulih kualiti air Selat Tebrau : paText
Bina Melayu unggul, berhemah, berbudi tinggi, berjaya Text
Bina persefahaman antara agama Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Binaan kejuruteraan awam Text
Binaan konkrit batu bata Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu bata Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu-bata Text
Binaan landskap 3 Text
Binaan landskap I Text
Binaan landskap III / Binaan landskap IV Text
Bincang warta fatwa haram rokok Text
Binder characterization and performance of warm stoneThesis
Bio Desaru tarik pelaburan RM1.5 bilion Text
Bio oil from pyrolysis of pre - treted empty palm fruit Conference Papers
Bio petrol tebu mesra alam Text
Biochemical and nutritional components of selected h Indexed Paper
Biodegradability and toxicity of corn oil ester Thesis
Biodegradable low density polyethylene (LDPE)/starch Conference Papers
Biodegradation high strength of oil and grease by Serr Thesis
Biodegradation of dye using laccase immobilized in silicThesis
Biodegradation of oil and grease by immobilized surfac Thesis
Biodegradation of oily wastes and sludges Conference Papers
Biodiesel alternatif untuk kesejahteraan dunia Text
Biodiesel production using CaO impregnated with silica Conference Papers
Biofilter application for leachate treatment Thesis
Biofiltration process as an ideal approach to remove polIndexed Paper
Biogeografi dan geokimia Text
Biografi mengubah persepsi terhadap Tunku Text
Bioinspired evolutionary algorithm based for improvingIndexed Paper
Biokimia Text
Biokimia sel dan metabolisme Text
Biokimia Sel Dan Metabolisme Text
Biokimia sel dan metabolisme Text
Biokinetics of nitrogen removal at high concentration Indexed Paper
Biologcally-inspired optimal video streaming over unpr Non-Index Paper
Biologi contoh terbaik bagi nanoteknologi Text
Biologi gunaan Text
Biologi gunaan Text
Biologi manusia Text
Biologi sel dan molekul Text
Biological aspects of forensic science Exam Papers
Biological assessment of uncoated and hydroxyapatite-cThesis
BioMalaysia 2002 : focus on science, not profits Text
Biomass as a renewable source of chemicals for industriNon-Index Paper
Biomechanical study of different surgical approaches ofThesis
Biomechanics Exam Papers
Biomedical Image Processing Exam Papers
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
Biometrics to stop multiple voting Text
Biomimetic aquatic surface robot for oil-spill cleanup Thesis
Bio-oil from agricultural wastes Text
Bio-oils and diesel like fuel derived from alkaline treat Non-Index Paper
Biophysics Text
Biophysics Exam Papers
Biopulping of pineapple leaf fiber using ceriporiopsis s Thesis
Bioremediation of high-strength agricultural wastewateIndexed Paper
Biosensor technology Text
Biostructural engineering : strength of tree structure foThesis
Biosystem modeling Exam Papers
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Biotechnology and beauty Conference Papers
Biotechnology for wellness industry: concepts and biofaNon-Index Paper
Bioteknologi enjin baru pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Bioteknologi pulihara alam sekitar, biodiversiti Text
Bird flu update : nobody infected, says Chua Text
Bird flu update : three more hospitalised with bird flu Text
Bird sanctuaries overlooked Text
Birokrasi PTPTN : bilakah akan berakhir? Text
Birth rates show only a slight increase Text
Bitumen emulsion in Malaysia–a conspectus Journal Article
Bizarre beating in cleansing ritual Text
Bizcom platform bantu usahawan Melayu Text
BizCom satukan usahawan bumiputera seluruh negara Text
Black box modelling the thermal behaviour of iHouse Journal Article
Black Metal is haram Text
Blacklist plan for illegal drug sales Text
Blasting-induced flyrock and ground vibration predictioIndexed Paper
Blindness the price of a sweet tooth Text
Block-based neural network mapping on graphics proceThesis
Blood cells sorting using cotton threads Thesis
Blood flow through a stenosed artery bifurcation underIndexed
t Paper
Blueprint for farming Text
BN candidates can be veterans or new faces Text
BN Negeri Sembilan tetap utuh Text
BN perlu berani buat perubahan Text
BN setuju mekanisme biasiswa Text
BNM sedia pelan khas bantu PKS Text
BNM tubuh Kaunseling Kredit, Hutang Text
Board to probe Iandslide incident Text
Body of woman found in drain Text
Boikot strategi terbaik hukum Israel News Paper Cuttings
Bola sepak : UTM tundukkan UM 2-1 Text
Boleh terus belajar dalam BI Text
Bologna beri banyak manfaat Text
Bolted shear connectors performance in self-compacting Indexed Paper
Bon Merdeka RM500j untuk warga emas Text
Bongkar rahsia ilmu al-Quran majukan umat Islam Text
Bonus for civil servants? Find out on Budget Day Text
Bookfest 2009 tambah terbitan Melayu Text
Boom time ahead for KL, says IMF Text
Boon for Japan trade Text
Boon Soon mahu kelilingi dunia promosi seni bina News Paper Cuttings
Boon to disabled students News Paper Cuttings
Boost for Johor's eco-tourism Text
Boost for national broadband plan Text
Borrowing books will be only a click away Text
Bosses prefer workers proficient in English Text
Botched breast job leads to cancer Text
Botox haram Text
Botox phenomenon fast catching on here Text
Bouding-volume hierarchies for detecting object interf Conference Papers
Boundary tracing of fish image Conference Papers
Bounded PSO Vmax function in neural network learningConference Papers
Box-Jenkins and genetic algorithm hybrid model for elecText
BoyÆs body found in bag Text
BPR awasi 30 kakitangan awam Text
BPR diminta siasat kes pembalakan haram Text
BPR hampir selesai siasat kes penyelewengan AIM Text
BPR kemuka cadangan perbaiki amalan kerja Text
BPR manfaat guna khutbah perangi rasuah Text
BPR minta maklumat lengkap Text
BPR persoal cara ketua jabatan tangani rasuah Text
BPR tahan kereta mewah milik Annuar Musa bantu siasText
BPR tak tunggu laporan pantau RMK-9 Text
BPR terima 12,407 aduan kes Text
BPR tidak boleh dakwa kes rasuah Text
Bracing for food shortages Text
Braille to help the blind find washrooms Text
Branch coverage test case generation using genetic al Thesis
Brand management Exam Papers
Breast cancer detection based on statistical textural feaConference Papers
Breast cancer fight hindered Text
Breast height diameter estimation from high-density ai Indexed Paper
Breast is best in Norway Text
Breeders want bigger bite : big plans for ornamental fi Text
Brickwall in drug trafficking cases : change the law Text
Bridge builder to be revealed today Text
Bridge gap between urban and rural schools Text
Brine shrimp bioassay procedure to determine produced Thesis
Bring back the glamour to teaching Text
Bring fatwa up to date, says PM Text
Briquetting fuel from Malaysian biomass Thesis
Broadband enhanced fluorescence using zinc-oxide nanIndexed Paper
Broadening horizons Text
BSN perluas asas pelanggan skim pinjaman peribadi Text
BSN tawar pinjaman mikro akhir tahun Text
BTN minister : Patriotism, unity at core of courses Text
Buah peria bantu rawat diabetes Text
Buang bayi gejala jahiliah moden Text
Buang bayi perbuatan orang jahiliah Text
Buang bayi tindakan kejam Text
Buang lumpur: PNK Johor Selatan mahu kemuka banta Text
Buang tanggapan pertanian tidak mampu beri lumayanText
BuBot : a biologically inspired robot Thesis
Buckling load of laminated composite plates with numerThesis
Budak 11 tahun korban keenam Text
Budak 2 tahun mati didera: Badan lebam, kesan cucukaText
Budak 4 tahun mati didera Text
Budak mati jatuh kondo mangsa rogol Text
Budak mati terhidu asap Text
Budaya bermoral wajar ada dalam semua urusan : Naji Text
Budaya inovasi bukan dimonopoli ilmuwan Text
Budaya lepak di kafe siber galak pelajar ponteng sekolaText
Budaya majmuk dapat erat perpaduan Text
Budaya Malaysia II Text
Budaya membaca bermula di rumah Text
Budaya membaca syarat untuk menjadi negara maju Text
Budaya membaca warga Jepun wajar dicontohi Text
Budaya menderma kembali Text
Budaya penggunaan internet dikalangan mahasiswa Univ Thesis
Budaya pengiktirafan mampu jadi pemangkin tingkat pre Text
Budaya penulisan berbentuk fitnah rugikan bangsa Text
Budaya politik melayu bandar : kajian kes di Shah Alam Text
Budaya saling berpesan pererat kesatuan ummah Text
Budaya tanpa petrol News Paper Cuttings
Budayakan keusahawanan kerjaya pilihan Text
Budayakan penyelidikan Text
Budget 2004 : The full text of the Prime Minister's bud Text
Budget 2008 : putting people first... homes and educatiText
Budget designed to tap local resources Text
Budget terminal near-ready, AirAsia to operate at KLIA Text
Budi bahasa tonjol kewibawaan penjawat awam Text
Bugbear virus infects millions of computers Text
Build and release management automation for ConsolsThesis
Build-and-sell pledges sought Text
Building a biodiversity informatics database for resear Conference Papers
Building better libraries Text
Building bridges with cuisine Text
Building economics Exam Papers
Building economics Exam Papers
Building friendship that unites the races Text
Building integration and performance Exam Papers
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Building Maintenance Exam Papers
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Building maintenance (penyenggaraan bangunan) Text
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Building services Exam Papers
Building services (kemudahan bangunan) Text
Building services 1 Exam Papers
Building services 2 Exam Papers
Building services 2 Exam Papers
Building services and maintenance Exam Papers
Building Services II Exam Papers
Building technology Exam Papers
Building technology Exam Papers
Building the right access strategy Text
Buka mata peruncit Melayu Text
Bukan bermotif gila kuasa Text
Bukan bumiputera : di lima MRSM Text
Bukan kerana gahnya sesebuah IPTA Text
Bukan laluan kedua News Paper Cuttings
Bukan mudah dapat PhD Text
Bukan sekadar acara tahunan Text
Bukan sekadar merawat Text
Bukit Tinggi terletak dalam zon sesar bumi Text
Bukti keikhlasan Pak Lah Text
Bukti serius hapus rasuah Text
Bukti sistem pendidikan kita dapat kepercayaan Text
Buku bertemu ruas : polis kesan calon PLKN degil mulai Text
Buku Hijau bantu ubah sektor tani Text
Buku Malaysia mudah ke pasaran Indonesia, Brunei Text
Buku nadir menjadi warisan Text
Buku sebagai pasak pembangunan modal insan Text
Buku teks untuk semua Text
Buku terbitan UP&D dapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa Text
Bulan membaca : ADaP di Perpustakaan Negara Text
Bulatan dan aplikasinya Text
Buletin Majlis Peguam didakwa siar rencana hina Islam Text
Buli dan masalah komunikasi Text
Bulk semiconducting materials Exam Papers
Bulletin board system for the department of informati Text
Bullies beat up student, victim puzzled why six attacke Text
Bumi Touch FC ungguli Futsal UTM News Paper Cuttings
Bumiputera dibantu tingkat ekuiti korporat Text
Bunga raya to bloom again Text
Bunga tanah liat makin diminati Text
Bureau Veritas says good prospects for O&G sector News Paper Cuttings
Burger King online ordering system Thesis
Burnout and job satisfaction among secondary school cou Thesis
Bursa elektrik bantu TNB Text
Bursa Malaysia seeks protection for whistle-blowers Text
Buruh binaan asing dikurangkan Text
Buses for Iskandar Text
Business and technology Exam Papers
Business communication Exam Papers
Business communication Exam Papers
Business continuity for partnerships Text
Business incubators in Asian developing countries Indexed Paper
Business mathemathics Exam Papers
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Business mathematics / Matematik perniagaan Text
Business statistic Exam Papers
Business statistics for data science Exam Papers
Business strategy Exam Papers
Business valuations Exam Papers
Businessmen told not to give bribes Text
Businesswomen better paymasters Text
Buta kerana glaukoma Text
Butler matrix using circular and mitered bends at 2.4 G Conference Papers
Buy Malaysian campaign to spur growth Text
Buyer' perception on house purchase through post occuThesis
C++ implementation of plate number recognition syste Thesis
C++ programming Exam Papers
Cabar wujudkan francais global Text
Cabaran dalam pengurusan loji bancuhan konkrit Thesis
Cabaran generasi baru Text
Cabaran ICT di sekolah pendidikan khas Text
Cabaran lahir graduan berpotensi News Paper Cuttings
Cabaran mewujudkan kota buku Text
Cabaran moral dalam dunia siber Text
Cabaran Pengerusi ASEAN 2015 News Paper Cuttings
Cabaran tingkat kadar pengkomersialan harta intelek Text
Cabaran wanita era globalisasi Text
Cabinet to study feedback on the switch Text
Cabinet to study nuclear energy Text
Cabutan bertuah MyKad : hadiah RM350,000 termasuk Text
Caci hakim selepas kalah kes boleh dihukum Text
Cactus potential as natural coagulant in water treatmenText
CAD & asas VLSI Digit Text
Cad & rekabentuk ASIC Text
Cad for surveyors Exam Papers
CAD with HDL Exam Papers
Cadang pinda Seksyen 13 (C) Akta Dadah Berbahaya Text
Cadang wujud akta produk status halal Text
Cadang wujudkan SBBT Text
Cadangan garis panduan pelaksanaan Program School En Thesis
Cadangan henti ubat percuma -- Pesakit diminta membel Text
Cadangan kad subsidi Text
Cadangan lantik hakim ketuai BPR Text
Cadangan Pemudah dilaksana secepat mungkin Text
Cadangan projek bandar baru dalam kajian News Paper Cuttings
Cadangan rondaan bersama di Ambalat Text
Cadangan Syabas naik tarif galak pengguna jimat air Text
Cadangan tapak tugu konkrit jaringan geodetik bagi m Text
Cadangan tempatkan pekerja asing satu tempat langkahText
Cadangan usia bersara dilanjut Text
Cadastral practice Exam Papers
Cadastral surveying Exam Papers
Cadbury chocs here are safe Text
Caj kenderaan asing mulai Julai Text
Caj PTPTN 1 peratus : kadar baru berkuat kuasa 1 Jun laText
Cake bidas cara FOMCA tangani isu gula Text
Calcium alginate caged multiwalled carbon nanotubes fThesis
Calculus Exam Papers
Calculus I Exam Papers
Calculus II Text
Calculus II Text
Calibration of a drag tilt current velocimeter for an op Journal Article
California bearing ratio correlation with soil index prop Text
Call for a code of ethics for bloggers Text
Call for Asean to tackle bio-terrorism Text
Call for revamp of education system Text
Call to ban misleading ads for traditional medicine Text
Call to extend self-assessment tax system Text
Call to preserve mangrove swamps : but some people stText
Call to set up entrepreneur skills centre News Paper Cuttings
Calon hakim syarie wanita Text
Calon PMR Selangor paling ramai dapat A Text
Campaign to woo Chinese tourists Text
Camry tawar reka bentuk pintar Text
Can climates response become an essential lingua francConference Papers
Cancer no barrier to success Text
Cancer vaccine to be tested here Text
Candida orthopsilosis and aureobasidium pullulans: rareNon-Index Paper
CAP : food wastage rising with affluence Text
CAP : in the interest of consumers Text
CAP : make management bodies responsible for tanks Text
Capacity improvement of TWDM-PONs exploiting the 16Indexed Paper
Capacity of interlocking stub column with cement mortar Conference Papers
Capital structure and firm efficiency : a case of PakistanIndexed Paper
Capitalizing human capital: the role of instrumental lea Journal Article
CAPSO : Centripetal accelerated particle swarm optimizIndexed Paper
Car battery prices set to rise next year Text
Car prices should go down further, says Najib Text
Car sales hit bumpy patch Text
car thefts : RM673.4m claims incurred Text
Cara aneh FAM promosi Liga M Text
Cara atasi pusat hiburan jadi tempat edar dadah Text
Cara baru ke pentas dunia Text
Cara Islam kikis ketagihan arak berkesan Text
Cara libatkan angkasawan Malaysia ke Marikh Text
Cara milik Tanah & Falsafah Pembangunan Text
Cara mudah kesan tahap racun serangga dalam sayur Text
Carbon deposits formation from diesel and bio-diesel fuThesis
Carbon dioxide stripping from diethanolamine solutio Indexed Paper
Carbon fiber as a composites materials precursor - a re Conference Papers
Carbon footprint calculator for a typical campus in Mal Thesis
Carbon monoxide sensors based on thin films of ZnO:AlConference Papers
Carbon supported palladium-platinum catalyst for oxygThesis
Career opt-out Text
Cari kaedah kurangkan guna gula Text
Cari kaedah pendekkan masa bayar tol Text
Cari kaedah tingkat teknologi ladang Text
Cartographic design Exam Papers
Caruman terkumpul KWSP suku pertama 2003 RM203.55 Text
Case study : A comparison on the effectiveness of the Text
Case study : resource-work scheduling monitoring Thesis
Case study on NajibNomics Text
Case teaching method : institutional-level experience Indexed Paper
Cash flow planning of building contractors Thesis
Cashing in on bridal market Text
CatÆs-eye road studs to capture speedsters Text
Catalytic conversion of glycerol to olefins over modifiedThesis
Catalytic deacidification optimization of Korean crude Indexed Paper
Catalytic ozonation of aqueous phenol over metal-loa Indexed Paper
Catalytic properties of metallosalen supported on MCMConference Papers
Catastrophe theory to assess water security and adaptaIndexed Paper
Catatan hujan harian tertinggi dalam sejarah Text
Catatan kehidupan Al-Biruni Text
Catenary mooring with its dynamic effects Thesis
Caught at web speed : cops mull use of æsmartÆ camText
Causes and effect of delays in Aceh construction industry Text
Causes of government building defects and failures perThesis
Causeway to be closed to heavy vehicles Text
Caution advice for anti-obesity pill Text
Caution against taking pills to produce milk Text
Cauvinis pendidikan Cina tolak formula baru Text
CCTV bantu atasi jenayah Text
Ceburi industri herba Text
Cedec tingkat keupayaan Koridor Utara Text
Cek guna mikrocip : cadangan Kementerian Kewangan aText
Celcom lancar inisiatif baru khidmat pelanggan Text
Cell culture optmization for the baculovirus expression Conference Papers
Cellular biochemistry and metabolism Exam Papers
Cellular operations boost Telekom profit Text
Cellulases and xylanase production by Aspergillus fumi Thesis
Cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibrous membrane : Indexed
fa Paper
Cellulose acetate polyethersulfone (CA-PS) blend ultraf Conference Papers
Cementation factor and carbonate formation propertiesThesis
Cemerlang bukan tiket tukar status Text
Cendekiawan Melayu nafi tidak peka Text
CENFED UMP bantu usahawan Text
Ceramah Pengurusan Stress Oleh Dr Jessica Tay Shu YuePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ceramah pengurusan stress oleh Dr. Jessica Tay Shu Yu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ceramic antenna for GPS application Text
Certification by 2010 to counter allegations Text
CFD simulation of fluidized bed reactors for polyolefin Indexed Paper
CGC jamin pinjaman bernilai RM3 bilion Text
Challenge to teaching English Text
Challenges encountering the participation of women in Indexed Paper
Challenges faced by architect as a project manager Thesis
Challenges in design and construction of deep excavat Journal Article
Challenges to the adjudicator's decision (Full text) Text
Challenges will only increase Text
Chan: Chinese youth unclear about copÆs job Text
Change with the times, farmers told Text
Changes to housing policy to protect buyersÆ rights Text
Channel estimation in OFDM system Thesis
Channel estimation in OFDM system Thesis
Character segmentation method for digital back-light coJournal Article
Characterisation and modelling of pedestrian flows in Journal Article
Characterisation of microbial flocs formed from raw texConference Papers
Characterisation of partial discharge phenomenon in hiThesis
Characteristic and performance of polyvinylidene fluor Indexed Paper
Characteristic of mobile device and factors of develop Conference Papers
Characteristics and performance of aerobic granular sluIndexed Paper
Characteristics of boulders formed in tropical weathereJournal Article
Characteristics of multi mode sensor for partial dischargThesis
Characteristics of tides during monsoon season in peni Thesis
Characterization and antibacterial activity of cetylpyri Indexed Paper
Characterization and optimization of free space optics Thesis
Characterization and properties of polycaprolactone/taThesis
Characterization of amorphous silicon-carbon alloy filmsText
Characterization of carbon nanotubes synthesized fromIndexed Paper
Characterization of CoNi based catalyst for water gas shConference Papers
Characterization of continuous kenaf-glass fiber hybrid Thesis
Characterization of graphena layer under different lig Thesis
Characterization of irradiation modification of ethyle Thesis
Characterization of low power delay product MOSFET-l Thesis
Characterization of manufacturing system computer si Indexed Paper
Characterization of natural fiber polymer compodites foText
Characterization of nest structure and foraging activit Journal Article
Characterization of Oil Palm Shell Activated Carbon an Indexed Paper
Characterization of partial pore wetting in hollow fib Indexed Paper
Characterization of photochemically initiated gold nanop Indexed Paper
Characterization of photosynthetic aerobic granule using Thesis
Characterization of pollution indices in soil surroundi Indexed Paper
Characterization of polyerystalline diamond coated on Conference Papers
Characterization of polyethersulfone/matrimid (R) 521 Indexed Paper
Characterization of PVDF material for medical ultrasounThesis
Characterization of soil mixed with reclaimed asphalt Thesis
Characterization of spectrum mobility and channel avaiNon-Index Paper
Characterization of the transmission properties of or Text
Characterization of total suspended solids, COD and oil Conference Papers
Characterization of underwater propagation Thesis
Characterization, antibacterial and wound healing ana Thesis
Characterizing the awareness of values in ISI2020 system Text
Charge controller design for maximum power point tracThesis
Charter market for shipping industry in Malaysia Text
Chatty drivers get a wake-up call from police Text
Cheap fuel price era over Text
Cheaper drugs in the offing Text
Cheaper drugs in the pipeline Text
Cheaper imported cars with new tax structure Text
Check job agentsÆ credentials first Text
Check nutrition labels on fast food before tucking in Text
Chemical constituents and in-vitro antimicrobial activityJournal Article
Chemical constituents from stem bark of Garcinia prainiIndexed Paper
Chemical engineering computational Exam Papers
Chemical enhancement of washed aged bloodstain on por Thesis
Chemical kinetic and electrochemistry / physical chemist Exam Papers
Chemical kinetics and electrochemistry/ physical chemisExam Papers
Chemical reaction process Exam Papers
Chemical thermodynamics Exam Papers
Chemicals treatment on empty fruit bunch for productiConference Papers
Chemistry Exam Papers
Chemistry (kimia) Text
Chemistry education Exam Papers
Chemistry teachers' understanding of models of teachinConference Papers
Chemistry teaching method Exam Papers
Chemometrics and multiblock methods for quantitativeThesiss
Chemopreventive effect of apple and berry fruits again Indexed Paper
Chew : talk to your children Text
Chickens lay eggs with drugs to treat illnesses Text
Chikungunya cases escalate Text
Chikungunya cases on the rise Text
Chikungunya sakit demam tulang Text
Child Act to be rid of grey areas Text
Child to tabled in parliament Text
Children in danger of new threats Text
Children ownership intention towards character licenseThesis
Children road safety awareness: design and development Journal Article
Children to learn human rights the fun way Text
Childs play Text
China bukan ancaman kita Text
China quake : all Malaysians are safe Text
China recognises only 50 local institutions Text
China visitors to Malaysia up by 20pc Text
Chip technology reduces fraud Text
Chiral xenobiotics bioaccumulations and environmentalIndexed Paper
CHOGM beri perspektif segar Text
Choice of alternative dispute resolutions in constructio Thesis
Choosing a complementary healthcare practitioner Text
Choosing the best fit distribution for rainfall event ch Indexed Paper
Chua : clinics had no drips... nothing Text
Chua : health labs to be monitored under Act Text
Chua : many farmers may be using beta-agonist in pig f Text
Chua : many victims traumatised Text
Chua promises zero tolerance for food contamination Text
Cigarette smoking the reason for rise in lung cancer casText
CIMB to finance RM1.5b for fund Text
CIMP buka era baru industri pembinaan Text
Cina paling ramai manfaat internet Text
Cinta dan tawakal Text
Cipta identiti perabot kita Text
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Circuit integration on cotton fabric for wearable biomedThesis
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Circuit Theory Exam Papers
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Circularly polarized multiple input multiple output tra Thesis
Circulating fluidized bed combustion of coal and bioma Text
Ciri-ciri aerodinamik 15-peratus-perentas dan 35-perat Text
Ciri-ciri pemilikan tanah (GSA) tidak berbantu dan p Thesis
Ciri-ciri personaliti dalam pemilihan kerjaya pelajar Conference Papers
Ciri-ciri tekanan dan kaedah pengurusan tekanan dalamConference Papers
Citibank sedia biayaan perumahan Islam Text
Citizen relationship management implementation in locNon-Index Paper
Citrawarna 2006 dirasmi Text
Citrus enzyme treatment for sullage with high oil and g Thesis
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Civil engineering construction / binaan kejuruteraan a Text
Civil engineering material Text
Civil Engineering material / bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Civil engineering materials Text
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Civil servants get green light to work part-time Text
Civil servants' needs taken care of, says Najib Text
Civil servants' role is critical, says Sidek Text
Civil servants should learn to live within their means Text
Civil service may be able to absorb 30,000 grads Text
Civil service revamp to modernise sector Text
Civil service set to take in more non-Malays Text
Civil serviceÆs new face Text
Classical and damage mechanics-based models for lead-Thesis
Classical mechanics Text
Classification algorithm for six different defects on bar Conference Papers
Classification between normal and osteoporotic cancel Conference Papers
Classification of EEG-based hand Grasping imagination Journal Article
Classification of forest change by integration of remot Conference Papers
Classification of ground penetrating radar images usin Thesis
Classification of mammograms based on fusion of discreThesis
Classification of mental tasks using de-noised EEG signaConference Papers
Classification of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation using se Indexed Paper
Classification with class imbalance problem : a review Indexed Paper
Clay and shirasu ash microfiltration membrane for was Thesis
Clearing confusion over Maths and Science Text
Climate studies now a glamour field Text
Clinical waste management [case study : Pusat KesihataThesis
Clinical waste management and dispoal case study : H Text
Cloning of chitinase, CHT1 gene from trichoderma vire Conference Papers
Close shave for seven Text
Close watch on bone-crusher virus Text
Cloud computing adoption challenges Indexed Paper
Cloud computing for green construction management Indexed Paper
Cluster based factors promoting knowledge sharing Non-Index Paper
Cluster head selection and secure path adaptation alg Thesis
Cluster initiative development process in Malaysian poliThesis
Clustered red blood cells splitting viaboundary analysis Indexed Paper
Clustering test cases in web application regression test Indexed Paper
CMCS : a cross-layer mobility-aware MAC protocol for cIndexed Paper
Co2 emissions : impacts and forecast in Malaysia Conference Papers
Coastal ecosystem vital for fish population Text
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Coating life assessment: the use of adhesion strength Conference Papers
Cocoa powder production process quality control usingThesis
Co-curricular activities to be made compulsory in varsit Text
Code to stop stigma against HIV/AIDS Text
Coded integrated system of PLC and Visible free space Conference Papers
Cognitive function assessment in young adult using traiJournal Article
Cognitive radio ad-hoc network architectures : a surveyIndexed Paper
Cognitive radio-based home area networks Thesis
Cogurt pilihan bagi golongan alah tenusu News Paper Cuttings
Cointegration between high value property and macroeThesis
COLA : semua layak kecuali penghuni kuarters Text
Cola : tuntutan Cuepacs dibawa ke Kabinet Text
Cola tests a bitter pill for many Text
Cola untuk semua kakitangan awam Text
Collaboration and knowledge sharing among UTM's instThesis
Collision detection for pen-based visualisation system Thesis
Combination of geostatistics and drastic model in assesThesis
Combination of laser and photogrammetric techniques Conference Papers
Combinations of building construction material for residIndexed Paper
Combined application of shewhart and cumulative sumIndexedR Paper
Combined convection heat transfer of nanofluids flow oIndexed Paper
Combined ginger extract & Gelam honey modulate Ras/Indexed Paper
Combined use of design of experiment and computer sim Indexed Paper
Combining Multiple Clusterings Of Chemical Structures Indexed Paper
Combining three disciplines Text
Combustion characteristics of palm methyl ester and itsThesis
Combustion characteristics of refuse derived fuel (RDF)Indexed Paper
Combustion performance and emission analysis of diesel Indexed Paper
Come up with more effective public health campaigns Text
Come, share our joy News Paper Cuttings
Coming together as one race Text
Commerce and entrepreneurship Exam Papers
Commercial law Exam Papers
Committee to discuss RM100m bridge compensation Text
Common investigation process model for database forens Conference Papers
Communication principles Exam Papers
Communication strategies of non-native speaker noviceIndexed Paper
Communication systems Exam Papers
Communication systems Exam Papers
Communication technology in training Exam Papers
Communications principles Exam Papers
Community for therapy Text
Community planning and housing Exam Papers
Community service penalty move Text
Compact and multiband metamaterial hairpin-line bandp Thesis
Compact MIMO antenna for indoor UWB applications Indexed Paper
Compact triple band metamaterial antenna based on mod Indexed Paper
Companies to help researchers market products Text
Company's performance self-assessment (COPSA) among Indexed
fa Paper
Comparative analysis of conventional versus modern app Non-Index Paper
Comparative analysis of different harmonics mitigation Thesis
Comparative analysis of empirical and software based de Thesis
Comparative analysis of product-level fusion, support Indexed Paper
Comparative analysis of realistic CT-scan and simplifie Indexed Paper
Comparative assessment of vernacular passive cooling Indexed Paper
Comparative evaluation of service interface approachesIndexed Paper
Comparative evaluation of the state-of-the-art on app Conference Papers
Comparative investigation of booster performance of s Thesis
Comparative investigation of NMOS CAMCELLS (FulltextText
Comparative planning Exam Papers
Comparative study and optimization of photocatalytic dThesis
Comparative study between Ground Penetrating Radar Thesis(
Comparative study between triangular and bell-shaped Text
Comparative study of radial line slot array antenna withThesis
Comparative study of ship model motion measuring metThesis
Comparative study of sinusoidal pulse-width and hysterConference Papers
Comparative study on skid resistance and texture depthText
Comparative study on space charge distribution measu Indexed Paper
Comparative study on space charge distribution measu Journal Article
Comparing RDB and XML in querying motif sequence Conference Papers
Comparing sound types for stress therapy in a virtual-r Journal Article
Comparing the effects of skewed distributions on the S Journal Article
Comparison and fusion of retrieval schemes based on dif Text
Comparison between BS 5950 : part 1 : 2000 & eurocode Text
Comparison between predicted and observed settlement Text
Comparison of allergenic proteins of sea snail (Cerithi Journal Article
Comparison of ANN and SVM for classification of eye Thesis
Comparison of beam desgin based on BS8110 & EURO Thesis
Comparison of bridge design in Malaysia between Americ Text
Comparison of bulk specific gravity by saturated surf Thesis
Comparison of drag coefficient of badminton shuttleco Thesis
Comparison of human jogging and walking patterns using Indexed
st Paper
Comparison of limited English language learners' inter Thesis
Comparison of pollutant ambient concentration from two Indexed Paper
Comparison of predicted and field values of consolidat Thesis
Comparison of predicted settlement behaviour to the f Text
Comparison of predicted settlement behaviour to the Text
Comparison of segmentation techniques remotely sensed Text
Comparison of ultimate bearing capacity obtained by pileText
Comparison of ultimate bearing capacity obtained by pilText
Comparison of ultimate pile capacities by different metThesis
Comparison of weibull and normal probability distributiJournal Article
Comparison studies of electrical discharge machining ( Conference Papers
Comparison study of sensitivity between three sensors Itndexed Paper
Compatibility and coexistence between IMT-Advanced Conference Papers
Compatibility conditions and nonabelian tensor products Thesis
Compatible study on utilizing frequency for non-invasi Indexed Paper
Compensation process for noise induced hearing loss Indexed Paper
Competency based education (CBE) for it security: towaNon-Index Paper
Compilation of pavement interface bond strength device Indexed Paper
Complaints bureau to improve efficiency Text
Composite wood Thesis
Composition of malay woodcarving: case studies on Two Text
Compositional simulation of carbon dioxide flooding onThesis
Compound conic optical receiver for the application of sThesis
Compressed synthetic aperture radar imaging based o Journal Article
Compressive strength behavior of treated marine clay uThesis
Compressive strength study of brick masonry subjectedThesis
Compromise payment plan : house buyers propose 10-9Text
Compton scattering of 662 keV gamma rays proposed by Conference Papers
Compulsory English would mean 130,000 without SPM Text
Compulsory land acquisition : the study on highway by Thesis
Compulsory service for docs cut to two years with immeText
Computation analysis of nanofluids in car radiator Thesis
Computation and experimental study of wind effect on Text
Computation of available transfer capability (ATC) in Text
Computation study of turbulent unconfined swirl flameThesis
Computational analysis of aerodynamic characteristics for
Indexed Paper
Computational approach in formulating mechanical charIndexed Paper
Computational biology I Exam Papers
Computational conformational analysis of tuberculosis Thesis
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) opportunities applieIndexed Paper
Computational fluid dynamics Exam Papers
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation on a ta Text
Computational fluid dynamics study of dusty air flow ovJournal Article
Computational method in chemical engineering Exam Papers
Computational modelling of hard polyethylene precast Thesis
Computational physics Exam Papers
Computational simulation of boil-off gas formation insi Indexed Paper
Computational study of turbine blade film cooling perf Text
Computer aided diagnosis based on electronic stethos Thesis
Computer application Exam Papers
Computer application (aplikasi komputer) Text
Computer application in accounting Exam Papers
Computer assisted mass appraisal Exam Papers
Computer- based malay speech articulation-phonologica Text
Computer control of DC servo motor using visual basic Text
Computer controlled mobile robot Thesis
Computer degree course at UTM News Paper Cuttings
Computer hardware management and services Exam Papers
Computer information & technology / maklumat & tek Text
Computer Interfacing Exam Papers
Computer interfacing Exam Papers
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Computer maintenance and installation / pemasangan Text
Computer network (rangkaian komputer) Text
Computer networks Exam Papers
Computer organisation & assembly language (organisa Text
Computer process control Exam Papers
Computer programming Exam Papers
Computer programming Exam Papers
Computer security Exam Papers
Computer security Exam Papers
Computer self-efficacy, anxiety and attitudes towards uNon-Index Paper
Computer systems and multimedia Exam Papers
Computer technology and information (teknologi kompText
Computer-based malay stuttering assessment system (Fu Text
Computer-based stuttered speech detection system us Thesis
Computerised building cost estimating system (Full textText
Computerised building cost estimating system (PreviewText
Computerised calculations for water level and velocity Text
Computerised handheld portable eye testing kit Thesis
Computerised planning approval system for a local authConference Papers
Computerized design of reinforced concrete elements Text
Computerized simulation of automotive air-conditioninNon-Index Paper
Computer-support collaborative learning (CSCL) via soc Thesis
Computional fluid dynamics simulation of temperature Thesis
Concentration of glycerol from dilute glycerol wastewa Indexed Paper
Concept development of mechanical coconut husk peelThesis
Conceptions on low motivation of engineers in engineerNon-Index Paper
Concepts of work and knowledge as orienteering categoText
Conceptual changes in scientific argumentation throughConference Papers
Conceptual development of a pressure-swirl injector foConference Papers
Conceptual framework for experiences’ quality based Indexed Paper
Conceptual framework of key performance indicator forThesis
Conceptual model of numerical approximations using sen Non-Index Paper
Conceptual structural design of wing for small scale wigThesis
Conceptualizing tourist typologies: traditional approac Conference Papers
Concern over jobless growth Text
Concessions for new Healthcare Act Text
Concrete plans for roads, highways Text
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Configuring a family friendly inpatient setting Journal Article
Conformal mapping of doubly connected regious onto an Conference Papers
Congestion charges may be imposed Text
Congestion control algorithm for disseminating uni-prioIndexed Paper
Congestion cost allocation in a pool electricity market Thesis
Conjugacy class sizes for some 2-groups of nilpotency c Journal Article
Connectivity in mobile multihop relay network Journal Article
Conservatory on Gunung Ledang to save rare orchids Text
Conserve energy now Text
Conserving water a must Text
Consider equal opportunities panel News Paper Cuttings
Consideration of carbon nanotube-based nanofluid in t Journal Article
Consolidation characteristics of lime column and geotexIndexed Paper
Constructing literature review : E-tutors' feedback and Indexed Paper
Construction & development law Exam Papers
Construction and development law Exam Papers
Construction and project management Exam Papers
Construction contract studies II Exam Papers
Construction contract studies II Exam Papers
Construction contract study Text
Construction industry experience of industralised build Conference Papers
Construction integrated environment Exam Papers
Construction integrated environment Text
Construction integrated environment Text
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Construction law and contract I Exam Papers
Construction management Exam Papers
Construction materials Exam Papers
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Construction measurement 1 Exam Papers
Construction measurement 1 Exam Papers
Construction measurement 2 Exam Papers
Construction measurement 4 Exam Papers
Construction of Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase cDNA fro Conference Papers
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
Construction plant and temporary work Exam Papers
Construction Plant and Temporary Works Exam Papers
Construction plant management Exam Papers
Construction practice and laws Text
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
Construction project management Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Construction project procurement Exam Papers
Construction safety Exam Papers
Construction safety Exam Papers
Construction safety Exam Papers
Construction safety Exam Papers
Construction science Exam Papers
Construction science Exam Papers
Construction sector may grow 6% in 2002 Text
Construction sector to see RM50b boost in projects Text
Construction site management and safety control Exam Papers
Construction site management and safety control Exam Papers
Construction site safety : legal issues of liability for var Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Construction technology Exam Papers
Construction technology and design Exam Papers
Construction technology and design Exam Papers
Construction Technology and Design Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Construction technology I / teknologi binaan I Text
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Construction technology III Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Construction waste management by contractors Text
Consumer cheer Text
Consumer groups welcome limit on cooking oil sale Text
Consumers hail move to create no-frills accounts Text
Consumers perception on ethical issues in online retailiThesis
Consumers to gain from lower global prices Text
Consumers’ purchase intention towards bakery prodThesis
Contemporary planning theory Exam Papers
Continuous improvement activities in Malaysian manu Thesis
Continuous LoSS detection using iterative window ba Conference Papers
Continuous microwave flow synthesis (CMFS) of nanosized Indexed Paper
Continuous production of biodiesel from waste cookingIndexed
o Paper
Contoh sosej sarung usus babi dihantar ke makmal bagiText
Contohi program basmi kemiskinan Keda : Jeanne Text
Contohi UiTM jadikan buku Koleksi Minda PM sebagai Text
Contour lines recognition from raster topographic mapsText
Contract administration Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
Contract estimating Exam Papers
Contractor management performance evaluation modelThesis a
Contractor's liability to third party for defective works Text
Contractors should state safety policy Text
Contrasting lay theories of polyculturalism and multicultuIndexed Paper
Contribution of human factors to shipping safety Thesis
Control : analysis and design Exam Papers
Control : modelling & simulation Exam Papers
Control :Modelling & Simulation Exam Papers
Control of a 2 D.O.F direct drive robot arm using integraText
Control of a robot arm using artificial intelligence appr Thesis
Control of a robot arm using iterative learning algorith Text
Control of a single phase inverter using fuzzy logic Conference Papers
Control of bacteria growth on ready-to-eat beef loaves Ibndexed Paper
Control of energy conversion in a hybrid wind and ultr Thesis
Control of gantry crane using PID controller Thesis
Control system Text
Control system : analysis & design Text
Control systems / sistem kawalan Text
Control sysytem/Sistem kawalan Text
Controllability analysis on delta temperature minimum Conference Papers
Controllable ZnO nanostructures evolution via synergis Indexed Paper
Controlled drug release via minimization of burst rele Indexed Paper
Controller based on human temperature Thesis
Controller design based on Q-parameterization methodText (
Controlling diesel sales only way to curb abuse Text
Controls for musculoskeletal disorders in contruction t Thesis
Conventional segmental retaining wall analysis and desThesis
Convergence and diversity evaluation for vector evaluaIndexed Paper
Convolutional neural networks with fused layers appliedIndexed Paper
Cooking oil shortage : refiners to face the music Text
Cool garden Text
Cooperation needed for alert system Text
Coordinate systems integration for development of MalConference Papers
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Coordination of production scheduling and vehicle routConference Papers
Coordination of PSS and facts devices for power systemIndexed Paper
Coping with seasonality : a case study of family owned Indexed Paper
Copolymerization of tris(methoxyethoxy)vinyl silane with Indexed Paper
Copper nanoparticle in cationized palm oil fibres : phys Indexed Paper
Cops in uniform on express buses Text
Cops set for buggy patrols Text
Cops smash drug syndicate Text
Copter with oil rig workers crashes Text
Corak pergerakan linear pelancong hotel bajet di dal Thesis
Corat-Coret UTM papar kehidupan kampus News Paper Cuttings
Core-shell polymers : a review Indexed Paper
Coretan Angkasawan : angkasa ubah persepsi hidup Text
Coretan Angkasawan : gelaran angkasawan diiktiraf Text
Coretan Angkasawan : jelajah kongsi pengalaman Text
Corporate environmental reporting the key to better Text
Corporate finance Exam Papers
Corporate finance Exam Papers
Corporate finance Exam Papers
Corporate financial management Exam Papers
Corporate social responsibility of developers in productText
Correlating with Islam’s world view News Paper Cuttings
Correlation between physical and chemical properties Thesis
Correlation of soil resistivity and pipeline to soil potent Thesis
Correlations between compression index and basic soil Tphesis
Corrosion and corrosion mitigation of rebar in concret Non-Index Paper
Corrosion behaviour of carbon and stainless stell platesText
Corrosion chemistry Exam Papers
Corruption defined Text
Cost - effective microwave rapid synthesis of zeolite N Indexed Paper
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Cost analysis framework for sediment management in re Thesis
Cost benefits study of solar photovoltaic implementation Thesis
Cost control in construction project of the site Text
Cost estimating Exam Papers
Cost estimation model of structural steel for superstrucThesis
Cost of compliance with health and safety managementConference Papers
Cost of medicines becoming too high for government Text
Cost studies Exam Papers
Cost study Exam Papers
Coumarins via knoevenagel condensation reaction (kcr Journal Article
Council to promote medical tourism Text
Councils get wake-up call Text
Counsellors finally get recognition Text
Courses for teachers may go English Text
Courseware dalam talian program terbaru UTM Text
CPA bantu pengguna isu jaminan pembelian Text
Cr doped TiO2 supported on TUD-1 photocatalyst for d Indexed Paper
Cr(VI) reduction in naturally rich growth medium and Indexed Paper
Crackdown on party drugs Text
Crackdown on piracy showing results Text
Crash analysis of different reinforcing fiber of eco-hyb Thesis
Crashworthiness study of behaviors eco-hybrid composiThesis
Create technology, donÆt just be a user Text
Creating knowledge practices in school: exploring teac Non-Index Paper
Creating wealth from waste with RDF plants Text
Creativity and innovation Exam Papers
Creativity and our life Text
Credit card control Text
Creep and shrinkage of concrete containing palm oil fueText
Creep response of austenitic stainless steel foils for a Conference Papers
Crime prevention branches in all districts Text
Crime rate down but rape cases up in Johor Text
Crime rate up 13.4 per cent Text
Crime scene investigation Exam Papers
Crime scene investigation (C.S.I) mapping using iwitne Thesis
Crisis management Exam Papers
Crisis management and SHE legislation Exam Papers
Criteria of acceptance for constant rate of strain consolText
Critical factors and configurations of using 3D laser sc Conference Papers
Critical factors to ensure the successful of OS-ERP imp Conference Papers
Critical issue to consider while developing SQL injecti Conference Papers
Critical remarks on some applications of digital image Text
Critical review of total quality management Text
Critical success factors in enterprise resource planning Thesis
Critical success factors of 5S implementation in public sThesis
Critical success factors of community based ecotouris Conference Papers
Critical success factors of TQM implementation in SMEsThesis
Critical thinking skills in early years Conference Papers
Criticism is good, PM tells the force Text
Cross cultural psycology Exam Papers
Cross layer based biological inspired self-organized rou Conference Papers
Cross post relations identification for forum discussio Thesis
Cross-cultural psychology Exam Papers
Cross-lingual sentiment classification using semi-supervThesis
Crowdsourcing for disaster preparedness Thesis
Crude oil bioremediation by indigenous bacteria isolateJournal Article
Crude oil price forecasting based on hybridizing wavel Indexed Paper
Cryptanalysis using biological inspired computing appr Conference Papers
CTI : Malaysia dapat banyak manfaat Text
CTI manfaat pembangunan sumber laut Text
CTOS officials accused of 85 offences under Companies Text
Cuaca ekstrem punca banjir Text
Cuaca panas : paras air di empat empangan menurun Text
Cubaan culik dua budak gagal Text
Cube and cylinder concrete strength : comparison bet Text
Cuepacs : salary revision before pension decision Text
CUEPACS akur PTK diteruskan Text
Cuepacs ancam boikot PTK Text
Cuepacs gesa mansuhkan PTK Text
Cuepacs juga mahu guru kerja lima hari Text
CUEPACS kaji pindaan tambah baik PTK Text
CUEPACS mahu 33,000 guru KAFA diserap Text
Cuepacs minta naik gaji 40 peratus kumpulan sokonganText
Cuepacs rejects GovtÆs new pension plan Text
Cuepacs sasar perkhidmatan awam kelas pertama Text
Cuepacs sedia kertas kerja ganti PTK Text
Cuepacs syor gaji awam disemak setiap 5 tahun Text
Cuepacs syor pengeluaran dana hingga 10 peratus Text
Cuepacs tak patut bertindak di luar bidang Text
Cuepacs tetap pertahankan skim pencen Text
Cuepacs tolak pelarasan gaji Text
Cuepacs tunggu berita gembira Text
Cuepacs wants its members to stick to 11% Text
Cuepacs welcomes move to let civil servants speak up Text
Culik : akta imigresen akan dikaji semula Text
Cultivating the reading habit in young patients Text
Cultural policy review on changes in the status of IranianThesis
Curbing money politics Text
Curing of asphalt emulsified tack coat subjected to Ma Indexed Paper
Current harmonics mitigation from grid connected variaJournal Article
Current issues in architectural Exam Papers
Current planning priorities in rural villages in Malaysia Conference Papers
Current voltage characteristics of a carbon nanotube fielConference Papers
Current-voltage characteristics of bilayer graphene nanoIndexed Paper
Curriculum foundations Exam Papers
Curriculum studies in TESL Exam Papers
Curriculum teview to suit changes News Paper Cuttings
Cursor control using light colour detection Thesis
Custodial deaths : weÆll hold public inquiries Text
Customer accessibility through a multiple perspective Conference Papers
Customer demand for fast fashion industry : demand onThesis
Customer perception on airline service at KLIA Thesis
Customer relationship management model for UTM Alum Non-Index Paper
Customer satisfaction towards quality of workmanship iThesis
Customer satisfaction towards quality of workmanship iThesis
Cyanide degradation by Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes Indexed Paper
Cyber counselling for troubled civil servants Text
Cyber law & ethical issues Exam Papers
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
Cyber security top of the agenda Text
Cyclist training monitoring system based on wireless s Thesis
Cytotoxic activity of major compounds from phaleria mac Indexed Paper
Dacum method for new curriculum News Paper Cuttings
Dadah : eksploitasi kanak-kanak di KL serius Text
Dadah masih terus jadi ancaman negara Text
Dadah syndicates busted Text
Dadah, sukan tidak dapat dipisahkan Text
Dadah: Lima pelajar UTM dibuang jika bersalah Text
Daftar hak cipta intelek hanya 9 bulan Text
Daging Australia : keputusan muktamad Mac Text
Daging kita makan mengandungi kimia maut Text
Daily wind speed forecasting through hybrid KF-ANN Indexed Paper
Daim sertai konsortium beli bank di Indonesia Text
Dam wajar dibayar di Makkah Text
Damage stability of small vessel (Full text) Text
Dams may reach critical levels Text
DAN dorong kemasukan pengeluar kenderaan asing Text
Dana berhenti kerja tunggu ILO Text
Dana Bon Prasarana OIC wujud setahun lagi Text
Dana endowmen RM1 juta UTM News Paper Cuttings
Dana iklim dalam bentuk geran lulus Text
Dana khas ASEAN atasi masalah jerebu Text
Dana KWSP cecah RM260 bilion Text
Dana pelaburan RM3.5 bilion dipersetujui Text
Dana penerbitan antara 43 resolusi seminar dasar bukuText
Dana RM200j rancakkan industri automotif Text
Dana RM4.4b diagih adil untuk semua negeri : PM Text
Danga Bay pulihara alam sekitar Text
Dapatkan maklumat penyakit sebelum keluar negara Text
Darah hospital kerajaan dicuri dijual kepada swasta Text
Dari bedah tangan ke teknologi robotik Text
Darul Quran jadi universiti tahfiz Text
Dasar agihan perlu selagi wujud ketidakseimbangan Text
Dasar AP untuk penuhi agenda Bumiputera Text
Dasar automotif hanya menunggu masa Text
Dasar ekonomi baru : kelemahan dan penyelewengan (Fu Text
Dasar HEP universiti, kolej digubal Text
Dasar ilmu berkesan tangani isu belia Text
Dasar kesihatan negara utamakan rakyat Text
Dasar Koperasi Negara garis lapan strategi utama Text
Dasar makanan bantu petani Text
Dasar Pandang ke Timur diberi nafas baru : Najib Text
Dasar pendidikan tidak akan dirombak : HishammuddinText
Dasar Pengajian Tinggi Negara masih dikaji Text
Dasar pengangkutan jalan perlukan penambahbaikan Text
Dasar Perindustrian Negara perlu dikaji Text
Dasar perkasa ekonomi Bumiputera diperkenal Text
Dasar pertukaran kerja boleh tangani rasuah Text
Dasar Sains, Matematik dalam BI tidak berubah Text
Dasar sistem pengangkutan awam perlu Text
Dasar sistem pengurusan kualiti MTIB Text
Dasar tingkat pelaburan diperhalusi Text
Data acquisition and measurement for high voltage anaText
Data acquisition process in optical tomography : signal Conference Papers
Data analytics in spatial epidemiology: a survey Journal Article
Data communication (Perhubungan data) Exam Papers
Data communication / komunikasi data Text
Data communication : managment of spectrum & design Text
Data communication and protocol Exam Papers
Data communications and protocols Exam Papers
Data envelopment analysis modeling for measuring knoIndexed Paper
Data mining to predict the use of vasopressors in inten Journal Article
Data peribadi pengguna komersial dilindungi Text
Data perkahwinan umat Islam diselaras Text
Data processing and analysis for multibeam echosoun Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Data recovery in wireless sensor networks using netwo Indexed Paper
Data sets for offline evaluation of scholar's recommen Indexed Paper
Data storage on smart card for FPGA based embedded Thesis
Data structures Exam Papers
Data transmission system of refm network using pic m Thesis
Database Exam Papers
Database Exam Papers
Database management inventory system (Full text) Text
Dataran perakam sejarah Text
Dataran Remaja medan cungkil bakat baru Text
Datuk Onn membentuk Tanah Melayu Text
Daulat Bahasa Melayu tanggungjawab semua Text
Daya ingatan : umur tiada kaitan Text
Daya maju projek kriteria utama mohon pinjaman PKS Text
Daya saing punca ramai wanita di IPTA Text
Daylight performance through different types of glazingConference Papers
DBKL sedia RM4.6 juta tingkat tahap pendidikan Text
DBP boleh denda Text
DBP distruktur semula Text
DBP minta semua sokong guna bahasa kebangsaan Text
DE, Proton runding keluar kereta elektrik Text
Deadline on foreign labour Text
Deadly erectile dysfunction drugs for women Text
Dealer still selling cars at old prices Text
Dealing with culture and language Text
Deaths in police custody trouble chief judge Text
DEB agenda nasional Text
DEB perlu diperbaiki tingkat pendapatan Melayu Text
Debat kahwin misyar, menteri, mufti tolak : Persatuan Text
Debate on digital divide Text
Decision making in campus sustainability at Pakistan pubThesis
Decision making process model for housing developers Thesis
Decision on airline routes practical Text
Decision on dam not hasty, says Najib Text
Decision support system for estimating actual crop eva Conference Papers
Decision support system framework for feasibility studyText
Decision support system framework for procurement sys Thesis
Decision support system model for student majoring selThesis
Declare assets annually Text
Decolourisation of dye solution containing azo acid orang Text
Dedah keaiban orang lain perbuatan keji Text
Deep crustal profile across NW Sabah basin : integratedIndexed Paper
DefaultersÆ kids barred Text
Defining the types of veranda uses in a tropical urban Thesis
Definition of 'Malay' may be revised Text
Defisit bajet kerajaan tinggi tidak perlu dibimbangi Text
Defisit kewangan negara terkawal Text
Deformation response of steel sheet metal under transConference Papers
Degradasi tirosina menggunakan mangkinfoto berasaskText
Degradation assessment of nuclear power plant extractiJournal Article
Degradation of abandoned contruction material (Previ Text
Degradation of polymeric power cable due to water treConference Papers
Degree alone not enough to ensure job, says Najib Text
Deklarasi Busan akhiri sidang Text
Deklarasi dipersetujui dipantau berterusan Text
Deklarasi Putrajaya perkukuh negara OIC hadapi cabar Text
Delaunay triangulation-based global and local coverag Thesis
Delaunay triangulation-based global and local coverag Thesis
Delegasi UTM tinjau kepakaran universiti Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Deliver or funding will cease Text
Dell pilih Cyberjaya Text
Demi kecantikan Text
Demographic information system for Kampung TitinganThesis
Denda hilang MyKad RM300 Text
Denda tipu Orang Asli naik sembilan kali ganda Text
Denggi : beri perhatian setiap pesanan Text
Denggi : Pulau Pinang tunggu arahan bertulis tutup sek Text
Denggi kini tahap bahaya Text
Denggi paras bahaya Text
Dengue epidemic,and it will get worse Text
Dengue update : death toll rises to 78 Text
Dengue updates : 31-year-old man warded Text
Dengue updates : hospitals fined for breeding Aedes Text
Denmark haram 18 produk Kellogg Text
Departments on alert for bird flu Text
Dept goes the extra mile for the retrenched Text
Dept HIV-screening will benefit couples Text
Derivation of sea level anomaly based on the best rang Journal Article
Derivation of tidal constituents from satellite altimetry Thesis
Desalination of seawater through progressive freeze conc Indexed Paper
Desaru to be given a new lease of life Text
Desas-desus angin perubahan di 5 IPT Text
Design & development of instrumentation for the experiThesis
Design a mutiple impulse generator using roller coaste Thesis
Design a remote offshore module for repair and mainten Thesis
Design a supercharger for a single-cylinder nutating ty Text
Design amd development of single seater hovercraft Thesis
Design and analysis of a centrifugal left ventricular assi Thesis
Design and analysis of a light weight chassis for solar caThesis
Design and analysis of analog CMOS voltage control osciThesis
Design and analysis of F11 chassis Thesis
Design and analysis of super twisting sliding mode contJournal Article
Design and analysis of total shoulder arthroplasty Text
Design and analysis of wideband circularly polarized di Thesis
Design and characterisation of magnetorheological bra Indexed Paper
Design and characterization of biaxial Thesis
Design and characterization of the liquid metal antenn Journal Article
Design and clamping force modelling of electronic wed Indexed Paper
Design and construction of a straight swimming torpedoText
Design and control of electric vehicle charger Thesis
Design and cross-section analysis of wideband rectanguConference Papers
Design and development of a logic and line interface unText
Design and development of a semi-automated seed plaThesis
Design and development of electromagnetic locking mec Thesis
Design and development of energy harvesting mechan Thesis
Design and development of indigenous high voltage divThesis
Design and fabrication of a 2-stage low noise microwaveText
Design and fabrication of power divider AT2.4 GHZ usinThesis
Design and fabrication of vacuum forming machine for Text
Design and optimization of the scavenging system of a m Text
Design and Qos provisioning in wireless ATM network Text
Design and reanalysis of pile cap due to pile eccentricit Thesis
Design and simulation of a high performance lateral BJ Conference Papers
Design aspects of catamarans operating at high speed inText
Design behaviour of cold-formed steel encased composThesis
Design consideration for front-end system in ultrasoni Indexed Paper
Design Experiments Exam Papers
Design for improving social intercation of high-rise ho Thesis
Design guideline for UTM academician personal resear Thesis
Design of a circular polarization microstrip antenna at Text
Design of a heat exchanging system between a combustText
Design of a new stream cipher algorithm Text
Design of a recognition system for special Malaysian plat Text
Design of a remote offshore module for fishermen shel Thesis
Design of a secure and efficient multiple coins plus m Text
Design of a single passenger car for urban utilization Thesis
Design of an aircraft wind structural test rig Thesis
Design of an automated key security system Thesis
Design of an integrated correlator for application in ul Conference Papers
Design of analog modules using carbon nanotube field eThesis
Design of cold-storage display cabinet Text
Design of efficient implementation of II/4 DQPSK modula Text
Design of experiments Exam Papers
Design of industrial baghouse: computer simulation te Conference Papers
Design of mini portable hydropower generator Thesis
Design of modified microwave power divider for radar eText
Design of new twin hull for podded propulsion system Text
Design of on-site detention facility for a bungalow housText
Design of phased arrays of series-fed patch antennas Indexed Paper
Design of plasma needle and high frequency power supp Thesis
Design of precast concrete Exam Papers
Design of reinforced concrete beams with web openingConference Papers
Design of reinforced earth wall and comparisons with caText
Design of slag cement grout with a compressive streng Thesis
Design of slag cement grout with a compressive streng Thesis
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Design of subsonic wind tunnel 1m x 1m Text
Design of telemetry data collection & assessment with G Thesis
Design of thrust control system for waterjet propulsionText
Design of ultra wideband coupler Thesis
Design single band semi-lumped branch line coupler Thesis
Design time-varying sliding mode controller of buck conThesis
Design, development and analysis of an automated autThesis
Design, fabrication of IIUM unmanned air vehicle Conference Papers
Design, optimization and control of semicontinuous hetThesis
Design, testing and optimisation of a hydrogen fuel cellIndexed Paper
Designer babies : choosing baby's sex now in your handText
Designing a vehicle alarm notification system using G Journal Article
Designing and development of geographic information Text
Designing educational simulation for impact test machi Conference Papers
Desktop CNC buatan tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Detecting SIM box fraud using neural network Indexed Paper
Detecting wonky joints Text
Detection and classification for group moving humans (Text
Detection and mitigation framework of peer-to-peer tr Indexed Paper
Detection and tracking for multiple pedestrians using triThesis
Detection of elements in slimming tea product by usin Thesis
Detection of endogenous electromagnetic field of the Indexed Paper
Detection of hydrothermal alteration zones in a tropicaIndexed Paper
Detection of shipwreck using multibeam echo sounder Thesis
Detection of temperature using fiber bragg grating sys Conference Papers
Detemining the multi-current sources of magnetoencepText
Determinants of adoption of mobile banking among MaThesis
Determinants of app stores continuance behavior : a P Indexed Paper
Determinants of decision making process for Iraqi studeThesis
Determinants of green loyalty for green mobile phone Thesis
Determinants of tax compliance amongst UTM-JB's stafThesis
Determination of concentration of pesticide in ground Thesis
Determination of depths of closure along the Kelantan co Text
Determination of effective diffusion coefficient of bake Conference Papers
Determination of environmental safety level with lase Indexed Paper
Determination of epoch length and regression model foIndexed Paper
Determination of high impact evaluation metrics for evaNon-Index Paper
Determination of isoelectric focusing method for prote Thesis
Determination of level of service along the closed toll Text
Determination of mean sea level rise in Peninsular MalaThesis
Determination of mean sea level rise in Sabah and Sar Text
Determination of metsulfuron methyl and its degradatioThesis
Determination of optimum concentration of lime solution Text
Determination of partition coefificients for nitrophenol Conference Papers
Determination of surface radiation dose-rate in the en Conference Papers
Determination of the absolute configuration of new pipIndexed Paper
Determination of the absolute configuration of new pipJournal Article
Determination of the absorbed dose using doped SiO2 op Conference Papers
Determination of the melting layer from meteorologicalConference Papers
Determination of the required sample size with assuranc Journal Article
Determination of wave resistance from surface wave paThesis
Determination sound speed of metal in aqueous solutioJournal Article
Determine optimum mix ratio of compressed concrete us Thesis
Determining features for discriminating PTB and normaConference Papers
Determining irrigators preferences for water allocation Nc on-Index Paper
Determining socio-demographic, psychographic and reliIndexed Paper
Determining the effects of scenario metrics on the per Text
Determining the impact of volume to capacity ratio on tThesis
Deterministic particle swarm optimization method for Thesis
Detoxification of heavy metals in freshwater catfish, claThesis
Deva Gang leader nabbed Text
Developement of ceramic cutting insert of alumina (AI2O Text
Developement of Seismic Hazard Assesment For SudanThesis
Developing a mathematical model of entrepreneurship Indexed Paper
Developing hydrological model for water quality in Ir Indexed Paper
Developing items using by pilot test, confirmatory factorIndexed Paper
Developing non-native postgraduate students' academicThesisw
Developing pre-service secondary teachers' skills of u Journal Article
Developing thinking minds Text
Development a portable heart beat monitor unit using Thesis
Development and analysis of pulse detonation engine (PThesis
Development and deployment of an ethnobotanical andIndexed Paper
Development and evaluation of solid control system to Journal Article
Development and evaluation of WiLL (Web-Based Integra Text
Development and fabrication of microstrip patch antenThesis
Development and implementation of six sigma training Thesis
Development and performance of an anaerobic stage rea Thesis
Development and testing of augmented reality applicatIndexed Paper
Development and validation of a rapid ultra high perf Indexed Paper
Development balanced scorecard (BSC) with a system dy Thesis
Development economics Exam Papers
Development economics Exam Papers
Development economics Exam Papers
Development of 3D endless running android mobile ga Thesis
Development of a comprehensive matlab toolbox for clas Thesis
Development of a compressed natural gas (CNG) mixer Textfo
Development of a digital energy meter for domestic ap Text
Development of a forensic glass database system empl Thesis
Development of a low turbulence wind tunnel for the inv Text
Development of a mathematical tool to predict engine in Thesis
Development of a realistic driving behavior by means oIndexed Paper
Development of a real-time speaker recognition syste Text
Development of a reservoir simulator by excel using iteThesis
Development of a room recognition system using a catad Text
Development of a shape-memory-alloy micromanipulato Indexed Paper
Development of a system dynamic model for enhancingThesis
Development of a user-friendly program by using the gen Text
Development of a versatile UAV platform for agriculturaConference Papers
Development of a web based connector for SAP co modu Thesis
Development of academic attendance management systThesis
Development of acid resistant polymer cement mortar fo Text
Development of Adaptive Modulation and Coding Com Thesis
Development of aerobic granular sludge technology forThesis
Development of an electronic walking stick for the visu Thesis
Development of an environmental education program usin Non-Index Paper
Development of an ergonomic risk assessment tool for Thesis
Development of an evaluation matrix of occupational Text
Development of an expert system to perisik-a control s Text
Development of an in-situ combustion simulator for vert Thesis
Development of an nir sorting machine for detecting inteThesis
Development of an on-board visual display for early knoThesis
Development of an optimized alkaline fuel cell Thesis
Development of asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber Indexed Paper
Development of asymmetric polysulfone membrane forText the
Development of auditory brainstem signal acqusition s Conference Papers
Development of bacterial-based remediation system forText
Development of banana peel chips based on pectin contThesis
Development of beamforming for aeroacoustic measu Thesis
Development of broadband fractal dipole antenna (0.9 Text
Development of capacitive sensor technique for partial Thesis
Development of carbon nanotube based biosensors mode Indexed Paper
Development of chemical bond website for field dependNon-Index Paper
Development of civil and structural consultant's perfo Text
Development of color vision deficiency assistive systemIndexed Paper
Development of computational wear prediction on totaThesis
Development of computer aided design software for Thesis
Development of database management system (DBMS)Text ba
Development of dental material testing equipment (Pr Text
Development of disciplines based manufacturing infor Text
Development of experimental-rig for human postural t Non-Index Paper
Development of fiber-based siglemode-multimode fiberThesis
Development of fuzzy logic controller by particle swar Indexed Paper
Development of hand control mechanism for the local iThesis
Development of hand-arm model rig for tremor excitat Conference Papers
Development of high-resolution auditory brainstem re Thesis
Development of HPLC fingerprint analysis of traditionalIndexed Paper
Development of improved wireless client authenticati Thesis
Development of intake system for improvement of perfo Text
Development of integrated monitoring system for re-eleJournal Article
Development of JomOder a C2C mobile commerce Thesis
Development of land based mobile mapping system using Text
Development of leader and follower strategy for swarmJournal Article
Development of lightweight concrete by using polystyr Thesis
Development of log periodic yagi antenna Thesis
Development of MATLAB source coding for beam-column Thesis
Development of matter concept on submicroscopic leveConference Papers
Development of metamodeling tool for optimization ofConference Papers
Development of method for simultaneous determination Text
Development of method to obtain electromagnetic spect Thesis
Development of MPLS TEST - BED for network traffic engiText
Development of MPLS TEST-BED for network traffic engText
Development of multimedia map for tourist purpose Thesis
Development of new version FREDY03 software in geode Thesis
Development of niosome-loaded bromelain as anti-inf Thesis
Development of nitrocellulose based binder for ammonThesis
Development of ocean wave and current energy deviceConference Papers
Development of planar electromagnetic sensor array forIndexed Paper
Development of polyetheretherketone/silane treated hy Thesis
Development of porous concrete from crushed concretThesis
Development of power system dynamic equivalents toolConference Papers
Development of process control with obstacle avoidan Indexed Paper
Development of process-based entropy measurement fThesis
Development of pulse signal generator for ultrasound Thesis
Development of p-y curves of laterally loaded piles in c Indexed Paper
Development of QSAR models for predicting biological aText
Development of radial aerodynamic swirlers Text
Development of reagent test kit for enhancement of shThesis
Development of reconfigurable rehabilitation robot for Indexed Paper
Development of reservoir simulator studying the effect Thesis
Development of robust velocimeter for natural water f Journal Article
Development of ROV based water tank cleaning robot Indexed Paper
Development of self-compacting concrete using palm oilThesis
Development of simple education process control soft Text
Development of simulation model for a hollow fiber Text
Development of solution-gated graphene transistor mod Indexed Paper
Development of spreadsheet analysis (SAS) for DFA houText
Development of Spreadsheet Analysis System (SAS) fo Text
Development of static designs program for concrete buiThesis
Development of stock management system(SMS) for PSThesis
Development of strip method for twin hull container carThesis
Development of Sungai Skudai for transportation syste Thesis
Development of tourist information system for Royal B Thesis
Device and circuit-level performance of graphene nanorThesis
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka : umpama pohon nan rendaText
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur lorry permit applicatioThesis
DFAM: a distributed feedback analysis mechanism for Journal Article
D-G : schools may teach Dr MÆs leadership style Text
D-G : teachers using drugs face the sack Text
Di bawah naungan Tuanku Text
Diabetes and its complications Text
Diabetes and pregnancy Text
Diabetes semakin serius Text
Diagnosis : bahana jika Melayu terlalu leka berpolitik Text
Diagnosis penting tentukan tahap arthritis Text
Dialog Langkawi fokus kemiskinan, modal insan Text
Dialog membina - Cara berkesan menentang dakwah e Text
Dialog tokoh sejarah antara usaha baru arkib negara Text
Dialogue can help dispel mistrust Text
Didik anak cara jaga keselamatan Text
Didik anak dengan betul Text
Didik dengan kasih sayang Text
Didik peniaga tamak Text
Didik remaja elak terjebak kancah zina Text
Didikan awal bina kekebalan jiwa, pemikiran anak Text
Die defect classification using image processing Thesis
Dielectric characterization of various soil types using Indexed Paper
Dielectric elastomer actuator and its application in micrThesis
Dielectric measurements for low-loss materials using t Indexed Paper
Diesel sawit Malaysia lawan diesel soya AS Text
Diesel supply crisis to end tomorrow Text
Diesel up 5 sen a litre Text
Diet matters Text
Diet Ramadan sederhana tetapi seimbang Text
Different lighting environment for small object mappin Thesis
Different mobile phases and elution programs were op Non-Index Paper
Differential ceramic shell thickness evaluation for direc Indexed Paper
Differential equations Text
Differential equations Text
Differential equations / persamaan terbitan Text
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
Differential equations I Exam Papers
Differential equations II Exam Papers
Differential evoluation strategies for photovoltaic ma Thesis
Differential expression of neurotrophins in (DSS)-induceJournal Article
Digamit pengalaman getir News Paper Cuttings
Digital control of three phase three-stage hybrid multileIndexed Paper
Digital dental x-ray database for caries screening Indexed Paper
Digital dental x-ray image segmentation and feature ex Indexed Paper
Digital electronic 1 Exam Papers
Digital Electronics Exam Papers
Digital electronics I / Elektronik digital I Text
Digital electronics II Exam Papers
Digital elevation model bathymetry mapping of seafloorThesis
Digital games engagement among Malaysian Thesis
Digital image processing II Text
Digital image processing II Exam Papers
Digital image watermarking based on three levels discr Thesis
Digital logic / Logic digital Text
Digital modelling technique for mixed mode circuits (FulText
Digital photogrammetry Exam Papers
Digital photogrammetry: comparison of digital orthophot Conference Papers
Digital stronghold Text
Digital Systems Exam Papers
Digitized walsh algorithm for reactive power estimationIndexed Paper
Dilema kemiskinan Text
Dilema melahirkan masyarakat berbudi bahasa Text
Dilema pelan pengunduran Afghanistan Obama News Paper Cuttings
Dilemma in pleadings: the unpleaded Thesis
Dilemma of foreign workers Text
Dilemma zone conflicts at isolated intersections controlNon-Index Paper
Dilemmas affecting the integration of service-learning i Indexed Paper
Dimensi baru AS selepas era pentadbiran Bush Text
Dimension in establishing the responsive manufacturin Journal Article
Dinamik Text
Dinamik Text
Dinamik Text
Dinamik & kawalan penerbangan Text
Dinamik & kawalan pesawat terbang Text
Dinamik / dynamics Text
Dinamik kenderaan Text
Dinamika Malaysia/Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Dinamika Malaysia/Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Dinar emas : Malaysia boleh guna dengan negara Islam Text
Dinner treat for UTM undergrads Text
Diploma UTM - Langkah pertama di dunia News Paper Cuttings
Diploma UTM terus jadi pilihan News Paper Cuttings
Diplomat Malaysia perlu jaga perasaan negara lain Text
Diplomat perlu bantu Malaysia Text
Direct conversion receiver for active integrated antenn Text
Direct design and analysis of unbraced frame Thesis
Direktori Alumni UTM dilancar Text
Direktori online kaunselor akan diwujudkan Text
Dirty Country : Malaysians an unhygienic lot Text
Disabled pedestrian level of service method for evaluatiIndexed Paper
Disassemblability evaluation method (DEM) for green pText
Disaster management Exam Papers
Disaster relief centre at Subang Text
Disaster research at UMS Text
Disaster risk on the rise Text
Disband snoop squad Text
Disciplinary cases may be sent for NS Text
Discipline instilled a boost for studies Text
Disciplined to a life underwater Text
Discoloration of aqueous textile dyes solution by Pha Indexed Paper
Discover building blocks of a career News Paper Cuttings
Discovering the impact of knowledge in recommender sNon-Index Paper
Discrete event simulation Exam Papers
Discrete event simulation Exam Papers
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Discrete Mathematics Exam Papers
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Discrimination of dengue disease from healthy based Journal Article
Discriminative tandem features for HMM-based EEG clas Indexed Paper
Discuss Maths and Science at Cabinet level first Text
Disease forces 3 kindergartens to close Text
Disease that can be fatal for 48,000 Text
Disease threat if earth gets warmer Text
Disiplin : JPA akan keluar garis panduan Text
Disiplin dalam projek pembangunan sistem News Paper Cuttings
Disiplin pelajar Text
Disk supported carbon membrane derived from based po Thesis
Diskaun saman ditangguh : Kabinet mahu kompaun bagiText
Disleksia : murid tahun satu disaring Text
Disneyland Johor mungkin berbeza daripada di Florida Text
Dispersion modelling and analysis of hydrogen fuel gas Indexed Paper
Dispute avoidance procedure : formulating a workable lIndexed Paper
Dissecting the tourism pie Text
Distributed wind turbines optimal allocation using evo Thesis
Dividen KWSP naik sebab pengurusan cekap Text
Dividen Tabung Haji, KWSP, LTAT lebih tinggi Text
Dividen, bonus Tabung Haji lebih tinggi tahun ini Text
Divorce aid proposal Text
DNA barcoding of caged pangasiids in Pahang River MalJournal Article
DNA Bill : Act will protect the innocent Text
DNA computing readout approaches: a review Conference Papers
Do more to lure Chinese students, education sector tol Text
Do social work, youths told Text
Doc: Educate hubbies about breast cancer Text
Docs canÆt register excessive number Text
Doctorate studies for top teachers News Paper Cuttings
Doctors agree to return home Text
Doctors get reminder on tackling dengue outbreak Text
Doctors hit by H1N1, too Text
Document management system for development control Text
DOE to charge three firms Text
Does the Malaysian english language syllabus cater to Journal Article
Doktor ditawar JUSA Text
Doktor pakar ditambah Text
Dokumen penyelewengan UTM ke Jabatan Pendidikan T ext
Dokumenkan perjuangan menuntut kemerdekaan Text
Dokumentasi akhbar : ADaP bantu PSS SMK Taman JasmText
Domestic banks can escape credit crunch Text
Dominasi Lumix 2010 Text
Don: Still many loopholes in law to curb noise News Paper Cuttings
DonÆt blame NAP for slow car sales Text
DonÆt burden consumers Text
DonÆt ignore HIV/AIDS threat Text
DonÆt simply use antibiotics, doctors told Text
DonÆt stress it Text
Donating blood a noble Ramadan deed Text
Donating organs only when dead sure Text
Don't be pressured by VVIPs, civil servants told Text
Don't just throw away used batteries Text
Don't stop seeking knowledge, teachers advised Text
Don't turn a blind eye to sex crimes Text
Door still open for talks, Malaysia tells Singapore Text
Dopant concentration and thermoluminescence (TL) proIndexed Paper
Doppler algorithm for modelling sea surface current Conference Papers
Dorongan ibu bapa bantu anak hadapi peperiksaan Text
Dosa besar mengumpat Text
Dosimetri sinaran Text
Dosimetri sinaran Text
Dosimetri sinaran Exam Papers
Dosimetric characteristics of LKB : CU,P solid TL detectoIndexed Paper
Dosimetric properties of germanium doped calcium bora Thesis
Dosimetric properties of neodymium doped silicon dioxiThesis
Double-decker boost for tourists in KL Text
Double-digit growth for NST, New Sunday Times Text
Downpour sparks yet another flood alert Text
DPM : our teachers good enough Text
DPM stresses quality education Text
Dr M : corruption becoming culture Text
Dr M : priority for seven projects in Pulau Tioman Text
Dr M : remember TunkuÆs work Text
Dr M : write about past for sake of future Text
Dr M confirms duty-free status for Tioman Text
Dr M kecewa dituduh tidak tegas perangi rasuah Text
Dr M shares wisdom with entrepreneurs Text
Dr Mahathir gesa penuntut kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Dr Mahathir terima penjelasan Soros Text
Dr Mahathir, krisis berpisah tiada Text
Dr M's role on world stage Text
Dr Rahmah, Dr Mohamad dilantik Timbalan Naib CanseText
Dr Samsudi ketuai kajian nanofizik UTM Text
Dr Zaini penerima termuda Anugerah Merdeka 2009 Text
Dr. M bangga ekonomi negara jadi asas anugerah Text
Dr. M gesa perbetul tafsiran mengenai Islam Text
Dr. Mahathir mantapkan Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana Text
Dr. Sahol Hamid dilantik NC baru UiTM Text
Draf akhir sedang dikemas kini Text
Draf Deklarasi Putrajaya 8 perkara Text
Draf pinda Akta Taska hampir siap Text
Draft genome of Jeotgalibacillus campisalis SF-57(T), a Indexed Paper
Drains, slopes targeted in Bukit Antarabangsa report Text
Drama rampasan kapal tangki, 10 lanun bersenjata serah Text
DRB-Hicom mahu keluar kenderaan jenama sendiri Text
DRB-HICOM to buy Citroen dealer Text
Dredging and reclamation effects of wave parameter atConference Papers
Driver panicked, says survivor Text
Drivers affecting the perception of feasibility towards Thesis
Driving forces behind product development : electrical Thesis
Driving schools to be graded by year-end Text
Drop in dengue and chikungunya cases Text
Drop the tax on credit cards Text
Drug gangs hiring chemists worldwide Text
Drug mules lured by sun, sea and money Text
Drug rings in league of evil Text
Drugs : 54pc relapse cases Text
Drugs in pregnancy Text
Dry mixing of feedstock for injection moulding of 316L Text
DSP based online UPS Thesis
Dua beradik terperangkap maut Text
Dua beradilc Alumni UTM lcomited tinglcat kesedaran aNews Paper Cuttings
Dua fakulti UKM kaji keselamatan memandu kenderaanText
Dua IPTS tipu KWSP babitkan RM1.6 juta Text
Dua juruterbang TUDM maut pesawat terhempas Text
Dua kaedah integrasi kaum Text
Dua lagi kes kematian akibat demam denggi Text
Dua lagi masuk hospital Text
Dua maut, sembilan cedera bas terjun laut Text
Dua pelajar Malaysia terpilih ke Harvard Text
Dua pelajar UTM hilang di laut dipercayai lemas Text
Dua program di UTM antara terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Dua saat hindari kemalangan maut Text
Dua sahabat senama mati bersama Text
Dua skim bukti kerajaan prihatin beban syarikat Text
Dua skim pinjaman automasi diperkenal Text
Dua subjek dipakej semula Text
Dua universiti perintis pengajian penyelidikan Text
Dua wanita bersaing jadi angkasawan negara Text
Dual ball lenses for relaxed alignment tolerances in pigtConference Papers
Dual band rectangular dielectric resonator antenna desIndexed Paper
Dual band-dual beam reduced size Butler matrices Indexed Paper
Dual nanoprobe for single cell viability detection : met Indexed Paper
Dual polarization single port inset feed microstrip patc Non-Index Paper
Dual-bed catalytic system for direct conversion of met Conference Papers
Dual-resonant polarization-independent and wide-angl Indexed Paper
Dull? Maybe. Important? Yes. Money-making? AbsoluteText
Dunhill claims top brand spot in Malaysia Text
Dunia korporat layu martabatkan bahasa Melayu Text
Dunia perangi selesema burung Text
Dunia tersilap tidak ikut Malaysia Text
Duta diminta wujud JTP tingkat pelancongan Text
Duti eksais lama bagi 49,000 kereta Text
Dynamic analysis of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) Thesis
Dynamic analysis of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) Thesis
Dynamic analysis of electro-mechanical dual acting pul Thesis
Dynamic analysis of micro-cantilever dynamic and its Thesis
Dynamic hashing technique for bandwidth reduction inThesis
Dynamic hybrid reactive power compensation (DHRPC) Thesisin
Dynamic model checking for multi agent e-business conConference Papers
Dynamic model for risk analysis of picture archiving c Text
Dynamic multiprocessor scheduling model for the reco Text
Dynamic of soil and foundation Exam Papers
Dynamic photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO in a h Indexed Paper
Dynamic pile capacity variation with pile top velocity a Text
Dynamic stress and strain of HPC under drop-weight imJournal Article
Dynamic Time Warping fixed - frame coefficient with piThesis
Dynamic wetting of nanocolumnar DLC coating via modiThesis
Dynamics Exam Papers
Dzaiddin fixes Feb 11 for first Commission meeting Text
E students put damper on results Text
EAC makin jadi kenyataan : Deklarasi Kuala Lumpur bukText
Earlier contract was too costly, says V-C News Paper Cuttings
Early detection vital Text
Early warning system up soon Text
Earth analysis of IBS for single storey housing (Preview)Text
Earthing performance of HV/MV substation and its effeThesis
Earthquake induced landslide susceptibility mapping in Thesis
EAS cerminkan imbangan kuasa Text
Ease govt staff into retirement Text
East coast floods claim more lives Text
East coast improves but Penang, Kedah on alert Text
Easy english Thesis
Eateries say hike in food prices likely Text
E-book reader to be exported Text
E-booking system in Hong Kong Street Restaurant, JohoThesis
Ebsco Ebooks and Research Databases Workshop Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
ECER ajak pakar kaji peluang ekonomi Text
Echolink network system - an amateur radio applicationThesis
Eco-drainage pond in non irrigated land for the conser Non-Index Paper
Ecofuture labur RM30j bina kilang pulpa sawit Text
Eco-labelling of precast concrete materials Thesis
Economic analysis for technology Text
Economic analysis of new 1997's Malaysian Production Thesis
Economic analysis of transmission use of system chargeText
Economic and policy of technologycal innovation Exam Papers
Economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions Indexed Paper
Economic ruin if virus mutatesá Text
Economic tie-ups can bring mutual benefits Text
Economic valuation of wetlands in riparian communitiesThesis
Economics and specifications Exam Papers
Economists : right time to reduce budget deficit Text
Economists see inflation soaring to six per cent Text
Economy & specifacations Exam Papers
Economy to grow 6% to 6.5% in 2003 Text
Economy, race main worries Text
E-crime investigation and incident response managemeExam Papers
E-Crime investigation and incident response managemeExam Papers
E-dagang Text
E-dagang batu permata berasaskan sistem bantuan ke Text
Educating engineers: contribution of muslim women edu Conference Papers
Educating the educators Text
Education : the next shift Text
Education and socio-cultural change Exam Papers
Education expenditure and economic growth: a causal aNon-Index Paper
Education Ministry goes on the road to talk about school Text
Education Ministry may give PTAs a hand Text
Education Ministry to curb wastage Text
Education shift towards quality Text
Education will aid development in many ways Text
Educationists : integrity must be maintained Text
Edu-tourism gaining ground Text
E-engineering drawing (EED) - a web based system for Conference Papers
Efective teaching : perception of TESL teacher trainees Thesis
Effect of a metallic rod on Specific Absorption Rate (S Thesis
Effect of addition of Ni metal catalyst onto the Co and Indexed Paper
Effect of additives on the structure and performance o Indexed Paper
Effect of AGCL on spectroscopic properties of erbium dop Indexed Paper
Effect of aggregate shape on the properties of asphalt Indexed Paper
Effect of air staging on palm shell combustion in fluidis Text
Effect of alkali treatment on the water absorption of h Thesis
Effect of ambient temperature on leakage current of gaIndexed Paper
Effect of ammonium sulphate on the sporulation of BaciText
Effect of ammonium-clinoptilolite on the growth of am Conference Papers
Effect of application time of water-based curing compouConference Papers
Effect of artificially produced pit-like defects on the st Conference Papers
Effect of base columns spacing to lateral resistant and sThesis
Effect of bedding sand thickness on bottom shaped co Thesis
Effect of bio-oil from empty fruit bunch on penetration Indexed Paper
Effect of bolt arrangement and sizes to the capacity of Text
Effect of built-up ratio on the variation of air temperatuIndexed Paper
Effect of carbon molecular sieve sizing with poly (Vin Indexed Paper
Effect of channel doping on silicon nanowire field effec Thesis
Effect of chemical and enzymatic interesterification on Journal Article
Effect of circulation flow rate and circulation time on t Thesis
Effect of coatings and surface modification on porous siIndexed Paper
Effect of cobalt adition and heat treatment on corrosi Thesis
Effect of cold rolling treatment on the formation of ti Indexed Paper
Effect of combination of lost circulation materials on peThesis
Effect of coolant temperature and intial concentration Thesis
Effect of coupling agent on mechanical and thermal behIndexed Paper
Effect of darkness on speed-flow-density relationship f Thesis
Effect of different drying methods on the morphology, cry Indexed Paper
Effect of different extraction techniques on total phenolIndexed Paper
Effect of different monomers on water retention properti Indexed Paper
Effect of different solvent type on total phenolic conte Thesis
Effect of different types of microporous layer toward thJournal Article
Effect of directional flow ratio on signalised intersectionIndexed Paper
Effect of dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotubes on Indexed Paper
Effect of distance-dependent error on the GPS horizontaThesis
Effect of domestic sewage treatment plant effluent on rThesis
Effect of dust physical on the performance of poly-cry Conference Papers
Effect of EDM machining parameters on surface integrity Thesis
Effect of electrical ageing on partial discharge characte Thesis
Effect of environmental condition and nickel underlayerThesis
Effect of environmental factors on knowledge sharing i Indexed Paper
Effect of flame on various swirler angle in combustion Indexed Paper
Effect of flue gas recirculation on multi-cyclones perfo Indexed Paper
Effect of fluoride conversion coating on corrosion of be Indexed Paper
Effect of gamma irradiation on protein profile of rode Journal Article
Effect of geocell reinforcement in sand and its effect o Indexed Paper
Effect of geotextile on slope stabilization Thesis
Effect of germanium content on mobility enhancement Thesis of
Effect of GGBFS as filler in polyester grout on strength Conference Papers
Effect of graphene on mechanical and durability properThesis
Effect of green inhibitor on the corrosion behaviour of Indexed Paper
Effect of growth parameters on surface morphology of sThesis
Effect of heteroatoms substitution on electronic, photoIndexed Paper
Effect of HNTs modification in nanocomposite membrane Indexed Paper
Effect of homogeneous ceramic tile waste on propertieConference Papers
Effect of humic acid on geochemistry properties of kaolIndexed Paper
Effect of hydrophobicity degree on PVDF hollow fiber mIndexed Paper
Effect of inhibitors on the corrosion behavior of carbon Thesis
Effect of lamination on rock properties under uniaxial l Text
Effect of lateral load on vertical pile Thesis
Effect of LICL concentration in the polymer dope on t Indexed Paper
Effect of magnetic fields on heavy metal and nutrient reText
Effect of methyl jasmonater on trigonelline content of sThesis
Effect of microcrystalline cellulose on biodegradabilit Indexed Paper
Effect of multi wall carbon nano tubes application on Thesis
Effect of multiple water resources in a flexible-schedu Indexed Paper
Effect of nanofillers on the polarization and depolariz Indexed Paper
Effect of Ni-Doping on intermetallics between Sn-3Ag-0.Thesis
Effect of nitrogen dilution on the lean blowout limit a Journal Article
Effect of operating variables and viscosity on the oxygenText
Effect of organic solvent on electroless NI deposition o Thesis
Effect of packaging on the alkaloidal content of ketum lThesis
Effect of pad surface topography on disc brake squeal Non-Index Paper
Effect of PAO-based Γ-Fe2O3 and surfactant concentrati Indexed Paper
Effect of passive tuned mass damper and viscous dampeThesis
Effect of PEG additives on the performance of hemodialText
Effect of PEG additives on the performance of hemodiaText
Effect of PH of viscera medium in a production of biofloThesis
Effect of PH on stress corrosion cracking of stainless steThesis
Effect of pH value to corrosion rate of pipeline steel ex Thesis
Effect of physical pretreatment on shrimp waste for th Indexed Paper
Effect of polymer concentration on development of as Conference Papers
Effect of polymer concentration on the structure and p Indexed Paper
Effect of polymer concentration on the structure and Indexed Paper
Effect of quadruple P-spiral split ring resonator (QPS-S Journal Article
Effect of quantum confinement, surface states and exciThesis
Effect of rainfall on speed at night: a case study in Ter Thesis
Effect of rainfall on traffic stream characteristics duri Non-Index Paper
Effect of rainwater and seawater on the permittivity Indexed Paper
Effect of rapid grease lubrication in continuous casting Thesis
Effect of raw water quality on coagulant dosage and o Text
Effect of relative humidity on surface discharge charactConference Papers
Effect of sintering conditions on mechanical propertie Indexed Paper
Effect of solid acids in the conversion of glycerol over Non-Index Paper
Effect of spray-Strake on patrol vessel manoeuvrability Conference Papers
Effect of stabilized laterite on california bearing rati Indexed Paper
Effect of structural defects towards the performance Indexed Paper
Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide condition on oil yi Journal Article
Effect of surface finish metallurgy on intermetallic compConference Papers
Effect of switching incidence on the object under six phThesis
Effect of temperature on the epr response of gamma i Indexed Paper
Effect of the packaging and storage conditions on the coIndexed Paper
Effect of thermal stratification on MHD free convectionNon-Index Paper
Effect of thermo-oxidative aging on the tensile and morText
Effect of tin stabilizer contents on thermal stability of Thesis
Effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on aerobic granulation of Indexed Paper
Effect of tool wear on tool life and surface finish when Indexed Paper
Effect of ultrasonic on the synthesis of uniform mesop Conference Papers
Effect of using different algorithms to determine the fo Thesis
Effect of U-turning maneuvers at midblock facilities on Indexed Paper
Effect of various types of dampers on medium rise buil Thesis
Effect of water on breakdown characteristics of polyet Thesis
Effect of website quality and hotel service quality on cuThesis
Effect of white layer on residual autofrettage stresses aIndexed Paper
Effect on flat rheology synthetic base with variation te Thesis
Effect silica fume to the strength and permeability of Text
Effective atomic number of ge-doped and al-doped optic Indexed Paper
Effective communication Exam Papers
Effective crisis communication Text
Effective writing skills Exam Papers
Effective writing skills Exam Papers
Effectiveness of blade tip on low speed horizontal axis Journal Article
Effectiveness of salt-extracted freeze-dried Moringa oleIndexed Paper
Effectiveness of sediment basin and silt traps at oil pal Text
Effectiveness of spinach plants (Ipomoea Aquatica For Thesis
Effectiveness of the non-exclusive motorcycle lane Thesis
Effectiveness of ultraviolet light for mitigating risk of m Indexed Paper
Effects of chemical interesterification on the physicoch Journal Article
Effects of chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) parametThesis
Effects of CO2 dilution on the premixed combustion of Indexed Paper
Effects of compatibilizers on mechanical properties of Indexed Paper
Effects of Cr2O3 addition on the phase, mechanical pr Indexed Paper
Effects of different loading of magnesium oxide on act Conference Papers
Effects of different wettability gravel pack on fluid prodThesis
Effects of ENR and OMMT on barrier and tensile properIndexed Paper
Effects of existing crack on the deformation response o Text
Effects of feedstock and catalyst concentration on biod Conference Papers
Effects of filtration volume using powdered activated chConference Papers
Effects of financial development indicators on energy Indexed Paper
Effects of lining thickness on squeal in drum brake ass Non-Index Paper
Effects of montmorillonite (MMT) on morphological, tenIndexed Paper
Effects of nanostructures on iron oxide based dye sensitiIndexed Paper
Effects of nutrients toward algae growth Thesis
Effects of polymer on compressive strength and total poThesis
Effects of process conditions in submerged ultrafiltrat Indexed Paper
Effects of rotary feed on the formation of ductile stre Text
Effects of silicone surfactant on the water absorption Conference Papers
Effects of sulfonation process on thermal behavior an Conference Papers
Effects of the inflow control device in horizontal well Thesis
Effects of upstream slope of clay core and height of theJournal Article
Efficacy of pyroligneous acid from pineapple waste bi Journal Article
Efficiency enhancement of wireless energy transfer in Thesis
Efficiency of aeration system in wastewater treatment pl Text
Efficiency of aeration system in wastewater treatment Text
Efficient fixation of carbon dioxide by electrolysis: facil Conference Papers
Efficient in-band spectrum sensing using swarm intellig Indexed Paper
Efficient integration techniques for web page access pr Conference Papers
Efficient QRS complex detection algorithm implement Journal Article
Efficient thinning algorithm for Malaysian car plate cha Thesis
Efficient underwater RSS value to distance inversion us Indexed Paper
EGAA lancarkan transaksi dalam talian Text
E-government service model in improving e-services forThesis
E-Guru perisian baru bantu murid kuasai bahasa asing Text
Eight more schools closed Text
Ejen insurans wajib beri penerangan menyeluruh Text
e-Kadaster, e-Tanah ke arah pengeluaran geran segera Text
Ekologi landskap Text
Ekologi landskap Text
Ekonomi bandar dan letakan Exam Papers
Ekonomi bumiputera masih rendah Text
Ekonomi di dalam industri binaan Text
Ekonomi dijangka pulih : PM Text
Ekonomi diperkasa Text
Ekonomi domestik perlu kekal positif Text
Ekonomi guna tanah Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Exam Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Ekonomi kekal kukuh Text
Ekonomi kekal positif Text
Ekonomi kita kukuh Text
Ekonomi kita perlu capai 7% Text
Ekonomi Malaysia baik dari semua segi Text
Ekonomi Malaysia diunjur terus kukuh Text
Ekonomi Malaysia pulih Text
Ekonomi Malaysia punyai 3 kekuatan Text
Ekonomi Malaysia semakin kukuh: IMF Text
Ekonomi masyarakat disusun semula Text
Ekonomi Melayu liat berkembang Text
Ekonomi negara berkembang 7 peratus Text
Ekonomi negara positif 2010 Text
Ekonomi pertengahan Text
Ekonomi petroleum Text
Ekonomi Pulau Pinang melegakan Text
Ekonomi tertekan, harga minyak paksa kerajaan tingkatText
Ekonomi tumbuh 0.3% tahun ini Text
Ekspedisi Biodiesel Text
Eksperimen dan instrumentasi Text
Eksploitasi bio : PM selar negara maju Text
Ekspo industri asas tani di PWTC Text
Eksport hasil tani ke EU dipertingkatkan Text
Eksport minyak sawit terima kesan minimum Text
Eksport perabot usahawan bumiputera perlu dipertingkText
Eksport produk makanan ke OIC diunjur RM3.15b Text
Eksport Proton dijangka meningkat Text
Ekuiti korporat diberi penekanan : PM Text
E-kursus sembelihan Jabatan Agama Johor Thesis
Elak bahayakan ekonomi Text
Elak dipertikai kelak Text
Elak guru kerja Sabtu : kekebalan undang-undang ke ataText
Elak jadi kacang lupakan kulit News Paper Cuttings
Elak pembaziran sambut perayaan Text
Elak provokasi perairan Ambalat Text
Elak rasuah jadi budaya Text
Elated varsity students ready for the challenge News Paper Cuttings
Elaun guru KAFA di peringkat akhir Text
Elaun kenangan naik 500 peratus Text
Elaun khas guru Text
Elaun kritikal bagi lima lagi perkhidmatan Text
Elaun pelatih PLKN naik 50 peratus Text
E-learning environment for hearing impaired students Indexed Paper
Election 2008 : economy topmost concern of voters, sa Text
Electric and magnetism Exam Papers
Electric circuit Exam Papers
Electric circuits and signal Exam Papers
Electric field study of silicon rubber insulator using fin Text
Electric potential distribution of electrical capacitan Indexed Paper
Electric railway holds power-ful economic potential Text
Electrical capacitance tomography : a review on porta Indexed Paper
Electrical characteristics of polyvinyl chloride with woll Indexed Paper
Electrical characteristics of polyvinyl chloride with woll Journal Article
Electrical characterization of graphene polystyrene co Thesis
Electrical installation works Exam Papers
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Electrical machines (mesin elektrik) Text
Electrical performance stand-alone PV pumping systemText
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Electrical technology / teknologi elektrik Text
Electrical technology / Teknologi elektrik Exam Papers
Electrical technology / teknologi elektrik Text
Electrical Technology For Management Exam Papers
Electrical tree growth in silicone rubber/organo-mont Journal Article
Electricity consumption pattern disaggregation using n Indexed Paper
Electricity to cost more ? Text
Electrochemical chloride extraction treatment on chlo Text
Electrochemical strategy for grown ZnO nanoparticles dIndexed Paper
Electrocoagulation using a rotated anode : a novel reacIndexed Paper
Electrodes microfluidics system for microbio object analIndexed Paper
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal analysis during liste Thesis
Electroencephalographic based hearing identification usinThesis
Electroless nickel plating on plastics (ABS) Thesis
Electromagnetic Field Theory Exam Papers
Electromagnetic Field Theory Exam Papers
Electromagnetic theory Exam Papers
Electromagnetic theory Text
Electron spin resonance study of liquid crystals directorThesis
Electronic and instrumentation Exam Papers
Electronic buffer for vertical electric field measureme Thesis
Electronic circuit simulation Exam Papers
Electronic community portal for DBKL residental area ( Text
Electronic monitoring for Pulau Paya marine park Text
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Electronic Troubleshooting and Maintenance Exam Papers
Electronic-library system for residents in Limbang Text
Electronics Exam Papers
Electronics Exam Papers
Electronics 1 Exam Papers
Electronics and instrumentation Exam Papers
Electronics I / Elektronik I Text
Electronics II Exam Papers
Electronics II Exam Papers
Electronics Systems Exam Papers
Electronics troubleshooting and maintenance Exam Papers
Elektronik Text
Elektronik Text
Elektronik Exam Papers
Elektronik asas Text
Elektronik asas Exam Papers
Elektronik digit Text
Elektronik digit Text
Elektronik digital & mikro Text
Elektronik II Text
Elektronik II Text
Elektronik III Text
Elektronik kuasa Text
Elektronik kuasa (power electronics) Text
Elektronik Perhubungan Text
Elektronik perhubungan/Electronics communication Exam Papers
Elemen lestari yang terdapat di dalam sistem binaan berThesis
Elemen-elemen penyelenggaraan kritikal di lapangan t Thesis
Elemental analysis of Nigella sativa via laser induced Conference Papers
Elementary particle Exam Papers
Eletroencephalograph signal classification for autistic Thesis
Eleven more labour options Text
Elzaki transform homotopy perturbation method for part Thesis
Emas, perak dicadang ukuran nilai semua transaksi ke Text
Emas: 31 perjanjian bayaran dimeterai Text
Embassy to hire more lawyers to help Indons get wagesText
Embedded ethernet Thesis
Embedded scale united moment invariant for identificatConference Papers
Embracing ICT for better gains Text
EMC bantu mudahkan cara urus maklumat Text
Emergency beacon a must for military aircraft Text
Emergency services not up to the mark Text
Emergent trend in Malaysian construction industry : theText
Empat aspek tingkat sistem pendidikan Text
Empat halangan jejas niat ikhlas beribadat Text
Empat insentif Jalur Lebar Negara Text
Empat kaedah tangani isu buang bayi Text
Empat kemudahan IT percepat bicara kes sivil Text
Empat kena 20 tahun: Kematian tanpa niat isteri kedua Text
Empat lagi kolej matrikulasi dibina 2006 Text
Empat langkah mencegah Text
Empat langkah tambahan bendung penularan H1N1 Text
Empat OKU bukti kebolehan News Paper Cuttings
Empat pakar industri Jepun lawat kilang milik 30 IKS Text
Empat pendekatan perkasa SK Text
Empat persatuan terima ganjaran Text
Empat projek agro bantu kurangkan kadar kemiskinan tText
Empat resolusi jadi rujukan kejuruteran Text
Empat strategi utama hasilkan guru berkualiti Text
Empat universiti UK mahu buka cawangan di EduCity Text
Empirical and kinetic modelling on supercritical fluid ez Thesis
Empirical investigation of community empowerment and Indexed Paper
Empirical mode decomposition-least squares support v Indexed Paper
Employees' turnover intention : a leadership issue? Non-Index Paper
Employer right in the event of contractor's liquidation Thesis
Employers and foreign maids to be told their rights Text
Employers reject plan for report on aliens Text
Employer's rights and contractor's liabilities in relation Text
Employer's rights and contractor's liabilities in relation Text
EMTP modeling of a 33KV distribution network Text
Emulate Tun Fatimah for national unity Text
Emulsion liquid membrane stability in the extraction o Indexed Paper
Enam aplikasi perdana tingkat ekonomi negara Text
Enam dikenal pasti gaduh di Teluk Rubiah Text
Enam produk makanan jenama Olemas di pasaran Text
Encourage spirit of caring among the young : PM Text
Encyclopaedias gather dust in Internet age Text
End milling of titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V using uncoated Text
Endau-Rompin research centre in sorry state Text
End-users participation approach towards effective houNon-Index Paper
Energy absorption of double tapered rectangular tubes Thesis
Energy absorption of hollow tube and foam filled tube Thesis
Energy absorption of polyurethane foam-filled glass fib Thesis
Energy analysis and compressor performance of refrigeThesis
Energy analysis and optimization of public building usi Thesis
Energy and economic analysis using boil-off gas onboardThesis
Energy efficiency improvement for natural gas liquids diConference Papers
Energy efficiency improvement for natural gas liquids diJournal Article
Energy efficiency in faculty of electrical engineering's Thesis
Energy efficiency in FKE's laboratories Thesis
Energy efficiency in FKE's offices and lecturer's room Thesis
Energy efficient information assured routing based on Indexed Paper
Energy for sustainable future Exam Papers
Energy harvesting using vibrational input on piezo generThesis
Energy improvement for NGLs direct-indirect sequence Conference
f Papers
Energy management practices among universities in BeiThesis
Engineering economy Exam Papers
Engineering economy Exam Papers
Engineering education: the hidden agenda Conference Papers
Engineering geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Engineering geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Engineering management Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics 1 Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics 2 Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics I Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics II Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics II Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics II Exam Papers
Engineering software (perisian kejuruteraan) Text
Engineering statistics Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Engineering surveying Text
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Engineering surveying 1 Text
English boost for pupils Text
English compulsory in nurses' training Text
English for academic communication Text
English for academic communication Text
English for academic communication (ECE) Text
English for professional communication Text
English for professional communication Text
English for professional communication Text
English for professional communication/english languageText
English for workplace communication Text
English policy a success, say parents Text
English proficiency Exam Papers
English proficiency test for Science and Maths teachersText
English teacher's lesson in mushroom growing pays off Text
English uses: Gag order on principals Text
English week suggestion Text
Enhance heat transfer in the channel with V-shaped wav Indexed Paper
Enhance term weighting algorithm as feature selection Conference
te Papers
Enhanced aspect level opinion mining knowledge extracThesis
Enhanced base point selection algorithm and koblitz meThesis
Enhanced biomass characteristics index in palm biomassIndexed Paper
Enhanced dashboard for operational decision support Thesis
Enhanced data integrity checking in big data environ Thesis
Enhanced drug toxicity by conjugation of platinum drugsIndexed Paper
Enhanced feature selections of adaboost training for faText
Enhanced forwarding mechanism for routing and conges Thesis
Enhanced halal certificate application system Thesis
Enhanced hydrogen storage performance of destabili Indexed Paper
Enhanced methods for benchmarking and ranking in daThesis
Enhanced optical properties of TeO2-PbO-PbCl2-Er2o3-Indexed Paper
Enhanced prim's algorithm for finding the hamiltonian cThesis
Enhancement of data transmission for mobile multi hopThesis
Enhancement of fault analysis method using ARC resist Thesis
Enhancement of human vision sensitivits for watermarkThesis
Enhancement of particle swarm optimization in elman Conference Papers
Enhancement of spam detection mechanism based on hy Indexed Paper
Enhancement of wireless sensor network lifetime with m Indexed Paper
Enhancement on component oriented programming tooThesis
Enhancement secret sharing scheme for data confidentia Thesis
Enhancement the dissolution rate and solubility of poorIndexed Paper
Enhancing and assessing student teachers' creativity u Non-Index Paper
Enhancing coral grotwth on artificial reef by direct curr Conference Papers
Enhancing growth and lipid production of marine microa Indexed Paper
Enhancing performance and expressibility of complex evThesis
Enhancing skills Text
Enhancing the performance of a 125 cc single-cylinder, Conference Papers
Enhancing the sensitivity of acoustic detection sensor Thesis
Enhancing the various solvent extraction method via mic Indexed Paper
Enhancing time-stamping techniqe by implementing med Thesis
Enhancing wireless power transfer efficiency for potentiThesis
Enjin pembakaran dalam Text
Enjin pembakaran dalam (internal combustion engine) Text
Enough ideas, talent to transform Malaysia Text
Ensure dignity of women, police told Text
Ensuring 9MP projects are carried out properly Text
Ensuring children have the right to be heard Text
Ensuring Iskandar Malaysia has clean rivers Text
Ensuring proper waste disposal Text
Ensuring quality of fruits sold locally Text
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Enterprising behavior of enterprise-less rural women Non-Index Paper
Entomologis siasat mayat guna serangga Text
Entrapping method surface modification for preparati Conference Papers
Entrepreneurial and market orientations on women-owThesis
Entrepreneurial learning organization and culture Exam Papers
Entrepreneurial learning organization and culture Exam Papers
Entrepreneurship vital to country Text
Entropy generation in turbulent swirl-stabilized flame Indexed Paper
Enviroment : Youth take charge Text
Environment and air pollution : health services beque Indexed Paper
Environmental biotechnology Exam Papers
Environmental Chemistry Exam Papers
Environmental chemistry Text
Environmental control technology / physico-chemical t Exam Papers
Environmental engineering Exam Papers
Environmental friendly bio-pesticide rotenone extractedJournal Article
Environmental geotechnics Exam Papers
Environmental geotechnics Exam Papers
Environmental hydraulic impacts of river diversions i Text
Environmental hydraulics and hydrology Text
Environmental impact from navigation on inland water Thesis
Environmental management and sustainability Exam Papers
Environmental psychology and socio-culture Exam Papers
Environmental quality analysis Exam Papers
Environmental studies Exam Papers
Envmonmental studies Exam Papers
Enzyme space study spells big money Text
EOR additives from local sources Conference Papers
E-Pembelajaran : simulasi kebuntuan dalam sistem ko Text
E-Pemerolehan, e-Pembidaan bantu Westport jimat lebText
e-Penguatkuasaan pantau had laju Text
ePersepsi pada sektor awam Text
ePetrol lancar pembayaran elektronik guna MyKad Text
EPF : make it easy for kin Text
EPF now allows withdrawals from housing account yearText
EPF undecided on scheme Text
EPI mantapkan proses lestari alam sekitar Text
E-psybermatrix : psychological profile web based expertText
EPU rangka model kurang bergantung kepada eksport Text
EPUs to source for workers Text
Equal usage of each power supply in a scalable parallel Journal Article
Equilibrium adsorption isotherm of anionic, nonionic suConference Papers
Equip children to face complex world Text
Era baru hubungan Putrajaya-Bangkok Text
Era perubahan sistem pendidikan Text
Eradicating hardcore poverty Text
Eratkan hubungan dengan jiran : Sultan Text
Erb palsi sebabkan lumpuh Text
Ergonomic study on bending operation in a manufactu Thesis
Ergonomics Exam Papers
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Erodable dam breaching patterns due to overtopping Thesis
Erosion induced by laser generated a cloud of bubble Text
Errant civil servants face promotion bar of up to four yeText
Errors prevention in manufacturing process through in Thesis
Esei merdeka jadi medium perpaduan masyarakat News Paper Cuttings
E-Smart HR : perisian sumber manusia dwi-bahasa Text
Essential knowledge transfer process model to suppor Indexed Paper
Established tourist spots safe Text
Establishing an in vitro permeability assay to emulate Thesis
Establishing calorific value prediction models of municipText
Establishing the prevalence and incidence of musculoskThesis
Establishments of corrosion model for pipeline expose Conference Papers
Esterification of oleic acid to biodiesel using magnetic i Indexed Paper
Esterification of renewable levulinic acid to levulinate eJournal Article
Estimated subsurface drain spacing for different hydroloText
Estimating and tendering Exam Papers
Estimating brain connectivity in schizophrenia patients Thesis
Estimating I Exam Papers
Estimating II Exam Papers
Estimating vertical drag on helicopter fuselage during Conference Papers
Estimation of accident cost in electronic industry Thesis
Estimation of accident cost in metal based company Thesis
Estimation of air-overpressure produced by blasting op Indexed Paper
Estimation of chlorophyll concentration from satellite Conference Papers
Estimation of Soil Erosion Rates in Oil Palm Plantation Indexed Paper
e-Syariah percepat daftar kes Text
e-Tanah lebih cekap selesaikan pentadbiran tanah Text
Etching performance of silicon wafers with redesigned Text
Ethnic relations Exam Papers
Ethnobotanic Plants Exam Papers
Ethnobotanic plants Exam Papers
Etika dan amalan ikhtisas perancangan Text
Etika Islam terhadap peranan institusi keluarga dalam Conference Papers
Etika profesional Exam Papers
Etika profesional Text
Etika profesional Exam Papers
Etnics relations Exam Papers
Eulerian-lagrangian numerical scheme for contaminant Indexed Paper
Euler-lagrange two-phase model for simulating live-bedIndexed Paper
Evading ostracism : a look at critical role of organizati Indexed Paper
Evaluate and analysis of designed plasma discharge sy Thesis
Evaluating Boolean, AHP and WLC methods for the selecti Indexed Paper
Evaluating error associated with lidar derived DEM inteThesis
Evaluating management strategies for Layang Reservoi Thesis
Evaluating nanocrystalline cellulose as fluid loss additi Thesis
Evaluating the inpact of maintenance strategy on custoThesis
Evaluation and analysis of model test error in MTC Thesis
Evaluation and optimization of microbial cellulose (NA Conference Papers
Evaluation criteria of safety and health induction for c Indexed Paper
Evaluation of 11kV XLPE cable (Full text) Text
Evaluation of blackspot treatment in traffic accident re Text
Evaluation of compactive effort on the stripping potentConference Papers
Evaluation of conceptual properties by layperson in res Non-Index Paper
Evaluation of crack relief layer for roads and highways Thesis
Evaluation of cracks and disintegration using close-ran Text
Evaluation of direct transesterification of microalgae u Indexed Paper
Evaluation of effect of traffic signal coordination syst Conference Papers
Evaluation of enzyme clean up system in dynamic condiThesis
Evaluation of failure mechanism of pile under pullout t Thesis
Evaluation of fiber optic sensor for blood flow measur Thesis
Evaluation of FO-RO and PRO-RO designs for power gene Indexed Paper
Evaluation of glucosidase inhibitory and cytotoxic potenIndexed Paper
Evaluation of hydrodynamic behavior of the perforatedIndexed Paper
Evaluation of iron ore tailings as replacement for fine Indexed Paper
Evaluation of kinetic for the extraction of bio-active c Conference Papers
Evaluation of membrane bioreactor pilot plant for munConference Papers
Evaluation of new collaboration method in virtual reali Conference Papers
Evaluation of particulate emission from a palm oil mill bIndexed Paper
Evaluation of pharmaceutical cream production debott Conference Papers
Evaluation of quickbird data for topographic detail mapConference Papers
Evaluation of required sensing time for multimedia tra Conference Papers
Evaluation of stone columns versus liquefaction phen Indexed Paper
Evaluation of the compactive effort on the stripping chaText
Evaluation of the effective factors on online internet usIndexed Paper
Evaluation of transformed layer hardness of DLC coatingJournal Article
Evaluation of trust in a virtual team Thesis
Evaluation on aggregate effective specific gravity as re Conference Papers
Evaluation on biomechanical designs of dental implant sThesis
Evaluation on feed-in tariff scheme for residential area Thesis
Evaluation on the accuracy assessment of different ele Thesis
Evaluation on the applications of small size coiled tubinJournal Article
Evaluation usability measurement index for higher educThesis
Everest ditawan lagi : dua pelajar UiTM jadi mahasiswa Text
Evolusi kotak hitam News Paper Cuttings
Evolution of housing industry Text
Evolutionary algorithm for identification of a flexible s Indexed Paper
Evolutionary algorithms for active vibration control of Thesis
Exact real integral solution for the complex diffusion Text
Exact solutions for unsteady magnetohydrodynamic free Thesis
Exam impact comes under examination Text
Examination of electronic service definitions Indexed Paper
Examine teachings of ulama Text
Examining literature materials as English Language TeacThesis
Excocet MM38 buktikan keupayaan armada TLDM Text
Exercise againts deppresion Text
Exergy analysis of a flat plate solar collector Text
Exergy analysis of a solar air heater Thesis
Exergy analysis on steam power plant Thesis
Exhaust waste heat as energy source for air induction bThesis
Exhibiting quick-fit building system Text
Exhibition not a waste, says UTM don Text
Exim Bank galak pelabur tempatan teroka pasaran globText
Eximining students continuance intention to learn via Thesis
Expectation and perception of posgraduate students forText
Expel the corrupt, Umno secretary-general tells delegatText
Experimental analysis of machining performance basedThesis
Experimental analysis on the formation of CO-NO-HC inIndexed Paper
Experimental and analytical study of invisible water le Thesis
Experimental and numerical investigation of combined cIndexed Paper
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfJournal Article
Experimental and numerical studies of vortex induced vIndexed Paper
Experimental and numerical study of nanofluid flow andIndexed Paper
Experimental and numerical validation of flexural behaviJournal Article
Experimental and quantum chemical calculations on corro Journal Article
Experimental determination of sound transmission coefText
Experimental determination of the performance of riceIndexed Paper
Experimental evaluation of an automotive air conditio Text
Experimental evaluation of CO2 laser cutting quality of Journal Article
Experimental evaluation of torque performance of volt Indexed Paper
Experimental implementation of direct-proportional l Conference Papers
Experimental investigation of wave-induced motions ofConference Papers
Experimental investigation on cold-formed steel beamsConference Papers
Experimental investigation on mean crushing stress ch Indexed Paper
Experimental investigations on behaviour of strip footing Indexed Paper
Experimental Method Exam Papers
Experimental method and analysis Exam Papers
Experimental modal analysis of vehicle exhaust system Conference Papers
Experimental on biodiesel performance by using ElsbettText
Experimental research on helicopter tail shake pheno Conference Papers
Experimental results on the shear behaviour of steel f Journal Article
Experimental study of electro-mechanical dual acting puIndexed Paper
Experimental study of GFRP poles under bending test Thesis
Experimental study of grout-filled tapered head steel s Thesis
Experimental study of hydraulic jump over the various cThesis
Experimental study on mechanical properties of magneJournal Article
Experimental study on the replacement of HFC-R134A bIndexed Paper
Experimental study on the shear behaviour of precast cIndexed Paper
Expert : Coral transplant not viable Text
Expert : Hairline cracks may be due to overloading Text
Expert : outbreak could be as serious as 1918 Spanish flText
Expert advice on selecting the most suitable air conditi Text
Expert didnÆt say tsunami will hit soon Text
Expert tailor Thesis
Experts studying rockfall to go up affected hill Text
Experts to jointly review MalaysiaÆs education systemText
Expired drugs dumped in rural areas Text
Exploiting scholar’s background knowledge to improv Conference Papers
Exploition of contract document for construction projecText
Exploration of blind space identity through intangible Thesis
Exploration of MVC design pattern in the implementa Thesis
Exploratory analysis of ergonomics importance at workpIndexed Paper
Exploratory study on airbag suitability for low engine c Journal Article
Exploring different perspectives on limitations and promIndexed Paper
Exploring factors influencing farmers' willingness to pa Indexed Paper
Exploring factors that influence customer engagement in Indexed Paper
Exploring Seulimeum fault in Aceh, Indonesia using ma Journal Article
Exploring the economic case for climate action in cities Indexed Paper
Exploring the link between clouds, radiation, and canopIndexed Paper
Exploring the perception of scholarship of teaching andIndexed Paper
Exploring the ummatic personality dimensions from theNon-Index Paper
Exploring volunteer tourism as a panacea for sustainable Non-Index Paper
Expo R&D uji keupayaan pencipta tempatan Text
Expressive human intonation Thesis
Extended advancing front technique for the initial triangIndexed Paper
Extended aeration : a comparative study between prefabr Text
Extended role for public libraries Text
Extending our sense of cyberspace language plurality: tConference Papers
Extensive reading and its impact on students' compreheThesis
Extent of highway travel time differentials resulting fromNon-Index Paper
External factors influencing on Industry Building SystemNon-Index Paper
External particle shape analysis and its effect on tribol Journal Article
Extra cash for added responsibilities Text
Extra incentives for biotech firms Text
Extra RM300 allowance for disabled workers Text
Extraction and characterization of cellulose from pandaIndexed Paper
Extraction and identificatioan of proteins from edible biThesis
Extraction and performance assessment of lignin from tThesis
Extraction of catechin from areca catechu seeds using Thesis
Extraction of rhodamine 6G dye from liquid waste solutIndexed Paper
Extraction techniques and industrial applications of Jat Journal Article
ExxonMobil serah geran penyelidikan RM150,000 Text
Eye on high seas terror Text
Eye on Malaysia lambang kecemerlangan negara Text
Eyes tracking from monocular camera Thesis
Fabric for biomedical application Thesis
Fabrication (ferrofluid-polyvinyl alcohol) magnetic nanoIndexed Paper
Fabrication and characterization of novel PES/Fe-Mn b Indexed Paper
Fabrication and characterization of polyvinlylidene fl Thesis
Fabrication and characterization of polyvinylidene flu Indexed Paper
Fabrication and characterization of porous polyether Indexed Paper
Fabrication and evaluation of polycaprolactone/gelatin-Indexed Paper
Fabrication and strength analysis of clay-based meso Thesis
Fabrication and surface eveluation of electrospun polycThesis
Fabrication of conical micropore structure on silicon ni Indexed Paper
Fabrication of multi-axis mobility chair prototype Thesis
Fabrication of nanocomposite membrane via combinedThesis el
Fabrication of novel gas sensor material for future elec Thesis
Fabrication of three-dimensional printed flow cell for Thesis
Face based intelligence classification for music player Thesis
Facebook as a platform for academic-related discussionIndexed Paper
Facebook cetus minat ceburi perniagaan News Paper Cuttings
Facial neuromuscular signal classification by means of Indexed Paper
Facilites planning in an electronic industry Text
Factors affecting client influence on property valuation Indexed Paper
Factors affecting delignification of oil palm empty frui Indexed Paper
Factors affecting employee engagement : case study a Thesis
Factors affecting flood insurance purchase in residentiaIndexed Paper
Factors affecting knowledge sharing intention among a Indexed Paper
Factors affecting online banking adoption based on uni Thesis
Factors affecting price determination of an apartment un Text
Factors affecting small and medium enterprises successJournal Article
Factors affecting the effectiveness of billboard adverti Thesis
Factors affecting the space utilisation rate of Malaysian Indexed Paper
Factors analysis that affects the prices of condominiumThesis
Factors impeding the development of Oman spatial dataThesis
Factors influencing ICT adoption in halal transportationsNon-Index Paper
Factors influencing job satisfaction among employees i Thesis
Factors influencing mode choice for journey to work a Text
Factors influencing the intention to use mobile paymenThesis
Factors manipulate ERP implementation : an experientiaIndexed Paper
Factors that influence knowledge sharing intention andThesis
Factors that influence potential house owners to opt foThesis
Factors that influencing accounting students and accounThesis
Factors to consider for promotion Text
Factorys air quality safe Text
Facts on Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Text
Fahaman pluralisme mula menular kalangan golongan te Text
Fahaman Syiah, Islam liberal gugat akidah Text
Fahaman terhadap rasuah makin baik Text
Fahami fitrah kanak-kanak Text
Fahami Islam dengan betul Text
Fahami nilai bahasa kita Text
Fahami perihal gempa bumi Text
Fahami terma perlumbaan senjata Text
Failure mode of grout-filled gripped semi-cyclinder sleeConference Papers
Fake credit card production centre busted, mastermindText
Fakhr Al-Din Al-Raqzi on justice Thesis
Faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan kerjaya Thesis
Faktor mempengaruhi penglibatan pelajar-pelajar seko Thesis
Faktor pematuhan cukai dalam sistem taksir sendiri di Thesis
Faktor penentu tahap pemindahan latihan dalam kalanThesis
Faktor pentadbir dan pengetua dalam kecemerlangan Gu Non-Index Paper
Faktor sokongan individu terhadap kecemerlangan wanIndexed Paper
Faktor yang dipertimbangkan sebelum membangunkanText ha
Faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan membayar cukai Thesis
Faktor yang mempengaruhi kreativiti pelajar tingkatan Thesis
Faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap kepuasan pelajar terhThesis
Faktor–faktor kejayaan kritikal bagi aplikasi ISO 900 Thesis
Faktor-faktor kekurangan pengunjung ke kompleks mem Thesis
Faktor-faktor kelewatan dalam projek pembinaan banguText
Faktor-faktor kelewatan dalam projek pembinaan ban Text
Faktor-faktor pemilihan mod pengangkutan di kalanganThesisp
Faktor-faktor penyebab tunggakan cukai tanah di daerah Thesis
Faktor-faktor tarikan bandar baru mengikut prinsip newThesis
Faktor-faktor yang membantu pemaju melaksanakan koThesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecekapan penggun Thesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelajar di dalam kegThesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan kerjaya di Thesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi akademik, dConference Papers
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi stres dalam kalanganThesis p
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar, UTHM : cText
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Printed Circuit Board Ca Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fakulti Pendidikan UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Falsafah dan prinsip-prinsip pendidikan teknik dan vokaExam Papers
FAM : declining standard due to lack of quality players Text
FAM tetap pengendali utama Text
FAMA buka pasar tani di UTM Skudai Text
Fama project to help raise farmersÆ income Text
Fama tak cadang wujud pasar raya besar Text
Fasa baru industri tanaman kelapa Text
Fasa keempat Batik Malaysia diteruskan Text
Fast food sector bows to ministryÆs ad demands Text
Faster development News Paper Cuttings
Fate of sea cucumbers rests on finding fine balance Text
Fatigue crack growth rate behavior of welded A516 steeThesis
Fatigue failure correlation between FEA model vs actuaThesis
Fatigue shear strength of slender web plate girders Text
Fatwa bantu selesaikan kekeliruan dalam agama Text
Fatwa haram salahguna dadah selamatkan umat jadi mText
Fatwa pewarisan dan aplikasinya di Singapura Thesis
Fault detection accomodation and isolation for paper mill Text
Fault detection and monitoring using multiscale princi Indexed Paper
Fault diagnosis of three-phase induction motors based on Journal Article
Fault location on overhead transmission line using ph Thesis
Fault-tolerant region-based control of an underwater v Indexed Paper
Faulty design, speed blamed for accidents Text
Feasibility for singular sustainable building indicator Thesis
Feasibility study first for bridge to Sumatra Text
Feasibility study of breast cancer risk monitoring usin Indexed Paper
Feasibility study of implementing microgrid in NusajayaThesis
Feasibility study of incorporating remote healthcare sy Thesis
Feasibility study of renewable energy-based microgrid Indexed Paper
Feasibility study of rural electrification utilizing hybr Thesis
Feasibility study of solar power plant for utility grid in Thesis
Feasibility study on the development of a stand alone Thesis
Feasibility study on vehicle dynamic model and driver Thesis
Feature extraction from step AP224 file sets Text
Feature extraction of power disturbance signal using timText
Feature extraction of power disturbance signal using ti Text
Features extraction for object detection based on inter Indexed Paper
Fed up with diesel woes Text
Federal government spends less on development Text
Federal role to end water woes Text
Feedstock characterisation of titanium alloy mix with p Conference Papers
Feeling domino effect on prices Text
Felcra sasar buka 50,000 hektar tanah tanam kelapa sa Text
Felda document management system (Full text) Text
Felda explores biomass power Text
Felda folk get another bonus Text
Felda lahir 30,000 usahawan peneroka Text
Felda perkenal skim bantuan IPT Text
Felda prepares staff for 'new paradigm' Text
Felda Taib Andak jadi model konsep lestari News Paper Cuttings
Felda, Felcra and Risda to pool their resources Text
Felda, UPM teruskan kerjasama penyelidikan biomass Text
FeldaÆs RM10m challenge Text
Feminists target Shahidan, state mufti Text
Fermentation technology Exam Papers
Fertigation system with automatic fertilizer's mixer Thesis
Festival MAKUM perkenal kesenian News Paper Cuttings
Festival pamer inovasi pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Few Malaysians know CPR, says KL Hospital Text
Few pregnant women getting HIV drugs Text
Few surprises but heavy responsibilities Text
Fewer dengue cases last week Text
Fewer opting to study in the US Text
Fewer people using public transport Text
Fewer retrenchments now Text
Fewer teachers up for promotion Text
Fibre me up Text
Fiction strong tool, of cultural diplomacy Text
Field assessment of old jetty in Malaysia Thesis
Field astronomy Exam Papers
Field astronomy / astronomi lapangan Text
Fight for medical seats Text
Fight graft with youÆre fired! Text
Fighting to cut climate gases Text
Fikah alam sekitar patut diajar di sekolah Text
Fikir sumbangan kepada sekolah Text
Fikirkan pelan struktur binaan tahan bencana alam Text
Fiksyen sains gaya kita News Paper Cuttings
FIM 2006 jana nilai perniagaan RM34 juta Text
Fin geometry optimization of an exhaust heat exchangeConference Papers
Finally, a nice little party going on the KLSE Text
Financial accounting and reporting III Exam Papers
Financial accounting I Exam Papers
Financial accounting I (perakaunan kewangan I) Text
Financial accounting I / Perakaunan kewangan I Text
Financial boost for green technology era Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Financial management Exam Papers
Financial management Exam Papers
Financial Mathematics Exam Papers
Financing and investment decision in technology ventu Exam Papers
Find teaching stressful? Text
Finding the zeros of ahlfors map using integral equat Thesis
Finding ways in an unfamiliar tourist destination - Salie Indexed Paper
Fine aggregate angularity effects on rutting resistance Indexed Paper
Finger points at leaky pipes, new highway Text
Fingerprint-fingervein multimodal biometric authentic Thesis
Fingerprint-fingervein multimodal biometric authentic Thesis
Fingers point at all but the culprit Text
Finite element analysis of fast-track wall housing syste Thesis
Finite element analysis of precast frame connected withThesis
Finite element analysis of single cell stiffness measur Thesis
Finite element analysis on failure mechanism of industrThesis
Finite element metgod Text
Finite element method Text
Finite element method Text
Finite element method Text
Finite element method Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
Finite element method Exam Papers
Finite element modeling and analytical analysis of workp Conference Papers
Finite element simulation of arrays of hollow spheres s Thesis
Finite element simulation of rectangular concrete-fille Thesis
Finite element study of metarcapophalangeal joint sili Conference Papers
Finite investigation of the stress field in a cutting tool Text
Finite-difference-time-domain simulation of insulated Thesis
Fire in Australian savannas : from leaf to landscape Indexed Paper
Fire response of a 3D multi-storey building with bucklinIndexed Paper
Fires destroy 1,000ha oil palm estates Text
Firma bioteknologi dunia dipelawa tempat di Malaysia Text
Firma Jerman sasar Perodua, Kumpulan Naza Text
Firma telekomunikasi berebut `curi' pelanggan melalui Text
First Malaysian medical degree to get Aussie nod Text
First Malaysian superbike unveiled Text
Fishery landing forecasting using wavelet-based autor Indexed Paper
Fisiologi & pengenalan kepada perubatan Text
Fission barriers and energy spectra of odd-mass actinideThesis
Fitnah siber tak terlepas hukuman Text
Five builders get go-ahead Text
Five exemplary teachers awarded Text
Five get scholarships after Abdullah intervenes Text
Five key facets of the human body for skillful and effec Text
Five Malaysian universities in Top 100 in Asia Text
Five with flu-like symptoms cleared Text
Fizik Exam Papers
Fizik Text
Fizik Exam Papers
Fizik am Text
Fizik am Text
Fizik am I Text
Fizik am II Text
Fizik am II Text
Fizik B Text
Fizik bahan amorfus Text
Fizik Bahan Polimer Exam Papers
Fizik berkomputer Text
Fizik II Exam Papers
Fizik II Text
Fizik jirim terkondensasi Exam Papers
Fizik kaca seramik Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Exam Papers
Fizik keadaan pepejal Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Exam Papers
Fizik moden Text
Fizik moden Text
Fizik neutron & reaktor Text
Fizik Nukleus Exam Papers
Fizik nukleus Text
Fizik nukleus Exam Papers
Fizik pengkomputeran Text
Fizik semikonduktor Text
Fizik sinaran Text
Fizik sinaran Text
Fizik spektroskopi molekul Text
Fizik tenaga dan alam sekitar Exam Papers
Fizik tubuh manusia (physics of human body) Text
Fizik vakum dan teknologi Text
Flagpoles stolen in JB Text
Flame propagation and burning rates of methane-air inConference Papers
Flame retardancy and kinetic behavior of ammonium poIndexed Paper
Flashover phenomena of polluted insulators energized Conference Papers
Flat surface stepping motion planning for bipedal robotThesis
Flatwise compression and flexural behavior of foam co Indexed Paper
Flavonoids from artocarpus Scortechinii King Conference Papers
Flea market dalam regenerasi pusat Bandaraya Johor B Thesis
Fleetcard dijamin sukar diklon Text
Fleksibiliti Hamstring : perbandingan tiga jenis regan Thesis
Flexible broadcasting and multicasting in 4 lambda Indexed Paper
Flexible infill wall for earthquake resistance structure ( Thesis
Flexible pavement maintenance along the north - southText
Flexural behavior of sandwich composite Thesis
Flexural performance of reinforced concrete beam strenThesis
Flexural performance of reinforced concrete beam strenText
Flexural strenght of fibre reinforced concrete under e Thesis
Flexural strength of aerated concrete encased with fe Text
Flexural strength of special reinforced lightweight conc Indexed Paper
Flight MH370 community structure Indexed Paper
Flood aid panel to be set up Text
Flood assessment on Sungai lumutkari Catchment, Siti Text
Flood assessment on tidal influenced river during extrem Thesis
Flood chaos in the Valley Text
Flood detection using radarsat-1data Thesis
Flood frequency analysis based on bivariate Copula funThesis
Flood mitigation in Kuala Lumpur through implementatiText
Flood of cheap syabu from Iran Text
Flood Round-Up : more than 3,500 evacuated Text
Floods cause RM50 million damage Text
Floods disrupt LRT services Text
Floods hit Segamat district for second time Text
Floods in Machap, Simpang Renggam Text
Flow analysis of piston bowl geometry on gasoline direcThesis
Flow and heat transfer analysis on spiral counter flow hText
Flow at junctions in open-channels (Preview) Text
Flow behaviour due to floodplain roughness along ripa Thesis
Flow characteristics in straight compound channels Thesis
Flow characteristics of ternary blended self-consolidat Indexed Paper
Flow visualization and measurement of a synthetic jet Thesis
Flow visualization and surface pressure measurements o Thesis
Flower horn musnahkan ikan tempatan Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Fluid mechanics / mekanik bendalir Text
Fluid power Exam Papers
Fluid power Exam Papers
Fluid power (kuasa bendalir) Text
Fluidization of gas-solid in atmospheric bubbling fluid Conference Papers
Fluids mechanics Exam Papers
Flyover monitoring using terrestrial laser scanning Thesis
FMM compiling losses stemming from outage Text
Foams stabilized by in-situ surface activation of silica mThesis
Fobia doktor gigi : sempena kempen bulan kesihatan mu Text
Focus more on mental health Text
Focus on innovation and speed, says Najib Text
'Focus on innovation for growth' News Paper Cuttings
Focus on integration Text
Focus on needs of private sector Text
Focusing on tertiary education Text
Fogging not answer to dengue control Text
Fokus pelajar asing Text
Fomca kemuka formula tarif elektrik berpatutan Text
Fong : seniority not a priority in K-economy Text
Food analysis Exam Papers
Food partitioning among fishes in Pahang River-estuaryJournal Article
Food poisoning : HMs will be fired Text
Food processing engineering Exam Papers
Food trade needs RM20b from private sector Text
Food's too good, Malaysians not bothered about weighText
For country or money? Text
For more effective waste disposal Text
For peaceful slumber Text
Force characterization of a tubular linear electromagneJournal Article
Force control of 2-finger gripper with soft skin for vari Thesis
Forecasting box-office revenue by considering social n Journal Article
Forecasting exchange rate using input selection and hy Thesis
Forecasting Malaysia load using a hybrid model Non-Index Paper
Forecasting of gold prices using multiple liner regressio Conference Papers
Foreign and local investment in real estate : a case st Thesis
Foreign banks can open four more branches Text
Foreign banks urged to strike urban-rural balance Text
Foreign cars limited to 20 litres of fuel to curb smugglinText
Foreign student intake still increasing Text
Foreign students can work as tour guides Text
Foreign universities slammed over agents Text
Foreign workers can be freed within 24 hours Text
Foreigners no longer allowed to serve customers directlText
Foreigners offered new incentives to stay here Text
Foreigners taking away jobs from locals Text
Forensic framework for analyzing infrastructure as a se Thesis
Forest Biomass Estimation from the Fusion of C-band S Indexed Paper
Forest biomass estimation using texture measurementsIndexed Paper
Forest reserve under threat Text
Forget the past, focus on the future Text
Formal language theory and DNA (Fulltext) Text
Formalization of UML clas s diagram using description l Conference Papers
Formation of acidic Bronsted (MoOx)(-)(H-y)(+) evidencIndexed Paper
Formation of thin film composite nanofiltration membran Indexed Paper
Former UTM vice chancellor Tan Sri Ainuddin Wahid dieNews Paper Cuttings
Formula baru beli rumah : kelayakan akan berdasarkan Text
Formula elak nahas Text
Formula for foreign bank branches out this year Text
Formula pembaharuan untuk PBB Text
Formulate workers policies that work Text
Formulation and analysis of length estimators for vertexConference Papers
Formulation and characterization of [6]-gingerol loadedConference Papers
Formulation and evaluation of Ketoconazole polymeric Indexed
fi Paper
Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal antidiabetic tThesis
Forum bincang hadapi gempa Text
Forum bincang isu ekonomi serantau Text
Forum on k-economy challenges Text
Forum PSPTN di UTM hari ini News Paper Cuttings
Forward converter Thesis
Fosmid-based library of alkaliphilic bacillus sp. G1 Conference Papers
Fostering creative thinking skill among building technolThesis
Fostering inter group contacts among multiracial studenNon-Index Paper
Fotogrametri Text
Fotogrametri 2 photogrammetry 2 Exam Papers
Fotogrametri I Text
Foundation told to help teachers Text
Four feared killed in copter crash, burnt wreckage spot Text
Four Malaysian students win acclaim with RoboFiddler Text
Four may have malaria Text
Four season hybrid power system targeting using powerThesis
Four seminar speakers to share technology experience Text
Four universities hold nominations for elections Text
Fourier transform technique for analytical solution of d Thesis
Four-year period for food science degrees Text
Frame analysis of reinforced concrete shear walls with Text
Frame detection using gradients fuzzy logic and morpholo Indexed Paper
Framework for optimal solvent design for extraction of Thesis
Framework for personalized information integration in hNon-Index Paper
Framework of augmented reality approach towards ergo Journal Article
Framework to measure performance management using Thesis
Framework to promote seafaring Text
Fraud detection system : a survey Indexed Paper
Free convection boundary layer over a nonisothermal ver Text
Free health screenings milking fears Text
Free vibration of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated annIndexed Paper
Free vibration of laminated shell structures using spli Thesis
Free vibration of symmetric angle-ply laminated cylindriConference Papers
Freeze on Kelantan teachers stays Text
Frequency adjustment in ultrasonic tomography systemIndexed Paper
Frequency analysis for surface electrocardiogram of atriaJournal Article
Frequency analysis of capnogram signals to differentiatIndexed Paper
Frequency estimator using artificial neural network for Thesis
Freshies who own up get to stay on News Paper Cuttings
Frieda Tokoh Nilam Perak baca 740 buku Text
From blog to blook Text
From polymeric precursors to hollow fiber carbon and Indexed Paper
FRU to be used as last resort to handle mobs Text
Fruit recognition based on color features Thesis
FT progress on track Text
FTA : Amerika Syarikat hanya berminat projek besar Text
FTA Malaysia-Amerika perlu selari prinsip Islam HadhariText
FTA tak sentuh tembakau, DEB, beras : Rafidah Text
FT-IR study of N2 adsorption on ZnO and HgO modified Conference Papers
Fu : no plans to amend Act Text
Fu : stop responding to scams Text
Fuel price highest in oil-rich Norway Text
Fuel surcharge proposal rejected Text
Full amount accorded to encourage researchers News Paper Cuttings
Full pay for those on study leave on the cards Text
Full rollout of MyKad Text
Functional features and protein network of human sperIndexed Paper
Functionalized titanate nanotube-polyetherimide nanocIndexed Paper
Fundamental of project management Exam Papers
Fundamental of survey and mapping Exam Papers
Fundamental programming Exam Papers
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Exam Papers
Funding cheer for Malaysia's SMEs Text
Fungsi Akept ke peringkat antarabangsa Text
Fungsi MeCD diserap Text
Further development of a miniature vibration shaker Text
Fusion global-local-topology particle swarm optimizatioIndexed Paper
Future UPSR assessments to be less exam-oriented Text
Fuzzy algorithm for 3D coastal gemorphology mapping Conference Papers
Fuzzy logic for modeling machining process : a review Indexed Paper
Fuzzy modelling and control for a nonlinear reboiler systText
Fuzzy-based semi-supervised feature selection and clasThesis
GABEM tubuh Akademi Kecemerlangan Ekonomi Text
Gabungan CIMB, BCB jadi kuasa perbankan serantau Text
Gabungan dakwah, teknologi cetus pembangunan jiw Text
Gagasan ilmu perlu dalam kebudayaan, tamadun Text
Gaji : kemampuan kerajaan, produktiviti kakitangan awText
Gaji ahli Parlimen naik 10% : kesemua kenaikan berkuatText
Gaji baru jana pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Gaji doktor naik 2010 Text
Gaji guru lebih tinggi daripada pensyarah IPTA Text
Gaji minimum sektor swasta dikaji semula Text
Gaji pengawal masih rendah Text
Gaji pokok semasa asas kenaikan : KSN Text
Gaji punca bukan Melayu tak minat sektor awam Text
Gaji rendah boleh tangguh pembayaran PTPTN Text
Galak jadikan jurutera mentor Text
Galak rancang masa depan Text
Game development with multiplayer feature using clouThesis
Game theory based construction efficient topology in wIndexed Paper
Gangguan seksual di tempat kerja dan tekanan kerja di Thesis
Gangguan seksual meningkat : Akta Kerja 1955 dipinda Text
Gangs preying on the elderly Text
Ganjaran lebih baik untuk doktor Text
Ganjaran, hukuman tingkat prestasi : KSN Text
Gantung tiga tahun : hukuman Isa dikurangkan, kena leText
Garis panduan bahasa Melayu betul diperkenal Text
Garis panduan baru bina menara pemancar telekomuniText
Garis panduan untuk belajar di luar negara Text
Garnet waste as sand replacement for sub base layer Thesis
Gas chromatographic determintion of styrene and otherText
Gas ditemui di Hutan Melintang? Text
Gas transmission and distribution Exam Papers
Gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) brJournal Article
Gaun Godaan Malam menang anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Gaur breeding plan unveiled Text
Gaya hidup pelajar cemerlang dalam persekitaran kam Conference Papers
Gaya hidup punca sakit jantung serang golongan muda Text
Gaya hidup sihat, diet seimbang cegah obesiti Text
Gaya pemudah cara di sekolah: sejauhmanakah penge Conference Papers
Gaze driving Thesis
Gegaran : UiTM lapor polis Text
Gejala judi terselindung melalui SMS Text
Gejala menopaus kini boleh dirawat Text
Gejala sosial di Kelantan kian serius Text
Gejala sosial halang kemajuan ekonomi Text
Gelang Patah mampu jadi pusat pertanian Text
Gelatin-alginate coated cellulose acetate membrane forConference Papers
Gelombang H1N1 di musim tengkujuh Text
Gelombang kali kedua Text
Gelung Kalangos baiki injap jantung Text
Gemar masuk hutan, daki gunung News Paper Cuttings
Gembleng peranan wanita Text
Gempa di Sumatera, bergegar di Semenanjung Text
Gemuk : pendek umur? Text
Gender equality for teachers Text
Gender equality long way coming Text
Gender preferences and instagram hashtag usage on MThesis
Gene regulatory network inference using enhanced dy Thesis
Gene testing project spells hope for cancer-stricken Text
General biology Text
General physics Exam Papers
Generalized linear model Exam Papers
Generating multi-level of details for three-dimensional Thesis
Generating policy for software project management deIndexed Paper
Generating power from waste Text
Generation and analysis of gold and bent sequences forText
Generation and wired/wireless transmission of IEEE802.Indexed Paper
Generation of pulse width modulation (PWM) signals for Text
Generation of three dimensional (3D) buildings with reaThesis
Genetic algorithm as an approach to resolve the probleConference Papers
Genetic engineering Text
Genotypic response to ferrous toxicity at seedling stageThesis
Gentian kenaf ganti keluli untuk binaan News Paper Cuttings
Genting plans Iskandar hub Text
Geofizik Text
Geographical information system in planning Exam Papers
Geologi & mekanik batuan Text
Geologi pembangunan Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Geological engineering and environment Exam Papers
Geology & rock mechanics Text
Geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Geometri dan trigonometri Text
Geometri rangsang minda, lerai permasalahan News Paper Cuttings
Geometric and radiometric performance analysis for Thesis
Geometric brownian motion approaches for modeling da Thesis
Geopark Global Langkawi kekal pembangunan lestari mText
Geosains asas Text
Geosains asas Text
Geospatial data model of enterprise GIS for Kulai MunicThesis
Geotechnic 1 Exam Papers
Geotechnic 1 Exam Papers
Geotechnical and micro-structural behaviour of chemicallThesis
Geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Geotechnical engineering (kejuruteraan geoteknik) Text
Geotechnical engineering design Text
Geotechnical engineering design Exam Papers
Geotechnical modelling Exam Papers
Geotechnical modelling Exam Papers
Geotechnical modelling Exam Papers
Geotechnics I Exam Papers
Geotechnics I Exam Papers
Geotechnics I Exam Papers
Geotechnics II Exam Papers
Geoteknik Text
Geoteknik Text
Geoteknik Text
Gerak Usahawan dirancang Text
Gerakan tangkap penagih dadah sekitar bandar raya di Text
Gerakkan penyatuan : Abdullah gesa negara-negara Isl Text
Gerd, gastrik berbeza Text
Gesa wujud semula ITM Text
Get ready to face election, ministers told Text
Get tough with drug addicts Text
Getah balak tanaman harapan Text
Getaran dan kawalan Text
Getaran dan kawalan Text
Getting it back on track Text
Getting private firms to boost broadband Text
Getting serious about housing Text
Getting technical Text
Ghani : projects a boon for Johor Text
Ghani to decide on design of bridge Text
Giant bantu IKS bumiputera Text
Giat perangi rasuah Text
Giatkan aktiviti penyelidikan Text
Gift or bribe? ItÆs hard to say Text
Gifted child? Try UKM 1 online test Text
Gilap potensi wanita News Paper Cuttings
Ginger cream cure for psoriasis Text
Girl dies, sister injured after fire in room Text
Girl killed in landslide at Sepanggar Text
GIS application in oil and gas exploration and productioConference Papers
GIS as New approach and method in preparing and implText
GIS dalam perancangan Text
Gis for civil engineers Exam Papers
GIS in development control process: the case of develo Text
GIS software system Exam Papers
Give house buyers a choice Text
Give workers a better deal Text
Giving managers the right skills Text
Glass substrate antenna for wireless access point Thesis
GLC catat peningkatan untung agregat RM17.4b Text
GLC chiefs face the boot if they fail to measure up Text
GLC dikesali tidak guna bahasa Melayu Text
GLC diminta bantu pengusaha IKS ke global Text
Glimpse on the relationship between Feynman integral Text
Global economic crisis and entrepreneurship developmNon-Index Paper
Global Hi-Q perintis bioteknologi ternak ikan Text
Global optimization methods for calibration and optimiNon-Index Paper
Global programme for accountants in Islamic banking Text
Globalisasi cabaran utama sistem pendidikan Islam Text
Globalisation an opportunity to spread wings Text
Globalization and liberalization in the Malaysian constr Conference Papers
GMM perlu strategi pintar News Paper Cuttings
Go buy your cars now, no more price cuts : MAA Text
Goh rejects Asean 3 secretariat Text
Goh to represent Singapore in talks Text
Going abroad? Fill a form first Text
Going for healthy growth Text
Going green to save money Text
Go-kart ciptaan UTM juara Text
Gold nanoparticles embedded on the surface of polymeri Conference Papers
Golongan belia diseru sertai Askar Wataniah Text
Golongan bella perlu bersyukur keprihatinan kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Good chemistry between UTM and institute Text
Good family governance the Quran way Text
Good news for motorists and cabbies on Friday Text
Good news for Socso pensioners Text
Good prospects in agricultural sector Text
Google guna formula pantau pekerja Text
Google's days in China may be numbered Text
Gouraud shading to improve appearance of neuronal mo Non-Index Paper
Government agencies all ready to face floods Text
Government backing for R&D Text
Government cannot carry out anti-AIDS plan alone Text
Government grant not a right Text
Government in move to train local maids Text
Government looking for empty factory buildings to housText
Government looks to Rukun Negara again to foster unitText
Government mulling over lower car excise duties Text
Government offers victims interest-free loans to rebui Text
Government plans more schools to meet single-sessionText
Government preparing framework to develop franchiseText
Government retirees want full pension Text
Government seeks to cut food imports by half Text
Government servants can take five yearsÆ unpaid mate Text
Government to build more colleges Text
Government to import sugar for coming festive season Text
Government to promote aerospace industry Text
Government to review education fees Text
Government to set diesel quota Text
Government to study longer term for civil servants Text
Government urged to implement police force reforms qText
Govt : cheaper rice soon Text
Govt bodies owe TNB RM162m Text
Govt can still meet targets despite lower Petronas inc Text
Govt considering reduction in TNB's tariffs Text
Govt drafting guidelines to curb fights among foreigner Text
Govt gives full guarantee on all bank deposits Text
Govt keeping daily tabs on publicity for slimming produText
Govt may keep tabs on students Text
Govt may sue foreign mags Text
Govt mulls compensation for working on computers Text
Govt nod for bullet train study Text
Govt outlines six ways for farmers to increase income Text
Govt seeks to raise use of crash helmets in rural areas Text
Govt seeks ways to reduce road fatalities Text
Govt to adopt KRA method to tighten rules on hiring fo Text
Govt to assist SMEs become global players Text
Govt to ensure economy stays robust Text
Govt to relook school canteen guidelines Text
Govt to study poverty level of minority groups Text
Govt to study PSDÆs decision to increase non-bumi sc Text
GP Malaysia kurang hangat Text
GPMS minta penarikan balik pinjaman pelajar UTM dikaText
GPS bas diperkenal hujung tahun ini Text
GPS mudahkan pemilik kenderaan elak kesesakan Text
GPS survey Exam Papers
GPS surveying Exam Papers
GPS untuk remote sensing Text
GPSolat tentukan waktu solat dan arah kiblat secara auText
Grading system for driving schools Text
Grading system for private colleges soon Text
Grads much sought-after Text
Grads prefer to stay on overseas Text
Grads unaware of job placement scheme Text
Graduan bidang kurang permintaan dibantu Text
Graduan dua beradik jadi penoreh getah Text
Graduan guru diserap ke kumpulan simpanan Text
Graduan kita bukan dilatih untuk Singapura Text
Graduan menganggur jadi guru Text
Graduan perlu jujur ketika bekerja Text
Graduan program kerjasama diiktiraf Text
Graduan tanam tembikai Text
Graduan UTM penerima PhD termuda Text
Graduates, families have fun at carnival News Paper Cuttings
Grain refinement and microstructure evolution in alum Journal Article
Grants to prepare prisoners for jobs Text
Graph processing hardware accelerator for shortest patText
Graph representation for secondary system of pressurizIndexed Paper
Graphical component modeling tool for embedded realConference Papers
Graphical user interface for assessing sustainability by Indexed Paper
Gravitational search algorithm : R is better than R2? Indexed Paper
Greater economic role by Malaysia sought Text
Green assessment criteria for public hospital building Indexed Paper
Green Bambusa Arundinacea leaves extract as a sustainab Indexed Paper
Green building design for energy conservation Thesis
Green lung plan News Paper Cuttings
Green oil to make debut soon Text
Green purchasing behaviour in generation Y Thesis
Green supply chain management practices and sustainaIndexed Paper
Greens to cost up to 5% more Text
Grieving family harassed by loan sharks Text
Grip force measurement of soft- actuated finger exoskeJournal Article
Ground plane obstacle detection for mobile robot naviga Text
Ground state energy, electronic and chemical properties: Conference Papers
Grounded by the ash cloud Text
Grounding system design for A 275/132 kv substation oText
Groundwater hydrology Exam Papers
Groundwater hydrology Exam Papers
Group seeks sanctuary for Bigfoot Text
Group to woo back Singaporeans Text
Growth and survival of lactobacillus casei in rice bra Conference Papers
Growth of carbon nanofibers using plasma enhanced chThesis
GSB mercu tanda kemegahan negara Text
GSM-based notification car theft detection via SMS Thesis
GST satu sistem lebih adil News Paper Cuttings
Gubal akta pantau profesionalisme peguam syarie Text
Gubal semula Ordinan Perkapalan Saudagar 1952 Text
Gugatan akidah: mengingkari dan mencela Rasulullah Conference Papers
Guidelines issued to private practitioners Text
Guitar effect pedals implementation in Altera DE2 boarThesis
Gula diagih ikut 3 segmen Text
Gula dijadikan barang subsidi Text
Gula jadi alat penjajah Text
Guna benih kualiti untuk dapat subsidi Text
Guna ilmu pertahankan akidah Islam Text
Guna modal saham ahli koperasi ceburi bidang baru Text
Guna pakai sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) bagi pengurText
Guna perbankan Islam elak jadi hamba hutang Text
Guna teknologi tinggi, elak pekerja asing Text
Guna tenaga nuklear sebagai alternatif minyak Text
Gunung Kinabalu jadi pilihan pengkaji Text
Gurney Drive set for big change Text
Guru acuan India bukan untuk kurikulum Malaysia Text
Guru akan ditukar-tukar sekolah elak rasa jemu Text
Guru asrama sepenuh masa Text
Guru baru ke pedalaman Text
Guru berkualiti majukan pendidikan luar bandar Text
Guru berpolitik Text
Guru bocor soalan akan dipenjara Text
Guru bukan siswazah tidak disisih Text
Guru cemerlang : tahap pengetahuan P&P bestari masi Text
Guru digesa baharui tekad Text
Guru diminta belajar hadapi tekanan Text
Guru ditawar skim insurans perlindungan Text
Guru dominasi pengajaran punca pelajar kurang kreatifText
Guru gaji mati boleh naik pangkat Text
Guru IPS akan diperiksa Text
Guru isi kemerdekaan, pembangunan negara Text
Guru kelas satu Text
Guru komited lahir modal insan cemerlang Text
Guru Mandarin, Tamil ditambah Text
Guru mesti diberi kepercayaan Text
Guru patut bersedia martabat pendidikan negara ke tarText
Guru perlu jujur, profesional Text
Guru perlu lebih kreatif, inovatif Text
Guru perlu sentiasa dampingi pelajar Text
Guru Sains, Matematik - Perlu berani ambil risiko Text
Guru tadika disaran sertai kursus kanak-kanak autisme Text
Guru tertekan dahului wang sendiri tampung aktiviti se Text
H1N1 : 29 confirmed cases but no deaths Text
H1N1 : kita lapor secara telus, jujur Text
H1N1 : lapan lagi mati Text
H1N1 : major exams to go on as scheduled Text
H1N1 claims fourth victim Text
H1N1 kurang jejas pasaran saham Text
H1N1 Pandemic : Malaysia braces for local transmissio Text
H1N1 patients in Pahang discharged Text
H1N1 virus : 8 cases in 24 hours brings total to 35 Text
Hacktivism activities analytics from online newspaper arThesis
Had laju bas ekspres, henti-henti 90 km sejam Text
Hadapi cabaran China, India Text
Hadhari Meat Shop dilancar Text
Hadiah Malik kepada negara Text
Hadis empat puluh himpunan Imam Al-Nawawi satu kajia Thesis
Hadkan pergerakan boleh elak penularan Text
Haiti to relocate 400000 Text
Haji mabrur simbol kesempurnaan ibadah Text
Haji, korban mampu mantap minda lestari Text
Hak bukan Melayu kekal Text
Hak Intelek : negara miskin perlu bersatu Text
Hak kanak-kanak amanah orang dewasa Text
Hak lindung kanak-kanak Text
Hakikat kemerdekaan daripada sudut ilmu Islam Text
Hakikat mencintai Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Text
Hala tuju RMK-9 seiring proses globalisasi Text
Halal food verification system Thesis
Halal vaccines made here for global market Text
Halang keganasan suami Text
Halex tingkat eksport ke Afrika Text
Halusi dasar pendidikan bangsa Text
Hamid : Indons must act fast Text
Hampir RM5b tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggeris Text
Hampir semua kakitangan awam pilih SSM Text
Hamzah Haz harap jaringan JI terbongkar Text
Handling arch effects in wind speed data using state s Thesis
Handover pact Text
Handphone ruling stays Text
Hang the noose : abolish the death penalty? Text
Hantar makmal analisis air News Paper Cuttings
Hanya 16 siswazah tiada pekerjaan mohon PhD Text
Hanya 4 GLC rugi Text
Hanya 6 kes Chikungunya dikesan di Melaka, Johor Text
Hanya 6 pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak bagi 3,000 kText
Hanya deringan : panggilan, SMS ke talian aduan 24 ja Text
Hanya kereta berkuasa besar boleh diimport Text
Hanya matematik dan sains dalam bahasa inggeris Text
Happy being estate workers Text
Happy learners Text
Haram meminta sedekah tanpa hajat darurat Text
Haram percaya Safar bulan bawa bencana Text
Harapan Bajet 2007 bersifat proaktif Text
Harapan baru pesakit barah otak Text
Harapan baru pesakit barah paru-paru Text
Harapan ibu bapa terhadap pendidikan, pekerjaan dan Thesis
Harapan ibu bapa terhadap pendidikan, pekerjaan dan Thesis
Harapan Washington terhadap Kuala Lumpur Text
Hard line on snatch thieves Text
Hardware accelerator for video-based motion tracking Thesis
Hardware core of pipelined thinning algorithm Thesis
Hardware firewall on NetFPGA with automatic signaturThesis
Hardware in the loop of two rotors platform Journal Article
Harga 265 barang kawalan dipantau Text
Harga air dirunding Text
Harga ayam proses melebihi harga siling Text
Harga barang keperluan dijangka naik 2 minggu lagi Text
Harga barang keperluan naik lagi Text
Harga barang naik tinggi : persatuan pengguna dapati Text
Harga barang runcit naik Text
Harga barangan keperluan harian dikawal Text
Harga barangan turun suku pertama 2009 Text
Harga getah RM7 sekilogram Text
Harga gula boleh kekal Text
Harga gula halus munasabah Text
Harga gula kekal : KPDNHEP Text
Harga kereta 2005 : import ASEAN turun sedikit : buat Text
Harga kereta patut turun Text
Harga kereta Proton kekal Text
Harga kertas naik 50 peratus Text
Harga minyak : PM jamin kurangkan beban rakyat Text
Harga minyak belum disemak : Abdullah Text
Harga minyak masak akan terus dikawal Text
Harga minyak mentah naik lagi Text
Harga minyak tidak jejas ekonomi 2005 Text
Harga petrol boleh turun 30 sen seliter Text
Harga petrol tidak naik Text
Harga siling 1 Januari: CD tempatan RM21, antaraban Text
Harga siling 15 barang berkuat kuasa 4 November Text
Harga siling rumah kos rendah tidak berubah Text
Harga tinggi minyak sawit beri impak positif Text
Harga ubat hanya naik 15 sen Text
Harga ubat tidak diseragam Text
Hargai juga jasa Tok Janggut : cicit pahlawan Melayu h Text
Hargai sumbangan, peranan kepada negara News Paper Cuttings
Hari Belia mesti pertingkatkan isi, makna Text
Hari bertemu pelanggan di Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTMPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hari Guru : membina negara bangsa Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Pantai Kelawai (Persiaran Gurn Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Pejabat Pos Jalan Raja, Alor Star Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : pejabat ukur di Jalan Tun Perak Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Tanjong City Marina (Penang H Text
Hari Kebangsaan China ke-63 di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Hari Kekasih rosakkan akidah golongan muda Text
Harta intelek mampu beri impak besar kepada ekonomiText
Hartanah Melayu jadi isu Text
Harvard team to boost public delivery system Text
Hasil kajian hala tuju Felda diumum hari ini Text
Hasil R&D bidang bioteknologi setanding dengan negar Text
Hasilkan dokumentari kisah darurat Text
Hasilkan strategi pemasaran tingkat industri pelancong Text
Hasrat tersirat rakyat Kelantan News Paper Cuttings
Hati bersih kembalikan cahaya iman, Islam Text
Have complaint boxes in schools, says Puad Text
Have special programmes for gifted kids, says PM Text
Hawk masih selamat : Najib Text
Haze agreement is all hazy Text
Haze in Kuching : no panic this time around Text
Haze may force schools to close Text
Haze watch : improved levels nationwide Text
HDC laksana sijil halal global Text
Head of Johor KMM held Text
Health benefits for all Text
Health checks for all Kedah Assemblymen Text
Health Ministry to launch massive campaign on organ Text
Healthcare groups turn to blogging too Text
Heart sound recording system for Telemedicine applicaThesis
Heartbroken over failed ops Text
Heat gain and daylight assessment in self shading officeThesis
Heat transfer enhancement in two-start spirally corrug Indexed Paper
Heat transfer study between two closely placed horizont Text
Heavy metal tolerance of Lysinibacillus Fusiformis ZB2 iThesis
Heist at goldsmithÆs shop Text
Helah elak bayar pinjaman bank Text
Helikopter Super Lynx Mk100 perkuat TLDM Text
HELP gets University of London award Text
Hematopoetic stem cell response to stimulation of extrJournal Article
Henti serta-merta forum kebebasan beragama : PM Text
Hentikan pertikaian isu air Text
Hentikan terlalu banyak upacara Text
Hepatitis B a prime cause of liver cancer, says Ismail Text
Herba realisasi impian miliki tubuh sihat Text
Herbal-based drug-eluting coating Thesis
Heritage campaigners are 'Amazing Malaysians' Text
Heterocyclic scaffolds : centrality in anticancer drug d Indexed Paper
Heterogeneous esterification of free fatty acid to biodieNon-Index Paper
Heterogeneous transesterification of rubber seed oil bi Journal Article
HFM cases in Kedah Text
HFMD dikesan di Johor Text
HFMD fears in Sarawak Text
Hiasan konkrit ganti kayu Text
Hidden dangers of kereta potong Text
Hiding degrees to get jobs Text
Hidraulik Text
Hidraulik persekitaran (Environmental Hydraulics) Text
Hidrologi Text
Hidrologi (Hydrology) Text
Hidung elektronik kesan bau lebih tepat Text
Hierarchical classification scheme based on global and lThesis
High blood pressure : 8 million Malaysians have got it Text
High capacity reversible watermarking using integer w Thesis
High cost of diesel smuggling Text
High hopes on Farhan News Paper Cuttings
High impedance arcing fault detection and classificati Thesis
High level of E.coli in six rivers Text
High performance carbon nanotubes for thermal interfaThesis
High performance visualization of human tumour growtConference Papers
High pressure die casting (HPDC) die design and modeliThesis
High refractive index materials : a structural property Indexed Paper
High sensitivity of balloon-like bent MMI fiber low-tem Indexed Paper
High spatial resolution and hyperspctral remote sensingThesis
High surface area base-activated carbon from local wastConference Papers
High temperature creep behaviour of Fe-Ni-Cr alloys forThesis
High temperature solid-catalyzed in-situ transesterifica Journal Article
High time Govt looks into judicial appointments, says A Text
High voltage technology Text
Higher education sector optimistic despite problems Text
Higher engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Higher ratings for toll operators Text
Higher tax relief for book purchases Text
Higher toll rates from Jan 1 Text
Highest single day deaths Text
High-field drift velocity limitation in quasi-2D nanostru Conference Papers
Highly oriented vertically aligned carbon nanotubes via Indexed Paper
High-rise office workers becoming tremor-savvy Text
High-tech training centre for youth Text
Highway & traffic engineering Exam Papers
Highway & traffic engineering Exam Papers
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
Highway and traffic engineering Exam Papers
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Highway engineering Text
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Highway interchange simulation Text
Hijrah mahasiswa memimpin perubahan Text
Hikes are æsadÆ, say bus operators Text
Hikmah kenaikan harga bahan api Text
Hikmah musibah banjir Text
Hilang arah tuju kehidupan punca budaya gay merebakText
Hishammuddin akan tutup kantin sekolah kotor Text
Hishammuddin clears the air on free textbooks Text
Hishammuddin mahu NUTP kemuka bukti guru disama Text
Hishammuddin minta idea Majlis Peguam atasi ponten Text
Hishammuddin pertahan cadangan guru berpolitik Text
Historical find at historic site in Malacca Text
History comes alive as momentous Aug 31, 1957 is re- Text
History may start in primary schools Text
HIV patients may soon enjoy normal lifespan Text
HKL akui kes denggi meningkat Text
HKL pertama di dunia bedah guna robot Text
HMFD terkawal di Johor Text
Hobi menjadi kerjaya profesional News Paper Cuttings
Hold induction courses here, say employers Text
Holographic interferometry of airsar data for modellingConference Papers
Holonomic and omnidirectional locomotion systems forJournal Article
Homage to Eden Text
Home Help bantu biaya anak sara ibu bapa News Paper Cuttings
Homegrown skin products Text
Homer analysis of wind energy for China Thesis
Homosistin tinggi : punca serangan strok Text
Hon : more PhD staff needed Text
Honda majukan robot dijana minda manusia Text
Honda Malaysia bangunkan 180 lot kilang IKS Text
Honouring our warriors, Maybank-NSTP fund launched Text
Hope in HPV vaccine Text
Hormat orang tua kunci adab sopan Text
Horticulture and nusery Exam Papers
Hortikultur dan tapak semaian Text
Hortyculture and nusery Exam Papers
Hospital kaji pembedahan jarak jauh Text
Hospital Sultan Ismail diserah kepada Kementerian Kes Text
Hospital swasta bertaraf tujuh bintang di Kuala LumpurText
Hostel management for foreign workers : problems in nText
Hotline for school textbooks set up by Education ministText
Houses here based on æwestern designsÆ Text
Houses that can grow Text
Housing finance, management & economy Text
Housing plan for low-income earners welcomed Text
How do environmental changes challenge the sustainabIndexed Paper
How Islam views the socio-political angle Text
How significant is durability in vernacular house constr Journal Article
How to reduce wastes and save materials Conference Papers
How to save a river and public health? : dying Sungai S Text
How varsities survive Text
HSA lancar kempen baca sambil tunggu Text
HSI beroperasi semula Disember Text
Hubungan antara amalan 5s dengan budaya organisasi Thesis
Hubungan antara faktor tekanan dengan tekanan kerja Thesis
Hubungan antara kerja rumah dengan pencapaian akadThesis
Hubungan antara motivasi dan tingkah laku prososial diThesis
Hubungan antara penggunaan strategi pembelajaran BaText
Hubungan antara personaliti Big Five dengan pemikiranThesis
Hubungan antara personaliti dan gaya kepimpinan di MThesis
Hubungan antara ujian penusukan piawai dan ujian tigaThesis
Hubungan AS-Malaysia tidak terjejas Text
Hubungan beban tugas Guru Besar dan amalan penyeliaThesis
Hubungan dagangan anggota OIC meningkat Text
Hubungan di antara ganjaran kerja dengan komitmen teThesis
Hubungan di antara parameter kekuatan ricih tanah baki Text
Hubungan di antara tahap kecerdasan dan tahap komitm Thesis
Hubungan erat terus terjalin Text
Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Hubungan etnik_Dinamika Malaysia Exam Papers
Hubungan gaya pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akadem Conference Papers
Hubungan harmoni pekerja wanita, majikan Text
Hubungan industri Text
Hubungan keliangan, penyerapan air dan kekuatan mam Text
Hubungan keperluan pelajar, iklim bilik darjah, matla Conference Papers
Hubungan kepuasan komunikasi dengan komitmen peker Thesis
Hubungan KL, Teheran model kerjasama 2 hala Text
Hubungan lebih kukuh : KL, Canberra tingkat kerjasamaText
Hubungan Malaysia, Russia dijangka lebih erat Text
Hubungan Malaysia-Singapura perlu pendekatan tegas Text
Hubungan personaliti Big Five dan tingkah laku inovati Thesis
Hubungan personaliti dan kepuasan kerja guru bimbingThesis
Hubungan rumpun Melayu terus berkekalan Text
Hubungan struktur rongga dalam bata tanah liat deng Thesis
Hubungan tingkah laku inovasi pekerja terhadap keinovThesis
Hubungi DPIMNJ jika ragui halal haram produk Text
Huge pay hike for specialists Text
HUKM institusi pertama negara rawat masalah berdengText
Hukum hudud ditetap dalam al-Quran tak boleh dipind Text
Hukum syarak penentu status agama anak Text
Hukuman gantung, buang pelajar kekal : wajib jalani prog Text
Hukuman juvana mesti telus Text
Hukuman kes dera lebih berat Text
Hukuman mati gagal kurangkan jenayah berat Text
Hukuman sebat perlu diseragam Text
Hukuman terhadap pesalah sumbang mahram diteliti Text
Hulu Terengganu paling teruk terjejas banjir Text
Human body responses to vibration modeling via artificThesis
Human capital key to progress Text
Human capital will free us from dependence : Najib Text
Human error caused Shah Alam floods Text
Human factor in equipment safety of hard disk manufacJournal Article
Human information processing Exam Papers
Human resource development from the islamic perspecExam Papers
Human resource management Exam Papers
Human resource management Exam Papers
Human resource management / pengurusan sumber maText
Human resource planning and human resource developme Text
Human resource planning and human resource developm Text
Human rights in syllabus praised Text
Humidity and gas sensor monitoring system in an ideal Thesis
HUSM terajui pembedahan plastik Text
Hutan bakau aset penting lindungi pesisiran pantai Text
Hutan Paya Gambut kekal kestabilan alam sekitar Text
Hutan paya laut diwarta Hutan Simpan Kekal Text
Hutang pendidikan wajib dibayar segera Text
Hutang tanggungan sepanjang hayat Text
HVDC switching using microprocessor for polarization Thesis
Hybrid artificial neural network-naive bayes classifier Thesis
Hybrid features - based prediction for novel phish websJournal Article
Hybrid genetic algorithm and particle filter optimizat Thesis
Hybrid input shaping and feedback control schemes of aConference Papers
Hybrid membrane bioreactor for biodegradation and biof Thesis
Hybrid strategy: a new strategy for competitive advant Non-Index Paper
Hybridization of harmony search and minimization of me Thesis
Hybridized term-weighting method for Dark Web classifIndexed Paper
Hybridizing GMDH and least squares SVM support vectoNon-Index Paper
Hydraulic modelling for water demand in new develop Thesis
Hydraulic structures Exam Papers
Hydraulic structures Exam Papers
Hydrocarbon concentration measurement by using fibeThesis
Hydrodynamic modeling of Malacca Straits using EFDC Thesis
Hydrodynamic modeling of Sungai Johor estuary using Conference Papers
Hydrodynamic resistance analysis of new hull design f Indexed Paper
Hydrodynamics Text
Hydrogen gas production from glycerol via steam refor Indexed Paper
Hydrogenation of citronella oil derivatives to 3,7-DimetJournal Article
Hydrogenation of CO2 to value-added products - A rev Indexed Paper
Hydrographic positioning using Starfix.G2+ positioning Thesis
Hydrographic survey Exam Papers
Hydrolics Exam Papers
Hydrological modelling of ungauged arid volcanic envi Journal Article
Hydrology and water resources Exam Papers
Hydrology and water resources Exam Papers
Hydrolysis of used-frying palm oil using immobilized lipaThesis
Hydrophobic titanium oxide and gold loaded magnesium Thesis
Hydrophobic, structural and optical properties of zinc silThesis
Hydrothermal pre-treatment of oil palm empty fruit buIndexed Paper
Hydroxyapatite : dip coated porous tantalum for bone aThesis
Hydroxyl terminated natural rubber by chemical depol Thesis
Hypermarts lauded for keeping prices down Text
I auto part shop system Thesis
i2M lancar GBS rangsang pelaburan, peluang kerja News Paper Cuttings
Ibadah korban hindar manusia sifat tamak, kedekut Text
Ibadat haji ungkap misteri kehidupan manusia Text
IBM experts work with special kids in JB Text
IBM experts work with special kids in JB News Paper Cuttings
Ibu bapa beriman lebih mudah bentuk akhlak anak Text
Ibu bapa cuai mungkin dikenakan hukuman berat Text
Ibu bapa diminta hantar anak ke Taska berdaftar Text
Ibu bapa dipersalah : punca kebanyakan daripada 10,00Text
Ibu bapa hentikan menyalah guna biasiswa anak Text
Ibu bapa kandung lebih ramai dera anak Text
Ibu bapa patut menabung untuk pelajaran anak Text
Ibu bapa perlu campur tangan tentukan bahan bacaan Text
Ibu bapa perlu sokong usaha basmi dadah Text
Ibu bapa perlu, hormati tugas guru Text
Ibu bapa punca kepincangan keluarga Text
Ibu bapa, pelajar luar bandar ikuti konsep P&P sekolah Text
Ibu pejabat wilayah BMW di Cyberjaya Text
Ibu Sufiah bantu anak pintar Text
Ibu susui anak dikecuali PLKN Text
Icon for Executables
Icon for Spreadsheet
Icon for Video
ICT 2003 - Virus dan cecacing mengancam dunia Text
ICT ubah doktrin pertahanan Text
Icthyobase : portal dan pangkalan data ichtyology MalaThesis
ID model of variable geometry turbine (VGT) Thesis
ID theft : many potential victims Text
Idea, pengkomersialan R&D pacu ekonomi News Paper Cuttings
Identification and characterization of potential useful Conference Papers
Identification and quantification of plastic waste Thesis
Identification of discrete-time dynamic systems using mThesis
Identification of factors and performance of environment Thesis
Identification of genes involved in flavonoids biosynth Thesis
Identification of informative genes and pathways using Thesis
Identification of quarter car suspension test RIG Conference Papers
Identification of selected Malaysian rice by internal tr Thesis
Identification of service quality dimensions among inte Journal Article
Identification of significant phenotypes related genes Conference Papers
Identification on the meaning of the lost space concep Thesis
Identifying novel lignocellulosic processing enzymes fr Thesis
Identifying the barriers in the development of buildin Thesis
Idris mula tugas pulih MAS : catat kerugian terkumpul Text
IEM-IPT Award 2001 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
If I were a minister Text
If only we can have crash victimsÆ organs... Text
Ignorant hepatitis virus carriers dicing with death Text
IGP: Fund school police cadetsá Text
III-V semiconductor nanowire for solid oxide fuel cells Conference Papers
Iintroduction Architechtural History Exam Papers
Ijazah Nilai UC setaraf Oxford Brookes Text
Ijazah pertama perubatan cina tradisional diiktiraf Text
IJM bina bangunan tertinggi di Delhi Text
IJN catat sejarah bedah masukkan alat bantu denyutan Text
IJN kini pusat R&D rawatan jantung Text
IJN mampu bedah 1,000 pesakit Text
Ikan pelaga makin diminati Text
Ikan, daging dikaji jadi barang kawalan Text
Ikatan rumpun Melayu Nusantara dipererat Text
IKIM perkenal sistem ISO Text
IKKL catat sejarah rekod tertinggi Text
Ikon usahawan kebanggaan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Iktibar dasar luar Kuala Lumpur News Paper Cuttings
Iktibar hasil eksperimen pengundi Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Ikut piawai antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Ilmu keibubapaan jamin tarbiah anak Text
Ilmu pengetahuan ramuan penting capai kejayaan Text
Image quality analysis for fused remotely sensed data Thesis
Image recontruction validation for electrical charge t Thesis
Image segmentation methods and applications in MRI bIndexed Paper
Image steganography using Least Significant Bit (LSB) a Thesis
Image-based light source detection estimation for photoThesis
Imaging of solid flow in a gravity flow rig using infra-re Text
Imam paling lama di Johor meninggal News Paper Cuttings
Imam Samudera tidak pernah jadi pensyarah UTM - NaiText
Iman, akhlak terpuji perkukuh ikatan hidup bermasyaraText
Imbangan haba Text
Imbangan jisim Text
Imbangan jisim dan tenaga Text
Imbangan jisim dan tenaga Text
Imbangan tenaga Text
Imej baru Tambak Johor Text
Imej Islam terletak pada ajaran dan penganutnya Text
Imigresen kaji ciri keselamatan pasport Text
Imigresen lancar MIES tingkat banteras pendatang tanpa Text
Immigration to deploy more officers at KLIA Text
Immobilization of cholesterol oxidase in ordered mesopor Conference Papers
Immobilization of highly effective palladium catalyst onIndexed Paper
Immobilized lipase-catalyzed transesterification of Jatr Indexed Paper
Immunologi Text
Impact of compact fluorescent lamp in term of total ha Thesis
Impact of design change on project time and cost in K Thesis
Impact of information technologies (IT) implementatio Non-Index Paper
Impact of multiplay transmission in mobile WiMAX usinJournal Article
Impact of surface roughness on pressure drop and heatThesis
Impact of urban development on an indigenous communi Thesis
Impact resistance of hybrid composite Thesis
Impak besar ekonomi negara News Paper Cuttings
Impak La Nina atasi El Nino Text
Impak program pencegahan dadah shields kepada pemba Thesis
Impak revolusi teknologi nano mungkin bawa musibah Text
Impak strategi politik terhadap amalan kepimpinan pe Journal Article
Impian 2057 PM Text
Impian jadi kenyataan Text
Impian saya kraf Felda masuki Gedung Harrods di Lond Text
Implan koklea generasi baru Text
Implement of low cost network appliance using PICI1 Thesis
Implementation and integration of high frequency messa Text
Implementation next year Text
Implementation of computer simulation in rubber assembl Text
Implementation of flow and level measurement using sThesis
Implementation of lucas-hull design for assembly met Thesis
Implementation of median image filter on FPGA Thesis
Implementation of MMI structure for optical device usiText
Implementation of real time measurement system for pr Conference Papers
Implementation of standardized valuation technical term Thesis
Implementation of technical and vocational education iThesis
Implementation of unit selection by using euclidean disThesis
Implementation of wireless mobile RFID reader in real Journal Article
Implementation strategy for industrialised building sys Text
Implementation supply chain management in constructThesis
Implementing itil - service support in the infrastructur Text
Implementing knowledge management in the Palestinian Indexed
p Paper
Implementing multi hop transmission in wireless low raThesis
Implementing of industrial deformation analysis systemConference Papers
Implication of behavioral finance in investment decisi Non-Index Paper
Import ban hits duck farmers hard Text
Import daging lembu Australia digantung Text
Importance of analytic applications Text
Importance of glucose and pseudomonas in producing dIndexed Paper
Important activities in activity-based life cycle cost in b Indexed Paper
Imported vaccines costly, so weÆve to make our own Text
Imposeks dalam siput haliah, thais sp, sebagai penunjukText
Improved air quality after rain Text
Improved deep neural network using firefly algorithm on Thesis
Improved ear identication scheme using gabor featuresThesis
Improved EKF-based direct torque control at the start- Indexed Paper
Improved human face detection using cascade adaboostThesis
Improved performance of PAN-based UF membrane witJournal Article
Improved performance of W/HZSM-5 catalysts for dehyNon-Index Paper
Improved permeation properties of polyacrylonitrile-baIndexed Paper
Improved sensitivity based linear learning method for pe Indexed Paper
Improved two-phase solution strategy for multiobjectivThesis
Improved two-term backpropagation error function with Text
Improved view frustum culling technique for real - timeConference Papers
Improvement maintenance procedure for hospital faciliThesis
Improvement of a tropical residual soil by electrokineticText
Improvement of blended cement characteristics as possib Conference Papers
Improvement of efficient in vitro regeneration potentiaIndexed Paper
Improvement of ergonomics awareness on constructionThesis
Improvement of feature extraction techniques for ArabiThesis
Improvement of ground impedance measurement usingThesis
Improvement of haemodynamic stent strut configuratioThesis
Improvement of natural rubber in anti vibration applicaText
Improvement of rib plate process through work study Thesis
Improvement on the in-situ combustion simulator develop Thesis
Improvements and internet-of-things implementation for Thesis
Improvements will only come with change Text
Improving banana and oil palm seedlings growth using iThesis
Improving construction procurement systems using orga Indexed Paper
Improving deformable model sharpness feature using Conference Papers
Improving electricity market model for Malaysia electri Thesis
Improving gas bubbles’ half life in foam drilling fluidJournal Article
Improving performance and antifouling capability of P Indexed Paper
Improving productivity in a bank by using computer simThesis
Improving safety condition in Tehran construction projeThesis
Improving service quality gap through customer satisfacThesis
Improving water delivery systems - detecting and minimi Text
Improving waveform quality in direct power control of DIndexed Paper
Imuniti hakim tidak mutlak Text
In a league of its own News Paper Cuttings
In pursuit of healthcare excellence Text
In situ measurement of gold nanoparticle production Indexed Paper
In situ synthesis of hydroxyapatite-grafted titanium n Indexed Paper
In the company of water thieves Text
In vitro antiviral activity of polygonum minus extracts a Thesis
In vitro effect of q-switch and without q-switch ND:Y Conference Papers
In vitro permeation and skin retention of alpha-mango Thesis
In Vitro regeneration and antioxidant propertiesof lyciuJournal Article
In vivo assessment on acute toxicity of iron oxide nanopJournal Article
In vivo assessment on acute toxicity of iron oxide nanopJournal Article
I-Nai Venture kembalikan kegemilangan seni bina IslamText
Inatex Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Inatex 2014 - Gold Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
In-cabin driver monitoring system Thesis
Incentives for rural teachers Text
Incentives for teachers in rural schools Text
Include parks in projects : PM Text
Incorporating district cooling system in total site heat i Indexed Paper
Incorporating known malware signatures to classify newIndexed Paper
Increase in accidents, 2,276 deaths Text
Increase in car sales seen Text
Increase in land transaction fees Text
Increase Research Visibility: How to be Cited in Scopus Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Indefinite ban on import of pet birds Text
Indeks jenayah Johor Bahru Utara turun 40 peratus Text
Indeks jenayah naik 11% tujuh bulan pertama Text
Indeks kematian jalan raya turun Text
Indeks kestabilan cerun bagi kawasan Gunung Pulai Thesis
Indeks Komposit lepasi paras 900 mata Text
Indeks rasuah di Malaysia bertambah baik Text
India may buy more palm oil Text
Indikator persekitaran dalaman terhadap bangunan PejThesis
Individu kaya curi elektrik Text
Individual control over the physical work environment to Indexed Paper
Individual's perceived value of green personal comput Thesis
Indonesia dakwa ada bukti Text
Indonesia mohon maaf Text
Indonesian media reports : Malaysia may take legal act Text
Indonesian media urged to consider bigger picture Text
Indonesian quake : Malaysian rescue teams head for di Text
Indoor microbial contamination and its relation to physicJournal Article
Indoor radiowave propagation prediction and measureme Text
Indoor thermal condition of factory building in Banglad Non-Index Paper
Induced photodegradation effect on the functionalized Journal
Fe Article
Induced voltages on a gas pipeline due to lightning str Indexed Paper
Induction course for foreign workers Text
Induction, multiplication, and acclimatization of red be Journal Article
Industri asas tani perlu nilai tambah Text
Industri automotif dijangka lembap Text
Industri berasaskan kayu perlu terus berdaya saing Text
Industri bioteknologi dijangka peroleh pelaburan RM30Text
Industri diminta peka pencemaran Text
Industri ICT dijangka jana RM39.9 bilion Text
Industri modal teroka semakin mendapat sambutan syar Text
Industri pengubahsuaian rumah di Malaysia dianggar b Text
Industri sawit paling cemerlang : penghasilan biodies Text
Industri seni Text
Industri spa rangsang pelancongan kesihatan Text
Industri terjemahan sebar budaya Korea Text
Industri, IPT perlu jalin kerjasama strategik Text
Industrial chemical processes Text
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
Industrial electronics Text
Industrial Engineering Exam Papers
Industrial engineering / kejuruteraan industri Text
Industrial hygiene Exam Papers
Industrial instrumentations and applications Exam Papers
Industrial lot buyers cry foul Text
Industrial organic chemistry Exam Papers
Industrial psychology Exam Papers
Industrial relations Text
Industrial relations law Exam Papers
Industrialised building system formation scheduling for Text
Industrialised building system versus conventional syst Text
Industry 4.0: a review on industrial automation and robJournal Article
Industry may lose 25pc of workforce in next 10 years Text
Industry players share ways to boost market Text
Inept civil servants can leave Text
Infak jamin kebajikan golongan daif, jana ekonomi umatText
Infants at risk Text
Infectious diseases up in Klang Text
Inferental estimation and control of chemical processesText
Inferential statistics Exam Papers
Inferential statistics Exam Papers
Inferential statistics Exam Papers
Inflasi negara rendah : Indeks Harga Pengguna hanya Text
Inflation likely to remain high Text
Inflation may continue uptrend Text
Influence of grain size distribution on shear strength of Thesis
Influence of income level and age on per capita househo Journal Article
Influence of independent bent-up bars on the shear ca Thesis
Influence of milling time on growth morphology and meIndexed Paper
Influence of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) agro-wJournal Article
Influence of rainfall in unsaturated soil on the stability Text
Influence of two-lined emergent floodplain vegetation Thesis
Influence of work team effectiveness on project deliverThesis
Influences of induction motor on voltage sag magnitud Thesis
Influenza A : no cause for panic, minister assures publicText
Influenza A(H1N1) : 'over-dramatic media reports' concText
Influenza lebih bahaya daripada selsema Text
Information and communication technology issues: a caNon-Index Paper
Information and technology Exam Papers
Information communication technology adoption process Indexed Paper
Information engineering Exam Papers
Information hiding in multimedia files: a literature revi Conference Papers
Information management Exam Papers
Information security awareness framework among clerical Thesis
Information security awareness measuring model for e Thesis
Information systems in civil engineering Text
Infrastruktur pendidikan dilaksana ikut jadual Text
Ingat mati hindar daripada penyakit bangga diri Text
Ingat peranan Tentera British Malaya Text
Ingat pesan Rasulullah Text
Ingin mencuba punca terjebak Text
Ingkar bayar cukai: Kerajaan wujud mahkamah khas Text
Ingkari fatwa isu haram pengkid boleh jejas akidah Text
Inherent safety, health, environment and economic asseThesis
Inhibition of melanogenesis through the deactivation ofThesis
Inhibitive effect of cocon nucifera l. (coconut pulp) extrJournal Article
Inhibitory effect of Artocarpus lowii King compounds onIndexed Paper
Inisiatif baru GLC Text
Inisiatif baru manfaat hartanah Text
Inisiatif berani PM : Muhyiddin Text
Initial development of OC-Based flight dynamics engineText
Injectable magnesium-doped brushite cement for contro Indexed Paper
Injection moulding parameters and performance of riceText
Inno Bio pendahulu industri biotek negara Text
Innovation alone is not enough Text
Innovation capability in the manufacturing sector : a r Indexed Paper
Innovation management and new product developmenText
Inorganic and organometallic polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Inorganic and organometallic polymers chemistry Exam Papers
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Inorganic chemistry 1 Text
Inovasi UTM bantu IKS tingkat produktiviti News Paper Cuttings
Input current control of boost converters using current Non-Index Paper
Insentif fiskal automatif pertengahan tahun Text
Insentif galak pengangkutan awam guna gas Text
Insentif hasilkan kenderaan jimat minyak Text
Insentif saintis hasil harta intelek Text
Insentif sektor pertanian dikaji semula Text
Insentif swasta tubuh banyak tadika Text
Insentif untuk penyelidik News Paper Cuttings
INSEP atasi siswazah menganggur Text
Insider threats concern model in a law enforcement ag Thesis
Insinerator atasi pelupusan sampah di Batu Pahat Text
Insinerator khas lupus sisa banjir Text
Inspection by ultrasonic tomography (UT) leading trendJournal Article
INSPEN pastikan sektor hartanah terus bekembang Text
Inspirasi ke arah kampus politeknik Lestari Thesis
Inspirasi seni bina Islam Text
Instant funding for patients in dire need Text
Institusi kewangan diminta proaktif biaya usahawan ICTText
Institusi penyelidikan awam, swasta perlu tingkat ker Text
Institusi penyelidikan perlu hasilkan rumah berkualiti Text
Institusi sosial untuk masyarakat melayu bandar Text
Institusi wakaf penggerak sosioekonomi ummah Text
Institusi-institusi Islam Exam Papers
Institut Audit Dalaman perkenal etika niaga Text
Institut latihan JTM bekal 10,000 tenaga kerja Text
Institut pendidikan Islam dan sejarahnya Conference Papers
Institut teknologi Antarabangsa Malaysia-Jepun dibina Text
Instructional design Exam Papers
Instructional design technique and authoring tools Exam Papers
Instrument analog & digital Text
Instrumental analysis Exam Papers
Instrumentasi Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran Text
Instrumentasi Dan Pengukuran Dalam Perubatan Text
Instrumentation / Intrumentasi Text
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Instrumentation and measurement / pengalatan dan u Text
Instrumentation and measurement in biomedical : ins Text
Instrumentation in analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Instrumentation in analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Instrumented pile load testing with distributed optical fIndexed Paper
Insurans kelompok untuk kereta tua Text
Integated technical problem management system (ITPMText
Integral time absolute error m inimization for PI contro Conference Papers
Integrasi bangunan Text
Integrasi bangunan Text
Integrasi bangunan Text
Integrasi ekonomi tak wajar dipaksa Text
Integrasi pengajaran guru pendidikan Islam dengan ke Conference Papers
Integrasi persekitaran dalam pembinaan Text
Integrasi tauhid, ilmu jalin keakraban umat Text
Integrated case study Exam Papers
Integrated framework for virtual learning environmen Thesis
Integrated water resource management Text
Integrated water resources management Exam Papers
Integrating a repairing-based genetic algorithm- neigh Indexed Paper
Integrating GIS and gravity model in evaluating locationConference Papers
Integrating outcome-based assessment in learning ma Thesis
Integrating security services into active network (Full teText
Integrating user perception in fighting spam frameworkThesis
Integrating web - based GIS in online property listing seThesis
Integration of diesel plant into a hybrid power system Indexed Paper
Integration of geographic information system and augme Thesis
Integration of geographic information system and billinThesis
Integration of GIS and multicriteria evaluation for inter Thesis
Integration of multimetric path management into 802.11 Thesis
Integration of pin diode switching circuit to Butler mat Thesis
Integration of senior citizens into the society through acThesis
Integration of sustainability analysis into integrated p Thesis
Integriti pemulihan ekonomi Text
Integrity assessment of corroded pipeline using in-line Text
Intel atom processor based programmable logic controllThesis
Intel perkenal kurikulum komunikasi tanpa wayar Text
Intelek kurang membaca Text
Intelligent active force control of a rigid robot arm us Text
Intelligent active torque control for vibration reducti Thesis
Intelligent adaptive backstepping control for MIMO uncIndexed Paper
Intelligent agent : chatterbot (NEMESIS) Text
Intelligent control of switch mode power supply (SMPS)Thesis
Intelligent controllers for velocity tracking of two wh Journal Article
Intelligent exhaust fan Thesis
Intensif BI untuk siswa baru Text
Inter vehicle communication protocols for simple text Conference Papers
Interaksi dalam pembelajaran berasaskan masalah secara Thesis
Inter-confidentiality protection of agent communicatio Journal Article
Interconnect tree optimization algorithm in nanometer Thesis
Interest and perseverance pays off for Raimy Text
Interest group using electronic management systems (i-Text
Interfacial reactions during soldering of Sn - Ag - Cu le Text
Interfacing sensors and arduino uno microcontroller in Thesis
Interfaith Commission : PM explains postponement Text
Intergrasi peranan falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan da Non-Index Paper
Intermediate mathematics Text
Intermetallics formed between Sn-Ag-Cu solders and elec Thesis
Internal Model Control (IMC) design for a stall-regulat Thesis
Internal shading for efficient tropical daylighting in M Indexed Paper
Internet boleh nyata kebenaran Text
Internet communication through point-to-point protocoText
Internet instrumen bangunkan ummah Text
Internet lebih murah, mudah dan cepat Text
Interpretation dilemma : payment response in CIPAA 2 Thesis
Inter-relationships between stock index with residentiaThesis
Inter-varsity Grads Text
Intro to architechture history / Pengenalan sejarah sen Text
Intro to architechture history/Binaan kayu dan keluli Exam Papers
Introducing the '014' mobile number Text
Introduction landscape architechture Exam Papers
Introduction landscape architecture Exam Papers
Introduction of foreign metals onto unsupported and suText
Introduction to biosciences Exam Papers
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Introduction to computer Exam Papers
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Introduction to finance Exam Papers
Introduction to industrial phsychology Text
Introduction to industrial psychology Exam Papers
Introduction to industrial psychology Exam Papers
Introduction to international relations Exam Papers
Introduction to law Exam Papers
Introduction to macroeconomics (pengantar makroekoText
Introduction to operation management Exam Papers
Introduction to operations management / pengenalan Text
Introduction to optimal control theory Text
Introduction to Planning Exam Papers
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Introduction to programming Text
Introduction to remote sensing Exam Papers
Introductory study of critical success factors for activ Text
Intrusion of polyethylene glycol during osmotic tests: i Journal Article
Invention through integration of Design for Assembly ( Thesis
Invention through integration of theory of inventive p Thesis
Invention through integration of theory of inventive p Thesis
Inventive pupils steal the show at ITEX with ingenious dText
Inventory on mangroves Text
Inverter-pulse width modulation (PWM) with unipolar Thesis
Investigating CTQS for international students: a Malays Non-Index Paper
Investigating synergism in critical micelle concentratio Conference Papers
Investigating synergism in critical micelle concentratio Conference Papers
Investigating the application of pixel-level and produc Indexed Paper
Investigating the effects of consumer innovativeness, seIndexed Paper
Investigating the effects of imputation methods for m Thesis
Investigating the influence of plasma-treated SiO2 nanof Indexed Paper
Investigation of 3D mechanical structure of campaniform Thesis
Investigation of button heading formation using pressu Thesis
Investigation of carbon dioxide adsorption effects on Indexed Paper
Investigation of frequency noise and spectrum linewidthIndexed Paper
Investigation of graphene composite based gas sensor fThesis
Investigation of heart rate variability response toward Thesis
Investigation of injection moulding process paramete Thesis
Investigation of lecture hall acoustic quality at FKE, UT Thesis
Investigation of minkowski patch antenna with meanderIndexed Paper
Investigation of new polyester nanofiltration (NF) memJournal Article
Investigation of petrophysical properties for YamammaIndexed Paper
Investigation of single stub on circular polarized patch Indexed Paper
Investigation of surface roughness impact on mean winJournal Article
Investigation of swirling effect on flow pattern inside Conference Papers
Investigation of the attribute of the random forest in d Conference Papers
Investigation of the interaction of copper(II) oxide and Indexed Paper
Investigation of the modification of Mg2Si reinforced i Thesis
Investigation of various mixtures of HC290/HC600 refrige Indexed Paper
Investigation on camera part (front cover) by simulati Thesis
Investigation on ground displacement in tunnel surveyi Thesis
Investigation on physical and optical properties of th Journal Article
Investigation on supply chain strategy and competitive pThesis
Investigation on the mechanics of precast segment tunnJournal Article
Investigation on the premixed flame instability Thesis
Investigation the risk of landslide on the hillsite resid Conference Papers
Investigations on the performance of ultrasonic drillin Text
Investment valuation Exam Papers
Investments all mapped out Text
Invisible ink pens : schools to watch out for them Text
Involvement of service knowledge management systemNon-Index
in Paper
IoT- based non-inasive blood glucose monitoring deviceThesis
IoT device for student attendance reporting system Thesis
IoT-based automatic irrigation system using particle ph Thesis
Ip25 and brassicasterol: the biomarker as ice proxy for tJournal Article
IPGKTI dilantik sebagai amil institusi News Paper Cuttings
Ipoh Council decision comes under fire Text
Ipoh lad emerges top scorer in examination Text
IPP Batu Maung hasilkan benih æabaloneÆ Text
IPPP mantapkan penyelidikan di UiTM Text
IPT berentap News Paper Cuttings
IPT beri kelonggaran Text
IPT digalak hasilkan buku dalam bahasa Melayu Text
IPT digalak tambah jumlah kredit kokurikulum Text
IPT disaran jadikan keselamatan IT sebahagian sukatan Text
IPT disaran komersial R&D Text
IPT perlu kekukuhan dana bina imej gemilang Text
IPT perlu promosi 2010 Tahun Inovasi Negara Text
IPT perlukan sikap saintifik Text
IPT tempatan diminta bantu usaha tambah saintis, juru Text
IPT tempatan disaran guna kaedah Six Sigma Text
IPT tempatan perlu bekerja lebih keras untuk bersaing Text
IPT United Kingdom iktiraf pelbagai kelulusan Text
IPTA bersedia News Paper Cuttings
IPTA dilengkapi WiFi menjelang 2010 Text
IPTA kena jana pendapatan Text
IPTA perlu ada program profesional Text
IPTA perlu ada rakan kongsi Text
IPTA pupus pelajar lelaki? Text
IPTA rugi berjuta ringgit akibat vandalisme pelatih PLKNText
IPTA sedia terima 41,000 lulusan SPM Text
IPTA tak jemu pertingkat kualiti graduan Text
IPTA tidak patut tawar pengajian guru sekolah rendah Text
IPTS boleh bantu latih ramai doktor Bumiputera Text
IPTS Bumiputera tak tahu berdikari Text
IPTS bumiputera tenat diminta bergabung dalam satu Text
IPTS diarah serah laporan pergerakan pelajar asing Text
IPTS diminta henti sikap salah kerajaan Text
IPTS disyaki dalang pekerja asing Text
IPTS perlu panjangkan tempoh pengajian ikut IPTA empText
IPTS perlu tawar pengajian berkualiti tinggi Text
IPTs urged to award students credits for voluntary serviNews Paper Cuttings
IPTS wajib ambil lesen sebelum lantik pensyarah Text
IPTS, IPTA - `Perang' berebut pelajar kini bermula Text
Iran rayu bantuan dunia : bencana ini terlalu besar bag Text
Iranian cop held in drug bust Text
Iranian lessons on self-sufficiency in food Text
IRB refunds RM3.1bil to taxpayers Text
IRDA bekerjasama dengan IPT lahirkan modal insan berkNews Paper Cuttings
Irfan jadi jutawan muda berniaga guna internet Text
Iris and periocular recognitions using colour contrast Thesis
Iris localisation Thesis
Irish fired up over its incinerator Text
Iron (III) porphyrin biomimetic catalyst supported on io Conference Papers
Irregular repetition code hybrid ARQ in wireless systemJournal Article
IRU-UTM cari peluang jalin kerjasama dalam empat bidNews Paper Cuttings
Is affordable housing an issue? A case study of housin Indexed Paper
Is direct property investment a good hedge against infl Thesis
Isa kena lepaskan jawatan, kedudukan dalam kabinet keText
ISA perlu dikekalkan Text
ISA perlu dilihat secara positif Text
Iskandar Malaysia diolah semula Text
Iskandar Malaysia tak terjejas Text
Islam adalah agama yang hidup Text
Islam dan pembasmian kemiskinan Text
Islam dorong umat berfikiran kreatif, saintifik News Paper Cuttings
Islam Hadhari concept may be incorporated Text
Islam Hadhari di Universiti Beirut Text
Islam Hadhari diterima teras pendekatan OIC Text
Islam Hadhari rancangan jangka panjang Text
Islam Hadhari tolak celaan Text
Islam moden bukan belakangkan syarak Text
Islam sempurna tanpa campur aduk khurafat, syirik Text
Islam terapkan amalan demokrasi pilih pemimpin Text
Islam tidak larang suntikan kecantikan Text
Islam tuntut umat memuliakan pemerintah Text
Islam, Barat mesti saling menghormati Text
Islamic banking and finance : traders not mere financia Indexed Paper
Islamic financial system / Sistem kewangan Islam Text
Islamic worldview Exam Papers
Islamkan politik, atau politikkan Islam? Text
Isogeometric analysis of plane stress structure Thesis
Isogeometric analysis of plate structure Thesis
Isolation and amplification of partial chalcone synthaseThesis
Isolation and antibiotic susceptibility screening of Pse Thesis
Isolation and characterization of bacteria from the skin Thesis
Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic bacteria f Thesis
Isolation and characterization of microcrystalline cellu Indexed Paper
Isolation and characterization of potential tropical ole Conference Papers
Isolation and in vitro antidiabetic properties of a pr Text
Isolation of high quality genomic DNA from Orthosipho Thesis
Isolation of Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis sp nov from Indexed Paper
Isolation of local bacterial capable of degrading halog Text
Israk Mikraj mendidik ummah Text
Issues and challenges in the development of Shariah coIndexed Paper
Issues associates with communicating the architect no Thesis
Issues in development of artificial neural network-base Non-Index Paper
Issues in excavating completely weathered granite for cThesis
Issues of commercialization of biotechnology related reThesis
Istana Lama Seri Menanti diiktiraf istana kayu tertinggi Text
Istana Tengku Anjang Zahab terunggul di Asia TenggaraText
Isteri berdikari punca suami malas Text
Isteri penama rumah murah Text
Istighfar amalan kekal nikmat, hindar musibah, hapus dText
Isu air : Isyarat penting Khalid News Paper Cuttings
Isu anggap hubungan seks tanpa kerelaan isteri sebagaiText
Isu balak jadi agenda keselamatan Text
Isu disiplin pelajar tiada penghujung Text
Isu keganasan ekonomi ke forum antarabangsa Text
Isu PTPTN - MPP perlu bekerjasama selesai masalah Text
Isu rasuah dibelenggu persepsi negatif : PM Text
Isu sekolah di bandar akan diatasi Text
Isu Spratly rujuk perundangan maritim antarabangsa Text
Isu undang-undang di dalam penjualan data ruang berdig Text
Isu undang-undang di dalam penjualan data ruang berdiText
Isu-isu kecil mesti jadi keutamaan MAS Text
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Isyarat jelas orang Melayu tolak DAP News Paper Cuttings
Isytihar harta untuk tatapan umum Text
Isytihar perang terhadap dadah Text
IT for organizational transformation Exam Papers
IT grads donÆt meet industry expectations Text
It helps create wealth, spurs economy : PM Text
It is a robbery, say cops Text
It is Bahasa again but more emphasis will be placed on Text
IT to be taught in schools next year Text
It’s not just about degrees News Paper Cuttings
ItÆs all about bees and trees Text
ItÆs all in the chemistry Text
ItÆs all in your hands Text
ItÆs back to class for school inspectors Text
ItÆs blue skies till Sunday Text
ItÆs free for all flood victims Text
ItÆs the learning, stupid Text
Italian copters may be Army Air Wing's first buy Text
Italian language Text
Its a simple X but thousands get it wrong every electionText
It's all in the mind Text
Jabatan Imigresen pantau IPT swasta Text
Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya ditubuh Text
Jabatan Perikanan diminta kaji kesan tsunami Text
Jabatan Perikanan tinjau lokasi ribuan ikan siakap mati Text
Jabatan pertanian rangka strategi bantu pengusaha Text
Jabatan Perundangan Syariah perlu ditubuh Text
Jabs for cattle to curb disease Text
Jadhbah menurut pemikiran pengamal tarekat Ahmadiyy Thesis
Jadi negara terbaik Text
Jadikan dunia aman: Mesej Deklarasi Kuala Lumpur Text
Jadikan IPTA sebagai pilihan pertama Text
Jadikan kitab suci panduan cari kesempurnaan hidup Text
Jadikan Kota Buku mercu tanda Text
Jadikan kualiti teras hadapi persaingan global Text
Jadikan membaca tabiat sepanjang hayat Text
Jadikan meritokrasi cabaran capai kejayaan Text
Jadikan minyak senjata -- OIC setuju sebulat suara cari Text
Jadikan pemantauan amalan : PM Text
Jadikan pengucapan awam kokurikulum utama di IPT Text
Jadikan perkuburan kawasan berkumpul pada Syawal Text
Jadikan sifat ramah mesra daya tarikan pelancong Text
Jadilah bangsa yang mampu mencipta : Najib Text
Jadilah pencipta teknologi : PM Text
Jadual baru periksa kurang beban guru Text
Jaga maruah sektor awam Text
Jail and death proposed for offenders who pollute wateText
Jail the offenders, says PM Text
Jakim bincang syor masjid jadi pusat temu jodoh Text
Jakim kaji naik elaun guru Kafa Text
Jakim kaji pelaburan internet Text
Jakim majukan minda umat Islam Text
Jakim siap garis panduan tubuh sekolah agama, tahfiz Text
Jakim uji sendiri kesahihan halal Text
Jakim, Mufti Perak bincang isu murtad Text
JakimÆs guideline for Malaysian astronaut Text
Jalani pemeriksaan kesihatan anda lebih awal Text
Jalan-jalan kaki Malaysia tourism mobile application Thesis
Jalur lebar 4G di semua IPTA News Paper Cuttings
Jambatan baru Johor-Singapura dibina tahun ini Text
Jambatan dibina selepas EPU setuju : Samy Text
Jambatan kedua Pulau Pinang majukan koridor utara Text
Jambatan kedua tidak jejas penempatan awam Text
Jambatan kedua, monorel di Pulau Pinang Text
Jambatan Melaka-Sumatera diteruskan Text
Jambatan RM18j mercu tanda baru Putrajaya Text
Jambatan Sungai Prai terima dua anugerah kejuruteraaText
Jaminan pastikan IPT dapat dana penyelidikan Text
Jamming towards radar detection and techniques to coun
Jan 1 take-off for Iskandar project Text
Jan 3 launch of EPF saving scheme for self-employed Text
Jana 1Ummah demi survival Melayu Text
Jana sumber mineral negeri Text
Jangan abaikan masalah kecil Text
Jangan angkuh ada kelebihan ilmu agama Text
Jangan bawa anak kecil lawat hospital Text
Jangan beri alasan lagi : Ismail Text
Jangan biar hubungan istimewa terjejas : Najib Text
Jangan bunuh intelektual Text
Jangan curi pekerja mahir Text
Jangan guna media buat aduan Text
Jangan hadkan penjualan gula Text
Jangan hanya menilai UPSR Jangan hanya menilai prestText
Jangan hanya pentingkan peperiksaan Text
Jangan hina UiTM Text
Jangan hukum siswazah tidak mahir berbahasa InggerisText
Jangan jadikan pelajar IPT tenaga kerja murahan Text
Jangan jejaskan kelangsungan hidup Text
Jangan kejar sijil ISO sahaja : Soi Lek Text
Jangan letak bahasa Melayu di tempat kedua Text
Jangan lupa sejarah Text
Jangan lupa sejarah UPSI Text
Jangan pandang remeh amalan bersenam : Rosmah Text
Jangan permainkan demokrasi dan emosi rakyat Text
Jangan pertikai Islam agama rasmi Text
Jangan pinggir bahasa Melayu Text
Jangan pisahkan pembangunan insan dengan ekonomi Text
Jangan tergesa-gesa iktiraf ijazah luar Text
Jangan terlalu pilih kerja : Sultanah Zanariah Text
Jangan terperangkap zon memabukkan Text
Jangan tunduk : tuntutan tender terbuka MCA bercan Text
Jangan tunggu usia tua baru hendak bertaubat Text
Jangan tutup Proton, ia merupakan aset dan libatkan mText
Jangkitan cacing ganggu tumbesaran Text
Janji Obama dituntut bukan sekadar retorik Text
Janji tetap janji News Paper Cuttings
Japan has key aid role in wake of tsunami Text
Japan launches first spy satellites Text
Japanese language learning system with speech recogniThesis
Japanese retirees favour Malaysia Text
Japanese tech institute for Johor Text
Jaring jalan raya di WPI dipertingkat tarik pelabur Text
Jaringan komunikasi canggih disediakan Text
JAS Johor jamin kepekatan gas ammonia tahap terkawaText
JAS perlu pulih kepercayaan masyarakat Text
Java-based computer-based training (CBT) Text
Jawatankuasa bersama pelancongan Malaysia-Iran Text
Jawatankuasa khas sekat transit pendatang dikaji Text
Jawatankuasa khas siasat nahas ditubuh News Paper Cuttings
Jawatankuasa pantau sekolah sukan Text
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset ditubuh Text
Jawatankuasa rangka strategi tingkat pendapatan petanText
Jawi snoop squad out the window Text
Jayakan misi negara Text
Jayakan rancangan bahasa inggeris Text
Jayakumar cetus ketegangan -- Majlis meterai perjanjiaText
Jazmin Perladangan satu perniagaan News Paper Cuttings
JB mahu jadi bandar raya pelancongan antarabangsa Text
JCorp suntik RM540j beli ASJ, Dana Johor Text
JE : tiada ketelusan, kementerian diminta tidak berahs Text
Jeanne gesa pemaju mesra alam Text
Jejak Mat Kilau Text
Jejambat MRR2 ditutup : arahan PM selepas mendengarText
Jejambat MRR2 tak selamat : kontraktor dilantik masi Text
Jelajah Esei Kemerdekaan Ke-55 bermula di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Jelajah satu Malaysia naik keretapi Text
Jenayah kekerasan meningkat di Sarawak Text
Jenayah komersial naik mendadak Text
Jenayah ragut makin kurang Text
Jenayah ragut masih lagi tinggi Text
Jenayah seksual wajar dibendung elak maruah Islam te Text
Jenazah Tunku Abdul Jalil dibawa dengan Pedati Diraja News Paper Cuttings
Jenazah Tunku Laksamana Johor diarak ke Makam Dir News Paper Cuttings
Jepun sedia buat pelaburan dalam WPI Text
Jepun sokong tarif rendah bagi minyak sawit Malaysia Text
Jerami padi 'dirawat' News Paper Cuttings
Jerebu : Malaysia cadang kawal pembakaran terbuka diText
Jika along main kasar, kita main kasar : KPN Text
Jika pembangkang kalah, tiada keperluan untuk demonsNews Paper Cuttings
Jiwa tanpa hidayah terima seksaan paling berat Text
JKM berkuasa lindungi kanak-kanak didera Text
JKM dibuka Sabtu Text
JKM guna pakar kendali kes dera kanak-kanak Text
Job satisfaction, organization commitment, and turnov Thesis
Job-hopping trend among Malaysians Text
JobsMalaysia sedia maklumat pekerjaan Text
Johor : perceraian meningkat Text
Johor : we can't wait forever for Singapore to act Text
Johor æsitting in bowl of waterÆ Text
Johor aman, penduduk ramah News Paper Cuttings
Johor atur program pastikan Kerajaan Elektronik dilaks Text
Johor berjaya pasar hasil pertanian RM80j Text
Johor berjaya tarik pelaburan RM883 juta Text
Johor berpotensi jadi santuari dugong Text
Johor buka hospital waqaf pertama negara Text
Johor catat penagih dadah kedua tertinggi Text
Johor evacuates 3,700 Text
Johor henti beli air Singapura Ogos 2004 Text
Johor kaji status tanah untuk hasilkan makanan Text
Johor kehilangan putera terbaik bangsa News Paper Cuttings
Johor kidnap gang busted Text
Johor looking at agriculture in Aceh Text
Johor made tests compulsory for couples in 2001 Text
Johor miliki banyak produk pelancongan Text
Johor paling banyak sampah Text
Johor Port fuel tank farm ablaze Text
Johor prince laid to rest News Paper Cuttings
Johor pulih semangat anak mangsa tsunami Text
Johor rakes in RM14bil in foreign investments Text
Johor royal consort says designers need better opportunNews Paper Cuttings
Johor Selatan jadi metropolis taraf dunia : PM umum Text
Johor serius bendung HIV/Aids Text
Johor set to be herbal hub Text
Johor targets 5 million tourists Text
Johor tidak benarkan bina kasino Text
Johor tidak hutang air dengan Pusat Text
Johor to kickstart MSC project soon Text
Johor to reveal more info today Text
Johor traders fear losses Text
Johor tunggu lapan tahun realisasikan lebuh raya Text
Johor turut kaji pembinaan jambatan ketiga Text
Johor ubah cuti hujung minggu News Paper Cuttings
Johor wants RM160m coastal road Text
Johor, Melaka perkenal pakej pelancongan bersepadu Text
Johor, Sabah tingkat kerjasama pelancongan Text
Johor-based varsity aims to be top institution Text
Johore 1901— 1914: The railway concession: the JohorJournal Article
Johors new growth corridor : great potential for businesText
Johor's RM2b garden city plan Text
Joining forces to boost employability Text
Joining hands to prevent blindness Text
Joint bid to safeguard Coral Triangle Text
Joint effort with companies and councils to fight crime Text
Joint retraining of jobless grads Text
Jom ke sekolah, tetapi... Text
JPA ambil siswazah berkualiti Text
JPA hanya taja pelajar dapat tawaran universiti terkem Text
JPA yakin SSM diterima majoriti kakitangan Text
JPJ akui Kejara lemah Text
JPJ gantung pengeluaran plat khas Text
JPJ kesan pemandu ubah suai plat kenderaan Text
JPK jadi Suruhanjaya Koperasi Negara Julai Text
JPN giatkan operasi tukar MyKad Text
JPN mesti prihatin agenda pendidikan negeri Text
JPS diminta selesai banjir di Sarawak Text
J-Qaf program menyeluruh bentuk peribadi Text
JTPN ganti Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Text
Jualan automotif bertambah baik pada suku kedua 200 Text
Jualan barang makanan luput tempoh dipantau Text
Jualan kenderaan separuh pertama naik 12 peratus Text
Judge : elements of abetment not proven Text
Judicial interpretations on question of law under sectio Thesis
Juita launches new logo News Paper Cuttings
Jumlah anak ramai bukan sesuatu yang menakutkan Text
Jumlah hakim akan dikurangkan Text
Jumlah keluaran industri automotif berkembang 4.5 peText
Jumlah pekerja asing sektor industri dikurang 50 perat Text
Jumlah pekerja asing tanpa izin berkurangan Text
Jumlah wanita hidap HIV meningkat Text
Jurang pendidikan bandar, desa diatasi dalam RMK-9 Text
Jurang pendidikan bandar, luar bandar dirapatkan Text
Jurisdictional differences will be resolved amicably, sa Text
Jururawat kerjaya mulia Text
Juzt Reboot lancar sistem baik pulih Text
K- means clustering for DNA computing readout methodConference Papers
Kabinet arah siap laporan nahas Text
Kabinet arah tangguh kadar baru saman Text
Kabinet arah tarik balik : kebenaran pelajar guna telefo Text
Kabinet belum putus kaedah pelaksanaan Text
Kabinet lulus draf kod etika wakil rakyat Text
Kabinet lulus model inovasi Text
Kabinet lulus pembesaran lapangan terbang TerengganText
Kabinet rakyat Text
Kabinet rakyat kecil tapi terampil Text
Kabinet setuju liberalisasi AP ayam Text
Kabinet setuju potong gaji bayar PTPTN Text
Kabinet tangguh naik tol Text
Kabinet tentukan nasib Terminal 3 Text
Kacang hijau tinggi khasiat Text
Kad bercip kurangkan pemalsuan kad kredit Text
Kad kredit bayar saman Text
Kad kredit boleh wujud stres kewangan Text
Kad pintar BIMB di empat universiti Text
Kad prabayar ikut piawaian Text
Kadar baru bantuan SKM Text
Kadar biasiswa pelajar tajaan kerajaan menuntut di tigaText
Kadar faedah bank kekal rendah Text
Kadar faedah ikut faktor semasa : TPM Text
Kadar faedah naik lagi dalam tempoh 12 bulan Text
Kadar faedah tempatan turun 0.75 peratus lagi Text
Kadar harga 5 barang lebih tinggi Text
Kadar hutang kad kredit masih pada paras rendah Text
Kadar inflasi 2007 turun ke paras dua peratus Text
Kadar inflasi bawah tiga peratus tahun depan Text
Kadar inflasi dijangka bawah tiga peratus Text
Kadar inflasi dijangka naik sedikit Text
Kadar inflasi kekal rendah Text
Kadar inflasi Mei susut kepada 2.4 peratus Text
Kadar inflasi menurun Text
Kadar inflasi negara susut kepada tiga peratus Text
Kadar kelahiran semakin menurun Text
Kadar kematian ibu mengandung berjaya diturunkan Text
Kadar penduduk warga tua meningkat 3.9% Text
Kadar penginapan hotel menurun Text
Kadar pertumbuhan penduduk menurun Text
Kadar saman trafik turun Text
Kadar tambang tidak naik Text
Kadar tol Plus naik 10 peratus Januari 2005 Text
Kaedah Analisis Perancangan Text
Kaedah analisis perancangan Text
Kaedah baru rawat talasemia Text
Kaedah bekerja dari rumah perlu kajian lebih teliti Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Kaedah berangka kej. kimia Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Kaedah capaian kamus peribahasa cina berasaskan we Text
Kaedah kuantitatif dan perancangan Text
Kaedah lain ubah Tambak Text
Kaedah mentafsir al-Quran menurut dialektik Text
Kaedah pemeriksaan bangunan tinggi menggunakan peJournal Article
Kaedah penganggar parameter alternatif bagi taburan nil Text
Kaedah pengukuran keupayaan projek pembangunan Text
Kaedah penstabilan cerun untuk mengelakkan tanah ruThesis
Kaedah penulisan kertas kerja Conference Papers
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
Kaedah tanaman padi jimat air Text
Kaedah unsur terhingga Text
Kaedah validasi cerapan Cadastral Reference Mark (CR Thesis
Kahwin tanpa wali di Perlis boleh timbulkan percangg Text
Kain rentang merdeka UTM catat rekod Text
Kaji balik pencapaian ekonomi Text
Kaji dasar keluar caruman Text
Kaji kebolehan diri sebelum pikul amanah Text
Kaji peraturan beri implikasi kepada IPTA Text
Kaji punca tak warta fatwa rokok Text
Kaji selidik mengenai kekerapan dan sebab yang munasText
Kaji semula kementerian Text
Kaji semula masalah beg murid berat Text
Kaji semula sukatan pelajaran sekolah agama Text
Kajian aerodinamik aerofil NACA 0012 dengan menggunText
Kajian alam sekitar I Text
Kajian alam sekitar II Text
Kajian analisis cas-nyahcas bateri kereta solar 'Suria Ka Text
Kajian awal penggunaan buluh untuk menghasilkan kepText
Kajian bandingan rangsangan reagen 1,5-difenil-karbaziText
Kajian banjir di dalam kawasan tadahan Sungai Melana Text
Kajian banjir di lembangan Sungai Skudai menggunakanText
Kajian beban jisim efluen dari loji kumbahan Text
Kajian bunyi persekitaran fakulti kejuteraan awam dal Thesis
Kajian ciri-ciri bahan organik semulajadi dan sifat ke Text
Kajian ciri-ciri vortek di hadapan jasad menggunakan paText
Kajian faktor dan langkah penyelesaian kemalangan di Thesis
Kajian guna tanah dan kesannya terhadap kualiti air di Text
Kajian hakisan dan mendapan di kawasan struktur pemText
Kajian hidraulik aliran melalui paip keluar dari saluran Text
Kajian hidrologi terhadap keberkesanan sistem salira Text
Kajian hingar dari tapak binaan ketika fasa superstructuText
Kajian ikatan antara konkrit dan tetulang Thesis
Kajian ikatan antara konkrit dan tetulang Text
Kajian ke arah merealisasikan jaringan rujukan tegak geo Text
Kajian ke atas struktur hadapan Proton Wira Text
Kajian keatas pengunaan beg guna semula di Jusco, TamThesis
Kajian keberkesanan bimbingan pembelajaran di Univers Text
Kajian keberkesanan sistem pengurusan sisa pepejal di Text
Kajian keboleharapan struktur rasuk konkrit bertetula Thesis
Kajian kedalaman air daripada data satelit landsat-5 th Text
Kajian kegagalan cerun sepanjang laluan menuju kolej Text
Kajian kehendak gunawan di dalam industri (Fulltext) Text
Kajian kemalangan jalanraya, selekoh KM 38, laluan F Text
Kajian kemerosotan kekuatan bahan akibat projek terb Thesis
Kajian kena ada penyelesaian Text
Kajian keperluan kerangka pengajaran praktikal subjek eConference Papers
Kajian keretakan papak akibat kekurangan tetulang : satThesis
Kajian kes keretakan struktur bangunan sederhana tingThesis
Kajian kesan kerosakan tompokan oleh mikrojet (Previ Text
Kajian kesan migrasi keluar ke atas pembangunan luar Text
Kajian kesan pengurusan sisa pepejal terhadap alam se Text
Kajian kesesuaian adunan hematit Ipoh dengan barit t Thesis
Kajian kesesuaian iCAST ke atas pembinaan konvensionThesis
Kajian kesesuaian 'real time kinematic global positioni Text
Kajian kestabilan cerun di jalan Gua Musang- Kuala KraiThesis
Kajian kos Text
Kajian kualiti air berdasarkan bioindikator di sungai-su Thesis
Kajian kualiti air menggunakan kaedah makrovertebrat Thesis
Kajian kualiti air serta punca pencemaran di Sungai JohoThesis
Kajian kualiti air Sungai Melaka sebagai sumber bekalanText
Kajian makmal pencampuran air tawar dan air masin di Text
Kajian masalah pengurusan tapak dan produktiviti untuText
Kajian masalah subkontraktor tempatan dalam industr Text
Kajian mengenai aspek keselamatan di tapak bina Text
Kajian mengenai punca dan kesan bangunan terbengkala Thesis
Kajian mengenai sistem pembetungan Indah Water KonThesis
Kajian menyeluruh banjir kilat di Parlimen Tebrau Text
Kajian on site- detention dan on-site retention untuk b Thesis
Kajian pembebanan persikataran keatas menara muatan Text
Kajian pembentukan tegasan dan anjakan pada matalatText
Kajian penerimaan bahan pencemar terhadap ternakanText
Kajian penggunaan sambungan separa tegar untuk rasuText
Kajian penggunaan sistem takungan bawah tanah untukText
Kajian penilaian bangunan bersejarah Text
Kajian penilaian kerosakan turapan anjal Thesis
Kajian peninjauan keberkesanan pusat kitar semula di Text
Kajian penyelakuan pemindahan haba deria sirip nipis bText
Kajian perbandingan diantara penggunaan kaedah letu Text
Kajian perbandingan kaedah konvensional dan manual sa Text
Kajian perhubungan diantara pengurusan kualiti menyelu Thesis
Kajian prestasi penapis udara kereta bagi bukaan sudutText
Kajian prestasi turapan separa tegar Thesis
Kajian pulihara nadi Lembangan Langat Text
Kajian radiologi alam sekitar di Iskandar Malaysia, Joho Thesis
Kajian rekabentuk dan keberkesanan tembok laut untukText
Kajian rekabentuk sistem saliran di kawasan perumaha Text
Kajian roti nangka penghidap kencing manis diteruskanText
Kajian semula Dasar Automotif Nasional diumum minggu Text
Kajian semula harga air dibincang Ogos Text
Kajian semula NAP disiapkan September Text
Kajian semula PPSMI ambil kira pandangan pihak lain Text
Kajian sistem saliran subpermukaan di Austin Hills Golf Text
Kajian tempat letak kereta : kes kajian : di kawasan me Thesis
Kajian tentang pola interaksi pelajar serta aktiviti pe Thesis
Kajian terhadap janaan sisa elektronik di Johor Bahru Text
Kajian terhadap keberkesanan tembok sebagai penahanThesis
Kajian terhadap kesesuaian tempurung kelapa sawit se Text
Kajian terhadap pengamalan pengurusan penyenggaraan Text
Kajian terhadap sambungan rasuk-tiang bagi struktur k Text
Kajian terhadap sisa elektrik dan elektronik (computer) Thesis
Kajian terperinci pemberian AP Text
Kajian ukuraliran dengan menggunakan struktur hidraulText
Kajian undang-undang I Text
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Kajian undang-undang III Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Kajuan terhadap penggunaan perangkap sampah dalamThesis s
Kakisan & perlindungan permukaan (Corrosion & surfacText
Kakitangan awam boleh dapat bonus sebulan gaji Text
Kakitangan awam dipecat jika sertai pertubuhan haramText
Kakitangan awam perlu bersabar soal imbuhan : Najib Text
Kakitangan awam sokong 13 bulan gaji Text
Kakitangan sambilan, kontrak dapat bonus Text
Kalau Iran diserang Text
Kalendar pengajian tinggi dirombak Text
Kalkulus I Text
Kalkulus II Text
Kalkulus II Text
Kalkulus II Text
Kalkulus vektor Text
Kami perlu AS : Kuan Yew : sebagai benteng menghala Text
Kampung boy makes good Text
Kampung Pencala akan berubah wajah - Shafie News Paper Cuttings
Kampus kota : UKM ubah suai Kamsis Tun Dr. Ismail Text
Kampus UM kekal, boleh buka cawangan lain sekiranya Text
Kampus UM, tapak warisan bukan untuk dijual Text
Kanak-kanak boleh asah kemahiran IT di siber kafe Text
Kanak-kanak dan patriotisme Text
Kancil baru lebih cantik, murah Text
Kandungan khasiat Omega-3 ikan keli antara tertinggi Text
Kandungan surat isu jambatan disiar Text
Kang Nam 1 : ujian kerjasama masyarakat global Text
Kanun lapuk perlu dipinda Text
Kapal selam pertama tiba 25 Julai Text
Kapal terbang plastik Text
Kapar MP Manikavasagam to quit PKR Text
Karnival Perpustakaan UTM 2016 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kartografi berkomputer Text
Karya sastera bermutu patut jadi teks sekolah Text
Kasih sayang pulihkan skizofrenia Text
Kastam banteras kes ikrar rendah Text
Kastam cadang KBC online di bandar seluruh negara Text
Kastam rampas 238kg ganja Text
Kastam rampas dadah sintetik RM1.1 juta Text
Kastam sedia bantu BPR siasat penyeludupan toksik Text
Kastam tinjau gaya hidup pegawai Text
Kata laluan bergambar Thesis
Katarak boleh sebabkan buta Text
Kategori kerja awam kena relevan Text
Kaum Cina paling ramai mangsa bunuh Text
Kaum melayu hadapi krisis penutupan minda Text
Kaunseling pelbagai budaya Exam Papers
Kawal kegemukan cara mudah dan murah Text
Kawal kos pentadbiran Text
Kawal nafsu atasi beban kenaikan harga Text
Kawal pekerja asing Text
Kawal perisian - Dilema kerajaan: Melindungi pengelua Text
Kawalan analisis dan rekabentuk Text
Kawalan dan instrumentasi Text
Kawalan dan instrumentasi/dinamik dan kawalan Text
Kawalan di KLIA tingkat keyakinan Text
Kawalan pembangunan di kawasan batu kapur mengguna Thesis
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Kawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Kawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Kawalan perindustrian Text
Kawalan proses Text
Kawalan proses Text
Kawalan proses Text
Kawalan proses & instrumentasi Text
Kawalan sendiri kurangkan kerenah birokrasi Text
Kawalan tangki dengan pemanas (abstrak) Text
Kawasan Perindustrian Pulau Indah siap, sepenuhnya 2Text
Kawasan tadahan air patut diwarta segera Text
Kayu chap-char selamatkan industri pembalakan Text
Kayuhan cari dana News Paper Cuttings
KBAT pelaburan masa depan negara News Paper Cuttings
KD Tunku Abdul Rahman angkat kredibiliti TLDM Text
KD Tunku Abdul Rahman perkukuh sistem pertahanan Text
KDN semak semula kemasukan 70,000 pekerja BangladText
KDNK diunjur 5.9 peratus selepas semakan semula Text
Ke arah desentralisasi hakmilik pendaftar : kajian kes : Text
Ke arah memperkasa desa Text
Ke arah mewujudkan keluarga bahagia Text
Keadilan tiada had masa Text
Keakraban Malaysia, Perancis terserlah Text
Keakraban, kemesraan hubungan Malaysia-Brunei mengText
Keanggotaan diteruskan jika D-8 beri manfaat Text
Keasyikan perpustakaan Text
Kebaikan teknologi nuklear ke Kabinet Text
Kebajikan kakitangan awam diutamakan Text
Kebajikan warga emas dijaga Text
Kebanjiran pendatang asing diatasi Text
Kebanyakan bapa masih boleh dipercayai : Shahrizat Text
Kebarangkalian dan statistik Text
Kebebasan bersuara perlu ada tanggungjawab Text
Kebebasan media ala Barat tidak sesuai Text
Keberkesanan aspek sosial terhadap penglibatan pendud Thesis
Keberkesanan intervensi pembelajaran terhadap keupaThesis
Keberkesanan kaedah perancangan pengurusan sisa pem Thesis
Keberkesanan kebuk vorteks sebagai perangkap sedimeText
Keberkesanan kempen kitar semula ambil masa 20 tah Text
Keberkesanan komunikasi pegawai dengan kakitangan da Thesis
Keberkesanan mikroorganisma efektif untuk meningkatkan Thesis
Keberkesanan pelaksanaan Program Pembangunan Asnaf Thesis
Keberkesanan pengeluaran hakmilik kekal berdasarkan Text
Keberkesanan penggunaan blok konkrit berbentuk trapText
Keberkesanan penggunaan kapur terhidrat sebagai bahText
Keberkesanan penggunaan struktur tetangga sebagai stText
Keberkesanan penggunaan teknologi VSAT (Very Small Ap Conference Papers
Keberkesanan penyejukan filem pada bilah 3-D mengguText
Keberkesanan perlaksanaan kurikulum kemahiran hidupText o
Keberkesanan sistem penuaian air hujan di JPS Raub,P Thesis
Kebersihan di ladang ternak ayam memuaskan Text
Kebisingan daripada pembinaan dan kesannya : satu kajText
Kebolehan cetus minat pelajar ciri guru super Text
Kebolehan wanita buat dasar kurang digunakan Text
Kebun Ramuan ilham reka bentuk taman Text
Kecacatan tak halang rangkul pelajar terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Kecairan wang negara naik RM30b Text
Kecekapan khidmat awam seiring pembangunan negar Text
Kecekapan wanita laksana tugas jadi kriteria utama Text
Kecelaruan seks serius : lelaki mahu jadi wanita banyak Text
Kecemerlangan holistik pendidikan lebih penting Text
Kecerdasan emosi dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian Conference Papers
Kecewa anak Melayu tidak pandai bahasa Melayu Text
K-economy master plan ready for launch Text
Kedah catat 42 kes baru Chikungunya Text
Kedah perlu laksana tanaman padi estet Text
Kedah sasar 3.88 juta pelancong Text
Kedah's civilisation older than Malacca's Text
Kediaman pelajar 170j News Paper Cuttings
Kedudukan bahasa Melayu dipertahan Text
Kedudukan kereta nasional dicabar Text
Kedudukan UMP hampir tercorot Text
Kedutaan kita di Indonesia siap sedia hadapi bencana Text
Keelektromagnetan Text
Keen interest in Islamic finance Text
Keen interest on new licences : Zeti Text
Keep your hands clean Text
Keeping an eye on unhealthy advertisements Text
Keeping crime at bay Text
Kefahaman dan pengetahuan guru dalam pentaksiran kem Conference Papers
Kefahaman Sains, Matematik dalam BI meningkat Text
Kegagalan beri semangat baharu kepada Amerul News Paper Cuttings
Keganasan antara fokus utama mesyuarat Text
Keganasan rumah tangga dalam kalangan wanita melayThesis
Keganasan taufan Text
Kegiatan R&D boleh buka peluang pekerjaan baru Text
Kegiatan R&D jana ilmu, teknologi baru Text
Kegiatan sukan mampu elak remaja buang masa Text
Kegiatan terancang penjenayah guna pelajar Text
Kehendak klien dalam pemilihan kontraktor Text
Keimanan belum sempurna jika sakiti jiran Text
Keindahan Endau Rompin patut jadi ikon pelancongan Text
Keistimewaan Jumaat dorong umat tingkat takwa Text
Keistimewaan Pusat Jantung dan Paru-Paru HUKM Text
Kej. pemprosesan bahan makanan Text
Kejayaan adik beradik pembakar semangat Ruzimi Text
Kejayaan RMK-9 bantu capai Wawasan 2020 Text
Kejayaan terhebat negara Text
Kejora destinasi pelancongan agro Text
Kejuruteraan air sisa Text
Kejuruteraan air sisa Text
Kejuruteraan akustik Text
Kejuruteraan angin & gempabumi struktur Text
Kejuruteraan angin dan gempabumi Text
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Kejuruteraan bahan UTM : peluang kuasa dunia News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan bandar Text
Kejuruteraan genetik Text
Kejuruteraan genetik Text
Kejuruteraan genetik Text
Kejuruteraan genetik dan molekul biologi Text
Kejuruteraan industri Text
Kejuruteraan jalanraya lanjutan Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan dan instrumentasi Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan II Text
Kejuruteraan komputer Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air & airsisa lanjutan Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan air sisa Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Kejuruteraan pantai Text
Kejuruteraan pengeluaran petroleum Text
Kejuruteraan permukaan Text
Kejuruteraan petroleum Text
Kejuruteraan reservoir Text
Kejuruteraan struktur lanjutan Text
Kejuruteraan tindak balas kimia Text
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Kekal hutan bakau : PM elak kesan kerosakan lebih teruText
Kekalkan kecemerlangan akademik sekolah agama Text
Kekalkan premium insurans Text
Kekangan panel penyiasat PBB Text
Kekangan yang dihadapi oleh pelajar Sarjana Muda TekThesis
Kekuatan dan kemuluran konkrit berkekuatan tinggi yang Text
Kekuatan daya sisi blok konkrit terubahsuai permukaanThesis
Kekuatan iman umat Islam sering dicemburui Text
Kekuatan mampatan dan penyerapan air bagi mortar Thesis
Kekuatan sambungan kayu menggunakan "gang-nail" Text
Kelab De' Fikir UTM anjur Kem Orator 20, 22 Ogos Text
Kelab Media Johor menang lawan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kelakuan delaminasi komposit laminat hibrid anyaman gJournal Article
Kelakuan vortek aliran jet air terendam di dalam air cetText
Kelakunan pelapik terowong pra-tuang Thesis
Kelantan beku projek swasta News Paper Cuttings
Kelantan diminta ambil usaha drastik tangani kepialu Text
Kelantan to enforce HIV test Text
Kelantan university's main campus in Bachok Text
Kelayakan jadi guru kekal Text
Kelebihan 10 hari pertama bulan Zulhijjah Text
Kelebihan sistem perbankan Islam Text
Kelemahan penguasaan kemahiran di kalangan pelajar: Conference Papers
Kelemahan urus bencana sukar dielak Text
Kelengkapan loji pembinaan Text
Kelewatan proses pendaftaran tanah wakaf kawasan kaThesis
Keli kanvas guna bioteknologi organik Text
Kelonggaran bayar yuran sekolah usah diambil mudah Text
Kelonggaran PPSMI sehingga tamat sekolah menengah Text
Keluaran jadi ukuran Text
Keluaran minyak sawit dijangka lumayan Text
Keluarga pendorong kejayaan Azad Anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Kemahiran "employability" (soft skills) dan kepentinga Conference Papers
Kemahiran komunikasi Text
Kemahiran sosial dan pembelajaran anak-anak bermulaText
Kemahiran untuk jurulatih Text
Kemajuan pendidikan pererat integrasi kaum Text
Kemajuan wanita drastik Text
Kemampuan kaunselor sekolah menengah atas negeri dThesis
Kemapanan ekonomi dikekalkan Text
Kemas on pre-school upgrading : diploma training for k Text
Kemasukan pelajar asing diperketat jamin mutu pendidText
Kematian burung di Bidor bukan kes AI Text
Kematian demam denggi tahun ini membimbangkan Text
Kembalikan hak biasiswa bumiputera : Ibrahim Ali Text
Kembalikan monorel Putrajaya Text
Kembalikan universiti dalam senarai terbaik dunia Text
Kemboja anugerah pingat penghargaan kepada 16 staf News Paper Cuttings
Kemelesetan boleh diatasi Text
Kementerian akan bincang æhyperstationÆ Text
Kementerian boleh atasi pengangguran pada peringkat Text
Kementerian cuba kurangkan beban pelajar di SingapurText
Kementerian diminta siasat Pembalakan Terengganu Text
Kementerian kecewa guru enggan ke luar bandar Text
Kementerian nilai tahap guna ICT di sekolah Text
Kementerian Pelajaran henti KPLI sekolah menengah Text
Kementerian Pelajaran majukan Permata Negara Text
Kementerian Pelajaran sedia kaji Sastera Malayu jadi suText
Kementerian Pelajaran sedia nilai semula kurikulum Text
Kementerian Pelajaran tubuh bahagian pengurusan aseText
Kementerian Pendidikan berhasrat tingkatkan bilanganNews Paper Cuttings
Kementerian Pendidikan mahu 30 peratus masuki vokasNews Paper Cuttings
Kementerian Pendidikan terima RM90j tahun depan Text
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi tubuh jawatankuasa khas News Paper Cuttings
Kementerian Penerangan intai kerjasama dengan BBC Text
Kementerian selaras perubatan percuma warga tua Text
Kementerian tidak bantu proses tukar status jantina Text
Kementerian tidak berkompromi isu kualiti program IPTText
Kementerian tidak halang Akujanji sedia dirotan Text
Kementerian tubuh pasukan khas musnah sarang Aede Text
Kementerian tumpu dua projek rangsang ekonomi Text
Kementerian tumpu ladang campuran Text
Kementerian, CIDB bincang kes cuai Text
Kemeriahan Aidilfitri di Malaysia sentiasa dirindui Text
Kemeriahan rakyat majmuk rai lebaran News Paper Cuttings
Kemiskinan bukan alasan abai pendidikan Text
Kemiskinan ditangani Text
Kemiskinan punca pemuda ambil dadah jalan penyelesaText
Kemiskinan tegar cabaran ECER Text
Kemiskinan tidak wajar dijadikan penghalang untuk be Text
Kempen antirokok lebih agresif mulai bulan ini Text
Kempen ceburi sektor pertanian Text
Kempen martabatkan lagu-lagu rakyat Text
Kempen teknologi hijau tuntut perubahan Text
Kemudahan asas bagi penyelam dan pelancong di PulauText
Kemudahan asrama: UTM beri penjelasan Text
Kemudahan bangunan Text
Kemudahan bangunan 2 Text
Kemudahan bangunan I Text
Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Kemudahan bayar saman di Internet Text
Kemudahan moden bagi rakyat News Paper Cuttings
Kemudahan penyenggaraan bangunan Text
Kenaf fiber as lost circulation material in water based Thesis
Kenaf jadi pengganti tembakau Text
Kenaikan harga gula untuk kemanisan hidup Text
Kenaikan harga minyak dijangka beri tekanan Text
Kenaikan harga minyak tidak dapat dielak : pakar ekon Text
Kenaikan imbuhan tetap bukti kerajaan prihatin Text
Kenaikan kadar tol tidak beban rakyat Text
Kenaikan tarif elektrik tak jejas pengguna bijak Text
Kenal pasti kepentingan tugas Text
Kenali Budaya di Kampung Sejagong News Paper Cuttings
Kenang jasa guru Text
Kenapa subsidi wajar dikurangkan Text
Kenapa tol PLUS naik? Text
Kencing manis ancam pribumi seluruh dunia Text
Kendalikan pakej latihan Text
Kenderaan berat dilarang lalu di taman perumahan Text
Kenderaan individu wajib lulus Puspakom Text
Kenderaan kerajaan Johor guna gas asli Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
Keng Yaik : industri telekomunikasi di Malaysia pelik Text
Kenyataan akhbar : pelajar UTM boleh dikenakan tinda Text
Kepakaran Ukraine ditinjau -- Malaysia kaji kemungki Text
Kepala Noritta berbungkus : mayat ditutup selimut di dalText
Kepala terseret News Paper Cuttings
Kepemimpinan syarikat universiti penentu kejayaan Text
Kepentingan bangunkan sumber tenaga nuklear Text
Kepentingan kajian mikrograviti Text
Kepentingan lesen pendudukan sementara sebagai penyu Text
Kepentingan lesen pendudukan sementara sebagai peny Text
Kepentingan menjaga khazanah alam Text
Kepentingan penyediaan hakmilik sambungan selepas pThesis
Kepentingan R&D Text
Keperluan ensiklopedia Text
Keperluan fikah interaksi dengan bukan Muslim Text
Keperluan harta tanah kediaman bagi pekerja industri pThesis
Keperluan kelasakan dalam rekabentuk konkrit bertetuThesis
Keperluan kemahiran sains dan teknologi dalam pengurConference Papers
Keperluan minima kontraktor pembinaan bagi melaksanThesis
Kepimpinan autentik Pengetua dan hubungannya dengan Thesis
Kepimpinan Najib di pentas global News Paper Cuttings
Kepimpinan pengajaran Guru Besar di daerah Johor Ba Thesis
Kepuasan penduduk terhadap persekitaran kediaman kaji Thesis
Keputusan hadkan mata pelajaran SPM akan diumum Text
Keputusan Kabinet tepat Text
Keputusan ke UTM jam 12 tengah hari ini News Paper Cuttings
Keputusan muktamad isu Sains, Matematik Disember Text
Keputusan nadir bumi tanpa tekanan politik News Paper Cuttings
Keputusan Proton tidak abai DAN Text
Keputusan sama ada dua subjek dalam BI tahun depan Text
Keputusan ujian MUET terbaik sejak empat tahun Text
Kerajaan ada kuasa : melaksanakan sains, matematik dalaText
Kerajaan ajak 24 syarikat konsesi lebuh raya berunding Text
Kerajaan akan kaji punca siswazah menganggur Text
Kerajaan ambil alih tanah pusaka terbiar Text
Kerajaan bantu penanam koko Text
Kerajaan belum sedia naik gaji kakitangan Text
Kerajaan buka permohonan jadi calon angkasawan MalText
Kerajaan cadang kawasan akuakultur jadi zon kekal Text
Kerajaan digesa hidupkan semula Utusan Melayu Text
Kerajaan digesa kaji semula dasar penerbangan Text
Kerajaan diminta kekal kepentingan bahasa Melayu Text
Kerajaan diminta pantau harga bahan binaan Text
Kerajaan dipilih perlu terus semarak ajaran Islam Text
Kerajaan disaran wujud Akta Pengantara Text
Kerajaan hanya meminjam untuk tujuan pembangunanText
Kerajaan jangan terburu-buru Text
Kerajaan kaji cadangan naikkan jumlah had muflis Text
Kerajaan kaji perkenal sistem sewa beli rumah rakyat Text
Kerajaan kaji semula harga rumah kos rendah Text
Kerajaan kaji tambah anggota polis, logistik Text
Kerajaan kekal unjuran ekonomi enam peratus Text
Kerajaan keluar semula lesen tangkap ikan kawasan panText
Kerajaan kena tegas, pertahan penguatkuasaan undang-Text
Kerajaan latih pembantu rumah Text
Kerajaan longgar beberapa garis panduan pelaburan Text
Kerajaan mahu jadikan sekolah kebangsaan bertaraf duText
Kerajaan mahu operasi VCD haram, lucah berterusan Text
Kerajaan mahu perketat 2 akta pekerjaan Text
Kerajaan mampu suntik dana RM35b Text
Kerajaan negeri perluas program celik kewangan Text
Kerajaan perlu belanja RM45b gantikan paip Text
Kerajaan perlu tegas : jangan benarkan syarikat nasionaText
Kerajaan peruntuk RM102j laksana pendidikan Islam Text
Kerajaan Pusat pajak Taman Pertanian 60 tahun Text
Kerajaan rangka pelan induk bangunkan PKS Text
Kerajaan sedia bantu syarikat bas Text
Kerajaan sedia bayar gaji sehingga 70% Text
Kerajaan sedia hadapi risiko Text
Kerajaan sedia laksana sekolah aliran Inggeris Text
Kerajaan serap 60,000 pelarian ke sektor pekerjaan Text
Kerajaan serius basmi kemiskinan : PM Text
Kerajaan setuju guru mengajar di penjara Text
Kerajaan setuju lantik hakim wanita Mahkamah SyariahText
Kerajaan setuju mansuhkan CF Text
Kerajaan setuju tubuh Mahkamah Keluarga Text
Kerajaan tak cadang ubah kadar faedah Text
Kerajaan tarik balik larangan diskaun penumpang MAS Text
Kerajaan tawar pinjaman bina kapal pukat tunda Text
Kerajaan teliti model insurans kesihatan sesuai Text
Kerajaan tentukan rebat selepas teliti laporan TNB Text
Kerajaan terus perangi rasuah di semua peringkat Text
Kerajaan teruskan projek Empangan Bakun RM4.5b Text
Kerajaan tiada cadangan semak semula Bajet 2009 Text
Kerajaan tidak berlembut basmi rasuah Text
Kerajaan tidak tentang rancangan hiburan TV Text
Kerajaan tingkat ICT sektor penjagaan kesihatan Text
Kerajaan tingkatkan insentif pengusaha makanan halal Text
Kerajaan umum langkah bantu pengusaha PKS Text
Kerajaan, syarikat konsesi lebuh raya akan berunding Text
Kerajaan, universiti saling memerlukan : Sultan Azlan Text
Kerangka I Text
Kerangka I Text
Kerangka II Text
Kerangka peningkatan kecekapan graduan automotif sek Thesis
Kerenah birokrasi punca rasuah berleluasa Text
Kereta api 2008 dijangka 6 jam ke JB - Butterworth Text
Kereta hibrid jenama sendiri Text
Kereta hibrid lebih mahal Text
Kereta masa depan janaan elektrik Text
Kereta mesra alam pasca kemelesetan Text
Kereta terpakai wajib jalani pemeriksaan Puspakom Text
Kereta tua tak dapat insurans Text
Keretapi ERL : sistem bersepadu jamin ketepatan dan Text
Kerja baiki jejambat MRR2 siap 30 Jun Text
Kerja menghias laman luas perlu kepakaran Text
Kerja pembaikan Parlimen tidak libatkan bumbung Text
Kerjasama 2 negara ditingkat Text
Kerjasama bestari diyakini mantapkan pengeluaran pertText
Kerjasama bioteknologi Malaysia-Jepun dimeterai Text
Kerjasama ekonomi ditingkat Text
Kerjasama industri, IPT mesti erat Text
Kerjasama institusi perkasa universiti pertanian Text
Kerjasama majikan-kesatuan galak pertumbuhan ekon Text
Kerjasama Malaysia-China Text
Kerjasama pendidikan Malaysia-Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Kerjasama pendidikan serumpun dipertingkat Text
Kerjasama perdagangan melangkaui wilayah : PM Text
Kerjasama perkukuh latihan perguruan Text
Kerjasama rakyat paling berkesan bendung jenayah Text
Kerjasama siasat jenayah, ekstradisi Text
Kerjasama strategik Chery Text
Kerjasama strategik KL-Canberra Text
Kerjasama teknologi Malaysia - Thailand Text
Kerjasama tentera bantu isu bencana Text
Kerjasama UPM-Mitsubishi penyelidikan hutan Text
Kerjasama UTM, PPD wujud pendidikan global News Paper Cuttings
Kerjaya : enggan bersosial halangan utama siswazah daText
Kerjaya sukan cukup lumayan Text
Kernel-based exponential grey wolf optimizer for rapid Journal Article
Kertas BM PMR sama soalan pusat tuisyen Text
Kertas peperiksaan dwi bahasa - Bermula tahun ini Text
Kertas soalan dwibahasa Text
Kerusi Panas : æFutsal baik untuk mental, fizikalÆ Text
Kes 200 peminjam PTPTN selesai luar mahkamah Text
Kes Ayah Pin cabaran selesaikan jenayah akidah Text
Kes buli membimbangkan Text
Kes curi kenderaan libatkan kerugian RM753.2j Text
Kes demam denggi di Johor menurun Text
Kes denggi meningkat Text
Kes denggi tertinggi di Johor Bahru Text
Kes dera kanak-kanak meningkat Text
Kes jenayah di Johor Bahru menurun Text
Kes pertama H1N1 Text
Kes rasuah : PM akan bincang dengan polis Text
Kes rogol naik 3 kali ganda Text
Kes salah laku pelajar turun 50 peratus Text
Kes sumbang mahram paling tinggi di felda Text
Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan dalam kajian kualitatif Conference Papers
Kesahihan hukum Darcy terhadap sifat hidraulik tanah gText
Kesaksamaan gender agenda utama Text
Kesamarataan dalam Islam Text
Kesan air terhadap dandanan permukaan Text
Kesan anggota perembat terhadap berat kerangka kelulText
Kesan bahan tambah pemerangkap udara dan pemecutThesis
Kesan bahan tambah terhadap sifat konkrit Text
Kesan beban terma ke atas struktur penahan air konkri Text
Kesan berjauhan daripada keluarga terhadap amalan p Thesis
Kesan dedahan air laut terhadap struktur konkrit berte Text
Kesan faktor makroekonomi kepada harga harta tanah dThesis
Kesan geseran kulit negatif terhadap prestasi cerucuk Text
Kesan jermang besi ke atas campuran konkrit asfalt Text
Kesan kadar suntikan dan konfigurasi aliran terhadap mThesis
Kesan ketebalan dan gred mortar terhadap kekuatan mText
Kesan ketebalan kimpalan dan kedudukan kimpalan ke Text
Kesan komitmen pekerja terhadap hubungan antara tinThesis
Kesan latihan motivasi terhadap komitmen kerja dalamThesis
Kesan lebar jalan terhadap aliran tepu di persimpanganText
Kesan negatif GMO kepada alam sekitar Text
Kesan pelanggaran syarat nyata tanah pertanian (koko Thesis
Kesan peletakkan lokasi pengelompokan terhadap aktivit Thesis
Kesan pembangunan jalan lingkaran tengah Seremban ter Thesis
Kesan pembinaan jambatan kedua Pulau Pinang ke atasThesis
Kesan penggunaan abu dasar arang batu terhadap kekuThesis
Kesan penggunaan asfalt kitar semula terhadap prestasiThesis
Kesan penggunaan hasil sampingan celupan getah sebaThesis
Kesan penggunaan lampu isyarat pada jarak yang berd Thesis
Kesan penguasaan Internet terhadap dunia Text
Kesan pengurusan dan kecekapan pengurusan modal keThesis
Kesan penyelitan plat orifis dalam mengurangkan emisiText
Kesan perubahan atitud bot ke atas data hidrografi pemText
Kesan salah tafsir DEB Text
Kesan sifat ketegaran tembok penahan terhadap taburaText
Kesangsian terhadap strategi AS berhadapan IS News Paper Cuttings
Kesatuan sokong penggunaan bahasa inggeris Text
Kesatuan sokong UiTM kekal untuk bumiputera saja Text
Kesatuan tuntut insentif pendidikan Text
Kesatuan umat Islam terbina atas dasar takwa Text
Kesedaran alam sekitar kakitangan awam Text
Kesedaran dan tahap penerimaan ahli KWSP terhadap me Thesis
Kesedaran kepelbagaian dan hubungan dengan tingkahThesisl
Kesedaran penyakit ginjal rendah Text
Kesedaran pulihara alam sekitar Text
Kesedaran pulihara biodiversiti mengecewakan Text
Kesedaran rakyat pulihara alam sekitar masih kurang Text
Kesedaran, sikap manusia mampu kawal perubahan pe Text
Keseimbangan alam sekitar kurangkan kesan banjir Text
Keseimbangan risiko tentukan kadar faedah Text
Keselamatan anak : kecuaian membawa padah Text
Keselamatan dalam pembinaan IBS : kajian terhadap k Text
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk proses Text
Keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan Exam Papers
Keselamatan di kampus pada kategori paling baik Text
Keselamatan di tapak bina : kajian terhadap kerja kimp Text
Keselamatan kebakaran di dalam bangunan di MalaysiaThesis
Keselamatan nuklear : Malaysia lebih jauh dihadapan News Paper Cuttings
Keselamatan pengesahan menggunakan kaedah katalalua Thesis
Keselamatan rekabentuk logi Text
Keselamatan wanita agenda utama Text
Keselamatan, kesihatan pekerja terus diperjuang Text
Keserasian bantu atasi krisis 3 negara : Najib Text
Kesesuaian batu reput dalam pembinaan tapak jalan Text
Kesesuaian personaliti dengan bidang kursus yang diik Thesis
Kesibukan tugas bukan penghalang Shamsul teruskan pNews Paper Cuttings
Kesihatan wanita : Media massa disaran promosi Text
Kesihatan wanita lebih baik daripada lelaki Text
Kesinambungan politik wanita Melayu Text
Kestabilan emosi di kalangan staf dan pelajar Fakulti P Text
Kestabilan komoditi tunggal dengan menggunakan kae Text
Kesucian makanan lahirkan nur keimanan Text
Kesukarelaan, kemasyarakatan inti Fasa II Text
Kesusasteraan Inggeris galak pelajar berfikiran kritis, kreText
Ketagihan dadah : situasi sebenar di Malaysia Text
Ketahui hak pengguna telekomunikasi Text
Ketandusan jiwa agama Text
Ketawa berlebihan tabiat kaum munafik Text
Ketegangan akibat kedudukan tulang Text
Ketengah bantu pelajar luar bandar kuasai bahasa InggeText
Ketepatan dan keberkesanan penggunaan alat handheldText
Ketiadaan perundangan, akta khusus punca pensijilan hText
Ketiadaan saksi punca sesuatu kes pincang Text
Ketidakmampuan mengawal rasa takut Text
Ketidakpatuhan pendepositan perakuan siap dan pematThesis
Ketua Al-Ma'unah rayu tidak dihukum mati Text
Ketua hakim minta asingkan pendakwaan syariah Text
Ketua jabatan dipanggil pekerja tak layan telefon Text
Ketua pegawai eksekutif terajui lembaga promosi kesihText
Ketuat kelamin ada kaitan kanser Text
Keunikan fenomena dua gerhana Text
Keunikan institusi raja Text
Keunikan seni bina Masjid DatoÆ Undang Kamat Text
Keuntungan perbankan Islam RM1 bilion Text
Keupayaan angkat naik cerucuk tapak diperbesarkan di Text
Keupayaan diri : wanita perlu hargai kemampuan Text
Keupayaan Measat-3a tingkat perkhidmatan ICT teruji 2Text
Keupayaan satelit RS terhad News Paper Cuttings
Keusahawanan Text
Keusahawanan cabaran peneroka pada masa depan Text
Keutamaan budaya kerja Text
Keutamaan susu dalam tubuh Text
Keutamaan, keistimewaan dan amalan bulan Rejab dariConference Papers
Kewajaran LCCT dikekalkan di KLIA Text
Kewibawaan Jakim tingkat keyakinan tanda halal Text
Kewibawaan ulama jangan dipertikai Text
Key ingredients for globalised varsities Text
Key rate cut to stimulate spending Text
Keystroke dynamic authentication in mobile cloud com Thesis
KFCH to focus on restaurant ops Text
Khairy : halal must equal quality Text
Khaled : meritocracy not a gimmick Text
Khaled Nordin hadir majlis tahlil News Paper Cuttings
Khasiat buah tempatan sering dilupakan Text
Khazanah hutan negara wajar diurus secara berkekalan,Text
Khazanah, GLC rangka kurikulum universiti Text
Khidmat 3G diperluas Text
Khidmat bank untuk semua keadaan Text
Khidmat Dr Ibrahim dilanjut dua tahun Text
Khidmat nasihat mentor bagi usahawan teknologi Text
Khidmat pekerja luar satu kemestian Text
Khidmat pindah kargo rancak operasi PTP1 Text
Khidmat siswa eratkan tali kekeluargaan : peserta Text
Khidmat teksi teruk Text
Khoo Kay Kim : The 'lonely bridge builder' Text
Kicking the butt hometruths Text
Kikis imej sebagai lokasi transit pelancong Text
Kikis kerenah birokrasi bantu pesakit kronik : NGO Text
Kilang cemar sungai akan didakwa Text
Kilang plastik musnah dalam kebakaran Text
Kilang salah guna lesen olah sisa berjadual Text
Kilang sosej halal guna usus babi diarah tutup Text
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Kimia am I Text
Kimia analisis Text
Kimia analisis Text
Kimia analisis I Text
Kimia analisis II Text
Kimia asas Text
Kimia fizik II Text
Kimia hasil semula jadi Text
Kimia hasil semulajadi Text
Kimia kakisan Text
Kimia keadaan pepejal Text
Kimia organik I Text
Kimia organik I Text
Kimia organik II Text
Kimia pengguna Text
Kimia permukaan dan koloid Text
Kimia tak organik I Text
Kimia tak organik I Text
Kimia tak organik II Text
Kindergarten Act to be amended Text
Kinematic modeling of driving simulator motion platfo Conference Papers
Kinetics of invertase synthesis by saccharomyces cerev Conference Papers
King Ghaz ikon diplomat Text
KIST di Kuala Berang mula operasi Rabu Text
Kiswire Malaysia sumbang RM3 juta untuk Tabung e News Paper Cuttings
Kita hendak jambatan baru ganti Tambak Johor Text
Kita kena proaktif tangani suhu bumi Text
Kita makin sedar keperluan sumber tenaga baru Text
Kita mampu hasilkan pelajar berdaya saing Text
Kita terlepas Batu Puteh kerana cuai Text
Kita tidak akan kendali trafik udara dikawal Singapura : Text
Kita tidak menghargai buku Text
Kita zuriat Adam, bukan zuriat Iblis Text
Kitaran harga dalam industri ternakan Text
Kitaran semula bahan pembaziran binaan Thesis
KL and Beijing discuss accreditation system Text
KL diancam kemiskinan -- Peningkatan penghijrahan penText
KL Govt aims to collect RM3b in service tax Text
KL hab budaya antarabangsa Text
KL has potential to be key player Text
KL jemput pakar dunia ramal cuaca Text
KL mahu tiga isu ditangani Text
KL mahu wujud integrasi ekonomi dengan Jakarta Text
KL minta FAO selaras peraturan pertanian Text
KL schools closed as haze situation worsens Text
KL sokong keputusan negara Arab Text
KL to consider open skies policy for Labuan News Paper Cuttings
KL tolak syor isu air ke PCA Text
KL, JB among cheapest of Asia's 50 costliest Text
KL, negara Teluk tingkat dagangan Text
Klang report attracts 48 suggestions News Paper Cuttings
KL-Canberra mantap Text
KLIA bags three global awards Text
KLIA gets world awards Text
KLIA Heist : round-the-clock patrol by armed police at KText
KLIA menang anugerah lapangan terbang terbaik 2006 Text
KLIA takes a step backwards Text
KLIA upgrade on schedule for A380 arrival Text
Klinik 1Malaysia terus dipantau Text
Klon baru nanas mampu beri pulangan lumayan Text
Kluster sekolah angkat IPTA Text
K-means clustering for DNA computing readout methodConference Papers
Knee cartilage segmentation using multi purpose interaThesis
Knees in trouble Text
Know your limits Text
Know-how crucial Text
Knowing your staff Text
Knowledge audit process - tales of two organizations Conference Papers
Knowledge discovery for large databases in education inThesis
Knowledge integration between urban planning and land Thesis
Knowledge is what benefits Text
Knowledge management and project performance in mal Conference Papers
Knowledge management enables among it organizationThesis
Knowledge management in Malaysia shipbuilding industr Thesis
Knowledge management practices and enablers in public Indexed Paper
Knowledge sharing assessment: an ant colony system bIndexed Paper
Knowledge sharing via social media in flood disaster ev Thesis
Knowledge-driven organisations Text
Kod Anti Doping Pergerakan Olimpik Jawatankuasa Olimp Text
Kod Kandungan multimedia perlu diwujudkan Text
Kod pakaian graduan UIAM kekal Text
Kogas beli gas Malaysia selama 20 tahun Text
Kokurikulum bentuk kecergasan minda pelajar Text
Kokurikulum IPT diperkasa Text
Kokurikulum Pra-PLKN akan diperkenal di sekolah Text
Kolam ikan koi kian popular Text
Kolej 8 UTM bimbing 280 murid tahun lima Text
Kolej Antarabangsa IKIP tetap komited Text
Kolej KLIA lancar kemudahan baharu News Paper Cuttings
Kolej Komuniti sedia latih semua peringkat masyarakat Text
Kolej KUiTTHO guna rangkaian berkelajuan 10 Gbps Text
Kolej matrikulasi khas untuk lulusan teknikal Text
Kolej Pertanian Malaysia dilancar Text
Kolej perubatan : MIC mahu bekerjasama dengan MaraText
Kolej Rahman Putera terima sumbangan jayakan Prog News Paper Cuttings
Kolej Rahman Putra anjur kejohanan sukan antara univer Text
Kolej universiti awam tingkat kualiti pendidikan Text
Kolej Universiti Sunway buka cawangan di JB Text
Komas VCD to educate voters Text
Komersial 360 produk menjelang tahun 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Komited perangi rasuah, walaupun terdapat tanggapanText n
Komited pulihkan industri pelancongan Text
Komitmen cegah jenayah Text
Komitmen Malaysia terhadap nuklear News Paper Cuttings
Komitmen Napsiah Omar dikagumi Text
Kompaun serta-merta : Kerajaan bertindak tegas terha Text
Kompetensi Guru Besar dan masalah pelaksanaan kurikThesis
Komponen asas untuk latihan guru pendidikan islam Conference Papers
Komputer buku VAIO terbaru dari Sony Text
Komputer pendidikan amalan dan tatacara ikhtisas untuText
Komputer punca mata jadi kering Text
Komputer sistem & multimedia Text
Komputer sistem & multimedia Text
Komunikasi berkesan Text
Komunikasi berkesan Exam Papers
Komunikasi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajara Thesis
Komunikasi interpersonal guru besar dan komitmen gurThesis
Komunikasi keorganisasian Exam Papers
Komunikasi multimedia interaktif Text
Komunikasi organisasi Exam Papers
Komunikasi pemasaran Text
Komunikasi punca universiti di Jepun tidak diiktiraf JPA Text
Kondom : penagih perlu daftar diri Text
Konflik syariah, sivil serius Text
Kongres Sains Komputer di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kongres syor mansuh PTK Text
Kongsi ekonomi teras RMK-9 Text
Kongsi gelap dipercayai guna pelajar dapat wang Text
Konsep Hadhari diterima dunia Islam Text
Konsep kekeluargaan bantu pulih penagih Text
Konsep kepimpinan guru dalam kalangan guru di tiga Thesis
Konsep kerajaan perpaduan tidak akan berkubur Text
Konsep kesyumulan Islam terserlah di Malaysia Text
Konsep kota agropolitan untuk empat lagi negeri Text
Konsep Pertanian Baru lebih proaktif Text
Konsepsi alternatif bagi topik prinsip archimedes dalamConference Papers
Konsepsi pengajaran pensyarah dan kaitannya dengan Thesis
Konsistensi Badan Budaya DBP Text
Konsortium Indonesia kenakan bayaran tinggi urus ke Text
Konsortium Perikanan ditubuh Text
Kontrak & Taksiran Text
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
Kontraktor Kelas A mungkin gulung tikar Text
Kontraktor kelas F dapat 10% projek RM10 juta ke atas Text
Kontraktor minta percepatkan bayaran Text
Konvoi promosi FESKO UTM News Paper Cuttings
Konvokesyen ke-5 MSU jana 1,335 graduan Text
Koperasi gabungan manfaat ahli, pengguna Text
Korban bukan adat Text
Korea Selatan beli gas cecair asli RM22.8 juta Text
Korea Utara lancar ujian bom nuklear Text
Korea Utara tawar peluang pelaburan Text
Korek pasir : Kerajaan negeri siasat kedudukan syarikat Text
Korelasi antara ujian proba JKR dan ujian penusukan pi Text
Koridor Utara capai hasil 2010 Text
Koridor Utara di arena global Text
Kos pengeluaran minyak mentah melonjak Text
Kostaq guna sukatan pelajaran YT, MRSM Text
Kota Damansara-Cheras rail line right on track Text
Kota Tinggi sebahagian WPI Text
KPDNHEP serah kepada peniaga Text
KPI ambil kira laporan audit Text
KPI KWSP perlu lebih jelas Text
KPI lebih berkesan baiki sistem ganjaran untuk penjaw Text
KPI sektor pendidikan realistik Text
KPJ may provide services to overseas hospitals : MD Text
KPLI 18 bulan Text
KPT mahu IPTS lalui proses transformasi Text
KPWKM peneraju capai kesaksamaan Text
Kraf, songket Malaysia di Harrods Text
Kreatif jadikan ruang terhad menarik Text
Kreativiti guru jayakan pelaksanaan PIPP Text
Kreativiti mudahkan graduan dapat pekerjaan Text
Kreativiti, inovasi tingkat produk halal Text
Krisis air perlu diatasi segera Text
Krisis bekalan air menjelang 2050 Text
Krisis ekonomi lebih mencabar dari 1997 Text
Krisis global bukan halangan melabur Text
Krisis kewangan global dibincang Text
Krisis makanan global Text
Krisis manfaat negara sedia kewangan Islam Text
Kristalografi sinar-X Text
Kriteria baru pilih calon pengetua, guru besar Text
Kriteria baru PTPTN dilaksana mulai Disember Text
Ksharing ‘Effective Reading Skills' – Siti Nisrin MohPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
K-Sharing My Research Experience Prof Dr Ahmad FauziPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
KSL to expand housing project by adding more land Text
KSN arah ketua jabatan menyamar Text
KTCC rancakkan pembangunan Text
KTMB express for new Labu airport Text
KTMB lancar tempahan tiket melalui SMS Text
Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta perkukuh perdagangan Text
Kuala Terengganu mohon jadi bandar raya Text
Kualiti air kolam renang dan hubung kait dengan prose Text
Kualiti air kolam renang dan hubungkait dengan prosesThesis
Kualiti hidup penduduk di taman perumahan lama dala Thesis
Kualiti hidup rakyat terus meningkat Text
Kualiti Maswangi setanding beras wangi siam Text
Kualiti modal insan IPT Text
Kualiti pendidikan dipertingkat Text
Kualiti pengajian IPTS dinaik taraf Text
Kuantan jadi Pusat Metropolis Text
Kuasa jimat minyak Text
Kuasa mendorong rasuah berleluasa Text
Kuasa pegawai daerah dibatal Text
Kuasa penyembuh baru Text
Kuasa perwakilan tentukan masa depan Umno Text
Kuasa, cara melaksanakan tangkapan Text
Kuasa, taraf Mahkamah Syariah dipertingkatkan Text
Kuasai ICT untuk tingkat kualiti perguruan Text
Kuasai kemahiran tambahan Text
Kubur pasang siap di Singapura Text
Kudus dituduh buat kenyataan palsu Text
Kuih bulan æHalalÆ guna minyak babi : PPIM Text
Kuis set to offer medical courses Text
Kukuhkan ikatan setia anggota sektor awam demi rakyaText
Kukuhkan kewangan Islam Text
Kukup Laut mula dikenali pelancong asing Text
Kulim hebat di luar negara Text
Kumpulan militan ala KMM, JI dikenal pasti bergerak aktText
Kumpulan pemikir rancang pembangunan Labuan Text
Kumpulan Pendidikan YPJ to set up campus Text
Kumpulan Rootmybox harumkan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kuota eksport kayu getah ditambah Text
Kuota eksport sawit bebas cukai ditambah Text
Kurang dengkur, nyenyak tidur Text
Kurang makan nasi hadapi krisis bekalan beras Text
Kurang minum air Text
Kurang pegawai antara punca 56 penjenayah bebas Text
Kurang pengurusan ilmu negara hilang pelaburan Text
Kurang penjelasan punca ramai bukan Islam keliru Text
Kurang profesor tidak jejas mutu pengajian Text
Kurang utamakan kesihatan punca lelaki pendek umur Text
Kurangkan gas rumah hijau 2020 Text
Kurikulum : KUKUM mampu lahir jurutera berwibawa Text
Kurikulum IPT patut didik pelajar lebih kreatif Text
Kurikulum khas penuhi keperluan masyarakat Text
Kurikulum sekolah seni mampu bantu pelajar perkasa Text
Kurikulum: IPTA diarah nilai setiap tiga tahun Text
Kursus Asas Fotografi Bagi Majlis Rasmi Di Perpustaka Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kursus di IPT tidak berkesan Text
Kursus kejuruteraan Text
Kursus teknikal di politeknik guna BI Text
Kustem bina pusat penyelidikan di Pulau Bidong Text
KUTMSPACE, KMJ anjur pertandingan boling amal News Paper Cuttings
KUTPM : kolej universiti swasta pertama negara Text
KWAPA untuk semua Text
KWSP amal pelaburan cermat kurangkan risiko Text
KWSP catat pendapatan pelaburan RM2b suku ketiga Text
KWSP diminta perkenal produk baru Text
KWSP lulus RM1 bilion biayai 100,000 pelajar Text
KWSP perkenal i-Akaun online Text
KWSP perlu perbanyak pelaburan ke luar negara Text
KWSP peroleh caruman RM6.9b suku pertama 2005 Text
KWSP raih pendapatan pelaburan RM3.6 bilion Text
KWSP serah laporan tipu caruman kepada PM Text
L1 penalized estimation in the cox proportional hazardsThesis
Label hologram wajib pada ubat Text
Laboratory investigation of drainage cell as transport layConference Papers
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
Labuan task force report ready soon News Paper Cuttings
Lack of training data in sentiment classification: currentNon-Index Paper
Lactic acid production from cassava mill effluent (CME) Journal Article
Lagi kejayaan TLDM selamat kapal hampir ditawan lanuText
Lahirkan ramai profesional News Paper Cuttings
Laksanakan pelan tindakan Text
Laksanakan sistem pendidikan berkualiti Text
Laluan ke Beirut dibom Text
Laman blog dekati belia Text
Laman blog dekati belia Text
Laman web berasaskan aras taksonomi bloom bagi matap Conference Papers
Laman web rangkaian sosial semakin dapat sambutan dText
Lambakan barangan tiruan dikesan di pasar raya utamaText
Lambang kematangan proses demokrasi pendidikan Text
Lampu landskap solar dekoratif Text
LAN jamin 1,400 program IPTS sah Text
LAN tekad realisasi hab pendidikan Text
Land law and survey regulation Exam Papers
Land use and land control in the Federal Territory of KuText
Land use planning Exam Papers
Land use planning / Land use planning 1 Exam Papers
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Land Use Planning II Exam Papers
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Land use planning/Land use planning 1 Exam Papers
Land, planning & environmental laws Text
Landasan berkembar RM2.6b mula dibina awal tahun Text
Landasan berkembar tetap dibina Text
Landasan LTSIP dipanjangkan 2.4km Text
Landfill leachate treatment using subsurface flow cons Text
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Landscape construction 4 Exam Papers
Landskap baru sosio ekonomi negara Text
Landslide kills 16 in Sarawak Text
Langkah keselamatan sudah diambil News Paper Cuttings
Langkah pertama jana industri angkasa lepas Text
Langkah tepat harungi perkembangan ekonomi masa kiText
Langkah tingkat imej kehakiman Text
Langkah wajibkan pelajar khatam al-Quran disokong Text
Language teaching methodology Exam Papers
Lanjut masa rawatan bukti kerajaan prihatin kesihatan Text
Lanscape ecology Exam Papers
Lantik menteri kuasa saya : PM Text
Lapan inisiatif angkasakan belia Felda Text
Lapan Kompleks Kasih Keluarga akan dibina Text
Lapan modul sebagai persediaan SPM News Paper Cuttings
Lapan universiti sertai program Pemimpin AeroangkasaNews Paper Cuttings
Lapan universiti sertai program Pemimpin AeroangkasaText
Lapangan terbang dinaik taraf Text
Lapar atau ulser peptik? Text
Lapor jika tambang bas sekolah tinggi Text
Lapor syarikat halang pekerja tubuh kesatuan Text
Laporan Amerika berat sebelah Text
Laporan kajiselidik Pekan Sungai Rengit : kajian peran Text
Laporan kemajuan projek kajian kesan migrasi keluar p Text
Laporan kemiskinan membimbangkan Text
Laporan kenal pasti jurang ekonomi negeri Text
Laporan penambahbaikan PDRM diteliti semula Text
Laporan penutup audit dalam Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Laporan prestasi PSPTN 6 bulan sekali Text
Laporan tak tepat jejas pelancongan Text
Laporan tamat projek penyelidikan di bawah program IRP Text
Laporan tumpahan minyak diserah kepada kementeria Text
Lapuran akhir projek pengkajian rangkaian komputer jaText
Lapuran hasil pertama projek pembinaan perisian kursuText
Larang merokok di pejabat Text
Larangan penuh Text
Large scale mapping using digital aerial imagery of unmNon-Index Paper
Laser dalam perubatan Text
Laser dalam perubatan Text
Laser in medicine Text
Laser induced breakdown acoustic technique for heavy Thesis
Laser nonlinearity compensation for IEEE 802. 11a stan Conference Papers
Laser physics Exam Papers
Laser physics Exam Papers
Laser surface alloying aluminium with iron using a Q-swThesis
Laser tattoo removal comparison between 1064 and 53Indexed Paper
Latar belakang Rakan Muda Text
Lateral load resistance of lime column stabilized pontia Indexed Paper
Lateral stability of high-rise building (Preview) Text
Latih usahawan Bumiputera jadi tuan perniagaan sendiriText
Latihan document management system Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Latihan ICT di universiti wajar dikaji keberkesanan Text
Latihan mengajar Text
Latihan praktikal pelajar IPTA lebih berstruktur Text
Latihan SPP Perpustakaan UTM kumpulan 1 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Launching of UTM ERICSSON INNOVATION CENTRE FORPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Laungan `Malaysia Boleh' merentasi benua Text
Laut dalam hasilkan 430,000 tan ikan Text
Law and practice Exam Papers
Law of contract and agency / undang-undang kontrak dText
Law on rubberised foundations for high-rises Text
Lawatan Benchmarking Kualiti CICT UTM Ke Perpustak Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan dari Kolej Universiti Hamzanwadi Lombok Ind Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Dari Sekolah Menengah Alauddin Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan dari Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pasir PutiPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan dari UiTM Puncak Perdana Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan dari Universitas Negeri Padang Indonesia ke Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan dari Universitas PGRI Semarang Indonesia Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Jintao kukuhkan hubungan Malaysia-China Text
Lawatan Kementerian Pendidikan Afghanistan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Pelajar Program Mini I Am For You Ke Perpus Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan perkasa hubungan Text
Lawatan PM ke AS eratkan lagi hubungan kedua-dua neText
Lawatan Sambil Belajar Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Keb Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama BandarPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta IndonesiaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Lawatan Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indones Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Laws for safer car parks Text
Laws to be amended for faster CF approval Text
Lawyer stabbed to death Text
Lawyers in the dock for CBT : police unearth 30 more c Text
Layanan baik suami kepada isteri Text
Layari dunia siber dengan selamat Text
Layouts designs get 10 years automatic protection Text
LCCT bukan eksklusif untuk AirAsia Text
LDPE/Tapioca Starch biocomposite for injection mouldinThesis
Leachate treatment using subsurface flow and free wate Text
Leaching behaviour of Cs-134 immobilised in cement-biJournal Article
Leaders must be whiter than white Text
Leadership postures and tenets of Islamic managementText
Leadership styles, entrepreneurial orientation and bu Thesis
Leadership, negotiation and decision making of leadersThesis
Leading, construction firms among those targeted by I Text
Leakage control for the basement due to ground water Thesis
Lean manufacturing implementation through value streIndexed Paper
Lean manufacturing practices in Malaysian automotive Conference Papers
Lean Six Sigma, strategic control systems, and organiza Indexed Paper
Lean-QE5S Pelaksanaan Persekitaran Berkualiti Perpus Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Learn from Italian family businesses, says PM Text
Learn to manage money Text
Learning about their heritage, Malay culture Text
Learning enhancement of three-term backpropagation Thesis
Learning objects extraction web system Thesis
Learning techniques : baroque music while you learn Text
Learning through playing for children with cerebral palsIndexed Paper
Leave young children at home Text
Lebih 101,000 pelajar mohon ikuti Program MatrikulasiText
Lebih 18 mati setiap hari di jalan raya Text
Lebih 19,000 hektar tanah wakaf terbiar dibangunkan Text
Lebih 2.7 bilion hadapi krisis air teruk 2025 Text
Lebih 74,000 belia menganggur Text
Lebih asid urik punca batu karang Text
Lebih banyak khidmat online bantu orang ramai Text
Lebih banyak penggabungan perbankan tahun ini : NaziText
Lebih lima juta pelancong lawat Johor hingga Mei Text
Lebihan RM1.5 bilion bagi kementerian baru Text
Lebuh raya E22 Mahal Text
Lebuh raya mesti sedia tempat berteduh Text
Lebuh raya tarik pelabur Text
Lecturers urged to take up job stints Text
Left handed metamaterial design for microstrip antennaConference Papers
Legal Studies 3 Exam Papers
Legal studies II Exam Papers
Legal studies3 Exam Papers
Legibility as a result of geometry space: analyzing and Indexed Paper
Lelaki anti-sosial berisiko tinggi kena sakit jantung Text
Lelaki ditembak mati dipercayai cuba edar dadah Text
Lelaki hidap paru-paru kronik mangsa baru H1N1 Text
Lelaki lebih mudah kena barah ginjal Text
Lemah bahasa Inggeris Text
Lembaga Akreditasi Negara distruktur semula Text
Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang lapor SPRM Text
Lembaga Zakat Antarabangsa dilulus Text
Lembah Belum destinasi pelancongan terkemuka 2004 Text
Lembu Mafriwal banyak susu, tahan lasak Text
Lenyap kasih sayang punca krisis generasi Text
Lepasan IPTS tidak ramai menganggur Text
Lepasan SPM kena bijak pilih kursus lanjut pengajian Text
Lesen lima syarikat jualan langsung dibatal Text
Lesen pembalakan ditarik balik jika langgar peraturan Text
Lestari Alam di Pesta Konvo UTM News Paper Cuttings
Lestari alam, lestari manusiawi Text
Lestari ICT di luar bandar Text
Let experts decide on the most effective method Text
Let more become doctors Text
Let parents decide on English policy Text
Let teachers join politics Text
Let the wide world be our teacher Text
Let us stop road fatalities Text
Let your children help you become computer savvy Text
LetÆs get a dose of the new social reality Text
Letak Malaysia ke tahap lebih membanggakan Text
Letak SAR di bawah pendidikan kebangsaan Text
Letdown in the bedroom : dealer of deadly herbal sex Text
Let's hang out at the library Text
Lets have a more subtle election campaign Text
Let's stop H1N1 : stay clean while celebrating Text
Level of competency in application of scheduling softwaThesis
Levenberg-marquqrdt parameter estimation of stochasti Conference Papers
Levi pekebun kecil sawit dihapus Text
Lewat siap 2 bulan dianggap projek sakit Text
Lexus Malaysia yakin capai unjuran jualan kenderaan Text
LGBT : Mesej jelas Yusof al-Qardhawi News Paper Cuttings
LHDN beri amaran berkampung di depan rumah pengela Text
LHDN buru 2,498 syarikat tak bayar RM765.92j Text
LHDN jangka kutip cukai RM69 bilion akhir 2007 Text
LHDN tak terima rayuan bayar ansuran Text
LHDN terima 396,285 borang cukai Text
LHDN yakin kutip RM50b cukai pendapatan Text
Liberalisasi ekonomi atasi krisis global Text
Liberalisasi ekonomi KL pikat Riyadh Text
Liberalisasi tak jejas Bumiputera Text
Liberalisation of legal sector to improve economy Text
Library offers trove of knowledge Text
Licence to excel Text
Licences on the line, profiteers warned Text
LID 2007 berjaya capai matlamat : Abdullah Text
LID 2007 sarat idea basmi kemiskinan Text
LID berjaya hasil idea baru Text
Life and rotan for incest Text
Life assessment of power transformers via paper ageingConference Papers
Life cycle assessment of an electroless nickel plating Thesis
Life cycle costing of mechanical and electrical services fIndexed Paper
Life cycle optimisation (LCO) of product systems with coIndexed Paper
Lifeline for Jalan Wong Ah Fook Text
Lighten your energy bill Text
Lighting system at Taman Tropika UTM powered by re Thesis
Lightning fatalities in Malaysia Thesis
Lignin biodegradation by thermomyces lanuginosus EFB2 Thesis
Lim : more educated youths needed Text
Lim Goh Tong lepas teraju Genting Text
Lima anggota TLDM dikuarantin Text
Lima beranak terperangkap ditemui rentung Text
Lima geng cuba rekrut pelajar Text
Lima IPG latih guru Thai Text
Lima IPTA terima geran penyelidikan RM150,000 Text
Lima kes baru influenza A Text
LIMA pamer dasar luar Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Lima pembaharuan untuk pendidikan Text
Lima penerima sulung Biasiswa Ainuddin Wahid News Paper Cuttings
Lima strategi niaga perkukuh Telekom Text
Lima UA laksana program 2U2i mulai September News Paper Cuttings
Limestone and goat dung in acid mine drainage treatm Thesis
Limit on SPM subjects considered Text
Limiting sway for unbraced steel with column bending Text
Limpahan teknologi sains Islam Text
Lindungi gorila besar jika ditemui : Rosli Text
Lindungi kanak-kanak di dunia siber Text
Lindungi kepentingan rakyat Text
Lineament mapping using multispectral remote sensingConference
s Papers
Linear acenes linked thiophene, electronic and chemicalJournal Article
Linear algebra Text
Linear and non-linear enhancement for sun glint reduc Indexed Paper
Linear elastic analysis of bovine cortical bone under c Indexed Paper
Linear programming Exam Papers
Ling : no need for 10pc bumi quota in colleges Text
Ling nafi minta UiTM terima pelajar bukan Bumiputera Text
Linguistic and visual representations of a political figureThesis
Link between parentsÆ quarrels and violent childrenText
Liow : agency needed to look into quality of products Text
Liow : anti-viral treatment for high-risk groups Text
Liow : donÆt take flu lightly Text
Liow : H1N1 prevalent but under control Text
Liow : health authorities trying to trace meningitis carri Text
Lipid production from POME using microalgae grown inThesis
Liposome as transdermal carrier for labisia pumila and fJournal Article
Liputan majlis konvokesyen UTM ke-55 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Liquid chromatographic determination of NSAIDs in urine Indexed Paper
Liquidated and ascertained damage (LAD) and requireme Text
Listening skills profile among business management st Non-Index Paper
Literasi senjata penting sesebuah komuniti Text
Little choice but to pay to check global warming Text
Little sympathy for lost kids Text
Live-and-let-die drug race Text
Livelihood assets and vulnerability context of marine Indexed Paper
LMI-based multiobjective integral sliding mode control Indexed Paper
LNG/dual fuel powered fishing boats Thesis
Load dispatch optimization of open cycle industrial gas Text
Load-deformation behaviour of eccentrically loaded SS Indexed Paper
Loans for small traders Text
Local bloggers frustrated by web service disruption Text
Local DTW coefficients and pitch feature for back-propaConference Papers
Local effects of global weather phenomenon Text
Local infrastructure (off-site) provision and planning a Conference Papers
Local staff soon to fully manage Norwegian firm Text
Local workers less competitive Text
Localised single-station lightning detection by using T Indexed Paper
Localized multiscale of 2D Burgers' equation with pena Indexed Paper
Locals may enrol in international schools Text
Logging posing threat to forest reserve Text
Logic digital Exam Papers
Logical operators and its application in determining v Thesis
Logik Tenaga kaedah jimatkan penggunaan elektrik pusText
Logistics and freight transport Exam Papers
Logo halal baru diguna Julai Text
Loji kuasa marin Text
Loji rawatan air RM 30j di Kampung Wak Salam Text
Lokasi optimum cerucuk gantian akibat kegagalan satu Thesis
Long process Text
Long road ahead after PMR News Paper Cuttings
Long term evolution multimedia broadcast and multicast Thesis
Longgarkan syarat mohon tabung penyakit kronik : PM Text
Longgokan sampah susahkan penduduk Text
Long-term solution sought Text
Lonjak kecemerlangan IPT Text
Look for alternative water sources, Pak Lah tells farmerText
Looking for a clear answer Text
Looking for a job... head to the carnival Text
Looking into condition of buildings Text
Lori, treler dibiar tersadai di lorong kecemasan jadi p Text
Lost foam casting of LM6 - A1 - Si cast alloy Text
Lot tanah di pinggir bandar dibangun guna sistem PTB Text
Love across the seas News Paper Cuttings
Low carbon emissions review in aviation engine technolConference Papers
Low carbon urban development strategy in Malaysia - tIndexed Paper
Low cost ultrasound machine’s scanning procedure Thesis
Low cost webcam based colour sorting system Thesis
Low latency Network-on-Chip router microarchitectureIndexed Paper
Low-cost carriers to launch cheap flights out of KLIA Text
Low-cost units to start later in Johor Text
Lower cure rate of TB at private hospitals Text
Lower prices a matter of time Text
Low-NOx combustion of biogas from palm oil mill efflu Indexed Paper
Low-sulphur fuel may cost more Text
LPC and its derivatives for stuttered speech recognitionJournal Article
LPF ditegur tak peka Text
LPKP diminta pantau perkhidmatan bas awam Text
LPM diberi mandat urus proses penilaian awam kebangText
LRT bantu selesai isu pengangkutan di bandar besar Text
lServe JPA tawar pelbagai perkhidmatan News Paper Cuttings
lServe JPA tawar pelbagai perkhidmatan News Paper Cuttings
LTA KKlangkawi hab pendidikan latihan dan hospitaliti News Paper Cuttings
LTSI pintu masuk utama pelancong Indonesia Text
Lucrative income from organic aquaculture Text
Lukisan Alumni UTM dijual News Paper Cuttings
Lulus subjek kemahiran komunikasi prasyarat dapat ija Text
Lulusan IPM ditawar gaji lumayan Text
Lulusan IPTS mudah dapat kerja Text
Lulusan STPM bukan bumiputera banyak ke IPTA Text
Luminescence enhancement of samarium-doped tellurite Indexed Paper
Luminescence from silicon and germanium nanowires :Indexed Paper
Luminescence properties of magnesium phosphate gla Conference Papers
Lupus sisa guna insinerator Text
MAA : kesan RM kecil bagi kereta nasional Text
Machining analysis of modified and unmodified titaniumText
Macroeconomics Exam Papers
MADA diarah tingkat hasil padi Text
Madam State Secretary Text
Madrasah Ramadan mantap jiwa, perkasa minda Text
Maerogel : alternative for thermal barrier coating topc Indexed Paper
Mafa mahu buka bandar pelabuhan di Labuan Text
Magazine that is keen on teens Text
Magnetic carbonyl iron suspension with Ni-Zn ferrite adIndexed Paper
Magnetic flux leakage system for wire rope inspection Thesis
Magnetic induction tomography : receiver circuit and itsIndexed Paper
Magnetism Text
Magnetism Exam Papers
Mahadzir cadang asrama penuh untuk pelajar miskin Text
Mahasiswa dari 14 universiti berkampung di PengerangNews Paper Cuttings
Mahasiswa Fakulti Pendidikan dipilih wakil pelajar UT Text
Mahasiswa kejuruteraan tonggak utama industri automNews Paper Cuttings
Mahasiswa perlu bijak guna Sudut Pidato sebagai ruangText
Mahasiswa UiTM, UIAM terbaik kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Mahasiswa UTM, penuntut Indonesia sertai ICE 2013 beNews Paper Cuttings
Mahasiswa UTM, Untan teruja sertai ekspedisi biodieseNews Paper Cuttings
Mahasiswa wajar kikis imej backbenchers Text
MAHB : LCCT wajar kekal di KLIA Text
MAHB perkenal tiga program insentif Text
Mahkamah Industri akan dirombak Text
Mahu tarik 20 peratus pengguna kenderaan persendiri Text
Maintanance management and servises : case study : Perk Text
Maintenance and management system for proton vehicThesis
Maintenance consideration in slope design Text
Maintenance should not cost landowners an arm and a Text
Majikan dera pembantu rumah disenarai hitam Text
Majikan disaran perluas insurans luar waktu kerja Text
Majikan maut ketika cuba selamat pekerja asing Text
Majikan wajib potong pinjaman PTPTN Text
Majlis Fatwa haram pameran hantu, pelaburan internetText
Majlis khas gubal dasar cegah jenayah Text
Majlis Pelabuhan Kebangsaan ditubuh Text
Majlis Pelancaran Galeri Interaktif Mtar Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Majlis Pembangunan Perniagaan Halal ditubuh Text
Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah Sukan Mahabbah UTMKL 2Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Majlis perpisahan staf Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Major breakthrough Text
Major facelift for Petaling Street Text
Major powers move closer to decide on tsunami-hit natText
Major role for Senai Airport in plan, says PM Text
Majoriti bas tidak patuhi piawaian Text
Majoriti penagih golongan pekerja Text
Majoriti rakyat sokong pelaksanaan GTP, NKRA Text
Majoriti wanita kuasai sektor awam Text
Majukan ilmu ke peringkat global Text
Makanan GM selamat dimakan Text
Makanan halal pengaruhi pembangunan umat Islam Text
Makanan ringan dikenal pasti sebelum ke Kabinet Text
Makanan ringan 'Klasik' ke pasaran tidak lama lagi Text
Makanan untuk kanak-kanak membesar Text
Make Malaysia competitive Text
Make PSD scholarship list, criteria public, says MCA Text
Make sure house stays aedes-free while away Text
Makin ramai guna along Text
Making a name with the tilapia Text
Making cosmetic surgery safer for you Text
Making highway to Cameron Highlands safe for motorisText
Making inroads into new agriculture Text
Making Pulau Banding an eco-tourism haven Text
Making sense of the oil subsidy Text
Making their mark Text
Maklumat geospatial bantu selesai masalah Text
Maklumat kredit dikawal Text
Maklumat SMS berjaya banteras jenayah Text
Maklumat terkini pendidikan Text
Makmal canggih -- Mikroelektronik fokus KUKUM Text
Makmal Kejuruteraan Elektrik Text
Makmal Robotik, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik Text
MAKNA akan bina pusat perubatan kanser Text
Makna dialog peradaban bagi remaja Text
Malacca gets e-mobile library Text
Malam Puisi Riong : Lestari Kemanusiaan di UTM 27 MaText
Malaria musuh lama berwajah baru Text
Malaria screening at all entry points soon Text
Malay history a click away Text
Malay version of Federal Constitution launched Text
Malay village in Perak goes online Text
Malay wordlist modeling for articulation disorder pati Indexed Paper
Malays 'lagging in education' Text
Malays more prone to genetic form of eye cancer Text
Malays still lagging Text
Malays urged to prioritise education Text
Malaysia 24th most competitive nation Text
Malaysia a big Asian region winner at World Travel AwaText
Malaysia a big source of carbon emissions Text
Malaysia Airport committed to playing key role Text
Malaysia akan tingkatkan Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan Text
Malaysia akan tubuh Sekretariat Ulama Sedunia Text
Malaysia aktif dalam kerjasama antarabangsa Text
Malaysia and China mulling varsity plan Text
Malaysia and China to ensure continued strong friendshText
Malaysia and Kuwait to join forces in trade and invest Text
Malaysia and Singapore to sign agreement on reclamatText
Malaysia anjur Persidangan Pelanunan dan Jenayah di Text
Malaysia antara negara tinggi akses digital Text
Malaysia atasi Singapura pikat pelaburan asing Text
Malaysia bakal jadi pusat makanan halal Text
Malaysia bangkit isu ancaman lanun Text
Malaysia bans rubberwood exports Text
Malaysia bantu negara lain promosi pelancongan Text
Malaysia bebas daripada selesema burung 3 Jan. Text
Malaysia becomes 63rd country to ratify FCTC Text
Malaysia berjaya kerana memiliki pemimpin berkarism Text
Malaysia berkongsi idea atasi kebuluran sejagat Text
Malaysia berpotensi tarik pelancong Text
Malaysia boleh manfaat teknologi solar Jepun Text
Malaysia braces for possible flu outbreak Text
Malaysia catat sejarah labuh boya amaran tsunami Text
Malaysia destinasi ICT Text
Malaysia diiktiraf maju bioteknologi Text
Malaysia energy strategy towards sustainability : a pan Indexed Paper
Malaysia eyes aerospace jobs Text
Malaysia first in region to adopt benchmark for educatoText
Malaysia gets poor marks for human rights Text
Malaysia giat tarik pelabur asing dalam industri strategiText
Malaysia guna DTV 2015 Text
Malaysia guna nuklear sedekad lagi Text
Malaysia hanya miliki 10 peratus tenaga mahir Text
Malaysia has 600,000 single mothers, survey reveals Text
Malaysia has lowest inflation rate in region Text
Malaysia has what it takes Text
Malaysia hasikan tulang sintetik 2009 Text
Malaysia jadi hub pendidikan serantau makin menyerlaNews Paper Cuttings
Malaysia jadi pemain utama Text
Malaysia keen to set up automobile plant in Russia, sa Text
Malaysia kelima tertinggi HIV/Aids Text
Malaysia kembangkan pelancongan kesihatan Text
Malaysia kesal penyiaran karikatur Nabi Muhammad Text
Malaysia Komited Reformasi Ekonomi Text
Malaysia mahu bentuk model ekonomi baru Text
Malaysia mampu lahir jaguh dunia Text
Malaysia masih pilihan pelabur asing Text
Malaysia melancarkan kempen membaca Text
Malaysia mendahului Singapura dalam bioteknologi Text
Malaysia miliki sistem kewangan Islam komprehensif Text
Malaysia minta Rusia main peranan Text
Malaysia mohon hak pendaratan AirAsia di Paris Text
Malaysia must master science and technology Text
Malaysia offers Bahrain aid Text
Malaysia on high alert Text
Malaysia on track to 7% growth Text
Malaysia paling kompetitif Text
Malaysia pelabur terbesar Indonesia Text
Malaysia penerbit bon Islam terbesar dunia Text
Malaysia penetap trend teknologi hijau News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia pengeksport gas ke-3 terbesar dunia tidak jejaText
Malaysia pengeluar biodiesel Text
Malaysia perkembang industri robot berasas humanoidText
Malaysia perlu bangunan tahan gempa Text
Malaysia pusat perniagaan global terbaru Dell Text
Malaysia pusat rujukan industri nanas Text
Malaysia rancang lancar satelit ketiga Text
Malaysia rancang perbanyakkan FTA Text
Malaysia rancang skim keselamatan sosial, pencen Text
Malaysia second in SEA for rape cases Text
Malaysia sedia bahan pengajaran Text
Malaysia sedia bekerjasama atasi pemanasan global Text
Malaysia sedia kongsi kepakaran industri halal : Abdull Text
Malaysia sedia sertai program pemulihan Aceh Text
Malaysia sedia tangani H1N1 Text
Malaysia stands firm on where Indons can work Text
Malaysia taja Ekspedisi Pelayaran Saintifik Perdana Text
Malaysia tawar kepakaran cegah virus selesema Text
Malaysia tegas mustahak kawal lanun Text
Malaysia terima 23.5 juta pelawat Text
Malaysia tetap bantah guna manusia untuk pengklonanText
Malaysia tetap pilihan pelancong Text
Malaysia tidak kenakan bayaran masuk semula Text
Malaysia to be stem cell producerÆs global hub Text
Malaysia to build 3 biodiesel plants Text
Malaysia to focus on R&D and palm oil output Text
Malaysia to head regional rail project Text
Malaysia to help Laos be active in Asean Text
Malaysia to lead halal vaccine production Text
Malaysia to play lead role in selling rail project Text
Malaysia to produce 2,500 doctors per year by 2010 Text
Malaysia tunggu lampu hijau PBB Text
Malaysia wajar manfaatkan satelit ramal tsunami Text
Malaysia wins Formula Future boat race Text
Malaysia wins more æOscarsÆ Text
Malaysia yakin boleh kekalkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Malaysia yakin Piagam ASEAN diluluskan Text
Malaysia, AS lancar rundingan laksana FTA Text
Malaysia, Brunei sepakat : selesai tuntutan Limbang d Text
Malaysia, China jalin kerjasama pengangkutan maritim Text
Malaysia, Indonesia mahu bina terowong RM15b News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia, Indonesia sepakat tubuh pusat sehenti Text
Malaysia, Itali meterai perjanjian hak mendarat Text
Malaysia, Jepun perluas pasaran produk pertanian Text
Malaysia, my second home Text
Malaysia, Russia kerjasama lahir pakar aeroangkasa Text
Malaysia, Singapore to sign pact on Feb 6 Text
Malaysia, Singapura sepakat jambatan ketiga Text
Malaysia, Thailand to step up co-operation on border seText
MalaysiaÆs lower ranking in competitiveness worries Text
Malaysian Accountant Optimistic About recovery Text
Malaysian and Saudi navy copters scare off pirates Text
Malaysian farmers told to look to Taiwan for latest tec Text
Malaysian legal system Exam Papers
Malaysian NGV mahu bina 100 stesen gas asli Text
Malaysian NGV mahu bina 100 stesen gas asli Text
Malaysian nurses æhighly regardedÆ Text
Malaysian nursing academic leadership styles on nurse Tehesis
Malaysian palm oil takes its battle to the air Text
Malaysian sign language translator for communication uText
Malaysian sukuk market wrap : 2004 Text
Malaysian water policy reforms and their sustainability Thesis
Malaysians can do better, says Abdullah Text
Malaysians dominate region's top 40 richest list Text
Malaysians don't understand distance-learning conceptText
Malaysians earning more now, says dept Text
Malaysians have had enough of haze woes Text
Malaysians second most frequent Net users in SEA Text
Malaysians still cling to their roti canai and teh tarik Text
Malaysians still 'shy' to register es voters Text
Malaysians take too much salt Text
Malaysians to help rebuild Timor Leste Text
Malaysians urged to change energy use paterrns Text
Malaysia's economy grows 6.7pc in third quarter Text
Malaysia's first planned town gets city status Text
Malcon terus berbakti Text
Malware behaviour visualization Indexed Paper
Mammografi : kesan kanser lebih awal Text
Man wanted new life but loses wife and daughter to A(Text
Manage and protect our seas Text
Management accounting 1 Exam Papers
Management and aviation law / pengurusan dan unda Text
Management and disposal of clinical waste (case study Thesis
Management and governance Exam Papers
Management and organizational theory/principles an Exam Papers
Management information system / Sistem pengurusan Text
Management of Melana catchment using fuzzy composiText
Management of melana watershed using multicriteria de Text
Management science Exam Papers
Management science Exam Papers
Management science Exam Papers
Management system prototype for intelligent mobile clIndexed Paper
Managerial Accounting (Perakaunan Pengurusan) Exam Papers
Managerial selection in Peninsular Malaysia : a study ofText
Managing contruction disputes (Preview) Text
Managing quality in the construction of formwork Thesis
Managing software evolution through midleware and pThesis
Managing stress at workplace using rational emotive b Conference Papers
Managing sustainable development through planning cConference Papers
Mandarin, Tamil jadi mata pelajaran elektif Text
Manfaat bisnes dasar luar Text
Manfaat hubungan akademik Text
Manfaat jangka panjang untuk wanita Text
Manfaat pelan perbelanjaan Text
Manfaat perisian sekat data Text
Manfaat perpustakaan awam Text
Manfaatkan Dasar Pandang ke Timur Arab Saudi Text
Manfaatkan pelaburan Arab Text
Manfaatkan potensi biofarmaseutikal Text
Mangrove belt within Iskandar to be preserved Text
Mangsa penderaan seksual perlu dibantu Text
Manoeuvering orang seletar’s adaptation to modernThesisl
Mansuh Common Law : Ketua Hakim Negara mahu perund Text
Mantapkan daya penarik Muar Text
Mantapkan kemudahan pekerja wanita Text
Mantapkan sistem pendidikan negara Text
Manufacturing process Exam Papers
Manufacturing processes Exam Papers
Manufacturing processes/proses pembuatan Exam Papers
Manufacturing prosesses (proses pembuatan) Text
Manuscript leads to lost city Text
Manusia ganti serangga ejen pendebungaan Text
Manusia sering salah guna kuasa, abai tugas khalifah diText
Manusia tak boleh taksub mendalami alam ghaib Text
Many not aware of GM food in market Text
Many not in favour of fast food ad ban Text
Mapping and analysis of forest encroachment area by uThesis
Mapping marmot process model into pecos componentConference
i Papers
Mapping of feeder routes of power distribution networText
Mapping of government land encroachment in CameronIndexed Paper
Mapping of urban above-ground biomass with high resoConference Papers
Mapping technology Exam Papers
Mapping technology / teknologi pemetaan Text
Mara fleksibel kutip hutang pelajar Text
Mara hantar lebih ramai pelajar ke luar negara Text
Mara hantar pelajar ke negara kos rendah Text
Mara kutip hutang menerusi Akaun II KWSP Text
Mara lupus RM3.3b hutang pelajar Text
Mara mahu jana usahawan baru Text
Mara mahu tubuh MRSM swasta Text
Mara menstruktur semula bayaran pinjaman niaga Text
Mara perkasakan usahawan Text
Maran jadi pusat hasil nangka madu Text
Marcil gabung 130 pertubuhan pertahanan diri Text
MARDI membangunkan teknologi pertanian baru Text
MARDI temui tiga varieti baru ubi kayu Text
Marine geoid undulation assessment over South China SIndexed Paper
Marine mammals face new threats off Sabah, Sarawak Text
Mario security monitoring system Thesis
Markah kokurikulum ke IPTA bermula sesi 2007/2008 Text
Markas TLDM Wilayah Laut Dua pindah ke Teluk Sepan Text
Marker hiding methods : applications in augmented realIndexed Paper
Market and brand MSC more effectively, says PM Text
Market data approach and discounted cash flow method Text
Market orientation affect SMEs firm performance Thesis
Marketing communications Exam Papers
Marketing information system 1 Exam Papers
Marketing information systems I Exam Papers
Marketing management Exam Papers
Marketing research Exam Papers
Married life blues : women settle down late, choose y Text
Marshall test characteristics of asphalt concrete mixturJournal Article
Martabat bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris Text
Martabat kerjaya guru mesti terus dipertahan Text
Martabat perguruan perlu diangkat semula Text
Martabatkan bahasa Melayu Text
Martabatkan bahasa Melayu pada zaman globalisasi Text
Martabatkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa 1MalaysiaText
Maruah Jalur Gemilang Text
MAS batal penerbangan terus Adelaide-New Zealand Text
MAS catat untung bersih RM133j suku pertama 2007 Text
MAS dapat pengiktirafan tiga tahun berturut-turut Text
MAS dijangka hilang penguasaan domestik Text
MAS lancar pakej baru Text
MAS on a clear route to become five-star airline Text
MAS raih anugerah berganda Skytrax Text
MAS tambah destinasi tempahan Internet Text
MAS to talk to PMB soon on domestic routes Text
MAS untung bersih RM244j tahun lalu Text
MAS untung RM101.1j bagi suku kedua Text
Masa belajar BM, BI ditambah Text
Masa depan komputer desktop malap Text
Masa majukan Kg. Baru Text
Masa maksimum pandu bas 8 jam Text
MASA ready for changes Text
Masa tonton TV meningkat Text
Masalah 3G bimbangkan wanita Text
Masalah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi kursus Conference Papers
Masalah disiplin - Hanya 13 peratus dilaporkan Text
Masalah disiplin pelajar sekolah di daerah Kulaijaya Thesis
Masalah gula dibincang minggu depan Text
Masalah kekurangan pekerja akan diatasi Text
Masalah kemerosotan aliran pengunjung & kadar penghThesis
Masalah kesihatan mental kanak-kanak perlu dipandangText
Masalah pembelajaran matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris Conference Papers
Masalah pembelajaran Matematik dalam tajuk trigonomet Thesis
Masalah pembelajaran matematik di kalangan pelajar tiThesis
Masalah pembesaran buah dada lelaki Text
Masalah pendatang selesai : Malaysia dan Indonesia beText
Masalah pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Text
Masalah pengubahsuaian kediaman persendirian Thesis
Masalah pengurusan kejiranan berpengawal Thesis
Masalah sosial dalam kalangan pelajar dan peranan pe Conference Papers
Masalah tanah halang kemajuan pertanian Text
Masalah teknikal, kecemasan punca pesawat pusing balNews Paper Cuttings
Masalah, beban 350,000 guru diberi perhatian Text
Masih ada jurang : walau selepas 50 tahun Text
Masih peringkat cadangan Text
Masjid Kampung Keling Text
Masjid Papan di pengaruhi seni bina luar Text
Mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numIndexed Paper
Mass hiring among measures to strengthen learning of Text
Massive changes on the way Text
Massive deforestation choking up Johor rivers Text
Massive rubbish in FT rivers Text
Master Plan to cut foreign labour Text
Mastery of scientific argumentation on the concept of nIndexed Paper
Masyarakat digesa pelihara hutan Text
Masyarakat dunia mesti ambil inisiatif kurangkan pem Text
Masyarakat Malaysia sudah mula amalkan tabiat mem Text
Masyarakat perlu guna produk tempatan Text
Mat Rempit are now road thugs Text
Mat rempit berleluasa Text
Mat Rempit gang up to rob Text
Mata hati bangsa, bahasa Text
Mata wang kita diramal RM3 berbanding dolar AS tahu Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik asas Text
Matematik diskret Text
Matematik diskret Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Matematik perniagaan Text
Matematik untuk geoinformatik Text
Matematik, Sains kekal dalam bahasa Inggeris Text
Material parameters for creep rupture of austenitic stain
Indexed Paper
Material properties and shear performance of recycled Thesis
Materials chemistry Text
Materials chemistry Exam Papers
Materials processing Text
Mathematical and ststistical modelling in solving industrConference Papers
Mathematical methods 2 Exam Papers
Mathematical methods I Exam Papers
Mathematical methods I Exam Papers
Mathematical methods II Exam Papers
Mathematical methods III Exam Papers
Mathematical model and stability analysis of inverter-bIndexed Paper
Mathematical modeling II Exam Papers
Mathematical modeling of oil pollution dissemination inThesis
Mathematical modelling I Exam Papers
Mathematical modelling of non-newtonian blood flow thr Text
Mathematical models for the boundary layer flow due to Text
Mathematical models to chart level of safety Text
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Mathematics for computer science Exam Papers
Mathematics for surveyor Exam Papers
Mathematics for surveyor 2 Exam Papers
Mathematics for surveyors Exam Papers
Mathematics graduates perceptions on suitability of emThesis
Mathematics I Exam Papers
Mathematics IV Exam Papers
Mathematics IV Text
Mathematics methods II Exam Papers
Mathematics V Exam Papers
Maths and Science classes : a lesson learned Text
MATIN : a random network coding based framework forIndexedh Paper
Matlamat Insken didik usahawan Text
Matlamat wujud 60 saintis boleh dicapai Text
Matriculation places for non-bumiputras Text
Matrikulasi rapat jurang dengan bukan Bumiputera Text
Matrimid® and functionalized multi-walled carbon na Conference Papers
Matrix acidizing with gelled acid Text
Maxis ambil alih Aircel Text
Maxis confident of success in Indonesian market Text
Maxis lancar khidmat 3G semua segmen Text
Maxis yakin terajui pasaran serantau sebelum 2010 Text
Maybank catat untung sebelum cukai RM4.03b Text
