RG Rao Kashyapa Hora

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KASHYAPA HORA Based on Nadi System with 80 practical charts By: R. G. Rao Published by: R. G. Rao Srinivasanagar, Ul Cross, Kattriguppa Main Road, (Near Vidyapeeta), Bangalore - 560 085 KASHYAPA HORA ~ Based on Nadi System with 80 Practical Charts - By R. G. Rao, Author, Astro-Palmist, Vastu Consultants, Research Institute of Nadi Astrology Srinivasanagar, I’ Cross, Katthriguppa Main Road (After Vidyapecta) Bangalore - 560 085, Phone : 6696834 First Edition : 1996 Pages : 4 + 180 Printed at : Lipi Mudrana Bugle Rock Road, Basavanagudi Bangalore - 560 004. India. YYanorama Cieeult Publications Manorama Bhawan, 170 8, Bank Enclave, Delhi, India 110 092.9 (31) (11) 246 8683 E-mail : manoramaoccult@hotmait.com . PREFATORY & Dear Readers‘and Well-wishers, As His Will would have it, so far I have been ordained by Him to bring out some of the works on ORIENTAL NADI SYSTEM OF ASTROLOGY. This book on HORA SHASTRA, to the best of my knowledge and belief would enable the readers to presentient the native's answers, well before questioning the native and trust this book is elusive. This is a Divine subject, more so a supernaturla one and I have tried my best to compose this book with practical examples and however, how many more births a native would require to digest this subject always remains, a great flabergaster. By Her Grace Mercy The Gooddess Saraswathi and Ambika I have entured most humbly to place before you, the readers this book with a.notion of Serving At Her Feet. In this connection my grateful thanks of profoundness to Sri. Ashok Kumar, Assistant Director YAVANIKA for his great help. Trust that, you my well-wishers and patronages would ‘kindly offer me rest for my pen in future, so that would spend the rest of my life in the Meditation at the Feet of The Lord Sri. Hari. : Jam ever yours at The Service of The Feet of The LORD SRI HARI. -R. G, Rao Til by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I most ardently avail this opportunity while expressing my deep gratitude Sri. PANKAJ PATEL Nehru park, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad for his timely help, guidance and while extending his hands of nobility and encouragement in various spheres including financial support. It is his help that has enabled me to place this book before you, my readers, my well- wishers, and I whole-heartedly pray may Sri. PANKAJ PATEL and members of his family shall enjoy an evergreen prosperity and perrinial Blessings from the Almighty. -R. G. Rao , & CONTENTS Pages INTRODUCTION TO KASHYAPA HORA 3-4 SEVEN HORAS AND THEIR LORDS : 5 CAUSITIVE KARAKATWAJEFFECTS OF HORE PLANETS 6-8 DISCUSSION BETWEEN MASTER & DISCIPLE 8-9 CAUSITIVE EFFECTS OF SUN WITH OTHER PLANTES (EFFECTS WITH COMBINATION OF TWO PLANETS) 10-27 NATURE OF 12 SIGNS IN HORAS 28-30 PLANETS AND THEIR CHARTS 30-31 PRINCIPLES OF HORA 31-33 EXAMPLE CHARTS 33-38 RESULTS OF RETRO-DIRECT MOTION . 38 INTERVHANGES IN HORA 39-41 COMBUSTION 42 STAMBHANA/STATIONERY 43 RULES No. 1-16 (PRINCIPLES OF HORAS) 43-48 HORA CHART WITH NATIVE'S BIRTH CHART 48-53 SIMILARITIES OF NAMES & METHODS OF FINDING OUT 64-176 JUDGING THE ANSWERS FOR THE NATIVE'S QUESTION IN ADVANCE BY HORA PRINCIPLES DIAGRAM OF STARS AND THEIR PADAS HORA TABLE 177 eee Vv OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAHA KASHYAPA HORA The Great Sage Kashyapa's Hymns (Stotra) "SRI KASHYAPAAYA SHIVAPRIYAA-YA GANDIPA MUNI POOJ-YA-YA VEDANGA JYOTHISHAM BOJA PRANEETA NADI GRANTHAYA PARAS- MAI JYOTHI SHENAMA-HA". . In Sacred Prayer of the Sage Sri Gandipa. "KASHYA PASYA PRIYAM SHISH-YAM SHANTHAM DANTAM TAPASVINAM KARMA BHANDHA DWINIR-MAAK-TAM GANDI-PARSHI BHAJAM-YAHAM". 3 INTRODUCTION TO KASHYAPA HORA While taking into considereation many of the volumenouswritings on the subject of Astrology, the quintessence of the Great Nadi System is found to be of utmost value and Kashyapa Hora stands to be the greatest method for obtaining greater degree of results as far as the predictional part of Astrological Science is concerned. Hence the Great Sage, on the banks of the Holy river Cauvery, one of the Great places of South India in the present State of TamilNadu, delieneated to his students the Great Kashyapa Hora, a great presentation to the world of Astrology. The Nadi System was well delineated by such Sages choosing the script of DEVA NAGARI which was in vogue during those times. The various, innumerable stanzas are in the form of both Tamil and Sanskrit languages. So, it is a mixture of Sanskrit version. In this system, the entire Shastra is delineated in - the form of conversation between the Master and the students and the quintessence of this system, mainly deals with the conceprt of time pertaining to Hora - i.e., to say at what exact time the questionnaire comes for consulting an Astrologer, and depending on that time, the predictional parts are deduced. This valuable systems enables an Astrologer to know or to write in advance, what are the questions the questionnaire desires to.ask and what are the answers (results) for such questions. The same can be well predicted through this great system. In this book, such versions are delineated for the benefits of the readers through many charts. It is quite possible, that during a Hora, two or three persons may come for consulting an Astrologer, but how to analyse them, and how to predict accurate answers in such cases are also dealt with in the following pages. Ipso-facto (needless to say) it is by the grace, the blessings of the Almighty, I am just trying to place here before the readers of 4 . this book an humble appeal that the saine shall be read atleast 3-4 times in order to understand and make the best use of it, so that my efforts would become fiuitful. Any kind of suggestions about this book by thesxeaders, is welcome. In this book, some of the slokas of the great Sri VARAHAMIHIRA in original is included and this is well related authentically to this HORA SHASTRA. What is meant by HORA ? It is established by the great learned of the past that there are 24 horas commencing from the time of Sun rise of a day to the next 24 hours closing with Sun rise of the next day. From Sun to Saturn planet 7 Horas, and seven days are considered. So, Hora means, the time at which the questionnaire comes for questioning / consulting on a particular week day, at a particular time, pertaining to such appropriate Hora and what are the planetic combinations at that particular time forms the Hora, i.e., to say it must be noted that at what Hora the person has come for consultation, is taken for consideration. 