Jyotish 1956 C J Krishnasamy Indian Astrology

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(Bharatiya JyotisHa Shastra-)


B 0 M B; A Y
chapter I—General 1
Time limit—Hindu time tkble^-six divisions of
Astrology (1): Lunar tndnths (2): Solar year •
Hindu cycle of 60 years (3);
Chapter II-^-Description of planets
Sun-Moon' (5): Mars-Mercury (6): Jupiter (7):
Venus-Satum (8): Rahu-Kethu .(9):
Navamsa—Lords of Navamsas (10); Calculation of
Dasas (12):
chapter IV—Planetary avasthas (states)
Planetary Avasthas-^results (13)
Nirayana position of Planets—Udaya Lagiia—Duration
of Rasis (16): Navamsa^—Drekkanas (17);
Chapter VI—Signieigange OF Lagna and OTHER
First to Fifth houses (19): Sixth to Ninth houses (20) i
Tenth to Twelfth houses (21):
Direction—caste—sex—friends (23): Aspects (24):
Shad-balas (25): Planetary war (26): Karakatwams
Chapter yill—Planets
Strength-—cblouf & form—rnpon, moderate, strong or
weak (28): Rising—re side nce—age-^-Eords of (29):
Sights and Gharaters (32')i: Stages and states (3 2);
chapter IX—Planets—-Enemies and friends
Mars (34;),> Venus (35;: Mercury (36) : Moon' (37) r
Sun^fJupitS (-38): Saruxii (39):
S Page
n^w-gp-^rCH^ciausTics OF LXg.nas Sol
or / r es
^* Vrishabha or Taurus (44):
\«fK7Big or Gemini (49)1 Katak'a or Cancer (51)'
Sinha or Leo (55)1 Kaii^ or Virgo (58) : Thula
or Libra (62)1 Vrishehika or Scorpio (64): DhahtU
or Sagittarius (67): Makara or Capricorn (70) 1
Kumbha or Aquarius (73): Meena or Pisces (76);
chapter XI—Some peculiarities of lagnas 80
Mesha (80); Vrishabha (82); Mithuna (83);
Kataka (85); Sinha (86): Kanya (88): Thula
(90): Vrisbshika (92); Dhanus (94): Makara (95) ;
Kumbha (97); Meena (99);
chapter XII—Planets as lords of houses , . 101
Sun—Sinha Lagna (101) : Mars—Mesha Lagna (102) :
Mars—Vrishehika Lagna (104) : Mercury—Mithuna
Lagna (105): Mercury—-Kanya Lagna (107);
Moon—Kataka Lagna (108): Venus—Vrishabha
Lagna (110): Venus-^Thula Lagna (112): Jupiter
^Dhahur Lagna (113); Jupiter—Meena Lagna
(115): Saturn—Makara Lagna (116); Saturn—
Kumbha Lagna (118):
Lagnadhipathi—Strong—Week (120); Lagnadhipathi
=-MalefiG—-Benefic (121): Lords of 6i 8 an d 12 (124 ) .:
Points to be noted (128) :
Necessary requisites (13:1),:
chapter XV—Female Horosoopv 136
Mangalya House-Complexion-Profession (136):
yaFh mJivitlLaiyn-iO-jl KujaTla"the (142):
hfiimes each to
Birth during (3i\asidns* (144): Mula (145)":
Aslesha (146): Ganda periods (147); Effects of Vela
(time) (150): Kala Hora (151): Balarishta (152):
Chapter XVIII—Ayurda'ya or LONGEVITY OF LIFE 153
Balarishta (153): Conditions for Short life (156):
Middle life (157): Long life. Death (158):
Sub-periods (160): Lords of Sub-periods (162):
Sthula Kala Dasas (163):
Rules for examining results (166) ;
Eight parts—-Placing marks (169): General effects
(171): Lagna should get more points (173):
■ chapter XXII—-Disease .. .. .. ;. 175
Sixth House as indicator of disease (175):
Appjeiidix*-^ Dasabhukthi tables.
Shri C. J. Krishn35301/5 work on Bharatiya Jyorisha Shastra
is the quintessence of his experience of more tbaa forty y«ars.
He 1$ a very leading and senior practitioner of this science and
has examined numerous horoscopes. He has been connected with
the Bombay Astrological Society (established in 1892 *..0. and
affiliated to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan since 1944 a.d.) as an
Hon. Professor for more than a decade and has delivered highly
interesting and instructive lectures to students who have heard
him with rapt attention As a matter of fact, the publication of
this work is more due to the insistence of his students who have
desired to have his instructions in a consolidated book form.
The method adopted by Shri Krishnasamy is very simple.
To a bare horoscope he applies certain set rules and the jntricale
planetary positions
begin to appear amazingly clear. ;>hri
(Knshnasamy s exposition is simple and yet it appears nOvcL
AJ1 the rules which he applies have a basis in ancient texts.
Shri Krishnasamy lays the greatest emphasis on the strength
of LagnadhipatL He adds that it must be well placed from the
Yogakaraka. If the Lagoadhipati, whether a benefic or malefic,
is in evil houses, then it should have the aspect or conjunction of
Tmlefics only. An exalted Lagnadhipati would lose its strength if
aspected even by a benefic which happens to rule a bad house.
The Lords of the 6thj 8th and 12th houses, should be as weak
as possible. Venus in the !2th house from Lagna is very good;
with the Lord of the 12th house, Venus in the 12th house is
still better.
While examining a Bhava all other allied Bhavas need analysis.
A Bhava indicates many things but each particular aspect which
is being examined needs several considerations, including the
position of the Karaka. for that Bhava,
Shri Krishnasamy .has very instructively pointed out that
the Lagnas are arranged in heavens in Such a way that the Raahis
represent their respective Lords with the respective aspects of the
latter. A special chapter has been added on the subject and it is
very important in giving a clear idea of what each Lagna is capable
of. This is a very valuable contribution of Shri Krishnasamy.
Similarly there are some very interesting observations in the chapter
on Lagnas. The treatment of Yogas and Avayogas for each Lagna,
its assessment and the method for reading the Dnshas (only
Vimshotta-ri system as taken into consideration) are also instructive.
Venus in the lllh either from Lagna or Chandra is always
taken as bad. The author takes disposition in its wider sense and
takes that a disposing planet which sits in the Uchcha Rashi of
the disposed planet gives Uchchatva to the latter. For marriage,
the author has presented a novel method.
The author believes that the strength of the l2lh. 5th and
10th houses represent the Sanchita, Prarabdha and Aagaami of
a person.
The most learned and highly intercs ting port ion is the
Introduction of the author wherein he bases all astrology on the
Advaita Philosophy and has given his own interpretations regarding
the exaltation and debilitation of planets. This is indeed a very
unique and novel interpretation and stands to reason.
The author has given numerous illustrative horoscopes for each
Lagiia to elucidate the various points he has dealt with in his
learned treatise.
Jyotisha is one of the six Angus of the Vedas and without a
study of it, the study of Vedic lore is considered as incomplete.
Jyotisha is Triskanda of which hora or the predictive portion forms
only one part As the au;hor observes, this science is meant to
improve one's so«jI it Is claimed that with an advanced study of
the Subject, it is possible to find out at what stage of evolution a
person presently is and whether there is any likelihood of making
further progress or not.
Jyotisha has undoubtedly been studied by all nations through-
out the world from time immemorial. India, Egypt, Chaldca, China,
Japan, Tibet, Persia, Greece, Arabia and other coumrics have
.i^jduousJy-rstudied this subject and made valuable contributions.
The methods employed in this work by Siiri C. J. Krishnasamy
arc Nirayana or based on the fixed zodiac.
Shri Krishnasamy relics on the analysis of the natal chart
and then mainly applies the Vimshottari dasa system and the
Gocharas or transits. Practically all the rules which he has
emphasised are traceable in the old classical texts in Sanskrit and
Shri Krishnasamy's emphasis on them and the precision with which
he applies these rules make them appear new and refreshing,
it has been a pleasure for many to hear Shri Krishnasamy
expound these rules in a class room, or an audience of friends and
earnest students. With quick rapidity he places illustrations after
illustrations on the blackboard to show how these rules apply in
sjjecific cases. The present work represents tlic collected experience
of the author and he has devoted a pretty long time over seeing
that the work becomes as complete and uselul as possible. It is
hoped that this work will be very helpful to the students of the
subject and guide them in properly appreciating the Bharatiya
J yotisha Shastra.
Registrar. J. H. DAVE M.A., ll.b.,
Blutratiy* Vidya. Bhavan. Advocate {OS.}
\2th August 1956.
The writer feels that he must ttnc^er ao apology to the
public for launching another book on Astrology, espcciaUy at a
time, wbea it is being decried In and out of season by so many
great and small. It is a Divine Science for the help of mankind.
It is a.component part of the Vedas and they will not be complete
if it is removed. This Science was originally meant, probably to
help a man improve his soul, and as days advanced, its outlook
was made greater. It is the writer's belief that a study of this
Science Is very helpful to every individual, in that it shows his
limitations, defects, etc. If he tries to profit by its advicet he
certainly will be a better person, more contented and peaceful.
He will not run after a mirage. Every man cannot achieve the
same greatness. There can be no further rise after a certain
height and then the fall commences. Every man must try tO
keep to the height he has moved to and not begin to climb down.
He mwst know when to get out. Many ambitious people did
rise bur after a certain height, they fell—ignominiously too. The
purpose of this Science is to warn one of that.
We always talk of the Lagna. as the most important
house in any horoscope, but what exactly the word "Lagna"
means ? In Sanskrit, the term "Lagna" is derived from the root
'Lag' meaning to meet. Then the question will arise what has
met what ? The general conception is that a particular individusi
was bont at the time when the Heaven and Earth were meeting
together on what is known as the horizon in the cast. The Zodiac
is a stationary affair. The Earth owing to its revolution not only
of itself but also round the Sun, is obliged to face a certain
portion of the Zodiac every day at a certain ticnc, and hence
it is understood that the individual was bom just at the time
when a certain particular portion of the Zodiac was being faced
by the place concerned on the Earth, and that sign is called Ihr
Coming lo the Horizon, the horizon itself is an imaginary
point, for the Earth and the Sky never meet. It is just as much
as saying that two parallel lines are meeting. For the purpose
of argument, they are said to meet at infinity, a thing about
which we speak but which we know not. Therefore, there must
have been two things to meet; otherwise there cannot be a meeting
place. If in the Lagna, two things have met« then the question
arises what has met what ? To thiSj an explanation is necessary.
It mav be argued thus: Something can never become nothing.
Nothing will never become something. Therefore, something will
always remain something and nothing will always remain nothing.
Therefore we can decide without controversy on the subiect that
there has been something in existence all through and THAT
will continue to exist aii through and there was no time when
THAT ceased to exist. THAT sGT^hing may be called infinity
or knowledge or God, or Nature, or bv other name a man
chooses though the substance itself never ccasei ^0 exist. The
question may be argued if everything is THAT, then why tms
great diversity that we see ?
Scientists have been able to discover that the basic substances
in all metals are same and that the difference in the metals
is due to difference in composiiion and arrangement which has
caused all the difference between tin, lead, iron, gold, silver
etc. Therefore, we can again say that this something is in
existence. This something has the capacity to multiply itself,
to divide- itself, to annihilate jlSSif. ill short anything it chooses
to do, the why and wherefore of it are beyond thought,
question or enquiry. This infinity or light is all pervading and
everything in the world is a part and parrel of that infinity and
that infinity can manifest itself in any form or shnpe. Now this
infinity decides to throw off a speck and THAT, when it is
thrown out of that infinity, is separated and it has to meet with
that which is not THAT, Wc shall say then it has been thrown
out of the light it meets something. It meets what ? A darkness,
because it is not lhat. But then, the question will arise where
can darkness be when our premises was that everything is light.
But the darkness also is a portion of that infinity or light.
Acharya Sankara described it as "MAYA" or "ILLUSION",
That is why in the Lagna. it is said that this soul, a portion
that infinity, meets with a daihness. That is why astrologers
do not like the presence of malefic planets in the Lagna, malefic
planets meaning darkness. No astrologer likes Saturn, Rahu or
Kethu in the Lagna. That will only mean that there has been
a greater admixture of the darkness with this soul, and therefore,
the native will be forced to put in more labour to achieve
things in life before the darkness is dispelled, and this is the
The Second house is said to be the house of death. In fact
it is considered to be the most powerful death-inflicting house.
Why should it be so ? This light has been enveloped by a. darkness
in the Lagna and the result of it is the apparent cessation of
existence of this light, and hence death, as we put it. Since it
has separated from the Infinity, it has to sustain itself and
therefore this house represents mouth, etc. and all the other
necessities, that are required in procuring these.
The Third house indicates brothers, courage etc. Can this
light bo ever extinguished? No. Thfi light can never cease to
be in existence. The realisation of the existence of a darkness
which is really non-cxistcnt, is courage; the lack of it will mean
timidity or fear etc. So long as a person is under the illusion that
a certain string is a serpent, there is fear in him, but the moment
the person realises that after all it is a string and not a serpent,
fear ceases to exist and courage comes instead. This soul is not
yet subject to any limitation of space or time, and hence, it is
able to see everything in itself and itself in everything. Therefore,
the third house speaks of brothers and sisters, for it is the
sign of the universal brotherhood—masonic lodges etc. come under
its sway. When applied to individuals, it speaks of his or her own
brothers or sisters.
. The question how arises what is this apparent cessation of
existence of the soul, and the subsequent realisation of the non-
existence of darkness. Every question means an answer, an answer
means knowledge gained, and that is the Fourth house. Now it
decides to take a vehicle. What is the vehicle ? The body which
each individual is having is the vehicle. Therefore the fourth
house is called the "Vahana Sthana" meaning conveyance, carriage
etc. But the real vahana is only the physical body. When once
it has taken a body, the necessity arises to find a place for it.
For, it has subjected itself to limitation of space and time, and
that place was first found in the mother's womb and that is why,
the Fourth house is called "Mathru Sthana" for it is the mother
that gave the place and the fourth house is again called a "Kshetra
Sthana" meaning lands etc. and the first friend is also the mother.
The outcome of all knowledge must be Gnana and that is
the Fifth house. When once a man has Gnana, the past, present
and future are all before him and it is also called the "Poorva
Ptinya Sthana" for with the aid of his knowledge, he can have
a knowledge of his Poorva Punya. Here Poorva Punya does not
necessarily mean good, it means evil also, That the child
in the womb has Gnana the Puranas say. Prahlada was initiated
in the BhaJcti of Vishnu while yet in his mother's womb by
Sage Narada and Arjuna was prevented by Sri Krishna from
completely explaining the intricacies of Padma Vyuha to
Abhimanyu, his son„ who was in his mother's womb at the time,
and the child was listening to the father though his mother
Subhadra was fast asleep.
We now proceed to the Sixth house because there is nothing
static or stationary in this world and everything is on the move.
It sees opposite to it, "the house of infinity of which it formed a
component part and from which it has separated itself and has
subjected itself to a limitation of space, time etc. Therefore, the
feeling of compunction, sorrow and regret and this house, the
6ih house, is called the house of enemies, sorrow etc.
It now decides to take a partner and that is the Seventh house,
and it takes as a partner that which is not that. Therefore nliaT1
takes woman as a partner and woman takes man as a partner.
an illustration we may say that two wires carrying the same
^ of current of electricity will not attract each other but will
repel each other. Like repels like and unlike attracts. That is
why man takes a woman as a partner and vice-versa.
Then the question arises how long this partnership is to
continuc_means a fixation of time. The partnership ceases to exist
when one of them dies. Therefore the limitation of lime is shown
in the Eighth house and this house is called the house of Longevity
or life-duration.
It now decides to take a preceptor or a Guru, and who best is
fitted to be your Guru than the man who has been the cause of your
creation, your father. But one thing must be remembered, he
cannot be considered to be a father, who has not initiated his
children into his Dharma, though he might have married the
mother of the individual. Among Brahmins, it can be seen that
if the father should die without having intiated his son into his
Dharma, the son is not allowed to do his Karma, What then ?
Was he not the son before he was initiated ? No, the father has
not done his duty. And this Ninth house is more a Guru-sthana
or Tapas-sthana or Dharma-stliana than the Pilm-sthana.
After the initiation, practice or action is necessary and that
is the Tenth house, which is called the house of Karma. Thecess-
tion of all activities of this physical body will mean death or
darkness, which is the Eleventh house, and Com the darkness it
goes back into Eternal Life, the Twelfth house, from whidi it may
be pushed back again.
It will be very interesing to observe that the first Nakshalra
begins from Aswini and ruler of it is Kcthu. It is the Moksha
Karaka suggesting that the individual has come from a certain
Moksha. Thus the first house (the twelfth house) belongs to
Jupiter, and Jupiter is the planet responsible for all spiritual
education as against the material education for which Mercury is
responsible. And the last house is Meena wherein the Nakshalras
are Poorva Bhadrapada, UattarBhadrapadaand Revai, ruled by
Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury respectively. If the nativel ehas not
taken advantage of Jupiter, he shall have to suffer at h hands
of Saturn, and Saturn is the planet which teaches to the native
more by adversities than by kindness. Bui Saturn has a value
its own. By means of adversity, it teaches the native the
emptiness of the world. And then comes , Mercury, a planet oj*
healing and also education, to see if he has profited by the
teachings of Saturn, and then goes into the hands of Kclhu
which planet either retains him in the infinity or sends ^
native out of it to fulfil his unexpired Karma. It is veiy curious
thai the twenty seven stars have been divided into three parts
of nine each, the first ending with Kataka, the second starting
again in Simhaand ending in Vrischika and the third beginning
again in D ha mis and eanding with Meena.
Almost all the great sages of the world have been born either
in Meena or in Kataka or in Vrischika. Swami Ramthirlha jg
said to have been born in Meena. But somehow Vrischika does
not seem to have been favoured so much as the two signs Meena
and Kataka, for probably they are the signs of bcncfics, Jupiter
and Moon respectively.
A few more ihings may be given, for instance, the Seventh
house is placed very favourably from 1, 4 and 10. The partner
may take particular care of the individual, may try to please the
individual and give him happiness and may induce him into
action, but may not induce him to such action as to take him to
Eternity or Infinity and the goal of each individual must be to
reach THAT. That is why the seventh and twelfth houses are
inimically placed from each other.
The tenlh house is the house of action. The fifth house
is the house of Poorva Punaya. The fourth house is opposite to
the house of Karma. The idea therein being your Poorva Puny a
may tempt you (o do such acts to which you have already an
inclination or a predisposition, but the fourth house, the house of
knowledge is facing the tenth house advising you to use your
knowledge and not merely be guided by the fifth house, which
may induce to such action as may not be agreeable to you in
future. A number of instances like this can be quoted to explain
the spirit of Astrology. Suffice it for the present.
There are three kinds of Karma—SANCHITHA,
Sanchitha is the store house of all your actions, good, bad,
or indiffcrcniv of all your previous sojourns. The twelfth house
can be said to represent this.
The fifth house can be said to be Prarabdha. That much
you have taken out of this Sanchitha to spend during the present
existence is Prarabdha, the fifth house. The word Agami itself
suggests that which you are creating and that can be said to be
the tenth house.
Your Prarabdha may lead you astray, but then there is the
help of knowledge in the fourth house given to you to help in your
Agami, for your A garni becomes Sanchitha, to become a Prarabdha
of some other day. Hence to say tliaE Astrology is a fatalistic
Science, to the mind of the writer, is not appealing Man is not
an automaton in the hands of fate. There is the free-will in
man. No doubt destiny or Prarabdha may incline the native to
a certain extent, but the native should never be its plaything.
The purpose of the science is to minimise the trouble of every
individual by proper advice and counsel and not to magnify it
to the detriment of the individual. To be fore-warned is to be
fore-armed. This science is not at all obligatory or dictatorial
or fatalistic. It is highly advisory and a guide for people who
can see. Of course to the blind, the science is blind. This science
must be the handmaid of the individual and not at all the mistress
and all this is written with the intention of stimulating thought
and enquiry on the philolosophic aspect of astrolggy.
It can be observed that among the nine planets which are
generally taken seriously into consideration, Sun is a krura meaning
a stem planet but must not be called a malefic Moon is a benefic
or malefic according as she is waxing or waning. Mars is a malefic.
Mercury is a benefic or malefic depending on its association,
Jupiter a benefic, Venus a benefic, Saturn, Rahu and Keihu
are malefics.
Jupiter; Venus, half Moon and Mercury make three
benefics, while Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Kcthu, half Moon and half
Mercury and Sun (malefic on account of sternness) make six
malefcs probably thus denofing that there is twice as much of
darkness, niisery and unhappiness as light, knowledge and
happiness in this world.
Sun gets exalted in Mesha in Aswini which belongs to Kcthu
the Moksha Karak and Sun is Atmakarak. Moksha is not a thing
which one gets for the asking and one has to light for it. It is the
Atman thatcan realise Moksha or liberation of soul. Sun gets debi-
litated in Thula in Swati and the Lord is Rahu a shadowy planet.
Is it any wonder that Sun hates such a condition and feds
debilitated ? Moon gets exalted in Vrishabha the house of Venus
but in the Nakshatra Krultika of which the Lord is Sun, The.
mind can approach the Aiman cannot realise it. Moon gels
debilitated in Vrischika but in Visakha whose lord is Guru, the
planeLfor spiritual advice. When Moon cannot rise higher, she
seeks the help of the spiritual preceptor, Jupiter. Mars gets exalted
in the house of Saturn an enemy of his but in the Nakshalra
Dhanishla, whose Lord is Mars himself. A warrior in enemy's
house revels in his own Nakshalra. Mars gets debilitated in Cancer,
in the Nakshalra Aslesha whose Lord is Budha, the planet of
learning; The Lord of the house is Moon—the mind, Mars seeks
advice from Budha.
Mercury gets exalted in its own house in the N akshalra Hasta
whose Lord is Chandra. Any amount of learning can take one upto
the raiad but not beyond. Mercury gets debilitated in the house
of Jupiter in the Nakshalra Uttarabhadrapada whose lord is
Saturn. This being a malefic by nature, all the learning goes to
Guru gets exalted in Kataka in Pushyami whose lord is Saturn,
to the house of Moon, showingthat the great selfless planet feels at
home in any place. He gets debilitated in Makara in Uttarashadha
whose Lord is Sun, indicating he can go down to the level of AJniat
in the Nakshatra Aswini which belongs to Kcthu—the Moksha
Venus gets exalted in the house of Jupiter in the Nakshatra
Revati whose Lord is Budha. Sukra, a pleasure-loving planet, revels
with Budha, She gets debilitated in Kanya in the Nakshatra Chittra
whose Lord is Mars and seeks the protection of a fighter,
Saturn gets exalted in the house of Venus in the Nakshatra
Swati whose Lord is Rahu. Venus is a pleasure-loving planet and
Rahu is a dark shadowy planet. No wonder that Saturn feels
exalted there. He gets debilitated in Mesha in the house of Mars
in the Nakshatra Aswini which belongs to Kethu the Moksha
What are the pre-requisites of a "Sanyasin" or of a man who
is in God's way, or whose spirit has turned towards Eternity, or
towards Infinity ? A powerful Kethu giving him the desire for
Moksha, and a beautiful Guru giving him the inclination for
spiritual uplift. But all others have had to pass through a great
stress and pain, as can be evidenced by the life of Bhagwan
Shree RamanaMaharshi, who, in his youth left his native place to
Thiruvannamalai, and where he practised an austere severe penance
for a number of years. His Lagna was Scorpio.
Take the case of Shree Arabindo Ghosh. After a certain struggle
in the political life his thoughts suddenly went up towards the
spiritual uplift of the soul. He chose and had in Pondichery his
Ashram, and the miracles which these two are said to have done,
are a legend.
Take the case of Shree Ramatinga Swamigal of Vadalur. He
was married. How unhappy he was in marriage, everybody knows.
How he mourned and wept to achieve God, some of his own
poems tell us. About thirty years ago, I had the good fourtune
of meeting one very old gentleman who knew Ramalinga Swamigal
in person. Even today my ears are ringing with the history of the
Saint, which the gentleman so kindly related to me at Vadalur,
in the South. His Lagna was given as Meena (Pisces).
Coming to Saint Shree Tyagaraja, we find that he was bom
in the sign Cancer, with Moon and Kethu in it. Jupiter in ij!C
2nd house, Rahu in the 7th house, Sun and Mercury in the
house, Saturn and Venus in the llih house, and Mars in the
]2ih house. What more powerful combination of planets can exist
than this to show that a great soul was born ? This horoscope
requires a special study.
Moon, the lord of the Lagna, is in her own house; Sun, the
Lord of the 2nd house, is in exaltation and Venus, the Lord of
the U ill house, is in her own house with a friendly Saturn. This
definitely indicates that the native must have inunense wealth.
But then a malefic planet in the Lagna and most fortunately Kethu
gives the first indication that the native is more likely to think
of Moksha than money.
Jupiter in the 2nd house, in the experience of the writer,
always means poverty, though truthfulness and honesty may be
there. The Lord of the 2nd house is in exaltation, but it is with
the Lord of the 12th house. Whenever a benefic planet is well
situated, it shall not have the aspect or conjunction of any other
planet. But Mercury's conjunction with Sun vitiates the benefic
effecte of Ravi being in exaltation. Hence, the question of money
falls to the ground for Mercury is the Lord of the I2Lli house.
The Lagna itself is having the aspect of a malefic Saturn.
Therefore, the individual should suffer, for we have said that
the Lagna shall not have the aspect of any malefic planet.
The Lord of the 4th house indicating mind and mental peace
is in conjunction with Salurn. Therefore, a very ruffled and worried
mind could be seen. Note that Moon as Karaka for mind is under
affliction The Lord of the 5ih and 10th houses, Mars, however
much it may have a mutual reception with Mercury, is after all
in the 12th house from the Lagna, denying the native all material
pleasures, for, this planet is in the 8th house from the 5th house
and in the 3rd house from the lOlh house, and this position can
never be considered to be good.
No doubt married twice, but why should he marry ? The
Kalallua-karaka, Venus is with the Kalatbra-slhanathipati,
Saiurn, and it is always said, that the conjunction between the
Karaka and the Bhavadhipati is always good and hence his
marriage. Rahu, in the 7th house, especially with the aspect of
another malefic Mars, caused the death of his wife and marriage
again. But, who can say at this distant lime whether he married
out of his own free-will or owing to the pressure of his relatives ?
That he had a lot of courage in him, can be seen by the aspect
of Mars on the 3rd house, for such an adventure as the Saint had
undertaken requires a lot of courage. One particular point here is
that the Lord of tile 12ih house, the Moksha sthana, is in conjun-
ction with Sun—the Atma-karak, the most powerful of all the
planets, in exaltation and with the aspect of Jupiter, not merely a
spiritual planet but also a planet who happens to be here the Lord
ofthe 9th house, and 9th house use If represents Dharmaand Tapas,
and both Sun and Mercury are in a Kendra from Kethu, besides
being placed in the 11th house from the 12th house, the house of
Thai the native passed through various stage of mental
evolution curt be seen by his various songs that he has sung at
different limes and if one cares to study his Dasas and Ehuklis*
one can easily find out the menial condition ofthe individual and
even a chronological record of his songs can be taken froratime to
lime according as his mind developed, for, at one time, he says,
"How am 1 to decide You? Who are You?" At another time he
says: "Did Garuda refuse to bring you to the Earth"? Yet at
another lime he says : "Why don't you give me such wisdom as
eiders have had or as great people have or had"? On some other
occasion he says: "There are so many great people and to all of
lhem I bow", just saying that his pride or ego was humbled down.
I can dilate upon this horoscope lo a much larger extent-
Regarding the question of his knowledge in Music,one forgets
that whatever he ullercd was music. Not that he composed- songs
for the sake of music but the songs themselves were music. To
say thai he had tried to produce songs for the purpose of music
will be cmircly wrong. Everything was music about hini. Why in
this musical from? That can be said to be due to the stronc
Venus in her own house, in conjunction with a friendly Saturn
He was not considered to be a great poet, He never aspired
to be one,
Jl is claimed that Astrology can reveal one's past, present
and future not only of this birth bill also of the previous and the
one to come. It is also true that there arc no positive methods to
ascertain the truth or otherwise of these. To Ihc writer's mind it may
be possible to find out in what stage of evolution the person bom is
and whether he is going to progress or not, A suggestion is being
made here. It is known also that each Lagna has its own certain
peculiar characteristics and each planet likewise, Jupiter owns
Dhanus and Meena the 91h and 121h houses from Mcsha, Ihc
houses indicating Dharma. Tapas, etc. and the oilier speaking of
Moksha, liberation of soul etc. Mars is a fiery, martial planet
more interested in worldly things than spiritual. Ill sign Mesha
there are the Nakshatras Aswini, Bharani and Kruttika, of Kethu,
Sukra and Surya. All persons in tills Lagna will not have the same
tendencies and one may try to seek the cause of difference from
the Nakshlra position in which he was bom. Then the twelfth
house may be examined, as to which particular Nakshatra rules
the exact degree and the characteristics of the planet which is its
lord, and which other planets arc influencing that Bhava and their
nature. Then the fifth house may be examined in the same way
and one can arrive at a certain conclusion co-ordinaling al' these
three. For a confirmation, Chandra Lagna also may be examined
in the same way, so also its fifth and the twelfth houses. We may
now be able to get an overall picture of the person being completely
worldly minded, having Hie Rupee as his God, or Will! a scopcfor
spiritual development turning Ins mind towards higher things and
God. Then, whether the individual will try to improve himself or
nol will have [o he studied. This may be done by ex;i mining his
environments, from his bind chart and the implications of the
ninth house from which may be understood the sort of Gum or
preceptor, the person IS likely lo have. Take Ihc case of Prahlada.
He had the good foriune of having as his Gum Sri Narada even
while he was in his mother's womb, though he was born in a
family of Rakshasas, sworn enemies of Vishnu and bent upon
destroying Vishnu. At a later age also Sage Narada comes to him
after he was born and instructs him. More such illustialiens can
be given from our Puranas. The trials and tribulations Prahlada
had lo undergo,every Hindu must have read about. He successfully
overcame them only by his faith, complete resignation in God
and his great Bbakti. By His Grace, god teaches man the emptiness
of the world, lo dilTercru people in different ways. Of course the
teaching itself depends on the individual and his capacity. Saint
Tukaram, Dyancshwar, Kabir, Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa,
Sri Ramana Maharishi, Sri Arabindo Ghosh and a host of others
can be quoted as examples.
Then the lOlh house from the Lagna, the house of Karma has
to be examined in the same way to find out how fat the native
is going lo put imo practice the teaching of his Guru. The writer
need not be misunderstood when he says the percentage of people
doing their Gayatri given to them at the tituc of Upanayaaam,
wiJl be very small, and progressively more so, when the number
of times fixed to be done as three, is taken into consideration. Of
course there will be ready reasons adduced, want of lime, etc.
Now one can have a fair idea of whether the native is taking a
step or more higher or lower ia the path of final emancipation.
Some people learn by fear, some by love, some by kindness,
sonic from charity and there are so many diverse methods by
which a person learns. Perhaps thai is the reason why there is
a big Hindu pantheon of Gods. Kali, the terrible; Siva, the
kind-hearted; Parvati, the good; and so on. Yet, these are all forms
of the same God, the same infinity, or by whatever name one
may choose to call Man is given the choice according as his
mental development allows him to understand, and Sri Krishna
has said in the Bhasavat Gilathat "He is everything".
If only, but it is a very big 'IF'—man tries to bring God into
himself and tries lo realise that all arc His creatures and that
every one has a riglu (o live on this Earth, and the man in power
and his meanest servant are all one, war and all fears of war, the
savage destruction caused, will never be perpetrated. Ail wars
were fought to prevail a future war and each lime a greater war
with more fierce weapons has always been fought 1
OM Shanli Shami Shami

