ICRU Report 12 Certification of Standardized Radioactive Sources AAPM

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of Standardized

Issued September 15, 1968



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Copyright © International Commission on
Radiation Units and Measurements 1968

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-58199

Copies of this report can be purchased for U.S. $1.00 each from
ICRU Publications
P.O. Box 4869
Washington, D.C. 20008

(For detailed information on the availability of this and other ICRU Reports
see page 9)

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Preface.. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . . .. . ..... . . . . . .... . . . ... ...... . .. .. v

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Description of Purity of Radioactive Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3. Statement of Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 P recision ... ..................................... 2
3.2 Statement of Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.3 Systematic Errors.. ..... ... . . . .. . ... ... . .. .. . . . . .. .... 2
3.4 Overall Uncertainty ....... . . . ... .. .. . .... . .... . .. . . . .. 3
4. Certificat ion of Standardized Radioactive Sources in Solution
or in Gaseous Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1 Description of Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 Description of Gaseous Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.3 Reference T ime and Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.4 Measurement Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.5 Measurement Result ...... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . ...... 4
4.6 Assessment of Radioactive Impurities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.7 Decay-Scheme Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.8 Assessment of Accuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.9 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.10 Form of Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.11 Dispatch of Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Certification of Solid Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Appendix I. Summary of Information Required In Certification
of Standardized Radioactive Sources in Solution
Form . ... .. . . . ... . .. .... .. . . . .. . .. .. . ... .. . . . . ... . 8
ICRU Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


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Scope of ICRU Activities point; it endeavors to base its decisions on the long-
range advantages to be expected.
The International Commission on Radiation Units The ICRU invites and welcomes constructive com-
and Measurements (ICRU), since its inception in ments and suggestions regarding its recommendations
1925, has had as its principal objective the development and reports. These may be transmitted to the Chair-
of internationally acceptable recommendations re- man.
(1) Quantities and units of radiation and radio-
activity, Current Program
(2) Procedures suitable for the measurement and
application of these quantities in clinical radiology and In 1962 the Commission laid the basis for the devel-
radio biology, opment of the ICRU program over the next several
(3) Physical data needed in the application of these years. At that time it defined three broad areas of
procedures, the use of which tends to assure unifor:rrllty concern to the Commission:
in reporting.
The Com:rrllssion also considers and makes recom- I. The Measurement of Radioactivity
mendations in the field of radiation protection. In this II. The Measurement of Radiation
connection, its work is carried out in close cooperation III. Problems of Joint Interest to the ICRU and the Interna-
tional Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
with the International Com:rrllssion on Radiological
Protection (ICRP) . The Com:rrllssion divided the e three areas into nine
subareas with which it expected to be primarily con-
cerned during the next decade. The division of work
Policy agreed upon is as follows:
I. Radioactivity
The ICRU endeavors to collect and evaluate the A. Fundamental Physical Parameters and Measure-
latest data and information pertinent to the problems ment Techniques
of radiation measurement and dosimetry and to rec- B. Medical and Biological Applications
ommend the most acceptable values for current use. II. Radiation
The Commission's recommendations are kept under A. Fundamental Physical Parameters
continual review in order to keep abreast of the rapidly B. X Rays, Gamma Rays and Electrons
expanding uses of radiation. C. Heavy Particles
The ICRU feels it is the responsibility of national D. Medical and Biological Applications (Therapy)
organizations to introduce their own detailed technical E. Medical and Biological Applications (Diagnosis)
procedures for the development and maintenance of F. Neutron Fluence and Kerma
III. Problems of Joint Interest to the ICRU and the ICRP
standards. However, it urges that all countries adhere
A. Radiation Protection Instrumentation and its Ap-
as closely as possible to the internationally recom- plication
mended basic concepts of radiation quantities and
units. The Com:rrllssion established a separate planning
The Commission feels its responsibility lies in devel- board to guide ICRU activities in each of the subareas.
oping a system of quantities and units having the The planning boards after exa:rrllning the needs of
widest possible range of applicability. Situations may their respective technical areas with some care recom-
arise from time to time when an expedient solution of a mended, and the Commission subsequently approved,
current problem may seem advisable. Generally speak- the constitution of task groups to initiate the prepa-
ing, however, the Commission feels that action based ration of reports. The substructure which resulted
on expediency is inadvisable from a long-term view- from these actions is given below.