Maybank naik kadar faedah simpanan, BLR : StanChar Text
Maybank, Public Bank top in Islamic banking Text
Mayor Plans to build new township& for Alor Star Text
MB : improve water supply Text
MB crisis drags on : Abdullah says Idris should be menteText
MB nafi air empangan punca banjir di Kedah Text
MB turun padang pantau pemulihan taman pertanian Text
MBJB mohon RM700 juta untuk bangunkan JB Text
MBJB peruntuk RM12j selenggara Text
MC smart scheduler : time-management assisting tool fThesis
M-cycle lanes æcan save livesÆ Text
Mean, median or something else Indexed Paper
Meander line antenna for wireless sensor network applThesis
Measat-3 : lonjakan ICT negara Text
Measat-3 berjaya masuki orbit Text
Measurement and modeling of RFID propagation channel Journal Article
Measurement metrics for measuring success of businessThesis
Measurement of CO2 solubility in NaCl brine solutions Indexed Paper
Measurement of effectiveness and difficulty of traffic Journal Article
Measurement of noise inside the compartment and vibra Indexed Paper
Measurement of UHF signal propagation loss under diffe Indexed Paper
Measurement system analysis for Motorola global soft Thesis
Measuring customer's satisfaction and consumer buyingThesis
Measuring performance with BSC Text
Measuring reading competencies in Malay language amon Journal Article
Measuring service quality using serqual model : case stud Text
Measuring the malindo airline passenger’s satisfact Indexed Paper
Measuring unity and social harmony Text
Measuring volume of stockfile using topcon imaging staThesis
MEB : peluang ubah Melayu Text
MeCD sokong aktiviti galak nilai inovasi dan kreativiti peText
Mechanic of machines Exam Papers
Mechanic of machines Exam Papers
Mechanical and chemical properties analysis of dual r Thesis
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
Mechanical and physical properties of chitosan-compatiIndexed Paper
Mechanical and thermal properties of biodegradable hyIndexed Paper
Mechanical and tribological properties of hydroxyapati Indexed Paper
Mechanical characterization of basalt/HDPE composite Iundexed Paper
Mechanical lower-limb exoskeleton : optimization of deThesis
Mechanical performance of roller compacted rubbercrete Journal Article
Mechanical properties and antimicrobial analysis of antConference Papers
Mechanical properties of chitosan modified montmorillo Indexed Paper
Mechanical properties of HDPE reinforced pineapple le Thesis
Mechanical properties of high impact Abs/Pc blends - efConference Papers
Mechanical properties of hybrid composite between synt Thesis
Mechanical properties of rice husk filled impact modified Text
Mechanical properties prediction for cold-formed steel Indexed Paper
Mechanical, thermal and characterization od chitosan, nThesis
Mechanical, thermal and flammability properties of ru Thesis
Mechanical, thermal and processing properties of oil p Thesis
Mechanicals and electrical system Exam Papers
Mechanics must be certified, says Fong Text
Mechanics of material 1 / mekanik pepejal 1 Text
Mechanics of materials & structures / mekanik bahan &Text
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Mechanics of statics (mekanik statik) Text
Mechanics of statics / mekanik statik Text
Mechanism of a lifting ramp of a tricycle for the disableThesis
Mechanism of bijunction semiconductor device damageJournal Article
Mechanisms of my first home scheme in easing home Thesis
Media bertaraf dunia perlu berdasarkan fakta, keadilanText
Media pemain penting ke arah Wawasan 2020 Text
Media Prima untung operasi separuh pertama RM40.3jText
Mediating effect of absorptive capacity on the relati Thesis
Medical data security model for early intervention su Thesis
Medical equipment disinfection using ultraviolet light- Thesis
Medical image segmentation using active contours Thesis
Medical Online nafi projek tele-kesihatan tergendala Text
Medical ontology for tropical diseases management sy Thesis
Medical Tomography Exam Papers
Medical Tomography Exam Papers
Medical tourism good for Malaysia's health Text
Meditations on life and laughter News Paper Cuttings
Medium size dual-axis solar tracking system with sunli Indexed Paper
Medium size dual-axis solar tracking system with sunli Journal Article
Meet Azali : the 21A student Text
Meeting future food needs Text
Meeting of open minds Text
Meeting straits challenges Text
MEF : sistem pendidikan negara gagal lahirkan pekerja tText
Mega drug lab busted Text
Mekanik Exam Papers
Mekanik bahan Text
Mekanik bahan & struktur Text
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Mekanik bendalir 1 Exam Papers
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Mekanik Dinamik Text
Mekanik dinamik Text
Mekanik dinamik Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Mekanik II Text
Mekanik II Text
Mekanik kejuruteraan II (Dinamik & mesin) Text
Mekanik klasik Exam Papers
Mekanik klasik Text
Mekanik Kuantum Exam Papers
Mekanik kuantum Text
Mekanik kuantum II Exam Papers
Mekanik mesin Text
Mekanik penerbangan Text
Mekanik pepejal I Text
Mekanik pepejal I Text
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Mekanik quantum Text
Mekanik tanah Text
Mekanisma mengangkat dan menyusun buah sawit dariText p
Mekanisma sistem lampu jalan dan penyelenggaraan Text
Mekanisme kawal subsidi minyak Text
Mekanisme pantau Pelan Pendidikan Sekolah Berasra Text
Mekanisme penjualan secara En-Block skim strata Thesis
Mekanisme sekat kenaikan harga perlu diwujud Text
Mel frequency cepstral coefficients for text - independ Conference Papers
Melahirkan modal insan industri perhotelan Text
Melahirkan umat positif, progresif Text
Melaka bakal miliki aerorel Text
Melaka cadang laksana gaji minimum RM740 Text
Melaka capai kemiskinan sifar 2010 Text
Melaka destinasi pilihan utama rakyat Singapura Text
Melaka mahu popularkan dondang sayang, nazam Text
Melaksanakan misi nasional Text
Melamine fears unfounded Text
Melamine is safe, but not too much, please Text
Melamine test list under wraps Text
Melanggari amanah bererti mengkhianati agama Text
Melatih pekerja sosial menangani cabaran semasa Text
Melawan makanan ringan Text
Melawati ditemui terapung hanya berpeluk pokok rumbText
Melayu kena yakin kebolehan usahawan sebangsa Text
Melayu lebih maju, mantap iman jika laksana jihad bisnText
Melayu perlu pegang falsafah perniagaan : Dr. M Text
Melayu Pulau Pinang perlu bersaing Text
Melayu rugi RM38b Text
Melayu terbaik kursus bahasa Inggeris di UK Text
Melayu tidak akan tercicir : penguasaan bahasa Inggeri Text
Melayu tolong Melayu Text
Melayu wajar kuasai Mandarin Text
Melebarkan sayap MSC Malaysia ke India Text
Melestari alam bebas beg plastik Text
Melestari industri padi negara melalui teknologi mesra Text
Melindungi kepentingan negara dalam FTA Text
Melindungi pembeli rumah Text
Melioidosis mampu jadi senjata biologi Text
Melonjak Agropolis Serdang Text
Melonjakkan orang Melayu dalam pertanian Text
Melontar jamrah ikut benua Text
Melting polar ice cuts pollution in Straits of Malacca Text
Melting too fast Text
Memahami khasiat air Text
Memahami komuniti desa pembelajaran amat berharg Text
Memahami reka cipta daripada kaca mata baru Text
Memahami tarif panggilan telefon Text
Memahami teknologi satelit Text
Memajukan pengeluaran makanan organik Text
Memancarkan imej Islam yang betul Text
Memanfaat peluang industri halal Text
Memartabat ulama tersohor Text
Memartabatkan bahasa Melayu Text
Memartabatkan penerbitan Islam Text
Memartabatkan profesion keguruan Text
Memartabatkan profesion, pengorbanan guru Text
Memartabatkan sistem kewangan Islam Text
Memastikan keadilan dalam urus niaga Text
Memastikan mutu binaan taraf dunia Text
Memasyarakatkan ASEAN Text
Membaca al-Quran ubat menenangkan hati Text
Membaca demi masa depan Text
Membangunkan mesin Shuttlecock Launcher untuk latihThesis
Membangunkan modal insan Text
Membangunkan modal insan Text
Membangunkan perisian yang menganalisa nilai kerosaText
Membentuk komuniti akademik cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Memberi nafas baru pada PD Text
Memberi nafas baru tulisan Jawi Text
Membetulkan sikap terhadap alam sekitar Text
Membina generasi pewaris yang bertaraf tinggi Text
Membina keyakinan diri satu cara pembelajaran Text
Membina model bandar secara 3 dimensi :analisis terh Text
Membina persekitaran kerja sihat Text
Membran tidak mampu perkukuh struktur MRR2 : PensText
Membrane performance: tio2 nanoparticles coated on po Journal Article
Membudayakan KBAT serlah potensi pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Membudayakan tulisan jawi Text
Memenuhi keperluan modal insan melalui latihan berasConference Papers
Memilih Yang di-Pertuan Agong Pertama Text
Memorial Tun Hussein Onn tambah khazanah negara Text
Memory and interfacing system Exam Papers
Mempakej semula imej Islam Text
Memperdagang piawaian halal tak boleh sambil lewa Text
Memperkasa penerbitan universiti Text
Memperkasa PKG Text
Memperkasakan kepustakaan dalam pendidikan Islam daConference Papers
Memperkasakan Sekolah Kebangsaan Text
Memperkasakan Umno sebagai juara perjuangan rakyaText
Memperkenalkan Islam melalui pelancongan Text
Memperkuat hati dengan iman, akal Text
Memperkukuh ekonomi negara Text
Memperkukuh sistem penyampaian Text
Memperluas integrasi ekonomi ASEAN Text
Memperluas peranan masjid Text
Mempersiap rakyat harungi cabaran 1Malaysia Text
Mempertahankan kesaksamaan gender Text
Mempertingkat kemajuan Kelantan Text
Mempopulasikan Pangkalan Data Ukur Kadaster KebanThesis
Mempromosi kepakaran Malaysia ke luar negara Text
Mempromosi Malaysia di Texas Text
Memulihkan kredibiliti kehakiman Text
Memupuk budaya reka cipta Text
Memupuk nilai budaya korporat Melayu-Islam Text
Menaikkan taraf Nusajaya Text
Menambah baik kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran Text
Menangani ancaman 'IS' News Paper Cuttings
Menangani keguguran berulang Text
Menangani kenaikan harga minyak Text
Menangani krisis minyak masak Text
Menanti serangan akhir Text
Menara pemantau mula beroperasi Text
Menara tinjau di semua jalan Text
Mencanai kerangka pendidikan negara Komanwel Text
Mencari alternatif elak debat isu yuran Text
Mencari kebenaran kepelbagaian pendapat Text
Mencari keberkatan pengajian tinggi Text
Mencari keistimewaan sistem rel awam Text
Mencari Kuala Lumpur impian Text
Mencari rakan strategik Proton Text
Mencerna jenama baru Melayu Text
Mencorakkan minda generasi muda Text
Mendidik murid peraturan jalan raya Text
Menentukan jangka hayat PKR Text
Menerap amalan tadbir urus korporat dalam perniagaaText
Meneroka khazanah alam melalui ekspedisi saintifik Text
Meneruskan pembangunan di Terengganu Text
Mengajar di tengah belantara Text
Menganalisa dan meramalkan kadar pungutan cukai bagi Text
Menganggarkan kadaralir puncak untuk tempoh dan kea Thesis
Mengangkat martabat Bahasa Melayu Text
Mengantarabangsa industri air 2020 Text
Mengantarabangsakan persatuan kaunseling secara proText
Mengatasi cabaran masa depan menjadi agenda UMN Text
Mengatasi sakit mental Text
Mengawal kesan kenaikan harga minyak Text
Mengawal kewujudan anak jalanan Text
Mengawal tingkah laku kanak-kanak Text
Mengelak manipulasi harga beras Text
Mengembalikan keagungan Islam Text
Mengembangkan kepakaran bioinformatik Text
Mengenalpasti keadaan turapan jalan menggunakan grou Thesis
Mengenalpasti ketidaksepadanan dimensi perabot bilikThesis
Mengenalpasti masalah pengurusan di Jabatan Kewanga Thesis
Mengenalpasti perbezaan skor memanah berdasarkan tek Thesis
Mengesan dari awal masalah penghadaman Text
Mengesan serangan banjiran hello dalam rangkaian pe Thesis
Menggunakan IT ukur kepuasan pelanggan Text
Menghadapi fenomena El-Nino Text
Menghargai bonda sepanjang masa bukan hanya pada H Text
Menghayati Hari Pahlawan cara baru Text
Mengkaji hubungan antara aliran tunai bersih dan perbThesis
Mengkaji kefahaman pelajar mengenai fenomena kimiaThesis
Menguasai bahasa Arab bererti menguasai matematik Text
Mengukuh hubungan Malaysia-Australia Text
Mengukuhkan kerjasama antara negara kekang jenaya Text
Mengukur hubungan minat kerjaya dengan jantina dan Thesis a
Mengukur isipadu cecair berbantu komputer Text
Mengurangkan kecacatan produk melalui pendekatan aText
Mengurus air dengan lebih cekap Text
Mengurus pradiabetes dengan pemakanan sihat Text
Meniagakan pertanian Text
Menilai diri sebelum berangkat ke Tanah Suci Text
Menilai nasib umat Islam Text
Menimba ilmu di bumi kanggaru News Paper Cuttings
Meningitis di Melaka terkawal Text
Meningitis outbreak contained Text
Meningitis scare : only trainees hit by outbreak, says Li Text
Meningkat ciri positif sektor awam Text
Meningkatkan ilmu sarjana pertahanan Text
Meniup roh Umno dalam jiwa Melayu Text
Menjadikan KLIA sebagai hab dunia Text
Menjaga berat badan untuk kawal diabetes Text
Menjaga kebersihan persekitaran cara terbaik elak wabText
Menjalurlebarkan teknologi tanpa wayar untuk masa h Text
Menjana kekuatan keluarga dalam pembangunan pelajaConference Papers
Menjayakan 'revolusi pendidikan' Text
Menjelang RMK-9 : Pembangunan seimbang paling uta Text
Menjiwai maksud kalimah al-Quran Text
Menolak politik fitnah Text
Menopaus bukan penamat Text
Mens health more ignored Chua : medical arrogance deText
Mentaliti remaja mengikut, diikut Text
Menterjemah idea menjadi realiti Text
Menternak ikan laut di atas daratan Text
Menuju cemerlang 2011 Text
Menyahut genderang perang jenayah Text
Menyatukan pelancongan Islamik Text
Menyemai jati diri anak-anak Text
Menyemai perpaduan, cintakan negara Text
Menyemai unsur jati diri Islam di kalangan pelajar pra un
Conference Papers
Menyerap kesan ekonomi global Text
Menyingkap memoir Habibie Text
Menyorot penerbitan biografi Malaysia Text
Menyuling bahasa Melayu daripada pencemaran Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada I & P group News Paper Cuttings
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Lebuhraya PenyuraiaNews Paper Cuttings
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Petronas News Paper Cuttings
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Sunway Property News Paper Cuttings
Merangsang sains dan matematik Text
Merapatkan hubungan dua negara Text
Mercu tanda sinonim dengan setiap negeri Text
Mercu tanda, monumen unik kebanggaan negara Text
Merdeka : 48 little known facts that add to the wonder Text
Merdeka Awards : Nanotechnology, the promise of the Text
Merdeka Awards : the environment is in his blood Text
Mereka bentuk propelan pepejal untuk roket kecil Text
Merekabentuk kenderaan tiga roda untuk orang kurangText
Merevolusi sistem pendidikan tinggi Text
Meriah berpesta dalam air Text
Merit kokurikulum mula tahun depan Text
Merungkai persoalan sekolah kluster Text
Mesej pulihara hutan masih tidak diendahkan Text
Meshless local buckling analysis of steel beams with ir Indexed Paper
Mesin elektrik Exam Papers
Mesin inRO C.Der Text
Mesti daftar prabayar : pengguna telefon bimbit kena berText
Mesyuarat guna bahasa Melayu Text
Metadon : 90% doktor swasta tidak ikut panduan Text
Metamodel-based framework in designing fault mana Thesis
Meta-modeling of vehicle kinematic Thesis
Methane emission inventory and forecasting in MalaysiThesis
Method to determine handwriting stroke types and direct Conference Papers
Methodology of rolling horizon scheduling under demaConference Papers
Methods for adaptive behaviors satisfaction assessmentIndexed Paper
Methylene blue adsorption onto crosslinked sago starc Thesis
Metodologi pendidikan Islam perlu disusun semula Text
Metrologi dan kawalan kualiti Text
Metropolitan and regional planning Text
Metropolitan region planning Exam Papers
Metropolitan region planning Exam Papers
Metropolitan regional planning Exam Papers
Metropolitan regional planning Exam Papers
Metropolitan regional planning Exam Papers
Mewujud pangkalan data DNA Text
Mewujudkan Melayu minda kelas pertama Text
Mg-based bulk metallic glasses for biodegradable implan Indexed Paper
Michael Chong mahu kongsi pengalaman Text
Microaerophilic and anaerobic decolorization of azo dyeJournal Article
Microbial inactivation using pulsed light- a review Journal Article
Microbial induced calcite precipitation treatment on trop
Microbiology Text
Microcomputer application Exam Papers
Microcontroller based controller design for inverted p Thesis
Microcontroller-based human stress detection system us Thesis
Microcontroller-based lock using colour security code Thesis
Microelectronic I Text
Microencapsulation of flexirubin-type pigment by sprayIndexed
d Paper
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) profit sharing pattern Journal Article
Microfluidic vascularized bone tissue model with hydroxIndexed Paper
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Microprocessor (makropemproses) Text
Microprocessors Exam Papers
Microreactor for catalytic partial oxidation of methane Conference Papers
Micro-scale energy harvesting devices : review of methIndexed Paper
Microsoft to boost presence Text
Microstrip patch antenna array at 5.8 GHz for point to Conference Papers
Microstrip sierpinski carpet antenna design (Preview) Text
Microstrip sierpinski carpet antenna using transmissionConference Papers
Microstructural, mechanical properties and corrosion Indexed Paper
Microstructure analysis and mechanical characterizatioText
Microstructure and bio-corrosion behavior of Mg-Zn and Indexed Paper
Microwave assisted K2CO3 palm shell activated carbon Journal Article
Microwave assisted synthesis and characterization of Indexed Paper
Microwave assisted synthesis of nano sized sulphate d Indexed Paper
Microwave engineering Exam Papers
Microwave thermal conversion of oil palm and related bIndexed Paper
Microwaves assisted Poly-L-Lactide synthesis using cov Thesis
Mid range transformer based wireless power transfer sThesis
Midblock U–turn facilities on multilane divided high Indexed Paper
Middle cost housing development in Jakarta-Bogor-TanText
Mid-East investors set sights on Malaysia Text
MIER ramal ekspot benar negara mengembang 5.3 peraText
MIES : Immigration to deploy new mobile biometrics Text
Migrain jejaskan rutin hidup Text
Mihas ketengah sijil halal Malaysia Text
Mihas to position Malaysia as successful halal hub Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Mikrocip lesap lagi : penjenayah sempat kirim SMS a Text
Mikroelektronik I Text
Mikropemproses Text
Mikropemproses Text
Mikropengawal Text
Millimeter-wave microstrip grid array antenna Thesis
Mind your GP Text
Mind your memory by making what you learn fun, says Text
Minggu suaikenal universiti perlu reformasi Text
Minimal geological data for modelling complex hydrogeJournal Article
Minimising construction disputes Text
Minimize sand production by controlling wellbore geomConference Papers
Minimizing energy consumption in scheduling of depend Indexed Paper
Minimizing solar insolation in high-rise buildings throu Thesis
Minimum channel spacing of 2.5GBIT/S and 10GBIT/ Thesis
Minimum wage for some jobs to be out soon Text
Minister : many unaware of their consumer rights Text
Minister : thousands of Malaysians needed in oil sectorText
Minister : water deal stands Text
Ministries to match supply of teachers to countryÆs n Text
Ministry : increase in sugar price caused by rise in pri Text
Ministry aims to reduce road deaths by 800 Text
Ministry alarmed over accidents at the workplace Text
Ministry confirms ACA investigation Text
Ministry considering vaccinating poultry Text
Ministry feels interest rate reduction not good enough Text
Ministry looking into ways to make EPF savings last a li Text
Ministry seeks feedback on tour package Text
Ministry squads to keep schools clean and safe Text
Ministry studying better way to distribute goods Text
Ministry to act against those who switch to BM too sooText
Ministry to identify hotspots Text
Ministry to instil healthy eating habits in office workers Text
Ministry to persuade truckers not to raise transport ra Text
Ministry to replace school with a 'bad record' Text
Ministry to table vehicle passenger limit plan soon Text
Ministry urged to save heritage building Text
Ministry wants 535 private colleges to merge Text
Ministry wants control of Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam agricuText
Ministry wants halt to hiring foreigners Text
Ministry, farmers dispute findings on tainted greens Text
Ministry's losing war on dengue Text
Minor road traffic delays at priority junctions on low s Indexed Paper
Minta iktiraf sekolah sukan Text
Minyak kelapa dara beri nilai tambah industri kelapa Text
Minyak sawit : Malaysia hilang kedudukan Text
Minyak sawit cecah RM1,600 satu tan Text
Minyak sawit: Berguna untuk rawatan lambatkan pros Text
Miri on the march Text
Miros : let the experts do the bus driving Text
MISC seeks to raise MSE stake to 65 per cent Text
MISC, UTM kerjasama majukan modal insan Text
Misi amal UTM di Kemboja News Paper Cuttings
Misi kurangkan import Text
Misi melawat Malaysia bukan hanya ketika promosi Text
Misi mencari pesawat MH370 diteruskan tanpa had maNews Paper Cuttings
Misi promosi produk penerbitan, kesihatan, pendidikanText
Missing child alert system in place Text
Mission to clone turtles by 2010 Text
Missionary activities in the colonial world: Malaya case Conference Papers
Misunderstanding in doctor-patient interactions amongThesis
MITI masih ada kuasa : Rafidah Text
Mitigating operational, technical and strategic risk in Journal Article
Mitigation of contributing factors to construction accid Thesis
Mitos imej Google Earth Text
Mixed convective nanofluid flow in a channel having baIndexed Paper
Mixed CUSUM-EWMA chart for monitoring process dispIndexed Paper
Mixed-income housing as an alternative to the 'Projek Thesis
Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods in formulaConference Papers
Mixture of rice straw and gypsum to improve the fire res Thesis
MJIIT bawa ilmu dari teknologi Jepun News Paper Cuttings
MJIIT memanfatkan kepakaran teknologi Jepun News Paper Cuttings
MMC approves three medical courses Text
MMC jadi peluang akhir untuk doktor tidak diiktiraf Text
MMC must stand firm on standards Text
MMR vaccination provides triple shielding for children Text
MMSC to broaden customer base Text
MMU bentuk siswazah unggul, berkebolehan Text
Mobile apps development on higher order thinking appConference Papers
Mobile colorie and workout tracker for android Thesis
Mobile commerce behavioural intentions of low cost carr Thesis
Mobile computing and system programming Exam Papers
Mobile computing and system programming Exam Papers
Mobile content management using brain computer inteThesis
Mobile credit cards are here Text
Mobile emergency advisor application based on extre Thesis
Mobile heart rate monitor for myocardial infarction patThesis
Mobile information system for sustainable project ma Conference Papers
Mobile inspection robot for heating ventilation and air Thesis
Mobile learning in Malaysia Conference Papers
Mobile learning: cell phones and PDAs as educational lear
Non-Index Paper
Mobile phone sniffer : application in silence zone area Thesis
Mobile robot navigation using fuzzy logic Thesis
Mobile school conceptual model for secondary schools Journal Article
Mobility prediction via markov model in LTE femtocell Non-Index Paper
Modal insan berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
Modal insan di empat negeri penggerak NCER Text
Modal insan holistik Text
Modal insan prasyarat transformasi Text
Modal insan wanita terus diperkasa : Abdullah Text
Model baru pengurusan Felda diperkenal : Najib Text
Model baru rancakkan pasaran kenderaan Text
Model ekonomi EPU lonjak status pendapatan negara Text
Model guru berkualiti dari perspektif tokoh pendidikan Conference Papers
Model hidrologi di kawasan tadahan Sungai Simpang Kiri Thesis
Model kompetensi pembantu hal ehwal Islam gred S17 Thesis
Model kualiti air Sungai Semberong menggunakan perisia Text
Model of perceived influence of academic performanceNon-Index Paper
Model pemendapan parafin Thesis
Model pengajaran refleksi berfokuskan pengetahuan p Thesis
Model pentaksiran pembelajaran pelajar menggunakanText ka
Model Proton laris terima tempahan di Thailand Text
Model ramalan pembaharuan lesen-lesen memandu deThesis
Model sistem pengurusan maklumat dalam membangunkan Thesis
Model-based analysis of the impact of the distributor Indexed Paper
Modeling and analysis of cylindrical gate-all around s Thesis
Modeling and control of industrial servo pneumatic act Thesis
Modeling and control of water drum boiler using LQR Thesis
Modeling and optimization of spinning conditions for p Thesis
Modeling and querying alternative paths in Kuantan (P Text
Modeling and simulation of a solar photovoltaic system,Indexed Paper
Modeling and simulation of strained graphene nanoribbon Thesis
Modeling medical doctor rostering using hybrid geneticThesis
Modeling of a combined cycle power plant (Preview) Text
Modeling of a series-shunt bootstrapping pre-amplifier Conference
c Papers
Modeling of blood flow in stenosed artery with a clot Thesis
Modeling of dielectric relaxation for lossy materials Journal Article
Modeling of dynamic behavior of printed circuit board Text
Modeling of fluorescent lamp using Pspice Thesis
Modeling of route planning system based on Q value-b Indexed Paper
Modeling sea surface current circulation from satellite Conference Papers
Modeling study on CO2 and H2S simultaneous removal Indexed Paper
Modeling three-dimensional for engineering and constrText
Modeling un-authorized land use sprawl with integrateConference Papers
Modeling, simulation and design of an improved high poThesis
Modeling, simulation and model optimization of intern Journal Article
Modeling, validation and firing-on-the-move control of Indexed Paper
Modelling a microdialysis probe for analysis of skin w Thesis
Modelling and analysis of eagle composite wing structuThesis
Modelling and controller design of an industrial electro Thesis
Modelling and controller design of industrial hydraulic Thesis
Modelling and forecasting exchange rate of US dollar a Thesis
Modelling and simulation of the solar racing car steeri Thesis
Modelling control of dc motor Thesis
Modelling flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes with a cThesis
Modelling of a single-link flexible manipulator system Text
Modelling of acidic wastes and dispersion in Sungai Sel Text
Modelling of horizontal shear interaction in composite Thesis
Modelling of local elastic buckling for steel beams wit Thesis
Modelling of nanoscale MOSFET using MATLAB Conference Papers
Modelling of particles flow in specific boundary Thesis
Modelling of percent time spent following using spati Thesis
Modelling of reservoir network for flood control using Non-Index Paper
Modelling of rough surface sensing layer for saw gas seThesis
Modelling of shear in post-tensioned brickwork cantileve Text
Modelling of stagnant zone formation on diamond cuttin Thesis
Modelling of struvite chemistry Conference Papers
Modelling of tidal effect on suspended sediment disperText
Modelling of tsunami wave spectra propagation run-upConference Papers
Modelling of tudung saji weaving using elements in groIndexed Paper
Modelling soil erosion susceptibility of Johor river bas Thesis
Modelling static fire hazard in a semi-arid region using Indexed Paper
Modelling the value of location in the prediction of res Conference Papers
Modelling two-dimensional lease contract with preventJournal Article
Modenisasi, struktural sektor awam Text
Modern algebra Text
Modern algebra Exam Papers
Modern aljabar Text
Modern control systems Exam Papers
Modern physics Text
Modern physics Text
Modification of atmospheric plasma jet system Thesis
Modification of PSF/PIAM membrane for improved desali Indexed Paper
Modification of rbd palm kernel and rbd palm stearin oiIndexed Paper
Modification of synthetic zeolites by quaternary ammoni Non-Index Paper
Modified and hybrid conjugate gradient methods with tConference Papers
Modified mesoporous Γ-alumina from kano kaolin in het Indexed Paper
Modified multirate output feedback based discrete slidThesis
Modified test assembly for water tree study on polymeri Thesis
Modified walsh transform for harmonic assessment Thesis
Modul latihan bekerja dari rumah diperkenal Text
Modul pendidikan UPSI atasi masalah sosial Text
Modul pengajaran sains topik nutrisi berteraskan modelConference Papers
Modul Pra-PLKN diterap dalam kurikulum sekolah Text
Modular architecture in micropump Thesis
Moggie : power plant won't hurt environment Text
Mohd Noh is UMS Vice-Chancellor Text
Mohon masuk IPTA online Text
Molecular biotechnology Text
Molecular characterization of dunaliella salina and chloJournal Article
Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA enc Indexed Paper
Molecular dynamics simulation studies of novel marineThesis
Molecular mechanisms in gene expression & regulationExam Papers
Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy Exam Papers
Molecular symmetry and spectroscopy Exam Papers
Mondialogo : UNIMAS menang Anugerah Kejuruteraan Text
Money management system (moneymind manager) Thesis
Mongolian model shot and blown to bits Text
Monitoring local plan compliance through land use monConference Papers
Monitoring long-term ocean health using remote sensing Indexed Paper
Monitoring the effect of pH on bacterial cellulose prod Indexed Paper
Monolithic biosensor for gene-based disease detection Indexed Paper
Monorel dijamin beroperasi Julai Text
Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of trabecular bone unde Thesis
Moral anak-anak : sokongan ibu bapa bantu pemulihanText
More bite for landfill laws Text
More bytes for education system Text
More cars, cops to keep criminals at bay Text
More cops to combat crime, especially snatch thefts Text
More dengue cases reported Text
More dough for your cookies : food prices on the up anText
More elderly in homes Text
More emphasis for technical education Text
More foreign students at UTM Text
More heart centres on the cards Text
More homes to get broadband Text
More housewives and children with AIDS Text
More incentives for biotech Text
More investment expected in machinery sector Text
More Islamic products seen in the market Text
More IT solutions from Siemens Text
More money for national athletes who strike gold Text
More police presence to curb crime in JB Text
More PSD scholarships for Indians Text
More reading food labels Text
More residential properties unsold in last quarter of 20 Text
More resorting to public transport Text
More schools to offer ICT by 2005 Text
More storms coming Text
More students joining private institutions Text
More suffering from kidney failure Text
More than 100 teams sign up for eco-marathon Text
More than academic exellence Text
More than marine science Text
More time for English and Bahasa lessons Text
More to get local study aid from this year Text
More traditional medicine experts needed Text
More varsity places by 2020, says Musa Text
More workplaces to have Permata centre Text
More young people contracting HIV Text
More young surfing at govt sites Text
Morphological characterization of photosynthetic microb Indexed Paper
Morphological investigation of alumina asymmetric mem Indexed Paper
Morphological study of co-extruded dual-layer hollow Indexed Paper
Morphology and BET surface area of phosphoric acid stab Indexed Paper
Morphology and thermal characteristics of polyamid Indexed Paper
Morphology, mineralogy and engineering characteristicText
Morpho-physiological characteristics, selected macronut Journal Article
MOSFET- like carbon nanotube field effect transistor m Conference Papers
Mosque architecture in Malaysia : classification of styleText
Most women are victims, says Napsiah Text
MOSTI diminta wujudkan hubungan terus pusat amaranText
MOSTI tadbir harta intelek Text
Mother and daughter graduate together Text
Mothers’ experiences of parenting a child with dyslexJournal Article
Motivation factors of positive eWOM for universities t Non-Index Paper
Moto Pertanian Satu Perniagaan akan diperkenal Text
Motorola kagum prestasi graduan jurutera UTM Text
MoU UTM, tiga agensi promosi ekopelancongan News Paper Cuttings
Move CSR up the business agenda, says Najib Text
Move for more high-speed Internet connections Text
Move to ban smoking in parks Text
Move to curb brain drain Text
Move to help cut budget deficit Text
Move to increase Mandarin teachers Text
Move to make sure all doctors have required skills Text
Move to regulate traditional medicine courses Text
Move to resolve overcrowded schools Text
Move to review gender biased laws welcomed Text
Move to revise laws, guidelines governing vehicles Text
Move to stretch housing loans over two generations Text
Move to win back tourists from China Text
Move to woo more foreign students Text
Movement patterns and behaviour of free independentThesis
Moving into a new era Text
Moving one dimensional cursor using extracted paramet Non-Index Paper
Mozambique to get help in capacity building Text
MP3 steganography: review Non-Index Paper
MPJB gagal jadikan JB bebas sampah Text
MPMA sumbang tiga mesin kepada UTM Text
MPMUTM bantu capai misi tingkat produk inovasi News Paper Cuttings
MPP UTM diingatkan fahami hasrat universiti News Paper Cuttings
MPPG guna teknologi moden mikroorganisma Text
MPs want Rafidah to personally address AP issue Text
MPSJ tangani aduan dengan berkesan Text
MPV Exora terima 728 tempahan Text
MPV Perodua mirip Daihatsu Boon Luminas Text
MPV with that wow factor Text
MQA mahu audit prestasi 59 institusi pengajian tinggi Text
MQF penentu kualiti pengajian tinggi Text
MQR pusat rujukan kebangsaan program berkualiti Text
MQR senarai 1,852 program ditawar IPT Text
MRR2 : Samy mengaku retak bertambah besar, kerja peText
MSAM berjaya bawa dimensi baru Text
MSC panel lauds Malaysia's ICT efforts Text
MSC pemangkin bentuk rakyat berilmu : Abdullah Text
MSC tunjang utama kejayaan ICT negara 2002 Text
MSET dapat tender bina kapal terpanjang untuk Jabata Text
Msia needs long-term approach to meet palm oil chall Text
Msia-Thai bridge on track : link to ehance economic, to Text
MSM dijangka mampu lepasi RM2,000 satu tan Text
MSU meets needs of employers Text
MSU perkukuh pengantarabangsaan Text
MTUC : relocating factories will not stop migrant influx Text
MTUC minta lanjut usia bersara wajib Text
MTUC minta umur wajib bersara dilanjut 60 tahun Text
MTUC minta wujud Tabung Pemberhentian Pekerja Text
MTUC tolak semua cadangan pinda akta Text
Muafakat selesai isu perguruan Text
Much room for improvement Text
Mudahkan pinjaman pada usahawan tani Text
Mufti : prioritise assets division Text
Mufti tegur hantaran mewah Text
Muhammad Nuh perkukuh hubungan kesarjanaan dua News Paper Cuttings
Muhasabah cara bentuk peribadi Text
Muhasabah, empati diri elak perlakuan sakiti insan lain Text
Muhd Ridzuan Hj Mohd Salleh, Dato' : Naib Canselor U Text
Muhyiddin arah pemantauan sekolah berasrama diperbText
Muhyiddin: Ministry needs RM300m to help fishermen Text
Muhyiddin's assurance on quality education for all Text
Multaqa kupas permasalahan umat Islam Text
Multi document summarization based on news componen Indexed Paper
Multi range amplifier circuit for ADC input Thesis
Multi Task solar portable device Thesis
Multi-agent models for route planning Thesis
Multiband MIMO antenna for wireless devices Thesis
Multi-beamwidth antenna beamforming network usingIndexed b Paper
Multidimensional stock network analysis : an escoufier'Indexed Paper
Multilayer reversible watermarking using non-underflo Thesis
Multi-level fuzzy score fusion for client specific linear Conference Papers
Multilevel power conditioning for stanalone renewable Thesis
Multimedia initiative to be extended nationwide Text
Multimedia messaging service based mobile phone bar Thesis
Multimodal biometric identification with improved dis Thesis
Multi-objective assessment of groundwater quality in MIndexed Paper
Multi-objective cloud migration optimization using diff Thesis
Multi-objective optimization of wire electrical dischar Indexed Paper
Multiple 2D self organising map network for surface re Thesis
Multiple perspectives technology appropriation : analy Conference Papers
Multiple regressions in analysing house price variationsNon-Index Paper
Multipurpose contrast enhancement on epiphyseal plate Indexed Paper
Multiracial co-ops to be set up soon Text
Multiresidue pesticide analysis in water and soil : anali Text
Multi-round divisible real-time scheduling algorithm onThesis
Multi-tasking home security system Thesis
Multi-touch box Thesis
Multivariate analysis Exam Papers
Multivariate optimization of highway alignment using mu Thesis
Multiwall carbon nanotube polyvinyl alcohol-based satur Indexed Paper
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes-agarose gel micro-solidIndexed Paper
Mum and lover charged over toddler's death Text
Municipal solid waste management and potential revenu Indexed Paper
Municipal solid waste management in malaysia: currentJournal Article
Munzir bawa semangat Hang Tuah News Paper Cuttings
Musa : soon all varsitieá to admit only those with S Text
Museum on Chitty community opens in Malacca Text
Museum to be housed in mansion pending relocation Text
Musharakah as a new option for financing small enterpri Thesis
Musim batuk dan demam? Text
Musim penguncupan berakhir Text
Muslim perlu hidupkan semula semangat penyelidikan Text
Muslim scholars to focus on economics Text
Musnah banjir RM100j Text
Mustapa : Malaysia's 5pc growth target achievable Text
Mustapa : need to redefine poverty Text
Musykil sekatan PPB terhadap Iraq ditarik balik News Paper Cuttings
Mutiara Motors terokai pasaran global Text
Mutu kerja selari prasarana kelas pertama Text
Mutual alloying of XAs (X = Ga, In, Al) materials : tuni Indexed Paper
Muzium Adat tonjol budaya kita Text
Muzium Kehakiman akan diwujud Text
Muzium Layang-Layang bakal jadi tarikan Text
Muzium media pertama di Melaka Text
Muzium sukan bakal didirikan Text
Muzium, institusi pendidikan Text
MW-mile charging methodology for wheeling transactioText
My valves are not working Text
MyBrain15 tingkat jumlah pemegang Ph.D dilancar Text
MyKad Loss : make police report for replacement Text
MyKad plan to buy petrol likely to be dropped Text
MyKad rekod waktu kedatangan kakitangan Text
Mykad system : NRD to adopt stricter procedures Text
MyKad: TPM tegur JPJ -- Sukar dilaksana jika jabatan kerText
Mypomen workshop management system Thesis
MyRA dapat sambutan Text
MyRice : pangkalan data pengetahuan padi Malaysia Indexed Paper
Mystery of Iceman's death solved Text
Myvi drives Perodua to top spot Text
Nab those using illegal pesticides Text
Nabil juara Show Jumping pertunjukan kuda antaraban News Paper Cuttings
Naik gaji rangsang produktiviti Text
Naik pangkat Text
Naik taraf sekolah rancangan khas Text
Naikkan had nilai kontrak bantu kontraktor Kelas F Text
Najib : aid is free, copters on standby to send food Text
Najib : aim for zero accident target Text
Najib : bajet beri pertimbangan semua sektor Text
Najib : belum tiba masa naikkan harga minyak Text
Najib : Chinese schools to stay Text
Najib : discard short-term gain mentality Text
Najib : export products with Malaysian flavour Text
Najib : extraordinary times require extraordinary meas Text
Najib : government to help Proton stay competitive Text
Najib : Govt concerned over prevalence of social ills Text
Najib : I will forever be with the people Text
Najib : ISA only as a last resort Text
Najib : KDNK 2008 di bawah sasaran 5 peratus Text
Najib : let school inspectors give frank criticism Text
Najib : Malaysia on track for 5% growth this year Text
Najib : Melayu ubah sikap, bagi memastikan keunggulanText
Najib : new diesel subsidy system soon Text
Najib : no such camps Text
Najib : no to foreign forces Text
Najib : peruntukan RM500j PLKN tidak boleh dianggap Text
Najib : priority for human rights and civil liberties Text
Najib : projects to stimulate economy must take off sooText
Najib : R&D needed to bolster defence Text
Najib : we will not interfere in Thailand's domestic affai Text
Najib : we're committed to global tax standards Text
Najib : world can help secure straits Text
Najib gesa kerjasama ekonomi Malaysia-Arab Saudi dipText
Najib hints of lower pump prices with decline in global oText
Najib keen on student activities off-campus Text
Najib lawat United Kingdom tingkatkan kerjasama dua Text
Najib mahu generasi muda kuasai animasi Text
Najib mahu tentera tingkat ilmu Text
Najib on urbanising rural and Felda areas Text
Najib promises a transparent and accountable Govern Text
Najib proud to visit Tamil heartland Text
Najib puas hati pembangunan fasa pertama terminal P Text
Najib sendiri jumpa rakyat Text
Najib sworn in as PM Text
Najib's bold new way : positioning Malaysia for the futuText
NAM akan keluar pendirian tolak hasrat kuasa besar - Text
NAM corak semula dunia Text
NAM perlu fokus, kembali pada prinsip asal : Najib Text
Nama Nooryah dalam Malaysian Book of Records Text
Nanochemistry Exam Papers
Nanocrystalline diamond deposited on tungsten carbideThesis
Nanomaterials for biofouling and scaling mitigation of Indexed Paper
Nanometer bandwidth soliton generation and experimenta Indexed Paper
Nanopolymer formulation to improve thermal and shear Thesis
Nanoscale microstructural characterization of aluminumThesis
Nanosilica-stabilised supercritical carbon dioxide foam Thesis
Nanotech foils diesel misuse Text
Nanoteknologi dominasi kehidupan abad ke- 21 Text
Nanoteknologi ilmu yang akan mengubah kualiti hidup Text
Nanoteknologi mampu jana hasil pertanian Text
Nanoteknologi melampaui kesediaan pengguna Text
NAP buka saingan tarik pelabur asing Text
NAP tak jejas daya saing harga Proton Text
Narrow bipolar pulses and associated microwave radiatIndexed Paper
Nasib pekebun kecil terus dibela Text
Nasib teks tradisional, bahasa Melayu dapat perhatian Text
Nasib wanita lebih terbela Text
Nasimuddin turned his love for cars into a multi-millionText
Nation in the midst of measles outbreak Text
NationÆs space tests begin Text
National agro firm in 2006, with RM500m paid-up capitText
National Auto pengedar Proton terbanyak di Teluk Text
National Education Blueprint : quality education for all Text
National Education Blueprint 2006-2010 : free hand for Text
National Service : team to study health issues Text
National Service Act needed: Rais Text
National Service camp operators get stern warning Text
National service for 18-year-olds to start in February Text
Nations biggest seagrass area under threat Text
Nations's first medical prison in Alor Star Text
Natives complain of rights violation Text
Natural convection in semi trapezoidal enclosure Text
Natural environmental radioactivity and the correspondin Indexed Paper
Natural foe to check Aedes spread Text
Natural justice in adjudication (Full text) Text
Natural products chemistry Exam Papers
Natural products chemistry Text
Natural products chemistry Exam Papers
Natural products chemistry Text
Natural ventilation performance of double skin facade Thesis
Naza Kia pengedar terbaik Asia Pasifik Text
Naza mahu jadi gergasi automatif Text
Naza mampu jadi rakan strategik Proton Text
Naza pasar kenderaan NGV Text
Naza peneraju segmen 4x4 Text
Naza tawar banyak pilihan kenderaan NGV Text
Nazri isytihar perang terhadap Dr Mahathir Text
NB tidak naikkan tarif elektrik Text
NCER : sektor agro-pelancongan turut dapat manfaat Text
NCER lonjak ekonomi desa PM Text
NCER pacu sektor pelancongan Text
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) applications in medicJournal Article
Nearly 300,000 yet to apply for MyKad Text
Necessary competencies of construction managers in a Thesis
Necessitated absorptive capacity and metaroutines in i Indexed Paper
Need for appraisal Text
Need to plug the gaps in higher education system Text
Negara asing minat kaji kurikulum kita Text
Negara bakal pengeluar global produk pertanian berkualText
Negara bersedia hadapi saat getir Text
Negara di ambang republik? Text
Negara di landasan capai Wawasan 2020 Text
Negara hancur jika gejala sosial tidak ditangani Text
Negara Islam harus elak jadi hamba hutang : Mahathir Text
Negara Islam perlu bersatu desak PBB Text
Negara lain tidak berhak campur urusan Malaysia Text
Negara mampu hadapi krisis ekonomi global Text
Negara masih memerlukan 164000 jurutera profesionalText
Negara masih perlu 300,000 jurutera Text
Negara perlu 11,600 profesional kewangan Islam Text
Negara perlu 23,000 guru berijazah setahun Text
Negara perlu rangka pelan darurat H1N1 Text
Negara pertingkat urus arkib Text
Negara rugi besar jika dasar PPSMI dihentikan Text
Negara sasar lahir 1,500 pakar keselamatan siber Text
Negara terjejas H1N1 wajib buat pemeriksaan keluar Text
Negaraku kembali rentak asal Text
Negara-negara Islam perlu berdikari Text
Negative reports or not, SÆporeans still heading here Text
Negeri diarah tubuh pasukan khas atasi birokrasi Text
Negeri maju : Selangor capai 69.3% Text
Negeri warta fatwa peraduan SMS haram Text
Neglect not the learning family Text
Nekad teruskan pengajian buahkan hasil kejayaan News Paper Cuttings
Nelayan disediakan pelbagai alternatif ganti subsidi die Text
Nelayan terima subsidi 1.36 bilion liter minyak diesel Text
NEM : Malaysia losing skilled talent to other countries Text
NEP stays, says Pak Lah Text
Network analysis for GPS UTMNAV system : preliminaryConference Papers
Network and service economy systems and technology Exam Papers
Network and signal Exam Papers
Network and system/Circuit theory Exam Papers
Network initialization in low-power wireless networks Indexed Paper
Network monitoring application for IPv6 network with IP Text
Network monitoring application for IPv6 network with Text
Network progamming Exam Papers
Network reconfiguration and distributed generation siziThesis
Network, telecommunication and internet security Exam Papers
Network-based real-time kinematic ionospheric residuaThesis
Neural network and genetic algorithm techniques for enThesis
Neural network in inflow forecasting Text
Neural network modeling and identification of naturallyIndexed Paper
Neural networks and support vector machines based bio-a Conference Papers
Neuro : HUSM antara 24 terbaik Text
Neuro-fuzzy modelling of wastewater treatment syste Indexed Paper
Neurology in Asia Text
Never treat money as a commodity of trade Text
New algorithm for fast processing RFID system in contaIndexed Paper
New and bigger terminal needed Text
New approach to lower toll rates Text
New boats for marine police Text
New building won't affect church Text
New centre to treat addicts Text
New civil service mantra : working to a deadline Text
New clout for anti-drug agency Text
New curriculum to make learning fun Text
New Customs D-G to focus on cars Text
New department to help reduce road deaths Text
New development of analysis tool for optimizing generaJournal Article
New economic model for Malaysia 2010 Text
New economic model to help workers earn higher wag Text
New enhancement and restoration methods for the amThesis
New era in proper waste disposal Text
New faces to the fore Text
New feature level fusion scheme for non-cooperative mThesis
New forensic ward at Hospital Bahagia Text
New From EPF : move to maximise benefits Text
New generation separation and identification methods Indexed Paper
New guidelines on punishing students Text
New hope for schizophrenics Text
New industrial training plan News Paper Cuttings
New lab for virus, disease research Text
New law to curb cartel profits Text
New laws for public to join war on crime Text
New laws for the import of exotic pets Text
New laws soon to protect interests of travellers Text
New life for old mosques Text
New look for PJ Old Town approved News Paper Cuttings
New microwave based transesterification techniques for Thesis
New moral studies syllabus Text
New phase of growth for Felda schemes Text
New policy to make Malaysian economy more competitText
New power rate in cabinet hands Text
New procedures make it easier to do business with depText
New ray of hope for cancers sufferers Text
New recruitment system in place Text
New Renogenic test kits to hit global mart Text
New rules for sponsors soon Text
New Saga will be the people's pride and joy Text
New security authentication mechanisms in grid comp Conference Papers
New sol-gel silica nanoparticles coated cyanopropyltrieConference Papers
New submarine 'Tunku' is ours Text
New subsidies only for poor Text
New system to collect toll next March Text
New system to raise the standard Text
New taxes seen to have little impact on car prices Text
New technique for global solar radiation forecasting by Indexed Paper
New technologies for broadband growth Text
New tool to detect breast cancer Text
New way to learn News Paper Cuttings
New ways proposed to curb HIV Text
New weapon against bacteria Text
New Zealand accident tragedy : a homecoming that wasText
NEWater Water Plaza tarikan baru Singapura Text
Newton based homotopy optimization method for solvin Thesis
Nexus of asian equity markets and global financial crisisJournal Article
NGO luah kekecewaan Text
NGV price increase withdrawn Text
Niat Singapura di sebalik tuntutan EEZ Text
Nickel black chromium coating on solar thermal collectoThesis
Nickel removal from electroless nickel plating wastewa Thesis
Nikah secara batin haram: Mufti Text
Nikmat diperoleh bukan kerana nasib baik Text
Nilai hab produk halal dunia Text
Nilai jualan sektor pembuatan naik RM5.3 bilion Text
Nilai KDNK tahun lalu berkembang 5.9 peratus Text
Nilai kemanusiaan, kekuatan ikatan keluarga boleh bendText
Nilai Melayu secara adil : Raja Nazrin Text
Nilai profesionalisme, integriti mesti sentiasa jadi keu Text
Nilai UC tingkat kecemerlangan Text
Nilam Puri terus ambil pelajar baru Text
Nipah Virus : eight years on, it's still a threat Text
Nisa lebih suka fokus pada pengajian News Paper Cuttings
Nitrate and sulfate estimations in water sources using Indexed Paper
NKRA, KPI bukti ketelusan kerajaan Text
NNN dapat sokongan majoriti anggota NAM Text
No ban on teenage drinking Text
No blood transfusion required Text
No bones about it Text
No confrontation : Abdullah and Susilo agree to ease t Text
No country can escape price rise Text
No decision yet on any price increase, says Shahrir Text
No decision yet on incentive for organ donors Text
No discount for Ops Sikap summons Text
No entry for foreigners with two passports Text
No gift of life for four Text
No H1N1 cases, says minister Text
No interference : Civil Courts will not usurp Syariah CouText
No leniency for quarantine vialators Text
No longer just a hinterland for Singapore Text
No more delays : moving into new homes made easier w Text
No more extension on price list for workshops Text
No more guarantee for maids Text
No more interest-free period for credit card users who Text
No more seat-warmers Text
No payment required to register pre-paid numbers Text
No promotion for judges with backlog in grounds of ju Text
No quota on foreign students Text
No rush over decision on English Text
No smoking ruling extended to bars and casino Text
No space to hold illegals Text
No subsidy for RM50 service tax Text
No takers for Mardi's end-products Text
No to gender bias in education Text
No toll hike for most major highways Text
No turning back Text
No way out News Paper Cuttings
Nobel Keamanan iktiraf aktivis perubahan iklim Text
Noise exposure among machine operators on constructio Indexed Paper
Noise level within Universiti Teknologi Malaysia campu Thesis
Noise pollution at school environment located in resideText
Nokia minta Apple disiasat Text
Nominal group technique and its applications in managiNon-Index Paper
Non - euclidean geometry Exam Papers
Non profit oriented entrepreneurs: case study of non g Thesis
Non-bumis may head govt-linked firms Text
Non-Chinese urged to learn Mandarin Text
Noncorrosive separator materials for electric double la Indexed Paper
Non-destructive dielectric measurements and calibratioIndexed Paper
Non-destructive individual tree aboveground biomass esti Thesis
Non-intrusive electrical energy monitoring based on intThesis
Non-invasive blood glucose measurement using tempe Journal Article
Non-invasive process tomography in chemical mixturesIndexed Paper
Non-ionizing (ultra-wideband frequency) electromagneti Journal Article
Nonlinear active suspension system with backstepping cConference Papers
Non-linear behaviour of one-bay steel frames with semi- Text
Nonlinear finite element modeling for steel beam-colu Thesis
Nonlinear identification of a magneto-rheological dam Indexed Paper
Nonlinear mechanical analysis of polymer precast panelConference Papers
Nonlinear response of highway bridge considering eart Text
Nonlinear waves in a stenosed elastic tube filled with Conference Papers
Non-Muslims urged to test, pre-nuptial HIV screening Text
Non-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with tuThesis
Non-parametric particle swarm optimization for global Indexed Paper
Noordin buruan utama Text
Normalized different vegetation index for water pipelinConference Papers
Normative data of potential young Malaysian athlete forThesis
Northport chief foresees 10% growth in 2005 Text
Not a hair out of place Text
Not all tourist spots hit Text
Not easy to teach at reform school Text
Not just a mechanic but a good social engineer Text
Not many in Sarawak qualify to be teachers Text
Not much room for rise in home prices Text
Not written Text
Nothing like home, mate! News Paper Cuttings
Notis amaran terakhir kontraktor gagal siap projek Text
Nov 2 will not be a public holiday Text
Novel and simple design of multi layer radial line slot a Conference Papers
Novel biodegradable patch for atrial septal defect closuThesis
Novel epoxy resin composites containing polyaniline coaIndexed Paper
Novel framework of integrated security and safety sys Conference Papers
Novel green surface modification of metallocene polye Indexed Paper
Novel in-house fabrication of nano lab-on-chip devices Indexed Paper
Novel synthetic signal peptides for the periplasmic secreIndexed Paper
Now Zaid is building relations Text
NRD : the a/l and a/p not a must in ICs Text
NS dodger released from prison; A-G applies for a lesseText
NS firearms training on voluntary basis Text
NS successful in forging integration Text
NS trainer held over rape Text
NS wujudkan pusat data maklumat Text
NSC board means business Text
NST team turned away from UTM Press conference Text
Nuklear antara alternatif sumber tenaga Malaysia Text
Number of fatalities alarming Text
Numerical Analysis Exam Papers
Numerical analysis algorithm for inspection policy proc Journal Article
Numerical analysis of modified ejector cycle on ejector Indexed Paper
Numerical analysis of nanofluid flow in corrugated stra Thesis
Numerical analysis on DNA-sensor based on copper-gr Conference Papers
Numerical and experimental investigation of synthetic Thesis
Numerical conformal mapping via the Bergman Kernel uText
Numerical estimation of hollow fiber membrane for moJournal Article
Numerical integral equation Exam Papers
Numerical investigation of combined convection and nan Indexed Paper
Numerical investigation of guide vane for savonius vertThesis
Numerical investigation on exterior conformal mappingsText
Numerical investigation on flame propagation and presThesis
Numerical investigation on quasi-static response of longThesis
Numerical method for solving multipoints elliptic-parabConference Papers
Numerical methodology to determine fluid flow patternIndexed Paper
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Numerical methods for boundary value problems (PrevText
Numerical methods I Exam Papers
Numerical methods II Exam Papers
Numerical methods in engineering Exam Papers
Numerical modeling of logic gate in optical communica Thesis
Numerical prediction of blended wing body aerodynamic Indexed Paper
Numerical prediction of blended wing body aerodynamic Journal Article
Numerical prediction of laminar nanofluid flow in rect Thesis
Numerical reservoir simulation Text
Numerical simulation for the flow around WIG craft Thesis
Numerical simulation of buried pipe under wheel loads Non-Index Paper
Numerical simulation of cold-formed steel top-seat fla Journal Article
Numerical simulation of flow surrounding a thermoacous Journal Article
Numerical simulation of fluids structure interaction (F Thesis
Numerical simulation of vortex combustion for various aThesis
Numerical simulation on wave interference of catamaran Indexed Paper
Numerical solutions of free convective flow from a ver Indexed Paper
Numerical study of carrier in nanostructure devices Conference Papers
Numerical study of circular fin array free convection heThesis
Numerical study on the transition performance of a scalConference Papers
Nurseries under 24-hour watch Text
Nusajaya bandar utama serantau Text
Nusajaya is first safe city of Johor Text
Nusajaya jadi pelengkap Text
Nusajaya jewel ready by September Text
NUTP backs call for PC use in more classrooms Text
NUTP hopes for more super teacher posts Text
NUTP sokong pelaksanaan berperingkat Text
NUTP syor guru kegiatan luar diberi subsidi minyak Text
NUTP terima banyak aduan pendidik hadapi tekanan Text
NUTP, PIBGN cadang PMR dimansuh, UPSR dirombak Text
Nutraceutical based on the Quran and the Sunnah Conference Papers
Nutrien antioksida penting untuk mata Text
Nutritionists to be attached to schools Text
O&G big guns coming to UTM News Paper Cuttings
Obesiti : 27% penduduk berisiko hidap penyakit serius Text
Obesity : a safer way to lose weight Text
Object - oriented programming/Object - oriented prog Exam Papers
Object and pedestrian detection using image processi Thesis
Object tracking from unmanned aerial vehicle using Ka Thesis
Occupational noise exposure among road construction Indexed Paper
Occupational safety and health improvement in a cutt Thesis
Of land use mix, location and travel carbon emission: s Conference Papers
Offences in cyberspace Text
Offshore structure response due to ship collision on jacIndexed Paper
Offshore structures Exam Papers
OIC perlu wajah baru : Abdullah Text
OIC rancang tubuh kawasan perdagangan bebas Text
OIC sukar campur tangan Mesir News Paper Cuttings
OIC, kita pertama jadi maju, berdasarkan pencapaian ti Text
Oil palm industry badly hit by labour shortage Text
Oil palm mats for Beijing Olympics Text
Oil-filled transformer overload monitoring system Thesis
Olahan air Text
Olahan air larut lesap menggunakan tumbuhan vetiveriThesis
Olahan airsisa menggunakan tumbuhan terapung Text
Olahragawan, olahragawati UTM diumum News Paper Cuttings
Omega algebra model of clinical waste incineration proThesis
On efficient monitoring techniques for statistical qualit Thesis
On feature extraction using gabor filter and feature relaThesis
On fuzzy autocatalytic set Indexed Paper
On graphs associated to conjugacy classes of some thr Journal Article
On matrix representation of some finite groups Indexed Paper
On non-commuting graphs of some finite groups Indexed Paper
On parameter estimation for malaysian gold prices mode Indexed Paper
On stage : Rise of Malay-language theatre Text
On the capability of nonabelian groups of order p(4) Indexed Paper
On the effect of metallic earring on antenna performanJournal Article
On the evolution of LTE to LTE-advanced Journal Article
On the exterior degree of the wreath product of finite Indexed Paper
On the laser beam cutting of metallic hollow sphere str Indexed Paper
On the path to a brave new world Text
On the police and a nation of contractors Text
On the road to drug-free society Text
On the road to making safe food choices Text
On the road to smart travel Text
On the use of non uniform inflow model for aerodynamics Conference Papers
On track to hit tourist arrivals target Text
Onboard fire safety assessment standards for indonesian Journal Article
Once-a-month pay stays for govt staff Text
One bill for water, sewerage charges Text
One dimensional solute transport in homogeneous por Thesis
One direction force transducer for mooring line Thesis
One tree for every Malaysian Text
One-minute rain rate statistics prediction using Ito-Ho Indexed Paper
One-pot synthesis of 2-substituted 4H-3,1-benzoxazin-4Indexed Paper
One-step explicit methods for solving stiff differential Text
One-stop centre for foreign students Text
Ong heads body for better living Text
Online auctions to boost fishermen profits Text
Online bidding system = sistem e-lelong Thesis
Online bookshop management system Thesis
Online cooperative learning for communication and te Indexed Paper
Online forum thread retrieval using data fusion Thesis
Online furniture sales support system using augmentedThesis
Online HTML programming learning for students Thesis
Online patient management system Thesis
Online peer evaluation assesment system (OPEAS) Thesis
Online stochastic modelling for network-based GPS realConference Papers
Online UTM activities management system Thesis
Only 100 take up postgrad study offer Text
Only 15% use public libraries Text
Only RM3m for 100 bridges Text
Onn Jaafar contoh wira Melayu ulung : Abdullah Text
Onn pencetus idea negara-bangsa Text
Ono and tunnel oxide characterization and optimizatio Text
Onset of Asian financial crisis precipitated break-up of Text
On-site partial discharge monitoring system in generatoJournal Article
Ontology - based metabolic pathway prediction using s Text
Ontology matching approaches for eRecruitment Non-Index Paper
Ontology reasoning using SPARQL query: a case study oJournal Article
Ontology-based applications in information systems resConference Papers
Ontology-based knowledge management for enterpriseConference Papers
Ontology-based semantic heterogeneous data integratiThesis
Open plan office design features affecting staff’s he Indexed Paper
Operasi besar-besaran Text
Operasi khalwat diperkemas Text
Operasi mencabar di Lautan Hindi News Paper Cuttings
Operasi syarikat tunggal pengangkutan awam di Perlis Text
Operasi waran tangkap : 8,559 calon PLKN hadapi tindakText
Operation, performance and economic analysis of low hIndexed Paper
Operational research I Text
Operational research III Text
Opposition differential evolution based method for tex Indexed Paper
Ops Sikap 13 : motorcyclists top list of those killed Text
Ops Sikap gagal? Text
Ops Sikap tetap berkesan kurangkan angka kematian Text
Ops tulen - Mampukah mengembalikan maruah negaraText
Opt for technical, vocational studies News Paper Cuttings
Optical absorption of erbium doped tellurite glass Indexed Paper
Optical and sensing properties of sputtered indium tin oThesis
Optical and structural investigations of self-assembled Indexed Paper
Optical bistability controlled using add-drop mobius mi Indexed Paper
Optical communication system Exam Papers
Optical communication system Text
Optical distance measurement tool Text
Optical fiber microbend pressure sensor , base on opti Thesis
Optical front-end receiver configuration for 30GHz mili Conference Papers
Optical generation of 60 GHz downstream data in radioIndexed Paper
Optical properties of erbium doped tellurite glass with Thesis
Optical properties of samarium and ytterbium doped sod Thesis
Optical properties of ZnO/BaCO3 nanocomposites in UVIndexed Paper
Optical tomography : a new filter technique for post p Indexed Paper
Optical tomography : the potential of mass flow rate in Indexed Paper
Optical tomography system based on charge-coupled deConference Papers
Optical tomography system using charge-coupled devicThesis
Optical tomography system: application of charge couplJournal Article
Optical wired/wireless communication using soliton optIndexed Paper
Optimal control based on nonlinear conjugate gradient Thesis
Optimal frictional pressure drop and vapor quality rel Conference Papers
Optimal green energy management for island resorts inIndexed Paper
Optimal guard time length determination for mobile wiConference Papers
Optimal location of thyristor controlled series compensThesis
Optimal placement and sizing for DVR in mitigating voltaThesis
Optimal placement of capacitor bank in distribution ne Thesis
Optimal placement of security camera Thesis
Optimal planning for landfill gas utilisation as a renew Thesis
Optimal process network for municipal solid waste ma Indexed Paper
Optimal process network for municipal solid waste ma Indexed Paper
Optimal proportional integral derivative controller for Thesis
Optimal real time evasion against high speed pursuer Conference Papers
Optimal spectrum sensing for cognitive radio network ut Thesis
Optimal thyristor control series capacitor neuro-controlConference Papers
Optimal timah tasoh reservoir in, Perlis: an operation u Journal Article
Optimisation of distribution quantity in a multi-productIndexed Paper
Optimisation of operating parameters for the removal of Text
Optimisation of plating parameters and performance ana Text
Optimisation of sintering factors of titanium foams us Non-Index Paper
Optimising your business technology Text
Optimization and kinetic studies for esterification of ol Thesis
Optimization and kinetics of green pressurized-liquid Thesis
Optimization for expression of coxacki adenovirus recepIndexed Paper
Optimization Methods Exam Papers
Optimization of a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigraThesis
Optimization of biobutanol production by clostridium s Thesis
Optimization of biodiesel production using hybrid artif Thesis
Optimization of composite plates based on imperialist Non-Index Paper
Optimization of device performance using semiconductThesis
Optimization of electrical discharge machining parametJournal Article
Optimization of electrospinning process to fabricate corThesis
Optimization of flame spray coating on offshore structuThesis
Optimization of hydrodistillation extraction condition Thesis
Optimization of least squares support vector machine t Journal Article
Optimization of oil palm fronds pretreatment using ionicIndexed Paper
Optimization of oleic acid esterification catalyzed by ionIndexed Paper
Optimization of pectin extraction from Nephrolepis bis Indexed Paper
Optimization of protein expression of alpha glucosidas Thesis
Optimization of sol-gel hybrid mediated hollow fiber-soConference Papers
Optimization of stack emission parameters using gaus Journal Article
Optimization of swietenia mahagoni seed in supercriticaThesis
Optimization of the stack in a standing wave thermoacou Journal Article
Optimization of the super lateral energy in laser surfac Indexed Paper
Optimization of thermoluminescence response of coppeConference Papers
Optimization of titanium recovery from drinking water Thesis
Optimization of water supply reservoir in the frameworkIndexed Paper
Optimization of wire arc thermal spray coating on offshThesis
Optimized cluster-based and dynamic fault tolerant rouThesis
Optimized design of home refueling appliance (HRA) wiConference Papers
Optimized subtractive clustering for cluster-based com Conference Papers
Optimizing the frequency of ultrasonic tomography sys Conference Papers
Optimum location and allocation of fault current limite Thesis
Optimum mix radio of compressed concrete using quarrThesis
Optimum performance of proportional-integral-derivatiThesis
Optoelectronics Text
Optoelektronik Text
Orang Asli sekadar penyewa di tanah sendiri News Paper Cuttings
Orang awam wajar bantu kempen polis benci rasuah Text
Orang berharta tangguh hutang termasuk kategori zali Text
Orang Kelantan Melayu sebenar? Text
Orang Melayu kini pemangkin perkasakan bangsa : AbdText
Orang Melayu mesti menabung : ibu bapa harus berta Text
Orang Melayu perlu ketahanan minda Text
Orang ramai bantah tambang baru pengangkutan awa Text
Orang ramai jangan risau Text
Orang ramai kesal LHDN enggan terima bayaran ansuraText
Orang Seletar adaptation to urbanisation through housin Thesis
Orbis tawar rawatan, bedah mata dalam pesawat Text
Organ donors bring new life Text
Organic - less liquid chromatography Conference Papers
Organic chemistry - biomolecules Exam Papers
Organic chemistry - functional groups Exam Papers
Organic chemistry - Functional groups I Exam Papers
Organic chemistry : biomolecules Exam Papers
Organic chemistry biomolecules Exam Papers
Organic synthesis Text
Organisasi perusahaan, pembinaan dan perkilangan Text
Organization behaviour and development-related issuesJournal Article
Organizational behavior Exam Papers
Organizational Behavior Exam Papers
Organizational behavior Exam Papers
Organizational behaviour Exam Papers
Organizational behaviour Exam Papers
Organizational development Exam Papers
Organizational psychology Exam Papers
Organometallic chemistry Text
Organometallic chemistry Exam Papers
Orientasi pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar Institut P Conference Papers
Ornamental and natural plant materials Exam Papers
Orphological investigation of poly(Lactic acid) asymm Indexed Paper
Orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet analysis of visual Non-Index Paper
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based cogniThesis
Orthogonal-curvilinear grid generation for Johor river eText
Otak atasi komputer Text
OUM sasar 130,000 pelajar menjelang 2015 Text
Outdoor propagation prediction and measurement for Text
Outer Ring Rail plan : KTMB network will solve congest Text
Outlier elimination using granular box regression Indexed Paper
Out-of-core simplification with appear preservation fo Text
Over 1 million government employees to benefit, Cola Text
Over 1,200 Join Eco-Friendly Run News Paper Cuttings
Over 61,000 apply for 7,880 teaching posts Text
Over one million to file tax returns online Text
Overcrowding in prisons at critical level : real danger o Text
Overexpression, purification and analysis of dehalogen Conference Papers
Overheat protection for electrical enclosure using inter Thesis
Overly bureaucratic education system Text
Overtime in minimizing construction delay Thesis
Overview of subsurface constructed wetlands application Non-Index Paper
Own up if you are harbouring illegal immigrants, public Text
Owners told to paint premises property Text
Oxidation stability of castor oil in solvent extraction Indexed Paper
Packet-level intrusion detection Thesis
Padang Rengas mosque fully restored Text
Paddy production and climate change variation in SelanIndexed Paper
Pahang cari jalan pesatkan industri pelancongan Text
Pahang Sultan grills boys Text
Pahang tubuh badan khas fahami ilmu mengenali AlIah Text
Pak Lah : ICT key to growth Text
Pak Lah assures Indian IT experts they will be well trea Text
Pak Lah beri amanat kepada semua wakil rakyat BN Text
Pak Lah feels vindicated by healthy growth of industry Text
Pak Lah mahu swasta teroka Afrika Selatan Text
Pak Lah penuhi hobi berkereta, membaca buku Text
Pak Lah syor perkampungan kraf di setiap negeri Text
Pakaian dan fabrik Exam Papers
Pakaian dan fabrik Exam Papers
Pakar akui keupayaan RON95 Text
Pakar alam sekitar tempatan belum ditauliah Text
Pakar ekonomi AS harap Malaysia bantu basmi kemiski Text
Pakar ekonomi yakin Malaysia tidak terjejas teruk Text
Pakar Islam perlu teroka vaksin halal Text
Pakar perundangan perlu elak sentimen agama Text
Pakar sains sukan digesa cari strategi baru Text
Pakar UTM kaji hakisan Tanjung Piai Text
Pakar yakin kemiskinan diatasi Text
Pakatan kastam, pengimport Text
Pakatan tumbang Text
Pakej baru mampu pikat pelancong Text
Pakej diolah sasar 15 juta pelancong Text
Pakej lebih baik PPSMI Text
Pakej pengajaran dan pembelajaran kamiran berganda Text
Pakej rangsangan ekonomi tagih komitmen pelbagai pi Text
Pakej RM60b perkukuh ekonomi negara hadapi kegawatText
Pakistani workers to fill vacuum left by illegals Text
Palaces intervene in appointment of two MBs Text
Palestin bukan milik nenek moyang Yahudi Text
Palm oil fuel ash as potential green micro-filler in poly Indexed Paper
Palm oil fund for saving orang utans Text
Palm oil mill effluent treatment towards zero dischargeConference Papers
Palm oil sector can meet major NEM goals Text
Palm oil-based polyurethane : synthesis of diethanolamThesis
Pam rosak punca 165,000 penduduk putus bekalan air Text
Pamer kerangka Proton Exora di UTM mulai hari ini Text
Pameran beri penghormatan saintis Islam Text
Pandangan Kuan Yew berat sebelah News Paper Cuttings
Pandangan peguam syarie tentang pemeliharaan hak wa Thesis
Pandemik dijangka berterusan Text
Panel makes minimum wage proposals Text
Panel to review monitoring of foreign students Text
Panggilan percuma PC ke PC dengan free-i Text
Pangkalan data industri pelancongan Text
Pangkalan data lanjutan Text
Panjang tirus bagi lorong pecutan berdasarkan laju pur Text
Pantai Teluk Wawasan lokasi baru pelancongan Text
Pantai Timur menantikan pelancaran ECER Text
Pantau masa nyata, Kerajaan tubuh Sistem PengurusanText
Pantau pemaju lambat bina rumah murah Text
Pantau salah guna telefon bimbit Text
Panther, cub to stay at forest reserve Text
Paper made from oil palm waste Text
Paperless receipt solution system Thesis
Para-counsellors for first line of treatment Text
Paraffin wax application in automotive modeling (AbstrText
Parallel algorithm of navier-stokes model for magnetic Thesis
Parallel iterative block and direct block methods for Conference Papers
Parallel model and scheduling technique for spaces co Indexed Paper
Parallel sequence decoupled full newton raphson thre Conference Papers
Parallel system for abnormal cell growth prediction basConference Papers
Parallel unbalanced three-phase power flow analysis inThesis
Paralysed son says : ayah, don't cry, but father blames Text
Parameter estimation by using an improved bee memory Indexed Paper
Parameter estimation for a mechanistic model of high Journal Article
Parameter estimation using artificial bee colony algor Thesis
Parameterisation of fission neutron spectra (TRIGA reacConference Papers
Parameterization of zero plane displacement and aerodThesis
Parametric study of a solar vapour absorption system Text
Parametric study of solar air heater Thesis
Parametric study on reinforced concrete slab : comparisText
Paras air empangan kritikal penduduk diminta berjimatText
Paras air empangan masih terkawal : MB Text
Parental acceptance of the e-waris student informatio Thesis
Parents more interested in academic excellence Text
Parents not to blame Text
Parents receive sonÆs degree Text
Paris bantu bangun loji nuklear Text
Parit jawa berpotensi jadi destinasi ekopelancongan Text
Park attracting more visitors Text
Park needs right focus to succeed Text
Parking power to the people Text
Parlimen Mahasiswa di semua IPTA Text
Part time registration system for umm alqura universityThesis
Partial Differential Equations Exam Papers
Partial discharge characteristics with morphological anaConference Papers
Partial stroke testing for emergency shutdown valve u Thesis
Participation restriction in cancer survivors:a cross-cu Journal Article
Particle swarm optimization for curve fitting Thesis
Particle swarm optimization for identification of a flex Indexed Paper
Particle swarm optimization for neural network learnin Text
Partners in education : nice couples graduate in Spa Text
Partnership and company law Exam Papers
Partnership in forest conservation Text
Pas kerja 5 tahun diperkenal Text
Pasangan catat sejarah Text
Pasangan tentukan keputusan sendiri Text
Pasar raya perlu kemuka rancangan perniagaan Text
Pasar Tani Mega FAMA Ogos Text
Pasaran ekuiti Malaysia masih menarik Text
Pasaran harta Pulau Labuan terus berkembang pesat News Paper Cuttings
Pasaran hartanah dijangka terus meningkat Text
Pasaran ICT Malaysia menarik Text
Pasaran saham dijangka pulih tahun ini Text
Pasaran wang dan modal Text
Pasport : pemandu teksi ke Singapura dilanda beban Text
Pasport bercip generasi kedua tahun hadapan Text
Passenger car equivalency of motorcycle at the rounda Thesis
Passenger flow impedance in airport terminal followingText i
Passive aproaches for detecting image tampering : a re Indexed Paper
Passive damping techniques for structures Text
Password English utamakan pengajaran berasas aktivitiText
Passwords to stop credit-card abuse Text
Pastikan caruman bantu hari tua Text
Pastikan internet tidak disalah guna Text
Pastikan sekolah tubuh kadet polis Text
Pastikan Selat Melaka selamat Text
Pastikan standard skim akreditasi dipatuhi Text
Pasukan inspektorat pantau modul PLKN Text
Pasukan khas ditubuh banteras cetak rompak Text
Pasukan khas IPTS : langkah selamatkan institusi penga Text
Pasukan khas pulih projek terbengkalai Text
Pasukan Trisikal Suria 2020 UTM cemerlang Text
Pat on the back for educators Text
Paten : tahap kesedaran masih kurang Text
Pathological internet use among Malaysia university stud Indexed Paper
Pattern of land uses and their effect on land values : casText
Pattern recognition for bivariate process mean shifts usIndexed Paper
Patuhi jalan raya wajib dalam Islam : Mufti Text
Patutkah mati kerana kesilapan perubatan? Text
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Pavement management system Exam Papers
Pay for your health : new scheme set for take-off next Text
Pay rise for 40,000 nurses Text
Pay rise to include the police force Text
Paying the price for progress Text
Paying tribute to 16 Dayak war heroes Text
Payment issues - the present dilemmas of Malaysian cont Text
Payment woes among Malaysian contractors (Full text)Text
PBB terima hakikat rekod kecemerlangan ATM Text
PBSB syor harga tol baru RM8.50 Text
PBSM perkenal sukatan pelajaran tambahan Text
PBT diarah pantau premis hapus Aedes Text
PBT diarah segera sedia akaun Text
PBT dilarang tawar ganjaran lunas cukai Text
PBT terdedah rasuah, salah guna kuasa Text
PC based analogue circuit tester Text
PD tumpuan pelancongan kesihatan Text
PDC buka kawasan News Paper Cuttings
PDRM kurang kesungguhan tangani jenayah seks, budaText
PDRM lepasi piawaian Interpol selesai kes jenayah Text
PDRM seragamkan program Rakan Cop Text
PDRM tubuh lima pasukan khas banteras jenayah Text
PE teachers for Saturdays Text
Peace Malaysia to form youth corps Text
Peaks of full interactions of Korteweg De Vries (KdV) solIndexed Paper
Peas be with you Text
Pedestrian safety index for evaluating street facilities i Indexed Paper
Pedih hulu hati, ulser atau senak? Text
Pegawai awam penggodam Text
Pegawai cuai punca Bank Islam rugi RM700 juta Text
Pegawai JPJ cadang pesalah trafik serius buat kerja amaText
Pegawai kadet Palapes perlu semangat patriotik Text
Pegawai kastam AS ditempat di PTP, Klang Text
Pegawai kastam mungkin dipecat Text
Pegawai KPDNHEP dibei kuasa tangkap penjual CD, VC Text
Pegawai lembap dipecat Text
Pegawai miliki PhD sarjana dalam ATM digembleng Text
Pegawai TLDM hadapi tuduhan rasuah RM264,499 Text
Pejabat perlu patuhi standard kualiti udara Mei Text
Peka tabungan pendidikan Text
Pekan francais di Jalan Pontian Text
Pekerja asing diwajib ambil insurans tambahan Text
Pekerja asing punca kadar penyakit meningkat Text
Pekerja asing wajib cap jari ambil gaji Text
Pekerja asing wajib guna kad bio-metrik Text
Pekerja bank naik gaji Text
Pekerja kebajikan dekat di hati rakyat Text
Pekerja ladang dapat durian runtuh Text
Pekerja muda perlu lonjakan keupayaan Text
Pekerja universiti tuntut hak News Paper Cuttings
Pelabuhan Klang lengang jerebu semakin buruk Text
Pelabuhan Klang, Kuala Selangor jerebu semula Text
Pelabuhan Malaysia bakal unggul di Asia Text
Pelabur asing siap sedia masuki pasaran Malaysia Text
Pelabur asing tarikan pasaran Text
Pelabur skim amanah perlu bersikap rasional Text
Pelabur Taiwan minat pertanian, penternakan Text
Pelabur tempatan diseru pegang peranan utama Text
Pelabur yakin sistem kewangan negara Text
Pelaburan asing cecah 1.8 bilion Text
Pelaburan besar majukan sektor pelancongan negara Text
Pelaburan ke atas bangunan hijau dari perspektif pemaThesis
Pelaburan terkumpul KWSP RM253.65 bilion Text
Pelajar Alam Shah dicedera senior Text
Pelajar amal seks bebas Text
Pelajar baru UTM, UiTM turut disaring Text
Pelajar bidang pertanian pelapis usahawan sektor mak Text
Pelajar cemerlang dijamin dapat tempat di IPTA Text
Pelajar cipta pil rawat gout Text
Pelajar digalak dalami budaya Sarawak Text
Pelajar diingat kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Pelajar diingat manfaat peluang ke universiti Text
Pelajar gagal masuk IPTA ditawar tempat di MUS Text
Pelajar IPTA kritik kerajaan bukan propembangkang Text
Pelajar IPTA wajib ambil dua program utama Text
Pelajar IPTA wajib lulus Titas mulai tahun ini Text
Pelajar Kejuruteraan UTM tekad terus berjaya Text
Pelajar kreatif Text
Pelajar kreatif, berkemahiran tetapi kurang markah `AÃText
Pelajar lepak ditangkap : Polis Kuala Lumpur bertindak Text
Pelajar Melayu hadapi masalah pinjaman boleh ke 19 Text
Pelajar miskin mungkin dikecuali bayar yuran sekolah Text
Pelajar pascasiswazah Universiti Malaya meningkat Text
Pelajar perlu ada wawasan peribadi Text
Pelajar program matrikulasi diiktiraf universiti luar neg Text
Pelajar SMT berpeluang lanjut pelajaran di kolej matrikuText
Pelajar tempatan jelajah Eropah sebar mesej guna bah Text
Pelajar terbabit kes jenayah makin serius Text
Pelajar UMS meningkat kepada 10,000 Text
Pelajar universiti salah guna sudut pidato berdepan tin Text
Pelajar UTHM bantu pembangunan modal insan Text
Pelajar UTM bantu baiki rumah mangsa banjir Text
Pelajar UTM beri sumbangan raya kepada golongan misText
Pelajar UTM dijumpai mati tergantung Text
Pelajar UTM ditahan, dibuang sejak julai 1991 News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar UTM hampir bersalin di Plaza Angsana Text
Pelajar UTM ikuti program bakti siswa di Bario Text
Pelajar UTM Maut Jatuh Tingkat 4 Asrama Text
Pelajar UTM mesti jauhkan diri terlibat PKPM Text
Pelajar UTM mungkin dibuang universiti Text
Pelajar wanita UTM lemas ketika berenang News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar, eksekutif muda terlibat HIV/AIDS Text
Pelajari sosiobudaya asing elak kejutan Text
Pelaksanaan e-pembayaran dipercepat Text
Pelaksanaan gaji minimum kena ambil kira kemampuanNews Paper Cuttings
Pelaksanaan hukuman buang daerah diperkemas Text
Pelaksanaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas Asean: HargaText
Pelaksanaan NCER bukan untuk raih populariti : PM Text
Pelaksanaan penuh mulai 2004 -- S&M dalam bahasa Ingg Text
Pelan induk lahir tenaga kerja produktif dilancar Text
Pelan induk sistem pengangkutan awam Text
Pelan induk ubah wajah kampung Text
Pelan khusus diguna atasi masalah kekurangan ikan Text
Pelan Pengeluaran Pertanian Nasional dilulus Text
Pelan pengunduran AS dari Iraq tidak bermakna? Text
Pelan selesai masalah rakyat News Paper Cuttings
Pelan strategik IPT ditambah baik News Paper Cuttings
Pelan strategik turunkan kadar nahas maut Text
Pelancaran portfolio tanpa wayar terbaru Bluetooth Text
Pelancong Asia sasaran Malaysia Text
Pelancong asing: kampung pilihan tempat tinggal Text
Pelancong atau kedaulatan negara Text
Pelancong China terus meningkat Text
Pelancongan di Johor : motivasi dan ciri perjalanan pel Text
Pelancongan hapuskan miskin tegar di Kuala Medang Text
Pelancongan jana perolehan RM30b Text
Pelancongan Muslim TH makin diminati bukan Islam Text
Pelantikan hakim tidak ikut senioriti Text
Pelantikan Kabinet suatu amanah Text
Pelargonium radula as a plant bioindicator in monitorinJournal Article
Pelatih akui PKN beri pengalaman berguna Text
Pelatih lelaki PLKN ditambah 60 peratus Text
Pelbagai bentuk keganasan terhadap wanita Text
Pelbagai cabang bidang kejuruteraan Text
Pelbagai kemungkinan selepas ACARS transponder dip News Paper Cuttings
Pelbagai laluan memperoleh kelulusan dari UK Text
Pelbagai sektor runcit terjejas Text
Pelbagai teori helikopter hilang Text
Pelbagai usaha tingkat pencapaian pelajar desa Text
Pelekat kenderaan UTM tidak mahal Text
Pelepasan cukai beli komputer RM3,000 Text
Pelepasan cukai galak IPTS bergabung Text
Pelihara kesefahaman antara kaum : Abdullah Text
Pelihara strategi unik Text
Peluang bagi rakyat bersaing majukan perniagaan ke peText
Peluang bagi wanita asing hilang kerja Text
Peluang baiki kelemahan murid Text
Peluang graduan dapat kerja Text
Peluang ikuti pengajian di kolej bersekutu UiTM Text
Peluang lanjut pengajian ijazah Text
Peluang lelaki terokai bidang kejururawatan Text
Peluang pendidikan sama rata Text
Peluang penduduk luar bandar miliki komputer Text
Pelupusan ayat Al-Quran perlu ikut tertib Text
Pemahaman Barat terhadap Islam ditingkat News Paper Cuttings
Pemahaman kosep pecahan dalam kalangan tiga kelompok Text
Pemain sabotaj misi negara Text
Pemaju diarah henti buang sisa kumbahan Text
Pemaju diingat tidak guna batu bata bercampur toksik Text
Pemakaian konsep multimodalisma di dalam perancangan Text
Pemakanan & kesihatan : elak kematian mengejut Text
Pemakanan seimbang, disiplin cegah obesiti Text
Pemanasan global jejas alam sekitar, kehidupan Text
Pemandu amal tabiat buruk Text
Pemandu disyaki sakit mental rempuh murid Text
Pemandu lori dituduh edar 978.015kg syabu Text
Pemandu pelancong wajar guna maklumat terkini Text
Pemandu Singapura tidak berhemah Text
Pemangkin kemajuan pemotoran Text
Pemansuhan MTPN ditangguh Text
Pemantau pengangkutan awam diperlukan Text
Pemantauan kawasan banjir menggunakan sistem pangk Thesis
Pemantauan keadaan mesin Text
Pemantauan kestabilan cerun : kes kajian : Kolej 14, U Text
Pemasaran harta tanah Text
Pematuhan etika perniagaan tingkat imej penjaja Text
Pematuhan nilai, etika kerja dianggap ibadat Text
Pembabitan ahli akademik mantapkan sistem perunda Text
Pembaikan sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web diText
Pembakaran bermangkin Text
Pembakaran gabungan arang batu dengan biojisim Text
Pembangunan aplikasi bahasa arab komunikasi (Arabic Thesis
Pembangunan aplikasi berasaskan web 1/ web based apExam Papers
Pembangunan aplikasi berasaskan web II (WEB based ap Text
Pembangunan aplikasi pengesanan kelemahan pangkalThesis
Pembangunan aplikasi permainan strategi untuk latiha Thesis
Pembangunan aplikasi web dan multimedia berdasarkan Thesis
Pembangunan bahan e - pembelajaran berasaskan sistem Thesis
Pembangunan bahan multimedia penceritaan kanak-kana Thesis
Pembangunan bandar Text
Pembangunan bandar 2 Exam Papers
Pembangunan bandar II Text
Pembangunan bateri asid plumbum termaju : laporan has Text
Pembangunan dan penggunaan bahan penjerap dan fasa Text
Pembangunan harta tanah dan pelestarian alam Conference Papers
Pembangunan holistik pelajar Text
Pembangunan kandis resource centre : pemakin pelanco Text
Pembangunan kerjaya Exam Papers
Pembangunan kluster perkukuh kedudukan bumiputer Text
Pembangunan laman web pembelajaran asid dan bes ber Thesis
Pembangunan laman web pembelajaran ikatan kimia ber Thesis
Pembangunan modal insan holistik mampu bentuk beliaText k
Pembangunan model penilaian kaedah mass-appraisal men Text
Pembangunan model penilaian kualiti kemudahan laluan Thesis
Pembangunan modul "Mechanics Made Simple" Thesis
Pembangunan organisasi Exam Papers
Pembangunan pembakar berbahan api cecair dengan ciri Text
Pembangunan pembakar berbahan api cecair dengan ciri Text
Pembangunan perisian keylogger pada honeypot Thesis
Pembangunan perisian kos rendah untuk ukur industri =Text
Pembangunan perisian pembelajaran kendiri berbantuka Thesis
Pembangunan perisian peramalan rosotan isyarat gelom Text
Pembangunan semula Brownfield bagi memenuhi konsep Thesis
Pembangunan sistem hipermedia bagi panduan pemas Text
Pembangunan sistem maklumat geografi pangkalan data Thesis
Pembangunan sistem maklumat kawalan kadaster bagi Text
Pembangunan sistem perkadaran bagi tujuan penilaian Text
Pembangunan sistem sokongan pembelajaran kendiri ata Thesis
Pembangunan Tanah Untuk Juruukur Text
Pembangunan tanah untuk pengurusan harta Text
Pembangunan terlalu perlahan Text
Pembangunan Webmap Kuala Lumpur menggunakan Ge Thesis
Pembayar cukai dijangka beralih guna e-filing lima tahun
Pembayaran elektronik agensi kerajaan 1 Julai Text
Pembayaran gaji sekali sebulan sektor awam kekal Text
Pembedahan sendi punggung bantu pesakit berjalan Text
Pembelajaran berasaskan masalah dalam sains: satu met Conference Papers
Pembelajaran berkonsepkan flipped menerusi aktiviti Conference Papers
Pembelajaran dewasa Text
Pembelajaran dewasa Text
Pembelajaran inkuiri-kolaboratif dalam persekitaran t Conference Papers
Pembelajaran matematik berasaskan permainan Text
Pembelajaran motor Exam Papers
Pembelajaran transformasi dalam kalangan golongan pThesis
Pembentukan kemahiran reka bentuk melalui pembelajara Conference Papers
Pembentukkan pustaka rutin input-output pemprosesanText
Pemberi rasuah harus diperangi Text
Pemberian tanah basmi kemiskinan Text
Pembestarian sekolah Text
Pembestarian Sekolah bermula Text
Pembiak tisu gantian Text
Pembiayaan projek Text
Pembiayaan sektor swasta kekal kukuh Text
Pembinaan dan penilaian modul pengajaran kendiri ke Thesis
Pembinaan jadual piawai bagi sambungan plat sirip untText
Pembinaan jalan luar bandar di Gua Musang Text
Pembinaan kampus UDM bermula Oktober Text
Pembinaan modul berasaskan web untuk meningkatkanConference
k Papers
Pembinaan Modul Celik MOL dalam topik konsep MOL Thesis
Pembinaan perisian pengajaran berbantukan komputerText
Pembinaan perumahan di kawasan luar bandar : kajian Text
Pembinaan rel KLIA-LCCT dilulus Text
Pembinaan sebuah aparatus kandungan lilin parafin danText
Pembinaan tiga terminal menyusahkan pengguna Text
Pemecahan protein rangsang penuaan Text
Pemegang saham Bursa Malaysia raih durian runtuh Text
Pemelihara khazanah ulama Text
Pemerdagangan kanak-kanak menghantui AS News Paper Cuttings
Pemeriksaan tubuh tahanan secara intim : waran sejajarText
Pemetaan aluran menggunakan fotogrametri digital jarText
Pemetaan jalan desa di Johor News Paper Cuttings
Pemetaan medan graviti di selatan Semenanjung Malaysi Text
Pemetaan Risiko cara terbaik kurangkan kesan banjir Text
Pemikiran Dr M jadi kursus di maktab Text
Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif Text
Pemikiran tasawuf Sunan Bonang (1450-1525 M) berdasThesis
Pemilihan fungsi objektif yang optimum dalam kalibra Text
Pemilihan Hillary strategi pintar politik Obama Text
Pemilihan jawatan kanan kerajaan berdasar merit Text
Pemilihan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar suburkan amalan deText
Pemilihan Malaysia pengiktirafan dunia Text
Pemilihan MPP UTM dijangka sengit News Paper Cuttings
Pemimpin baik mampu bawa kesejahteraan rakyat Text
Pemimpin berimej bersih jadi pilihan News Paper Cuttings
Pemimpin bijak kukuhkan organisasi Text
Pemimpin kanan hadapi 7 tuduhan : dipanggil beri ket Text
Pemimpin Malaysia-China puas hati semangat kerjasa Text
Peminat Akademi Fantasia belanja RM7.5j hantar 15 ju Text
Pemindahan gerbang kayu majlis konvokesyen dari DewPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pemindahan haba Text
Pemodelan matematik I (mathematical modelling I) Text
Pemodelan papak bulat tangki simpanan air konkrit be Thesis
Pemodelan Penggunaan Kenderaan Tidak Bermotor Berd Journal Article
Pemodelan rekomendasi halaman web berasaskan teknik Text
Pemodelan simulasi Text
Pemproses Isyarat Digit Text
Pemproses isyarat digit Text
Pemprosesan bahan Text
Pemprosesan fail Text
Pemuda Umno selar laporan tak beretika media IndoneText
Pemudah diberi enam bulan buat perubahan Text
Pemudah platform atasi masalah birokrasi Text
Pemudah wujud 5 kumpulan fokus Text
Pemulihan ekonomi perlahan tahun depan : IMF Text
Pemulihan hubungan Barat, Islam jangan sekadar retoriText
Pemuliharaan alam sekitar tidak dilupakan Text
Pemuliharaan persekitaran air sungai di kawasan bandar Text
Pemutus litar bocor ke bumi secara automatik Text
Pemvisualan data Text
Penagih dadah bilangan tertinggi terbabit kes ragut di Text
Penagih dadah meningkat di semua Felda Text
Penagih dadah tidak diabaikan : AADK Text
Penagih ibarat bom jangka ancam masyarakat Text
Penagihan dadah sintetik meningkat Text
Penambahbaikan tugas pendidik tangani masalah disipliText
Penanda aras tahap R&D di IPT ketinggalan Text
Penang Bridge toll may go up Text
Penang ready to face 21st century with confidence News Paper Cuttings
Penang reopens three dams to the public Text
Penang using e-library to narrow digital divide Text
Penangguhan kata putus PPSMI untuk kebaikan bersamText
Pencabul kehormatan bersiri dipenjara 5 tahun Text
Pencapaian sepanjang kepimpinan Abdullah Text
Pencapaian STPM seluruh negara memberangsangkan Text
Pencapaian UTM 
sandaran negara – MPN News Paper Cuttings
Pencarum KWSP keluar RM87j biaya pendidikan Text
Pencarum rugi RM600j : melibatkan 80 peratus pelabu Text
Pencemaran : Sungai juru kekal di tangga teratas Text
Pencemaran alam : Kabinet pastikan tindakan segera Text
Pencemaran diatasi : JAS penubuhan APMM membant Text
Penceraian pasangan Islam meningkat berbanding perkText
Pencerapan dan analisis data hidraulik untuk suatu p Thesis
Pencirian bahan & kawalan kualiti Text
Pencukaian harta tanah Text
Pendaftaran syarikat bioteknologi terhad Text
Pendakwa syarie disyor guna DNA Text
Pendakwah dituntut bersikap lemah lembut, sentiasa s Text
Pendapatan KWSP meningkat RM11.8b Text
Pendapatan Media Prima naik 28 peratus Text
Pendapatan pelaburan KWSP susut 10.47 peratus Text
Pendapatan per kapita Asia Timur naik 3.5% Text
Pendapatan perkapita negara lebih tinggi daripada AmeText
Pendarahan Otak akibat darah tinggi kian meningkat Text
Pendedahan cabaran global : 3 pelajar UTM sertai kurs Text
Pendekatan bandar raya moden utama kemudahan Text
Pendekatan Islam Hadhari berteraskan ilmu Text
Pendekatan konsep bina dan jual lebih adil Text
Pendekatan kreatif Ops Sikap XVII kurangi nahas maut Text
Pendekatan penilaian untuk analisa cerun tanah (Previ Text
Pendekatan rakan sebaya cara terbaik tangani masalahText
Penderia & Tranduser Text
Penderia Dan Transduser Text
Penderia gentian optik Exam Papers
Penderia Gentian Optik Exam Papers
Penderia gentian optiks Exam Papers
Pendidik berdosa jika murid gagal Text
Pendidikan agama tersusun berjaya sekat ajaran sesat Text
Pendidikan awal berkesan cegah nahas Text
Pendidikan awal sebelum ke sekolah Text
Pendidikan berkualiti julang martabat Islam Text
Pendidikan formal bantu bina modal insan Text
Pendidikan Islam dalam membentuk asas jati diri sebagConference Papers
Pendidikan Islam, Moral bukan punca perpecahan Text
Pendidikan kekeluargaan Exam Papers
Pendidikan kesenian, kebudayaan diperkemas Text
Pendidikan kita tersilap? Text
Pendidikan moral pelajar terpinggir Text
Pendidikan penting basmi kemiskinan Text
Pendidikan peringkat rendah, peranan wanita dan pert Text
Pendidikan prasekolah penting Text
Pendidikan seks : sikap ibu bapa perlu terbuka Text
Pendidikan seks asas penting didik remaja batasan per Text
Pendidikan seksual remaja masih rendah News Paper Cuttings
Pendidikan silang budaya benih perpaduan nasional News Paper Cuttings
Pendidikan tambahan Text
Pendidikan teknikal bukan kelas kedua Text
Pendidikan tiga aliran sekolah teknik dapat sambutan Text
Pendirian kita tegas : tiada campur tangan asing kawal Text
Pendorongan pesawat udara Text
Penduduk paling ramai tetapi kurang miliki hartanah Text
Penduduk Pattani lalui zaman sukar Text
Penduduk pedalaman mampu bergelar usahawan Text
Penempatan guru BI di bandar, pedalaman disusun semText
Penentuan arah kiblat menggunakan alat GPS handheldThesis
Penentuan beban bahan cemar tidak bertitik dari tad Thesis
Penentuan faktor kekasaran dalam saluran berumput Thesis
Penentuan harga penjualan harta tanah kediaman mengThesis
Penentuan kesepadanan bidang pengajian-pekerjaan daConference Papers
Penentuan masa penyelenggaraan salur paip berkarat Thesis
Penentuan orang yang berkepentingan dalam pengambila Thesis
Penentuan pesongan rasuk konkrit bertetulang menggun Text
Penentuan sudut saluran masuk saliran jalan raya (abstText
Penentuan susunan lapisan kayu yang optimum bagi strText
Penerapan elemen inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembel Thesis
Penerapan elemen inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembel Thesis
Penerapan pengutaraan masalah untuk meningkatkan kem Conference Papers
Penerbangan balak dibenarkan : MB Text
Penerima AP didedah : empat orang diberikan lebih 25,Text
Penerima biasiswa Universiti Harvard kunjungi Najib Text
Penerimaan teknologi sistem pengurusan maklumat sumbe Thesis
Peneroka Felda perlu elak cagar geran tanah Text
Peneroka peroleh RM6,000 sebulan Text
Penerokaan biodiesel dikaji : Yusof Noor Text
Penetapan kuota bekalan diesel di stesen didakwa pun Text
Penetrant-induced plasticization phenomenon in glass Indexed Paper
Penetration testing and intrusion mechanism Exam Papers
Penetration testing and intrusion prevention Exam Papers
Pengadilan, bakat mampu ubah bola sepak negara Text
Pengajaran daripada penarafan ranking universiti Text
Pengajaran mikro: impaknya terhadap pengajaran guruConference Papers
Pengajaran Sains, Matematik dalam BI ditentu 2008 Text
Pengajaran untuk media : Zainuddin Text
Pengajian Amerika Text
Pengajian undang-undang Text
Pengalaman Avatar di Zhangjiajie Text
Pengalaman Dr M manfaatkan Proton Text
Pengalaman Itali urus PKS dipelajari Text
Pengalaman ngeri boleh patahkan semangat pelajar Text
Pengamal media mampu kawal etika Text
Pengamalan dasar luar melalui RazakSat2 News Paper Cuttings
Pengambilan balik tanah Text
Pengambilan diperketat : pastikan pelajar benar-benar lText
Pengambilan guru seimbang Text
Pengambilan matrikulasi ditambah hingga 5,000 lagi Text
Pengambilan pekerja asing dalam industri pembinaan ( Text
Pengambilan pekerja asing dibeku 3 bulan Text
Pengambilan pelajar ijazah lanjutan ditingkatkan Text
Penganggur luar bandar sasaran bursa buruh Text
Pengangguran selesai 2 tahun Text
Pengangkutan awam boleh jana ekonomi Text
Pengangkutan awam tuntut naik tambang hingga 600%Text
Pengangkutan laut Text
Penganjur gagal patuh syarat AAM News Paper Cuttings
Pengantar makroekonomi Text
Pengantar makroekonomi Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Pengantarabangsaan UTM kembangkan sayap ke Eropah Text
Pengaplikasian Kemahiran Berfikir dalam Pengajaran Conference Papers
Pengaruh anthropometri tubuh badan keatas prestasi ae Text
Pengaruh bahasa Arab terhadap bahasa Melayu Text
Pengaruh faktor demografi terhadap kemampuan pemiThesis
Pengaruh faktor organisasi dan pengantara personaliti Thesis
Pengaruh gaya hidup pelajar kejuruteraan di kolej k Conference Papers
Pengaruh GGBS terhadap kekuatan mampatan konkrit Text
Pengaruh ideologi gerakan dakwah tabligh terhadap p Thesis
Pengaruh kadar campuran dan nisbah air-simen terhadaText
Pengaruh kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan kayu ter Text
Pengaruh kecerunan ira terhadap kekuatan kayu Text
Pengaruh kehilangan turus dalam sistem paip Text
Pengaruh media Text
Pengaruh nombor rumah terhadap nilai harta tanah k Thesis
Pengaruh pemikiran pemimpin politik terhadap rekabenThesis
Pengaruh penggunaan kertas ke atas konkrit ringan tanText
Pengaruh Petronas pikat Iraq Text
Pengaruh ruangan aplikasi dan kerjaya majalah web duThesis
Pengaruh sodium silikat terhadap kekuatan mampatan Tt ext
Pengaruh televisyen boleh beri kesan negatif jika tidak Text
Pengaruh televisyen terhadap tingkah laku keganasan Thesis
Pengaturcaraan C Text
Pengaturcaraan fortran Text
Pengaturcaraan lanjutan Text
Pengaturcaraan lanjutan Text
Pengaturcaraan multimedia DI-Web Text
Pengautomatan pejabat menerusi pendekatan tugas (PText
Pengawal Terbenam Text
Pengawalan hazard di tapak bina projek seliaan JabatanThesis
Pengawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Pengawasan 24 jam elak nahas maut meningkat Text
Pengawasan airbumi di Kelantan Utara (Abstract) Text
Pengecaman buah-buahan berdasarkan warna Text
Pengecaman wajah menggunakan kaedah graf terhubunText
Pengecualian PTK boleh jejas imej guru Text
Pengedar pengaruhi harga mahal CD, VCD Text
Pengelompokan data kaji cuaca menggunakan algoritmConference Papers
Pengeluar kereta nasional tak dilindungi selamanya : P Text
Pengeluar produk perlu kurangkan kos pembuatan Text
Pengeluar tidak berinovasi hilang pasaran Text
Pengeluaran AP kenderaan Wald dihentikan Text
Pengeluaran automotif Text
Pengeluaran daging tempatan naik 15,000 tan Text
Pengeluaran getah asli Malaysia susut 1.6% September Text
Pengeluaran ikan air tawar ditingkat Text
Pengeluaran kereta dijangka merosot 20 peratus Text
Pengenalan binaan Text
Pengenalan kepada alam bina Exam Papers
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan industri Text
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan industri Text
Pengenalan kepada pembinaan sarjana muda pembina Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Pengenalan sains angkasa Text
Pengenalan sejarah & teori Text
Pengenalan sejarah & teori senibina Text
Pengenalan sejarah dan teori senibina Text
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Pengenalan sosiologi industri Text
Pengesahan data hujan berdasarkan data produk TRM Text
Pengesahan deformasi 2-D secara geometrikal dengan Text
Pengesanan sinaran Text
Pengesanan sinaran Text
Pengesanan wajah manusia pada imej kekal Thesis
Pengetahuan dan amalan pengendali makanan dalam pThesis
Pengetua, Guru Besar Cemerlang dilantik Jusa Text
Penggabungan fakulti mampu tingkatkan reputasi univer Text
Penggiliran unik sistem monarki Text
Penggubalan undang-undang keluarga wajar dipercepaText
Pengguna bimbang minyak masak kurang Text
Pengguna harus tahu kendali bahan sisa berbahaya Text
Pengguna jangan panik : Fomca Text
Pengguna perlu tahu hak, tanggungjawab Text
Pengguna wajib tahu makanan ubah suai genetik Text
Penggunaan "Resiblock 22" bagi mengatasi masalah sa Text
Penggunaan algoritma genetik untuk masalah penjaduaText
Penggunaan biofuel sebagai alternatif perlu perancang Text
Penggunaan biopartikel di kilang petrokimia (Preview) Text
Penggunaan busa untuk mengawal mobiliti dalam banjiText
Penggunaan CD al-Hadist dalam pengajaran dan pembelConference Papers
Penggunaan dadah sintetik di IPT membimbangkan Text
Penggunaan fotogrametri jarak dekat dalam ujikaji papaText
Penggunaan gas sebagai sumber jana elektrik dikurang Text
Penggunaan ISO 9002 dalam proses pengeluaran produText
Penggunaan jenama berunsur Islam perlu dikawal Text
Penggunaan kad pintar perlu diteliti Text
Penggunaan komputer dalam bidang ukur bahan (abstrText
Penggunaan komputer dalam harta tanah Text
Penggunaan komputer masih di tahap rendah Text
Penggunaan pembelajaran koperatif dalam pengajaran Text
Penggunaan pendekatan Fredericton dalam menganalisa Text
Penggunaan pengkalan data jangka hayat dalam projekText
Penggunaan perisian MapInfo dalam pengurusan cukai Text
Penggunaan perisian pemprosesan data di dalam analisiText
Penggunaan sisa serbuk bulu kaca sebagai bahan penggThesis
Penggunaan sisa udang untuk penghasilan kitinase ole Thesis
Penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi untuk meramal Tk ext
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Penggunaan tanah gambut bagi pemisahan logam beratText d
Penggunaan teknik remote sensing dalam perolehan mak Text
Penggunaan teknik remote sensing dalam perolehan maText
Penggunaan telefon pintar dalam meningkatkan kualiti Thesis
Penggunaan tenaga yang berkesan dalam pengumpulanThesis
Penggunaan tumbuhan akuatik dalam sistem tanah be Text
Penghakiman mesti adil Text
Penghargaan kepada guru boleh dibuat melalui SMS Text
Penghasilan dan pencirian eksopolisakarida daripada Bac
Penghasilan peta guna tanah dengan menggunakan imej Text
Penghasilan peta klasifikasi kesesuaian pembangunan Text
Penghayatan agama sebagai asas pembangunan pelajar:Conference Papers
Penghidap selesema babi 181 orang Text
Penghujahan saintifik pelajar melalui pembinaan hujah Conference Papers
Penghujahan saintifik: memahami perlaksanaannya dalJournal Article
Pengiktirafan cukup besar ertinya Text
Pengiktirafan sangat besar kepada USM Text
Pengiktirafan tiga ahli akademik bukti R&D berhasil News Paper Cuttings
Pengimejan perubatan Text
Pengimplementasian pengurusan pengetahuan di IPT dText
Penginapan eksklusif Text
Pengiraan batang besi secara automatik Thesis
Pengiraan keluasan menggunakan kaedah Bowditch danThesis
Pengisian kemerdekaan masyarakat menerusi pelestariNews Paper Cuttings
Pengisian Ramadan, kemerdekaan Text
Penglibatan ibu bapa jamin kejayaan anak-anak Text
Penglibatan orang-orang Jepun dalam sektor ekonomi dJournal Article
Penglibatan usahawan bumiputera dalam sektor pelancon Conference Papers
Pengoptimuman algoritma pengesanan batu loncatan da Text
Pengoptimuman sistem penapis biologi teraktif bagi perText
Pengoptimuman sistem penapis biologi teraktif bagi perText
Penguasaan bahasa Inggeris tingkat daya saing pelajar Text
Penguasaan pengetahuan teknologikal pedagogikal kanConference Papers
Penguasaan wanita dalam karya kreatif Malaysia Text
Penguat kuasa lembik pantau pendatang asing Text
Penguat kuasa tak gentar cabaran Text
Penguatkuasaan lemah punca banyak aduan rumah gaga Text
Pengubahsuaian fasad hadapan rumah dalam meningkaThesis
Pengubalan kurikulum prasekolah kebangsaan Text
Pengujian program latihan bermodul di pusat pemulihan Conference Papers
Pengujian radiografi industri Text
Pengujian statistik anderson-darling bagi taburan nilai eText
Pengujian telaga Text
Pengujian ultrasonik Text
Pengukuhan nilai ringgit kurangkan kesan inflasi Text
Pengukuhan tiang konkrit bertetulang dengan sesiku kelText
Pengukuran Text
Pengukuran dan instrumentasi Text
Pengumpulan data lapangan ground data collection Exam Papers
Pengupayaan dalam pengurus sekolah: satu tinjauan diConference Papers
Pengupayaan komuniti dan kelestarian pembangunan pThesis
Pengurusan & ekonomi gas asli Text
Pengurusan air berhemah ambil kira tiga konsep pentinText
Pengurusan air di projek pembangunan pertanian baratThesis
Pengurusan air kumbahan penting Text
Pengurusan air, kumbahan perlu utama sosioekonomi Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Pengurusan bahan binaan di tapak bina Thesis
Pengurusan bahan binaan di tapak bina Text
Pengurusan bahan buangan pembinaan : satu kajian kesText
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Pengurusan bekalan air lebih cekap melalui SPAN Text
Pengurusan beretika perlu jadi amalan : PM Text
Pengurusan dan ekonomi gas asli Text
Pengurusan dan keselamatan makmal Exam Papers
Pengurusan dan perkongsian pengetahuan melalui pemText
Pengurusan dan potensi kitar semula bahan buangan Text
Pengurusan dan teknologi maklumat Text
Pengurusan empangan Talang, Kuala Pilah dari segi teknThesis
Pengurusan harta tanah Exam Papers
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Pengurusan kesakitan jamin kelegaan lebih lama Text
Pengurusan kewangan Exam Papers
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Pengurusan kewangan mapan ke arah kecemerlangan Text
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Pengurusan kualiti di tapak bina : keperluan dalam kerj Text
Pengurusan latihan sumber manusia Text
Pengurusan lebih mapan elak krisis bekalan air Text
Pengurusan logistik Text
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Pengurusan masa kunci kejayaan Kapten Mohd. Redzu Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
Pengurusan pemantauan premis penternakan burung wa Thesis
Pengurusan pembaziran bahan binaan di tapak bina Thesis
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Pengurusan penilaian prestasi di Sekolah Gugusan Feld Thesis
Pengurusan portfolio harta tanah (property portfolio Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Pengurusan projek binaan Text
Pengurusan projek dan ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Pengurusan projek dan pembinaan Text
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Pengurusan promosi dan pengiklanan Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal dan bahaya Text
Pengurusan sistem sungai bagi tujuan pengangkutan (Ful Text
Pengurusan strategik industri binaan Text
Pengurusan sumber air bersepadu Text
Pengurusan tandas mungkin diajar di kolej Text
Pengurusan tempat letak kenderaan pusat bandar kes kThesis
Pengurusan tenaga Text
Pengurusan terancang pikat umat Islam wakaf harta Text
Pengurusan tertinggi IPT ikuti program tadbir urus Text
Pengusaha bengkel buang sisa dalam sungai Text
Pengusaha digesa tumpu penyelidikan Text
Pengusaha industri pertanian diberi insentif Text
Pengusaha kenderaan diesel hadapi masalah bekalan Text
Pengusaha lori rayu naik harga Text
Pengusaha perlu terap nilai, etika positif Text
Pengusaha produk halal perlu penuhi piawaian khas Text
Pengusaha tentu kadar tambang Text
Peniaga sorok barang kena tindakan tegas Text
Penilaian Text
Penilaian baru prestasi kokurikulum Text
Penilaian baru untuk murid sekolah rendah pada 2015 Text
Penilaian berasaskan kompetensi di Institut Latihan Ke Conference Papers
Penilaian dan pengurusan projek petroleum Text
Penilaian data MYGDI untuk pembangunan bandar ma Thesis
Penilaian harta tanah khas Text
Penilaian keberaliran hidraulik untuk makroliang buat Thesis
Penilaian kebolehtampungan takungan air akibat peruba Text
Penilaian keutuhan salur paip minyak menggunakan ka Text
Penilaian kualiti air Sungai Lukutan dan Sungai MengaloThesis
Penilaian kualiti data terhadap openstreetmap Thesis
Penilaian pembelajaran berasaskan kompetensi: kajian Ckonference Papers
Penilaian prestasi Text
Penilaian semula nilai beban dinding masonry dan kesaThesis
Penilaian tahap kepuasan dan pengalaman pelancong aThesis
Penilaian tahap keselamatan jalan raya berdasarkan audThesis
Penilaian tahap keselamatan pejalan kaki (kanak-kan Thesis
Penilaian terhadap bangunan yang dinaiktaraf menggu Text
Penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan program penarafan binThesis
Penilian keretakan permukaan jalanraya dengan kaedahText
Peningkatan kualiti pembangunan manusia Text
Peningkatan kualiti wawasan Aswara Text
Peningkatan perolehan minyak Text
Penjagaan hutan, pemuliharaan air Text
Penjagaan muka di rumah Text
Penjajahan kedua lebih parah Text
Penjajaran jujukan genom menggunakan matrik dot Text
Penjanaan dan pengurusan sisa binaan di dalam daerahText
Penjawat awam jangan jadi pengkhianat bangsa Text
Penjawat awam kena multi-trampil Text
Penjawat awam perlu mantera kepantasan Text
Penjawat awam terbabit rasuah ditamat perkhidmatan Text
Penjelajahan merentas Asia Tenggara, China News Paper Cuttings
Penjenamaan global Text
Penjenamaan MSC Malaysia Text
Penjenamaan semula bawa kejayaan Text
Penjenamaan semula pendekatan Islam Text
Penjualan data spatial berdigit (Fulltext) Text
Pension for Olympic medal winners Text
Penstabilan model cerun menggunakan silinder tanah-kText
Penstabilan tanah pada subgred menggunakan cecair kiThesis
Penstrukturan semula RTM banyak manfaat Text
Penswastaan tak selesai isu pelupusan sampah Text
Pensyarah : MMU nafi ketepi bumiputera Text
Pensyarah lewat habis Ph.D diberi amaran Text
Pensyarah UM kaji wanita dalam pembangunan sukan Text
Pensyarah USM cipta simulator pesawat F-16 Text
Pensyarah UTM hasilkan alat kawal debu News Paper Cuttings
Pentadbir IPTA perlu tingkat ilmu Text
Pentadbir universiti disaran pantau persatuan Text
Pentadbiran bumiputra ke atas kegiatan ekonomi orangJournal Article
Pentadbiran kontrak Text
Pentadbiran kontrak Text
Pentadbiran pampasan Text
Pentadbiran tanah, PBT diperkemas : PM Text
Pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah untuk UPSR, PMR dan Text
Pentauliahan 350 pusat latihan MLVK dibatal sejak JanuText
Penternak ayam tidak perlu terlalu berhati-hati Text
Penternak mahu cepat untung guna kimia beta agonis Text
Pentingnya harta intelek dipelihara Text
Pentingnya menjaga warisan alam Text
Penubuhan pangkalan data bagi interpretasi kadar ha Text
Penubuhan unit pendakwaan di Pejabat Tanah dan GaliThesis
Penularan wabak selesema babi masih terkawal Text
Penulis disyor hasilkan novel bertema sains, teknologi News Paper Cuttings
Penulis tidak aktif berkarya Text
Penuntut Malaysia pelajar terbaik kejuruteraan UniversiText
Penuntut UTM sertai Joke News Paper Cuttings
Penuntut UTM sertai Trans 1Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Penurunan tarif elektrik kurangkan beban rakyat Text
Penyair, penghibur terkenal serikan Puisi Riong di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Penyakit TB kian serius, 40 kes baru setiap hari Text
Penyangak diesel tidak takut denda RM25,000 Text
Penyediaan kaca aerosilika daripada sekam padi (Previ Text
Penyegaran semula DBP Text
Penyelakuan prestasi dinamik penjana-turbo (Abstract)Text
Penyelakuan reservoir berangka Text
Penyelam skuba TLDM bentuk formasi terbesar Text
Penyelenggaraan landasan keretapi (preview) Text
Penyelenggaraan menara telekomunikasi Thesis
Penyelesaian gelombang bergerak bagi persamaan Bur Text
Penyelesaian masalah kimia pelajar Sarjana Muda SainsThesis
Penyelesaian menang-menang manfaatkan pengguna, Text
Penyelesaian tepat bagi persamaan burgers tak homog Conference Papers
Penyelesaian tuntutan sistem timbangtara dalam industText
Penyeliaan dalam ptv Exam Papers
Penyeliaan pengajaran dalam kalangan guru di sekolah Thesis
Penyeliaan pengajaran di SJK (C) zon Bandar Muar, Joh Thesis
Penyelidik negara menang 65 pingat di Geneva Text
Penyelidik UiTM cipta alat kurang asap motosikal Text
Penyelidik UKM saran panjangkan tempoh matrikulasi Text
Penyelidik UPM harumkan nama negara di Belgium Text
Penyelidik USM cipta alat pulihkan pesakit strok Text
Penyelidik UTM cipta alat uji ketahanan calon angkasa News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidikan ciri penting universiti bertaraf dunia Text
Penyelidikan fundamental UTM: perkembangan dan caConference Papers
Penyelidikan ke atas ciri-ciri robot perindustrian seca Text
Penyelidikan kualitatif dalam sains sosial Conference Papers
Penyelidikan lonjak IPT ke tahap global News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidikan lonjak kehidupan rakyat News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidikan membina tulang tiruan Text
Penyelidikan operasi Text
Penyelidikan operasi II Text
Penyelidikan operasi II Text
Penyelidikan UTM bantu Iskandar Malaysia Text
Penyeludupan ayam dipantau Text
Penyenggaraan bangunan Text
Penyenggaraan perangkap sampah untuk saliran air di Thesis
Penyeragaman undang-undang syariah tidak mudah : Text
Penyertaan bumiputera dalam WPI jangan sekadar namText
Penyongsang pelbagai tahap menggunakan teknik pengText
People power boosts mangrove project Text
People will back us if we correct our mistakes Text
Pepper rehab scheme to bear fruit in 2007 Text
Perairan Malaysia selamat : Najib Text
Perak buka pusat jagaan kanak-kanak percuma Text
Perak kaji projek tuai air bawah tanah Text
Perak kemuka syor tingkat sekolah desa Text
Perak mahu Koridor Utara diperluas ke seluruh negeri Text
Perak negeri maju menjelang 2015 Text
Perak negotiating with budget airlines to operate inter Text
Perak out to prevent another outbreak Text
Perak plans to setup a technopolis News Paper Cuttings
Perak ruler tells doctors to put patients first Text
Perak SDC to make Taman Meru into a satellite town News Paper Cuttings
Perak SEDC mission to woo investors News Paper Cuttings
Perak tiada hak Text
Perak to go æpaperlessÆ beginning July Text
Perakaunan II Text
Perakaunan kos Text
Perakaunan pengurusan Text
Perakuan arkitek, jurutera boleh ganti CF : Ong Text
Peralihan kuasa ikut jadual : PM Text
Peramalan aliran sungai bulan dengan kaedah ARIMA Text
Peramalan hujan menggunakan kaedah rangkaian neuraThesis
Peranan 169 saluran televisyen sokong agenda nasionaText
Peranan bersepadu loji pandu UTM Text
Peranan dan cabaran yayasan pembangunan keluarga m Conference Papers
Peranan IPT kini diangkat ke tahap lebih penting : Khal Text
Peranan media merealisasikan Wawasan 2020 Text
Peranan MyNIC dipelbagai Text
Peranan nasyid sebagai medium dakwah Thesis
Peranan PBB selesai kemelut Iraq Text
Peranan pekerja dan majikan dalam perlaksanaan konsep Thesis
Peranan pesuruhjaya bangunan dalam penyelesaian maThesis
Peranan ummah jaga alam Text
Perancangan bandar dan wilayah Text
Perancangan dan kawalan pengeluaran Text
Perancangan gunatanah 1 Text
Perancangan keluarga masih rendah Text
Perancangan komuniti & perumahan Text
Perancangan luar bandar Text
Perancangan pengangkutan Text
Perancangan pengurusan dan kawalan Text
Perancangan strategik atasi kemiskinan berhasil Text
Perancangan strategik sistem maklumat : kajian kes Dew Text
Perancangan tapak Text
Perancangan tapak/site planning Exam Papers
Perancangan wilayah metropolitan Text
Perangi dadah secara holistik Text
Perangi rasuah hingga ke akar umbi Text
Peraturan bela ayam diperkenal Text
Peraturan di sekolah tidak diberi tumpuan Text
Peraturan disiplin pelajar diperkemas Text
Peraturan Islam pentingkan hubungan sesama manusiaText
Peraturan ketat jejas syarikat perkapalan Text
Peratusan ketelusan cermin gelap dilonggar Text
Perbaharui pasport tanpa borang Text
Perbaiki struktur tanaman komoditi secara total Text
Perbandingan berat tiang keluli untuk pelbagai keratan Thesis
Perbandingan ciri - ciri elektrik metal oxide varistor Thesis
Perbandingan ciri-ciri marshall campuran panas konkritText
Perbandingan faktor tarikan pengunjung terhadap penaThesis
Perbandingan fungsi objektif bagi parameter model hi Text
Perbandingan harga minyak Text
Perbandingan kaedah rekabentuk asas cerucuk terjara Thesis
Perbandingan kesan larutan serakan pada tanah baki teText
Perbandingan kompetensi pengetua sekolah antara MalJournal Article
Perbandingan loji rawatan air menggunakan air bawah Thesis
Perbandingan model ketinggian berdigit yang dihasilka Thesis
Perbandingan pemulihan turapan kaedah guna semula Ts ext
Perbandingan prestasi lif berdasarkan penggunaan konkri Thesis
Perbandingan rekabentuk asas cerucuk konkrit terhadap Text
Perbandingan rekabentuk rasuk dihalang sisi antara ke Text
Perbangunan persisian bagi perolehan data cerapan dari Text
Perbankan Internet lebih mudah, selamat asalkan pen Text
Perbankan Islam bantu maju bumiputera : Dr Abdul Ha Text
Perbankan Islam negara diiktiraf dunia Text
Perbelanjaan kad kredit tahun lalu RM42.5 bilion Text
Perbezaan dalam dimensi kemahiran generik pelajar b Conference Papers
Perbezaan Turki dan Anwar News Paper Cuttings
Perbincangan isu-isu tertangguh capai kemajuan Text
Perbuatan ekstrem bertentangan hakikat ajaran Text
Perbuatan menghasut : PM kecewa peserta forum lamaText
Percaturan Peta Ekonomi Abdullah Text
Perceived usefulness and perceived quality of internet fThesis
Percepat laksana tadbir urus baik : Nazrin Text
Perception on fraudulent financial reporting and auditoThesis
Perceptions of students and lecturers towards the self Text
Perceraian pasangan muda Islam tinggi Text
Perdana Menteri isytihar æperangÆ terhadap rasuah Text
Perdana Menteri umum Kabinet hari ini Text
Perencat enzim kurang risiko serangan jantung Text
Performance analysis between keypoint of surf and skinJournal Article
Performance analysis of a proposed smoothing algorithNon-Index Paper
Performance analysis of a PV/FC hybrid system for gener Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of compressed sensing given ins Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of DCO OFDM and DCO WOFDM sys Thesis
Performance analysis of Radio Environment Map accurac Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of reinforced stone columns usin Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of WDM mesh hierarchical time slConference Papers
Performance analysis on double pass amplification usi Indexed Paper
Performance and security analysis for proactive and re Conference Papers
Performance assessment of open source and commercia Thesis
Performance comparison of priority rule scheduling algorNon-Index Paper
Performance evaluation of a petrol station queuing sys Indexed Paper
Performance evaluation of drilling CFRP/METAL stacks uThesis
Performance evaluation of face verification: a comparatiConference Papers
Performance evaluation of finite difference and finite eConference Papers
Performance evaluation of newly designed variable rateThesis
Performance evaluation of NMSL's developed calibratioIndexed Paper
Performance evaluation of polysulfone hollow fiber m Conference Papers
Performance evaluation of region-growing based segmeJournal Article
Performance evaluation of wireless multicarrier mode Text
Performance investigation of an automotive manual geText
Performance metrics for active contour models in ima Conference Papers
Performance of a water pump in an automotive engine Journal Article
Performance of aerated floating aquatic plant system Text
Performance of asphalt pavement after eight years in s Thesis
Performance of bilayer graphene nanoribbon schottky dIndexed Paper
Performance of bilayer-lengthened LDPC codes under j Conference Papers
Performance of cantilever sheet pile wall embedded in Tc hesis
Performance of cement grout incorporating ceramic wast Thesis
Performance of different techniques applied in geneti Indexed Paper
Performance of epoxy-based self-healing mortar Thesis
Performance of hooked end steel fiber reinforced concre Thesis
Performance of inverse response process with variatio Thesis
Performance of lateral stability and control of unmanneThesis
Performance of low pressure reverse osmosis membrane Conference Papers
Performance of modified asphalt binder with tire rubb Thesis
Performance of modified non-linear shooting method foIndexed Paper
Performance of polyphenylsulfone/copper benzenetricaThesis
Performance of prekotac filter aids in pilot plant filtrat Conference Papers
Performance of psf ultrafiltration membrane: effect of Journal Article
Performance of single and double layers of metamateriThesis
Performance of solar-assisted absorption cycle air condJournal Article
Performance of SPEEK based polymer-nanoclay inorga Indexed Paper
Performance of transmission control protocol on self-sim Text
Performance of tuned liquid damper with baffle in reduThesis
Performance of vegetable oil as biodegradable oil-basedThesis
Performance of wimax in radio over fiber gigabit passivThesis
Performance study of orthogonal frequency division mul Text
Performance study of packet-optical transport networkThesis
Performance study of potassium formate brine as drillinThesis
Performance study of proximity coupled stacked configText
Performance study of series resonant converter using zIndexed Paper
Performance testing of modified formula SAE engine Thesis
Performance testing of modified formula SAE engine Thesis
Pergerakan blok konkrit pada laluan kenderaan dalam tThesis
Pergerakan dalam medium berintangan Text
Perhatian ibu bapa mampu lahir modal insan hebat News Paper Cuttings
Perhebatkan budaya cegah jenayah Text
Perhimpunan bertukar ganas : penyokong Hindraf bertind Text
Perhimpunan UMNO Ke-57 : tugas meneruskan kepimpText
Peribadi terpesong punca bukan Islam salah anggap Text
Periksa dan rawat segera Text
Periksa semua jejambat : PM arah Kementerian Kerja RaText
Peripheral stent design and computational simulation Thesis
Perisian jawi ala Malaysia bakal diperkenal Text
Perisian Melayu : Windows dan Office dalam versi tem Text
Perisian pengujian prestasi antara dua buah cakera ker Text
Peristiwa hitam Tanah Melayu 16 Jun 1948 Text
Perjalanan dari KL ke Kuantan hanya dua jam, 45 minit Text
Perjanjian Filipina-MILF bukti Malaysia diiktiraf News Paper Cuttings
Perjumpaan Pustakawan Perpustakaan UTM Bersama En. Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Perkaitan antara data ujian penusukan piawai dengan Thesis
Perkasa industri perubatan Text
Perkasa kemahiran pelajar lemah akademik Text
Perkasa mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Perkasa sektor tani : kerajaan disyor kukuhkan Unit P Text
Perkataan kolej universiti beberapa IPTA digugur Text
Perkaya bahan Bahasa Inggeris tempatan Text
Perkembangan dan prestasi amanah pelaburan harta tan Thesis
Perkembangan ekonomi bagi aktiviti bukan ladang di FeThesis
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Perkembangan positif mesyuarat kedua isu sempadan Text
Perkenal aliran vokasional lebih awal : Najib Text
Perkeso mahu cari pendapatan Text
Perkeso terbit panduan mudahkan doktor panel Text
Perkhidmatan bersepadu di Lembah Klang Text
Perkhidmatan kemudahan utamakan golongan berpenda Text
Perkhidmatan melalui eKL Text
Perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam di Malaysia Thesis
Perkukuh prinsip kesopanan, kesusilaan Text
Perlaksanaan ISO 9000 : kajian ke atas firma kontraktorText
Perlaksanaan program bantuan rumah (PBR) di RISDA nThesis
Perlaksanaan sistem pemasaran berangkaian yang diamal Thesis
Perlaksanaan sistem pengurusan penyelenggaraan lebuhr Text
Perlanggaran syarat oleh orang utama yang mengemukak Thesis
Perlindungan Pneumokokus Text
Perlindungan Radiologi Exam Papers
Perlindungan radiologi alam sekitar Text
Perlindungan radiologi dalam amalan perubatan Text
Perlindungan siaran Exam Papers
Perlindungan sinaran Exam Papers
Perlindungan sinaran Text
Perlis mungkin lantik 2 wanita hakim syarie Text
Perlis tak terima kakitangan gemuk Text
Perlu pertingkat penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Text
Perlu tegas dalam isu rumah ibadat Text
Perlu tegas wujud Kod Tatacara Laut China Selatan News Paper Cuttings
Perluas asnaf zakat kepada graduan menganggur Text
Perluas peranan akademia News Paper Cuttings
Perluasan kerjasama lebih strategik Malaysia - IndonesiText
Perluasan teknologi IPTV di hospital Text
Perluaskan industri buku tempatan Text
Perlukah masyarakat membaca? Text
Perlumbaan senjata peluru berpandu Text
Perlunya universiti berubah Text
Permainan berkomputer pengecaman ucapan berasaskan Thesis
Permaisuri Johor perkenan rasmi majlis News Paper Cuttings
Permasalahan berkaitan perunding projek dalam perlaks Thesis
Permasalahan pembangunan tanah pertanian di pinggirText b
Permasalahan pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran tekno Conference Papers
Permata anjur Program Perkasa Remaja Mac ini Text
Permata bukan pesaing taska : Rosmah Text
Permata mahu pertingkat latih asuh kanak-kanak Text
Permata pilih pelajar pintar sertai program Text
Permeate flux measurement and prediction of submerged Indexed Paper
Permit import buku tahyul dihentikan Text
Permit niaga lebih banyak Text
Permodelan dan penjanaan imej awan 3D secara masa-n Text
Permodelan dan simulasi sistem rangkaian Jabatan Pe Text
Permodelan hidrodinamik di Sungai Langat Text
Permodelan hidrodinamik muara Sungai Langat mengg Text
Permodelan hidrologi mudah bagi pasang surut di Sungai Text
Permodelan kadar alir ke takungan menggunakan apli Thesis
Permodelan system pengagihan air dengan watercad Thesis
Permohonan bagi anugerah perpustakaan cemerlang Text
Permohonan ke IPTA online penuh 2007 Text
Permohonan universiti kini secara online Text
Permuafakatan antara jemaah menteri penting : Seri P Text
Permudah operasi hadapi banjir Text
Permukaan interaktif menggunakan teknologi Kinect Thesis
Perodua Eco-Challenge uji kehebatan kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Perodua labur RM300j perluas kilang Text
Perompak larikan cip mikro RM3j Text
Perpaduan agenda 2009 Text
Perpaduan tetap prasyarat bina bangsa Malaysia Text
Perplexing plague Text
Perpustakaan digital sedia maklumat lebih cekap, berk Text
Perpustakaan makin sepi Text
Perpustakaan Negara diambil alih Text
Perpustakaan Negara, McDonaldÆs anjur program ga Text
Perpustakaan permainan l-Play latih sukarelawan News Paper Cuttings
Perpustakaan promosi gagasan 1Malaysia Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Persamaan terbitan 1 Text
Persamaan terbitan II Text
Persamaan terbitan separa Text
Persamaan terbitan separa Text
Persatuan kemuka cadangan perluas bidang kriptologi Text
Persatuan peguam setuju bank letak syarat Text
Persediaan hadapi kerapuhan alam Text
Persefahaman suami isteri pupuk rumah tangga bahagiText
Persekitaran Rendah Karbon Di Iskandar Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Persepsi guru tentang keberkesanan program perkembaThesis
Persepsi guru-guru agama terhadap kemelut perceraianThesis
Persepsi komuniti luar bandar terhadap program pengaThesis
Persepsi mad'u terhadap pendekatan dakwah melalui med Thesis
Persepsi patriotisme di kalangan mahasiswa tinjauan Conference Papers
Persepsi pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan tentang kedudukan Thesis
Persepsi pelajar terhadap pelakuan agresif yang berlak Conference Papers
Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Penggunaan Animasi dalam Journal Article
Persepsi pelajar tingkatan 4 terhadap keberkesanan ke Conference Papers
Persepsi pelanggan di kalangan pekerja awam terhadapThesis
Persepsi pelanggan terhadap aplikasi tahap perkhidmata Text
Persepsi pengunjung terhadap pengurusan keselamatanThesis
Persepsi pengurusan makanan halal di hotel Johor BahrThesis
Persepsi pengusaha akuakultur terhadap kemudahan yaThesis
Persepsi skim park and ride dalam kalangan pengunjungThesis
Persepsi tenaga pengajar terhadap pelaksanaan pengajThesis
Persepsi terhadap keselamatan Universiti Teknologi MalThesis
Persepsi terhadap penerapan kemahiran generik di kal Thesis
Persepsi terhadap program latihan kemahiran vokasional Thesis
Persiapan buka sesi sekolah 2009 lancar Text
Persona kembalikan gemilang Text
Personal digital mutawwif: a multi-modal mobile hajj asJournal Article
Personal financial planning behavior and attitude : a s Thesis
Personal rain protection device for pedestrian Thesis
Personaliti anak : keluarga kumpulan penting bentuk peText
Personality and organizational outcomes (organizationaNon-Index Paper
Perspective of science lecturers' in implementing sciencIndexed Paper
Perspektif bakal pembeli terhadap faktor pemilihan rumThesis
Perspektif orang cina terhadap agama islam di MalaysiaJournal Article
Pertabalan Agong hari bersejarah bagi rakyat Text
Pertahan kemurnian alam sekitar tanda bersyukur Text
Pertahan warisan tradisional Text
Pertahanan Awam : sejarah, perkembangan dan realiti Text
Pertahankan keamanan jadi tugas belia Text
Pertandingan rekabentuk masjid News Paper Cuttings
Pertandingan Robotik - Cungkil bakat saintis muda Text
Pertanian bakal enjin pembangunan ketiga negara : NajText
Pertanian cipta sejarah Text
Pertanian jadi keutamaan Text
Pertanian jana ekonomi negara Text
Pertanian sediakan banyak peluang Text
Pertanian sektor paling banyak potensi Text
Pertanian selepas banjir Text
Pertanian tetap jadi sektor utama negara Text
Pertimbangan rayapan dan pengecutan dalam reka bentu Text
Pertingkat pendidikan kesihatan Text
Pertukaran jarum berkesan sekat HIV Text
Pertumbuhan ekonomi kita masih sihat, stabil Text
Pertumbuhan pelanggan telefon mudah alih merosot Text
Pertumbuhan perkhidmatan keutamaan PIP3 Text
Perubahan gaji bergantung kemampuan kewangan negText
Perubahan sosial genarasi kedua felda daripada aspek ek
Perubatan alternatif Text
Perubatan: UiTM guna pakar dari Uzbekistan Text
Peruntukan perundangan di Taman Laut Sultan IskandaThesis
Peruntukan perundangan di Taman Laut Sultan IskandaThesis
Peruntukan PIBG tak terjejas Text
Peruntukan PTPTN RM1b untuk ibu bapa Text
Peruntukan RM6.2 juta bina semula lima jambatan Text
Peruntukan RMT pelajar miskin di Kelantan diseleweng Text
Peruntukan sekolah bantuan modal melalui lembaga peText
Peruntukan sekolah RM200 juta Text
Perwaja failure caused by bad managers Text
PES membrane performance for triethylene glycol (TEG)Journal Article
Pesakit H1N1 meningkat 1,893 Text
Pesakit kanser perlu jadi 'bahan ujian' farmaseutikal Text
Pesalah juvenil berpeluang duduki peperiksaan di sekolText
Pesawat baru untuk penerbangan pedalaman Text
Peserta PKN di UTM berdisiplin tinggi Text
Pesongan bagi pelbagai geometri rasuk komposit pra - tThesis
Pesta buku catat sejarah Text
Pesta buku jadi tumpuan penggemar ilmu Text
Pesta kerjaya 2007 peluang cari pekerjaan Text
Pesta Tanglung UTM tarik 6,000 pengunjung News Paper Cuttings
Petani tak yakin guna teknologi Text
Petrochemical firm gives UMP used tools Text
Petrol : usah percaya spekulasi Text
Petrol and diesel prices reduced by 15 sen per litre Text
Petrol kiosks in prime areas must stay open 24/7 Text
Petrol naik 78 sen, diesel RM1, elektrik jika lebih RM43 Text
Petrol stations won't sell subsidised diesel soon Text
Petroleum production engineering Exam Papers
Petronas aims to be world champ Text
Petronas among most influential oil companies Text
Petronas bina pusat gas ASEAN Text
Petronas disaran sedia lebih banyak stesen NGV Text
Petronas disenarai tempat ke-9 capai untung bersih Text
Petronas dividend : highest-ever paid to government Text
Petronas dividend : net profit hits record RM61b Text
Petronas in Ethiopia gas ventures Text
Petronas mahu tingkat pengeluaran minyak, gas Text
Petronas posts RM61bil profit Text
Petronas raih RM81.4b: Pendapatan tertinggi dalam sejText
Petronas raih untung sebelum cukai RM70.2b Text
Petronas ready to bare all next week Text
Petronas sedia RM6b cari gali minyak Text
Petronas tumpu penerokaan laut dalam Text
Petronas yakin temui gas, minyak di Maghribi Text
Petronas, Proton komited bantu usahawan Muslim Text
PetronasÆ business strategy pays off Text
Petunjuk kesihatan dan kepuasan hidup Text
Peyatim perkenal wakaf bagi tapak KTB Text
Phase change material : optimizing the thermal propertiIndexed Paper
Phenol photocatalytic degradation over mesoporous T Indexed Paper
Phenol removal from water by pulsed power discharge:Journal Article
Phenotypic evaluation of fifteen Glycine max (l.) Merril Journal Article
Philosophy of adul learning Exam Papers
Photo catalytic reduction of Pb(II) using titanium oxid Indexed Paper
Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange by EGZn Conference Papers
Photocatalytic degradation of nonylphenol by immobiliIndexed Paper
Photodegradation of naphthalene by using binary TiO Thesis
Photogrammetry 2 Exam Papers
Photogrammetry in boat survey Thesis
Photoluminescence studies of silicon self-assembled q Conference Papers
Photoluminescence study of Sm3+-Yb3+ co-doped telluri Indexed Paper
Photonics Text
Photonics alcohol detector system for syari'ah compli Thesis
Photo-realistic text-driven malay talking head with mul Conference Papers
Phylogenetic abnalysis of malaysian pineapples cultivarJournal Article
Phylogeny of subtribe aeridinae (orchidaceae) inferred Journal Article
Physical and reheological properties of bitumen modifi Thesis
Physical and spectroscopic characterisation of samari Thesis
Physical changes due to a deforming porous media - a fConference Papers
Physical chemistry I Text
Physical Chemistry I Exam Papers
Physical chemistry I Text
Physical chemistry II Text
Physical metallurgy Text
Physical model for structure dynamic in earthquake engThesis
Physical optics Exam Papers
Physical optics Exam Papers
Physical properties of aggregates from Kota Tinggi and Thesis
Physical-based modeling of carrier mobility in grapheneThesis
Physicochemical and antibacterial properties of cotton Thesis
Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of the Indexed Paper
Physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of the Journal Article
Physico-chemical study of sulfonated polystyrene pore-Conference Papers
Physics Exam Papers
Physics (fizik) Text
Physics based modeling and simulation of collision respoText
Physics instructional context and learners' epistemologiThesis
Physiotherapy-robot-assist for lower limb injury interg Thesis
Phytochemical and bioactivities of Malaysia artocarpus Text
Phytochemical technology Exam Papers
Phytochemicals and anti-inflammatory activity of pipe Conference Papers
Phytochemicals and bioactivities of cinnamomum por Thesis
Phytochemicals and bioactivity studies of artocarpus lowThesis
Piagam Asean ikat negara anggota Text
Piagam Asean teras bentuk komuniti Text
Piala Monsun tarik 80,000 pelancong Text
Piawaian halal Malaysia diguna di peringkat sejagat Text
PIBG perlu agresif bantu sekolah Text
Pictorial on nationÆs early history launched Text
Pid controller for semi-active suspension system usin Thesis
Pihak buang toksik pasti didakwa Text
Pil hormon susu galak wanita membujang Text
Pil viagra : ramai tidak hirau kesan sampingan Text
Pilih hiburan sesuai News Paper Cuttings
Pilihan raya dedah perubahan politik negara Text
Pilihan raya umum ke-12 bermula Text
Pilot project to test pupils aptitude Text
PIN mampu tingkatkan kualiti universiti Text
Pinda Akta Dadah Berbahaya bagi permudah bukti kes Text
Pinda AUKU mesti rasional Text
Pindaan akta syor perogol, pengganas dihukum mati Text
Pindaan AUKU beri kuasa besar pada universiti Text
Pindaan AUKU bukan kosmetik Text
Pindaan AUKU lahirkan mahasiswa matang Text
Pindaan AUKU mampu lonjak standard pelajar IPT tem Text
Pindaan kanun keseksaan, kanun acara jenayah Mac Text
Pindaan peraturan elak salah faham Text
Pindaan undang-undang bersihkan poligami Text
Pindah hak milik tanah guna cap jari Text
Pingat emas pertama SuklPT 2016 milik UMS News Paper Cuttings
Pinjam mudah RM50,000 Text
Pinjaman kewangan dan hubungannya dengan aliran tun Text
Pinjaman khas mampu tambah saham amanah Text
Pinjaman Mara : masih ramai pelajar ingkar bayar Text
Pinjaman tanpa slip gaji Text
Pinjaman Tekun diteruskan Text
Pintasan jantung hanya 10 minit Text
Pint-sized ErmalizaÆs big day Text
Pioneer poverty eradication studies, Nazrin tells UM Text
Pipeline water cleaning robot Thesis
PIPP jana tenaga sumber manusia Text
Pirate attacks in Malacca Straits down Text
Pixel-based dispersal scheme for medical image survivabi
PJ diisytihar bandar raya Mac 2006 Text
PKNNS majukan 8 kawasan perindustrian seluas 485.39Text
PKNP diarah edar cara menyeluruh News Paper Cuttings
PKNP, Aspa buka ladang sawit Text
PKNS lancar Kempen Sayangi Pansapuri elak vandalism Text
PKNS may be in charge of Bangi's development News Paper Cuttings
Placement of teachers depending on needs Text
Plan for huge park in Kelantan Text
Plan for new low-cost carrier terminal near KLIA Text
Plan retrieval system in town planning Thesis
Plan to conquer malaria with new mosquitoes Text
Plan to ease consumersÆ burdens Text
Plan to ensure the orderly growth of Seremban News Paper Cuttings
Plan to have throat swabs done in all states Text
Plan to solve Muslim woes Text
Plan to turn farmers into agropreneurs Text
Plan your future in tune with the Plan Text
Planning Exam Papers
Planning Exam Papers
Planning Exam Papers
Planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Planning for low carbon cities - the case of Iskandar d Conference Papers
Planning Law Exam Papers
Planning law Exam Papers
Planning law Exam Papers
Planning law and practice Exam Papers
Planning practice Exam Papers
Planning Practice & Ethics Exam Papers
Planning support system Text
Plans for a medical college in India Text
Plans for daily-paid teachers Text
Plans for engineering research centre to be set up Text
Plans to build Terengganu schools stalled Text
Plans to develop Rantau into satellite town News Paper Cuttings
Plans to link fragmented forests Text
Plans to place policemen in neighbourhood lauded Text
Plans to turn township into an education hub Text
Plans under way to help varsity achieve apex status Text
Plant design Exam Papers
Plant nutmeg on large scale Text
Plant trial production process and monitoring of crumbConference Papers
Planting seeds of independence in five Text
Plastik kaca : Unisel cari rakan pelaburan Text
Platoon disperation downstream of traffic signal (Previ Text
Pledge not to raise prices Text
Pledge to maintain regular communication Text
Pleuroskopi untuk paru-paru berair Text
PLKN :1,500 Sukarelawan Rakan Muda untuk khidmat Text
PLKN bentuk remaja nilai positif Text
PLKN dikaji semula : pastikan konsep, pendekatan capaText
Pluralisme pada Islam Text
PLUS : Kenaikan tol diguna beri keselesaan kepada pen Text
Plus kenaikan tol diguna beri keselesaan Text
PLUS places top priority on safety of road users Text
PLUS traffic highway : an analysis based on time series Indexed Paper
Pluto timbulkan kontroversi mengenai planet Text
PM : all will be consulted on the Ninth Malaysia Plan Text
PM : Asia must be prepared for a new order in the 21stText
PM : big task ahead is rebuilding lives Text
PM : bridge link will be good for Labuan Text
PM : bright outlook for economy this year Text
PM : ChinaÆs no easy pot of gold Text
PM : civil service must be efficient Text
PM : co-operate to contain flu outbreak Text
PM : do better than last year Text
PM : don't delay 9th Plan projects Text
PM : economy expected to grow by 6% this year Text
PM : fair and responsible media crucial for future Text
PM : Firma bioteknologi ternama minat melabur Text
PM : focus on farming not a regressive step Text
PM : Government strives to provide fast service to the Text
PM : Institut Kanser Negara penuhi keperluan rakyat Text
PM : Islam Hadhari does not mock the teachings of Isla Text
PM : kabinet baru mampu penuhi harapan jayakan RMKText
PM : kerajaan akan wujudkan pelan pembangunan ang Text
PM : Malaysia sedia bekerjasama dengan Indonesia ba Text
PM : Maybank must be fair to all Text
PM : more Malaysian varsities should go global Text
PM : no more logging licences Text
PM : projects to wipe out poverty will continue Text
PM : provide loans for agricultural projects Text
PM : rail project stays shelved Text
PM : sistem merit kemasukan ke IPTA diteruskan Text
PM : stop the rumours Text
PM : study-loan defaulters damaging image of malays Text
PM : Tabung Haji envy of Muslim world Text
PM : take advantage of ICT for your own good Text
PM : take public delivery system to next level Text
PM : trace the student loan defaulters Text
PM : umur bersara baru kakitangan awam ditimbang Text
PM : Varsities must help meet educational needs Text
PM : weÆre looking for new markets Text
PM appoints 9 foreign, local experts to NEAC Text
PM arah gerakkan segera kerja pemulihan banjir Text
PM arah perketat syarat lesen memandu Text
PM arah singkat tempoh paten Text
PM arah tindakan tegas : kecuaian menyebabkan Bank IText
PM bangga keupayaan pakar tempatan cipta cip kesel Text
PM bangga Malaysia buat mikrocip antena Text
PM believes there will be better links with Singapore in Text
PM catat rekod gulung perbahasan paling lama Text
PM hints of lower EPF dividend Text
PM in stronger position to push for business reforms Text
PM invites US varsities to Malaysia Text
PM jadi jurucakap korporat negara di LID 2004 Text
PM jamin semua kaum, etnik dapat pembelaan Text
PM jawab tuduhan Text
PM lambasts sick who wonÆt pay Text
PM lancar 50 Klinik 1Malaysia seluruh negara 7 Januari Text
PM lancar dua model terbaru Proton Text
PM lancar Pelan Induk Latihan Kemahiran Pekerjaan Text
PM lancar Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional RM300jText
PM launches investment programme Text
PM mahu Amerika saksama Text
PM mahu atlet raih emas Text
PM mahu guru sedia berubah, tambah nilai diri Text
PM mahu jenayah di sekolah dihapuskan ke tahap sifar Text
PM mahu kakitangan awam tingkat khidmat Text
PM mahu makanan negara dilabel eksotik Text
PM mahu media utama kestabilan, perpaduan Text
PM mahu peniaga teroka pasaran Sudan Text
PM outlines initiatives for a winning work culture Text
PM pengerusi mesyuarat pertama Meja Bulat Bioteknolo Text
PM raps Hong Leong Bank Text
PM reminds student leaders to uphold principle of intelText
PM seru golongan muda jauhi dadah Text
PM sympathises with top students Text
PM syor tiga kaedah kukuhkan ekonomi ummah Text
PM tekad terus lakukan perubahan Text
PM terima baik memorandum kaji sistem meritokrasi diText
PM to unveil cabinet Text
PM umum Dana Endowmen RM200j Text
PM umum lagi insentif Text
PM wants greater use of grant for brand promotion Text
PM yakin negara capai sasaran KDNK 7 peratus Text
PM yet to accept LingÆs undated resignation letter su Text
PM, Isteri terima anugerah Duta Keamanan Text
PM, Sultan Brunei mula perundingan Text
PM: Cyberjaya critics have to eat their words Text
PM: Form a pact to build and manage telecommunicatioText
PM: Pertingkatkan penguasaan teknikal Text
PM: Singapore rich enough to pay higher price Text
PMR : pengajaran dalam BI tidak jejas keputusan Text
PMR results show fears about English baseless Text
PMS : misteri wanita Text
PM's message to cabbies : drive tourists well, and theyÃText
PMs visit to boost Malaysia-Kuwait trade ties Text
PNB cemerlang : Najib Text
PNB tambah 500 juta unit Amanah Saham Didik Text
PNM perkenal sudut bacaan dalam kereta api Text
PNS sasar lahir 1,000 francaisi Bumiputera Text
Pockets of real poverty still around Text
POFA: a potential partial cement replacement material Conference Papers
Point-based indoor on-site self-calibration for terrestriaThesis
POKB berhasrat jadikan Hazzirah Izzati ikon News Paper Cuttings
Pola gaya pembelajaran dan hubungannya dengan pencapi Thesis
Pola migrasi dalaman di Semenanjung Malaysia 1975-19Text
Polarization and depolarization current study in polymerThesis
Polarization diversity unidirectional antenna for IEEE 8 Conference Papers
Polia shield Text
Police : snatch thieves face robbery, murder charges Text
Police lament insufficient DNA database Text
Police on target for crime-busting KPI Text
Police panel calls for review of remand law Text
Police shoot dead two VIP robbers Text
Police should have told us, says Musa Text
Police to deal with school bullies Text
Police to probe Aussie report Text
Policy changes based on facts, figures : PM Text
Polimer bersuhu tinggi Text
Polis dalam bas ekspres disiplinkan pemandu Text
Polis kesan taktik baru curi data kad kredit Text
Polis kutip RM4.6 juta saman Text
Polis mahu parti politik turut bantu tangani kes jenayahText
Polis perlu digeruni penjenayah Text
Polis sedia perluas e-Disiplin Text
Polis sepadu CCTV, talian 999 Text
Polis syor motosikal dilarang masuk KL malam Text
Polis tahan 3 penagih, rampas dua revolver Text
Polis tumpas sindiket palsu 50 sen Text
Politeknik guna bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya mulai 200 Text
Politics in eye of the storm Text
Politik Dayak dan Cina Text
Politik IPTS Text
Politik wang hancurkan Umno Text
Politik wang wariskan pemimpin tidak berkualiti Text
Poll : most Malaysians unaware that washing hands preText
Polls issues over the years Text
Polls probe findings to be made public Text
Pollution adds to water woes Text
Polyaniline in situ modified halloysite nanotubes inc Indexed Paper
Polyethersulfone (PES) - Ag UF membranes for antibacteConference Papers
Polyethersulfone/multi-walled carbon nanotubes mixedThesis
Polygraphic counterproductive behavior index profilingConference Papers
Polymer based directional coupler thermooptic optical Text
Polymer synthesis Exam Papers
Polymeric composite based on waste material for high Indexed Paper
Polymeric materials Exam Papers
Polymeric optical splitter based on multimode interfe Conference Papers
Polysulfone membrane tests for nutrients reclamation Journal Article
Polytechnic intake to double Text
Polyvinyl alcohol-alginate ferro photo gels for photocatThesis
Polyvinylidene fluoride membrane coated with titaniumThesis
Ponteng kelas di SMK Kangkar Pulai : satu kajian kualitatThesis
Ponteng: Kementerian sedia ubah perundangan Text
Poor response to return to work offer Text
Popping the facts Text
Population and landuse based model in sewerage catchme Text
Porphyrin-based dendrimer as biomimetic catalysts for Conference Papers
Port and harbour engineering Exam Papers
Port Klang engulfed by smoke Text
Portable data logger for vibration monitoring using PIC Thesis
Portable high capacity domestic composite bin Text
Portable human detection device for urban search and Thesis
Portable potentiostat Thesis
Portal bantu siswazah cari kerja News Paper Cuttings
Portal gaya hidup sihat untuk atlit bola jaring menggu Thesis
Portal Pendidikan Utusan kini bertaraf dunia Text
Portraying the real Yap Ah Loy Text
Pos Malaysia stops supply of aerogrammes Text
Pos Malaysia to expand courier ops Text
Poser over vacant No. 3 judiciary position Text
Position and anti-sway control for a gantry crane syste Thesis
Positioning performance of mobile phone based GPS chiThesis
Positive guidance Text
Possibility studies of using local cement in oil and gas Conference Papers
Post annealing effects on structural, optical and electr Indexed Paper
Post occupancy evaluation of the Faculty of Geoinform Thesis
Post occupancy evaluation of workplace child care centThesis
Post-earthquake conservation of traditional earthen hoThesis
Postgrad Infoday Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Postgraduate supervision : supervisors versus students Indexed Paper
Post-purchase regret in online shopping experience Thesis
Postural analysis in palm oil mill using workplace erg Thesis
Potensi jual buku menerusi internet Text
Potensi kegunaan sumber air tanah Text
Potensi perletakan laluan basikal di kawasan Perbanda Thesis
Potensi tempat letak kereta menggunakan sistem parkiThesis
Potent microbial and tyrosinase inhibitors from stem baIndexed Paper
Potential application of developed granules containing Conference Papers
Potential application of pure silica optical flat fibers f Indexed Paper
Potential big boost to oil & gas reserves Text
Potential dermatological application on Asian plants Indexed Paper
Potential electricity bill reduction in university building Non-Index Paper
Potential for heritage listing Text
Potential of biogas production from farm animal waste Indexed Paper
Potential of green technology application toward gree Thesis
Potential of kaolin-palm oil fuel ash mixture as sustainab
Potential reuse of treated effluent in industries : case Thesis
Potret D.Y.M.M. Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Poverty is not to be inherited Text
Poverty leads to social problems Text
Power consumption modeling for indoor environment usi Indexed Paper
Power cuts cost Syabas millions Text
Power dissipation in VLSI wire routing via binary parti Thesis
Power efficiency analysis of raspberry Pi 3 and pc for suThesis
Power flow and loss allocation using superposition the Conference Papers
Power measurement and profile using PC Thesis
Power output comparison between electronic ballast i Thesis
Power quality problems in Micro grid Thesis
Power reduction quadrant-based directional routing pr Conference Papers
Power system control Exam Papers
Power systems analysis Exam Papers
Power tariff : review every 6 months Text
Powering podded propulsion for crude oil double actin Thesis
Powering up the north Text
Powerless to act on glue-sniffing Text
PPD, SBP terima pakar penutur jati bahasa Inggeris Text
PPNJ berusaha pertingkatkan pendapatan peladang Text
PPPAT Glami Lemi fokus kajian arowana Text
PPRN selesai masalah teknikal produk universiti awam, News Paper Cuttings
PPSMI : Hishammuddin persoal tindakan Gapena Text
PPSMI boleh bantu naikkan ranking News Paper Cuttings
PPSMI siap minggu depan? Text
PPSMI tidak jejaskan Bahasa Melayu Text
Prabayar atau pascabayar? Text
Prabayar didaftar jika SMS fitnah berleluasa Text
Practical and relevant Text
Practical completion for water supply projects (Full textText
Practise good toilet habits Text
Praktikkan undang-undang dengan satu bahasa : SultanText
Pramoedya tetap unggul Text
Prasarana pantai Melaka diberi perhatian Text
Prasekolah jadi sebahagian sistem pendidikan negara Text
Preaching ergonomics to children Text
Precision shell investment casting of aluminium alloy t Text
Preclinical evidence of Malay traditional herbal supple Indexed Paper
Predicting protein secondary structure using artificial Text
Predicting residual and flow stresses from surface topo Indexed Paper
Predicting the performance of design-bid-build project Text
Predicting the performance of traditional general cont Conference Papers
Prediction and optimization of ethanol concentration inIndexed Paper
Prediction of corrosion inhibition efficiency of thiophenThesis
Prediction of financial distress companies in the consu Journal Article
Prediction of flow duration curve in ungauged catchmeIndexed Paper
Prediction of free fatty acid in crude palm oil using nea Thesis
Prediction of fruit quality using near-infrared via NARX Thesis
Prediction of protein residue contact using support ve Thesis
Prediction of recombinant protein overexpression in esThesis
Prediction of the flow around a surface-mounted cube Indexed Paper
Prediction of the solubility of caffeic acid in water usin Conference Papers
Prediction of total electron content of the ionosphere Journal Article
Prediction on water quality of point-source pollution foNon-Index Paper
Prediction quality of refined edible oil Thesis
Predictors and outcome of organizational cynicism and Thesis
Predictors of psychological well-being among the emergi Thesis
Preference comparison of AI power tracing techniques Non-Index Paper
Preference for Chinese schools Text
Pre-installed economic analysis tool in decision making Thesis
Prejudis Barat terhadap Islam tak pernah pudar Text
PrekotAC as a new filter aids material for fabric filter in Journal Article
Preliminary investigation of glary coded M-quadrature Text
Preliminary model for computer based assessment acceIndexed Paper
Preliminary results from attenuation correction for M Conference Papers
Preliminary studies on linear low density polyethylene Conference Papers
Preliminary studies on the performance of non-baked bric Thesis
Preliminary study of nematode resistance to anthelmintJournal Article
Preliminary study of online training implementation froIndexed Paper
Preliminary study on extraction and synthesis of biodi Conference Papers
Preliminary study on the identification of safety risks faJournal Article
Preliminary survey finding of the built and living envi Journal Article
Pre-nuptial HIV test stirs concern Text
Preparation and barrier properties of SPEEK/Cloisite Indexed Paper
Preparation and characterisation of kenaf bast fibre r Thesis
Preparation and characterization of blending sulfonate Conference Papers
Preparation and characterization of crack-free sol-gel Indexed Paper
Preparation and characterization of cross-linked Matr Indexed Paper
Preparation and characterization of dual layer lanthan Thesis
Preparation and characterization of hyperthin-skinne Indexed Paper
Preparation and characterization of rice straw grafted Thesis
Preparation and evaluation of water-in-soybean oil†Indexed Paper
Preparation and possible agricultural applications of p Indexed Paper
Preparation and properties characterization of P2O5 - KText
Preparation and properties of reduced graphene oxide fo Thesis
Preparation of cellulose nanocrystal aerogel from wast Conference Papers
Preparation of proton exchange membrane by radiation- Conference Papers
Prepare for PTK, candidates told Text
Prepare staff to fight white-collar crime, firms told Text
Pre-schoolers Get Spiritual Foundation News Paper Cuttings
Press machine process improvement by using DOE metIndexed Paper
Pressure dependent tailored attributes of silicon nan Indexed Paper
Pressure distribution analysis around VLCC ship's hull Thesis
Pressure drop analysis in 90° square duct bend Thesis
Pressure rise generation by the combustion of methane-aIndexed Paper
Prestasi industri sawit 2007 terus melonjak Text
Prestasi lenturan rasuk konkrit bertetulang diperkuatkaThesis
Prestasi Malaysia Pengerusi UNSC News Paper Cuttings
Prestasi sanga relau bagas (abstract) Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Pre-varsity exams not of low standard Text
Prevention of leptospirosis infected vector and human pIndexed Paper
Price tag recognition for android application Thesis
Pricing it right Text
Prihatin selepas tragedi Text
Prime Minister reads own book at fair Text
Principal component analysis-based data reduction modIndexed Paper
Principle of law in Malaysia Exam Papers
Principle of law in Malaysia Exam Papers
Principle of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Principle of management Exam Papers
Principle of marketing Exam Papers
Principle of marketing Exam Papers
Principle of operations management Exam Papers
Principles of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Principles of chemical processes I Exam Papers
Principles of chemistry Exam Papers
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Principles of economics/Prinsip ekonomi Exam Papers
Principles of engineering management Exam Papers
Principles of engineering management Exam Papers
Principles of engineering management Exam Papers
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Principles of law,contract and tort Exam Papers
Principles of macroeconomics Exam Papers
Principles of macroeconomics Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management Exam Papers
Principles of management / prinsip pengurusan Text
Principles of marketing Text
Principles of marketing Exam Papers
Principles of polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Principles of structures Exam Papers
Principles or marketing Exam Papers
Prinsip al-æAdl asas ekonomi Islam Text
Prinsip asas undang-undang Malaysia Text
Prinsip asas undang-undang Malaysia Text
Prinsip pemasaran Text
Prinsip pemprosesan kimia I Exam Papers
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Prinsip perniagaan Text
Prinsip reka bentuk latihan Text
Prinsip undang-undang pemasaran Text
Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Exam Papers
Prinsip-prinsip pembinaan rumah adat minangkabau (PText
Printed loop antenna for medical implanted communic Conference Papers
Prioritization of reputation loss factor subject to pipel Thesis
Prison study shows many inmates are educated Text
Prisons Act to be amended to allow for early-release s Text
Pristine study of axial tensile strain energy curve for Indexed Paper
Private sector should use Bahasa not English Text
Privating pharmacies Text
Privatisating squatter resettlement programmes: the a Text
Prize-winning kit to detect formalin in fish Text
Pro Cansellor UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Proaktif bendung inflasi : pakar ekonomi gesa kerajaan Text
Probabilistic based design for connecting links in single Text
Probabilistic routing protocol for a hybrid wireless un Indexed Paper
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of East Malays Thesis
Probe extensive logging at Panti Text
Probe on policemen by ACA intensifies Text
Probiotic viability and sensory properties of ice-cream Thesis
Problem based learning: arduous yet practical approachConference Papers
Problem-based learning conceptual teaching model for Thesis
Procedural unfairness as unfair dismissal (Fulltext) Text
Process modifications to maximise energy savings in totaIndexed Paper
Process tomography system by electrostatic charge carriConference Papers
Procurement methods and contractor's bidding strategyThesis
Product allocation to cross dock and warehouse using gThesis
Product design improvement through Theory of Invent Thesis
Product planning Text
Production of activated carbon-nickel oxide composite Thesis
Production of biosurfaction by locally isolated bacteri Text
Production of fermentable sugars from oil palm biomassThesis
Production of freeze dried milk by using freeze drying Thesis
Production of value added substances by tropical microConference Papers
Production technology Text
Productivity and quality improvement in a manufacturinText
Produk halal perlu ikut piawaian antarabangsa Text
Produk halal wujud fenomena baru Text
Produk IKS bakal masuki UAE Text
Produk import hasilkan saingan sihat: Muhyiddin Text
Produk makanan wajib jalani analisis kandungan zat Text
Produk pelancongan kelas antarabangsa Text
Produk penyelidikan UTeM menang lima pingat di JermText
Produk telekomunikasi ke Asia Text
Produktiviti & kualiti pembinaan Text
Produktiviti kita tertinggi di Asia Text
Proediting solution Text
Prof Taj, signing off News Paper Cuttings
Profesional ditambah : PM Text
Profesional perubatan perlu utamakan kualiti Text
Profesor Dr Fuat Sezgin cendiakawan sains Islam : sim Text
Profesor pelawat bantu pengantarabangsaan MSU Text
Professional engineering practice Exam Papers
Professional engineering practice Exam Papers
Professional engineer's roles and responsibility Conference Papers
Professional practice Exam Papers
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Professional practice III Exam Papers
Professionals in PuteriÆs new line-up Text
Profil personaliti dalam kalangan pensyarah UTM yang Journal Article
Profil Puan Che Sham Binti Hj. Mohd Darus : Ketua PustText
Profile of construction contractual claims Thesis
Program 15 tahun : FSKB UKM cadang perkenal 80 kursText
Program 3M beri impak positif kepada mahasiswa Text
Program ‘Minda Lestari Kelas Pertama’ Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program “teambuilding” untuk staf perpustakaa Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program banteras keganasan wanita, budak Text
Program bekerja sambil belajar di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Program belia diperkemas Text
Program ceramah agama sempena maulidur rasul Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program cerapan gerhana matahari UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program dilaksana di sembilan lokasi Text
Program evaluation Exam Papers
Program ICT diperluas peringkat prasekolah Text
Program integrasi pelajar dimantap Text
Program kejuruteraan UTM diiktiraf EAC Text
Program kuasai BI : NST kendali penajaan bantu pertingText
Program peluang penduduk luar bandar mengenali ICT Text
Program pembangunan profesional tingkat martabat, bai Text
Program pembangunan Sarawak perlu $11,195j News Paper Cuttings
Program peningkatan kemahiran industri (INSEP) : m Text
Program perantis belia April Text
Program perkongsian ilmu nilai budi dan budaya Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program perkongsian ilmu oleh Ustaz Mahyudin Md. SaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program pertanian : lebih banyak IPT perlu ditubuhkan Text
Program pertukaran pensyarah IPTA, IPTS Text
Program perubatan diiktiraf akan disenarai Text
Program PRS perlu diperluas ke IPT Text
Program PSC Text
Program School is Fun dihidupkan semula Text
Program Selangkah Ke Universiti bakar semangat pelajaText
Program selaras bantuan GLC, swasta dirangka Text
Program senamrobik KL Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Program sistematik pulih ekonomi Text
Program taman hutan dilancar Text
Program universiti : perlu dapat pengiktirafan JPA Text
Program untuk ceburi industri tani diperluas Text
Program Usahawan Tulen Text
Program vendor lahir masyarakat industri Text
Program vendor wujud semula Text
Programming Exam Papers
Programming Exam Papers
Programming (pengaturcaraan) Text
Programming / pengaturcaraan Text
Programming 3/Pengaturcaraan 3 Text
Programming II / Pengaturcaraan II Text
Programming III (VB) (pengaturcaraan III (VB) Text
Programming methodology Exam Papers
Project estimating Exam Papers
Project estimating Exam Papers
Project failure Text
Project information system for Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Text
Project management Exam Papers
Project management and construction practice Exam Papers
Project management and construction practice / peng Text
Project management and ethics Exam Papers
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Project review : public park planning and design as contText
Projection-based feature extraction with support vectorThesis
Projek Agropolitan berkesan bantu rakyat miskin : PM Text
Projek aloi/logam pateri tanpa plumbum (non-leaded sol Text
Projek e-KL pertingkat penyampaian di Lembah Klang Text
Projek ELFL kaedah terbaik tingkat pendidikan negara Text
Projek Harapan pastikan rakyat miliki rumah sendiri Text
Projek homestay ditambah Text
Projek jambatan bermula, dijangka siap 2011 rancakk Text
Projek kereta api laju siap menjelang 2008 Text
Projek khidmat masyarakat Kampung Durian Belukar Sed Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Projek landasan berkembar diteruskan dalam RMK-9 Text
Projek luar bandar RM1b Text
Projek 'my Tuition' akan diperluaskan Text
Projek pembangunan di pulau dibeku sementara Text
Projek pembangunan tanaman herba ala Felda Text
Projek perintis transformasi nelayan berjaya : MuhyiddiText
Projek Permata Negara diperluas Text
Projek Perumahan Awam RM200 juta di Iskandar MalayText
Projek radio kecemasan ambulans dilaksana Text
Projek RM200j nadi baru petani Pantai Timur Text
Projek RM-8 disusun semula: PM Text
Projek RM8.5b dilaksana : kesan gandaan ekonomi : se Text
Projek rumah untuk rakyat berpendapatan rendah Text
Projek sistem amaran awal tsunami lulus Text
Promosi bidang pengajian tinggi lebih agresif Text
Promote Bahasa Melayu among all races Text
Promoting æspiritual tourismÆ, various faiths to be Text
Promoting franchise business Text
Promoting reading to children of single mums Text
Promoting research culture among politechnic's hospitaConference Papers
Propagation system Exam Papers
Propagation system Exam Papers
Proper orthogonal decomposition: a tool to study the uJournal Article
Properties of cement based composites containing oil Thesis
Properties of concrete containing high volume fly ash Thesis
Properties of concrete with different curing regimes Thesis
Properties of microwave-assisted spray dried pineappleConference Papers
Property boost : real property gains tax to go on April 1Text
Property evaluation and investment / penilaian dan pe Text
Property fair offers choice pickings Text
Property management Exam Papers
Property management Exam Papers
Property market research Exam Papers
Property taxation Exam Papers
Proportional integral sliding mode control of a two-whee Text
Proportional integral sliding mode control of a two-wh Text
Proportional odds model affiliate with random-effect l Journal Article
Proposal for Singapore -JB shopping shuttle bus Text
Proposal on agricultural envoys Text
Proposal on rape laws by december Text
Proposal to enhance close ties Text
Proposed technique for transport protocol in wireless Conference Papers
Proposed terminal needed to replace Sepang as it reache Text
Proposing guidelines for phishing victimize based on heThesis
Proposition of a PV/tidal powered micro-hydro and diesIndexed Paper
Prosedur baru hukum pelajar Text
Prosedur kawalan, mutu diperkenal tingkatkan kualiti Text
Prosedur pemprosesan data ukur kadaster menggunakan Text
Proses ambil doktor dipermudah Text
Proses kawalan dan dinamik Text
Proses kawalan statistik Text
Proses kimia industri Text
Proses kimia industri / proses tindakbalas kimia Text
Proses olahan dan rekabentuk Text
Proses pembangunan infrastruktur di Sibu Thesis
Proses pembuatan Text
Proses pembuatan Text
Proses pemisahan II Text
Proses pemisahan II Text
Proses penentuan keluasan bagi pengambilan balik tanaThesis
Proses pengangkutan Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Proses pengasingan berjalan lancar Text
Proses revolusi ubah Felda : Najib mahu setiap tanah Text
Proses tuangan putar : emparan bagi aloi aluminium Text
Prospek baik hubungan dagang antara negara OIC Text
Prospek ekonomi 2008 terus mantap Text
Protecting gazetted forests Text
Protecting the landowners Text
Protein biomass as new adsorbent for precious metal i Conference Papers
Protein cegah pembiakan aedes Text
Protein secondary structure prediction from amino acidText
Protein separation techniques in biotechnology Text
Protein subcellular localization prediction of archaea Thesis
Protein-protein interactions mapping in the human braiThesis
Proteolytic activity characterization of bacteria isolat Thesis
Proton and UTM tie-up Text
Proton bukan lagi sekadar jual, beli kereta Text
Proton capable of strong turnaround, says PM Text
Proton car not in showrooms despite soft launch Text
Proton City's revival timely Text
Proton diberi hingga Mac jalin pakatan Text
Proton eksport MPV 2009 Text
Proton eyes 10pc of Indonesian sedan market Text
Proton investment in MÆsia close to RM7.6bil Text
Proton kaji pandu uji Text
Proton keluar kereta NGV Oktober Text
Proton keluar kereta sport mampu milik Text
Proton keluar model baru guna NGV Text
Proton keluarkan kumpulan pertama 940 buah kereta Text
Proton kena ikut gaya global bagi hadapi saingan temp Text
Proton kena jual 250,000 unit setahun Text
Proton lancar Gen2 versi dipertingkat Text
Proton lancar Lotus Evora di Malaysia bulan depan Text
Proton lancar model baru 2007 Text
Proton making 'good progress' Text
Proton mesti teroka enjin biodiesel Text
Proton muktamad pelan pemulihan Text
Proton perketat kawalan audit, keluaran kereta Text
Proton perlu berkualiti Text
Proton plans to build bio-diesel engine cars News Paper Cuttings
Proton recovery plan in place this year Text
Proton Saga baru laris luar biasa Text
Proton sasar jual 80,000 unit GEN.2 : Mahaleel Text
Proton sedia dwilatihan wujud pekerja mahir Text
Proton tak boleh dibiar terus rugi Text
Proton terus dibantu Text
Proton tiada halangan jual saham kepada VW Text
Proton tingkat mutu kereta Text
Proton UK yakin jualan naik ketara Text
Proton unveils electric Saga prototype News Paper Cuttings
Proton wajar wujud mekanisme pantau semua pusat serText
Proton, NPC jalin kerjasama Text
Proton, Perodua jalin kerjasama Text
Protons Saga : Dr M to the defence... Text
Prototype for financial system success Thesis
Prototype of brushless DC motor driver for hybrid electrThesis
Prototype of global positioning system device for vehiclThesis
Protype implementation of information server for seamJournal Article
Prove value of Bok House Text
Provide the evidence Text
Provision to monitor education agents Text
PSD after officers who donÆt pay loans Text
PSD strives to be world-cIass service Text
Psychological determinants of energy conservation beha Thesis
Psychological strain as mediator and gratitude as modeThesis
Psycology of Personality Exam Papers
PTK tetap diterus Text
PTL yakin mampu jadikan Malaysia koridor ekonomi Text
PTP in pursuit of third MLO Text
PTP kekal jadi peneraju Text
PTP kekal pelabuhan nombor satu negara Text
PTP perunfukkan RM500,00 laksana program CSR News Paper Cuttings
PTPTN 2004 - Pakej pinjaman menggembirakan Text
PTPTN berhak potong gaji peminjam Text
PTPTN beri 14 hari : 200 bekas pelajar didakwa April Text
PTPTN jamin salurkan pinjaman Text
PTPTN kurang maklumat pelajar Text
PTPTN mudahkan penuntut sambung belajar News Paper Cuttings
PTPTN peruntuk RM3b setahun Text
PTPTN pinda syarat layak pinjaman penuh Text
PTPTN tarik pinjaman: 1,000 pelajar kerja sambilan Text
Puasa baik untuk kesihatan Text
Puasa cara mudah sihatkan badan, minda Text
Puasa Ramadan didik ummah sentiasa beristiqamah Text
Puasa tarbiah jiwa taat, ikhlas lakukan ibadat Text
Public awereness on 3R's system for an integrated sol Conference Papers
Public Bank records 30.4pc increase in net profit to RM Text
Public funds shouldnÆt be wasted on poorly-done projText
Public key infrastructure authentication framework (PKIThesis
Public participation efficiency in traditional cities of Indexed Paper
Public participation on sustainable development - inve Text
Public perspective as a framework to manage urban herit Thesis
Public transport system Exam Papers
Public transportation needs to be more women friendlyText
Public understands why there are price hikes Text
Public varsities will not be sidelined Text
Public will appreciate daily update on SARS Text
Publics' knowledge, attitudes and behavioral toward th Indexed Paper
Puisi riong singgah UTM News Paper Cuttings
Pulau Batu Putih : Singapura terus halau nelayan MalayText
Pulau Kukup tercatat dalam peta dunia Text
Pulau Pinang pusat import eksport NCER Text
Pulau Tioman tidak boleh ikut acuan Langkawi: Dr M Text
Pulse Wave Transit Time (PWTT) and Its Relationship WiThesis
Pump prices down by 15 sen Text
Punca aliran air di luar kawasan PLUS Text
Punca bapa rogol anak didedah Text
Punca krisis air berulang : beberapa kerajaan negeri g Text
Punca remaja menjadi penjenayah Text
Pupuk nilai kasih sayang Text
Purification and characterization of extracellular poly Journal Article
Purification and characterization of recombinant enzy Conference Papers
Purification and properties of a new dehalogenase en Conference Papers
Pusat Aplikasi Perdana MSC dilancar esok Text
Pusat Islam UPM : integrasikan konsep ilmu, iman dan Text
Pusat jagaan diminta hantar pengasuh jalani latihan int Text
Pusat khas PKS di Dubai Text
Pusat Krisis Sehenti pulihkan mangsa dera Text
Pusat lulus empat projek prasarana di JB Text
Pusat lupus sampah patut diubah suai Text
Pusat Marina antarabangsa Text
Pusat Pelupusan sampah Yong Peng diarah pindah Text
Pusat Pemikiran Dr. Mahathir perlu perancangan mahirText
Pusat pemulihan pekerja akan diwujudkan Text
Pusat pendidikan khas di Malaysia akan direalisasikan Text
Pusat Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Cendawan diwujText
Pusat Penyelidikan Hadis ditubuhkan Text
Pusat sehenti proses Projek Rumah Kedua Text
Pusat sehenti urus laporan kes jenayah Text
Pusat Teknologi Herba FRIM dijangka siap akhir tahun Text
Pusat teknologi marin News Paper Cuttings
Pusat tidak sekat eksport News Paper Cuttings
Pusat Transformasi Komuniti Universiti News Paper Cuttings
Push for liberal policies Text
Pushing sports back on track Text
Puspahanas taraf dunia Text
Puspakom henti 42 pegawai Text
Puspakom inspection a must from July 1 Text
Putrajaya a tourist magnet Text
Putrajaya Hospital to provide acupuncture, ayurvedic Text
Putrajaya to issue bonds, MTNs worth RM850m Text
Putrajaya wows Indons Text
Putting the lid on landfills Text
Putting them first Text
PWD : learning to detect slope failures can save lives Text
Q-switching of neodymium yttrium aluminium garnet las Thesis
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of intercalated Indexed Paper
Qualitative project management (QPM) : a case study oThesis
Qualitative theory building method for lean sustaina Conference Papers
Quality control Exam Papers
Quality control Exam Papers
Quality control Exam Papers
Quality control and quality assurance in bituminous pa Thesis
Quality improvement by using classical DOE in plastic Text
Quality improvement in a plastic part manufacturing Thesis
Quality improvement in producing newspaper Text
Quality improvement of front hub rotation feeling by u Text
Quality improvement using measurement system analysis Text
Quality of life in the aspect of infrastructure and utilit Text
Quality of road surface runoff at Universiti Malaysia : L Thesis
Quality of service and traffic preemption for multi-protoText
Quality of service and traffic preemption for multi-prot Text
Quantification of knock magnitudes of various biofuel-diText
Quantifying system performance improvements in a high Indexed Paper
Quantitative analysis Exam Papers
Quantitative failure analysis utilizing simple finite ele Conference Papers
Quantitative techniques Exam Papers
Quantitative techniques Exam Papers
Quantum chemistry Exam Papers
Quantum chemistry Exam Papers
Quantum mechanical effects on the threshold voltage oIndexed Paper
Quantum transmission of optical tweezers via fiber opt Indexed Paper
Quest for young talent Text
Quick clearance of land cases Text
Quick response the way to fight, bad press Text
R & D : rawat air, udara Text
R&D : benih kaktus tiruan Text
R&D : ChromeBac rawat sisa air logam Text
R&D : IPTA perlu belajar daripada negara maju Text
R&D : kaedah alternatif Text
R&D : Khasiat kelapa dara Text
R&D : merawat air Text
R&D : nilai prestasi Text
R&D : pelajar PUO cipta Nature Powered Garden Text
R&D : penyelidik UTM cipta perisian superkomputer Text
R&D : produk cegah obesiti Text
R&D : radar unggul Text
R&D : ubah sistem tulisan Text
R&D gubal dasar pendidikan khas Text
R&D hasilkan penemuan berkualiti tinggi Text
R&D jamin kualiti makanan Text
Race Relations Act gets Cabinet nod Text
Racial integration our cornerstone Text
Racun serangga dan racun kulat daripada tumbuh-tumbText
Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna design for point Text
Radial slit maps of bounded multiply connected regionsIndexed Paper
Radial slits maps of unbounded multiply connected reg Indexed Paper
Radiation detection and dosimetry Exam Papers
Radio frequency tranceiver for amateur radio Thesis
Radio Sabah cipta sejarah Text
Radiobiologi Text
Radiobiologi Text
Radiobiologi Text
Radiobiologi Exam Papers
Radio-controlled microactuator based on shape-memory- Indexed Paper
Radiotoxicity risks of radium-226 (226Ra) on groundwatIndexed Paper
Rafidah nafi lari daripada tanggungjawab Text
Rafidah to head trade mission to Canada, US in May Text
Ragging has no place in Malaysian society News Paper Cuttings
Rahsia kejayaan Westport Malaysia Text
Rahsia ketakutan lelaki & wanita Text
Raih populariti di Youtube News Paper Cuttings
Rain brings air quality back to normal Text
Rainfall characteristics and regionalization in Peninsul Indexed Paper
Rainfall evaluation of root water uptake induced defor Non-Index Paper
Rainfall network optimization in Johor Conference Papers
Rainfall runoff study in urban catchment case study Thesis
Rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural networ Text
Rais : first draft on Heritage Act likely ready by April Text
Rais bimbang bahasa Melayu semakin merosot Text
Raising a stink over our rivers Text
Raising income of Felda settlers Text
Raja Melayu paling muda Text
Raja Nazrin : this country belongs to all Malaysians Text
Raja Nazrin cabar IPT usah tumpu bilangan pelajar Text
Raja Zarith : fluency in English does not mean one is unpText
Raja Zarith mahu pusat jagaan orang tua ditambah News Paper Cuttings
Raja Zarith Sofiah dilantik Pro-Canselor UTM baru Text
Raja Zarith Sofiah, Fatini dilantik Karyawan Tamu UTM Text
Raja Zarith speaks at Oxford News Paper Cuttings
Rakaman peristiwa penting lima dekad Text
Rakan Cop ready for Chinese SMS Text
Rakan Cop to go nationwide next year Text
Rakan Muda sasar 5 juta remaja Text
Rakan Muda to take on new role Text
Rakyat boleh buat aduan guna SMS tahun depan Text
Rakyat diminta sedia hadapi 2009 : Najib Text
Rakyat impi Umno akan bangun semula Text
Rakyat jangan bangkit isu azan Text
Rakyat lega bank setuju struktur semula pinjaman Text
Rakyat Malaysia kurang amalkan gaya hidup sihat Text
Rakyat Malaysia ramai kahwin warga asing Text
Rakyat Malaysia SMS RM1.7b Text
Rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu visa ke Britain Text
Rakyat masih abai aspek kebersihaná Text
Rakyat penentu kejayaan industri pelancongan Text
Rakyat perlu bantu tarik pelancong Text
Rakyat perlu bersikap realistik terima Bajet 2006 Text
Rakyat perlu sokong seni karya tempatan : PM Text
Rakyat perlu ubah pola makan bantu hadapi krisis Text
Rakyat tanpa maklumat boleh jejas dasar kerajaan Text
Rakyat Terengganu melabur RM1.4b Text
Rakyat tertua jejak kem Everest News Paper Cuttings
Rakyat yakin masa depan Malaysia cerah Text
RAM - network - based type-2 fuzzy-neural controller f Conference Papers
Ramai dapat peluang biaya PTPTN Text
Ramai golongan muda belum daftar mengundi Text
Ramai graduan universiti awam jadi pemimpin Text
Ramai mahu hukuman berat Text
Ramai penagih suntik buah zakar lepaskan gian Text
Ramai pensyarah kejuruteraan hanya mahir teori Text
Ramai wanita bujang mohon berhijrah Text
Ramalan kadar alir banjir di tadahan Sungai Kelantan Text
Rancangan penstrukturan industri tembakau dilancar Text
Random forest for gene selection and microarray data clThesis
Rang Undang-Undang DNA 2008 seiring perkembanganText
Rangkaian tersuis Text
Rangkakerja pemilihan teknik perobohan struktur ban Text
Rangsang minat anak Text
Rangsangan motivasi ketibaan pelancong asing mengik Journal Article
Ranking dunia Text
Rapid footing for industrialized building system Thesis
Rare chance for Malaysians to see Venus cross the sun Text
Rare sughting of four dugongs Text
Rasional tarif baru elektrik Text
Rasis hanyalah persepsi keadaan semasa News Paper Cuttings
Rasuah makin menular : Tun M Text
Rasuah tak wujud jika peniaga telus Text
Rasuah tidak semesti dengan suapan duit Text
Rational emotive behavior therapy : to reduce emotionNon-Index Paper
Rationalisation of green office building investment attriThesis
Rationalisation plan for Johor's two ports Text
Rawatan air beralkali dengan menggunakan terminali aText
Rawatan air sisa pusat penyembelihan menggunakan e Thesis
Rayuan batal sebat persenda hukum syariah Text
RazakSAT dilancar esok Text
RazakSat diterbangkan ke Amerika Text
RazakSat to take off this year Text
RCE Iskandar platform bersatu News Paper Cuttings
Reaching out Text
Reactive weight based buffer management policy for DTIndexed Paper
Readily available and irresistible Text
Readiness for industrialized building system impleme Journal Article
Reading motivation of students in a secondary school inThesis
Reading rapidly and effectively Text
Ready for the longer hauls Text
Ready for worst case scenario, compensation if chickensText
Reaksi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar IPTA News Paper Cuttings
Reaksi masyarakat terhadap kebisingan komuniti Text
Real analysis Exam Papers
Real estate law Exam Papers
Real estate law Exam Papers
Real time computer control of a water level process us Thesis
Real time ear detection for human biometric recognitioThesis
Real time mapping for navigation system in UTM drivin Thesis
Real time motion detection and tracking using a webc Thesis
Real time system identification Text
Real-time FPGA-based human iris recognition embedded Indexed Paper
Realtime implementation of proportional integral derivaThesis
Real-time machine controller verification and simulatioConference Papers
Real-Time PCR assay for detection of candida parap-siloNon-Index Paper
Real-time rendering facial skin colours to enhance real Thesis
Real-time video streaming over wireless LAN (802.11b) Thesis
Rear seat belt offenders face harsher penalty from July Text
Reasons for poor grasp of English Text
Rebat dibayar mulai Sabtu Text
Rebate will help ease fuel price hike pain Text
Rebranding exercise to improve employment prospectsText
Rebut industri halal Text
Rebut peluang biasiswa Text
Recent discoveries and applications of anoxybacillus Indexed Paper
Recent inventions News Paper Cuttings
Recipients get more time to repay loan Text
Recognising women who beat the odds Text
Recognition for China's varsities being studied Text
Recognition of landslide hazard zonation in Fasham areThesis
Recognition of six selected timber species using hyperi Thesis
Reconfigurable notched wideband antenna using EBG sIndexed Paper
Reconsidering "the image of the city" in Kajang Town Thesis
Reconstructing of synthetic genetic oscillator using fe Thesis
Record book for homework Text
Recovery of ionized nanosilver from wash water soluti Indexed Paper
Recruitment of civil servants wonÆt be based on gendeText
Recurrent neuro fuzzi controller power system stabilizeText
Recursive system for assessing the value of agricultural Text
Recycler selection using fuzzy AHP by considering sustaiIndexed Paper
Recycling of oil palm empty fruit bunch as potential carrIndexed Paper
Recycling toward sustainable pavement development:en Journal Article
Red and good : discovering the subtleties beneath the Text
Red tape leads to dark world Text
Redefined intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideals of ordered semi Indexed Paper
Redesigning your bathroom Text
Reduce reuse recycle behavioural intention model in h Thesis
Reducing handover latency using cross layer protocol i Thesis
Reducing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) by mitigatinThesis
Reduction of chloride ion ingress into reinforced concr Journal Article
Redundant-free web services composition with user re Thesis
Reference management software (RMS) in an academicIndexed en Paper
Reference management with end note x7 seminar Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Refinement of generated weighted fuzzy production rule Text
Reflectarry antenna based on DRA in X band Thesis
Regional and rural planning Exam Papers
Register intellectual property for economic gain Text
Register prepaid SIM card or lose service Text
Regular languages, regular grammars and automata in sIndexed Paper
Regularized lattice boltzmann simulation of laminar natIndexed Paper
Rehabilitating sewerage line system in congested urbanThesis
Rehabilitation of disturbed land Exam Papers
Rehabilitation of disturbed land Exam Papers
Rehabilitation of disturbed land (4 SBL) Exam Papers
Rehda sambut baik konsep baru jual rumah Text
Reinforced concrete design 1 Exam Papers
Reinforced concrete design 2 Exam Papers
Reinforced concrete design II Exam Papers
Reka bentuk bangunan tahan gegaran dikaji Text
Reka bentuk dalaman : kediaman jimat tenaga Text
Reka bentuk kediaman tidak mesra alam Text
Reka bentuk Konkrit Bertetulang I Text
Reka bentuk konkrit prategasan Text
Reka bentuk pembangunan prototaip perisian pembelajText
Reka bentuk struktur kayu menggunakan visual basic 6 Text
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Rekabentuk berkomputer jambatan konkrit prategasanThesis
Rekabentuk berkomputer jambatan konkrit prategasanText
Rekabentuk berkomputer tembok penahan konkrit bertText
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan visualisasi 3D bagi utilitThesis
Rekabentuk dan simulasi bandar secara bersepadu dan Text
Rekabentuk grout gred 20 hingga 30 untuk pembaikan Text
Rekabentuk kartografi Text
Rekabentuk kejuruteraan geoteknik Text
Rekabentuk keluli lanjutan Text
Rekabentuk kemudahan tahanan air ribut di lebuhraya Thesis
Rekabentuk ketuhar pembakar lemang Text
Rekabentuk konkrit bertetulang II Text
Rekabentuk konkrit prategasan lanjutan Text
Rekabentuk konkrit prategasan perbandingan di antaraText
Rekabentuk Litar Bersepadu Dan Teknik Pengujian Text
Rekabentuk loji Text
Rekabentuk pengelog data harmonik dan suhu berbila Thesis
Rekabentuk satelit dan penderia Text
Rekabentuk sistem pembelajaran konsep nombor berasConference Papers
Rekabentuk sistem perparitan menggunakan program Text
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Rekabentuk struktur I Text
Rekabentuk struktur I Text
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Rekabentuk struktur II / Rekabentuk struktur keluli & k Text
Rekabentuk struktur III Text
Rekabentuk tembok penahan julur Text
Rekabentuk tembok penahan julur konkrit dengan mengg Thesis
Rekabentuk VLSI bagi litar pendarab voltan rendah 8-biText
Rekahan aktif sentiasa bergerak News Paper Cuttings
Rekod 17A1 SPM Text
Rekod tawan 19 gunung Text
Rela bantu cari pelancong dilapor hilang Text
Rela to fight snatch thieves Text
Relationship among information technology investment,Non-Index Paper
Relationship between determinants of MyCPD (Continuo Thesis
Relationship between mental health and academic perfThesis
Relationship between neighborhood physical design and Thesis
Relationship between outrigger position and external c Thesis
Relationship between psychological capital and work Thesis
Relationship between service quality, satisfaction, and Non-Index Paper
Relationship between soil properties and corrosion of cConference Papers
Relationship between stock futures index and cash pricNon-Index Paper
Relationship between work hours and management suppor Thesis
Relative risk estimation of dengue disease in Bandung, Journal Article
Relevance feedback of content-based image retrieval uConference Papers
Reliability analysis for ship repair and maintenance opeThesis
Religious school launches website Text
Relliability behaviors of HCI and NBTI on 3-D planar mosThesis
Remaja dan perbezaan pendapat Text
Remaja dan sifat tidak peduli Text
Remedial class but teachers unable to help students Text
Remembering Reds' victims Text
Remote control switch using a microcontroller Text
Remote dynamically reconfigurable platform using Ne Indexed Paper
Remote Sensing Exam Papers
Remote sensing Exam Papers
Remote sensing for land applications Text
Remote sensing/Penderiaan jauh Text
Removal of acetaminophen from aqueous solution by usi Thesis
Removal of Brilliant Green and Procion Red dyes from aThesis
Removal of chromium ions from synthetic industrial w Thesis
Removal of filter cake by using enzyme with buffered a Thesis
Removal of heavy metal using 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline deri Thesis
Removal of Hg(II) from aqueous solution by adsorption Indexed Paper
Removal of kraft lignin from aqueous waste solution u Thesis
Removal of phosphorous from a synthetic water solutioThesis
Removal techniques of nitrate from water Indexed Paper
Renewable energy from palm oil waste Text
Rentak sokongan pengundi Cina Text
Reologi & pemprosesan polimer Text
Reporting and interpreting effect size in quantitative a Non-Index Paper
Representation of non-homogeneous material properties Thesis
Reprofiling hill to remove danger Text
Requirements-based change propagation model for evoThesis
Re-refining of base oil from spent lubricant : a comparaText
Rescheduling for manufacturing based on ontology an Conference Papers
Research methodology Exam Papers
Research varsity status Text
Residents roused by minor fire at UTM campus Text
Residents suffering, still bitter Text
Residents taking their fight to PM Text
Residents to submit proposals on Kampung Baru to Go Text
Residual estimation of ionospheric effect on GPS baseli Thesis
Resipi Samsung hasilkan produk canggih Text
Resistance of built-up cold-formed steel channel columnIndexed Paper
Resistance reduction through air layer formation beneaThesis
Resistance reduction through air layer formation beneaThesis
Resort island without medical facility Text
Resource planning and management / Introduction to gExam Papers
Response of suction distribution due to variations of perJournal Article
Response surface methodology analysis of CO2 photocat Indexed Paper
Restaurant reservation and food ordering mobile applicThesis
Restaurants ordering system using sms Thesis
Restore public confidence in schools Text
Restructuring ethnic inequalities via the educational s Text
Restructuring framework of saham waqf and waqf sahaThesis
Results to be proud of by rural schools Text
Retinitis pigmentosa bersifat keturunan Text
Retirement fund to handle pensions Text
Retraining grads to fill vacancies Text
Rev up the new, out with the old Text
Revealing Camelot Text
Review : radiation-induced surface modification of polyIndexed Paper
Review of HVAC scheduling techniques for buildings towIndexed Paper
Review on bioethanol as alternative fuel for spark ignit Indexed Paper
Review on crucial parameters of silage quality Non-Index Paper
Review on knowledge management as a tool for effective Non-Index Paper
Review on the extraction of biomolecules by biosurfactNon-Index Paper
Review proposed tariff increase, PM tells TNB Text
Reviewing the approval process flow of housing develo Thesis
Reviewing the usefulness of BIM adoption in improving Journal Article
Revising contract sum: the employer right to set-off p Text
Reviving the animal spirit Text
Revoked : permit of institute with missing students Text
Rewarding a champion Text
RF-to-DC characteristics of AIGaAs/GaAs HEMT schottkyThesis
RGB image watermarking using YCBCR colour space andThesis
RHBI mahu jadi tiga terbesar dalam lima tahun Text
Rheological behaviour of coconut shell powder modifieJournal Article
Rheological investigation of water atomised Metal InjecConference Papers
Rheological properties of styrene butadiene rubber moJournal Article
Ribut rosakkan 57 rumah Text
Right of students to cover faces: UTM News Paper Cuttings
Rights course a must for OCPDs Text
Rigid polyurethane-palm oil based polyol/kenaf fibre Thesis
RIMA kembali konsep asal nama baru Klasik FM kekal Text
Ringankan kelas menengah Text
Ringgit catat paras tertinggi sejak 9 tahun Text
Ringgit naik banding dolar AS Text
Ringgit tertinggi dalam 10 tahun Text
RinggitÆs recent rise orderly, says Zeti Text
Risiko dan pengurusan dalam pembinaan : perspektif koText
Risiko DVT selepas pembedahan Text
Risiko radang hati Text
Risiko sakit jantung melebihi kanser payudara Text
Rising Above for street kids Text
Rising water sparks alert Text
Risk assessment for demolition works in Malaysia Text
Risk -based maintenance and sustainability concept in Conference Papers
Risk factors for supply chain management of fast conta Thesis
Risk in sediment-impacted detention pond using MonteThesis
Risk management for effective corporate governance Text
Risk service contract in developing malaysian marginal fThesis
Risk-based assessment concept and its application towar Conference Papers
River transport crippled in some parts of Sarawak Text
Rivers are not dumps Text
RM1 juta atasi banjir kilat Text
RM1 juta diperuntuk galak amalan membaca Text
RM1 juta insentif atlet negara menang emas di OlimpikText
RM1,300 to tap rainwater Text
RM1,950 pay rise for 550 specialists Text
RM1.4b plan to develop Mersing Text
RM1.68 juta indahkan perkampungan Felda : TPM Text
RM1.74 billion in scholarships for 2,000 to study abroa Text
RM1.7bil loan from China for second Penang bridge Text
RM1.8 bilion majukan bidang pertanian Text
RM10 juta bantu peniaga bumiputera Text
RM10,000 fund æfor projects to keep rivers cleanÆ Text
RM100j diperlu jayakan Program Amal Jariah Text
RM100m for four special schools Text
RM10b lined up for SME projects Text
RM10m for school repairs, priority to those deemed à Text
RM11.5 juta baik pulih sekolah terjejas banjir Text
RM12 billion unpaid study loans Text
RM125m for Syabas to replace old water pipes Text
RM128j perkasa golongan belia Felda Text
RM13.6m worth of syabu in bags carried by Iranians at Text
RM15 juta atasi masalah Jalan Cameron Highlands-SimpText
RM150,000 untuk pendaftaran plat JJJ1 Text
RM150j untuk Permata Negara Text
RM150m to give Felda folk a better life Text
RM1b bina rumah kos rendah Text
RM1b fund to assist SMEs venture overseas Text
RM2,000 sebulan rawat buah pinggang Text
RM2.49b for food security Text
RM20,000 fine for fatal crashes Text
RM200,000 bank robbery Text
RM200j majukan pelancongan Text
RM200j tubuh Bank Tanah Text
RM200m to aid poor pupils Text
RM200mil fund kicks off Text
RM20b boost for Iskandar Text
RM20m to clear rivers of waste Text
RM20m to help youths venturing into agriculture Text
RM22.7b bina 15 pusat latihan, 4 IPTA Text
RM223j tingkatkan khidmat School-Net Text
RM230m allocation for CCTV cameras Text
RM25 juta cegah talasemia Text
RM26m lab a nerve centre to monitor, check diseases Text
RM2b untuk kontraktor E, F Text
RM2j bina Muzium Polis Bukit Kepong Text
RM3.1 bilion lebihan cukai sudah dibayar Text
RM3.2b diguna untuk pendidikan Text
RM3.4 juta tingkat profesionalisme tenaga pengajar p Text
RM3.6mil foreign workers levy unpaid Text
RM30,000 reward for info on killers Text
RM300 fine also for m-cyclists Text
RM300 juta tebatan banjir di Lembah Klang Text
RM33 juta setahun untuk IPT majukan sukan Text
RM330m boost to fight crime Text
RM34 juta bangun semula kampus UTM KL Text
RM350 juta bantu usahawan tani Text
RM35m to make tourists feel welcomed Text
RM360,000 tubuh UTM-CSM Cyber Security X Lab News Paper Cuttings
RM38 juta lahirkan 3,400 usahawan tani Text
RM3j urus perpustakaan Text
RM40 juta untuk bina kampus tetap AKEPT Text
RM450 juta untuk jalan luar bandar Text
RM471m inheritance problem Text
RM4bil food security plan Text
RM5.2b diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan latihan beliaText
RM5.6b bantu 167,370 usahawan Bumiputera Text
RM500 juta peruntukan pinjaman peniaga terjejas banjiText
RM500j tambah saintis, jurutera Text
RM500m for special education Text
RM50b diperlukan untuk infrastruktur air 10 tahun Text
RM50mil convention centre in JB Text
RM52 bilion bina infrastruktur air Text
RM545 juta selenggara jalan Text
RM545j diguna pastikan Jalan Persekutuan selamat Text
RM5b to protect local intellectual property Text
RM6.5j BR1M untuk pelajar UTM News Paper Cuttings
RM600j bantu usahawan Bumiputera Text
RM6b lagi majukan koridor Text
RM6j setahun untuk pendidikan agama : kerajaan negeriText
RM70j latih graduan menganggur Text
RM70j naik taraf jalan Johor Bahru-Kota Tinggi Text
RM8 juta majukan pelancongan Cherating Text
RM8.5b for high-priority projects Text
RM80,000 geran tubuh Taska di tempat kerja Text
RM800,000 bina jambatan baru di Taman Seri PlentongText
RM800,000 jayakan usahawan muda Text
RM800j setahun bantu petani tingkat hasil padi Text
RM800j untuk UTM tubuh 3 fakulti baru Text
RM80j latih buruh binaan mahir Text
RM82b for electricals, electronics Text
RM85.37j caruman KWSP tidak dituntut Text
RM85m aid for poor pupils Text
RM8m a year on outsourcing radiotherapy Text
RM9.7b majukan pendidikan Text
RM900 million to solve Johor floods Text
RM900j majukan usahawan : Mara tawar 53 jenis perniText
RMK-9 teruskan pelan pembangunan ekonomi Text
RMlj setahun pulih alam sekitar, keceriaan landskap News Paper Cuttings
Road fatalities still high, says Shaziman Text
Road material and pavement evaluation Exam Papers
Road safety drive pays off Text
Roads upgraded for safer ride home Text
Roadshow Dana Wakaf Pendidikan UTM sempena BulanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Roadshow di Fakulti Tamadun Islam UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Roadworthiness checks Text
Roadworthiness of 150,000 cars in doubt Text
Robbers killed in shootout Text
Robbers nabbed after chase Text
Robot gripper and machine vision for electronic compoThesis
Robot penyelesaian maze Thesis
Robot range finder with stereo vision Thesis
Robot wows folks during visit at UTM Text
Robotic modelling and simulation : theory and applicat Conference Papers
Robotic total station performance in industrial deformaConference Papers
Robotik Text
Robotik dan pengotomatan Text
Robust adaptive coding schemes for multipath fading c Conference Papers
Robust and highly secure graphical user authenticatio Thesis
Robust weighted least squares estimation of regressionJournal Article
Robust yaw stability control of hybrid electric vehicles Thesis
Robustness in vertical ties of large precast panel struct Thesis
Rock Oil Text
Rock slope stability assessment at Jalan Kuari, Cheras Thesis
Roket pembelah angkasa Text
Role of building services quantity surveyors in managingConference Papers
Role of ethical culture in creating public value Indexed Paper
Role of silver nanoparticles on spectroscopic propertiesThesis
Role of varsities in bridging civilisations Text
Rombak kurikulum institut perguruan Text
Rombak semula agensi Text
Rombak sistem pendidikan, jika kerajaan mahu mempeText
Rombak sistem sekolah rendah : Hishammuddin Text
RON 97 baru lebih berkuasa Text
RON95 bermutu diperkenal Text
RON97 to cost more from September Text
Root finding of a system of nonlinear equations using Thesis
Rooting for work ethics and ILO conditions Text
Rotating detonation engine development and performaThesis
Rotation effects on coupled heat and mass transfer by Indexed Paper
Roti canai, nasi lemak dikira makanan segera Text
Roti canai, teh tarik tidak ke angkasa lepas? Text
Routing in wide area ATM network (Preview) Text
Row and column matrices in multiple correspondence an Indexed Paper
Royal Selangor û creation of pride Text
RSA performance evaluation for privacy preserving scheThesis
RSM tool life modeling for medium hard turning using PConference Papers
RTL imlementation of one-sided jacobi algorithm for si Thesis
RTM kini sangat selektif Text
RTM terbit 25 siri dokumentari sejarah penubuhan neg Text
Ruang digital topologi kabur dan bentuk imej elektroenThesis
Rubber bonanza Text
Rubber price hits 17-year high Text
Rubber price to stay strong in long term Text
Rubber prices likely to continue bull run Text
Rude cities : KL ranks third Text
Rugi RM22j akibat virus komputer Text
Rugi selesema burung RM1 trilion Text
Rujuk ilmuwan berwibawa elak terjebak ajaran sesat Text
Rujukan agama : UiTM tubuh Pusat Sumber KefahamanText
Rule modeling engine for optimizing complex event proConference Papers
Rules on Islamic finance set-ups Text
Rules on khalwat raids to be revised Text
Rumah kedai Tok Jamal Text
Rumah kos rendah masih diperlukan : DPMM Text
Rumah lelong sebagai alternatif kepada pemilikan rum Thesis
Rumah mampu milik dibina Text
Rumah mesra alam pentingkan aliran udara Text
Rumah Tok Ku Paloh Text
Run a check on builder before buying a house Text
Rundingan boleh elakkan konflik bersenjata di Asia PasiText
Rundingan FTA diterus hingga capai kata sepakat Text
Rundingan jambatan semakin positif : Syed Hamid Text
Rundingan Proton-VW hampir muktamad Text
Rundingan strategik Proton, VW Text
Running dry Text
Rural areas to get more clinics Text
Rural duty for teachers Text
Rural land resource management Exam Papers
Rural library can foster reading habit Text
Rural planning Exam Papers
Rural students are coping with English Text
Russia saring rapi pelajar perubatan dari Malaysia Text
Rutting profile of concrete block pavement and comparText
RWDM technique for single phase inverter Thesis
RZSA titik permulaan bakat baharu ketengah karya kreaNews Paper Cuttings
Sabah jadi pusat akuakultur marin Text
Sabah nafi wujud kawasan pembalakan baru Text
Sabah terus bangunkan industri minyak sawit Text
Sabah tourist transportation virtual guide Text
Sabah, Sarawak in joint promotion Text
Sabah’s east coast picked for tourism projects News Paper Cuttings
Sabahan community alert mobile apps Thesis
Sabah's practice in granting ownership on road reserve Thesis
Sabotaj punca projek sakit kuarters, balai polis Text
Saddam dihukum gantung Text
Safe to eat local chicken and eggs Text
Safety budgeting cost for construction project Thesis
Safety key performance indicators for SMES Thesis
Safety net for retrenched workers planned Text
Safety permit for amusement parks to be a must Text
Safety personified with crash test Text
Saga baru perkukuh keyakinan Proton Text
Sahabat penyelidikan tanah lembut anda Text
Saham : PM arah BNM dapatkan penjelasan Hong LeonText
Sahsiah diri punca utama lulusan KUIM dipilih Text
Saingan negeri capai status maju positif Text
Sains & Teknologi : pemakanan bijak berkesan cegah peText
Sains & Teknologi: UKM hasil dua lapisan kulit guna HP Text
Sains : antara politik dan arena Text
Sains bahan Text
Sains bahan Text
Sains bahan Text
Sains bahan Text
Sains bahan Text
Sains bangunan II Text
Sains fiksyen jadi realiti Text
Sains forensik Text
Sains forensik pastikan penjenayah tidak terlepas Text
Sains hayat, bioteknologi - Paksi pembangunan ICT te Text
Sains iktiraf kaedah sembelih Islam Text
Sains pengurusan Text
Sains tahun satu : banyakkan alat bantu mengajar Text
Sains tanah Text
Sains tanah Text
Sains tanah Text
Sains, keusahawanan bantu petani : Pak Lah Text
Sains, matematik dalam bahasa inggeris di Portal Text
Sains, matematik dalam inggeris : mata pelajaran kesusText
Sains, Matematik dwibahasa Text
Sains, teknologi dan manusia Exam Papers
Saintis dakwa berjaya klonkan embrio manusia Text
Saintis kenal pasti virus punca radang paru-paru Text
Saintis mahu siasat da Vinci Text
Saintis minta kaji syor guna petrol RON 95 Text
Saintis negara giat sedia bahan kajian Text
Saintis UM hasil antivirus denggi Text
Sakit hati atau rosak hati? Text
Saladin pencetus industri animasi kreatif Text
Salah faham mengenai imunisasi Text
Salah laku : hanya 2% dari 5.2j pelajar terlibat Text
Salah laku murid meningkat Text
Salah tanggapan cetus jurang Islam, Barat : Raja Nazrin Text
Salaries in research field much lower here than in otherNews Paper Cuttings
Salleh the oldest M’sian to climb Everest News Paper Cuttings
Saman bernilai RM15 juta empat hari Ops Sikap X Text
Saman musim perayaan maksimum RM300 Text
Sambutan merdeka ke-49 penuh aspirasi RMK-9 Text
Sambutan Silat Cekak Hanafi di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Sambutan tradisi rumah panjang kaum Dayak tetap merText
Same day by-elections for security reasons Text
Sampaikan mesej Islam secara berhemah Text
Sampling of unregulated components of a two-stroke, Conference Papers
Sampling widens to all states Text
Samy : RM11j dilulus selenggara Hillview Text
Samy Vellu on police presence in schools Text
Samy Vellu sedia disiasat BPR Text
Sandaran kajian umum mengenai pembacaan santai di kConference Papers
Saranan guna dwibahasa Matematik, Sains UPSR Text
Sarawak has high rate of cable thefts Text
Sarawak makin teruk Text
Sarawak nearly HFM-free Text
Sarawak on alert for the HFMD Text
Sarawak promotes hydropower gains Text
Sarawak set to be main power supplier in Malaysia Text
Sarawak to build 12 dams to meet future power needs Text
Sarawak to build RM300m dam Text
Sarawak to screen Std 4-6 pupils today Text
Sarawak to set up flood alarm system Text
Sarjan Hassan buru komunis kerana dendam Text
SARS : saringan di pintu masuk diaktifkan semula Text
SARS Alert: Man with symptoms not detected at KLIA Text
SARS menguasai sesi penggulungan perbahasan Text
SARS: Abdullah nasihatkan rakyat jangan cemas Text
Sasar 100,000 kunjungi Fesko UTM News Paper Cuttings
Sasar pertumbuhan enam peratus Text
Sasar terbilang 2010 Text
Sasaran 200,000 pelajar UiTM Text
Sasaran 300 tapak akuakultur selamat Text
Sasaran 50 peratus guru sekolah rendah siswazah Text
Sasaran capai lebihan eksport tani RM1.2b Text
Sasaran keluaran padi tempatan 95% dalam RMK-9 Text
Sasaran kesihatan optimum Text
Sasaran nisbah sesuai Text
Sasaran pelancong 21.5 juta 2008 sukar dicapai Text
Sasaran pertumbuhan KDNK mampu dicapai Text
Sasaran universiti, pelajar berprestij Text
Sastera belum æmerdekaÆ Text
Sastera perlukan dukungan pembaca Text
Sastera, kemerdekaan dan globalisasi Text
Satelit majukan teknologi komunikasi Text
Satelit Measat-3a tingkat mutu telekomunikasi Text
Satelit RazakSAT dilancar 21 April Text
Satelit: sokongan diperlukan News Paper Cuttings
Satellite Newspapers eyes kiosks in Malaysia Text
Satu lagi taufan diramal melanda Text
Satu rangka cadangan alternatif dalam pembangunan sText
Saudi terror attacks add fuel to oil prices Text
Save rainwater to cope with dry spells, urges CAP Text
Save water, save environs, save money Text
Saving peat forests Text
Savings and investment through sound insurance plan cText
Sawit hasilkan biokomposit Text
Saya bukan orang biasa : Samy Vellu dakwa Ahli ParlimeText
Saya produk bahasa melayu dari kampung... Text
Saya tak fikir nak gantikan MB Kedah : Abdullah Text
Saya tidak tergamak gadai bahasa, bangsa Text
Sayembara Fiksyen Sains, Teknologi Text
Sayembara Novel Fiksyen Sains dan Teknologi lahirkan m News Paper Cuttings
Sayu kenang suami, anak tak sahut panggilan News Paper Cuttings
Sayur, buah bebas melamin Text
SBL 123
SBT berperanan kembangkan budaya kecemerlangan : Text
SBT transformasi sekolah jadi terbaik pelbagai bidang Text
SC semak semula garis panduan insentif cukai Text
Scene change detection method for MPEG video (Full teText
Scheduled waste management in an ink manufacturin Text
Scheduling algorithm for multi-user diversity in urban aJournal Article
Scheduling software as a tool for monitoring and controThesis
Schemes to boost tourism Text
Scholarship for teachers, 7,000 can take diploma cours Text
Scholarship to boost pool of skilled workers Text
Scholarships worth RM10mil Text
School auctions places Text
School closure at 300 Text
School co-ops earn big bucks Text
School sports for nation-building Text
School system overhaul Text
Schoolboy latest dengue victim Text
Schools can formulate their own language exams, says Text
Scientific mission into ancient forest Text
Scientific ties with Thailand under study Text
Scientists : bring in insect-eating bats Text
Scientists report advances in artificial sperm Text
Scientists should retire at 65 Text
Scientists to get royalties for research Text
Scientists wonÆt play God Text
Scope for more local books to inculcate reading Text
Scorpene kapal selam digeruni musuh Text
Scorpene lengkapkan armada TLDM Text
Scouring of fully inundated bridge pressure flow Thesis
SCR of NO with C3H on the presence of excess O-2 ove Indexed Paper
Scramble to contain first locally transmitted H1N1 case Text
Scratch-and-win schemes : number of people cheated Text
Screen a dehalogenase gene using isolated bacterium f Thesis
Screening of MgO-and Ceo2 based catalysts for carbon Indexed Paper
Screening of offences Text
SCTPCD: A Cross layer transport layer protocol for hig Journal Article
Sea clutter characterisation and small target detection Text
Sea surface temperature retrieval using TRMM microwav Conference Papers
Seabad meniti cabaran menjana peradaban terbilang 19Text
Seagate mahu labur RM1 bilion di Johor : kemudahan log Text
Seakeeping analysis of A Malaysian fishing vessel Text
Seakeeping assessment of a Multi Chine Long Liner FishText
Seakeeping study of a v-hull yacht design Thesis
Seameo bantu capai matlamat pendidikan Text
Seawater to fight inferno Text
Sebahagian besar kakitangan tidak ikhlas Text
Sebahagian besar roti berlebihan asid propionik : CAP Text
Sebak lihat ibu jururawat setia menemani anak News Paper Cuttings
Sebat di khalayak ramai : hukuman baru ke atas perogoText
Sebuah marina akan dibina di Pontian Text
Second chance for 1,540 teachers Text
Second killer species found Text
Second proposal to employ refugees Text
Second shot at medicine Text
Secondary school mathematics learning application usinThesis
Secure mobile payment system using near field commun Thesis
Secure model awareness for mobile phone banking applThesis
Secure Model for Online Shopping Among Millennial i Thesis
Secure openID authentication model by using trusted Indexed Paper
Secure virtual lab design and performance testing for Thesis
Secured indoor powerline communication using CDMA Conference Papers
Secured messaging system Text
Securing e-business from online attacts Text
Security access control model for XML database based Thesis
Security backlog in scrum security practices Conference Papers
Security effectiveness in health information system: t Conference Papers
Security framework on external storage devices from Thesis
Security industry must put its house in orderá Text
Sedekah lambang kebenaran, kesucian Islam Text
Sedia komersialkan diesel minyak sawit Text
Sedia program pelajar gagal ke IPT Text
Sediment deposition efficiency in detention pond - laboText
Sediment yield estimation using musle case study : La Text
Seed/catalyst-free growth of zinc oxide on graphene byIndexed Paper
Seek eye tests to avoid diabetic retinopathy Text
Segera baiki logistik polis, perumahan, balai usang pengaText
Segera mantapkan Parlimen Text
Segerakan penubuhan PTPK Text
SEGi latih jururawat berdaya saing, mahir Text
Segitiga sfera Text
Segmentation of parasites and splitting of red blood ce Thesis
Seimbangkan, pembangunan modal insan dan kemantap Text
Seismic and progressive collapse assessment of new pr Thesis
Seismic behavior of tall building structures by friction Thesis
Seismic damage detection using pushover analysis Conference Papers
Seismic performance of innovative double layer space sThesis
Seismic structure performance assessment of Menara PText
Seizing opportunities in lucrative HALAL business Text
Sejarah dan falsafah matematik Text
Sejarah penubuhan syarikat penambang Muar dan BatuJournal Article
Sejarah senibina landskap Text
Sejarah senibina landskap (landscape architecture histoText
Sejarah senibina landskap timur & barat Text
Sejarah senibina moden Exam Papers
Sejarah yang dilupakan Text
Sejauh mana gagasan pelestarian menjadi iltizam Text
Sejauh mana laman sosial medan luahan isi pelajar Text
Sejauh mana perlunya gula Text
Sejuta belia tagih dadah : ancaman kepada negara jika tText
Sejuta rakyat tempatan bakal hilang pekerjaan Text
Sejuta wanita Malaysia makin gebu, gempal, gemuk Text
Sekat dominasi dolar AS: PM syor perdagangan global Text
Sekolah agama dapat buku teks Text
Sekolah agama dapat sambutan Text
Sekolah agama terima buku teks percuma tahun depanText
Sekolah bestari : bukan sekadar teknologi IT Text
Sekolah bestari dalam lima tahun lagi Text
Sekolah diarah agih dana Tabung Pelajar Miskin Text
Sekolah kebangsaan diperbetul -- PM: Supaya lebih menText
Sekolah kebangsaan penyatu rakyat : PM Text
Sekolah kembar pererat KL, Jakarta Text
Sekolah kluster ajar bahasa antarabangsa Text
Sekolah kluster bukan sekolah swasta Text
Sekolah kluster London jadi ikutan Text
Sekolah kluster tumpu aspek kemahiran murid Text
Sekolah landasan terbaik pupuk perpaduan Text
Sekolah pelbagai aliran sesuai Text
Sekolah Pendidikan Khas masih kurang kemudahan Text
Sekolah perlu anjur program tingkatkan BI Text
Sekolah rangkaian ICT sertai bilik darjah siber Text
Sekolah satu sesi atasi masalah kerja lima hari Text
Sekolah satu sistem Text
Sekolah sesuai pupuk budaya kerja selamat Text
Sekolah Sri Cempaka pertama guna rangkaian tanpa waText
Sekolah sukan, seni perkaya pendidikan Text
Sekolah tak wajar bebankan pendidik Text
Sektor asas tani diperluas kurang import makanan Text
Sektor automotif berkembang Text
Sektor awam perkenal VSS Text
Sektor awam, swasta kukuh persefahaman Text
Sektor domestik tumpuan utama Belanjawan 2003 Text
Sektor industri kini jadi jentera baru diberi tumpuan News Paper Cuttings
Sektor industri kini jadi jentera baru diberi tumpuan News Paper Cuttings
Sektor IT berkembang pesat Text
Sektor perbankan dijangka terus kukuh Text
Sektor perbankan, kewangan makin rancak Text
Sektor pertanian perlu diterap ICT, bioteknologi Text
Sektor pertanian, akuakultur terus dibangunkan Text
Selamatkah sekolah kita? Text
Selamatkan kanak-kanak daripada didera Text
Selamatkan Sungai Klang : tiga tan sampah dikutip di SuText
Selangor assured of continuous investment by foreign iText
Selangor bina rumah kluster untuk pasangan muda Text
Selangor catat kes jenayah juvana tertinggi Text
Selangor hadapi krisis kekurangan guru Text
Selangor jadikan Johor destinasi promosi tarik kedatan Text
Selangor mahu hentikan semua projek mewah: MB News Paper Cuttings
Selangor nafi bantah Kerajaan Pusat urus air Text
Selangor sasar roboh 150 rumah setinggan pendatang sText
Selangor state assembly : PJ city on June 20 Text
Selangor state government to sue two firms Text
Selection of mega float conceptual design using fuzzy Thesis
Selection of minimum temperature difference (Delta T-m Indexed Paper
Selection of mooring legs configuration for calm buoy Thesis
Selection of possible candidate area for nuclear power Non-Index Paper
Selective nickel recovery from spent catalyst Conference Papers
Selective reduction of NOx with C3H6 over Cu and Cr p Indexed Paper
Selective removal and recovery of Black B reactive dye Indexed Paper
Selepas E-filing, E-stamping Text
Selesai isu kawasan minyak cara diplomatik Text
Selesai isu tambak Text
Selesaikan segera isu PPSMI Text
Selesema babi amaran untuk umat ingkar Text
Selesema babi kini dirujuk influenza A Text
Selesema burung : Johor kawal pintu masuk 24 jam Text
Selesema burung : pencegahan diperhebat Text
Selesema burung terus bermutasi Text
Self-assessment scares some taxpayers Text
Self-cleaning TiO2-SiO2 clusters on cotton textile prepaJournal Article
Self-healing properties of silicone rubber : effect of nanThesis
Self-parking car system Thesis
Self-synchronization scheme for OTDM packet signal u Conference Papers
Selling of property Text
Semak projek : kontraktor sokong Text
Semakan kualiti data geospatial peta topografi Text
Semangat baru MSC, walaupun ditukar MSC Malaysia mText
Semangat bersaing bolehkan Andriani terima AnugerahText
Semangat kekitaan dalam sesebuah keluarga Conference Papers
Semantics elements in product design Thesis
Sembilan belas kanak-kanak hidapi AIDS tahun lalu Text
Sembilan lagi maut akibat denggi Text
Sembilan misi baru dunia Islam Text
Sembilan pelaksanaan baru pendidikan 2003 Text
Semiconductor material engineering Exam Papers
Seminar bincang salah pelajar bumiputera di IPT Text
Seminar memperkasa kebolehan staf UTM News Paper Cuttings
Seminar PIBG mahu guru kena saman dibela kerajaan Text
Semua agenda SPN disempurna dalam RMK-11 Text
Semua jadi Sekolah Bestari Text
Semua kaum diwajib sertai sukan berpasukan : Azalina Text
Semua Kedai Telekom diubah jadi TMpoint Text
Semua kursus di IPT perlu elemen agama, moral Text
Semua marah : hukuman keras cara ajar samseng jalan Text
Semua negara bertindak bendung virus H1N1 Text
Semua negeri perlu usaha basmi miskin tegar Text
Semua perlu amalkan budaya kerja kuat Text
Semua tadika laksana sistem dwibahasa Text
Senai toll : government makes good its promise Text
Senaman : kesannya terhadap jantung Text
Senaman elak osteoartritis Text
Senaman lantai untuk teras badan Text
Senaman mudah rapikan susuk badan Text
Senario tanaman kelapa Text
Seni ornamen : serlahkan identiti budaya bangsa Text
Seni pertukangan tradisional pembinaan bangsal wakafText N
Seni ukiran Melayu di Universiti Oxford Text
Senibina komputer Text
Sensing and monitoring of a small-scale aquaculture usiThesis
Sensitiviti umat Islam mesti dijaga : TPM Text
Sensitivity maps reconstruction for magnetic inductio Journal Article
Sensitivity measurement of fibre Bragg grating sensor Journal Article
Sensor-based device to detect steps and rest periods duThesis
Sentiment classification with concept drift and imbalancJournal Article
Sentuhan kartun, karikatur Lat Text
Sentuhan kreatif oleh barangan terpakai Text
Separation methods Exam Papers
Separation of carbon dioxide using selected porous mate Non-Index Paper
Separation of ethanol-water systems using crosslinki Thesis
Separation of isopropanol-water mixture using blende Thesis
Separation process I Exam Papers
Separation process I Exam Papers
Separation process II Exam Papers
Sequence design for direct -proportional length -base Conference Papers
Sequences and cubes of finite vertices of fuzzy topogr Thesis
Serah sampel profil diri kepada Bank DNA Text
Serampang 3 mata tingkat hasil tani Text
Serangan jantung masa emas enam jam Text
Seri Paduka lancar Portal Raja Kita Text
Sering berasa letih? Text
Serious diesel shortage Text
Serius jayakan Bumi Hijau Text
Service marketing mix and customer satisfaction of hoteThesis
Service quality as moderator in the relationship betwe Non-Index Paper
Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyaThesis
Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyThesis
Services and complaint Hostel System Thesis
Services marketing Exam Papers
Services provided by project management consultant inText
Set up CSOs to offer better services Text
Set up lifelong learning centres, varsities urged Text
Set up mini commissions Text
Set up panel to discuss issues, Sultanah tells women News Paper Cuttings
Set up polytechnics, private varsities urged Text
Setengah juta wanita mati akibat komplikasi hamil seti Text
Setiap individu buang 2 kg sampah sehari Text
Setiap Muslim pikul amanah tangani masalah disiplin peText
Setiap universiti awam digesa bangunkan potensi wakaNews Paper Cuttings
Setinggan dan permasalahannya serta penyelesaian ke Textara
Setiu perintis pendidikan tidak berorientasi peperiksaa Text
Setting goals for better service Text
Setting off a train of complaints Text
Settling traffic summonses via Internet using credit car Text
Setuju samseng jalanan ganti mat rempit Text
Seven flu-like clusters reported, says minister Text
Seven killed in five accidents Text
Seven ministers likely to miss out on elections Text
Several firsts for MAS Text
Several government departments inept in preparing finaText
Sex clinics for youths soon Text
Sex education can protect children from the abuse Text
Sex education module ready soon Text
Sex offenders freed from jail barred from jobs involvin Text
Shabery : youth vital for 1Malaysia Text
Shafie dedah 171 kursus IPTS tidak berkualiti Text
Shahrizat : don't bash the young, love them Text
Shahrizat : women should fight for rights Text
Shahrizat fights child abuse Text
Shahrizat tidak puas hati penglibatan usahawan wanitaText
Shahzan was not himself, says twin Text
Shaken culture fermentation for production of microbiaConference Papers
Shamsul appointed Petronas' new chief Text
Share investors told not to panic-sell Text
Share Market Slump : Datuk in the dock Text
Share wealth with less fortunate, says Abdullah Text
Sharifah Mazlina mahu cipta sejarah Text
Sharing stamp collection of 4 generations Text
Sharp drop in organ pledges Text
SHC 2083
SHC 2083 - Perniagaan Antarabangsa & Globalisasi (InteExam Papers
Shear bond behaviour of composite slab made of cold fText
Shear mechanism and shear strength prediction of rei Journal Article
Shear strength and compressibility behaviour of lime-trIndexed Paper
Shear strength improvement of peat soil due to consoliText
Shift thinking on agriculture Text
Shifterbot Using Bluetooth Communication Thesis
Ship model making using CNC cutting machine Text
Shipbuilder confident of growth Text
Shoreline delineation using worldview -2 satellite data Thesis
Shortage of steel bars unlikely Text
Shorter approval time Text
Shorter compulsory public service period for docs mull Text
Shorter wait at IJN Text
Show concern over rape laws, agencies told Text
Show your gratitude, Sidek tells civil service Text
Showdown looms over mak yong show Text
Shrinking forests a threat to ecosystem Text
Siapa pilihan Volkswagen? Text
Siaran TV9 bermula hari ini Text
Siasat dakwaan hakim rasuah Text
Siasat dakwaan keracunan bendi Text
Siasatan di UTM mula minggu depan Text
Siasatan punca sebenar ledakan api di loji Petronas dit Text
SiblingsÆ swim feat hailed Text
Sidang kemuncak ASEAN ke-9 antara paling berjaya : DrText
Sidang Kemuncak Media Asia 2004 : tanggapan salah BaText
Sidek : no escape from 5-year bond Text
Siemens' system detects HI viruses,not the antibodies Text
Sifat batuan & bendalir reservoir Text
Sifat konkrit tanpa pasir menggunakan agregat konkrit Thesis
Sifat lemah lembut tingkat kesatuan umat Islam Text
Sifat malu Rasulullah kepada tuhan wajar dicontohi Text
Sife garis pelan perkasa program Text
Signal and networks Exam Papers
Significant causes of disputes of final accounts Thesis
Sijil ISO dorong kekal mutu perkhidmatan Text
Sijil penghargaan kepada Chemical Reaction Engineeri Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sikap pasif rakyat terhadap pertahanan negara News Paper Cuttings
Sikap pelajar terhadap situasi persaingan: kajian di UnivConference Papers
Sikap pemandu jadi punca Text
Sikap pilih kerja punca 400,000 belia menganggur Text
Sikap saintis Malaysia dikesali Text
SIKK ubah senario perkhidmatan kesihatan Text
Silat should be shared with the world Text
Silaturahim kerana Allah lebih kuat, teguh Text
Silibus baru perlu bentuk pelajar bijak berakhlak Text
Silibus BTN 1Malaysia Text
Silibus Tahap Satu dikurang dua tahun Text
Silver ion exchange fillers incoporated with mixed matrThesis
Silver leaching from selected semiconductor waste usi Text
Silver nanoparticles patterning for the fabrication of Thesis
Sime Darby cipta sejarah tafsir kod genetik sawit Text
Sime Darby tidak cadang beli Proton Text
Simetri molekul dan spektroskopi Text
Simpanan galian negara RM148.7b Text
Simple and effective method for selecting quasi-identifiIndexed Paper
Simple compensation for lateral misalignments in resona Indexed Paper
Simple PI fuzzy logic controller applied in DC-AC converConference Papers
Simple test to check for 25 disorders in newborns Text
Simulasi litar elektronik Text
Simulasi payung terjun untuk sistem realiti maya Thesis
Simulation analysis of slope stability : a case study on Text
Simulation and analysis of a flat plate solar air heater Thesis
Simulation and experimental analysis of an active vehi Text
Simulation and optimization of IBC solar cells using 3-D Thesis
Simulation of a UHF radio channel simulator based on dig Text
Simulation of acoustic generation and progression in a Conference Papers
Simulation of dengue outbreak prediction Conference Papers
Simulation of flood risk area in Kelantan watershed, M Journal Article
Simulation of hybrid stepping motor using matlab-simuliText
Simulation of industrialised building system componentText
Simulation of MOFAT for light non aqueous phase liqui Conference Papers
Simulation of pervaporation separation of ethanol-wateThesis
Simulation of plastic injection molding on a thin part Thesis
Simulation of plastic injection moulding fishing comp Thesis
Simulation of PSO-PI controller of DC motor in Micro-E Non-Index Paper
Simulation of saltwater intrusion in alluvial aquifer at K Text
Simulation of sand casting of automotive part using a Thesis
Simulation of single-electron transistor memory device Thesis
Simulation of the glass transition temperature of polycaText
Simulation of the impact of harmonics on distribution Conference Papers
Simulation of thermal strains development in microelctThesis
Simulation of WCDMA radio over fiber technology (Full Text
Simulation of WCDMA radio over fiber technology (Pre Text
Simulation of ytterbium doped double clad fiber laser oJournal Article
Simulation performance of low damage base connectioThesis
Simulation study of an annular wrap around recuperatoText
Simulation study of an EBG-M applicator towards non-iJournal Article
Simulation study of polymer flooding on Dulang field Thesis
Simulation study on ASP flooding in tapis oil field Thesis
Simulation study on the performance of carbon dioxideThesis
Simulation study on vibration control using active forceText
Simulative studies on ultrasound interactions for steel Journal Article
Simultaneous noise reduction and linearity improvement Conference Papers
Simultaneous targeting and design of minimum mass anThesis
Sindiket dadah Singapura tumpas Text
Sindiket edar dadah kawasan letak kereta hospital dil Text
Sindiket jual bayi semakin berleluasa Text
Sindiket seludup diesel subsidi terbesar dipatah Text
Sindiket terbesar kad kredit palsu tumpas Text
Singapore link in stolen car racket Text
Singapore must consider our views Text
Singapore to lift ban on some poultry products Text
Singapore-KL air route to be opened up Text
Singapura akui tambak laut beri masalah Text
Singapura alami denggi terburuk Text
Singapura bakar kesabaran kita Text
Singapura perlu serius hadapi isu tambak laut Text
Single mums to be trained to run childcare centres Text
Single point positioning using low cost single frequencyText
Single seat mobile vacuum cleaner (ride on sweeper) Thesis
Singleton spam review detection using classification te Thesis
Sintesis dan penggunaan cecair ionik terbitan N-Metilpiro
Sintesis sebatian aldol dan tindak balasnya Text
SIP : Pendidikan berkualiti tanpa kompromi Text
Sirah al-nabawiyyah Exam Papers
Sirah Nabi jadi panduan Text
Siraj beras hibrid baru keluaran Malaysia Text
Siri masa Text
Siri masa Text
Sisa toksik di Yong Peng terbiar Text
Sisipan jadi saluran interaksi IPT, masyarakat Text
Sistem analisa rangkaian telekomunikasi Text
Sistem antaramuka untuk teknik menyelesaikan masalaThesis
Sistem AP dihapuskan 31 Disember 2010 Text
Sistem aplikasi android komunikasi mesej segera (my Thesis
Sistem aplikasi pembelajaran Thesis
Sistem bantuan keputusan pemantauan penanaman pad Text
Sistem bantuan kerosakan kereta berasaskan web Text
Sistem bantuan pengurusan rangkaian komputer sepusat Text
Sistem berasaskan pengetahuan untuk menentukan lateThesis
Sistem brek kenderaan Text
Sistem demerit disiplinkan pemandu kenderaan berat Text
Sistem direktori berintegrasi dengan sistem pengurusa Thesis
Sistem dua parti mungkin realiti masa depan Text
Sistem E-dagang dan pemilihan jubin Syarikat Integrated Text
Sistem e-flier menggunakan 2-dimensi bar kod Thesis
Sistem ekonomi islam Text
Sistem ekonomi islam Text
Sistem e-tol menggunakan teknologi RFID Thesis
Sistem E-zakat (pengurusan bayaran dan agihan) Thesis
Sistem ikatan cinta Thesis
Sistem kapitalis jahanamkan nilai kemanusiaan Text
Sistem kartografi berkomputer (Fulltext) Text
Sistem kawalan Text
Sistem kawalan akses keluar masuk makmal penyelidik Thesis
Sistem Kawalan Digit Text
Sistem Kawalan I Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi Faiza MaThesis
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi HWA H Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi Syarikat Thesis
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web Chippac (M) Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web di Aqidmati IText
Sistem kawalan inventori berkomputer di Besta Distrib Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berpusat yang berasaskan weThesis
Sistem kawalan kualiti produk di MK Berkat Enterprise Thesis
Sistem kawalan kualiti produk living active natural coc Thesis
Sistem kawalan kualiti Shinyei Kaisha Electronics (M) SdText
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Sistem Kawalan Moden Text
Sistem kawalan pengauditan kewangan syarikat digital Text
Sistem kawalan plc berasaskan antaramuka visual basicThesis
Sistem kawalan sistem pembuatan mini secara atas taliThesis
Sistem kehakiman negara dirombak Text
Sistem Kejuruteraan Kuasa Text
Sistem kejuruteraan kuasa Text
Sistem kenderaan berpandukan automatik mengikut gaText
Sistem kepintaran Text
Sistem kerja lima hari seminggu berkuat kuasa 1 Julai Text
Sistem kewangan perlu stabil tingkatkan aktiviti ekono Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
Sistem komputer urus harta wakaf Text
Sistem komputer UTM pulih News Paper Cuttings
Sistem kuasa dan kejuruteraan voltan tinggi Text
Sistem maklumat kejuruteraan awam Text
Sistem maklumat pemeriksaan kerja-kerja pembinaan jaText
Sistem maklumat pemeriksaan tapak dalam projek pemThesis
Sistem maklumat pengurusan dan penyelenggaraan jejan Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan dewan bedah Hospital Mel Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pendaftaran majikan Perke Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan penyelenggaraan kenderThesis
Sistem maklumat pengurusan penyelenggaraan lokomot Text
Sistem maklumat perancangan perkahwinan Thesis
Sistem maklumat permohonan cuti (e-cuti) Jabatan Si Thesis
Sistem maklumat sumber manusia Text
Sistem maklumat TBP lemah Text
Sistem maklumat trafik berasaskan lokasi Thesis
Sistem mekanikal & elektrikal Text
Sistem membeli-belah efesyen berasaskan teknologi reThesis
Sistem merit demerit untuk kegunaan kolej kediaman diThesis
Sistem M-learning UTM-SPACE FSKSM dengan iphone Thesis
Sistem mohon pasport siap segera diperkenal Text
Sistem paip Text
Sistem pangkalan data bermultimedia untuk data ramuThesis
Sistem pangkalan pengetahuan dan sistem pakar Text
Sistem pelupusan sisa sembelihan 'selamatkan' sungai Text
Sistem pemantauan dan pengesanan produk menggunaThesis
Sistem pembaikan lantai bocor News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris atas talian pelaja Text
Sistem pemilihan bilik kolej kediaman Thesis
Sistem pemilihan pinjaman perumahan secara atas-tali Text
Sistem pemprosesan program pengajian ijazah pertamaText
Sistem penarafan urus tadbir korporat akan diperkenal Text
Sistem pendaftaran dan pengurusan kursus di NZM corpThesis
Sistem pendidikan aliran agama Malaysia ke UNESCO Text
Sistem pendidikan berasaskan pengeluaran akan diperkText
Sistem pendidikan kita tumpuan pelajar asing Text
Sistem pendidikan konsisten penting Text
Sistem pendidikan negara dapat pengiktirafan dunia Text
Sistem pendidikan perlu berubah supaya relevan : PM Text
Sistem pendidikan terbaik Text
Sistem pendidikan tinggi perlu dinamik : Idris Text
Sistem pendidikan vokasional akan disusun semula News Paper Cuttings
Sistem penempahan kenderaan UTM dan makluman bera Thesis
Sistem pengajian tidak relevan punca gagal maju sektorText
Sistem pengawalan maklumat temu janji pesakit luar b Text
Sistem pengawasan dan penasihat kesihatan pada telefThesis
Sistem penggiliran KM Sabah mansuh Text
Sistem pengundian awal elak SPR terus dipertikai Text
Sistem pengurusan aduan dan cadangan secara online di Text
Sistem pengurusan aktiviti mahasiswa UTM Thesis
Sistem pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Sistem pengurusan armada bas bersepadu Text
Sistem pengurusan bahan projek pembinaan jalan raya Text
Sistem pengurusan bank soalan dan kuiz atas talian mobThesis
Sistem pengurusan Institut Memandu Bunga Raya Thesis
Sistem pengurusan jurnal atas talian untuk jurnal tekn Text
Sistem pengurusan kawalan kredit untuk kedai motorsika Text
Sistem pengurusan kelapa sawit bagi Mahfiz Jaya enterThesis
Sistem pengurusan kewangan peribadi pelajar Thesis
Sistem pengurusan latihan dalam perkhidmatan Thesis
Sistem pengurusan penyelenggaraan pam centrifugal Text
Sistem pengurusan perpustakaan untuk Sekolah Mene Thesis
Sistem pengurusan pesanan dan inventori berasaskan Thesis
Sistem pengurusan produk dan penghasilan sebuthargaText
Sistem Pengurusan servis sukarelawan MERCY MalaysiaThesis
Sistem pengurusan syarikat automobile MZ Thesis
Sistem pengurusan zon meletak kenderaan menggunaka Text
Sistem penilaian cadangan penyelidikan pelajar pasca Thesis
Sistem penilaian kenaikan pangkat guru kekal Text
Sistem penilaian tahap keselamatan rangkaian berpan Text
Sistem penjadualan pemandu UTM menggunakan RFIDThesis
Sistem penjanaan laporan projek UB Usahabina Sdn. BhText
Sistem Pensuisan Telekomunikasi Text
Sistem pentadbiran maklumat dan rangkaian sosial SM Thesis
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan berasaskan web dThesis
Sistem perbandingan harga produk telefon mudah alih sThesis
Sistem perbankan utuh Text
Sistem perhubungan Text
Sistem Perhubungan Digit Text
Sistem perhubungan digit Text
Sistem perhubungan pelanggan dan pemasaran pusat kThesis
Sistem perhubungan wireless Text
Sistem pertahanan diperkukuh Text
Sistem poligraf : bantu KPTD kesan pembohongan Text
Sistem radar kesan kebakaran lebih tepat Text
Sistem saman meletak kenderaan MPJBT menggunakanText al
Sistem Saraan Malaysia ganti SSB Text
Sistem sekolah rendah dirombak Text
Sistem semakan harga barangan terkawal berasaskan aText
Sistem sokongan keputusan cerdas untuk penilaian ke Text
Sistem sokongan penyelenggaraan mesin pengeringan siText
Sistem syariah bukan punca ramai nikah di Siam Text
Sistem tapis bahan lucah di Internet dikaji Text
Sistem tempahan kad secara atas talian Text
Sistem tempahan produk secara atas talian Thesis
Sistem tender secara elektronik diperkenal Text
Sistem terbuka mampu gugat industri perisian negara Text
Sistem ukur automasi: penggunaannya bagi pemetaan be Text
Sistem value your cart (VyCart) Thesis
Siswa UTM menjejak karbon di Maldives News Paper Cuttings
Siswazah ceburi industri petroleum Text
Siswazah Melayu mesti lupakan makan gaji Text
Siswazah pendidikan menganggur dilatih semula Text
Siswazah Pengajian Islam diberi latihan kemahiran Text
Siswi UUM mudah dapat pekerjaan Text
Site diversity against rain in LMDS system (Preview) Text
Site management Exam Papers
Site planning Exam Papers
Site planning Exam Papers
Site planning Exam Papers
Site planning Exam Papers
Site planning (perancangan tapak) Text
Siti Norma tokoh wanita N. Sembilan Text
Sitting intention in open spaces using the theory of rea Thesis
Six arrested, 30kg cannabis seized at Kuantan hotel raidText
Six contractors blacklisted by Education Ministry Text
Six expelled for doing nothing to help Farid Text
Six Johor schools to close for toxic waste clean-up Text
Six months dry spell if El Nino hits Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Six-rotor unmanned aerial vechicle Thesis
Six-star animal hotel set to debut Text
Sizing of energy storage based on loss of load probabil Thesis
Sketching behavior in product design Thesis
Skills training for school dropouts a good initiative Text
Skim bantuan berdikari latih golongan miskin Text
Skim baru kad kesihatan ditolak Text
Skim baru tarik saintis tempatan pulang Text
Skim FPB : Cuepacs bincang 3 syor baru Text
Skim insentif rangsang industri pertanian Text
Skim kontrak jamin pasaran buah Text
Skim latih graduan disambung semula Text
Skim pencen pekerja swasta 2011 Text
Skim pengeluaran fleksibel diperkenal Text
Skim subsidi, kawalan harga mampu atasi inflasi Text
Skim tajaan seni budaya diperkenal di sekolah Text
Skoliosis bengkok tulang belakang Text
SKSM menang RM20,000 News Paper Cuttings
SLE : tangguh kehamilan Text
Sliding mode control of a class of uncertain dynamic sysText
Sliding mode varable structure control design principlesText
Slight increase in CPI last year Text
Slope stability analysis due to water flux effect Thesis
Slope stability sensitivity analysis using method of slic Thesis
Slope surface monitoring system using robotic total ststThesis
Slow learners need help Text
Slow pyrolysis of imperata cylindrica in a fixed bed reacThesis
Slowdown forcing car salesmen to sacrifice commissionText
Small aperture radial waveguide slot array antenna desiConference Papers
Small businessmen fed up with Govt red tape Text
Smaller pay jumps ahead Text
Smart bukan alternatif elak kesesakan lalu lintas Text
Smart car part 1 : camera sensor Thesis
Smart car part II : programming of microcontroller Thesis
Smart cooling pad Thesis
Smart Kids : meneroka dunia kanak-kanak Text
Smart mall (SM) indoor location-based services for an Thesis
Smart power saver using PID control based on PLC appliThesis
Smart shopping by Malaysians Text
Smart team at ground zero Text
Smart watch Thesis
Smart wheelchair mechanism Thesis
SMEs believe it's hard to get bank loans : survey Text
SMEs to set more loans from Bank Pembangunan Text
SMI - Guru diingatkan guna perisian kementerian Text
SMKSI Kulai muncul sekolah terbaik STPM Text
Smokers light up again upon leaving clinic Text
Smoking could claim 10m lives a year Text
Snatch thieves to face emergency law Text
Sniffing robot Thesis
So sorry, says Indonesia regrets riots by its workers andText
Soal bahasa diputus tahun ini Text
Social exchange relations, employees' job related attituThesis
Social impact of repeal of rent control act 1966 case s Thesis
Social network sites and tools framework for project baThesis
Social networking sites adoption model for Malaysian reThesis
Social psychology Exam Papers
Sociolinguistics Exam Papers
Socso docs must get certification Text
Socso sets claims deadline Text
Socso targets errant bosses Text
Socso's pension plan 'timely' Text
Soft drinks can damage cells Text
Software application in geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Software configuration and management Exam Papers
Software cost estimation : a guideline Thesis
Software design Exam Papers
Software design Exam Papers
Software design Exam Papers
Software design and architecture Exam Papers
Software engineering Exam Papers
Software process & quality Exam Papers
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Software project management tool to track and mana Thesis
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Soil mechanics Text
Soil mechanics Text
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Soil science Exam Papers
Soil-root interaction and effects on slope stability analyConference Papers
Soil-water characteristic curve and seepage flow in unsaText
Sokong produk keluaran tempatan Text
Sokong tambah guru pakar tingkat bahasa Inggeris Text
Sokongan Dr M, Pak Lah kembali kuatkan Umno Text
Sokongan keluarga penawar mujarab pulihkan penagih Text
Sokongan Melayu mula beralih arah Text
Sokongan swasta bantu pacu sektor pertanian Text
Solar water heating system Text
Solat pacu manusia bentuk gaya hidup sihat Text
Solat, zikir, al-Quran terapi tekanan perasaan Text
Sol-gel (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane methyltrime Journal Article
Solid waste management Exam Papers
Solid waste management Exam Papers
Solid-state electronics Exam Papers
Soluble collagen preparation for human HSP47 anti-fibriThesis
Solving dirichlet and neumann problems with discontinThesis
Solving dynamic economic dispatch by using artificial b Thesis
Solving fractional diffusion equation using variationa Thesis
Solving inverse kinematics using kohonen network for Text
Solving optimal control problem using max-min ant sys Non-Index Paper
Solving the advection diffusion reaction system using e Thesis
Solving the complexity of heterogeneity data on learni Indexed Paper
Some beggars just refuse help Text
Some jobs in varsities to be reserved for students Text
Some rubber tappers in Felda settlements make RM10 Text
Some rural teachers unable to teach in English Text
Some thought of their TV even as landslide loomed Text
Songkok lambang rumpun Melayu Text
Sophisticated software for school library Text
Sosiologi dan profesionalisme pendidikan Exam Papers
Sosiologi Pendidikan Exam Papers
Sound basics Text
Sound performance of swiftlet house Thesis
Sources of capital for businesses Text
Sources of resilience among UTM students with negative Thesis
Spa Text
Space charge distribution in a dielectric liquid using an Journal Article
Space time block coding using phase shift keying (Full teText
Space UTM disaran buka ruang lebih luas Text
SPAN kawal semakan harga air Text
Span urged to initiate emergency drill on shortage Text
Spatial and temporal patterns of groundwater quality aThesis
Spatial data analysis for dengue cases in residential ar Thesis
Spatial data infrastructure framework and tools for the Thesis
Spatial distribution of natural γ radiation exposure and Indexed
i Paper
Spatial interpolation on rainfall data over peninsular maJournal Article
Spatial locality in pocket switched networks Indexed Paper
Spatial modeling towards delineating urban growth limiThesis
Spatio temporal landscape pattern change in rapid urbaConference Papers
SPBT 2008 diberi secara berperingkat : Hishammuddin Text
Speaker classification optimization design by vector quaConference Papers
Speaker identification using subtractive clustering and rThesis
SpeakerÆs Corner back at UM Text
Special allowance proposed for healththcare workers baText
Special body to try judges Text
Special camps for troublemakers Text
Special institute to train polytechnic lecturers News Paper Cuttings
Special IP court to reduce backlog Text
Special kids top UPSR results Text
Special plans for boy genius Text
Special topic Exam Papers
Special topic Exam Papers
Special topics Exam Papers
Special topics Exam Papers
Special topics in bioinformatics Exam Papers
Special training for doctors Text
Special website for update on election results Text
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Spectral delayed luminescence system for human salivaThesis
Spectral-efficiency and demand-based joint relay and Journal Article
Spectroscopy and materials analysis Exam Papers
Spectrum analyser design on altera DE2 development Thesis
Spectrum sharing for terrestrial and high altitude plat Thesis
Speech detection algorithm Thesis
Speech emotion classification using SVM and MLP on pro Indexed Paper
Speech emotion classification using SVM and MLP on pro Conference Papers
Speech intelligibility in multipurpose hall through aural Thesis
Speech segmentation based on zero crossing rate and Thesis
Speed control of induction motor using microcontrollerText
Speeding in rain among top causes of accidents Text
Speeding up broadband Text
Speedy broadband for less Text
SPEEK/cSMM membrane for simultaneous electricity gene Indexed Paper
Spektroskopi Text
Spektroskopi lanjut Text
Spekulasi liar mencemaskan pelabur : Yusli Text
Spelling event sets new record Text
Spesis ikan kedua terkecil di dunia ditemui Text
Spirulina bekal zat makanan kepada tubuh Text
Splitting the roles of chairman and CEO Text
SPM : cukup 12 subjek Text
SPM limit : give your views Text
Sport business Exam Papers
Sports academies grow in Penang Text
Sports centre reservation system via arduino Thesis
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Stadium Azman HasPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
SPR : Bersara 66 tahun dilulus Text
SPR persoal PAS : tidak fail petisyen jika ada bukti BN Text
Spreadsheet optimization for evaluating Soil Water Re Thesis
Square plates as symmetrical anchor plates under upliftIndexed Paper
Squatter houses demolished despite residents protests Text
Squeeze on loan defaulters Text
SRAB sediakan pakej pendidikan lengkap Text
SSM era baru nilai potensi kakitangan awam Text
SSM: Peluang ambil ujian naik pangkat Text
SST mampu jadi hab penerbangan korporat : Najib Text
SSV pasar alat sedarkan pemandu mengantuk Text
Stability analysis of a simple moored floating object Thesis
Stability of floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) Thesis
Stability of laminated composite plates with locally pe Thesis
Stability of mobile floating harbor container crane Indexed Paper
Stability study of water-in-oil emulsion containing ant Indexed Paper
Stabilization of laterite soil using canlite soil stabilizer Thesis
Stadium RM95 juta Text
Stadium Sultan Abdul Halim selamat diguna Text
Stagnation point flow of MHD dusty fluid toward stretc Journal Article
Stakeholder influences, environmental management prac Thesis
Stakeholder management in value-based software deveIndexed Paper
Standalone microwave photonics doppler shift estimat Indexed Paper
Stand-alone water treatment: performance of electros Journal Article
Standard Chartered Bank tingkatkan perbankan Islam Text
Standard monitor design for SLA parameters in SOA Non-Index Paper
Standard People Practice (SPP) 2017 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Standardization of surface sterilization protocol of fiel Journal Article
Standardization of the bio-active compounds (rotenoids) Conference Papers
Standing firm on foreign policy Text
Star fruit can be poisonous for kidney patients Text
Star rating nilai sektor kerajaan Text
Star ratings to return Text
Starch based active packaging film reinforced with emptIndexed Paper
Start character-building in schools, says Dr Mahathir Text
Start in English and end in English Text
Start oral healthcare early Text
Starting the young on conservation News Paper Cuttings
Starting young on road safety Text
State govts order authorities to inspect hillside areas Text
State loses RM698,400 in flood aid to cheats Text
State-of-the-art membrane based CO2 separation usingIndexed Paper
States surpass tree-planting target Text
Static and dynamic impacts of six-phase power transmiss Text
Static and dynamic testing in the software developmentThesis
Static positioning technique for ground control point Indexed Paper
Static positioning technique for ground control point Journal Article
Statics (statik) Text
Statics / statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik Text
Statik dan biomaterial Exam Papers
Statiscal optimization of gelatin immobilisation on modJournal Article
Statistic Exam Papers
Statistical analysis for monitoring foundation of pylon Thesis
Statistical analysis for Terengganu forward scatter radarJournal Article
Statistical evaluation of measured rain attenuation in Indexed Paper
Statistical quality control Exam Papers
Statistical screening of medium components for cell culConference Papers
Statistics Exam Papers
Statistics 1 Exam Papers
Statistics 2 Exam Papers
Statistics for property manager Exam Papers
Statistics for real estate manager Exam Papers
Statistics for surveyors Exam Papers
Statistics I Text
Statistics I Exam Papers
Statistics II Exam Papers
Statistics l Exam Papers
Statistik Text
Statistik Text
Statistik Text
Statistik Text
Statistik gunaan (remote sensing) applied statistics (re Exam Papers
Statistik I Text
Statistik II Text
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Statistik kes jenayah diperoleh IPK KL Text
Status of research and applications of concrete-polymeConference Papers
Status quo for automotive Text
Stay active, King urges Rotu members Text
Stay clean to curb spread of diseases Text
Stay informed with informatics Text
Stay on for good reasons, PM tells students Text
Stay on guard for second wave of H1N1 pandemic Text
Stay-open warning to 24-hour petrol stations Text
Steady rise in govt effectiveness Text
Steel beam design and analysis using computer softwarThesis
Steel strap confined high strength concrete under uniaxIndexed Paper
Steelwork design guide using locally produced steel secThesis
Steganography in encoded audio using gaussian distrib Thesis
Stemming the price rise : four steps to keep economic Text
Steps to fight a second wave Text
Sterically modulated palladium(II)-N-heterocyclic carbenIndexed Paper
Stesen KTMB Segamat musnah terbakar Text
Stigma masyarakat sukarkan OKU berdikari Text
Stik masak penuh punca kanser Text
Still much to do for special education Text
Still paying the same prices Text
Stimulating activity Text
Stingless bee colony health sensing through integrated Journal Article
Stock markets discount everything Text
Stop cheating, workers told Text
Stop it! : Ministry to probe inflated prices Text
Stop that bullying! Text
Stopping the brain drain Text
Storan & rekabentuk pengagihan Text
Storan & rekabentuk pengagihan gas Text
Storm destroys three buildings, damages 50 Text
STPM : 362 pelajar peroleh PGNK 4.0 Text
STPM ke peringkat global : apabila peperiksaan dibuka Text
Strain sensor based on fiber bragg grating bonded wit Thesis
Strategi bawah laut Text
Strategi bersepadu atasi pencemaran air Text
Strategi keselamatan DKDN dan DPN News Paper Cuttings
Strategi kurangkan beban subsidi minyak Text
Strategi majukan produk herba Text
Strategi pemasaran Text
Strategi pemasaran Conference Papers
Strategi penambahbaikan proses pelupusan melalui pem Thesis
Strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan IslamConference Papers
Strategi penyiasatan untuk penilaian, pembaikan dan pThesis
Strategi Program Angkasawan Kedua News Paper Cuttings
Strategi rangsang ekonomi Text
Strategi tambahan tarik 20 juta pelancong 2009 Text
Strategic business informatics Exam Papers
Strategic guidance model for product development in reNon-Index Paper
Strategic implementation based model on data leakageThesisp
Strategic marketing planning and SMES' performance Thesis
Strategic partner role as mediator in the relationshi Thesis
Strategic planning and policy studies Exam Papers
Strategies reflect prudent use of funds Text
Strategies to elevate the performance of industrialised Thesis
Strategies to enhance application of SIRIM eco-label pr Thesis
Strategies to eradicate bullying in secondary schools Conference Papers
Strategies to improve berth turnaround time of mainline Text
Strategy : a short study tour Text
Strategy sought to fight crime Text
Strategy to curb child abuse Text
Strategy to curb crime : police consider switch in tactic Text
Strategy towards the improvement of height datum in Thesis
Streamlining motorola GSG malaysia’s change manage Thesis
Streetscape and the sensual experience in GeorgetownThesis
Strength improvement of culvert using GeoSpray Thesis
Strength of lime-cement stabilized tropical lateritic c Indexed Paper
Strength of materials and structures/mekanik bahan daExam Papers
Strength, water absorption and thermal comfort of morJournal Article
Strengthening of bolted shear joint in ferrocement consText
Strengthening of damaged high strength concrete colum Thesis
Strengthening of reinforced concrete columns using FRPThesis
Stres dikalangan pelajar tahun 4 Jabatan Pendidikan TekThesis
Stres guru membimbangkan, akibat banyak perubahan Tdext
Stress analysis and fatigue life prediction of a wobble - Text
Stress corrosion cracking for aluminum alloy in variou Thesis
Stress distribution for short column using FEAPpv Text
Stress of medical practitioners in private healthcare indIndexed Paper
Stress responses in pigmented bacillus pumilus SF214 Journal Article
Stress utilisation of jacket structure under environmentText
Strict checks on imported pork products Text
Strings and wind based music instruments recognition Thesis
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Structural analysis and modeling comparison of primat Thesis
Structural and optical properties of pekovite and maleeThesis
Structural assessment and repair Exam Papers
Structural characteristics of barium titanate ceramic Thesis
Structural characteristics of pore former assisted cathodThesis
Structural Design Exam Papers
Structural design / Reka bentuk struktur Text
Structural design 1 Text
Structural design/rekabentuk struktur Exam Papers
Structural mapping using PALSAR data in the Central GoIndexed Paper
Structural phase transition and opto-electronic propertIndexed Paper
Structural plan for Petaling News Paper Cuttings
Structural relationship model for facilities managementThesis
Structural stability of flat electroencephalography Indexed Paper
Structural studies and analysis of a CO2 refrigerant co Text
Structural wind and earthquake Exam Papers
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Structural wind and eathquake engineering Exam Papers
Structure 1/ kerangka 1 Text
Structure and construction 1 Exam Papers
Structure and electrochemical properties of vanadium Thesis
Structure deformation using terrestrial laser scanner: stThesis
Structure I Exam Papers
Structure I Exam Papers
Structure II Exam Papers
Structure II Exam Papers
Structure plan for Petaling ready next year News Paper Cuttings
Structured interviewing techniques trends in the MalayText
Struktur bangunan mampu tahan gegaran Text
Struktur kenderaan Text
Struktur kenderaan Text
Struktur maklumat dan antaramuka portal bagi Majlis Thesis
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Struktur pesawat terbang I Text
Student advisory system in FSKSM-UTM Thesis
Student approach to learning in programming courses Indexed Paper
Student management system (SMS) for Kolej Komuniti Text
Student stabbed to death by classmate Text
Student study approach preferences and motivation in tText
Students all for move to english, poll shows Text
Students are not reading the right way Text
Students' awareness on healthy diet among 'Fakulti Thesis
Student's intention to use wikis for online collaborativeThesis
Students' islamic personality on ibadah : a structural Indexed Paper
Students not so aware of human rights Text
Students' perception of peer-assessment in online pro Conference Papers
Students' self-regulation and critical thinking in learn Thesis
Students show their class in contest Text
Students who get jobs even before passing News Paper Cuttings
Students’ acceptance of e-library system in higher leThesis
Students’ characteristics as indicator for effective t Journal Article
StudentsÆ winning quake design does us proud Text
Studies of side mirror effect on road vehicle aerodynamText
Studies on biodegradability, morphology and mechanicaConference Papers
Studies on the effects of signal attenuation due to rain Text
Study : Malaysian women shop to relieve stress Text
Study all aspects of gangsterism in schools Text
Study and application of holography system for mechanic Text
Study and develop a new graphical password system Text
Study impact of climate change on health Text
Study of an antimicrobial starch-based active packagin Conference Papers
Study of crack formation in EDM of tool steel Text
Study of downhole water sink (DWS) technology to reduc Thesis
Study of electrodeposition of alumina composite Thesis
Study of electromagnetic interference to ECG using faraConference Papers
Study of enhanced DCF (EDCF) in multimedia application Text
Study of HVDC system using the PSCAD/EMTDC Text
Study of interfacial reactions between lead - free solderText
Study of particle swarm optimization fitness functions Thesis
Study of sand production problem for Malaysian reservoText
Study of saturable absorber materials for Q-switching dyeText
Study of saturable absorber materials for Q-switching dText
Study of the performance of oil fuel burner using burnerText
Study of vision application on mobile robot Thesis
Study on click and chirp effect on auditory brainstem r Thesis
Study on compulsory SPM pass in English Text
Study on crack alleviation in bending of A1-2024 for winThesis
Study on different methods of aeration for palm oil mil Text
Study on ground vibration monitoring scheme in MalayThesis
Study on loss characteristic of polymer material for opt Text
Study on performance of CO2 laser in paint removal oveJournal Article
Study on solutions of heat problems using finite diffe Text
Study on the external grit particle effect on brake noiseThesis
Study on the parameters influencing noise generated frThesis
Study on the thin film composite poly(piperazine-amideIndexed Paper
Suami isteri graduan cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Suami suri rumah bukan resmi kita Text
Suami tunjang rumah tangga bahagia Text
Suara puitis kemanusiaan News Paper Cuttings
Suasana pilu warga UTM rai bekas Naib Canselor Text
Sub carrier multiplexed system for radio over fiber tec Conference Papers
Subahat jika biarkan pencuri balak bebas Text
Subdivisions in Iskandar Malaysia: do their designs enc Conference Papers
Subjecting universities to supply, demand rules Text
Subjek 1Malaysia mampu suburkan Text
Subjek Sivik diperkenal semula di sekolah rendah, men Text
Subjek teknologi nano perlu diperkenal di sekolah rend Text
Subra defends decision to hire 100,000 foreign workersText
Subsidi dibayar tunai kepada pemilik kenderaan Text
Subsidi keluarga miskin bandar Text
Subsidi kumpulan sasar Text
Subsidi mamogram bermula Text
Subsidi telan hasil minyak Text
Subsidies better than longer loan term Text
Subsidised healthcare to continue Text
Subspace based direct adapitve control for a class of n Thesis
Substrate and cofactor binding interaction studies of g Journal Article
Subsurface study by 2-D resistivity and seismic refracti Thesis
Subvirus H5N1 menyamai subvirus Indonesia Text
Success factors of JIT integration with IBS construction pIndexed Paper
Successful plant regeneration of Orthosiphon stamineusNon-Index Paper
Suction and discharge flow analysis in new multi-stag Conference Papers
Sudut geseran dalam pasir bercampur tanah Thesis
Sudut pidato dihidupkan semula selepas 40 tahun Text
Sugar control Text
Sugar for local consumers only Text
Sugar makers to up output Text
Sugar up 20 sen, bread price freed Text
Suhakam mahu hak asasi manusia jadi topik subjek Text
Suhakam minta SPR siasat Text
Suhakam usaha kenal pasti status 22 kanak-kanak Text
Suhakam wants to educate magistrates on human rightText
Sukan berkuda berpotensi maju : Tengku Mahkota Text
Sukan berkuda subjek kokurikulum UTM Text
Sukan kurikulum wajib? Text
Sukan satukan rakyat Text
SUKIPT 2016 ikliraf Chan Jie, Irene Chong News Paper Cuttings
Sulfate and sulfuric acid resistance of geopolymer mor Journal Article
Sulfonamide-immobilized surfactant modified zeolite asThesis
Sulfonic acid membranes by new radiation induced gra Conference Papers
Sultan : create downstream products Text
Sultan Azlan mahu kemiskinan dihapus Text
Sultan celebrates with Johor folk News Paper Cuttings
Sultan Johor : shape up or ship out Text
Sultan Johor tak setuju pembinaan jambatan ketiga Text
Sultan Mizan sworn in as King Text
Sultan orders deadwood to be axed Text
Sultan Selangor kesal hak Raja-Raja Melayu dipersoal Text
Sultan to go on state expedition News Paper Cuttings
Sultanah Zanariah bte Almarhum Tengku Ahmad : Sultan Text
Sumber air bersih perlu diurus secara mapan Text
Sumber asli, alam sekitar harta masa depan Text
Sumber baru minyak, gas ditemui di Sabah Text
Sun hurls magnetic cloud Text
Sunday Interview with Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria an Text
Sungai jernih antara khazanah alam ditemui Text
Sungai Segget berwajah baharu News Paper Cuttings
Suntikan vaksin barah serviks di sekolah Mac Text
Sunway Group's safe city concept gets boost Text
Sunway utama kualiti, hanya 60 pelajar jururawat diamText
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of castor oil see Thesis
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of constituents oConference Papers
Superstructure optimization and forecasting of decentrThesis
Superstructure-based synthesis and optimisation of an oIndexed Paper
Supervisory control of parallel hybrid electric vehicles Thesis
Support for english move Text
Support for using tithes for non-religious studies Text
Supporting data for identification of biosurfactant-prodIndexed Paper
Suq Al-Sila' pelbagaikan komoditi Text
Surat layang, fitnah internet jejas keharmonian Text
Surcaj tambang akan dihapus Text
Surface and colloid chemistry Text
Surface and Colloid Chemistry Exam Papers
Surface characterisations on different concentrations ofThesis
Surface discharge characteristics of polymer-nanocompos Thesis
Surface fitting using particle swarm optimization Thesis
Surface hardness profile and fatigue strength of carbur Thesis
Surface modification of polysulfone hollow fiber membIndexed Paper
Surface modification of yttria stabilized zirconia via p Indexed Paper
Surprise twist to wage row Text
Suruhanjaya siasat pekerja dianiaya Text
Survey : 89pc of addicts working adults Text
Survey : HIV stigma still exists among Malaysians Text
Survey : most Asian banks just starting Basel II plans Text
Survey : older workers seen as valuable assets Text
Survey shows Malaysian guys are overwhelmingly... : Text
Surveying and land property information / Ilmu ukur d Text
Surveying and land property information/ilmu ukur da Exam Papers
Surveys : young saver have confidence in EPF Text
Survival bursa saham di akhir dekad 80-an Text
Sustainability & environmental management in construExam Papers
Sustainable campus desgin in Baghdad University, Iraq Thesis
Sustainable construction Exam Papers
Sustainable development factors for land development Non-Index Paper
Sustainable government policy as silver bullet to susta Conference Papers
Sustainable housing : LFEA of precast frame (Preview) Text
Sustainable maintenance of navigation channel Text
Sustainable removal of nitrophenols by rhizoremediation Indexed Paper
Sustainable transportation planning Exam Papers
Sustainable transportation planning Exam Papers
Sustaining steely profits Text
Susu ibu penyelamat bayi Text
Susun semula GLC diumum hari ini Text
Susunan tingkap kena betul Text
Susunatur dan rekabentuk stesen kerja di hospital Text
SVM based hysteresis current controller for a three phaseText
SWA-perlanggaran fabrik menggunakan gabungan perpoh Text
Swasta digalak tubuh konsortium bersih sungai Text
Swasta dilantik jejak pelajar hutang RM40j Text
Sweeping changes to boost growth Text
Sweet corn for the health conscious Text
Sweet solution Text
Sweet teh tarik a killer : many Malaysians prone to stroText
Sweetness we can do without Text
Swine flu : steps taken to prevent outbreak Text
Switched beam antenna array with parasitic elements Conference Papers
Switched beam antenna using omnidirectional antennaConference Papers
Swoop on illegal racers Text
Syabas ironing out water rates kinks Text
Syarat baru keluar wang KWSP Text
Syarat baru rumah dikaji : Abdullah : projek perlu disi Text
Syarat beli timbal balas bantu majukan pertanian Text
Syarat buka sekolah swasta dilonggarkan Text
Syarat jadi guru diperketat Text
Syarat JPA elak pemegang biasiswa langgar kontrak Text
Syarat ketat pinjaman kereta, kad kredit elak kes muflisText
Syarat lebih ketat bawa masuk amah Text
Syarat masuk UTM semakin ketat News Paper Cuttings
Syarat pembantu rumah lebih jelas Text
Syariah berkesan atasi krisis kewangan global Text
Syariah penalties surprise many Text
Syarikat akan patuhi fatwa Text
Syarikat AS dipelawa melabur di Malaysia Text
Syarikat asing rancakkan industri telekomunikasi temp Text
Syarikat Jerman baiki jejambat MRR2 Text
Syarikat Malaysia tandatangani perjanjian dengan indust Text
Syarikat patut usahakan inovasi, kreativiti IP untuk kekaText
Syarikat pelbagai kaum lahirkan entiti kukuh Text
Syarikat pertanian bakal raih manfaat RMK-9 Text
Syarikat sebabkan 14,000 ahli rugi disiasat Text
Syarikat telekomunikasi terus pertahan prestasi tahun iText
Syawal kesinambungan tarbiah jiwa sepanjang RamadaText
Syed Ahmad Shahabuddin Canselor KUTKM Text
Syed Mokhtar awarded Tokoh Melayu Terbilang Text
Syed Razak letak jawatan Text
Syirik adalah kesesatan nyata, dosa tidak akan diampunText
Symmetrically crumpled flexible dipole antenna in the Conference Papers
Symmetry and Molecular Spectroscopy Exam Papers
Synthesis and antioxidant activities of hydroxylated co Thesis
Synthesis and biological evaluation of flavonoids as ant Thesis
Synthesis and catalytic activities of the HZSM-5 suppor Conference Papers
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nano tubes byThesis
Synthesis and characterization of doped and undoped Journal Article
Synthesis and characterization of hybrid matrix with enIndexed Paper
Synthesis and characterization of meso-subtituted porpThesis
Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole-palladiu Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of PVA/STARCH supera Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of thin film nanocompo Indexed Paper
Synthesis and electrocatalytic performance of atomicallIndexed Paper
Synthesis and emission properties of meso-substituted Journal Article
Synthesis and luminescent properties of bimetallic gold(Thesis
Synthesis and photoluminescence of single-crystalline Indexed Paper
Synthesis and photophysical studies of fluorenone-arm Indexed Paper
Synthesis of graphene and its application as a channel Thesis
Synthesis of graphene film using polymer derived approThesis
Synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for bone tiss Thesis
Synthesis of metals stearate and thermal degradation sThesis
Synthesis, characterisation and luminescence studies o Thesis
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of Text
Synthesis, characterization and desalination study of Indexed Paper
Synthesis, characterization and optimization of sulfon Thesis
Synthesize of polyurethane from palm-oil based polyol vThesis
Syor 500 IPTS bergabung tingkat kualiti Text
Syor anjak pembukaan sesi sekolah pertengahan JanuarText
Syor bezakan rentak Negaraku Text
Syor forum umum tangani jenayah, keganasan Text
Syor guna bahan bakar alternatif Text
Syor guna komputer sekolah mohon tempat ke IPT Text
Syor guru diajar undang-undang Text
Syor insurans tambahan cuti musim perayaan Text
Syor jadikan perpaduan budaya hidup Text
Syor kadar baru tol Jambatan PP tinggi Text
Syor kaji semula sistem meritokrasi Text
Syor kemas kini panduan pakaian IPTS Text
Syor lanjut masa belajar dikaji Text
Syor laporan R&D guna bahasa mudah difahami masyarText
Syor lindung syarikat insurans beri maklumat Text
Syor MTEN urus latihan siswazah Text
Syor NGO kurangkan beban kewangan Text
Syor pelatih KPLI ajar di sekolah enam bulan Text
Syor perkemas hala tuju DPN Text
Syor PPSMI bermula Tahun Empat Text
Syor program diperluas ke IPTA Text
Syor pusat khas sahkan status bujang Text
Syor rumah khas suami didera Text
Syor sistem tutorial atasi masalah gagal kuasai 3M Text
Syor tambah masa kursus memandu, didik peserta PKNText
Syor wajib subjek keselamatan IT Text
Syor wanita ketua hakim Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
System environment propagation modeling for a Wi-Fi-LIndexed Paper
System identification of nonlinear autoregressive modeNon-Index Paper
System of tax object valuation within the urban sector Text
System performance of a composite stepped-slope floati Text
System plagued by delays Text
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
System processors and peripherals Exam Papers
System to halve foreign labour Text
System verilog RTL modeling with embedded assertionsThesis
Systematic comparison of sets of C-13 NMR spectra thatIndexed Paper
Systems processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Systems testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Systems testing and evaluation Exam Papers
T84 basic training aircraft nose undercarriage (Fulltext) Text
Tabiat buruk perlahankan permainan golf Text
Tabiat organisasi Text
Tabiat organisasi Exam Papers
Tabiat organisasi Text
Tabung Canselor UTM kumpul lebih RM1.7j News Paper Cuttings
Tabung Haji giat teroka industri makanan halal Text
Taburan hujan dan kadar alir impak daripada perubahanThesis
Taburan hujan tinggi dedah risiko tanah runtuh Text
Taburan jarak kepala di atas jalan bercerun Thesis
Taburan kekuatan lenturan bagi rasuk konkrit retak di Thesis
Taburan saiz platun di atas jalan bandar dan jalan rural Text
Taburan saiz platun di atas jalan bandar dan jalan rural Thesis
Tackle root cause of terror Text
Tackling AIDS scourge the Uganda way Text
Tackling mental health woes Text
Tadbir urus korporat Islam utama kebajikan sosial Text
Tadika Nuri akan dibuka di empat lokasi Text
Taekwondo wireless scoring board system Thesis
Tahan lesen 14 hari : tindakan serta-merta ke atas pe Text
Tahanan di Narathiwat belum sah penuntut UTM Text
Tahap interaksi social dalam kalangan masyarakat di peThesis
Tahap kefahaman dan pengaplikasian konsep elektrokimi Thesis
Tahap kefahaman konsep had (kalkulus) dan miskonseps Thesis
Tahap kepatuhan pemandu dengan had laju jalan Thesis
Tahap kepuasan pelajar UTM terhadap pelaksanaan konThesis
Tahap kepuasan penghuni terhadap kuarters (kes kajianThesis
Tahap kesedaran amalan keselamatan di tempat kerja :Thesis
Tahap kesedaran staf UTM terhadap keselamatan pekerThesis
Tahap kesedaran terhadap keselamatan kebakaran di hThesis
Tahap kesedaran terhadap penjimatan tenaga dalam Thesis
Tahap keselesaan penunggang basikal menggunakan bicyl Thesis
Tahap kesihatan mental rakyat dikaji Text
Tahap kompetensi Pengetua/Guru Besar dengan standar Thesis
Tahap pencapaian pelajar dalam menyelesaikan masalaThesis
Tahap pencapaian perlaksanaan program perumahan aw Thesis
Tahap penerimaan media sosial bagi proses pengajaranThesis
Tahap pengamalan pengurusan keselamatan dalam indus Text
Tahap penguasaan guru-guru KHB dalam kaedah tunjukThesis
Tahap perkembangan homestay di kampung tradisionalThesisk
Tahap perlaksanaan sistem e-dagang dalam industri pe Text
Tahap risiko di peringkat rekabentuk dan pembinaan unThesis
Tahap stress di kalangan pensyarah Kolej Komuniti di NThesis
Tailor courses to market needs NEAC : institutions mus Text
Tainted greens can cause cancer Text
Tainted vegetable, fruit claim æunfoundedÆ Text
Tajuk buku goda pembaca Text
Tak bertanggungjawab : Sarawak Tribune tidak sensitif Text
Tak digalak tukar sawit kepada tanaman jarak Text
Tak kompromi kes pelajar samseng Text
Tak manfaat R&D universiti Text
Tak mustahil Malaysia capai sasaran tahap l News Paper Cuttings
Tak naik pangkat, dipindah Text
Tak sempat lihat anak ambil ijazah Text
Tak setuju syarat ketat kereta tua Text
Tak wajar semak kuasa menteri Text
Takaful IKHLAS jadi rujukan insurans asing Text
Takaful Malaysia perkenal 3 produk Text
Takaful wajar jadi pilihan masyarakat Islam Text
Take advantage of political environment Text
Take care, caregivers Text
Take grouses seriously, Rais warns councils Text
Take safety measures, public told Text
Taking a firm stand on bullies Text
Taking a new tack on mastering English Text
Taking BM to greater heights Text
Taking care the dead don't infect Text
Takut derma organ : 9,000 pesakit terpaksa menunggu Text
Takut ditukar punca tak mohon guru cemerlang Text
Tali pinggang keselamatan bukan remeh Text
Talian adu dera budak Oktober Text
Talian khas 24 jam untuk maklumat kesan pendatang Text
Tall building system : analysis & design Exam Papers
Tall building system : analysis and design Text
Tall building system analysis and design Exam Papers
Tall building systems: analysis and design Exam Papers
Tall building systems: analysis and design Exam Papers
Tamadun lenyap tanpa akidah tauhid Text
Taman Laut khazanah negara mesti dipulihara Text
Tamara sampai syarahan di Oxford Text
Tambah cikgu lelaki manfaat pelajar Text
Tambah LRT di Lembah Klang dipertimbang Text
Tambahan 1,486 jawatan guru cemerlang lulus Text
Tambahan 20,000 dos vaksin selesema akan diedar Text
Tambahan RM35.5j bina rumah murah Text
Tambak laut punca dugong mati Text
Tambakan laut musnah ekosistem muara sungai Text
Tambang haji naik tahun depan Text
Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Ahmad Zaharudin bin Idrus : Naib Ca Text
Tan Sri Hajjah Fatimah binti Hj. Hashim : Pro - Canselo Text
Tanah runtuh : 178 hilang tempat tinggal Text
Tanah runtuh di Hulu Klang Text
Tanah turun bagai ombak tsunami Text
Tanam semula: Pekebun dibenar usaha 18 tanaman Text
Tanaman genetik atasi isu makanan Text
Tanaman salak : kehidupan pekebun kecih berubah Text
Tanda positif di Pesta Buku Text
Tangani kenaikan kos barang diutama Text
Tanggungjawab ibu bapa warnai hidup anak Text
Tanggungjawab ilmuwan menasihati pemerintah Text
Tanggungjawab memakmurkan negara Text
Tangkapan BPR di Johor paling tinggi Text
Tanjung Langsat pelabuhan biodiesel terbesar dunia Text
Tanjung mahu beli empat kapal lagi Text
Tanjung Pelepas mahu tarik firma Korea Text
Tanpa sepasang kaki dan tangan kiri, Imi masih mampu News
c Paper Cuttings
Tap potential of disabled children Text
TAPI in telephone quality speech database (Full text) Text
TAPI in telephone quality speech database (Preview) Text
Tapping into nuclear energy sources Text
Target of 30% women set Text
Tarif air kegunaan domestik di Johor rendah di Asia Text
Tarif baru : harga kereta import tidak akan turun Text
Tarif elektrik kekal hingga awal 2005 Text
Tarif elektrik masih dalam kajian : Najib Text
Tarif elektrik tidak naik hingga 2006 Text
Tarik balik larangan paraquat Text
Tarik belia sertai tentera Text
Tarik lesen teksi jika gagal serah resit tambang Text
Tarik pelaburan British dalam aeroangkasa Text
Tarik tali harga VCD Text
Tarikan Perkampungan Hadhari Terengganu Text
Task Force for Sukom Æ98 fiasco Text
Task force to fight biological, chemical threats Text
Tasks scheduling technique using league championship Indexed Paper
Tatacara Operasi Piawai forensik kejuruteraan di MalayThesis
Tati bantu industri Pantai Timur Text
TATiUC fokus konsep kluster penyelidikan Text
Taun makin serius di Terengganu Text
Tawaran kursus jurutera peluru dua tahun News Paper Cuttings
Taxation 1 Exam Papers
Taxi and bus fares up soon Text
Taxis must log 200km Text
Taxpayers who cheat will be penalised Text
TB returns as No 1 infectious killer disease Text
TDA perlu kuasa mentadbir, pantau projek Text
Teacher who is a good sport Text
Teachers advised not to be selective over postings Text
Teachers okay with sex education now Text
Teaching children about human rights Text
Teaching of Mathematics and Science : no change in useText
Teaching of Maths & Science : back in BM Text
Teaching of Maths and Science in English : Study revealsText
Teaching of Maths and Science in English extended to Text
Team on tour to hear gripes Text
Teaming up to address info security issues Text
Teams out to tackle truancy Text
Teater Muzikal Tan Sri Arshad Ayub News Paper Cuttings
Tebrau City mampu tarik pelancong Text
Technical schools up for revamp next year Text
Technical system interface design: an analysis on humaConference Papers
Technical vocational subjects in schools News Paper Cuttings
Technique in molecular biology Exam Papers
Techniques utilized to salvage sunken ships Text
Technological aspects of e-learning system in Malaysia Indexed Paper
Technology can be implanted into MyKad to facilitate t Text
Technology can reduce energy costs by 60 per cent Text
Technology framework for halal certification process inThesis
Technology integrated face - to - face learning Conference Papers
Technology museum to be built Text
Technology park plans to strengthen manufacturing ba News Paper Cuttings
Technostress and organisational commitment: a propo Non-Index Paper
Teens say 'Nak' : one in four aged 13-17 puffing away Text
Teething problems Text
Tegas soal alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Tegasan galas dalam ruang pembengkokan tetulang kelu Text
Tegur pemikiran, bukan peribadi Text
Teh daun kelapa sawit cegah risiko jantung, darah tinggText
Tekad lahir graduan berkualiti News Paper Cuttings
Tekanan darah tinggi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia Text
Tekanan darah tinggi sukar dikawal Text
Tekanan hidup punca terlibat dengan dadah Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Teknik kuasai topik sukar News Paper Cuttings
Teknik makroekonomi untuk harta tanah Text
Teknik mikroskopi Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Teknik pemisahan Text
Teknik pemisahan protein dalam bioteknologi Text
Teknik penyelidikan operasi Text
Teknik spektroskopi dan analisis bahan Exam Papers
Teknik tanaman atasi ancaman hakisan tanah tinggi Text
Teknik ubah rasa buah Text
Teknik-teknik mengenalpasti sela masa senyap dalam s Text
Teknologi air bersih News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi automotif Text
Teknologi automotif (automotive technology) Text
Teknologi bahan Text
Teknologi Bangunan Text
Teknologi baru kuasai pasaran IT Text
Teknologi beku sel sperma ikan Text
Teknologi binaan Text
Teknologi binaan 4 Text
Teknologi binaan berindustri (IBS) dalam projek perum Thesis
Teknologi binaan I Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Teknologi binaan II Text
Teknologi binaan IV Text
Teknologi dan sistem maklumat Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Teknologi enzim Text
Teknologi enzim Text
Teknologi enzim Text
Teknologi fitokimia Text
Teknologi kawalan giroskop untuk aplikasi permainan J Thesis
Teknologi kesan pembalakan haram diperluas Text
Teknologi khas diguna kesan pengeluar VCD, CD haram Text
Teknologi komputer dan maklumat Exam Papers
Teknologi konkrit Text
Teknologi konkrit Text
Teknologi makanan Text
Teknologi maklumat Text
Teknologi mengubah gaya hidup masa depan Text
Teknologi oleokimia Text
Teknologi pembenihan ikan air tawar Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Teknologi pembuatan Exam Papers
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Teknologi pemprosesan makanan II Exam Papers
Teknologi penderia & pembelajaran mesin Text
Teknologi pengeluaran asas Text
Teknologi pengesan tepat Text
Teknologi Robotik Bagi Pengautomatan Text
Teknologi torehan, formula rangsangan pertingkat pen Text
Teknologi Voltan Tinggi / High Voltage Technology Text
Teksi, bas London promosi TMM 2007 Text
Telecardiology system for fourth generation heterogen Indexed Paper
Telecommunications and switching Exam Papers
Telekom kemuka tawaran beli saham TRI minggu ini Text
Telekom Malaysia seragam pusat data Text
Telekom to double Net users Text
Telekomunikasi dan rangkaian Exam Papers
Telekomunikasi luar bandar Text
Telekomunikasi pacu ekonomi negara Text
Telekomunikasi terajui pasaran tempatan 2005 Text
Teleworking Risk Management Framework Thesis
Teliti pandangan pakar hadapi cabaran baru Text
Tell me the truth, PM tells BN leaders and members Text
Teluk Ramunia ada minyak, gas News Paper Cuttings
Teman pesakit strok News Paper Cuttings
Tembok Kota Santiago bakal jadi tarikan pelancongan Text
Temperature controller training kit Thesis
Temperature influence to the injection molding of fin Conference Papers
Temperature monitoring system for blood bank using zThesis
Tempoh latihan amali seragam ditimbang Text
Tempoh menunggu rawatan di HKL kini 25 minit Text
Tempoh menunggu sukar dikurang Text
Temporal analysis of ganoderma boninense infection inThesis
Temporal distribution of non-methane hydrocarbon (NMH Indexed Paper
Ten killed in Gua Musang crash Text
Tenaga alternatif Text
Tenaga kerja firma media berubah Text
Tenaga kerja, pakar IT mungkin terus diimport Text
Tenaga nuklear mampu ganti minyak Text
Tenaga seeks tariff hike Text
Tenaga sukarelawan negara ke peringkat antarabangsaText
Tender kajian untuk mengenalpasti dan memilih tapak-tText
Tensile barrier and degradation properties of low dens Thesis
Tensile performance of grouted splice connectors in pr Non-Index Paper
Tensile performance of modified hollow section splice sConference Papers
Tentera Darat kaji gaji baru Text
Tentera Darat tubuh pasukan mahir biologi Text
Tentera tiga negara laku rondaan secara koordinasi Text
Teori kata putus Text
Teori kawalan asas Text
Teori Litar Text
Teori litar Text
Teori Litar Text
Teori Medan Elektromagnet Text
Teori medan elektromagnet Text
Teori Medan Elektromagnet II Text
Teori medan elektromagnet II Text
Teori perancangan Text
Teori sains komputer Text
Teori senibina Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori struktur Text
Teori Struktur II(B) Text
Tepung gandum naik 30 sen Text
Terapi garam didakwa sembuh kanser payu dara Text
Terapi muzik cara berkesan damaikan minda, emosi Text
Teras 6 : melonjak model kecemerlangan antarabangsaText
Teras ilmu dalam Islam News Paper Cuttings
Teras menuju 2020 : RMK-9 dijangka fokus pertanian, Text
Terdapat trend peningkatan Influenza A H1N1 Text
Terengganu City Centre pacu ekonomi negeri Text
Terengganu ketengah Bidong pikat pelancong Text
Terengganu negeri pertama perkenal program e-book Text
Terengganu pembekal ikan siakap dunia Text
Terharu terima Ijazah Anumerta News Paper Cuttings
Terima kasih Tunku! Text
Terima keputusan ICJ dengan hati terbuka Text
Terjemahan karya agung kita untuk bacaan dunia Text
Terminal tunggal pesawat berkipas di rantau ini Text
Termination of construction contracts by employer Thesis
Termination of contractor due to the corruption, unlawful
Termodinamik Text
Termodinamik Text
Termodinamik Text
Termodinamik Text
Termodinamik II Text
Termodinamik II Text
Termodinamik II (aero) Text
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Exam Papers
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Ternak ikan air tawar atasi masalah kepupusan Text
Ternary semiconductor photocatalysts for the degradatThesis
Teroka bioteknologi tani Text
Teroka sumber baru elak krisis tenaga Text
Terrain analysis using unmanned aerial vehicle platfor Thesis
Tertiary education in the grasp of more people Text
Tesdec offers lifeline to SPM school-leavers Text
Tesis boleh jadi rujukan polis, FAM tangani kes bola se News Paper Cuttings
Test case generation optimization using combination pre Thesis
Test not meant to be PMR trial exam Text
Test record wildlife Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Test rig design for automotive refrigeration system Thesis
Testbed development for mobile IPv6(MIPv6) with net Thesis
Testing and parametric modeling of magnetorheologicaIndexed Paper
Testing of real time cross correlation flowmeter Text
Testing time for wannabe astronauts Text
Tests on traditional slimming products Text
Tetapkan tanda aras pendidikan Text
Tewaskan 100 siswa dunia News Paper Cuttings
Textbook scheme for all by 2008 Text
Textile wastewater treatment using hybrid chitosan-polJournal Article
Thai cadang wujudkan pakatan strategik serantau Text
Thais to expand halal product mart Text
The 21 billion SMS phenomenon Text
The acceptance of musharakah in a modern world Thesis
The adaptation of ISO 9126 and ISO 17799 standard fo Thesis
The adjustment of precise levelling network : incorporaThesis
The adoption of e-voting among companies in MalaysiaThesis
The affiliation between student achievement and elemen Indexed Paper
The air we breath : hazy and unhealthy Text
The analysis of innovation attributes and country of or Thesis
The analysis of innovative attributes of wearable tec Thesis
The analysis of phase, dispersion and group delay in I Journal Article
The ancient battle Thesis
The antecedents of supply chain technology adoption Thesis
The anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties o Indexed Paper
The application mi pro in the management of air qualityText
The application of a geothermal heat pump (GHP) systeText
The application of activity - based costing (ABC) at di Text
The application of combined momentum: blade element Conference
t Papers
The application of geographical information systems fo Text
The application of intelligent active force control of a r Text
The application of laser in thermal treatment of solid Journal Article
The application of peaks-over-threshold approach on the Text
The application of terrestrial laser scanning and web- Thesis
The architecture of public park : fading the line betwe Text
The architecture of scientific computing library portal Conference Papers
The assessment of pavement coatings from wasted tilesThesis
The assessment of trihalomethane levels in drinking wate Text
The assessment of trihalomethane levels in drinking waText
The automated segmentation techniques of t2-weighteJournal Article
The beri-beri lesson Text
The boom times are back Text
The brink of oil and gas energy: a great loss? Conference Papers
The budget and the people Text
The causes of construction dispute on client organization Text
The cellular selection mechanism for multi solution NP Conference Papers
The challenges of ICT entrepreneurship in Malaysia: st Thesis
The characteristics of structural concrete using bacter Thesis
The characterization and removal of foam promoting i Thesis
The classification of delay differential equations using Thesis
The comparison between tunnel form system and conven Thesis
The comparison of slab deflection based on field meas Journal Article
The connection between precast aerated sandwich concText
The consequences resulting from the delay or non-issuaText
The construction of rent prediction model for west end Text
The contribution of particle swarm optimization to three Indexed Paper
The contribution of resonance frequencies toward sounConference Papers
The correlations and soil properties analysis of Temerl Non-Index Paper
The cost benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIMThesis
The cramer-von mises test statistic of the generalized eThesis
The crisis reaches our shores Text
The decrease of organic substance concentration (KMn04) Conference Papers
The decrease of organic substance concentration (KMnO4) Non-Index Paper
The design and development of a low-cost computer-coText
The design of a single seater helicopter rotor Hub Text
The design of atrial fibrillation classification on syst Thesis
The determination of reasonable time in selling propertText
The determination of the intersection of projective pla Thesis
The development of a payroll system prototype Thesis
The development of a simple and near real time defor Conference Papers
The development of feature extraction and pattern matText
The development of microwave absorber from oil palmText sh
The development of smart house in Malaysia Text
The development of software platform for identificationThesis
The development of total quality management (TQM), w Thesis
The development of voice disorder evaluation system bThesis
The development of wetland conservation and managem Thesis
The differences between profit and nonprofit organizatiThesis
The economic benefits of generation revenue assessment Indexed Paper
The economic case for low-carbon development in rapidl Indexed Paper
The effect of alcohol on the performance of lipase-immConference Papers
The effect of alkalis in reducing the absorption of surfa Thesis
The effect of base pre - treatment on the morphology prConference Papers
The effect of bauxite mining on water quality of Sunga Thesis
The effect of biological, chemical and physical pre-tre Thesis
The effect of bismuth, strontium and antimony additionText
The effect of bore fluid type on the structure and per Indexed Paper
The effect of brines on shale stabilization Thesis
The effect of calcination temperature on the structure Thesis
The effect of cannulated screw placement angle in the Indexed Paper
The effect of coconut shells on engineering properties Thesis
The effect of complaint factors on Malaysian consumerThesis
The effect of computer-based instructional games in t Thesis
The effect of curing methods on quality of concrete pavThesis
The effect of cyclone on the ocean primary productivityConference Papers
The effect of debt restructuring scheme on the performText
The effect of different methods and solvents on the extrJournal Article
The effect of economic load dispatch under deregulatedThesis
The effect of ergonomics and psychosocial risk factors Thesis
The effect of external factors on purchase intention a Non-Index Paper
The effect of external suction at the dust outlet of a cy Journal Article
The effect of filler material on the dielectric strength o Thesis
The effect of flow rate, viscosity and grain shape on gr Thesis
The effect of geometric shape and building orientation oNon-Index Paper
The effect of geometry on the micromechanical behavioThesis
The effect of heat processing on triterpene glycosides an Text
The effect of incongruent audiovisual stimulus with giv Thesis
The effect of internal and external barriers in carrie Thesis
The effect of joint width between blocks in concrete b Conference Papers
The effect of long term exposure on thermal performanc Thesis
The effect of maximum load of palm fatty acid distillateThesis
The effect of MgO on the biodegradation, physical p Indexed Paper
The effect of numerical integration stiffness in ship motText
The effect of organoclay contents on morphological ch Indexed Paper
The effect of partial replacement of dietary fishmeal Non-Index Paper
The effect of perceived trust, perceived security and at Thesis
The effect of phase inversion promoters on the structu Indexed Paper
The effect of prandtl number on the performance of miThesis
The effect of procurement method on the performanceText o
The effect of project and programme reference models Indexed Paper
The effect of relationship marketing on costumers’ lo Non-Index Paper
The effect of solid liquid extraction on Areca Catechu e Thesis
The effect of surrounding temperature on liquefied pe Non-Index Paper
The effect of swirler vane angle on reducing Nox from l Text
The effect of the rear-edge curvature on aerodynamic Thesis
The effect of water contamination on the wear character Thesis
The effect of water to cement ratio on the mechanical pThesis
The effect of water-gas slug ratio in water alternating Thesis
The effect of wettability on the oil recovery and breakt Thesis
The effectiveness of ear protectors Text
The effectiveness of fed-batch culture of effective mi Conference Papers
The effectiveness of new model of motorcycle seat withJournal Article
The effectiveness of peer-tutoring program in improvinThesis
The effectiveness of proposed slope rehabilitation methThesis
The effectiveness various pretreatment for cobalt remoThesis
The effects of adjacency of trash bin and recycling bin Thesis
The effects of annealing temperatures on composition aIndexed Paper
The effects of dispersion pH on nanoparticles-stabilize Thesis
The effects of emotional competence training on leaders Thesis
The effects of erbium-doped fibre (EDF) length in an EDText
The effects of flow resistance in vegetated and non-v Thesis
The effects of insiders and business experts on firm pe Thesis
The effects of intelligent transportation systems on u Conference Papers
The effects of nominal maximum aggregate size on the Tpext
The effects of sintering temperture on microstructur Text
The effects of special events on regression for subcompaJournal Article
The effects of temperature on different laser transiti Indexed Paper
The effects of various modes of school formality cultu Non-Index Paper
The efficiency and effectiveness of building maintenan Thesis
The essential aspects of fire safety management in highText
The evaluation of ultrasonic waves stimulation on oil r Thesis
The evolution of channel system in the northeast malayJournal Article
The evolvement of brand identity of Langkawi Island, MConference Papers
The expectation and perception of international studentThesis
The feasibility of an oil palm plantation (Fulltext) Text
The first step towards unity Text
The ford fulkerson algorithm on a case study of the dis Thesis
The framework for minimizing costruction time and cosText
The Future of biotechnology Journal Article
The genre and the genre expectations of CRIT sessions oThesis
The greatest gift of all News Paper Cuttings
The high-field drift velocity in degenerately-doped nan Conference Papers
The history of UTAUT model and its impact on ICT acc Non-Index Paper
The holistic approach to property market analysis Conference Papers
The homological functor of a Bieberbach group with a cIndexed Paper
The homological functors of 2-generator 2-groups of nilConference Papers
The homological functors of some finite two-generator Thesis
The hour the lights went out Text
The human capital and opportunity discovery on explo Indexed Paper
The human factor in managing employees Text
The identification of helminths and coccidia infection Journal Article
The impact of culture value dimensions on full range le Thesis
The impact of economic recession on construction indusThesis
The impact of employee share option scheme : a revie Non-Index Paper
The impact of file sharing based on the peer-to-peer t Text
The impact of information and communication technolog Indexed Paper
The impact of leader's cultural intelligence on organiz Indexed Paper
The impact of location on the Jakarta condominium pri Text
The impact of microfinance from tekun to the entrepreThesis
The impact of portfolio strategy on the 'style' perform Text
The impact of reactor height/diameter (H/D) ratio on a Journal Article
The impact of sea level rise on geodetic vertical datum Indexed Paper
The impact of sustainability on the value of commercialIndexed Paper
The impact of transformational leadership style on job sIndexed Paper
The impact of working capital management on firms perThesis
The impact of work-life balance policies and work-life Thesis
The impacts of safety management on safty performance Thesis
The implementation of automated valuation models amo Thesis
The implementation of design and build procurement appr Text
The implementation of eco-innovation in Proton Holdi Thesis
The implementation of eco-labelling for construction ma Thesis
The implementation of electronic tendering system in MThesis
The implementation of green management practice intoThesis
The implementation of post-processing data thinning f Conference Papers
The implications of streetscape improvement on touristText
The importance of architecture design in choosing rental Text
The importance of decision strategy and role in a soft Indexed Paper
The importance of green building effect Text
The incorporation of silica nanoparticle and alpha olef Indexed Paper
The influence of behavioural theories on knowledge shaThesis
The influence of corner effects in double gate vertical Thesis
The influence of environmental conditions on creep be Text
The influence of load in wear resistance characteristic ofThesis
The influence of personality trait dimensions on indiv Thesis
The influence of polymer on rheological and thermo oxiJournal Article
The influence of porosity on the mechanical properties Tohesis
The influence of religiosity on taxpayers' compliance a Indexed Paper
The influence of social and cultural capital of students Thesis
The influence of task based learning activities on enha Thesis
The influence of work motivation factors towards the Thesis
The influencing factors of transformentional change ac Thesis
The integrating effect of homesickness, attachment andThesis
The integration of estate distribution between governmThesis
The interpretation of ground penetrating radar (GPR) imThesis
The introduction of strata act in Indonesia : its implic Text
The Islamic view of creativity Text
The i-word that packs a wallop Text
The level of problem solving ability and its relationshi Conference Papers
The limitations and opportunities to implement envir Text
The management of housing supply in Malaysia: incorpConference Papers
The market opportunity for student's private-rented hoThesis
The mass spectrum of higher bottomonia Thesis
The match between organizational climate for innovatioThesis
The mediating effect of corporate performance on the in Thesis
The mediating effect of management accounting syste Indexed Paper
The mediating role of supply chain integration and agi Thesis
The minister is just doing his job and doing it well Text
The moderating effect of individual culture orientatio Thesis
The moderating effects of organizational contextual an Thesis
The muslim athletes : a case study of the culture of eli Text
The new real estate investment trusts in Malaysia : lessConference Papers
The No 1 Trend in Malaysia Text
The openings and endings of students’ spoken acadThesis
The opportunity of magnetic induction tomography moda Journal Article
The optimization of synthesis conditions for laccase e Indexed Paper
The pain is in the shame Text
The parallel AGE variances method for temperature predi Conference Papers
The perception of property valuers on intellectual propeThesis
The performance of blended jatropha biodiesel as oil-bas Thesis
The performance of Kenaf geotextile on clayey soil undeThesis
The performance of lightweight aerated concrete incorpThesis
The performance of membrane bioreactor in treating hThesis
The performance of phenol biodegradation by candida tr Text
The performances of intimately mix and layer methods Indexed Paper
The perspective of Light rail transit's (LRT) users towa Thesis
The possible use of local bentonite as an oil well cemenConference Papers
The potential of citric acid production using pineapple Conference Papers
The potential of slimpac as a management information Text
The potential of waste cooking oil as bio-asphalt for al Indexed Paper
The practice of reflection on the issues of teaching a Conference Papers
The prevention threat of behavior-based signature using Non-Index Paper
The Probability that an element of metacyclic 2-groups Joournal Article
The probability that two elements commute in some 2-gThesis
The properties of hot extruded binary magnesium calciuThesis
The properties of polyester resin binder with and withoThesis
The public policy implications of brain drain from devel Thesis
The rain effect on LMDS system and the way to improveConference Papers
The readiness of Malaysia medium-sized enterprises in Text
The re-design and ergonomid analysis of a tricycle for dThesis
The relationship between academic self-concept, parenThesis
The relationship between big five personality and orga Thesis
The relationship between career development practicesThesis
The relationship between corporate social responsibilit Thesis
The relationship between damping ratio and amplitudeThesis
The relationship between dating,love and social anxie Conference Papers
The relationship between directors' remuneration and Thesis
The relationship between emotional intelligence and tuThesis
The relationship between employees’ incentives a Thesis
The relationship between entrepreneurship characterisThesis
The relationship between learning styles and learners' pThesis
The relationship between marshall stability, flow and ruText
The relationship between organizational justice and emThesis
The relationship between service quality and customer Tshesis
The relationship between service quality, student satisfThesis
The relationship between work stress and job perform Thesis
The relationships between permeability and traffic vo Thesis
The relevance of transit-oriented development for tranThesis
The response of aluminium foams under quasi-static lo Conference Papers
The rhetoric of powerpoint slide in UHB 2422 : advanc Thesis
The role of "online user generated hotel reviews" in a Thesis
The role of cross-layered designs in wireless body area Indexed Paper
The role of cultural familiarity toward reading compre Thesis
The role of customer brand engagement in facebook faThesis
The role of functional characteristics of commercial str Conference Papers
The role of land rights in urban heritage management - Non-Index Paper
The role of layered silicate loadings and their disper Indexed Paper
The role of night markets on urban quality, identity andThesis
The role of regulatory pressure, performance measuremThesis
The schur multiplier of pairs of groups of order p(2)q Indexed Paper
The Schur multiplier of pairs of nonabelian groups of o Journal Article
The search for a mama banana Text
The security system with notice display Text
The sensing performance of undoped-AlGaN/GaN/sappConference Papers
The sensor location and positioning for experimental mThesis
The significance of self-esteem in computer assisted l Conference Papers
The structural and surface morphology of annealed ZnOIndexed Paper
The studies on different scaling factor for microstrip a Conference Papers
The study of fluorescence enhancing and quenching effect Text
The study of local edible oil as a lubricant in water b Thesis
The study of mechanical properties of magnesium matrText
The study of reservoir performance prediction using mat Thesis
The study on the durability of submerged structure dis Indexed Paper
The success story of information technology industries Text
The survey on cool biz concept of energy conservation in Thesis
The synthesis of cuprous oxide nanowires in the prese Conference Papers
The system identification of HVAC artificial neural netwThesis
The train has left : redefining railway town at the age ofThesis
The tranformation of Telekom training college into a c Text
The truth about palm oil Text
The truth about service charges Text
The ultimate strength of coupled shear wall with symmThesis
The ultrasonic waves effects on oil-water emulsificatio Thesis
The unassuming boy hero Text
The use of analytical method for selection of dispute r Thesis
The use of charcoal briquettes as adsorbent in reducin Text
The use of digital infrared photography in three dim Thesis
The use of fish oil as lubricant in water based mud Thesis
The use of high resolution data for engineering applicatThesis
The use of limestone aggregate in concrete (Full text) Text
The use of the combination of ftir, Pyridine adsorptio Indexed Paper
The Use of wald’s sequential probability ratio test Journal Article
The used of open source software for DTM generation fConference Papers
The using fungi treatment as green and environmentallyIndexed Paper
The value of historic urban landscape elements to the Thesis
The workings of a VAT system Text
The world's high background natural radiation areas (hbn Indexed Paper
The Wright way Text
The yield and biological activity (LC50) of the rotenone Text
Theoretical analysis for effect of facet reflections on a Conference Papers
Theoretical and molecular docking study of ketoconazole Indexed Paper
Theoretical study : analysis of automated flow lines usinText
Theoretical study : analysis of automated flow lines usi Text
Theoretical study on slow-light generated by integrate Journal Article
Theory of design Exam Papers
Theory of design Exam Papers
Theory of modern architecture Exam Papers
Theory of modern design Exam Papers
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Theory of structures Exam Papers
There is a need to master english Text
Thermal analysis Exam Papers
Thermal analysis Text
Thermal analysis Exam Papers
Thermal analysis for ridge and burried waveguides withConference Papers
Thermal and fluid flow analysis of swirling flameless c Thesis
Thermal and hydrodynamic performance of a circular mThesis
Thermal and statistical physics Exam Papers
Thermal and structural analysis of disc brake assembly Indexed Paper
Thermal comfort study of a residential house using CFDThesis
Thermal comfort survey in office buildings in Bandung, Conference Papers
Thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of woven fThesis
Thermal conductivity computations of sintered hollow Non-Index Paper
Thermal conductivity for mixture of rich husk fibre an Thesis
Thermal effect in pressure fluctuation : internal flow Thesis
Thermal insulation of lightweight aggregate concrete Thesis
Thermal modeling of HV surge arrester Thesis
Thermal response factors for multilayer cylinders Thesis
Thermo mirror to detec human body temperature Thesis
Thermodynamic analysis of carbon dioxide reforming ofIndexed Paper
Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefi Indexed Paper
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Thermodynamics 1 Exam Papers
Thermodynamics 1/ termodinamik 1 Text
Thermodynamics I Exam Papers
Thermodynamics II Exam Papers
Thermodynamics II (termodinamik II) Text
Thermodynamics II/termodinamik II Exam Papers
Thermoeconomic analysis of heat exchanger Text
Thermoelectric properties of half-heusler LiMgN, NaMgN Thesis
Thermography analysis using artificial neural network i Thesis
Thermoluminescence characteristics of neodymium-doped Indexed Paper
Thermoluminescence energy response of germanium doped Conference Papers
These are things that matter Text
Thesis cheats to lose degrees Text
Thickness-dependent non-fickian moisture absorption Indexed Paper
Thin film composite membrane - recent development an Indexed Paper
Think-tank to guide Felda and settlers towards a better Text
Third gender living in legal limbo Text
'Third place' environment in residential school design i Thesis
Third year laboratory (COMMON) Exam Papers
Thousands of jobs in agriculture sector Text
THP tetap dikuasai umat Islam Text
Threat analysis using artificial neural network Text
Threats to health information security Conference Papers
Three dimension mapping and modeling of Ming PalaceThesis
Three dimensional modeling of historical artifact usin Thesis
Three dimensional of proximal femoral medullary canalIndexed Paper
Three dimensional reconstruction and fluid flow simulatThesis
Three dimensional surface movement detection using te Thesis
Three Johor spots on Ramsar list Text
Three layers design guideline for mobile application Conference Papers
Three million Malaysians risk grave illnesses Text
Three more warded with flu symptoms Text
Three to five million die of water-borne diseases yearly Text
Three-dimensional modelling of scholar's inn at UniversThesis
Three-dimensional photorealistic model for virtual museThesis
Three-nation bid for Borneo conservation Text
Throttle Lock kurangkan kecurian motosikal Text
Thumbs-up for rear seat belts Text
Thwarting the fraudsters Text
Tiada bidang kuasa khusus perkukuh kedudukan MelayText
Tiada cadangan hapus cukai untung berlebihan Text
Tiada cadangan naikkan gaji kakitangan kerajaan Text
Tiada cadangan senarai kas-kas bahan larangan Text
Tiada cadangan sistem amaran di bangunan tinggi Text
Tiada CCTV di sekolah Text
Tiada insurans bagi kerugian angkara pengganas Text
Tiada kakitangan tolak SSM: KSN Text
Tiada keperluan Petronas disenarai bursa saham Text
Tiada kompromi guru kuasai ICT Text
Tiada kompromi mutu IPT Text
Tiada kompromi penjawat awam salah guna kuasa Text
Tiada korban baru H1N1 dalam sebulan Text
Tiada maklumat lengkap rekaan bumbung stadium Text
Tiada MyKad mungkin sukar buat urusan rasmi Text
Tiada PBT lima bintang Text
Tiada perkara mustahil News Paper Cuttings
Tiada persetujuan dicapai : Singapura nafi setuju pada Text
Tiada Ph.D palsu di IPTA, IPTS Text
Tiada santai buat Abdullah mendekati peralihan kuasa Text
Tiada sekatan jalan raya pada musim perayaan Text
Tiada yang terlalu muda bagi diabetes Text
Tiba masa kenderaan bertukar guna NGV Text
Tibi penyakit sepanjang zaman Text
'Tidak apa' attitude rules Text
Tidak boleh naikkan harga rumah : Ong Text
Tidak boleh tukar jantina : kerajaan tidak bercadang Text
Tidak guna nuklear sebagai sumber tenaga Text
Tidak jamin tarif air tidak naik Text
Tidak wajar Inggeris jadi bahasa pengantar IPTA Text
Tiga anggota Rela maut nahas Text
Tiga ciri pemimpin dambaan belia Text
Tiga dokumen agung diisytihar warisan dunia Text
Tiga inisiatif baru transformasi GLC Text
Tiga IPTS tawar kursus perubatan tradisional Text
Tiga langkah segera atasi buruh asing Text
Tiga negara kawal utara Selat Melaka Text
Tiga pendekatan bendung perokok Text
Tiga projek tani dilaksana Text
Tigers have Johor to themselves Text
Tighten rules, government tells EPF Text
Tightening the screws Text
Timbalan menteri disiasat : didakwa terima rasuah bab Text
Timbang nasib pekerja kontrak Text
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Timber body happy with M'sian policy Text
Timber thieves to be hauled to court Text
Time and cost overrun of construction projects in MalayThesis
Time and frequency characterization of high speed I/O Text
Time at large: implication for liquidated damages Thesis
Time division multiple access-based cooperative dyna Thesis
Time of use electricity tariff implementation for MalaysThesis
Time series Exam Papers
Time series forecasting using hybridization of group meThesis
Time series modeling and designing and artificial neuralText
Time varying formation control of multiple nonholonomThesis
Time wasted on coffee breaks Text
TimeSheet Management Application Thesis
Tin mining industry in Malaysia : the need for a nationaText
Tindakan beku visa warga China untuk lindungi rakyat Text
Tindakan jika pelajar upah profesional siap tesis Text
Tindakan lebih tegas jika terlibat rasuah : Musa Text
