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Specification of
High Activity

Issued October 15, 1970

First Reprinting October 1, 1975
Second Reprinting April 1, 1981
SUITE 1016

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Scope of ICRU Activities point; it endeavors to base its decisions on the long-
range advantages to be e:iq:iected.
The International Commission on Radiation Units The ICRU invites and welcomes constructive com-
and Measurements ( I CRU), since its inception in 1925, ments and suggestions regarding its recommendations
has had as its principal objective the development of and reports. These may be transmitted to the Chair-
internationally acceptable recommendations regarding: man.
( 1) Quantities and units of radiation and radioac-
t ivity,
Current Program
(2) Procedures suitable for the measurement and
application of these quantities in clinical radiology and
In 1962 the Commission laid the basis for the devel-
radio biology,
opment of the ICRU progra m over the next several
(3) Physical data needed in the application of these
years. At that time it defined three broad areas of con-
procedures, the use of which t ends t,o assure uniformity
cern to the Commission:
in reporting.
The Commission also considers and makes recom- I. The Measurement or Radioactivity
mendations in the field of radiation protection. In this II. The i\Ieasurement or Radiation
connection, its work is carried out in close cooperation III . Problems or Joint Interest to the ICRU and the Inter-
with the International Commfasion on Radiological national Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Protection ( ICRP).
The Commission divided these three a reas into nine
Policy subareas with which it expected to be primarily con-
cerned during the next decade. The division of work
The ICRU endeavors to collect and evaluate the agreed upon is as follows:
latest data and information pertinent to the problems I . Radioactivity
of radiation measurement and dosimetry and to recom- A. Fundamental Physical Para.meters and :'11easurement
mend the most acceptable values for current use. Techniques
The Commission's recommendations are kept under 13. Medical and Biological Applications
continual review in order to keep abreast of the rapidly II. Radiation
e:iq>anding uses of radiation. A. Fundamental Physical Para.meters
The ICRU feels it is the responsibility of national B. X Rays, Gamma Rays and Electrons
organizations to introduce their own detailed technical C. Heavy Particles
procedures for the development and maintenance of D. Medical and Biological Applications (Therapy)
standards. However, it urges that all countries adhere E. Medical and Biological Applications (Diagnosis)
as closely as possible to the internationally recom- F. Neutron Fluence and Kerma
III . Problems or Joint Interest to the ICRU and t he ICRP
mended basic concepts of radiation quantities and units.
A. Radiation Protection Instrumentation and its Ap-
The Commission feels its responsibility lies in de- plication
veloping a system of quantities and units having the
widest possible range of applicability. Situations may The Commission established a separate planning
a rise from time to time when an expedient solution of a board to guide ICRU activities in each of the subareas.
current problem may seem advisable. Generally speak- The planning boards, after examining the needs of
ing, however, the Commission feels that action based their respective technical areas with some care, recom-
on expediency is inadvisable from a long-term view- mended, and the Commission subsequently approved,

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iv Preface

the constitution of task groups to initiate the prepara- Task Group 1. Radiation Protection Instrumentation
tion of reports. The substructure which resulted from Handbook-Part I
these actions is given below. Task Group 2. Neutron Instrumentation and its
Application to Radiation Protection
Planning Board I.A. Radioactivity-Fundamental Phygical
Parameters and Measurement Tech- B ecause the Commission's basic recommendations
niques on radiation quantities and units relate to the work of
Task Group 1. Measurement of Low-Level Radioac- all of the planning boards, the Commission decided to
tivity establish a separate committee with membership drawn
Task Group 2. Specification of Accuracy in Certificates largely from the Commission itself to initiate the re-
of Activity of Sources for Calibration vision of I CRU R eport lOa, Radiation Quantities and
Purposes Units. Thus, the Committee on Fundamental Quanti-
Task Group 3. Specification of High Activity Gamma-
ties and Units was added to the above substructure.
Ray Sources (Joint with P.B. II.B)
Planning Board l.Il. Radioactivity- Medical and Iliologi- In 1962 the Commission decided to abandon its past
cal Applications practice of holding a meeting together with all of its
Task Group 1. In Vivo Measurements of Radioac- sub-units every three years. Instead it was decided
tivity that the Commission would receive reports from the
Task Group 2. Scanning subgroups at the time of their completion rather than
Task Group 3. Tracer Kinetics at fixed deadlines. Meetings of the Commission and of
Task Group 4. Methods of Assessment of Dose in the subgroups are held as needed.
Tracer Investigations The adoption of t he new substructure and mode of
Planning Board II.A. Radiation- Fundamental Physical Pa- operation was intended to alleviate some of the prob-
rameters lems associated with the expanded program required i11
Planning Board H .B. Radiation-X Rays, Gamma Rays
recent years. In the past, the Commission's attempt to
and Electrons
Task Group 1. Radiation Dosimetry; X Rays from 5 administer and r eview the work of each of the working
to 150 kV groups imposed a very considerable burden on the Com-
Task Group 2. Radiation Dosimetry; X and Gamma mission itself. The need to concern i tself with each de-
Rays from 0.6 to 100 MV tail, which was inherent in such a scheme of operation,
Task Group 3. Electron Beam Dosimetry \\'hen coupled with the procedure of completing all
Planning Board II.C. Radiation-Heavy Particles reports at one time, subj ected the Commission members
Task Group 1. Dose As a Function of LET to an intolerable work load if rigorous standards were
Task Group 2. High Energy and Space Radiation to be maintained. The new substructure and mode of
Dosimetry operation is now beginning to pr oduce results in the
Planni11g Board 11.D. Radiation-Medical and Biological form of r eports drafted by the task groups and reviewed
Applications (Therapy)
by the planning boards. Present evidence indicates that
Task Group 1. Measurement of Absorbed Dose at a
Point in a Standard Phantom (Ab- the substructure and mode of operation, while not
sorbed Dose Determination) perfect, has to a substantial extent succeeded in allevi-
Task Group 2. Methods of Arriving at the Absorbed ating the problems previously experienced. Recently,
Dose at any Point in a Patient (In however, the commission has begun the examination
Vivo Dosimetry) of further modification of the substructure.
Task Group 3. Methods of Compensating fo r Body ICRU Reports
Shape and I nhomogeneity and of Beam
Modification for Special Purposes In 1962 the I CRU, in recognition of the fact that its
(Beam Modification) t riennial reports were becoming too extensive and in
Task Group 4. Statement of the Dose Achieved some cases too specialized to justify single-volume pub-
(Dosage Specification) lication, initiated the publication of a series of reports,
Planning Board I LE. Radiation-Medical and Biological each dealing with a limited range of topics. This series
Applications (Diagnosis) was init iated with the publication of six reports:
Task Group 1. Photographic Materials and Screens
Task Group 2. Image Intensifier Radiography ICRU Report lOa, Radiation Quantities and Units
Task Group 3. TV Systems ICRU Report lOb, Physical A spects of Irradiation
Planning Board Il .F. Radiation-Neutron Fluence and ICRU Repor~ lOc, Radioactivity
Kerma ICRU Report lOd, Clinical Dosimetry
Task Group 1. Neutron Fluence, Energy Fluence, ICRU Report lOe, RadioQiological Dosimetry
Neutron Spectra and Kerma ICRU Report lOf, Metlwds of Evaluating Radiologic'll Equip-
Planni ng Board Ill.A. Radiation Protect.ion Instrumentation ment and Materials
and its Application

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Preface v

These reports were published, as had been many of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi-
previous reports of the Commission, by the United zation
States Government Printing Office as Handbooks of
the National Bureau of Standards. Relations with these other international bodies do
In 1967 the Commission determined that in the future not affect the basic affiliation of the ICRU with the
the recommendations formulated by the ICRU would International Society of Radiology. The Commission
be published by the Commission itself. This report is has found its relationship with all of these organizations
published by the ICRU pursuant to this policy. With fruitful and of substantial benefit to the ICRU program.
the exception of ICRU Report lOa, which was super-
seded by ICRU Report 11, the other reports of the "10" Operating Funds
series have continuing validity and, since none of the
reports now in preparation are designed to specifically Throughout most of its existence, the ICRU has
supcrsrde them, will remain available until the ma- operated essentially on a voluntary basis, with the
terial is e sentially obsolete. All future reports of the travel and operating costs being borne by the parent
Commission, however, will be published under the organizations of the participants. (Only token assist-
I CR 'i:; own auspices. Information about the avail- ance was originally available from the lnternationn.l
ability of I CRU Reports is given on page 23. Society of Radiology.) Recognizing the impracticability
of continuing this mode of operation on an indefinite
ICRU's Relationships With Other Organizations
bnsis, operating funds were sought from various sources
in addition to those supplied by the International
One of the features of ICRU activity during the last Society of Radiology.
few years has been the development of relationships Prior to 1959, the principal financial assistance to
with other organizations interested in the problems of the ICRU had been provided by the Rockefeller Foun-
radiation quantities, units, and measurements. In addi- dation which supplied some $11,000 to make possible
tion to its close relationship with the International various meetings. In 1959 the International Society of
Commission on Radiological Protection and its financial Radiology increased its contribution to the Commission
relationships with the I nternational Society of Radi- providing $3,000 for the period 1959- 1962. For the
ology, the World Health Organization, and the Inter- periods 1962- 1965 and 1965-1969 the Society's con-
natiomi.1 Atomic Energy Agency, the ICRU has also tributions were $5,000 and $7,500, respectively. In
developed relationships of varying intensity with several 1960 the Rockefeller Foundation supplied an additional
other organizations. Since 1955, the ICRU has had an sum of some $4,000 making possible a meeting of the
official relationship with the World Health Orga~i?.ation Quantity and Units Committee in 1960.
(WHO) whereby the ICRU is looked to for primary In 1960 and 1961 the World Health Organization
guidance in matters of radiation units and measure- made available the sum of $3,000 each year. This was
ments, and in turn, the WHO assists in the worldwide increased to $4,000 per year in 1962 and $6,000 per
dissemination of the Commission's recommendations. year in 1969. It is expected that this sum will be allo-
In 1960 the ICRU entered into consultative status with cated annually, at least for the next several years.
the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Com- In connection with the Commission's Joint Studies
mission has a formal relationship with the United with t he I CRP, the United Nations allocated the sum
Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic of $10,000 for the joint use of the two Commissions.
Radiation (UNSCEAR) , whereby ICRU observers are The most substantial contribution to the work of
invited to attend UNSCEAR meetings. The Com- the I CRU has come from the Ford Foundation. In
mission and the International Organization for Stand- December 1960, the Ford Foundation made available
ardization (ISO) informally exchange notifications of to the Commission the sum of $37,000 per year for a
meetings and the ICRU is formally designated for period of five years. This grant was to provide for such
liaison with two of the ISO T echnical Committees. items as travel expenses to meetings, for secretarial
The ICRU also corresponds and exchanges final reports services and other operating expenses. In 1965 the
with the following organizations: Foundation agreed to a time extension of this grant
making available for the period 1966- 1970 the unused
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
portion of the original grant. To a large extent, it is
Food and Agriculture Organization because of this grant that the Commission has been
International Council of Scientific Unions able to move forward actively with its program.
International Electrotechnical Commission In 1963 the International Atomic Energy Agency al-
International Labor Office located the sum of $6,000 per year for use by the ICRU.
lnternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics This was increased to $9,000 in 1967. It is expected

