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The rapid tooling

One tenet of concurrent engineering and
testbed: a distributed design-for-manufacturing (DFM) is the need
design-for- for an early involvement of manufacturing
and other groups in product development
manufacturing system projects. In apparent violation of this tenet,
there is a push within the rapid prototyping
David W. Rosen (RP) community to separate the design and
Yong Chen manufacturing activities. It is a common
practice to create CAD models and STL files,
Shiva Sambu ftp them to service bureaus, and receive
Janet K. Allen and physical parts within days. RP technologies
Farrokh Mistree (such as stereolithography (SLA) and
selective laser sintering) enable this separation
The authors between design and manufacturing activities
David W. Rosen, Janet K. Allen and Farrokh Mistree by virtue of their capability to fabricate
are Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, and complex shapes directly from a CAD or
Professor, respectively, in the School of Mechanical STL model.
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, In the mid-1990s, the US National Science
Georgia, USA. Foundation created the distributed design
Yong Chen is a Software Engineer at 3D Systems,
and fabrication initiative to investigate the
Valencia, California, USA.
separation of design and manufacturing
Shiva Sambu is a Manufacturing Engineer at Align
Technology, Santa Clara, California, USA.
activities in the context of RP technologies.
The hypothesis was that a standard
Keywords interchange format for RP processes can be
developed that enables design activity to be
Rapid prototyping, Rapid tooling, Stereolithography
separated from the manufacturing activity,
Abstract and that little additional communication
between these activities is necessary.
A new design-for-manufacturing method, called the
geometric tailoring (GT), and the associated digital Under this initiative, a rapid tooling testbed
interface concept have been developed that enable the (RTTB) was developed to investigate this
design activities to be separated from the manufacturing hypothesis. We created the technological
activities. Conditions for the successful application of this infrastructure for RP, rapid tooling (using RP
method are investigated. The GT method is demonstrated to fabricate injection molds), and distributed
for rapid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies, product realization. The key question that
where prototype parts are required to match the we addressed was: How early in the product
production properties as closely as possible. This method is realization process, and under what conditions,
embodied in a system called the rapid tooling testbed
can the design be separated safely from
(RTTB). Research work is presented on GT and the
distributed computing environment underlying the RTTB.
Examples are summarized from the usage of this method
The problem defined by the research
and testbed. question can be restated more informally
as “who is responsible for the DFM?” DFM
Electronic access is often difficult for mechanical parts, since
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is significant manufacturing knowledge is
available at required to adjust the part designs to aid manufacturability by a specific process.
However, if the manufacturer understands
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
the purpose of a design and its functional
available at We gratefully acknowledge the support from the US
National Science Foundation, grant
DMI-9618039, and the RPMI industry members
at Georgia Tech.
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · pp. 122 –132
Received: 31 August 2002
q MCB UP Limited · ISSN 1355-2546 Reviewed: 10 December 2002
DOI 10.1108/13552540310477427 Accepted: 28 February 2003
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

