Cooling Tower Automation: April 2014

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Conference Paper · April 2014


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Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta


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International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014


Eknath D. Kharat Amit B. Gavali

Department of E & TC Engineering, Department of E & TC Engineering,

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology,

Rajaramnagar, Islampur, Maharashtra, India. Rajaramnagar, Islampur, Maharashtra, India.


In the field of automation technology, I. INTRODUCTION

research and development for industrial This paper is based on the system for
applications has increased rapidly in recent monitoring the parameters related with this
years. In today’s world of automation, there are cooling tower. The cooling tower used over
many cost effective solutions which allow here does the function of cooling down the
advance computer control. If an automobile water coming from the weld shop of the
industry is considered, there are many systems company. There is need of monitoring of the
which can be atomized to have better process parameters like temperature of the inlet and
control. One of the systems present in outlet water, pressure of the inlet and outlet
automobile industry is cooling tower. It does the water, pumping motor status (ON/OFF),
function of cooling down the spot welding guns timing for which motors running throughout
in fabrication shop. There are some parameters the day etc. This data is going to acquire by
of cooling tower which should be monitored using the PLC. This information is to be
continuously. As system is present at the remote transmitted to the head office by using
place, it is very difficult to monitor it from the Ethernet. At the receiver side, display of these
shop. Monitoring this plant manually is not parameters is done by using webpage to
efficient as it is very important plant. Failure of monitor the parameters continuously. Since it
this plant leads in loss of production. This paper is going to be the webpage, the data acquired
is to monitor the parameters of cooling tower can be displayed at any location in the
system by using PLC and SCADA. SCADA company by using the URL of the webpage. A
refers to the combination of control systems and cooling tower extracts heat from water by
data acquisition. This system will monitor the evaporation. In an evaporative cooling tower, a
cooling tower parameters such as temperature small portion of the water being cooled is
and pressure of water, level of water in the tank allowed to evaporate into a moving air stream
and status of the pumps. It will display all the to provide significant cooling to the rest of that
parameters on the SCADA so that anyone can water stream. Evaporative Cooling towers are
access that and take precautionary action if any relatively inexpensive and very dependable
abnormality happens at the plant. means of removing low grade heat from your
Keywords- PLC, SCADA, Cooling Tower process. Cooling Towers are commonly used

978-1-4799-3759-2/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE 1
International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014

to provide lower than ambient water 2. Pressure Measurement

temperatures and are more cost effective and Pressure is measured through pressure switch.
energy efficient than most other alternatives. When the pressure crosses the limit of 3 bar or
The smallest cooling towers are structured for below 3 bar, the indication should be displayed
only a few gallons of water per minute while on the SCADA system. The precautionary
the largest cooling towers may handle upwards action taken is switching ON/OFF the cold
of thousands of gallons per minute. The pipes well pumps to increase/decrease the pressure.
are obviously much larger to accommodate this 3. Level Measurement
much water in the larger towers and can range Level of both Hot and Cold well tank is to be
up to 12 inches in diameter. When water is measured through reed switch. That reed
reused in the process, it is pumped to the top of switch contains 5 levels i.e. empty, low,
the cooling tower and will then flow down normal, high and full. This all levels should be
through plastic or wood shells, much like a displayed on SCADA. According to that
honeycomb found in a bees nest. The water operator can take the precautionary action. If
will emit heat as it is downward owing which level of cold well falls below the prescribed
mixes with the above air flow, which in turn level, the solenoid valve at the industrial water
cools the water. Part of this water will also inlet will get open automatically to add the
evaporate, causing it to lose even more heat [1] water. When the level of cold water becomes
high then this inlet solenoid valve should get
closed automatically.
4. Temperature Measurement
There is need of monitoring temperature of the
hot as well as cold water continuously. The
difference between temperature of the hot
water and cold water should not exceed more
than 3 to 4 degree Celsius. This temperature
value of both; hot water and cold water should
be displayed on the SCADA screen
continuously. When there is any abnormality
Figure.1. Cooling Tower Flow
in the temperature of the water it should be
indicated on the SCADA screen.
5. TDS Measurement
TDS meter is used for measuring hardness of
1. Pump Monitoring
water and that reading of TDS will be
There are total 11 pumps situated at the
displayed on SCADA. The hardness of water
cooling tower plant. The status of these pumps
is maintained below 50ppm.
i.e. whether they are ON or OFF should be
6. Flow consummation measurement
displayed on the SCADA system. According to
Industrial water addition should be done
the status of the pumps, there should be change
automatically through solenoid valve. In that
in background colour of the motor symbol on
daily consumption of water will be checked by
SCADA screen.