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vi Preface

that this sum will be allocated annually at least for the R. H. l\!oRGAN
next several years. H. H. Rossi
From 1934 through 1964 valuable indirect contribu- w. K. SINCLAIR
tions were made by the U.S. National Bureau of Stand- F. w. SPIERS
ards where the Secretariat resided. The Bureau pro- A. TSUYA
vided substantial secretarial services, publication A. w Ai\tBERSIE
services and travel costs in the amount of several
thousands of dollars. Composition of ICRU Subgroups Responsible for
The Commission wishes to express its deep apprecia- the Initial Drafting of this Report
tion to a ll of these and other organizations that have
contributed so importantly to its work. Serving on the Task Group on Specification of High
Activity Gamma-Ray Sources during the preparation of
Composition of the ICRU this repor t were:

It is of interest to note that the membership of the R. G. Wooo, Chairman

Commission and its subgroups totals 140 persons drawn J. H. AITKEN
from 16 countries. This gives some indication of the ex- l\f. J. BERGER
tent to which the ICRU has achieved internationu l NI. COHEN
breadth of membership within its basic selection r e- R. F. ERRINGTON
quirement of high technical competence of individual C. l\I. LALANNE
The membership of the Commission during the prepa- L.A. W . KE~tP and C . B. G. TAYLOR served as con-
rn.tion of this report was as follows: sultants to the Task Group.
Serving on the P lann ing Board on Radioactivity-
L Aun tSTON S. TAYLOR, Chairman Fundamental Physical Parameters and 1\leasurement
:\I. T untANA, Vice Chairman T echniques during the preparation of this report were:
H. 0. WYCKOFF, Secretary
A. ALLISY F . W. SPIERS, Chairman
J. W. BOAG ( 1965-1966) H. HOUTERMANS
F . P. COWAN J. K. 1\IlETTINE::\
F. ELLIS ( 1965)
.J. F. FOWLER K. LmEN served as the Commission Sponsor for the
H. FRANZ (1965) Planning Board.
F. GAUWERKY Throughout the preparation of the report there was
J. R. GREENING consultation with the Planning Board on Radiation-
H. E. JOHNS (1965-1966) X Rays, Gamma Rays and Electrons which consisted
K. LIDE!'\ of:
R. H. 1\1oRGAN W. PoHLIT, Chairman
H. H. Rossi c. GARRETT (1965-1966)
The current membership of the Commission lS as A. ALLISY and J. R. GREENING served as Commission
Sponsors for that Planning Board.
H. 0. WYCKOFF, Chairman The Commission wishes to express its appreciation to
A. ALLISY, Vice Chairman the individuals involved in the preparation of this re-
IC LmtN, Secretary port for the time and effort they devoted to this task.
J. R. GREENING Washington, D.C.
!\. M. KELLERER June 15, 1970

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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iu

1. Introduction. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Explanation of Terms .. . ..... . ... . ... . ... . . ....... . ....... 2
3. Methods of Specifying Gamma -Ray Sources ......... . .... . 2
3.1 Mass of Radionuclide . ..... . .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 Activity of the Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.3 Rate of Total Energy Release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.4 Measurement of Photon Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Recommended Basis for Source Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5. Teletherapy Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.1 Principles of Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.2 Low-Scatter Measuring Cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5.3 Measuring Instrument. . ..... . ... . ........... . ...... . ... 5
6. Radiographic Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7. Research and Industrial Irradiation Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7.1 General Considera tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 .2 Specification of Source Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 .3 Specification of Source Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8. Summary of Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8.1 T eletherapy Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8.2 R adiographic Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
8.3 Research and Industrial Irradiation Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Appendix A. Practical Considerations in the Design of a Low-
Scatter Cell. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Appendix B. Primary and Scattered Radiation from Typical
Sources and Collimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Appendix C. Measurementlii of Equipment Conversion Ratio .... 20
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
I CR U Reports .. . .. ... . ........... . ... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Index ............................... . . .. . .............. . ...... 26

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Specification of High Activity
Gamma-Ray Sources

1. Introduction

Increase in the availability and use of high activity ray source contains one radionuclide only. If, however,
gamma-ray sources has been accompanied by a corre- an appreciable fraction of the photon emission is due to
sponding development in the number of source types other radionuclicles, their presence should be stated.
and of source housings and associated equipment. At The other items of a fu ll specification, including di-
the same time there is diversity in the methods used to mensions, mechanical construction and test require-
describe such sources and consequently a need to ments (e.g., mechanical stability of the source contents,
formulate an agreed basis for their specification. Other freedom from surface radioactive contamination and
attempts to suggest satisfactory methods of specifica- from leakage) are dealt with in a series of reports now
tion for teletherapy sources (IAEA, 1962) were limited being prepared by the International Organization for
by lack of information on the extent to which t hey Standardization (ISO, 1968). Reference should also be
would be affected by scattered gamma radiation. New made to a report by the British Standards Institution
experimental data, as well as new theoretical calcula- (BSI , 1962). The adherence of suppliers to the recom-
tions, relevant to the problem of gamma-ray scattering, mendations of these reports and to those of the present
have made it possible to put forward practical recom- report will contribute substantially to the better selec-
mendations for the specification of the various high tion and more effective use of sources, particularly by
activity gamma-ray sources now in use. those users who do not have the facilities to carry out
A complete specification of a radioactive source must independent investigations of source characteristics.
include its physical, chemical, mechanical and geometri- The sources with which this report is concerned arc
cal properties as well as its radiation characteristics. sealed sources, primarily those used in teletherapy, and
Such a specification is needed by the user for several to a lesser extent those used in industrial radiography
reasons: (i) to enable him to select, in general terms, and in irradiation units for industry and research. These
the type of source most suitable for his requirements types are usually considered as "high activity" sources,
and, within this general category, a particular source but a numerical definition of this term cannot be given
with satisfactory physical and other properties; (ii) to since the practical lower limit of activity of the sources
give him as complete an understanding as possible of considered varies according to their type and purpose.
the quantity, quality and distribution of the radiation In general, the relevant activities are tens of curies and
which will be provided by the source in the environ- above. Furthermore, the sources discussed have physical
ment in which he plans to use it; and (iii) to enable him
dimensions such that internal absorption and scattering
to compare sources and equipment offered by different
cannot be regarded as negligible. It is assumed that the
suppl iers (Kemp, 1961).
The present report is concerned only with gamma-ray capsule in which the source is contained effectively
sources and only with those aspects of the specification absorbs any alpha or beta radiation.
of such sources which relate to the quantity of radio- The characteristics of sources for teletherapy, radiog-
active material and the radiation emitted . Data on raphy, research and industrial irradiation are different,
radionuclides and their decay schemes can be found in as are their requirements for specification. General
compilations by Lederer, Hollander and Perlman aspects of the specification of sources are discussed in
(1967), by Blichert-Toft (1968) and in NCRP Report Section 3, followed by separate sections on each type of
N"o. 28 (NCRP, 1961). It is presumed that the gamma- source.

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2 ... 2 . Explanation of Terms

2. Explanation of Terms

For the purposes of this report, it is necessary to 2.3 Teletherapy Source

classify sources and irradiators in relation to their
nature or their application. The following terms are used A teletherapy source is a sealed source of small
to distinguish different types. The descriptions are not dimensions designed fo r use in teletherapy.
intended to be rigid definitions.

2.4 Radiography Source

2.1 Sealed Source
A radiography source is a sealed source of small
A sealed source consists of radioactive and inert dimensions designed for use in industrial or medical
material designed to be used in such a way that the radiography.
active material does not enter into immediate contact
with the source surroundings. It is comprised of one or
more units such as discs, pellets or rods, or sometimes 2.5 Research lrradiator
fbe grains, incorporating radioactive and inactive
materials, sealed in a n envelope or capsule of sufficient A research irro.diator is comprised of either a single
strength to prevent, under normal conditions of use, sealed source or a n array of sealed sources designed to
any dispersion of radioactive substances. irradiate various materials at specified exposure rates
In the remainder of this report the word source will within specified limits of uniformity.
normally be understood to refer to a sealed source.

2.6 Indus trial lrradiator

2.2 Multiple Source
An industria l irradiator is comprised of an array of
A multiple source is comprised of two or more sealed sources, often of extended dimensions, together
sealed sources securely incorporated in a housing or with shielding and suitable product-conveying equip-
equipment so as to give rise to a radiation field suitable ment, designed to irradiate a large quantity of ma-
for special purposes. In practice, a multiple source may terial to a specified absorbed dose within specified
also be referred to as a source array or a source assembly limits of uniformity during passage through the ir-
and the individual sources therein as source eltmtents. radiator.

3. Methods of Specifying Gamma-ray Sources

A gamma-ray source may be specified in terms of (i) 3.1 Mass of Radionuclide

the mass of t he relevant radionuclide contained within
the source; (ii) the number of nuclear transformations Specificat ion in terms of mass has a firm historical
per time interval, i.e. the activity of the radionuclide precedent in the natural radioelements such as radium.
contained in the source; (iii) the rate of total energy There is no possibility, however, of determining directly
the mass of an artificially produced radionuclide unless
relea~e within the source; or (iv) a suitable measure of
it is separated from other isotopes, whether stable or
the photon radiation emitted from the source, e.g., ex-
posure rate or absorbed dose rate at a stated point.
These various methods of specification cannot be ap-
plied with equal convenience to radioactive sources 3.2 Activity of the Source
of any type, size or form, and special considerations of a
restrictive nature apply to solid sources of high activity There are practical difficulties in determining the
of the type considered in th is report. Several possible activity in high activity sources either by calculation or
methods will be considered in t urn. by measuremeRt.