requirements, then he/she can adjust the environment on which it is based. Section 4
design to facilitate manufacturing without is devoted to the experiments used to test
compromising functionality. the GT DFM method and the RTTB system.
The overall context for the RTTB is shown Finally, conclusions are drawn from our
in Figure 1. The three main stages in the experiences.
product realization process of relevance to
this project include functional design,
design-for-manufacture, and manufacturing
GT DFM method
(tooling and fabrication). Design involvement
is separated from manufacturing involvement, Problem statement and approach
but the software tools and information The purpose of DFM is to ensure that
formats for the design and manufacturing parts can be manufactured to meet their
organizations overlap. The key question of requirements in the most cost- and
the project relates to the timing of the transfer time-effective manner. To accomplish this,
from design to manufacturing and the scope it is often necessary to modify the part
of the DFM stage. designs to facilitate the selected
Overall, our approach to answer the key manufacturing process in a better way.
question was to experiment with different This is, especially, true when building
timings of design-to-manufacture transfer prototypes that are to be the representative of
and by scoping the DFM tasks differently. production parts. For example, a prototype
We separated the design and manufacturing gear train is to be fabricated in a different
activities in such a way that the designer material and with a different process than
transfers as much information as possible the production gear train. Further, assume
about the design, its requirements, and design that the prototype gear train undergoes a
freedom, and then allow the manufacturer to functional testing with a concern on its gear
perform DFM, process planning (PP), and tooth stress. Then, gear dimensions must
manufacturing. Design freedom refers to the be modified so that the prototype gear teeth
design’s attributes that the manufacturer can have the same stress characteristics as the
adjust, and the ranges of the adjustments, production gear teeth under similar operating
in order to perform DFM. conditions. The process of modifying
The digital interface between the prototype parts’ dimensions is called GT. For
designer and the manufacturer denotes the the most part, it is necessary to compensate
information package that was transferred to for differences in the material properties
the manufacturer (Fernandez et al., 2002). (between production and prototype
We experimented with STL files, CAD materials) when fabricating prototype parts
models, and design decision formulations in RP technologies. The situation is more
with integrated CAD and FEA models as complicated in injection molding prototype
the digital interface. parts, since there are two manufacturing
In the next section, we present our DFM processes to be considered: the process to
method called “geometric tailoring” (GT). fabricate the mold, and the molding process
In Section 3, the RTTB system is presented, itself. Both processes must be considered
as well as the distributed computing when performing the GT.

Figure 1 RTTB process and digital interface

A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

Given this introduction, the GT DFM specified by the designer or the manufacturer.
problem can be stated as: Designer specified information includes
Given a part design, functional requirements, design a parametric CAD model of the part,
freedom, and time and cost targets for a set of constraints and goals on functional, geometry,
prototype parts, compensate for differences in cost and time characteristics, analysis models
mechanical properties of prototype materials and
production materials by modifying the part geometry,
for these constraints and goals, target values of
designing a mold, and designing mold fabrication goals, and preferences for the goals. Although,
and injection molding processes. the designer has a preferred value for the
design variables, he/she specifies a feasible
Consider that a functional prototype is
range (instead of a point) for these variables.
needed to test a property of the production
The manufacturer provides process variables,
part. Using the concepts from similitude
RP and production material properties,
(e.g. Buckingham P theorem), the “property
process constraints and goals, and analysis
of interest”, X, for a prototype part and a
models. Note that process goals do not affect
production part can be formulated as a
any of the designer’s goals in the GT problem.
function of a set of part dimensions (Cho et al.,
Also, cost and time goals are affected only
1999). Part dimensions can be divided into
two categories based on their effect on X. by the manufacturing process. However,
Assume that dimensions d1, d2, . . ., dk have the designer specifies the targets for these
a significant effect on X, while dimensions goals to ensure that the part meets its design
d kþ1 ; d kþ2 ; . . ., dn have a minor effect. The specifications. The listing of these target
principle of the approach developed in this values in the GT problem serves the purpose
research is to change the model (prototype) of transferring these requirements to the
dimensions dm, j (for k þ 1 # j # n), such manufacturing group.
that dm, i (for 1 # i # k) match as closely To formulate a DFM problem, the
as possible the production dimensions designer fills in the MPGT template with
dp,i ð1 # i # kÞ based on the design and the information described earlier. This
process goals and constraints. These incomplete MPGT formulation is then sent to
dimensional changes are referred to as GT. the manufacturer, who fills in the remaining
Continuing the gear example, the face width information. With the completed
and diametric pitch dimensions would have formulation, the manufacturer is now able
a significant effect on the gear tooth stress, to solve the DFM problem, performing GT
while the diameter of the hole for the shaft of the part design. Hence, the MPGT serves
would have a negligible effect. as the digital interface between the designer
and the manufacturer.
GT problem formulation The system variables in the problem are
For RP-produced prototype parts, the the part dimensions that the designer has
problem formulations are called identified as having a minor effect on
material-process geometric tailoring functionality and which are modifiable by
(MPGT)/RP. These problems are the result of the manufacturer. These variables can be
combining a problem that captures functional modified within the range specified by
requirements and a problem that captures the designer to obtain better functional
manufacturing and material capability. properties. Deviation variables correspond to
Problem formulations are based on the the deviation of goal achievements. Each goal
compromise decision support problem (DSP) has two deviation variables (corresponding to
formulation (Chen, 2001; Sambu, 2001), under and over achievement). Bounds for
which is an extension of goal programming the system variables are obtained by the
formulations. Compromise DSP formulation physical limitations on geometry variables.
model decisions, in which, typically, multiple The deviation function is a linear physical
conflicting goals must be met as much as programming form of the Archimedean
possible, while satisfying a set of constraints formulation of deviation variables
(Mistree et al., 1993). A set of system variables (Hernandez et al., 2001).
may be adjusted in order to meet these goals. It should be noted that considerable
The MPGT problem formulation template is coupling usually occurs between the design
shown in Figure 2. and manufacturing goals, such as the cost,
In the MPGT formulations, the system surface finish, stress or displacement goals,
variables, goals, and constraints can be since they are typically the functions of both
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

