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Polymer Degradarion and Smbilit,y 59 (1998) 8 I ~84

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Properties and applications of xanthan gum

Barbara Katzbauer
Jungbunzlauer International AG, St. Alban-Vorstadt 90, Postfach, 4002 Basel, Switzerland

(Accepted 19 June 1997)

Xanthan gum is a natural high molecular weight polysaccharide produced by a

fermentation process. Due to its exceptional rheological properties it is a very
effective stabilizer for water-based systems. Its numerous areas of application
cover a broad range, from the food industry to oil drilling. Typical food appli-
cations of xanthan gum are salad dressings, sauces, gravies, dairy products, des-
serts, low-calorie foods and convenience foods in general. Xanthan gum is also
used in cleaners, coatings, polishes and in agricultural flowables. 0 1998 Elsevier
Science Limited. All rights reserved

1 INTRODUCTION mostly O-acetylated and the terminal mannose

may be substituted by a 4,6-linked pyruvic acid
In 1961 the initial important research publications ketal. The molecular weight of xanthan gum is
on the production of xanthan gum appeared.’ The approximately 2 million g/mo13
research laboratories of the US Department of The secondary structure of xanthan gum has
Agriculture discovered that the bacterium Xuntho- been shown to consist of a five-fold helical struc-
menus campestris found on cabbage plants produces ture.4 The xanthan gum molecule undergoes a
an extracellular polysaccharide with exceptional thermally induced order-disorder conformational
rheological properties. Since then a number of transition. The disordered form is favored by low
improvements in polysaccharide manufacture have salt concentrations and high temperatures,5
been made. Today, xanthan gum is the most whereas salt stabilizes the ordered conformation.6
important microbial polysaccharide commercially. Most publications give evidence that the ordered
Prior to its approval as a food ingredient xanthan conformation of xanthan is double-stranded or
gum had been extensively investigated with respect to dimeric.7-9
toxicology and safety. In 1969 it was cleared as a food
additive by the FDA (Fed. Reg. 345376) and regis-
tered in the Code of Federal Regulations (2.1 CFR 5 3 PRODUCTION
172.695) for use as a stabilizer and a thickener. In
1980 the EC approved Xanthan Gum under the Typically, Xunthomonas campestris is cultured in a
number E415 in the list of permitted thickeners and well-aerated and well-agitated fermenter. The
stabilizers. In 1988 the AD1 (acceptable daily intake) medium contains a carbohydrate source, such as
of xanthan gum was altered into ‘not specified’, thus glucose, a suitable nitrogen source and nutrient
confirming its status of a safe food additive. salts. When the fermentation has finished the broth
is heated to kill the bacteria and the xanthan gum is
recovered by precipitation with isopropyl alcohol.
2 STRUCTURE Then the polymer is dried, milled and packaged.

Xanthan gum consists of 1,4-linked B-D-glucose

residues, having a trisaccharide side chain attached 4 PROPERTIES
to alternate D-glucosyl residues.2 The backbone of
the polymer is similar to that of cellulose. The side Xanthan gum is soluble in cold and hot water. Like
chains are /?-D-mannose- 1,4$-D-glucuronic acid- most other hydrocolloids xanthan gum needs
1,2-a-D-mannose, where the internal mannose is intensive agitation upon introduction into the
82 B. Katzbauer

aqueous medium in order to avoid the formation Of particular interest is the system xanthan gum-
of lumps. locust bean gum because a firm, rubbery, thermo-
Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flow reversible gel is formed through the mixture of two
caused by its internal friction. The viscosity of ‘non-gelling’ components.
Newtonian fluids like water or oil depends solely Mixtures of xanthan gum-guar gum do not
on temperature (and to some extent on pressure), usually gel but show significantly enhanced viscos-
whereas non-Newtonian fluids show a flow ities compared to the viscosities of the sole com-
behavior which depends on time and/or shear ponents.
rate. Xanthan gum solutions are non-Newtonian Synergistic interactions also take place between
and highly pseudoplastic. The apparent viscosity starch and xanthan gum under the conditons of
changes significantly when different shear stresses cooking extrusion.14 These extrudates were
are applied-the higher the shear, the lower the shown to be advantageous in several bakery
viscosity. products in order to obtain increased moisture
The marked shear-thinning behavior of xanthan retention.
gum solutions may be explained by the con- Under certain conditions the thermal stability of
formational status of the polymer molecules. xanthan gum against hydrolysis is superior to
Domains of associated xanthan gum chains exist many other water-soluble polysaccharides or poly-
at rest or at low shear, which are stabilized by mers in general, 9 It is believed that the helical
hydrogen bonds. lo On shearing the extent of structure of xanthan gum in its ordered form pro-
aggregation is reduced resulting in a lower solution tects the molecule from depolymerization. The
viscosity. viscosity of xanthan gum solutions is only mini-
This pseudoplasticity enhances sensory qualities mally affected by heat treatment steps during
(flavor release, mouth feel) in food products and processing, e.g. sterilization.
guarantees a high degree of mixability, pumpability Xanthan gum is stable over a broad range of pH
and pourability. The three-dimensional network values. This fact is important for cleaners as well as
formed by the associated chains makes xanthan for acidic food applications such as salad dressings
gum an efficient stabilizer for suspensions and and fruit systems.
emulsions. The ordered conformation of xanthan gum,
In order to adjust the desired flow behavior xan- which is believed to be responsible for the
than gum is often used in combination with other extraordinary stability of the polymer, is stabi-
hydrocolloids. Synergistic interactions between lized by salt. Therefore, the presence of salt is
hydrocolloids are of special commercial interest, as necessary for optimum functionality of xanthan
they offer the possibility of novel functionalities on gum.
the one hand and of using reduced levels of hydro- As xanthan gum is a naturally occurring poly-
colloids, and possibly reduced cost, on the other. mer it is fully biodegradable (completely within
Xanthan gum interacts synergistically with 2days, DIN 38412-L25). Although the backbone
galactomannans, e.g. locust bean gum and guar of xanthan gum is similar to that of cellulose, it
gum and glucomannans like konjac mannan. is resistent to the attack of commonly occurring
Galactomannan polysaccharides occur as reserve cellulases. The trisaccharide side chains are
material in a wide range of legume seeds. They likely to be a barrier to enzymatic attack. Fungal
consist of a 1,4+-D-mannan backbone with single celluloses were shown to catalyse cleavage of
1,6-a-D-galactopyranosyl units attached at the 0-6- the main chain when xanthan gum is in the
positon of certain D-mannopyranosyl residues. disordered form, but it is not attacked in the
The content of galactose and the distribution of ordered helix conformation.” For this reason
galactose residues in the galactomannan can have a xanthan gum is a very stable thickener and stabi-
significant influence on the interaction properties lizer, even for applications with high enzymatic
with xanthan gum molecules. 1* Maximum synergism activity.
is obtained when xanthan gum/galactomannan Xanthan gum is, like many other gums (except
mixtures are heated above the order-disorder starch products), non-digestible in humans and
transition temperature of xanthan gum.i2 In salt serves to lower the calorific content of foods and
solutions the synergistic effect is somewhat smaller improve their passage through the gastrointestinal
as salt stabilizes the ordered conformation of tracti The calorific value of xanthan gum is about
xanthan gum synergism. l3 0.6 kcal/g.
Properties and applications of xanthan gum 83

