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Part 3

Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the corect word from the bracket!

1. This is part of a zoo. You can see three_____________________ (titles,t urtles, shelfish, hard backs) in and around the pond. The
one in the center is ___________________ (shattering, showering, splashing, spraying) itwh its back legs. The birds on the right
are______________ (ducks, chickens, pigeons, swans). In the background the ____________________ (hairy, hare, heir, hurry)
animal to left is a ___________________ (camel, cow, horse, mule). The huge bird to the right is an (ashtray, associate, Australian,

Picture NO.1
2. The animalin the middle is a __________________ (calf, coffee, cough, half, and the animal on the left is a __________________
(goat, lamb, lamp, rabbit). It has a beautiful white ______________(cover, fleece, fresh, hair). In the backgroun is a _____________
(hair, hare, hear, her), and up in the tree is a _______________ (rabbit, serpent, sparrow, squirrrel). A _____________ (chicken,
cotton, kitchen, kitten) has climbed up to try to catch it.

Picture No. 2
3. These animals are _______________ (managers, masters, monarchs, monsters)from legends. Onthe left is a ____________
(dragon, drain, giant, lion). It is coming out of the cavewhere it has it ________ __ (den, dense, stable, stall), and it is looking
for_____________ (play, praise, pray, prey) to catch and eat. On the right is a huge snake. Its bdy is _____________(pointed,
spotted, striped, stripped) all over.

Picture No. 3

4. There is a __________ (hire, hive, house, hut) of bees in the middle of this picture. A big _________ (crowed, staff, swarm, team)
of bees is coming out of it. They are ___________ (soaring, springing, startling, storing ) into the air, On the right, a ___________
(moisture, mosquito, moustache) has been caught in a spider’s __________ (cloth, shape, weave, web). On the left, you can see a
large _________ (battle, beetle, bottle worm).
Picture No. 4

5. This man is hunting. His _____________ (cats, fowls, hands, hounds) are running about in front of him, and he has a __________
a (chicken, duck, hare, hawk) on his wrist. It has the curved _______ (beak, jaws, nose, teeth) of a hunting bird. The birds on the
left are ____________ (ostriches, sparrow, squirrels, swans), and the one on the right is a ___________ (chicken, fowl, raven,
ribbon). The thin branch is ____________ (drifting, dripping, driving, drooping) under the birds weight.
Picture No. 5


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