1 SLOKA “ARKA-SHUKRA BUDASCHANDRO MANDOJEEVA DHAARA- SUTAHA VAARESHAAT PANCHA MAA DHOOR DWAM KRAMAT SHASTAM PUNAH- PUNAH -HA DIVASASYA CHATUR - VIMSHA KAALA HORAA HA PRAKEER THI THAA HA: HOORA NAAMCHA PRAMAA NAAM SYAT SAR DHA DWI GHATIKAA SMU TAA HA: 5 >» Every day from the time of Sun rise-to Sunset itis 12 Horas. Again from Sun set till next day's Sun rise it is 12. horas.So, morking 12 and night 12, a total of 24 Horas. 7 HORA AND THEIR LORDS For Example : On a Sunday the first Hora will be of Sun.So, when the Sun rise is at 6a.m., the first Hora is of Sun from 6a.m. to 7a.m.The next Hora from 7a.m to 8a.m is Venus Hora. Tables given in this book explains the subsequent Horas. On a particular week day, the governing planet's Hora is the first Hora. For Example : 1, Sunday - Ravi (Sun) Hora. 2. Monday - Moon Hora 3. Tuesday - Mars Hora 4. Wednesday - Mercury Hora 5. Thursday - Jupiter Hora 6. Friday -Venus Hora 7. Saturday - Saturn Hora The accompanying Hora table explains the appropriate Horas according to timings based on the governing planets. 6 CAUSITIVE KARAKATWA/EF FECTS OF HORA Causitive effects of Héra planets : By applying the principles of Transit to the birth chart of natives, results for the native! s periodic situation could be obtained. In Hora, the planetary positions on the day, and the time of consultation, by the native, is taken for delienation. HORA The planetary position at the time of consultation of the natives are considered and assesment can be made regarding the question of the native. For Example : In a native's birth chart if Sun and Jupiter are together in a particular sign, predictions can be given regarding natives father to be a notable person and also having spiritual thoughts ete, But according to Hora, if these two planets are together in a sign on the day and at the time of native's consultation and according to Hora, if it is a Jupiter's Hora, then we are considering regarding the native, the same combination can be assesed as political support and such achievements, and also there will be great cooperation from big personalities, notable persons.Therefore, we have to considcr the difference between the causitive effects of birth chart and the time of Hora effects. The planetary effects of planets are very important for consideration, including Kala (Time), Desha (such places accordingly), and the future. 7 PLANETS ~ € Causitive effects of planets.of Horas : Causitive effects of all the nine planets are detailed below. SUN: : . Work pertaining to governmental/royal courts, father's aspect governmental aspects - light - Gold. MOON: Travels - mother -cheatings -waning moon pertaining to debts - thefts - digging well - female aspect - flowers - Art - Buxom ~ Red powder. : : MARS : Brothers - enemy - machine - lime - excess of heat - husband - vehicle - police - weapon. MERCURY : Business - friends (both sex) - inteligence - education - land - sister - relatives - green materials - green leaves. - JUPITER : Jeeva - health - present position in life - improvrments - personalities auspicious deeds - question regarding success - a great example - cows - close acquintances. VENUS: | Wife - elder sister - female aspect - wealth - house, luxury - money - elder daughter - beautiful - attractive shape - female wealth - turmeric. 8 SATURN : Career - Royal / governmental servant - work - Karma - efforts/ endeavours - elder brother - matter pertaining to uncle - Career aspects - rheumatism gastric complains etc. DRAGON - HEAD: Wheel - Mulsims - rheumatism - giant/magnificient - darkness - grand-father's aspect - head - skin - upper floors - 4 wheel - Demon - Devil - action of evil spirits - Front door of a house - Snake - embodying concept of evolution - rituals - rites - round shapes. . DRAGON TAIL : Impedimental / obstructional aspects - disputes - net/trap - controller - binding - thread - anything thin and long - roots - maternal grand mother - nerves - rabbit's hole - The Lord Muneshwara - saint / seer - Christians - hairs - dry grass (dharbhe) - private parts of female, shape of male organ - washerman - The Sage Sri Agasthya Maharshi - liberation. Causitive effects of planets in Hora . Guru Kashyapa Maharshi while discussing with his disciples regarding the causitive effects of planets in Hora, says, that there is a difference between Hora and Natal charts regarding the planetary effects. DISCUSSION BETWEEN MASTER & DISCIPLE Desciple: Master, how could there be a difference between the Hora and the natal planetary combinations when the planets have their own specific nature ? How to distinguish varied nature of the planets and its effects ? Master: . Yes - youg question on the surface looks correct, but you have to observe that a woman is called by his son as a mother, and she becomes wife for her husband, and sister to , her brother/sister. Here the woman is one and the relaionship of woman undergoes different changes depending on persons involved / circumstances. For instance, a man can enact as Rama ina drama and he may be either a good man in personal life or may be a thief, but for the reason ha has acted as Rama he will not become Rama. : Now let us discuss the planets in the above form, where Mercury and Mars combination in Natal charts gives the result of ‘impediments in educational lines’ (i.e. Vidya Bhanga).Also indicating the native will have knowledge in technical line. When this combination appears in Hora, there will be quarelling between/among brothers/in business affairs. Sometimes between partners also or with blood relatives. Anyhow, these two planets combinations is considered as - quarelling aspects., while considering the predictions from the Hora point of view. Further, Sun is the causitive planet for father and Moon for mother. In Hora Sun is eminent person having Raja karya where Moon represents mother. If Moon is under the control of Dragon-Head there will be indications of mental aberrations. If Sun is under the control of Dragon-head, it indicates problems/hardships to native's father or to the elder son of the native. .. So, as per Hora, we are taking combination of two planets and their causitive affects. In the following paragraphs, let us discuss some of the causative effects of each planet with other planets. SUN : Causative effects of SUN (The Hora Lord) with other planets - 10 EFFECT WITH COMBINATION OF 2 PLANTS :, SUN + MOON: It indicates the native's father will have much travelling or one of the persons supporting him will be an eminent/notable person, having travelling aspects. : The combination of these two planets may be in Ist, 5th and 9th or 7th to one another. SUN + MARS : This combination indicates that two powerful/notable person are awaiting for helping hand from the native and out of them one maybe a blood relative to the Hora Lord. For instance, if the Hora Lord is Saturn i.e. at the time of consultation and if Sun and Mars are with Saturn, then it indicates, the Hora Lord will have to encounter/overcome some inimical situations. If Sun and Mars are in Sth and 9th to Saturn and if Sun is in Sth and Mars in 9th to Saturn, then the native will have to encounter/overcome some major disturbances/ obstructional aspects either from governmental sides or political sides/or troubles through police or from an angry person. if these two planets are in 11th to Saturn, the native (Saturn) enjoys supporting factors and it can be noted that even persons who were supposed to be enemical to the native will become friends and work as supporting persons. Hence, it can be observed that the planets either inimical or friendly may be when they are in | lth indicates benefecial factors to the native (The Hora Lord). ‘Ul SUN + MERCURY : In such cases the native enjoys beneficial factors in his business affairs from a notable person. SUN + JUPITER : The native questioning in the context, indicates that the native is a person of great name and fame, enjoying commanding respectability, with good position and great status. Besides he will be quite an active oerson in the field of social service (in national levels). SUN + VENUS : Here, the native questioning is expecting some hereditary property, and the question pertains to financial resources/financial help or regarding the financial aspects of native's father/or his son/or about a female folk and her financial aspects/wealth etc. And also the question follows regarding their house property. SUN + SATURN : The party questioning here has questions regarding career/profession. SUN + DRAGON HEAD : As explained above (i.e. questions regarding some of. the problems being faced by one of his elderly relative). SUN + DRAGON TAIL : Indicates such questions as Flag sign (DWAJA KEERTD. Indicates a law suit/or pleading for justice. 12 The master discusses the next planet Moon with other planets and their various causative effects. MOON MOON + SUN: Questioning regarding parents or regarding a notable person who is subjected to difficulties / problems. MOON + MARS : Question indicates about an outside person, a person who is impatient. Indicate some of the displeasing causes, such as cheating and hardship etc. Anyhow it can be noted here that the person questioning will not be able to express or enjoy any benefecial factors or make significaint progress. The Question may also be about a blood relative who is away at a distant place. MOON + MERCURY The Question indicates love affairs besides indicating some cheating. Also regarding water and green land. indicates commercial / business affairs and such activities in different / distant places. Regarding a friend or maternal uncle. MOON + JUPITER ; Question regarding a reputable friend, who is in a distant place. 13 MOON + VENUS The native questioning in the context indicates some wicked mindedness or cunningness. The object of questioning is to obtain an attractive thing by cunningness or evil means. If the Hora Lord is weaning Moon, the prosperity is meagre and if itis waxing moon, there will be great benefits. MOON + SATURN : The Question indicates the native is making great efforts for a big endeavour. Anyhow, it indicates great hardship and difficulties to the native. The native wilh have to make futile efforts involving lot of travelling, but benefits will be meagre. There are possibilities of the native suffering from a sort of hallucination. ‘ MOON + DRAGON TAIL : If the question pertains to agriculture, then it will offer benefecial results. Anyhow hardship is also indicated. it indicates that from the time of questioning by the native, for a period of one year and few months, all efforts / endeavours suffers obstructions. As a matter of remedy, if the native takes a dip in holy water, the problem recedes. The native's mother suffering due to indispositions (ill-health), she can improve her health by taking a dip in Holy waters. For the mother '‘RASOUSHADHA' treatment gives good results. 