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vi Preface

Planning Board I.A. Radioactivity-Fundamental Physi- Because the Commission's basic recommendations
cal Parameters and Measurement on radiation quantities and units relate to the work of
Techniques all of the planning boards, the Commission decided to
Task Group 1. Measurement of Low-Level Radio- establish a separate committee with membership drawn
activity largely from the Commission itself to initiate the
Task Group 2. Specification of Accuracy in Cer-
revision of ICRU Report lOa, Radiation Quantities and
tificates of Activity of Sources for
Units. Thus, the Committee on Fundamental Quantities
Calibration Purposes
Task Group 3. Specification of High Activity and Units was added to the above substructure.
Gamma-Ray Sources (Joint with In 1962 the Commission decided to abandon its past
P.B. II.B) practice of holding a meeting together with all of its
Planning Board I.B. Radioactivity-Medical and Bio- sub-units every three years. Instead, it was decided
logical Applications that the Commission would receive reports from the
Task Group 1. In Vivo Measurements of Radio- subgroups at the time of their completion rather than
activity at fixed deadlines. Meetings of the Commission and of
Task Group 2. Scanning the subgroups are held as needed.
Task Group 3. Tracer Kinetics The adoption of the new substructure and mode of
Task Group 4. Methods of Assessment of Dose in
operation was intended to alleviate some of the prob-
Tracer Investigations
lems associated with the expanded program required
Planning Board II .A. Radiation-Fundamental Physical
Parameters in recent years. In the past, the Commission's attempt
Planning Board II.B. Radiation-X Rays, Gamma Rays to administer and review the work of each of the
and Electrons working groups imposed a very considerable burden
Task Group 1. Radiation Dosimetry; X Rays from 5 on the Commission itself. The need to concern itself
to 150 kV with each detail, which was inherent in such a scheme
Task Group 2. Radiation Dosimetry; X and Gamma of operation, when coupled with the procedure of
Rays from 0.6 to 100 MV completing all reports at one time, subjected the Com-
Task Group 3. Electron Beam Dosimetry mission members to an intolerable work load if rigorous
Planning Board II.C. Radiation-Heavy Particles standards were to be maintained. The new substructure
Task Group 1. Dose As a Function of LET and mode of operation is now beginning to produce
Task Group 2. High Energy and Space Radiation
results in the form of reports drafted by the task groups
Planning Board II.D. Radiation-Medical and Biological and reviewed by the planning boards. Present evidence
Applications (Therapy) indicates that the substructure and mode of operation,
Task Group 1. Measurement of Absorbed Dose at a while not perfect, has to a substantial extent succeeded
Point in a Standard Phantom (Ab- in alleviating the problems previously experienced.
sorbed Dose Determination)
Task Group 2. Methods of Arriving at the Absorbed
Dose at any Point in a Patient (In ICRU Reports
Vivo Dosimetry)
Task Group 3. Methods of Compensating for Body
Shape and Inhomogeneity and of In 1962 the ICRU, in recognition of the fact that its
Beam Modification for Special Pur- triennial reports were becoming too extensive and in
poses (Beam Modification) some cases too specialized to justify single-volume
Task Group 4. Statement of the Dose Achieved publication, initiated the publication of a series of
(Dosage Specification) reports, each dealing with a limited range of topics.
Planning Board II.E. Radiation-Medical and Biological This series was initiated with the publication of six
Applications (Diagnosis) reports:
Task Group 1. Photographic Materials and Screens
Task Group 2. Image Intensifier Radiography ICRU Report lOa, Radialion Quantities and Units
Task Group 3. TV Systems ICRU Report lOb, Physical Aspects of Radialion
Planning Board II.F. Radiation-Neutron Fluence and ICRU Report lOc, Radioactivity
Kerma ICRU Report lOd, Clinical Dosimetry
Task Group 1. Neutron Fluence, Energy Fluence, ICRU Report lOe, Radiolriological Dosimetry
Neutron Spectra and Kerma ICRU Report lOf, Methods of Evaluating Radiological Equip-
Planning Board III.A. Radiation Protection Instrumentation ment and M alerials
and its Application
Task Group 1. Radiation Protection Instrumenta- These reports were published, as had been many of the
tion Handbook-Part I previous reports of the Commission, by the United
Task Group 2. Neutron Instrumentation and its States Government Printing Office as Handbooks of
Application to Radiation Protection the National Bureau of Standards.
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Preface • vii