Figure 2 Materials process GT problem formulation

design and manufacturing variables. For sub problems, nominally design and
example, geometry variables modify part size manufacture, that are simpler to solve, and to
and hence, affect the build time and part cost. decouple these sub problems to the extent
Surface finish can be a coupled goal under possible. Then, the manufacturing problem is
two circumstances. Firstly, varying geometry solved first for various values of design
variables affects the orientation of surfaces in variables. Design of experiments (DOE)
the part and hence affects surface finish, and methods are used to specify the design
secondly varying geometry variables varies the variable sampling strategy. After the
best part orientation and hence affects the approximation models of process capabilities
surface orientation and surface finish. are developed, the design sub problem is
Coupled goals complicate the solution process. solved using these approximation models.
MPGT for rapid tooling. For the case where When a rapid tooling problem is being solved,
the prototype parts are injection molded, two manufacturing sub problems are
additional considerations especially, the developed, one for RP-PP of the mold and one
variation of molded material properties must for the injection molding process. The
be included. The material and mechanical sequence of steps is shown schematically in
properties of SL molded parts can be different Figure 3, where only one manufacturing sub
from those of production parts (Dawson, problem (rapid tooling process planning
2001). For example, tensile modulus and (RT-PP)) is shown for simplicity.
strength of parts molded in SL are typically Decoupling of the sub problems is
lower than the parts molded in steel, while attempted by rearranging the goals and
flexural properties are enhanced. These constraints that are the functions of only
mechanical property differences cause design or manufacturing variables. Surface
prototype parts to have different behaviors finish is an example of a design goal that is a
than production parts in their intended in-use function of manufacturing variables only;
situations. The MPGT/RT problem finish goals are moved to the decomposed
compensates for these mechanical property manufacture sub problem.
differences. It combines three problems: one DOE and response surface methodology
for functional design, one for SL fabrication techniques (Myers and Montgomery, 1995)
process design of the molds, and one for the are utilized for two purposes in this work.
design of the molding process. Evaluation of goals and constraints often
require time consuming analysis, such as finite
Solution procedure element analysis. Rather than embed FEA in
The solution procedure is based on the robust an optimization loop, surrogate
concept exploration method (Chen et al., (approximate) models of the part’s functional
1997). The solution approach is to behaviors are computed. Additionally, SL-PP
decompose the MPGT problem into smaller can require substantial computing times due
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

