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Military  and  Martial  Schools  of  Kishu  Domain  

武術流義傳統表  ( 一本此傳統表なし)  

Art  Subject   School   Middle   Passed  Down  to  

School  Founder   The  Same  
Geishu   Name   Successor   [Lit.  Traditions]  
(流祖)   (同)  
(藝種)   (流名)   (中祖)   (傳統)  
Samurai-daisho from Koshu
Usami Suruganokami The inheritor of each generation was
Usami Mikinosuke Usami Sasuke Sadasuke
Usami Ryu Sadayuki authorized with a war baton and held the
Katsuoki Chikuin
(宇在美流) (甲州侍大将 position as supreme commander.
(宇在美造酒介勝興) (宇在美左助定祐竹隱)
宇在美駿河守定行) (代々傳法團扇御免御采配を勤る)

Hashizume When Korenari reformed [the school, this

Ryu school] was designated as an official
A Samurai of Koshu,
or school. [He] created the descriptions of
Hashizume Sakon’nojo Hashizume Hashizume Man’emon
every position and also drawing(s) of
Gobu Ryu Yoshiaki Man’emon Korenari Koreyoshi
dispositions. They were transmitted for
(橋爪流 (甲州士 (橋爪万右衛門維成) (橋爪万右衛門維能)
Military  Science   橋爪左近之丞吉明)
又ハ (維成回新の時御流箋と被命御役々御役
Gungaku   合武流) 談制作御固場圖を製し以下代々相傳)

Later it was given back to the master,

Koshu Vanguard,
Given to the disciple, Natori Nanjurou – from that time on [the
Natori Yoichinojo Natori Sanjuro
Natori Ryu Masatoshi
Unobe Matasaburo Sanjuro school] was passed on for generations down
(名取流) (門第 through Natori’s descendants.
(甲州先手 (名取三十郎正澄)
宇野邊又三郎へ譲る) (後家元名取楠十郎へ戻す以下代々名取

  Chikurin Ha
  (竹林派) Heki Yazaemon Noritsugu, Ishido Chikurinbo Satake Gendayu Kichizen It was passed on for generations from Wasa
who lived in Yamato Josei, Yoshimi Daiemon Moriemon Sanenobu and Wasa Daihachi
  Province the Priest of Tsunetake Norito.
  (大和國住 Shingon Chikurin (佐武源大夫吉全 (和佐森右衛門實延同大八範遠以下代々
Temple in Yamato
吉見臺右衛門經武) 相傳)

The Founder It was passed on for generations from
  The Same The Same as the Above
The Same as the
Wasa Daihachi Norito Nishikawa Okusukekaji to Ogawa
  (同) (元祖
(和佐大八範遠) Yasaburo Yoshikata
(右 同 斷)
  右 同 斷) (西川與助加治小川八三郎義方以下代々)
Archery   Yoshimi Daiemon Ochiai Shinzo passed it down through his
The Same The Same Yoshida Makiemon
Kyujutsu   (同) (同)
descendants to Umanoshin
(吉見臺右衛門經武) (落合新藏子孫相傳馬之進に至る)

It was passed down to Ogawa Yashichiro

Tsumaki Sukekuro
Yoshida Ryu Heki Danjo Masatsugu Tomari Yasaburo Nagahide Sukeoki and Ogawa Saburobei Tomooki
(吉田流) (日置彈正正次) (泊彌三郎永英) (小川彌七郎祐興同三郎兵衛知興以下相

It was passed on through the descendants of

The Same The Same The Same Ogawa Saburobe
Ochiai Souemon leading to Kusutarou
(同) (同) (同) (小川三郎兵衛)

It was passed on through the descendants of

Chikurin Ha Heki Yazaemon Noritsugu Ono Shichizo
Masuda Zenzo leading to Kanjuro
(竹林派) (日置彌左衛門範次) (小 野 七 藏)

It was passed on to Takahashi Saburoemon

The Same The Same Ota Matsunosuke Norinuki
and Nenoko Hisanosuke
(同) (同) (太田松之助則貫)
Otsubo Ryu Tradition Unknown
(大坪流) (傳 統) (不 詳)