Tindakan Nafas import ayam dikesali Text
Tindakan pengambilan alihan projek perumahan terbengka Text
Tindakan pihak berkuasa negeri dan pihak berkuasa te Thesis
Tindakan tegas pemandu leka guna SMS Text
Tindakbalas kejuruteraan polimer Text
Tindak-tanduk radikal perlu dikekang News Paper Cuttings
Tinggi efektif tiang konkrit bertetulang Text
Tingkah laku dan modifikasi tingkah laku Exam Papers
Tingkap penentu fesyen langsir Text
Tingkat fahaman Barat mengenai Islam : Raja Nazrin Text
Tingkat kerjasama dua hala Text
Tingkat kesedaran kesihatan News Paper Cuttings
Tingkat kualiti guru untuk hasilkan pelajar cemerlang Text
Tingkat penyertaan ekonomi Bumiputera Text
Tingkatkan kesihatan dengan probiotik Text
Tingkatkan keupayaan ATM Text
Tingkatkan pengeluaran daging negara Text
Tinjauan dan semakan peralatan komputer di CICT untuk Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tinjauan masalah pengurusan proses PBS dan ciri-ciri Conference Papers
Tinjauan terhadap kualiti air sungai dan sistem olaha Text
Tinjauan terhadap pengesanan pelanggaran dalam perse Text
Tinjauan terhadap saluran maklumat akademik pelajar tThesis
TiO2 sebagai fotomangkin heterogen dalam tindak balasText
Tip menghadapi menopaus Text
Tips for quarrelsome couples Text
Tip-tip mengurangkan berat badan Text
Tissue phantom and bin-filling for 3D ultrasound imageThesis
Tissue-like P system for segmentation of 2D hexagonal Indexed Paper
Titanium dioxide nanorods in regenerated cellulose meThesis
Titas I Exam Papers
Titas II Text
Titik sentuhan bajet Johor 2016 Book
TLDM mampu tingkat perang bawah aras air Text
TLDM tetap terima enam kapal peronda Text
TM anugerah biasiswa RM30 juta Text
TM perluas prasarana Internet di Afrika Text
TM terpilih sebagai penyedia perkhidmatan asia pasifik Text
TM untung RM1.033b Text
TMM 2007 : Malaysia jamin beri layanan istimewa Text
TMM 2007 : Melaka sudah sedia sambut pelancong Text
TNB has to pay IPP for excess power Text
TNB peruntuk RM4.6 bilion untuk perbelanjaan modal Text
TNB should prioritise Text
TNB tiada pilihan manfaat nuklear jana tenaga murah Text
TNB untung RM1.8b Text
TNB yakin untung bersih sehingga RM1.5 bilion Text
To design a simple electronic talking book = Merekabe Text
Tocotrienols : the stronger vitamin E Text
Tok Pulai Condong ulama Nusantara Text
Toksik : Johor cukup bukti dakwa kilang, kontraktor Text
Tokyo's waste in check Text
Tolak rasuah Text
Toll hike put off Text
Toll rates wonÆt go up this year Text
Toll rise shouldnÆt affect goods prices, says Shafie Text
Tomographic imaging using optical sensor arrays Text
Tongkang penggerudi kejayaan Malaysia Text
Tonjol guru kuasai ICT Text
Too much : more than two hours of TV a day is not goo Text
Too much noise Text
Too quick to cut? Text
Too soon for interest rate rise? Text
Tools to help firms go forward in business Text
Top rating for four banks Text
Top scorers may get medic places Text
Topology Exam Papers
Topology preservation and control approach for interf Thesis
Total phenolic content of polygonum minus, centella asThesis
Tourism analysis Text
Tourism Analysis Text
Tourism analysis Text
Tourism deal with Chelsea Text
Tourism placemaking at tourism destination from gove Conference Papers
Tourism planning Exam Papers
Tourism planning Text
Tourism will improve ties Text
Tourist arrivals buck trend Text
Tourist perception of butique hotel : case study of add Thesis
Tourist rapist nabbed : suspect was freed from prison j Text
Tourists invited to stay longer Text
Tourists to travel in style soon Text
Towards a new framework for TPM compliance testing Conference Papers
Towards an Islamic Social (Waqf) Bank Non-Index Paper
Towards gene network estimation with structure learniConference Papers
Towards making better hybrid pattern classification desiConference Papers
Towards quality education Text
Towards the revision of Geocentric Datum of Malaysi Thesis
Toying with learning Text
TPM cabar generasi baru jadikan Felda lebih hebat Text
TPM mahu kompleks sedia ruang produk tempatan Text
TPM mahu operasi berkas penagih diperhebatkan Text
TPM mahu usahawan guna konsep glokal Text
TPM mahu usahawan terokai pasaran baru Text
Traces study of research in management accounting: ide Thesis
Traces study of research on process of commercializatioThesis
Tracing generators' output in transmission open accessConference Papers
Tracking and indexing moving object in multitude envi Text
Tracking down the truth Text
Tracking tumours Text
Trademark image classification approaches using neuraText
Traditional massage at govt hospital Text
Traditional security risk assessment methods in cloud c Indexed Paper
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Traffic Engineering Exam Papers
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Traffic engineering IP/GMPLS over WDM (Full text) Text
Traffic management and analysis Exam Papers
Traffic safety flashing mechanism powered by small wind Thesis
Trafik penumpang LTAS meningkat 78 peratus Text
Tragedi 11 September alih pelancong Asia Barat ke MalText
Tragedi ngeri mampu dielak News Paper Cuttings
Tragedi Tak Bai marakkan perasaan anti Thaksin Text
Train accident : fun trip that turned fatal Text
Train those who don’t do well in school, says Raja ZaNews Paper Cuttings
Trained teachers for preschools Text
Training camps for girls only? Text
Training Dms Di Przs Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Training needs analysis Exam Papers
Training our own women to work as maids Text
Training scheme may be revived Text
Training set management package for ship recognition Thesis
Training to strengthen character and instil discipline Text
Traktor canggih tanam padi dari Jepun diuji Text
Tranducer & Application Exam Papers
Tranformasi pendidikan berkesan disiplinkan pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Transducer and applications Exam Papers
Transesterification of triacetin by aminated fibrous pol Thesis
Transesterification of waste cooking oil by heteropoly aIndexed Paper
Transfer car ownership online Text
Transformasi ekonomi tingkatkan daya saing Text
Transformasi ICT Text
Transformasi lonjak hak Melayu Islam Text
Transformasi mendahulukan rakyat Text
Transformasi sektor kerajaan jamin penyampaian berk Text
Transformasi UPM Text
Transformer diagnostic using online monitoring systemThesis
Transforming Malaysian economy from production baseThesis
Transforming the education scene News Paper Cuttings
Transient thermal performance prediction method for par Indexed Paper
Transmission enhancement between textile diamond dipo Indexed Paper
Transparency needed in scholarship awards Text
Transport charges may go up Text
Transport legislation Text
Transport planning Exam Papers
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Travel to work patterns of low-income people in urban Journal Article
Treat antibiotics with care Text
Treating meningitis Text
Treatment of acidic raw water using anoxic limestone Text
Treatment of acidic raw water using limestone (Full textText
Treatment of industrial textile wastewater using poly Journal Article
Treatment of palm oil mill effluent using evaporation a Text
Treatment of palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSE) Text
Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing tylNon-Index Paper
TREMORX: an assistive device to improve tremor patient Journal Article
Tren Monorel atasi kesesakan ibu kota Text
Trend baru HIV/Aids Text
Trend baru penagihan dadah Text
Trend reversal : 200 doctors return home Text
Trends and issues in e-communities Exam Papers
Triangular geometric feature for offline signature verifi Thesis
Tribological characteristics of mineral and plant oil ble Thesis
Trust fund for poor students in dire need of funds Text
Trust to replace CFs, says Abdullah Text
Trust, commitment and satisfaction in the relationship Thesis
Trusting students with freedoms Text
T-shape slotted array antenna through via for triple banIndexed Paper
Tsunami terburuk di dunia Text
Tsunami Warning System : US offers help Text
TTS wajib untuk semua anggota ATM Text
Tubuh bank setiap negeri bantu usahawan kecil Text
Tubuh bank usahawan wanita - Shahrizat Text
Tubuh Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Text
Tubuh Suruhanjaya Reformasi Undang-Undang Syariah Text
Tugas guru dalam merencana modal insan Text
Tujuh aspek bagi laksana sekolah bestari Text
Tujuh faktor pacu kejayaan sekolah kluster Text
Tujuh kaedah kenali orang sombong, bongkak Text
Tujuh kejadian bunuh diri setiap hari : Soi Lek Text
Tujuh ketua gengster dipercayai larikan diri Text
Tujuh strategi dirancang Text
Tukar : pengarah ekspedisi jejak bigfoot diteruskan Text
Tukar pandangan pada OKU Text
Tukun Tetrapod pertama di Malaysia Text
Tukun tiruan bantu nelayan Mersing News Paper Cuttings
Tulis semula kitab lama dengan bahasa semasa Text
Tumbuhan Text
Tumbuhan hiasan dan semulajadi Text
Tumpu inovasi, penjenamaan dan kepemimpinan ciri peText
Tumpu program sekolah bestari luar bandar Text
Tumpu soal harta intelek Text
Tumpu tanaman pulangan tinggi Text
Tun M dedah kaedah pemikiran Text
Tunai haji semasa muda Text
Tunas Bistari bakal lahirkan ratusan usahawan Melayu Text
Tungsten carbide surface cobalt removal from differen Thesis
Tunku Laksamana Johor mangkat News Paper Cuttings
Tunnel only part of package to tackle floods Text
Tunneling-induced ground movement and building damage Thesis
Tuntut naik gaji bukan penyelesai masalah Text
Tuntutan doktor diteliti Text
Tuntutan ganti rugi menerusi Text
Tuntutan Malaysia ada bukti kukuh Text
Turning to tuition centres Text
Turtle hearing analysis using fast fourier transform (FFTConference Papers
Turtle hearing capability based on ABR signal assesmenNon-Index Paper
Tutup atau tidak Text
TV ban for kids gets support Text
TV disaran siar drama cermin wajah Malaysia Text
TV1 news to be broadcast worldwide Text
Tweet-biased summarization Indexed Paper
Two accounts for EPF will do Text
Two airports in the air Text
Two degree of freedom vortex induced vibration tests ofIndexed Paper
Two directors to be charged over fuel deception, 75 fi Text
Two enhanced SVD based watermarking algorithms usinNon-Index Paper
Two factors can bring pump price to RM1.92 Text
Two get awards for low-cost ways to teach science Text
Two healthier fats should be included in diet Text
Two killed in highway horror Text
Two other ministries get nod to set up varsities Text
TWO shot dead in RM1.3m robbery Text
Two states, KL on dengue alert Text
Two to receive 2014 Merdeka Award Grand from PerakNews Paper Cuttings
Two wheels balancing robot Thesis
Ubah amalan beri hadiah mahal kepada bahan bacaan Text
Ubah cara bekerja tingkat daya saing Text
Ubah genetik padi : punca syarikat bioteknologi AS dik Text
Ubah masa depan Melayu Text
Ubah mekanisme beri bantuan Text
Ubah pendekatan perangi rasuah Text
Ubah sikap kurangkan nahas jalan raya Text
Ubat kolesterol menyebabkan anda letih? Text
Ucapan terima kasih Conference Papers
U-Community marketplace@UMS web based managemThesis
UCTC kembang peranan universiti News Paper Cuttings
Uda Holdings milik kerajaan Text
UIA perkenal kursus Montessori Islam Text
UIAM bakal jadi hab ICT Islam Text
UIAM institusi pendidikan pertama negara guna ITIL Text
UIAM rancang bina rumah selesa golongan berpendapaText
UIAM sasar 100 terjemahan al-Quran pelbagai bahasa Text
UIAM terbit Ensiklopedia PM Text
UIAM, Sirim bekerjasama hasil ubat tulang cedera Text
UiTM : pelopor Pusat Penyelidikan Tanah Runtuh NegarText
UiTM buka cawangan di Tepoh Text
UiTM laksana program khas pelancongan Text
UiTM lancar Inovasi DNA Text
UiTM mahu saman MB Selangor Text
UiTM mahu wujudkan bandar perubatan Text
UiTM menang 11 pingat di pameran inovasi Geneva Text
UiTM menang 18 pingat di Geneva Text
UiTM perlu RM100 juta komersialkan hasil R&D Text
UiTM sasar terbit 400 bahan ilmiah setahun Text
UiTM tawar 20,000 tempat Text
Uji keberkesanan kerja dari rumah Text
Ujian angkasawan pertama negara Text
Ujian kehidupan peringkat kedua Text
Ujikaji aliran di dalam pemisah kon Text
Ukiran pintu Dewan Sultan Iskandar Text
UKM mahu tingkat skim Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Text
UKM makes top 200 : for the first time Text
UKM Medical Centre going green Text
UKM menang empat emas di London Text
UKM mohon RM6j untuk beli peralatan penyelidikan Text
UKM pejuang martabat bahasa Melayu Text
UKM pertama cipta jenama Text
UKM plans to set record straight on warriors Text
UKM raih 10 pingat dalam Itex 2003 Text
UKM tidak guna khidmat bomoh Text
UKM tubuh makmal penyelidikan Text
UKM tumpu enam bidang kekuatan Text
UKM tumpuan pelajar antarabangsa Text
UKM ubah sistem telekomunikasi Text
Ukur & pemetaan II Text
Ukur binaan I Text
Ukur binaan I Text
Ukur binaan II Text
Ukur binaan II Text
Ukur binaan II Text
Ukur binaan III Text
Ukur binaan IV Text
Ukur dan pemetaan 2 survey and mapping II Exam Papers
Ukur kadaster Text
Ukur kadaster Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Ukur pemetaan II Text
Ulama lebih berinovatif Text
Ulama pembimbing hala tuju masyarakat, negara Text
Ulama perlu faham isu klon manusia Text
Ulama terima Islam Hadhari Text
Ular sawa bahan rusa ditangka News Paper Cuttings
Ular sawa telan rusa di UTM Johor News Paper Cuttings
Ultilization of fuzzy B - spline for three dimensional t Conference Papers
Ultimate behaviour of reinforced concrete shear walls Thesis
Ultra wideband planar antenna design Thesis
Ultrafiltration of natural organic matter (NOM) : effe Conference Papers
Ultrasonic instrumentation system for detecting liquefi Thesis
Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of adhesive bonded Thesis
Ultrasonic tomography system for liquid/gas bubble c Thesis
Ultrasound and computed tomography cardiac image reThesis
Ultrasound liver image enhancement using watershed Non-Index Paper
Ulu Yam 'green' success Text
Ulva lactuca for nutrients biofiltration in a recirculati Conference Papers
UM benar penyelidik tubuh syarikat komersial produk Text
UM deputy V-C takes over for now Text
UM dipelawa latih pengasuh Permata Text
UM dons speak up for VC Text
UM in the top 200 now News Paper Cuttings
UM leads in rankings Text
UM must play global ranking game all the way Text
UM polls declared proper, Penggerak camp wins Text
UM tubuh pusat pembelajaran regulasi Text
UM V-C aims for top 200 Text
Umat Islam berpotensi bina jaringan perniagaan global Text
Umat Islam hadapi krisis moral Text
Umat Islam lemah jika tiada kualiti, jati diri bangsa Text
UMK mahu jadikan SEED harta intelek News Paper Cuttings
Ummah dituntut bersatu elak perpecahan Text
UMNO perlu amalkan 4M : Najib Text
Umno sedia perjelas krisis gila kuasa Text
UMP bangunkan modal insan berteknologi Text
UMP to develop IT product with six firms Text
UMS bakal pusat R&D perikanan terunggul Text
UMS to study natural disasters Text
UMS, KRIBB jalin kerjasama Text
UMS, UTM dekati komuniti News Paper Cuttings
UMT bangunkan teknologi pembiakan ketam Text
Umur 10 tahun sudah hidu gam Text
Umur bersara mungkin 58 Text
Umur bersara pensyarah IPTA diteliti Text
UN ropes in communities to fight HIV/AIDS Text
UN: Anti-poverty plan a model for other nations Text
Uncertainty analysis of Hp(10)meas/Hp(10)del ratio fo Journal Article
Uncorrelated parallel to serial counter for 8X1 single- Thesis
Unctad iktiraf potensi cerah ekonomi negara Text
Undang-undang akan dipinda percepatkan dakwaan kesText
Undang-undang dan perancangan dan kawalan pembanText
Undang-undang Islam dinamik, universal Text
Undang-undang Keluarga : pindaan adil untuk semua p Text
Undang-undang kontrak, tort dan agensi Text
Undang-undang pembinaan dan pembangunan Text
Undang-undang pembinaan dan pembangunan Text
Undang-undang perancangan Text
Undang-undang perkahwinan dalam Ahkam Syar'iyyah Joh Thesis
Undang-undang siber Text
Undang-undang tadbir tanah dipinda Text
Under usage of funds by SMEs cause for concern Text
Undergrads must take basic business course Text
Undergrads need to develop soft skills, says Khaled Text
Undergraduate student awareness level of using cloud Thesis
Underground utility mapping using pipe and cable locatText
Understand your rights Text
Understanding ADHD Text
Understanding customer satisfaction towards service q Thesis
Understanding ParkinsonÆs disease Text
Understanding purpose Text
Understanding social realities Text
Underwater loudspeaker for marine turtle acoustic det Thesis
UNDP : intense poverty among Sabah, Sarawak and eastText
Undrained shear strength of soft clay mixed with differ Journal Article
Unemployment : the whole equation Text
UNESCO iktiraf usaha Malaysia Text
Unesco-Malaysia trust fund to enhance south-south co Text
Ungku Aziz garis 4 strategi kejayaan Text
Unhealthy level recordings still Text
Unicef : Malaysia tops in ensuring child survival, deve Text
Unicef recognises healthcare plan Text
Uni-colleges, partners can offer joint degrees Text
Unified spectrum handoff in cognitive radio mobile ad Thesis
Uniform operasi, slogan, lencana baru Text
Uniknya Hari UNESCO Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
UniMAP saingi 32 negara News Paper Cuttings
UniMAP-ITM jalin kerjasama Text
Unimas bukti kecemerlangan akademik Text
Unique exhibits at fishermenÆs museum Text
Unisel penuhi permintaan industri Text
Unit aduan diwujud Text
Unit Khas pantau Legaran Segget ditubuh Text
Unit khas pantau pencapaian PSPTN Text
United Nations Human Development Index : Malaysia inText
United zernike invariants for character images Conference Papers
Unity in diversity our strength, says Najib Text
Universal robot hand with glove control Thesis
Universiti Darul Iman cari 21 calon pengurusan Text
Universiti di Terengganu dalam RMK-9 : Shafie Text
Universiti Malaya still top 200 in the world News Paper Cuttings
Universiti Penyelidikan perkasakan industri negara News Paper Cuttings
Universiti pergiat program hubungan strategik : PM Text
Universiti perlu lebih kuasa autonomi Text
Universiti pertahanan ambil pelajar perubatan tahun d Text
Universiti pertama tawar pengajian sains forensik Text
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia not worried about drop inNews Paper Cuttings
Universiti tempatan dipenuhi ‘hampas’ News Paper Cuttings
Universiti, industri perlu kerjasama erat Text
Universities told to generate own funds Text
University - Industry Links : a case study of Oriental As Thesis
University - Industry Links : a case study of Oriental As Thesis
University colleges offering own degrees Text
University of Southampton tawar kepakaran kejuruteraNews Paper Cuttings
University professor comes up with creative methods foNews Paper Cuttings
University-industry collaborations at Universiti Sains M Thesis
Unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry in cadastral Thesis
Unmanned machinery space for TRF1010 Text
Unsupervised anomaly detection with unlabeled data usConference Papers
Unsur penambahbaikan sistem pendidikan bestari tidakText
Unsuspecting aedes breeders, check surroundings, publiText
Untung Petronas bukan untuk bayar subsidi minyak Text
Untung sembilan bulan Maybank RM2.81 bilion Text
Untung tetapi beretika Text
Up : lorry operators raise charges Text
Update websites, PM directs agencies Text
Upgrade for six varsity colleges Text
Upgrading of billing and IN systems necessary, says DiGText
Uphold the truth, Abdullah tells media Text
UPI, NUS kekal juara keseluruhan News Paper Cuttings
Uplift capacity of helical anchor in sand Text
UPM award for The Star Text
UPM cadang tawar program Bacelor Sains Pertanian Text
UPM cipta mesin mudah kupas nanas Text
UPM cipta rumusan pengurusan sisa buangan Text
UPM giat terokai bidang penyelidikan Text
UPM may focus again on agriculture Text
UPM raih 23 pingat pertandingan rekacipta, inovasi Text
UPM sasar jadi universiti terbilang Text
UPM temui kaedah kesan kanser peringkat awal Text
UPM temui kaedah singkat tentukan status halal maka Text
UPM temui penawar barah Text
UPM terima geran penyelidikan RM1.8j Text
UPM terus unggul seiring pemodenan negara Text
UPM tingkat kerjasama IPTA-IPTS Text
UPM ungguli anugerah Makum Text
UPM, PharmaSol bekerjasama selidik bidang nanoteknoText
UPM, UTM nafi sesi temu duga terbuka program diplo News Paper Cuttings
UPNM legasi kepimpinan tertinggi ATM Text
UPNM mampu penuhi keperluan tentera Text
UPSI bina kampus baru RM419j Text
UPSI harumkan negeri Perak Text
UPSI tawar kursus ijazah bukan pendidikan Text
UPSR English paper may have been leaked Text
UPSR remains, with some improvements Text
UPSR Results : English scores now better as well Text
Uptake behavior of arsenate from aqueous solution us Journal Article
Urban conservation Text
Urban design Exam Papers
Urban Design Exam Papers
Urban economics Exam Papers
Urban economics Exam Papers
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Urban Engineering Exam Papers
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Urban heat island and thermal comfort conditions at mic Indexed Paper
Urban land economic Exam Papers
Urban landcover mapping with spectral mixture analysisText
Urban Planning And Development Control Exam Papers
Urban stormwater management Exam Papers
Urban stormwater management for property developmen Text
Urban sustainability-land availability for highway deve Conference Papers
Urbanisme Kampung Baru citra Melayu lestari Text
Urus ekosistem tasik perlu sistematik, lestari Text
US economy still has impact on Malaysia Text
US learns maths, science from S' pore Text
Usability evaluation of digital malaysian traditional ga Journal Article
Usah abai ilmu Melayu Text
Usah amal budaya mob Text
Usah cemar perkhidmatan awam dengan rasuah Text
Usah cuba gugat kedudukan Islam Text
Usah jadikan kami mangsa, MAS perlu salahkan pihak pe Text
Usah khuatir kuasai sains: Dr M Text
Usah lengah baiki MRR2 Text
Usah lengah buat mamogram Text
Usah lengah keputusan, ia boleh sebabkan rasuah memb Text
Usah malu bertutur dalam BI Text
Usah memperlekeh kedaulatan Mahkamah Syariah Text
Usah niagakan tapak UM Text
Usah panik kes H1N1 meningkat Text
Usah peralat isu perkauman kerana politik Text
Usah perlekeh idea siswa Text
Usah putar belit fakta sejarah Text
Usah salah guna Sudut Pidato Text
Usah sia-siakan Road To London 2012 Text
Usah takut tegur menteri Text
Usaha Australia mahu jadi negara Asia Text
Usaha bersepadu Text
Usaha gigih penyelidik naikkan nama universiti Text
Usaha hayati al-Quran Text
Usaha kita perangi lanun hak cipta dapat penghargaan Text
Usaha lahirkan 150,000 usahawan bumiputera Text
Usaha lebih gigih bawa pulang pakar kita Text
Usaha martabat bahasa Kebangsaan diperkasa Text
Usaha martabat perundangan Syariah perlu berterusanText
Usaha memperkasa latihan Giat Mara Text
Usaha menerapkan budaya penyelenggaraan dalam sekNon-Index Paper
Usaha penambahbaikkan perlu diperluas : Seri Paduka Text
Usaha penjajah rendahkan undang-undang Islam Text
Usaha perbaiki pembelajaran bahasa inggeris perlu diti Text
Usaha perkasa transformasi UTM perlu diperhebat - ZaiNews Paper Cuttings
Usaha rangsang potensi niaga perlu dipertingkat Text
Usaha tambah usahawan IPTA Text
Usaha tarik golongan muda tonton perkara ilmiah Text
Usahakan pengkomersialan R&D Text
Usahawan akuakultur intai sinar kejayaan Text
Usahawan bumiputera digesa rebut peluang Text
Usahawan bumiputera perlu rebut peluang lumayan fraText
Usahawan China, ASEAN disyor bentuk syarikat besar Text
Usahawan graduan diberi pinjaman RM14j Text
Usahawan jadi pensyarah IPTA Text
Usahawan Jepun yakin kekukuhan ekonomi Text
Usahawan Malaysia perlu rebut peluang ekonomi Asia Text
Usahawan Melayu disaran kuasai syarikat antarabangs Text
Usahawan Melayu perlu kembangkan ilmu Text
Usahawan negara perlu berani teroka pasaran luar Text
Usahawan tempatan digesa hasilkan produk berkualiti Text
Usahawan wanita dibantu Text
Usahawan wanita IKS perlu sentiasa berubah Text
Use funds prudently, Khir tells government staff Text
Use MODIS satellite data to study new phenomena of unde Indexed Paper
Use national service to unite the young Text
Use of english will affect many varsity courses Text
Use of lusas software to investigate the behaviour of seText
Use of renewable energy sources in Saudi Arabia througNon-Index Paper
Use sun, wind and water to power remote areas Text
User experience & interaction design Exam Papers
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
User interface programming / pengaturcaraan antaramText
User interface programming / Pengaturcaraan antara Text
User interface programming / pengaturcaraan antara Text
USIM juara cipta laman web Text
USIM rangkul dua pingat di ekspo teknologi Text
Using a priori algorithm for supporting e-commerce sy Conference Papers
Using artificial neural network (ANN) to regulate powerThesis
Using gap to compute the homological invariants of 2-gConference Papers
Using imperialist competitive algorithm to find the op Non-Index Paper
Using methadone to kick drug habit Text
Using multi-criteria analysis to identify suitable light rai Text
Using online collaborative learning environment to prom Conference Papers
Using particle swarm optimization for estimating kineti Thesis
Using response system through voting in peer instruction Journal Article
Using satellite to help collect garbage Text
Using soft goals to encourage cooperation Text
Using teaching resources to help students develop teamConference Papers
Using the android platform to control a mini fan via bl Thesis
Using the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approachJournal Article
USM bans use of white coffins Text
USM berteras sains dan teknologi Text
USM capai taraf sebagai universiti antarabangsa Text
USM cipta alat pemantau kawalan keselamatan rangkaiText
USM cipta kaedah rawat gigi mati Text
USM cipta roti nangka raih pingat emas, diiktiraf masy Text
USM extends polystyrene ban Text
USM gets rolling by forming studentsÆ parliament Text
USM hasilkan kertas serat batang pisang Text
USM kumpul profil DNA bantu selesai kes jenayah Text
USM penuhi kriteria Universiti Apex Text
USM team creates bone substitute from coral Text
USM team produces cheaper nanotubes Text
USM team wins awards at Geneva Text
USM terbit 500 judul buku Text
USM terpilih menerajui APEX Text
USM to create five more healthcare-related schools Text
USM trio win big at invention show Text
USM tubuh Kursi Perubatan Ibnu Sina Text
USM, DIS Tech to work on disaster warning system Text
Usman Awang permata Melayu yang sukar diganti Text
Utamakan budaya pembelajaran Text
Utamakan pendidikan : Daim Text
Utamakan pindah teknologi: TPM Text
UTAR's great faculty for creating techies Text
UTeM kerjasama bangunkan produk R&D Text
UTeM menang empat pingat emas Pameran Reka CiptaText B
UTeM sedia bincang pembekalan jaket kalis peluru Text
UTeM, dua syarikat jalin kerjasama majukan kejuruter Text
Utilization of DInSAR for reconstructing 3D coastal ge Conference Papers
Utilization of higher percentage treated crumb rubber aThesis
Utilization of interpro domain signatures for broaden Thesis
Utilization of landsat-8 data for lithological mapping o Indexed Paper
Utilization of oil palm trunk (Elaeis guineensis) as foa Journal Article
Utilization of TiungSAT-1 data for modelling sea surfaceConference Papers
Utilization of waste cooking oil as diesel fuel Text
Utilization of yeast metabolites for bioattraction of coc Thesis
Utilizing active RFID on wireless sensor network platfo Journal Article
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FTGPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM and Johor are synonymous News Paper Cuttings
UTM anjur cabaran kereta solar News Paper Cuttings
UTM anjur Festival Inovasi dan Kreativiti News Paper Cuttings
UTM anjur hari informasi di Skudai Text
UTM anjur pesta buku Text
UTM anjur Pesta Kerjaya Text
UTM anjur program KKN di Indonesia News Paper Cuttings
UTM anjur seminar sukan paralimpik Text
UTM awards bring closure News Paper Cuttings
UTM bakal tubuh Akademi Ekuin News Paper Cuttings
UTM bangun kemudahan pembelajaran di Bangladesh News Paper Cuttings
UTM bangun peralatan penyelidikan cecair News Paper Cuttings
UTM bantu majukan akademi tentera Text
UTM berhasrat capai taraf dunia Text
UTM beri biasiswa RM1 juta News Paper Cuttings
UTM berjaya cipta ECT News Paper Cuttings
UTM buat laporan polis akaun Facebook News Paper Cuttings
UTM buka kampus cawangan di Dubai Text
UTM cadang PBT cipta alat atasi masalah bekalan air beNews Paper Cuttings
UTM catat 183 pengiktirafan News Paper Cuttings
UTM catat kecemerlangan di SIIF 2011 Korea Selatan News Paper Cuttings
UTM cemerlang di Jepun News Paper Cuttings
UTM cipta alat kelajuan jalur lebar Text
UTM cipta kereta rendah carbon News Paper Cuttings
UTM cipta rekod lukis logo guna sarung telur News Paper Cuttings
UTM cipta tukun tiruan bantu nelayan News Paper Cuttings
UTM climbers escape avalanche News Paper Cuttings
UTM creates Smart Mind Technology News Paper Cuttings
UTM develops CCTV that can record images in the darkText
UTM doctorate for Duke of Edinburgh Text
UTM dokumentasi premis sejarah Text
UTM dominasi Pecipta 2011 News Paper Cuttings
UTM engaged to study safety at Gunung Pulai Park News Paper Cuttings
UTM fights fakes News Paper Cuttings
UTM galak penuntut ceburi aktiviti luar News Paper Cuttings
UTM gets EC research contracts News Paper Cuttings
UTM giat komersial hasil R&D Text
UTM goes for new image Text
UTM grads told not to be choosy News Paper Cuttings
UTM grid portal: a web-enabled environment Conference Papers
UTM guna kajian kes Harvard Text
UTM guna khidmat profesor ternama Text
UTM hab kajian News Paper Cuttings
UTM hantar 1,000 peserta Larian Jambatan Laluan Ked Text
UTM hasil biodiesel daripada kelapa sawit Text
UTM hasil CoGurt daripada santan kelapa News Paper Cuttings
UTM hasil produk antipenuaan News Paper Cuttings
UTM hasilkan kertas daun nenas News Paper Cuttings
UTM hasrat hantar pasukan takluk puncak Everest News Paper Cuttings
UTM in forefront of Islamic studies Text
UTM inculcates patriotism at campus Text
UTM IPT terbaik Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
UTM IPTA pertama buka pasar tani di kampus Text
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan HP, TEL News Paper Cuttings
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan Universiti Makasar News Paper Cuttings
UTM johan landskap kategori kolej Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Arked Meranti Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Blok WA2 - Kolej Datin SerPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Fakulti Alam Bina in constrPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM juara BPC 2007 tiga tahun Text
UTM kaji hoverkraf untuk kesesuaian penggunaan News Paper Cuttings
UTM kaji minyak sawit untuk enjin pesawat News Paper Cuttings
UTM kaji paras air dalam bumi di Masjid Nabawi Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Aerial View Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Chancellory Building Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Museum of Electrical SciePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - BATC Resource Centre (Im Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - New Building Under ConstrPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - Circulation C Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - General Read Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - Outside View Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Circulation Counter ( Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Information SearchinPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Reading Area (Image Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ (Image 05) - DeparturePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM kuasai MASUM Rowing Kayak 2015. News Paper Cuttings
UTM kumpul 15,000 tanda tangan Text
UTM lahir graduan kompetitif Text
UTM lahirkan profesional Geoinformasi dan Hartanah News Paper Cuttings
UTM lancar kad pesara News Paper Cuttings
UTM launches mobile hotspot bus News Paper Cuttings
UTM lebar kerjasama strategik News Paper Cuttings
UTM lebar kerjasama strategik News Paper Cuttings
UTM lecturers must face music over offending slides, News Paper Cuttings
UTM mahu pelopori pemindahan teknologi Text
UTM mahu tingkatkan kecemerlangan Text
UTM mantapkan aktiviti teknologi permotoran Text
UTM memasyarakat inovasi News Paper Cuttings
UTM menang enam pingat di Geneva Text
UTM menang kali keempat News Paper Cuttings
UTM muncul universiti sulung miliki EMC News Paper Cuttings
UTM naik taraf unit penerbitan Text
UTM now country's top-ranked university News Paper Cuttings
UTM pantau perkembangan MoU setiap bulan News Paper Cuttings
UTM pasang lampu jimat tenaga News Paper Cuttings
UTM pemenang utama Kategori Organisasi Text
UTM perbanyak kerjasama dengan universiti luar negarText
UTM perkenal reaktor biodiesel mudah alih untuk nela News Paper Cuttings
UTM perkenalkan khidmat bas dengan WiFi News Paper Cuttings
UTM perkenalkan Sistem P-Grad News Paper Cuttings
UTM perluaskan penyertaan PSC Text
UTM personal exercise planner (Aplikasi android) Thesis
UTM pertama terima kepujian menteri Jepun Text
UTM pertama terima pakai dasar akses terbuka Text
UTM pertingkat kerjasama dengan Universiti Bung HattText
UTM proud of new status Text
UTM raih 15 pingat emas News Paper Cuttings
UTM raih 4 pingat emas di Geneva Text
UTM raih 5 hadiah utama MTE Text
UTM raih tiga pingat, emas di Geneva Text
UTM rancang tubuh syarikat global News Paper Cuttings
UTM researchers to develop natural pigment colours frNews Paper Cuttings
UTM residential college goes Wi-Fi Text
UTM sasar 50 universiti terbaik News Paper Cuttings
UTM sasar lahir ramai pakar sains data News Paper Cuttings
UTM sasar pelajar parca siswazah Text
UTM sasar produk penyelidikan yang dikomersialkan beNews Paper Cuttings
UTM seeks partners with win-win business model News Paper Cuttings
UTM seen as best for students from Batam Text
UTM sertai World Solar Challenge di Australia Text
UTM Skudai bakal miliki kompleks sukan RM53 juta Text
UTM Skudai raih 14 pingat emas, 5 anugerah khas pameNews Paper Cuttings
UTM smart barrier IOT-based vehicle access managemeThesis
UTM Space tawar empat produk baru Text
UTM stadium and swimming centre management syst Thesis
UTM student dies after 20m fall News Paper Cuttings
UTM student found dead after giving birth Text
UTM student leader picked Text
UTM student wins debate News Paper Cuttings
UTM students get first byte at 4G Text
UTM swasta sejumlah aktiviti News Paper Cuttings
UTM tanam pokok bakau pupuk kesedaran News Paper Cuttings
UTM tawar 2,800 tempat News Paper Cuttings
UTM tawar 4 kursus baru ICT Text
UTM tawar 53 program ijazah sarjana muda Text
UTM tawar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan mulai JulaiText
UTM tawar khidmat kaunseling News Paper Cuttings
UTM tawar kursus psikologi industri Text
UTM tawar suntikan vaksin cegah meningitis Text
UTM terap semangat, minda keusahawanan News Paper Cuttings
UTM terima 914 pelajar baharu separuh masa News Paper Cuttings
UTM terima RM105 juta dana dana Irpa tingkat penyeliText
UTM terima RM30,000 geran Exxon Mobil Text
UTM teroka tenaga diperbaharui dari laut News Paper Cuttings
UTM terus melakar kejayaan News Paper Cuttings
UTM tidak bimbang turun ranking News Paper Cuttings
UTM to do traffic survey in Taiping News Paper Cuttings
UTM to face region's best at Robocon 2003 in Bangkok Text
UTM to have re-training courses for professionals News Paper Cuttings
UTM to help mosque solve water table woes Text
UTM to send pioneer team of students to climb EverestNews Paper Cuttings
UTM to set up Perwaja Steel technology institute News Paper Cuttings
UTM ups eco-car research News Paper Cuttings
UTM urges students to get meningitis vaccination Text
UTM wakil negara di China News Paper Cuttings
UTM, Hydrogenics kongsi kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
UTM, ITB kerjasama pelbagai bidang News Paper Cuttings
UTM, MIT jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
UTM, MIT jalin kerjasama bioteknologi industri News Paper Cuttings
UTM, Stealth Broadband tandatangan MoU News Paper Cuttings
UTM, Universiti Bologna jalin kerjasama Text
UTM, Utusan terus cipta sejarah News Paper Cuttings
UTM, YAP memeterai MoU News Paper Cuttings
UTMÆs novel invention Text
UTM-KPJ bina hospital baharu News Paper Cuttings
UTM-MIT lancar projek Blossoms News Paper Cuttings
UTM-NICE Jelebu UTMRS di Pasoh Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM-NIMS jalin kerjasama kejuruteraan sains bahan News Paper Cuttings
UTM-Petrofac jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
UTM's cross language plagiarism detector News Paper Cuttings
UTM's expertise sought to solve erosion woes Text
UTM-SeoulTech jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
UTM-SKMM bangunkan makmal evolusi News Paper Cuttings
UTMSPACE tawar Sijil Kemahiran FaBA News Paper Cuttings
UTM-Universiti Salford jalin kerjasama dalam R&D Text
UUM anjur Seminar Percukaian bincang isu berkaitan c Text
UUM cipta sejarah buka bilik urus niaga saham Text
UUM guna komputer riba 2006 Text
UUM IPTA terbaik pengurusan sumber Text
UUM pasang komputer sendiri Text
UUM universiti pertama tubuh Suksis Text
Vaksin biasa tidak berkesan cegah selesema burung : C Text
Valid and invalid variation omission of works Thesis
Validation of uav wing structural model for finite elemeJournal Article
Valuation mathematic Exam Papers
Valuation methodology Exam Papers
Valuation statute Exam Papers
Valuation variation in Malaysia (case study : Johor BahrThesis
Value management Exam Papers
Valuer decision-making behaviour in residential propertThesis
Vanadium based lithium nickel aluminiumoxide system Journal
w Article
Vanadium oxides doped porous titania photocatalysts Indexed Paper
Variable pricing as a load management strategy Text
Variasi dan penentuan harga kontrak dalam kaedah rekText
Variasi struktur konkrit di Universiti Teknologi Malays Thesis
Variations in total electron content during the phases ofJournal Article
Various approaches to coaching Text
Varsities can hire retirees Text
Varsities research ties not up to the mark Text
Varsities shouldn’t compromise education just to boo News Paper Cuttings
Varsities unlikely to make top 200 list Text
Varsity aims to continue striving to bolster standing Text
Varsity goes all out to promote use of english among s Text
Varsity to produce top graduates Text
VCs, rectors pledge support for Dr M Text
Vector Calculus Exam Papers
Vector calculus Exam Papers
Vector quantization decision function for gaussian mixtConference Papers
Vegetable farmers fear losing land Text
Veggie farmers have to switch to reuseable packaging Text
Vehicle deceleration and acceleration rates under normText
Vehicle duty discount for returning civil servants Text
Vehicle mobile cetection in a building parking area us Thesis
Vehicle path tracking using future prediction steering c Conference Papers
Vehicle routing with shortest path system based Floyd Conference Papers
Velocity measurement investigation using electrostatic Thesis
Vendor komponen automotif mampu luaskan pasaran Text
Vendor's perception in food supply chain: the study c Thesis
Venir sawit mampu hasilkan perabot bermutu Text
Venous diseases Text
Verbal battle among students Text
Verification of an old conjecture on nonabelian 2†g Journal Article
Verification of puffin modelling using VISSIM Journal Article
Verilog design of A 256 - BIT AES crypto processor core T( ext
Vertical accuracy assessment of interferometry syntheth Thesis
Vertical clearance from the 132Kv transmission lines acrText
Very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) of a neuroh Text
Vet officials in key positions Text
VI school band world's best Text
Vibration analysis of multi-storey frame Thesis
Vibration control of a flexible thin plate using active fo Conference Papers
Vibrational studies of zinc antimony borophosphate glaJournal Article
Victims expecting first child News Paper Cuttings
Video simulasi eksperimen penapaian dan penyulingan Tehesis
Villagers can join vocational classes News Paper Cuttings
Violence not hurting tourism Text
Violent crimes on the rise Text
Violet pigment from Chromobacterium violaceum UTM5 Thesis
Virologi Text
Virtual laboratory of frequency and impedance measu Text
Virus baru menyamar program Microsoft Text
Virus penyakit baru muncul selepas alam sekitar musnaText
Virus sampar ayam punca 25 diserang demam selesem Text
Virus selesema burung dikesan semula di Tumpat Text
Visa bribe arrests : top Immigration officer, among otheText
Visa guna cip RFID elak pemalsuan Text
Visible free space optic (VFSO) integrated with powerl Conference Papers
Vision aided automated guided vehicle Thesis
Vision system for mobile vehicle (Abstract) Text
Visit Malaysia 2007 : Menara Kuala Lumpur sasar 1.5 juText
Visualization skills among Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaIndexed Paper
Vital for motorists to be model drivers Text
Vital role of parents in Permata kindergartens Text
Vitamin C bahaya jika diambil berlebihan Text
Vitamin E benefits Text
Vitamin-packed super potato Text
Viva Palestina Malaysia sasar kumpul RM1 juta News Paper Cuttings
VLSI design of low-voltage digital signal processing app Text
Vokasional : lapan matapelajaran baru ditawarkan Text
Volkswagen mahu kuasai pasaran kereta mewah di MalText
Volleyball auto setter Thesis
Voltage controlled multiple-input single-output DC to DC Thesis
Voltage fluctuation and harmonic emission related to li Thesis
Volterra-fuzzy B-Spline algorihm for 3D coastal bathme Conference Papers
Voters and candidates unhappy over EC foul-ups Text
V-VISI to help the blind with computers Text
Wabak influenza A masih terkawal : Tiong Lai Text
Wabak taun menyerang Terengganu Text
Wacana fikrah ummah peranan institusi raja dalam m Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Wacana tokoh Islam perlu diserapkan dalam kurikulum Text
Wad pediatrik PPUM beri khidmat, rawatan bertaraf duText
Wajah baru : bangunan kayu UTM KL dirobohkan Text
Wajib ambil sampel DNA bayi dikaji Text
Wajib guna 70 peratus kandungan IBS - Zin Text
Wakaf and Syariah issues under scrutiny Text
Wakil Islam perlu dipilih di kalangan ilmuwan Text
Wakil Sabah menang koir News Paper Cuttings
Wang RM9j dipercayai hasil dadah dirampas Text
Wanita bekerja 3.7 juta Text
Wanita berasa paling cantik ketika usia 32 Text
Wanita dan kerapuhan tulang Text
Wanita dan kesihatan tulang Text
Wanita diberi peluang jadi angkasawan Text
Wanita ejen pencegahan dadah Text
Wanita kuasai 60 peratus produk hasil pertanian Text
Wanita kuasai bidang profesional Text
Wanita lebih banyak bercakap dari lelaki Text
Wanita lebih gemar cari ilmu Text
Wanita mampu pertingkat mutu sukan akar umbi Text
Wanita menopaus perlu dibantu Text
Wanita mudah alami patah tulang sendi pinggul Text
Wanita Muslim perlu hijab syarie elak kehancuran Text
Wanita paling ramai jadi mangsa dera Text
Wanita perlu waspada terima tawaran kerja Text
Wanita tempatan sasaran pengedar dadah antarabangsText
Warga asing bolot 20% peluang pekerjaan baru Text
Warga asing teraju MAS Text
Warga ATM bakal nikmati rawatan terbaik Text
Warga bestari, bumi lestari Text
Warga pendidikan digesa budayakan kemahiran ICT Text
Warga Thai lari ke Kelantan : langkah terdesak bagi me Text
Waris pesara kerajaan dibayar pencen penuh seumur hText
'Warkah buat anakku Jalil' - Raja Zarith Sofiah News Paper Cuttings
Warkah buat anakku, Jalil News Paper Cuttings
Warm mix asphalt technology: a review Journal Article
Warna kelabu tampak moden Text
WASDA as a decision support system for membrane proConference Papers
Waspada kuasa bijak Hillary Text
Waste not, Kuching folk told Text
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
Wastewater treatment by pervaporation using zeolite Thesis
Watch out for ækereta potongÆ Text
Watch out for the runs Text
Watch that cigarette butt : Perak fire department battli Text
Water permeability study of membrane electrode assemb Conference Papers
Water pipeline leakage detection using vibration meth Thesis
Water quality assessment Exam Papers
Water quality assessment of river at Universiti Teknolo Thesis
Water quality assessment of river in Universiti Teknolo Thesis
Water quality assessment of sungai Skudai river systemText
Water quality control Exam Papers
Water quality index for the Skudai River and its tribut Conference Papers
Water quality management Exam Papers
Water quality management Exam Papers
Water quality management/water quality assessment Exam Papers
Water quality variation of the upper part of Johore RiverConference Papers
Water resource management Exam Papers
Water resources management Exam Papers
Water supply management takeover to benefit states Text
Water tank cleaning robot Thesis
Water woes make life a misery Text
Wavelet-domain channel characterization for mobile Conference Papers
WCIT : kehadiran PM bukti kesungguhan kita Text
We admit, it's a matter of mindset Text
We are many : architecture inside out Text
We have identified the politician and witnesses, says diText
We need billions to repair, upkeep bridges Text
We need more research universities, says Mustapa Text
We spew 7.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide each Text
WeÆre open on dengue, bird flu Text
Weaknesses hinder tourism growth Text
Weapons training will not be forced Text
Weather blamed for dengue spike Text
Web - based for drug abuse management system in Joho Thesis
WEB based application development I Text
Web based operating system (WbOS) Thesis
Web caching and prefetching : what, why and how? Conference Papers
Web classification using extraction and machine learni Conference Papers
Web lucah : amaran kepada kakitangan awam Text
Web programming Exam Papers
Web programming 1/Web-based application developmExam Papers
Web programming 1/Web-based application developmExam Papers
Web way to expose bogus doctors Text
Web-based assessment of information systems servicesText
Web-based assessment of information systems servicesText
Website for the disabled Text
Website to help graduates land jobs News Paper Cuttings
Weighing ranking systems Text
Weightage factors for Malaysia green highway assessmThesis
Weighted kernel regression in solving small sample proThesis
We'll act if Federal law is violated Text
We'll have to pay to keep our forests Text
Wellington jalin kerjasama tangani keganasan serantauText
Wet splicing system in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Conference Papers
Wettability alteration in enhancing oil recovery for low Thesis
Wettability gradient motion of nano-columnar DLC coatiThesis
What a developing country can learn from the experience Text
What a waste of food! Text
What happen with numbers at our primary school in A Conference Papers
What knowledge should man pay attention to? Text
What makes a university Text
What makes an air hub popular? Text
What Malaysia must do to grow the services sector Text
What transport operators say Text
Whatever it is, vote! Text
What's in store from Jan 1 for pensioners Text
When every vote counts, politicians cast a wide Net Text
When the best man wears pink Text
When the giving stops, so will the taking Text
When will we be ready? Text
Where have all the children gone?: More than 1,900 losText
Where the jobs are Text
Where's the love, ask rivers Text
White light generation and amplification using a solit Non-Index Paper
Whizz kids ready for robot test Text
WHO : more women getting HIV from their husbands Text
WHO isytihar pandemik H1N1 seluruh dunia Text
WHO keluar amaran H5N1 menular semula Text
Whopping RM6.1b for Iskandar Text
Why are these babies unwanted? Text
Why do consumers participate in collaborative consum Thesis
Why do men take second wives? Text
Why parents kill their children Text
Why PPSMI reversal makes sense Text
Why some bankrupts win Text
Why unexpected events of construction projects occur Non-Index Paper
Wide range of courses at UTMSPACE News Paper Cuttings
Wide to multiband reconfigurable antenna Indexed Paper
Wideband jean antenna with bending structure for micIndexed Paper
Wideband textile antenna for wearable application Indexed Paper
Wildlife to bite back Text
Will the city's traffic snarls ever end? Text
Wind effects on symmetrical multiple core wall system o Thesis
Wind speed and wind direction analysis using ascat sca Thesis
Windows phone 7 carpool on the go Thesis
Wing-in-ground for rescue operation in Kepulauan RiauThesis
Wired sundry shop a big hit with village children Text
Wireless audio communication of optical link Thesis
Wireless audio communication of optical link Thesis
Wireless data gloves Malay sign language recognition Conference Papers
Wireless electrocardiograph for sport and rehabilitatio Thesis
Wireless fine motor assessment for special children Thesis
Wireless home security and automation system utilizi Conference Papers
Wireless notification system for the hearing impaired ( Text
Wireless power transfer in near-field communication usiThesis
Wireless sensor network applications: a study in envi Non-Index Paper
Wireless sensor network performance analysis and effecJournal Article
Wisma Khidmat to be medical school Text
Wisma Putra diarah siasat blok minyak Text
Without innovation, we are nothing Text
Woes of the orang Asli Text
Women are better workers Text
Women as rulers phenomenon in Southeast Asian IslamiConference Papers
Women entrepreneurship development in India Journal Article
Women in senior management : Malaysia ranks No 3 Text
Women make good bosses, say top execs Text
Women more prone to cardiovascular ailments Text
Women must be equals in reality, says WAO Text
Women need governance charter Text
Women on board of Malaysian Goverment Linked Compan Thesis
Women participation in rural development particularly Conference Papers
Women warned of rape gang on the prowl Text
Women, youth key to growth of Muslim world Text
Women's role in peace process Text
Wooing the big spenders : red carpet awaits Arabs and Text
Work improvement using method study and jig design Thesis
Work on highland stops after police report by DO Text
Work on new highway to begin Text
Work on RM977m link to start soon Text
Work starts on machine translation project News Paper Cuttings
Work to meet expectations, healthcare providers told Text
Work values, job satisfaction, social support and citizenThesis
Workers blamed for flyover collapse Text
Workers hit by UTM move to end contract News Paper Cuttings
Workers must prove they deserve a pay hike Text
Workers to be trained in english, says Rafidah Text
Working memory in children with down syndrome Conference Papers
Workplace safety new subject in varsities Text
World bodies rush to send aid to millions of tsunami vi Text
World Cup crackdown : police prepare battle plan agains Text
World Environment Day : what is to become of the MalText
World heritage recognition for three Malay documents Text
World peace synonymous with human rights Text
World-class research university in the making News Paper Cuttings
World-ranking wish for UPM Text
World's tallest makes dazzling debut Text
Worms add value to rubbish Text
WPI : KL, Singapura tubuh jawatankuasa khas Text
WPI lonjak ekonomi Johor Selatan Text
Wrong priorities harming children Text
Wujud dana khas bantu IPTS bumiputera Text
Wujud kerjasama tentera -- Antara sembilan resolusi diText
Wujudkan akta diskriminasi OKU Text
Wujudkan dasar antibuli secara jelas Text
Wujudkan dasar baru iklan Text
Wujudkan Kursi A. Samad Ismail di universiti Text
Wujudkan pemain ICT tempatan bertaraf dunia Text
Wujudkan pengawas barangan kawalan Text
Wujudkan program keselamatan, kesihatan di sekolah Text
Wujudkan senarai pelajar gagal masuk IPTA Text
Wujudkan Skim Perkhidmatan Universiti Text
WWF proposes new policy on environmental educationText
X-ray scanners for train stations Text
XtreamX tingkat mutu sidang video : penghantaran makText
YaPEIM budayakan infaq bantu perkasa sosioekonomi Text
YBK sedia banyak program basmi kemiskinan Text
Yellow Pages using SMS Thesis
Yes, bridge will be built Text
Yifen pakar kaji genatik Text
Ying Xin strangled within 24 hours of her abduction Text
Yoga diharam demi pelihara akidah umat Islam Text
You can bring the horse to water but will it drink? Text
Young abusers Text
Your right to expect good service Text
Youth bodies told to keep with the times Text
Youth centres almost ready Text
Youth jailed for having forged IC Text
YPJ guna peguam kutip RM45j Text
YTL Comms to extend 4G campus network News Paper Cuttings
Ytterbium doped and co-doped Q-switched fiber lasers Tuhesis
Yuran aku janji tingkat komitmen belajar News Paper Cuttings
Yuran PIBG tidak akan diselaras Text
Yuran tambahan sekolah dikaji Text
Zahid and IGP at Johor palace to pay last respects to TuNews Paper Cuttings
Zaini Ujang dilantik Naib Canselor UTM Text
Zakat mampu bentuk peradaban mulia ummah Text
Zakat pendapatan perlu ditunai sebelum hujung tahun Text
Zakat pertanian dalam konteks Malaysia: satu kajian daConference Papers
Zaki pengerusi badan pelantikan kehakiman Text
Zakiah tokoh polis wanita Text
Zaleha: women should be free to choose News Paper Cuttings
Zaman kegemilangan Islam Conference Papers
Zarah keunsuran Text
Zarah Keunsuran Exam Papers
Zayana matang pidato di Taylor's Text
Zero dengue goal not impossible Text
Zeta potential analysis: effect of CPB-kaolinite to the g Conference Papers
Zeti named AsiaÆs best central bank governor for 200 Text
Zina punca gejala buang bayi berleluasa Text
Zinc oxide surge arrester condition monitoring using t Thesis
Zn/ZnO/TiO2 and Al/AI203/TiO2 photocatalysts for the Non-Index Paper
Zoologi Text
Zooming in on middle income Text
ZuIkifIi, UPM cipta alat elak tragedi tanah runtuh Text














































































Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide and methaneIndexed Paper
Hybrid stability augmentation system-force control of s Thesis
The role and potential contribution of industrial design i Text
Estimation of wall friction of chamber box using consolidaConference Papers
Finger gesture recognition using HTK toolkit Thesis
A novel dataset for quranic words identification and authIndexed Paper
Lithological mapping of ophiolite complex with emphasi Thesis
Horticulture and Nusery Exam Papers
Girl, 9, beaten, raped, sodomised and killed Text
Ilmu agama kukuh benteng ajaran sesat Text
90 peratus umat Islam tidak wasiatkan harta Text
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk logi Text
Jangan campuri urusan dalaman Malaysia Text
Kesan kepelbagaian jenis tanah terhadap ketepatan kedaThesis
Kastam siasat punca gula kurang di Kedah Text
Pakar rujuk News Paper Cuttings
Mathematical modelling of unsteady biomagnetic fluid floThesis
English language skills for school leaver employees in manThesis
El Nino bawa kemarau buruk Text
PM minta rakyat kikis tabiat buruk, terap prestasi tinggi Text
New product development success factor and performanc Thesis
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
The study on durian rind as a lost circulation material i Thesis
Aliran menurun global pengaruhi harga MSM Text
Rafidah minta kerajaan negeri usah bersaing tarik pelabuText
Fakulti perubatan di IPTA akan dikembangkan Text
History of western architecture Exam Papers
Long and hard road to safety Text
Maqasid Syariah dalam bab perkahwinan dari segi tang Thesis
Sadeg : let the police probe allegation Text
Had maksimum bayaran lewat kad kredit RM50 Text
Sejarah tidak tipu fakta Text
Materials & specifications Exam Papers
Tourism marketing Text
Islamic financial system Exam Papers
Modelling of shoreline for marine cadastre application Thesis
Michelle Yeoh ikon kempen membaca Text
e-Filing didik pembayar cukai kuasai IT Text
A profound mind leads to avid reading Text
Cabaran besar merencana negara ke arah model ekonomText
Sistem pendidikan patut diubah hadapi model baru eko Text
Varsities law to be revised Text
Decision theory Exam Papers
ASEAN-AS tandatangani rangka kerjasama Text
Bioteknologi industri masa depan dikaji Text
Electromagnetism Exam Papers
Kajian kualiti air Sungai Balok, Pahang Thesis
Traces study of issues surrounding commercialization on Thesis
Experimental investigation of CFRP strengthened i-shapeJournal Article
Ghani : newspaper an excellent tool Text
Potential impact of climate change on future water deman Indexed Paper
Rejection of micropollutants by membrane filtration Conference Papers
Inatex 2012 Bronze Award Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
MSU - Universiti pilihan Text
Pattern of land uses and their effect on land values : cas Text
Kadar kemiskinan Malaysia turun kepada 3.6 peratus Text
MSU tawar ijazah graduan PTPL Text
Ketagih Kluang RailCoffee Text
Investigation on the degradation behavior of creepage diJournal Article
Dialog bincang undang-undang gender Text
More government agencies accept online payments Text
Sol-gel-based single and multilayer nanoparticle thin fil Indexed Paper
Sampah dibuang merata-rata Text
Kajian keberkesanan algoritma rambatan balik dalam dom Text
Sarawak pineapple industry hit by shortage Text
Slog at cases, Fong tells Labour Dept Text
More duties for district education offices Text
Etika penggunaan telefon ketika memandu kenderaan Text
Adunan dan penyebatian polimer Text
Selangor akan setaraf Taiwan News Paper Cuttings
Pahang buka dusun kedua terbesar di Ecer Text
Semua negeri tapis pengantin Text
Remote sensing technology I Text
Matrikulasi : program sesuai untuk bukan bumiputera Text
Mobile robot navigation with planned path using internalThesis
No choice but to venture abroad Text
Response of FBG-bonded graphene plate at different applIndexed Paper
Bidang pembuatan kabinet beri banyak peluang buat bu Text
Observation on solid propellant ignition using high spee Journal Article
RM28.3b untuk projek pembangunan Text
Curriculum studies in TESL Exam Papers
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Cross-lingual sentiment classification using multiple sou Indexed Paper
Performance evaluation of grinding and lapping operations Text
Penggunaan ICT masih rendah Text
Pelajar asing di UTM melepasi 3,000 orang News Paper Cuttings
Maha bukti pertanian boleh diniaga Text
Behavioral and institutional factors influencing car owne Text
Tindakan tegas jika penuntut UTM terlibat Jemaah IslamiText
Tindakan pengambilan alihan projek perumahan terbengkala Text
The practice and challenges of solid waste management iNon-Index Paper
Monsun barat daya punca empat negeri banjir Text
MB : cawangan Al-Azhar di Malaysia, kembangkan dakwaText
Nilai semula peranan penerbit buku Text
Apabila nilai hartanah jatuh akibat bencana Text
Pendidikan seks bukan subjek khas di sekolah Text
Simulation of a co-current spray dryer Thesis
Lifelong learning to help nation move forward Text
Peranan jabatan agama Islam negeri diambil alih Text
Flame retardancy and mechanical properties of kenaf fi Indexed Paper
Amine modified mesostructured silica nano particles en Indexed Paper
Perlumbaan haram hanya bersifat fenomena Text
Tambang baru pengangkutan awam diumum hari ini Text
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Pelajar kursus perubatan akan dihantar ke Poland Text
Pakar UTM ke Madinah Text
Bow-tie microstrip antenna design Conference Papers
Modern algebra Exam Papers
Kod Kandungan kawal selia garis panduan tidak seragam Text
Tempo Negaraku diperlahankan sedikit Text
Clab jangka bekal 10,000 buruh asing Text
Simulator pesawat ringan pertama Malaysia Text
Modul kursus praperkahwinan lebih lengkap Jun Text
Kementerian, polis bincang isu eksploitasi kanak-kanak Text
USM kaji cipta produk gantian pembungkus plastik Text
Make learning lifelong goal, workers told Text
UTM iktiraf sumbangan 3 inovator News Paper Cuttings
Ejen mahu boikot hantar pembantu rumah Text
No turning back on decision Text
Evacuation put off for 24 hours due to safety fears Text
An improved slant path attenuation prediction method inIndexed Paper
The effect of surface roughness on the interface shear st Thesis
RM327 juta bangunkan pekebun kecil Text
Thermal conductivity for mixture of coconut fibre and g Thesis
Help us to help you Text
30,000 peluang kerja di Tanjung Agas Text
Lima cabaran utama pengurusan alam sekitar Text
IGP : many accidents self-inflicted Text
Sierpenski gasket monopole antenna design Conference Papers
Cosmetic packaging Thesis
Crackdown on dark windscreens Text
Information management Exam Papers
Pemodenan tentera bukan niat bersaing Text
JPA rangka strategi mantapkan khidmat Text
Advanced polymer nanocomposites materials for membra Conference Papers
Strategi daya tindak sebagai moderator dalam hubunganThesis
Will lower IPI growth set the tone? Text
Kawal gaya hidup jangan berlebihan Text
Fouling control on microfiltration/ultrafiltration membra Indexed Paper
Generating three dimensional modeling and database forThesis
Be your own master Text
AS hadapi taktik gerila 10 tahun di Iraq Text
Hydrogen adsorption on platinum doped activated carboThesis
Law to regulate beauty salons Text
Water treatment plant ends reliance on Singapore Text
Setuju mudah pergerakan rakyat Text
Lebih 9,000 hektar tanah wakaf terbiar dibangunkan Text
Malaysia, Jepun kerjasama tubuh universiti teknologi Text
Pengimejan perubatan Exam Papers
JOB4ME: Sistem pencarian pekerjaan berasaskan telefonThesis
Dasar luar Tunku pragmatik Text
Dengue cases going unreported Text
Adaptation of wind power for ship essential service sys Thesis
Allow other oil firms to set up natural gas stations Text
Sekolah kluster untuk semua Text
Preparation, modification and characterization of activat Text
17,000 rumah PPRT dibina tahun depan Text
Fabrication of low-cost, cementless femoral stem 316L stIndexed Paper
Kritikan Kuan Yew berasas News Paper Cuttings
Particle swarm optimisation based on domination and mul Thesis
Fatigue life prediction in a cancellous bone structure Thesis
Packet logging mechanism for adaptive online fault dete Indexed Paper
Effects of different truss shapes to the design of plane tr Text
Kesatuan mahu gaji jururawat dikaji semula Text
Kemalangan : 2 maut termasuk pelajar UTM Text
Factors of brand influence purchase intention : a study Thesis
Sultan Johor kecil hati penyebaran berita palsu News Paper Cuttings
Characterisation of haloacid dehalogenase E (DEHE) fromText
Integrated system in Proton pipeline News Paper Cuttings
Influence of nanosilica filler content in LDPE Composites Conference Papers
Kerajaan Pusat peruntukkan RM300,000 untuk perpustakText
Materials science / sains bahan Text
Numerical investigation of combustion performance utilizIndexed Paper
Earthquake and structural monitoring system (ensms) Text
Peniaga usah ambil kesempatan : Najib Text
Projek akhir ukur binaan Text
UM mahu perluas program pascasiswazah Text
Geoteknik Text
Seized syabu worth RM1m missing from Johor police HQ Text
Snoops to report on youth Text
Soalan dwibahasa, glosari untuk calon PMR Text
Study on the effect of interdigital parameters towards s Thesis
Kembara, lagu puisi Natrah News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan perubahan kerja kejuruteraan di FGV PlantatThesis
More counsellors needed to handle patients Text
Penuntut UTM resah isu terminal News Paper Cuttings
RM100j tingkat kemahiran graduan Text
Size effect on the performance of listed real estate compConference Papers
Industrial microbiology Exam Papers
IPTA tak capai taraf universiti Asia Text
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Keamanan : tunjang kemakmuran negara Text
Complementary electric-LC resonator antenna for WLAN Indexed Paper
Konsep keadilan dan pengamalannya di kerajaan Riau-LinThesis
Suicide : Indians top the others Text
Pengkelasan data remote sensing menggunakan rangkaian Text
Ketegasan Malaysia dalam hal pelarian News Paper Cuttings
Daily global solar radiation prediction from air temperat Indexed Paper
Early intervention support system for children with dow Conference Papers
11 resolusi Konvensyen Melayu Glokal Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk kerangka portal berkembar dengThesis
Sense shaping place : interaction of planning actor's valu Thesis
Keselamatan dalam rekabentuk logi Text
Peraturan kumbahan perlu menyeluruh : Azmi Text
UTM robot bags prize in contest Text
Cengkaman untungkan pelabur PNB Text
An implementation plan for Total Productive MaintenancText
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Determination of groove and mechanical properties of u Indexed Paper
Chalk-free teaching and it's cool, too Text
Pakar tempatan kerja lebih, gaji tak setaraf doktor asing Text
Task scheduling algorithm based on particle swarm optimIndexed Paper
Attorney-General wants to introduce a No-Fault Liability Text
Jurulatih PLKN diwajib jalani latihan kaunseling Text
Ministry to enhance tourism products Text
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes enhancing nitrogen uptake Journal Article
Drivers’ readiness to use car driving simulator as a tooJournal Article
Potential crime areas analysis using integration of analy Conference Papers
Development of an expert system for machine maintena Thesis
Setiap tahun wujud penyakit baru Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Time to start insurance for the jobless News Paper Cuttings
Tok Batin dakwa pernah lihat Kota Gelanggi Text
CM : we need to build dam Text
Dinamik Text
Planning law & practice Text
Elektronik Text
Production scheduling system for job shop enterprise us Text
Identification and classification of bacterial autotranspor Journal Article
Hak istimewa Melayu tetap kekal Text
Kajian awal penggunaan solar dalam merawat bangunan Text
Synthesis of novel ZnV2O4 hierarchical nanospheres and Indexed Paper
Toyad : move will boost local tourism Text
Statistik I Text
Ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation characterizatio Thesis
Dishware conveyor system for sustainable arcade in UnivThesis
Sistem Trafik Pintar perlu diaplikasikan Text
IPTA disaran komersial R&D, kepakaran Text
Green chemistry Exam Papers
CFD simulation on ventilation of an indoor theme park a Thesis
Transmit spectrum mask for coexistence between futureConference Papers
Teksi di Lembah Klang wajib guna meter beresit 1mei Text
Kabinet setuju pinda Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan : per Text
Pertahan akta tiada tapisan internet : PM Text
Effect of dope extrusion rate on morphology and performIndexed Paper
The difficulty of the Bahasa Melayu paper Text
Application of low cost air drying model in traditimol shi Thesis
Pengurusan nilai Text
Kimia am II Text
General plant safety in a textile factory Conference Papers
Effect of value orientation, belief and norm on private saIndexed Paper
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
Design a microstrip quasi-elliptic function bandpass filt Thesis
Penilaian dan keperluan staf terhadap kemudahan dan per Text
Highway to ease JB traffic Text
Investigation of biogas production and its residue with feIndexed Paper
Analysis of c4 explosive residues on post blast hair samplJournal Article
Kajian permodelan kualiti air untuk hulu Sungai Tebrau Thesis
80 pelajar IPT sertai program amal Text
Mathematical modelling for earthquake induced buildingThesis
Selective acknowledgement scheme to mitigate routing Non-Index Paper
Design of retaining wall by finite element method using PText
Improving gender classification with feature selection in Journal Article
Jerebu beralih arah Text
IMF sokong tambatan mata wang dikekalkan Text
Negara boleh miskin: Jika kakitangan awam selalu tuntut Text
Industri tanaman padi negara perlu dipertingkat Text
Economy not hurt by rate rise : Zeti Text
Kajian hubungan tingkahlaku kepimpinan guru dengan sifThesis
Malaysian sign language translator for communication usThesis
Hubungan baik majikan, pekerja pikat pelabur : PM Text
Johor antara negeri ramai penghidap AIDS Text
Measurement and evaluation in education Exam Papers
Applications of type-2 fuzzy logic system : handling the u Indexed Paper
Negeri guna logo halal Jakim 2008 Text
Menu sihat pelatih PLKN Text
Pengimport kereta tipu RM20j Text
Ninth plan boost for companies Text
Preliminary study of antimicrobial (AM) effects of starch-Conference Papers
End to floods at Jalan Tampoi soon Text galak peningkatan ilmu Text
Cost holding back use of vaccine Text
Integrating construactability into the design process (FullText
An integrated 3D cadastre - Malaysia as an example Conference Papers
UT pasang lampu jimat tenaga News Paper Cuttings
Bendung kebanjiran kereta import : Dr. M Text
Polymer based multimode interference optical devices (PText
Projek amalan profesional Text
Najib's hand in forging stronger ties with China Text
Modelling and control of direct drive robot manipulators Text
Asas ekonomi kita kukuh Text
Application of multiple representation levels in redox r Indexed Paper
Kajian kualiti air ternakan ikan siakap di dalam air payau Thesis
Inisiatif penambahbaikan dalam pengurusan tandas awa Thesis
Lonely Planet puts country among best-value places to visText
Architectural theory Exam Papers
Formula henti pertikaian isu air bagi manfaat kedua-dua ne Text
Architectural theory & critism Exam Papers
Kajian kualiti air sungai di sepanjang Lebuhraya Pantai Text
Manfaat untuk penduduk Johor News Paper Cuttings
Kewangan Islam mampu pulih ekonomi global Text
Some problems associated with curves on parametric surfText
20,000 lagi guru Matematik, Sains dilatih tahun ini Text
Line following robot subjected to disturbance Thesis
The influences of green supply chain management practicThesis
IT adoption level places Malaysia in good stead Text
Pembangunan bahan bantu mengajar berasaskan e-peta Thesis mi
Biological pre-treated oil palm mesocarp fibre with catt Indexed Paper
Mufti tidak semesti disandang orang pencen Text
Creating Net marketing awareness Text
Increase use of ICT, says Najib Text
Investigating the moderating effect of family on the rel Indexed Paper
Fault analysis using PSCAD Thesis
Municiple solid waste management Exam Papers
Mikrobiologi Text
Numerical Method Exam Papers
A low cost method to analyse concentration of carbon mIndexed Paper
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
The effect of coating condition and aqueous phase compoText
Polis cekap tumpas kumpulan jenayah Text
An economical production of polyethersulfone asymmetriConference Papers
Compiler-based prefetching algorithm for recuresive dataText
UTM to build first research hospital News Paper Cuttings
Satic and impact strength of stiffened FRP plate Text
An analytical approach for simulating aerial perspective eText
Membandarkan kawasan Wilayah Felda Text
Muhyiddin : pastikan alam sekitar selamat Text
Degradation of phenol by a catalytic ozonation (Preview)Text
Kritikan Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas terhadap fals Thesis
Introduction to landscape architecture Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan kaedah operasi lawat, nasihat dan bayar da Thesis
PM: Equitable wealth distribution more challenging due tText
Optimization of decolorization of palm oil mill effluent Indexed Paper
Block that blue light Text
Development of multimode fiber tip concave lens Thesis
Marketing research Exam Papers
The Industrial Relations Act and contigent employees Text
Perbandingan ciri-ciri bata tanah liat menggunakan kaedaText
Anak Malaysia dapat penghargaan Asean di Jakarta Text
Hormati hak jiran asas bentuk masyarakat harmoni Text
Emergence of fungal pathogen rhodotorula mucilaginosaNon-Index
a Paper
Inisiatif Kuala Lumpur dilancar Text
Kecekapan asas naik pangkat Text
Field emission properties of chemical vapor deposited in Indexed Paper
They ditched RM1m boat for prime mover Text
Premier polytechnics 'a good move' Text
Unimas to bring ICT to more rural areas in Sarawak Text
Assessment of loss and expense for extension of time Thesis
UTM-PKWDSPG bersama bangunkan Kg. Khleang Sbek News Paper Cuttings
8.5 juta belia belum daftar Text
Single-session schools : good idea but are we ready? Text
Risk management in toll road project under public priav Thesis
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
Varsity enrols chemist for forensic science Text
Robotic deburring system prototype integrated with mach Thesis
Reconfigurable multi-band antenna for WLAN and WiMAX Thesis
Mengarusperdana sistem ekonomi Islam Text
EPF outsourcing RM2b to external fund managers Text
AIPA boleh jadi forum pendapat awam Text
Masjid perlu transformasi ikut zaman Text
Transformasi terhadap min bagi menguji taburan terpen Text
Tempahan model Viva meningkat 40 peratus Text
Malaysia scores a first with airship project Text
Govt eases freeze on permits for hired cars, taxis Text
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Interperpersonal communication Exam Papers
Unitem offers graduate programmes for teachers Text
Teknologi automotif Text
Kemalangan meningkat ekoran kenderaan bertambah 8 Text
Usia kanak-kanak masa terbaik bentuk sahsiah Text
Neural nets for on-line isolated handwritten character r Conference Papers
Kajian atasi pencemaran sungai dilancar Text
Verification of suitable height data acquisition method f Thesis
Risiko perang rendah – Azmi News Paper Cuttings
Planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Understanding contract documentation Conference Papers
Sisa toksik : JAS, Peguam Negara berbincang Text
Petani perlu perancangan rapi keluarkan produk Text
Flow regime identification of particles conveying in pne Text
Iron (III)-porphyrin immobilized on mesoporous A1-MCM-4 Text
Maintaining good cohesion with staff Text
Aerodynamic sound from a square cylinder with a down Indexed Paper
An embedded cryptosystem implementing symmetric ciphe Text
Lawatan DYMM Raja Zarith Sofiah Ke PRZS Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pengurusan organisasi Text
Revealing look at stress Text
MyKad realisasikan kerajaan elektronik Text
G-jitter induced mixed convection flow of heat and mass Itndexed Paper
Effect of cross wind, nozzle angle and height on the per Indexed Paper
Improved clustering approach for junction detection of Thesis
Azalina : accept different factions Text
Kes rumah tangga - Pusat Kaunseling catat aduan tertinggText
Government mulls build-and-sell concept Text
Larangan layari 39 laman web di pejabat Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Investors hail AbdullahÆs concern over stock market Text
Pergaulan bebas dorong lakukan hubungan haram Text
Intermediate economics (ekonomi pertengahan) Text
Implementation of generalized predictive control (GPC) forText
Kementerian baru mampu majukan pendidikan tinggi Text
Ontology learning and population techniques for English Thesis
Suhakam terima 269 aduan berkaitan hak asasi manusia Text
Gejala sosial penjajahan resap dalam kehidupan Muslim Text
‘ Clever' robot News Paper Cuttings
Throughfall stemflow and interception loss of old rubber Text
Bekerja untuk masa depan Text
The effect of brand equity towards customer loyalty : a Thesis
Approaches, challenges and future direction of image retNon-Index Paper
Loagan Bunut choking Text
Pengenalan sosiologi industri Exam Papers
Estimating primary productivity of oil palm in Peninsular Thesis
Mercedes-Benz terus dominasi pasaran kereta mewah Text
Sumbangan k-ekonomi dan k-worker dalam pembelajaranConference Papers
Penceroboh harta intelek tak terlepas daripada hukumanText
Penilaian penempatan semula mangsa tsunami di Kota K Thesis
Effect of UV stress on leakage current of new formulatedThesis
R&D : rawat kumbahan Text
Higher fines proposed to prevent loss of MyKad Text
Effect of SAW process parameters on weld bead morpholo Thesis
Perlumbaan Kereta Solar Sedunia Malaysia kurang samb Text
Kajian prestasi kecekapan guna air untuk sistem pengairaText
Government: DonÆt make us force co-operation Text
More Thai visitors due to fuel, unrest Text
Women to get service areas for social activities Text
Improving modeling fault tolerance based on aspect-orieThesis
PIPP tumpu pupuk semangat patriotik Text
Application of microwave technology for home industry Conference Papers
Corporate social responsibility disclosures and board str Journal Article
A Comparative review of road safety audit guidelines of Journal Article
Subcritical water extraction of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol fThesis
Performance evaluation of 3-D N- channel and P-channelThesis
Well completion Exam Papers
Mechanics of materials II / mekanik pepejal II Text
Quantum computing modelling on field programmable gat Thesis
Alat Pengesan kadar denyutan jantung Text
EiS capai sifar kes lanun di Selat Melaka Text
Guna imbasan ibu jari Text
Wearable monitoring system News Paper Cuttings
Poll : Malays the biggest handphone users Text
Information usefulness and usage in business decision-maNon-Index Paper
Hollow fiber gas-liquid membrane contactors for acid gasIndexed Paper
Holidays at the click of a mouse Text
Insentif tunai untuk penternak Text
Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Text
248,169 usahawan bumiputera dapat manfaat dana RM2Text
Architechtural theory Exam Papers
Application of game theory in solving human conflict pr Text
Siswa UTM promosi penggunaan biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Cuepacs yakin bonus diumum jumaat ini Text
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) with instruction unit fo Thesis
Fermentation strategy for the production of Lactobacillu Thesis
UPM award for The Star Text
Planning practice Exam Papers
An effective time of use tariffs scheme for residential areThesis
Mentransformasi KTMB sebagai perbadanan pengangkuta Text
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Plant trial production process and monitoring of crumb Conference Papers
Additive danger in herbal medicines Text
GIS as new approach and method in preparing and impleConference Papers
F1 agen tarik pelancong asing Text
Fahmi Bahri, Siti Sri Dalimah atlet terbaik UTM 2010 News Paper Cuttings
Trends and issues in E-communities Exam Papers
Granular-activated carbon from Mukah coal using carbonIndexed Paper
Together@skali bantu usahawan Bumiputra Text
Teknologi mesra alam realisasikan Pelan Kyoto Text
Risk disclosure practices among Malaysian listed firms Indexed Paper
Rubber prices hit 18-year high Text
Sharing of GIS spatial data in transportation engineering Journal Article
Caj hospital swasta akan dikaji Text
Discovered : pre-historic mammal that preyed on dinosa Text
Sistem untuk menentukan jenis gangguan pembelajaran Thesis
Structure II Exam Papers
ITIS mudahkan perjalanan : beri amaran awal supaya pe Text
UiTM tegah pelajar sebar risalah berunsur politik Text
Usahawan Melayu diajak ceburi bidang francais Text
Pakar dunia bantu rangka model ekonomi baru Text
Nama jalan di Putrajaya diubah ke bahasa Melayu Text
Rendering process of digital terrain model on mobile devNon-Index Paper
Analisis makanan halal cara saintifik Text
Polymer chemistry Text
Lebih 14,000 mangsa dipindah Text
Towards an institute of technology: a knowledge manageJournal Article
British tiada niat ambil kedaulatan Text
In-vitro antioxidant activities of the fruits peel of citr Conference Papers
Foam mixing injector system for sandwich construction Text
DSP-based single input PI-Fuzzy controller for inverter s Conference Papers
Pelaksanaan sistem e-diesel jimat RM2b Text
Institut Etika Awam mantapkan urus tadbir ditubuh Text
Pengurusan kontraktor penyelenggaraan bangunan - b Thesis
Improvement of thermal comfort inside a mosque buildi Journal Article
G-jitter induced mixed convection adjacent to a vertical Thesis
Empty nano and micro-structured lipid carriers of virgin cIndexed Paper
New body search guidelines Text
Mechanical, thermal and processing properties of oil pal Text
Kereta api berkembar KL-Ipoh operasi 1 Disember Text
Budaya elitisme beri teknanan kepada pelajar dan sekolaText
Development of parallel processing for one dimensional Thesis
Experts to study transgender issue Text
The effect of heat treatment and chromium addition on y- Text
Saving the mangroves Text
Isolation and characterization of nanocellulose producin Thesis
Keelektromagnetan Text
Banyak sekolah tidak pantau makmal sains Text
Anggota tentera diminta tingkat ilmu pengetahuan Text
Dipcoating of poly (epsilon-caprolactone)/hydroxyapatit Indexed Paper
Kawalan kualiti Text
State honours record-setting siblings Text
Looking at options to treat waste Text
Effect of channel spacing on the signal quality for a bi- Indexed Paper
Theory of design Exam Papers
Pesakit kurang mampu tetap dapat ubat percuma Text
Free vibration of anti-symmetric angle-ply cylindrical sheIndexed Paper
A wireless utility meter system: design and implementatiConference Papers
Better technology can boost Perak quarry industry Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Analisis sumberjaya dan pengenalan gis Text
Issue over prayers in school amicably resolved Text
Don't censor the Internet, says Mahathir Text
RM5b laksana pelan dasar IP Text
Determination of ATC and security for power system usi Thesis
Hospital blame game Text
Nasa latih angkasawan Malaysia Text
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Skim pinjaman petani diperkenal Text
Undang-undang kerajaan tempatan Text
Multimedia panel to conduct audit Text
Motivation factors among employees of audit firm Thesis
Malaysia atasi AS prestasi alam sekitar Text
Six new vocational schools to build skills Text
Bajet 2009 kurang beban, tingkat taraf hidup rakyat Text
Electrical technology for management Exam Papers
Tiga kesatuan mahu UiTM untuk bumiputera Text
Mesyuarat pembukaan audit dalam 2015 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Perpindahan server dari Psz ke Przs Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pulse combustion simulation using simplified valve open Conference Papers
Pengaruh bahasa dan perancangan terhadap senibina PuThesis
Lebih 7,000 guru lulus PTK akan terima anjakan gaji Text
Creep characteristics of austenitic stainless steel foils Thesis
Inspens sedia 5,000 tempat Text
Survey on collaborative AR for multi-user in Urban simulaConference Papers
State-of-the-art of cloud computing adoption in MalaysiaJournal Article
Kerangka konsep kemahiran proses sains asas prasekolahConference Papers
Mining FAQ from forum threads : theoretical framework Indexed Paper
PM : Government agencies have improved their services Text
Complex variables Exam Papers
Formation and characterization of asymmetric nanofiltraIndexed Paper
MARDI temui kaedah simpan durian dua tahun Text
Imbangi pendidikan dunia, akhirat Text
Kekuatan muktamad rasuk dengan tetulang terberkas Text
Enhanced skin detection method based on new colour spThesis
Scholar's inn management system Thesis
Financial accounting and reporting III Exam Papers
Principles of marketting / Prinsip pemasaran Text
Power optimization for a variable-speed stall-regulated wConference Papers
Kementerian susun mekanisme bantu kontraktor kelas F Text
Penagih dadah mula berkurang : polis Text
Synthesis and characterization of carbon cryogel microsph Indexed Paper
Perbezaan persepsi antara pelajar-pelajar Fakulti Pendid Thesis
KWSP kaji isteri pewaris pertama Text
A field modal for human detection and tracking Thesis
Air condkit : generate electricity from air conditioning Thesis
Three new H1N1 cases detected in Malaysia Text
The impact of sand dredging activities due to sediment c Text
Low cost direct laser writing using blu-ray UV laser moduThesis
Automatic dataset conversion module from gothic databas Thesis
Your money matters Text
Teknologi enjin diesel Text
Radio frequency energy absorption in human head with eThesis
Performance analysis of reinforced stone columns based Thesis
Evaluation of 11kV XLPE cable (Preview) Text
Amalan pengajaran efektif dalam kalangan guru sekolah Thesis
Unfazed by the high price of gold Text
Angkasawan pertama kita pada 2005 Text
Pengenalan pengurusan pengeluaran dan operasi Text
Investigation of touch-based user authentication featur Indexed Paper
Rumah tangga stabil tak semestinya berkualiti Text
Modeling construction cost factors in the Klang Valley ar Conference Papers
SPSD gets RM76.4m contract Text
Kajian jaringan kawalan pugak bagi negeri Sarawak (Full tText
Bukit Merah resort suffers RM1m losses Text
Perceived leadership styles, entrepreneurial orientation Thesis
UTM tawar bidang bahasa dan komunikasi profesional News Paper Cuttings
Self-defence against illness Text
Pulau Tioman dapat status bebas cukai Text
Faktor-faktor dan kesan pertambahan pemilikan kenderaThesis
Non-local exchange correlation functionals impact on theIndexed
s Paper
Properties of laterite aggregate concrete containing fly a Thesis
Teknik arus pusar Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan pemilihan pakaian di butik l Text
Lagi 1 bilion unit ASM, peluang lebih luas rakyat tingka Text
Webquest as a means of engaging students in learning Eng Thesis
S-Transformations: a practical tool for deformation moniConference Papers
CIMB Islam dipilih syariah terbaik Text
260,700 varsity places on offer Text
Teknologi filem tipis Text
Malaysia, Vietnam meterai deklarasi perkukuh hubunganText
A new empirical mode decomposition based forecasting te Thesis
Jakim has reissued halal certification for High5 bread Text
Kurang fokus amali punca pengangguran meningkat Text
SMART berjaya capai matlamat elak banjir Text
Work harder to fight corruption Text
Museum may be named after Endon Text
The mode II interlaminar fracture testing of glass fibre Text
Identification and classification of project managers' kn Conference Papers
A semicontinuous approach for heterogeneous azeotropic Indexed Paper
Hakikat penggunaan perkhidmatan mudah alih Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk asas blok mesin berputar Thesis
Program perintis bantu pemimpin masa depan Text
Pembeli belum guna kuasa pengguna Text
Fizik kaca dan seramik Text
Kenaikan harga beras satu fenomena baru di Malaysia Text
Rakyat Malaysia antara penagih tegar beli-belah Text
Secondary bending moment of trapezoid web beam under Text
Serang Iraq tanpa mandat PBB satu pencabulan Text
Idealisme untuk kemerdekaan Text
AS perlu lebih berhemah di Asia Pasifik News Paper Cuttings
Effect of graphene oxide on the structural and electroch Indexed Paper
Larang motosikal dalam bandar dikaji Text
Malaysia, Jerman setuju perluas kerjasama pendidikan Text
PM : protect arts, heritage from global influence Text
Termites beaten to a pulp, thanks to researchers Text
Kerajaan bina lima akademi pelayaran RM100 juta Text
PM : ties with Indons still good Text
Cuepacs minta pertimbang pencen kurang RM500 Text
Development of a fliking system for producing calcium a Journal Article
Civil engineering material Exam Papers
Kanak-kanak pekak boleh belajar bertutur Text
Numerical methods Exam Papers
PSD guidelines for recruiting holders of SPM open cert Text
Sistem pengagihan air di kawasan luar bandar : kajian ke Text
Pelan Bali komitmen baru atasi pemanasan global Text
CIMB biaya dana PTPTN RM1.5b Text
Prediction of uniaxial compressive strength of rock samplIndexed Paper
Negara miskin berhak dapat pampasan : Dr M Text
Analisis keperluan latihan Exam Papers
2,331 penuntut baharu mendaftar News Paper Cuttings
MB : South Johor blueprint ready Text
Panduan kaunseling keluarga: teknik penyampaian peng Conference Papers
PM lauds working mums contributions to country Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Perancangan guna tanah II Text
Comparison and fusion of retrieval schemes based on difText
Kurang dadah di pasaran punca kadar jenayah meningkatText
MPOB pertingkat program penyelidikan, perkhidmatan Text
Sistem penebusan mata ganjaran JUSCO melalui SMS Thesis
Ballast tank for remotely operated underwater vehicle ( Thesis
Warga Malaysia melancong ke luar negara meningkat 6.5Text
Teori perancangan Text
The moderating effects of perceived ease of use and perce Thesis
Perceived effectiveness of information technology governIndexed Paper
Support builds for Pak Lah and Najib Text
Program pendidikan berjaya Text
Banyak syarikat besar minat labur Text
Kemahiran insaniah pelajar prasiswazah: analisis perbezaJournal Article
Effects of coastal development on ship manoeuvring andConference Papers
Grafting of polyacrylonitrile onto sodium alginate using bConference Papers
Advanced electronics Exam Papers
Biomimetic growth of hydroxyapatite on kenaf fibers Indexed Paper
Scattering of SH waves in fluid saturated medium Non-Index Paper
Lapan Inisiatif Pembaharuan Strategik jayakan MEB Text
Control techniques for three-phase four-leg voltage sour Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa Text
Antara isu beg berat, pelajar enggan bawa buku Text
Short-term load forecasting using artificial neural networThesis
Feasibility study of tablet PC acceptance among school chIndexed Paper
Rearing systems related to gastrointestinal parasites in Journal Article
A reconfigurable aperture planar array antenna based o Conference Papers
Kesan pergerakan tanah ke atas struktur bangunan di K Text
Government to review outdated laws, says Najib Text
DonÆt raise the bar too high Text
Should varsities pick their students : academicians quest Text
Mengkaji perbandingan penilaian kecekapan prestasi On Thesis
8 tahap penyertaan rakyat atasi isu alam sekitar Text
Teknologi Robotik Bagi Pengautomatan Text
RM2j lesap di UM : van keselamatan dirompak ketika m Text
Hydraulics & hydrology Exam Papers
Some changes, but UPSR stays Text
Three dimensions positioning based location tracking te Thesis
Dielectric measurement for thin plate materials using r Thesis
Termodinamik Text
Rekacipta instrumen pemancar bulu tangkis untuk latihanThesis
Struktur data & algoritma Text
Image steganography using least significant bit approa Thesis
Efficient exopolysaccharaide production by pleurotus os Thesis
Flexible saddle support of a horizontal cylindrical pressurText
Rain attenuation estimated from radar measurements forText m
KL crime rate figures correct, says deputy IGP Text
Adoption scheme for poor students Text
Sistem perpustakaan digital bersepadu : sub-sistem peroText
Penerapan nilai-nilai sejagat melalui penghayatan saste Journal Article
Electric potential of various 4-electrode segmentation exIndexed Paper
Permasalahan projek pembinaan perumahan awam kos rThesis
Develpoment of ozone treatement system in rainwater har Thesis
Tioman land prices likely to soar Text
Using enhanced IDEF-SIM (EnIS) technique to model sustai Conference Papers
Penggunaan abu kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pengisi dalaText
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Faktor-faktor dalaman yang mempengaruhi kejayaan pemb Thesis
UTM anjur seminar kejuruteraan Text
Door open to partnership Text
Planning land disposal, a comparison between Malaysia Conference Papers
Zaid : govt has to apologise to victims of 1988 judicial crisText
Kita rugi tak guna prasarana pendidikan Text
Calibration of graphene resistive humidity sensor with foThesis
Reka bentuk konkrit bertetulang I / reka bentuk struktur Text
The effect of listening to different types of music on cog Thesis
Pesakit berhak dapatkan bil terperinci Text
Application of Microsoft excel for bearing capacity of pileThesis
Peranan radio sebar maklumat Text
IK Bursa Malaysia diramal lepasi 1,000 mata 2006 Text
Kemahiran generik dalam faktor pemilihan jurutera mengThesis
RM1 juta bantu IPT banteras dadah Text
Sistem penilaian prestasi pelajar (Full text) Text
Modification of pristine multiwalled carbon nanotube by Indexed Paper
Projek Jambatan Tambak Johor-CIQ bakal dimuktamad Text
Development of microcontroller based driver for cmos li Thesis
Kelemahan mahkamah syariah tiada kaitan hukum syara Text
Computational fluid dynamics Exam Papers
Study of islamic civilisation News Paper Cuttings
Menjayakan program angkasawan Malaysia Text
Perbandingan pesongan kekuda jambatan keluli Thesis
Sistem kejuruteraan kuasa Text
New hospital closed after fungus found on walls Text
Lembah Klang fokus perkhidmatan elektronik Text
Analysis and design of the Integrated Sistem Pemantau Thesis
Faktor Melayu masih mundur Text
Bangunan baru kerajaan mesra alam Text
SMS and Internet blamed for decline in PMR English passText
103,115 mohon kursus diploma, asasi di IPTA Text
RM300,000 kos rawat barah Text
When caring needs training Text
Harumkan nama Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Pensyarah kesal sikap Bahagian Vokasional News Paper Cuttings
Air transport management Exam Papers
Proton eksport GEN.2 ke empat buah negara Text
Development of long pulse Nd : YAG laser system Thesis
Enhanced data clustering and classification using auto-a Thesis
Islam teras pendidikan kita Text
Determination of tamoxifen and its metabolites in humanIndexed Paper
10-subject limit for SPM starts next year Text
IT investment : promising outlook for Malaysia Text
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Puteri UMNO mahu penyiasat bebas siasat dakwaan HayaText
Kawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Seksyen kritikal untuk momen dalam anggota lenturan Text
Malaysia gets low privacy rating Text
Warning bells on diabetes Text
Lebih 8,000 kes perceraian tertangguh di Mahkamah SyaText
Kimia asas Text
Study of circularly polarized patch antenna for wireless l Text
MyKad diterima ke Brunei Text
Special rehab centres for students who test positive Text
Control of pneumatic actuator system using enhanced nonl Thesis
Vehicle maintenance management system for Majlis Per Thesis
Proper corporate hospitality Text
The effects of sand grain sorting on permeability and porThesis
Penjagaan alam sekitar beri pahala berterusan Text
Colour reduction from water sample using adsorption pr Thesis
Formula 200 kali lebih efektif bunuh aedes News Paper Cuttings
UTM global outreach programme management system Thesis
Analyzing data using transana software for interaction i Conference Papers
Sukan SEA di Vietnam tahun depan - 32 acara akan diperText
Financial management Exam Papers
Bahan kejuruteraan marin Text
The relationship between stastistical process control crit Conference Papers
KUTPM sekarang MSU taraf universiti penuh Text
Malaysia, Myanmar sign three bilateral agreements Text
Patuhi arahan kuarantin Text
Fewer pirate attacks in straits Text
Bajet 2015 perkasa pendidikan News Paper Cuttings
Move to cut jail time for minor offences Text
Pembalakan haram : Megawati salahkan negara jiran Text
Effect of temperature on the impedance response of coaIndexed Paper
Kita ditipu : 300,000 warga asing salah guna permit tingg Text
Application of hybrid - sequencing batch reactor (H-SBR) Conference Papers
Sains forensik Text
MB : landfill a costly option Text
Identifying the optimum locations for food industries in Indexed Paper
Foreign students' satisfaction with quality of education aThesis
Akta Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak wajar digubal : Bapa NurText
Water tariff may go up by 37 per cent Text
Temperature rise of cold-formed steel built-up back-to- Indexed Paper
Perubahan bahasa 2 subjek bermula dari tahun satu Text
RM677m deals for equipment, services Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Kadar faedah domestik dijangka kekal rendah Text
Effect of ultrasonic radiation's times to the control size Indexed Paper
Shahrizat : help the govt rebuild lives of flood victims Text
Personal adjustment, motivation for retention, environme Thesis
A new fiber braided soft bending actuator for singer exo Thesis
Finite difference methods for partial differential equatio Exam Papers
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Pemilik diploma UiTM boleh dapat ijazah UEL dalam set Text
Action sports to reach grassroots Text
Ibadat korban pupuk konsep jemaah, perpaduan Text
Selecting a small subset of informative genes from gene Conference Papers
Orang Melayu rugi RM38b tidak manfaatkan tanah rezabText
Pretreatment of oil palm fronds for improving hemicellulIndexed Paper
Sistem analisa laluan terpendek penghantaran surat pos Thesis
Keupayaan kawal nafsu penentu martabat manusia Text
Analytic approximate solution for the KdV equation wit Non-Index Paper
Performance of SatCom systems implementing time divers Indexed Paper
Vapor pressure development in a FR4-CU composite strucConference Papers
Government to hire retired vets to overcome shortage Text
K-sharing bekalan air di Johor Non-Reveneu Water (NRWPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Skim insurans lindungi guru akan diwujud Text
Prosedur mahkamah punca kes tertunggak dikaji semula Text
Official figures donÆt tell the true tale of drug abuse Text
User experience evaluation: E-Learning @ UTM mobile apThesis
Hybrid flower pollination and k-nearest neighbor algorit Thesis
GEVP: Grid Enabled Visualization Pipeline Non-Index Paper
APH jadi pusat simpanan utama petroleum negara Text
Penyakit ancam keselamatan Text
Doktrin balasan : satu kajian perbandingan antara undangText
Principles of chemical processes I Exam Papers
Upgrading and testing the electronic system and appearan Thesis
Transmission loss and load flow allocations via genetic a Conference Papers
Intensify agricultural co-operation, says PM Text
Inflasi cecah lima peratus bulan ini Text
Gelombang baru Umno perangi rasuah, perkukuh integritiText
Jabatan Imigresen guna RFI Text
UTM, ITB kerjasama pelbagai bidang News Paper Cuttings
Maerogel akan dikomersialkan Text
Penyarian zeaxanthin dari sayuran-sayuran tempatan : peText
69m use Causeway every year, traffic choking Johor Baru,Text
Skim Baucar Tuisyen UPSR kurang sambutan Text
PM mahu masyarakat desa guna ICT, bioteknologi Text
Model predictive control for semi active suspension to Thesis
Dynamic mobile access gateway for heterogeneous networ Thesis
Help on the way for low-income earners Text
PDRM tubuh 5 pasukan khas banteras jenayah Text
Marital satisfaction of Iranian female students in MalaysiaIndexed Paper
Landskap indah tingkat kesejahteraan hidup Text
Road-death rate drops Text
Research facility of GPS network - based real - time kin Conference Papers
LPM ubah persepsi tentang peperiksaan Text
New approach FPGA - based implementation of discont Conference Papers
Veg prices up by more than 50% Text
Factors influencing ease of use using mobile device : a c Thesis
Effect of hydrochloric acid on formation of nanocrystall Indexed Paper
Effect of different composition of palm kernel shell rep Thesis
A simulation study of single cell inside an integrated du Journal Article
Meritokrasi ke IPTA ambil kira semula kokurikulum Text
Pengendali laman blog ibarat penembak curi Text
Effects of inorganic fertilizer towards vegetative growth Thesis
XY duster machine Thesis
Proteomic analysis of rice seed storage proteins in relati Journal Article
Adaptive cross wigner-ville distribution for parameter estThesis
SJER sasar pelaburan asing RM60 bilion : MB Text
English growing more popular in teaching Text
Asian carmakers beat Detroit in 2009 US sales Text
Palm kernel cake as substrate for B-mannanase productioConference Papers
Destar Diraja Destar pengantin Diraja dari Johor Journal Article
Cedera tulang belakang jejas pundi kencing Text
Pengupayaan wanita dalam pendidikan News Paper Cuttings
Pengaruh nombor pusar ke atas pengurangan emisi no 2 Text
Changes in social identity to local community impact f Conference Papers
Tanjung Agas dipertimbang jadi FTZ Text
5 pendaki UTM selamat dipindah ke Lukla News Paper Cuttings
RM800j lagi untuk subsidi Text
Influence of financial and ownership factors on capital st Thesis
Kesan transformasi ekonomi terhadap sosioekonomi komThesis
Erdogan lebih pintar daripada Netanyahu News Paper Cuttings
Performance evaluation of improved practical control m Conference Papers
UTM fears SARS effect on seminars Text
Comparative studies of subcritical water extraction of poText
Fizik nukleus Text
Slow learners : may get another chance Text
Facility management knowledge development in Malaysia Indexed Paper
Top varsities to facilitate Asean exchanges Text
UTM-Lekir Energy hasilkan cecair News Paper Cuttings
Placemaking in Batu Pahat market place Thesis
PM : we want more FDIs Text
Sistem pengurusan servis selepas jualan Emerson NetwoText
Effect of surface preparations on the adhesion and corro Thesis
Kesedaran pelestarian jana minda, gaya hidup Text
5 punca budak lakukan jenayah Text
A new colour image steganography using LSB approach wThesis
Pelihara falsafah media Text
A study on the signal reflectance of multiband GPR antenna Thesis
Characterisation of pitted metallic curvature cup for lubriThesis
UTM lantik 100 kakitangan antarabangsa Text
Penurasan minyak sawit mentah: satu kajian awal Conference Papers
Housing law and practice Text
Relationship between knowledge management and informat Thesis
Peniaga jangan menindas Text
An adaptive policy-based approach for static and dynamicConference Papers
Pembangunan sistem maklumat carta nautika berasaskanThesis
The development of student management system using sThesis
Thermomechanical treatment on AZ63 alloy Conference Papers
Kereta Proton patut mampu dibeli rakyat Text
Police action to help deter errant students Text
Semi-automated approach for mapping urban trees fromThesis in
Online furniture shopping for android smartphones appliThesis
Boleh terus guna kad kredit Text
Varsity software for quranic studies News Paper Cuttings
The effect of silicon carbide particles on diamond distrib Thesis
Kajian sains angkasa bantu atasi krisis bumi Text
Reboot : Rukun Tetangga to be reactivated in a big way toText
The perceptions of UTM teacher trainees on their readin Thesis
Design of a secure and efficient multiple coins plus mult Text
Masalah pembelajaran matematik tahun lima dalam bahaConference Papers
Pakar perluas Islam Hadhari di negara OIC Text
Personal digital assistants as a mobile inspection system aText
Syarat minuman pilihan sihat Text
Geotechnical and micro-structural behaviour of chemically Thesis
Business statistics for data science Exam Papers
Finite element method Text
Keberkesanan dan impak program latihan setara ijazah teThesis
Teknologi Pembinaan Text
Kenikmatan hidup bermula dengan ibadah Text
Landscape construction 4 Exam Papers
e-Desa untuk rakyat mahir ICT Text
Work permits within two days Text
Understanding innovation activities of UTM undergraduatThesis
Facet polishing technique for polymer on glass optical w Conference Papers
Enhanced radial basis function neural networks for ozoneIndexed Paper
Integration of building information modelling (BIM) with Conference Papers
Improved NS next yeará Text
Diagnosis dan pemulihan dalam proses pengajaran dan pText
Keluar teksi berimej Malaysia Text
Pertembungan Riyadh-Doha News Paper Cuttings
Melawat semula akta Text
Mobile and modular robot for cleaning and inspection of Thesis
Aplikasi corak pembelajaran kemahiran berfikir secara k Conference Papers
Pertumbuhan ekonomi suku ketiga 5.1 peratus Text
Map backs 1421 theory Text
Program keamanan kawasan Selatan di UTM bermula es Text
Kepimpinan : jurutera tapak bina mewakili pengurus bariText
Organizational communication Exam Papers
Kajian ke atas jambatan komposit UTM (Versi 3) Text
Cegah denggi secara menyeluruh : Najib Text
Ancaman pornografi siber membimbangkan Text
Pelajar UTM terima Emerging Scholar Award 2015 News Paper Cuttings
Dasar gaji minimum ditolak Text
Kakitangan awam perlu utama rakyat Text
Statik Text
GIS and decision support systems for Malaysian develop Conference Papers
Guna BM betul di papan iklan Text
Automation system hydroponic using smart solar power pJournal Article
Comparison of regional scale evapotranspiration using noConference Papers
A design document generator to support a linkage bet Thesis
Gaji anggota tentera naik Text
Singkir Myanmar dari Asean : langkah akhir jika junta tenText
USM penanda aras universiti taraf dunia Text
Syor jawatankuasa khas SAR mula dilaksana 05 Text
Tougher for women to quilt smoking Text
RM377mil to boost research and development in varsitieText
Miri registers unhealthy API due to peat fires Text
Molecular cloning of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase gene Text
Teliti semula mata pelajaran Sejarah Text
Shadow generation in mixed reality : a comprehensive suIndexed Paper
Doctors urged to take quick action Text
Asas kuantitatif Text
Doktor terpaksa kendali sendiri mesin x-ray Text
Terima Kasih Cikgu galak murid hargai jasa, pengorbananText
UiTM raih 56 pingat di pameran reka cipta Text
Effect of reflow profile on intermetallic compound formaIndexed Paper
MSC Malaysia terus berkembang Text
Fluorescent light (FL), red LED and blue LED spectrums effJournal Article
Factors leading to decentralization of office firms : the c Text
Taburan jarak kepala di atas jalan mendatar Thesis
Call for medical faculty at UiTM Text
SI1, SI2 minyak wangi khas Sultan Johor News Paper Cuttings
Development of biodegradable electrical insulating oil f Text
Kimia keadaan pepejal Text
Pengenalan sistem informasi Text
Muzium Tentera Darat ikon pelancongan Text
150,000 pelajar asing menjelang 2025 Text
Sistem pendidikan teknik perlu perubahan Text
Jati diri Muslim mampu atasi masalah disiplin pelajar, re Text
Getting wired for 2002 Text
Second bridge ready by 2011 Text
Bermula dari kebersihan mulut Text
MASkargoÆs new China warehouse Text
Sambutan pesakit luar dugaan Text
Sultan Selangor tegur YB pentingkan diri Text
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Kolam Renang - PapaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Optimization of oxidative coupling of methane using exp Text
Moscow kagumi pendirian Kuala Lumpur Text
Law of contract, tort, agency and sale of goods Exam Papers
Temuramah Khas Pensyarah & Mahasiswa/I Utm SempenPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Control : modelling & simulation Exam Papers
Optical and thermal properties of neodymium doped telluThesis
Congestion cost allocation in electricity market: compari Conference Papers
Tetapkan had laju minimum Text
A holistic way to save earth Text
Malaysia at forefront of Islamic finance Text
In this race, the kids are ahead Text
Delay and extansion of time : the real issue in conflicts Thesis
Faktor-faktor penghalang kepada pelajar-pelajar berkomThesis
Air : operasi Hospital Temerloh terjejas Text
Pameran hantu cetus kesesakan teruk Text
A new scars removal technique of fingerprint images Conference Papers
Object-Oriented Programming Exam Papers
Taubat bukan sekadar manis di bibir Text
Optimizing ethanol production by using a hybrid of particThesis
Banyak sekolah pedalaman Sabah, Sarawak masih daif, Text
UTM meterai MoU dengan syarikat Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Mensejahterakan sumber alam Text
Knonologi hamil luar nikah dalam kalangan remaja luar Thesis
UMS rancang buka taman sains Text
Mekanik Exam Papers
Pelajar UTM selami hidup OKU News Paper Cuttings
Jabatan Perikanan aplikasi teknologi RAS tingkat hasil ikaText
Who killed the forest? Text
IPP Jun meningkat 13.3 peratus Text
Perancangan Text
Sistem maklumat Kej. Awam Text
Pelajar UTM sertai kem suai kenal News Paper Cuttings
Curing characteristics of unsaturated polyester / arami Text
Majlis Fatwa sokong boikot produk Belanda Text
Business continuity management Exam Papers
Mengindustrikan luar bandar : PM Text
Menuai pelaburan PPSMI Text
Corrosive characteristics of bioethanol and gasoline blen Indexed Paper
Orthogonal array technique for optimizing the sintering Conference Papers
4,811 siswa baru daftar di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Bukit Besi kembali popular Text
Mimos tingkat penggunaan IT Text
Pembangunan aplikasi e-aduan menggunakan pemetaan Thesis m
Pre-talent management for construction industry (PrevieText
Like a scene from the movie Twister Text
Biasiswa nasional terbuka pada semua Text
Bank patut proaktif jana ekonomi Text
Boy, 8, beaten to death Text
Logo halal baru : kerajaan segera kuatkuasakan Text
Piawaian baru untuk bina hospital Text
A study on OFDM in mobile ad hoc network Non-Index Paper
HFMD suspected in boy's death Text
RM823j tuntutan perbankan Islam difailkan hingga 2001 Text
Have spiritual qualities too , undergrads told News Paper Cuttings
Najib : address international terrorism issues Text
Shahrir : budget should show all subsidies Text
Mathematics I Exam Papers
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
Factors affecting construction equipment acquisition me Conference Papers
Kursus dan latihan jangka pendek dalam memberikan pelua Conference Papers
Multi-stage thermal-economical optimization of compactIndexed Paper
Akta dipinda perangi lumba haram Text
Cari pelancong hilang : PM Text
Analysis on the effect of dielectric material and copper Indexed Paper
Global marketing Exam Papers
Correlation between standard penetration test and pile dr Text
Peringkat permulaan islam Conference Papers
Operasi kesan 1.2j pekerja asing tanpa izin dilancar Text
Integrity, excellence key to better image, says PM Text
Perak amal sistem pentadbiran tanah moden Text
6 sukarelawan IBM ikuti program khidmat sosial Text
Push-Pull converter Thesis
Act sets age limits on leadership of youth groups Text
Syor naikkan kadar pencen pesara tentera miskin Text
Konvoi promosi FESKO UTM News Paper Cuttings
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
Obesiti bukan penyakit orang kaya Text
Samarium activated absorption and emission of zinc tellurJournal Article
Tanam semula jika musnah pokok Text
Principles of structure / structural design Exam Papers
Ekonomi agenda utama Asean Text
It's a longer wait for lessons on the birds and the bees Text
Kelab Sukan wadah lahirkan pemimpin belia Text
Year-end launch for South Johor Economic Region Text
128 dibenar tukar fakulti : Kabinet setuju pelajar cemer Text
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 05) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Malaysia destinasi pelaburan pilihan India Text
Abdullah komited Wawasan 2020 Text
Perancangan kewangan jadi asas kemajuan petani Text
Accuracy assessment of calibrating high resolution digita Indexed Paper
Bersedia hadapi harga barang naik Text
Ground investigation using 2D resistivity imaging for roa Journal Article
Kos pendidikan agama bukan beban: Ghani Text
Modelling and optimization of candida rugosa nanobiocoIndexed Paper
A new holistic framework for design of cost effective m Text
Hubungan ras Text
Applications and sustainability in groundwater abstractioIndexed Paper
Mohd Zulkifli sambung kontrak Naib Canselor UTM Text
Around the world in education Text
Genetic engineering Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas dan pengangkutan Text
The use of convolutional coding to reduce bit error rate Thesis
Ladang satelit Johor projek contoh Text
MPPUTM pupuk hubungan dengan kepemimpinan Text
Mekanik Text
Authoring language Exam Papers
University's computer sever hacked News Paper Cuttings
Memastikan hak pengguna tak diabai Text
Shape up or ship out, police chiefs told Text
Development of a simple 12V DC uninterruptible power Thesis
Pengurangan kadar premium tanah dan kesan kepada hasi Thesis
Identifying Malaysia's uniqueness Text
Tiada peraturan jawatan PM, MB kekal sepanjang hayat :Text
Mohon pasport menerusi Internet Text
Gagal kuasai bahasa Inggeris punca pelajar Melayu asingkText
70 syarikat sedia 2,000 pekerjaan News Paper Cuttings
Pemetaan minda dalam P&P Text
PM to GLCs : go into agri project Text
Safety seals for toys from Jan 30 Text
Liow : 6% of Malaysians have suicidal thoughts due to strText
Automasi makmal Text
UTM bangunkan sistem roboh bangunan News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan banjir bertaraf dunia Text
International Des Inventions De Geneva Salon Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Mutiara Motors minta longgarkan syarat caj Text
Protein profiling of orthosiphon stamineus Thesis
Kolej SPACE tawar pengajian penuhi kehendak pasaran News Paper Cuttings
Inflasi dipantau teliti : Rafidah Text
17.36 juta buku teks bagi persekolahan 2009 Text
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka setengah abad Text
Numerical methods II Exam Papers
Construction technology Exam Papers
7.1 per cent : fastest GDP growth since 2000 Text
Artifak RM2j dirampas Text
Umra dan ruqba : Analisis mengenai kesannya 45-92 ter Non-Index Paper
Financial distress prediction for Malaysian firms after theThesis
The next strawberry producer Text
Mada web-based KPI management system Thesis
Ulama perlu hapus kekeliruan Text
Emissions from gas burner, their impact on the environ Text
Penggunaan kaedah real-time kinematic (RTK) dalam penThesis
Submerged ultrafiltration for minimizing energy process Indexed Paper
Relative importance of hazards at construction sites Indexed Paper
Polyacrylonitrile/acrylamide (PAN/AM) fibers using a sol Conference Papers
Hamad Kama Piah ikrar jayakan matlamat UMK Text
Elaun guru tadika agama WP naik 100 peratus Text
Pengantaramukaan komputer Text
Formula atasi kesesakan dalam PCB Text
The mediatory role of job satisfaction between emotionaIndexed Paper
English proficiency Text
Classification of electroencephalography signal using statiThesis
Kesungguhan AS lahirkan Sudan Selatan News Paper Cuttings
Image enhancement technique in different distance of ima Thesis
Teknologi komunikasi dan informasi sebagai satu budayaThesis
Memperluaskan kerjasama R&D negara Selatan-Selatan Text
Pembaharuan urus tadbir lonjak IPTA Text
Malaysia NGV mohon geran pinjaman RM500j bekal gas aText
An ultrasonic system for measuring the quality of bananaThesis
Our neighbours hour of need Text
Basmi kemiskinan cabaran utama negara Asia-Afrika Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Wanita Asia mudah dijangkiti HIV Text
Fuzzy phoneme classification using multi-speaker vocal t Indexed Paper
10,000 warga JB sakit mental Text
Arts, customs & belief Exam Papers
Solid Mechanics II Exam Papers
Thermal characteristic of mov-opto isolator under the app Thesis
Bapa mengimbangi didikan anak lelaki Text
Saintis Rusia bincang bakal angkasawan Malaysia Text
Probe into illegal logging Text
Development of biogas combustion in combined heat anIndexed Paper
Private key generating method of a new public key cipheText
Syariat Islam diturun untuk semua bangsa Text
Membina tamadun bangsa angkasa Text
Enhancement of the machining surface roughness modelThesis
UTM launches its first Reading Station Text
Performance based analysis of low rise building using pu Thesis
Detektif SRS Text
Kakitangan UTM ikuti kursus menyelamat diri Text
Kerajaan akan wujud skim perkhidmatan pentadbiran hosText
The study of low viscosity oil-water’s flow patterns anThesis
New developments in medical photogrammetry Conference Papers
Skim stabil harga, penguatkuasaan kawal minyak masak Text
Celcom tingkat kapasiti rangkaian Text
Kakisan Exam Papers
Parents the main culprit Text
Chikungunya epidemic under control Text
DEB tidak boleh dibincang secara terbuka Text
Cuepacs cadang tolak PTK Text
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
Masyarakat alpa punca kanak-kanak masih jadi mangsa dText
Manufacturing of flexible surgical guide for fully edentul Conference Papers
Harga getah diramal lepasi 600 sen sekilo Text
Kajian kerosakan jalan di laluan FT 023 bermula dari se Text
Real time implementation of pid and active force control Thesis
12 projects in IDR this year Text
Synthesis of methoxylated and hydroxylated flavonoids Thesis
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Mengantuk, pandu laju punca nahas meningkat Text
Weak students facing neglect Text
No decision yet on crooked bridge Text
Childcare centres may adopt Permata method Text
A novel routing optimization in optical burst switching n Conference Papers
Kurikulum keselamatan jalan raya ke Kabinet Text
Novelist tops the awards list Text
Peserta sukan berkuda meningkat News Paper Cuttings
Sensbot : 4 legged autonomous robot Thesis
Perompak mati ditembak Text
Intrusion prevention system: a survey Conference Papers
Aplikasi tempahan teksi telefon pintar Thesis
Worried parents keep kids home Text
Wahid janji teruskan kecemerlangan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Software development of meshfree method (Polynomial Thesis
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Construction technology Exam Papers
Generalized linear models (GLMS) approach in modellingConference
r Papers
Pegawai pertanian lulusan ijazah bimbing petani Text
Financial analysis of cogeneration system for institution Thesis
US following 'Mahathir Doctrine' on IMF Text
Pembinaan homeomorfisma dari sfera ke elipsoid Text
Pelajar pendidikan vokasional mampu bergaji tinggi Text
Rumah Datuk Gempa Haji Mohd. Zakaria Text
2.78 juta tak nyata penama Text
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu hadapi cabaran sebelum merText
High-protein diet may affect female fertility Text
Investing for the future Text
300 pusat komputer masyarakat desa dibina Text
Lima '09 : Zalina wanita pertama dunia terbangkan BorbaText
Awareness and acceptance analysis of information securitThesis
Sistem mekanikal & elektrikal Text
Wanita takut periksa payu dara Text
Investigating the role of molecular interactions in polym Journal Article
A review on preparation techniques for synthesis of nanoc Indexed Paper
Dynamic analysis of a 10M diameter wind turbine rotor Text
Isolation and bioactivity of carica papaya linn seeds Text
Kawalan sistem kuasa Text
ATM mahu taraf kelas pertama Text
Lattice gas automata simulations of single-phase and tw Text
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Direct model reference adaptive control of coupled tank Tl ext
KLIA mansuh caj letak pesawat Text
New methyltrimethoxysilane-(3-mercaptopropyl)- trimethox Indexed Paper
Enhanced rehabilitation strategy on robotic rehabilitationThesis
Static security assessment on power system using artificiText
Design and construction of remotely operated underwateThesis
Pakar robotik muda News Paper Cuttings
Water treatment Exam Papers
Sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) (Preview) Text
Small stocks take a big hit Text
Penilaian risiko dalam projek pembinaan jalan Text
Pengaruh saiz terhadap kekuatan rasuk kayu Text
Intelligent active force control of human hand tremor us Thesis
K-anonymity data obfuscation and tree-based data perturThesis
Keusahawanan sosial subjek baru IPT Text
Stabilty of cypermethrin against a prepared high surface Text
Xiri enterpise HR-Departmen management system Thesis
Field programmable gate array design and implementation Thesis
Sistem kepintaran Text
A review of the 'omics' approach to biomarkers of oxidatiIndexed Paper
Sistem teknologi pengajaran Text
Financial accounting II Exam Papers
Tempatkan pusat serenti ke kawasan lebih terpencil Text
Pemimpin pelajar perlu bertindak positif Text
Policemen attacked, lose guns Text
Diet songsang remaja mudaratkan tubuh Text
Awasi pengambilan asid borik Text
Syarikat milik senator klon AP Text
Lima termasuk bayi 10 bulan maut Text
Najib and Wen seal three pacts to herald close ties Text
Sistem direktori E-dagang untuk IKS di Johor Thesis
Isi tekad perjuangan bahasa Text
Rate of consolidation for Batu Pahat soft clay using asa Thesis
Orientasi matlamat pencapaian dan keresahan pelajar f Thesis
Komitmen perangi rasuah - Malaysia tandatangan konvenText
Modelling gravel beach dynamics with XBeach Indexed Paper
Group theory II Exam Papers
Preparation and characterization of plasticized polylactic Journal Article
Rekabentuk pangkalan data GIS untuk kawalan pembangun Text
Abdullah minta kaji penubuhan Mahkamah Keluarga Isla Text
11 resolusi bela bangsa Melayu : konvensyen Umno TereText
Chinese puzzle : they come as tourists and disappear Text
Vending machine monitoring system Thesis
Move to register specialists Text
Dengimm pendekatan alternatif rawat denggi Text
Link quality multipath based routing scheme for underwaThesis
A Non-invasive System for predicting hemoglobin (Hb) inConference Papers
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Nationwide dengue epidemic alert Text
Sikap mesra pikat pelancong Text
Promosi istimewa iTalk daripada TM Text
60% penuntut 1PT aliran sains menjelang 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Electron beam irradiation enhanced of hibiscus cannabinu Indexed Paper
Status siasatan BPR diumum -- Tiga pendekatan baru ha Text
Mechanic of machines Exam Papers
Optical tomography : concentration measurement in a p Text
Lunturkan semangat demonstrasi News Paper Cuttings
Forget me not Text
Sistem pengurusan penasihat akademik FKKKSA Thesis
Modelling and control of hysteresis and vibration in peizoThesis
Public service measured by its weaknesses Text
An interactive learning tool for biomedical image registr Thesis
SOI based nanowire single-electron transistors: design, Non-Index Paper
Self-testable discrete wavelet transform system-on-chip Thesis
Keselamatan dalam proses rekabentuk loji Text
PTP makmurkan ekonomi negara Text
Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan ada hak saman kerajaan negerText
Integration of operating room planning and scheduling t Thesis
Islamic world gets top marks in maths, science Text
Pendaki UTM bersemangat tawan Everest Mac depan News Paper Cuttings
Direct conversion receiver for active integrated antenna (Text
Flood-hit village to be relocated to higher ground Text
Perbandingan di antara cerucuk konkrit bertulang (R.C) Text
TSPSolver : a new software for solving the traveling sal Conference Papers
Statik Text
Matematik I Text
UKM, KUTKM cemerlang dalam penyelidikan Text
Bionanocomposite fibers based on cellulose and montmori Indexed Paper
Pendatang asing perlu ditangani secara tegas Text
Performance analysis of PKI validation and encryption Thesis
Semangat warga pendidik makin membara Text
Estimation of accident cost at paper bag manufacturing Thesis
Permainan pada telefon bimbit (Speed Drag) Thesis
Top 10 listing for Setong park Text
SPM : lulus BI wajib? Text
Govt, bosses seek ways to keep businesses going Text
Our Turning Point: Entrepreneurial University Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Robotik Exam Papers
Kantin, tandas sekolah digred Text
Pembangunan tanah wakaf - Isu, prospek dan strategi Conference Papers
Numerical study of carbon nanotube fermi energy near pConference Papers
UTM students council urged to foster unity Text
Flameless combustion of propane-air mixture in a laboratConference Papers
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon hollow fiber memb Conference Papers
Aimst sasar universiti penyelidikan Text
Expert help sought to boost agri sector Text
Perancangan luar bandar Text
Rafizi terdesak label ilmuwan 'profesor kangkung' News Paper Cuttings
Keusahawanan buka pintu rezeki Text
Calculus of variations Exam Papers
Bandwidth widening, gain improvement and efficiency boIndexed Paper
Marina : society must help AIDS victims Text
Porous carbon-coated titania prepared by in-situ polymeriz
Master plan to reduce foreign labour Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Spam filtering using BayesianTechnique based on independ Text
70% melayu di IPTA lemah b. inggeris Text
Kuala Lumpur kota raya banjir kilat Text
Malaysia proposes third bridge link to Singapore Text
Pensyarah lapan negara sertai Persidangan Psikologi, SainNews Paper Cuttings
Measurements of non-reacting and reacting flow fields ofIndexed Paper
Bandar universiti baru di Gopeng Text
Magnetic nanoparticle imaging by random and maximumIndexedl Paper
Agensi kerajaan harus utama khidmat terbaik : Raja Dr NaText
Down-regulation of ALDH1A1 increased expression of carci Journal Article
Compressed wavelet packet-based spectrum sensing withIndexed Paper
Kajian kurangkan bayaran pendahuluan rumah kos rendaText
Science in the muslim world: contribution of UTM scientiConference Papers
Sustainable perspectives in TVET curriculum according t Thesis
Sains bukan saja untuk saintis Text
AirAsia berada dalam kedudukan kukuh Text
Dispersive micro-solid phase extraction method using neIndexed Paper
Kerajaan setuju pinda, undang-undang lapuk termasuk ber Text
Hadiah besar : kerajaan setuju naik usia bersara 58 tahunText
Unit Risikan disusun semula Text
Smartphone buyer guide mobile application Thesis
Gapena syor 8 syarat BI subjek wajib lulus Text
Identification of informative genes and pathways using Indexed Paper
Pupuk pelajaran pengguna di sekolah Text
Influenza A (H1N1) : 554 have symptoms, 55 infected Text
Ministry sets world ranking target for two varsities Text
KL setanding kota metropolitan Text
Falsafah ilmu Islam : mencipta semula tamadun Text
Strength properties of self-healing mortars Thesis
Rozana tidak bersalah Text
Call to intensify fight against dengue fever Text
Abdul Rahman is first Uniten chancellor Text
Terokai ilmu sains Text
Sistem visualisasi profil atmosfera di Semenanjung MalayThesis
Diagnostics of laser induced graphite plasma under varioJournal Article
Future looks brighter for JohorÆs islanders Text
Insan beriman pastikan kesihatan jasmani, rohani seimb Text
Pelan induk pengurusan cerun siap 2008 Text
Indon yes to water bombers Text
RM700m link almost ready Text
Perbandingan perawatan rincisan penggerudian yang tercThesis
Grass widows by the hundreds Text
Tingkatkan penguasaan pelajar Text
Misi UTM 'Hands To Syria' News Paper Cuttings
22 cases filed to recover study loans Text
Gadis perlu celik jenayah Text
Ostrich oil products for better hair and skin Text
Geographical indications also given to same products Text
SPS UTM terima Anugerah Inovasi Naib Canselor News Paper Cuttings
Reading motivation of students in a secondary school in rThesis
Small loan scheme to beat Ah Long woes Text
Microalgae cultivation from photobioreactor for nutrien Thesis
An overview on the growth and development of the Malay Conference Papers
Islam sebagai addin jadikan ibadah lebih nikmat Text
Perjuangan lindungi alam sekitar belum selesai Text
The implications of streetscape improvement on tourist be Text
Teaching of Science and Maths in Bahasa may begin in 2 Text
Threat looms from æengineeredÆ rice Text
Looking at- Landmarks Text
Govt to save RM2bil via new fuel subsidy system Text
More thrust to poverty eradication Text
Persepsi kawal minda News Paper Cuttings
Still down with dengue fever Text
Set theory and logic Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
Teknik kuantitatif dan perancangan Text
Appetite for research Text
Mapping approach for examining waste management withi Text
Effects of quenching media on phase transformation charIndexed Paper
Effect of sintering aid on CGO electrolyte for the fabricatiIndexed Paper
The Investigation of wind energy potential in order to e Journal Article
Industri penyumberan luar sedia 300,000 peluang kerja Text
UK keen on funding at Danum Valley Text
Role of Bumiputeras in auto industry still small Text
Classification of big data security model Thesis
PTPTN peruntuk RM25.9b pinjaman pendidikan IPT Text
Uniaxial compressive stability of laminated composite plaIndexed Paper
Penyingkiran cod di dalam air sisa yang mengandungi ka Thesis
Pembangunan Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur : Kada tump Text
Effect of ageing treatment on the microstructures and s Thesis
Chitosan coated and non-coated composite scaffolds base Indexed Paper
Format baru untuk graduan perubatan luar Text
Tubuh universiti baru mantapkan NCER Text
PPSMI : papar wajah sebenar Melayu Text
AS perlu kikis pendekatan kesukuan : Syed Hamid Text
Pengantar makroekonomi Text
Tarif elektrik disemak Text
E-perladangan : satelit rangkai estet di seluruh negara Text
Highway engineering Text
Petrol up 30 sen Text
Basic audio and video in multimedia Exam Papers
Harga minyak dunia perlu adil Text
Korean company practice in Malaysia Thesis
Kesedaran pentingnya ilmu Text
Scale and metric based performance analysis of differen Thesis
Pembakaran terbuka : syarikat Malaysia nafi dakwaan In Text
Ministry studies possibility of school health screenings Text
Professional practice III Exam Papers
Mini reactor to have big impact News Paper Cuttings
Urusan tanah lebih cepat, telus 2008 Text
The wake wash prediction on an asymmetric catamaran hConference Papers
75% of Malaysia at risk of fire Text
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Probabiuty theory Exam Papers
Design pneumatic system of pruning machine for harvestiThesis
Tujuh inisiatif rangsang pelaburan, perdagangan Text
BM bukan setakat PPSMI Text
Pendekatan perangi dadah selama ini kurang berkesan : Text
Screening of combined zeolite-ozone system for phenol Indexed Paper
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Profil pandangan lepasan siswazah menceburi bidang k Thesis
Wanita perlu rebut peluang dalam semua sektor Text
A comparison of artificial neural network learning algor Conference Papers
Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dipinda Text
Teks penuh Bajet 2008 : bersama membina negara dan Text
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Hak mahasiswa bersuara terjamin Text
Kesan terlebih banyak agregat kasar dan terlebih banya Text
A decentralized proportional-integral sliding mode tracki Conference Papers
MyLinE : kaedah belajar BI dalam talian Text
Cloud computing as a construction collaboration tool fo Indexed Paper
Siapa dapat? : RM1.5b projek khas untuk kontraktor kelaText
Teknik spektroskopi dan analisis bahan Text
Nuklear sebagai sumber tenaga alternatif Text
Kerajaan, rakyat kena serap kenaikan harga minyak Text
Syrian PM extends visit Text
Timely boost for northern states Text
Performance of pultruded GFRP composites under tropicaText
Poor service to be a thing of the past Text
Numerical methods II Exam Papers
Kes denggi, chikungunya turun Text
50 city teachers move to rural Sabah Text
JPA sentiasa pertingkat sistem pentadbiran capai tahap dText
Anak tidak syarie : di mana kedudukannya? Text
105 held at Black Metal meet Text
Biomorphic architecture approach in building form base Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility practices by public limite Thesis
Loss and/or expense claim in construction contract Thesis
Youths selected for National Service can check via phoneText
Preparation and characterisation of biocompatible polye Thesis
Closer tourism ties with China Text
Environmental engineering Exam Papers
Perak akan kaji pembangunan di sempadan Thai News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanostructures on graphene/glassIndexed Paper
Perawatan masalah-masalah tirisan oleh persamaan-per Text
Cuepacs mesti aktif perangi harga Text
Development of solar incubator for farm application usi Text
Preparation of rocket grade hydrogen peroxide and catalNon-Index Paper
Projek sambungan LRT mula suku pertama 2010 Text
Maklum kendali program kepemimpinan Text
UIAM, UTM mohon jadi institusi penyelidikan Text
Urban stormwater management Exam Papers
Perak sets up consortium for $1Om projects News Paper Cuttings
Temporal spectral approach to surface electromyographyThesisb
More non-Malays in civil service likely, says Subramania Text
Police nab two, seize RM80,000 worth of drugs Text
Kolej Segi lahir jururawat terlatih Text
Pengesahan kaedah topang dan pengikat dalam struktur Tr ext
Requirements and challenges in body sensor networks : aIndexed Paper
Emas=RM3,000, Perak=RM1,500, Gangsa=RM1,000 : SkimText
Experimental investigation on short interlocking block coThesis
Kempen beli barang murah : dilancar minggu depan bag Text
Analysis of physicality aspects in physical user interfac Journal Article
Evaluation of finite element formulation for one-dimensiNon-Index Paper
Analisis statistik ke atas parameter-parameter model hidText
Effects of coarse palm oil clinker on properties of self-c Journal Article
IPT diminta lengkapkan pelajar dengan didikan moral Text
EEG mental tasks analysis based on short time fourier tr Thesis
A guide to SLE Text
Mesoporous ZSM5 having both intrinsic acidic and basic Indexed Paper
Pertumbuhan lima peratus sektor tani diteruskan Text
Sistem kuasa & kejuruteraan voltan tinggi Text
Pelaksanaan kurikulum Kejuruteraan Awam dalam pembela Thesis
Water treatment sludge and crumb rubber as concrete mThesis
Kerajaan bina terowong pintar elak banjir di ibu kota Text
Solid state chemistry Exam Papers
Imigresen diarah pertingkat kawalan Text
Memahami, kenali cara jangkitan H1N1 kekang penulara Text
MMA : remove tobacco subsidies Text
Analisis makanan Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keselamatan dalam inThesis
Stability of rigid retaining wall Text
Using bayesian networks to construct gene regulatory n Journal Article
African nations keen to learn from us Text
Mengurangkan beban rakyat Text
Experimental study of aerated concrete encased with fe Text
Kajian keberkesanan penganalisisan imej menggunakan rThesis
Pengurusan harta tanah Text
Prosedur elak KLIA transit seludup haiwan liar Text
Book on Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi published Text
A persuasive model for computer based mathematics learThesis
Biosensors and tranducers Exam Papers
Peluang terakhir : PM : amaran kepada 10,000 remaja gaga Text
Jaminan pendidikan berkualiti : Kementerian tubuh agensText
Simulation of hydrogen production for mobile fuel cell a Conference Papers
Malay isolated digit recognition using neural network: a Non-Index Paper
US varsity to help solve erosion problems News Paper Cuttings
Glaucoma : the sneak thief of your sight Text
More women entrepreneurs making impact Text
Serba salah pemansuhan ISA Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
UTM cipta alat mesra alam News Paper Cuttings
Kolej francais UiTM mampu lahir ramai pelajar cemerlan Text
Kimia organik II Text
Prinsip pemasaran Text
Evapotranspiration estimation using a normalized differeConference Papers
Genetic variation, heritability, and diversity analysis of Indexed Paper
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Malaysia-Japan International Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Microcontroller AT89C51 based data driven display Thesis
Misi mengangkasa pengajian tinggi Text
Ponteng kerja angkara along Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Semi active's magnetorheological damper for vehicle's Conference Papers
Zeti : no need to raise interest rate Text
Measurement of international roughness index (IRI) usingThesis
Enzim bantu industri bioteknologi Text
Validation of a vertical vane design using CFD simulation Thesis
Ecofuture optimis potensi biomas sawit Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dan kayu Text
Produk kraf Malaysia ke Harrods pembuka langkah bagi Text
Atlet wajib sertai PKN Text
More Arab students coming Text
Cadang biasiswa johan bahas Text
Profile, issues and directions of troubled muslim teenag Indexed Paper
Monte carlo simulation on breast cancer detection usin Conference Papers
In situ target strength measurement of selar boops (Oxe Conference Papers
Kadar bayaran baru barang elektrik bebankan penuntut Text
Tahap kefahaman masyarakat orang asli terhadap tangguThesis
Study of cost functions in three term backpropagation forConference Papers
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Keunikan batik Malaysia Text
Pusat sehenti UTM tawar tiket pelancongan Text
Boleh ambil pekerja asing : kerajaan lulus permohonan mText
Come back and your spouse can work Text
BPR sasar individu berbelanja mewah Text
Time for dialogue with the West Text
Private firms must do more for disabled, says Fong Text
Undang-undang tanah yang terlibat semasa proses permoThesis
Kenaikan harga minyak mungkin tidak dapat dikawal Text
Sedia hadapi kesan krisis Text
Hasil seni yang lebih santai : penggemar Text
Kenaf hasil komoditi penting : PM Text
Doc admits drug offence : he tried to sell sleeping pills w Text
Sandakan jadi hab pendidikan Text
Pelaksanaan tatacara pelantikan pelelong berlesen di pe Thesis
Frequency estimator using artificial neural network for Thesis
Effect of effect of fibre orientation on the scratch charac Conference Papers
Pemerkasaan bahasa Text
Macro algae species and their potential application as ra Indexed Paper
Body image perception, body shape concern and body shJournal Article
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
PTPP bantu perkembangan pendidikan Text
Cytotoxicity activities in local justicia gendarussa crude Indexed Paper
Air flow analysis in square duct bend Thesis
Rekabentuk senibina maklumat enterprais : kajian kes K Text
Guideline to investigate data leakage by image capture Thesis
Vehicle counting and classification for traffic data acquisiJournal Article
Melayu jangan bergantung pada subsidi, buruh asing Text
98 kematian demam denggi sehingga November Text
Life after anaemia Text
Penggunaan e-visa diperluaskan Text
Ramuan tanpa kajian saintifik memudaratkan Text
Haji : USM IPT pertama di dunia dijemput kerjasama Ara Text
Prestasi sekolah cemerlang dipantau Text
The movement detection on the landslide surface by using Conference Papers
Struktur tingkap, ruang penentu gaya langsir Text
RM80m to keep foreigners in jail for four months Text
In-silico structural analysis affecting thermostability in Thesis
Skim Pencen Swasta pelengkap keselamatan sosial Text
Performance of cold asphalt mixtures with 60-70 PEN b Thesis
Akta BNM 2009 penjaga kestabilan kewangan Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat Text
Rekabentuk loji Text
UKM hasilkan tiga rosel baru Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
The effect of incorporating reclaimed asphalt pavement Journal Article
XRD investigation of fired clay brick masonry subjected Non-Index Paper
Carry on clean-up News Paper Cuttings
Fizik am II Text
155,420 kereta Proton dijual 2003 Text
Statistical Quality Control Exam Papers
Pengurusan bangunan Text
Proposing guidelines for improving information assura Thesis
Generating an initial solution for capacitated vehicle rou Conference Papers
Pengurusan harta pusaka kecil tak alih menggunakan apliThesis
Reduce number of foreign workers, ministry told Text
Intelligent fault detection and diagnosis based on optimi Thesis
Kalkulus I Text
Real Coded for tuning of semi-active railway vehicle sus Thesis
Full text of Dr Mahathir's speech Text
A review of ultrasonic tomography for monitoring the corIndexed Paper
Forced vibration responses of functionally graded conica Indexed Paper
The evaluation of borehole imaging result comparing withIndexed Paper
Tiotropium boleh baiki fungsi paru-paru Text
Ayam kurang punca harga naik Text
USM tubuh makmal kajian biologi struktur Text
Fuzzy sliding mode controller for cascaded multilevel inv Thesis
Kawalan inventori Text
Pengaruh propaganda IS News Paper Cuttings
Tiga kaedah boleh selesai masalah Text
EPU rangka Pelan Induk Sumber Manusia Text
KWSP manfaat peluang kegawatan ekonomi Text
Formation control of multiple mobile robots utilising sy Indexed Paper
Development of a portable digital Quran Thesis
Be efficient servants, set benchmark against the best Text
Minister : study proposal on switch to Syariah law thorouText
Construction project & management Text
Characterization of chemical structure for base active meJournal Article
Profesion guru ke tahap tinggi Text
Akhlak benteng pembinaan hadharah Text
Kajian terhadap projek perumahan di Kelantan (Full text)Text
Cadangan haram iklan makanan segera ke Kabinet Text
18 pembentangan hasil R&D universiti Text
Further development of low cost lemang machine for co Thesis
Budaya balik kampung mengajar generasi muda kenali asText
The impact of the great man made river project on Libya'sText
Sirim help for parang-makers Text
Memperkasa produk pertanian untuk pasaran global Text
Development of static designs program for concrete buil Text
Synthesis and characterization of palladium (II) N2O2 - t Conference Papers
Analysis issues of computer network security management Thesis
Extraction of junctions, lines and regions irregular line Text
Transformasi pertanian perlu digiatkan Text
Hanya 13.7 peratus pekerja bayar levi Text
Economic outlook 2005 : the facts Text
Wakaf Korporat imbangi ekonomi Text
Dynamics of mather type plasma focus with step anode cThesis
SMS divorce an insult to women Text
Pendekatan pembelajaran kemahiran membaca menerusiConference Papers
Heuristic for vehicle routing problem with release and d Indexed Paper
Regenerated cellulose/montmorillonite and graphene nan Thesis
Ninth Malaysia Plan mid-term review : RM4b more for thText
Tan Sri Dato' Mohamed Zahir Bin Hj. Ismail : Pro-Canselo Text
Penyebar fitnah lebih bahaya daripada syaitan Text
Asean, partners taking pre-emptive strike Text
Syarat baru gaji pembantu rumah berat sebelah : MEF Text
Rheological properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber modThesis
Temasek eyeing MalaysiaÆs energy sector Text
Nadi unit invests RM800m in MRO ops Text
Nasib guru tua perlu pembelaan Text
Tahap kebolehan ruang dikalangan pelajar Pendidikan Tek Thesis
A CFD study on an aerofoil with control surface modificatThesis
New venture resources, international entrepreneurial ca Thesis
Kementerian terima 158 aduan salah laku pelajar sejak aw Text
Development of network policy based server (authenticati Text
Menjadi radikal di Syria memudaratkan Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Courses to build up youths Text
Develop and testing of a solar absorption refrigerator Thesis
Kajian penentuan kesesuaian lokasi baru memorial park Text
'Jom masuk U' beri peluang pelajar pilih bidang sesuai Text
Membrane-associated glucose-methanol-choline oxidoredu Indexed Paper
SMS a hit with 14m Malaysians Text
Now is the time to promote transplants Text
PDRM terima pemohon rabun Text
Automatic pan-tilt camera positioning system for motionText
Masa depan bahasa Melayu Text
Perodua lancar minyak pelincir kereta keluarannya Text
The lingering problem of urban poverty Conference Papers
X-ray and infrared image fusion for preclinical breast canThesis
Kaji kandungan pil langsing : CAP Text
Design and development of a CVT gearbox pulley ratio Text
First principles investigations of vinazene molecule and mIndexed Paper
Correct phonics to be part of new English curriculum Text
Untung IPTS cuma tampung operasi Text
Persepsi terhadap IPTS Bumiputera masih dangkal Text
Tempoh siasatan 30 hari : Dzaiddin ketuai badan bebas s Text
Concern about D-8's slow progress Text
Kes denggi semakin meningkat seluruh negara Text
Integrity monitoring for nationwide ISKANDARnet DGPS Thesis
Wire electrical discharge machining of stainless steel Text
Bird flu maintains its relentless march across the globe : Text
Computer systems maintenance and installations Exam Papers
Kerjasama cegah jenayah antarabangsa perlu disegera Text
Penubuhan CPRC mampu tangani bencana alam, wabak pText
Sistem berkesan tangani rasuah kakitangan awam Text
Semantic gap in CBIR: automatic objects spatial relation Non-Index Paper
Komuter every 10 minutes by year-end Text
Pengajaran holistik guru sekolah menengah negeri bandarThesis
Pembetulan taraf ekonomi sebenar rakyat Text
Effect of injection position on throttle body injection m Conference Papers
Instant boats for flood relief Thesis
Faktor permasalahan dalam mengekalkan sistem pengurusa Thesis
Modification of BSF layer in bifacial solar cell via photos Journal Article
A high gain erbium doped fiber amplifier Text
Negeri diarah tegas pulih sungai tercemar Text
Cara mengenal pasti skim pelaburan tidak sah Text
Harga barang naik : ikan, sayur, telur lebih mahal di ban Text
Effects of xylanase and cellulase production during com Non-Index Paper
Sisa arang batu hasilkan baja berkualiti Text
Industri kereta vintaj boleh berkembang Text
PM minta kerjasama korporat cegah rasuah Text
Hahn : good education vital for women Text
Operating plant Exam Papers
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam mengenalpasti im Thesis
Standard Sungai pulihara kualiti air Text
Email way to rein in rude civil servants Text
Varsities to focus on jobs overseas Text
The impact of R&D resources and capability on company Indexed Paper
Cadangan lantik guru sebaik tamat pengajian di maktab Text
Penerapan strategi pengutaraan masalah untuk meningkat Conference Papers
Kepentingan pelaksanaan skim pemaju tanggung faedah Thesis
Transport processes Exam Papers
UTM tubuh unit perisikan Text
Experimental investigation on the stability of bride girde Indexed Paper
Conductivity measurement 4 cell (Full text) Text
Intelligent system to reduce Text
Sistem pilihan raya berkesan tak perlu diubah News Paper Cuttings
Factors that affect the adoption of internet banking an Thesis
Airport equipment in place by January Text
Long waiting list for MyVi Text
Punca mat rempit mengganas Text
MECC dibuka 15 Januari Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Self Check-in Machine Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Instrumentasi dan kawalan Text
Fatigue analysis of catenary offset buoyant riser assembl Thesis
Usual areas of computer fraud Text
Analytical vernier effect of a PANDA ring resonator for mNon-Index Paper
Pemilik dilarang jual rumah PPR Text
PTPTN - Syarat baru lebih mesra pelajar Text
RM1.5b biaya program tambah pendapatan petani Text
Lexis Malaysia Database Workshop Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Latihan industri : Sekretariat induk perlu ditubuh Text
Fabrication of polyvinylidene difluoride nano-hybrid dial Indexed Paper
Burning away infertility Text
1Malaysia tetap bertunjangkan Perlembagaan Text
Ambil tahu keputusan The Hague News Paper Cuttings
Kementerian Pelajaran teliti sesi persekolahan 2010 Text
PM mahu 3 halangan pembangunan diatasi Text
Kewujudan gelembung peronggaan dalam cecair getah (aText
Tiga isyarat bantu kecilkan kawasan pencarian kotak hi News Paper Cuttings
Half-PANDA ring resonator used to generate 100 MHz repJournal Article
Not by bread alone News Paper Cuttings
Amalan linus sekolah kebangsaan di zon Parit Bunga, da Thesis
Compete globally with better R&D News Paper Cuttings
Stability of multiple sources connected in direct curren Thesis
Advance diffrential equations Exam Papers
A planar microelectrode array for simultaneous detectionIndexed Paper
Najib : Saudi keen to step up economic cooperation Text
Banks lower interest rates and penalty for late payment Text
Development of computer aided tool for torsional vibratiThesis
Perjanjian bina Lebuh Raya Senai-Desaru dimeterai esok Text
An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for predicting Indexed Paper
Sistem penggera banjir Text
Polis tumpas sindiket dadah antarabangsa Text
Misi jadikan Kuala Lumpur gemilang Text
Fundamentals of highway and traffic engineering Exam Papers
Recycling of carbon dioxide to renewable fuels by photocIndexed Paper
New centre to develop vaccine for bird flu Text
Projek perumahan atasi setinggan Text
More incentives for English teachers in rural areas Text
Industri ternakan ayam rugi RM53 juta Text
300,000 pendatang tanpa izin di negara ini Text
Tahap pengetahuan pontensi kerohanian di kalangan penThesis
Asian nations to enjoy strong capital flows Text
Assessment the behavior of seismic designed steel momen Indexed Paper
Double-tracking rail service to start next year Text
Penyakit uji keimanan, kesabaran manusia Text
Aplikasi Bioteknologi Text
Agent quality management framework with runtime verifiThesis
More protection for environs Text
Politics not the reason Text
Kriteria pembelian hartanah kediaman dari perspektif peThesis
Measurement of fast high current impulse Text
The calibration of a photogrammetric-based surveillance Conference Papers
The heck reactions of aryl bromides in ionic liquids me Text
Puas hati harga kereta Text
Siswi kuasai IPTA Text
Pensyarah USM cipta cip RF IC Text
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Harga getah tertinggi dalam 18 tahun Text
96 peratus kes juvana selesai hingga Jun Text
H1N1 : Mother, daughter latest victims Text
Skim latih pekerja kurang sambutan Text
Exports to gather steam in H2 Text
Fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making techniques and a Indexed Paper
Developing farmasi murni system based on web services Thesis
Pencen baru dirangka Text
Kesan Natrah pada politik masa kini Text
Kementerian kena ambil tahu kebajikan pendidik luar ba Text
Penasihat kewangan diselia Text
MJIIT ambil 90 pelajar News Paper Cuttings
IOT based healthcare monitoring system Thesis
Trends & issues in e-communities Exam Papers
Felda 'a model land reform project' Text
Mobile student organizer Thesis
Business statistics Exam Papers
Physical and catalytic activity studies of nickel oxide ba Text
Collaborative problem based learning within social learn Thesis
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Obtain certification to get ahead, skilled workers told Text
Effective strategies for integrating e-learning in proble Conference Papers
Dynamic modeling of electrical discharge machining (ED Indexed Paper
Move to open car market Text
High demand for senior managers Text
Mat Rempit menace : pain and shame tactic from RTD Text
Aswara naik taraf universiti Text
Review for intake of nurses Text
Common toll card to drive Rangkaian Segar Text
KWSP nafi tipu RM1.6j libatkan orang dalam Text
Impact of annealing time on silver nanoparticles growth as Indexed Paper
Plenary Lecturer Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A change impact size estimation approach during the so Indexed Paper
Bahan & proses pembuatan Text
Improvement of spiral flow aortic cannula for cardiopul Thesis
Integrated berthing facility for dry docking operation Thesis
Variable power factor corrector using synchronous motorThesis
Enam firma asing bantu ekonomi kita Text
Feature selection and machine learning classification fo Indexed Paper
Pelajar cipta ekstrak kadok cegah ulser Text
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Numerical study of solar chimney configurations for residThesis
Plan to enlarge small padi farms Text
Project involving highly-prized species a big success in S Text
Bina jalan guna bahan kitar semula News Paper Cuttings
Mathematical model of active migration glioma growth oIndexed Paper
Graph processing hardware accelerator for shortest pathText a
Security conscious ai-planning based composition of semNon-Index Paper
Royal advice for students Text
Budaya keluar minum Text
Construction contract studies II Exam Papers
Illumination techniques in augmented reality for cultural Conference Papers
Sesi baru : 23,700 pelajar UTM daftar serentak Text
Buy cheaper goods, consumers advised Text
Pertelingkahan dalam pembinaan : penggunaan timbangText
Contract administrator’s liability for pure economic loThesis
Sayap Umno kekal Text
Memantapkan pengurusan universiti Text
Melayu sebar Islam ke Afrika Selatan Text
53 sampel produk susu dari China diuji makmal Text
PM arah segera projek Text
Timber defect detection based on systematic feature analyThesis
Incorporating 3D game engine for 3D network analysis Conference Papers
Galak derma organ Text
Mechanical and thermal characteristic of alumina loadedThesis
PM asks Uzbek scholars to study Islam Hadhari Text
Kimia polimer Text
Kerajaan timbang tuntutan Cuepacs jika wajar : PM Text
Sistem amaran awal akhir tahun Text
Syor tubuh Kementerian Penyelarasan Agama Text
Performance of high strength POFA concrete in acidic e Non-Index Paper
Object - oriented programming using JAVA Exam Papers
Emulsion freezing/freeze-drying technique to fabricate s Thesis
Introduction to operation management / pengenalan ke Text
Kestabilan dan dinamik struktur Text
Guards may get minimum wage of RM1,200 Text
Tentera pertingkat keselamatan nasional Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Iskandar Investment News Paper Cuttings
Harga tak banyak berubah Text
Application of unmanned aerial vehicles for water pipel Thesis
BH, Maxis lancar e-Pembelajaran Text
RM5j tak masuk akal : KSN Text
Angkasawan : penangguhan tidak jejas kos Text
KDRM antara tujuh terbaik dunia Text
Sumber ilmu Text
Mamalia beruri terawal ditemui di China Text
Yayasan jaga kebajikan guru Text
Fast computing of conformal mapping and its inverse of Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa UTM cemerlang diberi pengecualian yuran Text
Tandas awam dikategori berdasarkan kebersihan Text
Pengaruh modal intelek terhadap pengekalan pelanggan Thesis
An index based searchable encryption scheme with IND-CThesis
30 kolam ikan musnah didakwa akibat penerbangan hutaText
Coexistence of third generation partnership project lo Thesis
Kajian keberkesanan sistem saliran di Hulu Sungai Skuda Text
WorldÆs largest container vessel on PTP maiden call Text
Fault type classification using pattern recognition Thesis
33 akta keselamatan akan dikaji termasuk ISA Text
Penganggaran bahan pencemar (pepejal terampai,ss) d Thesis
Education scheme payments online Text
Fama unjur laksana e-penggredan 2010 Text
Public latrines MAKEOVER Text
Optimization of oxidative coupling of methane using re Text
Inokom, Hyundai plan mini MPV Text
Readers want old mansion saved News Paper Cuttings
Penilaian pelaksanaan polisi kokurikulum berdasarkan Thesis
Reform school students face job rejections Text
Menjana sektor swasta: Bajet 2004 beri manfaat kepada Text
Pembelian rumah teres dua tingkat kajian kes : Pelangi Thesis
DBP tak bantu rakyat membaca Text
Physics Exam Papers
Paramedik sedia News Paper Cuttings
Analisa hasil mendakan untuk kawasan tadahan di Johor Text
Tarikh sebenar buka terowong Smart tunggu keputusan kText
Proton murah bukan stok lama Text
1001 cerita mengenai saintis Melayu Text
Regression correlation between soil copaction parameters Text
Prinsip perniagaan Text
Kuatkan pengaruh OIC Text
Kajian kerosakan permukaan jalan raya dan kerja-kerja Text
Budaya selenggara aset Text
Oseanografi & geografi fizikal / oceanography & physica Text
Dual band-dual beam reduced size Butler matrices Indexed Paper
Four Mara students pay for parents' folly Text
Surface and colloid chemistry Exam Papers
Dataset generation and network intrusion detection baseThesis
Kaedah analisis perancangan Text
Merealisasikan perabot negara ke pasaran dunia Text
The weldability of dissimilar three-steel sheet using con Indexed Paper
Analysis of pillar thickness variation on source-on-top Conference Papers
Kesan pencemaran tidak sampai seminit Text
Sierpinski gasket patch and monopole antenna (Preview)Text
Torque and current calibration of emdap-cvt Thesis
Penyertaan ekonomi wanita perlu ditingkatkan Text
Mekanik keplastikan & pembentukan logam Text
Pandangan Lee Kuan Yew berat sebelah News Paper Cuttings
Development of general purpose graphics processing unitThesis
Sekolah berkualiti Text
Malaysia great place for retirees but... Text
Industrial relations law Exam Papers
Exact solutions of unsteady free convection flow past an Thesis
Memerangi kemiskinan menerusi kemajuan digital Text
Statistics Exam Papers
Object-oriented programming using JAVA Exam Papers
Patients have the right Text
16 more judges to help clear backlog of cases Text
Effect of cylinder deactivation strategies on engine per Journal Article
Rakam, siar aksi buli dalam You Tube Text
Sistem perhubungan optik Text
Finite element modelling of newtonian fluid in branche Thesis
Pendirian profesional berkaitan rasuah dalam industri p Thesis
Rheological and fractal hydrodynamics of aerobic granul Indexed Paper
Sistem pengurusan penyelenggaraan Kolej 10 berasaska Text
Masjid Lama Lenggeng berusia 170 tahun Text
Kenaikan levi pekerja asing diteruskan Text
Performance and emission characteristics of a two strokeText
Analytical study of end-plate connection on cruciform coThesis
70 peratus ikuti SLG dapat kerja Text
Bekalan darah PDN kritikal Text
Synthesis of zeolite A in batch and semi-batch reactors Conference Papers
Effect of natural rubber/epoxidized natural rubber (90/10Indexed Paper
Effects of oil palm shell filler on inception and propagati Conference Papers
Semua pihak perlu perkasa tulisan jawi Text
Physical properties and photocatalytic degradation studieText
RM5m for orphan fund Text
Docs need to improve, the 72% trust rating is not high, saText
Ministry ready for first community service sentence Text
Tingkatkan hubungan Malaysia,Perancis Text
Pembangunan MyGSP: sumber atas talian bahan pengajarConference Papers
Lidah penentu martabat setiap insan Text
Rear seat belts compulsory from Jan 1 Text
Design of microwave bandpass filter with novel parallel cText
Progress in controlling autonomous microgrids Indexed Paper
Higher education and knowledge economy: a focus on NiJournal Article
FTA Asean-Korea Selatan beri manfaat pelaburan MalaysText
Pakar ekonomi nasihat berjimat Text
Asrama juvana mudah bolos Text
Influencing factors in non-landed residential property fa Thesis
How PCS hurt the environmen Text
Kaki diabetik dan pencegahannya Text
Evaluation of seakeeping analysis of a fishing vessel us Conference Papers
Worry-free train travel for women Text
Implementing 3D network analysis in 3D - GIS Conference Papers
Sistem amaran tsunami ada kelemahan Text
Perkhidmatan cekap dituntut Text
Pendidikan unik Text
Bantuan News Paper Cuttings
90,000ha slated to be agri-parks Text
Contohi nilai positif budaya Barat Text
Sumbangan tokoh bantu pembangunan negara News Paper Cuttings
Professional ethics Exam Papers
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Single-route synthesis of magnetic biochar from sugarca Indexed Paper
Entrepreneurial intention among entrepreneurship club m Thesis
Lanun ada kaitan sindiket antarabangsa Text
Differences between the non-technical skills for skilled wIndexed Paper
Pretreatment of cocoa waste for bioethanol production us Conference Papers
A document-like software visualization method for effectThesis
Sediment transport is one of the processes that can appl Thesis
Malaysia is a great brand : go tell the world, says PM Text
The possible application of surfactant modified zeolite naConference Papers
Rekabentuk struktur sarjana muda ukur bahan Text
Application of kernel-genetic algorithm as nonlinear feat Indexed Paper
Detailed study sought Text
AS patut manfaatkan kelebihan Malaysia Text
Majlis Perujian Tilawah al-Quran Makum Oktober ini News Paper Cuttings
The application of near-infrared spectroscopy to investig Conference Papers
Analisa tegasan ke atas satu komponen 2D dan 3D meng Text
Penggunaan serat kelapa sawit sebagai bahan tambah daText
A new approach for surface water change detection : integ Indexed Paper
Increased police presence pays off Text
Voluntary RT units for 250 more areas Text
The effect of coconut shell on engineering properties of Journal Article
6 strategi banteras HIV/Aids Text
Kejuruteraan pengeluaran petroleum Text
Wave of arrests shows ACA means business Text
300,000 nikmati kemudahan Jalan Shah Alam - Batu AranText
Environmental management Exam Papers
Penerimaan pemodenan kaedah pengeluaran industri desa Thesis
ARM7 educational board Thesis
Pinjaman 100% bina rumah murah Text
Kelantan mahu hak guna sama Taman Budaya Text
Proses pemisahan II Text
UKM bags 13 Text
Kajian atasi fenomena pulau haba guna seramik News Paper Cuttings
Sistem sokongan keputusan untuk penilaian prestasi konText
Determination of suitable co-precipitator (clarifying agenConference Papers
Reservation of rights in construction claims Thesis
Eletrochemical dechlorination of toxic chlorobenzenes i Conference Papers
Udang-undang dipersenda : serbuan ke-6 rampas RM85, Text
Fuel subsidy : govt studying options Text
Helping the elderly plan for a comfortable future Text
Resort tops Johor-level landscape competition Text
Diminution in value of works due to deffects Thesis
Principles of chemical processes II Exam Papers
Improvement of electric field mill signal conditioning uni Thesis
Computer hardware management and services Exam Papers
Mahkamah Islam Antarabangsa perlu ditubuhkan Text
Total quality management Exam Papers
Computer technology & information (Maklumat dan teknExam Papers
Modelling and managing 3D spatial objects Conference Papers
Naib Canselor baru UMP Text
Laser dalam perubatan Text
Organic synthesis Text
Risiko tinggi beli darah Text
Poor response to job offers in nasi kandar and Indian res Text
Computerized design of pre-tensioned beam based on E Thesis
Iskandar research centre to be set up Text
Pindah organ : tugas serius selepas kematian Text
Opportunities of tenancy management services by FM org Text
Partial discharge characteristics in LLDPE-natural rubber Indexed Paper
Pembangunan semula projek terbengkalai yang dikategorThesis
Impact of corporate governance on corporate performance Indexed Paper
Face region recognizer Thesis
Budget terminal at KK ready soon Text
Universiti cerminan Satu Malaysia Text
Muslim perlu kekuatan jati diri hadapi keganasan Text
Keep an eye out for flu symptoms, parents told Text
Kerajaan laksana program pulih semula industri koko Text
Enhancing embedding capacity and security of strganograConference Papers
PM : economic growth poised to better forecast Text
Structure Design Exam Papers
Malaysians do care Text
Samseng jalanan bukan mat rempit Text
Perbankan konvensional tidak akan dihapus : Najib Text
KLIA dijangka kendali 25.5 juta penumpang Text
Roping in icons to promote reading Text
Komunikasi berkesan Text
UTM catat peningkatan kemasukan News Paper Cuttings
Will the flu fade or spread? Text
Optimization of supercritical Co2 extraction of Swieten Indexed Paper
Ekonomi di paras paling rendah : MIBB Text
Partial slip effect on heat and mansfer of MHD peristalti Indexed Paper
Johor safe for Singaporeans Text
510,000 remaja bawah 15 tahun korban Aids Text
HSI diserang kulat dubuka semula 15 Feb. Text
Kementerian umum strategi ajar sains, matematik guna bText
Fluid mechanic 2 Exam Papers
Keselamatan jalan raya untuk kanak-kanak Text
4 juta nombor prabayar ditamat Text
Johor students get flood aid Text
Bajet 2008 iktiraf keupayaan wanita bekerja Text
Felda to spend RM10.5m more on park Text
Skudai campus hit by money woes News Paper Cuttings
MMC to up stake in ptp Text
Preparation characterization and mechanistic study of aluThesis
Pusat dialisis di semua hospital kerajaan Text
Pengurusan bank perlu pertingkat keselamatan Text
Pondok istirahat Text
Raja Nazrin pertahan imej Kesultanan Melayu Text
Ukur asas Text
SHE is responsible for fewer fatalities Text
Water masses characteristics along costal waters off Kua Conference Papers
Analisis terperinci struktur sayap, fiuslaj dan gear pend Text
Thermal and hydrodynamic performance of a microchanne Journal Article
Modul ETeMS dilancar Text
Forum kenal pasti 6 bidang kerjasama Text
IPTS diberi amaran sedia kemudahan Text
Sekolah daif dikecuali guna bahasa Inggeris Text
On matlab finite element simulations of steady - state buText
Benefits of NS far outweigh drawbacks Text
Drop in illegal software use Text
Instrumen sistem kepercayaan tidak rasional dalam kala Thesis
High performance computing of thermal control simulation Conference Papers
Budaya Malaysia I Text
Speed limits under review Text
Combustion of biogas released from palm oil mill effluentIndexed Paper
Atasi segera kerenah birokrasi tabung perubatan kronik :Text
Syarat MPSJ dapatkan kebenaran jiran untuk bela anjing Text
Usaha giat martabat bahasa Melayu Text
Proton henti rundingan Text
Work design implementation in an automotive company Thesis
Visa Berulang Kali untuk warga China, India Text
Pelaksanaan BI guna perisian mesra pelajar Text
Sains pengurusan Text
Wastewater Engineering Exam Papers
Membawa MSC ke pentas dunia Text
Henti bina jambatan Text
Promise of a better future Text
The directional hierarchical AODV (DH-AODV) routing proIndexed Paper
Syor manfaat kokurikulum Text
Sistem pangkalan data Text
85,000 peserta PLKN dibekalkan kad `YES2NS' Text
High-capacity soliton transmission for indoor and outdo Indexed Paper
Wakil MPPUTM ikrar perjuang masalah akademik, kebaji Text
Derivation of path reduction factor from the Malaysian mConference Papers
Usia, kekangan masa bukan halangan bagi Dell tuntut il News Paper Cuttings
Diploma puts Orang Asli sisters on the road to a degree Text
PM : solidarity vital for stability and harmony Text
Optimization of extraction and detection method for imazJournal Article
Mekanik pepejal 1 Exam Papers
Techno-economic analysis of a photovoltaic-fuel cell gr Indexed Paper
Wall thickness determination in the design of submarine Text
Selection of contractors for minor works by quotation Conference Papers
Majlis penutup dan penyampaian hadiah "My Favourite Ph Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Proton yakin jualan di Indonesia capai sasaran Text
The prediction of vapour liquid equilibrium behaviour o Conference Papers
Indeks baru kukuhkan industri sawit Text
Simultaneous selection and scheduling with sequence-depeIndexed Paper
Pemimpin beragama pelindung rakyat Text
Women as rulers phenomenon in Southeast Asian IslamicConference Papers
Structural design Exam Papers
Start spending now, Govt told Text
UTM kongsi kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
Physical model for structure dynamic in earthquake engi Text
Frequency-reconfigurable archimedean spiral antenna Indexed Paper
Human Resource Management System Thesis
Ultra wide band antenna design Conference Papers
Pelan khas basmi kemiskinan 39,000 nelayan Text
Isu pertindihan sempadan maritim tetap diselesaikan Text
Rakyat kita dihantui gempa bumi Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Asas kuasa & mesin elektrik Text
Kerangka alternatif pelajar dalam topik Ikatan Kimia Thesis
PKNP berjaya catat untung $97 juta News Paper Cuttings
Sistem persekolahan kebangsaan akan dikukuhkan : Hi Text
Kawalan proses dan dinamik Text
Mengelak anak jadi remaja bermasalah Text
Rekod pewaris pencarum KWSP masih disimpan Text
UTM is Robocon champ for fourth straight year Text
Threat to prawn industry Text
Guard our coastal guardians Text
Bajet 2004 kurangkan bebanan kewangan pelbagai pihakText
Development of a PC interfaced blood pressure meter (e Text
Ahli akademi sokong pelantikan Khaled Nordin Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Shortage no more Text
Serius banteras buli sekolah Text
Topology Exam Papers
Dua terima anugerah diraja Text
Al-Quran, sunnah panduan raih ketenangan hidup Text
Professional practice I / amalan ikhtisas I Text
Integrated modelling for coastal alluvium aquifer at Kg. TText
Orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization for blind imIndexed Paper
New banking hours beginning Feb 1 Text
The framework for minimizing construction time and cosText
Simulasi Trajektori Elektron Monte Carlo dalam MikroskoText
Penggunaan tanah bawah tanah bagi maksud pembangunThesis
Pindaan tidak jejas Islam Text
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Comparative evaluation of dense-graded and gap-gradedIndexed
as Paper
Pengurusan makmal sains di sekolah menengah zon Cha Thesis
Aktiviti senamrobik di stadium UTM kerjasama dengan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Asia perlu tumpu perang pendidikan Text
Asas elektrik Exam Papers
Saintis UKM temui spesies baru periuk kera di Sabah Text
Menunggu masa buku diiktiraf Text
Measuring teachers reflective thinking skills Indexed Paper
Isu air : PM sahkan hantar surat kepada Chok Tong Text
Out-of-core simplification with appear preservation for c Text
UTM lancar program Jantung Emas Text
Belia perlu jadi tenaga raksasa majukan negara : Abdulla Text
Pendidikan seksual dalam latihan perguruan 2006 Text
Saliva ovulation predictor Thesis
Akaun pencarum KWSP distruktur semula Text
AS sedia jalinkan lagi kerjasama dengan Malaysia Text
Performance of islamic and conventional banks in PakistaIndexed Paper
Ugutan Shin Bet kepada Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Analysis on the model checking agent for SMS Managemen Conference Papers
Tidak sukar ambil tanah milik warga Singapura: Ghani Text
A comparative study of particle swarm optimization and Indexed Paper
Elektronik lanjutan Exam Papers
Multimedia kreatif fokus terkini Text
Peningkatan kualiti pembangunan sumber manusia Text
90,000 tercicir selepas tamat sekolah rendah Text
DuaKawasanHijaudiKLDikekalkan Text
A simple checking algorithm with perturb and observe maIndexed Paper
Gegaran dirasai di empat kawasan Text
Mathematical modelling of magnetorheological fluid damThesis
Directive high gain microstrip patch array antenna for 5GThesis
Proton beli alat ganti RM6b Text
KDN pandang serius penagih baru muncul setiap 33 minitText
Calibration of automatic traffic counter using video recorThesis
LKPIM perlu agresif bela wanita Islam Text
Modeling the velocity saturation region of graphene nanoIndexed Paper
Terengganu gerbang pelancongan ilmu Text
Mum, daughter killed in tragic end to family outing Text
Characterization of convective rain in Klang Valley Malay Text
Bahasa Jepun I (Penulisan A) Text
Melahirkan modal insan ICT menerusi prasarana MSC Text
A clustering method based on genetic algorithm to redu Thesis
Inhibition of bacillus subtilis and escherichia coli by ant Conference Papers
26 projek RMK-9 bernilai RM2.25b mula akhir tahun Text
Hubungan antara tingkah laku keibubapaan dengan pengh Conference Papers
HKL terima 9,000 laporan keganasan rumah tangga Text
Polycaprolaction /chitosan based scaffold by freeze dryinThesis
Akta lindungi harta intelek diperkenal Text
Animal poachers, beware! Stiffer penalties proposed in Text
Kepuasan seorang wanita News Paper Cuttings
Usah melenting : PM Text
Computer organization Exam Papers
Strengthen your core business before diversifying : PM Text
Universiti, industri saling memerlukan Text
Unjuran MASkargo meningkat 10 peratus Text
The effect of the shackle on the design of single taper leaText
Real-time velocity profile generation of powder conveyi Text
RM224j habis, nahas meningkat Text
Giants clams make a comeback Text
Sistem Kawalan I Text
Mathematics IV Exam Papers
Technology management Exam Papers
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Kementerian Pelancongan bimbang jerebu jejas industri Text
Islam garis langkah terbaik selesai konflik perkahwinan Text
Structural models of effective factors for build operate t Thesis
Sains bangunan II Text
Kabinet lulus naik taraf enam kolej sains, teknologi Text
Amalan membaca lahir umat berilmu, bertamadun Text
A review on reconfiguration of radial electrical distribu Conference Papers
Alternative method to pay parking Text
Slope stability analysis on soil slope under local rainfall d Thesis
Assessment on awareness study of environmental manageme Thesis
Personalized learning website for fractions Conference Papers
An electric shake table system for disaster and emergencJournal Article
Jawatankuasa latihan guru Text
Reka bentuk konkrit bertetulang I Text
PM identifies areas of co-operation with China Text
Comparison between characteristics of creativity in phys Journal Article
Scarf only for orientation week: UTM News Paper Cuttings
Making academic books appealing to students Non-Index Paper
Construction site management Exam Papers
Modeling and controller design of a hot air blower syste Thesis
Facilities management: paths of Malaysia to achieve enerNon-Index Paper
Recovery of kraft lignin from pulping wastewater using Thesis
Radiokimia / asas radiokimia Text
Separation performance of supercritical carbon dioxide eConference Papers
Pembangunan pangsapuri perkhidmatan menggunakan apl Thesis
Tahap kemahiran generik pelajar dalam pembelajaran k Journal Article
What to do with old tyres? Text
Kajian alahan sarung tangan getah asli Text
i-IQRA perkasa pengkongsian pintar pengajian islam News Paper Cuttings
20,000 nikmati kemudahan kesihatan Text
Ibu bapa galak anak aktif kokurikulum Text
Perubatan Islam tak guna unsur jin Text
Non-Muslim parents not obliged to educate children beyText
PM jamin tiga projek mega tetap dilaksana Text
Risda keluarkan 100,000 benih sawit Text
An optimization of the plastic injection molding parame Thesis
Utility-heat exchanger grid diagram : a tool for designing Indexed Paper
The effects of continuous lighting (CL) method on the groIndexed Paper
Penambat dalam bangunan konkrit bertetulang Text
Concerns about colorectal cancer Text
Akta baru derma organ perlu disegera Text
Natural convection heat transfer in horizontal concentricIndexed Paper
Syor tingkat ekonomi pekebun kecil Text
History of Western Architechture Exam Papers
UTM to send 1,000 students overseas Text
Piagam asas kekuatan Asean Text
Functional analysis Text
Penemuan baru UPM untuk kesihatan masyarakat Text
Akta baru cegah rasuah Text
Patients grateful for low cost and convenience Text
Halt the fighting, says Asean Text
BPR antara institusi hisbah dalam pentadbiran kerajaan Text
Terengganu told to boost tourism Text
Kita penentu hala tuju bahasa Melayu Text
Warna aura Text
CMOS-mems integration in micro fabry perot pressure seJournal Article
CAD software for semiconductor device modeling (Previ Text
Simplified VHDL coding of modified non-restoring squareNon-Index Paper
Kemagnetan Text
Malaysia perlukan satu model ekonomi baru Text
Tiada masalah terima memorandum pelajar : Khaleed Text
Many small and medium businesses yet to adopt ICT Text
Design of an advanced encryption standard crypto-procesText
Lebih 3,000 maut gempa Text
Perisian perbankan tempatan teroka pasaran antarabangText
Slogan baru polis mulai 25 Mac : Musa Text
Modelling the determinants of ICTs policy formulation in Indexed Paper
Malaysia must get its cattle rearing business moo-ving Text
Pelbagai budaya perkasa karya seni Text
Improving the performance of concrete beam - to - beamConference Papers
Struktur perancah : penggunaan dan pertimbangan aspekText
Meleraikan sengketa pekerja - majikan Text
Expert 24°C is just right News Paper Cuttings
Pentadbiran kontrak Text
Vessel traffic simulation at container port Thesis
Characterizing anomalies in distributed strain measuremen Journal Article
Development and demonstration of 12.4 GHz SiGe HBT mixe Conference Papers
Consumers have to pay the price Text
Effect of heat treatment on the microstructures and corrThesis
RM20j galak belia bertani Text
Mekanik kejuruteraan Text
Malaysia the world's best value-for-money destination Text
RM5j geran penyelidikan buah jarak Text
Proton lancar versi hibrid lima tahun lagi Text
SPM kawal selia semua pelabuhan, jeti negara Text
Active vibration control of a flexible beam using piezoele Thesis
Bangunan Low Energy Office (LEO) Kementerian Tenaga, Text
Pulau Pinang henti rebat air Text
Dual band monopole antenna design for medical implan Conference Papers
Buat perancangan awal tenaga kerja Text
The effects of distributed generation on voltage profile a Thesis
Honour name of Hussein Onn, varsity told Text
MSC Malaysia ke lonjakan kedua Text
The study of causes and effects of change order to engineText
Penentuan julat kenaikan aras laut min tahunan di stes Thesis
E-crime investigation and incident response Mgmt Exam Papers
Strategy to fight terrorists Text
Study : office workers more at risk from blood clots Text
Performance evaluation of grinding and lapping operationText
Comparative analysis for quantification of heart rate viabThesis
Employees contentment in an organization Non-Index Paper
Risalah Rasulullah tanpa batasan kaum, budaya Text
Penyelidikan dan pembangunan perisian multimedia dalaText
Pesta konvokesyen, pameran UTM berjaya News Paper Cuttings
Bahan kejuruteraan awam Text
Menopaus : berakhirnya kesuburan wanita Text
East Asia Summit : new era of co-operation begins Text
Selesai segera isu PPSMI Text
Improve military salary and allowances Text
Amanah berkesan jadi mutu piawaian ummah Text
Penutup audit surveillance pihak SIRIM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ministry develops diplomas with industry input Text
30,000 affected by Sarawak drought Text
Ops Sikap capai sasaran kurangkan nahas maut Text
Proton reveals details behind Agusta deal Text
MPKj rintis teknologi hasilkan bahan bakar daripada sam Text
Penggunaan saliran tegak pra-fabrikasi bagi rawatan ma Thesis
No place for violence in Islam Text
Inovasi tingkat ilmu News Paper Cuttings
Iterative data detection and channel estimation for si Conference Papers
Pensyarah boleh kerja hingga umur 65 tahun Text
RM2b setahun beli dadah : purata penagih belanja RM9 Text
Elektronik kuasa & pemacu Text
Perlembagaan UMNO akan dipinda Text
Optimization of Curcuma longa L. rhizome supercritical Journal Article
Calculation of finite difference method and differential Thesis
Private and public sector must work together, says PM Text
A two-in-one model for evaluating the performance of anConference Papers
Pengguna boleh guna kuasa pulau kedai Text
Samak, Abdullah to discuss rice import Text
The potential use of wind catcher in Malaysia buildings Thesis
Insan dikasihi tuhan peka terhadap dosa, maksiat Text
CPR Training and Mobile Lab Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Forecasting as a tool in operation research Conference Papers
Maturity-based analysis of lightweight ontology from theIndexed
a Paper
74,657 pendidik ambil ujian penguasaan BI Text
Final year project supervision online system Thesis
Corrosion behaviour of lead-free and Sn-Pb solders in 3 Indexed Paper
MeCD rancang kursus keusahawanan secara online kepa Text
Hilang persaingan dalam khidmat penerbangan Text
Performance measurement system for sustainable supp Indexed Paper
No plan to retrench 50,000, says govt Text
SK dan SJK kekal : Najib Text
UiTM tingkat kerjasama dengan kerajaan negeri Text
Cost studies Exam Papers
Kejayaan program sains angkasa ambil masa Text
Budget 2006 : incentives for jobless Text
Keistimewaan UiTM Text
Proses Dan Kawalan Berkomputer Text
USM akan tubuhkan HMRC Text
Perokok tak gerun denda, statistik kematian Text
Engineering software (perisian kejuruteraan) Text
Response surface methodology for optimizing zeolite na-Indexed Paper
Siswa perlu seimbangkan akademik-kokurikulum Text
Three-way approach to success Text
Raids focused on entertaintment outlets, discos which Text
Power electronics Exam Papers
Tiada rebat bil elektrik Text
PM calls for experts to plan the future Text
Design a combination of radial line slot array (RLSA) ant Thesis
Existing plagiarism detection techniques : a systematic maIndexed Paper
Image reconstruction system based on projection for lin Thesis
7 juta pelancong asing lawat Johor tempoh enam bulan Text
CNI mahu lahir lima jutawan bumiputera setahun Text
Pengecualian bil elektrik bawah RM20 dilanjutkan Text
Obstacle facing the adoption of e-goverment services in Non-Index Paper
Kealpaan punca lonjakan kes Text
Lahir lebih ramai usahawan IPTA Text
Knowledge integration mechanism as mediator between Thesis le
Era baru industri ternakan negara Text
Computer network / rangkaian komputer Text
Intelligence based cadastral database selection and visu Conference Papers
Strength development of epoxy grouts for pipeline rehabiJournal Article
SAXS, FESEM and bet studies of mesoporous catayst sba-1 Indexed Paper
Critical review : assessing and seeking the intricacy or Indexed Paper
Mathematical modeling of existing two stage anaerobic diJournal Article
Herbal way to keep H1N1 at bay Text
Tak boleh naikkan tarif air sesuka hati Text
Kesan rawatan haba ke atas sifat mekanik loyang Text
Fizik bahan amorfus Text
Electronics 1 Exam Papers
Sela bercantum pemandu di pusingan-U blok-tengah jal Thesis
Handover latency measurement using variant of capwap Non-Index Paper
MAHA 2006 medan perkenal produk Text
Najib dekati rakyat Text
The impact of ownership structure on executive compensThesis
Semak kad kemajuan anak menerusi internet Text
Berdepan cabaran AFTA Text
Satelit cetus ketegangan baru global Text
Prominent spectral features of Sm3+ ion in disordered zincIndexed Paper
Avian Flu : migratory birds pose no threat Text
Introduction to financial accounting Exam Papers
Burglars take RM318,000 from ATM, safe in supermart Text
Penentuan taburan titisan cumene dalam turus pengekstText
Vacant buildings to become prisons Text
Mendekati cara hidup nelayan News Paper Cuttings
Pertanian sistematik Mimos Text
Geoteknik Text
Penyakit gusi menular ke jantung Text
100 tak bayar cukai RM320.7j Text
Keluarga boleh lawat pelatih setiap minggu Text
Taxation I Exam Papers
On the fine and coarse atmospheric particle concentrati Text
Metal oxides incorporated polyacrylonitrile-based activ Thesis
Let's face it, we are bad drivers Text
Statistik II Text
EPU kumpul maklumat siswazah mahir Text
Master plan study next month: Isa News Paper Cuttings
Proving the Earth moves Text
Teknologi getah Text
Sosioekonomi dorong penderaan News Paper Cuttings
Pelihara hubungan baik cermin akhlak mulia Text
Sime Darby bina hospital baru Text
Dragon fruit potential Text
Principles of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Teachers unhappy within-service training scheme Text
Numerical study on the influence of various nanofluids onThesis
Cost accounting (perakaunan kos) Text
Influences of deposition time on TiO2 thin films propert Journal Article
Guru harus jadi ejen perubahan Text
Better care for marine areas : ministry to tackle issues h Text
Penerapan syariah ganti Common Law Text
Conductivity measurement 4 cell (Preview) Text
Turning palm oil into flexible foam Text
The design and implementation of a two and three-dimensi Text
Didiklah guna Internet dengan betul Text
UTM biayai Skim Mikro Kredit Mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Lapor hakim rasuah Text
Wireless communication system Exam Papers
Ciri-ciri kebolehtelapan campuran panas berasfalt di Mal Text
Grow your own, with free vegetable seeds Text
Control of gantry crane system based on fuzzy logic tech Thesis
The impact of sand dredging activities to the sediment t Text
Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Text
Pinjaman RM231 juta diluluskan kepada PKS Text
Tall building system: analysis and design Exam Papers
School sports day to involve local community from next Text
Tujuh kes kluster ILI terbaru Text
The infusion and acquisition of soft skills in real estate c Thesis
Teachers expertise needed in politics Text
Permodelan biosistem Text
Pertahan seni warisan Text
Masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames retrofitted wThesis
UTM proses sisa buangan jadi makanan haiwan, baja ko News Paper Cuttings
Suami kena berazam jadi ketua keluarga terbaik Text
Kehidupan lestari di kawasan pejiranan perumahan industr Text
Spot checks on teachers, too Text
Pekerja kita tidak berdaya tahan : Mukhriz Text
Strategi budayakan semangat usahawan Text
Tiga termasuk pelajar UTM maut kemalangan News Paper Cuttings
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
Kepuasan pelanggan dalaman terhadap fasiliti fizikal d Thesis
Retirees to get higher pension payments Text
Getting it almost right Text
Morphological variation of bacterium Ta62bi during surviThesis
Data from schools, interviews with parties concerned Text
Mutiara Motor labur RM30 juta Text
Rahsia muda Dr. Mahathir Text
Ksharing ‘My Favourite Read’ - En. Muhammad Waz Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Mobile phone more than a communications tool Text
Meriahkan TMT 200 Text
Rakan Cop bantu selesai 60% kes jenayah Text
Stressful battle Text
Penilian esei berbentuk komputer menggunakan teknik nText
Panduan memperkasa belia Muslim Text
Environmental management Exam Papers
Penuntut UTM diberi 20 jam sebulan layari Internet Text
Staying focused on 9th Plan Text
Menjulang martabat guru Text
Syarat ke IPTA diperketat Text
AIDS therapy still too costly Text
Telekom Malaysia untung RM3.17b Text
Automasi makmal Text
Sindiket dadah RM5j tumpas Text
RM600 juta lagi bagi projek luar bandar Text
Kempen hentikan pembakaran terbuka mampu elak jere Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Aplikasi kultur tisu timbuhan Text
Micellization and synergistic effect in an aqueous soluti Indexed Paper
UKM tubuh Institut Pengajian Oksidental Text
Mutu pendidikan tinggi Malaysia diiktiraf Text
Kolej Teknologi Darul Naim. Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bhar Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ringgit peg stays Text
Banjir terburuk 30 tahun : hampir keseluruhan Perlis, K Text
Cyberkids laksana ICT di sekolah pedalaman Text
Kepentingan negara membangun mesti dipelihara Text
20-year plan to be drawn up for Seremban News Paper Cuttings
Pemilihan dan pemilikan jentera kerja tanah Text
Kenal pasti sekolah lain guna murid gantian duduki UPSRText
Pengenalan kewangan Text
Realiti kos pendidikan Text
KL to get a 100ha æHyde ParkÆ Text
The effectiveness of DTW-FF coefficients and pitch featu Conference Papers
Sustainable management of palm oil mill effluent Thesis
Usaha MBJB atasi banjir legakan orang ramai Text
Arab Saudi mahu USM teruskan penyelidikan haji Text
Plagiarism among FPPSM undergraduates' final year projeThesis
3 siswa UTM ke Harvard Text
Marina Chin ratu balapan Text
Development of self-righting hull from for unmanned surfText
Road material and evaluation Exam Papers
Advanced inorganic chemistry Text
Draf perinci kelakuan lucah Text
Managing road maintenance using geographic informatioNon-Index Paper
Pusat buat keputusan diwujud, mampu kurangkan kerenaText
See nationÆs first 3-D animated film next month Text
Kaji kesesuaian pengkorporatan JKDM News Paper Cuttings
Remote sensing gelombang mikro Text
Synthesis of Ets-4 mixed matrix membranes for gas separConference Papers
Pentaksiran akhlak satu tinjauan dalam sistem pendidika Conference Papers
Lawatan akademik Sekolah Menengah Alauddin di Perpust Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pilih calon UTM News Paper Cuttings
Iron oxide-polyaniline composite Text
King launches coffee table book by Raja Zarith Sofia News Paper Cuttings
A systematic composite service design modeling method Indexed Paper
Kajian ke atas kepenggunaan peralatan mudah alih di da Thesis
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Kejora News Paper Cuttings
On a mission to track down MS patients Text
RIM cadang harga CD ikut mekanisma pasaran 1996 Text
Fabrication of reduced graphene oxide-gated AlGaAs/GaAIndexed Paper
Optimization of extraction yield and andrographolide conThesis
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Return strokes measurements of electric field produced bIndexed Paper
Network and systems Exam Papers
Omar gets Anugerah Tokoh Akademik Negara News Paper Cuttings
Evaluation of laboratory compactive effort on asphaltic Text
Malaysian legal and administrative system / Sistem per Text
Merekabentuk dan pembangunan mekanisma pemanjat Text
Harga minimum rokok disember Text
Effect of green inhibitors concentrations on the corrosio Thesis
Foam mobility control in a layered two dimensional het Thesis
Pantau bank sel stem Text
Single performance optimization of micro metal injectio Non-Index Paper
Koc jamin keselamatan wanita Text
Optimized subtractive clustering for cluster-based compou Text
Mara mahu 2,000 pelajar ke luar negara Text
Sistem pengurusan aktiviti keusahawan pelajar sarjana Thesis
Cooperative relay prototype development and perform Indexed Paper
Virologi Text
Pakar syor Malaysia guna sumber tenaga diperbaharui Text
Theorizingantecedents of perceived organizational suppor Conference Papers
Lulusan politeknik laris di pasaran kerja Text
PM sahut rayuan tangani cetak rompak Text
Semai budaya membaca walau di mana sahaja Text
Kimia fizik II Text
Evaluation of selected cultivation systems for hybridomaThesis
Bincang tahap keselamatan bangunan tinggi Text
Teknologi pembuatan Text
Blood collection meter Thesis
Penggunaan analisis regresi berganda dan sistem makluma Text
Kamus OKU penglihatan News Paper Cuttings
Music genre classification using back-propagation neuralThesis
Introduction to IT & information search / pengenalan IT Text
NGOs : joint effort needed to protect environment Text
Supply chain modelling Exam Papers
UPM dan Sunzen jalin kerjasama Text
Decolourisation of textile wastewater and bioelectricity ge
Semua Tabika Kemas dilengkapi komputer Text
Kajian pemodelan tayar untuk pensimulasian dinamik Text
At least five doctors to suffer from mental woes every m Text
An integrated stochastic-fuzzy modeling approach for supIndexed Paper
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Diabetes made me an invalid Text
The factors affecting customer purchase intention in el Thesis
ICT sektor awam dinaik taraf Text
Law must be clear Text
80 peratus murid tahun 6 jadi pembuli Text
Masalah pembinaan jalan luar bandar di Negeri Sarawak Thesis
Penjodohan siswazah-industri Text
Effect of reinforcement and chemical treatment of fiber oIndexed Paper
China goods ban widens Text
Kaji dulu VSS sebelum laksana Text
Be clear on type of awards, says Tee Keat Text
Water pipeline leakage detection using vibration methodThesis
‘Efficacy trials a must' News Paper Cuttings
An analysis of the electron trajectory in the vicinity of Indexed Paper
PM mahu ICT eksport produk bermutu Text
Mapping technology Exam Papers
MIFB 2008 promosi negara pengeluar makanan dunia Text
Putrajaya mampu jadi tarikan pelancong asing Text
Malaysia pelajari kaedah sekolah sukan China Text
Sambungan rasuk ke tiang menggunakan tendon untuk keThesis
Bekas polisterina merosakkan sistem pembiakan dan penText
Teknologi dan pemprosesan polimer Text
Kajian fizikal terhadap salur bertingkat di kawasan berce Text
Quantum inspred probility approaches in ligand-based virThesis
Nahas ngeri dua bas di Jalan Kuala Lipis-Merapoh: 14 maText
Najib ulas kritikan Dr. M : setiap PM punya zamannya se Text
Realisasikan pembangkang sifar Text
Penagih lelaki, wanita di pusat berasingan Text
Perfomance analysis of Telekom Coins network through Text
Proton intai pasaran Thailand Text
Pembinaan jambatan diteruskan Text
Mechanical, thermal, morphological and leaching propertIndexed Paper
Modul Pengajaran Quranic Penaakulan Matematik berasaConference Papers
Audiovisual coaching aid for incentive spirometer breathiThesis
Celebrate unity in our diversity, urges Abdullah Text
Sediment yield accumulation at water treatment plant inThesis
Intake port flow study on cylinder head using flowbench Thesis
Keperluan membentuk kerjasama pakar di dalam proses Journal Article
Ukuran & instrumentasi Text
Dimensi baru hubungan Malaysia-AS Text
Influence of staffing practices on effective project man Thesis
Efficient optical enhancement of Er3 + doped lead-tellur Indexed Paper
Minyak dijangka turun Harapan kerajaan turunkan harga Text
Optimization methods Exam Papers
Multiplatform bluetooth software controller Thesis
Lawatan pelajar tingkatan 6 dari SMK Tenggaruh MersingPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
KTMB belanja RM10,000 baiki lokomotif langgar lembu Text
Both sides will gain from extension of retirement age Text
Future bright for marine transport sector, says Ling Text
An overview of technologies for immobilization of enzymIndexed Paper
Balik kampung may bring more cases Text
Parlimen beri kerjasama siasat 14 wakil rakyat: BPR ambiText
Berkhatan kurang risiko dijangkiti HIV Text
Prinsip pemasaran Text
Sistem maklumat pembelian kelengkapan komputer ber Text
Singapore raises school fees for foreigners Text
We want our orchids back Text
GIS dan pengurusan sumber Exam Papers
Kontrak naib canselor UTM tidak disambung Text
Pembangunan awal model kemasinan untuk sistem estuar Text
Rakyat boleh tingkatkan pelaburan luar negara Text
Titas II Text
Pelaksanaan sekolah dalam melindungi masa instruksionThesis
Pembolehubah kompleks Text
Utilization of emergency department, UKM medical centre Journal Article
The study of durian rind and hydro-plug as lost circulati Thesis
Global maximum power point tracking of PV system usingIndexed Paper
Development of quality improvement framework based on Text
Kapal perang kita sedia hadapi musuh Text
Chemistry department to set up DNA databank Text
Ekonomi binaan dan pengurusan kewangan II Text
River monitoring station now closer to Bukit Tagar landfilText
Kemahiran bertutur dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaranConference Papers
Penyeragaman skala dalam penaksiran produktiviti Text
Rais : Malaysians not very civic conscious Text
Chemistry Dept to train forensics students Text
Nanochemistry Exam Papers
OUM perkenal kejuruteraan perisian IT Text
UMNO Johor komited : Najib Text
Why local grads losing out Text
Structure-property interplay of poly(amide-imide) and Indexed Paper
Information strategic planning implementation for koperThesis
Numerical Model Of Baffle Location Effect On Flow Patte Indexed Paper
Personal-organizartional value conflicts and work-relate Thesis
Thin film physics Exam Papers
Innovative personal transportation planning for location Thesis
Mekanik mesin Text
Makanan sihat - Lambatkan proses penuaan Text
Reinforced concrete design Exam Papers
The effect of sunnah and non-sunnah bedtime routine onThesis
Semua IPTA sertai pameran R&D Text
Housing floor finishes choice behaviour and motivation Non-Index Paper
The effect of debt restructuring scheme on the performanc Text
Usaha hantar guru BM ke luar negara disokong Text
China setuju tingkat dagangan Text
Design and characterization of a flexible diode pumped Thesis
Bahan omurfus dan seramik Exam Papers
Matematik II Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan airsisa lanjutan Text
Pengambilan ubat perlu ikut jadual elak virus terus mere Text
The influence of personality traits on knowledge sharing Thesis
Rumah murah: Beri keutamaan ibu tunggal Text
Program Peruncitan Bumiputera akan lahirkan 30,000 u Text
Effect of oxidation on titanium-aluminium-niobium alloy Thesis
A feasibility study of renewable energy and carbon emissIndexed Paper
Draf Perlindungan Data Peribadi dijangka dibentang tah Text
Overcurrent relays coordination in interconnected networ Indexed Paper
Exacmust pasar produk jenama UiTM Text
Mencegah penularan wabak H1N1 Text
Potential use of partial desiccation treatment for regeneraJournal Article
Environmental engineering and sustainability/pollution cExam Papers
The circuit design beyond ohm's law : applications to ser Conference Papers
Semangat semut beri panduan umat bina etika kerja cemText
Pelancongan interaktif diperkenalkan di Langkawi Text
Kurikulum baru mampu lahir pelajar cemerlang Text
Weighted aspect moment invariant in pattern recognitio Conference Papers
RM7 juta pendapatan diperoleh daripada Tambak Johor sText
1,000 penguat kuasa dikerah : periksa harga barangan kaText
1Malaysia team aims high in F1 Text
Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat tingkatkan pengetahuan, Text
MoBif's VoIP magic box Text
Current issues in architectural theory and urban design Exam Papers
Usah malu jalani ujian pap smear Text
Blood glucose level and lipid profile of alloxan–induce Journal Article
Elektronik Kuasa Dan Pemacu Text
Sikap peladang mencemarkan alam Text
Technology and business Exam Papers
Pelestarian alam sekitar ikut acuan Islam Hadhari Text
Pembangunan program tropic untuk simulasi pembolehub Text
Allied Pacific targets sale of 200,000 Comels by end-2003Text
Segmentation and validation of anatomical structures in Conference Papers
Microwave assisted pyrolysis of waste biomass resourcesIndexed Paper
Muslim bersatu boleh elak perangkap musuh Text
Nama baik negara terjejas Text
Factors that influence the acceptance in implementing Thesis
The stability of high-rise structures with IBS hollow core Thesis
Statistics (statistik) Text
Senibina tradisi di pinggiran air negeri Johor : bahan, Text
Pasar raya digesa bantu IKS Bumiputera Text
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Coordinate transformation module using C++ Thesis
Still on IT learning curve Text
Malaysia is second top seafood consumer in Asia Text
Open University to relax rules Text
An integral equation method for conformal mapping of mu Conference Papers
Proffesional Practice II Exam Papers
Kurang bersenam, kuat makan punca masalah 3G Text
Inflasi menurun sehingga separuh kedua Text
Speaker-independent Malay syllable recognition using s Text
Kepimpinan pengajaran: sains : satu tinjauan Conference Papers
Pengurusan maklumat Text
UM pertama dan ternama Text
Liquids, aerosols or gels ruling to start from May 21 Text
Penyediaan kaca aerosilika daripada sekam padi (Full textText
A frequency controller using fuzzy in isolated microgrid Thesis
Inovasi industri baru mesra alam Text
Beradab, akhlak mulia asas pupuk hubungan harmoni Text
The effects of fines migration and particle mixing on loo Thesis
A biometric encryption system algorithm development anThesis
Work-family conflict and work-related attitude: the mediatNon-Index Paper
A review on integrated active steering and braking controIndexed Paper
Bapa mengaku bersalah sebabkan kematian anak Text
Feasibility assessment of wind energy resources in Mal Indexed Paper
Microstructure study of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GText
Women grads the big losers in job mart Text
Islam memenuhi tuntutan fitrah manusia sejak awal dicipText
Application of remote sensing techniques for prediction oConference Papers
Pengenalan statistik Text
Land use planning 2 Exam Papers
Persembahan pasukan tidak bersemangat : Sultan Selan Text
Pelaksanaan Islam Hadhari perlu ikut tuntutan semasa Text
Bids for seized cars open to all Text
Pak Lah syor rumah kos rendah guna IBS Text
Malaysia raih tiga anugerah di pameran pelancongan BerlText
E-mel spam ancaman utama komputer, pelayar internet Text
Modeling BVOC isoprene emissions based on a GIS and r Indexed Paper
Tenaga Suria : Malaysia jadi pusat di Asia Text
Usaha membasmi belenggu rasuah Text
9,000 doktor, pakar diperlukan Text
Jangan beri peluang kepada penjenayah ragut Text
Elektronik industri Text
RM1 million syabu theft case solved : two men held in briText
Space UTM tawar kursus dalam talian Text
Keselamatan dan kesihatan dalam industri Text
Mechanics of machine Exam Papers
UPM mencari penawar penyakit guna herba Text
Permanent segregation by race wrong Text
Corpus design for Malay Corpus - based speech synthesi Conference Papers
Caj 3 peratus jika liat bayar Text
Pulangan cendawan lumayan Text
Amended Moneylenders Act expected to take effect nex Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Haji perluas ufuk pemikiran, latihan Text
Development of an alternative low-cost landslide moni Indexed Paper
Indian company plans to build RM450m university Text
Menegakkan keadilan mengikut kaca mata Islam Text
More perks for biotech sector Text
Training for jobless grads Text
Pengurusan risiko bekalan tenaga elektrik di bangunan t Text
Taklimat kefahaman harta intelek hakcipta Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Poor air services hindering tourism Text
Varsities urged to introduce skills training package Text
Problem based learning through mobile application Conference Papers
Geotechnical engineering design Text
Pengacaraan majlis subjek kokurikulum News Paper Cuttings
Penilian keretakan permukaan jalanraya dengan kaedah fo Thesis
Fuzzy state space modeling for solving inverse problems Text
Metabolites production improvement by identifying minim Indexed Paper
Gain cell for the 5-taps analog continous time CMOS fir fiThesis
A review of heat treatment on polyacrylonitrile fiber Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa UTM bantu isi Tabung Pahlawan News Paper Cuttings
Probe into USM blunder begins Text
Najib urges small private colleges to merge Text
Sistem aduan kerosakan ICT untuk pengurusan kemudahaThesis
Genom getah untuk dunia Text
COLA tetap diteruskan ikut jadual Text
Teknik pembelajaran tilawah al-Quran di era ICT Conference Papers
563 PATI ditahan dalam Ops Tegas Text
Peranan sijil formula unit syer (SiFUS) dalam proses pe Thesis
An efficient bandwidth demand estimation for delay re Non-Index Paper
Insentif RM500j bantu petani, penternak, nelayan Text
Fizik nukleus Text
Indeks jenayah di kawasan panas turun mendadak Text
Critical success factors of community-based tourism in Thesis
Candidates for space programme to undergo further ass Text
Proton needs to strive for bigger export mart Text
Didikan prasekolah perlu pendekatan sesuai Text
UPM rangkul enam anugerah di Inpex USA Text
Bank Negara kekalkan kadar faedah tempatan Text
Teaching of Maths and Science in English : give input on Text
Orang Asli face water woes Text
Malaysians consume 26 teaspoons of sugar every day, saText
Amalan perancangan Text
183 kakitangan awam ditahan kes rasuah : PM Text
Pilih program berkualiti : pastikan kursus diiktiraf LAN Text
Saving Bukit Gasing ... again Text
Malaysia, Korea Utara amal barter Text
Kementerian Pendidikan, UTC pertingkat peluang kerja s News Paper Cuttings
Cendekiawan bukan penghuru hara Text
Amanah Mandat 'YB Kampus' News Paper Cuttings
Mechanism of fluorescent tube remover and installer Text
Investigation on the impact of tropospheric delay on gps Conference Papers
The practical use of resistance modelling to interpret th Text
Blended learning : the evaluation studies Indexed Paper
Imaging concentration profile using laser based tomograph Text
Microcontroller Exam Papers
Wanita dan penyakit tiroid Text
Kajian kerja (work study) / rekabentuk kerja (work designText
Fotogrametri dan interpretasi imej Text
Design and optimization of lanthanide oxides based cata Thesis
Ah LongsÆ activities sharply reduced Text
Making water birds count Text
Kita bukti kepakaran Text
Software design Exam Papers
Kadar tol tak wajar naik ketika ekonomi gawat Text
Application of six sigma methodology in a printer assembText
Belia disaran lebih berani News Paper Cuttings
Seminar Transeksualiti UTM Text
Involve students in co-ops, says PM Text
Nuclear physics Exam Papers
Synthesis and applications of functionalized graphene-baThesis
Analisis Sumberjaya & Perancangan Text
Kompaun RM300 serta-merta jika teksi tidak guna meterText
Teknik belajar berkesan Text
Biotech leaders expected at convention Text
Islam mampu laksana miskin sifar Text
New law needed for apex university Text
Ensuring mega oil facility delivers Text
Sistem pengumpulan pengetahuan penyelesaian masalahText
Experimental investigation of wood wool cement board Text
Emergent trend in Malaysian construction industry : the Text
Ahead of the curve to transformation Text
Didikan seimbang jamin kekuatan akidah, kemuliaan akh Text
Khazanah peti besi Tunku bernilai hampir RM400,000 Text
Industrial chemical process Text
Theoretical studies on structural and electrical propert Indexed Paper
Anwar dapat RM4.5 juta Text
Siri masa Text
Integrating multimedia learning theory in assistive cours Journal Article
Numerical simulation of composite materials reinforced Thesis
English for professional communication (ECE) Text
Cegah H1N1 Text
Sistem pengumpulan dan penggunaan semula air hujan (SP Thesis
A usability evaluation of mobile application: a review on Journal Article
3 juta pesakit darah tinggi, diabetes diberi tumpuan Text
Warga UTM berpuisi News Paper Cuttings
Problems in learning movement skills among students in Indexed Paper
Pastikan rakyat sentiasa waspada jangkitan H1N1 Text
Classfication technique for human emotion in virtual rea Thesis
Algorithm to classify features on DXF and map the featu Conference Papers
Consumer groups : review hire purchase act, rules adde Text
Construction noise annoyance among the public residentIndexed Paper
Kementerian sokong UUM sebagai universiti perundinga Text
Autonomous bicycle balancing robot Thesis
Agenda pertanian untuk orang Melayu Text
Water-borne disease alert Text
Robust sliding mode controller design based on linear maConference Papers
Bahasa Melayu kian terpinggir Text
Menangani ketidakseimbangan Text
Structure II Exam Papers
UiTM Shah Alam juara bowling lelaki, wanita Text
Kereta Proton miliki tarikan tersendiri Text
Pekilang, pengeksport perlu sedia hadapi saingan global Text
Basic animation in multimedia Exam Papers
Traffic op checkmates offenders Text
Mengapa masih tidak bersih? Text
To assess impact of organizational factors on cloud com Thesis
Bertemu dan bertegur sapa dengan orang dewasa Conference Papers
Design improvements for assembled product using lucas Thesis
Coordination chemistry inorganic chemistry II Text
Chemical constituents and antimicroblal activity of two ari
Fuel prices set to drop again Text
Reliability improvement in automated incident detectionThesis
Virologist : use Tamiflu and vaccines wisely Text
R&D : snek jambu batu Text
Aplikasi muzik untuk android Thesis
Kimia am II Text
Pelajar PNGK bawah 2.0 tidak perlu risau Text
Polydopamine as an intermediate layer for silver and hydIndexed Paper
Tanah : Cuepacs syor mekanisme telus disedia Text
Kerajaan Thailand terap kesedaran awal kepada generas News Paper Cuttings
IHP 10 bulan pertama meningkat Text
Strategi MyICMS 886 jana RM185b Text
Malaysia proposes steps to strengthen muslim economieText
Kepemimpinan dinamik Text
Semakin ramai pindah Text
E-cinema : tempahan tiket wayang berasaskan aplikasi a Thesis
Development of miniature Stewart platform using TiNiC Indexed Paper
Distribution network fault section estimation using anal Text
Wideband mobile device planar antenna using couple fe Thesis
Pelajar UIAM mohon batalkan pilihan raya MPP Text
Six minute walk test (6MWT) distance measurement usinThesis
Pelatih PKN bersemangat di UTM Text
Teknologi binaan III Text
Surgery may cost more Text
Lawatan pemimpin Bosnia erat kerjasama ekonomi Text
Improving lateral stiffness of tall building structures usi Thesis
Luminescent properties of magnesium calcium tellurite Conference Papers
Pox protection Text
Upgrading for Lumut, Pangkor News Paper Cuttings
Memahami kesan pemanasan global, perubahan iklim Text
On blended cement and geopolymer concretes containing Indexed Paper
Gaya Inggeris bangkit seri rumah Text
Kearah pembelajaran Bestari : pengkonsepan para pelaj Text
Determination of suitable pipeline route by executing pipThesis
Aerodynamic characteristics of compound wing configurat Thesis
SME : jaringan strategik bank, usahawan Text
Arianespace lancar satelit ke-26 Text
Petrol gred baru diperkenalkan Text
Tugas berat menanti Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Colour mania: permainan warna berasaskan peranti andrThesis
Raja Perlis canselor USM ke-4 Text
Orang Melayu mesti teguh tiga bidang Text
JPA, BNM kerjasama buru peminjam ingkar Text
Kesan banjir terhadap nilai premis perniagaan di Kajang, Thesis
Buku ilmiah wajar berbentuk popular Text
Najib : discussions with British leaders successful Text
UM, KK Selangor benam UiTM News Paper Cuttings
Kementerian pantau mutasi virus selesema H1N1 Text
4 kontrak Bumiputera dibatal Text
Effect of geological structure and blasting practice in fly Journal Article
Soft pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM) robotic ARM Thesis
Design of a enclosed boatyard Text
Communication and computational cost on parallel algorit Conference Papers
UTM tubuh dua jawatankuasa siasat isu TITAS News Paper Cuttings
Semua pihak perlu tangani budaya samseng pelajar Text
Planning Exam Papers
ISM pusat kecemerlangan sosial Text
Inquiry found promotion of judges open to meddling Text
Malaysia mahu jadi pengeluar darah tiruan Text
Peraturan urus tenaga elektrik akan digubal Text
Chemical reaction engineering Exam Papers
Ringkasan Eksekutif Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor 2007Text
Development of ROV control system Thesis
ItÆs payback time for graduates Text
A practical conceptual enhancement model for the deve Thesis
Kajian kesesuaian laluan jalan keretapi menggunakan re Text
Foundation design for a proposed construction at Muar, Thesis
Penerapan metode dakwah di dalam melaksanakan proses Conference Papers
Cadastre survey Exam Papers
Negotiation for disputes settlement in construction claimThesis
Fizik semikonduktor Exam Papers
Investigation of micro-pits formation on billet surfaces inIndexed Paper
Communication skills Exam Papers
Language electives next year Text
Full-scale inquiry into Johor floods Text
SCTPCD: a cross layer transport layer protocol for highl Conference Papers
Improving the quality and productivity of molded parts wIndexed Paper
Homological invariants of non-torsion 2-generator groupsConference Papers
Ujian sahsiah keguruan nilai watak, profil calon Text
Preparation and characterization of porous PVDF hollow fIndexed Paper
Theory of structure Exam Papers
A productive China trip Text
Optimization of ion implantation using trim software for Conference Papers
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Perlis bakal pengeluar anggur terbesar negara Text
MTUC tolak kurang cuti umum Text
2,000 banjiri pameran kerjaya Text
We still canÆt æthrowÆ landfills away Text
Sumber air tanah jamin bekalan berterusan Text
Antimicrobial activity of chitosan cornstarch films Conference Papers
Petronas lancar hyperstation pertama Text
Sepuluh cadangan kurangkan nahas jalan raya Text
Utara, Pantai Timur jadi tumpuan Text
Mitigation of ferroresonance in power transmission syst Thesis
Negara perlukan lebih 40,000 tenaga profesional Text
Umat patut rebut rahmat pagi, sepertiga malam Text
Exploratory environmental DNA analysis for investigatingJournal Article
Numerical ordinary differential equation Exam Papers
Kajian pencemaran bunyi di Jalan Jejaka, Kuala Lumpur Text
Kerangka II Text
Development of an evaluation matrix of occupational sa Text
Bakal pengantin di Kelantan wajib ujian HIV Text
Pengajian Perubatan : Mara taja program tempatan Text
Pembangunan perisian gandingan perkakasan bagi sistemText
Experimental analysis of ventilated brake disc with differ Conference Papers
Faktor lokasi penentu kejayaan Text
Pemuda Umno umum perubahan strategik tarik golonga Text
Drop in house sales worrying Text
Optimization of renewable levulinic acid production fro Indexed Paper
The effect of double fraction palm olein on sliding alumi Thesis
Muhyiddin : decision on Science and Maths issue soon Text
Tekanan antara punca jenayah kejam meningkat Text
Menahan nafsu marah ujian hidup paling berat Text
Teknologi robotik bagi pengautomatan Text
Tomographic image reconstruction of monitoring flaws oIndexed Paper
Aplikasi amalan fiqh sains rumah tangga dan kerjaya da Thesis
Protein subcellular localization prediction of lactic acid Thesis
Kompetensi pengetua dan pencapaian standard nasionalThesis
Hubungan diantara pusingan kerja terhadap prestasi kerjaThesis
PSD : no quota for efficiency exam passes Text
Pembakaran terbuka di Johor berkurangan Text
Chua : no more intake of foreign doctors Text
Manfaatkan bangunan bersejarah Text
Tackling ABCs at 30 Text
A numerical analysis of fixed offshore structure subjecte Text
Soil to plant transfer factor of natural radionuclides in Thesis
The performance of different alkalis in enhanced oil recovThesis
Performance analysis of gas discharge tube (GDT) at tel Thesis
Smart cane with ultrasonic sensor and global positioning Thesis
The impact of gated and guarded communities on properThesis
Improving and-to-end delay of optical burst switching Thesis
UTM undergrads win award with environment-friendly dNews Paper Cuttings
Kementerian bantu lahir usahawan bumiputera Text
Aye to rainwater plan Text
LPKP kaji permit tanpa temuduga Text
81 dihalang ke luar negara Text
Partial discharge characteristics on palm-based for transfThesis
Dasar Penswastaan jimatkan RM133.2b Text
Assessment of natural radionuclides at Kinta River, Mala Conference Papers
Low latitude troposphere : the monsoon zenith path delaConference Papers
Pemimpin, pegawai ikrar tinggalkan amalan lapuk Text
Jangan salah guna kuasa sebagai pendidik Text
Supply chain management in a packing company (Full texText
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Aggregation and surface hydrophobicity of selected micr Indexed Paper
Utamakan integriti akademik Text
Heat sink model and design analysis based on particle s Indexed Paper
Application of spectroscopy Exam Papers
Teachers welcome option Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
Six nabbed, RM1 million drugs seized Text
Method for identifying contributors to chemical process Indexed Paper
Effectiveness of construction communication using infor Thesis
Noble idea that needs review Text
Development of metamodel for information security ri Thesis
Decolourisation and degradation of acid orange 7 using aThesis
Ubat tiruan terus berleluasa Text
More than 50 PGD kids here Text
Numerical differential equations Text
Analysis of fluid-structure interaction in abdominal aor Conference Papers
The use of BLRP model for disaggregating daily rainfall Indexed Paper
Setinggan wajar manfaat PPR Text
Sejarah Jalur Gemilang Text
Whopping RM1.5b remains unclaimed Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web bagi stokis DXNThesis
Mechanical thermal and flammability properties of exfol Thesis
Determination of silica aerogels nanostructure characteriText
Simulation study on lightning effects to 132kV undergro Thesis
Craniofacial surgery simulation using volumetric object r Conference Papers
Crude palm oil (CPO) extraction using hot compressed w Indexed Paper
Cops identify kindie attacker Text
Pelajar harus lebih kompetitif : Muhyiddin Text
Miskin cabaran paling hebat, punca Islam dipandang ren Text
Malaysian economy set to grow 6pc Text
Performance of soils treated with Liquid Chemical Soil St Thesis
Reflection coefficient measurement through the implemeIndexed Paper
Pakej Citra diperkenal untuk pelancong Muslim Text
Alpha shape theory for 3D visualization and volumetric Indexed Paper
Aktiviti di sekolah mesti diterima semua kaum Text
'Kabinet Global' di bawah kepimpinan Najib News Paper Cuttings
Menangani fenomena mat rempit Text
Sekolah kluster milik rakyat Text
LHDN tubuh unit khas jejak pengelak cukai Text
Mendidik anak-anak bersederhana di Hari Raya Text
The value of mixed-method research with families of chi Journal Article
ECER bantu rawat miskin tegar Text
Let's Stop H1N1! : another day without deaths Text
Universiti Wawasan Terbuka buka kampus di Skudai Text
Wahid dilantik Naib Canselor baharu UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kota Baharu akan diisytihar sebagai 'Kota Budaya' News Paper Cuttings
'Teknologi pakej' tingkat pengeluaran padi Text
Impact testing on composite sandwich beams Text
æExcitedÆ MPs provide entertainment but little subst Text
Pastikan selamat ke destinasi Text
Tujuh asas perniagaan Ungku Aziz Text
Charaterization and identification of bacteria from plum Thesis
Pembakaran secara terbuka dilarang sama sekali : Chin Text
Fully autonomus pipeline cleaning robot Thesis
Mesyuarat efektif jana kejayaan organisasi Text
Sistem maklumat pusat membeli belah menggunakan PDText
Determining the impact of darkness on highway traffic Indexed Paper
Snatch-theft victims tell of lingering nightmares Text
Modeling in an optical tomography system using differentJournal Article
Penyelarasan gaji sejak 1980 babitkan kos RM10.8 bilion Text
A hybrid of SVM and SCAD with group-specific tuning pa Conference Papers
Producing innovative entrepreneurs News Paper Cuttings
Fokus utama tingkat ekuiti Bumiputera : PM Text
Teknologi filem tipis Text
Langkah-langkah keselamatan sedia ada dalam penggunaText
Uniknya Singapura, Israel Text
Challenges of higher education Text
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Zeti to outline major trends for economy this year Text
A Non mercuric shoots bud sterilization technique for boeJournal Article
Pavement management system Exam Papers
A hybrid of practicle swarm optimization and support vecThesis
Modeling and performance evaluation of self-similar behav Text
Moderating effect of gender differences towards job pe Journal Article
Tenaga nuklear penjana elektrik Malaysia masa depan Text
Kang Nam 1 : Ujian kerjasama masyarakat global Text
Panel has proof Cheng Ho visited Kampung Jeram Text
Microstrip Sierpinski carpet antenna design Conference Papers
R&D : motosikal hidrogen Text
Ikan terubok in danger of disappearing from Sarawak Text
Beri peluang Proton tingkat prestasi : TPM Text
DOE men under probe Text
Linking personal control and environmental distraction wThesis
Kajian kes : penggunaan cerucuk spun di jambatan SungaiThesis
Acoustic emission signal analysis and artificial intellige Indexed Paper
FPGA based data acquisition Thesis
Principles of management Text
Parallel calculation of differential quadrature method fo Thesis
Komitmen swasta, awam banteras rasuah Text
Identification of sediment pollution source in Sungai Joh Text
Melahirkan suasana bilik tidur yang hebat Text
Biodegradation of monochloroacetic acid (MCA)by a presConference Papers
Harga barang kawalan diumum Text
REDtone bakal pesaing telekomunikasi lain Text
A review on Geographical Information System (GIS) in to Non-Index Paper
The first isomorphism theorem of lie group for fuzzy top Thesis
Perkembangan industri kimia dan sumbangan kepada pemb Text
Scaring ourselves Text
Perlu bijak urus pengetahuan Text
Data quality in big data : a review Indexed Paper
Christina raih pingat emas dalam perlawanan pencak silaNews Paper Cuttings
Aplikasi simen-tanah dalam sistem penstabilan cerun Text
Contohi ilmuwan silam bina tamadun cemerlang Text
Kajian penggunaan EBB dalam merawat kualiti air Text
Integration of value engineering and triz-theory of inve Journal Article
Kita kerugian Singapura lengahkan rundingan harga air Text
Malaysia kedua di Asia miliki geo-taman Text
Fizik moden Exam Papers
PM rasmi bangunan MJIIT di UTM, Kuala Lumpur News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan air di kawasan tadahan melana menggunakan Text
Eksport minyak sawit ke Afrika bertambah Text
Customs and Immigration complex launched Text
Sejarah senibina moden Text
Inferring gene regulatory networks using dynamic bayesiaThesis
Manfaat wang tambahan laksana kokurikulum : Komala Text
Pinda akta untuk keadilan keluarga Text
Time-frequency analysis and classification of heart sou Text
Pelajar wanita UTM lemas ketika berenang News Paper Cuttings
Bioteknologi Text
Kajian hidrologi dan alam sekitar terhadap kerja-kerja p Thesis
A knowledge-based expert system for assessing the perfoIndexed Paper
MyWA, UTM laksana penyelidikan bekalan air News Paper Cuttings
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Processing of activated carbon using microwave irradiati Thesis
Kerajaan cadang pinda AUKU : Khaled Text
Tougher competition for scholarships Text
Kurang beban rakyat Text
Denggi belum reda Text
Virtual study of natural convection heat transfer in an in Conference Papers
Screening of chloroplast promoters for hevea brasiliensisJournal Article
Call for central body to monitor language exams Text
RM326j bantu pelajar miskin Text
Evaluation of four supervised learning methods for bent Conference Papers
Psychology of personality Exam Papers
Construction technology 4 Exam Papers
Culture tissue technology Text
A novel method to handle the partial occlusion and shad Indexed Paper
More expected to demand higher pay by end of the yearText
Pelaburan RM10b manfaat solar Text
Computer aided ship design and production technology Text
Fenomena ekuinoks dan cuaca panas Text
Volume change and collapse potential of unsaturated resiThesis
Kesesuaian perletakan kemudahan penyidaian kain di ke Thesis
Siswazah menganggur perlu pandai jual diri Text
Improvement of automated guided vehicle design using fiIndexed Paper
Kesihatan Pekerjaan Exam Papers
Improving STFBC MIMO OFDMA with channel estimationJournal Article
Effects of shear rate on O2/N2 gas separation performanIndexed Paper
Acquire knowledge to improve, PM urges agriculture worText
Introduction to business Exam Papers
1.6 juta kenderaan tidak didaftar di JPJ Text
Development of a PC interfaced blood pressure meter (e-Text
Tahap kefahaman kemahiran mereka bentuk eksperimenThesis
Dana khas atasi jerebu Text
32 IPTS Bumiputera perlu bantuan segera Text
Bahasa Malaysia akademik II Text
Process improvement using six sigma methodology Text
Kaedah geotiub, bakau kawal hakisan pantai Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Pilihan raya kampus 17 IPTA 29 September Text
Sistem analisis item soalan berasaskan web Thesis
A : punca 128 gagal ikuti program perubatan Text
Polemik isu hudud wajar diselesai secara ilmiah Text
Effects of kappa carrageenan and glycerol in purple sweetJournal Article
Asas rekabentuk estetik dalam jambatan Text
A fuzzy logic approach to beaconing for vehicular ad hoc Indexed Paper
Physical optics Exam Papers
FAMA bangunkan produk asas tani Text
Aljabar moden Text
Pervaporation separation of ethanol-water mixtures usi Thesis
Analisis keberkesanan sistem saliran di Kampung Jaya Se Text
Car sales poised to reach 400,000 Text
Experimental investigation on quasi-static response of lonThesis
Timber industry goes green Text
Radon and thoron study areas of elevated background raThesis
It's noble to serve in the public sector Text
Oil palm plantation land suitability classification using Thesis
Malaysia second most visited Text
Automatic navigation of radio - controlled car using vide Thesis
Future of nanoscale strained Si/SixGe1-x metal-oxide semi Indexed Paper
300,000 saman sebulan Text
Evaluation of hyperthermia effect on cell viability using c Indexed Paper
Sultan tegur Kelantan gagal urus pembalakan Text
Be prepared for internet and e-mail jam Text
Pemborong bimbang harga bahan binaan naik Text
Taxation I Exam Papers
Impact of static trajectories on localization in wireless s Indexed Paper
Tuisyen 91 sekolah menengah Felda bermula bulan depaText
Cervical cancer second most deadly Text
Pokok jarak sumber baru ekonomi Text
Pertalian umum sifat-sifat kekuatan batu kapur Thesis
Gelagat pengguna Text
Meninjau minat Korea Text
Kontraktor tak beretika punca pembaziran wang rakyat Text
Taman teknologi IPT dipercepat Text
Hidrologi (Hydrology) Text
Father and son latest victims of gang Text
Pengkelasan kompetensi bidang kepakaran berasaskan raText
Semiconductor physics Exam Papers
Ujian tanpa musnah 1 Exam Papers
Cross-cultural adaptation of the spence children's anxietyIndexed Paper
Atasi kesan musim tengkujuh Text
Belia disaran kerja sendiri Text
Pencarian planet yang serupa bumi Text
Kajian air larian terhadap dandanan permukaan Text
A case study on knowledge management adoption in meConference Papers
Evaluation of MODIS gross primary productivity and land Indexed Paper
Tio2 mediated photocatalytic inactivation of gram-positivConference Papers
Kementerian sedia tarik balik daging dicemari beta-agoniText
Risda perluas penggunaan teknologi LITS kepada 300,000Text
UTM, KPJSB rancang bina hospital RM128j News Paper Cuttings
Environmental sustainability index for palm oil mill indus Thesis
Characteristics of developed granules containing phototrConference Papers
Rekabentuk litar bersepadu dan pengujian Text
Particle transport in an operating room furnished with a vThesis
A case study: maturity assessment of product lifecycl Conference Papers
Fong : labour laws being reviewed Text
Syor tubuh Mahkamah Syariah Persekutuan Text
Peringatan Majlis Raja-Raja beri isyarat Text
Problem based learning approach in programmable logic Conference Papers
DBP cadang adiguru ganti Guru Super Text
Konfigurasi dan pembangunan perkhidmatan FWTK sertaText
69-year-old is among five senior citizens graduates at U Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Modul baru tarik belia sertai Rela Text
The effect of alkaline treatment and fiber length on pineaJournal Article
Effect of agarose on viability of seeded cells Thesis
Sistem bantuan keputusan pemilihan pelajar-pelajar kan Text
Application of universal design in public buildings in Putr Thesis
Elektronik Text
Performance analysis of MIMO-CDMA system Conference Papers
Blame it on your genes Text
Tafsiran al-Quran, Sunnah berbeza lemahkan umat IslamText
Power optimization control of small-sized wind turbine f Thesis
PM : civil servants can push for economic recovery Text
Amaran BPR jangan terima hadiah masa raya Text
State to crack down on 'love hotels' in housing estates Text
Stiffness study of the center plate of main rotor head for Thesis
Mobile memo and note application (Memo+) Thesis
Application of bacterial leaching for gold recovery (abstr Text
Return of the old hands Text
Kristalografi sinar-X Text
Peat fires may be cause of haze Text
Pengujian elektronik dan penyenggaraan Text
Application of ASTER and landsat TM data for geological Indexed Paper
Oil-palm fiber as natural reinforcement for polymer com Non-Index Paper
Tanjung Langsat jadi pusat dawai keluli Asia Text
Largest chip maker to invest RM870mil in Kulim Text
Baju batik pakaian rasmi hari Sabtu Text
Kuala Pilah digegar gempa bumi Text
Fire resistance properties of palm oil fuel ash cement ba Non-Index Paper
Introduction to built environment Exam Papers
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Islamofobia jadi modal politik News Paper Cuttings
Bekas guru hasilkan buku Reformasi Minda Guru Text
Bajet 2010 mungkin RM200 bilion Text
Penjanaan sisa domestik di Johor Bahru : kajian kes : Ta Text
Field astronomy / Astronomi lapangan Text
The conceptual model of life cycle costing automation onThesis
Dasar baru keluar AP kenderaan diperkenal Text
Pelan penyelidikan MMU perkenal program R&D bidang bText
Statistics for property manager Exam Papers
PM : higher flood risk now Text
akyat takut buat laporan BPR kerana tiada perlindungan Text
Tiada IPTA terbilang Text
Pemilihan tembok penahan di tapak bina Thesis
Pemprosesan Fail Text
Aljabar moden Text
Adsorption of alkyl benzene sulfonate surfactant on acti Conference Papers
Pemegang sijil halal mesti bertanggungjawab Text
Pemberian kondom percuma perlu bersyarat Text
Kanak-kanak patut dilindungi Text
For safer public spaces Text
Abdullah : varsities need to have well-rounded students Text
Economic and environmental evaluation of landfill gas utiIndexed Paper
Wanita Punjabi sukarela bantu penagih Melayu Text
Fabrication of nanohydroxyapatite/poly(caprolactone) com Indexed Paper
Pemproses Isyarat Digit Text
IBS mampu tingkat kualiti binaan Text
Urban design Exam Papers
Determination of ion beam properties in nitrogen and heJournal Article
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Do it yourself moves and changes Pbxoip system (Full texText
The effect of soil-root interaction by Vertiver grass on sloThesis
Kalkulus II Text
Development of very high frequency plasma enhanced chem Thesis
Malaysia, Arab Saudi kaji angkasa Text
Wajib pakai tali pinggang belakang 2009 Text
Lanchang bukti kejayaan pertanian Malaysia Text
Conceptual spatio-temporal data model design for plant bConference Papers
Influenza A (H1N1) : students the bulk of 39 new cases Text
PM dedah kejayaan dasar kongsi kuasa Text
IIB promosi Iskandar Malaysia di Abu Dhabi Text
PICA: pipeline integrated corrosion assessment tool for stConference Papers
Number of cases reaches 50 Text
Pilihan Raya Kampus : sepuluh lagi universiti adakan pemiText
Grid connected solar photovoltaic system efficiency : caseThesis
Johor jadi metropolitan, setanding Hong Kong, Shenzhe Text
Budaya menebal halang wanita fahami menopaus Text
Cikgu digalak sertai kegiatan persatuan martabatkan penText
Application of multiple regression analysis (MRA) in con Thesis
Architects to set up special centre to identify defects in bText
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Parents happy with new approach to education Text
Surface modifications of agrowaste biomass for Hg(II) a Indexed Paper
Design Of Experiments Exam Papers
Young, talented to be promoted Text
Pendapatan rakyat Selangor meningkat Text
Planning Exam Papers
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Characterization of multiple array flexible sensor for uric Thesis
Water yield estimation using tropical rainfall measuremeThesis
Bersedia hadapi cabaran Text
VarsityÆs oil and gas meet attracts 1,000 Text
LPKP umum langkah tingkat khidmat pengangkutan awa Text
Sentiment classification with concept drift and imbalanced Indexed Paper
Perangkak web berfokus untuk pengiraan faktor impak Thesis
We must be pragmatic in tie-ups on security Text
BPR mula siasat dua lokasi LPT Text
Introduction to finance (pengenalan kewangan) Text
Modeling forest fire risk in the northeast of Iran using Indexed Paper
Ekonomi domestik kukuh : Zeti Text
Harga petrol, diesel turun Text
Kerajaan iktiraf peranan belia Text
Nano-capillary electrophoresis for environmental analysiIndexed Paper
Fire safety : Knowing what to do is vital Text
Medical instrumentation Exam Papers
Penulisan, maklumat negatif racuni minda pembaca Text
Novel ultrafiltration flat sheet mixed matrix membranes Thesis
Improvement of power quality using UPFC in a multi bus Thesis
Influenza A : two undetected due to medication Text
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Upacara pecah tanah projek pembinaan penginapan pelajar Text
Fizik amorfus & seramik Exam Papers
Impact of balanced scorecard : a case study of SAJ HoldinThesis
New city gets first mayor Text
Kerajaan bina jejambat RM250 juta Text
Move to help government jobbers Text
Penjenayah siber boleh jejas sistem prasarana negara Text
Radioterapi Text
MTUC bantah potongan automatik Text
JPA mempunyai pengalaman pilih pelajar cemerlang Text
Tiga agensi Kementerian Pelajaran perlu proaktif puliha Text
Cuti terkumpul kakitangan awam 150 hari Text
Threats identification in healthcare information systems Conference Papers
Singaporean mastermind behind busted drug gang Text
Advanced english for academic communication Text
UTM rintis konsep pejabat terbuka News Paper Cuttings
Wanita tingkat kejayaan Melayu Text
Multi-core ladder rung processor on field programmable Thesis
Strength of materials and structures Exam Papers
Eksport bukan tenunan RM52.1j Text
Implementation of artificial bees colony algorithm on realIndexed Paper
Tambang bas sekolah naik tahun depan Text
New approach to motivation Text
Number of snatch theft cases in Johor down by half Text
Touts chartering buses Text
Kerjasama kesarjanaan ASEAN tak sekukuh Kesatuan EroNews Paper Cuttings
Malaysia perlu ada pusat pelancaran satelit Text
Pembangunan perpustakaan pergerakan isyarat mengguna Thesis
The protcetion devices of minority shareholders in organThesis
Financial accounting and reporting 1 Exam Papers
MHD free convection flow over an inclined plate that appli Conference Papers
Drivers playvital role Text
Absorption energy of layered structures due to impact loThesis
Industri nanas masih mampu beri pulangan lumayan Text
Biarlah guru sekadar menjadi pengundi sahaja Text
JPJ menyusuri zaman Text
Children discharged after testing negative for bird flu vir Text
Paras air turun paling kritikal sejak 50 tahun Text
Abolish headgear ruling, says Yap News Paper Cuttings
Accident contributor interconnection study as a basis fo Indexed Paper
Places in varsity for all who qualify Text
Prospek perumahan masa kini dan yang akan datang di kaText
E-banking: a case study of Askari Commercial Bank Pakis Non-Index Paper
Identification of criteria and metrics for software proje Indexed Paper
Teori struktur Text
Study on flow passing a wavy surface Text
Penjanaan generasi kreatif, cemerlang Text
Eco-conscious palm oil Text
Intelligent modelling and active vibration control of flex Indexed Paper
Terima kasih cikgu Text
Amalan pengajaran guru pendidikan Islam berkesan bertJournal Article
Nickel phosphorus coated substrate micro-defect reductiThesis
488 pelajar KPYPJ lulus cemerlang Text
Pemandu kena ubah sikap elak kemalangan Text
RM40 juta ditawarkan kepada peniaga kecil Text
Cheaper to get certain food items at wholesale mart Text
Mekanik pepejal I Text
Security Feature : May 1 deadline for hologram labels onText
Aussie plagiarism scandal Text
Environmental monitoring of liquid borne pollution usi Text
Secretariat for IPTS Text
Finite difference method for numerical solution of a gen Thesis
Teknologi jana kuasa tenaga angin mikro alternatif baru Text
Comparing shoppers’ perception in image dimensionsIndexed : Paper
Evaluation of Acalypha indica extracts for antioxidant andThesis
Emisi ekzos dari kenderaan bermotor, kesannya ke atas Text
Kementerian tekan empat matlamat asas Text
IPTA diarah kaji kurikulum Text
A simple fuzzy logic diagnosis system for control of inte Indexed Paper
Geometric variable designs of cam/post mechanisms infl Indexed Paper
Assessing the moderating effects of organizational innov Thesis
Jadikan Sejarah subjek subjek wajib lulus dalam UPSR Text
Interfacial reactions between lead-free solders and enginText
Sejarah senibina landskap timur dan barat Text
Homotopy continuation method in avoiding the problemThesis o
Analisis untuk mengenalpasti risiko kejadian lubang ben Text
Operasi unit 1 Text
Pemeriksaan sebaik tiba: Dasar baru berhubung kesihatanText
Epilepsi gangguan otak Text
Congestion control algorithm in vanets Indexed Paper
An object-oriented feature-based design system part II : Text
Tiga syarikat telekomunikasi perang harga Text
An exploratory study of the impact of malaysian ethics edNon-Index Paper
LHDN buru 342 tak jelas RM3j Text
Mega shopping status by 2003 Text
Gambar akhbar punca rusuhan Text
PKNS going strong, says MB News Paper Cuttings
Principles Of Management Exam Papers
Penyu lipas, karah kini sukar ditemui Text
Four die in crash after night out Text
BioValley komitmen Malaysia majukan bioteknologi duniText
Development and deployment of an ethnobotanical and Journal Article
Princess nurses world-class goal Text
Liputan 100% telefon bimbit akhir tahun Text
Pendidikan strategi utama ke arah Malaysia berjaya Text
Rakyat diberi maklumat cuaca terkini : Jamaluddin Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Sultan Ismail Mosque after Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM fokus bidang kejuruteraan Text
Penggunaan susunan batu sebagai struktur pelesap tenaga Text
Investigating the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypot Indexed Paper
Syor kurangkan cukai jalan : galak orang ramai menggun Text
Teknik mikroskopi Text
Universiti penyelidikan ditambah Text
Meat safe for consumption Text
Undang-undang Islam perlu diperbaharui : Dr M Text
Electronics Exam Papers
Malaysia keen to help other countries issue Islamic bondText
Six new ways to fight AIDS Text
Rising oil prices to hit transport companies Text
The comparison of tardiness in scheduling techniques forText
LID peluang terbaik raih pengalaman penting Text
Malaysian recalls earthquake terror Text
Kaedah penyelesaian isu pembuangan bayi : kajian di Jo Thesis
IPTA bakal buka kampus cawangan di luar negara Text
Hambatan industri buku : Malaysia terkeluar daripada seText
The development of a key generation application for wir Thesis
70% Gurkha jadi pengawal keselamatan tiada asas tenterText
Help for designer drug abusers Text
Pengamal perubatan tradisional perlu anggotai LembagaText
Investigating number sense among students Conference Papers
A review and survey of problem-based learning applicati Conference Papers
Kajian kelakuan pasir penyambung turapan penguncian bText
Herceptin berkesan rawat barah payu dara Text
Harga tepung naik : kos buat roti canai naik 1 sen sahaja Text
Pengambilan sulung universiti MIC Julai 2004 Text
It's getting too hot for comfort Text
Program Rakan Muda disusun dalam bentuk baru Text
Lawatan PM ke Australia tidak mengubah dasar MalaysiaText
Iran was set to make nuke bomb: Paper Text
Lightning locating using interferometry technique Thesis
Soliton spin in an add drop optical filter for long distanceNon-Index Paper
Development of layered silicates montmorillonite filled Text
Rebut tawaran kelebihan ijazah lanjutan di UK Text
National Service modules at schools Text
Stick to the letter on car window tinting Text
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Ramai puji kajian rang undang-undang keluarga Text
PMG UKM : bimbing 98 peratus pelajar luar bandar ke uniText
Corporate governance, risk disclosure and cost of equity cThesis
Agriculture is more than just producing food, says PM Text
Marketing for innovative product Exam Papers
Porecasting peak load electricity demand using statistic Conference Papers
Majikan abai latar belakang ketika ambil pekerja Text
Construction business practice Exam Papers
Multi-radiation yields simulation and optimization of pla Thesis
Special EPF unit to check fraud Text
Daging import perlu ada sijil kesihatan negara asal Text
Metabolic network reconstruction of cyanobacterial metabo Thesis
Teori kebarangkalian & statistik Text
Engineering surveying I Exam Papers
Ductile failure prediction of spot welded lap joint Conference Papers
Capturing greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to form carb Journal Article
Mapping fire incidence analysis using geographical infor Thesis
Kejuruteraan jalanraya dan lalulintas Text
Johor umum larangan pembalakan hutan bakau Text
Pentadbir hutan Sabah perlu peka Text
Risk of static sitting to the lower limb blood flow among Thesis
Effect of flow configuration on oil entrapment in waterfl Thesis
Kejuruteraan sisa air buangan Text
Bas ekspres boleh kekal masa berlepas Text
Pembangunan kutipan terus data satelit bagi pemantuanText ha
Performance analysis of microstrip grid array antenna o Indexed Paper
Gaji minimum RM1,050 bagi guru SRAR, KAFA Text
Pinjaman PTPTN dijadikan biasiswa Text
Kelulusan pecah bahagi tanah di daerah Manjung, Perak Thesis
Titas Exam Papers
Johoreans mourn Tunku Abdul Jalil as remains are prepared News Paper Cuttings
Amalan kepimpinan instruksional dalam pencapaian sub-Thesis
Home appliances remote control using DTMF technologyThesis
Lahir lebih ramai usahawan PKS Text
Sharing of gis spatial data intransportation engineering Indexed Paper
Architectural landscape Exam Papers
j-QAF memantapkan amalan Text
Bus operators asking for 40% increase in fares Text
Tahap pengetahuan pemilik harta terhadap cukai taksira Thesis
5 perkara fahami isu hak asasi Text
Human information processing Exam Papers
Tall building system analysis and design Exam Papers
Compact dual-band dielectric resonator antenna for 2.4 Indexed Paper
Development of an integrated light control system Thesis
Generasi muda cerdik, mulia pacu 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan sistem pembersihan automat Text
Pekerja Bangladesh dibenarkan masuk semula mulai 1 O Text
Cadang lantik senator aktivis alam sekitar Text
Education Ministry to relook 9MP projects Text
Mycrypttools cryptographic algorithm learning aid Thesis
Real estate education in Malaysia: a new paradigm Conference Papers
Salary rise for scientists likely Text
Operating speed of heavy good vehicles on horizontal cu Thesis
Pengimbas mata kesan pelajar ambil dadah Text
Complaints panel Bill to cover all enforcement agencies Text
Optimization of extraction and spray drying parameters oThesis
Martabatkan Bahasa Melayu peringkat global Text
Sesi Pembentangan Bagi Anugerah Kualiti Perkhidmatan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
5 juta kenderaan guna laluan kedua Text
Panduan pekerja separuh masa akan diwujud Text
Malaysia masih banyak pilihan elak krisis makanan. Text
Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif Text
Learning beyond the classroom Text
Development of hydrophilic chitosan membranes from loText
Keberkesanan sistem anggaran kos yang dipraktikkan oleh Text
Guru tonggak utama realisasikan 1Malaysia Text
Sistem pakar diagnosis iridologi Text
Operasi besar-besaran : 500 anggota polis dikerah buru dText
Static and dynamic balancing of helicopter tail rotor bl Journal Article
A comprehensive survey of pilot contamination in mass Indexed Paper
Proton trade-in discount gets owners of old cars excited Text
Banyak kerenah imigresen ambil pembantu rumah Text
Halal certificate soon : northport Text
Dynamic exercise tracking using signal processing of ECG Thesis
Polymer reology and processing Exam Papers
Simulation of sequencing rules using witness in a milling Non-Index Paper
Develpoment of new variation of talk test based on exercThesis
Computer-aided assessment of occupationally healthier Indexed Paper
Employees’ training and performance relationship in hos Non-Index Paper
Robbery, rape gang busted Text
Alternative sewerage system in Malaysia : a new construText
Flow regimes identification of particles conveying in pne Thesis
Dindings Poultry sued for RM101m Text
Perakaunan kos Text
Customer religiosity and their impact on buying decision Thesis
Malaysia hab perantara dana kewangan Islam Text
In situ detection and localization of partial discharge usi Indexed Paper
Hardware development of reflection mode ultrasonic tomIndexed Paper
PMR : BI terbaik dalam 12 tahun Text
Electromagnetic reduced transition properties of the gr Indexed Paper
Teori medan elektromagnetik Text
UiTM ungguli Sukan Pantai MASUM News Paper Cuttings
Managing 3D spatial objects using GeoDBMS and MicrostConference Papers
Seorang lagi meninggal, kepialu di Kelantan semakin seri Text
Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Exam Papers
Top management support and project team for system/ITThesis
Examining the link between energy consumption, carbonIndexed Paper
Integration of design for assembly and design for disasseConference Papers
Lawatan Erican Language Centre Johor Ke PRZS Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Many not committed to safety Text
Big future for grapes in Perlis Text
Graft war to go hi-tech Text
Code rate adaption for efficient bandwith utilization in Conference Papers
Strength characterisation of shale using Mohr-Coulomb Thesis
New option to study medicine Text
Development of gluten extensibility measurement using tConference Papers
English language III Text
USM, UTM scholars among most cited News Paper Cuttings
Two get six strokes and 5,000 fine each Text
Perpaduan kaum perlu kerjasama pelbagai pihak Text
PM mahu swasta jadi penggerak ekonomi Text
Impact of adjacent building on outdoor ventilation arounConference Papers
Nasib Program Angkasawan Malaysia kedua Text
History of modern architecture Exam Papers
Permodelan sistem biomedik Text
Optimal input shaping for vibration control of a flexible Text
Johor allocates RM1bil to clean up three rivers Text
Kajian terhadap pengkelasan dokumen web dengan mengText
Kemampuan pemilikan perumahan bagi generasi Y Thesis
UTM tegas tangani isu sosial Text
Asean must change with the times, says Hamid Text
Boost quality of teaching Text
Inspection by ultrasonic tomography (UT) leading trend i Indexed Paper
Attribute selection model for optimal local search and gl Journal Article
Islam : prinsip atau alat? Text
Behavior modification Exam Papers
Study of the properties of new duplex coating for solar t Text
Kampung nelayan jadi pelabuhan News Paper Cuttings
Psikologi personaliti Exam Papers
DPM : new assesment system for primary schools soon Text
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan (PKB) berasaskan web Text
Kampung Budaya bakal diwujudkan Text
Novation agreement in design and build contracts Text
On the solution of a blasius equation Thesis
Penglibatan sektor awam dan swasta dalam pengurusan Ts hesis
Bank IsIams trade financing products well accepted Text
First tactical unmanned aerial vehicle ready by next year Text
Don: DonÆt see English as a threat to Bahasa Text
88,074 inspektor, konstabel menjelang 2012 Text
DPM : all agencies should recognise government-issued Text
Bahasa Jepun Untuk Perniagaan II (Bahagian C) Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Occupational safety and health Exam Papers
Budak autistik hidup tersendiri Text
Open landfills may be banned Text
Bekas pelatih PLKN digalak jadi Rakan Cop Text
Raids will go on until every illegal immigrant is arrested Text
Pengurusan dan pemerhatian data kualiti air Text
Pemuliharaan Sungai Charles wajar dicontohi Text
Kajian keberkesanan penggunaan geoprotect sebagai kawa Text
A technology-based statistical reasoning assessment toolIndexed Paper
Mathematical methods 3 Exam Papers
Strategi letak tokoh utama berjaya News Paper Cuttings
Investigation of bend effect of tie bar on precast concret Thesis
Dinar Emas : Melaka negeri pertama tubuh ejen edar dinText
Leaders' credibility, organisation and capability : leadershIndexed Paper
A comparison between aluminium and iron electrodes inJournal Article
UTM fuel cell car wins Shell Eco-Marathon News Paper Cuttings
Hab pendidikan tinggi serantau Text
Membina industri nuklear untuk tenaga Text
Probabilistic semi-simple splicing system and its characterIndexed Paper
Struktur konkrit pra-tuang dalam pembinaan bangunan dThesis
Penentuan kebolehkorekan batuan granit terluluhawa den Text
Snatch thief who caused death jailed 5 years Text
In need of preservation Text
Professional practice III Exam Papers
Saya tak menyesal Text
Virtual world for collaborative learning : a review Indexed Paper
Special training in computer forensics for ACA officers Text
Collision avoidance system using fuzzy logic for vessels Thesis
Enabling multimodal interaction in web-based personal dConference Papers
Flood mitigation considering the perception of stakeholdConference Papers
Visa bagi pelancong negara terbabit SARS dikurangkan Text
Tarikh operasi terminal tambang murah di KLIA diketahuiText
Projek rumah kos rendah diutama Text
Honeymoon is over, maintain highest level of service, inteText
UiTM perlu terus cemerlang, berkualiti Text
Proses pembuatan Text
Sokong tindakan Imigresen tukar pegawai kurang mesra Text
Level of service (LOS) for multilane highway and road a Text
A simulation study of magnetostrictive material terfenol Conference Papers
More women in government good for society Text
Digital ticketing system for public transportation Thesis
China offers to transfer missile technology Text
Perodua, Proton tidak perlu bergabung Text
Kanak-kanak tiada sijil lahir boleh daftar sekolah Text
Azlan Timbalan Naib Canselor Pembangunan baharu UT News Paper Cuttings
An alternative model for ERP maintenance strategy Conference Papers
Evaluation of an inconel-625 reactor and its wall effects Indexed Paper
Mekanik gunaan Text
Saintis asing dilarang bolot sumber asli Text
Rekabentuk senibina maklumat enterprais : kajian kes KoText
Chemists among 10 held in RM62m drug haul Text
Najis lembu campur panadol pilihan penagih Text
The performance of GPS baseline solution during northe Conference Papers
Majlis bacaan yasin staf Perpustakaan Utm Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
PSD scholarship holders must return Text
FTA : Malaysia tetap berhati-hati Text
Space-age use for rice husks Text
Sekolah kendali latihan guru Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Sains, Matematik dalam BI dapat pengiktirafan luar Text
Pembayar cukai digalak guna e-Filing Text
Membina masyarakat kaya integriti Text
Kajian penspesiesan dan ketoksikan logam dalam sistem aText
Committee to work out KL-Brunei agreement Text
Performance analysis of 22NM FinFET-based 8T SRAM celThesis
Dua kaedah bagi pelajar IPTA ambil kursus tambahan Text
Malay terms in Microsoft glossary Text
Standard way to collect zakat Text
Numerical analysis 2 Exam Papers
Malaysia to set up tsunami system Text
Determining emergency evacuation aid for flood disaste Thesis
Simulation and performance analysis of partial usage s Conference Papers
Caj internet lebih murah galak budaya celik IT Text
Strategi percepat kes Mahkamah Perusahaan Text
An adaptive intrusion detection model for dynamic netwoThesis
RM6.9 juta bantu disiplinkan pelajar Text
Sekolah luar bandar keutamaan RMK-9 Text
2,300kg sugar seized in Kelantan Text
Perforation parameters consideration for stable petrole Conference Papers
Kakitangan awam nikmati pelbagai imbuhan Text
Seven million to benefit from ministryÆs programmes Text
120,000 tercicir ke IPTA : pelajar Melayu tidak dapat te Text
Unitar on right track to fulfil goals, says PM Text
Experimental study of paraffin wax potential as a physicaText
Web-based ethnobotanical database system Thesis
Development of an automotive suspension system using Tahesis
Kajian persepsi implementasi program Bandar selamat keThesis
Evaluation of cesium removal from radioactive waste w Indexed Paper
Use of vibration ods for structural integrity assessment oIndexed Paper
Penilaian kendiri guru Sains terhadap pengendalian aktivThesis
Kerajaan arah periksa semua struktur bangunan, jambat Text
JMG perlu komersialkan hasil penyelidikan Text
Computer assisted language learning II Exam Papers
Bridge a catalyst for growth Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Engineering management / pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Kajian tahap kepuasan pelajar terhadap kemudahan sediaThesis
Fingerprint recognition on forensic data for human identiThesis
Characterization of duricrusts for excavation purposes Thesis
Organic synthesis Exam Papers
Road traffic accident characteristics in Dhaka, Banglades Indexed Paper
The indirect tensile strength of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) Indexed Paper
Calculus 2 Exam Papers
A framework for improving key performance indicators de Thesis
Elektronik II Text
Tambah stesen amaran banjir di Shah Alam Text
The problem of ethics in the business world Text
No plans for temporary job scheme Text
Luaskan ekonomi Melayu Text
An interactive 3D acupressure model for self treatment i Journal Article
Give priority to Bahasa Malaysia, manufacturers told Text
Dua kementerian diarah kerjasama kenal pasti virus Text
Surprising drop in big banksÆ quarterly profits Text
Discriminative features mining for offline handwritten sigIndexed Paper
Close watch on tow trucks Text
Foundation engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Cara sihat untuk awet muda Text
Inflasi : pakar ekonomi bimbang Text
Pembangunan perisian multimedia interaktif teknologi auThesis
Tambang domestik MAS naik Text
Libraries should be fully utilised Text
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita sedia bank data bapaText
Jalan Timur-Barat kedua siap 2005 Text
Ayam dijual murah mulai hari ini Text
Adil dalam permasalahan guru-pelajar Text
Axial crushing and energy absorption of honeycomb stru Thesis
Comparative study on prediction of axial bearing capacityJournal Article
Borneo portal launched Text
Plasmon-enhanced upconversion fluorescence in Er3+Ag Indexed p Paper
Gis dalam perancangan Text
Guna surcaj kurangkan beban TNB Text
Islam Hadhari bukan bidaah sesat Text
Pertalian hijau-air larian permukaan profail padang bo Thesis
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
Pembangunan aplikasi keselamatan rangkaian dalam imbThesis
Modeling and simulation of an active vibration control sysConference Papers
Pelaksanaan pengurusan kurikulum dalam kalangan guru-Thesis
Permintaan tinggi punca kecurian komputer berleluasa Text
Sudanese student wants to help rebuild his country News Paper Cuttings
Reaction optimization of aspergillus niger a-L-arabinof Journal Article
Analytical studies of the behaviour of semi-rigid non-sw Text
Development of a Java and Jini program understanding toThesis
Minggu Malaysia tarik pelancong Text
Aiming to rope in parents to help tackle indiscipline Text
Vibration analysis of supported thick-walled cylindrical Indexed Paper
Pengukuran & instrumentasi Text
8.9 juta pelancong kunjungi negara kita Text
Towards identifying features of trust in mobile ad hoc n Conference Papers
Teaching methods for Maths and Science to be improvedText
Boon for PKNS News Paper Cuttings
More places for medicine Text
Tumpu akademik punca obesiti Text
Damage evolution in carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFThesis
Consumer psychology Exam Papers
London menang Olimpik 2012 Text
No hike in power rates for now Text
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan mula operasi Text
A hybrid of differential evolution and minimization of m Thesis
Design and optimization of innovative magnetorheologi Thesis
Mikropemproses Text
Arbitrator's jurisdiction to resolve disputes relating to al Thesis
20 pelajar universiti diserang penyakit HFMD Text
Evaluating common spaces in residential communities : an Indexed Paper
Morphologies and separation characteristics of polyphenIndexed Paper
Detection of microsatellite polymorphism in Malaysian cuThesis
RMK-8 : 615,000 rumah mampu milik disasarkan Text
Milimeter-wave bandpass filter for radio over fiber appli Thesis
Pendapatan AirAsia naik 43 peratus Text
100,000 pekerja dapat manfaat pembentukan Majlis PenText
Bridge engineering Exam Papers
Perbandingan rekabentuk di antara sistem kekuda bumbung Thesis
PM mahu tanya Keng Yaik : syor sekolah kebangsaan dip Text
Car repair workshop management system Thesis
Inherent damping in highrise building for seismic protectThesis
Circuit theory Text
Decolourisation of reactive black 5 by azoreductase prodJournal Article
Ministry reviews recent promotion Text
Bank terbaik 2007 milik Deutsche Bank Text
RM2.1b bina rumah kos rendah, kuarters kakitangan ker Text
Malaysia ada kelebihan Text
Muslim nations urged to play bigger role in RM2.1t halal Text
Experiments on density currents dynamics over conic ro Conference Papers
Pelbagaikan teknik ajar BI Text
No more new foreign owned hypermarkets Text
Assessment of photogrammetric micro fixed-wing unmanned Indexed Paper
Persatuan Homeopati adakan kongres perubatan di UTMNews Paper Cuttings
HIV-positive children victims of discrimination Text
Design concept of facilities for equine centre Thesis
Enam prinsip layak tangguh latihan - Najib Text
Big data processing and mining for next generation intell Journal Article
Struktur lepas pantai Text
Re-grooved tyre use : RM300 fine Text
Kajian pewarna reaktif antrakuinon dan fotodegradasiny Text
Struktur data & algoritma Text
Development of Web-based material requirements planniThesis
Sol-gel based phenolphthalein encapsulated heterogeneoIndexed Paper
Pelaksanaan piawaian pembangunan fasiliti penginapan dText
Now itÆs hotel-like ratings for childcare centres Text
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 opticalConference
fi Papers
Pengaruh peniaga dalam aspek kepenggunaan Text
Amalan ikhtisas 1 Text
A graphical method of detecting pneumonia using chest Conference Papers
UTM to boost growth in Iskandar Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Supervisory control and data acqisition (SCADA) of a plantThesis
Effect of hydrogen embrittlement on the mechanical propThesis
Behaviours of natural organic matter in membrane filtratIndexed Paper
Using extracted lignin from oil palm by roller oven to for Thesis
PM : isu tuntutan bertindih Malaysia-Brunei dijangka seleText
Kementerian lantik akauntan kaji harga cakera optik Text
Rumah Nur : pemangkin kepada aktiviti wanita Text
Geoteknik Text
Micro computer application / aplikasi mikro komputer Text
Risiko seks sebelum kahwin Text
Tentera Amerika, Iraq siap sedia bertempur Text
Taking time to enjoy food Text
Pelajar IPT tak terbabit pelacuran Text
RazakSAT dilancar September Text
Thermodynamics 1 Exam Papers
Penggunaan CD Al-Quran dalam pengajaran dan pembelaj Conference Papers
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pergerakan kakitangan TN Text
Odour profiling from decomposition of local food waste Journal Article
Keberkesanan rekreasi hutan bandar Mutiara Rini dalam Thesis
Factors influences residential location selection prefer Indexed Paper
Sabung nyawa di Mogadishu Text
Effect of intermittent haptic disturbance in motor skill tr Indexed Paper
Elektronik Text
Differential equations II Exam Papers
Construction science Exam Papers
Spreading the wealth Text
Novel design of circular UWB antenna Conference Papers
Analysis and design of structural systems Exam Papers
Traffic density estimation in vehicular ad hoc networks : Indexed Paper
Alternative design of foundations subjected to uplift for Text
Tumbuhan etno-botani Exam Papers
Memahami profil pendera kanak-kanak Text
DonÆt be used by æslimming pill makers, warns association
Mentoring an entrepreneur : guide for a mentor Indexed Paper
Perisian Sains, Matematik pada tahap pemulihan : Musa Text
Management of energy : energy repairs Exam Papers
Call to review bilateral deals Text
Synthesis of carbon nanotube-titanium dioxide photocataConference Papers
Implementation of spatial based e-complaint Thesis
Phase mapping method in the phase measurement of acoText
Asas kuantitatif/statistik sains Text
Ciri-ciri hidraulik aliran melalui paip berlubang Text
Spectral transformation of ASTER data and the discriminat Conference Papers
Spray drying as the alternative method for production of Conference Papers
Negeri sedia perketat lesen pengeluaran balak Text
KL sedia bekal vaksin halal ke negara OIC Text
IPTA medan atlit perluas bakat Text
Selesema babi menular sehingga tahun depan Text
The thermal performance of low cost housing in Malaysi Thesis
RM4b tingkat infrastruktur luar bandar hingga 2010 Text
Kaedah penjimatan elektrik di kompleks pentadbiran keraThesis
KLIA nombor satu dunia Text
AN alternative design of collaborative virtual environme Indexed Paper
Underground corrosion model of steel pipelines using in sIndexed Paper
Smart cards for foreign spouses by next year Text
Gesa PM kepada syarikat milik PNB bagi hadapi krisis makText
Pengeluaran automotif Text
Cipta rekod harumkan nama negara News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi saput tipis Text
Instrumentasi proses / Process instrumentations Text
Keutuhan moral bantu banteras jenayah Text
Identify effects of arc current on TIG welding performancThesis
Mahasiswa dari 14 universiti berkampung di Pengerang News Paper Cuttings
Mahkamah Syariah tiada kuasa kes murtad Text
Participatory art as driving force for urban regeneratio Thesis
Pendidikan Utusan Malaysia berbentuk tabloid mulai hariText
Perkasa belia agenda utama : PM Text
Land development process Exam Papers
2 pelajar Sabah dinobat Tokoh Nilam Kebangsaan Text
RMK-9 perlu beri tekanan usaha bantu golongan miskin tText
Features selection techniques for off-line handwritten is Thesis
Syor import gula bertapis diteliti Text
Dasar kewangan mesti utama keperluan rakyat Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
Taman warisan : adakan pameran angro kraf Text
Quantum-inspired particle swarm optimisation for integrConference Papers
Bekalan makanan belum sampai tahap krisis Text
Pejuang bahasa Melayu Text
Development of low cost block mold for copper alloy casJournal Article
People's interaction with attributes of public art in urbanThesis
Sistem pangkalan data bagi kekunci taksonomi Thesis
Development of ultrasonic tomographic instrumentation Thesis
Financial management Exam Papers
Persamaan terbitan Text
Image reconstruction algorithms for ultrasonic tomograpConference Papers
Convergence comparison of LPC derived coefficients for Conference Papers
Enough talk, more action, says Abdullah Text
Kod Etika Ahli Parlimen dilancar Text
Syarikat pemaju perumahan tolak syor Formula 10:90 R Text
Determination of specific gravity by using vacuum and v Thesis
JPA tubuh jawatankuasa kaji kesan PTK Text
Dengue blackout Text
Optimal path planning algorithms in virtual environmentsText
Pengesanan sinaran Exam Papers
A study of thermal stability of different zno/p-si diode s Thesis
Shell Malaysia tawarkan biasiswa kepada pelajar UTP Text
Effects of pH and temperature on the growth and ß-glucNon-Index Paper
Kesan fizikal dan ekonomi peruncit kecil setelah pemban Thesis
An experimental analysis of strain and stress for abs pa Indexed Paper
Programming methodology Exam Papers
Heroin RM108,000 dirampas Text
Lumba haram hiburan alternatif remaja Text
Nurin, sadisme dan kecelaruan Text
Industrial applications of silica-based gas adsorbents Conference Papers
Effectiveness of energy-saving renovation techniques thrIndexed Paper
A systematic literature review of software requirements pIndexed Paper
Najib : engage emerging economies of Asia Text
UKM sasar raih AKPM : jawatankuasa khas fokuskan pengi Text
Vision based text recognition reading assistive system Thesis
Financial mathematics Exam Papers
Kedua-dua pihak menang Text
Ketua belia tak lebih 40 tahun Text
Performance of self compacted concrete with different siThesis
History of landscape architecture Exam Papers
Tenaga, IPPs to discuss ways to ease consumer burden Text
Krisis makanan tidak jejas Malaysia Text
Performance of solid material diverter subject to impact cThesis
DLPA : discrepant low PDP 8-bit adder Indexed Paper
A three competing species model for wastewater treatmeJournal Article
UTM-PSQ jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
200,000 silent spine disease sufferers Text
Cabaran terbesar ASEAN tentukan kemampuan bersaing Text
MAS gets 19 domestic routes and AirAsia, 96 Text
Rasional pilihan PM Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Cognitive task analysis method for system interface desi Non-Index Paper
Tiada kakitangan awam bantah tandatangani surat akujanText
Fabrication of CuW electrode for producing micro-hold Thesis
KL proposes gender centre Text
Evaluation of specific absorption rate due to medical impIndexed Paper
200 kontena bawa sisa industri ditahan Text
Remote sensing untuk kajicuaca Text
Teknologi IPv6 : mengubah cara rangkaian berfungsi Text
Gengsterisme : usah cari salah siapa Text
Memerangi rasuah misi nasional : Najib Text
Tingkatkan kualiti pengangkutan awam Text
Border patrols hunt for M-16 raiders Text
Aromatic biomarker from brown coal, Sangatta coalfield,Journal Article
Tiada sekatan pelajar ingin ke universiti Text
Management and organizational theory / principles an Exam Papers
Circuit theory 2 Exam Papers
Pembiayaan peribadi secara Islam paling popular di kala Text
Kekuatan blok apit ringan dengan ketebalan lapisan pe Text
Multibeam data processing and volume calculation usingThesis
Kerangka I Text
Study of wound healing in rats treated with skin of poiso Journal Article
Teknologi satelit meramal hasil padi Text
An exploratory study on goal programming as an alternatText
LPG & NG dalam industri automotif Text
Free rear seat belts for locally manufactured cars Text
Lanjut tempoh sah visa pelancong kesihatan Text
Object-relational features for modeling and analysis of s Conference Papers
Investigation on the mechanics of precast segment tunnelIndexed Paper
Performance of fibre reinforced composite concrete undThesis
Dr M tells boys to study harder Text
Essential features of a building services standard meth Indexed Paper
Analytical chemistry II / instrumental analysis Text
Media Prima diiktiraf terbaik Text
Development of planar array field pattern for a MIMO s Thesis
Developing testing and commissioning a stand alone systText
Hanya tindakan tegas boleh atasi gejala samseng jalananText
Sistem analisis peperiksaan dan pemantauan pencapaianThesis
Applied microbial biochemistry and biotransformation Text
Environmetal studies Exam Papers
Methods and protocol flow cells: technique used for studJournal Article
Kajian kerja–kerja penurunan air tidak rerhasil secara Thesis
Column adsorption of methylene blue onto microwave assi Thesis
Development economics Exam Papers
Dynamic mobile server for live casting applications Thesis
The relationship between the shopping complex attractive Thesis
Guru diberi kuasa rampas telefon bimbit pelajar di sekol Text
Jangan biarkan budaya kuning berleluasa di IPT Text
A review of routing strategies for optical burst switched Indexed Paper
Financial crisis : be frugal but don't stop spending Text
Floods wreak more havoc Text
Government will not shirk from facing challenges Text
Implementation of a MIS tool based on open XM Text
Saintis yakin mampu kawal gen punca penyakit Text
The impact of meteorological factors on the energy yieldsConference Papers
Aplikasi teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran pConference Papers
Torsional vibration of marine propulsion system Thesis
Study on solutions of heat problems using finite differe Text
Musibah ujian tentukan tahap nilai diri umat Text
Tiga askar didenda RM1.65j Text
Itelligent active force control of a rigid robot ARM usin Text
Sejarah senibina moden Text
Composite sago based membranes for pervaporation sepa Thesis
Pemberian tanah ada risiko Text
Routine maintenance cost for heavy loaded road segmenThesis
Real power transfer allocation method with the applictionConference Papers
PM arah polis tegas tetapi penyayang Text
Strong market for traditional health products Text
Ramai remaja kini puja syaitan Text
Landskap UMS terindah di Asia Tenggara Text
Jauhi ajaran sesat bertopengkan tasauf, tarekat Text
Sistem bantuan pemilihan matapelajaran dan perpindahan Text
Penyediaan P&P : guru perlu reflektif, kritikal Text
IPT baru buka peluang buat pilihan terbaik Text
RM1.27 bilion majukan pendidikan Terengganu Text
Pengurusan krisis Text
Housing affordability for low-income earners in FCT, AbujThesis
Making our food culture a tourism event Text
Structural analysis of the recreational purpose vehicle t Text
90 warga UTM sertai kursus praperkahwinan News Paper Cuttings
Alam sekitar perlu dipupuk dengan kesedaran agama Text
Taman Agro Teknologi berjaya tarik ramai pelancong ke Text
Investigation of preliminary breakdown pulses in lightn Indexed Paper
Karate mula popular di Jepun Text
Shippers told to run a tight ship Text
Dinamik Gas Text
JNK signaling pathways is required for mitochondrial dysfIndexed Paper
Potential of the white-rot fungus pleurotus pulmonarius Indexed Paper
Prototype of basic ambulance dispatch system for emergThesis
Numerical modelling of abdominal aortic aneurysm growConference Papers
Syor tiga panel hakim di Mahkamah Tinggi Text
PIN pastikan negara bersih rasuah Text
Towards reconciling a “love hate† relationship: theThesis
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Effect of surface roughness and taper angle on junction Indexed Paper
Removal of phenoland COD via catalytic treatment using Non-Index Paper
A complete appraisal system Text
IPT wajib masukkan elemen keusahawanan dalam kursusText
US 4th top buyer of Malaysian palm oil Text
Development of electromagnetic suspension Thesis
Pemuda tawar 19,000 pendidikan paramedik Text
Permainan mobile silat fighting Thesis
Martabat bahasa kebangsaan tanggungjawab semua Text
Majikan minta rombak semula prosedur kemasukan Text
Kementerian sedia kaji jadikan IT subjek teras Text
Foundation of microeconomics Exam Papers
Mengatasi Harvard bukan mustahil : Dr. Zulkhairi Text
Mechanics Exam Papers
Imej industri pelancongan terjejas Text
Pindaan Akta Suhakam diteliti Text
Politik, antikerajaan: USM ambil tindakan tegas Text
Bluetooth wireless heart rate telemonitoring Thesis
Satellite to curb illegal logging, forest fires Text
Computer systems & multimedia Text
Web advertising : the effectiveness of banner AD (Previe Text
The level of compliance to safety audit in construction indText
MyKad gang still at it Text
Level of awareness on Trade Marks Law Among Administra Thesis
Kejuruteraan penggerudian lanjutan Text
Tensile behavior of sandtone under solid and ring speci Thesis
Damage detection in composite plate using piezosensor Thesis
Blackout : Tenaga may not be off the hook yet Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian Text
PM : foreigners want our skilled workers and innovation Text
Ukur kejuruteraan II : teknologi terkini Text
Wujud kilang mengetin buah di luar bandar Text
System use aspects and dimensions in social networking Thesis
Regional flood frequency analysis for southwest peninsu Indexed Paper
Developing 3D cadastre registration system Conference Papers
Now, price of enriched wheat flour to go up Text
Fluid flow in horizontal pipeline with leakage Thesis
2,750 aduan awam diselesai tahun lalu Text
OU Malaysia tawar 4,500 tempat pengajian jarak jauh Text
Inovasi minyak kelapa dara Text
Imigresen rangka strategi kekang pendatang Text
Orang Asli students' readiness to be part of the sustain Conference Papers
Bridging the great divide : more money for rural kids Text
Seismic vulnerability of multi storey residential housing Thesis
Lorries may stop running soon if crisis worsens Text
Harga runcit NGV kekal 68 sen seliter Text
9 pasangan suami isteri terima ijazah UTM Text
Highway may cost 30pc more Text
DBP launches new multimedia tools Text
Pengurusan projek dan ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Banking on a strong show of leadership Text
Monitoring system for sudden infant death syndrome (SIThesis
Konsep ladang berasaskan makanan diperkenal : Effendi Text
Pelajar lelaki masih kuasai pengajian Ph.D Text
The effectiveness of project management by stakeholde Thesis
Najib syor tubuh pusat bantuan serantau Text
Guru sekolah agama diserap Text
Jakarta jamin percepat proses Text
Titik permulaan teguhkan perpaduan Text
Hubungan antara organisasi pembelajaran dengan sikap pe Thesis
Analisis radiokimia Text
Pendakwah berhemah, budi bahasa lebih berkesan Text
Dasar Sosial Negara jadi panduan Text
Cool pavement using waste tile as coating material Thesis
Pasaran wang dan modal Text
Rethinking IJNs fate Text
Liow : check for silent killers Text
Perisian sumber terbuka semakin diterima ramai Text
Amman destinasi percutian selamat Text
A simple, no-frills leader who served quietly Text
CSL sedia biasiswa RM10j ikuti diploma di UTM Text
Pengaruh kandungan lembapan terhadap kekuatan kayuText
A year full of ups and downs Text
New era Text
Expression and enzymatic properties of a unique recombIndexed Paper
Government acts to improve quality of graduates Text
Anti-cervical cancer jab cost-effective Text
Yield performance and biological efficiency of empty fruitJournal Article
Separation methods Text
Kajian sumber air menggunakan kaedah lengkung tempoh Thesis
Pembangunan pengaturcaraan komputer unsur terhingg Text
PM : learn business skills from Kelantanese women Text
Pengajaran daripada pemansuhan dasar PPSMI Text
Segera laksana pencen swasta Text
Influence of built form in urban ventilation assessment ofConference Papers
Kualiti CCTV pantau jenayah Text
Empirical correlations for sizing adiabatic capillary tubes Indexed Paper
Penggunaan GIS dalam memantau pengeluaran hasil kelapa Thesis
Muflis akibat bahana hutang kad kredit Text
Sound quality assessment of UTM’s halls Thesis
Hubungan erat pupuk identiti Asia Text
Sains kakisan bahan Exam Papers
Keusahawanan Text
Kabinet putuskan harga bahan bakar kekal Text
Pendidikan tinggi negara perlukan pendekatan bertaraf an Text
Lima rancakkan industri senjata ketenteraan Asia TenggaText
Semua sekolah agama dinaik taraf Text
ASEAN terima FDI saksama Text
Four Point probe micro-optical gyroscope with self calibrIndexed Paper
Peluang kerjaya : wanita Malaysia lebih bernasib baik Text
Jerebu sekarang dijangka tidak seburuk kesan El-Nino Text
A first principle approach for strength analysis of a semi Thesis
Enhancement of performance of pyridine modified polybe Indexed Paper
Analisis beban sisi terhadap struktur kerangka rembat Thesis
Mapping shoreline changes due land reclamation using Thesis
Digital communication systems Exam Papers
Credibility of blogs and its influence on consumer decis Thesis
Mechanical and flammability properties of hybrid recyc Thesis
Statistics For Designers Exam Papers
Malaysia jadi lokasi syarikat IT global Text
Thermal analysis Exam Papers
1Malaysia clinics to open on Jan 7 Text
Usaha lindungi artifak negara Text
Pesta pilihan raya jangan sampai melalaikan kita Text
Peserta sukan berkuda meningkat News Paper Cuttings
Cabinet may ratify tobacco control treaty Text
Biotek jana koridor : PM Text
Low temperature physics and superconductivity Exam Papers
RM1.2b hantar pensyarah IPTA lanjutkan ke peringkat PhText
Sains & Teknologi: RRIM temui teknik vulkan mesra alamText
Negara boleh dilanda krisis air Text
We'll fight this menace : coming down hard on Ah Long Text
New agency for food distribution to end shortages Text
The aggregate degradation characteristics of stone masticText
Sektor ekonomi perlu sedia kurang pergantungan subsidiText
Determination of suitability of Al-Hassa clay as a road la Indexed Paper
KPTM perkenal program kejururawatan Text
Dilema wanita bekerja Text
The effect of heat treatment for drawn steel wire rope Thesis
Muhasabah senjata hancurkan sifat takbur, sombong Text
The response of a regional unconfined aquifer to natural Text
Asas Senibina Landskap Text
Bioteknologi bantu rawat pesakit barah Text
Loans for varsity staff Text
Islam larang klon manusia Text
Dua insentif baru lonjak sukan Text
Dunia semakin mengecil Text
Rakyat Singapura takut guna air daripada kumbahan Text
Fuzzy controller for frequency regulation on micro-hydroThesis
Jangan biarkan perpaduan kaum diuji lagi Text
Jabatan Kerja Raya project delivery excellence through Thesis
Kaedah j-QAF bukan ciplak sistem digunakan BAB Al-Kau Text
Bumiputera masih jauh ketinggalan Text
Nationwide campaign to fight student delinquency Text
Saintis USM menang pingat emas di Geneva Text
Malaysia masih perlukan ISA Text
What are wetlands Text
Pemodenan sektor tani tangani peningkatan kadar inflasiText
Centralized colour coded heart rate monitoring system Thesis
Indonesia oil palm plantation boost for Delloyd Text
Happy with upgrade in Asean-Russia ties Text
NUTP : jangan takut hukum pelajar Text
Aplikasi PLS-SEM bagi penentuan faktor-faktor yang memThesis
Bantuan banjir RM5,000 Text
Characterization of extracellular protease produced by ma Thesis
Digital electronic Exam Papers
Mathematical model of organic substrate degradation in Indexed Paper
Study advance loan repayable in 3 instalments Text
Thailand to set up panel on triangle News Paper Cuttings
Professional engineering practise Exam Papers
Jambatan batal : elak implikasi undang-undang berhubung Text
Fluid mechanics 1 Exam Papers
UKM yakin 75 peratus pensyarah miliki PhD Text
Confinement of concrete column reinforced with fine w Text
Inisiatif cukai tingkat kualiti alam sekitar Text
Analogue cmos ic design Exam Papers
Tuition not necessary if teachers are committed Text
Highway among projects discussed Text
Influence of pretreatment methods on the sorption capaConference Papers
Pemborong didakwa sorok minyak masak Text
Statistical shape analysis using landmark for craniofacial cConference Papers
Critical features for project stakeholder management: a sConference Papers
UKM anjur sambutan Hari Bahasa Ibunda Text
TNB bincang fasa kedua loji RM1.6 bilion Januari ini Text
Aplikasi Android : simulasi pembelajaran tajwid Thesis
Immobilization of Candida Rugosa Lipase on Zea Mays L. hu Thesis
Improving the cuttings transport performance of water- Indexed Paper
Gray-scale image steganography using LSB insertion and Thesis
Key to the puzzle : clues to rising seas are hidden in polarText
Seni bina unik Masjid Besi Text
Occupational noise exposure level amongst road construThesis
The upgrading of Mykid intialization system for IRIS CorpThesis
Circular to blame for immigration problems Text
Yuran tinggi bukan halangan Text
Advanced biochemistry Exam Papers
MAS, pemandu teksi imej TMM 2007 Text
Rapid KL to revamp network Text
Development of flexible assembly line with limited spac Thesis
Supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised feature seIndexed Paper
Web-based social network for recycle material and unwaThesis
Najib: NS camp woes will teach youths about unity Text
4,161 pelajar baru daftar masuk UTM Text
Kebajikan masih ketinggalan Text
Audit keselamatan pejalan kaki di bandaraya Johor BahruText
An optimization approach for minimizing energy losses oJournal Article
Pengurusan bahan binaan di tapak bina Text
Kongsi kepakaran tangani perubahan iklim Text
Setiap ummah bertanggungjawab terhadap amanah dipikText
Mansuh bayaran masuk : Azmi Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk kolam tahanan bersiri dan wilayaText
Surface engineering Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk cerucuk keping tertambat meng Text
Syarat baru pinjaman PTPTN Text
Malaysia hopes for nuke-free N. Korea Text
Part-time lecturer invents 100cc multipurpose engine Text
Permata mula tahun depan Text
Pengawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Measuring the economic benefits from the contaminatedJournals Article
More evacuations in Kedah and Perak, one died from choText
Najib : salary increase will depend on two factors Text
HUKM hasil 200 doktor pakar setiap tahun Text
Dynamic modelling and control of a flexible manipulator Text
Budget 2005 : reducing deficit, boosting income Text
Research methodology Exam Papers
On statistical image segmentation for remotely sensed d Text
The project manager's personal characteristic, skills and ro
A spatial clustering approach to identify risk areas of denJournal Article
Secretory overexpression of CGTase gene from bacillus sp. Conference Papers
Didik masyarakat mengenai GM Text
Sex education in schools : course from next year Text
The role of working memory in academic achievement Conference Papers
The effect of aluminium pin on steel disc with varies nor Thesis
Jangan cipta istilah tanpa rujuk DBP Text
Bio solar cell from composite thin film Thesis
Phycology Text
Level of green skills among new graduates in green propeThesis
Prejudices can cost the Chinese study and job opportunitText
Simulation study of convex corner undercutting in KOH Journal Article
MASÆ local fares go up Text
Thermal model with metal consideration for system-on-ch Indexed Paper
Catat kematian tertinggi tahun lalu Text
Precise measurement and 3D modeling for medical and indu Conference Papers
Lima Akademi Wilayah FAM Text
Correlation between standard penetration test and pile dr Thesis
Dark-bright solitons conversion system for secured and Non-Index Paper
The influence of temperature in wear resistance characteri Thesis
The total direct cost and knowledge, attitude and practicThesis
Teaching embedded real - time programming using autonConference Papers
Numerical analysis on the effects of cavity geometry wi Thesis
Statics (Statik) Text
Guna gas asli mampu jimatkan RM7 bilion Text
RM6 bilion tingkat pengeluaran beras negara Text
Rekabentuk dan analisis struktur utama binaan helikopt Text
Mara tambah tajaan untuk 200 lagi pelajar ikuti program Text
Characterisation of bio-silica synthesised from cogon grasIndexed Paper
Macam lagu "Oh Bangau" News Paper Cuttings
Lima penyelidik USM catat sejarah gemilang Text
Anggaran I Text
Contract and estimating Exam Papers
Elektronik II Text
176,000 naik pangkat Text
History tracking ability of hybrid second and fourth orderJournal Article
Novel green hybrid processes for oily water photooxidatiIndexed Paper
Housing practice & law Text
Mapping tourist movement pattern using global positioniConference Papers
Collaborative mobile money service provision for inclusi Thesis
Yuran tambahan dibayar secara ansuran Text
Engineering a hot career choice now Text
CamPro meningkatkan prestasi kereta buatan Malaysia Text
Semua agama relevan jayakan 1Malaysia Text
Build-Then-Sell concept will not affect supply Text
Bersara wajib 58 tahun Text
USM to offer unique degree Text
EDD calculator based on Malaysian population Thesis
Pertuturan kiu bantu komunikasi kanak-kanak pekak Text
Pertumbuhan jalur lebar dijangka pesat Text
Online check on students progress Text
Sustainable land use planning Exam Papers
Isolation and identification of 3-chloropropionic acid d Journal Article
Purification and characterization of cyclodextrin glucanotIndexed Paper
Effect of SMM concentration on morphology and performIndexed Paper
Electrical technology / teknologi elektrik Text
UUM launches volunteer corps Text
Thermal, tensile and barrier properties of poly(lactic aci Thesis
Depression study with canonical correlation analysis Thesis
Frequency reconfigurable dielectric resonator antennas Thesis
Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solution and oilfieldIndexed Paper
A hybrid optimal backstepping and adaptive fuzzy controIndexed Paper
FTA MalaysiaûPakistan tidak terjejas Text
Malaysia-Singapore hold talks on IDR Text
Bio-based lubricants for numerical solution of elastohyd Journal Article
To design an alarm system based on EEG waves Thesis
Perancangan Terengganu kekal terbaik UPSR Text
Labuan's tax status not for exploitation News Paper Cuttings
Measles vaccine is safe Text
Experimental study of convection heat transfer in a curveThesis
Pengetua MRSM sembunyi samseng ditukar sekolah Text
Geoteknik Text
Percepat lulus projek RMK-9 Text
Penduduk Sabah cemas dapat amaran tsunami Text
Jumlah kes denggi meningkat 34.9% Text
Getting jobless youths to join PVR Text
Deacidification of palm oil using solvent extraction int Journal Article
The best kept e-secret at JPJ Text
Waste management and environment Text
3D camera to fight crime Text
Agenda perkukuh ekonomi Text
Price of chicken eggs goes up 3 sen Text
Kajian penilaian terhadap kesedaran pelan pematuhan peThesis
To determine the effect of changing fuel in the overall Text
Jadikan membaca gaya hidup Text
35,000 teachers to be hired to meet acute shortage Text
Satu keluarga satu kaunselor Text
Ground viscous effect on 3d flow structure of a compounIndexed Paper
Rutting potential of hot mix asphalt in variable condition Text
Aplikasi SCARD Thesis
Keberkesanan sistem pentadbiran tanah GSA di Negeri Joh Text
Bekalan sayur boleh terjejas Text
Kementerian sasar 1,000 pelajar Thailand Text
Pengenalan kepada statistik spatial Exam Papers
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Pendekatan baru Pakistan bimbangkan AS Text
Elektronik Digit Text
Kaedah basmi kemiskinan Text
KWSP belum buat keputusan Text
Introduction to building construction (Pengenalan kep Text
Kuasa martabat bahasa Text
Majlis pelancaran program gotong-royong perdana peri Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Travel information online system Thesis
New destinations for kidney transplants Text
Organic chemistry Text
Robbers gunned down Text
Fuel distillation measurement curve Thesis
Ministry to co-operate with ACA on computer lab probe Text
Elektronik asas Text
Calculus vector Exam Papers
Perhubungan data dan rangkaian komputer Text
Cable fault prediction based on frequency variation of thThesis
Vertex chain code for rectangular and triangular cell Conference Papers
Battling street crimes a priority for govt Text
Performance of self-compacting lightweight concrete maso Thesis
Kekosongan 800 jawatan Text
Produk baru perlu dipaten Text
Johor may go natural Text
Multi - walled carbon nanotube - impregnated agarose fiIndexed Paper
Bioteknologi pemangkin industri ubat Text
Automatic classification of power quality disturbances usThesis
News Focus/53rd MCA Annual General Assembly : loans fo Text
Mengimbangi ekonomi negara Text
Stiffness of truss beam Thesis
Pakatan strategik lebih manfaat Proton : Najib Text
Prototype shopping mall guidance service robot Thesis
Managing new and growing technology-based venture Exam Papers
PiratesÆ reign of terror ends Text
Women unwitting mules of drug rings Text
Biodiesel production via enzymatic transesterification us Thesis
Kerelatifan am aama Exam Papers
Penyangak diesel boleh dikenakan tindakan ISA Text
Aerodynamics Exam Papers
Effect of groove at car park extraction system Thesis
General relativity Exam Papers
Syariah bukan perundangan jumud Text
Penstabilan tanah untuk subgred mengggunakan bitumenThesis
Civil infrastructure and building design: the developmentJournal Article
ATM diminta tukar doktrin Text
Massive aid drive : more foodstuffs and essential items heText
Environmental geotechnics Exam Papers
Numerical investigation of melting and freezing processesThesis
Epoxy and cementitious material in repairing concrete b Thesis
Hidup sihat tanpa rokok Text
Sokongan keluarga bantu pesakit Text
Etika profesional Text
Konsortium minat beli Proton Text
Penyelarasan, kawalan jayakan pakej rangsangan Text
Osteoporosis ancam lelaki Text
Pembangunan multimedia Text
Set it at 26 degrees Celsius Text
Pendidikan seks tahun depan Text
Taman hijau sejukkan mata Text
Open interviews to fill 20,000 vacancies in civil service Text
Kajian terhadap hubungan indeks tumbuhan dan iklim : Thesis
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Simulation of pre-crash safety system with anti-lock bra Text
Persepsi wanita hamil luar nikah terhadap nilai kemaafanThesis
Rayuan ikut kekosongan Text
Principles of analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Synthesis and characterization of novel biodegradable Thesis
Coexistence between wimax and existing fwa systems in Conference Papers
IPTS tiada pelajar : kurang 10 orang mendaftar di kolej Text
Govt mulls control of padi land use Text
Optimization and characterization of biodiesel product Indexed Paper
Termodinamik I Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
E-kehakiman : butir bicara ditranskrip secara elektronik Text
Improved optical character recognition with deep learninThesis
Khaled : we need more balanced development Text
Solat benteng kekuatan iman, elak maksiat Text
1.3 juta rakyat Malaysia pembawa Hepatitis B Text
Malaysia-China trade not yet affected by epidemic Text
Koridor Utara zon makanan moden Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Kajian kualiti air tasik UTM serta cadangan langkah pen Thesis
UTM gets research grant Text
Asas kejuruteraan petroleum Text
Honorific titles not recognised Text
Koleksi dua abad Text
Proposed sequencing batch reactor operation and wastewat Thesis
DBKL perlu diberi bidang tugas lebih menyeluruh Text
Text classification of gout documents using k-Nearest N Thesis
Studies on the interaction between electromagnetic fieldThesis
Influence of processing on mechanical properties of 3Y-TZJournal Article
Purification and characteristion of type pullulanase from Thesis
Registration for new Postgraduate student Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Development of automotive cruise control Thesis
Program Gegar U! terus diperhebat Text
Allow retired teachers to serve till 65 Text
Microwave engineering Exam Papers
Pemimpin politik boleh masuk IPTA Text
PM jamin harga rumah murah kekal Text
Syarikat tidak berkualiti punca pelabur lari Text
Warmer with each passing day Text
The impact of proposed KVMRT project on residential pr Thesis
Ibadah haji bangunkan peradaban umat Islam Text
Attacks and security solutions for agent communication iIndexed Paper
Kuarters, balai usang pengaruhi semangat kerja Text
Autonomi beri peluang guru besar buktikan kebolehan Text
Kajian operasi I Text
Improved multi model predictive control for distillation Thesis
Characterization of fiber optic sensor for corrosion monitThesis
Dua jawatan tertinggi untuk profesor Text
Timber & Steel Construction Exam Papers
Rombak kurikulum IPT Text
PM bawa ke Kabinet : nasib 128 pelajar mohon kursus peText
Simulation studies of waves transmission in a steel-vess Journal Article
Senggaraan bangunan tak boleh dikompromi Text
Garis panduan ketat elak penjualan organ Text
Check facts before making claims, researchers told Text
Berusaha mendidik remaja Text
Parameter estimation of microbial models using hybrid Thesis
SHP 3373 Exam Papers
Jangan benarkan negara pengacau sertai EAS Text
UTM, MMB bangunkan teknologi turapan News Paper Cuttings
2005, 2006 declared Visit Malaysia Years Text
Caretaker govt assumes role Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Pembangunan dan penilaian komik penceritaan digital daThesis
Komunikasi data (data communications) Text
Tanggungjawab memelihara keamanan Text
Bertindak lebih serius : PM arah kuat kuasa elak pencemarText
Assessment of selected heavy metals Perna viridis musselThesis
Drug rings target Negri Text
Prinsip akaun Text
Komitmen perangi rasuah Text
Soil science Exam Papers
Numerical analysis for optimizing solar updraft tower de Thesis
Development of a real-time speaker recognition system uText
Perlu komited bangunkan teknologi hijau : PM Text
Heat exchanger performances using flue gases Text
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and wound healing properties Thesis
Enhanced spectroscopic properties and judd-ofelt parameteIndexed Paper
Leteran isteri antara punca kerenggangan rumah tangga Text
Optimal composite nonlinear feedback control with multiThesis
Further experimental investigation of the drag characterist
Pembangunan sistem multi-paparan menggunakan kaedaText
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Financial Management Exam Papers
Ibu, bayi rentung dalam kebakaran Text
The impact of human resource management practices onIndexed
em Paper
Bahagi secara adil RM10 juta peruntukan daripada MicroText
The effect of time dependent on the absorption of asphalThesis
Sabah park to go wild over endangered animals Text
498,506 pelancong dalam 10 hari Text
Straits of Malacca is safe Text
Bank rugi ratusan juta ringgit akibat pasaran saham jatuhText
Pengurusan organisasi Text
Teknik kuantitatif perancangan Text
Jajaran lebuh raya ke KLIA dipendekkan Text
Kejuruteraan memproses makanan Text
Garis panduan baru bina bangunan tinggi Text
Perhubungan data & rangkaian komputer Text
Urban management & finance Text
Firma labur dalam ECER dikecualikan cukai : PM Text
Pelaburan internet dibenarkan selagi patuhi syarak Text
Anant colony systemfor routing in PCB holes drilling procNon-Index Paper
Mangsa banjir kembali meningkat di Johor Text
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Recipe for good food stalls Text
Project management Exam Papers
Mobile monitoring system using udoo device Thesis
Zakat bawa kemakmuran Text
UPM menang Anugerah Harta Intelek Negara 2008 Text
Theoretical and experimental modal analysis on selected Text
Digital image processing III Exam Papers
Modification of sago based membrane for pervaporationThesis
Semak semula sukatan perguruan Text
Economy looks better with GDP growth at 5.5% Text
Menuju gemilang 2015 Text
The effect of sintering temperature on the properties o Text
Novel design of compact UWB dielectric resonator antenIndexed Paper
Sekolah wawasan : Sejauh manakah ia mampu melahirkan Conference Papers
Syor mahkamah dadah diwujudkan Text
A research of assesement of risk level for information te Thesis
Dynamical system of flat electroencephalography Indexed Paper
RM100 juta tingkat mutu Tadika Kemas Text
Amalan kepimpinan transformasi pengetua sekolah berpres Thesis
Kaedah analisa dan rekabentuk sistem Text
Ramai rakyat Malaysia berbelanja melebihi pendapatan Text
Pertanian sektor strategik Text
5 perkara utama asas kejayaan, wibawa guru Text
Rise in civil servants involved in drugs Text
Modelling of single link flexible manipulator with flexible Text
Sistem pensuisan telekomunikasi Text
Mesin pembungkus hampagas (abstrak) Text
Malaysia needs market niches Text
Jadikan Bahasa Melayu dipelajari di peringkat global Text
Robocon 2012 medan terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Many more opt for English Text
The muslim alignment against terror Text
Najib mampu buat transformasi sukan Text
Masalah, punca dan kaedah baikpulih keretakan pada struk Thesis
Control : Modelling & Simulation Exam Papers
Power system engineering Exam Papers
Convention brings new ideas for builders Text
Industri herba antara fokus utama RMK-9 Text
Kajian dapati gaji tinggi cenderung beri suapan Text
Practices for project quality management systems (PQMS) Journal Article
Fokus Islam Hadhari dalam program : PM Text
Sebat syarie didik pelajar Text
Communication Principles Exam Papers
Pelajar PhD kita terima anugerah Ratu Elizabeth Text
Applied valuation Exam Papers
Pendidikan moral di Malaysia: tantangan dan implementas Non-Index Paper
Muka : a photo tagging system using face detection tech Thesis
Islam utamakan kualiti pengurusan Text
Rotan kaedah terbaik tangani disiplin pelajar Text
Discourse analysis Exam Papers
Kawasan hutan perlindungan Johor meningkat 67,000 heText
Fact(s) of the Matter Text
Civil servants banned from dabbling in get-rich-quick sc Text
Pengguna bijak tahu hak Text
Modeling and development of vibration sensor based on Thesis
Kajian aerodinamik terhadap model pesawat tiga dimen Text
Isu air : kita akan respons Text
500 sekolah taraf lima bintang Text
Three reasons why island went to Singapore Text
Laporan CIA aibkan Amerika News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis, optimization, characterization, and potential Indexed Paper
ICT berkembang pesat Text
Cold-formed steel frame with bolted moment connectionNon-Index Paper
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar lanjutan Text
Student ambassadors to the rescue Text
Pengkelasan cap jari menggunakan algoritma Support V Thesis
Prediction of marine corroding pipelines integrity using cConference Papers
Method for solving nonlinearity in recognising tropical w Thesis
Kesan kaedah pengajaran berbantukan geometer’s ske Conference Papers
Kaedah pengurusan tanah terbiar di bandar : kajian kes Thesis
Bajet 2004: IKS raih banyak faedah Text
Air quality, visibility drop Text
Dua termasuk remaja akan didakwa bunuh budak 6 tahu Text
Pensyarah UTM dapat insentif RM16,000 Text
A review of the optical tomography system Indexed Paper
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Generic shopping mall directory mobile application Thesis
Meletakkan usahawan Islam di peta dunia Text
Initial study of a wire mesh tomography sensor for liqui Indexed Paper
A dual-band circularly-polarized patch antenna with a n Indexed Paper
Dua lagi rakyat asing dikesan positif Influenza A Text
Suis Fotonik Termoplastik inovasi sistem optik Text
Vibration suppression techniques in feedback control of aConference Papers
Ayam kita selamat dimakan Text
Pelaksanaan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah di sekolah Thesis
Khaled hails achievement, believes better results to com Text
Aktiviti lasak uji mental remaja Text
Economy & specifications Exam Papers
Boleh buat pinjaman peribadi tunai haji Text
Mekanik Kuantum Exam Papers
MRR2 retak lagi : tiga batang prategasan putus secara tibText
Improved random forest with multiple support vector mach Thesis
Condorcet and borda count fusion method for ligand-base Indexed Paper
Kesan pertumbuhan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) terThesis
Digital Electronic II Exam Papers
Malaysian tarantulas under threat Text
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Planning system in Malaysia Conference Papers
Perhubungan data dan pensuisan Text
Introduction to bioprocess engineering Text
Stochastic data envelopment analysis with ant colony Thesis
Rekabentuk penapis di salur masuk Text
Penswastaan air tanpa inovasi gagal Text
Kampus Terbuka Terap konsep, mesra masyarakat Text
Face recognition system implemented on FPGA SoC plat Thesis
Risiko dan pengurusan risiko dalam projek pembinaan Text
UTM, CPUT tandatangani MoU News Paper Cuttings
Ekonomi : kesan ketara 3 bulan lagi Text
Hybrid optimization for k-means clustering learning en Thesis
Pindaan AUKU bukan kosmetik Text
Analysis for soluble solid contents in pineapples using N Indexed Paper
3 anggota polis, juruteknik hadapi tuduhan rasuah Text
Garden as environmental intervention in restoration procText
Doktor cuai: Kerajaan teliti perundangan Text
Jangan memihak ketika anak bergaduh Text
FRIM to reforest UTM campus News Paper Cuttings
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Tiga lagi disyaki dijangkiti virus tangan, kaki, mulut Text
Kuasai BI penting dalam pasaran kerja Text
Human computer interaction/User interface programminExam Papers
Kerajaan cadang haramkan merokok di pejabat Text
Differential equations Text
70% tembikar dari kapal karam dijual Text
Bajet 2011 dijangka utama lestari alam sekitar Text
Sarawak to cash in on tourism Text
Samy Vellu : we accept findings of consultants Text
Pengusaha bas, lori tak desak naik tambang Text
Intellectual property law and management Exam Papers
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Pengenalan binaan bangunan Text
Statistics I Exam Papers
Mekanik bendalir (Fluid mechanics) Text
Spaceman returns today Text
Genetic algorithm for fragile audio watermarking Indexed Paper
The effect of firing temperature on properties of fly ash bThesis
Relationships between self-concept, self-efficacy, clas Thesis
Erbium concentration dependent absorbance in tellurite Indexed Paper
Pelancongan kesihatan disasar tumbuh dua peratus Text
Pentadbiran kontrak II Text
Carbon dioxide stripping from water through porous pol Indexed Paper
Rahsia rumah Kutai Text
Kerangka teoritikal hubungan antara pemuliharaan banguThesis
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
A threshold-based controller for multiagent systems Indexed Paper
Strategi globalisasi perlu pertahan nilai agama Text
Industrial chemical process Exam Papers
Electronic 2 Exam Papers
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam penentuan kawText
Konfigurasi dan pembangunan perkhidmatan FWTK sertaText a
Surface modification and performance enhancement of Indexed Paper
Penyelidik UTM cipta alat pengesan gegaran Text
A rectification strategy in genetic algorithms for academ Indexed Paper
Sistem Perhubungan Wireless Text
Ministry wants to focus on wellness programmes Text
Sistem bangunan tinggi : analisis & rekabentuk Text
Petronas Towers wins Aga Khan award Text
Employers shun illegals Text
R&D and trading can help economic recovery Text
Teknologi jentera, kejuruteraan sempena Hari Jerman News Paper Cuttings
Sungai Johor dibangun sebagai kawasan rekreasi Text
Undang-undang perlu dikuat kuasa oleh pihak sebenar Text
Isyarat tersekat News Paper Cuttings
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Carbonaceous materials and their advances as a counter Indexed
el Paper
Penagih belia meningkat Text
9th Malaysia Plan : focus on three areas to ensure succe Text
Komunikasi SMS paling diminati Text
Peranan sedekah dalam pembangunan negara Text
Kakitangan awam wajar pilih cara pembayaran gaji Text
Radiation detection and dosimetry Exam Papers
Mengatasi kesan kenaikan harga barang Text
Local governments to adopt e-payment Text
Design and development of a portable cement brick makiThesis
Sierra Leone mahu tanam sawit guna konsep Felda Text
Ground penetrating radar imaging and its application to Thesis
Formation of porous silicon structure for pH sensing applThesis
Pembentukan nilai dan kecemerlangan bagai melahirka Conference Papers
Puteri gesa mati mandatori bagi perogol Text
Behaviour of composite sandwich panel under quasi-statiThesis
Static security assessment on power system using artificiText
Construction safety Exam Papers
Assessing loss and expenses claim by prolongation cost Thesis
Computer programming Exam Papers
Bahasa Melayu bahasa rakyat Malaysia Text
Sains kakisan bahan Exam Papers
Kes rasuah tidak jejas keyakinan terhadap BN Text
Bahasa Melayu elak prasangka Text
JAS Selangor tidak harap pujian Text
Johor wujud jabatan khusus bantu usahawan Text
Effect of impact load on the tubular steel members of offText
Law of contract, tort, agency and sale of goods Exam Papers
Most religions against gender selection Text
Thermal performance of a thermoacoustic stack Text
Evaluation of the effect of Bi, Sb, Sr and cooling conditio Indexed Paper
Kempen di kampus elak jerat sindiket dadah Text
All-fiber optic humidity sensor based on photonic bandgaIndexed Paper
IGP declares war on crime Text
History and theory of architechture Exam Papers
Whatever happened to the smiling, polite Malaysians? Text
Universities to produce grads with double majors soon Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
Planning Exam Papers
All about language in Maths and Science Text
Penyakit jantung pembunuh utama wanita Text
Condition monitoring of electrical machine winding insul Thesis
Perancangan laluan pejalan kaki dikawasan transit kaw Thesis
System modelling and analysis Exam Papers
Validation of sun transit time using celestron nexstar evoThesis
An efficient parallel algorithms for rectangle and midp Text
Semua pihak harus lebih bersedia sekat penularan H1N1 Text
Kebakaran di Sumatera padam Text
Official use of MyKad for entry Text
Hubungan antara gaya komunikasi dan kepimpinan penguru Thesis
Pengurusan dan ekonomi gas asli Text
Profil DatoÆ Prof. Ir. Dr. Zaini bin Ujang : Timbalan Nai Text
Mechanical and electrical system Text
Home Ministry bans 35 books Text
The mapping of UML-SPT and schedulability analysis for pConference Papers
Intelektual perlu pandangan alam yang tepat Text
Exergy analysis on solar dryer Text
Tight controls on tuition voucher scheme Text
Physico-chemical characterization of biomaterial produc Conference Papers
Structural and optical properties of surfactant assisted S Indexed Paper
Awasi intipan sempadan : Najib mahu tambah tentera daText
Hydrodynamics Text
UKM bakal lahir pakar kes kecemasan Text
Reka bentuk latihan pembangunan sumber manusia Text
Perbaiki sistem pemasaran produk halal Text
Exploring implementation factors influencing business- Indexed Paper
Rais lancar buku karya bekas duta Text
New face recognition descriptor based on edge informatio Thesis
Displacement and shear bond stress measurement using Thesisd
Special test for foreign workers Text
Missing link in preventing AIDS Text
Thermoluminescence performance of carbon-doped alumi Journal Article
Hentikan segera : skim unit amanah elak pencarum KWSPText
Pengurusan sekolah Exam Papers
Social marketing Exam Papers
Jakarta syak JI bom Bali Text
Dunia buku : bahasa tepat, bantu perbaiki hubungan Text
Bermula dengan anda tingkatkan kesedaran HIV/AIDS Text
Persatuan sambut baik penubuhan skuad risik Text
Benchmark pendidikan USM bakal jadi perintis Text
UPC barcode apps for drug registered verification Journal Article
Bekalan air perlu disegerakan Text
Biodegradation and metabolic pathway of cresol red dye Thesis
Bluetooth based home automation system using Androi Thesis
Sistem pengurusan permohonan kolej melalui kawalan kaText
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Tahap perlaksanaan amalan pengajaran sains dalam Bahas Thesis
Rumah Sheikh Osman Text
New development of classifier for prediction of cancellouConference Papers
Fractal theory of a propagating crack in austenitic stainleThesis
UTM Skudai tandatangani MoU dengan Universiti YamagNews Paper Cuttings
Aerodinamik Text
Preliminary results of the aerosol optical depth retrieval Indexed Paper
Long-term growth hinges on ties with China, India Text
Perkenal VSS lepaskan kakitangan bermasalah : KSN Text
MRR2 reopens to light traffic Text
Rabun jauh rabun dekat Text
Kajian prestasi dan penyelenggaraan jambatan di Semenan Text
Malaysian software can have an impact on world Text
Forensic analysis of high explosive residues from selectedIndexed Paper
Development of argon fluoride (ArF) excimer laser ablationText
Effect of crumb rubber size and content on the propertieThesis
Pastikan pemaju projek ambil kira masalah banjir Text
Monitoring body set up Text
Elektronik Text
Dadah pemusnah generasi, runtuhkan peradaban manusText
UTM mungkin tubuh Fakulti Perubatan News Paper Cuttings
Harga air ke Singapura dikaji berasingan Text
Quality improvement of shunt active power filter with dua Thesis
Dagangan dua hala Malaysia-AS berganda Text
Residential sofa design Thesis
Remaining strong in engineering, technology graduate st News Paper Cuttings
A robust estimation method of location and scale with app Thesis
Varsity appoints nine as dons in exercise News Paper Cuttings
MAS mansuh surcaj bahan api tambang domestik Text
Kajian laluan basikal di taman perumahan Thesis
Perodua reduces car prices Text
Jangan cetuskan polemik lagu negara : Kadir Text
203 kes penularan taun dikesan di dua negeri Text
Nazrin : seek help to treat mental illness Text
Perlindungan radiologi dalam perubatan Text
Hanya 19,000 ke IPTA tahun lalu Text
Fethullah gulen's concept of knowledge in context of th Thesis
Cabaran pencipta harta intelek MSC Malaysia 2008 Text
Effect of work programme in extension of time entitlemeText
Kesan pembangunan lebuhraya Senai-Desaru terhadap hThesis
Comparison of free flow speed estimation models Conference Papers
Modified chitosan based composite membranes for pervaThesis
No classes at campus due to water woes Text
V-C to get honorary doctorate News Paper Cuttings
Foundation modelling for cooling water pump machine inJournal Article
TPM : popularkan sukan sekolah Text
UTM students win competition with design based on carsNews Paper Cuttings
Enhancing user acceptance of feedback in reputation systThesis
Program bantu penagih berdikari Text
Sindiket dadah RM2.4j ditumpas Text
UTM syor guna reka bentuk pekan Pontian Text
Public transport systems and operations Exam Papers
Facilitating short-term employment Text
RMK-9 landasan jana ahli perniagaan unggul Text
English for academic communication Text
PM hailed for championing environment Text
The development of column test rig facility for multiple dConference Papers
Civil servants want up to 40% raise in salary Text
Arbitration Exam Papers
Nazir sekolah : kementerian perlu 1,000 orang Text
UTM, PPNT bina loji proses minyak serai Text
Too many public holidays Text
Pengetua mesti kuasai aplikasi asas ICT : TPM Text
Research on heteregeneous data for recognizing threat Conference Papers
UTM perkenalkan khidmat bas dengan WiFi News Paper Cuttings
RM13.5b permohonan pelaburan diterima lapan bulan p Text
'Impose stiff penalties in toxic waste cases' Text
More youth travelling locally Text
Life cycle assessment of palm oil biodiesel production in Indexed Paper
Kesan suhu terhadap penstabilan tanah dengan kapur (P Text
Developers to pay for damage to environment Text
Object tracking in video stream using compressed doamiThesis
UMP, MTDC bantu penyelidik komersial produk Text
Kasihani perokok pasif Text
Piles performances behavior of marine structures Thesis
Kakitangan KDN paling ramai terima rasuah Text
Landskap Text
Industrial technology and bioreactor design Exam Papers
Rekabentuk peralatan ujikaji fenomena tukul air Text
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Kajian kesan sisa buangan restoran terhadap kualiti air Text
It all boils doen to Abdullah and his agenda Text
Coordination Chemistry Exam Papers
Dalang kes kerugian Bank Islam pengkhianat Text
Revisiting R&D focus in 9th Malaysia Plan Text
Penderia gentian optik Exam Papers
Syabas issues alert as levels at dams drop Text
Calls to shift Jelapang toll plaza Text
V-C : USM wonÆt bend principle Text
Allocation of transmission usage and losses in pool electrConference Papers
Film induced tourism : a study on the potential of film i Thesis
DNA code word design for DNA computing with real-timeConference Papers
Kelab Teknomarin anjur seminar di Dewan Jumaah UTM News Paper Cuttings
A review on the flow structure and pollutant dispersion i Indexed Paper
Battling AIDS the Cambodian, way Text
Fiqh sains rumah tangga dan kerjaya wanita cemerlang dConference Papers
Tempoh dapat Hakmilik Strata akan dipendekkan Text
Polis terus buru pemilik kenderaan Singapura Text
Numerical analysis on mathematical model for drug delive Journal Article
China varsity names UMP vice-chancellor as visiting prof Text
Comparison of bundle adjustment software for camera caConference Papers
Syarat ikuti ijazah pendidikan diperketat Text
A bioelectrical impedance analysis device for monitoring Non-Index Paper
Penyelakuan reka bentuk antena tampal segi tiga sama Text
Second order limit language in variants of splicing systemIndexed Paper
Misi angkasa lepas capai matlamat : PM Text
40 peratus lesen penjaja dikuasai warga Indon Text
Foundation of microeconomics Exam Papers
The worth of a customer Text
Kabinet arah latih siswazah kolej perubatan tidak diiktirafText
PDAM suka susahkan pengguna Text
Manfaat kesan globalisasi Text
Ukur binaan 3 Text
Singapura mahu jadi jaguh Asia Tenggara Text
Transactional and transformational leadership in context Text
Dr M speaks on Proton and APs Text
Abdullah arah laksana kaedah baru urus hutan Text
UTM teams win big at creative convention News Paper Cuttings
Penggunaan analisis frekuensi terhadap hujan rekabentuText
UTM hantar lima penyelidikan ke Geneva Text
Design for mfg. & assembly Text
Prototype secured web application development using ent Thesis
Menopaus : ramai pakar diperlukan Text
iFest dapat sambutan menggalakan News Paper Cuttings
Values of Malaysian youth Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Advanced reinforced concrete design Exam Papers
Easier to switch varsity, ministry to streamline credit tra Text
DBP stays true to main objective Text
Investigation into a university electronic portfolio systemIndexed Paper
Consumer behaviour Exam Papers
Lanun kini lebih canggih Text
Cost planning and control Exam Papers
Penyelidik UTM cipta antena rata Text
Malaysia bantu sekolah di China Text