In this second edition I have made a few changes. Under
the heading "Appendix1' a few principles have been explained
to help the reader in the study of this book and 10 apply the
I have to acknowledge with grateful thanks the kindness
rendered to nic by Sri W. Viswcswariah M-A., D.L, B.Ed., in
going througEt the book. 1 shall be failing in my duty if 1 do
not acknowledge with grateful thanks the services rendered to me
by my good friends, Sri Jagmohandas Boda and Sri P. T-
Trivedi M.A., LL.B.
My thanks arc due to Mr. Subbu, the General Manager,
Tata Press Limited. Bombay, for the unfailing courtesy ani
indulgence he has shown during the printing of this book.
A day - 24 hours
An hour = 60 minutes
A minute = 60 seconds
I day = 86,400 seconds.
A day = 60 ghatikas
A ghaiika - 60 vighatikas
A vighati 60 liptas
A lipca 60 viliptas
A vilipta =: 60 paras
A para 60 latparas
\ day _ 46,656,000,000 tatparas.
Time is eternal. It cannot be measured. But. a change may
happen in a thing, as mud becoming a pot by the labour of a
potter. This new form may be said to have started at a certain
particular time and its destruction by being broken etc. also may
be indicated by a certain time. This duration or interim period
when it existed as a pot, is the limitation of time for the thing.
Astrology may be divided into six divisions :
(0 Vegetable horoscopy,
(2) Animal horoscopy.
(3) Human horoscopy.
(4) Mundane horoscopy.
(5) Horary horoscopy.
(fit Eleciional horoscopy or Muhurt.
No. 1 indicates the seasons and mostly relates to crops and
weather conditions.
No. 2 indicates animals, their increase, decrease etc.
No. 3 speaks of human beings.
No. 4 refers to countries and places.
No. 5 deals with knowing future through prasna or ques-
tioning time.
No. 6 speaksofmcthodsorselcction of auspicious time for
performance of important functions in life.
As can be seen Moon takes about 27 days to pass through ihc
entire Zodiac. Sun lakes about a month lo pass through each Rasi-
But the next month will not commence unless the New Moon has
taken place and this will mean roughly another two days and a
quarter making a total of 29-3/4 days. The din'crcncc in the
Lunar and Solar months would become loo great. Therefore in
the Lunar system once in about three years, a year gets thirteen
months to bring it into conformity wtih the Solar years.
The year is divided into 12 months.
The Lunnr months are—
Chaitra When Moon finishes a round and Amavasya
Vaisakha or New Moon occurs, a month cids and the
Jycshta next begins from the first day after the
Ash ad a New Moon.
Sravana The months got their names from the fact that
Bhadrapada on the Full Moon day. during the month
Aswijam of Chaitra, Nakshatra will be Chiimu
Margashira Vaisakha Visakha
Pushya Jycshta Jyeshia
Mag ham As ha da Pu rv a shada
Phaiguna Sravana Sravana
Bhadrapada Bhadrapada
Aswina Aswini
Kartika Kniuika
Margashira Mrigasira
Pushyam Pushya mi
Mag ha Mak ha
PluilGuna LIllam Pluiluuni
The Solar year has also twelve months called—
Chiltrat Adi Alpisi Thai
Vykasi Avani Karthikoi Masi
Ani Pcrattasi Margali Panguni
These months arc calculated according to the enlry of Sun
into each Rasi fiom Mesha
Prabliava 1927—1928 Hevilarabi 1957—1958
Vibhava 1928—1929 Vilambi 1958—1959
Sukla 1929—1930 Vikari 1959—1960
Pramoduta 1930—1931 Sarwari 1960—1961
Prajolpatiy 1931—1932 Piava 1961—1962
Angirasa 1932-1933 Subhakrit 1962—1963
Srimukha 1933—1934 Sobhakrii 1963—1964
Bhava 1934-1935 Krodhi 1964—1965
Yuva 1935—1536 Viswavasu 1965—1966
Dhatu 1936—1937 Parabhava 1966-1967
Iswara 1937—1938 Plavanga 1967—1968
Bahudhanya 1938—1939 Keelaka 1968—1969
Praraadhi 1939—1940 Soumya 1969-1970
Vikrama 1940—194 [ Sadharana 1970-1971
Vishu 1941—1942 Virodhikrit 1971—1972
Cliitrabhaou 1942—1943 Paridhavi 1972-1973
Swabhanu 1943—1944 Pramadcccha 1973-1974
T arana 1944—1945 Ananda 1974-1975
Parthiva 1945—1946 Rakshasa 1975-1976
Vyaya 1946—1947 Nala 1976-1977
SatA'ajil 1947—1948 Pingala 1977—1978
Sarvadhari I94S—1949 Kalayuktl 1978-1979
Virodlii 1949—1950 Siddhadri 1979—1980
Vikruti l-oD—1951 Rowdri 1980—1981
Khara 1951—1952 Durmati 1981-1982
Nandana 1952-1953 Duradubi 1982—1983
Vijaya 1953—1954 Rudrotgari 1983-1954
Jaya 1954—1955 Raktakshi 1984-1985
Manmaiha 1955—1956 KrOdhana 1985-1986
Durmukhi 1956—1957 Akshaya 1986-1987
Each year is said to produce certain effects indcpendcnllv on
its own and that refers not to individual but has a distinct bcarinR
on mundane horoscopy with particular reference to general masses.
Name of Planet Takes to mot'c in sign orRasi.
Sun Surya aboutonc month
Moon — Chandra days
Mars — Manual or Kuja 45 days
Mercury — Budha about a month
Jupiter — Guru ». a year
Venus — Sukra ,, a month
Saturn — Sani ,, 2|-years
Dragon's Head— Rahu or Ascend ing Node „ l-J- years
Dragon'sTail — Kethu or Descend tag Node „ M
Sun & Moon never have a retrograde motion but have an
accelerated or retarded motion.
Rahu and Kcthu have ulvvavs a retrograde motion.
All other planets have direct, retrograde, accelerated or
retarded motion
Sun is the king of planets. He is cruel, a male and Kshatriya.
by caste. Sun should never be mistaken to be a malefic He has
broad shoulders. He is tall and majestic, possessing few hair,
orbilltous disposition, possesses strong bones and eyes of yellow
colour. Body is both red and black mixed and is broad, loves war.
Strong during day. He is lean, [ikes bitter and pungent things,
loves truth, is charitable, righteous God'fearing, loving and helps
others. He is dignified, honourable, generous, punctual and has
very good and serious manners. He is industrious, entertains noble
thoughts. He and his will are botli powerful. Sun causes diseases
in the heart, in the eyes, in the arteries, in the lungs and in
the vital organs. He wanders through forests. He is 50 years old
in appearance. Wears cloth of thick thread. Sun represents the
soul in man.
Moon ;
She is also considered as a king among planets but next to
Sun. Represents the mind as Sun represents the soul. She is
waxing or waning according as she is in the bright half or in
the dark half. The former is called Sukla pakshami and the latter.
Krishna Pakshami. Waxing Moon is a benefic. Waning Moon
is a malefic. Some hold that Moon must be considered to be a
benefic hum 5ih of Sukla Pakshami to the 5th of Krishna
Pakshami, and afterwards a malefic. Moon is a female and
Vaisya by caue. She is Strong during night, as Sun is during
day. She is of attractive appearance, capable of knowing things,
of attractive quality, while in colour, fickle-minded, wavering,
of windy and phlegmatic constitution, possesses more Mood. Speaks
sweet words and is kind-hearted. Round and tall body. She is
a good friend, ofswr wic temperament, mild, loves truth, charitable,
God-fearing, righteous, loving and helps others. Fair in complexion
and of a large slalure. Short arms, thick hands and fect |ajp
grey eyes, round face, and of a very hopeful nature. Malefic
Moon causes venereal diseases and nose inflammalion. Wears a
new cloth and likes salt.
He is a commander-in-cliief. Represents the physical strength
in man. He is cruel, malefic and a male, of Kshatriya caste, of
tyrannising temper, wicked, a little tall, and always young. Has
eyes of kapila colour, of a billious nature. Bad habits and of
unsteady tcmpcraTneiu. Possesses the lustre of the end of a lotus
leaf. Lustful and passionate in the extreme. He is a fiery planet.
Likes astringent taste. He has sparkling eyes and is of a fiery
complexion. He is steady, brave, strong, bony, fond of war and
generous. He is also treacherous, cruel and of a fighting spirit. He
is confident, rash, angry, violent and commanding. His constitution
is healthy. Causes quarrels, la/.incss. cruelty, decent, passions and
desires. Diseases of fever, small-pox, carbuncle, swelling in dtc
scrotum, boils, diseases caused by poverty, headache, jaundice,
diseases in private parts, stone in the bladder, phlegm, wounds,
hurts and gun-shots. By occupation, he is a soldier, but also a
doctor, barber, blacksmith and mechanic. Mars has (bur feet and
resides in mountains and forests. Has sharp and cruel eyes. Young
body, generous, of unsteady mind, a narrow waist and has strong
marrow in his bones. Wears partly burnt cloth, likes bincr and
sour taste.
He is hcir-apparcm or prince. Represents speech. Bencfic
when associated with benofics, malefic when associated with
malefics. He is Shudra by caste and is impotent. Some call him
female eunuch. He is of middle slalure. kind words, colour of
grass, has visible hollow nerves and is shrewd in business. Possesses
thick skin, is windy, billious and phlegmatic Always happy and
joyous. Rajasic temper. An airy planet. He is green and has mixed
taste. Well-informed, courageous, luxurious and loves romantic
enterprises, fond of women. Short in stature. He is either masculine
or feminine, lucky or unlucky accordinc his position in a
Iu>to»»:»>pc. He of lender ado ar.d gives a vigorous and active
mind ami wood moinory By iiamrc he is cold, dry and melancholy.
If stroii'! tn a horoscore, makes the native changeable, clean,
excitable, strong and rcrvoiH. knows well astrology, philosophy,
maihcmalicv.politics, poeirj. science and merchandise. Is well-
educated and mccnious. If not well placed in a horoscope, makes
the native mean, cunning, thief, messenger or a servant. He is
ftnwou> to plea.se ami oblige others. He is open-hearted and
Uilkaiivc. ComnKtiuls messages, post and telegraph offices, editors
and cleiks. Knows also law. is an orator with powers of persuasion,,
cinscs nlllkiions of brain, imdncis., lethargy,, siammcring. loss of
memory, hnarse throat, dry cough, nervous disorders in handsand
feel. Wears wet cloth.
Jupiter :
Prime nnaklcr. Rcrrcscms knowledge and happiness. Hcndlc
planet, male, nulunin by caste, has eyes of ibe colour of honey,
inielligcni. sts.iu body, phlegmatic nature, white colour, possesses
gold coloured h:»;r. Strong constitution and short Insumirc. Saiwic
b\ lenipcramcnl. an earthly planet, is of a bright yellow co'oui.
Likes sweet tilings. He is mild, lovcrof truth, charitable, righteous,
God-fearing, loves a rdhelpsothers,bcncvolem. mcreiful,sacrificing,
pliil:imhr».pic, jovial, honest and devotional. \eiy clever, the
Lireest planet, has straight body, high forehead, brown and ruddy
eomplevion. long leys and feel, always pure motives. If Jupiter
best long in a horoscope he makes the native jovial, religious and
honest. Ifaspccicd by Saturn or Mars, he will be a jolly good
fellow, no man's enemy but his own. His mental qualities are
mirth, religion, honour, magnanimity, benevolence and hope, He
is the plan el ofjoyand hope, sympathy, and true generosity. Makes
personsconscivati\c,c;uholic, orthodox and formal. By profession
Jupiter U minister, judge, lawyer and priest. Good by nature,
travels invillagcs. likes early marriagesand isof even temperament.
He isyinilhCul and makes i esearehes in science, has high intellectual
abilities and possesses strong flesh. Causes disorders of the liver.
spleen, lungs, heart, fever, impuriiy of blood and indigeslion. wear
used cloth.
Venus :
Venus is also prime minister, Represents lust and
She is a bcnclic and a Brahmin, female, of asliclitlv dark''1"10'1
broad joints and black hair. Likes enjoynienl and plgj^,". '•
an attractive petsonality, windy and phlegmatic nmur"^
pleasant speech and of plenty of vital fluid, Itcjasic iCm'
ment, watery, dull planet, neither white nor black, .vj 3
symmclricul body, I'kcs sour taste: a person of taste lovj
romantic, well-informed and enterprising. Fond of women con'
rageous and luxurious. She is caMcd morning or evening stat ]"r
powerful in a horoscope, makes the native beantifuhvith spatkim.
eyes, ruddy lips, smooth hair, amorous look, merry countenance.
Smart voice, fond of perfumes and scents, knows music and
embroidery, influences all love affairs and refinement. She b
cheerful, bind, happy, charitable, well-disposed, modest, winy,
refined and amiable. Jf Sukra is alllicted and badly placed in a
horoscope, she represents the lower order of the votaries, of
voluptuousness, makes the native profligate, careless, amorous,
indiscriminate and fond of bad company. Causes sore throal,
venereal diseases and diseases connected with urine, gcnilals.loins,
spleen, kidneys, diabetes and impotency. Loves women, of middle
aac. lustrul, delicnle, inlelliscnt and lias charming eyes. Knows
Science and has kind looks. Speaks sofi words, knows music,lows
sexual enjoyment, a watery planet, leads a conifortahlc life, Iras
curly black hair, wears strons cloth.
Saturn :
Saturn isaservanl. Represents sorrow, ismalefic andimpoleni.
Weakest of all the planets, belongs to a low or mired
and tall, eyes of kapilacolour.dehcale body, ^w gau.Has
nerves and is of a very blaming disposinon. Ear ^
bitter things. Cheat, tale-bearer, quarrelsome, si . d
cruel. Labourer. The -teaicsl malignant plauciy Sam
1 lie Mar of >oi row. LiKCj. pungent lliioes. He is ol' old-age. It'
Sahim be sirring in a horoscope, makes the native shy. averse to
society, careful of his affairs and family, an si ere, averse to changes,
siubborn. morose, fanciful,and subtle for his own ends. Takes
longjourneys, gives steady results commensurate with the labour,
causes diseases from cold, melancholy, epilepsy, leprosy, listula
pains in limbs and joints,, gout deafness, rheumatism, stammering
dumbness. By occupation he is a servant, farmer, miner, poller.
brick-maker, scavcngci, carter, gardner, cow-keeper, in fact labour
in general. Causes re-marriage, has owl's eyes, rotten nails, rotten
liair. over eats, loves Mlechchhas and Chandalas, a male eunuch,
of Taw or re temperament, wears torn cloth.
Rahu :
A shadowy plan el, fisher-mancaste.a female, aMlcchchha, of
wicked disposition, moves in Apasavya direction, is courageous
and daring, has a Serpent body, troublesome and cunning. A
malefic, rcsido in mountains and forests, causes epilepsy, pox,
worms, suicide, leprosy.
Kclhu ;
Also a shadowy planet. Catches snakes and is a Sa ny asm, goc>
on begging, is of a mixed caste, knows mantras, is a physician,
grateful hut cunning, makes pilgrimages, practises Yoga, has divine
strength and helps in going to salvation.
PKincl Exaltation. Highest
degree. Elation
Sun. Mcsha iO 0
or e
^ Prcssion ^-^Kl
Moon. Vrishabha 3° Thuia
Mars. Makara 2SD
riSchika IVh
Mercury. Kanya 15° KaiaVa no
Jupiier. Kataka Mccna &
50 Makara
Venus. Mccna 27° Kanya 5«
Saturn. Thula 20° W
Mesha 20"
_ The seventh s.gn from the home of csahalion is i,..,
tation sign. Exaltation means strength and dcbilliato (nm,
weakness. Planetsin "TogradCTOOtionarestrong.Bumun^
in exaltation arc retrograde, they give neccha results orrat
results. Planets in rclrogration in debilitation arc strong. T^ty
give corresponding results.
A rashi when divided into nine parts cacb paniscaJtdj
navamsa. Each navamsa is a pada or onc-foorib parted
nakshalra. Each rasi has 2+ naksbalras. Each nakshatralosfa
pans The navamsa for Mcsha will be from McshatoDbimaiiJ
for Vrishabha will be from Makara to Kanya. nnd so on.
If 1 nlanet be in the same rasi and navamsa. it '« tdlri

planet is good or bad from Lagna. etc.

lords of navamsas
For Mesha, Simha and Dhanus. char.drt. 5. Sab
>■ Mar- 7 sur-
6. Budha. 7. bukra.
Vrishabha, Kanya and Makara :—
1. Sani. 2. Sani 3. Guru. 4. Mars. 5. Sukia. 6. Budlia.
7. Chandra. S. Suiya. and 9, Budha.
Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha :—
3. Moon, 2. Sun. 3- Budha. 4. Sukra. 5. Mars. 6. Guru.
7. Mars. S. Sukra. and 9. Budha.
Kataka, Vrischika and Mccna :—
I. Moot. 2. Sun. 3. Budha. 4. Sukra. 5. Mars. 6. Guru.
7. Sani. S. Sani. and 9. Gum.
Vargollaraa :—
1 si Navamsa in Mesha. Kaiaka, Thula, Makara.
5th Navamsain Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika, Kumbha.
9ih Navamsa in MUhuna. Kanya, Dhanus, Meena.
There arc 27 nakshaira^Yoga-taras.
(Abhijil is between Uuarashada & Shravana).
Aswini, Magha and Moola start with Keihu Dasa which runs
for 7 years.
Uharcmi, Poorvaphalouni and Poorvashadha start With Sukra Dasa
which runs for 20 years.
Kruitika, Uttaraplialeuni and Uuarashada start with SunDasafor
6 years.
Rohini. Hasta and Shravana start with Chandra Dasa for 10 years.
Mrigashlra, Chitlra, Dhanishla. $lart with Mars Dasa for 7 years.
Ardra, Swati and Satnbhisha start with Rahu Dasa for IS years.
Punarvasu, Vishakha and Poorvabhadrapada start with Gum Dasa
for 16 years.
Pushyami, Anuradha and Utiarabhadrapada start witli Shani Dasa
lor 19 years.
Aslesha, Jycshla and Revdli start witli Budha Dasa for 17 years.
From a Fanchanga find out the nakshtra ruling on ,h
day and see if Hie same nakshatra is ruling at the time of birth
if the next nakashlra has begun find out the durat'on ap
this on the day in question and on the next day. The total of
this Is called Adyanta or Total duration. Find out the uncxpircd
period of the nakshatra al the time of birth. Suppose thei0taj
number of ghalikas is 65. After birth the balance of nakshatra is
only 5 gh. Jf the Nakshatra should be Kruttika, the balance of
Sun's Dasaal birth will be l/13th of 6ycarsor Smooths I6davs
9 gh. etc.
Then the sequence has to be fbllowcd. Sun, Moon, Mars,
Rahu. Guru, Sani, Budha, K.cthu, Sukra. This is according to
Vimsholhari System where the total number of years for planets
is 120 years.
In every dasa, its own sub-period starts first. In Sun's Dasa,
the first sub-period will be that of Sun, the Moon, Mars, etc-
according to the sequence mentioned above.
The Planets arc given technical names according as they
are in :—
CD Exaltation (Dceptha).
(2) Own House (Swasiha).
(3) Athimithra House (Mudita).
(4) Friend's House (Shanta) Friend being benefic.
(5) Neutral House (fiifla).
(6) Enemy's House CDhukha or Dhukhilha).
(7) Associated with malcfics (Vikala).
fS) Being defeated in planetary war (Khala).
(9) Eclipsed in association with Sun (Kopi).
(10) In accelerated motion (Bheeta).
The results of these Avasthas :—
In the Dasa of a Dceptha planet the results will be success,
prosperity, purchase of lands, joy, maid-servanis. happines. respect
from relations, presents from King or Government.
In S wast ha Dasa : Wealth, happiness, learning, fame.respect,
wife and children.
In MuJiln Dasa: Good dress, lands, sweet scents and general
In Shanta Dasa : Patience, help from relations, courage, happy
occupation, learning, wealth and amusements.
In Hina Dasa : Change of residence, enmity with relations,
living by means of low and cunning deeds, and abandoned by
1 n Dhukha Dasa : Living in a foreign country, miserable, loss
of relations, fear from thieves, fire and punishment from the King.
In Vikala Dasa : Diflicultics, mental uneasiness, death of
parents, ihcfi of clothes belonging to wife and children and somc-
limes danger from vehicles or conveyances.
In Khala Dasa : Quarrels, separation from or death of wife
and sons, and of father, loss of wcallh, and of lands through
enemies, and blame from his people.
In Kopi Dasa : Many sins, loss of fame, loss of wife, loss of
wealth, loss of property through King or Government.
In Bhceta Dasa : Weak results.
The above are generalised statements. These may be usefiil in
taking into consideration with other conditions.
There are other Avasthas also which deservelo bcmcnlioned.
Ihcy are as follows i—
1. Bathing. 15. Anger.
2. Dressing. 16. Chewing betels.
3. Sweet scents. 17. Court entry.
4. Preparation forworship. 18. Crowning.
5. Prayer. 19. Private consultation.
6. Worship. 20. Delay.
7. Preparing for sacrifice. 21. Sleeping.
8. Meditation, 22 Drinking alcohol.
9. Kneeling. 23. Drinking sweet drinks.
10. Going round the altar. 24. Acquiring wealth.
11. Contemplation. 25. Removing the crown.
12. Receiving guests, 26. Profound sleep.
13. Dining. 27. Sexual union.
14. Drinking water.
To find out the condition of a planet in a horoscope at the
time of birth, the following method should be adopted. Find 0lri
the number of houses from Mcsha lo Lagna, both inclusive.
Then find out the number of houses from Lagna to the house
in which the planet is situated, both inclusive.
Add iliu uvci numbers and multiply (he sum by 2.
Multiply this product again by the number of years given for
the planetary Dasa period of the planet according to Yimsholtrm.
Divide the rcsuM by 27 and note the remainder. This number
shows the conditions of the planet in the above rule.
The conditions in 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, S. 9. ill 12, 16, 17, IR
19, 23 and 24 give good results.
The conditions in the remaining numbers give bad results.
1 here are elaborate methods of casliufi a horoscope. According
to the Writer, the following method can be employed with
advantage for a rough and ready reckoning. For this purpose,
Nirayana (ex-precession) position of planets has to be followed.
One must have a Panchangam meaning the live Angus tan
Almanac) before one begins to do it. Panchangam means the
book that gives you five Angas, viz. Titlii. Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga
and Karana.
Every Panchangam (Nirayana) has been calculated according
lo the conception of Ayanamsha degrees which each author holds.
In this book we are treating only Nirayana astrology.
One will have to find out the UdaMi Lagna or the Rashi
in which the Sun is moving during the month concerned, at ihe
lime of local sunrise on the date involved; then find out the number
of ghatikas remaining to be traversed by the Sun in thai Rashi. To
gel this, divide the number of ghatikas appropriate 10 the sign
occupied by the Sun by the number of days in the solar month and
multiply the result by the remaining number of days of the solar
month. The remaining ghatikas of the Sun's Rashi having thus
been arrived at, add to these the ghalika measure of the
next Rashi or Rashis as may be necessary lo arrive at the
total time represented by "Ishta",!. c. the period elapsed between the
sunrise and the moment of birth (or "Praslina" etc.). The last
Rashi by the addition of which the Ishta is arrived at will ll,€
Lagna. You will havethen to fix the planets in iht: homes :mJ this
you can do by referring to the Panchangam,
The duration of each rashi dillcrs according 10 laiiiude.
For example, Madras gets for Mesha 4 gliaiis and vighaiis.
Whereas Bombay gets for Mesha 4 abatis and 17 vighutis, and
on (Refer to Appendix.j
The next step will be lo find out the Navamsa (the ninth
division) which means thai each rashi is divided into 9 divisions.
This is useful in finding out in what part of the house a planet
is situated and whether it is a benefic or a malefic portion or the
portion of a friend or an enemy. This has also to be taken into
consideration when predictions are made. This is calculated thus;
for Mesha, the first Navamsa will begin witli Mesha itself and end
wish Dhanus. For Vrishabha the first Navamsa, will be of Makara.
because in Mesha last is Dhanus and after Dhanus we have
Makara and so on. For easy calculation, for Mesha, Simha and
Dhanus, count from Mesha; for Vrishabha, Kanya and Makara,
count from Makara; for Mithuna, Thula and Kutubha, count
from Thula; for Kataka, Vrischika and Mccna, count from
There is Drekkana or the 3 divisions of each house. There is
divided opinion :
(1) The lord of the first drekkana of any house will be the
lord himself: for the 2nd drekkana. the lord of the 5th house; the
lord of ihc 3rd drekkana will be the lord of the 9th house e.g. for
Mesha, the lord of ihe three drekkanas will be Kuja, Sun and
Guru, respectively.
(2) Another school of thoughtThe rash is are divided into
Cham. Sthira and Ubhaya, i e. movable, fixed and dual. The lord
of the three drekkanas lor movable signs will be the lords of the
1st, 5th and 9lh house fronithat house. For fixed rashis the lords
of the three drekkanas will be the lords of the 9th house, the 1st
house and the 5th house respectively; the drekkanas for the dual
houses wilii be that of the lords of the 5th house, the 91h house
and the 1st house respectively. For Mesha—chara rashi, the lords
of the three drekkanas will be Kuja, Sun and Guru. For Vrishabha
—a fixed rashi. the lord of the three drekkanas will be Saturn,
Venus and Mercury, and for Mithuna—a dual sign, the lords
of the three drekkanas will be Sukra, Saturn and Budha
Besides ibcNjvanisas and ihc Drekkanas. ihc Hindu Astrology
coniains elaborate considerations of other divisions or ^"irgas. ^i7:.
Hora (two divisions); Saplamamsa (seven divisions), Ashianutmsu
(dght divisions), Dasamsa (ten divisions). Dwadasamsa (twelve
divisions), Shodasamsa (sixteen division:-), Trimshansa (ihirtv
divisions) and Shashtyamsha (sixty divisions). These will ^
separately treated in a different work, as they form an indcrendcni
subject of study.
L:tRna or Frsl House fundamentally signifies body, besides
fame, tinibs. appearance, disposition, life, soul, character, wisdom,
habit, birth, inclination, mood, activity, age, strength, stature,
health, bodily happiness, complexion, beauty, high life, colour,
hair, weakness, politics, knowledge, splendour and place of birth.
Second House fundamentally signifies face, family, Wealth,
domeslic happiness, eyes, speech, debt and additionally thoughts,
prosperity, memory, pleasures, loss or gain, food, car, learning,
intelligence, cunning, savings, anger, pecuniary affairs, personal
property (i.c of exclusive use to one's own self), fortunes, relations,
fixed temperament, jewels, inauguration, metals, observation, right
eye, persons under protection, tongue, nails, silver, gold, precious
stones, passion, modesty, miserlines, comfort and taste.
Third House fundamentally signifies courage, Brothers,
besides anger, cars, mcals,skill,patience, sisters, friends,neighbours,
food, life period, short journeys, letters, mind, difficulty in food,
travels, cousins, ornaments, improvement, enterprise, clothing
steadiness, war, difficulty in getting food, power, instruction, help,
medicine, right arm, voice, servants, subordinates, power of hearing,
diseases in the car. gold and silver vessels, heroic deeds, capacity,
ability, daring, bnulo. meekness, skill and longevity of life.
Fourlli House fundamentally signifies Mother, lands, houses,
education, relations, happiness, conveyances besides tanks, wells,
cows, cat do gardens, agriculture, comfort, lineage, residence,
inheritance, water, travels, milk, palace, clothes, falsehood, true
words, distant relatives, properly, fields, benevolence, an, stores,
fort, mandap, flower gardens, heart, friends, things in the bottom,
ncclar, menial qualities, end of life and end of things, reputation,
popularity, love of work, scents, perspiration, oil bath, ornaments,
masses etc.
inoian Astrology
Fifth House fundamemallj- signifies sons, daughtcts I tls
intctleci, intelligence, Poorva Punya i.e. the Karma of a Catn!0115
birth besides manthras, success in speculation, betiin"^*
gambling, pleasures, enterprise, mind, discrimination, reafo an<1
father.lionour, religion, precepts, joy, worship of household deh2
modesty, belly, lottery, charily, hearing, feeding, merry makinj'
drinking eating, firm disposition, inheritance, father's kindred
geneology. ministership, advice, skill, care and caution, mcmorv'
secrecy, pride, good conduct, cooking, bathing and physical
Sixth House fundamentally signifies Enemies, disease, debts,
imprisonrncnl besides relations, servants, inferiors, small pels,
wounds, troubles, obstacles, difficulty in gelling foods, sorrow,
misery, poverty, maternal relations, fear, boils, step-mother, fear
of shame, good food, theft,, superstition, apex, injuries by weapons,
cousins from paternal side, calamity through women, intimidation,
vengeance, bad habits and diabetes.
Seventh House fundamentally signifies Wife or Husband,
marriage besides generosity, respect, lust, partnership, enjoyment,
lawsuits, adultery,death, public enemies, holy places, speculation,
love affairs, desires, immorality, sunset, description of wife or
husband, trade, forgelfulness, voyage, loss in living or occupation
quarrels with women, love of betel, opponents, public affairs,
obstacles to travelling, missing the way, private parts, sexual art
and conduct, music, dance, dealings, complications in urlJJ>E'
preference from King or Government, duration of wife s he,
freedom, character.
Eighth House fundamentally signifies Eife (longevitj), siu*
sorrow, hc|| rebirth besides legacies, personal property^
marriage partner, nature of death, happiness in lood, yeneia ^
diseases, diseases of the lower region, quarrels, torture to life, "
painful trouble, dowry, suddenly acquired wealtlh lotteries, oss»
occultism, danger, chronic diseases, obstacles, uneasiness, loss o
money, lose of limb, enmity, cruelly, dwelling houses 3s opP0
to agricultural lands arid hidden wealth.
Njilltl) House fundamcntaily signifies Guru, Father, virtuous
(iced, dharma'. prosperity, tapas besides faith, medicine, kindness,
long journey, rilgrimag!." religion, dreams, power, charity,
benevolence, bathing in holy" rivers, morality, purity of mind,
honour, credit, ceremonies, father's possession, luck and spiritual
learning, virtue, good company, good conduct, fame, public
beneficence, meritorious acts, wealth, irrigation, fertile fields and
gardens, good maternal relations, abode, elders, satisfaction of
desires, happiness which wealth can buy, divine favour, good works/'
brother and sister-in-law, grand-children, future; in short, general"1
Tenth House I'lindamenlally signifies Profession, Karma,
living, kingdom, authority besides fame, trade, clothes, employ-
ment, honour, credit, reputation, activity, charity, meals, deeds^
persons in power and aulhoiity. cooly, cultivation, medicine,
loss of honour, punishment, prices, treasure, titles, preferment,
business and success, gifts, presents, athletes, pride, .public
good, mercy, wisdom, mendicancy lorlilude,worship,concemratiom
living m foreign lands and countries, knowledge, credit, knees^
pre-eminence, king, government, general character, rank and
status, treasure-trove, adopted son, mother-in-law, service,
snnyasisllip and spiritual acts.
Kk-venih House fundamentally signifies Gains, Profits, Earnings
by sell, elder brother besides friends, hopes, wishes, mother's
prosperity sisters, miserlines, income, average daring, cooking,
left ear, slandering, acquisitions, legs, worship, son-in-law,followers,
paternal uncle, patrimony, dependence, insight vehicles, power
of overcoming, daughter-in-law, obstacles, and loss of wealth,
total income, clothes.
Twelfth Houses fundamentally si gnilics Losses, Expenditure and
Moksha besides bad deeds, travels, secret enemies, sorrow,
imprisonment, large cattle, sin.hell.spending,giving, bodily uoivble.
difficulties, public b'ame, mental anxieiy, inisfonunes, loss of sleep,
misery, dignity, deep occultism, sacrifice, left eye, prosperity in
profession, sell-undoing, tribulation, afftiction, defect in organs,
derangement of brain or miad, Sale of carriages and houses, fc,-.
back-biters, assassination, treason, suicide, pluck,joumcy.residra«
abroad, repose, sound sleep, disputes, waste of money,' adulierj,
bed comforts, excellent beds, generosity and real happiness.
In thi s i t will be se en that the same effects have been menlionnl
as being signified by more than one house. It means that the too
houses are inter-allied in giving effects; or it will be found to
one house in Bltavath-Bhavam 10 llic other. c.g. 5lti house is 3rd
from 3rd and therefore the 5lh house also will have to be considcicd
along with the 3rd house, so far as the things relating to the
3rd house are considered.
Sun is the Lond of East.
Sukra is the Lond of South Fast.
Kuja is the Lord of South.
Rahu is llic Lord of South West.
Sani is the Lond of West,
Chandra is the Lord of North West.
Budha is the Lond of North.
Guru is the Lond of North Past.
Guru and Sukra are Brahmins.
Sun and Kuja arc Kshatriyas.
Chandra is a Vaisya.
Budha is a Sudra.
Sani is an Out caste.
Sun. Kuja. Guru and Keihu are males.
Sukra and Chandra are females.
Sani, Budha and Rahu arc eunuchs.
Budha is n female eunuch.
Rahu is a male eunuch.
The influence of these planets determines the sex of the
children as well brothers and sisters. They are also very useful in
deltTJUining the sc. xpotency of a person.
Any planet which occupies the 2nd, 3rd, 41 h, 10th, llthand
12th houses from that of any given planet, becomes the temporary
friend of the given planet. The rest are enemies.
24 Indian Astrology
Planets which are both permanent and temporary friends
very good results. ^,vc
PJaocis which are permanent and temporary enemies eivcye
Planets which are permanent friends and temporary cnemics
or vice versa, give middling results.
!» 4, 7, 10 houses from Lagna are Kendras.
1, 5, 9 bouses from Lagna are Konas.
Mote:—The Lagna is both a Kendra and Konam. That is why
the situation of any planet in Lagna is said to be good.
Panaparas or next houses to Kendras:-These arc 2, 5,8 and
11 th houses from Lagna. Bui 5ih is a Kona and therefore must
be excluded.
ApofcJuuas or next houses to these are 3, 6, 9 and 12ih houses.
But here 9th must be excluded for it has been taken as a Kona.
Oopacbayas or Improving houses: These are 3, 6, 10 and Ihh
houses from Lagna.
All planets aspect the 3rd and lOib houses with a quarter sight.
All planets aspect 5ih and 9th houses with half sight.
All planets aspect 4th and 8ih houses with three-fourth sight.
All planets aspect the 7lli house in full,
Sani aspects chc 3rd and lOlh houses m full.
Guru aspects 5lh and 9lh houses in full.
Kuja aspects 4lh and 8th houses in full.
Sun, Chandra, Bud ha and Sukra give full results by their aspc
Kuja gives by his aspect thrcc-rouith results.
Guru gives half rcsults.
Sani gives quarter results.
Planets have Shad-Balas
The strength got by aspect is called ORIG-BALA.
By-slrengtli of position, STHAN-BALA.
By natural strength, NAISARCHIC-BALA.
By the strength of motion, CHESHTA-BALA.
By the strength of direction, DIK-BALA,
By the strength according to time, KALA-BALA.
Planets huvc Sihanabala when they occupy Vaishcshika
Vargas produced by the combination of any three or more of the
following conditions:—
1, Planets in their exaltation.
2, In moot alhrikona.
3, in a friend's house.
4, In own drekkana.
5, In own house.
6, In own navamsha.
7, Being :in the ascendant (LagtvO nnd possessing not less
than 5 points in Ashtaka Varga.
Planets have no strength when they do not have the aspect
of natural bcnclic planets or oilier such good influences and when
they arc in depression or associated with or aspected by inimical or
malefic planets or cccupy the Vargas of inimical or malefic planets
or possess few points in their Ashtaka Varga (less than live) or
when they occupy Ihe bad portions of a Rashi or when they arc
eclipsed by Sun or when they are defeated in planetary war,
Budha and Guru have Digbala in Lagna or in an Eastern
house. Sukra and Chandra have Digbala in tbe Fourth house or
a Northern House. Sani has Digbala in the 7th house or in a
Western House. Sun and Kuja have Digbala in the I Oth house or
a Southern house.
Sun, Budha, Gum and Sukra have Kalabala during day.
Chandra, Sani and Kuja have Kalabala ai night. In his hour,
day, month and year each planet is strong.
Benefic planets have strength in the bright half ^
malefic in the dark half of a lunar month. Budha is always stj.ong
Sukra, Budha, Kuja and Guru have Chcshtabala when ihey
are retrograde and victorious in planetary war. Sun and Chandra
have Cheshtabala in Utlarayana.
Naisargikabala is in the following order :—
Sun is of the highest strength and Sani of the lowest.
Sun 7; Chandra 6; Sukra 5: Guru 4; Budha 3; Kuja 2; and
Sani I.
Shadbala is measured thus :—
Drigbala 1; Chcshtabala 5; Slhanabala 5; Digbala I;
Naisargikabala 1; Kalabala 7.
Planets do harm by virtue of their position.
The Lords of movable houses occupying the Itth house,
the Lords of fixed houses occupying the 9th house and Lords
of dual house occupying the 7th house from their houses, do
harm. The houses they occupy also become harmful, if these
planets own at the same lime the houses occupied by Rahu.
Budha, Guru and Sukra become harmful if they occupy the
4lh. 5th and 71h houses respectively from Lagna.
Sani if he occupies the 8th house gives good and happy results.
Some hold that he may cause early death.
Planetary War
Sun defeats Sani.
Sani defeats Kuja.
Kuja defeats Guru.
Guru defeats Chandra.
Chandra defeats Sukra.
Sukra defeats Budha.
Budha defeats Chandra.
Planets are successful in war when they occupy the star
subsequent lo the star which Kuja occupies or when they occupy
the subsequent house, or As ma, i.e. to say if Kuja is behind and
the planet in question be in advance.
If Budha, Guru, Sukra and Sani are associated with Kuja?
they are defeated in war. The planet that is situated previous to
the star in which Kuja is situated, is a planet that is defeated in war.
Sun is the Karaka or indicator of the 1st house or Lagna.
Guru is the Karaka or indicator of the 2nd house.
Kuja is the Karaka or indicator of the 3rd house.
Chandra and Budha are the Karakas or indicators of the 41h
Guru is the Karaka or indicator of the 5th house.
Kuja and Sani arc the Karakas or indicators of the 6th house.
Sukra is the Karaka or indicator of the 7th house.
Sani is the Karaka or indicator of the 8 th house.
Sun and Guru are Karakas or indicators of the 9ch house.
Budha, Sani, Guru and Sun are the Karakas of indicators of
the lOtli house.
Gum is the Karaka or indicator of the 11th house.
Sani is the Karaka or indicator of the 12th house.
Sun is Karaka or indicator of father, eyes and body.
Moon is Karaka or indicator of mother and happiness.
Kuja is Karaka or indicator of brothers, lands and courage.
Budha is Karaka or indicator of intelligence, knowledge
and trade.
Guru is Karaka or indicator of children and wcallh.
Sukra is Karaka or indicator of marriage, wife, fa me, eyes and
Sani is Karaka or indicator of Longevity of life.
Rahu is Karaka or indicator of maternal grandfather and the
foreign languages.
Kclhu is Karaka or indicator of paternal grandfather,
salvation, bath in Ganges and mantras.
For further details regarding Karakalwaras refer to Chapter
on Rusis and their lords.
1. If any planet or planets be strong at the lime of bin!) of
a person in his horoscope, the mental qualities represented by ihe
said planets will be equally strong in the person. Ifthe planets are
weak, the corresponding mental qualities will also be weak: but in
the case of Sani alone, there is one exception and that is if
Sani is strong in the horoscope, the misery represcnied by Sani
will be less but if Sani is weak the misery will he great.
2. Colour and form of planets.
Sun has a form with dark red rays.
Moon has a youthful form with a white body.
Kuja is of a pale red colour.
Budha is of dark green colour of bent grass.
Guru has a body of yellow colour.
Sukra has a white body and is of variegated colour.
Sani is dark in colour.
Rahu has a black body.
Kethu has a variegated colour.
3. Planets are divided into lustrous, stars and dark planets.
Chandra and Sun are lustrous planets.
Kuja, Budha, Guru. Sukra and Sani are star planets.
Kethu and Rahu are dark planets.
Budha is extremely brilliant when he is 29° for from Sun.
Sukra is ., ,. ., she is 47°0 5.
Other planets are ., they are ISO „
4. In the first 10 days of a lunar month. Chandra is ol
moderate strength.
In the 2nd JQ days,Chandra is very auspicious and sKof^'
In the 3rd 10 days, Chandra has no strength but t
auspicious if aspected by benefic planets.
Rising of Hie Planets.
Sun. Kuja, Rahu, Sani rise with hinder part first.
Sukra. Chandra and Budha rise with head Ibremosi.
Guru rises both ways.
6 Forms of Planets.
Sun and. Budha are of the form of a bird.
Chandra is of ihc shape of a reptile.
Guru and Sukra are bipeds.
Sanl and Kuja are C|uacJrupeds.
7. Residence «r Pianvls.
Chandra and Sukra rest in water.
Guru and Budha live in places where learned men reside.
Kuja. Rahu, Sani, Kethu, Sun live in mountains and
8. Age of Planets.
Kuja is a child.
Budha is a boy.
Sukra is 16 years.
Guru is 30 years.
Sun is 50 years.
Chandra is 70 years.
Sani—100 years.
Rahu—100 years.
Kethu—100 years.
9. Lords of Material objects.
Guru, Sukra, Kuja, Budha are lords of vegetable kingdom.
Kuja and Sun are lords of minerals,
Chandra and Sani are lords of roots.
Sukra and Guru are lords of animal kingdom.
Budha is lord of all mixed.
10. Planets represent Substances,
Sun — Copper.
Kuja — Gold,
Guru — Silver,
S ani — Iron.
Chandra — Gems.
Budha — Alloy of metals,
Sukra — Pearls,
11. Planets represent Precious stones.
Sun — Ruby.
Chandra — Pearl.
Kuja — Coral.
Budha; — Emerald,
Guru — Topaz,
Sukra — Diamond,
Sani — Sapphire
Rahu and Kethu — Agate.
12. Planets represent Clothing
Sun — Thick cloth.
Chandra — New fine cloth.
Kuja — Cloth burnt by Tire,
Budha — Washed cloth.
Guru •— Ordinary cloth.
Sukra — Durable cloth.
Sani — A rag,
13. Planets are Lords of Directions^.
Sun is lord of East.
Sukra is lord of South-EasL
Kuja is lord of South.
Rahu is lord of South-West,
Sani is lord of West,
Chandra is lord of North-West.
Budha is lord of North.
Guru is lord of North-East.
IJ Planets are Lords of Seasons
Sukra is ford of Vasanlha.
Sun and Kuja are lords of Grceshma.
Chandra is lord of Varsha.
Budlia is lord of Sharad-
Guru is lord of Hcmanl.
Sani is lord of Shisldra.
IS, Planets own particular places.
Sun — Occupies a shrine.
Chandra — Shore or river bund-
Kuja — Fireplace.
D ltd fin — Pleasure ground.
Guru — Treasury.
Sukra — Bed-chamber.
Sani — Heap of rubbish.
Rahu and Kcihu — Comers of House.
. Planets arc Lords of Vedas.
Guru is lord of Rig Veda.
Budha is lord of At bar van Veda.
Kuja is lord of Sam a Veda.
Sukia is lord of Yajur Veda.
Planets. Caste. Nature Sex. Elements.
Sun. Kshatriya., Salwic. Male. Fire.
Chanel mi. Vaisya. Salwic. Female. Water.
Kuja. Kshatrlya Tamasic. Male. Fire.
Budha. Shu dm. Rajasic. Female Eunuch, Earth.
Guru. Brahmin. Sai vvic. Male. Air.
Sukra. Dnihmm. Rajnsic. Female. W ater.
Sani. Ou Icastc. Tamasic. Male Eunuch. Air.
Rahu. Boya. Tamasic Male Eunuch.
Kethu. Sanyasi. Satwic. Male.
N.B,—This nature should be predicted in individuals after
ascertaining lire screngUi of the planets that own, occupy and
aspect the Lagna and the house occupied by Chandra. Chiefly
the planet whose Trimsamsa Ravi occupies, gives the prominent
nature of the person.
18. Planels arc Lords of Internal Substances.
Kuja is the Lord of Marrow.
Sani ,. „ Muscle,
Guru „ „ Fat.
Sun „ Bone.
Sukra u „ Semen.
Chandra ^ Blood,
Budlia „ „ Skin.
19. Pin nets. Tasfc. Period of influence.
Sun. Pungent. 6 months.
Chandra. Saline. 2 pliatikas or 4S minuics.
Kuja. Bitter. 1 day.
Budha. Mixed. 2 month.
Guru. Sweet. 1 month.
Sukra. Astringent. 15 days.
Sani. Acid. 1 year.
20. Sight of Planets.
Sun and Kuja look upwards.
Sukra and Budha look sideways.
Chandra and Guru look evenly.
Rahu and Sani look downwards.
21. Planets have particular Characters.
Sun is steadfast.
Chandra is wandering and unsicady-
Kuja is violent.
Budha is mixture of various qualities.
Guru is gentle.
Sukra is light or easy.
Sani is harsh.
22. Planets have 5 stages of life in each house. ^
In Odd houses according to the number dcgrceS
a planet is said to be (in order)— (4) in
(I) in infancy, (2) in boyhood. P) 3^0 CsC,^^,
advanced age, (5j in extremis.
In Even houses a planet is said to be (in order) —
(!) in extremis, (2) in advanced age, (3) in adolescence,
(4) in boyhood, (5) in infancy.
23. Planets have waking and sleeping stales.
(11 The portion of the Zodiacal house in which a planet
is in exaltation and the Navamsa which is owned by it, is its
waking state.
(2t The Navamsa belonging to a friendly planets is its
dreaming Slate.
(3) The portion where it is in depression and that which
js owned by its enemy, is its sleeping stale.
24. Plarols have also 6 stages of life, viz.
1. Bala — Infancy.
2. Kumara — Below 7 years of age.
3. Tharuna — Youth.
4. Vriddha — Old.
5. Alasa — Slow.
6. Mriiyu — Death and give results accordingly.
23. Eveiything in this world has an ego of its own. That
which overpowers one's own eao is bad For instance Sun is so
overpowering and hence it is considered a malelic. Waxing moon
is benefic while Waning moon is a malefic, ll is dark, while the
former is pleasant. Jupiter and Venus shed an agreeable light
hence I hey are bcncfics Saturn, Rahu and Rcihu have dark rays
and licncc malefic or unpleasant. Mars ra reddish light not so
agreeable, hence a malefic, Budha is Colou less and can blend with
anything. Therefore a wcI! associated Budha is a benefic while a
badly associated Mercury is a malefic.
The following principle may be easily adopted inundcrsta^
the planets—«'ho are enemies or Iriends of a P;inicular planet
If you have a look al a map of the Heaven, you will r n
thai certain planets are placed in cenain positions from f
other. For instance, taking Mcsha as the first sign of which h
lord is Mars, we find that Mercury, a natural benefic, lias rI-
which are the 3rd and Cih from Mcsha. Therefore Mercuiv
becomes an enemy of Mars. Even Iron) Vnschika. which is on wj
by Mars. Mercury owns the Slh and I Ith houses from Vrischfta.
3rd. 6rh, 81I1 and 111I1 houses are definitely bad. From Mithuna
Mars becomes the lord of thcblh and I Ith houscsand from Kanva
Mars beconies the lord of the 3rd and Sth houses. Therefore ihc
common position of 3rd. 6th and Sth which are all bad. affect
the two planets. Therefore. Mars and Mercury arc inimical.
From Mesha, Sun becomes the lord of the oth house, and
therefore a friend. From Vrischila, he is the lord of the lOth
house. From Simha, Mars becomes the lord of the two bcnciic
houses. 4 and 9. Therefore, Sun and Mars are fiicnds.
From Mesha. Moon is the lord of the 4th house and fiom
Vrischifca. Moon is the lord of the 9th house. From Kataka, Man
becomes the lord of Ihc Sth and lOlli houses. Therefore Moon
and Mars arc friends.
From Mesha, Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7ili houss
and from Vrischika, 7ih and 12ih houses. From Vrishabha Mots
becomes the lord of the 7th and 12lh. From Thula, Marshecoroc!
the lord of the 2nd and 7th houses. Therefore we may safely c00nl
Mars and Venus more as friends then as neutrals.
Jupiter is the lord of the 9lh and 12th ''ouscs./r0,"
and from Vrischika of 2iid and 9ih houses. From Meeoa -
planets—Enemies and friends
the lord of the 2nd and 9th houses, from Dbanus.Mars is the lord
of the 5th and I2lh houses. Mars and Jupiter are therefore friends.
Coming to Saturn, from Mesha, Saturn is the lord of the
10th and lllh houses. From Vrischika it is the lord of ihc3rd
and 4th houses. From Makara, Mars happens lo be the lord of
ihc 4Lh and 1 I lit houses, whereas from Kumbha, it is the lord of
the 3rd and lOlli houses. It can be seen here, one very bad house,
the 3rd, is very predominant though in both the cases there is
a Kendra also to mitigate the evil. Still Mars and Saturn must be
considered ID be more enemies than neutrals.
Therefore a line can be drawn and said:—
For Mars :—
Friends Venus. Moon, Sun. Jupiter and Kcthu.
Enemies !—Mercury, Saturn and Rahu.
Taking Vrishabha Lagna, it can be seen that Mercury is the
lord of the 2nd and 5lh houses, whereas from Thula it is Ihe lord
of Ihc 9lli and 13th houses. From Mithuna. Venus is the lord of
the 5lh and 12th houses, whereas from Kanya, she is the lord
of the 2iid and 9th houses. Therefore it can be seen lhat the
2nd, 5lh and 9lh are playing an important factor and as such
Mercury and Venus are friends.
Moon is the lord of the 3rd house from Vrishabha, but from
Thula, it is the lord of the lOlh house. Still, the 3rd house is
playing an important factor. From Kataka. Venus happens to be
the lord of the 4th and I lib houses. 3 and II are playing an
important factor. Hence, for Venus. Chandra is an enemy.
Coming lo Sun. from Vrishabha, Sun is no doubt the lord of
the 41h house. But from Thula. he happens to be the lord of ihc
lllh house and from Simha itself, this Sukra happens to be the
lord of the 3rd as well as the lOlh houses. Therefore Sun has lo
be considered an enemy of Venus and not a friend, because
3 and i 1 arc again playing an important role.
1 llC iord of llle
houses. Whereas froni Thula'
*** ilm 9th t rt
^s,h ho.,.,, •»
and lOih
loih houses, whereas from k-,.'u,.""!
Kumbha""V 155 lllel . "f Hit
ord ofit
"f the
9th houses. Therefore >'enus and satUra are frie^;'1'14*
Jupiter is the lord ofthegth mrt ii«h
FromThula, it is the lord of the 3rd and 6ft
ftom Dhanus, Venus owns the 6th and 11 th houses. S
Meena, she owns the 3rd and 8th houses. Therefore here aS
can be seen that Che Jrd. 6th- 8th and llth houses are playia^aaj
important factor. Hence,. Venus and Jupiter must be consatrcd
to be more enemies than neutrals,
Therefbre we can conclude that for Venus
Friends :—Budha, Kuja; Sani and Rahu.
Enemies;—Ravi. Chandra. Guru and Kethu.

