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Webb, Elaine November 15, 2021

Witnessing Report EVAN 101-002

PART 1: When I heard of this report, the first person I wanted to attempt to evangelize to was

my friend, Joci. Joci has such a bright spirit, I knew she would be up to discuss anything and

within a little over an hour of contacting her, we were on the phone. Joci would probably be best

described as agnostic. She wants to believe that there is some sort of “designer” in life and that

everyone has a soul, but she is not sure of the source of it all. She grew up occasionally going to

youth group and perceived it as a fun time to hear stories.

PART 2: As I went through the Romans Road with Joci, she exuded excitement. She showed

genuine interest in learning about Christianity for the sake of learning. She was extremely

receptive and while I did go back and affirm and deny certain statements, she got the basics.

When I asked her what she thought the different verses meant, she often started with, “I’m not

sure if this is right but…” and would proceed to explain the passes very well. Of course, I went

back and redefined some of her interpretations and explained it, but I could tell that she knew

more than she let herself believe she did. I was reminded that while some people know about

Christianity, they only know enough to form a surface level opinion.

PART 3: I wish I had actively prayed with Joci. She did not get saved, but she couldn’t stop

explaining how much fun she had discussing Christianity. Joci continued to as a few questions

like “what is the Holy Spirit” and I did my best to explain. I asked her what she took away and

Joci described wanting to contemplate the idea of what happens after death more. In return I did

my best to explain that without Christ, we all have the fate of hell. But with the love of Jesus, we

are spoken for and redeemed. We left the conversation open so that at any time, she can reach

out to me or anyone ask about her interpretation of the Bible and learn as much as she can.

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