Final Quiz Rle 107

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The nurse is assisting in a vaginal delivery. The nurse is aware that the highest priority
of essential newborn care after delivery is to: *

Immediate thorough drying

Process of heat loss that occurs when infant's body is wet with amniotic fluid at birth: *


An important nursing intervention to prevent neonatal acute gonorrheal conjunctivitis is

the administration of: *1/1

Silver nitrate, 1 drop on each eye

A term neonate has experienced no distress at birth and has an APGAR score of 7. Her
mother has asked to breastfeed her following delivery. Immediately after birth, the
neonate is most susceptible to heat loss. The most appropriate intervention to conserve
heat loss and promote bonding is: *1/1

Immediate thorough drying and skin to skin contact

Immediate care of the newborn in the delivery room does NOT include: *0/1

Place the newborn supine on the mother’s abdomen or between her breast skin-to-skin

The 5 minutes in APGAR assessment determines the newborn: *1/1

Adaptation to extrauterine life

When the nurse is palpating for the radial pulse of the newborn, the nurse notice that it
is very prominent, this is indicative of what? * 1/1

Congenital Anomaly
The drug classification of Vitamin K is 0/1


A nursing student, assess the respiration of the newborn, the student is aware that the
normal respiration of the newborn is:

30- 60 per minute

The nurse is assessing a female newborn. The nurse is aware that all the following are
characteristics of a healthy newborn, except? *

Born at term between 37-42 weeks

The nurse is preparing to administer Vitamin K to a term neonate of a primipara. Which

of the following should be considered by the nurse when injecting vitamin K to
newborns? *

Route: intramuscularly

What is the alternate site in administration of Vitamin K? *

Rectus femoris

Neonatal period is time from birth through the first _____ days of life.

28 days

The health care team is preparing to provide essential newborn care, the most
important action of the nurse after the delivery of the newborn is to:

Immediate thorough drying

A score of 5 in APGAR assessment means: *

Needs further suctioning

In the assessment of the newborn’s cord stump, the nurse identifies a normal finding
which is: *

1 vein and 2 arteries

The nurse is assessing the newborn using APGAR Score, the newborn pulse is 90 bpm,
has irregular cry, with some flexion, but promptly response to stimuli and skin color is
normal, what is the APGAR score and first nursing intervention for this? *

7- gently stimulate

The nurse is preparing for the delivery, all but one is not included in the preparation.

Check and ensure the temperature of DR at 26 to 28 Celsius and free of air draft

You are assessing the head circumference of a newly delivered baby boy. You notice
that there is absence of skull bones. This condition is called: *


To check the muscle tone in APGAR scoring the nurse should assess the following,

Resist effort to flex their extremities


The nurse is caring for a breastfeeding male newborn. The nurse is aware that all the
following are correct when assessing for newborn’s gastro intestinal tract system,
except: *

About a week of life, newborn stool changes in color and consistency.

In doing the assessment of genitalia of a newborn, which of the following should be

reported to the physician? *

None of the above

This term describes newborn is readily takes on the temperature of the environment,
when the environment is cold, he gets cold right away and when is hot, he is heated up
right away. *


What structure closes functionally as the newborn establishes respiration? *

Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus

Which of the following newborn should be reported immediately to the physician? *

No cry at birth

Ma’am Mallari, a clinical instructor asked one of her students regarding the description
of the anterior fontanel. The student is correct if he/she describes the anterior
fontanel is: *

Diamond in shape
Nurse Phoebe is doing her immediate assessment of the newborn at the delivery
room, while examining the genetalia she found out the urethral opening is located in
the dorsal surface of the penis. This condition is called: *


Which of the following reflexes of the newborn defines the fanning or hyperextension
of the toes when the sole is stroked from the heel upwards? *

Babinski reflex

When the newborn sleep, gently and quickly turn the head to one side as the newborn
faces the left side, the left arm and the leg extend outward while the right arm and leg
flex. When the head is turned to the right side the right arm and leg extend outward
while the left arm and leg flex. What reflex is this? *