In 1967 the Commission determined that in the not affect the basic affiliation of the ICRU with the
future the recommendations formulated by the ICRU International Society of Radiology. The Commission
would be published by the Commission itself. This is has found its relationship with all of these organizations
the second report to be published under this new fruitful and of substantial benefit to the ICRU program.
policy. With the exception of ICRU Report lOa, which
was superseded by ICRU Report 11, the other reports
of the "10" series have continuing validity and, since Operating Funds
none of the reports now in preparation are designed to
specifically supersede them, will remain available until Throughout most of its existence, the ICRU has
the material is essentially obsolete. All future reports operated essentially on a voluntary basis, with the
of the Commission, however, will be published under travel and operating costs being borne by the parent
the ICRU's own auspices. Information about the organizations of the participants. (Only token a.:isist-
availability of ICRU Reports is given on page 9. ance was originally available from the International
Society of Radiology.) Recognizing the impracticability
of continuing this mode of operation on an indefinite
ICRU Relationships With Other Organizations basis, operating funds were sought from various so~ces
in addition to those supplied by the Internat10nal
Society of Radiology.
One of the features of ICRU activity during the
Prior to 1959, the principal financial assistance to
last few years has been the development of relationships
the ICRU had been provided by the Rockefeller
with other organizations interested in the problems of
Foundation which supplied some $11,000 to make
radiation quantities, units, and measurements. In
possible various meetings. In 1959 the International
addition to its close relationship with the International
Society of Radiology increased its contribution to the
Commission on Radiological Protection and its financial
Commission providing $3,000 for the period 1959-
relationships with the International Society of Radi-
1962. For the period 1962-1965 this was again increased,
ology, the World Health Organization, and the Inter-
the Society providing $5,000. In 1960 the Rockefeller
national Atomic Energy Agency, the ICRU has also
Foundation supplied an additional sum of some $4,000
developed relationships of varying intensity with
making possible a meeting of the Quantity and Units
several other organizations. Since 1955, the ICRU has
Committee in 1960.
had an official relationship with the World Health
In 1960 and 1961 the World Health Organization
Organization (WHO) whereby the ICRU is looked to
made available the sum of $3,000 each year. This was
for primary guidance in matters of radiation units
increased to $4,000 in 1962 and this amount has been
and measurements, and in turn, the WHO assists in
made available annually since then. It is expected that
the worldwide dissemination of the Commission's
this sum will be allocated annually, at least for the
recommendations. In 1960 the ICRU entered into
next several years.
consultative status with the International Atomic
In connection with the Commission's Joint Studies
Energy Agency. The Commission has a formal relation-
with the ICRP, the United Nations allocated the sum
ship with the United Nations Scientific Committee on
of $10,000 for the joint use of the two Commissions.
the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), whereby
The most substantial contribution to the work of
ICRU observers are invited to attend UNSCEAR
the ICRU has come from the Ford Foundation. In
meetings. The Commission and the International
December 1960, the Ford Foundation made available
Standards Organization (ISO) informally exchange
to the Commission the sum of $37,000 per year for a
notifications of meetings and the ICRU is formally
period of five years. This grant was to provide for such
designated for liaison with two of the ISO Technical
items as travel expenses to meetings, for secretarial
Committees. The ICRU also corresponds and exchanges
services and other operating expenses. In 1965 the
final reports with the following organizations:
Foundation agreed to a time extension of this grant
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures making available for the period 1966-1970 the unused
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences portion of the original grant. To a large extent, it is
Food and Agriculture Organization because of this grant that the Commission has been
International Council of Scientific Unions able to move forward actively with its program.
International Electrotechnical Commission In 1963 International Atomic Energy Agency al-
International Labor Organization located the sum of $6,000 per year for use by the ICRU.
International Union of Pure & Applied Physics
This was increased to $9,000 in 1967. It is expected
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza-
that this sum will be allocated annually at least for
the next several years.
Relations with these other international bodies do From 1934 through 1964 valuable indirect contri-

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viii · Pre fac e

butions were made by the U. . ational Bureau of K. LIDEN

Standard where the Secretariat resided. The Bureau R.H . MORGAN

provided substantial secretarial services, publication V. A. PETROV (1965)

services and travel costs in the amount of several H. H. Rossr
thousands of dollars.
The Commission wishes to express its deep apprecia-
tion to all of these and other organizations that have Com position of ICRU Subgroups Responsible for
contributed so importantly to its work. th e Initial Drafting of t his R eport

Serving on the Task Group on Specification of

Composition o f the ICRU Accuracy in Certificates of Activity of Sources for
Calibration Purposes during the preparation of this
It is of interest to note that the membership of the report were :
Commission and its subgroups totals 140 persons S. B. GARFINKEL, Chairman
drawn from 16 countries. This gives some indication of G. R. NEWBERY
the extent to which the ICRU has achieved interna-
tional breadth of membership within its basic selection Serving on the Planning Board on Radioactivity-
requirement of high technical competence of individual Fundamental Physical Parameters and Measurement
participants. Techniques during that time were:
The membership of the Commission during the F. W . SPIERS, Chairman
preparation of this report was as follows: H. HouTERMANS
w. B. MANN
M. TUBIANA, Vice Chairman
H . 0. WYCKOFF, Secretary K. Lrn:EN serves as the Commission Sponsor for the
A . ALLISY Planning Board.
J . W. BoAG (1965-1966) The Commission wishes to express its appreciation
to the individuals involved in the preparation of this
report for the time and effort they devoted to this
F. ELLIS (1965)
J. F. FOWLER task.


J. R. GREENING Washington, D.C.
H. E. JOHNS (1965-1966) June 15, 1968

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Certification of Standardized
Radioactive Sources