/"kJSTS sheow
J2S2 Rbeantn®1!'
owns 12. Therefore. Chandra must be cons.dered
)f Mercury. . ^ jsirecially
Sun H the lord of the 3rd house; no ou

rhereivre. " "" . M,„ .ith

t« *****.

Saturn owns «and9frontMh.u.na
, tnnl of 5 and 6.
Planets—Enemies and Fkjends 37
Mercury owns 6 and 9 from Makara and 5 and 8 from
Kumbha. Therefore in both the cases 5th, 6lh and 8lh houses
are playing an important factor. Hence Mercury and Saturn axe
considered to be more neutral than inimical, for, while there is one
point in favour, the other points are against. Still one thing must
be remembered. Mercury is a colourless planet and therefore must
be considered as having no enemy at all, for Mercury will blend
with any other planet; hence. Mercury need not be said to have
any enemies.
But as a sort of guidance we may say:
For Mercury'
Friends ;—Sun, Venus and Rahu.
Enemies Chandra and Mars.
Jupiter and Saturn must he considered to be more friends than
From Chandra, Sun owns 2nd house and therefore is a friend.
Mercury is the lord of 3 and 12, and therefore this planet has
to be considered an enemy. But authors have considered Mercury,
a friend for Moon, and Moon an enemy for Mercury. Venus
owns 4 and i 1. Because from Vrishabha, Chandra owns 3 and from
Kataka Venus is the lord of the llth house. Sukra is an
enemy of Chandra. Mars is the lord of the 5lh and lOlh houses
and therefore Mars and Moon are friends, Jupiter is the lord of
the 6lh and 9lh houses, whereas from Dhanus and Mccna, she owns
8 and 5 respectively.
6 and 6 must be considered to have cancelled each other and
5lh and 9lh are given great importance; therefore Guru and
Chandra arc considered friends.
Saturn owns 7 and S; and from Makara, Moon is the lord of
the 7lh house, while from Kumbha, she is the lord of the 6th house.
Therefore, 6lh and 8lh houses are playing an importa: t role.
38 Indian Astrology
Therefore, Saturn and Moon wc considered enemies. ra
however, is said to be the enemy of no planet. »
Therefore a line may be drawn and said:—
For Moon:—
Friends:—Guru, Ravi, Kuja, Budha and Kcthu,
Enemies:—Sukra, Sani and Rahu.
For Sim ha Lagna, Mercury owns 2 and 11 • For Mercury, Sm
has been considered more a friend because Mercury does not gCl
eclipsed when it is in conjunction with Sun. In fact, Moony is
in very close degree of Sun. Therefore Sun and Mercury need
not be considered to be enemies, they are more friends.
Venus is the lord of 3 and 10. This Venus is considciedan
enemy of Sun. Mars is the lord of 4 and 9, and Therefore a friend
Jupiter is the lord of the 5]h and 81h houses, whereas from Jupiter,
Sun is the lord of the 6lh and yth houses. Therefore, Jupiter and
Sun are friends. Saturn owns 6 and 7 and from Saturn, Sun is ihe
lord of 7 and 8, therefore Saturn and Sun arc enemies.
A line may be drawn and said:—
For Sun:—
Friends Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Kethu.
Enemies Venus, Saturn and Rahu.
Jupiter's relationship with Mais, Venus, Mercury, Moon and
Sun has been considered previously. From Jupiter, Saturn owns
2 and 3, and 11 and (2; from Saturn, Jupiter owns 3 and 12, aR^
2 and 11- Because 3 and 11 are playing an important role, Jtipnet
and Saturn are not considered friends, though not enemies.
Therefore we can conclude that—
For Jupiter ;—
Friends —Sun, Moon, Mais, Budha and Kclku-
Enemies Venus and Rahu.
The relationship of Saturn with other planets has been
examined earlier and therefore we can conclude that:—
For Saturn :—
Friends;—Budha, Sukra, Rahu and Guru.
Enemies :—Sun, Moon, Mars and Kethu.
characteristics OF LAGNAs
•la the following pages, the 12 lagn^ c
A chart has to be taken with the planets nlaorl • -0:":
h»uses. For instance, Man must L pUcM^i''!^^ 801
Vnschika, and Satum both in Matara and KumiJ,
Saturn will be aspecting certain Rasis from
from Kumbha. There will be the aspect of Satum bath on (W
and Leo. The object of this is to initiate the begiaaer
method of viewing the aspects of pUnets and secondly to ^
that even in the Heavens, the Raids are placed in a pwicnhr
way and their effects also must necessarily be varying. For mstaace,
whereas Aries and Scorpio are placed between Jupiter add Venui,
two bcncfic planets, Sagittarius and Pisces are placed beuna two
malefic planets, Satum and Mars. Aries and Scorpio will have the
aspact of Satum, whereas Taurus will not have the aspect of Saium.
Therefore, fundamentally there must be a difference in thta
houses, and hence ceople bom in the different Rash must hare
different characteristics in life. This i: only a general melhiid of
viewing the Rash, and the effects discussed here wDl certridy
differ from actual facts according, to the strength of each tedia!

• ^ofaSe^
m matter of the 7th ^ 1
and conjugal happiness, ac ® whereas
male or a female. Venus ts the 7th
is the indicator for husband. Thereto ^ ^^^
examined in a female 0^°P j Venus in a mJe
into consideration just the same way

This is the first "sign of ^ ^th

This house is between Jnptter and Venus,
Characteristics of Lagtias 41
beoefics, and this house wiH be having the aspect *t Vmns, Jupiter
and Satunu Man by itself is a strong sturdy plancL Hence the
native is generally well-built and owing to the aspect of Saturn
on tile lagna, generally in their youth, these people havn slight
ill-health and that always happens during the first dasa. This
house contains the nalcshatras—Aswini, Bharani and the first
quarter of Kfittikx The Yogakarakas for this lagna are: Venus,,
Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn; Venus because she happens to be
the lord of the 2nd and 7th houses; Moon because she happens to
be the owner of the 4th house, and Sun, the lord of the 5 th house,
Jupiter, the lord of the 9th house, and Saturn, the lord of the
10th and llth houses. All these are very Important good houses,
and excepting Saturn all the others are very friendly with Mars.
Hence the native is likely to rise in life though it will not -be
without obstacles, because Mars and Saturn are not friendly and
temperamentally Mars being a martial planet, these people generally
do n ot go down in life and even if they do, not withou t
fighting hard.
Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7th houses The Snd house
is between Mars and Mercury and this house has the aspect of
only Mars. Mars and Mercury are friends of Venus. But one is a
natural malefic while the other is a doubtful benefit:. Mars and
Venus being very friendly, they have a fairly good amount of
domestic happiness. They earn also well but they are not able
to save much. TLcy are rather outspoken and truthful. They
come firom a good and respectable family because Mars and Sun
are friendly and so also Mars and Venus. They can be good
speakers if they try. Mars, Sun and Jupiter axe friends.
The 3rd house belongs to Mercury and this house is between
Venus and Moon and both of them are friends of Mercury
besides being natural beneGcs. This house has the aspect of Jupiter
and Mars. The aspect of Jupiter on the 3rd house is no doubt
very good but Mars itself aspecting the 3rd house must not be
considered to be very beneficial. They may have brothers and
sisters, but the native himself is likely to be in a better position
than his brothers or sisters, and very often it can be seen that
Indian astrology
because Mars and Mercury 2r€ enemies there is not much
agreement between himself and his brothers and sisters, owjnp •
the aspect of Mars and Jupiter on this house, they are alternatively
very rash and thoughtful Jn their acts. They have frequent small
journeys on land.
Moon is the lord of the 4th house and this house is betwee
Mercury and Sun. This house has the aspect of Mars, Saturn and
Jupiter. Moon happens to be not only the lord of the 4th house
indicating mother but also the indicator for mother. Therefore
they have indeed a very respectable and good lady as the mother'
but owing to the aspect of two malefic planets. Saturn and Mars'
somehow the lady's health is not much good or she has some Sart
of mental unhappiness. Their education is very often broken
because of the aspect of Saturn but with a well placed Mercury ^
the horoscope, they may have a very liberal education owinc* l0
the aspect of Jupiter on this house. Mars and Saturn being two
malefic planets aspecting the 4th house, they may be quick in
temper and they may have revengeful thoughts also but the
very benefic aspect of Jupiter, and Moon herself being a natural
benefic, they may not translate their evil thoughts into action.
They will have a number of friends in society high and low as
well. Because of the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn respectively
somehow they arc not able to do much good to their friends in
spite of their position in life-
Sun is the Lord of the 5th house, and this house is between
Moon and Mercury both of them more or less benefits and friends
of Sun. This house has the aspect ol Jupiter and Saturn. The
aspect of Jupiter is no doubt very good but the aspect of Saturn
cannot at all be considered to be good especially since Saturn
and Sun are enemies. This house speaks of not only children but
also Poorvapunya and authority. While owing to the aspect of
Jupiter, one will have to say that these people are really lucky in
life; still one thing will have to be remembered that owing to the
aspect of Saturn, there will be frequent breaks of hick in life. These
people generally have children. Often limes there is a certain
amount of indecision in diem.
Cbaractesu5tigs of L-vg .m as 43
The 6th house has as its lord Mercury and this bouse is
between Sun and Venus. This house has the aspect of Jupiwr. The
aspect of Jupiter is necessarily bad because it increases the effects
of the Gih house and therefore, these people have* a number of
cnenwcs. Mars and Mercury themselves are enemies. But one
thing, generally the enemies do not get the upper hand. These
people vcrv often have sea-borne travels.
The 7th house hss Venus with the aspect of Mars and Satum.
Mars aspecting the 7th bouse as the lord of the lagna, must be
considered to be very good and Saturn's aspect must necessarily
be considered to be bad especially on the 7th house, ft has to be
noted that this house is between Mercury and Mars, of whom
one is a positive malefic and the other is 2. doubtful benefic. It is
also unfortunate that there is not the aspect of a benefic Jupiter.
But Mars and VcnuS arc friendly planets. Hence they marry well
or at least they are able to make their own choice, but the aspect
of Saturn is likely to give them a plurality of wives or in these
modern days, vcrv strong chances of a separation or a divorce.
These people do v.cc generally enter into public life very much
unless they are forced to do so. The health of the wife is fairly good.
The 8lh house has the aspect of Mars. Venus, Jupiter and
Saturn. Tliourrh Mars and Saturn are inimical planets, yet
the aspect of two very benefic and powerful planets, Jupiter and
Venus, gives then: li fairly long life. This house is between Venus
and Jupiter, two very benefic planets. But one thing has aLso«
to be remembered dial owing to the aspect of two very benefic
planets on the; Sth house, though this may be conducive to a long
fife, this also may be conducive to misery and unhappiness in life.
The 9th house has Jupiter as its lord and this house unfortu-
nately is bcl\v«t»n Mars and Saturn, two natural malefic planets.
This house has the aspect of Mercury alone. But Jupiter and 5ant
the indicator for father, are friends. Mars and Jupiter are also
friends. The native's father may have some money but somehow
lhat money is lost before it comes to them or at least after it
comes. For, it must be noted lhat the 2nd house lord Venus and
Sun are inimical planets. So also Venus and Jupiter. Som^
or other these people do not get Pitrubhagya or even if .v
tjjgy manage to lose it-
The lOthhousehas Saturn as its lord and this house has ^
aspect of only Moon. This house is between Jupiter andSa.tJti6
himself. Saturn is more a servant then a master. Besides, Mars ifid
Saturn are bitter inimical planets. Therefore in their jj£e
people generally will have many obstacles thrown in their wax-
To achieve their wants, they have to fight every inch. They ^
not get things easily. As regards their religion, they are more
catholic than orthodox. They do rise to a position of eniirience ^at
only after a bitter struggle.
Saturn again happens to be the lord of the 11th house
this house has the aspect of Mars and Sun, both of them natural
malefics. Mars and Saturn are inimical planets. Here one
peculiarity has to be observed, while Saturn and Venus are fiiendly
planets, Jupiter and Venus happen to be inimical. Hence they do
not earn enough for the labour involved.
The 12th house has as its lord Jupiter, and is between Saturn
and Mars, two malefics and this house is having aspect of Saturn
and Mercury. Hence it can be seen that these people are not able
to enjoy life as well as their position and income in life would
warrant. They may have the things but the cnjoynicnt as such
would he denied to them.
This lagna has as its lord Venus and is situated between Mars
and Mercury and has the aspect of Mars alone For Venus, Mars
and Mercury are friends, and Venus is said to be the planet res-
ponsibfe for all worldly pleasure. Hence people born in Vrishabha
lagna are generally considered to be lucky. But there is one ( 0s c
thai Venus, Sun and Mercury are generally always very ^ >
together and as such the conjunction of Ravi and Sukra ^1
goierally spoil the strength of the horoscope because the lagnadh '
will be eclipsed however much it may be the conjuction o1 ^
1 rjjs of the 1st and 4th houses and therefon: for Vrishabha
generally to give a powerful yoga, Venus must be as far away
from Sun as -Dossible—preferably in advance of Sun to being
behind Sun. Of the two lagnas Vrishabha and Thula though both
of them arc owned by the same planet, Vrishabha must be
considered to be slightly better than Thula- because in the fewerer
case Venus, the lord of the lagna -.vill happen co be lord of the
6th house, whereas in :he latter case. Venus, the lord of the lagna.
will happen to be tine lord of the 8th house. Between the two
malefic houses, 6di and 8th. 8th is said to be the worse. Occ
interesting point here will fcc3 Venus and Mercury are friendly
planets and Budha for Vrishabha becomes a Vogakarak by virtue
of being the lord of the 2nd and 5th houses. Even Jupiter and
Mercury are not enemies. These people by virtue of having Sukra
as the lord of the lagna with die aspect of friendly Mars, though
a malefic by nature, and owing to the absence of any mulcfjc aspect
on the lagna. generally are good-looking, fairly tall and with a
certain amount of symmetry about their physique. Generally since
Sun and Mercury are always together, the conjunction of Sun and
Mercury will bi very good, because they happen to be the lords
of the 4th and 5th houses.
The 2nd house has Mercury as its lord and this house, it can
be observed, is between two benefic planets Venus and Moon, and
this house has the aspect of Mars and Jupiter. These people
generally are truthful] and honest and earn money fairly well in
their lives.
The 3rd house has Moon as its lord and is between Mercury
and Sun. The 3rd house has die aspect of Saturn as well as Mars
and Jupiter. No doubt Mars is a friend of both Venus and Moon.
They will have broliters and sisters, but the aspect of Saturn mav
produce not much agreement between them. These people are
generally bold, but owing to the aspect of Saturn, are sometimes
slightly revengeful and a bit excitable. They very often have
long travels.
Indian Astrology
•jPhg^th house has Sun in ^ and this house is between Moo^
and Mercury, and has the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn. Moo'^
Sun are friends. These people generally will ha.ve tl very
good lady as the mother but owing to the aspect of Satun^ ]h
certain cases, especially where Moon is badly placed in
horoscopes, an early death of .tDe mother or some sort of trouble
about the mother has to be predicted. Ravi and Budha are friends
They get a fairly good education but owing to the aspect of Saturn
there may be sometimes a failure before completion. It has to ^
remembered that the 3rd house which speaks ct the lower mind
apd the 4th house which speaks of the upper tnind, have both |]2e
aspect of Saturn as well as Jupiter. Only' the 4th house does not
get tJ«; aspect of a malefic Mars. Therefore though thev a,e
rather excitable they are not revengeful by nature. They own
lands and conveyances and this lagna is very favourable for landed
property. Mars and Sun are friends. So also Mars and Venus.
Though Ravi and Sukra are enemies, owing to the aspect of
Saturn they go in for old property and renew it or renovate it.
The 5th house has the aspect of Jupiter. This house is not
only the house of intelligence and children, but slso Poorva-punya.
Therefore when the 3ch house is not in any way badly afflicted,
they are generally lucky in their lives. They have children
are a great solace to their parents in their old age. The native
is generally intelligent and understanding. It can be seen that both
the 2nd and 5th houses are having the :JSpect of Guru. This
house is situated between Sun and Venus.
The 6lh house has as its lord Venus, and this house has the
aspect of Mars and Saturn, The aspect of wo malefic planets on
the 6th house is indeed very interesting, in that it removes debts,
disease etci that are indicated by this house. Therefore one ccanC-
that the native has generally freedom from disease, debts t
this house is between Mercury, a doubtful benefic and
Mars, malefic planet, which makes the 6th house weak.
The 71h house has as its lord Mars, and this house has the
^ Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Mars and Venus ar
friends. It will be very interesting to note that this house is
between two powerful benches Venus and Jupiter. Therefore
they generally marry well. The aspect of Saturn on this 7th house
has to be given a serious consideration, so also the fact that Mars
and Mcrr.ury, the lord of the 2nd house indicating domestic
happiness, are enemies. Therefore the wife may not contribute
much to domestic happiness owing to perhaps ill-health or some
such other reason. That the native will have a very good wife or if
it is a woman's horoscope, a very good husband, there is no doubt.
The 8th house has Jupiter as its lord, and Jupiter and Saturn
roust be considered :o be friends, at least, not enemies. This house
is between two malefics. Mars and Saturn, which is really an
advantage, in that, this house representing poverty becomes
weak. This house has the aspect of only Budha and no malefic
planet. Hence these people live to a fairly old age.
The 9th house has as its lord Saturn. Saturn and Venus
are friendly planets and Moon is aspecting this house. But Sun
and Saturn arc enemies, so also Sun and Venus. Therefore one
will have to predict that though these people may inherit some
paternal property, yet some misunderstanding between the father
and son is very likely. This house is between Jupiter and Saturn
and Saturn happens to be its own lord, and therefore need not be
given any serious attention as a malefic. Besides, Saturn becomes
a perfect benefic for people bom in this lagna. One thing may
be stated bore that some authors hold that for Vrishabha lagria,
fa turn is not a Vogakarak though he may be the Lord of the
9th and 10th houses. That may perhaps be due to the fact
that it is always said that the conjunction of the lords of the 9th
and 10th houses is good but in this case, the lords of- both the
houses being the same it will not be a conjunction of two different
planets as lords of 9th or 10th.
Tlic 10th house has Saturn as its lord, and this house is
between Saturn and Jupiter. This house has the aspect of Sun
as well as Mars. Generally these people get Into Government
48 INDIAN Asttjolocy
Service and lisc to a fairly high position in Life. Maay sur^
have been bom in thb lagna.
The Uth house has as its lord Jupiter, and this house '
between Saturn and ^fars- This house has the aspect of S 111"
and Budba. These people generally earn well. But the hi"
being between two jnalefic planets, indicates that very of,^ ^
income will not be commensurate with the labour involve^ One
may also point out that the lord of the 2nd house is not ^
enemy of the II th house.
The 12th house has Mars as its lord, and this house hjis
the aspect of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus and is between Jupiter
and Venus. They generally spend well and enjoy life very much.
But one thing can be said that owing to the aspect of Satum,
there may not be much discretion in the matter of their charity
or expenditure.
TTus is the 3rd sign of the Zodiac and is situated between
Venus and Moon, two beuefic planets. This house has the aspect
of Jupiter, and Mars. Its lord is Mercury. This planet is con-
sidered a half becefic for in conjunction with bcnefics, it becomes
benefic, and in conjunction with malefic, it becomes a malefic.
This planet is generally very close to Sun and as such, there is
generally a conjunction between Sun and Mercury the lords of
the 3rd and 1st houses, which is not very pleasant for however
much Sun may be a friend of Mercury, it is a cruel plaaei,
besides being the Lord of a malefic house, the third. Generally
spoking since Mercury also happens to be the lord of Abe 4th
house, which indicates Vidya or Education, many lawyers are
found bom in this Jagna. To add to it, the 10th house also is
owned by Jupiter, who is a spiritual Guru and hence in an extended
sense indicator for justice and legal knowledge. These people
have a fairly good health, unless Mercury or lagna is badly
afflicted and generally speaking they arc not very robust in health.
The 2nd house has Moon as its lord and this house is
between Morury and Sum This house has the aspect of Saturn,
jrfara and Jupiter. These people are generally truthful but still
have the capacity to malse an untruth appear as a great
meaning thereby they can be very diplomatic. Birth during
^ waning Moon, especially during the last week, is not very
conducive to any great domestic happiness and though Jupiter
may be aspecting the 2nd house, the aspect of Saturn and Mara
^eneralJy indicates some sort of want in their domestic happiness.
So far as the question of money is concerned, they are able 10
save money but they generally manage to lose much of their
savings. Jupiter and Moon are friendly planets at least not
The 3rd house has Sun as its lord and this house is between
Moon and Mercury. Sun and Mercury are friends, so also Sun
and Mars. This house has the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn.
These people generally have a good number of brothers and sisters,
but unfortunately owing to the aspect of Saturn, the native
thrives much better than the brothers or sisters. The aspect of
Saturn especially on this house, makes them a bit revengeful and
excitable by nature. Whether they act upon it or not is a
different matter, and often times a certain amount of vanity is
seen about them. They have frequent small travels on land.
The 4th house has Mercury as its lord and this house is
between Sun and Venus, and they are both friends of Mercury.
This house has the aspect of only Jupiter. Moon and Mercury must
be considered to be friends. So also Jupiter and Mercury. Hence
they have a very good and respectable lady as the mother, but if
Moon is badly placed in the horoscope, they lose their mother
early in life. They have a decent education and they have a
large circle of friends. The aspect of Jupiter on this nouse is
indeed very welcome. In that they do not translate their wrongful
thoughts into action.
The 5 th house has Venus as its lord, with the aspect of
Saturn and Mars. Both of them are friendly with Venus and this
house is between Mercury on one side and Mars on the other.
Owing to the aspect of Mara, they have a very good iiitcUect,
50 Indian Astrology
but owing to the aspect af saturn. they do not have » ■ . or
perception. No doubt Mercury and Venus arc friend ^piter
and Venus are enemies. They have children. But rh losc
one or two but most of the children survive them aSp,ct
of Saturn brings them break of luck. They are fond of
and authority but somehow they are not able t0
properly. ^ il
Scorpio the 6th house, is between two benefits ycnus ^
Jupiter, with the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter, Mats and Vcnuv.pi^
position brings them a number of enemies and it must he remtm-
bered also that Mars and Mercury arc enemies and their enemies
are sometimes life-long. Unless Mars is weakened inthehoroscopc,
and Mercury comparatively stronger, the enemies keep giving
them lot of troubles in their life, more or less continuously. They
are commonly subject to pericdical ill-health but nothing serious.
Sometimes they run into debts as well, and very often they arc
lire 7th house has Jupiter as its lord and this house is
between Mars cal0rn However pher. much Jupiter
they areandnatural
of Ju
maiefics, they cot ,1,, ^cnect of Mercuty, hence they
are enemies. This house l as 1 ^ cl ^jons fcraplut^
marry well ^'^'^^V eir domestic happiness isdefinilely
of marriage and somehow
at a discount. lord> and tllis houa is
The 8lh house has 'g"1 ' mid has the aspect of moon.

tlieir I've5- . j galurn, and this ',opSg'n salt"11

The 9lhhouse 'iaZ|^rg is the aspect ^^ absent^
Saturn and Jupncr-T SaUirn and e jng. SomeW*'
and Sun are enemies, so rw .s very andlhe
any bcnef.c nspec ni.sullderslanding bc.wee
there is ■' 04,1,1
40n and the native rarely inherits paternal property worth the
name. not
The 00
aspect of Sun on the 9th house as "pitrukaraka" is
really S ^- They are fairly religious in thought, and they
niakc enough charities.
The lOlh house has as its lord Jupiter, and this house is
between Mars and Saturn. This house has the aspect of Mercury.
These people will do well in any advisory capacity as lawyers,
secretaries etc. The aspect of Saturn on this house brings them
much labour in any work they undertake. They become religious
and orthodox as their age advances.
The lllh house has Mars as its lord, with the aspect of
Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. They earn very well in their lives, often
times much more than they deserve.
The 12tli house has Venus in it and is situated between Mars
and Mercury and has the aspect of Mars. They are very liberal
in spirit, but often times they are very eccentric. While sometimes
I hey spend, say a hundred rupees with equanimity, they will on
the other hand higgle very seriously for a few annas. Still as Venus
is the lord of that house, they know how to enjoy their lives.
No doubt Mars is a malefic planet but still a friend of Venus.
The absence of any malefic aspect on this house is indeed good.
This Ingna has as its lord Moon, and is between Mercury and
Sun. This lagna has the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
This lagna generally associated with saints or at least people who
are inclined spiritually very much. Perhaps this is due to the
fact that in the cycle of Nakshalras, the first Scl of nine ends and
llurn Simha begins again with Makha with Kethu as its lord
just as Aswini begins with Kethu in Mesha, Therefore the three
lagnas—Kalaka, Vrischika and Meena, are generally associated
with saintly people and of these three. Cancer and Pisces seem
to have been more favoured by them. It can be seen that the cycle
ends once again with Vrischika and Dhanus begins with Mdfola,
whose lord Is Kethu, and ends with MecQa. -jv,. ,331
there, is Revati. which has Mercun, , . "afahiini

pianets oecorae stronger and toe bcnefie planefti become T'"™

Therefore worldly happiness and riches someliow afc chan^8'''^
their lives and with spiritual inclination, they generally S'"
very well and rise very high. They have a {airly go^j pW
during childhood. Owing to the aspect of Satum and wotkl
malefic Mars, they may have ill-health but still they have a far),
long life. This lagna generally becomes weak especially whi
these people are bom very near amavasya or immediately after
amavasya (New Moon).
The 2nd house has Sun in it and this house is between Moon
and Mercury, This house has the aspect of Saturn and Jupiter.
Satum aspecting the 2nd house is always bad, causing some sort
of domestic unhappiness in their lives. Very often it can be seen
that these people marry more than once. Jupiter and Sim are
friends and Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 9th house.
Generally these people inherit paternal property. Here again this
lagna v/ill suffer from one disability and that is, the Lord of the
2nd house is likely to be in conjunction with Mercury, the W

often denied to them.