Tonic neck reflex

Which of the following reflexes is NOT considered as protective reflexes? *

Babinski reflex

This is asymmetry of the head resulting from pressure in the birth canal, usually
disappears about 72 hours


The following statements are correct regarding the senses of the newborn, except: *

Newborn’s smell is the most well-developed of all senses, newborn recognize the smell of the
The nurse is about to obtain a specimen on the foot of the newborn for the Newborn
Screening. She notices that there is an extra digit on the newborn’s foot. This condition
is called: *


Nurse John is observing the quality of reflexes of newborn in the nursery room. He is
aware if a newborn’s cheek is brushed or stroked near the corner of the mouth, the
infant will turn the head in that direction. This reflex is called: *

Rooting Reflex

During a typical initial newborn assessment, a nurse would expect to identify the
presence of: *

Hands and feet that have a bluish color

The nurse is caring for a newly delivered baby. The nurse is aware that all the
following are correct when assessing for newborn’s digestive system, except: *

Newborn often spits up mucus in the first 3 days

When assessing the pulses of the newborn, which of the following can easily palpate?

Brachial pulse and Femoral pulse

Mrs. Mallari a new mother, asked the student nurse what is the advantage of breast
feeding compare with bottle feeding? The student nurse is correct, if he/she mentions
that one major group of substance that can be found in breast milk that cannot be
found in bottle feeding is the presence of: *
Gamma globulins (antibodies)

Mrs. Mallari delivered a healthy baby girl, when handling her baby she notices a small
whitish pinpoints spots over the nose, and asked the nurse about it, the nurse is
correct if she identify those whitish pinpoints spots as: *


The nurse is assessing a newborn and understands that a certain liquid made by the
lungs keeps the alveoli open and this liquid makes it possible for babies to breathe in
air after delivery. What is this liquid? *



MSUD is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder affecting branched chain amino

acids. What diet is most likely be included in the care of MSUD patient? *

Isoleucine- Leucine- Valine free milk

Scarf sign in Ballard scoring is exhibited by:

Moving the arm in front of the neck.

The Silverman- Anderson index is a standard method, which can be used to estimate
degrees of respiratory distress in newborns, which criteria should not be included? *

Nares constriction
What is being assess in Ballard scoring when the pediatrician take note the flexion of
the wrist? *

Square window

Which of the following is NOT including in the assessment of neuromuscular maturity

in Ballard Scoring? *


When assessing the plantar surface in Ballard Scoring, this pertains to the: *

Creases on the sole of the feet

As a nurse you are aware that all the following statements are true regarding physical
maturity, except: *

Palmar creases begin to appear at 28 to 32 weeks of gestation and cover the entire foot by term.

As a nurse you are aware that all the following statements are true regarding
neuromuscular maturity, except: *

Answer: The square window of the wrist and fingers when compressed by the examiner is 0 to 30
degrees in premature newborns and 90 degrees in the normal newborns.

It is an endocrine disorder that causes severe salt loss, dehydration and abnormally
high levels of male sex hormones in both boys and girls. *

Answer: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

What NBS procedure is being implemented when the nurse Send the samples right
away after 4 hours of drying through courier of choice? *

Answer: Handling and Transporting NBS Samples

According to RA 9288, the state shall institutionalize a National Newborn Screening

System that is: *

Answer: Comprehensive, integrative, sustainable and collaborative

This metabolic disorder in Newborn Screening characterized by low level of

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzymes which is responsible for: *

Answer: Protects RBC from destruction

The nurse is assessing a confirmed case of Galactosemia. The nurse is aware that
accumulation of galactose is poisonous to the body and can cause serious
complications such as the following, except: *

Answer: Enlarged heart

What is the best time to treat Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia? *

Answer: 7 days

Collecting NBS samples refers to the taking of blood sample from the newborn, the
nurse is aware that all should be considered in the collection, except: *

Answer: Right dosage

In collecting NBS samples, the nurse should be reminded of the following before
collection, except: *

