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The first a copy of the retraction paper allegedly signed by Rizal, which was even

kept secret and only published in the press. When Rizal's family requested the
original copy, they were told it had been lost.

Thirty-nine years later, the original copy was found in the archives of the
Archdiocesan. Ricardo Pascual Ph. D, who was authorized by Archbishop Nozaleda
to examine the document and then concluded in his book "Rizal Beyond the Grave"
that the documents presented were forged. The common rebuttal of this argument
is that Father Balaguer or Father Pi made the mistake of copying another copy of the

Another proof that Rizal did not retract is when Father Balaguer came to terms that
he marry José and Josephine, after José signed the revocation document, however,
there is no marriage certificate or documents that can prove Father Balaguer

Why did Rizal withdraw his application when he knew well that even if he signed the
retraction, he would still be executed? As the Archbishop and the Jesuits could do
nothing to ease their sentence as the trial involved was purely a military tribunal,
where civil or church intervention was rare and prohibited. Rizal is alleged to have
engaged in filibusterous propaganda, for which the penalty imposed by the Spanish
Code is the death penalty

It is argued that Rizal retract to save her family from persecution, to give Josephine
Bracken legal status as a wife, and to secure reforms of the Spanish government.
That's more than likely Rizal's mindset

Rizal's behavior during his final hours at Fort Santiago does not indicate the
conversion of Mi Ultimo Adios and the letters or even religious unrest. On the night
of his sister and mother's arrival, he never mentioned the retraction of the papers,
contrary to what Balaguer's father claimed that even in the afternoon Rizal
demanded the formula for the retraction.

Whatever further study that may emerge as to the truth about Rizal’s retraction
controversy, “…it detracts nothing from his greatness as a Filipino.”

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