14 HORA LORD - MARS HORA LORD MARS WITH OFHER PLANETS MARS + SUN The native by nature is a strict type besides an adamant person. Questioning about political/governmental sides influence and its pros and cons. MARS + MOON The native questioning during this time will have travelling situations and if it is waxing moon, he will have long distance travels, and if it is waning moon, he will have little travelling. MARS + MERCURY The native questioning shall be expecting some support from friends (of either sex ) or questioning pertaining to landed property. The native at the time of questioning will have some inimical aspects too. MARS + JUPITER The native questioning with expectations of a respectable position for further improving his position and status. MARS + VENUS : The native questioning regarding expectations of some financial matter connecting wife or daughter. MARS + SATURS: The native questioning regarding career with expectations of further properity, questioning regarding promotion in career. MARS + DRAGON HEAD: It indicates the native at the time of questioning has inimical situations endangering aspects, and the situation is quite irksome and dis-advantageous - but anyhow, in future, the native will be able to come out of such inimical/fendangering situations and later on enjoys prosperity. At the time of questioning, things are working quite against to the efforts and endeavours of the native. But anyhow, in future they get cleared. The native is also having emotional, temperament, which becomes a disadvantage bringing obstructions for his prosperity and happiness. MARS + DRAGON TAIL: The native questioning under this combination indicates desperation and his efforts/endeavours suffering due to impedimental (obstructional) aspects. : HORA LORD : MERCURY WITH OTHER PLANETS MERCURY + SUN: The native is quite an intelligent person, with good social status and who is trying for help from notable persons. 16 . MERCURY + MOON: The question indicates travelling to the native, but suffers due to accusations. Anyhow, by Divine Grace, in future, native finds solution to some of his problems. He will have to go to distant / different places and after returning enjoys profitabilities. The context also indicates question regarding Native's worries about his mother. MERCURY + JUPITER : This combination indicates the native is quite an intelligent person and questions about some extra- ordinary expectations about his prosperity and honour. Anyhow he will have to improve his health conditions. The native's intelligence and education offers him good position. So, the native who is questioning regarding higher promotion/ honour and expecting raise in status, the results will work out favourably in favour of the native. MERCURY + VENUS : , The questions indicates he has gains or profits through land and wealth et¢. He will have supporting factors through females. He talks as if he is sprinkling pearls through his speech. MERCURY + MARS: Questioning regarding commercial caret activities and combination indicates that the native enjoys beneficial factors. 7 ~ MERCURY + DRAGON HEAD : The time of questioning indicates the native is having some big plan, but indicates some of the inimical aspects behind. But in near future begins to enjoy supports and profits. MERCURY + DRAGON TAIL: The time of questioning indicates small wire/greens etc. and except these two factors, any other aspects (if falls under the question) will not be of much benefit to the native. JUPITER - HORA LORD HORA LORD JUPITER - WITH OTHER PLANETS JUPITER + SUN: The time of questioning indicates the native himself is quite a-notable person and expecting some achievements / prosperity in political fields. Anyhow, in future native enjoys great prosperity as per his expectations and to put it precisely the time is so good, the success will be practically waiting for him. JUPITER + MOON : The question indicates the native will have to undergo travelling within short time. : JUPITER + MARS : . The question indicates the native enjoys some benefits through technical sides. But if Mars is exalted, 20 VENUS + JUPITER : ae The question indicates interna] disputes in the family of the native - anyhow in future native enjoys improvements. VENUS + SATURN : Questioning regarding career - financial supports ...ekc. If efforts are made even the native's wife also gets an employement. VENUS + DRAGON HEAD : The question indicates a large scale financial investment - native enjoys storied building comforts, besides vehicular gains. The native gets some hereditary property / financial benefits. But native will have to overcome problems in his family. Indisposition (ill-health) of wife is also indicated. VENUS + DRAGON TAIL : The question indicates that, although, the native, is able to enjoy some supporting factors pertaining to finance/money and other matters, still some impediments prevents him from enjoying proper benefits and finances. It also indicates some quareiling in domestic quarters. Also indicates that one of the elder daughter suffering due to disputes. One of the native's sister is also suffering. 