James Ross MR

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James Ross Mr.

Ross' Wild Ride Fall '21

October 7, 2021

Workplace Environment

1.2.4 Demonstrate respect for diversity by valuing individual differences and working collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences Idaho
CTE (2021)
1.2 Demonstrate interpersonal skills Idaho CTE (2021)
1.2.5 Demonstrate teamwork by sharing responsibility for collaborative work and respecting the thoughts, opinions, and contributions of other team members Idaho CTE (2021)
1.2.3 Demonstrate listening and speaking by listening attentively and asking questions to clarify meaning; articulating ideas clearly in a manner appropriate for the setting
and audience Idaho CTE (2021)
1.2.1 Demonstrate conflict-resolution by negotiating diplomatic solutions to interpersonal and workplace issues Idaho CTE (2021)

Students will learn about ethics and values in the workplace and apply them to practicing with workplace teams.

Students will be able to (SWBT):
Understand workplace ethics and the values of an ideal employee.
Define teamwork and that different types of teams.
Apply their knowledge and practice working in a team.

Students will enhance their understanding of the workplace environment and demonstrate their knowledge of workplace ethics and the dynamics of a work team.

1. Starter ( 5 min): Introduce my Powerpoint and the topic of workplace ethics
2. Engage (5 min): As a class, we will discuss examples of workplace values.
3. Explore (7 min): Class will read the article on workplace values.


1. Application (20 min): After reading the article, students will divide up into groups and use roleplaying to demonstrate a workplace environment with cohesive values
and a workplace environment with mixed values.
2. Extend (10 min): We will apply workplace ethics to individual roles of a work team.
Discuss teamwork processes.
Describe the different types of teams.
3. Closure (10 min): Introduce homework and group assignment.
In your group, use the processes and determine your objective/tasks, a formative plan, what youʼll need to execute your plan and how you will handle motivation
and conflict resolution. Also, determine what type of team your group classifies as and write everything down to be turned in next time.
Check your understanding

grading rubric work teams.jpg
Workplace Environment.pptx

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