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4. Recommended Basis for Source Specification • • . 3

3.2.1 Calculation the radionuclidic composition of the source and of the

disintegration schemes of the individual components is
For raclionuclides produced by neutron irradiation in required.
a reactor the calculation is based on the neutron fluence
rate at the appropriate position in the reactor, the
activation cross-section of the material concerned, the 3.4 Meas ure m e nt of Photon Radiation
half-life of the radioactive product and the t ime of
irradiation. H owever, some factors involved, such as
fluence rate depression and self-shielding, are often not 3.4.1 Exposure Rate
known with precision and the calculated activity is an
approximate value only. For radionuclides produced as Measurement of exposure rate at a specified point
fission products any such calculation would be still less under suitable condit ions may be made the basis of a
precise. method of source specification. The measured exposure
rate will depend, however, not only on t he source
activity and on t he dimensions and geometry of the
3.2.2 Measurement source, but also on the nature and geometry of the
material surrounding the source and in its vicinity.
A method of measurement applicable to any radio-
nuclide is to count the number of particles and/ or
photons emitted per time interval and hence to deduce 3.4.2 Absorbed Dose Rate
the disintegration rate. If this is to be done on an
absolute basis, it is usually necessary for the activity Some consideration has been given to the possibility
to be restricted to a few microcuries. Application of of specifying telethcrapy sources in terms of a measure-
this method to sources in the curie or kilocurie range ment of absorbed dose rate at a point in a standard
involves the measurement of a series of related aliquots phantom. Indeed, ICRU (1962b) recommends that
from which the activity of the whole can be calculated. calibration for depth dose purposes be made at 5 cm
T he process is lengthy and the errors may be consider- (or other suitable depth) in a homogeneous phantom
able so that the method cannot be recommended for rather than in air. This method, if applied to the
high activity sources. present purpose, would have the advantage of providing
conditions of measurement closely related to those of
actual use in teletherapy. This advantage, however,
3.3 Rate of Total Energy R e lease would be offset by the complication involved in specify-
ing the conditions of the measurement. F urthermore,
The principle here is to place the source within a the measurement of absorbed dose rate for therapeut ic
calorimeter which measures the total amount of energy purposes should be made with the source in its tele-
released per time interval. If the rate of energy release therapy housing, according to the principles laid down
is to be converted to activity, accurate knowledge of in other ICRU recommendations (ICRU, 1970).

4. Recon1mcnded Basis for Source Specification

The user's requirement, common to all the sources rate, though practicable, do not provide the most
discussed in this report, is some measure of the gamma relevant information.
radiation at a defined point outside the source. Of the It is recommended that the specification of high
methods considered in Section 3, measurement of activity gamma-ray sources be made on the basis of an
exposure rate at a specified point provides the best exposure rate measurement. The record of such a
basis for source specification. With the exception of measurement should always include a statement of the
measurement of absorbed dose rate, the other methods time and date of measurement and the half-life of the
determine quantities less directly related to the uses to radionuclide.
which the gamma-ray sources are put; neither measure- It is necessary, however, to consider the contributions
ment of mass nor measurement of activity of the radio- to the exposure rate that arise both from scattering in
nuclide in a high activity source is practicable; measure- the source itself and from scattering from the source
ments of rate of energy release and of absorbed dose housing. Scattered rn.diation from the source is in-

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4 . . . 5. Teletherapy Sources

evitably included in the measurement of exposure rate. from the source alone and one which includes the
The contributions to be expected from sources of scatter from the source housing. For radiographic,
different dimensions, however, have been calculated by research and industrial sources, the requirements are
Monte Carlo methods, and examples are given in Appen- less stringent and measurement of exposure rate under
dix B; they are in agreement with such spectrometric some defined conditions is usually sufficient. Also it
measurements as have been made in a limited number is sometimes convenient, but less desirable, to convert
of cases. Contributions to the exposure rate from radia- exposure rate into an " exposure-rate equivalent ac-
tion scattered by the source housing arc less easily tivity" . 1 If this conversion is made, the value of t he
calculated but, as will be discussed later, can usuall y be specific gamma-ray constant on which it is based must
measured for actual conditions of use. be stated, and the geometry of the source must be taken
The exact methods of measurement to be adopted into account (see Section 7.2).
depend therefore on the type of source and its applica- D etailed recommendations of methods for the
tion. For teletherapy sources, two mca urcmcnts are specification of different types of source are discussed in
required, one which determines the exposure rate t he following sections.

5. Teletherapy Sources

5.1 Principles of Specification radiation if absorbing material is present in the beam.

In practice the geometry of the housing is variable
Teletherapy sources are intended to give a relatively and a given equipment is subject to variation according,
narrow, well collimated beam of radiation at consider- for example, to the setting of the collimator (see Appen-
able distances (usually 20-100 cm) from the source. dix C). The effect of the housing may be represented
The dimensions of the source are small compared with by an "equipment conversion ratio" defined as:
the distance of use yet not small enough to allow it to
be regarded as a point source for all purposes. The . . . measurement B
equipment conversion ratio = A
nuclides most commonly used for telctherapy sources measurement
are cobalt-60 and caesium-137 (with barium-137m).
It is suggested that the most useful service the
In order to est imate t he performance of a given
manufacturers of the radiation apparatus can give,
source in any given equipment in which it may be used,
besides item A, is the determination of a series of
the two measurements referred to in Section 4 should
equipment conversion ratios using sources of each type
be made under the follo,,·ing conditions:
suitable for their equipment in each type of equipment
A. The exposure rate measured at a stated reference
manufactured, for the full range of collimator apertures.
point, defined as a point 1 m from the front face
Such information would be valuable for potential as ,,·ell
of t.hc source capsule and on the source axis. The
as actual users of the particular equipment, constituting
conditions of measurement must be such t hat the
import.ant indices of the scatteri ng and absorption
meru uring instrument receives primary and
characteristics of individual designs of t reatment heads
scattered radiat ion which comes directly from
the source (including its capsule), but as far as and collimating systems.2
It should be pointed out that a high equipment
possible, does not receive radiation scattered by
the surroundings. conversion ratio is indicative of circumstances in which
B. The exposure rate measured at 1 m from the the radiation emerging from the source is degraded by
front face of the source capsule and on the source scatter; a low conversion ratio means that there is
axis when the source is in the complete associated beam absorption as well as scatter. The extent of the
housing. degradation of the emerging radiation thus depends on
The housing will add some scattered radiation, for the detailed design of the equipment.
example in a typical arrangement having a cobalt-60
1 E xposure-rate equivalent activity is give n as the activi ty
source in a teletherapy shield, radiation scattered by
material outside the source may contribute about 10 of a poin t source of the same radionuclide which would give
the same exposu re rate at the same dis tance from the center
per cent to the measured exposure rate (Aitken and of the source (ICRU, 1962a, Section 3.4).
H enry, 1964; Henry and Garrett, 1964) (see Appendix ' Examples of measured equipment conversion ratios are
B) . The housing may also attenuate the emerging given in Appe ndix C.

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5.3 Measuring Instrument 5
It must be emphasized that measurement of exposure
rate and/or absorbed dose rate for treatment purposes
should be made locally by the user himself. The state-
ment of equipment conversion ratio by the manu-
facturer should not be regarded as a substitute for this.
It must also be emphasized that the equipment con-
version ratio refers to a distance of 1 m from the front
file<' of the source and is not applicable to any other
distance whir.h might be chosen as a treatment distance.

5.2 low -Scatter Measuring Cell

A mrasurcmcnt of type A provid(;S a unique and

unambiguous specification of the source for both
scientific and commercial purposes. It entails the
setting up of special measurement conditions in which
external scatter must be reduced to a minimum. l\Iinor
and inevitable variations in an adopted geometry then
become less serious in their effect on the measurement.
The principles of a ty pical arrangement of source,
collimator and detector intended to minimize the Fig. l. Typi cal low-scatte r measuring cell.
scattered radiation reaching the detector from the sur-
roundings of the source arc shown in Fig. 1. The source, that the scatter from a steel surface may be appreciable.
S, is supported and located by a holder which is as light The immediate surroundings of the source should there-
as possible consistent ''"ith requirements for rigidity and fore be of lead. The separation between the back of the
accurate positioning by remote handling. It is supported source capsule and the back wall is then not critical.
in a cavity ABB'A' surrounded by sufficient absorbing The diameter of the cavity containing the ionization
material to give adequate protection outside the cell. chamber should be such that no part of the side walls
The diameter of the cavity and the diameter of the is visible from the source through the largest aperture
collimator aperture must ideally be so related that no of the collimator.
1 1
scatter from the side walls AB, A B can pass into the It is recommended that the user of the source shall
upper cavity without being scattered again from the
be provided with a drawing of the measuring arrange-
walls of the collimator. Furthermore, in order to restrict
ment to enable him to consider to what extent scatter
the "field of view" of the ionization chamber as much as
has been minimized. It is estimated in Appendix A that
possible while including the whole of the source, colli-
mator inserts of various apertures may be required to the percentage of scattered radiation contributed to the
suit sources and chambers of different dimensions. measurement by a measuring cell designed on the above
The distance between the front face of the source lines should be less than 1 % for cobalt-60 radiation.
capsule and the centre of the ionization chamber should Data for radiation of other energies are not available,
be 1.000 ± 0.001 m and the collimator should be lo- but the scatter contribution should still be small.
cated half way between them in order to minimize If the adivity of a cobalt or caesium teletherapy
scatter reaching the chamber from the collimator itself source is required, it may be estimated from a measure-
(see Appendix A, Section A.3). The thickness of the ment of exposure rate in this low-scatter cell by using
collimator should preferably be sufficient to ensure that the tables in Appendix B to calculate the effects of
the transmitted radiation is not more than about 0.1 % scatter and self-absorption in the source itself and by
of the incident radiation. For cobalt-60 radiation this applying known specific gamma-ray constants.
will require a thickness of at least 12 cm of lea<l (.NCRP,
1960) or 9 cm of tungsten alloy. Comparatively light
shielding will then be adequate for the upper cavity. 5.3 Measuring Ins trument
The measurements described in Appendix A, Section
A.2 show that the back of the source capsule may ap- The radiation measuring instrument should satisfy
proach as closely as 0.3 cm to a lead surface without the conditions laid down by the ICRU (ICRU, 1962b,
significant. increase in Pxposure rate due to scatter, but Sections IV and IX.A).