Answer: Prevent false positive result

As a nurse you are aware that all the following statements are true regarding Newborn
Screening, except: *

PhilHealth program for the early identification of disorders that can lead to mental retardation and

Congenital hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid
hormones, which affect the entire body. What is considered as late manifestation of
CH? *

Delayed dental development and tooth eruption

The nurse is caring for a newborn diagnosed with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, the
following are correct regarding CAH, except: *

Deficiency of Aldosterone leads to Low serum potassium

What grade in Silverman Andersen Index if the newborn has severe respiratory
distress? *


Crying is the means of communication in newborn.

Fever in the newborn is not a sign of dehydration but because of infection. *


Jennifer delivered via cesarean section as the nurse assigned to her, which of the following
position should you recommend to her when burping or bubbling an infant? *

Shoulder Hold

The let-down reflex occurs because of the release of: *

Oxytocin from the posterior pituitary

One of the advantages of breastfeeding to the infant is that it prevents constipation. This explained
by which characteristics of breast milk? *

Rich in glucose

The nurse should explain to the woman that breastfeeding shortly after delivery benefits her
because it: *

Promotes contraction of her uterus

Which of the following is present in breast milk necessary for brain development? *


To diminish incidence of jaundice, provide early breastfeeding. *

Which of the following promote development of emotional ties from the mother to the baby? *


Daily cord care is also included in the routine newborn care; this is to prevent inflammation of cord
which called Corditis. *

Answer: FALSE

Kangaroo hold is also called as skin to skin holding and provides warmth and closeness. *

Answer: TRUE

To promote breastfeeding the newborn, rooming-in is advised.

Answer: TRUE

Meconium should be passed out within 24 to 48 hours. If absent within this period, it may indicate:

Answer: Intestinal obstruction

When feeding the newborn, adequacy consistency in meeting the infant’s needs and satisfying the
infant oral needs. This is very essential in the development of: *

Answer: Trust

What is the rationale of test feeding in newborn is given 2 to 3 hours after birth? *

Answer: To prevent hypoglycemia

Attachment results in the development of emotional ties from mother to the baby. *
Answer: FALSE

The main benefit of colostrum for the newborn is that this substance: *

Answer: Provides high levels of antibodies to the newborn

Omphalitis is the inflammation of the intestine. *

Answer: FALSE

Cuddling the newborn when breastfeeding promote attachment between mother and infant. *

Answer: TRUE

Feeding the newborn whenever he is crying not whenever he is hungry. *



Stage 1 of labor includes which phases in the correct order?

Latent, active, transition

A nurse is monitoring a cl in labor the nurse suspects umbilical cord compression of which

Variable deceleration

Do not cut the cord immediately,


When examining the fetal monitoring strip after rupture of the membranes

Change the cl’s position

A nurse in the delivery room is assisting with the delivery of a newborn infant

Uterus changing from a discoid to a globular shape

It stimulates the uterus to contract during the breast-feeding session and for as long as 20 mins


The mother has delivered the placenta. You note the shiny surface of the placenta

Schultze mechanism, baby

After doing leopold’s maneuvers, the nurse determines that the fetus is in the ROP position.

Below the umbilicus on the right side

The nurse observes the cl’s amniotic fluid and decides

Clear, almost colorless, and containing little white specks

A nurse is developing a plan of care for a cl experiencing dystocia

Monitor the fetal heart rate

The physician asks the nurse the frequency of laboring cl’s contractions

Beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next

Which of the ff statement is true about abdominal walls?

Stretching of the abdominal wall leads to a loss in muscle tone

Stretching of the abdominal wall muscles occurs to accommodate he enlarging uterus

Stretching of the abdominal wall may possibly separate the longitudinal muscles (rectus abdominis
muscle) of the abdomen

Separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, called distasis recti, is not common in women who
have poor abdominal muscle tone before pregnancy

Which measure would be least effective in preventing postpartum hemorrhage?

