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In today’s lecture, we learn about the concept of communication and theories around this topic.

Communication is the transfer and understanding of intentions, emotions, and thoughts between
people through certain methods such as letter, voice, gesture, etc. Communication is done in various
directors within an organization. First is downward communication which usually happens from the view
of manager to employee. For downward communication, mostly it happens to assign tasks, explain
policies and procedures. Second is the upward communication which occurs when a person wants to
communicate with upper level of managers. In organization, upward communication is mainly used for
reporting progress, feedback to the boss, etc. Finally, the lateral communication. This direction is use for
the communication between colleagues. Functions of communication include conveying information,
controlling, motivating, and demonstrating emotional expression. During communication process, it is
not always smooth. There are lots of factors that can affect communication. One of them is selective
perception which basically means “we see what we want to see”, the information was decoded based
on the personal view. Information overload also interfere a good communication. Individuals have a
“finite capacity” for processing information. Communication style by gender is different as well,
therefore, it might cause some troubles in decode the messages. Emotions and contexts affect the
communication as well, therefore, we need to pay attention to those “noise” to reduce it for a clear,
effective communication.

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