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6 ... 6. Radiographic Sources

6. Radiographic Sources

Radiographic sources are u ually smaller than tele- low-scatter measuring cell described above, due account
therapy somces and approximate more closely to point being taken of the necessity to increase the sensitivity
sources. In w me cases, cobalt-60 is used in teletherapy- of the measuring in trumcnt. In practice, however,
typc :;hields in which the direction of the useful beam accuracy of this order may not be required or may not
is along the principal axis of the source, but often a be economically justifiable. It is suggested that specifi-
useful beam may be taken from a single source in cation might then be achieved in a less elaborate
several different directions. :Many industrial radio- manner. For example, measurements might be made in
graphic sources consist of iridium-192, thulium-170 or the open air, or in a large shielded room in which ap-
cae 'ium-137 of much lower activity than t eletherapy proximate corrections for the scatter contribution are
sources. Thulium-170 and iodine-125 sources have also applied as described in Section 7.2. The result is often
been u ed for medical or dental radiography. Such conveniently expre ed in terms of "exposure-rate
sources arc often used in an arrangement in which the equivalent activity" ( ee Section 4). Details of the
contribution of scattered radiation is not an important method of measurement and any assumed value of
consideration. specific gamma-ray constant should be supplied to the
If accurate specification in terms of exposure rate user.
should be required, measurements may be made in the

7. R esearch and Industrial Irradiatio n Sou rces

7 .1 Gen e ra l Considerations the product t hrough the radiation field has a very im-
portant bearing on the overall performance, and the
Sources considered under this heading arc usually of user should therefore eek full details not only of the
extended physical dimensions and arc used for the . patial distribution of the exposure rate provided by
irradiation of large volumes of material and/ or for ir- the source configurat ion, but also of the ability of the
radiating material to very high dose levels. Conditions conveying equipment to take advantage of t hi dis-
of use are so variable and different from those of telc- tribution and hence of the radiation available.
therapy and radiographic sources that considerations
appropriate to the latter no longer apply and a full
specification falls outside the scope of this report. Some 7 .2 Spccifica t io n of Source E le ments
limited recommendations arc made, however, to assist
manufacturers and users. It i8 not po. ible to express in a single number a
The principal radionuclides now used are cobalt-60 'Pecification for a source element which allows it to be
and caesium-137, the complete source assembly usually compared in a fully satisfactory way with a source
being made up of a number of source elements in the element of a different size or shape. For example, two
form of rods or fl at strips. In an industrial irradiator a similar source array8 of t he same total activity but
considerable number of these elements may be com- composed of different source elements {e.g., rods or flat
bined to make up a multiple source in the form of a strips) could deliver significantly different absorbed
large plaque, cylinder or other configmation, and the do es to t he amc extended target in the same time of
product to be irradiated is moved within the radiation irradiation. Even if a complex specification i given, a
field in such a way that C'ach unit of material receives true comparison can only be made in the context of the
approxi mately the same total absorbed do. e, whilst the complete irradiator design and the function to be per-
radiation field w a whole is utilised to the ma.-ximum formed. In these circumstances it is suggested that t he
degree. Hesearch irradiators arc often self-contained "exposure-rate equivalent activity" of a source element
semi-portable units in which the experimental material should be specified by measuring the exposure rate at a
can be placed in a radiation field of specified uniformity. point on a perpendicular bisector of its long &'X is at a
Suppliers of St>lf-contained irradiation equipment distance at least 5 times its length in a " hot cell" whose
should providP data on the radiation exposure rate and internal dimensions are several metres in direct ion.
distribution within the irradiation chamber. In indus- The contribution of scattered radiation from the walls
trial irradiators the de!<ign of the conveyor which moves of the cell can be estimated by shielding t he detector

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8 . Summary of Recommendations •. . 7

from direct radiation from t he source by lead absorbers. 7 .3 Specification of Source Arrays
This procedure is of a lower accuracy than that recom-
mended for teletherapy sources (Section 5.2) since "ex-
posure-rate equivalent activity" is not a constant for 7.3.1 Research lrradiators
a given extended source, but depends on the measure-
ment dist ance, and furthermore, allowance for the In addition to the specification discussed in Section
scatter contribution from the cell may be approximate. 7 .2, suppliers should provide data on the exposure rate
However, it may be regarded as adequate for the pur- in air at a reference point in the irradiation field; for
poses envisaged in this section. If the activity of the example, in hollow cylindrical arrays this will normally
source is required as a specification, it can be calculated be the geometrical centre of the assembled array. In
from the exposure rate provided the self-absorption addition, suppliers should provide charts showing the
corrections are known, e.g., from Monte Carlo calcula- exposure rate, relative to that at the reference point,
tions of the type given in Appendix B, Section B.3; at any point in the irradiation volume with q,n accuracy
appropriate data on industrial sources are becoming of ±10 %. These measurements are usually made in air
increasingly available. and the user must realize that any target being irradi-
In practice, the extent of the specification of in- ated will alter the field distribution by an amount which
dividual source elements must be left to the supplier in is a function of its dimensions, absorption and scattering
consultation with the user, depending on the circum- properties, and location within t he irradiated volume.
stances in any particular case. For example, when a Information on the spectral distribution of the radiation
very large number of individual source elements is in- within the irradiated volume is also useful if available.
volved, it may suffice to divide the complete batch into
small groups and to measure the total activity of each
group. In a large irradiator the user would then be in a 7 .3.2 Industrial lrradiators
position to replace tl.e lowest activity groups with new
groups of higher .:t.Ctivity when be is replenishing his In present practice, industrial irradiators are usually
source. On the other hand, a user buying a small num- specified by the total activity of the source array. A
criterion of effectiveness of an industrial irradiator is
ber of elements and designing his own irradiator may
then the mass of material irradiated to a given absorbed
specify that each one be measured.
dose level (with a given uniformity) per curie-hour. In
Alternatively, when many source elements of the
addition to this information, the specifications discussed
same nominal activity are to be assembled in one array, in Section 7.2 should also be provided by suppliers of
it may be sufficient to give an estimate of the mean irradiation plants. In this case, it must be made clear
activity of the sources or source groups together with how t he total a{ltivity in the irradiator has been esti-
an estimate of the standard deviation. If, however, mated and on what measurements the estimate is based.
several sources or groups of intentionally different It should be noted that it may be misleading to ex-
activit ies are used, the individual activities of each press t he efficiency of an irradiator solely in terms of the
inay be required. ratio between the radiation absorbed in the product and
Typical charts giving the distribution of exposure the total radiation emitted by the source, as all parts of
rate in air around each standard type of source element the product may not be irradiated to the same extent.
or group of elements in the array should be made avail- Any absorbed dose in excess of that prescribed is
able to the user. wasted and should not be included in this ratio.

8. Summary of Recommendations

8.1 Telctherapy Sour·ces ti al features illustrated in Fig. 1 (Section 5.2 and Appen-
dix A). A drawing of the actual measuring cell used
8.1.1 It is recommended t hat the specification of high should be supplied.
activity gamma-ray sources be made in terms of the 8.1.3 I t is also recommended that manufacturers of
exposure rate under standard conditions at 1 m from teletherapy equipment should measure exposure rate at
the front face of the source capsule (Section 5.2). a specified point at 1 m from the front face of the
8.1.2 It is recommended that these measurements bl' source capsule using source~ of each type' suitable for
made in a low scatter measuring cell having the essen- their equipment, in each type of equipment manu-

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8 ... 8. Summary of Recommendations

factured. This measurement should be carried out for A chart should be provided showing the exposure-
the full range of collimator apertures, and the results rate distribution around each standard type of source
expressed as "equipment conversion ratios" (Section (Section 7.2).
5.1). 8 .3.2 When large numbers of source elements are in-
volved, the activities of groups of elements may be
given, the number of groups to be measured depending
8.2 Radiographic Sources on the user's requirements. When the number of ele-
ments is small and the performance of the irradiator
In most cases a specification in terms of "exposure- is critically dependent on the individual activities of
rate equivalent activ ity", based on measurements made the elements, it may be necessary to specify each
either in the open air or in a simple cell, is adequate. element individually (Section 7.2).
If more precise specification is needed for special rea- 8.3.3 For research irradiators, a measured exposure
sons, the method recommended fo r teletherapy sources rate at a specified point in the irradiation field should
may be adopted (Sections 4 and 6).
be given, together with a chart giving the distribution
of exposure rate within the irradiated volume (Section
8.3 Research and Industrial Irradiation Sour ces 7.3.1).
8.3.4 For industrial irradiators, much depends on the
The limited recommendations which follow are not conveyor system. If the information given to the user
intended to represent a full specification. is the mass of material irradiated to a given absorbed
8.3.1 The activity of a single source element is often dose level (with a given uniformity) per curie-hour, it
specified in terms of its "exposure-rate equivalent must be made clear how the activit ies of the sources
activity" (Sections 4 and 7.2). have been defined and determined (Section 7.3.2).