Figure 3 Work flow of SL rapid tooling process

to the need for the adaptive slicing of CAD product realization environment (Xiao et al.,
models of parts or molds. As a result, 2001). Web-DPR enabled users to interact
surrogate models of manufacturability for with product models, perform GT, and
different part dimension values are built to explore the effects of changes in project
further decouple the problem. requirements through web browsers.
The results obtained from the Modified Communications between agents in
RT-PP problem are used to solve the modified web-DPR occurred using the events that
MPGT/RT problem. As mentioned, the were broadcast through event channels.
modified RT-PP results are used to build However, instead of encapsulating message,
surrogate models of process capability for control, and information within an event,
various settings of part design parameters. events contained only message/control
The modified MPGT/RT problem is solved information, while application content was
for each solution obtained from the modified routed through a separate data flow. Message
RT-PP problem and a selection (based on information was encoded using XML.
the objective function value) is performed to Interoperability of distributed objects was
determine the best of the obtained solutions. accomplished using Java-RMI. The web-DPR
OptdesX with a simulated annealing (SAN) framework is shown in Figure 4. Note the
algorithm is used to solve the problem. The separation of message flows (through event
calculation of surrogate models, deviation channels) and data flows (through the
variables and objective function are data vault).
performed in C++ code integrated with The RTTB system was implemented on
OptdesX. the web-DPR framework. A set of general
and RTTB-specific agents were integrated
using two event channels, one for design
Web-based distributed product activities and one for manufacturing activities.
realization environment The manufacturing event channel, shown
in Figure 5, will be described further,
A distributed computing environment is since it is relevant to this presented paper.
essential for the implementation, testing, An incomplete MPGT problem formulation
and deployment of the RTTB. Research is the input into the manufacturing event
efforts were focused on two major aspects: channel, as described in the previous
one is the development of a suitable section. The event channel’s agents are
computing framework, and the other is presented later.
modelling the information that flows through The “process and material selection agent”
the framework to enable design and (not shown) was implemented by extending
fabrication. Three versions of distributed the selection decision support problem (DSP)
computing environments were developed, (Mistree et al., 1993). The essence of the
along with three methods of information selection DSP is to rate a set of alternatives
modelling. against a set of attributes, then rank-order
The third computing framework was the alternatives. In this work, the alternatives
called web-DPR, a web-based distributed are candidate materials and fabrication
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

Figure 4 Web-DPR framework

Figure 5 RTTB system architecture

processes, while the attributes are derived process capability will be developed. After PP
from product requirements. A utility-based is performed, this agent builds response
selection decision support problem (U-sDSP) surfaces and forwards them to the GT
formulation and solution method were formulation agent.
developed and tested as part of this project After a part or mold is designed, it is
(Fernández et al., 2001; Rosen and Gibson, necessary to design the fabrication process to
2002). be utilized to make the part or mold. Our
After selecting the appropriate materials approach is to develop experimental and
and processes, DFM activities are typically analytical models that relate process variables
performed. We developed GT methods to measures of part quality. Two agents were
for both part designs and mold designs. developed to support this work. The process
To support GT, we developed SL PP planning (PP) formulation agent takes the
capabilities. Also, limited injection molding material-process GT formulation and
process design was also accomplished. The formulates the SL PP problem. The
GT planning agent designs the set of compromise DSP was used as the problem
experiments from which surrogate models of formulation. Appropriate PP constraints and
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