of Saturn, they have a perfect control over their feeling. Somehow
they do nol travel much. The native generally is very fond of his
brothers and sisters and often times very helpful.
The 4th house has Venus as its lord and this house Is between
Mercury and Mars Mercury and Venus are friends,€0 also Venus
and Mars. This house has the aspect of Saturn and Mars. There
is generally abreak in their education or a delay before completion.
But still they attain some knowledge. Again, the aspect of
two malefic planets on this house shows want of happiness
and mental peace Here again there is a trouble. Sun and Venus
are generally together. Venus, a benefic planet by virtue of being
the lord of the 4th house being in conjunction with Sun and
hence getting eclipsed cannot at all be considered to be good.
Theiefore, whatever be their position so far as the question of
money is concerned, somehow or other mental peace and
happhjcss are very often denied to them. They have a very excellent
lady as the mother, but 4th house being badly afflicted by virtue
of Saturn and Mars aspec ling, very often it has been seen that
the mother has a great affection about her or some sorrow dogs
her. There is no dearth or trouble so faras vehicles or conveyances
aie concerced. They have a large circle ol friends.
The 5th house has as its lord Mars and this house is between
two excellent bencfics Jupiter and Venus. This house has the
aspect of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. They are really very intelligent
and they have a quickness of perception They know how to wield
power and authority and are generally loved by their kith and
kin. The 5th house speaks of Poorva-punya also and they are
generally lucky. They have children as Jupiter and Mars are friends
All of l heir children may not survive them.
The 6th house has as its lord Jupiter, and this house has
the aspect of Mercury. This house being strong shows that these
people have always to meet many troubles in life though they
may eventually be able to overcome them because this house
is between two malefic planets. Mars and Saturn. They very often
run into debts. These people must take care about that aspect.
This hous, exccpling in exceptional cases, shows that these peop]e
have not got much travel.
The 7th house has as its lord Saturn, and this house is
between Jupiter and Saturn. 7 his house has the aspect of Chandra
alone. Saturn and Venus are friends. Moon and Saturn are
more or less friends. Therefore they marry well in life and
have a very good wife. Bui still Sun, the lord of the 2nd house
indicating domestic happiness and Saturn are enemies. So also
Venus and Sun Hence either I hey do not get any domestic
happiness or Ihey have a plurality of wives. Somehow or other
for no fault of either, one can. see in Kataka lagna domestic
happiness being denied especially if the native happens to be
a male.
The 8th house has as its lord Saturn, and is between Saturn
and Jupiter, This house has the aspect of Mars as well as Sun.
This is very good, in that it removes much of the misfortunes etc.
indicated by that house. Since Moon and Saturn arc friendly,
they have a fairly long life but it can be seen that these people
have more or less a sudden death, meaning not a death after
a prolonged illness.
The 9lh house has Jupiter as its lord and the house is
between Saturn and Mars. This house has the aspect of Saturn
and Mercury. Jupiter, the lord, of the 9th house and Sun, ihe
Pitrukarak, are friendly. Hence they generally inherit some
paternal property 1 hey generally come from a good and respect-
able family. They are fairly religious by temperament.
The lOlh house has Mars as its lord with Jupiter and Venus
on either side. This house has the aspect of Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn. The aspeet of two such perfect benefics on Ibis house
is very interesting, it shows they are very successful in their
busincssor whatever be their vocation. They arc thoroughly honest.
The ] llh house has as its lord Venus, and this house bas ^
aspect of Mars, and Mars for people born in Cancer 15 a
great Yogakarak. Besides, Mars and Venus are friends.
Practically Mars is the best benefic for people born in this sign-
Venus has the disability of being the lord of the 1 Ith house*
Jupilcr the lord of the 6th house, Saturn the lord of the 8th
house. Mercury the Lord of the 3rd and 12th houses. Hence
Mars is the one great planet that must be strong for people
born in this lagm U should not have me aspect of any
maldic planet or conjunction. Even a debilitated Mais in Cancer
is much preferable loMars being in a bad house. Therefore, these
people earn fairly well in life.
The 12th house has Mercury in iU with the aspect of Jupiter
and Mars. These people spend money veiy much and during
the middle portion of their lives, very ofien there is a danger
of their losing at least some of their money.
Now it can be seen that somehow or other domestic
happiness is denied, trouble through wife or from wife is seen,
mental peace is afflicted and if unfortunately Ravi and
Budha arc together, the money may be lost. But the I2lh house
from the lagna has a benefic aspect of GHEU and the 5th house
again has a benefic aspect of Jupiter as well as Venus, so also the
10th house with the aspect of Jupilcr and Venus. Hence these
people if they turn their thoughts towards God, rise much
higher than materially in their life The writer connot quote
a better instance than the horoscope of Sri Thyugaraj Swami,
the great South Indian saint.
The lord of this sign is Sun, the most powerful of all planets,
Hence generally it is considered that people born in this sign
are generally successful and rise in life and overcome any number
of obstacles that come in their way. This house is between
two more or less benefic planets. Moon and Mercury on either
side and both of Lhcm are friends of Sun, This langa has the
aspect of a very benefic Jupiter as well as the aspect of a malefic
Saturn. These people owing to the malefic aspect of Saturn,
especially if they are born in the nakshatra of Makha or within
the first Drekkana of this lagna develope a detached outlook
early in life unless properly guided and have ill'licalth durin
their child-hood or youth but later on they arc free fmn,
diseases. One peculiarity is that there will generally be a coi^
junction between Sun and Mercury which, in this case is indperf
very good as they happen to be the lords of 1 and 2. qj
course much will depend upon the position of these two planets
in a horoscope with other aspects. But generally spcaldn" the
very conjunction of the lords of 1 and 2 must be considered
to beverv good and in this case it very nearly happens alrrtost
always and more ofien than not, the native is a sclf-inadc man.
The 2nd house has as its lord Mercury and this house
is between Sun and Venus. Both of these planets are friends
of Mercury and this house has the aspect of Jupiter only. There-
fore, these people are truthful and honest arid they arc generally
able to earn well in their life because this Budha happens to
be not only the lord of the 2nd house but also of the 11th house.
Any conjunction between the Lords of 1. 2 and 11 is always
considered to be very beneficial. Though these people arc generally
truthful and honest they are iEghlly given to flattery. They generally
have not got much domestic happiness, for Saturn the lord of
the 7th house is an enemy of Sun, the lord of the lagna. It will
be more truthful to say that these people though they may marry
good wives, somehow or other ihe understanding between them
is not much Or there is a plurality of wives.
The 3rd house has Venus in it and this house has the aspect of
Mars as well as Saturn and is between Budha and Mars. Therefore
there will be some deaths of brothers or a want of understanding
between the native and his brothers or sisters. He is bold, but owing
to the aspect of Saturn, one will have to say that these people arC
also sometimes very mulish or obstinate. When once they decide,
they very rarely change their opinion. They will not have much
The 4th house has Mars as its lord and this house is between
Venus and Jupiter. This house has the aspect of Mars, Venus,
Jupiter and Satum; The aspect of so many planets on one parlic11!^
house shows a. very good and respectable molher and thai can
be seen also by the Tact lhal Moon, the indicator for moihar and
Mars, the lord of the 4lh house are friends. They are successful
in their education however much Mars and Mercury may be
inimical. But one thing has to be said lhal these people, while
they are always ready to fight, they are aUo equally ready to
lieat their enemies generously. All they generally want is a
credit of having won and the cost does notlntcicst them much.
They generally have conveyances
Sagittarius is the 5th house with Jupiter as its lord having
the aspect of Mercury. This house is between Mars and
Saturn. Hence generally these people have children- Besides, Sun
and Jupiter arc also friends. They are very intelligent and have a
quickness of intellect. The absence of any malefic aspect on this
house is indicative of the fact lhal they have some luck behind
them. They arc generally very fond of authority and they also
know how 10 successfully use it. Hut, one thing has to be
remembered, the position of this house between two malefic planets
is indicative of one thing that in the matter of children there may
bi some ill-he:tlih to them or they will not be very happy through
The 6lh house is Capricorn whose lord is Saturn and is
between Jupifcrand Saturn. This has the aspect of Moon only
and this shows lhal they arc very susceptible to the influence of
women and generally, these people must be careful of their asso-
ciation With women. Whatever be their income, they generally
fall into debts.
The Tth houaC hits Saturn as its lord and this house is
between Jupiter and Sumni and has the aspect of Sun and Mars,
both ofthem malclic planets and also enemies of Saturn. But Venus,
the indicator for wife as friendly towards Saturn and Budha the
lord of the 2nd house is friendly with Sukra. Hence they marry
well, often limes a very good wife. But somehow since Sun and
Saturn arc enemies, so also Sun and Venus, the agreement as
between husband and wife is not very good.
The 8th house with Jupiter as its lord, has the aspect 6f
Saturn and Mercury. This gives them a fairly long life. Besides
Jupiter and Saturn are friends this house being betweo,
Saturn and Mars is indeed very good, for, the 8th house
not only of longevity of life but also of misery and unhappiness
This house being hemmed in between malefic planets reduc
misery and unhappiness.
The 9th house with Mars as its lord is between Jupiter
and Venus, both of them friends of Mars. Mars and Sun,
the indicator of father, are friends and this house has the aspect
of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Therefore they are likely to inherit
some paternal property.
The 10th house has Venus as its lord with the aspects of
Mars and is between Mars and Mercury. This indicates some sat
of independent profession and they are not religious, though not
The 11th house with its lord Mercury is between Venus and
Moon, with the aspect of Jupiter and Mars. These people earn
well in their lives.
The 12th house with Moon as its lord has the aspect
of Saturn and Mars, and this house is between two friendly
planets Mercury and Sun. These people, therefore, spend
and try to live often times beyond their means, which aspect they
must always curb. They generally like to show off.
This sign is owned by Mercury, who also happens to be the
lord of Mithuna or Gemini, the 10th house. This is a we at planet
and it is considered to be half benefic; because in conjunction
beneFcs, it becomes a benefic and in conjunction with malefics
it bcwomes a malefic. This house is between Sun and Venus, both
of whom are friends of Mercury. This house has the aspect or
Jupiter. This lagna is best fitted for women to be born hL-'
iLj" an even <«<nT_and wnmpn pven jupos especialiv with
Moon also in an even sign, arc said to be very modest and ako
have all those inexplicable qualities which axe "woinan's own.
But here there is one trouble; Sun and Mercury are often always
together, so also often times Mercury and Venus. Sua and Mercury
being together must definitely be considered to be bad because
the lord of lagna will be in conjunction with the lord of the
12th house and hence it is bad, unless this conjunction Lakes place
in one of the malefic houses 6, 8 or 12 wherein also there must be
only the aspect of a malefic planet or at least there must be absence
of influence of any bcncfic planet. The conjunction of Budha and
Sukra is certainly very good, in that, it happens lobe a conjunction
of the lords of 1 and 2. But cveii#hcrc, there is n possibility of
Ravi and Sukra being together. Therefore especially for Kanya
lagna, Mercury ami Venus have to be as far sway froro Sun
as possible so thai the strength of the horoscope may not be
reduced. This sil^n is associated, so also Gemini, with lawyers,
religious preachers c'-c. for the simple reason that Mercury, the
indicator for bi.y.v ledair. happens to be the lord of 1st and 10th
houses for Kanya latnta and 1st and 4th hous»-9 if the lagna
happens to bi Gemini. The lagna has the aspect of Jupiter
and generally p'^ple bom in this sign or in Gemini, are a bit
obese and arc tlionirh.
The 2nd houic has Venus as its lord with the aspect of Saturn
and Mars. This hcase is between Mercury and Mars. The aspect
of these two iiiaieHc planets on this house, is indeed very bad.
These people! fcfr prone to be a bit untruthful and somehow
domestic happiness is denied to them. So tar as the question
of money is ccnctmicd. very often they do not inherit any paternal
property, but sd?l make their own way in their life by themselves,
of course that depending upon so many other conditions.
The 3rd house has Mars as Its lord who is 013 indicator
for brothers. This house has the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars
and Venus. This house is between Jupiter 3nd Venus. These people
ha\c a good number of brothers and sisters. They are bold
and have the capacity to bear troubles in their lives. Tbcy do not
have much travels and they are rather revengeful iu spirit but
somehow or odter they are not able to put these thoughts in action
much as they desire to do so.
The 4th house has Jupiter as its The house iiscjj
is between Mars and Samm- This house has the aspect of
Mercury and to that extent one can say, especially since Jupiter
and Moon, the indicator for mother, are friends, the native has
a good mother, but still since this house is between two malefic
planets, there will be some trouble so far as the question of her
health is concemeti. They get a decent education and very rarely
they have good conveyances. They have a lanrc circle of friends.
Very often they own lands of their own which they lose somehow
or other later in life specially when they pass through the Dasas
of bad planets.
The 5tb house has Saturn in it with the aspect of Moon.
This house is between Jupiter and Saturn. These are really
intelligent but since Saturn happens to be the lord of this house,
there are very strong indications for a perversity of thought and
nature in them, and owing to the aspect of Moon, they are
generally easily misled. Owing to the absence of any malefic aspect
on this house, one can say that there is some Poorva-puftya behind
The 6th house has Saturn in it with the aspect of Mars
and Sun, and this house is between Saturn and Jupiter. They
generally try to steer clear of debts and the aspect of two
malefic planets Sun and Mars on this house, assures them of
freedom from disease, ill-health etc.
The 7th house has Jupiter as its lord, and this house 15
between two malefic planets and is aspcctcd by Mercury. Jupiter
and Venus are enemies. But Jupiter and Mercury are friendly.
Hence they may marry well, but still a lot of domestic unhapp'nc^S
and want of understanding between the husband and w"c ^
always present. The wife's health also may not be much good.
The Sth house has the aspect of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
This house is between Jupiter and Venus. This house gives 'heffl
a very long life and the aspect of these two benefic
generally must be considered to be responsible for the troubles and
tribulations they often pass through in their lives.
The 9th house has Venus in it with the aspect of Mars.
This house is between Mars and Mercury. The aspect of a maJefic
Mars cannot be considered to be much good. Venus and Sun.
the indicator for father, are enemies. Hence they generally do
not inherit any paternal property or even if they do, the chances
are that they lose it. In all these cases,, a certain comparison
has to be made: the conjunction of Sun and Venus for Kanya
lagna, may be considered to be good so far as the question
of father is concented because it is a conjunction between the
lord of the 9th house Venus and Sun. the indicator for father.
But then Venus becomes eclipsed besides being an enemy of
Sun. Supposing Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 9th house
and there is in conjunction with Sun, as in the case of Kaxp.ka
lagna. Jupiter and Sun are friendly. Therefore the conjunction
of Jupiter and Sun is considered to be much better than the
conjunction of Sun and Venus. Take the case of Vrishabha lagna.
The lord of the 9th house happens to be Saturn and can we
say the conjunction of Saturn and Sun is good, as in this case
also they are enemies. Therefore when one examines a horoscope,
he must not be guided away by the conjunction of Karaka
and Dtoivndlupati alone, but will have to consider whether
they are friendly or Inimical planets. For Vrishabha lagna
or Kanya lagna, the conjunction of Budha and Sukra will
be that of the conjunction of the lords of I and 2. Again
for Kataka lagna, the conjunction of Sun and Moon, will yet
be the conjunction of the lord of 1 and 2. Can wc say this
conjunction is as good as the former? Of course not. For Chandra
becomes eclipsed and becomes a malefic by virtue of its being
waning. Hence this conjunction of Sua and Moon must be con-
sidered to be bad. Therefore this distinction has always to be made.
The 10th house has Mercury in it with the aspect of Jupiter
and Mars. This house is between Venus and Moon. These
People hold some position and responsibiliry ha their lives cmd
They, no doubt, marry welt, but very often I hey marry i\vicc 0w.
to the aspect of Saturn on this house. Again these people wjj|
better by a late marriage than by an early marriage.
The Slh home has as its lord Venus and is between Mars and
Mercury. This house has the aspect of Mars. These people jo not
live to a very old age however much Saturn and Venus may ^
friends. The aspect of Mars on the Slh house is indeed good; fpp
it wards off much of the unhappiness connected with that house'
The 9th house has Mercury as its lord situated between
Venus and Moon with the aspect of a very benefic Jupiter as wdl
as Mars These people generally come from a very respectable
family, but, somehow, or oilier, IhcV lose their father early
in life. They manage to lose Ihcir paternal inheritance.
The 10 house has Moon as its lord with llic aspect of Mars,
JupilcrandSaliiru and is between Mercury and Sun. Many doctors
arc born in I his sign or at least such people who arc interested in the
art of healing. Of course, this docs not preclude other lines of
profession or avocation. These people are nol very religious by
The lllh house has Sun in it and is situated between Moon
and Mercury having the aspect of Jupiier and Saturn. These people
earn well in their lives, but still one thing should not be forgotten
that Venus and Ravi arc inimical plancis and there is the aspect
of an inimical Saturn on this 11 ih house. I hcrcforcone will have
to say lhat their income will not be commensurate with the
labour involved.
The 121h house has Mercury as its lord with the aspect of
Jupiier. These people generally arc good spi nders and rary often
try to live beyond their means and illcy know how to enjoy
their lives.
This is the8tb sign ofthe Zodiac and is situated between
Venus and Jupiier. Us lord is Mars, who also happens to
ord of the 6lh house. To this extent it must be considered lo DC
better than Mesha. For, the lord of the Lagna in this ease happens
to be the lord of the 6lh, which is not as bad a house as the
flth, comparatively speaking, for Mars becomes the I01J of the
8th house when Mesha happens to be the lagna. This house has
the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. This is considered
to be one of tlic spiritual signs. The 2nd cycle of the nine Naksi.ntras
end here, as the first cycle ends with Cancer, and the third cycle
ends with Pisces. Great spiritual people arc bom in this ign also,
but somehow Cancer and Pisces seem to have been more patronised
by them, than this lagna. Perhaps, it is due to the fact that
Mcena and Kataka arc owned by natural benches while this house
is owned by a natural malefic Mars. Besides, the 12th house which
is indicative of Moksha, in the case of Mcena, belongs la Saturn,
the planet of misery and sorrow, with the aspect of Sun and
Mars indicating that without real suffering no man would
attain salvation. In the case of Cancer, the 12th house belongs
to Mercury, the planet for knowledge, aspcctcd by Jupiter
and Mars, indicating perhaps that without knowledge or
gnana, no man can attain salvation or Mnkti. In the case of
Vrischika, the 12th house belongs to Venus, the planet for pleasures
and happiness. There arc chances in this rase of a man devoting
more of his time for pleasure. One thing is very curious that
there is the aspect of Mnrs on Kumbha and Mithuna. perhaps
meaning thereby the mental war the native will be having in
trying to discard the material pleasures of life and turning his
mind towards the spiritual side of life. These people arc generally
active, given to luxury and try to rise in life.
The 2nd house has Jupiter as its lord, and this house is
situated between Mars and Saturn and has the aspect nf Mercury.
This Mercury happens to be the lord of not only the 8th house but
also of the 11th tiousc. Resides, .the lords of the 9th and 10th
houses, Moon and Sun arc friends of Mars. Hence the'c people
generally have domestic happiness and never sufTcr Ertnu want.
They arc fairly truthful and if Mars is not well-placed, thc> be-
come too subservient and mean and inclined to lilt people below
the belt.
The 3rd house has Saturn as hs lord, and this
situated between Jupiter and Saturn, with the aspect of a b^nefic
Moon, they have brothers and sisters, but since Mars and Saturn
are inimical, it can generally be seen thai there is not much i0vc
lost beiween them. They are obstinate and mulish by nature. Th y
arc cowards at heart.
The 4th house has Saiurn as its lord and is situated between
Saturo and Jupiler, and has the aspect of Sun and Mars. Moon
and Saturn are not inimical, so also Moon and Mars. They generally
have a long-lived mother, but yet, a certain want of understanding
between the mother and the native is generally seen They arc
very excitable and irritable but they don't exhibit themselves.
Unless Saturn and Mercury arc well-placed, in their radical
horoscopes, Ihty do not get any great education. They are not able
to have any landed properly. 1 hey have a num her of friends, but
they are never useful to them; more often they are more selfish-
They will generally try to use their friends.
The 5lh house has Jupiter as its lord and is between two
malefic planets, Saturn and Mars. This house has the aspect of
Saturn and Mercury. Hence a certain amount of meanness is sten
about them and they lay claim to a great deal of iotelligencc.
Uc'^s Jupiter is well-placed they have no children, but a wtJl
placad Jci.liter means a good number of children They are fairly
lucky i n their lives.
The 6th houce has Mars as its lord, and is si mated between
Jupiter and Venus, with the aspect of Saiurn and Venus. They
generally don't run into debts and are free from disease. Their
trouble is likely to be io tneir old age. They are likely to suffer
from some disease connected with genital organs as a stone in we
bladder o-r piles or diabetes.
The 7th house has Venus as its lord and is between ^ais
and Mercury. This house has the aspect of Mars only. These
people marry well, often times making their own choice.
The 8lh house has Mercury as its lord and is siluaied bctwcen
Voousand Moon, two beneficplanenlSjWj'lhthc the aspect of Jupite
and Mars. Satun and Mercury are not enemies and these people
generally live long. They generally arc able to tide over any
misfortune that comes in their way.
The 9th house has Moot as its lord, with the aspect of
Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. This house is situated between Mercury
and Sun. Moon and Sun are not enemies. They inherit some
paternal property but yet they are not able to use it and often
times there is a litigation about it.
The ICth house has Sun as its lord with the aspect of Saturn
and Jupiter. This house is situated between Moon and Mercury
They generally do well as servants. Very often they get into
GovernmentscrviceandriseslovvIy.As regards their religion, they
think they arc very orthodox and very religious. Very often it is
more a sham. Butstil I, one thing has to be said that Lhey work hard
to achieve their end. 1 hey don't allow abstacles to impede their
The 1 Uh house has Mcrury as its lord and is situated
between Sun and Venus. This house has the aspect of Jupiier
who luppcncs to be the the lord of the 2nd house. The absence of
any malefic aspect on this house is interesting They earn well*
The 12 house lias the aspect of Saturn and Mars. They
no doubt spend money, but ills more often for the benefit of others
than for themselves. This docs not mean that they are highly
charitable and whatever expenditure there is it is more foe selfish
ends. They arc very highly utilitarian in their views. The con-
junction of Sun and Budha as the lords of the lOlh and 11th
houses is a great possibility and this if it 'should occur without any
other influence, will be a great draw back.
This lagna has as iis lord Jupiter with the aspect cf Mercury.
This langa is between two malefic planets Mars and Saturn, who
however happen to be more or less friends of Jupiier. Still the
fact remains that the langna is definilcly between two natural
malefics. It is generally said that people born in this lagna are
lucky because there is generallyania conjunction between .
of the 9th and lOtli houses. Sun ^ Mercury. But that COnii^Votj
may take place in a good house as well as. in a bad houjc. Pesfei^
this conjunct ion, one has to think of ever so many
which are the pre-requisiles f or the results of any yoga combinatro5*
to be achieved Owing to the abs ence of any malefic aspect L
this lagna, generally these people aTC likely to rise in life txu
somehow or othei it has been the experience of the writer that
a great chance comes in their lives somewhere between 35 and 41
In fact, that is a period of great importance in the native's )jfc
either for the better or worse.
The 2nd house has as its lord Saturn and is between, Jupiter
and Saturn having the aspect of Moon. Being between these ivw
planets, is really very good. 1 he aspect of M oon is again better
and these people generally are truthful but owing to the kad
being Saturn,they are sometimes inclined to having rough speech,
and are fairly well-to-do in life. They do not have mucii domestic
fhc 3id house has Saturn as its lord and is between Saturn and
JupUci . his house has the aspect af Sun as well as Mars. This
shows that these people are generally bold and adventurous, but
Mars and Saturn being enemies, somehow or other the native
creates some sort of misunderstanding or at least want of under-
standing between himself and his brothers or sisiers. They gener-
ally have much travels on land.
The 4th house with its lord Jupiter is between Salum and
Mars, both of them malefic planets,, with the aspect of Saturn
and Mercury. Jupiter and Moon, the indicator for mother are r-o
doubt friendly planets. Still (here is some suficrng about the
mother of ihe native, and they have a fairly guod and liberal
education. They own lands though they are not in any way very
remunerative. They have a large circle of friends who generally
will have some influence in (heir lives.
The 5th house with Mars as its lord is between Jupiier and
Venus with the aspect of Saturn. Venus and Jupiter Tliey
gcneraHy have a quickness of intellect and because Jupiter and
Mars ate friends they have children, bul owing to the aspect of
Saturn, may lose some of them. The aspect of two very benefic
planets on this house shows that they arc generally lucky, but the
aspect of Saturn shows some break of luck now and then
and they arc generally independent in their views.
Uic 6th house with its lord Venus is between Mars and
Mercury with the aspect of Mars. They steer clear of enemies
and the aspect of Mars on the 6th house is good, in thai, it
removes ill-health etc. But one thing they should take care of is
not to contract debts, for if they do. somehow they keep increasing.
The "th house with its lord Mercury is between Venus and
Moon, two bcncflc planets with the aspect of Jupiier and Mars.
Venus and Mercury are friends, so also Saturn and Venus, Jupiter
and Mercury arc not enemies. They generally marry well. Owing
to the aspect of Mars the wife's health may not be quite up to
the mark.
The 8th house with Moon as its lord is between Mercury
and Sun, with the aspect of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. These
people have a fairly lone life and the aspect of Saturn and Mars
must be considered to be good, in that, it removes the misfortunes
indicated by that house. The aspect of Mart on that house shows
some son oC accidental death or death probably due to an
Operation or weapon.
The 9ih house with its lord Sun h between Moon and
Mercury with the tispcci of Saimn and Jupiter. However much
Jupiter and Sun tuny be friend*. Saturn and Sun are enemies.
Somehow or other ihcy do not inherit any paternal property
or if per chance they do. lltcy generally lose it.
The 10th house has Venus as its lord with the aspect of
jupiier and is between Sun ami Venus. They are afraid of doing
any evil deeds, fairly teligious, though not orthodox, and if other
conditions in the horoscope are favourable, they rise to lame and
dignity in life.
70 Indian Astrology
The lltfa house has Venus as its lord and is between Mern
and Mars, with the aspect of Man and Saturn, This is a verv**
case where one can positively say that the native docs not
get what he deserves in life by way of income, and one $ho^
not forget that Jupiter and Venus arc also enemies. One ij ^
indicator for fame, wealth etc., and the other being the
of the 11th house indicating income etc.
The 12th bouse is that of Mars between Venus and
with the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter, Man: and Venus. They spend
a lot of money. They like comforts; often times they try to lead
a luxurious life. Owing to the aspect of both Jupiter and Vcaus
one thing has to be positively said that they are not selfish; they art
very liberal an^-oftcn times owing to the aspect of Satum, liberal
beyond their means.
The lord of this sign is Saturn, who also happens to be
the lord of the 2nd house. Hence Saturn becomes a perfect
benefic for people bom in this lagna because this planet owns
two ben the houses, and Saturn does not suffer from the disability
of being the lord of a Kendra for that odium is only meant for
Gum and Sukra. The lagna itself is between Jupiter and Saturn
with the aspect of a very bencfic Chandra. Therefore since the
lagnadhipathi {s naturally strong, it is generally considered that
people bom in this lagna arc lucky and likely to rise in life.
This does not mean at all that every person bom in Makara
lagna will reach heights of fame and najnc, but all that can be
said is that from the status in which he was bom, he mav
a better man.
The 2nd house again has as its lord Saturn and this houSJ
is betwecD Satum and Jupiter, with.the aspect of a powed
malefic Sun as well as Mars. Therefore to expect, especially » ^
of the fact that Saturn happens to be the lord of the 2nd
that these people are very trutJifu^ is rather difficult ^
be courteous but since Saturn is the lord, perhaps there ^ w*3™
not necessarily dishonesty, but, at least of what is commonly called
diplomacy. One thing has also to be said, somehow or other, owing
to the aspect of Saturn nnd a powerful Sun, there is some amount
of domestic unhappiness in their lives. Saturn and Jupiter are
friends, therefore, they may earn money well, but, since Sun and
Mats aspect, the trouble will be whether they will at any ttnie
be able to save much.
The 3rd house has as its lord Guru and the house itself
is between two malefic planets, Saturn and Mars and has the
aspect of Mercury. Mercury and Jupiter being friends, generally,
these people arc born with brothers and sisters and there is a
likelihood of their rising in life, but, owing to the aspect of Saturn,
how much they will be helpful to them, will be a maUcc of discus-
sion. Jupiter being ih^ lord of the 3rd house, especially with the
aspect of Mercury and Saturn, these are not at all bold
or adventurous but more thoughtful and to a certain extent
sneaking as well. Because Jupiter happens to be the lord of the
3rd house and this house also happens to be a watery sign, these
people generally have sea-borne travel.
The 4th house has Mars as its lord, and this house is between
Jupiter and Venus, This house has the aspect of Saturn, Jupiter
and Venus. Hence these people get a fairly liberal education, but
since Saturn is aspecting there will be some delay or a positive
chance for a lircak. Again, one thing has to be observed here
that Mars and Mercury arc inimical planets and as such, their
education may not be much useful to them in their lives. Mars
and Moon are friends. Hence a very respectable woman as a
mother is seen. Agayt, one thing may be observed that the 3rd
and the 4lh houses have the aspect of Saturn and the lord being
Mars, I hey are generally mentally dishonest. A certain amount
of excitability of temper is definitely seen owing to the aspect of
a malefic Saturn and the lord of llic house himself being a fiery
Mars. But the very bcncfic aspect of Jupiter and Venus gives
them the capacity to control their feelings to a. very large extent
they can be revengeful if they feel like it.
72 I Nil ian Astrology
The 5th house has Venus as its lord and is between ^ *
and Mercury. Both of these planets happen to be fricn^3'3,
Venus. This house has the aspect of Mars alone. Therefore
have a quickness of intellect and since the 5th house also speab
of Poorva-punya, they generally are considered to be lucky in
They have children. But again since Jupiter and Venus ^
inimical planets, it is just possible that their first bom mav m
survive them.
The 6th house has Mercury as its lord and is between Vcum
and Moon with the aspect of Jupiter and Mars. They generally
do not run into debts and the aspect of a bcncfic on the 6ih house
is generally considered to be bad. Hence they are likely to suffer
from some peimanent disease which will not in any way disable
them owing to the aspect of a powerful Mars.
The 7th house, situated between Mercury and Sun has Moor
as its lord with the aspect of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Saturn
and Moon axe necessarily not enemies., but Moon and Venus art
enemies. Since there is the aspect of Saturn on the 7th house,
these generally are not advised an early marriage. Dut the powerful
aspect of Jupiter somehow makes them marry fairly early in life
but that marriage is not so very successful. A later marriage is
definitely better than an early one. This perhaps may accounl
for some sort of domesiic unhappincss that has been indicated
while discussing the effects of 2nd house. Of course for a man
to have two living wives is really a trouble; a second marriage after
the demise of the first wife is again to be considered a trouble.
The 8ih house has Sun in it and this house is between two
bcncfic planets, Moon and Mercury and has the aspect of JuPlter
as well as Saturn. Saturn and Sun are inimical planets. They hav«
a fairly long life. The aspect of Saturn is indeed very good, in
it removes mudi of the disability of the 8th house meaning poverty>
misfortunes etc.
The 9th house has as its lord Mercury with the asp601
Jupiter and is between Sun and Venus. Sun and Mercury
friends. But Sun and Saturn arc not friends. Hence the chances
of inheriting paternal property are not very great. But still because
Sun and Mercury are friends, and owing to the aspect of a benefic
Jupiter, they may inherit some paternal propeny.
The 10th house has as its lord Venus, and' this house b
between Mercury and Mars. There are the aspects of Mars and
Saturn on this house. To that extent, it is really very good. These
people are likely to hold a position of power or authority. But
there is the aspect of Saturn. That indicates a change in service
or break in service. Whenever Saturn aspects the 10th house,
generally the native changes his job pretty often. These people
are not generally religious. They are more unorthodox than
otherwise. "God is in Heaven. All's well with the world." That
seems to be their religion in general,
The 11th house has the aspect of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and
Venus. The aspect of 4 planets on the J 1th house is indeed good
and they rise well in their lives. This house is between two very
benefic planets Venus and Jupiter.
The 12th house has as its lord Jupiter and is between Mars
and Saturn, two malefic planets, and this house has the aspect of
Mercury alone. However much they may be earning, they cannot
enjoy life. Enjoyment in life as such seems to be denied to than.
They may have, but still not be able to enjoy.
This is the lllh sign of the Zodiac. Its lord is Saturn. This
house 5s situated between Saturn and Jupiter. This house has the
aspect of two planets Sun and Mars, both of them arc natural
malefic, though by virtue of Sun being the lord of the 7th
house,, and Mars, the lord of the 10th house, they become temporary
The lord of the lagna, besides being a natural malefic,
happens also to be lord of the 12th house, and hence it ia
said that Kumbha lagna is not a fortunate one, since the lagnadhi-
74 Indian Astrology
pathi becomes weak, and the lagna also is aspected by ^
malefics who are the enemies of Saturn. However lucky i|j
might have been in their lives, it is generally seen that there '
some suffering during the last period of their lives, may be W
of money, may be a loss of some one near and dear, or some
other sort of unhappiness. In childhood, especially if they jta,,
with the dasa of a malefic and if especially Moon is not weQ
placed, they have ill-hcakh during their infant years and after-
wards they have tiot much to complain. They may have scmctirnei
a meteoric rise but they have very often a bitter fall in the end.
They must be very careful about this. They are too ambitious and
hence probably the fall.
The ^nd house is that of Jupiter with the aspect of Saturn
and Mercury. The house ifcclf is between Saturn and Mars, two
malefic planets. Since Jupiter and Saturn are more or less friendly
planets, and here Jupiter also being the lord of the Uth house
also, they generally always manage to get money and they arc
very prone to tell lies, and very plausible too. Their motto generally
scans to be:—"The end justifies the means",
The 3rd house has Mars as its lord, and the house is situated
between Jupiter and Venus, two bencfic planets, and with the
aspect of Saium, Venus and Jupiter. They generally have many
broihen and sisters, but there docs not secin to much I00*6
lost between then?. These people arc always bold and advcmor "Si
though always timid1 at heart. They are really thoughtful.
The 4th house has Venus as its lord, and is between Man
and Mercury. It has the aspect of Mars alone. Moon the indicator
for mother and Venus are not friendly, though both of than arc
benefics. They have a very excellent lady as the mother, hut veOT
often there is a separation between the native and his mother or
an early death. Somehow, there is a serious misundeistanding very
often between the mother and the native. Venus and Merely
friends they have a decent education and very often theythc,r ^
excitable by nature. They generally have landed property ^
own and have conveyances.
The 5 th house has Mercury as its Lord with the aspect of
Mar> and Jupitef. They are really very intelligent and very quick
in understanding, but if there is a malefic planet in that house, or
the aspect of a very powerful malefia they generally get perverted
and become unhappy snobs. They have children. Of course when
there is a malefic influence they are really very unhappy about
them. They generally use their power more to do harm to others
than good. Of course a benefic aspect on the house will certainly
prevent all these things. Somehow tbey are able to escape from
lot of troubles.
The 6th house with Moon as its lond is situated between
Mercury and Sun. It has the aspect of Jupiter^ Mars and Saturn.
They generally try to steer clear of debt and disease and they have
a lot of travel". Whenever they have a benefic aspect or a benefic
in this house they become miserly.
The 7th house has Sun as its lord and this house is situated
between Moon and Mercury, both of them benefics, with the
aspect of Saturn and Jupiter, Saturn and Venus are friends. Saturn
and Sun are enemies, so also Sun and Venus. They marry well, but
somehow domestic happiness is denied to them. Very often they
have a plurality of marriage. The later they marry the better
it is. An early marriage is not at ail good.
The 8th house has Mercury as its lord, and is situated between
Sun and Venus. This house is aspected by Jupiter. Saturn and
Mercury are not enemies and they generally have a fairly long life.
Perhaps because of the aspect of Jupiier on this house they have
some sort of misery or unhappiness in their lives.
The 9th house has as its lord Venus and is between Mercury
and Mars with the aspect ol Saturn and Mars. Sun and Venus
are enemies, so also Sun and Saturn. No doubt, they inherit some
paternal property but they generally aie unable to build up on
it. Very often, they lose their father early in life
The I Oth house has Mars as its lord and this house is betwee
Venus and Jupiter, and this house is aspected by Jupitcc, Mars
Venus and Saturn. They are really very versatile and they ^ ^
to handle any sort of work given to them. Especially with 5un ^
the lord of the 7th house, and Mars as the lord of the 10th
they rise to public fame, buf very often they do not undcrvani
their limitations. They arc fairly religious, though they mav QOi
be orthodox.
The 11th house has Jupiter as its lord with the aspect of
Mercury on this house. This house is between two malefic planeu
Mars and Saturn. They earn very well in their lives but
are not able to save. They must always try to make it a point to
be very careful about their money.
The 12th house has Saturn as its lord and the house is
situated between Jupiter and Saturn. This house has the aspect
of a very benefic Moon. They generally lead a life of luxury. They
spend a lot of money more on their own self; charity is tliere
only when they can earn some name about it. Some sort of
eccentricity is seen in the matter of their expenditure. Ihey
generally travel much.
This lagna is usually associated with Sun-—the Atmakarak, fcr
this is the last of all lagnas; this, according to Kalapurusha, is said
to be the feet. This lagna is between Saturn and Mars and contains
nakshatras Poorva Bhadrapada last portion, Uttara Bhadrapada
and Revati which means the influence of Jupiter, Saturn and
Mercury. One may even say from this position that, while the fist
or the youth of the native may be happy, dining the middle
portion there will be troubles in life because the inJiurnce of01
Saturn is to be felt and then peace and happiness because
Mercury. Mercury especially for these people happens to be na
lord of the 4th and 7th houses and hence a benefic. This k=
has as its lord Jupiter, a very benefic planet, and the
end here. It mav be considered to be the end of all things ari1^
the very first nakshatra of the next house is Aswini, of 'l ^
lord is Kethu, who happens to be the Mokshaka^aka, pcrhapb
meaning thereby that if the native has DQt had the complete
gnan^j he will have to go into Mcena and thetl come back in
This Jagna has the aspect of Mercury as well as Saturn.
Because Jupiter happens to be the lord of this house, generally
these people arc- a bit obese and they me in life. The aspect of
Saturn on ihi: lagna may indicate, especially if the native Is born
in Sani-dasa, some sort of ill-health during the first few years
of his or her life^ until Sani-dasa is over, but generally these
people are not very sickly.
The lord of the 2nd house is Mars and this house is between
Jupiter and Venus and has the aspect of Saturn and Venus.
Mars happens to be a friend of both Jupiiot and Venus. Hence
these people generally never sulTci from want as such in their
lives and there is a lot of domestic happiness about them. They
also marry well or at least they make their own choice. They are
generally truthful, perhaps sometimes blunt or outspoken.
' The 3rd house has Venus as its lord, and has llu* aspect of
Mars and the house itself is between Mars and Mercury. These
people arc generally bold and enlciprising and because Mars and
Venus are friendly plancis, these people have generally a number
of brothers and sisters. They have frequent small travels on land.
They are not bold or courageous. They generally have the: capacity
lo bear the troubles of life with, equammuy.
The ^ih house has Mercury as its lord and is between Venus
and Moon. Tltis house has the aspect of Mars and Jupiier. They
have a fairly good education. Moon, the indicator for mother and
Mercury being friends, they generally have a very good and
iived mother. They have a large circle of friends. They are
generally able to have conveyances of their own.
The 5th house has Moon a.S its lord and is between Mercury
and Sun. Jupfter, Saturn and Mais as pect this house and therefore
they have a clear keen intellect. They have a quick understanding
but owing lo the aspect of Salum. they can also be a bit perverse.
Moon and Jupiter arc friendly planets and they have childtQ,
but owing to the aspect of Saturn, there may be some loss, orrf* u
of the eldest. They exercise power and authority well. ' ^
This house speaks of Poorva-punya. Because Moan is a be.^
with the aspect of two friendly planets Jupiier and Mars,
are generally considered to be lucky3 though owing to the aspjq
of Saturn some break of luck here and there can be indicated
The 6th house has Sun as its lord and this house is between
Moon and Mercury. This house has the aspect of Jupiter and
Saturn. The aspect of Jupiter should not be considered to be
while that of Saturn must be considered as such. These people
generally have a fairly good health, especially after their youth;
and one thing they must try to remember:—not to run into debts.
They generally have much travels.
The 7th house has as its lord Mercury and this house is
between Sun and Venus, both of whom happen to be friends
of Mercury. This house has the aspect of Jupiter. Mercury and
Venus are friends. Therefore they marry well and often tirnes
The 8th house has as its lord Venus and is between Mercury
and Mars with the aspect of Saturn and Mars. The aspect of
Saturn on the 8th house must be considered to be very good.
Besides,, Saium and Venus, are very friendly. Hence they a
long life. The aspect of two malefic planets is indeed very good,
in that, it removes much of the malefic tendencies of this house.
That really is a negative advantage.
The 9th house has as its lord Mars and litis house Js between
Venus and Jupiter, both of whom happen lo be the friends ol
Mars. Here it can be seen that ihe 2nd house, the house that
indicates domestic happiness, wealth etc.. is between Jupjier
Venus, so also the 9iJi house which is called the Dharma-fJianai
Pilhru-sthana, Curu-sihana etc., is between the same two
benefic planets Jupiter and Venus. This house also has
of Saturn, Jupiter and another benefic planet Venus, thoug'1
Charactlristics of lagnas 7S
Sukra may happen to be a temporary tnakfic for people boru
in the sign Pisces. Mars and Sun, the indicator for lather, are
fricnch, so also Jupiier and Mars. Hence generally these people
inherit some paternal property. The word "some" is used because
of the aspect of Saturn, olhcnvtse, one will have to say that these
people inherit a large amount of paternal property. In their later
age ihey become very religious and begin to read sacred books etc.
The 1 Olii house has Jupiter as its lord and this house is
between Mars and Saturn. This house has the aspect of Mercury
alone. Therefore, these people generally become religious and one
thing can be seen that they want to enter greatly into public life
and they generally do good social work which, somehow or other,
docs not bring credit or name. By no means these people are
inclined to do evil to others.
The 11th house has Saturn in it and is between Saturn and
Jupiter and this house has the aspect of Moon. Mars and Saturn
are inimical pj.mieis. Somehow their expected income is not realised
unless there arc other conditions in the horoscope to expect it.
But one thing can be said, since Jupiter and Saturn have to be
considered more friends than enemies and since Jupiter and Mars
are friends they arc able to earn fairly well though they may not
be able to accumulate much.
Saturn happens to be the lord of the !2th house and this
house is between Saturn and Jupiter. This house has the aspect
of Mars and Sun. To that extent it is a very good thing; in that
it removes much of the troubles lhat have to be indicated by ihtt
house; expenses, losses, etc. But still owing to the aspect of two
malefic planets, they are not able to enjoy much in their lives or
at least in the way in which their status in life would warrant.
Guru, Chandra and Sukra are Marakas.
Sun and Sani are benefics.
Budha is a half benefic.
Raja-yogas :—
Sani, Sun and Budha together occupying 1st. 5th, 10th or ild»
Guru and Budha associate or aspect each other.
Buc^h^in Vrishabha. Mithuna, Simha, Kanya. Makaraor
The association of Kuja and Sukra or Guru and Suhra or
Guru and Kuja.
Exceptional Raja-yoga
Guru, Kuja and Sukra associating in 6th, 8lh or 12th house.
Y ogas:—
Sun in Mithuna, Kanya, Simha. Kumbha, Meena.
Chandra in Vrishabha, Thula, Dhanus or Meena.
Kuja in KataJcA, Thula, Dhanus, Mesha.
.Rabu in Dhanus or Meena.
Guru in Mesha, Kataka, Thula, Dhanus or Meena. ®111
Guru in Mesha will give Yogam in the beginning and
harm in the end.
Sani in Simha, Vrischika or Kumbha.
Kethu in Kataka, Thula, Meena or Mesha.
Sukra in Thula, Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha or M^ha
Sun and Budha together in Simha, Kanya> Makara or
Good Planets:—
Koja always gives good results. Guru and Chandra generally
do not give much good results.
Sukra in the 3rd house gives good results.
Sukra in the 10th house gives no yoga but only difficulties.
Guru in Lagna, Kuja in the 9th house, Sani in the 3rd house
and Budha and Sun together in the 2nd house give raja-yoga.
If Kuja associates with Chandra, there will be obstacles in
education ;.nd dullness of intellect, but during Kuja-iiasa there
will be yoga.
Raja-yoga;—Kuja and Sukra, Sani and Chandra, Sani and
Guru, Guru and Chandra together give Raja-yoga.
Sukra and Chandra in Makara or Kataka; Sani, Guru and
Chandra together in 5th, 8th or 12th houses or Sani, Guru and
Chandra exchanging their houses in 6th, 8th or 12th houses give
very powerful Raja-yoga.
Ordinary Yogas :—
Sun in Simha, Dhanus, Mesha or Mithuna.
Chandra in Thula, Makara, Mccna, Vrishabha or Mithuna.
Kuja in Vrischika, Dhanus, Mesha, Vrishabha or Mithuna.
Ralvu in Makara, Mccna, Mithuna or Kataka.
Guru in Kataka, Dhanus, Makara or Mcena.
Sani in Thula gives Yogam in the beginning and harm in
the end.
Sani in Makara, Meena, Mrsha or Kataka.
Budha in Simha, Kanya, Dhanus, Mesha, Vrishabha or
Kethu in Thula, Makara or Mithuna.
Sukra in Vrishabha, Thuja, Vrischika or Dhanus.
Sukra and Chandra together.
Sukra and Chandra, in Thula.
Guru in Kcndra or a Kona will not give much good results.
If Guru, Budha and Kuja together occupy a house, there
will be trouble^ from debts, during Budha Dasa, as well
as loss of honour, change of residence, hatred of friends
and relations and depression in spirit and deaths.
Note =-In all the above combinations there should not be the
aspect or conjunction of any other planet.
Ravi, Chandra, Kuja and Sani are Marakas, Kethu occupying
2nd, 7th or the 12th with Chandra and Kuja becomes a Maraka.
Sukra alone gives prosperity. Sukra and Budha together give
Rajayoga. If Rahu and Guru occupy the 2nd house, death occurs
during Rahu dasa, Guru bhukti or vice versa, or in their dasa in the
Bhukds of other malefic planets.
Sun and Budha occupying the third house, Budha gives good
If Sukra, Kuja and Chandra occupy the 2nd house there
will be much wealth during Sukra dasa. With Kuja in the 2nd
house, Sani and Chandra in the 8th house there will be mixed
results during Sani dasa and much wealth during Kuja dasa.
Sani and Kuja in the 2nd house, Chandra in the 8th house;
there will be loss of previously acquired fortune during Sani and
Kuja dasas.
Kuja and Chandra occupying the 11th house and Sani, the
9th house; there will be much wealth during their periods.
Guru and Sani in the 9th house give pilgrimages to sacred
rivers and shrines during their periods.
Sani and Surya occupying lagna give long life.
If Sukra occupies the 12th house, much wealth during Sukra
r dasa is promised.
Sani and Sukra are half benches.
Raja.yogas :—
Guru in Kataka or Mithuna gives rajayoga in inc beginniitf
and harm in end. In Dhanus, it generally does harm.
Guru and Chandra in Mccna; there will be -voga duria-
Guru-dasa and during Chandra-dasa. there will be yogam onlv
if Chandra is waxing.
Kuja, Sani and Sukra together in the 6th, 8th or 12th liouse.
Ordinary Yogas :—
Sun in Vrischika or Makara.
Chandra in Kataka, Kanya, Thula, Kumbha or Mecna.
Kuja in Mcsha. Simha, Vrishabha or Makara.
Rahu in Simha, Vrischika, Makara or Mesha.
Guru in Kanya, Thula or Kumbha.
Sani in Mesha, Vrishabha, Vrischika or Mccna.
Sani in Kumbha gives yoga in the beginning and harm in the
» end.
Budha in Mesha, Thula or Kumbha. In Kataka, Yoga in die
beginning and harm in the end.
Kethu in Simha, Vrischika, Mesha or Vrishabha.
Sukra in Vrishabha. Thula, Vrischika or Makara.
Guru and Budha together in Kanya or Mccna. ^
beginning and harm in the end during their dasaf.
Sun and Budha in Kanya or Mcsha together.
Sani and Kuja together.
Sukra and Kuja together,
Sani and Sukra together.