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Practical Considerations in the Design

of a Low-Scatter Cell

A.I Geometri cal Relationships in an Ideal Cell A.2 Scatler M ea surements

The follo\\'ing symbols refer to the dimen: ion. of the

lo\\'-scatter measuring cell illustrated in Fig. 1: A.2.1 R egion Around the Source
2H distance bet"'een front face of source and axis
of ionization chamber l\Ieas urements have been made to determine the
D diameter of source cell effect of scatter from material near a cobalt-60 tele-
d = diameter of cell containing ionization cham bcr therapy source on the exposure rate at 1 m distance
a = diameter of collimator aperture (Rice, McGuire and Maloney, 1969). The experimental
2t = thickne!;S of collimato r arrangement represented in Fig. 2 was set up in a room
l = length of ionization chamber having dimensions 5.18 min the direction of the beam,
s = diameter of source 3.21 m high and 6.56 m horizo ntally perpendicular to
b = distance from front face of . ource to end \\'all the beam. T he detector was a 0.6 cm 3 Baldwin Ionex
of source cell chamber with a 4.5 mm thick equilibrium cap and it
h = distance from axis of ionization chamber to viewed t he front of the source t hrough a 3.6 cm diam-
end wall. eter lead apert ure midway between the source and the
In an ideal cell the follo\\'ing condi t ion: should be detector. T\\"O teletherapy sources, of diameters 1.25 cm
satisfied: and 2.5 cm were used. Each was of a t hickness equiva-
(i) T o ensure that no . catter from t he side wall AB lent to about 16 g/ cm 2 of cobalt. T hey were supported
of t he source cell shall pass t hrough the colli- from below by a V-stand made of 0.64 mm stainless
mator aperture \\'it hout being fi rst. cattercd from steel. The scattering mass was a disc of lead 6.7 cm
the collimator : thick by 37.5 cm diameter, suspended behind the
source and moved by remote control.
D ;;.>: a(H + b)/ t .... .......... (1.1 ) The exposure rates from both sources were measured
(ii ) T o ensure that t he side \\'all of the source cell is as the source-to-scatt erer distance was increased from
invisible from a ny part of the ionization cham - 0.3 cm to 145 cm and then on complete removal. No
decrease greater than 0.4 % \\'as fo und. H owever, a
0.6 cm t hick steel plate placed on the face of t he lead
D ;;.>: [a(2 H + b) + l(H + b - t)] / (T-1 + t) . .. (1.2) disc increased the measured exposure rate by about
0.5 %.
(iii) To ensure t hat the \\'hole of the source and no In furt her measurements, the 1.25 cm diameter
more is vi~ible from the ionization chamber : . ource was placed axially within a lead cylinder of in-
ternal diameter 9.6 cm in such a way that the detector
a = [J-l(l + s) + tll - sll/2Il .. .... (1.3) did not view t he internal side walls by direct line-of-
(iv) T o en: ure that there shall be no direct irradia- . ight. No change in expo. ure rate greater than 0.4 %
tion of the side wall of the cell containing the \ras observed. However, a tungsten sleeve of wall thick-
ionization cha mber: ness 0.596 cm surrounding the source increased the
measured exposure rate of the bare source by about 5 %.
d ;;.>: [a (2H + h) + s(H + h - t) ]/(H + t) . .. (1.4) A fl at lead block brought within 0.3 cm of the side

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10 . . . A. Practical Considerations in Cell Design

WINDOW ·:..:-~

. ···~·>.>··.~·_;_::::
· i'> . , ••
•• • • · · lro
· ·:~ ·..-.
----- -- ~~
W A LL ·:;;
37. 5 cm DIA. x .., .
6.7 cm THICK.

Fig. 2. Experimental arrangement for determining the effect of scattering material

near a cobalt-00 source on the measured dose rate.

the lead surroundings to the measured exposure rate

can be reduced to less than 0.2 %.

- 0 .8
A.2.2. Region Around the Ionization Chambe1·

;a 06
\ Investigations have also been made to study the
variation of scatter with cell dimensions in a low-scatter
--11 1 LINER DIAMETERS-11.4 cm

~ -~
cell (Gunter and Bryant, 1969). The experimental cell
~ 0 .4 consisted of two concentric vertical cylinders of lead
<>. separated by a collimator. An ionization chamber was
-·- . -!

L1--r-- -- located in the upper cylinder and the depth of the

space behind it could be varied from 1 to 38 cm by the
5 10 15 20 25

30 35
' 40
movement of a lead plunger 5 cm thick. The backscat-
ter produced by this lead stop did not exceed 1 3 at
PROBE CENTERLINE TO BACKSCATIERER DISTANCE/cm the closest distance and, as is shown in Fig. 3, was less
Fig. 3. Effect of dis tance between ionization chamber and than 0.1 3 at a distance of 25 cm.
back scatterer on percentage back scatter.

of the source resulted in an increase of 1.8 3 in the A.2 .3 Cell Dimensions

exposure rate from the bare source. These observations
show that the positioning of the source in the cavity The lead cylinders in the experimental cell referred
ABA'B' in the measuring cell (Fig. 1) is not critical to in Section A.2.2 had internal diameters of 11 and 20
with respect to the wall behind the source provided cm so that any combination of these diameters for the
that the wall is made of lead. The side wall, however, upper and lower sections could be obtained. A source
must be sufficiently far from the source to ensure that 2 cm in diameter could be located in the bottom cham-
the geometrical condition 1.2 of Section A. l is fulfilled. ber and the relevant dimensions of the cell were : H =
In these circumstances the scatter contribution from 50 cm, D = 11 or 20 cm, d = 11 or 20 cm, a = 4 cm,

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A.4 Proposed Low-Scatter Measuring Cell . • • 11
l = 8 cm, l = 4 cm, s = 2 cm, b = 6 cm and h = 25 10 .000
cm. Condition 1.2 of Section A.I, which is very im-
portant for minimizing the scatter reaching the ioni- 9 .000 /
zation chamber, was fulfilled and also condition I.4.
The aperture in the collimator was larger than the /
value in condition 1.3 and condition 1.I was not ful- 8 .000 INCLUDING
filled, i.e. some scatter from the side walls of the source
chamber could enter the measuring chamber, impinging 7,000
on t he side walls but not directly on the chamber. The
cells were t herefore not ideal, but measurement showed
---.... /
~ 6,000 /
th at the difference in exposure rate between the "best"
cell (D = 20 cm, d = 11 cm) and t he "worst" (D =
11 cm, d = 11 cm) was not more than 0.5 %. This
0 5.000
/ v /
means that, even in a cell which is not completely ideal,
I- v v
halving the diameter of the section containing the
source increases the measured exposure rat e by only
<Jl 4.000 /

0.5 %. If the conditions 1.I to 1.4 are met, t he exact

w ;

dimensions of the cell should not be very critical. 3 ,000
A.3 Collimator

Aitken and H enry (1964), using a geometry some-
what diff crent from that discussed here, obtained a
figure of 1.2 3 of the primary exposure rate for the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
scattering fro m a tungsten alloy collimator having a
5.2 cm square aperture and a thickness of 6 cm . Their
source-to-detector distance was 70 cm and their source- Fig. 4. Dependence of mass of proposed low-scatter
to-collimator distance was about 25 cm, whereas in the measuring cell on diameter of source cell (D).
measurement cell shown in Fig. 1, the corresponding
distances are IOO cm and 50 cm. M aking inverse square suggested value D = 20 cm is chosen somewhat arbi-
law adjustments to the values measured by Aitken and trarily and is regarded as the maximum pra-Otical diam-
H enry, the contribution from a similar collimator in eter.
the measurement cell is found to be 0.5 %. A tungsten As an example, typical dimensions for the cell illus-
alloy collimator with a circular aperture 7 cm in diam- trated in Fig. I might be H = 50 cm, D = 20 cm, a =
eter and 6 cm thick would h ave the same inside surface 2.6 cm, t = 8 cm, d = 12 cm, b = 5 cm, h = 25 cm
area and would be expected to give much the same if the source and ionization chamber dimensions are,
result. respectively, s = 2 cm and l = 3 cm (see Section A.I ).
The four expressions in Section A. I t hen have the
values 17.9, 7 .I, 2.6 and 7 .9 and all the stated condi-
tions are satisfied .
A.4 Proposed Low-Scatter Measuring Cell
If desired, suitable removable collimators may be
inserted in the aperture between the two sections of the
A measuring cell which meets the above desiderat a is cell to give an exact match between source and ioniza-
shown in Fig. 1. It may be built in either a ve1tical or tion chamber dimensions, i.e. to satisfy condition 1.3.
a horizontal position. In t he latter case it is likely to It is estimated that the total scatter contribution in a
project from a hot cell and the portion X may be con- cell of t his type can be reduced t o less than 1 %. It is
sidered as constituting part of the wall of the hot cell. not intended to imply that this is the only possible
The mass of this cell for various dimensions D is plotted design of low-scatter measuring cell and other arrangi-
in F ig. 4, both with and without the portion X . The ments may be devised to achieve the same end.

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Primary and Scattered Radiation from

Typical Sources and Collimators

B.l I n troduction difficult for them to distinguish scattered photons above

this energy from t he primary 1.33 and 1.17 l\IeV pho-
The absorption of primary radiation and the produc- tons. The same normalization was used in the Monte
tion of scattered radiation in large gamma-ray sources Carlo calculation, in which the tungsten sleeve and
and their surroundings has been measured by Costrell steel back plate are included but the steel wall was
(1962a,b), Scrimger and Cormack (1963) and Aitken omitted. On the whole, there is fairly good agreement
and H enry (1964), and has been calculated by Cormack between the measured and calculated pectra, whose
and Johns (1958), Berger and R aso (1960), Preiss most chara-0teri. t ic featu re is a peak at 210 keV, the
(1966) and B erger (unpublished). Illustrative results height of which increases with the diameter of the
from some of these papers are presented here. The source. Some of the experimental details are not repro-
calculated results are taken mainly from the Monte duced by the calculation, for example, a . econdary peak
Carlo studies of Berger which are based on a model, at 150 keV, and some st ruct ure of the ·pectral curves
illustrated by Fig. 5, that h as some degree of realism, between 700 and 900 keV. These feature. might be due
but is less complex than the configurations encountered to the complexities of the actual experimental arrange-
in practice. The model assumes a cylindrical core of ment.
thickness z and radius r, uniformly radioactive through- Figure 8 shows additional spectra obtained by Aitken
out, surrounded by a cylindrical sleeve of thickness s, and Henry wit h cobalt sources surrounded by sleeves
a front plate (window) of thickness zF, and a backing of various materials, and with the source mounted in
of thickness za . A small detector is assumed to be the teletherapy head sketched in F ig. 9. The general
located on the cylinder axis at a distance t from the shape of t he spectra remain the same, but there are
front plate. The Monte Carlo program evaluates the considerable quantitative change when the experi-
predicted reading of an air-equivalent detector (expo- mental conditions are varied.
sure) and the spectral composition of the radiation Scrimger and Cormack (1963), using the cobalt
contributing to the exposure. source and teletherapy head sketched in Fig. 10, ob-
tained the spectrum of scattered photons shown in F ig.
11, which is normalized to one photon with an energy
B .2 Spectra of Scatter ed Radiation from Source
greater than 0.8 MeV. Also shown is a corresponding
In Fig. 6, typical spectra are shown of scattered Monte Carlo spectrum, similarly normalized, for a n
radiation from encapsulated cobalt-60 sources of pro- encapsulated source (no head). F airly close agreement
gressively increasing diameter. The source of largest is found between the measured and calculated spectra
diameter (2.5 cm) is, however, considerably t hinner which suggests that in the experiment the amount of
than the other three. The figure includes Monte Carlo cat tered radiation reaching the detector was small.
results as well as measured spectra obtained by Aitken Figure 12 shows a set of calculated spectra for cae-
and Henry (1964). The experimental sources, sketched sium-137 sources encapsulated in steel. The source
in Fig. 7, consist of a radioactive core surrounded by dimensions, typical of those found in practice, are
a double-walled steel capsule which in turn is enclosed larger than those of cobalt sources when expressed in
by a tungsten sleeve. The overall diameter of source units of the photon mean free path at the nominal
plus sleeve is constant at 3.5 cm. Aitken and H enry source energy. Therefore, only the spectrum for the
normalized their spectra to one photon with an energy smallest caesium source has its main peak at 180 keV
greater than 1.04 MeV, because it was experimentally and resembles the cobalt spectra.. The others peak at the