goals are derived from the GT formulation. The final two agents (GT formulation and
This agent supports a high level of user GT) enable the formulation and solution of
interaction in order to perform problem the integrated GT problems. The GT
formulation. formulation agent enables the user to
The third agent, PP agent, solves the manually formulate the problem. The GT
formulated PP problem. Based on the agent is implemented as a wrapper around
experimental work, fabrication process design OptdesX.
methods were developed that enable the
selection of appropriate process variable
values to achieve to build goals of
accuracy, surface finish, and build time. Experiments and results
We developed a PP strategy that consists of
three stages: We conducted GT experiments with many
(1) orientation, parts, five of which are summarized in
(2) slicing, and Figure 6. GT was performed on all part
(3) parameterization. designs; GT for rapid tooling was performed
on three of the parts. Process selection, early
Trade-offs among build time, accuracy, and vs late, indicates the extent of design changes
finish are made in each stage so that only the that the manufacturer could perform. For GT
most appropriate process plans are passed to purposes, we assumed that parts would be
the next stage. Three generations of SL fabricated on a SLA-3500 machine in
process design software tools were developed CibaTool SL7510 resin. Molded parts would
(Lynn-Charney and Rosen, 2000; West et al.,
be produced using SL tools in polystyrene.
2001). The latter two versions incorporated
Experiment specifics (variables and goals)
a new adaptive slicing algorithm.
are shown in Table I, along with GT results. It
Given that the input to the RTTB will be a
should be noted that in the goal formulations,
part or product design, it must be possible to
target values represent ideal cases that are not
design a mold for the part(s) that can be
always expected to be achievable. Goals values
fabricated using RP techniques. The mold
are provided at ideal, desirable, acceptable,
design agent accomplishes this. As
tolerable, and unacceptable levels, according
implemented, this agent is a stand-alone
to the linear physical programming
program that is only loosely integrated into
formulation method (Hernandez et al., 2001).
the RTTB (hence, the dotted lines connecting
Constraints are automatically added to the
it to the event channel in Figure 5). We
problem formulation that prevent goal
developed a library of mold insert CAD
achievements at an unacceptable level. For
models (ProEngineer, SolidWorks) with
suitable mounting and ejection holes, gate, four of those parts, GT worked very well, as it
runner, and sprue features. After fabrication, was possible to improve the performance
the inserts fit into standard mold bases for characteristics of prototype parts relative to
injection molding parts. The types of rapid the production parts’ designs. In the fifth case,
tools (molds) that we have studied include enough design freedom was not available to
solid SL inserts, SL shelled inserts that are enable a significant change in the part
backfilled with epoxy or low-melting-point performance. Each problem will be described
metals, and epoxy inserts that are cast into briefly.
rapid prototyped dies. For the gear train problem, the ring gear
We developed a new method of automated was subjected to GT. Three design variables
mold design that was suitable for simple were included: face width (W ), diametric
two-piece molds, consisting of core and pitch (P), and number of teeth (N ).
cavity, as well as molds with many additional A maximum tooth stress goal was formulated.
moving sections (Chen and Rosen, 2002a). The target value for stress was adjusted to
Our approach utilizes planar parting compensate for the mechanical property
surfaces, which tend to result in better differences between injection molded ABS
molded parts than would be produced if and SL-7510 SLA resin. GT of the ring gear
curved parting surfaces were used with was successful. A MPGT/RT problem was
rapid tooling materials. These methods and also formulated and solved. Ring gears were
algorithms are reported by Chen and Rosen injection molded and tested successfully for
(2002b). functionality.
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

Figure 6 Major examples and experiments

Table I Results of major experiments

Design Variables Manufacturing Variables Goals
Experiment Name Range Solution Name Range Solution Name Target Solution
Gear Train W (mm) 2.5-10.2 5.72 – Tooth Stress (MPa) 28.8 28.66
(RP) P (t/mm) 1.54-1.81 1.57
N (-) 51-57 55
Light Switch (RP) A (mm) 0.5-2.5 1.20 LT (mm) 0.051-0.2 0.2 Force (N) 2.94 2.95
T (mm) 2.5-5.5 2.5 HOC (mm) 25-178 67 Deflect (mm) 5 4.68
FOC (mm) 51-406 51 Volume (mm3) 24054 24129
Time (hr) 40 24.6
Cost ($) 2000 2500
SF (mm) 5 6
Simple Robot Arm D (mm) 15.24-25.4 20.68 Draft (8) 0-5 0.61 Stress (MPa) 5.99 5.99
(RT) d (mm) 7.62-12.7 9.92 HOC (mm) 51-203 25-51 Y Disp. (mm) 0.51 0.49
t (mm) 2.54-3.56 2.99 FOC (mm) 51-406 51-306 Weight (g) 3.4 3.36
Cool Time (s) 300-420 300 SF (mm) 0.5 1.6, 1.6
SF PP (mm) 0.25 0.2,0.2
Tols (mm) (4) 51, 25 51, 51
Cost ($) 150 570
Truss Robot Arm (RP) D1-D8
(mm) 1-5 1.75 – Weight (g) 40 55.3
4.52 Deflection (mm) 0.06 0.0603
Camera Roller (RT) D (mm) 2.75-4.75 2.78 Draft (8) 0-5 1.3,1.2,1.0 Z Rot (rad) 0.0131 0.0104
Wi (mm) 2-4 2.80 Weight (g) 2.28 2.40
t (mm) 1-3 1.00 HOC (mm) 51-203 51 SF (mm) 2 4, 4, 2
NC (-) 2-3 2 FOC (mm) 51-406 306 SF PP (mm) 0.5 0.2, 2
NR (-) 2-3 2 Cool Time (s) 300-420 300 Tols (mm) 25 46,51
Tols (mm) 51 41,46
Tols (mm) 76 163
Cost ($) 500 1291