1. Introduction

When a standardized radioactive source is issued, required in any certificate specifying a standard source
there is clearly a need to provide information about is highly desirable. In some of the papers, actual pro-
the nature of the source and the accuracy with which posals are made for the form and contents of a certifi-
the activity of the source is stated . Some consideration cate. It is to the credit of some suppliers of standardized
was given to this problem by the International Com- radioactive sources that certificates embodying the
mission on Radiation Units and Measurements in their ideas discussed in these references are already being
Report lOc (1962) on Radioactivity [1] .1 In a section provided.
on international comparisons, reference was made to This report endeavors to fulfill the intention expressed
the discrepancies which can occur between laboratories in ICRU Report lOc that the problems of certification
when stating the accuracy and precision of the measure- of standardized radioactive sources should receive
ment of such standards and when describing the purity further study; it attempts to clarify the terms men-
of materials used for preparation of standardized tioned in Section 3.3 of that publication and it em-
radioactive sources. The report emphasized the impor- phasizes and augments some of the more important
tance of presenting the results by different laboratories aspects of the recent publications referred to above.
in a uniform manner so that the corrections applied to The report gives, finally, a comprehensive list of the
the various measurements and the derivation of quoted information which should be provided with a stan-
errors were clearly stated. Among factors which could dardized source and which would characterize the
affect the reliability of a source as a standard, the quality of the source as a standard. The report is in-
report discussed such characteristics as the radionu- tended primarily as a guide for suppliers of standardized
clidic purity, half-life, decay scheme, chemical purity radioactive sources but it is hoped that users will also
and stability. benefit from it.
ICRU Report lOc discussed the statement of activity It is not reasonable to expect suppliers of ordinary
of a standard source mainly in relation to international grade radiochemicals to provide statements of measure-
comparisons; similar desiderata, however, apply to ment accuracy or of impurity analyses with every
the certification of any source issued as a standard. delivery of such materials. It is, however, recommended
This problem has been considered in some detail by that suppliers of these materials should publish specifi-
several authors in recent publications [2, 3, 4, 5] . The cations which quote the levels of accuracy and purity,
consensus of opinion given by these authors is that etc., which their materials will normally attain. In
there are considerable variations in the form of the the case of long-lived materials these specifications
data provided by suppliers of standardized radioactive may be replaced by data sheets reporting analyses of
source and that agreement as to the information the actual batches of material offered for sale.

2. Description of Purity of Radioactive M aterial

The nature of the radioactive material should be stated unambiguously, and to this end certain terms
must be defined. It is recommended that the following
1 Figures in brackets indicate the literature references terms be used to describe the purity of a radioactive
listed on page 7. substance:

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2 3 . Statement o f Accuracy

2.1 "Radionuclidic purity"- the proportion of the 2.2 "Radjochemical purity"- the proportion of the
total activity which is the activity of the st ated radio- total activity which is present in the stated chemical
nuclide. form.

3. Sta temen t of Accuracy

It is essential to specify exactly what is meant by The values of S 111 and n, therefore, serve as a satis-
the statement of accmacy which is supplied with a factory index of precision and it is recommended that
standard of activity. The as essment of accuracy is precision be described in terms of the standard error
complicated because both random and systematic (Sm) and the number (n) of individual measmements
errors are involved. This section considers the separate contributing to the mean result (x).
components of error and the problem entailed in com-
birung them to give an estimate of the overall uncer-
tainty in the stated activity. 3.2 Statement of P t·ecision

The precision of a result is frequently described in

3 .1 Precision terms of the confidence interval which has a stated
probabilit y of including the true value. These confidence
Precision is a measure of the uncertainty in the intervals are commonly expressed in terms of x ± Sm ,
calibration result that is attributable to random varia- x ± 2Sm , x ± 3Sm etc., and the corresponding con-
tions which can be treated statistically. fidence levels are shown in T able 1 for various values of
A typical calibration will consist of a number (n) of n. It should be noted that the confidence levels of 68.3 %,
individual measurements, each with a result (xi), 95.5 % etc. apply only to the confidence intervals
which are combined to give a mean result (x). If the x ± Sm , x ± 2Sm etc. when the value of n is very large
true value of the quantity being determined is X, and t he distribution is normal.
and assuming that there are no systematic calibration Conversely, in order to determine the confidence
errors, then a n becomes very large, x approaches X . interval which corresponds to a given confidence level
A satisfactory criterion of precision must relate the and n, Table 2 should be used. This table gives t he
mean result (x) for a practicable value of n to the true factor t by which the computed Sm must be multiplied
value (X). One method of achieving this is to calculate in order to derive the desired confidence interval.
the standard error2 (Sm) of the mean result. Then the Instead of representing the uncertainty attributable
probability of the mean result differing from the true to statistical variations by ±lSm , ±2Sm, or ±3Sm
value by a stated amount can be calculated in terms (and noting n), it is recommended that t his uncertainty
of Sm and n by the use of the Student " t " statistic be stated on a more uniform basis, i.e., t he confidence
[6], provided t hat the individual measurements can be interval associated with a stated confidence level3 (e.g.,
expected to follow a normal distribution. if n = 5, the confidence ljmits for the 95 % confidence
level would be ±2.776 Sm) . It is important to test
2 The standard error (Sm), which is also referred to as the
experimentally that for large n, for t he equipment
" standard deviation of the mean", is defined as:
being used, the dat a are compatible with a normal
't, (x; - x)•]112 distribution.
sm -- [ !.:
·- ~l=------
n(n - 1)
3.3 Systematic EITors
The standard error (Sm) should not be confused wi th the esti-
mated standard deviation (S;), which is also referred to as the
"standard deviation of an individ ual measurement" and is Measurement results will usually be corrected for
defined as: any known errors, but t his process will leave residual
't, (x; _ :i;)2] ' s The Australian National Standards Commission is the
only ational Organization which is known to have specified
S,· = [ !..:
• -~''------
n - 1 = S,,.n1/2 a confidence level for its standards, a nd has chosen 99% for all
standards. (Sub-regulation 9 of regulation 80 of the weights
It should be noted that as n -> oo and x -> X, Sm -> 0 and and measures (national standards) regulations- 15th July
S;-> u, where u is the true standard deviation. 1965.)