Massage fundus every hour for the first 24 hrs following birth

Your laboring pt has transitions to stage 2 of labor

Bulging perineum and rectum with an increase in bloody show

Occurs when the bladder is unable to empty completely

Urinary retention

All postpartum women are risk for uterine hemorrhage

Assess her uterus for height and tone

The nurse auscultates a fetal heart rate of 152 on a cl in early labor

Inform the mother that the rate is normal

What consists of the second stage of labor

Full dilation/effacement to birth of fetus

When performing leopold’s maneuvers, the nurse noted that the fetus is in the left occiput anterior

Left lower quadrant

Based on current research, which comment by mother P would make the nurse worry that she may
have a difficult time getting enough sleep

I know that the baby will sleep just fine bec I’ve read everything I can about the subject

Based on current research, which comment by mother P would make the nurse worry that she may
have a difficult time getting enough sleep

My husband knows nothing about newborns, but he is usually a fast learner

As part of the nursing assessment to the post partum mother, it is important to know that there
should be a focus assessment after vaginal birth during the first 24 hrs

Every 8-12 hrs

The nurse duty in labor room to monitor the fetal heart rate as undetectable fluctuation in FHR

Absent variability

A nurse assists in the vaginal delivery of a newborn infant. After delivery, the nurse observes the
umbilical cord lengthen

Placental separation

A laboring client is in the first stage of labor and has progressed from 4 to 7 cm in the cervical

Active phase

Fetal presentation refers to

Fetal body that leads the way out through the birth canal

The labor and delivery nurse performs leopold’s maneuvers. A soft round mass is felt in the fundal

Left sacral posterior

A nurse is caring for a cl in the second stage of labor

Fear of losing control

What MDG does unang yakap addresses


The nursing measure to relieve fetal distress

Place the mother on the left side-lying position

The level of blood-clotting proteins increases during pregnancy


A woman who is catheterized at the time of childbirth

Urinary tract infection

A nurse is caring for a cl in labor who is receiving Pitocin by IV infusion to stimulate uterine

Fetal heart rate below 90 bpm

What consist of the fourth stage of labor

Period of immediate recovery and homeostasis is re-established

How often do you perform a vaginal exam on a laboring woman?

During in the active phase every shift

Perineal care will help your perineum

Heal faster

Help prevent infection

Feel better

Which of the ff choices includes the correct order of the cardinal move

Internal rotation, extension, external rotation

When monitoring the fetal heart rate of a cl in labor, the nurse identifies an elevation of 15 beats

An acceleration

Labor is a series of events affected by the

Power-contraction, passageway,-pelvis, psyche-(psychological response of the mother)

Which measures would be least effective

Massage the fundus every hour for the first 24 hrs following birth

What statement is false about the transition phase of stage 1?

The transition phase is the longest phase of stage 1 and contractions are very intense and long in

During a vaginal examination, the nurse palpates fetal buttocks that are facing the left posterior

LSP - 1 station

A cl arrives at the hospital in the second stage of labor. The fetus head is crowning, the cl is bearing

Transfer the cl to the birthing unit

The nurse duty in the labor room to monitor the fetal heart rate as >160 bpm


The breathing technique that the mother should be instructed as to the contraction starts, take a
deep breath in the through the nose

Pant-pant-blow breathing

Checking the perineum as part of the initial assessment includes observation of the ff

Edema, episiotomy, lacerations, hematoma

A cl is admitted to the birthing suite in early active labor. The priority nursing intervention on

Monitor maternal V/S and auscultating the fetal heart

The nurse wants to prepare Mother N to assess her own health after discharge

I know about lochia, i’ll use tampons just like i do for my periods

A woman who states that she “thinks” she is in labor enters labor suites.

Vaginal examination

The nurse duty in the labor room to monitor the fetal heart rate as <100bpm

In stage one of labor during the active space the cervix dilates

4-7 cm

Which of the following factors might result in a decrease supply of breast milk in postpartum

Supplement feeding with formula

A client who is gravida 1, para 0 is admitted in labor. Cervix 100% dilated 3cm fetus +1

Below the ischial spine

A nurse concludes that a woman is in the Latent phase of labor.