A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

The light switch cover plate was less sizes of features. In the camera roller, many
successful. Two design variables were small slots are used to minimize weight and
included, the width (A), and thickness (T ), of facilitate injection molding, while providing
snap fits on the cover plate. Force, deflection, enough stiffness. The number of rows and
volume, time, cost, and surface finish goals columns in the array of slots (NR, NC) were
were included. Layer thickness (LT), hatch design variables. Additionally, other features
over cure (HOC), and fill over cure (FOC) could be added, removed or moved, but these
were the manufacturing variables. Despite cannot be described concisely by variables.
providing fairly wide design variable ranges, The diameter of the hole in the roller end (D),
the snap fits could not be adjusted enough to a slot width (Wi ), and rib thickness (t) were
completely compensate for the mechanical the other design variables. Given that film is
property differences between ABS and wound onto the roller, a torsional loading
SL-7510. condition was applied and an angular
The third problem, the simple robot arm, deflection goal (Z Rot) was formulated.
worked very well for both the part and the Weight, surface finish, tolerances, and cost
rapid tooling GT. Three design variables were were the additional design goals. Surface
modelled, the outside diameters, D and d, of finishes of mold pieces were the
the arm ends and the arm thickness, t. The manufacturing goals. After solving the
design problem is to have the arm deflect MPGT/RT problem, many goals were met;
minimally, subject to a bending force that those that were not met were still well within
simulates dynamic loading. Stress, deflection, the acceptable range.
weight, surface finish, tolerances, and cost are Generalizing from these experiments, some
the design goals. For the rapid tooling summary comments can be made.
problem, additional manufacturing goals are MPGT for RP. Most designs that were
added for the surface finish of the mold pieces tested showed significant improvement in
and for mold life. Molds were fabricated on a matching production-like performance
SLA-3500 machine and 50 robot arm parts characteristics. We could integrate the design
were molded in polystyrene. Several of these and manufacturing models effectively by
parts were tested and measured. Dimensions using the compromise DSP formulation. The
were accurate to within 0.5 percent. Tensile integrated problem formulation was
strength differed by 2.6 percent, while elastic decoupled effectively into a RP PP-problem
modulus differed by 8.5 percent. Tolerances and a GT problem. DOE and response
and surface finishes met or exceeded surface methods worked well in modelling the
expectations. Altogether, we believe that this coupling between the problems. However, we
example successfully demonstrated that the found that the response surfaces did not
GT method effectively compensates for always fit well into the design space, but the fit
material property differences between could be improved if the design space size was
prototyping and production material. reduced. For the simple robot arm
For the fourth problem, the stress and (experiment 3), a two-stage solution
deflection behavior of a robot arm filled with procedure was used. In the second stage, a
truss structure was investigated. Again, a smaller design space was formulated, based
bending load was applied to the arm. The on the results of the first stage. A significant
design variables were eight groups of truss improvement in the prototype performance
element diameters (D1 - D8). A maximum was achieved.
stress constraint value was computed by In one GT problem (experiment 2),
compensating for the flexural strength significant improvements in prototype
differences between a mild steel and SL-7510. performance could not be achieved. This is
The MPGT/RP problem was solved because the design variables could not be
successfully, minimizing part weight while modified without violating other design
meeting the deflection target. requirements. The conclusion here is that the
For the fifth problem, the rapid tooling GT success depends on providing the
problem will be presented. We simulated the manufacturer with sufficient design freedom
early transfer of the problem from the designer to enable some DFM.
to the manufacturer by allowing the MPGT for RT. The MPGT method for
manufacturer to modify the number and rapid tooling was applied to three parts,
arrangement of features in addition to the namely, one gear in the gear train, simple
A distributed design-for-manufacturing system Rapid Prototyping Journal
David W. Rosen et al. Volume 9 · Number 3 · 2003 · 122 –132