Oshima Unpei
First, Tsuchiya Ryuemon
Oshima Banroku Oshima Ishin Noriaki It was passed on to Oshima Kumogorou
Oshima Ryu Soan
Yoshitsuna Norimichi then to his descendants
(大島流) (大島雲平常久
(大島伴六吉綱) 大 島 以 心 典 (大島雲五郎典通子孫相傳)
Spear  Skills  
Ishino Den’ichi It was passed on through his descendants
Sojutsu   Riso Ryu Mizushima Miyo Tokiyuki
Toyama Godayu Toshiaki
leading to Koshichiro Okitoshi
(槍術)   (離相流) (水島見譽言之)
Tozuka Gozaemon
Takada Hachizaemon It was passed on through the descendants of
Takahashi Monbei
Oshima Ko Oshima Banroku Okuno Bangoro
Kasai Sanzaemon Tomonari leading to
Mishima Kusujiro
Ryu Yoshitsuna (戸塚五左衛門 (高橋門兵衛
(大島古流) (大島伴六吉綱) (葛西三左衛門友成子孫相傳助太郎に至
高田八左衛門 三島楠次郎)

  Moto Nakamura Zeemon

Jouen Nagakatsu Heibei
  Tamiya Ryu Hayashizaki Yamato no Tamiya Heibei
Nagaie Jiroemon Narimichi
Leading to the descendants of Tamiya
kami Shigenobu Shigemasa Senemon
  (田宮流) (林崎大和守重信) (田宮平兵衛重正)
  Shinto Ryu Holy founder, Arima
  (元神當流 Iizasa Choi Nyudo
Arima Oinokami
Buzen Mitsuaki
Transmitted to Takemori Denjiemon
Mitsumori Tsugutada then to his descendant ,Tsugie
  神道流) (飯篠長威入道)
Swordsmanship   Obu Asaemon
Sukenaga -
Kenjutsu   Shinkage Ryu Yagyu Tajima no kami
His surname was later
Nishiwaki Kan’emon The lineage continued on through the
Munenori Takemasa descendants leading to Sozaburo.
(劔術)   (新陰流) (柳生但馬守宗矩)
changed to Sagawa
(西脇勘右衛門猛正) (子孫相傳宗三郎に至る)
Kimura Sukekurou
The Same The Same The linage after him is
(同) (同)
unknown (以下傳法不詳)
It combined 12 schools
including Chishin Ryu, It was handed down for
Togun Ryu, Miraiki Ryu, Kaneda Gengorou generations leading to
Kaneda Ryu Muteki Ryu, etc. Kashirou
(金田流) (知新流東軍流未來記流 (金田源五郎岸随) (以下代々相傳嘉四郎
無敵流等十二流を合す) に至る)

Sekiguchi Sekiguchi Yarokuemon Sekiguchi Sekiguchi Man’emon It was passed on through the descendants of
Ryu Jushin Hachiroemon Rohaku Ujihide Sekiguchi Yataro Ujiaki
(柔術)   (關口流) (關口彌六右衛門柔心) (同八郎右衛門魯伯) (同万右衛門氏英) (同彌太郎氏暁子孫相傳)