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8.3 Contribution of Primary and S cattered Radio/ion 13

~ z, .,z

.e .,_ .,_
4 4 i I:? .6


~ *~
z i::
:::i ,4
~ ~ ' e~, ~'\
-c >
i:: ~ .2
i~ 0 - v
~ ~
u ~

:::I "'~ .e Cd-

... .6 I\

~ .4
~ t". ~

:c $L ...... lb._\
t:.11' ·-n \
... .2

I - "' lf-'1 j
I.I. ~ '\
- I ..,...,,
0 .2 ,4 .6 .8 l.O 12 0 .2 ,4 .6 .8 1.0 lZ 1,4

F ig. 6. Spectra of scattered radiation from cobalt-60

sources. The radioacti ve core consists of pellets with an
effective density of 5.88 g/ cm 1 , and the source-detector distance
t is 70 cm. The curves represent the measurements of Aitken
and Henry (1964) with a source caps ule similar to that in Fig. 7
enclosed in a tungs ten s leeve. The his tograms represent Monte
Carlo results obtained under the followi ng conditions (see

Fig. 5): cylindrical tungsten sleeve, steel back plate , no front
plate (Z F = 0).
Dimensions (cm): (a) z = 1.4 , r = 0.5, ze = 2.1, s = 1.25
(b) z = 1.4, r = 0.75, ze = 2.1, 8 = 1.0
F ig. 5. Source and sleeve assumed in Monte Carlo calcula-
(c) z = 1.3, r = 1.0, zo = 2.2, 3 = 0.75
tion of radiation scattered by the source and surrounding
(d) z = 0.7, T = 1.25, ZB = O.i 5, , = 0.5.
Shaded areas of the histograms represent scattered photons
Key to numbered regions:
reaching the detector t hrough the front surface of the tungsten
1. Front plate
sleeve; bl ack areas represent photons scattered from the sleeve
2. R adioactive core
into the radioactive core or back plate and reaching the de-
3. Back plate
tector through the front surface of the core.
4. Cylindrical sleeve.

source energy because softer radiation is strongly sup-

pressed by internal absorption. This ch&racteristic has
also been observed by Costrell {1962b). •••••••
•••••• COBALT
B.3 Con t r ibu tion t o Exposu re of P rimary a nd
Scatter ed Radi a tion from Source ••••••• PE LLETS

The calculated exposure at a distance of 1 m from

steel-encapsulated cobalt sources of various shapes and
sizes is given in Table B.l. The results are presented i11 TU NGSTEN
terms of relative exposure values. The relative exposure STEEL SLEEVE
is defined as the ratio of the exposure obtained with a CAN
given source to the exposure that would be obtained if
the source were removed, and replaced by a point
source with the same activity. placed at the comparison
point indicated in Fig. 5.3 The contribution to the 0 2 3
exposure from primary photons is denoted by P, and cm

from scattered photons by S. Thus P + S is a measure F ig. 7. Experimental arrangement of sources of Aitken
and Henry {1964). A typical 2 cm diameter source with its
1 T he comparison point is located at a position corresponding spacer s leeve. T he cobal t pellets a re not drawn to scale. Steel
to the center of the front face of the actual source, and differs spacer discs of suitable total t hickness are used to fill the
in this respect from the comparison point a t the geometrical capsule to capacity after the cobalt pellets are in place.
center of the source adopted by the ICRU (19G2a, Section 3.4) (Reprinted with permission from the authors and
in the defin ition of thP. "P.nnivalent" activity . Pergamon Press.)

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14 B. Primary and Scattered Radiation from Sources and Collimators

r.u rr10 NAL (Xl'0 $Ullt[ DU(

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100 200 300 400 5 00 600 700 800 900 100 200 3 00 ~00 500 600 700 8 00 900


I 2 S\.HYC llUTC lltlAl. n tACTK>HAl. (IC..0~[ OU[ ro- 12 fllt.t.CtlONAL (ICll'OSUllt [ OUC -

> > DI Al'"" " CM AP(llHUR( TO P..OTOH S KLOW I 0 4 MtY

PHOTONS KL.Ow I 0 4 w. v
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. .• . .
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~ 05
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:-o;·-- c'
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100 ~00 3 :lO 4 00 500
I 6 00 700 8 00 900
100 200 JOO 4 00 ~00
I 6 00 700 500 90.>


Fig. 3. Spectra of scattered radiation from cobalt-60 sources obtained by Aitken and He nry (1964) under various conditions.
With the source in the bead, the adjustable diaphragm was wide open except in (d). The curves marked "source with its
tungs ten sleeve" in (a) and (b) correspond tu the curves in Figs. 6a and 6d.
!Reprinted with permission from the uuthors and Pergamon Press.)

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~~ . . . . .. . . .
~ »xS
. . . " ....
- --'--- DRAWER

~"XY(·A ~
~~ ..

' " ~ ,;:} '

__ .~

\ \. ~ y
~ -?N

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.. c.,

>~~ > ;x>,i DCl<>1'X>OC~;.()<J

~- -~


(: . •, $ •. $ ', s1 01 2 3•"'
F ig. 9. Experimental arrangement of teletherapy head of Aitken and Henry (1964). (Slightly simplified drawing of the head and diaphragm used.I Ci'
(Reprinted with permission from t he a ut hors and P ergamon Press.) 5·


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16 B. Primary and Scattered R-:;d iation from Sources and Cotlimators


0 2 4




.. .. ..
• • + •
... . .. . .

- .. .
llll l.
U AO 0

, ..

Fig. 10. Source capsule and head used by Scrimge r and Cormack (1963).
!Reprinted uy permission of the au thors and the Bri tish Jouronl of Rndiology.J

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8.3 Contribution of Primary and Scattered Radiation . . . 17
TABLE B.1-Calculated relative exposures from primary (P) and
scattered (S) photons at a distance of I m from large encap-
sulated cobalt~O sources (see Section B .S)
[The assumed source configuration is that shown in Fig. 5.
Regions 1, 3 and 4 consist of steel; region 2 is filled with cobalt
pellets with an effective density of 5.88 g/ cm'; z., = 0.08 cm;
zv+ z + zn = 4.0cm;s = 0.15cm.]

Relative Exposure
•/ cm r/ cm S/ P
p S (Scat·
(Primary) tcrcd) P+S

0.5 0 .25 .892 .069 .961 .077

0.5 0.5 .892 .080 .972 . 090
0 .5 1.0 .892 .095 .987 . 107
0' L..c:!!.__.l~....L~.L----'-~~6~....L~e!-----'-~~
0 , o:--...L.---,,~2~.u...-.,..,:
,. 0 .5 1. 5 .892 . 106 .998 . 119
1.0 0 .25 .825 .083 .908 .101
Fig. 11. Spectrum of scattered radiation from a cobalt-GO 1.0 0.5 .825 .098 .923 .119
source. Experimental curve was obtained by Scrimger and 1.0 1.0 .825 .118 .943 . 143
Cormack (1963) with source capsule and head shown in Fig. 10. 1.0 1.5 .825 . 131 .956 .159
Calculated histogram is for scattered radiation from enfap-
sulated source only. Parameters for the Monte Carlo calcula- 2.0 0.25 . 711 .087 .798 . 122
tion were: Steel front plate, zv = 0.1 cm; radioactive core 2 .0 0.5 .711 . 110 .821 . 155
(pellets with effective density of 5.88 g/ cm'). z = 0.74 cm and 2 .0 1.0 . 711 .138 .849 .194
r = 1.27 cm, steel backing, zn = 2.8 cm; tungsten sleeve, 8 = 2 .0 1.5 . 711 .156 .867 .219
1.23 cm. Source-detector distance t = 80 cm. Shaded part of
3.0 0 .25 .61() .080 .699 .129
histogram represents scattered photons reaching the detector
3 .0 0.5 .619 . 104 .723 .168
through the front surface of the tung,sten sleeve. In the experi-
3 .0 1.0 .619 . 138 .757 .22:J
ment such photons are to a large extent prevented from reach-
3.0 2.0 .619 . 160 .779 .258
ing the detector because of the presence of the collimator.

TA BL•~ B .2-Calculate<l relative expos ure.~ from primary (P) and

scallered (~ ) pholoM at a clislam·e of I m from large encap -
s ulated caesillm -IS7 .~ources (see Section R.S)
[The assumed :source configuration is that s hown in Fig. 5.
fl cg ions 1, 3 1111d 4 consist of s teel; region 2 is filled with cnesi um
1.0 rhl oride discs with o. dcns iLy of 3.0 g/ cm'; z,, = 0.1 cm; zv +
8 - -L z + zo = 7.0 cm; ~ = O.:!.j cm. For spec t rn of sent tcred r:idi:it ion
:::i l'C'e Fil!;. 12 to which (:1), (b) , (c) nnd (d) refer.]
< 6
...w~ .4
Re nth·t F.Jposurc
:/cm r/ cm S/P
>in r S tScnl·
:::!:o (Primary) lcrcd) P+S
a: ...
e>.::c 0
<n<>. (11) I .:?.; 1 .2.i .816 . 130 .946 . 159
~ ~ 1.0 (h) 2.50 1 .2.') . 711 . 136 .847 . l!H
::C- .8
(c) 3.75 1. 2.; .6?"_., . 130 .755 .208
Cl. a:
o<>. (d) 5.00 1.2.; .553 . 119 .672 .215
w .6
I: .4
"' .2 of the total exposure compared to that of a point source
at the comparison point, and S/P is a measure of the
1 ~~
. s_J
. ssL..-.~1~-
. 2~~3 ~.4~-:-
. ss
softening of the spectrum. Similar data for a few ca.e-
sium-137 sources are given in Table B.2.'
Fig. 12. Calculated spectra of scattered radiation from
caesium-137 sources. Sources consist of a caesium chloride 'It is to be expected that in addition to caesium-137 a small
core (with an effective density of 3.0 g/ cm') enclosed in a amount (one to several percent) of caesium-134 will be present
steel capsule. Dimensions of the sources and capsules are in the source . For the decay scheme of caesium-134 see Persson
liAt.ed in Table B.2. (1968).

