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Enter the word in brackets in the correct form 

The river_____________ (flow) very quickly today, much faster than


2. ask a question using the word in brackets. Write the full question, and
don't forget the question mark. 

You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:
(wait/ long) Have ________________________________

3. Put the verb in the correct form 

I learned English in school, but I _________________ most of it. (forget)

4. Q. Why are you feeling that bucket with water?    

A. ____________________ the car (I / wash)

5.  Call me after eight o’clock, we ____________________ dinner by then.


6.  Complete using can, could, or (be) able to in the correct tense. 

They didn’t want to come with us at first, but we ___________________

persuade them.

7. “you really must stay a little longer”, she said to me.                

She insisted that I ________________________

8.  Use the information to write a new sentence expressing regret about
the form of transportation you took. Write the entire sentence including the
"quicker if" part.   
I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad and it took a really long
time. _______________ (it/be) quicker if _______________ (I/walk)
10.  make a new sentence from the question. Don't add in any extra words.
Keep it simple. 

(Where did I park the car?) I can’t remember _______________________

12.  Put the verb in the correct form Sue Ellen needed to borrow some

She tried __________ (ask) Ray, but he was short of money too.

13.  Complete using a reflexive pronoun 

Very young children should not go swimming by ________________

14.  combine these sentences into one:

I can’t drink this coffee.

It’s too hot This

Don't write "This", its already there.   


15.  combine these sentences into one:

We hardly ever see each other (despite)

Use the word in brackets We live on the same street.

16.  We were the only guests at the hotel. ___________________________ 

A. Nobody else had stayed there

B. Nobody else was staying there

C. Nobody else even stayed there

D. Nobody else stayed there

17. I’m busy right now, but I’ll be with you ___ a moment

A. On

B. At

C. In

D. Before

E. By

18. House prices are very high. They’ve _______________ a lot in the last
few years

A. Going up

B. Will have gone up

C. Going to go up

D. Will go up

E. Gone up

19.  Complete with the correct form of (cost)

 It ______________ us a fortune now to send our daughter to dance classes.

20. Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs, using the same one for
each sentence in the pair. Use the past perfect continuous if it is possible;
if not, use the past perfect. Use a / between the words with no space.
example: word1/word1 word2 

(a) He ____________ all the way from New York to see me.

(b) When the plane was diverted, it ______________ from London to

21. Complete this sentence using ONE of the 6 verb pairs. Use the past
simple in one space and the past continuous in the other.   Write the entire
sentence, including what is already written. Don't forget the period at the

1.) arrive/get     2.) go/get     3.) meet/work     

4.) look/slip     5.) wait/order     6.) ski/break            

We ___________ while I _______________in a music shop.

22. This sentence refers to the future. Complete is with either  going to or
the present continuous, whichever is correct or more likely            

I can't go any further. I _______________ on that bench for a while. (sit)

23.  Which of the three answers is wrong or very unlikely. 

She thinks _________________ living away from home when he goes to


A. Dan will enjoy

B. Dan is going to enjoy

C. Dan is enjoying

24.  Suggest a single verb that can complete both sentences in the correct
form. Use a slash (/) between your answer (no space around the /).
example:  ran/has run  or will have run/is running.

Unemployment ________________ every year until 1985 and then

started to fall.

The price of houses ________________ dramatically in recent years.

25.  Choose the more appropriate alternative 

Later, in Rome, I was to meet Professor Taylor ...
A. But he left before I got there.

B. And was very impressed by his knowledge.

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