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3.4 Overall Uncertainty 3
uncertainties which do not behave tatistically and TABLE I- Probability that computed confidence intervals will
which cannot be assessed entirely objectively. In most bracket the trne value
circumstances it is nevertheless possible to estimate
the maximum values of such residual uncertainties
I Probability thatBracket
the Computed Confidence Intervals will
True Value X [7]
and these should be referred to as the maximum un-
certainty due to assessable systematic errors. "=5 10 20 00

It is debatable how these residual uncertainties should x ± S.,, 0.626 0.657 0.670 0.683
be combined, but in the absence of any other currently x ± 2 Sm 0.884 0.923 0.940 0.955
accepted procedure it is suggested that the positive x ± 3 Sm 0.960 0.985 0.993 0.997
and negative uncertainties should be arithmetically
summed separately, to provide the limits ( +o, -o') TABLE 2- Stitdent t factor
of maximum uncertainty due to assessable systematic
Values of t for Confidence Levels
error. Other systematic errors may be suspected with- n - 1
out, however, being susceptible to evaluation. 903 95 % 99%

1 6.314 12 .706 63.657

3.4 Overall Un certainty 2 2.920 4.303 9.925
3 2.353 3.182 5.841
4 2.132 2.776 4.604
The overall uncertainty, often simply called the 5 2.015 2.571 4.032
accuracy, is an estimate of the possible divergence of 6 1. 943 2.447 3.707
the quoted result from the true value. It must allow 7 1.895 2.365 3.499
for the uncertainty attributable to tatistical variations 8 1.860 2.306 3.355
9 1.833 2.262 3.250
and for the total limits of uncertainty due to assessable 10 1.812 2.228 3.169
systematic error. 15 1. 753 2.131 2.947
The assessment of overall uncertainty raises the 20 1. 725 2.086 2.845
controversial problem of combining random and 30 1.697 2.042 2.750
systematic errors. 60 1. 671 2.000 2.660
120 1.658 1. 980 2.617
It is recommended that the overall uncertainty be 1. 645 1. 960
00 2.576
expressed, whenever possible, as positive and negative
limits and that these limits be taken as the arithmetic
sum of the uncertainties due to random and assessable combine the errors of the standard source with those of
sy 'tematic errors, i.e., his own measurements. One possibility is that the limits
+(tSm + o) (using t factor from Table 2) of overall uncer tainty of a standardized radioactive
source should be treated as possible systematic errors
and by the user.
-(tSm + o') New standards may be prepared by comparison with
an existing standard. When this is done, the standard
If it is necessary for a single figure to be used to express error of the comparison should be multiplied by the
overall uncertainty, it is recommended that the fol- appropriate t factor in order to give, for the chosen
lowing value be used: confidence level, the value of the uncertainty attrib-
utable to statistical fluctuations. Following the above
tSm + (°: 0
') proposal, the limits of overall uncertainty of the new
standard could then be obtained by adding linearly
In all cases the value used for the uncertainty attrib- (a) the statistical uncertainty of the comparison, (b)
utable to statistical fluctuations should be based on a the uncertainty due to the assessable systematic error
stated confidence level. of the comparison and (c) the limits of overall uncer-
There is no agreed method by which the user should tainty of the existing standard.

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4 4. Sources in Solution or in Gaseous Form

4. Certification of Standa1·dized Radioactive Sources in Solution

or in Gaseous Form

Ideally a certificate for a standardized solution or a 4.2.5 Inasmuch as the source is usually in a break-
gas sample should provide the information listed and seal glass ampoule which generally must be fused onto
described below. In practice, however, the more infor- the user's gas-counting system, the type of glass used
mation a certificate contains, the more expensive will for the ampoule should be stated.
be the standard. The best standards should neverthele s
be provided with the information listed below. Le
accurate standards, which may be expected to be less 4.3 Reference Time and Date
expensive, but perhaps more readily available, may
reasonably be supported with less information. 4.3.1 The reference time and date for t he quoted
value of activity should be stated unambiguously using
the stated local standard time on a 24 hour clock;
4.1 Description of Solution4
and Universal Time (which is t he same as Greenwich
4.1.1 Principal Radionuclide. To avoid ambiguity the Mean Time).
radionuclide for which a standard is being supplied 4.3.2 fonths should be stated by name to avoid
should be clearly stated a the principal radionuclide. misunderstandings that can arise from the u e of ab-
(This may be a parent or daughter, and the activity of breviations or digits (e.g., in particular, a date which
the principal radionuclide may not necessarily be the should be written a 1st October 1966 is often written
large t activity present.) as 10/ 1/ 66 in t he U.S .A., but as 1/ 10/ 66 in most other
4.1.2 Mass, or volume and density of the solution at countries).
a given temperatme.
4.1.3 Chemical composition, including carrier, nor-
4.4 Measurement Method
mality of t he solution and presence of any bacteriostatic
agent (e.g., 0.1 % Formalin). The recommended com-
4.4.1 The method of measurement should be indi -
position of the inactive olution which should be used
cated and references given to relevant publications.
for further dilutions should also be stated.
4.4.2 Distinction should be made between direct
4.1.4 Supplier's identification number of the source.
(sometimes referred to as absolute) methods (i.e.,
4.1.5 The user should be warned if the solution is not depending on other standardized radioactive
liable to be unstable after opening the ampoule, in sources) and comparative methods. The latter may be
sub equent dilution procedures (e.g. prone to deposition directly comparative (i.e., against a long-lived ab-
of activity on glassware), or when evaporated to dryness solutely standardized source) or indirectly comparative
(e.g., volatilization of some chemical compound). (i.e., compared indirectly with one or more short-lived
absolutely standardized ources by means of an in-
strun1ent with good long-term stability) . Lack of
4.2 Description of Gaseous Source
reproducibility in the experimental methods associated
with the short-lived source standardizations should be
4.2.l Principal Radionuclide. To avoid ambiguity the
treated as a component of the systematic error.
radionuclide for which a standard is being supplied
should be clearly stated as the principal radionuclide.
(This may be a parent or daughter, and the activity of
the principal radionuclide may not necessarily be the 4.5 Measurement Result
largest activity present.)
4.5.1 The mean measurement result at the reference
4.2.2 Approximate volume and pressme of the ga at time should be quoted as the activity of the principal
a given temperature. radionuclide per gram of the solution or per mole in
4.2.3 Chemical composition. the case of a gas standard. (The terms "radioactive
4.2.4 Supplier's identification number of the source. concentration" and " pecifi.c activity" should not be
used because they have other possible meanings.)
4 This information should also accompany the material if