other planets in any of the above-mentioned conditjOf1,

Sanu Budha, Sukra and Sun are Marakas.
These planets cannot give good results. Sun will not kill of
its own accord but will do so when under malefic influence.
Kuja gives good benefits and is a full btmcfic.
Chandra is a good planet.
Raja-yogas :—
Budha and Sukra in the 12lh house. There will be Raja-yoga
during Siikra-dasa,
Guru and Chandra in Lagna, in their dasas.
Chandra in Lagna and Kuja in the 7lh house.
Kuja and Guru in Mccna, Mesha or Vrischika.
Sani and Guru in Dhanus, Kumbha or Milhuna.
Sun and Budli.a in Kumbha, Milhuna, Kanya or Dhanus.
Sukra and Chandra in Vrishabha, Kalaka or Thula.
• and« Chandra— in Kalaka or IMesha ■
Guru, Budha and Sani in 6th, 8th or I2lh house.
Ordinary Yogas :—
Kuja in the 5th or lOlh house, much wealth.
Sukra in 2nd or I2lh house gives good results.
Gunrr Kuja and Chandra in the 2nd House.
Sun and Sukra m the 5th house give wealth, fame and
Budha and Sukra in the 5th house; good results during
Budha-dnsa arc promised.
Budha, Sukra and Chandra in the Ilth house. Guru in Lagna
and Sun in the lOlh house give wealth, fame, courage
and good qualities.
Sun and Kuja in the lOlh house give wealth.
Some Pecu lxaaities op Lagnas 87
Good Planets:—
f^uja always gives good results. Guru and Chandra generally
do not give much good results.
Sukra in the 3rd house gives good results.
Sukra in the 10th house gives no yoga but only di/Scuhies.
Guru in Lagna, Kuja in the 9th house, Sani in the 3rd house
and Budha and Sun together in die 2nd house give raja-yoga.
If Kuja associates with Chandra, there will be obstacles in
education ;.nd dullness of intellect, but during Kuja-dasa there
will be yoga.
Raja-yoga:—Kuja and Sukra, Sani and Chandra, Sani and
Guru, Guru and Chandra together give Raja-yoga.
Sukra and Chandra in Makara or Katal^a; Sani, Guru and
Chandra together in 6th, 8th or I2lh houses or Sani, Guru and
Chandra exchanging their houses in 6th, 8th or 12th houses give
very powerful Raja-yoga.
Ordinary Yogas:—
Sun in Slmha, Dhanus, Mesha or Mithuna.
Chandra in Thula, Makara, Mcena, Vrishabha or Mithuna.
Kuja in Vrlscliika, Dhanus, Mesha, Vnshahha or Mithuna.
Rahu in Makara, Mccna, Mithuna or Kataka.
Guru in Kataka, Dhanus, Makara or Mcena.
Sani in Thula gives Yogatn in the beginning and harm in
the end.
Sani in Maknra, Mcena, Mciha or Kataka.
Budlia in Slmha, Kanyo, Dhanus, Mesha, Vnshahha or
Ketliu in Thula, Makara or Mithuna.
Sukra in Vrishabha, Thula, Vrischlka or Dhanus.
Sukra and Chandra together.
Sun^Kujaand Budhain conjunction with or with the aspect
Kuja and Sukra when they are together if aspcctcd or asso"
ciated with Guru, spoil yoga.
Otbcr Results:—
Guru and Sukra, if in association; no yoga.
Guru and Kuja in association give good results generally
during their dasas.
If Sun, Budha and Kuja associate with or aspect each other
there will be much , wealth,, so also Sun, Budha and
^furu if they are associated with or aspect each other.
If Sun and Budha associate; there will be some wealth.
If Sun, Kuja and Budha occupy Lagna; Rudha-dasa gives
much prosperity.
If Kuja and Sani occupy the 12th house, Sani gives good
results during his dasa.
In all the above combinations there should not be the aspect
or conjunction of any other planet.
Guru, Chandra, Kuja and Sukra arc Marakas.
Sun will not kill,
Budha and Sukra arc full benefits.
Saturn is half benefic and generally gives bad results.
Good Planets:—
Budha in association with Sukra gives good results.
Chandra Jn lagna with Kclhu gives good results though
he is a Maraka.
Guru and Sukra in the 4th house give good result during
their dasas.
If Sani occupies the Uth house Sani will give very good
results during his dasa.
Kuja cannot give a yoga; generally gives bad results.
Sani and Guru in Kataka; Sukra, Chandra and Rahu in
Vrishabha; Budha and Kuja in MitUvui.igives good results
during the bhuktis of bcncfic planets.
Sani, though a lord of the 5th house, generally gives bad
Budha in Kanya; Sukra and Budha together; Guru and Sukra
together; Sun, Kuja and Sani together in the 6th, 8th or I2th
house give Raja-yoga.
Sukra in Meena, gives Raja Yognm during her Dasa in the
beginning and much harm in the end.
Ordinary Yogas:—
Sun in Vrischika, Kumbha, Mesha, Kataka or Simha.
Chandra in Thula, Dhanus. Muk;nav Vrishabha, Millmua or
Kuja in Vrischika, Kumbha, Mcslra. Kataka or Simha.
Rahu or Kellui in Vrischika, Kunihha, Me-»ha. Kataka of
Kethu in Mesha will not give yoga.
Sani in Vl'isvliika. Kumbha,. Mcilia or Simha.
Budha in Kany.i. 'llmln, Dhanus, MhLira, VrMialili.t,
Milhtma or Kataka.
Sun and Sani, Sani ami Kuja or Sun and Kuja assomiiug.
Indian Astrology
Otha Results;—
If Sukra and Chandra aie together during Sun's Dasa ,),m
will be much wealth. During Sukra Dasa no wealth ^
during Chandra Dasa UiCrc will he miNcd results.
Sukra and Chandra in the 7th house; Guru in the lltiv house
and Sun in the 8ih house, give during Dosas o[ Guru and
Sukra yogam, but will also be losing his wh-cs, sojnc-
rimes 4 or 5.
If Guru and Bud ha are in the -Uh house and if Saul and
Sukra occupy the 6th house, (here will be much wealth during
their Dasas.
Guru in Dhanus, Vrishabha. Mithuna and Kataka. gives good
results, but in »Mcciia gives bad results.
Sukra and Budha if aspcctcd by or in conjtim'ti«t) with
Kuja, yogam is spoiled.
Sukra and Chandra in Tliula give much wcallli but in
Vrishabha Ordinary results.
Note:—In all the above combinaiions or posiiions tlicic should m>t
be the aspect or conjunction of any other planets.
Sun. Budha and Kuja arc Maiahas.
Sun is more powerful in killing. Kuja will not kill.
Good Planets:—
Saturn and Mars arc full benefits. Budha is half hi'no.nc.
gives better results than Budha. Sukra gives gone! rrsuU^ ^ ,•,,l
and Budha together give good results.
Guru in the 6th house, SanI in the 9th house and Kuja
Budha in the 11th house.
Soni in lagna and Chandra in Kataka.
Budha and Chandra together in Mithuna, Kataka, Makara
or Kumbha,
Guru, Sukra and Budha together in the 6th, 8th Or 12th
Chandra, Sun, Budha, Sani and Kuja all together.
Budha and Sukra in Mcena, Vrishabha or Kanya.
Guru in Kataka gives very bad results.
Ordinary Yogas;—
Sun in Vrischika, Dhanus, Kumbha or Simha,
Chandra in Makara] Kumbha or Thula. In Kataka she gives
both yogam and great harm.
Rahu or Kethu in Dhanus, Meena, Vrishabha, Simha or
Kanya, but Kethu in Vrishabha will not give yoga.
Kuja in Simha.
Sukra in Vrishabha or Meena, gives yoga during his dasa
in the beginning and harm in the end.
Guru in Vrishabha, Makara or Kanya
Budha in Thula, Meena, Vrishabha, Kataka, Simha or Kanya,
Sani in Makara, Kataka, but Saturn En Kumbha, Mithuna or
Thula gives yoga and does harm afterwards.
Budha and Chandra, Sani and Chandra, Guru and liudha.
Guru and Sukra give yoga.
Olhcr Results:—
If Guru and Sukra occupy the same house or aspect 'each other
or arc aspcctcd by Kuja and Sani, there will be smallpox and
92 Indian Astrology
wounds during the bhukties of Gum and Sukr'a if thest two 0 U r
the houses of Kuja and Sani or during Gum bhukti ;t, ? ^
dasa or vice versa. ^
If Kuja associates with Sani and Budha there will he n»ucK
If Sukra, Sun and Budha occupy lagna there will be prospcniy^
carnages and wealth.
If Budha, Sukra and Sani occupy lagna and if Chandra aT,(|
Sun occupy the 7th. house there will be prosperity during Budha
If Sani occupies Kumbha with Guru, Budha and Kuja and
Rahu occupies the tOth house there will be bathing in sacicd rnrrs.
Sim, KAja, Sani and Budha associating with or aspccting
each other give much wealth and prosperity.
In all the above combinations or positions there should not !>;
the aspect or conjunction of any other planet.
Budha, Sukra, Sani are Marakas. Gtiru, tliough lord of the
2nd house is generally not a Maraka.
Sim, Chandra and Guru arc full bemfics.
Sun and Chandra give good results.
Guru gives ordinary results.
Kuja gives same results as Guru.
Sun alone is the yoga-giving planet, though, even th'5 15
not much.
Guru in 3rd house generally produces generosity and
Sun, Budha and Sukra in the 7th house during Budha dasa.
Kuja. Budha and Sukra associating or exchanging their
places in 6th, 8th, 12th houses. The association or
exchange of any two of these is ordinary yoga.
Ordinary Yoga:—
Corn. Chandra and Kethu occupying Kataka give very good
results during Guru dasa only during Kethu dasa no
good results.
Sun in Dhanus, Kumbha, Mccna. or Kataka.
Chandra in Mccna, Katnka, Simha or Kanya..
Kuja in Mcsba, Milhuna, Thula or Makara.
Knhu or Kethu in Makara, Mcsha, Milhuna, Kanya or
Kethu in Mithuna will not give Yoga.
Guru in Dhanus, Mccna. Simha or Kanya.
Sani in Makara, Ki.utblia. Mesha and Simha. But in Thula
it gives yoga and then harm.
Budha iii Media, MUhun.i, Thula and Makara.
Stiki.a in Thula, Mesha or Mitlmtm; in Mccna and Kataka
rather bad results.
Sun and Sani in conjutulion in Kumbha, Mccna or Si ml i a.
Sun and Guru in DhamK. Kumbha, Mccna, Kataka. ur SiiuliA.
Gum and Chandra asMjciating or aspecting each other or
occupying each other's house.
94 Indian Astrology
Sani and Chandra: Kuja and Sukra; Budha ^ K , or
Budha and Sukra associating.
Other Results:—
Guru and Budha associating or aspecting each r
will be much wealth. '
Guru and Budha in the 3th house and Chandra in the Uih
house; there will be much wealth and prosperity.
Sun in Kataka and Chandra in Siroha, there will be good
results in Dasas of both.
Sun and Chandra associating is not much good but aspecting
each other gives yoga.
Note:—There shdlild not be the aspect or conjunction of any
other planet in the combinations mentioned above.
Chandra. Sukra and Sani are Marakas. Sani kills only when
he is associated with Budha or Sun but otherwise it docs not kill.
Guru gives ordinary results and occasionally gives bad results
without killing.
Sun is a full benefic.
Mars is half bcnehc.
Good Planets :—
Sun and Kuja give good results. Sani in the 5tJh house gives
good results. Sani in Thula. the 11th house, gives very good results
and yoga, but Sani does not give yoga if he occupies the 5ili
or the 11th house for any other Lagua.
Surya and Sukra in the 9th house when Sani is in 3rd house.
During Sani dasa, there will be good results.
Sun, Kuja and Rahu together in Kumbha or Simha; there
will be bathing in holy rivers during their dasas. Budha in the
Jllli house with the aspect or association of Guru, there will be
Sun and Budha in association or occupying cadi other's house
give Raja-yoga, but the association or aspect of Chandra spoils
the yoga completely,
Sukra and Chandra together in Kumbha, Vrishabha. Kataka
or Vriichika will be giving yoga in ascending order.
Kuja and Chcmdra or Sukra and Chandra or Kuja and
Sukra, or Sukra, Kuja and Chandra in Vrishahlia, Kataka or
Vrischika or exchanging their places in these Rashis give Raja-yoga.
Ordinary Yogas;—
Sun in Mccna or Simha.
Chandra in Kumbha, Vrishabha or Vrischika.
Kuja in Kumbha. Vrishabha, Kataka or Vrischika,
Kalui in Kumbha, Vrishabha, Kataka, 'lAimla or Vrisduka.
in Kuinbhn. Vrishabha, Thula or Vrischika.
Guru in Dhanus, Mccna, Mcsha, Simha or Kanya.
Sam' in Kumbha, Vrishabha or Thula.
Budha in Simha, Thula or Dhanus.
Sukra in Vrishabha, Kataka or Vrischika..
Guru or Budha trrjeiher or Sun and Guru together.
Note;—Th«-rc should not he the aspen or cnnjunciion of any other
planet in the crjiiiliinniinRS ]iieiUiOih*d
Gum, Kuja and Chamha arc Marakas.
Sani, though a Maraka, caiiuol kill of his co\i> accnul.
Sun, though the lord of the 8th house, will uol generally ►
kill but gives very onliiuny results.
Mais, Budha and Sukra are half "hnu-ltcs.
96 Indian Astrolooy.
Good Planets:—
Budha in the 8th house Guru in lagna with the
of Sukra; there will be health but poverty also.
Sukra as the lord of the 5lh house gives good results hUt
the lord of the lOtli house gives ordinary results. ^
Sukra and Budha in the lagna, Chandra in the 5th house ^
aspected by Guru; he will be very rich.
If Guru be in lagna, Kuja and Sxikra be in the 4th house
and be strong, there will be gain of money through brothers during
Guru dasa.
Sun, Chandra and Budha in lagna, and Sukra and Kuia
in the 12th house; there will be wealth through brothers and if
SanI and Rudha occupy the 9ih house, there will be prosperity.
Rahu in the 12th house and aspected by Guru or associated
with hijij, gives good results.
Sukra gives yoga of his own accord.
Chandra in Kataka and Kuja in Makara.
Budha and Sukra in Vrishabha and Sun in the 4th house;
there will be yoga during Sun's dasa.
Guru in Mecna, Mi Limn a, Siniha or Dhanus.
Budha and Sukra; Sukra and Kuja, Sun and Guru; Sun and
Budha, or Sun, Rudha and Gum in associailon or exchanging
their positions in Milbuna, Sim ha and Dhan"^.

Ordinary Yogas>—
Sun in Mecna, Mitlmna or Dhanus,
Chandra in Vrishabha, Kanya, or Thula.
Kuja in Vrishabha, Mcsha, Kanya or Vriscliika.
Kuja in Mecna is not bad.
Some peculiarities op lagnas 97
Rahu or Kethu in MccniL, Mithuna, Simha, Vrischika or
. Dhanus.
• Sani in Mcsha, Thula or Makara.
Sani in Thula gives yoga in the beginning and harm in ihc end.
Budha in Vrishabha, Kanya or Thula,
Sukra In Mcsha, Vrishabha, Kanya or Thula.
The association of Guru and Budha or Sukra and Sani.
Other Resulis:—
Sani and Budha. ill association in Kumbha or Kanya give
wealth. . •
Budha and Kuja in Mcsha, Kanya, Thula or Vrischika give
good results.
Budha in Dhanus gives yoga.
Note:—There should not be conjunction or aspect of any other
planet in the combinations mentioned above.
Guru, Kuja and Chandra arc Marakas.
Guru docs not kill of his own accord.
Good Planets;—
Sukra is a full benefic.
Kuja Is half benefic.
Sukra invariably gives good results.
Budha and Sani give ordinary results.
Sun and Budha in lllC 5th house give good results.
If Guru occupies l.ngtia and Sukra occupies the 'Uli house
iherc will be mixed results during Sukra dasa; Guru
dasa will not give good results but during Sun's dasa
there arc good results.
IW3UN Astrolocv
If Guru occupies any KQnAn .
11 01
the 5th house, there ^drs
Chandra dasa. "" ^ duril ^
Guru and Kethu in lagna with the
person immoral, aspect o£ Kuja ^
Raja-yoga :—
Kuja and Sukra in association.
If Budha and Sun occupy Mithuna and if suL-r