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'18 B. Primary and Scattered Radiation from Sources a nd Col/imators

r'2 ~
scattered radiation, so that it is more practical to rely
on comparative measurements such as those t hat have
I .r _.r----. t
been made by Aitken and Henry (1964), and by Cos-
trell (1962a,b). By way of orientation, a few calcula-
SOURCE z tions have been made for simple conical lead colli-
mators placed in t he vicinity of cylindrical (or point)
sources, according to the scheme illustrated by F ig. 13 .

~ - r--
(~ ol
p tY

.02 I

0 l
__ _ _l_ 0 5 10 15 20
t i/Cm
25 30 35 40

' DETECTOR Fig. 15. Calculated ratio of collimator to primary ex-

,, posure, C/P, as function of the fie ld radius r, for a cobalt-60
source. Collimator parameters: t , = 20 cm, t, + 12 = 100 cm,
Fig. 13. Source a nd conical collima tor assumed in Monte
r 2 = 1.75 cm . (a) P oi nt source ; z = r = O. (b) Cylind rical
Carlo calculation of radiation scattered by collimators.
source made of solid cobalt metal (density 8.!l g/cm'); z =
3.5 cm, r = 1.75 r m .

4 .6 1-
Fig. 14. Spectrum of photons reaching detector after ~ .4 ~-~~-l-+--l-~~-+~~~~1--~~~-t-~~~-;

scattering by a conical lead collima tor placed near a point-

isotropic cobalt-60 source. Curve is from a calculation by
Cormack and J ohns (1958) t aking into account si ngle scatte r
only. Histogram is a Monte Carlo resul t. Cont ribution of
photons sca ttered more tha n once in collimator is indicated by
shaded area. Collimator parame ters were ns follows :
r s = 3 cm ; r, = 10 cm; ti = 60 cm; 11 + t s = 100 cm.
B.4 Scattered Radiation from CoJlimators
Fig . 16. F raction of collimator exposure C that is con-
Collimators, particularly those designed to minimize tributed by the first t , cm of the collimator (0 ~ ti ~ 20 cm).
unwanted scattered radiation, are usually not. simple Field radius r 1 = 5 cm, other parameters as in Fig. 15. (a)
enough to allow direct. and accurate calculation of the Point source. (b ) Cylindrical source.

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B.4 Scattered Radiation from Col/imotors . . . 19

TABLE B-3-Calculated ratio (C/P) of the relative exposure due The parameter:) are the collimator length t1, the source·
to scattering from the collimator (C) and due to primary (P) to-detector distance t1 + ~. the distance r2 of closest
radiation (see Section B .4)
approach to the source axis, and the field radius r 1 •
[The configuration is that shown in Fig. 13. A conical lead
collimator is placed near a point isotropic source (r = z = 0). Only radiation escaping through the front face of the
The source-to-detector distance 11 + It = 100 cm. C/P is given source is assumed to be able to reach the collimator.
as function of the collimator length t1 , the field radius r1 , When the radius r and thickness z of the source become
and the distance of closest approach of the collimator to the vanishingly small, the limiting case of a point source
is reached.
C/ P Figure 14 shows the calculated spectrum of the radia-
Cobalt-00 Caesium-137
tion scattered from a 60 cm long conical lead colli-
ri/cm Ii/an mator near a point cobalt source. The spectral shape in
rs/ an ro/an this case is determined mainly by the relation between
o.s 1.0 2.0 o.s 1.0 2.0 deflection and energy loss for single scattering, and
2 10 0.015
------ - - -
0 .010 0.010 0.009
has a peak not far below the source energy.
Figure 15 shows the ratio C/ P as function of the
20 0.017 0.016 0 .014 0.011 0.011 0.010
0.011 O.Oll 0.010 field radius r1 for a 20 cm long conical lead r.ollirnator,
30 0.017 0.017 0 .017
40 0.017 0.018 0 .019 O.Oll 0.012 0.012 where C is the contribution to the exposure due to
50 0.018 0.019 0 .020 0.012 0.012 0.013 scattered photons from the collimator and is normalized
in the same manner as P and S. Fig. 16 shows the frac -
5 10 0.037 0.033 0 .023 0.025 0.023 0.017
0.027 0.026 0.024
tion of C that is due to photvns scattered from the
20 0.041 0.039 0.036
30 0.042 0.042 0.041 0.028 0.028 0 .027 first t 1 cm of the collimator (O ~ t1 :5 20 cm). It is
40 O.O-t3 0.044 0.046 0 .028 0.029 0 .030 clear from the figure that by eliminating the part of the
50 0.044 0.046 0.049 0.029 0.030 0 .032 collimator closest to the source a considerable amount
0 .044 0.039 0.029
of scattered radiation can be eliminated.
10 10 0.064 0.055 0.039
20 0.071 0.069 0.061 0.048 0.047 0.043 Table B.3 gives calculated values of the ratio C/ P
30 0 .074 0.074 0.072 0.049 0.050 0.049 for cobalt and caesium point sources, as functions of the
40 0.075 0 .078 0.079 0.050 0.052 0.053 various collimator parameters including the field radius
50 0 .076 0.080 0.083 0.052 0.053 0.056
and collimator length.

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Measurements of Equipment
Conversion Ratio

C.l Comparative Measurements on Sources in they vary over a considerable range, a number of in-
the U nited Kingdom teresting features have emerged.
The results for each source and housing have been
In a large scale comparison, open source exposure expressed in terms of the equipment conversion ratio:
rates measured at Harwell have been compared with
Exposure rate at 1 m from front face
exposure rates from the same sources after installation of source in housing
in their teletherapy housings (Taylor, 1967). The Har-
Corrected exposure rate at 1 m from front face
well measurements were made with the sources exposed
of source in Harwell cell
at 1 m from an ionization chamber in a concrete meas-
after appropriate corrections for radioactive decay.
1-10 II This ratio varies with the type of housing and with
0 I _ l_
___,,-- the setting of the collimator diaphragms, increasing
~ I :Ii as the collimator is opened.
z I
I I 7 1 UNIT A
0 The housing can affect the equipment conversion
, / I I I
ratio in two ways; the exposure rate measured with the
w y(T
~ 1·00
~,,. ,__....,.. VUN- I T source in the housing will include a scatter contribution
8 i.-..,..
arising from the housing and collimator, but the pri-
....... ~ mary and scattered radiation will be reduced by ab-
zw ~V I I sorption in mirrors, steel or plastic covers or other
~ I I
absorbing material which may be present. The equip-
So·9o I I ment conversion ratio can therefore be greater or less
4 5 6 7 8 910 20 25 30 15 than unity depending on the relative magnitude of
these effects. In the present series of measurements, for
Fig. 17. Equipment conversion ratio as a function of example, equipment conversion ratios have ranged over
field size for two different teletherapy units. values from 0.89 to 1.23.
The equipment conversion ratio varies with field size
urement cell of dimensions 3.3 m X 1.7 m X 3.2 m or collimator setting in a way similar to the variation
high. The scatter contribution from the walls of the in "central beam intensity" first noticed by Kemp and
cell was estimated both theoretically (Clarke and Burns (1958) and plotted by De Vore and Greenlaw
Batter, 1963; Hendee and Ellis, 1966) and experimen- (1967) in terms of t he "intensity" for a field size of 10
tally, and was found to amount to about 6 % of the cm X 10 cm. The absolute value of the equipment
measured radiation for cobalt-60 sources. Measure- conversion ratio for a given field size, however, varies
ments in the teletberapy housings were made by hos- quite markedly from one make of equipment to another,
pital physicists under a variety of conditions on uuits depending on the type of collimator, absorbing material
made by several different manufacturers. These ob- in the beam and other details of construction. Fig. 17
servations probably represent the largest series of equip- illustrates this variation as a function of field size at 1
ment conversion ratios at present available and whilst m for units made by two different manufacturers.
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C.2 Comparative Measurements in Australia and New Zeo/cind . . . 21

C.2 Comparative Mellsurements on Sources in way were compared with mea.surem(mts made in vari-
Australia and New Zealand ous hospitals for a field size "' 10 cm X 10 cm corrected
by inverse square law to a distance of 1 m. The ratio
Similar comparisons have been made in Australia and
measurement at hospital
·ew Zealand (Gregory, 1967). Measurements were
made in a cell 4.6 m X 1.8 m X 4.6 m high using a measurement in cell
special collimator interposed between the source and varied over the range 0.893 to 1.023 for nine units
the ionization chamber, which were separated by a made by six different manufacturers. All the ratios
distance of 1 m. The exposure rates measured in this except one were less than 1.00.