The woman talks and laugh during contraction.

Mrs. Jones has tear extended into the muscle that controlled the anus which type of perineal tear.

Third and fourth degree

Which consist the third stage of labor

From the word of the fetus to the expulsion of the placenta

A client in labor G2 P1001

The woman is showing expected signs Of the active phase of the labor

It is a blood clot that forms in a vessel and remains there


Kiana has expressed that she is excited to get to know her new baby

Encourage her and her husband to choose their babies name as soon as possible

A nurse is reviewing the record of a client in the labor room and notes that the nurse

1 cm above the ischial spine

I laboring client complains of low back pain the nurse replace that this pain occurs most when the
position of the fetus is

Occiput posterior7

Which of the following is/are mechanisms to reduce the amount of fluids retained during pregnancy?

Postpartum diaphoresis / Postpartum Diuresis

A client arrives at a birthing center in active labor. Her membranes are still intact, and the
nurse-midwife prepares to perform an amniotomy (artificial rupture of membranes). A nurse who is
assisting the nurse-midwife explains……

Increased efficiency of contractions

Which of the following fetal positions is most favorable for birth?

Vertex Presentation

Pulmonary edema-occurs most frequently______ postpartum, probably due to mobilization of

extravascular fluid

48-72 hours

Supposed mother B has a retained placental fragment that is causing extensive postpartum
bleeding. Which test prescribed by her primary care provider would best reveal a retained fragment is

Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone

Women are at risk for blood clots because of normal physiologic changes of pregnancy which
includes the following? SATA

Alterations in homeostasis that favor coagulation

Reduced fibrinolysis

Pooling and statis of blood in the lower limbs

Postpartum perineal care can help:

Prevents skin breakdown of perineal area, itching, burning and odor

Prevents infections

Remove secretions

Provide patients comfort

When determining the duration of a uterine contraction the right technique is time it from:

The beginning of one contraction to the end of the same contractions

While performing Leopold’s maneuvers on a woman in labor, the nurse palpates a hard round mass
in the fundal area, a flat surface on the left side, small objects on the right side, and a soft round
mass just above the symphysis. Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion by the nurse?

The fetal presentation is vertex

Fundal height is measured from the top of the pubic bone, is routinely measured in pregnancy to
determine growth rates and immediate after delivery in order to assess uterine contraction and


Fundal height is measured from the top of the pubic bone is routinely measured in pregnancy to
determine growth rates and immediate after delivery


Which of the following statements is true about the fundus during postpartum Sata

Approximately one hour post delivery

The phone does continues to dissent into the babies at the rate of approximately 1 cm 14 days

A postpartum mother develops endometritis

Alternating between prone and supine position

It is the series events by with shooter in construction and abdominal pressure expel the fetus and
placenta from the uterus


It is a surgical procedure that in large is the vaginal opening during labor by cutting the perineum


The partner perceives the newborn as active pretty or beautiful

visual awareness of the newborn

A nurse is admitting a pregnant client to the labor room and attach us an external electronic fetal
monitoring to the clients abdomen

Assessing the normal baseline of the fetal heart rate

A patient sustained a first-degree laceration during childbirth

Extends through muscle of the pernial body

Which of the following are causes of the day of urination as follows

Lacerated perineum

inflammation and bruising of the


Decrease bladder

What does the nurse during the first stage of labor

Observe of potential bleeding

The nurse is assessing the fetal station during a vaginal examination which of the following
structure should the nurse palpate

A nurse in the postpartum unit is caring a client who has just delivered a newborn infant following a
pregnancy with placenta previa


A peak point of you during construction is called the


The client is found to be at +4 station what action is most appropriate for the nurse to take

Prepare for delivery

The nurse observes mother and holding or a newborn which position with the best reassured the
nurse that intervention in at prompting bonding have been successful

she looks directly at her infant face and talk to him

Use the flap of your fingers in the fingertips for palpation of the location of firmness of the uterus


Mrs. kate has tears affecting the muscle of the perineum and the skin. Which type of perineum tear?