Getting to the heart of the problem Text
Kementerian perketat syarat pilih pemandu Text
Effect of solvent types on structure and performance of Conference Papers
Beri tumpuan kepada gas memasak Text
Engineering statistics Text
A microfluidic device for hydrodynamic trapping and manip Indexed Paper
Introduction to law Exam Papers
Abdullah's battle against cancer pledge : it is my intenti Text
PM tinjau syarikat cipta teknologi baru Text
Focus on top range houses Text
The implemention of corporate social responsibility (CSR)Thesis
Effect of moisture damage on gap-graded asphalt mixtureJournal
i Article
Kajian mengenai bidang komputer di Malaysia (Fulltext) Text
Roadshow Di Fakulti Tamadun Islam UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kapal Portugis kurun ke-16 ditemui di Melaka Text
Aplikasi komposit polimer bertetulang gentian (FRP) untuThesis
Penentuan keupayaan terangkat dari ujian angkat naik a Text
Sistem pengurusan tender Majlis Daerah Kinta Selatan sec Text
Masalah tempoh mansuh AP Text
UTM in solar decathlon News Paper Cuttings
Program mobiliti UTM di Australia News Paper Cuttings
Study and evaluation of dust collector’s performance Thesis
Let teachers without passion leave Text
Fatigue analysis of micro contact cell via constant amplit Journal Article
Undang-undang kerajaan tempatan Text
Dialog serantau galak dasar makmurkan jiran Text
Gempa bumi 6.5 skala Richter dekat Sabah dikesan Text
Bawa isu Cheonan ke Majlis Keselamatan PBB Text
Calibration of real time tomographic imaging for electri Text
Spectral characteristics of antimony-phosphate glass Conference Papers
Fizik matematik Text
KDNK 7.6 peratus tertinggi sejak suku ketiga 2000 Text
Penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi dalam inventori bText
Keluaran Akaun 2 tak jejaskan KWSP Text
Sistem maklumat tanah lanjutan Text
Pendidikan Islam : Keng Yaik tak patut buat kenyataan t Text
Wanita kini pikul lebih banyak tanggungjawab Text
Anti inflammatory activity of piper porphyrophyllum N.E.Conference Papers
Sistem perkhidmatan penghantaran barang Skynet berasaThesis
Sekolah K9 ditambah Text
Thermodynamics 1 Exam Papers
Polis tembak mati perompak berpistol Text
Durian way to flush out heavy metals Text
Reliabiability analysis of prestressed concrete bridge girdText
Performance of RHA blended cement concrete under sodiIndexed Paper
Pegawai bank disyaki gelapkan RM20j Text
Basic audio video in multimedia Exam Papers
Elektronik III Text
In vitro evaluation of bioactivity of chemically deposite Indexed Paper
Mencari bahan api terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Lightweight reliable load-balancing traffic aware routing Thesis
Tabika Kemas - Menilai semula imej `sekolah makan-makText
Kementerian Pelajaran fokus usaha memperkasa Bahasa Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Procedural unfairness as unfair dismissal (Preview) Text
Syukur bukan hanya pengakuan lidah Text
Bermuhasabah hadapi kematian Text
Civil engineering constructions Exam Papers
Akta Penerbitan dan Mesin Cetak 1984 dikaji semula Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Akademik, sahsiah kena seimbang : Canselor USM Text
Credit history off-limits to banks if consent not given Text
Rasuah industri pembinaan serius Text
Police uncover new drug Text
Kepemimpinan sustainable pentadbiran akademik di duaConference
U Papers
Perbezaan fiqh bukan kecacatan dalam agama Text
Ahli Parlimen BN diminta tingkatkan mutu, prestasi Text
Ramai bantah penswastaan air Text
Rais: Rapists who cause death to face the gallows Text
Malaysia ninth in environment index Text
Tingkat upaya bumiputera, matlamat kerajaan melalui PelText
Analysis vector Text
Usah merendah nilai Islam melakukan jenayah ilmu Text
One bath brass electroplating using pyrophosphate as com Thesis
Free condom, needle plan to start soon Text
Merangsang kepintaran bayi Text
SAP sets sights on universities Text
Penang Bridge loan deal signed Text
Power plant engineering Text
Effects of pressure gradient on steady forced convecti Thesis
Pelaburan sektor pembuatan meningkat 62 peratus Text
Kerjasama akademik dan industri untuk modal insan Text
Seremban 2 bandar serba lengkap Text
D-8 bincang isu bekalan makanan Text
Part-time work nod for expats Text
Mikrobiologi industri Text
Kakitangan mesti faham komitmen kerajaan Text
Thermofluids Exam Papers
Attenuation function relationship of subduction mechaniIndexed Paper
TNC khas mantapkan universiti Text
UTM, PSQ Indonesia usaha sama kaji al-Quran News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi dan rekabentuk binaan Text
Syor DBP jadi penguat kuasa bahasa Melayu Text
Er3+-doped zinc tellurite glasses revisited : concentrati Indexed Paper
Emotional intelligence and personality traits towards lif Thesis
The effect of tropical weathering on the strength and an Thesis
Samy Vellu : no toll hike with extra highway lanes Text
Kerajaan haram 11 tajuk penerbitan Text
Gold-nanoparticle-modified TiO2 nanowires for plasmon-e Indexed Paper
Multimodal biometrics : weighted score level fusion baseIndexed Paper
Information literacy skills of engineering students Non-Index Paper
Fuzzy ant colony algorithm for pairwise sequence alignmThesis
Wear behaviour of heat treated (T6) Al/SiC metal matrix Text
Pengurusan Islam Exam Papers
Saranan hadkan jumlah penumpang kereta Text
Visualisasi dataset dadah dengan menggunakan ExploratThesis
Kimia tak organik I Text
One-step explicit methods for solving stiff differential eq Thesis
Contract and estimation / Exam Papers
Fault detection and monitoring system using enhanced prThesis
Najib : price of rice will not go up Text
Kajian kawasan perubahan jenayah menggunakan teknik Thesis
IPT, universiti Australia bekerjasama tawar ijazah Text
ASEAN perlu sesuaikan pembangunan China Text
Life cycle assessment of membrane system for wastewateIndexed Paper
Kajian prestasi kecekapan guna air untuk sistem pengair Text
Had laju dikaji semula jika nahas meningkat : LLMá Text
Corrosion study on steel pipeline in oil and gas industriesText
Corporate administration Exam Papers
Banjir: Tindakan jika enggan pindah Text
Open varsity to accept Form Three credits Text
Simulation of plastic injection molding of cup and hand Thesis
Asal usul Melayu terus dikaji Text
Dynamic properties of fuzzy Petri net model and related Indexed Paper
Teknologi Nano : membina kehidupan masa depan lebih Text
Methane emission prediction and trading from anaerobicThesis
Lawatan guru dan pegawai pendidikan daerah Kuantan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Development of mobile mapping system using GPS and Conference Papers
Performance prediction of working memory retention usin Journal Article
UTM tawan gunung News Paper Cuttings
Tumpu pelaksanaan projek UMP Text
4 negeri terdedah risiko tsunami Text
Water quality management Text
Kurikulum universiti tempatan dirombak Text
Rekabentuk loji Exam Papers
Seeking new ways to overcome food crisis Text
Penyelidikan di ISS lembaran baru bidang perubatan Text
JPA kaji permohonan PDRM lantik 4,000 kakitangan awa Text
Robot technology for automation Exam Papers
Performance of steel slag for wearing course compared Thesis
Memudahkan urusan pelanggan dan kerajaan Text
10 pensyarah USM terima geran penyelidikan Intel Text
Economic stimulus to be finalised soon Text
Had laju 120km/j batal : kadar kemalangan di lebuh raya Text
Kriteria yang sesuai untuk membangunkan pusat membelThesis
Productivity improvement in a U-shaped manual aeesmbly Text
Pembangunan modul interaktif Pendidikan Islam TingkataThesis
Sejarah & falsafah matematik Text
Latihan kemahiran, teknikal Text
Planning methods of residential neighborhoods for achieConference Papers
Model testing of an ocean wave energy system for MalayIndexed Paper
Value stream mapping and simulation in hard disc com Thesis
Linear programming Exam Papers
6 program perkasa belia Felda Text
Heat treatment on supported nickel oxide based catalys Text
MARC tawan puncak Yong Yap, Tok Nenek News Paper Cuttings
Nasihat Luqman bentuk peribadi Muslim sejati Text
Graduates find their calling in bananas Text
Take human rights seriously Text
Design and operating parameters of a fluidized br the comThesis
Peluang syarikat Malaysia dapat kontrak RM11 bilion Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
Membrane from plastic waste for the treatment of contaJournal Article
PM defends programme Text
Pengawal keselamatan perlu diberi latihan formal Text
80% Melayu tak daftar, malas dan terlalu sibuk antara al Text
Prinsip caramilik tanah & falsafah pembangunan Text
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Structural behaviour of pre-fabricated composite pad fooThesis
Dictionary a must tool in mastering english Text
Group communication Exam Papers
Cadangan kajian untuk memajukan kawasan air terjun, UlText
Tranducers & Applications Exam Papers
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Polysulfone hollow fiber membrane system for CO2/CH4 Conference Papers
Combined convective heat transfer of nano fluids flow oveThesis
Fuel efficiency technology for shell eco-marathon competThesis
Modeling of three-phase induction motor with two statorIndexed Paper
Murid lemah tak tumpu pelajaran Text
Pertahan kontrak sosial : Raja Perlis Text
Mathematical models for free and mixed convection bounda Text
Production of soymilk powder using microwave spray-dr Thesis
BI : Parti Cina mahu dwibahasa : punca penyelesaian MajlText
Eukaryotic diversity Text
IKIM tangani e-mel fitnah Text
Development of training software for work design Thesis
Effect of humeral stem shape on displacement in elbow Indexed Paper
Construction surveying Text
Loading rate effect on flexural and indentation behavio Indexed Paper
Artifak 1.83 juta tahun di Lenggong Text
Structural analysis of an outdoor canopy for gelanggang Text
UTM and Brunei college ink co-operation deal News Paper Cuttings
Kajian keberkesanan pengiklanan institusi-institusi pend Thesis
Menangani faktor risiko utama Text
Akta pengantara bertujuan selesai pertikaian Text
BATC UTM jadi perintis usahawan jalan perniagaan bent Text
Kesan parameter percampuran dan pembutiran ke atas pConference Papers
Jakim tidak sekat pasangan HIV positif berkahwin Text
Development matk gene as DNA barcode to assess evolutio Journal Article
Activist : crammed homes cause social ills Text
Ekonomi Malaysia tahan lasak : Lehman Text
Microprocessor Text
Inferential statistics Exam Papers
Smart antenna : weight calculation and side - lobe reduc Conference Papers
UTMÆs fuel cell vehicle sets a first Text
More dengue deaths reported since January Text
Effect of vertical Ni3Al precipitate thickness on the stru Thesis
Comparison of bridge design in Malaysia between AmericText
Energy by co-incineration process of waste material Thesis
Govt to launch large-scale H1N1 awareness campaign Text
Kurang disiplin punca usahawan gagal Text
Consolidation characteristics of lime stabilised soil Text
The causel factors of increase in project cost and its impaText
Wanita wajah baru dilancar Text
Teknologi Binaan Text
English for academic communication Text
Pengurusan pembelian Text
Operasi unit II Text
Keusahawanan jadi kurikulum sekolah, IPT Text
Projek rangsang ekonomi tak wajar terbantut Text
Government to ease public's burden Text
Koperasi berasaskan industri asas tani Text
PM : second quarter GDP growth set to be ævery goodÃText
Electricity market model with renewable energy sources Thesis
60% penuntut IPT aliran sains menjelang 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Reinforced concrete design 2 Exam Papers
Modeling of balanced and unbalanced three-phase inducIndexed Paper
Effects of time and temperature on process and crude palm Thesis
Menganggar kadar kehilangan tanah (hakisan) dan kand Thesis
Strength development of lime and cement stabilized claye Thesis
Islam: agama, sejarah, dan tamadun Conference Papers
Al-Jazeera jadikan KL pusat operasi Asia Text
Open-source digital elevation model (DEMs) evaluation Indexed Paper
109 pelajar Sudan rai hari kemerdekaan ke-56 News Paper Cuttings
Naikkan bantuan golongan miskin Text
Sustainability engineering for the future Indexed Paper
Statistik (C) Text
Issues of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio based syst Conference Papers
Kajian tentang darjah kebebasan untuk taburan t bagi p Text
Pinjaman automatik: Kelulusan segera KWSP kepada pe Text
Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of e Thesis
Rumah tiga bilik dikaji untuk PPRT Text
Malaysia kurang pakar keselamatan sistem komputer Text
Production planning & control Exam Papers
Physics / fizik Text
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Instrumentasi proses Text
Dunia internet pengaruhi sahsiah remaja Text
Ibadat di dunia penentu tingkat darjat di syurga Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
Fuel price increase as RON95 goes on sale Text
20,000 kekosongan di sektor awam Text
Pertandingan bentang kertas kerja Shell News Paper Cuttings
Kajian UM: Pengajaran Matematik dalam bahasa InggerisText
Peguam perjelas soal tukar agama Text
Principles of accounting and finance for property mana Text
1,179 cadets receive their accreditation Text
Process assembly improvement using simulation Thesis
UTM tawar kursus Sains Forensik Text
Kristalografi sinar - x Exam Papers
Usah isu, legasi jejas hubungan Text
Optimum critical buckling of functional graded plates un Non-Index Paper
Orang ramai disaran guna SMS lapor kes rogol, jenayah Text
Selangor jadikan Johor destinasi promosi tarik kedatang Text
Penerapan unsur sejarah dalam pengajaran dan pembelaThesis
Clear rules to help schools deal with delinquent pupils Text
The impact of location and development parameters on cText
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Pakar syor makan segenggam nasi jimat beras Text
Pulsed Nd : YAG laser drilling of aerospace materials (Ti- Indexed Paper
The variable steering ratio for vehicle steer by wire sys Indexed Paper
Teknologi binaan Text
PTPTN pertahan caj tiga peratus Text
20.7m tourists spent RM45.7b here this year Text
Effects of soil model on site response analyses Indexed Paper
MPEN susun pendekatan bantu usahawan Melayu Text
A new way to check the heart Text
Perceptions, practices and problems of school-based asseConference Papers
Kedutaan Amerika cetus prasangka Text
The effect of cutting parameters on power consumption dIndexed Paper
Faulty implementation Text
Beam broadened radial line slot array antenna for fifth Journal Article
Challenges in distributed leadership : evidence from the Indexed Paper
Car makers, buyers and sellers will benefit Text
Assessment of the UTM car-free days using distance me Thesis
Develop software to design transformer window Thesis
Sekolah swasta mampu teroka pasaran antarabangsa Text
Consumers more aware of rights, says group Text
Pelengkapan telaga Text
UIA tawar ijazah bantu hakim sivil kendali kes syariah Text
Peniaga Johor paling ramai kena tindakan Text
Automatic detections system of cervical cancer cells Thesis
Exploratory study on the mechanical and physical propertJournal Article
Pensyarah kena sampaikan maklumat tepat kerajaan Text
Dr Zohadie didesak letak jawatan Naib Canselor UPM Text
Teknologi konkrit Text
Senior citizens get diet advice News Paper Cuttings
Penggunaan e-pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar Fakulti BThesis
Geodesy Exam Papers
Promosi AS1M peringkat Johor dilancar Text
Bangunan perlu ada identiti Malaysia, mudah diselengga Text
Lapan pelajar melayu UTM lulus kelas pertama Text
Produk bioteknologi kita bertaraf dunia Text
Jangan pandang remeh kesihatan mulut Text
Perangi cetak rompak diteruskan : Shafie Text
Blended chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol membrane for perJournal Article
Characteristics of granular activated carbon from UTM pilConference Papers
Aktiviti rapat hubungan pelajar semua kaum wajar diper News Paper Cuttings
Pemimpin perlu sentiasa sepakat Text
Kesan pengasingan terhadap rintangan aluran Text
Application of an exergy analysis on a ideal regenerativ Text
Perusahaan keluarga dan industri pelancongan penginapThesis
Proton boleh berdikari Text
Harga petrol dijamin tidak naik lagi : Shafie Text
Pewarna dalam belacan bahan diharam : CAP Text
Singapore to study proposal Text
Actual life cycle cost performance measurement of greenThesis
Pola gaya pemikiran dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian Thesis
Advanced organic chemistry Text
The application of mapinfo in managing material and wast Text
Forum antipenuaan, perubatan estetik 29 April Text
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
The performance of valveless pulse combustor using gaseConference Papers
Isolation power supply : push-pull converter with multiplThesis
Harga beras kekal : RM1.65-RM1.80 sekilo, padi dari R Text
Penyelidik UTM tarik minat pelabur asing Text
Menambah nilai institusi wakaf Text
Galakkan anak membaca sejak kecil Text
Study on time-series correlation between dengue outbreaThesis
Hiasan dalaman Regalia memukau Text
Numerical investigations of waves interactions from for Thesis
Buyers' awareness of green residential property in Beijin Thesis
Missing link in public transport Text
Pemproses Isyarat Digit Text
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Langkawi terus dipromosi sebagai pusat pelancongan se Text
Ekonomi pembangunan Text
Bug management system Thesis
Making every child's crucial early years count Text
More evacuated despite fair weather Text
Durability performance of oil palm shell lightweight concrJournal Article
Perbankan syariah perlu lebih bertolak ansur Text
Introduction to speech recognition Exam Papers
A study on the effectiveness of in-situ high intensity ultraText
Sindrom asperger jejaskan interaksi sosial Text
Undergrads eye victory with a catfish car Text
Sekolah perlu optimum kokurikulum Text
HFMD : dua lagi tadika diarah tutup Text
25,000 pelajar ditawar ikuti matrikulasi tahun depan Text
Perbuatan keji tunjuk kerendahan moral pelaku Text
Væarsity gang behind thefts Text
Jangan bohong guna nama Rasulullah! Text
A novel surface modified polyetherimide hollow fiber meIndexed Paper
Organic synthesis Exam Papers
Biohydrogen production by bacteria isolated from manures Indexed Paper
Motivating civil service to improve Text
Pelatih skim siswazah menganggur diberi elaun Text
An integrated pinch analysis framework for low carbon ind Thesis
Optimal control theory Text
Generation of femtosecond pulsed from TI:Ssapphire osciText
An investigation into the suitability of prefabricated housText
Malaysia's tourism sector set to expand Text
Scholarships, loans for 8 in varsity Text
Banyak perubahan di Pulapol Text
Anggota Parlimen masih tidak puas hati kenaikan gaji 10 Text
Cadastral practise Exam Papers
Potential energy powered boat design study Thesis
Optimisation of moderator and neutron guide design fo Thesis
Disinfection of particle-associated viruses by ultraviolet Thesis
FTA : mungkinkah kita terjajah semula Text
Digital Communication System Exam Papers
UTM says its needs RM2 million for solar car project Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
New octagonal shape double-clad Thulium-Ytterbium Co-d Indexed Paper
Effective school habits Text
Efficient evolutionary particle swarm optimization appr Indexed Paper
Changes in physicochemical characteristics and organic aci Journal Article
Unity - reality or illusion? : Practise what we preach Text
Conductivity study on plasticized solid bio-electrolytes Journal Article
Hakim boleh guna budi bicara tangguh penjara pesalah Text
Effect of public space on knowledge sharing Indexed Paper
The effectivenss of jet impingement cooling system on p Thesis
Common elements wideband MIMO antenna system for Indexed WiF Paper
Rheology of environmental friendly hydraulic fluid: effec Conference Papers
Khasiat bakteria baik Text
A review of chemical and physical properties of coconut sIndexed Paper
Students chip in to plant mangrove seedlings Text
Cyclic nonlinear test for Industrialised Building System ( Thesis
Conduction mechanisms of magnesium fluoride (MgF2) fText
No basis for fare hike with card Text
Tentera Darat sasar 70 peratus capai taraf marksman Text
Summary : literature review about artificial immune syst Conference Papers
Network and signals Exam Papers
Teknologi pemisahan selaput Text
Dewan Nur dibina di 193 kawasan Text
Pengenalan sejarah dan teori Text
Nonlinear parametric study of photon in a fibre bragg graNon-Index Paper
Fuzzy clustering algorithms and their applications to che Conference Papers
10 kebakaran dikesan di NS, Kelantan, Johor Text
Verification of ship hull model resistance using code_sat Thesis
33,000 syarikat gagal bayar cukai Text
Long is beautiful, tattoo is status Text
Effect of contaminant flow-rate and applied voltage on the Indexed Paper
Resource conservation for campus sustainability: plastic fThesis
Topology Exam Papers
Dasar buku negara akan dirombak Text
Construction plant and temporary works Exam Papers
Struktur tarif tol bagi sistem leburaya tertutup Text
SPRM bawa pembaharuan Text
Supporting system development by novice software engine Conference Papers
UTM-Yayasan Azman Hashim News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia-Brunei bincang isu sempadan Text
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Logging threatens wildlife at Temenggor forest Text
Menteri nafi KL catat nahas maut tertinggi Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Telur gred C dijual 28 sen sebiji Text
Sains, teknologi dan manusia Exam Papers
Pengurusan projek & kejuruteraan penyelenggaraan Text
Investigation on the effect of sintering temperature on Journal Article
Phosphoric acid membrance by radiation induced graftingThesis
Optimization of levulinic acid from lignocellulosic biomasIndexed Paper
28 Chikungunya cases in Pahang Text
Development of an automotive suspension system using Tahesis
GMP kekalkan perjuangan Text
Teknologi pemprosesan makanan II Exam Papers
Kajian pengaruh personaliti "BIG FIVE" ke atas prestasi keThesis
The role of intrapreneurship for sustainable innovation Indexed Paper
Finfet circuit modelling using hspice Thesis
Malaysia ungguli sektor pelancongan rantau ASEAN atasiText
Elektronik kuasa & pemacu Text
Teacher-parent collaboration in individualized education Conference Papers
MPA jejak 10 laman web jual VCD haram Text
Neglected open space as community garden Thesis
Aziz : guilty of CBT Text
Financial accounting 1 Exam Papers
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Pemodelan tindakbalas pokok terhadap sumber cahaya Text
UTM iktiraf pensyarah menulis buku Text
Pesta Buku Negeri Johor 2009 bermula 27 Mei Text
Jalan baru pacu ekonomi Cameron Highlands Text
Jamaluddin : science and technology seen as engine for Text
Professors can enjoy promotions without holding admin Text
Need for cleanliness as chikungunya spreads Text
Wajah pengamal diet kelihatan lebih tua Text
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Experimenting the aplicability of support vector machineThesis
Kos SDE hampir RM1.3 bilion Text
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FTG 0Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Perkasa elemen spiritual hadapi dugaan kehidupan Text
PlaneÆs ventilation system canÆt trap A (H1N1), says Text
Perkasakan semula tulisan jawi Text
Kajian kemalangan di kawasan berbahaya Thesis
Cooking oil shortage to ease in a few days Text
Cabaran kerjaya juru ukur News Paper Cuttings
Temperature alert system in refrigerator using short mesThesis
Design of an MC68HC11 based vehicle remote controllerText
Knowledge Management performance measurement : measu Indexed Paper
Prediction of pedestrian risk at signalized intersections Journal Article
Peluang pekerja tempatan tidak terjejas Text
Syor pekerja diberi elaun buku Text
Hukum anak tidak selesai masalah Text
Pembalakan antara punca banjir besar Text
Sistem pendidikan baru dilaksanakan berperingkat Text
Orientalis Barat ada niat tersirat menyesatkan umat Isla Text
Sistem kawalan Text
Jaga buah pinggang anda Text
Watch on food imports from China Text
Giving women chance to go up Text
Microturbine penetration and its impact on distribution Conference Papers
Parameter extraction and geometry effects on the electroText
Malaysia beli kapal friget, pesawat tingkat pertahanan Text
A review on novel processes of biodiesel production fromIndexed Paper
A reconfigurable low-noise amplifier using a tunable acti Indexed Paper
GradÆs love for weapons pays off Text
Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) pelajar tingkatan Thesis
Education review needed: V-C News Paper Cuttings
Tiada sesiapa boleh elak bayar cukai Text
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
UNITAP penggerak kecemerlangan industri News Paper Cuttings
Waspada agenda kuasa asing News Paper Cuttings
Kajian penyusupan air di sekitar sungai UTM menggunak Text
Simpati sukarkan ibu bapa cuai kena hukum Text
Ways to re-energise organisation Text
Database development of landslide hazard study Thesis
Generalizing convolutional neural networks for pattern r Indexed Paper
Gas kenderaan ancam dunia Text
Animal physiology Exam Papers
A novel thin film composite forward osmosis membrane pIndexed Paper
Jangan ganasi suami : Shahrizat Text
Pengajaran berorientasi elektronik di sekolah Text
LMDS struture model for compatibility of co-sited point Conference Papers
The drainage exchange of stormwater potential in flat a Non-Index Paper
Penentuan had plastik dengan menggunakan kaedah konText
Latihan industri: tahap aplikasi, hubungan dengan peny Thesis
The effects of faulty design and construction on building Text
Four days of rain take toll on Terengganu Text
Analysis and design of bioreactor Exam Papers
Analysis and design of GFRP truss (Preview) Text
Data on Malays in universities Text
Stop your whining, housemen told Text
Learn to think Text
Kajian amalan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di taThesis
Penggunaan teknologi maklumat sebagai alat kognitif da Text
Korean investors to visit Perlis News Paper Cuttings
Negara OIC diminta sokong pendirian Malaysia Text
Over 4,700 workers to be retrenched, says Subra Text
Jangkitan SARS mungkin lebih teruk dibanding Ebola Text
800 vocational training centres deregistered : plan to pr Text
Only Malays can buy reserve land Text
Napoleon Hill mengajar cara menjadi kaya Text
Mati akibat kebakaran meningkat 100 kes Text
Hisyamuddin ada azimat capai kejayaan Text
Spatio-temporal pattern of urban heat island using land Thesis
Lima langkah kurangkan kemiskinan negara OIC Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Pendidikan budaya patut diperkasa Text
Saman RM70 juta : JPJ sedia bantu polis Text
Gender influences on emotional self-regulation among MNon-Index Paper
Pemaju digesa perkenal seni bina berjati diri Johor Text
LUCT taja pengajian 500 anak peneroka Text
Effect of substrate temperature on the microstructural a Thesis
The application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for poultr Conference Papers
Malaysian products : give local producers a chance Text
Pemandu perlu berdisplin elak kemalangan Text
Kenaikan tol tidak dapat ditangguh lagi Text
A micellar flooding simulation of alpha field Thesis
Enhancement of natural language processing approach foThesis
Parametric optimization of MIG welding for 60 and 44mmThesis
Sultanah minta tubuh persatuan wanita profesional News Paper Cuttings
Sains kejuruteraan I (pepejal) Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Ministry to recruit more male teachers Text
Microelectronics II Exam Papers
Drugs in handicraft ploy Text
Imbuhan jika harum nama negara Text
A catalyst-free growth of aluminum-doped ZnO nanorodsIndexed Paper
Arts, customs and beliefs of malaysian Exam Papers
Jutaan kanak-kanak Malaysia diserang radang hidung Text
Who gets how much and what? Text
Pesakit H1N1 sorok maklumat boleh didakwa Text
Membestarikan sekolah boleh dicapai menjelang 2010 Text
Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia pastikan agihan untung adText
Mekanik pepejal I Text
Microwave pyrolysis of oil palm trunk Thesis
Eye on Malaysia terus dikunjungi pada hari bekerja Text
Interaction of plant growth regulators and reactive oxygeIndexed Paper
Astronauts' well-being closely monitored Text
The determinant of visitor experience in Islamic Arts M Thesis
Category of fuzzy graph Conference Papers
Development of adaptive modulation and coding commun Thesis
The effect of nanosilica on shale stability in water based Thesis
Customs zooming in on tax evaders Text
Kompetensi guru-guru bukan opsyen di daerah Kulaijaya Conference Papers
Projek Empangan Bakun guna 4,000 tenaga kerja Text
Perpaduan kaum perkukuh negara Text
First civil servant to be charged with not declaring assets Text
ECER cooperation sought with Kelantan Text
Project and construction procurement Exam Papers
Pelaburan langsung asing tertinggi dalam sejarah Text
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Comparative study on medical image segmentation algorThesis
Centrifugal modelling : a remedy of scaling error effect i Text
Perubahan konsep kendiri di kalangan pelajar pra-universConference Papers
Tujuh buku seleweng Islam diharam Text
Role of pharmacy education in National Development of Ba Indexed Paper
Ini bukan peraturan baru : undang-undang berpoligami teText
Bioethanol production from batch and continuous phyto Thesis
Amaran awal meritokrasi Text
Kolej Komuniti pastikan lulusan tepati keperluan tenaga kText
Standard pelajar kolej setaraf IPTA Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
OAB lebih teruk daripada diabetes Text
Islamic E-organizer (Full text) Text
Dairy firms : our milk products are safe Text
Guru harus bincang martabatkan profesion Text
Cerita aneh 'penumpang MH370' News Paper Cuttings
Dynamic scene occlusion culling in architectural scenes Text
Time Series Exam Papers
The effect of soil ionization on transient grounding elec Indexed Paper
Kimia fizikal untuk jurutera Exam Papers
Magnitud beban kerugian pemaju dalam pembangunan ruma Text
Mobile computing and system programming Exam Papers
Calcite precipitation from by-product red gypsum in aqu Indexed Paper
The study of a two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe Thesis
Team off to Mecca to study Haj conditions Text
Jualan VCD cetak rompak kian berleluasa Text
Epilepsi bukan titik penamat Text
Non-profit marketing Exam Papers
Elastic, electronic and optical properties of baddeleyite TiIndexed Paper
Fluid mechanics 1 / mekanik bendalir 1 Text
Instrumentasi & pengukuran Text
Thousands flock to planetarium to see Venus Text
India more keen on developing better ties Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Text
Abdullah : laksana segera projek RMK-8 Text
An historical institution Text
Furniture procurement in higher education institutions caThesis
Proses pembangunan negara pengaruhi pemikiran mahaText
Angle cleat connections in beam-to-column joints for col Conference Papers
Programming methodology Exam Papers
Compilation of pavement interface bond strength devicesJournal Article
GIS database Exam Papers
Mekanik keteraan Text
Pengiklan bayar RM10,000 untuk lindungi IP Text
Kontraktor wajib guna OSH-MS Text
Saintis muda Text
TLP motion effect on semisubmersible motion Indexed Paper
Keganasan rumah tangga : corak, punca dan kaedah penyConference Papers
Pencemaran tidak bertitik di kawasan perumahan yang t Text
Preparation of ordered mesoporous alumina particles viaConference Papers
Chemical characterization and application of poly(styren Text
Close set apeaker identification using ANN by method hyConference Papers
The prevalence of stress among project managers at consThesis
Kesan frekuensi sistem pemerum gema terhadap nilai peThesis
5 bebas selesema burung : setelah ujian mengesahkan mer Text
Pas kerja batal jika bernikah : imigresen Text
Usability principles make iraqi e-government portal moreJournal Article
Factors influencing face mask selection and design specifJournal Article
Kimia fizik I Text
Design and implementation of a low cost, high yield diel Indexed Paper
Segmentation of knee bone magnetic resonance imagingThesis
Oxford University to do study on Tunku Text
Frequency analysis of multiple layered cylindrical shells Indexed Paper
Corrosion and mechanical performance of double-layeredIndexed Paper
Jadikan masjid institusi penting Text
Talasemia : lakukan ujian darah Text
Environmental factor influencing sketching behavior am Thesis
A study of Near-Infrared (NIR) filter for surveillance appliJournal Article
Opportunities in biotechnology Text
Synthesis of cu2o and zno nanowires and their heterojunJournal Article
Facing challenge of retirement Text
Technical losses reduction in long transmission lines Thesis
Efficient and economical Text
National university with international reach Text
Proton lancar 3 model baru Text
PhAMA : lift suspension on Indon medicinal products Text
Tourism marketing Exam Papers
Too many laws laying seeds of corruption Text
Pixel similarity weight for statistical image steganalysis Thesis
Adopt dual language approach in teaching Maths and Sc Text
Using amplify-and-forward relay for coverage extension Indexed Paper
Institut latihan vokasional anak peneroka akan ditubuh Text
Bulan Membaca : setelah lapan tahun, tidak banyak yan Text
Penentuan pesongan rasuk konkrit menggunakan kaedahThesis fo
Pengajaran daripada perjalanan angkasawan Text
PTK : majoriti kakitangan awam tidak puas hati Text
Analisis nyata Text
Flood situation worsens in Asia Text
Iron (III)-porphyrin immobilized on mesoporous A1-MCM-41 Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Simulasi motor arus terus menggunakan Matlab versi 6.5Text
Bioethanol production from sago palm waste as an alternThesis
Non-linear analysis of a symmetric flush end plate boltedText
Kajian dua dimensi terhadap vorteks di hadapan jasad te Text
Hubungan pepejal terampai dengan pelbagai parameter kua Text
Pelaksanaan LDP dan hubungannya dengan motivasi kerjThesis
Belia perlu lengkapkan diri dengan ilmu Text
Perlu sistem kesan ombak Text
Pelajar sertai demonstrasi tidak terlepas hukuman Text
PM mahu generasi muda pertahan budaya bangsa Text
Bahan dan proses pembuatan Text
Designing for thermal comfort for housing in tropical cli Thesis
Rekabentuk berkomputer tangki air konkrit bertetulang Text
Universiti tersohor Text
Ekonomi berkembang 6% setahun Text
OIC contohi Malaysia urus ekonomi, pembangunan Text
We're ready for second wave, says minister Text
Security tightened around USM Text
Maintenance system: a case study of gas turbine at oil p Thesis
Graduan tolak pertanian, beribu jawatan dalam sektor iniText
Development of land based mobile mapping system usingText
Concern over rising obesity Text
Using microring resonator generated soliton waveforms tThesis
Incest victims prefer federal law to syariah Text
Anti-erosion curbs prove a washout Text
Radiation pattern reconfigurable antenna for LTE applicaThesis
Factors influencing venture capital assessment of high Indexed Paper
Differential evolution cluster-based text summarization Indexed Paper
Ciri-ciri ketumpatan keapungan bebola dan pintu kawalanThesis
Construction technology II Exam Papers
Untung VCD, CD disiasat: Maklumat LHDN bantu tetap haText
Degradation of D,L-2-chloropropionic acid by bacterial deConference Papers
Government to pump in another RM10b for developmenText
Pelaburan awam, swasta berkembang 7-10 peratus Text
Universiti wajar kongsi kepakaran di luar negara News Paper Cuttings
Construction site layout planning for residential project Thesis
Wanita Melayu diuji Text
The perceptions of limiting scope in information secur Thesis
Modelling of collection and distribution of zakat : a ca Text
Government wants to boost delivery system Text
Johan pertahan penggunaan 'infotainmen' Text
Kajian ukuraliran dengan menggunakan struktur hidraul FThesis
Pemprosesan isyarat Text
World losing battle against AIDS Text
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Suicides show upward trend Text
Comparative studies of subcritical water extraction of p Text
The strategy of implementing eurocode 2 in Malaysia (FulText
Steady state security assessment of deregulated power sConference Papers
PM : improve public services Text
Robust controller design for position tracking of nonlin Indexed Paper
Kajian mempertingkatkan sistem penyenggaraan bangunan Text
Abdullah : give local products a chance Text
Development of teaching and learning materials for geo Journal Article
Pindaan diumum hari ini Text
Profail pengunjung Festive Street Mall dan faktor yan Thesis
Bayi mangsa terbaru HFMD Text
Milk products here safe for consumption Text
Fomca garis tujuh punca tangani krisis Text
Study on thermal stability of polymer in different concenThesis
Kelewatan dalam permohonan pindahmilik tanah di bawaThesis
MAS offers RM100,000 to catch saboteur Text
Implementation of the half-sweep AOR iterative algorithm Journal Article
Thermal analysis Text
Arabic script documents language identifications using F Conference Papers
Pasaran pekerjaan terus kukuh Text
Preliminary study of antimicrobial activity of the skin sec Journal Article
Pusat sehenti kawal siaran iklan Text
Advanced electronics Exam Papers
The art of reading Text
Experimental investigation of retrofitted extended end-pIndexed Paper
Pengurusan logistik Text
Kampung Sungai Melayu destinasi pelancong menarik Text
Johor unwilling to drop bridge project Text
Kajian tahap kepuasan pelajar terhadap kualiti perkhid Thesis
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Entrepreneurial intention toward students in Universiti Thesis
Design of dirtiness trap for horizontal FFB conveyor at palThesis
Active vibration control of transverse vibrating segmenteThesis
Kaedah mengurus negara era globalisasi Text
West Coast Highway gets go-ahead : RM3.12 billion projec Text
Construction technology and estimating Exam Papers
Penyelidikan biofuel dari bahan buangan Text
Tackling terrorism together Text
Penilaian kualiti air sungai Tabuan, Kuching Thesis
Polylactic acid/polycaprolactone nanocomposite : influe Indexed Paper
Implementation of an inter-carrier interference self-can Conference Papers
Perkongsian bijak bersama NGO Text
PTPTN mungkin potong KWSP peminjam bila sudah bekerText
Thermal analysis Text
MSC tingkat penguasaan teknologi negara Text
Fizik Neutron & Reaktor Exam Papers
Fundamental ablation of argon - flouride excimer laser Text
Galak guna bahasa inggeris langkah proaktif Text
Cabaran pasca OIC Putrajaya Text
Sistem bank soalan sejarah menengah rendah (PMR) secar Thesis
Web‐based GIS GIS berasaskan web Exam Papers
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Tarik balik subsidi minyak golongan berkemampuan Text
The Relationship between rural endowment insurance and Journal Article
3 skop tingkat PDRM : antara 125 perkara utama cadangaText
I-City jadi perintis bandar raya ilmu Shah Alam Text
Online halal certification on the way Text
Multi-band circular patch antenna for wideband applicatIndexed Paper
3D GIS for mine development integrated concepts Indexed Paper
Binaan konkrit & batu-bata Text
Khidmat kesihatan perlu 'rawatan' Text
Kawal pelajar...UM bubar persatuan tidak berteras akad Text
Jakim perkenal standard sijil halal kosmetik 2008 Text
IPTS bukan alternatif IPTA : Prof Text
Pembekal Proton bergabung dua tahun lagi Text
40 siswa UTM dipilih ikuti program YTL News Paper Cuttings
Changes to disciplinary rules Text
Antena tercetak mengalir lampau model terkecil untuk Text
Kajian banjir di Malaysia (abstrak) Text
Kajian kerosakan turapan blok konkrit saling mengunci Text
Productivity and service quality : factors affecting in serv Indexed Paper
Kontraktor gred G7 wajib ada sijil ISO 9001 Text
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Bank Pertanian bantu capai impian pengusaha buah nag Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
The establishment of rules and regulation for valuation prText
22 kakitangan akademik UKM naik pangkat Text
Membangunkan sebuah unit pembakar jenis kaleng Text
Timber and steel constructions Exam Papers
Profesion perguruan diperkemas Text
Saliva-based biosensors : noninvasive monitoring tool forIndexed Paper
Fizik nukleus Text
AIDS fight needs action, says minister Text
Education review needed: V-C News Paper Cuttings
Modern algebra Exam Papers
Wanita capai tahap tertinggi Text
Development of a framework for TQM implementation inText
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Keberkesanan program kitar semula : kajian kes :Taman PText
Leatherback turtles not coming back Text
Usia persaraan penjawat awam bukan automatik Text
PBT gagal guna bahasa Melayu ditegur Text
The improvement of students' academic performance byIndexed us Paper
Synthesis of dual type Fe species supported mesostructured Indexed Paper
Natural environmental radioactivity in the soil of Tereng Conference Papers
Fizik nukleus Text
LCCT baru RM1.7b di KLIA siap 2010 Text
Perpustakaan khusus di wilayah pembangunan Text
Alarmit : location based and shared alarm application Thesis
Seimbangkan guru Text
RTM perbanyak rancangan perpaduan Text
Computer Systems and Multimedia Exam Papers
Kimia am I Text
Effect of silver based products on simulated body fluid Conference Papers
Politik ilmu pengetahuan Text
The Halal Journal media rasmi Gulfood Text
Fault tolerant control for sensor fault of a single-link fl Journal Article
A review on crack relief layer in airport runway Journal Article
Kajian kebisingan di kawasan perumahan kos rendah satuText
Attenuating noise from computed tomography medical imag Indexed Paper
US expert Malaysia can play key role in water technologyNews Paper Cuttings
Shear strength of laterite soil stabilized by biopolymer Thesis
Penang gears up for biotech Text
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
Computer programming II Exam Papers
Pengeluar guna logo halal lama Text
Kadar baru munasabah Text
Context-aware collaboration tool for precast supply ch Thesis
Ensuring bosses give leave for TA training Text
Bajet mini jadi penentu Text
Kes æGores dan MenangÆ paling banyak Text
Microstructural characterization, biocorrosion evalua Indexed Paper
Hutang Malaysia RM242.2 bilion pada 2006 Text
Keluarga pincang abaikan amalan hidup Islam Text
Bursa and brokers to share info Text
Effect of vertical baffle installation on forced convectiv Indexed Paper
Advanced organic chemistry Exam Papers
DPM : Govt to study global oil price before deciding Text
Contractor’s entitlement to recover loss of profit on Thesis
2,736 graduan UTM terima ijazah Text
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Introducing environmental management system within cons Text
A new control method based on dynamic evolution contrConference Papers
Fakulti ganti sistem sekolah di di UUM Text
Four lose RM100,000 to phishing syndicate Text
Civil servants now have guidebook on integrity Text
æYesÆ to anti-terror centre Text
Kecurian kereta serius Text
An object-oriented feature-based design system face-base Text
Client satisfaction on contractors' work performance (Pr Text
Kawalan Proses Exam Papers
Pelajar aktif kokurikulum dapat IPTA Text
Management and organisation theory Exam Papers
Analysis of flexural behaviour of high strength concret Thesis
Myanmar likely to face UN resolution Text
Polis buru samseng jalan raya disyaki bunuh jurutera Text
Firm no to push up price of low-cost homes Text
UTM jalin 135 kerjasama pintar sejak 2008 News Paper Cuttings
UTM, MUET meterai MOU kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
A scheme for efficient peer-to-peer live video streaming Thesis
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Develop education plans first, says ex-academician Text
Kecelaruan sebutan cemari bahasa Melayu Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Lightweight intersection-based traffic aware routing in Indexed Paper
Dominasi kuasa tunggal -- NAM bimbang ia tidak mampuText d
Pak Lah : time to close ranks Text
The effect of processing conditions on a polyacrylonitrile Indexed Paper
Sumber alternatif bantu negara Islam Text
A novel method for reactive power allocation using modiConference Papers
Felda rancang bina kilang di Sri Lanka Text
Controlled food items to cost a bit more Text
Lightning monitoring system for sustainable energy supplIndexed Paper
Mekanik mesin Exam Papers
Quantitative study of green area for climate sensitive te Indexed Paper
Development of solar cell for autonomous sensor netwo Thesis
Introduction to biotechnology Exam Papers
Jawatankuasa pakar tentukan tahap kerosakan penambaka Text
Empangan Sungai Selangor kritikal Text
Introduction to financial accounting Exam Papers
Prinsip-prinsip struktur / rekabentuk struktur Text
Bekalan air perlu diswastakan : PM Text
Online specialist care for rural communities Text
Cabaran perpustakaan realisasikan universiti penyelidika Text
Vibration induced fatigue failure piping system Thesis
Effect of internal pressure and low velocity impact on Thesis
Properties of polyester grout Text
Kuala Lumpur dahului Jakarta laksana syariah Text
Paduan kaum mesti jitu Text
Alternative dispute resolution and adjudication Exam Papers
Lebih banyak mini hidro dibina Text
Kawalan proses & kawalan berkomputer Text
Doa ibu bapa wahana berkesan bentuk peribadi anak Text
Pelajar akan diwajib dapatkan Sijil Tanpa Halangan Text
Ninth plan cheer for construction sector : builders to b Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Penuntut IPT mahu PTPTN diteruskan News Paper Cuttings
Permukaan cerun berbukit perlu dilandai Text
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Biotechnology Exam Papers
16 September diisytihar cuti umum Text
Polis trafik buru 300,000 pesalah lalu lintas mulai Isnin Text
Decolourization of textile waste water and generation of Thesis
Telefon prabayar tidak daftar ditamatkan serta-merta Text
Effects of different nitrogen-potassium fertilizer applica Thesis
Usahawan usah gentar bersaing di luar negara Text
Persatuan psikiatri syor doktor rawat penagih tegar Text
Trend baru pengajian Text
Quality evaluation of papaya using ultrasonic tomographThesis
Defining quality management Text
Model pembangunan kita kurangkan dominasi Barat Text
Working women, balancing acts Text
Students' perception of learning pronunciation in ESL cl Thesis
Johor beri tumpuan serius laksana program tani Text
Basic electric and electronics Exam Papers
Adunan dan penyebatian Text
One dimensional wave action model of a twin entry turb Thesis
Alumni kecewa UM tidak sertai Apex Text
Lantai kayu mesra alam Text
Syarat ambilan ikut ijazah mampu lahirkan pendidik berkuText
Bearing capacity of shallow foundation on geocell-reinfo Thesis
Malaysia catat kemajuan penting : IMF Text
Land law / undang-undang tanah Text
Universiti Peking rintis perkembangan bahasa Melayu Text
Hidraulik Text
Ketakutan terhadap jenayah jadi sindrom Text
Buku kain ganti bantal busuk Text
Pembeli rayu : kerajaan Johor segera siapkan rumah murText
KSN: Terapkan semula nilai-nilai murni Islam kepada kak Text
Organizational behaviour / Tabiat organisasi Exam Papers
Mathematical models for mitigating energy holes in coroThesis
Thermal and statistical physics Exam Papers
Jaip dedah ajaran sesat Guru Yahu Text
Rawat tekanan darah tinggi bagi cegah strok Text
Kelantan sedia haramkan purdah Text
Characterization of the performance of aluminum oxide nIndexed Paper
Heralding a new era for police Text
Performance of update propagation techniques for data Conference Papers
Measuring driver's percent-time-spent-following using a Indexed Paper
Zakat membangun ummah Text
Tradisi Hari Buku Sedunia bermula di Catalonia, SepanyolText
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Design of experiments Text
Buang tabiat lama tangani pencemaran Text
Yuran peperiksaan dimansuhkan Text
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia sepakat kurangkan eksportText
UDA bina rumah tampung 2,000 penduduk setinggan Text
Polis, kekasih curi barang kemas kerabat ditahan Text
Sejuta pelajar jadi golongan pelapis Text
Injection molding parameter optimization of titanium al Conference Papers
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
Spatial data analysis Exam Papers
IPTA perlu hasil produk R&D jana pendapatan Text
45 per cent of PSD scholarships go to non-Bumis Text
Kesanggupan pengunjung membayar untuk aktiviti dan Text
The mediating effect of e-satisfaction between e-service qIndexed Paper
The importance of servant leadership in today's organizaIndexed Paper
Saintis UM raih anugerah antarabangsa Text
Industri kelapa sawit perlu kekal kualiti alam sekitar Text
Land law Exam Papers
CEO : Golden Hope will focus on Indonesia Text
Digital Signal Procesing I Exam Papers
Transformer performance model under power quality e Thesis
Kelemahan diri punca 70% graduan Melayu menganggur Text
A comparative study of maximum likelihood and bayesianThesis
Knowledge dissemination overview Conference Papers
Pelajar terbabit dadah meningkat Text
Kepulan penyakit Text
RM1b to clean up rivers in Johor Text
Irrational beliefs as mediator in the relationship betwe Thesis
RMK-9 harus bebas daripada rasuah Text
Single session only with enough schools Text
Perluas tarikan al-Quran Text
Shape-controlled synthesis of titania with 4-pentyl-4-biphThesis
Chua : no proof people are carriers of bird flu Text
The obese may be at high risk with the flu Text
Heart rate monitoring using android smartphone Thesis
Market motivations for voluntary carbon disclosure in reaIndexed Paper
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Pengurusan penjenamaan Text
Memperkasa pendidikan negara Text
Halal vaccine gets boost Text
Subsidi RM81 bilion Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Pejabat Pos, Jalan Ibrahim, Johor Text
MTUC wants RM900 minimum wage Text
Degupan jantung tak normal boleh sebabkan strok Text
Cost estimating software for mould manufacturer Text
The effect of zeolite on lime-stabilization on the artifici Thesis
LPT rancakkan pembangunan ekonomi Pantai Timur Text
Using GAP to compute the homological functors of infinitConference Papers
1 in 100 billion : DNA discoveries challenge the odds Text
The detection of amplitude shift keyed signals (Preview) Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Kes denggi dua negeri meningkat Text
Comparison of response surface methodology and artificiIndexed Paper
Studies to investigate the effects of nitrogen sources on Thesis
Kuching braces for water rationing Text
UTM anjur program sambutan Hadiah Nobel Text
Synthesis of flexirubin-mediated silver nanoparticles usi Indexed Paper
Jadikan kerjaya tentera pilihan utama : TPM Text
Hospital daerah diarah jalankan pembedahan biasa setia Text
Internet Malaysia bakal jana IKS multimedia Text
Pekerja Malaysia jadi pilihan syarikat Amerika Text
Remaja hidap penyakit wanita berusia Text
Role of community capacity building construct in comm Non-Index Paper
Valid and acceptable form and format of architect's instr Thesis
Panel to help Malaysia plan economic strategies Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Operasi unit II & proses-proses pemisahan II Text
Syor tubuh MTPN Text
Faster help on the way with 800 ambulances Text
Aerodynamic study of canard control on light aircraft Text
Tsunami Disaster Fund : where the money went? Text
Petronas rescinds decision to raise NGV fuel to 81 sen perText
The objective is not to inflict physical pain Text
JPJ tidak iktiraf ejen lelong nombor pendaftaran kendera Text
Online personal organizer for FSKSM UTM Thesis
Force control using predictive functional control (PFC) a Thesis
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Sarawak open to environs auditing Text
HiKMas: cultural behavioural and ontology based appro Conference Papers
Kaji terperinci kesan perang Iraq Text
Kementerian tidak cadang hadkan jumlah IPTS Text
Effect of increasing rudder deflection on rudder inflow f Indexed Paper
Elektronik Kuasa Dan Pemacu Text
Kerja naik taraf jalan dihenti 8 hari Text
Estimating kinetic parameters for essential amino acid prIndexed Paper
BPR minta bantuan mangsa tsunami Text
Pavement management system Exam Papers
Legasi Pak Lah cetus dimensi baru perjuangan Text
Ikhtilaf ulama Text
Manifestasi harapan Beijing terhadap KL Text
400 pemimpin MPP sertai Konvensyen Pemimpin Mahas News Paper Cuttings
Four steps to check crime rate Text
Pusat perubatan di setiap IPTA Text
Promosi Skim Pembiayaan Ekonomi Desa ditingkat Text
Mualaf boleh fail kes cerai di mahkamah sivil Text
Conflict management Exam Papers
Directional alignment of carbon nanotubes in polymer mIndexed Paper
Tissue culture technology Exam Papers
UUM buka cawangan di Asia Barat dan Afrika Text
Sistem pengawasan dan pengurusan PH tanah sawah padThesis
On-line detection of charge distribution across different Thesis
Matrikulasi - Kurikulum 2004 dimantapkan Text
ISA wajar dipinda selari keadilan diperjuang Islam Text
Quality improvement using Taguchi Method Text
Pelajar perlu bijak sesuaikan diri di IPT Text
Pentadbiran fahami denyut nadi rakyat Text
A model for arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension growth Journal Article
Perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam berasaskan web di Pet Text
Perisian sistem Text
Mekanik pepejal I Text
KL and Seoul agree to free trade pact Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk Kolam Tahanan 1 UTM bagi meng Text
Analytical approximate solution for the forced korteweg-Indexed Paper
Plan to reduce water wastage in Penang Text
UTM tidak pernah berurusan dengan AAM News Paper Cuttings
Corak berita media dikaji Text
Lulusan sekolah, graduan hadapi cabaran getir mencari pText
Ciri hidraulik aliran melalui orifis bulat berganda Thesis
Bumiputera di IPTS kementerian disaran campur tangan Text
Gaya komunikasi interpersonal Pengetua dan hubungannThesis
Perkongsian Ilmu ‘Kemerdekaan Dan Pembinaan Negar Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Safety on site-effectiveness of 'CIDB Green Card' programThesis
Budaya keguruan Text
Ekonomi naik 5.3 peratus : pertumbuhan kukuh didoron Text
Impak perancangan pembangunan terhadap perniagaan Thesis ke
Pusat biodiversiti dunia dilancar Text
Floorplaning methodology for network on chip Thesis
Pemantapan benteng keselamatan Sabah News Paper Cuttings
Ads drive home safety message Text
Improve on agro-tourism packaging, says Yen Yen Text
Kemalangan: Perkeso bayar dalam sehari Text
Pelan lahir graduan berkualiti Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Pekeliling gaji, elaun dikeluar Sabtu Text
Using artificial neural network to predict power plant turbi
High performance micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell fabrConference Papers
Production of biodiesel from waste chicken fat via transesThesis
5,329 usahawan PKS manfaat Skim Jaminan Pembiayaan Text
The effect of personality traits on the intention to adopt Thesis
Kajian inisiatif ICT akan dilaksana Text
Satellite system and data delivery Exam Papers
Pembangunan sifat bekerja dalam kumpulan (teamworking Conference Papers
Program ICT : 104,000 murid dapat manfaat Text
PM : we took into account the peopleÆs sentiments Text
Pembangunan kandis resource centre : pemakin pelancoText
Teruskan usaha kesan tasik purba Text
Effect of loading frequency on fatigue behavior of magn Conference Papers
Pusat tetap bantu Kelantan Text
Flow characteristics of straight compound channels with Thesis
Construction project management Text
China's divorce rate rises after change in law Text
Hydrographic surveying/ukur hidrografi Exam Papers
Development of wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoThesis
PM mahu rakyat sentiasa pupuk keamanan Text
Federal grants, loans for PPR projects Text
Flood forecasting by statistical methods for Rivers Die & Text
Simulation study of an advanced control strategy for a p Text
Tentera perlu mahir peperangan pengetahuan Text
Optimal design for multiple mode charging station with PIThesis
In the jungle : Malaysian leopards swapping gold for coalText
Data hiding techniques in steganography using fibonacci Thesis
Sesco unlikely to lower tariffs anytime soon Text
An analysis and comparison between new buffering design Non-Index Paper
USM cipta antena telekomunikasi bersaiz butang baju Text
Carrot and stick for govt servants Text
Like hotels, smart schools to sport star ratings too Text
Bandwidth enchancement technique using series shunt boo Conference Papers
Trafik penumpang Pelabuhan Klang cecah 289,900 pada Text
Panel proposes studies for slopes with gradient of 15 de Text
Memartabat BM, memantap BI Text
Failure modes of aluminium sleeve under direct tensile l Conference Papers
Jangan biar kehakiman dipersenda Text
Tiga kawasan berisiko tinggi tanah runtuh Text
Rempit : sebat, rampas motosikal Text
Lipid production by microalgae chlorella pyrenoidosa cultIndexed Paper
Penetrating the old mystery of Kota Johor Lama Text
C9M : kelahiran gergasi baru media di Malaysia Text
Pantau barang kawalan musim perayaan dilanjut enam bText
Kebebasan media tak disekat Text
Kerajaan ambil alih lantik subkontraktor Text
Bayar PTPTN melalui gaji 2010 Text
Aesthetic fitness of new architectural design in urban histThesis
Language of promotion in Malaysian banking brochures Indexed Paper
Lawatan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kota Tinggi Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Consumer sector sees slowdown Text
84 caught for applying again Text
UTM sedia hadapi bencana Text
Move a relief for contractors Text
Apabila punca berlaku banjir diabaikan Text
The effectiveness of RFID in managing logistics activities Thesis
Penambakan diteruskan : Singapura umum tidak bersedi Text
Removal of free fatty acid from crude palm oil using orgaThesis
PM : discard cincai attitude Text
Ovary ultrasound image edge detection analysis: a tutor Non-Index Paper
Stesen minyak ugut boikot penggunaan kad kredit Text
UniMAP johan kali kedua News Paper Cuttings
Flyover opens after 4-year wait Text
Monitoring system for degradation assessment of biodegConference Papers
Demam denggi catat peningkatan Text
Prediction wave making resistance using CFD Text
Diesel quota to be raised Text
Faktor penggunaan tenaga elektrik yang tinggi di kolej k Thesis
Urban Development 1 Exam Papers
Analisa implikasi arahan perubahan kerja terhadap kos : Text
Malaysia-Thai bakal jadi hab halal Text
Taburan jarak kepala di atas jambatan panjang Thesis
Resipi Bank Rakyat cipta kejayaan Text
Abdullah tinjau sendiri kemajuan projek RMK-9 Text
Makanan berkhasiat Text
Sistem pendidikan baru...IQ dan EQ perlu seimbang Text
Chemical constituents and bioactivities of three caloph Thesis
Pengurusan pengeluaran operasi Text
Experimental study of acoustic emission technique for coThesis
MoU UTM-kolej Jepun tingkat penyelidikan News Paper Cuttings
Transfer, not fire non-performing teachers, says Puad Text
Utusan Melayu Mingguan berkubur kerana sikap MelayuText
IGP : Crime rate down but we're not taking it easy Text
A study of user’s performance and satisfaction on th Non-Index Paper
Meeting on road safety module Text
Isolation of bacteria from the acidic peat swamp forest soJournal Article
Electromagnetic field optimization : a physics-inspired m Indexed Paper
Kerajaan perkenal Sekolah Lestari Text
Fuzzy state space modeling for solving inverse problems iText
Malaysian palm oil highly sought after Text
Characterization of a quorum sensing device for syntheticThesis
Peluang penuntut jana pendapatan News Paper Cuttings
80,000 graduan menganggur Text
Masalah pendidikan di Malaysia Text
Tiga kawasan hutan bakau digazet Text
New ruling requires duck farmers to do more tests Text
Durability and thermal gravimetric analysis of high volumThesis
Focused beam brofiling from a terahertz quantum cascadJournal Article
MyKad for cars : smart move to beat car thieves Text
Experimental investigation of an automobile air-conditio Indexed Paper
Architecture for the commute News Paper Cuttings
A gate allocation scheduling for big airports using fuzzy Thesis
Pembangunan sistem sokongan pembelajaran kendiri atas Thesis
Atribut budaya sebagai ejen pembentukan kayik Thesis
Core ethics can provide certainty and stability Text
Undang-undang syariah seragam sebelum 2006 Text
MSC rapidly turning into popular investment hub Text
Perbandingan kaedah pemasangan bebendul jalan pra-tua Text
Mengubah fikiran mengenai kepenggunaan Text
Accuracy of mobile cell phone locations : a comparison ofThesis
Dialyser buatan tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Lelaki bunuh isteri dihukum gantung Text
An eye on donations Text
Penerapan kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan perantis pr Conference Papers
No discos for Terengganu Text
First principles study of structural, electronic and opti Journal Article
CSI zooms in on road crashes Text
Komitmen guru tingkatkan sistem pendidikan Text
Engineering properties of bituminous mixture using kaoliThesis
The energy consumption study on school unifrom ironingThesis
Snatch theft rises 42% in Malacca Text
A preliminary study of software traceability referance m Thesis
Treatment of palm oil mill secondary effluent using Fent Conference Papers
Bacterial cellulose-chitosan membrane grafted with theoThesis
Raise retirement age of key civil servants Text
Coast guard to begin patrols in June Text
Jetstar, penerbangan murah terbaik dunia Text
Arabic opinion target extraction from tweets Indexed Paper
Sekolah satu aliran bantu wujud perpaduan kaum Text
Cuti bersalin ikut gaji tidak sesuai Text
Evaluation of a linear programming approach towards sche Conference Papers
Dielectric properties of TeO2 - ZnO - ZnCI2 doped Eu2O3 Conference Papers
Organometallic chemistry Text
Syor swasta asrama universiti News Paper Cuttings
Effect of elevated temperature storage on stability of p Journal Article
Floods force 1,100 out of their homes Text
Umat Islam seumpama satu jasad Text
Resort puts visitors in touch with ecology Text
Pengaruh saiz terhadap kekuatan rasuk kayu Thesis
Sudah lama Singapura label produk negara ini Text
JPS percepat kajian cegah banjir di Johor Text
Project documentation during execution and control phaThesis
Berikan anak anda masa lapang yang secukupnya : ia adaText
Social CRM framework for a telecommunication companyThesis
Masa depan industri pembinaan : ke arah industri bertar Text
Kecerdikan buatan Text
Corporate social responsibility of developers in product Text
Relationship between human resource professionals' comThesis
The application of fuzzy expert system to preliminary d Text
Flameless combustion role in the mitigation of NOX emissIndexed Paper
Spectrum slicing of a broadband light source (Preview) Text
Stay or arbitration proceedings Thesis
Make English fun, says Johor MB Text
Ancient texts point to black stone structures Text
Rizab BNM meningkat RM39.2 bilion Text
Education way to promote tolerance Text
Extra skills add value to nature guides Text
70 peratus kerja abad ke-21 perlu matematik Text
Rahsia pergerakan dalam solat kepada kesihatan fizikal Text
Linear mixture modelling applied to ikonos data for ma Conference Papers
Sasaran 90,000 sarjana menjelang 2010 Text
Algebra I Exam Papers
Steering green and sustainability through life cycle asse Conference Papers
Pelan pembangunan Terengganu diteruskan Text
Kenaikan harga kurangkan beban kerajaan Text
Remaja dan keusahawanan Text
Kapal selam Malaysia dilancar Text
Image resizing using thin-plate spline Thesis
Low-cost homes to cost more in Johor, says Ghani Text
Effendi : learn how to manage water resources Text
Stagnant floodwaters pumped out Text
Vietnamese reel from 36pc hike in fuel prices Text
Factors influencing project cost estimating for building c Thesis
Sedia hadapi putaran ganas ekonomi dunia Text
Kerajaan bercadang hantar lebih ramai pelajar ke Rusia Text
Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination by thin-f Indexed Paper
Giant water-filled caverns discovered Text
932 kes barah payu dara, pangkal rahim dikesan Text
Ekonomi 2006 dijangka berkembang 5.5 peratus Text
Petronas kena sedia 200 stesen CNG Text
Fizik matematik Text
Sukan tanpa sempadan usia Text
Pusat Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional Termaju Text
Chelation technique for the removal of heavy metals (As,Indexed Paper
Categorizing system criticality guideline for UTM health Thesis
Organometallic chemistry Text
UTMÆs RM53mil sports complex to be completed soon Text
Polis pandang serius 3 skop utama Text
Comparison of wave hindcasting of linear wave theory anConference Papers
Independent tribunal to check police abuses proposed Text
Web-based property management system (Full text) Text
Thermodynamics 1 Exam Papers
5 perkara rombak sistem pendidikan Text
Remote sensing based evaluation of uncertainties on mod Thesis
Naib Canselor UTM pantau kawasan Text
The effects of sand gravel interface on pack's permeabilitThesis
Enrolment guidelines for international schools soon Text
What we think of ourselves Text
Structure I Exam Papers
BPR siasat Risda, Felcra Text
KMM : polis buru bekas pensyarah Text
A review on favourable maximum power point tracking syIndexed Paper
Sistem CGC diperluas ke syarikat kecil Text
Berat badan ukuran gaya hidup sihat Text
Statistik pentadbiran Text
Communication principles Exam Papers
Effect of wayer coning on the production performance ofThesis
Johor punyai TABIKA terbanyak di negara ini News Paper Cuttings
Ismail : avoid using washable masks Text
Production and operation analysis Exam Papers
205 terima biasiswa Maybank Text
Architechtural theory Exam Papers
Fizik neutron & reaktor Exam Papers
Literary appreciation Exam Papers
Perisian untuk persembahan grafik ukur deformasi Text
Fire safety management evaluation model for existing plasIndexed Paper
The silent killer Text
Gelombang kedua banjir Text
176 pelajar bukan Melayu tinggalkan MRSM tahun lalu Text
Showing progress Text
Rekabentuk litar balast elektronik Thesis
Universiti asing di Iskandar Malaysia Text
Pusat jangan campur : Shahidan ulas isu ketat syarat ber Text
A linear time complexity of breadth-first search using P Indexed Paper
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
PIBG, sekolah saling melengkapi Text
Mock enforcement of rear seatbelt law next month Text
Kelab Alumni Tekno UTM anjur carnival belia News Paper Cuttings
Satellite detection of ships Text
Motosikal kuasa tinggi ubah mat rempit News Paper Cuttings
Produk pelancongan disusun semula bantu tingkat kualitiText
Balas insentif Olimpik dengan kejayaan Text
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Put graphic warnings on cigarette packs now Text
Najib : 3Es approach paying dividends in Thai south Text
Reka bentuk struktur II Text
Free to express views Text
Ministry relaxes PTPTN study loan criteria Text
Soil science Exam Papers
Tiada universiti tempatan capai tahap dunia? Text
Lightning location from induced voltages : an experinme Thesis
ICT bantu tingkatkan taraf sosioekonomi masyarakat Text
Development of web-based GIS application for Islamic N Thesis
Facilitated transport effect of Ag+ ion exchanged hallo Indexed Paper
Hadapi China dengan strategi licik elak pendekatan tindaNews Paper Cuttings
Pembelajaran sosial dan pengamalan akhlak dalam kalangThesis
SBT dapat tambahan RM700,000 Text
Penduduk risau gas mungkin beracun Text
Petrochemical and gas processing Exam Papers
Refining E-government readiness index by cloud computiIndexed Paper
Teknologi lateks dan getah Text
Preliminary studies of the ionospheric effect from the i Text
Real-time barcode reader using personal digital assistan Text
Penantian 30 tahun berakhir Text
Mathematical modelling 1 Exam Papers
Petani nikmati saingan agro-makanan Text
Comparison of flood distribution models for Johor river bIndexed Paper
Sarawak Tribune digantung Text
Kimia keadaan pepejal Text
Modelling the perceptions toward telecommuting in Malay Text
Viterbi algorithm for optimizing unit selection for speec Thesis
Kementerian tubuh pusat urus krisis kesihatan Text
Empirical path loss models at 6.5 GHZ to 38 GHZ for 5G Thesis
Kajian ciri-ciri elektrik pada kayu-kayan tempatan untuk Text
Apex status for three polytechnics, says Saifuddin Text
107 balai, pusat komuniti polis dibuka Text
Making Malaysia a tourist friendly country Text
Design of efficient implementation of II/4 DQPSK modulatText
Senario kolej bersekutu Text
The effects of stirring speed and reinforcement particles Text
Pencapaian mata pelajaran Sains, Matematik di luar jangText
Bid to resolve diesel woes in Miri Text
Sekolah latihan pandu kenderaan berat diwujud Text
Modified adaptive perturb and observe maximum powerThesis poi
RM100j bina sekolah sains tahfiz Text
Kimia kakisan Text
The detection of marked and unmarked grave within the Thesis
Bajet 2006 mesra perniagaan Text
Jual rumah rakyat Text
Cuepacs : ItÆs wholesome budget Text
Institusi Kewangan Dan Perbankan Text
Mikropemproses Text
Sistem kawalan Text
Fundamental analytical chemistry Text
Computerized accounting / Komputer perakaunan Text
Najib : new healthcare system inevitable Text
Repeatability of reclaimed asphalt pavement Thesis
Hubungan 30 tahun diperkukuh dengan dua dokumen koText
Move to train 25,000 - 40,000 to teach in English Text
Special allowance for warders mulled Text
Effective communication Exam Papers
Information management and technology Exam Papers
Memastikan kejayaan SJER di Johor Text
Laporan BPR bukan untuk jatuhkan Naib Canselor UTM Text
Effect of starch addition on microstructure and strength Indexed Paper
Apply 9MP principles in civil service, says Najib Text
Elektronik kuasa & pemacu Text
Temperature effects on the strengh properties of microbial Journal Article
Environment and the legislative lists of Malaysia federal Indexed Paper
Civil servants on EPF can switch to pension scheme Text
Islam monopoli tanggapan keliru Text
Use tax perks for uplift Text
Rakan Cop kurangkan kadar jenayah Text
99 peratus siswazah pendidikan USM dapat kerja Text
Pahang tugaskan inspektor polis pantau pelajar Text
Prospek sedia maklumat lanjut pengajian tinggi Text
Recycling of waste tyre rubber into synthetic dye adsorb Thesis
Anti-polygamy activists want right to diworce Text
Program sarjana ortodontik UKM diiktiraf RCS Text
Ammonia punca air bau najis Text
Negara utamakan pengeluaran minyak sawit secara ma Text
Design a microturbine combustion chamber for 100KWe Text
Exploratory factor analysis of green resource management Conference Papers
Teaching judges to write better judgments Text
Mechanical and electrical system Exam Papers
Kajian alam sekitar II Text
Principles of engineering management Exam Papers
Syarat standard Program Matrikulasi diwartakan Text
Embedded capacitor sensor for monitoring corrosion of Conference Papers
Penang cabbies on sick leave Text
High voltage technology Exam Papers
Power : sistem pentadbiran pencen yang efisien Text
Teknologi Laser Exam Papers
PM briefs senior civil servants on 9MP Text
SJKC, SJKT dijamin terus kekal Text
e-syariah dilaksana sepenuhnya 2005 Text
Usaha wujud piawaian halal Text
Jubli Intan UM - Universiti kita, maruah kita Text
Thermodynamic equilibrium for nitrogen species dischar Non-Index Paper
Diplomasi luar biasa Najib News Paper Cuttings
Barah: KWSP henti proses mikrofilem Text
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
Understanding the business process of reactive maintenaConference Papers
Marketization of higher education institute; Identifying Indexed Paper
Kinetics of green solid-liquid extraction of andrographolidIndexed Paper
Kekal tradisi pilih BN, mempunyai rekod pemerintahan paText
The number one killer cancer among men Text
A proposed methodology to develop disaster recovery plThesis
Mobile shopping mall guidance system Thesis
Sumbangan Guru Takmir dalam pembangunan dan pendidi Conference Papers
Influence of membrane morphology on characteristics ofIndexed Paper
Effect of different extraction methods on yield, antioxidanThesis
Phytochemicals from spices and selected medicinal plantsConference Papers
Assessment of FEMA356 nonlinear static procedure and mo Non-Index Paper
Jangan lari dari rumah News Paper Cuttings
Flood waters going down Text
PM urges youths to quit smoking and turn to sports Text
Most road accident victims are bikers Text
Malaysia, Singapura kian erat Text
Projek tebatan sungai perlu dipercepat Text
Adsorption and photocatalytic removal of dimethylarsenic Thesis
Ceramah maulidur rasul dan majlis persaraan perpisaha Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Asas Kaedah Penyelidikan Exam Papers
Three dimensional craniofacial anthropometry using ste Conference Papers
Maths in class : tech it easy Text
Independent MPs' rising clout Text
Website evaluation performance and utilization framewor Thesis
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
Banjiran air Text
Atasi kes jenayah menerusi pengisian jiwa Text
What youths want from bosses Text
Anti-piracy unit formed Text
UM terima Nikkei Asia Prizes Ketujuh Text
150 Malaysians fell for parcel trick Text
Isu mengenai wanita hangat dibincangkan Text
Initial contour generation approach in level set methods Journal Article
Pendidikan menyeluruh mampu bentuk perpaduan masyText
Hydrology Exam Papers
Label halal perlu masuk aliran utama pasaran Text
Comparative study on conductivity using polarization andNon-Index Paper
Tindakan tegas jika bangkit isu sensitif agama Text
Pengaruh aspek sosioekonomi terhadap jenis pemilikan Thesis
Drive to rid people of unhygienic, bad habits Text
Bioprocess development for high cell mass and endospore Indexed
p Paper
Industri pulpa sawit dikomersial Jun 2004 Text
Tambah pinjaman : beban pelajar meningkat Text
Hishammuddin nafi soalan PMR bocor Text
Evaluation of the Cd removal efficacy from aqueous solutIndexed Paper
Program bicara karya bersama pengarang buku 'a trial ofPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Simulations studies on the performance of wag injection Ti hesis
RM440 juta kos Pendidikan Khas Text
4 juta hektar tanah ternak lembu Text
Problems associated with evaluation of Extension of Tim Thesis
Improved battery life for context awareness application Indexed Paper
Tips for an energy-packed day Text
Jalin hubungan baik dengan bukan Islam digalak Text
Pelajaran daripada kekalahan Jepun Text
Tahap keberkesanan media interpretasi personal dan graThesis
Iranian EFL learners' collocational errors in speaking skill Indexed Paper
Aspek keselamatan jalan dan kemudahan pejalan kaki di d Text
Hubungan antara ciri-ciri individu, reka bentuk latihan Thesis
Permaisuri JOHOR mahu masyarakat peka PEDOFILIA News Paper Cuttings
Permodelan peta kualiti air di sungai UTM menggunakan Thesis a
USM cipta teknologi guna abu sekam padi Text
Bring back NEP, says Youth wing Text
Kemudahan bertaraf dunia News Paper Cuttings
Membentuk tingkah laku anak-anak Text
Pembangunan pelajar dari perspektif Rasulullah s.a.w.: s Conference Papers
Teachers eager to serve but... Text
Laptop for all 200,000 teachers Text
Isirung sawit potensi tingkat hasil tenusu Text
Perbelanjaan ditingkat : Bajet 2006 beri manfaat secar Text
Analisis terma Text
UTM pantau penglibatan pelajarnya di Ketari Text
Reducing packet loss in fast handover for mobile IPv6 (F Thesis
DC distribution system for home and office Thesis
We are family Text
Assessment for learning : supervisory feedback practice Indexed Paper
Negative selection of artificial immune system in web ca Text
Kempen gaya hidup sihat bantu hadapi cabaran ke arah News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Akta bahasa diteliti Text
Preferred green amenities among home buyers Thesis
Proton raih manfaat Pasukan F1 1Malaysia Text
Improvement of cyclodextrin glucanotranferase excretionThesis
Kopek kelapa : MARDI hasilkan mesin berteknologi tinggiText
Institut integriti terap budaya benci rasuah Text
BPR tahan tiga pegawai polis Text
Sustainability of product life cycle: a case study of holl Conference Papers
Kajian makmal terhadap konkrit berudara sebagai dindinThesis
Enhancing multiple analogue inputs programmable logic Thesis co
Memahami konsep amanah saham Text
Kajian sifat kehausan dan kekerasan komposit matriks a Text
UTM plans to equip grads with extra skills Text
Active vibration control of a flexible beam using system i Indexed Paper
PM shows heÆs a true environmentalist Text
Six lanes for more parts of the North-South Highway Text
Pendidikan seksual, reproduktif penting News Paper Cuttings
More objective evaluation of government staff Text
An investigation into the suitability of prefabricated hou Text
Perubatan tradisional diiktiraf Text
Wire electrical discharge machining of titanium alloy (Ti6Text
Performance of 10-GB/s with different modulation form Thesis
Malaysia tolak dakwaan jadi pusat cetak rompak Text
19 dipercayai warga Malaysia diselamatkan daripada pel Text
Teaching Science & Maths in English : little difference se Text
Production layout optimization for small and medium scaThesis
Study of load effect on micro-grid system Thesis
Tarik 20.1 juta pelancong Text
Najib janji bawa revolusi pembangunan di Felda Text
Kemakmuran hasil kesedaran Onn terhadap nasib Melay Text
Performance management Exam Papers
Pekerja asing diminta daftar dengan majikan Text
UiTM sedia program Sijil Pengurusan Hotel Text
New D16 algorithm for surface water flow direction Indexed Paper
National Cancer Institute a step closer to reality Text
PBUJ rancang wujudkan pasar usahawan belia Text
Kanabis bunuh sel barah Text
Elektronik Text
Langkah-langkah menghadapi tsunami Text
Development of flood forecasting model using modified tThesis
Warnings of landslides just an SMS away Text
Hikmah Israk Mikraj dorong umat tingkat takwa Text
Plan for tax e-payment in 2005 Text
Minda mati jika kontang ilmu Text
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
Design and characterisation of wideband antennas for mThesis
Kejuruteraan penggerudian Text
Pelaksanaan Kem Bestari Solat (KBS) program j-QAF di s Thesis
Forest gardens for urban dwellers proposed Text
Engagement slip controller development based on actuato Indexed Paper
Abdullah to bring good news to nation's poorest Text
Application of fiber bragg crating sensors in monitoring ciText
UPM terus usaha jayakan pertanian moden Text
Government to promote shops with lower-price items Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur binaan Text
Polis guna Ordinan Darurat cegah ragut Text
60% hidap diabetes orang Melayu Text
3 pendekatan baru ASEAN : Malaysia mahu integrasi ekonText
Online helpdesk for Maybank account payable system (MA Text
Individu 'sakit' cuba ambil kesempatan News Paper Cuttings
Sejarah senibinaan barat Text
Escherichia coli biofilm adhesion under static and dynamiThesis
Pakej mampu lonjak ekonomi Text
Phoenix dactylifera: discoveries through the eyes of scie Conference Papers
CUEPACS mahu gaji baru Text
High speed data link for air to ground video transmissionThesis
Robocon 2018 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Aljabar moden Text
4 landfills to resume operations Text
A matrix inversion hardware architecture based on GaussThesis
Sistem e-diari dan temujanji Text
Kesan perbandaran kepada pengekalan kawasan pertani Thesis
Training and job performance: the moderating role of peThesis
Wellbore pressure prediction after pipe connection operaThesis
Aplikasi bioteknologi Text
Perompak ditembak, wang bertabur Text
Program Membangun Personaliti Unggul Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Usahawan Melayu kena ubah imej bangsa Text
Simulation study of solar organic rankine cycle Thesis
PBB perlu pembaharuan selepas 60 tahun Text
Calculation software for moonsighting data preparation Text
Engineering grad happy with X-FAB Sarawak scholarship Text
Integrated water resources managemant Exam Papers
Jambatan : Singapura nafi `setuju pada dasar' Text
Haram menikahi wanita musyrik Text
Perodua sasar keluaran sulung 35,400 unit Myvi Text
Move for more j-Qaf teachers Text
UIAM setaraf universiti perundangan antarabangsa Text
Industrial organic chemistry Exam Papers
Strength measurement and textural characteristics of tropiIndexed Paper
Design of experiments Exam Papers
Early harvest seen for MÆsia-Japan free trade Text
An initial study on a non-invasive ultrasonic tomography Journal Article
Calibration of visible and near-infrared channels from th Text
Two KL hospitals woo tourists Text
Catalytic chelating technique on lead, nickel and cadm Thesis
Stress-strain behaviour of high-strength concrete with l Thesis
Effect of dispersion state of Cloisite15A (R) on the pe Indexed Paper
Industri pelancongan Labuan kurang promosi Text
Wahai dunia! Islam bukan agama pengganas Text
Strategi tangani isu mat rempit Text
Meritokrasi pupuk pelajar berlumba jadi terbaik Text
Isolation and identification of starch-degrading bacteria Thesis
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Keupayaan BN maju negara wajar jadi asas mengundi Text
Bajet perkukuh ekonomi Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Semua jenis elaun kena cukai pendapatan Text
Harga gula tidak dinaikkan : PM Text
Mechanism of rehabilition equipment for stroke patientsThesis
Ekonomi dan penentuan Text
Chua : thereÆs no need to worry, itÆs safe to eat chickText
Cermin memukau pandang Text
Govt to review allowances to keep medical specialists in Text
Sistem pendidikan kita jadi contoh Text
Construction surveying Exam Papers
Cuti umum perlu perancangan Text
Rice... the unpolished truth Text
No agreement on water price Text
Had umur program subsidi memogram diturunkan Text
Proses pembangunan ladang solar di Melaka Thesis
RM11 million to upgrade taxis Text
Marketing under AFTA Text
Risk assessment for construction supply chain Thesis
Soyuz paling banyak berjasa Text
Follow Indian model, says PM Text
Usahawan Bumiputera kena perluas promosi Text
Prediction of financial distress companies in the mixed seNon-Index Paper
NWSCÆs nod for tariffs a must Text
Government extends civil servantsÆ retirement age to Text
Single point positioning using low cost single frequency GP Text
Cafe management system Thesis
19 IPTS dipilih biaya pengajian lepasan ijazah Text
Comparison of conventional sensor with single mode optical Thesis
Design and development of a three-fingered robotic grip Text
Management accounting II Exam Papers
Numerical simulation of axially loaded concrete filled ho Thesis
Transmission system/Sistem penghantaran Exam Papers
IPTS langgar peraturan : JPS perhebatkan operasi Text
Masalah pesakit barah payu dara Text
An improved digital signal processing approach to analyzThesis
Impact on bus superstrure due to rollover Text
UTM-logo wideband printed monopole antenna surrounded Non-Index Paper
Universiti penyelidikan penghormatan tertinggi buat UP Text
Harga gas tak patut naik Text
Load capacity coefficient evaluation of three-layered jourJournal Article
Bina kekuatan hadapi cabaran baru di IPTA Text
Aqua - tourism plan for jeram News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kualiti air Sungai UTM Text
Kejuruteraan kualiti Text
Malaysians facing higher health risks Text
Transient analysis of fluid structure interaction in straigh Text
Prinsip perancangan sumber manusia Text
Sistem pengurusan editorial jurnal Thesis
Risiko ubat nyamuk sama seperti rokok Text
Sembrong æMini MalaysiaÆ Text
Phone bill calculator (PBC) Text
Harmonic cancellation of parallel-coupled bandpass filte Conference Papers
Tahap kebergantungan kontraktor kelas F di Kelantan ke Thesis
Tent collapses at ministry event News Paper Cuttings
Portable e-health monitoring of oxygen saturation and p Thesis
Agihan pendapatan dana ASNB lebih baik Text
Kajian ekuiti telus Text
Pampasan : TNB tunggu laporan lengkap Text
Felda terima anugerah kecemerlangan keusahawanan teText
Kajian terhadap pengeringan enapcemar sisa domestik mText
Aplikasi web clipping sistem latihan praktik FSKSM UT Text
Ketakwajaran suruhanjaya Text
Assessment on water quality and biodiversity within Sunga Text
Enhancement of green algae hydrogen production by laser Indexed Paper
Enterprise risk management Exam Papers
RM10m for training home managers Text
Enviromental chemistry Exam Papers
10 years to develop Johor corridor Text
Median sigmoid filtering approach for scarred fingerpri Thesis
Tempias gunung berapi Text
Iranian household values and perception with respect to Indexed Paper
570,000 kanak-kanak mati akibat Aids : WHO Text
Ubat kimoterapi : Kementerian nafi tidak bayar Text
An image registration technique to enhance PCB inspectiConference Papers
UiTM pinda kursus kokurikulum Text
Tahap pembacaan pelajar Kuala Lumpur meningkat Text
Kerajaan prihatin peningkatan jenayah juvana Text
Tanaman lada diperluas Text
EPF to provide bulk of funding for 425 projects Text
Selaras Dasar Permata Negara di tadika Text
The calibration of a 3D surveillance data acquisitions sys Conference Papers
A framework for the implementation of computer based Tt hesis
Development of an intelligent system using kernel-basedText
4,811 siswa baru daftar di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Low cost digital close range photogrammetric measuremen Indexed Paper
Usah curiga asrama sekolah agama Text
Strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran a Conference Papers
Malaysia patut diberi kedudukan lebih besar dalam PBB Text
Minister : study here instead Text
RON95 price up 5 sen to RM1.80 Text
Contract and estimation Exam Papers
Damage mechanics-based failure model for sheet metalsThesis
Judiciary must be truly independent, says Sultan of PerakText
A novel 2D sierpinski gasket electromagnetic band gap stConference Papers
Organisational psycology Exam Papers
Banjir Lembah Klang diatasi menjelang 2020 Text
Deformation of high-volume palm oil fuel ash concrete Thesis
Bank Negara cuts interest rate to lower borrowing costs Text
Microcomputer applications / aplikasi mikrokomputer Text
Bahasa Malaysia I Text
Teknologi voltan tinggi Text
Kolej Komuniti - Kini pusat tumpuan kuasai kemahiran vok Text
Siasatan badan bebas tak ambil masa lama : TPM Text
Design a low cost and simple microwave vector reflctom Thesis
Memastikan keselesaan OKU Text
Filem drama seram dikhuatiri pesong akidah Text
Innocent victims Text
Pelan pulih Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang dirangka Text
History Of Western Architechture Exam Papers
Program tingkat nilai tambah siswazah Text
A dual band mimo dielectric resonator antenna for wlan Indexed Paper
Dua penjara khas banduan berpenyakit Text
Pengurusan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi di sekolThesis
Tiga faktor tingkat kualiti kakitangan Text
Jepun disyor tubuh universiti di Malaysia Text
UTM miliki ENC sendiri News Paper Cuttings
Yayasan kendali tanah wakaf ditubuh Text
Kaedah unsur terhingga Text
MAS sees 40% online ticket sales Text
Cast aluminium alloy with different copper composition Text
Penggunaan pendekatan instrumen ekonomi ke arah peng Thesis
Ministry studying stevia sweetener Text
Mechanical energy harvesting devices for low frequency ap Indexed Paper
IPT 3 negara kukuh ekonomi Islam Text
Taburan hujan luar biasa : MB Text
Guru cemerlang untuk pedalaman Text
Tiga ahli sindiket dadah ada aset RM22.4j Text
Perlunya nilai-nilai murni dalam pendidikan : Muhyiddin Text
H1N1 virus continues to spread rapidly Text
Plant to use biogas as power source Text
Lorong motosikal kurangkan kemalangan Text
Trend of parking demand at Machap Northbound rest ar Thesis
Biasiswa MSU-Utusan RM1 juta Text
Ong : producers will have to recycle their bottles and canText
RM70 juta belum dituntut Text
Bantuan antarabangsa perlu kawal Selat Melaka Text
UTM wajibkan pelajar ikuti kursus keusahawanan Text
Fiber optic displacement sensor for honey purity detectionIndexed Paper
A hybrid resultant matrix algorithm based on the sylvest Thesis
Effect of bottom ash on the strength characteristics of f Thesis
Pusat sehenti industri Text
Glycerine pitch from glycerine concentration process as alThesis
Malay continuous speech recognition using continuous deText
Comparison of high extraction pressure of the globail gingThesis
Field programmable gate array implementation of direc Thesis
218 kertas kerja dibentang Text
Lubricant enhancement via hydrodynamic and acoustic caIndexed Paper
Two new courses from UTM News Paper Cuttings
Formulation of refined, bleached and deodorised palm ste Journal Article
Pemilihan jenis asas untuk suatu projek perumahan Text
Rekacipta alat bantuan latihan ketetapan dalam sukan t Thesis
Influence of development and sea level rise to coastal vulThesis
UPM minta pelajar bantu capai status Universiti Apex Text
Management accounting III Exam Papers
Cadangan penstrukturan semula anggota bomba Text
Pegangan agama asas kekuatan bangsa Melayu Text
Psychology of personality Exam Papers
PM : outside jobs must not affect official duties Text
3D geospatial database from terrestrial /laser scanning ( Conference Papers
IKIM teruskan usaha sebar kefahaman Islamiah secara gl Text
Computer Network Exam Papers
Pesawat guna khidmat KLIA diberi potongan 50% Text
Lembaga pengarah tentukan kedudukan Naib Canselor Text
Ministry allocates RM20m for sex education Text
Decision to end contract stays: UTM News Paper Cuttings
Lima cuba seludup ecstasy RM220j dari Malaysia ditahanText
Interfacial fracture in sandwich laminates Thesis
Lagi jejambat retak : melibatkan 3 tiang di Lebuh Raya Text
Sistem merit baru perkasa IPT Text
Sempena Ulang Tahun Ke-49 Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysi Text
Weighted central moment for pattern recognition : Derivat Conference Papers
Islam penyelesai masalah perkauman dunia Text
Usahawan jadi pilihan Text
Tiga negeri tawar tanah untuk diusaha bendang Text
Cheaper houses for KL Text
Geotubes to help curb erosion Text
Bumi terus berdepan ancaman Text
Semiconductor devices Exam Papers
Space UTM tawar kursus musim panas Text
Daily crawl : pupils risk death crossing log bridge Text
Comprehensive quantitative dynamic accident modellingThesis
NCER tukar landskap kawasan 2.4 juta hektar Text
Move to reduce crimes in Johor shows results Text
Faktor faktor tunggakan cukai taksiran serta kaedah-kae Thesis
Siswa berkebolehan Text
Johor to build high bridges across rivers Text
Kaji beri lebih kuasa DBP martabat bahasa Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
200 ejen tawar buruh asing haram Text
Dynamics/Dinamik Exam Papers
Finite element analysis of blind bolted flush end-plate Thesis
Introducing tourist spots via TV shows Text
Islamic education / Islamic world view / Pendidikan IslamText
Empirical assesment of service quality dimension in tech Journal Article
Design and operation of renewable energy based distrib Thesis
A customised safety assurance assessment model for a liqThesis
Effects of nutrients in sewage sludge on horticulture planConference Papers
Cabaran proton cari pasaran baru Text
Sindiket dadah guna syarikat eksport tepung Text
Molecular cloning and bioinformatic analysis of endosperIndexed Paper
Evaluating the complexity of uml class diagrams Thesis
Sistem bantuan keputusan penempatan dan pertukaran gu Text
Koridor Utara membuka laluan masa depan Text
Effect of steel slag and steel sludge on concrete properti Thesis
Penambahbaikan Kementerian Wilayah Text
Super resolution for surveillance application (Full text) Text
Implementation of ant system for DNA sequence optimizConference Papers
Verilog design of input / output processor with built - in-se
Pesakit ulu hati meningkat 9 peratus Text
Preserving sanctity of progeny Text
I will never forget their honesty Text
Kerajaan ambil alih aset air Johor RM4.025 bilion Text
Effects of urea in the preparation of supported-molybd Thesis
78,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine for now Text
Physical chemistry I Text
Kenali astronomi Text
Structural elucidation and bioactivity evaluation of phy Thesis
200,000 pekerja enggan pulang cuba dapat PR Text
Pesona kedai buku Text
Children practise better oral hygiene than adults Text
Demonstrasi sebat di sekolah rendah dihentikan Text
Sikap 4D untungkan PATI Text
MoU UTM, DPMMNJ pastikan keperluan usahawan dipenNews Paper Cuttings
Johor timbang jadi hab kargo : MB Text
Sensitiviti harga beras Text
Guna ilmu di universiti buat keputusan bijak Text
Peat fire under control but new ones spotted Text
Energy and exergy utilization efficiencies and emission Indexed Paper
Artificial neural network for predicting machining perfo Conference Papers
Analisis integrasi berkomputer bagi rasuk rencam pra-tu Thesis
Dbcrypt user and key management Thesis
Jadi Melayu Glokal, akar berpaksi di kota dan desa namunText
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Usah teruskan denda Text
Removal of pb(II) using polyaniline composites and iron Indexed Paper
Tangani krisis dengan idealisme alam sekitar Text
Hati-hati dengan fakta sejarah Text
FPGA generation of HEPWM waveform for a three phase Thesis
Jangan politik isu disiplin sekolah Text
Konvokesyen UTM ke-50 ditunda 7 Mei News Paper Cuttings
Keselamatan kanak-kanak jangan diabai Text
Teknologi peruncitan Text
Statics Exam Papers
Kamus Dewan eBraille untuk OKU News Paper Cuttings
Stability analysis of cut slopes of various locations of ha Thesis
Gamification: a look into the games elements that drive Conference Papers
Kerajaan timbang jana elektrik guna sisa buangan Text
Strongest GDP growth since 2004 Text
Experimental studies on tribological properties of RBD paThesis
Effect of nanoparticle shapes on the heat transfer enhan Indexed Paper
Sane approach to mental health Text
Kajian mengenai masalah pengurus projek pembinaan Text
Mengukur tahap kepuasan pelancung terhadap kualiti peThesis
Tsunami tidak jejas industri pelancongan tempatan Text
After paper chase... bad loan chase Text
Teori kawalan optimum Text
USM serah hasil selidik di Laut China Selatan Text
Komunikasi interpersonal Text
Ekonomi suku tahun ketiga lebih baik: PM Text
Apa punca orang Islam turut lakukan rasuah? Text
Automated recognition of single & hybrid power quality Journal Article
Instrumentasi Text
Plasma generation in air by focusing A Q-switched Nd: YAConference Papers
Islam ajar kaedah pertautan hati, silaturahim menerusi Text
7 arahan baru KPN : sentuh maruah dan hak asasi untuk Text
RM56m drive against FMD Text
Tool engineering Text
Biofiltration potential of macroalgae for ammonium remoIndexed Paper
Targeted radiation option Text
Jana modal insan negara Islam mundur Text
Sistem pengurusan U-Citycare Pharmacy berasaskan webThesis
Universiti Malaya tetap cemerlang walaupun pada kedudText
Ancaman neo-komunisme boleh hancurkan negara Text
Guna pakai sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dalam pengurThesis
DPM : nation needs talents to drive new economy Text
Ending SMS Abuse : pre-paid subscribers must register Text
Keusahawanan Text
Muzium KDRM dibuka Jun depan Text
Wabak makin serius Text
Parents learn to protect their kids News Paper Cuttings
Mechanistic and kinetics of carbon dioxide fixation in ae Thesis
Geological engineering and environment Exam Papers
Budaya membaca penentu kejayaan Kota Buku di KL Text
IPT beri nafas modal insan Kelantan Text
Pengantar perancangan Text
Semua pihak wajar terima penubuhan Majlis Media Text
Land economics (ekonomi tanah) Text
Kaki judi Malaysia tipu jutaan dolar Text
Aggregate angularity effect on porous asphalt engineeri Indexed Paper
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - The Library and Mosque undPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Another use for cameras Text
Keunggulan SJER menjadi pemangkin Text
26 daerah Indonesia diancam bencana Text
Mapping for non-revenue water's (NRW) potential area Thesis
Integral equation approach for computing green's funct Thesis
Kajian ketepatan kedalaman utiliti dengan menggunakanText
Sarawak a model of harmony in diversity Text
Kemas to set up 1,200 more kindergartens News Paper Cuttings
Sorption behavior of zeolite P and Its modified forms in Text
Syarat sijil ISO bukti kerajaan utama kualiti projek Text
Mustapa : Malaysia keen to develop 'solar valleys' Text
Flexible mobile payment model Thesis
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Human resource management Exam Papers
Russians invest in aerospace hub Text
Highway traffic info via SMS from next year Text
Speed-up 'Ancient Malacca Virtual Walkthrough' with effConference Papers
Islam tuntut petani lakukan anjakan paradigma pertania Text
Perbandingan ciri-ciri marshall antara turapan kitar se Text
Kualiti, kuantiti air menjadi petunjuk rahmat Text
Pakej rangsangan RM7b bermula suku pertama 2009 Text
Usaha jayakan dasar kerajaan dikira berjihad Text
Sabah nets 13 deals in minutes Text
Fahami asas sejarah Malaysia Text
Intensification of inclusion body purification and protein rText
Dedahkan penyelewengan Text
Heart murmur detection and analysis using multipoint auThesis
An initial study on a non-invasive ultrasonic tomography Indexed Paper
Airlines top gainers from tourism promotions Text
Bahasa Perancis Text
Development of a system dynamic model for aggregate plThesis
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Mathematics for GIS 2 Exam Papers
Analysis of shopping mall attractiveness and customer lo Indexed Paper
Spektroskopi Text
Design and development of a low concrete roof tile mak Thesis
Sistem amaran awal tsunami akhir tahun Text
Teori perancangan Text
JKKK digesa tingkat sistem penyampaian Text
Islam pilihan terbaik ganti ideologi buatan manusia Text
Akhbar Melayu bakal pupus? Text
A comparison between the designs of flexural timber m Conference Papers
New lease of life for ex-addicts Text
Automatic steering control for lanekeeping manoeuvre: oNon-Index Paper
Kajian ketibaan kenderaan dengan menggunakan kaedahText tab
UPM pacu strategi jadi IPT penyelidikan terbaik Text
Kajian eksperimen sistem papak kering Text
Politicians clamour to find out about NajibÆs Cabinet li Text
Bank Negara digesa siasat menyeluruh News Paper Cuttings
Aerodynamics Exam Papers
KTMB for comfort, convenience, speed Text
Introduction to law Exam Papers
Innovation and research and development in constructioThesis
Management competencies for preventing and reducing Non-Index
st Paper
Dr M : new auto policy good move Text
Organometallic Chemistry Exam Papers
Padi hibrid diperluas tampung keperluan negara Text
30 peratus tandas awam seliaan PBT, swasta kotor Text
Clean hands save lives Text
Miti boleh tentu harga kenderaan Text
UTM disaran bangunkan Iskandar Malaysia Text
Komunikasi berkesan Text
RMK-10 model ekonomi baru jangka panjang Text
Effects of Newtonian heating and mass diffusion on MHDIndexed
fr Paper
Saman serta-merta jika merokok di tempat larangan Text
Malaysia model Universiti Lehigh News Paper Cuttings
Umat Islam dituntut sabar hadapi ujian kesusahan hidup Text
LPKP temui pemilik permit Text
Prostate woes Text
Study on gender imbalance in varsities Text
Shear resistance of bedding soil on underside shaped conThesis
Boikot secara menyeluruh sebagai tekanan News Paper Cuttings
Rural teachers dread being single Text
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Pendidikan : Johor terima lebih RM1b Text
100 Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi menjelang 2012 : TPM Text
Internet jalur lebar di 10,000 sekolah akhir tahun Text
Just what's fast food? Text
Synthesis, structural and optical characterization of zin Thesis
Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka 6% : UNESCAP Text
UniKL universiti usahawan pertama Text
USM buat vaksin meningitis halal pertama dunia Text
Syarikat keluar vcd cetak rompak diawasi Text
Philosophy of science and technology Exam Papers
Kelonggaran BNM jana pertukaran asing Text
Enhancement of quantum particle swarm optimization i Indexed Paper
New lease of life for Kg Pandan Sports Complex Text
Tambah pinjaman PKS Text
Internet pertingkat khidmat sektor awam Text
Guru sains dan matematik akan diberi kursus Text
Tanggapan Melayu bahasa pasar disangkal Text
Global renewable energy and its potential in Malaysia : aIndexed Paper
Komplikasi Selesema Babi Text
Fauzi persoal peranan masyarakat banteras jenayah Text
Analysis and design of integral steel bridge Thesis
A review of chemical and physical properties of coconut sJournal Article
Feature selection using swarm intelligent for attacks in Thesis
A systematic literature review to identify the issues in b Conference Papers
Cleaning dirty rivers with EM technology Text
Perkembangan kendiri Text
Kukuhkan bahasa Melayu dalam sistem pendidikan Text
Polis, JPJ sokong Text
Generalized linear model Exam Papers
Yayasan Proton tawar biasiswa bakal pelajar IPT Text
Engineering mechanics and applied mechanics Exam Papers
Penentuan unit kereta penumpang bagi pelbagai kenderaThesis
Computational fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Laksanakan tanggungjawab lebih serius Text
Jangan naikkan harga kad prabayar telefon Text
Fundamentals of power system Exam Papers
Cloning and expression of human APOBEC3B in EscherichiThesis
Vegetables, groundnuts and dried fruits top list Text
Aplikasi avatar animasi berasaskan suara Thesis
Faktor dan piawaian dalam penyediaan laporan kajian k Thesis
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - BATC Resource Centre (ImagPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tobacco industry getting around anti-smoking laws Text
UTM beri kad pesara iktiraf jasa bekas kakitangan News Paper Cuttings
Optimization of lignin production from empty fruit bunchIndexed
v Paper
JalanJohor Bahru-Pontian tiada lampu isyarat News Paper Cuttings
Lee : need to enforce traffic laws Text
NCER tingkat ekonomi luar bandar Text
Ekstrak buah pinang alternatif ganti pewarna News Paper Cuttings
Globalisasi perlu adil kepada semua Text
Bill on use of traditional medicines Text
Pusat cadang sambung projek LPT fasa kedua Text
Problematic civil servants : offer them VSS Text
Kimia organik I Text
UTM serves fruits from its orchard Text
Bioteknologi mangkin bentuk k-ekonomi Text
Development of a classroom instruction based on constr Thesis
Bukti penajaan mampu kekang gejala sosial pelajar asing Text
Equator orbit satellite to be launched Text
Variation orders in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) coText
Johor Baru gets 431 extra cops on the beat Text
Water absorbency properties of OPEFB filled hydrogels Indexed Paper
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Knowledge-focused marketing strategy implementation mod Text
Gait analysis and classification on subjects with parkins Journal Article
Unhappy employee Text
Waris-waris penulis berhak mendapat apa-apa bentuk royal Text
Langkah berjaga-jaga sekat wabak selesema burung Text
Miniaturized planar capacitance tomography system using Thesis
Usah guna kad kredit biayai perniagaan : Mustapa Text
Routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc network: a qualitati Journal Article
Projek kerajaan disaran guna produk binaan IBS Text
The significant factors for the people with epilepsy high Indexed Paper
Conservatism of intellectual capital and relevance of ear Non-Index Paper
Merokok risiko gadis reput tulang Text
Tumbuhan Text
Numerical conformal mapping via the bergman kernel usin Text
Construction measurement III Exam Papers
The performance improvement of propylene carbonate re Thesis
Robbers grab bag of cakes, miss RM1.9m Text
Alert System for sleep apnea patients Thesis
Exact solutions for unsteady free convection flow over anIndexed Paper
TMM2007 dijangka tarik 2 juta pelancong Indonesia Text
Mum, newborn and toddler killed in fatal dumpsite crashText
Mencorak pemikiran masyarakat membaca Text
Pendaki UTM sedia tawan everest 2014 News Paper Cuttings
NS : errant parents may be hauled up Text
Textile diamond dipoles for body centric communication Indexed Paper
Kementerian wujud instrumen ukur penguasaan pelajar Text
USM hasilkan kit diagnostik murah, berkualiti Text
Plan for uniform school timetable Text
Penderia gentian optik Text
Land use planning 2 Exam Papers
6,700 jobs up for grabs Text
Rotterdam boost for MalaysiaÆs halal hub efforts Text
Bahasa Melayu boleh diantarabangsakan Text
Sayangi buah pinggang, selamatkan jantung anda Text
Low-energy office buildings on drawing board Text
Rasional cukai pintu Text
Re-evaluating MAHB Text
Review of modelling and control of flexible-link manipulaIndexed Paper
Seri Paduka : Malaysia-Croatia berpotensi teroka teknol Text
Permainan komputer simulasi Take Care of Jojo the LuckyThesis
Sudah terbelakah nasib, darjat wanita? Text
Ground breaking research projects Text
The mediating effect of innovative behavior and entrepreThesis
Improvement of activated sludge process using enhancedIndexed Paper
Malays who go into business 'blind' rapped News Paper Cuttings
JohorÆs SAJ supplies water daily to Malacca at cost Text
Ujian PTK tidak dimansuhkan Text
Metrologi dan kawalan kualiti Text
Multiband antenna for body area network (BAN) Thesis
Kewangan korporat Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat PSM2 di Fakulti Sains KompText
Kerangka konsep pembelajaran teradun dalam persekitara Conference Papers
3D snakes and ladders for android Thesis
Sains kakisan bahan Text
No more diploma courses at UTM News Paper Cuttings
Syor baiki khidmat polis dilaksana serta-merta : PM Text
US wants more Malaysian students Text
Exploring the factors that affect student satisfaction thr Indexed Paper
A multiobjective fuzzy aggregate production planning mod Indexed Paper
Tougher rules on recruiting foreign workers Text
Managing 3D geo spatial data Case study: suleymaniye reg Conference Papers
Smart office system using Programmable Logic ControllerThesis
Entry location and entry timing (ELET) decision model forIndexed Paper
Fluid mechanics 1 Exam Papers
Technology and information Exam Papers
Pekebun sawit perlu guna benih berkualiti Text
Drying characteristics hot air microwave and microwave Thesis
Pengangkutan Lembah Klang disusun Text
Denggi naik mendadak : 800 kes baru dilaporkan seminggText
Teknik pemisahan protein dalam bioteknologi Text
Harnessing energy from micro vibration using smart mateThesis
Properties of polymer modified mortars Conference Papers
Pengguna boleh bantu kawal harga Text
Kajian mengenai simulasi ke atas sistem elektronik kuas Text
2.1 million foreign workers here Text
Penggunaan microsoft access dalam pengurusan matlamat Text
CUEPACS, MTUC sokong naik gaji secara sistematik Text
Pendidikan Islam utama hakikat kejadian manusia Text
Structure design for FSAE-UTM car Text
Vaccine available to protect kids from strep bacteria Text
Kia Motors timbang beli ekuiti kilang Naza Gurun Text
Aplikasi analisis komponen utama dalam menentukan purText
Tujuh prinsip jadi tanda aras Text
Jom Masuk Perpustakaan Sabtu ini Text
Prediction of dissolved oxygen on stepped spillway with dJournal Article
Setiap universiti miliki kelebihan tersendiri Text
Four keys to better learning Text
MyKad, pasport kita taraf dunia Text
Jana teknologi, ilmu baru tingkat hasil R&D Text
Cloud computing three-factor user authentication framew Thesis
Malaysians just love to eat out Text
A hybrid of ant colony optimization and genetic algorithmThesis
MyKad : bayaran RM10, pemohon baru percuma Text
Maklum balas awam jadi faktor nilai KPI menteri Text
Jadikan sektor awam yang terbaik Text
Yayasan Pendidikan Bistari : geran RM1 juta untuk pelaj Text
Work related stress among contractor management teamConference Papers
KTMB aims for RM1 profit Text
Kajian ke atas masalah pencemaran ammonia di loji rawata Thesis
Statistical modelling for missing and spurious pulses in pulIndexed Paper
Computational fluid dynamics simulation and wind tunnelConference Papers
Malaysia dibimbangi terjejas Text
Rheological properties of dynamically vulcanised thermoText
Incompetence is costly Text
Carnival mood as thousands swarm F1 circuit Text
Scientists produce see-through frogs Text
Sistem pengurusan kualiti di tapak bina (MS ISO 9000) : Text
Basic digital vlsi Exam Papers
The performance of xanthan gum and glass beads as stabili Thesis
Akta DNA tidak disasar terhadap sesiapa Text
Transmission control protocol reassembly on NETFPGA for Thesis
Dua sambungan baru laluan LRT Text
UTM students shine in S'pore News Paper Cuttings
Kajian pembangunan rangkaian pemantauan air bumi di Text
Subsidi baru petani dikaji Text
Sistem bangunan tinggi : analisis & rekabentuk Text
The effect of ground penetrating radar (GPR) image reflecThesis
Kesan pelaksanaan program pembangunan kerjaya organisas Thesis
Circular polarization array antenna Conference Papers
Umno tolak cadangan sekolah aliran Inggeris Text
Electricity demand estimation using an adaptive neuro-fuIndexed Paper
Simulation analysis on the consequences of behavioural Journal Article
Maghemite filled poly-vinyl alcohol nanofibres for tissue Thesis
Abusers risk long-term damage Text
Study on removal of iron and manganese by aeration at Su Text
20,000 penuntut, kakitangan UUM wajib guna kad pintarText
RM6m grant for Uniten Text
Negara masih bebas influenza A Text
Free vibration of layered cylindrical shells filled with fluidIndexed Paper
Nowhere to hide : AG wants prosecution witnesses to wea Text
Computational analysis of the expandable intravascular Conference Papers
Asas kuasa dan mesin Text
70pc of buildings yet to cater for disabled Text
No changes to Sarawak Cabinet Text
Order to close kindergartens indefinitely Text
Rakyat dinasihat ambil suntikan cegah selesema Text
Kaedah unsur terhingga Text
Tunaikan cek dalam sehari Text
Peneraju ICT berhimpun di CommunicAsia 2005 Text
Judge : Syariah process applies Text
Majlis Fatwa rangka panduan agar konsert tidak pesong Text
Fotogrametri 1 Exam Papers
Assessment of slope stability and movement Thesis
UTM tawar 2,798 tempat ikuti pasca siswazah News Paper Cuttings
Kedudukan daya saing negara ke-20 di dunia Text
A boost for Hulu Kelang News Paper Cuttings
PIPP bakal lahir guru cemerlang, bertaraf dunia Text
Structural performance of splice connector for precast c Conference Papers
Kajian terhadap potensi kebolehruntuhan (Collapse Potenti Text
Persepsi penduduk terhadap impak aktiviti industri kepadThesis
Cola to be extended to all civil servants Text
Pirates hit vessels three days in a row Text
Keberkesanan sambungan struktur konkrit pratuang tiangText
Creativity and innovation Exam Papers
Nurse murdered in car, victim was metres away from hosText
Kerangka budaya penyenggaraan aset tak alih pihak ber Thesis
Rawatan spiritual ruqyah syar'iyyah sebagai medium int Thesis
Assessing employees' perceptions of factors influencing Thesis
Liver disease on the rise Text
Lawatan SMK Seri Perling Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tindakan terhadap kontraktor tebang balak Text
Flipped classroom dalam konteks Malaysia Conference Papers
Development of jatropha oil as biodiesel Thesis
Photoluminescence and thermoluminescence properties Indexed Paper
Masih ramai abaikan bahaya kebakaran Text
Pencemaran bunyi boleh jejas nilai hartanah News Paper Cuttings
Pagoh jadi hab pendidikan tinggi News Paper Cuttings
PE gets serious Text
Malaysia unlikely to have to revise 2002 growth forecast Text
Biomass characteristics index : a numerical approach in Indexed Paper
Tunku Abdul Jalil mangkat News Paper Cuttings
Pengerusi Hindar ASEAN Berpecah News Paper Cuttings
Vendor TNB Bumiputera belum capai tahap berdikari Text
Inventive solution on braking system for passenger car Thesis
Bukti pendidikan negara makin cemerlang Text
Kurikulum Sains dan Matematik perlu semakan Text
Numerical studies of vortex induced vibration of a circul Indexed Paper
Fuzzy set theory Exam Papers
Pindaan Undang-Undang Keluarga perlu disegerakan Text
The awareness and perception of ship-owner toward greThesis
STPM pass rate increases Text
Peranan pengguna menjaga alam sekitar Text
Reasoning skills among students: a meta-analysis Conference Papers
9 strategi kurangkan nahas Text
Bio-diesel Solution Text
200 pelajar Arab Saudi daftar di IPT November Text
Sistem tempahan Scholars's Inn Thesis
A survey of web caching and prefetching Non-Index Paper
Kesan lebih banyak lokasi cerun bahaya Text
Bukit Gantang crash aftermath : unhappy cabinet orders Text
Murid, pelajar IPT diprogram jadi militan News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pengurusan proofreading UTM Thesis
Pusat pemindahan banjir perlu dinaik taraf Text
Protective effects of a ficus deltoidea (mas cotek) extrac Indexed Paper
Information security awareness model for employees in bThesis
A study on exploring the motivation behind sharing experThesis
Finite element study of an artificial intervertebral disc Conference Papers
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Effect of sand mining activities to the quality of water at Thesis
Sel Stem : jangan ambil mudah syor wujudkan akta Text
Development of water depth sensor using pressure sens Thesis
P12 schooling system by 2005 Text
Pengantar makroekonomi Text
Kerajaan negara Asia perlu laksana pakej rangsangan Text
Pemandu terbabit nahas jalani kursus pemulihan Text
RM4m scholarships for poor students Text
Pelajar Sudan rai kemerdekaan bersama duta News Paper Cuttings
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
Evolusi harta intelek di Malaysia Text
From today : 10 sen more for petrol, 20 sen more for diesText
TM peneraju Asia-America Gateway (AAG) Text
Akta makanan halal perlu disegera Text
PTA role in easing burden of the poor Text
Laman sesawang UTM terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Bus, taxi fares up 30%, service to improve, says Nazri Text
Architecture practise management Exam Papers
Kaunter Rakan Cop di stesen Petronas Text
Localised single-station lightning detection by using TO Journal Article
Error concealment using joint multiple description lioyd Indexed Paper
Malaysian sea water level pattern derived from 19 years tJournal Article
SEGi tawar kursus jururawat mahir Text
A comparative study of parameter estimation algorithmsThesis
Penggunaan tumbuhan akuatik untuk mengolah air sisa Thesis
Cost accounting / kos perakaunan Exam Papers
Radial line slot array antenna development in Malaysia Indexed Paper
The nonlinear mechanism of tsunami wave generation Conference Papers
Simulasi litar elektronik Exam Papers
QoS - satisfied dynamic routing based on overlay service Conference Papers
Pesalah juvenil kes bunuh boleh dihukum Text
Formulation and quality evaluation of margarine enrichedThesis
Enhancement of quality of working life among site office Thesis
Tiga saintis jalani latihan perubatan angkasa di Rusia Text
Pasir Gudang to have a RM4.5m kite museum Text
Fotodegradasi larutan asid p-toluenasulfonik dengan manText
Sabah gears to develop Kudat News Paper Cuttings
Teaching still a popular profession despite challenges Text
New model for shariah-compliant portfolio optimization Conference Papers
Insentif khas untuk pensyarah IPT Text
UTM anjur perkhemahan pelajar Text
Facilities and infrastructure in bioprocess engineering Exam Papers
Denggi : ke klinik jika demam Text
Outcomes of problem-based learning (PBL) implementatiConference Papers
Bimbing penjaja jalanan jadi usahawan fokus utama Mar Text
PM : petrol price may be even lower than expected Text
Sekolah antarabangsa tidak jejas jati diri : Najib Text
Alternative cell phone charger by using solar Thesis
Contractor's implied duty to warn design defects Thesis
Kakitangan awam perlu lebih berdedikasi setimpal insentiText
Diagnosis dan pemulihan dalam proses pengajaran dan pe Text
Power up : TNB must improve service Text
Customer relationship management framework for center Thesis
Deformation behaviour of glass fibre reinforced concreteThesis
Bertegas daulatkan Bahasa Melayu Text
System Software Perisian sistem Exam Papers
Loss-making ProtonÆs bottomline likely to get boost froText
Jaundis bayi undang risiko Text
Sains, teknologi dan manusia Exam Papers
Fibre optic technology Exam Papers
ARF medan mencari gencatan senjata Asia Barat Text
Guna bahasa ibunda di sekolah rendah Text
Salah PBT : gagal patuhi garis panduan pembangunan tanText
Kadar jenayah meningkat 13 peratus Text
Mengkaji tindak balas bakteria Text
Lack of high-end ICT skills makes job search tough Text
A new chitosan biopolymer derivative for the removal of Journal
c Article
Galak pegawai kerajaan tulis memoir selepas bersara Text
Kawalan proses & kawalan berkomputer Text
Counting bloom filter for internetworking applications Thesis
Universiti Jepun tambah ambil pelajar Malaysia Text
Penguatkuasaan logo æHalalÆ di negara Islam Text
Solid state chemistry Exam Papers
Introduction to multimedia Exam Papers
Perak orders halt to logging at Tasik Temenggor Text
Homebuyers' requirement for housing development within Text
Geospatial data management throughout large area civil Teext
UTM tubuh Makmal Penyelidikan Kecergasan Sains Suka Text
Boost for tertiary education Text
Campus-wide WiFi for UiTM Text
UPM dipilih sekretariat baru Persatuan Perikanan Asia Text
Securities Commission acts against market manipulation T: ext
2.4GHZ ISM band congestion : WLAN and WPAN performa Conference Papers
Automatic soap dispenser Thesis
Kaedah unsur terhingga Text
Towards accomplishing millennium development goals (MD Non-Index Paper
UTM hasilkan membran komposit Text
Kerajaaan Johor ambil berat sekolah agama Text
Investigation of stimulated brillouin scattering for the g Conference Papers
Genetik Text
Preparation and characterization of chitin and chitosan Thesis
Kurikulum akhlak dalam melahirkan saintis Muslim beretik Conference Papers
Kementerian atur program pensiswazahan semua guru Text
Kekuatan mampatan prisma dalam struktur kerja blok gaText
Second Penang Bridge to now cost over RM3b Text
Kabinet tunda kenaikan tol Jambatan Pulau Pinang Text
Construction measurement I Exam Papers
1,959 convicts are HIV positive Text
Perlindungan radiologi Exam Papers
Effect of bismuth doping on intermetallic compound betwThesis
In-situ stress measurement by overcoring and hydraulic fJournal Article
Public Bank untung RM1.5b dalam 9 bulan Text
12 kali ganda mohon biasiswa JPA Text
Proses pengkomersialan perlu ditingkatkan : Fadillah Text
A short review on using crumb rubber as modification of Journal Article
Ijazah bukan syarat untuk berjaya Text
Estate agency practice Exam Papers
Pelajar IPT digalak ambil kursus kemahiran sambilan Text
Comparison of acoustic characteristics of date palm fibreIndexed Paper
File management and tracking system for Pejabat Belia Thesis
Kekurangan doktor pakar diatasi Text
PLKN perlu capai sifar kematian : TPM Text
Teknologi Bangunan (Bahan Binaan) Text
Design and implementation of physics curriculum Exam Papers
Hati umat Islam berkarat jika meninggalkan zikir Text
The relationship between informal workplace learning anThesis
ECER rapat jurang ekonomi Text
Effect of bore fluid composition on structure and perfo Indexed Paper
UiTM perluas 9 kursus pendek Text
Perlis perlu $300 juta tingkatkan taraf hidup News Paper Cuttings
Tenaga mencukupi 7,000 juta tahun lagi Text
Budget allocation management model for seismic rehabilit Thesis
Facilities and infrastructure in bioprocess engineering Exam Papers
Government & non-profit organisation accounting Exam Papers
Small craft technology Text
Robbers grab gold bars at airport Text
Biotechnology Exam Papers
PTPN : peruntukan RM1b dialu-alukan Text
Development of a five fingers robot dextrous hand Thesis
Felda rangka strategi jadi pengeluar terbesar biodiesel Text
Colleges have major and serious structural defects Text
Use Penang as model Text
Pelan terperinci Koridor Utara dilancar akhir bulan Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Cuepacs nafi khabar angin penarikan balik Cola, ITP Text
Project estimating Exam Papers
Statistics II Exam Papers
Harga barang kawalan tidak boleh dinaikkan Text
Aplikasi mudah jawi - pembelajaran permainan teka - tekThesis
Probabilistic splicing and sticker systems in dna computi Thesis
Negara untung RM1 bilion pengurusan mata wang Text
Selera pembaca, limpahan rezeki penerbit dan popularit Text
Aeroelastic study of a long span suspension bridge with Thesis
Compact size active antenna beamforming network Thesis
Satu peratus penduduk Malaysia penagih dadah Text
Listen to the future of tomorrow Text
KWSP latih 100 siswazah menggangur Text
IPG lahir guru kualiti Text
Surface and colloid chemistry Exam Papers
Laksana pembangunan minda : Raja Nazrin Text
Teknologi Voltan Tinggi Text
Kemudahan sukan untuk semua bandar baru Kejora Text
Pemberimilikan tanah kerajaan kepada pengusaha tanahThesis
Partial discharge characteristics of polymer nanocompositIndexed Paper
More people going for traditional medicines Text
Wan Othman pencipta lagu patriotik Text
Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi penggunaan kemudahan ma Thesis
Design of low power automatic sun tracking system usi Thesis
An investigation into the relationship between the form Indexed Paper
Experimental study of gaseous fuel flameless combustionThesis
Perniagaan terbuka mampu tingkat daya saing Text
9Bio langkah awal transformasi ekonomi capai pendapataText
Pengaruh mortar terhadap keputusan ujian tanpa musnaThesis
Pembelajaran organisasi dan kesannya terhadap efikasi ke Thesis
Greatness comes with unity Text
Proof of Neolithic presence Text
Formation damage severity by polymer concentration chThesis
UMS æteaching factoryÆ role Text
Experimental study of cavitation in centrifugal pump inleText
The influence of electronic word-of-mouth on consumersIndexed Paper
Sidang kemuncak Asean bakal hasil deklarasi ekonomi, p Text
Materials & specifications Exam Papers
Driving change in the IT agenda Text
Development of breath alcohol detector to prevent alcohThesis
Evaluation of gross pollutant traps (GPTs) for open chan Conference Papers
Felda plans palm biodiesel plants Text
Sistem storan dan retikulasi gas Text
Introduction to industrial counselling Exam Papers
Move to export food by 2010 Text
Makanan seimbang elak diabetes kanak-kanak Text
Pensyarah muda, pemimpin pelapis News Paper Cuttings
Arkib teruskan dokumentasi sejarah tokoh pendidikan Is Text
Budaya membaca - Tingkatkan kadar literasi Text
Antioxidant activities of phycocyanin microcapsules usin Journal Article
Pembangunan bahan bantu mengajar berasaskan e-peta Thesis mi
Bantu penguasaan bahasa Inggeris Text
Harapan penyelesaian minyak dalam Bajet 2006 Text
Implementation of cryptography algorithms in SCADAKratIndexed Paper
Dunia imaginasi digital bersama `idea' Text
Numerical analysis on energy absorption of hexagon andThesis
Malaysia-Indonesia perlu terus perkasa hubungan Text
Thermal and statistical physics Exam Papers
Treatment of textile wastewater using chitosan and chit Thesis
A cursory review on software verification approches Conference Papers
Tekad ketua kampung wanita majukan Pulau Aur Text
Inisiatif Kesatuan Eropah menekan Israel News Paper Cuttings
InventQjaya cipta teknik penyahmasinan berkos rendah Text
Design, analysis and fabrication of a test rig for model ai Text
Mantik Exam Papers
Breakdown strength of low density polyethylene nanoco Thesis
Influence of Cr (VI) on Cr (VI) reduction at different gr Conference Papers
Experts influence on fire safety criteria ranking for factorJournal Article
Concept map as an alternative assessment in laboratory aConference Papers
We need integrated management for water Text
Prof Sahol Hamid is UiTM V-C Text
Sokongan masyarakat bantu pulihkan penagih Text
Road safety barrier under vehicle crash conditions Thesis
Perception on biometric authentication technology amo Thesis
Embedded internet for patient calling system Text
Restructure and redesign the improper database case st Thesis
Object-oriented programming/Pengaturcaraan berorientaExam Papers
Enhancement of parallel thinning algorithm for handwritText
LGBT, agenda pinkwashing Israel News Paper Cuttings
Kyrgyz contohi pelan pembangunan ekonomi kita Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Tidak perlu psikiatris Text
Malaysia termasuk dalam 10 destinasi pelancongan nilai Text
Combustion performance of jatropha biodiesel in an oil Indexed Paper
Windows 7 'nyawa kedua' microsoft, industri komputer Text
Two couples killed in crash Text
Analisis lebihan aliran air ke atas empangan terhadap pe Thesis
Track your money with e-Maklum Text
Guru baru ingkar arahan boleh dikenakan tindakan Text
ISS international space station Text
900,000 kakitangan awam mula berpakaian batik ke pej Text
Measat-3 draws strong interest Text
India bukan paling miskin Text
Banjir semakin buruk : dua lagi mati lemas di Kelantan : Text
Prevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis C virus infection Journal Article
Dehydroaromatization of methane in the absence of oxy Conference Papers
UPSI imbau jasa, perjuangan Tun Ghafar Text
Gold nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in deionIndexed Paper
Applied optics Exam Papers
Persamaan terbitan I Text
Smokers can sue : soon you will have the clout to take toText
Consumers must share responsibility Text
UTM bolot Pertandingan Analisis Senario Habitat News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik Kuasa Dan Pemacu Text
Ministry probes pollution claims Text
A comparative study on the jet loop reactor and continuous Text
1Belia 1Malaysia perkasakan belia Text
Tabung Haji umum bonus 4.3 peratus Text
Flexural behaviour and durability of glass fibre reinforc Text
Kajian kemudahan kolam takungan di Taman Desa MoyanText
Kaedah-kaedah proses pembuatan menghasilkan produkText b
RM23m marine centre in Sabah Text
Wake-up call for the universities Text
Malaysia mampu tangani pandemik Text
Buli dan kecemerlangan pelajar Text
Arrayed waveguide grating Text
Kajian sains sosial sama penting S&T Text
The proposition of custom development model (CDM) foThesis
Application of real time optimisation for fatty acid fracti Thesis
A frequent pattern mining algorithm for feature extracti Non-Index Paper
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
UTM dons hanled up in ethics probe : show-cause lettersText
Characterization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria isolate Text
Indoor propagation prediction and measurements withinText mu
PM mahu kurikulum IPT, pasaran kerja diselaras Text
Osmosis songsang atasi masalah air tercemar Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Program angkasawan ditangguh ke 2007 Text
Fast-track lane for old at hospitals Text
Belajar daripada IT India Text
Effect of recognition of intellectual capital on relevance Non-Index Paper
Penubuhan Suruhanjaya Air Negara dilulus Text
The anticancer effects of curcumin on cervical cancer cellThesis
Special aid plan to cover non-Malays News Paper Cuttings
Novel layered silicate mixed matrix membrance for gas s Thesis
Kualiti akustik di kawasan rumah pangsa kos rendah : satuText
Bank Islam bank pertama di Malaysia patuhi piawaian BriText
Helping with homework Text
Membangunkan penaakulan deduktif menggunakan hujahan Text
Topologi kejiranan gabungan rangkaian kohonen dan partConference Papers
The implementation of MI pro in water quality manageme Text
Tegas, adil dan saksama Text
Characterisation of deposited titania/cadmium sulfide n Thesis
Olahan air Text
Career development Exam Papers
Electrical Technology 2 Exam Papers
Najib : adjust spending to cope with price hike Text
Hari Asyura gerbang bulan amalan Text
2010 Asian Games : cabinet says 'No' to 2010 games Text
Peranan, proses kerja & tanggungjawab kaunselor di ja Conference Papers
Landscape construction III Exam Papers
UTM bantu OKU cacat penglihatan celik al-Quran - Naib News Paper Cuttings
Maze solving robot Thesis
Lima panduan untuk menjadi bos hebat, dihormati Text
Calculating tax payable at the click of a mouse Text
An optimal mesh algorithm for remote protein homologyNon-Index Paper
Program Bicara Pentadbir Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ukur kejuruteraan / engineering survey Exam Papers
Many women not taking pap smear Text
Electric power system Exam Papers
Icon for Text file
Malaysia bukan negara transit senjata pemusnah besara News Paper Cuttings
Tijari mahu adakan pakatan strategik di Asia Barat Text
Perisian P&P : model masih tradisional Text
Rekabentuk grout polimer untuk pembaikan bangunan Text
An improved 'DC-DC type' high frequency transformer-linConference Papers
Jangan asyik tuntut gaji lebih -- Boleh akibatkan negara Text
Bantu keseimbangan badan Text
Pengajaran bermodul di sekolah menengah : perubahan ko Text
First time Navy chief heads armed forces Text
Towards efficient ICT trade Text
Perdagangan tak terjejas Text
Suami pemarah punca penceraian di Kelantan Text
Penyelesaian persamaan resapan kompleks yang sesuai dText
Herba Cina penawar barah Text
Shear strength of steel fibre self-compacting concrete in Thesis
Cascade-forward neural networks for Arabic phonemes bas Journal Article
Ingatan Google tentang pengaruh blog Text
Performance of steel sections strengthened with carbon fThesis
Pantau anak-anak untuk elak ponteng Text
Pendidikan akhlak kepada Allah S.W.T.: nadi penggerak Conference Papers
IPTS bumiputera gulung tikar : 123 ditutup, 30 tenat ek Text
Eagle eye on sanctuary to prevent bird flu Text
UPM perlu pacu sektor pertanian Text
Garis panduan iklan semua televisyen diselaras Text
Enhanced technique for secure wireless sensor routing wConference Papers
Steady-state and dynamic performance of micro grid on el Thesis
Learning automata-based algorithms for finding cover setIndexed Paper
Building economics Exam Papers
Parametric studies of thin film nickel catalyst for the g Indexed Paper
Kapasiti pelajar ILJTM 23,000 penghujung 2004 Text
Champion of peace and stability Text
Interpersonal communication Exam Papers
Status Universiti Penyelidikan Text
Mata pelajaran diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris akan berta Text
Fewer cases of HFM Text
Gempa : Malaysia tidak terkecuali Text
Bank sedia bersaing hebat Text
Fast cheque transaction Text
A study of timber drying characteristic using microwave Thesis
Focus on working class Text
Statistical analysis of heavy metal contamination in JohorThesis
Solving troesch’s problem by using modified nonline Journal Article
Probabilistic splicing systems Indexed Paper
Simulation based on PID controller on robot manipulatorThesis
Pembangunan antena lubang alur untuk aplikasi capaian Twext
Pemuda UMNO mahu dasar meritokrasi di IPTA diubah Text
New era for varsity students Text
Tindakan khas perangi jenayah Text
Quantum chemical approach toward the electronic, photoph Indexed Paper
Hospitals set fees for health tourism Text
Kesepadanan latihan terhadap pekerjaan dalam kalanganThesisg
Rancang sendiri cara menilai tahap pekerja Text
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Control : modelling and simulation Exam Papers
Agama urusan ulama Text
7 strategi jadikan Malaysia hab pendidikan Text
Teori litar Text
Pengenalan kepada stastistik spatial Exam Papers
UTM online archive recognised globally Text
PM wants Umno to be agent of change Text
UTM komersialkan hasil penyelidikan herba Text
Faktor kejayaan kaedah reka dan bina : kajian terhadap ko Text
Racun dalam sayur kurang 5 peratus Text
Kita hilang putera terbaik bangsa News Paper Cuttings
Promotions to be based on merit Text
Koridor Utara : pembangunan sedia pelan hadapi kesan sText
Portfolio funds being turned into longer term papers : ZetText
Punca retak masih dikesan Text
Fabrication and optimization performance for treatmen Thesis
5 penuntut tahfiz maut Text
1,062 pemaju ingkar Text
Scada system utilization for the development of training Thesis
Bidang sains Malaysia diiktiraf dunia News Paper Cuttings
Space diversity for satellite communications by using radaText
e-visa mudahkan kemasukan pelancong China, India Text
Plan to build 75,000 units Text
Trees illegally logged in sanctuary Text
Millers agree to produce enough flour for market Text
Kekuatan blok apit ringan berpozzolana Text
Correlation between cone penetration test and bearing cText
Agropolitan harapan Asmadi Text
Pengambilan ke IPTA berkurangan Text
Pemikiran dan amalan refleksi dikalangan guru pelatih sain Text
Sifat ingin tahu lahirkan ummah berwawasan Text
Kontraktor dibenar ubah nilai kontrak Text
MSC Malaysia pamer pencapaian negara Text
Kesediaan IPT bersaing Text
Kempen saja tak mampu martabatkan bahasa Malaysia Text
Shahrizat : equal rights yet to become a reality Text
Individual tree measurement in tropical environment using Indexed Paper
Sistem E-pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin peringkat asas Text
Keupayaan wanita bukan ancaman lelaki Text
Cluster schools : principals wish-list for success Text
Lambaian Kaabah tingkat kesempurnaan iman Text
Analyzing missile stowage and canopy stowage racks Text
Alat pantau jerebu News Paper Cuttings
Potential of energy efficiency in ceramic industries (Prev Text
To design of tricycle for wheelchair used based on scoot Text
Kerjasama UIAM, Mimos perkasakan aktiviti R&D Text
The effect of geological structure in flyrock accident at MThesis
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Synthesis and optimization of micro-sized bacterial-bas Thesis
Pihak universiti perlu buat analisis News Paper Cuttings
Exercise wards off cancer Text
Pengurusan maklumat tanah Text
Microstrip triangular patch antenna fitted with fractal edText
Energy efficiency criteria for green highways in Malaysia Journal Article
Integration of bathymetric and topographic data for partiThesis
Perfomance management Exam Papers
Rumah Tukang Kahar : contoh kediaman tradisional masyText
Analisis nyata Text
Foreign workers contribute RM17bil to the economy Text
Pencemaran elektromagnet ancaman baru Text
Colonialised mentality tends to parrot criticisms, says Dr Text
Rapid growth seen in SEA economies Text
Digital electronic Exam Papers
Silver leaching from selected semiconductor waste using Text
Kajian peningkatan kualiti plastik kitar semula (Abstract) Text
RON95 price : most consumers not affected, says ministeText
Computer-aided validation of tailor-made green diesel fr Thesis
Advanced concrete technology Exam Papers
SPR edar peti undi Text
Permasalahan yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran dan penc Conference Papers
2,452 fail to follow rear seat belt rule Text
The effectiveness of palm oil clinker and palm oil fuel as Thesis
UTM sedia bantu JAJ tentu arah kiblat News Paper Cuttings
Sepang jadi daerah termaju atasi Petaling Jaya News Paper Cuttings
Kajian keberkesanan "on-site detention " di dalam mengaw Thesis
Kesesuaian ujikaji - ujikaji makmal bagi menilai kebolehroText
RM150j untuk dapatkan teknologi luar Text
Flight Mechanics / Mekanik Penerbangan Text
108 dengue deaths recorded last year Text
Hospital moden RM100j akan dibina di Kluang Text
Statement-based fuzzy-set information retrieval versus f Conference Papers
Jambatan baru disegera Text
Hentikan ambil pekerja asing Text
Many milestones recorded at UTM Text
Day off for RT members on night patrols soon Text
Nanoteknologi beri harapan kepada teknologi halus Text
Rebat elektrik, air untuk pertanian Text
More expats coming to Malaysia Text
Keledek ganti tembakau di Pantai Timur 2010 Text
Bifunctional oxidative and acidic titanium silicalite (TS-1 Thesis
Floor slipperiness measurement under spillage conditionJournal Article
Produk halal penuhi kriteria ketat Perancis Text
Trajectory tracking algorithm for autonomous ground vehThesis
Ke mana hala tuju televisyen di negara ini? Text
ECER majukan pesisir pantai Kelantan Text
Design and analysis of metacarpophalangeal implants to Tr hesis
Kementerian tumpu kajian R&D strategik Text
Principles of chemical processes I Exam Papers
Exploration of gold mineralization in a tropical region u Indexed Paper
USB storage authentication, delegation privilege and re Thesis
Delay in government project delivery in Kedah Thesis
Managing construction project risks : case study contracto Text
Jong akan dijadikan identiti terbaru Johor Text
Miti to enhance trade in China, Middle East and SoutheasText
Kontraktor Kelas E dapat kontrak Text
Characterization of anodized aluminium alloys on engineeThesis
Rawatan terbaru bagi serangan sakit jantung Text
Photochemical reduction as a green method for the synthe Indexed Paper
Kemahiran kognitif sains dan prestasi pelajar: satu kajian Text
Survey report only News Paper Cuttings
Kaedah jimatkan kos bina rumah diteliti Text
UM tingkat penyertaan khidmat sosial Text
Langkawi corals hit by deadly disease Text
Development of human model for ergonomics purposes (Thesis
Akta perlindungan hidupan liar dipinda hukuman lebih beText
Change mindset about research, says Dr M Text
Acoustical performance of main prayer halls of mosques Thesis
Plan to replace foreign workers with locals Text
Syor naik gaji banteras gejala rasuah Text
Molecular filter on chip design Non-Index Paper
Comparison of hydrographic data presentation capabilit Thesis
AIDS kian hebat mengancam dunia Text
An approach to improve the robustness of substitution t Conference Papers
Pelan mantap sektor pembinaan dilaksana Text
RMK-9 : Kerajaan bina hospital pesakit kronik Text
Bigfoot probe impeded : info not being passed on to stat Text
Gabem ke seluruh negara Text
Principles of chemical processes II Exam Papers
Embedded system Exam Papers
Carbon fibre reinforced polymer in strengthening and e Thesis
Power consumption modeling for indoor environment usin Conference Papers
Kalkulus Text
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Exam Papers
UPSR, PMR exams to be replaced Text
Hydrogen production from steam pyrolysis-gasification ofJournal Article
Static and dynamic impacts of six-phase power transmissText
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Penyelidikan marin teras kekuatan UMT Text
Koperasi bersedia hadapi globalisasi Text
Titas Exam Papers
The level of trait emotional intelligence among final year Thesis
Syiling songket warisan agung Text
Non linearity reduction in laser diode by means feed-forwa Conference Papers
Program Rakan Muda diberi nafas baru Text
Penyebar e-mel, SMS fitnah boleh kena ISA Text
UTM kukuh kerjasama dengan IUM News Paper Cuttings
Mereka membina ekonomi Text
Dadah RM290,000 dirampas Text
UTM aims to be world-class News Paper Cuttings
Merealisasikan matlamat Malaysia maju Text
Water quality observation on Johor river estuary and eastJournal Article
Produk pertanian naik harga tidak dapat dielak Text
Patient monitoring system using wireless sensor networkThesis
Pembangunan Seremban tak cemar kehijauan Text
Perpindahan server dari Perpustakaan Sultanah ZanariahPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Serius bina lapangan terbang di Tioman Text
Assessment of safety level in performing building maintenText
Trup Tindakan Cepat tingkat keselamatan penjara Text
Kecerdikan buatan Text
Information & computer technology Exam Papers
WoMan : at the mercy of the system Text
Letak jawatan jika tidak 'sejiwa' Text
Slow recovery from dengue Text
High precision technique of measuring the reflectance ofText
Boundary representation-based feature recognition Text
DC bus instability driving by photovoltaic source with co Indexed Paper
Malaysian varsities fail to make top 200 ranking Text
Electrochemical performance of ordered mesoporous carb Journal Article
New power pinch analysis techniques for optimal design Thesis
Iskandar Malaysia ecolife challenge : low-carbon educati Indexed Paper
Tidak ambil iktibar tragedi lalu Text
RM20m to equip 3,000 Indian youths with job skills Text
Hypermart licence freeze may be lifted year-end Text
Libraries at risk of being obsolete Text
Golongan OKU mesti cekal hidup berdikari Text
Fakulti Bahasa UPM tawar ijazah dua kursus serentak Text
Energy quantization on the current - voltage characteris Indexed Paper
Construction technology Text
New promotion scheme to allow educators to continue tText
Jamuan kumpul maklumat biografi perintis UiTM Text
Molecular dynamic simulation alpha crystallin adsorptionThesis
Electrical discharge machining pulse power generator to Conference Papers
Governement to launch plan to produce more researcherText
Engine performance and exhaust emission of diesel dual Indexed
fu Paper
Wakaf jana kekuatan ummah Text
More opting for biotechnology Text
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Lower Segama to be gazetted Text
Propeller modification to improve powering performanc Thesis
Filex sensor based device for fetal movement monitoringThesis
Romancing the classroom Text
Lindungi kes jenayah : tindakan tetap diambil Text
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes saturable absorber in Q- Indexed Paper
Skim 'satu destinasi dua negara' diperkenal Text
Piawaian etika Islam untuk korporat dirangka Text
Changes to free young minds Text
Surface functionalization of fused silica fiber with 2-hy Conference Papers
Wajib berwasiat apabila didatangi tanda kematian Text
Sistem akaun belum terima bersepadu Pejabat BendahariText
Peraturan kawal harga servis kereta akan diwujud Text
Police anti-graft campaign Text
MEB diumum dua peringkat Text
Pendaftaran kenderaan meningkat 10 peratus Text
Three - dimensional craniofacial soft tissue measurementThesis
Harga barang dijangka kembali stabil Text
Istana Sultan Alauddin Text
UTM wins two ITEX gold medals News Paper Cuttings
More low-cost carriers may fly to Malaysia Text
Syor hukuman berat aniaya umat Islam Text
A review of ceramic shell investment casting of magnesi Indexed Paper
Urbanisasi terus meningkat Text
Dr M : Petronas has done very well Text
Kerjasama sekolah UK -Malaysia Text
Elemen integriti dalam kokurikulum Text
YouÆre not the only one who could be checking your emText
H1N1 flu still active, call to be on alert Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
USM mahu rombak sistem pengambilan pelajar Text
Catch fish : virtual balancing game to enhance trunk stre Thesis
Usaha lahirkan belia terlatih, berakhlak mulia Text
Tiga negeri kurang guru sekolah rendah Text
Video annotation using convolution neural network Thesis
Technology transfer transaction costs framework in selecThesis
The need to unlock bank deposits Text
Apex university plan queried Text
Pendidikan tinggi - Bumiputera malas cari maklumat Text
Yahoo pertingkat fungsi enjin carian Text
Transportation, utilities and infrastructure planning Text
The effect of g-jitter on double diffusion by mixed convecIndexed Paper
The implementation of variance component estimation (Conference Papers
Kaji semula Seksyen 51 Text
R&D : Dua penyelidik UTeM cipta gentian Prof Kenaf Text
Johor bird sanctuary to be ready next year Text
Kahwin misyar bukan keperluan Text
Random forest for gene selection and microarray data claNon-Index Paper
Spectroscopic investigation and Judd-Ofelt analysis of si Indexed Paper
Sound absorption coefficient measurement of aluminiumThesis
Numerical investigation of biogas flameless combustion Indexed Paper
Kakitangan awam perlu kembalikan era kegemilangan Text
2,518 maut nahas jalan raya sehingga Mei Text
Malaysia jadi pengeksport makanan menjelang 2010 Text
Sayembara Fiksyen Sains dan Teknologi dapat sambutan News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan antara sejarah silam dengan perkembangan pers Conference Papers
Effect of magnetic fields on heavy metal and nutrient re Text
Pemerhatian dan pengurusan data kualiti air Sungai SkudText
Pervaporation separation of isopropanol-water mixtures Thesis
Punish bogus medical staff Text
Guru wajib ujian dadah : jalani pemeriksaan guna mesin Text
Ketamin RM10 juta dirampas Text
Soliton mode-locked generation based on Erbium-doped Journal
f Article
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Usaha Ibu bapa bimbing remaja semakin mencabar Text
A hybrid ranking method for constructing negative dataseNon-Index Paper
Analisa sistem penentuan kodinit tiga dimensi untuk ukurText
Gagal PMR, ulang semula tingkatan tiga? Text
Matlab application in chemical engineering Exam Papers
Pos Malaysia setting up call centre to improve service Text
Kredibiliti agensi risikan Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Eco-friendly food containers from oil palm Text
Pelihara institusi demokrasi berparlimen Text
Preliminary result : near-infraared photography for 3D spConference Papers
Pengenalan perniagaan Exam Papers
Institusi Asia Barat beli ekuiti Bank Islam Text
KUiTTHO terima pengiktirafan MS ISO 9001:2000 Text
WOU tawar Skim Biasiswa Canselor Text
Tingkatkan usaha gerakan makanan halal Text
Feature enhancement for extracting on-line isolated han Thesis
Effect of new thermal insulation to the growth of LiNbO3Indexed Paper
Enhancement of UWE navigation model : homepage deveIndexed Paper
Analytical chemistry for engineers Exam Papers
Lecturer wins Korean awards Text
4 penyelidik menang Anugerah Inovasi Mimics Text
Multiresolution signature authentication using B- Spline Thesis
Current perspective on bacterial pigments : emerging susIndexed Paper
What to avoid in notebooks Text
Galloping to seahorse rescue Text
Highway accelerated loading instrument (HALI) for conc Conference Papers
Reflux extraction and cleanup process by column chromatIndexed Paper
Groups : stop the bickering Text
Wanita perlu bijak rancang menu Text
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Mitigating construction disputes Thesis
Bantu perokok henti tabiat memudaratkan Text
Reka bentuk dan pembangunan laman web interaktif PerThesis
Memupuk mentaliti, budaya bayar cukai Text
Netmon Lite to be in market by year end Text
A 3D lattice BGK scheme for simulation of thermal flow inConference Papers
Illegal animal trading puts Malaysia on the world map forText
Kerajaan pastikan harga beras stabil Text
Development and optimization of submerged membraneThesis ult
Rangka usaha promosi ubat tradisional sebagai alternatifText
Didik diri bersyukur, prihatin dan bersedekah News Paper Cuttings
4 lagi maut akibat denggi Text
Jumlah pelajar lembut di IPT membimbangkan Text
Mekanik dinamik Text
Guna ilmu bangunkan persatuan Text
Era digital yang lebih peribadi dan semula jadi Text
Development of educational software for study and analyThesis
A brand new life Text
Taburan tekanan sisi tanah pada struktur penahan untukThesis
An introduction of boundary element method to the analy Text
Training software to help children with learning disabilit Thesis
Langkawi's curved bridge to open soon Text
System identification and intelligent control of automoti Thesis
Ekonomi Malaysia, ringgit tahan lasak Text
Boikot gula : gesaan persatuan pengguna bagi tangani keText
Usahawan wanita tidak dipinggir : Noh Text
More US students may teach here Text
IT for civil engineers Exam Papers
Petition for winding up under section 218 of companies Thesis
Pembinaan masonry di Malaysia : kajian kes (Preview) Text
Designed a new compensation current control method for Indexed Paper
RM1.105 trilion nilai dagangan 11 bulan negara Text
Don't stay put, stay ahead Text
Sebar makna Hari Malaysia Text
Parlimen Mahasiswa ruang beri pendapat Text
PTPTN ikut JPA Text
Passport penalty for drug convicts Text
Malaysia dibanjiri 39,000 pelarian Text
Kempen TMMÆ07 dilanjut Ogos 2008 Text
Dua pensyarah UTM menang pingat emas Text
Persidangan Industri Johor, 9 Jun News Paper Cuttings
Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in continuousThesis
Helping preschoolers develop physically News Paper Cuttings
Novel polyethersulfone (PES)/hydrous manganese dioxideIndexed Paper
RM5j dilulus bantu pembenihan awan Text
1Malaysia reflects our success Text
Fire Fighting robot Thesis
Pendidikan : UK minat kerjasama dengan Malaysia Text
Geologi & mekanik batuan Text
Pembangunan profesional berterusan di dalam industri Thesis
Malaysia-Rusia akan meterai perjanjian sains, teknologi Text
Construction management Exam Papers
Komersialkan buah-buahan tropika ke pasaran global : P Text
Focus on growth and joint security Text
Determining the oral construct of the test of english comIndexed Paper
Biosorption of Cr(V1)using acinetobacter calcoaceticus g Conference Papers
This was no ordinary tsunami Text
Ways sought to ease housing shortfalls: Dr M News Paper Cuttings
Silicon nanowire field-effect transistor (SiNWFET) and its Thesis
Road-aware routing strategies for vehicular ad hoc netwoIndexed Paper
Antibiofilm and antiadhesion activities of phaleria macro Thesis
The restructuring of society under the new economic polic Text
Keselamatan pekerja di tapak bina Thesis
Aplikasi konsep fizik dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang Thesis
Port productivity model Thesis
Draf akta urus sisa pepejal akan ke kabinet Text
Synergistic-ANN recognizers for monitoring and diagnosisConference Papers
A comparitive study on immobilised mycelium and sporesThesis o
Pay rise will help lecturers focus on R&D Text
Comfort analysis in commercial vehicle's passenger seat Text
Enam amalan tingkat keimanan Text
No hike in domestic airfares : cabinet rejected MAS prop Text
Design model of basic al-Quran learning courseware baseThesis
Memudah cara pengurusan tanah Text
R&D : bahan pembelajaran Text
UPMÆs Vision 2010 Text
Pengeluar kimia perlu peka peraturan baru EU Text
Convective boundary layer flow of viscoelastic fluid Thesis
Maximizing output of a sludge drying plant through mult Indexed Paper
Beri ruang kepada masyarakat belia Text
Cuma 15 peratus berpersatuan Text
Peranan pengetua dan felo dalam memantau aktiviti pelaConference Papers
Changes and challenges of traditional travel agencies in tThesis
Yayasan bantu guru : dana RM300j diperuntuk termasu Text
Transformasi perkhidmatan awam Text
Overhaul of KL traffic system Text
Experimental investigation of flush end-plate connectionThesis
Dengue claims another life Text
19th MJIIT Leadersip Lecture Series : Climate change & P Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Contractor’s organization and work performance in thThesis
Persediaan berkerjaya Text
Training monitoring system for cyclist based on android Journal Article
Government steps up courtesy campaign to improve serviText
Cadangan MyKad untuk pekerja asing disambut baik Text
Antenatal and prenatal management system for Pusat K Thesis
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Wajibkan mata pelajaran Sastera Melayu Text
Optical enhancement of samarium erbium co-doped zincThesis tel
Living in space Text
Asli proposes social safety net to help the poor cope Text
With darkness comes hope Text
UTM honorary doctorate for Ling Text
Racial unity among Malaysians is my greatest success, sa Text
A decision support system for placement and transfer of Conference Papers
Pembangunan tanah wakaf: isu, prospek dan strategi Conference Papers
RMK-9 : tiada sekolah dua sesi Text
Speed reading and comprehension : a focus on proficientThesis
Communication system Exam Papers
Bad driving irritates us most Text
Crucial to detect dengue in time Text
AUKU 1971 dipinda bagi kepentingan pelajar Text
Alam sekitar penanda aras sosial Text
Purchasing and supply chain management practices in C Thesis
7 isu jadi tumpuan : sidang kemuncak jadi medan pemimText
æBeri peluang kerajaan laksana Khidmat NegaraÆ Text
PTK : 167,445 guru naik pangkat Text
Tiada seruan syariat baru selepas wafat Rasulullah Text
Lapor segera elak dihukum Text
Reka bentuk struktur keluli lanjutan Text
Penggunaan 'batu reput' sebagai pengisi dalam campuranText
Projek jambatan baru perlu kerjasama kuat Malaysia, Si Text
UiTM awards Siti Hasmah honorary degree Text
A probabilistic time-variant corrosion wastage model for Indexed Paper
Famous theories surrounding emotional intelligence : a hiIndexed Paper
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
Unitar sedia kemudahan pembelajaran secara on-line Text
Economy and specification Exam Papers
Aduan melalui khidmat SMS perangi masalah disiplin pelaText
Anggota ATM kena serba boleh Text
Minister wants better deal for teachers Text
Perlaksanaan program pembangunan staf di Sekolah Isla Thesis
Public transport image positioning using multidimensionaJournal Article
Study of urea based selective non-catalytic reduction of NText
Identifying “third places” in relation to business Conference Papers
Classification of habitual activities in behavior-based ne Non-Index Paper
Construction and development law Exam Papers
Post occupancy evaluation (POE) in KEMAS kindergartensThesis
Kawalan Perindustrian Text
Jangan buat sambungan elektrik haram Text
Seven judges tipped to move up Text
An Evaluation of children’s structural drawing strategJournal Article
KBS sasar 1 juta peserta : Bulan Sukan Negara 2005 Text
Norsiah azam perkasa khidmat awam Text
Industri halal tempatan bernilai RM29 bilion Text
Material chemistry Text
Enhanced model for continuance intention in using mobilThesis
Aktiviti tentera 2 negara perlu saling dimaklum Text
Analytical application of functionalized CdS and ZnS as f Text
Rang Daftar Pemilih dipamer mulai esok Text
Application of magnetic field for reduction of sludge bulkThesis
Mekanik Text
National Service trainees to learn about AIDS, HIV Text
Malaysia turut rasai kesan gempa bumi Text
A study on PSO-based University course timetabling pro Conference Papers
Dinamik gas Text
WW2 death March route retraced Text
Solving advection diffusion equation of fumigant flow in Thesis
Elektronik Text
Structural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams with cThesis
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in thText
Merapatkan dua jurang Text
Challenges faced by private developers in developing af Thesis
Keseimbangan hidup dunia, akhirat amalan mulia Text
Seremban structure plan gets council approval News Paper Cuttings
TITAS Exam Papers
Reka bentuk mesti tahan kesan iklim Text
Kursus berasaskan pertanian di UiTM Text
Balu Yang di-Pertuan Agong layak dapat RM1 juta Text
Experimental setup for ATCS IC package electronic devic Conference Papers
TPM : negara siap sedia hadapi banjir Text
Drop æmegaÆ from projects, says Dr M Text
Sejarah penerbit buku tertua di dunia Text
Ramadan traditions fascinate Belgian student News Paper Cuttings
Membudaya ilmu niaga di IPT Text
Rakyat petunjuk utama KPI Text
Analytical chemistry Text
Pelajar tak minat bidang kritikal Text
Kempen kesedaran alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Cloud cognitive authenticator (CCA) : a public cloud co Indexed Paper
Lapan syarikat Malaysia terbaik di Asia Pasifik Text
Hidupkan budaya penyayang Text
PM : improved economic performance and government ef Text
Coexistence model for compatibility between IMT-advanIndexed Paper
Maklumat basi laman web 8 kementerian Text
A fluid mechanical explanation of the spontaneous rea Indexed Paper
Jurang ekonomi penyebab utama kemarahan global Text
Doctors won't have to administer hospitals Text
Perolehan lebih RM1 bilion Text
Stability study of propellants in small ARM ammunitions Thesis
Kerajaan sedia pinda Akta Tisu Manusia 1974 Text
Putting problems over sleep disorders to rest Text
Implementation of multiple fan beam projection techniquText
829,199 pesalah trafik diburu, operasi 8 bulan Text
Continuity in education system News Paper Cuttings
UTM-Hebei jalin kerjasama tingkat aspek pendidikan Text
Permudah skim pinjaman buku teks Text
Kesan steroid dalam ubat Text
Tobacco and poverty Text
Menjalin masa depan bersama Afrika Selatan Text
Self- and peer-assessments in developing modest englishThesis
Kaedah berangka Text
Woman suffers burns saving daughter from fire Text
No bias against women, says Ng Text
Pembedahan pertama perintis kejayaan Text
Facial animations : future research directions & challeng Indexed Paper
Kos biayai skim buku teks RM300 juta Text
Hydrogen production from catalytic methanol reforming Thesis
Beban besar sektor awam : Sempena Anugerah Kualiti SeText
Application of exergy analysis on air conditioning system Text
Place sugar jars on tables, coffeeshops urged Text
Universiti tak boleh terlalu berbangga dengan pingat Text
Sasaran defisit belanjawan 3.8% Text
Behaving ethically : an essence of Islamic marketing syst Non-Index Paper
Pensiswazahan - Kelayakan umur guru besar perlu dilanj Text
Pertahanan negara perlu kenyal : Najib Text
Kerjasama universiti, swasta digalakkan Text
Syarikat Malaysia atasi pesaing di Singapura Text
Persamaan terbitan separa Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Mengimbangi keperluan teknologi moden Text
Traffic impact assessment : a case of proposed hypermarJournal Article
Pengguna perlu peka status halal Text
Hentikan sistem meritokrasi : Ghani Text
Pembangunan web portal berasaskan multiply bertajuk "Thesis
Strength of materials and structures Exam Papers
Matematik perantaraan Text
e-Hakmilik percepat tuntutan kenderaan Text
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan industri Text
Modified stereo vision method for an unmanned ground Thesis
Zeolite-supported transition metal catalyst to enhance thText
Talian bekalan elektrik dan kesannya ke atas masyarakat Text
Physiology and introduction to medicine Exam Papers
Religious conversion, children and confusion Text
Mechanical and thermal properties of coconut shell flourThesis
Sterol rendahkan kolesterol Text
Perak to spend $284m to help poor families News Paper Cuttings
Dewan UTM terbakar disyaki angkara khianat Text
The relationship between strategic planning process, int Thesis
Seeking help from Japan to launch our own satellite News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Better public transport for 600,000 by 2012 Text
Late night partying only at tourist spots Text
Persepsi siswi terhadap faktor-faktor yang memainkan peConference Papers
Termodinamik I Text
PBT diminta laksana kempen elak denggi Text
Makanan halal, bersih sempurnakan ibadat Text
The involvement of hydrographic surveyor in the installatText
TMC lancarkan perjalanan di lebuh raya Text
Pelajar diajak kuasai lebih satu bahasa Text
Pengenalan perakaunan Text
Bekerjalah tanpa mengira masa Text
IPTA patut tambah kemahiran Text
Pelan Pagoh pengukur pegawai agensi pertanian Text
UTM anjur siri Bengkel Graduan Cemerlang Text
Mykad : peraturan baru sedia diperkenal Text
Jabatan Narkotik Johor rampas 20kg heroin Text
Kedah intai juara SUKBOM News Paper Cuttings
Geotechnical parameters study using seismic refraction Journal Article
Anak penjual roti canai kedua terbaik STPM 2004 Text
80,000 permohonan ijazah pendidikan ditolak Text
Government stands by its promise Text
V.B Net programming Exam Papers
Akta baru had umur belia Text
Perkaitan panjang tangan dan keluasan tapak tangan terha Thesis
Reversible watermarking by using weighted median Thesis
Development of agent based model for simulating of bui Thesis
Graphic heaIth labeIs work welI Text
Cross-Platform taxi reservation system mobile web Thesis
Dua pusat reka bentuk bantu PKS hadapi saingan Text
Kej. penggerudian lanjutan Text
Penyalakuan reserbor Text
No rise in price for now Text
High speed computation of muscle stress problem using Indexed Paper
Johor seeks more staff to patrol marine park Text
UTM to spearhead language seminar News Paper Cuttings
Specialist hospitals the future Text
Fluids mechanics 2 Exam Papers
Termodinamik Text
Finite element method Text
Hydroxyapatite-titania nanotube composite as a coating Indexed Paper
Informasi jalan raya UTM menggunakan Sistem MaklumatText
GIS based integrated planning assessment for sustainab Conference Papers
MEASAT-3a berjaya dilancarkan Text
Characteristic and performance of polyvinylidene fluorid Indexed Paper
Quake felt in Malaysia Text
Behaviour based safety on workplace Thesis
Enhanced feature selections of adaboost training for faceText
E-portfolio dalam pelaksanaan penyediaan bahan PBS men Conference Papers
Perak to relocate all remote villages News Paper Cuttings
Faktor-faktor kecacatan komponen menara telekomunikaThesis
More grads may remain in Ireland Text
Tindakan Maybank mesti dipertahankan Text
HIV/AIDS : odd-job workers top list Text
MAS umum program 5 tahun Text
Lady bosses Text
The influence of rainfall on the level of two-lane highwayThesis
Penggabungan Affin Bank, Affin-ACF berkuat kuasa hari inText
Breakdown strength and volume resistivity of polymer n Thesis
Biopenderian Text
KLIA transit dadah Text
Impact of akhlaq self-regulation and self-regulated lear Conference Papers
Pertahankan bahasa Melayu Text
Imigresen proses 1,000 visa sehari Text
Ulama pewaris nabi kena berani bongkar, tentang peny Text
Menteri Indonesia terima Ijazah Kehormat News Paper Cuttings
Asean sepatutnya berkongsi warisan Text
Government-campaign brand (1MALAYSIA) vs. manufacture Thesis
Kerajaan guna kuota Jun tambah bekalan diesel Text
Decision to be based on fluency in English Text
A crucial investigation of facial skin colour research tren Indexed Paper
PM : economy poised to experience strong growth Text
Cloud-based applications adoption model for universitiesThesis
Pengenalan kaunseling industri Text
IPTA perlu cari jalan elak masalah ketika pendaftaran Text
Being manic and depressive Text
January vehicle sales down 15% Text
System identification and control of the horizontal moti Thesis
Comparison molecular dynamic simulation studies of psycThesis
Wavelet-based digital modulation technique Conference Papers
Sistem meritokrasi kekal untuk IPTA Text
Konkrit agregat ringan menggunakan bebola plastik Thesis
Kenali usus anda Text
Jangkitan di kalangan wanita kian meningkat Text
Generalised interval-valued fuzzy ideals and filters in o Thesis
The effect of parameter setting on classification of dom Conference Papers
Ductile reinforced concrete beams for industrialised buil Thesis
e-Disiplin di semua sekolah menengah Text
CCTV di tempat awam, antara tiga langkah utama banterText
KPTM tawar 440 tempat baru Text
Performance of ground improvement by precompressionText a
Kajian mengenai masalah kontraktor yang menjalankan pText
Solar power vs fossil fuel Text
Simulated electroencephalography (EEG) source localiza Thesis
e-Learn : UKM perkenal 750 kaedah belajar bahasa inggerText
Mata wang alternatif elak musibah dolar AS Text
Pelajar, petugas UTM berbasikal News Paper Cuttings
Cabinet panel to look into ellegal workers Text
Insentif sekolah cemerlang Text
Safety improvement in steel plant Thesis
HK tax expert on recipe for success News Paper Cuttings
Fakulti Pengurusan Teknologi, Universiti Tun Hussein O Text
Entrepreneur ministry to spend big part of budget on ed Text
Kalkulus II Text
Hull form design from digitized lines plan drawing Thesis
Cadangan mansuh PTK langkah ke belakang Text
The effect of cement and water cement ratio on concreteConference Papers
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Pengguna alpa pertahankan hak Text
Properties of glass fiber reinforced self compacting concrThesis
EU, tiga IPT tempatan jalin kerjasama Text
Design and implementation of an OFDM transmitter usingText
Six-point plan for teachers Text
Springback deformation analysis of sheet metal L-BendinThesis
Urban stormwater management Exam Papers
A multiple inlet swirler for gas turbine combustors Non-Index Paper
Preparation and surface modification of activated carbo Thesis
Kanser nasofaringeal unik di Asia Text
Penyelesaian masalah nutrisi Text
Modern algebra Exam Papers
More Mara vocational centres for Kelantan News Paper Cuttings
Prioritise studies, riches later Text
Hybrid particle swarm optimization-constraint-based reasThesis
Kementerian tak campur program orientasi IPTA Text
Penyelesaian isu Sipadan, Ligitan jadi contoh kepada dunText
Satu dalam 4,000 bayi hidap penyakit jarang jumpa Text
PM : I work very hard Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Lebuh Farquhar George Town, PulText
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Computational based automated pipeline corrosion dataThesis
More checks to safeguard food Text
Comparison between bearing adjustment method and anThesis
Android application on solar observation computation Thesis
Dirichlet problem and non-uniquely solvable Riemann-HilConference Papers
Software engineering Exam Papers
An interview-based approach to elicit user interface desi Thesis
Variation order in lump sum contract Thesis
PPSMI berhasil : Hishammuddin Text
Evaluation of renewable energy potential in South East AsThesis
RM2.8b untuk petani Text
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Stesen angkasawan antarabangsa (ISS) Text
Programming in operational research Exam Papers
Pembukaan LPT hari ini dekatkan KL - Kuantan Text
UTM diberi kuasa autonomi penuh News Paper Cuttings
Frequency reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna Indexed Paper
Kereta tua 'sakit' mudah kemalangan Text
Proton perlu ketepi pertikaian peribadi Text
Basic electrical engineering Exam Papers perjelas peluang kerja News Paper Cuttings
Program pendidikan diselaras Text
Charting East Asia's milestones Text
Dadah RM1j dirampas Text
Pakar USM cipta tulang daripada batu karang Text
Modeling of landslide occurrence in the hilly areas of Bu Thesis
Laungan merdeka kekal di ingatan Text
Surface water treatment by custom-made mobile water Journal Article
The application of market appeal-robusticity matrix as a tText
PM tidak mahu pembodek Text
Semarakkan semangat sayangi bumi Text
Negative imaginary theorem with an application to robustJournal Article
Penyelidik UTM cipta enjin mesra alam Text
Reaching out to Orang Asli kids Text
Effect of rotation speed and pulling rate on physical propThesis
PM wants company to draw up a dynamic biz model Text
Mencapai keseimbangan Text
SMEs urged to be more creative to survive Text
Biasiswa bantu bangun modal insan Text
Punca-punca tunggakan cukai tanah bagi syarat jenis ba Text
Integrate appropriate approach for network security ass Thesis
Mandat tinjau Myanmar : Asean mahu Malaysia lihat us Text
UTM bantu usahawan tingkat pendapatan News Paper Cuttings
Chickens may have eaten infected organs Text
A battery charger using photovoltaic as a source Thesis
Response of fbg-bonded graphene plate at different appliJournal Article
Mekanisme khas kawal penjenayah warga asing Text
Offline signature verification based on improved extract Thesis
Application of electric charged tomography for imaging i Conference Papers
A conceptual model of the automated credibility assessmIndexed Paper
Kerangka alternatif di kalangan pelajar aliran sains ti Thesis
Basic audio and video in multimedia/ asas audio dan vi Exam Papers
PM : get youths to join Rakan Muda Text
Utama mesej bina negara : Rais Text
Multiple failures of API 5L X42 natural gas pipeline Indexed Paper
Perpustakaan cukai maya dilancarkan Text
Evaluation of vegetable oil as an alternative cutting lubr Conference Papers
Power system damping using GA based fuzzy controlled Conference Papers
Rekabentuk terperinci sistem perparitan bandar MaharanText
Pengguna perlu bijak tapis maklumat Text
Kerajaan tingkat pengeluaran makanan tempatan : AbdulText
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of developers in housThesis
Malaysia kemuka tujuh pelan tindakan capai sasaran beliText
Urusan agama kuasa mutlak Sultan Text
Suatu kaedah Runge-Kutta berperingkat empat dengan tiConference Papers
Tambang pergi - balik KLIA Express turun RM5 Text
MBJB arah sistem buang air kumbahan ditingkat Text
Corporate sector remains upbeat Text
Senibina termuka dan bersejarah di Johor (fulltext) Text
Kementerian tidak campur tangan isu kawalan harga proText
Rekabentuk peta tematik dengan perisian CorelDRAW Conference Papers
Dynamic spectrum access using cognitive radio utilizing Thesis
Malaysia's biotech bid hurt by brain drain Text
Estimation of vehicle-trip interchanges along the Kuala Text
Udara lembap punca jerebu Text
Meritokrasi usah jejas hak peribumi lonjak kemakmuran Text
An improved flexible DSP evaluation board for real time aThesis
Pangkalan data perbezaan genetik penduduk Asia Text
CAD & asic design Exam Papers
Unfulfilled promise Text
Generating energy from solid waste Text
Design of experiments Exam Papers
Development of energy saving apparatusin a metal casti Thesis
Profesionalisme dan keprofesionalan perguruan dalam koText
44% guna tali pinggang belakang selepas dikuat kuasa Text
UM terima geran penyelidikan RM1.022j Text
10,000 kes H1N1 disahkan di seluruh dunia Text
Petrol RON95 diperkenal Julai Text
Tambah peluang guru ambil PhD wajar : PIBGN Text
Peramalan (SCO4753) Text
Combining aquaculture and hydroponics Text
Survey shows most have two credit cards Text
4 cara ringankan beban rakyat Text
Engineering mechanics / applied mechanics Exam Papers
Strength of materials and structures Exam Papers
P for poor attitude of road users Text
Tidak semua India Muslim mahu status Melayu Text
Penambahbaikan sistem penyampaian awam : kecemerlan Text
Ibu dituduh bunuh anak : kes budak perempuan dua tahuText
On the characteristics of positive lightning ground flash Indexed Paper
Pengoptimumkan penggunaan mesin mata alat bagi pengh Thesis
Analisis ke atas prestasi kamera digital kompak untuk aplText
Doctors welcome move to bring in private clinics Text
Foreigners to help raise varsity standards Text
Flexural behavior of steel reinforced brick beam utilizing Indexed Paper
Introduction to Finance (Pengenalan Kewangan) Exam Papers
BNM sedia tambah lesen perbankan Islam Text
Removal of iron contaminant from Sabah montmorillonite Conference Papers
Introduction to operations management Exam Papers
Fast-food ads banned from kidsÆ shows Text
Rizab Bank Negara meningkat kepada RM139.7b Text
Dunia tanpa buku Text
K-means algorithm via preprocessing technique and singuThesis
Kaedah saintifik jayakan sukan negara : Najib Text
Retailers to hire 1,000 jobless grads Text
Syor Keng Yaik dibantah : NGO terkejut isu agama digunaText
2008 polls the best ever, says panel chief Text
Fizik Berkomputer Exam Papers
Cost estimating Exam Papers
Syed Abdillah Ahmad Al-Jufri (2003) dan Tafsir Pelita al- Non-Index Paper
RM25.5j kawal thalassaemia Text
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Kongsi gelap lindung sindiket VCD cetak rompak Text
Passive sampling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in JIndexed Paper
Salasilah Temenggung Johor: satu penilaian Journal Article
Penganggaran kadar hakisan tanah menggunakan sistem Thesis
Syarat baru bagi doktor swasta Text
Thumbs up for 1Malaysia clinic Text
Lebih baik beri jarum perangi kesan HIV Text
Complex variables Exam Papers
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Block P02 & P06 - Fakulti KejPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Tan Sri Yusoff Hj Ibrahim : Pengerusi Majlis UTM & Ahli Text
Mengkaji keberkesanan penggunaan penapis biologi dalam Thesis
Celik al-Quran jadi syarat penting tarbiah anak Text
Terrorised at school, girl attempts suicide Text
Business activities in new townships in rural areas of penText
How to help your kids enjoy reading Text
Sistem hidraulik dan pneumatik Text
Sains Pertanian diperkukuh Text
3 inisiatif stabil harga barang langkah bijak Text
Industrial hygiene Exam Papers
Chua : dengue cases declining Text
Testing in teaching and guidance Exam Papers
Simultaneous computation of model order and parameter Indexed
e Paper
Balloon networked control system Thesis
Human resource development climate in the ministry of Thesis
Voltage profile improvement in transmission line using faThesis
Linear algebra Text
Configuration of synthetic mooring for two side by side Thesis
85 peratus bekerja selepas enam bulan tamat pengajian News Paper Cuttings
Keberkesanan flum genting sebagai struktur pengukur kad Text
Kegagalan FTA boleh jejas jalinan ekonomi Text
Modification and swelling kinetic study of kappa-carrage Indexed Paper
78 maut akibat denggi sejak Januari Text
Basic sains polimer Exam Papers
Gas sensor based on carbon black polymer composite forThesis
Task force to cut red tape Text
Loving them despite AIDS tag Text
Perluas semangat pulihara biologi Text
eri perhatian serius terhadap laporan audit : PM Text
Effect of latex concentrate on strengths and drying shrin Conference Papers
Effect of strain rate on indentation behaviour of kenaf-b Conference Papers
Ming dynasty porcelain found Text
Drag coefficient for spinning cylinder Text
Politeknik sebagai institusi pilihan Text
Tindakan tegas jika guna perisian palsu Text
Rekabentuk struktur Text
YAM perkenal skim sawit di Aceh Text
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Text
What's the value of your A? Text
The impact of non-audit services provided towards audi Thesis
The role of lipids in improving the encapsulation of ficus Thesis
Kesediaan pelajar Diploma Pendidikan Lepasan Ijazah ( Thesis
Pelajar universiti mesti fahami matlamat dibenar sertai poNews Paper Cuttings
Pekerja asing melebihi masyarakat India Text
Comparation of spiny lobster (panulirus sp.) populations Journal Article
Environmental quality analysis Exam Papers
Police to increase number of women officers to 15 pc Text
A mode-locked soliton erbium-doped fiber laser with a s Indexed Paper
Peruntukan RM160 juta bangun sukan di sekolah Text
Measat-3 to be a money-spinner Text
Aniaya pengguna : profesor Text
The effects of work overload on the employees’ perfor Non-Index Paper
7 faktor layak masuk sekolah antarabangsa Text
Pengaruh elemen servicescapes terhadap kepuasan pela Thesis
Help make nation drug-free by 2015 Text
Land information system / sistem maklumat ukur Text
`Jangan cemar istilah berkaitan Islam' News Paper Cuttings
UM, Queen's university jalin kerjasama Text
Ultrasound A-scanning time measurement using FPGA Thesis
EEG electrode localization for reading-writing neuropath Journal Article
Electric circuit Exam Papers
Watts up, doc? : your electricity bill, that's what Text
Awareness key to fighting H1NI Text
Penawaran kursus di IPT abai kehendak pasaran Text
Laporan Prestasi PKS 2002/Januari-Jun 2003: Skim kredit Text
Monitoring land subsidence due to excessive groundwater Thesis
Sm3+:Ag NPs assisted modification in absorption featuresIndexed Paper
Assessment of CpTi surface properties after nitrogen ion Non-Index Paper
Pengiktirafan UTM sebagai universiti penyelidikan tepat Text
Universiti jadi industri Text
Perak pengeluar program animasi terbesar dunia Text
Kejuruteraan olahan air dan air sisa Text
ATM meterai 14 kontrak bernilai RM1.129 bilion Text
Muhyiddin syor pencipta daftar awal harta intelek Text
Factors influencing companies to be public listed companThesis
Cyber crooks : falling prey to online fraud Text
Opening up Dubai for Malaysian products Text
Proton perlu rakan kongsi Text
Generation of homogeneous glow discharge using a combi Thesis
Getting a bigger slice of the clinical trials sector Text
Malaysia, Singapore on talking terms, thanks to Abdullahà Text
Miti pertingkat promosi bantu usahawan wanita Text
Project to assess fair fares Text
Dr. Mohamed Salleh Naib Canselor baru UKM Text
Kuktem : sasar pengangguran sifar Text
Simulation of space charge in electric double layer capaciThesis
Use of neural network for modeling of liquid-liquid extr Text
Peruntukan program pertanian desa diteliti Text
Planting woods of the future News Paper Cuttings
Galakan dan pembelaan Text
Non-contact detection of magnetic flux leakage on steel Text
Physiologyand introduction to medicine Exam Papers
Kuala Terengganu jadi bandar raya 1 Januari 2008 Text
Pengurusan inovasi sekolah melalui penggunaan pengetaThesis
Performance of horizontal soil hook system in sand Thesis
Manfaatkan pasaran halal : Abdullah Text
Duta jamin hubungan AS, Malaysia kekal Text
Malaysia tidak perlu sertai Inisiatif Keselamatan Penular News Paper Cuttings
Decision on medium for teaching Science and Maths afterText
Pekerja bawahan tuntut gaji minimum RM900 Text
A smart arrhythmia classification system based on wavel Thesis
Keupayaan pertahan kenaikan kemasukan FDI: Malaysia 1Text
Malacca and Penang should make joint bid for living heritText
Terrestrial gamma radiation dose rates and radiological Indexed Paper
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
34.07 kilogram heroin bernilai RM4.4j dirampas Text
Collision leaves child orphaned, in coma Text
River-cleaning efforts in vain News Paper Cuttings
Kaedah psikologi perkukuh disiplin di sekolah Text
Invest long-term in Asean, says Najib Text
Penggunaan sistem pembinaan berindustri (IBS) dalam inThesis
Jangan cuba naikkan harga barangan Text
Program bantu suami tertekan Text
Pengurusan binaan Text
PM rasmi mercu tanda terbaru di KL Text
Quaternion based 3D baby phantom reconstruction usingThesis
Development of ultrasonic tomography for composition det Text
Kerjasama dengan MDeC bangunkan sektor pertanian Text
Produk mewah tarik pelancong ke Malaysia Text
Jualan kenderaan dijangka tidak meningkat Text
KL tubuh sekretariat dinar emas Text
A novel image authentication and rightful ownership de Thesis
One in 10 rapists is below 18 Text
PD mudah selenggara Text
Variability of rice yield with respect to crop health Journal Article
Jambatan simbol persahabatan Text
Focus on human capital Text
Kecelaruan gender musnah institusi keluarga Text
Kerajaan tak tapis internet Text
Penyeliaan operasi III Text
ACA steps up probes Text
Topeng penutup mulut lindung daripada H1N1 Text
Real estate development law Exam Papers
Institut Gerontologi : pertama di Asia Tenggara Text
IKS digesa teroka peluang pelaburan Asia Text
Pemilik bangunan berisiko perlu dapatkan sijil perakuan Text
Mahasiswa pencipta kerjaya Text
WPI perlu dibangunkan mengikut pengalaman Text
Warga Arab Saudi dahului senarai penerima darjah Seri News Paper Cuttings
Guru contoh terbaik kepada masyarakat Text
Mikropengawal Text
Numerical study on the structural performance of steel Indexed Paper
Kementerian kesan punca ikan bawal, udang kurang Text
Hoping for softer Indonesian stance Text
Analytical threshold voltage model of nanoscale biaxial uConference Papers
Statistik II Text
PM : talk less, listen more Text
UTM juara Debat Kemerdekaan Antara Universiti Text
An Experience of ageing on XLPE insulation Journal Article
Varsity set to help Penang realise biotech dream Text
Computer aided estimation of fugitive emission rates andIndexed Paper
China to help start integrated hospitals Text
Tindak balas kimia punca kebocoran gas Text
Penangan blog Text
Sepuluh pedoman, panduan layari alam perkahwinan Text
Geoteknik II Text
New suspected bird flu cases Text
UTeM sasar terajui bidang inovasi Text
Artificial neutral network application in forecasting housiThesis
Berusaha untuk mencapai standard kualiti paling tinggi, Text
Kolej SEGI ikhtiar penuhi keperluan global jururawat bertText
Queen launches country's second submarine Text
Tambang bas sekolah naik Text
Penemuan tatasuria mini yang baru Text
Pembiayaan untuk PKS berkembang 8.6 peratus Text
Tidak perlu mekanisme baru tangani pekerja bermasalah Text
The valuation of biological assets for the purpose of finanThesis
Nilai semula pemberian lesen dua stesen minyak Text
Peranan matrikulasi untuk perpaduan Text
Bad English better than none Text
Nicol, Liu Xiang pilihan Asia Text
KDNK 2007 Malaysia sekitar enam peratus : Zeti Text
Bayaran yang dikenakan ke atas pembangunan tanah ba Thesis
Assessing the suburban sustainability using spatial indicaThesis
Roads to get star ratings for safety Text
Majority neglect retirement plans Text
Time management strategies Text
Semi-jaringan polimer saling menusuk (Semi-IPN) berasask Text
Recent advances of feed-in tariff in Malaysia Indexed Paper
UTeM hasilkan peti simpanan pintar Text
Akta Hubungan Kaum disambut baik Text
PNB rancang dana tertutup RM3 bilion Text
Mechanics of L-bending process for dual phase steel sheeThesis
Lulusan STAM layak ke IPTA Text
Penjelmaan box-cox dan penggunaannya dalam analisis frText
Guna hadis palsu pinggir peranan wanita Text
Minyak turun 10 sen lagi Text
Masalah guru diatasi segera Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
PM : no more outage Text
Rampasan heroin terbesar di Hulu Yam bernilai RM18j Text
Masa depan selatan Thai di bawah Abhisit Text
Design and analysis of hollow rotor left venticular assist Thesis
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Fakulti Sains Komputer & S Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
The effect of blending sulfonated poly (Ether ether ke Indexed Paper
Bahasa Perancis Text
How youths view technology Text
IPTS Bumiputera semakin tersepit Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Elak pertindihan bidang khusus Text
Mekanik penerbangan Text
Tahap kesedaran pelajar tahun 4 Fakulti Pendidikan UnivConference Papers
Didik anak hargai nikmat kehidupan Text
Crystal structure of bis(acetophenone 4-benzoylthiosemicIndexed Paper
Process control and dynamics Exam Papers
Aditif polimer & adunan Text
Konvensyen Melayu Melaka sedia dasar lahir usahawan Text
Analysis of NRP and NPD performance for dynamic sourceConference Papers
KWSP lindungi pencarum Text
Jadikan pendidikan agenda penting Text
A study on tensile properties of a novel fibre metal laminThesis
JKP ditubuh banteras rasuah Text
Rekabentuk struktur I Text
Study on solid waste generation at UTM Skudai and its poThesis
Dakwah bukan tugas ustaz sahaja Text
Celik minda dan celik hati Text
880 projek RMK-9 ditender Text
Malaysia 15 terbaik destinasi pelaburan pilihan Text
UTM penerima pertama Anugerah Harta Intelek : bukti keText
UPM, UNAIR meterai MoU Text
UTM cipta selulosa mikrob daripada sisa pertanian News Paper Cuttings
Pelihara hutan kita : TPM Text
Malaysians too can excel in sailing Text
Frequency reconfigurable metamaterial resonant antennThesis
MPOB sedia hala tuju jadi hub sawit dunia Text
Yazdaan gets good grades in class and love News Paper Cuttings
Sistem maklumat undang-undang binaan (abstrak) Text
Automated load testing on a web-based application Thesis
Corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel type AI Thesis
Petronas terus bina telaga minyak baru Text
Sugarcane Bagasse based activated carbon with hydratedThesis
Ilmu terhad jika tidak dalami bahasa Inggeris : Dr. M Text
Ketua eksekutif perlu laksana 3 perubahan Text
Tradisi ucapan, bermaafan semarak kelestarian Syawal Text
Trends and issues in E-communities Exam Papers
Positive and negative Rhesus Text
Ensurin quality service : Sarawak dept conducts surveys at
Sensor application in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs)Indexed Paper
Theoretical modeling of efficient charge transport material
10 die in road horror Text
Economic comparison of industrialized building system a Indexed Paper
Warga asing mudah masuk Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Nor Mohamed : cukai korporat jangka turun Text
Fat livers Text
UTM perkenal kursus persediaan News Paper Cuttings
UPM raih 4 emas di EUREKA Text
A survey paper on privacy issue in cloud computing Indexed Paper
USM plans Gender Sensitivity programmes Text
Analyzing the scope of integrating electronic medical r Journal Article
3-D reconstruction of coastal bathymetry from AIRSAR/ Conference Papers
Relevance feedback of tourism content based image retrie Conference Papers
War on VCD pirates extended to Aug 31 Text
An optimized second order stochastic learning algorithm Indexed Paper
Penggunaan gentian asli dalam komposit polimer Text
Comparing chebyshev polynomials and adomian decomposit Thesis
Preparation and characterization of ternary blend polymeThesis
Hydraulics Exam Papers
Redesign of an assembly line through line balancing and Thesis
Domestic possessions and space adequacy in urban hom Non-Index Paper
PLKN lebih utama pendidikan agama, ilmu Text
The synergistic combination of particle swarm optimization
Indexed Paper
Tuntutan wuduk secara sempurna membolehkan solat p Text
27 maktab naik taraf institut pendidikan Text
Wireless local area network system employing free spaceConference Papers
Electronics II Exam Papers
ECER rangsang sektor pertanian Text
How trustworthy are varsity rankings? Text
Segmented excitation for electrical capacitance tomogra Thesis
Hydrology Exam Papers
Agen taakulan berasaskan kes (CBR) untuk prototaip pe Text
The effect of pressure changes on gravel pack permeabiliThesis
Penyelidik IPTA dapat skim insentif sukan Text
Teori medan elektromagnet II Text
Kerana IS Rusia dan NATO berbalah News Paper Cuttings
Two UTM students get show-cause letter Text
A kinetic study of enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm bioma Journal Article
Partnership and company law Exam Papers
Projek RMK-9 hanya cukup untuk 20,000 kontraktor Text
Claims for additional preliminaries costs due to project p Thesis
Denggi di tahap kritikal : 27,569 kes dicatat di seluruh Text
Optimization of processing parameters for curcuma xanthor Conference Papers
Pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap guru-guru disiplin d Thesis
Program kebanggaan negara Text
Student attendance system using mobile phone (BluetenThesis
Pattern-based system to detect the adverse drug effect sIndexed Paper
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Knowledge not enough to change sexual behaviours Text
Pengurusan sisa industri dan berbahaya Text
Construction management information system Exam Papers
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Komputer boleh gemukkan kanak-kanak Text
Pelan induk pembangunan Aceh siap tiga minggu lagi Text
Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl alcohol/st Indexed Paper
2006 batch last to study maths and science in BM Text
Weighted aspect moment invariant in pattern Conference Papers
No let-up in fight against corruption, says Abdullah Text
Belia perlu tokoh kemahiran News Paper Cuttings
Revolusi IMRT mensasar kanser Text
Malaysia 2 wins yacht race Text
Ultrasound image quality improvement Thesis
Diploma kesetiausahaan & pentadbiran terus jadi pilihanText
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Two wheel balancing robot Thesis
Walk the talk, private sector doctors told Text
Kemahiran Employability pelajar lulusan Sijil Kemahiran M Thesis
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
Branding management Exam Papers
Gas explosion characteristics in confined straight and 90 Thesis
Boost for discount call operators Text
Darah tinggi : ambil serius! Text
Govt to initiate moves to attract more FDIs Text
7,000 wanita mati setahun angkara bekas pasangan Text
Determine optimum mix ratio of compressed concrete usiThesis
Hidup damai jika pegang prinsip Rukun Negara Text
Programming Exam Papers
Elektronik kuasa Text
Different failure modes assessment to improve the sandwJournal Article
On high alert for avian flu Text
Cukup menyakitkan, luahan Allahyarham Endon ketika jalText
Senaman, diet sesuai kaedah terbaik kekal cergas Text
Kesan saiz, jenis dan bentuk batu baur terhadap sifat konText
Ekspedisi promosi biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Kerjasama dengan Roscosmos diterus Text
Sastera Malaysia dan kejayaan J.K Rowling Text
UM perlu tindakan berkesan pulih imej Text
UTM pastikan bekalan elektrik stabil Text
The modelling of corrective surface for GPS height converThesis
Teori litar Text
Timur Johor hub kejuruteraan laut Text
WHO warns Malaysia on the threshold of an epidemic Text
IPTA ikut unjuran keperluan Text
Meruntuh tembok konflik Barat dan Islam Text
Kakitangan mahu sistem penyampaian awam ditingkatkaText
Analisis nyata Text
Sports biomechanics Exam Papers
RM70 juta dilulus baiki tanah runtuh Text
Thermal distribution in annulus with nanofluid Thesis
Pengalaman 5 tahun syarat jadi pensyarah UiTM Text
Rekabentuk dan keselamatan loji Text
Nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete tConference Papers
Pemahaman guru tentang konsep asas Ilmu Qiraat, Qira Non-Index Paper
Teruskan usaha banteras dadah Text
Schedulling analysis of an autonomous mobile robot sys Conference Papers
Memulih cara Pen Green Text
Kerangka pengajaran amali kursus teknologi elektronik diThesis
PM berdialog penggunaan dinar emas Text
Perjumpaan aktivis hak wanita Text
Multi-criteria collaborative filtering with high accuracy Indexed Paper
Stroke strikes 110 Malaysians each day Text
Tunggakkan sewa perumahan awam kos rendah (PAKR) diThesis Ne
Design of reusable wind condenser in electricity generatiThesis
An implementation of rough set in optimizing mobile we Conference Papers
Penyerapan karbon perlu dipertingkat Text
Pak Lah : keep project costs within budget Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan kenaikan pangkat staf akademText
The New American Dream, our K-Economy Text
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Jawatankuasa khas atasi kebakaran hutan diwujud Text
Imbangan jisim Text
Lantikan pegawai kanan universiti bermula dengan TNC Text
Static stability of a compound wing configuration in grou Indexed Paper
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan Text
First step is a change in education policies Text
Analisis radiokimia Text
Harga beras dunia dijangka turun lagi Text
Sex affair just to spite parents Text
Treating colon cancer Text
Kereta nasional akan terus diberi perlindungan Text
Penyelidikan UMP ke peringkat antarabangsa Text
Standardising procedure in fuzzy time series forecasting Thesis
Penyelidik digalak tingkat kajian di Taman Negara Text
Ad hoc policies causing problems Text
Najib urges banks not to withdraw loan, overdraft faciliti Text
Catat sejarah baru : guna pemetaan secara digital News Paper Cuttings
Undang-undang khusus atasi kelemahan LRT News Paper Cuttings
PM gembira ekonomi negara naik 8% suku kedua tahun iText
UTMSpace komited beri perkhidmatan terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Super resolution for surveillance application (Preview) Text
Assessing the content validity of hospital disaster resil Journal Article
Sustainable planning and development Text
Aktiviti bidang bioteknologi perlu dipertingkat News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of failure due to fatigue of wire ropes for elevat Text
Investigate the effects of imputation methods for model Thesis
Business mathematics Exam Papers
Monitoring spatial and temporal variation of ocean produThesis
OUM tuan rumah persidangan tahunan Ke-21 AAOU Text
Schools 'misread guidelines on fees' Text
Pantau anak elak terjerat sindiket dadah Text
Penduduk kesal, marah Text
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Ilmu matematik mampu tingkat produk pertanian Text
Kajian terhadap kelongsong penyambung grout dengan gThesis
A novel approach of intelligent load scheduling in smart Journal Article
Some groundwater problems associated with anchored shee Text
Middle East investors show keen interest Text
Golongan muda diharap peka nasib Melayu Text
Guna telefon bimbit untuk beli air tin Text
Sistem akaun belum terima bersepadu Pejabat BendahariText
90-day maternity leave for Selangor civil servants Text
Kementerian wujud dana bangun koperasi Text
Structural and magnetic properties of aluminium-copper Thesis
Engineering Mathematics I Exam Papers
Jarum, kondom percuma elak 90,000 kes baru HIV Text
Penan kids hit by HFM Text
Akta baru pertingkat keberkesanan Bank Negara Text
What the new seats promise Text
Maintainability design criteria and ease of building main Thesis
Effect of solidification rate and heat treatments on Ai65 Thesis
Sistem semester perlu dikaji semula Text
Sektor pertanian lonjakkan taraf hidup petani Text
Varsities identify 599 academics Text
JAS tubuh skuad risik Text
Amanah Saham : suatu kemenangan Text
Several companies offering employees 75% of monthly pText
Pergi meninggalkan legasi Text
ASEAN must get its own house in order Text
Voltage level control in weak distribution networks with Journal Article
Preparation of activated carbon from oil palm empty fru Thesis
Online discussion behavior within collaborative learning Journal Article
Pembelajaran maya Text
Majukan Kampung Seletar sebagai produk pelancongan Text
Unit khas basmi rasuah Text
Zaini tidak gunakan perkataan 'hampas' News Paper Cuttings
UMP get nod to commercialise products Text
Centre to make SARS vaccine Text
Penurunan harga rokok beri kesan pada tabiat merokok :Text
Usahawan Melayu perlu ubah sikap Text
Empat penyelidik UTM cipta pengesan Phenol News Paper Cuttings
Strength improvement of sand treated by biocementatioJournal Article
Deklarasi KL evolusi semula jadi Text
Optimization of water permeability of "green" non-wovenIndexed Paper
Sekat sebar agama lain kepada umat Islam : PM Text
Optical transitions in Dy3+-doped magnesium zinc sulfopIndexed Paper
Proportional integral sliding mode control of hydraulic r Conference Papers
Catalytic cracking palm oil gasoline using zeolite catalystsText
SPR umum hasil siasatan Selasa Text
Mewajarkan penyelidikan pengklonan manusia Text
Kerajaan jamin keselamatan pelancong asing lawat Saba Text
Controlling the degradation kinetics of porous iron by poly Indexed Paper
GLC patut utamakan produk teknologi tempatan Text
Wajah baru Masjid Negara Text
The Design of learning material for poor comprehenders:Journal Article
Sedikit bumiputera ceburi sektor pengilangan Text
Menanti Olimpik 2008 Text
Only 200 nurses have degrees Text
Prestasi lenturan rasuk konkrit bertetulang diperkuat ke Text
Prediction model for degeneration behaviour of mitral vaThesis
Knowledge managemant Exam Papers
Parents of 18 to be charged Text
Cloud-based augmented reality on interactive digital medThesis
Development of educational graphical interfaces for rad Thesis
Numerical modeling of phase transformation during grin Journal Article
Dividen RM207j untuk 87,000 peserta Felcra Text
Review on housing criteria Text
The application of nanoparticles at high pressure and h Thesis
Exploring the open problems and future trends concerni Indexed Paper
Kajian keatas faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunText
Social psychology Exam Papers
PM, Hsien Loong to work towards closer ties Text
Valuation mathematics/ Maetmatik penilaian Exam Papers
Suspend futures trading in oil, suggests Abdullah Text
Building plans yet to be submitted Text
Malaysian team wins award at Intel fair Text
Behavior of eccentrically loaded plain and steel fiber rei Journal Article
Examination Papers - Faculty of Management
Storan dan rekabentuk pengagihan gas Text
Don: recognise woman talent News Paper Cuttings
SKM bawa koperasi taraf global Text
MPOB, Petronas kaji keluar bahan bakar dari sawit Text
Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber refractive index sens Indexed Paper
Toward the design of GIS-based routing system Non-Index Paper
Pemodelan data indeks komposit Kuala Lumpur menggunText
Minister's no-penalty assurance Text
KLIUC berfokus Text
Ketua Jabatan diberi hingga Jun selesai kes salah laku ka Text
East Asia Link-up Text
System software Exam Papers
Tentukan keutamaan dalam pelan perbelanjaan Text
Ilmu selamatkan kaum Penan Text
Kuota jemaah kita ditambah 1,300 Text
Amalan agensi harta tanah Exam Papers
An overview of environmental sciences and engineering Conference Papers
Remote sensing gelombang mikro 11 microwave remote Exam s Papers
Bawa kamus dalam peperiksaan Text
Sejarah & teori senibina Text
Ketibaan pelancong 2006 atasi sasaran 17.5j Text
Ignorance drives some women to illegal abortions Text
Strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif atas talian untuk pe Conference Papers
E-Marketing Exam Papers
Ge nanoislands grown by radio frequency magnetron sputt Indexed Paper
KL-Jakarta ulangi janji elak ketegangan Text
Jambatan baru boleh atasi pencemaran Text
Saving early holds key to security Text
Profesional elak cukai RM500j akan diburu Text
Underground quarrying method being considered Text
Rakyat kena hargai sumber air : PM Text
Zeolitic imidazole framework 8 decorated graphene ox Journal Article
Mechanical properties and morphology of compatibilize Thesis
Procedure for deformation detection using visual metrol Conference Papers
Unit trust industry seen maintaining 13% growth Text
Irresponsible lot, says PTPTN chief Text
Malam puisi riong galak pelajar sains deklamasi puisi Text
Daily wind speed forecasting through hybrid AR-ANN an Indexed Paper
The influence of workplace isolation on the relationship Thesis
Perhitungan ukur Text
Enhancement of functional ceramic coating performanceIndexed Paper
Comparative performance testing of SOA wavelength conve Indexed Paper
Register abandoned children via Welfare Dept Text
Mesin ATM operasi 24 jam dalam kawasan balai polis Text
Lanscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Using CSI to combat wildlife criminals : DNA fingerprints Text
Tiga strategi untuk raih kejayaan cemerlang Text
367 penagih dadah dikesan tahun ini penagih baru Text
Architectural theory Exam Papers
Pusat bio Felda biak 3 juta benih sawit Text
Architect critical challenges as a project manager in constIndexed Paper
Road material and evaluation Exam Papers
PKMM sedia kertas cadangan bantu kontraktor Text
A study of multi dimensional variable analysis for knowl Conference Papers
Kemajuan ICT pupuk budaya siber Text
Proficiency skills in english Text
Service quality optimisation scheme of mobile video stre Thesis
16 kakitangan UTM kutip ilmu, pengalaman di China News Paper Cuttings
Kerjasama MITI, Proton bangunkan vendor automotif Text
Sakit buah pinggang kronik boleh ditangani jika dikesan Text
Enhanced collision avoidance mechanisms for wireless seThesis
Satelit RazakSat, aset strategik negara News Paper Cuttings
Manuskrip Melayu selit pelbagai unsur kemajuan Text
A natural query language for deductive databases : an invText
More people facing respiratory problems Text
The relationship of internal communication and productivit Thesis
Pengurusan sumber air bersepadu Text
The futureÆs driving force Text
RM3.5 juta tingkat kemahiran IT ATM Text
Economic growth hinges on co-operation Text
Critical and creative thinking Exam Papers
Modified desilicated natural zeolite as catalyst in KnoeveConference Papers
Pustakawan penyelidik penting News Paper Cuttings
9 Melayu antara 40 terkaya di Malaysia Text
Transformation of local environment of titanium surface Cs onference Papers
Mathematics education at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Text
Multi-level street lighting Thesis
E-syariah atasi kelewatan selesai kes Text
Pengajaran BI dalam sains, matematik tetap dilaksana 20Text
Kaedah penyelidikan dalam psikologi Exam Papers
Skim Simpanan Pendidikan : PTPTN sasar RM19 juta Text
Estimation of forest timber volume using hybrid model f Thesis
Decision support system classification and its applicationJournal Article
University goes eco-friendly Text
Promosi bahasa Melayu melalui Internet Text
Modeling and proportional integral sliding mode control Conference Papers
Public transport : private sector may help Text
Putting the brakes on speeding bus drivers Text
Pensyarah ditahan mohon sertai Palapes Text
Formal language theory and DNA (Preview) Text
Compulsory urine test for medic trainees Text
Comparison of different software architectures for data iNon-Index Paper
Enhancement of bee algorithm by integrating chaotic andThesis
Eric Chia's trial begins Text
Influence of organic wax on bitumen characteristics Non-Index Paper
Experimental study of blockage in pipe Thesis
A study on the factors influencing domestic air cargo de Text
RM150j naik taraf bekalan air di Felda Text
Thermal radiation effect on hydromagnetic flow of dusty Journal
f Article
Investigation on two-phase flow frictional pressure drop Thesis
Kebisingan dan getaran Text
Conversion of methane to gasoline range hydrocarbons ov Conference Papers
Dua menteri gugur, dua berundur Text
Development of wireless multimedia sensor network on Thesis
11,000 pembantu guru diperlukan Text
Lawful forums Text
Rape : risk from biological relatives Text
Maintenance management system for building services Thesis
Memperkasa integriti mahasiswa Text
Graduan perlu jadi modal insan berkualiti Text
UKM seeks easing of police intake conditions Text
Konsep takwa dalam Al-Quran dan aplikasinya di kalangaThesis
46 warga UTM sertai Program Khidmat Masyarakat di K News Paper Cuttings
Seeking funding for disease research Text
Pembaharuan Kabinet meyakinkan Text
AS mahu Hizbullah henti ancam Israel Text
Menyusuri sejarah panjang pemindahan organ Text
Perinci garis panduan pakaian pekerja hotel Text
Projek penggunaan hematit tempatan sebagai bahan pe Conference Papers
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Principles of valuation Exam Papers
Park and recreation planning Exam Papers
Construction technology II Exam Papers
UKM raih kejayaan besar di Geneva Text
Kimia bahan Text
Design and control of a wheel system for floor cleaning aThesis
NKVE stretch to re-open next month Text
Say no to gifts, government staff told Text
Band-notched reconfigurable CPW-fed UWB antenna Indexed Paper
Design of carbon dioxide absorption from polluted city aiThesis
GIS as a tool for development planning and monitoring Conference Papers
Majlis perniagaan Malaysia, Singapura diaktifkan semula Text
Eclipse thrills stargazers Text
Development of calorie calculators for weight managem Thesis
Ontarget : tingkat tahap rawatan kardiovaskular Text
Malaysia welcomes all tourists, says Lim Text
One-year internship mooted for undergrads Text
Gone : first the logs, then the rotan Text
Computer programming for design of reinforced concret Thesis
Simulation of prevaporation separation of isopropanol-wa Thesis
A review of machine learning methods to predict the soluIndexed Paper
Tujuh tingkat neraka sedia hukuman setimpal kesalahan Text
Hop-based dynamic adressing routing protocol for large Thesis
Graphic warnings for smokers from June Text
Investigation of workpiece positioning methods for machiIndexed Paper
Gas separation performance of polyethersulfone/multi Indexed Paper
Globalisasi pecahkan dinding status quo bahasa Melayu Text
UTeM hasilkan plat kalis peluru campuran sabut kelapa Text
Telcos help sought on SMS disaster alerts Text
Composite kernels for support vector classification of hy Conference Papers
USM jalin kerjasama keluar pesawat UAV Text
UTM perkenal tiga model rumah News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa Melayu : UPSI akan bekerjasama dengan universitText
KDNK Malaysia naik 3.8 peratus Text
Syor tetap tempoh jawatan Text
CIDB rancang lesen guna sistem mata Text
Teknologi penderia & pembelajaran mesin Text
Overmodulation and field weakening in direct torque cont Conference Papers
Meta-analysis on element of cognitive conflict strategie Indexed Paper
Peranan pengetua dalam melaksanakan organisasi pembel Thesis
Perkasakan bahasa Melayu Text
Investigation of excitation coils configuration and partic Thesis
108 kes serangan lanun sepanjang 2002 Text
Business mathematics / matematik perniagaan Text
Dunia tanpa Islam hanya ilusi Barat Text
2,000 pelajar matrikulasi PNGK catat 3.5 ke atas Text
Terlelap bawa musibah : JKJR Text
Performance of tropical green roof plants based on chemiThesis
Automatic flash flood alerting system Thesis
Perspektif berbeza kenaikan gaji awam Text
Development of a DSP-based fuzzy PI controller for an onConference Papers
Growing demand for kenaf Text
Parti politik perlu bersatu perangi mat rempit Text
Sifat batuan dan bendalir reservoir Text
Fabrication of nanopores utilizing SiC/Si(001) heteroepit Conference Papers
Innovation management Text
Three dimensional modelling of heritage building using laThesis
Setuju teroka insurans, sistem perbankan Islam Text
The impact of organizational learning and innovation on Thesis
Fiber drop point design for fiber-to-the-home applicationThesis
Sistem sekolah antara faktor BI lemah Text
Japan must tackle structural reforms Text
Jururawat : penyertaan lelaki positif Text
Survey on employers commitment towards OSH and its im Conference Papers
Kepelbagaian wajah Ramadan Text
Poverty rate reduced to 5% from 49.3% in 1970, says On Text
Johor wujudkan pusat beli rumah Text
Lack of interest in engineering News Paper Cuttings
Proses pemesinan moden Text
Kajian terperinci cabar fakta sejarah Text
Berjudi boleh menyebabkan insan hidup miskin, papa ke Text
Women's perception on the preferences of house designThesis
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Design of receiver to drive magnetic field from the lightniThesis
Sistem pembelajaran matematik secara e-learning bagi pela Thesis
Pengenalan kepada teori kebarangkalian Text
9,000 doktor nikmati kenaikan elaun hingga 400 peratus Text
Vibration analysis on surface mount technology (SMT) m Thesis
Kamiran Feynman dan sistem terkamir lengkap: kerangkaNon-Index Paper
The schur multiplier of pairs of nonabelian groups of ord Indexed Paper
Forecasting revenue passenger enplanements using waveThesis
Muhyiddin tumpu usaha perkasa, luas bidang PKS Text
Getting to know China via education Text
UTM hit by virus attacks Text
Polls countdown begins Text
Mode of GPS Positioning Conference Papers
8,288 peminjam JPA disenarai hitam Text
Sistem meritokrasi diputus hari ini Text
Pengesahan formula Hankinson untuk kayu tempatan : k Text
Pengurusan projek dan pembinaan Text
Harga buku punca malas membaca Text
Jakarta selamat dilawati Text
Measuring service quality of IP data over UMTS network Text
Reinforced concrete durability study in various exposure Thesis
Kemudahan bangunan I Text
Undang-undang bela nasib pengguna Text
Maintainability factors for robust maintainance integrateConference Papers
Nuklear sumber tenaga alternatif paling tepat Text
The influence of International students mobility progra Conference Papers
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Thermomechanical behavior of bulk NiTi shape-memory-a Indexed Paper
5 most endangered species in Malaysia Text
Fluid mechanics 2 / mekanik bendalir 2 Text
Allowing varsities to soar Text
PM quietly takes public transport to experience commut Text
Tourism Malaysia expects higher budget allocation Text
Caruman KWSP dikurang 3% Jan. Text
We are affected, say small and medium industries Text
UM in RM4.5m IT project Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya Text
Sistem pemilihan penyelia pelajar pascasiswazah penyel Thesis
A proposed critical factor for effective implementation Conference Papers
Giving up land traitorous act Text
More fun in the classroom Text
Aplikasi telefon mudah alih android outdoor planner Thesis
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Decolourisation of Amaranth azo dye by bacterial consorConference Papers
Pembeli rumah wajar sedari hak, tanggungjawab SPJB Text
Requirements engineering process assessment and improThesis
Bill among steps taken to fight human trafficking Text
ASEAN bantu elak Myanmar tersingkir Text
English proficiency Exam Papers
50,000 kakitangan awam terbabit skim cepat kaya Text
Kelapa parut naik 50 sen Text
Aim for common goals Text
PTPTN lulus pinjaman RM15.6 bilion Text
Elak aktiviti luar rumah Text
Penilaian formasi Text
Infrastruktur lengkap mampu elak banjir Text
UTM tuan rumah MASTHAI tahun depan News Paper Cuttings
Kesan penyesuaian pembelajaran berdasarkan gaya pemb Thesis
Aktiviti rapat hubungan pelajar semua kaum wajar diper Text
Tiada sijil lahir boleh bersekolah Text
Teori Medan Elektromagnet Text
Open innovation activities on organizational performanc Thesis
Implementation of noise management in construction sitThesis
Ilmu tak bermanfaat lahirkan akhlak tercela Text
Ramai wanita alami hilang kawalan pundi kencing Text
Schools must not divide Text
Penggunaan Teknologi Kampus Astro dalam kalangan guru Conference Papers
Factors that influence female consumer purchase intentiThesis
Study on toxicity of blended biodiesel and mineral oil as Thesis
Information and technology management Exam Papers
Kerajaan komited perkasa PKS Text
Magic ball game by using EEG signal Thesis
Sistem pengurusan pengetahuan untuk jurutera awam Text
300 sekolah bertaraf dunia Text
Unjuran positif bagi semua sektor ekonomi Text
RPBIC diiktiraf acara dunia Text
Our first research vessel to set sail Text
Spectrum allocation on USRP cognitive radio board Thesis
Evaluation of design criteria for inflow and infiltration Text
Kalkulus II Text
Memperkasa produk pelancongan Text
A review on RO membrane technology : developments anIndexed Paper
ASEAN catat sejarah dunia banteras pembakaran terbukaText
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pusat jagaan harian wargaThesis
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Permainan teka silangkata mudah alih Thesis
Pelajar baru IPTA wajib jalani saringan H1N1 Text
Financial accounting and reporting III Exam Papers
An electronic readness assessment model for electronic Thesis
Pro Canselor UTM jadi rakyat Malaysia paling tua jejak K News Paper Cuttings
Spectrum sharing of the international mobile telecommuni Thesis
Usaha bantu 162,000 pelajar kuasai 3M Text
Kawal selia sistem kewangan diperketat Text
Free to act within limits set by Allah Text
Assessment of sustainability in energy of Iraq, and achievIndexed Paper
Kadar celik huruf rakyat meningkat lima peratus Text
Sistem pengurusan ruang kerja untuk pelajar penyelidik Thesis
Makanan halal : kepentingannya menurut perspektif Isla Thesis
Electromagnetic reduced transition properties of even- Indexed Paper
Wujudkan usahasama strategik Text
Syarikat tempatan perlu sedia hadapi Afta Text
Doktor, hospital boleh iklankan khidmat Text
Computer security Exam Papers
Lapan tahap ke arah pelestarian alam sekitar Text
16 lagi projek solar hibrid bekal elektrik Text
Optimal opportunistic spectrum sensing in clustered cognThesis
Programming II Text
BPR buru ramai lagi Text
Structural characterization of N-doped anatase-rutile m Indexed Paper
KUiTTHO kekalkan MS ISO 90001:2000 Text
Cost estimating Exam Papers
Felda melabur RM50 juta di China Text
Thai, Malaysian Customs to set up green lanes Text
Entropy generation minimization for fluctuating flows Thesis
Waspada perjuangan gender Barat Text
Kawalan penapaian (abstrak) Text
Program inovatif PDRM berjaya turunkan kadar jenayah Text
Experimental study on flame propagation in a straight pi Journal Article
Kebakaran: 3,000 hilang tempat tinggal Text
Emission factor establishment for palm oil mill boiler Journal Article
Kemahiran menaip bantu profesional Text
Potential bioelectricity generation from mangrove sedimThesis
Performance study of four stroke engine using simulationThesis
100,000 dos vaksin penyakit FMD dibekalkan Text
Biochemistry Text
Analytical chemistry II Text
Amalan profesional kejuruteraan Text
Cosine S-bend hybrid junction digital optical switch Conference Papers
A song to show that doctors, nurses care Text
Experimental Method Exam Papers
Productivity improvement in a car assembly plant using Text
Analyzing security behaviour in managing passwords amoThesis
Gurau senda melampaui batas jejas keharmonian masyarText
Saham KL dijangka alami pembetulan teknikal Text
Forecasting of air pollution index with artificial neural n Indexed Paper
Sistem kawalan Text
Cadang adakan Malam Keluarga Text
Teknik pensampelan Text
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Online early intervention support system for special chi Thesis
8-bit folding and interpolating ADC Thesis
Isolation of bioflocculant-producing bacteria from penae Indexed Paper
Langkah tukar nama Sureheboh dapat pujian Text
Daily broadcast in four languages Text
Land use planning I Exam Papers
Jawatankuasa khas terima 194 aduan disiplin pelajar Text
UUM miliki pejabat serantau di China Text
Melayu akan rugi, jangan ubah dasar pengajaran sains, mText
Panel to co-ordinate Bigfoot expedition, Johor liaising witText
Immediate imports to ease rice shortage Text
Performance of fibre reinforced composite concrete undThesis
Penyediaan kemudahan tempat letak kereta khas wanitaThesis d
Titas II Text
Guna perkataan di luar konteks bahasa Melayu ditegur Text
Physical, structural, and luminescence studies of Nd3+ Indexed Paper
High rise building deformation monitoring with GPS Conference Papers
Tidak jemu tarik wanita masuk politik Text
Generation of DSA for security application Conference Papers
Landscape construction 3 Exam Papers
New pay TV station will be Net-based Text
Effect of non-traditional additives on engineering and micr
Indexed Paper
HUSM rintis kaedah IORT rawat barah Text
Failure probabilities of FRP strengthened RC column to blJournal Article
The unsteady free convection flow of rotating second gradeIndexed Paper
A survey of routing metrics in cluster-based routing prot Non-Index Paper
Institut pekerjaan tangani siswazah tidak bekerja Text
Islam perintis dunia perubatan : sarjan Islam temui sis Text
Elemen kejuruteraan lalulintas dan pengangkutan Text
Kejuruteraan air sisa Text
Penstabilan subgred menggunakan pofa dan simen Text
A study of CR doping on the structural and electronic prope
Indexed Paper
Discos urged to keep tabs on patrons Text
Kejuruteraan permukaan Text
Thermal performance of Bangladesh traditional house d Text
UTM tubuh kumpulan penyelidikan Text
Azmi upset guidelines on hills not followed Text
Determination of organophosphorus pesticides in water Conference Papers
Lengkapkan diri hadapi cabaran dunia Text
Healthy whole grains Text
Synthesis of Cu2O and ZnO nanowires and their heterojun Indexed Paper
Melihat krisis air secara bersepadu Text
Biologi am II Text
Application of design for production concept and its effe Text
Rekabentuk tambakan cubaan dan instrumentasi tanah ba Text
A trust aware routing protocol for energy constrained wi Indexed Paper
Public transport system to be fixed Text
Asia paling terjejas perubahan cuaca 2050 Text
Web assisted language learning system for enhancing AraJournal Article
Bapa hebat mesti pandai berkomunikasi, berilmu Text
Authentication and authorization in cloud computing usi Thesis
The establishment of rules and regulation for valuation pText
Bearing capacity of thin-wall spread foundation in cohesioThesis
Pulau Kukup janjikan pengalaman menarik kepada penguText
H1N1 vaccination Text
Kembalikan semangat DEB : UMNO perlu guna kuasa politi Text
14 kawasan cerun berisiko runtuh Text
Simulation of melting and freezing processes of multiple Thesis
Drastic measures to stop spread of disease Text
UMS kaji fenomena alga merah Text
RA percepat osteoporosis Text
Masyarakat jalur lebar kena lebih berdisiplin Text
Electromagnetic interference effect from power line noiseConference Papers
Budget 2009 expected to help ease the cost of living Text
Move to speed up return of Indons Text
Kontraktor Kelas F mesti penuhi kriteria sebelum dapat pText
Dynamic modeling and analysis of a two-wheeled invert Conference Papers
Koh : have levels of alert warnings Text
Mahdzir MB baru Kedah : Syed Razak Syed Zain sahkan pText
National service camps to be kept clean Text
Pertumbuhan ekonomi beri manfaat menyeluruh Text
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
House for wheelchair users Thesis
USM menang Anugerah Jenama Dipercayai Text
RM50 juta tangani wabak denggi Text
Mechanical and morphological properties of impact modiThesis
MAS : cost-cuts will not affect customer service Text
Heat treatment effect on corrosion rate medical grade C Thesis
Pemakanan seimbang, sihat ikut sunnah Rasulullah Text
A dis-heartening situation Text
IGP : police will probe allegations of corruption Text
Niat tersirat Barat serang Damsyik News Paper Cuttings
Cabaran perkembangan populasi dunia Text
Supply chain performance evaluation: trends and challenConference Papers
Penstabilan cerun tanah baki menggunakan silinder tanahText
Composite sandwich panel under impact loading Thesis
Persekitaran budaya ilmu galak kehadiran pakar asing Text
Kepuasan kerja di kalangan pegawai wanita dalam profesText
10,000 PKS ICT tahun depan Text
The effect of Arbus Precatorius methanol leaves extract inThesis
Motion visualisation and control of a driving simulator mConference Papers
One more month for workshops to comply with law Text
Physical and spectroscopic properties of lithium-boros Thesis
More safety features for accident-prone 13km stretch Text
Bird flu detected in two areas in Perak Text
Residents : give us clean water first Text
Environmentally friendly as a new dimension of product qIndexed Paper
Pusat Kokurikulum latih pelajar bina jati diri Text
Didik ummah dinamik Text
All to become smart schools Text
Fesibility study of rotary-wing-based ummanned aerial v Thesis
Isu sampah tiada kesudahan Text
Jimat kertas boleh selamatkan sumber hutan Text
River badly affected by siltation, pollution Text
Architecture and design of web application framework: aNon-Index Paper
Staf UTM timba pengalaman di luar negara News Paper Cuttings
UMS gives priority to rural applicants Text
Biodiesel sawit, haiwan News Paper Cuttings
Proactive personality and career success : what’s the Journal Article
SBT boleh dapatkan khidmat profesional Text
Turkmenistan, Malaysia seal taxation pact Text
Kilang bioperubatan pertama di Nilai Text
Aspek-aspek penting kebersihan homestay kajian kes : H Thesis
Tindakan rugikan negara News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia bebas wabak Influenza A Text
Tak perlu gusar pengurangan peruntukan ATM Text
Organic chemistry: biomolecules Exam Papers
Pelajar wajar ceburi bidang usahawan Text
State declares cholera alert Text
Hubungan antara tekanan kerja dengan kepuasan kerja Thesis
Landscape construction 4 Exam Papers
B2B marketing Exam Papers
Subsurface flow and free water surface flow constructed Text
A study on usability factors of mobile clicker software ap Thesis
Simple and idyllic, Dutch couple starts chalet business in Text
Optimization process for lightweight modular automoti Thesis
All-out fight against malaria Text
Indian government offers scholarships for undergraduateText
Penambahbaikan 4 negeri Text
Kenaikan pangkat ikut SSM tahun depan Text
Wujudkan media mengikut acuan sendiri Text
Intelligent client-side web caching scheme based on leas Conference Papers
Wajibkan kajian kesan sosial Text
USM gets apex status Text
Kolaborasi strategik MARA-UTM lahirkan usahawan lCT News Paper Cuttings
Dortmund bertafakur kenang kemangkatan Tunku Laksa News Paper Cuttings
27 institut perguruan digabung Text
SPACE wujud hadiah khas warga emas, suami isteri Text
Cadangan pemuliharaan taman rekreasi terbiar Thesis
Bayi berisiko tinggi dijangkiti rotavirus Text
Rampas semula Terengganu, pertahan Kedah, Perlis Text
Najib : Malays must have positive attitudes Text
Broadband tuning in a passively Q-switched erbium doped Indexed Paper
Valuation methodology / metodologi penilaian Text
Budaya sekolah : peranan yang perlu diubah Text
Mampu gets 127 email on improving govt service Text
Najib : new KLCI high shows economy is strong Text
Failure process in glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix c Text
Peranan ciri-ciri destinasi dan kepuasan pelancong kepa Thesis
Quality issues facing Malaysian higher learning institutio Conference Papers
Pengurusan sisa industri dan berbahaya Text
Basics of journalism workshop for schools Text
Clustering- and regression-based multi-criteria collaboratIndexed Paper
Hishammuddin janji siasat soalan UPSR Text
Fasa kedua lelaki lembut Text
Developmental psychology Exam Papers
The effect of organizational culture on knowledge sharingThesis
Pengurusan kewangan lemah masalah utama IKS Text
Urban planning and development control / perancanga Text
Skills for trainers Exam Papers
Unsteady heat transfer flow of a Casson fluid with NewtoJournal Article
Hampir 70% pelajar baru UUM perempuan Text
UTM, Universiti Karachi tingkat kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Photonics Exam Papers
TLS for generating multi-LOD of 3D building model Indexed Paper
Guru, kementerian kena bincang usaha pertingkat kualitiText
Penilaian terhadap kekuatan struktur bangunan yang dinaThesis
MAQIS ditubuh tingkat kualiti makanan Text
The study of structural and optical properties of PVA : Indexed Paper
Design of an elevator group supervisory controller using Conference Papers
Design of breakwater sturcture along Tanjung Piai Johor Thesis
Lebih 20 jambatan maut di Kota Bharu Text
Tubuh pasukan antarabangsa bukti ketelusan News Paper Cuttings
Video surveillance transmission using QPSK OFDM syste Thesis
Agarose- and alginate-based biopolymers for sample prepar Indexed Paper
Membina tamadun masa depan lebih gemilang Text
USM jalin kerjasama dengan Jawhar Text
Mesyuarat pembukaan audit surveillance pihak SIRIM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Syarikat tak endah 40 saman LHDN didenda RM20,000 Text
Planning Exam Papers
Adoption of internet banking: theory of the diffusion of Non-Index Paper
Pillows : the inside story Text
Toxic meat alert : so what meat is safe? Text
Government policy to cater to needs of the aged Text
Framework of decision making process for variation works Thesis
Sistem Kuasa Dan Kejuruteraan Voltan Tinggi Text
Mechanism-based reliabilty model for electronic packageText
Mathematical modeling of nanofiltration for concentrated Indexed Paper
Wujud mekanisme pastikan pendidikan satu keperluan Text
Permata Ilmu bakal lahir genius Islam tempatan Text
Bintang bukan penentu nasib manusia Text
Incorporation of textile artificial magnetic conductor int Thesis
A single-phase hybrid active power filter connected to a Conference Papers
Modular structured multilevel inverter as active power fiText
PM terima laporan suruhanjaya Text
Pilihan raya paling sengit tentukan masa depan Kelantan Text
Mental revolution crucial to k-economy Text
An investigation on interfacial reaction between in-sit Indexed Paper
Online cleaning service booking system Thesis
Japanese language / bahasa Jepun Text
Two-dimensional DC resistivity mapping for subsurface i Journal Article
Sains bahan Text
Tidak mustahil capai nahas sifar musim perayaan : Abdul Text
Elektronik I Text
Accessing public transportation indicators towards compet Thesis
RM2b education boost Text
Senarai 85,000 peserta khidmat negara hari ini Text
Sains maklumat tanah Text
Interfacing foreign capital with reverse investment Text
BATC-UTM dapat teknologi cipta helikopter dari Poland Text
Alternative plan for h II News Paper Cuttings
Bigfoot mungkin saki-baki spesies monyet prasejarah Text
THE-QS World University Rankings 2008 : Malaysian univer Text
LHDN kenakan denda lebih tinggi Text
Experimental study on premixed hydrogen/air and hydroIndexed Paper
Perbandingan di antara penghasilan model digital tiga dime Text
Johor mahu stesen akhir kereta api laju di JB Text
Introduction to planning / pengantar perancangan Text
Jawatankuasa siasat kegiatan buli di sekolah asrama pen Text
Kedah folk face wet Raya Text
Hybrid of gaussian and wallis filter for urban area charac Thesis
Predictive model for total productive maintenance critic Thesis
A systematic derivation of stochastic Taylor methods for sIndexed Paper
Modification of adaptive filter algorithm for geologica Conference Papers
Towards a restoration of the humanities in the future uniNon-Index Paper
Akta lindungi hak pekerja disemak Text
Konsortium Perikanan Nasional dilancar 05 Text
Faktor motivasi intrinsik dalam kecemerlangan guru cemeConference Papers
Kad Krismas elektronik sebar virus komputer Text
Kurikulum baru mantapkan bahasa Inggeris tahun depanText
Universiti mesti utama budaya ilmu Text
Better water supply for Redang Text
Localised lightning locating system (LLLS) by using four Thesis
Ikan lumba-lumba iringi kapal sebelum serangan News Paper Cuttings
A framework of artificial immune system in writer identifConference Papers
Secure data sensor sharing on ubiquitous environmental Journal Article
Influence of clay particles on Al2O3 and TiO2 nanopart Indexed Paper
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Jumlah penagih dadah menurun 30.47 peratus Text
Economy & specification Exam Papers
Introduction to valuation statute Exam Papers
Women entrepreneurs in Bahrain: motivations and barrieJournal Article
Lead time in construction process Thesis
Flood detector system Thesis
Foreign medical grads get chance Text
Keberangkatan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan AgoPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Abdullah gesa petani guna benih berkualiti Text
Velocity tracking control of a two-wheeled inverted pen Conference Papers
Teknologi laser Exam Papers
UPM perlu tumpu teknologi tinggi Text
TEVT harus jadi pilihan utama pelajar News Paper Cuttings
A similarity-based cellular selection mechanisim for gen Conference Papers
Klinik UPSR di UTM pembuka program 2008 Text
Unintended pregnancies Text
Studies of pewter table wares on the design, motif, functText
Kejuruteraan asas (foundation engineering) Text
Teamwork can ensure success Text
Beijing hargai hubungan dirintis Tun Razak Text
MARDI, CSIRO kenal pasti bidang kerjasama Text
Rakyat perlu kongsi kos lupus sampah Text
Pulihara sungai ikut tabii, lestari Text
Electronic circuits / electronics II Text
Slot time allocation and delay analysis for the Sultan AbduText
Sistem pengajaran Braille elektronik News Paper Cuttings
Keunikan angkasa Text
Optimization of injection molding parameters for WC-Co Indexed Paper
Isomerization of cyclohexane to methylcyclopentane overConference Papers
New loan scheme for poor? Text
Proaktif tangani kekurangan pelajar Melayu Text
Jambatan Muhibah erat hubungan KL, Bangkok Text
Full scale fire test of school building (Full text) Text
$900,000 annual budget to repair roads News Paper Cuttings
6.88j rakyat guna kad kredit Text
Computer aided ship design and production technology Text
Hope for Malay folk dances Text
Piala Dunia 2006 platform majukan ekuestrian Text
Cabaran umat Islam jadi masyarakat pengeluar Text
Cultural identity expressions through visual analysis in p Conference Papers
PM : MRR2 ditutup lindungi keselamatan pengguna Text
Malaysia-Pakistan tingkat perdagangan Text
Perlis bakal pengeluar anggur terbesar negara Text
TV networks jostle for increased viewershi Text
Physicochemical and electrochemical properties of pris Thesis
Mengekang tindakan China News Paper Cuttings
51,080 lulusan PMR ditawar ke sekolah teknik Text
Anggap kebaya nyonya simbol perpaduan : PM Text
800 delegasi 38 negara sertai forum halal dunia Text
USM is top research varsity Text
Explore other energy sources, says expert Text
Pensyarah didakwa dera tiga anak tiri Text
Multi objective particle swarm optimization approach to Thesis
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
20 guru SAR dakwa diberhentikan kerja Text
Penilaian kesan hakisan tanah terhadap kualiti air Thesis
Novel studies of molecular orientation in synthetic poly Thesis
Syor tubuh suruhanjaya tangani salah laku polis Text
Pembangunan satu prototaip perisian sebagai alat kogn Text
Essential oil composition of Piper majusculum Ridl. from Indexed Paper
Activity based costing software for manufacturing industrText
Varsities must produce better grads, says Khaled Text
Design and fabrication of low speed powered glider Thesis
Bantu mangsa banjir News Paper Cuttings
Terapkan budaya kecemerlangan dalam diri kanak-kanakText
Rise in juvenile crime 'worrying' Text
Kenaikan harga minyak 30 sen : jimat subsidi RM4.4b Text
Study of HG(II) removal from aqueous solution using lignoIndexed Paper
Human resource management Exam Papers
Forget licences, plant timber trees instead Text
Kami tetap tolak pembukaan semula Text
Towards the implementation of continuous coastal vulnera Journal Article
Consistency and teamwork win USM 5-star rating Text
Comparison of camera calibration parameters using photConference Papers
Serakan pelepasan effluen berhaba secara serenjang dalaText
F-Secure bendung jenayah siber Text
Deformation monitoring system in web-based visualisati Thesis
Di mana hendak diperoleh teman sejati? Text
Waktu kerja anjal bagi wanita Text
Development of real and reactive power allocation methoText
Composite wing flutter speed and frequency due to variab Indexed Paper
Adr and arbitration Exam Papers
Rakan Cop Bestari di semua sekolah menengah Text
Teori kawalan asas Text
Programmable logic controller (PLC) Exam Papers
Spot jammer for 477MHz frequency band Thesis
EPF to ensure right amount is remitted for worker Text
UTM and MIT do research in Iskandar News Paper Cuttings
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Burung jadi kiasan suratan amal Text
Perpaduan, kesejahteraan rakyat ciri pemerintah adil Text
Semarak jalinan sejarah Text
Retrenching foreign workers, get back levy in a month Text
Basmi serentak kemiskinan bandar-luar bandar Text
Pelaksanaan aplikasi e-submit bagi menyokong sistem kaText
Sisa toksik sah dari Taiwan Text
Segmentation of fingerprint image by using scanline algoThesis
British U to start campus in Johor Text
A review of active yaw control system for vehicle handli Indexed Paper
Kenangan dari Surabaya Text
New fuel rebate system next year, says Shahrir Text
Nasihat Endon didik anak Text
Wang tak dituntut boleh dimanfaat untuk pembanguna Text
Factors that influence oral presentations of engineering Non-Index Paper
Ensuring that crime doesnÆt pay Text
Masjid perlu dijadikan ukuran mutu ummah Text
Eurocopter dapat kontrak ganti Nuri Text
Pencapaian akademik syarat utama ke IPTA Text
Non - euclidean geometry Exam Papers
Kecacatan tak halang rangkul pelajar terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Characterisation of solid particles based on optical techn Thesis
Brazil, Jerman lega : undian Piala Dunia 2006 dianggap Text
Damai atur program pulih kepemimpinan kampus Text
Reka bentuk loji Text
Experimental investigation of the microscopic damage deJournal Article
Finite element method Text
Air: Rakyat Singapura ajak bincang Text
Minyak hati ikan kod legakan sakit sendi Text
Pembangunan aplikasi multimedia pendidikan mengikut pen Thesis
New approaches in estimating linear regression model par Thesis
Asean pengemudi integrasi Text
Kurangkan pergantungan kepada pekerja asing Text
Compact wide-band branch-line coupler with meander linIndexed Paper
Logo to emphasise innovation culture Text
Suhakam : tidak semua inkuiri dipenuhi Text
Solving crime with science Text
Pinjaman perumahan kerajaan dilanjut hingga 30 tahun Text
MAS, AirAsia yakin raih keuntungan bersama Text
A helping hand for ailing grandpa News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia, New Zealand meterai FTA Text
ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system in construct Text
Sewage sludge cake (biosolids) management and disposalThesis
Study on stability of reflectance characteristics of natura Thesis
Tertanya-tanya keputusan siasatan kes di UTM Text
Polis tumpas sindiket seludup ecstacy Text
Pengaturcaraan antara muka pengguna Exam Papers
Hiding your laptop no longer safe Text
Implementation of openflow switch Thesis
Saintis marin tempatan perlu jadi rujukan antarabangsa Text
Finance, financial market, & financial management Exam Papers
RM274 juta majukan sukan di IPTA Text
The effects of zeolite X and Y on cancer cell lines Non-Index Paper
Feasibility study inplementation of a micro-grid the hotelThesis
Suara bidas kezaliman Israel News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan modul akademik "Basic of Electric and ElecThesis
Sistem pertanyaan perjalanan lebuhraya utara -selatan Thesis
UKM laksana penyelidikan di angkasa lepas Text
ASEAN perlu tingkat kerjasama tangani penyakit berjangkText
Signal and network Exam Papers
Reinforced concrete design 1 Exam Papers
PM expects better ties with Australia Text
A fuzzy analytic network process method for risk prioritizIndexed Paper
Snake poaching on the rise Text
Nothing fishy about this business Text
All teachers must share duty of disciplining pupils Text
Ketersediaan bahan bacaan mempengaruh minat memb Text
Peluang rakyat miliki ladang Text
Commission raised for petrol, diesel dealers Text
New system identification model for predictive functionalThesis
Kualiti jadi keutamaan Text
Debt collecters to come a'knocking Text
Buka banyak kaunter waktu rehat : Cuepacs Text
Dedah majikan gergasi tidak mesra keluarga Text
Orang ramai dinasihat jangan guna ubat tradisional Text
Implementation of Toyota Production System (TPS) in theConference Papers
The effects of neutralized palm oil methyl esters (NPOMEConference Papers
Applied optics Exam Papers
Construction technology Exam Papers
Introduction to programming Exam Papers
Keupayaan rasuk dengan perangkai di sebelah dalam tet Text
Influence of sulfate and chloride on the mechanical propeNon-Index Paper
Its now the ultimate in digital lifestyle Text
Electronics II / Elektronik II Text
Rural planning Exam Papers
Green electricity production by epipremnum aureum andThesisba
Ringgit terus kukuh Text
A survey about the latest trends and research issues of Non-Index Paper
Ukur binaan 3 Text
Hanya benih padi disah Jabatan Pertanian diguna 2009 Text
Baiki pencemaran teruk di Selat Johor Text
Media disaran utama program perkasa wanita Text
38pc drop in dengue cases in Selangor Text
Rectangular ring-shaped dielectric resonator antenna fo Indexed Paper
Guru lahirkan modal insan berkualiti Text
Virtualization implementation approach for data center Conference Papers
JAS bimbang jerebu mungkin landa Malaysia Text
Assessment of office building energy efficiency using gr Thesis
Plan to build factories in prisons Text
Bantuan sukarela UTM News Paper Cuttings
Student vechicle detector on restricted area in UTM usinThesis
Development of a computer programme for the design ofText mu
Energy-efficient sensing in wireless sensor networks usi Indexed Paper
Jumlah lelaki hidap barah 20 kali ganda lebih ramai Text
PM mahu bioteknologi mesra alam, pengguna Text
Bencana gangguan siber Text
UTM students want Suhakam to check claim Text
NDP rakan kongsi kerajaan Brunei Text
Development economics Exam Papers
Penggunaan komsep istibdal bagi penyelesaian pencero Thesis
Static analysis of 2D-Cracks on thick wall cylinder with lo Thesis
Murid juga mesti dihukum Text
Terminal Puduraya, Larkin sarang ulat tiket Text
REHDA cadang jual rumah kos rendah RM60,000 Text
Anggota polis menyamar dalam bas ekspres Text
UiTM, UTM meterai MoU dengan Singapore Polytechnic News Paper Cuttings
Prosedur dikaji tutup semua ruang rasuah Text
Enhanced prim's algorithm for finding the hamiltonian cycThesis
Software engineering / kejuruteraan perisian Text
Electrical arc flash hazard analysis in electrical safety Thesis
Universiti awam tetap dibina di Kelantan Text
Flow pattern map of Malaysian crude oil and water two-pIndexed Paper
A case study on the application of switch in power electroText
Tensile, thermal and flammability properties of date palmThesis
Jawatankuasa dagangan bersama Malaysia-Iran ditubuh Text
NEAS makes learning more fun Text
Kegagalan ginjal kronik kerana kencing manis Text
MJIIT@ UTM KL menawarkan program unik News Paper Cuttings
Grading for driving schools Text
Reconfigurable antenna using pin diodes for wi-fi applicaThesis
Tiga lagi negara kena H1N1 Text
Kenegerian : keharmonian kampus terjejas Text
Ilmuwan Islam wajar melestari teknologi canggih Text
Perkara 121 Perlembagaan Persekutuan kekal Text
Mechanical properties and self-healing mechanism of epIndexed Paper
Immunology Exam Papers
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Development of ultrasonic transmission-mode tomography Non-Index Paper
Teroka peluang bantuan kepada setiap anggota Text
Implementasi algoritma penghalaan AODV dan MAODV dal Text
Caution over bracelet Text
New technique to kill aedes Text
Makanan bukan sebab asma Text
ThereÆs money in cockroaches Text
Sistem kejuruteraan kuasa Text
Mathematic for geoinformatic Exam Papers
Cure characteristics and mechanical properties of natur Text
Abdullah tidak bertanding Text
UTM rangkul johan MSSA 2014 News Paper Cuttings
Strength behavior of marine clay treated by lime Thesis
Georgetown rasa gegaran gempa Sumatera Utara Text
Teacher uses hammer to punish pupil Text
Spinel NixZn1-xFe2O4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) nano-photocata Indexed Paper
Memo ditarik balik : bagi menjaga keharmonian, mengelak Text
Performance evaluation of coated carbide and coated cerm Text
Kebakaran tidak jejas hidupan di Taman Wetlands Text
Multi objective machining estimation model using ortho Indexed Paper
Kuat kuasa tali pinggang belakang 1 Januari Text
Book on now available in Bahasa Text
Hybrid fiber reinforced polymer for structural strengthenText
Wakil rakyat mahu tarif air kekal Text
Pengenalan petrol RON95 bukti kerajaan serius bantu ra Text
Waspada banjir besar Text
Imej muzium diperbaharui Text
National Service panel head dies Text
MAS lancar logo baru Golden Holidays jenama antarabanText
Complex variables Exam Papers
Analisis dan rekabentuk hodrologi Text
Kekuatan aktiviti domestik bantu tingkat pertumbuhan Text
BPR boleh siasat kes berdasarkan maklumat Text
M and E works measurement Exam Papers
Penilaian terhadap Sistem Pendaftaran Tanah Berkomputer Thesis
An Investigation of safety training and safety outcome inJournal Article
Program pembangunan usahawan graduan bentuk generText
The potentials of portland cement and bitumen emulsionJournal
m Article
Development and characterization of sulfonated polysul Text
Sejuta hidap HIV di Asia Text
Empat tahap pemuliharaan alam sekitar Text
Is drug dependence a medical disease? Text
An effective measurement model for physical and environThesis
Ikrar kekalkan momentum terbaik UTM News Paper Cuttings
Introduction landscape architecture Exam Papers
Risk management in Islamic banking housing finance Thesis
Spektroskopi Text
Crusade against corruption Text
Penguasaan amalan keselamatan bengkel di kalangan pelaja Thesis
Govt to study hiring of foreign workers Text
Enhanced hydrophilicity and salt rejection study of gr Indexed Paper
Vanquished have story to tell, too Text
The effects of distance on velocity measurement for diffeIndexed Paper
Anonymous authentication mechanism based on group sign Thesis
Electric circuit Exam Papers
Industri minyak sawit kembali pulih Text
Faktor yang menyebabkan kelewatan projek pengairan daText
Nonlinear h-infinity optimal control scheme for an underIndexed Paper
Security upgrade launched for Touch Æn Go cards Text
Malaysia di tangga ke-10 dunia sedia pekerja berkualiti Text
MEASAT-3a kukuh satelit Malaysia Text
Jepun tawar UTM geran RM7.8 juta News Paper Cuttings
Syor insentif galak guna pengangkutan awam Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Embedded sensor for detecting corrosion of reinforcemen Conference Papers
Pengukuran prestasi bagi perkhidmatan penyelenggaraa Thesis
Ketidakseimbangan boleh pincang perkhidmatan awam Text
Adakah ada piawaian dalam amal ibadat? Text
Krisis ekonomi tak jejas agenda pendidikan kita Text
The effect of ownership structure on Malaysian listed Thesis
Get smarter : Najib calls for massive change to the schooText
UTM, Universiti Newcastle perkukuh kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
The comparison on the milestone and monthly payment Tohesis
Rough sets clustering and markov model for web access pConference Papers
Locally produced cement as a possible alternative for theConference Papers
Being mindful through fasting Text
VHDL module generator : a rapid-prototyping design entry Text
Effect of ageing treatment on the microstructures of Ti Indexed Paper
Media elektronik masih gagal : SPR Text
Linear static finite element analysis of composite hat-sti Text
Simulations of catalytic ozone decomposition reaction in Thesis
Real-time vision-based lane following autonomous guidedThesis
Evaluation of three RNA extraction methods from three cu Indexed Paper
RM600m highway for Selangor Text
Pemberian hak sama rata bukti keadilan Islam Text
Menteri Pengangkutan diberi mandat atasi isu MAS, AirAsText
TPM arah kemas kini laman web Text
Technology and business / Teknologi dan perniagaan Exam Papers
Keunikan Skim Simpanan Persaraan 1Malaysia Text
RM25b hi-tech city in Medina Text
Nonlinear modelling and control of underactuated wheelThesis
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
Polis tumpas sindiket curi kenderaan berat Text
Global : AS hipokrit dalam isu hak asasi manusia Text
Carry H1N1 kit when shopping, travelling Text
Kajian seni bina UTM dipamer Text
Johor Bahru alami perubahan seiring WPI Text
10 organisations under probe over use of third-party fun Text
Mathematical model for the expulsion of salt and water Thesis
Utamakan kualiti dalam pendidikan Text
Efficiency or inefficiency of customer satisfaction as one Indexed Paper
Women doing better in sports Text
Enam pensyarah UTM dikenakan tindakan Text
Women at the top Text
Pelajar USM cipta formula biodiesel minyak masak Text
Applied and computational complex analysis Exam Papers
Experimental study on nonlinear shear strength behaviorJournal
of Article
Neuroscientist returns to set up brain research centre Text
Najib outlines ways to expand Bahasa usage Text
Meneroka pembelajaran transformatif ke arah kepuliha Thesis
The development of MC68000 educational board Thesis
Brain electrical activity during basic geometric drawing Thesis
Multi-criteria decision framework for seismic retrofitting Thesis
UiTM kaji mikrograviti, inflamasi di angkasa lepas Text
Zakat elak pemencilan umat Islam Text
Body of UTM’s Palestinian student feared drowned f News Paper Cuttings
Impact of graphene oxide embedded polyethersulfone memb Indexed Paper
No imminent price bubble in KLCC enclave Text
Using XML to monitor the search performance of a hybri Conference Papers
Geotechnics II Exam Papers
Diffusion analysis of EFN-MDS structure Conference Papers
Cyber-Terrorism : centre to be set up by end of the year Text
Classification of airborne radar signals based on pulse f Indexed Paper
Pelajar Jepun terokai seni bina peranakan Cina Kelantan News Paper Cuttings
Employee perception on practice of knowledge management Thesis
Undang-undang pembangunan tanah dikaji Text
Pilihan raya Malaysia bebas Text
Kerajaan ambil pekerja diberhenti Text
The effect of sand sorting on the permeability Thesis
Waspada elak jangkitan HFMD Text
The deduction of fine structural details of asymmetric n Indexed Paper
Syor wajibkan majikan ambil 51 peratus pekerja tempataText
Auto sector sees record sales Text
Analisis dan pengurusan pelaburan sekuriti Text
Analisis berangka I Text
Malaysia bakal eksport tuna dalam tempoh 7 tahun Text
Urut lepas bersalin percuma di hospital Text
Application of geographic information system technologyIndexed
i Paper
Astronomi Lapangan Text
Satu parti politik Melayu Text
Building services system Exam Papers
A least-squares-based immersed boundary approach for Indexed Paper
Chart career paths early, students urged Text
Varsity offers students Oracle skills Text
Postal voting still relevant Text
Council to hold human values conference Text
Tap market, traders urged Text
Budayakan kualiti kerja ke tahap ISO Text
Economic incentives for family controlling shareholders Indexed Paper
12 langkah mantapkan bahasa Inggeris Text
Pengaruh pengawetan terhadap konkrit mengandungi saText
New authority cards for policemen Text
Software development for the ecu of a retrofit fuel injec Thesis
Menangkis prasangka globalisasi Text
Radio access point design for radio over fiber technologyText
Planning practice Exam Papers
Taxation Exam Papers
Dissolution of TeO2 - ZnO - Er2O3 glass in aqueous soluti Conference Papers
Malaysia tidak ubah unjuran pertumbuhan Text
Industrial engineering Exam Papers
CSG Tree : evaluation on performance between solid mo Conference Papers
Rakyat diminta manfaat internet jana pendapatan Text
Assessing multi-stakeholder approach in the relationsh Thesis
Gaya pembelajaran yang paling dominan dengan pelajar IjThesis
Assesment of factors affecting the contractor's cost over Thesis
Electrical machines Exam Papers
To determine the selling price of houses in Serpong, TangText
Tenaga asing masih perlu bangunkan negara : MTUC Text
Alatan pengeluaran Text
Jenayah di Pulau Pinang menurun 4.8 peratus Text
3 negara kaji cara kawal harga getah Text
Bigfoot? It's all a big lie Text
What ails our scientific research? News Paper Cuttings
Bina sekolah tidak lagi berkonsep reka dan bina Text
Integration of ASTER and landsat TM remote sensing dataIndexed Paper
Dinamik (Dynamics) Text
Studies to investigate the interactions of genotypes, cult Journal Article
Enhanced gas permeation performance of polyethersulfoIndexed Paper
Simulation of waves Text
Ahli Sunnah pewaris generasi sahabat, tabiin Text
Penyakit artritis gout Text
Fluid mechanics II (marine) Text
Construction measurement I Exam Papers
Mentadbir media lebih telus, bertanggungjawab Text
Mencari Lailatul qadar Text
Biomechanical study and analysis on human motion usingThesis
Impact analysis of fibreglass reinforced composites Text
Program Bahasa Tempatan tingkat pengetahuan masyaraText
Spectrum sensing prototype using software defined radi Thesis
Kerjasama Malaysia, Australia banteras penyakit kuku daText
Hydrogen production from the acetic acid steam reforming Thesis
Rainfall rate from meteorological radar data for microwaConference Papers
Tolak sekolah satu aliran bukti sikap tak patriotik Text
Method of teaching mathematics Exam Papers
Electronic nose for gas detection Thesis
Peramalan banjir menggunakan model rangkaian neural Text
Effects of critical success factors on maturity level of Ho Thesis
More rights for the disabled Text
Misi aeroangkasa jalin toleransi sejagat Text
Malaysia wajar warta lebih banyak tanah lembap Text
Cadangan wujud kolej untuk Tingkatan Enam Text
Dana perubatan: Pekerja disyor sumbang RM1 Text
Online helpdesk for Maybank account payable system (MText
Pahang perlu pelan industri pertanian Text
UTM juara Robocon 2010 Text
Election 2008 : Parliament dissolved, paving way for elec Text
Personality traits and customer-oriented behavior of the Indexed Paper
Human papilloma virus E6/E7 messenger RNA as a biomarker Indexed Paper
Gaya pembelajaran pelajar dan kaitannya dengan penca Thesis
Proton harus tegas lakukan perubahan Text
Effect of material property in foundation during earth Non-Index Paper
Tingkat kemudahan kesihatan ibu Text
Major health screening for commercial vehicle drivers Text
Nuclear techniques Exam Papers
Tiga pendekatan pikat pelancong Text
Kaji penularan tinggi kanser pangkal rahim wanita Cina Text
Electronic braille document reader Thesis
LPT Karak - Chenor dibuka bulan depan Text
Konkrit bertetulang gentian (Abstract) Text
Deposition of nanostructured fluorine-doped hydroxyapat Indexed Paper
MEB : ke tahap lebih baik Text
Plan to narrow the digital divide, says Pak Lah Text
Web programming 1 Exam Papers
116 negara anggota persetujui seruan keamanan Text
A secure and enhanced high embeding capacity steganogr Thesis
A protein short motive search tool using amino acid seq Non-Index Paper
Sektor industri dapat diskaun tarif air Text
Pengurusan modal kerja Text
Ibn Al-Baitar: the pioneer of botanist and pharmacist Conference Papers
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
UPM perkenal produk rawat benih padi Text
Review of teachers workload Text
Microbial transformation and sorption of anthracene in liIndexed Paper
Tenaga murah buruh asing akan dikurangkan Text
Penentuan kadar hakisan di kawasan pertanian mengguna Thesis
Sifat - sifat konkrit berkekuatan tinggi bergentian keluli Text
Parameter estimation for activated sludge models of palm Conference Papers
Guru terbeban bertugas 74 jam seminggu Text
USM perintis program warga emas Text
Sugar price to stay for now Text
Indoor location tracking in integrated manet mobile IPV Text
Senaman rawatan terbaik redakan hipertensi Text
Website to teach road safety Text
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Pemetaan permukaan kekar bantuan dengan menggunakan Text
Rusa universiti di baham ular News Paper Cuttings
Iktibar tindak-tanduk diplomat Singapura News Paper Cuttings
Parameter tuning in reducing the effect of premature co Thesis
Strontium ions concentration dependent modifications on Indexed Paper
Kerjasama dengan Jepun guna teknologi bio pertanian Text
Utilizing pretty typology in local community participat Thesis
Calcite precipitation in sand pack model Thesis
'Tracer Study' tingkat kualiti pendidikan Text
MPPT performance of a grid-connected PV inverter underConference Papers
Engineering management Exam Papers
Struktur kokurikulum diubah Text
Wideband RF power amplifier with gain control Thesis
TV Pendidikan : jadual siaran punca program tidak dimanText
Ruang penyimpanan jadikan dapur kemas Text
Tourism board making losses Text
Pengurusan data spatial Text
Bebanan kerja guru empat negeri teruk Text
Undang-undang perancangan Text
Sasaran kemiskinan tegar sifar diyakini dapat dicapai Text
Simulation analysis of an improved design for temporary Thesis
Robotics Text
Polyaniline-supported palladium(II)-schiff base complex as Non-Index Paper
Bangunan hijau RM1b jadi mercu tanda Text
Program Gerak Usahawan lahir 20,000 usahawan bumipuText
Study for infiltration in sewerage system Conference Papers
Development of mineral oil free offset printing ink using Thesis
AirAsia kurangkan surcaj Text
HIV/AIDS : Malaysia yakin capai sasaran Text
Land use economy Exam Papers
Move will not necessarily cost patients more Text
Kaji konsep sanitasi lestari sistem pengurusan air Text
Mathemathics IV Exam Papers
Semua perlu bersiap sedia hadapi banjir Text
Microelectronics / mikroelektronik Text
Sains sukan lahir atlit prestasi tinggi Text
Perubahan drastik warnai Kabinet Text
New rule for hiring foreigners Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
Dilemma for EPF contributors Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Exam Papers
Mechanical design and analysis of all†terrain mobile Journal Article
Cerita rakyat sebagai tradisi ilmu Text
Hanya sifat tawaduk mampu kikis sombong, takbur Text
Bioteknologi, R&D tingkat daya saing pertanian negara Text
Protecting the poor under GST Text
A study on the validation of green supply chain perform Non-Index Paper
Parents: Save SyafiqahÆs arm Text
Impact of job stressors factors on employees’ intenti Indexed Paper
Perkara benar, batil mesti disaring Text
Ramadan bulan bersihkan jiwa, peribadi Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Pengaruh personaliti terhadap tahap kesihatan mental daThesis
Displacement sensor and speed sensor study using a singlThesis
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Pekan Rabu, Alor Star Text
Kekukuhan kekuda ruang grid dua lapis Thesis
Bidang porselin bantu wanita tambah pendapatan Text
Dynamics characteristics and energy absorption of fibre- Thesis
USM raih 10 emas di ITEX 06 Text
Pengguna mesti sepakat halang kenaikan harga barang Text
Campaign to reduce sugar consumption Text
Digital electronic I Exam Papers
A conceptual model for holistic classification of insider Indexed Paper
Courseware components between Edugames and flashcard Thesis
Progress in biomass gasification technique - with focus Indexed Paper
IPTA ambil lebih ramai pelajar sains Text
Performance of neyman-scott rectangular pulse (NSRP) mo Conference Papers
Prinsip reka bentuk latihan Text
Berkembang hasil kemerdekaan Text
MITI tidak dedah pemilik AP Text
Occupants’ evaluation of green features in green commer Journal Article
Computer model on linear wave propagation Thesis
Semantics oriented approach for image retrieval in low Thesis
Implementation of SHA-512 hash function for adigital si Conference Papers
Stress analysis of heavy duty truck chassis using finite Conference Papers
PEWATAN bantu golongan wanita Text
Mara sedia latihan bungkus, label produk dalam RMK-9 Text
Tubuh tabung basmi kemiskinan : Abdullah Text
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
UTM perlu jadi pencetus idea bangun negara News Paper Cuttings
About hand, foot and mouth disease Text
Thermal distribution analysis of three-dimensional tumo Indexed Paper
Bendung cubaan JI pengaruhi mahasiswa Text
Some Pardons Boards have not met for years Text
Pollution blamed for dead fish Text
Recycling of aluminium-developing design criteria for a Indexed Paper
1Bahasa, 1Malaysia serlah jati diri Text
Pemilik tanah digesa usahakan tanaman nanas Text
Asas sistem pemproses Text
Liphistius kantan dalam senarai merah News Paper Cuttings
Biologi manusia Text
Maxis belanja RM15 bilion terajui industri telekomunikasiText
Dasar pengajian tinggi ambil kira pandangan umum Text
HishamÆs RM1b shopping list Text
NationÆs first woman general Text
Computer aided knee osteoarthritis classification system Thesis
FINNIM : iterative imputation of missing values in dissolvIndexed Paper
KL bantu Khartoum pertingkat ekonomi Text
Vision Air schedules flights to Mulu National Park Text
Pengenalan binaan bangunan Text
Pembangunan budaya kualiti dalam firma binaan di Indone Text
New food minefield Text
Tidak minat STPM : golongan akademik akui pelajar Cina Text
Insurans pendidikan jamin masa depan anak anda Text
Quail breeding a lucrative line Text
Pelaksanaan dasar Islam dikaji semula Text
Kempen Derma Darah Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Asas statistik Text
Cytotoxic effects of mercury, cadmium, lead and zinc on Conference Papers
Salary increment for civil servants a form of bonus Text
Kahwin usia muda bukan penghalang News Paper Cuttings
Demokrasi kita sukar disanggah Text
Indeks Utama Prestasi sukan perlu dilaksanakan Text
Pelajar kurang upaya tak diabai Text
Manufacturing process Exam Papers
Be innovative, be quick, govt servants urged Text
Hardware construction of a 5 kW inverter for AC power sConference Papers
N4SID and MOESP subspace identification methods Indexed Paper
Assessing the role of transactional and transformational Conference Papers
Numerical Liner Algebra Exam Papers
Finite element modelling of 2-span continuous RC beamsJournal Article
Anti-cancer antibodies provide hope Text
Breast is best but is it worth Text
Hubungan Sistem Pengurusan Sekolah Kualiti (SPSK) denga Thesis
Ekonomi tahun ini akan terus baik : Zeti Text
Granulated waste tyres in concrete paving block Conference Papers
Kursus adobe photoshop staf Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Natural background radiation in the Kinta District, Perak Thesis
390,000 students to get loans Text
Tiada muslihat dalam latihan Cope Taufan News Paper Cuttings
Lipid production from palm oil mill effluent by microalga Thesis
Persepsi penyewa terhadap faktor-faktor peningkatan Thesis
We're handling water resources just fine: Hadi Text
Evaluation and analysis of dietary essential mineral mic Indexed Paper
Comparative study of various types of oils on the lubrici Thesis
Unsteady mixed convection flow over a cylinder of elliptiNon-Index Paper
Ban on intake of workers from Bangladesh Text
Sistem pendaftaran dan pengurusan pesakit unit kerja soThesis
On monitoring of liquid / gas flow using ultrasonic tomo Text
A complete EEG amplifier with isolation circuit and DC reThesis
12 steps to damage your brain Text
Pakej produk setempat untuk tarik pelancong : Maznah Text
Palm oil gets boost from medical world Text
Digital forensic readiness framework components for ZenThesis
Tiada tekanan naikkan kadar faedah untuk atasi inflasi Text
Evaluation of significant manufacturing parameters in lostIndexed Paper
Studies on copper coated polysulfone modified poly isobIndexed Paper
Rezeki jual cenderahati News Paper Cuttings
Kesan blok konkrit terubahsuai permukaan bawah terhada Thesis
Logistics and freight transport Exam Papers
Statics Exam Papers
Diabetes ancam 350 juta nyawa penduduk dunia menjel Text
17 kesatuan lindungi kepentingan guru Text
Interface shear strength of concrete-to concrete bond wiIndexed Paper
Perodua yakin capai sasaran jualan Text
KDRM menuju perubahan Text
Remote sensing aplikasi lautan Text
Empat langkah ke arah pendidikan cemerlang Text
Daimler minat jalin kerjasama dengan Proton Text
An FPGA implementation of alamouti's transmit diversityText
It's a heritage artifact, says Unesco Text
Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of crude glycerol Thesis
Bendung aksi mat rempit : PDRM, JKR syor bina batu bat Text
42 tahun hubungan Malaysia-Norway Text
A review of fingerprint image pre-processing Indexed Paper
Electric circuit/Litar elektrik Text
Effect of nodes solving sequence on incline multilayer s Indexed Paper
Lighting system for camera barcode detector Thesis
PM : tangani masalah air, berikutan 165,000 penduduk PText
Monorail can be companion to the Second Link Text
Kadir: Johor tour operators not doing enough Text
Analysis of corporate control : can the voting power indeIndexed Paper
Approaches of impact analysis assessment and classifica Non-Index Paper
Perang musnahkan alam sekitar Text
Budget hotels need a boost Text
Towards implementing reactive scheduling for job shop Conference Papers
Aljabar linear Text
Pemegang Mykad akan dilindungi akta baru Text
Technocrat and development Exam Papers
Public apathy to blame, says Chua Text
Penarafan THE-QS Text
Sound manipulation using acoustics metamaterial Thesis
Flow behaviour around the hydraulic poppet valve by us Thesis
Student wins RM73,000 for project from international fo Text
Crash victims to be ambassadors for road safety Text
Polarization multiplexing of two MIMO RoF signals and o Indexed Paper
Left handed metamaterial incorporate with microstrip anNon-Index Paper
Alat ajar Kemahiran Hidup cukup News Paper Cuttings
Dinar emas akan jadi pilihan perdagangan Text
KDNK turun 6.2 peratus Text
S rangkul tiga anugerah KPYPJ News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis and characterization of poly(methylmethacryl Conference Papers
Beri kesan kepada ibu tunggal Text
Fundamental Analytical chemistry II Exam Papers
Impedance modelling of metamaterial structure based onJournal Article
Foundation of microeconomics Exam Papers
UPSR Science and Maths in English : decision to be made Text
Prestasi model cerun yang disisip dengan silinder tanah Text
Rumus kaedah guna bahasa Inggeris di sekolah Cina Text
Mobile result (M-Result) using mobile devices Thesis
68 SMT ditukar jadi SMV tahun depan Text
Some intriguing high-throughput DNA sequence variants Journal
p Article
Pulau Tioman to get new airport within two years Text
Application of a hybrid of least square support vector macIndexed Paper
Compressive strength of bamboo Thesis
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Bahan, pendekatan mengajar BI perlu diubah Text
Belanja secara bijak : PM sendiri akan pantau projek pertText
Kad pintar kesan pelajar asing hilang Text
Wideband Sierpinski carpet monopole antenna Conference Papers
More chicken imports to cut market prices Text
Kita perlu 10 tahun atasi kekurangan doktor gigi Text
Kajian tentang keberkesanan sistem pengudraan terhadaText
Nutrisi jamin kesihatan mata Text
Assessment of 3D printer additive manufacturing productThesis
Dell plans centre in Cyberjaya Text
Urus niaga LIMA 2007 catat RM2.4b Text
Kejayaan hubungan Malaysia-China Text
JKR buka 39 tender Text
Kaedah on-line hospital atasi kelewatan laporan Text
Pemimpin Asia Timur perlu komited : Abdullah Text
Mengkaji ciri- ciri kualiti perkhidmatan bas terhadap pe Thesis
Circuit Theory I Exam Papers
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Bukan Melayu turut terima tempias rezeki daripada DEB Text
Semua perlu jayakan RMK-9 Text
Funds to develop SFC and SEC for higher institutions Text
Spekulasi tambatan ringgit lonjak Indeks Komposit Text
Masyarakat kita 'acuh tak acuh' ancaman denggi Text
Organic chemistry / biomolecules/organic chemistry II Text
Effect of temperatures on saponin content of “TongkaThesis
Unification of vertical datum in Sabah and Sarawak Journal Article
Message-efficient localization in mobile wireless sensor Non-Index Paper
Pengaruh tret personaliti lima faktor terhadap kegembir Conference Papers
Malaysia jangka catat KDNK 5.4 peratus pada suku keem Text
Jajaran baru halang cerun runtuh Text
The relationship of strategic human resource management Thesis
Cancer : push for awareness Text
Bangunkan teknologi tenaga Text
Impact of seawall development to the Sulawesi fisherm Thesis
Sympathy for Haitian plight Text
Positive science of the future Text
Fizik atmosfera atmospheric physics Exam Papers
Development of multi-linear algorithm for mapping sea su Conference Papers
Pasukan pemusnah Aedes gempur 4 negeri Text
Plugging CF loopholes to protect house buyers Text
Ijazah bukan penamat tuntut ilmu News Paper Cuttings
Homeomorphisms of fuzzy topographic topological mappText
Anggota ADK diberi kuasa seperti polis Text
Projek LCCT Labu ditolak Text
Kompetensi pegawai rundingcara dalam mengendalikan kThesis
Majlis perundingan agama mesti jaga status Islam Text
Teknologi binaan 1 Text
Cross-sectional and system dynamics approach to analyseThesis
Weak schools to get partners Text
Anugerah Nilam 2008 perkenal lima kategori Text
Bioteknologi mampu tingkat hasil kelapa Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
SOP syarikat kawalan keselamatan dikaji semula Text
Selenggara berkala elak MRR2 semakin teruk Text
Electrosynthesis of zinc oxide-copper oxide supported onThesis
Intermetallic compound formation between Sn - 37Pb & Sn Text
IPTA lebih baik daripada IPTS Text
Moderating effects of perceived supports for creativity o Thesis
UTM tubuh pusat bencana alam News Paper Cuttings
Power supply for all homes by 2010 Text
Basic animation in multimedia / asas animasi dalam multText
Pengangkutan awam belum popular Text
Real-time monitoring system of packed-bed non-thermalThesis
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
Double shear test behaviour of Balau species for differenJournal Article
Solar photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)Thesis
Setting up the first wind tunnel facility News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan tahap pelaksanaan solat fardu dan kecerdasanThesis
Performance analysis of differential phase modulation foText
Ketahui suntikan untuk anak-anak anda Text
E-banking adoption in Romanian companies: determiningNon-Index Paper
Malam Puisi Riong di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Langkah cegah, kawal H1N1 ke Kabinet Rabu Text
Council to help graduates find jobs Text
Integrated land use assessment: the case of Klang Valley Conference Papers
Mobile computing and system programming Exam Papers
Pola kecerdasan pelbagai dengan pencapaian akademik pela Thesis
Contract administration Exam Papers
MBDr mampu kesan penyakit orang miskin Text
Mom-ster in the home : the ugly spectre of growing chil Text
Effect of cisplatin on triple negative breast cancer Thesis
Lawatan antarabangsa Text
Transformation of fuzzy autocatalytic set (facs) of fuzzy Conference Papers
An evaluation of traceability approaches to support soft Conference Papers
Kucai juga sesuai untuk hiasan Text
Empat fokus MKRA tumpuan Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi Text
Tek. pembentukan logam Text
Effect of ultrasound on adsorption of azeotropic and nonConference Papers
Tibi meningkat hampir empat peratus sejak 2004 Text
Kepentingan agama dalam pendidikan negara Text
Jiwa rakyat merdeka Text
Konsep baru jadikan KLIA destinasi membeli-belah menarText
Robot Spirit tenat di Marikh Text
Perancangan guna tanah II Text
Leaders pay tribute to outgoing chief Text
Konvokesyen KPYPJ di UTM pada 12 September News Paper Cuttings
12 graduan terima Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong News Paper Cuttings
Solid-state chemistry Text
Sifat penebatan haba bagi konkrit ringan berudara Text
An environmental friendly leisure boat Conference Papers
Improved photocatalytic activity of anatase titanium di Conference Papers
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Malaysia ready to help Text
Malaysia's micro-satellite MASc AT to be launched in 200Text
Diversity of thermophiles in a Malaysian hot spring de Indexed Paper
Kanser buah dada Text
Classical mechanics Exam Papers
MECD rangka program bantu pekerja diberhenti Text
æWindfallÆ for grad teachers Text
Perakaunan pertengahan II Exam Papers
Modeling of subband effects on graphene nanoribbon field Thesis
M’sians nominated for Asean honours News Paper Cuttings
Pengajaran penarafan THE-QS World University 2009 Text
Sijil halal : Yadim tidak puas hati Text
System software / perisian sistem Text
Draf undang-undang klon manusia dijangka siap Jun Text
Smokers æheed warningsÆ Text
Kajian pengurusan pepejal terampai di tapak projek pe Thesis
Taxation III Exam Papers
Teknologi UTHM bantu industri automotif Text
Gates tops Forbes billionaires list for 11th year Text
Effect of Selective nutrients in medium on human skin f Text
Tiga kategori sekolah 2010 Text
UTM helps fishermen to build fibreglass boats News Paper Cuttings
Khidmat 20,000 kakitangan kontrak tidak ditamat Text
Zon industri tani negeri dikenal pasti Text
Strategi pelantar minyak China tidak menjadi News Paper Cuttings
Training programme for unemployed grads launched Text
UiTM tidak kompromi : naib canselor tolak saranan buk Text
Jaring sedia khidmat internet di USM Text
Sistem pengurusan penyelenggaran bagi Fakulti komputer Thesis
UTM and Brunei college ink co-operation deal Text
19,000 jawatan pengetua, guru taraf Jusa diwujud Text
No race will be left out under 9MP Text
Malaysia's palm oil output set to rise Text
A requirement best practices in improving maturity of sofConference Papers
Waterflooding Text
Advanced physical chemistry Exam Papers
Kecacatan ke atas bangunan semasa tempoh tanggunganText ke
Sultan Kelantan menziarahi makam Tunku Laksamana Jo News Paper Cuttings
Computational environmental hydraulics Exam Papers
UTM lonjak 60 tempat dalam senarai THES Text
Autonomi universiti : kerajaan lebih berhati-hati Text
Predictive modeling of TiN coating roughness Indexed Paper
Semua pihak wajib bangkit menentang fahaman songsanNews Paper Cuttings
Faktor-faktor pendorong yang mempengaruhi pembelajarThesis
Dedahkan ilmu forensik Text
Kadar inflasi terkawal Text
Portal for info security issues Text
Remote embedded telemedicine terminal for heart diagnThesis
TNB tak perlu izin semak tarif Text
Kekuatan akhlak, ilmu asas pembangunan insan Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
An optimized algorithm for simultaneous routing and buffe Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalulintas Text
Teachers, pupils cleared of HFMD Text
The Rape of Bukit Bruang Bare Hill! : it's what the city fo Text
A new statistical approach for analysis of tree inception Conference Papers
Proton sasar eksport 70 peratus Text
Pengusaha kapal tempatan terancam Text
Diversity and distribution of euphyllidae corals in TiomanJournal Article
Pencirian bahan dan kawalan kualiti Text
Program profesional UTMSPACE memperkasa modal News Paper Cuttings
Jangka hayat penduduk Malaysia mampu capai 100 tahu Text
Facebook for parents of a child with autism spectrum disThesis
Exploring the key factors of knowledge sharing via empl Indexed Paper
Characteristics of a good memorial park from the buyer'sThesis
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pendaftaran dan e-pembelThesis
Synthetic strategies of nature-inspired porphyrin models Conference Papers
Denggi tanggungjawab kementerian : Tsu Koon Text
Jururawat lelaki tingkat profesion Text
Green glossary Text
Teknik penjimatan tenaga penghawa dingin berpusat bera Text
Perbaiki hubungan luar keutamaan PM : Musa Text
Eksport getah dikurang 57,050 tan stabilkan harga Text
The relationship between service and marketing innovat Thesis
Study of cost functions in three term backpropagation forText
Industrial microbiology Exam Papers
KUiTTHO wujud lima lagi fakulti baru menjelang 2013 Text
Online library wants it all Text
Optimize perceptuality of digital image from encryption Thesis
Siswazah perlu kikis sikap suka minta gaji tinggi Text
Ganja RM560,000 dirampas Text
Mathematics 1 Text
LHDN jangka 1.5 juta guna e-Filing tahun ini Text
Tiga langkah USM bendung masalah disiplin peserta PLK Text
Software requirements Exam Papers
Boon Siew mungkin hilang francais Honda Text
Mekanik bendalir polimer Text
Teknologi bukan punca remaja liar Text
Nigeria, Malaysia tubuh armada kapal tangki Text
AP mungkin dihapus : TPM Text
Teknologi semikonduktor Text
Tidak sia-sia menjaga ibu bapa sudah berumur Text
Bahasa Melayu tidak terjejas Text
Fabrication of fiber bragg gratings in high Germania Bor Text
The establishment of automatic detection procedures forConference Papers
Feasible solution for dynamic economic load dispatch usiIndexed Paper
A graphical method for simultaneous targeting and designIndexed Paper
New court system efficient Text
Exsperimentation of work-in-progress reduction in a job Thesis
An efficient and robust cluster-based algorithm for imag Thesis
Corridors to attract tourists Text
Developing e - learning for kazakh national university Thesis
Unjuran KDNK 2006 kekal Text
UUM menang anugerah inovasi bidang IT Text
Kurikulum universiti perlu selaras industri Text
Comparison between: LE and FE methods in slope stabilitThesis
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Subsidi bantu petani Text
Communication system Exam Papers
Baik pulih lorong motosikal Text
Kawasan hitam denggi dikenal pasti Text
Faktor bidang R&D negara ketinggalan Text
ICT infrastructure to boost sector Text
UPSR bukan pengukur utama dasar pelaksanaan PPMI Text
No cabinet reshuffle till I go Text
Pengurusan fasiliti Exam Papers
Trust mampu kurangkan import daging lembu Text
Maintenance, evaluation and conservation of historic buiThesis
Iman, persaudaraan kukuh sumber kekuatan ummah Text
Majlis menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MoText
Cation exchange capacity of phosphoric acid and lime stabi
Conference Papers
Deep divides remain in WTO Text
Gis in planning Exam Papers
Pangkat guru besar, pengetua berdasar KPI Text
The effectiveness of different grass types for pollutants Text
Physical Chemistry II Exam Papers
Readiness of local authorities in implementing informat Thesis
Kajian kualiti air ternakan ikan siakap di dalam air payau Thesis
IPT disaran anjur kursus urus acara Text
Hadiah latihan Persekutuan Text
Program Kampus Minden memasyarakatkan pelajar Text
Fuzzy logic based method for improving text summarizat Non-Index Paper
A comparative analysis on reversible watermarking technIndexed Paper
Value management : an effective cost optimisation technText
Penggunaan beta agonis tidak libatkan lembu, kerbau t Text
Application of disc spring in clamping force mechanism f Indexed Paper
Car prices expected to go up between two and 8.6pc Text
Novel remaja bermutu HSKU Text
Strategi agensi kerajaan untuk memenuhi kuota bumipu Thesis
Prestasi calon SPM 2008 catat peningkatan Text
Plans to hire contract teachers Text
Fast 3D modelling and precise measurement of soft tissueConference Papers
Bahan polimer Text
Kesatuan guru bantah Text
Doctors: Be more aware of child health Text
Photogrammetry III Exam Papers
Penempatan warga asing dibina Text
Optical quantum transmitter with finesse of 30 at 800-n Indexed Paper
Calling line managers in employee continuous professionConference Papers
Gandingan mantap Exco Perak mampu bawa perubahan Text
An overview of boundary implementation in lattice Bolt Indexed Paper
Introduction to geographical information system Exam Papers
Negara lain turut guna kepakaran angkasawan kita Text
Differentiating IEE 802.11i resource and security requir Thesis
Pencen : kerajaan bayar RM718.8j Text
Vital headstart Text
Polis temui pistol, 57 kilogram ganja Text
Steely resolve to expand wire business with research cenNews Paper Cuttings
Pelan strategik lonjak kecemerlangan IPT Text
Keputusan Istana Perlis, Putrajaya bercanggah Text
Mosti ambil lebih ramai profesional Text
Parametric investigation of fixed-tray, semi-continuous dIndexed Paper
Pendaftaran ke IPTS melalui 'myCampus' Text
Tiada campur tangan kunci kejayaan Petronas Text
Latihan industri tak berkesan Text
UTM hasilkan pelet halal ternakan ikan patin News Paper Cuttings
Perang habis-habisan -- TPM isytihar 2003 tahun tangani Text
Behavioral and institutional factors influencing car own Text
Electric feeling on our streets Text
Pencemaran hidrokarbon di permukaan dan di subpermukaa Text
Dua pahlawan kembali ke Perak Text
Kerjasama UKM, Halagel komersialkan gelatin halal Text
Saingan wujud kegemilangan dituntut Text
A conceptual framework of Iranian consumer trust in B2 Non-Index Paper
Thermal transient behavior of an ANG storage during dy Indexed Paper
Perluas konsep makanan halal Text
The development of material flow architecture using RFIDJournal Article
Analisis dan rekabentuk sistem saliran bagi kawalan banj Text
Kaji fatwa dam Text
Framework considerations for a sustainable eco-culture Conference Papers
Modelling and reasoning of large scale fuzzy petri net us Thesis
Corporate diversification and financial performance : a li Non-Index Paper
Penang planning industrial estates with better facilities News Paper Cuttings
Hari Bertemu Pelanggan Di Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Steganografi berkapasiti tinggi menggunakan penggantian Thesis
An overview of strategies to induce higher order thinkingConference
s Papers
Economy may grow by 6.5 per cent this year Text
Umat Islam perlu sepakat tingkat martabat ummah Text
Subjek Keusahawanan Sosial di semua IPT Text
Pakar Kementerian Kerja Raya tinjau projek mega Text
Molecular biology and genetic engineering Exam Papers
Kenaikan tarif elektrik wajar : PM Text
Kementerian pastikan SK diterima semua Text
Memahami perbezaan lafaz cerai baiah, taklik Text
The transmission of symmetric 40 Gb/s TWDM-based NG-P Indexed Paper
Visa-abusing tourists affect genuine ones Text
Integrasi penjagaan kesihatan tanggungjawab semua pihText
IT mampu berkembang hingga RM4.2b pada 2006 Text
Face the music, Musa warns crooked cops Text
TLDM perlu seimbang kuasai ilmu ketenteraan, akademikText
Kerajaan Pusat diminta lulus segera akta bendung tonto Text
Two honoured with Royal Education Award News Paper Cuttings
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar Text
Pemberian gelaran profesor dipantau jamin prestij IPT Text
A comprehensive approach to addressing drought and dese Text
Separation of doctor/pharmacist duties : diverse opinionText
Behaviour of high strength reinforced concrete beam witText
Micro counselling Exam Papers
Campus physical attributes towards student social inclusiThesis
RM10b blueprint to boost public transport in the Klang VText
Special kids court mooted Text
PM mahu semua kes rasuah diselesaikan Text
Pembangunan sistem indeks katakunci dan carian secara Text
Occupational noise exposure among construction workerThesis
Tambatan ringgit dimansuh Text
Hilang ibu, dua adik serentak Text
Ekuiti Nasional ditubuh Text
Robocon serlahkan kreativiti mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
New water services regulato : British team to help draft Text
Portable barcode scanner for end user Thesis
Jahil agama punca mudah terjebak amalan syirik Text
Rayapan konkrit berkekuatan tinggi di Malaysia Text
Heat transfer analysis on a restaurant in a MARA arcade Text
Tiada pendidikan percuma : Musa Text
Tahap kepentingan elemen pengurusan penyenggaraan dThesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Kesan komitmen pekerja terhadap hubungan antara tingkThesis
Application of a weighted spatial probability model in GISIndexed Paper
Go to e-kiosks for passports Text
Modulation of transglycosylation and improved malto-oliIndexed Paper
Teknologi kesan kanser awal dimaju Text
Rombakan dasar pelaburan bukti kesungguhan maju ekoText
The effect cuttings transport on water-based muds and oiThesis
Bringing back the glory to stadiums Text
PM : give Proton a chance Text
Factors contributing the low ridership of Bas Muafakat Thesis
Linear observer design Text
Cuti bersalin lima kali, bergaji penuh Text
Nor : unpegging good for all Text
Individual characteristics and hacking, piracy, online g Indexed Paper
Modelling contaminant transport for pumping wells in rivIndexed Paper
Modification of a standard GPS receiver to be used for LEText
Synthesis and characterization of oil palm trunk hemicell Thesis
Education blueprint hinges on proper implementation Text
Career day for UTM students Text
Pengoptimuman pergerakan mata alat mesin kawalan bera Thesis
Senaman sesuai beri kesan merapikan bentuk tubuh Text
The A - Z on menopause Text
UPM runding jual produk penyelidikan Text
SUKUM tawar 39 pingat emas News Paper Cuttings
Bataskan pergaulan remaja elak terjebak maksiat Text
Preparation characterization and mechanism of catalytic Thesis
Pelaksanaan solat dalam kalangan pelajar muslim di KoleThesis
Calculus II Text
Clustering of biological relevant compounds using neuralConference Papers
Thailand setuju laksana projek saluran paip gas Text
Jumlah penagih berkurangan Text
Messages segmentation of asynchronous text-based discus Conference Papers
Kejuruteraan air sisa buangan Text
Panel to check on child abuse cases Text
Couple held, RM3mil drugs seized Text
Malaysia, Brunei to resolve sea issues Text
Graduan hayati cara hidup orang kampung Text
Pengukuran tegasan di dalam bolt pada sambungan kelulText
New KLIA terminal for budget airlines Text
Biokimia Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
Usaha mengaibkan Presiden Iran Ahmadinejad News Paper Cuttings
MAS labur RM200j perkenal e-Tiket Text
Fuzzy logic approach for assessing sustainability : met Indexed Paper
Lesen pasar tani ikut produk Text
UPSR Results : Pupils attribute success to English Text
A note on integer-valued radial model in DEA Indexed Paper
Budaya kesetiaan korporat Text
A hybrid of artificial bee colony and minimization of met Thesis
Make safety a school subject, says Lam Thye Text
Perancangan komuniti dan perumahan Text
Method of teaching mathematics Exam Papers
Kabinet lulus Modul Hubungan Etnik di IPTA Text
Pendaki Everest UTM belum dapat pulang News Paper Cuttings
Shahrizat : plan for mums a global trend Text
USM takes the lead in joint training committee Text
Have will, can get clean rivers Text
Dana RM600j bantu usahawan pelancong Text
Kalkulus vektor Text
Factors of attraction to Johor Bahru Shopping Centers : t Text
Tabung Haji hanya tarik pelaburan dalam Metrowangsa Text
Numerical integral equations Exam Papers
On-line signature verification using multiresolution featuIndexed Paper
Kimia polimer Text
Korban tsunami 23,339 : Malaysia : 53, Indonesia : 4,725,Text
Giatkan usaha cari istilah ilmiah Text
Jabatan Perubatan Tradisional akan ditubuh Text
Utilizing a social network site in English literature learnin Thesis
Azalina : most women not leading healthy lifestyle Text
Looking back to English Text
Canberra ceroboh hak : PM cadangan wujud zon pengawText
Pegawai Sabah, Sarawak berbakat patut diberi peluang Text
Safety net card for the poor Text
Investigation of the environmental transport of human phIndexed Paper
Weoi Ming mahasiswa pertama UTM News Paper Cuttings
Elemen baru Text
Local authorities fail to shine in star-rating system Text
Pusat Sumber Kualiti abadi pencapaian TLDM Text
Removal of organic compound from pharmaceutical wastIndexed Paper
2.5j pelancong tak pulang : warga Singapura paling ramaiText
IPTA usah hanya kejar ranking dunia Text
An analysis on the relationship between lecturers competIndexed Paper
Characterization of epoxy grout as infill material for pip Thesis
Eksport Malaysia kembali positif Text
Elektrik Kuasa Text
Fenomena gerhana bulan separa Text
Malaysia on track to 6pc growth : Nor Mohamed Text
Johor disaran tubuh dana khas bela nasib nelayan Text
Development of Wireless Sensor Network for Motion DetThesis
Extra cops to fight crime in Johor Text
New application of magnetic nanoparticles for adsorptionConference Papers
Common contractual issues faced by Malaysian contractors Thesis
Harmonic modeling in power distribution system using tiThesis
The influence of emotional intelligence and occupationalThesis
RM40j tingkat teknologi ternakan ikan Text
Study on flow passing a wavy surface Text
Bahasa Malaysia II Text
USM beri harapan baru kepada pesakit barah otak Text
An accelerated particle swarm optimized back propagati Journal Article
Treatment of textile finishing wastewater using Fenton's Text
A Test for normality in the presence of outliers Journal Article
Gaji minimum pekerja asing RM400 sebulan Text
Detection and prevention of denial of service attacks (D Indexed Paper
Microwave synthesis, characterization, bioactivity and in Indexed Paper
Minyak sawit berpotensi rawat osteoporosis Text
New EPF withdrawal rule Text
Heart-to-heart talks turning into burden Text
NUTP akui banyak murid tak tahu baca Text
Lapangan terbang Subang jadi pusat aeroangkasa Text
Kempen kitar semula Malaysia dapat pujian pakar Text
The case against English Text
Energy efficient routing algorithm for wireless optical Thesis
An evolutionary firefly algorithm for the estimation of n Indexed Paper
Beza politik banjir Kelantan dan tsunami News Paper Cuttings
Characteristics of vehicle handling model Thesis
80% pesakit kanser hati lambat dikesan Text
Compulsory training for civil servants Text
Label Islam diperdagang kaburi pengguna Muslim Text
The simulated annealing technique for travelling salesm Thesis
Wireless intelligent switch with power monitoring Thesis
One Islamic Family Law Text
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
2 sahabat jadi pengeluar kad ucapan News Paper Cuttings
Hadapi liberalisasi secara rasional Text
Kadar inflasi di Malaysia masih tinggi Text
Novel formats Text
Effect of air cushion on the resistance reduction of Mu Thesis
No-discount rule lauded Text
Survey and comparative analysis of alert correlation syst Conference Papers
Hanya lima peratus hasil penyelidikan IPTA dikomersial Text
Determination of optimum concentration of lime slurry for Text
Integrated data processing for multi-mission satellite al Thesis
A contract framework for outsourcing facilities manage Conference Papers
Automation of DNA computing readout method based onConference
r Papers
Recent advances of inorganic fillers in mixed matrix memIndexed Paper
Flood hydraulics due to emergent vegetation along a rip Journal Article
Bahasa Melayu terus dimartabat Text
Bukti kesungguhan kerajaan jana modal insan Text
Penilaian semula kualiti air sungai Universiti Teknologi MThesis
Investigation on the probability of ferroresonance phen Indexed Paper
Thermal optimization formulation strategies for multi-co Conference Papers
Price controls may go Text
Boikot : Malaysia ada hak lindungi perdagangan Text
The driving force behind the field of research and deve Text
Nano particle trapping by ultra-short tweezer and wells Indexed Paper
Mengangkat industri aeroangkasa Text
Wujudkan dasar hanya rumah siap dijual - HBA Text
Modeling of IP-GMPLS multimedia traffic and network forConference Papers
Pusat perubatan swasta kenakan kos tinggi Text
Proton yakin jualan Exora Basic Text
Agarwood grading estimation using artificial neural net Thesis
A review of performance asphalt mixtures using bio-bindeIndexed Paper
Analysis of meteorological drought pattern during differ Indexed Paper
Internet bakal lapuk Text
Kempen kitar semula tak ubah sikap orang ramai Text
Sistem Perhubungan Optik Text
Audio and video in multimedia / Audio dan video dalam Text
Numerical methods Text
Leaving you breathless Text
Country ready for bird flu Text
Foreign workers in the country number 769,566 Text
Experimental study on forced convection air flow in bendThesis
Discrete mathematics Exam Papers
Major expansion plans for LCCT Text
Statistik Text
Hard work ensures success, not tuition Text
Mechanical properties of porous asphalt with nanosilica Journal Article
Perancangan dan rekabentuk lapangan terbang Text
Decision theory Exam Papers
Segregated problem table algorithm for simultaneous tarThesis
KDN kaji perketat dasar kemasukan pelancong Text
Pastikan rasuah tidak jadi budaya Text
Pledge to stop piracy in the straits Text
Abdullah directs ministry to get info on SingaporeÆs n Text
The effects of socio-economic characteristics on household
Water Quality assessment of Sg. Skudai Thesis
Peristaltic motion of a magnetohydrodynamics oldroyd-BThesis
Process control and instrumentation Exam Papers
Empat tahun berlalu Text
Pengarah kampus : Zaliha wanita pertama dilantik UiTM Text
Hospitals and clinics on alert for bird flu Text
Syarat biasiswa jejas pelajar miskin Text
Pembangunan Johor Selatan disambut baik Text
MMA: Ban 219 medicines Text
KPet rancang bina pusat sehenti bersepadu minyak, gas News Paper Cuttings
Army to set up biological warfare unit in each division Text
Lepasan SPM wajib jalani program PLKN mulai 2014 Text
Artificial intelligence Exam Papers
Tuisyen : amalan dalam sistem pendidikan Text
Malaysia sumbang 50 peratus keluaran minyak sawit dunText
Needle-condom plan in January Text
450,000 mula dapat faedah : Skim Baucar Tuisyen untuk Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Surge in mobile phone users Text
Neuro-fuzzy forecasting for peak load electricity demandConference Papers
Kejayaan daki Everest : sukan lasak jadi mata pelajaran Text
5,000 projek rumah miskin tegar siap hujung tahun Text
Kabinet rakyat Text
Fast fourier transform and wavefront approach for seismConference Papers
Concrete technology Exam Papers
At a loss 55 dead after just 3 days of Ops Sikap Text
Model-based fault detection and diagnosis optimization foIndexed Paper
Sistem pendidikan negara terus diiktiraf Text
Balance diet during in campus life : a case study amongs Thesis
A bad back turns out to be a real stroke of luck Text
Program Anak Angkat UTM di Gelang Patah, April ini News Paper Cuttings
Production of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from alkaloText
Public hospitals in a pickle Text
Tun Razak : Jalannya bertongkat, jasanya tiang negara Text
Technology and businesses Exam Papers
Particle mixing in liquid fluidised beds Conference Papers
Migrants bringing in malaria Text
Machinability assessment when turning AISI 316L austenit Thesis
Performance of integrated treatment system of photo-feThesis
Exploring the E-Complaint behavior on Malaysia hotels seThesis
Whistleblowing practices in Malaysian public sector : a Thesis
Sistem perparitan di Taman Durandah Emas, Siburan, Ku Text
Teknologi pengeluaran asas Text
AirAsia terbesar dunia 2013 Text
Pengaturcaraan objek C Text
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Teori Sains Komputer Text
Apabila buah pinggang gagal berfungsi Text
Mashaf rujukan penerbitan teks al-Quran dilancar Text
Hujan menurut al-Quran Text
Laman web pembelajaran matematik kssr tahun satu be Thesis
Analysis of students with psychiatric disabilities in highe Conference Papers
Pastikan perjanjian dipenuhi sebelum serah kunci rumah Text
Guru jadi mangsa kerenah pentadbiran Text
Lebuh raya Senai-Desaru akan dibina Text
UM back on track Text
Glycerol for renewable acrolein production by catalytic Indexed Paper
Log on to apply for public universities Text
Single kernel effects on breakage during wheat milling (FuText
Trusted cloud computing frame work in critical industrialThesis
Pekebun kecil diminta usah lakukan pembakaran terbukaText
Kempen belia bebas jenayah Text
The Government has sufficient funds for projects under Text
1Malaysia : program TV, radio dirombak Text
Orang utans feel the squeeze... but there is hope in MalaText
R&D sector lacks focus and funding Text
Estimation of soil compaction parameters based on atterbText
UUM cipta sejarah Text
Fractional residual plot for model validation Journal Article
Pengusaha pengangkutan awam digesa tingkatkan perkhText
2 years after Mar 8, 08 : Was it just an economic flare-upText
Akademi Pencegahan Rasuah tawar kursus perisikan jen Text
Surface modified hollow fiber membrane contactor for c Thesis
Critical causes of accident under reporting in malaysia coText
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Data Communication ExhibPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hire the grads, PSD told Text
Pembangunan sukan di sekolah diperkukuh Text
151 top scorers from low-income families given PSD schoText
Effect of silane treatment on mechanical properties of baIndexed Paper
The development of trustmatrix web service (phase 1) & Tt hesis
12 Mahasiswa UTM ke Korea News Paper Cuttings
Pilihan raya kampus serentak hari ini Text
Impacts of microporous substrate properties on the formThesis
The relationship between individual factors and organiz Conference Papers
Spektroskopi Text
Muhd Ridzuan Hj Mohd Salleh, Dato' : Naib Canselor UTMText
Plagiarism: ICAC probes University of Newcastle Text
Correlation network analysis for multi-dimensional data Indexed Paper
Op rooms to monitor haze Text
Parameters for digital neutron radiography at triga mark Thesis
Continuous microwave flow synthesis and characterizatioIndexed Paper
Regional way to check spread of dengue Text
Putting the brakes on fast food Text
Menjaga amanah harta kerajaan Text
Implementing energy efficiency operational indicator (EEThesis
Digital image processing III Text
Dream kampung houses for the lower-income families Text
VC: women more needed at home News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of geotechnical software developed based on finThesis
Koleksi perpustakaan perlu berkualiti Text
Pattern of concept development in design activities Thesis
Faktor-faktor yang mendorong pelajar-pelajar JPTK tahu Thesis
Propulsion system for mobile floating harbor Thesis
Atasi krisis makanan Text
Fingerprint classification : a BI-resolution approach to sinText
Sekolah perlu ambil kira beban ibu bapa : pendidik Text
Two carry medical data in their arms Text
Asia Tenggara perlu kukuhkan daya ketahanan serantau Text
Colonial garden characters of hill stations : a case study oText
Benarkah AQ bezakan siapa usahawan hebat? Text
Perlindungan radiologi dalam amalan perubatan Text
Pemadam mahu bukti Text
Code of ethics for contractors from next year Text
A pedestrian level of service method for evaluating and pIndexed Paper
Kerajaan tidak ketepi pakar tempatan Text
Hull form effect on dynamic stability of a fishing vessel inThesis
Malaysian Aerospace, aircraft manufacturing skils ackn Text
Sik daerah perintis program industri kecil asas tani Text
UTM hasil kereta elektrik News Paper Cuttings
Elak hutang jadi NPL Text
Sustained competitive advantage of born global venturesIndexed Paper
Colluding lawyers, architects targeted Text
Government hand in land project Text
Fluid Mecahanics Exam Papers
Ular sawa baham rusa milik UTM News Paper Cuttings
Effect of solvent annealing on the crystallinity of spray Indexed Paper
Ministry reverses decision on insulated fish boxes Text
Application of H2 based sliding mode control for an acti Conference Papers
Bilangan kaum India terlibat jenayah naik Text
Reka bentuk konkrit bertetulang I Text
Transfomasi pendidikan Text
Boy crime-buster dies trying Text
Effect of varying the double radial swirler configuratio Journal Article
Buku panduan STS keliru Text
Petition writing, a dying trade Text
Problem with fire safety certs Text
UTM perintis wujud P3K1M News Paper Cuttings
Sektor pelancongan negara terjejas teruk: Abdul Kadir Text
Ecstasy racun tikus dirampas Text
Geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Constrained artificial bee colony algorithm for optimizat Conference Papers
Pelajar universiti kena mendalami ilmu Text
Tajol Rosli, Musa menghadap sultan Text
Pelajar cipta sistem keselamatan kenderaan melalui SMSText
Lawatan amat berjaya : PM Text
Kementerian Kewangan kaji kedudukan CTOS Text
A hybrid GMDH and box-jenkins models in time series forIndexed Paper
Enhancing steganography capacity with modified LSB Thesis
A study on current practices of project risk management Thesis
Sistem baru dilaksana bagi menilai calon STPM Text
Pencerobohan AS ancaman bagi dunia Text
Floods hit Negri, Selangor Text
Bahasa instrumen kuasa Text
Foreigners may grab local inventions Text
Quantitative techniques Exam Papers
Satu lagi mayat ditemui Text
Production of bioethanol from banana peel Thesis
PM : engage in growth competition Text
Message drop control buffer management policy for DTNIndexed Paper
Islam tuntut umat kejar kemajuan Text
Surface morphology and optical properties of stacked s Conference Papers
UiTM buka pintu untuk pelajar antarabangsa Text
Warga asing di Malaysia meningkat 72% Text
ESL pupils' attitude and motivation towards speaking in Thesis
A review of application of ammonium polyphosphate as iIndexed Paper
Penspesiesan arsenik dan selenium dengan kaedah pembe Text
Reputation loss framework for consequence assessment Thesis
Sistem merit demerit berautomasi untuk sekolah menenga Thesis
Bus firms want incentives Text
Effect of frets to sound frequency of sundatang Journal Article
Selat Melaka tolak aset asing Text
Tingkat interaksi perdagangan, ekonomi : PM Text
Matlab for remote sensing imagery Text
Langkah guna bahasa inggeris diteruskan Text
Penerapan kemahiran generik dalam pengajaran kejuruteConference Papers
Pemasalahan dalam mengendalikan keperluan laporan pen Text
Biocorrosion and biofouling control in industrial water coText
Perubatan : cara pilih pelajar Text
Regional development in Peninsular Malaysia : a case stuText
Punca tanah rezab Melayu tidak diwartakan dan implikasin Thesis
Dinamika & kawalan penerbangan Text
Smart building system for construction sector News Paper Cuttings
Akta gangguan seksual wajar disegera Text
Johore military forces - keperluan dan perhiasan Johor 1 Journal Article
KL to launch Islamic finance education centre Text
IEM, Jururtek FKE lawat Rumah Barkat News Paper Cuttings
Nilai semula tafsiran kemiskinan nasional Text
The design and analysis of octagon shape geometric patteThesis
A need to rebrand our graduates Text
Prospek ekonomi menggalakan Text
The role of Malaysian government it policies & e-learningConference Papers
Computer Programming Exam Papers
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Mosque Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their apIndexed Paper
More now aware of mental health Text
MIMO-OFDM radio over fiber for 4G heterogeneous net Thesis
Perkembangan industri petroleum dan sumbangannya k Conference Papers
Digital electronics Exam Papers
UTM shortens course to 3 years Text
Reconfiguration of distribution system through two mi Indexed Paper
Bush paling dibenci dalam sejarah moden Text
Mekanik Exam Papers
Best brains for GLCs sought Text
Preliminary building information modelling adoption mode Indexed Paper
Principle of forensic engineering Exam Papers
Islam benar guna darah tali pusat Text
UTM berusaha tarik pelajar Timur Tengah Text
Kriteria yang diperlukan oleh graduan kejuruteraan awa Text
Petrol flow will stop at 10pm Text
Jakim mohon jawatan tetap guru KAFA Text
Effect of swirl strength to axial flow development inside Indexed Paper
Interactive augmented reality Thesis
Rahsia rasmi perlu dipelihara : PM Text
Pemilik kena tindakan jika pemandu lakukan kesalahan Text
Akta Pertahanan Awam dipinda tarik anggota Text
The attractiveness of homestay characteristics case stud Thesis
Development economics Exam Papers
Proton jangka enjin baru prestasi tinggi siap 2011 Text
Prototype development of voip steganography Thesis
UPM perkenal program Akuakultur, Sains Ternakan Text
Kekuatan rasuk kayu lapis berperekat dibina daripada sp Text
Guna SMS periksa maklumat JPJ Text
PM : use strengths to be top in outsourcing niche Text
Consistency of fly ash quality for making high volume fly Journal Article
KLIA menang anugerah Skytrax Text
Subordinates preference of leadership behavior : task or Text
Perancang perkahwinan Text
Perubatan: UMS jamin tawar kursus berkualiti Text
A delphi technique in proposing a conceptual postmoderThesis
Jadual mata pelajaran sekolah diseragamkan Text
Experimental study on premixed flame acceleration in cl Indexed Paper
Power engineering fundamentals Text
A new method of extraction of amoxicillin using mixed reIndexed Paper
Swasta jana ekonomi Text
KLIA soars after bagging 2006 Best Airport award Text
Flu deaths hit 13 Text
Hasil penyelidikan IPT dikumpul Text
Multiple peaks tracking for photovoltaic system using parThesis
Pateri ikatan persaudaraan Text
UiTM sasar jadi universiti bertaraf dunia Text
Syor kumpulan kerja pakar Text
Access control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Aplikasi teknologi maklumat (IT) dalam pengurusan organi Text
Malaysia pertingkat kawalan perairan Text
Bajet 2010 nilai untuk wang Text
Peningkatan kes dera kanak-kanak bukti perikemanusiaanText
Hubungan di antara kecerdasan emosi (EQ) dengan stres Thesis
SME Bank bantu peminjam bermasalah Text
Reliability of mobile ad hoc networks through performanConference Papers
Perkukuh keyakinan pelabur Text
Pengangkutan awam perlu penuhi keperluan orang ramaText
Ramai kagum Pak Lah tabah Text
Membina generasi berkualiti Text
Degrees get nod for three years Text
Keberkesanan penggunaan teknik ujian tanpa musnah terThesis
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
More minors involved in crime Text
Kementerian promosi bahasa Melayu Text
Tumbuhan etno-botani Text
Lima perpustakaan siber baru akan dibuka Text
Construction and analysis of protein-protein interactio Thesis
MAA sees drop in sales Text
Dying from dengue's second wave Text
Bakal miliki hub sukan baharu News Paper Cuttings
Penentududukan dan batimetri laluan sebenar paip air diText
Watermarking text document image using pascal triangl Thesis
Pilihan raya kampus bermula News Paper Cuttings
Rekabentuk satu sistem maklumat pantai (CIMS) secara int Thesis
Malaysia-Indonesia sepakat tingkatkan kerjasama ketentText
Investigation of Ka-band satellite communication propagaIndexed Paper
Civil servants canÆt quit EPF scheme Text
Review of intelligent control system Indexed Paper
Digital logic Exam Papers
Performance evaluation of multivariate texture descriptorIndexed Paper
Pemuliharaan bangunan lama : kajian kes-Bangunan PejaText
Brunei mohon bantuan majukan pendidikan Text
Kemajuan tercela jika abai alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
A new method for detection of unbalance voltage supplyJournal Article
Eight criteria for enrolment Text
Computer-based malay speech articulation-phonologicalText
Principles of management Exam Papers
Double population MRT IBM in an enclosure using nanoflThesis
Power system engineering Exam Papers
Don : two sectors to gain from membrane technology Text
Kad pengenalan palsu untuk PATI dibongkar Text
Scheduling Exam Papers
Segerakan projek pembangunan Text
Kuasai bahasa Inggeris jadi ulama tersohor : Najib Text
Jumlah pemborong gula di Kelantan dihad Text
Microbial induced calcite precipitation - biocementation Thesis
Pengguna berhutang RM2.2 bilion dengan TNB Text
Kejayaan Matematik, Sains UPSR bukti kegigihan murid dText
Synthesis and characterization of empty fruit bunch cell Thesis
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Malaysia bantu majukan pendidikan selatan Thailand Text
Hydrological study of Taibah catchment, Wadi Alaqiq, Al Thesis
Self-instructional teaching module based on cognitive lo Conference Papers
Bioelectrical impedance analysis device: measurement ofConference
b Papers
Dasar angkasa akhir tahun ini Text
Gas adsorption on modified zeolite adsorbent Conference Papers
Ketum alternatif ubat penenang dan rawatan ketagihan Text
Thermoluminescence characteristics of aluminium oxide Indexed Paper
Kesan bentuk geronggang blok terhadap kekuatan mampat Text
Measurement of 3-D shape of multi-surface object in a Text
Senai MP treat for 128 students Text
Legal framework governing the carriage of liquified naturText
Landscape construction III Exam Papers
Masa depan graduan bidang kejuruteraan robotik cerah Text
Co-casting technique for fabricating dual-layer flat shee Indexed Paper
Power factor management for commercial buildings Thesis
Code switching as a medium of instruction in an EFL cla Non-Index Paper
The series of fuzzified fuzzy Bezier curve Journal Article
Harga petrol, diesel mungkin turun lagi Text
Moving object detection using registration for a moving Thesis
India's population a growing worry Text
We lack trained personnel, says Chua Text
Quick steps to a safer Windows Text
Solid waste management Exam Papers
RM2b oil and gas park might be free trade zone Text
Sustainability and future of palm oil Text
Peningkatan kualiti di syarikat pembuatan Text
Spektroskopi / kimia kuantum dan spektroskopi Text
Thermal behaviour of residential buildings in South-East Conference Papers
WiMAX kurangkan jurang digital Text
Kerajaan perkemas akta berkaitan dadah supaya lebih b Text
Dynamics (dinamik) Text
Fuzzy intrusion detection system via data mining techniqConference Papers
Wang zakat tak habis diagih Text
180,963 kenderaan beroperasi haram Text
New curriculum for 2011 Text
Pengklonan kambing kacukan Jermasia Text
Pulau Pinang kaji menaikkan tarif air kepada pengguna Text
UiTM lahir produk berkualiti Text
A review on speech emotion features Indexed Paper
Community service for young offenders Text
Banks set to increase interest on borrowings for non-natiText
Rekabentuk struktur III Text
RM600 juta pulih tanaman kelapa Text
Fungsi-fungsi SKM dan kuasanya Text
Hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan pengetua dengan moti Thesis
Atasi masalah banjir jangka panjang : Raja Nazrin Text
Perbankan Islam jadikan Malaysia pusat kewangan seranText
Computer grid for R&D Text
Polis buru 700,000 pesalah trafik ingkar waran tangkap Text
Meritokrasi : UTM perketat pengambilan pelajar Text
Rais : levy wonÆt hurt Text
Polis minta bantuan Interpol tangani lanun Text
Rombak kurikulum di pusat pemulihan dadah Text
Malaysia patut tarik pelaburan inovasi terbuka R&D duniText
A Malaysian portable thermoacoustic refrigerator Conference Papers
Analisis kapasiti dan tahap perkhidmatan bulatan Text
A study on large scale cultivation of microcystis aerug Indexed Paper
Teknologi binaan Text
Student's perception about road safety education Thesis
UTM raih 3 anugerah khas, 14 emas, 18 perak pada Peci News Paper Cuttings
Kajian jarak kepala bagi pengangkutan bot ekspres di SarText
Employee's attitude and managerial support on lean beneThesis
Pentadbiran kontrak Text
Document plagiarism detection algorithm using semanti Thesis
Mobile application assistance for vehicle's insurance clai Thesis
A touch screen monitor application for cashier Thesis
A review on critical success factors of sustainable retrof Indexed Paper
R&D : kawal disiplin pelajar Text
Biotek komersialkan minyak kelapa Text
Agriculture is good business Text
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Radiator characteristics in engine cooling system Thesis
The influence of roof box towards car aerodynamics Text
Kreativiti dan pencapaian akademik dalam mata pelajar Thesis
Kuota biasiswa bukan Bumiputera dikaji : TPM Text
Rheological investigation of MIM feedstocks prepared with Conference Papers
Linux passes with flying colours Text
Antimony sulphide, an absorber layer for solar cell applicIndexed Paper
Perlindungan radiologi alam sekitar Text
Rugi insan mensia-sia peluang hidup tanpa taubat Text
HKL cipta sejarah guna robot bedah kelenjar prostat Text
Minat terhadap perbankan, kewangan Islam meningkat Text
Trailer lorry rams into back of bus Text
Kaedah mengajar pendidikan teknik dan vokasional Exam Papers
Khidmat pengangkutan awam mesti diperbaiki Text
Establishing metrics program for CMMi level 3 requiremeThesis
Generasi muda wajar sertai aktiviti masyarakat Text
Pembangunan pangkalan data imej untuk stesen penerimText
Tumbuhan II Dan Nurseri / Tumbuhan Semulajadi & Hias Text
A structural framework for computer assisted architecturThesis
Hantar anak istimewa ke PDK Text
Syor Suhakam kepada kerajaan Text
Hybrid fruit key to PahangÆs papaya prospects Text
Poll : students back english usage Text
Landscap construction IV Exam Papers
Ferrite-calcium alginate as magnetic solid phase extracti Conference Papers
Pattern reconfigurable antenna for radar applications Thesis
Development of prototype through-the-road hybrid electr Thesis
MATLAB based graphical user interface application for vi Indexed Paper
Effect of leaching on lime stabilised contaminated soil a Text
Abdullah : I will carry on as there is still much to do Text
211 new HFMD cases reported Text
Negara mundur jika rakyat abai ilmu : PM Text
Effect of thixoforming on the wear properties of AL-SI-C Journal Article
A literatural review on work discrimination among wom Indexed Paper
Day of the year-based prediction of horizontal global sol Indexed Paper
Integated technical problem management system (ITPMS) Text
Sad reflection of Malay politics Text
Impact of metals on corrosive behavior of biodiesel-dieseIndexed Paper
Domestic roaming only for rural areas? Text
Penarafan dunia tidak jejas prestasi IPTA (bersama Prof. Text
Kes culik berkait geopolitik Filipina News Paper Cuttings
Isu TKI : sektor peladangan kelapa sawit tidak terjejas Text
Cabinet orders access road to stay open Text
Standard pembestarian sekolah kita diiktiraf dunia Text
Usah ulangi kesilapan zaman kegemilangan Text
Second wave of cyberlaws on the way Text
5 hala tuju tingkatkan prestasi SMT Text
Rubberwood supply squeeze Text
Muhyiddin : keluaran perikanan 662,000 tan 2010 Text
An investigation of performance and productivity in petroText
Muhyiddin saksi 10 MoU CTRM Text
Modul pendidikan sekolah Malaysia diiktiraf Unesco Text
Bigger and better Text
Analisis ke atas data pengaratan bagi tangki ballast kapa Text
Intelligent PID controller using iterative learning algorith Indexed Paper
A reference model of a step-NC data generator for prismaThesis
Tahap kepuasan pelanggan syarikat telekomunikasi terbaText
Sistem pengurusan sijil digital Thesis
Elemen kasih sayang semakin terhakis dalam dunia pendText
Commutativity degrees and related invariants of some finThesis
Health Welfare fund now open to all Text
ISKANDARnet permudah pengguna pelabuhan Text
Agent verification design of short text messaging syste Conference Papers
Teknologi membran rawat air sisa sawit Text
2010 diisytihar Tahun Inovasi Negara Text
Durability of granite and shale for various weathering gr Thesis
New life for anti-drug drive Text
Disenarai hitam jika tak bayar gaji amah Text
Design TED (Turtle hearing threshold) base on turtle hearConference Papers
The crushing years Text
Penerapan nilai minjaroes dan formula ‘3H’ dalamNon-Index Paper
Pelantar komuniti pengangkutan awam beserta mikrobloThesis
Biologi manusia Text
Wanita masih ketinggalan dalam sektor pekerjaan Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Lip syncing method for realistic expressive three-dimens Thesis
Particle swarm optimization for MPPT : simulation and anThesis
Wait until rates are approved Text
Alat canggih di Hospital Kanser Text
Prosedur lebih ketat dikenakan terhadap pemohon semuText
Siswi terus kuasai tempat di IPTA Text
No second link, but six lanes for Penang Bridge Text
Ground penetrating radar data processing for retrieval ofConference Papers
Sektor awam diarah amal kitar semula Text
Mechanical and flammability properties of ABS/PVC blenText
Arahan wujud 'laluan pantas' di hospital Text
Examination of gentrification process : the case of Edinb Text
Koperasi perlu terokai industri pelancongan Text
Single layer microwave absorber based on rice husk-mw Indexed Paper
Construction project management Exam Papers
Kejayaan program sentuhan kasih felda di Felda TenggaroThesis
The structural and luminescence properties of strontium Thesis
Single-cylinder 125 cc stepped-piston engine for mobilit Indexed Paper
Teori elektro-magnet Text
Tahap pengetahuan keusahawanan dari persepsi usahawan Thesis
Selective colour image encryption based on texture feat Thesis
Effect of microwave heating on the quality characteristicsIndexed Paper
Syabas Malaysia Text
RM20j untuk pesakit kronik : pusat sehenti permohonan Text
Development of topographic database using global digitalText
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
FPGA technology in process tomography Journal Article
Groundwater quality assessment for potential source of iIndexed Paper
Menutup aurat bukan sekadar pakai tudung Text
Sol-gel hybrid cyanopropyltriethoxysilane-methyltrimethoJournal Article
Students' perception about existing factors that may inf Thesis
The encryption - decryption of the column level for a c Text
Suburkan tabiat menabung untuk masa depan Text
Dua PM rasmi pecah tanah bina jambatan Text
Applied microbial biochemistry & biootransformation Text
Tajudin and 3 others may quit TRI board Text
Kes jenayah babit pelajar meningkat Text
New papaya gene may revive industry Text
Removal of lead from waste water by using spent bleachiThesis
Advanced analytical chemistry Exam Papers