21 ~ %. SATURN HORA HORA LORD : SATURN WITH OTHER PLANETS : SATURN + SUN: Question indicates the native is expecting some better positions, further prosperity, but the higher authorities would not immeadiately permit for enjoying such beneficial aspects, anyhow takes some time. Question indicates regarding native's father, future prosperity of the family. SATURN + MOON : Native questioning abdut change of place pertaining to his career and certain changes occur within a short time - also question indicates the native will have to overcome some deceiving factors. SATURN + MARS: The combination indicates that he will have to overcome some impediments (obstructional) aspects, besides inimical situations. Anyhow, there are indications the native enjoys prosperity in technical lines can be noted. SATURN + MERCURY : The combination indicates knowledge / commercial factors. Also indicates assaciation with friends of either sex) and in future oppurtunities of getting some profit through lands are also indicated. 22 SATURN + JUPITER : ae The question indicates the native following some prominent person - anyhow some benefitial factors can be achieved after few months from the time of questioning. SATURN + VENUS : The question indicates that the native is expecting some benefits regarding wealth - anyhow in future gets/enjoys some beneficial aspects. SATURN + DRAGON HEAD : This combination indicates that unnecessary strain and hardships are prevailing and if Venus and Mercury are not in 5th or 9th 1 1th to the Hora Lord or to the Dragon-Head, the above effects can be foretold. SATURN + DRAGON-TAIL : This combination indicates that the native, under the prevailing circumstances suffering due to dis-advantage situations related to his career, and hence the native cannot continue with his present career (because of major obstacles in career). Hence the native is under dilemma, whether to continue the present career or not. HORA LORD : DRAGON HEAD WITH OTHER PLANETS Generally Dragon-Head Hora doesn't exist. But certain combinations can be discussed as hereunder : 3 . ne f & DRAGON HEAD + SUN: " The question of the native indicates some difficulty to native's son or to the native's father. DRAGON HEAD + MOON : The native's question indicates the mother under the prevailing circumstances is in difficult situations. DRAGON HEAD + MARS : The native’s question indicates major problems to the hative's blood relatives/or to native’s brother. DRAGON HEAD + MERCURY : The question of the native indicates regarding some commercial pursuits. The native is under dilemma under prevailing situations. Also indicates sufferings/disturbances in mental faculties to younger brother of the native. DRAGON HEAD + JUPITER : The question indicates that the native will have to face some accusations by the Government, will have to face some jail trials, and hence it indicates endangering situations to the native. DRAGON HEAD + VENUS : The question of the native indicates regarding some benefitial aspects, but such benefits are under the control of others - Late, after a period of one year and few months 24 native begins to enjoy some profits. The question also indicates some secret affairs in the native's domestic quarters. It also indicates some evil possession and their causitive effects on native's house. DARGON HEAD + SATURN : The question of the native indicates that bad habits must be avoided to prevent further complications- as the time under prevailing circumstances are quite bad. Anyhow, in future periods native enjoys supporting factors and prosperity. DRAGON TAIL WITH OTHER PLANETS DRAGON TAIL + SUN: The question of the native indicates some difficult situations to parents - some of the Property of the family are under dispute when Jupiter aspects this combination, such problems begins to get solved. DRAGON TAIL + MOON: The native's question indicates that one of the female folks /mother in the domestic quarters enjoys success and some beneficial factors. DRAGON TAIL + MARS: The native's question indicates that One of the brothers or blood relatives is in embarassing / irksome situations - so they have to encounter with / overcome some risky situations. 25 DRAGON TAIL*%-MERCURY : The question of the native indicates that one of native's close friend/ or youngsters in the family is under disputable aspects regarding some hereditary property - later on enjoys prosperity. Or it indicates the native has to overcome such disputable situations regarding landed property/ site etc. Anyhow, after the Jupiter aspect this combination, the situations begins to offer profits. DRAGON TAIL + JUPITER : The question of the native indicates that under prevailing circumstances one of the native’s acquaintances is facing major problems. DRAGON TAIL + VENUS : . The question of the native indicates, that under the prevailing circumstances some of the benefits due to the native is suffering stagnation. Anyhow, in future, after facing some risks native begins to enjoy profits. DRAGON TAIL + SATURN: / The question indicates that the native since the past few months is under desperation in his career, (the native has already crossed some major problems), and whatever the remaining minor problems in future comes to a control. 3 - PLANETS / OTHER PLANETS COMBINATION Before actually beginning for discussion of 3 - planets combination, it would be necessasry to make a mention 26 that if all the planetic combinations are to be delineated in details it runs to several hundreds of pages. Hence, considering the limitation of this book, few combitations are given here as hints. Comparisons : Sun is the governing planet of father in Natal Chart and in Hora also, Sun indicates governmental aspects, father and dragon-tail indicates Matha-Maha (Grand-mother) in Natal. But in Hora Dragon-T: ail indicates litigations and impediments/breaks etc. Saturn is governing planet for work and also he is the son of Sun. Venus is the planet of wife in Natal and Hora. In Hora the same Venus represents house and wealth. Now let us discuss the planetary combinations with some examples :- 1, SUN + DRAGON -TAIL + SATURN: Sun is father, Dragon-tail, litigation. Saturn is the son of Sun. Hence Sun (father), Tail (litigation), Saturn (Son). So, indications of some litigational aspects between the father and son due to misunderstanding because Dragon-Tail is in the middle. : AND if itis Sun + Saturn + Dragon-Tail, it indicates the father and son both are unitedly fighting against some litigational aspects, and trying to find some solution. 