5 APPLICATIONS fat food systems use the water-binding abilities of

xanthan gum. For example, xanthan gum has been
5.1 Food applications shown to provide moistness in low-fat muffins.” In
low-fat frankfurters, xanthan gum considerably
Because of its special structure xanthan gum is reduced the reheating losses. ‘*
used in various different industrial applications. Reduction of oil can reduce the physical stability
The most prominent among them is its use as of oil-in-water emulsions. For example, low-fat
stabilizer and thickener in salad dressings. Due to salad dressings will contain a polysaccharide like
the three-dimensional network formed by the xanthan gum to increase the viscosity of the aque-
associated xanthan gum chains, oiling off and ous phase and so stabilize the system.”
separation of insoluble solid particles is prevented. Further examples for the use of xanthan gum in
Further, the shear-thinning flow behavior con- low-fat products are the following: mayonnaise,
tributes to mixability, pumpability and pourability bakery fillings, processed cheese, spreads, dairy
of industrially produced dressings and sauces. products, ready-to-prepare meals.
In soups and gravies xanthan gum prevents Another ‘food’ application of xanthan gum is its
thickness and acts as a stabilizer in order to pro- use as stabilizer in liquid animal feed products such
vide syneresis. as calf milk replacers.
Many of today’s prepared foods, semi-prepared
foods and convenience foods would not be possible 5.2 Cosmetics and pharmaceutical applications
without stabilizers and thickeners. In order to
adjust the desired flow behavior xanthan gum is The most important xanthan gum application in
often used in combination with other hydrocolloids. the field of cosmetics is in toothpastes. The shear
In bakery products the addition of xanthan gum thinning flow behavior of xanthan gum allows easy
improves the cohesion of starch granules, con- extrusion from the tube or from the pump dis-
tributes to the structure and increases shelf-life due penser. It also ensures a toothpaste that will keep a
to moisture retention. stable stand on the brush. The shear thinning
Further, it is used in prepared cake mixes in order characteristics also improve the dispersion on and
to control batter rheology and gas entrainment. the rinsing from the teeth. Toothpastes thickened
Frozen foods may show syneresis after one or with xanthan gum have a bright, shiny cord with
two freeze-thaw cycles. Xanthan gum can improve short flow behavior.
the product stability by binding free water. This Xanthan gum is used as a thickener and stabi-
limits ice crystal growth and provides the desired lizer in personal care products like creams, eye
texture. conture gels and the like. Typical xanthan gels feel
In desserts, toppings, as well as in dairy pro- very gentle and soft due to their shear thinning
ducts, xanthan gum is used as a stabilizer, generally flow behavior.
in combination with other hydrocolloids. In emulsions or suspensions for pharmaceutical
Xanthan gum is very useful in products that use xanthan gum prevents the separation of inso-
contain alcohol. Although xanthan gum itself is luble ingredients, e.g. barium sulphate in X-ray
precipitated by alcohol it is tolerant up to about contrast media.
50%. This is an amount where other food gums
already show reduced viscosity build up. 5.3 Technical applications
In beverages xanthan gum is effective for sus-
pending fruit pulp for long periods of time. This In technical applications xanthan gum functions
gives the drink enhanced mouthfeel with full-bod- more or less the same as already mentioned for the
ied taste and good flavor release. This is especially food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. In
interesting for low-calorie drinks where sugars are agricultural chemicals the insoluble ingredients
totally or partially replaced by artificial sweeteners, have to be uniformly distributed even after long-
resulting in a ‘thinner’ consistency. term storage. Xanthan gum improves the spray-
The reduction or elimination of oil may greatly ability of plant control agents and reduces the drift
influence the overall appearance as well as the of the chemicals.
organoleptic feature of light-food systems. Hydro- High tolerance towards acids and alkali as well
colloids are the largest group of additives used in as good cling make xanthan gum very suitable for
reduced and no-fat convenience foods. Many low- application in cleaners.
84 B. Katzbauer

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