A review on component-based development methodologie Conference Papers
Performance of concrete containing metakaolin as cemenText
Pasukan tenis kerusi roda Malaysia juara Piala Dunia Text
Wajib prihatin alam sekitar Text
Ray of hope for civil servants Text
Tiada keputusan guna percubaan SPM: Idris News Paper Cuttings
Makmal proses dadah diserbu Text
Wrongful termination of contract in construction industr Thesis
Performance and emission study of NGV motorcycle = Kajia Text
Optimal pin fin arrangement of heat sink design and therm Indexed Paper
JAS jamin sisa toksik tidak bahaya Text
Ballistic impact response of laminated composite panel Thesis
Effect of aluminizing time on tensile strength and microhText
Pemantauan H1N1 diteruskan Text
Banyak amalan bomoh bertentangan hukum syarak Text
Perluas kuasa maritim : hujah Malaysia terhadap motif tuText
Cukupkan mesin dialisis : arahan Abdullah kepada semuaText
Syarikat tempatan diminta perbanyak produk kesihatan Text
First principles investigation of the elastic, optoelectr Indexed Paper
LPPKN tubuh data kesihatan Text
Mekanik kejuruteraan II Text
Kempen tali keledar belakang diterus Text
Universiti digesa proaktif komersialkan produk R&D Text
Analysis of settlement and load transfer for micropile in Thesis
Indian dadah ringÆs ploys exposed Text
Sektor pembinaan, pertanian amat perlu pekerja asing Text
Pendapatan RM1,500 ditimbang layak terima bantuan pes Text
A unified framework for brain segmentation in MR imageIndexed Paper
School for submariners in Sabah Text
Maruah bahasa Malaysia Text
Late payment problems among contractors in Malaysia ( Text
Introduction to business Exam Papers
Enhanced Cu(II) rejection and fouling reduction through Indexed Paper
Pak Hamzah : buku itu nyawaku Text
Ibadah Haji penjana kekuatan ukhwah dunia Islam Text
Hydrodynamics study of the modified rotating disc contaIndexed Paper
Seasonal surface circulation of southern South China Sea Thesis
Proton catat untung sebelum cukai RM1.512 bilion Text
Students want the real thing Text
P&P pengajian tinggi Text
The effect of swirl number on discharge coefficient for vaText
Structural model of knowledge elements, mediating consThesis
Design of wideband rectangular-shaped coupler with virtu Indexed Paper
414 warga kerja UTM terima anugerah cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Lebih 35 laluan ditutup Text
M'sia rescue model debated Text
Kenaikan gaji pekerja swasta dijangka rendah Text
Electonics II Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics 2 Exam Papers
Effect of mediator on preparation of highly reactive electConference Papers
Peluang pekerjaan masih banyak Text
Bajet 2016 perlu beri tumpuan ringankan kos sara hidup News Paper Cuttings
Miniaturized sample preparation techniques using MCM-41 Thesis
Optimization of PID controllers for a flexible robot man Conference Papers
Government to study effects of global climate change Text
Factors influencing the walkability of Kuala Lumpur City Thesis
Hydraulics and hydrology Exam Papers
Intelligent backstepping control of quadrotor unmanned Tahesis
Separate living quarters Text
Numerical simulation of cold-formed steel top-seat flangIndexed Paper
Post occupancy evaluation of residential college building Journal Article
Modeling of microdialysis probe recovery and tissue fact Thesis
Instrument and measurement Exam Papers
PM alerts Bush on anti-palm oil drive Text
Pendidik berilmu kompleks dapat kelebihan Text
Penstabilan cerun tanah baki menggunakan silinder tanahThesis
Design of nanoscale vertical impact ionization metal oxideThesis
Kemajuan umat Islam bergantung kepada kewibawaan Text
Kokurikulum pelengkap akademik Text
Fakulti Pertanian UM di Gemas Text
Modeling of wastewater quality in an urban area during fIndexed Paper
Teleskop inframerah terbesar dilancar ke angkasa lepas Text
Akta Persaingan Pengguna Text
Rheology of deionized water based titania nanofluids Thesis
Mikropengawal Text
Application of multiple-criteria decision-making techniqueIndexed Paper
Kaedah pindah gambar ke komputer Text
Faedah dan kesan penggunaan jalur lebar (broadband) Thesis
Formula perpaduan di Malaysia jadi rujukan Text
Beri peluang Proton terus strategi pemulihan Text
Synthesis and bioactivity studies of coumarin and its deriThesis
Kerajaan rangka skim graduan tempatan dari AS Text
Denggi masih di paras tinggi Text
Eyes trained towards home News Paper Cuttings
A pilot study to identify fatigue level among Malaysian seThesis
Crosstalk reducing variable optical attenuator based on Conference Papers
Pengukuran panjang bayang bagi penentuan waktu solat Thesis
Kerangka I / binaan landskap I Text
Design of recovery system for a 40kg unmanned aerial veThesis
Lebuh raya ditutup : tanah runtuh di Kilometer 302 be Text
Comparative study on tools that support a PHP frameworThesis
JKM tangani miskin bandar Text
CAD software for semiconductor device modeling (Full teText
Enhanced separation of azeotropic mixtures by ultrasound- Thesis
Evaluation on the performance of aged asphalt binder a Indexed Paper
Penganggaran kadaralir puncak kawasan tadahan kecil taText
Financial management Exam Papers
Introducing the hybrid-DGA interpretation software as Indexed Paper
Move to boost quality of education Text
Jadikan pekerja jenama, dalam usaha pasar produk kita Text
Human rights heading in the right direction, says Suhaka Text
Putra LRT terus beroperasi walaupun syarikat diarah tut Text
Portable power monitor Thesis
University spin off formations: how decision making pro Non-Index Paper
Radioanalytical chemistry Exam Papers
Embedded TCP/IP in sensor nodes (sensornets) (Full text)Text
Pusat biodiversiti UPM di Lembah Belum Text
Pemanjangan tulang anggota Text
Total productive maintenance in a process industry Text
Paying more for our meals Text
Sistem pemantauan kawalan suhu dan kelembapan relatifThesis
Pengesanan dan klasifikasi kerosakan talian penghantar Thesis
RM1 mil for an Olympic gold medal Text
Cara Malaysia uruskan ekonomi untungkan rakyat, keraj Text
Modelling of aerobic granular sludge using artificial neur Thesis
Characterisation of weathering profile of bedded sediment Thesis
Shafie setuju syor penyangak diesel dikenakan tindakan Text
Apec nations vow to steer clear of protectionism Text
Rumie siasat kes besar : isteri dakwa pegawai JAS man Text
JPJ dakwa serta-merta : prosedur ujian air kencing diub Text
Halal : peserta bumiputera kurang Text
Pembinaan jambatan di Tambak Johor dihenti Text
Emails on rape drug 'make sense' Text
Tiga sahabat rentung Text
Relationship between safety culture and employee motivThesis
Evaluation on the effects of sea level during el nino and Thesis
Mixed views on student activism Text
More Chinese apply for MRSM Text
Focus on diseaes threats, govt told Text
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Kereta global utama hasil R&D Text
Batik Malaysia ke London Mei Text
Protein separation techniques in biotechnology Text
Statistics II Text
574 school computer labs found to be in dangerous condText
Kepentingan lokasi perpustakaan awam Text
Malaysia, New Zealand buat kenyataan mengenai FTA Text
The right approach Text
Psikologi organisasi Exam Papers
Pencapaian LPPKN dapat pengiktirafan dunia Text
Perangi kemiskinan : Abdullah ajak peserta LID 2007 cari Text
Modeling and control of a nonlinear pneumatic artificial Conference Papers
A modified particle swarm optimization based maximum Thesis
Formula atasi banjir secara muktamad Text
VIKOR technique : a systematic review of the state of theIndexed Paper
Effectiveness of microbial inoculants from tempeh and t Thesis
Performance of underside shaped concrete blocks for p Thesis
Penang panel to tackle urban poverty Text
Lindungi kepentingan petani Text
Kaedah berangka Text
Cadangan projek fasa 3 ruang tambahan Institut Sains Kom Text
Fury from the sky Text
4P asas pengukuran KPI Text
Purification and characterization of endoglucanase from Thesis
Malaysia and Indonesia on common ground Text
Kendi lama singkap asal usul Melayu Text
Where are our female corporate leaders? Text
Fisiologi Text
FOMCA lancar laman web mudahkan aduan pengguna Text
Driven by Malaysia Boleh spirit Text
Awakening to sleep disorder Text
Climate change issue and theory of planned behaviour : rIndexed Paper
Amaran jangan galak wanita merokok Text
Johor sasar RM15j hasil pelancongan Text
Nilai amanah insan semakin terhakis Text
Water circulation pattern from sea surface current and chConference Papers
Isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic bacteria Thesis
Priority to restoring PDÆs fame Text
Kajian rekabentuk sistem saluran terbuka : kajian kes : B Text
Flu outbreak drill Text
Performance of an up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) C r onference Papers
Misi Cuti-Cuti Malaysia Johor diperhebatkan tahun depa Text
Kelebihan puasa dan orang berpuasa Text
Pendidik perlu profesional merancang, bertindak Text
Nothing matters but the high Text
Extending a helping hand Text
Perlaksanaan sistem pengurusan iklan dan pemantauan sThesis
Mencegah kanser sebelum parah Text
Elektronim kuasa dan pemacu Text
Manfaat pembesaran Empangan Mengkuang Text
Higher charges seem inevitable Text
Permainan pembelajaran 3 dimensi (Bahasa Melayu) bagiText
'Smart Start' bantu mantapkan perkahwinan Text
Anugerah Bapa Mithali diwujud Text
Penilaian laluan perkhidmatan bas, antara bilangan p Journal Article
An adaptive command shaping with integral sliding modeThesis
It matters how we behave Text
Success model of internet banking : a conceptual frame Indexed Paper
Landskap hijau juadah mata pengunjung Text
Four-dimensional simulation of particle transportation i Indexed Paper
Detecting applications with excessive privileges and appliThesis
Seismic fragility of low ductile fully infilled reinforced c Thesis
UM,USM tersenarai 50 terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Finite element formulation for free vibration of composi Text
Health services here impress Romanian visitor Text
Keperluan latihan berasaskan kompetensi kakitangan barThesis
Performance of Kenaf fiber reinforced concrete Thesis
Validation of green IT framework for implementing energy Conference Papers
Intertwined study on brain bio-electrical signal and salivaThesis
Thermoluminescence response of nano gold doped lithium Thesis
Patch test calibration for seabat 8124 multibeam system Text
Meraikan Hari Muzium Sedunia Text
Computer system and multimedia Exam Papers
Assessment of perceived flexibility in house design using Indexed Paper
Kurang pakar IT jejas projek sekolah bestari Text
Path planning simulation using harmonic potential fields Journal Article
Influence of two-lined emergent floodplain vegetation o Thesis
KSN yakin sistem baru tingkat motivasi pekerja Text
Mahkamah Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna di negeri Text
Sirim hasilkan implan tulang muka lebih murah, berkualitNews Paper Cuttings
60,000 new recruits to help solve force's manpower woeText
Developing hydrological model for water quality in Iraq Conference Papers
Global warming spells rise in tropical diseases Text
Anggaran II Text
Guna SPT komputer agih rumah murah Text
Modification and upgrade of a remote control and electriText
Easy estate advertising services : www.sweethomes2u.c Text
Kutipan cukai pacu pembangunan negara Text
Yayasan sedia tuisyen untuk 100,000 murid Felcra Text
Optical based relative humidity sensor using tapered opt Indexed Paper
No extra jobs, government servants reminded Text
Rain brings relief to Sarawak Text
Kita ke-6 terbaik dunia : kecekapan kerajaan atasi UK, Je Text
Digital electronic Exam Papers
Hasilkan bahan rujukan bahasa Melayu Text
PSO-Tuned PID controller of a gantry crane system Thesis
Reka bentuk dan analisis tembok penahan cerun terstabilThesis
Organizational development Exam Papers
Industri dan pendidikan teknik dan vokasional Exam Papers
Cellular biochemistry & metabolism Text
Taklimat Oleh Elsevier Using Scopus & Sciencedirect As RPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pemandu pelancong kita fasih bahasa Inggeris Text
Robust PID tuning rule using grey prediction algorithm Non-Index Paper
Open tender for contracts Text
Kajian penggunaan acuan konkrit bersistem dalam industText
USM catat sejarah bangunkan satelit Text
Analysis and design of steel structure beam and column Text
SMS way to keep crime rate down Text
Lapan tokoh pasukan impian Text
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
Measat-3 takes to the skies Text
Evaluation of abrasion loss of asphaltic concrete subject Thesis
Setuju tumpu kerjasama empat program utama Text
Interaksi belia siswa diteruskan News Paper Cuttings
Jawatankuasa selaras bantuan banjir ditubuh Text
PM rombak Kabinet Text
Model baru pendidikan jawab kebimbangan mansuh PP Text
Penagih baru setiap 29 minit Text
Effects of reinforcement grade on beam's deflection Text
Dosimetric properties of lithium magnesium borate glas Thesis
Malaysia hab pendidikan tinggi Text
Pesta Indonesia tarik pelawat tempatan, Singapura Text
Cabaran apex pulih reputasi IPT tempatan Text
Construction Technology 1 Exam Papers
Occupational stress among technical teachers in technicaConference Papers
Using triangualtion to enhance the quality of a qualitativ Conference Papers
Pegawai rendah diberi kuasa Text
Love stories main draw Text
Flood detection using radarsat-1 data Thesis
Soliton pulse generation using a swcntspolyvinyl alcohol Indexed Paper
BNM jamin wang pengguna ditipu diganti Text
Corrosion resistance of nitric acid treated 316L stainless Thesis
Simulation and experimental investigations of semi-activ Text
Kajian kerja Text
Malaysia ranks 25th on ease of doing business Text
Wadah Wanita Islam : mendisiplinkan anak dengan kasihText
1,000 sukarelawan pantau harga barang Text
Logistics and freight transport Exam Papers
Matlamat,cabaran dan strategi dalam pengajaran bersama Thesis
Characterisation of stainless steel 316L and palm steari Thesis
Twitter sentiment analysis Thesis
Particulate emission size distribution from palm oil mill bConference Papers
UTM tawar Diploma Sains Halal News Paper Cuttings
Structure & machine Exam Papers
High voltage technology Exam Papers
Tol Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan naik 10 peratus 1 Januari Text
Significance of the easy-to-use water quality checker fo Non-Index Paper
Pemuda BN sepakat isu DEB Text
Rakyat belanja RM18b guna kad kredit tahun lalu Text
Hubungan antara pemindahan latihan dengan iklim organThesis
Entrepreneurship beyond boundaries : building future e Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Effect of amber duration on traffic operations at signalis Thesis
Evaluation of filter paper technique in suction measuremThesis
Give us ex gratia payments, say Malay contractors Text
Malaysia Airports will build low-cost terminal Text
Pengeksport rugi RM1.14j udang mengandungi antibiotikText
Assessment of postage stamp method for pricing transmis Thesis
Sektor pembinaan negara dijangka alami ledakan Text
GPS based mobile robot navigation Text
Diabetes more fatal than AIDS, says UN official Text
Pusat Pengeluaran Kambing Boer Negara dibuka 2007 Text
Report card on education Text
Malaysia mampu buat bas sendiri : Abdullah Text
Turbocharger turbine performance evaluation part 1: meThesis
Optimization of 3D culture model of HT29 cells via hang Thesis
Spektroskopi Text
Wanita perlu buktikan keupayaan : Abdullah Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
Perkongsian Ilmu bersama Ustaz Ellyeen Amineen Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Johor nikmati pembangunan berterusan Text
US bigfoot group promotes Malaysia Text
Hepatitis B punca 80 peratus barah hati Text
FEM simulation on MEMS FP OTF using al metallic mirrorConference Papers
Yahoo! perkenal perkhidmatan pesanan segera Text
PIV measurement and CFD simulation of flow through gasThesis
Cuba to conduct vaccine trials in Malaysia Text
Ori, cintan antara 5,843 daftar kata Bahasa Melayu yang Text
Dynamic topological description of brainstorm during epilThesis
Integration of manual assembly complexity into process Thesis
Microcomputer application Exam Papers
Inflasi meningkat : apa patut kita lakukan Text
Effect of central pile in increasing the bearing capacity o Conference Papers
Feature analysis for web forum question post detection Indexed Paper
Johor cops launch crime prevention operation Text
Rayapan konkrit berkekuatan normal di Malaysia Text
AirAsia set to fly to Singapore from four cities Text
Electronic fuel injection controller for natural gas vehicle Text
Abdullah garis hala tuju : wawasan 2020 terus menjadi Text
Introduction to industrial counselling Exam Papers
Dental polyclinic online system Thesis
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
UTM signs biotech pact with Queensland U News Paper Cuttings
Pasport berteknologi laser dikaji Text
Strength and compressibility of soft soil reinforced wit Thesis
Sentuhan konkrit penyeri laman Text
Numerical estimation of natural ventilation of cubical ur Thesis
Characterization and antibacterial activity of hexadecyl Thesis
Angkasawan negara akan jalani latihan penerbangan Text
Teknologi binaan II Text
Malaysia sedia pelan baru ganti Tambak Johor Text
A review of secure routing approaches for current and n Indexed Paper
Pertandingan anjuran UTM promosi konsep lestari News Paper Cuttings
Semiconductor physics Exam Papers
The degree of use and the variety of prewriting activiti Thesis
NUTP cadang naikkan gred guru besar Text
Football studies by UTM and Cardiff FC Text
Perjuangan bela masyarakat luar bandar masih jauh : NajText
Green marketing Exam Papers
Information management Exam Papers
Multivariable PID using singularly perturbed system Indexed Paper
Asas ekonomi kita kukuh, Malaysia akan atasi China da Text
Kerangka II Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Penuntut IPT ingin kongsi idea menerusi esei News Paper Cuttings
Optimal control theory Exam Papers
Robot soccer menjana minda kreatif dan inovatif Text
UiTM cipta indeks kejadian tanah runtuh Text
RM120m spent but dengue is still around Text
Kesan kebakaran ke atas kekuatan mampatan konkrit Text
The influence of lubricant viscosoty in coldwork forward Conference Papers
Management of organizational stressor on construction Thesis
Kemerdekaan tiada galang ganti Text
Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Oxidized Ni-Ti andThesis
UiTM kutip zakat, tawar biasiswa pelajar miskin Text
An examination of return volatility of listed property firmThesis
Towards 5G : a photonic based millimeter wave signal gen Indexed Paper
Usaha Muzium Negara semai patriotisme Text
Penilaian hubungan gaya kepimpinan pengetua dengan stText
Adsorption of metsulfuron-methyl on soils under oil palmConference Papers
Differential Equations Exam Papers
UTM terima anugerah emas di pameran antarabangsa Text
Model Ekonomi Baru ke Kabinet Text
Instrumentation Text
Site Management Exam Papers
Parents blamed for jbless disabled Text
UPSI jadi peneraju penyelidikan pendidikan Text
Penduduk desa digalak tanam serai wangi Text
Malaysians optimistic on job security Text
Kitaran semula plastik peringkat keempat : tenaga boleh Tpext
Tingkatkan ekonomi wanita Text
Expert : prepare to compete with foreign players Text
Call to amend National Land Code to curb forgery Text
Numerical simulation of sediment transport in open chanText
Malaysia perlu lebih ramai pakar forensik komputer Text
USB soft core with altera nios processor (Full text) Text
The incorporation of graphene oxide into polysulfone Indexed Paper
58,066 anggota JPA3 sedia hadapi banjir Text
Online communication and collaboration model for UTM Thesis
Pelbagai taktik dapatkan pampasan Text
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Measure a building, understand a culture Text
Effects of long term aging on resilient modulus of stone Thesis
Tajol : be creative in attracting tourists Text
Senario politik semasa program angkasawan News Paper Cuttings
KWSP boleh kesan ahli, IPTS menipu Text
Measurement of PCDD/Fs emissions from a coal-fired powe Indexed Paper
Asymmetric synthesis using sugars as homochiral auxiliarieText
Tiada pengaruh Syiah di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Application of leachate generated from composted kitch Thesis
Private doctors must tell of dengue cases Text
The inter-depent relatioships of branding & industrial de Text
Evaluation of a video on advanced differential equations Conference Papers
Pilihan Raya Kampus bermula News Paper Cuttings
Task induced involvement: the issue of reactivity on the Conference Papers
Johor bercadang tetapkan RM35,000 harga rumah mura Text
Najib lancar tabung bantu pelajar Melayu lanjut pelajara Text
Introduction to ship technology Exam Papers
Asas kejayaan pendidikan anak-anak Text
Study of aerodynamic noise direction and intensity of a geThesis
Special unit for sex crimes Text
Sultan Kelantan rasmi terminal baru Text
6,000 kontraktor kritikal Text
Phosphorus removal from a synthetic water solution by Thesis
Scholarship doctors should do postgrad studies locally Text
Kejayaan anjur sukan dunia bukti Malaysia selamat dikunText
Study on the humidity and water effect on friction charactThesis
Suruhanjaya pulih imej institusi kehakiman Text
Mekanik tanah Text
Signs in bird migration Text
Parameter estimation for simulation of glycolysis pathwaConference Papers
Shrinking Malaysia Text
Allow the wronged justice Text
Pemprosesan isyarat digit Text
Bioinorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Kajian ketepatan data shuttle radar topography mission ba Thesis
Selingkar kisah daripada Johari Baharom Text
Kolej, hospital swasta bantu latih jururawat Text
200,000 pelajar UiTM pada 2011 Text
Koperasi pajak gadai Islam digesa beri khidmat eksklusif Text
Isolasi (pengasingan diri) dalam kalangan Pengetua Sek Thesis
Kehamilan terancang kesihatan reproduktif Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
Identification of locally isolated reactive black 5 decolori Thesis
Herbal processing and extraction technologies Indexed Paper
CAD & Rekabentuk ASIC Text
Cadangan hukuman kerja sosial dibentang di Parlimen Jula Text
how our strenghts can boost economy Text
Lesen : syarat usia minimum disokong Text
Formation and characteristics of microbial granules contaConference Papers
Rosmah praised for dedication to early childhood educatText
Security and privacy requirements for software as a ser Thesis
Govt agencies ‘must improve disposal of hazardous w News Paper Cuttings
Design and develop a rotor mask for a two-blanded rotorThesis
MPs weigh in on judicial issues Text
Guna kaedah pintar Text
Kebangkitan ilmu perbidanan Melayu Text
ICT makin pengaruhi sektor pendidikan negara Text
Pelajar UTM reka kereta konsep News Paper Cuttings
34 pelajar SMV Kajang, Sg. Buloh timba ilmu News Paper Cuttings
Performance of modified buoy-valve self regulated tidal Thesis
Determination of rain height from TRMM precipitation r Thesis
Kenapa persalah Melayu kerana budaya? Text
Advanced software process improvement Exam Papers
Liquid membrane technology for precious metals recoverConference Papers
Fenomena pemanasan bandar ancam nyawa News Paper Cuttings
13 foreign students to promote university Text
Simultaneous double pulse enhanced laser induced breakThesis
Wanita mesti perkasa modal intelektual : Najib Text
Pengantar perakaunan kewangan Text
Physics Exam Papers
Keluarga bahagia Text
Free dialysis, RM214 monthly for hardcore poor Text
ITTO rates highly Malaysia's forest management system Text
Properties of foamed mortar prepared with granulated blIndexed Paper
Dua beranak kongsi pentas konvokesyen UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kesan cuaca dan proses penuaan terhadap campuran be Text
Government may extend retirement age for civil servantsText
Judicial interpretations on abritrator's misconduct Thesis
3 tokoh terima UTM Hall of Fame News Paper Cuttings
Sebar nikmat iman, Islam dalam agenda dakwah Text
ICT : Abdullah teruskan komitment Text
USM perlu segera laksana Pelan Pemacu Transformasi Text
Dua lagi projek pertanian berimpak tinggi dilaksana Text
Prestasi akademik pelajar Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan UConference Papers
4,013 pelajar mendaftar di UTM Skudai Text
Mekanik klasik Text
Evaluation of the combined Cr(VI) removal capacity of Conference Papers
PM : merge to compete Text
Theoretical study : analysis of automated flow lines usin Text
Perbalahan AS-Pakistan mudaratkan jiran News Paper Cuttings
Jana perkongsian global Text
Polis mula bertindak : 4,269 nama calon PLKN ingkar dis Text
Loggers degrade Panti sanctuary Text
Tourist arrivals up by 57% in first four months Text
Differential equations Text
Development of long pulsed Nd:YAG laser system Journal Article
Stretching the ringgit Text
Engineering management Exam Papers
Samy Vellu seeks, RM, 20m allocation to improve conditiText
Perancangan, kekangan dan cabaran: suatu perspektif Conference Papers
Program persediaan tindakan kecemasan di tempat kerjaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sekolah elit Perlis Text
Black Cube deals for varsity students Text
Kebolehtelapan tanah bagi tanah terganggu daripada k Thesis
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
We want to change our fate Text
Shear buckling of trapezoidal web plate (Full text) Text
Theoretical model contribution of CFRP laminates on sheJournal Article
Rakyat harap limpahan pembangunan SJER Text
Design and analysis of demand side management and theText e
Kumpulan samun bersenjata api ditumpas Text
Melonjakkan bahasa perlu sokongan semua pihak Text
The manipulation of power and knowledge: a study of Lloy Journal Article
Controlling conveyor by using visual basic Text
Penyelidikan di AS mula tahun depan Text
Cepat laksana projek : PM Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Budak maut jatuh apartmen Text
Flame retardancy, thermal and mechanical properties of Indexed Paper
Kurikulum baru ICT Text
Teachers laud SPM English proposal Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
Kimia kuantum Text
Detection of arrhythmia from the analysis of ECG signal us Thesis
On counting the conjugacy classes of type 2 groups for 2 Conference Papers
Development of photovotaic module model and solar eneThesis
Chromatographic purification strategies for recombinantText
Penculik diberkas selepas tebusan RM20,500 dibayar Text
Introduction to measurement (pengenalan kepada ukur Text
JPS kaji luaskan pemasangan sistem amaran hujan ribut Text
Mohor Sultan Melaka ditemui di Riau Text
Akta Hak Cipta 1987 perisai kerjaya penulis bebas Text
Exercise ! Not us, say youth Text
Tidak boleh angkuh dalam berjual beli Text
Malaysia and Uzbekistan sign pacts on cooperation Text
Malaysia bebas jalin hubungan mana-mana negara Text
Powered by cooking oil Text
Faktor penentu budaya organisasi yang mempengaruhi krea Thesis
Mahkamah khas pendatang Text
Kebolehlaksanaan kuari berasaskan kepada kuntiti dan kuText
Oil and gas to fuel mining activities Text
RM11.05b income for EPF last year Text
PNB kuasai 14 peratus nilai modal dalam Bursa Malaysia Text
Usahawan bumiputera akan terus dibangunkan Text
Sintesis dan pencirian zeolit beta daripada silika sekam p Text
Fabrication and testing of aircraft wing model componentText
Creating wealth out of intellectual property Text
Exploring the relationship of horizontal violence, organiz Indexed Paper
Keberkesanan penggunaan bahan-bahan kawalan bau : kaj Thesis
Effect of regeneration air temperature on desiccant whe Indexed Paper
QMS critical success factors affecting operational perfo Thesis
Project Management Exam Papers
Development of pressure meter Thesis
Sistem Pendidikan - `Melihat' 50 tahun akan datang Text
IPTA bukan lagi penjana minda kelas pertama Text
Belum tahap 'darurat kesihatan' Text
Comparison between land acquisition systems in PeninsuThesis
Gelombang mikro, antena dan perambatan Text
Pak Lah and Goh: WeÆre buddies Text
Sektor perkayuan negara utama industri hiliran Text
Bittergourd cure in fight against diabetes Text
Multi-distributed generation planning using hybrid particlIndexed Paper
Program ganas di TV pengaruhi akhlak remaja Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Passive cooling of residential buildings in hot - humid cli Conference Papers
40pc carbon cut achievable Text
Proses pemisahan I Text
Tenaga pengajar jurulatih UTM ikuti kursus Text
Jawatankuasa kecil cetus kesedaran alam sekitar Text
Worksyops Technology I / Teknologi Worsyop I Text
Utamakan kumpulan sasaran Text
Spatial distribution of poverty incidence in peninsular MaThesis
Discovering Malaysia word game Thesis
Density functional theory study of the electronic and o Journal Article
Assessment of muscle fatigue using non-invasive infrar Thesis
Practical training dataset generation and retraining mecha Thesis
Memahami inti pati kemerdekaan Text
Memperkasakan bank koperasi di bawah SKM Text
Latihan, peralatan perkuatkan ATM Text
Johor needs RM1.2b to repair damage caused by floods Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada SAJ News Paper Cuttings
The influence of social interaction on housing safety Thesis
Measurement of fiber non-linearity based on four-wave Indexed Paper
TV lesson's in school by year end Text
Lebih 3 juta tak daftar Text
Dehidrasi, sembelit dan kesihatan gastrousus Text
Teens forced to work the streets Text
PM : kembalikan untung, Proton rugi RM619.9 juta, tia Text
Signal processing Text
Spectacles trading and communication platform Thesis
UTM kutip RM1 juta isi Tabung Endowmen News Paper Cuttings
Let's keep in touch Text
Responsiveness of the Malaysian planning system in manConference Papers
10% tempat di IPTA diperuntuk kepada kelayakan di ba Text
Work harder to keep up with the big guys, says PM Text
Mathematical methods 2 Exam Papers
Hybrid radial basis function network for classification pr Conference Papers
Ekonomi makin mantap, kerajaan teruskan kembali projek- Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Malaysia projek terbesar Dr Mahathir Text
Exascale MPI-based program deadlock detection Conference Papers
Logical heuristic algorithm in extracting 2D structure th Conference Papers
Red tape for Socso claims cut Text
Cuckoo search algorithm for optimization problems - a li Indexed Paper
Rekabentuk "Electrical Gearbox Oil Pump" (EGOP) Thesis
Recycle material purchase and sales system for Jaya Hija Thesis
Saintis tempatan hasilkan penyelidikan hadapi bencana Text
Retraining for 30,000 English teachers Text
Autishapes : learning shapes game for autistic children o Thesis
Billing notification system for Soon Soon used car Thesis
Sundary shops seek assistance Text
ItÆs Bahasa Malaysia for examinations starting this yearText
Ringgit continues to strengthen Text
Analysis on the availability of technology park's incubati Thesis
Analisis aliran melalui slot bulat pada sisi saluran terbukaText
Kajian kes rekabentuk saliran bandar, pembetung segiemp Text
Dasar baru mesra pelajar di IPT perlu selaras gagasan 1MText
A first-principles comparative study of exchange and corrIndexed Paper
Islam Hadhari patut ubah minda Melayu Text
The effect of hydrogen reduction temperatures on the p Text
Valuation statute / Penilaian statut Text
State Government gets to use another $197 million News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of the marine riser attached to an offshore fixedText
Atasi segera masalah kepincangan belia Text
Web-based dynamic e-wallet system Thesis
Elektronik lanjutan Text
Determining fuzzy rules for student’s performance and Non-Index Paper
The development of low-cost impedance tube Thesis
Baki kawasan kilang Naza jadi tapak PKS Text
Lebih 2,000 Proton Satria Neo ditempah Text
Effects of duct burner on bottoming cycle in a combined Journal Article
Untung bersih lebih RM2b Text
Radiobiologi Exam Papers
Analysis of modular load bearing sandwich wall panel (P Text
Synthesis and analysis of silicon nanowires grown on Si (1Non-Index Paper
Kenapa gagal memerangi denggi? Text
Kelumpang penempatan 1,800 tahun Text
Matematik asas Text
Dangling carrot for new MSC investors Text
RM3.3j pembangunan bagi golongan muda Text
Galak anak belajar sains melalui kegiatan di rumah Text
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Sub-wavelength terahertz beam profiling of a THz sourceIndexed Paper
Potential for coal transportation in Malaysia Text
Najib : watch out for mega varsities Text
MPV Perodua dijangka termurah Text
Time dotCom terima nafas baru Text
Shahrizat : child abuse on the rise Text
55 sekolah jadi perintis satu sesi Text
Cytotoxic effect of annona muricata linn leaves extract o Indexed Paper
Hukuman berat buat pemburu haram News Paper Cuttings
Universiti antarabangsa jana ekonomi negara Text
Self-regulatory efficacy as potential moderator on the Journal Article
System analysis and design methods Exam Papers
Bursa Malaysia yakin tarik penyenaraian baru Text
Tiada alasan naikkan harga minyak masak : Shafie Apdal Text
Usah lepas tangan didik anak Text
Lapan IPT tawan Gunung Belumut News Paper Cuttings
Multitugas pertingkat skil, kreativiti pekerja hadapi caba News Paper Cuttings
Recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from mixed mic Conference Papers
42,700 projek pakej 1, 2 Text
Selepas ijazah sarjana pasangan kembar mahu genggam News Paper Cuttings
Management science Exam Papers
Technology acceptance and electronic portfolio systems Thesis
Evaluation of sulfate resistance of mortar containing palmIndexed Paper
UTM terima anugerah di Hanoi Text
Kesan sistem pembelajaran berkomputer matematik berasask Text
Printed monopole antenna for wireless sensor network Thesis
Sistem pengurusan pengkatalogan dan pengkelasan beraText
Leakage current measurements of a pixelated polycrystaIndexed Paper
Numerical methods II Exam Papers
Dasar ekonomi makro terbukti berhasil : TPM Text
UTM bangunkan bidang sains hayat Text
Termination of architect's engagement Text
Kajian eksperimen untuk mengurangkan kebisingan yangText dih
Whither the EIA? Text
How firms cheat on tax returns Text
An exploration of the relationship between size and risk Conference Papers
Budget expected to have different flavour Text
Keunikan institusi raja di Malaysia Text
Applied microbial biochemistry and biotransformation Exam Papers
Offer ergonomics as core subject, institutions urged Text
Tiga laluan alternatif kurangkan kesesakan Text
BI tak terjejas : PM Text
DOE to nail 15 for open burning Text
Probe into private hospital mortality rates Text
Let religion be the business of the experts Text
Nicol cemerlang, gemilang, terbilang : Pak Lah Text
Pasar raya besar diarah bayar pembekal seminggu Text
Taming of the bird flu Text
Geotechnical engineering design Exam Papers
Food sector source of strength in crisis Text
PPP syor pembangunan secara keseluruhan News Paper Cuttings
Differential evolution method for multilevel voltage sou Thesis
Programming methodoly / metodologi pemprograman Text
Hubungan ras Text
Harga rumah dijangka meningkat Text
Aftershock Text
Alternative fuel as biodiesel: effect of fuel property mo Thesis
Radio frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver system us Thesis
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Kajian permodelan sungai menggunakan perisian SMS (SuThesis
SPM: 89 sekolah termasuk luar bandar muncul terbaik Text
Mekanik bendalir Exam Papers
Pengurusan Alam Sekitar (B) Text
Italian language Exam Papers
Kenaikan petrol tidak jejas ekonomi Text
Wujudkan segera masjid kelas æAÆ Text
Fahami ilmu terkini untuk kehidupan lebih lestari Text
Media advised against raising religious issues Text
Giving aid blindly just won't do Text
Calculus II / kalkulus II Text
Kritikan Malaysia pada IMF bertepatan Text
Safety label for health products Text
Preparation and characterization of sludge-derived activaThesis
Planning Exam Papers
Enhancing higher order thinking skills through mathematiConference Papers
Sekolah berprestasi tinggi bakal diumum Text
Program perkongsian ilmu bicara kemerdekaan oleh Kas Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM anjur pameran kerjaya bidang kejuruteraan News Paper Cuttings
Product design improvement through Design for AssemblThesis
Feature selection and classifier parameters estimation foIndexed Paper
Effects of geogrid reinforcement on the static liquefactionJournal Article
Redress for all on religious matters Text
Effects of microbial additive on the physiochemical and bIndexed Paper
Dekan USM berjaya kaji sistem ekologi di bumi Antartika Text
Umat Islam patut rebut peluang status hab halal Text
Not enough specialised nurses to go around Text
Simulasi perlaksanaan program di dalam ingatan utama, Text
Factors affecting success implementation of electronic g Thesis
Property tax assessment incentives for green building : a Indexed Paper
Kegembiraan lestari dalam kalangan pensyarah di UniversThesis
Kanser : hospital kita miliki kelengkapan baik Text
Pendedahan Black Metal Mastika dapat perhatian Text
The effect of laser irradiation on the viability of breast Conference Papers
Design of a remote module for offshore storage and offloThesis
Optical properties of magnesium phosphaste glass dope Thesis
A Homological invariant of a bieberbach group with dihe Journal Article
1,600 kelas prasekolah dibuka dalam RMK-9 Text
Fuzzy based sustainability indicator for product design Thesis
Pengurusan tawaran baru (new deal) sekolah kebangsaa Thesis
Reviewing the notions of construction project success Non-Index Paper
World body gives Malaysia chance to chair technical co Text
The impact of e-learning in workplace: focus on organiz Non-Index Paper
Ministry to launch nationalwide consumer awareness ca Text
Land use planning system and housing development procThesis
Peruntukan akta wajibkan caruman bulanan Text
Performance of an anaerobic stage reactor (ASR) treatingIndexed Paper
Improved support vector machine using multiple SVM - RFE Thesis
Subsidi kesihatan kekal Text
Environmental chemistry Text
Comparative study on differences of various agile metho Thesis
Perkeso : syarat baru terhadap majikan Text
Penggunaan bahan-bahan paip dalam sistem pembentunThesis
Design of DNA sequences based on continous particle swConference Papers
Building virtual tools for cyber generation Text
Electromagnetic hybrid suspension system (EHS) applicatThesis
Quicker settlement of disputes Text
Penguasaan pelajar dalam kemahiran berfikir aras tingg Conference Papers
Rubbish, rubbish everywhere at Lata Tembakah Text
Army gets RM500m boost for equipment Text
Meshfree formulations of kinematic wave for channel floThesis
Optimization of formulation and process condition for doThesis
Mekanisme bangunkan sel stem dikaji Text
Behaviour of filled joint under shear loading (Full text) Text
Najib : capitalise on improved KL - Jakarta ties Text
Pembangunan sumber manusia kekuatan JPN Text
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Pak Lah Refutes Thaksin's claim Text
Economy & specifications Exam Papers
Development an open source web based marine spatial iThesis
Penuntut UTM tabur bakti Text
WHO kritik negara terlibat wabak selesema burung Text
Impact of upslope impervious surface to run-on/runoff reThesis
Ubah suai bangunan mesti ada pelan Text
Calculus 2 Exam Papers
Risiko penerokaan minyak di Iraq Text
Fizik berkomputer Text
MEMS optical switch based on fiber displacemen Conference Papers
Accelerated aqueous extraction and phytochemicals scree Thesis
A study on the performance and morphology of multicomp Conference Papers
Hasil kajian bukti pilihan raya telus Text
That is best which works best Text
Communication is the source of career problems among hIndexed Paper
Johor dapat pelaburan RM25b Text
UKM raih 17 pingat di Jerman, Belgium Text
Pertumbuhan KDNK suku kedua 4.1 peratus Text
A DNA sequence design based on continous and binary paConference Papers
Kewujudan bahasa Melayu Text
1,000 docs to be promoted Text
Polysulfone-chitosan blend ultrafiltration membranes: prIndexed Paper
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Desaru boleh dibangunkan semula Text
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Budget 2007 : zero exam fees lauded Text
Settle cases within six months Text
Penilaian Kurikulum Sains Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Thesis
Cadangan projek fasa 3 ruang tambahan Institut Sains Kom Text
Dwindling minority : no more male teachers in the classr Text
Suhakam : ensure the poor have basic needs Text
Remote sensing gelombang mikro 2 Text
Modelling of clinical risk groups (CRGs) classification usi Conference Papers
Figure plagiarism detection based on textual reference Thesis
World No Tobacco Day : no more gifts or gimmicks Text
Koperasi perlu ubah paradigma Text
Konsep Satu Malaysia untuk kemakmuran Text
Automatic detection of oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico f Indexed Paper
Pelan kekal daya saing sektor automotif negara Text
Evaluation of inflow/infiltration and flow characteristics Text
Biological treatment of actual textile wastewater using a Thesis
Pengambilan Balik Tanah Text
Process instrumentation Text
Gangguan mental dan penyelesaian Text
Production and assessment of elevation map of LIDAR datConference Papers
Hospital kerajaan jadi pilihan untuk rawatan pakar Text
Challenges of the 21st century: instructional innovative l Conference Papers
Profil terperinci pelajar diperkenal Text
Organizational innovation and value creation in small t Indexed Paper
Partial Differential equation Exam Papers
Simulation methodology for fracture processes of comp Thesis
Quantitative analysis Exam Papers
Promosi pelancongan diperhebat Text
Muhyiddin : kekalkan kesiapsiagaan di tahap tinggi atasi Text
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Singularly perturbation method for multivariable proportiThesis
MTUC boleh bukti kerja berdiri jejas kesihatan Text
FTA : tolak kesan negatif Text
Manoeuvring control for pusher barge in restricted wate Conference Papers
Pengujian radiografi industri Text
On-the-spot dadah test for motorists Text
Lemak pada hati tiada penawar Text
Education for all Text
A simple microextraction and preconcentration approac Indexed Paper
Prediction on hydrodynamic coefficients of a barge in vicin Thesis
Daftar kenderaan baru meningkat 1.02 juta Text
700 penguat kuasa baru pantau harga barang Text
Ganti PPSMI tak jejas pelajar Text
Penggunaan internet untuk tujuan pembelajaran di kalanThesis
Arm real time temperature sensor for babies in fever usi Thesis
Bicara kes jenayah setahun : Ketua Hakim Negara mahu Text
Kursus ekonomi, sains sosial ditawar PTPTN Text
UTM laksana kaedah 'Peer Instruction' News Paper Cuttings
Iltizam politik revolusi pertanian Text
Tahap penerimaan kakitangan Pejabat Setiausaha KerajaaThesis
Transmission control protocol congestion control in lon Thesis
Gaji baru pengawal menarik Text
Rapid monitoring system for biodegradable implant: sy Thesis
Ibu bapa perlu sokong kokurikulum Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pendaftaran pelajar sekolaThesis
Kimia kuantum dan spektroskopi Text
Education blueprint ready to be unveiled Text
Gender classification framework in forensic anthropolog Thesis
Kerajaan ambil langkah serius banteras demam denggi Text
Pesta Kaamatan penuh tradisi Text
Iklan dalam media mengenai isu air dengan Singapura : Text
Position tracking Controllers for two wheeled inverted Indexed Paper
1,500 penuntut sertai Perhimpunan Siswa Text
Kimia analisis II Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Landfill leachate treatment using subsurface flow constr Text
Malaysia buka pusat bantu mangsa tsunami di Aceh Text
Polis diarah berucap di sekolah Text
Degree plan for school heads Text
System of tax object valuation within the urban sector i Text
Silver Whale johan cabaran bot kotak UTM 2010 Text
Mitos keselamatan Israel News Paper Cuttings
Kimia analisis Text
Membongkar rahsia herba untuk rawatan kanser Text
An improved global particle swarm optimization for fasteIndexed Paper
Pengecaman nota muzik menggunakan teknik linear predict Thesis
MPOB perluas penggunaan biomas sawit Text
Chemical reaction process Exam Papers
GPS meteorology [electronic resource] : determination oThesis
Microwave-assisted fibrous decoration of mPE surface util Indexed Paper
Elapse time factor on induced vegetative moisture uptakeNon-Index Paper
Polyhydroxyalkanoates production from waste biomass Indexed Paper
Enterprise architecture development and implementationIndexed Paper
A Potential of versatile rectangular patch with perturbatiJournal Article
A case study on strategic leadership in TNB : Tan Sri Dat Text
Imam orang tengah pererat silaturahim kariah Text
Program pasca siswazah UTM dapat sambutan baik News Paper Cuttings
Herba penawar menopaus Text
Laman hijau serlah ketenangan Text
Ammonia pada paras bahaya Text
Save Earth from the burn Text
Putting mammograms to the test Text
Component based testing for vision system developent pThesis
Bank to be restructured Text
Push for higher salaries Text
30 pig farms quarantined Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk sistem Text
Analysis of steel frame with tubular column Text
Penubuhan Suruhanjaya Air Negara ke Kabinet Text
Hishammuddin arrives to pay last respects to Tunku Abdul News Paper Cuttings
Thai rugi RM973 juta Text
Rekabentuk Litar Bersepadu & Teknik Pengujian Text
Oil boom fuels Islamic funds Text
The River Terrapin faces extinction Text
Implementation of skill test (web based skill assessment Thesis
Twenty to be chosen as model schools Text
Pengantar bahasa Inggeris di UiTM berjaya Text
Syarikat ICT diseru jalin kerjasama dengan IPT Text
Performance study of wireless body area network in medConference Papers
Guru digalak ajar dalam dwibahasa Text
The relationship between language anxiety and self-esteeThesis
Pola migrasi dalaman di Semenanjung Malaysia 1975-19 Text
Psoriasis : faktor penyebab dan rawatan Text
More user-friendly Form B for taxpayers Text
5,000 mahasiswa UTM ke luar negara Text
Wajibkan kenderaan persendirian diperiksa Text
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Pelabuhan perlu bebas dikuasai syarikat asing Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
A hybrid numerical approach for multi-responses optimi Indexed Paper
Second wave strikes : pressure building up at dams Text
Reputation loss framework for consequence assessment Thesis
Email as a customer service tool: an investigation into emNon-Index Paper
Design a new feature of wheelchair with sliding seat for Thesis
Three dimensional surface reconstruction from stereo i Thesis
Penduduk minta siasat pembalakan di hutan simpan Text
Simulation study of improving oil recovery by polymer floText
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
UTM builds eco-friendly engine Text
Cloud seeding works Text
Productivity improvement in a driving gear frame assemblThesis
Kerajaan tidak cadang tetap kos perubatan Text
Construction noise at superstructure stage Thesis
Teori kurikulum dan perubahan kurikulum Exam Papers
Experimental test rig for torsional and bending stiffness Thesis
Faktor pematuhan cukai dalam sistem taksiran sendiri d Thesis
PM mahu kraf tangan Malaysia berjenama dunia Text
Improving power grid performance using parallel connecIndexed Paper
Manusia cemerlang bijak bahagi, hargai masa Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dan kayu Text
Multi-fingered robot hand Thesis
Skin test reactivity to bee hive products (honey bees, hone
Journal Article
Understanding environmental audit in the public sector: Journal Article
Generalized linear model approach for modeling rainfall Thesis
Keistimewaan Ramadan pada sejarahnya Text
Homegrown high flyer Text
Melahirkan graduan Text
Jubah konvokesyen Universiti Teknologi Malaysia : CansePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Computer programming Exam Papers
A knowledge management metrics model to measure theThesis pe
Cloning of b-xylosidase gene from locally isolated fungus Conference Papers
The relationship between occupational safety and healt Thesis
Hybrid GA for material routing optimization in supply chaIndexed Paper
Bayaran tambahan dikaji, bagi kurangkan beban ibu bapaText
Program khas pertanian untuk siswazah Text
Programming fundamental/programming methodology Exam Papers
Strategi tingkat industri pelancongan mesti betul Text
Determination of soil erosion parameters for Malaysian Text
Convenience non-contact capacitive eletrode for ECG Thesis
Kerjasama ubah persepsi negatif terhadap IPTS Text
Preparation and characterization of polyethersulfone Conference Papers
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Medini Iskandar MalayNews Paper Cuttings
Effects of solid state fermentation by Monascus purpureus Journal Article
Fama tingkat produk tani Text
SEMG recording system using bioradio 150 Thesis
7 universiti Malaysia raih penarafan dunia News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis and characterization of thermotropic liquid cryIndexed Paper
PM pledges conditional reduction of GDP emission by 20 Text
11 new hotels by 2011 Text
Budaya 3K punca siswa gagal Text
Isteri, anak terjamin peruntukan baru poligami Text
A model for seismic vulnerability score assignment of roaConference Papers
Guru diberi kedudukan istimewa di sisi agama Text
Rheology based on suspension containing titanium dioxi Conference Papers
EZ430-chronos watch as a wireless health monitoring devThesis
Sustainable tourism planning & development Text
UTM should aspire for greater heights Text
A review on UML-RT and UML-SPT for embedded real-t Conference Papers
Malaysia tak masuk campur urusan jiran Text
Transformasi baru hubungan Kuala Lumpur, Singapura Text
Socioeconomic sustainability as environmental performanConference Papers
Pelan tindakan belia Text
Interactive motions of two offshore structures in close p Thesis
Graduan UTM mesti isi borang isytihar bebas H1N1 Text
Asean talks on education, youth unity Text
Tiga agensi perkasa Bahasa Melayu Text
Experimental behavior of partial strength steel beam - toConference Papers
Armed forces seek more non-Bumiputeras Text
Sistem pembelajaran mobil skor bestari Thesis
Sistem pengurusan simpanan rekod pelanggan, stok dan Ts hesis
Pemergian yang dirasai Text
Procedure for military parachute jumps stays Text
Multimedia training package for palm oil mill : laporan haText
Segerakan bina jeti Sungai Pontian Besar Text
Produk herba elak kesan sampingan Text
Probe on med colleges Text
52,000 penganggur mendaftar cari kerja Text
Analysts : car price increase wonÆt affect Proton sales Text
Optimized feature selection using particle swarm optimiza Thesis
Human computer interaction Exam Papers
Parametric study for seepage flow pattern of pavement lThesis
IPTA digesa buat audit rambang elak seleweng Text
Ekonomi 2006 lebih kukuh Text
Analysis of torque vertical on string model Journal Article
A student engagement model in social networking sites foThesis
Understanding the liver Text
Proses pensejagatan Islam tak pernah luntur Text
Advanced organic chemistry Exam Papers
Senai airport to become lifestyle hub Text
Boatloads of poisons come from Indonesia Text
Kerajaan tak halang pakatan strategik Proton, VolkswageText
New links cut down on Federal Highway load Text
Not the trade for non muslims Text
Pengurusan teknologi Text
Petronas kemuka bida sertai sektor petroleum di Sri LankText
CFD simulation of slugcatcher pressure vessel Thesis
Hasilkan karya penjana minda bangsa Text
College students not in favour of directive Text
Energy audit for laboratory in FKE Thesis
Statistical method Exam Papers
Management of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) waste Thesis
A novel method for protein 3D-structure similarity mea Conference Papers
Sains, teknologi dan manusia Exam Papers
More dialogues to boost building sector Text
Swasta diseru main peranan jana ekonomi Text
Effect of heat treatment on copper removal onto manur Indexed Paper
Penyediaan kemudahan rekreasi untuk remaja di pertemThesis
Data verification method for Malaysia brand android devThesis
Inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
The influence of intellectual capital on the performance Text
Effect of engagement and collaborative learning on satis Indexed Paper
Najib to Britain : letÆs rebuild ties Text
Learning mathematic in bahasa melayu for early childhooThesis
Perodua belanja RM50j tingkat pengeluaran Text
Matematik II Text
Kedahs economic growth encouraging Text
Cadastral surveying 1 / ukur kadester 1 Text
Comparative analysis of combustion spray coconut oil and Journal Article
Construction technology and design Exam Papers
Integrated tool for assessing sustainability index of disti Indexed Paper
Three dimensional groundwater modeling in geographic Thesis
The effect of supercritical fluid extraction parameters on Indexed Paper
Opinion analysis for twitter and arabic tweets : a systemaIndexed Paper
Pegawai polis di sekolah : bertindak tangani salah laku Text
Safety and health improvement in a bus manufacturing Thesis
A graphical method for assessing inherent safety during Indexed Paper
Sel janin penawar baru sakit jantung, diabetes Text
DBP perlu kuasa laksana dasar bahasa Text
Najib Bintang di APEC Text
PM : have fatwa against illicit dadah Text
Sains, matematik dalam bahasa inggeris di maktab Text
A review on quality management systems maintenance fIndexed Paper
NS terputus bekalan air akibat letupan kabel elektrik Text
Ibu bapa penentu kecemerlangan Text
Analysis of flow pass flat film cooling plate using numeri Text
Dua penuntut UTM maut dalam nahas jalan raya Text
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Penyelidikan operasi Text
Blog kaedah terbaik realisasi misi dakwah dalam masyaraText
Electronics Exam Papers
16 pusat lupus ditutup Text
Computer application in accounting Exam Papers
Penyelesaian perubahan iklim Text
Teknologi kimpalan Text
DID preparing school module Text
Confusion harmful to Muslims Text
Harvard University-UIAM setuju tukar pensyarah Text
An improved hybrid of SVM and SCAD for pathway analysNon-Index Paper
Laporan BPA dibentang ke Kabinet setiap bulan Text
A threat once more Text
Kacip fatimah agen anti penuaan Text
117-year-old temple scores a first with ISO 9001 cert Text
Pressing need for neurosurgeons Text
Automotive technology Text
Budak bunuh anak guru dibebas Text
NRW : Kajian kawasan perindustrian Bercham (Preview) Text
Dua anak syarikat TM ke bursa luar akhir tahun Text
KPN arah gempur sarang jenayah Text
Oxidative coupling of methane in a corona discharge plasm Indexed Paper
Study of the variation of catalyst loading in cathode f Indexed Paper
Line loads on slab Thesis
Sarawak can be major furniture exporter Text
USM receives intel education grant Text
Sektor pertanian diperkukuh Text
On-line supercritical fluid extraction-high performance Text
Statistics for designers Exam Papers
Sea erosion forcing Eskimo villagers to move to more sol Text
Effect of liquid inhibitor de-dioâ„¢ on dioxin-furan emis Indexed Paper
Zimbabwe harap sokongan Malaysia Text
Max flow based on topology control channel assignment Indexed Paper
How does a leader speak? Text
Determination of transformer performance index based on Thesis
Pertingkat kualiti petugas kaunter Text
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
After waiting seven years, youth to get MyKad soon Text
Buat kerja luar jangan jejas produktiviti : PM Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Cegah kemungkaran belum sebati di jiwa Muslim Text
Tiada ganjaran kad kredit beli petrol Text
RM80m owed to contractors, Government urged to step Ti ext
5 universiti Malaysia tersenarai Text
Treatment of textile wastewater using biodegradable flocThesis
Pembangunan modul pembelajaran kendiri kelim dan bela Thesis
Analisis beban muktamad terhadap rasuk (PCFC) rencam Thesis
Cryptanalysis and improvement of 'a secure authenticati Indexed Paper
3,601 pusat pemindahan banjir disedia Text
Petrol likely to go back to pre-June prices Text
Development of reservoir simulator by fortran for elffectThesis
Variation orders in transmission projects of Tenaga Nasi Text
The effects of controlling parameters on polymer enhance Indexed Paper
Tiada tanda surut : 40,000 mangsa banjir dijangka sambuText
Galeri Dasar Laut di Pulau Bidong Text
UMS make winning start News Paper Cuttings
MITI perjelas dasar pemberian AP Text
Consensus-based service selection using crowdsourcing uIndexed Paper
Arena Wati lambang keakraban dua negara Text
Preparation of microporous PVDF hollow fiber membraneIndexed Paper
Investigation of nano-size montmorillonite on enhancing Indexed Paper
Kimia bahan Text
Perluaskan perdagangan Malaysia-China Text
3D measurement and modeling using close range laser sca Conference Papers
Fizik superkonduktor Text
Levi pekerja asing di dua sektor naik 50 peratus Text
Cooperation on wildlife crime Text
UTMSPACE on top in a short space of time News Paper Cuttings
Kejayaan Taiwan merealisasikan k-ekonomi Text
Susur galur perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Malaysia Text
Prestasi campuran sejuk asfalt batu mastik menggunaka Thesis
The moderating role of top management support on the Tr hesis
PTPTN serahkan kepada bank kendali pinjaman Text
Increase in toll rates minimal, says Zin Text
Penyusuan ibu eksklusif enam bulan pertama Text
Labur di luar negara : KWSP mohon kebenaran kerajaan Text
Civil servants told : shape up or ship out Text
Kajian lanjutan kekuatan blok apit ringan berpozzolana Text
School for the gifted by 2011 Text
Bertegas tangani isu perkauman Text
Keputusan muktamad PPSMI sebelum akhir tahun Text
Assessing the effect of landslide risk on residential prop Thesis
Kembara Kasih Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail UTM ke Vietnam dan News Paper Cuttings
Privatisation of land development in Malaysia (Fulltext) Text
The HIV fight intensifies Text
Sistem 2 ijazah, diploma tak sesuai Text
Developing a geographic information system (GIS) : base Text
Tunggu sejam dapatkan NGV Text
Pengurusan dan keselamatan makmal (laboratory managText
Membendung jenayah tanggungjawab semua Text
Merging of game principles and learning strategy using a Journal Article
Tiga sahabat terbunuh kereta mewah terbabas Text
Kerajaan henti ambil doktor asing Text
Skim kawalan harga barang setiap musim perayaan Text
Kajian penjanaan sisa pepejal di premis kedai makan kawThesis
Compact planar antenna array for point-to-point commuThesis
Using Python & OpenGL to develop the horizontal situatiThesis
Bank Negara to ensure fair value for ringgit Text
Audit II Exam Papers
Leaders delighted with inaugural meet Text
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FTG 0Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sick garden closed Text
Pengenalan hubungan industri Text
An optimisation approach for increasing the profit of a Indexed Paper
Catalytic oxidative desulfurization of diesel oil by Co/M Indexed Paper
Sampling techniques Exam Papers
Optical temperature sensor using technology enhanced cla Thesis
Techno-economic analysis of hybrid photovoltaic/diesel/bIndexed Paper
Hierarchical voltage control strategy in interconnected Thesis
Kadar kemalangan pekerja di Malaysia menurun Text
Kalkulus Text
Synthesis of carbon modified titanium dioxide photocatalThesis
Centralised HR system to be implemented over next two Text
Tarif elektrik mungkin dinaikkan : Dr Lim Text
Ahmad Fuaad letak jawatan Text
Development of framework for green highway implementThesis
Kereta Proton terima anugerah Superbrand Text
Isu agama anak mesti diselesai secara hemah, bijaksana Text
Ministers have to declare assets twice in five years Text
Software design Exam Papers
Mathematics and Science in English : changes to only aff Text
Budaya kerja tanpa diarah selaras kenaikan gaji Text
UKM hasilkan 82 harta intelek Text
Loji bioetanol Unimas keluar hasil tahun depan, pertama Text
Multilevel learning in kohonen som network for classificaText
Pengurusan projek pembinaan Text
Don't push it, DPM warns Text
Performance of vegetated swale in reducing pollution lo Text
ICT permudahkan kutipan zakat Text
Hak upaya rakyat Text
Clusters of power in education soon Text
Leaf recognition based on leaf tip and leaf base using ce Indexed Paper
Paying for trees Text
Airports to enforce new fluids ruling on May 21 Text
Introduction to business Exam Papers
Law of contract, tort, agency and sale of goods Exam Papers
Curable condition Text
Industrial engineering / kejuruteraan industri Text
Automasi makmal Text
Chemical constituents from Piper caninum and antibacteri Indexed Paper
UTM collaborates with Saudi university News Paper Cuttings
Resistorless bootstrap bias generator Thesis
Pastikan alam sekitar dipelihara Text
Effect of tropospheric delay to global positioning system Text
Najib serah kepada PM isu penggiliran KM Pulau Pinang Text
IPHI sahkan itik tidak dijangkiti selesema burung Text
3D modelling of electrical capacitance and ultrasonic senJournal Article
Kualiti udara negara pada tahap sihat Text
Hardware-accelerated localization for automated licenseThesis
Teori litar Text
A review on preparation methods and challenges of nanoIndexed Paper
Instrumentasi Text
Tragedi Bali tidak jejas pasaran modal tempatan : Dr MahText
Precision machining : (upgrading of a surface grinding macText
Racial unity the key to countryÆs success Text
Matematik diskret Text
Akriz in aerospace centre deal Text
Rombakan Kabinet makin hampir : bagaimanapun Perdana Text
Hampir 21,000 dibuang sekolah Text
Mixed opinions on English review Text
Perpustakaan UKM gedung akses maklumat digital globalText
Remote data transfer for structural health monitoring of Tbext
Removal of Procion Red MX-5B and Remazol Brilliant ViolThesis
Perlaksanaan kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dalam pe Thesis
Perjanjian pelancongan percepat integrasi serantau dimeText
Alkaloid from glycosmis pentaphylla and flavonoids fromThesis
Perancang kehidupan peribadi Islam (personal life islami Thesis
Simulation of respond time taken by medical responder dThesis
Malaysia sasar jadi pengeluar nanas ke-10 dunia Text
Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the propert Thesis
Reading habits among adolescence: a concept paper Conference Papers
Penempatan setinggan kawasan Parlimen dilaksana Text
Model extraction of interface trap density in metal-oxideThesis
Multaqa Ulama Sedunia rumus pelan majukan ummah Text
Apa kesudahan masalah dadah? Text
Modeling and performance analysis the down conversionThesis
Engineering Statistics Exam Papers
When saving equals gold News Paper Cuttings
Investigation of spectrum sharing in cognitive communic Thesis
A study of weak nuclear response by nuclear muon captuThesis
Angkasa to monitor loans taken by civil servants Text
Pelajar UTM bangga dapat beraksi Text
Officials discuss proposed bridge project Text
10,000 sekolah dinaik taraf Text
Near optimal harmonic elimination pulse width modulatiThesis
Surfing in the fast lane News Paper Cuttings
PM garis tiga komitmen : sebelum tempoh Malaysia jadi Text
Perginya bapa UTM, pejuang pendidikan bangsa News Paper Cuttings
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Basic electrical engineering Exam Papers
Constructing a framework in applying psychomotor domain Thesis
Trend analysis of precipitation data in flood source areasJournal Article
Fund for needy OIC countries Text
Kewangan Islam Malaysia terus kukuh Text
Association against Bill : amendments will lead to more Text
Pendidikan di Jepun : 22 guru ikuti program Text
6 hari terapung di laut : wanita Aceh berpaut pada poko Text
Printed antenna with quad L-Shaped pertubed slits for S Conference Papers
Restoring lustre to national schools Text
Land Use Planning II Exam Papers
Forged certs for a fee Text
Negara memerlukan masyarakat usahawan Melayu Text
NanoTag catches diesel thieves Text
Lokasi panas tidak praktikal Text
A rise civil service wonÆt like Text
Usaha basmi jenayah diganda Text
Pelajar Felda tiga faktor keciciran dikenalpasti Text
The Impact of performance variables on industry in k-e Journal Article
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2O vapors using mo Indexed Paper
Development of a computer programme for the design ofText m
Makanan pengaruhi, bentuk keperibadian manusia Text
Youth need pure and good values Text
USIM gabungkan ilmu konvensional dan Islamik Text
Pengrekrutan sumber manusia Text
The analysis of two-profile environment ground clutter s Journal Article
Harga gula dijangka naik 20 sen Text
Teladan terbaik toleransi Text
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Malaysia moves to revive Telehealth project componentsText
PM lancar projek Bandar Gemilang Text
Remote sensing untuk hidrologi dan sumber air Exam Papers
The effects of tapered sleeve in improving the achorage Thesis
Pengurusan kewangan awam catat prestasi paling cemerText
Spatial analysis Exam Papers
Grads and varsity body glad to hear of scholarships Text
Web provokasi guna server asing Text
Instrumentasi proses Text
Asean diancam penyakit baru Text
Study on the reduction of run off peak from a terrace housText
Ledakan bintang yang hampir memusnahkan bumi Text
UTeM tawar program berkualiti Text
The effect of current on characteristic for welded joint Thesis
Media asked to help monitor reps performance Text
Kakisan & perlindungan permukaan (Corrosion & surfaceText
Road furniture management Thesis
'Kelayakan atas kertas' tak jamin dapat kerja Text
Development of a computer software for optimal design Text an
Looking for clean rivers? Go to Terengganu Text
Maximum power point tracking technique under partial sThesis
Kehidupan mencabar hakis norma kekeluargaan News Paper Cuttings
Sipadan kini terancam? Text
Settlement behaviour of soft soil stabilized with soil-ce Thesis
Emotions run high, top scorers celebrate Text
Minimum wage for three groups Text
Kajian keberkesanan kitar semula komputer terpakai di Pe Thesis
Najib warns sugar producers Text
Cervical cancer : vaccine available locally Text
Investigation of temperature prolife in the waveguide (P Text
Varsity intake to be on merit Text
Kementerian perlu pantau kes ceroboh laman web Text
Integrasi proses hirarki analitik dan sistem maklumat ge Thesis
Interferogram analysis using the abel inversion techniqu Text
Cluster head election schemes for WSN and MANET : a s Indexed Paper
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of stenosis eff Conference Papers
Johor conducts another round of cloud seeding News Paper Cuttings
Statistical analysis of flight performance airbus A320 usi Thesis
Using a hybrid algorithm on parameter estimation of acetThesis
Meaning negotiation of LEP learners in communicative taIndexed Paper
Information engineering Exam Papers
Elektronik perhubungan Text
Acuan bagi pembinaan bangunan bertingkat : penyiasataThesis
Computer Systems & Multimedia Exam Papers
Resolved acceleration control of an overhead crane syst Thesis
Estimation of development and maintenance cost of Nipah Thesis
Ops Sikap XIII : 200 kesalahan pemandu bas Text
Kejayaan Marina tawan Everest diiktiraf Text
Jangan abai kajian ilmu perubatan traditional Text
A. R. C. automatic rice cooker Thesis
13 IPTA sedia 43,000 tempat program ijazah Text
A comparative study of the effectiveness of three metho Text
Effects of ascorbic acid and ferum ions concentration on tJournal Article
No cover-up on Bank Islam losses Text
Rasuah : 2 polis digantung kerja Text
Dielectric resonator antenna array at 2.4 GHz Conference Papers
Practical approach for reduction of fuel consumption o Thesis
Jalin kerjasama pintar tiga pihak News Paper Cuttings
UPSR : kesilapan tak akan berulang Text
Optimising distributed generation planning using hybrid ar Thesis
Transmission line parameter calculation using matlab Thesis
Perbandingan Proses Dan Masalah Pembangunan Harta Ta Text
Irreducible representations of groups of order 8 Text
Empat MRSM baru beroperasi tahun depan Text
Asid alfa lipoik untuk saraf rosak Text
Analyses of pupils' polygonal shape drawing strategy wi Indexed Paper
Pembinaan modul cantuman bermakna dalam topik persThesis
Kurikulum akidah dalam hadis empat puluh himpunan ima Conference Papers
Impact of land cover change on surface temperature in MThesis
Differential equations Exam Papers
Comparison of additive performance on shale stabilizati Thesis
Assessment of enterprise architecture implementation cap Indexed Paper
Tidak ramai kontraktor ke luar negara Text
Sasaran imbangkan hasil, perbelanjaan dicapai Text
Graduan mahir Text
Investigating the electrical discharge machining (EDM) Indexed Paper
Biological-based semi-supervised clustering algorithm to Non-Index Paper
Performance analysis of 3G wireless network USB mode Thesis
Developers : build-and-sell homes will be more costly Text
Johor sedia jadi pengeluar global ubat, wangian Text
Sabah library will be first to offer e-books Text
Hormat, kasih kepada ibu bapa amalan sepanjang hayat Text
UPNM raih emas di pameran reka cipta di London Text
Proton lancar 3 kereta konsep Text
Syarikat produk halal perlukan perkongsian bijak Text
Lawatan tuanku canselor ke pameran ‘memartabat ilmPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fares are up : 0.9 to 12 sen/per km Text
ICT tingkatkan produktiviti sektor pembinaan Text
Keberkesanan struktur stilling basin sebagai struktur penText
History of South East Asian architecture Exam Papers
Mengajar di pedalaman uji integriti guru Text
Fizik I Exam Papers
House buyers can soon sue builders, cancel purchases Text
Cadastral surveying II (ukur kadester II) Text
Digital image processing Exam Papers
Pra Persidangan Pustakawan Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Aerodynamic analysis of Proton Inspira by experimental Thesis
Pejabat kerajaan diarah berjimat Text
Topeng muka barang kawalan serta-merta Text
Enhanced level set segmentation method for dental carieThesis
Wait for EIA report, Ong tells residents Text
Cast iron application in the production of 1 tonne load s Thesis
Setiap daerah perlu mahkamah Text
Electronic circuits Exam Papers
D-8 efforts starting to show results, says DPM Text
UTMSPACE tawar pengajian sepenuh masa News Paper Cuttings
Konsortium perikanan akan diwujud Text
Sultan declares Petaling Jaya a city Text
UTM sekali lagi diiktiraf organisasi terbaik R & D Text
Taman teknologi RM1b di Johor Text
Getting to know your gut Text
Jenis Demam Denggi Text
Tugas jemaah nazir sekolah diperluas Text
Student drowns in varsity pool News Paper Cuttings
Mophorlogy,mineralogy and engineering characterizationText
Kajian makmal tentang struktur hidraul flum U untuk penText
The lesser evil Text
8 influential Malaysians back 1Malaysia concept Text
More flee from Kelantan and Pahang floods Text
Program Klinik Waqaf An-Nur diperluaskan Text
Pragmatic policies Text
Main steam temperature modeling based on levenberg-mIndexed Paper
Struktur pengurusan sukan sekolah dirombak Text
Modelling of hydrological impact of large scale conversioThesis
Glucose production from cassava starch by monoculture Tahesis
Ship wake study using imaging technique Thesis
Six sigma for scrap cost reduction in remanufacturing indThesis
Cari kaedah mudah bantu pelajar kuasai B. Inggeris Text
PM : economy moving in right direction Text
A fast computational method for potential flows in mult Indexed Paper
A proposed framework for P2P botnet detection Non-Index Paper
A farthest insertion heuristic algorithm for the distance Conference Papers
A study of affect in slices and support parameters on di Conference Papers
Effect of low temperature CO2 injection in high temperatJournal Article
Kesan penggunaan kaedah bioteknik dalam mengawal haText
Pembangunan permainan Academy Sanctuary dengan meThesis
Construction workforce requirement in Iskandar Malaysi Thesis
Natural radioactivity in major rivers of Kelantan state, MaJournal Article
Kajian terhadap sambungan dalam binaan konkrit pratuaText
Applying response surface methodology to assess the comb Indexed Paper
20 years protection for patent registered Text
Linear Algebra Exam Papers
Sistem penjadualan waktu peperiksaan Fakulti Sains Ko Thesis
Pemprosesan & pencairan gas Text
Ekspedisi biodiesel UTM bermula News Paper Cuttings
Mikropemproses Text
Kajian keberkesanan dan penambahbaikan GIS Layer M Text
Single trial estimation for auditory brainstem response siThesis
Harga minimum getah Text
Payment woes among Malaysian contractors (Preview) Text
Lapangan Terbang Batu Berendam naik taraf Text
Awareness of libyan students and academic staff membeIndexed Paper
EduCity to be top of the class Text
A novel digital watermarking technique based on ISB (inteConference Papers
The development of dual-channel biaxial strained silico Thesis
Ladang satelit: era pertanian baru di Sungai Serai, Kuang Text
Era baru hubungan Malaysia-China Text
Structural analysis / analisis struktur Text
MEB miliki roh Dasar Ekonomi Baru Text
Design and performance study of an alpha V-type stirlingThesis
Dinamik Text
Kaedah hukuman sebat ikut syarak Text
Komunikasi berkesan Text
PM joins other dignitaries to pay last respects to late Joh News Paper Cuttings
Harga petrol tidak naik Text
Physical, mechanical, morphological and thermal analysisJournal Article
Dr M : Proton needs foreign partner Text
Department considers clinical treatmentá Text
Pengajian pengurusan OSH di universiti dikaji Text
Syor mahkamah khas kes dadah Text
SWM kutip 39,037kg sampah melalui pusat kitar semula Text
Akta belia jana pemimpin pelapis Text
Modern physics Exam Papers
Motivations and limitations in implementing halal food cer Indexed Paper
Kekurangan pakar jantung kritikal Text
æVital for civil servants to be committed in delivering G Text
Akta Khidmat Negara akan dipinda Text
An overlooked vital neighbour Text
A navigation-aided framework for 3D map views on mobiIndexed Paper
Prinsip akaun Text
Simulator MC68000 : Java based Text
Primary health care system (e-health) for Najran city in S Thesis
Tidak terburu-buru tentu status PPSMI : Hishammuddin Text
Smart schools shaping up well Text
Least significant bit steganography technique using moduThesis
ItÆs not about space tourism Text
Organic chemistry - biomolecules / organic chemistry II Text
Liow set to pep up Health Ministry Text
UTM johan ide@s 2005 Text
Meningkatkan pencapaian STEM News Paper Cuttings
Tall building system analysis and design Exam Papers
Risk factors of contractor's corporate reputation Conference Papers
Dari UTM ke Sydney News Paper Cuttings
Detection of virulence genes in Vibrio alginolyticus isola Journal Article
Law investigation and ethic Exam Papers
Cost analysis study through optimization of a sludge dryi Indexed Paper
BI: Peningkatan tertinggi -- 7.5 peratus kenaikan terbai Text
Getah komersil Text
Masyarakat perlu bersikap busy body banteras jenayah Text
UTM, Stanford komersialkan produk R&D News Paper Cuttings
Labuan refits to draw more tourists Text
Baik buruknya sistem meritokrasi dalam pendidikan Text
Pekerja luhur, berinovasi penting jayakan MEB Text
Kajian awal prestasi tiang keratan - H daripada groutfero Text
Saintis tempatan digesateroka bidang baru Text
The development of microwave absorber from oil palm sh Text
Methanol battery a winner at expo Text
Analytical approximate solution for the forced Korteweg-Journal Article
Kebijaksanaan Pusat tangani masalah bekalan air Text
Blueprint weaknesses beyond our control Text
Photocatalytic degradation of nonylphenol using co-extr Indexed Paper
Cukai pintu naik : alasan PBT tampung kos perkhidmata Text
Wear study of the mmc aluminium reinforcement siliconText
6,000ha acquired for small and medium scale industries News Paper Cuttings
Properties of hooked steel fibers reinforced alkali activa Indexed Paper
Projek sapara ladang tingkat hasil pesawah Text
NS gets a shot in the arm Text
Misteri bayi dalam kandungan Text
Basic geodesy (geodesi asas) Text
Lawatan PM buka fasa baru KL-Singapura Text
Modernising agricultural sector Text
Effective microorganism on organic matter with carbon aThesis
Workers in EPF evasion ploy Text
Aircraft maintenance and repair Exam Papers
Calculus II Text
Internet lebih pantas, komunikasi cepat berkali ganda : Text
Komunikasi data Text
Masalah pembelajaran Matematik dikalangan pelajar tingThesis
Memecah rangkaian HFMD Text
Thermal characteristics and emissions of gaseous fuel flaThesis
Hasil bahan ilmiah bermutu News Paper Cuttings
Pusat Kanser Negara dibina dalam RMK-9 Text
Introduction to construction Exam Papers
Analysis methods of EEG signals : a review in EEG applicatIndexed Paper
Kraf kukuhkan jati diri Text
Kebersihan jiwa mampu tangani kemusnahan alam Text
Kadar inflasi 2.4 peratus Text
Mechanical properties of tyre fibres in concrete Thesis
Assessment of the integrated marine system in coastal mThesis
Microstructural changes of aluminium alloy A319 on cooliJournal Article
Pendidikan Melayu majukan perkembangan Islam Text
Human resource training management system (Preview) Text
Termodinamik Text
Workplace safety not to be taken for granted Text
Langkah liberalisasi perkhidmatan kewangan memanfaatText
Shafie : keep your promise Text
Kaedah penyelidikan Text
Memartabatkan profesion keguruan Text
Mengembalikan hak, warisan bangsa Melayu Text
Cecacing Internet - Mesin ATM tidak terkecuali dari sera Text
Permohonan UiTM - Keputusan diketahui 15 November Text
Stres sebagai moderator ke atas hubungan antara gaya kThesis
Thermal and daylighting performance of high rise office bu Thesis
Planning law Exam Papers
Perpaduan Melayu jadi agenda utama Text
Model risiko bagi penerimaan projek bangunan Text
Cognitive psychology Exam Papers
Rakan COP scaring off criminals in KL Text
Usaha jitu mantapkan agensi awam Text
Rogol budak: æAyah SuÆ kena 15 tahun, 5 sebatan Text
Identification and investigation of monochloroacetic aci Thesis
Look out for the catch in a bargain Text
Reliability based assessment methodology of corroding ofConference Papers
Utilization of canny and velocity bunching algorithms fo Conference Papers
Portfolio assessment: self-evaluation for children with leaConference Papers
Malaysia ajak kurangkan jurang digital Text
Emotional intelligence theory revisited Conference Papers
UTM bangunkan al-Quran braille News Paper Cuttings
Kajian permodelan sungai menggunakan perisian SMS (SuText
Mempertingkat pemahaman Islam secara berkesan Text
Light show with music activation Thesis
Construction plant and temporary work Exam Papers
Koridor Sabah dilancar : bakal tarik pelaburan RM105 bi Text
Biokimia Text
PM slams Aussie maritime security zone plan Text
Integrating PALSAR and ASTER data for mineral deposits eIndexed Paper
Forms and communicative intent of metadiscourse in MalThesis
Pinda akta pengangkutan jalan Text
Kesan latihan "shadow play" terhadap tahap ketangkasanThesis
Siti is most googled Malaysian on the Internet Text
Beberapa pensyarah UTM Skudai kesal nama mereka terci Text
China foodstuff safe to eat Text
Penemuan baru sains, teknologi perlu diguna secara bija Text
Orientasi peperiksaan beban pelajar Text
Kes denggi membimbangkan Text
Turun 15 sen lagi Text
Inflasi dijangka kekal sederhana tahun ini Text
Nusajaya city project expected to hit RM60bil Text
UTM wujud laman web bantu ibu tunggal News Paper Cuttings
Verkhovna Rada Ukraine dan MH17 News Paper Cuttings
Syarat pendapatan RM600 dapat bantuan TKKK dimansuText
Pulau Pinang jadi hab logistik, dagang Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
A review of congestion control algorithm for event-drive Non-Index Paper
A delphi study of the important factors for BI system impJournal Article
Remote control system using bluetooth to infrared conveThesis
Multi objectives decision making Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan PIPP diteruskan walau ekonomi gawat Text
Hanya guru berkeluarga dibenar merotan Text
Pengurusan risiko dari aspek fasiliti fizikal di hypermar Thesis
Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrop Indexed Paper
Mekanik bendalir Text
Characterization of heat treated AI65 Cu20 Fe15 quasicryThesis
Pakar AS terkejut hospital Malaysia caj pesakit RM1 Text
No petrol price hike for now Text
Calon guru perlu kuasai bahasa Inggeris : Musa Text
Ketagihan masalah utama Text
FAS maju perladangan pintar Text
Methane conversion to liquid hydrocarbons in single-andText
Off-road seat suspension optimization by particle swarm Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of EDFA for SCM/WDM radio over fConference Papers
Strategi pembelian di kalangan syarikat pembuatan Text
Dept to equip m-cyclists with more skills Text
Evaluating automobile road vibrations using BS 6841 andConference Papers
The distribution of GPS IWV in Peninsular Malaysia duri Thesis
Malaysia catat kadar jenayah terendah di dunia Text
Fight to save nature News Paper Cuttings
Keprihatinan pupuk nilai positif anak Text
Analisis beberapa logam berat dalam air, sedimen dan h Text
Masalah diri : jangan salahkan orang lain Text
Kerajaan sasar 35,000 peneroka terlibat keusahawanan aText
LPKP disaran kawal lesen bas 2 tingkat Text
Genting theme park to woo more Malay visitors Text
The development of computer controlled multicolor illumConference Papers
RM60b lindungi daripada kemelesetan Text
Production of l-asparaginase from aspergillus niger usi Journal Article
Internet tak diguna untuk kembang minda Text
Ekonomi lebih baik : Zeti Text
Teori perancangan Text
Program keselamatan jalan raya perlu berterusan Text
Introduction to bulit environment Exam Papers
New copters to give forces more firepower Text
Corruption ranking slips Text
IPTA diberi tempoh sebulan sedia laporan bilangan pelajaText
Kebersihan aspek utama pikat pelancong Text
Asas kuantitatif / statistik sains sosial Text
Another UTM project News Paper Cuttings
Institutions in property market operation : a case study oText
Lebih 10,000 hidapi disleksia di Pahang Text
Soft skills training in polytechnics Text
PM : learn from history Text
Pre-processing and classification of airborne hyperspectrText
Pengambilan ditingkat 72% Text
Molecular characterization of monochloroacetate-degradin Indexed Paper
High electron mobility and low carrier concentration of Indexed Paper
Prof : hold more exhibitions on Peranakan culture Text
Orientation-control of ge-stripes-on-insulator by narrow Indexed Paper
Kajian terhadap sambungan mekanikal bagi penyambungan Thesis
Johor promosi penggunaan EM Text
PM : 1Malaysia upholds Constitution Text
Crazy Horse : and the real victim is... Text
Cadangan konkrit kurangkan nahas jalan raya wajar direaText
Gaya hidup sederhana mesti dikekal Text
Pengetahuan penyelidik di Universiti Teknologi Malaysi Thesis
Twin-seater wing in ground (WIG) effect craft with catamThesis
Pengurusan dan ekonomi gas asli Text
Sabah looks to tourist rimggit Text
Wartawan memperkasa imej mahkamah syariah Text
Undangundang tort, kontrak torts Text
Faktor makroekonomi yang mempengaruhi harga harta Thesis
Preliminary assessment of newly developed organobentoni Text
Mutu pengajian Text
Harga gas kekal : PM Text
Bajet 2007 lonjak urus niaga Bursa Malaysia Text
Books or the boot Text
Masa depan penerbitan berbahasa Melayu Text
Prinsip ukur dan pemetaan Text
Jaga pergerakan solat elak termasuk dalam golongan rugiText
Squash : British Open in the bag, now for World No 1 Text
Seadpri UKM isi kelompangan Text
Effect of tip clearance on the flow field of the mixed flo Journal Article
Improvement of the prototype of the material handling Text
Rekabentuk litar bersepadu dan pengujian Text
Salary increase will have positive effect on economy Text
BCHB laksana VGO saham SBB Text
Maju mundur buku 2008 Text
Diffrential equations Exam Papers
Retrofitting of a single cyclinder tow stroke engine with aText
Priority ranking of Skudai river sub-watersheds for pote Thesis
Tahap penghayatan akhlak dalam kalangan pelajar sekol Conference Papers
Use of satellite and aircraft data for bathymetry studies (fText
Skim Zamalah UKM tawar RM600,000 tingkat penyelidik Text
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
Longest canopy walk to open soon Text
Keikhlasan kunci kejayaan Abdul Razib Text
Pasaran kereta terpakai kembali pulih : persatuan Text
Geodirectional-cast forwarding based on quadrant for reaConference Papers
Ternak tilapia teknologi tinggi Text
Information and communication technology (ICT) policy; Cs onference Papers
Commuting elements in the classiflcation of 2 - generatorConference Papers
Science, Maths in Bahasa may start a year earlier Text
Aircraft systems Exam Papers
Potassium hydroxide modification and characterization ofThesis
Meningkatkan daya saing sektor pembuatan Text
JPJ perkenal Sijil Pengajar Institut Memandu Text
Tahap pembelajaran Text
RM300j dana kebajikan guru Text
Planning and environment Exam Papers
Comparative study on effect of peg and PVP as additive Journal Article
Hospital Mata lakar sejarah Text
Pelabur Perancis ditawar sertai pertanian Text
Akta pembetungan mesti segera dikuat kuasa Text
Tiada diskriminasi bantuan sekolah Cina, Tamil Text
Development of computer based X-ray computed TomogrThesis
Mathematic for GIS Text
Kestabilan ekonomi penentu keamanan dunia Text
Saintis perlu tampil Text
Move to license financial planners Text
Kadar baru tol PLUS masih rendah : Samy Text
Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic triazole li Conference Papers
Downpour puts out forest fires in six states, air quality i Text
Physical optics Exam Papers
Generation of dry powders velocity and mass flow rate pText
Optimal sizing of hybrid power systems using power pinch Indexed Paper
Food analysis Text
Sungai Buaya jadi pusat R&D ketam kulit lembut Text
Bank Muamalat set to play big role in Islamic banking Text
Mathematics 1 Text
Kita pertama di Asia Tenggara guna laser rawat katarak Text
Keseragaman sistem martabat kecemerlangan IPT di AsiaText
Membaca pemikiran Jean Baudrillard Text
Sistem tempahan makanan dan barang runcit secara atasThesis
Does satisfaction with teaching quality factors bring con Indexed Paper
Kolam Air Panas Sungai Resik boleh rawat penyakit kulit Text
Ubah paradigma IPT Malaysia Text
Improvement of automated production system for food Thesis
Home automation lighting system Thesis
Teknologi maklumat Text
Bebaskan Batu Putih Text
Navigation feedback of omnidirectional mobile robot usi Thesis
Keusahawanan sosial dalam penyelidikan Text
Software construction Exam Papers
PM seeks public feedback on 1Malaysia initiatives Text
Biometric in information assurance Exam Papers
ASEAN-China sepakat kukuh pembangunan ICT Text
Computer network Exam Papers
Matematik II Text
Principles of marketing Exam Papers
Penduduk Asia diancam barah Text
Masa depan industri jualan langsung di Malaysia Text
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
Asas statistik Text
Pedestrian utilization; enhancing from existing : a study Thesis
Ke arah evolusi infrastruktur industri air Text
Good environmental management practices in constructiText
A reconfigurable WiMAX antenna for directional and broaIndexed Paper
Dimensi baru peranan pekerja, majikan Text
Asas Kuasa & Mesin Elektrik Text
Pengurusan betul membentuk umat perdagangan, perindText
Pengurusan projek Text
Four projections CMOS linear image sensor tomographic Journal Article
Simulasi baris pengeluaran produk di Delphi Packard ElecText
RM8.5b spending boost Text
Terus perkasa legasi hebat kepemimpinan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Understanding the ‘special needs’ groups for sheltJournal Article
Garis panduan jual produk PKS diperketat Text
Polis rampas pil ekstasi bernilai RM500,000 Text
Pengurusan harta tanah kerajaan tempatan kajian kes : Thesis
Tun RazakÆs legacy : his vision Text
Gradient image generator hardware/software co-design Thesis
Wanita dilayan sama rata Text
Middle Rocks off limits for now Text
MPM UTM mahu bertindak matang Text
Pelajar UTM dampingi masyarakat luar bandar Text
Planning Exam Papers
Preliminary study on lactic acid production from solid p Thesis
Criteria of institutional selection, service quality, adju Thesis
Encrypted messaging service (EMS) Thesis
LAN tolak 40 program IPTS Text
Distance based reliable and energy efficient (DREE) rout Indexed Paper
Relay node positioning for inter-band carrier aggregatio Indexed Paper
Penyelidik UTM menang empat pingat di London Text
UTM to raise RM1bil by 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Residents' perception towards social interaction among Indexed Paper
Unitar laksana program pengajian secara maya Text
Amine-bearing electrospun nanofibrous adsorbent using Tr hesis
Makako boleh percepat tumbesaran ternakan Text
Blantant abuse of AP conditions Text
Power team in New York Text
Penagih dadah sering hilang pertimbangan Text
Possibility to use solar chimney to improve stack ventilatiText
Golongan muda harus elak terjerumus gejala tidak sihat Text
CR2-Haptic ciptaan UTM harumkan nama negara News Paper Cuttings
IPTA diberi autonomi Text
Mekanik kuantum Text
UUM lantik tujuh Profesor Text
Jaminan bagi wanita Text
HKU IPT penyelidikan kedua terbaik di Asia Text
International school policy may change Text
KUiTTHO cadang perluas kampus kepada 480 hektar Text
Designing pineapple juice with high nutraceutical value Thesis
Evaluation on modified electrochemical noise measuremeThesis
Kerajaan cadang perbanyak fakulti perubatan Text
Membangunkan bridge perisian untuk menghubungkan bi Thesis
Kerajaan bantu skim lupus kereta Proton, Perodua Text
Harga gula tempatan masih terendah di rantau ini : NajibText
Termodinamik Text
Compensation of low frequency beat current using the voText
Kemalangan maut dalam Ops Sikap V turun 18.2 peratus Text
Freelance graphic design marketing through social mediaThesis
Asia will have to change Text
Thermal performance and design evaluation of compact wal Thesis
Corak pelajaran China diadaptasi Text
Sains binaan Text
Warnings over TV and radio for disasters Text
Monitoring liquid/gas flow using ultrasonic tomography Conference Papers
GIS dalam perancangan Text
Sindiket edar dadah ditumpas Text
Halal bukan perkara main-main Text
Malaysia moves up 27 places to 25th spot in environmentNews Paper Cuttings
The mechanical properties of high strength concrete for Non-Index Paper
Offline handwriting recognition using artificial neural n Text
Sekolah dicemari sampah Text
Sektor pembuatan catat prestasi kukuh Text
Preferred housing attributes by participants of Malaysi Thesis
Product feature extraction using natural language procesNon-Index Paper
Gambaran ekologi laut pesisir pantai rosak teruk Text
Motion control of human bipedal model in sagittal plane Indexed Paper
Physical and absorption properties of titanium nanopart Indexed Paper
Profil Tan Sri Dato' Ainuddin Abdul Wahid : Naib Canselo Text
Merealisasikan pilihan raya lebih telus Text
Kesan peruntukan efektif bagi pelaburan harta tanah terhText
Develop nanocomposite material of TiO2/ A12O3 using elThesis
Take journey of learning at UTMSpace News Paper Cuttings
Corrosion processes on weathering steel railway bridge i Journal Article
Practical multi-objective controller for preventing noise Indexed Paper
Field capacity of steel pile with corrugated web surface Conference Papers
USM gets to root of matter with nano tech Text
Hubungan etnik Text
Selection of vegetation indices in hierarchical structural Journal Article
Autonomi pengurusan UTM pertingkat kecekapan News Paper Cuttings
Tawarkan graduan menganggur kursus mengajar bahasa TI ext
Najib boleh lakukannya Text
Sunshine vitamin Text
TM sasar sepertiga untung daripada operasi luar negara Text
Education Ministry to display services Text
Development and validation of knowledge management Ipndexed Paper
Optimal location of TCSC device for damping oscillation Conference Papers
Karnival kerjaya meriah Text
Abdullah : recycling can help save resources Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Ramai pengguna jahil hak mereka Text
203 lagi terdedah: Berurusan di pasar borong Singapura Text
Aircraft structure Exam Papers
An efficient next hop selection algorithm for multi-hop Indexed Paper
The parallelization of artificial neural network for solvi Thesis
Penyelidikan tenaga suria UTM Text
Multiband printed slot meander patch antenna for MIMOJournal Article
Maximum power point tracking for stand-alone photovolIndexed Paper
A new class of binary approximating subdivision schemesJournal Article
UTM opens English learning portal Text
Bekas hakim Malaysia anggotai Tribunal Antarabangsa Text
Perusahaan kecil abai teknologi mesra alam Text
Marine engineering materials Exam Papers
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Syor naikkan harga minyak masak ditolak Text
More than 2,000 projects abandoned under 8th Plan Text
No SPM route to degrees Text
Digital logic Exam Papers
Rais: Government will make ISA more humane Text
Higher housing loans by EPF Text
Pembangunan Johor guna tenaga tempatan Text
Implikasi tuntutan gaji minimum Text
Jambatan baru ganti Tambak Johor : pembinaan diteruskText
307 kes langgar kawalan harga ketika perayaan Text
Koperasi perlu berani teroka projek mega Text
Why women leave their careers Text
Lawatan pemerintah Arab Saudi capai matlamat : PM Text
Evaluating the surface properties of HA coating on tita Thesis
Pengurusan promosi Text
Effect of land use on coastal water and perna viridis at JoNon-Index Paper
Learning automata-based techniques for maximizing lifetiThesis
Influenza A(H1N1) : take care or pay the price Text
Water ad blitz makes headlines Text
Inforace Challenge Di Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penubuhan badan pengurusan bagi Geopark Lembah KinThesis
Kasih sayang kunci kesejahteraan keluarga, masyarakat Text
Algebra Exam Papers
The effect of post-heat treatment on the microstructure Thesis
Perodua terajui serantau Text
A novel anti-proliferative activity (EC50) of pegaga (Cent Journal Article
Siapkan baiki jalan sebelum raya Text
Conversion of ATV for agriculture purposes Text
Urban development I / Pembangunan bandar Text
Fishing village of drug addicts Text
Pelaburan di Indonesia diputuskan tahun depan Text
Intellectual capital and innovation on organizational pe Conference Papers
Artificial intelligent meter development based on advancIndexed Paper
Heavy metal in PM10 in the buildings of Chiang Mai proviJournal Article
PM : mix of old and new key to success Text
Empat bandar baru jana pembangunan ekonomi Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan perisian multimedia (PBK)Conference
b Papers
Ibu bapa swastakan penjagaan anak ditegur Text
Sains angkasa Malaysia mampu cipta sejarah Text
Novel multiple level subcarrier allocation scheme in SC- Journal Article
Rafflesia kedua terbesar dunia ditemui di Lojing Text
Kajian kesedaran mahasiswa terhadap peranan dan tanggun Conference Papers
Principles of human resource development Exam Papers
Dasar Pandang ke Timur diberi nafas baru : Najib Text
2-D vision barcode classifier Thesis
Drug woes undermine growth of Felda schemes Text
Pendidikan tinggi SSPN wujudkan graduan tanpa hutang Text
Powerful investing tool Text
Membantu kanak-kanak mangsa dera seks Text
Pandangan dan penilaian murid serta guru matapelajaranText
Business model canvas of smart halal auditor for intern Thesis
Pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh (TQM) dalam organisasi Text
Pertumbuhan produktiviti negara diunjur 1.2 peratus Text
Cancer risk from HRT Text
Batal suntikan cegah kanser servik : CAP Text
Schools to wait for Sunday API readings Text
Fama naik taraf standard petani Text
Synthesis and characterization of novel thin film nano Indexed Paper
Perlis housing arm first to target Thai buyers Text
Kurangkan import makanan Text
Less cholesterol, no goat smell Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
MLVK ingatkan IPTS jangan salah guna pentauliahan Text
Menjejak perubahan fertiliti dan umur perkahwinan di Text
KGMMB bantah kerja lima hari seminggu Text
Geology & rock mechanics Text
Kenaikan kecil minyak tidak bebankan rakyat Text
Durian Mentangau bakal pengeluar utama limau Text
Environmental hydraulic & hydrology Text
Gear shift for foreign cars Text
Another death by excessive force Text
Hue and cry over imported film levy Text
72 peratus pesara habiskan duit KWSP tiga tahun Text
Comparative study of probability models for compound siConference Papers
Poor command of English to blame Text
Phase field simulation on microstructure in pure alumini Thesis
Proton, Petronas tingkat potensi EO1 Text
Amalan perkhidmatan kaunseling keluarga di Jabatan Ke Conference Papers
Analisis nyata Text
Performance of a multi-stack microchannel heat sink Indexed Paper
Elektronilk asas Exam Papers
KUiTTHO raih pingat perak reka pinggan guna komputer Text
Intensifkan dagangan dua hala Text
Pemimpin perlu miliki ilmu, akhlak terbaik Text
IPTA digalak tubuh Persatuan Integriti Mahasiswa Text
Perancangan harta mengikut undang-undang Islam men Thesis
No sharp rise in dengue cases Text
Education Ministry plans to introduce mental-literacy traiText
Program Bacelor Pendidikan UPM dapat permintaan tingText
Ketagihan dadah diklafikasi penyakit mental Text
53 batang balak dirampas Text
Idea good but hard to implement, says Musa Text
Simulation of the straits of Johor using a hydrodynamic Thesis
Ada bayaran tambahan tidak masuk akal : NUTP Text
Synthesis and biological evaluation of flavonoids as anti Indexed Paper
Influence of soil pile interaction on seismic behavior in s Thesis
Mathematical modeling and simulation in an individual c Thesis
Structural seismic performance of reinforced concrete blJournal Article
UTM lantik lima profesor baru Text
Hukuman berat wajar buat pemburu haram News Paper Cuttings
Sistem membeli belah secara pandu-lalu menggunakan ap Thesis
Kajian terhadap keberkesanan perangkap sampah dalam Text s
æTak NakÆ langkah awal wujud kesedaran keburukan Text
Scholars say Islam panacea for world's News Paper Cuttings
UTM's catfish car with heart of grasscutter Text
Design and development of e-learning environment for de Thesis
A model for the design of optimal total water network Indexed Paper
Mesin PCR ciptaan USM Text
Universities should advertise new research Text
Research portfolio system for research management andThesis
Forest destruction Text
Pendidikan tinggi, Malaysia di depan Text
An approach to enhance security awareness on the use oThesis
Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing tylosNon-Index Paper
Pre-analisis pelan akui menggunakan pelarasan ganda dua Text
Klinik sosial kenal pasti masalah penduduk Text
Jangan sampai gugat inovasi dalam teknologi Text
Tingkatkan ciri keselamatan jalan di cerun bukit Text
Biopolimer yang dihasilkan oleh mikroorganisma prokayoText
Benarkan francais tempatan beroperasi di IPTA Text
High volume slag cement concrete Text
Bahasa Cina, Tamil di SK, ke arah menjadikan sekolah ke Text
886 crashes, 17 die on first day of Raya Text
Kesan air pasang terhadap nilai harta tanah kediaman : kText
Unpaid student loans, PM urges action : go after them Text
Najib : army set to use made-in-Malaysia drones Text
Piston ring assembly of a new symmetrical multi - stage Text
Parameter estimation using improved differential evolut Indexed Paper
Malaysia, China teroka akreditasi kursus pengajian Text
Invention that could benefit heart patients in rural areas Text
Thermal analysis Exam Papers
Gender estimation based on facial image (Preview) Text
Tiga strategi usahawan ICT tempatan Text
Azah Aziz berceramah dalam program Nona UTM News Paper Cuttings
Westport upgrades facilities Text
Hari Al-Nakba Semakin Dipinggirkan News Paper Cuttings
A real time delta rhythm based cursor control Thesis
Intelligent prediction on axial load carrying capacity of s Thesis
Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik yang Conference
r Papers
Simulation analysis of slope stability : a case study on s Text
Perancangan kemudahan Text
Rekabentuk litar bersepadu dan pengujian Text
Harga barang naik 1 April hanya spekulasi : Shafie Text
Website on stimulus packages launched Text
Electronic Circuits Exam Papers
Public sector accounting Exam Papers
Do we understand each other? perceived intercultural und Journal Article
Finite element method Exam Papers
Network processing multi-processor system-on-chip on f Thesis
The effect of acid environment on the corrosion behaviour Thesis
English for academic communication Text
Proposed implementation of intelligent transportation s Thesis
Adsorption of carbon dioxide and methane on alkali met Thesis
Buang kakitangan awam malas : Shahrir Text
Pelajar asing tertarik bahasa Melayu Text
Pelajar Bumiputera masih lemah Matematik, Sains Text
Electromagnetic flux modeling of AC field over planar micIndexed Paper
Pertumbuhan ekonomi kekal 5.9 peratus Text
Property auctions getting popular in JB Text
Melayu minda kelas pertama Text
Pendorongan Pesawat Udara Text
A comparative study between different windows size of med Thesis
Model sensor device for 3D object reconstruction Indexed Paper
BATC lahirkan graduan sulung Ph.D Text
Management of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) waste Thesis
New footprints found Text
ASEAN tolak usul singkir anggota ingkar prinsip Text
Kadar baru bas sekolah 1 April Text
It's war on profiteers : drive to prevent profiteers from Text
Peranan muzik memupuk minda kanak-kanak Text
Ramalan ketinggian menggunakan interpolasi kriging di kThesis
Green synthesis of iron nano-impregnated adsorbent for Indexed Paper
Seabed mapping for water supply pipeline route from BuText
40 lokasi laluan bahaya dikenal pasti Text
Perak wajibkan bakal pengantin uji HIV/Aids Text
Professionals prefer medium-cost home Text
Ummah dituntut berjihad perangi kezaliman Yahudi Text
Harga ayam : pengguna perlu guna kuasa memilih Text
Modeling of neuronal oscillation based on the subthresh Thesis
Zaini tidak gunakan perkataan 'hampas' News Paper Cuttings
Persepsi pelajar terhadap pengangkutan lestari di UniverThesis
Flow characteristics and dynamic behavior of polyamide Indexed Paper
Development of high performance and defect-free asymm Text
USM cipta pengesan daging babi Text
LKIM laksana program akuakultur Tok Bali Text
Control : analysis & design Exam Papers
Identification of commonly used medicinal plants in Kangk Thesis
Singapore urged to join hands on bridge Text
Implementation of robust composite nonlinear feedback Journalfo Article
Multiobjectives bihistogram equalization for image con Indexed Paper
Suspension bridge modeling Thesis
Keep to the basics Text
Four projections cmos linear image sensor tomographic Thesis
The emerging field of synthetic biology: a review Conference Papers
UTM benarkan PMI aktif semula Text
Westport buat persediaan saingi pelabuhan utama Text
Polymeric nanofiltration membranes for textile dye wasteIndexed Paper
Sindrom ovari polisistik Text
Gabung cara selamatkan kontraktor bumiputera Text
Minat bangun produk halal Text
Padi farmers to get RM86m to buy heavy machinery Text
Denggi berdarah boleh membawa maut Text
Optimization in chemical process Exam Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Nelayan terjejas jika ikan jadi barangan kawalan Text
Family Dr mampu pulihkan asma Text
Sahabat sejati beri manfaat dunia, akhirat Text
Kajian kualiti di kawasan sekolah lama dan sekolah baru Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
Pretreatment of empty palm fruit bunch for production ofIndexed Paper
Test cell for polarization and depolarization current test Conference Papers
Hybrid differential evolution and adaptive bacterial fora Thesis
Study on facilities for learning space in higher education iThesis
Contaminant removal from rectangular shaped pipeline jo Thesis
A review on the latest development of carbon membranes Indexed Paper
Free Trade Agreement with the US : nation's interests wiText
Palm oil not polar bears : climate change and developmeIndexed Paper
The cost of a good deed Text
Noraini, usahawan berjaya dalam industri plastik Text
Influence of online shopping behavior factors on e-satisf Journal Article
Many telco transmitters are illegal Text
Information assurances and technologies Exam Papers
Terap muzik tradisional di sekolah Text
Monitoring land subsidence of airport using insar time-seThesis
63,000 graduan keluar IPTA Text
Adunan dan penyebatian Text
Suicides a rising concern Text
A modified wavemaker boundary condition for a numeri Journal Article
Environmental sustainability : water quality assessment Thesis
UTM rapatkan hubungan komuniti Kemboja, Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Graduan digesa perkasa bangsa Text
Traffic engineering and transport Exam Papers
Higher prices in store Text
Protection for children : are we failing our children? Text
Rakyat mahu lihat perubahan segera Text
Ergonomic analysis of road signboards in Johor Thesis
Penyelesaian persamaan resapan kompleks yang sesuai dText
Call for youths to acquire technical training News Paper Cuttings
Chemical Constituents of piper sp. Text
Bahasa sebagai wadah pupuk perpaduan Text
Grid-connected distributed energy generation system pl Indexed Paper
World leaders support setting up of Indian Ocean warninText
USB xy plotter Thesis
Energy absorption of impact damper Text
Peraduan SMS haram : Majlis Fatwa memutuskan ada unsText
Perwakilan pilihatur kumpulan automorfisma terkeluar baConference Papers
Slip sliding away Text
Kemudahsampaian mempengaruhi nilai harta tanah di BuThesis
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan bagi Syarikat Pere Thesis
Graduan perlu teruskan pengajian ke peringkat tertinggi Text
New round of Ops Sikap starts Sunday Text
Recycling of used activated carbon Text
Karamjit, Allen, Shalin dipilih olahragawan negara 2002 Text
Wound healing in diabetic rat by 808NM laser diode Thesis
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Safety management in erecting and dismantling of scaffoThesis
Construction materials Exam Papers
Mahkamah Majistret dapat selesai 90.99 peratus kes Text
Daily updates on fire hazards Text
ISA is all about public order and safety Text
Gis dalam perancangan Text
Microwave assisted multiwall carbon nanotubes enhancinIndexed Paper
Pesara guru cipta kaedah baru mengira Text
Kajian keberkesanan perangkap sedimen di tapak pembinText
Bid to double foreign students at varsities Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk tembok konkrit bertetulang be Text
Way for grads to prove they are Ready4Work News Paper Cuttings
Migrating on-premises application to windows azure platThesis
Kaedah relatif untuk penentuan nilai pembetulan medanJournal Article
Programme for business savvy undergrads News Paper Cuttings
Building exterior paint performance in tropical salty env Thesis
Kimia Am I(B) Text
Control: analysis &design Exam Papers
The æummphÆ lives on in Boh Text
Hari Pengguna Malaysia : casting wide the consumer me Text
A refined analysis of the influence of the carbon nanotubIndexed Paper
Pembangunan perisian pembelajaran kendiri berbantukan Thesis
Kesan latihan industri terhadap pengukuhan kemahiran ge Thesis
Kambing Tenusu Sheeptrade adaptasi teknologi negara Text
Effect of lighting on starfruit's grading process Thesis
De minimis principle and certificate of practical completi Thesis
Indonesia perangi selesema burung Text
Prediction of tunneling induced surface settlement usin Thesis
Graduan UniKL untuk WPI Text
A review on process conditions for optimum bio-oil yield Indexed Paper
Switchable and tunable multiband slot dipole antenna Thesis
Effects of technology transfer on the social structure: a Journal Article
Pendidikan kemanusiaan Text
PTPTN loans only for the needy Text
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Asia perlu saluran televisyen sendiri Text
Market orientation in higher education and innovativenesThesis
Kajian jadikan IBMM pusat pengajaran Bahasa Melayu Text
Kursus hiasan dalaman bagi 14,700 usahawan Text
Health curfew a last resort Text
Dasar Pelajaran Tinggi Negara akan diperkenal Text
JPA perlu perubahan dinamik Text
Garis panduan pemerolehan jimatkan GLC RM9b setahunText
Kanak-kanak pintar aset berharga : Rosmah Text
Smallholders our new middle class Text
Bajet Mini beri impak besar dalam jangka pendek Text
Pelancongan perubatan mampu bertahan Text
A design and modelling review of rotary magnetorheologIndexed Paper
Kajian terperinci padah guna telefon bimbit Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Sasaran 30 peratus pelajar kelas khas dapat 7A PMR Text
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Effect of PVP molecular weights on the properties of P Indexed Paper
CFD study on aoratic cannula (flow characteristics) Thesis
Prof Wahid dilantik Naib Canselor UTM News Paper Cuttings
Akta perubatan tradisional dirangka Text
Triple-band dipole antenna with artificial magnetic conduThesis
UTM cipta peralatan bunyi tingkat proses pembelajaran News Paper Cuttings
Matrade mahu wanita jadi pengeksport Text
Lung cancer centre to open in April Text
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Get your website noticed : a little marketing goes a long Text
Evaluation of changing open water boundary condition Text
Dilema seni bina Islam Text
Bioteknologi terus pacu pembangunan koridor Text
Carrier velocity effect on carbon nanotube Schottky cont Indexed Paper
Rail travel expansion Text
Hasil sawit dijangka cecah RM40 bilion Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : George Town, Pulau Pinang Text
Contribution of voltage-dependent ion channels to subt Indexed Paper
prep Article
Sistem penjanaan laporan latihan industri Fakulti Kompu Thesis
Wanita digalak hamil awal Text
Making of a new Kampung Baru Text
Teknologi maklumat Text
Budaya ilmu generasi sahabat Rasulullah Text
Start selling online Text
Manfaat bekerja di luar negara Text
Ekonomi bangunan & pengurusan kewangan Text
Synthesis, characterization and activity of A1-MCM-41 catText
Sistem pembelajaran berasaskan pendekatan inkuiri pe Thesis
Pull out strength for different size of dowel and grain dir Journal Article
First photo of rhino in the wild Text
Lanscape ecology Exam Papers
IMB : piracy will carry on when commerce resumes Text
An integral equation method for conformal mapping of Thesis
UTMSpace rai media, anak yatim Ar-Rayyan main boling News Paper Cuttings
Penuntut UTMsertai program sayangi pokok bakau News Paper Cuttings
Introduction to industrial counselling Exam Papers
Fight against graft a national problem Text
Effect of different templates on the synthesis of mesoporIndexed Paper
A secure method to detect wormhole attack in mobile a Thesis
Bahasa Melayu jadi wahana ilmu moden Text
Pembangunan permainan karom dalam komputer mengguna Text
Analysis and design of simply supported plate girder for Thesis
Analisis beban angin terhadap berbagai bentuk struktur Text
Port Dickson dilanda ribut kencang Text
Learning about cells in space Text
Strength, modulus of elasticity, and shrinkage properties Thesis
Autonomi disokong Text
Rawat jantung berlubang yang pantas dan murah Text
Pengaturcaraan C Text
Perancangan pengangkutan Text
Optimization of pectinase production by Aspergillus nig Indexed Paper
Semai keyakinan pengguna Text
Medan latih mahasiswa jalankan perniagaan News Paper Cuttings
Introduction to real estate Exam Papers
Hisham : we will tackle shortage of teachers Text
29 korban tertinggi sejarah Ops Sikap Text
Software configuration and management Exam Papers
Choosing mathematical examples: routine but not an easJournal Article
Sindiket Singapura dalangi penyeludupan bayi Indonesia Text
Kompaun serta merta diteruskan Text
A review of multi-car elevator system Indexed Paper
Help the economy by keeping retail prices stable, says PaText
Fotogrametri I Text
Haji: AirAsia sedia tiga pesawat 747-200 Text
Biji labu rawat prostat Text
Peraturan kempen dikaji : ekoran suasana pilihan raya Text
Modelling catchment rainfall using sum of correlated ga Journal Article
An analysis of turtle hearing capability to design TED (turConference Papers
National crime rate down Text
Get teachers who love the profession Text
Penuaian hujan jimat air rawat 34 peratus Text
KWAP diperbadankan biayai pencen pesara Text
Najib : swasta perlu bantu penjenamaan Malaysia Text
Pelaksanaan sistem pembangunan tanah bersepakat (PTB) Thesis
Dr. Azmi sukar dilaksana, hanya mahu pancing undi News Paper Cuttings
Multiband textile antenna for wearable application Thesis
Rural transformation: a lesson learned from agropolitan Conference Papers
Pledge to combat terrorism Text
10 langkah cegah H1N1 Text
Facial blurring using henon map Thesis
Menjana hasil Petroleum Text
Active force control of a 5-link biped robot Conference Papers
Sea clutter characterisation and small target detection in Text
Electronics devices Exam Papers
Bayar balik pinjaman PTPTN : PM Text
A proposed framework for information architecture in MaConference Papers
Comparative evaluation of change propagation approache Conference Papers
A new hydrocarbon empirical potential in angle bending Indexed Paper
Penagihan dadah masalah serius di projek Felda Pahang Text
Govt mulls flexi option for working mothers Text
High precision global positioning system data processing-Text
DID steps up mitigation systems ahead of monsoon, incluText
Tolak SBP - Tidak sanggup bercampur bukan punca utamText
Another death in Johor, water levels rise in Kelantan Text
Lebih 80 peratus taska belum diiktiraf Text
Rangsang pelaburan Text
Pemimpin mahasiswa bersidang News Paper Cuttings
Detection of sildenafil and sildenafil analogues in cof Thesis
Program Ideas akan terus diperluas Text
Laboratory evaluation on steel slag as aggregate replace Journal Article
Percukaian Text
Guided wave propagation plate having trussed structure Thesis
Akad dalam perbankan internet Journal Article
Delays at roundabout Thesis
Identiti di alam siber Text
Lawatan Edupelancongan Smk.Taman Seri Saujana Ke GaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Combating air pollution Text
Sistem pasang siap 'glass fibre reinforced concrete' da Text
Kemeriahan Malam Puisi Riong BH-UTM News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan antara persepsi pekerja terhadap gaya kepimpThesis
Perancangan luar bandar Text
Cuepacs wujud tanda aras kerja Text
717,727 belum mohon MyKad Text
Penjerapan ion logam berat dengan menggunakan karbon Text
Structure II Exam Papers
Efficient 2-level image tamper detection using 3 LSB wa Thesis
Saintis Melayu digalak majukan Lembah Bio Text
Analisis permasalahan kontraktor bumiputra di dalam p Text
Kepimpinan Pengetua/Guru Besar dan kepuasan kerja guru Thesis
Dominant elements of english as a foreign language teachThesis
Ivanka Trump kongsi resipi perkukuh jenama Text
Petrophyscis study of sandstone core to the accuracy of uConference Papers
Perodua rancang labur RM140 juta tahun ini Text
Lagi pegawai ADK gagal hadir kempen antidadah Text
Pasaran automotif tempatan kembali rancak Text
Leakage current variation of 120 kV rated zinc oxide surgThesis
Pelengkapan telaga Text
1,420 lagi tempat untuk perubatan Text
Mengacu peranan ekonomi global Asia Text
4 langkah perkemas sektor awam Text
Tambang kereta api naik 2005 Text
Software should not be copyrighted, says lawsuit Text
Bangga Qatar guna khidmat syarikat kita Text
DPM on biggest tests for civil servants in 2009 Text
Negara maju digesa tingkatkan tanaman Text
Sistem hidraulik & pneumatik Text
Malaysia and Brunei explore new areas of cooperation Text
Aquifer simulation model in Tioman Island Text
Harga air mineral turun : hanya minuman daripada sumbText
Perubahan portfolio pertingkat prestasi Text
An assessment of geogrid reinforced soil slope Text
Daya saing Proton tak terjejas Text
Golden rules to follow to avoid being fleeced Text
Pengikut Jemaah Islamiah bijak sembunyikan identiti Text
Sifat mekanik bahan Text
A cloud security audit quality model for a commercial ba Thesis
Experimental verification of parameters in automobile craConference Papers
Toxic and nontoxic elemental enrichment in biochar at d Indexed Paper
Industri perikanan : UMT, Universiti Kasetsart jalin kerja Text
Efficiency of aerobic granulation technology in treating Indexed Paper
Learn to say no : lessons on sexual abuse for students Text
Consensus methods for virtual screening and clustering oIndexed Paper
Prinsip perhubungan Text
EPF declares 4.5 per cent dividend Text
Ridzuan, Mei Yen atlet terbaik UTM Text
RM200 juta pastikan taman pertanian aktif Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Effect of Zn and Zn-0.5%A1 coating on the corrosion behaThesis
Real time tomographic imaging using an array of electro Text
Tindakan tegas terhadap majikan abai Ordinan Buruh Text
Daylight performance in sport research laboratory under Thesis
Improved control strategies for a three-phase4-wire isl Thesis
Saluran ketengahkan hasil R&D masih kurang Text
MIC : too few Indians in states civil service Text
Dua universiti disasar capai 50 terbaik dunia Text
Pengurusan projek dan kejuruteraan penyenggaraan Text
A review of cryptosporidium spp. infection in livestock Journal Article
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Pembalakan sekitar U10 tidak terkawal Text
Crime rate down but rape cases up Text
Kerajaan laksana sistem rating Text
Choice behaviour of housing attributes: theory and mea Non-Index Paper
Kenapa pertanian Thailand berjaya? Text
Kadar baru tambang dijangka diumum hari ini Text
ISIS : old data used in index on economy Text
Extend budget incentives to local ICT companies Text
Syor tubuh pusat maklumat kredit mampu bantu peniagaText
Jam solat digital Thesis
PDRM perkenal kaedah periksa tubuh tahanan Text
Indeks seratus koperasi terbaik tempatan diwujud Text
Fizik semikonduktor Text
How does corporate social responsibility contribute to f Indexed Paper
High early strength concrete using sodium chloride salt aThesis
Perilaku pertalian industri elektronik multinasional (MNE)Text
Pengujian radiografi industri Text
Empat universiti awam perbaiki kedudukan dalam rankinNews Paper Cuttings
Malaysia second-fastest growing country in Asia Text
Iltizam penagih ubat paling mujarab Text
Pelaburan Khazanah meningkat 28 peratus Text
Harga siling minyak masak kekal RM2.50 Text
Penstabilan tanah dengan menggunakan sisa pengisaran Thesis
Sistem kejuruteraan marin II Text
Carrier transport in carbon nanotube field effect transist Conference Papers
Ketahanan bangunan terus dikaji Text
Application of digital imaging technique in electrical ch Conference Papers
Pengurusan rekod tidak boleh dipandang ringan Text
Finite element modeling, correlation and model updatingText
Teman berakhlak dorong arah kebaikan Text
Tiada alasan elak laksanakan perpaduan di kalangan umaText
Pelancongan negara tetap cemerlang Text
To assess a level of mental skills among athletes in UTM Text
Investigation of packaged fiber bragg grating (FBG) tempeThesis
The relationship between urban form and vehicle miles tThesis
Perlis SEDC to invest $519.5m in 28 projects News Paper Cuttings
Dr Alias TNC Hal-Ehwal Pelajar UTM Text
More deployed to fight peat fires Text
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
PKN: 10,000 didakwa : 2,700 remaja tidak mendaftar sel Text
Few mental health experts Text
Video traffic monitoring system Thesis
Determinants of sustained competitive advantage of bornThesis
Use modern approach, urges Najib Text
Sasaran 20 buku seorang pelajar Text
Hargai jasa seorang guru Text
UKM perkenal anugerah mobiliti pelajar Text
Employers and job agencies worried Text
Introduction to computer programming Exam Papers
Pencirian bahan dan kawalan kualiti Text
Implementation of MRAC, SVMPC and PID control applicaText
Printing inks analysis and discrimination abilities using Thesis
Isteri setia obor kebahagiaan rumah tangga Text
Pentadbiran pampasan Text
Pasaran telekomunikasi mudah alih pesat di Asia Text
Pulau Pinang diisytihar kawasan larangan pembakaran Text
Pelaksanaan projek penempatan dalam kawasan luar banThesis
Change management capability assessment model for con Thesis
Give soldier-teachers a chance Text
Maghribi jadi lokasi penyelidikan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Sektor pendidikan Text
Virtual reality for low cost automotive driving simulator Journal Article
Breaking point as number of flood evacuees soars to oveText
Systematic software maintenance and design Text
Comparative study of structural and electronic propertie Indexed Paper
Undang-undang Islam teras bentuk jati diri kebangsaan Text
Bukan Melayu kurang mohon kerja kerajaan Text
Influence of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on structural, optical Indexed Paper
Students clash after assembly Text
Plan for halal agency to steer industry Text
Bayesian and fuzzy kriging interpolation techniques for spThesis
Development and implementation of six sigma training Thesis
A study on the capability of multifunctional chronometerThesis
Matematik asas Text
Guna pendekatan ideologi : Malaysia mahu Asia TenggaraText
Minister calls on teachers to strengthen the profession Text
Kelewatan projek pembinaan Text
Pembangunan bukan alasan korbankan alam sekitar Text
Jangan rosakkan budaya kerja Sektor Awam Text
ATM guna senjata artileri canggih RM791j Text
Numerical analysis Exam Papers
Sama-sama selesaikan masalah ekonomi Text
Undoped diamond-like carbon thin films grown by direct Indexed Paper
Modeling of microbial approach in wastewater treatmentConference Papers
High capacity watermarking technique for brain MRI imagThesis
Gaji naik : kurangkan kerja sampingan Text
Optimised design of the standing-wave thermoacoustic reThesis
A review on modelling methods, pathway simulation softw Indexed Paper
Pendidikan sebagai medium penerapan Islam dalam sainsConference Papers
Galakan untuk saintis wanita Text
Membentuk sikap beramanah dalam tugas Text
Portray Malaysia truthfully Text
First principles study of scandium nitride and yttrium nit Indexed Paper
Chemical composition and biological activities of essentiaIndexed Paper
IK cecah paras tertinggi baru tempoh 10 tahun Text
Ticket to hospitality sector Text
ItÆs all up to Khairy now Text
Tipu kertas undi pos : SPR dedah taktik buat dakwaan a Text
Sistem pengiklanan dan pencarian kenderaan atas talian Thesis
Compression strength of composite glulam timber reinforJournal Article
Komitmen organisasi sebagai perantara hubungan antaraThesis
Legal studies III Exam Papers
Masih ramai rakyat keliru status bahasa, kebangsaan Text
Sea surface current circulation pattern in the South ChinaConference Papers
Numerical investigation of the effect of a rod dielectri Conference Papers
Power system stabilizer for a large system using fuzzy logThesis
All federal roads to be made super safe Text
Program K-Sharing minyak kelapa dara dan metabolisma Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Senario toko buku di Malaysia Text
43 penuntut UTM tabur bakti di Mukim Api-Api News Paper Cuttings
Kerajaan akan gubal Akta Zakat Nasional Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Exam Papers
USM tubuh unit khas komersial produk R&D Text
Electronic marketing Exam Papers
A Review of CADs, languages and data models for synthetJournal Article
250 pelajar sertai bengkel PMR News Paper Cuttings
Improvement and calibration of a three component balanThesis
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
Tambah 3,000 sekolah untuk mulakan satu sesi Text
Doctor charged with murdering wife at his home Text
Tekanan kuat kadar faedah naik lagi 2006 Text
Makanan laut guna bahan kimia disiasat Text
Pengiktirafan sektor awam Text
Termodinamik Text
Penyakit tibi semakin membimbangkan Text
Tourists go for quality, never mind the price Text
Hubungan kepuasan komunikasi dan komitmen terhadapThesis org
Parallel computing of numerical schemes and big data analyIndexed Paper
Urban planning : a conceptual framework Text
Ghani Minhat Raja Pestabola Text
Contaminant removal from cavities in horizontal channelThesis
Cytotoxic activity of Luvunga scandens against human canc Journal Article
Agricultural Crop Management Decision Support System Thesis
Mesyuarat mengenai permohonan Proquest memasukkan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sistem mekanikal & elektrikal Text
Moving object detection for unmanned aerial vehicles usThesis
Mapping of complete binary trees into single-row netwo Conference Papers
FPGA - based cmos camera controller design for biometriThesis
Techniques of improving quality in brickwork constructioText
Knowledge audit on research activities towards research Thesis
Tak isytihar harta, tidak naik pangkat Text
Pesona gajet terkini Text
TQM in SME in food industry: practice, impact and barrieThesis
UTM hasil produk antibarah daripada misai kucing News Paper Cuttings
Second Home programme targets 100,000 expatriates Text
Numerical study of ejector as an expansion device in splitIndexed Paper
Faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan penyewaan per Thesis
PM : stop all hillside projects Text
Pemerosesan data letronik Text
Be honest, blood donors told : tainted blood being offer Text
Penerbit Upin dan Ipin News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi laser Text
Rombongan kedutaan Amerika melawat UTM News Paper Cuttings
PSD spells out new rulings on sexual harassment : no ogl Text
PTPTN luluskan pinjaman RM2b Text
Memajukan ekonomi bersama melalui perikanan Text
RM20 bilion rawat perokok setahun Text
Emosi pengaruhi keinginan Text
130,000 ikrar derma organ : golongan muda paling ramaiText
Malaysia tangga ke-16 destinasi utama FDI Text
Pangkalan TLDM sukar diceroboh anasir luar Text
Sultan Perak sangkal laporan masjid terbiar Text
Prediction of mortality rates using augmented data Journal Article
Universiti pertama : UTM tubuh pejabat satelit di Jepun Text
Kampung moden ilham Dr. M sudah siap Text
Mechanical properties of concrete using sawdust Thesis
Investigation of torque generation capability of mixed fl Journal Article
Software requirement and specification Exam Papers
Sistem maklumat kejuruteraan awam Text
Umat Islam perlu pendekatan baru berteraskan ilmu: Dr Text
Malaysian planning guidelines: implementation mechanism Thesis
Fizik semikonduktor Exam Papers
Computational study of thermal wave propagation in hum Non-Index Paper
Diagnosis & rawatan telaga Text
Ukur binaan I Text
Design of reinforced earth wall and comparisons with canThesis
Pemegang biasiswa JPA disaran beri kerjasama Text
21 warga tua dapat bantuan kerusi roda News Paper Cuttings
Perbandingan rekabentuk dan kos pembinaan asas cerucuk Text
Economic incentives, involvement in management, monito Thesis
Pelaksanaan strategi pembangunan pekan kecil Thesis
Simply unforgettable, that's what they are News Paper Cuttings
Syarat baru orang gaji Text
Potret D.Y.M.M. Paduka Baginda Sultanah Zanariah bin Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Determinants for product and process innovation : A reviIndexed Paper
Auditor independence debate : a critical review of the Text
Preferred attributes of waste separation behaviour : an eIndexed Paper
Optimisation of signal peptide for recombinant protein seIndexed Paper
Pesakit thalassaemia boleh kerja : Rosmah Text
Pencemaran bahasa semakin berleluasa Text
Mardi cipta teknologi hasil tani tahan lama Text
Baby boy is ninth disease fatality Text
Struktur lepas pantai Text
12 subjek UTM antara terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Landscape construction IV Exam Papers
Free vibration of anti-symmetric angle-ply laminated coniIndexed Paper
UTM Skudai raih 14 pingat emas, 5 anugerah khas pamerNews Paper Cuttings
Operasi BPR bukti tekad banteras rasuah Text
45,000 jobs available in civil service Text
Sosiologi pendidikan Text
MAS catat untung bersih RM159.3j Text
Muflis keintelektualan hancurkan umat Text
Compulsory cadet officer training for UPNM students Text
Regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfalls using p Indexed Paper
Principles of project management Exam Papers
Cina, India tak minat Text
Kajian kemungkinan dalam pembangunan hartanah kedi Text
Gertak minyak masak Text
In-depth study on proposals, sub-committees set up to plText
Development corridor for Sabah in the pipeline Text
Data transmission system of rotating electric field mill Indexed Paper
Najib : 1Malaysia is for all Text
Kajian pencemaran udara di kawasan bandar dengan menText
Biodecolourisation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) by s Thesis
Hanya kerajaan kendali dialog antara agama Text
Dissipative non-linear schrodinger equation with variableNon-Index
c Paper
Embodied energy in building construction Indexed Paper
Audit Exam Papers
Design and implementation of portable myoactivity deteThesis
Effect of self-healing coating on the corrosion behaviour Thesis
Iranian language learners' attitude, motivasion and per Thesis
Horror before shift change Text
Liabiliti tort : analisa tahap kesedaran di kalangan jurut Thesis
Penyelidik UTM cipta sistem penyejuk enjin Text
Usaha mendalami ilmu angkasa perlu terus disemarakka Text
60,000 keluarga masih diparas termiskin Text
RM23b to upgrade water services Text
Negara Islam perlu bersatu hapus kekejaman di Gaza Text
Only State religious bodies can act Text
Law and practice Exam Papers
Massive manhunt for killer motorcyclists Text
RM30 MyKad reader on the way Text
Kemudahan belajar di mana-mana Text
Lelaki terbabit kemalangan cedera digigit kucing batu Text
Fenomena cinta, janjitemu, perlakuan seks dan hubunga Conference Papers
Good citizens course for all civil servants Text
Kajian ke atas parameter model rangkaian rambatan balikText
Effect of attachment of silica nanoparticles on coordinati Conference Papers
Development of robust ring velocimeter for natural wateThesis
Design and construction of lightning protection system Text
Conversion of glycerol to methanol over copper and nic Thesis
Keberkesanan latihan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaa Thesis
Memuliakan warga emas amalan terpuji Text
Suffering from a broken heart Text
The effect of initial gas saturation on water alternate g Thesis
Robot pintar UTM gegar Tokyo News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik perdagangan Text
Algorithm for length estimation based on the vertex chaiConference Papers
Memartabatkan bahasa peranan semua Text
Pos Malaysia, USM lancar pakatan strategik Text
On - Bottom stability analysis and design of submarine piText
Gaji kakitangan awam dibayar dua kali sebulan mulai Og Text
Modelling and biomedical analysis of human spine Thesis
Planning and production control Exam Papers
Contract administration Exam Papers
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Fakulti Sains Komputer & S Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
GIS application Exam Papers
NRW - kajian perbandingan antara kaedah ujian berlangkThesis
Tissue specific localization expression of SOC1 gene in oi Journal Article
Psoriasis boleh dirawat Text
Combined adsorption and catalytic ozonation for removaIndexed Paper
Amalan iktisas III Text
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Melaka Text
New engineering contract (NEC) 1993 as radical changes Text
Keberkesanan program traineeship dalam kursus kemahirThesis
Electrodeposition of titanium, tungsten and zinc layered Thesis
Ketelusan proses undi sukar dicabar Text
Neural network efficiency optimization control of a vari Conference Papers
Stiffer aggravated rape penalty Text
Pejuang kemajuan Bahasa Melayu diusir ke England Text
Kesan daripada aktiviti penanaman padi terhadap kualiti Thesis
Mokhzani kembali mewarnai dunia korporat Text
Minister : pay rise is like having four monthsÆ bonus Text
Rejected students get 2nd chance Text
Maths papers of 'high standard' Text
Pembalakan haram musnah habitat Orang Utan Text
Improvement of cluster head selection in leach protocol Thesis
PBL modules for power electronic laboratory : buck convThesis
Penggunaan bahasa Melayu merosot Text
KTMB losing grip on monopoly, competitor in pipeline Text
BPR mula siasat bangunan runtuh di Pulau Banding Text
A Real Time Delta Rhythm Based Cursor Control Thesis
Kepentingan awam perlu diutama: Samsudin Text
Design of a micro hydro turbine Thesis
Teachers then and now Text
Augmented reality trading card battle arena game using Thesis
Didikan kewajipan solat kepada remaja bentuk sahsiah teText
One-time request for EPF withdrawals Text
Secrets of the orang asli Text
Ipoh sedia khidmat akses internet percuma Text
Majlis Peguam Johor edar 'Buku Merah' Text
Principles of land ownership & land development philos Exam Papers
Preliminary investigation of composite load bearing wall Text
Guru patut bergilir ke luar bandar Text
Kerajaan tunggu cadangan Jakim Text
IAQ assessment in UPNM Medical Center Journal Article
A study of residential and commercial building for hybri Thesis
Investigation of short base line lightning detection syste Indexed Paper
Semak Piagam Pelanggan : Cuepacs syorkan mutu khidmText
Planning and production control Exam Papers
Primed for special missions Text
Exam-oriented system impractical Text
Siswa perlu bebas berfikir Text
Development of land survey toolbar based on AutoCAD sThesis
Alatan audit dokumentasi jaminan kualiti IPTA di FSKSM (F Text
Miliki ijazah UKM melalui saluran kedua Text
Development of readout system for portable uric acid s Thesis
Semua pihak perlu komited komersialkan tenaga alternatText
Skuad khas siasat laluan maut Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat d Text
Anggaran I Text
Sumbing bibir bukan masalah tanpa penyelesaian Text
Decline in maths, science : hms and teachers told to tak Text
Graduates willing to take up jobs but have expectations Text
Menteri Pengangkutan terkejut polis turunkan saman trafText
Permintaan tinggi di sektor awam Text
Construction technology I Exam Papers
WPI perlu penyertaan syarikat global Text
Maybank tempat teratas jenama paling bernilai Text
Malaysia tumpuan pelabur baru Text
Janji manifesto BN tetap ditunaikan Text
UTM teams up with MIT News Paper Cuttings
Usah pertikai hak Melayu Text
Modulation of nonlinear waves in an inviscid fluid (bloodIndexed Paper
Developing a multiple-choice question generator that proText
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Thixomolding of magnesium alloy for engineering applicati Text
Ikuti seruan Rasulullah perkuat perpaduan ummah Text
Keberkesanan sistem anggaran kos yang dipraktikkan oleh Text
Pengurusan pembersihan tandas awam di kawasan rehatThesis
Pertahan kedaulatan Beting Serupai News Paper Cuttings
The national information policy of Malaysia : assessing it Text
Computational investigation of heat transfer of nanoflui Thesis
Laksana peperiksaan dalam bahasa Inggeris bukan langkaText
Team on track to process citizenship applications Text
Smart control switch for lighting system (Part 3) interfacinThesis
Malaysia remains world's 19th largest exporting country Text
EDR : efficient data routing in wireless sensor networks Indexed Paper
Principles of chemistry Exam Papers
Penyelidikan kualitatif dalam pendidikan Text
Evaluation of asphaltene-induced formation damage arouThesis
Memperkasa kepemimpinan lelaki sebagai ketua keluargText
English for professional communication Exam Papers
UTM sampaikan sumbangan kepada mangsa banjir Text
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
JKR perlu tiga bulan siapkan makmal komputer Text
170 kes palsu MyKad dikesan sehingga Jun Text
Malaysia may host World X Games Text
Development of reagent test kid for the enhancement ofNon-Index Paper
Bank disyor naikkan lagi faedah deposit Text
MAHA 2002 berjaya tarik lebih sejuta pengunjung Text
Sains kakisan bahan Exam Papers
A new green index as an overall quantitative green perforIndexed Paper
Dispersive micro-solid phase extraction combined with hiIndexed Paper
Good news for SPM accounting students Text
Melahirkan satu ASEAN Text
Harap isu dua hala diselesai cara diplomasi Text
Ekonomi Johor tidak terjejas : MB Text
Wataniah sebagai pemangkin penguasaan soft skills di k Conference Papers
TPM : wang ihsan banjir diberi Januari Text
Ciri-ciri konkrit tanpa getar menggunakan abu pembakar Text
Road material and evaluation Exam Papers
Dyslexia aide (mobile learning application for dyslexia kidThesis
Disiplin tinggi pengurusan majukan Malaysia Text
Optimal thyristor control series capacitor neuro-controlleNon-Index Paper
Kota Datuk Maharajalela dimajukan News Paper Cuttings
An approach to reuse polyehtylene terephthalate bottlesThesis
Pulling in more tourists Text
Be a patriot and enlist in Territorial Army Text
Bio-organik POME mesra alam, murah Text
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Seized : devices that steal card data Text
Studies of ternary tin-antimony-selenium-based chalcogeText
PM proposes new tack Text
Statistical approach grading mixture modeling (Full text) Text
Productivity improvement using work study method on css Thesis
MAA yakin pengeluar kaji turunkan lagi harga kereta Text
OIC summit move on Iraq Text
Hapuskan keganasan terhadap wanita Text
Keberkesanan perlaksanaan tong kitar semula Thesis
A review of biomass gasification technology to produce Indexed Paper
3,000 hektar tanah di Kota Tinggi ditanam herba Text
FTA : Jumlah dagangan ASEAN-China meningkat Text
Exergy-based analysis of a steam boiler unit of Stesen Ja Text
Turbin gas pesawat guna minyak sawit Text
Terengganu pandang serius budaya minum kopi waktu beText
Implikasi penentuan waktu solat dengan kaedah titik be Thesis
Amendments to varsity law not cosmetic Text
Only for qualified students Text
Design of Multi -axis mobility chair Thesis
Catu air : bomba gagal selamatkan dua rumah Text
Comparison between river sand and standard sand (silica)Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Remaja perempuan taruhan lumba haram Text
Quantitative method in planning Text
Survey computation / Perhitungan ukur Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
MB : housing for all civil servants Text
Kenapa pertikai aliran sekolah kebangsaan Text
Structure H Exam Papers
Glycerol as plasticizer for waste polystyrene based meta Indexed Paper
Kuota bukan Melayu di MRSM naik Text
GST : ramai peniaga di Malaysia belum faham Text
UPM bina makmal khas selidik flora, fauna di hutan Sim Text
Siber kafe di perpustakaan universiti Text
PM : MÆsia must move up global value chain Text
Sistem pengurusan aktiviti pelajar Kolej Tun Hussein OnnConference Papers
Penerbit Upin dan Ipin News Paper Cuttings
March of the machos News Paper Cuttings
Thermal properties and heat storage analysis of palmit Indexed Paper
Calculus 1 Exam Papers
Harmonic severity analysis at the hospital Thesis
Scattering-limited and ballistic transport in a nano-CMOSConference Papers
Bank tempatan tetap salur dana pembiayaan Text
Kesan sistem pembelajaran pentaksiran portfolio kolabo Thesis
No more power failure, please Text
Finite element analysis on the behavior of slab-column c Journal Article
Pencen : pekerja swasta perlu diberi pilihan Text
UTM dapat 35 pingat sempena MTE Text
Application of measurement in research Exam Papers
Nipah virus rated a big-terror weapon Text
Energy consumption and potential retrofitting of rest andIndexed Paper
Pollution may cost Asia billion Text
Tak boleh ulas hakim Text
Taburan jarak kepala di atas jalan rural Text
Innovation management and new product development Text
Sukan jadi kokurikulum wajib sekolah Text
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan Web di Syarikat M. Text
Coretan Raja Zarith Sofia buat anakanda Jalil News Paper Cuttings
RM3.6b flood mitigation plan Text
Principles of management (prinsip pengurusan) / engin Text
Corruption in public procurement systems Malaysian publThesis
Experimental study for the double-stage savonius blade wConference Papers
Effect of inhibitors on the corrosion rate of carbon stee Text
Consumer behavior on energy efficient cooling devices - Thesis
3D printer patterns evaluation for direct investment cast Indexed Paper
Banyak projek untuk manfaatkan lebuh raya Text
Memudahkan kelulusan jawatan ekspatriat Text
Site planning Exam Papers
Patterns of electronic mail discourse in two Malaysian orText
Gegaran kejutkan 3,000 pelajar UiTM di Puncak Perdana Text
Institusi-institusi Islam Exam Papers
MMA : upgrade rural hospitals first Text
Sistem kualiti Text
Need to curb bogus varsities Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Telefon Motorola mesra pengguna Text
Variation orders in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) cText
Basic corporate governance models : a systematic reviewIndexed Paper
Percanggahan kategori gunatanah di daerah kecil Labis Thesis
Sampling techniques Exam Papers
Sustainable waste management : observing the economicConference
a Papers
Penentuan parameter pemotongan untuk ujian kekasar Thesis
Sistem penempahan meja dan pesanan makanan Thesis
A robust watermark embedding in smooth areas Conference Papers
Majikan tak boleh prasangka, sangsi kebolehan OKU Text
Database / pangkalan data Text
Assessment of onshore wind energy potential in peninsulThesis
Automated dataset generation for training peer-to-peer m Indexed Paper
Tiga usahawan Melayu antara individu terkaya Text
Statistik I Text
Flow at junctions in open-channels (Fulltext) Text
Evaluation of three dimensional construct engineered froJournal Article
Akhlaq self-regulation and students' performance in the Conference Papers
RM21,000 bantu 7 keluarga miskin Text
Ayurvedic treatment for men Text
Abnormal psychology Exam Papers
Undang-undang hubungan industri Text
Principles of chemistry Exam Papers
Pelaburan impak besar RM40b dilulus Text
Rangkaian pengedar Proton jalani proses rasionalisasi Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Fizik sinaran Text
More youngsters using handphones Text
IPT perlu sesuai kurikulum ikut perubahan pasaran, indusText
Bank perlu prihatin isu komisen jualan minyak Text
Akujanji : Naib Canselor tandatangan 23 Januari Text
Assessing performance appraisal Text
Anugerah yang amat bermakna : Tony Fernandes Text
Usahakan ternakan lembu cara integrasi Text
Arkib giat kumpul peristiwa sejarah Text
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems Exam Papers
17 pelajar UTM ke United Kingdom Text
Guru pendukung aspirasi membentuk modal insan holistiText
Kejayaan bukti kemampuan bahasa Melayu Text
Designing low cost plant health monitoring using raspbe Thesis
Mitigating inter-carrier interference in orthogonal frequ Thesis
UTM lets errant 10 register for new semester Text
Counselling at workplace Exam Papers
Algorithm enchancement for host-based intrusion detectiText
Faedah dan halangan pelaksanaan Building Information M Thesis
Formula for better civil service Text
Peranan penting News Paper Cuttings
Sistem baru sekolah rendah : pelaksanaan konsep pendidik Text
Chemical enginering thermodynamics Exam Papers
One more award for eBario Text
Caucus against moral policing Text
Word livel speech spectral peature extraction for emotioThesis
Indium-doped TiO2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic CO2Indexed Paper
Exergy based thermodynamics analysis of an educationalText
AP : Rafidah diarah sedia laporan Text
PM jamin percepat projek : langkah elak banjir kilat di Text
Sulfur-functionalized mesoporous silica microspheres (S Conference Papers
Ujian aptitud babit 600 sekolah rendah Text
Effect of pretreatment parameters on surface roughness Thesis
Introduction to land development Exam Papers
Model mengesan dan mengawal stres kehidupan guru di Conference Papers
Rainwater harvesting could be made compulsory Text
Experimental study of bioelectricity -microbial fuel cell Journal Article
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Perakaunan kos Text
Researchers isolate Coxsackie virus Text
Penyelidikan industri UTM untuk golongan profesional News Paper Cuttings
Elak Kuala Lumpur jadi bandar raya tercemar Text
Sustainability and environmental management in construExam Papers
A framework with high techology facilitymanagement forThesis
Avalanche analysis of extended feistel network Conference Papers
Early release plan Text
Development of hollow fiber membranes for carbon dioxiThesis
Smart home using wireless sensor network and android Thesis
We'll reach WHO ratio by 2018 Text
Being married better than single, say Malaysians Text
USMÆs Apex status not in jeopardy Text
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Mechanism to simulate wave form on an object pulled s Thesis
Janakuasa elektrik baru di Tanjung Jaga, Yan Text
Review of the current design on wearable antenna in medi Journal Article
USM hasil plastik boleh lupus tempoh setahun Text
Bahasa kebangsaan sepatutnya teras tradisi keilmuwan Text
Train more people in ICT Text
Harga minyak diselaras April Text
Office space in an oversupplied market Text
Biologi manusia Text
Kajian amalan pengguna Exam Papers
Universiti Putra V-C asked to resign Text
Harta wakaf, zakat diurus secara bersepadu Text
Wanita muda tidak mahu kahwin meningkat Text
Icon for Image
Penyokong tidak celik undang-undang News Paper Cuttings
Sweet memories with the "People's Prince" News Paper Cuttings
Diffrential equations Exam Papers
Cash crop project raises hopes of 2,000 villagers Text
Critical success factors for post occupancy evaluation of Journal Article
Fizik nukleus Text
Rural planning Exam Papers
Taati ibu, jangan sakit hati suami Text
Remaja berpeluang sertai PKSN Text
DiGi untung RM443j Text
Forum to tighten rules on Premium SMS abuse Text
The potential for outsourcing of facilities management serText
Hutan paya gambut negara kian berkurangan Text
Had pekerja asing kepada 1.5 juta Text
Produktiviti merosot : kesatuan sekerja diminta terima si Text
Immunodetection and purification of recombinant humanThesis
A mitigation plan for distribution network voltage sag effThesis
Elektronilk lanjutan Exam Papers
Minyak ikan bantu kurangkan kolesterol Text
Basic Electrical Engineering Exam Papers
Face recognition door access system using YCBCR face deThesis
Police : schools should be in constant touch Text
Produktiviti pekerja binaan dalam kawasan Majlis Perb Thesis
Application of low-cost fabricated column model for the aIndexed Paper
Developing land hurts agri, says Muhyiddin Text
Similarity-based virtual screening using Bayesian infere Conference Papers
Business strategy Exam Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Network and systems Exam Papers
Industri pembungkusan perlu guna pembungkus kitar se Text
New device makes it easier to catch birds Text
Krisis dalaman Umno terus cipta kekeliruan Text
Performance of vortex roof drainage system in harvestin Thesis
The sufficiency of current training curricullum for diffe Text
New system for SPM merit points Text
Instrumentasi Exam Papers
Hydraulic performance of UTM stream Thesis
Kemiskinan di bandar kena ambil kira inflasi, kos hidup Text
Malaysia amal pengeluaran mampan minyak sawit Text
Bahan logam pilihan untuk dijadikan rod bumi sistem pe Thesis
Perang tentang rasuah tidak kira siapa : PM Text
ECG monitoring via wireless sensor network (WSN) Conference Papers
Performance of concrete containing crumb rubber and ste Thesis
Partnering approach to support collaborative working enThesis
Pesakit HIV/AIDS meningkat selagi tiada sikap terbuka Text
Performance of multiple blended binders on the propert Thesis
MalaysiaÆs fragrant wood export in danger Text
Transaction-based industrial real estate price indices for Thesis
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Tanaman kenaf komoditi baru negara Text
Khidmat hotline disiplin terima 1,168 aduan Text
NUTP gesa kaji insentif istimewa sekolah cemerlang Text
2.4 million foreign workers in the country Text
Preparation and charaterisation of hydrophobic ultravioleThesis
Hubungan antara lokus kawalan dengan pencapaian akade Conference Papers
Mitigating motion in tall building structural scaled modelThesis
Conditions on the edges and vertices of non-commuting Indexed Paper
Kajian masa menunggu pesakit luar menggunakan pendekata Thesis
Masalah IKS sediakan bekalan berterusan dipantau Text
Some problems associated with curves on parametric surText
Siswa UTM terima bayaran pinjaman Text
Firma minyak Asia mesti teroka banyak usaha sama Text
Analisa jujukan genom menggunakan pengaturcaraan di Text
Pak Lah : confidence in government very high now Text
Need to upgrade investment climate : Mustapa Text
Gaming experience on the mobiTop system: a collocated Journal Article
Menjelang RMK-9 : mempelbagai sumber ekonomi hadapi Text
Sistem kuasa Text
Burqini buka peluang wanita bersukan Text
Tourists get warm welcome in Johor Text
Guru sanggup kerja sembilan jam sehari Text
No longer helpless and unprepared for tsunami Text
Optimization Methods Exam Papers
Pendekatan dakwah mesti bersifat mesra remaja Text
Jalinan kukuh KL-Paris Text
Instruments and measurements Exam Papers
Optimum analysis of offshore structures lifting padeyes Thesis
A review on operational distance enhancement of the ultrNon-Index Paper
Skim perumahan murah bantu rakyat Text
Model full-scale correlation studies Thesis
Penggunaan model numerikal untuk struktur hidraulik daText
Separation of oil/water emulsion using coal Thesis
History of western architechture Exam Papers
Construction of microsatellite linkage map and detectionIndexed
of Paper
Enam pemimpin perkukuhkan perpaduan kekal kemerdeText
Design and development of line tracking vehicle with ob Text
Fewer answer Maths and Science in English Text
OKU tetap dihargai : Najib Text
Reka bentuk struktur II Text
Fizik moden Text
Rankings : how does it measure up? Text
Open Minds bantu pendidikan kanak-kanak istimewa Text
Set theory and logic Exam Papers
Fake MyKad syndicate broken, two arrested Text
Two-phase process for varsity seat applications Text
IPTA perlu jelaskan peranan kakitangan dalam PSPTN segText
Dinamik Text
Keelektromagnetan Exam Papers
Activity-based costing user satisfaction and type of syst Conference Papers
Malaysians prefer Pak Lah's vision of Islam Text
Masa depan D-8 cerah : PM Text
Tanah runtuh antara arahan dan keuntungan Text
Viability study on the application of advance blasting metText
Akujanji : usah terpengaruh pandangan negatif Text
Warna Kehidupan : pukulan alam mistik Melayu Text
Pertingkat kawalan perairan sempadan Text
Prosedur projek industri perlu diselaras Text
Evaluation of normal and nanolayer composite thermal bar Indexed Paper
Implikasi pencemaran alam sekitar terhadap nilai harta Conference Papers
Simulasi baris pembuatan plastik minyak masak di kilang Text
English for professional communication Exam Papers
Accounting information system II Exam Papers
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon hollow fiber memb Conference Papers
Jangan jadikan pendidikan sumber keuntungan Text
Everyone can do business in Malaysia Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Reduction of peak to average power ratio using clipping aText
Sustainable fully mechanical driven water heater Thesis
Multi-band antenna for GSM, 3G, bluetooth and wirelessText L
Pertingkat kualiti aliran kebangsaan Text
Isolation and identification of bacteria isolated from ru Indexed Paper
Parameters for building materials specifications in Lagos,Indexed Paper
Body to regulate automotive service industry Text
Hak kanak-kanak : Malaysia antara negara terbaik Text
Jalinan rangkaian perdagangan bersama perlu diperkuku Text
Score card as an approach in evaluating campus sustainabThesis
Tahap kestabilan emosi pelajar di sebuah kolej kediamanConference Papers
Hishammuddin : no need to get emotional over Hindraf Text
Adsorption of bovine serum albumin onto immobilized coThesis
Penguatkuasaan tegas untuk ubah sikap pemandu Text
Exploiting distance measurement for ripeness identificat Non-Index Paper
Sains itu menarik Text
Pelajar ke luar negara jalani ujian tatanegara Text
Projek sistem integrasi rekabentuk pesawat terbang bantText
Bahasa Inggeris : rakyat Kemboja dapat manfaat Text
Cemerlang SPM Text
Sambutan Merdeka 2005 berjaya : Kadir Text
KTMB rancang bina landasan berkembar Gemas-JB Text
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Kajian dasar perancangan strategik Text
Pengajaran free-body diagram (FBD) dalam menyelesaikaConference Papers
Health Ministry to test drive-through project at Penang Text
Kerajaan cadang daratkan 75,000 tan ikan tuna 2010 Text
Synthesis and characterizations of sago-based film reinforThesis
ICT bukan hak elit : PM Text
Planet berbatu, memiliki air seakan-akan bumi ditemui Text
Persepsi pengguna terhadap integrasi, kemudahan dan pe Thesis
Bayaran pencen RM9b tahun depan Text
Iris recognition based on the modified Chan-Vese active Journal Article
Pemimpin contoh generasi muda Text
Harvesting effects on water quality of Layang Reservoir =Text
Musyawarah bagi terus bangunkan industri halal : PM Text
Wilayah Ekonomi Koridor Utara (NCER) dilancar 30 Julai Text
Gabung koperasi kecil, bermasalah Text
Kecerdikan buatan Text
Taking agriculture to greater heights Text
Elektronik komunikasi Exam Papers
Learners' anxiety and cultural values in relation to Engl Thesis
Hubungan gaya kepimpinan dengan motivasi kerja di baha Thesis
Wabak selesema burung dikesan di Sungai Buloh Text
Pembiayaan pengajian ijazah lanjutan diperluas Text
Modeling and simulation of a routing protocol of AD hoc Thesis
A secure audio steganography approach Conference Papers
Propeller type current meter for measurement of flow i Thesis
Computational fluid mechanics Exam Papers
A lifetime to pay for wanting a good night out Text
Thermal barrier coating on gamma titanium aluminide b Thesis
New, bigger Istana Negara Text
Pemuda perangi dadah Text
Development of a computer programme for the design ofText m
Bicara Akademia : kepemimpinan dinamik Text
Program UiTM bertaraf dunia Text
Pengurusan prestasi Exam Papers
Elementary Surveying Exam Papers
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Disc surface roughness analysis and it's effect on the ge Thesis
Dual-band microstrip patch antenna for LTE and wifi applThesis
Programming methodology Text
Saintis temui betonit permudah cari gali minyak, gas Text
IT course for teachers Text
Lawatan ke China berjaya : Najib Text
Penyertaan aktif masyarakat mampu melestarikan alam sNews Paper Cuttings
IPTA wajar dibina di Ayer Hitam Text
Performance of blended ash geopolymer concrete at ele Indexed Paper
String of 1As not enough Text
Trophic state index for water quality using mapping quickText
Maktab Adabi popularkan tuisyen gaya pos Text
Pemetaan aluran menggunakan fotogrametri digital jarakText
Permohonan Pulau Pinang ditolak News Paper Cuttings
Check before cheque : mandatory Puspakom inspection fText
Move to drop family consent Text
Controlling prices to ease sugar shortage Text
Industrial waste management Exam Papers
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Rainwater harvesting storage system analysis (Preview) Text
Penyelidik UTM cemerlang di peringkat antarabangsa Text
Aerodynamic design and computational study of UAV Text
A hybrid approach based on ARIMA and artificial neural nThesis
Lack of facilities man power among constraints at hospitaText
Sanctuary for prized kelah Text
Contributions of inclusive education programme, teachers Thesis
Keusahawanan inter-genaration firm dalam pembangunan Thesis
USM komersialkan roti daripada sisa, isi buah Text
Collaborative beamforming for wireless sensor network uThesis
Pelancaran Bulan Bahasa dan Sastera Negara meriah Text
Despite illness, he visited the sick News Paper Cuttings
Three-term back propagation neural network for moisturThesis
Dealers : second round of car checks wonÆt help Text
Man, language and knowledge Text
Guarantors a must for study loans Text
Kerajaan sentiasa berjaga-jaga Text
Abdullah: Tindakan AS memalukan -- Kemuka dokumen pal Text
Kerjasama Malaysia-Bosnia tingkat keluaran makanan duText
Enforce laws strictly to safeguard water supply Text
Dr Ismail dilantik TNC baru UTM Text
Geofizik Text
Mat Rempit problem : coming together to ground them Text
30% wanita pembuat dasar dipenuhi 2008 Text
Functional analysis of microarray gene expression data Thesis
Graduan UTM pilihan majikan Text
Online portal helps increase foreign patients Text
Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Percuma Di Foyer PSZ Dengan KerPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Factors affecting project management of jig and fixture Thesis
Deformation development under highway accelerated loaText
The benefits and limitations of methods development in sIndexed Paper
Algebra I Exam Papers
Pengecualian duti setem ringan beban pembeli Text
Permintaan Dan Penawaran Kondominium Di Wilayah Pers Text
Reliability of waranty data analysis a case study in Proto Thesis
Contract and estimating Exam Papers
Failure mode analysis of heat shrinkable method Thesis
Dua penuntut UTM tawan Gunung Everest News Paper Cuttings
Perak sets up consortium News Paper Cuttings
Formulation of medium duty automotive shock absorber Thesis fl
Antenna with metamaterial design (Full text) Text
A study on optimum process condition for manufacturingThesis
Easing students' learning difficulties in straight lines us Thesis
English language : Aim is basic literacy Text
Kanak-kanak perlu pendidikan berterusan Text
Pengurusan penyelenggaraan utiliti di pangsapuri kes kajThesis
NSA mesti berani terokai pembangunan teknologi satelit Text
String pattern recognition using evolving spiking neural Conference Papers
The effectiveness of inductive and deductive approach i Thesis
Numerical evaluation of thermo-hydraulic performance inJournal Article
Static and dynamics of mercury adsorption performance Tehesis
Piagam ASEAN dibentuk : antara 23 perkara dipersetuju Text
Hasil kreativiti inovasi guru perlu dimanfaatkan News Paper Cuttings
Quantitative flow visualisation using infrared thermograpThesis
The relationship between self-concept and communicatioNon-Index Paper
Passive design approach towards energy efficient buildingThesis
15 hospital lagi dilengkapi kemudahan rawat AI Text
Sejarah senibinaan barat Text
Reinforced concrete design I Exam Papers
A new breed of backbenchers Text
Smoking ban to be extended Text
PIPP berjaya membawa pendidikan ke tahap global Text
Bird samples test negative for virus Text
DST membangunkan kemahiran digital Text
UTM anjur Hari Patriotik 2003 Text
Introduction to business Exam Papers
Cross layer design of interference aware multi-hop mobi Thesis
PKS Bumiputera masih sukar dapat pinjaman Text
3D geospatial database for space in facility management Thesis
Let's go for 6pc growth, says PM Text
Image reconstruction algorithm based on least square witConference Papers
Cemari alam cerminkan kelemahan iman Text
Teknologi Mykad akan dieksport Text
Had kuasa tribunal rumah Text
Ergonomics aspect of sedan car seat for Malaysian driverThesis
Disaster and crisis management Text
PM arah letak jawatan Text
Maintenance factors in building design (Preview) Text
Konsep bangsa Malaysia perlu kekal identiti, tradisi kaumText
Evaluation of impressed current cathodic protection for Thesis
Ketua negara boleh didakwa Text
Reaksi berbeza wujud kafe siber di sekolah Text
Enhanced exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) Thesis
MEB tunjang ekonomi rakyat Text
Tertuduh kes bunuh anak 2 tahun diikat jamin RM2,500 Text
Mechatronics system design Exam Papers
ANM cipta gel sagu untuk perubatan, pembedahan Text
A study of mt-dna hypervariable region 1 (HVI) sequenceThesis
Trapped tiger saved, but more patrols needed Text
Islam Hadhari ke peringkat global Text
Enabling security for service discovery in pervasive com Text
Theory of design Exam Papers
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
English for academic communication Text
Using durian rind as bridging material to overcome fluid lJournal Article
Pemetaan garis pantai kesan hakisan di Pantai Mek Mas Text
Graph colouring algorithm for validating labelled 2D line Non-Index Paper
Computing the nonabelian tensor square of metacyclic P-Indexed Paper
Sustainable energy efficient distillation columns sequenc Conference Papers
Adsorbent from waste and natural deposits for paraquat Indexed
r Paper
Sains, teknologi dalam membina ketamadunan Text
Pelabuhan Malaysia semakin mendapat tempat Text
Juruaudit profesional diguna Text
Resilience planning as an alternative approach to conve Conference Papers
Image acquisition and syatem integration for GIG-E visio Thesis
The effect of different ambient temperature to solar coo Journal Article
Development of fuzzy logic models for single point turni Text
Guna pas pelajar untuk bawa masuk pekerja asing : 15 kolText
Lima penggiat budaya diiktiraf warisan hidup Text
MAIJ sasar kutipan zakat RM60j Text
A new search andextraction technique for motion capturText
What the VC must do Text
Electronics II Exam Papers
Design and development of clutch mechanisms for auto Text
Development of real time thought translation device Thesis
HFMD death toll up to 11 in Sarawak Text
Sex education with religious values in mind Text
Rawatan hempedu cara homeopati Text
PTP anjur bengkel BI News Paper Cuttings
Pre-school victims of neglect News Paper Cuttings
Empowering Muslim nations Text
Issue credit cards with care, says PM Text
Pembaikan keretakan ke atas papak dengan menggunakan Thesis
35 varsities and colleges get excellent ratings News Paper Cuttings
Berfikir di luar kotak : PM Text
Squid jigging to go international Text
A combination of PSO and local search in University Cou Conference Papers
Mekanik bendalir Text
Second round of floods in Sarawak Text
Muzium Kesenian Islam - Rujukan penggemar seni Islam Text
Juita boosts business opportunities foe single mums News Paper Cuttings
Historical development of administration architecture in Indexed Paper
NS gets better public rating Text
Classroom interaction in blended learning environment and Thesis
Hidup mati Anwar di Kajang News Paper Cuttings
Pentadbiran pampasan Text
R&D : Inovasi Biomen Text
Malay students reminded to prepare for æreal worldÆ Text
Refugees a perennial problem for Malaysia Text
Read : a welcome translation Text
Hybrid-grams language identification on cyrillic and indi Conference Papers
Perluaskan Skim Perkahwinan percuma Text
Mechanism study in furniture design Thesis
Islam adalah sistem kepercayaan dan cara hidup Text
A critical analysis of policy initiatives involving small a Text
Lonjak pendidikan Islam di Johor News Paper Cuttings
Tahap keselesaan, kebahagiaan rakyat tinggi Text
Solving Robin problems in bounded doubly connected regConference Papers
Structural assesment and repair Exam Papers
Radiation doses from computed tomography practice in JIndexed Paper
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
Kes keganasan rumah tangga menurun 10.4 peratus Text
Pengorbanan anggota polis di Balai Bukit Kepong Text
Horizontal ties provation of large panel precast structureThesis
A hybrid of bees algorithm and flux balance analysis withIndexed Paper
Synthesis and characterizational of graphene cellulose fi Thesis
PLKN : permohonan tangguh hingga 10 Okt. Text
Umat Islam perlu kuasai ilmu ICT elak diperlekeh Text
Dasar buku hijau : mengubah pendapatan peneroka Text
LRT operator faces closure Text
Isu penduduk Thai ditangani secara adil Text
Minister : 128 may not be cream of the crop Text
Al-Makassari's (1626-1699) thought on Al-Insan Al-Kamil Thesis
Ahli akademik harus miliki iltizam tinggi Text
Skim Perkeso pekerja gaji RM3,000 akan dilaksana Text
Post spinning and pyrolysis processes of polyacrylonitril Indexed Paper
Mahasiswa perlu æberfikir luar kotakÆ wujud daya sai Text
Separation of xylose from glucose using pilot scale sp Journal Article
Mahkamah sivil, syariah tidak harus bersaing Text
Jobs for bumis : they will get 70% of East Coast Highway Text
Old identity cards invalid from Jan 1 Text
Tahap kepuasan pelancong terhadap kemudahan yang dise Thesis
The role of night markets on urban quality, identity and Thesis
New waste material to enhance the performance of grouThesis
RM10 juta lahir 200 usahawan Text
Correlation analysis on urbanization level and labor cost Journal Article
Johor scientific team to go after bigfoot Text
Simulation of geotextile reinforced retaining wall Thesis
Design and performance analysis of magnetorheological Indexed Paper
Bukan sekadar penstrukturan biasa Text
Digital electronic Exam Papers
Firm integration and supply chain orientation of food pr Thesis
Malaysians score high in survey Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
Orang Jawa Pontian : kedatangan dan kegiatannya dalamJournal Article
Horsepower to fight crime Text
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
Outdated Animal Ordinance being reviewed Text
Optimization sizing and economic analysis for stand alo Conference Papers
Forest of moss needs to be preserved : trekkers damaginText
Kajian aktiviti pemangkinan dan analisis struktur dan sp Text
Bangunan mesti ada perakuan bomba mulai Ogos Text
Strategi awal pemilihan 2009 Text
Produk reka cipta kejuruteraan tempatan bantu usahaw Text
Pakar bahasa sokong saranan Text
Skim pembiayaan Bank Pertanian Malaysia Text
Applications and databases for car plate recognition syst Thesis
Purification and characterisation of fibrinolytic enzymes Journal Article
Plan to shape varsities of world class Text
Sistem Pengurusan Jabatan Sumber Manusia MMC Oil & TGext
From archery to quizzes, top 30 pick what to excel in Text
Ministry sets up secretariat for private varsities Text
PM : be ready to embrace excellence Text
A mathematical analysis of hollow fiber spinning : bore anIndexed Paper
Demi jantung, ubahlah gaya hidup Text
Peruntukan bajet mini perlu penjelasan terperinci Text
2 juta rakyat Malaysia hidap diabetis menjelang tahun 2 Text
Kerajaan kenal pasti tapak seluas 480 hektar untuk dimajText
Rapid growth in pitcher plant business Text
Utilising information technology to enhance R&D in metrConference Papers
Pelaksanaan sekolah kluster dipertingkat Text
A study on the existing aircraft utilisation pattern in rel Text
Testing the effect of the supply chain management impl Non-Index Paper
Land use and environmental planning Exam Papers
UTM's six entries win a medal each at Geneva expo Text
Influenza A(H1N1) : finish quarantine even if no sympto Text
Shahrizat calls for tighter Islamic Family Laws Text
Isu perbezaan pendapat Asia- Eropah diselesai secara ru Text
A framework for multi-document abstractive summarizatiIndexed Paper
Parametric performance simulation of a proximity-coupled Conference Papers
Homebuyers' preferences of housing facilities in mediumThesis
Offensive recordings Text
Pusat sedia RM214j atasi masalah air Text
Asia must find its own way Text
Student browsing behaviour analysis scheme with Princi Thesis
Airbone laser mapping Exam Papers
Industri pengurusan aset perlu cergas Text
Computer engineering Exam Papers
Arkeologi temui tapak artifak penting Kota Santiago Text
A crawler robot to draw geometrical pattern Text
PNB berhati-hati labur di luar negara Text
Establishing software configuration management practiceThesis
Numerical methods I Exam Papers
Masalah data di sekolah Text
Banjir di empat negeri makin pulih Text
UK universities keen to set up base at Educity Text
Teknik pemantuan "Non Revenue Water (NRW)" dengan Text k
Malaysia di tangga teratas kawal kematian budak Text
Assessment of the LISA software's capability in digital p Text
Telekom unlikely to float Celcom soon Text
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Effect of crosswind on vehicle velocity under full loads a Thesis
Ministry returns RM800m to use for food subsidies Text
Penerapan gaya pemikiran usahawan dalam kaedah penga Thesis
Porous concrete paving blocks using coarse aggregate Indexed Paper
Determination of available transfer capability for a deregText
Perlukah MTEN diwujudkan semula? Text
Malaysia-AS sedia kerjasama Text
Mathematics for surveyors Exam Papers
PPSMI, Umno, kerajaan, pejuang bahasa dan MCA Text
Mekanik bendalir Text
Now, to get offices ready for disabled Text
PM : Amalina an inspiration to all Text
Dr M: Japan remains a role model Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
The effect of transformational and transactional leader Thesis
Copy-move image forgery detection using discrete cosin Thesis
Dual-band transparent antenna for ISM band applicationIndexed Paper
Penggunaan hukuman fizikal dalam pendidikan anak-anaConference Papers
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Vector calculus Exam Papers
Green confabÆs a polluter, too Text
Gelombang mikro, antena & perambatan Text
Kebarangkalian dan statistik Text
Tempat kerja bebas dadah Text
Universiti Apex diumum jumaat ini Text
Atasi masalah legasi yang sukar Text
Sains sukan perlu dipraktikkan di sekolah rendah : Tengk Text
Model test on the axial capacity of displacement ribbed pJournal Article
Road deaths up by 11.6% during CNY period Text
Cobra Gold beri kelebihan kepada negara Text
The design of uwb antenna using log periodic technique Conference Papers
PMR: 17,994 calon dapat semua A Text
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Perlindungan radiologi dalam industri dan perlombongan,Text
1,600 tempahan untuk Proton Exora Text
Potential use of okara as meat replacer in beef sausage Journal Article
Subject now Bahasa Malaysia Text
Pakej pembelajaran perakaunan kewangan berasaskan Text
Framework of knowledge and teaching skills of expert m Conference Papers
RON95 : nikmati petrol subsidi sambil kurangkan pence Text
Pelajar Islam diwajib ikuti bahasa Arab Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Selesema burung : eksport ayam Malaysia dijangka meni Text
Penyelenggaraan lebuh raya kini lebih canggih Text
Arab Saudi yakin kepakaran kita Text
Pesta kerja ICT acara tahunan Text
Two Indonesians buried alive Text
More state, parliamentary seats proposed Text
Teori Litar Text
Pengantaramukaan komputer Exam Papers
Thermal effect on void formation of waxy crude oil using Journal Article
Assessing the vulnerability of farmers, fishermen and he Indexed Paper
Digital signal processing I Exam Papers
Rebat tambahan RM50 untuk pembayar cukai Text
Effect of coolant temperature on progressive freeze concIndexed Paper
Application of dynamic correlation technique and model Conference Papers
Pembangunan perisian multimedia berpandukan PBK bagiThesis t
HRC rintis projek perumahan mampu milik Text
Formation of titanium oxide layer by thermal electrochem Thesis
Structural and luminescence properties of zinc antimony Thesis
Hapus terus cukai jalan : bantu rakyat berpendapatan r Text
Urban morphology to minimize solar insolation on out doo Conference Papers
Design and development of portable clothes dryer Thesis
BioMalaysia rangsang Malaysia pusat bioteknologi Text
Yayasan Minda berusaha rapatkan jurang OKU Text
Fluid-solid particles flow analysis inside a horizontal cha Thesis
Persamaan terbitan Text
Kuasai industri halal Text
Johor negeri ketiga terima status MSC Text
Statistik 1 Text
Optical properties of co2+-doped zns nanoparticles synt Journal Article
Physical oceanography Exam Papers
Keselamatan di tapak bina : kajian sikap pekerja Thesis
Unassuming herb is Star from Asia Text
Government asked to revoke visas Text
1,500 rumah untuk mangsa Text
K-nearest neighbor method for classification of forest Indexed Paper
Two-wheeled balancing robot Thesis
Peluang pendidikan tidak terhad di bandar Text
Oceanic info system to be in place by 2009 Text
Prinsip pendidikan awal Text
Lembah Klang terus terjejas Text
Teori medan elektromagnet Text
Algorithm for faster computation of non-zero graph baseIndexed Paper
Kemudahan awam tidak mesra OKU Text
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Pihak berkuasa wilayah ditubuh News Paper Cuttings
Accuracy evaluation of mobile laser scanning system for Thesis
Kenderaan asing dilarang beli petrol lebih 20 liter Text
Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Kedah : simpan 4 Text
Single-step in situ seed-mediated biogenic synthesis of AuConference Papers
Silibus Sejarah tentang Alam Melayu disemak News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pungutan sampah pandu buang diperluas Text
Optimization of biodiesel production from POME using li Thesis
Structural analysis Text
Penempatan guru tidak seimbang Text
Renewable energy resources for distributed power generat Indexed Paper
Putin: Kontrak pesawat promosi teknologi Rusia Text
Dozing off after lunch? Try this Text
Remedies and reliefs Text
Ekonomi asas ummah merdeka Text
Spiritual healers still in demand Text
Kempen Derma Darah Di Foyer Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Calculus II Exam Papers
Kursus keibubapaan mulai tahun depan Text
Turtles are bidding goodbye Text
Does sustainability practices of human resources as a n Indexed Paper
Katalog syarikat dapat sijil halal akan dikeluarkan Text
Kerajaan siap sedia ambil alih 4 firma air Selangor Text
Syed Hamid : Yangon trip a success Text
Treatment of black dye wastewater using sequencing batThesis
Numerical analysis on the CO-NO formation production ne Indexed Paper
Numerical investigation of rectangular twisted hole on fi Conference Papers
Perkukuh kerjasama undang-undang serantau Text
Peneroka diseru usahakan tanah Text
Kos efektif bagi bangunan hijau serta kaedah penilaian t Thesis
Teknologi bahan Text
Sistem pemantauan atas talian untuk projek pembinaan Thesis
40pc in prisons have secondary education Text
New bill to help curb counterfeit medicines Text
Enam NKRA bukti rakyat didahulukan Text
Sustainable enterprise resource planning : imperatives a Indexed Paper
Kes gangguan seks meningkat Text
Taguchi method for optimising the sintering parameter Conference Papers
Loji jana kuasa di Felda Sahabat Text
Teknik Mikroskopi Exam Papers
Faktor-faktor kejayaan perlaksanaan sistem kualiti ISO 90Text
GST-free 40 Text
Algebra 1 / aljabar 1 Text
Fuzzy selection of design particulars for premilinary desigThesis
Syed Hamid : punish people traffickers Text
Death for man who killed girlfriend Text
Sejuta benih balak untuk tanam semula Text
Penggodam siber ancam negara Text
Batu Putih : Malaysia, Singapura kemuka hujah Text
Analysis and assessment of sediment quality in a typical Text
Challenges in implementing total quality management in Thesis
Sains kakisan bahan Text
Pembangunan bandar II Text
Kejuruteraan pengeluaran petroleum Text
SMEs face global challenges Text
Divorce : why more Malaysian couples are untying the knText
Iran teruskan program nuklear Text
A review of non-financial perspectives of balanced score Conference Papers
Challenges of passive cooling techniques in buildings: a crJournal Article
Sengal berpanjangan sindrom kemurungan Text
Toxicity and biodegradation testing of palm oil biodiese Thesis
Tanda awal gelombang kedua H1N1 Text
Latihan hadapi selesema burung Text
Taska asas pembangunan insan Text
Laporan pembabitan pelajar dalam jenayah Text
Integration of CFEA-compression technique into asymmetJournal Article
Gridmacs portal portlet deployment and its guidelines Thesis
To study the effect of water hammer by using difference Thesis
A comparison study of petroleum subsidies among four as Thesis
Teknologi Melayu lama dalam bidang pertanian dan perika Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
'Multi-modal' in Iskandar' Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Exam Papers
Tumbuhan II dan nurseri Text
Tests for greens, fruits from China Text
Rundingan kukuh hubungan Text
Wind induced vibration on building modes Thesis
Transducer and applications Exam Papers
Vision based mobile robot Thesis
Optimization of ribonucleic acid extraction and complemeThesis
Programming language II Exam Papers
Ibu bapa perlu peka perisian Text
Traffic management and analysis Exam Papers
Food outlets warned to display prices Text
Matematik III Text
Pupuk kesedaran kepenggunaan di sekolah Text
Hari bersejarah bagi kembar tiga News Paper Cuttings
Cytotoxic tirucallane triterpenes from the stem of Luvun Indexed Paper
Harga diesel naik 5 sen seliter Text
Ahli Dewan diminta tidak cemarkan bahasa Melayu Text
Meletak universiti negara di persada dunia News Paper Cuttings
AirAsia jangka jimat kos apabila beroperasi di LCC Text
Terapkan perkongsian fasiliti, teknologi hijau News Paper Cuttings
Space time block coding using phase shift keying (Previe Text
Studentification is it a key factor within the residential Conference Papers
Sultan soal pelajar, warden : tak puas hati kenyataan me Text
Penghantar SMS fitnah kena dakwa Text
Comparison between piezoelectric and capacitive sensorsThesis
Reclaimed land to be aviation complex Text
Halangan daripada pemilik premis untuk melakukan s Thesis
Analisis struktur kenderaan Text
PM sees red over red tape Text
Economy and specification Exam Papers
3 lagi kes positif H1N1 dikesan Text
400 syarikat mohon ambil pelarian Text
Be the change and the change will happen Text
Ilmu dapat jauhi maksiat, dosa Text
Modeling of stimulated brillouin scattering for the gener Conference Papers
Chua : no more priority for VVIPs Text
Yakin sistem telekerja beri kesan positif Text
NUTP syor guru diberi peluang isi jawatan utama Text
6 years to write winning thesis Text
Peruncit bumiputera mesti gigih, mesra pelanggan : PM Text
Proposed technique for transport protocol in wireless s Journal Article
Menganalisa taburan medan elektrik di antara dua katodText '
Transformasi IPT disokong PSPTN Text
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
Physics Exam Papers
Potential energy saving by variable speed control of compConference Papers
A dual-band array antenna using dome-shaped radiating Indexed Paper
Jihad ekonomi, bisnes perlu diperhebat Text
Kesan kualiti udara ke atas nilai hartanah kediaman (FulltText
The enhancement of residual electric field in water electrThesis
Perodua henti keluar Kancil Text
Eksport Mei RM42.65 bilion Text
Deposition of the hydroxyapatite particles on the polyet Thesis
Syarat pemilikan kad kredit diperketat Text
Enhanced framework for alert processing using clusterin Thesis
Dengue alert : on the verge of an epidemic Text
Mesyuarat Suruhanjaya Bersama dipersetujui Text
Perbaiki kualiti hidup anak terlantar di hospital Text
Exploring the relationship between benefit, satisfaction aIndexed Paper
Performance evaluation of POME treatment plants Indexed Paper
Extreme learning machine based sub-key generation for Conference Papers
Sistem aduan dan pemberitahuan keadaan lebuh raya Thesis
Ahli akademik ikrar perkasa budaya keintelektualan Text
Modeling and control of the active suspension system usConference Papers
Web based GIS Exam Papers
Anggaran II Text
Alumni UTM ketuai LJBM News Paper Cuttings
Development knowledge expert repository system for IT Text pr
A safe haven Text
Development of a wireless sensor network based outdoorThesis
Pakatan strategik usahawan : PM Text
J-biotech pejuang ekologi marin News Paper Cuttings
Perbandingan analisis kerangka tiga dimensi, kerangka Thesis
Expert : China causing global inflation Text
70% rumah lambat siap masalah pemilikan tanah Text
Softly, softly approach to disciplining students Text
RM27bil for subsidies Text
AUKU bukan alasan Text
Separation process I Exam Papers
Seabad meniti cabaran menjana peradaban terbilang 190Text
Analysis and design of structural systems Exam Papers
Critical success factors for the construction organisation Text
Penilaian kualiti data berdigit kadaster daripada perisi Text
Larang sumpah di Masjid Negara Text
Estimation of interfade duration for Ku- and Ka-band sat Indexed Paper
Ultra wideband six-port quadrature phase shift keying a Thesis
Eksport Malaysia tidak bergantung kepada AS Text
Strenght of materials & structure Exam Papers
Court punctures docsÆ defence Text
Catalytic chemistry Text
HIV/AIDS tests for Muslims Text
Save Kelantan heritage Text
Arabic language script and encoding identification with s Text
2.6 million locals expected to suffer from diabetes Text
BPR dibenar lihat dokumen OSA bagi penyiasatan Text
Kelantan catat kenaikan kes HIV Aids Text
Guru, sekolah bentuk kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Treatment of palm oil mill effluent using evaporation an Conference Papers
Bentuk jaguh sukan sejak usia muda Text
RotaTeq mencegah Rotavirus Text
Perbandingan secara sistem konvensional dan sistem keran Text
Polyphenols and health Text
400 penuntut 19 IPTA sertai Persis News Paper Cuttings
Mixed mode fatigue crack initiation and growth in a CT Indexed Paper
Kajian terhadap sistem pengurusan penyelenggaran Jab Text
Water permeability study of Nafion® 117 membrane aConference Papers
Mengeksploitasi penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan k Text
Teori struktur Text
Review investment policy, Kelantan told News Paper Cuttings
Robiah wanita pertama Ketua Polis Negeri Text
Alat kesan gegaran UTM dikomersial Text
Bridge engineering Exam Papers
Penuntut digesa libatkan diri dalam pelbagai program News Paper Cuttings
Walaupun penghidap denggi penuhi wad hospital: BukanText
Modul kewangan MRPII : pembangunan perisian bayaran-m Text
Characterization of bacillus licheniformis strain ta62bi a Journal Article
Developing (Improving) physical education benchmarks: aConference Papers
Skew detection and correction of jawi images using gradiText
UTM miliki 10,888 graduan lepasan ijazah News Paper Cuttings
Secrets behind food labels Text
KWSP labur RM16b Text
Petronas temui minyak dasar telaga pertama Malaysia Text
Sekolah pasang siap diperkenal Text
Islam jadikan manusia lebih bertamadun Text
80 peratus rakyat tidak mahu Chin Peng pulang Text
Hanya 6.5% akauntan profesional bumiputera Text
Need for more ICT benefits Text
Pengurusan sumber air bersepadu Text
Kajian tentang kualiti air mutlak menurut perspektif Isla Thesis
42 homes destroyed, 500 left homeless Text
Graphene-based radiation detection sensor modeling Thesis
Majlis Fatwa haramkan penggunaan Botox Text
Bahasa Melayu di persada dunia Text
Reinforced concrete design I Exam Papers
Sistem tempahan rumah persinggahan secara dalam tali Thesis
Universiti Al-Madinah Antarabangsa sedia terima 5,000 pe Text
A Study on estimation of propulsive power for wing in groJournal Article
Sasaran 1.5 juta kunjungi pesta buku Text
The effects of heat treatment on the formation of interme Text
Kemarau enam tahun berakhir Text
Sistem perhubungan Text
Molecular biotechnology Text
Dearer local phone calls : outstation, international rates Text
Carta rekabentuk tiang heksagon berdasarkan eurocode Thesis
Preparation and conductivity studies on poly (Methyl MetConference Papers
Integrating discovery and composition of semantic web se Non-Index Paper
Pengurusan hutan Malaysia diiktiraf Text
Revised rules on city status Text
Kes demam denggi naik dua kali ganda Text
Bioengineering assessment on sloppy ground Conference Papers
Mengukuhkan kejelasan di bandar Kota Bharu Thesis
Kaji skim khidmat pensyarah Text
Optimization of a circular microchannel heat sink using Text
Analisis logam pencemar di dalam air dan hidupan marin Text
Samy Vellu stresses transparency Text
Kimia dalam bioteknologi Text
Universities as cultural cities Text
20,000 murid Protim berjaya kuasai 3M Text
Pengajaran `tsunami' di Lembah Bertam News Paper Cuttings
Kaji semula reka bentuk asas Text
Politeknik sedia 27,845 tempat pelajar baru Text
Dynamics Exam Papers
Preparation and characterization of superhydrophilic na Journal Article
Physical security measures framework for Marib power pThesis
Shear behavior of permanent precast formwork beams Thesis
Analisis spatial untuk remote sensing Text
Police seek stiffer penalties for credit card forgers Text
Biotech for closer ties Text
Modified generalization strategies in problem solving of Thesis
Audit Text
Focus on the terror fight Text
Advanced materials Text
Najib : drop war-risk tag on straits Text
Mara to send 1,300 SPM holders abroad Text
Reka projek lebih hebat Text
UPM, KPD jalin kerjasama jalan penyelidikan Text
Seni perdebatan wajar dibudayakan bagi mematangkan Text
Persepsi bakal guru terhadap model RIKaS Conference Papers
Blaster Worm serang komputer mudah alih Text
Kajian keberkesanan penghantaran dan penerimaan dataText
Festival KL 2006 serlah kepentingan 150 muzium Text
Bahan uji baru kesan virus Text
Technology for right interpretation of Islam Text
Ukur satelite lanjutan Exam Papers
Teksi Eksekutif diperkenal sempena TMM 2007 Text
PM : OK to have register of sex offenders but... Text
Usah biar stesen TV siar banyak program asing Text
Kolej Risda galas harapan negara Text
Ban on terubok fishing Text
Hardware acceleration of openSSL cryptographic functionConference Papers
Portal baru mohon ke IPTS Text
UPM tumpu perancangan terokai pertanian tropika Text
Bajet 2008 tumpu basmi miskin tegar Text
Hak media siarkan berita Text
Penentuan index kekasaran permukaan kekar batuan denText
MAS, AirAsia perlu wujudkan kerjasama Text
Exact solutions of heat and mass transfer with MHD flo Indexed Paper
Kulit manusia boleh diganti Text
Barah pangkal rahim ujian pap smear tidak menyakitkan Text
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
Plotting consumers psychographic segments on uncertainty Conference Papers
Kimia analisis 1 Text
Ketirisan dana mencengkam IPTS Melayu Text
Ranking THE-QS Text
An analysis of Islamic environmental ethics with special Text
Promosi galak doktor pulang Text
Kejuruteraan asas Text
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Binasa hutan bahayakan alam sekitar, kehidupan Text
More going bust : bankruptcies soar as people pay the p Text
PSZ pupuk minat membaca Text
Stesen TV swasta diarah henti iklan unsur lucah Text
UKM wujud badan khas tingkat bahasa inggeris Text
Jaring tidak 100 peratus kebal Text
Sultan Ibrahim dimahkota Sultan Johor News Paper Cuttings
Makan beras perang untuk badan sihat, mental tinggi Text
Structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous siliconText
Socso to introduce SMS services Text
Penilaian Text
Epistemological, social and ethical issues in science and Exam Papers
Implementation of freeradius on network of faculty of eleThesis
Analysis of mould design for concrete composite Thesis
MSC, Cyberjaya kini sudah berjaya: Perdana Menteri Text
UTM set to take the lead in aeronautical industry Text
MRSM lulus 100% SPM Text
Cari pelajar paling layak jadi doktor Text
Keberkesanan sistem pentadbiran tanah GSA di Negeri Joh Text
Transformasi pendidikan langkah tepat Text
Machine learning approach to malware classifications / dThesis
Urban design Exam Papers
Electronic structure engineering of ZnO with the modifie Indexed Paper
IPTA utama lepasan ijazah Text
Peluang ke IPTA : CGPA 4.0 bukan jaminan tempat Text
Kestabilan emosi guru : perbandingan antara pensyarah dText
Data communication and networking Exam Papers
Bencana buatan manusia Text
Pelan insurans lindung pelancong Text
Pembangunan sistem pengkalan data berkomputer bagi sText
Morphological investigation of poly(Lactic acid) asymm Indexed Paper
Pengagihan beban kerja penyulitan blowfish dengan menThesis
UTM menang reka robot terpantas News Paper Cuttings
UTM tidak boleh halang IPTS ambil graduan muda Text
Carbonisation of solid wood residues Text
Pemisahan lanjutan Text
Sentuhan warisan pada Masjid Kampung Kuala Dal Text
Virtual learning environment to enhance contextual lear Conference Papers
Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporated with samariu Indexed Paper
Three-goal target to ensure a high quality of life for the r Text
Hope for hostages : three Malaysian navy ships arrive offText
E-Tanah more efficient Text
6 per cent growth this year Text
18 pelatih PLKN diserang virus Text
Lanjut pelajaran di IPT tempatan Text
Lebih banyak harga barang keperluan harian diturunkan Text
Advances in visible light responsive titanium oxide-base Indexed Paper
HTTPS approach to resist MITM attack in secure SMS Thesis
Criteria for research status of varsities Text
Tidak semua pesakit kanser payu dara hadapi kematian Text
46 kontena beras bernilai RM1.2j ditahan di pelabuhan Text
Brotherhood through varsities Text
Cabaran sejagat dengan pendekatan baru, kreatif Text
Guru simpanan diwujudkan : bertujuan isi kekosongan teText
Jangan sampai bergaduh pertahan rakyat asing Text
Memasyarakatkan budaya integriti Text
Proenvironmental behavioural model of managers' decisiThesis
New incentives and higher allowances for RMAF staff Text
Endon urges society to fully integrate the disabled Text
Dua penjenayah bolos melalui salur pendawaian Text
Project management consultant (PMC) in Sudanese constThesis
Estimation of velocity foam decay at different water co Thesis
A multilevel inverter topology for high power alternate Text
Capacity and quality improvement in reversible image w Conference Papers
Kekuatan mampatan bagi campuran panas konkrit berasfText
Optimasi dalam proses kimia Text
Malaysia, Jepun masuki era kerjasama bioteknologi Text
Multiband-dielectric resonator antenna for LTE applicati Indexed Paper
Assessing the construct validity and reliability of ‘tw Conference Papers
TPM kecewa rakyat kurang membaca Text
Teluk Ramunia set for the big time Text
Organ donors can benefit many patients Text
Sistem meritokrasi pelajar ke IPTA diteruskan Text
The ultimate drift velocity in two dimensional quantum liConference Papers
Flower and tree planting project for Negri’s poor News Paper Cuttings
Extrusion performance of AA5083 billet with and withoutThesis
Pemprosesan dan penggunaan gas Text
Atasi kes lewat Text
Kajian dasar perancangan strategik Text
Effect of virtual environment courseware in learning eng Conference Papers
Maklumat penting untuk usahawan Text
Pindaan Akta Pekerjaan 1955 manfaat guna tenaga wani Text
Ricoh sets aside RM150,000 for protecting environs Text
Influence of bias voltage on corrosion resistance of TiN Indexed Paper
Improving in interpretability and accuracy in adaptive n Thesis
Landscape construction IV Exam Papers
Timber and steel constructions Exam Papers
Masalah bahu terlepas Text
Chua : crack down on docs who treat beyond their field Text
Gold losing its shine for many Text
Kementerian kenal pasti pelajar untuk sekolah sukan Text
5 penagih baru dikesan setiap hari Text
Dynamics behaviour of composite-based honeycomb struText
IPTA diarah perketat syarat mohon pensyarah Text
Alat bantu pembentukan kurikulum Institusi Pengajian TiText
Perhubungan ciri-ciri geomofologi dengan parameter moText
Fuel consumption and battery performance prediction ofThesis
Using Python & OpenGL to develop the horizontal situatiThesis
Tungsten carbide preparation using carbon from palm kerThesis
Preferred communication channels to foster energy conser Journal Article
Cuepacs seeking 40pc pay rise for civil servants Text
Najib tiba di Istana Besar, Johor Bahru News Paper Cuttings
Cross layer design of cognitive radio MB-OFDM systems Conference Papers
Banjiran air Text
Contact lens dispensers told to register Text
Bias pengajaran guru dalam pelajaran khas dan pelajara Conference Papers
Guru cemerlang Text
A novel method for unsupervised anomaly detection usinConference Papers
Generalization improvement of radial basis function netwConference Papers
Police find remains, nab four suspects Text
Peluang berkuda di kampus Text
IPT Islam lahirkan cendekiawan ulama Text
Pasport Terhad Malaysia tak laku baharui pas kerja mulaiText
Dr M : donÆt snub English, it is language of success Text
Belum terdesak nilai semula tambatan ringgit Text
Tracing of lighting electricity consumption using non-in Thesis
5,000 serbu Karnival Jom Masuk U News Paper Cuttings
Lebih ramai pesakit mental 2020 Text
Rakyat ada pilihan pemanis lain Text
Liquified petroleum gas as refrigerant in adiabatic capillaThesis
USM hasilkan plastik reput enam tahun Text
Pelancongan Indonesia ke Melaka meningkat Text
PR exercise in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan needed Text
Comfort analysis in commercial vehicle's passenger seat (F Text
Forestry offences rampant Perak, Kelantan, Pahang and KText
Fasa kedua RMK-9 kurang beban rakyat Text
Construction and demolition waste generation rates for hi Indexed Paper
More Internet and IT centres to be set up in rural areas Text
Pengesanan halal lebih pantas Text
Technical and vocational education: it’s importance asConference Papers
Koh : KPIs submitted to PM for review Text
Diabetes : komplikasi bahaya! Text
Tip IT : kaedah masukkan fail video 'flash' pada MS PoweText
Kerajaan sokong industri francais Text
Tidak boleh tukar status jika pilih skim KWSP Text
Konsep pembangunan kawasan industri berpagar dan beThesis
Theoretical study of amplification mechanism and intensiThesis
Irish offer to help us master English Text
Foundation of microeconomics Exam Papers
Enhanced dispersion of carbon nanotubes in high densityIndexed Paper
Menjelang Bajet 2006 : pelabur tunggu insentif baru Text
Web based cross language semantic plagiarism detectionThesis
Malaysian astronaut in space station deal Text
Telefoni IP ubah komunikasi niaga Text
The impact of global financial crisis on the performance Thesis
UTM lahir tenaga mahir Biosains dan Bioteknologi News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidik astronomi perlu hasilkan kajian antarabangsa Text
Moderating effect of technostress inhibitors on the rel Indexed Paper
Pembinaan indeks perlakuan melepak dan faktor-faktor Conference Papers
Govt bears another RM21mil to complete problematic hoText
Urban design Exam Papers
Kerajaan akan giatkan lagi promosi Text
Fuel efficiency technology for shell eco-marathon competThesis
Gotong-royong perdana UTMKL Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pesara temui besi dalam nugget ayam Text
Parasitic problems lurking behind contact lenses Text
Fuzzy music query retrievals from the web using mobile Conference Papers
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Matematik III Text
Kempen æTak Nak!Æ belum gagal Text
UK training for cluster school heads Text
Lebih banyak kuarters dibina Text
Control system design Exam Papers
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Kolam Renang - Pint Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hampir 60% murid belum kuasai kemahiran asas 3M Text
A unified constitutive model for solder materials (Full texText
Modern Physics Exam Papers
Mengapakah orang Melayu dahulu kala pandai BerbahasText
Menghargai kasih ibu bukan pada 10 Mei sahaja Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
Adunan dan penyebatian polimer Text
Development of a computer aided program for vendor mon Thesis
550 IPTS digred tahun depan Text
Rakyat disaran amal budaya hidup sihat Text
Persatuan pekebun sayur nafi kandungan racun tinggi Text
An interactive learning application for kindergarten kid Thesis
PLA-PHB-PLA triblock copolymers : synthesis by sequentiaIndexed Paper
Politics behind our security Text
45,000 pekerja kilang diberhenti Text
Najib : JalaÆs great achievement made him ideal personText
Migrant workers risk infection when going home or mingliText
The choice is yours Text
Kejuruteraan persekitaran II Text
Permintaan pasaran bagi graduan S&T bertambah Text
Campaign on luggage ruling to spread awareness to passText
Tropospheric delay effects on relative GPS height determConference Papers
Kraf tradisional perlu di ganding dengan sains, teknologi tText
Mekanik bendalir Text
Board games drive home anti-bullying message Text
Titas Exam Papers
Rheological behaviour of nanofluids containing titania naThesis
Optimization of oxidative coupling of methane using exper Text
The impact of individual creativity on decision stage modThesis
Move to recognise courses in China Text
Syor wajib pasang GPS bendung curi kereta Text
Reologi dan pemprosesan polimer Text
Fabrication and characterization of n-AlGaAs/GaAs schottNon-Index Paper
Performance of worldwide interoperability for microwaveText
Rakan Muda to promote reading culture Text
Kualiti pendidikan keutamaan PTPL Text
Simulation model for compatibility of co-sited IMT-advanNon-Index Paper
Drug menace grows in villages Text
Impak program pencegahan dadah shields kepada pemban Thesis
Pengenalan perakaunan kos Text
Penyelesaian isu tambak laut di tangan pemimpin SingapText
TNB sedia RM400j untuk Lembah Klang Text
Treating hazardous locations at federal route 50 (Full textText
UTM sasar RM70 juta 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Meniti Arus : pengguna mampu kawal harga Text
Planning practice & law Text
Measurement of vibration power flow through elastomerIndexed Paper
I’m every woman on common ground News Paper Cuttings
Kerjasama JPPKK (Jabatan Pengajian Politeknik dan Kolej Text
A new two-code keying scheme for SAC-OCDMA systemsIndexed e Paper
Pekerja berulang-alik ke Singapura disaran bercuti elak diText
Mechanics of statics Exam Papers
Dissolved-gas-analysis-based intelligent expert system foThesis
Production of transgenic eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.Thesis
The progress made by Bumiputera at Managerial PositionThesis
Chlorophyll-a mapping from the moderate resolution imaConference Papers
Perkongsian Ilmu ‘Imaginasi Itu Powerful Jika Kita Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
MQA menyokong dasar PSH Text
Characteristics and performance studies of polyethersul Conference Papers
Statik Text
Kembara ekonomi Melayu Text
Penuntut tahun satu UTM teruja dapat mengundi Text
Kedutaan Amerika enggan ulas isu harga cakera optik Text
Measurement of the wind flow in residential areas of JohConference Papers
Malaysia, Jepun jalin kerjasama bioteknologi Text
Islam agama mudah Text
AirAsia dibenar mendarat di Paris Text
Kementerian kaji semula program belia Text
Emotional attachment that leads to brand loyalty: the ca Thesis
Pembangunan web portal berasaskan multiply bertajuk "Thesis
Electronic circuit Text
A study of lapping parameters to reduce polishing time ofText
Measure fish length from digital image using Hsiu's met Conference Papers
Analyses of material flow in two and three - plate molds Text
Sekolah Wawasan alat integrasi kaum Text
Cuepacs faham alasan Text
Illegal felling of merbau trees in Perak Text
Construction technology 1 Exam Papers
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Pertukaran guru ke empat negeri dibekukan Text
Inovasi R&D UPM menjana industri pertanian global Text
Stockpiling anti-bird flu drugs Text
UPM guide for lecturers stays Text
Manfaat liberalisasi kewangan merancakkan aktiviti eko Text
An improved space vector modulation for a three-to-sev Indexed Paper
Urban regional management and finance Exam Papers
Mathematical analysis Exam Papers
Proton Savvy murah Text
Terengganu badly hit Text
Guru ajar Sains, Matematik terus terima elaun BISP Text
Parameters study of deep water subsea pipeline selectio Indexed Paper
Design and analysis of simply supported laterally restra Thesis
Syor hukum rogol atas kerelaan ditolak Text
Semua guru tadika Kemas memiliki diploma Text
Five more make it to MyTeam squad Text
Factors influencing cloud computing adoption for e-gov Indexed Paper
Kelapa dara berpotensi untuk industri kosmetik Text
A hybrid genetic algorithm with a knowledge-based operaIndexed Paper
Hanya bas sekolah bawah 10 tahun diberikan permit Text
Web application security by SQL injection detection toolsNon-Index Paper
Textbooks scheme extended to religious primary schoolsText
Design and development of high repetition pulse generatThesis
Showing IslamÆs true face of love, peace and spirit ofText
Effect of sensing time variation on detection, misdetecti Indexed Paper
PKA gesa lantik Naib Canselor di kalangan warga UTM News Paper Cuttings
'Infotainmen' bukan bahasa rojak - Zam Text
Graduan diminta tingkat kemahiran Text
Lindungi pemilikan harta basmi kemiskinan Text
Implication of intangible location attributes on residentiaNon-Index Paper
Anaerobic treatment of high sulphate containing pharmaIndexed Paper
Teachers’ practices and beliefs of grammar instructi Thesis
Proton mesti utama kualiti Text
International school already has locals Text
Ministry to reduce teaching load of discipline teachers Text
Tak wajar RM5j : PM Text
Algebra II Exam Papers
Soft skills certificate for grads Text
Pengesahan halal menerusi SMS Text
WWF draws up plan to protect depleting rainforests Text
Temporal variation of ocean color from modis data in So Thesis
Five more placed under home quarantine Text
Bantu bakal graduan kejar kerjaya News Paper Cuttings
More cops on the streets Text
A low cost and high speed electrical capacitance tomogr Non-Index Paper
Enhancing rule of engagement in cyber warfare operatio Thesis
Kenaikan gaji dijangka tetap tahun depan - MEF Text
A morphological study of nickel oxide hollow fiber membrIndexed Paper
iPAK melahirkan pendidik kanak-kanak cemerlang Text
Level of service analysis of selected walkways corridors i Thesis
$33m loan for Sabah project News Paper Cuttings
Erti sebuah pengorbanan Text
Landscape construction III Exam Papers
RMK-9 galak Melayu berniaga di bandar besar Text
Sustainable construction Exam Papers
Production of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa) powder using Thesis
Malaysian Water Partnership (MyWP) Text
Pairwise protein substring alignment with latent semant Conference Papers
Ceramah National Kidney Foundation For Early Prevent Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Software application in geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
B for Bad Text
Kartografi tematik Text
Business marketing Exam Papers
Unified constitutive models for deformation of thin walleThesis
StanChart mahu wujud perbankan Islam Text
Partial differential equations Text
Analyzing metabolic pathway of cyanobacteria model forThesis
Syarahan perdana pembangunan polisi pendidikan tinggiPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hargai nyawa rakyat Malaysia Text
Pas perlu bertegas pemilihan MB Selangor News Paper Cuttings
Fish farms hit by oil pollution Text
Keluarga pendorong kejayaan Azad Anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Lapan bukti penting : Malaysia kemuka dokumen Pulau Ba Text
Universities show off their 'green' vehicles News Paper Cuttings
Timely help for the unemployed graduate Text
Sol-gel based optically active phenolphthalein encapsula Indexed Paper
A software architecture for modular robotic systems Text
Kain lap punca pencemaran Text
Thermogravimetric and kinetic analyses of Oil Palm Empty Indexed Paper
Lagi revolusi pendidikan : kaedah pembelajaran interakti Text
Hubungan di antara ujian musnah, ujian tak musnah da Thesis
My dreams, my greatest challenges Text
Staf Perpustakaan Dato’ Jaafar Hassan, Universiti TekPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM perkenal e-portfolio bantu pembelajaran penuntut Text
ASEAN 3 bincang tangani krisis kewangan global Text
Hari keluarga UTM ‘keluarga bahagia UTM ceria’ Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A discussion pertaining to a classical teaching material Conference Papers
A study on the effect of temperature on the dimension oText
Pengorbanan alam sekitar : impak cadangan mewujudkanText
Removal of residual oil from palm oil mill effluent using Text
Do it on your own, says PM Text
Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of erbium doped phos Thesis
Kaedah memasak antara penyebab kanser Text
Penggunaan alat rangkaian sosial dalam pengajaran dan pe Thesis
Pemeriksaan kesihatan percuma di foyer Perpustakaan SPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fibre optic technology Exam Papers
Text classification on diabetes mellitus documents usin Thesis
Axial crushing and energy absorption of foam-filled doubThesis
Kajian fisibiliti penggunaan teknologi bangunan bawah taText
Multimedia security Exam Papers
Sistem penilaian kos pengeluaran sawit Malaysia Thesis
Malaysia bebas H5N1 Text
Symmetry and molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Renewable levulinic acid production catalyzed by iron mod Thesis
PMs discuss varsity plan Text
Perdana Menteri umum lokasi Universiti Darul Naim Text
Lawatan perkenal diri Najib ke Indonesia Text
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Kerajaan jamin proses kemasukan mudah pelancong Text
CEPP martabatkan industri bioteknologi Text
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan & lalulintas Text
Cholesterol buster Text
Jerebu pulih lima hari lagi Text
Real estate development law Exam Papers
Ringgit : senjata perangi inflasi Text
Conversion and the family Text
Pertahan integriti kehakiman Text
Sayembara : Sains, sastera seiring Text
Change in behaviour needed to avoid disease Text
An overview of mobile ad - hoc network testbeds Conference Papers
Azizah, Sze Yong tempa kejayaan serupa walau cara berbNews Paper Cuttings
Development of proton exchange membrances from electro Thesis
Bersama jayakan kempen Kami Prihatin Text
Mesyuarat bersama Kabinet Malaysia - Thai produktif - Text
Further investigation of connection between precast lig Thesis
Sepakat tangani keganasan : TPM Text
IT&S jangka kuasai 30% latihan aeroangkasa Text
Tekonologi nano boleh bantu sektor perubatan Text
Islam, Kristian perlu dialog Text
Analisis getaran pada struktur kejuruteraan awam Text
Advanced Operational Research Exam Papers
Robot bantu pulih lumpuh tangan News Paper Cuttings
Optimal anti lock braking system with regenerative brakingThesis
E-portfolio role to satisfy technical students job demandsConference Papers
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
Computer network (rangkaian komputer) Text
Jadi celik pengguna : PM : pastikan barangan dibeli, khid Text
Gaya Oriental tenangkan minda Text
CAP desak haramkan botol guna BPA Text
Peranan perunding pengurusan projek dalam industri pe Text
Emergency shutdown valve reliability function test by auJournal Article
Sistem perhubungan tanpa dawai Text
Analisis taburan spatial jenayah harta di kawasan per Thesis
Rice husk turned into nanomaterial Text
Bimbang provokasi Text
Pengurusan Bandar Dan Kewangan Text
Computer system installation and maintenance Exam Papers
Mapping of sea grass using multibeam echo sounder's snThesis
Perang televisyen berbayar sengit Text
Two UTM students die in crash News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik kuantum I Exam Papers
Pakej strategi baru beri kesan baik pertumbuhan ekonomText
Kad diskaun kempen derma darah PBSM akan diperkenalText
Effect of quarterly element addition of cobalt on phase Indexed Paper
readme file on win2000 Text
Synthesis and catalytic performance of poly(amidoamineThesis
Sistem penarafan bintang untuk agensi kerajaan Text
Siswa desak hapus AUKU Text
Characterization of fiber optic sensor for liquid refractiv Thesis
Conceptualising the indicators of walkability for sustaina Indexed Paper
UTM sasar raih pendapatan RM100 juta jual 4 produk IT News Paper Cuttings
Yayasan Kanser Tunku Laksamana Johor terima RM10j News Paper Cuttings
Tahap perkhidmatan pejalan kaki Text
Aggregation simulation model of flow and rainfall series (F Text
Perancangan gunatanah I Text
Pakej kurangi kesan kelembapan ekonomi Text
Our children getting world-class education Text
UPM penuhi keperluan masyarakat Text
Circuit theory I (Teori litar I) Text
Golongan lupa sejarah cetuskan kecelaruan kaum Text
Perancangan luar bandar Text
Utama produk tempatan Text
Syor ubah kurikulum IPT Text
Ekonomi dan pengurusan projek Text
Kajian guna tanah dan kesannya terhadap kualiti air di S Text
Hope for cancer Text
Polymer chemistry Text
Ramalan taburan anjakan dan terikan struktur tiang konkrThesis
Latihan siswazah menganggur lebih singkat akan dilaksanText
Kenaikan harga patut kurang 1 peratus Text
Analisis hidrograf sungai bagi kawasan tadahan Sungai GaText
Loji rawatan kumbahan terbesar di dunia siap 2007 Text
Investigation of cylinder deactivation technique on sparkThesis
Fomca kesan jualan murah tak setanding kualiti Text
Persaingan perbankan Islam semakin hangat Text
Analisis cerun batuan menggunakan borang geology and Tr hesis
Analytical investigation of biofuel blends spray and atomiConference Papers
Mengetuk pintu rumah digital Text
Direct torque control of induction motor drives using sp Text
Design and modeling of on-chip planar capacitor for RF app Text
USM hasil vaksin terbaru cegah malaria Text
The Thermoluminescence performance of ge- doped optica Journal Article
Felcra mahu tarik belia pulang ke kampung jadi penternaText
Pengaruh iklan : ibu tidak susui anak Text
Missing Chinese tourists : track them down, says PM Text
New micro-solid phase extraction techniques based on me Thesis
Premis tinggi tak perlu diuji Text
Meninjau keuntungan industri pesawat dunia Text
Tun Hamid dihormati kerana peramah, berhemah Text
Four-hour break for civil servants who patrol Text
LPKP diarah kaji perkhidmatan bas awam bandar Text
Enhancing performance of a flat-plate solar collector by Text
Sekitar Kampus : puasa bukan halangan derma darah Text
Elak ke luar negara Text
Lambakan kereta import jejaskan pasaran Proton Text
Harapan terhadap industri tenaga diperbaharui Text
Affordances of urban and rural gardens on middle childh Conference Papers
December camp for gifted kids Text
Malaysia ranked world's 58th freest economy Text
Perak pertama izin lombong air bawah tanah Text
Ergonomik gunaan Text
Teknologi pemangkin kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi News Paper Cuttings
A brief review of ergonomic workstation for disability st Journal Article
Lesbian penyakit kompleks lagi rumit Text
Developing an electrochemical biosensor for HPV DNA deThesis
Teh tarik antara punca golongan muda Malaysia diserangText
Effect of corporal punishment on students' motivation a Indexed Paper
Chery to make Malaysia a hub Text
33,077 guru masih diperlukan Text
Reversible watermarking for encrypted secret messages Thesis
Price support and stabilization measures for padi/rice in Text
Umat Islam digesa tingkat kegiatan fardu kifayah Text
Aplikasi multi level marketing dalam pemasaran harta ta Text
Cold adaptations study of glycosyl hydrolase enzymes v Thesis
Critical success factors for Malaysian construction projec Indexed Paper
Pengajaran matematik gagal lahirkan pemikir Text
Construction materials Exam Papers
Projek tebatan elak banjir Text
A hybrid query disambiguation adaptive approach for web Indexed Paper
Hindari pembaziran : Abdullah Text
IJN takeover bid put off Text
UPM : kearah pusat pendidikan lanjutan cemerlang Text
Solid state chemistry Text
Led street lighting Thesis
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Wawasan Suria to see more solar-powered buildings Text
Bahasa Jepun perniagaan II Text
Reducing street crime by 20% in 14 months Text
Mixed reaction to lower Year 1 entry age Text
Keberkesanan perangkap sampah dan sedimen bagi air laText
Majlis Yasin Dan Tahlil Doa Selamat Kelab Keluarga Staf Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
A study on the performances of gps handphone and naviga Thesis
Doktrin Fukuda eratkan kerjasama Text
Pemodelan data indeks komposit Kuala Lumpur menggunak Text
Fiksyen sains perkukuh jati diri Text
Behavior of weak soils reinforced with end-bearing soi Indexed Paper
Ensuring high education standards Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan casis formula SAE Text
Biologi am II Text
Sektor pertanian diperkasa Text
Neuro-fuzzy identification of an internal combustion eng Conference Papers
Experimental design Text
Semiconductor device engineering Exam Papers
Experimenal study of a low wake wash catamaran leisureConference Papers
Disparity map calculation through epipolar lines estimati Conference Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
The effect of processing parameters on the performance Indexed Paper
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
Malaysia perlu perkasa undang-undang siber Text
Dasar pangsi Pasifik AS bukan retorik News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of buckling behavior of composite plate : experi Thesis
M-dengue: utilizing crowdsourcing and teleconsultation Journal Article
Gaji konstabel berijazah diselaras Text
Cox-2 faedah dan risiko Text
Discipline needed to recover loans Text
Johor royals visit Sultan Ismail Hospital News Paper Cuttings
Open force : Independent Police Complaints and MiscondText
Terengganu guna SMS pilih pekerja cemerlang Text
Rogol budak : nota khas ke Kabinet Text
Cosmonaut kepada angkasawan Text
Prinsip Ukur Text
Perundangan Islam bersesuaian dengan fitrah manusia Text
Perodua MD : new Alza will be top-selling MPV Text
Ekspo perkenal produk R&D R&D pelbagai bidang di UK Text
Tamat automatik jika tidak daftar Text
Rainfall runoff modelling in a large tropical catchment b Conference Papers
Environmental-friendly ballpoint and highlighter ink us Thesis
Authentication methods in cloud computing : a survey Indexed Paper
Making good of the goodies Text
Pengajaran, pembelajaran sistematik Text
Electromagnetism Exam Papers
Analysis software for EMG signal for determined the mu Thesis
Kesihatan pekerjaan Text
Kontraktor kelas F tak diberi projek lain Text
Types of party drugs Text
Determination of neutron flux parameters in PUSPATI TRIIndexed Paper
Assessment of urban air quality in Makassar South SulawThesis
Bioteknologi Text
Utilization of 2-D markov source correlation using block Conference Papers
Comparative study on perturbation techniques in privacyThesis
Nilai simbol maju-mundur tamadun manusia Text
Characteristics of biomass in flameless combustion : a re Indexed Paper
KWSP perlu kaji semula syor kurang caruman Text
A dual-band multiple input multiple output frequency a Indexed Paper
Effect of aggregate on performance of concrete Thesis
Penerapan identiti budaya dalam perancangan tepian airThesis
Bumi Kenyalang bersedia sahut cabaran realisasi jelapan Text
Program 2U2I perlu diteruskan News Paper Cuttings
Vehicle cloning uncovered in ops Text
Kajian keperluan perancangan dan rekabentuk kawasan rekr Thesis
200 IPTA gotong royong bersih kawasan banjir Text
Very high resolution optical satellites for DEM generationConference Papers
A professional crisis Text
Race against time to save children Text
MyTeam to take on national squad Text
Malaysia 58th in human development index Text
Analysing multibeam data by using qinsy software Thesis
Biomonitoring of metal contamination in estuarine ecosyIndexed Paper
Making students' thinking explicit : learning what they Indexed Paper
Suara Hati Johor ruang rakyat kemuka idea News Paper Cuttings
Moving ahead with broadband Text
Vandalism at National Library under control Text
Lampu : IKS mampu jimat RM150 juta Text
Bajet Mini fokus swasta, perniagaan Text
Guru Cemerlang lonjak prestasi akademik Text
Improvement in SPM results Text
Cadangan bina sekolah sukan untuk OKU Text
Masjid hijau UTM beri kepakaran News Paper Cuttings
Mengenal calon pilihan rakyat Text
Pengantaramukaan komputer Text
Project development economics Text
Citra Islam warnai persekitaran akademik Text
Measures to keep price of rice down Text
Pengurusan data spatial subject lanjutan advanced spat Exam Papers
Precise dimensional measurement of a helicopter model Conference Papers
Fomca proposes 20 sen for glass of water Text
Kawal kebanjiran PATI Text
Mekanik Text
Universiti Keusahawanan Text
Kajian undang-undang III Text
Harga siling simen dimansuh 5 Jun Text
Atrial fibrillation classification and association betwee Indexed Paper
Program pembentangan pelajar praktikal Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Recent advances in epoxy resin, natural fiber-reinforced Indexed Paper
Mengangkat jualan buku melalui filem Text
Hypermarkets cut back on prices of goods Text
Project to end floods ready only in 2006 Text
RM523m tuna port at Batu Maung Text
Rapid adsorption of copper(II) and lead(II) by rice stra Indexed Paper
Wet towels turn out to be soaked in cocaine Text
Matematik diskret Text
Perkembangan kendiri Text
Industri automotif iktiraf Tengku Mahaleel Text
Ciri-ciri hidrograf di tadahan kelapa sawit Text
A review on the drawbacks of renewable energy as a prom Indexed Paper
Usia bersara dicadang 58 tahun -- Cuepacs, MTUC akan Text
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Pengaturcaraan komputer Exam Papers
Terima 1Malaysia secara terbuka Text
Particle detector for gas insulated switchgear and the e Indexed Paper
Compact multisize electromagnetic bandgap structures Non-Index Paper
Teroka baka tanaman baru Text
Real time scheduling for autonomous mobile robots usingText
Effect of flowrate and circulation time on fractionation Indexed Paper
Taxi, bus men want fare hike in January Text
Kalkulus Text
3Q perkasakan Puteri relevan Text
5 kategori aduan popular mutu khidmat awam Text
Panel set up to fight bird flu Text
Matahari tepat atas tropika punca cuaca panas Text
Perbandingan kesan lekukan pada campuran rekabentukText
Najib orang Pak Lah paling setia Text
Sistem digital Text
UTP ambil 800 lulusan cemerlang SPM Text
Aircraft maintenance and repair Exam Papers
Further study on ergonomics of Malaysian Ships Text
Kereta terpakai wajar diperiksa Puspakom Text
NUTP jalan kajian masalah tekanan di kalangan guru Text
Usah ketepi peraturan kerana orang kenamaan Text
Occupational safety and health Exam Papers
4 keperluan bentuk Muslim sejati Text
Distance education via broadband Text
Dokumen Tiga R panduan pembangunan negara Text
Feasibility of using bolted shear connector with cold-formed ste Indexed Paper
Two phase of waxy crude oil-water in horizontal pipes Thesis
Kebisingan di sekolah dalam kawasan perumahan : kajian kes Text
Isu DBP mandul minda : tidak kreatif Text
MPP baru UTM azam tingkatkan akademik, kebajikan pelajar Text
Malaysia kurang pusat pelajaran kardiologi Text
RM7 juta promosi pelancongan Sarawak Text
Faktor-faktor kelewatan pembinaan projek perumahan rakyat diThesis
Kementerian optimis dapat tingkatkan kemahiran murid Text
Health, safety awareness campaign launched Text
Ops to focus on bikers Text
Quality of service for packet video over P2P network using act Conference Papers
Laser welding characterization of kovar and stainless steel allo Conference Papers
Construction and development law Exam Papers
Prinsip memelihara kebajikan rakyat bukan slogan Text
Benchmarking & penetration testing of Windows XP, Windows Thesis
Bajet 2009 perkukuh pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Perpaduan belum terhakis Text
Sepakat menangani pembebasan gas karbon Text
Kerajaan Selangor sediakan $4.5 juta bagi kampung baru News Paper Cuttings
Mobile Money eyes more banks Text
Firm integration and supply chin orientation of food processing Thesis
Pemindahan sel stem pertama pesakit jantung Text
Hamil luar rahim berisiko cacat Text
Program transformasi politik selari kehendak demokrasi News Paper Cuttings
The extent of multi-project management implementation in the Conference Papers
Dua universiti United Kingdom sertai WPI Text
Bina dan jual menepati syarak Text
3 saintis buat penyelidikan kesihatan : kajian di stesen angkas Text
Akidah, perpaduan tonggak kekuatan Islam dalam perjuangan Text
Perubahan dan pembangunan organisasi Text
The effect of addition EVA and LDPE-g-MAH on irradiated LDPE fiIndexed Paper
Pengenalan sejarah dan teori senibina Text
Perhubungan data & rangkaian komputer Text
MC smart scheduler : time-management assisting tool for androThesis
Penerapan konsep ihsan mantapkan budaya kerja Text
Ramadan bulan memurnikan jiwa Text
Fewer deaths, Ops Sikap a æsuccessÆ Text
Bekas penagih dadah perlu diberi peluang kedua Text
The right to food Text
A thermal degradation (thermolysis) study of rotenone extractedIndexed Paper
The green construction site index (gcsi) : a quantitative tool us Indexed Paper
Pemberian insentif galak guru bekerja keras : NUTP Text
Analisis penghampiran untuk kerangka tegar : kaedah julur Text
Nilai township to be redesigned, says MB News Paper Cuttings
Integrated nanoneedle-microfluidic system for single cell intra Thesis
Critical success factors of new product development in technoloNon-Index Paper
K-economy goal still in sight Text
Kita kena terima realiti tiada subsidi Text
Radiobiologi Text
Microbiology Text
Pemuliharaan warisan secara terancang, teliti Text
Mapping approach for examining waste management within constr Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Cockle shells 'help bones heal faster' Text
Design of a two-circuit train air-conditioning system Thesis
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan 12 IPT News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis and characterization of epoxidized palm oil hydrogel Thesis
Kejayaan program sains angkasa ambil masa Text
System 9 bantu buat perancangan Text
Hubungan antara efikasi kendiri dengan kemahiran guru dalam Thesis
Determinants of mobile banking continuous usage in the KingdoThesis
Implementation of single phase PWN inverter by using bipolar s Thesis
Kemasukan ke IPTA : permohonan dalam talian diperluas Text
Black-box testing of practical movie recommendation systems : Indexed Paper
Abdullah mahu IKS wujud perkongsian pintar Text
Ironing out the kinks in WTO Text
Dasar pengangkutan tak lestari Text
Effect of cement stabilized on CBR and UCS for kaolin clay in lowThesis
Mapping of a platform specific model to a particular platform u Indexed Paper
Artifact removal from single-trial ERPs using non-gaussian stochast
Indexed Paper
Numerical Methods I Exam Papers
Face detection using radial basis function neural networks with Conference Papers
HPV vaccination Text
Tambang pengangkutan awam dijangka naik Text
Study on fiber optic hydrophone sensor incorporating fiber bra Thesis
Nilai sendiri pelajar Text
Pelancaran satelit ikut keperluan Text
Estimation of base capacity for bored pile embedded in hard st Thesis
Kajian makmal tentang struktur hidraul Flum Parshall untuk pengText
Impacts of DEM resolution, source, and resampling technique Indexed Paper
Mathematics V Exam Papers
40% pelajaran tinggi, syarat Malaysia capai status negara maju Text
The effect of two stage solution treatment of Al6061 on its mechText
Pengaturcaraan komputer 1 Text
Influence of nitrogen flow rate in reducing TiN microdroplets onJournal Article
Petrol to be first marked item Text
Software development for real time data capturing and least squConference Papers
Class, ethnic relations and the unconventional housing in Malaysia
Malaysia perlu impak kreatif Text
Simpanan minyak, gas Petronas 27.02 bilion tong Text
Government wants suggestions on improving delivery system Text
Harga minyak naik sukar dielak Text
Smooth start for luggage rule Text
Statistik terperinci, contohi negara maju bendung H1N1 Text
Carbon capture and storage from the boiler to the fleet: a CanadConference Papers
Isolation of moderately halophilic lipase producing bacteria fro Journal Article
Tingkatkan kesedaran jaga kualiti air Text
UiTM beri lebih peluang kepada pelajar lelaki Text
Karikatur Lat bukan sekadar jenaka Text
Malaysia perlu kerjasama negara pesisir, antarabangsa Text
Advanced organic chemistry Exam Papers
Wanita 28 tahun kes kebarangkalian terbaru SARS Text
Cabinet rejects SelangorÆs low-cost house proposal Text
The schur multipliers, nonbelian tensor squares and capability o Thesis
Penyelesaian kemelut Palestin di tangan Obama Text
Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide supported on meso Thesis
Material classification of underground utilities from GPR imag Indexed Paper
Quantitative hazard analysis for landslides in Hulu Kelang area, Indexed Paper
Financial management Exam Papers
Bioinformatics analysis and molecular modelling of D-arabitol Thesis
Impact of self-similar traffic on network on chip performance Thesis
Kritikan terhadap Mahkamah Syariah tidak adil Text
Equal focus on physical, social growth in Johor Text
Warna aura lambang karakter, peribadi anda Text
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Public fears about vaccine safety unfounded, say experts Text
6.4% GDP growth in Q4 Text
Islam beri kebebasan wanita cipta peradaban Text
Minyak lemak DAG Text
Kawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Ministry looking into cross-subsidy to keep fuel prices down Text
The use of social media for information exchange in flood disast Thesis
Co2 sorption using Na2CO3/Al2O3 sorbent with various flow patte Journal Article
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Melepak, buang masa dibolehkan untuk 5 perkara Text
Concentration and velocity measurement of flowing objects using Text
Rancang kelahiran cahaya mata Text
Industri sawit diiktiraf dunia Text
Four jailed over gang-rape Text
Fabrication and characterization of ferrites (Mg and Mn)based Non-Index Paper
Penang to snuff out smokers beginning with civil servants Text
Engineering software Exam Papers
Design of shaped-beam parabolic reflector antenna for PeninsulIndexed Paper
Mentransformasi kakitangan awam kikis tanggapan negatif Text
Syndicates replacing photos Text
Principles of polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Sektor swasta diajak jalin kerjasama strategik Text
Database sought to keep tabs on addicts Text
Groundwater control in the construction of building Text
JPA tolak VSS : guna mekanisme baru tangani pekerja bermasalaText
Rakyat perlu sedia ambil alih kerja buruh asing Text
Youngest-ever VC appointed Text
Advanced software process improvements Exam Papers
Development of a small scale traffic flow system (TFSS) Thesis
Lembing Awang terbang tikam mangsa Text
Menghadapi cabaran kepemimpinan Text
Impact of permeability and legibility on social sustainability of Thesis
Implementation of geocast-enhanced aodvbis routing protocol inText
MTEN sesuai kawal selia usaha tangani kegawatan Text
Effect of particle size on the oil yield and catechin compound us Journal Article
Optimization of the plastic injection molding parameters for sp Indexed Paper
Wooing farmers to mini estates Text
Travel website and guidebooks labelling city as crime-ptone Text
Comparison between chart datum established by department ofThesis
Tinggal rangka News Paper Cuttings
Penganggur IPTA lebih tinggi Text
Optimal shapes of weirs for trapping migratory fish Journal Article
Teknologi laser Exam Papers
Palm oil industry set to gain from new invention from UTM rese News Paper Cuttings
Tidak ramai peniaga naikkan harga barang Text
Menjadikan bahasa Melayu bahasa dunia Text
The application of lattice gas automata for simulating polymer i Thesis
Umat Islam dilarang sertai perayaan agama lain : Ulama Text
Perang psikologi kurangkan jenayah Text
Keupayaan galas muktamad cerucuk dari ujian PDA, formula statik Text
Penggunaan hasil sampingan celupan getah sebagai pengubahsuThesis
RM8.71b boost Text
Permohonan pulang saintis dilulus segera Text
Government confident of reducing inflation rate to 2.5% Text
Menentukan kedudukan lokasi kebocaran paip dengan mengguna Thesis
Slimming pill not taken of shelves despite order Text
17 IPTA tiga IPTS setuju laksana Hubungan Etnik Text
Bahaya hidrokuinon pada kulit Text
Smart vending machine application system Thesis
Buku Kuning promosi produk Bumiputera Text
Undang-undang baru kawal pekerja asing Text
Bioteknologi dapat galakan ke peringkat antarabangsa Text
XLPE cable insulation reliability study under low temperature usiThesis
Rasulullah sedia tiga panduan lengkap cara membina ummah Text
NUTP mahu kurikulum dikaji semula Text
Layar bahtera cinta Text
Effect of loading direction on the properties of cancellous bone Conference Papers
Impact of ICT innovations : the Islamic context Text
Effect of continuous therapeutic ultrasound on breast cancer celThesis
Elektrik digital & mikropemproses Text
Bioteknologi molekul Text
Hishammuddin selar NUTP : dakwaan guru stres tidak bersandarka Text
Ekonomi pengurusan projek Text
Inovasi IPT mampu jayakan MEB Text
Human resource management Exam Papers
Pelan jalur lebar tingkat infrastruktur Internet Text
620 biasiswa guru lanjut pelajaran tahun depan Text
Pinjaman murah IKS Text
Model struktur kompetensi pengurusan fasiliti dan petunjuk presThesis
Mineral carbonation of red gypsum for carbon dioxide sequestraThesis
Structural dynamics Exam Papers
Information and knowledge management Exam Papers
Dakwa segera pemandu punca nahas maut Text
Cuepacs desak rombak dasar Text
Denda jika majikan gagal isytihar PCB Text
Dunia iktiraf mutu universiti Malaysia Text
Pelajar UTM cakna Gaza News Paper Cuttings
Umat berilmu disegani : PM Text
Dysprosium-doped lithium sodium borate and lithium borate glaThesis
Implementation of GSM module in energy meter reading for ho Thesis
Design of a terminal node controller hardware for CubeSat trackIndexed Paper
Evaluation of different polymeric membrane support for acetic Journal Article
Printed microwave wideband passive balun (Full text) Text
Varsity courses to be put under microscope Text
Women need retirement plans Text
Masa tepat memasuki pasaran ekuiti Islam Text
Kerajaan diminta rancakkan industri perumahan Text
Communication systems Exam Papers
Mean wind flow field around idealized block arrays with various Indexed Paper
Small engine load estimator for fuel injection system using two Thesis
Kajian keberkesanan kualiti pangkalan data ukur kadaster berd Thesis
Japanese language II Exam Papers
PIBGN syor badan pantau sekolah bukan taraf SBT Text
Outrigger system for interconnecting three dimensional multi-stoThesis
Landscap construction IV Exam Papers
Komunikasi melalui fotografi di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Electrical potential and electrical field distribution of square e Journal Article
A single antenna with wideband and narrowband functions Thesis
Malaysia on alert for avian flu outbreak Text
Pengaturcaraan komputer II Text
AUKU 1971 tidak akan dimansuh Text
AS perlu lebih saksama, bagi memastikan keamanan di Palestin, Text
Groundwater quality and hydrogeological characteristics of MalaIndexed Paper
TATiUC,USU tingkat kerjasama akademik Text
Bersatu mengurus bencana alam Text
Hidrologi Text
Gelagat pengguna Text
Influence of silver nanoparticles on the luminescence dynamic Indexed Paper
Influence of process variables and optimization of ethylene yiel Indexed Paper
Hospitaliti & pelancongan Text
Valuation mathematic Exam Papers
Ekonomi kita diyakini : tokoh korporat dunia nyatakan komitm Text
Bigger and better sales carnival from July 5 Text
Banteras jenayah jalanan misi KDN Text
Pertanian moden tingkat produk desa Text
UTM, Universiti Airlangga jalin kerjasama akademik Text
Improvement of dipole antenna gain using 8 cbu amc-ebg and 8 Journal Article
Scholarships for second-year students Text
Kajian kesan bakteria terhadap pengaratan keluli API X-70 Thesis
Auction caution Text
Assessment of tenant satisfaction with public housing in Johor Thesis
RM4 innovation that lets tappers work in the rain Text
Unit penyaman udara mudah alih domestik Text
Pemimpin perlu tegas imbangi hubungan dua hala Text
Electronics II Exam Papers
Pelajari wawasan Datuk Onn sedarkan Melayu Text
UTM innovatesto meet challenges Text
Family well-being receives high points Text
Private towns News Paper Cuttings
Effect of heating at frying temperature on the quality characterisIndexed Paper
A review on antiproliferative and apoptotic activities of natural Indexed Paper
Johor kumpul maklumat kurangkan kos niaga Text
Bigger deficit after second stimulus Text
Najib menongkah arus antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Alias Naib Canselor UDIM mula tugas 1 Jan. Text
Seeking solutions to a punishing task Text
Menyusuri kejayaan AIM Text
Jangan hukum remaja gagal sertai PKN Text
Negara perlukan drama berunsur dakwah Text
Code clone detection using string based tree matching techniqu Text
Bangsa Melayu perlu fikir strategi terbaik Text
Tingkah laku dan modifikasi tingkah laku Text
Prinsip mengangkat martabat wanita Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Maktab Teknik (Image 01) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hydrodynamic cavitation using double orifice- plates for the genJournal Article
PM minta NGO bantu dedah kelemahan program sosial Text
Pendulum damper application on Kuala Lumpur air traffic controThesis
International Conference of Low Carbon Asia (ICLCA) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Diploma UTM terus jadi pilihan News Paper Cuttings
Integrated PLC-fuzzy PID simulink implemented AVR system Indexed Paper
Optimizing the assembly process of an industrialized building Thesis
IJN aims to promote Malaysia as heart centre Text
They won't get you anywhere, says deputy minister Text
Rights of wives protected Text
RM2.57b bantuan tambahan pelajar Text
Bangunkan industri elektronik dan IC tempatan Text
Russia simpan khazanah sastera, budaya Melayu Text
Design and fabrication of a 2-stage low noise microwave amplifi Text
Exploring the role of correlations for analyzing the Malaysia ro Text
DPM : revamp if claims are true Text
Terbesar serantau Text
Smart birdhouse management system using internet of things (I Thesis
Discrete structure Exam Papers
RFID application in the library system Thesis
Effect of substrate and enzyme concentration on cyclodextrin p Indexed Paper
Igauan banjir Jakarta Text
A comparison of management of technology (MOT) undergraduate Thesis
Simulation of a smart antenna system Text
PM : celebrate festivals together Text
Kesan rendaman di dalam leburan aluminium aloi ke atas pengeText
Education system needs a boost Text
FTA : KL perlu cari landasan dagang baru Text
Performance study of virtual fencing using wireless sensing net Thesis
Theory of structures Exam Papers
Legal position of the issues associated with main contractor's in Text
Dadah kian mengancam keselamatan negara Text
Periksa telefon bimbit dibantah Text
Pulau Pinang perlu jelas penerokaan lereng bukit Text
Design and construction of strain gauge based load cell Text
Frequency scaling of rain attenuation (Preview) Text
Sequential algorithm and numerical analysis on mathematical mo Indexed Paper
Syndicate faking HIV test results uncovered Text
Saringan HIV/Aids bantu jaga kesucian keturunan manusia Text
Enam pulau diwarta taman laut News Paper Cuttings
15,000 jurutera tidak sah Text
Akta Perlindungan Liar perlu diperketat Text
Intermediate academic english Exam Papers
Nostalgia Tambak Johor lebih unik apabila siap jambatan baru Text
Skim pentadbir hospital mampu tingkat semangat doktor keraja Text
Govt contracts to local IT icons Text
Biomedical image processing Exam Papers
Carrier velocity in high-field transport of trilayer graphene nanorIndexed Paper
Puspakom kenal pasti 172 kenderaan bermasalah Text
Analytical solution and numerical simulation of advection-diffu Thesis
Pusat mungkin ambil alih urusan pembekalan air Text
Pelancaran RazakSAT ikut keputusan jurutera ATSB Text
Dasar Sosial Negara dilaksana tahun depan Text
Geran penyelidikan kaji kesan menara pemancar punca kanser Text
Freeze on maid applications by businesses Text
Systematic management and recycling training as the educationaThesis
PTP nafi dakwaan jual air lebih mahal Text
Keeping tabs on WiMAX services Text
Jaga kebajikan polis Text
Applicatian of spectroscopy Text
A self - optimized multipath routing protocol for wireless senso Conference Papers
Transformasi sektor pengajian tinggi Text
Kajian kecenderungan pekerja terhadap 'teleworking' : kajian kesText
Kerajaan digesa salur terus peruntukan penyelidikan Text
Najib : help the smart Malays Text
Perolehan minyak tertingkat (EOR) Text
R&D : Penyelidik UIAM hasil kit kesan selesema burung Text
MRCB, UPM bangunkan taman tani di Perak Text
Pertembungan PPP dan PML-N goncang kerajaan pakatan PakistText
Materials science Exam Papers
Pathology labs to be regulated Text
Rakyat jangan dijadikan korban muslihat politik Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Aerobic granulation for real domestic sewage treatment at hot Conference Papers
IoT based flood monitoring system Thesis
Rural planning Exam Papers
Naik harga rokok RM10 : FOMCA, Persatuan Pengguna Islam desak Text
Navy can deal with maritime terrorism Text
Digital electronic 2 Exam Papers
Penggunaan ICT dalam tugas-tugas pengurusan sekolah di sekol Thesis
Trace metals content (contaminants) as initial indicator in the quNon-Index Paper
Raja Zarith Sofia serah sumbangan sempena Hari Keputeraan SulNews Paper Cuttings
Ultilization of vegetabable oil as diesel fuel Thesis
Kreativiti, kualiti tarik minat membaca Text
Online value co-creation engagement integrative model for Malay Thesis
Dua program UTM duduki 100 teratas News Paper Cuttings
Static and multistage transmission expansion planning using AC-Thesis
Pendidikan matematik Exam Papers
Better housing for poor in the pipeline Text
Kurang kemahiran punca guru gagal manfaat media teknologi Text
Siling LTSM tanggal berulang Text
Kartunis Lat antara 3 karyawan tamu UTM 2010 Text
Perlindungan awam dalam peperangan tidak menyeluruh Text
Estimating kinetic parameters for essential amino acid productioJournal Article
Pasaran buku bahasa Melayu seakan terkubur Text
Ordinan Darurat tangkap along Text
Resit elak pemandu teksi menipu penumpang Text
Production improvement by using immiscible simulataneous water Thesis
Penggunaan Pengangkutan “non-motorised† di kawasan pusat Thesis
Usability of the next generation attenuation equations for seis Non-Index Paper
Solidification of water treatment sludge (WTS) by calcium carb Journal Article
Industri pulpa daripada sisa sawit berpotensi Text
Jadikan Karya Agung alat perkayakan jati diri Text
New film censorship guidliness next year Text
86 kanak-kanak terpilih sertai Permata Seni Koir dan Muzik Text
Construction technology and estimating Exam Papers
Signal Processing Exam Papers
Tun Syed Zahiruddin bin Syed Hassan : Pengerusi Majlis SementaText
Effects of ferrous toxicity on seedling traits and ion distributio Indexed Paper
Selamat berkhidmat Kabinet baru Text
Distribution network loss minimization via simultaneous distrib Indexed Paper
Affin labur RM100j tingkat khidmat perbankan Text
Misi Perdana UTM ke Everest News Paper Cuttings
Atasi gejala sosial menerusi pendekatan pendidikan Islam Text
Fluid flow characteristic around round-shaped FPSO Thesis
Pertahankan nilai murni masyarakat Text
Tabika 1Malaysia mula tahun depan Text
Lagi 63 pelajar China daftar di UTM Text
Pelajar UUM dalami bidang kewartawanan Text
Ekonomi perbandaran Text
Evaluation of strategies in managing a job shop with random rouText
Matematik untuk juru ukur Text
Lucut keistimewaan peguam tidak fasih bahasa Melayu Text
The implementation of internationalization of higher education iConference Papers
Development of a model for integration of assembly and disass Text
Mathematical modeling of porous adsorption layers used in a Journal Article
Sekolah harus perbanyak program kerjaya Text
Teori medan elektromagnet II Text
Sikap anak muda pilih kerja ditegur Text
Perkembangan kendiri I Exam Papers
Particle transport in an operating room furnished with a horizonThesis
MARDI cipta kit kesan bakteria makanan Text
Circuit theory I / Teori litar I Text
Police panel gets only five complaints in Sabah, Sarawak Text
Minyak : rakyat, kerajaan perlu saling membantu Text
Warga asing beli rumah RM500,000 Text
Hybrid intelligent web browser caching scheme based on neuro Conference Papers
Bekalan makanan negara mencukupi Text
Resource planning and management Exam Papers
Tingkatkan daya saing pengurusan Text
Building technology / teknologi bangunan Text
Qawaid lughah arabiyyah III Exam Papers
Hujah tertib, bijaksana tanda orang berilmu News Paper Cuttings
Sebahagian Semenanjung mungkin bergelap Text
Khidmat bas di UTM memilukan News Paper Cuttings
Data sulit : kementerian panggil kolej swasta Text
Bahan anti-HIV ditemui dalam tongkat ali Text
Analisis radiokimia Text
Water resource on small touristic island : Pulau Manukan, SabahText
Elucidation of acid strength effect on ibuprofen adsorption and Indexed Paper
Determination of zinc oxide surge arrester deterioration based Text
Tiga cara tingkat pencapaian tenaga kerja Text
1,655 graduan UTM terima ijazah kelas satu, dua tinggi Text
Determination of hydrocarbon level in distilled water via fiber Indexed Paper
Penguatkuasaan ditingkat elak peniaga naik harga barang Text
Rotan pelajar dorong kejayaan PMR Text
Tingkatkan syiar Islam Text
Grid - connected PV inverter testing facilities in Malaysia Conference Papers
Tongkat Ali, Viagra berbeza : Rafidah Text
Singapura setuju keluar CTF Text
Integrating district cooling systems in locally integrated energy Indexed Paper
Boost for local products Text
Politeknik bertaraf Apex menjelang 2020 Text
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Prinsip asas DEB perlu dikembalikan Text
Isu tertangguh : Chok Tong ketuai Singapura berunding dengan Text
RM12.9b subsidi kesihatan rakyat Text
UPM temui kuntuman bunga orkid tanpa batang pokok Text
Lebih banyak kelas budaya dibuka di kampung Text
Analisa statistik Text
Side effects of private services in public facilities Text
Pentadbiran kontrak II Text
Wave V detection using instantanecous energy of auditory brainConference Papers
Engineering maintenance system (EMESYS) maintenance moduleThesis
History Of South East Asian achitechture Exam Papers
Arbitration Act 2005 comes into force tomorrow Text
Risiko jika pinjamkan nama daftar prabayar Text
Infrastructure, utilities and transportation planning Text
Pinjaman kewangan dan hubungannya dengan aliran tunai projek Text
Ternak lembu cara kelompok dan integrasi Text
Parallel computing for simulating nanoscale temperature behavio Thesis
Teknologi filem nipis Text
Performance of stainless steel purlin in bending (Full text) Text
Assessing the employees awareness and usage of information secu Thesis
Timber industrial ash (TIA) composite (Abstract) Text
Tidak ramai ambil peluang hari terakhir Text
MAS, AirAsia ditegur : kekerapan kelewatan penerbangan sejak Text
Are directors ready for appraisal? Text
Rail project gets go-ahead Text
Fizik kaca dan seramik Text
Dwipengkhususan : Kerajaan perlu kawal selia Text
Format baru Fakulti Sains Kemasyarakatan diterima Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Knowledge management system architecture for organizational C l onference Papers
Identiti kanak-kanak - Hubungan keluarga jadi penentu Text
Biochemistry (Biokimia) Text
Rekabentuk konkrit tetulang II Text
Isu bahasa Inggeris dikhuatiri jejas keharmonian kaum Text
China pork imports to continue Text
Mersing dapat politeknik akhir 2002 Text
Roadshow to revamp of PTAs Text
Software for extraction of cell properties from dielectrophoreticJournal Article
A single eye 3D image perception device using vertical double ri Indexed Paper
Jilat bibir, menjeling juga gangguan seksual Text
Sexual harassment : don't even think about it! Text
Extraction of essential oil from Persicaria Odorata leaves using Thesis
Geotechnics II Exam Papers
UILC bantu UiTM jadi institusi penyelidikan Text
Performance on axial load capacity of cruciform column using uniThesis
OKU terima elaun Text
Safety assessment model of coastal passenger vessel in the perspeThesis
Optimized feature selection for tropical wood species recognitioThesis
Study on employee's perception of performance evaluation systThesis
Gejala rasuah perlu dibendung segera Text
Model baru ekonomi Text
Sikap hangat-hangat tahi ayam jaga kesihatan Text
Suntikan positif pasaran modal Text
Icon for Powerpoint/Presentation
Chan: Proposed RM 140m airport to boost Tioman tourism Text
Malaysia rugi RM3b akibat nahas industri Text
Analysis and assessment of sediment quality in a typical MalaysianText
Graduan 'hampas' hina mahasiswa IPT News Paper Cuttings
Aljabar II Text
Determination of rheological properties of modified asphalt bindThesis
Kerjasama tingkat kegiatan penyelidikan dan pembangunan Text
Modal insan teras capai wawasan Text
Workflow management system for strata title applications at Fe Text
New hardship allowance for heroes Text
Sejarah senibina Asia Tenggara Text
To study the benefits of contracting out, does it real in UTM pra Thesis
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Priapism : Ereksi lebih empat jam Text
Awareness towards the biomechanical concepts of sport shoes aText
Pensyarah Ph.D dinaikkan ke gred 51 Text
Managing identity development for international students in a MThesis
Transformative learning experiences among international postgrThesis
Anggota tentera ditahan disyaki pukul isteri hingga mati Text
Kerajaan bimbang berlaku pengasingan pelajar di IPT Text
Pemuda terbunuh nahas dua kereta Text
Portable jacking mechanism for motorcycle Thesis
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
Key process areas (KPAs), key processes, and key pratices of e Conference Papers
Educational encouragement, parenting styles, gender and ethnicIndexed Paper
Lawatan PM beri harapan baru hubungan KL-Canberra Text
Two-stage anaerobic process coupled with single-stage aerobic pThesis
Kelayakan akademik bukan pengukur: Siva Text
Propulsion system based on EEL locomotion Thesis
Bangunan hijau jimat tenaga Text
Fluid mechanics/Mekanik bendalir Text
MAS flights on KL-US routes certified safe from terror threats Text
Pendaftaran 60 kolej swasta dibatal Text
Perancangan dan kawalan pengeluaran Text
Young Maths prodigy stirs interest Text
Design of the optical tomography system for four projections C Thesis
Warning on Kenyir level, evacuation possible, residents told Text
Kita banyak makan gula Text
Holographic labels a must for CDs, DVDs Text
English for apex universities Text
Investigating the effect of different three-phase transformer conIndexed Paper
Saham: Melayu suka ambil jalan mudah Text
Fit UTM! galak gaya hidup sihat dalam Fesko-53 UTM News Paper Cuttings
Sisa sawit jadi bahan implan Text
Teknologi campuran air mampu jimat minyak Text
The deacidification of pineapple juice using electrodialysis w Text
Siti gets award for entrepreneurship Text
Sistem laman sesawang bersepadu dan aplikasi android untuk ser Thesis
Database integration: importance and approaches Indexed Paper
Warden di semua sekolah Text
PTPTN agih pinjaman RM7 bilion sejak dilancar Text
Armed robbers hit Pos Malaysia branch Text
Kesan pada produktiviti Text
Issues and challenges in clustering techniques for wireless mes Non-Index Paper
UTM usaha jadikan universiti bertaraf dunia Text
Sosco docs under fire Text
The effect of soft factors and quality improvement on performanNon-Index Paper
EPF records 50pc rise in Q2 equity returns Text
MPOB yakin harga MSM stabil hingga akhir tahun Text
Tiga prinsip perkasa model ekonomi baru Text
Program pembinaan bahasa Text
Bahasa jepun I Exam Papers
Sustainability and environmental management in construction Exam Papers
UTMcrawler : crawling the E-business social network using genetConference Papers
MoU UPSI : RECSAM tingkatkan P&P matematik dan sains Text
The impact of biochars on sorption and biodegradation of polycyIndexed Paper
SOS to save Sungai Pulai estuary Text
Penerapan akidah tauhid dalam kepimpinan pendidikan Conference Papers
Construction management Exam Papers
Combating AIDS with help of religion Text
Hard keeping medical lecturers Text
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Perhimpunan bantah PPSMI cetus kekecohan Text
Perisian membantu pembelajaran pengaturcaraan dengan robokThesis
Building services 1 Exam Papers
Perkukuhkan kembali dasar kebangsaan Text
Enam dekad UMNO Text
Omega-3 emulsion from rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) seeds Thesis
Electronic systems Exam Papers
Revert to 20-day grace period, consumer groups urge banks Text
Development of datacenter assets manager (DAM) Thesis
Easier to learn when it's fun Text
PM : private sector must be active partner Text
Dasar Buku Negara gagal capai matlamat Text
Pembangunan landskap atasi masalah hakisan tanah Text
Keajaiban Israk Mikraj perlu dirungkai Text
Fuzzy expert system package for the assessment of marine tech Text
The influence of rainfall intensity on soil loss mass from cellular Indexed Paper
Taxi permits for individuals, co-ops Text
Kaji semula kurikulum kursus : Azlan Shah Text
Hydrologic analysis and design Exam Papers
Polymer technology I Exam Papers
Health hazards due to worsening haze Text
Synthesis and characterization of dental composite incorporate Thesis
3 perompak samun wang, barang kemas RM1 juta Text
Rahsia Eshah didik 15 anak hingga ke universiti Text
Tahap kefahaman jemaah haji Malaysia terhadap pelaksanaan ibada Indexed Paper
Optical process tomography for measurement of bubbles Thesis
Usahawan biotek mampu realisasikan pusat perdagangan Text
Pendidikan latihan vokasional patut jamin kerjaya bersesuaian Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dan kayu Text
Amal budaya kerja Korea Text
Nonlinear response of steel girder bridges under various directi Text
Tiada halangan wanita pegang jawatan tinggi Text
RM193 juta tanam semula Text
Pengurusan cekap tingkat prestasi akademik universiti Text
Comparison of several types of compact fluorescent lamp in ter Thesis
NGO, sektor industri bantu tangani kegawatan Text
UPM asks ministry to retain course Text
Luminescence of erbium doped tellurite glass containing silver nThesis
Punca Melayu gagal bidang kejuruteraan Text
Modification of a single sensory incentive spirometer to incorp Thesis
MyGfL to promote online learning Text
Effect of tide on flood modelling and mapping in Kota Tinggi Thesis
Aplikasi proses Quality Function Deployment (QFD) dalam mere Text
Improving information system security by evaluating human factThesis
PM to meet Sabah BN leaders Text
Accessing PSTN intelligent network functions for a data call Journal Article
1,000 doktor pakar gred U41 naik pangkat U48 Text
Kekuatan dan kemuluran bagi konkrit berkekuatan tinggi yang diText
Islamic media hub proposed Text
Kereta murah, kualiti kekal Text
Program lengkap untuk menjana pendidikan Text
A scheduling analysis framework for predicting the weakly hard Thesis
Kajian pemulihan projek pembangunan kediaman terbengkalai diText
The thermoluminescence response of oxygen-doped optical fibres Conference Papers
A low lighting or contrast ratio visible iris recognition using iso Indexed Paper
JAKIM wujud asas keperluasn umat dan negara Text
Pengajaran lebih mantap : kaedah baru ajar dua subjek dalam bah Text
The implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001) inText
Radioactivity in drinking water from dug-wells in Johor state Conference Papers
Appointment of contract doctors to be speeded up Text
'Arresting' the bikes : offenders will lose m-cycles on the spot Text
Kecemerlangan pelajar perlu ambil kira aspek keterampilan diri Text
Alat cegah kehamilan makin canggih Text
Pengenalan sains & kejuruteraan polimer Text
The selection of construction project manager by using analyticaText
Indeks Harga Pengguna meningkat 2.7% Text
20-point resolution to boost tourism sector Text
Isolation and characterization of sulfide oxidase producer Conference Papers
Kimia am II Text
A portal based knowledge management solution for an editorialText
Kaedah memadam maklumat secara automatik Text
Rizab kukuh kurangkan risiko Malaysia, China Text
Hidden world of child sex abuse Text
Pelancongan terus rancak Text
Pengurusan sisa pepejal moden 2008 Text
Design and implementation of 15-level cascaded multi-level voltIndexed Paper
NGO diajak bantu didik pengguna. Text
Electromyography analysis of leg muscle activity on different balThesis
Teachers unhappy with five-day week Text
Program pendidikan awal berkualiti kanak-kanak Text
Pengajian tinggi negara melangkaui 2020 : sasaran utama pelan sText
Optical physics Text
Multiscale element-free galerkin method with penalty for 2D b Journal Article
Emergency nurse call system Thesis
Warm response to Exora Text
Simulation of single channel biological tissue spectroscopy usin Journal Article
Sejauh mana pelaksanaannya di bawah RMK-8 Text
Removal of organic using solar-fenton technology Text
Dana RM674j tambahan subsidi Text
Database system sistem pangkalan data Exam Papers
Croc fish not of local origin Text
Hanya ilmu mampu tangani kemiskinan umat, negara Islam Text
Study on master plan News Paper Cuttings
Teori litar Text
Cad & Rekabentuk ASIC Text
Merealisasikan satu ASEAN Text
Mahasiswa tabur bakti Text
Pensyarah politeknik kursus di Jerman Text
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
Jenayah rogol kanak-kanak serius Text
Pindaan Enakmen kurangkan tanah terbiar Text
Improved density based algorithm for data stream clustering Journal Article
Motivational factors of volunteerism among UUM students in c Conference Papers
Tighter rules for gh housing industry Text
Siswazah menganggur sertai skim latihan tidak dibayar elaun Text
Effects of nanoparticle types on carbon dioxide foam flooding inIndexed Paper
Tiada syarat penggabungan bank dan syarikat insurans Text
Government looking to revive tin-mining industry Text
Science behind Angkasawan Text
Punca pelajar terbabit buli, samseng perlu dikaji Text
Talian khas bencana alam diwujudkan Text
SEGi tawar 33 kursus kemahiran Text
Smart Reader tawar program holistik Text
China iktiraf 71 IPT tempatan News Paper Cuttings
Awareness is crucial Text
Comparative model for classification of forest degradation Thesis
Optimize production through reservoir rock compaction control Text
Kementerian yakin capai sasaran 14j pelancong akhir 2004 Text
Potential of rainwater harvesting implementation in Malaysia Non-Index Paper
UPM usaha hasilkan penyelidikan bermutu Text
Influenza A : NIPPPing it in the bud Text
KUiTTHO sedia 15 program pasca siswazah Text
Analysis and performance evaluation of a fault-tolerant multistaText
Kimia tak organik 2 Text
Perpustakaan universiti bukan hanya lubuk ilmu Text
Bioremediation and biodegradation Text
Air and noise quality in Batu Pahat (Preview) Text
Undang-undang pengestrakan air Text
R&D : antioksida semula jadi Text
Study of high wing aircraft with external store Text
Pemakaian akta penyelesaian Tanah Kelantan 1955 dalam menyel Thesis
Cost accounting Exam Papers
Perangi dadah secara holistik Text
Petani wajib guna benih padi baik menjelang 2009 Text
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Rapid separation of fatty acids using a poly(vinyl alcohol) coate Indexed Paper
Estimating II Exam Papers
Nilai hartanah di Lembali Klang menurun News Paper Cuttings
Varsity bags a gold for bringing WiFi to villages Text
IC Testing Techniques Exam Papers
Production of selenium enriched saccharomycesboulardii in pilotThesis
Gejala rasuah tak mengenal bangsa Text
Framework for green construction assessment: a case study of go Non-Index Paper
Pay rise for civil servants Text
Ceramic industry wastewater treatment by rhizofiltration systemIndexed Paper
Wrong practices and unbalanced education Text
Parametric study on Fanno flow and normal shock waves in a gasThesis
Mengenal pasti sebab kelewatan kelulusan proses pra-pembangu Text
Skim Pengetua Cemerlang diperluas Text
Govt to award 2 more licences Text
Membantu kanak-kanak trauma Text
Mendidik generasi muda mencintai alam sekitar Text
Musa : methodology to be announced in two weeks Text
Electric field study of silicon rubber insulator using finite elem Text
Punca-punca tunggakan cukai tanah bagi syarat jenis bangunan dText
Kerajaan tanggung sebahagian kos penerbitan akhbar jawi : RaisText
Fikir soal kepentingan negara Text
IKS akan `dijodohkan' Text
Teknologi binaan Exam Papers
Kabinet lulus penubuhan sekretariat Aseanapol Text
Socso plans to review cases Text
Design and performance of tubular steel scaffolding Text
Kejuruteraan angin dan gempabumi Text
Finite element method Text
PEDC to develop $20m township News Paper Cuttings
Logik digital Text
Post flood water quality mapping for Sungai Kelantan Thesis
Consumer attitudes regarding information technology usage Non-Index Paper
Cuepacs pertikai rekod kelulusan PTK Text
Pesta Konvokesyen UTM dapat sambutan Text
Simulation of the two-phase liquid-gas flow through ultrasonic t Non-Index Paper
The Barriers of enhancing creativity developed by parents in devIndexed Paper
Carbon footprint assessment on machineries at construction sit Thesis
Polycyclic presentations of the torsion free space group with qu Journal Article
Proton : GM masih buka pintu Text
Kadar inflasi tahun ini kurang lima peratus Text
Degradation of ampicillin and penicillin G using anodic oxidationIndexed Paper
Reconstruction of missing daily rainfall data using unsupervised aConference Papers
Cheap, but these brakes are killers Text
Removal of humps leads to more 'bumps' News Paper Cuttings
Lulusan UTM laris dipasaran pekerjaan News Paper Cuttings
Kualiti jadi keutamaan News Paper Cuttings
Record dividends payout in 2005 Text
Foreign students turn to Malaysia Text
Unitar bentuk sikap keusahawanan Text
Choosing the spiritual path Text
RTM tukar slogan Infotainmen kepada Inforia Text
Ambil langkah pastikan Malaysia bebas penyakit kuku dan mulutText
Introduction of fingerprint recognition method for machinery fauIndexed Paper
Will the Budget meet its aim? Text
Asas kejuruteraan Text
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Tambah program kerjasama UTM News Paper Cuttings
Ceupacs yakin terima 2 bulan bonus dalam Bajet 2007 Text
Analisis garis imbas untuk rekabentuk jambatan Text
E-mailaddiction :scientists claim that e-mail abuse is worse for Text
Penggunaan ortofoto dalam kajian hidrologi untuk kejuruteraa Text
Just a sting away from pain relief Text
Hayati sejarah negara Text
IPTS bukan bumiputera monopoli latihan kemahiran tinggi Text
Lightweight encryption for high efficiency video coding (HEVC) Journal Article
Conducive areas for gated communities and guarded neighbourhoo Non-Index Paper
Honda sasar kuasai 30 peratus pasaran : syarikat yakin jualan ke Text
Perkasakan generasi muda wanita Text
Islam tuntut urus niaga secara adil Text
Memilih sekolah sesuai, terbaik untuk anak Text
Lima asas terap cara hidup mesra alam Text
Tambah baik sektor awam Text
Computer application in property Exam Papers
A simple segmentation approach for unconstrained cursive handConference Papers
Comparison between superpave gyratory and marshall laboratorText
Effect of vortex finder diameter on pressure drop across the M Conference Papers
Royal Belum diancam pemburu haram Text
Environmental management Exam Papers
Najib : proficiency in Arabic will boost KL's role Text
Kerajaan sedia selaras logo halal Text
PM ajak Asia bersama tangani cabaran baru Text
OIC nations move towards unleashing economic clout Text
Prof : 1Malaysia must address ethnic composition in civil serviceText
UiTM peneraju modal insan : Tuanku Mizan Text
Taking fight to rural areas Text
Professional liability of civil engineer (Preview) Text
Sistem kawalan moden Text
Kerajaan kaji wujud kolej perisian komputer Text
KOAM : bekas presiden dikaitkan bertanding Text
Systematic secure design guideline to improve integrity and availThesis
Rein in the Wild Wild Web Text
Plumbum tak mesra kesihatan Text
Pemeriksaan gigi bayi wajib dari usia setahun Text
Specific absorption rate in the presence of conductive metallic oThesis
Color segmentation and recognition using fuzzy logic human base Thesis
7 Malaysians kill themselves every day : 1,700 suicides so far thi Text
Design and prototype development of ozonated water machine Thesis
Kos gaji di Malaysia naik 74 peratus Text
Swasta tidak ikut kenaikan gaji awam Text
Offshore foundation integrity : Shallow gas mitigation using exc Thesis
Liquid NanoTag catches commercial diesel cheats Text
Consider military career Text
Study : drug can reduce risk of heart attack Text
500 premis kediaman, komersial dikenal, pasti bahan warisan n Text
Komunikasi berkesan dari aspek penyumberan luar Thesis
Pengaruh internet terhadap pengguna Muslim News Paper Cuttings
Radon and thoron survey in high background radiation area at S Conference Papers
Dasar Pandang ke Timur masih relevan Text
Humic acid based biopolymeric membrane for effective removalIndexed Paper
60,000 grads unemployed Text
50,000 pelancong hilang : Imigresen rancang operasi buru wargaText
Kaedah berangka Text
Sikap pengusaha kantin sekolah terhadap penyediaan makanan hThesis
Fake malaria drugs causing resistance Text
Regester intellectual property for economic gain Text
Factors that contribute to the decline in number of visitors to J Thesis
Hasil getah disasar 1.8 tan sehektar 2012 Text
Universiti diberi autonomi tetapkan etika berpakaian Text
Tougher screening for hidden militants Text
Temperate climate simulated condition for imported cattle in traThesis
The bad and ugly side Text
Death toll is now seven Text
Serap konsep korporat petani Text
The effect of heat treatment and chromium addition on y-titani Text
Malaysia to make halal vaccines Text
Special attention for SMEs Text
Penggunaan PRV untuk mengawal tekanan dalam talian paip Thesis
Najib tells civil servants to work longer Text
Kaunseling suami, isteri di internet Text
Consilidation behavior in soft soil stabilized by stone column andThesis
Usahawan wanita digesa lebih agresif majukan perniagaan Text
Modelling the effect of wind forces on landslide occurrence in B Indexed Paper
Kompleks sukan Terengganu siap 2007 Text
Change your lifestyle to live longer Text
Tabik hormat buat anggota polis Text
Penyerahan Zakat Bank Islam Dan Buku Kepada Perpustakaan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Digital communication systems Exam Papers
Sindiket jadikan Malaysia pusat proses dadah sintetik Text
An investigation into the need of process safety management (PSIndexed Paper
Building Services II Exam Papers
Fighting bird flu Text
Batu Putih: Pertikaian 25 tahun dijangka tamat esok Text
Suara Hati Johor is listening News Paper Cuttings
RM2.1 bilion majukan politeknik Text
Half a bridge too far : Singapore warns of serious implications i Text
Ganding bahu pulihara alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Optimisation of vehicle ride using genetic algorithms Thesis
Suntikan Botox haram : Pakar syariah Text
25 quarantined after contact with co-pilot, more cases admittedText
Cross layer design of interference aware multi-hop mobile rela Thesis
Fizik sinaran Text
Bukukan pengalaman angkasawan pertama negara Text
A house bubbling over with laughter and love Text
Dasar Bioteknologi Negara dilancar pertengahan tahun Text
Effects of steel fibers and surface roughness on squealing behavio
Indexed Paper
Pelajar mesti kuasai bahasa Inggeris hadapi persaingan Text
Stretching the healthcare dollar Text
Perpustakaan guna teknologi RFID Text
Ekologi Landskap Text
Pembuangan kerja terkawal Text
Private colleges accept move on dubious programmes Text
Modeling of traffic flow (vehicles) in a virtual environment Text
PM merafak sembah takziah News Paper Cuttings
Assessing the level of understanding of contractors regarding theConference Papers
Front-end design of low power radio access point for radio over Tf ext
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran kejuruteraan / Instrumentation Text
Chan : ironic for Malaysia to rely heavily on imports Text
Photocatalytic degradation of geosmin by Pd nanoparticle modifiIndexed Paper
Fabrication of nanowire using ash trimming technique Indexed Paper
Radio propagation studies at 5.8 GHz for point-to-multipoint appIndexed Paper
Geohazard site survey in oil and gas exploration Thesis
Kurangkan berat badan Text
Penyelian industri Text
Comparison of product quality estimation of propylene polymeriza Journal Article
Kumpulan pemikir MTEN kemuka 13 cadangan Text
Telekom Malaysia kini dikenali TM Text
Enhancing grid system performance by integrating compressed aThesis
Perangi habis-habisan semua faktor penyebab rasuah Text
'Belajar hidup berdikari' News Paper Cuttings
Possibility of graft in highwayÆs faulty design Text
OIC team to meet quartet on Mideast conflictá Text
Statistik I Text
The effect of aging on asphalt mix Thesis
King : vital to preserve solidarity at all costs Text
Najib : hasilkan produk, perkhidmatan mesra alam Text
Freeze on foreign workers? Text
Improving machine effectiveness at wire rope production by usi Thesis
Building maintenance Exam Papers
CUEPACS terus minta mansuh PTK Text
Perkembangan semasa sektor pertanian Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
A dark noon in Kuching Text
Cuticular hydrocarbon of pupal cases of chrysomya megacephalaThesis (
Clock routing with wire segment sizing technique using binary p Thesis
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Kerangka II Text
Gula halus bahan kawalan : Shafie Text
Suplemen asid alfa hipotik kurang kebas Text
Lessons from failed e-learning start-ups Text
Audit keselamatan pejalan kaki di bandaraya Johor Bahru Thesis
Panel finds Lingam video clip authentic Text
Machine allocation optimization in semiconductor assembly induIndexed Paper
Gaji polis lebih tinggi : cadangan kenaikan gaji pokok 20 peratu Text
Jenayah juvana meningkat Text
Generasi muda bukan nasi tambah Text
The utilisation of palm oil and its solid waste products as fuel (P Text
PM belum puas hati tahap kecekapan pentadbiran awam Text
Fast and robust stereo matching algorithm for obstacle detectionJournal Article
Structural performance evaluation of a precast PSC curved girdeIndexed Paper
JAS Sabah pantau pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Effect of starch on tissue waste/high density polyetylene/starc Conference Papers
Tawaran Petronas bekal LNG ke Shanghai terbaik Text
Doctor is first 'robot's patient' Text
Microstructures and mechanical characterisation of intercriticallThesis
Jawatankuasa khas kabinet pemanasan global ditubuh Text
Effects of environmental factors on the ageing monitoring of gapThesis
Wajibkan segera ujian dadah ke atas bakal pengantin lelaki Text
Fenomena pulau haba bukan remeh Text
Scholarly publication key performance indicator diagnostic model Thesis
Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of Malaysia biomassConference Papers
Future of built environment News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan kewangan dan ekonomi binaan Text
The application of geographical information systems for urban pText
Project management & maintenance engineering Text
Sains tanah Text
Titas II Text
Takwim Hijrah beri keadilan laksana ibadah Text
IC testing techniques Exam Papers
Urbanization and PM10 pollution in Iskandar Malaysia Conference Papers
Combustion characteristics of inedible vegetable oil biodiesel fu Indexed Paper
Komposit Text
Murid SK Taman Sri Pulai sertai motivasi Text
Experimental determination of mass moment of inertia Text
Usaha Asia bangunkan IT, perkukuh perdamaian sejagat Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
A review on linear encoding methods and geometry based method Indexed Paper
The Effects of different binders on mechanical properties of asp Thesis
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan HP, TEL News Paper Cuttings
Give people incentives to recycle waste, says UM don Text
NEM : 4 principles of affirmative action Text
Pendekatan praktikal bantu perangi kemiskinan Text
Penguat kuasa perlu mahir guna senjata api Text
Industri pertahanan jimatkan kos 75% Text
Pengurusan tapak dan keselamatan binaan Text
Kelas prasekolah di semua sekolah menjelang 2007 Text
Pengurangan pelepasan emisi dari pembakar lapisan terbendali Journal Article
Venture overseas, varsities urged Text
Use people according to abilities Text
China sedia kerjasama jayakan Lembah Bio Text
Perancangan wilayah metropolitan Text
The Influence of (beta) technology intensity and evaluating TC Non-Index Paper
Tujuh IPT bergabung tubuh MyGeopolimer News Paper Cuttings
12 subjects nod for SPM Text
Surface roughness study of milled carbon fiber reinforced polymIndexed Paper
Terkeluarnya universiti dari senarai 200 terbaik dunia : UKM pa Text
Enzymatic dehalogention of 2,2 - dichloropropionie acid by localConference Papers
Astronomi lapangan Exam Papers
Optimization of orthosiphon stamineus-loaded nanostructured lipi Thesis
Masalah gangguan air dijangka selesai Text
Chery labur RM50j bina kilang pasang kereta Text
Econ-green LNG transports using supply chain Thesis
UTM introduces MBA with a difference Text
Dua anak Kelantan cipta traktor pertanian serbaguna Text
IPT disaran wujud subjek pembangunan keluarga bahagia Text
Koperasi penyumbang ketiga ekonomi Text
Intermediate mathematics Text
Ilmu teras kegemilangan tamadun Islam Text
Factors influencing sense of security in residential neighbourho Thesis
Mitigating residual tropospheric delay to improve user's networ Conference Papers
Penderia gentian optik Exam Papers
Kekeluargaan renggang punca masalah sosial Text
Perancangan tapak Text
Hubungan kepuasan kerja guru-guru dengan gaya kepimpinan PThesis
Membuka Majlis Peguam kepada orang muda Text
Medan tarung robot News Paper Cuttings
Rombak penilaian sekolah rendah Text
Perlembagaan Persekutuan lindungi umat Islam Text
The selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide by propylene o Text
Design of HV switching for polarization and depolarization cur Indexed Paper
ASEAN 3 mahu jadikan suara Asia lebih berkesan Text
Numerical prediction of heat transfer from heated thin plate in Indexed Paper
Pelaksanaan mesti ikut cara betul : PM undang-undang tangani Text
Long-term strength of rubberised concrete paving blocks Conference Papers
Water use trend analysis of different premises in Malaysia Thesis
Prinsip kejuruteraan alam sekitar Text
Application of particle swarm optimization on frequency weight Thesis
PM : Semai Konsep 1Belia 1Malaysia Text
A study of Hydroxyapatite (HA) coating on stainless steel 304 by Thesis
Production of biodiesel from coconut oil via transesterification uThesis
Elektronik industri Text
Building services 1 Exam Papers
The family plan Text
Document management system for development control processText t
Logik Digit / Elektronik Digit Text
Gracious living and gracious dying News Paper Cuttings
Free thalassaemia blood screening Text
Pemprosesan isyarat berdigit Text
Characterization of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers for gas Thesis
Permeability studies of artificial and natural cancellous bone str Indexed Paper
Syor semak tambang bas ekspres Text
Priority to expanding MyKad usage Text
Construction surveying / (ukur binaan) Text
Ekspedisi biodiesel dalam bulan Ramadan News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan koridor Sungai Pontian Kechil : kajian tahap kualitiText
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Analisis geladak jambatan Text
The impact of social network structure in particle swarm optimiza Conference Papers
Kejuruteraan pengangkutan dan lalu lintas Text
Keputusan diambil demi masa depan rakyat : Prof Azmi News Paper Cuttings
Labour shortage : acute labour pains Text
Bank Pertanian kekal fungsi bantu pekebun kecil Text
The effects of size and property type on risk of Malaysian Real E Thesis
Pusat Proton Edar, EON digabung Text
Guru anggap pemilihan dorong kekal cemerlang Text
Integrasi ekonomi ASEAN Text
5,000 tonnes of plastic waste daily Text
Development of blend films of poly(3-hydroxy) butyrate and celul Conference Papers
Ministry reports 7 new infections Text
Aspek sejarah tarik pelancong ke Johor, Riau Text
Cloud-based and cross platform personal financial management Thesis
Jalan besi gunung kinabalu disahkan tertinggi di dunia Text
RM53j tanam semula nanas Text
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Tissue culture and biolistic - mediated transformation of impati Text
Microbiologically influenced corrosion of X-70 Carbon steel by deConference Papers
Development of oil palm plantation management database at JeText
Perception on industrialised building system (IBS): a case study Thesis
Recognition and reinforcement of arbitral award Thesis
Development of a plug for the UTM 4-seater helicopter mock-upConference Papers
Study of dual open ended coaxial sensor system for calculation Indexed Paper
Mathematical approach for locating precise fault in a test distri Thesis
Calculus II / Kalkulus II Text
Self-regulated learning, students’ understanding and performConference Papers
Insulation coordination of quadruple circuit high voltage transm Text
Majoriti guru guna bahasa Inggeris ajar Sains, Matematik Text
Mesin turbo Text
Gagasan 1Malaysia selaras tuntutan syarak Text
Undang-undang hubungan industri Exam Papers
Keluaran getah asli dijangka meningkat hujung tahun Text
Planning Exam Papers
Kajian undang - undang II Text
Conventional methods and emerging wastewater polishing technol Indexed Paper
Kebahagiaan dunia banyak muslihat Text
Hidrologi Text
Intellectuals told to be globally outstanding Text
Tegas kurangkan pekerja asing Text
Pengguna patut didedah maklumat kesan makanan GM Text
Bonus for clean staff only Text
Penuntut UTM cipta aplikasi amaran denggi News Paper Cuttings
PC games to enhance ties Text
1,000 pelajar UTM sertai Iftar Perdana News Paper Cuttings
Pengaruh jenis tanah dan saiz partikel terhadap hakisan melalui Text
Perbandingan berat bagi pelbagai kekuda gabungan Text
Karya pengarang tempatan Text
Medium optimization of chitinase enzyme production from shrimConference Papers
When gender is a puzzle Text
Dinar emas elak sistem riba Text
Singapura pinggir orang Melayu secara sistematik sejak 1959 Text
2007 terus ukir kejayaan wanita Text
New container design of gel electrophoresis DNA separation witThesis
Berjimat elak bazir beras Text
SARS Alert: Majority of new suspected cases Malaysians Text
The virtual force feedback for torque estimation and control in Thesis
Islamic financial system open to all races Text
Knowledge sharing role in IT outsourcing Conference Papers
Generation of three-dimensional side scan sonar mosaic image Thesis
ITM percepat ambil kumpulan pertama pelajar November ini Text
User authentication based on face recognition Thesis
New plant a catalyst for country's biodiesel industry Text
Civil servants lack urgency Text
Fitting soil-water characteristic curve by using unimodal and bimThesis
Buku Rihlah Ilmiah dilancar News Paper Cuttings
Application of computer in chemistry Exam Papers
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Satelit kedua negara RazakSAT hampir siap Text
Solar-Home wakili UTM ke SDC2013 di China pada Ogos ini News Paper Cuttings
Implementation of full color LED display system using System O Thesis
Malaysian sugar intake still high Text
Kajian kes : projek pembinaan persimpangan bertingkat KaramunThesis
Dasar automotif akan diumum Text
Pengeluaran automotif Text
Verification and validation in communication layer for embeddeConference Papers
Programme on soft skills for graduates Text
Construction of a digital resource information and diagnostic tooThesis
Gunung Ledang diceroboh Text
Industrial psychology Exam Papers
Adaptive simplified fuzzy logic controller for depth control of Thesis
Teacher colleges now institutes Text
Numerical and experimental study of an ejector as an expansionIndexed
d Paper
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Review of ANN technique for modeling surface roughness perfo Conference Papers
Politik perpecahan ancam survival orang Melayu Text
PM : jaga adat hidup bermasyarakat Text
Statistics Exam Papers
Pasar raya besar sertai Kempen Pengguna Bijak Text
Analisis berkomputer penggunaan bahanapi untuk sistem penghText
ASW 2020 habis dilanggan Text
Guna BI ajar Sains, Matematik : UPSR 2008 jadi pengukur Text
AIDS fight must go to root of problem Text
Prototyping of polymer based microbioreactors : micromachiningIndexed Paper
Pelari Kenya pertahan kejuaraan News Paper Cuttings
Perbaharui lesen memandu di kios, Internet Text
Tugas guru bertambah akibat banyak arahan Text
Kajian kerja (Work study) Text
Langkah-langkah mengatasi pencerobohan atas tanah milik TradThesis
Affordable Software for collaboration, document management, Non-Index Paper
Prediction of texture of raw poultry meat by visible and near–Journal Article
Pembangunan sistem pangkalan data untuk tanah perkuburan I Thesis
Going global in real estate sector Text
Private sector to cover spending shortfall by Government Text
Botnet detection based on traffic monitoring Conference Papers
Kod kandungan komunikasi multimedia akan di laksana Text
Design of reinforced concrete / rekabentuk konkrit tetulang Text
Kelompok 150 terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Pahit, manis 50 tahun MOM Text
Fire detector mobile robot Thesis
Kemahiran komunikasi penting bagi dekati remaja Text
A novel trusted base model for cloud computing using federatedThesisi
The application of going concern valuation as a tool in the probl Text
Prompt anbulance response with HEAR Text
Experimental investigations of the performance of a standing w Indexed Paper
Religiosity and intention to whistle blow among Malaysian manaJournal Article
Memupuk kemesraan, galak umat bersedekah Text
UTM tersenarai 100 terbaik News Paper Cuttings
OIC pentas tangkis tohmahan Barat Text
Geran tanah : isteri warga asing peneroka tiada hak Text
Sifat mekanikal kayu kempas dalam mampatan (Preview) Text
Dasar Bahasa Inggeris : ahli akademik cadang projek rintis Text
Tidak lagi bergantung 100% peperiksaan : TPM Text
Signal analysis and classification of digital communication signa Conference Papers
Many countries using Malaysian cyber laws as guide Text
9 persatuan risau masa depan bahasa melayu Text
Penggunaan osmosis balikan di dalam proses penyahgaraman airText
BPR boleh siasat tanpa aduan Text
Sports Venues - UTM Johor Baharu (Kolam Renang - Papan Terjun Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sokong Misi Nasional kerajaan majukan IKS Text
Women hail exclusive coaches but some see it as an inconvenie Text
Ministry may settle for limited ban on fast food TV ads Text
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Kuota IPTA pastikan jurang melayu, bukan melayu dirapatkan Text
Projek kajian sumber manusia lulusan UTM dalam bidang sains da Text
Perkenal dasar khusus kontraktor wanita Text
Rising value of gold makes it a good investment Text
Unity programmes in campuses next year Text
Geopackage data format for collaborative mapping of geospatialIndexed Paper
Physical and numerical modelling of bottom ash columns installed Thesis
Sistem maklumat perusahaan kecil dan sederhana berasaskan loThesis
Lepasan SMT wajar dapat bonus masuk politeknik Text
The effect of salinity on alkaline surfactant polymer (ASP) floodi Thesis
Pengetahuan teknologi pedagogi kandungan bakal guru Fizik Univ Thesis
Development of a continuous microwave reactor for the producti Thesis
Menjayakan Inisiatif Damai 2002 Text
Current waste generation of e-waste and challenges in developi Conference Papers
The relationship between human resource management practices Thesis
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Syor harga roti canai 80 sen, air suam percuma Text
Interdiscursivity of incident reports in an oil and gas company anThesis
A transparent UWB antenna with a 5 to 6 GHz band notch using Itndexed Paper
Secure scientific applications scheduling technique for cloud Indexed Paper
Council gears up to attract more tourists to Langkawi Text
Innovative cases of triz application in automotive industry Conference Papers
Menangani kenaikan harga barang keperluan Text
Performance of polymer flooding in S field Thesis
Child crawled out of wreckage Text
Manfaat rakyat secara holistik Text
Dinamika Malaysia/ Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Sustainable planninng & development Text
Aerodinamik Text
The potential use of rotor wing unmanned aerial vehicle for lar Non-Index Paper
RazakSAT goes into orbit Text
Musa Unggu digeruni penjajah Text
Sijil ISO syarat projek pembinaan kelas A Text
Perak mampu jadi negeri termaju Text
Cellphone dealers : present registration secure enough Text
Sasar kemalangan sifar di tempat kerja Text
A model-based testing framework for trusted platform module Thesis
UTM perkukuh kerjasama dengan Indonesia News Paper Cuttings
Old cars may need compulsory check-ups Text
Produk PKS lepasi halangan Eropah Text
Genetik (genetics) Text
Elektronik II Text
Fruitful talks : special panel to boost investments in Iskandar Text
Rafidah kesal usahawan wanita terlepas peluang Text
Study of underwater channel estimation based on different nod Indexed Paper
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Guna prinsip triangulasi kesan kotak hitam News Paper Cuttings
Jualan langsung : alternatif kepada pengguna Text
Building maintenance Exam Papers
Pembinaan kampus KUTKM turut majukan Alor Gajah Text
Nur Fatin mudah mesra News Paper Cuttings
Performance study of GPRS in mobile communications (Preview)Text
LPKP batal permit 14 syarikat bas ekspres Text
Temuramah Khas Pensyarah & Mahasiswa/I Utm Sempena KonvPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pensyarah USM cipta teknologi proses air, udara tercemar Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Ismail : youths need guidance Text
Kesedaran menabung rakyat Malaysia masih rendah Text
Framework for evaluating ethics and information security at cybThesis
Multiple channels EMG amplifier with various reference electro Thesis
Financial accounting II (perakaunan kewangan II) Text
Optimal generation schedules for hybrid power system with hig Indexed Paper
Stochastic procees Text
Pelajar Tati bimbang tiada peluang lanjut pelajaran Text
Bank Pertanian tangguh proses skim kredit Text
Metropolitan regional planning Exam Papers
Anak Malaysia cipta alat khas pesakit otak Text
Termodinamik Text
Ucapan kritikal Najib di UNGA News Paper Cuttings
Japan looks to Malaysia for its uniqueness and multiculturalism Text
Anak buruh ladang sawit cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Perak in e-govt push Text
Unsteady mixed convection flow over a cylinder of elliptic cross Thesis
Hydro power and turbine systems reviews Indexed Paper
SPA sedia ambil siswazah sanggup terima gaji kurang Text
Kemahiran teras kecemerlangan Text
Suitability of static positioning for GCP determination for prec Conference Papers
Badan khas kendali pekerja asing Text
Analysis of warm powder compaction process using finite elem Text
Persamaan pembeza II Text
Sistem pungut sampah æbuang dan bayarÆ: caj tambahan pada Text
Improvement of ship berthing operation at port container terminThesis
Sistem pengurusan dan penempahan stok di syarikat jualan lan Text
Kesan tsunami terhadap ekonomi minimum Text
Lima saintis muda ke Jerman Text
Kesedaran pembayar cukai taksiran terhadap kepentingan pembThesis
Use ICT, media urged Text
Single link flexible robot manipulator Thesis
Enforcing the law Text
Double standards Text
Good job being done by microbes Text
Usah buang 50,000 pekerja kontrak Text
Woman world spa management system Thesis
Performance and emissions of light-duty diesel vehicle fuelled Indexed Paper
Framework to reduce variation processing time in public projectThesis
Numerical descriptive inherent safety technique (NuDIST) for in Indexed Paper
Statistik Text
Pengenalan binaan bangunan / binaan landskap Text
Survey on relational database watermarking techniques Indexed Paper
Pengolahan air sisa industri dan berbahaya Text
Motivation towards reading among engineering students of Unive Thesis
Influence of porosity and facies of Baturaja carbonate to the se Conference Papers
Factors causing the poor performance of construction project (PText
A review : simultaneous localization and mapping algorithms Indexed Paper
Usahawan siswazah Text
Perbandingan intensiti perlawanan mengikut kumpulan posisi atlet Conference Papers
Cancer to hit more women Text
17 errant traders in hot water Text
Sistem pembinaan dan bahan binaan bangunan di kawasan payaThesis
Pre-signed and undated Text
Engineering survey technology Exam Papers
Exploit flower industry Text
Performance evaluation of conformal and straight cooling channThesis
Introduction to Construction Exam Papers
Unit trust, unit investment trust Text
Joint power allocation for DF concatenated MIMO successive re Indexed Paper
Konsesi ikut pembidaan, syarikat laksana projek penswastaan di Text
E-pelabuhan : PTP sasar status sistem ICT tercanggih dunia Text
Ramai hilang kerja jika PMC dihentikan Text
Asas inovasi dan pengeluaran produk Exam Papers
Bahasa inggeris perlu untuk celik minda Text
Technology acceptance model for nursing process in hospital in Thesis
Penyelidik Universiti Sains Malaysia hasilkan plastik mudah urai Text
Corporate cash holding behavior and financial environment : a crIndexed Paper
Harta lebih berkat melalui amalan zakat Text
Agama, kebudayaan pemacu keajaiban kuasa ekonomi Asia Text
Ampangs hill of death Text
Aiming for world-class status Text
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Reformasi penyampaian awam Text
Mobile tour guide Thesis
Berurus niaga di LIMA Text
Syed Hussein Alatas ilmuwan sejati Text
Dual frequency ISM band butler matrix using planar coupler Conference Papers
A statistical comparison of digital X-ray images for MTB patients Conference Papers
SPR cadang naikkan deposit calon pilihan raya Text
Kajian kemampuan pemilikan perumahan di negeri Perak Thesis
Punca mengapa konsep satu sekolah gagal Text
UPSI sedia tawar bahasa Arab, Mandarin, Tamil Text
Prestasi keseluruhan sangat memuaskan Text
Programming/Pengaturcaraan Text
Susun semula kementerian sesuai keperluan Text
Design of digital console and data management software for inc Thesis
Acces control and perimeter protection Exam Papers
Beware these greens : tainted vegetables at Selayang wholesaleText
Menilai keberkesanan program pembangunan orang asli SimpanThesis
Fuzzy c-means clustering for DNA computing readout method imConference Papers
Tingkaklaku kepimpinan pengetua dan hubungan dengan tekanan Conference
k Papers
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system model with application Thesis
R&D : Malaysia masih jauh ketinggalan Text
Hidden danger at playground, parks Text
Accuracy assessment of small format aerial photo based on vari Thesis
Grid portal technology for WEB based education of parallel compConference Papers
Focus on skills training Text
The application of property management system by managing a Thesis
Intelligent solar street light Thesis
Such gall Text
Simulation of continuously variable transmission (CVT) ratio con Text
Soal bahasa ajar Sains, Matematik bukan isu besar Text
60 net crimes a month Text
Design and analysis of prestressed flat slab aided by microsoft e Thesis
40,500 guru sains, matematik jalani latihan Text
Synthesis, characterization and application of hollow titania mi Thesis
Pintu rundingan tutup: PM Text
Set up offices in Britain, law firms urged Text
Modification of intensive care unit data using analytical hierar Non-Index Paper
Kabinet lulus RM30 juta bantu 6,000 keluarga beli ASB Text
Pengukuran tahap keterukan lelubang pada jalan berturapan anjText
Diabetes semakin menular Text
Fine arts schools open in Sarawak, Johor Text
Mahasiswa dekati Orang Asli Text
PM : show your power by delivering the goods Text
Acceptance of feedbacks in reputation systems: the role of online Non-Index Paper
E-NSGA-II for machining process parameters optimization Thesis
Navies to limit ships in disputed area Text
Cement properties effects to steel corrosion rate Conference Papers
Economy and Specification Exam Papers
Feature extracted classifiers based on EEG signals : a survey Indexed Paper
Mooring effect on wave frequency response of round shape FPSIndexed Paper
Proton, Mitsubishi form new tie-up Text
UKM kurangkan pengambilan pelajar Text
Pelaksanaan RMK-9 : beri perhatian 3 perkara penting Text
Mercu tanda 100 tingkat Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Bioremediasi Dan Biogdegradasi Text
Manufacturing process re-engineering design implementation u Text
Thermal and moisture analyses in a solid desiccant wheel Thesis
Ageing response of squeeze cast al 6061 alloy reinforced with al Text
Computing the nonabelian tensor squares of certain crystallogr Conference Papers
Principle of marketing Exam Papers
Ujian mamogram - Kedegilan membawa padah Text
Designing power system stabilizer for multimachine power systeText
Smoother travel on the NSE Text
Faktor sejarah antara punca harga air ke Singapura murah Text
A study of rotenone from Derris roots of varies location, plant p Indexed Paper
Modelling the determinants influencing the need of computer sim Indexed Paper
Kajian menyeluruh atasi kerenah pejabat tanah Text
Islamic banks need to rise to global level Text
Plasma splashing from A1 dan Cu materials induced by an Nd YAConference Papers
Six-year-old boy sets mattress ablaze and flames engulf house Text
The study of the optimum cross linking polymer for sharyoof oil fThesis
Pembinaan model pelan pemakanan berdasarkan prinsip Halala Thesis
Gejala lumba haram perlu pendekatan menyeluruh Text
Nondestrutive testing Exam Papers
Pengurusan profesional urus perniagaan Text
Effect of using waste tyre rubber on the properties of double la Journal Article
Najib calls on ulama to master English language Text
KWAP urus pelaburan RM54b biaya pencen Text
300 sertai sidang industri News Paper Cuttings
Latihan siswazah perubatan dua tahun Text
Current state and future prospects of plastic waste as source of fIndexed Paper
Persepsi pelatih-pelatih terhadap Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SThesis
1,024 Suksis 2011 terima sijil tamat latihan News Paper Cuttings
Etika profesional Exam Papers
Harga barangan kulit masih kompetitif Text
Sifat-sifat konkrit berudara yang mengandungi pelbagai simen t Text
Privatization of road maintenance in Malaysia : a case study (FullText
Analisis multivariat Text
Tak wujud kekeliruan harga kenderaan : MAA Text
Introduction of chemically labile substructures into Arabidopsis Indexed Paper
Biasiswa ATM khusus perubatan Text
Pengukuran prestasi ruang akademik institusi pengajian tinggi Thesis
Complete genome of the potential thermozyme producer Anoxybacillus gonensis G2T isolated
Indexed Paper from the Gönen
Abdullah wants cops to send shivers down spine of criminals Text
Sela terima pemandu di lorong bercantum lebuhraya Thesis
Implikasi struktur pemilikan, struktur model dan aliran tunai be Thesis
Adsorptive coagulation-flocculation removal of antibiotics in sw Thesis
Termodinamik Text
Overcoming religious sensitivity Text
Exporting our expertise Text
Kewangan Islam global perlu rangka selia konsisten Text
Pupuk bakat kepemimpinan muda Text
The effect of tool surface roughness in cold work extrusion Conference Papers
Cengkaman krisis ekonomi, politik tak jejas tumpuan bangunkanText
Sembahyang juga boleh rawat penyakit kritikal Text
UTM pilihan sertai Program PhD industri News Paper Cuttings
Insentif baru untuk guru Text
Engineering software/Perisian kejuruteraan Text
Car dealers hit by glut Text
Terengganu to improve civil servantsÆ skills Text
Kad Hijau diperkenal semula Text
Solid and hazardous waste management Exam Papers
CIMB perluas pinjaman PKS bidang profesional Text
Program ekonomi rakyat Text
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of rubber seed oil rich in Thesis
Two dimensional direct current resistivity mapping for subsurfacThesis
Malaysia beri bantuan kepakaran kepada Zambia Text
MNS wants reserve to be made national park Text
Joule heating effect reduction of an electromagnet system utiliz Journal Article
Dosimetric properties of germanium doped calcium borate glassIndexed Paper
Development of a web-based mobile robot Thesis
Talian bekalan elektrik dan kesannya ke atas masyarakat dan nil Text
Kabinet baru utamakan pembaharuan Text
Tourist dollar in old buildings News Paper Cuttings
100,000 ahli RT ikuti kursus kemahiran Text
Hantar guru ke desa biar telus Text
Ekonomi positif bukan propaganda Text
Cerai meningkat: Bukan Islam mungkin wajib ikuti kursus prape Text
Fluid-solid particles flow over an urban street canyon Thesis
Rheological, mechanical, morphological and thermal properties oThesis
Hall reservation and maintenance management system for Majl Thesis
UUM gondol 13 pingat di MTEÆ08 Text
Drive for foreign investment steps up Text
Study on tribological characteristic of cross mixing engine oils Thesis
Removal of bisphenol a from aqueous solution by adsorbing ontoThesis
I-Bhd menyerap teknologi digital untuk kemukakan barangan ru Text
Defending against kidney stonesá Text
Proposal to amend Human Tissues Act Text
Robust human detection with occlusion handling by fusion of t Journal Article
Landscape construction 1 Exam Papers
Badan khas urus gaya hidup sihat Text
A review of systematic approach for sustainable redevelopment Journal
of Article
Water quality management Exam Papers
Sejarah dan falsafah matematik Text
Kumpulan pertama 600 Proton Waja sedia dieksport ke Iran Text
SPPK ganti UPSR 2011? Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Text
More than 4,000 screened at KLIA Text
Miniaturized electronic circuit for amplification and wireless tra Thesis
Articulation of outcome-based education in graduate education:Journal Article
Guna bekas sendiri ke pasar raya akan dikuatkuasa Text
Shortage of experts acute Text
Proses undi wakil pelajar UTM lancar Text
Finding dominant parameters for fault diagnosis of a single bea Indexed Paper
Be more innovative, banks told Text
Penerimaan banduan terhadap latihan kemahiran vokasional di Thesis
Isolation and identification of A3 -chloropropionic acid (3CP) d Thesis
Production of thermostable pullulanase from Bacillus Flavother Thesis
Mat Kilau, the Malay warrior Text
Serah urusan bantuan penyakit kepada NGO Text
Terengganu pintu gerbang ilmu Text
Penilaian struktur kurikulum pendidikan islam institusi pengajia Thesis
An insight into the structural, electronic and transport characte Indexed Paper
A Comparative study of nyquist pulse†shaping impact on perJournal Article
Frog robot Thesis
The organizational issues of knowledge sharing among academicNon-Index
s Paper
Race to save Copenhagen Text
Corelation between skid resistance and surface texture for vari Conference Papers
Hiasan eksotik buluh kian diminati Text
Mahathir minta percepatkan projek Bandar Kota Putra Text
Gas asli disyor alternatif murah, bersih ganti petrol Text
Poor varsity students to benefit from tithes Text
Flexural effect of flange width variation of ferrocement-cold-f Thesis
Suasana terus kelam-kabut Text
Pinjaman tanpa faedah untuk kakitangan USM Text
Position tracking of pneumatic actuator with loads by using prediIndexed Paper
Design and development of a hand massage device for blood doThesis
Molecular dynamics simulation for self-diffusion coefficients of Indexed Paper
3 komponen penyelidikan Text
Mengklasifikasikan jenis kecacatan kayu balak dengan menggunaThesis
Mechanical and electrical properties of electrically conductive Indexed Paper
Protein separation techniques in biotechnology Text
Experiential contacts with green infrastructure’s diversity a Non-Index Paper
Open burning in Klang Valley banned Text
Penyakit jiwa binasakan batin, peribadi manusia Text
Unimas - Kampus bestari berkonsep terbuka Text
Starch degradation and biohydrogen generation by Bacillus sp. SThesis
Chinese live longer due to lifestyle and eating habits Text
Biar anak-anak seronok Text
New centre for research on heart disease News Paper Cuttings
A study of the spheroplast observations for W303 single cells Conference Papers
Design of an electromyogram system Thesis
Remaja ketagih rokok kian membimbangkan Text
Immunologi Text
Programming Exam Papers
Low carbon awareness among primary school students through Is Indexed Paper
Predicting model of academic buoyancy: the roles of achievement Conference Papers
Two sergeants nabbed in raids Text
60 remaja mula merokok setiap hari Text
Four challenges confronting Asia, says Abdullah Text
Enam pengajian baru dilulus di tiga universiti News Paper Cuttings
Keindahan Sungai Muar unik Text
Semua DUN kecuali Sarawak dibubar hari ini Text
Lepasan Kolej Komuniti, politeknik mudah dapat kerja Text
Sektor perikanan utara rugi RM53 juta Text
Prioritization of farmlands in a multicriteria irrigation water al Indexed Paper
Thermodynamic analysis of ejector as an expansion device on spli Indexed Paper
Farmers confess to wide use of illegal pesticides Text
UTM students on biodiesel expedition from Pontianak to Kudat Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada United Malayan Land News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar akan disingkir, biasiswa ditarik : Shafie Text
Utama siasatan kes ragut Text
Hasrat UKM wujud pusat pelajar pintar disokong Text
Pengetahuan guru dan tahap kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT Conference Papers
Analisis kestabilan cerun di SJK (C) Yuk Chai, Kuala Krai, KelantanThesis
Bahan polimer Text
Sistem kuota : kekalkan ikut taraf sosial Text
Three drug rackets busted Text
Dutch Lady hanya naikkan harga pada kadar minimum Text
Malaysia can hit growth of 5% this year Text
Malaysia amal prinsip ASEAN selesai pertikaian di Sulawesi Text
3,173 mangsa banjir dipindah Text
Amalan pendidikan guru-guru sekolah menengah dalam memupuk Thesis
Millions of children die needlessly, say doctors Text
College offers diploma, MasterÆs for cops Text
Dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser to generate terahertzIndexed
r Paper
AIGM grads can get advanced standing for a bachelors Text
Deklarasi Kuala Lumpur Text
Sistem akaun belum terima bersepadu Pejabat Bendahari (Previ Text
Enhancing password storage security Thesis
Superkonduktiviti Exam Papers
Special topics Exam Papers
Kemudahan Macres dipertingkat untuk alirkan data dari RazaksaText
Hybrid artificial neural network-genetic algorithm technique fo Indexed Paper
Potentials of global positioning system for meteorology in low-laThesis
Stylized line drawing and shading effects for cartoon rendering Conference Papers
Attitudinal factors affecting viral advertising pass-on behaviour Thesis
Research methods in psychology Exam Papers
The use of emotional design for automotive design Thesis
Sarawak on alert for disease outbreak Text
Pendaki UTM tangguh ekspedisi tawan Everest News Paper Cuttings
Redefining histograms of oriented gradients descriptors for handThesis
Mathematics II (matematik II) Text
Slope stability analysis in unsaturated slope (Preview) Text
Experimental study of electro-mechanical dual acting pulley contJournal Article
Hospital perlu simpan ubat penawar bisa ular : Dr. Abdul Latiff Text
Terapi sel tunjang ganti suntikan insulin diabetes Text
Consumer voice towards environmental green mobile phone : a Tchesis
Maintenance of road in district of Kota Marudu, Sabah Text
Bangunkan MyEV News Paper Cuttings
Big bucks in medical tourism Text
New government co-op to help poor Text
Pembangunan sistem maklumat baitul hilal di Malaysia Thesis
UUM intai kerjasama dengan universiti Turki Text
Johor perlu proses air bersih sendiri Text
Keadaan kewangan PTPTN kini kiritikal Text
Influence of heat treatment on properties of hot isostatically p Conference Papers
Pretreatment of cocoa waste for bioethanol production using ionJournal Article
Employers to pay part of annual levy for their foreign workers Text
Communication principle (prinsip perhubungan) Text
Sektor pembuatan catat jumlah tertinggi Text
Perbaharui komitmen pertahan kemerdekaan Text
Kerajaan, Perkeso bincang skim baru kepentingan pekerja Text
Korea Selatan mahu belajar perbankan Islam kita Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kurangnya pengambilan golonThesis
Ketandusan kaedah didik kanak-kanak jadi baik Text
Analisis risiko pada saluran konkrit dan alur berumput di Lima K Text
Weathers impact on diseases Text
Compressive strength of concrete with fibres at elevated tempe Journal Article
Instrumentation and electrical measurement Exam Papers
Device modelling of archimedean spiral graphene nanoscroll field Thesis
Akta Perpustakaan Negara dipinda 2007 Text
Characterization of Al65Cu20Fe15 quasicrystal (QC) alloy produ Thesis
Beza perjuangan di Gaza dan Kilinochchi Text
Context-aware cloud computing for construction collaboration Non-Index Paper
Data mining : a preview Text
Applied optics Exam Papers
Pollution for sale Text
OIC jangan dipinggirkan Text
IPTS - Pastikan kursus mendapat akreditasi Text
Injection moulding parameters and performance of rice husk-higText
Government ponders limit on number of SPM subjects Text
Insurance plan for new teachers Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan pemilihan pakej SPM di Sekolah M Text
Digital image processing II Text
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Pembaharuan SMT Text
Bukan Islam jangan curiga Mahkamah Syariah Text
Subject : Non-Euclidean Geometry Exam Papers
More mums breastfeeding Text
Pakatan NATO sudah tidak relevan News Paper Cuttings
Kelantan bakal berubah : Abdullah ikrar pembangunan drastik Text
Kajidaya bendalir Text
Kaji cara agih barang kawalan : Shafie Text
No stake-outs of public parks Text
Pensyarah UTM temui kaedah warna tekstil Text
IPTA jadi universiti penyelidikan Text
Absorption cross section simulation: a preliminary study of ult Journal Article
Jaga nama baik MSC : Abdullah Text
Jualan kereta dijangka cecah 506,000 tahun ini Text
Pahala mentaati ibu bapa melebihi jihad fisabilillah Text
UUM anjur seminar kebangsaan komunikasi Text
Penjara untuk penyeludup ayam Text
USM students out of list Text
Operational research III Text
MyRAM: improvement of software and methodology Thesis
Artificial intelligence (AI) support for knowledge management inText
Building services I Exam Papers
Taman Seni Islam - Lambang kemakmuran seni Islam dan al-Qur Text
Asal usul lagu Negaraku Text
Watch that protein Text
Tingkahlaku dan persepsi pejalan kaki terhadap kemudahan lal Thesis
Modeling of image processing algorithms for hardware-softwareThesis
Shahrizat mahu universiti dedah hasil penyelidikan Text
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Human values identification and assessment tool development Thesis
The profile of contract administrator's liability to third party Thesis
Latihan Tatacara Lawatan Berpandu Ruang Perkhidmatan dan G Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Perundangan Islam dilindungi Perlembagaan Text
Obtain an edge at UTM Text
Mencari kedamaian di laman Text
Ensuring safer work sites Text
Mekanik bendalir (Fluid mechanics) Text
Bioseparation (Biopemisahan) Text
Kerajaan Johor sasar kemakmuran berterusan Text
23,471 guru, pensyarah dapat kenaikan gred Text
Sesi Taklimat Penerbitan Ilmiah Pentadbir Utm di Przs Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kajian kadar endapan di Empangan Bekok menggunakan kaedahText p
Solid waste law to be introduced soon Text
A study of malay language usage in Malaysian annual report Conference Papers
Teknologi satelit dan stesen bumi Text
Graduan boleh kerja sendiri guna kreativiti Text
GDP growth to be revised, says Najib Text
Coagulation of the suspended organic colloids using the electrofIndexed Paper
Suspects are Wahabbi followers Text
Resistance of mass transfer, kinetic and isotherm study of am Indexed Paper
Koperasi pacu ekonomi Text
Masalah pengangkutan selesai 2007 Text
A study of firm integration and supply chain orientation in cons Non-Index Paper
Peranan NTRC jayakan pendermaan organ Text
RM100 juta untuk bantu pekebun kecil getah Text
Cost planning and control Exam Papers
Turap jalan berlubang di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Bangunkan teknologi GIS Text
Students' perception of on-campus cycling program at UniversitiThesis
Bengkel herba dan bioteknologi di CEPP UTM Text
Telefon bimbit lebih mudaratkan pelajar Text
Image enhancement and unified segmentation approach in motion Thesis
Perceptions of students, teachers and academics on the implemThesis
Peperiksaan : pelajar perlu tingkat keyakinan Text
Negara berasaskan sistem beraja Text
Kuala Lumpur Kota Kebudayaan Islam Text
Integrated modeling of multi-criteria evaluation and planning s Conference Papers
Dynamics analysis of ride comfort of two degree of freedom of Thesis
Lantik wanita anggotai tribunal perkahwinan Text
RM200j maju bandar herba Text
Land use planning Exam Papers
Belum ada vaksin bagi virus denggi ditemui Text
PM vows clean govt Text
Pemulihan kawasan terganggu Text
Age estimation based on bone length using 12 regression modelsIndexed Paper
Tiada bukti kukuh hakim terbabit rasuah Text
Menyemai benih bioteknologi negara Text
Doktor gagal hantar laporan tempat kerja Text
Sasar 30 peratus jadi usahawan Text
Badan khas kaji semula sistem asrama sekolah Text
Alpha-glucosidase and 15-lipoxygenase inhibitory activities of Indexed Paper
Work improvement at a car manufacturing company Text
Comparison Between Water Quality Index (WQI) And Biological Wat Indexed Paper
Consumer behaviour Exam Papers
Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles for the anticancer drugs deThesis
Penyelidikan jadi wawasan baru Text
Penilaian terhadap ciri - ciri agregat yang digunakan dalam turapa
Skim pencen untuk sektor swasta disokong Text
Serangan Mumbai tidak sama seperti 9/11 Text
Tiga maut, 10 cedera dalam nahas News Paper Cuttings
Integration of least recently used algorithm and neuro-fuzzy sys Conference Papers
Prinsip pemasaran Text
Investigating the mediating role of organizational citizenship b Conference Papers
RM2.5b biayai projek PDRM Text
The relationship between irrational beliefs and adjustment of f Thesis
Climate change and road safety : a review to assess impacts in MIndexed Paper
Analytical studies of the behaviour of semi-rigid non-sway frameText
Cleaner air due to heavy rain Text
Johor ready to cope with mass invasion News Paper Cuttings
Utamakan perpaduan Text
Principles of economics / prinsip ekonomi Text
Hunt for bank robbers who eye those withdrawing large sums Text
Human resouce development from the islamic perspective Exam Papers
Competition key to lower prices Text
Tree induced soil suction and slope stability Conference Papers
Rahmat kerasulan dalam misi pembangunan umat Text
UKM to set up paramedic faculty News Paper Cuttings
Numerical study of carrier velocity for P-type strained silicon M Conference Papers
Microwave plasma-induced graphene-sheet fibers from waste c Indexed Paper
The assessment of the variation of physico-chemical sources for Journal Article
Penagih syabu sukar pulih Text
Programming II / (Pengaturcaraan II) Text
PTP : kendalian meningkat Text
Comparative studies of mechanical properties of poly(epsilon-cap Indexed Paper
Publics' perception on safety towards construction traffic move Thesis
Multi-floor indoor location estimation system based on wireless Text
Insentif lebih baik bagi pekerja tempatan : Najib Text
Effect of fines content on liquefaction susceptibility of sand-kao Thesis
University spin off formations: how decision making process ha Non-Index Paper
ASEAN wajar terajui EAS Text
Kerajaan ambil tindakan jika naik harga barang Text
Potential of tissue cultured medicinal plants in malaysia Journal Article
School fees can be staggered Text
A maximum power point tracking converter for photovoltaic appThesis
Urine test strip analysis using image processing for mobile Journal Article
Skim pencen bantu artis dikaji Text
Single channel EMG amplifier and filter Thesis
Kesan birokrasi ke atas kelancaran sistem pengurusan penyelidika Thesis
Propeller effect on 3D flow at the stern hull of a LNG carrier us Indexed Paper
EPF : one form to fill to benefit your kin Text
Pelaksanaan cegah, rawat H1N1 perlu tindakan serius Text
Mohd. Ismail kini timbalan NC UTM News Paper Cuttings
Harga kereta Proton, Perodua lebih murah Text
Goodies for almost every sector Text
Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS hardware - mechThesis
Sisa toksik : JAS akan bertindak Text
Prices down for 17 controlled food items Text
Bioteknologi Text
An analysis of household acceptance of curbside recycling sche Indexed Paper
Powering fuel efficiency News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of army helmet when impacted at high velocity by usin Thesis
UTM tinqkatkan kecemerlangan News Paper Cuttings
Tensile and thermal properties of bambusa arundinacea and denIndexed Paper
Matlamat nabi palsu sesatkan umat supaya berpecah-belah Text
An experimental investigation on partial-ductile mode grinding ofText
Identification of motivation, challenges, impact and critical suc Thesis
Sistem pakar analisa pemeriksaan kesihatan Text
Felcra to help the poor Text
Strategi Bersih 4 makan diri News Paper Cuttings
Network and service economy systems and technology Exam Papers
Hirisan kuasa politik Melayu bandar Text
Ketua Asean bertemu kukuh kerjasama serantau Text
Play is the best teacher Text
Tinjauan majikan zon selatan terhadap graduan Fakulti PendidikaThesis
Integration of verification in OTP cryptography for highly criti Thesis