Second degree

As part of the nursing assessment to the post partum mother, it is important to know that there
should be a focus assessment after vaginal birth during the first hour?

Every 15 minutes

In early labor teach the mother to inhale, expand the belly outward; and exhale, relax her abdomen

Belly breathing

What consists of the first stage of labor?

Onset of regular uterine contractions through full dilation and effacement of the cervix
Mrs. kate has small tear affecting only the skin which usually heal quickly and without treatment.
Which type of perineal tear?

First degree

A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor. The physician has prescribed an IV infusion of
oxytocin. The nurse ensures that which of the following is implemented before initiating the

Continue to monitor both maternal and fetal heart rate

An ultrasound report states, “the fetal head has entered pelvic inlet.” what does the nurse interpret
this statement to mean?

The fetal head has entered the true pelvis

Nurse a’s part of the psychosocial assessment to mommy P after delivery should be focused on the
following: SATA:



Emotional status

A multiparous client who has been in labor for 2 hours states that she fells the urge to move her
bowels. How should the nurse responds?

Assess the dilation of the cervix and station of the presenting fetal part.

While completing the morning postpartum assessment to mommy d, the nurse notices the clients
peripad is completely saturated with lochia rubra? Which of the following actions should the nurse’s
first response?

Ask the client when she last changed her perennial pad

A client is complaining of severe back labor. Which of the following nursing interventions would be
most effective?

Provide direct sacral pressure.

The px complain of calf pain at dorsiflexion of the foot which is thought to be associated with the
presence of thrombosis.

Positive homan’s sign

Mother D has a risk for DVT (deep vein thrombosis) during the postpartum period. What would be
the best suggestion the nurse could make to help prevent this?

Ambulate early and consistently to improve circulation.



The sex of an infant will be female unless:

The y chromosome is received from the father

The first outward change of puberty in girls is:

Enlargement and development of the breast

A clinic nurse is planning a teaching session for childbearing-age female clients

Use only category A medications during pregnancy

Males are usually taller than females when they reach their adult height…
Rapid increase in height begins later in puberty…
Menstruation occurs because the:
Hormone stimulation from the corpus luteum ceases

The primary purpose of the cremaster muscle is to:

Keep the testes cooler than the rest of the body

Fertilization is complete when:

The fusion of the sperm and ovum nuclei occurs

Which fetal circulatory structure carries blood…

Umbilical vein

In leopold's maneuver step #1, you palpated a soft…

The mass palpated is the buttocks

A pregnant woman is prone to urinary tract infection primarily because:

Urine stasis allows additional time or bacteria to multiply

The pregnant woman has a blood glucose screening at 26 weeks of gestation. The result is
More testing is needed to determine additional therapy

Choose the maternal behaviour that best describes role playing…

The woman tries to care for infants..

Choose the most likely reaction of an 8-year-old to his mother’s pregnancy

Interest in learning about the developing baby

The primary benefit of a preconception clas is to:

Reduce the risk of having a baby with a birth defect

The recommended total weight gain during pregnancy for a 15-year-old of normal weight…
35 pounds

To reduce the incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida…

At Least 0.4mg folic acid per day…

Which of the following causes constipation

Ferrous sulfate

The main risk to a woman who practices pica during pregnancy

Inadequate intake of essential nutrients
extreme softening of the lower uterine segment at about 6th week..
Hegar sign

the fetal heartbeat should be visible on ultrasound…

8th week following the last menstrual period

which of the following statement about pregnancy is true/are true?