robot arm, and camera roller (experiments 1, .

By communicating additional design
3, 5 in Figure 6). In these cases, the information, requirements, and
experiments were very successful. The preferences to the manufacturer, the
injection molded robot arm parts were tested designer enables the manufacturer to
for their strength, stiffness, weight, surface design a RP process plan to attempt to
finish, accuracy, and mold life. Strength and meet as many requirements as possible.
stiffness were improved while meeting most of With the designer’s preferences among
the other requirements. Draft angle of the time, cost, accuracy, and surface finish,
mold was modified in order to achieve the the manufacturer can meet the designer
mold life objective. requirements in a better way by exploring
For the camera roller, both GT and trade-offs among various process plans.
configuration design were performed by the .
GT can be performed effectively, if the
manufacturer. That is, the number and designer provides sufficient design
arrangement of rib and slot features were freedom to the manufacturer, along with
modified, as were their dimensions. This the information as described previously.
indicates an early transfer from design to Both GT for RP and RT are enabled.
manufacturing, before the designer specified a Hence, design can be separated safely
lot of design details. Finite element analysis from manufacturing if this information is
results showed an improvement in stress and communicated to the manufacturer and
deflection performance of molded parts. the manufacturer performs DFM. This
Web-DPR. The framework efficiently effectively answers the key question asked
delivers message and data to the appropriate in the introduction part of this paper.
agents. Details of the complex information .
The concept of a digital interface appears
communication activities are hidden from to be a promising construction with
users. The separation of message and which communication paths between
information flows is beneficial for two organizations can be defined. This work
reasons. First, it enables the usage of a demonstrated that selection and
standard event class. Second, it greatly compromise decision templates can serve
reduces network traffic, since data files are not as the interchange format and can capture
routed through the main web server. The functional requirements, design freedom,
usage of standard events and the organization tolerance and surface finish requirements,
of agents onto multiple event channels and project constraints (time and cost).
simplified the development of the RTTB .
Distributed design and fabrication
system. Additionally, web-DPR facilitated requires a computing environment that
experimentation with various DFM enables participants to share information
processes, since it was straightforward to and collaborate. Results demonstrate that
implement a sequence of messages that a web-based environment can effectively
invoked appropriate behavior among agents to integrate distributed and heterogenous
execute a DFM process. computing resources (hardware and
The examples, experiments, and web-DPR software) for engineering design and
are more completely presented in the manufacture using client/server
references Chen (2001), Sambu (2001) and architectures. Our web-DPR framework
Xiao et al. (2001). proved to be a flexible computing
environment for developing the RTTB
system – a distributed product
Conclusions development system that supports the
separation of design and manufacturing
From our activities and experiments, we activities.
found the following.
Communicating a part’s nominal
geometry was insufficient to enable the References
manufacturer to design the RP process
Chen, W., Allen, J.K. and Mistree, F. (1997), “The robust
plan to meet designer requirements.
concept exploration method for enhancing
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transferred, the designer must complete Engineering: Research and Applications, Vol. 5 No. 3,
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