2. SUN + SATURN + DRAGON-TAIL + VENUS : Both father and son together unitedly fighting against some litigational aspects regarding wealth, house property etc. 27 3, MARS + VEN@S + DRAGON-TAIL : Mars is husband. Venus is wife and they are together facing some litigational aspects. 4. MARS + DRAGON-TAIL + VENUS : Mars (husband), wife. (Venus) are quarelling between themselves (because there is dragon-tail in the midlle) OR ’ it indicates that one of the native's brothers is having some problems in his family life. 5. Venus, Mars, Dragon-Tail - Mercury and Moon (in successive degrees) Venus (wife), Mars (Husband), Dragon- Tail (litigation), Mercury indicating property, Moon.(mother) indications are that both husband and wife are unitedly facing litigational aspects regarding some property belonging to mother or mother-in-law. 6. SATURN HORA : Saturn,(Moon) + Dragon Tail + Jupiter. Saturn (work), Moon (accusations), Dragon-Tail (litigation) and J upiter (Judge). Hence, it is an indication that the question is about the native questioning regarding his career when he has committed some mischief (Moon indicating mischief) and | Dragon-Tail indicating litigation. Hence the native is charged, following the mischief, and facing in accusations a court of law. Also, the native, under the prevailing circumstances is under suspension from service for the reasons 28 mentioned above. : In the subsequent pages, we are discussing the causative effects to native, by judging’ the Hora chart. NATURE OF 12 SIGNS IN HORAS ARIES : Centre, place of King - technical sign - hardship - place of heat - stones - house of husband for female - long/lengthy. TAURAS : House of mother-in-law - Lakshmikaraka (sign of wealth) - suspicious place of mother - medium height. GEMINI: Vysyas - knowledge of commercial aspects - speech - intellect - education - maternal uncle - polite - house of friends. CANCER: Ocean of Nectar - mind - question regarding theft - accusations -falsehood -sign of divine mother - female aspect - travels- cold place. LEO: Big city - Palace /Kingdom - house of notable person - house of father - affairs connecting government - shape of a cave. VIRGO: Commercial atmosphere - house of commerce - illegitimate 29 wealth - trouse of intellect - question regarding the house of an intelligent person - big city - a pace of intellectual and commercil transactions. LIBRA : Treasury - best place of Royal servant - house of servant knowledge - house of female - shape of plate - small town. SCORPIO: Narrow / corner / congested place - trifle matters - hole (rabbit hole) - place of living for venomous reptiles - female genetic organ (secret organ) - burial ground - small village -marshy place - place of hiding. : é SAGITTARIUS : ’ Plants - and leaves - jungle (forest atmosphere) - place of a Seer - little darkness (or little dark place ), lengthy place, cold / gastric effects - place of a learned master (Guru). CAPRICORN : | Hard rock - hill and water bound place - cold region - excess of heat - place for agricultural benefits - place of royal servant place of body guards / security (main door body guards). AQUARIUS : _ Shape of pot and round=place of air and dark - place pertaining to the concept of the Lord Shiva - secret place - sound of Omkars (inside a pot) - place of a security in a Divine place (Dwarapalakas). ’ 30 PISCES : oe. Place of heaven - feet of Lord - place of Lotus - place of Divine preceptor - place of holy information - place of water - fruits - reputed place - flowers. DIVISIONS : Wise men of ancient days broadly classified the entire human life in the society under 4 headings. Although it is generally assumed, that this classification as "Caste based" Still its internal concept of division is away from any casteism but based purely on wordly and universal factors, BRAHMINS : _ Although it is generally assumed that Brahmins are a group of people belonging to a higher caste, its internal Meaning in a broad sense is different. Because ‘Brahmins ' means a person who has to work for knowledge, wisdom and clenliness of the Society to finally reach the eternal concept of wisdom. VYSYAS : The people engaged in the world of commerce / trade. KSHTRIYAS : The dynasty of warriors, bravados, and protectors of society. 31 _ & . . SUDRAS: &- : The working class people. Here, the concept of noble service to the world of humanity is the quintessance, governing ‘factor. So, zodiac signs are grouped according to various castes as follows :- «. Brahmins. .» Kshatriyas Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces ... Leo, Sagittarius, Aries .... Libra, Gemini, Aquarius .. Vysyas Tauras, Virgo and Capricorn .. . Sudra. The above four major divisions according to their respective zodiac signs are given in the form of following chart. PL & THEIR ARTS AN] Ui [sa] | nt | vse Vaisya Brahmin Sudra Kshatriya| Kshtriya {Brahmin Sudra PRINCIPLES OF HORA :. CHART: 1. If there are 2 to 3 planets in a particular sign, consider the degree of each planet or the division of stars and their padas. The degree, minutes and second position of each planet at the time of consideration are to be taken. 