Lesson Review 2

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In today’s lecture, we discussed on the topic:” personality and value”.

The concept that I found the most

interesting is the concept about cultural values. Values represent the beliefs influencing one’s
perception, attitude, and behaviors in various situations of life. Values carry individual’s ideas about
what is right, wrong, good, or bad. Unlike personality, values a person hold tend to be stable overtime
and enduring. They are developed and exposed by parents, teachers, friends and other. Cultural values
are those values passed down through generation and varied by cultures. There is a framework that we
can apply to understand the cultural values differences. First is the Hofstede’s Framework which
Hofstede offered five value dimensions of national culture to look at. They are power distance (the
degree to which people in a country accept the inequality in society and organization), individualism or
collectivism ( act as individual vs act as a part of group), masculinity vs femininity ( culture values
traditional masculine work roles vs the culture indicates little difference between male and female
roles), uncertainty avoidance ( high uncertainty avoidance will try to control everything by laws, etc.
while low uncertainty avoidance cultures are less rule oriented, accept changes easily), and long term vs
short term oriented (look to the future vs value the here and now). With the globalization of the world
today, considering people’s different cultures will give managers a better understanding about
employee’s work behaviors and create a suitable working environment for their companies.

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