Budha, Chandra and Sani or any two of them in associaiiw

m Kataka, Kanya, or Makara, confer Raja-yo^a, but vilh all
the three it is very powerful.
Ordinary Yogas :—
If Sun is with Sukra in lagna and Rahu is in the 10th house
there will be yoga during Rahu and Guru dasa.
If Guru is in lagna and Sani is in the 2nd house, there wifl
be mixed results during Guru dasa and obstacles to yoga during
Sani dasa.
if Sun, Gum and Budha are in the 3rd house, there vriMte
very good yosa durirlS Ravi 'iasa on'y"
Sun in Meshi or Dhanus.
Chandra in Mcsha, Kanya or Makara.
Kuja in Mesha, Vrisbabha, Mthuna. KatRa,
Vrischika or D't-us. ul,MUS„rNW-
Rahu and Ketu in Media. K.ata5"'
Kethu in Kanya will not give ^ ^ or
Guru in Vrishabha, Mi.huna, TUula. r
hfeena. nliantu o
ni in Mcsha, Kstaka. Krny ^ ^ VrlscWkan
Sukra in
•u and
S3J1i and Chandra
j^otcThere should not be any aspect or association of any other
planet in the above-mentioned combinations.
Budha, Sukra, Sani and Sun arc Marakas.
Sukia is more powerful in killing,
Sani is more powerful than Sukra in killing.
Kuja and Chandra arc benches.
Good Planets:—
Kuja and Chandra give good results.
Guru gives ordinary rcsails. ■
Sani in I21h house gives good results.
Chandra in 12th house causes poverty and disturbs the yoga
during Guru dasa and Chandra bhukli.
If Guru occupies 5th house, there will be many daughters
and he may give one son.
Sukra gives bad results.
If Chandra occupies 2od house and Kuja the 5th house, there
will be wealth during Chandra dasa.
If Guru occupies 5th home, Sukra occupies Sth house, Sani
occupies 9th house, and Chandra and Kuja 11th house
there will be very good results.
If Uudha, Chandra nnd Kuja occupy Makara, there will be
wealth and carriages during their dasas.
If Sani occupies lagna, Kuja occupies lUh house and Sukra
occupies 6th house, there will 1« wealth and carriages
during Sukra dasa
If Budha, Guru, Chandra and Kuja occupy MLihuna without
the aspect or association of other planets, there will be
fame, wealth etc, during their dasas and bhuktis.
If Guru occupies 10th house, there will be good results.
If Chandra, occupies 3rd house, Sun occupies 6th house, Budlia
occupies 7th house, Sukra occupies 12th house. Guru
occupies 10th house, Sani occupies 12th house, and Kuja
"■ 11th house, there will be prosperity.
If Guru, Kuja and Sukra occupy Makara, there will be no
trouble in Sukra bhukti during Guru and Kuja dasas.
Raja-yoga i—
Sun, Sukra and Sani associating without the aspect or associa-
tion of other planets in Simha, Kumbha or Thula, but preferably
in the first two, as, in Thula. the aspect of these planets on the 2nd
house affects the domestic happiness.
Kuja and Guru association.
Sun In Vrishabha, Thula, Makara or Kumbha.
Chandra in Mcsha, Dhanus or Meena.
Kuja in Mesha, Kataka, Vrischika, Dhanus or Makara.
Rahu or Kethu in Vrishabha, Simha, Makara or Kumbha,
Kethu in Thula cannot give yoga.
' Guru in Mithuna, Kataka, Vrischika,' Dhanus or Makara.
Sani in Vrishabha, Simha, Thula, Makara, or Kumbha.
Sam in Kataka and Thula gives yoga in his dasa but
in the end does harm.
Budha in Mithuna, Kataka, Vrischika or Makara.
Budha in Kanya gives yoga during his dasa lit the earlier
part and docs harm in the end.
Sukra in Simha or Thula.
Guru and Kuja aspecting or associating with i irh other,
Chandra and Budha associating. Chandra and Budha do not
give yoga in Thula.
Guru and Chandra associating or Kuja and Chandra
associating or Sun and Sukra associating or Sun and
Sani associating or Sani and Sukra associating.
Note :—There should not be the aspect or association of any
other planet in the above combinations.
planets as lords of houses
Sijnlia Lagoa
SiiD-B ^Sa-:—Sun is the king of all plane... owns onl/ one
, r^imfa Suppose a person is born m SmJ.a Lagna. Sun .s
w • will have 10 consWer .vl.cll.cr Sun-Mccury conjunction
•Se^ or bad Because .his conjune.ion will be o( .he lord of
, „d2 besides of I and 11, it must be considered to be very good,
•in the.'.he native will get weal.l., provided this conjunction docs
not occur in an unfavonrahlc place from Jupiter, the m.Jicatnr
forwcalih, and frrtnt Lagna.
Sun-Venus ;—Venus is the lord of the lOih bouse as well as
the 3fd bouse. No doubi Ycitus gels eclipsed when die is in
ccnjimclion with Sun, hut that will be a dillcicnt matter. Still,
Wnus is the lord of the I Oth house indicating [jiofe«>ioii and
when die is in conjunction with the lord of the I. ago a the petson is
likely to rise in his [jrofcdSion.
Suii*Mars:—It is the conjunction of the lords of I & -l as
well as of ! &. 9. Tills conjunction as the lords of 1 & 0 is
scry good, in dial the native is likely to have :i respect aide father
Besides, the chances of inheriting some patcmaj projirrty are
there. Again, Mais is the l<v.*d of ihg -Iill bouse whtcli si^'aks of
innllicr, cchication, etc. Sun-Mars licing logrlhcr speaks of a voiy
good molUcr, I>\it again here also, one will have to take into
ronsitleratton the posilioii of Moon as the imlirator for inolli^i*
vith reference to Sun ami Mars. When we tAe tin- cpiolion of
cdncaiion, we have ip t,,ke Sim-Mars with o fcii-nce In Momuy.
the in die a tor for vidya.
Smi-Juplicr —JujiiJvr is the had of tin; Mb .nul Bth Ikmok.
T1 ',1CcOniunc,i0rt
8 aho nmst l:«:"eonsulcicd
' ^ r> is imlt'nl \nyhngoi\l;
U» he good the cnnjuiu'ikui
hoigevity foi wh.-n-
^t i <c lojd of tlie kigua is in cuitjnnetuui with any hhava.lliip li;
that bhavadhipati becomes strong. The 5lh house ind'
not only ehildren but Poorva-puos^ and Adhikar (authoritv)1^!?
Sun-Jupiter conjunction therefore must be considered t0 ^ ^
ia both the cases; provided, it is not in an unfavourable podtian
from the 10th house Or its lord- This conjunction in ;o
it relates to the 8ch house must not be In an unfavorable padbon
from Saturn, the indicator for longevity.
Sun-Saturn Saturn is the lord of the 6th and 7th bouses,
the 6th house indicating ill-health etc. and the 7ih house, partner
and conjugal happiness. Whether the person will be sickly or not,
will have to be considered by the respective strengths of Sun and
Saturn. If Sun be weak and Saturn be very strong, the native
will have some ill-health or the other. Sun and Saturn are enemies.
But Sun as the lord of the lagna being in conjunction with
the lord of the 7th house, must be considered to be good; the
native may get a good wife but there may not be much agreement
between them. Sun and Saturn arc enemies, so also Sun and
Venus; but Saturn and Venus being friends, will be responsible
for getting the native a good wife. With this conjunction in a
woman's horoscope, we will have to bring Jupiter into play with
Sun and Saturn, instead of Venus as in a man's case.
Sun-Moon :—This conjunction must necessarily be considered
to be bad, because, it will be round about Amavasya. Generally
it is said that during the waning Moon all bcncfics arc weak
and all maiefics are strong; that itself gives a certain amount of
weakness to the horoscope.
This is a strong fiery planet, of course less strong than Sun.
This is a warrior. This planet owns two houses, Mcsha and
Mcsha Lagna
Mais-Venus :—This conjunction must necessarily tc considered
to be very good, for, it is the conjunction of the lords of 1 & 3
and 1 & 7. In the first place, there is a positive indication < '
the native may marry well and have domestic happiness, because
Wars an^ Venus are friends, at least not enemies. So far as the
„uestifm. of wealth is concerned, that will have to be considered
Sum the position of Jupiter vis-a-vis this Mars and Venus.
Mars-Mercury t—This conjunction must necessarily be con-
sidered to be bad, because Mercury is the lord of the 3rd and
6th houses and therefore a malefic planet. However, this conjunc-
tion must be considered to be good, if it takes place in the 6th,
8th or 12th house from the lagna. If it takes place in any other-
house it is likely to produce ill-health as well as enemies.- If Mars
is exalted he may eventually overcome both. This conjunction
produces brothers and courage as well.
Mars'MoonThis conjunction is indeed very good showing
a very good mother. Here Moon is not only the indicator for
mother but also the lord of the 4th house. The native will have a
number of friends placed high as well as low in life. For education;
this conjunction must be examined with reference to the position
of Mercury vis-a-vis Mars and Moon.
Mars-Sun :—This conjunction gives children though one or
two miscarriages; may happen more or less will depend on the
position of this conjunction with reference to Jupiter, the indicator,
for children.
Mars-Jupiter: This conjunction is of 1 and 9 as well as of
fi and 12; as of 1 and 9 it is good; so also as of 8 and 12. The
conjunction of 1 and 9 must take place in a favourable house,
and of 8 and 12 must necessarily take place in an unfavourable
house. The native is likely to have paternal inhcritenct but more
of it, if well placed from Sun the Pitrukarak. This conjunction
in a favourable position from Kcthu—the Mokshakaraka may turn
the native's thoughts towards God at the end of his life. This
conjunction as of T and 12 makes the native a bit expensive and
also charitable,
Maxs-Satum ;—This conjunction must be considered to be
good. The conjunction of 1 and 10 shows a good position in life
Indian Astrology ,
with power and atithotity; as of I and 11, a good in
course, even here one will have to taXe into considerat™*' 10
Jupiter and Venus, because Jupiter is the indicator for vJal'V' '''
Venus is the lord of the house indicating finance. ^
Vrischiha Lagna
Mars-Jupiter:—This conjunction as of 1. 2 and s w
compared, to tnc ■ same conjunction
■ . in . Mcsha lagnii: f OCllCr
or lj^5
Jupiter is a perfect benefic, being the lord of 2 and 5, wj.j]c fo
Mesha lagna, Jupiter owns the 12lh house also. Ii niav ^
that Jupiter is a Maraka, but that is not the point. Tu fact this h
the finest conjunction, only second to Mars-Jupitcr conjunction for
Mecca lagna. This conjunction in lagna, 2nd, 5ih, lOtli or Uth
house musttbc considered to be very good^ the native will have
wealth and be necessarily above want; the native will have a
fair amount of domestic happiness.
This conjunction as of I and 5 makes the native verv
intelligent, quick-witted and fond of authority which he knows
well how to wield. The native will have children.
Mars-Saturn :—This conjunction as of I. *5, 4 and 6 is a
double-edged weapon. They are mutual enemies, but Moon,
the indicator for mnther. is a friend of both. It has often been
seen that there is some want of understanding between inoilicr
and son, however good and respectable the moihcr may he.
So far as the question of education is concerned, it Is to lie
observed whether they arc passing through a«y iwilefir ttosa
during their yculh, in which ease there is every chance <-1 their
.•cation being broken or delayed. The extent of the pi ogress
of education will depend on the position of these two planets
vis-a-vis Mercury, the indicator for education. This conjunction
as of 1 and 3 makes the native a bit mulish and sclf-opittionntc .
This conjunction of 3 and 6 must lake place in an unfavoura
house, viz. 6, 8 or 12.
Mars-Venus:—This conjunction as of I and 7 is a)wn>s 0co^
Here one thing has to be observed whether it takes p ace
bcncSc house or a malefic house. In the opinion of the writer, the
conjunction of Mars and Venus as the lords of 6 and 12, either
in the 6th house or in the 12th house has been a better position
than elsewhere. They get good wife.
Mars-Mercury :—This conjunction will be that of 1 and 8,
1 and 11 and 6 and 8. As of 1 and 11, it is very good if in a
good house and in a favourable position from Jupiier; but in an
unfavourable position it is not pleasant. As of 1 and 8, or 6 and 8,
it h better to have it in an unfavourable position, for the lord
of the lagna becomes strong. For longevity, this con junction will
have to be examined from Saturn, the indicator for longevity.
Mars-Moon !—This conjunction as of 1 and 9 is good, provided
it is in a favourable position both from the lagna and the 9th
house. Whether the native will inherit paternal property, will
depend on its position with reference to Sun, the indicator for
Mhrs-Sua j—This conjunction is excellent. The native will
rise to power, but how long the native is going to maintain that
power will depend on other conditions.
This planet is the lord of Mithuna and Kanya. Generally
speaking, it is not such a strong planet, because it is impotent.
This planet always speaks of education- etc, and many Lawyers,
humane judges, and a few doctors also arc bom in its signs.
Mithuna Lagna
MciViry-Mooii;—This conjunction is indeed very good being
of 1 and 2, but if Moon be waning and very near amavasya, it
does not produce much good results, even though it is favourably
placed from Jupiter, the indicator for wealth. Even domestic
happfness is fairly good and there is not much to complain.
. Mcrcury-Suit—This conjunction is not very pleasant because
Sun is the lord of the 3rd house and not Because Merciuy gct»
106 Indian Astrology
eclipsed, Sun and Mercury arc always almost iogciher and Mcr
does not suffer from the disability of being eclipsed. Sun and
are friends, but Mercury and Mars arc enemies. The native ma.,
have brothers but there may not be much agreement between diem
though very often the native will be very helpful to his brothers
or brothers' children. The lord of the -Jtli house also is Mercury
and very many eases have been seen where the native has
lost his mother early in life whenever Moon was not well-placed,
though as between Mercury and Moon, they might have been
very well positioned. The native gcncially has a liberal and mxx!
education, provided, in his young age, no malefic dasa as that of
Raliu or Mars, or even Saturn, intervenes. If Mercury is n«t wdl-
placcd, it Soften seen that the native has not enough mental peace.
Mercury-Venus:—This conjunction is necessarily very
pleasant. Venus owns the house of intclligcnco and Mercury, know-
ledge; if Moon also is favourable, the native rises very.well in life
and becomes a good speaker or orator. He will have children; even
here, this conjunction will have to be considered with reference
to Jupiter. Because Venus is also the lord of the twelfth house,
the native will be very expensive by nature but that will be for
good and not for evil purijosc. If it is favourably placed from
Ketbu, the native may talk philosophy.
Mercury-Mars:—Mais owns the 6th and Ufh; the conjunc-
tion of 1 and 11 is good, but it must take place in a good house,
preferably with the aspect of Jupiter. This conjunction in a
bad house will be good in so far as it removes the disabllily of
Mercury being in a bad house. Mercury'Moon-Mars conjunction
will be very good, because they arc lords of 3, 2 and 11. So far
as the question •f ill-health is concerned, generally Venus being
the lord of the 12th house, many instances have been seen where
the native suffers fioin diabetes as well as from piles and fistula,
when other concCtions for ihcm are favourable, viz., Saturn in or
aspcciing the I2ih house or Venus, etc.
Mercury-Jupiter This conjunction as of the lords of 1 and 7
is good, as Mercury and Jupiter are not enemies. Mercury and
/cr.us arc friends, but Mercury and Jupiter are not so good,
ind Venus and Moon are enemies. In a woman's horoscope.
Mercury-Juphcr conjunction is very good, but it is not so good
in a man's horoscope. Any way, they marry fairly well. This
conjunction with Jupiter as the lord of the 10th house is indeed
good. The native is likely to rise in life and attain some position
in his particular avocation.
Mercury-Satum :—This conjunction of the lords of 1, 8 and
9 is necessarily very good and gives the native a long life, Saturn
himself being the indicator for longevity. Saturn as the lord of
the 9th house will be good for paternal property, of course that
depending upon the position from Sun.
Kanya Lagna
Mcrcury-Venus;—This conjunction is excellent, for it is the
conjunction of lords of 1 and 2 as well as of 9 and 10, provided
there is not the aspect or conjunction of any malefic planet and
is favourably placed from lagna. The native will have fairly good
health and will have good domestic happiness. So far as the
question of wealth is concerned, this conjunction has to be con-
sidered with rclcrcnce to Jupiter.
Mcrcury-iMars:—This conjunction is necessarily bad, because
Mars is the lord of 3 and 8; it may be that so far as longevity
is conccntcd, it is good, but then it spoils the lord of the lagna,
for the lord of the lagna must not be in conjunction with any
malefic planet when placed in a good house. If it is placed in
an evil house, it will be really good. The longevity depends upon
tls position from Saturn, its indicator. For biotbcis, it is a very
bad position, for Mercury and Mars are natural enemies. Very
often it is seen that these people have no brothers or sisters and
whenever they have, there is a definite lack of untlorstandinij
between tlictn; generally U makes them a bit obstinate and mulish,
for Mercury becomes a malefic in association with Mars.
Mercury-Jupfter ;—This conjunction will be more or less the
Same as for Mithuna lagna. Here again Mercury and Venus are
friends. Mercury and JupUcr are not enemies. But Jupiter
Venus arc enemies. ThereforCj some sort of want m his domc[t^
happiness is likely to be present. Though Jupiter and Venus
enemies, after all both are benches. ^
Mercury-Saturn :—-This conjunction is of 1 and 5 and ]
6. The native will have children, because Jupiier is a fricn^
of both. Of course many or less will depend upon the position ol
these two planets with reference to Jupiter, The health of the native
is. likely to be more delicate than strong, because Saturn is the
weakest of all planets and Mercury himself is a weak planet gaining
strength from the planet with whom it is in conjunction,
Mcrcory-Moon This conjunction of 1 and II is very good.
Here, it mu^not be taken as the conjunction of 10 and 11. In a
favourable position of course it is very good, again depending
upon its position from Venus and Jupiter.
This is indeed a natural benefic, but is considered a malefic
when waning. She owns Cancer. This is the fourth sign In the
Zodiac and in, the 'Kalapurusha body; it is breast. Moon being
the lord of that house and she being the indicator for mother, this
house may also be connected with food. For people bom in the
sign Cancer, it will always be advantageous to have Moon waxing
and not waning, because the lord of the lagna will then become
strong. When she is waning, she will naturally be weak. It is always
better to have the lord of the lagna strong.
Kataka Lagna
Moon-Sun Tin's conjunction of lords of I and 2, may be
considered to be good, but that will be round about Ainiwasya
when all benefic planets are weak and malefic planets strong.
Hence, it will not be a happy conjunction though it nia/ be treated
as a good one.
Moon-Mercury :—This conjunction need not be described aS
of great enemies. Mercury for this Moon, is an enemy hut bath
of them 3.re bencfics. It will be the conjunction of 1 and S and
l and 12, which indeed is bad, especially when it happens in very
favourable"houses, when the native is likely to lose a lot of ntomiy
in his"1 life. This conjunction, especially well-placed from Kethu
inclines the native for spiritual development. This sign Cancer by
itself is a sign that is inclined for spiritual development.
Moon-Venus :—This conjunction is indeed good. They are
enemies, though natural bencfics; Moon,, as the indicator for
mother, and Venus, as the lord of the 4th house indicating mother,
shows a very good and excellent lady as his rnothcr, espedidly
when this conjunction takes place in a favourable house, both from
the lagna and Jic 'Uli house. 'Tills house speaks of education J-s
well. Mercury and Venus being friends, the native is likely
to have a good and liberal education, provided the conjunction
is favourably placed from Mercury. The native is likely to have
conveyances. As of 1 and 11, this conjunction indicates a good
income, but the accumulation depends upon its position Itoin
Jupiter, the lord of the 9th house and Sun, the lord of the
2nd house.
Moon-Mars s—This conjunction of friends and as of lords of
1,5 and 10 is necessarily good; the native will have children. That
will depend upon its position from Jupiter. The native is COflainlv
intelligent and there is a quickness oE intellect- The power ot
understanding will really be great. He will rise to some position
of power and authority.
Moon-Jupiter:—This conjunction will be of I and S and
1 and 9. As of I and 6, it is not pleasant, as the 6th house
represents ill-health, disease etc. Whether the nalivC is going to be
always sickly or otherwise, will have to be oxammetl from their
comparative strength. If Jupiter is stronger, it will indicate frequent
small ailments; if Moon is waning, the health may not be very
robust. These people should be very careful not to contract debts,
for though their intention and (Wire to repay will be very strong,
tlicy may not be able to do so, owing to their liberal and expensive
nature. As of 1 and 9, it is indeed very good, especially as Jup '.er
is a friend of Sun- -indicator for father—and Moon is not an
enemy of either. The native is likely to inherit ^ I14,enul
property, provided this conjunction takes place in at aVourail
house, not only from lagna but also from the 9t), faou !, «
from Sun. ^ » aid
Moon-SarumThit conjunction is of i, J an(j g .
and 7, it is indeed very good. Here a point may be 5ir£s^
that Saturn and Venus are friends. Therefore, tliey are likelyT
get a good "wife, but again Saturn and Sun representing domestic
happiness are enemies; so also Venus and Sun. Very 0ftcn Caacer
bora people either do not have much domestic happiness or
a plurality of wives,
Satum as tile lord of the 8lh house, with Moon, the lord
of the lagna must be considered to be good, few whenever the
lord of tlfcMagna is in conjunction with any bhavadhipati, that
particular bhava becomes strong. Therefore Saturn himself being
the indicator for longevity, a long life is to be predicted. So far
as the question of yoga is concerned, this conjunction in any
unfavourable house is preferable.
A natural bcncfic, in fact very nearly as good as Jupiter, with
only this difTcrcnce that Venus is a luxury-mined planet whereas
Jupiter is more spiritually inclined. This planet owns two houses
Vrishabha and Thula.
Vrishahha Lagna
Venus as the lord of Hie Vrishabha becomes die lord of the
6th house also and therefore less harmful. Vrishabha lagna
the advantage of having benefic planets as lords of evd W
and of having lords of benefic houses (except Sun) as ncn
Vcmis-Mercury This conjunction will be of the lo«1*
I and 2 besides of 1 and 5, and llicreforc, vc.y P1<*K,"t' , ,
die native will have wealth as well as children, o c u ^
depending upon its position from Jupiter. People bo
Ia»na con$3<IcrccI to be generally lucky in life. They are fair
and honest of speech, and have fairly good domestic hnppincu.
Venus-Moon —This conjunction is of 1 and 3 as well «s
6 and 3. As has been rcmarkcU carltcr, Moon, though a innlefic,
by virtue of its being -the lord of 3, is a natural bcncfic and njore
so when she is waxing . Mars is a friend of both Venus ami Moon.
They have brothers and sisters, but because Venus and Moon
arc natural enemies, it is possible that there may not be much
agreement between Thvin. They are not very adventurous.
Venus'Sun This conjunction of 1 and 4 is good, but Vcims
suffers from the disability of being eclipsed which is a weak point.
A good mother is promised, yet Venus and Moon being enemies,
some want of understanding between them or some unhappiness
to her is likely.
Mercury as a friend of both Sun and Venus, will give good
cducalioiij especially when favourably placed from the -Jth hou-'L
They have many friends to whom ihcy arc generally useful. They
are intelligent, with tjuickncss of perception. The question ol
health will depend upon the position of Venus herself and also
upon the aspects which the 6th house from the lagna is having.
Venus-Mai'sr—-This conjunction is of I, 6, 7 and 12. The
conjunction of the lord of the 7iti house and of Venus, the indicator
for wife, is ckfnnVly good; a very good and excellent lady as the
wife is seen, but still Mars and Mertrmy, the lord of the 2nd
house being inimical, soiuelimcs a nagging wife is seen. This
conjunction in any favourable place is indeed good. This conjunc-
tion in 6, 8 or 12 is much belter. Tor it will be the conjunction
of the lords of G and 12. The ConjuncliiUl of the lord of the
12th house with Vciuis, especially if thai happens in the 12th
house, is conducive to a very great raja-yoga provided there is
not the aspect or Con junction of any other planet, This con j illic-
it ion anywhere dsn is good.
Vcnus-JiipUcr : This conjunction is of 1 and 6, 8 and 11. Tile
conj line lion of 1 and 11 in it favourable position is indeed good,
and especially if Mercury also is favourably placed from it
Mercury joins it in a favourable position, the native will
great wealth. It gives longevity and more so when NveU-pia^
from Saturn. It must be remembered that this conjunction in ^
11th house docs not produce good results.
Vcmis-Satum ;—This conjunction of I, 9 and 10 is exccllcs^
more so because they are friends. In a benefic house, it is
but in the 9lh or 10th house, k is better. The question of inheriting
paternal property will depend upon its position from Sun. Tta
native is Bkely » rise to some position of eminence.
Thula Lagna
Venus, as the lord of Thula, becomes the lord of 1 and 8,
showing that Venus is weaker. Perhaps to prove this fact, ihere
is the aspect of Saturn on this house.
Venus-Mars :—This conjunction is of 1, 2, 7 and 8. This
conjunction for Thula lagna is a better proposition than for
Vrishabha Lagna, where it will mean the conjunction cf 1, 6, 7
and 12. The native has good domestic happiness, good wife, but
the question of wealth will depend upon its position from Jupiter.
The native is fairly honest and truthful.
Vcnus-Jupitcr:—This conjunction is of 1, 3, £5 and 8. Venus
and Jupiter are enemies though benches. Here again, it may be
pointed out that malefic planets own bcncfic houses and bcnclic
planets own evil houses. Jupiter owns 3 and 6, two bad houses.
Mercury owns 9 and 12. 12 is a bad house. Therefore, a bcnefic
planet becomes a temporary malefic. But a malefic planet
becomes a temporary bcnefic and a line of distinction most
necessarily be drawn between a natural bcnefic becoming a malefic
and a natural malefic becoming a malefic as m the case of Mais for
Kanya lagna. The native has brothers but general!) it has been
seen ilia! there is not much love lost between them. They ate
realty bold. The conjunction is better in 6, 8 or 12.
Venus-Safum:—This conjunction is of 1, 4, 5 and 8. These
two arc friends. So also Mercury, the indicator for knowledge.
ThcV ^ave a
asa ce
very good aeducation, provided ihey do not have
" had ^ ''' R hu during the cdncntvonal period. The
native has many friends, but fticndship is, not continued. A ijood
lady ** mother is seen but if Moon is unfavourably placed an
earlv demise is likely. He is intelligent but often a bit mulfsh
and obs'inatc. 'The conjunction of the lord of 8 and the indicator"
of longevity, gives n long life.
Venus-Mercury :—This conjunction of 1 and 9 is excellent;
but paternal inheritance will depend upon its position from Sun.
Us unfavourable position may mean both an early death of the
father as well as loss of inheritance This conjunction in the
12th house without the aspect or conjunction of any other planet
is excellent.
Venus-Moon t—This conjuiKiinn is of I and 10. It may be
that these arc not friends, but still the native rises In life to
some position of power or authority and he is fairly honest, lie
i^cncrally is not 'inclined to do evil for evil's sak'*. One thing cannot
be denied that he is selfish.
Vcuus-Sun;—This conjunction is of 1 and 11. No doubt it
is good, especially when favourably placed from Jupiter and Mars.
Gut Venus, the lord of the lagna, will have the disability of being
The worst point for Tliiila lagna people will be an exalted
Jupiter. The native will really be wry lucky if he docs not
his dasa. They are many instances of a debilitated Jupiter in his
dasa having given tremendously good results.
This is a natural bcncfic owning two houses, Dhanus hftd
Mccna, the 9th and 12lb houses respectively from Media.
Dhanur Lagna
Jupiter-Saturn r—This is the conjunction of I, 2, 3 and 1.
As* of ' and 2, it is productive of wealth, but more so if well
placed from Sun and Venus, the lords of 9 and 11, and also of
domestic happiness, the latter depending upon the 7th house,
its lord etc,. The native generally has brothers and sisters, but
very often it has been seen that because Saturn and Mars are
encmiea and Jupiter by himself a very benefic planet, his brothers
and sisters take more advantage of him. The number of brothers
and sisters and courage will depend upon its position from Mars.
has frequent small travels.
Jupltcr-Mars This is the conjunction of 1, 4, 5 and 12.
The native has a good mother, a. fairly good education and can
maintain conveyances but this will depend on its position from
Moon, Mercury and Venus respectively. Jupiter in the 4th house
with the aspdtTof a malefic makes the native his own enemy. The
native goes out of the way to help others, uncalled for, and gets
into trouble. The explanation is that he is so good by nature that
he cannot bear the sufTcrlngs of others and he wants to Kelp even
at his own cost. The native has children: he is intelligent. With
malefic planets in the 5th house, he may lose some children; he
develops an intuitive faculty and is expensive.
Jupiter-Venus This is the conjunction of 1, 4, 6 and 11.
As of I and 11, it is necessarily good despite their being enemies.
As of 1 and 6, it must necessarily be considered to be bad. The
native is not very successful with women. If there are bcnefic
planets in the lagna, he is able to maintain health fairly well
and the relative strength of Jupfier and Venus w]]\ have to be
considered before earning to a decision. The native has. a number
of enemies to whom also he is generally liberal and good.
Jupitcr-Mcrcury;—It is the conjunction of 1, 4, 7 and 10.
Mercury is a friend of Jupiter as well as Venus, but Jupiter and
Venus are enemies. If there is any malefic planet in the 7th
house, and Venus is not well-placed from the conjunction, there
is plurality of marriage. Though the native marries well, the
understanding between the spouses is not very great, the fault ■■
being more with the native. This conjunction as of I and 10'
is indeed very good and makes the native a thcist, honest, sincere,
Planets as Lords of Houses 115
joj fairly religious. When well plated from the 10th house,
Tttskos the native o good servmtu
Jupiter-MoonIt is a conjunction of 1, 4 and 8. It confets
longevity, more so when favourably placed from Saturn. However,
.. may 'gjjo nicao a dcbilky In the horoscope, in that the lord
or lasna joins the lord of Bth. but this conjunction in a bad
house is advantageous to give yoga.
Japitcr-Sun :—This Conjunction of I, 4 and 9 is excellent and
gives the native a respectable father and chances of paternal
inhcrilance, provided ;l is in a favourable position from the 9lh
bouse and irtorc so, if also from the lagna. The effect will be
enhanced if there arc no malefics in the 9th house.
Mccna Lagna
Jupiter as the lord of Mccna lagna is at a better advantage
because he owns the lOlh house—a stronger kendra than the
4th house. Therefore, this must be considered to be a better
lagna than Dhanus.
Jupiter-Mars:—This conjunction of I, 2, 9 and 10 is indeed
beautiful and is bettur than th n for Dhanus, where Mars is the lord
of the !2tli house. It is as good a conjunction as of Buuha .and
Sukra for Kenya lagna. The native gets wealth and paternal
property, the latter depending on iis portion from Sun. He is
truthful and has fairly good domestic happiness. He rises in life
as well if the conjunction is in a benehc house.
Jupiter-Venus This Conjunction of 1, 3, 8 and 10 is definitely
bad for yoga, but it gives longevity. In an unfavouiablc house
it is better for giving yoga. The native has brothers and there
isa also agreement between them. He has a certain amount of pride
boui himself, as well as aloofness. He is not very bold or
Jupltcr-Mcrcury;—'This is the conjunction of I, 4, 1 and 10.
A liberal education is seen if xvcll-placed from the 4th house,
an excellent lady as the mother when well-placed from Moon.
Slow in making friends but steadfast and helpful to them. The
native is slightly selfisk, but can keep an open mind. A good wife is
seen; but a tendency for plurality of marriage also is indicated, if
the 7th house and 2nd house are afflicted because Jupiter and
Venus' are enemies.
Jupitcr-Satum :—This is the conjunction of 1, 10, 11 and 12;
as of 1 and 11 It is good; as of 10 and 11 which is bad, it should
be ignored. It is productive of wry good income if favourably
placed both from lagna and Mars, The native is a good servant
but not a good master. As of J and 12, in an unfavourable
position, is better. The native is fairly religious and if well-placed
from Kethu, he is spiritually-minded because Mccna lagna has
the inherent capacity to produce spiriuinlly-minded people.
Jupitfx-Moon ;—This conjunction of l._ 5 and 10 is good.
The native has fame, name and dignity. The question of wealth
will depend upon the position of Mars. The unlive has children.
This conjunction in 1, 9 or 10 is indeed very good.
Jupiter-Sun :—This conjunction of 1, 6 and 10 is bad. How-
ever, the question of ill-health will depend upon the comparative
strength of Jupiter and Sun, and also upon the kind of ;u:pcr1s
on the 6lh house.
This planet is a natural malefic and is consideicd to be a
planet of woe and misery.
Makara Lagna
This planet is the ford of I and 2 and therefore a perfect
benefic, and if well-placed from lagna it is preferable.
Salum-Jupitcr:—This is ilic conjmiciion of 1, 2. 3 and 12.
Jupiter is a bencfic as well as the indicator for wealth. This con-
junction in ] 5 or 11 is preferable. Saturn being placed fiont a
favourable position from Jupiier is a better proposition. In the
conjunction, the lord of the lapia has the disability of with
thr lord of 3 and 12, which makes the native very expenave.
Saturn-Mars Though these two are enemies, it is the con-
junction of 1,'2.4 and 11. The conjunction of 1, 2 and 11 is
necessarily good, provided it is in a favourable position from the
lagna and Jupiter. Mars and Moon are friends, Saturn and Moon
2re not enemies. But Saturn and Mars are enemies. A very good
mother is seen. Still, some want of understanding between mother
and son has very often been observed, especially when the conjunc-
tion is unfavourably placed from Moon, The native gets a good
education, the extent depending upon its position from Mercury,
It gives conveyances, but more so, if favourably placed from
Venus, The native gets landed properly but it may not be very
useful to him,
Saturn-Venus i—This conjunction of 1, 2, 5 and 10 is good,
Satura. and Venus are friends. The native has quickness
of intellect. He gets children also, but its position with reference
to Jupiter will have to be considered seriously. In many cases,
unhappiness through children has been observed. The native is
very ambitious, fond of authority and very often rises to positions
of honour. The native speaks philosophy much, but very rarely
practises, and he is not very religious..
Satum-Mcrcury:—This is the conjunction of I, 2, 6 and 9.
As of 1, 2 and 9, the native inherits good paternal property if
well-placed from lagna and Sun, It creates many enemies and the
native generally tries to ride rough-shod over weaker ones. The
native manages generally to maintain a fairly good health. This
conjunction in a good house is indeed preferable,
Sattim-Moon :—-This conjunction of 1, 2 and 7 is good. The
native gets a good wife who generally comes from a good family,
often times better than his own. and has a fair amount of domestic
Satum-Sun:—-This conjunction of 1, 2 and 8 is very good for
longevity, because Saturn also is indicator for longevity. But (his
118 Indian Astsoloov
conjunction has also the effect of reducing the strength of u 0ld
of the lagna by eclipsing it, and closer the conjunction thl'woret
it is.
Kumbha l-tgri *
Satum is a natural malefic and the lord of I and 12. As 6f
1, it is a bcncfic; as of 12, it is a malefic. Hence, this
as -w^li as Saturn must be considered weak. Unlike other lagn^
this requires co be fortified very well before any yoga can be
Satum-Jupitcr:—This conjunction of 1, 2, 11 and 12 is good-
In a favourable place both from the lagna as well as the 2nd
house, it produces very good results. The native is generally truth,
ful and enjoys a fair amount of domestic happiness.
Saturn-Mars :—This is the conjunction of 1, 3, 10 and 12. The
native generally does not have many brothers and if he has, there
is not much agreement. He is outwardly very bold but at heart
timid. He rises to a position of power and eminence with dogged
labour. He is very exacting by nature. A sense of false dignity is
seen in him. He is helpful to his friends,
Satura-Venus :—This conjunction of 1, 4, 9 and 12 is good.
The native has a very good lady as mother who is cither unhappy
or dies early in life. When well-placed from Mercury, It gives good
education. The native gets conveyances. By inclination he is fond
of sycophants. The native is generally able to save some property.
Inheritance of paternal propeny depends on its position from Sun.
This conjunction is good in any house, but in the I2lh it is the
best. This by itself is a great rajayoga and additionally, ^
lords of 6, 8 and 12 are also weak, it becomes exceptionally good.
Salurn-Mcrcury :—This is the conjunction of J, 5, 8 and 12.
As of 1 and 5 in a favourable position from the lagna and Jupiter,
and without any malefic aspect on the 5th house, it is bound to give
good children and make the native happy about them. The same
conjunction as of 8 and 12 in 6, 8 or 12 must be considered to be
a better proposition in as much as much of the evil in the horoscope
;s eliminated. This will be productive of a lesser yoga than the
Saturn and Venus conjunction in 12. Saturn-Mercury conjunction
will also give a long life though there is this odium that after all
the native may have some sort of perversity in his character and
it sometimes makes the native a snob.
Saturn-Moon .—This is the conjunction of 1, 6 and 12. It must
be mentioned here that Moon in the 2nd house for this lagna has ^
always given very bad results at the end of life. This conjunction.
If it takes place in 3, 6, 8 or 12, is good, because It is of 12 and 6.
In any favourable house from the lagna. it is very bad. but in an
unfavourable position, it is slightly better, as the evil is reduced;
this does not produce a very 'freai raja-yoga. It is very favourable
for long travels.
Saturn-Sun :—This is the conjunction of 1, 7 and 12. It leads
to plurality of marriage. Saturn and Sun are enemies. So also
Venus and Sun; but Saturn and Venus are friends. The native
gets a good wife, but still if Sun is stronger than Saturn, the wife
is dominating. The wife comes from a fairly good family and
brings a fair amount of dowry. If Saturn and Sun are adversely
placed from each other, and if Moon in the two horoscopes of
the husband and wife are unfavourably placed from each other,
it leads to great domestic unhappiness, despite Jupiter, a peace-
loving planet, owing 2nd house.
Every enjoyment or suffering a man has, affects on]v
body and mind, in some cases not even the niind. but never afTrtji
the soul. Therefore, if we have to examine the material prosuecti.
in a man's life in this world, we have to consider the sirCDfjj)
of the^agna and lagnadhipati, that is to say, the binlj ^
(ascendant) and the lord of the birth sign. As this represents ^
body of a man, if we do not correctly understand the strcneth
of the lagna and the lagnadhipathu our prediction must naturally
go wrong, ffthe lagna and/or lagnadhipathi are weak, it means the
native is not destined to have much ina:orial prospect or enjoyrnenc.
However strong a particular dasanailia may be and even if this
dasanatha is prepared to give, the body is not capable of receiving
and enjoying,
Lagnadhipathi may be considered to be strong in the following
cases : — (1) When he is in his own house, (21 when he is with
friends, (3) when he is in fcendra or kona, (4) when he has the
conjunction of benefics, (5) when he has the aspect of bcndics,
(6) when he is in a friendly navaii'sa, (7) xvhenhe is in a friendly
drekkana, (8) when he is in exaltation, (9) when he is between
bencfics, (10) when he is in a friendly sign, (11) when he is in the
11 th house from lagna.
Lagnadhipati may be considered to be weak in the following
cases '—(I) when he is in an inimical sign, (2) when he is in
conjunction with malefics, [3) when he is in the 3rd, 6th, 8th
or 12th houses from lagna, (4) when he is between malefics,
(5) when he has the aspect of malefics, (6) when lie is in depression
Or is eclipsed, (7) when he is in an inimical navamsa, (8) when he
is 'm an inimical drekkana.
The lagna is considered to be strong when—(I) There are
bencfics in it, (2) there are the aspects of bencfics, (3) the lagna
is between bencfics.
pj^c;—-Here bencfics and malefics mean the natural bcncfics and
malcfics, not the planets which have become temporary
benefics or malefics by virtue of ownership. E.g. Guru as
the lord of 3 and 6 is a maJefic, Saturn becomes a perfect
benefic when he is the lord of 4 and 5 as in the case of
Thula lagna But when "between bencfics" occurs, it means
only natural bencfics and when "between maldtcs"* occurs,
it means between natural malefics.
The lagna is considered to be weak when—-(11 lagna is
between malefics (2) there arc malefics in ihr lagna. (3) there
are malefics aspecting it. or (fl when the birth is in a malefic
navamsa or drekkana.
Then wc have to find out if I. 2. V, o. 7. 9 and 10 which
arc benefic houses, and their lords are strong or weak,, for these
houses and their lords are MMially expected to give together good
i-i<*ii]ls. These must therefore be strong,
Wc have also to find out if the lords of 3. 6. S and 12
are «trong nr weak. Thcie houses and their lords hiing generally
misery, troubles and unhappincss to a. native. These must be weak.
For, the minus or negative quantity will be lessened and as this
decreases, the strength increases.
Wc have then to fmcl out and see whether individual planet*
are in ad wise position to other, t.e. planets which arc situated
in the Gili and 8th house to uracil other generally give very bad
result?, in lln'ir U.isas and bhuklis. whatever maybe their respective
lordships. These points must be very carefully noted Wforc one
bcgiiio lo predict. As a matter of guidance a few points are given
below :—
The lagnndhipathi. even though" he is in exaltation or
friendly rasi. if that house of rNaltation happens lo l>c 3rd, Sih,
8th or 12th house from lagna. the lagnadhipathi should not be
considered to be powerful, i.e., exalted Mars for Vrischika lagna,
cxuit-C-d Jupiter for Dhnnur lagna and exalted Venus for Thula
lagna arc comparatively weak.
122 Ittoian Astrology
If the lagnadhipathi should happen to be jn ^ .
or kona, and even if that house should happen to be a ^
debilitation, or an inimical sign, the lagnadhipathi should^
considered to be weak. ^
Though the lagnadhipathi be a malefic by nature, if
happen ^to be m 3, 6, 8 or 12 house, he should not be con5idcrc<j
to be in a good position and expected to give good result^.
Lagnadhipathi or the lord of lagna, though a malefic by nam
becomes a benefic by virtue of his being the lagnadhipathi and ^
position in the 3, 6, 8 or 12 is not conducive to any good. Bencfics
(natural) always increase the effects of the houses which ^cv
occupy or aspect. Malefics (natural) destroy the result of fk
houses which they occupy or aspect. Therefore it is veiy good
to find bencfics occupyihg good houses and malefics occupying evil
houses. For the natural bencfics would improve the results of the
houses they occupy and the natural malefics would destroy the
evil of those houses which they occupy. Malefics in 3. 6, S and 12
remove the evil effects of those houses. If a person does not have
quarrels etc. it is good and these effects will happen if malefics
occupy or aspect the houses which indicate these things. If a
person does not contract debts or suffer imprisonment or illness,
it is good. If a person has no misery, it is good. If a person does
not waste or lose money, it is good.
If the Lagnadhipathi be in a kendra. or a kona, he must have
the aspect and or conjunction of benefics alone. He must not have
in any case the aspect of malefics or the conjunction of malefics or
the conjunction or the aspect of the lords of 3, 6. 8 and 12 houses.
If the lagnadhipathi is situated in 3, 6, 8 and 12 houses he
must have the aspect and/or conjunction of natural malefics alone
and there should not be, in any case, die aspect or conjunction of
any natural benefics. This position is conductive to yoga.
When a planet is situated in a certain house, if the lord^0'
that house be situated in the house of exaltation of the occupying
planet, the occupying planet gets exalted, the strength ox extent of
exaltation ■will depend on the actual degree position of the lord 0
the house in the house of exaltation.
Ex. If Surya should be in Kaiaka CCanCjer) and if the lord of
lhat house, ChaQdra occupies Mesha, Sun gets exalted but
cxaJtadoo will depend on the degree podtioo which Chandra
occupies in Mesha, as in Mesha, Surya gets different strengths
according to its podtioQ.
If the same Chandra should occupy Thula, Surya is debilitated
and the degree of debilitation depends on the position or degree
which Chandra occupies in Thula.
Some hold that if Chandra should occupy Vrishabha when
Sun is in Kataka, Sun also becomes powerful.
Some say that if a certain planet should be debilitated in a
rasi, and if the lord oL that rasi occupies his own house or his
house of exaltation, the occupying planet loses its debilitation and
gives rajayoga, c-g. if Guru is in Makara. he is debilitated, but
if Saturn is in Makara or Kumblia or Thula, Guru loses his
debilitation and gives rajayoga.
Some others say, If Guru be in Makara and if Sani should
occupy Makara or Kumbha, he will yet be ncccha or debilitated,
and if Sani should occupy Thula. Guru gets Ntccbabhangam, or
loses its deblfitation and if Saturn be in kendra from Chandra,
Guru gives ncccbabhanga rajavogam. This \ie\v is tr^rc agreeable. i
Still some others hold that when a planet is in dcbiliiat'ion. if
the planet which has that house as its exaltation sign or the lord of
the house be situated in kendra from Cliantira. the planet loses its
debilitation, e.g. Saturn is in dulnlitation in Mesha. and if Sun die
planet which has Mesha as its exaltation sign, or if Kuja, the lord
of Mesha. be in a kendra from Chandra, Sani is said to lose his
When an exalted and a debilitated planet together occupy
a sign, the debilitated planet is said to lr>«r its debilUation. e.g.
Sun and Sani in conjunction in Mesha. Sun will not lose his
Strength, and Saturn will lose his debilitation.
The following combinations will generally result in yoga if the
planets are situated in benefic houses from lagna without the
Indian Astbdloqy
aspect or conjunction of malefics and preferably wichom
conjunction or aspect of even bencfics. The conjunctions of 1 ^
of 1 and 2, 1 and 5, 2 and !!> 1 and 11, 4 and 5, g tkndm
4 and 9, 5 and 7, 5 and 10, 7 and 9, 1 and 9; I and 4. 1 a,ld ^
2 and 9,2 and 5—In short the conjunction of the lord of a quadrant
or iendra with the lord of trine or trikona is good. The
of kcndras if they happen to be bcucRcs do not give good rcsu]^
Chandia because it owns only one house is not a malefic even if
he owns a kendra.
Benefics should be lords of trikonas, when they will gjve
goocl results. Malefics should be the lords of kendras when ||1Cy
will girt good results. Bcncfics as lords of konas occupying kendra?
and malefics as lords of kendras occupjnng konas give verv
good results.
The lords of 6, 8 and 12. The conjunclinn of any two of
these planets in the 6, 8 or 12 without any other aspect or conjunc-
tion gives Yoga. The conjunction of all the three planets in 6,
8 or 12 without any aspect or conjunction, gives raja yoga. The
exchange of Itouses or the inutual reception by or of any two
of the lords of 6, 8 and 12 without any aspect or conjunciion is
good and gives yoga.
The lord of 1 in 5, of 5 in 9^ and of 9 in 1 gives yoga.
Planets must be in advance of their houses and never behind,
e.g., if the lord of the lagna goes to 12tli housCj if the lord of
the 12th goes to the !lth housej and lord of the llth to the
10th and so on, this particular position causes poverty, misery
and trouble.
If several planets are in advance by one house of their own,
they give good results.
The parivarthanam or exchange of places by the lords of
benefic houses is always good, e.g., the lord of I in 9 and the kjrd
of 9 in I is good, but the exchange of houses by the lord of 1, in
6, 8 or 12 though the lords of these houses may be bcncfics is not
good. The conjunction of karaka with the bhavadliipati is always
productive of much good for that bhava; e.g. the conjunction of
Guru, thean Puthrakaraka with the lord of the 5th house, the
Put]]C35^ 3dhipad is very good, for that bha^a. Ordinary or very
zood results will depend on the position these two planets occupy
in a horoscope. Their conjunction in kendras or konas or their
mutual aspect from kendras or konas will be good. But their
occupying malefic houses or having the conjunction or aspect of the
malefic planets will reduce the good clTrcts which these combina-
tions will produce.
If Guru., Budha and Sukra, all three he situated in 6, 7 and S
from Chandra (all the three houses being thus occupied) and
bo not asprcied by or be in conjunction with inalrfics, the native
will have rajayogA, which will give him wealth with peace of
mind and happiness. Similarly, if Sani, Mangal, Surya, Rahu or
Kellm. or any three cf them Ix situated in 6, 7 and 8 from Chandra
(all the three houses being thus occupied) and be not aspcctcd
by other planets the native will also have Rajayoga, but this will
give him only wealth; peace of mind and happiness being denied.
If the three betiefics, viz. Budha, Suhra. Guru arc all togct'icr
in G, 7 or 8 from lagna and be not aspocicd by malefics the native
gets Yoga.
Some say that shubha planets 'in Any two of 6, 7 or 8 from
Chandra also give rajayoga. Some others say that any planets
in 6. 7 and 8 (all houses occupied) give Raja Yoga.
The conjunction or mutual aspect or mutual reception of
any two of the lords of 2, 5, 9 and 11 houses in two, live, nine
and eleventh houses, gives Yogaf provided there is not the aspect
or conjunction of any of the lords of 3. 6, 8 or 12 licne^s. But
if this combination takes place in 6, 8 or 12 houses it will produce
only evil. ■
Weak or debilitated malefic planets or strong and powerful
benefic planets in kendras or konas give good results.'
The conjunction of the lords of 1, 9 and 10 in the Olh or
10th house from iagna without any malefic aspect or conjunction
126 Indian Astrology
giviss exceptional rajayoga. In the experience of the writer the
conjunction of the lords of 9th and 10th hemses in larna
given expected, results. ^ nas not
If Guru, Budha, Sukra and full Moon are without an
malefic aspect or conjunction in a horoscope, the native will hav?
yoga irrespective of any other conditions.
Karaka occupying the Bhava is not good, the exception being
Saturn—ayush karak in the 8th house. Some hold that even
the aspect of a karaka on its Bhava is not good.
In the event of a man being bom in the dasa of a shubha,
the person will at least in the end of his life see better davs and
die. though he may undergo very many difficulties during the
beginning or middle portion of his life.
In the event oLthe man being bam in the dasa of a malefic
planet, the person will suffer during the last period of his life,
even though he may have had very great yoga during the other
If the lord of any bhava occupies kendra or kona from
the lagna, he will give results of the bhava which lie owns.
If the lord of any bhava occupies kendra or kona from his
own bhava and if latter is powerful he gives good results of that
If the lord of any bhava be Sun. Kuja or Sani and occupy
3rd house from lagna he gives good results.
If the lord of any bhava occupies its own bhava that bhava
Is good.
If the lord of any bhava or any bhava be in association with
benefics or aspectcd by bcncfics the results of that bhava will be
If the lord of any bhava or any bhava be associated with or
aspectcd by jnalefics, the results of that bhava will not be good.
If the lord of any bhava or any bhava is between benefic
planets, the results of that bhava will be good but if they are
between malefi^s, the results will be bad.
If the lord of any bhava or any bhava is associated with or
aspected by both benches and malefics the results will be mixed.
If the lord of any bhava occupies friend's house or his hou'e
of exaltation, he gives good results, but if he occupies his house
of depression or inimical house, he gives bad results. Rahu and
Kcthu give very good results during their dasas under the following
conditions. These two planets must be in a kendra or kona or the
11th house from the lagna; the lord of the house occupied by
Kethu or Rahu must be in a kendra or kona or in the 11th
house from Rahu or Kethu and be in a kendra or kona from
the lagna and preferably from Chandra lagna also. This is a
very good position for an excellent period during Rahu or Kethu
dasas. If one of these planets Rahu and Kethu fulfils the conditions
given above and his dasa occurs, the native will have vci-v tiood
yoga in proportion to the strcngdi of the lord of the lagna and
subject to the conditions mentioned below.
If Kuja should aspect Rahu or Kethu, these two planets Rahu
and Kcibu become more or less ineffective, that is to say, llicy lose
all their power, and arc incapable of producing cither good or
bad. During the dasa of these planets, the effects of lords of
bhuktis only will prevail. If Rahu is in 6th, 8th or 12th house
from lagna and if the conditions mentioned above are fulfilled,
Rahu will! give the full effects of the house occupied by it. which
is evil but when such conditions prevail, the aspect of Mars will
be very beneficial, for the malefic effects of Rahu ;uc nullified
by the aspect of Mars.
If in a horoscope all the planets are situated between Rahu and
Kethu, the native will not have yoga, having ordinary icmiUi or
very bad results depending on the strength of the lord of the
lagna and other positions about which discussion has already Ix vn
made. This is called "Kala sarpa yoga".
If ihe lord of any bhava occupies exaltation in ^5 .
depression in Navamsa, the results will be bad.
If the lord of any bhava occupies depression in rasi
cicaJtation in Navamsa, the results of that bhava will be good|
All plane^ and all lords of bhavas occupying the jltb hous^
from lagna give good results. In the experience of the writer Venus
in the 11th house either from lagna or from Chandra or from a jasa,
nath has always produced very bad results, even if ii be the
11th house from tys own. Thus Venus in Mccna or in Simha in the
11th house will not be productive of good results. This position is
always a weakening factor in a horoscope. Conversely Venus
occupying the 12th house, either from lagna, or Chandra lagna or a
dasa nath is always good whereas any other planet in such a
position must be considered to be bad. II the lords of 6. 8 and
12 occupy kendras or konas, they cannot give good results.
The lord of a dasa or dasanatha gives not only the results
of the bhava (houses) of which he is the lord but will also give
the results of those planets with whom the lord of the dasa
associates and which aspect the lord of the dasa and results of
the house which he occupies.
When results of a dasa lord arc to be taken or predicted, it
should be noted whether the dasa lord occupies a friend's house,
enemy's house, exaltation or depression. If it is friend's house
he gives good results; enemy's house, bad results; exaltation, veiy
good, and depression, very bad. When results arc to be predicted,
the position of the dasa lord, the bhavas of which he is the lord, the
planets in conjunction and the planets which are nspeciing should
be carefully noted.
Points to be noted:—The mutual aspect or conjunction
Sun and Saturn; Kuja and Budha; and Guru and Sukra always
tends to decrease the general strength of a horoscope, the n,<>re
so when these have not the conjunction or aspect of any other
The sub-periods of Guru, Sun and Kuja are productive of
jreinely bad results, whatever may be their ownerships, during
the dasa of Sukra, Sam and Budha respectively or vice versa.
But during these periods, there will be very good yoga if one
of these two planets of the pair* Guru and Sukra, Sani and Sun, or
Kuia and Budha, is in exaltation and the other is in debilitation.
Guru dasa and Sukra bhukti or vice versa will be very bad.
But if one of these. Guru or Sukra, is in exaltation and the other
in debilitation, the results will be very agreeable and good.
If the IcxJ of a bhukti occupies the 7th house from the dasa
loTdB there will be illness to the person or his wife or loss to
the person.
If the lord of a bhukti occupies 6th or 8th house from dasa
lord, there will be quarrels, blames and or losses.
If the lord of a bhukti occupies the 12th house from the
dasa lord, there will be no peace of mind, there will be disputes,
litigation and loss of money during his bhukti.
At the beginning of his dasa if a planet be situated in a
favourable sign from lagna or Chandra lagna, preferably from
both according to gochara, the results of this dasa will be good.
The dasa of a planet which comes between two good dasas
(meaning yogakarak dasas) will generally be good whatever be
the adhipatya. The dasa of a yoga-giving planet, if it happens to
be between two bad dasas (avayogakarak dasas), the results will
not be good.
The points mentioned above may be safely utilised for
examining the strength of any bhava in a horoscope. But it must
be remembered that though a particular bhava should be very
strong, the results of that bhava will not be very effective if the
lagnadhipati or the lord of the lagna is not strong.
The cumulative effect of results from lagna, Chandra lagna,
and the house in which the lagnadhipati is situated as lagna must
Indian Astholooy
fx considered. In arriving at this nault, the following otdcr t]la
be adopted with advantage:—lagna, Chandra lagna, the lmusj
occupied by the lord of the lagna. (Also consult the Chapter on
"Some PcculiariUcs of Lagna")
This is the most difficult part in Astrology. The most occcaaary
rrquisities for a man who ventures Into the predictive field are:—
1. Padcncc.
2. A certain amount of intuition.
3. An open mind without any sort of prejudice.
4. The desire to speak the truth however unpleasant
it may be. '
5. Application of previous experience and above all.
6. Faith and Trust in God.
Without any of these, the person will be a failure.
It must be remembered that astrology is not a science aa
accepted in its ordinary sense but a divine science that tries to
reveal the FUTURE, which is in the dark, for your benefit and
is cot mandatory or obligatory or dictatorial. This forms one
of the angas (limbs) of Vcdas and even the Vcdas are not
complete without it.
- Wc have now learnt what the Zodiac is, what the planets are,
their characteristics, tlic good and bad conjunctions, their aspects
etc. We have now to put all these together and deduce results.
The Lngna or the sign of birth is the quintessence of all the
Other bhavas and lagnadhipati or the lord of lagna has in
him inherent, the effects and qualities of all the lords of other
bhavas as well and is therefore sino genesis. By the effects and
Qualities of the lords of other bhavas is meant the effects
and qualities displayed by those planets as owners of the
different bhavas and not their individual effects or qualities.
Therefore these two things must be remembered well and the first
place be given to these two things. Generally, if we want to
examine the fifth house regarding children, we will have to look
int» all its allied aspects—wife, family and karma, lhat is to say,
the seventh, the second and the tenth bhavas as well. Then with
132 Indian Astpologv
regard to the second bhava, you -will have to ■
ninth, tenth and the eleventh bhavas—wife, wealt^ ^^th.
inenme. 'Then with regard to enjoyment of pleiumj^00 ^
have to look into fourth, seventh and the twelfth hhavajl"" >«1l
peace and happiness, wife and conjugal happiness and >yi c u
in general. For health you will have to examine the si^b ? "
and the eleventh houses—disease, misery and illness and <>t
for all other bhavas. Ask for yourself what are the things th" ''
to tnakS up the particular point which you are cxanun' 1" ^
examine all of them and remember also the particular aspectt ahoi
which you are judging.
The fallowing guidance should be borne in mind whilc trying
to predict the effects of different houses:—
1st House:—Remember the House, its lord, its karakas—^un ^
Moon, (Vigour and Body).
2nd House;—Remember the house, its lord, Guru. Budha and
Sukra, karakas for wealth, speech and wife
3rd House:—Remember the house, its lord, Kuja and SanL
karakas for brothers and courage and mfeeiy
4th House:—Remember the house, its lord, Chandra3 Budha,
Sukra and Kuja; karakas for mother, Icaraing,
conveyance and land respectively.
5th House:—Remember the house, its lord, Guru, Budha and
Son, karakas for children intelligence and faiher
6th House:—Remember the house, its lord, Kuja and Saiurn,
karakas for enemies and sorrow respectively.
7th House:—Remember the house, its lord, Sukra and Klija,
karakas for wife and sex' appeal respectively.
8th House;—Remember the house, its lord, Satum, karaka tor
longevity of life and ail sorts of mental ^
physical suffering and pain.
9th Houtc:—Rcmcitibcr the house, its lord. Gum and Sun,
■ karakas for preceptor and Father respectively,
IOth House:—Remember the house, its lord, Sun, Saiu, Guru and
Budha, karakas for fortune, service or livelihood,
wealth and learning of an avocation respectively.
1 jth House:—Remember the housej its lord. Guru, karaka for
wealth and elder brothers.
12lh Home:—Remember the house, its lord, Sani and Kuja,
karakas for sorrow and iinprisonracntj Sukra,
karaka for material desires and enjoyments;
Giini^ karaka for gnana (spiritual attainment), .
. and Kctliu, karaka of moksha or liberation of
Of course the aspects, conjunctions etc. must be taken into
account. It is very necessary that when these bhavas are examined,
we must also examine the bhava to that bhava, that is to say,
if you have to examine the tenth house, you must examine
seventh house also, because it is the 10th house from the 10th.
"But when you look in this way, the seventh house here, you
must not mistake it for knlatra or wife bhava. View ft also in
the same way as you would do the 10th house. In doing this,
strength of the lagna and its lord should not be lost sight of. The
results and the effects of all the bhavas, their lords and karakas
will only be in proportion to the strength of the lord of the Lagna.
Supposing the sum total of all the pleasures In the world is
100, see how much the person is destined to have. You have
a general idea of a horoscope by observing if there are malefics
in kendras and konas, if the lords of benefic bhavas arc in
malefic houses, if the lords of benefics Bhavas arc strong or
weak and the lords of malefic bhavas are strong or weak. Then
proceed thus—Give the Lord of the'lagna say 50 points. Examine
all the bhavas, each separately as regards their aspects, associations
etc. and for all these put together give 23 points the relative
position of all the planets towards each other, 25 points. As an
134 Indian Asttiolooy
Lagnadhipatij therefore Benc6c. 1
natura] Benefic. I
owns another Bcncfic house. I
is in a Kendra. 1
has a beneficial aspect. 1
is between malefics. j
has malefic conjunction, \
is in an inirnical sign. 1
Out of total 8 points which we were able to give the fort
of the lagna, he gets 5 good points and 3 bad points. The
remaining 2 are good ones. Therefore in the total he gets 20
good points.
Then in the lagna there are two bencfics, 2
A malefic is aspecling. 1
Then for the second house and so on. Supposing all these
12 bhavas get 100 points in all, out of which there are 80 good
points, meaning 4-5th of the total, for these you will have to give
20 points, since we have a maximum of 25 points.
Then the relative position of planets to one anoilicr; shasta-
ashtakas, inimical, sama-sapthakas etc. must be taken imo
consideration. Supposing you give 10 points here, the whole
horoscope gets now 50 points. This is certainly an average
horoscope. In a horoscope like tins, in yoga dasa the results will
be just about half of what these planets ought to give. In
horoscopes which get a larger number of points,, the results of
these dasas will be more. In evil dasas results will be comparatively
less in Intensity.
It will be found difficult for a beginner, but as a few i^ustra-
tions arc worked out, there will be no necessity to wort^ on
paper and there will be a mental picture and view. A kt Jte
experience will convince one utility of this method ^
Works very well for all ordinary purposes.