Safety management and its influence on job satisfaction throughThesis
The scientific principles of the seven-year-cultivation rule of Conference Papers
KDNK 3 bulan dijangka 5.4 peratus Text
Semakan dasar rangsang industri automotif negara Text
IDB kagum cara kita basmi kemiskinan Text
Dugongs are threatened Text
Sebatian metoksiaromatik sebagai substrat pertumbuhan dan Text
Clarity of construction contract Conference Papers
Rheological properties of nanoclay as new nanotechnology of apIndexed Paper
Analisa rangkaian Text
The estimation of power flux of microwave radiation from a negat Indexed Paper
Malaysian robotic violin comes in second Text
Methods of handling missing data with reference to rainfall in P Thesis
Child Act protects identity of incest, abuse victims Text
Production of high purity multi-walled carbon nanotubes produ Conference Papers
Tujuh politeknik baru dalam RMK-9 Text
MalaccaÆs Kolej Risda plans to seek varsity status Text
An evolvable block-based neural network architecture for emb Thesis
Bakun dam may begin to supply power in 2010 Text
Statistical vibration based damage identification using artificial Conference Papers
Penyelenggaraan bangunan kos rendah menggunapakai tabung pen Thesis
Energy management of multiple alternative energy resources Thesis
High cost killing contractors Text
Syiling satu sen tetap dikeluar selepas 1 April Text
Sejuta tong minyak sehari Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Book Shelves Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penjagaan anak-anak yang menyeronokkan Conference Papers
China perlu lebih bersifat terbuka News Paper Cuttings
Penilaian prestasi Text
Magnetics, 2-D resistivity and geotechnical studies for shallow Journal Article
Getting strong reaction Text
Structural behaviour of singly reinforced OPS beams Conference Papers
Kanser nasofarinks Text
Kemangkatan Tunku Laksamana Johor News Paper Cuttings
Optical properties of undoped and Dy3+-doped boro-tellurite gl Indexed Paper
Indonesia faham tindakan kita ke atas pekerjanya Text
Kemelut BCHB, SBB dijangka berakhir Text
Proposed, fund to manage fuel cost Text
Women should : senously consider insurance planning Text
NAM must remain united, says Abdullah Text
Pemodelan dan simulasi kendalian dinamik kereta Proton Waja Text
Entering university experience and selfregulated learning amon Indexed Paper
Sindrom malas ke sekolah menular di Sarawak Text
Go back to rubber, Chin tells agri sector Text
Hubungan sikap (komitmen, emosi, berwawasan) dengan pencapai Non-Index Paper
Benarkan semua guru merotan -- Gesaan NUTP bagi atasi masalah Text
Optimization of round shape floating LNG supply chain efficienc Thesis
Relationship between Big Five personality and transformational Thesis
Persidangan bioteknologi moden bincang isu penyelidikan Text
Underwater channel characterization to design wireless sensor Indexed Paper
Fahami konsep perabot moden Text
3 tunjang utama mantapkan Piagam Asean Text
Komunikasi pemasaran Text
Spike suppression in a bidirectional high-frequency transformer-Conference Papers
Khidmat Dr Mohd Zulkifli disambung Text
Build operate and own financial scheme analysis for an office at Text
Hubungan KL, Jepun makin akrab Text
Johor to produce organic food Text
Kristal karbon : teknik rawatan air tercemar Text
Sarapan sangat penting Text
Adakan semula aliran Inggeris : meningkatkan penguasaan bahasText
Effect of reaction temperatures on synthesis of poly(Acrylamide Thesis
Statistical based audio forensic on identical microphones Indexed Paper
Proton mampu bangkit Text
Sukan gagal ubati ideologi politik Text
UTM honorary doctorate for Dr M Text
Microstrip array antenna for automobile radar system (Preview)Text
Municipal solid waste management Exam Papers
Savvy, discerning and self-motivated Text
Pas paling rugi News Paper Cuttings
Analisis kestabilan cerun tak tepu dengan kaedah keseimbanganThesis
Preliminary study in applying time domain reflectometry conceptThesis
173,000 low-cost houses to be built Text
MPM UTM tabur bakti di Sudan News Paper Cuttings
Building technology Exam Papers
Detecting drowsy driver using pulse sensor Indexed Paper
Lambaran elektronik : satu pendekatan berkomputer bagi kaed Text
Control systems Exam Papers
Polis sokong syor daftar prabayar Text
Rasional dan keperluan penyelarasan tarif air Text
More tea trees to be planted Text
Proposed urban forest development for Sandakan Rainforest PaThesis
Feasiblity study on improving of 5-seater helicopter foward flightText
Finding spatio-temporal patterns in climate data using clusteringConference Papers
Menjadikan aktiviti ekonomi sebagai budaya Melayu Text
Sustainable housing : LFEA of precast frame (Full text) Text
English entering a new era Text
Multiscale element - free galerkin method with penalty for 2D b Indexed Paper
Modeling and force control of thin soft McKibben actuator Indexed Paper
DF kaji ambil alih ekuiti BIMB Text
Lebih baik lengkapkan IPTA dengan Wi-Fi Text
Info on pet food a must Text
HIV vaccine : the magic is in the gene Text
Physical chemistry for engineer Exam Papers
Bantuan perkapita kokurikulum dinaik Text
Building performance assessment in terms of energy consumptioThesis
Franchising can help nation become halal hub Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kekuatan penebatan pada peText
Power system engineering Exam Papers
Sarawak govt fully online by end of 2010 Text
UTM sedia bekerjasama News Paper Cuttings
GST lebih produktif, berkesan kukuh ekonomi negara Text
Correlation between compression index and plasticity index for cText
A levy flight particle swarm optimizer for machining performanc Thesis
Siswa IPTA wajib ambil kursus keusahawanan Text
Soft skills essential for success in todayÆs workplace Text
Bioremediasi dan biodegradasi Text
Membawa MSC Malaysia ke persada dunia Text
Keunikan program homestay pikat pelancong Text
Simulation of electrode for dual-modality electrical resistance Journal Article
Teknologi binaan Text
Predicting of noise from construction site : deterministic vs sto Conference Papers
PM-Dr M meeting : One on One Text
Umat Islam perlu tingkat ilmu Text
Effect of acid oxidation on the dispersion property of multiwal Conference Papers
Piawaian halal pemangkin pencapaian syarikat Text
Susilo jamin pertahan hubungan Text
USIM perkayakan buku tempatan Text
Erectile dysfunction linked to heart problem Text
The determinant factors of the failure of provision of very low- Text
Tingkat penyertaan wanita dalam IKS : Abdullah Text
Kumpulan siswa terakhir bagi sekolah rendah Text
Number of accidents is still high Text
Budaya Malaysia II Text
Critical success factors for successful enterprise architecture i Thesis
Nickel-cobalt layered double hydroxide anchored zinc oxide nanIndexed Paper
Guan Eng mengaku gagal tangani kemiskinan tegar Text
Sektor pertanian mampu berdaya maju Text
Fizik keadaan pepejal Exam Papers
Pelantikan Dr M penasihat Proton tepat Text
A world first in oil palm technology Text
Kajian dan rekabentuk semula sistem paip yang sedia ada unt Text
KUTKM mampu bersaing Text
Kebersihan kunci kawal wabak Text
Distributed computing jobs scheduling improvement using simulConference Papers
Rekabentuk sistem lampu isyarat berbantukan komputer untuk tText
Energy consumption measurement and monitoring in optical ac Thesis
Kementerian Pelajaran susun semula projek RMK-9 Text
More measures to curb H1N1 Text
Static voltage stability assessment with continuation power flowThesis
Akademi orang buku Text
Determinataion of optimum roof insulation thickness for a singleText
JPJ kaji pinda akta alat ganti Text
An algorithm for automated estimation of road roughness from Indexed Paper
Wideband monopole antenna for second generation terrestrial di Thesis
Keretakan bukan kerana silap reka bentuk tiang Text
The effectiveness of river water treatment plant in improving w Thesis
Matematik binaan Text
Workshop technology I Exam Papers
Combination of laser and photogrammetric techniques for prec Conference Papers
Penyelarasan tarif air seluruh negara dikaji Text
Larangan merokok di tempat kerja pertengahan tahun depan Text
Background losses reduction by excessive pressure cut off Thesis
Hovercraft for UTM News Paper Cuttings
Tomographic imaging : multiple fan beam projection technique us Conference Papers
Nano-hydroxyapatite reinforced zeolite ZSM composites : a compr Indexed Paper
Tourism analysis Text
Perundangan e-dagang Asean perlu diselaras Text
Antioxidant flavonoids from melastomataceae Conference Papers
DPM to meet Malay organisations Text
Panduan ibadah di ISS diiktiraf dunia Islam Text
Killer stroke : six Malaysians hit every hour Text
Seismic detailing, a compromised principal for seismic design in Conference Papers
Thermogravimetric analysis of char waste from the air gasificati Indexed Paper
Biological analysis of microarray data using orthogonal forward Indexed Paper
Nobel laureate to give public lecture at USM Text
Experimental investigation on blunt-edged delta wing model VFEThesis
Universiti Harvard terbaik di dunia Text
Penentukuran halaju sungai menggunakan kaedah apungan (PreText
Inventory of heritage buildings compiled Text
Cognitive forwarding for real-time routing in wireless sensor ne Conference Papers
Dangers of smoking underestimated Text
300,000 couples suffer from infertility Text
Our animation works highly rated Text
Recovery of gold by a mixed culture comprising thiobacillus ferroText
Study on feed-in-tariff (FiT) for BIPV system; a Malaysia scenarioJournal Article
Development of asean food security information system of malay Thesis
Adaptive time-frequency distribution for accurate representationThesis
Inisiatif modenisasi pentadbiran awam Text
Finite element modelling of interface shear strength at concret Conference Papers
Intensity-modulated temperature sensor based on fiber interferoIndexed Paper
Dakwaan rasuah babit hakim bukan perkara baru Text
Transformasi minda masyarakat Felda Text
Introduction to construction Exam Papers
PTPTN abolishment has consequences, says Dr Zaini News Paper Cuttings
Journey home ends in death Text
Flame and emission characteristics of a premixed swirl-stabilise Journal Article
Pegawai kerajaan tak diugut Text
Nissan to cut vehicle prices by 3-12pc Text
Development of new product's transaction in Unit Trust System Thesis
The effect of bio-based additives on engine performance and emiConference Papers
Performance of square high strength concrete specimens using sThesis
Aplikasi cerucuk terjara dalam pembinaan jambatan konkrit merThesis
Introduction to real estate Exam Papers
Drastic drop in bird stopovers as wetlands are lost Text
Geofizik Text
Risk assessment process of hazards in construction sites (Full texText
Serikandi Bahasa Melayu Text
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Proses instrumentasi Text
Akhbar Melayu perlu lebih kritikal Text
Naik taraf 10 pusat kecemerlangan Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Aipa mesti perkukuh kedudukan Text
Methods to study enhancement of problem solving skills in eng Non-Index Paper
Matematik diskret Text
Usahawan Melayu perlu kembangkan ilmu Text
Kerangka II Text
Kelemahan urus sistem saliran masalah utama Text
MAS and AirAsia to share routes Text
Doa, sabar perisai kemanisan hadapi kesukaran Text
Ubah pendekatan belajar al-Quran Text
Kad pintar pekerja asing Text
Do demographic make a difference to job burnout among univerIndexed Paper
Having cancer, and feeling good Text
Kempen derma organ biar berterusan Text
Private sector has obligation to help old folk Text
USIM kini semakin disegani Text
Asas Kuasa Dan Mesin Elektrik Text
Ekonomi Asia kian kebal Text
Electronic conduction processes in amorphous silicon-carbon th Conference Papers
Meeting Malay needs Text
Pathway- based microarray analysis for defining statistical sign Conference Papers
Smart card for foreign vehicles Text
Sukarelawan MASKUM berbakti Text
Evaluation of inflow/infiltration and flow characteristics for desi Text
Mikropemproses Text
Ratusan bangunan ranap, beribu-ribu dikhuatiri tertimbus Text
Majikan disaran hantar pekerja ikuti latihan Text
Kandungan, pendekatan pendidikan seks perlu bertunjangkan nila Text
Vernacular schools excluded for now Text
Tangani gejala sosial tugas semua pihak Text
Yes, we are rude Text
Ramadan boleh jadi tarikan pelancong Text
Entrepreneurial passion, achievement motivation goals and behaIndexed Paper
Application of close range photogrammetry in Zoology Thesis
The productivity degree of two subgroups of dihedral groups Indexed Paper
Work at home part-time Text
KDNK tumbuh 4 peratus Text
New portal for teachers Text
Forensic database system development for building paints Conference Papers
Cost of accidents in the manufacturing industry (Preview) Text
R-curve modelling of mode I delamination in multidirectional c Indexed Paper
Extraction and evaluation of anti inflammatory activity of spath Journal Article
Shooting practice for all NS trainees from June 25 Text
UTM, CSM tubuh Makmal Satelit Data Raya News Paper Cuttings
Computer forensic management system Thesis
Marine Streptomyces SP. UKMCC_PT15 producing undecylprodigios Journal Article
UTM-JCorp tubuh pusat perubatan News Paper Cuttings
Potential alkali silica reactivity of various rock types in an aggre Indexed Paper
Six states ravaged by damage and destruction Text
Kerajaan akan jual ekuiti syarikat besar Text
New agri varsity will help fulfil need for experts Text
Singapore should be sincere Text
Seven days to produce APs for imported cars Text
Malaysia, Singapore to continue bridge talks Text
Social issues getting attention Text
Creative and critical thinking Exam Papers
Untung Proton 4 kali ganda Text
We are doing it for country, not glory Text
Good implementation vital to Budget success Text
Lahir atlit lulusan IPT Text
Factors influencing air travel in Peninsular Malaysia (Fulltext) Text
Experimental investigation on end-plate connection with built- Thesis
Design and manufacturing of uniform field electrode (UFE) Thesis
Jadikan guru modal insan bermartabat Text
New guidelines for private colleges Text
Kapasiti cerucuk terpacu di bawah ujian beban dipertahankan Thesis
Assessing and improving reflective thinking of experienced and Indexed Paper
Integrasi dua hala capai keharmonian Text
Building industrial links Text
Paras air kritikal, Selangor rancang pembenihan awan Text
UTM berjaya cipta ECT News Paper Cuttings
Galak murid minati sains News Paper Cuttings
Pasangan kerap bertengkar panjang umur Text
Optimization of PID controllers for a fluid mixing system using Conference Papers
On to the job of saving lives Text
KL one of world's cheapest cities : Tokyo no longer the most expText
Effect of non-solvent additives on the structure and performan Indexed Paper
Jus kordial kesum Text
Finite element method for beam bending problem Thesis
Bayaran pinjaman sekali gus jika doktor tak pulang Text
WPRiMA tool: managing risks in web projects Conference Papers
Isu tarif beras penghalang perjanjian FTA Text
Machine improvement by using reliability centered maintenanc Thesis
Negara lebih bersedia hadapi krisis ekonomi Text
Cara elak data sulit dipindah ke pemacu USB Text
Aplikasi visual basic 6.0 kepada instrumentasi Text
Rural posting for 8,000 new teachers next year Text
Introduction to multimedia Exam Papers
Naikkan harga padi 100 peratus : Peladang Text
Lahir lebih ramai pakar berkualiti Text
NS trainer jailed for rape Text
Pemuda UMNO kecam MCA : pendirian menolak pelaksanaan BIText
A first in women-only games Text
Program angkasawan cetus masyarakat berbudaya sains Text
Varsity applications to go fully online Text
Indigenous scavenging system for two-stroke stepped-piston enThesis
Maintenance inventory management system in a service agencyThesis
Historical trends and future projection of climate at Dhaka city Journal Article
Higher education ministry to work with UTM to resolve Titas slidNews Paper Cuttings
Blackout not due to sabotage, say unions, association Text
Permohonan KWAPM secara online diperluas Text
Alternative attire civil servants can wear Text
Rekabentuk rig ujian torsion /bending kenderaaan berserta sis Text
Damage in laminated composites under low velocity impact Thesis
Sains forensik Text
Pencegahan kemasukan pendatang perlu usaha bersepadu Text
Tiada pilihan raya sebelum Okt. -- Tarikh akan diputuskan oleh Text
Better training for teachers to increase competence Text
Microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties study of comp Thesis
Tahap perkhidmatan (Level of service) laluan pejalan kaki di BanThesis
Indoor multiband antenna for wireless mobile broadband commThesis
Virus selesema burung mula merebak Text
Kementerian Kewangan diarah baiki kelemahan Text
Contohi pertahanan Singapura Text
Warga asing memenuhi syarat dibenar tinggal di Malaysia Text
Network and systems Exam Papers
Caning shows slammed Text
Drug detectors at airports mooted Text
Enhance protection of electronic appliances through multivariateIndexed Paper
Construction technology I Exam Papers
DPM : English not a must pass for SPM? Text
Universiti penyelidikan Text
746 bengkel MPV naik taraf Text
Usaha berterusan perkasa R&D di IPT Text
Kenaikan kos bahan binaan ancam kontraktor Melayu Text
Sistem penempahan barangan secara atas talian Thesis
Soil mechanics Exam Papers
Analysis of surface deformation under static and ultrasonic com Conference Papers
Manifestasi kek lapis Sarawak dalam proses pemerkasaan psikolThesis
Shear strength of soft soil reinforced with singular and a group Thesis
Hisham: Youth secretariats for Felda schemes Text
Buah pinggang baru bantu hidup normal Text
Pengajaran kepada Malaysia Text
Kindergartens stay closed in Sarawak Text
Adaptive message size routing strategy for delay tolerant netwoNon-Index Paper
Matematik inspirasi ilmuwan Islam Text
Physics Exam Papers
Industrial and hazardous waste treatment Exam Papers
No jobs due to wrong subjects Text
Tuition fees and research grants for IPTS Text
Prestasi Adi Putra dipantau : Pengarah Text
Taman Paralimpik hargai jasa atlit Text
Islamisasi, dewesternisasi dan dekolonisasi Conference Papers
Penilaian pengurusan dataran banjir menggunakan kaedah ''Analy Text
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor electrocardiogram am Thesis
Conditioning the preflush solution of the surfactant flooding to Thesis
Your office could be making you sick Text
Structural analysis Text
Permodelan Sistem Biomedik Text
Chemical constituents of garcinia parvifolia miq Text
Kaedah pemilihan kontraktor di peringkat tender menggunakan Text pr
Effect of wet-dry cycling on bond behavior of GFRP strengthenedJournal Article
Development economics Exam Papers
Bird flu : safety measures you have to take Text
Pahang beri keutamaan terhadap pendidikan Text
Computerized method for diagnosing and analyzing speech articu Indexed Paper
Prospek menjana pertumbuhan negara masih cerah Text
Planning Theory Exam Papers
Analisis dan rekabentuk berkomputer dinding konkrit bertetula Text
25 pelajar terima biasiswa Shell Text
Information visualization approach in marine fisheries landing d Conference Papers
Johor mantapkan industri asas tani : MB Text
Minimumkan kerenah birokrasi Text
Tahap pemahaman pelajar dan guru dalam konsep daya dan gerThesis
Varietal response of iron toxicity at germination stage in indica rThesis
UIAM tawar program felo pakar Text
Properties of asphalt concrete incorporating grumb rubber prodThesis
Introduction to finance Exam Papers
8 prinsip makanan dedah rahsia sihat Text
29 setuju tiada caj tambahan Text
80 per cent of Malaysian women will wait after 30, says survey Text
Study on vehicle behavior by applying aerodynamic force using Text
Analysis and design of a dual band circular polarization microst Thesis
Fuzzy case - based reasoning for weather prediction Text
Intentions, expectations and experiences of female PHD internatiThesis
USM cipta kaedah sistem pengurusan air atasi banjir buruk Text
Pendedahan IT awal usia lahirkan anak bijak Text
All out to nab 200,000 Text
Big wins in 11 varsities News Paper Cuttings
Proses pembuatan Text
Hasil kajian di ISS siap 2 bulan Text
Melaka layan pelancong seperti rakyat Text
MMI diversity based text summarization Conference Papers
Comparing characteristics of oil palm biochar using convention Indexed Paper
Microwave 1 Exam Papers
UKM daulatkan bahasa Melayu Text
Mesti bina makmal komputer ikut spesifikasi Text
Kesediaan, sokongan dan pendekatan teknologi maklumat dan ko Thesis
LHDN guna sistem kad bar semak borang Text
Kemasukan FDI tidak terjejas : Muhyiddin Text
Punca AIDS membimbangkan Text
Penduduk bandar Malaysia meningkat 62% Text
Rafidah : don't ignore women's strengths, contributions Text
R & D management Text
Loitering factors and perenting relationship among adolescent s Conference Papers
Thermal behaviour of mixed blended ashes aerated concrete Thesis
Pembangunan modul pengajaran panduan rekacipta robot sumoThesis d
Rebut peluang kerjasama ekonomi Text
Langkawi tuan rumah pesta Text
Menyepadukan rantaian nilai industri pembinaan bagi meningkaText
Mechanism of cervicare induced apoptosis in cervical cancer cellThesis
Malaysia tubuh Institut Pengurusan, Penyelidikan Fatwa Dunia Text
Efficient two level image tamper detection using three LSB wat Conference Papers
Nahas maut : 70 peratus punca cuai pemandu Text
Radiation and magnetohydrodynamics effects on unsteady free Indexed Paper
ITS dilengkapi teknologi rakam kesalahan pemandu Text
Solid economy boosts housing in fourth quarter Text
Pusat benih pemangkin florikultur Text
Pemerkasaan budaya membaca Text
Kejuruteraan alam sekitar lanjutan Text
Economic Report: Singapore is Johor's biggest investor Text
Computational approach for multi performances optimization o Indexed Paper
Makroinvertebrata sebagai indicator untuk menentukan tahap kThesis
Wear analysis of a disc brake assembly Text
Success factors for ICT shared services in higher education instit Thesis
Intelligent mobile web pre-caching using social network analysisThesis
Memantapkan Matematik di sekolah Text
Chemical reaction process Exam Papers
Self - help assessment and training support system for special chThesis
A new localised lightning locating system - software implementaConference Papers
Membezakan nilai sumber, harga air Text
Dr Hamzah Timbalan Naib Canselor UM Text
Advanced biotechnology Exam Papers
364 graduan pertama Kuktem Text
Iktiraf ciptaan tempatan, rakyat jangan sangsi barangan buatan Text
Perancangan dan pembangunan Text
Pressure induced structural and electronic bandgap properties oIndexed Paper
Biotechnology Text
13 lagi universiti awam akan laksana iCGPA News Paper Cuttings
Social network site appropriation processes based on family typ Thesis
Penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan Conference Papers
Sistem e-dagang bersepadu dengan pengesahan pembayaran per Thesis
Seat belt and helmet offenders will be fined RM300 Text
Perak bakal miliki masjid reka bentuk seni bina Cina Text
Principles of macroeconomics Exam Papers
GNSS overview Conference Papers
The decision making approach for technology transfer mechani Thesis
Tiada tambahan lesen untuk perbankan Islam Text
AirAsia jamin tidak naik tambang A320 Text
Transformasi pertanian melalui teknologi Text
Feature fusion using a modified genetic algorithm for face and s Thesis
Another step to greater road safety Text
Mangrove shelter Text
Malaysia diiktiraf miliki pusat operasi pelabuhan terbaik di duniaText
14-day loss of licences for errant drivers Text
USM dipilih universiti Apex pertama Text
Give rice subsidy to maintain price, says CAP Text
RM2 juta untuk bina 20 E-desa Text
Implementation of quality management system in Malaysian conIndexed Paper
Guru muda diingat patuhi etika perguruan Text
UTM tawar kursus baru sarjana muda psikologi Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Optimisation of ship berth capacity for a container port Thesis
Teachers should not drive pupils Text
Sandaran K-siswa Kuala Pahang 1: realiti atau ilusi? Conference Papers
Sistem penyampaian Mara akan dirombak Text
Dosimetric properties of copper and terbium doped zinc lithium Thesis
Ukur binaan III Text
TB still lurks in the shadows Text
BLESS way to help businesses Text
Cecacing Pintar - Senjata baru serang negara tertentu Text
Peningkatan kualiti model bangunan menggunakan kaedah protoText
Ilmu ukur dan maklumat tanah Text
Isolation of local bacterial capable of degrading halogenated c Text
Keunikan istiadat pertabalan Text
Syor ladang ternak Malaysia di luar negara Text
Kecerdasan otak Text
ECER promosi pelancongan Text
Principles of marketing Exam Papers
Menetapkan standard profesion perguruan Text
Bioteknologi boleh selesai krisis makanan dunia Text
Communication competencies of oncology nurses in Malaysia Indexed Paper
Bringing back the dignity of the youths Text
Strategi baru selamatkan industri padi negara Text
Shun fake degrees, says king Text
Lawatan pelbagai Institusi dari Sudan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Optimization of catalytic glycerol steam reforming to light olefi Indexed Paper
Kedaulatan bahasa kebangsaan perlu dipertahan dengan apa carText
Norian Mai ketuai operasi besar-besaran perangi VCD haram Text
Engineer rogue list to be out Text
Undang - undang cara terbaik kawal moral Text
Tanggungjawab sosial korporat oleh pemaju dalam industri pe Thesis
New all-woman drug rehab centre a much better sight Text
Methods development for separation of fungicides using micellaText
Langkah liberalisasi sektor perkhidmatan strategi rancakkan ek Text
Mereka bentuk semula mesin pengisi buah nanas Text
UTM lakar sejarah News Paper Cuttings
A new technique for 3D measurment using 3D producer Conference Papers
Tingkat perundangan syariah setaraf sivil Text
A new topology-reversing voltage (RV) - for multi level inverters Conference Papers
Effect of plasticity on liquefaction behavior of sand matrix soil Thesis
100,000 pelajar ditawar pakej netbook TM Text
A generate and test approach for DNA sequence design of the d Conference Papers
Laporan kewangan perlu dihantar sebelum Mei Text
Effect of modified bentonite to produce super lightweight complThesis
Mahkamah Harta Intelek capai matlamat penubuhan Text
Determination of A stimulated emission cross section gradient Indexed Paper
Losing green cover Text
Agropolitan PLMLB bebas keluarga Text
Penumpang belakang masih `liat' Text
Enhancement of fuel cell performance with less-water depende Indexed Paper
state of the art, channel assignment multi-radio multi-channel Non-Index Paper
Siswazah perlu bukti kebolehan setaraf luar negara Text
Opening doors to foreigners in real estate Text
RM100m in micro-credit for Indians Text
Clustering spatial data using a kernel-based algorithm Conference Papers
The alternative of green open space management in Jakarta CityConference Papers
BSN jangka peruntukan Skim Kredit Mikro habis tahun ini Text
Extraction transformation load (ETL) solution for data integratio Indexed Paper
Cadangan terhadap LTSAAS dikaji Text
A novel zero-watermarking scheme for text document authenticIndexed Paper
Design and development of an Experimental aeroelastic test rig Conference Papers
Doctor suspended over love affair Text
Three-nation pact to check terrorism Text
Perkenal model ekonomi baru Text
Tenaga kerja mahir asas industri berteras sains Text
Enhancement of scheduling system interfactes and punctionalitieText
Cari kaedah elak logo halal diseleweng : Najib Text
RM50j basmi kemiskinan Sabah Text
Stimulus to lure the skilled home Text
Mengimbangi tuntutan dunia, akhirat Text
Perangi denggi : kecuaian boleh membawa maut Text
Persepsi jemaah haji terhadap pelaksanaan kursus haji MalaysiaThesis
Kerajaan timbang kurangkan subsidi minyak Text
Characterization of extracellular proteases from Pseudomonas sThesis
Measures taken to assist food production industry Text
Perbankan Islam berkembang 20.5 peratus Text
Multi objective estimation model for optimization of machining Thesis
Numerical experiments on eigenvalues of weakly singular integraText
Use of an online forum to promote use english language among Teext
Improved indoors location awareness architecture in mobile ph Indexed Paper
STPM perlu relevan dengan keperluan pendidikan negara Text
Legal studies 1 Exam Papers
8 recipients for Merdeka Award News Paper Cuttings
Kempen pelancongan melalui makanan Text
Kementerian siasat pekerja hidap barah akibat kimia Text
Performance investigation of Suzuki V100 CVT gearbox Text
UTM terima sumbangan RM5j News Paper Cuttings
Membudayakan amalan membaca Text
Energy efficient routing in wireless sensor networks based on fu Indexed Paper
35,442 dipilih ke IPTA Text
Experimental behaviour and design of axially loaded concrete filThesis
Rutting potential of hot mix asphalt in variable conditions (Full t Text
Building services I Exam Papers
Biologically inspired robot : robo-monkey Text
Pekerja industri catat jangkitan penyakit tertinggi News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia, Pakistan meterai perkongsian rapat Text
KPI mampu merealisasikan pendidikan bertaraf tinggi Text
Depth dependence on fish target strength Conference Papers
Malaysia disaran berkecuali News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Corak perubahan aras air masa depan di Empangan Klang Gates Thesis
Examining the impact of human resource management practicesIndexed Paper
Azalina terima anugerah dunia IOC Text
Syor peraturan kualiti udara dalam bangunan Text
Finite impulse response filter design on distributed arithmetic a Thesis
Paip air dasar laut ke Labuan Text
Designing and analysis of tiered segmental retaining wall Thesis
Scary reality of hospital infections Text
Use of instantaneous energy of ABR signals for fast detection of Non-Index Paper
Making small impact Text
Penjelasan siasatan BPR perlu lebih telus Text
Kontraktor tanggung kos baiki hospital berkulat Text
Islamic economics system (sistem ekonomi Islam) Text
Faster Internet speeds mean a shorter wait Text
Fast harmonic elimination PWM in multilevel in inverter using Thesis
Categorization of ICT role for service-based small and medium e Indexed Paper
Agropolitan way to eradicate hardcore poverty Text
StanChart first foreign bank to offer Islamic products Text
Senator sworn in; moment of silence for Tunku Abdul Jalil News Paper Cuttings
Slope stability analysis using remote sensing data Conference Papers
Kerajaan kekal rejim kadar faedah rendah Text
Transaction cost and its effects towards outsourcing Conference Papers
Respect separation of powers Text
Teachers among professionals nabbed in drug busts Text
Turnitin training for instructors Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kejuruteraan sistem kuasa Text
Dynamic internal light shelf for tropical daylighting in high-rise oIndexed Paper
Perancangan guna tanah II Text
Healthy neodles safe for diabetics Text
Pemikiran Maqasid Al-Shari'ah Al-Shatibi dan penyalahgunaannya Thesis
Motorized turning seat Thesis
Jasa tadika Kemas Text
Backing for smooth 9MP Text
Keberkesanan modul pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam perk Thesis
Criminal profiling on android phone forensic Thesis
AIMST sebagai IPTS kelima negara Text
Di mana taring DPMM? Text
Connecting urban form and travel behaviour towards sustainablThesis
Kursus khas jurulatih utama Text
Improvement on system and components of a rotating electric fie Thesis
Linear Algebra Exam Papers
Lebuh raya dagang pertama Text
Climbing drum peel test for sandwich plate Text
Tambah lelaki Text
Kesan projek terbengkalai terhadap kualiti air Thesis
School system to be reviewed Text
Kebajikan untuk semua Text
Penembak curi di internet baling batu sembunyi tangan Text
Insured victims entitled to make claims, says LIAM Text
Cost estimating Exam Papers
A conceptual model of partnering legal issues Thesis
Ranau folk sleep through quake Text
Memahami ayat Al-Quran dalam konteks Text
Bangsa Malaysia kekalkan identiti Text
An exergy analysis of an air conditioning system Text
Dukun guna ilmu ghaib rawat pesakit boleh seleweng akidah Text
Architectural diplomacy News Paper Cuttings
Pembabitan Petronas dalam sektor minyak tingkat kerjasama Text
SSM uji kecekapan Text
Penggunaan minyak meningkat walaupun harga naik Text
Dana RM150j tingkat kualiti Permata Negara Text
Ibu bapa sembunyi sumbang mahram mungkin didakwa Text
BN government too strong to be toppled, says Abdullah Text
Jawatankuasa Kabinet basmi kemiskinan tegar ditubuh Text
Study of permeability on the flow direction across cancellous b Conference Papers
Visualisasi kilat untuk persekitaran maya Text
Botox tiada unsur mencurigakan Text
Comparative cytotoxicity of glycyrrhiza glabra roots from diffe Indexed Paper
Kanun Prosedur Sivil mesra pengguna dilaksana tahun depan Text
Anugerah sektor awam News Paper Cuttings
Wanita berkaliber jadi misi memperkasakan PPPM : Rosmah Text
Technology entrepreneurship and new venture creation Exam Papers
Proses belajar tiada penghujung Text
Coretan Angkasawan : bernafas guna abdomen untuk selamatk Text
Baby safe but four die in crash Text
Two more museums by middle of next year Text
Perubatan nuklear Text
20,000 guru berpeluang naik pangkat Text
Harga kenderaan dijangka turun Text
Miniplates orientation for fracture fixation of the mandibular coConference Papers
BP-ARIMA model for time series forecasting Conference Papers
RM4.1 bilion bukti pelabur yakin WPI Text
Belanjawan modal Text
Menangani bencana tanah runtuh di kawasan tinggi Text
Active suspension system for passenger vehicle using active forceIndexed Paper
Fabrication and evaluation of microfluidic cloth-based analyticalThesis
Malaysians to fully man Sukhois Text
UUM atur strategi bijak jana pendapatan Text
Construction measurement 3 Exam Papers
Pengekspresan gen Text
Not hard to spot questions Text
Patriotisme islam, barat berbeza Text
Feature enhancement for extracting on-line isolated handwritte Text
Undang-undang kekeluargaan Islam, sivil banyak perbezaan Text
Unit khas urus tanah Text
Stir bar sorptive extraction of organic dyes from water samples uConference Papers
5 juta berpeluang miliki ijazah Text
IMPACT dapat sambutan baik : PM Text
Petronas tidak ketepi potensi pelaburan di Iraq Text
Say thanks to teachers through SMS Text
Politeknik ambil 100,000 pelajar Text
Building economics Exam Papers
MSC not using any hi-tech cities as benchmark Text
Pegawai, anak kapal selam diberi bayaran insentif Text
Rainfall analysis of the Kelantan big yellow flood 2014 Journal Article
Kajian analisa kos faedah pelaksanaan teleworking di kalangan fiText
Coordinated transformation for fuzzy autocatalytic set of fuzzy Indexed Paper
Development of braille cell with piezoelectric actuator Thesis
45,748 profesional perubatan diperlukan pada 2010 Text
Factors contributing to accident among local and foreign worke Conference Papers
Plans to patent batik creations Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Inorganic nanomaterials in polymeric ultrafiltration membranes Indexed Paper
Malaysia hab halal dunia Text
Development of fiber bragg grating (FBG) as temperature senso Indexed Paper
Finite element method Exam Papers
Urban design methodology Text
15 boarding schools to be built Text
Statics (Statik) Text
Kronologi tanah runtuh di seluruh negara Text
Tropical fruits add colour to your health Text
Enam komunis kecundang di Sungai Batang Kemena Text
Kerajaan yakin harga minyak akan turun Text
Usaha wujud pakar perakaunan forensik dipuji Text
Habitat loss in Kuala Selangors firefly colony Text
Penderia & transduser Text
Sarawak struggles to cope as haze and HFMD take toll Text
Optimization of direct conversion of methane to liquid fuels ov Indexed Paper
Factors of choosing online shopping among UTM's students Thesis
Fractal koch dipole antenna for digital TV application Conference Papers
The business of health Text
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
Sugar stockpile plan for all states Text
Ancaman selesema burung masih serius Text
Total quality management training practices for managers in seleText
Joint-venture oil and gas project in the pipeline Text
Perimejan Perubatan Exam Papers
Ketagihan dadah ubah fungsi otak Text
Syarikat jualan langsung digalak ceburi pasaran antarabangsa Text
Mikroelektronik I Text
Negara diisytihar bebas denggi Text
1,000 maut gempa : gegaran 7.6 skala Richter landa Pakistan, In Text
Persidangan Pasaran Modal Islam Antarabangsa : patuhi instrume Text
Electronic voting system : preliminary study Text
Pengajian pertanian Text
Pengurusan penerbangan Text
Rumah kos rendah menjimatkan dan berkualiti Text
Investigation on valves performance due to high velocity fluid fl Thesis
Couple to die for drugs Text
Sistem direktori telefon JPS Kelantan secara atas talian Thesis
An exponentially weighted moving average method with designed Journal Article
Short review of ultrafiltration of polymer membrane as a self-cl Indexed Paper
Malaysia, India percepat kerjasama ekonomi, FTA Text
Optical communication systems Exam Papers
Re-engineering ourselves for the new era Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Jerebu akibat fenomena El-Nino Text
Sultan mahu rakyat tumpu perkukuh asas ekonomi Text
Musibah tiba apabila manusia lalai Tuhan Text
Study on new use for palm oil biofuel Text
Raise productivity for better wages, civil servants told Text
Hunt for FSFM leaders Text
Flights off due to haze Text
Industry help for training schools Text
The impact of government policy and investment on land value in Text
A component-oriented programming framework for developing Conference Papers
UUM gabung 13 fakulti Text
A study job satisfaction and its relationship with turnover inte Thesis
Photoluminescence Studies of In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs quantum dot Conference Papers
New RoF-PON architecture using polarization multiplexed wirel Indexed Paper
Kajian awal terhadap kepentingan item pelaporan kewangan men Non-Index Paper
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Flow regime identification using neural network-based electro Text
Rakan Cambridge : Universiti Malaya catat sejarah Text
WI-FI based indoor positioning using fingerprinting methods in Thesis
Cherie Blair in Metrama saga Text
JPA awasi pelajar di lapan negara Text
Hak Malaysia terjamin : tribunal tetapkan syarat Singapura tambText
Sains, Matematik PMR perlu dua bentuk penilaian Text
Koleksi detik pilihan raya Text
Produk penyelidik UPM dapat paten di UK, Amerika Text
A kick start in implementation of PBL in computer programming Conference Papers
New police task force for hot spots Text
Hazardous waste management in Malaysia: current situation, p Conference Papers
Aircraft Structure Exam Papers
Shopping centers in Jakarta : locational analysis and rental deterText
Diuji jawab secara huraian Text
Kajian penyempadanan isipadu menggunakan teknik AABB bagi Text
GIS & pengurusan sumber Text
Isu jambatan bengkok tidak dimasukkan dalam agenda Text
Along-track high resolution sea levels from SARAL/AltiKa satelli Conference Papers
Tiga penyelidik terima Anugerah Khas Inovasi Kejuruteraan UIA Text
Some cabbies back to old tricks Text
Bersedia bina pesawat tempur Text
Top Research Scientist Malaysia Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Literasi maklumat dan kemahiran maklumat : pembelajaran sep Text
Integration of projection histograms and linear prediction for obText
Kerajaan lebih utamakan guna tenaga tempatan Text
Era baru penyelidikan angkasa tempatan Text
Effects of porosity on mechanical properties of metal matrix co Text
Puasa dan kesihatan Text
KLIA East bukan projek mewah Text
Beza pengundi Melayu Malaysia dan Singapura News Paper Cuttings
The relationship between leadership styles and employee motivThesis
Reps urged to help out - Musa : ensure all children are able to a Text
Development and microbial characterization of aerobic granulatio Thesis
Let market decide on technology Text
Suasana di Aceh lebih dahsyat daripada Nagasaki, Hiroshima Text
Significant usage of slab and wall from technique in industrialiseText
Graphic images on cigarette packs Text
Door access system based on face recognition using principal c Thesis
Sayangi Sekolah : Misi berjaya Text
Abdullah angkat sumpah PM kelima di Istana Negara hari ini Text
Penggunaan konkrit berkekuatan tinggi dalam industri pembinaaText
Kimia analisis Text
Randomness analysis of pseudorandom bit sequences Conference Papers
Characterization of cellulases and xylanase produced by trichodeThesis
Pengaturcaraan komputer I Text
Langkah tarik modal asing dipertingkat Text
Engineered for excellence Text
Experimental investigation of oil-water two-phase flow in horizon Indexed Paper
Fuel issue may be exploited Text
Growth and properties of stacked self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As Non-Index Paper
Syarikat swasta perlu bantu biayai projek penyelidikan Text
Drill cuttings cleaning methods Thesis
Tabung Haji perlu perbaiki kelemahan Text
Pentadbiran UTM disiasat : kementerian bertindak ekoran pen Text
Pulsed-low intensity ultrasound enhances extracellular matrix prNon-Index Paper
AVSS makes motorists pay up Text
Pilot plant for businessmen, scientists to pool resources News Paper Cuttings
Minyak : unjuran pertumbuhan mungkin disemak semula Text
KPI serius bantu rakyat Text
Kadar kelahiran bayi menurun Text
Again, a matter of implementation Text
The challengers, barriers and readiness among UTM community Thesis
Govt revamps water services to prevent crisis Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Mekanik dinamik Text
Kejuruteraan asas Text
Determinants of hedonic and utilitarian factors in social networ Thesis
Islam Hadhari teras perpaduan Text
Streamline Islamic family law Text
Tingkatkan produktiviti : TPM Text
Kalkulus Text
Antecedents of knowledge sharing and employee innovativenesThesis
Mega projects set to transform Johor Baru landscape Text
Numerical descriptive inherent safety technique (NuDIST) for in Indexed Paper
Interest rates for car loans raised Text
More stressed out Text
Ahli politik Singapura menduga air tenang Text
Estimating the drag coefficient of amphibious house in longitudinThesis
Analytical chemistry II Text
Consumer chemistry Text
More Internet facilities for rural folks Text
Pelaburan asing baru RM2.7b di Pahang Text
Pengaruh kehilangan turus dalam sistem paip (Preview) Text
Kesesuaian kurikulum mata pelajaran kemahiran hidup pertanianConference Papers
Works Ministry to compensate contractors for higher costs Text
Nondestructive testing II Text
Maklumat sektor pertanian berdaya maju siap akhir tahun Text
Web based and android based Universiti Teknologi Malaysia saveThesis
Tanaman sekeliling rumah tambah pendapatan Text
UTeM majukan produk jimat petrol dengan tiga syarikat Text
10,000 flee Johor floods Text
On Common Ground: On freeing minds from prejudice Text
Customer focus for telephonists, counter staff Text
Asean komited tangani keganasan antarabangsa Text
Fewer hotspots in Sumatra, rain also helps improve visibility Text
Potential of electricity saving and co2 reduction from the implemThesis
Meritokrasi sikap pelajar Melayu di UM berubah Text
Kerja-kerja konservasi bangunan dan monumen bersejarah : kajiaText
Carbon hollow fiber membranes derived from PEI/PVP for gas seIndexed Paper
An Exploratory study of Malaysian technology-based firms leaderJournal Article
Extraction and characterisation of pectin from sweet potato (Ip Indexed Paper
Webportal sekolah-sekolah Negeri Johor Text
Exams go on despite floods in some states Text
Kadar tol baru tidak libatkan kenderaan awam Text
Pengaruh pemikiran al-Nawawi dalam metodologi pendidikan daConference Papers
Sistem elektronik mantapkan perkhidmatan PBT Text
Optimized distance for non-damaging in laser cleaning preparat Journal Article
Adaptive control of one-DOF portable rehabilitation robot for wriThesis
Usaha pacu pasaran bioteknologi Text
The effect of oversized lane width and lane shoulder on heavy vehThesis
Thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of combined carbon dioxideIndexed Paper
Majlis ilmu di IPT perlu babit pelajar, masyarakat Text
Persamaan terbitan II Text
Wanita perlu simpanan persaraan lebih banyak Text
Akujanji dipinda jika pelajar IPTA rasa tak sesuai Text
Syor pemohon lesen PSV wajib jalani kursus khas Text
PPSMI : guru besar kesal pembangkang jadi dalang Text
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Kem PLKN bukan tempat penderaan Text
Matematik diskret Text
70,000 jobs but few takers Text
Optoelektronik Text
LHDN perkenalkan e-Stamping Text
Memasang dan mengenali NVivo Conference Papers
Amerika tak layak campur urusan negara Text
Sistem perhubungan optik Text
Utilization of multi-dimensional source correlation in multi-dimeIndexed Paper
Fingerprint image segmentation using hierachical technique (FullText
Mesin mengesan bahan tidak halal Text
Naik taraf radar dan satelit negara perlu dinaik taraf News Paper Cuttings
Image storage and retrieval using color quantization method Text
Memperkasa harta intelek negara Text
Evaluation on properties of tender mixes (Preview) Text
Status pemerhati dalam Cobra Gold Text
Ekspo Penyelidikan, Inovasi UM pamer hasil reka cipta pelajar Text
Quality measurement model for composite service-oriented desThesis
Syor ulama tegas atasi keganasan Text
Keputusan SJKC guna kertas bahasa Inggeris 2008 Text
Limitation period in latent defects Thesis
Measuring the sustainability of urban development using geogr Thesis
Two Malaysians secure places at Harvard University Text
An approach of bio-inspired generalized shape for writer identifiConference Papers
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
GIS in planning Exam Papers
Pengoptimaan keratan rentas model rasuk terjulur Text
Kementerioan Pelajaran diminta kaji semula waktu persekolaha Text
The performance of phenol biodegradation by candida tropicalisText
Abdullah bakal dihakimi di antara fakta, prasangka Text
PKS diperkasa menjadi enjin pertumbuhan KDNK negara Text
Effect of different lighting conditions on feeding activity and e Journal Article
Setting priorities for MSC and ICT Text
Correlation between self-esteem, coping difficulties, self-effica Conference Papers
Pengamal rasuah lebih keji daripada penjenayah biasa Text
Kesatuan Pegawai Kastam mahu PTK dimansuhkan Text
Sekolah diarah patuhi panduan cegah H1N1 Text
Mechanical, thermal and morphological studies of epoxidized paThesis
Spike in dengue cases Text
Kejurutetaan lalulintas dan pengangkutan Text
Study the performance of biodiesel fuel in internal combustion Thesis
Investigation of cylinder deactivation strategies for better fue Conference Papers
Pendedahan sukatan baru mata pelajaran sejarah Text
RM31.1b pelaburan diterima tahun lalu Text
Potong gaji jika salah guna kenderaan rasmi Text
Career carnival with something for all Text
Let kids be kids Text
Perancangan tapak Text
UM out to woo foreign students Text
Enhanced biogas (Co2/Ch4) separation performance of hybrid miJournal Article
On the accuracy of finite difference schemes for beam problemsIndexed
i Paper
Offshore and ocean engineering Text
Tuition scheme will give poor rural students fair chance to excel Text
Kalendar IPT akan diubah ikut universiti antarabangsa Text
Oil palm firm sets aside land for rehab Text
Harga barangan di JB terkawal Text
Industri herba cecah RM9.5b Text
Steady-state CFD simulation of gas-solid flow for inlet boundary Thesis
Literary event to showcase new talents News Paper Cuttings
Incorporating user values into mass housing design process in BuThesis
RM4.4 bilion untuk KWAPA Text
Cabaran baru simpan rekod cara digital Text
Teori set dan mantik Text
A reliability analysis of a Malaysian jacket platform (Preview) Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
An improvement of zero crossing algorithm for voiced-unvoiced Tchesis
Rainwater harvesting for non-portable uses in UTM campus Thesis
Pencapaian pembangunan RMK-9 Text
Single bit digital video codec : objective evaluation Text
Development of software for determination of disassembly costThesis
Mining for disaster Text
Aerodynamic studies of airfoil NACA 4415 Text
Human factor and accident investigation Exam Papers
Catalytic chemistry Exam Papers
Industri pelancongan masih berdaya tahan Text
11 terima Anugerah Nadi Negara Text
Aplikasi Pembantu Makmal FSKSM (APM FSKSM) Text
Psychology testing and measurement Exam Papers
Inferring gene regulatory networks from perturbed gene expres Indexed Paper
Differential equations Text
Cuepacs bantah Anugerah Penyapu Text
Pelaksanaan sistem ukur kadaster baru bagi menyokong sistem Text
Petronas sasar tambah 200 stesen NGV Text
Hardware design of laser optical tomography system for detecti Journal Article
Zon kebocoran di dalam sistem retikulasi air UTM (Preview) Text
Pemakanan & Kesihatan : awasi jangkitan rotavirus Text
Mapping and classification of hydrological parameters from dig Indexed Paper
Rela may be roped in to help track the missing Text
Disaggregation of daily rainfall data using bartlett lewis pectang Indexed Paper
Direct conversion receiver with active integrated antenna Conference Papers
Inventors feted Text
Pesta untuk kaki buku Text
No clear solution to water woes Text
Review on non-cross-layer mobility and time delaying routing p Indexed Paper
Laporan kajiselidik bandar Pusat Jengka : kajian peranan bandar Text
Landscape Architechture History II Exam Papers
Kuota pelajar : MMU mohon diletakkan di bawah BPKP Text
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Pendorongan pesawat udara Text
Operasi loji Text
Berhati-hati perjuangkan hak kaum Text
R&D commercialisation Text
Maal Hijrah bukti kejayaan gagasan Islam Text
IPT disaran tubuh tabung endowmen News Paper Cuttings
Transformasi kurikulum sekolah Text
Akujanji : tidak timbul tindakan hukum pelajar Text
Reduced tariffs, wider OIC mart Text
Product design improvement through design for assembly (DFA)Thesis
Need for mutual respect between Islam and West Text
Terms for getting teaching allowance Text
New visa sticker to weed out fakes Text
Hakim Melayu tidak guna bahasa kebangsaan Text
Felcra bina kilang tapis minyak sawit RM100j Text
Bahasa pengaturcaraan 1 Exam Papers
Tarif baru elektrik tidak jejas rakyat miskin Text
600,000 taxpayers used e-Filing Text
Electric and magnetism Exam Papers
Tenders for projects out soon Text
Separation of organophosphorus pesticides using micellar elect Text
Construction science Exam Papers
Angkat martabat rawatan tradisi Text
Elak kepentingan peribadi dalam sukan Text
Metalurgi fizikal Text
Makanan tidak seimbang boleh sebabkan kencing manis Text
Mencari punca untuk mencegah Text
Nutritional analysis and effects of variables on protein extracti Thesis
Kecemerlangan sukan tuntut sokongan ibu bapa Text
Solving troesch’s problem by using modified nonlinear shoo Indexed Paper
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Introduction to computer Exam Papers
UKM guna kepakaran sendiri tingkat bahasa Inggeris Text
Natural frequency characteristics of thin-walled homogeneous aIndexed Paper
Perisian bijak penilian keterencatan akal secara berkomputer Thesis
Mekanik bendalir polimer Text
UTM tingkat jaringan industri News Paper Cuttings
Warning to car importers Text
Pekerja Malaysia meningkat mendadak Text
Communication and stakeholder management Exam Papers
More girls go missing Text
UTM ke arah universiti bertaraf dunia 2010 Text
Basic Radiochemistry Exam Papers
Mathematics for surveyor 2 Exam Papers
Teoh gets a close encounter at his observatory Text
Komersialkan produk inovasi News Paper Cuttings
Composite honeycomb core sandwich plate with facesheet indenThesis
Henti label pemakai topeng 'makhluk asing' Text
Coordination chemistry Exam Papers
Identification of porcine-based source in capsule by using FTI Thesis
Ethnobotany and plants materials Exam Papers
Thaksin kagumi Dr M: PM Thailand sedia terima nasihat, tunjuk aText
Warna lembut nampakkan ruang lebih luas Text
COPD penyakit paru-paru kronik Text
A graphics processing unit based network intrusion detection sy Thesis
Direct and indirect aqueous mineralization using red gypsum forThesis
Terima kasih bakteria baik Text
Langsai bil lengkap dalam tiga minggu Text
Letter of demand Text
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system for compressional wave ve Indexed Paper
Accept decision, members told Text
Wang negara cukup, bagi diagihkan untuk semua projek pemba Text
Kegagalan AS di Palestin Text
Entiti Pemilikan Melayu awasi pembangunan tanah rizab Text
Kajian IPT tangani isu global Text
DPM : do more to woo tourists Text
Skim khas bantu pekerja Text
RM11j bina pusat rakan siber bimbing remaja Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
RM100m to train jobless graduates Text
MAA : July motor vehicle sales down slightly Text
Development of a social sustainability model in industrial buidi Thesis
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Efficient third harmonic generation by using passive Q-Switced NThesis
Protests intensify Text
Melakar OIC berwajah perniagaan Text
Cost estimating Exam Papers
Perkongsian pengetahuan dalam kalangan guru cemerlang di daeThesis
Catat kecermerlangan jika mahu percuma PTPTN News Paper Cuttings
Graduan kejuruteraan marin laris Text
Non linear failure of corbel for IBS blockwork Thesis
MPP IPTA sokong hapus caj satu peratus News Paper Cuttings
Modelling of landforms and its topological relationships in zer Thesis
Prinsip undang-undang Malaysia Text
Voltage profile improvement and losses reduction of distributio Thesis
Aircraft shows potential Text
Thermodynamics 2 Exam Papers
Super safe roads for everyone Text
Biological control in environmental conservation Text
Performance of unpaved laterite road treated with chemical addiThesis
Asas Kuasa Dan Mesin Elektrik Text
Perception of Malaysian credit cardholders on conventional cardNon-Index Paper
The effects of the clay types on low salinity waterflooding Thesis
Calculus of variations Exam Papers
Low profile schools make it into nationÆs top 20 list Text
Pakar gagal kenal pasti punca ratusan timun laut mati Text
Profesor berkaliber dihimpun jadi kumpulan pemikir UTM Text
Fuel price hike : subsidy still in force Text
Budaya membaca trend negara maju Text
Faktor kejayaan kritikal (critical success factors-CSFs) dalam Thesis
Effects of elastomer waste and cross - linked polyethylene wast Text
Finite element analysis (thermal-stress) of a jet fighter brake sy Thesis
Sistem pengurusan projek bumi vision construction secara atas tText
Pakar pendidikan perlu diberi ruang berbicara, luah pendapat Text
Pejuang bahasa tetap tolak PPSMI Text
Lipid and phytochemicals profiles of non heat treated virgin cocoThesis
Smart wearable stress monitoring device for autistic children Journal Article
Hasil rundingan positif Text
Sources of calcium Text
Faktor-faktor kritikal bagi kejayaan perlaksanaan projek peru Text
British varsities eye campuses in Johor Text
Pengaruh awetan dan agregat kasar bi-modal terhadap sifat konk Thesis
Kawalan mutu Text
Frenkuensi unik tanda positif News Paper Cuttings
Mencari hikmah dalam menyampaikan risalah Text
Pengkorporatan Bank Pertanian Malaysia lulus Text
Sultan lancar buku, SI-1, SI-2 News Paper Cuttings
Statistik Text
Ekonomi Malaysia mampu pulih dalam 6 bulan Text
Vision of a vibrant Johor Text
Incorporating design for manufacture and assembly methodologie Thesis
Bosses can be fined for ignoring sexual harassment grouses Text
Guru sebagai idola gerakan membaca Text
UTM jalin kerjasama bidang penyelidikan Text
Energy efficient residential buildings assessment using building Thesis
An experiment in X.25 datagram implementation for a personal Text
Electromyography speed controller systems via motorized skateThesis
PLC and scada system design Exam Papers
Seorang maut, 6 cedera kerusi injal pesawat melantun Text
Sains boleh pinggirkan Kesusasteraan Melayu Text
Pekerja mahir : Najib garis empat elemen Text
Smart Reader Kids yakinkan Amie berniaga Text
Sejarah senibinaan barat Text
Potential use of laterite and Kahang clay mixture as a landfill lin Thesis
Perkasakan Baitulmal Text
Optimization of non thermal plasma reactor performance for th Journal Article
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction and kinetic study over in/TiO2 na Indexed Paper
Pemantauan tempat letak kenderaan berasaskan programmableThesis lo
Kaedah saring penuntut asing disemak semula Text
The application of GIS based multi-criteria analysis for selectin Thesis
ICT boost for schools Text
Application of computer in chemistry Exam Papers
Peranan pendidikan Islam dalam pembangunan modal insan kel Conference Papers
Tahap kepentingan faktor kualiti perkhidamtan pengangkutan b Thesis
Peruntukan industri baru sektor perikanan tak cukup Text
Balanced scorecard implementation in SMEs : addressing the moIndexed Paper
Speculation of a Cabinet reshuffle refuted Text
Mengesan dan menjejak objek kepala untuk mengawal paparan Thesis 3
A new assembler method for sport video classification using low-Thesis
2007 mengatur langkah strategik Text
Puas hati khidmat MPJBT News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan aplikasi album gambar atas talian menggunakan Thesis
Bina kediaman selesa, mampu milik : Najib Text
Optoelectronics Exam Papers
Pelancongan sumbang RM36 bilion Text
A change effort estimation model using impact analysis for the Thesis
UiTM cipta sistem pesanan makanan dari rumah Text
MAHB pertingkat keselamatan KLIA Text
Ekonomi pertengahan Text
Effect of bismuth and strontium interaction on the microstruct Indexed Paper
Pembedahan kedua atasi sakit belakang Text
Persepsi jururawat pelatih terhadap kemahiran insaniah di dala Thesis
Traffic engineering and transport Exam Papers
Security issues top agenda Text
Sultan Kelantan dukacita umat Islam berpecah Text
Ramai peserta luar sertai Pertandingan Kuda UTM News Paper Cuttings
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Evaluation of existing noise barrier for efficiency in reducing roadThesis
Sistem penyebaran dan pemberitahuan maklumat (SiPPeM) Thesis
RazakSAT satelit terkini negara Text
Menangani kemiskinan cara Islam Text
Alam sekitar, ekonomi diberi tumpuan seimbang Text
Smart intrauterine device (IUD) insertion system Thesis
The characteristics of bitumen with long chain aliphatic hydroc Conference Papers
Meritokrasi, kualiti guru bantu prestasi lebih cemerlang Text
Lesen ditarik jika IPTS salah guna visa Text
Flexi-hours for women soon Text
Anugerah semarak budaya ICT Text
Pemanasan global cabaran moral Text
Sistem kedatangan dan gaji menggunakan teknologi pengesahanThesis
2,000ha of agri project yet to be developed Text
The application of cross correlation technique for estimating Conference Papers
Application of thermal energy storage system for a lowland gre Journal Article
Two killed, cop injured in robbery Text
A model structure of sustainability aspects for green commercialThesis
Flame retardants characterization on distribution boxes using Thesis
Kos import minyak meningkat Text
Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dengan prestasi kerja dalamThesis
Malaysia bakal jadi pusat keluaran kelengkapan pertahanan Text
Persepsi penghuni terhadap harta tanah kondominium : kajian kes Text
Kualiti pendidikan global Text
Ingenious idea from EPF gives value to work of housewives Text
1.23 juta pencarum KWSP pilih 11 peratus Text
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
RM35 tax to fly abroad from low-cost terminal Text
Terengganu identifies two new tourism products Text
A comparative study of porous support from Sayong and KankaraConference Papers
Peranan wanita membangunkan ummah diiktiraf setanding lelakText
KWSP dapat pulangan pelaburan RM2.44 bilion Text
Immigration Department steps up security screenings Text
Pengeluaran minyak sawit mentah meningkat Text
Credit card deal struck Text
Pembangunan sistem analisa data hujan secara atas talian :kes Text
Global Dialogue by U.S. Brigadier General Suzanne P. Vares Lum Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
RM1.3j biaya pendidikan anak angkat YBJB Text
Proton naik hingga RM5,000 -- Semua model dipasang selepas 3Text
UMS-Giat Mara cipta insinerator tanpa asap Text
Statistics 2 Exam Papers
Sabah to nominate Maliau Basin as World Heritage Site Text
Pengaturcaraan melfa bagi membandingkan hasil lukisan mengikThesis
Design of the usability measurement tool for multimodal mobileJournal Article
UIAM raih tiga anugerah debat terbesar Text
Double-tracking postponement stays, says PM Text
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Kajian jurang kemahiran bukan teknikal antara penguasaan pekeThesis
Manfaat kepakaran Text
Durian knocking on KelantanÆs door Text
Advanced construction materials Exam Papers
Biomedical instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Pemasaran keusahawanan Text
Rakyat kelas pertengahan bantu menjana ekonomi Text
Government to introduce e-procurement Text
Analysing l2 learners' interactions in group discussions Conference Papers
Performance of savonius-darrieus type of vertical axis wind turbThesis
Tumpuan kepada pencegahan Text
Sumbang RM1 juta untuk Tabung Endowmen UTM News Paper Cuttings
Ministry seeks own drug test centre Text
Transport safety Exam Papers
Analisis kesan gempa bumi terhadap rumah satu tingkat yang Thesis
A reconfigurable low-noise amplifier using a tunable active indu Non-Index Paper
Nuclear energy as alternative Text
Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah Text
Evaluating multi-sensor data for the development of three-dimen Thesis
Multi-optimization of PID controller parameters using stochasti Thesis
Wireless local area network using near-field RF signal Text
Modelling the cancer growth process by stochastic delay differ Journal Article
Petronas lancar minyak enjin gred premium di China Text
Ministry wants manufacturers to cut sugar content Text
Study of EDC/NHS immobilization for plumbous detection using Journal Article
Mahasiswa UTM Skudai berkampung di Sri Lalang News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis of mesoporous sodalite by using different templates Conference Papers
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Public warned of dubious water filters Text
Johor berkuasa tentukan rakyat layak dapat rumah kos rendah Text
Islam dan hak pewarisan harta wanita Conference Papers
Tangani bersama isu penyeludupan manusia Text
Keupayaan ricih dan momen lentur bagi rasuk rencam Thesis
Taman teknologi hasilkan makanan ikan berprotein tinggi Text
Global positioning system intentional and unintentional jammer Thesis
A study on high-pressure adsorption and desorption of methane,Text
There's no need to give birth to false alarms Text
Oxidation stability of castor oil in solvent extraction Journal Article
Ummah wajib mentaati pemerintah Text
Tribological evaluation of mineral oil and vegetable oil as a lubri Thesis
Kehebatan perubatan Melayu Text
Design of a feeder component of a pineapple cubing machine Text
Extent of sight distance reductions caused by rainfall on single Non-Index Paper
Pertingkat strategi pertahanan Text
System software Exam Papers
Blogging -- so yesterday Text
Proses kimia industri Text
Ministry moves to curb crime in school Text
A printed circuit board inspection system with defect classificati Non-Index Paper
Work design for improvement in a manufacturing company Thesis
Pertahankan kualiti pendidikan Text
Mara disaran beri insentif Text
Bekas pesalah seksual kena pakai gelang khas Text
Dasar kerajaan berjaya bawa Malaysia ke era ICT Text
Enam negara sertai pakatan selamatkan anak yatim Aceh Text
Optimized subtractive clustering for cluster-based compound selText
Saham : hindari reaksi keterlaluan Text
USM cipta kit ukur dos metadon penagih dadah Text
RM245j untuk bina, naik taraf 25 IKBN Text
Kerajaan komited martabatkan bahasa Melayu Text
Bad press keeping Chinese tourists away Text
Physical properties characterization of porous calcium phosphateJournal Article
External direct sum of fuzzy topographic topological mapping Thesis
Penzina rosakkan generasi patut kena hukuman Text
Global positioning system signal jamming concept and the awa Thesis
A service oriented middleware for smart home and ambient assisConference Papers
Six robbers shot dead in clash with police Text
RTM sasar RM150j selepas penjenamaan Text
75 killed as quake rocks Sumatra Text
Sistem lejar berkomputer cawangan cukai perkhidmatan, WilayaText
Prinsip 6M diperkenal bagi kemudi agensi Islam Text
Legislative measures in protecting the environment for future Thesis
Optimization of extraction and spray drying processes of tongka Thesis
Asia wants more from US Text
On the effect of nanosilica on a polyethylene system Conference Papers
Kepemimpinan suatu amanah berat, sarat tanggungjawab Text
Engineering mechanics Exam Papers
Sains, matematik dalam BI dikaji semula Text
Fast forward for Islamic banking Text
Supersonic combustion waves experiments with obstacles Thesis
Mechanical and flammability properties of graphene reinforced cThesis
Flow characteristics for shallow and deep overbank flows in a Thesis
Usahawan dua negara digesa guna kelebihan Text
Bumiputera belum langgan 1 bilion unit ASW 2020 Text
Kebolehpasaran unit-unit rumah di negeri Kelantan Thesis
Proses kimia industri Text
Work to build Bakun power towers begins Text
Condition diagnosis of multiple bearings using adaptive operatorIndexed Paper
LKIM bangunkan 20 homestay Text
Kokurikulum atasi pelajar bijak tetapi perangai jelik Text
Afghanistan minat cara Malaysia rawat penagih Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Perkongsian bijak majukan luar bandar Text
Pervez dalam dilema Text
External hard particle size effect on changes in frictional per Indexed Paper
20 kes tipu harga ayam bersih dikesan Text
Keeping women happy at the workplace Text
A study on holistic customer experience in China's related hotel Thesis
Cuma projek tani berdaya maju diteruskan Text
Peristiwa Bukit Kepong Book Chapter
Diesel dijangka RM2.66 seliter Text
Important elements for developing and maintaining business n Thesis
Plant your own greens to reduce bill Text
Generalized linear model Exam Papers
Pengeluaran automotif Text
UTM ungguli Pameran Teknologi Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Kakitangan hospital diminta amalkan konsep mesra pelanggan Text
UMP menang tiga pingat emas, dua anugerah khas di UK Text
TV Alhijrah mula operasi tahun depan Text
Development and characteristics of aerobic granular sludge at Conference Papers
Harga minyak Indonesia naik Text
Development of a refractive index sensor by using a multimode Thesis
Khaled : private institutions should not be dumping grounds or dText
Prediction methodology for transient thermal response of solar pConference Papers
Orang syahid terlepas keazaban Hari Kiamat Text
Historic water consumptions and future management strategiesIndexed
f Paper
Qualitative assessment of chloride and sulphate influence on soilConference Papers
RMK-9 peluang atasi masalah kurang guru Text
Harga siling minyak peket kekal RM2.50 sekilo Text
Making Malaysia the preferred option Text
Real estate management Exam Papers
Effect of plant growth regulator and explant type on callus indu Thesis
Kerajaan terus beri diskaun duti eksais 50 peratus Text
Study of the role of design elements to satisfy the ergonomic neThesis
Taburan logam berat dalam air dan sedimen di Selat Tebrau, Jo Thesis
Experimental validation of the orthogonalised reverse path met Conference Papers
Automasi ukur / ukur kejuruteraan III Text
Sabah milk melamine-free Text
Limited jobs drive youths away Text
An error analysis of the english essays written by the Chinese u Thesis
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Kimia fizik II Text
Tabik kepada armada tentera laut Text
Broad spectrum herbal therapy against superficial fungal infecti Conference Papers
Multiple semi-quantitative colorimetric assays in compact embedd Indexed Paper
Picking only the best for the top civil service jobs Text
Potensi guna semula air sisa dalam perindustrian : kajian kes : Text
Abdullah advises Proton to go green Text
Tiada dasar kecualikan pelajar cemerlang kokurikulum daripada Text
Bandar universiti dibangunkan di Sintok tahun depan Text
Structural and luminescence properties of antimony, lead, bism Thesis
New CIQ complex opens Text
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Konsep wakaf sementara mampu tingkat nilai hartanah ummah Text
Rangka kurikulum berpusatkan murid Text
Programming Exam Papers
Factors affecting passengers choice of airline : a case study of Mal
Teknologi binaan I Text
Disaster disease threats Text
Pembangunan sistem pengurusan permit pengeluaran pasir di pThesis
AIDS national strategic plan needed Text
Advanced construction materials Exam Papers
Guidelines to ensure safe school milk Text
Kajian kelakuan pasir penyambung turapan penguncian blok konk Text
E-crime investigation and incident response management Exam Papers
Asas-asas penilaian alam bina dari perspektif islam (fulltext) Text
20 terbaik Asia sasaran UPM Text
Fluid mechanics 1 Exam Papers
UTM jalin MoU dengan enam universiti asing Text
PET image reconstruction incorporating 3D mean-median sinograIndexed Paper
Waves, sound and optics Exam Papers
Hab halal di setiap negeri Text
Improve density based k-means algorithm Thesis
Buy local goods drive to be launched Text
Synthesis and bioassay studies of benzoxazin-4-one and quinazolConference Papers
Cassava starch based biocomposite mechanical and thermal analThesis
Jangan jadikan meritokrasi isu perkauman - Najib Text
Analisa terhadap rekabentuk bingkai kalibrasi bagi kamera digitaText
Beri tumpuan penuh bioteknologi : Abdullah Text
Economy to shrink 5pc Text
Forest reserve shrinking by the day Text
Network-based approach for classification : a study Conference Papers
Landscape Construction 3 Exam Papers
Hentikan amalan lantik semula pegawai pencen Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Kembalikan Akta Komunikasi kepada Kementerian Penerangan Text
2 sekolah pedalaman Sarawak dapat internet Text
Centripetal accelerated particle swarm optimization and its applThesis
Syor tubuh majlis gaji PKS dikaji : kerajaan timbang penentuan uText
Ash cloud may affect air traffic for up to 6 months Text
Tackling illegal rubbish dumps top priority Text
Menyusuri kejayaan Mutiara Text
Dakwaan stres lemahkan guru Text
Pilihan menjarakkan anak Text
Tourism analysis Text
UTM juara simulasi perniagaan IPTA News Paper Cuttings
Sistem penjanaan course review report latihan industri atas tali Thesis
Hukuman lebih berat untuk æpemandu pembunuhÆ Text
Kaedah efektif bantu OKU News Paper Cuttings
Strength of brick made from dredged sediments Journal Article
Harta pusaka gagal dimajukan Text
Engineering survey Exam Papers
Polemik tukar agama anak Text
USM kekal universiti Apex Text
Kewangan Islam tingkat daya saing Text
Pembangunan analisis struktur menggunakan program Matlab Thesis
The Use of digital stories for listening comprehension among pr Journal Article
Induction condition of secondary metabolites production in soil Conference Papers
Summary of PM10 monitoring at one site of Kuala Lumpur: two Conference Papers
The effects of country - of - origin on yemeni consumers' attitu Thesis
Kemelut bangsa Melayu, PPSMI Text
Malaysia pusat keluar vaksin halal dunia Text
Boycott intention on Israel funding products : pre and post of P Thesis
UTM turunkan CGPA sebagai syarat bertanding Text
Mesyuarat pegawai kanan APEC setuju perangi bersama selese Text
Immigration chief and six others arrested for alleged graft Text
The link between total quality management and organizational pConference Papers
Grounded theory of adversarial relationship in the Malaysian co Thesis
Introduction to building construction Exam Papers
Sains kuantitatif asas Text
Computer controlled RGB based illumination network using pul Conference Papers
Research methods in psycology Exam Papers
Kerajaan rugi lebih RM1 billion setiap tahun Text
Architectural theory Exam Papers
A survey of league championship algorithm : prospects and chal Indexed Paper
Enzyme technology and biocatalysis Exam Papers
Measure of expansion for Kamdar Text
Incentives needed for tin mining Text
Jaya Disaster : City council absolved of blame Text
Chaos-based image encryption using a hybrid genetic algorith Indexed Paper
Education system to be reformed under 10MP Text
Impak limpahan pembandaran ke atas kampung pinggir bandar di Text
New frontier for local learning institutions Text
Cadangan skim sewa beli rumah dapat sokongan Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Production of lactic acid from pineapple wastes in anaerobic cul Conference Papers
Angkasawan kita laksana tiga penyelidikan di angkasa lepas Text
Bounded back-stepping controller for nonlinear systems Thesis
EEG-based two dimensional cursor control an offline analysis Thesis
Enhanced blood compatibility of metallocene polyethylene subjec Indexed Paper
Malaysians still not reading enough, says Muhyiddin Text
A low-voltage and label-free impedance-based miniaturized CMO Indexed Paper
Guru pelatih wajib jalani praktikum tiap semester Text
Sistem pembelajaran kanak-kanak dyscalculia bagi tahun 2 Thesis
Makcik PC ternipis di dunia Text
Fizik tubuh manusia Text
Wanita lulus usul henti PPSMI Text
Allowances for village heads under review Text
UUM lantik dua Profesor Adjung Text
Fabrication and characterisation of ion sensitive capacitor for i Thesis
Orang Asli Pulau Indah nikmati bekalan air bersih Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Fourteen down with disease Text
Pertandingan reka bentuk masjid News Paper Cuttings
Definisi garis kemiskinan perlu dikaji semula Text
Perbandingan amalan pengurusan dan keselamatan makmal antara Conference Papers
Modul pendidikan seksualiti hampir siap Text
Sikap pilih kerja punca pengangguran meningkat Text
Teliti fakta maklumat dalam media sosial News Paper Cuttings
Fractal dimension algorithm for oil spill and look-alike detec Conference Papers
Tender projek bina sekolah dipercepat Text
Pasaran hartanah dijangka meningkat Text
The relationship between reaction level in training evaluation Thesis
PM : decision in best interest of the country Text
It's all about transforming higher education Text
Modeling the effect of velocity saturation in nanoscale mosfet (FuText
Hubungan generasi muda dua negara perlu dipertingkat Text
Structural and luminescence properties of barium orthosilicat Thesis
Kita tidak akan berundur jika ingin menunggu semua tugas selesaText
Aerated concrete from agro-industrial waste for improvement ofThesis
Enterprise information system model for royal Malaysian Navy (SText
Material process analysis and fabrication of 1 Ton Hoist (Sun GeaThesis
Kajian turapan berliang sebagai penebatan banjir di kawasan ba Thesis
Faktor-faktor kegagalan hakisan dan kaedah bio-kejuruteraan seb Thesis
Effect of vinyl acetate effluent in reducing heat of hydration of Indexed Paper
Beware, the junk food trap : cereals not as healthy as claimed Text
Ageing and degradation mechanism of linear low density polyethConference Papers
Penilaian statut Text
Effects of Ni and Pd metals catalyst on gamma alumina support Conference Papers
IT spending key sign of economic health Text
Highway operator PLUS embarks on survey Text
Jangan biarkan gengsterisme pelajar berleluasa Text
Catuan air di Melaka mulai Khamis Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat Poliklinik Rakyat secara atas talianText
NUTP mahu sekolah, MSN diajak bincang Text
KPDNHEP percepat pinda akta tertangguh Text
Kajian terhadap pengamalan pengurusan penyenggaraan oleh indust Text
200 program futuristik UiTM Text
Life for four projects News Paper Cuttings
Comparative analysis of seismic behavior of V-braced frames a Conference Papers
Ranking : the debate continues Text
Microbial corrosion of API 5L X-70 carbon steel by ATCC 7757 anIndexed Paper
Nuclear Medicine Exam Papers
Inorganic Chemistry I Exam Papers
Methodology in TESL II Exam Papers
Experts to discuss ways to conserve Malayan carp Text
Strategy of low prices brings in the customers Text
Dynamic modeling of a flexible plate structure using finite diff Text
Mengingati Hari Malaysia Text
Behaviour of cohesive soil due to eccentricity loading on shallo Thesis
Unesco to assess education system Text
Synthesis of microporous amorphous silica from perhydropolysilIndexed Paper
Hand dominance on grip strength and muscle activity among phys Conference Papers
A mean value model for estimation of laminar and turbulent flamIndexed Paper
UTM benar calon guna laman sosial News Paper Cuttings
KL wants Singapore to formalise assurances Text
Urban planning & development control (perancangan bandar Text
Stress distribution of secondary bending in single-lap bolted joinJournal Article
RMK-9 paling ditunggu Text
Traffic engineering and transportation Exam Papers
Generating 3D model of building using terrestrial laser scanner Thesis
Pati halia legakan sakit sendi Text
Belajar secara bijak punca kejayaan Text
Modern physics Text
Pakar setuju ekonomi negara makin mantap Text
Photodegradation of malachite green by immobilization of titaniIndexed Paper
Pembangunan sistem maklumat penilaian (VIS) (Abstract) Text
Treatment of simulated refinery based sulfidic spent caustic usi Thesis
Simulation project to address floods Text
Tanjung Tuan threatened by pollution Text
Government intervention in the marketing system : a case studyText
Volume calculation of dredge material from multibeam survey dText
Ajar pendidikan seks di sekolah : Shahrizat Text
Analysis of strength development in non-traditional liquid additiIndexed Paper
Mengenali sukan dari aspek sukan Text
Pembangunan laman web matematik berasaskan sembilan aspekConference pe Papers
Menggunakan kaedah penggerudian dalam menentukan kekuataThesis
60,000 kerja kosong menanti graduan Text
Ong wins Asian award Text
Rokok punca mati muda Text
Empat beranak dibunuh kejam Text
Experimental rig for human-vibration study Thesis
Islam and eradication of poverty : an ethnical dimension of develText
Land disposal Exam Papers
An application board to the Atmega32 microcontroller board Thesis
Front-end circuit in electrical resistance tomography (ERT) for Indexed Paper
Verilog design of input / output processor with built-in-self-test Text
Web of Science & High Impact Journals Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Optimization of acid ratios for liquid phase oxidation of multi- Conference Papers
Buyers preferred attribute for China developers' condominium inThesis
Proses pembuatan produk halal berlandaskan syariat Islam Thesis
Driving the MSC foward Text
Vibration analysis on supporting structure (lamp pole) Text
Electro-mechanical artifical insemination device Thesis
Felda peruntuk biasiswa RM9.5 juta Text
Rakan Muda diberi nafas baru Text
Mediu lebih sistematik Text
Quality education to begin at primary level Text
Construction law and contract 1 Exam Papers
Persediaan Pejabat PM Text
Rakan Muda daerah disusun semula Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
Jangan ubah : PM : bayar balik pinjaman PTPTN selepas dua b Text
Lattice boltzmann simulation of natural convection and fluid flo Non-Index Paper
Syed Hamid : Susilo's purpose to caution navy Text
Financial manager on mobile phone Thesis
60,000 penagih dadah dijangkiti Aids, HIV Text
17 lagi kes dijangkiti Chikungunya Text
Fizik kaca dan seramik Text
Permodelan reruang GIS dalam perancangan dan pengurusan suText
30 pelajar terima Biasiswa Nasional Text
Lessons learned from process equipment failures in the chemicalIndexed Paper
Correlation analysis on UWB MIMO tree-antenna orientations Indexed Paper
Doktor didakwa miliki dadah Text
2,000 biasiswa lepasan SPM Text
Persepsi pelajar tahun 4 Sarjana Muda Sains serta Pendidikan ( Thesis
Asas ukur kejuruteraan Text
Khidmat pensyarah tidak dilanjut 65 tahun Text
Geoteknik Text
Kajian kualiti air di Reservoir Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, SkudText
Virtual mass of regular polygon at angle of attack Indexed Paper
Denda lebih RM20,000 guna pewarna dalam teh Text
Cartographic design Exam Papers
Analytical solutions of peristaltic motion of magnetohydrodyna Thesis
Agenda utama industri pembinaan Malaysia Text
Muhyiddin mahu peruntukan terus R&D Text
Eye on illegal fuel trade Text
Menyuburkan ekosistem inovasi tanpa halangan birokrasi News Paper Cuttings
The application of Multiple regression Analysis (MRA) in apartmeThesis
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Effect of material properties on ductility factor of singly RC bea Conference Papers
Oral cancer a rising concern among aging Malaysians Text
Scouring of flow under bottomless semicircular culvert Thesis
Peneroka mengisi pembangunan negara Text
Feature selection and machine learning classification for live peeThesis
Perang harga tidak reda Text
Sustainability evaluation of alternative part configurations in p Indexed Paper
Getaran dan kawalan Text
BPM laksana perbankan Islam penuh pada 2010 Text
A good start to the year, say economists Text
Development of a road inventory in UTM campus using MapInfoThesis
Ministry to help develop Permata Pintar programme Text
APs end in 2020, ease on big cars Text
The privatisation concept in relocating of rebuilding government's Text
Students with STAM can now apply at 20 public varsities Text
3D model reconstruction system Thesis
Electronic devices Exam Papers
Budaya keserakanan Text
Kuktem kini Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Text
Strategi æsampah sifarÆ tingkat kadar guna semula bahan Text
Kereta nasional terus disokong Text
Pembinaan dan keberkesanan perisian berbantukan komputer ba Text
Degradation of polymeric power cable due to water tree under dThesis
Robotics Exam Papers
Kaunseling industri Text
Dadah : 31 rakyat kita ditahan di luar negar tahun lalu Text
Malaysia sebagai hab pertahanan Text
Legal studies 2 Exam Papers
UTM to expel five students if dadah charge proven Text
Penyusunan semula Pelabuhan Johor, Tanjung Pelepas perlu kajText
The effect of variation of soil and humidity to ground penetratinThesis
Spinal cord injury rehabilitation : which way forward? Indexed Paper
More dengue cases reported Text
Aplication of natural commutation technique to an improved cyclText
PKNS wants stake in project News Paper Cuttings
Generasi polis masa kini turut berkorban Text
Asas pemasaran Text
Hubungan antara lima personaliti utama dengan pemindahan pem Thesis
Sidang iklim tuntut komitmen ahli politik Text
Pembangunan multimedia berasaskan laman web bagi pembelajar Thesis
Antara insinerator dan najis babi Text
Land administration Exam Papers
Nilai pokok cengal terbesar di dunia RM1 juta Text
Majlis Fatwa haram pengklonan manusia Text
Singapore aware of reasons for bridge Text
Hubungan antara penilaian pembelajaran dengan penilaian tin Conference Papers
Bijaksana tangani isu pelarian Uighur News Paper Cuttings
Industrial engineering Exam Papers
Speed enhancement on a matrix inversion hardware architecturThesis
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Lecturers to be sent abroad to get PhDs Text
The elastic properties of TeO2 - PbO2 - Li2O - Nd2O3 glass Conference Papers
Move to aid Class F contractors Text
Integriti dan pola kepemimpinan politik Melayu di negeri Johor Thesis
Peningkatan kualiti pembangunan sumber manusia Text
Graduan perlu pastikan ilmu seiring perubahan zaman Text
Perks plan for owners to preserve heritage buildings Text
Penuntut hargai ganjaran daripada UTM Text
Model pentaksiran pembelajaran pelajar menggunakan kaedah hText
Hotel buku di Jepun Text
Perbankan Islam merdekakan umat daripada amalan riba Text
Mechanical and flammability properties of ABS/PVC blends (Full Text
Sistem pendidikan negara setaraf antarabangsa Text
Mathematics for surveyors Exam Papers
Professional practice II Exam Papers
An open and comprehensive masterplan Text
Sekolah sukar praktik bahasa inggeris Text
Development of unmanned aerial vehicle for aerial fertilization Thesis
Bidang kemahiran buka peluang luas Text
Datuk Siamang Gagap pahlawan Negeri Sembilan Text
Furore over prices of meat : traders say ceiling price too low Text
E-pengurusan mesyuarat Thesis
Zon khusus hiburan di KL Text
Internships for 100 top scorers Text
Iconic representation techniques for ion dynamics in glass struc Thesis
Development economics Exam Papers
Webgis based database information and management system (DIM Journal Article
Elektronik III Text
Synthesis and characterization of lithium iron phosphate nanowirThesis
Rombak sistem subsidi, tumpu rakyat miskin : beri notis awal na Text
Pelajar Korea selatan lawat UTM News Paper Cuttings
Effendi atur organisasi khas Text
UTM tawar pengajian pada golongan bekerjaya News Paper Cuttings
Lawmakers shouldnÆt be lawbreakers Text
Zionis anggap bangsa lain binatang Text
The relationship between entrepreneurial passion and entrepre Thesis
Fasa kedua wawasan 2020 lebih mencabar Text
Beware of those who bear gifts, civil servants told Text
Educational software in high technology for a secondary school Thesis
Jenayah syariah tak terikat bukti sumpah Text
First-principles study of structural, electronic, elastic and th Indexed Paper
An enterprise architectures implementation methodology basedThesis
Muzzling the guzzlers Text
Meritokrasi kekal : TPM : berjaya cetus rangsangan hebat tingkaText
Development of an Android user interface for electric vehicle Thesis
Evaluation of gold extrusion proces with almost unlubricated co Thesis
Entrepreneurial learning organization and culture Exam Papers
A genetic algorithm for solving single level lot-sizing problems Text
More women to head households Text
Trent family of engines becomes leader in the market Text
Matematik tahun asas Text
Project management Exam Papers
Construction mathematics / matematik binaan Text
Coal comfort Text
Penilaian formasi Text
Simulation safety management of ibs construction Text
Inferring gene network from gene expression data using dynamicThesis
Abdullah beri jaminan : kerajaan akan dedah segala maklumat Text
Recommended factors for triage categories using simulation mod Conference Papers
Prototaip pembangunan papan mesej elektronik wayarles menggThesis
A facile enzymatic synthesis of geranyl propionate by physicall Indexed Paper
Ijazah doktor tamat pengajian di India tidak diiktiraf MMC Text
Inap desa jana RM4.8j Text
Bajet 2010 diharap beri tumpuan sektor PKS Text
Application of shear strength at unsaturated condition for vacu Text
Tackling cardiovascular diseases Text
Merdeka Everest team reaches summit Text
Rakyat Malaysia cipta grafik di kereta Alonso Text
2 hektar tempat riadah wajib Text
Trisomy 21 detector Thesis
Sikap Xenophobia di Australia News Paper Cuttings
Petronas boleh kurangkan kesan harga minyak Text
CRM adoption model for Malaysian telecommunication and finaThesis
The appraisal of slope management in forecasting failure mech Thesis
Penyebaran dakwah melalui ICT berkesan pikat generasi muda Text
Engineers are major contributors Text
Electrical machine Exam Papers
Modelling performance of ocean-thermal energy conversion cycle Journal Article
Simulation of industrialised building system formation for housi Conference Papers
Acid hydrolysis to produce glucose from sugarcane bagasse Thesis
Potential alkali silica reaction in granite aggregate Thesis
Energy management key practices: a proposed list for Malaysia UNon-Index Paper
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Parametric studies on tramcar suspension system Conference Papers
Inflasi kekal paras terendah Text
Malaysia beli 48 kereta kebal tempur Poland Text
Robot UTM ke Kaherah News Paper Cuttings
Harga RON95 naik lima sen Text
Kekal waras di jalan raya Text
The relationship between self-concept, intrinsic motivation, s Non-Index Paper
Detecting and preventing unauthorised computer access on a phText
Students perspective on sustainable tropical architectural ideas Conference Papers
Malaysia lokasi pilihan laksana penyumberan luar Text
Statistics and operational research Text
Membaca dan cintakan ilmu untuk maju Text
Takungan air punca tanah bukit runtuh Text
CIMB tawar susun semula pinjaman kenderaan Text
JPNS diarah batal Sekolah Rancangan Khas Text
Kaedah daftar prabayar diumum April Text
Pengurusan dan ekonomi gas asli Text
Pertumbuhan disasar 6.3 peratus setahun Text
Sultan Mizan mahu KUSZA hadapi cabaran globalisasi Text
Kempen kesedaran barah pangkal rahim diperhebat Text
Syariat asas utama dekatkan diri kepada Pencipta Text
Bekalan elektrik cukup sehingga 2015 Text
Aduan fitnah Siti dipertikai Text
Penilaian perhutanan Text
Getting together to stop violence Text
Hari keluarga UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penggunaan komputer dalam kimia Text
Systematic mapping study of quality attributes measurement in sConference Papers
Mengatasi masalah sembelit Text
Kementerian Kesihatan tidak haramkan Botox Text
Simultaneous phase measurement interferometry for laser interact Text
Jumbo plan to draw tourists to Terengganu Text
Intuitiveness 3D objects interaction in augmented reality using SIndexed Paper
PM expects GDP growth of about 7% for last year Text
KPD, OCS gagal bersih jenayah hadapi pertukaran Text
SPA out to make Sabah port into shipping hub Text
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Sekolah prestasi tinggi Text
Singapura tolak hak Malaysia bina separuh jambatan Text
Perisian cetak rompak makin menular di universiti Text
Stint with elite varsities for UTM's top 5 students News Paper Cuttings
Experimental evaluation of active force vibration control of a fle Conference Papers
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanospheres by electrochemical method Conference Papers
Synthesis and bioassay studies of cationic porphyrins for gene trThesis
Kerangka modul bahasa C menggunakan pendekatan model integ Thesis
Boost for herbal medicines Text
TM perkasa pendidikan negara secara online melalui inisiatif eS Text
Pelaksanaan sistem pentaksiran pendidikan Ikram Musleh di ra Thesis
Mesoscale surface circulation and variability of Southern Indian Indexed Paper
Teacher trainees' practices and beliefs of teaching writing in s Thesis
Lightweight concrete as sub base for pavement maintenance andThesis
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Data Communication Laboratory Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Perancangan Infrastruktur, Utiliti dan Pengangkutan Text
UTM, KPJ bina hospital penyelidikan News Paper Cuttings
Pengaruh kemudahan pembiayaan skim rumah pertamaku terhad Thesis
Marketing for non-marketers : inclinations towards market orient Indexed Paper
UTM-Oxford partnership News Paper Cuttings
April vehicle sales up 6.7% Text
Taubat perlu dilakukan sepanjang hayat, tidak bertangguh Text
Permudah urusan kahwin mampu atasi peningkatan anak luar niText
Saintis temui tenaga misteri di angkasa Text
Economic aspect of square hollow section (SHS) in the design of Thesis
Performance evaluation of palm oil-based biodiesel combustion Indexed
i Paper
Bioven hasilkan empat vaksin kanser Text
Makan luar lewat malam, 40% budak makin gemuk Text
30 'top' schools to be picked for special benefits Text
KWSP bayar dividen 5 peratus, tertinggi dalam 4 tahun Text
Malaysia guna nuklear untuk jana elektrik pada 2020? Text
Pembangunan sektor berpotensi akan dibantu Text
Gangguan dari luar jejas prestasi guru Text
Gotong-royong kukuhkan perpaduan Text
Labur lebih agresif perdagangan di Mesir Text
Peluang pekerjaan melalui khidmat SMS Text
Sukarnya istiqamah mempertahankan kebenaran Text
Sound velocity propagation in multibeam echosounding data Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
SBB board accepts BCHB offer Text
RM1j biayai tiga projek landskap Text
Pembangunan modul multimedia bagi subjek sistem penentududText
Rose Alinda dilantik TNC Akademik & Antarabangsa UTM News Paper Cuttings
Development and validation of instrument on beliefs of teachingThesis
I do not want the rakyat to be cheated Text
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Improvement of self-organizing time divison multiple access in Thesis
Penerimaan pakai inovasi dalam latihan dalam kalangan jurulatihThesis
Guru tidak duduki PTK boleh naik gaji Text
Recovery of ionized nanosilver from wash water solution using Journal Article
Increase in teenage rapists Text
Pangkalan data senarai saintis Islam akan diwujud Text
Zakat diabai punca terjerumus krisis makanan Text
Tidings of unity from undergrads Text
Occlusion in augmented reality Thesis
Structured development Text
LIMA '09 : Scorpene sub takes pride of place Text
A study to investigate the relationship between coaches' leadersh Text
Miri holds cultural fest woo-tourists Text
From fruit to healthy snack Text
Kadar mutaah mengikut kemampuan suami Text
Proses pengangkutan Text
Practical production layout design for multi-product and small-loJournal Article
Peer scaffolding in promoting critical thinking through asynchr Conference Papers
IPTA perlu segera tingkat keterampilan pelajar Text
Stadium Jalan Raja Muda jadi Pusat Kecemerlangan Sukan Text
Effect of flux type on intermetallics formation in solder joint Text
Malaysia bakal uji pesawat peninjau tanpa pemandu Text
High technology small and medium sized enterprises (HTSMEs) :Text
Private colleges pledge RM5m for bumis Text
Design of lab-scale impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)Thesis
Prevention, control key to dengue war Text
Introduction to architectural history/history & theory of archite Exam Papers
Structure and electrical characterization of gallium arsenide nanIndexed Paper
Biasiswa ditarik jika prestasi merosot Text
Structural and luminescence properties of Eu3+ and Dy3+-dopedIndexed Paper
Perubahan dasar Text
Second job not the answer Text
A novel chaotic based image encryption using a hybrid model of Indexed Paper
Ekor musang unik, eksotik Text
More cops on drugs, says SAC Jalaluddin Text
Melaka jadi ibu pejabat Pertubuhan Bandaraya Asia Menentang Text
Some parameters influencing the formation and stability of emulConference Papers
Pusat tak terbabit News Paper Cuttings
A study on conductive polymer nanocomposite of polystyrene/pThesis
Lebih 1,000 peserta sertai Kayuhan Merdeka UTM News Paper Cuttings
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Kakitangan kerajaan dibenar memakai batik setiap Sabtu Text
Trend gegaran meningkat Text
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan (MRP) berasaskan web di W Text
Perubatan nuklear Text
193,200 hektar sawit didaftar bawah Skim Insentif Tanam SemulText
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Kajian awal terhadap kesesuaian plastik ABS dalam penghasilan Text
Exco wajib pelajari 4 bahasa Text
Design and implementation of OFDM transmitter and receiver onText
Urban landscape factors that influenced the character of Geor Non-Index Paper
Battle plan against bird flu pandemic Text
Hipogonadisme : kurang hormon seks Text
Motivational factors of electronic-word-of-mouth for selected MThesis
Reconfigurable four-parasitic-elements patch antenna for high- Indexed Paper
Fatal end for four robbers Text
503 pegawai bersara wajib disambung khidmat secara kontrak Text
Pakej insentif tingkat hasil tani Text
Perkenal Islam melalui pelancongan Text
3 cabaran sistem kewangan Islam Text
Hypothetical reservoir model Thesis
Multiband antenna for mobile handset (Preview) Text
Gmail sedia khidmat terjemahan automatik Text
Kajian kemungkinan perlaksanaan kaedah bina dan jual di dalamText
Bersimpati Tapi Perlu Ada Batasan News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan antara pencemaran udara dan pengangkutan bandar Thesis di
Laughing your way towards better health Text
IPT perlu miliki formula 5C Text
Four varsities get research grants Text
Pertemuan CUEPACS dengan Perdana Menteri : kerajaan setuju Text
Sekolah Wawasan pertama dibuka Text
Webometric iktiraf UTM universiti terbaik Malaysia Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
TPM II untuk Presiden MCA tiada dalam sejarah Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Deciphering transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of the aquIndexed Paper
Permodelan sedimen di Sungai Semenyih menggunakan perisia Text
Projek tiga lorong di lebuh raya bermula bulan depan Text
Rekabentuk sistem pengangkat dan pemutar bagi tujuan penyimp Text
Nur Fazrina jadi anak merdeka News Paper Cuttings
Visualizing urban sustainability using esda study case (Al-Laith C Thesis
Geometric map matching algorithm analysis Thesis
Masyarakat perlu bantu pelihara kawasan dilindungi Text
Perpustakaan bergerak ditambah Text
Development of layered silicates montmorillonite filled rubbe Text
Application of butterworth filter in face recognition system for gThesis
Stocks fall upon jobless report Text
Pulau Pisang milik mutlak Johor Text
Kemudahan bangunan I Text
Pengesanan dan dosimetri sinaran Exam Papers
Pertingkat integriti kurangkan kebocoran Text
Frustration of contract due to abnormal increase of price in MalaThesis
Benarkan kakitangan awam kerja sambilan Text
Helping troubled children Text
Numerical studies of ion beam in NX2 plasma focus for differentIndexed Paper
Pembangunan sistem sokongan pembelajaran kendiri atas talianThesis ba
Lebih banyak pusat atlet OKU Text
Pemisahan kementerian permudah bahagi tugas Text
Perodua sees 6.4% sales growth Text
CCTVs for all MACC offices Text
The study of the Johor River (Sungai Johor) corridor and its cons Text
Mesir minat sertai koridor pembangunan di Malaysia Text
Genetic engineering Exam Papers
38 penyelidik UTM kongsi hadiah wang Text
Sistem kewangan Islam mesti terus diperkukuh Text
Canberra backs our stand Text
Tahfiz wajar bantu Text
Endon disemadi : isteri Perdana Menteri meninggal dunia jam 7 Text
Mesin pengimbas kawal pintu masuk negara Text
Modelling performance of ocean-thermal energy conversion cycle Indexed Paper
Sayangkan suami, isteri sanggup didera Text
The integration of lean construction and sustainable constructionIndexed Paper
Mikropemproses Text
Ecological footprint for campus sustainability in Malaysia Conference Papers
Sektor pertanian dapat nafas baru Text
What it takes to get a PSD scholarship Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lebihan penawaran perumahaThesis
Ubat hentikan ketagihan ambil pekerja asing Text
Politics and educational planning Exam Papers
Active sway control of a gantry crane by an electrical ducted fanIndexed Paper
Bincang kadar sesuai ambil pembantu rumah Indonesia Text
Usahawan graduan perlu tubuh koperasi untuk maju Text
The effect of modern Iranian family culture towards high-densit Thesis
Kajian tahap kesedaran untuk kitar semula sisa plastik di kawa Text
Urus sisa elektronik Text
Application of BIM in early stage design cost estimation Thesis
Woman who died during childbirth a UTM dropout Text
Turapan blok konkrit dalam pengurusan air larian permukaan Thesis
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Biodiesel production by using different alcohols Thesis
Tujuh kilang kelapa sawit cemar alam Text
Boleh mohon terus 7,987 jawatan pengetua, guru cemerlang Text
Modeling, simulation and optimization of continous ion exchangConference Papers
Rasional haram iklan makanan segera Text
Developing change management capability maturity framework Conference
for Papers
No guarantee on fuel price Text
Memahami cabaran, tekanan saudara baru Text
Condition monitoring of blade in turbomachinery : a review Indexed Paper
Rapid ergonomics biometrics information system Thesis
Fizik optik Text
Sokong cukai individu dikurangkan Text
Comparison process long execution between Pq algorthm and new Non-Index Paper
Professional practice I Exam Papers
10 pusat agih jarum suntikan Text
Turtle population dwindling fast Text
Langkah IPTA tingkatkan kualiti siswazah Text
A study of burning characteristic of AP68AL15HTPB17/13 propelThesis
Face detection surveillance system using FPGA Thesis
Gerakan cadang Mapen III Text
Tarikh peperiksaan utama tidak dipinda : Muhyiddin Text
Taksub peperiksaan punca pelajar tidak capai inovasi maksimumText
Asia sokong NAM isu Gaza Text
Principles of engineering management Exam Papers
Penggunaan perisian MapInfo dalam pengurusan cukai harta danText
UTM hasil yogurt dari santan News Paper Cuttings
Pendidikan iman mesti diterap sejak peringkat kanak-kanak lagi Text
Sempena Muktamar Pas Ke-55 : peluang menilai keupayaan pimp Text
Properties of single face compacted porous asphalt Indexed Paper
Object-oriented programming / pengaturcaraan berorientasikanText
Get set for more hazy days on west coast Text
Focus on 3K goals, Abdullah urges youth Text
Notebook purchase scheme for students Text
Analisis kecacatan bangunan yang disebabkan oleh kesilapan m Thesis
Daya saing Malaysia mengatasi Jerman Text
Projek monorel RM400 juta di Putrajaya ditangguh sementara Text
Brace for petrol hike Text
A home is built in a day News Paper Cuttings
Potensi baik bagi industri aeroangkasa di Malaysia Text
Social media usage in academic research Indexed Paper
61 peratus sokong 1Malaysia Text
Kristalografi sinar-X Text
Dengue updates : policeman becomes lastest dengue victim Text
Setiap mesin ATM patuhi standard Text
Program 'Starting Finishing School' Text
Sistem kejuruteraan kuasa Text
Grads must meet needs of industry, says Najib Text
Modeling and optimization aspects of radiation induced graftingIndexed
o Paper
Faedah penggunaan sistem pusat setempat dalam talian di majl Thesis
More projects in the pipeline News Paper Cuttings
Pendekatan pembelajaran berteraskan visualisasi bagi lukisan k Thesis
Pusat Islam Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)) : b Text
Factors affecting the implementation of strategic asset managemThesis
Mathematical modelling of earthquake induced vibrations on mul Thesis
IPT lancar program tingkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris Text
Matematik asas Text
Pemanduan selamat pada pandangan Islam Conference Papers
Overview on the employment of the lambda pL/cI587 regulationConference
s Papers
Simulation of thermal comfort of a residential house Non-Index Paper
Malaysia kekal lokasi penyumberan luar Text
Noise & Vibration Text
Cuepacs fuming over gratuity limit Text
Islam dan kebebasan budaya serta fesyen Text
Development of small wind generator and electricity storage sy Thesis
Joining of mild steel by brazing process Text
Design and analysis of fused deposition modeling textile geometri Journal Article
Modelling and active vibration control of flexible manipulator st Thesis
UTM's farewell dinner for Ainuddin News Paper Cuttings
NC UTM, 29 staf takluk puncak Kinabalu News Paper Cuttings
Islam tentukan hak anak sejak dalam kandungan Text
Bioprinting : using a modified standard inkjet printer Thesis
Tindakan peneroka keluar dari pengurusan ladang oleh Felda d Thesis
The design of ultra wideband six-port network by using ground- Indexed Paper
Instrumentasi dan pemerolehan data Exam Papers
Muzium guna sistem RFID Text
Semua dakwaan perlu disertakan bukti News Paper Cuttings
Coarse-to-fine copy-move image forgery detectiion method baseThesis
A novel 1.575-GHz dual-polarization textile antenna for GPS applIndexed Paper
Govt unveils projects for Labuan News Paper Cuttings
Road safety audit at expressway upgrading Pasir Gudang expres Thesis
Stolen TNB parts used in projects Text
382,000 kembali secara haram Text
Tiada jaminan kerja di sekolah kerajaan Text
Syor konsep saling kerjasama Text
Binaan landskap II Text
Monitoring land surface deformation using persistent scatterersThesis
Thermodynamic analysis and catalytic steam reforming of aceticThesis
Pengguna mesti belajar elak ditipu Text
Application of phase congruency for discriminating some lung diIndexed Paper
Enhancing handwriting difficulty screening tool with progressionThesis
Total cost could run into millions Text
Korporat perlu jaga alam sekitar Text
Conjugate effects of heat and mass transfer on MHD free conve Indexed Paper
Serious air pollution in Miri Text
Voyage planning with reference to specific port costs (Fulltext) Text
Artificial neural network for modeling the size of silver nanopa Indexed Paper
Arbitration agreement in subcontract: incorporation by referencThesis
Effect of fluoride treatment on corrosion behavior of Mg-Ca binar Indexed Paper
Introduction to industrial sociology Exam Papers
Seismic design analysis of frame structure using visual basic 6 (P Text
Mechanics of solids I Text
92 one-stop centre in local councils Text
2,820 kes rasuah disiasat Text
Evaluating urban sprawl using remote sensing and geographic i Thesis
Measurement of productivity rate of drainage trench excavationThesis
Rough set granularity in mobile web pre-caching Conference Papers
Electric go-kart using BLDC motor with speedometer Thesis
Ilmu atau sijil kelayakan? Text
Synergistic effect of catalyst basicity and reducibility on perf Indexed Paper
Malaysia akan miliki makmal penyakit kebal ubat Text
Exploiting visual cues for learning gait patterns associated with Journal Article
Pengukuran kemajuan kerja melalui kos, kuantiti dan masa : sa Thesis
Thermoluminescence response of copper-doped potassium borate Indexed Paper
Program Pintar sedarkan pelajar bahaya dadah Text
Effect of graphene oxide (GO) in improving the performance of hThesis
Penyelidik UTM cipta alat rawat air longkang Text
RISE silver Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Overcoming barriers through policy advocacy and investment prConference Papers
Masalah keluarga dan pengaruhnya terhadap pencapaian akademik Thesis
Enhanced degradation of pyrene and metabolite identification bIndexed Paper
JB folk want monorail to Singapore Text
Pengaruh elemen Islam liberal terhadap aqidah pelajar sekolah Conference Papers
PPSMI diteruskan sesi tahun depan Text
Kawalan proses dan dinamik Text
The effect of surfactant properties in surfactant flooding using Thesis
Their massive resources can help grow economy : PM Text
Alive! Text
RM250b business lifeline Text
Tiga saintis wanita Malaysia tiba di Antartika Text
Sultan Mizan lafaz sumpah Text
KL, Jakarta to sign MoU on workers soon Text
Dynamic scene occlusion culling in architectural scenes based Text
CFD investigation of wing-in-ground (WIG) effect with NACA 640Thesis
Regulation and incentive measures, customer pressure, envirop Thesis
Senibina kapal Text
Clustering chemical data using particle swarm optmization base Text
Keadilan bukan harapan mutlak capai keamanan Text
Asylum seekers for workforce Text
Infanrix Hexa : vaksin 6 dalam 1 Text
Psang sistem kenal pasti kakitangan salah guna komputer riba Text
BSN beri pinjaman kepada PKS Text
Multiple linear regression (MLR) modeling of wastewater in urb Indexed Paper
2 penyelidik UPM menang anugerah Text
Tekla structures 13.0 application enhancement Thesis
Eco design of food packaging in Malaysia (biscuits packaging) Thesis
High technology small and medium sized enterprises (HTSMEs) : Text
Fasa kedua LPT tidak dipinda Text
Tinjuan ke atas tahap kerosakan sistem bekalan air di Kolej ked Text
Determining alternatives for metal forming lubricants : a study uIndexed Paper
As-built analysis through three dimensions laser scanner Thesis
Pendapatan pelaburan KWSP RM8.389 bilion Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Percaturan AS-China di Laut China Selatan Text
`Bioecods' dijangka tepati sasaran banjir sifar 2010 Text
Four projections CMOS linear image sensor tomographic image rIndexed Paper
Blueprint on eradicating poverty in the pipeline Text
10 jalan berisiko tinggi kemalangan dinaik taraf Text
Fizik asas II Text
Laman web untuk rakyat pantau projek kerajaan Text
Medicine to remain free for lower-income group Text
Hapus rasuah ikut prosedur, bukan untuk balas dendam Text
Material process analysis and fabrication of 1 ton hoist (planet gThesis
The role of customer-linking, brand position and new service de Thesis
Kakitangan awam baru tunggu 8 bulan untuk gaji pertama Text
Use of geotextile for reducing settlement of embankment over sThesis
Six killed in Johor floods Text
Telefon selular jadi ATM Text
An effectiveness model for enterprise architecture methodologi Indexed Paper
Compulsory day off for maids Text
Penilaian terhadap ujikaji papak komposit berskala kecil mengg Text
Where the Malaysian flag flutters proudly Text
USM bags 19 prestigious awards at I-Tex 2002 Text
An assessment of ethical development in class: a case study on Thesis
Penggunaan tanah gambut bagi pemisahan logam berat dalam kimi Text
Cukai dorong pelestarian alam sekitar Text
Rekabentuk dan pembangunan infrastruktur spatial data marin bThesis
Pengawasan deformasi terhadap pelantar luar persisir Thesis
Assessment of terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate (TGRD) of Ke Indexed Paper
Development of data modification method for optimization of f Thesis
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Relationship between big five personality and job satisfaction Thesis
Tokoh paling berjasa Text
Johor DOE to test sea water for toxic red tide Text
Nombor pasport, MyKad seragam Text
Hydrodynamic investigation of artificial reef models for coastal Text
Finite element method to dynamic modelling of an underwater flIndexed Paper
Fabrication of ZnV2O6 nanostructures : their energy storage andIndexed Paper
Effect of fines content and plasticity on liquefaction susceptibilitThesis
Kementerian ambil alih tugas urus sisa pepejal Text
UiTM cipta sejarah lahirkan graduan perubatan Text
Amine-functionalized, silver-exchanged zeolite NaY : preparation,Indexed Paper
Numerical simulation of supercritical flow in open channel (Full tText
Determination of contract by employer in construction industry (Text
Producing digital mosaic image from raw side scan sonar data Thesis
Isolation and cloning of human VEGF promoter region in PGL3 baThesis
Determination of the optimum design parameter for a multi cavitThesis
Risk assessment mapping of landscape development based on ecol Non-Index Paper
Pelajar digesa kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
NOx emission reduction from gas burner system applying water Text
Intensity of blue LED light : a potential stimulus for biomass and Indexed Paper
Effect of ultrasonic wave on vapour liquid equilibrium of methyl Thesis
Ikan kurangkan risiko kematian News Paper Cuttings
Plaza Pontian pusat perdagangan baru Text
Fomca : many are spending more wisely Text
FTA : tiada kompromi isu pertanian Text
Improving the communication path reliability of WiMAX mesh neIndexed Paper
Guna kepakaran firma ITáBumiputera : Najib Text
The role of extrinsic product cues in consumers' preferences an Indexed Paper
Mahathir a hero of developing world, says official Text
Kerajaan kaji kaedah baru pulih penagih dadah Text
Royal family are nature lovers News Paper Cuttings
Tawar pengajian keusahawanan kepada pelajar Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan pelajar di KUSZA berasaskan web Text
Audit I Exam Papers
Effects of Si02 nanofillers on polarization and depolarization c Conference Papers
Konsortium langkah majukan perikanan Text
Pre-computed table architecture for knuth-morris-pratt string mThesis
SPNB akan bina 80,000 rumah Text
Cadangan bina jalan 4 lorong di Kelantan Text
Development of a maintenance free tropicalized lead acid bat Conference Papers
Perwakilan IPTA perlu bela kebajikan pelajar Text
Code clone detection using string based tree matching techniqu Conference Papers
Turning points at the racecourse Text
Electronics Exam Papers
UTM tawar pendidikan perisian News Paper Cuttings
P2P audio and video calling application using WebRTC Indexed Paper
Kefahaman murid tahun lima tentang pendarabban Thesis
Teaching future motorists to be polite all-rounders Text
Doctors can apply for practising cert early Text
Gamification: potentials and challenges in teaching and learning Conference Papers
Police to use students in fighting crime Text
Tahap perpaduan pelajar pelbagai kaum dalam mata pelajaran Thesis
Kasih sayang - 20 petua untuk kebahagiaan Text
Draftsmen happy working from home Text
Plan to check exam culture Text
Pemprosesan bahan Text
Pengadunan getah asli terepoksid dengan getah asli (abstrak) Text
No promotion for defaulters Text
Pelajar UTM menang empat hadiah utama MSSA Text
Steep learning curve for USM Text
Active steering system for vehicle dynamic control Thesis
Kesihatan makin baik Text
Ice turns out to be fatty alcohol Text
Experimental evaluation of anti-stripping additives on porous asJournal Article
Terapi sel stem kaedah rawat Parkinson Text
Flood transmission based protocol for home automation systemConference Papers
A comparative study of trends of nitrate, chloride and phosphateIndexed Paper
MAMPU steps up ICT security initiative Text
Kerajaan tubuh Yayasan Angkasawan Text
The relationship between big five personality and organizatio Thesis
Tidak boleh ubati penyakit palsi serebral, sindrom down Text
Implementation of software testing on MYRAM web application Thesis
Pembebanan serbuk yang optimum bagi bahan suapan daripadaConference Papers
Kucing jejas kehamilan Text
School co-operatives profitable Text
Lawatan Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Rubbish trapped for months Text
Propagation of ship induced waves on to the Tanjung Piai coastl Text
PTPTN lantik pengutip hutang Text
Material engineering Exam Papers
Solid phase membrane tip extraction - microemulsion electrokinThesis
Kajian sistem retikulasi bekalan air perumahan di Matang, KuchiThesis
Automatic generation of test cases from activity diagrams for umJournal Article
Laminar nanofluid flow over periodic two dimensional rectangulaThesis
Etika menjalankan kajian tindakan dalam kalangan guru sekolah Thesis
Calibration of thermal infrared channels of Feng Yun satellite da Conference Papers
Challenges in managing construction projects in Palaestine Thesis
Engine oil wear resistance Thesis
Laksanakan sekolah satu aliran Text
Modified metal oxides supported on polyvinyl chloride catalysts Thesis
Kuasa beli pembaca BM meningkat Text
Public transport must be improved to encourage its use Text
Performance evaluation of routing protocols in live video strea Indexed Paper
Kawalan kadaralir puncak dengan menggunakan kolam tahanan Thesis ke
Kimia permukaan & koloid Text
Pengaruh industri muzik dan hubungannya dengan masalah gejala Thesis
1.2j pekerja hadapi risiko di tempat kerja Text
Analisis kestabilan cerun menggunakan aplikasi pemakuan tana Thesis
An interactive real world virtual puzzle game using OpenCV Thesis
Beberapa hari permulaan dalam bilik darjah Conference Papers
Web Based Application Development I Exam Papers
Water supply reservoir operation in the framework of climate vaThesis
Isu gula halus barang kawalan ditentu esok Text
Environmental studies (pengajian alam sekitar) Exam Papers
Anomaly activity classification in the grocery stores Thesis
Bahasa Melayu satukan 30 etnik di Sarawak Text
Law of contract, tort, agency and sale of goods Text
Orchids facing extinction due to projects Text
Organizational justice perception as predictor of job satisfacti Thesis
Development of computer program for aerodynamic characteristic Thesis
Strength of concrete made from dredged sediments Journal Article
Government offices to open from 7.30am to 5.30pm Text
A new technique for cost-effective heat recovery network retrofiThesis
A distributed learning & teaching environment across institutio Conference Papers
Anugerah Pingat Hang Tuah diperkenal semula Text
Ammonia cemar air bukan isu remeh Text
PM: Privatisation right move Text
Partial differential equations Exam Papers
Arab postgraduate learners' listening comprehension problems wi Thesis
Majikan dikesan lakukan lebih 250 kesalahan Text
Tindakan bersepadu tangani pelacuran Text
Morphology and current-voltage measurements in zinc oxide naThesis
PSD accreditation Text
Ordinan Darurat mampu atasi jenayah Text
RM1.6m in pledges for scholarships Text
Johor kaji prosedur perkhidmatan awam negeri Text
Early detection of breast cancer using wave elliptic equation w Conference Papers
Severe period cramps could be first sign of future infertility Text
Kesan bahan tambah kimia terhadap konkrit abu kelapa sawit ( Text
Teknologi perniagaan Text
Sistem kemasukan pembantu rumah Indonesia disusun Text
Auto industry will have a say Text
Pasport terhad dihentikan Text
Penggunaan pusat sumber sekolah dan perpustakaan (PSS) : faktConference Papers
Asean, China kerjasama kawal, cegah wabak Text
Measurement of building energy intensity towards potential of bu Thesis
Lakar kecemerlangan Text
Senyuman pikat pelancong luar Text
Network and service economy systems and technology Exam Papers
Serious threats to fresh water Text
Tingkatkan kecekapan pengangkutan awam Text
Darah tinggi wabak global pada 2025 Text
Kementerian Perdagangan tubuh Unit Risikan Khas Text
A novel single phase five-level photovoltaic based grid-connecteIndexed Paper
Kerajaan rancang bangunkan sukan air Text
20.5% pengetua, guru besar bukan Melayu Text
PM tunggu cadangan semakan semula SSB Text
LPP sasar eksport 180 tan ikan keli ke China, Dubai Text
An overview of lightning air terminal : past, present and future Conference Papers
Pengkomersialan harta intelek galak R&D Text
Construction Technology 1 Exam Papers
Blend shape interpolation and FACS for realistic avatar Indexed Paper
Kemudahan bangunan II Text
Teknologi komputer ubah peranan kereta Text
TNB harap kerajaan serap kos arang batu dalam tarif baru Text
Top scorers discover again PSD scholarships are not guaranteed Text
Evaluation of different EEG source localization methods using tesIndexed Paper
RMK-9 manfaat sektor pembinaan Text
Faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan projek tanaman vanila. Kajia Thesis
Sasaran 40% pelajar di IPT Text
UTM installs energy-saving lamps on campus grounds News Paper Cuttings
IPTA utamakan wawasan, sumbangan kepada negara Text
Study of wurtzite and zincblende GaN/InN based solar cells alloyIndexed Paper
Information literacy of engineering students: a case study Conference Papers
Multiobjective dynamic vehicle routing problem and time seed bIndexed Paper
Dual system to control floods and terrorist attacks Text
Biomechanical analysis of rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist joint Thesis
Discrete event simulations Exam Papers
PM lancar Pelan Keselamatan Jalan Raya 2006-2010 Text
Alor Star becomes nationÆs ninth city with proclamation by KinText
Masjid dan penyebaran ilmu asas kekuatan umat Islam Text
Investors invited to join in Malaysias development Text
3D flythrough game development utilizing Wii balance board as Thesis
Syor sistem pusingan tugas atasi rasuah Text
Rheologyand polymer processing Exam Papers
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Pengaruh gaya hidup tenaga pengajar IPTA ke atas fakor pemili Thesis
RM550 juta baik pulih, naik taraf cerun berisiko tinggi Text
Alternative sewerage system in Malaysia : a new construction tecText
Kesan persekitaran fizikal pejabat terhadap stres di tempat kerjaThesis
Tambahan RM1.2 bilion cegah banjir : Najib Text
Hampir sejuta rakyat Malaysia lebih 30 tahun belum berkahwin Text
A multi-criteria analysis for bridge sustainability assessment : Indexed Paper
Wireless home electric usage/consumption observation system Thesis
Caffeine lowers risk of cancer in lab mice Text
Bahan bacaan bahasa inggeris di perpustakaan desa Text
Kerajaan mungkin ubah tempoh belajar di universiti Text
Sejuta pelancong China Text
Matematik untuk juru ukur Text
First double lung transplant at IJN Text
The physical properties and direct current conductivity of titaniuThesis
Near infrared face recognition by combining Zernike moments aIndexed Paper
Dedahkan Penyelewengan Text
CCMC majukan 4 produk penyelidikan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Health officials rapped for inaccurate Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Genetic engineering Text
3,000 pokok bakau ditanam Text
Malays diversify business too quickly : Abdullah Text
Perlekeh keputusan mahkamah syariah langgar etika kehakimanText
Facebook as a tool : exploring the use of facebook in teaching a Indexed Paper
Use of instantaneous energy of ABR signals for fast detection of Non-Index Paper
Teknologi robotik bagi pengautomatan Text
Biarlah UiTM kekal menjadi hak Melayu Text
Potential electrical energy savings in dairy manufacturing indus Thesis
Sekolah Bestari 5 bintang akhir tahun Text
Art Gang takes love of art to community News Paper Cuttings
Antara Syed Naquib dan Anwar News Paper Cuttings
Green architecture the way of the future Text
Self adaptive resource aware routing protocol for delay toleran Thesis
Development of a project-based learning approach in requiremeNon-Index Paper
Pembentukan penderia gentian optik untuk tujuan pemerhatianThesis
TalentCorp, UTM anjur pameran kerjaya Di SFCF News Paper Cuttings
Liken hasil perkongsian organisma menakjubkan Text
Prediction of wind flow around high-rise buildings using RANS mIndexed Paper
The perfect of educational land use on traffic issues Thesis
Measat lancar satelit M3A pagi ini Text
A semi-emperical resistance-voltage model for graphene field effThesis
Menepati janji, berkata benar bukti kesempurnaan Text
Tambah jumlah pegawai buru majikan ingkar Text
Planning of jacket platform fabrication using dependency struc Thesis
Ministry plans laptop scheme for students Text
PTPTN gets RM1.5bil loan for students Text
Kesihatan oral yang optimum Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
Application of computers in chemistry Text
Tough to weed out bogus varsities Text
A proposed manufacturing performance measures for MalaysianConference Papers
A preliminary study of biodegradable waste as sorbent material fo Indexed Paper
RM24b owed to contractors, proposd Act to remedy problems Text
A review on the dashboard characteristics for manufacturing orgNon-Index Paper
Modified-pid control with feedforward improvement for 1-degr Journal Article
Chemical thermodynamics Exam Papers
Seismic behaviour of low-ductile moment resistance frame under Thesis
Technology ethics in handling confidential information for the a Thesis
Malaysia kedua terbaik dunia untuk pelancongan Text
Libya menjerumus huru-hara Iraq News Paper Cuttings
Fluid mechanics I Exam Papers
MIER naikkan unjuran KDNK 4.3 peratus Text
Luminescence studies on lithium-strontium borophosphate glasse Indexed Paper
PPSMI hanya perlu penambahbaikan Text
WPI pikat pelaburan awal lebih RM10 bilion Text
Project-based engineering design education: a Malaysian case Conference Papers
TerengganuÆs lesson for other states Text
TCP/IP motor motion control using PIC Thesis
Unsung heroes of Government : CPM talks Text
Kuat makan, malas bersenam punca ramai rakyat gemuk Text
Face recognition: robust approach under varying and low resoluConference Papers
The joy of Jalil — just Jalil News Paper Cuttings
Kelakuan pemandu ketika masa amber dalam kawasan taman peText
Sistem maklumat cek elektronik tahun depan Text
Banyak kelebihan bulan Rabiulawal Text
Performance measurement for recreational park's maintenanc Thesis
Ujian MEdSI calon guru secara online Text
Dasar NAP baru tak jamin harga kenderaan turun Text
Right approach to non-formal education Text
Elektronik II Text
Bukan rupa sebenar Islam Text
Athletes do us proud at varsity games Text
Pelarasan jaringan kadastra menggunakan data konvensional dan Text
Electrical characteristics of a new polymeric outdoor insulation mThesis
PM : keep Labuan free of æhotÆ money Text
Numerical solution of non-isothermal compressible natural gasesThesis
Rawatam minyak dan gris dari sisa air pasar Thesis
Making education the cornerstone of national unity Text
F1 wujud kreativiti untuk sukan Text
Rekabentuk dan perbandingan asas dalam bagi kajian kes: Seko Thesis
Fabrication and characterization of ceramic membrane by gel cast Indexed Paper
Design of an MIMO dielectric resonator antenna for 4G applicat Indexed Paper
Pastikan negara dapat manfaat sistem pengukuran Text
UTM cuba catat rekod berbasikal News Paper Cuttings
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
A comparative study of different concentrations of pure Zn powdIndexed Paper
1 Diploma in technology Exam Papers
Bukit Cengkuan tumpuan penonton Text
Syor IPTA wujud pejabat IP Text
Action plan for improving Asean Text
Water pollution control Exam Papers
Air sistem penyembuh semula jadi tubuh Text
H1N1 : we should all be involved Text
Mengharap KL jadi bandar raya buku Text
MAB peruntuk RM180 juta naik taraf dua landasan utama Text
Tunku Abdul Jalil sambung rawatan di Singapura News Paper Cuttings
No decision yet on public transport body Text
Pembangunan bandar 2 Text
A technique to extract resistive component of the MOSA leakageConference Papers
Mekanik dinamik Text
Self-exam not useless, doctor tells women Text
Effect of cutting speed and feed in turning hardened stainless st Indexed Paper
Tahap kepuasan pelancong terhadap kemudahan dan perkhidmat Thesis
A journey to be taken together Text
Forensic science Exam Papers
Persepsi masyarakat mengenai transplan organ Thesis
New JPJ strategies to curb accidents Text
Pembangunan aplikasi cepat membaca al-Quran untuk platform Thesis
Kakitangan awam perlu lebih komited Text
Factors affecting the information security awareness in Maldive Thesis
New technique to measure particle size using electrostatic sensoIndexed Paper
Penyusunan semula program vendor majukan usahawan bumipuText
Degradation behaviour of mg-0.5ca alloy in simulated physiologiThesis
An improved retraining scheme for convolutional neural networIndexed Paper
Effect of different incorporation route on the properties of pol Indexed Paper
Proton, firma China meterai kerjasama Text
Dyslexia application using axis align boungding boxes (AABB) Thesis
Artificial neural networks for automotive air-conditioning syst Indexed Paper
Structure design / rekabentuk struktur Text
Modelling daily rainfall data using markov chain-mixed exponen Thesis
Prinsip asas mekanik tanah Text
Malaysia seeks more jobs in India Text
Proses pemesinan moden Text
Cognitive radio network model using NS2 Thesis
Pelajar teruja teroka ilmu kimia News Paper Cuttings
11,000 kerja kosong ditawarkan hanya 1,000 diisi Text
E-commerce to grow steadily this year, says Matrade official Text
Expanding ties with Irish varsities Text
$500j majukan Pangkor, Lumut News Paper Cuttings
Effective gene selection techniques for classification of gene ex Text
Gubal perundangan, kawal pengembangan agama lain di kalangaText
UTM iktiraf Muhammad Faizul, Sazatul News Paper Cuttings
Pertanian lestari utamakan alam semula jadi Text
MRR2 kini selamat untuk semua jenis kenderaan Text
Tougher times ahead for Khairy Text
Ministry wants views on school polls Text
Planetary splitting mechanism for parallel hybrid vehicle Thesis
Anchorage bond of splice connection with aluminium sleeve Thesis
Profesional tadbir masjid Text
Azam baru tingkat muhasabah diri Text
An open transparent commission Text
Good news for civil servants Text
Preparation and characterization of matrimid-based carbon me Indexed Paper
Two - dimensional barcodes for hardcopy document integrity verText
Lelaki lembut boleh jadi gejala serius: Zaharah Text
Kenaikan gaji dipertimbang Text
Kalkulus I Text
Dasar Perumahan Negara perlu disemak semula News Paper Cuttings
Photogrammetry II Exam Papers
UTMSpace the new frontier in education News Paper Cuttings
Systems thinking Exam Papers
Ahmad Fauzi TNC R&D baharu UTM News Paper Cuttings
RM2b spent to upgrade Sabah schools Text
Effects of machining parameters and bismuth addition on Al-20%Thesis
No move to revive abandoned projects Text
Penstabilan subgred menggunakan pofa dan simen Thesis
Experimental investigation on short interlocking block column usiThesis
Getting ideas to end poverty Text
PTPTN nafi potong pinjaman 1,000 pelajar Text
Data and energy usage reduction for live streaming on smart phoJournal Article
Study on primary schools out soon Text
Aerodynamic behavior of a compound wing configuration in grouIndexed Paper
Pilih guru yang benar-benar mahu berkhidmat Text
Comparative study on teaching programming tools for secondaryThesis
Abdullah ucap syabas kepada polis tumpas sekumpulan penjenaText
Effect of paper sludge ash on cement hydration and as a supple Thesis
Bahasa Melayu semakin tenat? : usaha perkasa melalui pemansuh Text
Wabak semakin serius di AS Text
Manipulasi penapis air Text
Mengenal pasti punca-punca masalah ponteng di kalangan pelajar Non-Index Paper
PM : I want to make Malaysia more competitive Text
IJN gets revolutionary Cardiac MRI Text
Tribute to our unsung heroes Text
Defect detection in pipeline using acoustic emission Thesis
Jurulatih perseorangan badminton negara - Rashid sedia terima Text
Peer tutoring teaching practice in online learning environment: Conference Papers
Banjir di utara semakin buruk lebih 15,000 penduduk dipindah Text
Object-relation data model (ORDM) for Malaysian biodeversity Text
Transpot behaviour of proton and methanol in sulfonated poly(eThesis
Dekatkan bacaan berilmu kepada generasi muda Text
High-strength concrete : Mix design procedures and laboratory te Text
Deeparaya is fine, says Abdullah Text
Drift demands of low-ductile moment resistance frames (MRF) un Journal Article
Influenza A pembunuh senyap Text
English consultants to be placed in districts next year Text
Automated vision inspection of timber surface defect : a review Indexed Paper
2,000 pelajar dapat biasiswa JPA Text
Perodua lowers 2003 sales target Text
Credit card firms target Asian women Text
Pelaksanaan cekap RMK-9 Text
Bekas pelajar UiTM digesa beri sumbangan Text
Comparison of the design of column between hot-rolled uc sectio Text
Pas kekalkan kerusi DUN Permatang Pasir Text
Dengue update : doctors told to follow guidelines Text
National service can wait until all's in place Text
Searching for link between Tongkat Ali, honey and sperm Text
Effectiveness of structured query language injection attacks de Text
Feed back fuzzy state space modeling for solving inverse proble Thesis
Prediction of sound transmission class (STC) for sandwiched panThesis
Kuasa pengguna berkesan kawal peniaga Text
Crime in Serawak increases 11% to 7,317 cases Text
Pembangunan persekitaran pembelajaran inkuiri untuk pendidikNon-Index Paper
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction by CH4 over montmorillonite modiIndexed Paper
UiTM sasar 60,000 pelajar ikuti program usaha sama Text
Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics flow of a micropolar fluid withThesis
Enhancing meaningful learning in MRSP120 rotational model Indexed Paper
Jangan ulangi kesilapan dalam RMK-8 Text
Kadir, AirAsia chief end tiff : both parties pledge to work toget Text
UTM-DES bekerjasama kaji fenomena pulau haba di Johor BahruNews Paper Cuttings
Numerical liner algebra Exam Papers
SPM : bilangan pelajar dapat A1 meningkat sekali ganda Text
Performance analysis of shunt reactive power compensators Conference Papers
RM20 levy will affect day-trippers to Johor Text
Project management Exam Papers
Tanjung Balau kini destinasi pelancongan popular Text
Dengue deaths worrying Government Text
Effect of rutting on road roughness index Thesis
SPACEUTM lahir graduan berkualiti Text
Petronas untung RM35.6 bilion Text
Ultra wideband butler matrix for beam-forming network Thesis
Money politics crackdown Text
Satelit Macsat dilancar 2004 Text
Jadilah usahawan tulen Text
Tukar nama UPSR tiada beri kesan Text
Directory publishing software (NXAPEX) Thesis
Bengkel latihan datastream Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM doctorate degree student feared drown in Batu Layar News Paper Cuttings
Kajian peningkatan prestasi akademik pelajar melalui program Conference Papers
Five-day week will not hit productivity Text
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
UMS team identifies red tide algae species Text
Urease-carrying electrospun polyacrylonitrile mat for urea hydroIndexed Paper
Basic animation in multimedia Exam Papers
Modified cross-validation as a method for estimating parameterIndexed Paper
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Pelancong Kemboja sasaran baru TMMÆ07 Text
Synthesis of graphene by polymer derived method : effect of t Thesis
Effect on compressive strength of epoxy-modified mortar with fuConference Papers
Message scheduling in networked control system rotary invert Thesis
Kajian amalan kerja perancah di tapak pembinaan Text
Makan gaji dengan kerajaan, swasta tetap pilihan graduan Text
Universiti politeknik dalam 5 tahun Text
A mediating effect of knowledge creation on the relationship b Thesis
Mass balance Exam Papers
A study of the immiscible CO2 wag performance after gas floodi Thesis
Aplikasi pertolongan cemas menggunakan kaedah logik BooleanThesis
Pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar dConference Papers
Selection of material suppliers by the contractors in the constru Thesis
All geared up for rain, rain, rain... : 'second wave' warning Text
Congak diperkenal di tabika Text
Computer literacy Exam Papers
Specific absorption rate in the human leg and testicle due to metIndexed Paper
Perak kaya produk pelancongan Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Latihan dan pengembangan Text
Modelling and simulation of magnetically suspended balance beaText
Teknologi penyahgaraman mampu atasi kekurangan air News Paper Cuttings
The development of high speed carriage system for UTM towingText
University plans take wing Text
Malay novelist finds acceptance Text
The current practice and problems of contractual arrangement inText
Comparative planning Exam Papers
The effects of different binders on mechanical properties of asp Thesis
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
Basic digital VLSI Exam Papers
Guna lebih kadar tinggi Text
Termodinamik Text
El Nino from Indian Ocean causing haze Text
Women to test women learner drivers Text
Fomca wants sugar price raised Text
A lightweight one-pass authentication mechanism for agent comJournal Article
Kurang 4 ciri jadi pemandu berhemat Text
E-Bisnes gubahan bunga Text
Construction mathematics Exam Papers
Move to safeguard co-ops funds Text
Bahasa Tamil, Mandarin elektif secara berperingkat Text
Ukur hidrografi I Text
IDB lulus pembiayaan baru RM1.66b Text
Performance analysis of differential phase modulation for HF c Text
Physical merallurgy (metalurgi fizikal) Text
Tol tetap naik : Samy Keputusan Kabinet isu Lebuh Raya Utara-S Text
Constructing conceptual model for security culture in health inf Indexed Paper
Perbaiki kehidupan melalui R&D Text
Big money in oil sector Text
UTHM perlu lahir modal insan minda kelas pertama Text
Banjir tidak jejas ekonomi negara Text
Review on decomposed Fuzzy PID structure for power inverters Journal Article
High fidelity simulation models for equipment performance predThesis
Kontraktor projek awam perlu patuhi piawaian Text
Kod etika tingkat imej kontraktor dilancar Text
English teachers for pre-schools Text
PM lancar fasa kedua dengan fokus utama bantu bidang kritikal Text
Melaka, Georgetown diiktiraf Text
Smart easy hotel- android application for hotel's room vacanciesThesis
Hisham : weÆll counter education aid charges æ Text
Controversy resolved, Sabah to get petrochemical industry Text
Work improvement in poultry processing plant Thesis
Bahasa Melayu malang selalu Text
FRIM diarah pulihara herba Text
Mathematical methods II Exam Papers
The development of GPS real-time instrumentation control for sConference Papers
The parallelization of helmholtz equation related to breast canc Thesis
Optimal control Exam Papers
Vernacular education won't be neglected, says Hishammuddin Text
58 penuntut UTM sertai Titian Ilmu di Pengerang Text
Advanced english for academic communication Text
Keutuhan ASEAN di Sidang Kemuncak News Paper Cuttings
A general case of the commutativity degree of nilpotent p-groupIndexed Paper
Digital image processing Exam Papers
The occurrence of flash flood due to river diversion works, cas Thesis
Nestle tumpu operasi produk halal di Malaysia Text
Pindaan akta bahasa naikkan martabat bahasa Melayu Text
Solid mechanics 2 Exam Papers
Matematik diskret Text
UPM, Diversatech jalin kerjasama komersial hasil R&D Text
Total productive maintenance framework for automotive compan Thesis
Prestasi masa respon dan penggunaan jalur lebar pada laman Thesis
Pembinaan modul kimia 'UM' untuk meningkatkan kefahaman kons Conference Papers
Conventional pair of precast frame school building system at ultim
A specification and modelling of volatile requirement for simpl Conference Papers
Wind-drag coefficient of the flow pass a square building models Thesis
RM602 juta tingkatkan pengeluaran padi MADA Text
White bread and the glycaemic index Text
Keeping abreast of the trend? Text
Optical humidity sensor based on air guided photonic crystal fib Conference Papers
Dinamik (Dynamics) Text
Rekabentuk asas dalam bagi kajian kes di Seremban, Negeri SemText
Pengurusan sumber air bersepadu Text
Reduce school examination fees Text
Penjanaan tenaga elektrik daripada tenaga ombak dan pasang s Text
Cadangan wujudkan Persatuan Pesara UiTM Text
Biak kambing kacukan : PM Text
Perdana library completed Text
Lawatan dari Universitas Islam Suska Riau Indonesia ke PerpustaPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
ADSL HomePlug sambung soket elektrik ke Internet Text
Serangan emosi atau makhluk halus Text
Tawaf crowd simulation using reciprocal velocity obstacle Conference Papers
Gas bubbles investigation in contaminated water using optica Indexed Paper
RF attenuation calibration system in the frequency range of 9 k Journal Article
Rapuh atau tegar Text
Performance of a newly formulated filter aids material on particConference Papers
DC-DC boost converter with PWM controller hardware Thesis
Mengembalikan integriti politik bersih Text
2.2 juta lelaki mati pucuk guna ubat tiruan Text
Mechanical property-morphology relationship of E-glass reinforcText
National Physical Plan to protect mangroves Text
MAS masih perlukan pertolongan kerajaan Text
AirAsia to expand southern hub to tap Iskandar region Text
Big business for teachers in urban areas Text
Spanish Text
Kadar bayaran tambahan sesi persekolahan 2010 diseragam Text
Urban development I/pembangunan bandar I Exam Papers
Perancangan pengangkutan Text
Kawasan sejarah pesisir Sungai Johor dimajukan Text
Syor mansuh harga lantai padi berniat baik Text
Taktik syarikat utamakan pekerja asing Text
Particle bombardment-mediated transformation of Malaysian RiThesis
Lawatan Sekretariat Mahasiswa Perak (Semarak) UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pelihara percakapan elak dosa mengumpat Text
Expert panel : our students not curious, too passive Text
Underwater acoustic mapping at Belum-Temenggor lake Conference Papers
Performance of sugeno-type fuzzy logic controller (SFLC) for a mConference Papers
3D Texture features mining for MRI brain tumor identification Indexed Paper
Klasifikasi kecerdasan dalam kalangan pesalah jenayah di Penja Thesis
Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Ketua Audit Negara tegur dua kerajaan negeri Text
Biodegradability and toxicity testing on waste cooking oil ester Thesis
Bank Rakyat kekal dividen 15 peratus Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur binaan Text
Pengguna kanta lekap kena buat pemeriksaan Text
Bina hubungan strategik Text
Whopping RM4b spent on tuition Text
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Tunas Mekar wajar diperluas Text
Organic chemistry -biomolecules Exam Papers
RM3bil in study loans to be given out to undergrads Text
Fault monitoring system for traffic light Indexed Paper
Pengeluar makanan kesihatan abai tuntutan kualiti 346 produk diText
Nicol atlet paling berjaya Text
CFD modeling of SO2 capture using limestone in industrial scale cJournal Article
Synthesis and characterization of sago / polyvinyl alcohol blen Thesis
Identification and phylogenetic characterisation of photosynthetiThesis
Management and aviation law Exam Papers
Lagi kebakaran dikesan babit kawasan seluas tiga kilometer Text
Scarf only for orientation week: UTM News Paper Cuttings
More Malaysian offices to open in three Indian cities to issue visText
Pelan Struktur Seremban: MPS terima 42 bantahan News Paper Cuttings
Micropump flow rate control for micro droplet device Thesis
Arab Saudi anggap Malaysia sebagai sahabat akrab Text
Great Eastern agents to get smart handphones Text
Biomechanical evaluation and new improvement on ankle externa Thesis
Anaerobic co-digestion process of fungi treated oil palm mesocaThesis
Psikologi abnormal Exam Papers
Insufficient data foiling efforts to prevent AIDS Text
Komersialkan tanaman padi : PM Text
A computer-based management system for cooperative decisionText m
Kuarantin di rumah Text
Enhanced device and circuit-level performance benchmarking ofIndexed Paper
Combustion performance of a counter-rotating double swirl flamIndexed Paper
Bajet 2010 responsif kepada suara mahasiswa Text
Bearing capacity of strip footing on sand slopes reinforced with gJournal Article
Malaysia hasilkan vaksin halal Text
Effect of multidimensional top management support on project su Indexed Paper
Bowtie antenna for ground penetrating radar (Full text) Text
Pembangunan sistem maklumat kawalan kadaster secara atas tali Text
Sampah jadi sumber tenaga baru Text
Jaminan kualiti perisian Text
Project to link Malaysians and to tap resources worldwide Text
Tahap kesedaran kerjaya pelajar tingkatan enam di daerah Klua Thesis
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Khidmat negara disokong Text
New D16 algorithm for surface water flow direction Thesis
Bangunan penting UTM wajar dipulihara, tak perlu diroboh Text
Graduan seimbang UIA tambah program sains, teknikal Text
Don't take law into your own hands Text
University inks MoU for students work experience Text
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
The numerical solution of hydrodynamic forces in 3-dimensionalText
Handover signaling for 3 alternatives of layer 3 relay node impl Journal Article
Raminder Kaur Text
Government may review lower salaries Text
16 syarikat kita antara terulung di dunia Text
Educate the public, says former mufti Text
Engineering mathematics Text
Achieving rapid construction using lean principles Conference Papers
Kontraktor kelas F di Kelantan paling tenat Text
RM5.5 bilion dimeterai Text
Fabrication, bio-corrosion behavior and mechanical properties Indexed Paper
Tabu search for single vehicle routing problem with stochastic Conference Papers
Sepinya penghayatan kemerdekaan Text
Spatial multi criteria analysis for the determination of areas wi Journal Article
UAV Heron Israel tidak gugat Iran Text
Advanced foundation engineering Exam Papers
Do institutions matter in neighbourhood commons governance?Indexed A Paper
Pupuk nilai kerohanian Text
Pinch-based targeting for production planning for small and me Thesis
Tsunami - A Year After : tsunami impact will be minimal Text
Knowledge retention strategy: a study on quantity surveying fir Conference Papers
Malapetaka alam akibat kecuaian manusia Text
Power sector renewable energy integration for expanding accessIndexed
t Paper
Fizikvakum dan teknologi Text
Kenaikan 2 sen harga minyak `amaran awal' Text
Open spaces will not be touched Text
Polis tingkat kawalan pintu masuk Text
NAP bantu Malaysia jadi pusat serantau Text
Gender and accent identification for Malaysian English using Thesis
Program aeroangkasa UPM, UKM tak sama Text
Numerical experiments on radiative cooling and collapse in plas Indexed Paper
Hardware/software system-on-chip co-verification platform baseThesis
Design of problem based learning laboratory module : analysis Thesis
Uda maju hartanah di Masai Text
Malaysia antara 20 destinasi pilihan FDI Text
Maintenance management system through strategic planning forText
Senjata biologi semakin digeruni Text
Effect of fill factor on the MPPT performance of a grid-connecte Conference Papers
Hubungan antara motivasi, gaya pembelajaran dan iklim bilik d Conference Papers
UTM pacu bakat pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Carbon dioxide reduction with hydrogen in a continuous catalyt Indexed Paper
Usah buat syarat sendiri Text
Perbandingan penilaian penyeliaan pensyarah pembimbing dan Tghesis
Sains bahan Text
Guru punca pelajar gagal kuasai 3M? Text
Empirical evidence on the relationship between stock market volNon-Index Paper
Heterocyclic chemistry Text
Losing the scent - slow death of fragrant timber Text
National unity: We still have far to go News Paper Cuttings
Binaan konkrit dan batu bata Text
Atasi kekurangan tenaga pengajar Text
Congak kembali gaya hidup, cara berbelanja Text
1,000 mangsa banjir dipindah Text
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Kimia organologam Text
Mengapa perlu logo Halal Malaysia Text
Design and implemention of OFDM transmitter and receiver on Text
Tiga terpilih lanjut pelajaran di Universiti Harvard Text
Logic analyser : software Text
Syor had pengambilan subjek SPM disokong Text
Pelaksanaan subjek elektif ambil kira pendapat ramai Text
Manfaat kepakaran 'modal insan tempatan' News Paper Cuttings
AS paling tak mesra Text
Modeling and characterization of capacitively coupled interdigi Conference Papers
Exspress Link sasar kendali 6,000 penumpang Text
The education factor in gIobalisation Text
Demonstration of microfiber hybrid mach-zehnder and knot resoIndexed Paper
Cabaran utama mahasiswa IPTA Text
Signal processing of microwave imaging brain tumor detection Indexed Paper
Generasi muda Felda perlu rebut pendidikan moden Text
Bahaya darah dalam najis Text
Computer programming iii pengaturcaraan komputer III Exam Papers
Geran basmi keganasan terhadap wanita Text
Women need a vocal vehicle Text
MBSB spends RM6m to upgrade IT facility Text
Free vibration of symmetric angle-ply laminated annular circularIndexed Paper
Keselamatan kesihatan hak asasi pekerja Text
Leads in RM2.3m heist Text
Memperkasakan penulisan bab dalam buku dengan standard penu Conference Papers
C programming Text
Proses pembinaan modul Pro-Mc Physics fasa analisis dan reka Conference Papers
Dr Ismail berkorban demi politik Text
Harga air kepada Singapura mungkin 60 sen setiap 1,000 gelen Text
Peperiksaan suburkan minda kreatif, inovasi News Paper Cuttings
UTM, PSQ Indonesia usaha sama kaji al-Quran News Paper Cuttings
Machinability of bone when drilling using uncoated carbide tool Thesis
Kabinet bimbang pekerja asing cecah lima juta Text
Parametric investigation of fixed-tray, semi-continuous distilla Journal Article
Olmetec rawatan baru menurunkan tekanan darah Text
Kita dijangka melaksanakan program satelit Text
Kawalan permodelan dan simulasi Text
Antara khasiat dan mudarat tongkat ali Text
Cyber law and ethical issues Exam Papers
IMR patents four more products Text
Membangunkan dinar emas di kalangan OIC Text
Electromagnetics Exam Papers
Pengeluaran lada hitam Malaysia meningkat tahun depan Text
Estate agency practice Exam Papers
Race against time to seek specialist medical care Text
Proton bakal bangkit : Dr. Mahathir Text
Who has jurisdiction? Text
PM : task forces to boost agricultural products Text
Malaysia to host WFO site Text
Konsep Satu Malaysia tidak ketepi dasar bantu Bumiputera Text
Effect of light/dark cycle on biomass and lipid productivity by ch Indexed Paper
Bank tempatan turunkan kadar faedah kad kredit Text
Nisbah 60:40 pelajar sains, sastera dicapai tahun 2010 Text
Majority wants Science, Maths taught in English Text
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
Shahrizat : many people have no shoulder to cry on Text
Corrosion chemistry Exam Papers
Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan frog VLConference Papers
Perancangan Amerika selesai krisis bagai menjerat diri Text
Malaysia off the priority watch list for pirated movies, music Text
Effects of ultrasound on oil recovery in a simulated porous med Thesis
Improving participation toward efficiency using B2B e-commerc Thesis
Dr. Mahathir bimbang Text
Spatial and temporal-based query disambiguation for improvingThesis
Pembangunan dan permainan teka silang kata secara atas tali Text
Sistem promosi kupon elektronik berasaskan web dan aplikasi t Thesis
Analysis of modulation parameters of high frequency digital modul Text
KPK diberi masa hingga 2007 untuk berdikari Text
Kerajaan akan teruskan subsidi diesel : Shafie Text
50,000 dijangka ke festival hari guru Text
Program Persediaan Tindakan Kecemasan Di Tempat Kerja Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Masyarakat Muslim terjebak kehidupan jahiliah moden Text
The diesel shortage : driving around in circles in search of diesel Text
Temperature and acid concentration effect on mangrove tannin Thesis a
Application of robust control Text
Isu 1,000 rumah nelayan tersadai dibincang Text
The influence of innovation towards internet entreprenuer's bu Thesis
High refractive index and low-birefringence polyamides containiIndexed Paper
Pemimpin stabil dampingi ilmuwan Text
Analisis keseimbangan air untuk mengekalkan fungsi semulajadi Thesis
Mungkinkah anda menghidap diabetes? Text
Hydrocracking of gas oil using USY-zeolite-based catalyst Conference Papers
Menghayati 50 tahun kemerdekaan Text
RM5j perangi dadah sintetik Text
Electronics I Exam Papers
Sains pengurusan sarjana muda pembinaan Text
More help against slowdown Text
ItÆs war on foreign trawlers Text
Diet cara semula jadi Text
Zenith path delay from global positioning system by using precisThesis
UTM sedia basikal percuma Text
Pilihan raya kampus hambar Text
Optimization of EDTA exudation technique for proteome study Journal Article
Bahasa Inggeris disaran jadi pengantar Text
Estimation of water vapour weighted atmospheric mean tempera Thesis
The moderating effect of transfer climate on the relationship be Thesis
The impact of the great man made river project on Libya's agriculText
No sex education, please Text
Electronic mucosa system for complex odour recognition Thesis
Principles of human resource planning Exam Papers
Kesan penggunaan sebuk kaca hancur di dalam campuran asfalt Text pa
Pertumbuhan ekonomi diramal 5.5 peratus Text
Petronas untung RM89b Text
Thumbs up for boost to education sector Text
Microwave sterilization of mushroom growing media Thesis
Two way relay placement to enhance the capacity in long term eThesis
Performance of ternary blended cement mortar containing palmThesis
The effect of silica fume on properties of porous concrete pavin Thesis
Pengkonturan garis sempadan wajah manusia menggunakan model Text
Service quality of facilities management based on users' expect Thesis
Computer aided ship design and production technology Text
Ligninolytic fungus Polyporus sp S133 mediated metabolic degraIndexed Paper
Asean boleh kumpul dana Text
Armed men damage 18 vehicles Text
Organizing herbal research knowledge using ontology techniqueConference Papers
Abolish UPSR, says Umno Youth Text
Mathematical competencies in outcome based engineering educThesis
When evidence speaks Text
Police shoot dead fleeing robber with RM1mil loot Text
Advanced electroanalysis Text
Mechanical, rheological, thermal and morphological properties oThesis
Feature extraction of electroencephalogram signal generated froJournal Article
Interference aware cluster-based joint channel assignment scheThesis
Device to zap criminals Text
PM mahu JPA3 tingkat kecekapan Text
Majlis iftar perdana UTM Kuala Lumpur Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Batik, songket in Parliment : compulsory attire proposed by miniText
Gas sensor for detecting emissions Text
Strenght of materials and structures Exam Papers
Budaya kolot aniaya wanita Afghan Text
Delay in housing delivery process in Malaysia Thesis
Insken selaras program latihan keusahawanan Text
Tragic tales and urgent tasks Text
Kempen perangi syabu mesti diperhebat Text
Perancangan taman dan rekreasi Text
Critical success factor of new product development in Dyson MaThesis
Umat Islam digesa amal ajaran al-Quran Text
No additional leave for recruits Text
Malaysian elected to UN agency Text
Heat treatment effect on sol-gel coated silicon carbide particu Text
Correlation between structural and optical properties of surfac Indexed Paper
Parameter tuning for Ant Colony Optimization : a review Conference Papers
Application of system dynamics approach in electricity sector moIndexed Paper
Empat jambatan baru jadi pemangkin ekonomi Johor Text
Three-dimensional mapping of seafloor using multibeam RESONText
A comparison of heuristics for scheduling problems in textile indJournal Article
Kemiskinan tegar diatasi 2009 Text
Active torque control of electric power steering system using c Thesis
Hubungan antara faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivi Text
Analysis of equipment failures as contributors to chemical proceIndexed Paper
Proton City for long-term gains Text
Perancangan guna tanah II Text
Spesis keladi kini berharga Text
Perkembangan telefon bimbit saingi Internet Text
Malaysia, Indonesia bekerjasama bangunkan kawasan sempada Text
A novel feature selection based on one-way ANOVA F-test for e-m Indexed Paper
Application of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer sIndexed Paper
Mekanisme baru subsidi minyak Mei tahun depan Text
Clarification of sugar palm sap using a pilot scale microfiltration Conference Papers
Step forward for community development Text
Open sky policy approved for Labuan Text
Malaysia and Thailand announce steps to bring peace to South TText
Dua universiti bakal bertaraf dunia Text
Stricter H1N1 measures as WHO declares pandemic Text
Assessment of pond water quality in Lubok Bongor, Kelantan ar Conference Papers
Landscape construction II Exam Papers
Bincang tambat ringgit Text
Usaha tambah wanita pegang jawatan penting disokong Text
Pilot project on Thalassaemia Text
State acts to check FMD cases Text
Construction safety Exam Papers
Garis panduan baru diteliti Text
The study of different types of helicopters's rotor head mechani Text
Musa Aman is Sabah CM Text
Jabatan perlu budayakan sains kepada masyarakat Text
Model-guided metabolic gene knockouts strategies for enhancedThesis s
IPTA bazir banyak wang kerajaan Text
Laman web, e-portal mudahkan pelancong tahun depan Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Bangkok may join straits air patrol Text
Tumbuhan Ento-botani Exam Papers
Penggunaan teknologi maklumat (IT) dalam industri pembinaan Thesis
The catalytic activity of laccase immobilized in sol-gel silica Conference Papers
Digital electronics 1 / elektronik digital 1 Text
Syor benar keluar wang ganjaran Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur pembinaan Text
Lebihan dagangan atasi jumlah tahun lalu Text
Kajian tumbuhan seiring perubahan iklim News Paper Cuttings
Action plan not the last word on ethnic relations Text
Harap dapat RM15b bangunkan pelbagai infrastruktur pertanianText
Philosophy of adult learning Exam Papers
Program ELiTE bantu kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Second order limit language and its properties in Yusof-Goode s Thesis
Five nabbed : woman released, four remanded for seven days Text
Organizational development Exam Papers
Enhancing human breast cancer cells destruction using combinaThesis
Kesedaran kawalan mutu program di IPTA tinggi Text
Application of artificial neural network : genetic algorithm in inf Text
637 pakar Malaysia di luar negara mohon pulang Text
Social change process of students at a private higher learning insThesis
SLE, RA kategori penyakit kolagen Text
Sistem tsunami beri maklumat dalam tempoh 15 minit Text
Bercerita bagi menyemai minat membaca Text
A comprehensive review on privacy preserving data mining Indexed Paper
The performance of Kuching barrage for Sarawak river Thesis
Airport planning and design Exam Papers
Perodua to retrofit cars Text
Perubatan - Hospital Ampang jadi pusat latihan KUIM Text
Performance of worldwide interoperability for microwave accessText
Civil servants told to be proactive in using BM Text
Guru dari negara Asean ajar Mandarin, Tamil Text
Repositori objek pembelajaran berasaskan metadata Thesis
Kementerian suntik vaksin Text
Labour DG : workers must agree to cut in working days Text
25 peratus peserta PLKN bawa senjata berbahaya ke kem Text
Nilai merdeka dalam bahasa Text
Understanding the solution-diffusion mechanism in gas separat Conference Papers
Goal to produce thinking athletes Text
Ambitious targets to promote ICT industry Text
Developing control points for halal slaughtering of poultry Indexed Paper
Masyarakat perlu rebut peluang di Kolej Komuniti Text
Ketegasan kementerian atasi masalah penempatan guru, buku Text
Effects of palm oil fuel ash and metakaolin blend on properties Thesis
New hope for elderly heart patients Text
Assessment of natural radioactivity levels in rocks and their rela Indexed Paper
Electrochemical assessment of concrete ternary inhibitors used iIndexed Paper
Pelbagai punca sakit dada Text
Effects of sodium hydroxide and polydopamine pre-treatment a Thesis
Kad pengenalan pekerja asing bermutu tinggi tahun depan Text
Sytem analysis and design Exam Papers
Assessment of effective seasonal downscaling of TRMM precipitaIndexed Paper
Younger women are getting breast cancer Text
Hayati cara kerja pasukan F1 Text
Project planning and scheduling Exam Papers
Big demand for computer science grads News Paper Cuttings
To determine the selling price of houses in Serpong, Tangerang, Text
Strategic management Exam Papers
Najib : all-girl camp may defeat goal of harmony Text
Mathematics 5 Text
Bekas wadar dipercayai belajar buat black money dari banduan Text
Pantau kenaikan harga barang diperhebatkan Text
An analysis of Islamic environmental ethics with special reference Text
Asas bahasa Inggeris guru, murid mesti kuat Text
Early detection of potential forest fires using satellite remote s Thesis
IPT perlu tingkat potensi Text
Ministry opens hotline on gangsterism Text
Titian Ilmu Anak Teknologi Pontian Text
Strategic business informatics Exam Papers
Mikrobiology makanan Text
Use of natural ventilation in Malaysia's future green housing Indexed Paper
Electrical technology Exam Papers
STAM meningkat : ramai dijangka ke Al-Azhar Text
Instrumentation integration of an automotive air conditioning Thesis
Najib garis empat faktor pendidikan penting dalam hidup Text
66 hospital jalani penilaian akreditasi MSQH Text
Penetration testing and intrusion mechanism Exam Papers
Efffect of surface pretreatment on nanocrystalline diamond bal Conference Papers
Portal tuisyen Text
Belasungkawa : pemerintahan Tuanku Ja'afar sentiasa dikenangiText
Determinants of waste separation intention of students in UniveThesis
A comparative evaluation of mercury(II) adsorption equilibrium an
Indexed Paper
Amanat Ketua Pustakawan Tahun 2017 & Majlis Persaraan Staf Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Programming fundamentals Exam Papers
Penggunaan tembok penahan tetulang tanah di dalam pembinaan Text
Selesema babi meningkat ke Fasa 4 Text
Nickel removal from electroless wastewater by using coagulatio Thesis
Prestasi debu kuari sebagai pengganti pasir dalam rasuk Text
Syor mahkamah khas kes kanak-kanak Text
Percaya sistem perundangan di negara sendiri Text
Malaysia has no sovereign right on causeway Text
Cough cure tigerÆs milk is a fungus Text
JPA mesti jadi ejen perubahan Text
System software Exam Papers
Penerapan akhlak Islamiah dalam P&P guru matematik di daerahConference
Ku Papers
Cause and impact of dispute and delay the closing of final accouNon-Index Paper
Cukai : restoran nasi kandar terjejas teruk Text
DPM launches book titled 'Mahathir : 22 Years, 22 Voices' Text
100 UTM students take part in rural service programme Text
The relationship between individual and social factors with c Thesis
Kej. lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Jumlah pekerja Indonesia dihenti kerja dikawal Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan bagi pihak gabungan pelukis MalaThesis
Easing the burden of a brain in chaos Text
NSTP to capitalise on Malay ad market Text
Rais : mandatory 10 strokes also under study Text
IPT, swasta wajar bekerjasama : Dr M Text
Toxic site known to DOE since 2001 Text
Desaru dibangunkan semula sebagai destinasi pelancongan Text
Transient thermal performance prediction method for parabolic Journal
tr Article
Petugas kawasan tertutup perlu dilengkapi alat perlindungan k Text
Tiga politeknik baru beroperasi Januari 2009 Text
Effect of CO2-induced platicization and membrane configuratio Text
Extraction of medium chain triglycirides (MCTs) rich oil from flesThesis
Fuzzy logic control of centralized chilled water system Indexed Paper
Recoverability of an overpayment in construction projects Thesis
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Wind tunnel testing of low aspect ratio tapper wings at subsoni Text
Comparison of sandstone mechanic properties using acoustic test Conference Papers
Design of sacrificial anode cathodic protection for steel plate burThesis
A-G queries delay in hiring women syariah judges Text
Amalan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja di tapak bina Syarik Text
Ekspedisi biodiesel 50 warga UTM bermula Text
Draf Pelan Struktur Kelang akan dipamerkan News Paper Cuttings
Three dimensional modelling of groundwater using ground penetThesis
Challenges in delivering green building projects : unearthing the Indexed Paper
A study to investigate the different mechanisms of wax depositioThesis
Sports sponsorship as a marketing tool Thesis
The utilization of soft drink can as fiber reinforcement in concre Thesis
Extractive text summarisation using graph triangle counting a Conference Papers
Malaysia to use nuclear energy by 2023 Text
Krisis barang makanan melanda Text
Tambang pergi-balik KLIA Express turun RM5 Text
The unsteady boundary layer flow past a circular cylinder in micrConference Papers
Pinda undang-undang halang penguatkuasaan : PM Text
Pembunuh nombor satu wanita Text
Sasaran lahir 200 usahawan bumiputera Text
Sabah records 5.7 per cent GDP growth rate News Paper Cuttings
Syor wajib semua lepasan SPM ikuti PLKN patut dikaji Text
Management science Text
Menyelaras aduan awam Text
Ukur binaan 1 Exam Papers
Kedutaan Bahrain di KL Mac : PM Text
RM1b insentif pesawah Text
SAJ belanja RM9.8 bilion tingkatkan bekalan air Text
Bina perpustakaan mini News Paper Cuttings
Insentif khas pensyarah IPTA Text
Varsity vows to do better, publish more Text
RM300m fund to commercialise agriculture Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
GIS for civil engineers Exam Papers
UTM nafi Ismail kakitangannya Text
Peruntukan, kos tinggi punca kurang senggaraan Text
Terapi komuniti di pusat serenti seluruh negara Text
Undang-undang derma organ elak transaksi komersial Text
Fakulti perubatan : KUIM dapat sokongan IPTA Text
Spatial and temporal distribution of bacterial communities and Journal Article
Industry sees another IT : friendly budget Text
Enhanced independent component analysis using symmetric ortho Thesis
Static security classification and evaluation classifier design in Indexed Paper
Leachate boleh undang penyakit kronik Text
Synthesis of several bisabolane sesquiterpenoids from xanthorrhiz Text
Johor sasar RM15j hasil pelancongan Text
Visualization application through computer network learning sy Conference Papers
Jualan kenderaan Proton dijangka terus meningkat Text
Subjek tambahan bidang lain bagi pelajar pengajian Islam Text
Malaysia rests its case on firm ground Text
Analisis beberapa logam berat dalam air, sedimen dan haiwan bText
Khairy : don't be picky about jobs Text
A probabilistic modelling of corrosion growth in marine ballast Conference Papers
PMÆs announcement surprises many Text
121 guru siswazah dilantik Pengetua Cemerlang Text
Kumpul cuti 150 hari mulai 2009 Text
Nelayan boleh carum KWSP Text
Pengurusan promosi dan pengiklanan Text
Dua pelajar UTM mandi di Tanjung Balau lemas Text
Saintis urai misteri SARS Text
75,000 salah guna visa ketibaan Text
Geologi petroleum Text
Understanding of the dynamics of hand foot and mouth disease Conference Papers
Intregration of Mahalanobis-Taguchi system and activity based cThesis
4,411 jawatan kosong di IPTA Text
Sharp rise in Korean tourist arrivals Text
Innovation catalyst for recovery Text
Pembinaan 2 kapal selam TLDM berjalan lancar Text
3,000 dijangka hadir Majlis UTM Berselawat News Paper Cuttings
Mengkaji kejituan smartmeter dan mechanical meter dalam meng Thesis
Pulihara tapak warisan : PM Text
System design of a hydrogen-powered fuel cell for all terrain-vehThesis
Anticorrosion epoxy coating enriched with hybrid nanozinc dust Thesis
Development and analysis of multi axis mobility chair using CAT Thesis
89 peratus penagih dadah golongan pekerja Text
Co channel interference for site diversity during heavy rain in Conference Papers
Downscaling land surface temperature in urban areas using the Thesis
Kerajaan unjur kutip cukai perkhidmatan RM3 bilion Text
A review on rheological properties and measurements of dough Conference Papers
Masalah sosial remaja amat membimbangkan Text
Better eye in space for Malaysia Text
Diesel performances during combustion using high swirling flow Indexed Paper
TV : kementerian tidak ada kuasa Text
Kejatuhan nilai ringgit jadi punca News Paper Cuttings
Comparative study of machine learning algorithms in website phThesis
Microwave assisted pyrolysis of oil palm shell (OPS) biomas Thesis
Probabilistic based design for connecting links in single point m Text
Performance of embankment on bamboo-geotextile composite re Thesis
UiTM lesenkan logo elak salah guna Text
A taxonomy of trust oriented approaches for services computingConference Papers
Analisis dimensi dalam struktur konkrit Thesis
RM2.021b bangun sektor bioteknologi Text
Assessment of radiological risk in ilmenite tin tailing process Thesis
Penggunaan tumbuhan terapung dalam sistem tanah bencah Text
RM110b investments for SCORE Text
Students conceptions of chemical subscripts in chemical formul Text
500 tabika dibina akhir tahun depan Text
Iterative local gaussian clustering to extract interesting patter Thesis
Nutritional characteristics evaluation of Malaysian commercial pThesis
The use of walkable street in the area around Masjid India, Kua Text
Perbandingan kalendar hijriah di Malaysia berdasarkan kriteria mThesis
A bidding-based grid resource selection algorithm using single Non-Index Paper
Varsity don with golden touch for useful gadgets Text
Bengkel animasi untuk generasi muda Text
Organic synthesis Exam Papers
Key success factors in establishing end-of-life vehicle managemeIndexed Paper
Wujud institusi kewangan Islam mesra usahawan : TPM Text
Prediction of solubilities for ginger bioactive compounds in h Indexed Paper
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Kempen PDRM dekati masyarakat beri kesan positif Text
Raising the bar for sports schools Text
Profesionalisme guru : gaji bukan ukuran Text
Mathematical models for the boundary layer flow due to a moving Text
Healthcare facilities settings: An overview of environmentally-i Indexed Paper
Hampir 20,000 penagih baru dikesan Text
Doctrine of separability Thesis
Batik Saturday for civil service Text
Physical chemistry I Exam Papers
New RM50 note from Jan 30 Text
A comparative study for outlier detection techniques in data mi Conference Papers
Graduan perlu anjakan paradigma : TPM Text
Pakar yakin Najib mampu atasi kemelut ekonomi Text
Audit keselamatan jalan raya di projek cadangan membina lebuhr Thesis
Amalan saling bermaafan damaikan hidup bermasyarakat Text
Lecturer's information access using speech recognition integra Text
Three dimensional modeling of two-seater rotorway exec 162F hThesis
Sarawak halal hub attracts RM4bil outlay Text
KL-Singapore flights to cost more Text
CUEPACS : Serap pekerja berstatus kontrak Text
Waspada sekitar perairan Langkawi banyak ikan todak Text
Aplikasi MIKE 11 dalam permodelan pengangkutan endapan terha Text
Preliminary design for near real-time GPS meteorology over Pe Indexed Paper
Kastam pecat 10 pegawai, perketat kawalan Text
An introspective study on students’ motivation, understandinConference Papers
Inflation under control, country on solid ground Text
A review of white blood cell segmentation and classification Conference Papers
Stepping up import control Text
Internet semakin mencabar kedudukan kedai buku ternama News Paper Cuttings
Rumah sejuk jimat tenaga Text
Fisikologi & Pengenalan Kepada Perubatan Text
Sultan Iskandar angkat martabat UTM Text
Water quality assessment of river at Universiti Teknologi MalaysThesis
Malaysia pilihan pelabur Jepun Text
Evaluating digital forensic practices for money laundering in finan
MPPUTM : pertahan larangan keluar kenyataan akhbar Text
Latihan dalam pengurusan projek News Paper Cuttings
The relationship between the peripheral buildings and public sq Thesis
Bills aim for transparency Text
Electricity market models in restructured electricity supply indusConference Papers
Optimization of linear array in wireless sensor network (WSN) Thesis
Tie-up to produce liver cells Text
Improving organizational performance through training functionIndexed Paper
Malaysia sedia hadapi penularan H1N1 Text
Evaluation on discomfort level among students using desks in c Journal Article
Kerajaan sentiasa martabatkan profesion guru Text
Techno-economic analysis of a stand-alone photovoltaic-diesel-bThesis
Measurement of normal mode helical antenna for RFID applicat Thesis
UMS on lookout for sick students Text
Kajian ilmiah dalam talian News Paper Cuttings
Tubuhkan Majlis Tindakan Kawalan Adab Text
Design and development of a modular mold for producing refle Thesis
Rombak jadual peperiksaan SPM Text
SpamOutZone : rumusan keselamatan e-mel tempatan Text
Denda, sebat hukuman baru Akta 400 Text
Magnetic field measurement from 132/275 kV overhead power lJournal Article
Penelitian kaedah menetapkan cukai tanah negeri Johor Darul T Text
Etika, prinsip kepemimpinan tunjang politik Islam Text
Synthesis of mesoporous silica nanocomposites for preparation oIndexed Paper
UTM students brainwave wins them RM60,000 Text
Prediction of scour depth rate at Skudai river using selected gen Thesis
Shifting Outlooks Text
UMT mencorak kegemilangan Text
Pembangunan e-peta minda bertajuk Redox Reaction in Electrolyt Thesis
To study preferences of staffs on types and quality of property Thesis
Komputer sistem & multimedia Text
Kongres mahu guru besar dapat pembelaan Text
Experimental investigation on the effects of thermoacoustic resoThesis
Transport firms told to go local Text
Sistem bantuan pemilihan ke Institut Pendidikan Tinggi Awam (I Text
Exploring MOOC from education and Information Systems perspect Indexed Paper
Mekanisme baru kawal harga : PM Text
Taburan laju aliran kenderaan sebelum dan semasa melalui kawaThesis
Electrical installation works Exam Papers
Amphibious house, a novel practice as a flood mitigation strategNon-Index Paper
Computer organization and assembly language Exam Papers
Misbehavior detection scheme based on mobility pettern analysiThesis
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
Hand related injury accident trend in metal fabrication industry Conference Papers
Network performance analysis for cyclist monitoring system basThesis
KDNK boleh capai sasaran 6 peratus Text
RM50m fund to help the needy in Iskandar Text
Development of IPv6 network with location assisted transfer for Conference Papers
Simulation of blast-induced failure of case study structure Thesis
Aplikasi IT secara menyeluruh Text
Boleh pinjam hingga RM50,000 Text
Penyediaan polistirena rangkai silang secara pempolimeran ampText
Tabung khas biayai pelajar miskin ditubuh Text
Design of a four-stroke homogeneous charge compression ignitiIndexed Paper
5 galakan pelancongan kesihatan Text
Pelengkapan telaga Text
Mahasiswa perlu bijak tangani cabaran Text
Umno Youth helps raise awareness of GST News Paper Cuttings
Bersama membantu membebaskan Masjid Al-Aqsa Text
Kabinet setuju perkenal kerahan tenaga ala Malaysia Text
Remaja patut fahami perubahan diri sendiri Text
Desa diutamakan, projek disusun kembali, peruntukan RMK-9 diText
Five in family, cop die in 3-car crash Text
Employability skill and framework for TVET employment in NigerConference Papers
Virus behind SARS identified Text
Build own arms, Muslims urged Text
National holiday on Sept 16 Text
Hubungan antara kecerdasan spiritual dengan kemaafan dalam pen Thesis
Belia diseru kutuk tindakan ganas Text
Threat to orang utansÆ future Text
Penyelidik UTM hasilkan pengecas kereta elektrik News Paper Cuttings
USM menang empat pingat emas di Belgium Text
Analysis of steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular and conThesis
Keputusan PPSMI bergantung laporan Kementerian Pelajaran Text
Hubungan jaringan antara perusahaan kecil dan sederhana induThesis
Modelling UML activity diagram to colored petri net for validati Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Nilai murni sektor awam dipertingkat Text
Model-based development and simulation for robotic systems wiIndexed Paper
Kawalan harga mulai Sabtu Text
Analisis kumpulan hidroksil permukaan dan tapak asid zeoliti b Text
Prestasi pembakaran oil palm shell dalam pembakaran lapisan teText
Effectiveness of palm oil fuel ash as micro-filler in polymer conc Conference Papers
The impacts of advertisement and brand images on consumer b Thesis
Performance of IBS precast concrete beam - column connectionsConference Papers
Hab halal perlu dikendali sepenuhnya umat Islam Text
Elektronik pemasaran Text
Hydrology Exam Papers
Back pain arising from schoolbag usage among primary schoolchIndexed Paper
Professional practice 3 Exam Papers
Melayu mesti bangkit jadi bangsa cemerlang Text
Malaysia invests in biodefence R&D Text
Membentuk generasi muda patuh undang-undang jalan raya Text
Senario Beng Hock jatuh dibuat secara animasi News Paper Cuttings
KL-Singapura rintis jalan bina semula keakraban Text
Web-based global positioning system (GPS) processing engine Thesis
Agri sector to go online by yearÆs end Text
New Socso ruling for employers Text
Electrochemically deposited germanium on silicon and its crystalThesis
Kesuburan wanita turun kerana lambat kahwin Text
An appraisal of meta-heuristic resource allocation techniques foIndexed Paper
Lebuhraya hijau tak jejas alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Surface and colloid chemistry Text
Production and operation analysis Exam Papers
Ekspedisi Antartika UTM hasil kajian berimpak tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Write memoirs, DPM tells ex-civil servants Text
Pusat perdagangan industri buku Text
Had laju baru lebuh raya 120 kilometer sejam Text
Politik didasari nilai Islam wujud kepemimpinan adil, unggul Text
Cartography Exam Papers
Perancangan guna tanah Text
Robot bukan saingan manusia Text
Students still barred from politics Text
Intelligent modelling and active vibration control of flexible manThesis
Aljabar linear Text
SATS ambil alih operasi Lapangan Terbang Senai Text
Kosmo! Varsiti Futsal bentuk pelajar cemerlang Text
Urus subsidi guna kad pintar Text
KPI sasaran Najib Text
Laboratory simulation of LNAPL spills and remediations in unsat Conference Papers
PM kerah bantuan polis : bekerjasama dengan Kementerian PelaText
Haram guna Rhodamine B dalam belacan Text
PM : get going with East Asian Community Text
Thermodynamics and experimental analysis of ethanol steam reThesis
Tabung pelajar miskin : kementerian dapatkan kerjasama JPN Text
Report all HFM cases Text
Thermal analysis Exam Papers
Cuepacs sokong tuntutan Najib Text
Tafsiran salah 'Saya yang menurut perintah' harus diperbetul Text
Move is to increase in subsidies, says Government Text
Policy-based approach to detect and resolve policy conflict for s Conference Papers
Fizik suhu rendah Text
Pusat kemuka semula syor bina jambatan Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran Text
Implementation of project based learning for civil engineering s Conference Papers
Lower speed limits on federal and state roads Text
Kelantan catu gula Text
Introduction to computer science Exam Papers
Mukmin sejati peroleh nikmat kehidupan di alam kubur Text
Government will be the same, says Mahathir Text
Printed circuit board inspection using wavelet-based technique (F Text
Total protein extraction from melastoma decemfidum Thesis
Tiga ciri utama perlu ada kepimpinan abad ke-21 Text
Striking a balance Text
Analytical chemistry for engineering Exam Papers
Keeping legs in shape Text
No extra costs for London centre Text
Mengkaji kerosakan yang berlaku kepada peralatan internet di Text
Principles and challenges of settling disputes on delimitation of Thesis
Interpretasi Islam Camilla Text
Cabaran prasekolah Text
VC : research to be core activity of Universiti Malaya Text
Aspek kualiti dalam pembinaan bangunan menggunakan konkritText
Performance of an electro-mechanical parking brake (EMPB) sy Indexed Paper
Tensile capacity of grouted splice sleeves Indexed Paper
Teknologi gas petroleum cecair Text
Minimizing high PAPR in OFDM system using circulant shift cod Journal Article
ChemMol4: learning concept of mole via needham’s five phasConference Papers
BPR pantau pejabat tanah : dakwaan berlaku amalan pembayar Text
UTM’s Faculty of Civil Engineering bags second VC Quality a News Paper Cuttings
MPJBT perkenal sistem pembayaran parkir guna SMS News Paper Cuttings
Expanding the halal industry Text
Nilai materialistik dalam masyarakat tercermin pada kakitangan Text
Terdedah penyakit kronik Text
Tak luluskan jualan kereta Text
Procurement process in the 21st century Text
Prediction of noise from construction site by considering the variThesis
UTM wajibkan ujian khas BI News Paper Cuttings
Pengaplikasian media sosial dalam pembelajaran pelajar di institThesis
Plan for new law on water catchments Text
Preserving the uniqueness cultural landscape in Setiu Wetlands Conference Papers
PWD to patrol accident-prone areas round the clock Text
Gaya keibubapaan dan hubungannya dengan profil personaliti reThesis
Pembangunan modul Kimia UM berasaskan pengetahuan pedagogi Thesis
Tidak timbul percanggahan sivil, syariah Text
Development of two -link flexible manipulator Thesis
Engineering economics Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan air sisa Text
Cuepacs : test should stay, but with changes Text
Antara fatwa, ulama dan kerenah umat Text
Government hopeful with decline in world market price of crudeText
Mekanik bendalir I Text
Masalah dadah di Malaysia tak sama dengan negara lain Text
Kerajaan belum berhasrat wujud Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Production and optimization of indole-3-acetic acid by rhodop Thesis
Bandar Sukan RM500j akan dibina di Tebrau Text
Ingatan naib canselor untuk MPP baru Text
Mengubah Sabah jadi hab ekonomi Text
Biologi manusia Text
Menjual jenama IPTA Text
Tenaga kerja profesional kurang Text
Guidelines on development Text
Real property development law (undang-undang pembangunan Text
Numerical study of convective heat transfer in diffuser Text
MAB sedia sejuta beg plastik lutsinar Text
Laser surface alloying of pure aluminium with iron and nickel vi Thesis
Logo halal diseragam Text
Koperasi perlu digerak secara profesional - PM Text
Sensor technologies in monitoring of civil engineering structuresText
Investors prefer local skilled workers Text
IT can help address governance issues Text
Health Ministry wants more neuro experts Text
Bahan pokok Aglaia ubat barah Text
Pekerja cemerlang aset pembangunan negara Text
Labeling process improvement using fractional factorial Thesis
Sifat-sifat kejuruteraan polimer Text
Expect 10 sen to RM1 rise in toll rates Text
Embedded system for high performance digital temperature sensIndexed Paper
PhD di UTM hanya tiga tahun Text
Daring departure News Paper Cuttings
Solid waste management Exam Papers
Influence of soft elements on KM implementation in Malaysian hiNon-Index Paper
Investigation on void fraction for two-phase flow pressure drop Indexed Paper
Bahasa Melayu berdiri teguh Text
38kg drugs recovered Text
ItÆs not back-pedalling, says PM on Green Book Text
Portable handtruck for staircase Thesis
Fatwa halal kita diiktiraf dunia Islam Text
Govt to award 2 more licences Text
Kod etika pastikan Ahli Parlimen laksana amanah Text
UTM anjur program tingkat bahasa Inggeris Text
Effect of manihot esculenta aqueous extract coupled with the thThesis
KL bandar raya kelas satu 2020 Text
Tainted food a daily problem Text
PM angered by report that Malaysia paid ransom to militants Text
Penderia gentian optiks Exam Papers
Kajidaya bahan Text
Pembangunan, pemuliharaan alam boleh seiring Text
2 anugerah ICT diperkenal Text
Investigation on void fraction for two-phase flow pressure drop Journal Article
Digital logic Exam Papers
Superbikers transform Mat Rempit News Paper Cuttings
Design of two seater flying hovercraft Text
On neuro-fuzzy application for automatic control, supervision, a Text
Lawatan Pustaka Negeri Sarawak Ke PRZS Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fracture of scantling support structure of gas processing modul Indexed Paper
Sosialisasi agama dalam mempengaruhi tingkahlaku disiplin pel Thesis
Enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch ( Thesis
Kontraktor Malaysia perlu bentuk konsortium Text
Statik Text
Kalkulus Text
119 keluarga di Batu Pahat, Muar dipindah Text
Malaysia capai negara tua 2035 Text
Putra FM : stesen radio digital pertama negara Text
SMART: an integrated planning and decision support tool for s Indexed Paper
Dedah pelajar cabaran di IPT News Paper Cuttings
Simulation of MRAS speed sensorless estimation techniques fo Text
E-scholarship system For Libyan embassy Thesis
Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Yeop : Pro-Canselor UTM (1977 -1978) Text
PM urges civil servants to think outside the box Text
Analisa penghantaran ekonomi sistem kuasa menggunakan aplikThesis
Kompleks PERMATApintar Text
Selam skuba fahami risikonya Text
Menggilap akhlak demi keselesaan hidup Text
25 doctors, nurses and health workers were infected with TB lastText
Kurang 1.5% tentera terlibat kes jenayah setiap tahun Text
UHF RFID tag antenna for vehicle license plate number (e-plate) Indexed Paper
Konsepsi pembelajaran pelajar fakulti pendidikan Universiti T Thesis
UTM usaha hasilkan kain rentang 15 km Text
Device design consideration for nanoscale MOSFET using semic Conference Papers
Energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission considerationsConference Papers
Transforming Labuan News Paper Cuttings
Audio-induced interaction virtual reality game Thesis
Optimal distributed renewable generation planning : a review ofIndexed Paper
Kajian kualiti air minum di sistem bekalan air daerah Kuala Ter Thesis
Jururawat lelaki sama penting Text
Plasma catalytic reactor for methane conversion Other Publication
The impact of PV location on voltage profile and line losses Thesis
Jenayah terhadap kanak-kanak perlu dibendung Text
Varsities to fix election rules Text
Design for steel and timber/rekabentuk keluli dan kayu Exam Papers
USM sedia sistem bantu Arab Saudi urus haji Text
Pentadbiran pampasan Text
Kenang jasa dan pengorbanan guru sepanjang hayat Text
Comparison of georeferencing quality by using different geograpThesis
The correlation of engineering characteristics of Johor Coastal C Text
Stochastic growth logistic model with aftereffect for batch ferm Indexed Paper
Remaja bermasalah perlukan perhatian Text
Pengguna tersepit hadapi kemelut harga barang Text
Jatropha biodiesel as base fluid in oil based mud at high temper Thesis
Implikasi kehadiran kapal perang Iran News Paper Cuttings
Thermodynamics Exam Papers
Kepentingan pengetahuan tacit dalam aktiviti penyelidikan dan Thesis
Kurikulum baru tadika beri penekanan pendidikan Islam Text
Architects not in touch with ground Text
Bigger, better units in housing scheme Text
Kimia permukaan & koloid Text
Amal soleh bendung konflik kepentingan dan fitnah Text
Pendidikan seks untuk kanak-kanak dua tahun Text
UTM-Universiti Newcastle perkukuh kerjasama penyelidikan News Paper Cuttings
Towards 3D property formation Non-Index Paper
Universiti penyelidikan perlu komersial sendiri hasil kajian Text
Effect of platinum and tungsten oxide metal loading on n-penta Conference Papers
Production of amorphous silica from rice in fluidised bed systemText
RM24,667 is minimum salary cut-off point Text
The effect of decontaminants on vehicle cooling system Thesis
Ultrasound tomography : preliminary result Text
Commercialisation of academic research: an evaluation of goverThesis
Persamaan terbitan Text
Teori sejarah senibina Text
Information and knowledge management Exam Papers
War on chemical weapons Text
Backing for move to adopt children Text
Electric power sysytem / Sistem kuasa elektrik Text
RM3.6b to tackle Johor floods Text
Petrol naik 10 sen, diesel 20 sen Text
Saya ada ækuasa di belakangÆ Text
Aplikasi mudah alih bagi pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu berdasarkConference Papers
Effective local evolutionary searches distributed on an island m Indexed Paper
Comparison of heat exchanger designs for ship ballast water he Indexed Paper
PM : muhibah spirit must continue Text
Topik seks kepada anak digeruni ibu bapa Malaysia Text
We need a safer and better world Text
Ergonomik kenderaan Text
Guru pilih kasih beri bantuan pelajar miskin Text
JCorp : RM23m for Islamic business school Text
Sensitivity analysis of a fao penman monteith for potential evap Journal Article
Permit baru teksi mesti baru Text
Exploring success factors of social infrastructure projects in Mal Indexed Paper
Fibaloy gets OngÆs vote Text
UNIMAS sasar 6 pingat emas News Paper Cuttings
Water quality assesment and management Exam Papers
Kalkulus vektor Text
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
300 amputations avoided at hospitals Text
Extended overtime and the effect to labour productivity in constText
Sektor perikanan diramal terancam Text
Pengurusan konflik Exam Papers
Inculcating the innovation, commercialisation culture News Paper Cuttings
A privacy policy for myline Thesis
Enhanced interfacial interaction and electronic properties of no Indexed Paper
Pusat Anak Permata Negara diperluas seluruh Malaysia : Najib Text
Hidraulik Text
UTM perkenal sudut bacaan diseluruh negara Text
FireFly pelengkap Tahun Melawat Malaysia Text
RM84m in contributions lay unclaimed in EPF Text
In aid of recreational drug addicts Text
Saringan kesan H1N1 diteruskan Text
Policy-based managers coordination for self-adaptive software Thesis
Meramal banjir berdasarkan formula Nombor ROSJAN Text
Aplikasi penggunaan alat pencekap digital dalam proses pengambi Thesis
Prevent wastage of medicine, doctors advised Text
Cholera : poor hygiene blamed Text
Detection of bilayer lipid with graphene nanoribbon Indexed Paper
Teori Litar Text
Kita tuan rumah Lembaga Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam Text
Parallelization of iterative and direct schemes for Keller-Box Conference Papers
A qualitative analysis of litsea fulva essential oils using com Indexed Paper
MaCDI : isu-isu dalam pentadbiran dan pembangunan tanah (Pr Text
Construction Science Exam Papers
Kinetics of substrate utilization and bacterial growth of crude Indexed Paper
Perbuatan maksiat lemahkan kekuatan hati Text
Jumlah pinjaman PTPTN kekal Text
Assessing performance and intervention of microfinance institutNon-Index Paper
Aerodynamic analysis on a UTM racing car Text
Wanita di bidang sains : masyarakat harus iktiraf Text
Bedah siasat mayat Text
Attributes facilitating solid waste separation at source practic Thesis
Orang Seletar celebrate with seafood as their main dishes for RaNews Paper Cuttings
Formic acid crosslinked cellulose acetate defect-free asymmetr Thesis
Improvements in GLC performance Text
CD cuts kids' fear of dentists Text
Online micro-controller non-invasive blood pressure monitoring Conference Papers
UTM staff : name one of us as new vice-chancellor News Paper Cuttings
Aturcaraan C Text
Mikrocip generasi baru pertama di dunia Text
Deacidification of petroleum crude oil utilizing ammonia-ethyleneThesis
Timber reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam Text
Gaya menyusun ruang tamu Text
Zam : classify bloggers Text
Festival Kebudayaan Makum mula hari ini News Paper Cuttings
Project monitoring systems (PMS II) - case study on the constrai Text
Comparison product optimization performance of fed-batch ferme Conference Papers
Komplot peribadi rosak imej Islam Text
Effect of temperature and hydrogen on palm oil cracking over Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Ekspedisi terbaru jejak Bigfoot 24 pril Text
Medical devices to be regulated Text
An experimental study on the scratch characteristics of bambooConference Papers
Kajian terhadap pelaksanaan permohonan tanah yang direntah hThesis
Immobilization of metalloporphyrin on functionalized nanoporous Conference Papers
2 pendaki UTM berjaya takluk puncak Everest News Paper Cuttings
Analysis of various rapid prototyping techniques for investment Thesis
Islam and concept of human rights Text
Analyzing performance of openstate in software defined networkThesis
Jualan minyak sawit bakal cecah RM30b Text
Konvokesyen UTM 21-28 September News Paper Cuttings
DonÆt rush to make history compulsory Text
Land use planning II Exam Papers
Identification of ground vehicle's aerodynamic derivatives using Text
Reshuffle for top civil servants Text
Strenght analysis on cradle slipway Thesis
Underground water leakage detection system Thesis
Integrate farming project to boost food production Text
Mathematical thinking in differential equations through a comp Thesis
MRSM kaji naik yuran untuk pelajar berada Text
A neuro-wavelet technique for seismic damage identification of cIndexed Paper
Permainan Sahibba atas talian Text
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Industri kreatif Text
Influenza A (H1N1) : Lawyer is latest victim Text
Sedia prasarana pendidikan anjal Text
Adaptive noise reduction and code matching for IRIS pattern re Thesis
Daun ketum tidak menggiankan Text
IPT digesa ubah kurikulum hasilkan k-worker Text
Kuota baru biasiswa JPA cetus tak puas hati Text
Mesin elektrik Text
Mathematics III/Matematik III Text
A single-phase hybrid active power filter with photovoltaic applicText
UTM to design three-seater motorcycle News Paper Cuttings
Factors influencing demand for condominium in Johor Bahru, MaConference Papers
Martabatkan bahasa jiwai bangsa Text
A study of network-based appraoch for cancer classification Conference Papers
Adakah buah pinggang anda sihat? Text
40,000 pelancong Pakistan dijangka lawat Malaysia tahun ini Text
The need for problem-based learning in Nigerian secondary schoConference Papers
Harvard beri kemudahan khas untuk pelajar Islam Text
Membangun harta intelek sebagai sumber ekonomi berinovasi Text
Mesra rakyat, mesra perniagaan Text
Well testing Exam Papers
Mempelbagai kaedah membaca Text
CRM benefits for customers : literature review (2005-2012) Non-Index Paper
Masyarakat lebih fahami pelaburan Text
Suspected cases on the rise Text
Proton tentu sendiri keperluan rakan kongsi Text
Teori Litar Text
3G services launched Text
Nasib penerbitan berbahasa Melayu Text
Sejarah senibina landskap timur & barat Text
Assessing the effectiveness of problem based learning (PBL) usi Conference Papers
Redesign, optimization and validation of keyseat (Preview) Text
Membawa UniMAP ke global Text
Inner AABB for distance computation in collision detection Journal Article
2 ladang pertanian moden diwujudkan Text
Ensiklopedia kewangan Islam dilancar Text
Analyzing log files for university web intrusion investigation us Thesis
Dynamic behavior of fuel cell motorcycle power train Thesis
Penambahbaikan sistem pendidikan 2001-2006 Text
Jambatan baru ganti Tambak Johor diteruskan Text
Pengukuran profil halaju masa nyata bagi tomografi optik Text
Patuhi piawaian halal Text
Fizik kaca seramik Text
Kajian mikrostruktur dan kekerasan pemukaan keluli tertusukar Text
June deadline for prepaid users, registration going on in Penang Text
Experimental and numerical analysis of interaction between subJournal Article
Empangan Elektrik Hidro Bakun operasi akhir 2010 Text
A New relation of second order limit language in simple and semJournal Article
Fizik am Text
Laporan dapatan kajian Conference Papers
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-infection strategies for greater tra Non-Index Paper
The sources and factors of tuberculosis transmission at hospital Non-Index Paper
UTM juarai Robocon 2003 layak ke Bangkok Ogos depan Text
Sistem ambil pekerja asing dirombak elak penipuan Text
Elak kekeliruan konsep pandangan hidup Islam Text
A twist in the fairytale Text
Utilizing low ZIF-8 loading for an asymmetric PSf/ZIF-8 mixed Indexed Paper
An intelligent construction of Control Lyapunov Function Thesis
Malaysia ranked low on ease of doing business Text
Refractive index measurement of re-annealed glass for a forensiThesis
Membawa dalang ke pengadilan News Paper Cuttings
Construction project management Exam Papers
10 thrusts to revitalise police force Text
RM14mil of ice, Ecstasy pills seized Text
Materials Chemistry Exam Papers
Call to act against policing of morality Text
Siaran televisyen di telefon bimbit Text
Neutron spectra parameters of reaktor triga puspati for activat Conference Papers
Implimentation of evolutionary particle swarm optimization in diNon-Index Paper
Act now, Rafidah tells G-15 business group Text
Lean manufacturing system implementation: a case study in fo Thesis
Memperbetulkan persepsi salah hubungan KL-Jakarta Text
Israel bom Beirut, 52 maut Text
Sasaran negara setinggan sifar tak tercapai Text
Analisis perbezaan qiraat dalam riwayat hafs dan syu'bah terha Thesis
Effect of electrical field on demulsification of water in oil emu Conference Papers
Building integration Exam Papers
Sistem maklumat pengurusan Exam Papers
A level of service method for evaluating A.S.R.S. based on users Thesis
Kerajaan negeri disyor ambil kuota Bumiputera Text
Give professionals due recognition Text
Jatropha oil as alternative source of lubricant oil Indexed Paper
Performance analysis system for FELDA football management s Thesis
Chemical reaction engineering Exam Papers
PM cadang lesen pemandu terlibat nahas digantung 14 hari Text
Skim latihan untuk graduan Text
Dr M : suspend editor for few month Text
Syarat PTPTN dikaji : pelajar kaya tak dapat bantuan Text
Vibration analysis of an overhead crane Thesis
Air conditioning ventilation system for broiler house Thesis
Pluralism in multi-ethnic societies : a comparative study of goverText
The directional hierarchical AODV (DH-AODV) routing protocol f Indexed Paper
Correlation of microstructural and corrosion characteristics of Indexed Paper
Development of a 100-n hydrogen peroxide rocket engine Conference Papers
Contohi sikap penyabar PM Text
Properties Of UV-curable solvent-free pressure sensitive adhesi Indexed Paper
An infrared optical tomography based on independent component Thesis
Agropolis to serve players' needs Text
KL mahu bincang lebih lanjut isu amah Text
Flood flow reduction via optimization of outlet control structur Thesis
TNB kaji guna tenaga solar Text
Libatkan UDA dalam WPI Text
Induatri perikanan rugi RM 1 billion setahun Text
A matter of discipline Text
Pemborong sendiri sorok ayam : Menteri Text
H1N1 masih aktif Text
Pemilik ladang diseru mohon diiktiraf Salam Text
Design of an advanced encryption standard crypto-processor corText
Johor's new CIQ complex gets off to crawling start Text
Fabrication and testing of aquafuel rig Text
Morphometric brain measurement of prenatal ultrasound-inducJournal Article
Prestasi : penilaian kendiri IPTS Disember Text
Many unaware of bird flu return Text
Felda perkenal model baru : TPM Text
The Effect of parameter changes to the performance of a triang Journal Article
Application of spectroscopy Text
Assessing heavy metal contamination in Johor Straits Thesis
Menganggar pembebanan fosforus di takungan air Layang mengText
Institut Antarabangsa Kesihatan Awam beroperasi Mac 2006 Text
80pc success rate in juvenile rehabilitation Text
Tenant retention and property maintenance in commercial buildiThesis
Benteng hutan bakau : batang kecil mampu mengurangkan sehi Text
Malaysia mampu eksport beras Text
Helping Malays a national mission : PM Text
Transforming education Text
Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional ATM operasi 2009 Text
Kimia organik II Text
Features and classifiers for sentiment analysis of Arabic tweets Thesis
Geologi & Mekanik Batuan Text
Johorean more appreciative of heritage Text
RM367m aid to develop sports in schools Text
Waktu minum penjawat awam diatur Text
Teachers want compensation for extra work Text
Characterization of a wave soldering process using taguchi met Text
Real-time communication routing protocol for home automationConference Papers
KTM, couriers not raising rates Text
Melaka Invest jadi rujukan Text
Hortikultur hiasan Exam Papers
Wanita terbunuh selepas kereta dirempuh lori tanah Text
Perakaunan 1 Text
Incorporation of bioactive collagen type I and biomineralised hy Thesis
Produktiviti pekerja tempatan berada pada tahap membanggak Text
Modal insan mampu tingkat produktiviti Text
Detection of butter adulteration with lard using differential sca Indexed Paper
Musa : inform department about forest-clearing plans Text
Bank effect on manoeuvring of an LNG vessel Thesis
Pattern of reflection in learning authoring system through blogg Indexed Paper
Second language anxiety among year 5 primary school learners iThesis
Mosaicking of torn image using graph algorithm and colour pixe Thesis
Media di antara komersial, idealisme Text
Lima bidang majukan industri perikanan Text
USM bidas pelajar belakangkan pihak atasan Text
PM : behave, perform, deliver Text
When wives can say no to sex Text
Sports can pull in tourists Text
Muzium Warisan Tionghua Text
Using reISSNer-nordstrom solution for modeling epileptic seizur Thesis
Kerjasama jaya cara hidup sihat Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Negara eksport makanan 2010 Text
Characterization of photochemically initiated gold nanoparticles Journal Article
Computer architecture and organization Exam Papers
Ajaran Azhar Wahab haram Text
Effect of titanium segregation on interfacial misfit dislocation Thesis
Kimia analisis tuntut perubahan bidang penyelidikan Text
Organisasi mesra keluarga ubah suasana kerja Text
Malaysia cuts teeth in implant business News Paper Cuttings
Damage mechanics of composite laminates subjected to cyclic flText
Peningkatan leukemia kanak-kanak membimbangkan Text
More people means less water Text
Field programmable gate array design and implemention of hearThesis
Negara perlu ramai pakar kimia Text
Sekolah digalak pasang CCTV : Hishammuddin Text
Cadangan naikkan tambang feri tinggi Text
Najib warisi dedikasi Tun Razak Text
Faktor kejayaan kritikal ejen harta tanah Thesis
Most states still hazy Text
Matrade perluaskan rangkaian luar Text
The effects of thickness on biomechanical behavior of articular caIndexed Paper
Penentuan logam kadmium (II) dengan teknik voltammetri mengText
Penjanaan nilai dana, intelektual di Cambridge Ma wajar dicontoText
Office window opening influence on occupants' task performancThesis
Tindakan tatatertib ke atas ahli persatuan bahasa tionghoa USMText
Boost for powerline Internet adoption Text
RM100 juta bina lima kompleks sukan air Text
Kurikulum IPT mesti mampu lahirkan graduan berkualiti Text
Proses pemisahan I Text
Memperkukuh sinar bahasa kebangsaan Text
Sistem bantuan pengkatalogan dan klasifikasi tesis Thesis
Pelajar lepasan vokasional punyai peluang cerah bidang ekonomNews Paper Cuttings
LHDN tingkatkan kutipan cukai RM12 bilion Text
Memastikan harga getah tinggi Text
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
Pelabur luar biaya sektor pertanian Text
Chinese males main Net users Text
Crisis management Exam Papers
Pegawai agensi pertanian diminta ubah cara berfikir Text
A survey of feature extraction techniques in content-based illici Indexed Paper
Dasar jimat minyak Text
Universiti ada krisis Text
Perkukuh kongsi kuasa Text
Kaedah ranking tempatan IPT kembalikan peranan sebenar Text
Kuota biasiswa harus dipertahan Text
Kajian keupayaan galas cerucuk terpacu di tapak bekas lombongText
Quantum mechanics Exam Papers
Eukaryotic diversity Text
Pegangan kepenyeliaan dan gaya penyeliaan pensyarah pembimThesis
Toyota's hydrogen `bomb' News Paper Cuttings
UTM, Mahasarakham meterai MoU News Paper Cuttings
Saudara baru perlu hargai nikmat Islam Text
Islamists often misunderstood Text
Performance prediction of prefabricated vertical drain in soft so Thesis
Kajian kesan kecondongan kemudi terhadap prestasi membelok Text
Rais : do not abuse the Internet Text
Kaedah mengenalpasti kerosakan landasan dalam sistem penyenText
Peniaga tamak ambil kesempatan Text
Kejuruteraan perisian Text
Robotic arm functioning using image processing Thesis
Bank usah beban usahawan : Najib Text
Introduction to information technology Text
Masyarakat lebih fahami pelaburan Text
Tidak boleh pinjam untuk tunai haji Text
Alatan audit dokumentasi jaminan kualiti IPTA di FSKSM (Previe Text
Baja organik berasaskan najis babi pula didedahkan Text
Office collaboration system (Preview) Text
Morphological and tensile studies of Natural Rubber/OMMT/Di Thesis
Instrumental analysis Exam Papers
Bahr Al-Madhi : significant Hadith text sciences for Malay MuslimIndexed Paper
Assessment of greenhouse gas emission reduction measures in trIndexed Paper
Strategi pengukuhan Text
Kajian kesan trafik terhadap pencemaran hingar di kawasan SekoThesis
Sekolah pemimpin Malaysia-Indonesia jadi pusat sukan Text
Telecommunication towers assessment system in consideration Tohesis
Tumbuhan etno-botani Text
Program bawa pakar negara pulang sudah siap Text
EPF offers members online services Text
Seismic structure performance assessment of the Empire TowerText
Jangan sia-siakan peluang belajar, di koIej matrikulasi Text
Sleepless nights over for don with module approval Text
New RM30m lab to oversee public health needs Text
Patterns of electronic mail discourse in two Malaysian organisatio
Permohonan kontraktor Kelas F dibeku Text
Layout design at an electronic company Thesis
Eye On Malaysia dikekal sebagai ikon negara Text
Tenaga kerja UUM : Palapes diutamakan Text
Assessment of uranium using gamma radiations from thorium 23Text
Masa depan negara cerah Text
The in-between spaces for social interactions among adult residenThesis
Wanita perlu tingkatkan usaha capai kegemilangan Text
Data structure (struktur data) Text
Numerical analysis on coupled dynamics of mooring system and Thesis
The development of similar day load forecasting (SDLF) for systeThesis
We are candles that sacrifice ourselves Text
Factors contributing to Hazmat-related accidents in marine tran Conference Papers
The development of a cross-browser test automation tool Thesis
Jenayah capai tahap global Text
Malays leave it to fate, hate medical check-ups Text
Rationalization of molecular vibration of bromine pentafloride uConference Papers
Pelihara khazanah ulama Text
Mara taja 144,331 pelajar ke IPT tempatan, asing Text
Appraisal of application of value engineering methodology in mechJournal Article
Bekerja selamat di ruang terkurung Text
Generic code clone detection model for java applications Thesis
The development of airside infrastructure at the Senai InternatioThesis
SWCNT-based biosensor modelling for pH detection Indexed Paper
An overview of the importance of industrial mathematics Non-Index Paper
Fibrous silica mesoporous ZSM-5 for carbon monoxide methanatIndexed Paper
Design of a distributorless ignition system Text
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FTG 03.32 raPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
The impact of transformational leadership behaviors on work peIndexed Paper
Numerical study of diffusion current characteristic for nondege Conference Papers
Caj PTPTN perlu lulus hukum syarak Text
Modification of radiative transfer model for estimating solar irr Thesis
The tranformation of Telekom training college into a commercial- Text
Nanotiub perkecilkan bahan komponen mesin Text
Magnetic induction tomography: receiver circuit and its design crJournal Article
Pelabuhan darat kurang sambutan Text
Amalan guru untuk memajukan diri menggunakan ICT dalam proThesis
Proton mampu bersaing Text
Dynamic simulation of cable-stayed bridge Text
Channel monitored channel duplexer for optimization of bidirectIndexed Paper
Study on plant that turns cats on Text
Murid miskin terbela : Rosmah Text
Selesema babi pandemik paling buruk dunia Text
RM302.7j untuk program RMT, PSS sepanjang 2008 Text
Penurunan harga lebihi kadar faedah Text
Design of prestressed concrete structures Text
Cuaca panas ekuinoks tidak berbahaya Text
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Identification of gaps and adoption of communication strategie Thesis
672 evacuated in Shah Alam floods Text
Jadikan nilai murni indeks pengukur prestasi Text
Use of plastic money growing Text
Memodenkan industri pertanian Text
Mekanik mesin Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Perak atasi setinggan 2012 Text
Big plans for Danga Bay Text
Exploratory study on airbag suitability for low engine capacity mIndexed Paper
Obesiti : peranan ibu bapa Text
Ahli akademik perlu bantu majukan negara Text
Decolourisation of palm oil mill effluent using curvularia clavata Thesis
Development of cadastral control information system (CCIS) onl Conference Papers
LID berkembang di luar sasaran Text
Sistem pengikliman untuk tanaman tropika sensitif Text
Effect of thermal oxidation process parameters on adhesion stren Thesis
700 pelumba sahut cabaran News Paper Cuttings
A study of cross-contamination of foodborne pathogens on the kThesis
Outlook for Malaysian economy remains strong Text
Mekanisme saring PhD wajar diperluas ke IPTS Text
Islam angkat daya intelek Melayu Text
Sumber tenaga baru akhir tahun Text
New chrysin-functionalized silica-core shell magnetic nanoparticIndexed Paper
Apollo 11 dan penerokaan angkasa negara Text
2,443 penuntut baharu daftar di UTM News Paper Cuttings
History Modern Architechture Exam Papers
Adsorption of dyes using hexadecyltrimethylammonium modifieThesis
400 more policemen for Johor Text
Perangi rasuah bukan gimik politik : Abdullah Text
UM terima anugerah pencapaian berprestij Nikkei Text
Industrial relations law Exam Papers
IPTA serap program SLG Text
Sistem tsunami kedua dipasang Text
Students did not jump bond Text
Analisis tahap kesedaran pelbagai lapisan masyarakat tentang b Text
Pelajar cipta pembesar suara kawalan jauh Text
30 head to UK for lessons on cluster school Text
Mini-laptops do away with textbooks Text
Guru Kemas lulusan diploma menjelang 2010 Text
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2O vapors using montmoril Indexed Paper
Basic surveying Exam Papers
Kadar pengangguran di Malaysia tidak serius Text
Hydrologic characteristics of Putrajaya lake Text
Thermoacoustic heat engine refrigeration system design Text
Probabilistic approach in neighborhood discovery and sensors inThesis
RM495 juta biaya 104,200 usahawan kecil Melayu Text
Tribunal boleh putus kes perjanjian jual beli rumah Text
Graduan UTM ternak kambing Text
KL wants Jakarta to take quick action over the haze problem Text
Kimia fizik II Text
Tindakan Sultan Perak berlandas prinsip demokrasi Text
Matematik : irama dan lagu mudahkan pembelajaran Text
Penggunaan struktur pelesap tenaga untuk mengurangkan halajuText
Teori litar Text
Keys to understanding English Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Synthesis of well-crystalline lattice carbon nanotubes via neutr Indexed Paper
Programming and simulation Exam Papers
Service with a smile Text
Refinery technology Exam Papers
Penggunaan tempurung dan sabut kelapa sawit untuk meningkatText
Obesity on the rise in Malaysia Text
Site management Exam Papers
Harta pegawai kanan polis mengejutkan Text
Underwater wireless sensor network localization Conference Papers
Remote sensing for meteorology Exam Papers
Kokurikulum sebagai mediator antara kesedaran kendiri dan sahThesis
Kelewatan projek pembinaan IBS di negeri Kedah Thesis
Masjid sebagai destinasi pelancongan Text
Strategic organizational communication Exam Papers
Typical teaching method applied in chemistry experiment Indexed Paper
MPP berazam bantu tingkat imej UTM Text
Landasan kukuh ekonomi Text
Air flow distribution in a hospital operating room with various con
Pengantar mikroekonomi Text
Analysis of motion on FPSO in shallow water with a non-colline Thesis
20% iklan kerja perlu ijazah kelas pertama Text
Saudis to study in Malaysia Text
3D model simulation on magnetic induction spectroscopy for fetIndexed Paper
Pembangunan bahan bantu mengajar berasaskan e-peta minda ber Thesis
The framework of image recognition based on modified freemanNon-Index Paper
Superkonduktiviti Text
Producing world-class graduates News Paper Cuttings
SMS Tun Syed Sheh Shahabudin raih emas, Anugerah WIPO Text
Thermostability enhancement of xylanase aspergillus fumigatus Indexed Paper
Aiming to be major player in medicinal plant products Text
Alert raised over avian flu Text
18,000 more diploma places from next year Text
A process integration approach for design of hybrid power syst Indexed Paper
Usage of air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in JohConference Papers
Amaran tindakan tegas guru aktif politik Text
Operational research II Text
Kongsi ilmu keusahawanan dengan pelajar UTM News Paper Cuttings
KWSP laksana dua polisi serentak Text
Financial management Exam Papers
NBI : Bridging the digital divide for rural folk Text
Design of low power and miniature wearable electromyogram f Thesis
Robbers drive off in BMW with kids inside Text
Effective communication Exam Papers
Contractor's application for an extension of time (Full text) Text
Masa mengajar guru disiplin dikurangkan Text
Jantung tiruan Abiocor tidak sesuai untuk rakyat Malaysia Text
Algebra 1 Text
DonÆt be complacent about diseases, says Liow Text
VHDL implementation of MIPS microprocessor Thesis
Ragam bila khatan beramai- ramai di Kg. Chnnang Kemboja News Paper Cuttings
INTI College upgraded to varsity status Text
Syor tambah biasiswa pelajar Melayu ke IPT Text
Hybrid based traffic classification of online internet application Thesis
A simple energy recovery scheme to harvest the energy from shaIndexed Paper
Operasi pemantauan penyakit JE diteruskan Text
Jualan kenderaan diunjur menurun 12.4 peratus Text
Kerajaan tidak boleh gadai maruah negara Text
An evaluation of financial performance of cooperatives in MalaysText
Bertunang janji murni ke arah penuhi Sunnah Text
535 kolej swasta dinaik taraf Text
An improved algorithm for photovoltaic module temperature preThesis
Viability study on the application of advance blasting method in Text
A coin counter using photoelectric sensor with PLC Thesis
Numerical methods in engineering Exam Papers
Preferred product features among international buyers in Johor Thesis
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Universiti Teknologi Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Biologi molekul dan kejuruteraan genetik Exam Papers
Corruption also found in the private sector Text
Penyakit saraf, otot raih CGPA 3.96 ijazah sarjana News Paper Cuttings
Pelancongan : Malaysia jadi sumber rujuk ASEAN Text
TNB guna sistem solar bekal elektrik ke pedalaman Text
Eksperimen modal analisis terhadap rasuk konkrit menggunakanThesis
Bird flu watch : chickens didnÆt die of flu Text
Perceived social structural relations and group stereotypes : a t Indexed Paper
Employing a suitable contrast enhancement technique as a pre Indexed Paper
Myanmar minat jalin kerjasama Text
Kimia analisis I Text
Dasar sekolah untuk kem tentera kekal Text
Ekonomi Islam boleh dimaju secara pintar Text
Kesahihan data penarafan dipantau News Paper Cuttings
Panduan penanaman betik Text
VLSI design of low voltage digital signal processing (DSP) applic Text
IPT akan diwajib dapat akreditasi MQA Text
Profesional engineering practice Text
Psoriasis : penyakit kulit yang disalah erti Text
Flow separation measurement above UTM half model Thesis
Development of a tunable filter system for detecting discharge dThesis
Keberkesanan kolam takungan dalam mengawal air larian perm Text
Raja Nazrin : muslim scholars need to be open-minded Text
Security analysis method of recognition-based graphical passwoIndexed Paper
10 is enough for SPM next year, says Muhyiddin Text
Nine-point declaration endorsed Text
Geotechnical modelling Exam Papers
Penilaian potensi perisian sumber terbuka dalam pengendalian dThesis
Pemuda bantu rakyat derita penyakit kronik Text
Bees algorithm for optimizing lactate and succinate production inThesis
Analisis kestabilan cerun tepi sungai : kajian kes berhampiran Text
Statistical inference (Pentadbiran statistik) Text
Pengurusan sistem sungai bagi tujuan pengangkutan (Preview) Text
Remote sensing technology 2 Exam Papers
Pelajar sains patut dapat zakat : Mufti Text
R&D : hidung elektronik Text
Sistem pangkalan data order lepidoptera Thesis
UTM anjur Kolokium khas kenang Dr Ahris Yaakup Text
Selling 'gamat' to the world Text
Najib not ruling out nationÆs third stimulus package Text
Kerjasama CARIF, NGS hasilkan sebatian anti-kanser Text
Syor subjek hak asasi manusia di sekolah Text
Nationwide crackdown on party drugs begins Text
Taubat sebenar perlu disertai dengan keinsafan Text
Hardware design for convolutional neural network for digit reco Thesis
Innovation in agricultural support on sustainability for fresh frui Journal Article
Streamflow optimization using statistical downscaling and analytThesis
Study of two-phase flow in deviated well Thesis
Security and privacy criteria to evaluate authentication mechan Indexed Paper
30 pelajar kumpulan pertama perubatan UDM Text
Physical properties of cement composites incorporating celluloseThesis
Pencarum keluar RM5b Text
Elemen peperiksaan PTK boleh diubahsuai Text
Pemodelan awan menggunakan sistem partikel Text
Asas elektrik Exam Papers
Multiple band dielectric resonator antenna for wireless local ar Thesis
30 sertai 'Jumping Day 2015' News Paper Cuttings
Treatment of textile wastewater using biodegradable flocculant Journal Article
Work-for-spouses lure to draw home experts Text
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Digital electronics Exam Papers
Pembangunan pemblogan web melalui sistem rangkaian sosial dThesis
Colour based water temperature display with temperature sensor Thesis
New curriculum to forge business skills Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Developing a GIS data model for local authorities (Abstract) Text
Employers must go through ministry for foreign workers Text
Optimization of heavy duty truck chassis design by considering toIndexed Paper
Dr M : take in foreign scientists to boost R&D Text
Altantuya murder case : SAF duo in murder charge Text
Selected issues in auditing Exam Papers
Religion and secularism Text
Utama peranan teknologi tingkat produk makanan Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - Old Library - General Reading Area Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
OIC perlu perbetul tanggapan salah mengenai negara Islam Text
Principle of operations management Text
The effect of location of post drilled web opening on the streng Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of cellulose acetate from kenaf fi Thesis
Melaka di landasan tepat capai negeri maju 2010 Text
Persediaan ekonomi, mental hadapi tempias kenaikan harga pe Text
Pelbagai langkah perjelas prinsip Islam Hadhari Text
Malaysia, Thailand tingkat kerjasama banteras penyeludupan d Text
Applications of carbon dioxide for heavy oil enhanced oil recoveThesis
Stop youth bashing, public told Text
Olahan air Text
Two-stage FO-BWRO/NF treatment of saline waters Indexed Paper
IGP : 120 schoolkids arrested monthly Text
Promoting corporate social responsibility through human resourThesis
Malaysia up in Global IT Index Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Differential equations 1 Exam Papers
Developing a spreadsheet application for BQ production Text
Molecular analysis of novel L-Specific Dehalogenase from Rhizo Thesis
Investigation of cylinder deactivation and variable valve actuat Indexed Paper
Flexural performance of steel fibre reinforced concrete beam Thesis
The study of lateral torsional buckling behaviour of beam with t Non-Index Paper
Pusat Belia Antarabangsa distruktur semula : Azalina Text
Jadual keupayaan penapak tunggal yang menanggung beban pakText
Development of geodatabase for point of interest in Mukim PulaThesis
Model pelan kesinambungan perniagaan dan ketahanan organisas Thesis
Characterization and biodegradability of extruded foamed polyprThesis
Johor to verify Bigfoot tales Text
Kabinet setuju pinda jajaran LPT Text
A comparative study on yield of extract, chemical marker content Conference Papers
Belia perlu buktikan keupayaan memikul tanggungjawab Text
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Menjana sinergi universiti-industri Text
Tunku Laksamana Johor dipakaikan pangkat inspector News Paper Cuttings
Kekuatan mampatan konkrit kekuatan tinggi menggunakan abu ter Thesis
Pemeriksaan kesihatan di pintu masuk diperketat Text
Krisis air Lembah Klang : jika projek bekalan dari Pahang untuk Text
Mahaleel berdiam Text
Tambah fakulti pergigian tampung keperluan Text
Soil arthropod diversity on the forest floor and ex-road in mang Journal Article
1,000 Malaysians retrenched monthly Text
Open varsity “unsuitable at this stage’ News Paper Cuttings
Proton jual 153,200 kereta Text
A modified giffler and Thompson Genetic Algorithm on the job Text
Hubungan antara konflik kerja-keluarga dengan komitmen organiThesis
Civil servants must rise to the challenge Text
Low dimensional simulator for for carbon based devices Thesis
Tiga kena siasat polis kes bunuh dua beranak Text
Malaysia, Brunei kekal prinsip permuafakatan Text
The effects of extrinsic motivational factors in learning among Non-Index Paper
Asean perlu mekanisme tangani masalah hak asasi Text
Ikrar Naib Canselor baru UTM News Paper Cuttings
LHDN jangka kutipan merosot Text
Integral sliding mode control design for high speed tilting trains Non-Index Paper
Senibina multibudaya : kajian kes di George Town, Pulau Pinang Thesis
Characterisation of marine clay treated with ponded ash and d Thesis
Kejuruteraan sistem bioproses Text
Etika berpakaian News Paper Cuttings
Lapan agenda perkasa, tingkat kualiti institusi pengajian tinggi Text
Abdullah mahu Petronas membangun bersama Sudan Text
Tumbuhan Text
Penyenggaraan bangunan Text
JB outlet to sell cheaper goods News Paper Cuttings
Matlamat negara jadi keutamaan Text
Physical properties and storage stability of geopolymer modifiedJournal Article
Analisis dan rekabentuk papak berongga prategasan pratuang Text
A study of the plastic life cycle assessment (Preview) Text
Faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan bantahan awam dalam prThesis
Post tensioning effect in column to beams by bolts of Industriali Thesis
Universiti Indonesia henti ambil pelajar kita Text
I've had enough of Penang : Yow Chuan may stop investing in theText
Government supports protection for witnesses Text
Risk assessment of power system transmission investment Thesis
Regeneration of dalapon tolerant nicotiana tabacum by expres Thesis
Planning law Exam Papers
Development of a low-cost software for 2D deformation detecti Conference Papers
Evaluation of skin factor due to asphaltene deposition around t Thesis
Singapore-registered vehicles not exempted Text
The relationship between culture value and conflict managementThesis
Torsion in reinforced concrete structures : design requirement Text
Roboh rumah setinggan cara terbaik tangani pendatang haram Text
Digital zooming of digital image Text
Australia risau skandal plagiat pelajar Malaysia Text
Design and test of a small cassette type axial flow water turbine Thesis
Penilaian formasi Text
Perodua mahu kadar faedah sama semua model Text
Icon for Page-turner
Asia rising again Text
Kualiti hidup OKU lebih baik Text
Maju dengan acuan sendiri Text
Gula-gula kesihatan pembunuh dikesan Text
Application of multi-criteria decision making method in seletion Thesis
Development of magnetic induction spectroscopy system in biome Indexed Paper
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Raising green bar with KPI ratings Text
Study on the performance of biodiesel blend jathropa oil in a c Thesis
Influence of cell size on soil loss estimation in Universal Soil Lo Thesis
Changes for better criminal justice system, police image Text
Water resource management Exam Papers
Bahan termaju Text
10,200 kerja menanti siswazah Text
Doctors need certification to test new drugs on patients Text
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Electric circuit Exam Papers
Dos kedua beri lebih perlindungan jangkitan campak Text
Persaingan tingkat mutu insurans Islam Text
Challenging chapter ahead Text
Comparative seakeeping studies in irregular waves Text
Beri maklumat penjawat awam rasuah : Najib Text
Korban jalan meningkat jika tak ubah sikap Text
Olahan air sisa pewarna tekstil menggunakan pengoksidaan fento Text
Harga barang dijangka naik Text
Fizik matematik Text
Pelaburan, peluang pekerjaan ditingkat Text
Teknologi gas petroleum gas cecair Text
Sistem tadahan air hujan Thesis
The use of a mechanical ventilation system for energy saving on Tahesis
Analytical electrochemistry Exam Papers
Make schools top class: PM Text
USM amal konsep mesra golongan kurang upaya Text
R&D : sistem hibrid kurangkan suhu dalam bangunan Text
Performance of passive antenna for the application aircraft traffThesis
52 lagi Taska Hadhari ditubuh Text
A review on open source architecture in geographical informati Conference Papers
Zero emission gas turbine cycles Text
Budget 2002 highlights on indirect taxes Text
PIBGN saran perkasakan sekolah kebangsaan Text
Drugs : bane of the Olympics Text
Investigation of surface integrity of wood during sanding operat Text
Gesa haramkan air botol plastik Text
The effect of spiritual and human capital on independent auditoThesis
Mempersiapkan diri menghayati Ramadan Text
The effect of collimator geometrical characteristics on image Thesis
2 lagi sekolah sukan Text
The relationship of financial ratios disclosure and total return of Thesis
Sistem kejuruteraan marin I Text
UTM to help beautify Muar town News Paper Cuttings
Tiga hala tuju UUM ke arah bertaraf dunia Text
MB: Science, maths vital to Vision 2020 News Paper Cuttings
Extremophiles Exam Papers
Macromolecular chemistry Exam Papers
Simulation study of plate-fin recuperator system Text
Pemproses isyarat digit I Text
Malaysia has improved NAM Text
Haze sweeps back to peninsula Text
Polymeric membrane modification using SPEEK and bentonite forIndexed Paper
Usaha AS pupuk persefahaman dengan Islam Text
Perpindahan Perpustakaan FKE Pada 21 Februari 2017 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Demographic characteristics, dyadic coping, and marital quality Indexed Paper
Ujian lisan tidak jejas pencapaian pelajar Text
Control of materials on site (Preview) Text
PM : I will give facts on petrol prices, subsidies Text
New foreign worker levy effective Aug 1 Text
11,000 terkorban : 43 rakyat Malaysia turut terbunuh akibat o Text
Telekom tunggu kelulusan runding ambil alih Jaring Text
Pelengkapan telaga Text
Harga runcit tepung, gula naik lima sen jumaat Text
The potential of direct contact membrane distillation for indu Indexed Paper
China, Asean to lower tariffs from July 20 Text
Kajian permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan sistem e-Tanah di PentThesis
UTM serah kepada SKMM News Paper Cuttings
Kakitangan awam perlu kemas kini prosedur kerja Text
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Menara berputar : bangunan unik Text
Misi Antartika bermula News Paper Cuttings
Moment invariant as visual descriptor for identification of simpl Text
Taiwan hot on tourism campaigns Text
Bekalan vaksin Mencevax mencukupi Text
Development of a portable steam generator for evaporative patter Thesis
UIAM bangunkan portal warisan islam Text
Collaborative augmented reality approach for multi-user interacConference Papers
Diploma Sains Kepolisan dinaik taraf Text
Ladang jadi muzium rempah terbesar di Asia Text
Drug sales to reach RM1b Text
Jadikan SK `sekolah pilihan' : PM Text
Permit to get treasure from Sarawak rivers Text
Hybrid wind and photovoltaic (PV) power generation system wi Thesis
Surface and Colloid Chemistry Exam Papers
Mechanical, impact and post-impact characteristics of filament Thesis
Kes rogol remaja meningkat Text
Mata pelajaran Sejarah wajib di sekolah rendah Text
Mahasiswa perlu ada nilai tambah Text
Slope stability and deformation analysis under drawdown conditiJournal Article
Malaysians against plan for yearly renewal of licences Text
Study of the effect of brightness after penetration of light from aJournal Article
Internet traffic classification algorithm based on hybrid classifierJournal Article
Single channel magnetic induction spectroscopy technique for feJournal Article
Why spoken English is on the decline Text
A review on e-government integration studies Conference Papers
The effects of workplace environments towards employee motivThesis
Raising happy kids Text
Statistik gunaan (remote sensing) Text
Writing professional discourse: the challenges faced by Malaysi Non-Index Paper
The Effects of voids on the flexural properties and failure mec Journal Article
Ekonomi & pengurusan projek Text
King launches education fund Text
Dr M : let's not antagonise everyone Text
The use of ICT in education: focus on Nigeria Non-Index Paper
Untung kasar Proton mencecah RM780 juta Text
Seasonal and diurnal variation on tropospheric scintillation at KuIndexed Paper
Teknologi, inovasi dapat kembangkan ekonomi : MB Text
TNB to offer rebate to consumers Text
Cadangan buka kasino dibantah Text
Selesaikan isu tertangguh Text
A comparative study of biomass production using elementary moThesis
A safe-distance based threat assessment with geometrical basedIndexeds Paper
Malaysia perintis Perpustakaan Digital Islam Text
Asas VLSI digit Text
RTM diarah usah ægamÆ sesuka hati Text
Kerjasama 3 negara bantu atasi lanun di Selat Melaka Text
Human detection framework for automated surveillance systemIndexed Paper
Decision support system classification and its application in manJournal Article
JPA, SPA diarah segera isi kekosongan jawatan Text
Kajian kes kaedah intensif buruh perbezaan kos pembinaan jalanText
MRSM - Bilangan pelajar bukan Melayu semakin kurang Text
Intermetallics formed between Sn-Ag-Cu solders and electrolessThesis
Star wheel robot (Robostarz) Thesis
Forecasting of air pollution index with artificial neural network Journal Article
More seeking to migrate since last month Text
Effect of bio-mediated route synthesized silver nanoparticles f Indexed Paper
Influence of relict joints on permeability of residual soil Indexed Paper
RM17 juta dibelanja sehari hantar SMS Text
Tall building system analysis and design Exam Papers
Siasatan ambil masa lama jika tiada tekanan ke atas Kiev News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi binaan I Text
Production of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from alkalophilic ba Text
Optimization of hydrogen production by water electrolysis Thesis
Characterization of planar meander antenna on the semi-insulate Thesis
4.4 juta pelajar dapat pinjaman buku teks Text
The comparison study of different additives on characteristic a Thesis
Waste water from NS camp flowing into the sea Text
I'm still a Malay despite using English, says Dr M Text
Experimental determination of damping property of structure Thesis
Mobile augmented reality influence towards urban tourism expeThesis
Golongan siddiq mempunyai kedudukan istimewa di sisi Allah Text
Accept credit cards at pumps : work out solution, parties urged Text
Ganjaran akhirat pekerja beramanah Text
Permodelan matematik bagi pemampat berputar oval untuk si Text
Seni budaya rakyat perlu dibukukan Text
Bahaya pendidikan, perpaduan dipolemikkan Text
Turning tuna into revenue earner Text
Konsep tabarruj menurut perspektif Islam dan kepentingannya Conference Papers
Laluan Bukit Lanjan di NKVE dibuka dua bulan awal Text
Sabah kekurangan doktor Text
Sektor pelancongan mampu raih RM29.5b Text
A case study on strategic leadership in TNB : Tan Sri Dato' Dr. A Text
Land acquisition Text
Tingkatkan toleransi kaum : PM Text
The appraisal of slope hazard management in forecasting failu Thesis
Bank asing dibenar tambah cawangan Text
Even a toilet is not safe anymore Text
Kesan mudarat ubat terhadap janin Text
PTPTN janji bayar hutang KWSP Text
Kerajaan longgar syarat warga asing beli rumah : kediaman berniText
Petronas janjikan pendidikan bertaraf dunia Text
Physico-chemical properties of recycled refined, bleached and dJournal Article
Management of technology Text
Multi response optimization of oil palm frond pretreatment by oIndexed Paper
30,000 pekerja asing berpenyakit Text
Proses pengambilan sel stem tidak sakit Text
UTM seals exchange pact with British varsity Text
Senario pengangkutan awam Text
Self-tuning varri method in preparing fatigue segment Journal Article
Fahami kanak-kanak autistik Text
Microwave-assisted synthesis of metal oxide/hydroxide compositIndexed Paper
23,471 teachers move up Text
Hefty fines for causing floods Text
Pembasmian kemiskinan : satu penelitian tentang peranan agenText
Investment valuation Exam Papers
Restoran wajib letak gula atas meja Text
UTM bangunkan projek LSS RM57 juta News Paper Cuttings
Academician profile system for developing an ICT academic co Thesis
Pengeluaran hakmilik strata selepas pelaksanaan Akta Hakmilik Thesis
Doubling beef production Text
Suami isteri dera budak ditahan Text
$44.6 juta untuk pembangunan bandar Seremban News Paper Cuttings
Penerokaan sains tradisi Islam Text
Smart management parking system Thesis
Perbincangan Meja Bulat Malaysia-Singapura bermula hari ini Text
Bahaya fahaman Islam liberal Text
RM3.5b lagi dimohon basmi kemiskinan tegar Text
Operational research II Text
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Policy-based approach for dynamic architectural adaptation: a c Conference Papers
Belajar cara Jepun urus warga asing Text
Effects of activated charcoal on physical and mechanical prope Indexed Paper
Adsorption characteristics of curcumin and paclitaxel on modifi Thesis
Wanita Melayu kini pinjam Ah Long Text
Biorefinery technology Exam Papers
Sistem pendidikan kebangsaan terlalu tegar perlu dikaji semula Text
Kimia polimer Text
Acoustic quality for classrooms in Faculty of Civil Engineering Thesis
Penghasilan guru Text
Radial basis function neural network learning with modified ba Thesis
Aplikasi perdana : dekatkan rakyat dengan MSC Text
Relationship between fiber gratings reflectivity and laser fabric Conference Papers
Pelajar tingkatan satu antara 13,000 penagih dadah baru Text
Cabinet okays water Bills Text
Pengenalan binaan bangunan / Binaan landskap Text
Guru jana modal insan berkualiti Text
Zeti : ringgit peg remains sound Text
Kastam tetapkan kadar untung 34 kereta Text
Universiti China kongsi kepakaran bidang biodiversiti Text
Kesatuan syor pendekkan waktu tugas pendidik Text
Using process approach in teaching guided essay writing for yearThesis
GMM mampu mengekang negara ekstrem News Paper Cuttings
12 juta diijangka guna laluan kedua Text
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Realising values through a probability activity Journal Article
Service systematic innovation framework with information and Thesis
KLÆs vision 2020 Text
Pendidikan pelbagai aliran lebih realistik Text
Re-refining of base oil from spent lubricant : a comparative stud Text
Mesopyme-IEMA software process evaluation model for small a Thesis
UTM kongsi kepakaran dengan komuniti News Paper Cuttings
Masa depan prauniversiti Text
Business friendlines low Text
Industrial organic chemistry Exam Papers
Cross-layer relay selection with power control for wireless coop Thesis
Rapat jurang SK, SJKC kurangkan debat sekolah satu aliran Text
Analysis of outcomes of the frictional pressure drop prediction uJournal Article
Akademi al-Quran program realiti TV9 Text
UTM, UK firm in healthcare deal News Paper Cuttings
Blockbuster herb in the making Text
Beating the big C Text
Pusat Belia Antarabangsa wajar lebih berperanan Text
Bank Islam sumbang zakat RM30,000 kepada UTM Text
Comparative methods in measuring the irrigation water needs aNon-Index Paper
No ceiling charge for 27 labour agencies Text
PM angry over loss of lives in bungled drug raid Text
Dadah sintetik terapi pulih penagih Text
Klon baru getah diperkenalkan Text
Electrical machines and drives Exam Papers
Physical and mechanical properties of jute, bamboo and coir natu Indexed Paper
Usaha memelihara pusaka bangsa Text
Maps predict places at greatest risk of dengue Text
Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Fakulti Pengurusan dan PembangunaExam Papers
Malaysia, Qatar tingkat kerjasama dua hala Text
Systhesis and characterization of alumnium doped zinc oxide nano Thesis
Five-star rating for more schools Text
Isolation and characterization of biotechnology relevant bacte Journal Article
Guna pengangkutan awam disasar 40% menjelang 2020 Text
The green preferences of office tenants in Malaysia Thesis
Pembinaan stesen bumi Langkawi dilulus News Paper Cuttings
Optimisation of Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) concentrations for p Conference Papers
A high gain and low flicker noise cmos mixer with low flicker noi Indexed Paper
Kredibiliti ASEAN bina Asia Timur Text
Jawatankuasa sedia teliti permintaan Singapura Text
KL among the cheapest Asian cities for expats Text
Extremism among students worrying Text
CD Sejarah Melayu dipasarkan ke Asia Barat Text
Kajian potensi menggunakan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbah Text
Penguasaan ilmu sains perkukuh iman Text
Pengangkutan bersepadu atasi sesak Text
Valuation service users behaviour in Indonesia (fulltext) Text
Quantitative risk allocation approach in public-private partnershThesis
The growth of applied knowledge with integration of group activiIndexed Paper
Effects of triton x-100 concentrations on silica nanoparticle sta Thesis
NAM komited tangani isu pengganas, kewangan global Text
Hubungan rekabentuk dengan penyenggaraan bangunan Thesis
Sokongan rakyat perlu jayakan pembangunan : draf berkesan maText
Pelan strategik dukung aspirasi negara Text
The new challenge in automation pilotage system for stringent pConference Papers
2 × 2 MIMO-OFDM-RoF generation and transmission of double Indexed
signals using a microring resonator system
Matematik kejuruteraan / Kalkulus II Text
Petronas lancar modul bahasa Inggeris Text
Comparative study on prediction of axial bearing capacity of drivIndexed Paper
6,000 anak Felda diberi kemahiran kompetitif Text
Courts to standardise case management Text
Design of U-shaped in-phase power divider employing ground-slIndexed Paper
Zam tells Indonesian media not to attack Malaysia Text
Pengantaramukaan mikrokomputer Text
Texting and driving = fine and prison : that SMS may cost you R Text
Isu CTOS sepatutnya selesai dua tahun lalu Text
Jawi officers must be courteous Text
MASkargo set for big boost Text
First medical township to be built at UiTM campus Text
Pengetahuan, kemahiran, sikap dan motivasi guru-guru sekolah Thesis
Enam IPT antarabangsa sertai pertandingan reka bentuk anjura Text
IPTA dapat iktiraf ISO perlu teruskan usaha, komitmen Text
Jaringan universal bina kekuatan tamadun Text
Keadilan untuk semua : pegangan Abdullah biarpun orang membu Text
Industri halal semakin berkembang dalam pasaran global Text
Astronaut hopes more will take up space technology Text
Hubungan antara tingkah laku tegas diri dengan tekanan dalam kThesis
Make use of natural gas, urges CAP Text
National Service remains co-ed after poll of parents, trainers Text
Ummah mundur selagi membelakangkan Islam Text
Factors that influence consumers' decision making towards ado Thesis
High food prices hard to digest Text
Introduction landscape architecture Exam Papers
Influential factor model of individual unethical behavior in socia Thesis
Zakat wujud kestabilan sosio ekonomi ummah Text
Application of land information system Exam Papers
Proton buka tempahan bagi model MPV Exora Text
Abdullah : understand needs of our youth Text
Evaluation of hot mix asphalt (HMA) properties compacted at varText
Mathematics II Exam Papers
Sistem mekanikal dan elektrikal Text
Bonus tertinggi kakitangan awam sejak 1993 Text
The transformational leadership : a possible TQM solution to incIndexed Paper
Bajet 2008 gerakkan ICT lebih pantas Text
Instrumentasi & pengukuran Text
Pemasaran perkhidmatan Text
CIMB bantu pustaka sekolah Text
Basic power and electrical machines Exam Papers
Program inkubator usahawan tani diperluas Text
Strategi perniagaan Text
Meritokrasi : semua pihak perlu terima hakikat Text
Belanjawan modal Exam Papers
Mahasiswa usah leka berpersatuan Text
Homestays and chalets finder (Ask Pixie) Thesis
Brain cancer classification using grey level co-occurrence matrix Thesis
JAG temui Perdana Menteri bincang masalah wanita Text
11 bangunan bersejarah di seluruh negara akan dipulihara Text
Markah disiplin syarat masuk IPTA Text
Windows warning Text
85,000 to start off National Service Text
Malaysia bakal tuan rumah Persidangan Menteri Koperasi Text
Study on secondary flow through a pipe bend using PIV and CFDText
Subjek sejarah Text
Figures show Malays able too Text
Aplikasi GIS dalam sistem maklumat fasiliti bangunan kajian kes Thesis
Statistics Exam Papers
Demulsification of simulated water in oil emulsion using electricaThesis
Focus on strengths of k-professionals Text
A conceptual methodology for recognition of constrained controlIndexed Paper
Effect of water on electrical properties of refined, bleached, andJournal Article
UTM to send non-academic staff abroad for training News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kandungan ferum dan mangan di Tasik Ilmu, Universisti T Text
Give mums 90 days, says NUBE Text
Keberkesanan penggunaan mikroorganisma efektif dalam prosesThesis
Project development economics Text
Risk based analysis for detention pond overflow at Iskandar MalThesis
Stability and performance study of polyethersulfone membranesJournal Article
Poised for greater challenges Text
UTM, CIMS, erat kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Gene knockout identification for metabolite production improvem Indexed Paper
Revisiting financial distress prediction in the development secto Non-Index Paper
Kolej matrikulasi jadi pusat kepakaran khusus Text
Rekabentuk kejuruteraan geoteknik Text
Transformasi polifungsi LUC dalam system kriptografi Text
Hubungan personaliti dengan kemurungan pelajar di sebuah S Thesis
Worst in Kota TinggiÆs history : thousands driven from homes bText
IPTA Malaysia menang 110 pingat reka cipta di Geneva Text
Optimum design of rowing blade Thesis
Tahap keselesaan termal di Kompleks Sukan UTM Thesis
Demam : jangan sampai diserang sawan Text
Feasibility study of plasma actuator for flow separation control Thesis
Barisan kepimpinan IPTS berbeza pendapat Text
AIM institusi kewangan mikro 2009 Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan temujanji dan mesyuarat atas tal Text
Gejala cetus kekeliruan untuk beribadat Text
Mediating effect of organizational culture in the relationship b Thesis
Moderation of cognitive and emotional creativity in the relati Thesis
BPR tetap buru bekas polis Text
Merdeka Awards : The road less travelled Text
Kalkulus II Text
Atasi segera dilema pemberian biasiswa JPA Text
Relief for mangrove swamps Text
Detection and prevention of malicious activities on RDBMS rel Non-Index Paper
Mengekang dadah secara kolektif Text
Universiti penyelidikan fokus lahir graduan pascasiswazah News Paper Cuttings
Education key to stability Text
Cadang suruhanjaya siasat masalah pemandu bas Text
Black money : dua lagi rakyat Afrika ditahan Text
Development of microstrip ring sensor for material charaterizatiThesis
Optimization of sol gel heat treatment process on titanium basedThesis
Projek IBS RM9.2b lulus Text
More forest fires in Kedah Text
Mohd Salleh Perang arkitek pembangunan Johor Text
Belajar bahasa Inggeris Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Speech pitch rehabilitation system via game Thesis
Comparative analysis on adaptive features for RFID middleware Conference Papers
A holistic backpack back pain model for prepubescent primary scThesis
Frozen assets Text
Dua syarikat tempatan bangunkan eUniversity/College Text
Pembangunan peta web bagi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia menThesis
Flavour chemicals of Malaysian ginger (Zingiberaceae) Text
Assessment of structural performance by using different beam Conference Papers
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Safety and health at work Exam Papers
Software construction Exam Papers
Sensitivity analysis of biohydrogen production from imperata cylJournal Article
Tambah keuntungan tanpa naikkan kadar tol Text
Harapan untuk MH370 News Paper Cuttings
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Principles of geographic information science Exam Papers
The relative commutativity degree and sub-multiplicative degre Thesis
Pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran wuduk Rasulullah S.A.Conference Papers
Evaluation of the effect of grain refiners on the solidification c Indexed Paper
Indoor propagation prediction and measurements within multisto Text
Physical and thermal properties of microwave-dried wood lumb Indexed Paper
Universiti, industri saling memerlukan Text
CFD modelling on effect of different gasifying agents on syngas Thesis
Elektronik industri Text
Statistics I Text
Analisis makanan Text
UKM takes over aerospace course Text
USM, UNIMAP juara bersama SUKUM edisi ke- 35 Text
A home security system using microcontroller MC68HC11 Text
Business strategy Exam Papers
Industri ikan hiasan, rumpai laut berimpak tinggi Text
Thermal induction and overexpression of a foreign protein in 'EscText
Application of digital image correlation to study the deformati Text
Bidang angkasawan lebih serius Text
Modal insan pelengkap ekonomi baru berteras inovatif, kreativitText
Firms want govt to increase service charge Text
Quality education with Kukum Text
Meningkatkan pelaburan di Arab Saudi Text
Optical power splitter based on multimode interference (MMI) (FText
Determination of the steel fire protection material thickness by Thesis
AsiaÆs first valve implant without surgery Text
Kajian kedalaman air daripada data satelit landsat-5 thematic m Text
Enam kenderaan berlanggar dalam Terowong Menora Text
Revival plan for the Rukunnegara Text
Value focused assessment of information system security Thesis
Mengatasi kepupusan spesies ikan air tawar Text
Impact analysis of fiber reinforced polymer honeycomb compos Thesis
PKS Malaysia mampu harungi krisis ekonomi Text
Resource economics Text
Band - limited signal with controlled ISI - Partial Response SignalThesis
Port capacity forecasting and the impact of the dredging works oJournal Article
A comparative study on the structure and performance of porouIndexed Paper
Hadi's leadership put to the test Text
Selangor tops list of dengue cases Text
Development and evaluation of various modes of human robot in Conference Papers
Bersama Rejal Arbee : kegagalan sistem sekolah punca PKN ber Text
Chance to obtain info on study loans Text
Krisis ekonomi global beri kesan pasaran automotif di Malaysia Text
NAT jamin darah bebas virus Text
Security charge at local airports from Jan 15 Text
Geofizik Text
Vet would-be converts Text
Fabrication and characterization of stacked self-assembled I Indexed Paper
Evaluation of effectiveness of methyl methacrylate as retarder aIndexed Paper
Sindiket terbesar edar dadah tumpas Text
Experimental and numerical studies of fiber metal laminate (FMLIndexed Paper
Major companies go abroad to grab the best graduates Text
60 penumpang, krew MAS dikuarantin negatif H1N1 Text
Pendorong pesawat udara Text
Some new characterization of ordered semigroups in terms of (λ; Non-Index Paper
Majukan industri angkasa lepas Text
Market data approach and discounted cash flow method in valuati Text
Denda MyKad hilang kali pertama RM100 Text
Linear and non-linear regression analysis of boron adsorption ki Indexed Paper
Mikroelektronik Text
Menaksir perjalanan 'PASS-BY' dan 'DIVERTED' bagi pusat membe Text
Emerging trends in flame retardancy of biofibers, biopolymers, Indexed Paper
Degradation of phenol by a catalytic ozonation (Full text) Text
Equipment and process performance improvement using automa Text
Vibration suppression of press machine using preloaded mome Thesis
Pemuda bertekad pertahan kedaulatan negara, bangsa Text
UTM cadang penubuhan MALINDOTec News Paper Cuttings
Trade meet ends on high note Text
Prices of goods on the way down Text
Study on the reliability of Cadastral Reference Mark (CRM) amonThesis
Extent of traffic shockwave propagation induced by midblock U-tu Thesis
Youth representatives get chance to take part in government paText
Education Ministry all set to maintain its own buildings Text
Antara pengorbanan, penghargaan Bajet 2010 Text
Investigation on the stability to UV curing and surrounding tempText
RazakSat dilancar pertengahan Julai ini Text
Abbas to visit Malaysia to discuss government system Text
New bus service the first step Text
Legaran Segget dicemari botol minuman keras Text
Enabling technological, societal growth News Paper Cuttings
Ukur pencapaian wanita Text
PM : tingkat pengetahuan, kemahiran pelbagai bidang Text
Peranan wakil rakyat hapus kemiskinan Text
Effectiveness of skirt on motions stabilization for VALM buoy Thesis
Roh usahawan penentu kejayaan graduan Text
Advanced physical chemistry Exam Papers
Quasi-static flexural and tensile behavior of glass fiber reinforc Indexed Paper
Inferential Statistics Exam Papers
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Effect of nitrogen dilution on the lean blowout limit and emissi Indexed Paper
50 peratus pelajar ke IPT menjelang 2020 Text
Sikap waspada tingkat keimanan ummah Text
Analysis and design of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) por Thesis
UTM tawar kursus perakaunan mulai Julai Text
Sistem penilaian prestasi pelajar (Preview) Text
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Pledge to attract more students Text
Pindah tesis ke buku Text
Investigation of digit recognition using the back propagation Text
Bandar Proton di Behrang dibangun mirip Lembah Silikon Text
Office collaboration system (Full text) Text
Terengganu jadi hab tanaman kenaf Text
Characteristics of concrete/CFRP bonding system under natural tIndexed Paper
Calon pemimpin mesti mampu bawa kesejahteraan kepada rakyText
Development of smart access and tracking on information resourc Thesis
Design and construction of contiguous bore pile as a retaining waThesis
Awasi pembunuh senyap Text
Mahkamah Sivil tak boleh campur tangan Text
B. inggeris : sediakan makmal komputer Text
The conjugacy classes of some finite metabelian groups and theiJournal Article
Wakil rakyat ikuti kursus budi bahasa Text
Amalan dan prestasi dalam perolehan elektronik (Full text) Text
Bahasa Melayu untuk Sains, Matematik tetap realistik Text
Measuring service quality of IP data over UMTS network (Full texText
Pembinaan indikator dan model pengukuran kelestarian mata peThesis
Belia: sejauhmanakah budaya kesukarelaan boleh dipupuk melalConference Papers
UTM sets up Islamic research centre Text
Effect of woven topology and anisotropic properties to fracture Thesis
Biodiesel production using aminated fibrous polymer catalyst in Thesis
How sustainable is our healthcare system? Text
Perkeso siasat 200,000 syarikat Text
Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam diperhalusi semula Text
Effect of angulation placement of mini-implant in orthodontic Thesis
Keberkesanan pembelajaran menggunakan forum dalam sistem Thesis e-le
The evaluation of hydroxyapatite on coated and uncoated porous Thesis
Regional development in Peninsular Malaysia : a case study of t Text
Development of electrical appliance controlling system using bl Non-Index Paper
Socialisation mechanism of supplier selection with supplier per Thesis
The effects of conventional hydrochloric acid and electrolytic su Thesis
Kadar faedah rendah mampu gerak ekonomi Text
Enam prinsip lahir kekuatan umat Islam Text
Ukur kejuruteraan I Text
The extent of external auditor reliance on the internal audit fun Thesis
Mat Rempit problem : parents share blame too Text
Consumer preferences toward retirement village in Malaysia Thesis
Scene change detection method for MPEG video (Preview) Text
Prices to go up 10% next month Text
Case-based reasoning retrieval access control model for telecardThesis
Gelombang mikro antena & perambatan Text
Johor : Skudai, Nusajaya gamit pelabur WPI Text
Sekolah bestari diperluas ke luar bandar Text
BMW to train UTM students News Paper Cuttings
Free spanning analysis and design of submarine pipeline (Previe Text
Air traffic controllers worried Text
Design of steel and timber structure Exam Papers
Idea nation Text
The effects of extensive reading on language proficiency and motConference Papers
USM eksport selaput rawat luka Text
The SCM/WDM system model for radio over fibre communication Conference Papers
Pengeluaran daging rendah Text
Keupayaan penunggang motosikal mengenal pasti hazad dan bert Journal Article
Urban planning and development control Exam Papers
Potential use of liquid pinapple waste for bioethanol productio Journal Article
Organizational communication Exam Papers
Projek Pintar UTM lahirkan pelajar dinamik News Paper Cuttings
Electronic control unit design for a retrofit fuel injection system Conference Papers
Advanced rock mechanics and engineeering geology Exam Papers
Sistem pendidikan politeknik dan vokasional ditingkat News Paper Cuttings
Call for stringent testing first Text
Kastam yakin dapat kutip hasil RM500j Text
Evaluation of cumulative impacts of stormwater detention pondsThesis
Classification of novel selected region of interest for color imag Indexed Paper
Bio system modeling Exam Papers
Theory of matrices Exam Papers
Radial point interpolation method (RPIM) for Timoshenko beam Thesis
4 calon akhir angkasawan cemerlang, aktif di sekolah Text
80% believe they wonÆt get caught Text
Literature in english language teaching Exam Papers
Electronic manifacturing process Exam Papers
Tide gauge data filtering program developent by using matlab Thesis
Real time audio transmission using cognitive radio ultilizing gnu Thesis
Mathematical model of a kidney dialyser Thesis
Food for thought Text
How poor is poor? Text
Keberkesanan pembelajaran Matematik menggunakan GeogebraThesis
Construction management information system Exam Papers
Compiler-based prefetching algorithm for recuresive data structur Text
The development of autopilot system for an unmanned aerial veText
Electrodeposited ZnO/Zn photocatalysts for the degradation of Conference Papers
Exploring the induction program for novice teachers Indexed Paper
Skim baru bantu pekerja diberhenti tanpa pampasan Text
Floods force 1,000 students sitting PMR to spend night in schoolText
Usahawan patut manfaat potensi sektor bioteknologi Text
Hydraulics Exam Papers
A green shipping model for LNG ships using fuzzy multi criteri Thesis
Surat-surat Perempuan Johor angkat martabat wanita Text
Global marketing Exam Papers
Superkonduktiviti Exam Papers
Comparison between the performance of spectrogram and multiConference Papers
Dr M : angkasawan will inspire future generations Text
Active steering system based on nonliner control system (PrevieText
Discretion not absolute Text
Stop This Horror Text
Behaviour of backfill materials for electrical grounding systems Indexed Paper
Conceptual design of fast attack craft (FAC) for Royal Malaysia Thesis
Security model for microsoft based mobile sales management app Thesis
First phase of UTKM to be ready by 2004 Text
Jalan dilebarkan nahas berkurangan Text
Marcomelecular chemistry Exam Papers
Peserta PLKN bersemangat : operasi hantar 26,000 belia ke 41 keText
Lightweight concrete using densiphalt cement, aluminum powdeThesis
Nisbah guru mesti diseimbang Text
PDRM mulakan projek merakam keterangan kanak-kanak Text
Pembentukan konsep dan ciri-ciri kawasan pinggir bandar kes kaText
Pantau operasi ejen pembantu rumah Text
Sistem masa nyata Text
Kad kredit RHB AirAsia yakin tarik 100,000 pelanggan baru Text
UM buat penyelidikan untuk kerajaan Belanda Text
Comparative performance between R134a and R152a in an air coJournal Article
The habits of ranking Text
USM launches country's first electronic journal Text
MISC, TLDM kerjasama atasi lanun Text
Clarion call to non-Malays Text
Automatic data gathering dan processing software solution for i Conference Papers
Reliability in interpreting non-destructive testing (NDT) results oText
Amaran bergrafik ubah tingkah laku perokok Text
Leachate treatment by floating plants in constructed wetland (P Text
Coastal processes with engineering applications Exam Papers
BPR boleh dakwa negeri seleweng bantuan tsunami Text
Sertai Rakan Cop banteras jenayah Text
Semua kenderaan perlu ada label E52 Text
Persepsi staf akademik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia terhadap Thesis
Tuntutan kerja atau ilmu Text
Corpus-based Malay text-to-speech synthesis system Conference Papers
Islam rangkumi sistem kehidupan Text
Optimization of pyrene degradation by white-rot fungus PleurotuIndexed Paper
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Need to cut subsidies reason for price hike Text
Kempen penjagaan kesihatan di sekolah Text
Pulih rabun jauh Text
Malacca to set RM2,000 fine for open burning Text
Sistem integrasi diutamakan Text
Soft shadow rendering based on real light source estimation in Non-Index Paper
Pemindahan sel stem darah pertama di PDN Text
Analytical chemistry Text
RM68m sewage bills unpaid Text
Three options for grad teachers Text
Pusat pengangkutan angkasa komersial di Malaysia Text
Budayakan perpaduan kaum - PM Text
Cabinet yet to decide on link extension : Samy Text
Noise produced by transverse rumble strips: a case study on rur Non-Index Paper
Geometric entities information for feature extraction of solid m Conference Papers
Parametric investigations on proton conducting membrane by radi Indexed Paper
Operasi tangkap pendatang pertaruh kredibaliti negara Text
Pengurusan dan undang-undang industri Text
Tutup stesen janakuasa nuklear Text
Permata aims to make learning fun for children Text
Keprihatinan suami pulih semangat Text
More dengue hotspots now Text
Qawaid lughah arabiyyah III Exam Papers
Modelling and exergoeconomic based design optimisation of co Indexed Paper
Sistem kuasa & kejuruteraan voltan tinggi Text
JPJ : snap photos of errant bus drivers Text
Peruntukan RM17j tubuh Akademi Antirasuah Text
Kajian ke atas Smooth Best Estimate Trajectory (SBET) berdasa Text
Ingress pengeluar bingkai pintu kenderaan terbesar ASEAN Text
Caj pembetungan perlu lebih realistik Text
This violence just has to stop Text
Local buckling in end expansion of subsea pipelines Indexed Paper
Environmental assessment of ashes generated from medical wast Indexed Paper
Taxpayers get 30-day break to make corrections Text
Global collaborations News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia ketinggalan aspek keselamatan, kesihatan pekerja Text
Fluid mechanics 2 Exam Papers
Kurang pesawah muda boleh rencat industri padi Text
Get paid for recycling electronic waste Text
Delegasi Indonesia pelajari sistem pendidikan Malaysia Text
Malaysia rintis jalan pasaran modal Islam Text
Rehabilitation high altitude training program for Misi Perdana Thesis
Al-Quran petunjuk relevan sepanjang zaman Text
Linear algebra Text
UTM tawar bidang psikologi industri Text
40,000 kes kanser setahun: Seorang daripada setiap empat rakyaText
Assessment of potential oil and gas exploration investment : m Text
Diplomasi panda Malaysia-China News Paper Cuttings
Ministry keeps open mind on SPM subject cap Text
Identiti baru Telekom Malaysia dilancar hari ini Text
Jenayah juvana serius : Abdullah Text
700 sertai konvensyen Pemadam News Paper Cuttings
Assessing the role of leadership in continuous intention of ente Thesis
Basics at school, the rest at tuition Text
2-D DWT system architecture for image compression Indexed Paper
Budaya politik melayu bandar : kajian kes di Shah Alam (Full textText
Advanced analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Biosorption of methylene blue and methyl orange by sugarcane Thesis
JPA tawar 5,000 biasiswa ke IPT Text
Masalah organ pelvis tergelincir Text
Kerajaan mungkin turun cukai korporat, individu Text
Pembelajaran aktif dalam Pendidikan Islam: pengamalan Guru CConference Papers
Getah daripada lemak sawit Text
Sistem penjualan komputer bagi syarikat E Cytech Dot Com ber Thesis
Cabaran pelaksanaan kejiranan hijau dalam pembangunan per Thesis
Pastikan usaha sama tidak jejas kedudukan Text
Petronas rancang miliki 456 stesen minyak di Indonesia Text
Optimization of sterilization method, callus and shoot induction Non-Index Paper
A software for monitoring the search performance of a hybrid anConference Papers
Masalah di sekolah : Alimuddin mahu sekolah telus Text
Teksi Internet komunikasi bergerak masa kini Text
Comparison effect of pulse-power generated electromagnetic fieThesis
Shortage of ST15 rice Text
KPDNKK sentiasa pantau syarikat keluarkan sijil Text
Usah jadikan IPTA 'pasar raya besar' Text
Air quality unhealthy in Kuala Selangor Text
UTM kemas kini silibus Text
Kejayaan projek tani moden Text
Evaluation of earth observing-1 (EO1) data for lithological and Indexed Paper
Ensure healthy contests Text
Gagal syukuri nikmat Allah petanda sifat angkuh Text
Ketua jabatan akan terima padah Text
Obama kecewakan masyarakat Islam News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar UTM cipta kereta jimat minyak Text
New PID tuning rule using ITAE criteria Non-Index Paper
Experimental study on thermal performance of MWCNT nanocoola Indexed Paper
Tumpu program diploma Text
Isolation and identification of bacteria isolated from cow dung t Thesis
Sistem ABS semua kenderaan Julai depan Text
Aplikasi jobstreet berasaskan teknologi WAP push dan web Text
Jadikan jalan raya selamat Text
Ketaksempurnaan hukum gas unggul terdedah Text
Knowledge center model by incorporating knowledge center featThesis
Comperative study of least square (LSE) software between StarnThesis
Photoluminescence studies of In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs quantum dotsConference Papers
Malay classics to be available in English soon Text
Teknokrat dan pembangunan Exam Papers
Menganalisa serangan sinkhole dalam rangkaian pengesan tanp Thesis
Pasar malam girl proves critics wrong Text
Saman maksimum penunggang motosikal Text
Aesthetical decision making of music composer using ANFIS Conference Papers
Special keyboard for disabled Thesis
Race relations : pilot study to monitor status Text
Pertumbuhan KDNK 5.7% suku pertama 2005 kukuhkan ekonomText
Syarat pusat kecemerlangan akademik Text
Pupuk Malaysia-Singapura seperti pelihara orkid : Najib Text
Park and recreation planning Exam Papers
Tongue to detect Tongkat Ali content Text
Colonial garden characters of hill stations : a case study of Pena Text
39 peratus wanita mangsa keganasan rumah tangga Text
The role of the Lajnat Al-Ta'rifbil-Islam of Kuwait in da'wah to Thesis
Ubat baru rawat kanser dicipta Text
Usaha kawal pencemaran sungai di Malaysia masih tak berubah News Paper Cuttings
Develop technology to improve fuel consumption of vechicle fo Thesis
China mahu Malaysia terus bekerjasama jana ekonomi serantauText
Running child Text
Caj RM20 bagi kenderaan Singapura, Thailand Text
Teknologi binaan Text
Sistem analisa dan pembangunan E-batik Thesis
Probe into oil sludge discharge Text
Menafikan wujud jin boleh menidakkan kekuasaan Maha PencipText
Microstructural investigation and mechanical properties of thi Journal Article
Estimating I Exam Papers
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Document management improvement with prototype database Thesis :a
A mixed integer programming model formulation for solving theThesis
Garis panduan, kriteria lantik Naib Canselor Text
Chua : donÆt reuse food and water containers Text
The effect of induced voltage on gas pipeline due to lightning Thesis
Islamic banking to surge ahead Text
Usah gadai jati diri : Najib Text
Melestari sumber alternatif, bahan bakar Text
Ukuran paras kemiskinan dikaji semula Text
Urban regeneration issues of section 13, Petaling Jaya Thesis
Aljabar linear Text
Tak perlu lagi debat isu PPSMI Text
Pengajian Tinggi : kementerian diharap atasi masalah di IPT Text
Jangan serah MyKad di premis tidak diwartakan Text
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Sidek sedia temui Cuepacs Text
Binaan landskap II / binaan landskap III Text
Efficiency of different organic surfactants on nitrate adsorption Indexed Paper
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Suara bidas kezaliman Israel Text
Masjid sebagai lambang ketamadunan Islam Text
Tenaga nuklear jadi pilihan Text
Perkembangan industri kimia dan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Text
Development of new Product's Transaction in Unit Trust SystemText
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Teachers not cause of truancy, says NUTP Text
Earthquake engineering education plan for low intensity earthq Conference Papers
R&D tingkat daya saing pengusaha industri bunga Text
Sarawak to get RM3.4b for infrastructure projects Text
Pencirian dan sintesis sebatian semula jadi yang berguna dalam iText
Dasar wajibkan koperasi kurang 200 ahli bergabung Text
Modeling and controller design of pneumatic actuator system wiThesis
Masyarakat perlu proaktif basmi aedes Text
DonÆt only think of profits, consider nationÆs security, telcos Text
Matlamat 70 juta penduduk 2100 tidak mungkin tercapai Text
Adaptive look ahead routing for low latency network on chip Thesis
Structure and electrical properties of gallium arsenide nanowir Thesis
The contribution of landscape features on traditional streets in Non-Index Paper
Kalkulus Text
Plotting consumers psychographic segments on uncertainty offeri Conference Papers
Varsity to do research on local documentary Text
Iklan, program, lagu mesti gunakan bahasa kebangsaan Text
Pengujian radiografi industri Text
Kerajaan dicadang mulakan kesan Bigfoot melalui Kahang Text
Architechtural theory Exam Papers
Perkasa bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa ilmu Text
Peruntukan 5-10% untung bagi R&D Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Pindaan Akta Dewan Bahasa Text
Budaya berpuak-puak masih kukuh di setiap IPTA Text
UTM tawar diri tubuh institusi perunding S&T Text
More incentives for male teachers Text
Optimization of Flavonol Synthase (FLS) gene amplification fr Thesis
Kimia organik I Text
After 23 days, no deaths yesterday Text
Shade and cooling effect of colonnade in low-rise street canyon iThesis
Gerhana matahari separa dapat disaksi di utara Text
Pameran lebih 200 artifak khat Text
Peluang Asean jual karbon kepada negara maju Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualiti perkhidmatan ejen harThesis
Skim Kawalan Harga 26 jenis barangan Text
Bifunctional oxidative and acidic titanium silicalite (TS-1) catal Text
Dari LAN ke MQA Text
NGOs : joint effort needed to protect environment Text
Bagaimana pelajar aliran agama cemerlang? Text
Asma al-husna sebahagian daripada tauhid Text
Bank tempatan kena patuh ketetapan PBB Text
Stable colloidal system of mild acid functionalized multiwalled Conference Papers
UTM plans to hold health carnival regularly to create awarenessNews Paper Cuttings
Obstacle detection and avoidance mobile robot Text
Matematik diskret Text
Usahawan Bumiputera perlu gabung tenaga teroka pasaran Text
Single mothers should set good example, says Endon Text
Operasi pelabuhan perikanan terbesar Januari Text
Removal of dye by adsorption of eggshell powder Thesis
Nationwide rail safety campaign Text
110 pelajar UPM tawar khidmat kesihatan Text
1,000 mahasiswa UTM sertai Karnival Kerjaya News Paper Cuttings
Pasar raya dilarang beroperasi 24 jam Text
Stok penimbal ditubuh : langkah baru kawal kekurangan bekalanText
Ramai saintis, penyelidik diperlukan Text
A cost effective screening tool for carbon emission planning in b Thesis
Determinants influencing repurchase intention in Malaysia mediThesis
UTM-AAT teroka kajian sistem trafik udara News Paper Cuttings
Children practise better oral hygiene than adults Text
Skim DAGS : memperkasakan masyarakat melalui ICT Text
Sains bahan Exam Papers
Satelit komunikasi RM1b 2016 Text
Misi angkasa penuhi aspirasi negara Text
H1N1 : 5 lagi dikuarantin Text
Menilai gerakan dakwah selepas 50 tahun merdeka Text
Factors affecting building information modelling adoption by MaThesis
Hospitals rapped for slow service Text
The nonabelian tensor squares and homological functors for certConference Papers
Vitamin B12 production : in shake flask bioreactor cultures by metConference Papers
Islam Hadhari pendekatan jangka panjang : Abdullah Text
Ponteng: Lokasi, persekitaran sekolah perlu diteliti Text
Abdullah, Ahmadinejad discuss regional topics Text
Pensyarah IPT diberi amaran tidak bersikap perkauman Text
Working on a bigger mission to change mindset of farmers Text
27 peratus remaja ada hubungan seks tanpa nikah Text
Top cop : educate, don't prosecute Text
An insight into microstructural evolution during plastic deforma Indexed Paper
Blended learning environment to develop personas and themes Thesisin
After making the wrong move Text
Controlled microwave-induced pyrolysis of waste rubber tires Indexed Paper
Spatial autocorrelation in hedonic model: empirical evidence fr Conference Papers
Hubungan kecerdasan emosi dan personaliti “big five† gurThesis
The analysis and development of secure software assessment mod Thesis
Personality pattern among high achievers based on the Myers BrConference Papers
Heat transfer and strength analysis of column at extreme tempeText
Salah tafsir punca kejatuhan umat Islam? Text
UTM names Raja Zarith Sofiah as fourth chancellor News Paper Cuttings
Kalam UTM pertahan aspek alam bina Melayu Text
Kedutaan di Mesir pintu masuk bantuan Malaysia Text
Privacy friendly detection technique of sybil attack in vehicula Thesis
Characterization of operating conditions for ball bearings throu Thesis
Leptospirosis undang derita Text
Budget 2009 : unity key to overcoming inflation, slow growth Text
Object tracking of mobile robot using image processing Thesis
Hubungan antara tahap perubahan budaya dengan personaliti dThesis
Toksik : Johor bayar pendahuluan RM250,000 Text
Wujud program pendidikan menjurus kepada kerjaya Text
Wacana kemungkaran LGBT esok News Paper Cuttings
UM - Lahirkan lebih 100,000 graduan Text
Kajian undang-undang III Text
Bata tanpa bakar Text
Jenayah seks : setiap lelaki berpotensi jadi perogol Text
PM : people are starting to feel good about the economy Text
Stop the buses! : Blacklisted ones still plying routes Text
Fabrication and characterization of an undoped-AlGaN/GaN HEMT Thesis
Jumlah pekerja wanita kurang sejak 10 tahun Text
PGCC kawasan bebas karbon pertama Malaysia Text
Delivery time : task force to speed up reform, boost growth Text
EPF declares 5.65% payout after a sound performance Text
Atasi perosak alam sekitar Text
Penarafan menara gading gamit krisis sarjana Text
Pak Lah wants weekly checks on govt buildings Text
Effect of bismuth addition on microstructure and mechanical pr Thesis
Investigation on morphology and structural properties of 2d c Thesis
Pengukuran faktor fasiliti berbantukan fungsi GIS untuk penilaia Thesis
UPM dipilih sekretariat baru Persatuan Perikanan Asia Text
What's in the bag for Budget 2008? : Goodies expected for man iText
Pencemaran udara unsur toksik Johor Selatan (abstrak) Text
Ergonomics design of lifting equipment for manufacturing compThesis
Cutest orphans on earth Text
Toll on toil Text
Business continuity plan framework for small it businesses Thesis
PC-based 3D static experimental rig Thesis
Persaingan biasiswa PILN lebih hebat Text
Development of smart static bicycle exercise by using magnetorhe Thesis
RM9.3bil lost to road crashes yearly Text
Structure and luminescence of rare earth doped nanostructuredConference
z Papers
Rating system to be extended Text
Problem-based Learning Laboratory (PBLab): facilitators’ perNon-Index Paper
Satellite navigation Exam Papers
Report on industrial energy analysis (abstrak) Text
Structural analysis of K-joint Text
Burglary suspect killed, cops hurt Text
Penggunaan AUV berpandukan isyarat 'ping' News Paper Cuttings
Bank diarah beku akaun ada hubungan dengan keganasan Text
Variations of palmprint patterns amongst Johore residents Thesis
Investigation of patch phase array antenna orientation at 28 GHzIndexed Paper
Efficiency of slope remedial work for Bukit Nanas case study Thesis
Real estate allocation decision of Malaysian real estate investmeConference Papers
Statistical analysis of lightning electric field measured under Ma Indexed Paper
The potential for outsourcing of facilities management services iText
Race for PSD scholarships on again Text
e-undi guna skrin interaktif disepadu dengan Mykad Text
Fasa kedua dipercepat Text
Basmi kemiskinan di ECER Text
Fund to help Malays in education Text
Marketing research Exam Papers
Tutup tol hadiah kepada rakyat Text
Buy nothing, waste nothing Text
Kepimpinan transaksi / transformasi dan ciri kerja profesional Text
Mahkamah kenakan denda lebih Text
Sikap berputus asa, kecewa hampiri kegagalan Text
Fire at DOE office : staff questioned Text
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 03) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Profil sosioekonomi dan aktiviti harian orang asli yang memberi Thesis
Mekanisme perdagangan KL-Guangdong diwujud Text
Keluarga pincang - Punca remaja bermasalah Text
Rekabentuk pembelajaran bagi meningkatkan tahap kefahaman Thesis k
Stesen TV tak patuh : gagal penuhi garis panduan siar 60 perat Text
CAD & rekabentuk asic Text
Tourism link with Olympics Text
Project data management Thesis
Implicit second and third orders runge-kutta for handling discontiConference Papers
UPSR jadikan murid buta Sejarah Text
Wanita MIC to help women run businesses Text
Who's to blame for rising food prices? Text
Pengoptimuman pengurusan fasiliti Perpustakaan Universiti TekThesis
Four drown in Kelantan floods, one body found Text
Water coning performance comparison between vertical well witThesis
Performance evaluation of multiple-channel armchair graphene Tnhesis
Malaysia, Brunei sepakat isu sempadan maritim, darat Text
Hanya umat Islam boleh ubah persepsi negatif media Barat Text
Women making up 21% of total exporters Text
2X2 waveguide based thermooptic photonic switch Conference Papers
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web di Syarikat Atostech FiText
Imej Malaysia terserlah di kem pelarian Afghanistan Text
Design of soi double gate vertical mosfet Conference Papers
200 guru pedalaman ikuti program ijazah Text
Kes di tempat kerja semakin menurun Text
Dana penyelidikan galak pelajar reka cipta Text
RM6bil to get ECER going Text
Universities forking out millions for dubious awards Text
Analisis struktur Text
Dasar BI dipertahan : tiga tahun terlalu awal ukur kesan belajar Text
Pelancong 23 negara dapat visa waktu tiba mulai 1 Sept. Text
Spectroscopic studies of erbium doped zinc tellurite glass embe Thesis
Bersaing miliki nuklear Text
Statik Text
Transformasi IPT swasta Text
Modelling of reinforced concrete beam by using plasticity approThesis
Non-parametric neuro-model of a flexible beam structure Indexed Paper
Kesihatan semakin dihargai Text
Design and development of resistance seam welding electrode Thesis
Design of a system for sensory data visualization and interpreta Thesis
25,000 pekerja Indonesia bawa penyakit ke Malaysia setiap tah Text
Bahan bersuhu tinggi Text
Evaluation of bond strength between hot mix asphalt and stone Tmhesis
A subset feature elimination mechanism for intrusion detection Indexed Paper
Robotik Text
Integrated circuit design based on charge-modulated field effectThesis
Analisis & rekabentuk bioreaktor Text
Basic genetics Exam Papers
Comparison studies of electrical discharge machining (EDM) pro Non-Index Paper
Banks waging plastic war Text
A CWDM/DWDM arrayed waveguide grating based on photodefiConference Papers
Bearing capacity of thin-walled shallow foundations : an experimeIndexed Paper
Functional testing on web application Thesis
Conceptual framework of video learning based on POPBL and C Conference Papers
Seruan beramal dengan al-Quran Text
Start saving early for childrens education Text
New insurance for maids Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan dan elektrik marin Text
7,510 graduan UM terima ijazah Text
Proton kurangkan kos bangunkan kereta baru Text
Pome treatment using submerged membrane bio reactor Thesis
Kesan pegaga kepada kesuburan haiwan jantan Text
UTHM, UTM anjur program minat Matematik Tambahan News Paper Cuttings
Reconfiguration of radial electrical distribution networks throu Thesis
Meet the 'iron ladies' of IWK's Pantai Dalam plant Text
Enzymatic membrane reactor for chiral drugs synthesis Text
Robotics / Robotik Exam Papers
Evaluation and comparison between host-based and network-bas Thesis
Negara masih memerlukan 164000 jurutera profesional Text
Biofizik Text
Ilmu baru untuk para imam Text
UTM ambil 30 juruterbang ikuti kursus baharu News Paper Cuttings
Kajian alam sekitar II Text
Theorizing event attendees' behavior to increase the demand forIndexed Paper
Penentuan orang yang berkepentingan dalam pengambilan balikThesis
Apparent molal volume and compressibility of glucose and maltoIndexed Paper
Vibration transmission in soils Text
Sistem penilaian pelajar lebih sempurna dirangka Text
Hortikultur dan nurseri Text
Peranan masyarakat sivil membanteras rasuah Text
Leka kehidupan dunia buat manusia jadi lupa Text
System would allow agencies to keep tabs on their status, says mText
Active tracking of rotational mode heliostat (Full text) Text
Environmental resource infrastructure & law Text
Student loans quandary Text
Rusuhan bukan cara bentuk kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Guidelines for sexuality education Text
2,731 UTM grads to get scrolls Text
Applied abstract algebra Exam Papers
Muhyiddin gesa utamakan pendidikan berkualiti Text
Lima strategi tarik pelancongan perubatan Text
Syarat wajib akaun SSPN dimansuh Text
Program baru perkukuh industri asas pertanian Text
R&d and innovation management Exam Papers
Hak sekolah larang serban Text
Dasar automotif diumum tak lama lagi Text
Move to weed out illegals Text
Virtual reality mobile game using google cardboard Thesis
Landscap construction II Exam Papers
æJual janjiÆ rumah kos rendah timbulkan masalah Text
Biometric speech processing based system Thesis
2.85 juta Bumiputera tidak daftar pengundi Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Pengasingan penagih tegar di pulau bukan kejam Text
Analisis berangka I Text
UTM akan wujudkan kursus baru 'Diploma Kawalan Trafik UdaraNews Paper Cuttings
Rapid and green synthesis of silver nanoparticles via sodium alg Indexed Paper
Cars for the future Unimas students come up with designs Text
Kakitangan awam perlu fokus pada tugas, amanah Text
Dual polarized aperture coupled microstrip antenna array at 5.8 Thesis
Pembangunan wanita jadi tumpuan Text
Arts, customs & beliefs of Malaysians Exam Papers
Optimal position of normal off point to reduce technical losses i Thesis
Tubuh agensi khas bina rumah murah Text
Diagnosis of blade fault based on wavelet scalogram and blade pa Indexed Paper
Puasa sempurna bentuk peribadi mukmin muttaqi Text
Mexican recipe drug ring busted Text
JI recruiting off campus Text
IPTA patut tumpu tingkat akhlak Text
The impacts of e-service quality and e-customer satisfaction on Indexed Paper
Strengthening Asean naval ties Text
Syor henti operasi bas tengah malam dikaji Text
Saya baca doa tahan lapar : Rizal tak tinggal solat sepanjang 8 haText
Urban Engineering Exam Papers
Johor tourism mission woos Sarawakians Text
6 pelajar Johor cemerlang SPM peringkat kebangsaan Text
Whatsoever naib juara bina model jambatan News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan laman web sistem maklumat sokongan rujukan kep Thesis
Minimum wage for express bus drivers? Text
Binding ties through scholarships Text
Hilang dari radar jika transponder dimatikan News Paper Cuttings
Open channel flow over bottom racks Text
Suspect in phone robbery detained Text
Ergonomics chair design for cross-legged sitting posture Thesis
Bank offers tithe collection service Text
Royal projects pave the way out of poverty Text
Development of propellant binder using natural rubber Thesis
Aktiviti lasak bina kekuatan fizikal peiajar UTM Text
Industri peladangan cerah dalam RMK-9 Text
E-voting System VIA Web with SMS verification for Somaliland Thesis
Pengurusan sisa industri dan berbahaya Text
Optimal path forwarding for real-time routing in wireless senso Conference Papers
Mara tumpu tiga negara taja penuntut Text
Draf rang Undang-Undang Bangunan, Harta Bersama siap Text
Pembangunan sistem penilaian prestasi berdasarkan teknik skalaText
Seks bebas bukti cinta makin membimbangkan Text
Energy storage systems for renewable energy power sector integIndexed Paper
Principles of microeconomics Exam Papers
Harga petrol diesel, LPG dinaikkan mulai esok Text
Sintering parameter optimisation of the SS316L metal injection Conference Papers
More money will be pumped in if need be Text
Johor terus kembang, sektor IKS Text
Ways to speed up your organisation Text
A statistical approach for optimizing the high yield green productJournal Article
Denggi : kabinet arah ambil tindakan tegas Text
Jerebu semakin tebal Text
RM31.6 bilion pinjaman diluluskan untuk PKS Text
Introduction to geoinformatics Exam Papers
Proton MD : time to consolidate car industry Text
Malaysia's Research Star Award 2017 - Outstanding National Rese Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Vibration analysis of centrifugal pump due to cavitation Thesis
Govt contractors to get more incentives Text
English for academic communication Exam Papers
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Synthesis and characterization of clay filled polysulfone membran Conference Papers
Study on the quality of service using random early detection andThesis
Mengenang jasa ibu bapa tuntutan sepanjang hayat Text
Media, teknologi dan wartawan Text
Pendidikan seks prasekolah Text
Peningkatan kualiti menggunakan teknik rekabentuk eksperime Text
Mat Rempit face tough penalties Text
Sijil halal kek bulan Kam Lun Tai ditarik balik Text
Process parameters for microbial cellulose production by acetoba Thesis
Investigations on combustion characteristic of a controlled auto Thesis
Menilai semula kekurangan Dasar Buku Negara Text
Basic of anatomy and physiology Exam Papers
Be constructive in criticism, media told Text
Shafie : insurance offers protection, savings Text
Pembangunan bandar I Text
CIMP boleh tingkat produktiviti binaan Text
Economy & specifications Exam Papers
Pengeluar perlu jamin produk halal bermutu Text
Stochastic power law logistic model for the growth of c.acetobu Conference Papers
Penjanaan elektrik solar yang lebih efisien dengan menggunakanText p
The role of active public streets as preequiste for liveable cities Text
Teknologi fermentasi Text
Aplikasi mekanisma berpandukan data dalam menentukan kelaya Text
Nor Mohamed : KDNK negara 6 peratus Text
Ibu bapa diminta tidak abai keselamatan anak Text
Theories in motivation Exam Papers
The effects of broadleaf carpet grasses (axonopus compressus) on Thesis
Pelajar IPT masuk kampung Text
Memperkasakan sistem pembelajaran kebangsaan Text
Empangan Kenyir di paras bahaya Text
Experimental and modelling study of InGaBiAs/InP alloys with upIndexed Paper
System analysis and design methods Exam Papers
Entrepreneurial learning organization and culture Exam Papers
Evaluation of factors affecting the deformation behaviour of br Thesis
Zaman rejim kawalan keterlaluan sudah berakhir Text
Electricity consumption pattern disaggregation using non-intru Journal Article
Paper on dadah for varsities not ready Text
Pengurusan sisa klinikal di pusat kesihatan UTM Text
Electrical Power System Exam Papers
Pembangunan sistem maklumat ukur (Survis) di bahagian geomaThesis
New preparation method of highly reactive electrogenerated zinc Conference Papers
Luminescence spectra of erbium doped zinc tellurite glass embeIndexed Paper
Climate change and road safety: a review to assess impacts in MJournal Article
Professor: UTM produced 500 computer grads News Paper Cuttings
Mengukuh semangat UMNO, niat kita mesti lurus dan betul : AbText
Kajian terhadap faktor yang menyebabkan hakisan di kawasan teThesis
Kadar baru tol lebih memuaskan Text
Transmission system (sistem penghantaran) Text
Makanan halal memperkasa umat Text
Effective parameters in metal oxide nanoparticles transportati Thesis
Meshfree formulation for inverse frequencies analysis incorporatThesis
Implementation of solar chimney in orang asli settlement in BukConference Papers
Sabah kesan cek RM5j diklon Text
Focus on accident prevention to lure investors Text
Study on carbon deposition on a fuel injector of a diesel engine uText
Arumugam setangkas spiderman Text
Duty-free status proposed for Tasik Kenyir Text
Punca projek gagal siap ikut jadual, cara atasinya Text
CAD & rekabentuk ASIC Text
Mantapkan guru dengan pelbagai kualiti Text
The development of image capturing system and information syst Conference Papers
The big stick now for illegal loggers Text
Rakan Muda secretariats to be set up in all schools Text
Khaled : donÆt raise fares Text
Chatalytic chemistry Exam Papers
A study on wastewater treatment of newsprint industries Text
RM600 mil boost for five research universities News Paper Cuttings
The acoustics and speech intelligibilty quality of Kampong Laut Conference Papers
Detemining the multi-current sources of magnetoencephalography Text
Sains, Matematik dalam BM Text
Big Fun English Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
MRR2: Kabinet arah lantik konsultan baru Text
Mardi perkenal benih padi baru tahan lasak Text
Concrete technology Text
3D reconstruction of video camera image Thesis
Treating sick buildings Text
Ada lagi isu terlepas pandang News Paper Cuttings
Peruntukan pendidikan ditambah : Hishammuddin Text
Cellular biochemistry and metabolism Text
Chemical compositions and biological activities of essential oils Indexed Paper
Development and study on transformer characteristics of a high Journal Article
Elastic and seismic model for the generation of tsunamis via la Indexed Paper
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Sistem pengoperasian Text
Pendekatan holistik diperlukan dalam menangani isu kemiskinanText
A typical weathering profile of granitic rock in Johor, Malaysia b Indexed Paper
Pembantu makmal naik taraf Text
Influence of hydrophilic polymer on proteins separation, molec Indexed Paper
Malaysia bakal ada Pusat Amaran Awal Tsunami Nasional Text
Nisbah seorang jururawat, 200 pesakit menjelang 2015 Text
Teori kawalan asas Text
An optimization of plastic injection molding parameters using T Non-Index Paper
Usahawan Islam disaran tingkat penyertaan produk halal Text
Tahap pengetahuan dan tahap kepuasan guru terhadap latihan Thesis
LPG & NG dalam industri automotif Text
Kawal kebanjiran warga asing Text
Kepentingan memoir untuk seorang wartawan Text
Pilu lihat kemusnahan Lembah Belum Text
Calculus I Exam Papers
Teliti implikasi status fakta kes saman guru Text
Engineering surveying Exam Papers
Projek khas tangani banjir Kampung Batu 25 Text
K. Kangsar budget will be slashed Text
Coordinated cadastral system for peninsular Malaysia : from conc Conference Papers
Horticulture and nursery Exam Papers
Finite element method Text
Getaran kuat turut dirasai di dasar laut Text
Kesepakatan pemimpin dunia tangani iklim global Text
Kejadian keempat pencemaran laut dalam 2 tahun Text
Cadangan akta baru dikaji semula Text
Control of a 2 D.O.F direct drive robot arm using integral slidin Text
Tricked by bogus doctor Text
Three-dimensional building modeling and its integration with r Thesis
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan SKMM News Paper Cuttings
Application of different feeding strategies in fed batch culture f Indexed Paper
Waterproofing materials in building Text
Businesses express discomfort over power glitch Text
Engineering survey Text
Rejection of oil emulsion using tubular surface filters Indexed Paper
Kawalan kualiti & pengurusan makmal Text
Sarawak tidak tercicir sekolah bestari Text
Assessment of flood mitigation project at Segamat and Segamat Thesis
Land administration Exam Papers
Highly sensitive liquid level sensor using fiber braggs grating Thesis
Sistem e-tanah diperluas seluruh negara Text
Variation orders in construction contract Text
Integriti dan tadbir urus Text
Kebolehtelapan tanah terganggu daripada kawasan pembinaan Text
Circulating clones of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Journal Article
Perisian pembelajaran berbantukan komputer (PBK) mata pelajaText
Agenda Baru Nasional dilaksana dengan adil Text
Electric vehicles charging using photovoltaic : status and techno Indexed Paper
Development of children with down syndrome from birth to six yThesis
Pembangunan tanah wakaf berdasarkan model wakaf Seetee Ai Thesis
Japan seeks closer ties, says PM Text
Highway & traffic engineering Exam Papers
Ruang kerja ergonomik Text
Langkah bijak maju barat daya Johor Text
Bekas Ketua, Naib Ketua Wanita UMNO Raub dituduh rasuah Text
UTMSPACE bantu ke menara gading News Paper Cuttings
Bird flu update : virus crops up in three more areas Text
fizik 1 Text
Pengurusan bahan : masalah penghantaran dan penerimaan baha Text
Another boost for Sungai Buloh News Paper Cuttings
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - PSZ - Newspaper Area Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Police crush ganja pipeline Text
Pelajar sekolah sertai program teknologi geospatial News Paper Cuttings
Linear algebra Exam Papers
Kemampuan petani dikaji Text
Study on the influence of head of project team throughtout JKR p Thesis
Kajian kualiti air perigi persendirian di Mukim Peringat, Jajahan Thesis
Ukur binaan II Text
Pyrolysis of solid palm waste biomass with microwave absorber Indexed Paper
Pendidikan kesihatan melonjak selepas 2000 Text
STS: Masalah jika gagal bayar tunggakan cukai Text
Malaysia signs treaty on tobacco control Text
Digital elevation model generation using synthetic aperture radaThesis
Piagam ASEAN kini lebih formal, fokus Text
Usah ketepi keupayaan ubat tradisional : PM Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian lanjutan Text
Municipal solid waste management Exam Papers
PM yakin kita pelopori industri perkongsian perkhidmatan Text
Effect of drill point geometry of uncoated tool when drilling tit Text
Helical twisted effect of spiral pipe in generating swirl flow for Journal Article
Negara positif wabak meningkat Text
A chance to boost our tourism sector Text
Silapnya usahawan kita tiada pengkhususan Text
Intelligent active force ciontrol of a three-link manipulator using Text
Pembaharuan KWSP perkukuh kewangan selepas bersara Text
Aqueous room temperature synthesis of zeolitic imidazole framew Indexed Paper
Software to block porn sites wonÆt be effective Text
Binaan kejuruteraan awam Text
Aplikasi E-Biz jupem geoportal dalam pembelian produk kadasteThesis
Relief as water levels drop Text
Parametric effects on panda ring resonators for optical communThesis
Acoustic model of body and swim bladder for target identificati Non-Index Paper
Parametric study of blind bolted end-plate connection on struct Thesis
English e-learning easy and fun Text
Insurans untuk pengantin Text
Pengurusan penyelenggaraan jalan di Majlis Perbandaran Selay Thesis
Lawatan sambil belajar mahasiswa Universitas Bung Hatta PadanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Deterministic prediction of corroding pipeline remaining streng Non-Index Paper
Integration of SPT (N-value), mackintosh probe (M-value) and resiIndexed Paper
Robotik & automatan Text
Pendidikan alam sekitar diperluas ke prasekolah Text
Analisis hidraulik saluran bertingkat Text
Dr M kritik pembatalan jambatan Text
Removal of Ca and Zn from water by zeolities NaP and KP Conference Papers
Asian airlines face no-frills challenge Text
EPF earnings not affected Text
Education Ministry : we will expose errant private colleges Text
Principle of marketing Exam Papers
Kajian penggunaan kolam tahanan (on-site detention -osd) terhaText
Tuning of controller gains for vehicle following system Thesis
Ong : Asia yet to reach potential Text
Oxidative resistance of bimodal HDPE and SILANE crosslinked b Text
Computer system & multimedia Exam Papers
A review of thermoelectric energy harvester and its power manaIndexed Paper
Dalam negeri News Paper Cuttings
Behaviour of expanded piles in clay under uplift and compressiv Thesis
China bakal iktiraf banyak IPT : Khaled Text
Experimental determination of non load dependent losses for a dText
Effects of residence time on the characteristics of PAN-based fibConference Papers
Traffic relief for JB commuters Text
Setiap hari guru disaman : sehingga menyebabkan mereka beradText
Amalan ikhtisas III Text
PTK perlu ditambah baik untuk lebih adil Text
Penyelidikan UMT mencari khasiat belangkas Text
Asas kuasa dan mesin elektrik Text
Carbon emission strategy for Malaysia (green building commerciThesis
Institut Inovasi Strategik Johor hab ilmuwan News Paper Cuttings
UTM luluskan 400 program pelajar tahun lepas Text
Performance evaluation of sustainable office building Text
Kesan pengawetan ke atas konkrit terubahsuai berpolimer Thesis
Johor mampu tarik lebih ramai pelancong News Paper Cuttings
Estimation of electrical-wave power in Merang shore, TerengganIndexed Paper
Selecting texture measures for detection of pneumonia Conference Papers
Airlines extend cheap fare offers Text
Industri pelancongan jana RM1.15 bilion Text
Banjiran air Text
Finger-vein biometric identification using convolutional neural Indexed Paper
Unix operating system / sistem pengoperasian unix Text
Thrusting Malacca into biotech era Text
Dr Mahathir jamin tidak hapus subsidi petrol Text
Police officers cannot befriend æseedyÆ characters Text
Malaysia expands screening of visitors to all entry points Text
Modelling of electrothermal temperature profile for IC - based eConference Papers
Bigger loans for Felda settlers who re-plant Text
Modelling of single link flexible manipulator with flexible joint (Fu
Lubrication of piston ring in natural gas reciprocating compressoText
Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide and Methane to lig Thesis
Stability of rigid and simple steel framed systems Text
Chikungunya mudah tersebar Text
Pengiraan perbezaan suhu beban penyejukan bumbung bangun Text
Challenges in the implementation of speaking activity: influence Non-Index Paper
Laser dalam perubatan Exam Papers
Green IT for competitive advantage : internal management pers Indexed Paper
No censorship, says PM Text
A reduced size dual port MIMO DRA with high isolation for 4G apIndexed Paper
Share the good and bad times Text
The profile of construction disputes (Preview) Text
Lower crime rate, thanks to public co-operation Text
Characterization and biological evaluation of silver containing Indexed Paper
Probe on Indon drug ring Text
PGA bukan tempat buangan anggota bermasalah Text
Tolak gangguan AS Text
Baculovirus coinfection strategy for improved galactosylation of Conference Papers
Comparing intentional vocabulary learning strategies of rote-copThesis
Effective used of existing rainwater harvesting tank for paddy fieThesis
Tempoh latihan amali enam bulan diselaras Text
PM : move will look into needs of SMEs to ensure growth Text
Syor wujud Bank Tanah majukan sektor pertanian Text
Tuisyen lahirkan generasi kedua Felcra lebih cemerlang Text
OIC merintis pembaharuan di sidang luar biasa Text
Negative lives for HIV-positive victims Text
Brand personality of property developers in Malaysia Thesis
Usaha perangi dadah perlu kerjasama dunia Text
Communication principles Exam Papers
Preparation of Ni loaded on zeolite and its application for conve Indexed Paper
Teacher who puts fun into lessons Text
40 karya seni bina dipamer News Paper Cuttings
Hari ini 50 tahun lalu : Bangunan Stadthuys, Melaka Text
Simulasi dan rekaan litar frekuensi radio (Abstract) Text
Kajian punca-punca kemalangan jalan raya dari aspek kejuruteraa Text
Meyakini perbankan Islam Text
Zipy bukti Kedah utama kemanusiaan Text
SMS your power problems Text
Tanam pokok bunga raya di taman awam : Ka Ting Text
Enhancement strategy of methane production from anaerobic dig Journal Article
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyenggaraan di peringkat Thesis
Jambatan : kita masih runding Text
Teknologi binaan Text
CFD investigation on boiler combustion characteristics Thesis
Physics (fizik) Text
Effect of the solvent type on the formation and physical propertieIndexed Paper
Sabah bersedia lancar operasi usir pendatang Text
Markah bonus bantu masuk IPTA Text
Comparing form four Malay and Chinese students’ spoken EnNon-Index Paper
Vocational class a hit with kids Text
Pakaian, kasut percuma bagi semua murid Sabah Text
Construction safety Exam Papers
Volatolomics analysis of lung and colon cancer using terahertz a Thesis
UiTM Bukit Besi pusat teknologi gas Text
Rejuvenating youth groups Text
Animasi berkomputer Text
Pensyarah UTM adu polis hal surat layang Text
Keganasan wanita : KPWK lancar program bersepadu Text
Persediaan rohani tingkat keyakinan pelajar hadapi peperiksaan Text
Program kemahiran tingkat produktiviti penduduk miskin Text
Kefahaman guru sains tentang pendekatan inkuiri di Sekolah M Thesis
UPP rampas 22 parabola seludup Text
Bearing capacity of rigid footing on soil : simulation study Thesis
Location assisted proactive channel in heterogeneous cognitive Indexed Paper
Discrimination between cat and dog hairs using numerical morp Thesis
More local ISPs needed Text
The effect of yarn linear density on mechanical properties of p Indexed Paper
Keperluan penginapan pelajar berkeluarga di Universiti TeknologThesis
Pekerja asing hanya boleh kerja 5 tahun Text
Trial run of Envo Diesel to be extended to private sector Text
Solar radiation : equation of time Text
Bencana alam : tubuh dana khas antarabangsa Text
Performance evaluation of the field-oriented control of star-conIndexed Paper
Perlu fleksibel tetap syarat taja pelajar Text
Optimization parameter for mpeg-4 data over wireless sensor n Thesis
A communicator between hearing impaired and blind individual Thesis
The effects of lubricant in water based mud Thesis
UMS plans to establish university hospital Text
Performance characterization of heterojunction bipolar transistoJournal Article
Eggs of aedes are hardy, say experts Text
UTM raih 15 pingat emas News Paper Cuttings
Vacancies but no locals applying Text
Maximum power point tracking algorithms for wind energy systeNon-Index Paper
CO2 separation using modified MCM-41 in PSA system Non-Index Paper
Schools get up to one year to prove worth Text
Teori litar Text
Power system analysis Exam Papers
Many feel government on right path to spurring IT, reading Text
Fire-testing lab at UTM can test various kinds of fire-proof materNews Paper Cuttings
MSC gearing itself to be global ICT centre Text
Characteristics of ferrocement sandwish aerated concrete wall Thesis
Kerajaan setuju beri status Bionexus setaraf MSC : PM Text
Facility improvement in fabrication sector through implementatio Thesis
10 hospital baharu KPJ Healthcare News Paper Cuttings
Empirical stairwell propagation models for long term evolution aThesis
Study of existing environment for Sungai Batu Pahat (Preview) Text
Edible bird's nest extract as a chondro-protective agent for humaIndexed Paper
PBB : Malaysia dipilih runding Text
Kempen æNegara Bersih, Rakyat SihatÆ dilancar Text
Thermal comfort and occupant adaptive behaviour in Japanese un Indexed Paper
Kualiti bukan keuntungan Text
Pengenalan kepada sains komputan Text
Gated entry at reserves Text
Jangan sisih budak HIV/Aids Text
Tanam sifat sabar Islam Text
Kanser payu dara cabaran kepada doktor Malaysia Text
KDNK Malaysia naik 7.3 peratus Text
Holistic e-learning in Nigerian Higher Education Institutions Non-Index Paper
Antara muka komputer Text
Mangsa tsunami dakwa tidak terima bantuan penuh Text
Johor negeri paling maju dalam bidang perubatan Text
Human rights : moving forward, very slowly Text
One million young addicts? Text
Pendidik, akademia berkongsi idea News Paper Cuttings
Estimation of bearing capacity of soil using spectral analysis o Text
Junk food generation Text
Visa: IPTS kena tindakan jika- pelajar ditahan Text
Mengajar ketika bercuti, melancong dalam Brain Share Text
Innovation make-over to improve standing Text
The impact of feedback orientation and the effect of satisfactio Indexed Paper
Sistem pengurusan pemasaran padi dan data petani PertubuhanText
Kekuatan kiub konkrit termampat Thesis
Ensure public water projects Text
Pensyarah naik gaji Text
Building and reusing medical ontology for tropical diseases ma Non-Index Paper
Kredit bagi kokurikulum lebih 40 jam Text
Elak sindrom 3K News Paper Cuttings
Penyelidikan UNITEN dikomersialkan Text
Designs must be new and original to qualify for ID registration Text
Establishing important criteria and factors for successful integr Non-Index Paper
Minimum wage for three categories of workers Text
Warga tua uzur diberi rawatan Text
Sediment yield analysis for Johor river basins Conference Papers
Environmental Chemistry Exam Papers
Development of a spiral finned crystallizer for progressive freez Thesis
Ceti haram boleh dipenjara, sebat, denda Text
Makanan organik lebih berkhasiat Text
Pink guava named Fruit of the Year Text
Rise in tariffs to be linked to better services Text
Nilai lulusan agama Text
Sistem pengurusan mesej terpilih di portal PMIUTM Thesis
Kajian makmal pelepasan secara serenjang effluen terma pada Text
Konsert bertentangan kehendak syarak haram : Mufti Perak Text
Isa letak jawatan Text
A deadbeat controller for bidrectional high-frequency link inverteText
Penyelenggaraan landasan terbang Lapangan Terbang AntarabanThesis
Listener's attitudes toward spoken varieties of Malaysian EnglishThesis
Rahsia laman kekal menarik Text
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar ikon galak budaya cintai ilmu Text
SATS ambil alih LTSI Text
SPM : pencapaian negeri-negeri naik Text
Users safety perception on bus stop design and location case st Thesis
Estimating the tourism-led growth hypothesis : a case study of t Indexed Paper
People tracking system using global positioning system and glo Thesis
Mechanic of machines Exam Papers
Now easier to win suits against specialists Text
Kerajaan serius perangi rasuah: Rais Text
Make sure bridge is ready by 2011 : PM Text
Possible use cement as raw material for heavy metals elimination Text
Turunkan caruman KWSP bantu ringankan beban rakyat Text
Rakyat pandang serong jika menteri bertelagah Text
Ibu bapa saling berkasih pengaruhi akhlak anak Text
Ic testing techniques Exam Papers
Hourly rainfall-runoff modelling using particle swamp optimiza Conference Papers
Stress concentration in compressor blades with pits Thesis
Kenapa Hollywood sepi terhadap derita Gaza? News Paper Cuttings
Syukuri nikmat pendengaran dengan pelihara zahir, batin telingaText
Distributed decision making database issues (Preview) Text
No need to submit pay slips, tax forms Text
In the research forefront Text
Non-euclidean geometry Exam Papers
Enforcement the key to fewer accidents Text
Government ensures enough food Text
Effects of hollow spherical inclusions on the properties of concr Text
Educating rural folk on consumer rights Text
Rekabentuk struktur I Text
Study on the effects of receiver distance, height and mass of droJournal Article
Assessing the scenic views in the hedonic modelling of residentaThesis
Biasiswa PTPTN : syarat kelayakan IPTS dikaji Text
High speed reacting flow experiments Thesis
Deformation monitoring procedure and software system using roThesis
Air lestari dengan teknologi hijau Text
Unsold bumi lots may be sold to others Text
Malaysia pastikan hasil penyelidikan tidak dicuri Text
Sasar 600 projek R&D IPTA dikomersialkan Text
Hanya 0.03% darah panderma tercemar Text
Mengesan kerosakan berasaskan getaran menggunakan artificialThesis
13 bangunan bersejarah di warta tapak warisan News Paper Cuttings
Akhlak mulia sifat utama hamba, mukmin sejati Text
Effect of corona discharge on hydrophobicity properties of pol Thesis
RM1.2b just for SME segment, says Abdullah Text
Malaysia cuma ada 117 pakar pergigian : Dr. Ismail Text
Kembar mempunyai persamaan Text
Simple washing technique for removal of pesticides and heavy Thesis
Teruskan kesinambungan Text
Kerjasama serantau lebarkan industri buku Text
Dr M most sought-after leader at Apec Text
Pemindahan darah stem cell pertama bukan kalangan keluarga bText
Program Transformasi Ekonomi akan diumum Text
The impact of social norms on voluntary tax compliance in MalayConference Papers
Iskandar Malaysia pusat terbit filem terbesar Asia Text
UWB channel measurement and data transfer analysis for multius Indexed Paper
DBP given power to fine Text
Simulation of PSO-PI controller of DC motor in micro-EDM system Conference Papers
Ergonomik kenderaan Text
Building Integration Exam Papers
Pencirian dan kajian permukaan zeolite asli dan zeolit asli yan Text
Negara perlu pelajar berketerampilan tinggi Text
A procedure for effective contractor evaluation method for gamThesis
Sains, Matematik dalam BI tidak ubah serta-merta Text
Modeling and vector control of three-phase induction motor whe Thesis
Kenaikan harga ayam akan disiasat Text
Media : MB, timbalan menteri buat teguran Text
Pusat ilmu tanpa sempadan Text
Energy efficiency index as an indicator for measuring building e Indexed Paper
Indoor data transmission over ubiquitous infrastructure of powerIndexed Paper
Polis terima kenaikan imbuhan rumah Text
Removal of methylene blue dye by using eggshell powder Indexed Paper
Ketawa baik untuk kesihatan Text
Pengurangan subsidi untuk kebaikan rakyat Text
Malaysia beri RM3.75j Text
Tumpu majukan LCCT Text
UTM ikrar tingkat mutu penyelidikan Text
Penemuan usia baru alam semesta Text
Matrimid-based carbon tubular membranes : the effect of the Indexed Paper
A novel thin film composite forward osmosis membrane prepared Indexed Paper
USIM berpotensi peringkat global Text
Prekotac as a new filter aids material for fabric filter in air filtra Conference Papers
PTPTN tambah RM2.45b dana pengajian tinggi Text
Homological functors of infinite non abelian 2-generator groups Conference Papers
Malaysia to rely on five nations for labour needs Text
Fatigue characteristics of dual-phase steel sheets Indexed Paper
Location tracking system for indoor environment with automated Thesis
Membina Malaysia lebih saksama Text
Pemadam letak sasaran tingkat keahlian satu juta orang Text
PM kongsi idea menerusi Menakhoda Zaman Text
Defect-free mixed mono- and bi-layer graphene synthesized from Indexed Paper
Nusajaya diminta maju tanah : UMNO Gelang Patah mahu pend Text
Memahami tafsiran akta kanak-kanak Text
Pelajar mudah terlibat dadah selepas SPM Text
Inherent safety index for proton membrane fuel cell vehicle sys Journal Article
Death for rape Text
Jawatankuasa khas kaji tempoh persaraan Text
Menghasilkan makanan kesihatan daripada dedak beras Text
Police to bring anti-crime roadshows to kindergartens Text
CID chiefs given warning over rising crime rate Text
RM1.27m spent daily to support 42,483 prisoners Text
Green 5S in a paper bag manufacturing company Thesis
Nano-mosfets implementation of different logic families of two in Journal Article
The function of rural service center in tourism activities Conference Papers
Rakyat perlu kritikal, beretika ikuti maklumat Internet Text
UTM tingkat jaringan industri News Paper Cuttings
Comparative stiffness analysis between conventional and IBS co Text
Peranan herba dalam kosmetik Conference Papers
Remaja Melayu terbabit gejala sosial meningkat Text
UTM says why not to another go at Everest News Paper Cuttings
Rekabentuk industri dalam menjana kretiviti jurutera Conference Papers
OIC rangka pelan majukan negara miskin Text
Quality is the greatest priority Text
Effect of long term aging on resilient modulus of SMA 20 Thesis
Polarization and depolarization current of linear low density po Thesis
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan Web di Syarikat PLC Labor Thesis
Warga IPT bekerjasama laksana ibadat korban Text
Penduduk miliki dua kerakyatan diminta pilih Malaysia atau ThaiText
Lagi lari dari lokap polis : kali ini dua lelaki yang disyaki rompak Text
22 kolej komuniti, 7 politeknik baru dalam RMK-9 Text
Two dimension modeling for Johor river estuary Text
Ujian tanpa musnah 1 Exam Papers
One year trial of B5 fuel Text
Matrikulasi : prestasi pelajar Melayu lebih baik Text
Modal insan di tahap kritikal Text
Increased mastery of learning strategies through strategy instrucText
Lima puluh berbanding 446 tahun Text
Jangan tuduh pegawai rasuah Text
FoSIM to improve food safety control Text
Information management Exam Papers
Performance of natural refrigerants in two phase flow Journal Article
Malaysia to mount a challenge in world's premier sailing event Text
Embedded solar tracking instrumentation system Indexed Paper
An extended partitioning technique to transform trees into sing Indexed Paper
Imbangan jisim & tenaga Text
Our halal food for worldÆs armies Text
Empirical strength envelope for shale Thesis
Kualiti hidup peneroka FELDA dari perspektif sosioekonomi : kajiText
Support vector machines for predicting protein-protein interact Conference Papers
Sistem pembelajaran matematik berasaskan web bagi Tadika St.Text
Lapan IPTA minta tubuh majlis pantau kualiti sains kesihatan Text
Inflasi tak jejas daya saing Text
Conditions for radiative cooling and collapse in the plasma focu Indexed Paper
Numerical dynamic analysis of a single link soft robot finger Indexed Paper
Data envelopment analysis : a tool of measuring efficiency in ba Indexed Paper
Ergonomik dan keselamatan Text
Don't take children for granted Text
Geng mempelbagai jenis dadah diedar Text
Cukai eksais: MAA minta pengecualian khas kereta CKD Text
Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids in heat Indexed Paper
CVLB : buy your bus tickets from counters Text
RMK-9 beri tumpuan basmi kemiskinan Text
Hubungan parameter model HEC - HMS dan luas kawasan tadahan Text
Malaysia Sweden banyak persamaan Text
Teori pengurusan dan organisasi Text
Analisis & rekabentuk hidrologi Text
Driving home the point Text
Query-based MIHA scheme for en-route filtering of injected fals Thesis
Azali smashes record with 20 1As Text
Khairy : no proof of bias against Malay graduates Text
Kesan pembangunan Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussien OnnConference Papers
Implementation of motion planning and active force control to aText
Strategi bijak bentuk pelaburan Text
UTM ke arah universiti penyelidikan Text
Lima IPTA jana RM 3.6 billion News Paper Cuttings
Sharing knowledge on halal food production News Paper Cuttings
Sinaran radiasi tenaga atom lebih bahaya News Paper Cuttings