Decreased igG production
GFR increase by 50%

a woman who is assessing fetal movements each day..

she perceives fewer than 10 fetal movements within 12 hours

a woman is 16 weeks pregnant. during a prenatal visit…

It is unusual for women to have these feelings…

to ensure that a woman has adequate iron intake during pregnancy…

take 30 mg of an iron supplement daily

the primary goal of prenatal care is to assure…

the healthiest outcome possible

the end outcome (goal) for the nursing diagnosis altered nutrition…
gain at least 25 pounds by the end of pregnancy

the pregnant woman is more likely to have leg cramps…

stretches each leg while flexing…

it is important to maintain adequate fluid intake during pregnancy..

urinary tract infection

a client arrives at the OB department of JBL OPD for the first prenatal assessment… first
menstrual period September 9th, 2020
June 26, 2021

during the prenatal check up the pregnant woman mentioned that her last menstrual period is
march 29…
17 weeks and 6 days

which of the following would indicate to the nurse that the placenta is separating
uterus becomes globular

a woman calls the healthcare facility stating that she is in labor…

Moderately strong contractions every 4 minutes…
a client has not received any medication during her labor. she is having frequent contractions
every 1 to 2 minutes…
transition phase of the first stage of labor

assessment of a woman in labor reveals cervical dilations of 3 cm..

latent phase of the first stage

a woman telephones her health care provider and reports that her water just broke..
come to the clinic or emergency department for an evaluation

a fetus is assessed at 2 cm above the ischial spines…


a woman in her third trimester comes to the clinic for a prenatal visit…

a nurse is documenting fetal lie of a woman in labor


a nurse is preparing a class for pregnant women about labor and birth
Internal rotation

a nurse is assessing a woman in labor. which finding would the nurse identify as a cause for
respiratory rate of 10 breaths / minute

a nurse is caring for several women in labor..

contractions every 1 minute, cervical dilation 9 cm

during a follow-up prenatal visit, a pregnant woman asks the nurse, how long do you think i will
be in labor?
it’s difficult to predict how your labor will progress..

in caring for a primiparous woman in labor, one of the factors..


when caring for primiparous woman being evaluated for admission for labor…
true labor contractions bring about changes in cervical effacement and dilation…

a woman is considered in active labor when:

cervical dilation progresses from 4 to 7 cm with effacement of 40% to 80%…
a woman who are caring for in labor requests an epidural for pain relief in labor..
blood pressure, hypotension

the perinatal nurse is assessing a woman in triage who is 34 + 3 weeks gestation in her first
braxton-hicks contraction

early and slow labor. can last up to 9 hours. many women choose to stay home.
latent phase

occurs immediately after the delivery of the fetus..

third stage of labor

the perinatal nurse provides a hospital tour for couples and families preparing for labor and birth
in the future…
encouraging regular..
reporting symptoms…
coming to the labor triage..

cervical dilation of 8 to 10 cm, contractions of every 1 to 2 minutes..

transition phase

ms. m is 38 weeks gestation and is a G1 P0. at 10 pm ms. m has been informed by the nurse
that she is 3 to 4 cm dilated..
promote relaxation technique

the labor patient you are caring for is ambulating in the hall..
assess the fetal heart rate

you are caring for a woman in labor who is 6 cm dilated with a reassuring FHT pattern and
regular strong UCs…
monitored every 30 minutes

the mechanism of labor known as cardinal movements of labor are the positional changes that
the fetus goes through to best navigate the birth process..
engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, expulsion

the provision of support during labor has demonstrated that women experience a decrease in
a decrease in interventions

assess of a pregnant woman reveals that the presenting part of the fetus is at the level of the
maternal ischial spines..

a nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of pregnant women about the labor experience..
presence of a support partner
low anxiety level
participation in a pregnancy exercise program

when describing the stages of labor to a pregnant woman, which of the following would the
nurse identify as the major change occuring during the first stage
cervical dilation

the nurse is reviewing the monitoring strip of a woman in labor who is experiencing a

the nurse is reviewing the medical record of a woman in labor and notes that the fetal position is
documented as LSA..