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International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014

using flow meter. And that reading will III. ALGORITHM

displayed on SCADA.
7. Filter Blockage Detection Pump Monitoring:
In the Softener plant, differential pressure There are 11 pumps. Here pump monitoring
switch is to be connected for filter chock-up means monitoring the status of each motor
monitoring. This switch is connected in individually that is motor is either ON or OFF
between inlet water pipe and outlet water pipe or it is tripped.
of the softener plant. If inlet and outlet Algorithm for pump monitoring:
pressure difference is above set value then that 1. Check the NO contacts of each motor
gives indication on SCADA that there is ON/OFF signals individually.
chock-up in filter. 2. Set the motor ON bits of particular motors
which are ON.
3. Check the NO contacts of each motor TRIP
signals individually.
4. Set the trip bits of particular motors which
are tripped.
5. If any of the motor is tripped, set motor trip
6. If motor trip bit is set, fire the alarm.

Pressure Monitoring:
There are total 4 number of pressure switches
connected to the delivery and return line of 3W

Figure.2. Block diagram of proposed system and 4W shops. The pressure of water in these
lines should be monitored and kept around 3
bar. If it falls below, the indication should be
Algorithm for pressure monitoring:
1. Check the status of signal of pressure switch
for delivery line.
2. If it is set, set the pressure low bit.
3. Check the status of signal of pressure switch
for return line.
4. If it is set, set the pressure low bit.
5. If any of the pressure bit gets low, fire the

Figure.3. Hardware Design

978-1-4799-3759-2/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE 3
International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014

Level Monitoring:
There are two tanks i.e. Hot water tank and Flowchart for trip signal
cold water tank whose level should be
continuously monitored. There should be
indication for low level and high level of water
in these tanks.
Algorithm for level monitoring:
1. Check the signals coming out from level
sensor (5 levels).
2. If there is Tank Full signal, fire the alarm.
3. If there is Tank Empty signal, fire the alarm.

Flowchart for pump on signal

Figure.5. flowchart for pump trip

Flow chart for pressure

Figure.6. flowchart for pressure

Figure.4. flowchart for pump

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International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014

Flow chart for temperature

3. When the trip bit is ON, start the buzzer

Figure.7. flow chart for temperature

Figure.11. result when Pump 11 is Tripped and
buzzer in ON
Software testing result
1. When pump is ON

Figure.9. result when pump1 is ON

Figure.12. SCADA screen result

2. When pump 11 is tripped

The SCADA system implemented by this
method can be executed anywhere in the LAN
and operator can take immediate precautionary
action. This system helps in reducing the
breakdown time. After implementing the
system they observed that 98% reduction in
breakdown due to cooling tower, 95%
Figure.10. result when pump 11 is tripped

978-1-4799-3759-2/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE 5
International Conference on Convergence of Technology - 2014

reduction in overflow of tank also100%

reduction in tank empty condition. In case of
pressure drop, it generates alarm so immediate
action for pump on/off maintain the 3 bar
(required) pressure.


In future system can be expand the features
like auto industrial water addition based on
level of tank, use TDS sensor for continuously
sensing and monitoring the TDS of water.GSM
module can be use to get message on mobile
for any abnormalities in the system

[1] Haider Ali, Ahmed Ali, Riaz Ul Hassnain Syed,
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[2] Afarulrazi Abu Bakar, Hairulazwan Hashim, Md
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2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[3] Zafer Aydogmus , Omur Aydomus, "A Web Based
Remote Access Labrotory Using SCADA", IEEE
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[5] B. Qiu and H. B. Gooir, "Web-Based SCADA
Display System (WSD) for Access via Internet ",
VOL-15, NO 2, MAY 2000

978-1-4799-3759-2/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE 6
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