How to Predict—A few hints US
In eases where in the lagna, Chandra and lord of Idgita are
situated, cxaiYune for confirmation from the houses occupied by
Sun, Guru and Suhra'as lagnas, for. Guru is the karaka of wealth,
etc. Sukra is the karaka of all material pleasures and enjoyments
and the Sun is Atma and vigour.
In cases where all the four; lord of lagna, Chandra, Guru
and Sukra are present in lagna, it is always very good to examine
the horoscope in the same way, from the navamsa horoscope.
Take navamsa lagna as the birth sign and then proceed to find the
average strength.
In cases where the lord of lagna gets a good number of
benefic points, and if in the other two divisions the bad points
arc more drop these out of consideration, for, a strong lagnadhipati
will overcome much of the other ills.
See in what nakshatra a. planet is placed. See who is the
lord of this star according to Vimshotri dasa system. E.g., for
Aswini, Kethu and if this planet be in an enemy's nakshatra or
if the planet is situated in a nakshatra whose lord owns malefic
houses from lagna, reduce the yoga of the planet concerned.
Ex.—A man is bom in Tula lagna. If Mars is in the 9th sigr^
Mithuna, and in Punarvasu nakshatra, whose lord is Guru, Mars
will not give good results, but will give more or less the cllects
of Guru which is bad, since Guru is the lord of the 3rd and
6th signs from the lagna.
It must be remembered that above points are by no means
exhaustive. They arc only a few illustrations to guide the beginner.
It will be found that all the information given in this and previous
chapters, must be made free use of. These are generalised here.
Results mentioned may change, if there are other very strong
reasons—such as powerful aspects, combinations etc.
♦ Never Exaggcralc Results, Especially Good, For, then you
will be dishonest not only to yourself hut also to the person who
consults you.
There » not much ditTcrence between male and f 53 5
horqscopy except in the case of 8 th house which is mang3lya f0,156
from which h^s to be predicated the matronhood or ^ 11011
of the married state of a woman, the death of her husban?
marital happiness etc. About her husband we shall have tocxa! ^
the seventh house, just as the seventh house in a man's hofosC0 ,t
has to be examined with regard to his wife. '
The complexion of the body must be considered froni|
and Chandra lagna, as also in examining those most inexplicable
grace, beauty, tenderness, gait3 peculiar phjrsical and menial chann
etc.—tilings which are woman's own.
In these days when the fusion of the West and the East k
still going on and no definite stage has been arrived, it is very
difficult to predict about conditions which essentially belonged
to man, and which arc now being explored and encroached upon
by women. Then widow marriage is one of the most moot prims
which requires great elucidation. The writer is collecting a number
of horoscopes of ladies who were married a second time and of
ladies who are holding positions in high capacilics and hopes to
publish shortly, a book in the light of experience gained therein.
In examining the fortune of a woman, the method adopted hitherto
was, that the good or evil in a woman's horoscope affects her
fathrt before she Is married and her husband after she is married
Times are changing, men are changing and a host of other things
auch as method of life, society, diet etc. are changing and the
astrologer has to be wary when he has to examine a woman's
horoscope. In this book a few hints will be given to guide die
reader in judging the horoscope of a woman.
A woman, bom in an odd. sign with Chandra also in 3i>
odd sign, is devoid of modesty, grace, etc. She is a masculine
and specially if this happens in strong malefic lagnas, say> 65
for instance without benefic aspects. It is advisable that she
up some profession rather than the risk of matrimony. In such
eases the strength of the lords of lagnas of the persons about to
marry must be very carefully examined.
If one of them, the lajjna and the Chandra lagna, be an
odd sign and the other an even sign, the effects mentioned above
will be less pronounced.
If both the lagna and the Chandra lagna be even signs,
the woman is really a woman in true sense and more so when
the lagna and the Chandra lagna have beneficial aspects.
If lagna or Chandra lagna should be strong, and there arc
malefics in it, and if Chandra, Budoa and Sukra are not strong
and if Sun also is not strong, the woman is unsteady.
The aspect of Sal urn and or Kuja on the 7th from lagna
or the 7th from Chandra lagna or on their lords or on the 2nd
house and its lord is not dcsirabUc.
If Mesha. Vrischika, Makara or Kumbha be the lagna and if
Chandra and Sukra be situated in such a lagna and if strong
malefics aspect such a lagna and benefics do not aspect, both the
woman and her mother may lose their character.
If Chandra and Sukra both be situated in lagna, the woman
is generally selfish and jealous.
If Chandra and Budha be situated in lagna, without the
aspect of a makdc- the woman will be of a good character, able,
kind, sympathetic and charitable; more so if Sun is fclisft strong.
If Chandra and Budha, Sukra and Guru or Budha and Sukra
be situated in lagna, she is gentle and exceptionally good.
If three malefics be situated in lagna, the woman will be
the reverse of that mentioned above.
If lagna be an odd house and Sun, Kuja and Guru be
strong and Budha, Chandra and Sukra be weak, she will be
of a masculine nature and may enjoy with many men.
If dx 7lh bouse from Ugna or Chandra, be ^
asjxrteri by any bniefic, the husband will be wicked. If BmHa1**
Sam be in the 7th alone and unaspected, the husband is likely b
be impimii. If Sun be in it, the husband rejects her. If
be m it and asj^cted by malefics she becomes a widow in earf
life. If Saul be in the 7th house and be as pre ted by malcfka 5*
even if Sani be in conjunction with or aspects the lord of the
7th haaK, the woman marries late. Several malefics in the 7th
bouK make the wuman a widow. If a malefic be in the 7tb
bouK and arprsmai by another malefic, her husband rcjectj ^
If there axe benefics in the 7th house and the navaauha lagua
be that of a bmefic, the woman will be healthy and loved by
bo* baxhand.
If Sani ami Sukra be in each other's navaxnsa and aspect
each other or if Vrishahha or Tbula be the lagna and the
eiavxnm be Kumbha, the woman will commit unnatural off meet
She will a masculine nature and have soual cocnectua
with other wmnm.
If a malffir be in the 8th house, she bucnma a widow and
this ha^cm during the daw. cr bhukd of the planet wbrne
ozvazzsa a "rrnpiwd by the lord of (he 8th house.
If in the eth house there be a malefic but a benefic from the
2nd bouae asjsrti the 8th house strongly, she predeceases her
If a mmiN-r of bmefia be in the 6th house, she prederosa
be hmhaxxl
A brrtrfir, pianet in the 9th house with a malefic in the
7th hoofte make the wuman a sanyastm.
If the lord of the 9th house and Guru be in the 6th, 8th
Or the 12th boug; dig will many an old map, but if tbot
two associate with Kabu or Kctbu, (he husband -will be a viilaic-
A mimhT of iMustranons like those mentioned atawc can
be oiuxzfeAXiu) such as:—Sun in the 7th house gives a husband
with licry lustful cycsj Moon, voluptuous but sickly; Kuja, cruel
and indolent; Budha, wealthy good and learned; Guru, wealthy,
long lived, powerful and lustful; Sani, old, infirm, obstlnat- and
wicked; Sukra, lively, playful, wealthy and learned in the art
of sexual enjoyment; Rabu and Kethu, low, evil-minded and mean,
and so on.
However, these planets in die 7th in their own navamsa give
playful, gentle husband, good happy husband, devoted husband,
learned husband, learned husband who can control the sense,
very old husband, beautiful, loving and lustful husband respectively.
The conjunction or mutual aspect of the lord of the lagna
and the lord of the 7th house, or the lord of die 7ih house and
the lord of die 8tli house, in a woman's horoscope is good. The
former bestows conjugal happiness and the latter gives a long
life to the husband.
In .1 man's horoscope the latter condition is positively bad,
but the foiTner is good. Further, though the respective planets may
, be natural or even temporary enemies, the results of the 7ili bhava
will be good, though litis combination may not be good for other
It will be found that in ill the above, the charac t eristics
of the planets have been taken into consideration. Though tiicse
will be the main features, they are subject to modification.., changes
etc. by aspects and or conjunctions. In some cases die results
mentioned will be very pronounced and in others they will not be
so apparent.
A number of oilier details can be given with reference to the
tiunsamsa etc. etc. but they are not included herein. It will be thus
seen that to make a woman, a woman, benefics, he. Guru, Sukra,
Chandra and Budha, should be as Strong as possible. When Ravi is
strong in a female hoxoscope, preferably in exaltation, many other
defects are overcome.
The most important event In a person's life, which makes an or
mars his or her life is marriage. The advisability to chooi«
agreeable partner is so svell known that it is quite unnecessary
offer any sort of explanation. The whole thing can be sununed
up in one sentence "Home is a miniature Heaven" md when
it is not that "It is a magnified, intcnsiiied, infernal Hell", ftA
all the riches in the world mean 1 happy conjugal life, nor povaty
and all its attendant evils mean an unhappy wedded life, A h4>pv
(named life has been compared to Eternal Bliss very favourably.
Therefore a judicious selection is an absolute necessity.
Generally whenever two horoscopes, that of a boy and a girl
are presented, the ten ponlhanams (methods of agreement) are:
examined and a choice is made or rejected. The ponthanams are
practically sufficient, especially when the individuals have no
hoToscopes. But in case where horoscope!- sre available, the follow-
ing method should be adopted and it has generally been1 seen that
these ponthanams also agree when an agreement ik foual in
this way.
Examine every bhava in each horoicope on its individual
merits and see If they tally with each other. Experience lias
jtKTwn that when persons with extremely dilTercnt kinds of yogi
are brought together, the results have.beeis very unhappy in very
many ways. It is always very good if two horoscopes with an
almost equal and an identical amount of yoga in all respects are
brought together. They are then really very happy. TcmperanJcntS;
childrea, fortunes etc. must always be more or less the
the marriage is generally a failure. The very idea of mauiage
it fmstrated.
The lagnas and Chandra lagnas must not be in skasf3*
ashulu, Lc., in 6 and 8 to each other. An exception mai' *
tnfide to the case of Moon being in Mesha and Vrischika, ^
Vrishahha and Thula, because the lords of these raits are ^
Ma&blaoe 141
same, (Mars and Venus), provided other conditions mentioned
arc satisfactory.
But in the case of Moon being in Meena for one and
Simha for the other, though Jupiter and laun may be friends,
lagnas will be unfavourable from each other. The lords of lagnas
and Chandra lagna must not be enemies. There should be no
virodhi sama saptaks, lhat is to say. between lagnas and Chandra
lagnas, e.g. Simha and Kumbha. Ravi and Saturn are enemies-
Supposing there is Chandra in Simha in one horoscope and
Chandra m Kumbha in another horoscope, the position is positively
bad. No alliance or. any account should be contracted in such cases.
The 8;h house which is called "maogalyastbana" m a
woman's horoscope must be strong.
There should not be malefics in the 2nd or the 12th house
in a woman's horoscope.
There should be beneficial aspects or associations to the
4th, 7th and I Oth houses in a woman's horoscope, preferably to
the lords of those houses as well.
For marriage, the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and the 12th
houses must be very carefully examined, and there must run a
congruity in both the horoscopes. In other words, they must
both have more or less identical results. Very often, while
examining ihe agreeability, ihe longevity of spouses is forgotten
or overlooked. Special attention should be paid to this aspect.
The dasas which the couple will be having must not be
inimical to each other.
It may be remarked that an ideal is being attempted here.
Marriage must be ideal. Misery, sorrow, adultery, separation,
divorce etc. which are so very rampant in society will certainly
vanish if an attempt is made on right lines to bring a bride
bridegroom together whose temperament, social status,
ambitions, fortune in life etc. are alike.
142 Indian Astrology
Widowhood can be averted, if those girls w^0
strong indicatiom for an early widowhood arc married to
who have very strong indications for a long lift and n]
evidenced. Though the usual belief is that when there is thfe h!I h 3
found in a girl's horoscope and when it is absent in a hoy's O'
will aiTcct tlic boy probably causing sometimes his death and
vice vena. As marriages nowadays lal:e place at advanced ^
long after puberty, this dosha in the opinion of the writer need
not be considered seriously.
Then there is another very important point to be- considered
in a horoscope, Kuja-dosha, i.e., the evil cfTccts of Kuja in
a horoscope. There is Kuja-dosha when Kuja is found in
1st, 2nd, 4th, 7lh, 8th or 12 houses from lagna, Chandra or Sukra
in the case of a man and Guru instead of Sukra in the case of
a woman. The strength of these evil clfecis is given in its
descending order.
Kuja in the Isl, 4ih or 12th bouses aspects the 7th house, the
house that indicates sex-appeal. Kuja ir» the 2nd house, a maJefic
in a house which indicates domestic hapjancsr-, is bad. Kuja in the
8th house, the one that indicates domestic happiness of the partner
in life is bad, for, the 8ih house is the 2ad house from the 7th
house and moreover it is the woman's nmngalya house.
Kuja, being a fiery planet, infiamcS, The sex desire is inflamed.
The person bocorncs highly passionate and sex-inclined. It is
common knowledge that sex desire is not a matter of physical
strength but only a mental condition. A diJTerence in an ioiporlant
thing like this must necessarily cause harm.
It is said that when Kuja is in his own house, in his house of
exaltation or in Kataka or Simha, or Dhanus or Mccna or when
he has the aspect of Guru Or is with Guru, this bad effect is 1,01
The daaa of a boy should precede the gnTs-
nakshairamalor rasi is not favourable. For the couple ^
be passing the same time through good or bad periods &cco
10 gocbara- Aj hi ai potsaUc, an attempt must be nude to see
according to gochara the effects of Chandra lagna are
gend in one htfrtTscopc when the other passes through a bad period.
An active, energetic, sensitive person tires of anything, as
»ooa as the stupid reality of the thing is acquired, unless the person
faegppot bo besotted as to lose his or her proper understanding. If
ihk weakness is only overcome especially by these, many of the
jJJtj we human beings arc subjected to, will certainly disappear.
It should always be the aim to arrange such marriages where
one would help the other justifying the idea contained in the
wmtl HELPMATE, which means a wife or (husband in an
extended tense).
(a) The judcmi of ihc following pairs of statn, vjt
(l)Jycshta and Miila, (2) Aslcsim and Makha, (3) Hevati and
Aswini for a peziod of ghatikas (Three hours) is caj)«d
gandantha and such junction produces much evil to persons born
at such juncrioa
The three hours must be taken to Include U hours at the
cod of the Isl sur and 1^ hours at the beginnidg of the 2nd star.
(b) The Juncnon of Jvoshio. and Mula for a period of 7J
ghatikas is turhnicaJiy called abhukta Mula. Any girl or boy bom
at such junctioa brings about the ruin of the family in which he or
she is born.
(c) If a person be born in Jyeshla, different effects are
predicted for the ten drvisrons in which the adyantam (total)
ghadkas of Jyrshta are divided.
IC birth takes place during the—
(1) 1st divzskm. the effect is death of mother's mother.
(2) 2nd death of mother's father.
(3) 3rd death of mother's brother.
(4) 4th 5, death of mother.
(5) 5th death of the child itself.
(0] 6th *7 loss of cattle and wealth.
(7) 7th death in both parents' families.
(8) 8th death of the whole race.
(9) 9ih r* death of future father-in-law
if the child is a girl.
(ID) 10th it loss of almost everythmg.
(a) If a girl is born during Jyeshta on a Tuesday, ^
ckkst brother may die.
Effect op Gandantha Naksmatras at birth 145
(b)-If a girl is bom during Mula on a Sunday, her
father-in-law may die.
(C) If a person is born in the first pada of Jyeshta,
his or her eldest brother may die.
(d) If a person is bom in the second pada of Jyeshta,
the youngest of his elder brothers may die.
(c) If a person is born in the third pada of Jyeshta,
his'or her father may die.
to " a person is bom in the fourth pada of Jyeshta,
the bom person himself may die.
(1) If a person be bom in the first pada of Mula, his
father may die.
{2) If a person be bom in the second pada of Mula, his
mother may die soon.
(3) If a person be bom in the third pada of Mula, there
will be loss of wealth.
(4) If a person be bora in the fourth pada of Mula, he
will be happy.
Out of the 15 divisions of Mula
If a person be bom in the 1st division, his father may die.
If a person be bom in the 2nd division, death of father's
If a person be born in the 3id division, death of sister's
II a person be bom in the 4th division, death of paternal
grandfather. *
If a person be born in. the 5th division, death of mother.
If a person be bom in the 6ih division, death of mother's
■ jfklfij.
If person be born in the 7lh division, death of Cr. s
If a person be bom in the 8th division, death of a J
uncles wife.
If a person ^ born in the 9th division, death of everything
If a-person be bom in the JOth division, death of aj] ca^|e
If ^-person be bom in the Hth division, death of servants
If a person be bom in the 12th division, death of bom child |
If a person lie bom in the 13th division, death of his eldest
If a person be born in the I4lll div-s-ion, death of his sister.
If a person be bom in the I5lh division, death of rnolher's
to If a person be born in the first pada of Aslcsha, no
danger to any person.
(2) If a person be bom in the second pada, risk of losing
money. *
(3) If a person be born in the third pada, risk of losing
(4) If a person be born in the fourth pada, risk of bang
father. ^
(1) If a person be bom in the first pada of Mula, Maklia
or Aswini, there is risk of death of father.
(2) If a person be born in the fourth pada of Hcvati,
Jyeshla or Aslesha, there is risk of death of both the
parents and the child.
If a person be bom during the above mentioned ganda star*—
[ 1) He loses father if the birth lakes place during the
* (2) He loses his mother if the birth is during the night.
(3) He himself dies if the birth be in the junctions of day
and night.
EyFECT op Gandantha Naksratbas at birth 147
The ganda period is 3i ghatikas at the end of Rcvati, Aslesha
and Jycshta at night, at the beginning of ASwlni, Makha and
Mula during day and at the junction of a pair of the above
mentioned stars in the junction between day and night.
(a) Child born in Dhanur lagna when Moon is in Purvashada,
may lose his father.
(b) Child born in Kataka lagna when Moon is in Pushya,
may lose his father.
(cj The child born when Moon is in Purvashada or Pushya
in the lagna, may lose his father if the birth be in the -
first pada of the star; may lose his mother if the birth
be in the second pada; may lose die offspring till then
bom if the birth be in the third pada; may lose the
mother's brothers if the birth be in the fourth pada.
<d) If. when Moon is in the first pada of Ultara-phalguni
or in the second and third padas of Pushya, or in the
third pada of Chitra, or the first half pada of Bharani
or in the third pada of Hasta or in the fourth pada
of Rcvati. a boy is born the father may die, and if
a girl is born the mother may die.
(a) The ganda (risk or danger) period when birth is in
1st pada of Aswini is IS years.
(b) The ganda (risk or danger) period when birth is in
1st pada of Makha is 8 years.
(c) The ganda (risk or danger) period when birth is in
Jyeshta is 1 year.
(d) The ganda [risk or danger) period when birth is in
Chitra is 4 years.
(e) The ganda (risk or danger) period when birth is It
Aslesha is 2 years.
(f) The ganda (risk or danger) period when birth is in
Revata is I year.
I4g Indian AsmoLoov
(g) The ganda (risk or danger) period ^hen ki-v .
Uttara-phaJgDni is 2 months. ^ « in
(h) The ganda (rkk or danger) period when hi„k ■
Pushy a is 3 months. " n in
(1) U a child ■$ bom in Pun-ashada father mavy j- .
9th month. ^ "> Hit
(2) If a child is loin in Hasta father may die with,-.
■fc ytifj
(3) If a child is born in Abhukla Mula. (ihai is
junction of Jycshta and hfula), father mav I-c31500,1
after i)irth.
(4) If somehow the child bom in Abhukia Mula lives
he may bring his family into proininencc and be
pcrous. Jfc may even command an army.
(5) The number of ghaiikas of the Mth of JtrisJina pjjhha
slionld be ascertained and this be divided into six equal
(a) If a child be born in the first portion of Bahula 14, it
is auspicious.
(b) Jf the birth be in the second portion of Bahula H
father may die.
(cj If the birth be in the third portion of Bahula H, moihei
may die.
(dj If the birth be in the fourth portion of Bahula 14,
mother's brother may die.
(e) If the birth be in the fifth portion of Bahula 14, biotlicn
may die.
(f) If the birth be in the sixth portion of Bahula 14, ilie
child Itself may die.
If any child be born on the new moon day w aoy
of new moon In the early morning, that thiid unless It j
girl, may bring evil to the family.
1- If a child be bom under the same star as father's or
under the 10th star from the fathers father may die.
2. If a child be bom in the same birth lagna or the same
nakshatra navamsa as the father, father may die soon
after birth.
3. If a child be born in Musala or Mudgara yo^a, there
may be evil.
4. If a child be bom in Vishti karana, he may be poor.
5. If a child be bom in Gulika yoga, he may have a
defective limb.
6. If a person be bom in RIkta tilhi he may become barren.
7. If a person be bom in Yamakantaka yoga he may be
a cripple,
8. If a person be born in a star assailed by a planet he may
suffer from disease.
9. If a person be bom in Vyatipata. yoga he may have a
defective limb.
10. If a person be born in Parigha yoga the child born
may die.
11. If a person be bom in Vaidhruti yoga father may die.
12. If a person be born in Vishkumba yoga there may be
loss of wealth.
13. If a person be bom in Sula yoga he may suffer from
colic pain.
14. If a person be born in Ganda yoga he may have disease
in throat or enlargement of thyroid gland.
(1) If a child be bom with teeth, there may be damage to
the family from 2nd to the end of 4th month.
(2) If at the birth of a child, the teeth begin to grow, father
may die in the 6th month.
(3) If nothing happens during the six months, then ail may
go on well.
ISO Indian Astrology
(1) (a.) The star in which the moon is atthe time of U
is called the birth star [janma nakshatrairO
(b) The I Oth star from janma
Karma nakshatra. nakshalra is cajj
(c) The 16th star from janma
^Sanghatika nakshatra. nakshatra is called
(d) The 18th star from janraa ■
Samadurga nakshatra, nakshatra is ca||Cjj
(e) The 19th star from janma
Adhana nakshatra. nakshatra is called
(f) The 23rd star from janma
Vainashika nakshatra. nakshatra is called
(g) The 25th star from janma
Jathi nakhatia. nakshatra is called
(h) The 26th star from janma
nakshatra is called
Desha nakshatra.
H The 27th star from janma nakshatra is caUed
Abhisheka nakshatra.
(2) (a) If the above stars, janma, karma and others are
hidden or concealed by the intervention of malefic
planets at the time of birth, the child bom may die.
(b) If the above stars are concealed by benefic planets
tbcy may produce beneficial results.
(3) [a) The ganda in the months of Ashada.r Pushya,
Margasfra and Jyeshta affects human beings,
(b) In the month of Makha, the ganda is death.
(1) If born in Satwa portion, eloquent, duties of the
persevering, purej, lustrous, learned, beautiful, no cneoU®-
(2) If born in Rajas portion, happy, wealthy, famous, ha™*
some, strong, conqueror of foes, love sick, unkind ^
(3) If bom in Tamas portion getting other's wealth and
women, unhappy, ihief, quarrelling with relations and
elders, fickle-rainded.
(4) A day of 24 hours conasts of 16 artha jamas; each
artha jama is 3£ ghatikas or one hour and half.
Tamas, Satwa and Rajas govern the artha jamas in
order regularly.
On Sunday the fiist and last artha jama is Taraas.
On Monday the first and last artha jama is Satwa. _
On Tuesday the first and last artha jama is Rajas.
On Wednesday the first and last artha jama is Tamas.
On Thursday the first and last artha jama is Satwa,
On Friday the first and last artha jama is Rajas.
On Saturday the fust a- *1 last artha jama is Tamas.
(I) Each day is divided into 24 kala horas or hours. Guru,
Kuja, Sun, Sukra, Budha, Moon and Sani are the lords
of horas for all the hours in succesaon.
The hora in any day of the week begins with the planet
by which the day is named. The hora in the night
of anv day begins with the fifth planet from that by
which rue day is named.
The 1st hora on Monday is of Moon.
The 2nd h-ra on Monday is of Sani.
The 3rd hora on Monday is of Gum.
The 4th hora on Monday is of Kuja.
The 5th hora on Monday is of Sun.
The 6th hora or. Monday is of Sukra.
The 7th hora n Monday is of Budha.
The 8th hora on Monday is of Moon.
The 9th hora on Monday is of Sani.
The 1 Oth hora on Monday is of Guru.
152 Indian Astrology
The 11th hora on Monday is of Kuja.
The 12th bora on Monday is of Sun.
. The 13th hora on Monday is of Sukra md this •
the beginning of the night on Monday, and
(2) (a) EfTeci of a bixih in hora of Sun is pain anc3
(b) Effect of birth in hora of Moon Js prospcrnv.
(c) Effect of birth in hora of Mars >s sorrow and
(d) Effect of birth in hora of Budha is Icarnuv and
(e) Effect of birth in hora of Guru iu every blessing.
(f) Effect of birth in hora of Sukra is conjugal bliss.
(g) Effect of birth in hora of Sani is loss of property.
PADAS (Quarters)
Aswini 2 4 Children born in these Fadas are
Bharani 2 prone to gandas in i.oiarishta,
Krutdka 3 for they are powerful in causing
Rohioi 1 2 3 4 death. But these arc subject to
Mrigadra 1 other conditions mentioned else-
Pushya 1 where. If the co unccr acting
"Tkfakha 2 Influences are" greater, these will
Uuara 2 have ao efTect. The junctions of
Ha^ta 3 4 Revati and Aswini, Asicsha and
Chittia 2 Makha and Jyeshla and Moola
Visakha 4 are very dangerous.
Anuradha 3
• Jyeshta 3
Mula 2
Uttarashada 1
Dhanishta 2
Satabhisha 1
pada 4
Perhaps the most difficult part in the study of astrology
is the fixing of a person's span of life on earth. It is said that
a man's life is shortened or lengthened by his deeds, conduct and
manner of living. Those are long-lived who are virtuous in
thought and deed, who are pious and devoted to God, who eat
wholesome food, who keep their senses under control, who
preserve their character, who observe good conduct and who do
Pranayama. Premature or untimely death is the lot of people
who commit sins, covet other's property, possess stealing tenden-
cies, abuse God and pious people and are gluttons, Sudden and
unexpected death is said to result to people who do not believe
in moral force, who arc wicked, who are enemies of Gods and
men, who unlawfully take others' property, who arc a source
of terror to all, who are lalc-bearers, who abandon their duties,
who live by sinful deeds and do not obey holy or sacred laws.
However carefully and correctly one may try to fix the longevity
at a person's life, the person himself may overcome death. Generally
speaking astrology helps one to decide this question and the
following points may be noted carefully. There are four stages
in life. (1) Balarishta (or death in early life), (2) Short life
(death within 30 years), (3) Middle Life (death within about
60 years), [4) Long Life (death after 60 years). ■
The first point is Balarishta. This means death in^early life—
in childhood. Different people hold different views on this point.
Some people think death at 5 years, at 8 years and at 12 yrart
is to be considered balarishta- There is another school of thought
whose belief is that the death In the first dasa, whatever be its
duration, whether a few days or a long period of years as in the
case of Sukra dasa, roust be considered to be balarishta. Death
in the 2nd dasa from birth will be Alpayu or short-life. For
balarishta the following points have to be very carefully noted.
There are four jcuidhk or meetings:—(1) Nakshlra landbi,
154 Indian Astrology
ending of one nakshatra and beginning of the other nabh ^
gb, li or 36 minutes either way. Some others hold a
period also. (2) Lagna sandhi, ending of one lagn^
begiiuung of the other, 12 minutes before and after. Some hr*
hold 6 minutes. (3) Tithi Sandhi. There arc 15 thhls in 4
Pakshami and 15 tithis in Krishna Pakshami, in a momh tj
end of a tithi and the beginning of the next tithi, is constdcJi
to be a dangerous period, 36 minutes either wav. Some oth^
hold a shorter period. (4) Dina sandhi, the Junction of day and
eight or night and day, 12 minutes either way. Four sandius
have been given. One sandhi is not in any way serious. Two
tandhis may cause ill-health, three sandhis, serious flUhealth
II all the four sandhis should happen together, death is certain.
For a hirlh by day in the dark half or birth by night in the
bright half, there will be escape from balarishta even if Moon
occupies 6th or 8th house and is aspected both by malefics and
Moon being in 6, 8 or 12th house from the lagna, especMy
with the aspect of malefic planets, is a strong case for balarishta.
Here also, if the house occupied by Moon is that of a natural
bcnefic, the balarishta effects may go away. For instance, Moon
being in Vrishabha, the 6th house for Dhanur Lagna, may
be a case for balarishta but because Moon happens to be in the
house of Venus, a natural benchc, die evil is much less, provided
there is not the aspect of any malefic planet even though thtrc
may not be the aspect of a bcnefic planet. Moon being in the
6th house, say in Mesha, is definitely again a balarishta since
that house happens to be that of Mars, a natural malefic, the
dreha is great even though there may not be a malefic aspect and
though there may be an aspect of a benefic. The lagna between
malefic planets, say Saturn and Rahu on either side, and lagna itself
having the aspect of malefic planet, is a strong point for balarishta.
So also Moon being heavily afflicted as being between makfio
and having malefic aspects, is again a factor for balarishta, AN
these points have to be noted very carefully before dccidiag 011
Lonokvity OF Izn 135
a short, medium or long life. Of course there are so many other
conditions but the few important ones have been mentioned.
As is the case with every other bhava, the eighth bhava has to
be judged from the strength of the house itself, the lord of the
house, the third house and its lord, the strength of Saturn,
the relative positions of Saturn and the lord of the 8th house
and the lagnadhipathi. There are three important houses which
are dealh-inilicting; the strength of these and their lords is given
hereunder in their ascending order. (1) The lord of the 7th house,
(2) the planet in the 7th house, (3) the planet in eonjuflClion with
the lord of the 7th house, (4) tnc lord of the 1st house, (5) the
planet in lagna, (6] the planet in conjunction with the lord of the
lagna, (7) the lord of the 2nd house, (8) the planet in the 2nd
house, (9) the planet "tn conjunction with the lord of the 2nd house.
After deciding about the kind of horoscope with reference to short,
middle or long life, we must decide who will be the maraka. If in
a short-lived horoscope, about the age of 30, the person is passing
through the dasa period of a planet who is in no way connected
with inflecting of death and if this dasa is to run for a long
time more, this dasanalba himself will kill in one of the malefic
or strong maraka bhuktis as explained above and elsewhere under
chapter "dasas and bhukiies".
If after deciding that a horoscope is mcdiura-Uvcd even
though the person may be passing through a strong maraka dasa at.
the age of about 30 years or thereabouts, the person will not die
during this dasa but he may have other sorts of troubles. These
must be carefully remembered in predicting or finding out the
marakas. Also consult the chapter on "some pcculiarit'CS of lagnaj."
In cases where the longevity and maraka dasa agree, death takes
place in the bhukti of a maraka, malefic, enemy of the dasanatha,
or the planet which is in the 7th house from the dasanatha, which-
ever is stronger. The lord of the eleventh house is always a
potential ciaraka.
The maximum age of a person is said to be 120 yean. Persons
have generally long life if 4 or more planets occupy lit to 4th
bouses irom lagna. Persons have medium life if 4 or more I
occupy 5th to 8th houses from 'lagna. Persons have short UfcTj
or more planets occupy 9th to 12th houses from lagna.
There is short life in the following Conditions:—-
(1) Lord of lagna being weak, malefic planets occupy 6th and
8th houses from lagna, without the aspect or conjunctton of an
benefic planets, (2) lord of lagna being weak and malcfics occupying
kendras, (3) lord of lagna and the lagna being without the
aspect of benefics and malefic planets being in the 2nd and the
I2tfa houses from lagna and its lord, (4) lord of lagna and of
the 8th house, exchanging their houses without any beneficial
aspect but with malefic aspects or associations, (5) lord of hena
being a malefic occupying the 8th house and the lord of die
8th house being with the aspect of malcfics alone and not the
aspect Of benefics, (6) lord of lagna and the 6th house together
in the 6th house, (7) lord of lagna being weak and the lord
of the 8th house not occupying a kendra, (8) Chandra being
between the lords of 1st and 8th houses with Guru in the I2th
house from lagna, (9) waning Chandra and lagna both being
aspected by or being in conjunction with malcfics without the
assodadon or aspect of any benefic planets, (10) either lagna or its
lord and the lord of the house occupied by the lord of lagna having
die aspect of or being in conjunction with malcfics alone without
any" beneficial aspect or conjunction, (11) lord of Jagna and the
Sth house occupy fixed signs or If one occupies a movable sign and
the other a dual sign, (12) lagna being a dual house and Chandra
occupying- another dual sign, (13) lord of the 8th house and
Saturn both being depressed and lagna having malefics in IV
(14) Sani and Chandra occupying the 7th house, (J5) the aspect
or association of malefics with the lord of the 8th house and
Saturn without benefic aspect or conjunction, (16) the lord
the 8th house and Saturn occupying malefic navamsas, (17) tl16
association of Chandra and Saturn elsewhere when Sun is in ^
8th house from lagna, (18) Sun and Chandra in Jagna and
malefics in 8th and 12th houses from Ugna, (19) the lord of the
iagna in Ugna in conjunction with Kethu, (20) Chandra in the
fith, 8th or the 12th house and [oalefics in the 8rh and 12th houses.
There is middle life generally in the following cases:—
(1) Lord* of lagna being strong, Guru occupying kendra of
trikonaL, and malefics in 6, 8 or 12 houses, (2) the association
of benefics with the lord of lagna, benefics in the 4th house and
the lord of lagna being aspected by Guru, (3) lord of lagna
being strong and aspected by benefics and Chandra being in
Mesha, (4) lord of lagna in the 9th house and the lord of the
5th house in lagna, (5) lord of lagna being in conjunction with
Guru or occupying a kendra or trikooa, (6) lords of lagna and
the 8th house exchanging their houses and having no malefic
aspect or conjunction, (7) lord of lagnOj Guru and or Sukra
being in kendra, (8) Lord of lagna and the lord of the 8th house
in benefic houses with benefic aspect, (9) lord of lagna and
Chandra being together and aspected by benefics, (10) lord of
lagna and Sun being friends, (11) lagna being a movable sign,
and Chandra occupying a movable sign, (12) Sani in lagna,
Guru "in the 4th house and Sun and Chandra in the 10th house,
(13) Guru and Chandra together in a house with the aspect or
association of th6 lord of lagna, (14) lord of the 8th house in
the 8th house and benefics in quadrants or kendras from the 8th
house, ['5) lords of 1st and 9th houses belntr associated or aspecting
each other or occupying each other's sign without any malefic
aspect, (16) Kethu in lagna, Chandra in the 5th house and Guru in
the 9th house being strong, without any of these having a malefic
aspect, (17) Guru and Sukra in the lagna or the 4th house and
Saturn in the 10th house with Chandra in the 6th house, (18) the
lord of the 8th house and Sani being in conjunction, preferably
with a benefic aspect, (19) when benefics are in kendras from
lagna and the lord of the 8th house is in his own house, (20) lord
of the 8th house in a kendra or a kona from lagna and having
the aspect of Guru and Sukra.
-158 . IHIHAK AsmoLocv
There is long life ia the follamug
(1) Lord of lagna in a kendra with the aspect or association
of Guru and Sultra, (2) exaltation of any 3 planets, i},e ^
lagna being in association with any one of them and the 8th
house being free from any malefic aspect and having beneficial
aspect or association, (3) Saturn or the lord of the 8th house
being in conjunction with an exalted planet or having its aspect
the exalted planet not being an enemy of Saturn, (4) malefics
in 3, 6 and 11 houses, benefics in kendras or trikonas and lord
of lagna being strong, (5) lord of lagna being strong and occupying
a kendra, malefics in 6 and 12 houses, and the lord of the
house in exaltation, (6) lord of lagna and the lord of the house
occupied by the lord of the 8th house being in kendras together,
(7) lord of lagna occupying a kendra, kona or exaltation when
lagna is a dual sign, (8) lagna being a dual sign, two malefics
occupying a kendra from lord of lagna, (9) Guru and Chandra
together in Kataka, Budha and Sukra together in a kendra and
other planets in 3, 6, II houses, (10) all planets occupying 7
to 12 houses, (11) five or more planets occupying the 5th or the
9th house from lagna with the cxcepticni of the lord of the 8th
house, (12) all planets occupying odd houses when lagna is an
odd house, (13) lords of lagna, 8th and 10th houses occupying
kendras or konas and Sani being strong, (14) Guru, Budha and
Sukra occupying together anyone of the kendras without any
malefic aspect, (15) Sun, Kuja and Sani together in 3, 6 or 1)
houses without any association or aspect, (16) Guru in lagna,
Sukra ja the 4th house and Sani and Chandra in the 10th house
without the aspect or association of malefics, (17) Guru, Budha
and Sukra in the 5th or the 9th houses, Sani in exaltation without
the aspect or association of malefics, (18) Sun, Kuja, Sani and
Rahu in 3, 6, Jl houses with aspects of benefics,