True North wajar jadi panduan dukung transformasi kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Pembukaan HSI berperingkat Text
Akaun pelanggan btak terjejas News Paper Cuttings
Pengantaramukaan komputer Text
Murid mampu kuasai bahasa Inggeris sejak prasekolah Text
Dana industri halal tak dimanfaat Text
Higher engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Sejarah Nobel Laureate Text
Community planning and housing Exam Papers
Performance of iterative data detection and channel estimation Conference Papers
Kumpulan Utusan-UTM anjur sayembara fiksyen sains Text
Hanging out with the book lovers in library Text
Konsortium cuba atasi gerhana kontrak Text
Menangani krisis makanan global Text
Decision support system framework for feasibility study in constText
Single objective DNA sequence design using particle swarm oti Conference Papers
Ramalan enapan pengukuhan menggunakan kaedah Asaoka Text
Inkuiri awam : pertahan cara periksa Text
Network communications Exam Papers
Inspirasi Dr. Mahathir di FAO Text
Pensyarah UTM didakwa tipu RM2.09 juta News Paper Cuttings
Strength and ductility of high-strength concrete cylinders exter Indexed Paper
Pelan khas bela pekebun nanas Text
Four wave mixing nonlinearity effect in wavelength division multiText
Visualisasi data perikanan dalam bentuk simbol 3D Thesis
A comparison study between two different types of petroleum cThesis
Implementation of artificial intelligence techniques for steady s Conference Papers
KWSP perkenal 12 pembaharuan Text
Peluang penduduk generasi kedua memiliki rumah melalui progrThesis
Digital forensics professional competency-based curriculum pro Thesis
Guna satelit kesan penceroboh hutan Text
DonÆt pass cost down to consumers, urges PM Text
Bahaya dadah tak kira darjat : Tengku Mahkota Text
Numerical modelling for hydrodynamic behavior of round shapeThesis
Sesi taklimat penerbitan ilmiah pentadbir UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hubungi DPIMNJ jika ragui halal haram produk Text
Penambahan lorong PLUS perlu RM900 juta Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Najib : be open-minded to achieve success Text
IC testing techniques Exam Papers
Highway engineering Exam Papers
Parallel performance comparison of AGE method between parallel Indexed Paper
CAIRO pusat penyelidikan robotik ulung Text
Computer applications / aplikasi komputer Exam Papers
Circuit theory 1 Exam Papers
Malaysia hab pendidikan dunia Text
Pemansuhan PPSMI mungkin 2011 Text
Comparison of defuzzification methods for fuzzy stochastic lin Thesis
IPTA jangan berlumba Text
Makro ekonomi untuk harta tanah Text
Fewer but stronger private colleges? Text
Light up LED street light using piezoelectric Thesis
Singapura setaraf Israel? Text
Kesedaran pembangunan lestari di peringkat awal umur kanak- Text
Lebih 70 murid, guru terhidu gas bocor Text
Computer-based assessment parameters for basic midrosurgicalThesis
Only 10 minutes of gun practice in NS Text
IKS perlu manfaat dana teknologi RM150j Text
Kebimbangan kerjasama nuklear Text
Pakar Australia puji jalan raya kita terbaik Text
Penuntut UTM pamer karya seni News Paper Cuttings
An analysis of cyclops mobile robot Text
Celcom : Safeguard system first Text
Panduan harga barang setiap bulan Text
Suspended sedimen measurement in the Klang River estuary, Nor Text
Penghantaran dan pengagihan gas asli Text
Isyarat & Rangkaian Text
Merekabentuk, membina dan menguji mekanisme sesaran bole Text
PM ingatkan KWSP hati-hati timbang permohonan pinjaman Text
Evaluation of product surface and extruded with palm stearin in Thesis
Response of FBG–bonded plastic plate at different locations ofJournal Article
Tambah kakitangan bantu pantau operasi Text
Penambakan laut di Singapura ancam dugong Text
Perubahan dan pembangunan organisasi Text
Factors influence outsourcing decision in hotel industry Thesis
Transformasi IPT : PM umum 3 langkah khas dalam Pelan StrategText
Development of enzymatic member reactor (EMR) for cyclodextrIndexed Paper
Kerajaan berusaha yakinkan tiga negeri Text
Rekabentuk berkomputer tangki air konkrit bertetulang berben Text
Henti isu kaum : PM Text
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Cadangan dakwa penyebar HIV/AIDS melalui seks Text
Terapi ubat secara individu Text
End of the road for traffic æHall of ShameÆ Text
Prinsip penilaian Exam Papers
On the numerical simulation of laser beam cutting of hollow sphIndexed Paper
The role of job stress and phychological capital on the relatio Thesis
PNB urus dana luar negara Text
Propeller analysis and design study for a 26 M stern trawler Thesis
A performance evaluation of active contour models in image se Thesis
Lensa multifocal atasi katarak Text
Extraction of effective microorganism from biocompost Thesis
Keberkesanan proses pengudaraan menggunakan buih halus dala Thesis
Wanita alaf baru : perlu bijak dan berilmu Text
KL, Sarajevo to help tackle food crisis Text
IDB laksana segera program pendidikan, latihan Text
PPSMI : tujuh opsyen dihalusi Text
Keeping the Orang Asli kids in school Text
NS dodger jailed : first to be penalised and he was working to suText
Evaluation of cracks and disintegration using close-range digit Text
Insecurity : TV can lead to child obesity Text
Kod Amalan Pertanian mampu pertingkat pengeluaran sawit Text
Sistem rekabentuk corak dan acuan pinggan (Preview) Text
RM38b tidak dituntut, harta terbiar akibat pemilik gagal rancangText
Kementerian bawa guru China Text
Safety and health improvement in process industry Text
Pendidikan tinggi Text
Perbankan internet selamat Text
Electronics Text
A simple segmentation approach for unconstrained cursive handConference Papers
Identification of acoustic signals of internal electric discharges Conference Papers
The effects of alkaline catalysts in used frying oil biodiesel on Indexed Paper
Linear algorithm for salinity distribution modelling from modis dConference Papers
Performance evaluation of four-stroke si (spark ignition) engine Journal Article
Integrated service architecture framework (ISAF) for ITIL V3 Conference Papers
Terus terang jika anak hidap barah Text
Bayesian modeling of mathematics performance at boarding scho Thesis
Think busines Pak Lah tells rural folk Text
Universiti penyelidikan Text
Pencemaran punca kawasan laut jadi 'zon mati' Text
Portal alumni FSKSM dengan fungsi SMS Thesis
RM10,000 aid for higher education Text
Move to woo non-Bumi students hits snag Text
The improved genetic algorithm for assingment problems Conference Papers
Education focus in three States Text
PM'S speech at the Invest Malaysia Conference : the untold posiText
Perodua bertindak proaktif kekalkan bahagian pasaran Text
Kesan cerun terhadap laju kenderaan Thesis
Sistem pengurusan skim pinjaman buku teks (SPBT) berasaskan Text
Malacca wants RM53m to stop floods Text
Modified mesoporous Γ-alumina from kano kaolin in heterogeneou Journal Article
Rekabentuk konkrit bertetulang II Text
Program perkampungan budaya menerap amalan budi bahasa Text
Integrating Computer Science with other fields News Paper Cuttings
Optimal control Exam Papers
Wildlife-friendly bridges Text
The impact of globalisation and liberalisation on the delivery sysText
Greater need for our dentists here Text
Polis dapat gaji baru: Pengubahsuaian bagi anggota pangkat renText
Assessing level of risk in handling management operation for i Thesis
A comparative analysis of shopping malls in Putrajaya and Bukit Journal Article
Cover story : It's all in the mind Text
Pakar hasilkan buku kanser pertama dalam bahasa Melayu Text
Computer software for generating digital cadastral databases Conference Papers
Ketepikan kedudukan, tingkatkan prestasi IPT Text
Numercal methods Exam Papers
Blueprint emphasis on quality education Text
Modeling the current-voltage characteristic of graphene nanoribb Thesis
Study on NMEA 2000 and RTCM SC104 version 3.1 Thesis
Mikrobiologi makanan Text
Tanamkan semangat kesetiaan hadapi krisis Text
Singapura tidak sambung Perjanjian Air tamat 2011 Text
Teacher professionalism and professional development practicesThesis
Designing fuzzy backstepping adaptive based fuzzy estimator varIndexed Paper
Effects of heat shock protein CLPC’s a4-ß2 loop deletion from Journal
a Article
The Exterior squares of some crystallographic groups Journal Article
PCA, LDA and neural network for face identification Conference Papers
Dynamic evolution based controller for single phase inverter Thesis
Matematik asas Text
Evaluation of service performances of liquefied natural gas carrieIndexed Paper
SMS parking system - security measures - Thesis
506,108 murid diuji kemahiran baca, tulis Text
Sistem perekodan dan pengesahan lapor diri latihan industri secaThesis
New development environment for modern bioelectromagneticsIndexed s Paper
A review of housing provision and the challenges of sustainable hoIndexed Paper
Book on UTM ‘warrior’ launched News Paper Cuttings
Pengaruh ketumpatan light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) d Text
TPM : terima hakikat sumber kewangan kerajaan terhad Text
Melaka on the go (Travel guide mobile application) Thesis
Thaksin's quiet diplomacy Text
Say No if you donÆt need a credit card Text
Fixed investments and their risks Text
Return of diseases linked to foreign workers Text
Tahap groupthink di dalam pengambilan keputusan berkumpulan Thesis
Peronda JPJ guna sistem komputer Text
Perlindungan sinaran perubatan Exam Papers
Instrumentasi Text
Sistem baru subsidi bahan api mula akhir Jun Text
Scenario-based spatial modelling for land use planning and eval Conference Papers
Pelajar UTM tergelincir ditemui mati dalam belukar Text
Synthesis of titanium dioxide supported on mesostructured silicaThesis
Reducing soak air temperature inside a car compartment using ve Journal Article
Ikhlas atau retorik, AS bukan musuh Islam? Text
Penggunaan rasuk keluli TWP berbanding rasuk universal Text
Thalassaemia : A deadly inheritance Text
Kaunselor wajib perkemas data kesihatan pelajar Text
Using english to teach maths, science a success Text
Taman Pameran Pertanian Serdang lokasi tetap MAHA Text
UTM tawar pengajian diploma eksekutif News Paper Cuttings
Topology Exam Papers
Biar pemusnah ekosistem rasa serik Text
Identification of unknown bacteria and evaluation of its potent Thesis
Teori struktur Text
Green agents in the making at UTM News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kadar penyusuapan air sebelum dan selepas kawasan di Text
RM22j harta pengedar syabu disita Text
PPSMI dimansuh? Text
Mahathir : Volkswagen boleh beli saham Proton Text
The year of twitter and facebook Text
An evil that has to be abolished Text
Survey finds many shopping malls unsafe Text
Menegakkan keadilan tanpa kompromi Text
Kajian parameter ke atas struktur keluli yang menanggung beba Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian Text
Kristalografi sinar-x Text
Barah pangkal rahim : pasangan perlu terbuka Text
Persaraan Dr. Mahathir peristiwa unik sejarah dunia Text
Re-refining of base oil from spent lubricant : a comparative stu Text
Programming 3 Exam Papers
Pusat Keselamatan Siber Nasional ditubuh Text
Dasar Ekonomi perlu lindungi khazanah alam Text
Structural analysis of platelet-derived growth factor receptor Thesis
Tahap perlindungan harta intelek rendah Text
Penyenggaraan bangunan di bawah kelolaan Jabatan Kerja Raya Thesis
Malaysia, Cuba teroka kerjasama ekonomi Text
Take action, Malaysia! Text
Geosains asas Text
Safe to give children second booster jab, says health official Text
Financial accounting II / Perakaunan kewangan II Text
Matematik Asas Text
Kepentingan sidang ASEAN pada Rusia Text
A framework for developing community and promoting languageThesis u
Sistem kejuruteraan marin III Text
Site management and safety control Exam Papers
Penerbangan masih selamat? Text
Professional practice III Exam Papers
Geographic information system I Exam Papers
Professional practice I Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Voltage stability enhancement in distribution networks with dis Thesis
System analysis and design methods Exam Papers
Soal jawab H1N1 Text
Malaysia warns Apec targets may not be met Text
Lonjakan pendidikan menjelang 2020 perubahan masa Text
Risiko penyakit wanita berumur Text
Plan to register traditional healers Text
Monorel Pulau Pinang dibina tahun depan Text
Enzyme immobilization and permselectivity analysis of an interf Text
Pembangunan perisian bagi menyediakan sebut harga kos projekText
Performance appraisal amongst contractors in construction projConference Papers
An anomaly detection model using candid covariance-free increm Thesis
Improved covariance matrix evolution strategy algorithm for stocThesis
Peningkatan kualiti di kalangan pembuatan highlighter marker pText
Subra : no increase in number of workers retrenched Text
Rancang pelupusan sampah secara berkesan Text
Tiada kompromi pelajar bermasalah Text
Measuring small boat using photogrammetry Thesis
The potential of global positioning system in weather and envir Conference Papers
The effects of different ph and salinities on growth rate and car Journal Article
Teruna juga perlu dijaga : Shahrizat Text
Dietary fibre science Text
10 ways to snuff out smoking Text
Transformasi pendidikan lahir pelajar berbakat, kebijaksanaan Text
Linear and nonlinear ARX model for intelligent pneumatic actua Journal Article
Application of frumkin isotherm for carbon steel corrosion in soiIndexed Paper
Mahleel : Proton will be ready for AFTA Text
Pensyarah, guru berhimpun bincang halatuju pendidikan negaraNews Paper Cuttings
Pengukuran dan instrumentasi Text
Monthly review of petrol price Text
Warehouse layout improvement in a shoe manufacturing comp Thesis
Reduction of azo dyes by flavin reductase from citrobacter freunNon-Index Paper
Power management unit for a leadless pacemaker Thesis
Mechanical properties of vinyl ester resin/ epoxidized plam oil/ Indexed Paper
RFID based system for Malaysian pilgrims identification and mo Thesis
Development of a prototype for Johore tourism information sys Text
Universiti Bologna Itali puji UTM Text
RM300 juta untuk IPTA buat penyelidikan Text
Restaurant e-menu and reservation system Thesis
A relation between tudung saji weaving patterns and group theoThesis
Amalan ikhtisas I Text
Pandu Puteri terus bakti cemerlang Text
Instrumen penilaian pembimbing dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Thesis
UTM conducting probe on erroneous slides on Hinduism, Sikhis News Paper Cuttings
DNA berkesan dalam dunia perubatan, penyiasatan jenayah Text
Faktor-faktor pemindahan latihan dan hubungannya dengan pemi Thesis
Fluid mechanics 2/Mekanik bendalir 2 Text
Petrol 10 sen, diesel 20 sen Text
Dream career or drug courier? Text
Student Info System for schools Text
Tourism expo to promote Asean travel Text
Call for our youth NGOs to go global Text
Bayaran pampasan ikut pasaran News Paper Cuttings
Teori pengurusan & organisasi Text
Insiden di Perak : antara demokrasi, perubahan Text
Efficient water demand management for urban systems based on Conference Papers
Algebra 1 Exam Papers
1,085 sertai kadet polis sekolah di Batu Pahat Text
High time for drastic action on NUBE Text
Shafie assures Parliament on diesel fuel supply Text
Batal bina jambatan elak implikasi undang-undang Text
Produk pertanian RM1b ke Asia Barat Text
Tahap kefasihan BM rakyat masih rendah Text
Potensi guna semula efluen kilang kelapa sawit (EKKS) mener Thesis
Telecommunication (telekomunikasi) Text
Operasi buru pengelak cukai dari rumah ke rumah mulai mingguText
E-learning system form 2 mathematics for tuition center Thesis
Kaedah biometrik atasi isu kerakyatan Text
Load distribution in edge-stiffening beam of a simply supported Text
Kita memang terdedah ancaman Tsunami Text
HDC tumpu usaha bangunkan PKS, perkasa hab halal Text
Guru perlu bina negara bangsa berteraskan perpaduan : Sultan Text
Pose normalization in a face recognition system Thesis
Crime on the rise in Sarawak Text
Ruang khas pelajar pintar : PM Text
Numerical simulation of a microchannel Text
Lahirkan pekerja berkelayakan tinggi : Najib Text
Penggunaan teknik pengurangan poligon bagi kaedah tahap periThesis
Web programming 1/Web-based application development 1 Exam Papers
Single mode EDF fiber laser using an ultra-narrow bandwidth tuna Indexed Paper
Evaluation of laboratory compactive effort on asphaltic concreteText
Pengurusan kewangan Text
CO2 stripping from water through porous PVDF hollow fiber me Indexed Paper
Higher Education Ministry gains RM20m, says Khaled Text
Optimization of bulbous bow form using SHIPFLOW Text
Transformasi pembiayaan dunia akademik News Paper Cuttings
Balak : BPR terima laporan penyelewengan Text
Technical, safety and economical aspects of considering repair toConference Papers
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production from cafeteria wastes und Text
Estimation in spot welding parameters using genetic algorithm Text
Intelligent earth leakage circuit breaker (IELCB) Thesis
Synthesis of a compatibilizer and the effects of monomer concenIndexed Paper
Pembakaran letupan gas Text
Transplant touches hearts Text
Removal of object's shadow (Full text) Text
Liow : chances aplenty to help spur national economy Text
46,236 sertai kelas tambahan melalui Skim Baucer Tuisyen Text
Eksport dikurang jika harga ikan naik mendadak Text
Neuro-fuzzy modelling and neural network internal model controThesis
Woman finds son trapped in burning house Text
Kita ke-4 terbaik dalam daya saing Text
Pengurusan sisa pejal Text
Vibrational studies of crystalline phase strontium magnesium Non-Index Paper
Artificial neural networks and fuzzy time series forecasting : an aIndexed Paper
Oil slick poses fire danger Text
Centrality assessment of neighbourhood commercial areas in Is Conference Papers
Lantik wanita ke Mahkamah Syariah Text
Traffic engineering Text
Attendance, grades on the upswing Text
Mengukuhkan imej industri pembinaan Text
Strategi Lautan Biru untuk IPTA Text
Batalkan bina jambatan Pulau Pinang Text
BPA : kualiti khidmat kerajaan tambah baik Text
An investigation into the strategies of firms and their financia Text
Study on the thin film composite poly(piperazine-amide) nanofilIndexed Paper
Engaging your employees Text
Re-storm: real-time energy efficient data analysis adapting stor Journal Article
A study on the effect of electrode material on the generation of Thesis
Spatial planning and decision support system for urban metropolConference Papers
Time series Exam Papers
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Intrinsic value in investment Text
Would-be doctors first lesson Text
NS trainee dies at hospital after a fight Text
Ciri-ciri angin lintang di Lebuhraya Plus : kajian kes KM212 Text
Pengurusan nilai Text
Sistem kuasa dan kejuruteraan voltan tinggi Text
Thermodynamics 2 / termodinamik 2 Text
Keberkesanan tetulang berkekuatan tinggi pada penyokong rasuText
Memapankan pemuliharaan hutan Text
The effect of rainrate modeling for the prediction of satellite proText
Chemical constituents and bioactivities of artocarpus anisophyl Thesis
Thousands evacuated in East Coast states Text
Development and study on transformer characteristics of a high Indexed Paper
Jualan kenderaan cecah 42,776 bulan lalu Text
Instrumentation and measurement / instrumentasi dan penguk Text
Tremors jolt Klang Valley, Singapore after Sumatra quake Text
Implan koklea : masalah pekak ditangani Text
Scientists and researchers to get good payouts from Govt Text
Social interactions in high-rise residentials through the adopti Thesis
Principles of management Exam Papers
Doctors protests anger minister Text
Tingkatkan kemahiran untuk pertahan negara Text
A comparison study on financial behavior between industrial proThesis
Prevalence analysis and identification of negative design in β-s Thesis
Measurement of radon-222 and radium-226 in well water of KelThesis
Optimum composition of blended mineral oil and waste frying Thesis
A very well-planned job Text
Effect of degree of saturation on the shear strength of soils ob Text
Elektronik III Text
Application of genetic algorithm in solving thermal unit commit Text
Promoting active learning in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: a Conference Papers
New Zealand dianggap rakan penting Text
MNS wants a halt to logging in Belum-Temenggor Text
Wanita perlu lebih inovatif Text
Sektor awam ditegah terlibat skim cepat kaya Text
Quality, not quantity Text
Graduan UniMAP rebutan industri kejuruteraan Text
Hubungan antara kepimpinan transformasi dan tingkah laku kewa Thesis
Down syndrome mobile learning system Thesis
Hubungan reaksi pelatih selepas latihan dengan persepsi terha Thesis
Call for smart partnerships Text
Saman Singapura jika jejas ekonomi Text
Effect of APC on killing of staphylococcus aureus by oxidative st Journal Article
Tracking turtle migration Text
Ibu bapa kurang peka keselamatan anak Text
Multifaceted prospects of nanocomposites for cardiovascular graIndexed Paper
Program pertukaran pensyarah ditambah Text
Optimal operation of reservoir for Muda irrigation scheme : lapoText
Education Dept goes for GIS-based application Text
Study on aerodynamic characteristic of Perodua Myvi by using Text
Isu kemiskinan perlu difahami semua masyarakat Text
Six Sigmas: The new, corporate buzzword Text
LHDN kutip RM38 bilion Text
Multivitamin untuk kanak-kanak tadika Text
A qualitative comparison of flow rules of pressure-dependent plaIndexed Paper
100 SBT : pastikan sekolah lain tidak dipinggirkan Text
Kejuruteraan akustik Text
Dual band microstrip array antenna radiation characteristics en Conference Papers
Sistem pengaudit kualiti dalaman ISO 9001:2000 di Puspakom SdText
Universiti boleh bantu percepat potensi komersial bioteknologi Text
Aerodinamik Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Biochemistry Text
Guna bahasa mudah sampaikan maklumat Text
Optional retirement a privilege, not a right Text
New star ratings for hotels soon Text
Scale-up strategies in stirred and aerated bioreactor (Full text) Text
Move to boost regional trade Text
Cold flow performances of radial swirler gas burner systems Text
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
More firms spread wings abroad Text
Quality improvement in a manufacturing company using six si Thesis
Free vibration of symmetric angle-ply laminated circular cylindricIndexed Paper
Kerajaan tidak tetapkan harga permulaan rumah Text
Classifying schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using support Thesis
Neuronal structure in 3D space Conference Papers
Effect of PMMA-MWNTS loading on co2 separation performanceJournal Article
An efficient evaluation model for the assessment of university-i Indexed Paper
Cloud computing for teaching practice : a new design? Indexed Paper
Settlers must be ready for change Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Lestari bangunkan negara Text
IPTS digalak guna Setara Text
Daily stream flow forecasting using artificial neural networks (c Thesis
Kaji benar gugur janin : elak banyak masalah kerana sumbang Text
Buku wahana utama lahir bangsa berjaya Text
Reward R&D work, says PM Text
Chisel & stone : towards a blueprint for teaching human rights Text
KPN mahu laporan terperinci Text
Ubah status pinjaman mampu suntik semangat pelajar Text
Angkasawan pertama negara mampu ubah minda generasi mudText
Real-time water-in-diesel emulsion fuel production system for diThesis
Belasungkawa : Murad mantapkan sistem pendidikan negara Text
13.7pc of youths mentally unwell Text
Keupayaan pasukan tentera, keselamatan perlu anjakan Text
Chemical characterization and application of poly(styrene-divin Text
Kajian model tiga dimensi untuk lanskap bandar menggunakan dText
Matematik III Text
Pekerja awam pandu teksi Text
Stress analysis of femur and femoral stems for hip arthroplasty Text
Simulasi litar elektronik Exam Papers
3 produk pelangsing badan beracun Text
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Penerbit UTM Press unggul News Paper Cuttings
Fobia tingkatan enam : pelajar melayu tidak terkecuali Text
Ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) triggers apoptosis and G0/G1 Non-Index Paper
Molecular cloning and characterization of a new fibrinolytic e Thesis
Pulau Pinang lubuk pekerja tanpa izin China Text
Sukarelawan sanggup hadapi segala risiko News Paper Cuttings
Raja Mohar pahlawan bangsa : Abdullah Text
UMK bukti kesungguhan Umno Text
Qualifying exam for doctors Text
Kementerian pastikan belia urus sendiri kegiatan Text
Installation of utilities and road defects Thesis
Sekolah kebangsaan ejen pupuk perpaduan Text
Schools may install CCTVs forsecurity Text
Jadikan anugerah berprestij pendorong capai kecemerlangan Text
Tingkatkan perancangan kewangan usahawan PKS Text
Mahu warga UPM komersialkan penyelidikan Text
E-crime investigation and incident response management Exam Papers
Kastam hasilkan baka anjing pengesan dadah tempatan Text
Ilmu kekeluargaan wajar diajar di sekolah Text
Pengurusan risiko bekalan tenaga elektrik di bangunan tinggi : k Text
Mathematical statistics Exam Papers
Abdullah : I am not a one-term prime minister Text
Perdagangan, WTO isu utama Text
Price determinant model of serviced apartment in Johor Bahru CThesis
Memperkasa sektor automotif negara Text
Surface degradation of polymer nanocomposites due to dry banThesis
State has second-highest number of drug addicts Text
Comparing intentional vocabulary learning strategies of rote-co Indexed Paper
Improved chemical durability and thermal stability of zinc boro-teIndexed Paper
Hydrophilic carbon/TiO2 colloid composite : a potential counter Iendexed Paper
Kalkulus vektor berbantukan Maple Text
SGM lonjak pendidikan negara Text
Peniaga bumiputera digesa pelbagai barangan jualan Text
Malaysia pastikan tidak jadi tempat buang sisa toksik Text
UTM tidak layan rayuan pelajar Text
Using enhanced IDEF-SIM (EnIS) technique to model sustainableConference
su Papers
Lebih banyak penggabungan perbankan tahun ini : Nazir Text
Kajian penyusupan air di sekitar sungai UTM Text
Reaction flux analysis of bacterial central carbon metabolism u Thesis
Raya wash-out for 1,000 folks Text
COX-2 inhibitors from the leaves of Pellacalyx saccardianus Sco Indexed Paper
Perwakilan lahirkan harapan tinggi kepada Dr Mahathir Text
Hasil prototaip rumah solar News Paper Cuttings
Good news for grad civil servants Text
Detection and classification of power quality disturbances using Conference Papers
Guru matematik, sains mesti kuasai BI Text
Swim with kelah at sanctuary in Taman Negara Text
Persidangan isu Rohingya di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Jejak Siber : bina portal dalam bahasa inggeris Text
UTM bangun pusat inovasi agriteknologi bioproses News Paper Cuttings
Islam menuntut pembelajaran sepanjang hayat Text
Pelajar SAR ambil SPM tanpa PMR Text
Mencungkil kanak-kanak pintar Text
Kanak-kanak pintar Text
The impact of credit and operational risk on islamic and conventThesis
Pengajaran sains, matematik guna bahasa inggeris diterus Text
Influences of magnetic fields on current-voltage characteristics Indexed Paper
Hybrid learning-based model for exaggeration style of facial cariThesis
Cyanide biodegradation by pseudomonas sp, Isolated from mini Thesis
Combustion characteristics of palm shell fuel in fluidized bed c Conference Papers
Pindaan Akta Industri Sekuriti lindungi pelabur Text
Goals of science education in the tertiary level: assessment of thJournal Article
A design of octagon-shaped 3-dB ultra wideband coupler using mIndexed Paper
Pembangunan pangkalan data dan peta pandu arah untuk kawaText
Naked-eye colorimetric detection of Cu2+ and Ag+ ions based onIndexed Paper
V-C denies refusing to meet student group Text
A conjoint analysis of buyers’ preferences for residential pro Non-Index Paper
Compact but comprehensive Text
Sel tunjang guna gigi geraham bongsu Text
Pembinaan hubungan baik antara guru dengan pelajar dalam peConference Papers
Polis tetap tahan pelajar ponteng Text
Essential oils of alpinia rafflesiana and their antimicrobial activitiIndexed Paper
Dua juta hidap diabetes Text
70pc of pre-paid cellphone users yet to register Text
Kerangka II Text
Kerajaan kaji wujud Agenda Nasional Baru Text
Sistem paksaan tarik Cina anggotai SAF News Paper Cuttings
Aktiviti penyelidikan mendukung pemerkasaan penerbitan ilmia Conference Papers
Kerajaan sedia beri huraian Text
Kejuruteraan penggerudian Text
Malaysia, Russia tubuh suruhanjaya bersama Text
Kajian penggunaan realiti maya di dalam kejuruteraan awam di Text
Gross alpha and gross beta activity in the products and by-produIndexed Paper
SMS Sekolah pantau aktiviti pelajar Text
400,000 remaja ikuti kerahan tenaga 2004 Text
Laman web untuk remaja Text
Cuepacs minta nilai semula dua perkataan surat Akujanji Text
Pendidikan matematik Exam Papers
Computer programming Exam Papers
Faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan terhadap perlaksanaan Thesis sist
Produk pendidikan berkualiti Text
Building economics Exam Papers
Make sure it is an emergency Text
Money not a problem with foreign students Text
K-nearest neighbor method and neural network for classificatio Indexed Paper
Kadar kesuburan penduduk Malaysia makin menurun Text
Land policy for Orang Asli in the works Text
Structural dynamics and stability analysis Exam Papers
Dispute in the design and build of government hospital project Thesis
Density currents flowing over sloping beds Thesis
Numerical simulation of nanofluid for improved cooling efficiencThesis
Pilihan raya PBT perlu kajian teliti Text
Critical influencing factors to construction cost in planning stageThesis
Polisi & aspek perundangan remote sensing policy and legal asp Exam Papers
Health and safety in refurbishment projects involving demolitio Thesis
Keikhlasan Singapura selesai harga air dipertikai Text
China guna enjin Petronas EO1 untuk kereta keluarannya Text
The effects of culture on public housing non-occupancy in Ondo Thesis
Ekuinas mampu perkasa ekonomi Bumiputera Text
Perihal Israel melampaui politik News Paper Cuttings
Sime Darby promosi konsep koperasi tanaman makanan Text
Enhancing the security of high payload image steganography usiThesis
Catalytic studies featuring palladium(II) benzoylthiourea derivatiIndexed Paper
Pantau prestasi penerima bantuan pendidikan Text
Who ensures safety of what passes our lips? Text
Kecacatan bangunan di rumah pangsa kos rendah Thesis
MAS menang kali ketiga kakitangan kabin terbaik Text
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
Safety and health improvement in a process industry Text
8 lagi kes Influenza A dikesan seluruh negara Text
Transaksional analisis untuk kaunseling keluarga Conference Papers
UTM caught in cultural show uproar again Text
Urban poverty census extended Text
Keadilan syarak untuk semua kaum Text
Kepimpinan transformasi sebagai penyederhana dalam hubungan Thesis
Economy will remain strong this year Text
Gangsterisme di sekolah : Jamaah Islah saran beri peluang kedu Text
Hospital that offers something extra Text
A study on the early streamer emission (ESE) lightning protectionText
Influence of nonlinear servo motor in single pulse simulation of Thesis
Structural optimisation approach and indicators for integrated Thesis
The effects of rubber dipping by-product as bitumen modifier in Thesis
Valuation methodology Exam Papers
Hanya gula bertapis kurang bekalan Text
Tabiat tanpa topi keledar punca nahas Text
Negara miliki asas kukuh : Najib Text
Porn circulating via mobile phones : public urged to report incid Text
The exact number and size of conjugacy classes, commutativity Thesis
Additif polimer dan aduan Text
Bus transport user satisfaction and service quality improvement Thesis
Effect of thixoforming on the microstructure and mechanical pr Journal Article
Kajian kualiti air sungai di sepanjang projek Lebuhraya Pantai Text
Proton belum terdesak cari rakan kongsi asing Text
Cara selamat kurangkan berat badan Text
RM4bil food security plan Text
New prescription for 40pc left out of preschool Text
Sarawak steps up checks to curb HFM outbreak Text
Low temperature catalytic steam gasification of waste palm tru Indexed Paper
High signal-to-noise ratio Q-switching erbium doped fiber laser pu Journal Article
Miskin bukan lagi alasan tidak ke sekolah Text
Comparison of pulsed electric field generation techniques for micNon-Index Paper
An experimental study on the effect of air - assist and wall - flo Text
PM : stop wasting time and empower yourselves Text
Silibus kelas ekspres Text
Pembelot MyKad ditahan ISA untuk pemulihan Text
Synthesis of palladium(II)-N-heterocyclic carbene via transmetalia Thesis
Ijazah dwipengkhususan di IPTA mulai semester akan datang Text
Binary practicle swarm optimization for single objective dna se Conference Papers
UTM bangunkan kepakaran sendiri News Paper Cuttings
Criminals more daring now Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
Cuepacs rejects fortnightly salary payment Text
Reinforced concrete design 2 Exam Papers
Rubric for assessing ICT infrastructure in Malaysia Higher EducatConference Papers
Iktibar kempen pilihan raya kecil Punggol East News Paper Cuttings
Lebih 25,000 pelajar dari 164 negara hadiri universiti, kolej swasText
Polymer based directional coupler thermooptic optical switch Text
Engineering Mathematics 2 Exam Papers
Sistem pengurusan ladang sawit Felda Text
Robust hovering controller for uncertain multirotor micro aeri Journal Article
Import-export business a front drug runners Text
20,256 orang kurang upaya daftar di Jabatan Kebajikan MasyaraText
Methadone therapy æopen to abuseÆ Text
Kajian sel barah diketahui April Text
Malaysian transverse rumble strips : a review and recommendatiIndexed Paper
Kebun organik galak amalan gaya hidup sihat Text
500,000 kerja kosong empat sektor belum diisi Text
Hope in Aids vaccine Text
Benchmaking sidewalks using side walk equitable use assessmenThesis
Asymmetrical street aspects ratios and sky view factor orientat Thesis
Tiada lesen memandu ibarat sedia mati katak Text
D-G allays science, maths textbook fears Text
Thermoluminescence characteristics of silicon optical fibre dop Thesis
Brand image towards consumer's decision making : a case study Thesis
Aplikasi latihan koordinasi mata-tangan dan refleks menggunakaThesis
Partial oxidation of propylene by using cesium-silver immobili Conference Papers
A review of design and modeling of magnetorheological valve Indexed Paper
Pemilikan kekayaan ujian pemegang amanah Text
Finite element analysis on the defected reinforced concrete col Text
Strength prediction of rotary brace damper using MLR and MAR Indexed Paper
Fostering problem solving in chemistry: the importance, difficultiConference Papers
Kaedah pengurusan asma berkesan tangani serangan Text
Total phenolic content, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of citThesis
Amalan ikhtisas Exam Papers
Statics and dynamics Exam Papers
The tax equation in Budget 2003 Text
Konsep rawatan ke rumah Text
Pembelajaran berasaskan konteks atas talian bagi memupuk literConference Papers
Optimisation of operating parameters for the removal of ethanolText f
Carbonaceous nanomaterials immobilised mixed matrix membrane Indexed Paper
Pengitlakan satu kaitan koszul mendatar (TS2, ­, S2) Kepada (E,q,B)
Isu tagih dadah, HIV tumpuan biro Text
Penggunaan polimer dalam campuran asfalt panas terhadap ciri Text -
Keluarga harmoni elak kes dera anak Text
Introduction to finance Exam Papers
Ali Rustam setuju syor beri kondom percuma Text
Penggunaan pelekat hologram akui teks al-Quran tulen Text
The effectiveness of drum gabion in stability slope (preview) Text
Kepentingan data spatial dalam menangani masalah nelayan ak Thesis
Sultan Kedah minta Pusat teliti isu hapus subsidi pertanian Text
Pindah sisa toksik ambil masa sebulan Text
Pumpkin bread, anyone? Text
Wind tunnel tests on a generic eurocopter 350z helicopter Conference Papers
Beza pendapat tak wajar heret ummah bertelagah Text
60 masjid dibina dalam lima tahun Text
Assesment of urban green space based on landscape ecological pThesis
Promote food, tourism industry urged Text
Pelajar di IPT diseru tingkatkan pengetahuan sejarah nasionalis Text
Some teachers may have to refund allowances received Text
Kabinet setuju formula baru syarat mohon rumah murah Text
Keadilan untuk semua isteri Text
Performance analysis of monolith photoreactor for CO2 reducti Indexed Paper
Jangan biar emosi bunuh kematangan siswa berpolitik Text
Experimental study on the feasibility of detonation as the com Thesis
Kaedah pengoptimumam Text
Prediction of peak particle velocity (PPV) using artificial neural Thesis
Statistics Exam Papers
Biometrics in information assurance Exam Papers
RM1.3b grant awaits students Text
Partial discharge characteristics of palm-based oil and mineral oilThesis
Biodegradation pathway of acid red 27 by white-rot fungus armilIndexed Paper
Pengaruh gaya kepimpinan pengetua terhadap tahap motivasi kThesis
Matang Mangroves Text
Photoreactor-ultrafiltration hybrid system for oily bilge water Indexed Paper
Syarat jika TNB naikkan tarif : hanya dikenakan kepada penggunaText
Bukan soal untung politik Text
Magnetic attitude control for nano-satellites Thesis
Plasmonic enhanced luminescence in Er3+ : Ag co-doped telluriteIndexed Paper
Energy harvesting from home refrigerator waste heat Thesis
Satu kajian awalan: aktiviti fizikal dan pengambilan buah pisa Thesis
Power system engineering Exam Papers
Non-destructive fibre analysis of blended clothing for forensic a Thesis
Perlindungan radiologi alam sekitar Text
IPT patut lahir graduan penuhi kriteria pasaran Text
Analysis of gold (Au) thin film in reflective type ozone gas spect Thesis
Bekalan air seluruh Selangor dijamin cukup : PUAS Text
Brain tumor detection using microwave signal analysis Thesis
Antara Putin dan Medvedev Text
Three dimensional information estimation and tracking for mov Thesis
Keperluan penjawat awam dipertimbang Text
Impian Malaysia jadi kenyataan Text
Design of a hardware accelerator for motion detection in gestureThesis
Syarat sistem kemasukan pelbagai mesti adil Text
Chinese opera cultural center as a medium of expressing the culThesis
Consumer chemistry Exam Papers
Keterbukaan pilihan Shabery perjuang pendirian kerajaan Text
Sistem pengurusan fasiliti bagi kontraktor binaan (Preview) Text
The influence of speed in wear resistance characteristic of palm Tf hesis
A study of rice husk reinforced recycled polycarbonate by usin Thesis
Product design of tailor-made green surfactant Thesis
A class of many languages Text
PDRM ambil 20,000 penyiasat dalam 5 tahun Text
Lapan lagi kes H1N1 dikesan dalam 24 jam Text
Etika dan amalan perancangan Text
Optimal waste-to-energy strategy assisted by GIS for sustainab Indexed Paper
29,084 tahu atasi masalah Text
Tuak tar, kulit pokok gajus menu baru penagih Text
Banjiran air (water loading) Text
Strategic planning for e-campus Text
Aim to be global players, Malay contractors urged Text
Identify the determinant of auction properties Thesis
Pusat khas pelajar pintar di UKM dijangka siap 2011 Text
Effective management of geotechnical risks in Malaysia : a revie Text
Pakej haji segera tidak wajar dilaksana Text
Pengurangan emisi dari pembakar berbahan api cecair menggunText
Discharge characteristics of polymer nanocomposites at differentThesis
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Pelajar dapat peluang kedua Text
Polygraphic recorder-lie detector V1.0 Thesis
Raja Zarith Sofiah graces Women's Institute assembly News Paper Cuttings
Asean, rakan dialog kutuk Israel Text
Functionalization of polymeric materials as a high performance Indexed Paper
Inference and synergy networks for prediction of breast cancer Thesis
Dynamic modelling of a two-link flexible manipulator (Preview) Text
Tabiat organisasi Text
Proses pembangunan tanah Text
Factors influencing destination food image in Penang world heritThesis
Heat load calculation and analysis for commercial building air c Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular polymer basedThesiso
Geologi kejuruteraan & mekanik batuan Text
Floods could become worse in east coast Text
Union : donÆt punish staff Text
An extended framework for implementing of enterprise resourceThesis
Application of close range laser scanning in museum artefact d Thesis
Konsep pasar borong Afrika Selatan diteliti Text
Effect of different sand grading on strength properties of cemenIndexed Paper
Physics Exam Papers
Advanced hydraulics Exam Papers
Kuota 10% muktamad : Aziz : bukan bumiputera ke MRSM peranText
Modul pelancongan kita diiktiraf Text
Technology and media design Exam Papers
Money recognition application Thesis
Penspesiesan arsenik dan selenium dengan kaedah pembentukan Text
Investigation of palm fatty acid distillate as an alternative lubr Indexed Paper
Seismic macrozonation of peninsular Malaysia and microzonation Text
Budget to aim for better life Text
Company documents Text
Fizik berkomputer Text
Makmal Kejuruteraan Elektrik Tahun 3 Text
Asas VSLI digit Text
An enhanced model for network management system to detect Tahesis
Pengimplementasian kaedah multigrid terhadap empat kaedah le Text
Properties of mortar containing rice husk ash at different temp Indexed Paper
Kerajaan setuju PBT Pasir Gudang jadi perbandaran Text
Morphological types and arrangement of cone cells, and the vis Journal Article
Pledge to strengthen foundation Text
MBJB diminta atasi banjir di Jalan Ayer Molek Text
Design and development of a flow forming machine Thesis
Perbandingan antara British Standard (BS 5950) dengan Australi Text
Sistem diari elektronik ibu mengandung Thesis
Temperature and strain sensing utilizing fluorescence in erbium Thesis
NRW : ujian kelasakan meter air domestik jenis omboh Text
National Zoo fears for birds Text
Flexible polyurethane-oil palm frond foam Thesis
Empirical evaluation of mixed approach in adaptive hypermedia Conference Papers
Meletakkan Malaysia sebagai hub herba Asia Text
Geographic information system in promoting entertainment chaThesis
UPM rintis perubatan nuklear Text
ICT wadah baru erat semangat muhibah Text
Utilization of hydrogen gas production for electricity generatio Non-Index Paper
Macromolecular platinum-drugs based on statistical and block coIndexed Paper
Structural and optical properties of surfactant assisted SiO2-TiO Journal Article
Online signature verification with neural network classifier and Conference Papers
Integration of PECOS into MARMOT for embedded real time so Conference Papers
Black Seduction wins News Paper Cuttings
Financial reporting 4 Exam Papers
Assessment of ionosphere models at Banting : performance of IRIndexed Paper
Malaysia exercised actual authority over the islands Text
UTM miliki 10888 graduan lepasan ijazah News Paper Cuttings
Implementation of technical and vocational education in post-priNon-Index Paper
15,852 hidap batuk kering 2003 Text
The influence of intellectual capital on the performance of telek Text
Introduction to land development Exam Papers
Get set for hazy skies again Text
Expert : more Asians turning to pros for wealth management Text
Students use invisible ink to cheat Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Kerajaan ambil langkah segera Text
Airport rivalry heats up, cash perks for airlines Text
Solid mechanic 2 Exam Papers
Bangsa bukan penentu keIslaman Text
Program pengurusan UUM tarikan pelajar PJJ Text
It's business as usual Text
Profesor temui kaedah tukar air busuk Text
Projek ladang nanas individu skala besar Text
Motosikal : UTM raih tiga hadiah Text
Senamrobik UTMKL Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ternakan kupang : berkos rendah hasil memuaskan Text
Denggi berdarah: Dua kanak-kanak maut Text
Sekangkang kera masih bernilai Text
Discovery of rambutan ink Text
Radio-over-fiber (RoF) for wireless internet access Thesis
Forester, seven others held over illegal logging Text
Engineering mathematics 1 Exam Papers
Malaysia tembusi projek pembinaan jalan raya Jamaica Text
Simulasi hidrodinamik Pulau Langkawi menggunakan perisian MThesis
Imperialist competitive algorithm-based fuzzy pid control meth Conference Papers
Potter mania : thousands line up to get a copy Text
Mayat mangsa culik dijumpai dalam beg baju Text
45 treated for headache Text
Mesoporous MCM-48 synthesized from risk husk ash silica : physico Text
Comparison of optical parameters performance of S-Bend branches Conference Papers
Partners against crime : Companies and local authorities to help Text
Carve their names with pride Text
Impact of hospital information systems on patient care: nurses Non-Index Paper
Time series Text
Pendidikan seks di PLKN tahun depan Text
Gaji minimum tingkat mutu kerja Text
Journey of lifelong education News Paper Cuttings
Stress analysis and fatigue life prediction of welded steel Thesis
Electrical tree growth characterisation of polymer-based insulat Thesis
Ekonomi binaan Text
Numerical experiments on neutron yield and soft x-ray study of aIndexed Paper
Sistem pemilihan dan permohonan pinjaman berasaskan sistem Thesis
UTM fire testing lab a first in the region News Paper Cuttings
Profesional Bumiputera meningkat Text
Industries to pay more for power Text
UTM menang kategori organisasi Anugerah Harta Intelek NegaraText
Kejadian buli di sekolah ibarat detikan bom jangka Text
Concrete and masonry construction Exam Papers
Small businesses told to expand further Text
Pakatan NATO sudah tidak relevan News Paper Cuttings
Memperkasa bahasa kebangsaan Text
Serting bandar baru termoden News Paper Cuttings
RM44m boost for tourism, factories Text
Cipta alat pemeriksaan jantung mudah alih News Paper Cuttings
Multipath error detection in static observation using global posi Thesis
Azalina : club structure needed Text
Ministry sets target to transform higher education Text
Geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Oxidative dimerization of o-aminophenol by heterogeneous meso Indexed Paper
Car physics library for driving simulation Thesis
Introduction to finance/ Pengenalan kewangan Exam Papers
House owners to blame for dengue Text
Attracting foreign students to our shores Text
Real time imaging system for craniofacial reconstruction: from gConference Papers
JHDN Johor kutip RM1.63b RM1 hasil cukai 2003 Text
Labview based data acquisition for CMOS linear image sensor t Thesis
Najib : work on NKRA targets or face the music Text
Remote sensing untuk penggunaan marin remote sensing for mar Exam Papers
Gunmen grab RM2m at UM : gang flees with guard's pump gun Text
E-book ubah tahap kehidupan rakyat Text
20 universiti awam di Malaysia diberi rating Text
Firing behaviour of ceramic whiteware bodies incorporated withJournal Article
Ontology knowledge-based management system for agriculturalThesis i
Researcher cheered by response Text
New subsidy scheme for taxis Text
Symbols of higher learning Text
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Kaedah lama punca petani terus miskin Text
Data communication / Komunikasi data Exam Papers
Organic chemistry - biomoleculars Exam Papers
Lidah mampu bawa manusia masuk syurga atau neraka Text
Assessment of sheet pile depth by parallel seismic method Thesis
Hubungan motivasi dan prestasi keselamatan di kalangan pekerja Thesis
A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for PV system using cuck Indexed Paper
Kuantan sesuai kampus tetap UPNM Text
Pemimpin jujur, gigih mampu majukan organisasi Text
Proton mampu berdikari hadapi persaingan automotif Text
Sustainability and environmental management in construction Exam Papers
Hukuman alternatif dikaji elak kesesakan di penjara Text
Sistem pemantauan penggunaan komputer jarak jauh untuk kegThesis
90 peratus sekolah layari laman lucah Text
AS, Malaysia tandatangani perjanjian banteras jenayah Text
44,643 keluarga miskin tegar akan diberi bantuan Text
KL seeks global standards on Islamic banking Text
KUiTTHO cipta dua simulator penyaman udara Text
Determination of elements in rice using laser induced breakdo Thesis
Using near-infrared spectroscopy to investigate the amylose contConference Papers
Media teras negara maju Text
Integrated vehicle dynamics control using second order sliding Thesis
Physics / fizik Text
Nilai kebolehaliran haba bagi campuran gentian sawit dan simenText
300,000 teachers get a new benchmark Text
The cave princess and the foxes Text
Carbon footprint assessment on Industrialised Building System Thesis
Let's Stop H1N1! : more cases after Raya holidays Text
Binary mixture composite adsorbents from crushed cockleshells Thesis
Klinik 1Malaysia mudah rakyat Text
Ibu bapa semakin minat hantar anak ke SRAB Text
KWSP sedia ambil alih 32.8 peratus ekuiti RHB Text
ISKANDARnet diperkenalkan Text
Derailment at Gemas: KTM begins repairs Text
Pelajar mesti cemerlang 3 aspek Text
Kekal progresif dalam transformasi : Malaysia ke arah ekonomi Text
Usim tingkat kualiti pendidikan Islam Text
Ladang hidroponik : konsep struktur rumah kaca ala Jepun Text
Green building skills in energy efficiency Thesis
Eco-safe and expeditious approaches for synthesis of quinazolineIndexed Paper
Kanser payu dara ancaman kesihatan terbesar wanita Text
Pendidikan vokasional diperkenal lebih awal Text
30,650 orang hilang pekerjaan Text
11pc growth in Penang News Paper Cuttings
100 unit rumah kos rendah di setiap DUN Text
Tourists complain of raised prices Text
Diabetes ibarat bom jangka Text
Left hand and right hand throwing mechanism patterns classificaIndexed Paper
The phenomenon of dwelling narrowness in China Thesis
Cabinet : old IC holders may vote Text
Computational mathematics Exam Papers
Schools may teach safety as a subject Text
Behaviour of expanded piles under upward loading due to radialIndexed Paper
Developing leadership IQ Text
Kitar semula : 20 tahun ubah sikap Text
Sindiket dadah guna kawasan hospital tumpas Text
Malaysia's largest bond issue launched Text
Pengeluar kereta nasional tidak dipaksa sedia ciri keselamatan Text
Najib : give me your views Text
26 staf sokongan UTM lawat sambil belajar ke Beijing News Paper Cuttings
Potong gaji bantu mangsa bencana Text
Determination of plastic limit of soil using fall cone and rolling d Conference Papers
GMN bakal manfaat generasi baru Felda Text
USM cipta kit diagnosis pertama dunia bagi kepialu Text
Symmetric and asymmetric garch models for forecasting the pricThesis
Sultan : unwise to shame youths Text
Sekolah warisan Text
DNS packet capturing and analyzing system Thesis
Electrical discharge machining of hybrid material using copper e Thesis
Kimia tak organik II Text
Kewajipan berdakwah jadi tiang tegakkan Islam Text
Leftenan Kolonel Musa Yusuf, sumbangannya dalam sejarah JohJournal Article
Kami datang bukan kejar hiburan : Pelancong Text
HIRCen pikul tugas kendali hab halal global negara Text
Network coding protection scheme for image transmission over Thesis
Kajian permodelan kualiti air untuk hulu Sungai Tebrau menggu Text
Mimos perkenal Kit FIRST bantu siasat jenayah siber Text
Saudis embrace cellular phones, too Text
Kanak-kanak lebih terbela Text
Poisons take a toll on farmers Text
Kemagnetan Text
25 new parliamentary, 59 state seats proposed Text
Behavior of pre-cast U-shaped composite beam integrating cold-Indexed Paper
Mechanical analysis of kenaf natural fibre reinforced polymer Thesis
Bursa Malaysia catat dagangan terbesar Text
Software design Exam Papers
Kuasai empat bidang bagi selesai kemiskinan Text
Penentuan indeks kekasaran permukaan kekar batuan dengan mText
Pemantauan seluruh negara cegah peniaga naik harga Text
Online help desk system for the faculty of computer science andThesis
Kajian data hidrologi dan meteorologi bagi tapak pelupusan sisa Text
Technocrat and development Exam Papers
Rejection of endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) using nanofiltr Thesis
SocietyÆs duty to stop abuse Text
Prioritizing HAZOP analysis using analytic hierarchy process (AHPIndexed Paper
Wind tunnel modelling of boundary layer of wind profile in suru Thesis
Samy : building of KL-Putrajaya highway wonÆt affect residentsText
Konkrit ringan dengan menggunakan bebola plastik berongga Thesis
UTM sertai program akademik ke Jepun Text
History of landscape architecture Exam Papers
A novel method for vector control of faulty three-phase im dri Indexed Paper
Kasih sayang berkesan didik anak Text
Sistem kawalan Text
DPM: ISA for rice smuggles, too Text
Effect of pH and temperature on corrosion of steel subject to su Indexed Paper
China æmiracle curesÆ end in death Text
Rakan Cop terima 128,450 aduan SMS Text
Misi berterusan maju bangsa Text
Socso to appoint professionals Text
Sokongan rakyat bantu pakej RM60b Text
Kaedah menangani kanak-kanak bermasalah tingkahlaku Conference Papers
Tender 880 projek RMK-9, libatkan peruntukan RM15 bilion : PMText
Pelaksanaan muktamad Text
The analysis of grass potential transpiration and water uptake Thesis
Sistem Kuasa Dan Kejuruteraan Voltan Tinggi Text
RM10j lahirkan usahawan kecil Text
High precision geodetic positioning in global dynamic frame Thesis
Sensitiviti rakyat perlu dijaga News Paper Cuttings
Shafie : ministry to check on halal logos Text
Graduan cemerlang anggap rezeki anak News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah perlu jadi tempat selamat guru laksana tanggungjawab Text
Penyeliaan klinikal guru besar terhadap keberkesanan pengajar Thesis
Politik harapan, pembaharuan Text
Development of an integrated computerised forecasting system Text
RMK-9 misi strategik negara Text
24-month warranty from April Text
Keretapi Muar 1889-1918 (the Muar state railway) Journal Article
UiTM offers courses for aspiring medical detectives Text
Financial accounting II Exam Papers
Malaysia to enhance investment climate Text
Penjenayah diwajib beri sampel DNA Text
Memahami kanak-kanak pintar Text
The impact of tropospheric delay towards the accuracy of GPS hConference Papers
Prinsip perniagaan Text
Gelanggang tertutup bola sepak Futsal di setiap daerah Text
PM on : automotive policy Text
AUKU perlu diperjelas Text
USIM gedung ilmu teras keislaman, bersepadu Text
Malaysian pre-service teachers' attitudes towards the impleme Thesis
UTM dijangka cipta rekod baru News Paper Cuttings
Memulakan program kompos di rumah Text
Medan perjuangan guru Text
Warga Selangor, WP mungkin dapat bekalan air tercemar Text
Psych tests for government job applicants Text
Applications to robust control system Exam Papers
NZ to help Sarawak eco-tourism Text
Effect of montmorillonite (MMT) content on the mechanical, oxyg Indexed Paper
Peka kesihatan buah pinggang Text
Faktor yang menjadi keutamaan pembeli rumah di bawah skim rThesis
MEB perlu pacu prestasi semua sektor Text
Proses tubuh suruhanjaya kehakiman minggu depan Text
Evaluation of loss of load probability (LOLP) for a power system Thesis
Novel polyoxadiazoles with non-coplanar ortho-linked structur Indexed Paper
Abdullah : don't use polls to experiment Text
Biometric in information assurance Exam Papers
Sistem kewangan Islam perlu rangkumi pelbagai komponen Text
The development of Mobile Augmented Reality for Laptop Mai Journal Article
Sekolah integrasi dibina 2005 : berasrama penuh, gabungkan alirText
Pelajar wanita terus dominasi IPTA Text
Temperature effects on diffusion coefficient for 6-gingerol and 6Indexed Paper
Subsidi untuk petani akan diteruskan Text
Web-based short message service (SMS) application Thesis
Direct loss and expense relating to remoteness of damages (Full Text
Parameters consideration in designing a magnetorheological d Indexed Paper
Makanan segera ikan keli Text
Air `berkarat': Rakyat boleh tuntut ganti rugi Text
Keeping tabs on direct selling Text
Arresting mental decline Text
Laman web lucah punca kadar jenayah kian parah Text
Evaluation of criteria of successful urban public space environ Thesis
UM cipta sejarah Text
Neighbourhood planning and design Exam Papers
Aritmetik faraid : perbandingan bilangan waris Text
Performance of 10GB/S optical transmission over standard singl Thesis
EON mampu hadapi cabaran baru : Adzmi Text
Separation process 2 Exam Papers
Research methodology Exam Papers
Improved packet forwarding protocols for efficient data gatheri Thesis
Snatch thefts down 26.9% last year Text
Time to change spending pattern, says Fomca Text
Keluhan timbalan menteri tidak harus lagi berulang Text
Web based asset management based on Wi - Fi indoor location tr Thesis
Multivariate school travel demand regression based on trip attraNon-Index Paper
Engineering mechanics Exam Papers
Senai-Kulai road toll-free from March 1 Text
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Asid Alfa-Lipoik untuk diabetes, komplikasi saraf Text
Model lompatan hidraulik dalam aliran saluran terbuka Text
Good management leads to efficient services Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Cyclodextrin production in hollow fiber membrane reactor system Indexed Paper
Tiga anugerah baru diwujud iktiraf IPTS Text
Government to study re-entry of foreign workers Text
Wanita wajib taat suami selagi tak langgar syarak Text
Geology and rock mechanics Exam Papers
Penggunaan konkrit bertetulang gentian keluli dalam elemen strText
Topics in nolinear dynamical systems Text
Flexural behavior of concrete beam reinforced with glass fiber Text
Misi 2057 : pandangan jauh kerajaan Text
Penantian 1.5 juta pengguna air berakhir Text
Melayu perlu rajin jika ingin maju seperti kaum lain Text
GTLSB jalin kerjasama dengan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Austral bantu tingkat hasil buah sawit Text
Room for voice messaging service to grow in Malaysia Text
JAS kaji undang-undang sebelum ambil tindakan Text
Casting & welding technology Text
Radar performance analysis in the presence of sea clutter (Full t Text
1.85 juta warga asing bekerja di Malaysia Text
Strength of materials and structures / Mekanik bahan dan struktExam Papers
Smartphone-based sign language recognition Thesis
ItÆs a go for kidsÆ athletics Text
Resource allocation in coordinated multipoint long term evolut Thesis
430 sekolah tak lepasi prestasi minimum UPSR Text
Modeling and simulation of graphene-oxide-based RRAM Indexed Paper
An overview of networking infrastructure for massively multipla Conference Papers
Kesan dalang VCD lucah ke akar umbi Text
Kajian mikrostruktur kimpalan arka ke atas keluli karbon Text
USM sets up think-tank on global woes Text
The Comparison of laplacianfaces QR decomposition and linear dJournal Article
Abdullah spells out 'milestones' for EAC Text
Hantar penyata awal tingkatkan kutipan cukai Text
Jangan gusar kehadiran ATM di Afghanistan Text
Identifikasi elemen - elemen lestari untuk pengkelasan bangun Text
Development of an experimental test bench for an electronicallyThesis
Influence of rectangular steel splice-sleeve for precast concrete Indexed Paper
Malaysia's 62 neurosurgeons do double duty Text
Laboratory simulation of microbial enhanced oil recovery using gIndexed Paper
A thermodynamic equilibrium analysis on oxidation of methane Conference Papers
Ultrasonic based pipeline cleaning robot Thesis
Average current mode control of buck converter using UC3886 Thesis
A comparative study of maze solving algorithm for an automousThesis
Pentadbiran harta pusaka GSA dalam sistem pentadbiran tanah Thesis
Analysis of applying enterprise service bus architecture as a clo Indexed Paper
Virus baru sesakkan komputer Text
Web-based decision support system for choosing musical instru Text
Fight now turns to dengue Text
Loan seekers need to set up firms first Text
Energy efficiency criteria for green highways in Malaysia Indexed Paper
Government expected to call tenders for reviewed projects Text
Behavior analysis of melt resin during material flow in multi cav Thesis
Kahwin, cerai gaya hidup masa kini Text
ACA to adopt intelligence-based investigation method Text
Industrial electronics Exam Papers
The law of contract agent & tort Exam Papers
50 pelajar UTM kecewa bantuan tabung PTPTN Text
Dilema ibu bekerjaya Text
Intelligent car detecting system (ICDS) (Full text) Text
Concentration dependent luminescence quenching of ER3+-doped Indexed Paper
Characteristics of coal ash mixtures as replacement materials Thesis
Persampelan & kawalan mutu Text
The relationship between air voids and permeability rate of po Thesis
5,000 pembantu tadbir dapat gred baru gaji Text
The promise of the wireless Internet Text
Kuasa politik Melayu mulai terhakis Text
KLIA kekal diiktiraf terbaik dunia Text
More go for EPF flexi scheme Text
Preparing to cope with earthquakes Text
Basic audio and video in multimedia Exam Papers
Simulation of emergency prenatal telecomonitoring system in wConference Papers
Students keen on nuclear engineering programme News Paper Cuttings
Slash the red tape to make Malaysia a research hub Text
Teori struktur / rekabentuk struktur Text
Wabak denggi dua bulan lagi jika tiada pencegahan Text
Biologi sel dan molekul Text
Dielectric barrier discharge ozonizer using the transformerless s Indexed Paper
Seakeeping evaluation of semi - swath vessel in head - seas usi Text
Poverty eradication programme by 2008 Text
Refined FEM analysis of steel-concrete composite beam subjecteJournal Article
Enhancement of stemming process for Malay illicit web content Thesis
A time series forecasting model using group method of data ha Conference Papers
Effect of operating conditions on the physical and chemical CO Indexed Paper
Ops Tegas : 2,246 PATI ditahan Text
Muhyiddin Sedia Bersemuka dengan NUTP Text
Malaysia to ensure safeguards in FTA talks with US : Rafidah Text
A step up for Ex-Govt. officer News Paper Cuttings
Dramatic illumination of interstellar dust Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Power electronics Exam Papers
Pelajar IPTA wajib ambil subjek keusahawanan Text
Exact solutions for unidirectional magnetohydrodynamics flow oThesis
Bid to get more English experts Text
New paramilitary unit to guard Straits of Malacca Text
Analisis risiko air limpah kolam tahanan di Wilayah PembangunaText
Pengeluaran granit bantu ekonomi Kelantan Text
Kerajaan jadi sasaran kelemahan pelaksanaan PPRT Text
Most workplace diseases æcaused by chemicalsÆ Text
Characterization and biodegradation of poly (vinyl alcohol) / cas Thesis
Handphones to be banned in classrooms Text
Development of customised statistical process control software Thesis
Network analysis of continuous operating reference stations us Thesis
Timbang guru aktif berpolitik Text
Masalah kulit bayi sensitif Text
Big boost for education industry Text
Kolej Komuniti diperbanyak : Khaled Text
Perbadanan Ternakan Kebangsaan ditubuh Text
Digital systems Exam Papers
Assessment of natural radionuclides levels in drinking water fro Journal Article
Analisis berangka II Text
100 kanak-kanak didera emosi, fizikal setiap hari Text
Using cooperative learning strategies in the achievement of speak Thesis
Penduduk dakwa jejambat MRR2 tidak dibaiki Text
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles mediated surface plasmon resonan Thesis
Probe into sand-mining project : firm told to study water flow Text
162,000 pelajar belum kuasai 2M Text
Mengkaji kepuasan pengunjung terhadap faktor-faktor pemilihaThesis
Kembalikan hukuman rotan Text
Ab initio molecular orbitals studies and NBO analysis of conformIndexed Paper
Teh batang sawit mampu kawal kolesterol, darah News Paper Cuttings
UTM lancar laman web baru salur maklumat pantas Text
So, itÆs fill up before 10pm Text
Boosting crop yield via satellites Text
Lulus naik caj bas, teksi Text
English for professional communication Exam Papers
Crowdsourcing to improve public transportation using social netThesis
Pengurusan projek / pengurusan projek untuk remote sensing Text
IISTHAL buka pasaran produk halal Text
Data climate distribution for peninsular Malaysia during El Nino Text
Carnival brings jobs to people Text
Move to end abuse against women Text
The relationship between organizational climate and organization Thesis
Ultrasonic techniques Exam Papers
Nik aziz : get better names for these kuih Text
Deaths prompt college to send students home Text
Adhesion strength analysis on collagen-hydroxyapatite coating Thesis
Jadi rujukan sekolah di Kedah Text
Computer - Aided ReProcessability Index (CARPI) system developText
Peruntukan RM10 juta laksana Jiran Muda Text
Isolation and characterisation of bacteria from antarctic peninsuThesis
Pembangunan perisian untuk sistem terbenam masa nyata menggu Text
PSD grants for 1,500 Text
Kaji mendalam pelaksanaan sistem PTK Text
Construction management Exam Papers
Causes of poor participation of local workers in Malaysia constr Text
Design, fabrication and characterization of a gas turbine burner Thesis
Kursus prauniversiti bagi lulusan SPM aktif sukan Text
UTM 1st Convocation - 1977 - Parliament Building - FTG 03.18 raPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penyelesaian isu pusat asasi dialu-alukan Text
Macromolecular chemistry Exam Papers
MBAS ambil tindakan pasangan tidak sopan di khalayak Text
Gandingan ulama, umara penentu kemajuan ummah Text
39,695 guru mohon ikuti Program PGSR Text
A conceptual framework for knowledge sharing in higher educatiConference Papers
Persuasive courseware design model for special needs children Thesis
The structural and optical properties of lithium aluminium bo Thesis
Kajian pembentukan tegasan dan anjakan pada matalat pemotonText
An android based application for financial tracking system "FIN Thesis
Hati yang bersih dan sihat Text
Legal studies III Exam Papers
Transforming higher education Text
Projek mega tingkatkan industri pembinaan Text
The potential of continuous operating network of space-based rad Conference Papers
Khidmat rel ditambah tarik minat pengguna Text
Industrial automation / manufacturing automation (PengautomaExam Papers
The use of mechanical interlock in dental prosthesis Conference Papers
Ramai wanita tidak sedar dijangkiti Aids Text
Extension of time in commencement of arbitration proceedings Thesis
Automatic windshield wiper system Thesis
Study on different Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algoriThesis
Increased intake: Not now says UTM News Paper Cuttings
Safety engineering at rubber manufacturing plant Thesis
Laksana RIMUP di sekolah rendah Text
Pertikaian kedudukan CTOS Text
Industrialized building system value management by using build Thesis
Sistem pengurusan kehadiran peperiksaan UTM menggunakan tek Thesis
Framework for automatic Malaysian license plate identification Thesis
File signature analysis application Thesis
Pelajar Pendidikan Khas berpeluang tingkat kebolehan Text
127,000 kes muflis belum selesai Text
Merangsang kemahiran berfikir kanak-kanak News Paper Cuttings
255 dapat A Text
Toppling drug lords proves a tough battle for police Text
'Josapine' hybrid proves a bestseller Text
Visit Malaysia : fun & food in Johor Thesis
Kembang industri perbukuan Text
Projek landasan berkembar rancakkan industri pembinaan Text
UTM juara Bot Varsiti 2008 Text
Integriti kriteria utama jadi usahawan terbilang Text
Mengundang unggas ke taman Text
Low power consumption thermooptic switch using polymers Conference Papers
AS salah urus dunia Text
Rundingan bina jambatan ganti Tambak Johor diteruskan Text
Development of a computer software for optimal design and retrText
Kesediaan penduduk melaksanakan kebun kejiranan kajian kes :Thesis
Program Hutan Kita diperluas ke 3 destinasi Text
The effect of corporate governance and risk taking on financial Thesis
Service-oriented drive widens business scope Text
Islamic banking players need to tackle external issues, too Text
Budaya beri susu ibu pada kadar 14.5 peratus Text
Isa : I am the new MB, Shahidan is the former MB Text
Analysis of silicon nanowires synthesized from SiO on silicon wafConference Papers
PTPTN gagal lepasi sasar pendeposit SSPN Text
A right royal night for engineering fraternity News Paper Cuttings
Decline in accident rate Text
First of its kind : the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus,Text
Estimation of distance headway on two-lane highways using vid Conference Papers
Finite-element method modeling in 4 and 16 sensors electric-ch Indexed Paper
Kereta mewah bawah 2,000cc berhak subsidi Text
Pahang to be nation's maiden biofuel hub Text
Physics Exam Papers
Phytochemical Exam Papers
A study of preferred pairs for gold sequences in spread spectrumText
Study shows rise in crime Text
Rafidah : jualan komponen automotif RM3.97 bilion Text
Isolated English alphabet speech recogtion using wavelet cepstraThesis
Teknologi binaan II Text
Influence of process factors on diameter of core (gamma-Fe2O3)/s Indexed Paper
Ministry : about 200 to 300 dengue cases each week Text
Starting them young on road safety Text
Krisis akhlak pelajar IPT tuntut komitmen baru Text
Rombak kaedah belajar BM, BI Text
Experimental study of the influences of various atmospheric conText
Harapan baru pesakit talasemia Text
Tiga universiti baru Text
Hasil zon akuakultur dipertingkat Text
Kerajaan sedia pelbagai insentif untuk bangunkan sektor pertaniText
Rekabentuk sistem maklumat transaksi harta tanah kediaman ( Thesis
Design of spot cooling air-conditioning system for egg laying henThesis
Dadah kekal musuh nombor satu negara Text
Comfort-power optimized technique for air-conditioning scheduThesis
pH sensitivity dependency on the annealing temperature of spin-Journal Article
Placenta could provide alternative to stem cells Text
Optimal capacitor placement in radial distribution system using Thesis
Eimarace beri pendedahan News Paper Cuttings
Testing on structural foams Text
The frequency characteristic of deformed cable discharge lossesThesis
Charging management protocol for near field communication chIndexed Paper
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam sistem perparitan di Thesis
Isolation of high quality ribonucleic acid and complementary de Thesis
Assessing cloud computing security level of awareness among ITThesis
Enhancemet and analysis of a hybrid liquid desiccant based-cooliText
450 freshies sign up at UTM campus News Paper Cuttings
Frequency domain analysis of fuzzy B - spline for 3D tsunami vis Conference Papers
Double-digit earnings growth likely for most firms this year Text
Jobless grads can defer repayment of PTPTN loans Text
Masalah kegagalan pembayaran caj perkhidmatan kes kajian: TrThesis
Drug couple gets the gallows Text
Applicability of SIDRA for heterogeneous traffic Thesis
ItÆs encouraging in Malaysia but... Text
Kerjasama bidang sains angkasa Text
Managing emerging ventures Exam Papers
Does cancer screening really work? Text
Luluskan projek rumah berdasarkan permintaan Text
Roles that define our universities Text
Experimental investigation on biological hydrogen production usConference Papers
Dagangan impian RM1 trilion : Rafidah Text
16-hour days for youths at National Service camps Text
Bekalan air musim kemarau tidak dicatu Text
Wi-Net pelanggan pukal pertama broadband TM Text
Revitalization in a part of Jakarta kota historic area Text
10% pekerja awam lahirkan anak setiap tahun Text
Transport processes Exam Papers
Critical success factors for the construction organisation (Full texText
Passenger car handling model validation using LMS-DADS Conference Papers
More than a third of retirees need to work Text
Evaluation of N-RTK interpolation with location-based dependenJournal Article
Govt move to spread hospitals' patient load Text
Petroleum hub good for Iskandar Text
Bukan mustahil Melayu bersatu Text
National Physical Plan approved by Cabinet Text
The role of parental acceptance-rejection in psychological adju Thesis
Masterplan on slope hazards Text
Building economics Exam Papers
Bandar Selayang geared for growth News Paper Cuttings
Dr Awang to be made UTM pro-chancellor News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi konkrit Text
Promises that fell short Text
Penuntut UTM melawat loji NSTP News Paper Cuttings
Gangsterisme di sekolah bukan berpunca kekurangan guru Text
Use of coconut shell from agriculture waste as fine aggregate in Indexed Paper
Pelancongan homestay makin rancak di Terengganu Text
Pelajar bukan Islam boleh pelajari j-Qaf Text
Kajian banjir di kawasan tadahan Sungai Melana Text
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Daftarkan Perniagaan Dengan SSM Sebelum Mulakan Perniagaa Text
Liquid-liquid extraction of palladium from simulated liquid wasteIndexed Paper
Novel packet queuing algorithm on packet delivery in mobile intIndexed Paper
Finite element analysis Exam Papers
Perpindahan Perpustakaan CASIS Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Sumbangan Rozilah pada UTM News Paper Cuttings
Diseru tingkat mutu penyelidikan News Paper Cuttings
Apply color invariance in multichannel estimation of optic flow Thesis
Nod for SPM students to take 2 elective subjects Text
Use proper Bahasa Malaysia at all official functions, urges Rais Text
Nanoteknologi kaedah terbaik tangani masalah global Text
Malaysia's credit card sector to record healthy growth Text
Finite difference approximations of elasto-plastic bending prob Indexed Paper
Goggle-eyed over choice of schools Text
Radzi : amend the law Text
Sistem kuasa & kejuruteraan voltan tinggi Text
Antara RON 95 dan RON 92 Text
Lapangan Terbang Senai sasar pasaran kargo mudah rosak Text
Dasar Air Negara selaras pengurusan Text
China mahu Malaysia terus bekerjasama jana ekonomi serantauText
Dijkstra-Ant colony optimization algorithm for shortest and safesJournal Article
Call for stronger ties with Zambia Text
Memperkasa belia Islam tanggungjawab semua Text
Artikel 121 (1A) : masa untuk satu penyelesaian Text
Industrial counseling Exam Papers
Syor 5 cara rebut peluang niaga Text
Constraints and improvement : a case study of the Indonesia’s Non-Index Paper
The development of knowledge sharing culture in the constructiText
Jaring sasar jalur lebar melonjak Text
Ontology of moodle e-learning system for social network analysiConference Papers
‘Act is not a hindrance to students’ News Paper Cuttings
Earthquake and wind engineering Exam Papers
Makanan organik untuk bayi? Text
Seabed changes and rate siltation at Kertih Port due to monsoo Thesis
Cloud computing data center adoption factors validity by fuzzy Indexed Paper
Mesin minuman punca murid gemuk Text
Degradation of hemicellulose from empty fruit bunch,(EFB) to p Thesis
Canadian invents computer to ælast a lifetimeÆ Text
Hydrogen sorption capacity of as-grown multiwalled nanotube Conference Papers
Biodiesel trial runs to start next year Text
Warga emas belum terlambat bersenam Text
Two financing facilities to help SMEs weather hard times Text
Corporatise local councils Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran elektrik Text
Urban planning and development control Exam Papers
Doctors’ comunication style: impact on patients participatio Journal Article
AWACS perlu untuk pertahanan udara negara News Paper Cuttings
Bahasa Inggeris jadikan hidup lebih bermakna Text
Ministry to step up efforts against dengue, chikungunya Text
Effect of small tool pin profiles on microstructures and mechanicIndexed Paper
More complaints of excessive charges at private hospitals Text
Wan Mat Saman Bapa Pembangunan Kedah Text
Dua beradik sertai congak antarabangsa Text
Penilaian tahap kemampanan fizikal Taman Kota Nelayan, Kuala Thesis
Budaya kerja universiti Text
Response of shear key connection with different key shapes Thesis
Telematik memintarkan kereta tempatan Text
Analisa laluan trafik di Bandar Batu Pahat (Abstract) Text
Seven colleges ordered closed Text
Kenderaan berat wajib pasang pemantul cahaya Text
Curcuminoid extraction from turmeric (curcuma longa L.) : effic Indexed Paper
Pemprosesan dan pemasaran pertanian makin digemari Text
Pusat Kanser Negara dibina dalam RMK-9 Text
Dasar ajar guna BI tak silap Text
Flow visualization and measurement of a synthetic jet actuator Indexed Paper
Detection of cardiovascular vulnerable plaque between invasi Thesis
A review on hybrid wavelet regrouping particle swarm optimizatio Indexed Paper
Japanese language II Exam Papers
UM cipta sejarah disenarai antara 100 universiti terbaik dunia Text
Exergy analysis of a solar still Text
Pengurusan Islam utama sikap amanah Text
Kahwin bawah umur dikira penderaan Text
UPM Juara Anugerah Inovatif dan Kreatif IPTA Text
Teknologi konkrit Text
Technology management Exam Papers
Johor perhebat pelancongan kesihatan ke Indonesia Text
Elektromagnetic field theory 1 Text
Mikrobiologi industri Text
Green highway ecology and ecosystem preservation and restoraThesis
Organisasi perusahaan, pembinaan & perkilangan Text
Tiada sinergi operasi Text
Gaharu jana jutawan Text
Jawatankuasa nilai semula kandungan media elektronik Text
Najib : no way KL third-rudest city Text
7 China products tested safe Text
Analisis kerja pembaikan cerun di tanah tropika Thesis
Paradigma baru tingkat budaya kerja Text
Development of a mixed binary integer programming model for Thesis
Kes pekerja diberhenti semakin stabil Text
Peribadi mulia, kuasai ilmu tingkat kekuatan Islam Text
Adsorption studies for removal of trace copper metal ions from Conference Papers
Preventing the common cold Text
Politik Melayu, Muslim perlu manfaat ummah Text
Kerjasama pusat, negeri bantu tingkat kemudahan luar bandar Text
Outlier detection technique in data mining: a research perspectiConference Papers
Sejarah senibina Asia Tenggara Text
Surfactant modified natural zeolite as adsorbent for removal o Thesis
Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 and CH4 over immobilized titanIndexed Paper
Tekanan sebagai pengantara ke atas hubungan diskriminasi dal Thesis
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan bioproses alam sekitar Text
Peranti kesan emosi kanak-kanak istimewa julang nama UTM News Paper Cuttings
Jangka hayat lelaki 5 tahun lebih singkat Text
Selamatkan Rohingya News Paper Cuttings
The study on the implementation of design and build projects inThesis
Determination of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) physical streng Conference Papers
Danga Bay penyeri selatan tanah air Text
Effect of work programme in extension of time entitlement (Full Text
House price index of flagship a Iskandar Region Malaysia Thesis
Airline special service request (SSR) passengers tracking system Thesis
Return of speakers corners in public universities Text
Jangan lepas peluang sertai SSPN biayai pengajian Text
Facilitating public participation in urban planning : a case study Thesis
Timber and steel construction Exam Papers
Elak budaya cerai SMS: Kabinet arah kaji enakmen baru cegah s Text
5 strategi atasi pembalakan haram Text
Factors affecting customer usage intention of internet banking Thesis
Formulation and characterization of ginger-loaded niosome Thesis
Pembangunan negara : wanita harus tingkatkan peranan Text
Aid for tsunami victims hampered by politics Text
Jamu langsing boleh sebabkan hati rosak Text
Rombakan kurikulum IPTA selesai akhir tahun Text
Jendela dunia Islam Text
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Vitamin C penting untuk tumbesaran Text
Memetakan nilai total electron content (TEC) yang diperolehi Text
Pendapatan kasar KWSP naik 11.7 peratus Text
The effect of light on the oxidative stability of palm olein Conference Papers
Sejarah memperkukuh integrasi nasional Text
Plantation, property mergers take a pause Text
Portable video game using PIC18F452 & accelerometer Thesis
Program basmi buta huruf pribumi diperkenal Text
IBM files countersuit in Linux case Text
Multi-facial blurring using improved henon map Thesis
Kamera pengimbas kesan pembawa wabak Text
Road rage killing : suspect nabbed Text
Optimization of plate-fin heat exchangers by an improved harm Indexed Paper
Mathematical modeling of subthreshold resonant properties in pIndexed Paper
Redefining the meanings of placeness and placelessness of chil Conference Papers
Jin Kun delivers for Monash News Paper Cuttings
Effective Microorganisms for Concrete (EMC) :its effects on the Thesis
Microelectronics Exam Papers
Computer system and multimedia Exam Papers
Latihan industri Text
Kesan kegawatan ekonomi terhadap kontraktor binaan kelas F Text
Analyses of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) four-wave mixIndexed Paper
Industri pertanian jana 128,000 peluang kerja dalam 5 tahun Text
Hubungan antara faktor tekanan dengan kesan tekanan dan prest Thesis
Building measurement II Exam Papers
Sungai Buloh forest reserve : from 6,590ha to... Text
For special leadership qualities Text
Mati pucuk tingkat risiko alami Parkinson Text
Subchronic toxicity of Malaysian Acalypha indica: biochemistry Journal Article
Telekom introduces package for the disabled Text
Gaji bukan penyebab harga barang naik Text
MEB pendekatan berani lonjak pertumbuhan ekonomi negara Text
Relativity Exam Papers
Integrasi kemahiran ''employability'' dalam program pendidikan Tvext
Penutur jati Text
Hi-tech outpatient facility lauched Text
Empat teras kemajuan negara berkesan : PM Text
Perancangan bandar dan kawalan pembangunan Text
Ministry wants more info from CAP Text
Economy on target for bigger expansion Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Embedded system for stress detection based on physiological sigThesis
Comparison between bayesian structural equation models with oConference Papers
Estimating total above ground biomass (TAGB) using airsar data Thesis
An analysis of job satisfaction among academic staff of universitiText
Guna tulisan jawi pada kepala surat Text
Productivity improvement through line balancing technique in a Text
Modelling and control of a nonholonomic mobile robot Text
Pelancong : Pulai Springs tingkat promosi Text
Corrosion and bioactivity performance of graphene oxide coatinIndexed Paper
UTM tawar bioperubatan Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Jadikan kanak-kanak peka perasaan kanak-kanak lain Text
Penilaian program pembangunan sumber manusia Text
Assessing oral communication skills in the final year engineeringThesis
Usah membazir sumber air terawat Text
Formation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene in mIndexed Paper
Ekologi landskap Text
Construction contract studies Text
Abdullah laments high road fatalities Text
Mobile application using face recognition for centre of co-curric Thesis
Map mash-ups: what looks good must be good? Conference Papers
Remote sensing untuk pemuliharaan alam sekitar & pengurusanExam Papers
UTM tamatkan program diploma News Paper Cuttings
Help to empower Malay language, urges Najib Text
Didik anak bersolat Text
Kajian kos Text
Ketepikan perbezaan politik demi Gaza News Paper Cuttings
UTM reka mesin hasil air bersih News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik Digit Text
Pengangkutan awam komprehensif tingkat produktiviti negara Text
Kajian masalah sosial di Johor siap Text
Najib dilantik TPM : Perdana Menteri dijadual menghadap Yang di Text
Media perlu didik masyarakat Text
PM : I am open to criticism Text
Kelantan pula wajibkan saringan HIV Text
3,000 pelajar asing hilang sejak 2011 News Paper Cuttings
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Numerical modelling study for application of hydraulic structuresText
Program jaminan kualiti di IPT : MQA bantu OIC Text
Syarat baru bank bukan isu besar Text
Titan gives RM130,000 for dugong research Text
Masjid guna perisian jawi sedia khutbah Text
UMS sedarkan orang ramai kepentingan kekal hutan Text
On theoretical of transmission loss in exhaust muffler system Indexed Paper
Simulation of hybrid electric vehicle based on a series drive trainJournal Article
Kesan pengurusan stres sebagai moderator dalam hubungan perse Thesis
Ramai pegawai muda rasuah : BPR : jika tidak dibendung seger Text
Penggunaan manual laporan cadangan pemajuan kajian kes : JPBThesis
Sejarah senibina barat Text
Profesional wajar pulang : Dr Mahathir Text
Permintaan dan penawaran kondominium di Wilayah PersekutuConference Papers
Praise for Raja NazrinÆs speech Text
Ahmad Fauzi dilantik Tirnbalan Naib Canselor UTM News Paper Cuttings
KL issues 14 licences for biodiesel projects Text
Software configuration and management Exam Papers
Geopolitik dunia membelenggu pencarian MH370 News Paper Cuttings
On the determination of the shear modulus of carbon nanotubeIndexed Paper
Approximation of model order reduction technique, impulse respThesis
Housebuyers to enjoy 24 months warranty Text
Statistics for surveyors Exam Papers
Unix operating system Exam Papers
Accident modelling and analysis in process industries Indexed Paper
Catalyzed liquefaction of empty palm fruit bunch (EPFB) in sub-crConference Papers
BBC minta kaji semula kriteria kereta nasional Text
Fast track for bio-diesel switch Text
Pelan serampang tiga mata pulih MAS Text
Projek landasan berkembar lulus Text
Saidin: 'Bandar cowboy' Sungai Buluh akan dipindahkan News Paper Cuttings
Mastery of English will not erode Malay culture, religion Text
Silver influence of physical and thermo luminescence propertie Indexed Paper
Telecommunications service providers Evolution, challenges andText
Variable valve timing design on IC engine Thesis
Application of ultrasonic guided wave for structural health monitThesis
Teori gelombang spin dan kemagnetan di subpermukaan ferromConference Papers
Ibu menyusu bayi kurang risiko serangan jantung Text
Wetting characteristics for kraft paper immersed in mineral and Indexed Paper
Pakar pemakanan di klinik terpilih Text
Tambang kereta api naik 2006 jika tarif elektrik meningkat Text
Persepsi penghuni Pusat Bimbingan Remaja Puteri Raudhatus SaThesis
Taburan statistik ketibaan kenderaan di persimpangan berlampuThesis
A coplanar waveguide-fed two arm archimedean spiral slot ant Thesis
Semiconductor physics Exam Papers
High precision global positioning system for datum realizaton of Thesis
Prestressed concrete design Text
Kaki lima zon baru larangan merokok Text
Kempen menghijaukan bumi Text
Factors influencing demand for up-market condominium in Kua Text
Pemuliharaan Sungai Charles wajar dicontohi Text
Linear quadratic optimum controller Text
Sistem komputer dan multimedia Text
Pensyarah anggota KMM cuba sertai Palapes UTM Text
Usah cicirkan bahasa rasmi Text
Kerakusan manusia punca bencana Text
Online forum thread retrieval using pseudo cluster selection an Indexed Paper
Satu bahasa, satu bangsa Text
KDNK diyakini tumbuh lebih 3% tahun ini Text
Aplikasi google maps, GPS dan GIS dalam pentadbiran cukai hartThesis
Hikmah peristiwa perubahan arah kiblat Text
Mengurus persepsi serong daripada mengaburi kebenaran News Paper Cuttings
Msia set to export aluminium by 2007 Text
95 peratus tolak skim EPF Text
Penilaian terhadap campuran halus bergred terbuka Text
Quality and stability of canola and sunflower oils blended with Thesis
200,000 tan sisa campuran besi ditemui di Jalan Keluli Text
DID preps pollution module for teachers, students Text
Kepentingan bakau sebagai penjaga ekologi Text
Bosses to pay deposit for foreign workers Text
Characterization of tapioca starch plasticized by 1-ethyl-3-meth Journal Article
Students told to try new varsity courses Text
Circuit theory Exam Papers
Luluskan RM300j kepada Mara Text
Machining conditions effect to machining temperature and forc Indexed Paper
Another ATM hit, RM600,000 taken Text
Klasifikasi pelajar bumiputera Text
Secure open wireless LAN using point to point protocol (Full textText
Pemetaan topografi menggunakan data Interferometric SynthetiThesis
Sektor pendidikan bentuk masyarakat berintegriti Text
Public support for crackdown Text
Terajui perubatan alternatif Text
Enam lagi Tabika Perpaduan dibina 2007 Text
All 10 suspected A(H1N1) flu patients cleared Text
Air kawasan industri didakwa dari gunung Text
UiTM sedia 600 tempat pasca siswazah Text
UPNM mampu lahir pegawai tentera terbaik Text
PM : diversify energy sources Text
Good memory is not enough, say UTM’s ‘best students†News Paper Cuttings
Kita pusat sumber luar : diiktiraf lokasi pesisir luar ketiga palin Text
Strength of materials and structures (mekanik bahan dan struktuText
Kajian keberkesanan panjang sistem level spreader terhadap p Thesis
Pasaran automotif lembap tidak jejaskan Pekema Text
Combined heat and power : cost effectiveness, prospects and tecText
The new-look, hi-tech British Council Text
Kejujuran atasi amalan buruk bekerja Text
Tesis berkualiti cetus transformasi News Paper Cuttings
Kimia polimer Text
Flash flood havoc in low-lying areas in Penang Text
Empowering family owned tourism business in Obudu MountainThesis
Development of quality cost matrix in quality management systeConference Papers
Malaysia perlu Universiti Antarabangsa kejururawatan Text
Narcotic content in kas-kas small Text
Basic Digital VLSI Exam Papers
Wanita Muslim mesti faham hak diperjuangkan Islam Text
Polymer chemistry Text
Sejarah senibina moden Text
Dam project would create widespread impact for Penans Text
Corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in sea watermedium in presIndexed Paper
Clean, safe water supply for all households in six years, says NajiText
Pelihara tujuan asal KWSP Text
Modern technology the ideal teaching aid Text
The provision of infrastructure via private finance initiative Non-Index Paper
Evaluation of ABS hollow & solid pattern for the production of Thesis
Electronics Exam Papers
Kompleks CIQ Bukit Chagar beroperasi Januari Text
Kuan Yew terdesak, risau pengaruh Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Kajian keutamaan pemilihan makanan pelajar antarabangsa UnivThesis
UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus - Lecture Hall - Maktab Teknik Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Private sector support vital : staff development will bring highe Text
Credit card solution in sight Text
Neglected landfills cause of problems Text
Police move to curb crime Text
Terengganu MB : PM or SultanÆs choice? Text
New activity centre for underprivileged youngsters to escape haText
Kaedah pengasapan didakwa tak berkesan bunuh Aedes Text
9-hour fire fight in Machang Text
Bahasa Malaysia akademik I Text
Emotional facial expression and tears simulation : an analysis Indexed Paper
Option for students Text
Integration of Sun Tzu's Art of war in real estate marketing Thesis
RGB colour image watermarking using canny edge detection andThesis
UTM's cross language plagiarism detector News Paper Cuttings
Synthesis of nanosiliceous zeolite and its functionalization with sJournal Article
Elektronik lanjutan Text
24,728 siswazah daftar SSM : pemilihan kursus di IPT tidak se Text
7 pegawai JAS Johor disoal siasat Text
Billions going down Johor's dirty rivers Text
Fabrication and characterization of polycaprolactone (PCL)/gelatIndexed Paper
PM : no compromise on nationÆs security Text
Kontrak dan taksiran Text
Najib : draw on core values to bond, build Text
A three-step strategy for generalization of three-dimensional b Thesis
Bimbang jadi gajah putih Text
Permasalahan kelewatan penyiapan projek-projek awam JabatanThesis
Ecology Exam Papers
The effect of glycol contamination on the wear characteristics o Thesis
Masalah dalaman dalam mengutip tunggakan cukai tafsiran di peThesis
100 koperasi disenarai terbaik Text
Program estet padi 65,000 hektar Text
Prinsip perhubungan I Text
A novel method for vector control of three-phase induction motIndexed Paper
Weight estimation method in emergency department in Malaysia: Journal Article
Parameter estimations and copula methods for burr type III and Thesis
The new statistical ranking of tree inception voltage distributio Conference Papers
Kerajaan kaji konsesi jambatan elak naik tol Text
Comparative study of artificial neural network and fuzzy unorderThesis
Wilayah Persekutuan perlu serlah nilai positif Text
RM900 juta bantu kontraktor Text
Hulu sungai Perak bed sediment mapping using underwater acouIndexed Paper
10 minutes with... : save environment before tragedy strikes Text
Bergantung harap kepada tangkal rosakkan akidah Text
Contributing towards sustainable development through a simpleConference
tes Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Value management Exam Papers
Element of warranty of IBS structural system for construction in Thesis
Orgasma : pengukur kepuasan seks Text
USM hasil bidai spika pinggul RM300 seunit Text
Kaedah pulih tanaman padi diserang ulat ditemui Text
An investigation of the appropriateness of tourism developmentIndexed Paper
Granular support vector machine to identify unknown structuralIndexed Paper
Indonesians want overtime, annual leave, etc for maids : no way,Text
Requirements analysis of geothermal energy-based cold storage:Journal Article
Velocity control of a unicycle type of mobile robot using optimalJournal Article
Strict action against illegal immigrants Text
Muslim berkemampuan dinasihat segera tunai haji Text
Analysis on the flow characteristics of direct-injection diesel e Thesis
Four-year-old girl from Sibu is latest victim of A(H1N1) Text
Metabolomic analysis of Akt1-mediated muscle hypertrophy in m Indexed Paper
New technique to correct vision Text
Majlis anugerah cemerlang keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Evaluation of multistory buildings using performance-based seismi Thesis
Algorithm plagiarism detection using structural, block and sentenThesis
Pekerja bergaji RM2,000 ke bawah boleh tuntut elaun lebih masText
Rukun Negara to appear on milk cartons, other products Text
Software engineering Exam Papers
Estimation of aerodynamic parameters of urban building arrays Indexed Paper
Perak to develop industrial sites outside Kinta News Paper Cuttings
Centralized power failure trigger system Thesis
Morphological and separation performance study of polysulfone/ Indexed Paper
Study loan defaulters barred from travelling Text
Watch what you eat when breaking fast Text
EPF records higher gross income Text
Dual mode metamaterial antenna for wideband applications Indexed Paper
History pop : colour match-3 puzzle game for android phones Thesis
Public input on laws Text
Potensi pembangunan tanah wakaf melalui sumbangan tanggung Thesis
UTM sediakan pinjaman mikro kredit News Paper Cuttings
Sistem perhubungan data Text
Kesan perang Iraq, SARS mula dirasai Text
The green revolution : government taking it to another level Text
Bank Rakyat yakin untung meningkat 15% Text
Sistem perlindungan hak cipta menggunakan tera air Thesis
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam pengendalian data untText
Studies on mobile agents for query retrieval and web page catego Text
Sumber tenaga nuklear jana elektrik Text
Kementerian kaji semula projek pendidikan. Text
MalaysiaÆs own F1 team Text
2 wanita disahkan korban H1N1 Text
Mapping technology Exam Papers
Safety improvement at shipyard practice Thesis
Lattice boltzmann modelling of microchannel flow Conference Papers
Engineering material Exam Papers
Hubungan antara sejarah silam dengan perkembangan personaliti Conference Papers
Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide with water vapors Indexed Paper
More skilled workers needed to hit high-income target Text
Gangguan seksual - Akta lebih berkesan diperlukan Text
Optimization of zinc sulfide (ZnS) electron affinity in copper indi Indexed Paper
Lawatan Tuanku Canselor, DYMM Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Alma Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Synthesis of renewable adsorbent from tea waste for removal ofThesis
Petrol price up by 78 sen - and will be reviewed monthly Text
Characteristics of generation Y entrepreneurship in tourism Conference Papers
Tiada elaun guru kerja Sabtu Text
Tindakan tegas jika pengetua lindungi salah laku pelajar Text
Usaha kukuhkan ekonomi Text
Physical environment in school setting: conceptual reviews Conference Papers
A humble prince News Paper Cuttings
Vaksin kurangkan kematian penyakit berjangkit Text
Cross shore profile change of Desaru Beach Thesis
Bersama BPR : kerahsiaan pemberi maklumat terjamin Text
Undang-undang hak cipta Text
Dua lagi institusi asing dapat lesen bank Islam Text
Penambakan laut : Malaysia, Singapura perkukuhkan hujah terakText
The moderating role of information technology infrastructure onThesis
More scholarships up for grabs Text
Preparation of porous polysulfone hollow fiber membranes for CO2 Conference Papers
On the practical implementation of the volt-second equalisationText
Harapan UUM lahirkan profesor pengurusan Text
e-Tender perluas urus tadbir Text
Guna semula efluen kumbahan : kesan pengklorinan terhadap t Text
Azalina : athletes obliged to perform Text
Design and development of inlet valve mechanism for a small toText
Metacognition and its relationship with students' academic per Conference Papers
Implementation of MRAC, SVMPC and PID control application forText
Pembangunan Shah Alam tak membazir News Paper Cuttings
Hubungan kecerdasan emosi dan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan gThesis
Fractal koch multiband textile antenna performance with bendi Indexed Paper
Malaysia belum ada Bustan Melayu Text
Amalan ikhtisas II Text
Taklimat biodiesel di Laos. News Paper Cuttings
Design of single and multilayer interdigital band pass filter (Full tText
Tiada kerja punca penagihan berulang Text
Statistik I Text
Model based fault detection in process plant Conference Papers
Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibition activities of Eurycoma lon Indexed Paper
Dr. M letak jawatan beri kesan positif News Paper Cuttings
Rangsangan RM60 bilion Text
UIAM garis lima kriteria hadapi persaingan kerja Text
Pengasingan perniagaan TM beri pilihan kepada pelabur Text
Pembuat dasar wanita boleh cetus implikasi Text
Hishammuddin to monitor teachers welfare Text
Hundreds cut off by landslip Text
Morphology of sediment transport due to dam breaching for m Thesis
Communication technology in training Exam Papers
Park planning and recreation Exam Papers
Malaysia catat lebihan dagangan RM7.9 bilion Text
Harmonic analysis of input current of single-phase controlled briConference Papers
Jangan selindung, beritahu kebenaran walaupun ia menyakitkanText
Statistics Exam Papers
Building services Exam Papers
Lawatan mantan ketua pustakawan dan alumni perpustakaan k Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Estimating II Exam Papers
Reclamation project to increase size of Perlis News Paper Cuttings
Pengurusan strategik harta tanah Perbadanan Setiausaha KerajaThesis
Survival of pathogenic bacteria in dredged marine soils Journal Article
Optimization of electrical energy consumption and level reliabil Indexed Paper
Susun atur rumah bantu kurangkan risiko dimasuki pencuri Text
Wanita digalak ceburi bidang berpotensi Text
Otosil MARDI hasilkan makanan ternakan Text
A-calenduler : sistem kalendar dan penjadualan mesyuarat staf aText
Structural design Exam Papers
Research and development of teaching materials for an English LText
Gubal undang-undang hukum pengamal sihir Text
Automatic application programming interface for multi hop wirelThesis
Building information modeling for indoor environmental perfor Indexed Paper
The response surface methodology (RSM) : an application to optConference Papers
Spinning a tourism web for all Text
X-citing deal for air travellers Text
Kapal bawa rokok RM5.7j dirampas : Kastam patah cubaan penyText
Data communication & switching systems Exam Papers
Kajian terhadap tahap keberkesanan dan implikasi sistem pengurText
Critical data routing (CDR) for intra wireless body sensor networIndexed Paper
Design phase constructability concepts in highway projects (Full Text
Sektor awam harus cekap Text
Tall building system: analysis and design Exam Papers
Vibration-based damage detection : an experimental verificatio Thesis
Automotive manufacturers told to rationalise output of parts Text
Chitosan-based nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering aIndexed Paper
An efficient authoring activities infrastructure design through gr Conference Papers
858 mangsa banjir pindah Text
Warisan wawasan dan kewarasan Text
Bank Negara : chip cards are foolproof Text
Usah lupa kaum lain, ingatan kepada orang Cina yang berjaya d Text
Prevention of light leakage in a camera module Text
Information security vulnerability in an Iranian context from humThesis
Systems engineering Exam Papers
Student arrests up in Sarawak Text
Benchmarking inefficient decision making units in DEA Non-Index Paper
A master plan for Penang Hill soon News Paper Cuttings
Analisis dan reka bentuk bioreaktor Exam Papers
Effects of pyrolyzed oil from oil palm empty fruit bunch on bindeThesis
Early education stimulates kids Text
Measat-3 tambah koleksi di orbit Text
Organization and management of resource centre Exam Papers
Fizik II Text
Akademi bahasa UTM News Paper Cuttings
Tahap pelaksanaan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kon Thesis
Analysis of factors affecting income smoothing among listed co Journal Article
Teknologi elektrik Text
An epic challenge Text
Demographic analysis of occupational accident occurrence in maIndexed Paper
Hydrology Exam Papers
2 disqualified for Facebook lobbying Text
Valuation service users behaviour in Indonesia (preview) Text
The potential usage of steelmaking by-products : electric ARC fuText
UTM perkenal program Sarjana Muda Perakaunan Text
Sub module constraint preservation for hierachical and synthesi Thesis
Polis cari dalang sebar SMS Text
The times university rankings flawed Text
Kerajaan tidak akan mansuhkan ujian PTK Text
English at your fingertips Text
Basuh tangan dengan sempurna hindari wabak Text
In-situ disinfection and algal lipid extraction using ozonation in Thesis
Utamakan bahasa kebangsaan di tempat awam Text
Petronas university wins big Text
Pengurusan kejuruteraan Text
Performance of tuned liquid damper with baffle in reduction of Thesis
Development of entry location, entry timing and entry mode deciIndexed Paper
Australia beli durian Malaysia Text
Women need retirement plans Text
Islam mahu umat kahwin dapat pahala, elak lakukan maksiat Text
Virtual vending machine Thesis
No to more KL-Singapore flights Text
Komitmen Singapura tambak laut diambil kira Text
Mydin's hit for RM700,000 Text
Mechanics of materials 1 Exam Papers
Pemproses Isyarat Digit 2 Text
Kepemimpinan tingkat kematangan News Paper Cuttings
Aljabar linear Text
Online social learning model Thesis
Remaja mengaku cederakan isteri, anak timbalan speaker Text
Perkukuh asas hubungan Islam-Barat Text
New proposals on medical studies Text
Principles of marketing Exam Papers
Prediction of hydrodynamics forces coefficients on 2D twin hull Thesis
Ex-day stock price behavior in an emerging market Indexed Paper
A simple semi-preparative reversed-phase HPLC/PDA method forIndexed sep Paper
Ranking the multiple intelligences of people with epilepsy using Indexed Paper
2,000 doctors register their clinics Text
Development of ultrasonic tomography for composition determina Text
Boost for biotech sector Text
Pentadbiran Pejabat Tanah perlu penyusunan semula Text
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Error correction method of wideband multi-port reflectometer uThesis
Pengguna lebuh raya Plus naik 4 peratus Text
Kadar ketersediaan tanah untuk pembangunan perumahan di kaw Text
Effect of temperature and air flow rate on xylene removal from Indexed Paper
Kerajaan kena peka terhadap pulau kecil Text
Electronic devices Exam Papers
Environmental study / kajian alam sekitar Text
Water pact can stand if its fair Text
Dagangan negara anggota OIC ditingkat 20% Text
Bela nasib wanita NAM Text
Communication protocols on dynamic cluster-based wireless se Indexed Paper
Carving motifs in timber houses of Kelantan and Terengganu Conference Papers
Gabenor Sumatera Barat mahu jalin kerjasama dengan UTMSpa News Paper Cuttings
Mara Johor beri pinjaman RM3.6 juta Text
Kerajaan masih kuat, keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 baik Text
A supplier selection and evaluation methodology for utm intern Thesis
Program sastera : IPTA perlu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya Text
Pertemuan dalam tempoh terdekat bincang isu Spratly Text
Bikes on campus a good move News Paper Cuttings
Telecommunication and networking Exam Papers
Keberkesanan struktur pengurangan halaju berbentuk trapezoidThesis
Kementerian Pelajaran laksana perubahan di sabah Text
Imam wanita memalukan Islam Text
Experts : go back to drawing board Text
PM wants more trade with Iran, greater variety Text
MSNJ anjur sukan pertama IPTA, IPTS 2004 Text
Berbangga dengan kerja tingkat kualiti tugas Text
Molecular dynamic simulation of V176G mutation associated wi Journal Article
Numerical analysis of an isolated main helicopter rotor in hover Conference Papers
Kajian kekonduksian ionik terhadap adunan elektrolit polimer pvc-Text
Studying in unrecognised varsities Text
Response surface methodology analysis of CO2 photocatalytic coIndexed Paper
Isu biasiswa bukan perkauman Text
Exploring the relationship between POS, OLC, job satisfaction a Indexed Paper
Pensyarah UTM didakwa menipu News Paper Cuttings
Optimization of the paper permeability tester using Robust desi Indexed Paper
Epoxidized natural rubber-50 toughened polyamide 6 nanocomposi Indexed Paper
13,000 to be trained as English teachers Text
Pelajar pintar, Harraz harumkan nama negara Text
Martabatkan sastera kanak-kanak ke peringkat tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Kebakaran di Gunung Kenderong semakin merebak Text
Education fund not property managed : report Text
Don't be duped by Thai kadi Text
Effects of wall shear stress on unsteady MHD conjugate flow i Indexed Paper
Using dialogue template in developing low proficiency English asThesis
Night court sittings soon in Sabah Text
Kemahiran untuk jurulatih Text
Sistem penasihatan kawalan belanjawan Thesis
Pekerja asing dikhususkan Text
UTM sasar 600 graduan perniagaan, peruncitan Text
Islam sebagai satu agama Conference Papers
Harapan wanita Text
Flow and energy dissipation over on flat and pooled stepped spi Journal Article
Rasulullah sebagai pedoman hidup Text
Development of waste heat recovery apparatus in heat treatme Thesis
Skizofrenia boleh diubati Text
Kejuruteraan angin dan gempa bumi Text
Pengurusan jenama Text
Kerajaan Pusat ambil alih pengurusan bekalan air negeri Text
Fizik bahan amorfus Text
Mechanical properties of kenaf fiber reinforced composite affec Thesis
Microsoft buys antivirus technology Text
Fizik superkonduktor Text
Dr M arah kurangkan kerenah birokrasi Text
Penilaian batu baur halus sebagai bahan dalam pembinaan turapThesis
Abdullah lancar AgriBazaar bolehkan petani bekal pasaran secarText
PM saran sistem penyampaian antara 10 terbaik dunia Text
Reaction control and protein engineering of bacillus lehensis G1 Thesis
13 nelayan Vietnam tangkap ikan di perairan negara ditahan Text
Pelan tindakan RMK-9 Kementerian Pelajaran Text
'Mereka panggil saya ayah' News Paper Cuttings
USM komersialkan produk penyelidikan Text
PWM PIC16F877A dimming electronic ballast for HPS lamp Thesis
Profesion perguruan akan dimartabat Text
Lightweight mortar incorporating various percentages of waste Indexed Paper
Perancangan guna tanah II Text
Elemen Inggeris pokok tempatan Text
Effectiveness of pavement management system and its effects toIndexed
t Paper
Outsourcing of logistics taking shape Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - New Building Under Construction ( Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Industri sains hayat bakal penggerak ekonomi Text
Kaedah baru ambil pekerja asing Text
Fine-tuning National Service Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Issues on business transparency Text
Red Bull Stratos capai kelajuan bunyi Text
Arkited landskap Text
Effects of temperature change and beverage on mechanical and Indexed
tr Paper
Pemetaa digital kemas kini rangkaian jalan News Paper Cuttings
Lapangan Terbang Subang hab utama senggara pesawat Text
Credit Suisse yakin tambatan ringgit tak dikaji semula Text
Experiment measurements for packet reception rate in wireles Non-Index Paper
Projects over RM50m to be studied Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Latihan menembak pelatih PLKN 25 Jun Text
JPA mesti bijak tangani masalah Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Verteks dan piksel shader untuk aplikasi grafik 3D Text
Change comes to rural heartland of Malaysia Text
Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pengajara Non-Index Paper
Mrs Andy dalang seludup masuk bayi Text
Teens unhappy over MSN move Text
Biodiesel wash-water reuse using microfiltration : toward zero- Indexed Paper
The importance of intervention in developing self-regulated learNon-Index Paper
More hands across the varsity racial divide Text
Metabolic pathway extraction using combined probabilistic modConference Papers
The effect of reverberant sound level on the intelligibility of s Thesis
KLCC terima pengiktirafan Text
Trends and tips in protein engineering, a review Conference Papers
Distribution transformer monitoring system for regular maintenaThesis
Tiga strategi memaksimumkan penggunaan tenaga alternatif Text
Pengaruh pengundi Islam di AS News Paper Cuttings
Analisis dan reka bentuk tembok penahan terstabil mekanikal g Thesis
Evaluation of openwire in supporting component oriented pro Thesis
Petugas rahsia : bantu pantau masalah buli Text
Bridging the technological gap Text
Kesan kekasaran permukaan terhadap faktor geseran di dalam pText
Ungku Aziz intelektual tulen, negarawan istimewa Text
Teknologi enzim Text
Determination of an industrial seaport location: a simulation stuThesis
A generalized power-law model of blood flow through tapered arThesis
Fizik optik Text
MAMPU rangka agenda perkasa sistem penyampaian Text
Universiti Kelantan mulakan sesi Julai 2007 Text
Janji Rais, bahasa Melayu dan penerbit buku Text
Ong : plant more hibiscus Text
Mara bantu graduan ceburi bidang francais Text
Meta-analysis of the TQM impact on business performance amon Indexed Paper
Pesawah mesti guna benih berkualiti 2010 Text
Pay to preserve forests : Jakarta wants compensation for develoText
Internet services a let down Text
Sistem peperiksaan dikaji : tidak terlalu tumpu akademik, lebih Text
Disiplin pelajar : berlembut bukan lagi jalan penyelesaian? Text
Keeping tabs on medical mistakes to protect patients Text
Beribadat di angkasa Text
A study on image segmentation techniques used in color detect Conference Papers
Evaluation of external radiological hazard in bottom and fly ash fConference Papers
Pengendalian data, arkib dan pengedaran dara Text
160 sekolah menengah diarah tubuh koperasi : Hishammuddin Text
2,279 kontraktor kena tindakan Text
Peluang atlet ke universiti Text
UTM way to build homes News Paper Cuttings
Mengkaji medan elektrik yang terhasil daripada kilat Text
Fitmama mobile application Thesis
Tiada sentimen perkauman Text
UTM sedia RM1j untuk 5ETP News Paper Cuttings
Hyperspectral imaging for starfruit quality inspection Thesis
Assessment of accounting information, market value, cost of equi Thesis
Assessment of parking demand impact on adjoining roadway neThesis
PM : create e-games that can foster unity Text
Wajib periksa suhu badan Text
1,246 types of fruits could go extinct Text
Most cars slightly cheaper Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Re-learning the basics Text
Kress smoothing transformation for weakly singular fredholm intText
Assessment of wave energy resources in Malaysia using satelite Thesis
One last chance Text
Six die when car slams into lorry Text
Varsities must help the weak Text
Tugas Jemaah Nazir diperluaskan Text
Bukan doktor dilantik pengarah Text
PM umum langkah atasi cabaran ekonomi semasa Text
An analysis of fuzzy clustering algorithms for suggestion of superText
Dual model for biometric identification system Thesis
Pengurusan penyenggaraan bangunan lama kajian kes : Bangunan Thesis
Malacca woman is death No. 4 Text
P-adaptive neuro-fuzzy and PD-fuzzy controller design for positi Indexed Paper
200 spesies pokokubat tumpuan FeldaHerbs Text
Alahan terhadap CMPA jejas kesihatan anak Text
Study on changes of waste generation area in Nusajaya using G Thesis
Denggi : 35 maut sejak awal tahun Text
Anak anda mengambil dadah? Text
Pusat penyelidikan UTM di London News Paper Cuttings
Modelling chlorophyll concentrations using MODIS satellite dataConference Papers
Eksport makanan ke Singapura merosot Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur bahan Text
Statistical quality control Exam Papers
Persepsi pelajar politeknik terhadap aspek inovasi di dalam pen Thesis
Kerajaan belum bersedia semak gaji kakitangan awam Text
Pensyarah UTM menang tesis terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Appropriate urban livability indicators for metropolitan Johor, Conference Papers
Sultan : set precondition on forest projects Text
Golf, karaoke cara baru rasuah : Shamsun Text
Najis punca utama sungai tercemar Text
Control and optimization of aromatic compounds in multivariable Indexed Paper
Tiga negeri sedia bertindak Text
Payment dispute resolution in construction industry by using C Thesis
More teachers to get incentive payments Text
Three-term backpropagation algorithm for classification proble Text
HFMD outbreak : another kindergarten in Kuching closed Text
Introduction to industrial sociology Exam Papers
PC-based 3D static experimental rig Thesis
Pesakit di Kuching korban SARS ketiga Text
Three more deaths bring toll to 75 Text
Streamflow modelling by remote sensing : a contribution to digitIndexed Paper
Aerodynamics of the EC145 fuselage helicopter Thesis
Penggera kereta UPM bangunkan sistem berasas telekomunikasiText
Slope stability influenced by rainfall pattern Thesis
Morphology and structure of self-assembled InxGa1-xAs quant Conference Papers
Electrical and flammability properties of alumina trihydrate fi Indexed Paper
MoUs on quality education signed Text
CCTV cameras in hospitals soon Text
Quality of financial statements must be improved Text
Our public sector strives to improve Text
Mathematics of operation research Exam Papers
Sistem mengundi menggunakan teknologi bacaan maykad Thesis
Composite construction of cold-formed steel (CFS) section with Indexed Paper
Risk levels associated with wind generation penetration using MThesis
Jumlah pesalah trafik bayar saman berkurangan Text
Putrajaya, Cyberjaya aim low Text
UTM gets computers Japanese centre News Paper Cuttings
Advanced inorganic chemistry Exam Papers
Petani diingat tidak harapkan bantuan kerajaan Text
Quality-of-service provisioning using hierarchical scheduling in Conference Papers
Determination of rheological properties of cellulose oil palm fib Thesis
RMK-9 buka banyak peluang pelaburan Text
Bersaing raih pencapaian terbaik Text
Kes Natrah cetus semangat patriotik perjuangan martabat unda Text
Baby seventh HFMD fatality Text
Determination of lactic acid production by rhizopus oryzae in so Journal Article
Biggest-ever motor show Text
An efficient multi-thread economic dispatch method for unit c Conference Papers
Perpustakaan desa 200 bangunan akan diubah suai Text
An ecological nightmare Text
Petani diseru usahakan semula tanaman kopi Text
Curve panel GFRP under internal pressure test Thesis
Efficient 3D temperature propagation for laser glass interaction Conference Papers
Bukan mudah reformasi pendidikan Text
Tambang baru masih tak dapat ubah tabiat lama pemandu teksiText
Reka cipta baru : USM menang 5 pingat emas Text
Electerochemical study of speek/cloisite 15a (r)/tap membrane Indexed Paper
Cuepacs sambut baik peratus PTK diturunkan Text
Analisis banjir menggunakan sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) di Text
Jangan cat kuku hari mengundi Text
Statistik III Text
Sekolah bestari pemangkin modal insan Text
Nod for Malaysian Quality Agency Text
Teknik Spektroskopi dan Analisis Bahan Exam Papers
Denyut puisi Upsi Text
PABM platform martabat bahasa Melayu Text
Using fuzzy multiple criteria decision making approaches for evalIndexed Paper
Kaji reka bentuk kotak berinsulasi Text
Scuba diving masih baru di kalangan orang Melayu Text
Semangat kental sahut cabaran Text
Spam detection using hybrid of artificial neural network and genThesis
Syarikat minyak diarah segera hantar diesel ke 547 stesen Text
Sihir paksi kejahatan syaitan sesatkan akidah umat Text
Salah tafsir penghalang utama derma organ Text
Bahasa gubahan Exam Papers
Structure characterization and surface morphology of low sinterThesis
Hubungan antara tingkah laku asertif dengan komitmen organisaThesis
Pembuatan penyumbang terbesar eksport Text
Investigation on the stability to UV curing and surrounding tempeText
Intermolecular photoreactions and selectivity studies in confine Text
Space time block code OFDM transmitter diversity technique Text
Persiapan awal capai status negeri maju Text
UPSR diteruskan : Muhyiddin Text
An integral equation method for solving exterior neumann prob Conference Papers
Road offenders, meet your match Text
Meaner cellphone viruses on the horizon Text
23 syarat EIA ditetapkan Jabatan Alam Sekitar sentiasa dipatuhi Text
Sains, teknologi diperkasa Text
Efficiency optimization of an induction machine using constant oThesis
Surviving the first year engineering programmes at Universiti Te Conference Papers
Electric charge tomography imaging using finite-element methodIndexed Paper
Ekonomi negara lebih baik separuh kedua Text
Bekas KSU didakwa : tuduhan bersubahat pecah amanah dan m Text
Self-grading tests for all schools Text
Impak tahap keyakinan pelajar terhadap pencapaian ujian makmJournal Article
Terowong terbuka atasi tanah runtuh Text
Hybrid wavelet regrouping particle swarm optimization neural net Thesis
8.2 juta belia dikesan tidak sertai persatuan Text
Izoo mobile: mobile application for mobile assisted malaysia fa Journal Article
Proton tidak mahu ambil alih syarikat tempatan Text
Third places for social interaction in Kuala Lumpur based on Old Thesis
Isu-isu dalam proses pra pengambilan tanah bagi projek termin Thesis
Promosi lawat Johor di Medan Text
New fuel price structure Text
Convention rules during dissolution Text
Banyak syarikat di Malaysia capai piawaian antarabangsa Text
CEKAP : cegah kanser prostat Text
Kabinet mahu TNB bertanggungjawab Text
Tumpuan tujuh perkara Text
Universiti global Text
Kos bersih sungai meningkat Text
Food analysis Exam Papers
In the interest of abused kids Text
An integral equation approach for the Riemann problem = Pen Text
Kaji logam asas Text
Maximum number of limit cycles of a general Lienard equation Indexed Paper
Lawatan ke Muzium Johor Lama Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
K-Bestari terbukti mampu erat perpaduan Text
Kajian dan simulasi penghantaran kuasa menggunakan sistem e Text
IJN cipta kaedah baru bedah jantung Text
Penilaian kesan alam sekeliling Text
An analytical model and ANN simulation for carbon nanotube Indexed Paper
Fenomena pasang surut dan kesannya terhadap estuari : kajian kText
Penyelidik ke Riau kaji cap mohor Sultan Melaka Text
Preparation and corrosion resistance of a nanocomposite plasmaIndexed Paper
Fabrication and properties of triplex NiCrAlY/nano Al2O3 cent Indexed Paper
International business & globalisation Exam Papers
Structure of English Exam Papers
Sistem Kawalan Digit Text
Bajet wawasan Text
The impact of extensive reading on English language proficiencyThesis
Empangan Kenyir mampu tampung air Text
Finite element analysis on flush end plate connection using lusa Text
UTM forges ties Text
Smooth e-voting at UM polls Text
Siapa harus tanggung kenaikan kos ibadat haji? Text
Real time license plate recognition system Thesis
Najib declares Port Dickson an 'Army Town' Text
Bio-mimic optimization strategies in wireless sensor networks : Indexed Paper
Wanita perlu berganding bahu perjuangkan hak Text
Perlu perkukuh ekonomi Malaysia Text
Statistik nahas maut mengerikan Text
Sentimen anti-Malaysia di Indonesia meningkat Text
Islamic banks : contrasting the drivers of customer satisfaction Indexed Paper
Dekati remaja secara mesra Text
Persepsi pelanggan di kalangan pekerja awam terhadap kualiti pThesis
Enhanced malware detection model based on innate self-non-seThesis
Satellite-based wave data and wave energy resource assessmentIndexed Paper
Fault detection and diagnosis via improved multivariate statistic Text
Betapa jauhnya kita berjalan sesudah merdeka Text
Thousands upon thousands fight for the few jobs in public sectoText
Legasi jelas Tun Razak Text
UTM monopoli kayak MASUM News Paper Cuttings
Kesederhanaan Islam rahmat sekalian alam Text
Kembalikan kepercayaan rakyat Text
Vendor initiative in Proton global push Text
Quality of living environment in residential areas in ShijiazhuangThesis
Application of solid-phase extraction for trace elements in envi Indexed Paper
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 02) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Performance of VTO (Very Thin Overlay Asphalt) for pavement pThesis
Kartografi dan pemetaan berdigit Text
UMK lengkapkan universiti awam di setiap negeri Text
Memartabat gasing sebagai permainan generasi moden Text
Construction project management Exam Papers
Kerajaan digesa hapus subsidi minyak RM56b Text
Heart disease taking toll on fiscal health Text
Effectiveness of biofouling reducer in aerobic submerged membrThesis
Theoretical investigation of fullerene nanocage capacity for hyd Thesis
Budaya hedonisme binasakan masa depan Text
Demokrasi hanya di Kabul Text
The practice of branding in real estate business (case study : JohThesis
Islam galak umat kawal kuasa beli Text
Education the Islamic way Text
Direct corrective feedback and students’ noticing ability of b Thesis
Our padi farmers not affected by drought Text
Undang-undang perdagangan Text
Muhyiddin : review electricity tariffs Text
Laluan Long Seridan bahaya : juruterbang Text
Port Klang poised to be London Metal Exchange hub Text
Calon gagal ke IPTA banyak pilihan Text
Instrumentasi proses Text
Problem based laboratory (PBL) module for boost converter vol Thesis
Kem motivasi tingkat iman anak Orang Asliá Text
Decision resolves 28-year-old dispute Text
Warga Malaysia mungkin kena jangkitan di Singapura Text
Buku panduan perjelas prosedur kerja Text
Library now a custodian of records Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan kejohanan olahraga majlis sukan sek Text
An influence of a binder system to the rheological behavior of Conference Papers
Empat universiti layak mohon sua akreditasi Text
A study to ascertain customers' satisfaction on building performanText
Kesesuaian penggunaan debu batu reput sebagai bahan pengisi Text
Remaja terbabit 138,331 kes jenayah Text
Pengukuhan ringgit kekang kenaikan inflasi Text
The exension of real estate persuasion tactics (REPT) frameworkThesis
Analisis taburan fenomena spatial demam denggi bagi memban Thesis
Boleh rayu LHDN Text
Pantau selesema babi Text
Exploitation of 2D binary source correlation using turbo block coIndexed Paper
Wujud bukti air masin di Marikh Text
Kadar faedah kekal rendah Text
Pengenalan kewangan Text
Rais not satisfied with draft law Text
Alert system to prevent child trapped in car Thesis
Helping the poor by narrowing socio-economic imbalances Text
Akta perpaduan lebih sesuai Text
Radiation protection Exam Papers
Energy efficient and dynamic bandwidth utilization schemes for Thesis
Memahami ilmu keibubapaan di program Asuhan Positif Text
Penuntut Malaysia di luar negara wajib berdaftar dengan MSD aText
Some characterizations of groups of order 8 (Full text) Text
Government to act on PAC criticism of dockyard Text
Bersatu dalam kepelbagaian budaya Text
Fenton and photo-fenton oxidation of sulfidic spent caustic : a c Indexed Paper
Perkongsian ekonomi Jepun ASEAN dipersetujui Text
Microcomputer application / information technology and compuText
Algebra Exam Papers
Young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio of Merpauh, Kapur aJournal Article
Facebook versus e-Learning : students' perception for educationa Thesis
KDN kaji 55 inisiatif kurangkan jenayah Text
Tiket mahal punca Air Terjun Kota Tinggi sepi Text
408 pegawai perkhidmatan awam dibuang kerja Text
Binaan konkrit dan batu-bata Text
Etika perbualan di telefon Conference Papers
Green showroom to go on roadshow to rural areas Text
Umat Islam diingat jangan sertai peraduan SMS Text
IPT perlu tawar kursus ikut permintaan industri Text
Reduction and biofixation of carbon dioxide in palm oil mill eff Indexed Paper
Kelas dewasa - Bantu ibu bapa kuasai bahasa Inggeris Text
Cintai bahasa melalui buku Text
The development of monitoring assist device for hearing impair Thesis
Govt to review car rules if they burden people Text
Pengenalan struktur dan binaan landskap Text
Program Bio Johor tingkat bioteknologi Text
Lightning related damage studies on building structures in JohorThesis
Sejarah di sebalik sebuah nama Jalur Gemilang Text
Terpulang BPR siasat kemusnahan alam sekitar Text
The environmental effect on the cooling rate of hot mix asphal Text
Aircraft instrumentation Exam Papers
Cross-validation of an employee safety climate model in MalaysiIndexed Paper
Komitmen OIC hapus rasuah Text
Economy and specification Exam Papers
PM lakukan misi jelajah antarabangsa dua hari di London, New YText
Isu prestasi pelajar IPTA jadi tumpuan Text
Giants once roamed Australia Text
Perceptions of students and lecturers towards the self-access enText
The power of positive attitude adjustment Text
Dosa tak dapat ditebus dengan wang Text
In silico metabolites production enhancement using hybrid genetThesis
Kementerian pastikan tiada soalan PMR bocor Text
Kampus Kota UTM dibangun semula Text
Teknologi fermentasi Text
Wacana ilmu UTMSpace di kampus Skudai, Kuala Lumpur News Paper Cuttings
Speaker's corner hots up campaign Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Hormati hak saudara baru Text
Synthesis and charactirezation of surface-activated multiwalle Thesis
Development of a courseware for topic polygons one MathematThesis
KWSP sentiasa amalkan dasar pelaburan berdisiplin Text
Kerajaan kaji gabung sistem merit, kuota Text
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Kakitangan awam diberi bonus setengah bulan gaji Text
Permasalahan di kalangan guru berkeluarga yang melanjutkan pel Conference Papers
'Decent' woman a worldwide fugitive Text
Response of the ocean mixed layer of the seas of South East As Text
Statistik (H) Text
Mahasiswa perlu budaya ilmu Text
Berkongsi urus sumber air Text
UTM anjur cabaran kereta solar News Paper Cuttings
Varsity recognises researchers Text
Pentadbiran pampasan Text
Wireless speed control with voice for wheelchair application Thesis
Sekat import ikan dari tiga negara Text
Penduduk Pontian tidak ketinggalan News Paper Cuttings
Kegigihan pemimpin punca ekonomi mantap Text
English as compulsory SPM pass subject? Text
UPM, SRI usaha komersialkan hasil penyelidikan Text
14 China-made brands of toothpaste not safe to use Text
Implementation of a single-carrier multilevel PWM technique usConference Papers
PM : MJIIT opening proof of countries’ warm ties News Paper Cuttings
Optimization of hydrodesulfurization activity in the hydrotreati Indexed Paper
Papua New Guinea minat konsep majukan tanah Hak Adat BumiText
Electronics I/Elektonik I Text
Effect of MgO nanofillers on burst release reduction from hydr Indexed Paper
A norm trust framework for norms adoption in normative multi-Journal Article
Tekanan, cabaran rakan sebaya dorong kegiatan tidak bermoral Text
Materials chemistry Exam Papers
UIAM rancang buka kampus baru di Dubai, Arab Saudi Text
Aspek-aspek kompetensi holistik guru dalam pengajaran di sek Conference Papers
Two more H1N1 cases bring total to nine Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
The potential of human haptic emotion as a technique for virtuaConference Papers
Internet of Things (IOT) next generation secure smart sensor netThesis
Effect of donor strength of extended alkyl auxiliary groups on opIndexed Paper
Modelling and control of magneto rheological suspension systemThesis
Kreatif, proaktif sebahagian budaya kerja Islam Text
Chemistry Exam Papers
Hidu gam, petrol jadi kesalahan Text
Sekolah bestari : belum celik komputer Text
Penguasaan 3M Text
Skewed line detection and removal preserving handwritten stro Non-Index Paper
East coast states team up for tourism Text
A supply chain performance model with antecedents of businessThesis
Malaysia mampu jadi pengeksport ikan hiasan terbesar dunia Text
Ultrasound signals response associated to fatigue failure behaviou Journal Article
R&D : Inovasi pelajar Text
Mini-libraries for halls encourage people to read more Text
Broad phase collision detection using multi-core processor Conference Papers
Anugerah Pilihan Pembaca Popular - Berita Harian 2009 Text
Introduction to business / Pengenalan perniagaan Text
Sistem pendaftaran dan semakan keputusan UTM games menggun Thesis
Sistem perhubungan wayarles Text
Cylindrical finite difference solution for stenosis graft simulation Thesis
Substitutes for leadership : alternative perspectives Indexed Paper
Procedures are unclear Text
Call to set up website to help curb child abuse Text
Kecondongan kekuda bumbung (Preview) Text
Rekabentuk struktur III Text
RM20j bina pusat selidik getah Text
Kelab Buku Koperasi mampu budayakan amalan membaca Text
Segera beli helikopter EC725 Text
Dynamic ECG features for atrial fibrillation recognition Indexed Paper
Making parents responsible Text
PIBG perlu bekerjasama lahirkan pelajar cemerlang Text
Combination of forecasting using modified GMDH and genetic a Conference Papers
Pelan laluan kerjaya Text
Transportation planning Exam Papers
Wealth effects of corporate real estate divestiture : impact fromThesis
Performance and emission of a common rail passenger car engine Indexed Paper
Boosting public transport usage Text
Kenaikan inflasi hanya sementara Text
26 staf sokongan UTM lawat sambil belajar ke Beijing News Paper Cuttings
Fenomena pemanasan global Text
Comparison between canlite stabilized laterite and probase stabil Thesis
Asas kejuruteraan elektrik Text
Pollution affecting popular fishing spot Text
PTK gagal uji kemahiran kakitangan awam Text
Nelayan kena berani ceburi perikanan laut dalam Text
Tamatkan khidmat Nuri News Paper Cuttings
Amalan undang-undang dan pembinaan Text
Government may raise claims ceiling Text
Negara rugi RM5.9 bilion akibat nahas jalan raya Text
Industri aeroangkasa dilonjakkan Text
Puspakom sedia khidmat buat pelan kenderaan Text
Kemajuan sains angkasa negara Text
Multiproduct batch reactor scheduling by heat load shifting Thesis
UUM lantik Dr. Mohamad Mustafa Timbalan Naib Canselor HEP Text
Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibition activities of α- mangostin Indexed Paper
Malaysia catat pertumbuhan dagangan luar 313.9 peratus Text
Bahasa Jepun II Text
Multimedia application development (pembangunan aplikasi muText
Protein engineering Exam Papers
Budaya keusahawanan bangunkan ekonomi, tamadun Islam Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Penggunaan penutup longkang dalam pembinaan - kajian kes teThesis
Job satisfaction, affective commitment, and turnover intentions Indexed Paper
Pelancongan geopark jadi tarikan baru negara Text
Hop aware scheduling algorithm for TCP performance enhanceme Journal Article
Kajian terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi bentuk perja Thesis
2010 sasaran 30 peratus bumiputera milik ekuiti Text
Johor excellence centre to produce logistics Specialists Text
IHP Jun naik 13 peratus Text
Skin extracted pineapple juice as pulping and bleaching agent i Thesis
Orientasi kurikulum, konsepsi pengajaran dan pengajaran berkesThesis
Impact analysis of fibre reinforced composite (V8) Thesis
Forensic practical Exam Papers
Zero crime goal in city centre Text
Mengantarabangsakan Pendidikan Islam Text
Tawar program pengajian ikut keperluan semasa Text
A preliminary assessment of energy consumption behaviour patte Indexed Paper
Kawalan jika harga naik mendadak Text
Healthy lifestyle campaigns fail to solve weighty problem Text
MITC jadi bandar satelit Text
Kakitangan JPN cawangan sekitar ibu negara ditambah Text
Prediction on behaviour of blood velocity and mitral leaflet disp Indexed Paper
80% belia tidak minat sukan, persatuan Text
Flexural strength of interlocking block beam Thesis
Finite element method Exam Papers
Ancaman virus selesema babi Text
Usahawan Malaysia perlu miliki semangat perintis Text
Biodiesel preparation of jatropha oil by using lopase-catalyzed trThesis
A robust human face detection algorithm based on skin color s Indexed Paper
Teknologi murah untuk pengolahan sisa kilang getah (abstrak) Text
Taman awam hidupkan pelbagai aktiviti rekreasi Text
Maut berdengkur Text
Forecasting Muar river water quality using radial basis function Thesis
Two dimensional switched beam antenna at 28 GHz for fifth genThesis
Development of new systematic techniques for retrofit of water Text
UTM, Mimos work together on wireless tech Text
Gastric protection ability of some medicinal malaysian plants ag Journal Article
Rekabentuk dan pembinaan tukup cerucuk (Preview) Text
Menambah baik koperasi Text
Basic Radiochemistry Exam Papers
Sektor binaan dibenar ambil pekerja Indonesia Text
Cuepacs happy with later retirement age Text
Sistem pendidikan sekolah agama Johor dikaji semula Text
Do everything in moderation Text
Sanga lebih aktif jika hujan Text
Modular structured multilevel inverter as a three-phase shunt act Text
Matematik III Text
Persamaan terbitan I Text
Are young girls more expensive than boys? Text
Pemasaran harta tanah Text
Masalah nafas berbau boleh dielak Text
Guru tak patut terlalu berkira soal masa, tenaga Text
Effective aerosol optical thickness retrieval algorithm using mod Thesis
Membudayakan usahawan dengan ilmu Text
As-built survey using Leica C10 and blender software Thesis
Virus hanya mudaratkan unggas Text
Malaysia's FDI : hits 4-year high Text
PM umum skim baru kenaikan pangkat guru Text
Keganasan kartun lebih teruk, mudah ditiru kanak-kanak Text
Green supply chain management: a review and research directi Non-Index Paper
Rural homestay to enhance tourist experience Conference Papers
Cabinet declares all-out war against Aedes Text
Rancang kewangan ke arah mencapai matlamat hidup Text
Introduction to History and Theory of Architechture Exam Papers
Floods kill three in Kelantan Text
Nelayan sertai projek akuakultur teknologi tinggi Text
Combined design and load shifting for distributed energy systemIndexed Paper
High amplitude wave liner effects on journal bearing performan Thesis
Hardware implementation of a cascaded H-bridge multilevel inv Thesis
Design and performance of antennas for wireless implantable b Thesis
Kepentingan Melayu usah diketepikan Text
Penilaian dan pelaburan harta tanah Text
Helping undergrads register as voters News Paper Cuttings
RM10mil worth of drugs seized Text
Permainan bahasa dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Conference Papers
Analisis tahap pengetahuan undang-undang hak cipta dalam kalang Thesis
Redesign and installation of plastic colour mixer machine Text
Weakling barbs has Syed Hamid seething Text
Toward coexistence and sharing between IMT-Advanced and exis Conference Papers
An overview on related issues in integrated circuits test - part 1 Text
KIST tawar diploma sains kesihatan dan kecergasan Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Hubungan di antara faktor persekitaran kerja dan pemindahan laThesis
Laman web sosial wadah penghayatan warisan seni budaya Text
Memartabat sains angkasa lepas tempatan Text
Cabaran mempromosi Malaysia di Perancis Text
Game theory Exam Papers
Thickness and stacking sequence effects on the moisture absor Thesis
Simulasi kawalan laju motor engganan tersuis (SRM) mengguna Text
Status IPTA boleh dipertingkat Text
Ujian Tanpa Musnah 1 Exam Papers
Reka cipta : kementerian sedia salur peruntukan Text
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
Pakar awet muda News Paper Cuttings
Platform for closer co-operation Text
Information Systems Based Engineering Asset Management EvalThesis
Cation exchange membrane by radiation-induced grafting of styre Conference Papers
Ramai wanita tak peduli barah Text
UMNO 50 tahun mendatang Text
Circuit theory II / teori litar II Text
Tambahan RM100j untuk projek tebatan banjir Text
Safety and health improvement in a process industry Text
Malaysia set to be role model for Namibia Text
Melayu belanja RM4b judi, arak Text
Tidal variation along the coastal area of peninsular Malaysia d Thesis
Comparison of building existing partitions through building inf Indexed Paper
Dominasi UTM News Paper Cuttings
Era baru KL-Canberra : bersetuju mulakan rundingan ke arah p Text
Budaya kerja penyelidikan dalam kalangan guru sekolah menengThesis
Mental health tests for workers Text
Teknologi penuangan Text
Lebuh raya baru akan dibina Text
Perbandingan intensiti perlawanan mengikut kumpulan posisi atlThesis
USM, 2 firms to undertake research in pest control Text
Hadiah sempena hari raya menjurus rasuah Text
Economic growth in hands of all Malaysians, says PM Text
Membina negara bangsa Text
EPF proposing staggered payments instead of lump sum at 55 Text
Dasar Luar AS : konflik Obama dan Hillary Text
MyIPO safeguards intellectual property Text
Mathematical modelling of river pollution by determining the le Thesis
Simulasi komputer ke atas masalah asas bulat menggunakan kaeText
Basic surveying Exam Papers
Evaluation of effect of traffic signal coordination system on congThesis
Piawaian pengurusan berasaskan syariah Text
Change to improve agriculture Text
A newton cooperative genetic algorithm method for in silico op Indexed Paper
A model to assess the usability of enterprise architecture frame Thesis
Menangani masalah beras negara Text
Ungkapan untuk berkomunikasi perlu kena pada tempat, lingku Text
Menyatukan saf umat Islam dalam menghadapi kemelut perbezaText
Sistem pencalonan hadiah akademik pelajar UTM berkonsepkanText
Pembangunan perisian analisis plat nipis (Versi 4) Text
Rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural network method Text
Defect growth time -dependent model of corrosion in seawater bConference Papers
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan berasaskan web cerah suriThesis
Asrama 1Malaysia pupuk integrasi pelajar Text
Intermediate accounting II Exam Papers
Cara melayan imigran Text
Private school with a difference Text
Rainfall infiltration variability under oil palm grown on sandy loaThesis
Tiada had tubuh universiti : selagi graduan ada masa depan, pe Text
Alimuddin named Education MinistryÆs new DG Text
PM invites Thais to invest up north Text
Isolation, screening and characterization of Fibrinolytic Enzyme Thesis
KLSE bakal disenarai separuh kedua 2004 Text
Tanpa vaksin nyawa anak dalam bahaya Text
Isu peranan media hangatkan pertemuan di Langkawi Text
Fail profil nilai potensi pelajar Text
Multimedia web programming Exam Papers
Rasuah belum serius : PM Text
Solat dhuha untuk jiwa, murah rezeki Text
Tiga syarikat bekerjasama majukan teknologi IPv6 Text
Mathematical method / Methods of engineering mathematics Exam Papers
New architecture of low area AES S-box/ InvS-box using VLSI im Journal Article
Application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method in selectiThesis
Law of contract and agency / undang-undang kontrak dan agensText
Government should take in only well-trained medical grads Text
Projek bekalan air luar bandar di Papar, Sabah Thesis
Dunia pekerjaan kian mencabar Text
Maize waste use as fluid loss control agent in water-based mud Thesis
MIM award for Abdullah Text
Wang pendeposit ATM hilang diganti dalam tempoh 14 hari Text
Mara akui 183 pelajar jurutera tidak diiktiraf Text
RazakSAT, Falcon 1 dilancar ke orbit 2006 Text
Architectural theory Exam Papers
Structural analysis of electric pylon Text
What use a code without teeth? Text
Hydrologic analysis for upper Sungai Chat watershed (Abstract) Text
Ten Years to 2020 : Rote learning simply won't do Text
Development of coconut pith chars towards high elemental mercIndexed Paper
Cola di 12 bandar Text
Adjusting to preschool Text
Application of a packed column air stripper in the removal of Indexed Paper
Cabinet approves G2G pact draft Text
Analysis and design of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) por Text
Kecemerlangan UiTM perlu kekal : Seri Paduka Text
Transporters : drop diesel subsidy, cut road tax Text
Photograph offenders, get reward Text
A numerical simulation study to evaluate the use of water alternText
Fizik am II Text
Analysis and design of pile cap due to pile eccentricity Thesis
Utusan raih rencana terbaik Text
Analisis ke atas keupayaan kolam takungan air hujan ribut bandaText
Rahmat di sebalik kekurangan gula Text
How safe are they? ! Text
Undang-undang tanah islam (Islamic land law) Text
Pekerja tempatan mesti diutamakan zaman kegawatan Text
PPBM pastikan pendidikan Taska bermutu Text
Seabad meniti cabaran menjana peradaban terbilang 1904-2004Text
Kajian prestasi dan aplikasi penggunaan bahan grout dalam induText
A study of Malaysian native plants as planting materials (AbstracText
UiTM akan tubuh Pusat Penyelidikan Batik Text
Remote way of protecting natural resources Text
Markov chain analysis to detect water quality level Thesis
AirAsia mahu kembali ke Subang Text
A hybrid BP and HSA for enhancing a multilayer perceptron lear Thesis
The reliance on internal auditors: external auditors' perspective Thesis
Advance highway engineering Exam Papers
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelajar-pelajar di institut per Thesis
Kes 4,269 peserta PLKN masih disiasat Text
Creating jobs with part-time work Text
Reinforced concrete design 2 Exam Papers
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) mesh independency technique Indexed Paper
Denggi penyakit orang bandar Text
Kes denggi meningkat Text
A new approach for fingerprint authentication Conference Papers
KWSP perkenal kaedah pengeluaran fleksibel Text
Building services II Exam Papers
Kementerian digesa kawal herba tradisional Text
Analisis kestabilan cerun Thesis
EPF option for workers on pension scheme Text
Beri peluang buat penyelidikan Text
Gunakan platform ICT Text
Country on track to reach Vision 2020 goal, says PM Text
Syor lantik naib canselor lulusan PhD Text
Usahawan tani disasar hasilkan RM2.4 bilion Text
UTM beri peluang kakitangan lanjut pelajaran Text
Elektronik Digit / Logik Digital & Mikropemproses Text
Bersama cegah gejala buang bayi Text
The cytotoxic effect of typhonium flagelliforme and clinacanthusThesis
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
English for academic communication Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Pak Lah upset over pollution and slow progress Text
Arkib Negara Malaysia menang anugerah Unesco Text
Sembrong jelapang padi baru Text
The exact number of conjugacy classes for 2 - generator p - group Thesis
UTM kumpul RM53 juta News Paper Cuttings
Testing a 1-D analytical salt intrusion model and its predictive e Indexed Paper
Comparative study of the essential oils of three Beilschmiedia spe Indexed Paper
Unconfined compressive strength of laterite soil stabilized with Thesis
Orang dalam dalang komplot jenayah Text
Structure I Exam Papers
Darul Quran dinaik taraf kolej universiti Text
Muhyiddin wants more info on Maths & Science issue before finaText
Election 2008 : no guarantee of cabinet posts Text
Environmental engineering (kejuruteraan alam sekitar) Text
Mandatory HIV screening for muslims planning to tie the knot Text
Apa itu penyakit jantung koronari? Text
Maxis to continue overseas forays Text
4.4 juta rakyat gemuk menjelang 2020 Text
Factors affecting price determination of an apartment unit in Ja Text
Kuasai 3 cabang ilmu, persiapan untuk belia majukan negara p Text
Computer programming Exam Papers
Potassium bromide as space holder for titanium foam preparati Indexed Paper
UMT bawa misi selamatkan penyu Text
EPU diarah sedia pelan induk sumber modal insan Text
Pengantarabangsaan IPT di Malaysia Text
KWSP perkenal simpanan asas setiap pencarum Februari 2008 Text
School system impresses DPM Text
Tiga syarikat pastikan bekalan makanan cukup Text
Establishment of emission characteristics, emission factors and Thesis
Interactive bill board using motion detector Thesis
Construction technology II (teknologi binaan II) Text
Perodua lancar model terbaru tahun depan Text
Ferroquine and its derivatives : new generation of antimalarial Indexed Paper
Meningkatkan kemampuan perkhidmatan di Tambak Johor Text
Tiga termasuk pelajar UTM maut kemalangan News Paper Cuttings
Application of microwave in wood tomography (Preview) Text
Karang di buah pinggang Text
Panel eBraille al-Quran News Paper Cuttings
Peningkatan kualiti dan produktiviti di kilang pembuatan melalu Text
Sabah looks to tourist ringgit Text
Use of sewage sludge ash (SSA) in the production of cement andConference Papers
Pembangunan Pulau Pangkor di tahun 2000 perlukan pelan induk News Paper Cuttings
Islam pelopor sains angkasa Text
Stability, friendly policies to draw more investments Text
Study of road traffic noise in Johor Text
Evaluating students pattern of interaction in online courses Conference Papers
Tiada paksaan tukar nama Text
Work together to save environment Text
Tele-persidangan di sekolah pedalaman Text
Epidemic troubleshooters, team set up to prevent sudden outbrText
Rakyat kita saintis pertama cipta pesawat supersonik rendah bu Text
Mekanisme tangani isu Kementerian Pelajaran dikaji Text
Abdullah mahu MB guna zakat basmi kemiskinan Text
SGM iktiraf profesion guru, bukan bebanan Text
Mediating effect of organizational culture in the relationship b Thesis
PM : rapatkan jurang ekonomi Text
Penuntut UTM juara keseluruhan Inatex 2009 Text
Penggunaan GIS dalam analisis hakisan tanah dan kesesuaian peText
Reductions and new exact solutions of the density-dependent n Indexed Paper
A cloud over climate summit Text
Ground effect modeling analysis and its application to racecar a Text
Exploring causal relationship from destination image to loyalty i Thesis
Teknologi minyak sayuran dan oleokimia Text
Dagangan negara naik 6.8 peratus Text
Amalan berpuasa bersihkan penyakit fizikal, kejiwaan manusia Text
Living with ParkinsonÆs Text
A case study on quality management system in construction proje Text
Analysis of audio system at Masjid Tan Sri Ainuddin Wahid, TamaThesis
Universiti Southampton, UTM jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Penggunaan tempurung kelapa sawit terubahsuai sebagai bahanText
Synthesis and biodegradation evaluation of nano-Si and nano-Si/Indexed Paper
Cleaning the stink Text
Geng ceroboh sistem internet bank tumpas Text
Pembubaran perkahwinan dalam Islam Conference Papers
Stations declare Sept 9 Radio Day Text
Manfaatkan karnival kerjaya News Paper Cuttings
Photon energy response of germanium and dysprosium doped cal Thesis
KL sasar 50 lagi syarikat BioNexus Text
Dakwa segera perogol : perbuatan sangat kejam, keji, macam bi Text
Pendidikan terbaik bukan hanya di sekolah asrama penuh Text
Supply chain management in a packing company (Preview) Text
Camp Palestinians in despair Text
Tempoh periksa kertas jawapan kekal tiga bulan Text
Mengulangi kegemilangan dunia Islam Text
Hubungan industri : IPTA lahirkan ramai penyelidik S&T Text
Hubungan China-ASEAN bawa kejayaan lebih besar Text
Enhanced transmission control protocol-driven cloud-based archThesis
More hazy days Text
Pengenalan kewangan Text
A technique for evaluating the oil/heavy-oil viscosity changes Indexed Paper
Kecederaan sukan lutut berbunyi æpopÆ! Text
Optimal waste-to-energy strategy assisted by GIS for sustainab Indexed Paper
I-Grand method for graphical and numerical based technique forConference Papers
UPSR joy : best of the best also loves sports Text
Living on the edge, coastal erosion threatening villagersÆ homeText
Audit keselamatan dan kesihatan di hospital Text
Memajukan insan kampung Text
Just fine-tuning of BTN course Text
KL and Kiwis to co-operate in education News Paper Cuttings
Claria V kenderaan pintar UTM Text
Automatic cooking machine Thesis
Golongan pertengahan boros belanja Text
Estimating and tendering Exam Papers
Dr M syor mata wang Asia Timur Text
Your health matters, use the subsidy Text
Harta intelek cabar daya saing, ketahanan negara Text
IPTA, universiti asing boleh tukar pensyarah Text
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Kekurangan kemahiran di dalam industri pembinaan di MalaysiaThesis
Microwave engineering Exam Papers
Kajian makamal pencampuaran di dalam estuari baji garam : kewText
Ada yang tidak kena : 150 kemalangan di LPT sejak dibuka dua buText
Artificial immune system and particle swarm optimization for eleThesis
Intelligent incubator system for brooding and hatching egg (iNC Thesis
Media boleh dikenakan tindakan Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Perakaunan I Text
Development of common work breakdown structure (WBS) for scho Text
Bantu serap risiko sektor pertanian Text
Mekanisma mesin mencucuk satay Text
Building services system Exam Papers
Percepat ekuiti Bumiputera Text
Ground penetrating radar backscatter for underground utility asConference Papers
Analysts expect recovery in construction Text
AES diperluas ke seluruh negara Text
Pengekstrakan bangunan mengunakan imej satelit beresolusi tinText
Sweeping changes to AP scheme Text
Unit Forensik BPR siasat hospital diserang kulat Text
Kajian tahap pengetahuan pelajar-pelajar Politeknik Sultan Haji Thesis
Evaluation of magneto-optic properties of LaXPO(X = Mn, Fe, N Indexed Paper
Kerajaan adil agih biasiswa Text
Power system control Text
Harga siling besi keluli dimansuh Text
Vocational education and training (VET) practices: issues and ch Conference Papers
Magnetic properties of polyvinyl alcohol and doxorubicine loaded Indexed Paper
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
KL may absorb StatesÆ RM807m water debts Text
Comparison performance among micro-size of vertical axis windThesis
C++ programming Exam Papers
Materials engineering Exam Papers
Gred pengetua sekolah kluster bermula DG52 Text
Strong sales, so Proton drops partner option Text
Impact of agricultural drainage on stream water quality Text
The land use and its influence on real property tax (Fulltext) Text
Residential satisfaction in military family housing Thesis
PTPTN loans may cover only tuition fees Text
Kementerian kesan bas ekspres diguna edar VCD cetak rompak Text
Suara NAM patut didengar Text
Time latih Bumiputera jadi usahawan ICT Text
Skleroderma manusia jadi batu Text
Angkat martabat pemuisi Text
Bendung penyakit berjangkit Text
Peranan perunding tanah dalam proses permohonan serah balikText d
Landscape construction 2 Exam Papers
Kajian keberkesanan peranan CIDB di dalam pembangunan sumbText
Misuse of APs a reason for rampant rice smuggling Text
Pengekstrakan data berasaskan pendekatan ontologi : kes data jText
Faktor kejayaan kaedah reka dan bina : kajian terhadap kontrak Text
Active branch line coupler for Butler Matrix Thesis
Three dimensional modelling of artefacts by using VIVID 910 an Thesis
Pegawai awasi 4 kilang gula Text
Negara akan punyai satelit komunikasi sendiri Text
Badan khas kawal logo, sijil halal akan ditubuh Text
Mikrobiologi Text
Removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution by natural cla Conference Papers
Influence of palm oil fuel ash in reducing heat of hydration of c Non-Index Paper
System processor and peripherals Exam Papers
Chua disappointed by lack of response Text
Learning enhancement of radial basis function network with parText
Tunku Laksamana Johor selamat jalani pembedahan di Guangzh News Paper Cuttings
Kajian kenaikan aras air apabila paip merentangi saluran Text
Hishammuddin wants feedback on blueprint Text
The adoption and performance of official facebook fan page (FF Thesis
Bina benteng halang hakisan pantai Text
Rundingan isu-isu tertunggak antara Malaysia-Singapura temui sText
Importance of transformational leadership in project success : Indexed Paper
Gain enhanced UWB dielectric resonator antenna Indexed Paper
Kawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Water treatment Exam Papers
Transformasi jurubicara bangsa Text
Makanan tambahan pelajar miskin kurang zat Text
RM120j untuk baik pulih rumah golongan miskin Text
Computerized simulation system for ECM radar system (Full textText
Unsteady flow analysis for trachea and main bronchi for variou Conference Papers
Effect of bolt arrangement and sizes to the capacity of splice co Thesis
Pemimpin, ahli UMNO langgar tataetika pemilihan boleh dipecatText
Time-frequency facial gestures EMG analysis using bilinear distr Indexed Paper
Penemuan bersejarah Islam mula bertapak di Kedah bukan Mel Text
USM cipta produk kurangkan pencemaran Text
Minyak tanpa subsidi bagi warga asing Text
Methods and protocol flow cells : technique used for studying miIndexed Paper
RM776j lahirkan 50,050 usahawan Text
UTM capai pelan strategik negara News Paper Cuttings
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Retrofitting performance of reinforced concrete one way slab Journal Article
Mudahkan pendekatan Islam, jangan eksklusifkannya Text
Model ekonomi baru dan agenda Melayu Text
Languages of Watson-Crick Petri net Indexed Paper
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Analisis plumbum di udara Kuala Lumpur selepas penguatkuasa Conference Papers
MM Chip berfungsi baik di KLIA Text
Using graphite as drag reducer agent (DRA) to reduce drag forceThesis
MATLAB / SIMULINK based and simulation of power quality dist Conference Papers
Planets point to good fortune Text
Penggunaan GIS dalam harta tanah Text
MARA bertindak tegas Text
Kawalan inventori Text
Kaedah holistik manfaat sumber air Text
Perluas konsep tadbir urus global : TPM Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Penubuhan MJIIT tunggu kelulusan Kabinet Text
Photocatalytic CO2 methanation over NiO/In2O3 promoted TiO2Indexed Paper
Koala.jpg Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Management accounting / perakaunan pengurusan Text
Raja Nazrin tegur sikap persatuan kaya Text
Equitable remedy : injunction (Full text) Text
History of south east asian architecture Exam Papers
Kajian pergerakan endapan di Jeti Tanjong Belungkor, Kota TinggiText
Analysing the tsunami Text
Tourist arrivals in 2006 hit record high Text
Peranan guru cemerlang dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru la Thesis
Kawalan proses berkomputer Text
Study on loss characteristic of polymer material for optical wavegText
Perokok pesakit mental Text
Penderaan seksual kanak-kanak perlu dipandang serius Text
Bridge project should have gone ahead Text
PM sampaikan Anugerah Merdeka Text
Fizik am I Text
Coarse grain load balance algorithm for detecting similar regio Indexed Paper
Graduan sains kesihatan bersekutu masih kurang Text
Microwave reflectometer for soil moisture and permittivity me Thesis
Efficiency optimization of variable speed induction motor drive Conference Papers
Mathematical modelling in the river pollution Thesis
Director: Dedicated staff work better Text
Kerajaan sedia bayar bonus, selaras Cola Text
Embracing the idea of "Context" in architecture education and t Conference Papers
Environmental management Exam Papers
I can't live without my Syafia Text
Kementerian tidak akan kompromi gejala buli Text
Haze will be worse than in 2006' Text
Validation of hierarchical gene clusters using repeated measur Journal Article
Kelengkapan / loji pembinaan Text
Students deprived of facilities Text
Detecting and monitoring defects and damages on a pipeline us Thesis
Ic testing techniques Exam Papers
Trend ambil dadah tiruan di tahap membimbangkan Text
Laluan terbatas, sukar bergerak bebas punca LRT kurang sambu Text
Understanding true jihad Text
Second-quarter GDP growth likely at 7.5% Text
Boost for the heartá Text
USM kesan penyakit genetik Text
Pemulihan penagih dikaji Text
Tingkat had umur, kawal lesen wajar Text
Mixed views by academics and NGOs to tuition voucher schemeText
Kemasukan pekerja asing mestilah berpada Text
Move to cap price of essential medicine Text
Comparative study of congestion control techniques in high spe Non-Index Paper
Jurang ekonomi Melayu melebar Text
Bersedia gelombang kedua wabak H1N1 Text
Gender estimation based on facial image (Full text) Text
Unscrupulous agents raise price of tickets Text
Zakat tangani kemiskinan Text
Peranti semikonduktor Text
Menjadikan syariat Islam arus perdana Text
Library facilities get RM18m boost Text
Improvement of soft saturated clay using electrokinetic dewaterText
Seni pertukangan tradisional pembinaan bangsal wakaf Negeri KText
The use of scanning acoustic microscope for flaw detection in meText
Semangat perkongsian membina negara-bangsa Text
Calon dapat semua A meningkat Text
Tutup jurang salah faham Text
Jenazah Tunku Abdul Jalil selamat disemadikan News Paper Cuttings
Electrical and electronic waste characterization and biodegradatiThesis
Teaching english for science and technology Exam Papers
Pembangunan portal bukti peningkatan kualiti UiTM Text
Survey : people proud to be Malaysian Text
System analysis and design (kaedah analisis dan rekabentuk sist Text
Kaedah penilaian pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan isla Conference Papers
Water as a bargaining ploy Text
In a league of its own News Paper Cuttings
Stochastic hydrology and reservoir inflow analysis = Hidrologi st Text
Anticancer effects of retinoic acid in cervical cancer cells Thesis
Fun with newspapers for teachers Text
Optimization of biomass usage for electricity generation with ca Non-Index Paper
Mengkaji kesan jarak antara bolt pada sambungan Text
50,000 rumah bagi miskin tegar Text
Wilayah ekonomi bertaraf dunia Text
Cuepacs puas hati kenaikan adil Text
Matematik Tulen II Text
UTM kenang jasa, sumbangan 3 tokoh News Paper Cuttings
Sistem kawalan kualiti botol minuman pepsi di kilang Malaya Gl Text
Instrumentasi Text
Facial expression recognition using eigen image features Thesis
Tourists being taken for a ride Text
The delights of knowledge Text
Potensi bioteknologi Malaysia pikat pelabur asing Text
Menempatkan Negaraku di persada terhormat Text
SPM: Pencapaian dianggap sederhana Text
Dividen Bank Rakyat 15 peratus Text
Kesan sudut pusaran terhadap pembentukan emisi menggunakan Journal Article
In-situ entrapment of laccase in mesoporous silica microparticleThesis
Increasing scientific workforce four-fold by 2010 Text
A preliminary study of risk factors of breast cancer and the us Journal Article
Pembangunan peta interaktif rumah api di Semenanjung MalaysThesis
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Penuaian air hujan untuk sebuah rumah di Taman Wangsa Melaw Thesis
Detection of various styled answer marks on a multiple choice f Thesis
Analisis struktur terhadap pelbagai beban menggunakan kaeda Thesis
Composition determination of water and oil flow using ultrason Thesis
Penyelidik UTM cipta alat ukur kecergasan untuk pemain badmint News Paper Cuttings
Latih pelarian wanita jadi pembantu rumah Text
Extra cops roped in to check crime Text
Zecon to develop UTM centre News Paper Cuttings
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Little helpers Text
Market to determine value of ringgit, says Najib Text
Amazing Tempo dikompaun isytihar 37 kenderaan import bawahText
UWB channel characterization in 28 GHZ millimeter waveband foJournal Article
Penggunaan teknik mikropenurasan aliran silang di dalam pengelText
Jangan biarkan projek ancam keselamatan Text
Pelabuhan Klang pusat seludup beras Text
Mat Rempit ride to other states Text
Hukuman pemulihan dan pelaksanaannya dalam perundangan IslThesis
Kerajaan disyor perkenal syarat baru mohon lesen kontraktor Text
Kemasukan pelajar ke IPT perlu ditingkatkan : Najib Text
Guna dialog Islam-Barat Text
Schools ready for sports policy : government to look into woes Text
Utilization of a cost effective Lapindo mud catalyst derived from Indexed Paper
UTM terokai ekopelancongan Text
Envmonmental studies Exam Papers
Perbandingan di antara kaedah kelangsingan ikatan ricih dan Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Job vacancies available but firms not hiring locals Text
Jambatan kedua mula November Text
Malaysia pemain penting industri pertahanan dunia Text
Prinsip Perhubungan Text
Maxis : bukti keyakinan Arab Saudi terhadap ekonomi Malaysia Text
Bahasa rojak punca kualiti BM merosot Text
Analisis struktur Text
Sudanese meat for Malaysia market News Paper Cuttings
Mahathir kritik kerajaan Text
Eye-opening mission for UTM team Text
MPKB naikkan caj letak kereta 50 peratus Text
Downlink UWB photonic antenna Thesis
2010 Tahun Kreativiti dan Inovasi Text
Pengurusan ekonomi pintar Malaysia berkesan Text
Malaysia mampu hadapi kesan kegawatan ekonomi global Text
Penderia & transduser Text
The effect of blending ratio on mechanical properties of polylactIndexed Paper
Development of designer chairs in Malaysia Text
Zeti : inflation likely to reach 10-year high Text
Nutrient and antinutrient composition of different variety of ca Journal Article
Fine sugar may be controlled item Text
UTM B ungguli Pertandingan Robocon 2013 News Paper Cuttings
CFD : assessment on different bed height effect over drag modelThesis
Tingkat semangat patriotisme News Paper Cuttings
250,000 siswzah menganggur digesa manfaat peruntukan TUS Text
Dua pelajar MRSM maut jangkitan virus Text
Cuepacs yakin kerajaan ada formula terbaik ganti SSB Text
Assessing cumulative watershed effects by Zig-Zag pebble coun Text
Moving object detection in a sequence of images taken from non- Text
Acoustic engineering Exam Papers
Kanak-kanak berhak jalani kehidupan selamat, lebih ceria Text
Microwave-assisted solvent extraction of castor oil from castor Thesis
Puskom UTM giat jalankan R&D Text
Pengujian telaga Text
Locational and socio-economic factors in determining willingnesThesis
Forced convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a conThesis
Travel protection Text
Generasi muda Muslim mesti timba ilmu, beriman untuk berjayaText
Motorizes bionic prosthetic hand Thesis
Give people right to veto war Text
Semakan ketepatan peta topografi siri L Text
Daya baru industri udara Text
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Differential equations Exam Papers
Intrumentation Exam Papers
Nuri buat 5,034 tugasan sejak 2002 Text
Training teachers in technology Text
Gas permeation properties and characterization of polymer ba Indexed Paper
Teknik biologi molekul Text
Pasaran saham diniagakan tinggi Text
Perjuangan bahasa Melayu belum selesai Text
Kementerian yakin 20 juta lawat Malaysia tahun ini Text
Modal insan strategi terbaik negara Text
Mahasiswa UTM, Konyang tabur bakti News Paper Cuttings
A clearer picture of schizophrenia Text
Preparation of highly active zinc oxide for photocatalytic removaConference Papers
Empat pendekatan bawa takraw ke Olimpik 2012 Text
Climate change and water resources management in Tuwei riverIndexed Paper
Tanah Sutera property management system Thesis
Electromyography as an objective measurement for evaluating ph Journal Article
Chromium(VI) removal from aqueous solution by untreated rub Conference Papers
The effects of scffolding strategy in online social-collaborative Conference Papers
Comparison of the design of column between hot-rolled UC sectiThesis
Sistem pembayaran saman secara MOBILE berorientasikan CRMText ba
Malaysia pilihan pelabur industri gas, minyak Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Negara terlalu bergantung kepada pekerja asing - Penganalisis Text
Wearable assistive device for visually impaired people Thesis
PM urges more banks to give loans for farming Text
Recurrent neuro fuzzi controller power system stabilizer (Full texText
Effects of justicia gendarussa ethanolic extract on osteoblastic a Indexed Paper
Japan can boost our space programme Text
Improving antispam techniques by embracing pattern - based filText
Penang to build two budget hotels News Paper Cuttings
Iskandar Malaysia jadi bandar karbon rendah News Paper Cuttings
Application of soil nailing as protection and reinforcement for sl Thesis
Blood glucose measurement system Thesis
Syabu ring operated like a big business Text
Pengurusan sisa dan alam sekitar Text
Hijrah, azam berterusan mampu tingkat kegemilangan ummah Text
Banks to ease housing loan payment Text
Lost city believed found in Johor Text
Biofizik Text
Diploma kejuruteraan tiga kolej Jepun mungkin diiktiraf Text
Kajian terperinci atasi masalah rumah tidak terjual Text
Teori Medan Elektromagnet I Text
Kementerian belanja lebih, RM75 juta bantu 600,000 murid miskText
Statik Text
Enhancing ethanol production using a hybrid of firefly algorithmThesis
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Optic Communication Laboratory Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
Examining the relationship between working environment and joThesis
Denda RM2,000 tak pakai tali keledar belakang Text
Projek landasan berkembar pelengkap ekonomi negara Text
The effect of rainrate modeling for the prediction of satellite p Text
Optical detection and evaluation of partial discharge on glass insIndexed Paper
Tugas pemeriksaan dan keperluan latihan Nazir Sekolah KementeThesis
Antecedents of online community commitment and its effect onThesis
Rasuah musnah pembangunan, sistem masyarakat Text
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Syor wujud akta etika pakaian pekerja Islam Text
Electrochemical performance of ordered mesoporous carbon modi Indexed Paper
Study on studentsÆ feedback Text
Kajian terhadap aspek perlaksanaan projek pengorekan di persisiText
PM calls for reports on economic impact Text
Prediction of unmeasured mode shape using artificial neural ne Journal Article
Real - time implementation of twelve - lead automated electroc Text
Mutual coupling study in dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) reflThesis
Optimization of the force characteristic of rotary motion type o Journal Article
Keperluan modul I-think dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaConference Papers
Semua radio 24 jam sebelum hujung tahun Text
The mediating effect of corporate social responsibility and spiri Thesis
Micro-structural properties of porous asphalt mixture Thesis
Pindaan AUKU lahir mahasiswa cemerlang Text
Teachers yet to show up in remote areas Text
Some applications of metacyclic 2-groups of negative type Indexed Paper
In vitro study of polygonum minus extract effect on skin cells he Thesis
Dr. M bimbang pelajar tidak sayang sekolah Text
Ikhlas lahirkan bekas penagih berkemahiran Text
MalaysiaÆs high worker death rate cause for concern Text
Why water quality is poor Text
Effectiveness of safety programs in Malaysian construction indusThesis
Green technologies in shipping Thesis
Computer application in property Exam Papers
Performance study on effect of convolutional coding in WCDMA Text s
Mutu web, portal kerajaan Text
Code to protect Internet users Text
Cara fikir guru, sistem penilaian jadi penentu Text
System architecture, behaviour and optimisation Exam Papers
Mathematical modelling of transient flow and heat transfer in a Thesis
Negative labels Text
Sistem pengiklanan berasaskan profil Thesis
More youth getting HIV/AIDS Text
Langkah bersepadu tangani gejala sosial Text
The Computation of the nonabelian tensor product of cyclic grouJournal Article
Sejarah & falsafah matematik Text
Parametric study on solar vapour compression cooling system Text
Pengurusan tanah luar bandar Text
Digital signal processing 1 Exam Papers
Islam galak dakwah secara berhikmah Text
Penggunaan spektroskopi Text
Statistical modelling of corrosion growth behaviour in marine st Conference Papers
Employing data warehousing for contract administration : e-dispIndexed Paper
Jambatan bengkok wajar dibina : Shahrir Text
Estimation of vehicle-trip interchanges along the Kuala Lumpur- Text
Modal analysis of concrete bridge decks subjected to free vibratText
Vehicle owners to pay price for othersÆ offences Text
Khatan tak ganggu perkembangan fisiologi kanak-kanak Text
Utama nilai kerja bersungguh-sungguh Text
UKM menang 5 pingat Reka Cipta Baru Dunia Text
Pihak berminat boleh hantar pandangan segera Text
Apresiasi seni, alam Text
Modelling of flow structure and pollutant dispersion in symmetrThesis
A review of utilization of coconut shell and coconut fiber in roadIndexed Paper
Robot pemeriksa saluran pembentungan Text
Rangkakerja sistem pemilihan dan penilaian kontraktor Thesis
Pengurusan fasiliti Text
Persamaan perbezaan Text
Sinkhole risk modeling in residential area using GIS technique Conference Papers
Rakyat kita pilih pusat beli-belah lepas tekanan Text
Kerja sepasukan dan kepuasan kerja guru di sekolah berprestasi Thesis
Sebat syariah didik, insafkan pesalah Text
Malaysian business community social network mapping on the wConference Papers
Tidak tahu, tidak mahu atau tidak kisah Text
A compact S-Band front-end rectenna for wireless power transfer Text
Menjana kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi melalui pengutaraan ma Conference Papers
Applying particle swarm optimization to software performance pConference Papers
Pelajar UTM tabur bakti News Paper Cuttings
Kenapa teknologi hijau? Text
Association rule mining through matrix manipulation using tran Non-Index Paper
Pengurusan kecacatan bangunan Text
Object-oriented programming (pengaturcaraan berorientasikan Text
Usah hanya mengeluh inflasi melonjak 8.5% Text
Students without varsity places can appeal by May 20 Text
Makanan segera lebih bahaya daripada rokok Text
The preferred destination among tourist Text
Special teams to help land offices clear backlog Text
Pelajar asing mungkin dikecualikan kursus tertentu Text
Putus asa tingkat risiko hidap barah Text
Bekas Exco Perak hadapi 2 tuduhan rasuah Text
English for academic communication Text
Plagarism detection on the student assignment from internet usConference Papers
Masyarakat masih kurang peka jaga alam sekitar Text
Barat pandang rendah universiti Islam Text
Modeling and simulation of a communication-assisted digital pr Indexed Paper
Legal studies III Exam Papers
Pulau Pinang sasaran utama syarikat IT dunia Text
Impregnation of magnetic particles on oil palm shell activated Indexed Paper
New home ownership scheme to help widows Text
Kolej perubatan Text
Little things matter Text
Proton perlu teroka teknologi hibrid secara besar-besaran Text
26 sertai ekspedisi kayak News Paper Cuttings
Govt mulls future of cooking oil Text
Malaysia dalam kedudukan baik jadi orang tengah Text
Thermal performance of various pin fin heat sink design for elec Thesis
Beban pelajar dan kesannya dalam pembelajaran pelajar (AbstraText
Research methods in education Exam Papers
Industri akuakultur dimaju besar-besaran di seluruh negara Text
Haba, optik, elektrik & magnet Text
Enhancement of mobile IPV6 for handover latency using robust Thesis
Developing online shopping intention among people: BangladeshNon-Index Paper
Kajian makmal pelepasan effluen therma secara serenjang pada Text
MMC to check on 333 varsities Text
Doctors seek equitable healthcare for all Text
Multi-dimensional reduction using self-organizing map Indexed Paper
Kes ragut : Polis diminta percepat siasatan Text
In Malaysia, its a hackers heaven Text
Marine parks will see fewer tourists Text
Assemblability design efficiency (ADE) analyses for design for a Text
Programming Exam Papers
Reality check for Asean Text
Kajian keberintangan elektrik abu terbang dari dandang kilang k Conference Papers
Pelatih PKN langgar disiplin dihantar terus ke kem khas Text
Ragut antara kes paling sukar disiasat Text
Memories of Bukit Kepong heroes washed away Text
Fuel price to come down again Text
Improvement of electronic components arrangement on printedThesis ci
RM280 juta dibelanja untuk selenggara pesawat Text
A growing industry Text
Permodelan sistem biomedik Text
Yemeni Muslim consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towar Non-Index Paper
JPJ minta penumpang rakam pemandu cuai Text
Starch-based edible film and coating from local pachyrhizus ero Journal Article
Mid-infrared entangled photon generation in optimised asymmeIndexed Paper
Kursus implementasi ISO 9001 2015 perkhidmatan perpustakaanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penggunaan robotik sebagai alat dalam pengajaran dan pembelaConference Papers
Kajian permasalahan pengurusan taman rekreasi : kajian kes : TaText
æKetidaksempurnaanÆ Putrajaya akan berakhir Text
Machine learning big data framework and analytics for big data Indexed Paper
Rakan HEMA pangku tugas MPP sebelum pilihan raya kampus News Paper Cuttings
Make drivers stop at designated stations Text
Kerajaan diminta selesai masalah setinggan di Johor Text
Land law Exam Papers
Reka bangunan jimat tenaga Text
Hentikan rasuah, amaran keras kepada pegawai dan anggota polis Text
USM mahu kerjasama hasil enjin jimat petrol Text
A GIS approach in evaluation of metropolitan green area : a caseConference Papers
Mining similar pattern with attribute oriented induction high l Journal Article
Elektronik I Text
Sistem monorel siap dibina tahun depan Text
Manusia diberi hidayah akal, agama cari kebenaran Text
Pemasangan struktur komunikasi sentiasa patuhi syarat Text
Application of proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris mixture to Indexed Paper
Detection of deception using P300 Thesis
Isolation and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) Thesis
The impact of technostress on organisational commitment amonConference Papers
Banyak syarikat mohon geran daripada Smidec Text
Inisiatif terbaru MSC Malaysia Text
Penarafan mengangkasa bangsa cemerlang Text
Bahan api mesra alam News Paper Cuttings
Investment in technology based small and medium sized firms inNon-Index Paper
Siblings swim into record books Text
Security architectures and models Exam Papers
Pengembangan kreativiti pelajar luar bandar melalui projek pemText
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Survey and mapping II Exam Papers
Critical and creative thinking Exam Papers
Sarawak Air Pass flies to four destinations for only RM299 Text
Mekong Valley Biodiesel Expidition UTM bermula 18 Julai News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia slips to 44th place on graft index Text
Commercialisation of academic research in higher education instThesis
Pelajar UTM rentas 5,600 km promosi biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Clear sky diurnal behavior of tropospheric scintillation at ku-ba Indexed Paper
Kumpulan pertama bengkel kik Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Asas grafik komputer Text
Blind colour image watermarking techniques in hybrid domain usin Thesis
Malaysian Red Crescent Society holds high tea News Paper Cuttings
Fasa kedua Lebuhraya Pantai Timur diteruskan Text
Co-ordination essential to eradicate poverty Text
8.6 juta pekebun kecil getah guna teknologi LITS Text
Proton jumpa pemilik saham MV Agusta SpA Text
Firma tak aktif didenda RM1j Text
Pressure drop and water holdup of Malaysian crude oil and wateIndexed Paper
Technology and innovation management awareness and practiseThesis
Pencarum aktif bertambah 5.4 juta orang Text
Enhanced luminescence from silver nanoparticles integrated Er3Indexed Paper
Design optimisation of spiral aortic cannula Thesis
An automated entities extraction model for elements recognitioConference Papers
Kontraktor diperkenalkan pada orang ramai Text
Bayaran semua projek kerajaan terus kepada sub-kontraktor Text
Hydrolysis of soluble cellooligosaccharides by trichoderma reeseThesis
Keep websites up date: Abdullah Text
Help poor fight the middlemen, youth told News Paper Cuttings
Pelajar UTM diarah berpakaian kemas Text
Pindaan Akta Lembaga Tembakau Negara dijangka lulus tahun Text
Sistem mekanikal dan elektrikal Text
Planning practice Exam Papers
Hukuman tegas terhadap model bertujuan pengajaran Text
Geoteknik Text
SC ada sebulan siasat pasaran Text
Pembangunan sistem perisian berasaskan web bagi pembelajaraThesis
Membangun kemahiran Al-Quran dan Jawi kepada anak-anak Conference Papers
Pengurangan tarif telefon awal mac Text
RM20 bilion pelaburan asing di Johor Text
Photo categorizer mobile application Thesis
Biodegradation of bis-azo dye reactive black 5 by white-rot fun Indexed Paper
Syor tambah taman industri mesra alam Text
Solidification technique for disposal of toxic waste (Abstract) Text
All eyes on three-month summer break students Text
Doktor langgar etika boleh dipecat Text
Real analysis Text
Indirect DNS covert channel based on name reference for minima Conference Papers
Regional team seeks solution to burning issue Text
Fungsi Majlis Raja-Raja Text
Boys detained, minister to handle the case personally Text
'Tongkat Ali' - does it measure up? Text
DOE officials directed to re-take OSA oath Text
Beri guru cukup latihan bahasa Inggeris Text
English for profesional communication Exam Papers
Instructional scaffolding in online learning environment : a metaIndexed Paper
Ayam, itik tidak akan diberi suntikan vaksin Text
Negeri Sembilan, wujud Portal Pelancongan Text
Investigating of using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data to g Thesis
Seminar 1Malaysia di IPT terpilih Text
Molecular dynamic simulation studies of Q212H, V203G and N173 Thesis
Construction technology 3 Exam Papers
IBM, 11 IPT jalin kerjasama bangunkan SSME Text
Government to woo women workers Text
Chaotic map-embedded Blowfish algorithm for security enhanceIndexed Paper
More science and engineering courses should be offered Text
The singing method in teaching and learning process in helping sIndexed Paper
Sains jana ekonomi negara Text
PM Abdullah says government reforms will boost nation's resili Text
Institut Biosains UPM temui sebatian ubat tanpa steroid Text
Analysis of vortex induced motions of a circular cylinder Thesis
Ranhill kuasai loji jana kuasa di luar negara Text
Bumiputera boleh dapat kontrak melalui tender khas Text
7 asas bentuk Komuniti Asia Timur Text
The effect of blending acrylic grafted PVC and PVC K-66 with ABSText
Data transfer between CAD system and RP system : a report Text
Improved production of fuel oxygenates via glycerol acetylation Indexed Paper
Kesan kualiti udara ke atas nilai harta tanah kediaman: kes kaj Conference Papers
Pressure drop analysis for optimum inside-casing gravel pack de Text
Kick-start for stalled talks on bilateral issues soon Text
Akta lindungi maklumat peribadi langkah tepat Text
Kerajaan susun strategi modenkan pertanian Text
60,000 pil khayal jadi bukti kes dadah hilang Text
Urban planning & development control Exam Papers
An adoption model for cloud-based collaborative learning applicThesis
Measurement of rheologically induced molecular orientation usiIndexed Paper
Jaminan tenaga mencukupi Text
Buangan komputer jadi ancaman kepada dunia Text
Herbal extract decolourization device using activated carbon Journal Article
Pengukuran & Instrumentasi Text
Kaedah berangka Text
No H1N1 cases, says minister Text
BI syarat wajib lulus SPM Text
Statistical error tolerances of partial discharge recognition rates Indexed Paper
Site management Exam Papers
User experience and interaction design Exam Papers
Five in family killed in collision with vans Text
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Information Management Exam Papers
Rekacipta alat pengesan tumbukan dan sepakan menggunakan te Thesis
AS tiru Malaysia tangani krisis ekonomi : Nor Mohamed Text
Impacts of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) elements on residIndexed Paper
A numerical analysis on the performance of buckling restrained bra Indexed Paper
Pemodelan dan reka bentuk jalan menggunakan perisian Micro Text
Indentation failure analysis of glass fiber composite/polyester mThesis
Understanding between cultures still lagging Text
Mierscope : economic challenges of the ageing Text
Private sector preferred, fewer non-Malays in the civil service Text
Preparation of radiation grafted kenaf adsorbent for aluminium Thesis
UTM mahu capai taraf dunia menjelang 2010 Text
Kurang air punca pelbagai penyakit Text
Localization using fingerprinting method in mobile IP testbed Thesis
Fasa kedua LPT babitkan jajaran baru Text
Usaha merevolusikan pertanian negara Text
Pengurusan disiplin pelajar di sekolah menengah daerah KulaijayThesis
UTM pertama wujudkan sekretariat IEM News Paper Cuttings
Pelabur Teluk mahu wujudkan kampung Arab di Lembah Klang Text
Effect of aggregate shape on the properties of asphalticconcret Journal Article
Naza bina enjin motosikal Text
UKMMC creates bypass history Text
Universiti perlu pejabat pengurusan harta intelek Text
Learning how to recruit well Text
Najib : sports will be a key part of education process soon Text
Haze : children under 5 at risk Text
Gangsterism in schools top news in Malay dailies Text
Solar energy and clean energy : trends and developments 2014 Indexed Paper
Kajian eutrofikasi di Tasik Ilmu, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sk Text
GERD penyakit moden sebabkan penghidap merana dalam diamText
Productivity improvement through work study and simulation Text
Police co-operation with NZ to counter terrorism Text
Sistem pengurusan Kolej Datin Seri Endon (KDSE) berasaskan an Thesis
Ban mobile phones, govt urged Text
National Service programme to reflect racial composition Text
Pavement design and construction Exam Papers
Pertumbuhan ekonomi separuh pertama 6.7 peratus Text
High-speed broadband soon Text
Public private partnership model for implementing projects in NiThesis
Hanya enam pantau halal Text
Influence of color glass towards cooling loads Thesis
Neuro-network modelling and control of flexibly mounted cylindri Thesis
Framework of stratified residential property management servicIndexed Paper
Undang-undang perlu adil Text
Taklimat program kualiti Perpustakaan UTM oleh Timbalan Ket Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Study on micro hydro power plant as a site laboratory in UniversThesis
Hybrid fiber reinforced polymer for structural strengthening Text
Muka lama, baru perkukuh BN Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran Text
Risk management of bridge construction project in Indonesia Thesis
Landskap Text
10,000 doctor vacancies, only half filled Text
Ketibaan pelancong kekal pada 6.9 peratus Text
UTM jalin kerjasama dengan NVIDIA Corporation News Paper Cuttings
Kajian penjanaan sisa pepejal di premis-premis kediaman di per Thesis
Courseware development on civil engineering construction mater Text
Reservoir-based evolving spiking neural network for spatio-tempConference Papers
Digital electronics 1/ (eletronik digital 1) Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Heroin syndicate crippled, brothers and woman nabbed Text
3,693 pengguna motosikal terbunuh tahun lalu Text
Rolek beri nilai tambah produk hiliran sawit Text
Effectiveness of open source data loss prevention tool in cloud Thesis
The effect of salinity and sacrificial agent on surfactant adsorpt Thesis
Green Information Technology (IT) framework for energy efficient Non-Index Paper
Laws on Malay reserve land to be amended Text
Preparation and structural characterization of binary catalyst f Journal Article
Persepsi penghuni terhadap harta tanah kondominium : kajian ke Text
Memperkasakan institusi pengajian tinggi Text
Foreign students to increase to 30,000 in five years Text
Syor Mahkamah Syariah bicara kes muamalat Text
Kos air naik RM75b Text
Composite right/left-handed dual-band metamaterial antenna wiIndexed Paper
PM calls for bold measures on economic crisis Text
UTM tubuh pejabat satelit di Jepun Text
Intrusion detection of mobile ad-hoc network (MANET): a literatConference Papers
Remaking the Malaysian nation Text
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis: a survey Non-Index Paper
Exclusion of the lamina in lumbar decompression surgery Thesis
Perceived barriers and benefits of web based services Indexed Paper
Pesalah trafik bayar insurans lebih tinggi Text
Pastikan kokurikulum sentiasa relevan Text
Defending a venerable institution News Paper Cuttings
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
22.05 juta pelancong lawat Malaysia Text
Housewife latest victim to be admitted to ICU Text
Introduction to psychology Exam Papers
Kementerian akan pinda Akta Keganasan Rumahtangga Text
52,000 pelajar asing di IPT Text
Kualiti pendidikan tinggi diperkukuh Text
Rise in heart disease a worry Text
Coastal engineering Exam Papers
Realisasikan 1Malaysia Text
Kerajaan Pusat diseru beri keutamaan pada Sarawak News Paper Cuttings
Pomelo farm shows the way Text
Assertiveness and the use of language of assertiveness among unThesis
Publicity for anti-graft drive Text
Driving Licence renewal 5 years max Text
Anjakan baru Text
Kata nista tak halang kerja Pak Lah Text
Pendekatan Sains Sukan di peringkat awal Text
Development of a river current turbine Thesis
Kerajaan sasar kurangkan 15% pekerja asing sektor binaan Text
Langgar perintah kuarantin boleh dipenjara Text
Vibration analysis on SMT machine (static camera holder) Thesis
Issue besetting the property industry Text
MTUC terus minta gaji minimum, Cola swasta Text
An electronically reconfigurable patch antenna design for polari Indexed Paper
Malaysia perlu lebih ramai pakar perubatan tradisional Text
Initial design of an automated system for paddy seedling placemJournal Article
Experimental study of welded steel ring sleeve in precast concreThesis
Teknologi pemisahan gas bermembran Text
8 langkah ubah suasana rumah Text
Radiokimia Text
Illegal workers posing socio-economic problems Text
Modular structured multilevel inverter with unified constant-freqConference Papers
Numerical investigation on angle connections for cold-formed stThesis
Underruns may cut fatalities Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Skudai Campus - Aerial view Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Funds bullish on Malaysia Text
Teaching load assignment system for undergraduate courses in fThesis
Determination of rock mechanical properties using acoustic testThesis
Kabinet sah penangguhan: Projek landasan berkembar elektrik RText
Minyak : penyelesaian secara persahabatan Text
Laboratory management and safety Exam Papers
DPM : speed up anti-flood project Text
Only 22 datukships Text
Assessment of natural radionuclides in rivers of Pahang State MaConference Papers
Morphology and chemical resistance of poly(ethylene terephthalConference Papers
Library gives insight into how PMs moulded national ethos Text
Real-time image capturing system for car plate recognition Thesis
Persepsi pemaju dan orang awam terhadap konsep taman atas bum Thesis
White RajahÆs flag comes home Text
UTM tumpu bangunkan pusat bidang strategik di Kampus Kota Text
Online net FPGA decision tree statistical traffic classifier Indexed Paper
Improving non - uniform rational B - splines' knot removal with Conference Papers
Pelajar IPT dibenar ikuti kursus kemahiran Text
New Malay literature curriculum Text
Business mathematics Exam Papers
500 hektar bakau ditanam Text
A numerical study of laser induced coulomb explosion of gold naThesis
The effects of influential behavioural factors on investors decis Thesis
Use quality seedlings, farmers told Text
Sains pengurusan Text
High cell density cultivation on Hendersonia sp. for the applicatioThesis
Development of traffic flow system using multiple intelligent vehThesis
A study on a simple and all-round GPS-based structure sonitorinConference Papers
USM gene scientists tame deadly cholera germ Text
Selamatkan anak-anak daripada penyakit depresi Text
Dua bidang tambah pendapatan belia Bumiputera Text
Pengurusan sumber manusia (Human resource management) Text
Get certified, skilled workers told Text
Empangan di Thailand pecah punca tak surut Text
Malaysia sasar anjur sukan udara dunia Text
Infrastruktur berwawasan Text
Effects of phase inversion and rheological factors on formation Indexed Paper
Construction of a strep-tag II mutant maltose binding protein fo Thesis
Model-driven disaster management Indexed Paper
Majlis Ekonomi ditubuh, badan penasihat bagi menangani masalText
Proton ganti 34 syarikat pembekal Text
Management accounting II Exam Papers
Lawatan Najib rapatkan Malaysia-Korea Selatan Text
Proses pemisahan I Text
Protection for children : children's welfare seems to come last Text
PM : dasar pengajaran Sains, Matematik dalam BI kekal Text
Dorongan teroka angkasa Text
Don't spread rumours on Tunku Laksamana Johor's condition, saNews Paper Cuttings
H1N1 : jangan panik tetapi jaga kebersihan diri Text
UTM perkenal sistem rawat sisa jimat kos Text
Hubungan tekanan kerja dengan prestasi kerja di kalangan person Thesis
The detemination of shear properties of brittle materials using Text
Amalan kepimpinan mencapah Guru Besar dan komitmen kerja gThesis
Rapid adsorption of toxic Pb (II) ions from aqueous solution u Indexed Paper
Fenomena pasang surut laut dan kesannya terhadap estuari sungai Text
Microcontroller-based ECG signal generator for a dynamic hea Thesis
Tribunal selesai 70 peratus tuntutan Text
Penilaian keutuhan salur paip minyak menggunakan kod DNV RPThesis
Chemical engineering numerical methods Exam Papers
Lawatan Edupelancongan Sek.Men.Teknik Terengganu Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Formal methods and specification Text
GLC perlu bantu lahirkan 150,000 usahawan bumiputera Text
Dua' application using augmented reality technology on adroid Thesis
MSU sasar keluar doktor pembedahan 2012 Text
Asean a bit more like EU Text
Jambatan kedua Pulau Pinang pemangkin ekonomi NCER Text
Langkah bawa masuk guru pakar BI dari luar di sokong Text
Flow resistance of two-lined emergent floodplain vegetation on Thesis
Study of alternative lubricants for cold extrusion process of A Indexed Paper
The implication of parenting styles on the akhlak of muslim teenIndexed Paper
Sistem digit Text
Introduction To Landscape Architechture Exam Papers
Inferential statistics assessment of urban rainfall-runoff models Indexed Paper
Finite element of composite laminated plates with full interface Thesis
Peraturan wajib masuki tahun satu dilaksana 2003 Text
Tiada insurans kesalahan tertinggi dalam operasi JPJ Text
Proton Exora sasar kuasai 50 peratus pasaran MPV Text
Determination of contract by employer in construction industry Text
Study loans : salary-cut repayments Text
Bioethanol production from sago pith waste using microwave hyIndexed Paper
Estimating aboveground biomass of logged forest in Terenggan Thesis
Highly selective transport of palladium from electroplating wa Indexed Paper
R&D : KUKUM cipta marmar daripada batu reput Text
Memacu industri automotif Text
USM to vet new students USM test to vet entrants Text
Master plan for Banda Aceh Text
Islam galak hubungan erat antara jiran elak perbalahan Text
A numerical study of heat transfer to turbulent separation nanofIndexed Paper
Mapping and analysis of forest and land fire potential using ge Indexed Paper
SPP guna sistem baru Text
Generation of 3D GIS-ready data from terrestrial laser scanning Thesis
Faiza labur RM10j bina kilang proses beras Text
Architectural practice management Exam Papers
Jaringan Rakan Cop perlu diperhebatkan Text
Malaysia boleh jadi peneraju urus aset Text
3.1 juta murid gagal kuasai kemahiran 3M? Text
Development of gateway expression vectors for compatible geneThesis
Lawatan Pustaka Negeri Sarawak ke Perpustakaan Raja Zarith SoPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UPM terima empat geran penyelidikan Text
Sistem jadual pelajar-pensyarah Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Si Thesis
Memorability features of draw-based graphical passwords Indexed Paper
Laboratory study of the effects of wag ratio and Viscous Gravity Thesis
28,250 Kanak-kanak mulakan prasekolah di seluruh negara News Paper Cuttings
A framework for geosimulation of gentrification in Kuala LumpurThesis
13 perjanjian majukan koridor Sarawak Text
Automatic phototherapy garment (APG) using blue LED for jaundi Indexed Paper
Terengganu acts on school grouses Text
After 50 years, a new way to tighten school discipline Text
IPTS bumiputera Melaka gulung tikar Text
Bahasa Malaysia I Text
Meta-modeling of vehicle ride Thesis
BPR siasat polis jutawan : fail pegawai isytihar harta RM34j dib Text
Progammable Logic Controller (PLC) Exam Papers
Artificial intelligence Exam Papers
Status perkahwinan di antara sesama jantina Text
Software design Exam Papers
Polarization and depolarization current measurement of polymerJournal Article
90:10 system will apply for students with special needs Text
Transient voltage stability enhancement using genetic neural prop Thesis
Electric system cascade analysis (ESCA) : solar PV system Indexed Paper
Entrepreneurial learning organization and culture Exam Papers
Theoretical investigations of beta-tricalcium phosphate biomateri Indexed Paper
Kimia organalogam Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Design of a small pod propeller electrical system Thesis
MAA : perluaskan skim beli kereta Text
Application computer in chemistry Exam Papers
No more diploma courses at UTM News Paper Cuttings
Pengguna internet kena patuh peraturan Text
Aerodinamik Text
Defence strategy against waves bearing fruit Text
Peruntukan naik : 5 juta pelajar bakal nikmati kokurikulum lebih Text
Haze-related illnesses up Text
PTK dinilai semula : peringkat akhir halusi aspek pelaksanaan, m Text
BPR tahan anak pegawai kanan polis Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Masih ramai peniaga ingkar Text
Green sonochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles at varying Indexed Paper
Ghani : Johor pilihan utama pelabur asing Text
Bentang tugasan dalam BI Text
Improved performance with 34 straight As Text
GDP projected to grow by 6% to 6.5% despite rising oil prices Text
E-portfolio for studio based design Learning of architecture studThesis
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Set theory and logic Exam Papers
Contractors, engineers going abroad Text
Bina pusat kecemerlangan sukan di England diteruskan : Najib Text
Estimation of dynamic suspension loads due to road profiles Thesis
Master's, programme to gain French expertise Text
Usaha sama pelancongan desa - penilaian perinsip faedah berta Text
ECER majukan 227 projek Text
Sektor pengajian tinggi negara tumpu kebolehpasaran graduan News Paper Cuttings
Processing and evaluation of an investment cast magnesium-base Text
Hukum Darcy dan pertaliannya dengan sifat hidraulik pelbagai jeText
H1N1 death toll remains at 73 while 219 warded Text
Penentuan bayaran lapangan terbang di Malaysia kurang telus : Text
Comparison of the optimized thermal performance of square and Indexed Paper
Introduction to counselling Exam Papers
Catalytic conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to levulinic acid inIndexed Paper
Unhealthy Malaysians Text
Feed forward linearization system considering indoor free spac Thesis
Landasan kereta api elektrik dibina Oktober Text
Hapus undang-undang media boleh wujud anarki Text
Accounting information system Exam Papers
Dynamics analysiss of multi story building Thesis
Larangan import ternakan Vietnam, Indonesia kekal Text
Kempen melawat Malaysia secara besar-besaran Text
Go easy on sugar, Malaysians warned Text
FTIR spectroscopy characterization of Si-C bonding in SiC thin Non-Index Paper
Firm gives $1 mil for telemetics chair at'UKM News Paper Cuttings
Lost foam casting of LM6-A1-Si cast alloy Thesis
Pengenalan sosiologi industri Text
Ke arah pengangkutan awam mesra pengguna Text
Plans to make consumer education part of school curriculum Text
It cuts costs and beats bird flu virus Text
High pressure die casting process modelling and simulation Thesis
RM40b waiting to be given to heirs Text
Ringgit lepasi paras RM3.50 kepada dolar Text
Persepsi penduduk terhadap elemen-elemen Program Bandar Sel Thesis
Ruang udara, pasir tak dikorbankan Text
Polyacrylonitrile/acrylamide-based carbon fibers prepared usingIndexed
a Paper
Malaysia mampu jadi pengeluar utama vaksin halal Text
Menjiwai aspirasi Bapa Malaysia Text
æSatu rumah satu perpustakaan Text
Mengenalpasti corak pembelian pelancongan antarabangsa terhText
Robosaurus kembali beraksi Text
Optimization on the excavation work at Gelang Patah Thesis
Stop illegals from moving in Text
Accounting information system Exam Papers
Charting the WTO direction Text
Pulau Pinang isytihar 'perang' wabak denggi Text
Principles of polymer chemistry Exam Papers
Pendidikan Bestari kini gerbang melanjutkan pelajaran Text
A multi-band antenna for mobile handset (Preview) Text
Aesthetic differences between architects and non-architects in rThesis
Match score fusion of fingerprint and face biometrics for verific Journal Article
Analysis and design of structural systems Exam Papers
Special topic Exam Papers
Badan khas kaji kriteria kenaikan pangkat pensyarah Text
Elementary particles Exam Papers
Tactical strategy descriptors in squash based on notational analyThesis
Category of fuzzy topographic topological mapping (FTTM) Conference Papers
Lending a sympathetic ear may avert suicide Text
Multi objectives decision making Exam Papers
Work on Trans-Asia Railway to resume Text
Statik Text
RM9bil project to transmit electricity Text
Facebook to facilitate instructor roles in course-related online inIndexed Paper
The influence of project management methodology utilization (PThesis
Pilihan raya kampus MPP kemukakan 10 tuntutan Text
Pengawas saham minoriti pantau lima syarikat gergasi Text
Imbangan tenaga Text
RM3.6b to hasten use of modern farming technology Text
Gallium arsenide nanowires formed by au-assisted metal organicNon-Index Paper
International marketing Exam Papers
Controller design for position tracking of nonlinear system Indexed Paper
Price-controlled rice will not go up Text
Undang-undang siber dari perspektif Islam Indexed Paper
Maintenance management in Malaysian National Service Traini Thesis
Hubungan etnik Exam Papers
Promosi pemasaran tingkat jualan hasil tempatan Text
The correlation of engineering characteristics of Johor Coastal ClaText
Space UTM perkenal program jarak jauh Julai 2007 Text
Pengenalan teknologi nano harus bermula dari sekolah Text
The effectiveness of road safety measures in Nigeria with speciaText
An improved leader guidance in multi objective particle swarm oConference Papers
Metallurgy Exam Papers
Turning forest into a dumpsite Text
V.B Net programming Exam Papers
Pengurusan sisa dan alam sekitar Text
Diagnosis & rawatan telaga Text
Consultancy services in the Middle East construction industry Thesis
Berkhatan awal lebih baik Text
Majlis Peguam desak polis batal Ops Warta II. Text
Teras 3 : lapan fokus perkasa sekolah kebangsaan Text
Scouring of flow under bottomless box culvert Thesis
PM : public interest comes first Text
Easy MRO Aviation yakin tarik minat Eurocopter Text
Performance evalution of wire electro-discharge machining on t Text
A review on the application of the lattice boltzmann method for Indexed Paper
Technology management Exam Papers
Mode matching for efficient laser diode to single mode fiber couConference Papers
Kolej Komuniti setaraf IPT lain Text
Image classification with higher-dimension watershed classifier: Text
Automated pavement imaging program (APIP) for pavement cracks Conference Papers
Composites Exam Papers
Mathematical modelling of boundary layer flow and heat transfeText
Susu dan pemakanan bayi Text
A security awareness model of single sign-on in understanding Thesis
Construction information systems for executive management in Conference Papers
Swasta sedia bantuan RM3 bilion biasiswa, pinjaman pendidikanText
Pelan paling kritikal Text
Strategi pengurusan ekonomi 2008 Text
Woman and baby die in morning blaze Text
Pengekspresan gen Text
The theoretical development of opacity entrepreneurship in MalThesis
Development of pulse signal generator for ultrasound machine Thesis
Rekabentuk multimedia interaktif Text
Modeling and uncertainty analysis for pilot scale monoclonal an Indexed Paper
A systematic literature review on safe health information techn Journal Article
Sarawak utama bidang pendidikan Text
Detail design and fabrication of a small water transport vehicle Text
An investigation of effective factors on effort estimation of soft Thesis
Multi units of single phase distributed generation combined wit Journal Article
10 years on, we're only better in public services Text
Standardising prices of subsidised goods nationwide Text
More students trafficking drugs Text
ItÆs Royal Belum now Text
Lima politeknik akan dibina di bawah RMK-8 Text
Leadership in organization Exam Papers
Ipoh to host virtual city conference Text
Cendekiawan digembleng perkukuh pelaksanaan agenda pembaText
My-MS perkenal cip pintar sukar diklon Text
Bank Pembangunan puts loan growth at 10% Text
Critical and creative thinking Exam Papers
Investigation of soil water characteristic curve on residual soil Thesis
Sabah on alert for bird flu Text
Upward trend in dengue cases Text
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Perkembangan awal kognitif Conference Papers
4 jabatan PDRM perintis mutu Text
Graduan UIAM : perlu penuhi tuntutan global Text
Penulis disyor hasilkan novel bertema sains, teknologi News Paper Cuttings
Kalimaran festival can attract tourists Text
Prospek cerah bagi minyak sawit Malaysia Text
PM rasmi loji biodiesel sawit bersepadu pertama di dunia Text
Dr. M cadang Asia Timur guna mata wang sendiri Text
Wanita perlu sedia membiayai persaraan Text
Kartografi berkomputer Text
Kajian kemungkinan terhadap pembangunan restoran kentucky fri Thesis
Malaysia and Indonesia to fine-tune MoU Text
Modeling and controller design of pneumatic actuator system wiThesis
Instrumentasi Text
Mengasah dialog politik KLûParis Text
Part time job management system (Help Wanted) Thesis
Malaysia terajui Agenda Keselamatan Siber Global Text
Pelajar kesuntukan masa isi borang universiti Text
Perlaksanaan CSCW dalam QCC menggunakan metodologi ethicsText :k
Developing LEP oral fluency with a dialogue template Journal Article
Mechanical and durability performance of palm oil fuel ash concThesis
Kajian mengenai ciri - ciri penjanaan elektrik menggunakan ten Thesis
Pembangunan perisian pengiraan waktu solat dan arah qiblat seca Text
RFID based attendance system with remote monitoring Thesis
Eksport negara dijangka RM349.1b Text
Ekonomi Malaysia pulih, KDNK catat pertumbuhan 1.1 peratus Text
Entertainment integrated food ordering system Thesis
Aplikasi rangkain neural dalam pengesanan simpang bagi penterje Text
UTM cipta alat elak pemandu tertidur Text
Prinsip ekonomi Text
Influence of psychological, internet use and demographic factor Thesis
Cara kurangkan tekanan pada PTPTN Text
Perkhidmatan awam taraf dunia capai tahap dunia 2015 Text
Contemporary semantic web service frameworks: an overview Non-Index Paper
Islam teras pendidikan kita Text
More measures to strengthen economy Text
Titas II Text
Seedless and catalyst-free growth of zinc oxide nanosructures Thesis
Another two campuses Text
Let's get the facts on climate change Text
Aplikasi "dashboard" dalam sistem pengurusan inventori pusat Thesis
Rawat tekanan perasaan dengan kasih sayang Text
Ada pihak bawa budaya ganas : Dr. M Text
Environmental quality and analysis Exam Papers
Lebih ramai pelajar melayu layak ke IPTA Text
Characterisation of calcium phosphate coating on investment casIndexed Paper
Development of a framework for TQM implementation in small bu Text
No hike in rice price, wholesale or retail Text
An empirical study based on semi-supervised hybrid self-organizIndexed Paper
TNB tak wajar naik tarif : semua loji di Semenanjung guna gas suText
Caruman boleh diguna Januari Text
Sistem pengurusan dan penyelenggaran Stadium Sultan MuhamText
Understanding the social contract Text
An iterative GASVM-based method: gene selection and classificaConference Papers
Development of analytical and numerical models for graphene- Thesis
UiTM ambil pelajar gagal matrikulasi Text
A review of 3D gesture interaction for handheld augmented realIndexed Paper
Isu pelajar Melayu dibincang : beberapa kementerian dipanggil Text
Three dimensional modelling of dehavilland C-7A caribou Thesis
Kehangatan alam sekitar Text
Palm oil trade curbs perpetuate poverty Text
Instant inquests, says A-G Text
Malaysia aims to be outsourcing hub Text
Berdakwah disertai penguasaan ilmu lebih berkesan Text
Desktop mapping with personal computers Text
Multicriteria-based decision aiding technique for assessing ene Indexed Paper
Roboh dinding bina taman Text
Pengurusan sistematik pulihara hutan Sarawak Text
Higher home loans Text
Imbangan jisim dan tenaga Text
PM : kita serius tangani penyeludupan manusia Text
Penggabungan konsep 5S dan 3R untuk menambahbaik prestasi Journal a Article
Parents ignorant of child myopia Text
Cemar : JAS ambil sampel minyak kapal Text
Simulation and implementation of interleaved DC-DC boost convThesis
Pembangunan antena lubang alur untuk aplikasi capaian wayarleText
Terengganu jadi kubu kukuh BN Text
Universiti Pertahanan wawasan Atma Text
Home is where the community is? Text
Compele at international level, UTM told Text
Membaca bukan budaya Text
Separation methods Exam Papers
Enhanced capacitance of a nitrogen-containing carbon-based naIndexed Paper
Sistem penilaian dan taksiran cukai harta Majlis Perbandaran BatText
Malaysian scientists seek cures from nature Text
Keberkesanan struktur pengurangan halaju berbentuk prisma baText
Kesan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matematik dalamConference
B Papers
The deacidification of pineapple juice using electrodialysis wit Text
MPP UTM diingatkan fahami hasrat universiti News Paper Cuttings
Kenderaan persendirian mungkin wajib diperiksa Text
Perlu tegas cari kebenaran MH17 News Paper Cuttings
Modelling of mining dragline joint: a sensitivity analysis with Journal Article
Patients in clinical trials have more to gain Text
Komposit Text
Perancangan tapak Text
At RM2.6billion, Penang's new link is just too costly, says Samy VText
Kerajaan arah UPM fokus penyelidikan pertanian Text
PM challenges media to set better standards Text
Non-linear analysis of a symmetric flush end plate bolted beam-Text
Benih padi sah memastikan pengeluaran hasil beras bermutu Text
Rice husk ash application in petroleum industry Conference Papers
Threats identification in healthcare information systems using g Non-Index Paper
Laman web lucah mudah dilayari Text
Effect of strut on turning characteristics of LNG carrier with po Thesis
Ekonomi perbandaran dan wilayah Text
PM arah kerjasama pulihara alam sekitar : agensi kerajaan, swa Text
PPSMI dimansuh 2012 Text
Parents, teachers blamed for situation Text
Design and development of an indigenous mobile artificial contaText
Numerical prediction of thermal effect on flow field around a hi Indexed Paper
P. Pinang lupus sampah konsep pemulihan Text
Mechanical and thermal properties of prepacked aggregate concr Indexed Paper
Agricultural sector players expect more goodies Text
Petronas tembusi Eropah : cipta sejarah bekal gas asli selama Text
25 pemborong naikkan harga ayam dikompaun Text
Materials science Exam Papers
Lepas 4,000 anak ayam protes JPV Text
Boost for youth skills institutes Text
University's success hailed Text
The strength of shear key connections in precast concrete const Thesis
New marine park for Sabah Text
Ulama atau profesional jadi pemimpin? Text
Check on Cadbury chocolates Text
Kinetic modeling of LDPE pyrolysis using coats-Redfern method Conference Papers
Penilaian harta tanah khas Text
Optical smoke detector Thesis
Comprehensive analysis of the water supply and demand of Pul Text
IPT tawar 260,700 tempat pengajian Text
Pesakit luar : hantar laporan mingguan Text
70% pelaku rasuah bersalah Text
Kerajaan prihatin masalah pekebun kecil Text
Tawaran bekalan gas kenderaan di rumah pengguna Text
Hazzirah is nation's youngest PhD holder News Paper Cuttings
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Offshore structures Exam Papers
Sifat dan kekuatan simen terdedah Thesis
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of titanium co
Tanaman koko boleh pacu ekonomi petani Text
Penjanaan data siri masa untuk model tertentu Thesis
e-pelancongan : Malaysia dahului Asia melalui Asiatravelmart Text
Kuala Lumpur-OIC Health Ministerial Conference 2007 : nod to j Text
Masalah buku ke Kabinet Text
Dasar asuhan awal ke Kabinet Text
Achieving a better energy-efficient automotive air-conditioning Indexed Paper
Siswazah digesa pulang berkhidmat Text
Characterization of high power laser diode as a solid state pumpThesis
Pelaksanaan polisi wajib belajar di sekolah menengah pertama Thesis
Detection and quantification of soybean and corn oils as adulterIndexed Paper
Kerajaan perkenal jersi kebangsaan Text
A clustered wireless sensor network based air pollution monitor Journal Article
Performance evaluation of snort intrusion detection system oveThesis
Percentage of accidents still too high Text
Anggota polis tolak rasuah diberi ganjaran Text
Enam lagi institut dibina News Paper Cuttings
Bayaran tambahan PIBG tidak wajib Text
Promotion for overlooked govt doctors Text
Rumah belaian kasih News Paper Cuttings
Construction project management Exam Papers
Take our advice, get treatment Text
Ujikaji dan analisis struktur jambatan gantung Text
Regularized lattice boltzmann simulation of laminar mixed conveIndexed Paper
Leachate treatment using constructed wetland with magnetic fielText
Environmental psychology and socio-culture Exam Papers
Tindakan luar biasa pejabat Menteri Besar pulangkan cukai YBK Text
Modelling and validation of vehicle ride comfort model Indexed Paper
Behavioral intention in social networking sites ethical dilemma Indexed Paper
Malaysia bebas selesema burung Text
USM scientists invent ultraviolet coating formula Text
1,345 builders blacklisted Text
Failure analysis of rotary equipments using failure mode effect aThesis
Vital Release Notes (8.0)
Pantau Selat Melaka bersyarat : Najib Text
Reduction of high iso noise in color images captured by digital stThesis
Signs of healthy growth Text
Road material and pavement evaluation Exam Papers
Modeling of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission from vehicle at sel Thesis
Suasana sekolah punca jenayah : Samy Text
Pelajar agama mesti mahir berinteraksi Text
Utamakan tenaga kerja tempatan dan pengurusan ladang yang Text
PC-bluetooth integation for incoming voice call and wireless PA Thesis
Effect of flushing on surface integrity when EDM (Electric DischaThesis
Panduan ibu bapa didik remaja berwawasan Text
Kanak-kanak hidu asap rokok kurang cerdas Text
Mekanik tanah Text
Piagam ASEAN ditandatangani esok Text
Bandingkan inovasi Islam dengan Barat Text
Pemerhatian dan pengurusan data kualiti air Sungai Tebrau (PreText
Tiada rancangan AirAsia ambil alih laluan domestik Text
A hybrid evaluation method to assess class-level complexity of Thesis
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar dikagumi Text
Sejuta penagih dadah : pendekatan pemulihan di pusat serenti tText
Singapura tidak peduli : kerja penambakan laut diteruskan 24 ja Text
Dr M stays on until Oct 2003 Text
4 in family die in car-lorry crash Text
Macroeconomic factors effect on housing price index in China Thesis
Broad-based broadband Text
Subpixel disparity for accurate stereoscopic depth and velocity Conference Papers
Cara masjid Singapura tangani gejala sosial Text
Telenovela kita calon Anugerah Emmy Text
Pengecaman wajah menggunakan kaedah graf terhubung (Full teText
Comparison of position based routing protocols of vehicular A Indexed Paper
Heavy metal removal by using water lettuce (Pisitia Stratiotes) Thesis
Kajian orang Melayu kuasai 45% ekuiti ekonomi tidak tepat : AbdText
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Daerah Kota Tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Empat aspek diutama pertingkat pendidikan Text
Malaysian scientists to study Antarctic Text
Have 5 harvests in two years, say rice millers Text
RM20 juta naik taraf pengangkutan Text
Ramalan jangka hayat struktur konkrit kesan daripada pengaratan Text
JKM tetap lindungi budak hidap HIV Text
Sistem pintar rawat air sisa Text
Salah urus risiko dalam projek pembangunan projek perumahan Text :
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Hydrology Exam Papers
Tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Peat soil stabilization using Magnesium Chloride Thesis
Kabinet tolak cadangan jual rumah murah kepada orang kaya Text
Reduction of motorcycle's drum brake squeal noise using constrConference Papers
Chromium(VI) reduction characteristics of acinetobacter haemo Thesis
Activated carbon from mukah coal for textile wastewater biore Journal Article
Pentaksiran pelaburan dan pembangunan tanah Text
50,000 graduan menganggur tidak berusaha dapatkan kerja Text
Get cutting edge with MBA from UTM Text
Sistem penyimpanan dokumen atas talian Thesis
Sistem perniagaan internet : (Full text) Text
Abai kebersihan premis punca denggi merebak Text
Molecular identification and biodegradation of 3-chloropropioniIndexed Paper
Building business alliances Text
90% ada program 1BestariNet News Paper Cuttings
Go for simulated training Text
Photocatalytic phenol removal in the phenol-urea-formaldehydeThesis
Kementerian Pelajaran tubuh Akademi Penerbitan Text
90-day maternity leave sought Text
Industrial counselling Exam Papers
Peratusan kelulusan STPM meningkat Text
The environmental sustainability practices by listed property c Thesis
Trends of problem management in construction project : A case Thesis
2 insentif tingkat hasil padi Text
IT sumbang 60,000 pekerjaan di Malaysia Text
Tailoring spectroscopic properties of Er3+doped zinc sodium telluIndexed Paper
Sultan Johor berkenan hadiri majlis jamuan negeri News Paper Cuttings
Ramai umat Islam kurang arif isu derma organ Text
Perforation stability: physical and numerical modelling Conference Papers
Meta-modelling of vehicle handling Thesis
Statics Exam Papers
Effects of number of connections and pipe length to the water l Journal Article
Wajib mempertahankan keimanan anak Text
BPR teliti kes RM32.5j Text
The development of web based ICT complaint management system Thesis
Project and construction procurement Exam Papers
Guna semula air sisa efluen ke atas tanaman makanan Text
Building time comparison between conventional and industrializThesis
Pencetus perspektif baru seni tampak Text
Sedekad program matrikulasi Text
Kita banyak kelebihan tingkat sosioekonomi Text
Bekas pelajar MLVK diberi tempoh hingga akhir bulan : 6,000 h Text
Biological control and environmental conservation Text
Nazri : we want a more multi-racial civil service Text
Jamming towards radar detection and techniques to counter theText
A tree model for identification of threats as the first stage of ri Non-Index Paper
Modeling and control of a class of aerial robotic systems Thesis
The hybrid space partitioning indexing approach for spatial histoConference Papers
Passive upper- limb exoskeleton robot for hand rehabilitation ofThesis
Jualan kenderaan bermotor 2004 meningkat 16.8 peratus Text
Ciri -ciri kejuruteraan bata mortar campuran sanga Text
Mass development of small office home office (SOHO) in PenangThesis
A framework for image enhancement via contextual informationConference Papers
Kesan operasi janakuasa empangan hidro elektrik Kenyir ke ata Thesis
Falsafah pendidikan Exam Papers
Pengurusan projek pembinaan yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi keThesis
Wireless medical interface using zigbee and bluetooth technolo Conference Papers
Jimat RM2b jika guna pembayaran elektronik Text
PLKN: Remaja bakal didakwa dimaklum menerusi surat Text
Development of land based mobile mapping system using GPS aConference Papers
Pindaan Akta Kebankrapan lindungi penjamin diburu institusi k Text
Prinsip perancangan sumber manusia Text
Performance analysis of monolith photoreactor for CO2 reducti Indexed Paper
PLKN berjaya tingkat nilai patriotisme remaja Text
Asingkan bayaran tambahan elak kekeliruan Text
Image reconstruction technique for ultrasonic transmission to Thesis
Comperative study of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system andThesis
Akta Koperasi 1993 dipinda Text
Palm fatty acid distillate as an alternative source for hydraulic oilIndexed Paper
Hentikan etika niaga buruk Text
Analisis saintifik Beng Hock jatuh dari tempat tinggi News Paper Cuttings
Mesin hidraulik & sistem paip Text
Matrikulasi tidak akan dimansuhkan : Najib Text
Slashing food imports is new Agriculture Minister's priority Text
Keupayaan cerucuk kumpulan dalam tanah liat Text
Company law Exam Papers
WPI tukar kepada Iskandar Malaysia Text
E- pembelajaran sains tahun satu Text
Perang denggi di ibu negara : Shahrizat mahu DBKL, warga kot Text
Development of six-port reflectometer to measure the reflectionThesis
Design of truss connections using tubular sections in offshore deText
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Graphene diaphragm integrated FBG sensors for simultaneousmIndexed Paper
Effect of school mode on language learning strategies of Nigeri Conference Papers
Analisis hubungan antara likuan dan masalah hakisan di Sungai TText
Schools fight H1N1 Text
UTM pilihan utama profesional News Paper Cuttings
Experimental investigation on windscreen wiper vibration Thesis
Possibilities of determination of optimal dosage of power plant fJournal Article
Prestasi ekonomi Malaysia cemerlang Text
Web-Based student infromation management system for YemenThesis C
Deposition of sendiments in detection pond Conference Papers
500 rakyat Malaysia mati setiap tahun akibat AIDS Text
Organisational behaviour Exam Papers
Masalah penyiasatan tapak dan kesannya terhadap perancanganText
PM gets insight on top Saudi varsity Text
Daftar kenderaan tanpa sempadan bermula Mac Text
Effect of etching time on optical and morphological features of Journal Article
Ekonomi orang Arab di Johor pada abad ke-19 masihi hingga ta Journal Article
Kawalan proses & dinamik Text
Empat dekad wanita dalam pembangunan negara Text
Risk profile matrix enhancement for insider Threat prediction Thesis
Berbalah tamakkan kuasa roboh perpaduan Text
Sistem kawalan kualiti minyak mentah di Kilang Kelapa Sawit LekThesis
A preliminary study on waveguide based variable optical attenu Conference Papers
Urban renewal Text
Matematik III Text
2 beranak maut, 3 parah van rempuh treler Text
Theory & principles of housing Text
A review of software for predicting gene function Indexed Paper
AEGRP: an enhanced geographical routing protocol for VANET Journal Article
Alignment of 3D laser scanner point clouds using photogrammetrConference Papers
Art of accepting responsibility Text
Enhancing secured data hiding using dynamic digital signature f Indexed Paper
A study of cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 polymorphism in MalThesis
Metaheuristic simulation optimisation for the stochastic multi-reIndexed Paper
Mathematical modeling for contour identification based on mediJournal Article
AlzheimerÆs scans Text
UNICEF iktiraf kejayaan Malaysia Text
Polimer komposit Text
Irregular repetition code hybrid ARQ in wireless system Indexed Paper
Tensile behaviour of kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composites Indexed Paper
Sistem e-aduan dan cadangan fakulti sains komputer dan sistemThesis
Dunia kagumi Arkib Negara Text
Low cost autonomous underwater 3D mapping Thesis
Akta Zakat Nasional mampu kukuhkan ekonomi ummah Text
Deposition thickness and its effect on critical shear stress for i Journal Article
Building harmony in a civil way Text
Persepsi berat sebelah terhadap Hamas Text
Boilers' efficiency monitoring software Text
Kawalan biologi dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar Text
More women involved in dadah trafficking Text
Pembaikan keretakan rasuk menggunakan bahan grout Thesis
Pelan Rejuvenasi Desa Johor siap akhir tahun News Paper Cuttings
Syria wants minimal foreign involvement in Iraq especially by USText
IPT perlu diperiksa News Paper Cuttings
Sistem kawalan kualiti di Syarikat Faiza Sdn. Bhd. Thesis
Efficient coupling and relaxed alignment tolerances in pigtailing oConference Papers
Kajian faktor risiko belia terlibat dengan penyalahgunaan bahan Thesis
English language students take part in rural camps Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Jabu : they donÆt want native land developed Text
UTM mulakan ekspedisi biodiesel ke lima negara News Paper Cuttings
Government to study 10:90 concept Text
DonÆt fear nuke energy, academic tells Malaysians Text
PTK tak akan dimansuh Text
Ekonomi Malaysia berdaya tahan hadapi cabaran 2009 Text
Asas penilaian program Text
Effect of fiber reinforcement on mechanical and thermal propertiIndexed Paper
Heat transfer in MHD mixed convection flow of a ferrofluid alongIndexed Paper
Employees perception of computer-based safety training in semConference Papers
Improved framework of image representation for content-basedThesis
Radio frequency identification (RFID) implementation process fraThesis
Bigger role for service providers Text
Evaluation of modulation coding schemes for adaptive HF data Conference Papers
PM syor dana wakaf : tangani kemiskinan dan bangunkan ekonoText
Fasa baru pembangunan kewangan Islam Text
Haze worsens in Sarawak Text
Numerical simulations on the effects of using ventilation fan on Thesis
Here be dragons...with fresh durians Text
Another child dies of HFM Text
Tarbiah kanak-kanak dengan rahmat, lemah-lembut Text
Pengurusan sumber air Text
Pathway-based analysis with support vector machine (SVM-Lasso) Thesis
Hepatitis A : kanak-kanak paling berisiko Text
Makmal kabin untuk sekolah kurang murid Text
Have re-training to improve teaching Text
Kajian terhadap sambungan tegar rasuk - tiang bagi struktur konkText
UTM cipta alat serap gegaran News Paper Cuttings
Kelebihan peserta PLKN ke IPTA Text
Penggunaan BI perlu dalam dunia akademik Text
Malaysia catat jumlah pesakit buah pinggang paling ramai Text
Trip production characteristics of hospital and conventional marText
Formula atasi stres guru akan dikemuka Text
Estimating the values of wetlands in riparian communities: a tooConference Papers
A chance to prove MIC is still relevant Text
A novel clustering of the SOM using rough set Conference Papers
Shocking photos on cig packs is working, says minister Text
Water to cost more soon Text
Laporan kemajuan projek no. 2070710 bagi tahun 1990 (AbstracText
Buku perjuangan UMNO sumbang nilai tambah Text
Tindakan pihak berkuasa tempatan dan pemaju dalam pemulihan Thesis
Industrial process control Exam Papers
Dunia ilmu tidak sesuai dieksklusifkan Text
Sorry, no more Zani, Ah Kow or Batumalai Text
Portable peritoneal dialysis machine Thesis
Land law / undang-undang tanah Text
Basmi penagih dadah di pejabat Text
Mardi products save labour and time Text
Mathematical simulation for 3-dimensional temperature visuali Conference Papers
USMÆs blunder irks parents and students Text
USM peneraju identiti Universiti Apex Malaysia Text
Kesan tanah runtuh terhadap kadar pulangan harta tanah di kawas Thesis
UPM menang anugerah antarabangsa Text
Boy, 11, killed in bus crash Text
Elektronik Exam Papers
Pemaju tamak patut dipenjara -- PM: Denda tidak berkesan hal Text
Pelabuhan Pulau Pinang perlu didalamkan Text
Sistem pengurusan jadual aktiviti dan pekerja bagi perancang p Thesis
Pusat rekreasi bertaraf antarabangsa di Melaka Text
Kesan pentauliahan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia ke atas kepuasan k Thesis
Kurikulum Prasekolah Kebangsaan disemak Text
Peranan ibadah terhadap kesihatan jiwa Conference Papers
Electrical Technology Exam Papers
Organisasi perusahaan, pembinaan & perkilangan Text
A pathway-based approach for analyzing microarray data using Conference Papers
Give feedback on badly maintained buildings Text
388,097 langgar akta syarikat Text
Islamic financial system Exam Papers
A Study of modernizing the maintenance method for substation Thesis
NRD beefs up manpower to cope with rush for MyKads Text
Enhancing rough set theory attributes selection of KDD Cup 199 Indexed Paper
Principles of microeconomics Exam Papers
Asas pemasaran Text
Estimation parameters using bisquare weighted robust ridge regre Conference Papers
Object oriented programming Exam Papers
The thermoluminescence response of Dy doped calcium borate gl Indexed Paper
$201 Juta bagi majukan Labuan News Paper Cuttings
200,000 ikuti Program Khidmat Negara 2004 Text
Sistem digit Text
DDPC 2483 Exam Papers
UUM cipta sistem amaran awal kesan serangga perosak Text
UPM perkasa bidang perubatan nuklear Text
Academia, industry can come up with innovative products Text
Special topic on computer networks and security Exam Papers
Buku tatacara disiplin harus jadi rujukan guru Text
Designing a chance management procedure to improve heitech sThesis
Memasyarakatkan IPTA Text
Wiping out copyright piracy Text
Program belia platform terbaik cari persefahaman Text
Perak to enforce rulings on inland fishing News Paper Cuttings
Children still missing Text
Najib receives honorary doctorate from Meiji University Text
Engineering mechanics / Applied mechanics Exam Papers
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Biodegradation of oil and grease in upflow anaerobic sludge blankText
Johor Baru may get trams Text
UTM bag volleyball honours News Paper Cuttings
Potensi wanita dalam pembangunan tanah adat dengan mengguThesis
TNB sedia bantu BPR siasat timbalan menteri Text
Radio frequency magnetron sputtered ZnO/SiO2/glass thin film :Indexed
r Paper
Taiwan sokong keamanan rantau Pasifik melalui DPU Text
Kajian permasalahan pengurusan taman rekreasi : kajian kes : T Text
Synthesis and methods development of adsorbents based on poly Text
Move to make it a must for all car passengers to belt up Text
Alarm over culling of birds Text
Pengurusan antarabangsa Text
Application of digital image correlation analysis to study the d Text
Block mode decision in H.265 using pixel topology Thesis
GIS database development for business purpose within UniversitThesis
Negara kekurangan 5,000 jururawat setahun Text
Penyakit selaput mata pada kanak-kanak Text
Selangkah tingkatkan integriti Text
Faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada kecemerlangan akademik Conference Papers
Learn how to eat healthy Text
Solid waste management Exam Papers
Anaerobic digestion of paper mill wastewater Non-Index Paper
Kelulusan projek perumahan dipendek kepada 4 bulan Text
Mikrobiologi industry Text
Gradual layoff for foreigners Text
Developing a construction industry web-based learning system iText
Kempen Menderma Darah Di Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Islam asas budaya serumpun Text
Telefon bimbit Malaysia jadi rebutan luar negara Text
Malaysian souvenirs and tourists' behaviour toward authenticityThesis
The mediating effect of management accounting system on the rThesis
Pengurusan kualiti air Text
Sistem Kuasa Dan Kejuruteraan Voltan Tinggi Text
Akademi kepimpinan latih pengurusan atasan IPTA Text
Tourism planning Text
Still haunted by fear of snatch thieves Text
Rekabentuk awalan pesawat supersonik : business jet Text
Development of self-consolidating high performance ternary bl Thesis
Lapuran akhir projek merekabentuk pesawat ringan (Agro 87) (aText
Hukum pekerja bermasalah : sekiranya kerajaan tidak mahu us Text
Musa: Consider Russia, China for engineering studies Text
Kajian penentuan sebatian organoarsenik menggunakan pelbagaiTextk
Perjuangan Umno perlu penstrukturan semula Text
Suhu badan biasa bagi bayi Text
Piawaian halal akan dibentuk Text
Penghijauan 59 juta hektar hutan : Indonesia laksana program Text
Remaja belum serik terjebak kes ganas Text
Businessmen welcome website for Malaysians Text
CMDB implementation approaches and considerations in SME/SConference Papers
Young inventors make a novel dust buster Text
Geologist : weak quakes good for us Text
Characterisation of nanocrystalline diamond coating deposited Indexed Paper
R. I. P. : Rivers In Peril Text
Rekabentuk bandar Text
Sifat-sifat massa ditapak dan mod kewujudan bahan keras yang Thesis
Bahasa Melayu tiada wajah? Text
Experimental study on flameless combustion with exhaust gas reThesis
Dana penyelidikan ditambah Text
Dasar serampang 3 mata, pendekatan kerajaan pastikan pertaniText
Vital elements to push e-learning Text
The effect of gas compusition of diamond coating on Ti-6A1-4V Thesis
RM128m in stolen vehicle claims in 1Q Text
Toll operators question decision on Touch æn Go Text
Shape-based two dimensional descriptor for searching moleculaThesis
Kejayaan basmi kemiskinan Text
Kerajaan sedia lanjutkan tempoh PLKN 2 tahun Text
2,392 graduan UTM terima anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Hayati Rukun Negara elak masalah disiplin Text
QoS performance analysis of non-slotted and slotted optical bur Indexed Paper
Ajar subjek Teknik, Vokasional dari Ting. 1 Text
Binaan kayu dan keluli Text
Urus pusat OKU ikut cara Jepun : Rosmah Text
Effect of na-alginate and bead diameter on lactic acid producti Conference Papers
Symbiotic organism search optimization based task scheduling Indexed Paper
Peranan R&D mantapkan industri pertahanan negara Text
Sepuluh strategi atasi kemiskinan bandar Text
Undang-undang privasi sedia ada mencukupi : TPM Text
Perangi penjenayah : PM Text
The performance of OFDM in mobile radio channel (Preview) Text
Pembelajaran Sains, Matematik dalam BI berjalan lancar Text
Pengurusan kewangan Text
Bioteknologi Text
Study on multiband UWB system via WPMCM in the context of co Conference Papers
Mansion which made way for apartments Text
Parents role in developing of self esteem in children Conference Papers
Prinsip kepimpinan terbuka Text
Model spatial statistik dalam penilaian harta tanah kediaman Thesis
Penerbitan ilmiah perkasa bahasa Melayu Text
Power of family learning Text
Key success areas for automobile closed - loop supply chain m Conference Papers
Melindungi hak kanak-kanak HIV dan AIDS Text
More accidents but fewer deaths this time Text
Instrumentasi dan pengukuran Text
Meditag guarantee of quality Text
USM terajui penyelidikan sains sukan Text
Matrimid-based carbon tubular membrane : effect of carboniza Indexed Paper
Paras air Tasik Bukit Merah kritikal Text
Keluarga tak prihatin isu dadah Text
Pattern and frequency reconfigurable antenna for wireless appliThesis
Respect the children, they too have rights Text
CAPBLAT : an innovative computer-assisted assessment tool for Indexed Paper
Pemindahan haba Text
Isu perubahan iklim dominasi Chogm 2009 Text
Teknologi binaan IV Text
Karnival Perpustakaan UTM Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Mathematical competency of engineers and engineering studenIndexed Paper
Wajib tunai amanah dalam pekerjaan Text
Workability and strength properties of geopolymer mortars prepThesis
Perundangan alam sekitar lemah Text
Kerajaan hargai sumbangan pekerja, majikan Text
Wideband jean antenna with bending structure for microwave im Journal Article
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi dalam pengurusan lubang jar Text
Loans for critical courses only under PTPTN revamp Text
Optimal forwarding probability for real-time routing in wireless Conference Papers
A general purpose model for context aware based flood monitorJournal Article
Graphical password : user's affinity of choice-an analysis of pictuConference Papers
Kasih ibu kepada anak bagai lautan tidak bertepi Text
HereÆs a reason to open your windows Text
Sekolah Kita : tiga sekolah raih hadiah cemerlang Text
A study of lubricity in water based mud using waste oils Thesis
Fouling characteristics and autopsy of a PES ultrafiltration mem Indexed Paper
Principles of economics Exam Papers
Accomodating telecenters into cybercafes : a case study in JohorText
Memahami sains, al-Quran melalui ensiklopedia Text
Empat calon angkasawan hadapi cabaran mikrograviti Text
700,000 rumah pelbagai jenis RMK-9 Text
17 mahasiswa UTM sertai program UK exchange 10 Text
Experimental load tests of reinforced concrete slab Journal Article
Computer waste management and awareness Thesis
Perception on usage of information technology learning : a liter Non-Index Paper
Kursus baru dalam Skim Latihan Siswazah Menganggur Text
Maintenance management of road works under Majlis BandarayThesis
Mampu cetus hubungan baik Hamas, Fatah News Paper Cuttings
Kemoterapi 75 kali dalam masa enam bulan Text
The investigation of simplified excavation method on tunnel behThesis
Penggunaan data remote sensing dalam pengkelasan gunatanahText
Pemansuhan yuran sekolah bonus kepada ibu bapa Text
Undang-undang buruh diseragam akhir tahun Text
KL - JB in 3 hours Text
Tennis Exam Papers
Hijrah lestarikan alam sekitar Text
Songket ratu fabrik Melayu Text
NAM wadah perjuangan baru Palestin News Paper Cuttings
Pencapaian terbaik ICT dipamer Text
Madrasah Ramadan perkasa jiwa lestari Text
Budaya ilmu lawan idola realiti Text
OpsSikap XIII : nahas maut terendah Text
Universiti awam, industri perlu tingkat kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
IIUM Made Aircraft model pertama ciptaan pelajar UIAM Text
Anti-invasive effect of Catharanthus roseus extract on highly Journal Article
Periksa badan tahanan kekal Text
18 negara berlatih hadapi tsunami Text
1.3 million did not pay tax Text
Zulkifli penamat kemarau emas Text
Jaga kebersihan sungai masih rendah News Paper Cuttings
40,000 profesional diwujud dalam RMK-8 Text
Penentuan parameter tertentu dalam proses pemesinan kisar Thesis
Dr Ahmad Fauzi Raih Tiga Pingat Emas Text
Demonstrasi jalanan rosakkan nilai kemanusiaan Text
Wabak taun di Terengganu Text
Planning requirements in housing development Conference Papers
Ruling on nets irks fishermen Text
Opportunities of tenancy management services by FM organisatio Text
Penguat kuasa mula operasi pemantauan Text
Lulusan PMR jadi usahawan berjaya News Paper Cuttings
Epitaxial thin-film growth of Ruddlesden–Popper-type Ba3Zr2O Indexed Paper
Discrepancies in GPS positioning during varying monsoon periodConference Papers
DXN bangunkan ladang bersepadu Text
Proses kimia industri Text
Principles of instructional design Exam Papers
IMREC realisasi wawasan metropolis Text
Jitra set to become new hot spot for growth up north Text
Dua pakar cipta alat hapus serangga Text
Mata pelajaran SPM Text
Public to get first-class service, says Mohd Sidek Text
Case studies of risk communication in automotive part manufactIndexed Paper
Pengoptimuman algoritma pengesanan batu loncatan dalam sis Text
Isu kanak-kanak terancam jadi fokus Text
Antioxidant properties of rice bran oil from different varieties Journal Article
Microstrip dipole antenna for WLAN application Conference Papers
Novel chaff generation method for fuzzy vault scheme in biometConference Papers
Enhancing student's higher order thinking skills (HOTS) through Conference Papers
Pesakit Aids sanggup mati daripada tanggung aib Text
Sustainable urban forestry potential based quantitative and quaIndexed Paper
ECER bantu PKNP pacu kemajuan Pahang Text
Trafficking charge for those with ketamine and Eramin 5 Text
UTM anjur futsal pra konvo Text
Hotspots in Kalimantan cause of SÆwak haze Text
Berhati-hati membeli insurans Text
UTM, DES kaji fenomena 'pulau haba' News Paper Cuttings
Prestasi polis akan dipertingkat ke tahap lebih baik Text
Reinforced concrete design I Text
Battery thermal management for hybrid electrical vehicle Thesis
Addicts of synthetic drugs on the rise Text
Proaktif hasilkan makanan halal : PM Text
Insentif bukan sogokan Text
Bersedia tangani tempias kegawatan ekonomi dunia Text
Kemalangan maut semakin kurang Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Batu Pahat, Kluang facing waterwoes Text
Dr. M setuju jumpa Pak Lah Text
Mak Yong gets a boost Text
Accomodating telecenters into cybercafes : a case study in JohorText
LMES : a localized multi-estimator model to estimate software Indexed Paper
Meneroka teknologi terkini Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Hab majukan kewangan Timur, Barat Text
Kos operasi TNB meningkat Text
Graduan menganggur diserap sebagai guru Text
SADC gets $1OOm in compensation News Paper Cuttings
Hot jobs Text
Development of a web-based application to contribute to the coThesis
Development of highly sensitive portable spectrophotometer fo Thesis
Kaji langkah kurang pengambilan pekerja asing Text
An anti virus scheme using digital signature and anomaly detectiText
Sintesis sebatian organik berkonjugat tinggi melalui tindak bal Text
Rosmah : help reduce stress level Text
UTM-MIT bangunkan program Blossoms News Paper Cuttings
Sukan SEA untung RM10 juta Text
Chemistry Exam Papers
Building a fleet of our own Text
Design and development of metal stamping experimental die (shThesis
Low temperature physics and superconductivity Exam Papers
Development of user panel for polarization and depolarization Indexed Paper
Penyiasatan tapak dan ciri kebolehmampatan tanah liat lembut Thesis
Only 20 mins for a MyKad in Malacca Text
Low temperature heteroepitaxial growth of 3C-SiC on Si substra Conference Papers
Combine holts winter and support vector machines in forecastinThesis
Kerajaan terus galakkan pelaburan di WPI Text
Senai berpotensi jadi pusat logistik Asia Text
Melayu perlu kuasa politik kukuh jayakan wawasan 2020 Text
Rahsia pembentukan buah yang kompleks Text
Pendatang palsukan surat UNHCR Text
Budaya tanassuh : semarakkanya di kalangan umat Islam Text
UTMSPACE tawar peluang belajar di Korea News Paper Cuttings
Effect of road lighting on the quality of dual carriageway road seIndexed Paper
Effects of heat treatment on synthetic graphites for carbon nan Indexed Paper
Teknik pemisahan Text
Usah alibabakan produksi Text
High xylooligosaccharides (XOS) production from pretreated kenIndexed Paper
International Conference on Malay Civilisation : malays need to Text
Changing corporate culture Text
Nano-silver enhanced luminescence of Eu3+-doped lead telluriteIndexed Paper
Abuse and the emotional factor Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Guidelines on- longhouse construction Text
Smart investment advisor Thesis
Amalan gotong-royong, rewang mesti dipertahan Text
Transfering data from a server to an android mobile application:Journal Article
PM thanks Koo, Tan for stunning win Text
Banjir : catatan hujan tertinggi dalam 100 tahun Text
Tangani kes buang bayi Text
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
Kenaikan BLR membebankan Text
Kinetic and equilibrium investigation of Cu(II) removal by Co(II Indexed Paper
Stability analysis of a linear friction-induced vibration model andIndexed Paper
Ayam campur babi dirampas Text
Lima memorandum dimeterai Text
Cerai SMS hina agama: Nik Aziz Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Mechanical properties of HFCVD microcrystaline diamond coat Thesis
Supercritical fluid extraction of Swietenia mahagoni seed : antioxIndexed Paper
Kaunseling industri Text
KWSP kutip lebih RM242j caruman tertunggak majikan Text
Pelajar UTM ungguli reka cipta Bentley News Paper Cuttings
The relationship of supply chain management, information technThesis
Dadah : hukuman mati mandatori kekal Text
Crash analysis of a rainforest vehicle under frontal impact loadinThesis
Traffic and transport planning Exam Papers
Mesoporous nanocomposite coatings for photonic devices : sol- Indexed Paper
Introduction to landscape architecture Exam Papers
Pensaizan semula meter air industri Text
Tarif elektrik akan naik : kadar baru tidak bebankan pengguna Text
Social media-based knowledge-sharing intention model in Somalia Thesis
Hydraul and hydrology Exam Papers
System performance analysis for 150 km SCM/WDM radio over fConference Papers
Perceraian menurut enakmen undang-undang keluarga Islam (NeThesis
Andaikan buku itu `makanan kesukaan' Text
UiTM juara Debat Alam Sekitar IPT Text
Time series analysis Text
Time at large in construction Thesis
Lawat portal price watch Text
Kompleks Kastam, Imigresen Bukit Chagar beroperasi 2006 Text
Transformasi pendidikan pacu ekonomi negara Text
A case study of safety and health improvement in a printing co Thesis
Street's physical geometry and the cooling effect of waterbody oThesis
Rumah terbengkalai aniaya pembeli Text
Bukit Tinggi dipantau 24 jam Text
Fu: Tourism industry regaining stability Text
Cuepacs tetap tolak skim pencen bercarum Text
Rakyat dinasihat berjimat cermat ekoran kenaikan harga minyakText
Malaysia pelabur terbesar di Pakistan Text
Variable selection using least angle regression Thesis
Commercial law Exam Papers
207 teknologi baru pertanian Text
Intercell interference studies in broadband wireless access netwThesis
R&D : UNIMAS cipta mesin rawat air Text
Bold move for the good of all Text
Pervaporation performance of modified chitosan membranes forThesis
USM cipta alat elak barah otak Text
System testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Design and development of hydroxyapatite/zirconia (HA/ZrO2) sThesis
Traffic light driver Thesis
UUM ketuai kajian kaedah kurangkan bahaya banjir News Paper Cuttings
Sistem pengurusan inventori dan tempahan bersepadu berasaska Text
Organizational behavior / tabiat organisasi Text
Teknologi dan amalan hijau di masjid daerah Johor Bahru Thesis
Failure of backup system crippled LRT Text
Penuaian air hujan untuk bangunan pejabat (Ibu Pejabat J.P.S) dThesis
Elak air tercemar : PM Text
Irda wujud pengangkutan lebih cekap, bersepadu Text
Saham amanah Qadrul Hassan mampu lonjak kewangan Islam Text
Screening of previously reported microsatellite markers, associate Indexed Paper
Malaysia model negara Islam terbaik Text
PM : sederhana dalam isu agama Text
25 pegawai tadbir lanjut pengajian News Paper Cuttings
Pastikan matlamat Bulan Membaca Kebangsaan tercapai Text
PM : declare assets by May Text
Characterization methods of thin film composite nanofiltratio Indexed Paper
Digital beamforming implementation of switch - beam smart ante Text
PPD diminta pantau agihan Skim Baucar Tuisyen Text
Structure damage detection using neural network with multi-staNon-Index Paper
Kajian penentuan kawasan bukit berisiko menggunakan sistem mText
Signal Processing Exam Papers
Analysis of the curvature field of a density-driven convective flo Indexed Paper
Perodua to tie-up with Toyota Japan Text
MJIIT Open Day 2016 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
MS Office : its own worst enemy? Text
Galakan proses POME jadi bio Text
Pengenalan hubungan antarabangsa Text
Govt mulls parole system Text
Monsoon concerns in moves to check dengue Text
Investment valuation Exam Papers
Godaan gadai aset tanah Text
GIS as new tools and approach in state planning and monitoring:Conference Papers
Solving reliability redundancy allocation problem using genetic Thesis
Optimization Methods Exam Papers
Programming III/V.B Net programming Exam Papers
Ambulans udara æpenyambungÆ hayat pesakit Text
Idris : Aim to have more lecturers with PhD on track News Paper Cuttings
Behaviour of filled joint under shear loading (Preview) Text
Artificial context-dependent acoustic modelling for large vocab Conference Papers
Migratory birds no threat Text
Effect of bore fluid and post treatment on polyethersulfone ultraText
Molecular spectroscopy Exam Papers
Persidangan Asean ke-15 catat nota positif Text
Effect of orifice size and bond number on bubble formation chara Indexed Paper
Pemodelan api (FLAME) menggunakan teknik sistem partikel berThesis
Copper removal from biological treatment system using modifieJournal Article
Roll Mitigation of small fishing boat Thesis
Teknologi getah Text
Up to their necks in mangrove rescue Text
Unsaturated soil mechanics Exam Papers
Mekanik bahan komposit Text
Enhancing public sector Text
Power system control Text
Tubuh kelab BPR di sekolah, IPT Text
Bukan isu gender Text
Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan pemindahan latihan teknolThesis
DPM : base history review on facts Text
Sistem pengurusan penyenggaraan bangunan bagi struktur konkrit Text
High voltage power supply for electro-optics applications Non-Index Paper
Pole climbing robot Thesis
Peristiwa Zamboanga sahkan tindakan KL News Paper Cuttings
Jalur lebar kunci pembangunan ICT negara Text
Pelajar UPNM hanya terikat Akta ATM Text
Ministry to set up technology centre News Paper Cuttings
Resolusi 1929 Iran cermin perbalahan kuasa besar Text
Analisis hidrograf sungai bagi kawasan tadahan daerah Papar, S Text
Numerical study on non uniform external flow analysis Thesis
Fuzzy linear programming : a modern tool for decision making Text
Residential electricity time of use (ToU) pricing for Malaysia Indexed Paper
Malaysian economy grows 5.3pc in Q1 Text
Introduction to building construction / pengenalan binaan bang Text
Sains bahan Text
Drop in pump prices reflects global reduction Text
Wanita bantu cegah penagihan dadah Text
Introduction to counselling Exam Papers
Integrasi model pedagogi dan andragogi bagi mempelajari peng Thesis
DTM untuk GIS Exam Papers
Discount pricing strategies for smart phone using system dynamJournal Article
A study on disclosures of derivative finacial instruments among Thesis
Vaksin AVR kurangkan kos rawatan HIV Text
Allocations boost for co-curricular activities Text
UTM cuba kurang pencemaran News Paper Cuttings
Geologi pembangunan Text
Development of three dimensional model of Perpustakaan SultaThesis
Bayi : kawal peningkatan berat badan Text
More find new work as lay-offs dip Text
Hampir 90,000 rebut 4,670 tempat maktab perguruan Text
Group theory I Exam Papers
Analysis and design of structural Exam Papers
Detecting epileptogenic foci from electroencephalography usin Thesis
Outrage over abduction, rape Text
KL, Bangkok sepakat tangani keganasan Text
Design and development of application program interface (API) aThesis
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Islam di Brunei bermula pada kurun ketujuh Text
A handover technique for inter- and intra- domain proxy mobile Thesis
42,000 projects awarded under 2 stimulus plans Text
Sains kakisan bahan Text
Development of an electronic aerosol system for generating micJournal Article
Prediction of meso-scale combustion using different turbulence Thesis
JPM Australia aktif perjelas dasar kerajaan Text
Land law Exam Papers
An investigation of indoor air pollution in new Faculty of MechanThesis
Application of treated mangrove bark tanin as corrosion inhibitoThesis
PM umum lima langkah jayakan teknologi hijau Text
Isu sistem kehakiman perlu diselesai Text
Rapera Marang menang Anugerah Perdana Pertubuhan Belia 20Text
Livestock management system Text
Residents' satisfaction of new urban village in China Thesis
OECD cadang Malaysia sertai kajian pencapaian pendidikan Text
Screening for students entering varsities Text
Pengusaha makanan perlu utamakan kebersihan Text
Dr M : rethink passport ruling Text
Preparing for future shocks : revolving fund to aid victims Text
Perintah Khidmat Masyarakat hukum remaja Text
Take the lead, Najib tells Asean Text
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of oil from Calophyllum inophyll Journal Article
Simulation and optimization of electrical discharge machining p Thesis
Largest concert by comedians in the country Text
Pengenalan penyelenggaraan bangunan Text
Feasibility study of wave energy potential in southern coasts of Indexed Paper
Use the RM625 to improve public transport instead Text
Transient stability program using component-based software enConference Papers
PID temperature controller to overcome overheating problem inThesis
WPI diharap turut sama bangunkan wilayah lain Text
A study on low cost solution to model 3D building for property Thesis
Construction contract studies 1 Exam Papers
Development and characterization of sulfonated polysulfone m Text
Cukai baru kenderaan bermotor diumumkan Text
Ensemble algorithms for class noise detection Thesis
Radiographic image enhancement using hybrid algorithm Journal Article
Rombak kurikulum pendidikan secara menyeluruh Text
Paras minimum harga petrol, diesel mungkin ditetapkan Text
Artificial intelligence Exam Papers
Flexible pavement maintenance along the north - south interurbThesis
Sistem hidraulik dan pneumatik Text
Mobile mapping robot Thesis
WiWi kurangkan kos pemasangan jalur lebar : platform teknolo Text
Elak jurang lebih besar Text
TPM arah segerakan tebatan banjir Text
The relationship between competitive anxiety, self -confidence Thesis
Sejarah Senibina Landskap Text
Kesan bahan tambah berasaskan polimer elastomerik terhadap pr Text
Diabetes punca utama buta Text
Memperkasakan modal insan: peranan dan cabaran kolej kediama Conference Papers
Budget 2006 : money to spend Text
Pembangunan sistem maklumat inventori makmal ukur kejuruteThesis
Gazetting stadiums as national heritage Text
For public buildings, a mix can be beautiful, says don Text
Payment by card to cost more Text
PM lancar Malaysia Inovatif 2010 Text
Spot cooling of strawberry plants in a greenhouse temperate cr Thesis
Long term prediction of pipeline corrosion under tropical seabe Thesis
Teknologi G-flex tingkat pengeluaran getah Text
Uji ketumpatan jisim tulang melalui mesin pengimbas Text
Direktori himpun sarjana IPTA Text
Improving book lending service in UTM Library using apriori rul Thesis
The effect of edge profile on delta wing flow Indexed Paper
Fireflyclust: an automated hierarchical text clustering approach Journal Article
Carpets linked to asthma Text
Hackers cast their net wide Text
Pelbagai pihak perlu bantu golongan kurang bernasib Text
Full force of law against rape Text
An automated support for evaluating alternative design decisionConference Papers
RM100mil in Amanah Saham units to ease hardcore poverty Text
More expensive RON97 to offset new RON95 petrol Text
Effects of different truss shapes to the design of plane truss str Thesis
Kursi luar negara martabat bahasa Melayu Text
Electric power system Exam Papers
Masih ramai tidak sedar bahaya diabetes Text
Promote cottage industries, firms told Text
Leading the proverbial thirsty horse to water: ESL learners’ Non-Index Paper
A novel thermoelectric generator for automotive exhaust heat r Conference Papers
Nonlinear PI control with adaptive interaction algorithm for mu Indexed Paper
Financial accounting Exam Papers
Wanita dapat peluang saksama Text
Johor expands buffer zones Text
MCTF'09 bantu graduan, profesional dapat kerja Text
Kendi kuatkan teori Melayu dari Champa Text
Implementation of genetic algorithm in model identification of Thesis
Enhanced ductility and tensile properties of hybrid montmorillo Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan sisa air buangan Text
Tanjung Piai kehebatan alam paling selatan benua Asia Text
Effect of baffle for loudspeaker Thesis
Removal of mercury (II) from aqueous solution by using rice res Indexed Paper
Application of sustainable integrated process design and controlIndexed Paper
Perkhidmatan bangunan - perpaipan Exam Papers
Surface discharges characteristics on high density polyethylene Thesis
Zirconium loaded banana stem fibers as adsorbent for recovery oJournal Article
Numerical simulation for unsteady flow over marine current turbIndexed Paper
Kajian OKU di IPT siap akhir tahun : Khaled Text
Statistics methods Exam Papers
Nationwide audit on needs of schools Text
Online monitoring and self-tuning control using pole placement m Indexed Paper
Nikmat air bertukar bencana jika tidak disyukuri Text
Pensyarah UKM cipta teknologi pertanian Text
Dinamik Text
Rehabilitation of fouled membrane from natural rubber skim l Indexed Paper
Minimizing drilling thrust force for HFRP composite by optimiz Indexed Paper
Evaluation of bond strength between hot mix asphalt surfacing lThesis
300 kes denggi seminggu Text
Kalkulus ubahan Text
Teknologi getah Text
Terengganu takes in US scholars for good English Text
Penuntut UTM sertai Trans IMalaysia News Paper Cuttings
Fundamentals principle of highway and traffic engineering Exam Papers
Salah pemandu kemalangan maut meningkat Text
Najib bidas pihak hina kakitangan kerajaan Text
Frequent failure of water supply in army camps in Ipoh Thesis
Numerical simulation of dissolved Oxygen and chemical Oxygen Text
Friction and cohesion coefficients of composite concrete-to-con Indexed Paper
Smart partnership signing News Paper Cuttings
Langkah Perlis permudah lelaki berpoligami: MB, menteri æber Text
Mathematical modelling in car suspension system Thesis
Kesan rawatan haba T6 terhadap mikrostruktur dan sifat mekanText
RM350,000 kaji pembangunan modal insan inovatif Text
Enhanced risk assessment model with countermeasure graphs foThesis
Number of temporary layoffs rise to 80,000 Text
Kerjasama tubuh pusat penyelidik rendah karbon News Paper Cuttings
Tragedy in Langkawi : 3 paratroopers drown, 11 injured Text
Sukarnya mendidik pengguna jalan raya Text
The relationships between religious orientations on Malay entr Thesis
Degradation of volatile organic compound from petrochemical wa Conference Papers
Lure of the peat swamp Text
Skim penarikan balik saintis disusun semula Text
Kemudahan telefon tanpa wayar luar bandar diperluas Text
Relationship between supervisor roles and self regulation amo Thesis
Ekonomi kekal positif Text
EPF down from 11% to 8% Text
Pejabat pintar Telenor Text
Eksport sawit meningkat kepada 18.5 juta tan Text
Forensic Science Exam Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
Effect of water on electrical properties of refined, bleached, andIndexed Paper
Tiada jaminan kadar tarif elektrik kekal Text
Latihan perguruan diselaras Text
GIS modelling in resource planning and management Conference Papers
Intelektual Melayu tidak peka isu bangsa Text
The impact of internal workplace layout on face to face informa Thesis
Negara pusat al-Quran terjemahan Text
Assessing the effect of information technology competence on Thesis
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
IPT digalak tingkat kajian Text
Sisa pepejal mesti diasing ikut jenis Text
Urban governance and management Exam Papers
Prof. Mashudi duduki Kursi Pengajian Melayu Universiti Leiden Text
10 universiti terbaik bagi 50 pelajar lepasan MRSM Text
Water treatment Exam Papers
SabahÆs coral reefs under big threat Text
Chip business still rice bowl? Text
PM minta bantuan Jepun bina Lembah Bio Text
RM1b system to check floods Text
Procurement practices in Malaysian public sector : a study on irrThesis
The structural and luminescence properties of divalent europ Thesis
Tracking and indexing moving object in multitude environment (FText
Arak punca pelbagai penyakit, dorong gejala maksiat Text
English plan is here to stay Text
Improving the optical burst switching networks quality of servic Indexed Paper
Green road in UTM campus Thesis
An exploratory study of service commercialization in UTM Thesis
Subsidies up despite petrol price increase Text
Lahir modal insan bertaraf dunia antara cabaran negara Text
Genetic alogrithm analysis on a two-phase flow pressure drop inThesis
Cabaran industri halal Text
Preparation and in vitro characterization of novel bioactive glas Thesis
Removal of boron using glucamine containing nano and micro fi Conference Papers
Hydraulics Exam Papers
Termodinamik II Text
Malaysia rancang tubuh pusat teknologi nano Text
BPR siasat JAS Text
Kelakunan beban pesongan kekuda komposit GRFRP-teori dan eText
Auto-focus microscope system for cells counting Thesis
Software Exam Papers
Image reconstruction technique via ultrasonic tomography systeThesis
Hormati Perlembagaan Text
Modelling the road transport for efficiency analysis Indexed Paper
Penguat kuasa perlu tegas Text
Statistik Text
Chemical pre-treatments of oil palm frond for improvement in t Conference Papers
Conceptual development of a lightning protection system based Text
Performance differences between PID and fuzzy logic controller Thesis
Nilai strategik Marikh Text
Hydrology Exam Papers
Mathematical analysis Exam Papers
Fabrication of carbon thin films by pulsed laser deposition in d Journal Article
A step in the right direction Text
TIT pusat pengembangan ilmu Text
Equipment tracking and security system for hospital environmenText
Kajian enapan menggunakan data batimetri di dermaga SDE Tel Text
Industrial electronic Exam Papers
Audit rekod e-diesel atasi penyelewengan Text
Pemprosesan imej digital Text
Wanita disyaki hidap SARS Text
Development of reel type label peeler Thesis
Mechanics of materials and structures Exam Papers
Air pollution control in palm oil mill industry in Malaysia Conference Papers
More graduates getting jobs Text
Effect of drying parameters and geometry on papaya quality Conference Papers
Menentukan pendirian umat Islam terhadap Barat Text
Elastic modulus of steel fibre reinforced concrete and steel fibr Thesis
Effect of clogging on the permeability of porous asphalt Thesis
UPM komersial produk R&D Text
International Forum On The Makkah Declaration, we must join han Text
Teknologi baru tukun tiruan : bantu pulihara habitat marin Text
Pembakaran terbuka : Selangor kenakan denda RM500,000 Text
Kapsul susu kuda liar lawan kanser Text
Construction safety Exam Papers
Sistem direktori dan bajet perkahwinan Thesis
Government seeks deals with other countries as part of stockpil Text
Solar energy as an alternative option in cathodic protection syst Text
Sistem pengenalan digit (Preview) Text
Company law Exam Papers
Dual sink vector-based routing protocol for underwater wireles Thesis
Mandarin language (bahasa Mandarin) Text
An MP2 investigation on the encapsulation of H-2 and 2H(2) insiIndexed Paper
The child criminal Text
Jadi pengguna berminda revolusi Text
UTM tubuh Kursi Alam Sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Sistem bantuan pelajar dan pengurusan perjalanan bas menggu Thesis
Membentuk acuan negara Text
Multipurpose cadastre: effectiveness and upgrading of GIS la Conference Papers
Rosmah dimasyhurkan Canselor pertama Unisel Text
Tingkat teknologi penuhi tuntutan global Text
Heat transfer enhancement using nanofluids for evacuated tubeThesiss
Kaedah bio-kejuruteraan dalam mengelak kegagalan cerun bukitText d
Three Malaysian varsities in top 500 web ranking News Paper Cuttings
SMART mobile learning application for mandarin language Thesis
Co-channel and adjacent channel interference evaluation for IMConference Papers
Wakil UTM kunjungi Balai Berita News Paper Cuttings
Marsal bakal pusat kajian marin antarabangsa Text
Preparation and characterization of Epoxy/ conducting Polyanili Thesis
Risiko pengambilan gula berlebihan Text
Using geographical information system - multiple regression analText
Designing an optimal fuzzy-pid controller for speed tracking of Conference Papers
The effects of mixed land use on carbon emissions in neighbour Thesis
2,976 penuntut tempatan di sekolah antarabangsa Text
UUM cadang bina kampus cawangan di Langkawi Text
Winning customers with new modes of payment Text
Kaunseling penting jayakan terapi metadon Text
5 dituduh hina Sultan : 1-didenda RM10,000; 4-mengaku tak sal Text
PM : economy is stable Text
The role and potential contribution of industrial design in devel Text
Rekabentuk struktur / prinsip-prinsip struktur Text
Job seekers lack etiquette Text
YPM mahu terap etika rakyat Jepun Text
Application of spectroscopy Exam Papers
Analisis beban sisi terhadap struktur kerangka rembat dan ker Text
Ibu bapa diminta tak berkira dengan sumbangan Text
Modeling information pathway of motor control using coherenceConference Papers
Straying logging firm loses licence Text
Buli siber cabaran baru di sekolah Text
Cerai SMS tak elok: PM: Usah guna teknologi komunikasi sewe Text
Man dodges death on bridge, makes getaway as structure collapText
Rubber technology Exam Papers
Finite element method Exam Papers
Logging probe launched Text
CAD & Rekabentuk ASIC Text
Ensuring success of railway line to Kunming Text
Permainan mobile Chantek in Borneo Thesis
Water: The Singapore - Malaysia dispute the facts Text
Strategi penambahbaikan pengurusan bencana banjir besar di K Thesis
Evaluation of properties of cold in place recycling material : a c Text
Analisa keberkesanan pembajaan kelapa sawit untuk penghasil Thesis
Pemuda Johor bantah pertaruh ruang udara Text
Cadangan menilai tahap keselesaan rekabentuk studio senibina Thesis
Sokong kemudahan cuti bersalin dipinda Text
Extra RM 10b for 8th Plan Text
UTM mampu menjadi satu jenama global News Paper Cuttings
Tioman dijadikan pulau bebas cukai : PM Text
Cara tepat jawab soalan News Paper Cuttings
Forest reserve to make way Text
Authentication of alert dissemination on friendship based mech Thesis
Velocity generation to improve positional coordinates due to effThesis
Penderian Dan Penglihatan Robot Text
Bajet 2009 perkukuhkan kesejahteraan, modal insan, ketahananText
Numerical study on the distance-dependence of optimal loop size- Indexed Paper
Rawat wajah dengan minyak kelapa dara News Paper Cuttings
Digital communications Exam Papers
Modeling and control of nonlinear active suspension using robusConference Papers
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan tubuh institut bantu PKS Text
Bahan bahaya dalam ubat tradisional Text
Classification of cross site scripting web pages using machine le Thesis
Hospital UKM dapat khidmat pakar bedah pediatrik UK Text
Bumiputera mampu kuasai pasaran perabot Text
Insights into teacher trainees' grammar teaching: a qualitative s Conference Papers
Potential of high quality limestone as adsorbent for iron and Journal Article
USM reka kit pembelajaran sains Text
Sustainable integrated process design and control for a continuoThesis
UTM visitor RFID access control system Thesis
Interactive learning framework for dynamic simulation and contro Conference Papers
Modelling of human through motion captured data using non-line Thesis
The application of drillability properties in measuring the stren Indexed Paper
Three element compact broadband parallel-coupled microstrip ba Conference Papers
Mapping full-field bond stress distribution on concrete using digiConference Papers
Economy likely to grow by 4.5pc despite adverse conditions, saysText
Evaluation of e-STAR: an enhanced science textbook using augmJournal Article
Case-based retrieval on question items generation (Preview) Text
Digital logic (logic digital) Text
Dadah masih jadi ancaman kritikal Text
Illegal logging alert at Malacca forest reserve Text
5 koridor pembangunan sejajar saranan Bank Dunia Text
Analysis of the vibration behavior of FGM cylindrical shells incl Indexed Paper
Maids minimum wage not feasible Text
Jambatan ketiga jejas kapal masuk ke Pasir Gudang : Dr M Text
Kafe siber : Kementerian pandang serius Text
Environment : logged and rolled and there's still room for wildlifText
Fee for hiring maids capped at RM2,500 Text
Menerokai minda pelabur Text
Kerajaan dalam dilema tentukan peranan wanita Text
A meta-analysis: pedagogical strategies for teaching mathemati Conference Papers
PM hopes space programme will fire interest in youths Text
Improved space vector modulation with reduced switching vector Thesis
Industri kenderaan tempatan dijangka meningkat : kajian Text
Comparative geometric and radiometric evaluation of mobile p Indexed Paper
Kekurangan, pencapaian pendidikan negara dinilai Text
Interaksi kaum - Tiada masalah di sekolah cemerlang Text
Teras 4 : luar bandar diberi tumpuan rapatkan jurang Text
KL most popular local tourist destination for Malaysians Text
Contract administration Exam Papers
Comparison of computational tools for protein-protein interacti Journal Article
The study of pH, temperature, reusability, and storage stability Thesis
JPA tambah jumlah pelajar ke Mesir Text
Improving the usability of Massive Open Online Courses by adapThesis
242 kanak-kanak hilang hingga Mac Text
Kes remaja terlibat jenayah meningkat Text
Permuafakatan pemimpin BN senjata hadapi pembangkang Text
Industrial and hazardous waste treatment Exam Papers
Acoustic power measurement of diagnostic ultrasound transduceThesis
Creating world-class education Text
Kimia analisis Text
Malaysia anjur Pertandingan Kemahiran Asean Text
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of novel coumarinyl azo-cha Thesis
Bangunan bagi pengajian teknikal Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Principles of management Exam Papers
Promosi keindahan Islam Text
Lapan minggu isi jawatan kosong sektor awam Text
Penilaian prestasi Text
Fusion of license plate and face recognition for secure parking Journal Article
Prostat, BPH dan Remedi Text
TPM saran universiti manfaat ICT sepenuhnya Text
Application of virtual learning environment in the teaching of e Conference Papers
PM outlines vision for the nation : getting and keeping top talen Text
MAS 19, AirAsia 96 : perkongsian di bawah rasionalisasi penerb Text
Membanteras jenayah seksual perlukan keberanian Text
Tanam rasa takut Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
Guna kaedah inovasi selesai isu fiqh sains, teknologi Text
Adsorption of nutrient onto zeolite and kaolin from oxidation poThesis
Cara Islam mampu tangani tekanan Text
Investigation of graphene channel interaction with yeast cell for Journal Article
100 sekolah baru sedia kemudahan murid OKU Text
Digital logic Exam Papers
Syarikat tempatan digesa segera daftar paten produk Text
Value of vaccination in fight against diseases Text
Creative process in designing (Industrial Design Students in UTMThesis
A boundary integral equation with the generalized Neumann kerIndexed Paper
Interaksi kad aksi menggunakan teknologi realiti augmented (auThesis
Econonic evaluation of a stand alone PV system for a residential Text
Assessment of reinforced concrete jetty structure exposed to Thesis
PM : Malaysians must master English to compete globally Text
Inclined link as shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete bea Thesis
Card to keep tabs on USM students Text
Record number of Arab tourists expected Text
Camera calibration of DSLR cameras with different resolutions Thesis
2 dengue deaths bring toll to 54 Text
Perspectives of Malaysian contractors toward industrialised bui Thesis
Combination alkali microwave pre treatment on palm oil empty fConference Papers
JKR rintis kerja dari rumah Text
Syarat bahasa Mandarin dianggap diskriminasi Text
Materials interaction during soldering and isothermal ageing of SText
Hanya pelajar terbaik dihantar ke Al-Azhar Text
Cari sampai dapat formula kurangkan kemalangan Text
Mencari nama bendera Text
Malaysia tawar diri anggotai Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia PBB Text
Five Mara colleges to take 30pc non-Bumi students Text
Perbandingan kaedah analisis spatial dan statistik yang digunak Thesis
Geotechnics I Text
Najib : get over the jealousy, distrust Text
Kalkulus Text
Meritokrasi tak timbulkan masalah : Dr M Text
Bernas not overly concerned over effects of WTO free trade ruleText
Multi-fingered robot hand Thesis
Perbelanjaan awam dipertingkat Text
Penyimpanan markah pelajar serta pemprosesannya secara berkText
Satu Malaysia bukan retorik politik : PM Text
Motion of three offshore structures due to the effect of hydrod Thesis
Biosensors technology Text
Mathematics v Exam Papers
Sistem simpanan data dinamik Text
Cabbies fume over NGV hike Text
Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi pemilihan kursus dan masalah-masa Conference Papers
Army outsources non-essential products, services to trim costs Text
Pengaruh fenomena EL-NINO dan LA-NINA terhadap corak pasang Thesis
Permodelan berangka bagi tindakbalas enzim pectinase (AbstracText
Ikuti Kursus Kenegaraan di bawah SSM diwajibkan Text
Mechanic of machines Exam Papers
Mideast investors put up RM4.1b, promise more Text
6 amalan kebersihan rumah Text
Platform independent web-based telecardiology for connected hJournal Article
Transport processes Exam Papers
Syor buat projek perintis Text
Let's treat pensioners with more respect Text
Kajian terhadap faktor pengaruh di dalam strategi persaingan teText
Proton GEN.2 mampu bersaing : PM lancar model baru kereta n Text
Lean six sigma sustainability framework : a case study on an a Indexed Paper
Tiada jalan taraf 5 bintang: Kajian Text
Kejayaan hasil Jalur Gemilang terpanjang dikenang kembali. Text
Proton harus berhenti salahkan orang lain Text
A solution to low school enrolment Text
Letakkan industri kuasa ekonomi Text
Spreadsheet optimization for evaluation soil water retention c Thesis
Hanya keinsafan mampu sekat zina, kes buang bayi Text
Cabaran, peluang negara maritim Text
Ubah persepsi pelabur mengenai ICT negara Text
Ketua Polis Negara bimbang jumlah pelajar sekolah ditangkap mText
30,000 graduan ditawar kerja Text
Teksi eksekutif pertingkat mutu pengangkutan awam negara Text
Retirement age now 58 Text
Pemansuhan PPSMI secara berperingkat Text
Pelajar baru wajib ambil kursus asas News Paper Cuttings
SAJ to petition for lower repair fees for brokenpipes Text
Political corruption under the microscope Text
Cegah barah pangkal rahim Text
Bunga gantung penambah seri Text
Tanaman skala kecil diperkenal Text
Private hospitals are not raking in millions Text
Effect of slope surface cover on soil suction variation and slope sText
Determinants of students' outcome : a full-fledged structural e Indexed Paper
MyKad-style IDs for cops and soldiers Text
Entrance length of a flow after pipe bend Text
1,862 pelajar sekolah terlibat jenayah Text
Concrete & Brickwork Construction Exam Papers
Economic indicators selection for crime rates forecasting using Indexed Paper
Metabolomics - the complementary field in systems biology : a rIndexed Paper
Kalkulus III Text
Large strain shear compression test of sheet metal specimens Indexed Paper
Aplikasi kultur tisu tumbuhan Text
Catalytic surface modification of alumina membrane for oxygen Journal Article
Smoking and the brain Text
Construction Project Management Exam Papers
Examining information disclosure behavior on social network siteNon-Index Paper
Power engineering fundamentals Exam Papers
UTM sedia gabung 32 institut kecemerlangan Text
Sekolah Inggeris : kabinet mahu lihat reaksi rakyat Text
Modelling of continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series foText
Ekonomi berkembang, KDNK 6.7 peratus Text
Kaji daun ketum alternatif penagih gian Text
Aksi Asimo di UTM esok Text
Construction law and contract 1 Exam Papers
Kawalan proses dan dinamik Text
MEASAT-3 kukuhkan ICT Text
Penghidap kanser sistem penghadaman dikesan gemar makan bText
The relationship between psychological empowerment and the qThesis
Set for another hazy spell Text
Self-tuning PID controller design using fuzzy logic for a single-lin Journal Article
Estimation of air concentration in dissolved air flotation (DAF) s Indexed Paper
Whodunit? Text
Aljabar linear Text
Electrical model to predict current-voltage behaviours of lithiu Indexed Paper
Teknologi kultur tisu Text
Programming III (Visual basic 6.0) Exam Papers
Development of simulation model for assessing the performanceThesis
Email your opinions to the PM Text
Isolation of high quality RNA from plant rich in flavonoids, me Indexed Paper
Management of e-waste in scrap metal facilities Thesis
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan kndustri Text
Mobile radio channel characterization and stationarity issues Conference Papers
UKL ambil 80 pelajar program ijazah Julai Text
No two the same Text
Co-creation of value between customers and providers in governThesis
Single cell penetration using nano-pipette by E-SEM nanoroboti Conference Papers
Performance of a new bundle fiber sensor of 1000 RF in comparIndexed Paper
Development of oil and grease trap in gross pollutant traps syst Thesis
Removal of total phosphorus in conventional wastewater treatmText
Stylized line drawing and shading effect for shape depiction in n Thesis
Sistem pengurusan inventori bagi Majlis Perbandaran Taiping Thesis
Institusi-institusi Islam Exam Papers
Investigation of angular distribution on copper ions using farad Text
PUSPAKOM kaunter WAP :sistem perkhidmatan kaunter Pusat Pe Text
An improved SQL injection detection model in signature based IDThesis
Tiada kes disyaki, rakyat dinasihat tak panik Text
Two wheeled balancing robot Thesis
Petanda denggi kian sukar dikesan Text
Urban design theory Text
BN perlukan lebih ramai calon profesional News Paper Cuttings
Wayang kulit semakin tersisih Text
MICE tourists spent RM3b Text
Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis for power law pluids in circuThesis
The effect of grain size distributions on acoutic wave velocities Conference Papers
Malaysia tunggu keputusan Thailand Text
MBJB already using solar energy for its public facilities Text
Diskriminasi wanita akan dihapus Text
Jiwa kehambaan Melayu menghalang pembaharuan Text
Selesema burung : manusia tidak dijangkiti Text
Lihat pindaan AUKU dalam skop lebih luas Text
What deter academia to share knowledge within research basedNon-Index Paper
Pembubaran MeCD tak jejas matlamat asal Bumiputera Text
Bekal diri dengan ilmu, Umat Islam mampu keluar dari kongkonga Text
Time dispersion analysis for uwb channel in an outdoor environ Indexed Paper
Sistem pembekalan dokumen elektronik (Abstract) Text
Fluid mechanics Exam Papers
2 tempat darurat : IPU di Kuala Selangor dan Pelabuhan Klang mText
The design of a triggering system for xenon flashlamp for excitatThesis
Syarat baru elaun guru ajar bidang ketukangan Text
UKM tawar pengajian mod berterusan Text
Joshua kekalkan penguasaan News Paper Cuttings
Rizab minyak mentah negara 20.18 bilion tong Text
Tubuh, minda sihat bantu Muslim capai kecemerlangan hidup Text
Memperkasa jati diri budaya belia Text
Sistem pengurusan penyelenggaraan penghawa dingin STMicroelThesis
Integrasi teknik remote sensing dan GIS untuk mengenalpasti Text
Baitulmal kebangsaan perlu disegera untuk pertingkatkan eko Text
The evolution of information architecture Conference Papers
Heterocyclic chemistry Text
Terengganu rintis khutbah Jumaat multimedia Text
Energy efficient microwave irradiation of sago bark waste (SBW)Indexed Paper
Three dimensional seabed display from multibeam echosounderText
Exciting times ahead for investors Text
Characterization of drought properties using copula in PeninsulaThesis
Antibacterial activity of copper and silver kaolinite on five isola Thesis
Improved gravitational search algorithm for proportional integralThesis
Making rural life more appealing Text
Microcomputer aplication / information technology and computExam Papers
Jurnal UMT dapat pengiktirafan antarabangsa Text
Sistem pakar diagnos masalah pendawaian elektrik menggunakaText
PM minta berfikir secara ASEAN Text
Forecasting future of CIOs by review of CIO role evolution Non-Index Paper
Penguasaan matematik : kurikulum tahap satu perlu pindaan Text
Zon larangan merokok diperluas Text
Tumpuan UPM beralih kepada pembangunan pertanian Text
Design and simulation of electronic ballast performance for highIndexed Paper
Psycho-physiological benefits of mountain landscape environment Thesis
UKM, UM in top 200 Text
30% punca kemalangan jalan raya kerana mabuk Text
Budaya integriti dalam pengurusan perolehan dan tender kerajaConference Papers
Rejection of metals by low pressure reverse osmosis membrane Text
Kelewatan dalam projek pembinaan di Jabatan Kerja Raya JohorText
Determination of three-dimensional shape of failure in soil slopeIndexed Paper
BMW kekal harga kereta selepas GST News Paper Cuttings
Regional winners bested by M'sian News Paper Cuttings
Tawakal ibadah hati paling utama mengharapkan sesuatu Text
Experimental and simulation study of fluidization behavior of palIndexed Paper
PM yakin China tingkatkan pelaburan di Malaysia Text
UKM-Lemhannas Indonesia jalin kerjasama Text
Utusan, UTM lancar sayembara News Paper Cuttings
Rekabentuk tembok penahan julur Text
Aedes kebal bila kerap terkena semburan asap Text
Instrumentation in analytical chemistry Text
Constant heat flux solution for mixed convection boundary layerIndexed
v Paper
Hair is where the money is Text
Check on worksites Text
Engineering mathematics I Exam Papers
Wajib bertugas di pedalaman? Text
Mewarisi kejayaan Text
High hopes for UUMÆs first blind student Text
Human information processing Exam Papers
Terap ilmu al-Quran : MB Text
Removal of suspended solids and residual oil using membrane s Conference Papers
Kuala Lumpur rakam sejarah pembangunan negara Text
ItÆs bad, you should know Text
50 suami kena dera Text
Change detection of submerged seagrass biomass in shallow coaIndexed Paper
Perlaksanaan program latihan dalam perkhidmatan (School Bas Thesis
Kajian air rendah di Sungai Pencala, Selangor (Preview) Text
Pertanian presis untuk tanaman padi Text
27,996 pesalah dadah ditangkap Text
Kesungguhan mendapatkan air bersih Text
Malaysia pertimbang jadi hab bantuan Aceh Text
Pemikiran umat Islam perlu realistik Text
Arab Saudi sedia bekerjasama tukar kepakaran Text
Stringent checks on Chinese food imports Text
Pilot blamed for copter crash in BaÆkelalan Text
Transformasi universiti Text
Advanced design of steel structures Exam Papers
Preparation and characterization of lignin based banana stem graThesis
Military officer is vice-chancellor Text
NOSS industri pembinaan : pembangunan dan perlaksanaannya Text
UTM, Universiti Salford kaji selidik alam bina, ICT Text
Intensity noise reduction using a gain saturated SOA Thesis
UTM bangunkan UAV bantu kerja pemetaan dari udara News Paper Cuttings
Kajian paras bunyi bising pelbagai aktiviti di Taman Universiti, S Thesis
Fault diagnosis based on multi-scale classification using kernel Journal Article
School-based assessment : a study on teacher's knowledge and pConference Papers
Enam terbunuh 2 nahas di Keningau Text
Smart tahan gegaran Text
Penambahbaikan sektor awam perlu berterusan Text
Aedes : syor penjara pemilik premis Text
Jawatankuasa R&D herba akan ditubuh Text
Persistence of carbofuran in Malaysian waters Non-Index Paper
Pelan kawal penyakit kencing manis di Kelantan Text
Kajian pengukuran ketertelapan batuan melalui pemerhatian dinText
Work on new centre for Bandar Baru Bang; next year News Paper Cuttings
Be part of green revolution, Malaysians told Text
KWSP diminta wujud bank pinjaman rumah Text
Ultrasound attenuation for monitoring of thermal therapy Thesis
USM hasilkan sel standard pertama pembelajaran Text
Urban stormwater management Exam Papers
Flame retardancy, thermal and mechanical properties of magne Thesis
Capsule endoscopy antenna Thesis
Kajian corak hujan di kawasan pengairan muda Text
200,000 pesara kerajaan berdepan tekanan hidup Text
Privacy risks in cloud computing Non-Index Paper
Kementerian rangka pelan induk kecekapan tenaga Text
Kejuruteraan lalulintas & pengangkutan Text
Verification of the thermal buckling load in plates made of functNon-Index Paper
Fixed-point sensitivity maps for image reconstruction in tomogr Indexed Paper
Panduan ibu hamil berpuasa Text
Kualiti pendidikan bergantung pada standard guru Text
Soalan dwibahasa diteruskan Text
Simulation of electrode for dual-modality electrical resistance Journal Article
Tony Fernandes terima ijazah kehormat Text
CAHB, CIMB minta gantung urus niaga Text
UTM cipta alat hasilkan elektrik News Paper Cuttings
Pelaksanaan e-buku masih dalam kajian Text
Bukti perkuburan manusia neolitik wujud Text
Strategi kukuh daya tahan Text
Optimization of a novel carbon dioxide cogeneration system using Indexed Paper
Numerical simulation of supercritical flow in open channel (PrevText
Perang dibenarkan untuk pertahan Islam Text
Masalah ubahsuai bangunan tanpa kelulusan pelan Thesis
New approach in UTM’s innovations News Paper Cuttings
Propaganda blitz in Iraq war Text
Enhancing global competitiveness of penang electronics and elecText
Experimental study of bar formation in sand bed channel Journal Article
Aplikasi sistem maklumat geografi untuk inventori Jalan Kepala Text
Multi wavelength mode-lock soliton generation using fiber laser Indexed Paper
The develop of web-based intractive electronic map for UTM anThesis
Proton diminta baiki kelemahan Text
Suasana ekonomi negara meyakinkan Text
Paras air Empangan Sembrong kritikal Text
New deputy VC for UKM Text
Molecular weight (MW) and monosaccharide composition (MC) Indexed : tw Paper
Clinical Engineering Exam Papers
Differential equations Text
UTM menang 5 anugerah di IDEERS News Paper Cuttings
Get stalled cars off roads in 20 minutes Text
Materials science Exam Papers
Exergy analysis of gas turbine power plant with regenerator Thesis
Space vector control of dual matrix converters based five-phase Indexed Paper
Energy analysis for air conditioning system using fuzzy logic contConference Papers
Ladang Pertanian Bioteknologi di Sisek Text
AIDS tanggungjawab bersama Text
Kesan pengajaran bermodul ke atas perubahan konsep dan konsep Text
Through the years Text
Malaysia sedia bantu bawa keamanan di selatan Thailand Text
Hidup Melayu bermartabat Text
Analysis of crude palm oil composition in a chemical process co Indexed Paper
RM77j naik taraf Taska Kemas Text
Employers : shortage of workers causing losses Text
Pelan pembangunan diumum akhir tahun Text
Promote use of Bahasa Melayu Text
Construction safety in Kelantan Thesis
Programmable logic controller training module for positioning a Thesis
Kebolehkorekan batuan berasaskan kepada sifat-sifat bahan da Text
Cukupkan makanan, kerajaan beri apa saja pertolongan untuk inText
Polis ditemui mati di belakang kedai Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masalah pemilikan rumah maThesis
Statistics 1 Exam Papers
Bersara pilihan penjawat awam diluluskan dengan syarat Text
Cari maslahat agung, elak mudarat lebih besar Text
Comparative detections of oil spill using multimode radarsat -1 sThesis
Group annotation for digital photos using multimodal interactio Conference Papers
Bringing life back to a recreation park Text
Wide-ranging opportunities m resource based industries News Paper Cuttings
Agensi pantau mutu IPT lulus Text
Mangsa tsunami Aceh anggap Smart penyelamat Text
Perluaskan saringan penyakit Text
Honda sasar jual 6,000 Civic Text
A simulation study of man machine Ratio (MMR) for PCBA operaThesis
Sistem penilaian penyakit kucing Text
135,675 layak dapat subsidi Text
Institusi Islam Exam Papers
New maid options under study Text
Peluang lihat aktiviti angkasawan di laman web Text
PROSTAR bantu remaja bermasalah Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Verbal joust over MRR2 work Text
Automation of DNA computing readout method based on real-t Non-Index Paper
Pra Persidangan Pustakawan Perpustakaan UTM 2016 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Stadium Merdeka warisan negara Text
The relationship between survivor syndromes and job satisfac Thesis
Phonocardiogram using time frequency analysis Thesis
Mengkaji kelakuan aliran vorteks di belakang nozel Text
Geochemistry characterization of organic soil Thesis
Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of zinc-aluminum Thesis
10 teras strategik mantapkan PDRM Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
Thermoluminescene response of ge and a1 doped sio optical fibrConference Papers
Residents unite against hillside condo project Text
e-Merah tingkat khidmat luar bandar Text
Sistem pengurusan Kelab Rekreasi Mahasiswa Universiti TeknoloThesis
Only 70% of RM7b stimulus package disbursed, says Abdullah Text
Structural and magnetic properties of Co-Al substituted Ni ferri Indexed Paper
Tremors trigger panic in peninsula Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Using theory of planned behaviour to explore oil palm smallholde Indexed Paper
Virtual touchscreen based XY plotter system Thesis
Information security awareness framework : a case study for b Thesis
Ikat kelajuan bas ekspres Text
A study of cross-contamination of foodborne pathogens on the kJournal Article
Infrastructure repairs to be done by Feb 18 Text
Microbial diversity of termite gut Thesis
Cyber risk insurance policy a proposed frameworkfor e - businesText
Dispute management in construction industry Thesis
Budaya penyelidikan belum cukup perkasa Text
Race doesn't matter so long as the teacher is qualified Text
Bioactivity assessment of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/hydroxyapat Indexed Paper
RM800,000 abandoned : security van guards flee from robbers Text
A numerical simulation and visualization of blood flow through aConference Papers
Promoting private sector spending Text
Properties of asphaltic concrete AC14 containing coconut shell Thesis
Universiti Malaya climbs 50 spots to No. 180 in THE-QS rankings Text
Oil palm farming sustainable in MÆsia Text
Coretan Angkasawan : pulang ke Russia setiap 3 bulan Text
The relationship between the microclimate and the landscape d Thesis
Ultrasound local heating improve foetal physiological developm Journal Article
Bank gen tumbuhan di Royal Belum Text
Peniaga runcit diminta contohi pasar raya besar Text
Memacu pengajian tinggi berkelas dunia Text
Muhyiddin beri taklimat mansuh PPSMI Text
Penjualan data spatial berdigit (Abstract) Text
Pengguna galakkan barang tiruan berleluasa Text
Residents caught unawares Text
Bioteknologi Text
Weather and temperature mirror Thesis
Jakim didik pelapis pendakwah guna kaedah berhikmah Text
Terrorist threat in Straits of Malacca : high alert for possible JI a Text
Consumers, purchase intention toward raisins : an experiment oThesis
More groups eligible for low-cost houses Text
Ramadan yang hebat! Text
Masjid sebagai pusat kecemerlangan Text
Axisymmetric finite element modeling of liquid retaining structuThesis
UTHM merentas empat era Text
Ekonomi negara mula tunjuk tanda positif Text
Pengilang biobahan api perlu mohon lesen baru Text
Generating contemporary image of mosque through the interpret Thesis
Challenges and strategies in advice and information giving by HI Thesis
Testing of metal oxide surge arrester monitoring (MOSAM) Thesis
Hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dan kesihatan mental dalamThesis
The effect of grain size on the mechanical properties of low carbText
Persepsi guru dan pelajar terhadap tingkah laku bermasalah da Thesis
Obesiti : beza amalan dulu dan sekarang Text
EON expects 3.3pc rice in car sales this year Text
Effect of zinc borate on mechanical and dielectric properties o Indexed Paper
Demonstrasi strategi kempen : Khaled Text
Dana khas dipantau setiap minggu Text
Rangsang minat membaca Text
Jenayah libatkan pelajar serius Text
Usaha lahirkan petani moden Text
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres sConference Papers
Puas berkayak dari Dumai ke Melaka Text
Pemprosesan dan pencairan gas Text
MARA keluarkan pinjaman RM10.84j kepada usahawan Text
Hutang PTPTN boleh dibayar melalui ATM Text
Effects of non-spherical colloidal silica slurry on Al-NiP hard dis Indexed Paper
Performance study of electric compressor in non-electric vehicleIndexed Paper
Kerajaan cadang dakwa penonton lumba haram Text
Penilaian rintangan gelinciran ke atas permukaan turapan di UT Text
Wearable phototherapy device for hyperbilirubinemia treatmenThesis
Effect of zirconium and beryllium on microstructure and mechanThesis
Teknologi elektrik Text
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Data Communication Exhibition ( Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
COX-2 inhibitors from stem Bark of bauhinia rufescens LAM. (fa Indexed Paper
Robot bersih sarang walit News Paper Cuttings
24,837 diterima ke IPTA : jumlah Bumiputera paling ramai sejak Text
Pensyarah buat laporan BPR dakwa penyelewengan kakitangan Text
Advanced rock mechanics & engineering geology Exam Papers
Dr M pertahan Tengku Mahaleel : tindakan beliau membuat ke Text
UPM perjelas isu guna bahasa Inggeris Text
RM20mil for technopreneurs Text
Calon Dr. Ir., Sr. di Kelantan Text
A novel metabolomic data scaling method based on K-L diverge Indexed Paper
Valuation methodology of airport terminal (Preview) Text
Solat asas utama hindari remaja terjebak maksiat Text
AirAsia said to become first budget carrier to serve China Text
Kebarangkalian & statistik Text
Penggunaan komputer dalam harta tanah Text
Tinjauan kategori masalah dalam kalangan pelajar antarabangsa,Thesis
Bantuan pesakit buah pinggang melalui NKF dihenti Text
Sistem kawalan suara pelbagai guna Text
Zaid syor peraturan antilompat digubal Text
Digital image processing of remote sensing data in Malaysia Conference Papers
One month for foreign labour experts Text
Sedia teroka enjin 1.8, 2.0 guna diesel Text
Fakulti baru bakal teruskan kecemerlangan akademik UTM Text
Amaran penjara buang sisa toksik secara haram Text
Monitor moonlighting civil servants Text
Temperature rise of cold-formed steel built-up back-to-back col Journal Article
Characterization of young children with preferred and non-prefeJournal Article
Drop in number of top scorers Text
Undang-undang sedia ada bagi perogol memadai Text
Vibration control of mechanical suspension system using active fConference Papers
Usul guru Kumpulan A aktif politik perlu dilaksanakan dengan beText
Application of tilt sensor in headset operated surveillance camerText
Pastikan tiada dadah di disko : Noh Text
More foreigners buying Sabah beach-front units Text
Bioteknologi Text
Hapuskan sindrom tentera bersara balik kampung Text
Pembangunan strategi pembelajaran geometri tiga dimensi: pe Conference Papers
Pembakaran di tapak sampah haram cemar udara Text
Prevention of fall on construction site Thesis
End-of-life vehicle directive: a key element to the vehicle design Conference Papers
Mekanik pepejal II Text
Lima kuasa autonomi bagi sekolah kluster Text
Applied clustering analysis for grouping behaviour of e-learning Indexed Paper
Microcomputer aplication / information technology and computExam Papers
A first for UTM training center News Paper Cuttings
Medical tests a must for bus, lorry drivers Text
Bearing capacity performance of floating soil cement columns Thesis
Punca kaum renggang Text
Malaysia terima tempias kemerosotan ekonomi AS Text
Awas kursus IPT luar Text
Bank Negara raih gred 'A' dalam kajian prestasi Text
Pembangunan E-Shopping berdasarkan kajian TRUST dalam aplikas Text
Guru jurulatih sukan layak terima insentif Text
Najib : enhance our competitiveness Text
The commercialisation process of patents by universities Non-Index Paper
Traffic engineering Exam Papers
Evolusi teknologi UAV Text
Penekanan PBS, KBAT mampu lonjak pendidikan negara News Paper Cuttings
Batalkan tanam pokok akasia Text
Bio-tech ventures to benefit farmers Text
1,049 graduan sulung MSU Text
Amaran kepada pengetua sibuk kutip derma Text
Hand gesture recognition using artificial neural networks for h Thesis
Estimating fault location on transmission lines using artificial n Text
Jadual keupayaan keratan rasuk konkrit bertetulang berpandukaText
Travel emission profile of Iskandar Malaysia neighbourhoods fr Indexed Paper
Concrete technology Exam Papers
Pasukan khas kawal penyakit HFMD di pintu masuk negara Text
Alloying aluminium surface with q-switched Nd:YAG laser Thesis
Non-invasive imaging using magnetic induction tomography Thesis
Providing a higher degree of security Text
Tumbuhan I Text
Helping varsities download satellite images Text
Termodinamik Text
Construction insurance Thesis
Multi-operation data encryption mechanism using dynamic dataThesis
Control of a rigid three-link manipulators using active force contText
4 tahun berlalu : era baru pertanian negara Text
Masalah pemilik dan pentadbiran tanah kampung-kampung baruThesis
Struktur pesawat terbang II Text
Kebanyakan yang murtad wanita Text
Advice to take interest in childrenÆs education Text
Proaspirasi kekal di IPTA Text
Relationship between employee engagement factors and employThesis
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
A comparison of current and design operational efficiencies of s Indexed Paper
LHDN jangka kutipan cukai naik 15 peratus Text
Behaviour of lightweight foamed concrete with pre-tensioning sThesis
Floods round-up : help them, adopt a village Text
Robot arm controlled by human movement Thesis
Rekabentuk litar bersepadu dan pengujian Text
Statistik multivariat Text
Guru baru wajib ke pedalaman Text
Predicting effects of wettability variations on displacement beh Thesis
Recent developments in advanced process integration : learningIndexed Paper
TNB untung bersih RM295.1j suku kedua Text
Young Alumni Dinner Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Cawangan trafik paling banyak terima aduan rasuah Text
Prosperous year for Billionaires Club Text
Inventory of heritage buildings compiled Text
Smart parenting : the currency of love Text
Banjir di utara makin buruk Text
Integrating of the diversity and swarm based methods for text Conference Papers
MAS and AirAsia to 'fly together' Text
Study the effect of the flue gas flow across the banks of tube in Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
A case study on quality management system in construction projText
Industri aeroangkasa dijangka terus berkembang Text
Usaha tangani kemiskinan tegar gagal tanpa penyertaan semua Text
Proses kelulusan pinjaman usahawan dikaji semula Text
Northern Corridor Economic Region : Northern Perak to see deveText
Lapan pelajar IPT ceroboh bilik gerakan BN ditahan Text
Uniten tawar 2,250 tempat baru Text
Effect of inhibitor gases on hydrogen flame propagation in a confIndexed Paper
A structural equation model of persuasive features for compute Indexed Paper
Evaluation of palm olein as shaft lubricant Thesis
High voltage technology Exam Papers
Penerima Anugerah Usahawan Muda akan dibantu Text
Economic comparison of composite and bare steel beam of gradText
Conceptual model for technical and employability skills of Nig Thesis
Raising more top calibre teachers with better intakes Text
Calibration of five hole spherical pitot tube Text
Hot compressed water extraction curve for palm oil and beta ca Indexed Paper
Merotan : hanya sesuai di sekolah rendah Text
Determining forensic tools efficiency based on secured firewalls Thesis
USM raih enam pingat Text
Minister : UiTM grads in demand Text
20 graduan ternak ikan sangkar Text
Mobile learning application interface design for online informatioThesis
UM staff forced to resign for assisting Umno Youth Text
Angkasawan wants more women involved Text
Bandar Siber usah bersaing sesama sendiri : PM Text
First principles gas phase study of the structures, energetics an Indexed Paper
Proffesional ethics Exam Papers
Physics Exam Papers
New timber industry policy launched Text
Tambak laut : Malaysia dan Singapura tandatangani penyelesaiaText
More pay for government staff? Text
Penggubalan rang undang-undang amalan kosmetik dipercepat Text
Mekanik gunaan Text
Electrical technology Exam Papers
A novel approach for genetic audio watermarking Non-Index Paper
Bioseparation Text
Stand-alone water treatment : performance of electrospun nanoIndexed Paper
15,000 mohon 1,500 peluang pekerjaan News Paper Cuttings
Pendaftaran kad prabayar akhir tahun Text
Fast path / slow path network processing on NetFPGA Thesis
Guru pendidikan islam (GPI) sebagai pendidik dan daie sepanjangConference Papers
Mathematical modelling of transient two-phase gas-liquid flow an Thesis
Embedded digitalized weather inspection (EDWIN) system using Thesis
Ekuiti bumiputera tidak rampas hak kaum lain Text
Lukisan binaan Text
Pembelajaran berbantu komputer bagi teori litar elektrik Text
Professinal practice III Exam Papers
Bi-ideals of ordered semigroups based on the interval-valued fuzJournal Article
Advanced structural analysis Exam Papers
Pengurusan pengeluaran dan operasi Exam Papers
2 Penang housing projects to be revived Text
Inherent occupational health assessment for chemica; batch proThesis
95 peratus kemalangan maut disebabkan kecuaian pemandu Text
Kilang baja RM40j dibina di Melaka News Paper Cuttings
Keperluan kapal terbang senyap Text
Teori medan elektromagnet I Text
Banjir : Pusat minta taksiran bagi salurkan pampasan Text
Embedded system based solid-gas mass flow rate meter using opt Text
Numerical investigation on gusset plate joints for cold-formed stThesis
Heavy metals in Kuala Lumpur municipal solid waste (Full text) Text
Algoritma penurasan data lidar untuk penjanaan model ketinggiaThesis
Health risk assessment due to emissions from medical waste inciJournal Article
The study of second language reading anxiety amongst studentsThesis
Consumers still sour over sugar shortage Text
Project and construction procurement Exam Papers
Price cap on more items Text
Evaluation of waterflooding using carbonated water for oil reco Thesis
Cytotoxicity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of ficus deltoide Non-Index Paper
Tenders called for work on campus News Paper Cuttings
UTM cadang wujud Institut Sains Pergerakan Text
Parametric description of 3-dimensional surface of craniofacial Conference Papers
Broad phase collision detection using multi-core precessor Thesis
Isu kekurangan guru ke Kabinet Text
Agency to study rating all colleges Text
The effect of concentration on gas sensor model based on grap Indexed Paper
Doctors have peopleÆs trust Text
50,000 pelajar IPTA dapat AS1M percuma Text
Terminal tambang murah KLIA sesak Text
Location traking for nearest device in decice switching Conference Papers
Menganggarkan kadaralir puncak untuk tempoh dan keamatan hu Thesis
Law to guard your data : rules on handling personal stats soon Text
Sintesis dan pencarian Li (Pb1/2 Mg1/2) MnOx dengan menggunak Text
RM2j bantuan KWAPM untuk murid miskin di Kubang Pasu Text
Metropolitan region planning Exam Papers
MSU buka ruang jadi doktor Text
Field assessment on the strength of sandstone and shale by impaThesis
Motor vehicle sales hit new record last year Text
Kes Chikungunya merebak di Gurun Text
Rise in dengue cases caused by new strain Text
Commercial law Exam Papers
Teksi bermeter tidak dibatal Text
Exergo-economic analysis of a batch chemical plant Text
Pendidik berwibawa mampu tingkat mutu pembelajaran Text
SBB tolak tawaran BCHB Text
Pembangunan akuakultur ditingkat Text
Tidak kira pangkat : Seri Paduka mahu kerajaan telus banteras r Text
Space UTM perkenal PJJ on-line Julai tahun depan Text
Synthesis, characterization and desalination study of composi Indexed Paper
Building a strong Malaysian brand -The Japanese experience Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Comparison of estimated torques using low pass filter and extenIndexed Paper
Direct integration of push-pull amplifier and aperture coupled Thesis
The autonomous spy robot Thesis
Circuit and systems Exam Papers
Recovery of interest / financing charges due to prolongation in Thesis
Thermodynamics Text
UTM-Utusan anjur bengkel penulisan sains dan teknologi Text
Flexible manipulator modelling and vibration control using end-pThesis
Siap hadapi air pasang besar : hampir 1,000 anggota JPA3 SelangText
A case study of sediment transport in the Paranagua Estuary Com Indexed Paper
Electromagnetic field theory Exam Papers
Kurikulum baru Pendidikan Islam akan diperkenal Text
Banks to cut loan repayments Text
An evaluation of effectiveness of approximate quantity method iThesis
Guru mahu fokus tugas hakiki, keselamatan sekolah terjamin Text
End-users' personalization potentials and factors towards effec Thesis
Kajian keselamatan operasi mesin dalam bengkel pembuatan Text
World university heads meet at UTM Text
Pengeluaran skala besar Bio Petrol dua tahun lagi : kos penghas Text
The application of fuel staging on reducing NOx emission from gText
Ketua Audit Negara tegur dua kerajaan negeri Text
Operasi lambat persepsi rakyat News Paper Cuttings
UKM rombak Fakulti Sains Kemasyarakatan Text
Consumers need more protection Text
Sistem kod elak keluarga terpisah di Tanah Suci Text
Pegawai kerajaan jangan amal sikap æya tuanÆ : Najib Text
Malaysia masih pilihan pelabur Text
Pembelajaran agama Islam di SK tidak boleh dikaji semula Text
The relationship between personality types, multiple intelligenceConference Papers
Sahsiah mulia perkukuh jati diri generasi Muslim Text
Kawalan kualiti & pengurusan makmal Text
The effect of multiple lightning impulses on the electrical charactText
Pembangunan sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) bagi pengurusan Thesis
300 new typhoid cases in Kelantan Text
Tahap kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dan komunikasi dalamThesis ka
Shahrizat IÆm going for Wanita Umno's No 1 Text
Stress dalam kalangan guru sekolah menengah di empat buah neNon-Index Paper
Microcystin degradation in sphingopyxis sp. C-1 Conference Papers
Latihan semula bagi lesen PSV, GDL Text
Development of ceramic nozzle Thesis
On alert for haze again Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
Economic recovery Text
Keperibadian Guru Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam (GCPI) Sekolah M Conference Papers
Usah bezakan pelajar cemerlang kokurikulum bandar, pedalamaText
Misi perdagangan ke tiga negara berjaya Text
Penswastaan jimat RM152.96b Text
Sains bahan Text
Aljabar linear Text
Preparation and characterization of poly (vinyl alcohol) / starc Thesis
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Technology and business / Teknologi dan perniagaan Text
Guru kerja 5 hari tetap dilaksana Text
Sukar tentu tarikh pelaksanaan P-12 Text
Test-bed biotech ideas in Malaysia Text
Jumlah hutang kad kredit tidak membimbangkan Text
Physical behaviour of powder ceramic part using cold isostatic pText
Statistik pentadbiran Text
Belly stuffed with heroin Text
AMZ labur RM1b bangunkan Bandar Baru Seri Kelebang Text
Trainees can now opt out of physical stint Text
Software req and specification Exam Papers
KL, Dublin setuju inisiatif kerjasama Text
Let women decide for themselves News Paper Cuttings
UTM iktiraf pensyarah cemerlang Text
Automated water supply system for small agriculture set up Thesis
Predicting potential habitat area for elephant (elephans maxim Thesis
Sistem Digit Text
Workflow management system for strata title applications at F Text
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Oltp performance improvement using file-systems layer compreJournal Article
Top 10 income-tax dodgers owe more than RM1 billion Text
Tranformational leadership practices and employee performanceThesis
Feasibility study of pulse detonation engine fueled by biogas Indexed Paper
Human resource research method Exam Papers
43 kompleks sukan komuniti dibina di seluruh negara Text
Prediction of flow structure in artificial cancellous bone Thesis
Pengetua diingat sedia rekod kokurikulum pelajar Text
IPTA perlu jana pendapatan sendiri Text
Surgeri merawat penyakit Parkinson Text
The effect of internal profile on cannula outflow Indexed Paper
Prediction of plastic deformation under contact condition by quasIndexed Paper
A transactional model for online healthcare organization: using Non-Index Paper
Pelbagai usaha tingkatkan ICT negara Text
Kemasukan ubat dipantau sepanjang tahun Text
Oxidative torrefaction for pulverized empty fruit bunch using airThesis
Industrial organic chemistry Exam Papers
Construction technology 2 Exam Papers
CAP : boric acid in food still high Text
Kesesuaian, luas tanah halang MPPP bina rumah Text
Proses pemisahan II Text
Syor perkenal kod etika perguruan Text
Energy use of the courtyard house in the seasonal movement lifes Thesis
Seorang daripada 19 hidap barah payu dara Text
Masalah bahasa : menarik rambut dalam tepung Text
Pemantauan berkesan jayakan projek pakej rangsangan ekonomText
Salah pilih bawa padah kepada negara Text
Simulation and experimental evaluation on a skyhook policy-base Non-Index Paper
Green development through built form and knowledge community Conference Papers
The mediating effects of trust on the relationship between leader Thesis
Kajian kepuasan pelancong terhadap perkhidmatan shuttle bus :Text k
Microstructure and anti-adhesion properties of PES/TAP/AG hybrIndexed Paper
Sistem penilaian kursus akademik pelajar Thesis
Technology and information systems Exam Papers
7,000 atlet sertai sukan Universiti ASEAN Text
Formation evaluation: correlation between clay volume and poroConference Papers
Global warning : final warning... will Malaysia be arid like Africa?Text
Effect of rainwater and seawater on the permittivity of denim Indexed Paper
Bridge maintenance Text
Pengenalan kepada ukur binaan Text
Nyonya Kebaya to go on display Text
Computer Programming of reinforced concrete for slab (EC2) Thesis
26,798 pekerja diberhentikan Text
Kemudahan subsidi mammogram sebulan lagi Text
Bimetallic copper–gold pyrazolate complexes for photocatalytConference Papers
Motivasi pemaju dan strategi CIDB ke arah penggunaan IBS dal Thesis
Mode II + III delamination behaviour of flax fabric reinforced p Thesis
Ibadah di angkasa lepas Text
Kanak-kanak turut terkena radang apendik Text
Pelan PPSMI utama kepentingan pelajar Text
Effect of mediator on decontamination of chloroaromatic comp Conference Papers
Centres for community Text
Malaysia urges Muslim nations to facilitate networking Text
Customer service and maintenance system (Full text) Text
Turn it into stone Text
Gejala mat rempit kian berleluasa Text
Malaysia negara pertama wujud kawalan serentak Text
Usahawan pendidikan Text
Feature selection for classification of survival analysis in lymph Thesis
Ramai diisytihar muflis kerana jadi penjamin Text
4,779 calon SPM dapat semua A Text
Stratified-charge two-stroke stepped-piston engine Thesis
Harga getah melonjak : ekoran permintaan tinggi di pasaran an Text
Lindungi masa depan francaisi Hotel Seri Malaysia Text
Incremental semi-supervised approach for high throughput networ Thesis
Penilaian kualiti air sungai UTM (Preview) Text
Challenges of co-teaching in Malaysian inclusive classroom : admIndexed Paper
Mathematical product recovery model for perishable goods Journal Article
Multi-objectives optimization of power consumption of a buildi Thesis
Financial management Exam Papers
Guna hubungan Asia Pasifik Text
Mobile computing & system programming Exam Papers
Arrhythmia detection based on hermite polynomial expansion a Indexed Paper
Agricultural sector an important money-spinner Text
Production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by microorganisms isolatIndexed Paper
5 ditahan, sindiket kad kredit terbongkar Text
Floods may cost Johor economy billions Text
Ancaman siber dunia Text
Development of waja based CNGDI passenger vehicle rear plat Conference Papers
Ingat, hayati sejarah negara News Paper Cuttings
Peramalan terhadap bilangan banduan di penjara Pengkalan CheThesis
3 politeknik premier beroperasi Julai 2010 Text
The study of diffusion brazing of stainless steel 304 using pure coThesis
Densification of palm biomass with plastics waste addition Thesis
NS trainees rewarded with freebies and discounts Text
Menjana dinamisme hubungan Malaysia-Eropah Text
Ulama penentu jatuh bangun peradaban manusia Text
Proses undi lebih teratur Text
Sress and deformation characteristics study on EMDAP-CVT: shafThesis
Ekspres ke KLIA bertaraf dunia Text
Actually, it's greener than you think Text
UTM minta kaji semula arahan penanguhan program Text
Principles of structure Exam Papers
Pelan Induk Francais dijangka siap akhir bulan Text
Kerajaan perkenal e-plate Text
Khazanah set to become giant investment house Text
Lima lagi hospital pusat latihan doktor Text
Line differential protection modeling with composite current a Indexed Paper
Tiada IPT keluarkan PhD ekspres, palsu Text
Kelengahan lalu lintas di lintasan Pelican di kawasan sekolah Thesis
Lepasan IPT mesti rajin membaca : PM Text
Potensi penggunaan masonry dalam industri pembinaan masa kin Text
Cell modelling and model parameters estimation techniques for Ipndexed Paper
Professional practice 3 Exam Papers
UKM rintis sejarah bedah buta kornea Text
DBP perlu kembali meyakinkan masyarakat Text
Conservation of the cylindrical and elliptic cylindrical K-P equati Indexed Paper
Women powering the civil service Text
A framework of complaints and suggestion management systemText (
Risiko hubungan seks terlarang Text
Mengekang jenayah siber Text
Tuntutan pesara ditimbang Text
Partial discharge characteristics of XLPE cable joint and interfac Conference Papers
Polis rampas kokain RM600,000 di Chow Kit Text
Cardiovascular control system (During Anesthesia) using MATLA Text
UPSR : Kementerian mahu penjelasan MCA Text