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AITKEN, J. H. AND HE~RY, W. H . (1964). "Spectra of JCRU (1962a) . Report lOc. Radioactivity. NBS Hand-
the internally scattered radiation from large cobalt- book 86 (U.S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington,
60 sources used in teletherapy." Internat. J. Appl. D .C.)
Radiation Isotopes 15, 713. ICRU (1962b). Report lOd. Clinical D osimetry. NBS
BERGER, M. J. "The output of large cobalt-60 and Handbook 87 (U.S. Gov't Printing Office, Washing-
cesium-137 sources." To be published. ton D.C.).
BERGER, M. J. AND RAso, D. J. (1960). "Monte Carlo ICRU (1970). Report on measurement of absorbed dose
calculations of gamma ray back scattering." Radia- in a phantom irradiated by a single beam of x or
tion Research 12, 20. gamma rays. In preparation.
BLICHERT-ToFT, P. H. (1968). "Experimental decay- ISO (1968). Reports on specification of dimensions,
scheme studies of odd-A deformed nuclei." Akadc-
mechanical construction and test requirements for
misk avhandling-Chalmers teknisk hogskola, Goth-
radioactive sources. (International Organization for
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Standardization, Geneva) . In preparation.
BSI (1962). "Gamma radiography sealed sources~ "
B.S.3513: 1962 (British Standard<> Institution, KEMP, L . A. W. (1961). "The standardization of high-
London). activity teletherapy sources." Brit. J . Radio!. 34, 67.
CLARKE, E. T. AND BATTER, J. F . (1963). "Gamma- KEMP, L. A. W. AND BURNS, J . E. (1958). "Physical
ray scattering by concrete surfaces." Nucl. Sci. Eng. measurements on the London Hospital Picker C-
17' 125. 3000 uni t." Acta R adiologica 49, 471.
CORMACK, D . V. AND JOHNS, H. E. (1958). "Spectral LEDERER, c. M., HOLLANDER, J . M. AND PERLMAN, I.
distribution of scattered radiation from a lcilocurie (1967). Table of Isotopes (John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
cobalt-60 unit." Brit. J. R adiol. 31, 497 New York).
CosTRELL, L. (1962a). "Scattered radiation from NCRP (1960). NCRP Report No. 24. Protection
large cobalt-60 calibrating sources. " Health Physics Against Radiations from S ealed Gamma Saurces.
8, 261. ))'BS Handbook 73 (U.S. Oov't Printing Office,
CosTRELL, L. (1962b). "Scattered radiation from large Washington, D.C.).
cesium-137 sources." Health Physics 8, 491. NCRP (1961). NCRP Report No. 28. A Manual of
DE VORE, W. D. AND GREENLAW, R. H. (1967). "An Radioactivity Proce,dures. NBS Handbook 80 (U .S.
evaluation of cobalt-60 rotational teletherapy equip- Gov't. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.).
ment." Am. J. Roentgenol. 99, 600. PERSSON, R . B. R. (1968). " 13'Cs/ 137Cs activity ratio
GREGORY, J . N. (1967) . Private communication. in the biosphere from 1956 until 1966." Health
GUNTER, A. W. AND BRYANT, J. (1969) . Private Physics 14, 241.
communication. PREISS, K. (1966). Monte Carlo calculations of self
HENDEE, W.R. AND ELLIS, J . L. (1966). "Scattering of shielding by encapsulated yamma-ray saurces. Nuclear
gamma radiation from semi-infinite slabs." Health Radiation Shielding Studies. Report No . I (Uni-
Physics 12, 673. versity of Illinois, Urbana, III. ).
HENRY, W. H. AND GARRETT, C. (1964). "Fractional
H.1cE, F. G., :vrcGurnE, l\I. A. AND MALONEY, A. R.
exposure rate due to scattered radiation from a cobalt-
(1969). Private communication.
60 teletherapy unit." Internat. J. Appl. Radiation
Isotopes 15, 544. Scn1MGER, J . W. AND CORMACK, D. V. (1963). "Spec-
IAEA (1962). A proposal for standard conditions for trum of the radiation from a cobalt-60 teletherapy
the measurement of the output of teletherapy unit." Brit. J . Radio!. 36, 514.
sources. (Not published). TAYLOR, C. B. G . (1967). Private communication.


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ICRU Reports
ICRU Reports are distributed by the ICRU Publications' office. Information
on prices and how to order may be obtained from:

ICRU Publications
P.O. Box 30165
Washington, D.C. 20014

The currently available ICRU Reports are listed below.

Rep ort No. Title
lOb Ph ysical Asp ects of Irradiation (1964)
lOc Ra dioa ct iv it y (1963)
I Of M ethods of Evaluating Radiological Equipment and Ma -
t erials (1963)
12 Certijication of Standardized Radioactive Sou rces (1968)
13 Neutron Flu ence, Neutron Spectra and K erma (1969)
14 Radiation Dosimetry: X Rays and Gamma Rays with Max-
imum Photon En ergies Between 0.6 and 50 M e V (1969)
15 Cameras for Image Intensifier Flu orography (1969)
16 Linear Energy Transfer (1970)
17 Radiation Dosimetry: X Rays Generat ed at Pot entials of 5
to 150k V(l910)
18 Speci ficati on of High A ctivity Gamma -Ray Sou rce>.~
20 Radiation Protection Instrum entation and Its Application
(l 97 l)
21 Ra diation Dosimetry: Electrons with Initial l~nergies Be-
tween I and 50 M e V ( 1972)
22 M easurement of Low-Level Radioactivity (1972)
23 M easurement of Absorbed Dose in a Phant om Irradiat ed by
a Single Bea m of X or Gamma Rays (1973)
24 Determination of Absorbed Dose in a Patient Irradiated by
Beams of X or Gamma Rays in Radiotherapy Procedures
25 Conce ptual Basis for th e Determination of Dose Equivalent
26 Neutron Dosimetry for Biology and M edicine (1977)
27 An Int ernational Neutron Dosim etry I ntercomparison
28 Basic Aspects of High En ergy Particle Int era ctions and
Radiation Dosimetry (I 978)
29 Dose Specifi cation for R eporting Ext ernal Ream Th erapy
with Photons and Elec tron.~ (1978)
30 Quantitative Concept s and Dosim etry in Radiobiolo;:y
31 A verage En ergy Required lo Produ ce an Ion Pair (1979)
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24 . .. /CRU Reports

32 M eth ods of Assessm ent of Absorbed Dose in Clinical Use of

Radionuclides (1979)
33 Radiation Quantities and Units (1980)

Binders for ICR U Reports are availa ble. Each binder will accommodate
from six to eight reports . The binders carry the identification, " ICRU Re-
ports," and come with label holders which permit t he user to attach labels
s howing the Reports contained in each binder.
The fo llowing bound sets of I CRU Reports a re a lso availa ble:
Volume I. ICRU Reports lOb, lOc, lOf
Volume II. ICR U Reports 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20
Volume IJl. ICRU Reports 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Volume IV . ICRU Reports 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
(Tit les of the individ ua l Reports contai ned in each volume a re give n in the
list of Reports set out a bove.)

The following ICRU Reports were superseded by subsequent Reports and

a re now out of print:
Report No. Title and Reference*
1 Discussion on Int ernational Units and Standards for X-ray
Worl<. B ri t. J. Radio!. 23, 64 (1927).
2 International X -Ray Unit of Intensity, Brit. J. Radio!. (new
series) l, 363 (1928).
3 Report of Committee on Standa rdization of X-ra y M ea-
surements, Radiology 22, 289 (1934).
4 Recommendations of th e International Committee for Ra-
diological Units, Radiology 23, 580 (1934).
5 Recomm endations of the International Committee for Ra-
diological Units, Radiology 29, 634 (1937).
6 Recommendations of the Int ernational Commission on
Radiological Protection and of th e Int ernational Com-
mission on Radiological Unit s, National Bureau of Stan-
d a rds Ha ndbook 47 (U.S. Gove rnment Printing Office,
Washington, D.C., 1951).
7 Recommendations of the I nternational Commission for
Radiological Unit s, Radiology 62, 106 (1954).
8 Report of the International Commission on Radiological
Units and M easurements (JCRU) 1956, Nationa l Bureau
of Standa rds Hand book 62 (U.S. Government Printing
Office, Was hington, D.C. , 1957).
9 Rep ort of the Int ernational Commission on Radiological
Units and Measurem ents (JCRU) 1959, National Bureau
of Standa rds Ha ndbook 78 (U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 1961 ).
l Oa Radiation Quantities and Units, Nationa l Bureau of Stan-
d a rds Handbook 84 (U.S. Government Printing Office,
Was hington, D.C., 1962).
l Od Clinical Dosimetry, National Bureau of Standa rds Handbook
87 (U .S. Government Printing Office, Was hington , D.C.,

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ICRU Reports . .. 25

lOe Radiobiological Dosimetry, National Bureau of Standards

Handboo k 88 (U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D.C., 1963).
11 Radiation Quantities and Units (Inte rnational Commission
on Radiation Units and Measurements, Washington, D.C.,
19 Radiation Quantities and Units (International Commission
on Radiation Units and Measurements, Washington, D.C.,
19S Dose Equivalent !Supplement to JCRU Report 19] (Inter-
national Commission on Radiation Units and Measure-
ments, Washington, D.C., 1973).

* References given are in English. Some of the Reports were also publis hed in other lan-

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Absorbed dose (rate), 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 :\l ass of radionuclide, 2

Absorption, 4, 7, 20 Measuring cell
Activity, 2, 5, 7 F:xperimental, 9, 10, 11
Calculation of, 3 H arwell, 20
Exposure-rate equivalent, 4, fl , 7, 8. t:! Low-scatter, 5, 6, 7, 11
High, 1 Medical radiography, 2, 6
Measurement of, 3 Monte Carlo calculatio n, 4 , 7, 12, 17, 18
Array, source, 2, 7 Mul tiple source, 2, G
Assembly, source, 2
Attenuation, 4 Neutron irradia tion, 3
Back-scatter , 10
P hoton radiatio n, measurement of, 2, 3, 5
Caesium-137, 4, 5, 6, 12, 17, 19
Calorimeter, 3
Radiatio n t herapy, 3, 5
Radiographic source , 2, 4, G, 8
Experimental, 9, 10, 11
Ideal, 9
Dental, 6
Low-scatter , 5, 6, 7, 11
I ndustrial, 2
Cobalt-60, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 18, rn, 20
Medical, 2, 6
Collimator, 4, 5, 8, 11 , 18, 19, 20
l!adium, 2
Conveying equipment, 2, 6, 8
Hesearch irradiation source, 4, 6
Dental radiography, 6 llesearch irradiator , 2, 7, 8

Element, source, 2, 6, 7, 8 :':icattered rad iation, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, l:J, 20

Energy release, rate of, 2, 3 8ealed source, 2
Equipment convers ion ratio, 4, 5, 8, 20, 21 ::ielf-absorption, 5, 7
Equivalent activity, exposure-rat<', 4, G, 7, 8, I:! Snu rce a rray, 2, 7
Explanation of term.<;, 2 Assembly, 2
Exposure (rate), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, R, 9, 10, 12, l :J, 17, l !l Element, 2, 6, 7, 8
Exposure-rate equiva lent activi t,,·, 4, G, 7, 8, 13 Industrial, 4, 6
l\fultiple, 2, 6
Geometrical relationships , 9 ltadiographir , 2, 4, 6, 8
Hesearch , 4 , 6
High activity, 1 Sealed . 2
Teletherapy, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Industrial irradiator, 2, 7, 8
Specification requirement.", 1
Industrial irradi ation source, ·1, 6
!::'peci fie gamma my constant, 4 , 5, Ii
Industrial radiography, 2
, 'pectral distrib ution, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, l!I
Iodine-125, G
Iridtum-192, 6
I rradiator Tele t herapy
Industrial, 2, 7, 8 Hea d, 15, 16
Research, 2, 7, 8 Sourer , 2,4,5,6, 7,9
T erms , explanation of, 2
Low scatter cell , 5, 6, 7, 11 Therapy , radi ation, 3, 5
Mass of, 11 T hulium-170, 6

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