Sakushu Tsuyama (An honorable title for
(The Province of Saku, the premier artist of Jitsu Kamai Toragoro
Grappling   Takenouchi Tsuyama city), the art) It was passed on from there to the
Saji Yaemon Shigeaki
Kumi  Uchi   Ryu Takenouchi Takenouchii
descendants of Saji Yazaemon Yoshihide
(竹内流) Nakatsukasadayu Hisamori Hitachinosuke (實釜井虎五郎
(組打)   (作州津山 Hisakatsu 佐治彌左衛門美英子孫相傳)
竹内中務大夫久盛) (日下開山
Takinami Go It was passed down through the descendants
  Sasaki Sho Tojiro Sasaki Matabei
Katsuno Heizaemon
of Katsuno Gohei Yasutsune
Ryu Yoshisato
  (佐々木少輔藤次郎) (佐々木又兵衛)
[It split into two lineages] It was passed down through the descendants
  Komakine [1.] Komakine Mondayu of Jitsu Okouchi Mataichi and Okouchi
Komakine Komakine Hachibei
  Ryu Masazumi
Takezaemon Masatake Mataichi Okiyoshi
Masashige [2.] Isono Shige’emon (實大河内又市同又市興良
  (駒木根流) (駒木根八兵衛政澄)
(同武左衛門正重) (同門大夫正武 以下子孫相傳)
  Ujita Ryu Ujita Monbei It was passed down through
It was formed from five Ryu:
  (宇治田流) Itakura Ryu, Oya Ryu,
Shigetomo his descendants.
  Nakagawa Ryu, Takinami (宇治田門兵衛成友) (以下子孫相傳)
Ryu, and Katsui Ryu
  Yoshikawa Gengobei
It was passed on through his descendants
  Yoshikawa leading to Shinichiro.
Ryu (吉川流) (子孫相傅進一郎に至る)
Tsuda Ko Kenmotsu
  Dougen Ryu Tsuda Jiyusai Miyaji Hisaemon Hayashi Sadayu
It was passed on through his descendants
leading to Kakunoemon.
Gunnery  Skills   (道元流) (津田古監物 (宮地久右衛門) (林左大夫)
It was passed on through his descendants
Tomioka Ryu Tomioka Hikobei Tomioka Hikoemon
leading to Yasuaki.
(富岡流) (富岡彦兵衛) (富岡彦右衛門)

Shin Yasuemon Yoshinobu It was passed on through his descendants

Shin Ryu Shin Jinpachi Arai Matazaemon
(新 安右衛門吉延) leading to Koujiro.
(新 流) (新 甚 八) (新居又左衛門)

Fujioka Rokuzaemon Fujioka Denzaemon It was passed on through his descendants

Fujioka Ryu
Nagaetsu Nagamitsu leading to Yasujiro
(藤岡流) (藤岡六左衛門長悦) (藤岡傳左衛門長光) (子孫相傳安次郎に至る)

[Sasaki Ryu] combined its

own teachings with eight
other schools of Buei,
Sasaki Uraemon
Ogino, Buei, Tanegashima, It was passed on through his descendants
Sasaki Ryu Sasaki Buzaemon Tamenari Narisue
Masaki, Inatome, Heki.and leading to Heinosuke Narihiro
(佐々木流) (佐々木武左衛門爲成) (佐々木浦右衛門成 Jitoku. (子孫相傅兵之助成廣に至る)
季) (自家之流義に武營荻野
Ono It was passed on through his descendants
Ono Ryu Fujioka Denzaemon Ono Wasuke Katsuaki
IchirobeiYoshiharu leading to Uemon
(小野流) (藤岡傳左衛門)
(同 和助勝明)

Hirai Ichirozaemon
It was passed on through his descendants
Katagiri Ryu Katagiri Buhei Shigeyoshi Hisayoshi
leading to Shin’ichiro
(片桐流) (片桐武兵衛重吉) (平井市郎左衛門尚

It passed on through his descendants leading

Jiyusai Ryu Nanjo Shoemon Takemitsu
to Shoemon.
(自由斎流) (南條小右衛門武満)

Hasegawa It was passed on through his descendants

Mori Ryu Mori Rokuro Dayu
Tamenojyou Naomasa leading to Daizo
(森 流) (森 六郎大夫)
(長谷川爲之丞尚誠) (子孫相傅大藏に至る)

Kawakami Iwakura Benzaemon Kawakami Den’nojo

Iwakura Gosuke Shigemasa It was passed on through his descendants.
Ryu Yasumasa Masanobu
(岩倉郷助重昌) (子孫相傳)
(川上流) (同辨左衛門安正) (川上傅之丞眞信)

Aquatic  arts   Nojima Ryu Nojima Kojiro Hidenobu Nai Busuke Ujimasa Tamaru Zen’nosuke Yasuga
It was passed on through his descendants
Mizugei   leading to Kanae.
(野島流 (野島小次郎秀信) (名井武助氏政) (多円善之助安賀)
Koike Ryu Koike Mizuemon Fusanaga It was passed on through his descendants.
(小池流) (小池水右衛門房長) (子孫相傳す)

Translated  by  Lee  Carter  with  the  help  of  Kazushi  Yoshimura  and  further  assisted  by  Mieko  Koizumi  and  Yoshie  Minami  

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