2. At the time of a native's consultation, the Hora planet must be taken for consideration - i.e. Guru Hora, Budha Hora, Satum 32 Hora etc., accordingly, and it must be noted at what exact position and the degree at which the, planet is situated or in other words, considering a particular sign, the note must be made to what extent a planet has passed in particular sign considering its degree. So, the position of planets in degree must be taken as important factor at the time of consultation by a native. : 3. Commencing from the Sun rise of a day till the time of Sun set, itis {2 hours and again from the day's Sun set till the next Sun rise there are another 12 hours. Thus the totalling 24 hours. So, there are 24 horas i.e., | hora for every | hour. During the tenure of these 24 hours, the various planetic degree must be kept as a ready reckoner for 24 Hora charts for each day. 4. In this way after preparing 24 Hora charts, it is essential to record at what exact Hora time a native has arrived for consultation and in that manner the exact Hora must be noted down. And after deciding the Hora, the relevant planets position must be noted for predictional parts. 2nd, 7th (and also 1 1th) signs must be considered with respect to the degree of the planets and the causative effects of these planets must be considered for predictionai parts. If there are planets in 2nd, 7th and 1 ith and whether they are friendly to the Hora Lord or inimical to the respective Hora Lord must be taken note of before prediction. 5. RETROGRESSION OF PLANETS : If any planets are in retrogression they will be aspecting the rear signs from their position. 33 If the Lord,of Hora is in retro motion, and if they are any friendly planets'in the rear sign, then the Hora planet (the native) enjoys beneficial reuslts. If there are inimical planets for the Hora Lord on the rear sign, then inauspicious unwarrentable results are expected to the native. If the rear sign planet is aspected by friendly planets from its 7th aspect, then it is beneficial. _ If the above planet is aspected by inimical planet from its 7th, then inauspicious / unwarrentable results are obtainable. In order to enlighten the above factors, in the following paragraphs we give examples through various charts. EXAMPLE CHARTS CHART - 1 Title - Bad to Worse - worse to worse In this chart (1) Jupiter is retro in Leo with Dragon - Head and he ( the native) expects some help, co-operation from the rear sign, where there is Saturn. But Saturn is with Moon and Saturn is aspected by major enemy Mars: situated in 7th from Saturn. Jupiter is not willing to stay with the Demon planet Dragon- Head, because, when Jupiter is with Dragon-Head he looses his strength, status and power. Hence Jupiter tries to leave Dragon - Head : and hence becomes retro., while expecting some help / support . benefits and status. But the rear house 34 Cancer is occupied by Saturn, where Saturn is already hopeless and helpless, because he is with the enemy of Moon and aspected by major enemy Mars. Mars and Moon are enemies to Saturn. Hence Saturn's position is meserable. So, the native who seeks guidance and help while consulting an Astrologer in Jupiter Hora (as in this case) who is in great distress had to approach his close friend for help, but his friend himself is already in a miserable position and finally arrives at a conclusion, that his position itself is far better than his friend's from who he thought of seeking help. For the same chart, suppose if the questioner arrives in Saturn Hora, then saturn is native ( Horadhipathi is the native) who is in great distress and suffering due to suppression, and humiliation imposed by his relatives and some of the acquaintainces, because saturn is defeated by Moon and Mars. So, it is to be judjed that the native has appeared for consultation about his great problems and humiliating situations, and trying to find some solutions for his problems. So, this bécomes the ‘question’ part. ANSWER: The Retro Jupiter is the close friend of Saturn, who is aspecting on the rear sign where there is the friend Saturn. Hence, it can be deduced that the native will get favourable supporting factors resulting in beneficial aspects within a short time, will be the answer. So, from the above it can be deduced and observed that, although the chart is the same (as in above case) still there is difference in Horas and hence the results varies according to Hora Lords. CHART 2: Title : "A Friend in need is a Friend indeed” In this chart, Jupiter is in Leo with Dragon Head and Mars (who are inimical to each other). Here, Jupiter becomes Retro, because he can't tolerate the enemity and the quarelling between Dragon Head and Mars, hence Jupiter comes Retro., and hence tries to approach a friend who can help. His friend is Saturn who is in a good position, a wealthy, well - to - do one, invites his friend (Jupiter). Saturn and Venus are having 7th aspects to each other. where Venus indicating wealth. Hence Saturn is having good wealth and can support Jupiter. therefore Jupiter gets help, beneficial factors through his friend Saturn, by becoming retro. So, if Jupiter is the Hora Lord (the native) then the native who is in the critical position, gets support and help through his friend or in other words, the native because of his critical position is thinking of leaving his place, but a wealthy friend supports and helps him. 36 CHART 3: Title : Help from Guru (Noble persons) Here, the native has appeared in Saturn Hora, who is in the 10th degree of Leo and who is Retro and Dragon-Tail is in Sth degree, and second to Leo there are enemies of Satum (Moon & Mars). Therefore Saturn becomes Retro because of his precarious condition and on the rear sign there is the exalted friend jupiter. So, Saturn by becoming Retro who (after passing 5 degrees) has to encounter with inimical planet dragon-Tail and hence the result is that Saturn comes across difficulties because of inimical planet Dragon-tail who controls, and binds saturn. Anyhow, after such sufferings ( after some months) when Jupiter enters Leo according to Transit, a friend comes to release Saturn and thus Saturn (the native) gets