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ITF101 – Intro to Computing


Name: Emmanuel Francisco Date: 08/10/2021

Section/Year: BSIT – 1A

A. Pre-Activity
1. Analyze the four diagrams below. Write/list down your interpretation for each
diagrams in relation to information systems

Based on the pictures displayed in our module, the interpretation I can give for the first
picture (upper left) is that it depicts how gaming and interactions through computers also provide
information not just for us but also for others. The next picture shows the importance of data
gathering and organizing not just for learning but also for business. The 3rd picture displays how
we use technology and information to understand different factors such as illnesses or
abnormalities. Lastly, we can also utilize the information systems for learning and education
because we currently live in a time period where gadgets and technology are available for many

A. Identify what is being described in each sentence
Procedures 1. Guideline’s people follow when using software.
____Program __2. Consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the
computer how to do its work.
__System Software 3. Software that enables the application software to interact
with the computer hardware.
_Supercomputers 4. The most powerful type of computer.
_Microcomputers _5. The least powerful and most widely used type of
Output Device/Hardware 6. Translates the processed information from the computer
into a form that humans can understand.
Secondary Memory 7. Holds data and programs even after electrical power to
the system has been turned off.
Optical storage devices 8. Uses laser technology.
_PDA’s & Tablet PCs_9. A type of handheld computer.
_Internet____10. The largest network in the world.

B. Respond to each question or statement.

1. Explain the five parts of an information system. What part do people play in
this system?
The five parts are as follow: People, Procedures, Software, Hardware, and Data.
The people are the most important because we are the users, and we make contact with
computers and information systems on a daily basis. When we create programs, make
documents, connect through games or the internet. Next are the Procedures, which act as the
pointers or guidelines for the users when we use hardware, software, and process data. The
Software or Programs act as the guide or instruction which tell the computer on how to
manipulate or process the data into whatever we want. Hardware is the physical components that
the system of a computer needs before it can function, an example I can give is a mouse or
keyboard. Lastly is the data, which is the unprocessed facts, and as our module indicates, it can
be numbers, texts, images and sounds. When we process these data, it will transform into
information which we can continue to utilize.

Based on what I have learned from this module, the people determine the quality of a
system output, and that is why they are very important in an information system. We develop,
imagine, and support these systems so that they can become even better and upgraded.
2. What is system software? What kinds of programs are included in system software?

These system software simplify application programming and they also manage the resources of
a computer system
The included programs in these system software are software utilities, translator, networking
software, the operating system, database management systems, and so on.
3. Define and compare basic and specialized application software. Describe
some different types of basic applications. Describe some types of specialized
To put it simply, Basic Applications or General-Purpose Programs, can be used to solve a wide
variety of problems using basic software applications in nearly all career areas, meaning they can
be used by everyone. Some examples for basic applications are: Browsers and Spreadsheets.

The Specialized Applications are only used for the purpose that they are built for. They FOCUS
on the problems that specific occupations have instead of being a general type of application. An
example of this is Artificial Intelligence Programs.

So, to summarize, Basic Applications = General, Specialized Applications = Specific

4. Describe the different types of computers. What are the types of?
The supercomputer, which is the most powerful type of computer. The Mainframe computers
which are not as powerful as supercomputers, but they are still capable of great data storage and
processing speeds. The Minicomputers or midrange computers are used for specific purposes by
companies like monitoring or observing. Lastly are the Microcomputers, which are the least
powerful among all the other computers, but the popularity of this type is huge.

The six types of microcomputers are: Media Centers, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, Netbooks,
Handheld Computers, and Desktops.

5. What is connectivity? What are wireless devices and the wireless revolution?
What is a computer network? What are the Internet and the web?
Connectivity is the capability of being connective with another computer system or the ability to
connect application programs / systems. The Wireless Revolution started in the 1990’s and this
led to a social revolution. Wireless Devices are any form of device that uses radio signals to
Based on my understanding, computer networks are a group of connected computers that share
resources or communicate data electronically.
The Internet refers to the global network of networks while the Web can be accessed through the
internet, and it is a collection of information or different websites. The Web is included IN the
internet and not vice-versa.

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