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Fighting a killer of 800,000 plus deaths

Over 69 weeks, the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention collected data
showing that depression and anxiety in adults are 4 times worse than they were in the
year 2019. As rates of both depression and anxiety skyrocket so have suicide rates. For
the year 2021 alone in the state of Utah, there have been 654 suicides according to the
(World Population Review). That is about 2 suicides a day over a year.
As a young adult that suffers from both anxiety and depression, it can be really
easy to fall into depression. Overstimulation of emotions can trigger a breakdown or the
begging of an episode. At 18 I have a full-time job along with being a full-time student
in college and it can be easy to forget about my mental health and my overall well-
beingI’veve realized with the help of my family makes it a lot easier when they ask
hoI’mIm doing and make surI’mIm keeping up to date with my medication. The little
things do help. So how can families help reduce the high rates of depression and anxiety
in young adults?
The ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America) states that 85% of
college students say they had felt overwhelmed by everything they had to do at some
point within the past year and 41.6% state anxiety as their top presenting concern.
We could help young adults by checking up on their mental health pretty
regularly. We can help them set their schedules and maybe even provide them with
reminders for important events. By doing some of these simple things we can be helping
someone get back on track with their mental health because they aren't overly stressed. If
you know someone is struggling with depression and anxiety the best thing you can do
sometimes is just give them a little boost when they’re down.
The best way to offer help of any form is to let the person who suffering know
that you are there for them no matter what. As you witness people around you suffer from
any mental illness you learn over time what their symptoms are. People tend to develop
habits and common routines, these routines can even show when someone is having an
episode. The CDC recommends young adults find ways to connect with their friends
without contact, stay active, maintain a healthy diet /sleep schedule, and most
importantly have time so you can just relax and let loose. These are extremely important
habits to obtain for anyone especially during the current pandemic as they can help boost
your mental health.
If you’re trying to help a young adult through their depression important than
trying to support some else with a mental disorder to try to keep them held accountable.
When someone hits a depressive episode they can fall out of everyday common routines.
It could the simple task of brushing your hair. Depression symptoms can include
“tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort”(Mayo Clinic).
If you know a young adult suffering from depression and anxiety dont be afraid to
help. If these mental disorders go untreated without any form of health they can cause
death. It’s important to be there for anyone who suffering dont be afraid to reach out to
some else.

ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of American). “Teens/College Students.”

ADAA, ADAA., 29 Sept. 2021,


CDC. “Young Adults: Care for Yourself One Small Way Each Day.” CDC, CDC, 2021,

Care-for-Yourself.pdf. Accessed 3 Nov. 2021.

DeAngelis, Tori. “Depression and Anxiety Escalate during COVID.” American

Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 1 Nov. 2021,

Mayo Clinic. “Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) - Symptoms and Causes.” Mayo

Clinic, 3 Feb. 2018,




World Health Organization. “Depression.” World Health Organization, World Health

Organization, 13 Sept. 2021,



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