Death may take place generally during the following dasas:1—■
during the dasa of a planet occupying the 30th degree of a house;
during the person's 4th dasa if it is of Sani; 5th dasa if it ^
of Kuja; 6th dasa if it is of Guru; 7th dasaif it is of Rahu. During
the 3rd, 3th or the 7th dasa of a planet, from that of a planet
in depression, in the 6th house, or eclipsed by Sun (Astangata).
Death may occur in the dasa of the strongest of the following
planets, as they are Chhidra grab as. (1) During the dasa of the
Icrd of die 8ih house, (2) during the dasa of the planet in the 8th
house, (3) during the dasa of the planet aspecting the 8th house,
(4) during the dasa of the greatest enemy of the lord of the 8th
house, (5) during the dasa of the planet in association with the
lord of the 8th house.
The reader by this lime, must have learnt to assess the
horoscope regarding its general strength .md the strength of the
lord of lagna, for. the influence of dasa depends on this most
important point.
Of course, the strength of the lord of dasa also may ^
examined in the same way as the lord of la/jna,—please refer
to the chapter on "How to Examine a Horoscope". Having
decided its strength, find out what a planet is capable m
producing-—good or bad results: good if he is the owner of
benefic houses and bad if he owns bad houses. Here also a
subfie distinction can be made between the dasa of a naiUfa)
benefic planet, made a temporary malefic by virtue of owning
• malefic houses, and the dasa of natural malefic, owning malefic
houra Eg. Jupiter, a natural benefic Ijccoming a full malefic
being the owner of two malefic houses U & 6 from lagna as in
the case of Thula and Mars a natural maiciic becoming 2 malefic
as the lord of 3rd and 8th houses from lagna as in the case of
Kaaya. lagna. The idea contained here is that a natural benefic
will not be so bad as owner of bad houses as a natural malefic
owning bad houses. The natural trend or infclination of the
planets is taken into consideration. Then again, the reverse case
may he rrrarmnpd Jupiter as the lord of the 2nd and 5th houses
for Vrischika lagna, becomes a perfect benefic,—yes, he may own
a dealh-inflictrng house, but that is not being considered bere-
Mars, as the lord of the 2nd and 9th houses for Meena
brTTTTw-t a perfect benefic, because he owns two good houses,
in fact better than Ju'piter in the previous case, for. Mars owns
a kona or trine, the 9th while the lordship of the ■
house is common to both. Given the same oonditaons, the l^asaf
of Jupiter and Mam will go equally well, so far as naoney part
and preferment in service etc. are concerned, but there
more peace and mental happiness in the dasa of Jupiter, a Mlur*J
benefic indicating plenty than in the dasa of Mars, a natural
malefic, being forced to do good against its own iacJination.
A dasa-lord gives the efi'ects which are his own as karaka
or Indicator, those of the houses which he owns, those of the
houseunctwhich he occupies, and those of the planets, which are in
Conj 'on w'th h or are aspecting it. Of course, commonsensc
will prevent an astrologer from predicting that a young boy in
his early teens passing through a favourable Guru dasa will have
children, or if he is passing through a favourable dasa of Sun as
the lord of the 9th house in conjunction with Budha, in the
case of Dhanus lagna, will have preferment in service or avoca-
tion. Such obvious things will have to be ruled out. Then what
becomes of the effects of this dasa? During this period, the parent
or guardian gets the benefit, incidentally improving the native
also. He "may show a good progress in his education. Instances
are not wanting where it has been observed, that until a certain
age, a boy's education progressed very satisfactorily and thereafter
a number of failures before success and in same cases a Complete
breakdown. "
Apparently very powerful horoscopes with a number of yogas
have not achieved much in life, compared to apparently mediocre
horoscopes. The astrologer is then put into great difficulty in trying
to solve the problem. Many things are then thought of—navamsa,
dasamsa and so on. They are all very true. They must be paid
attention to. But very often we forget one important thing—the
lord of lagna. The "I" is the pivot. "I" have friends, "I" have
wealth, "I" have good parents, "I" have a good wife and family
and so on. Therefore it is necessary that though the planetary
positions have promfsed "I" should be capable of receiving and
enjoying them. How is this "I" or the lord of lagna placed
from these yoga-giving planets? If badly and adversely placed,
the effects will not be very much evidenced, though at a certain
particular period, the promise has been fulfilled, the next periods
will completely wipe out everything. If the lord of '
unfavourably placed from yoga-karakas, and very well-placed from
avayoga-karaka planets giving good and evil results respectively,
the native will get the latter more than the former, An intelligent
Hasv-m 0f astrology should never lose sight of this fact.
THE LORDS OF SUB-PERIODS, These also must fx: consi-
dered in the same way as the dasa lords. Having ascertained
capacity to do evil or good, the position of the sub-period lord from
the dasanatha must be seen. Favourable positions such as 2^ 4^ 5^
9, or II houses ftom dasa lord will be productive of vcrv "Ood
results; 1st and /th, middling results while 3, 6, 8 or 12 positions
arc positively indicative of b;t<i results. Dasa lord and sub-period
lord being natural friends is much hotter than being icmpnrary
friends. Both the dasa lord and sub-period lord, if they happen to
own good houses and if the sub-period lord is well placed from
the dasa lord, of course very good results will be seen.
Experience shows that if the dasa lord and the sub-period lord
be the owners of evil houses—3. 6. 8 or 12—and if they arc
placed unfavourahlv from each other._ especially in 6, 8. or 12 th
from each other, very good results arc seen during their dasas
and sub-periods, the ."urjourjl of good depending on the strength
of the lagna and its lord and the general strength in the make
up of the horoscope.
One can be fairly accurate in his prcdiciiions about a dasa.
if the following points are remembered
1. Examine the dasa lord from lagna,
2. Examine the dasa lord froro C.andra lagna.
3- Examine the dasa lord from the position of the lord
of lagna.
Examine also the sub-period lord in the same way as theie
lord of dasa and having arrived at a conclusion, consider ^
sub-period lord with reference to the dasa lord. Make 'he house
where dasa lord is situated the lagna for the time being, and
then see what houses from this house, the sub-period lord
If he owns benefic houses, both from lagna and dasa% lord and 15
favourably placed as explained above, the results rill ije very
satisfactory. The sub-pciiod lord being a malefic from
and well-placed from dasa lord, the results must be bad, but
if the sub-period lord owns good houses from dasa lord and is
wcllplaced from him, the bad results will be less pronounced.
Again, " the sub-period lord being a benefic from lagna and
well-placed from dasa lord, but if he happens to own bad
house or houses from dasa lord, Use good results ■will be lest
It may be mentioned here, that Venus in the 11th house ^
from lagna or Chandra lagna, or from the dasa lord has always
b-^en productive of very bad results, more so especially without
the association or aspect of any other planet. Venus as the lord
of the 11 th is much worse than any other planet. The 11th house
is a good one only because it Is the 12th house from the 12th house,
meaning a loss of loss etc. But it is the 6th to the 6th house, bhava
to bhava and therefore bad. The house itself is considered good
but its lordship is bad.
If a dasa lord is good and the sob-period lord is bad, and if
they are adversely placed from each other, the results will not be
very bad. If the dasa lord is bad and the sub-period lord is
good and adversely placed from each other, the results will not
be good. If well-placed, the results will not be disagreeable.
The following are the dasas for every person from his birth.
.The.dasas of planets who give trouble during the said kala dasas
are also given. If the current dasa of a person according to
Vimshotari falls in such cruel planets' dasa, the dasa planet
cannot give good results, as shown below.
Frlm. Cruel VimJ
aceordingto Basaf(p lati.
lit Sthyla Kala dasa Mars. I"iffc to 2 ycaii Saturn.
2nd _ Budha. 3 to 8 ynara. Rahu.
3id H " Guru- 9 to 24 Chandra..
4th u " Sun. 25 to 42 Sukra.
5th " " Sam. 43 « to 61 ^ Kcthu.
6 th " Rahu. 62 to 93 Budha. !
EX. A child getting Rahu dasa According 10 ^'"nishoxhari
will not get good fcsuhs between 5 to 8 vcars for accordinc. fn
Sthula kali-dasa. the dasa will be that of Budha, for which the
cruel plane: is Kahu.
From 1. 4 and 9th houses and irom Sun, happiness of fro^
lather should be predicted.
From the lords of 1, 3, 8 and 10, ayurdaya.
From 2. 5, 7 & 10 houses, pii^rimage.
From 3, 9, II houses, matters regarding brothers.
From Guru and 5th, children.
From 7th and 2nd houses and Venus, wife, and her accomplish-
ments. In case of a woman, consider Jupiter instead of Venus.
From I2lh, going to far and distant places.
From 10th house. Sun, Budha. Guru and Sani, all results of die
lOth house.
Lords of 5 and 9 houses give good results.
Lords of 3. 6 and 12 houses give bad results.
Chandra, Guru, Sukra and Budha as lords of kendras cannoi
give good results.
Malefics as lords of kendras give good results.
Lords of 5 and 9 houses, must be treated as benefics. whether
natural benefics or not.
Lords of kendras though natural malefics must be treated as
^ benefics in giving results.
Lords of the kendras if they are natural benclics must be considered
as malefics in giving results, during their dasas.
Lords of* 3. 6, B, M and 12 houses from lagna or Chandra lagna
are malefics even though they may be natural benefics.
Generally speaking, if the 4th dasa from birth be that of
Sam. ihc 5th be that of Mnrs, the 6th be that of Jupiter and if
the nh he that of Rahu, the person fmua through great difficulties
and may abo die during these If one of these planets
, owns bad houses from the lagna and is strong or exalted, the
danger is very great; if debilitated or completely celipscd. the
trouble will be less. '
The aspect of bencfies though they may be lords of malefic
houses, c.g. Jupiter, must always be considered good & beneficial.
TIjc aspect of malcfics, though they may be lords of benefic houses,
(or instance Saturn, must always be considered to be bad.
This is a method by which the present condition of ^ native
is examined with the help of the transitory position of planets
with reference to the position of Moon in the radical horoscope
Some loot into this with reference to lagna also. It must be
bcTme in mind that this only helps the dasa and sub-period results
or in a sense serves as a moderator. One cannot rely ori the
results of gochara alone. The question will be why Moon alone
and not the lagna. In the lagna there is the atma also—'besides
the general structure of the physical body and the atma is beyond
the influence of planets. But Moon is the mind besides having
to do with the body. The purpose is to find out how the body
and the mind are being affected.
The following rules may be observed in examining the results
of gochara. Even when a planet is favourably placed, it will not
give good results if it suffers from a vedha and there are a
number of these.
When the planet is moving in houses mentioned in the top
line from Chandra., it is expected to give good results. But if there
is a plaiaet in any of the houses mentioned under, the planet gets
vedha and gives bad results. For instance, Sun in the 6th house
from Moon gives good results but if any planet, excepting Saturn,
is moving at that time in the 12th house from the radical Moon,
Sun will give the bad results of the I2lh house and not the good
results of the 6th house in which he is moving. In the same way
results for all other planets should be considered. Conversely, if
Ravi is passing through Gj 12,4 or 5, and if any planet excepting
Saturn is in 3, 6, 10 or 11 respectively, Ravi would give good
results of 3, 6, 10 or 11 as the case may be. It must be remembered
that there is no vedha between Ravi and Sani, as well as between
Chandra and Budha. ; -
Goch HIA 167
Siui * 10 ill Give good fczulta from
RarFral Mood,
9 12 4 5 Vniha Houtet.
Jlfeup 1 3 6 7 10 11 Good Houscs-
■r 5 6 12 1 4 8 Vedha House*.
3 6 11 Good Home*.
12 9 5 Vedha Houjcj.
3 6 11 Good Hem jcj.
12 9 s Vedha Houses.
Joib* 2 4 6 8 10 11 Good Houses.
5 3 9 1 8 12 Vedha- Houses.
2 5 7 9 11 Good Houses.
12 4 3 10 9 Vedha Hquso.
4 ilia 3 2 3 1■ ^ 9 ( 9 11 12 Good
8 .7 1 10 9 5 11 3 t Vedha
Besides the rasi vedha mentioned above, there are many
others. Planets in a particular rasi cause vedha to planets in other
rasts. For instance, Budha when passing through a rasi, if there
are no planet or planets in the 3rd3 5th, 8th, 9th and I2th
houses, gives good resuiti and so on for all other planets. Then
anga-gochara; paksha-bala; sankranti result; janma nakshatra
and week days and so on. The reader is requested for further
infomtation to refer to 'Daivagna Kamamritam' or a Gujarati
book published by Mr. Uttamram Mayaratn1 Thakkar of
Ahmedabad, 'Jyotish Vigyan and Ashtakavarga . For ordinary
purposes the reader is requested to note in what house from
Chandra a planet is moving. According to the rules given above
the results will be good or bad. For instance, Dhanus Rasi. Then
Guru in the Uthhouse, i.e. Thula is expected to give good resuiu.
In this Rasi there are 3 nakshatras Chiltra, Swati and Visakha.
The Lords of these respectively are Mars, Rahu and Guru. Guru
will give better results when moving either in Chirtra or Visakha,
than in Swati whose lord is Rahu. an mnrty of Guru and so on
for all other planets.
168 Indian Astrology
Then the mosi important point which stands above all .v.
is the ashtaka-vajnja. If a planet is moving in an unf- w*
rasi from Chandra and if in its own ashtaka-varga the planet
more than four P^nts. the evil is considerably decreased, if ^
are less than four, bad results progressively more so, as the
decrease in number and if there are no points, there is real troubfe
and danger. Of course In favourable positions, more paints mean
better results. Less points mean much less results.
In South India, the diild's name is given as far as passible
from the letter denoted by the nafcshatra or at least the nanje is
given beginning with the letter indicated by the nabshatra patja
and another name also is given for ordinary purposes. When a
person without a horoscope consults an astrologer, he is able to find
cut the dasa through which tlie native is passing. Of planets which
have a much less period, the difference in the dasa will be corrtct
to 2^ years at the utmost if he was bom in the Dasa of Venus
who has a span of 20 years and if he was bom in the dasa d
a planet which has a much less period the difference in (he
balance of dasa will be much Jess. Generally from the Jagna as
well as from Chandra lagna, the dasas arc examined and in the
absence of a regular horoscope, from Chandra lagna the astrologer
can decide the exact dasa he is passing through and with the
help of the present transitory movement of the planets he can
fairly well arrive at a definite and right conclusion. This method
is not followed in Gujarat and other parts. It will be very
advantageous if people make a note of it and try to help themselves
and the astrologer whom they consult by naming their children
after the letter of the nakshatra pada of their birth.
1. (a) This chapter is called the ashtaka varga or the
eight groups, because calculations for this varga have to be made
in respect of eight groups, viz, the seven planets and lagna.
It is with reference to these eight group calculations that events
in a man's life are predicted.
(b) In order to prepare the ashtaka-varga one should
have the rasi horoscope of the person. It is only with reference
to the rasi horoscope that ashtaka-varga horoscope can be
prepared and results predicted therefrom.
(c) The ashtaka-varga horoscope consists of 8 parts one
for each planet and the eighth is the sum total of all planets.
Tlley are named ;—
(1) Sun's ashtaka-varga.
(2) Chandra's ashtaka-varga.
(3) Kuja's ashtaka-varga.
(4) Budha's ashtaka-varga.
(5) Guru's ashtaka-varga.
(6) Sukra's ashtaka-varga.
f71 Sani's ashtaka-varga.
(8) Sarvashtaka-varga._
The first seven are called bhinnashtaka-varga In contrail to
saivashtaka- varga,
(d) The method of preparing the ashtaka-varga horoscope
is this ;—Take the planets in order one by one from the rasi
horoscope of the person and in a blank form of horoscopcf place
some mark or point in tht respective houses as mentioned in the
following rules and then total the number of marks or points
and place the total number in that house for that planet's ashtaka-
varga horoscope- Thar would be that planet's ashtaka-varga and
so on for each planet.
India* Astrology
These marks or points are called the bcnefic Points in <>ach
'Die becefic points in any house not exceed eight. The
number of benefic points deducted from S is the number of
niaieSc points in that house.
(a) Place marks or points for Sun in the
M l, 5 4.7,8. 9,10,11 touscs from Sun's homt
(fr) 3,6,t lO&ll MtX)n's
(c) 1, 2,4, 7i 8, 9, 10 S: 11 K-uja's
U) . 3,5,6,9, to, U S 12 , Budha's
.,(<■) S.6,9tlil Guiu's
•"(/) S.'7 & 12- Sukrs's
(e).- iiA4,7,-8,9, ios u Sani's
'(/■) 3,4,6; 10.11 Si 12 Lsqna
(b) Place marks or points for Chandra in the
'T (f?
(i) 3,1, 6,3,6,7, 8,7, 10
10 && ]111 • Bouses from Sun's
(tf) 2,3,5.6,9, 30 & 11 kuia's
I'') 1, 3,4,5,7, 8,
(e) 1,4,7,8, 10, II & 12 Of 210 & 11 fludha's
Guru's -n
(/) 7, 9, 10 Sr 'Il Sukrn"s „
U) 3,5,65:11
(A) 3,6, 10 & J1 Sani's
(cj Place marks or points for Kuja in tlic
3,5.6,10 & 11 bouses from Sur.'s house
3,6, 11 Moon's
1,2,4, 7,8,10 & 11 Kui-t's
id) 3.5,6 & 11 Bud ha's „
i<) 6,10, 11 & 12 Gum's
if) 6.8,11 & 12 Sukra's
h1. 4,7,8,9,10& 11 I^agna
k 3,6. i0 & 11
(d] Place marks or points for Budha in the.
(*) 5,6,9, 11 & 12 houses „from Moon's
Sun's „
(A) 2,4,6,8,10 & II Kuta's j,
ic) 1, 2,4,7,8,9, 10& II Buaha's
id} 3,3,5.6, 9, 10, 1! & 12 Gum's
U) o, 8,31 & 12 Sukra's »,
(/) 3,2, 3, 4,3,8, 9 & 11 Sani's
(c) 1.2,4, 7,8,9, I0& II Lagna
ih) 1,2,4. 6.8, 10&11
(e) Place marks or points for Guru in the
(а) 1. 2,3, 4» 7.8,9, 10* 11 bouscx from Sun't home
<r) 2,5,7,9411
1.2,4,7,8,10 s: 11 Moon's ..
id) 1,2,4,5,6,9,10411 Budha's
(e)(/) 1,2,3,4,7,8,10411
2,5,6,9,10 &11 Guru'.
(ffl 3,5,6 4 12 Sani'j
(3,) 1,2,4.5.6,7,9.10 & 11 Lagna
(f) Place marks or points for Sukra in the
lb) 8,31 & 12
1,2,3,4,5.8.9, II & 12 boujcs from Sun's

(c) 3, 5or 4, 6,9, 11 & 12 Kuja'i
(<) 3,5,6.9 4 11 Budha's „
(/•) 5,8,9,104 11 Guru's
(/) 1,2,3,4.5,8.9, ID & 11 SuVra'i
<rj 3,4,5,8,9,104 11 Sani'}
(A) 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 & 11 La.ena
(g) Place marks or points for Sani in the
(а) 1, 2.4, 7, 8, 10 & 11 house, from Sin's house
(б) 3,64 11 Moon's
(cl 3, 5, 6,10,11 & 12 Kuja's
U) 6. 8. 9, 10, 11 & 12 Budha's ..
[e) 5,6,114 12 Cum'.
(/) 6,118:12 Sukra'. „
(£) 3,5,6 4 11 Sani's
1,3,4,6,104 II Lasna
(h) Place marks or points in Sarvashtaka Vargas.
Total the number of marks or points in the Mesha
House of each planet's Aihukavarga and place the
entire total number in the Mesha House of the SarvAsb-
laka Varca Horoscope and so on for every other House
upto Meena House.
3. General effects according to the point1'. in each house.
(1) If there are more than four points in any house, the
planets when passing through that house give good
(2) If there are 5, 6 Or 7 points in the house, the planets
"when passing through that house give progressively
more beneficial results.
(3) If there are lj 2 or 3 points only in the house ^
planets when passing through that house win gj^ no
good results.
(4) If there are no points in the house, the planets wfeai
passing through house give diseases, iaf^niy and
(5) If there are 4 points in the house, the planets while
passing through that house give mixed results both
good and bad,
(6) A planet with one point produces diseases,. mi*ry
danger and wandering.
A planet with 2 points produces mental pain, censure
from government and loss from thieves.
A planet with 3 points produces bodily privation,
discomforts and mental uneasiness.
A planet with 4 points produces mixed pain, pleasure,
expense and increase of income.
A planet with 5 points produces good clothes, children,
learning and wealth.
A planet with G points produces good appearance, good
character, wealth, victory in war, fame, strength and
A planet with 7 points produces honour, titles, horses,
carriages and wealth.
A planet with 8 points produces glory and other
f7) A planet gives good results always in his own vargai
in any house with 5 or more points and otherwise
gives no good results.
(8) A planet is positively harmful while moving in a
house with no points.
Ashtaka-VAHCA 173
(9] Ail planets in their exaltation Hcaism, in friendly houses
or other benefic houses and also in kendras and trikonas
produce perverse and inconvenient results if the houses
they move in, contain points less than four.
(10) Planets in bad positions and in depression or inimical
houses, give good results if they move in houses contain-
ing more than four points.
(11) If Sani passes through a house with no points he give*
diseases, danger from enemies and iroublcs to father
and other relations who arc represented by the several
Experience shows that the sarvashtaba-varga may be used
as a confirmation of the results of every bhava in a horoscope
obtained while assessing the nature of a nativity according to the
rules mentioned in previous chapters. Where the number of points
is great, that bhava is strong. But there is not much advantage
in it, if the allied bhavas are not equally strong. E.g. the lllh
house may get even as many as 50 points but if the 2nd and 9lh
houses do noi gel an equally good number and if the 6ih. 8lh and
12th houses gel more, the results will be nil.
The lagna must gel more points than any other bhava. The
Gth, 8lh and 12th bhavas must gel less than those in the lagna
while all other benefic houses must gel more than what the evil
houses geb but still less than the lagna, and the lord of lagna should
gel more points in his own Ashlaka-Varga than any other
planet in his individual ashlaka-varga. This is an excellent con-
dition showing that the native will be successfiil in life. The
following rule may be adopted to decide whether a person will
be able to save or not. 2nd, 11th and 9lh houses speak of wealth of
some sort or other, and the total number of points in these
houses must be greater than those in tire 6lh, 8lh and 12lh
houses, for, these houses speak of debts, misfortunes, losses etc.
There are so many other things that can be considered with
the help of ashlaka-varga, such as the direction which will he
174 Indian Astoolooy
most helpful to the native, the longevity of life of a
the three divisions of life, father's, mother's death etc. The
is requested to refer to other books where these havc^vZ
elaborately treated. This is just to create Interest.
This is a moot point wherein a gtnat amount ,of difficiiity
is-experienced by an astrologer in deciding what the. disease the
native is suffering from, or is likely to be, for the astrologer may
not be a medical man and as such, he may not ,bc. able' ^to
mention the name of the disease winch die native is suffering .err
is likely 10 sullcr from. But the astrologer caa find out. iho.njDSi
vulnerable part of the human system and, say. that, that, the
portion of the body which is; likely to be. affcctcdscrlausly w he never
there;;is an opportunity. i -.-!j ri ..LL-te
'The 6ih house is mentioned as it he-house of'disease"-etc. 'of
course not only Irora lagna but from-Chandra lagtia11 and fromiJ
the house wherein the lord 'bf the lagna is-situated.' " ' ''
«. I • i .1 ' i 1 fijo 'jfh
. . The 5th house only shows whether the native is going to suiter
from disease (Ond whether his health is generally bad. or.good^pr
whether he is going to have some disease which 1 is. more or less
permanent with him. As has been said elsewhere, ,if .die. lord of
the lagna should be strong, at least stronger than the lord .of the
6th house, of course he will be able to overcome the disease
with more ease and comfort than the one who has the lord of the
lagna weak and the lord of die 6ih house strong. One has to see
which particular house and Its lord are weak. In kalapurusha anga
one can see Mcsha, the head and so on, until Mcena, the fccu
The same rule can be applied from the birth sign of an individuai
and the astrologer will have to find out which particular house is
very weak by the aspect of malefic planets or its lord b-ing with
malefics, and so on, just as any bhava is examinedL The confirm-
ation of this can be had from Chandra lagna, as also from that
house which has the lord of the lagna situated in it. For instance,
supposing one finds the 6th house very weak, in that it has the
aspect of malefic planets and its lord is also weak. Therefore
that house will be afflicted. That house according to the la<na
will be intestinal portion and navel. The astrologer will have
176 Indian Astroloov
to decide that, that particular portion of the physique is ^ 1
vulnerable point in his body and thai all diseases are Kk l ^
eroanatc from that house. Besides, he must also consider^ U
humour of the planet which owns the 6th house and the hw^ r
the planets which are influencing the 6lh house as \vc\\ as its
A person may suffer from wind in the stomach or indigtsiion
causing trouble in the intestines as well as nearer navel
excessive gas that has been created by this disease may aha
apparently make the native feel that he is having some trouble in
his heart as well. It is just possible that the native may complain of
the trouble in the heart but the real trouble would have been
that caused by the Intestines. In coming to this conclusion,
the astrologer will have to get confirmation from Chandra lagna
as well as the 6ih house and from the house in which die lord of
the lagna is situated. Invariably it can be seen in such cases that
the €lh house from Mesha is also afflicted in some form or the
other. The writer in his experience has been able to find out very
often the location of the disease but the native thought he was
suffering from something else. Very recently there was a case in
which the writer advised from the horoscope that the native had
trouble to his liver, whereas doctors thought it was trouble in the
kidneys and there was an operation. The doctor assured him he
would be all right. Three months later, the patient went to the
doctor with a bloated stomach. It was then that the doctor diagno-
sed the trouble as with the liver and the patient was subjected to
another operation. So, the astrologer will have 10 be very careful in
predicting diseases and the weakest house in the whole horoscope
wall have to be carefully searched for according to the rules men-
tioned above and then a deciskan arrived at. This is a case for all
ordinary diseases.
If Mars is very weak in a horoscope the man may s^c1"
from want of enough bohe marrow and if Mercury is weak,
suffer from skin diseases, meaning thereby that the humour ^
each planet and the tendency of each Rasi must be care u )
borne in mind.
The Lord of the Lagna must be strong. In his own House
or in exaltation between benefics favourably placed from the:
Lagna and not associated or aspected by malefics, the Lord of
the Lagna must be considered to be strong.
The Lord of Lagna in 3, 6, 8 or 12th House must be
considered to be weak. Aspected by malefics is ■weakness. Birth
in Suklapakshami must be considered to be preferable to being
bom in Kiishnapakshami. Especially for benefics KHshnapakshaml
is not good. The Lords of Kendras must be strong and well placed.
The Lord of 8th House must, not have malefic aspects, A benefic
aspect will be really very good in giving long life.
1. If any planet or planets be strong at the time of the
birth of a person in his Horoscope, the mental qualities
represented by die said planets will be equally strong"
in the person, if the planets be weak the corresponding
mental qualities will also be weak, but in the case Oi
Sani alone, there is an exception and that is if Sani
be strong in the Horoscope the misery represented by
Sani will be less but if Sani be weak, the misery will
be great.
2. Planets have particular characteristics :—
(a) Sun is steadfast.
(b) Chandra is wandering and UnsCady.
(c) Kuja is violent.
(d) Budha is mixture of various qualities.
(e) Guru is gentle.
(f) Sukra is light or easy.
(g) Sani is harsh.
3- Stars represent the body of a person thus: —
(a) Hast£, China and Swati are placed in the head.
(b) Visakha, Anuradba and Jyesta arc placed in the face.
(c) Mula and Purvashada are placed in the neck.
(d) Uttarashada and Sravana arc placed in the shoulders,
(e) Dhanista and Satabhisha are placed in both hands.
(f) Purvabhadraj Uttarabhadra, Revati, Aswanf and
Bharani are placed in die heart.
(g) Kntdka is placed in the navel.
(h) Rohini is placed in Che prjx4ie part.
(i) Mrigasira, Arudra, Funarvasu, Pushyamij Aslesha &
Makha arc placed in the knees.
(j) Plibba and Uttara arc placed in the feet.
4. If Vth or 5th house is occupied by Sani or Kuja
and is nut aspected by oilier planets, the child will be
given away in adoption.
5. Defect in Eye
(a) If Simha is Lagna and Sun and Chandra occupy Lagna
and are aspected by Kuja or Sani, child is blind. But
if benefics aspect Lagna, the child has some defect
in the eye.
(s: if Chandra or Sun occupy ]2lh House, the child is
blind, of the left eye, if it be Chandra or of right cye ^
it be Sun.
6. Whichever of the following 7p]anets is the siiongcs^
death occurs in the dasa of such planet: —
(a) Lord of 8th House.
(b) Planet in 8tb HoUSCi
(e) Planet aspecting 8th House.
(d) Lord of 22nd Drekkana from that of Lagna.
(e) Planet associated with Lord of 8th house,
(f) Lord of 64th Navamsa frcm that occupied by Chandra.
(g) Greatest enemy of the Lord of 8th House.
These Seven Planets are called" Chidra Grahas".
Jm If the Lord of Dasa is associated with a benefic planet,
its dasa is good. If associated with both benefic and
malefic and be not weak or strong, the results will be
(a) In the case of persons with long life death happens in
the 7th dasa of their life.
(b) In the case of persons with short life, death takes
place in the 3rd dasa of their life.
(c) In the case of persons with middle life, death occurs
in the 5ih dasa of their life.
If a malefic planet occupy Lngnrtj there will be disease,
loss of wealth, displeasure of Government, trouble from
enemies during its dasa or bhuktis of a malefic planet,
the results will bo mixed during the Bhukti of a Beaeitc
LOt- During the dasa oE the Lord of Lagna of the flhuktis
of a Malefic planet there will be disease, death or loss
of place. In the Bhukti of Saru there will be loss of
moncyj enmity with relatives and fnends.
1L Defective Limb.: —
(a) If Sukra and Sun occupy one of 7th, 3lh and 5th
houses, the person's wife will have defective limb.
(b) If Chandra occupy 10th House, Kuja occupy 7th House
and Sani occupy 2nd H^nsc from Sun, the person
w ill h ave defective limb.
(c) If Kuja occupy 5th or 9th House or is aspected by
Malefic the person has defective limb.
(d) If Sani occupy 7th house and Kuja is associated with
Rahu or is weak, he has a defective iinib.
If Chandra occupy 10th house. Kuja 7th House and
Sun 2nd house he loses his limb.
(Q If Kuja occupy 1st Drekkana of Lagna and be aspected
by Sun, Chandra and Sani the child will have no head.
(g] If Kuja occupy 1st Drekkana of 51h house and be
aspected by Sun, Chandra and Sani the child will have
no hands.
(h) If Kuja occupy 1st Drekkana of 9th House nnd be
aspected by Sun, Chandra and Sani the child will have
no legs.
Deaf, Dumb & Insane.
(a) If Malefic Planets Sun, Chandra._ Kuja & Sari occupy
9th, i 1 th, 3rd, 5th houses and are not aspected by
Bencfics. he will be deaf.
(b) If Kuja occupy 7th house.ii Guru occupy Lngna, or if
Sani occupy Lagna and Kuja occupy 5th. 7th or 9ih
house or if waning Chandra and Sani occupy 12th
house, he will be insane or idiot.
(c) If Sun occupy 1st house & Kuja 7th House, he will
be insane.
If Sani occupy 1st House & Kuja a Trikona, he will have
[ maniacal wife.
(e) If one part of Dhanur Lagna, if Sun and Chandra
occupy Lagna a Trikona and if Guru occupy 3rd House
or a Kcndra, he is insane.
{£) If malefics occupy 9th, 11th, 3rd and 5th bouses antj
axe not aspected by benefics he will be deaf.
(g) If ail the three malefic planets Sani, Kuja and Sun
occupy Riksha Sandhis or the last portion of any one.
of Kataka Vruchika & Meena Houses he will bf dumb.
If only two malefics occupy in the above maniac, there
will be very little sp-;:ch. if only one malefic occupv snvli
portion there will be slow or stamincrintr speech.
In this rule Chandra must have a malefic aspect biit
if Chandra has a benefic aspect the child will begin to
speak later than usual.
13. Eye.
(a) If one of 12th 5: 6th Houses be occupied by Sun anri
the other by Chandra, both ihe person and his wife u-jl
each have one eye.
(b) If Sun, Chandra, Kuja and Sani occupy 2nd, 6th. 8th,
and 12th houses he becomes blind.
(c) If eclipsed Sun occupy Lagna and if Sani & Kuja omipv
5th and 9th houses, he losses his eyes.
(d) If Sun occupy 5th or 9th House and is aspencd bv
malefics he will have weak sight in the eyes.
(e) If La^na be Simha and Sun & Chandra occupvinp in
are aspectcd by Sani or Kuja he will have no debt
in the eves.
(f) If Chandra occupy S2th House, he will have left eve
(g) If Sun occupy 12th house the right eye will he hurt.
Note:—If in (e), (f) & fg) benefics aspect Sun & Chandra, the
evil effects mentioned in («> (f) & (g) will not happen.
(h) If Lagna be Simha and Sun be in exaltation he gets
eye disease.
(i) If Lagna be Thula and Sun occupy it he will be poor
and blind at night.
184 Indian astrology
(j) If Lagna be Kataka and Sun occupy it, he will have
iafiamed eyes.
(k) If Sun and Chandra occupy I2lh house jointly or
-separately he loses his right or left eye respectively.
(I) If malefics occupy 6th and 8th houses he loses his sight
in the right eye, if the planet is in 8th house and left
eye if the planet be in 6lh house.
M if s un is associated with or aspected by Sani or occupy
10th or 7th house he will not be affected in his right
eye. But if Sun is associated with Rahu and Kuja,
other conditions being same as above mentioned in rules
(k) & (I) he will have his left eye affected.
(u) If malefics occupy 6, 8 and 12th houses and if Sun and
Chandra occupy I2ih House he loses one of his eyes.
(o) If Kuja is Lord of 2nd House and if Sun occupy 8th
house along with Chandra and if Sani Occupy 6th, 8th,
or i2Lh House he will be blind. If Sani and Chandra
associate with Kuja and occupy 6ih, 8ih or I2th house
he has no sight
(p) If Chandra occupy 6th house, Sun 8th House, Sani 12lh
house and Kuja 2nd house he will be blind.
(q) (1) If Lord of 2nd House associated with Lord of
Lagna occupy 6tli, 8th or 12th house he loses his
(2) If Lord of 2nd house associate with Sukra and
Chandra and occupy Lagna he will be night blind.
But if the Lord of 2nd house is exalted or is
associated with a benefic no such evil occurs.
(r) If Chandra or Kethu occupy the 12th house,, Sani
occupy Trikona, Sun occupy 7th or 8th house, his cyes
and teeth will be affected.
(s) If malefics occupy 4th and 5th houses and if Chandra
occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house he will be blind. But if
benefics occupy the said house there will be no such
(t) If Sun alone occupy Lagna and be aspected by Kuja
and Sani he will be blind in the right eye.
(u) If Chandra alone occupy Simha and be aspected by
Kuja and Sani he will be blind in the left eye.
14. Sudden wealth and Sudden loss.
(a) (i) If Lord of 11th house occupy 4th house and Lord
of 4th hosxsc occupy 11th house or
(it) If Lord of Lagna be strong and associated with
Lord of 4th house in Lagna or 4th house and is
associated with or aspected by a benefic, the
person suddenly becomes wealthy.
(b) (i) If Lords of 2nd & 4th houses occupy 6th house and
Lord of 6th house associates with Guru or
(ii) If Lords of 2nd and 11th houses are depressed
and maleBc occupy 2nd house or
(iii) If Lords of 2nd & 4th houses associate with Lord
of 8th house and during the Dasa of the Lord of
the 2nd house or
(iv) If Lord of 2nd house associate with Kethu and
occupy 8th house, the person loses wealth
15. (a) If Chandra occupy the Navamsa of Kataka or
Vrischika and is associated with malefics be will
from disease in private parts.
(b) If Lord of 1st house occupy 8th house and is associated
with Rahu be gets large testicles.
( ) If Chandra is associated with a malefic and occupy th^
house which ts occupied by Lord of 8th bou.ce ar1^ if
Lord of 8th house is aspected by Rahu he gcts disease
in private parts; if 8th house is occupied by 3 or ^
malefics the same results occur; but if a benefic occupy
8th house he will not get thai disease.
(d) If Rahu occupy Lagna and associate with Sani & Kuja,
or if Lord of Lagna occupy 8th House and associate
with Rahu or other maddic, or if Kuja being Lord of
Lagna occupy Lagna with the association or aspect of
a malefic, or if Sana, Kuja and Rahu all occupy Lagna,
or if Lord of the Navamsa house occupied by the Lorxi
of the Lagna associated with Rahu and Kuja, or if the
Lord of the Navarosa. house occupied by Lord of 8th
house associate with Rahu, there will be testicle
(e) If Chandra is situate between Sani and Kuja and if Sun
occupy Makara he suffers from asliima, consumption,
spleen affection.
(f) If Sun and Chandra occupy each the house or Navamsa
of the other, he suffers from consumption.
If Chandra be Sani and is aspected by Kuja, he gets
(ii) If Sun occupy Lagna and is aspected by Kuja, he
suffers from asthma and colic pain.
If Chandra is between two malefics and'Sani occupy
7th house he suffers from consumption} spleen cwnpl^i11^
and bolls.
(j) If Budha and Kuja occupy 6th house and be aspected
by Sukra and Chandra occupy malefic house there
be cominnplion.
(k) If Rahu occupy■■ 6th house. Lord of Lagna 8th house
and Chandra associates with or is aspected by a malefic
there- will be consumption.
(1) If Chandra is between Sani and Kuja and Sun in
Makara there will be consumption.
£m) If Chandra occupy 8th house, Rahu 6th house or 8th
^ house and Sani 8th house from Rahu, there will be
(n) If Chandra associate with Kuja or if Sukra and Kuja
occupy 6th house, or if Lord of 6th house occupy 8th
house or if Lord of 8ih house occupy 6:li house, or if
Loid of 12th house occupy SiSi house and Loid of 8th
house occupy 12th house there will be diabetes.
(o) If Rahu or malefic occupy Lagna and Sani occupy
8ih house, he will have disease in the stomach.
(p) II 5th or 9ih house be Vrischika. Kataka, Vrishabha or
Makara and is either occupied or aspected by Sam,
he will have leprosy.
(q) If Kuja occupy Lagna and is aspected by Sani and Sun,
he gels smallpox.
(r) If Lord of 3rd house is associated wn.i Budha he gets
throat disease.
(s) If 3rd house is occupied by a maletic and is aspected by"
malefic he gets ear disease.
Teeth and bald head.
(a) If malefic Sun, Chandra, Kuja and Sani occupy 7th
house and arc not aspected by benches he will have
deformed teeth.
(b) If Lagna be Vrishabha, Mesha, or Dhauus and if male-
fics aspect Lagna he will have ugly teeth.
(c) If Lagna be Me.ha, Vrishabha or Dba
aspected by a malefic he wU1 ^ ^CU5 and ^
(d) If malefics occupy ^di-bKuW ^ ."
SJirod fe? ^Pecttdhv

or be as peeled by LoYa--ffM|ua abb ttuTufc.ifc,,^J

_ or if Lord of Stb b™i«<. _ • -
in rue
disease. oo^uMufiioD 5a ru-.v oiarii moUU
!W s
^P-"lifir' rcSftefie )i6ttst;sl uMtehabairfiDal 1 Vji^hita,
}^taraicKiufflBfskI=-b)!iariusj8DtiiM3sdliiiasl3eoEagna and
if Lagna be aspected by malefic hsaidllrtbcairada headed.
: nJ5
^ lfowJ^o"1 mbncfiD II („)
•^qujoo •jsrjorl nr:d lo bioJ n io co?.i'Oii nJo ^ain3o
. _ 11 .1 _ T . .111 1-.JV ^y-svi .Qbt> kmiCB r ri^im
lo - -•
.=ojChaiidrS? IPX-/ -ji'JiU omoil diSi x<\xo^ ^od:


S s
-S % "
„ oauoil I"?. ^
rl c.'lui;«l "mber of OhatjfeilpjAKW
(b) Halve the number o ^
.MKiq^c) fAd<bft»fe>^ ,,, shalew

yni no 1 , r- ll"r- 3H : ,
(e) From the remainder number count the star
computing to that numbcj Jrom Aswini,
(f) finally fmd the house corresponding :o such star
found in (el.
(a) Count ibe number of Ghatikas till the time of birth
from Sun-rise.
(b) Multiply the said Ghatikas by 6 and note the
(c'j Add to the product the number of the Tamil date
of birth (the date according io Solar month).
(d] Divide the total by 30 and note the quotient.
(e) Count that number trom iliv next house to the
house in which the Sun is situate at birth and that
is the Lagna at birth.
If in married partners, both of them start the same
dasa the wife's dasa preceding the husband's there
will positively be misery. unhappiuess and poverty even
leading to starvation.
a3 I I I I I
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i 1 12 —

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Duration Chandra

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Lords i Budha Chandra
of '




S |
Kethu 4 27 —
— 8 34— j 22 ' 3 — 19 36 — 20 491 — 24 30— 7 21— 12 15

Sukrs 14 — 24 302 3 — 1 26 — 1 29 30 2 10 —— 21 —1 5 —

3o —
Surya n4 6 — — 7 21— 18 54 — 16 4B — 17 51 — 21 -— 6 18— 10 30

Chandra — 12 15I 1 30— 28 — — 29 45 1 5 — - 10 30 — 17 30
Man 1 4 27 — —0 341
>. ■ — 22 3— 19 36 — 20 49} f) — 24 30- 7 21— 12 IS
Rahu |- 12 IB — — 22 31 26 421 20 24 1 23 33 2 3 -— iB 54 1 1 SO
Guru +-11 6 — — 19 361 20 241 14 48 1 17 36 1 26 — - lit 4a— 2B -
Sani ■13■SJ —— 23 IGi 1 29 5.1 I 23 12 1 26 31 2 6 30 ; - 19 57 1 3 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MfN| —CT. ^M«-J

U5— Ommr-- "' '—-o — oj— o— m.—

io gj

Budha II 2? —— 20 4911 23 331 17 36 1 20 34i 1 29 30- 17 51— 20 45

! 1


1 s

Total 4 27 -
r ,


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