after teaching a group of students about the factors affecting the labor process, the clinical
instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which of the
pelvic inlet
pelvic outlet
mild pelvis

assessment if a fetus identifies the buttocks as the presenting part, with the legs extended

after teaching a group of students about the maternal bony pelvis, which statement by the group
indicates that the teaching was successful
the pelvic outlet is associated with the true pelvis

a client is admitted to the labor and birthing suite in early labor. on review of her medical record,
the nurse determines that the client’s pelvic shape as identified in the antepartal progress notes
is the most favourable one for a vaginal delivery

the fetus of a nulliparous woman is in a shoulder presentation. the nurse would most likely
prepare the client for which type of birth
a woman is in the first stage of labor. the nurse would encourage her to assume which position
to facilitate the progress of labor

when assessing cervical effacement of a client in labor, the nurse assesses which of the
following characteristics
degree if thinning

a woman in her 40th week of pregnancy calls the nurse at the clinic and says, “she’s not sure
whether she is in true or false labor”
the contractions slow down when i walk around

A pregnant client is making her first antepartum visit to the nearby health center.
G5 T2 P1 A1 L4

a pregnant woman calls the prenatal clinic and says she experiences clear vaginal discharge..
wear cotton panties that allow adequate air circulation

choose the best intervention yo advise a patient to take for relief of constipation during
eat food high in fiber

adequate stores of folic acid are needed before conception to

reduce the risk for fetal neural tube defects

what should the nurse teach a pregnant woman about caring for varicose veins in her legs
elevate the legs when sitting

when lying on ghe examining table during her prenatal check at 34 weeks, a woman complains
of being dizzy and weak..
have her turn to her side

A woman who is 20 weeks pregnant is expected to experience:

Movement of the fetus

Choose the correct pt teaching ff amniocentesis

Report persistent contraction, vaginal bleeding, or fluid leakage

Fewer fetal movements than expected suggest:

Reduced placental perfusion with fetal hypoxia

A 24 weeks woman asks you when is her next check up.

After a month

Which of the ff are presumptive signs of pregnancy

Urinary frequency, breast changes, quickening, change in the color of the vagina

When teaching an adolescent about nutrition during pregnancy

Provide as many choices as possible from nutritious foods

Choose the correct nursing teaching about a woman’s iron supplement during pregnancy

A food high in vitamin C may enhance the absorption of iron

Poor weight gain during early pregnancy is associated with:

Small-for-gestational-age infants

The primary benefit of perinatal education is to help

Parents become active in health maintenance during pregnancy and birth

The nurse is teaching a Filipino woman about self-care

Having the woman restate the information that is taught

The nurse can best help a man assume his role as a parent by:

Encouraging him to ask questions about his partner’s pregnancy

A woman who is 12 weeks pregnant begins wearing maternity clothes


A pregnant woman complains that both of her thumbs hurt at times

Increased tissue fluid is causing nerve compression

a newborn has been diagnosed with a disorder that occurs through an autosomal recessive


a pregnant woman expects to give birth to her first baby in approximately 1 week

her fetus is probably lower in her pelvis, putting more pressure on her bladder

you perform leopold’s maneuver and found the following: breech presentation. fetal back at the
right side of ghe mother
right lower quadrant

an important purpose of seminal fluid is to

protect sperm from the acidic vaginal environment

how long is a 6 month old fetus

30 cm

what is the estimated gestational age in weeks if the fundic height is 32 cm

36 to 37 weeks

the layer of uterine tissue that responds to cyclic changes in hormones that are secreted by the
pituitary gland is the

people who have two copies if ghe same abnormal autosomal dominant gene will usually be
more severely affected by the disorder than people with one copy of the gene

both members of an exoectant couple are carriers for phenylketonuria (PKU), an autosomal
recessive disorder
the child has a 25% chance of being affected

the primary purpose of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is to stimulate

secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the
anterior pituitary gland

a woman suspecting she is pregnant asks the nurse about which signs would confirm her
palpable fetal movement

the nurse is taking the OB history of noreen who is pregnant with twins during an admission
G2, T0, P1, A0, L1

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