Akademi JPJ perlu jadi IPT pengangkutan Text
Half of grads in retraining plan take up English Text
Metamaterial antenna using resonant and non-resonant approacThesis
The development of a for Pejabat Harta Bina, Universiti Teknologi Text
Negara mampu capai KDNK 6% Text
The effect of cryogenic cooling when drilling titanium alloy Text
Pelaksanaan Perintah Am timbulkan ketidakseragaman Text
Fake and dangerous : the dark side of counterfeits Text
Perancangan taman & rekreasi Text
Classification of hearing perception level using auditory evoked Journal Article
IPTA diarah siasat pelajar ambil bahagian pilihan raya Text
Jangan ambil mudah kemiskinan bandar Text
Johor lulus tambahan belanja mengurus RM54.5j Text
Pasangan guna rawatan IVF peroleh kembar tiga Text
Understanding IP addresses Text
Pendidikan asas penting elak keciciran Text
Rafidah snaps over... : RM51.5m view Text
Perlindungan radiologi alam sekitar Text
Separation methods Exam Papers
Obsession with weight loss Text
Results relating to Hirota method and singularity analysis on s Non-Index Paper
Kejuruteraan tindakbalas kimia Text
Sejarah ringkas Islam Conference Papers
History behind Negri's unique selection of ruler Text
KTMB mahu ulangi kejayaan Text
The effects of fast rise multiple lightning impulse on the physica Text
A Review on the fabrication of electrospun polymer electrolyte Indexed Paper
Kaedah penyenggaraan dan mencegah kecacatan bumbung Text
RM46 billion vote of confidence Text
Compact microwave hairpin line band pass filter using folded quaText
Computer application Exam Papers
Angka HFMD meningkat, tapi masih terkawal Text
Fuel price rise should not affect efficiency Text
Implementation of virtual piano using PIC microcontroller Thesis
Geotechnical engineering / Kejuruteraan geoteknik Text
Teori kewangan islam Text
Menjana industri bioteknologi di Melaka Text
Mathematics for surveyors Exam Papers
Spatial information enhancement for 3D navigation system Thesis
Diesel masih tak mencukupi Text
Assessing supply chain performance through applying the SCOR Indexed Paper
Hand gesture recognition system for automatic presentation slidThesis
BI, ICT jadi komponen penting sertai kerjaya Text
Arkib khas pamer sejarah sekolah Text
Perancangan awal dapat atasi jerebu Text
19 IPTS tenat patut gabung Text
Pedestrian potential risk while crossing at signalized intersectionJournal Article
The success factors of design and build procrement method: a litConference Papers
Fasih bahasa Inggeris guna SMS-ME-ENGLISH Text
Gene expression Text
NAP lindungi kereta Nasional Text
UPM juara keseluruhan kejohanan golf antara IPT Text
Manfaat herba, sayur tempatan Text
Medical image classification and symptoms detection using neurText
Peluang pelajar pilih program Text
PhD student, family return to Christchurch home News Paper Cuttings
Framework development of bills of quantities accuracy in constrThesis
Islam gariskan pelbagai panduan bantu umat capai kejayaan Text
Pindaan AUKU dijangka diluluskan tahun depan Text
Relationship between architectural professional practice and UniThesis
Blood compatibility assessment of metallocene polyethylene follThesis
International-school system under study Text
Ancaman penyangak diesel Text
Najib working towards easing of NEP Text
Design of steel & timber structures Text
Haram bagi wanita cukur alis, membentuk gigi sempurna Text
We will get kids back in school Text
PM cadang perkongsian kod tingkat pelancongan Text
Kerjasama untuk dedah pelajar suasana kerja Text
Every bit helps Text
Teknik biologi molekul Text
Asrama rumah kedua Text
Laporan adab belajar tidak bebankan guru Text
Finite element study of two design features of talus component Conference Papers
Tourism industry remains healthy Text
Pembelajaran di tempat kerja di Majlis Perbandaran Kulai Thesis
Hormati ibu bapa amalan berterusan Text
Pirates give up after stand-off Text
Direct measurement of rheologically induced molecular orientatiIndexed Paper
Lebih 100,000 murid belum dapat kuasai 3M Text
Elaun AW RM5 sejam Text
Hubungan kecekapan kemahiran kaunseling dengan kepuasan ker Thesis
Kerosakan dan kemerosotan struktur konkrit di Malaysia (PrevieText
Engineering economy Exam Papers
3 politeknik dinaik taraf jadi universiti Text
Design and fabrication of FIV apparatus for classroom lecture d Journal Article
The effectiveness of homemade EM and commercial EM for palmConference Papers
Teras kukuhkan kewangan Islam Text
An E-portfolio acceptance model from lecturers perspective in TaThesis
EU jalin hubungan rapat dengan Malaysia Text
Filem wajar jadi wadah, senjata sebar risalah Islam Text
Sidelobe reduction on unequal linear array antenna Conference Papers
Perkasa belia agenda menteri-menteri Komanwel Text
Islam perlu kekuatan ekonomi : untuk lahir sebagai kuasa berpe Text
The rear wing modeling analysis and its application to race car Text
Optimization of extraction conditions of antioxidant activity fr Conference Papers
Mengukur tahap penguasaan bahasa Text
Sistem satelit dan penghantaran data Text
Microstrip wide-ring and coupled-line sensors for determinationThesis
Singkirkan perbezaan pendapat antara Malaysia - Indonesia Text
A comparative static analysis of carbon tax policy and a 'Smart CIndexed Paper
Khaled : boys just love polytechnics Text
Ketidakseimbangan negeri kurang maju Text
Traffic at a crawl Text
Diagnosis & rawatan telaga Text
Young teachers instil love for books Text
Pengukuran keabrasifan hematit tempatan pada skala makmal Conference Papers
Corrosion of carbon steel due to iron bacteria Text
Tools management system Thesis
Total productive maintenance in a process industry Text
50 peratus rakyat disasar bersenam tiga kali seminggu Text
Tasawwur Islam Exam Papers
Building economics Exam Papers
Kajian jaringan kawalan pugak bagi negeri Sarawak (Preview) Text
Frequency reconfigurable rectangular ring dielectric resonator Indexed Paper
Hazzirah penerima Ph.D termuda negara News Paper Cuttings
US electronics firms hiring skilled workers to meet increased ordText
Projek lulus 14 hari bukti kerajaan telus Text
Function minimization in DNA sequence design based on binary Conference Papers
HPPNK 2009 raih hasil jualan pertanian RM3.6 juta Text
Dunia menanti janji perubahan pimpinan Barack Obama Text
Perak tap water to be as good as bottled water Text
Timba ilmu rumah tangga bahagia melalui kursus kahwin Text
Dua pusat kuarantin dibuka di 2 hospital Text
Extraction and recognition algoritm in 3D object features Conference Papers
50,000 salah guna visa pelancong Text
Pembuatan termaju Text
Fabrication of unfired bricks from industrial scheduled waste ( Journal Article
Mobile robot for an outdoor surveillancing Thesis
Undergraduate students' difficulties in conceptual understandingIndexed Paper
Hukuman sebat, penjara pendatang Jun Text
Pertingkatkan pemantauan harga barangan keperluan harian Text
Basics animation in multimedia Exam Papers
Fluid power Exam Papers
A green approach of synthesis of zinc oxide nanospheres by ele Conference Papers
Advice against graft being taken seriously Text
Performance of modeling using first order plus time delay modelThesis
Dual-band and triple-band printed monopole antennas for multip Thesis
Gabungan moden, klasik hidupkan suasana Text
Image reconstruction system based on projection for linear ima Thesis
The structural and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphouText
UM kekal antara 200 universiti terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Rapid test kit for fungal infections Text
Design and performance analysis of booster-based bypass magnThesis
DEB berkesan erat perpaduan Text
Enhanced security audio steganography by using higher least sign Thesis
Kerajaan Pas rapuh Text
Some aspects of integrated marketing communication in buildinJournal Article
Asas ekonomi kita terus kukuh Text
An improved multidevice interleaved boost converter with novelJournal
m Article
RM2.8m bio-diversity study centre Text
Ujian HIV wajib 2009 Text
Peluang kerjasama pendidikan Text
Persatuan Pengguna Islam : menjaga maruah ummah Text
Sejarah gemilang Malaysia Text
UM pusat rujukan kajian kemiskinan : Abdullah Text
Perketat ambil pelajar asing Text
The effectiveness of sugar cane bagasse as lost circulation mate Thesis
UiTM strives for excellence Text
Sustainable housing materials in Shiraz Thesis
Concentration and purification of citric acid using electrodialysisThesis
Meritokrasi kekal, Sains dan Matematik terus diajar dalam bahasText
Govt to reward principals and teachers in countryÆs top perfo Text
Miti kaji, ambil kira komen laksana NAP Text
Kesan amalan prinsip pengurusan kualiti ISO 9001: 2008 dan ke Thesis
Kejam talak isteri melalui SMS Text
Tiga lagi kawasan bermasalah dikesan Text
Carbonate reservoir characterization : a case study of Bombay HiThesis
The influence of extended warranty policy in Malaysian culture pText
Geologi pembangunan Text
Rasuah : bekas YDP kena penjara 11 tahun Text
Calculus 1 Text
Government to review auto policy Text
RM1.2b to tackle flood problems Text
Kehilangan tenaga menggunakan saluran bertingkat (Preview) Text
Kelapa sawit tidak jejas hidupan liar Text
UTM gerakkan aktiviti kesukarelawan News Paper Cuttings
Pengurus pembelian Text
Effect of rainfall on traffic flow characteristics during night time Journal Article
USM wujud program tingkat BI Text
Shed obsolete work cultures, PM tells civil servants Text
86 kolej swasta ditutup sejak Januari Text
Lawatan dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Mutiara Rini Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kepincangan strategi rundingan Washington, Taliban Afghan Text
Intelligent control of a PH neutralization process plant - compariThesis
The integrated method for a systematic approach in developing Tphesis
Antiadherence and antibiofilm activities of Melastoma malabat Thesis
Teknologi pemisahan selaput Text
GIS integration of hydrogeological and geoelectrical data for gr Indexed Paper
Isu Dharma selesai News Paper Cuttings
Pangkalan data Text
Higher premiums among steps to reduce road fatalities Text
Influenza A (H1N1) 'not deadly' Text
Reusing three-phase power-flow object components for unbalanConference Papers
Glaukoma boleh dikawal elak buta Text
Jumlah kematian menurun Text
Functionalization of mesoporous Si-MCM-41 by grafting with tri Non-Index Paper
Longest cable-stayed bridge planned Text
GPS network-based approach to mitigate residual tropospheric de Conference Papers
Ubah amalan berlebih makan Text
There's no fool like a fool hooked on ice Text
Dasar martabat BM, perkukuh BI Text
Valuation mathematics Exam Papers
Bayesian estimation of reliability (Preview) Text
Teruskan agenda banteras rasuah Text
55 syarikat di Sarawak dianugerah sijil ISO 9000 Text
Kios buat pasport dalam dua jam Text
Porous concrete pavement containing Nano-silica : pre-review Indexed Paper
Ubah cara guna tenaga bagi hadapi perubahan iklim Text
Indeks harga pengguna naik 2% Text
Contingency analysis for power transmission security Thesis
Menentukan lokasi kerosakan berdasarkan maklumat junaman vText
On the positive finite metacyclic 2-groups and their abelianizati Indexed Paper
Property market yet to pick up Text
We must change our habits to make difference Text
Human resource coping capacities gaps and disaster managemenThesis
Proton harus tumpu kepada eksport Text
Komputer dalam pendidikan fizik/kimia Exam Papers
Areas of concern for producers Text
Sains, Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris perlu dinilai semula Text
Alergi mata kanak-kanak Text
Review in cloud based next generation telecommunication netwJournal Article
Tenaga kerja Indonesia muka baru diberi peluang bekerja Text
Embedded processor system Exam Papers
Numerical method for solving a nonlinear inverse diffusion equaThesis
Rekabentuk tembok penahan bercerucuk Text
Cement slurry's hydrostatic pressure and static gel strength be Thesis
Dynamic response of composite footbridges under running pedes Indexed Paper
Stacked-dielectric resonator antenna for TV white space applica Indexed Paper
Pengurusan sisa pepejal di Kuching, Sarawak : kajian kes bagi : Text
Najib : Malaysian varsities should globalise Text
Cuti sekolah lebih awal Text
Tindakan satu peringatan : Najib Text
New central lock-ups with sickbays to be built Text
Mechatronics system design Exam Papers
Beri bukti seleweng AP Text
Development of quality culture in the construction industry Conference Papers
IIC kumpul dana bantu penuntut Text
Membaca menjana budaya keintelektualan Text
Building economics Exam Papers
Felda think-tank should have power to shape policy Text
Gubal undang-undang elak wakil rakyat kosong kerusi Text
Kesesuaian tasik ilmu dan tasik Desa Bakti untuk rekreasi air Thesis
Reka bentuk dan aplikasi tembok penahan segmental (Preview) Text
Maha jadi pentas penggerak sektor pertanian Text
Sarawak creates legal history via video link Text
A new hybrid particle swarm optimization-differential evolution Thesis
Pengenalan hubungan antarabangsa Text
Only RM10... Text
R&D : pengawal angin Text
Comparative study on failure analysis in pipeline assessment u Thesis
Rangkaian neural dalam peramalan harga minyak kelapa sawit Text
First-class wards for civil servants? Text
Take my advice and drive safely, says victim Text
Kuasa angin sebagai sumber tenaga alternatif dan potensinya di Text
Patients told to opt for modern medicine Text
Numerical study of an ejector as an expansion device in split-typIndexed Paper
Genetic algorithm for optimizing cutting conditions of uncoated Conference Papers
Potensi Mersing bakal menyerlah Text
Permohonan lima lagi universiti swasta dipertimbang Text
Ganti hukuman lapuk : tubuh segera Suruhanjaya Memperbaha Text
Effects of casting parameters on shape replication and surface Indexed Paper
Performance study on dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit and p Text
Kes Chikungunya membimbangkan Text
Kesan aktiviti perladangan kelapa sawit terhadap kualiti air sungText
Elektronik III Text
Determination of work-rest schedule based on fatigue among wel Thesis
Ekonomi pulih Text
A comparative study on critical success factors (CSFs) of ERP s Conference Papers
Usability checklist for measuring satisfaction of mobile learning Thesis
2,600 nelayan terjejas di Pengerang Text
Building integration and performance Exam Papers
High dimensional QSAR study of mild steel corrosion inhibition i Indexed Paper
Delivering facilities performance Conference Papers
Hak pengguna : Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna tawar penyelesaia Text
735 terima pingat Negeri Sembilan News Paper Cuttings
Heterogeneous oxidative coupling of o-aminophenol over MCM C- onference Papers
Pengusaha kurangkan jual diesel, elak tindakan Text
Terima teguran Dr. M kepada PM sebagai positif Text
Bicara karya 'A conceptual business model for MOOCS sustainabili Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Penang high-rise auction residential properties: Discount or pr Thesis
Solat selongkar rahsia kejayaan, keselamatan ummah Text
Pandangan pengguna penyata kewangan terhadap kepentingan Journal it Article
Hydrology/hidrologi Text
Development of 3D-Ultrasound reconstruction system Thesis
Need to boost private investments Text
UiTM latih generasi Felda Text
Prestress loss of post-tensioned clay diaphragm and fin brickworText
Trend enggan bawa buku teks jadi budaya Text
Isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol production by saccharomycesConference Papers
Deklarasi kerjasama Asean-AS dimeterai hari ini Text
Optical properties of organic luminescent hybrid thin films Conference Papers
Venture into biodiesel production, says Najib Text
Promote BM globally, says Abdul Ghani Text
It is virtuous to work longer hours, says Najib Text
RM700 untuk pelajar miskin Text
Schools key to national identity Text
Polarization reconfigurable antennas for space limited multiple Thesis
Fun 2 fit aerobics: the misadventures of Amy and Azi and a Malay Non-Index Paper
Fizik amorfus Text
Memerdekakan etika perkhidmatan awam Text
More jobs in store Text
RM600j disediakan tarik kenderaan guna gas asli Text
Hybrid battery for rapid charging of biomedical application Thesis
Effect of high voltage electric field on pineapple Indexed Paper
Optical properties of gold nanoparticle embedded Er3+ doped lea Indexed Paper
Tiada caj tambahan khidmat sisa pepejal Text
Pengusaha ladang digalak daftar dengan SALM Text
Ganja: 7 remaja pekak, bisu ditahan Text
Numerical simulation of segmental tunnel lining Thesis
Third party funding for arbitration in Malaysia Thesis
Analisis dan rekabentuk hidrologi Text
Transformation of vernacular housing pattern in periurban Abuj Conference Papers
Kerangka I Exam Papers
Computer guide for undergrads Text
Akidah luntur punca masyarakat Islam mundur Text
Perbandingan proses validasi data geospatial menggunakan per Thesis
Menilai kebebasan akhbar di seluruh dunia Text
The impact of location and development parameters on condomini Text
Principles of marketing / prinsip pemasaran Text
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Lawyer seeks court order to nullify Bar Council AGM Text
Growth triangle summit set to chart economic roadmap Text
Chemical kinetics and electrochemistry Exam Papers
Kajian kecenderungan pekerja terhadap 'teleworking' : kajian keText
Belia berwawasan bantu jayakan konsep 1Malaysia Text
Dengue death toll rises to 70 Text
Smart inventory management system using android application Thesis
Kaedah analisis statistik Text
Brutal history of beheading Text
Optimization of processing parameters on the yield of oleoresin Tf hesis
IPTA perlu jayakan RMK-9 Text
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Harga rokok wajar naik : Shafie Text
Perancangan dan kawalan pengeluaran Text
Performance study of orthogonal frequency division multiplexi Text
Green lane for certified vegetables Text
Kerjasama dengan Laos galak perniagaan dua hala Text
Prinsip undang - undang pemasaran Text
Implementing image steganography using least significant bit in Thesis
Pertumbuhan ekonomi disasar 5.7 peratus Text
Tiru cara Oxford untuk cemerlang Text
Seeing to the needs of gifted children Text
Lactic acid production from microwave-alkali pretreated oil pal Thesis
Programming (pengaturcaraan) Text
Energy efficient channel selection decision algorithm for cogniti Thesis
Transport upgrade comes first Text
Porous PES and PEI hollow fiber membranes in a gas-liquid contaIndexed Paper
PTPTN hanya diberi kepada pelajar IPTA sahaja Text
Personalization as a means of achieving person-environment co Thesis
Komunikasi perniagaan Text
Pantau paras glukosa darah anda Text
Batu Caves to host 1.5m visitors Text
Chemistry Exam Papers
Exploring dynamic character motion techniques for games dev Non-Index Paper
Perancangan dan pembangunan mampan Text
Network and system Exam Papers
Kod pengenalan bagi objek 3D ruang bawah tanah bagi tujuan pThesis
Derma darah Ramadan bukan halangan Text
Fenomena panas terik kesan El Nino berakhir bulan depan Text
Kejuruteraan kuasa II Text
Duty-free cargo air terminal needed Text
Application of computer in chemistry Exam Papers
Bon Islam multilateral boleh dilaksana Text
Hydrographic information system Exam Papers
Common sub-expression identification strategy for MQO Conference Papers
Pengurusan industri binaan Text
Tapping into solar power Text
Memetic multiobjective particle swarm optimization-based radialIndexed Paper
Water tariff to go up in Klang Valley Text
Pengenalan senibina landskap Text
Only 5 universities allowed to go to Geneva this Text
Intermediate accounting II Exam Papers
Why kill yourself? Text
Genetik Text
Persaingan Exora, Alza sengit Text
Saranan Wisma Putra tepat pada masanya News Paper Cuttings
Multivariate analysis Exam Papers
Trends and issues in e-communities Exam Papers
194,369 penduduk tiada agama Text
Penjadualan waktu sekolah menengah menggunakan agen kekaText
Wanita perlu peka perubahan payu dara Text
Sindrom Kawasaki boleh bawa maut Text
Kapal selam China aibkan Pentagon Text
Connection frequency buffer aware routing protocol for delay t Indexed Paper
Peranan guru sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran berdasarkan masaThesis
Formation of a dense and continuous Al2O3 layer in nano thermal Indexed Paper
Bank Negara dikritik : ahli-ahli Parlimen kesal institusi kewanganText
Bahasa Mandarin Text
6,300 guru tertekan kerenah ibu bapa Text
Achievement and performance of SRI students in engineering drThesis
Web log cleaning algorithm for intrusion detection Thesis
Automated clothes folding machine with Dot-Matrix LED DisplayThesis
UTM produces cooling floor tiles using ceramic waste to reflect News Paper Cuttings
Kimia organik II Text
Manusia wajar contohi perpaduan semut Text
PM believes nation is on track to economic recovery Text
Perancangan tapak Text
Profil lengkap cari punca kemalangan Text
Pelepasan cukai orang gaji jaga ibu bapa uzur Text
Construction science Exam Papers
1.66 juta penduduk Malaysia warga tua Text
Government now more open to change Text
Prinsip perhubungan Text
World Environment Day : water gets shabby treatment Text
Morphology, surface roughness and adhesion property of various Thesis
D-G clarifies 10 2 Text
New Permata programme to instil values in youth Text
Ribut paling teruk landa Kuantan Text
UTM-SKMM berkerjasama membangun subsistem multimedia News Paper Cuttings
Sumbangan ilmuwan Islam dalam perubatan Nabi (Al-Tibb Al-NaConference Papers
The effect of noise temperature to total outage of haps backhaulThesis
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Evaluation of palm olein as shaft lubricant Thesis
Pertelingkahan dalam pembinaan : kajian terhadap tuntutan da Text
A comparative study on different template matching techniquesThesis
Embedded processor instruction set customization for network pr Thesis
SAR team touches down in Nepal News Paper Cuttings
Kitar semula bateri telefon tidak ekonomik Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Development and testing of precast concrete connections Conference Papers
Kebebasan Dengan Tanggungjawab Text
Antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik pepejal I (mechanics of solids I) Text
Perpustakaan UTM and chemical abstract service programme byPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Proses generalisasi data topografi bagi penyediaan peta topograThesis
Transformation of EEG signals into image form during epileptic sNon-Index Paper
Sindiket guna pelajar perempuan edar dadah Text
Soon only MyKad will do for ID Text
Smart road to open in March Text
Strive hard to set world records, PM advises youths Text
Determination and mapping of groundwater content using GrouThesis
Electro-driven extraction across A polymer inclusion membrane iIndexed Paper
Issues and strategies in leading an effective cross-cultural coun Text
Warning against favouritism and bias Text
Fuelling extinction Text
Analysis and modelling of ultracapacitor Thesis
Melabur dalam ASB, ASN harus : Fatwa Text
Seminar How To Write A Great Paper And Get It Published In A Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Hubungan amalan pengurusan kualiti ke atas prestasi organisas Journal Article
Feasiblity study on improving of 5-seater helicopter foward flig Text
Rel berkembar Johor-Perlis diteruskan Text
Jambatan : Dr. Mahathir kemuka alasan 16 perkara Text
Single and two-step homogeneous catalyzed transesterification Indexed Paper
Air UK bermutu tinggi hasil peraturan ketat Text
Penentuan kekuatan konkrit bertetulang bagi bangunan yang telText
3D modelling of A-4 skyhawk using terrestrial laser scanner an Thesis
Long term studies on compressive strength of high volume nanoIndexed Paper
Kerjasama industri-akademia galak inovasi Text
Facebook and education : students' privacy concerns Indexed Paper
Geotechnics 1 Exam Papers
Menangani jenayah komersial Text
Agensi promosi pendidikan perlu disegerakan Text
Bahaya guna antibiotik berlebihan Text
Optimal design of global water-using systems involving single c Conference Papers
Johor sediakan 2,252 unit rumah flat untuk rakyat miskin Text
Pelaburan di Pulau Pinang tertinggi RM4.81 bilion Text
Perkongsian pintar Text
Kakitangan awam perlu elak kemarahan rakyat Text
Analysis of extreme rainfall indices in peninsular Malaysia Journal Article
PM wants theft curbed and the public kept safe Text
Information security awareness: case study in universal stock-brThesis
Jenayah ragut menurun 23.4 peratus Text
Perkhidmatan awam perlu dirombak semula Text
MOSTI guna RM31j baki peruntukan Text
UTM mahu tambah pakar aeronautik Text
Membaca bahan berkualiti Text
Effect of SPEEK content on the morphological and electrical pr Indexed Paper
Sikap pengguna punca lambakan barang tiruan Text
Construction plant and equipment Exam Papers
Sustainable living in residential-industrial neighbourhood : a ca Thesis
Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Newcastle disease virus gJournal Article
Sime Darby perlu jadi kilang kepimpinan korporat : PM Text
Dual band rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for WLAN apIndexed Paper
Nabil juara Show Jumping pertunjukan kuda antarabangsa News Paper Cuttings
Design of a drying system for a fluidized BED combustor (FBC) Text
UPSR tidak dimansuhkan Text
Silap faham konsep berikhtiar galak masyarakat berhutang Text
More tests for prospective medical students Text
Towards a world-class police force Text
Wanita Umno chief comes out with guns blazing Text
Recovery error bounds on compressed sensing of noisy signals Indexed Paper
Usaha membentuk guru bertaraf dunia Text
Structure differences of fuzzy graph and finite automata Conference Papers
Lelaki Islam mesti belajar kawal hawa nafsu Text
Only services sector affected by freeze on foreign workers Text
Data governance Exam Papers
Assessment of weathering effects on rock mass structure Indexed Paper
15 juta pelancongan asing disasar datang ke Malaysia Text
Pintu undang kunjungan tetamu Text
88 MPUD diarah atur strategi Text
Muhyiddin sampaikan Biasiswa Yang di-Pertuan Agong kepada News Paper Cuttings
Kawal inflasi alternatif kekang kemelesetan ekonomi? Text
85 peratus kanak-kanak pesakit kanser di PPUM pulih Text
Computational study on combustion and emission characteristicJournal Article
Ferry fares go up for Langkawi residents Text
No change in prices of petrol and gas for now Text
Puppets shadow design Thesis
Ministry against non-related living person liver transplants Text
Comparison of erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and semiconThesis
Kesihatan remaja tema hari peringatan sedunia Pandu Puteri Text
Process safety and loss prevention Exam Papers
Tabung Haji issues showcause letters to six senior staff Text
ASEAN perlu bekerjasama guna teknologi tingkat pengeluaran p Text
Turn forest into state park, says group Text
Fuzzy logic-assisted geographical routing over Vehicular Ad Hoc Non-Index Paper
Computational evaluation of the effect of structural parameters Indexed Paper
Landscape ecology Exam Papers
Sabah is safest State Text
New approach for calibration the efficiency of HpGe detectors Indexed Paper
Bioteknologi pelaburan baru jangka panjang Text
Machining of bone : analysis of cutting force and surface roughnIndexed Paper
Tarif baru elektrik 1 Julai Text
Kemudahan pendidikan perlu dimanfaat semua kategori pelajar Text
Dr Mahathir diminta bantu negara Islam lepas bersara Text
Nearshore wave modelling for estuary of Sungai Batu Pahat Conference Papers
Kesan abu sekam padi dalam bitumen terhadap pra campuran Text
Know your rights Text
Evolusi unggul Text
Signal and network Exam Papers
Spatial database standard for stakeholders Thesis
Plans for dialysis units in rural clinics Text
Singapura harap WPI buka lebih banyak peluang kerjasama Text
Varsity wins 10 medals Text
The use of standard form of domestic subcontract in Malaysian coText
Information security awareness: Case study in universal stock-b Thesis
Industri kawal sendiri pembangunan perisian Text
Environmental studies Exam Papers
NPK detection spectroscopy on non-agriculture soil Journal Article
D8 Summit : call for efforts to cool oil price Text
Modern court operating system launched Text
Kilang kedua Proton beroperasi tahun ini Text
UTM rangkul tiga anugerah News Paper Cuttings
Kajian penyusupan dalam sistem pembentungan Text
Role of the construction industry in economic development of Non-Index Paper
Pembelajaran sepanjang hayat ditekan Text
Pollution believed to have caused death of fishes in river Text
Galak saintis hasilkan penemuan baru Text
Kawasan tadahan, empangan diwarta zon larangan News Paper Cuttings
Emission factor establishment for palm oil mill boiler Indexed Paper
Kajian perbandingan pembangunan web dan mobil web untuk Thesis
Developing a multiple-choice question generator that promotes Textco
Keamatan cahaya untuk rumah burung walet Thesis
Computer assisted surgical planner for craniofacial reconstructi Conference Papers
Pengenalan sains & kejuruteraan polimer Text
In silico evaluation of the effect of pfl gene knockout on the p Indexed Paper
Fuming over pollution Text
2.1 juta pekerja asing guna iKAD Text
Preliminary design of a cloud seeding unmanned aerial vehicle Thesis
Epoxidized natural rubber-toughened polypropylene/organicall Indexed Paper
UTM-CCMC bangunkan teknologi baru News Paper Cuttings
Enhancing web service selection using enhanced filtering model Thesis
Anggaran II Text
Aplikasi penggunaan sistem maklumat geografi di dalam pengurus Thesis
Raja Kechil and the Minangkabau conquest of Johor in 1718 Journal Article
Importance of R&D in tech sector Text
An overview of ontology based approach to organize the metadaConference Papers
RM56b diperlukan bina infrastruktur RMK-9 Text
Mengimbau legasi Tun Razak menerusi penulisan Text
Performance evaluation of single cylinder two-stroke engine eq Text
Pengurusan pemindahan teknologi Text
Pengajar pendidikan seks perlu miliki asas agama Text
Penyertaan wanita ditahap pembuat dasar ditetap 30% Text
Penyelidik USM cipta varisitor lebih baik Text
Tourists still heading to Sabah Text
Biosensor technology Text
The dietary protein requirement in formulated feed for specific grJournal Article
Teknologi bangunan Exam Papers
Malaysia hantar bantuan ke negara terlibat gempa bumi Text
Land development and investment appraisal Exam Papers
Perhubungan data dan sistem pensuisan Text
How to be successful in building wealth Text
Suria sumber tenaga masa depan Text
Fault modeling of chirality variation for carbon nanotube field efThesis
Harga rumah dijangka meningkat kesan harga minyak : Rehda Text
Leptospirosis outbreak in Juru detention centre Text
Kita perlu ada agensi khas urus pengangkutan awam Text
Perkongsian Ilmu Inovasi Peringatan Mesra oleh Datuk Naib CanPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Abdullah : local economy hit by war Text
Nanochemistry Exam Papers
Membrane hydrophilization: towards low fouling polymeric me Journal Article
3D numerical simulation of external flow passes a single circular Thesis
Dewan lulus pindaan AUKU Text
Pengeluaran kenderaan merosot Text
Kes juvana makin serius News Paper Cuttings
Hukuman pesalah jenayah syariah masih rendah Text
Construction plant and temporary works Exam Papers
Elak prosedur rumit dalam pentadbiran Text
Undang-undang hubungan industri Exam Papers
Bill to protect heritage buildings Text
Fundamental analytical chemistry Text
The effect of Tualang honey on viability of human skin fibroblastThesis
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Protect our planet Text
CAD and document of inspection JIG for an automotive part Thesis
Punca sakit kepala dikesan Text
Kajian kualiti air tasik UTM serta cadangan langkah pengawasan Text
Development of creep and shrinkage prediction model for Malays Text
Protecting young victims of sex abuse Text
Kerajaan kaji dulu sebelum tukar bahasa pengantar : TPM Text
Dirty habits die hard in Kota Baru Text
RM1.15b tingkat kemudahan sekolah luar bandar Text
Insentif RM81 per tan kepada petani berdaftar Text
Najib : loyalty, humility the way to peopleÆs hearts Text
Plumber who killed woman over RM20 gets 12 years' jail Text
Investigation of surface roughness impact on mean wind flow u Indexed Paper
A novel method for IRFOC of three-phase induction motor underIndexed Paper
H1N1 kini tahap tenat Text
The relationship between UTM students self development skills Text
2005 tahun kemajuan pendidikan Text
Penarafan universiti dunia Text
Ionospheric residual analysis for network-RTK in low-latitude areNon-Index Paper
A study on automated mutation testing for java applications : seThesis
Malaysia ke-25 Kerajaan Elektronik Text
Emotional quotient : comparison of teacher aspirants at undergrText
Thousands of civil servants deprived as appraisal results still not Text
Industri tekstil, elektronik dikecuali bayar levi Text
Calling all women ... Text
Effect of material structure machiningcharacteristics of hypereute Text
The attributes of passengers service quality of Malaysia Airlines Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Lingkaran Ilmu - Aerial view Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Ingatan pada negara maju Text
Enyzmed pretreated empty palm fruit bunch for biofuel productIndexed Paper
Automatic low cost ultrasound image quality parameter meas Thesis
Report on roof collapse next week Text
Khidmat van Internet bergerak Text
Meneroka khazanah zaman batu Hulu Perak Text
Operation management : project management in Jig and fixture Indexed Paper
Enterprise geographic information system for Batu Pahat munipiThesis
Land use planning / Land use planning 1 Exam Papers
What a developing country can learn from the experience of comm Text
Study on the accuracy availability of SISPELSAT MSK-DGNSS withiThesis
Dodgy experts Text
Swine flu tag now called A(H1N1) Text
Financial Management Exam Papers
Chikungunya fever hits Johor villages Text
Johor Bahru gets more more taxi stations Text
Wujudkan syarikat induk bekal bahan binaan Text
Pengacuan suntikan logam (MIM) bagi serbuk titanium dengan siConference Papers
Matematik asas Text
Hanya 36% rancang persaraan Text
Carriers generated by mode-locked laser to increase serviceable Indexed Paper
Pozzolanic activity of rice husk and its application in the produc Thesis
Twice-a-month petrol review if all goes well Text
FE (III) berpenyokong SI-MCM-41 sebagai mangkin asid Lewis dalText
Kolej Perdana Family House management system Thesis
Optimisation of biostructure for the adsorption of petrochemicaIndexed Paper
RM800 wages for maids way too high Text
Engineering geological classification of weathered sedimentary Thesis
Singapura guna abu ganti granit bina jalan-raya Text
Jemaah Nazir Sekolah jadi badan terima aduan Text
Lima akan didakwa : kesalahan antaranya beli pemutar skru padaText
RM36.7 juta tampung kos mansuh yuran khas Text
cademic world to contribute to Microsoft Malaysia growth Text
Kemiskinan punca 90,000 pelajar cicir Text
2 mati selepas ganti ginjal Text
Design of a sea sled Text
Persembahan pengurusan kik Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Comparison of sand patch test and multi laser profiler in pave Indexed Paper
Felda tawar tender bina loji jana kuasa elektrik Text
Reliability of a fixed offshore structure based on structural resp Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
Ekonomi mengukuh, mata wang Asia sedia meningkat Text
UMS dianugerah sijil MS ISO 9000 Text
Factors affecting office market rental in Jakarta central business Text
PM : Pemudah kurangkan birokrasi Text
Dasar Pandang Ke Timur perlu disemak : PM Text
Ibu bapa wajar didik seks Text
Anak raja lakar sejarah Text
PM : increase Internet content in bahasa Text
Characterization of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation usin Non-Index Paper
Kerajaan kumpul pandangan mengenai matrikulasi Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Khazanah Nasional News Paper Cuttings
Kimia alam sekitar Text
Malaysia could be hit by typhoon Text
Residents flee as buildings sway Text
Pemprosesan hiliran Text
Dana bantu penternak Text
Pengawal terbenam Text
The concept of operational near real-time GNSS meteorology sy Indexed Paper
Isolation of a - amylase gene from leucosporidium antarctium PIConference Papers
Impak transit aliran ringan (LRT) kepada nilai harta tanah kedi Thesis
Menaik taraf infrastruktur pertanian MADA Text
Faktor-faktor yang mendorong tekanan kerja di kalangan guru nThesis
Non-formal education in Malaysia (Preview) Text
Effect of varying the retainer angle on the performance of oil buIndexed Paper
Experimental analysis on flow around fin assisted semi SWATH Indexed Paper
Radzi : Home Affairs to take charge of foreign workers Text
Language, literature can resist globalisation Text
Hierarchical cluster ensemble selection Indexed Paper
Basic radiochemistry Text
Rancangan Kawasan Khas Rantau 2015 Text
Peluang niaga di luar bandar Text
Mixed views on RM10,000 fee for open APs Text
Hybrid inertial-manipulator based position tracking system for uThesis
Consumer decision making process model for housing demand Indexed Paper
Peraturan gagal halang belia merokok Text
Program pelihara alam sekitar News Paper Cuttings
Peluang melabur di Algeria Text
Media Asia tidak serius dedah isu alam sekitar Text
5% increase in students with straight As Text
Sejuta keluarga layak Text
Jangan biarkan nadi TNB terhenti Text
Only one case reported so far in civil service Text
Bagaimana menyambut Hari Guru Text
Flow characteristics in a straight compound channel with two-li Thesis
Diesel tanpa had pada harga RM1.35 seliter Text
Professional practice II Exam Papers
Elektronik lanjutan Text
Kabinet setuju negeri pasang sistem penggunaan air hujan Text
Structure and construction Exam Papers
Kajian aplikasi Eco-Bio Blok (EBB) bagi merawat air sisa Text
ACCA dinamik selepas 100 tahun Text
The effect of grounding electrode parameters on soil ionization Indexed Paper
Ikrar pemimpin APEC Text
Pengecualian PTPTN dibeku Text
Instrumentation for physical and chemical properties measuremen Text
UTM lancar kod etika profesional Text
Frictional analysis on engine lubricant dilution by vegetable oil dThesis
Kilang guna gula disiasat Text
Dua penuntut UTM tawan Gunung Everest News Paper Cuttings
Pembangunan pembelajaran berbantukan komputer grafik bagi Tmhesis
Mechanics of materials I Exam Papers
Estimating above - ground tree biomass in tropical rainforest usiThesis
A university must be worthy of its name and status Text
21 meninggal akibat denggi Text
Dual band rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for WLAN apJournal Article
How will you benefit from the new RON95 petrol? Text
Najib sworn in as sixth PM Text
Geotechnical engineering Exam Papers
Advanced software testing Exam Papers
Pertembungan gabungan 34 dan 65 negara News Paper Cuttings
Electrical technology Text
25 TB cases no cause for alarm Text
Effect of cage with and without posterior support to the stabilityThesis
Kefahaman pelajar mengenai objek dalam keadaan pegun Text
Pindaan undang-undang selari kemajuan IT Text
Cabaran pelan industri Text
Kekurangan pensyarah tidak serius Text
Elaun guru pendidikan khas naik Text
Quasi-Static flexural and indentation behaviour of polymer-metaIndexed Paper
Trouble eating Text
Intelligent fleet management system with concurrent GPS & GSM Conference Papers
A framework for solvent selection based on herbal extraction prIndexed Paper
Akhbar arus perdana mula hilang pembaca Text
Hasil tani RM8.16 bilion pada 2005 Text
Gate oxide short (gos) defect modeling based on 32 nm CMOS pThesis
Kenderaan cermin gelap dikenakan tindakan tahun depan Text
Industri ternakan tempatan tidak produktif Text
The picture of modern workplace environment and oral communica Non-Index Paper
Tarikan jawatan sektor awam Text
Value management Exam Papers
Bis(Bipyridyl)-Ru(II)-1-benzoyl-3-(pyridine-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole as Journal Article
Peniaga patuh harga ayam Text
Malaysia perlu wujud program penyebaran maklumat Text
East Asia bloc under threat Text
Hasil penyelidikan manfaatkan budaya ilmu Text
TM Celular lancar khidmat komunikasi satelit Text
Ruler wants Shah Alam to be a Garden City News Paper Cuttings
Bio inspired self organized secure autonomous routing protocol Conference Papers
Perodua yakin Myvi laris Text
Jaminan keselamatan timur Sabah News Paper Cuttings
Introducing an application of a charged coupled device (CCD) in Indexed Paper
Pelaksanaan kaedah terabas menggunakan alat pengimbas lase Thesis
Education blueprint on the right track Text
Ageing performance characteristics of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) usThesis
Abdullah and Howard refuse to set time frame for FTA Text
Education reforms : fall back on experience, not theories Text
Anti-short-circuit device : a new solution for short-circuiting Indexed Paper
Modul PLKN akan dirombak Text
Case studies in implementing dynamic production planning and sConference Papers
Sekolah pelbagai aliran beri banyak kelebihan Text
MEB tarik lebih banyak FDI : PM Text
Cuepacs setuju kakitangan sokongan naik pangkat Text
Kesinambungan perjuangan wanita 50 tahun Text
Police and DOE to investigate Text
Keusahawanan Text
Water level at Sungai Selangor dam still dropping Text
Introducing polynomial fuzzy time series Indexed Paper
Solving Robin problems in multiply connected regions via an in Indexed Paper
Frequency reconfigurable microstrip patch-slot antenna with direIndexed Paper
Kerajaan timbang syor asing peserta PLKN Text
Penilaian terhadap keberkesanan program lukisan kejuruteraan Conference Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
UTM anjur persidangan, pameran hidrografi Text
Prospek ICT lebih cerah tahun ini Text
PAP Singapura mula lakukan transformasi News Paper Cuttings
On the refinement mechanism of silicon in Al-Si-Cu-Zn alloy withIndexed Paper
Jenayah pelajar perempuan naik Text
697 anak penerima faedah Perkeso berhutang RM32.6j Text
Program tarbiah Text
Buku terbitan UTM jadi rujukan pentadbir akademik News Paper Cuttings
Sains tanah Text
Sistem elektronik : elektronik III Text
Ujian lisan bahasa Malaysia, Inggeris wajib mulai Jun Text
Mathematical modelling of ferromagnetic overlayer with softeneThesis
ECER pemangkin Ekonomi Wilayah Timur Text
AirAsia X cipta sejarah Text
Kad kuasa ciri keselamatan terkini PDRM Text
Integrasi bangunan Text
Experimental methods and analysis Exam Papers
125,000 majikan pekerja asing diperiksa Text
Construction site safety : legal issues of liability for various partieText
Kimia fizik II Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
Tabung Endowment lepasi sasaran News Paper Cuttings
Kakitangan UTM ke Turki News Paper Cuttings
The role informal street activities in the context of conserving u Text
Optimal location and signal selection of SVC device for damping C oonference Papers
Akhlak penentu kelangsungan tamadun bangsa Text
Study of enhanced DCF (EDCF) in multimedia application (PrevieText
Proton lancar model Satria R3 Text
The Orange Book panduan pemandu berhemah Text
Comfort temperature in air conditioned office buildings: case s Conference Papers
Cross culture management Exam Papers
US : Malaysia indispensable Text
Sidek : action against officers accused in report Text
Biologi gunaan Text
Generation of rainfall sequence using fourier series Conference Papers
Polyvinylpyrrolidone as a new fluorescent sensor for nitrate ion [Indexed Paper
Penuntut baru UTM guna peluang belajar jana modal insan Text
Mixed convection boundary layer flow of viscoelastic fluids past Indexed Paper
Bukan Muslim tak terlepas peraturan berkaitan moral Text
Peranan pengetua terhadap kompetensi guru di Sulawesi SelataThesis
Matematik diskret Text
Gaharu thefts in Johor forests Text
More teachers can study abroad Text
Kalkulus Text
Double whammy for buying fake drugs Text
Kenangan bersama Tunku Text
Basic electrical engineering Exam Papers
A systematic technique for design of minimum water network Conference Papers
RMAF to buy hulk-sized Airbus Text
Pemproses isyarat digit I Text
KL, Singapura guna cara baru pantau Selat Melaka Text
RM800 million for broadband facilities Text
RM1mil among perks for high performance schools Text
Principle of Law in Malaysia Exam Papers
Aplikasi ke sembilan Mykad mudahkan rakyat lawat ASEAN Text
Effect of aging on resilient modulus of hot mix asphalt mixtures Indexed Paper
Kesan positif rel berkembar Text
Number of infected to rise Text
Tiga perangai keji jadi kemahiran Yahudi Text
Syndicate activity in property auction market Thesis
Cip pemproses jimat tenaga Text
Tidak ada formula ajaib Text
UTHM wujud 11 pusat kecemerlangan Text
R&D : UMP cipta alat stabil tulang patah Text
Preparation and characterization of phosphoric acid composite Indexed Paper
Protections for consumers : don't be fooled by disclaimers Text
Perancangan strategik sistem maklumat : kajian kes Dewan BahaText
83 nama pengarah syarikat dihantar kepada imigresen Text
Students say courses focus on exams, not real world Text
Elektronik kuasa Text
MIT – UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program 2014 DRAFT RResearch Report
Pengajian Undang-Undang V Text
Kesan tuangan kacau pada keadaan separa pepejal ke atas sifat Text
Cuepacs temui JPA bincang isu PTK bulan depan Text
Cotton fabric-based electrochemical device for lactate measurem Indexed Paper
MPPJ budget to place emphasis on development projects News Paper Cuttings
Pupuk kesedaran jangkitan HIV Text
Exploring success criteria from the developers’ perspective i Conference Papers
Sistem kawalan kualiti serbuk kari di Syarikat Faiza Marketing SdThesis
PSD recognition a must for all new courses Text
An implementation of LoSS detection with second order statisti Conference Papers
Pola spatial dan temporal kualiti air bawah tanah di Kota Bharu, Thesis
Disaster recovery and business continuity plan for takaful instituThesis
Dua program Mara latih usahawan Bumiputera Text
Jambatan kedua mampu kurangkan kesesakan Text
Portable ion-sensitive field-effect transistor based biosensor Thesis
UPM menang 1 pingat emas, 2 perak, 1 gangsa di Geneva Text
Buka pekung tidak selesai krisis MIC Text
Nilai ekonomi daripada perspektif agama dan budaya Text
Majlis pelancaran sarjana muda sains komputer untuk kejurute Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Soil science Exam Papers
Pengurusan pencen swasta perlu telus, dijamin selamat Text
The design and building of spectral library of tropical rain forest Conference Papers
Kehidupan di angkasa lepas Text
Dana RM700j biaya semula bantuan pelajaran dihenti Text
Minimum phase whitening filter to speech beamforming techni Indexed Paper
Program Bicara Karya “Budaya Ilmu: Satu Penjelasan" Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kejuruteraan pembakaran & penggunaan gas Text
Ramalan aliran pelaburan lebih optimistik Text
World Environment Day : cars choking and killing us with ozone Text
Batal haji: Harga tiket hangus, denda RM1,000 Text
Cemburu punca pensyarah dibunuh Text
Kod Etika Kerja Wakil Rakyat dilulus Text
Pelan Tindakan Putrajaya dilulus Text
Ergonomic design of squat toilet for users safety Thesis
Calculus I Exam Papers
Quality improvement in a manufacturing company using six si Text
Evaluation of sustainability performance of product design elemIndexed Paper
Parents urged to instil this practice in children to build human caText
Promosi pendidikan UTM di Arab Saudi Text
Formula skim kluster ubah nasib nelayan Text
UPM komersialkan atap rumah penebat haba Text
RM19 juta setahun pulih 5,200 penagih Text
Dr Shafie temui naib canselor, rektor bincang kurikulum Text
Retrieval of soil physical parameter from multi band GPR dataseThesis
Kejuruteraan kualiti Text
Pengkonturan garis sempadan wajah manusia menggunakan model Text
All out to woo tourists Text
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Wujud sistem amaran wabak serantau Text
Gold nanoparticles surface plasmon resonance sensor based on Twhesis
Jangan pertikai keikhlasan saya rencana pembangunan negara : Text
Pencerobohan tanah kerajaan di pesisir pantai kawasan kajian Thesis
Pendekatan holistik gabung disiplin ilmu melestari alam Text
Antaramuka & aplikasi mikropemproses Text
Remote supervising and monitoring multi-channel data logging Conference Papers
Dr. Mohd. Yusof Pengarah Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UPSI Text
Pembinaan semula imej bagi proses tomografi dengan mengguna Text
Kesatuan gesa segera jadikan IT subjek teras Text
Half-day cheque : banks to have new clearance system soon Text
The measurement of thermoelectric pontential coupling coefficiThesis
e-hidung kesan bahan berbahaya : aplikasi penderiaan optik manf Text
Kafe siber tumpuan pelajar ponteng Text
Sistem perancangan keperluan bahan berasaskan web di Noor ZaThesis
Extension of time and acceleration claims (Full text) Text
Perakaunan kos Text
Arts, customs and beliefs of malaysian Exam Papers
Mesej peringatan memperkayakan bandar Islam Text
UMS wins medals at Geneva Text
Buang air besar berdarah Text
Rise in TB cases despite controls Text
Power system control Exam Papers
Modelling and biomechanical analyses of human spine Thesis
Plan for cooking oil subsidies Text
Jelebu district primed for growth News Paper Cuttings
Megawati's party loses ground in elections Text
Optimal sizing of hybrid diesel engine – photovoltaic and batt Thesis
Pilih makanan anda Text
Comparison of TCP variants over self-similar traffic Conference Papers
Urban poor to be trained for small, medium businesses Text
Computer programming / pengaturcaraan komputer Text
No age limit to be Malaysian astronaut Text
Undang-undang perancangan & kawalan pembangunan/ planni Exam Papers
Trust influence towards internet banking acceptance among po Thesis
Simulation study on the carbon dioxide reforming of methane Text
Penyelidikan menghalang wabak virus nipah Text
Badan pantau industri bioteknologi ditubuh Text
Most rapists are known to their victims Text
Vietnam hasil vaksin H5N1 Text
Helpme emergency mobile application Thesis
Liveable city from the resident's perception of urban design qualThesis
Pump scheduling optimization model for water supply system Indexed Paper
Penghakiman hakis keistimewaan Islam Text
Objektif hidup berlandas keredaan Allah Text
A review on methods of predicting tunneling induced ground se Indexed Paper
Langkah terbaru pastikan polis æbersihÆ Text
Predicting protein secondary structure using artificial neural n Text
AS anggap kita sangat penting Text
Peramalan indeks pencemaran udara bagi kawasan Port DicksonThesis
Height determination using GPS data, local geoid and global geoConference Papers
Impulse measurement of pulse combustion tube using accelero Conference Papers
Malaysia transit seludup manusia Text
RMK-9 tumpu basmi kemiskinan semua kaum Text
Development of a dynamic simulation model for inventory level Thesis
Najib : Malaysia's move into petroleum sector bearing fruit Text
Further development work on circulating water channel Text
Syarat ketat mansuh status hutan simpan Text
Operasi pemutihan di pelabuhan Text
A study maintenance procedures of UTM power distribution sy Text
Malaysia and US unlikely to meet deadline over FTA Text
Proses pembuatan Text
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) applications in medical : non- Indexed Paper
Management science Exam Papers
Federal say in water management Text
Future of fertility control Text
Budaya inovasi majukan teknologi hijau tempatan Text
Biasiswa hak istimewa Melayu Text
Real-time shadow casting using fake soft shadow volume with sten Text
Wasteful ways leave us high and dry Text
UTM perkenal IMBAS ARQIS News Paper Cuttings
Illegal Brew Text
Ikmi bincang isu dua hala Malaysia, Indonesia Text
PM : more will be done to develop scientific talent Text
PTP pecah rekod kendali kontena Text
Logik digital Text
VGDRA : a virtual grid-based dynamic routes adjustment schemeIndexed Paper
Kajian pertindihan kuasa hampir siap Text
Rakan Hema UTM jaga kebajikan mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Subsidi ditambah jika harga beras terus meningkat Text
PM, TPM anggap VSS idea baik Text
People power in price fight Text
Kes jerung bukti BPR betul, telus Text
Seri Paduka dimasyhur Canselor UiTM Text
An integrated formulation of zernike invariant for mining insect Non-Index Paper
CCTV atasi masalah disiplin pelajar Text
Lawatan King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thailand diPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pembentangan pelajar praktikal dari Chiang Mai University of ThPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Synthesis and characterizaton of Ni-Co on different compositio Thesis
Optimisation of kenaf pretreatment and enzymatic reaction condi Thesis
Pengurusan harta intelek kena diselaras segera Text
Inflasi naik 3.2 peratus Text
Pupuk minat pelajar kuasai STEM News Paper Cuttings
Scrap visas to woo tourists Text
RM970,000 business aid for disabled Text
Al-Quran tunggak rujukan : Agong Text
Malaysia utamakan nilai kekeluargaan Text
Serat sisa tandan sawit atasi hakisan Text
Bentuk efektif bagi bangunan tinggi untuk pengukuhan terhadapText
Kanak-kanak Permata catat kebolehan tinggi Text
Operational & physical security Exam Papers
UTM technicians claims trial to graft charge Text
Petronas bids for Indian oil search licence Text
Undang-undang syariah elak pertikaian, kontroversi Text
Water cooler way to healthy schoolchildren Text
RM95b urus sisa pepejal Text
Hillslope safety guidelines ignored Text
Elektronik II Text
More SMEs to use productivity tools Text
Building services system Exam Papers
MPP IPTA .sokong hapus caj satu peratus News Paper Cuttings
300 siswa bakal sertai Cabaran Belia Perintis News Paper Cuttings
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik - Teletek Centre (Image 02) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pengajaran Sains Pertanian di sekolah dikaji semula Text
The impact of social networking in the development of self-este Thesis
Pastikan FTA tidak jejaskan kedaulatan negara Text
Caj khidmat PTPTN dikaji semula Text
Water quality data observation and management for Sungai JohoText
Metacognitive pattern in solving science problems : a study on aThesis
Isytihar muflis peminjam PTPTN degil bayar hutang Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Implementation of motion planning and active force control to aText
Structural characterization of sulfoborate glasses containing m Journal Article
Image forensic for digital image copy move forgery detection Thesis
Boosting trade with China Text
UTM bangunkan teknologi kumbahan guna magnet Text
Construction survey (Ukur binaan) Exam Papers
Singapura hantar Nota Pihak Ketiga Text
Scheme and study of a model predictive controller for statcom toConference Papers
Asean and US agree to boost cooperation Text
Heavy security for RM254m drug case Text
A wealth of herbs goes untapped Text
Fabrication and characterization of PCL/HA/PPY composite scaffoJournal Article
Three ways to pay taxes by April 30 Text
Alat pengukur kelembapan tanah Thesis
The effect of template on the distribution of nano WO3 Conference Papers
Development of gis database for paddy integrated with lidar im Thesis
Characterization of the performance of aluminum oxide nanopart Journal Article
Kajian terhadap projek perumahan di Kelantan (Preview) Text
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
Path reduction factor for microwave terrestrial links derived fro Text
Statistik II Text
RM5.6b biayai basmi kemiskinan negara Islam Text
Rahsia Pulau Perak tersingkap Text
Performance of oscillatory flow reactor and stir tank reactor in Conference Papers
Brain computer interface application for gaming control Thesis
Flexural behaviour and durability of glass fibre reinforced polymText
Pengkomputan internet Text
Carrier statistics in low-dimensional nanostructures Thesis
Haze hits Sarawak, affecting visibility Text
Electrosynthesis of benzoic acid from chlorobenzene by carbon Conference Papers
Cadangan pakej insentif baru pertanian ke Kabinet Text
Leachate treatment using magnetic field as a coagulant aid Thesis
Kajian perkembangan kekuatan mampatan konkrit menggunakanText
Amalan pengurusan kualiti sebagai perantara ke atas sumber peThesis
Study of electronic band structure and optical parameters of X- Non-Index Paper
Foreign accreditation a boost for our varsities Text
Koperasi gagal berperanan jika pengurusan seperti `Mat Jenin' Text
Kesan penggunaan gentian kaca dalam campuran panas konkrit Tbhesis
Geran bantuan belia disalur Julai ini Text
The effect of particle size on loose pack permeability Thesis
Keputusan kuat kuasa harga CD, VCD muktamad Text
Ubah cara hidup, jimat bahan api Text
Hai-O berjaya lahirkan jutawan Melayu Text
Jumlah pensyarah UiTM digandakan menjelang 2010 Text
Prestressed concrete design Exam Papers
Rafidah tak cakap benar : Tun Dr Mahathir pertikai penjelasa Text
BIMB lancar bankislam.sms Text
Pekerja asing merajuk Text
Effect of ageing time ion partial discharge characteristics of na Thesis
Structural and gas adsorption characteristics of zeolite adsorbenText
Masalah lepak di kalangan remaja Di Johor Bahru: sejauhmanakaConference Papers
A survey on steganography techniques in real time audio signalsNon-Index Paper
Decision support system for water pipeline leakage based on in Conference Papers
Projek galak bioteknologi dilancar tahun depan Text
Menikmati kelembutan di celah batu Text
Workers must power new economy, says PM Text
Pengurusan dan perkongsian pengetahuan melalui pembangunan Text
Warpage analysis on ultra-thin shell by using taguchi method anConference Papers
Akademi sedia RM50,000 geran penyelidikan sembilan IPTA Text
Bionanocomposites of regenerated cellulose/zeolite prepared usiIndexed Paper
Tabiat organisasi Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Ng Ming Huat Sdn Bhd News Paper Cuttings
Media dinasihat tidak lapor konflik cara sempit Text
The design of mobile numerical application development lifecyleJournal Article
Extracellular secretion of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase in esc Thesis
Highway and infrastructure design Exam Papers
Travel bar on 79 bosses who owe EPF Text
Sebar maklumat tsunami guna pembesar suara Text
ATM tubuh briged khas kawal sempadan Text
Enam penuntut UTM berlepas ke Everest Jumaat ini News Paper Cuttings
Characterization and identification of bacteria from salted talangThesis
Kelemahan sekolah satu sesi diatasi Text
A study on the tropspheric delay efects on global positioning s Text
RM200b lagi Bajet 2010 Text
Ministry sets tea break rule Text
Bahasa arab Text
Aerodynamic analysis of Proton Preve by experimental Thesis
Kajian Kandungan Nutrien Di Tasik Ilmu, UTM Thesis
Sistem bantuan keputusan permohonan pembiayaan pinjaman BText
Elektronik Text
Guru cemerlang pendidikan islam sekolah menengah di Malaysia: Thesis
Etika profesional Text
Sistem kewangan Malaysia diiktiraf berkesan Text
Pro. Tegga sistem penggera tanpa wayar Text
Pengurusan sisa klinikal di pusat kesihatan UTM Thesis
Maths, science to be in english Text
Kerajaan disyor wajibkan IPTS laksana sistem kuota Text
Geofizik Text
Kawalan pencemaran Text
Atasi segera isu Proton, bagi tentukan hala tuju dasar automotif Text
Mahu maju seperti Jepun Text
Emotional intelligence and its relationship with job satisfaction aThesis
China dolls make men happy Text
Olympia College jadi pilihan Text
Bahasa Inggeris bantu tingkat keyakinan pelajar : Rosmah Text
New homes for squatters still vacant Text
Pengurusan projek dan pembinaan Text
A day of fun at UTM convocation Text
LoSS detection approach based on ESoSS and Asoss models Conference Papers
JAS larang pembakaran terbuka jika kualiti udara merosot Text
Performance of ND : YVO4 diode pumped solid state laser in se Thesis
Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) capsule material selection and its roIndexed Paper
Collision detection using bounding volume for avatars in virtual Conference Papers
Development of mini particulate tunnel for biodiesel study Text
Perpustakaan dalam masjid perlu disemarakkan Text
Call to open up legal practice in Sabah, Sarawak Text
Kaji semula asnaf penerima zakat Text
Industri penternakan dalam ECER Text
Phytochemicals and bioactivity of Piper porphyrophyllum N. E. Thesis
Using mixed method approach to understand acceptance and usage Non-Index Paper
Tiada ubat untuk sembuhkan disleksia Text
Kementerian tidak sasar peningkatan pelancong asing Text
Kalkulus I Text
Tangani gejala rempit : TPM Text
Assessment of the dimensions of customer-based brand equity: Thesis
Multi-objective test case selection technique for regression test Thesis
The fuzzy cooperative genetic algorithm (FCoGA): The optimisat Non-Index Paper
Prediction of protein residue contact using support vector machConference Papers
Sistem pengurusan persekitaran Text
Prepare school-leavers to enter workplace News Paper Cuttings
An assessment of transferring mean sea level (MSL) height fromThesis
Isyarat dan rangkaian Text
Program diperakui MQA Text
Legendary mountain turning into dumpsite Text
Pembinaan kolej pergigian pertama negara tidak lama lagi Text
Urban indicators guide development efforts Text
Inspection and quality checking of ceramic cup using machine viJournal Article
Shocking findings Text
Khaled urges caution, to probe fake PhDs Text
Kesediaan penggunaan e-learning di kalangan pelajar tahun kedua Thesis
Projects to help single mothers launched Text
Bearing capacity, comparison of results from plaxis 2D and empiThesis
Metaheuristics methods (GA & ACO) for minimizing the length oConference Papers
Tanpa paten ciptaan mudah diciplak Text
Optimization of carboxymetyhlcellulase and polyoses productionThesis
Effect of nitrogen pressure on Ti /TiA1 coating on 304 stainless Thesis
Derita jadi azimat ibu tunggal, anak raih ijazah Text
RM520 juta bina 13 MRSM : Khaled Text
Merangka strategi pembangunan mapan komuniti orang asli : suText
Bitumen modification using oil palm fruit ash for stone mastic asThesis
Police : 80% of crimes committed by Malaysians Text
Comparative study on the thermal environmental responses of Journal Article
Subjek teras dikurang Text
An S188V mutation alters substrate specificity of non-stereospecIndexed Paper
Exit policy to help others Text
Aspek keselamatan lemah punca tragedi rempuhan? News Paper Cuttings
Higher speed limit on straight stretches Text
Innovation management and performance framework for research Indexed Paper
UTM nafi Imam Samudra pernah jadi tenaga pengajar Text
Koloni Bigfoot dari hutan Gerik Text
Contemporary issues on using information technology for mathem Conference Papers
Amaran tarik lesen agensi pekerja asing Text
Performance of perforated piles as a wave attenuator Text
Tahap, amalan dan masalah pengurusan bilik darjah guru-guru Thesis
Engineers, architects will not sell out Text
Water crisis looms in Sabah Text
PM slams Khalid over call to open UiTM to non-Bumis Text
Higher death toll due to double celebration Text
The Global Crunch and its Effects on Malaysia : we'll survive, sa Text
Two robbers escape with RM2.7m in van Text
Elak mitos asma, dapatkan rawatan betul Text
Worse than a war zone Text
Teknik pensampelan Text
Syor lanjutkan program PLKN kepada 6 bulan Text
Remote controlled two wheels self-balancing robot Thesis
Teknologi kejuruteraan 2 Exam Papers
Structural assessment and repair Exam Papers
Lawatan Jintao erat setia kawan Beijing-KL Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan pelajar dalam kursus Thesis
Malaysia perlu loji nuklear Text
Logik digital / elektronik Text
Multiple rare opportunistic and pathogenic fungi in persistent foIndexed Paper
Conflict measurement among groups within a heterogeneous local Conference Papers
RM105b maju Sabah Text
Optimum overhang geometry for high rise office building energyText s
University intake 2006 : a few more places for medicine this yeaText
Wujud Terminal Makanan Negara dikaji : Muhyiddin Text
Melamine found in 2 brands of biscuits Text
Development of universal software radio peripheral amplifier foThesis
Bayaran tambahan tak wajib Text
Teachers to look up to Text
Police to round up students playing truant Text
Managerial roles on knowledge sharing behaviour among Malaysi Thesis
Application of computer based simulation in gas network syste Text
Mechanics of dynamics (mekanik dinamik) Text
Pusat hemodialisis akan ditubuh di 121 hospital Text
Risiko, ciri demam berbeza Text
Hikes are sad, say bus operators Text
Identifying causes of construction waste - case of central region Non-Index Paper
Suasana pembelajaran punca ponteng sekolah Text
Pelajar antarabangsa gagal patuhi peraturan universiti Text
Investigation on electroless Cu-P-micro/nanoSiC composite coatIndexed Paper
Sindrom berapa A Text
Elak projek komputer di pedalaman jadi gajah putih Text
Sistem penyampaian sektor awam perlu lebih cekap Text
Mining question-answer pairs from web forum: a survey of challConference Papers
Pengangkutan awam mampu serap tambahan Text
An enhancement of binary particle swarm optimization for geneIndexed
se Paper
Organizational behavior Exam Papers
Monitoring and mapping leaf area index of rubber and oil palm Indexed Paper
Shahrizat : we need more volunteers to help victims Text
Campuran minyak sawit kurangkan pencemaran alam Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Dasar agihan 10% ditangguh Text
Sistem pengurusan aset alih Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan TamThesis
Kesihatan jantung : memupuk kesedaran di kalangan kanak-kan Text
Classification of data center to maximize energy utilization and Conference Papers
Development of nanofiltration polyethersulfone hollow fiber meText
E-Village failure forces MDC to look elsewhere Text
Key determinants of customer satisfaction : evidence from MalayIndexed Paper
Services marketing Exam Papers
14 penuntut UTM sertai WeCare@Myanmar News Paper Cuttings
Matematik kejuruteraan Text
The potential of waste cooking oil as bio-asphalt for alternative Journal Article
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Di sebalik cuti bersalin 5 tahun Text
The human factor is crucial Text
Lulusan CIMA pakar bidang perakaunan Text
Dynamic response prediction of steel frame structure considerinThesis
Builders hit by rising costs Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
70,000 guru tak ambil PTK Text
Apabila bergelar Muslim Text
An analysis of green features that affect office property market Thesis
Teliti semua aspek sebelum laksana sekolah satu sesi Text
Violence on TV, video games blamed for unruly pupils Text
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dengan mengambil kira kesan P-Delt Text
Falak syarie Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan Perubatan dan Praktis Text
Slot time allocation and delay analysis for the Sultan Abdul Aziz Text
California bearing ratio correlation with soil index properties (FulText
6 langkah proaktif elak gawat ekonomi : Najib Text
Teknologi Gentian Optik Exam Papers
Social media and gamification in student-centered learning Thesis
UTM-UMM jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Shafie ingatkan PDAM tidak had masa operasi Text
Kelayakan baru pegawai syariah Text
Broadband access point for radio over fiber Thesis
Tiada khidmat bomoh di hospital Text
Relationship between statistical process control critical success Thesis
The efficiency challenges of resource discovery in grid environm Indexed Paper
Information and technology management Exam Papers
Rebut peluang pertanian : Najib Text
Sistem kejuruteraan kuasa Text
The royal family and their titles News Paper Cuttings
Pelbagai kanser tulang Text
Hubungan hambar suami isteri Text
Batu 5 gunung asas binaan Kaabah Text
System performance of a composite stepped-slope floating breaText
Equivalent matrix representations for dihedral group of order si Indexed Paper
Impregnation of poly(lactic acid) on biologically pulped pineappleIndexed Paper
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kenaikan harga harta tanah kThesis
Impak tsunami ke atas pertumbuhan ekonomi Text
Perangi wabak denggi Text
Evolusi teknologi kesihatan di Malaysia Text
UTM-BMW Malaysia jalin kerjasama News Paper Cuttings
Tourism setbacks over the years Text
Etika dan amalan perancangan Text
Teknologi pembinaan Text
Kajian undang-undang II Text
Fizik bahan amorfus Text
Data Stream Training 2015 Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kursus 18 bulan mantapkan guru Text
Suntikan tambahan RM100 juta tingkat pengangkutan awam Text
Penguasaan S&T sebaris pencapaian negara maju Text
Hukuman berat elak majikan abai pekerja Text
Psychological stresses among divorced professional women Thesis
Lagi graduan tidak diiktiraf MMC Text
Perpustakaan maya teknologi digital Text
Bank Negara says economy still resilient Text
Peningkatan perolehan minyak Text
Jemaah tidak tanggung kos pasport Text
Jakim siasat segera aduan halal Text
Ergonomics and safety improvement in engineering lab Thesis
Masalah miskin tegar dijangka selesai hujung tahun Text
35pc of school milk down the drain Text
Study on antibiotic resistance next year Text
UTM juara Cabaran Perniagaan CIMA 2013 News Paper Cuttings
Sistem penjanaan borang penilaian prestasi pelajar latihan prak Thesis
Sensitivity, response and recovery time of SnO2-Pd semiconductText
Cuepacs syor selaras Cola RM500 Text
Kereta elektrik prototaip Proton-UTM News Paper Cuttings
Organizational development Exam Papers
Voltage and frequency regulation in an autonomous microgrid usThesis
Hamba ikhlas tak harap habuan, kemewahan dunia Text
Bahan Amorfus dan Seramik Exam Papers
LCCT baru bakal jadikan KLIA pusat serantau Text
Assessing inherent health hazard for proposed plants Text
ERCAD a boon to engineers News Paper Cuttings
Evaluation of traffic characteristics: a case study Non-Index Paper
Strategi Kuis pikat pelajar bangunkan modal insan Text
Titas Exam Papers
Wahabi tak sesuai untuk umat Islam Malaysia : Mashitah Text
A study of hypoxia along Johor Strait Thesis
Cross-infections from dialysis centres Text
Big bikes may face ban on highways Text
Structural wind and earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Penggunaan kad kredit tanpa kawalan Text
Some tests on the measurement of the modulation transfer funcText
Logik Digit Text
The design of UTMAS-1 spraying mechanism for microlight Text
Akta baru selia maklumat kredit Text
Kajian olahan air larut lesap menggunakan dracaena sanderiana Thesis
Racers on drugs a fearless, lethal band Text
Using Markov model and association rules for web access predicConference Papers
Penguasaan BI makin meningkat Text
Temperature behaviour visualization on rubber material involvi Conference Papers
Domestic water storage automation system Thesis
Estimation of aerosol optical depth using moderate resolution i Thesis
Experimental characterization and analysis for ultra wideband Indexed Paper
Government boost for expedition to unveil nationÆs biggest histText
Veteran UPM sudah sedia gegar SUKUM 2014 News Paper Cuttings
History and theory of architechture Exam Papers
Mengimbau pilihan raya Text
Ntv7 mampu catat keuntungan Text
Pengawal pantai Asia setuju tingkat kerjasama Text
Arak, judi ubah sifat manusia normal Text
Pemasaran Pelancongan Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan Text
World slowly brightens for disabled Text
Pengguna botox kena taubat Text
Bidang perhubungan awam luas Text
Pergerakan kerak bumi merubah benua Text
Kadar nahas maut babit kanak-kanak tinggi Text
Multi dual-wavelength generation using InGaAsP/InP passive micIndexed Paper
Pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih lima peratus boleh dicapai Text
USM bekerjasama terbit jurnal bidang pembinaan Text
Enhancing genetic algorithms based solutions for multi source fl Thesis
KWSP taja Kursi Perlindungan Kewangan Warga Tua Text
Equestrian : Malaysia to be in world limelight Text
Kerajaan sasar hasilkan 90 peratus pengeluaran padi dalam RMKText
Kejuruteraan genetik Text
Women power does wonders Text
Multi-criteria decision making for reverse logistic contractor se Journal Article
Contract in writing requirement for statutory adjudication clai Thesis
Keselamatan perairan Selat Melaka diperkukuhkan Text
Penyelidik UTP cipta biodiesel biji getah Text
Numerical analysis Exam Papers
Electric power system Exam Papers
Naik pangkat ikut kemahiran Text
A review burst assembly techniques in optical burst switching ( Indexed Paper
Akta jenayah rogol akan dikaji semula : Dr. Rais Text
Ancaman seks siber Text
Kajian pengaruh medan elektromagnet kilat ke atas bentuk pe Thesis
Pengecualian bahasa inggeris : kemungkinan ada sekolah tertentu Text
Comprehensive approach to development of ports Text
Perpustakaan mini naik taraf Text
Kementerian Pelancongan bincang bersih imej KL Text
Applications of the balanced scorecard for strategic manageme Indexed Paper
Mammographic phantom images using receiver operating characte Thesis
Etika profesional Exam Papers
ACA to check on abuses in projects Text
Trade-off between automated and manual testing : a productionIndexed Paper
Electroless nano zinc oxide-activate carbon composite supercapaIndexed Paper
BSN agih RM770j peruntukan SKM Text
A Potential of versatile rectangular patch with perturbation slit Journal Article
Kawasan tadahan air diwarta segera : TPM Text
Book loan scheme to cover all by 2008 Text
Remote patient monitoring system based heart rate and body t Thesis
Menangani gengsterisme - Didikan perlu kembali kepada asas Text
Komunikasi Text
Mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties of grapheneIndexed Paper
Kajian keberkesanan sistem level spreader dalam penyingkiran Text
Industrialized building system survey in Yemen Thesis
Pasaran kereta terpakai terjejas Text
Effect of feed flow rate of hydrogen mixture on hydrogen permeIndexed Paper
Multimedia prototype of a bilingual model within technology b Conference Papers
Talk spurts and gap patterns in voice transmission Text
Adsorption of methylene blue on alginate-grafted-poly (methyl Indexed Paper
KPT perlu lahir ramai atlet kelas pertama Text
Kaedah terbaru uji tahap penceluran hanya 5 minit Text
Rural men are introverts, insensitive Text
Inverter simulation package using Matlab Text
Ukur kejuruteraan III automasi ukur Text
Perkemas pentadbiran hospital : PM Text
Profil Rosna Taib : Ketua Pustakawan Perpustakaan Sultanah ZanText
Enam teras DPSPN Text
Genetic algorithm optimized back propagation neural network for Thesis
PM : billions being lost, paying heavy price for lack of maintena Text
Shafie : cabinet to receive faculties expansion plans Text
Pengetua, guru besar sekolah kluster ke UK Text
Forensic science helps detect firms in VCD fraud Text
Hydrogen production via catalyst of green laser, molybdenum a Journal Article
Critical factors that lead to green building operations and main Indexed Paper
Pencapaian PIPP dibentang ke Kabinet Text
Bekalan kena potong : 300 stesen minyak seleweng, seludup dieText
Abdul Kudus dipecat : Pengarah Penguatkuasa MPAJ beri perakuText
Agensi Maritim Malaysia beroperasi 2004 Text
MPOB : Malaysia mampu kuasai pasaran biodiesel Text
Malaysia, China setuju tinjau peluang biovalley Text
Sistem bantuan keputusan penempatan dan pertukaran guru (SBText
Making buildings quake-safe Text
Kyairul didakwa bunuh, rogol budak Text
Sarawak tidak abai pertanian News Paper Cuttings
Abdullah mahu umat Islam jadi pencipta Text
Pembaharuan khidmat awam mesti disegerakan Text
Mathematics III Exam Papers
Interim regulator for water industry Text
Screening and isolation of ionic liquid tolerant bacteria from m Thesis
Abdullah : pay workers fair wages Text
Online medical diagnosis expert system Thesis
It's expensive to live longer Text
Maternal mortality success Text
Mode-locked generation in thulium-doped fiber linear cavity las Indexed Paper
Hybrid multi-objective optimization methods for in silico bioch Thesis
Pelajar2 universiti digesa kikis semangat perkauman News Paper Cuttings
QoS-aware mapping and scheduling for integrated CWDM-PON Indexed Paper
Study on the selection criteria for choosing domestic package toText
Ancaman HIV pada masa depan negara Text
Dua kilang kapur punca pencemaran Text
RF CMOS power amplifier class C for wireless communication Text
Parameter optimization methods for calibrating tank model and Thesis
Rekabentuk struktur lanjutan Text
Two-phase flow regime identification by ultrasonic computeriz Non-Index Paper
Big wins for the pro-Aspirasi candidates Text
Bridging the k-gap Text
Pembangunan aplikasi buku cerita interaktif Malaysian Folktale Thesis
Shahputra tawar program Sains Kesihatan Text
Planning theory Exam Papers
Tiga komponen utama bantu perkembangan R&D Text
Lembaga Perusahaan Nanas Malaysia diwujud semula Text
Hard talk at WTO symposium Text
Kabin makmal bergerak uji kualiti air News Paper Cuttings
Mass flow rate in gravity flow rig using optical tomography Indexed Paper
Introduction to cost accounting Text
UiTM perlu pinda kurikulum asal Fakulti Perubatan Text
Kemalangan motosikal : satu analisis sikap penunggang (AbstractText
Separation of reactive dyes using PES/SPEEK blend nanofiltrat Thesis
Digital photogrammetry Exam Papers
Teknologi Elektrik Text
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
Radial line slot array antenna at 28 gigahertz for broadband c Thesis
Classes for juvenile prisoners Text
Penerapan gaya pemikiran usahawan dalam kaedah pengajaran Thesis
Lawatan Dari Pelajar Tingkatan 6 Atas, Sekolah Menengah Keb Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
More Vision Schools on the way Text
Draft on sex education ready for Cabinet study Text
Fong : retraining scheme to focus on people skills Text
Tamak punca Melayu gagal Text
Kementerian tubuh majlis bincang isu pendidikan Text
Time to start afresh Text
Pengurusan maklumat Text
Sekuriti pinjaman perumahan RM25b dicadang Text
The effect of over dosage of concrete retarder daratard 40 in conText
Pendidikan sains, teknologi dan masyarakat Text
MAB honours plucky seven Text
Dinar : usaha PM baiki kewangan dunia Text
3D surface reconstruction from a single uncalibrated 2D image Journal Article
Impact analysis of single and double hat-section frontal rail Thesis
RM20j budayakan keusahawanan siswa Text
Subjek kepenggunaan di sekolah rendah, menengah Text
Are you swimming correctly? Text
Gravitational search algorithm optimization for PID controller t Indexed Paper
Enhancement of electronic protection to reduce e-waste Indexed Paper
Pembangunan e-peta minda yang bertajuk Rate of Reaction untuk Thesis
Effect of concentration of added electrolyie and aqueous phase sThesis
Pertimbang bonus dua bulan gaji : Cuepacs Text
All preparations made to face floods Text
Optimization of cultivation medium for levan production using baci Thesis
Bayi rekaan diharam elak jual sperma cerdik Text
Ganti keputusan tepat Text
A review on eddy current thermography technique for non-destru Journal Article
The determinant factors of the failure of provision of very low Text
Persaingan stesen radio untuk pendapatan iklan Text
Managerial selection in Peninsular Malaysia : a study of selectio Text
Teknologi redakan kebimbangan bakal ibu Text
Definasi pembinaan yang tepat Text
Nafas baru memperkasa bahasa kebangsaan Text
Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a detached flaIndexed Paper
Teknokrat dan pembangunan Text
ITEX 2012 - gold Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Statistik Text
Sustainable construction Exam Papers
Penggunaan BM di TV, radio dipantau Text
Ke arah dunia bebas daripada dadah Text
Pusat sehenti IPTS berkonsep UPU mulai 2006 Text
Case study on food waste management among food service provThesis
Communication principles Exam Papers
Isu kenaikan harga barang terus belenggu rakyat Text
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tanah terbiar : (kawasan kaji Thesis
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
UPSR : pencapaian murid naik 0.5 peratus Text
Pakai tangkal cemar kemurnian tauhid Text
Engineering software / perisian kejuruteraan Text
Document management in construction for shorter project lead Indexed Paper
1,000 usahawan wanita disasar setiap tahun Text
Innovation a driving force Text
Places for unwanted babies Text
Computer assisted language learning I Exam Papers
Penggunaan bahan tambah kaolin dalam pasir pengisi bagi turapText
Jakim tidak wajar dipersalah jika logo halal dipalsukan Text
Kita bakal pembekal komposit terbesar Text
Dim prospects for disabled Text
Information communication technology adoption process for Mal Thesis
Educational building facilities for children with autism in MalaysiJournal Article
Proposed implementation strategies for energy sustainability o Conference Papers
Investigation of operational efficiency and up-coning problem ofConference Papers
Officers to get to bottom of tainted vegetable claim Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Kaji sistem pendidikan ahli Unesco Text
Malaysia negara pertama di Asia Tenggara anjur WCIT Text
Elementary practicle Exam Papers
Inference binary search algorithm for blind timing-based attack Thesis
Garis panduan singkatkan selesai aduan dirangka Text
Dengue today more aggressive Text
Three dimensional shape descriptors for human action-object inThesis
Pembaharuan drastik Text
Word stemming challenges in Malay texts : a literature review Indexed Paper
16,000 nelayan terima sara hidup RM200 sebulan Text
The study of salt tolerance of Iranian barley (hordeum vulgare L Conference Papers
Membudayakan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat Text
Technical university to be set UP for Asean students Text
Penuntut UTM terus cemerlang News Paper Cuttings
Sleep alarm system Thesis
Diesel subsidy to be re-examined Text
Tidak tahan gempa : bangunan di Malaysia perlu dibina kalis ge Text
Pembangunan Selatan Johor Bahru tidak terjejas : MB Text
Fuel relief : pump prices to go down if global rate drops Text
Kustem hasilkan losen rawat luka diabetes Text
Slope engineering Exam Papers
Pengurusan dalam kerja pelebaran jalan Thesis
Extreme rainfall for slope stability evaluation Conference Papers
Utilization of MODIS satellite data for modelling chlorophyll co Non-Index Paper
Lembah Daging mampu ternak 150,000 lembu Text
UTM yakin capai sasaran News Paper Cuttings
Effect of synthesis method on the photocatalytic performance ofConference Papers
The evolution of Si-capped Ge islands on Si (100) by RF magnetroIndexed Paper
Fundamentals of analytical chem Exam Papers
Application of response surface methodology in optimization of eIndexed Paper
Land use planning Exam Papers
Solid/gas concentration measurements using multiple fan beamConference Papers
Malaysia, Indonesia wujudkan kerjasama dalam bidang pertaniaText
Analysis of gunshot residue deposited on cotton cloth target at Non-Index Paper
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Development of transmission use of system charges scheme for TMext
Comparative study of retail tenancy agreement clauses for a shoText
H-1 NMR-based metabolomics investigation of copper-laden rat Indexed
: Paper
UTM tawar 100 guru ikuti PhD News Paper Cuttings
Effects of oxygen concentration on microbial growth in aerated Conference Papers
Flash flood study at Bunus River catchment area by using HEC Thesis
Development of green design framework for Malaysian automotiConference Papers
Study on CO2 stripping from water through novel surface modi Indexed Paper
Factors affecting the success of a construction project Thesis
Syarikat Halim Saad terokai minyak Afrika Text
Persamaan terbitan Text
A CFD-PBM coupled model of hydrodynamics and mixing/segregati Indexed Paper
The effect of immersion time on the corrosion behavior of SUS30Journal Article
Penzina wajar dikenakan hukuman lebih berat Text
Perceptions of privacy in low income apartments in Iran Thesis
Functionalized carbon nanotubes for mixed matrix membrane Indexed Paper
Analysis of fade dynamic at ku-band in Malaysia Indexed Paper
Kualiti : Proton tidak mahu ulangi kesilapan Text
Measuring supply chain relationships in oil palm refinery using Thesis
A modified migrating bird optimization for university course ti Indexed Paper
Pemulihan Kawasan Terganggu Text
UTM raikan 30 alumni pada Citra Karisma Text
Najib : army training good for govt officers Text
Combat dengue on more fronts Text
Kajian ke atas penguatkuasaan pelanggaran syarat guna tanah diText
Promoting travel within Asean to boost tourism Text
New prices for controlled food items from Sunday Text
Automasi pembuatan Text
An investigation on the effects of typestate-oriented paradigm i Thesis
UPM ketuai R&D komersial biochar Text
Sawah terbiar akan dipulih dengan tanaman padi pulut Text
UTM's SOS to ministry on staff shortage News Paper Cuttings
Coordinated generation and transmission maintenance scheduliThesis
Identification of materials through SVM classification of their lib Journal Article
Method of planning analysis Exam Papers
Organizational citizenship behaviour in public sector : does job saIndexed Paper
Beban kerja guru kini terlalu berat Text
Kekeliruan ilmu News Paper Cuttings
UM pada kedudukan 151 News Paper Cuttings
Parameter estimation on aspartate metabolism of arabidopsis t Thesis
Low-lying states of odd nuclei in the South-West Pb-208 region Indexed Paper
Masjid Kampung Hulu Text
Towards context-sensitive domain of Islamic knowledge ontologyNon-Index Paper
Mengembalikan kegemilangan masjid sebagai pusat penyebaranText
Kalkulus II Text
Malaysia to woo world's top biotech companies Text
Penentuan nilai Indek Kekasaran Antarabangsa (IRI) mengguna Thesis
Predction of ultimate load bearing capacity of driven piles (Prev Text
40,000 guru dapat elaun RM200 Text
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Troupe does nation proud, Sabah team clinches world title Text
Pelopori penubuhan Parlimen ASEAN Text
Hubungan di antara masalah kerja dengan tekanan kerja di kala Text
Engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Pertalian modal sosial dan latar belakang sosio-ekonomi pendudThesis
Construction productivity and quality Exam Papers
UTM terbit 35 judul buku setahun Text
Phylogenetic analysis of eight Malaysian pineapple cultivars usinJournal Article
Pembangunan komersial terbengkalai kajian kes: Johor Bahru Thesis
Keyakinan masyarakat semakin tinggi Text
Gadgets for the disabled Text
Knowledge dissemination tools Conference Papers
Raja Haji pejuang, ilmuwan Melayu terhebat Text
Experimental investigation of tsunami waterborne debris impactIndexed Paper
Recognition and certificate from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ( Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Panel to spearhead R&D on herbal drugs Text
Ketiadaan profil sukarkan usaha jejak penjenayah seksual Text
Input from public to improve schools Text
Lindung e-dagang : Akta Pengguna 1999 dipinda Text
Signals and systems Exam Papers
Introduction to industrial sociology Exam Papers
Rundingan guna MyKad diteruskan Text
DonÆt smoke, your kidÆs in the car Text
Kajian terhadap sambungan pugak dinding konkrit pratuang Thesis
Er3 +:Nd3 + concentration dependent spectral features of lithi Indexed Paper
Cergas dengan secawan koko setiap pagi Text
Govt will study Selangor housing plan, says Ong Text
Usah sekadar ubah nama Text
Penjenamaan manfaatkan ahli perniagaan, pelanggan Text
Kabinet cetus pembaharuan Text
Tiga IPT sertai program rintis kerja lapangan cuti semester News Paper Cuttings
4.6 juta belum daftar mengundi Text
Aboveground biomass estimation using remote sensing imagery Thesis
UMNO perlu pelapis teruskan Text
Najib : no reason for non-Malays to worry Text
Tempoh lewat mula di persimpangan berlampu isyarat Thesis
Hak-hak isteri dalam 'Iddah menurut enakmen undang-undang ke Thesis
A locally developed microbial-based biosensor for rapid deter Thesis
Chance to set up global warning system Text
Rokok tanpa grafik amaran dirampas Text
The use of metacognitive strategies among engineering studentsThesis
Kenapa tidak perlu pengisytiharan darurat banjir News Paper Cuttings
Uniting to further grow Islamic capital markets Text
Kenegaraan Malaysia Text
Structure I Exam Papers
The development of the UTM-MYEV charging mobile applicationThesis
Demand side management based on energy consumption schedul Thesis
Wide beam shear behavior with diverse types of reinforcement Indexed Paper
Harga kereta RM25,000 tak realistik News Paper Cuttings
Lahirkan ramai usahawan siswazah Text
Fill up vacancies immediately, PSD told Text
A comparative study using optimization algorithms to optimize oThesis
Behaviour of vertical shear keyed connection in precast concret Thesis
Affin Bank sederhana tapi kukuh : Hamidy Text
Identification of dominant finger for the common grasp Thesis
Puasa didik Muslim jadi hamba takwa Text
Fizik Polimer Text
Dr Mahathir : proton might as well close shop Text
Development of remotely operated vehicle (ROV) sediment sample Thesis
Tokoh Guru : good teachers make sacrifices Text
Scenic Bridge Saga : negotiations will stop Text
Evolusi Sidang Kemuncak Asia Timur Text
Pindaan Akta Bank Negara kukuh kewangan Islam Text
Tarik 100,000 pelajar asing sukar dicapai Text
Kepentingan konsep kedaulatan raja Text
Fingerprint image segmentation using hierarchical technique (P Text
A new learning automata-based approach for maximizing network Indexed Paper
Three-term backpropagation algorithm for classification problemText
Preparedness in encountering cyberwarfare in Malaysia Thesis
SRI-tray: breakthrough in nursery management for the system ofJournal Article
Test of elastic industrialise building system frames Thesis
Makna minda kelas dunia dalam sukan Text
Livening up the library Text
UTM hasil enzim daripada ubi kayu Text
Mixed reaction to Federal plan to take over water management Text
Teknik mikroskopi Text
Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of elemental mercury onto Indexed Paper
Keberkesanan sistem pengangkutan awam (Bas) dari Pasir Mas kThesis
Surface and colloid chemistry Exam Papers
Kerusi dan meja untuk pelajar sekolah rendah Thesis
Identification of non-linear dynamic systems using fuzzy syste Text
Image database on the WWW with postgresql object-relational Conference Papers
Design and manufacture an ultrasonic dispersion system with auConference Papers
Kepentingan keselamatan di tapak pembinaan Text
The physical and rheological characteristics of modified asphalt Journal Article
Proses pengangkutan Text
Subsidi minyak tidak berubah Text
Institusi keluarga longgar punca anak-anak liar Text
Alternatif lain atasi banjir di ibu negara Text
Evaluation on aggregate effective specific gravity as related to Text
Electronics Devices Exam Papers
Visi pendidikan 2015 agenda utama Forum Pendidikan Sedunia News Paper Cuttings
Short review on liquefaction susceptibility Non-Index Paper
575,000 jawatan kosong gagal diisi warga tempatan Text
UTM offers fee exemptions Text
The design of built in current extractor circuit for IDDQ test Conference Papers
Muhyiddin : palm oil to fetch better prices Text
Kekuatan Hizbullah elak perang saudara Text
Construction technology Exam Papers
Charging management protocol for near field communication chJournal Article
Manufacturing to grow7.2% Text
Malaysia sedia bantu Laos tarik pelaburan ke negara itu Text
Pencampuran air tawar dan air masin di sebuah estuari baji ga Text
Local universities, research culture and start-up activities still w Text
æThoracic stickingÆ in killing livestock is halal Text
Experimental investigation of blind bolted extended end-plate c Thesis
Students perception of online learning Text
Rural community and culture Exam Papers
Orang asli manuscripts depict ancient temple Text
Memperkasa Islam Hadhari serantau Text
Ubat tak diwajibkan tanda halal Text
Primary schools to have graduate teachers from next year Text
Ceiling of tax cuts for PLCs in community work now 7% Text
Celik idea kreatif tingkat pengetahuan pelaburan kepada masyarText
Systems engineering Exam Papers
RGB color image watermarking using discrete cosine transform Thesis
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
Application of comsol multiphysics version 3.5 in finding temperaThesis
RTD drives P licence into review lane Text
Finite element method Exam Papers
Air force to drag rain out to sea Text
Penjenamaan semula lonjak ekonomi Labuan Text
A boundary integral equation for the neumann problem in bounConference Papers
Abdullah : support Najib Text
Permodelan dan simulasi lebat hujan dan air larian dengan me Text
Foreign retirees loving it here Text
15% kanak-kanak Malaysia gemuk Text
Tempat bersejarah di Melaka mudah dikunjungi Text
Seismic and progressive collapse assessment of SidePlate momeIndexed Paper
Soal-Jawab Kewangan Islam Text
Pencen bersara pilihan boleh dicukai Text
Control of structural pest (termites) using empty fruit bunches Non-Index Paper
Pak Lah arah KWSP teliti syarat keluar caruman Text
Parameter estimation for bivariate mixed lognormal distributionNon-Index Paper
Pengaruh anthropometri tubuh badan keatas prestasi aerobik daText
TCAD simulation on avalanche photodiode for problem based leThesis
Rekabentuk saluran paip subpermukaan di kawasan bercerun : kText
Memahami jangkitan meningococcal meningitis Text
Thermal gravimetric and activation energy analysis of renewableJournal Article
Proton semakin kukuh berdikari Text
Latihan semula bagi graduan pendidikan Text
Syarat baru bersara pilihan Text
Aspirasi pekerjaan para pelatih institut kemahiran mara (IKM) JoConference Papers
Efficient image duplicated region detection model using sequentiIndexed Paper
Universiti Penyelidikan mampu pertingkat pembangunan negaraText
Kereta baru tempatan mesti ada beg udara mulai 2005 Text
Advanced soil mechanics Exam Papers
The study of argumentative knowledge construction in web 2.0 le Conference Papers
Performance analysis of sub carrier multiplexed system for radioConference Papers
Vibrant school heads wanted Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Swasta harus jayakan PPSMI Text
Focus on conventions to draw more visitors Text
Pilihan raya UTM 28 November News Paper Cuttings
Kalkulus Text
Tumpuan PM tidak terjejas Text
Mengelak terperangkap dosa syirik Text
Tubuh universiti automatif Text
Negara asing iktiraf sistem pendidikan kita Text
Detection of fluid leakage using ground penetrating radar Thesis
Buku Hijau dihidupkan semula Text
Masyarakat berhak dapat perkhidmatan awam kelas pertama Text
Sirkumsisi cegah penyakit Text
LPPKN bantu tangani konflik kekeluargaan Text
Election Commission moves to clean up electoral roll Text
Performance of 40Gb/s modulation formats over non-zero dispers Thesis
Automatic classification of muscle condition based on ultrasoun Non-Index Paper
The mediating role of feedback environment in the relationship Thesis
Biokimia sel dan metabolisma Text
Dinding kerja blok sistem kerangka IBS Thesis
eKL perkenal pusat gerbang SMS kerajaan Text
Saham Bursa Malaysia cemerlang hari pertama Text
Fizik Semikonduktor Exam Papers
Komposit Text
Aircraft structure / stuktur pesawat udara Exam Papers
Radiobiologi Text
Pelancong Timur Tengah pilih Malaysia Text
Farmers to replant destroyed trees Text
Adaboost ensemble classifiers for corporate default prediction Indexed Paper
Kenaikan 80% ditolak : kerajaan beri jaminan kadar baru tambanText
Fabrication and characterization of hydrophobic microarc oxidatIndexed Paper
Experimental investigation on SSTT confined concrete with low laIndexed Paper
Inovasi perancang News Paper Cuttings
Pangkalan data spesis lepidoptera berasaskan web Thesis
Pemasaran perkhidmatan Text
Pak Lah : carry out projects as planned Text
Rice harvested area estimation model for rain-fed paddy in MekoJournal Article
Diognostic methods to assess the ulhealthy battery : for teleco Thesis
GM and Ford to reduce output further after poor sales Text
Pengekstrakan maklumat bayang-bayang dari imej satelit remotText
KUTPM, PTPL tawar biasiswa RM20j Text
GTP tak beri tekanan penjawat awam Text
Aliran songsang buku politik fitnah bentuk budaya penulisan tidaText
Air sisa pusat cuci kereta disiasat Text
Relationship between land use composition and PM10 concentrat Indexed Paper
Carbon nanotubes based mixed matrix membrane for gas separaIndexed Paper
IPT perlu pengurusan cekap Text
Pengajian undang-undang I Text
Assessment of impact of variable message signs on traffic surveiConference Papers
Tabung makanan ditubuh Deklarasi Kuala Lumpur garis strategi ta Text
Statistics show most addicts are educated Text
Unimas terima geran RM11.6j Text
Najib ajak rakyat capai transformasi Text
MB : sexy dress a cause of crime Text
Teknik nuklear Text
Studies on the oil yield, antioxidant activities and solubility fro Thesis
Dr M sees currency peg as long-term solution Text
A review on performance of waste materials in self compacting Journal Article
Automatic seeding in region growing lung segmentation for ch Thesis
Turbidity removal using Moringa Oleifera as coagulant (Preview)Text
Applying filter approach and genetic algorithm wrapper for geneConference Papers
Sistem pengurusan pepejal diperkemas Text
Perkongsian ilmu acupressure untuk peningkatan prestasi muridPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
UTM wins five medals in Germany Text
A proposal for an integrated marketing framework for emerging Conference Papers
Sistem maklumat sumber manusia Text
Syor kita dapat perhatian : ramai pemimpin APEC sokong sidangText
Sarawak perlu terminal tambang murah Text
Cross document relation identification for multi document su Thesis
Firms do not mind hiring fresh grads Text
Automatic partial discharge analysis using matlab Thesis
Malaysia masih bebas H1N1 Text
Embracing outsourcing strategy Text
Characterization of amorphous silicon-carbon alloy films (a-Si :C Text
Pengekstrakan data berasaskan pendekatan ontologi : kes data juj Text
Malaysia meterai treati banteras keganasan nuklear Text
Land, planning and environmental law Exam Papers
Experimental study of heat transfer in asphalt solar collector Thesis
A novel hybrid VQ/GMM architecture for speaker identification Conference Papers
32 kawasan dikenal pasti alami masalah bekalan air Text
Task force working on improving incomes Text
Dynamic analysis of cylindrical structure due to blast loading Thesis
Anugerah 4 bintang daripada MyVAP Text
Awasi beras berbahaya dari Amerika Syarikat Text
Clinical engineering Exam Papers
Malacca Chin Woo athletic association web-based managementThesis
Online quiz on English for university students News Paper Cuttings
Kembara transformasi ke Jepun News Paper Cuttings
Pengambilan 30,000 siswazah lancarkan RMK-9 Text
Impact of Eu3+ ions on physical and optical properties of Li2O- Indexed Paper
Pembangunan dan penilaian perisian prototaip MS-Gravis berasask Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Determinants of voluntary carbon disclosure in the corporate reaIndexed Paper
Kerjasama antara media, IPT bawa banyak manfaat Text
Development of environmental risk assessment framework usin Text
Characterisation of exogenous bacterial biofilm and its applicati Text
Development of virtual parachute station and data acquisition Text
Cross-border disabled facilities level of service (DFLOS) at Cu Thesis
FTA utamakan manfaat pengusaha tempatan Text
PM challenges Naza to do better than Proton Text
Frame alignment and insertion algorithm for video stream over Thesis
Usah cepat kritik pendidikan seksualiti Text
Kaedah unsur terhingga Text
Polarization and depolarization current measurement of polymerIndexed Paper
Tambahan RM2.6b dilulus, tingkatkan mutu, prasarana pendidikText
80% penagih dadah golongan pekerja Text
Pantau pelajar asing pulih imej Malaysia sebagai hab pendidikanText
Aliran keluar dana kesan jangka pendek Text
Perancangan gunatanah II Text
Tebing sungai Muar diperindah News Paper Cuttings
Temperature development of cold formed steel column channelIndexed s Paper
31 positif HIV beragama Islam kahwin tahun lalu Text
Awasi remaja pada dunia tanpa sempadan Text
36 hospitals threatened with shutdown Text
Pelabuhan Barat catat sejarah negara Text
Land, planning and environmental law Exam Papers
7 negara Asean sedia mula projek landasan Text
Guru adalah pendidik, bukannya polis Text
Cocoa smallholders to receive 100% grants Text
Rekabentuk struktur II Text
Notorious robber captured Text
Visualizing plot ratio : review on plot ratio as a planning control Thesis
Kementerian sasar hapus telur Aedes Text
Studies on potential of Portland cement mortar for binding of Indexed Paper
Dr M : keep the BTN course Text
Battle on haze takes to the skies Text
Inter-cell interference mitigation with coordinated resource all Indexed Paper
Performance evaluation of 14nm FinFET-based 6T SRAM cell functi Indexed Paper
Bioelectricity generation from palm oil mill effluent in microbial fThesis
Sharifah Mazlina berlepas ke Punta Arenas hari ini Text
Numerical modeling of skin resistance distribution with depth in Indexed Paper
Ill treatment of foreign workers : Labour Dept gunning for erran Text
Fardu ain cegah rasuah Text
Review of traffic data collection methods for drivers’ car †Indexed Paper
Bank Negara should set up CTOS-style body Text
Sistem pantau program usahawan diperkenal Text
Funding temporarily stopped Text
Dynamic modelling of a two-link flexible manipulator (Full text) Text
Membestarikan sekolah Text
Bukan semua wang boleh dibelanjakan Text
New guidelines for movies : less snip more snap Text
Tagging to curb spread of FMD Text
Pembangunan sistem perolehan imej fotogrametri digital jarak de Text
Menjadikan pertanian sebagai perniagaan Text
Sistem digit Text
672 kes cabul, 176 kes ala samseng berlaku di sekolah Text
Institutional mapping towards developing a framework for sustaIndexed Paper
Kementerian sasar kurang 10,000 kes denggi setahun Text
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nitride for oxidation of Conference Papers
UMS sasar 15 hasil penyelidikan dapat dipaten Text
Malaysia perlu ada pangkalan di Antartika Text
The study of various cogeneration configurations for Malaysia's Thesis
Gaji untuk layan keperluan rakyat Text
Silat diiktiraf warisan Text
Design set up for delta wing under pitching motion experiment Thesis
Pertanian Piskiponik Integrasi hidroponik dan piskikultur Text
Siar produk mampu bangunkan sumber manusia Text
Co3O4 doped over SBA 15 : excellent adsorbent materials for thIndexed Paper
Dengue tops list of diseases in Johor Text
Reinforced concrete beam with cold formed C-channel section i Thesis
Identification of muscle fatigue that accompanied writing activi Thesis
Putrajaya lokasi baru bot laju F1 Text
Chance to sell business ideas Text
UKM to confer honorary doctorate on Prof Fuat Sezgin Text
Pelan tindakan pengajian tinggi negara 2007-2010 / National hi Text
Experienced magistrates only Text
Model pembelajaran SJKC ke sekolah kebangsaan Text
Petrophysics study of sandstone by ultrasonic pulse velocity Conference Papers
Thermal conductivity for mixture of sawdust and gypsum Thesis
Bimbingan guru pembimbing terhadap guru pelatih dalam latih Conference Papers
Solat bezakan Muslim atau kafir Text
AADK buka dua pusat serenti khas Text
Harta, pangkat penguji tahap keimanan Text
Harga beras tak akan dinaikkan : Muhyiddin Text
Termodinamik II Text
UTM seeks $600m more from Govt News Paper Cuttings
Smartphones in the limelight Text
Usaha terbaru menggalakkan PKS Text
Abai kebersihan boleh cetus semula wabak Text
Environmental chemistry Exam Papers
IT supported project based learning framework Thesis
Melayu anaktirikan bahasa sendiri Text
Gerakan tarik dana pelaburan `berlegar' Text
A novel hybrid model for short-term forecasting in PV power ge Indexed Paper
Preparation of epoxy-novolac resin binder using phenolic rich frac
Indexed Paper
Sumbangan IMR diiktiraf antarabangsa Text
Ibadah solat : bekalan hidup abadi Text
31 Ogos 1957 negara bebas merdeka Text
Empat memorandum persefahaman ditandatangani Text
NUTP gesa segera selesai empat masalah guru Text
In-situ measurements and GIS-based analysis of the microclimateConference Papers
Kekusutan IAEA mengenai nuklear Israel News Paper Cuttings
Design and analysis of an active thermal control system for IC p Conference Papers
Siswa UTM rayu sumbangan agensi bantu anak yatim Text
Applied statistics (remotesensing) Exam Papers
Deadline looms, but no rush to meet I-Kad rule Text
Mekanisme penggenapan tidak naikkan kadar inflasi Text
Kejuruteraan bandar Text
Tulang rawan tumbuh semula Text
Strategi industri pesawat Text
Malaysia My Second Home programme : Bangladesh's rich settliText
KIPP terima pelaburan RM70b jadi tulang belakang ekonomi Text
A low cost temporary immersion bioreactor for micropropagation Thesis
Malaysia-Korea Selatan setuju perjanjian perdagangan Text
Back in Orbit Text
RM20j bantu peniaga Melayu Text
Functionally graded polymeric materials : a brif review Indexed Paper
Ukur dan pemetaan Text
A sticker-based model using DNA computing for gener Indexed Paper
Improvised formulation of geometrical moment invariant Thesis
Penyakit berjangkit boleh dielak Text
Generation of protonic acid site from molecular hydro Conference Papers
Characterization of surface-modified porous PVDF holloIndexed Paper
Teknologi moden Jepun urus sampah dipertimbang Text
Studies of ternary tin-antimony-selenium-based chalcoge Text
Application of motion and time study in improving pro Text
Introduction to business (pengenalan perniagaan) Text
An Experimental investigation on thermal conductivity Journal Article
4,110 new positions created Text
Bandar Kulai dinaik taraf Text
DowÆs Islamic index offer Text
Formula gaji pegawai awam skim sambilan dipinda Text
Thermal treatment effect on the biochemical compositThesis
Fikirkan kesan positif harga baru gula, rokok Text
Middle childhood sensibilities towards physical charac Thesis
Polymer characterization Exam Papers
Decentralized proportional-integral sliding mode tracki Text
Dynamic taboo search for VRP with stochastic demand Conference Papers
Pelajar UTM cipta sistem cegah curi kenderaan Text
Pelanggaran syarat nyata rumah jenis kediaman dijadikaThesis
Effect of long term tidal constituents on mean sea lev Thesis
Adsorption and phase equilibria for hydrogen storage Indexed Paper
Structural analysis of UTM single-seat helicopter chassiJournal Article
The application of WAP system for advance security sy Text
Industri ICT negara dijangka berkembang Text
Malaysia jamin harta intelek dilindungi Text
Kadar yuran IPTA munasabah News Paper Cuttings
Persatuan pengguna cadang audit pelan pembangunanText
Walking pattern analysis on baby carrier wearer Thesis
Kerjasama jayakan agenda kebolehpasaran graduan News Paper Cuttings
Electromagnetism Exam Papers
Prices will come down Text
1.3 juta pelajar IPTA, IPTS menjelang 2010 Text
A fast and effective segmentation algorithm with automJournal Article
Keusahawanan Text
Lecturer-to-be aims to teach language through video News Paper Cuttings
Calon lulus STPM naik 91.62% Text
Feasiliblity of a-mode ultrasound as a monitoring methThesis
Tourist arrivals in Malacca up by 1.1m Text
Synthesis of bio-based hydrogel from epoxidized palm oIndexed Paper
Transport usage among students at the Universiti Tekn Thesis
VSS to ækeep government servants on their toesÆ Text
Reasons for poor reporting by Socso doctors Text
Addressing access to higher education Text
Landscap construction III Exam Papers
Convergence in the service value chain Text
PM : Malaysia ready to play major role Text
Engineering properties of polymer mortar composites Text
Kitaran obesiti Text
More passport e-kiosks Text
Pembangunan konsep reka bentuk prototaip kereta fo Text
Mahasiswa : khidmat sosial Text
Remaja tidak patut mati sia-sia Text
Group begins 15th summit at Thai seaside resort Text
Numerical modeling of thermo-optic effect in microringThesis
Bina mentaliti saintifik Text
Kawasan hutan bukit di Ulu Kelantan gondol Text
Physical flood modelling evaluation of river meanderingText
Dual band microstrip antenna with a pair of L-shaped s Thesis
R&D : Mesin pemadam kebakaran Text
Engineering grad happy with X-FAB Sarawak scholarshi News Paper Cuttings
Graphics, Animat ion, Audio and Video Technology Exam Papers
Services marketing Exam Papers
Raja Mahani arah bunuh Text
Antecedents of continuous usage intention of mobile bIndexed Paper
Dua artis serikan Malam Puisi Riong News Paper Cuttings
Securing customer trust in e-commerce transactions Thesis
Modeling of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles in vitexIndexed Paper
Pisau X terapi sinaran 3 dimensi Text
Pelaksanaan amalan 5S : kajian di Pejabat Bendahari, Un Thesis
Kuala Lumpur-OIC Health Ministerial Conference 2007 :Textp
Surfactant modified zeolite Y as a sorbent for some ch Text
Estimating II Exam Papers
Termodinamik kejuruteraan kimia Text
Cooks blamed for cholera outbreak Text
Amalan tatacara pengurusan disiplin murid sekolah-se Thesis
Jamu mata di Kota Singa : pelbagai aktiviti menarik seh Text
2,948 penghidap HIV, AIDS di Johor Text
Mohd Ismail Timbalan Naib Canselor UTM News Paper Cuttings
Urine tests in schools soon Text
Malaysia sasar sejuta pelancong China Text
Zulkifli cipta mesin tenunan songket Text
Universiti Tokyo, UPM tingkat kerjasama Text
Dikir barat dapat sambutan Text
MU hantar 10 siswa ke UTM News Paper Cuttings
Program pascasiswazah tarik pelajar asing Text
Tambah anggota polis perangi kes ragut Text
Sistem Perhubugan Text
Kajian penggunaan penapis biologi untuk air larian pe Text
MalaysiaÆs foresight shows Text
Jangan cetus masalah : pelbagai pihak bantah pelajar g Text
Beriman, amal salih syarat peroleh rezeki berkat Text
Construction measurement I Exam Papers
Pembangunan modul akademik "Basic of Electric and Ele Thesis
Ukur kadester I Text
Melayu paling ramai pendapatan bawah RM1,000 Text
Novel solid-phase microextraction adsrbent for the foreText
Integration of persuasive multimedia in designing learniJournal Article
Membaca rangsang kecemerlangan Text
Malaysia bebas wabak H5N1 Text
Isolation, expression and characterization of recombinaThesis
CHOGM : call for flexibility at Hong Kong meeting Text
Linear elastic analysis of bolted extended end-plate s Thesis
Jangan bergantung kepada akademik Text
Stabilizing subgrade soil by using liquid chemical soil staThesis
Transport and separation properties of carbon nanot Indexed Paper
Water content estimation in soils using novel planar el Journal Article
Impertus for growth News Paper Cuttings
Empat syor atasi krisis ekonomi Text
Keputusan mahkamah tingkat keyakinan pelanggan ba Text
Multimedia transmission using orthogonal frequency div Thesis
Combined convection nanofluid flow and heat transfer Indexed Paper
Bantuan tanam semula getah RM6,000 sehektar Text
Ucapan salam suburkan perasaan muhibah Text
Belia perlu pelihara alam sekitar Text
Permasalahan pembangunan ladang sejahtera di SarawThesis
Effect of voltage on TiO2 nanotubes formation in ethyleJournal Article
Integriti jadikan amalan politik bersih dan murni Text
Analyzing the relationships between the number of deat Indexed Paper
Prevention of bacterial colonisation through the develoThesis
Latihan amali universiti awam dilanjut 6 bulan Text
Degradation of phenol in waste water using alcohol-freConference Papers
Pineapple peel based biocomposites for green packagi Conference Papers
Rock shaft resistance of bored piles socketed into dec Thesis
Malam Mesra Amal Pernim-UTM kumpul RM17,000 Text
Penentuan sempadan lot tanah yang terbahagi oleh g Thesis
Agency to help reduce HIV cases Text
Pelan sistem pengangkutan awam siap tahun depan Text
Robotics Exam Papers
Sistem kerja lebih cekap diperkenal News Paper Cuttings
Foreign dons to assess UM Text
Vee gets doctorate despite busy life Text
Coring direction effect on the compressive strength of Thesis
Prediction of fracture failure behavior in pipes Text
H1N1 : seven new cases, total 112 Text
Design of web base interface for sizing and costing of bThesis
Kerajaan tolak permintaan gaji 13 bulan kakitangan a Text
Four to get Merdeka Awards Text
Hala tuju strategik Esscom News Paper Cuttings
Penilaian ciri - ciri campuran lapisan haus ACW 20 me Text
Foreign policy gets priority Text
Flexural and shear bevavior of high strength prestress Text
WorldÆs top websites for pirated discs shut down Text
UTM, NIT Kagoshima College perkukuh usaha sama News Paper Cuttings
Management accounting III Exam Papers
Kuasai teknologi bangunkan negara Text
Automatic lung segmentation using control feedback s Indexed Paper
Sistem penggredan baru SPM bantu pelajar capai kece Text
Olahan air Text
A revival of Islamic science : a working philosophy of a Conference Papers
Demand analysis of parking at Machap Northbound Rest Indexed Paper
Mobile mosque companion application (kakimasjid) Thesis
Sarawak goes for sustainable forest management Text
Direct torque control of induction motor drives using Text
Pasaran buku dipermudah Text
Ong : education the way out of poverty Text
AF, rentak jantung abnormal Text
Study for telemetry and scada system in water supply Text
A new sensitive electrochemical method for the determIndexed Paper
Lebih 9,000 doktor naik gred UD-44 Text
PTK examination to remain Text
Geoteknik Text
Software quality assurance Exam Papers
Skim caruman 1Malaysia dilancar Text
Experimental thermal field measurements of film coolinIndexed Paper
Sediment deposition and water quality improvements uThesis
Ikat jamin jenayah berat tidak berubah Text
The development of cutlery tool to reduce parkinson Thesis
What makes the Mat Rempit fly Text
Najib bemoans media that thrives on conflict Text
Big plans for nanotechnology Text
Mengelak krisis menerusi pendidikan Text
Analisis faktor penumpuan tegasan untuk sambungan Text
Had laju jalan negeri, Persekutuan 80km/j Text
Faktor campuran pemasaran "4P" yang diambil kira oleh Thesis
Ambil peguam kanan kes berprofil tinggi Text
Instrumentation and measurement Exam Papers
Reducing indoor air contaminants inside a campus bu Thesis
Tajdid satu keperluan umat Text
Real analysis / advanced calculus Exam Papers
Numerical method for solving multipoints elliptic-parabIndexed Paper
IGP : confine foreign workers Text
2,000 pelajar UTM solat hajat Text
Kaedah pendebungaan serangga tingkat produktiviti saText
Layout improvement in a paper product company Text
Performance analysis of the standing wave thermoacoust Indexed Paper
Implikasi harta pusaka yang gagal disempurnakan pembThesis
Alert on killer æpneumoniaÆ Text
Online chinese digits recognition using self-organizing Thesis
Maritim : Malaysia kekal antara pemain utama dunia Text
Ramalan jangka hayat struktur konkrit kesan daripada pThesis
MB kecewa rakyat miskin Text
Tahap penguasaan kemahiran membuat hipotesis dan men Conference Papers
Chemistry of xanthorrhizol: synthesis of several bisabo Non-Index Paper
Keputusan caj tol sebelum Januari Text
Penggunaan madu dalam pengawalan pemerangan danText
UKM hargai atlet berjaya Text
5 juta pekerja asing 2010 : jika jurang permintaan, pen Text
UTM-CIMS jalin kerjasama pintar News Paper Cuttings
Pembentukan penderia gentian optik untuk tujuan peme Text
Heat load prediction in district heating systems with Indexed Paper
Mathematical modelling Exam Papers
UTM-SRI kerjasama komersialkan harta intelek News Paper Cuttings
Setinggan sekitar sungai di Tebrau akan dipindahkan Text
Higher engineering mathematics Exam Papers
PM : kuasai ilmu sains : cara pertahankan umat Islam Text
Bioteknologi molekul Text
Pelajar UTM juara pidato Text
Komuniti ASEAN 2020 : sidang Kemuncak Ke-11 bermula Text
Implants to overcome drug habit Text
Kajilogam asas Text
Peluang jual alat cegah kecurian Text
Exploring the anommelies of rianfall events in the KlangConference Papers
Iktiraf IPT luar bukan kuasa LAN Text
Muqaranah al-adyan Exam Papers
Kerajaan cadang perkenal kumpulan pengguna diesel Text
LHDN 'serbu' 147 rumah kesan pengelak cukai Text
Sarawak ketiga rakyat termiskin paling kecil Text
CFD modeling for natural ventilation in a lightwell con Indexed Paper
Belajar di SBP Text
Mixed convection near a non-orthogonal stagnation point Indexed Paper
Phytochemical and bioactivities of Malaysia artocarpus TextL
Effect of different angle scanning on density estimatio Indexed Paper
The practice of vocational teaching method in automotiThesis
Lebih murah di Malaysia Text
Surveying and real estate information Exam Papers
Natural convection semi - cylindrical cavity with heat Text
Community colleges to get more autonomy Text
PC based wireless car control Thesis
A case study of improving the tile manufacturing procs Thesis
Comparing teachers' scientific epistemological stance Indexed Paper
Metabolites characterisation of laccase mediated reactIndexed Paper
Extent of delay and level of service at signalised round Non-Index Paper
The coagulation impact of 50% epoxidised natural rubber Conference Papers
Flyover construction method safe Text
Towards the development of a regional version of MOD17 Indexed Paper
Universiti Kuala Lumpur ganti Unitek-Mara Text
The relationship between reward and turnover intentioThesis
Smart Wearable glasses for the blind Thesis
Construction project management Exam Papers
Gabung sivil, syariah Text
FPGA control based system on educational monochroma Thesis
Suhakam tidak penuhi syarat ICC Text
Malaysia pelopor program reformasi tanah : Najib Text
Syed Hamid perplexed over bridge issue Text
USM, UniSIM martabatkan bahasa Melayu di SingapuraText
Kenaikan harga tuntut pengguna guna hak Text
Round-the-clock eye on government PCs Text
Effect of ballast free system on LNG carrier stability an Thesis
Keberkesanan struktur hidraulik segiempat bagi menguText
The level of self-directed learning among teacher trainiConference Papers
Evaluation of electromagnetics radiation for stroke pa Journal Article
Persamaan terbitan Text
Hardware implementation of the high frequency link invConference Papers
Dynamic interaction of ships while in speed Thesis
Expanding the traditional classroom through computer Text t
Malaysia bantu Thailand : hantar penceramah agama, Text
Mekanik bahan dan struktur Text
Sistem pengurusan cuti berasaskan web dan aplikasi mThesis
Antenna array at 2.4 GHz for wireless LAN system usin Conference Papers
Majlis Keselamatan yang saksama News Paper Cuttings
Kabinet lulus tubuh Universiti Malaysia Jepun Text
Pupuk perpaduan bermula dari bangku sekolah Text
Regenerated cellulose membrane as bio-template for in- Indexed Paper
Penjimatan subsidi untuk pertingkat pengangkutan aw Text
Soon, earn a degree via handphones Text
40 program ditawar News Paper Cuttings
Cari punca asas masalah mat rempit Text
50,000 pelajar ingkar dicari Text
Malaysia mahu firma Sweden perluas kerjasama Text
UTM project set back by two years News Paper Cuttings
Move to reduce foreign labour Text
Fewer cases of piracy attacks in Malacca straits Text
UiTM first in region to offer gastronomy course Text
Skim bantu individu tiada kerja tetap Text
Khaled jawab kebimbangan Dr. Mahathir Text
Anugerah mencipta ikon bangsa Text
Majikan wajib lapor nahas kepada Perkeso Text
Politik pembangunan masih relevan Text
Temperament and behaviour problems Text
Requirement engineering evaluation of real time instanThesis
Physiology & screening of industrial microorganisms Text
Advanced hydraulics Exam Papers
Aplikasi telefon pintar SAP : student academic planner Thesis
A repudiatory breach in the construction industry : nonText
Hindraf kian besar kepala Text
Analytical hierarchy process and markov chain in shar Indexed Paper
Pendidikan alam sekitar berasaskan agama Text
Taklimat program kualiti perpustakaan dan taklimat SP Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Socso 'must redeem image' Text
Matematik diskret Text
Etika dan amalan ikhtisas Text
Road conditional mapping using terrestrial laser scann Thesis
Meritokrasi bukan punca bilangan pelajar Melayu bidanText
ATM : peluang cerah pelatih PLKN, Palapes Text
Device to help the blind see Text
'Lost in quake' woman returns home Text
Screening of cellulolytic and xylanolytic fungi for enz Thesis
FTA : kepentingan negara tetap dijaga Text
Mekanik pepejal 1 Text
IPT perlu model pentadbiran baharu News Paper Cuttings
Mahkamah Harta Intelek ditubuh pertengahan `06 Text
Non-Muslim employers can continue to hire Muslim woText
EPF nearly conned of RM15m over defunct company Text
Pembedahan atasi masalah peluh berlebihan Text
Pancutan air ceriakan laman Text
Arabic language script and encoding identification wit Text
Allocation under Budget 2013 a boost for students in unNews Paper Cuttings
Systems analysis and design methods Exam Papers
Developing a graphical password authentication scheme Thesis
Pembangunan bandar Text
Pelan Tindakan Ekonomi Melayu Text
Cuti tahun : guru tetap nikmati cuti penggal Text
River and estuarine hydrodynamics Exam Papers
Promosi pelancong kesihatan dipertingkat Text
Banyak peluang sektor binaan tetapi Bumiputera belumText
Artificial neural network model for estimation of oil lossThesis
IT services expected to grow 12% this year Text
Sikap tak ambil peduli Text
Ikrar tidak laku kesalahan semasa memandu bermula har Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk rasuk julur konkrit bertetulan Text
Kuala Perlis to be growth centre News Paper Cuttings
Aerodynamically optimize the lift and drag on sedan carText
Hanya 31 peratus pensyarah miliki PhD Text
Penghulu Lenga tokoh ilmuwan Johor Text
Computer-based accounting systems : the case of manuText
Teachers upset over incentive snag Text
Cloud-based and cross platform Muslim Places Finder ( Thesis
Peranan Inpuma mengantarabangsakan UM Text
Five varsities make it into top 100 News Paper Cuttings
Advanced geotechnical analysis and design Exam Papers
Binding mode study of cellopentaose in β-glucosidase BIndexed Paper
Institusi Raja perkasa kedaulatan negara Text
Pembinaan senarai semak masalah tingkah laku Text
Persatuan sambut baik kadar tol dikekal Text
Penilaian dan pemilihan pengurus projek (Full text) Text
Petri net modelling of programmable logic controller Thesis
Ada penghalang damai di selatan Thailand Text
Architect's duties in relation to supervision of construc Thesis
62 killed, 61 injured in fires last year Text
Inatex 2015 - Silver Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Semantic web service discovery and composition basedConference Papers
Discussion on dengue cases Text
Selepas berbalas tembak dengan polis di Pendang : M Text
Pengurusan bencana Text
Save our seahorses Text
Optical solitons : mathematical model and simulations Indexed Paper
Universiti wajibkan kursus usahawan Text
English on the double : ELiTE plan to boost English prof Text
PDRM perlu pulihkan imej yang tercalar Text
Microprocessor / mikropemproses Text
Siswazah cetek pengetahuan am Text
Building trustworthy E-commerce website Conference Papers
Empat belas hospital dilengkapi maklumat komputer diText
Effect of effective microbes, chemical fertilizer and co Thesis
Kes kemalangan maut meningkat 11.5 peratus Text
Pencemaran kurangkan kelahiran bayi lelaki Text
Kaedah baru hasilkan ferit Text
Linear-time heuristic partitioning technique for mappi Indexed Paper
Western Australia out to woo Muslim visitors from MalText
10 lagi PDK bakal dibina di Felda 2006 Text
Mastering key factors for career success Text
Modeling the distributions of flood characteristics for aNon-Index Paper
Pembinaan dan kerja penstabilan cerun di kampus pe Text
Teknologi pemetaan Text
Pemasaran R&D Text
233 guru besar naik gred DG44 Text
Jabatan Perhutanan negeri diarah beri laporan Text
Geofizik Text
Genetically modified food and consumer purchase intenNon-Index Paper
Syor belakangkan VOP harga binaan Text
Promosikan Sasterawan Negara untuk Hadiah Nobel Text
Kes denggi dijangka meningkat di KL, Selangor Text
Reka Cipta Kenderaan Penjimatan Gasolin di UTM hari iNews Paper Cuttings
Girls power on, but what about the boys? Text
Kelebihan Proton kesan pengambilalihan Text
An interaction based collaborative filtering approach f Thesis
Petrol RON95 untungkan pengguna, kerajaan Text
Tingkatkan teknologi marin News Paper Cuttings
Arts, customs and beliefs of Malaysians Exam Papers
Usaha perkasa kokurikulum Text
PM : hike cannot be avoided Text
Pembangunan dan penghasilan titanium berbusa Conference Papers
Single mothers and the poor to benefit from housing l Text
Kejuruteraan : IPTA dikesan tersasar tujuan penubuhanText
Tabiat organisasi Text
Robber killed during chase Text
Elektronik Text
An interaction between financial practices and firm pe Thesis
Business statistics (statistik perniagaan) Text
Mencari watak MRSM Text
Simulation of MRAS speed sensorless estimation techniText
Statistical quality control Text
Position control using Model Reference Adaptive Cont Text
Struktur data & algoritma Text
Ekonomi Islam Exam Papers
Membaca : wanita kalahkan lelaki Text
Whats life without your mobile phone? Text
Land use modeling for population growth a case study Thesis
Industrial engineering Exam Papers
RM17j untuk UPM laksana penyelidikan Text
Management of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) waste Thesis
Combustion studies of blended fuel oil as an alternativ Conference Papers
Electricity tariff down by 2.5% Text
Jadilah pesakit berilmu Text
KKK bantu banteras pencerobohan News Paper Cuttings
Empangan Beris beri rahmat kepada empat negeri Text
Protein profiling of different plant tissues from herb PhJournal Article
Bahasa inggeris, pelajar melayu dan universiti Text
Bacillus licheniformis coated bioparticles for hydrogen Journal Article
Protecting computers from hackers Text
Lancar pusat kecemerlangan teknologi Text
Data quality assurance Exam Papers
Pelancong China meningkat Text
On the road to better transport Text
Khidmat air wajar diurus satu kementerian Text
A novel chemical product design framework with the intIndexed Paper
Structural, electronic, optical, and thermoelectric propeIndexed Paper
Measures in place to produce all the high quality trea Text
Instrumentasi proses Text
It pays to help elephant sanctuary Text
IPT teroka bidang keusahawanan buka pusat sehenti seNews Paper Cuttings
Ecstasy pills can make user insane, says drugs agency Text
Elektronik kuasa Text
Kesedaran peneroka felda terhadap cukai tanah Thesis
Harga minyak mentah dunia pada paras tertinggi Text
Kepuasan pengguna selepas pengiktirafan ISO9001: kajia Text
Cari jalan penyelesaian imbangi kos proses air elak defisNews Paper Cuttings
Muhyiddin hadir Forum Pendidikan Dunia 2014 News Paper Cuttings
Pencarian calon Anugerah Wanita Tahunan Dr. Siti Ha Text
Programming Exam Papers
Be able to differentiate good from bad, grads told Text
RM8.47j tak dapat dituntut Text
Geng dadah antarabangsa tumpas Text
PM: Syria, Lebanon should take part in Mid-East peace Text
8 under probe for not reporting bribe attempts Text
Malaysia's tuna industry set to get RM240m boost Text
Teknologi selamanya alat bukan matlamat Text
Warga emas meningkat 3.21 juta 15 tahun lagi Text
Penyelakuan reserbor Text
A study on the behavior of a linear induction motor Thesis
Major move to tackle rising crime : stiffer sentences Text
Timber species in Malay wood carving Conference Papers
Polis senarai hitam 200 sekolah pelajar terlibat jenayahText
Organizational behaviour Exam Papers
Modelling of tidal effect on suspended sediment dispersText
Sultan of Kelantan takes state government to task Text
Mahasiswa UTM sertai khidmat masyarakat News Paper Cuttings
Teori medan elektromagnet Text
1.6 juta hidap kencing manis menjelang 2025 Text
Kajian mengenai perspektif kualiti pendidikan di Fak Thesis
Inverted-E antenna for on-body communication systemConference Papers
More world-class services for consumers Text
Local varsities need to be more competitive Text
Object - oriented programming using JAVA Exam Papers
Optimization of injection molding parameters for WC-CJournal Article
Perkongsian bestari Text
Asymmetric polysulfone-cloisite 15A® nanocompositeIndexed Paper
Experimental drag coefficient, Cd for rectangular build Thesis
Breast milk has nutrients for first six months of life Text
Three-Dimensional (3D) modelling of house replica us Thesis
Development of a real-time temperature control syste Text
Pengajian Islam : PTPTN rangka dasar pembiayaan ke luText
Dinamik & kawalan penerbangan Text
Existential theory : to reduce low confident and purposeNon-Index Paper
Thursday is batik day Text
Kerap turun minum jejas kredibiliti perkhidmatan awa Text
Compressibility characteristics of compacted residual s Thesis
Kajian kestabilan pemecah ombak luar di Pelabuhan K Text
General communication anxiety among Iranian studentsThesis
Sistem kawalan peralatan elektrik kediaman menggun Thesis
Reka bentuk tangki air selinder GFRP dengan muatan 4Text
Splitting scheme for eulerian-lagrangian technique in the Conference Papers
Sistem pengurusan inventori dan tempahan bersepaduText
Efficient way of skull stripping in MRI to detect brain Non-Index Paper
Novel and simple design of multi layer radial line slot a Conference Papers
Prediction of SO2 dispersion from a gas processing plantText
Botol air kitar semula berbahaya Text
Satu keluarga satu kaunselor kurangkan masalah sosial Text
Simultaneous determination of inorganic ions in post-blNon-Index Paper
Tindakan tegas jika jual rumah kos rendah Text
Kedahsyatan sebenar kiamat sukar dijangkau akal Text
Tambang baru pengangkutan awam berpatutan Text
Membaca al-Quran tanda ucap terima kasih, syukur Text
Harga kereta dijangka naik 1 Januari Text
Persepsi penerimaan masyarakat generasi kedua terhadThesis
Undang-undang kawal kualiti makanan haiwan digubal Text
Sistem pengurusan janji temu kaunselor untuk SMK SerThesis
Paras air Empangan Semborong kritikal Text
Pelaksanaan hukum syariah dalam pengurusan hotel diThesis
Development of robotic system in automatic ultrasoun Thesis
Tingkatkan sensitiviti rakyat tentang tanah runtuh Text
Magnetism Exam Papers
Negara rugi jika wanita tinggalkan pasaran kerja selep Text
Antibacterial activity of zingiber officinale and zingibe Conference Papers
Gandakan kepintaran bayi Text
UTM menang pingat emas reka cipta pertandingan ant Text
A (H1N1) claims six more lives Text
The development of mobile robot software using servicThesis
Aplikasi telefon pintar urusan zakat Masjid Sultan IsmaiThesis
Consumer psychology Exam Papers
Boya kesan tsunami akan dipasang di Langkawi Text
A review of integrated optical and wireless broadband Conference Papers
Institute to be upgraded to university Text
Water tariff to differ among states Text
Keselamatan : Malaysia sedia kerjasama Text
Inorganic Chemistry Exam Papers
Digitalising TV broadcasting Text
Pengenalan perlindungan sinaran Text
Mobile sharks : 15 sen ride adds up to millions for cheaText
Probe into student visas Text
Beri ruang kepada masyarakat belia Text
Basic poverty patterns remain unchanged Text
Gemuk tingkat risiko jadi buta Text
Presentation of dissertationthesis sheduling system (P Thesis
Modelling the rheological properties of bituminous bi Indexed Paper
Kanser payu dara kian meningkat Text
Najib disappointed with programme Text
Kempen selamatkan Belum-Temenggor 20 April Text
Malaysia bukti mampu anjur sukan bertaraf antaraban Text
Sains, Islam bukan asing Text
Langkah tangani krisis Text
A review on augmented reality for virtual heritage sys Conference Papers
Information security concerns towards best practices for Text
Pelbagai manfaat di sebalik pembelian Sukhoi Text
Sekat segera caj perkhidmatan bank Text
Gravitational search algorithm for optimal distribute Indexed Paper
Multi-strategy self organizing map learning Thesis
Kekalkan momentum angkasawan Text
Pelajar cipta formula penjimatan petrol Text
Site planning Exam Papers
Sesi perkongsian ilmu konvensyen kumpulan inovatif d Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bantu PKS ke luar negara Text
Basic power and electrical machines Exam Papers
Characterization of alum sludge for reuse and disposal Non-Index Paper
The use of oil palm fibre reinforced polymer compositeThesis
Effect of MMT concentrations as reinforcement on the Indexed Paper
RM30,000 grant to UTM Text
Lecturers professional development as a determinant oConference Papers
Kementerian sedia tambah pinjaman, biasiswa IPTS Text
SBA 0312 Exam Papers
Tahan perasuah dapat RM100 Text
Sistem kawalan Text
Elektronik kuasa dan pemacu Text
Saham Sime Darby bakal jadi rebutan pelabur Text
AF8 program tempatan pertama dirakam secara HD Text
Atlet UTM diiktiraf News Paper Cuttings
Matematik asas Text
Economies to expand despite challenges Text
Peluang dapatkan ijazah tanpa perlu bercuti di Unitem Text
Kesan kehadiran indung madu dalam zon momen terhaText
Nano-scale VLSI clock routing module based on useful- Conference Papers
Strength of semi-rigid flush end plate beam to column Thesis
UPP Kedah rangka strategi baru bendung penyeludupa Text
Lawatan akademik dari Global Prestasi School Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Peluang Malaysia, ASEAN teroka Asia Selatan Text
Kajian gen p53 beri sinar Text
Computer-based modeling of soft tissues for medical anConference Papers
Pengoptimuman penggunaan mata alat mesin kawalanText b
Teknologi pemisahan bermembran Text
Preparation of radiochemically pore-filled polymer elecIndexed Paper
Sustainable potential of bioenergy resources for distr Indexed Paper
Enhancement of voltage stability and power losses for dThesis
Forbes praises Malaysia Text
The development and use of GIS database for the studyText
Skim sewa beli perumahan awam dengan masalah pemThesis
Bioteknologi pemangkin pembangunan negara Text
Civil servants can now take up part-time jobs or busine Text
Tangguh bayaran PTPTN Text
Kerajaan boleh ambil alih syarikat bekal air Text
A CFD simulation of PM1 and CO air contaminants in Journal Article
Investigation on rutting performance of nanopolyacrylaJournal Article
Mardi bantu Afghanistan majukan pertanian Text
Re-start of formal WTO negotiations gets go-ahead Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Financial management Exam Papers
Water crisis : 150 litres of water goes into making your Text
Infrastruktur luar bandar lengkap 2016 Text
Regional and rural planning Exam Papers
MSC spared slowdown Text
Harga kereta boleh rendah lagi Text
Block diagonalization precoding for multiuser – MI Journal Article
Rekabentuk struktur Text
Interstreet crossing issues in single-row routing Conference Papers
A new fourth-order embedded method based on the h Text
Implementation automatic dependent surveillance broThesis
Development of a catalytically stable and efficient lip Indexed Paper
Perkembangan kendiri Exam Papers
Strategic orientation and dual innovative operation st Indexed Paper
Penggunaan tumbuhan akuatik untuk mengolah air sisaText
Influenza A(H1N1) : warning of community outbreak Text
Numerical methods Exam Papers
Apabila demonstrasi jadi ukuran populariti massa Text
Business management with a technology, innovation foNews Paper Cuttings
Site management Exam Papers
LPG dan NG dalam industri automotif Text
Bangunkan institut kemahiran News Paper Cuttings
Jangan ikut desakan pemaju: PM Text
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna selesai kes dalam masa 60Text
Simulation of greyscale image colouring using blob det Thesis
The study of the weight sign change of the standard b Thesis
Personal values and ethical behavior : perception of a Thesis
Walking in her own footsteps Text
Ant based self-organized routing protocol for wireless Conference Papers
Pembiayaan BBA beri hak istimewa pembeli rumah Text
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Tambatan ringgit kekal : Abdullah Text
Tiada kaedah lain hapus Aedes Text
Police : make parents accountable Text
Microwave assisted aloe vera coating on metallocene pThesis
Saya tak tahu : Najib Text
RM250m shot in the arm for wakaf land projects Text
Pembangunan sistem perolehan imej fotogrametri digita Text
The correlation of mode locked pulse and femtosecondConference
pu Papers
Lawatan Pustakawan Delegasi Engineer dari Sudan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Pelajar cipta waktu solat seluruh dunia Text
Guru wajib ke luar bandar Text
Cegah SARS: Sekatan pelawat dari Amerika, United Kin Text
Modul Hubungan Etnik jadi subjek wajib IPTA Text
Community-based restaurant recommender system Thesis
Dasar buku perlu dinilai semula Text
CIMB-Principal lancar Dana Pertumbuhan berasas Isla Text
Kajian keberkesanan sistem pendaftaran tanah berkompu Text
Construction site management and safety control Exam Papers
Industri pertahanan negara diiktiraf negara luar : Najib Text
Sektor sukarela mampu tangani cabaran ekonomi umatText
Malaysia contoh terbaik Islam : PM : masyarakat bukanText
The use of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a possibleConference
c Papers
Prestasi blok apit ringan (preview) Text
Characteristic of mild acid functionalized multiwalled Conference Papers
13,000 jawatan kosong ditawar Karnival Sure Kerja Text
Physiology & Introduction To Medicine Exam Papers
Dadah : FAM buat ujian secara rawak Text
Global particle swarm optimization for high dimension Indexed Paper
Derma organ: Pemuda Umno bantah pendirian kementText
Siswazah teknologi maklumat UTM mudah dapat kerja Text
Continuation and transformation of traditional elementIndexed Paper
Perlindungan radiologi dalam amalan perubatan Text
Exploring computer ethics issues in Malaysia Non-Index Paper
Amalan perancangan Text
PM mahu negara membangun jadi anggota tetap Majli Text
HeveaBoard tingkat mutu perabot getah Text
Rain attenuation time series synthesizer for satellite linThesis
Mechanical, thermal and electrical, properties of low d Thesis
Sirah Rasulullah sebagai panduan hidup umat Text
Subsidi baru minyak guna MyKad mampu jimat duit kerText
Evaluation of tensile behaviour for rock specimen Thesis
Dying on roads from bad driving habits Text
Sukan pacuan empat roda disyor jadi kokurikulum Text
Islamic finance a viable alternative Text
More autonomy to tranform the face of education Text
UTM mencipta graduan masa depan Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Bid to boost intake of male students Text
Ensuring healthy children by remaining vigilant Text
Malaysia has political will to preserve forests Text
Amal sikap prihatin bantu orang kurang upaya Text
Doppler method for angle of arrival estimation Thesis
Kampung Sarang Buaya sediakan pelbagai program menText
Sistem perhubungan wayarles Text
M.Mobile mahu perluas eksport telefon bimbit Text
Forensic evidence and the aspect of law Exam Papers
Teknologi binaan Text
Theoretical investigation into the validity of strip theo Text
Quranic verses verification using speech recognition te Indexed Paper
Development of asymmetric polysulfone membrane forText the
Static VAR compensator using recurrent neural networ Indexed Paper
The effect of organic solvent (ethanol) on electroless N Thesis
Unit commitment and economic load dispatch solution Text
Saintis cuba bongkar rahsia kembar bumi Text
Cross layer error-control scheme for video quality sup Conference Papers
Teknologi pembinaan dan taksiran Text
AeU teroka pengajian tinggi di india selaras hasrat k Text
Applied abstract algebra Exam Papers
Kajian banjir kilat di Pucong Jaya Thesis
Program TV interaktif bentuk potensi budak Text
Cement price war ahead Text
Program asah kepemimpinan siswa disokong Text
Kementerian Pelajaran tidak tunduk amaran ibu bapa Text
Malaysia tubuh Impact Text
Flood diversion channel in Matang Text
Varsiti sesuai selera siswa Text
Panel Penasihat Pertanian Negara ditubuh Text
Murder may have been planned Text
A novel fuzzy-based adaptive timer burst assembly algoIndexed Paper
Mind the (density) gap comparing actual built densitie Thesis
Kabinet setuju ketepi isu padi Text
Interfacial fracture of the fibre-metal laminates based Indexed Paper
Kelantan mungkin bankrap News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia tahan kelembapan ekonomi global Text
Effect of plant growth regulators in plant regeneration Thesis
Exploring the pattern of platoon dispersion caused by trJournal Article
Sistem Maklumat Geo-fasiliti : kes kajian : Universiti T Text
Improving water permeability and anti-fouling propertyIndexed Paper
Schelkunoff array synthesis methods using adaptive-iterText
Tiada had beli gula Text
Water quality modelling for Sungai Skudai estuary usin Text
Pelajar Malaysia diberi perlindungan Text
Hukuman sebat menusuk jiwa Text
Claimants banking on insurers' sympathy Text
Sekolah pedalaman dibekal tenaga suria Text
Non-linear behaviour of one-bay steel frames with semiText
Priority queuing for real time services in diffserv IPv6 n Text
Impact of public space on knowledge sharing in Cyberj Thesis
UKM, UM terus guna bahasa Melayu Text
Hospital kerajaan berhenti ambil pesakit hospital swastText
The role of peer facilitation to enhance communicationThesis
Ketua misi Malaysia diminta jadi diplomat glokal Text
Pollution control Text
Morphology and permeation properties of polysulfone Im ndexed Paper
Deportation of illegals postponed Text
Mahasiswa perlu ada integriti News Paper Cuttings
Microbial community analysis in upflow anaerobic sludge Text
Bola Keranjang Piala MABA/Petronas : kejohanan unt Text
Road vehicle following control strategy using model re Indexed Paper
Dengki, dendam senjata syaitan rosakkan ummah Text
Revolusi baru awet muda Text
VC’S view is discriminatory, says Wanita MCA News Paper Cuttings
Resource allocation schemes for wireless asynchronou Text
Developing critical reflection among pre-service teacheThesis
Housing developers unfazed Text
UniMAP membangun bersama Perlis Text
353 tidak bayar cukai RM20.1j di Kelantan Text
Current carrying capability of polyester carbon coated fThesis
Fe/HY zeolite as an effective catalyst for levulinic aci Indexed Paper
Intelligent system of ambulance (ISA) to bypass the traffThesis
Simulasi baris pemasangan pembantu peribadi digital Conference Papers
Industri cat, saduran dijangka atasi pembuatan Text
Studies on fouling by natural organic matter (NOM) on Indexed Paper
RF receiver system design for wireless local area netw Conference Papers
Analisa peramalan keluaran barangan getah Malaysia Conference Papers
JPJ batal lesen pemandu mabuk Text
Special topic Exam Papers
25,000 teachers face dilemma Text
Engineering rock mechanics Exam Papers
Kimia organik II Text
Planning law Exam Papers
Using geographical information system - multiple regress Text
Allure of the physical book Text
USM wins 16 science awards Text
Bright future awaits high flyers Text
Kesan pemasangan jalur jidar melintang : Kajian kes di Thesis
Cross-case analysis of open source software appropriatiConference Papers
Keberkesanan perlaksanaan program lukisan kejuruter Conference Papers
Tolak Islam sebagai syariat hidup antara sifat jahiliah Text
Special sitting to focus on water Text
Perdagangan Malaysia-Saudi tidak diteroka sepenuhny Text
Increase in local biotech patents Text
Physical properties and photocatalytic degradation studText
Architectural Theory Exam Papers
Logic digital Exam Papers
Utamakan jaminan kebersihan, kualiti penyediaan makaText
Modern control systems Exam Papers
The micro-circuit engineering in the nonohmic domain Conference Papers
Raising our game : concrete plan for World Cup dreamsText
Crash analysis on perodua eco-challenge chassis Thesis
Mahasiswa Islam desak hak Palestin dibela Text
Landscape Construction IV Exam Papers
Factors that contributing to job stress among custome Thesis
Textile wastewater treatment using hybrid chitosan-polConference Papers
392 in Kelantan hit by floods Text
USM warned : don't let it happen again Text
Performance of cold stone mastic asphalt mixture Thesis
Ekonomi kejuruteraan (bahagian ekonomi kejuruteraanText
Undergrads champion use of biodiesel News Paper Cuttings
Increase retirement age of professors : VC Text
Kimia fizik I Text
Persoalan moral pemetaan gen Text
Communication principles Text
Marshall properties of single-face-compacted asphalt Indexed Paper
Motion control using voice for wheelchair application ( Text
Kuala Lumpur has population of 1.3 million Text
Government hopes to reduce HIV/AIDS cases by 20% Text
Course revamp for 63 colleges Text
Council sued over illegal buildings Text
Computer Information & Technology Exam Papers
Kehadiran kereta luar tak jejas Proton Text
Warning of floods via SMS Text
Is first-order vector autoregressive model optimal for Indexed Paper
New deal for plantation workers Text
Benefiting from homestay Text
Level of service for pedestrian walkway at bus terminalThesis
Mixed matrix membranes of Pebax-1657 loaded with 4A Indexed Paper
An experimental investigation of stiffened cold-formedIndexed Paper
Convective rainfall characteristics in Ampang,Selangor Conference Papers
Malaysia perlu ada universiti penyelidikan Text
Enhancement on perceptibility and robustness of waterThesis
Know the truth about oil price Text
Man rams car into school, injures pupils Text
Modelling of quadruple circuit transmission line electr Thesis
Robust attitude controller for uncertain hexarotor micrIndexed Paper
Tanam sayuran di institusi kebajikan Text
Feeding teens Text
Analisis dan rekabentuk tembok penahan julur mengguText
The effect of omega shape and kinked keel on resistan Thesis
Westports mahu tawar kepakaran ke luar negara Text
Hope to AIDS sufferers Text
Pelbagai pihak tidak setuju : syor wajibkan kursus bag Text
Sistem pengurusan perkhidmatan pelanggan PI -CSE Text
Khianat dalam tanggungjawab undang kehancuran umaText
Kes sumbang mahram tertinggi di Johor Text
Enterprise architecture Exam Papers
Accident-free, virtually Text
Treatment of landfill leachate using ASBR combined witIndexed Paper
Perancangan pelancongan Text
Rakan cop now in Johor Text
Ramalan taburan anjakan dan terikan terhadap strukturThesis
Characterization of polylactic acid/microcrystalline ce Indexed Paper
First-ply failure prediction of an unsymmetrical lamin Indexed Paper
Utilization of treated Malaysian local bentonite for dril Conference Papers
Kementerian syor pinda Akta Polis tangani pelajar pon Text
Saturday night lecture series with Prof. Dr. Wan Moh Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Berhati-hati kesan FTA Text
Buru golongan kaya liat bayar hutang : PM Text
Optical Y - junction power splitter (Full text) Text
Pembangunan sistem pakar mendiagnosis maklumat p Text
Wasting millionson computers they donÆt need Text
36,000 MÆsians jobless last year Text
Auto players pleased with revised NAP Text
Nilsimsa open-digest spam fingerprinting Thesis
Bersyukur dorong insan lebih tawaduk Text
Sistem pembangunan laman web atas talian Text
The new A-team : first awards for outdoor pursuits Text
Perodua tingkat kualiti kenderaan Text
Secure wireless implementation based on IEEE 802.1X Thesis
Factors Influence Users Satisfaction on Accommodatio Thesis
Multi-objective optimal thermal heat sink design using Indexed Paper
Pakatan strategik naikkan imej Proton Text
Menghayati manhaj Nabawi Text
Antioxidant activity of piper caninum and cyclooxygenaIndexed Paper
Consumers pay more for veggies Text
Persepsi pelajar terhadap keberkesanan pengajaran guru Thesis
Landscape Construction 1 Exam Papers
Empirical modelling of activated sludge process via sya Thesis
PM : pantau 7 juta belia tiada persatuan Text
Geoteknik Text
Dasar bahasa inggeris : lompatan berganda untuk cemeText
Tiga agensi siasat IPTS bawa masuk pelajar untuk bekerText
Firms' locational behaviour and regional development in Text
Elektronik Text
Anugerah dunia : ciri antarabangsa Portal Pendidikan Text
Optoelectronics Text
Keperluan ijtihad dalam pengurusan pewarisan harta: kJournal Article
Jumlah hartanah tidak terjual naik 1.1 peratus Text
Borang USM menerusi laman web Text
Younger people can have stroke, too Text
Penetration testing and countermeasures Exam Papers
PM : letÆs turn backyards into garden paradise Text
Pelaburan RM700 juta Text
Effect of moisture on breakdown voltage and structure Indexed Paper
PM : investors should tap our youths skills Text
HPTP sasar perkongsian fasiliti News Paper Cuttings
IN-vitro corrosion properties of quaternary Mg-Zn-Re-xC Thesis
Pencari kerja tak lepas peluang News Paper Cuttings
Cuepacs unhappy over CPS Text
Dana RM7b rangsang ekonomi Text
Pusat serenti swasta dipantau elak pengedar edar dad Text
To attract outsourcing investors Text
Cawangan luar negara Text
Nostalgia Desa Temu Jodoh : kisah perjuangan generas Text
RM3 bilion tidak dituntut Text
Malaysia akan laksana peraturan baru pertanian Text
Holograph interferomatery for modelling rate change ofConference Papers
More intensive checks on vegetables Text
Heart sound analysis and statical charactarization (Full Text
Analisis hydraulik bagi sungai dipengaruhi oleh kesan p Text
Lecturers able to pursue æsplit PhDÆ soon Text
Tuntut caruman KWSP sebelum timbul masalah Text
AirAsia prefers a low-cost terminal in Labu Text
Radio frequency identification based cadastral bounda Thesis
Hilang gementar News Paper Cuttings
History & philosophy of mathematics Text
PM : only hi-tech agriculture can ensure food self-suffi Text
An analysis on the readiness of Bumiputera Small and Text
What drives netball team loyalty in Malaysia? Thesis
MAS catat untung bersih RM38 juta Text
Pengurusan kokurikulum Sekolah Menengah Kebangsa Text
Ship breaking and dismantling operation Thesis
Comparison of semi-distributed, GIS-based hydrologicalIndexed Paper
Forest fires in six States Text
Saintis cipta alat kesan punca ikan mati Text
Ibadat korban tuntut kerelaan sepenuh hati Text
Minyak mungkin lebih murah lagi Text
Pengoptimuman Text
Test vectors reduction for integrated circuit testing u Thesis
In-cabin ventilation system Thesis
Perancangan dan kawalan pengeluaran Text
Indian varsity plans dental college in Penang Text
Lima '09 : tiga pelatih jurutera anak peneroka bertaraf Text
Capabilities of low cost and fast image acquisition usi Conference Papers
LCCT tak terhad tambang murah Text
ITNM sedia 11 judul terjemahan untuk pesta buku Text
A portal based knowledge management solution for anText e
Thermoluminescence energy response of TLD 100 subject Conference Papers
Site-specifie multipath characteristic of GPS ISKANDAR Conference Papers
Advanced organic chemistry Text
Feasibility assessment of the implementation of solar aIndexed Paper
Ocean primary productivity variation due to the cycloneIndexed Paper
Malaysia-Iran joint commission to oversee projects Text
Nature of delay in nominated subcontracting (Full text)Text
Organic chemistry -biomolecules Exam Papers
Strategic business informatics Exam Papers
UTM, MMU jalin kerjasama pintar membangunkan periNews Paper Cuttings
Manoeuvring prediction of offshore supply vessel Text
Putrajaya opens up to business community Text
Penyelidikan pasaran harta tanah Text
Seminar kadaran, kerajaan tempatan di UTM News Paper Cuttings
Development of multi-cyclone for fine dust emission coThesis
RM8.88 for a room offered at Matta Fair Text
Negara Islam sokong Thai tangani konflik di selatan Text
Malaysia's hotel management system (EMS) for energyThesis
Lockmate digital door lock system using OR code Thesis
Pakej kesejahteraan rakyat rakyat Text
Banjir di Kota Tinggi, 605 pindah Text
A review on the potential of silicon nanowires (SINWS) Journal Article
Evaluations of antimony and strontium interaction in anIndexed Paper
Etika dan amalan ikhtisas Text
Pemakanan yang betul Text
An overview of robotic simulation E-learning Conference Papers
Kesambungan (connectivity) jaringan jalan dalam tamaThesis
Web-based event management system Thesis
Keberkesanan pemantauan alam sekitar di projek pembThesis
Punca pekerja asing tinggalkan majikan Text
LPG & NG in automotive industry Text
Cari jalan terbaik tetap harga CD, VCD Text
Pelajar UUM dipilih pemimpin cemerlang ditawar lawatText
Perodua kukuh pasaran eksport Text
Potential retrofitting of UTM existing buildings to greenThesis
New pay scheme from Nov 1 Text
Kelonggaran untuk keluarga anak ramai Text
Development of implementation and assessment strateg Thesis
Study on crack alleviation in bending of AL-2024 for winThesis
Matematik perniagaan Text
Ibu bapa diminta awasi anak Text
Exact reconstruction of THz sub-lambda source featur Indexed Paper
Enhancing varying Overhead Ad hoc On demand Distance Journal Article
Plant design Exam Papers
Raptor Watch thrill Text
Babies breast-fed for six months enjoy better health Text
PM: Police need special unit to handle sex cases Text
Uniten utama penyelidikan Text
SkyPark a model airport, says Najib Text
Data structures Exam Papers
Gempa bumi menambah malang Indonesia Text
Fingerprint verification system based on nonminutiae Thesis
PKI MyKad jamin keselamatan transaksi dagang interneText
Kerajaan diminta gariskan agenda ekonomi Melayu Text
Education key to curb rape, violence Text
Optimization of radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna d Thesis
Ancaman wabak : pakar bimbang demam kepialu, taun..Text
Amalan pengurusan dari aspek Islam Text
Modified mesoporous ZSM5 for catalytic methanation Thesis
Ministry moves to flush out bogus students, bad colleg Text
Palm oil needs environ council Text
Total success camp melahirkan pelajar bijaksana Text
Development of transparent and flexible graphene coa Thesis
Measuring supply chain using SCOR model in palm oil dIndexed Paper
Estimation of runoff using NRCS curve number method Text
Applying value engineering in slope failure on road Thesis
On the eigenvalues of a 2 × 2 block operator matrix Indexed Paper
Introduction to planning / penghantar perancangan Text
Effect of transverse rumble strips at Kampung Parit Ku Thesis
A different result of community participation in educatiIndexed Paper
Correlation study of safety, health and environmental pIndexed Paper
Duta Universiti jambatan masyarakat dan kerajaan News Paper Cuttings
Pengaruh ruangan tokoh dan tahukah anda majalah Web Thesis
Move to employ more disabled people in Johor Text
Ganjaran baru kakitangan, jabatan cemerlang Text
Basic audio and video in multimedia / asas audio dan Text
Metanol sebagai bahan api News Paper Cuttings
Kemiskinan : KL mungkin jadi seperti New York Text
Ground water hydrology Exam Papers
Effect of post-treatment techniques on corrosion and wIndexed Paper
Kebisingan & getaran Text
Wall temperature profiles for prediction of flame confi Text
D is for diabetes Text
Big plans a foot Text
Development economics Exam Papers
Speech act of complaints among low English proficienc Thesis
Dr. Roshidah jeneral wanita pertama ATM Text
Doctors bogged down with other duties Text
Peneroka Felda dapat insurans percuma Text
Technoeconomical analysis of a residential photovoltai Text
Cuepacs minta kecualikan PTK Text
Umno tak gentar cabaran : Najib Text
Effect of tool path strategies in pocket milling of alum Thesis
Characterization and application of dolomite rock in PerConference Papers
Parti politik, kakitangan awam dicemar rasuah Text
RM24j setahun untuk pembangunan tanah rancangan FText
Pattern discovery in UTM library circulation database Thesis
Negara kurang pakar onkologi rawat kanser Text
Free skills training for Selangor rural youth Text
Journalism cource with a difference Text
Pendidikan sepanjang hayat bina sahsiah diri Text
How does the increment of hetero-cyclic conjugated moi Indexed Paper
Performance evaluation of vegetable oil as an alternativConference Papers
Mikroelektronik I Text
Restorativeness of play milieu affordance in a paediatriThesis
Terapi solat Text
Pembinaan loji jana kuasa baru menerusi tender terbu Text
Government hospital's ear implant surgery sets a first Text
Kelas untuk kanak-kanak disleksik Text
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Development and implementation of computer integratText
Electronic way to reduce road carnage Text
Membrane ultrafiltration of treated palm oil mill efflu Conference Papers
Profesional anggotai penasihat pertanian Text
Living on edge from grief, depression Text
Tar balls from ships polluting several beaches Text
BLDP bina kilang penapis minyak sawit Text
WorldÆs biggest court complex ready in March Text
2,040 peserta PLKN memasuki USM 22 Mac Text
Making sports a career Text
Tourism marketing Text
Manfaatkan bidang bioteknologi pertanian Text
Proton perlukan teknologi terkini Text
Kefahaman pelajar terhadap konsep persamaan kimia dThesis
The relationship between transformational leadership Thesis
Terengganu students quota at MRSM to be ready soon Text
Pengenalan kepada kejuruteraan industri Text
Pelajar IPT diingat kukuhkan jati diri hadapi globalisasi Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Sultan Ismail Mosque undePhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Fingerprint classification using support vector machine Indexed Paper
Multilayer information technology governance framewThesis
8 bank asing baru mula operasi di Malaysia Text
Compatibility of rubber towards mixed biodiesel as oil Thesis
PM pelawa Australia teroka sektor pertanian Text
Epidermiological approach to predator-prey interactionText
Safety improvement on arm forces construction site Thesis
Kemarau peringatan supaya bermuhasabah Text
A reasearch proposal into the practice of outsourcing oConference Papers
Radio Era boleh dikenakan tindakan tegas Text
The effect of balcony on thermal performance of high risThesis
22,479 belia Rakan Cop Text
Senibina moden Text
Digital orthophoto production of aerial photograph usi Thesis
RM50mil to be spent on retraining Text
Influence of sintering temperature on translucency of ytJournal Article
Quality improvement using six sigma methodology in Text
Wearable device-based fall detection system for elderlyThesis
Muslihat Singapura Text
Animasi model manusia berdasarkan data gerakan me Thesis
Azam baru wawasan intelektual Muslim Text
Makanan tidak halal pengaruhi sahsiah diri Text
ATM sedia 450 jurulatih program Khidmat Negara Text
Building by the green code Text
Putrajaya lambang kejayaan industri pembinaan tempaText
RM450j bina kampus utama Kolej Pertanian Text
Preparation and characterization of an anti-inflammatoryIndexed Paper
Japanese firms keen to invest in Perak Text
1,190 unit rumah RM72.6 juta dijual Text
Efforts and methods of Al-Imam Dzafar Ahmad Al-TahaThesis
Demystifying the role of a state ownership in corporat Indexed Paper
Voltage sags mitigation techniques analysis (Preview) Text
Caj telekomunikasi diselaras Text
Submarine pipliner routing and inspection with geograpText
Shahrizat pangku jawatan Menteri Wilayah PersekutuaText
Abdullah : make this the most fantastic year ever for toText
A three-pronged plan designed to reduce opportunitiesText
Statistik II Text
Timbang wajib lulus B. Inggeris Text
MQA laksana penarafan ikut disiplin setiap IPT Text
Fe evaluation of thermal property of mould wall materia Text
Need for more green laws Text
Pejabat lestari di Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Learn to plan finances Text
Information management and technology Exam Papers
Computational inteligence in optimization of machiningIndexed Paper
Tibi dan HIV Text
Syor caruman KWSP tunai haji perlu kajian teliti Text
UAV model production for wind tunnel testing = penghText
Perkasa ekonomi syarat Melayu maju Text
Planning legislation Exam Papers
Language campaign succeeds Text
Media alternatif jangan diambil mudah Text
Dewan UTM siap dibaiki Text
Kinetics of natural organic matter as the initiator, pro Indexed Paper
Penyelenggaraan lebuh raya perlu data Text
Political leaders extend condolences to PM Text
Global pension reform includes private sector Text
An efficient features subset selection mechanism for anThesis
IPT boleh cepatkan proses industrialisasi negara Text
UUM terbaik biaya kewangan sendiri Text
RM450 juta mantapkan pendidikan tadika Text
A change impact analysis tool for software developmenIndexed Paper
Emotional intelligence and job performance among schIndexed Paper
Activated carbon developed from bamboo stems for adso Thesis
BPP bantu pertingkat pemasaran produk PKS Text
Berhati-hati agenda NGO demokrasi News Paper Cuttings
Bersaing secara sihat bina enjin News Paper Cuttings
Pemprosesan Imej Text
Requirements for energy conservation in buildings : finaText
Pelancongan di Kukup mampu jana semula ekonomi JoText
Advertisement and news management system in Univers Thesis
Effect of coolant temperature and circulation flowrate oIndexed Paper
Help troubled rural youths Text
Analisis struktur kenderaan Text
High removal efficiency of Hg(II) and MeHg(II) from aq Indexed Paper
Modeling of the minimized two-phase frictional pressure Conference Papers
Penganggur perlu rebut peluang kerja Text
The effect of different types of plates on the stability o Conference Papers
Sumber hijau atasi krisis bahan api negara Text
Chemical constituents from the leaves of Garcinia ParviThesis
Preventing infection Text
Novel solid-phase microextraction adsrbent for the foren Text
Ekonomi : masyarakat perlu main peranan Text
Investigation of the thermal performance of a multi-st Thesis
Ambil langkah pencegahan awal bendung selesema babText
Motivational moder for continous intention of electronThesis
Relationship between maxwell's equations and einsteinIndexedf Paper
Cubaan kelirukan fungsi BTN Text
Burning effect on retina induced by green laser ablatio Thesis
The investigation of point of zero charge for sandstone Thesis
Aplikasi GIS dalam memantau pencemaran udara akibatThesis p
Highway accelerated loading instrument (HALI) testin Conference Papers
Structural, electronic and optical properties of defec Conference Papers
Cuti bersalin : kebajikan pekerja wanita diutamakan Text
MSC pusat pembangunan aplikasi sumber terbuka Text
Wastewater treatment using fruit enzyme Thesis
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Country Garden News Paper Cuttings
Ekspedisi uji fizikal, mental peserta News Paper Cuttings
UTM juara lagi Text
Robust watermarking for magnetic resonance images wit Thesis
RM1.2m centre to help spur environ awareness Text
Big jump in number of rape cases last year Text
Bank Islam berusaha tebus kerugian : Gabenor Text
Teknik kuantitatif dan komputer Text
Zeolit X daripada abu sekam padi Text
Program GOAL pupuk kepemimpinan mahasiswa News Paper Cuttings
Application of MODIS image satellite and GIS techniqueConference Papers
Kadar faedah pinjaman Tekun turun empat peratus setText
The role of the public and private sectors in the produ Text
Masalah kefahaman derma organ kalangan Melayu Text
ECG display data capturing and sending system Thesis
Tumbuhan II dan nurseri Text
Full scale fire test of school building (Preview) Text
Petronas diarah mansuh cagaran RM15,000 stesen minText
I-Kew bantu kerjaya wanita Text
Flow experience, market maven and repatronage intentio Thesis
Shafie : pay full price for diesel Text
Malaysia-Jepun tingkat kerjasama Text
Guru pelbagai kemahiran boleh atasi kekurangan tenagText
Merekabentuk sistem pengering pakaian di kediaman kText
Former UTM don honoured Text
Teori medan elektromagnet Text
Improving the communication performance insynchronous Text
Parents role vital in education Text
Permintaan Nuklear Gillard Mengejutkan News Paper Cuttings
Emulsion liquid membrane technology in organic acid pIndexed Paper
Civil engineering work measurement Exam Papers
Rujuk ilmuwan sebelum gubal dasar Text
Nuke energy policy draft soon Text
Parametric correlation of mechanical loosening of totalThesis
Effect of baby carrier on wearer’s posture stability Thesis
Jadikan UPPA agenda nasional Text
Pemprosesan dan penggunaan gas Text
Stormwater quality and pollutants loading from catchmThesis
Modal insan fokus kongres patriotisme remaja 2007 Text
Diabetes Ambillah peduli Text
The validity and reliability of rational emotive behavi Indexed Paper
Mohamad Said sets sights on world-class status Text
Kakitangan awam tipu gaji boleh dipecat Text
PM : isytihar darurat jika IPU cecah 500 Text
Polytechnics to open doors to private sector News Paper Cuttings
Unity in diversity Text
RON95 : pengguna untung, jimat Text
Ciri-ciri konkrit yang menggunakan tempurung kelapa sThesis
Mengkaji hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan guru pembim Thesis
Analisis sistem simpanan air dingin untuk bilik pejabat Text
Smart electric control using MC68HC11 Text
Revival of Graduate Training Scheme Text
Pendidikan seks perlu disegera : Shahrizat Text
Stres tidak mengenal masa Text
Kagum sikap penyelidik negara Matahari Terbit News Paper Cuttings
KBS perlu beri penjelasan News Paper Cuttings
Belia perlu ikhlas beri pandangan mengenai ICT Text
Perkukuh kerjasama ASEAN 3 Text
USM hasil mi kuning kering mampu turunkan berat ba Text
Integral equation for the Ahlfors map on multiply conn Indexed Paper
Hab petroleum jimat kos subsidi minyak negara Text
Lawatan kerja PM ke Jepun perkukuh hubungan dua haText
UiTM perkenal empat pengkhususan baru Text
Modified cosine S - bend power splitter Conference Papers
Undang-undang hukum pengguna khidmat pelacur sahaText
Function minimization in DNA sequence design based oConference Papers
Particles flow identification in pipeline using adaptiv Indexed Paper
Perhimpunan gagal capai matlamat News Paper Cuttings
Penang Port sasar pendapatan meningkat kepada RM31Text
Water saturation estimation in tight shaly gas sandstoneIndexed Paper
Sekolah pondok di Kelantan semakin tidak terbela Text
MH17: Serah kotak hitam tidak bermakna Borodai tidakNews Paper Cuttings
Basic graphics design in multimedia Exam Papers
Pembangunan alat pengesan perubahan pergerakan p Thesis
Cadangan pembangunan bersepadu 'Resort' pantai Mori Text
Hakisan sungai dan kesannya terhadap cukai tanah menThesis
Dynamic mobile access gateway for heterogeneous netw Thesis
Belia perlu bercita-cita jadi terbaik : Abdullah Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
125,000 children not in school Text
Aliran vokasional di sekolah menengah News Paper Cuttings
Obligation of the carrier Text
Modeling the impact of natural and security hazards in Iandexed Paper
Performance evaluation of uncoated and coated carbide Text
Iskandar project can absorb the retrenched Text
Buku Menakhoda Zaman himpun idea, kritikan PM Text
Jenayah babit pelajar naik Text
Relationship between sediment build-up characteristicsIndexed Paper
Mixed feelings about substitute drug therapy Text
The Sunday Interview With : Perak mufti Datuk Seri HarText
SPACE UTM berjaya jana pendapatan RM33.4 juta Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan Palapes Laut UTM Thesis
Kesan akar rumput Vetiver terhadap kekuatan tanah Thesis
LCCT will be expanded to become global hub Text
House price index for flagship E of Iskandar Malaysia Thesis
Memahami signifikan harta intelek Text
Formulation of green varnish from ecological friendly mIndexed Paper
Hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kepuasan kerjaThesis
Pembangunan aplikasi multimedia / multimedia applic Text
PM jamin ANB, RMK-9 tumpu semua kaum secara adil Text
Effect of organic coating on static strength in corrosiv Thesis
Hubungan personaliti dan amalan kepimpinan distribusThesis
The state of the art in the production of bioactive met Conference Papers
Exact solutions of unsteady free convection flow of cassThesis
Energy needs Text
Malaysia bebas Chikungunya Text
Software and hardware co-simulation platform for ima Thesis
Prinsip cara milik tanah & falsafah pembangunan tanahText
Lebih 90% pemilik bot terima kad e-Nelayan Text
Juita latih ibu tunggal jana pendapatan Text
Malaysia, Singapore unveil pricing and supply plan on firText
Perks for green initiatives Text
Modeling of a combined cycle power plant (Full text) Text
Keperluan dicipta untuk kaut keuntungan Text
Robotic hand controlled using myo sensor Thesis
Technology management Exam Papers
Thermodynamics I Exam Papers
NGOs are our eyes and ears, says Abdullah Text
Kasut tumit tinggi bahaya : CAP Text
Performance assessment of concrete bridges-developmen Text
Varsiti Boat Race 2008 Text
On accelerated MHD flows of second grade fluid in a Indexed Paper
Felda to invest more in renewable energy R&D Text
Reliability of standing pelvic tilt measurements using Thesis
Persediaan mental selepas banjir Text
Najib : submarine will boost region's security Text
Sistem pengurusan maklumat Kelab Imigresen Perak secText
Shipping industry must focus on quality, says Masa Text
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 01) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
RM10m media centre hit by flash floods Text
UM lancar Tabung Sultan Azlan Shah dilancar Text
Intelligent active force control for mobile manipulator Text
Commercial law / undang-undang perdagangan Text
Tujuh Pusat Darah Wilayah bakal dibina tahun depan Text
Thermal and oxidative degradation mechanism of hydrox Thesis
Quality improvement in a plastic part manufacturing Thesis
Duti import kereta turun : Kerajaan kenakan cukai eks Text
Microwave-induced zinc chloride activated palm kernelIndexed Paper
Characterization and properties of semi-biodegradable Thesis
Pengeluaran MSM meningkat Semenanjung kekal penyText
Jadikan bacaan, tafsiran al-Quran amalan harian Text
Pemegang sijil wajib ikuti kursus induksi Text
Ukur binaan I Text
MIFB 2005 promosi Malaysia 'syurga' makanan Text
Liow : make masks that fit kids Text
Lima negeri bergelap -- Suasana kelam kabut kira-kira Text
Malaysia mesti mula bangunkan sukan permotoran Text
Perjumpaan pencinta buku di Shah Alam Text
Nationwide crackdown on illegals Text
Application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method Thesis
Assessment of indoor air quality level and sick building Indexed Paper
Identification of pseudomonas sp. strain s3 based on Conference Papers
An observer design for active suspension system (Previ Text
Partial Discharge characterization based on leakage curConference Papers
Perpendicular electric field effect on electronic propertIndexed Paper
Nuramirah ajar 10 murid hafaz al-Quran Text
Menghayati gagasan Satu Malaysia Text
Undang-undang komersil Exam Papers
Design and analysis of tiered reinforced segmental retaThesis
Preliminary study on the optimization of recombinant hConference Papers
Termodinamik I Text
Warga ATM nikmati kenaikan elaun mulai hari ini Text
Elemental composition of suspended particulate matterText
Diabetic drug warning Text
Maklumat, ilmu dan hikmah Text
Semua penjawat awam perlu amal prinsip hak asasi maText
Memahami penyakit epilepsi Text
251 kes baru HFMD Text
Computer Interfacing Exam Papers
Kaedah penentuan jantina bayi dilarang Text
Premis lebih 10 tahun perlu buat pemeriksaan pendaw Text
Pengetua diingat beri perhatian masalah keciciran, salaText
Intermediate academic english Exam Papers
Mersing perlu sertai Koridor Pantai Timur Text
PM : defend the spirit of Merdeka Text
China setuju tindakan kita Text
Menteri Pelancongan sepakat jaga keamanan Text
More slimming products banned Text
Gunakan perkhidmatan pegawai hidrografi berkelayak Text
Pengurusan prestasi Text
Malaysia-Thailand perlu selaras kongsi, tukar maklumatText
UTM laksana kaedah 'Peer Instruction' News Paper Cuttings
Study of wear prediction on total ankle replacement Indexed Paper
Selangor acts to curb gangsterism Text
Channel characterization for indoor environment at 1 Indexed Paper
Harga minimum sekotak RM6.40 Text
Combined war on dengue Text
Law investigation and ethic Exam Papers
Wi-Fi controlled quad- rotor flying robot Thesis
Computer modelling of multicomponent gas separatio Text
Tiada cadangan wajibkan IPTS laksana sistem kuota Text
Malaysia jadi pusat bioteknologi rawatan air Text
Pergerakan plat tektonik bumi punca gegaran Text
Food production target achievable Text
Intellectual property court likely in two years Text
Kerjasama ekonomi negara Islam kukuhkan hubungan Text
Empat pengedar, 157 penagih ditahan Text
A stochastic simulation framework for the prediction Indexed Paper
Unit selection for malay text-to-speech system using Conference Papers
PM : fuel price may drop 15 sen by year end Text
Lemak koko untuk kosmetik Text
Kepulauan Spratly : Malaysia tetap guna pendekatan diText
Life cycle assessment of global warming potential in p Thesis
Guna dakwat dibatal, ada pihak beli dari luar negara ra Text
Evaluation of spatial application accuracy of sensing-sprIndexed Paper
Analysis on BGP prefix hijacking in a simulated enviro Thesis
Alternatif dunia interaktif Text
Pelajar luar bandar tidak akan tercicir : Hishammuddin Text
Dasar Buku Negara perlu mampu atasi ledakan ICT Text
OUM mahu tawar ijazah ke-2 kepada graduan mengan Text
Enterprising villagers in Sepang bag award Text
Workplace in the new paradigm: alternative officing Text
Multipoint relay selection using GA Conference Papers
Peranan perpustakaan sebagai pusat budaya Text
Assessment of safety level in performing building main Text
Enhanced backstepping controller design with applica Indexed Paper
Penentuan arah kiblat menggunakan handheld Thesis
Institusi-institusi Islam Exam Papers
Preparation against bird flu Text
Developing a guideline for adopting byod in a higher leaThesis
Membiak tongkat ali cara tisu kultur Text
Second language acquisation Exam Papers
Python feasts at UTM deer park News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah ditutup jika H1N1 merebak Text
Stricter control over e-learning Text
Statistical analysis of human tuberculosis microarray Thesis
Using micro genetic algorithm for solving scheduling p Text
Shallow water bathymetric survey using WASSP 3250 mThesis
Govt to publish booklet on issues Text
Taser X26 senjata alternatif Text
Ukur kejuruteraan Text
Quantification of facial morphology using 3D laser scanConference Papers
Government wants private colleges to take in more bu Text
Germanium nanostructure for electronic memory appliThesis
Qualitative project management (QPM) : a case study oThesis
Memory and interfacing system Exam Papers
UTM Jalan Semarak jadi `Kampus Kota' Text
Pensyarah cipta cip selamat terima, hantar data Text
An optimization algorithm based on grid-graphs for miniConference Papers
An investigation on the problems faced by Arabic-speakThesis
Cabaran dalam mengimplementasi virtual learning enviThesis
Kuasa buku ubah kehidupan Text
Single-session schools : ælet's fix basic problems firstÃText
Structural elucidation of tannins of spent coffee gr Indexed Paper
Master English or nation will lose out Text
Probe on students borrowing from moneylenders Text
Sothinathan masih dapat keistimewaan Text
The production of biohydrogen and biomethane from ca Journal Article
Calculus of variations Exam Papers
Fortran programming Exam Papers
Development of noise and vibration exposure monitoriJournal Article
Chemistry Exam Papers
Northern corridor to help 63,000 farmers Text
Heart institute to pulse ahead in R&D Text
New road to cut travel time Text
Pembelajaran sejarah ditingkat Text
Tingkatkan kepakaran Stride pastikan negara miliki per Text
Classification of abnormal crowd behavior using image Thesis
Circuit theory Exam Papers
A study on the performance of impedance matching circ Thesis
Application and challenges of membrane in surface wa Indexed Paper
Analisis dinamik penukar haba Text
Nutrient removal from leachate using horizontal subsu Text
Correlation of undrained shear strength with in-situ testThesis
Controlled substances secretly added into medicines Text
Pembangunan satu kaedah cekap dalam pengesanan dan Text
Kebenaran maklumat sains cungkil rahsia al-Quran Text
Luminescence characteristics of Li2CO3-K2CO3-H3BO3 Indexed Paper
RM270j hutang pendidikan Mara masih gagal dikutip Text
Malaysians also marrying later, says census report Text
Denda hingga RM2,000 jika gagal serah borang cukai har Text
Design of modified microwave power divider for radar el Text
Building services 1 Exam Papers
Education hard hit by financial crisis, says PM Text
Effect of layering pattern on mechanical and water absoJournal Article
Kajian rekabentuk sistem saliran di fasa 1A (PAKEJ), di Text
Application of draw wire sensor in the tracking control Indexed Paper
Error magnitude and directional accuracy for time serieThesis
Trans-esterification of triglycerides with methanol on s Indexed Paper
Development of a computerized production planning s Text
Pensyarah kurang mahir bahasa Inggeris Text
PM perjelas projek rangsangan ekonomi Text
Dasar baru industri automobil hampir siap Text
Johor Sultan opposes third bridge Text
Johor berpotensi jadi hab pertanian, ternakan negara Text
Prepaid mobile registration : 2.8m unregistered lines d Text
Longshore sediment transport in the swash zone at De Thesis
Efficiency of chitosan compared to alum in electroplat Text
Ops Sikap XIII : bas rosak brek dilarang terus perjalananText
Mechanical properties and morphological characterizatIndexed Paper
Ramai profesional Melayu mangsa diskriminasi Text
More dams may be answer to flood woes Text
Improving the reliability and validity of test data ad Indexed Paper
Ancaman banjir luar biasa Text
Evaluative language in thesis abstract of novice writers Thesis
Limiting passengers in small cars Text
Effect of fineness coconut shell charcoal ash on the rh Thesis
Guna sejarah ajar Matematik Text
Sebelas lagi diwarta sebagai kawasan tadahan air Text
Tanda aras Naib Canselor Text
Car importer to be charged : crackdown begins on tho Text
Yuran sekolah tinggi : banyak ibu bapa tidak puas hati Text
Guru SRJK Cina, Tamil sedia guna bahasa Inggeris Text
Pasang pintu gerbang sambut Bulan Kemerdekaan Text
Analysis on the effect of stimulator parameters in ele Journal Article
Teaching and learning of Islamic education preschool teConference Papers
Inferential statistics Text
4 million tourists coming Text
Effect of physical and chemical pre-treatment on chito Conference Papers
Design and analysis of unicompartmental knee replace Thesis
Profil Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Zulkifli bin Ta Text
Isolation and identification of 2.2 dichloropropionic a Thesis
Digital web ties things together Text
Digital logic/Logik digital Exam Papers
Real power loss allocation using modified nodal equat Conference Papers
Johor perlu serius basmi gejala dadah Text
Syarat beli rumah kos rendah dipinda Text
Set theory and logic (teori set dan mantik) Text
UPM dapat anugerah universiti penyelidikan terbaik Text
No end to haze until October Text
Najib garis 3 teras bina keupayaan diri graduan Text
Generasi strawberi News Paper Cuttings
Jadikan musim tengkujuh sumber ekonomi : PM Text
Practical ways to better English Text
Tanaman serai kini dikomersial Text
JPJ wajibkan guna kotak hitam baru Text
Kemakmuran ekonomi makin dirasai Text
Pegawai awam wajar contohi Raja Mohar Text
Europes moon mission blasts off Text
Comparative study between fuzzy C-Means algorithm and Thesis
Banjir, 10,000 dipindah : hampir semua tempat di JohorText
Pengambilan pekerja asing dalam industri pembinaan (Fu Text
The numerical techniques for thermal distribution analyConference Papers
Formulasi kolerasi imej digital terhadap taburan anjakanThesis
Trip to promote Malaysia a success Text
Mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced concreteThesis
In name only Text
Handoff management in cognitive radio networks: conce Conference Papers
Untung kasar sembilan bulan Maxis RM1.97b Text
No more foreign caddies Text
Properties of porous concrete with palm oil fuel ash (P Thesis
Relay selection in mobile multihop relay network Journal Article
Merdeka Awards : an idea born from a magazine Text
Subcritical water extraction with compacted natural ca Thesis
Microwave-assisted extraction of methyl beta-cyclode Indexed Paper
Kahwin faktor sihat, sakit Text
Keseimbangan sistem kepercayaan dalam muamalah isText
Korelasi antara ujian proba JKR dan ujian penusukan pi Text
Free tow test on FPSO in still water Thesis
Berjiwa Melayu selepas lima tahun Text
Patuh garis panduan banteras rasuah : PM Text
Asean rangka sistem pendidikan Text
PMUKM sesi 2008/2009 janji laksana tanggungjawab b Text
We are many News Paper Cuttings
Preferred property launching ceremony attributes amon Thesis
Optical absorption of Nd3 + doped tellurite glass conta Conference Papers
Detection of arcing fault in underground distribution caText
UPM capai sasaran 8,000 pelajar pascasiswazah Text
Focus on agriculture not a step backward Text
Weight determination for supervised binarization algo Journal Article
Kaedah pengendalian, caj hospital swasta dipinda Text
Development of gas separation system by membranes:Conference
p Papers
Kimia keadaan pepejal Text
Design a program interface for refrigeration system pe Text
Gates : komputer masa depan lebih berwibawa Text
Ketamadunan Melayu dan sains : satu analisis awal ke Text
UiTM perlu tarik lebih ramai calon pasca ijazah : Seri P Text
Horizontal movement of concrete block pavement due Thesisto
Tolak gaji minimum Text
Convolutional neural networks for face recognition andThesis
Pelajar UTM belajar padam api Text
Mechanical properties of 10mm aggregates porous concr Thesis
Wire electrical discharge machining of Ti-48A1 intermetText
Unit khas pantau pakej rangsangan Text
PSOGSA-Explore : a new hybrid metaheuristic approachIndexed Paper
Nasionalisme dan prestij akademia Text
Comparison between straight and U shape of ultra wideConference Papers
Program cegah kes OKU peringkat awal Text
Modeling and vibration control of a gantry crane (Prev Text
Teacher blues : career or family? Text
Dinamik gas Text
Analysis of organochlorine pesticides in suspended sol Thesis
Ukur binaan IV (kej. awam) Text
Mayat ditemui rentung dalam kereta terbakar Text
Cuti bersalin tanpa gaji tidak jejaskan sektor awam Text
University to promote Kuala Lumpur Text
Konsep Islam Hadhari, 1Malaysia ada persamaan Text
Dong Jiao Zong tidak yakin : pelaksanaan ajar bahasa Text
Elektronik III Text
The influence of plant natural fibers on swelling behav Indexed Paper
Kuah tumpah ke nasi Text
Clustering approach based on feature weighting for Thesis
Physico chemical properties dissolution behaviour and iThesis
Instrumentasi Text
Aplikasi Educate Me English Thesis
Masonry in the next millennium Text
SMV laksana konsep Sekolah Keusahawanan Text
Japan wants to help improve our bio-fuel Text
Amalan biasa seharian belum cukup untuk tingkat kualiText
Perbandingan antara sistem saliran terbuka dengan sis Thesis
Konsepsi, kecekapan dan motivasi guru prasekolah te Thesis
Pendidikan sosial menurut Imam Al-Nawawi : satu kajian Thesis
SSM ganti SSB mulai 1 Nov. : PM : kemajuan kerjaya, p Text
A Review of integrated optical and wireless broadband Journal Article
The study on the physical and financial performance of Thesis
In dire need of kidneys, but few are donating Text
Rolling motion of mobile floating harbor Thesis
Organics chemistry - functional group Exam Papers
Simulation and experimental investigations of semi-actText
Mekanik kuantum Exam Papers
Electronic manufacturing process Exam Papers
Kelebihan berlapar Text
Socso needs investigators Text
Sayembara Fiksyen Sains UTM-Kumpulan Utusan dilancNews Paper Cuttings
An interactive educational package about lightning pr Text
Koperasi sekolah dedah pelajar dengan ilmu berniaga Text
Developing Malaysian 3D cadastre system-preliminary fConference Papers
Tugas-tugas utama pengurusan harta pihak berkuasa Thesis
The Perception of islamic education teacher on teachingJournal Article
Rawat segera jika diserang demam Text
Bloggers, netizens must behave like adults Text
20 sekolah bantuan penuh lulus 100% Text
Semuanya bermula di Jabatan Pertanian Text
Asean's future leaders feel their way into the issues of Text
Sel batang bukan hanya untuk pesakit jantung Text
Perbandingan ekonomi rekabentuk kerangka portal meng Text
New laws soon to ensure food is safe for consumption Text
An efficient link aware route selection algorithm for Non-Index Paper
A survey on the cryptanalysis of the advanced encrypti Conference Papers
Public can do more to fight dengue Text
Radiation detection and dosimetry Exam Papers
Faktor serta pendorong yang mempengaruhi kepenggun Conference Papers
Overloaded schoolbags Text
Report errant traders, consumers urged Text
Prediction on water quality of point source pollution foThesis
Menjelang Sidang Kemuncak Asean ke-11 : Asean kena Text s
A comparative analysis of perceptual and demographic Indexed Paper
Simpanan tak aktif Tabung Haji diselia Text
Aktiviti pembelajaran aktif menerusi pengintegrasian Conference Papers
UiTM menang lima pingat emas di Belgium Text
Excellent performance of earth dams under resonance Im ndexed Paper
Remaja bermasalah : pendekatan keagamaan perlu Text
Khidmat Maybank2U dipertingkat Text
Belia perlu cabar minda : Najib Text
1,353 kena waran tangkap, 5 dihadap ke mahkamah Text
Teknokrat Dan Pembangunan Text
Malaysia lemah atasi spam Text
On-line payment system for JB central residents Text
Elektronik perhubungan/electronics communication Exam Papers
Educate public againts consuming turtle eggs Text
UCTC meneraju transformasi komuniti News Paper Cuttings
Vaksin cegah barah pangkal rahim di pasaran Malaysia Text
E-learning method mulled, says DPM Text
Enhancing building services cost management knowledThesis
Pengurusan berasaskan sekolah di sekolah menengah pe Thesis
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi remaja terlibat dalam Thesis
Image enhancement for red blood cell segmentation Non-Index Paper
Deflection monitoring of cast in-situ balanced cantilev Thesis
The thermal conductivity of selected tropical timber sp Journal Article
Kesan kecerunan jalan terhadap masa perjalanan kend Thesis
Mahasiswa UTM bantu mangsa banjir News Paper Cuttings
Prinsip asas ergonomik Text
23 dormant IPTS to lose licences Text
Statistik sains sosial Text
Timber and steel constructions Exam Papers
Personal empowerment through sport and physical fitness Text
Peperangan, SARS jejas pelancongan Text
Aljabar linear Text
900,000 titles in names of dead Text
Neutral lipid profile of sago worm, the larva of weevil Conference Papers
Banyak kaedah sesuai pendidikan seks Text
Subjek agama tidak dipinggirkan Text
Photoluminescence spectral features of silicon nanowirJournal Article
Jobless grads urged to go for entrepreneurship Text
Bank Islam salur RM250j biaya projek Text
Data transmission between PDA and PC using WIFI for po Text
Dirty rivers Text
Finite element method Text
1,200 mahasiswa UKM jayakan Gegar U! Text
Markets slip on slick Text
Malaysia di landasan kukuh capai negara maju Text
Maij agih RM126,000 bantu keluarga daif miliki rumah Text
Mengkaji sistem kebuk pembakaran enjin turbojet F-40Text
UMP lancar buku hargai Sultan Pahang Text
Jenayah kanak-kanak bukan isu terpencil Text
Nasihat umum mengenai terapi penggantian hormon Text
Psikologi pantun Dr. Mahathir Text
3 agensi bendung lambakan Text
Persepsi pelajar terhadap perlakuan jenayah dalam ka Thesis
Novel potential of effective microorganisms as bioattr Non-Index Paper
RapidKL urus bas di Pulau Pinang Text
Baby CRY detection using FPGA implementation Thesis
Comparison of HPLC and MEEKC for miconazole nitrateIndexed Paper
Blitz against 'givers': MACC wants civil servants to repo Text
MPOB : Ladang kecil kelapa sawit bakal digabung Text
KL, Jakarta perlu elak perselisihan Text
Siasat majlis persaraan Halil : Menteri Kewangan KeduaText
Ph.D S&T universiti tempatan, luar negara Text
5,000 pemimpin belia dilatih Text
Sistem fakulti - UUM tubuh Lembaga Peperiksaan Text
Ensiklopedia Umum di semua sekolah Text
Pelaksanaan program mentoring di Kolej Matrikulasi JoThesis
ItÆs hard to beat the system Text
Both men qualified cosmonauts Text
Analisa rangkaian Text
Loss of PINK1 increases the heart's vulnerability to isc Indexed Paper
Flow characteristics in a straight compound channel wi Thesis
Sekolah kluster acuan sekolah negara maju 2020 Text
Masa mengubah rejim kewangan dunia Text
Opportunities and barriers of adopting green building Thesis
Kaedah berkesan Text
Simple flux regulation for improving state estimation a Indexed Paper
Law : Bio-tech industry needs more support Text
A comparison of quadratic programming solvers in suppText
Lower import tariff for cars from Asean Text
AMD : penyakit mata kering basah Text
Kerajaan beli dua unit alat pengimbas kanser Text
FPDA minat kawal Selat Melaka Text
Engineering statistics Exam Papers
Lima inisiatif tambahan perkhidmatan awam Text
Pembangunan prototaip pengecaman suara untuk arahText
Destruction of Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam : Khir explains... Text
IPTA perlu wacana intelek Text
Siswa USM harumkan negara Text
Evaluation on mix design and rutting resistance of dry Indexed Paper
PM : new technology holds potential for food security Text
Application of ground plane in optimization of mobile Journal Article
9.8 juta peluang kerja jika ekonomi naik 5% Text
Influence of hot burned gas utilization on the exhaust eIndexed Paper
Indah Water to cut charges for commercial users Text
Process instrumentation Exam Papers
Construction project management Exam Papers
39pc fewer deaths if all roads had motorcycle lanes Text
Permodelan matematik : model ubat tiga komponen Text
Classify the plant species based on lobes, sinuses and Indexed Paper
UTM mahu jadi universiti penyelidik status antarabang Text
UTM Kuala Lumpur Library - BATC Resource Centre (ImPhotograph/Relia/Multimedia
Kerangka 1 Text
Mengkaji pengetahuan pelajar Universiti Teknologi MalThesis
Paparan negatif media mampu runtuh akhlak generasi Text
NUTP akui sikap guru: Pandang remeh usaha baiki sist Text
Simulasi tentang pengukuran nilai SAR telefon selular Thesis
Keuntungan sebelum cukai Maybank meningkat 6.2 perText
Solving a digital dilemma Text
Maintenance system improvement in a manufacturing Text
Tarik sejuta pelancong China Text
Principle methods of assessing concurrent delays in conThesis
Demodulation and modulation of high bit data transmisText
Kajian operasi Text
Boleh cium tangan selagi mengikut adab : tokoh agamaText
Kacuk kuda laut Terengganu-Johor Text
Effect of self-esteem on customer citizenship behavior Indexed Paper
Act now to save our disappearing fauna Text
Initial settlement of mat foundation on group of cemenConference Papers
Syor Cola kepada 340,000 pesara Text
Government has made salary adjustments since 1992 Text
Generasi muda disasarkan bebas dadah 2015 Text
Differential equations Text
Percepat Majlis Pembangunan Malaysia-Venezuela : AbText
Construction law and contract Exam Papers
Learners' perception on architecture studios' physical Thesis
Initial contour generation approach in level set metho Conference Papers
Ambil langkah kurangkan tenaga kerja asing : MB Text
Tahap aksesibiliti golongan orang kurang upaya (cacat fiThesis
Penilaian lapisan permukaan jalan di Kampus UTM, SkuText
CRLB analysis for cognitive IR-UWB with imperfect sensIndexed Paper
Principles of law, contract and tort Exam Papers
Rat trap using ultrasonic sensor Thesis
Merealisasikan Komuniti Asean menjelang 2015 Text
Buyers awareness on green residential property in Mal Thesis
UTM menang Anugerah Harta Intelek Negara 2008 Text
Bomoh, singse di hospital Text
Johor has enough attractions for tourists Text
Modal choice for work trip among Malaysia Airline emploText
Dam break analysis and impact assessment Thesis
The relationship between emotional intelligence and trThesis
Turning operated bedsores prevention system Thesis
Majlis Dasar Luar Negara ditubuh Text
Elektronik industri Text
Preparation and characterization of PPES/chitosan co Indexed Paper
Knowledge sharing framework for agile software devel Thesis
Pick and place robotic arm Thesis
Rosmah : take up a third language Text
Design of cathodic protection for submarine pipeline Text
Rotational spring analogy and finite element method foThesis
NationÆs first A(H1N1)-related death Text
Taman herba mula diminati Text
RazakSAT dilancar pada Orbit Lintang Tengah Text
Imaging particles in solid/air flows using an optical Indexed Paper
Kaedah Lisan Berasaskan Sekolah tidak bebankan guru Text
Optimization of RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis from Thesis
Program pendidikan BH tingkatkan pencapaian calon, sText
Taking broadband home Text
Three-dimensional modelling and finite element analysis Indexed Paper
principles of management / Prinsip pengurusan / Engi Text
The effect of polyethelene glycol on the performance oJournal Article
The study of activated carbon from bio waste materialsThesis
MOU signed between UTM and UKÆs Salford UniversiText
Enhancement of corrosion resistance of magnesium by Thesis a
Karakter fizikal jalan tradisional : kajian kes di Melaka, Thesis
Kad kredit berlandaskan syariah Text
Special colleges for Sixth Formers? Text
Tracking business cycles Text
Commercialisation & technology transfer Exam Papers
Implementation of problem-based learning in a typical Conference Papers
Pengurusan sisa pepejal di luar bandar (penjanaan) Kg. Text
Socso targets 8% returns Text
Scope for internship Text
Home of the first Roman emperor Text
Kampus USM di India Text
Puisi kesinambungan warisan seni Melayu Text
Shah Alam tops dengue list with 719 cases Text
Microcontrollers Exam Papers
Dewan Senat - UTM Johor Baharu (Image 06) Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Awasi ancaman dadah di kalangan anak muda Text
Computational study of mechanical properties of articulThesis
Building Management : both titles mean same job News Paper Cuttings
Data pelajar miskin diwujud Text
Logik Digit Text
UTM berazam baiki kedudukan Text
Pengaruh rakan sebaya ke atas tingkah laku hedonistik Jbournal Article
PM terima Anugerah Khas Bapa Pembangunan Belia Text
Dasar pengangkutan awam perlu diwujud Text
SubSS: a protein-protein interaction detection tool Conference Papers
Information engineering Exam Papers
Malu penghalang terjebak perbuatan mungkar Text
Kimia polimer Text
Pay hike not a sign of polls, says Abdullah Text
Performance of lightweight concrete using palm oil clinThesis
Pusat serenti latih penghuni dalam pelbagai bidang Text
Teori kata putus Text
StanChart committed to extend expertise to others Text
UTM gandakan usaha lahirkan pakar pengurusan sumbText
Wake improvement of a fishing hull form Text
Masyarakat Islam, Barat perlu bekerjasama Text
Hubungan antara motivasi guru dengan pencapaian akad Thesis
Cafeteria wastewater treatment using kombucha Thesis
Textile sludge based activated carbon by potassium saltThesis
Indonesian maids to get more rights Text
Pesona ikan hiasan Text
The mechanisms of inhibition of advanced glycation enIndexed Paper
Fuzzy skin detection Text
Control of group velocity dispersion in single mode fibeThesis
PM : I know that people are fed-up with politicking Text
BaCO3 mediated modifications in structural and magneti Indexed Paper
MEF : no avenue to check authenticity now Text
D-shape optical fiber chemical sensor for multi parameThesis
Energy and power control strategy for battery electric Indexed Paper
Study on the behaviour of high strength palm oil fuel Thesis
Rangka kerja global atasi perubahan iklim Text
PM : jadi universiti terbilang Text
The influence of γ-irradiation on the structure and pro Indexed Paper
Pangkor jetty to be ready soon News Paper Cuttings
A study on water management of Sungai Manik - KerianThesis
Sistem syura mantapkan pengurusan negara Text
RM7b rangsang ekonomi Text
Kos bahan binaan dipantau Text
Chloroplast dna diversification of Malaysian pineapple Thesis
MR2201 tingkat hasil petani Text
Skills for trainers Exam Papers
Contingency plans in place Text
Predicting the required duration for construction activitThesis
Ke arah pembentukan model peruntukan guna tanah : ke Text
PM tidak ambil kira saranan hapuskan AP Text
Traffic offenders: Sultan calls for community service Text
Kekalkan hukuman rotan di sekolah : NUTP Text
Zakat menyuburkan keadilan ekonomi Text
40,000 houses for the poor Text
More male NS trainees in programme next year Text
Bahan digital akan diwajib serah kepada perpustakaan Text
Membaca buku falsafah autobiografi Text
Kejuruteraan kawalan Text
MAS kenakan surcaj bahan bakar kepada penumpang mText
Fe/HY zeolite as an effective catalyst for levulinic aci Indexed Paper
Towards a sustainable society from the perspective of Conference Papers
Risk assessment using pool fire and health index analysText
Pengurusan sisa dan persekitaran Text
Air quality getting worse Text
Teknik penskalaan objek 3D di dalam persekitaran augmThesis
Simulation of cancellous bone remodeling process Thesis
Microstructure of polyacrylonitrile-based activated car Indexed Paper
Pengaturcaraan Fortran Text
The effects of natural organic matter (NOM) fractions oIndexed Paper
Institusi-institusi Islam Exam Papers
Electrical technology Exam Papers
Stop chasing ISO certification, hospitals told Text
Preparartion of using information communication and te Conference Papers
Islamic and asean civilization (TITAS) Exam Papers
Experimental studies of rotating premixed flames Text
Hexagon platinum schottky contact with ZnO thin film Journal Article
RM1j setahun pulih alam sekitar keceriaan landskap News Paper Cuttings
Guru sains, matematik laksana tanggungjawab Text
More MSC-like hubs planned nationwide Text
Quality improvement of front hub rotation feeling by uText
Lost world Text
Tears rendering in extreme expression by using SPH m Indexed Paper
Study : poverty stresses out women in Sabah's interior Text
Hemat belanja dapat kurangkan kesan inflasi Text
NS to focus on trainees who have left Text
Segera perkasa bahasa Melayu Text
8 kursus untuk siswazah : peserta SLSM dibayar elaun Text
Production planning at an animal feed mill Thesis
Urban engineering Exam Papers
Empangan Klau jana kewangan Text
Polis tolak suruhanjaya : alasan sudah ada empat bad Text
Diesel price increase to reduce burden and curb abuse Text
Ada sektor wajar dibuka, ada patut ditutup Text
Islamic intitutions Exam Papers
The construction of regression-based mass appraisal mod Text
Optimal distribution network configuration with inter Thesis
The evolution of research and development on cochleaJournal Article
Unisel anjur bengkel kemahiran pustakawan Text
Stres dan kepuasan kerja guru Pendidikan Khas di daer Thesis
Spend wisely, rural folk told Text
Takung air hujan untuk pelbagai guna Text
More deaf kids sexually abused Text
Port and harbour engineering Exam Papers
Sistem pembelajaran hadis online Thesis
Modern optics Exam Papers
Numerical modelling of stiffness and strength behaviouIndexed Paper
Prototaip perisian PBK matematik interaktif (pecahan Text
PM : elak kerenah birokrasi halang pembangunan Text
PM : with positive traits, you can change the future Text
Journal Article
Online maternal and fetal health monitoring system Thesis
Organizational factors affected by SOA adoption : a cri Indexed Paper
Practical design of DC-DC buck-boost converter Thesis
Pertanian perlu perubahan Text
A review on biological inspired computation in cryptoloText
Assessment of thermal comfort in a naturally ventilatedConference Papers
A preliminary study of occupational noise exposure amoIndexed Paper
Adat syarat dapat status Melayu Text
Statistik I Text
Petunjuk Sosioekonomi Malaysia Text
Cryptography Exam Papers
Usaha Barat kekang pejuang Islam Somalia Text
Automated transformation of platform specific model Thesis
Motion deformation style control technique for 3D hu Journal Article
Dredging by developers destroys parts of Pulau RedangText
Nafas baru industri perumahan Text
Enjin pembakaran dalam (internal combustion engine) Text
Kimia/Chemistry Text
Model pelaksanaan pemanfaatan ruang akademik bagi Thesis u
Latihan teknikal Text
Halal haram wujudkan barakah dalam perniagaan Text
Making work interesting Text
Loss of self - similarity detection using exact and asymptConference Papers
Pelancongan basikal di Georgetown, Pulau Pinang : expe Thesis
Design and development of a breathing system for a sinText
Impact properties of cirular beam under lateral loadingText
Pelajar ambil akaun SPM dapat 2 sijil Text
Gejala rasuah sukar dibendung sejak zaman Rasulullah lText
Precision of landmark identification using scanned cep Conference Papers
Optical tomography system for bubbles detection in li Thesis
Introduction to construction measurement Exam Papers
Mengukuhkan sistem penyampaian Text
Ketua Menteri mahu pembangunan siap mengikut jaduNews Paper Cuttings
Ombak besar : gegaran tak jejas jambatan Text
Faedah pasang GPS di Batuan Tengah Text
The effectiveness of natural ventilation design in low coText
Lagi pensyarah UTM buat laporan polis bilik diceroboh Text
Jaundice assessement of newborn baby : a short revie Indexed Paper
The problem with ætheÆ Text
11 pesawat Agusta A109 perkuatkan Tentera Darat Text
Tiga pemaju kena denda : kerja tanah tanpa kelulusan Text
Food analysis Text
Cultural landscape of traditional house compounds in Text
Cabaran kehidupan - Wanita harus kuasai ilmu Text
Logistic regression analysis in personal loan bankruptcyConference Papers
Single cell injection using nano pipette via nanoroboti Conference Papers
Calibration of visible and near-infrared channels from Text
Object-oriented design framework for stock keeping unJournal Article
Moves to improve our varsities Text
Peniaga tidak patuh turun harga gula halus Text
Analysis on ontology-level of herb ontology Thesis
Allah : Majlis Islam Wilayah, Perak mohon jadi pencela Text
Destinasi popular setiap hujung minggu Text
STPM, matrikulasi dikekalkan : Noh Text
Ibu bapa celik komputer mampu selia anak-anak Text
Medical tomography Exam Papers
Civil engineering materials Exam Papers
Understanding the blended learning experiences of engJournal Article
Socso doctors must probe further Text
Sistem maklumat pengurusan penyelengataan peralatan Text
Pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi menyeluruh Text
Pampasan lebih tinggi untuk kakitangan awam Text
Online social learning model Indexed Paper
Basmi miskin tegar di pedalaman Text
Masa pengajaran BM, BI wajar ditambah Text
Implementation of motorized bionic prosthhetic hand Thesis
RM33.4m for haemodialysis centres run by NGOs Text
Pertanian bukan langkah ke belakang Text
KWSP setuju timbang syor mansuh skim beli komputer Text
Kajian UPSR di peringkat akhir Text
Problems and challenges of solid waste management: aText
Muslim cemerlang diredai Allah Text
Kajian penjanaan dan komposisi sisa pepejal di kawasanText
Kajian kesesuaian penggunaan pendekatan PDM dan PLText
Academic buildings and their influence on students' welIndexed Paper
Perpustakaan Desa bakal diperbanyak pupuk budaya Text
National Heritage list to be expanded Text
Bicara Akademia : Semarakkan 1Malaysia Text
Membangun kepakaran tempatan menerusi RMK-9 Text
70% aset perbankan Islam dijana bank konvensional Text
Projek pembangunan pelabuhan : kajian kes pembinaa Text
Kuwait jadikan Malaysia pangkalan perbankan Islam Text
Penyelidik UTM cipta sistem kawalan perancangan Text
Kekurangan membaca jadi kelemahan umat Text
Program majukan industri batik negara dilancar Text
Subsidi ujian mamogram Text
Kerajaan giat majukan bioteknologi tempatan Text
Microring resonator for transmission of solitons via w Indexed Paper
Pembangunan ekonomi dan kesannya terhadap peranan Text
Retrial ordered in rape case Text
Learning English in collegiate communities Text
Halangan dalam pengambilan tanah rancangan tebatanThesis
Rehda jamin harga tak naik Text
TNB cadang laksana bayaran bil secara pukal Text
æRinggit for ringgitÆ education savings plan soon Text
A review on global renewable electricity scenario Indexed Paper
Finding kernel function for stock market prediction wit Text
VLSI design of equalizer PRML disc drive channels Text
Kejuruteraan jalan raya Text
US mummy may be King Rameses Text
Dua skim tambang bas, pastikan rakyat kurang mampu Tnext
Kaji undang-undang nafkah anak luar nikah Text
Landscape Construction 2 Exam Papers
Susun aktiviti atasi ponteng : TPM Text
MoU UTM, Kejora sasar modal insan luar bandar News Paper Cuttings
Elektronik Perhubungan Text
IPT negara Islam perlu bersatu Text
A hybrid renewable energy system for a longhouse Conference Papers
Mahasiswa UTM ikuti Program Pendidikan Perisian News Paper Cuttings
Advanced water and wastewater treatment Text
Pemaju bioteknologi diberi pelbagai insentif Text
Number of polytechnic students to increase Text
Microwave treatment of oil contaminated dolomite drillThesis
The relationship between amplitude of displacement a Thesis
Coded collaborative spectrum sensing with joint channeIndexed Paper
Extraction of tree height and Total Above-Ground BiomThesis
Enhanced adsorption of acetylsalicylic acid over hydr Indexed Paper
Physics Text
High cholesterol linked to cancer Text
Umno kena namakan calon ketua pembangkang News Paper Cuttings
Perbaharui iltizam terhadap bahasa Melayu Text
Malaysia high rise residential light well quality satisfa Indexed Paper
Puasa penghayatan konsep ikhlas, jujur Text
Perpendicular electric field effect on bilayer graphene caIndexed Paper
A hybrid of gravitational search algorithm and flux bal Thesis
Khaled advises varsities not be too obsessed with rankiText
Expert : minimum wage can help reduce crime Text
Empat kriteria utama lantik pengurusan kanan GLC Text
Hab pendidikan taraf dunia Text
Mobile inspection robot for heating, ventilation and ai Indexed Paper
Malaysia tawarkan kepakaran teknikal Text
Status KLIA disasar terbaik dunia Text
Caruman KWSP untuk pinjaman tertunggak Text
Multi-band antenna for GSM, 3G, bluetooth and wirelesText
Psychological test for civil servants Text
Keistimewaan Perpustakaan Awam Kedah Text
Chemical composition of Piper stylosum Miq. and PiperIndexed
Wall. essential oils, and their antioxidant, antimicrobial and
Peluang kedua 6,804 remaja ingkar PLKN Text
Kaedah yang digunakan oleh unit pusaka kecil untuk meThesis
Mekanik kuantum Text
Dadah, jenayah ancam institusi keluarga Text
A computational fluid dynamic and population balance Tmhesis
Projek penempatan paling lengkap Text
Simulation and modeling of synthesis Cu nanoparticles Indexed Paper
A boost for local innovation Text
Jawatankuasa penasihat korporat WPI dibentuk Text
Ciri-ciri kejuruteraan, mineralogi dan mikrostruktur ta Text
Mechanical properties and durability of some selected Non-Index Paper
An analysis of the static and dynamic stability of an hy Text
Masalah penglibatan pemilik tanah dalam pelaksanaan Thesis
60 syarikat bekal pukat, baiki bot mangsa Text
Sistem Integrasi Inovasi perkukuh daya saing negara Text
Jadikan sekolah zon bebas buli Text
Agensi awam elak sedia taska Text
Pembangunan multimedia Text
Retrofiting of a conventional lathe Text
Persediaan mahasiswa hadapi arus globalisasi Text
Efficiency of barium removal from radioactive waste waIndexed Paper
Lewis acidic ionic liquids as new addition catalyst for o Non-Index Paper
A study on the extraction of lutein from selected local Text
Sokongan rakyat untuk banteras rasuah Text
Dr M : lack of history books a loss to Malaysians Text
A-G : grey areas in Act being addressed Text
Design of wheelchair cum stretcher Text
Islam Hadhari pererat Malaysia-Britain Text
Introduction to planning Exam Papers
Experimental study and high dimensional qsar modelling Journal Article
Tambah SJKC perlu dilihat dari pelbagai sudut : Najib Text
Kaedah e-Xra bantu murid bermasalah membaca Text
Tumbuhan baru ditemui Text
Pengurusan projek Text
Syor peguam khidmat di Biro Bantuan Guaman Text
Information engineering Exam Papers
Jiran gempa Text
Speed limit to be reduced this Raya Text
Integrated hybrid power system (pv/wind/storage) in Thesis
Polymer technology I Exam Papers
More opportunities for non-graduate teachers Text
Universiti Apex cetus budaya baru Text
PTPTN tuntut komitmen semua Text
Some governments still complacent about flu threat Text
A simulation study of slope stability affected construct Text
Decision theory Exam Papers
Evaluation of reed-solomon (R-S) coding performance fText
Malaysian fruits ripe for Asean mart Text
Media perlu dedah kegagalan agensi kerajaan Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
H5N1 : pergerakan unggas dikawal Text
Pengiktirafan antarabangsa bukti IPT bertaraf global Text
Development of sustainable adsorbent for purification of Thesis
Land use planning Exam Papers
IMF yakin ekonomi Malaysia kekal kukuh Text
PM : letÆs take the lead Text
Penghasilan ekso-poligalakturonase oleh aspergillus ni Thesis
Calling all hacjers, techies police beefing up cyber pro Text
Pindaan AUKU pupuk kecemerlangan institusi pendidikText
Kaparbirds did not die of H5N1 Text
Economic opportunities in the rural areas Text
Principles of chemistry Exam Papers
Digital control systems Exam Papers
Kajian terhadap perkembangan rekabentuk seramik seba Thesis
4 honoured with Merdeka Award Text
Prosidur pengesanan selisih kasar secara interaktif untuText
Geoteknik Text
Penting kuasai ilmu agama, sains Text
Lapan IPT tawan Gunung Belumut News Paper Cuttings
'Terrible idea' to bring in giant catfish Text
Theory & application of finite element method in struc Text
Polis diarah tegas kawal isu agama Text
Treatment of dyeing solution by NF membrane for decol Indexed Paper
59 disyaki hidapi tanda-tanda SARS Text
Drowsy driver detection via steering wheel Non-Index Paper
Catatan awal pemergian haji orang Melayu Text
Proton rancang keluar sedan baru tahun depan Text
Mara cepat lulus permohonan Text
How the national housing index was created Text
Engineering economics Exam Papers
Pesta buku hanya untuk ulat buku Text
SMS kaedah sebarberita bencana besar Text
UTM anjur kem motivasi benci dadah Text
Jump in complaints on public services Text
A Kalman filter approach for solving unimodal optimizaIndexed Paper
Ramai pengsan angkara amaran palsu tsunami Text
Rescue efforts continue amid the rubble Text
Engine mounting characteristic for vibration isolation anConference Papers
Antibacterial and cytocompatibility analyses on triple Thesis
Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) inNon-Index Paper
A duty to care for the world Text
Patuhi langkah kesihatan elak H1N1 : Perdana Menteri Text
Higher learning in need of reinvention Text
4 punca utama graduan sukar dapat pekerjaan Text
Industri aeroangkasa perkenal program UAV Text
Separation of water-isopropanol mixture using modifi Thesis
Effect of initial concentration and cirulation flowrate Conference Papers
Rancang wujud jabatan khas tingkat profesionalisme p Text
Recent progress on the development of antibiotics fr Indexed Paper
Changes for better savings Text
Seragam undang-undang jenayah rentas sempadan Text
Vector calculus Exam Papers
Kesan isu Natrah terhadap gejala murtad Text
Experimental investigation on density currents propag Conference Papers
Analisis dan rekabentuk jejantas gelegar kekotak Thesis
Register to weed out academic frauds Text
Guidelines for managers Text
DonÆt blame the teachers Text
Teachers, make your students curious Text
Jamin makanan cukup, peruntukan RM4b sedia stok peText
E-perdagangan cara lebih mudah, jimat salur makluma Text
Computer security Exam Papers
Optimization of solvent composition and injection rate Indexed Paper
Univariate artificial neural network in forcasting demanText
Sexually speaking Text
Experimental study of grout filled splice sleeve integr Thesis
Alat pemantau bot laut dalam Text
Transformer fault classification based on PDC measur Thesis
Better English must start at primary level Text
Kaedah berangka Text
PDRM hanya perlukan pegawai berpengetahuan Text
Klinik Berhenti Merokok gagal tarik æpesakitÆ sejak Text
Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity Thesis
Fakulti perubatan di IPTS mencukupi Text
Syed Mokhtar teroka bidang telekomunikasi Asia Barat Text
Reinforced concrete design I Exam Papers
Malaysia sedia eksport kepakaran petroleum Text
Pressurised pyrolysis of rice husk Text
Serapan logam berat oleh tanah gambut (Abstract) Text
Talking head using digital images : human head Text
Design of low-density parity-check codes in relay channThesis
Hostel management for foreign workers : problems in no Text
Comparison between two different types of microcontrol Journal Article
The effect of market and learning orientations on orga Thesis
Kaji 11 akta berkaitan IPT Text
Jalur lebar wayarles yang mudah dan pantas Text
10 Mbs ethernet via free space optic during rainy weat Non-Index Paper
Perancangan & pembangunan Text
BI punca siswazah gagal penuhi pasaran kerja ICT Text
Kampung GDW Gred D akan digugur Text
Tackling imbalanced class in software defect predicti Journal Article
Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer Thesis
Masyarakat kena akur perubahan Text
Dr M ingatkan bahaya jika minda terus dijajah Text
Usah tipu pengguna Text
Automation of DNA computing readout method based o Conference Papers
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Portable UV plasma air purifier in automobile Thesis
Jualan Perodua turun 4.4 peratus Text
Sistem tanpa juri kekal Text
Widows who remarry can still get Socso pension payouText
Islamic financial system Exam Papers
Perkongsian kereta sebagai alternatif mengurangkan mas Thesis
Protocol share based traffic rate analysis (PSBTRA) for Conference Papers
Cita rasa Melayu Singapura News Paper Cuttings
Challenges to the adjudicator's decision (Preview) Text
Possibility to use solar induced ventilation strategies Conference Papers
D-G : liver tonics not sure guard against liver diseases Text
Kerajaan Johor serius basmi miskin tegar Text
Najib : boost for sluggish economy Text
Utusan ungguli Anugerah Media Pertahanan 2005 Text
Industri hotel perlu kenal pasti produk pelancongan ku Text
Kekosongan guru cemerlang akan diisi Text
China land of opportunity Text
SVD based gene selection algorithm Indexed Paper
Promosi biotek di Chicago Text
Phishing campagn towards creating social engineering Thesis
Abdullah : letÆs go for real growth Text
Ong issues ultimatum over runway project Text
IBM hosts education seminar for higher learning fraternText
More bite for Wildlife Act soon Text
Conch strombus as indicator of metal contaminations i Thesis
Olahan air larut lesap tapak pelupusan sampah mengguThesis
Joint power allocation for df concatenated mimo succeJournal Article
Book to boost nation's healthcare profile Text
PM praised for his vision in education of Malays Text
Malaysia, China perluas pendidikan berkualiti Text
Ninth Plan to focus on improving quality of life in rural Text
Critical state of keuper marl silt Text
Thorough study needed on SPM English proposal Text
Workshop technology / teknologi woksyop Text
Isu pengurusan dalam pelaksanaan GIS: satu kes kajian Text
Dept heads to face rap for poor service Text
Kontraktor sepenuh masa dapat projek Text
Data acquisition and seabed structure mapping using siThesis
Comparative study between measurement and predictions Indexed Paper
Industri telefon bimbit tempatan tidak tepu Text
Belia 4B digesa tingkatkan pengetahuan Text
Rich Malaysians living it up Text
Perhalusi polisi sebelum dilaksanakan Text
Influence of hydrophilic polymer on pure water permeaIndexed Paper
Pengguna Malaysia paling optimistik Text
Makmal Kejuruteraan Elektrik Text
Meneroka kerjasama Malaysia-Sudan Text
Unisel to host Merdeka Award talks Text
Algorithm to detect intrusions using multi layer signat Conference Papers
Intensity enhancement on outdoor images Journal Article
EDAS: software for end-of-life disassembly analysis Non-Index Paper
RM15 bilion diperuntuk bantu usahawan Text
Fisiologi dan pengenalan kepada perubatan Text
UTM, Universiti Kobe kaji trafik kapal di Selat Tebrau Text
Programming technique II Exam Papers
An overview of grounded theory design in educational Indexed Paper
Optimization of glucose conversion to 5-hydroxymethylfIndexed Paper
Perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling di kalangan klConference Papers
Kohonen - swarm algorithm for unstructured data in suConference Papers
Permintaan biofuel 10.5 juta tan setahun Text
SMS terus jana keuntungan Text
Bahasa Jepun II (tatabahasa) Text
Improved differential evolution algorithm for paramet Non-Index Paper
Part-time judges plan gets support Text
BNM : operasi bank Islam asing suku ketiga tahun ini Text
ASEAN semakin dinamik Text
Finite element analysis of flush end plate beam to col Text
'Bukti Tsunami Malaysia News Paper Cuttings
Rancang perbelanjaan, bandingkan harga Text
Malaysia records higher productivity growth Text
Feature extraction and translation of electroencephalo Conference Papers
Impact test and bioactivity properties of polycaprolac Indexed Paper
Anti-typhoid inoculations for 600 Text
Influence of different ultrasonic wave on polymerizatioIndexed Paper
Pelajari keajaiban simbiosis Text
Public Bank : Islamic assets at RM6.7b in first-half Text
Kolaborasi strategik MARA-UTM lahirkan usahawan ICTNews Paper Cuttings
Kerjaya guru semakin mencabar : pelajar nakal, bebanaText
Look into better incentives for other medical personnelText
Grads get help with English Text
High capacity watermarking technique for medical imagIndexed Paper
Sambutan ulang tahun ke-30 UTM Text
Prestasi kewangan Malaysia naik taraf Text
Undaunted by failures News Paper Cuttings
Transportation & traffic engineering Exam Papers
Health D-G : officers must be hands-on Text
Perpustakaan awam RM5j bertaraf antarabangsa Text
A framework for the establishment of building servic Thesis
DPM : recovery is our priority Text
Mathematical methods I Exam Papers
Ministry bans another traditional erectile dysfunction Text
Industrial automation & robotics / pengautomatan indus Text
The Reynold’s number effect in high swirling flow i Indexed Paper
Dr M dianugerah Tokoh Takaful Text
Penganggur disyor daftar dengan Bursa Buruh ElektroniText
Jumlah nahas jalan raya meningkat 14,062 kes Text
Piagam Asean utama kesejahteraan Text
Kompromi tiga negara bukti kesungguhan elak bencanaText
Building technology / Teknologi bangunan Text
Development of flow meter for engine air flow rate m Thesis
Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Exam Papers
Investigation of geological and soil influence on natu Indexed Paper
Polymeric materials Exam Papers
Tiada jaminan Malaysia bebas risiko bencana Text
Didik remaja : pendekatan baru diperlukan Text
Pengenalan sejarah dan teori senibina Text
Public universities fail outstanding test Text
Pelaksanaan dasar RMK-8 diperkemas capai ekonomi bText
Ultimate strength analysis of ships plate due to corrosi Thesis
Perangi kongsi gelap : kerajaan digesa lancar perang t Text
Threat from fish bombings Text
Cancer prevention initiative: an intelligent approach fo Journal Article
Performance characteristic of thermoelectric module Thesis
Penyelamat maruah umat manusia sejagat Text
GNRSIM: graphene nanoribbon simulator of electronic Thesis
Keberanian Munzir dapat pengiktirafan News Paper Cuttings
Improved statistical recognition algorithms for oil palm Thesis
KDNK jangka berkembang 6 peratus Text
Influence of process variables on a dual bed catalytic Conference Papers
Negotiation skills Exam Papers
The influence of principal instructional leadership pra Thesis
Teknologi fitokimia Text
Enhancements of muslim estate distribution process towa Thesis
Information and communication technology entrepren Exam Papers
Shereen hadapi tiga tuduhan hisap dadah Text
Kereta elektrik Proton bakal curi tumpuan dunia News Paper Cuttings
Bertegas tangani pengintip News Paper Cuttings
Non-invasive imaging of liquid/gas flow using ultrason Text
Petronas kena cari minyak gantian Text
Kemahiran urus kewangan penting Text
Wanita pascamerdeka Text
Wireless temperature monitoring system for blood bank Journal Article
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Coastal aerial mapping using micro unmanned aerial veThesis
A morphological study of nickel oxide hollow fiber memJournal Article
Sistem pengurusan berasaskan web untuk Melaka HalaThesis
MQR penanda aras kualiti pengajian tinggi Text
Perangi jenayah habis-habisan Text
Students produce tactile books for blind Text
Higher engineering mathematics Exam Papers
Ligand field and Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters of samIndexed Paper
Evaluation of organ doses and specific k effective dos Indexed Paper
Jeniri jadi kaya dengan menulis Text
Engineering towards a greener earth Text
Hubungan majikan-pekerja wanita : kajian kes di tama Text
Selective flooding based on relevant nearest-neighbor Conference Papers
Location service protocol for highly mobile ad hoc net Indexed Paper
Aplikasi konsep kendiri dalam mengukur kecekapan penThesis
Tahap pencapaian dalam menyelesaikan masalah fizik bConference Papers
Fair on online degree, diploma courses Text
Ketepatan kaedah pengekosan berasaskan aktiviti (AB Text
The effect of sediment and vegetation growths on the dThesis
Struktur Bank Pertanian dirombak Text
Multiway in-phase sinusoidal microwave power dividerText (
Prediction of shielding effectiveness of cement-graphit Journal Article
Bridge will be a boon Text
Very small aperture radial line slot array beamsteering Thesis
Proses pengangkutan Text
Training management system Text
The effectiveness of two-versus three-start helical strakIndexed Paper
PDRM laksana 12 cadangan dalam Plak Text
Sustainable assessment in manufacturing company Thesis
Energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions Text
Aljabar linear Text
Simulation study of carrier to inference power ratio e Non-Index Paper
Hubungan di antara dimensi personaliti dan konsep kenText
40 pelajar UTM lawat loji Senai Text
Glycerol for renewable acrolein production by catalyti Indexed Paper
Insiden MH370 mampu tingkat daya pemikiran pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Quantum capacitance effect on zig-zag graphene nanosc Indexed Paper
Roadworthiness Text
Design study of auxiliary power supply system for a MaThesis
27,500 tempat untuk lulusan SPM ikuti program matriku Text
Managing organizational culture requirement for bus Journal Article
Water tree in polymeric cables : a review Indexed Paper
Modular structured multilevel inverter as a three-phaseText
UPP bongkar depot diesel bawah tanah Text
Empowering citizens : PM : new law being considered toText
Bid to improve LCCT facilities Text
Unimas tingkat aktiviti penyelidikan, perundingan Text
Acuan baru ekonomi suntik semula momentum KDNK Text
RM2b plan to double production of fish Text
Advance software testing Exam Papers
Air pasang terburuk sejak 1969? Text
UTM proud of making it to top 500 Text
An analytical study of Islamic geometrical patterns tow Thesis
Muslims need good leaders Text
Collaborative learning: social network analysis approac Non-Index Paper
Bank idea rakyat : pelengkap Satu Malaysia Text
Akauntabiliti Rasulullah dikagumi tokoh Barat Text
Ranking 4 universiti awam meningkat News Paper Cuttings
Angkasawan Discovery berjaya baiki kerosakan antena Text
Bangunan Sekolah Teknik di High Street, Kuala Lumpur Text
Elektronik Text
Method of mapping time series data in CityGML Thesis
Pusat sehenti karya terjemahan Text
Industrial electronics (elektronik perindustrian) Text
Kelengkapan loji pembinaan Text
Barah mulut meningkat Text
Apabila perokok ketegar, undang-undang jadi hiasan Text
A review of non-invasive imaging : the opportunity of Indexed Paper
Build better houses for lower income groups, says KongText
Escalating the employee job satisfaction through internJournal Article
Syarikat vendor disaran teroka pasaran baru : MohameText
MAA backs cash incentive Text
Penyeragaman undang-undang syariah tangani ajaran sText
Boost for aquaculture Text
Bioteknologi Text
Penyediaan makanan Exam Papers
Nilai konduktiviti haba (k) campuran gantian sabut ke Text
A simple approach in estimating the effectiveness of adIndexed Paper
Bahasa Malaysia belongs to all Text
The effect of work- life balance and work-family confli Thesis
Ubat bukan penyebab hidap Sindrom Steven Johnson Text
The mercury ion sorption characteristics of sulfur-fuctioConference Papers
SUKIPT: UTM judokas rule News Paper Cuttings
Structural design of UAV wing Thesis
Perak the cyber state Text
Proses pengiktirafan kursus di IPTA lebih ketat Text
Project management skills for new engineers in Jabata Thesis
Daerah hab satu sukan perlancongan Text
Minimum rate for hotel rooms Text
Role of natural organic matter (NOM), colloidal particleIndexed Paper
Principles of operations management Exam Papers
Improving product classification through product famil Indexed Paper
Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and cor Indexed Paper
Keselamatan dan kesihatan dalam industri kimia Exam Papers
Foundation engineering Exam Papers
Pelabuhan Pulau Pinang dilulus kendali produk halal Text
Tafsiran kebebasan akhbar berbeza Text
Crime rate up 15 per cent Text
PM : no let-up in graft war Text
Tuition raids affect students Text
Archiving and tracing land parcel changes with develo Thesis
Investigation of the velocity profiles in a ninety-degr Indexed Paper
RM434m to boost innovations News Paper Cuttings
Teknologi oleokimia Text
15,000 rumah dibina di seluruh negara Text
Tarikan percutian musim sejuk Text
Pembentukan TPS dalam pembuatan lean: satu kajian Journal Article
Detection of fake opinions using time series Indexed Paper
Awarness and concerns of muslims towards Qibla directThesis
Website to help consumers Text
Prinsip pengurusan Text
Aeroangkasa perlu 10,000 pekerja Text
Beri kelonggaran waktu kerja ibu susu anak Text
Fast-track projects to uplift poor in Sabah Text
Petronas in giant Iraq oil deals Text
Principles of structure Exam Papers
40,000 food product samples tested every year Text
Teknologi filem tipis Exam Papers
57 inovasi UTM bemilai RM12j News Paper Cuttings
Union gives backing to Teachers Standard Text
Revaluation of Keck Seng assets Text
Pelawa pesara guru Text
Sistem automasi industri Text
Design of markov classification method for heart murmThesis
Modeling intersatellite optical wireless communicationThesis
Calon ke IPT perlu bijak pilih kursus Text
MMA: Docs cannot be involved in direct selling Text
Kajian kualiti udara di kawasan Pasir Gudang, Johor Text
Hidraul dan kejuruteraan pantai Text
Curbing hepatitis A Text
The effect of Malaysian reservoir heterogeneities on e Text
Gain enhanced UWB dielectric resonator antenna Indexed Paper
Civil engineering construction Exam Papers
Pakaian dan fabrik Exam Papers
Forecasting river discharge using autoregressive inte Thesis
Penetration testing and intrusion mechanism Exam Papers
Barcode and its potential application in construction Thesis
The Petronas Twin Towers and the Kuala Lumpur City Cen Thesis
Modeling and controller design for an inverted penduluText
Nonlinearity modelling of QoE for video streaming servConference Papers
Abdullah : proud moment for Malaysia Text
Construction measurement IV Exam Papers
MCNP for calculation of the thickness of radiation shielConference Papers
Tuntutan harta pusaka wajar diberikan perhatian Text
Wave equation for early detection of breast cancer g Conference Papers
Mazdak technique for PSNR estimation in audio steganNon-Index Paper
Selesa tinggal di pinggir bandar Text
UNIMAS invests in RM55mil data centre Text
Extraction of nanoparticle iron oxide, silica and calci Conference Papers
Structural analysis Exam Papers
Discovery of potential SSR markers through genome wiJournal Article
Mathematical modeling for tsunami waves using latti Thesis
Preparation and characterization study of PPEES/chit Indexed Paper
Linguistik - Petunjuk tahap ketamadunan Text
Kesan abu dasar arang batu ke atas ciri-ciri kejuruteraanThesis
Utar set to produce doctors Text
Makanan ayam bebas enzim babi Text
Potensi industri pesawat Text
Kementerian Pelajaran yakin dapat laksanakan PIPP Text
Pendidikan islam / tasawwur islam Text
Diffusive thermal instabilities of C4H10-C3H8/air lami Non-Index Paper
Kajian persepsi masyarakat terhadap kaedah pelupusanText
Kursus diploma bagi guru tabika KEMAS Text
Kerajaan Terengganu tidak ikut keputusan Text
Radio over fiber receiver configuration employing an Conference Papers
Court action for scam operators Text
Government to channel RM50mil straight to boards of Text
Niat Washington pada Pakistan Text
Sains, Matematik dalam BI di luar bandar ditingkat Text
Computer programming Text
Nonparametric Kernel estimation of annual maximum sText
Increasing the adoption of project management best pra Thesis
Comparison between the three wan protocols through Thesis
Observers for varsity elections Text
Malaysia bakal pengeluar utama pesawat ringan Text
Kerajaan sasar lima peratus lepasan IPTA ceburi usaha Text
Pelajar mencuba jubah baru UTM Text
JPJ urus soalan, markah ujian lesen L Text
Kajian penyusupan dan kebocoran bagi paip pembetu Thesis
A study on online purchasing behaviour among bank emp Thesis
Development of delta wing aerodynamics research in un Indexed Paper
Stray cats management in Universiti Teknologi Malaysi Thesis
Kejora destinasi pelancongan agro Text
Design of a small water transport vehicle Text
Development of robot simulation software for five joi Conference Papers
Lucky 13 : passengers and pilots survive copter plunge Text
Mengapa wanita memeluk Islam? Text
1,400 guru terlibat program First Steps Text
Surface and colloid chemistry Text
Ops Sikap reveals depressing statistics Text
An embedded cryptosystem implementing symmetric ciph Text
Rutting evaluation of aged binder containing waste engiIndexed Paper
Kementerian pinda Akta Hak Cipta 1987 Text
Pengajaran dari Ramadan Text
Harga air tiga sen untuk bantu PAP berkuasa Text
Fuelling research Text
Jawatankuasa Penasihat Pengangkutan Awam akan dit Text
Location of voltage sag source by using artificial neura Journal Article
Kinect controlled humanoid robot based on human's boThesis
Running on biodiesel Text
Simulasi litar elektronik Text
Clustering of chemical compounds using unsupervised Conference Papers
Authorship invarianceness for writer identification usinThesis
Building technology (teknologi bangunan) Text
More straight As in PMR Text
Peranan perkhidmatan awam mengisi kemerdekaan Text
Klang Valley blanketed by haze Text
Laporan gaji baru ganti SSB siap Text
KL minta London kecualikan visa Text
Beberapa penerbangan dari KLIA alami gangguan Text
Najib : tap into halal market Text
SPM : 10 mata pelajaran kekal Text
Operasi unit II Text
The impact of total quality management practices wit Thesis
OIC perlu contohi isu kemerdekaan Kosovo Text
Peluang rintis damai Text
Minum susu mampu cegah nyanyuk Text
Teori medan elektromagnet II Text
Pengenalan Sosiologi Industri Text
Comparison of power transmission for motorcycle Thesis
Masa depan industri satelit cerah Text
Elektronik Industri Text
RM3j biasiswa mahasiswa aktif sukan setiap tahun Text
40,000 culled in past 24 hours Text
Malaysia saingi China tarik pelancong asing Text
Jakarta tak serius tangani jerebu Text
Dasar had pekerja asing sudah diperkenal Text
Implementing pathway based analysis and SVM-ElasticNet Thesis
Major changes to Cabinet Text
700 kamera jejak pesalah Text
Simulation lab for medical training Text
Analisis keperluan latihan Text
Minggu Kualiti pamer kecemerlangan kakitangan UIAMText
Design for MFG. & assembly Text
Public transport fares to go up from August Text
Environmental management Exam Papers
Direct yaw control of vehicle using state dependent ric Indexed Paper
Tabiat ke masjid patut dibiasakan sejak usia muda Text
Negri ruler honours 1,405 Text
Density profile of hot mix asphalt layer during compactio Indexed Paper
Short-run underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) Indexed Paper
Evaluating young construction project managers ethicaThesis
Gambar ngeri sekadar hiasan Text
Angle adjustment in MATLAB controlled mobile robot Conference Papers
IPT perlu jaga kualiti kursus : PM Text
Keberkesanan pendekatan 'quantum learning' dalam peThesis
Properties of sustainable lightweight pervious concreteIndexed Paper
High strength green concrete by using biomass aggregaThesis
Performance optimization of a microchannel heat sink Indexed Paper
Selesema burung : kita sokong dana bantu negara miskText
Market cap of multimedia, communications firms up 3 Text
Comparative study of text clustering using k-means andThesis
System architecture, behaviour and optimization Exam Papers
UMK sedia terima 400 pelajar perintis Text
Rising sugar intake causing more deaths Text
1.4 juta masih enggan mohon Mykad Text
Kajian tempat letak kereta : kes kajian : di kawasan me Text
Kajidaya bahan Text
RM246j mantapkan semula industri nanas Text
Personal information searching and identification in p Thesis
Peraturan baru pertingkat keluaran minyak sawit Text
Rujuk terus kes kecemasan JKM kepada ahli Parlimen Text
MIDF sasar RM200j dana bantu usahawan PKS Text
Sistem pengurusan rantaian bekalan untuk Pusat Biote Thesis
Utilization of the ability to induce activation of the nu Indexed Paper
Structural Design and analysis of a microturbine comprText
Kerjasama UTM-KQ GEO bernilai RM1.6j News Paper Cuttings
Pembedahan tulang belakang kembar terjejas Text
Penyelidikan pemasaran Text
Pagoh dapat makmal bahasa Inggeris Text
Environmental management and sustainability Exam Papers
Newly written science, maths textbooks in simple engli Text
Image recognition system for road traffic analysis Thesis
Planning theory Exam Papers
Keng Yaik proposes an education commission Text
Power monitoring smartmeter in domestics appliances Thesis
The aluminium-titanium bimetal oxide nanoparticles loaThesis
Tahap penyelidikan fasiliti orang kurang upaya di bang Thesis
Rasuah punca samseng di Jalan Petaling Text
Towards closer ties with Russia Text
Bersepakat menentang manipulasi harga Text
Dadah RM500,000 dirampas Text
UPM menang besar di Belgium Text
Tarif air tidak mungkin kekal : PM Text
Kesan peruntukan efektif bagi pelaburan harta tanah ter Text
Rakyat patut faham bajet bukan sekadar umum bonus Text
700 spesies orkid di Pameran Orkid Antarabangsa 28 OgText
Up for the challenge Text
Tiga strategi utama selamatkan industri pelancongan a Text
Bitter-sweet moment for grieving husband Text
Vieira : pragmatist with a touch of flair Text
Hubungan diplomatik KL, Beijing istimewa Text
Engineering mathematics II Exam Papers
CFD simulation of a plate heat exchanger with trapezoi Journal Article
A review of the models of land development process : Text
Kata dikota janji dilaksana Text
ARF setuju tingkat perkongsian risikan Text
Homemade drugs hit a new high Text
Program baru latih pelajar tercicir Text
Teknologi elektrik Text
Peacekeeping team sent to Timor Leste Text
30% wanita diancam kanser payu dara Text
Hubungan antara persekitaran kerja dengan komitmen Thesis pe
Shallow water effect of pusher barge system Thesis
Subsidi kerajaan bantu kawal harga makanan Text
The relationship between organizational support for c Thesis
Uni-Omnidirectional radial waveguide slot array antennConference Papers
Focus on conventions to draw more visitors Text
Sekolah vokasional kini jadi pilihan News Paper Cuttings
Agihan saksama jadi asas RMK-9 Text
Healthcare to benefit people Text
Advanced process control of fatty acid distillation columText
Selawat lahir nilai spiritual kerohanian Text
Pusat sains sukan ditambah Text
Kajian amalan pengajaran berpasukan di Kolej MatrikulThesis
Permainan geopolitik MH17 News Paper Cuttings
Strategi pemasaran Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - 9th College Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Basmi kemiskinan misi utama kementerian : Aziz Text
UTM fokus lahir graduan pascasiswazah News Paper Cuttings
Sistem maklumat pengurusan penyelenggaraan bas di Sy Text
Kabinet lulus pelan kontinjensi Text
The dynamic interaction between road density and landConference Papers
Kelantan, Terengganu sekali lagi dilanda banjir, Perlis tuText
Post occupancy evaluation (POE) untuk Perpustakaan Su Thesis
Pembangunan projek penswastaan tanah negeri Johor Thesis
Pembangunan web portal berasaskan multiply bertajukThesis
Proses pembuatan Text
A record 15,000 students apply for PSD scholarships Text
Outcome bukan output, budaya bukan sijil Text
Israel bukan lagi musuh Arab News Paper Cuttings
New coreless spoiler design and analysis (V4) Thesis
Pelbagai reaksi cadangan sebat peragut Text
Pemprosesan isyarat Text
Kualiti syarat dapat lesen operasi hotel Text
Embankment stabilisation using lime and ash: an optionText
Modeling and control of a nonlinear active suspension Indexed Paper
Education Ministry obtains four-star rating under Ma Text
Peluang teroka ICT Asia Barat Text
UTM anjur simposium sains, matematik Text
Felda to go big on chillies Text
Kajian kekuatan kiub simen-tanah termampat Thesis
Japan seeks closer ties, says PM Text
Pengurusan latihan sumber manusia Text
System to track land matters Text
Masalah kekurangan sumber air tawar Text
Latihan senjata api dalam PLKN hanya asas Text
Public service delivery survey : services generally betterText
Static and dynamic balancing of helicopter tail rotor Indexed Paper
Islam sumber undang-undang Iraq Text
Statistik kejuruteraan Text
Disaster warning system to link 66 countries Text
Principles of information system Text
Putting a monetary value on biodiversity Text
Acacia honey induces apoptosis in human breast adenoc Journal Article
Kajian perbandingan rekabentuk papak menggunakan tet Text
Australia sedia kongsi teknologi makanan Text
One-third of Johor crimes committed by Indians Text
Hubungan antara kandungan lembapan dan kekuatan m Text
Kaedah berangka kejuruteraan kimia Text
Dua persoalan di sebalik masalah kualiti air Text
UPSI bertanggungjawab teruskan kemasyhuran SITC Text
Construction materials Exam Papers
Tourist arrivals increase in first 7 months Text
Syarat TKKK bebankan pesakit Text
Wanita tempatan jangan mudah terpedaya jerat sindik Text
Teknologi binaan I Text
Geoteknik II Text
Dua pensyarah Kusza tidak memiliki SPM Text
Corporate default prediction with industry effects : e Indexed Paper
Effect of stressed-skin action on optimal design of col Indexed Paper
Computer system and multimedia Exam Papers
80 per cent failed! Text
Unhealthy air choking Sarawak Text
Software project and configuration management Exam Papers
Review on techniques in determination of age and gendConference Papers
Perawatan selamat untuk pesakit Text
Microstructure and porosity studies of cast AI-SiCp me Text
Auto motion self balancing scooter Thesis
Design of multilayer microstrip-slot in-phase power di Indexed Paper
Rekabentuk struktur keluli dan kayu Text
YTL pilih UTM lancar Kedai Peranti 4 G News Paper Cuttings
Image using matching using relational graph representaText
Lahir hafiz profesional ikut bidang Text
USM given full control on intake Text
State Barisan leaders want more autonomy and CabinetText
Malaysia-Thai bridge on track : link to enhance economiText
DNA motif identification using LPBS Journal Article
Kementerian dijangka lantik klinik swasta sebagai panelText
Naza perkenal lebih banyak model baru : Nasarudin Text
Drift performance of bridge pier with various rubber beConference Papers
Biologi am 1 Text
The proximity effect of train station on property price Thesis
Basic electric electronic Exam Papers
Pengangkutan, ekonomi, budaya pengaruhi kelestarianNews Paper Cuttings
Measurement of sound directivity in a small room Thesis
Pengurus rumah tangga ganti pembantu rumah Text
DPM : learn from mistakes Text
Penerima darah diminta jalani ujian Text
Ministry to raise next yearÆs varsity intake for medici Text
Tangkak, Kulai jadi daerah Text
Treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using mem Conference Papers
10 strategi atasi kemiskinan di bandar Text
Details by december for Northern Corridor Text
Tensile stress-strain relationships of magnetorheologicaConference Papers
Abu Kassim : lapdog tag won't stick any more Text
Najib : vital to have targeted and focused stimulus pac Text
Basic electronics Text
Ingat mati cegah manusia bergelumang maksiat Text
90 saintis muda lancar roket rebut hadiah RM20,000 Text
Proton needs to go global Text
Jadikan Rakan Cop penghubung masyarakat dengan polText
Munsyi Abdullah pelopor seni visual Text
EPF's move to withhold Passports pays Off Text
Differential transformation method for solving sixth-or Journal Article
Saya sedia ditegur, tetapi utamakan musyawarah buat Text
Sistem maklumat kejuruteraan awam Text
Transnational social capital, business model design, an Indexed Paper
Nurul Huda duyung Asia Tenggara Text
Landscape Ecology Exam Papers
Ancaman globalisasi ke atas budaya generasi muda Text
Preparation and characterization of single and binary me Conference Papers
UTM V-C next to vacate his seat? Text
Mechanics Exam Papers
RM5OOm for Kinta Valley road upgrading projects Text
Typical tests on cold-formed steel structures Conference Papers
Introduction to planning/pengantar perancangan Exam Papers
Usah panik hingga 'memulau' makan ayam Text
Dad accepts DNA results Text
Dynamics Exam Papers
Precious moments Text
UTM hasilkan CCTV mampu rakam dalam gelap Text
New literacy and numeracy screening for year one pupiText
Kajian banjir di Sungai Muar Text
Gated, guarded homes attract buyers Text
Law and practice Exam Papers
Materials and specifications Exam Papers
Aim has not changed, only the method, says Najib Text
IRB : no extension to deadline Text
Cukai pendapatan terlebih bayar dikembali 3 bulan Text
3 cabaran utama pendidikan Text
1,200 flee homes in Kelantan Text
Program inkubator siswazah diperkenal Text
The effect of electrical ageing on electrical properties Thesis
System for monitoring the integrity of halal product in Thesis
UTM tawar program kejuruteraan nuklear News Paper Cuttings
Granular mining approach for identifying student's learThesis
Kesedaran khasiat minyak sawit masih rendah Text
The ethical perceptions of real estate valuers in MalaysThesis
Statistical quality control Exam Papers
Graduan disaran tingkat penguasaan ilmu global Text
Polis henti bogel, gondol tahanan Text
Beri biasiswa kepada yang perlu bukan kecemerlangan Text
Transaction cost and landownership constraints in the sNon-Index Paper
Bebas H1N1 jika tiada kes esok Text
Lapangan terbang Subang pusat penerbangan kos mur Text
Development of vibration harvesting device for electricThesis
Application of sustainable foaming agents to control thNon-Index Paper
Pengurusan tekanan kerja di kalangan guru sekolah renThesis
Kebolehan juruukur bangunan tidak dimanfaat Text
Mathematic Methods II Exam Papers
Optical bistability controlled using add-drop Mobius m Journal Article
Modelling of the property market: the Malaysian experConference Papers
Teknologi binaan II Text
An innovative vehicle detection approach based on ba Indexed Paper
1Malaysia to roar in F1 next year Text
Wind environment evaluation in neighborhood residentia Conference Papers
Negara rugi RM7.5b nahas jalan raya Text
Race is on to tackle climate woes Text
RM2j klon benih getah baru tingkat produktiviti Text
USM wonÆt set up station Text
Ministry mulls dengue quarantine Text
UniMap diminta kaji bunga kembang pagi boleh halangText
Construction technology IV Exam Papers
Engineering mathematics I Exam Papers
Sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid polydimethysiloxane-3-Thesis
On the use of fuzzy C-regression truncated models for he Thesis
Certificate to prove quality of products Text
Father, son to be tested for bird flu Text
Pernilaian terhadap keberkesanan perlaksanaan prograConference Papers
Methane bubble formation and dynamics in a rectangulIndexed Paper
Enam lagi pegawai tentera ditahan Text
Three - dimensional vehicle pose estimation from two -Conference Papers
Swasta cenderung dapat untung mudah dikesali Text
UTM does hajat prayers for Gaza Victims Text
Anwar Ridhwan Sasterawan Negara Ke-10 Text
Usah hanya harap keikhlasan guru Text
Determination of optimum concentration of lime slurryText
Employ the disabled, says PM Text
Outliers effect in measurement data for T-peel adhesioIndexed Paper
Penggunaan tenaga buruh asing dalam industri pembi Thesis
Tambang bas sekolah naik Text
Enggan sepakat punca umat Islam ditindas musuh Text
Bantuan khas bukti kerajaan prihatin kakitangan awamText
PNB bukti kecemerlangan bumiputera Text
Inovasi di sebalik idea pelajar Text
Rekabentuk struktur IV Text
Proposals to reform the House Text
Sistem kawalan digit Text
Effect of cold isostatic press parameters and sinterin Conference Papers
Pengurusan projek teknologi maklumat Text
Intermediate Mathematics Exam Papers
Comparison between transmission control protocol sc Text
Bringing ICT to schools needs 24-hour power supply Text
Flow visualization and measurement of a synthetic jet Journal Article
Fundamentals of power system Exam Papers
Peer interactions in computer-supported collaborative Conference Papers
2-D finite-element modeling of electrostatic sensor fo Indexed Paper
Remote sensing technique for detection of hydrocarbonThesis
Spatiotemporal data visualization using morphing appr Conference Papers
Multiple vehicle detection and segmentation Thesis
Position control using model reference adaptive controText
Slenderness study of composite slabs modeled by expliThesis
Konsep kuasa veto dalam PBB perlu dikaji semula Text
UTM tegas buang kakitangan, pelajar terlibat dadah Text
Flu-like illness clusters recorded Text
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Optimization of photocatalytic degradation of polybro Indexed Paper
Kerajaan tepati janji, jujur mudah diterima rakyat Text
Sistem pelepasan waktu pekerja bagi PTP berhad bera Text
Guna kapitalisme bentuk budaya membaca Text
Systems testing and evaluation Exam Papers
Jangan biarkan penyelidikan sastera terpinggir Text
Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for rubber wast Indexed Paper
Free vibration of laminated composite plates and shell Thesis
Sports centres nearer home Text
20,000 jawatan kosong untuk pekerja kontrak sektor Text
Sumbangan wanita dalam pembangunan terus diperka Text
Abdullah : ahli perniagaan Malaysia, Jepun perlu tingk Text
LID cara baik promosi negara Text
Kementerian garis 4 strategi martabatkan profesion gu Text
Building information modeling (BIM) : a potential for efIndexed Paper
Simulation of organic rankine cycle through fluegas to lJournal Article
UTM team bags prize with solution to keep taps flowin News Paper Cuttings
Malaysia hab sambungan tenaga rentas sempadan Text
Enhancing performance of real-time face recognition s Thesis
Doctors to be disallowed from dispensing medicines Text
Kajian kualiti air ternakan ikan siakap di dalam air paya Text
Pemantauan pergerakan sisi tembok penahan Text
Pendidikan anggota jadi agenda penting ATM : Najib Text
Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan Conference Papers
Unitar : KUB akan mohon RM300j geran kerajaan Text
Fractal dimension algorithm for oil spill and look-al Non-Index Paper
Cops in assault video identified Text
Organizational behaviour / Tabiat organisasi Text
Institution crucial in ensuring proper growth of individuText
Universiti Kuala Lumpur ganti universiti teknikal Text
KUB mahu jadi peneraju khidmat urus ancaman IT Text
Amalan penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar guru PendiThesis
Historical trend of hourly extreme rainfall in Peninsula Indexed Paper
Tambahan 10% lagi dikaji -- Kemasukan pelajar bukan Text
Perbezaan kurikulum program ekonomi syariah yang ber Thesis
Analisis berangka II Text
Dr M : it could have been avoided Text
Public to have a say in changes to laws Text
A one-time password method for user authentication i Thesis
A study on the early streamer emission (ESE) lightning Text
Generating online map for Skudai using the Minnesota Conference Papers
A proposed aerobic granules size development schemeIndexed f Paper
PC to PC data communication link employing wireless l Thesis
Anomalous hydrogen production during photolysis of Non-Index Paper
Development of an electronic control unit (ECU) of el Thesis
Multi-floor indoor location estimation system based onText w
The relationship between heavy metals and biomass pro Indexed Paper
Virology Text
Semua kaum boleh sertai sektor awam Text
Pensioners must show gratitude, says Yeow Text
Mathematical methods II Exam Papers
Kepekatan unsur logam berat di dalam debu jalan Ban Conference Papers
Numerical solution for PDE-constrained optimization prNon-Index Paper
Efficient data reporting in intelligent transportation sy Indexed Paper
Tetapkan hala tuju pelancongan kesihatan Text
Comparison of distribution models for peakflow, flood Indexed Paper
Level and transport pattern of faecal coliform bacteria Indexed Paper
New terminal complex in Kota Kinabalu ready Text
Dinamik & kawalan penerbangan Text
Sumatra faces more threats Text
Berdoalah dengan ikhlas ketika hadapi kesusahan Text
Buses, taxis to enjoy new toll rate discounts Text
Pelan pendidikan dihebah Text
Analisis siri masa terhadap parameter model hidrologi (Text
Utamakan rumah daripada kereta Text
Johor peroleh peruntukan terbesar dalam RMK-9 Text
Ramai berminat ke SMT Text
Centre for abused men shuts down Text
Beri peluang kedua kepada belia tercicir Text
Rekabentuk berbantu komputer penukar haba jenis plaText
Sasar dua universiti antara 100 terbaik dunia News Paper Cuttings
Drive to plant bunga raya Text
Development assessment model for middle manager inConference Papers
MIT mahu bantu kuat kuasa kutip cukai Text
Kabinet Najib perlukan sokongan generasi muda Text
Dimensi baru perkasakan bahasa Melayu Text
PM : study retirement options first Text
Cell and molecular biology Text
Application of Hyper-Spherical Search algorithm for optIndexed Paper
A literature review on personality, creativity and innov Indexed Paper
Petronas perluas projek di Uzbekistan Text
Building services system Exam Papers
Specialized third year laboratory Exam Papers
Investigation regarding the effectiveness of nitrogen s Thesis
Ekonomi bumiputera terus diberi penekanan RMK-9 Text
Power quality improvement by dynamic voltage restorer Thesis
Effect of chemical warm asphalt additive on wettabilityIndexed Paper
Investigation of laser induced inhibition and simulationNon-Index Paper
Enhanced interference-aware channel assignment scheThesis
Makanan punca ramai remaja sakit jantung Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Industrial electronics / electronics system (elektronik inText
Biodiesel production from spent bleaching earth Thesis
Simplified computer incident response model for premiThesis
Comparison of foam core sandwich panel and through-th Indexed Paper
1,071 kes denggi, tiga kematian Text
Graphics, animation, audio and video technology Exam Papers
Perpustakaan daerah kurang aktif galak membaca Text
Malaysia jadi sasaran IS bukan lagi retorik – Pakar News Paper Cuttings
Cabaran kursus pendek keusahawanan di dalam pembela Conference Papers
7 negara destinasi kenderaan curi Text
The detection of amplitude shift keyed signals (Fulltext)Text
Additif polimer & adunan Text
Amnesty International Report 2005 : key human rights Text
5 pendaki UTM selamat dipindah ke Lukla News Paper Cuttings
LIAM beri jaminan Text
Commodities set to be the next growth sector Text
Wujud selepas hampir 20 tahun tertangguh Text
Perhebat program banteras pencemaran sungai : PM Text
Development of asymmetric polyethersulfone hollow fibe Text
Instrumentation and data aquisition Exam Papers
Teknologi binaan I Text
Varsity students can access i-newspaper Text
30 tempat untuk guru lanjut pengajian PhD Text
Pelaksanaan pemetaan utiliti bawah tanah dan implikasThesis
Software construction Exam Papers
Pengaruh kompetensi dan motivasi sebagai moderator Thesis
Fewer Class F licences for contractors Text
Bank Pembangunan IKS ditubuh tahun ini Text
Parametric study of reinforced concrete slab systems : Text
Green Ridge kini dalam rundingan Text
Pengesanan aras kecerdasan pelbagai yang telah dikuasConference Papers
CFD simulation on an express bus at Malaysian highwayText
Modelling bioenvironmental hydraulic impacts of stormw Text
Community planning and housing Exam Papers
The interaction of selected macroeconomic factors andThesis
Predicting future sedimentation rates in small dams witText
Optimization of fed-batch cultivation strategy for extr Indexed Paper
Harga tinggi elak penyeludupan Text
Kukuhkan perpaduan tumpuan manifesto Text
The effect of mixing in polymer flooding simulator dev Thesis
Offshore structure Text
Perodua hentikan Kancil bulan depan Text
Bioinformatics database Exam Papers
Rangsang mutu khidmat awam : Najib Text
Program pendidikan khas sekolah cemerlang, murid pi Text
Pendekatan kaunseling atasi pelajar bermasalah Text
Pelan induk RT dirangka Text
Untargeted MS-based small metabolite identification f Indexed Paper
Electrical technology Text
QoS provisioning for real time services on diffServ awa Conference Papers
TNB on verge of getting tariff hike Text
Nuclear physics Exam Papers
Sembilan perkara lonjak sektor bioteknologi Text
Flexural strenght of fibre reinforced concrete under e Thesis
Potensi aktiviti memancing laut dalam sebagai tarikan Text
Hard to rebel without a cause News Paper Cuttings
A computer aided design software module for clock treeThesis
Programming and simulation Exam Papers
Keupayaan turapan konkrit di dalam struktur dinding Text
Evaluation of reference evapotranspiration models an Indexed Paper
School Sponsorship Programme : RM82,000 boost fromText
Applied abstract algebra Exam Papers
Tertiary education report out Text
Nada dering ayat suci dibenarkan Text
MINT cipta topeng sagu hidrogel rawat kulit muka Text
Sliding mode control of active suspension system Text
Ramai doktor pulang selepas ditawar terma lebih baik Text
Principles of management Exam Papers
Etika profesional Text
3 killed in double-decker crash News Paper Cuttings
Computer-aided cooling curve thermal analysis of near Indexed Paper
Dialog wadah satukan masyarakat Text
Mesin elektrik Text
Masalah penyiasatan tapak dan kesannya terhadap pera Text
Advance software testing Exam Papers
Usah sembunyi status kesihatan Text
Assessing surface albedo change and its induced radia Indexed Paper
Kejuruteraan jalan raya & lalu lintas Text
Empat IPTA dipilih bagi anak peneroka buat penyelidik Text
Professional practice 2 Exam Papers
Hafiz cipta sejarah 104 tahun Seluruh England Text
Geotechnical engineering/Kejuruteraan geoteknik Text
Government wants national schools to be top class instText
Indonesia top of the WHO watch list Text
Integration of PSO and clustering algorithms for privac Thesis
Coconut water therapy can work wonders Text
Design and formulating silane crosslinkable extrusion Text
Konsep kerajaan perpaduan pertembungan dua pemikira Text
Towards providing a more suitable housing for the low-iText
Building service I Exam Papers
Food allergy and intolerance Text
Fabrication of magnetic nanocomposite membrane for Indexed Paper
Money politics in UMNO : big fish hauled up Text
Nimda's RM22mil bill: Hefty cost of repairs to 17,830 Text
Umat Islam perlu serius pastikan generasi Muslim bers Text
Abdullah criticises lazy consumers Text
Proton Chancellor dilancar bulan depan Text
Tunggu masa gempur along Text
Malaysia boleh jadi pengeluar pulpa, kertas daripada s Text
RM200m to bring forest alive again Text
National education system to have emphasis on humanText
Tree induce suction for slope sustainability Conference Papers
Thermoluminescence properties of dysprosium-doped ca Thesis
Persidangan jadi wadah penyelidik, pengusaha kongsi i Text
Pembeli motosikal wajib beli sekali topi keledar Text
RM1.5b diperlukan rawat tiga sungai tercemar di JB Text
Masjid sebagai pusat kecemerlangan umat : kajian kes tText
Kejuruteraan kawalan dan getaran Text
Simulasi Trajektori Elektron Monte Carlo dalam Mikros Text
Petrol RON95 kini RM1.80 seliter Text
Cost studies Exam Papers
Pembangunan berasaskan permainan bagi meningkatkan Conference Papers
Ancaman syabu serius, boleh kucar-kacirkan negara jikaText
Selangor terus perkasa pembangunan belia Text
Sweet hopes for diabetics Text
Pemuda N. Sembilan tolak cadangan bekal jarum sunti Text
The influence of vacancies defects on electronic and tr Thesis
Control of unmanned surface vessel Thesis
Experimental study of surface roughness in electric dis Indexed Paper
Dengue is still a threat Text
Physics Exam Papers
A compact wilkinson power divider for MMIC applicati Thesis
Najib sampaikan Anugerah Merdeka Text
Some critical remarks on the initial detection of lung a Conference Papers
Phylogenetic abnalysis of Malaysian pineapples cultiva Indexed Paper
Correlation study on user satisfaction from adaptive beIndexed Paper
Dinar emas : alternatif bagi perdagangan Text
Lecturer wins award for turning rubbish into plastic Text
Professional practice 1 Exam Papers
Pengurusan alam sekitar Text
UTM making history by enrolling those from China Text
Seismic microzonation of Semarang, Indonesia based onJournal Article
Energy absorption performance of conical natural fiberConference Papers
Catalytic conversion of plam oil to gasoline : laporan haText
Maintenance dredging for waterway channel Thesis
Ethics and good business go together Text
Law on child-care centres under review Text
Salah tanggapan terhadap bidang sains rugikan masyarText
Application of CNC machines in Malaysian shipbuilding Text
Aluminium-induced crystallization of silicon thin film b Indexed Paper
Pembangunan mesti ikut peraturan alam Text
Performance evaluations of ICI cancellation schemes Conference Papers
Koperasi dibantu wujud kakitangan profesional Text
Bahasa Jepun Text
Tiga penyelidik kimia menang anugerah Nobel Text
Towards a new framework for tpm compliance testing Indexed Paper
Nilai to be `superÆ campus for teachers Text
Photovoltaic technology in Malaysia : past, present, an Indexed Paper
Bio-based thermoset nanocomposite derived from vegeta Indexed Paper
Reduced crime rates recorded in Penang Text
Passenger focus response to rail network's facilities in KThesis
Cara negara maju hadapi krisis minyak Text
Freeman chain code as representation in offline signatuJournal Article
Hisham : exams to remain bilingual Text
Lapses revealed in flu pandemic drill Text
PTPTN guna media buru jutawan liat bayar hutang Text
Pilihan raya Malaysia adil Text
Sistem hidraulik dan pneumatik Text
Cloud computing adoption framework for Malaysian smThesis
Corrosion behaviour of dual-phase and galvanized steelConference Papers
Spatial temporal regional modeling of local rainfall pat Thesis
Fotogrametri II Text
Implementation of ISO 9001 : 2000 quality management Text
The dermatoxicological profile of Labisia pumila extractThesis
Government takeover of solid waste jobs to lighten co Text
12,000 lepasan SPM terima biasiswa JPA Text
Kakitangan kerajaan malas balas surat dibidas Text
Olahan air larut lesap menggunakan tumbuhan canna i Thesis
Kawal nafsu Text
Ekonomi Malaysia sudah pulih Text
UTM hasilkan prototaip kapal layar Text
Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical scheme for contaminantNon-Index Paper
UTM mahu cipta aplikasi bantu petani News Paper Cuttings
Optimization of bioemulsifier production by a new Ps Thesis
Aplikasi pengurusan fasiliti dalam pengurusan hotel (PrText
Pusat Bantuan Bencana serantau ditubuhkan di SubangText
Algebra 2 Text
Sistem maklumat tender JKR Kota Bharu secara atas talText
Selangor enggan serah taman pertanian kepada Pusat Text
Economic and Specifications Exam Papers
Cytotoxic activities against breast cancer cells of local Indexed Paper
Semua pusat hiburan perlu tutup 1 pagi Text
An integrated energy and water footprint for office b Thesis
AP policy can help industry if implemented properly Text
Malaysia masih ada kelemahan untuk muncul sebagai pu Text
Factors influencing the project success from the contraThesis
Banks to accept all RM1 coins Text
Fake MyKad ring busted Text
Misusing official cars : pay cut for civil servants Text
Gas concentration effects on the sensing properties of Indexed Paper
Parameter estimation for generalized extreme value and Thesis
RM310.5j tingkat prasarana sekolah luar bandar Text
Guna kaedah 'kekerapan perjalanan bas setiap 15 minitText
Pembeli rumah mungkin ditawar tempoh waranti lebihText
Mada assures uninterrupted water supply for Penang, KText
Guru pedalaman cekal, tabah dan luar biasa Text
Terapi warna pulihkan sistem tubuh Text
A case study on concrete problems in UTM (Full text) Text
Influential factors of KM process adoption: a social-te Non-Index Paper
Ikan hiasan sumbang RM190j setahun Text
Fizik sinaran Text
Building and food sectors rely on foreign workers Text
Pro-Environmental concern among primary school studJournal Article
Noise and vibration Text
Strengthening of bolted shear joint in ferrocement constText
Methadone does help addicts Text
Simposium keusahawanan OKU, Oktober News Paper Cuttings
PM praises officer who refused bribe Text
Critical success factor for faculties academic library Thesis
Modeling pulse power generator of electrical discharg Thesis
Go on, read a good book, says Ka Ting Text
National Anti-Drug Agency lacks power to act Text
Human factor and accident investigation Exam Papers
Jejambat baru hubungkan Tambak Johor-CIQ Text
OIC gagal bawa perpaduan dunia Islam : Dr Mahathir Text
Graph cut segmentation method and its application in Indexed Paper
Tip diet sepanjang Ramadan Text
The influence of malicious human factors on information Thesis
Sampah, sisa binaan punca pencemaran Sungai Klang Text
Analisis pelaburan harta tanah Text
Malaysia to be world player in the multimedia industry Text
Enam negeri catat peningkatan denggi Text
School is two steel containers Text
Perak set to attract more foreign investors News Paper Cuttings
4 ahli Pak Ee mati kena tembak Text
Design of a new electrically-powered gasoline supply p Thesis
Statik Text
Lima cadangan mantapkan Baitulmal Text
Enhancement of student motivation in learning throug Indexed Paper
Pelan Tindakan Negara atasi pengangguran Text
Kajian terhadap ketepatan pemakluman maklumat bagiThesis p
R & D UTM bantu industri News Paper Cuttings
MIA, universiti lahirkan akauntan berwibawa Text
Decline in Chinese tourists, Malaysia working to redee Text
UTM m-cycle wins green challenge Text
A new solution for the compression of a two-layer stripIndexed Paper
Geometri bukan euklidan Text
Youth organisations keen to help in anti-smoking drive Text
Jobless due to poor English Text
Pendedahan senjata nuklear AS tidak memberi makna Text
Projek pembangunan akan dibatalkan jika Kelantan en News Paper Cuttings
Mekanik bendalir II Text
Kenal pasti kemahiran pelajar Text
Rise in kidney failure Text
PM : Malaysia's economy is stable Text
Modelling neighbourhood satisfaction of residents in Indexed Paper
Recruiting the right employees Text
Losing key employees Text
ACA gets report on misuse of official cars Text
A new PWM scheme for cascaded multilevel inverter usiConference Papers
Building information modeling (BIM) in architecture, e Thesis
Piagam ASEAN perlu dilaksanakan segera Text
Quality of public service vital in global economy Text
Two treated for radiation exposure Text
Effect of graphene on mechanical properties and flameThesis
RM270j pendidikan khas vokasional Text
An optimization technique based on imperialist competiIndexed Paper
Factors affecting auditor's independence : case in Kua Thesis
Penjara jika abai keselamatan pekerja Text
Finite element simulation of raft foundation and it's ac Thesis
Pembangunan sistem pangkalan data bagi proses penilai Text
Neural network based switch beam smart antenna Indexed Paper
Students have fun learning English with NST Text
Dual band antenna for radio frequency identification apThesis
Harga minyak sawit dijangka meningkat Text
USM penuhi kriteria status Universiti Apex Text
The observation of vortex ring at sequence of cavitatio Text
Estimation of solar radiation in tropical region for engi Text
DBKL pasang semula gegelung hos di flat Text
JPJ perketat ujian : latihan amali memandu ditambah Text
Study : Labuan bridge is viable Text
Pengurusan projek dan kejuruteraan penyenggaraan Text
Low-cost carrier terminal to be built at KLIA Text
Khazanah beli ekuiti Mitsubishi dalam Proton Text
Long Gafar pahlawan berpengaruh Kelantan Text
RM600m boost for economy Text
43,924 pelajar gagal meneruskan ke tingkatan lima tahuText
Structural and luminescence studies of europium ions Indexed Paper
Adsorption of methlene blue with adsorbent produced Thesis
Optical wireless quantum communication coding system Indexed Paper
New theoretical model for SSTT-confined HSC columns Indexed Paper
RM900 juta bantu 230,000 pekebun kecil Text
Static srength investigation of tubular Y-joint using LU Text
EcoPak lebih mesra alam : Prof. Lik Meng Text
Physical and optical properties of calcium zinc borop Indexed Paper
Tingkatkan tahap teknologi tinggi kurang bergantung peText
Governing mobile content Text
Pendekatan agama tangani mat rempit Text
Teknik ultrasonik Text
World Conference Of Islamic Scholars : promote true IsText
RMK-9 dibentang 3 April tahun depan Text
Keputusan tepat : Ungku Aziz Text
New module is more balanced Text
Development of low emission oil burner (Preview) Text
More than medicine for doctors Text
Executive information site management system for monNon-Index Paper
Biotechnology Exam Papers
Ujian jet Jepun ganti Concorde temui kegagalan Text
Pertumbuhan, inflasi penentu kadar faedah Text
RM260j elak bah besar Text
Three legged walker Thesis
Kabinet diberi taklimat keadaan jenayah ragut Text
Community planning and housing Exam Papers
Lapuran penyelidikan rawatan airsisa menggunakan ka Text
Massive training radial basis function network for lun Thesis
Parallel artificial neural network approaches for de Indexed Paper
Performance comparison of a proposed efficient smooth Conference Papers
Perbandingan proses penyiasatan pelajar Malaysia dan Conference Papers
Synthesis and characterization of waste newspaper cellThesis
Membina keharmonian perbezaan agama melalui dakwa Text
Tawaran pengajian sepenuh masa di USM Text
Haiwan dikhuatiri mati jika pindahkan zoo Text
New lease of life for Rakan Muda Text
R&D : khasiat buah Roselle Text
Systematic qualitative data management (SQDM) during Conference Papers
The effect of courseware utilization to the student’ Non-Index Paper
Analisis hubungkait jenayah dan lampu jalan bagi kaw Thesis
Kajian rekabentuk sistem saluran terbuka dan pembentun Text
Algorithm for deriving sea surface current in the South Conference Papers
A workflow management framework in grid-based dataThesis
Bukan agenda tersembunyi Text
Fakulti Perubatan UiTM ditubuh dalam masa terdekat Text
Synthesis of ETS-4 as filler for mixed matrix membrane Thesis
Financial management Exam Papers
Banteras gejala salah guna dadah perlu pendekatan ba Text
Universiti digesa kaji bidang kehakiman Text
Klang move on trial basis News Paper Cuttings
Guideline for teachers teaching autistic students using Thesis
Optimizing time of use (ToU) electricity pricing in regu Indexed Paper
Kemusnahan bakau boleh bawa bencana Text
Pelajar tahun satu UTM kesal pensyarah suruh 'tarik diriNews Paper Cuttings
Metric based software project performance monitorin Journal Article
Effects of firing mode on the performance of flameless Indexed Paper
Performance analysis of plasma arc cutting machine Text
House buyers may soon see end to woes Text
Minyak tidak naik lagi, bagi kurangkan beban rakyat w Text
Malaysia tolak campur tangan tentera asing di Asia Text
Electronics manufacturing process (proses pembuatan eText
CO2 methanation over heterogeneous catalysts : recentIndexed Paper
The strenghth of glulam beam made-up of weaker species Text
Linear algebra Exam Papers
Design a traffic light control system using PIC microcontThesis
Pengaruh kekuatan konkrit ke atas gayalaku sambunganText r
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Gearing for GIS solutions Text
Malaysia jadi mangsa transit dadah Text
Review on service selection schemes based on user preIndexed Paper
Perbandingan alat casagrande dan kun meter tusuk da Text
Industri perbankan tidak ketatkan syarat pinjaman Text
Pemindahan haba Text
Rekabentuk loji Text
Performance of wideband code division multiple acces Thesis
Towards the development of Universiti Teknologi MalayText
UM tawar diskaun yuran bagi pelajar IPS Text
Pengurusan pelancongan Text
Magnetic materials Exam Papers
Higher box traffic in Sabah Text
Fungsi MeCD kekal : PM Text
Multi-directional autonomous mobile robot Text
Tanah dan pertanian orang Melayu di Negeri Sembilan Text
Didik anak tanggungjawab seluruh keluarga Text
Green computing : awareness and practices among stude Thesis
Cecacing W/32 Nachi pula serang sistem komputer Text
Glazing design for bilateral daylighting in public school Thesis
Portal E-Syariah untuk umat Islam Text
Universiti Woosuk, UM jalin kerjasama pendidikan Text
JobStreet to validate all UTM degrees News Paper Cuttings
Pak Lah outlines his agenda Text
Sistem perhubungan Text
Telus laksana projek awam Text
Treating hazardous locations at federal route 50 (Previ Text
Problems associated with acceleration works and its soThesis
KL, Jakarta rujuk tribunal : jika isu blok minyak tidak se Text
UTM students raise RM4,000 for National Cancer CouncNews Paper Cuttings
Pekerja culas sama berdosa dengan terima rasuah Text
On a mission to teach and foster goodwill Text
Kabinet kaji pengurangan tarif elektrik, gas Text
Easing the way to teaching jobs Text
Fighting to save estuary's fauna Text
Hubungan keberkesanan latihan program "TM product Thesis a
Fatwa Council deems ancient form of exercise from IndText
Syed Hamid : technical study will shed light on floods Text
Controlling home power socket using bluetooth enableThesis
Rheological properties analysis of WC-Co injection feedIndexed Paper
Sistem kawalan inventori berasaskan web di Sekun TechText
The relationship between ethical leadership and organizThesis
6 universiti terima Enam Bintang MyRA News Paper Cuttings
ITNM perlu jana minda Text
Basic photogrammetry Exam Papers
Sejarah nobel laureate Text
Kerajaan pastikan peniaga tak naik harga Text
Pak Lah : civil servants can go back to pension scheme Text
Stok beras, padi tidak akan susut Text
Sabtu minggu kedua untuk salur masalah pendidikan Text
MAS mahu jadikan Kedah hab jemaah dari utara Text
Vibration analysis of Proton Saga body-in-white (BIW) Thesis
Project to protect dugongs Text
Malaysia menempelak China ? News Paper Cuttings
Penerbitan ilmiah UTM terbaik News Paper Cuttings
Enzymatic hydrolysis of used-frying oil using Candida ruIndexed Paper
Persamaan terbitan Text
Kesan kepekatan polimer dalam larutan polimer terhadText
Educating the future leaders: integration of engineer Non-Index Paper
Effective communication Exam Papers
Sistem E-pembelajaran pengambilan lesen L dan lese Text
A lucky escape for trio Text
Program Malaysia Rumah Keduaku bawa pulangan RM5Text
New realities challenge managers Text
Ekonomi Malaysia jadi contoh dunia Muslim Text
Sarawak allocates big piece of land to start specialist hoText
Bridge values gap in public service Text
Authoring system Exam Papers
Pustaka dibekal ensiklopedia sains, teknologi Text
Factors affecting the preparation of the construction Thesis
Majlis Profesor Negara dilancar Text
Teknologi terkini pindah rahim Text
Work improvement at an engine assembly line at car mThesis
Friction coefficient at the interface of concrete-to-co Thesis
Introduction to multimedia / pengenalan kepada multi Text
UKM perkenal rumah guna tenaga suria Text
Kearah kecemerlangan menyeluruh News Paper Cuttings
A flexible three-level logistic network design consideri Indexed Paper
Integration of magic formula tire model with vehicle h Non-Index Paper
Kedudukan nabi di sisi Islam Text
Tingkat kepuasan perumahan kos rendah di MPJBT danThesis
Handling absenteeism after UPSR and PMR exams Text
BN utamakan muafakat tangani masalah rakyat Text
Changing roles of agro grads Text
Mobile phones on hold Text
JUPEM diberi tanggungjawab sediakan data asas pemetaa Text
Skim subsidi baru minyak diumum sebelum bajet Text
Cerai SMS tidak sah -- Perlu perakuan Mahkamah Syar Text
Two gun-runners shot dead Text
MAS laksana had tiket automatik penerbangan antarabText
UMP names Rosli as deputy vice chancellor Text
Laporan Hala Tuju Pendidikan Tinggi Negara diteliti Text
Resipi kejayaan di FIM Text
Instrumentation in analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Wireless communication systems Exam Papers
Analysis of concrete-corrugated-steel slab based on m Thesis
Flexural strength of glass fibre as reinforcement in morThesis
Unsupervised predictive failure detection in logistics s Conference Papers
ICT facilities and Orang Asli education at Royal Belum, Conference Papers
Pengawalan pencemaran minyak Text
Instrumentation in analytical chemistry Exam Papers
Dunia kini di hujung jari Text
The stability of a cross rolls in a rayleigh-benard conve Thesis
Melahirkan graduan sebagai insan News Paper Cuttings
Kemahiran visualisasi: kemahiran kognitif tahap tinggi Conference Papers
Ciri-ciri pengurus projek yang berkesan di dalam indus Text
Best- location technique for mammogram Authenticati Thesis
Syndicate selling doctored pay slips Text
Strategic planning of organizations on tourism events : Thesis
RM315j geran bantuan jentera untuk petani Text
Prediction model to determine natural frequency for inConference Papers
Semua bentuk rangkaian disifatkan tidak selamat Text
Jaminan gula diterima 24 jam Text
Thermal analysis of H.V insulation oil during partial dis Thesis
Functionalised carbon nanotubes for mixed matrix me Conference Papers
Be of service, PM tells civil servants Text
Structural analysis of portable repositioning equipmentIndexed Paper
Nisbah pungutan agihan zakat perlu seimbang Text
Sistem mendiagnosis penyakit bayi menggunakan pendek Text
UTM sentiasa perkemas program untuk dinilai Text
Utilization of modis remotely sensed data for identificaText
Kerajaan tambah biasiswa kursus perubatan sukan Text
Nilai dagangan negara boleh capai RM1 trilion Text
Sistem kepintaran Text
A new wideband circularly polarized dielectric resonat Indexed Paper
Physical and mechanical properties of concrete containiThesis
Effect of brake pad design on friction and wear with harJournal Article
Pengerusi Mahkamah Perusahaan Sarawak dipecat Text
Manfaatkan sistem kerja lima hari Text
66 Siswa UTM jayakan aktiviti kemasyarakatan Text
Electricity tariff review next year Text
Kementerian perlu kaji keberkesanan subjek Sejarah di Text
Selat Melaka dijamin selamat Text
Sekolah Perubatan UMS siap 2011 Text
Ringgit kukuh, saham melonjak Text
Pengukuran halaju susuk : kaedah sekaitan silang dala Text
Production planning & control / perancangan & kawalaText
Lubricity of palm fatty acid distillates at various rotati Indexed Paper
Ukur dan pemetaan II Text
PM syor wujudkan lebuh raya super merentasi benua AText
Samy Vellu welcomes ACA probe Text
SME Bank perlu sokongan semua Text
Pastikan penggunaan Bahasa Kebangsaan Text
Bangunan tinggi disyarat mampu tahan gegaran Text
Preparation of polyacrylnitrile (PAN)/ Manganese oxideIndexed Paper
Laboratory management & safety Exam Papers
Enough books for all students Text
Finite element study for the management of femoral neThesis
Ketuanan Melayu tiada kaitan perhambaan Text
Betulkan tanggapan terhadap keupayaan IPTS Text
Komik dan remaja sukar dipisahkan Text
Data fusion approaches in ligand-based virtual screeni Indexed Paper
Heat transfer characterization of air circulation inside Thesis
Android based qibla determination Thesis
Terokai bidang sukan sebagai kerjaya hidup News Paper Cuttings
Enhanced computer forensic approach for cloud comp Thesis
Kukum jalin kerjasama dengan 21 syarikat Text
Mechanical properties of yeast cells at different cell Conference Papers
Seismic response of 3D frame structures by using impacThesis
Menopause Intelektual Text
Rakyat Malaysia belanja berlebihan kerana pengaruh ikText
Cu2+ and Al3+ co-substituted cobalt ferrite : structura Indexed Paper
Bantuan polis banteras ponteng wajar diperluas Text
Rancang kewangan usia emas Text
Projek hidroelektrik Hulu Terengganu ancam ekologi Text
Job-ready graduates Text
Kelas agama tanpa tauliah diserbu Text
Pesawah cipta pembajak 5 fungsi Text
Verbal battle among students News Paper Cuttings
PPSMI gagal capai matlamat Text
Sistem perundangan Malaysia Text
Segerakan wujud badan khas bantu pesakit kronik Text
Development of RF non-thermal plasma source for me Thesis
No more parliamentary secretaries in govt Text
Meranking Sekolah Bestari Text
Teori litar Text
Progress made on Limbang issue Text
Colour image steganography using LSB insertion and ceThesis
The effect of jointing sand size and spacing on horizo Thesis
Machining of propeller using 3-Axis CNC milling machinThesis
KL, Arab Saudi makin erat Text
Stok penimbal bahan binaan diwujud Text
The effectiveness of lime gypsum column as a soil stabiText
Alarm over DNA matches Text
RM100j tambahan rumah rakyat Text
Caj memiliki alat elektrik di kolej kediaman UTM berpa Text
Craniofacial anthropometry: measurement comparisonConference Papers
Petroleum hub to oil IDR growth Text
Planning and production control Exam Papers
Reinforced concrete design 1 Exam Papers
Transformational leardership and employee turnover inThesis
PM : new scheme being drawn up to promote teachersText
Human trafficking difficult to stop Text
Teaching methods in sports science Exam Papers
Saintis diberi peluang bangunkan teknologi Text
Kajian undang - undang II Text
Pelaburan unik PNB Text
Doctors only need to do hospital and clinical duties Text
Persamaan pembezaan Text
BSN diarah banteras mentor seleweng bantuan Text
Draf pindaan AUKU diteliti Peguam Negara Text
Rulings by National Fatwa Council : botox fix forbidden Text
Hishammuddin beri jaminan pengambilan 33,000 guru Text
Master slave RS485 network between PC and PIC16F84Text
Proton, UTM hasilkan panel suria Text
The overview of problem solving skill through online soConference Papers
Mengkaji kesan suhu penuaan terhadap mikrostruktur dText
Network selection mechanism application for android dThesis
UTM perlu pantas terokai pelbagai penemuan baru Text
HPV vaccines at a glance Text
Dua maut kereta rempuh lori Text
Pembangunan bandar I Text
Women are better role models Text
236 lulusan perubatan JPA enggan pulang berkhidmat Text
Linkage between knowledge management and manufactu Indexed Paper
Prized trees saved Text
Power electronics and drives Exam Papers
Evaluation of binder absorption in asphalt mixture withJournal Article
60% peniaga kecil pinjam Ah Long Text
Malaysia mampu hasil produk bioteknologi Text
Ghafar more projects to boost east coast states News Paper Cuttings
Penentuan perletakan menara telekomunikasi mengguna Text
Peluang ke Olimpik Beijing 2008 Text
Tabung IPTS - 700 pelajar layak terima bantuan Text
Predator-prey model with constant rate of harvesting Thesis
Interaction of two solitary waves in blood vessels Thesis
Prinsip Perakaunan Kewangan Text
VC’S view is discriminatory, says Wanita MCA News Paper Cuttings
Astronomi lapangan Text
Enhancement of exergy efficiency in combustion syste Indexed Paper
Pyroligneous acid-the smoky acidic liquid from plant b Indexed Paper
Program pemulihan khas bantu murid kuasai 3M Text
J-Robik pupuk masyarakat cergas Text
Workshop technology 1 / teknologi woksyop 1 Text
Web-based inventory control system for A1 Computer Thesis
Syor pinda akta adili semua aspek Text
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems Exam Papers
Gaya pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan Thesis
Basic financial accounting Exam Papers
Islamic economics system Exam Papers
Modular weightless neural network classifier for envir Conference Papers
JPJ tumpu motosikal ubah suai Text
Non-spherical gold nanoparticles mediated surface plasIndexed Paper
Berbakti sambil timba pengalaman baru Text
Pembangunan perisian multimedia CD-ROM interaktif ba Thesis
Dengue update : co-operate or risk fine and jail Text
KDNK 6 peratus mampu dicapai Text
Public transport still unpopular Text
Kepentingan pemikiran dan amalan refleksi dalam penga Conference Papers
Undang-undang perdagangan Text
A review of manufacturing performance measurement Conference
fr Papers
Kerajaan tebang tanaman tidak tepati syarat tanah Text
Kejuruteraan pemprosesan makanan Text
IROTS : a proposed COTS evaluation and selection met Indexed Paper
RM9m media blitz to promote Malaysia's agri sector Text
Kajian terhadap pelan kawalan hakisan dan sedimenta Text
UTM Johor Baharu Campus - Medical Centre Photograph/Relia/Multimedia
Move for bird flu-free status in two weeks Text
Laporan asas penentu harga produk petroleum Text
Pengenalan psikologi industri Text
Tiga negara setuju awasi Selat Melaka dari udara Text
Prototyping of polymer based microbioreactors: microm Journal Article
New generation of medical implants: metallic biodegra Conference Papers
PM : firms can boost agriculture Text
Batu karang hempedu, batu-batu senyap Text
Microprocessor Exam Papers
Jerebu punca 20 juta sesak nafas Text
Menghormati kemerdekaan negara Text
RM20,000 untuk insan terkorban Text
Instrumentasi dan Pengukuran Kejuruteraan / Instrum Exam Papers
The role of afforestation programme in combating desert Non-Index Paper
Characterizing sintered nano-hydroxyapatite sol-gel coaIndexed Paper
Combustion characteristics of fluidized bed combustionConference Papers
Tiada penangguhan : borang cukai pendapatan mesti dik Text
Firm eager to share its new approach to port auditing Text
Production of beta-xylosidase gene from trichoderma reConference Papers
Modelling bioenvironmental hydraulic impacts of stormText
Guru BI secara bidan terjun harus dihentikan Text
Frictional characterisation of dry and lubricated contac Thesis
No end to mangrove destruction Text
We have expertise to go nuclear Text
Development of a mini rocket for triggered rocket light Thesis
Pekerja wanita ramai Text
Coretan Angkasawan : pendaratan cemas tersasar 350 Text
Mata pelajaran EST : tiada buku teks, hanya modul Text
Birokrasi antara penghalang majukan hartanah Text
Aplikasi pengurusan fasiliti dalam pengurusan hotel (FulText
Status penduduk tetap ditarik balik jika bawa PATI Text
RM63.6 juta bantu petani Text
Semua sekolah pedalaman dapat elektrik 24 jam Text
Mantik Exam Papers
Electrical machines Exam Papers
Cabinet to be briefed on flyover closure Text
Fluorescence based study of human HSP47 structural Thesis
RM527,000 baik pulih rumah asnaf News Paper Cuttings
HIV di tahap darurat, program beri jarum, kondom per Text
Late night surfing and its effects Text
Keng Yaik sokong bekal kondom kepada penagih Text
Pelatih PKN terbabit kes disiplin diasing Text
All tensed up Text
Dr M : weÆll survive oil crisis Text
Design of steel and timber structures Exam Papers
Give students English as a choice Text
MAIJ sedia tingkatkan bantuan banjir Text
Study on the emission performance of incinerator plantConference Papers
Forensic science Exam Papers
Pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar menerusi pemb Conference Papers
Ergonomik kenderaan / vehicle ergonomics Text
UTM tawar biasiswa kepada penduduk Gaza News Paper Cuttings
Development of the hot gas extractor Thesis
Degradation of oil and grease from high-strength industr
Indexed Paper
Tidal energy : pembinaan aturcara untuk pengukuran t Text
Laboratory evaluation on the characteristics and pollu Indexed Paper
Bank tisu lahirkan pakar penyelidik Text
English as she is spoke Text
Kursus KPTM penuhi kehendak pasaran Text
Kemudahan bangunan 3 Text
Deadlines to register, label cosmetic products Text
BioMalaysia 2006 dapat sambutan : 16 negara luar hanText
Sultan Johor berangkat ke jamuan teh di Kluang News Paper Cuttings
Performance improvement of polysulfone ultrafiltratio Indexed Paper
Design of a variable stiffness bracing system : mathemaIndexed Paper
Call for more postgrad hopefuls Text
RM100j program latihan semula pekerja diberhentikan Text
Pengetahuan am keganjilan perlu bagi selamatkan nya Text
Mekanisme baru di tahap akhir Text
Improving overhead computation and pre-processing tiNon-Index Paper
Sofbol gamit warga politeknik News Paper Cuttings
Dr Mohd Ismail dilantik Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Eh News Paper Cuttings
Optimal heat sink based on heat transfer model and paThesis
PTP dijangka kendali 6.4 j TEU kargo Text
Audit keselamatan dan kesihatan di kilang pembuatan kText
Characterization and catalytic performance of niobic aciConference Papers
Tough fight for scholarships Text
Pengajian undang-undang II Text
Automatic computerized audiometric system Conference Papers
Many still awaiting citizenship Text
PM happy with flood relief work Text
Communication engineering / kejuruteraan perhubungText
Be fussy, PM tells buyers Text
Pusat kecemerlangan : UKM disaran wujud kumpulan pText
Kerajaan pertahan larangan aktiviti pertanian, pembal Text
Principles of satellite-based positioning and GPS signalsConference Papers
Ops Sikap XIII : 5 sahabat maut bertembung lori Text
Skim biaya pembelian komputer dikaji Text
Integrasi persekitaran dalam pembinaan Text
Traffic light simulator Thesis
Adhesion of polymer coated cated steel wiresby comprThesis
MAS tawar tambang murah Text
Tambah pelajar SMT, SMV Text
Manusia rugi jika umur panjang tidak dimanfaat Text
Kesan kelewatan membuat catatan memorial dalam hak Thesis
Perubahan dan pembangunan organisasi Text
Teknik pemisahan gas bermembran Text
Cooperation ensures Beijing-KL ties stay strong Text
AS berminat contohi konsep BN Text
Fizik matematik Text
Stigma masyarakat terhadap HIV dan Aids Text
RM5m given, but bill may exceed RM500m Text
Proses Pengangkutan (B) Text
60 tonnes of rubbish dumped into Sungai Klang daily Text
Enhancement of UML-based web engineering for metaThesis
Real estate graduates in Malaysian corporate companieConference Papers
Pantai Timur sedia terima limpahan perubahan Text
Effects of effective microorganisms on properties of b Thesis
Modul Keluarga Sakinah digabung modul Kasih : ShahriText
Pengurus dana gesa kaji had pelaburan luar negara Text
Zainal : need to dispose of e-waste differently Text
Ilham pilihan raya awal Text
Correlation between N-Value from standard penetration Thesis
Merekabentuk mekanisma tujah balikan mudah untuk hText
Grooming the mind for competence Text
Relaxing synchronization constraints in distributed age Journal Article
Introduction to industrial psychology Text
Perspective of wind power harnessing based on senai mConference Papers
Usaha lahirkan ramai pekerja mahir Text
Majlis Sanjungan Budi rai 186 kakitangan UTM News Paper Cuttings
Govt will prosecute scam organisers, says PM Text
Education is more than just degrees, students told Text
Inovasi, resipi hampir seabad Nestle di Malaysia Text
Pearls of wisdom Text
Oil palm tree growth monitoring for smallholders by usJournal Article
Liquefaction potential mapping of Johor Bahru city in I Thesis
Real-time flood management using G.I.S. approach = Text
Karya khat bercahaya layak dipaten Text
RM8.9 juta bina papan tanda pelancongan Text
Pengaturcaraan komputer 1 computer programming 1 Exam Papers
Inflasi April meningkat tiga peratus Text
Chiral resolution of (R, S) - 1- phenylethnanol using immText
Capt Raj to the rescue Text
Sistem pakar rekabentuk dan analisis sistem kawalan (aText
Menangani pelupusan sisa toksik secara bijak Text
Ramai ambil jurusan sains jejas usaha pupuk patriotismText
Lighting simulation package Thesis
Safety briefings can save lives Text
The viability of online dispute resolution implementati Thesis
Heart edutainment using kinect (KiHEART) Thesis
Microstrip antenna array's gain enchancement via elec Conference Papers
Call to produce more fertilisers Text
Putrajaya Hospital showcases latest eHealth service Text
The analysis of cross country fault in 132kV and 275 kV Thesis
Ubat oral pesakit talasemia Text
B. Inggeris : MCA hormati pendirian tiga pertubuhan Text
Graduan pendidikan perlu kreatif cari kerja News Paper Cuttings
Implementation of green building procedures for resideThesis
20,000 remaja diberi latihan kemahiran mulai RMK-9 Text
Analisis indeks tumbuhan menggunakan data hiperspekThesis
Calon Anugerah Nilam diuji pelbagai kebolehan Text
Nilai kasih sayang Text
A mutant L-asparaginase II signal peptide improves the Conference Papers
Utilization of waste hydraulic oil as fuel in diesel engineNon-Index Paper
A comprehensive overview of electric vehicle charging Indexed Paper
Banjir di 5 daerah makin buruk Text
Development of biogranules in a pilot-scale sequential Journal Article
Microwave pyrolysis of scrap tires and its pyrolysis oil Thesis
Lebih 10,000 hidapi disleksia di Pahang Text
High rise bulding movement montoring using RTK-GPS :Text
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Kekal ADUN News Paper Cuttings
Tarif kebanyakan barang diniaga Asean, China dihapus Text
Konsep glokal panduan usahawan bumiputera Text
Pengurusan Putrajaya Wetlands dengan menggunakan Tpext
The effect of coating condition and aqueous phase comText
Malaysia sedia bantu bangunkan sistem pengangkuta Text
Effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone and fabrication paramet Journal Article
AS, Britain tolak gencatan Text
Kadar robekan bahan keras berdasarkan kepada keupaText
Latar keluarga antara kriteria pilih angkasawan Text
Construction measurement I Exam Papers
Minutiae extraction Thesis
Gula kasar masih tiada : pengguna terpaksa beli gula Text
Getting more grads to become entrepreneurs Text
Geotechnical earthquake engineering Exam Papers
Kejuruteraan kawalan II Text
Robust vehicle speed limiter Thesis
9 petisyen pilihan raya dibatal Text
Beverage prices stay for now Text
The influence of family dynamics on family function in dThesis
Masjid Kristal siap akhir tahun Text
Linear algebra Text
Peranan komunikasi dalam hubungan kekeluargaan Conference Papers
Simulation and analysis of maximum power point trackiThesis
Fenomena kecurian komputer riba Text
Tarikh ajar dua bahasa diumum akhir tahun Text
Isu bahasa - Cabaran UKM sebagai universiti kebangsa Text
Jawatankuasa Kabinet tangani kesan sampah Text
Characterization of a short microchannel device for surJournal Article
Introduction to law Exam Papers
Modelling of cylinder deactivation engine Thesis
Sains Kesihatan Text
Simulation modelling for container terminal berthing o Text
Spotlight on foreign labour : Adopt stick and carrot m Text
UniKL kekal IPTS diurus Kementerian Kewangan Text
Prediction of the uniaxial compressive strength of san Indexed Paper
Program 3M dekati pelajar Text
Teknologi kultur tisu Text
Kulai akan rancak membangun - Ghani Text
Memajukan PKS Text
Kristalografi sinar x Exam Papers
Applied abstract algebra Exam Papers
Penurunan kuasa tingkat khidmat awam Text
Engineering Mathematics Exam Papers
Evaluation of effect of variable message signs on trafficThesis
Transformasi koordinat secara paparan internet deng Text
Drop in job cuts a sign of recovery Text
Labour issues related to misconduct Text
Structure and construction 1 Exam Papers
Database forensic analysis framework for SQL injectionThesis
Bukan masa menuding jari News Paper Cuttings
Tiada ibadat khusus sempena Rejab Text
Put public transport back on the rails Text
Effect of organic loading rate (OLR) on modified anaer Conference Papers
Usaha pengekalan kriteria anugerah keceriaan kampunThesis
'State water plan regressive' News Paper Cuttings
Kakitangan kontrak wajar diutama isi jawatan kosong Text
Faktor kejayaan kritikal pembangunan insinarator sisa Thesis
Memahami erti rasuah Text
Mammogram image enhancement based atwo stage denoisi Thesis
Tips to increase food variety Text
PM : Government provides equal chances for all Text
100 siswa UTM kutip dana bantu MAKNA News Paper Cuttings
Lined drain as on-site detention pond (OSD) at propos Thesis
Lima syarikat nafi dakwaan Indonesia Text
UTM anjur Program University Social Responsibility Text
Local authorities planning for urban sustainability - t Conference Papers
Simulation of film cooling in a gas turbine combustor Text
Kepakaran tempatan memacu MEB Text
Preliminary design of software sensor for erythropoiet Conference Papers
Masa depan program nuklear Malaysia Text
Pak Lah : biotech growth must not pose a threat Text
TPM nafi sejuta belia menagih dadah Text
1.04 juta hektar hutan di Perak belum 'terusik' Text
Kejayaan IKS menjana ekonomi negara Text
Factor that influnce consumers perception towards se Thesis
Enhancing narrative writing skills through action-adve Thesis
Doktor, jururawat berat mulut Text
Bahan sahih dalam pengajaran kefahaman membaca keConference Papers
Kita ada kepakaran majukan Proton Text
Majikan diminta tawar gaji menarik Text
Health plan to be modelled after Socso Text
Optimized cluster head selection algorithm using cuckoThesis
Treatment of textile wastewater using chitosan and ch Journal Article
Kopi Kluang bakal dijadikan produk tarik pelancong Text
PM : IDR must be competitive to draw investors Text
Frequency agile NFC access control system Thesis
Cut in LCCT airport tax Text
Tabung kemahiran dibuka semula Text
NUTP, womenÆs groups irked by ministry ruling Text
Grid-based architecture for sharing distributed massiveIndexed Paper
Pengurusan sumber manusia Text
The development of an impact analysis tool for the sof Thesis
Mineralogyc and physico-chemical characteristics of b Conference Papers
Pelan Strategik Jakim pacu pembangunan Islam Text
Relationship marketing based competing model for knoThesis
ACA may step in Text
Effect of palm olein addition on the quality characteristIndexed Paper
Penagih dari golongan pelajar menurun Text
Civil engineering information system Exam Papers
Employer's rights and contractor's liabilities in relation tText
Ensure zero crime around stations, OCPDs told Text
Reverse micelle liquid‐liquid extraction of bovine Journal Article
Dengue update : dengue situation improving in PenangText
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysi Journal Article
Molecular biotechnology Text
15-Minute Warning : A quick alert system to warn public Text
In silico prediction of Escherichia coli metabolic engine Indexed Paper
UTM kenang jasa, sumbangan 3 tokoh News Paper Cuttings
The studies on the rate of sedimentation at Bekok DamConference Papers
Modelling of earthquake and soil dynamics via the rayleConference Papers
Ship structure and vibration Text
Planning and production control Exam Papers
Programming technique I Exam Papers
The evaluation of processed and fresh pineapple on its Thesis
Harga minyak turun menjelang Hari Raya? Text
Effect aging treatment on tensile properties of natural Conference Papers
Ekonomi kejuruteraan Text
Nahas jalan meningkat 10.5 peratus Text
Perubatan - Sebuah lagi institusi di Kepala Batas Text
Special consideration for high-achievers Text
Topologi Exam Papers
Guru kerja 5 hari : rumusan Majlis Mesyuarat Permuaf Text
Adopt biosafety protocol for self-protection Text
Gaya pengajaran guru Matematik di sekolah menengahThesis
Microclear: green technology for treating and recyclin Journal Article
Modul baru seragam latihan usahawan Text
All for use of English in schools News Paper Cuttings
An architectural design for hybrid intrusion detection Text
Azab Allah bagi yang abai tanggungjawab Text
Batal bina LCCT Labu muktamad Text
Making home safer : call for installation of fire extingu Text
Information management Exam Papers
Kerajaan usaha lahir ramai doktor pakar Text
Evaluation of blackspot treatment in traffic accident redText
Sistem KL Monorail mula beroperasi Text
Peng. sains & kej. polimer Text
Ekonomi penerbangan Text
Merafak sembah takziah daripada Joland Group News Paper Cuttings
Muhyiddin will listen to suggestions Text
English proficiency still low at local varsities Text
Effect of salt type on sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfocci Thesis
Rice bowl state runs out of grain Text
Providing a model to estimate the probability of the co Non-Index Paper
Analysis the deformation of retaining wall using geotecThesis
Kejuruteraan bahan Text
Malaysia sedia jadi pusat pengeluaran automotif Text
Four get death for murder Text
Mukhriz wants change to vernacular school system Text
RM7b biaya 618,044 pelajar IPT Text
The moderator effect of personality traits on performanThesis
UTM mengehadkan pengambilan pelajar News Paper Cuttings
Retirement age may be raised to 58 Text
Hazards in pre-cast building construction Conference Papers
Proses pembuatan Text
Enhanced algorithms for three-dimensional object interText
Ciri-ciri aerodinamik 15% dan 35% perentas pengirap r Text
Fakta Aids mengerikan Text
Performance evaluation of tuned liquid column damperThesis
Structural, optical and magnetic properties of samari Thesis
Hunt for rare Malay tracts in Kalimantan Text
Energy and emissions benefits of renewable energy deriIndexed Paper
Strong support for plans to standardise law Text
PSD eases MS woes of civil servants Text
Simulating conformational changes of aquaglyceropori Thesis
Boost for local aerospace industry Text
Labours’ productivity in the construction site Thesis
Slow foreign investment inflows in 2005 Text
Qos-aware error recovery in wireless body sensor netwIndexed Paper
Modelling of electroluminescence in polymeric materialConference Papers
Wanita untuk dikasihi, bukan jadi mangsa keganasan Text
Superbikers slammed Text
Statistik I Text
531 pelajar IPTS hilang disyaki bekerja Text
Kabinet bincang cara laksana matematik, sains dalam BIText
Penyakit cinta dunia membarah jiwa umat Islam Text
Ringgit boleh lumpuh ekonomi : MIER Text
Tumbuhan Text
Kajian rekabentuk lorong belakang perumahan Thesis
Government orders flu vaccine Text
Islam Hadhari iringi Wawasan 2020 Text
Statistics I Exam Papers
Politeknik premier Text
Kajian kualiti udara sekitar Kampus Universiti Teknolog Text
Intelligent exhaust fan sensor Thesis
Photocatalytic CO2 conversion over Au/TiO2 nanostructIndexed Paper
The effect of surveillance and incentive on cheating Thesis
Modelling of MEMS Fabry Perot pressure sensors Thesis
Lumpur gerudi daripada bahan sisa kelapa sawit Text
Assessment on ground control points in unmanned aeriNon-Index Paper
Analysis of reinforced concrete beams with web openi Thesis
Help conserve water, folk told Paper Text
Out of core simplification with appearance perservati Conference Papers
LHDN pulangkan RM3b lebihan bayaran cukai Text
Kesan kegagalan asas terhadap bangunan dua tingkat (Text
Gerai tetap penjaja seluruh negara : PM : bagi membanText
Kenapa lelaki mandul? Text
Kabinet mesti relevan dengan kehendak rakyat Text
Predicting different conceptualizations of system use : Indexed Paper
Keeping up appearances Text
Kerajaan sedia pinda akta perbankan Islam Text
14 pelajar cemerlang IPTA terima biasiswa TML News Paper Cuttings
Bertawakkal perlu diiringi dengan ikhtiar, usaha Text
Effects of glucose on the reactive black 5 (RB5) decolo Conference Papers
Disabled pupils among top scorers Text
Biodegradation of remazol black B in an annaerobic/aero Conference Papers
Companies will not pay driversÆ fines for texting Text
Application of lean manufacturing principles in paper Text
Effect of additive contents on the performances and st Indexed Paper
48,000 rakyat Malaysia menderita COPD Text
The impelementation of ERP software maintenance in Conference Papers
Melamine-free products assured Text
Optimization of computer program for thermo properties Text
Re-crystallization of metallized silicon wafer with copp Thesis
Pelihara etika guaman Text
Ornamental and natural plant Exam Papers
A path tracking algorithm using future prediction contr Indexed Paper
Malware dection using IP flow level attributes Indexed Paper
Dispersion and roles of montmorillonite on structural Indexed Paper
5,000 vacancies for retrenched workers Text
Evaluation of students’ knowledge on information sec Indexed Paper
UTM giat tingkatkan agenda pengantarabangsaan News Paper Cuttings
3 to 6-month visa for foreign spouse of newlywed Text
Kabinet bincang dasar automotif Rabu Text
Rape and incest cases on the rise Text
Pelan pemodenan naikkan taraf nelayan Text
RM5,000 car rebate ends in December Text
E-business risk management Text
A glance on medical applications of orthosiphon stami Indexed Paper
SelangorÆs big water plan Text
Mobile business intelligent center (MBIC) (Full text) Text
D-G : more scientists needed Text
Akta sukan disemak semula Text
Enterprise information assurance Exam Papers
A multi-industry default prediction model using logisticIndexed Paper
150 projek perumahan terbengkalai dipantau Text
Coexistence & sharing between LTE-Advanced & 3.5GHThesis
Rich, but only in fake notes Text
Guru Bahasa Melayu perlu diberi peruntukan khas Text
Kajian peninjauan keberkesanan pusat kitar semula di Thesis
RM1.4b bina sistem pengangkutan awam Nu Sentral : Text
Pelihara tamadun bangsa Text
Thickness-dependent moisture absorption behaviour inThesis
Program Saintis Cemerlang UTM lahir graduan kelas p Text
All tuned up for no-frills model Text
Colleges told to ensure safety of overseas students Text
Membaca : umat Islam patut jadi juara Text
Kelemahan komunikasi jejas kelancaran program profesText
ISEC tawar perkhidmatan rawatan mata lebih murah Text
Evaluation of different internal structure and build ori Indexed Paper
Making graduates employable Text
Syarat kejayaan bioteknologi Text
C++ Programming / programming II Exam Papers
Youth index shows no need for moral panic Text
The relationship between attitudinal constructs and U Thesis
Comparative study of antioxidant activities, cosmeceutJournal Article
Constructing timber architecture: merging the skills of Conference Papers
NGO mahu MB perjelas kesan rosak ekologi Text
Penduduk minta kilang proses ikan dipindah segera Text
Introduction to history and thery of architechture Exam Papers
Kelemahan reka bentuk punca nahas Text
1999 issues are now non-issues Text
Building services system Exam Papers
Study the ECU characteristics of a turbo charged camprThesis
Soil Science Exam Papers
Secured transportation of quantum codes using inte Non-Index Paper
Communal living of orang seletar in Kampung Bakar Ba Thesis
Mati otak dianggap meninggal dunia Text
When east corridor is painted green Text
Membangunkan sistem pendorongan hoverkraf Text
Orang Asli rally behind top scorers Text
Fuel from forests the new clean energy goal Text
TNB raih untung bersih RM1.635b Text
Flexural behaviour of concrete beam reinforced with diText
Cops told to play a more effective role between Gove Text
Gempa terbesar setiap 10 tahun Text
LHDN tak pilih kasih Text
Sektor pertanian terus jadi keutamaan Text
Technology and business (teknologi dan perniagaan) Text
Learning about metabolic disease Text
An improved PSO-based MPPT control strategy for photIndexed Paper
Memerangi politik wang perlu ketegasan Text
Machine learning in face recognition system Thesis
Naza ke Bursa Malaysia Text
Kenapa tunggu jika pendidikan seks perlu! Text
62 new drugs being tested to treat breast cancer Text
Atmospheric remote sensing using space-based radio nav Conference Papers
Tanggungjawab melunaskan caruman Text
Kepintaran buatan Text
Pelan tindakan Dasar Wanita Negara 2009 Text
Wastewater engineering Exam Papers
Penstrukturan diesel tak abai kumpulan sasaran Text
Safety measures for improving urban pedestrian netwoThesis
Parties show optimism on early voting system plan Text
Pembuluh darah berpintal tidak mudarat Text
Biometric in information assurance Exam Papers
RM3.2b for better southern roads Text
ICT service quality measurement framework for MalaysiThesis
Construction technology I Exam Papers
Sambut pelancong tugas kita bersama Text
Langkah proaktif atasi kematian libatkan motosikal Text
Jerebu di seluruh negara kian pulih Text
Influence of external environmental factors on the succIndexed Paper
Mathematical modeling II Exam Papers
Texture analysis techniques for detection and characte Thesis
Improving productivity in a bank system by using compIndexed Paper
Some numerical methods of diffusion equation for dic Conference Papers
Tugas guru martabatkan profesion keguruan Text
Bigger role for women in army Text
Badan khas urus sungai tercemar ditubuh Text
A comparison study of preferred green building crite Thesis
Effects of the initial rice bran concentration on the prodIndexed Paper
Kelulut honey supplementation prevents sperm and test Journal Article
Data structuring for 3D spatial objects Conference Papers
Issues of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio based sy Conference Papers
A novel resource reservation based on cross layer desigIndexed Paper
4 terima tokoh terima Anugerah Merdeka Text
Mara teruskan pinjaman IPTA di sebalik kelembapan e Text
Mapping technology Exam Papers
Smells like the haze is back Text
Strategi pembangunan modal insan formula kejayaan Text
Kajian keseimbangan air di kawasan tanah bencah PutrThesis
English to be taught in Chinese,Tamil schools in 2003 Text
Innovative use of cold-formed steel sections in the app Thesis
Feed-in tariff for solar photovoltaic : the rise of Japan Indexed Paper
Statistics I Exam Papers
Shortage of vaccine causing global worry Text
Elektronik III Text
LPG & NG dalam industri automotif Text
Commerce and entrepreneurship Exam Papers
11th Asean Summit Kuala Lumpur : the power of one tha Text
Production of glucose from palm oil foliages by using Thesis
Mesoscale circulation of the bay of Bengal and its infl Thesis
Effect of compactive efforts on the strength of cement sText
Advanced power meter for household electricity cons Thesis
Kenaikan harga minyak jejas penjimatan subsidi keraja Text
A brief overview of relations between Malay language Conference Papers
Pemandu perlu latihan keselamatan, kesihatan Text
Geoteknik Text
Johor galak perluas tanaman minyak jarak Text
Lima panduan berkesan elak tergelincir landasan Islam Text
Doktor layak beri bantuan kecemasan disenarai Text
Geostatistical relationship between urban developmenThesis
Permutation groups in automata diagrams Non-Index Paper
Freeman chain code extraction using differential evolu Conference Papers
Kejahilan ancaman umat Islam Text
Kisah ulat buku zaman khalifah Text
Housing supply chain management in a rapid changing Thesis
Development of Graphical Users Interface (GUI) for soi Thesis
Asia jadi pusat tarikan kelas menengah : Howard Text
Perancangan kemudahan Text
Hard work pays off for honoured graduates Text
Evaluation of macrocomposite based sequencing batchIndexed b Paper
An overall review : modified asphalt binder containing Indexed Paper
Beza UAV, dron dan pesawat kawalan jauh News Paper Cuttings
Environmental engineering Exam Papers
A new hash function based approach to generate real Thesis
Running to promote healthy lifestyle News Paper Cuttings
Produk UTM diiktiraf terbaik News Paper Cuttings
1,200 jawatan Imigresen perlu graduan lelaki Text
Jalur lebar untuk manfaat rakyat Text
Tax breaks for green designs Text
Modest impact from high oil price Text
Enhanced face detection framework based on skin colorThesis
Liberalisasi 27 sektor galak usahawan Bumiputera bers Text
Pengujian telaga Text
Critical factors in ensuring the success of implementi Conference Papers
Pregnancy patient identification system Thesis
Balancing the urban-rural development: assessment onConference
l Papers
Motion cues visualisation of a motion base for driving Conference Papers
Job seekers lose thousands of ringgit in elaborate scamText
Sabah keen on tie-up with foreign university Text
Kilang kuih Johor Bahru pilihan rakyat Singapura Text
Penduduk Kampung Bintang bebas MERS-Cov News Paper Cuttings
Adu domba, fitnah perosak masyarakat Text
Smart power meter for domestic devices Thesis
Holocaust architecture Text
Kerajaan serius modenkan sistem pertahanan elektroniText
KSN tegur ketua jabatan kasihan ambil tindakan Text
Characteristics of diesel engine using waste cooking oil Thesis
POTA Mesra Hak Asasi News Paper Cuttings
Sekolah pedalaman dibekal sistem solar hibrid Text
PLKN : pelajar aktif kokurikulum dikecuali Text
Hidraulik Text
Isolation and characterization of hydrogen producing mThesis
Teknologi makanan wajar seiring tuntutan syarak Text
Effect of confining layers of steel straps confined high Indexed Paper
The power of effective reports Text
Kerjaya usahawan : peluang terbuka kepada graduan IPText
Kimia pemangkinan Text
Kestabilan dan dinamik struktur Text
Pensyarah UKM sedia beri penjelasan kajian Text
Keputusan China hapus tambatan mata wang disambutText b
Statistics Exam Papers
Time-dependent physicochemical characteristics of Mala Indexed Paper
Evaluation of trust in a virtual team Thesis
Lebih ramai saintis pada 2010 Text

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