the certificate is sent separately. 4.5.2 If a parent and one or more daughters are

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4 .8 Assessment of Accuracy • 5

present, the activity of each radionuclide should be 4.7 Decay-scheme Assu m ptions
quoted at the reference time.
4.7 .1 If the standardization depends critically upon
4.5.3 The ICRU has defined activity [1] of a, radio-
assumed nuclear data, e.g., branching ratios, conversion
nuclide as the number of nuclear transformations per
coefficients, fluorescence yields, etc., the assumptions
time interval and its unit is the curie (3.7 X 1010 s-1).
which have been made should be stated.
For standards of activity in solution or in gaseous
form, it is recommended that each radionuclide should 4. 7 .2 Under those circumstances, an assessment
be specified on the certificate in terms of curies (or a should be made of the effect on the measurement result
submultiple) per gram of solution or per mole of gas. of making changes in the assumptions quoted in 4.7.1.
4.7 .3 The certificate should make it clear whether or
not the uncertainty in the result, due to uncertainty in
4.6 Assessment of Radioactive Impurities the decay-scheme assumptions, has or has not been
included in the estimated systematic errors.
Radioactive impurities have been shown to be a
4.7 .4 Details of the decay scheme which are not
very important cause of loss of accuracy in the use of
relevant to the standardization should not be given in
standardized radioactive sources, and it is imperative
this section. (See Section 4.9).
that high quality standards should be accompanied
by an analysis of unwanted radionuclides present in
the solution at the reference time.
In preparing the certificate for a standardized radio- 4.8 Assessment of Accuracy
active source, the following principles should be ob-
served in respect of impurities: 4.8.1 Precision. The value of the standard error
(Sm) and the number of individual measurements (n)
4.6.1 Known radionuclidic impurities should be contributing to the mean result, should be stated.
quoted as a percentage of the activity of the principal
radionuclide at the reference time. 4.8.2 Maximum Uncertainty Attributable to Statistical
Variations. The confidence limits, ±tSm, should be
4.6.2 For radionuclidic impurities which are sus- quoted together with the corresponding confidence
pected but not detected, an upper limit expressed as level.
in 4.6.1 should be given.
4 .8.3 Systematic Errors. Individual estimated system-
4.6.3 It is most important that the wording of the
atic errors should be tabulated on the certii1cate
certificate should be arranged so that there is no am-
and then summed to provide maximum limits of positive
biguity as to whether the effect of each known or sus-
and negative total assessable syi;;tematic errors ( +o,
pected impurity has or has not been allowed for in
deriving the stated activity of the principal radio-
nuclide. 4.8.4 Overall Uncertainty. The limits of overall un-
certainty + (tSm + o) and - (tSm + o') should be
4 .6.4 Where possible the methods of analysis used to
determine the impurities should be stated. (Such
methods may include half-life determination, radio- 4.8.5 Accuracy as a Function of Time. Accuracy will
chemical separation, nuclear spectroscopy, etc.) normally be assessed at the quoted reference time and
date. Uncertainties in the value of the half-life, in the
4 .6.5 The method of production of the principal
effect of impurities, and in the effect of growth or decay
radionuclide should be stated. This should include any
of any daughter radionuclide, will cause the overall
chemical separation procedure, as well as the irradiation
uncertainty to change (usually to increase) progres-
details (e.g., relevant nuclear reaction, particle or
sively after the reference time. The effect of the im-
photon energy, irradiation time, flux density or fluence
purities will depend on the user's method of measure-
rate, and date). This information is particularly im-
ment, so that it is usually not possible for the supplier
portant if for any reason the impurity analysis is not
to assess accuracy as a function of time in a general
way that is suitable for all users.
4 .6.6 The presence of known or suspected radio- Guidance on this subject should, however, be given
active impurities may contribute to the uncertainty to the user to allow him to reassess accuracy after the
associated with quoted activity of the principal radio- reference time. In particular, the uncertainty in the
nuclide. Their effect must therefore be considered m recommended value of the half-life of the principal
the assessment of accuracy. (Section 4.8.) radionuclide should be stated.

