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By Willie D. Deadio Jr.

Hello, Love, Goodbye is a story about family, friends, Self-love, and Partnership. This is
a perfect movie to watch because it is closely related to our topic about Relationship. Also, we
can see how hard it is to balance the relationships between family, friends, partners, and
ourselves, and what relationship do we have to sacrifice to reach our dreams.
Since in the time of our Ancestors, we have a motto that have been passed down to us,
“La Familia es primera”, which means “Family comes first”. This was taught to us by our
Grandparents and Parents. They teach this because they want us to remember that the
achievements that we make, the road that we take, was all thanks to them. The Love and Support
that they have given for us to reach our goals, and now we must repay them, not all with money,
but with love and support because they are already old. This was shown in the movie when Joy
cast away her dreams to help her family first. She dreamt to be a nurse but end up being a
Domestic Helper in Hong Kong. She was selfless, supporting her blind Father and her siblings
without any signs of hesitations. I learned that sometimes we should think about others
especially our Family even if we have our own dreams and wants.
Friends are the people that have been part of our life. There are friends that help us in our
times of need. Friends that listen and understand the things you have been through. We have so
many but little are true. In the movie, Joy has friends and they help her to get through the
hardships in Hong Kong because they have experienced it and they don’t want to left Joy behind.
They find ways to help Joy. This shows that friends are the one who supports you and they are
your allies in the challenges of life.
Self- love means you love yourself. It is not bad to love yourself sometimes. In the
movie, Joy showed that sometimes you have to choose yourself than others. Choosing yourself
means you love who you are and willing to sacrifice all, even your partner, to reach your goals
and dreams in life. I learned that choosing myself is not bad because sometimes you need to
know yourself worth and to find yourself. Also, there are sacrifices to be made. Let God plan,
just trust him.
Partnership which includes romantic relationships and marriage. In the movie, Joy met
Ethan and they got into a relationship. Soon Ethan tries to stop Joy on reaching her dreams in
Canada but in the end, He accepted it and they spent the rest of the days, together. I learned that
love cannot grow without trust and acceptance because if you do not trust and accept one other,
your relationship will not last.
In conclusion, these kinds of Personal Relationship have a connection and the movie tells
it all. Support, love, and Trust are the best way to build the foundation of a healthy and strong
relationship with your family, friends, self and to your partners.

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