released from such suffering and binding . CHART 4 : Hope for the best and prepare for the worst - 37 A Trap for Sacrifice) Here, the native has appeared in Venus Hora, Venus is female. Mars is the husband who is in.the 7th from Venus who is under the inimical control of Dragon-Head. Retro Venus is expecting some support and help from his close friend Mercury to save her husband from diffuclties (and in order to help her husband). But Venus while trying to get help from the rear sign, there is Moon with Mercury. Here, the native (she) unfortunately, will be constrained to loosen her chastity belt as a matter of sacrifice in order to help her husband, and this is because of the tricks played by Moon who exploits the helpless condition of the Lady(where the wife wants to help her husband, but she becoming hopelessly helpless and she had to sacrifice her chastity). PART -B: A Double edged knife is better than a many edged wife. For the above chart 4, should it be Mars Hora, where 7th to Mars there is Venus (Venus is the wife of the 38 native). Venus retro is trying to enter a brothel (who has no norms of principles about chastity) and he native (husband) who cannot tolerate his wife’s immoral activities seriously thinks of a suicidal act on his own life, because Dragon-Head is Kaala Purusha (anti-clockwise) and Mars is entering the mouth of Kaala Purusha, and hence the husband suffers humiliation and mental torture because of his wife's immoral behaviour and sinful activities. So, from the above two charts, it can be observed that in Chart 5 Venus Hora wife is trying to protect her husband while she has to get seduced, and in same chart Mars Hora husband has to sacrifice his life, because of his many edged wife. It is stated by the wise that "a double edged knife is - better than a many edged wife": RESULTS OF RETRO-DIRECT MOTION (RUJU) CHART 5: Every Saint has a Past - Here it is Jupiter Hora. Jupiter is the symbol of intellect and who is retro-Direct and Jupiter is Retro-Direct and before that he was Retro. So, Jupiter, before coming to 39 - retro-direct motion ( the native ) had bad association with immoral persons, drunkards and persons having many vices. But now as he is in retro-direct motion develops an inclination towards the path of righteousness and wisdom. But second to Jupiter there is Moon. Dragon-Tail is 5th from Moon. Moon and Dragon-Tail combination indicates Holy water and Holy places and hence the native, in the past, who had associations with wicked people, now is developing interest towards the path of righteousness and wisdom. According to planets in second to Jupoiter indicates the native becomes a Saint. It is to be noted that any Hora Lord, if retro and rear sign is occupied by inimical planets, then it can be deduced that the native who has having association with people of vices, in subsequent periods changes for good. If any Hora Lord is having bad planets in second, it is an indication that the native will have accompaniment with wicked people, in future. Anyhow, after some months from the time of consultation, the Hora Lord becomes retro and if the rear sign is occupied by Holy planets, that indicates , first the native will be a wicked person, but later changes for better and higher positions. INTERCHANGES IN HORA MRS. SAT DH Sun Moon Ven, Jup CHART 6: Worse to Good - 40 Here the native has appeared in the Mars Hora for consultation. Mars is debilitated in Cancer and who is in between two major inimical planets - viz - Saturn and Dragon- Head in the same sign, which indicates that the native is in desperate, deprived condition, almost feeling abondoned in life. Anyhow, it can be concluded that the native within a duration of 6-7 months improves to better position from the prevailing miserable condition. DISCIPLE : "Oh , Master, kindly explain how to decide that the native's posotion improves within a period of 6-7 months - kindly explain ?". MASTER : Of course, Mars may be in worst stage, but he is in the house of Moon & Moon is in the house of Mars. From Cancer to Scorpio for the transit of Mars, it takes a duration of 5-6-7 months. When transit Mars comes to his own sign (Scorpio) where there are his close friends and favourable planets viz-Sun, Jupiter and Venus situated. Sun is the royal friend where Jupiter is the supporter / guide and Venus indicating wealth. Hence, whatever may be the worst periods of the past, within 5 to 7 months time improves very much, and also the native in future can enjoy popularity (becomes a notable person) besides enjoying great status in the society. with commanding respectability. Hence it can be concluded that the prosperity and improvements are 2 sure sign for the native. Al CHART 7: Carrying Coal to New Castle - Tn the prevoius chart, it was bad to good but here in this, it is good to worse and let us discuss how it is. The native appears in the Saturn Hora and the Hora Lord is with Jupiter and in the house of Venus (wealth). ( Good to worse } Saturn is aspected by close friend mercury from 7th ; so the native enjoys good support from two persons (Jupiter and Mercury ) are friends to Saturn. Therefore the native enjoys land benefits, respectability and fortune. But to greediness for making more wealth, he goes to some other place, where there will be unfavourable conditions and thus loose his wealth, besides being subjected to inimical aspects, distress and sufferings. This is because, there is an interchange between Satum and Venus (Saturn in the house of Venus and Venus in the house of Saturn). Before the interchange of Saturn the native was in quite a good and respectable position and because of greediness (as mentioned above), leaving his place, goes to some other place, when

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