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6 5. Certification of Solid Sources

The supplier may wish to indicate a period of time 4.9.4 Extract from the AS/ RC Users Guide [10)
during which the overall uncertainty associated with relevant to that radionuclide and references to other
the activity of the principal radionuclide will not relevant publications.
become significantly worse. To do this it may be neces- 4.9.5 Recommended procedures (e.g., method for
sary, however, to increase the estimate of systematic opening ampoule, suggested diluent, etc.)
error arising from the effect of impurities, and the
quoted limits of overall uncertainty must therefore
also be increased. For maximum accuracy, samples of 4.10 Form of Certifica te
solutions or gases to be standardized should be dis-
tributed before the reference time so that the user and The detailed design of a certificate must usually
the standardizing laboratory can make measurements conform to an institutional or commercial house style,
simultaneously and both before and after the reference and there appears to be no great advantage in having a
time. Such sources should be accompanied by a pre- single internationally agreed upon style of certificate.
liminary measurement report providing a description For this reason a specimen certificate is not included
of the sources, the approximate activity and the pro- in this report and it is recommended that each supplier
posed reference time and date. should design an appropriate certificate incorporating,
in the suggested sequence, the information referred to
in the sections 4.1 to 4.9 and summarized in Appendix
4.9 Additional Information
I. It is strongly recommended, however, that the quoted
Any further information which is not relevant to measurement result should be given a prominent posi-
the certification of the standard, but may be very tion in the certificate.
helpful to the user in obtaining the most accurate
results, should accompany the standard. Such infor-
mation, for example, may consist of: 4.11 Disp atch of Certificate
4.9.l Specific items of nuclear data known to be
Certificates should be dispatched as soon as possible
relevant to the use of the standard (e.g., half-life,
after the reference date. The user should appreciate,
photons per 100 nuclear transformations, etc.), together
however, that the supplier necessarily takes some time
with an assessment, if possible, of the accuracy to
to complete and check his measurements, and then to
which they are known.
prepare and dispatch the certificates.
4.9.2 The full decay scheme of the principal radio- Certificates for standardized radioactive sources
nuclide. supplied after the reference date should, if possible, be
4.9.3 References to publications containing nuclear dispatched at the same time as the standard. It is
data. (e.g., RADIOACTIVE ATOMS, Auger Electron, desirable to pack a copy of the certificate with the
Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- and X-Ray Data for Dose Cal- standard in addition to mailing the certificate itself
culations [8], Radiochemical Manual [9]). separately.

5. Certification of Solid Sources

5.1 A solid source will be considered as stand- are sometimes also specified in terms of the rate of
ardized, only if the magnitude of internal attenuation emergence of charged particles or photons. I n such
and scattering is known, for example, in the case of cases, emission of secondary charged particles or
sources of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides of small photons may introduce complications, and the emergent
physical dimensions. Solid sources are therefore often radiation may not be isotropic. Therefore, details of
calibrated in terms of the radiation emerging from the the energy distribution of the emergent radiation with-
source. in a defined solid angle may have to be supplied. In
5.2 Certificates for solid sources should state clearly the special case of a radium source the specification
whether the source specification is in terms of (1) may be in terms of the mass of 226Ra element present.
activity, (2) exposure rate at a specified distance and The certificate should also state whether the source is
in a stated orientation, or of both. Radioactive sources sealed or unsealed. In the latter case, rough handling

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References • 7
may not only cause contamination of the laboratory 5.3.4 Measurement result.
but also invalidate the calibration. In the former case,
5.3.5 Assessment of radioactive impurities.
the result of a leakage test should be quoted.
5.3.6 Assessment of accuracy.
5.3 Certificates for solid sources should provide Precision.
the following information:
Maximum uncertainty attributable to
5.3.1 Description of source. statistical variations.
Principal radionuclide. Maximum uncertainty attributable to
Constructional details and dimensions. assessable systematic errors.
Identification. Overall uncertainty.
Accuracy as a function of time.
5.3.2 Reference time and date.
5.3.7 Additional information likely to be of value to
5.3.3 Measurement method. the user.


1. International Commission on Radiological Units 6. L. Bernstein and M. Weatherall, Statistics for

and Measurements, RadioactiV'ity, ICRU Report Medical and Other Biological Students (E. S. Living-
lOc, National Bureau of Standards Handbook 86 stone, Edinburgh and London, 1952) p. 78.
(U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 7. . V. Smirnov, Ed., Tables of Student's Distri-
D.C., 1963). bution Function and Density Function (Academy
2. H. E. Kolde and G. J. Karches, Some uimitat?·ons of Science, U.S.S.R., 1960).
of Available Radioactivity Standards, Health Physics 8. M. Martin and P. Blichert-Toft, RADIOACTIVE
10, 635-641 (1964). ATOMS, Auger Electron, Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- and
3. P. J. Campion and A. Williams, Radioactivity X-Ray Data for Dose Calculations, Section A, Jour-
Standards, Health Physics 11, 769-772 (1965). nal of Nuclear Data (To be published).
4. The Radiochemical Centre, Standards of Activity, 9. The Radiochemical Centre, Radiochemical Manual
[The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England, (The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England,
1965 and 1967 (revised edition)]. 1966).
5. S. B. Garfinkel, A. P. Baerg, and P. E. Zigman, 10. B. Kahn, G. R. Choppin and J. G. V. Taylor, Users
Certificates of Radioactivity S/,andards, Misc. Report Guide Jor Radioactivity Standards (National Acad-
of the NAS/ NRC ( rational Academy of Sciences- emy of Sciences-National Research Council,
National Research Council, Washington, 1966). Washington, 1967).

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Summary of Information Required In Certification of

Standardized Radioactive Sources in Solution Form
[Numbers are included as references to the tex t J

4.1 Description of solution. Method of production of principal radio-

Principal radionuclide. nuclide.
Mass, or volume and density at a given 4.7 Decay-scheme assumptions.
temperature. Nuclear data assumed.
Chemical composition. Effect on the final result of small changes
Identification. in the assumptions.
4.8 Assessment of accuracy.
4.3 Reference time and date.
4.4 Measurement method. Maximum uncertainty attributable to statis-
Measurement method. tical variations.
References. Estimated residual systematic errors.
Maximum uncertainty attributable to as-
4.5 Measurement result. sessable systematic errors.
Activity of principal radionuclide per gram Overall uncertainty.
of solution. Accuracy as a function of time.
Activity of daughter radionuclide, if any, Uncertainty in recommended value of half-
per gram of solution. life.
4.6 Assessment of radioactive impurities . 4.9 Additional information.
Known radionuclidic impurities. Recommended half-life.
Suspected radionuclidic impurities. Recommended procedures.
Method of analysis. Etc.

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ICRU Reports

The ICR Reports listed below are available from:

ICRU Publications
P.O. Box 4869
Washington, D.C. 20008
U .S.A.
The prices given include postage for surface mail. For airmail add: U.S.
$0.35 per copy for addresses in the United States, U.S. $1.00 per copy for
addresses elsewhere.
Orders totaling less than U.S. $5.00 must be accompanied by a remit-
tance in the form of an international money order or a draft on a U.S. bank.
Orders totaling .S. 5.00 or more and not accompanied by a remittance
will be invoiced with payment due within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

Report Price
No. Title (U.S. Dollars)
lOb Physical Aspects of Irradiation, ational
Bmeau of Standards Handbook 85 (1964) * $1.10
lOc Radioactivity, National Bmeau of Stand-
ards Handbook 86 (1963) * $0.80
lOd Clinical Dosimetry, National Bmeau of
Standards Handbook 87 (1963) * $0.80
lOe Radio biological Dosimetry, National Bureau
of Standards Handbook 88 (1963) * $0.65
lOf Methods of Evaluating Radiological Equip-
ment and Materials, National Bureau of
Standards Handbook 89 (1963) * $0.75
11 Radiation Quantities and Units (1968)
1 through 9 copies, each copy $1.00
10 through 99 copies, each copy $0.75
100 or more copies, each copy $0.50
12 Certification of Standardized Radioactive
Somces (1968)
1 through 9 copies, each copy $1.00
10 through 99 copies, each copy $0.75
100 or more copies, each copy $0.50

The following ICRU Reports were superseded by subsequent Reports

and are now out of print:
*These reports are also available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, U.S.A. at the following prices:
NBS Handbook 85, U . . $0.70; NBS Handbook 86, U.S. $0.40; BS Handbook 87,
0.45; NBS Handbook 88, U.S. $0.35; NBS Handbook 89, U.S. $0.35. These Govern-
ment Printing Office prices do not apply when the reports are ordered from the
ICRU Publications office because the ICRU, as a nonprofit organization, has no
means of meeting the handling costs involved in distribution of these reports from its
Publications office.
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10 • ICRU Reports
No. Title and Reference*
1 Discussion on International Units and Standards for
X-ray Work, Brit. J. Radiol. 23, 64 (1927)
2 International X-ray Unit of Intensity, Brit. J. Radiol.
(new series) 1, 363 (1928)
3 Report of Committee on Standardization of X-ray
Measurements, Radiology 22, 289 (1934)
4 Recommendations of the International Committee for
Radiological Units, Radiology 23, 580 (1934)
5 Recommendations of the International Committee for
Radiological Units, Radiology 29, 634 (1937)
6 Report of International Commission on Radiological
Protection and International Commission on Radio-
logical Units, National Bureau of Standards Hand-
book 47 (U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D.C., 1951)
7 Recommendations of the International Commission for
Radiological Units, Radiology 62, 106 (1954)
8 Report of the International Commission on Radiolog-
ical Units and Measurements (ICRU) 1956, Na-
tional Bureau of Standards Handbook 62 (U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
9 Report of the International Commission on Radiolog-
ical Units and Measurements (ICRU) 1959, National
Bureau of Standards Handbook 78 (U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1961)
lOa Radiation Quantities and Units, National Bureau of
Standards Handbook 84 (U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 1962)
* References given are in English. Many of the Reports were also published in
other languages.

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