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1. ability to perform to use energy to perform vital function- metabolism

2. scientific discipline that investigates the stricture of the body.-anatomy

3. Two basic approach to study the anatomy- systemic and regional anatomy

4. systemic anatomy- study of the body by systems

5. study of the organization of the body by areas- regional anatomy

6. two general ways to examine intergnal structure- surface anatomy and

anatomical imaging

7. scientific discipline that deals with processes or function of the living things-

8. Major goals for studying physiology- 1. to understand and predict the body's
response to stimuli. 2. to understand how the body maintains internal

9. study of a specific organism- human physiology


involves how atom combine into molecule CELL LEVEL- basic structural and
functional unit of organism TISSUE LEVEL- is a group of similar cells and the
materials surrounding them ORGAN LEVEL- Composed og two or more tissue
types that together perform one or more common function ORGAN SYSTEM
LEVEL- It is a group of organ classified as a unit because of a common function
or set of functions.

11. 6 characteristics of life- ORGANIZATION- refers to the specific relationship of

the many individual part of an organism. metabolism-the ability to use energy to
perform vital function. responsiveness- ability of an organism to sense changes
in the environment. GROWTH- referes to the increase in size of all parts of the
organism. DEVELOPMENT- includes the changes an organism undergoes
through time. differentiation- Changes in cell structures and function from
generalized to specialized. REPRODUCTION- formation of new cells or new

12. it is the existence and maintenance of a relatively constant environment within
the body despite fluctuations in either external or internal environment.-

13. MESENTRIES- anchor some abdominal organs to the body wall, are double
layered membrane, are not connected to retroperitoneal organs, are continuous
with the parietal and visceral peritoneum

14. three components of negative feedback- receptor- monitors the value of a

variable such as temp, detecting stimuli. control center- such as part of the
brain, determines the set point for the variable. EFFECTOR- such as sweat
glands, can change the value of the variable.

15. a cut across the long axis of an organ at an angle other than a right angle
describe as a longitudinal section.

16. Section below that separates the body into superior and inferior parts-
transverse section

17. A cavity containing lungs but not the heart is the thoracic cavity.

18. divided into right and left parts by a center structure mediastinum

19. bound primarily by the abdominal muscles and contains stomach, intestines etc.-
abdominal cavity

20. it is a small space enclosed by the bones of the pelvis and contains the urinary
bladder- pelvic cavity

21. lines the trunk cavities and cover the organs of these cavities- serous

22. the part of the balloon in contact with your fist- visceral serous membrane

23. outer part of the balloon wall that represents the- parietal serous membrane

24. if a person is standing erect, facing forward and has her hands on her hips, w
hat movements must she makes to assume the anatomical position?- she
needs to lower her upper limbs to her side with her palms facing anteriorly

25. divides the body into left and right parts- sagittal

26. divides the anterior and posterior parts-frontal plane

27. Divides the body into superior and inferior parts- transverse plane


29. organs are found behind the parietal peritoneum- retroperitoneal

30. it is important to study physiology to recognize structures as dynamic rather

than sixed and unchanging


1. conversion of ATP into ADP- is reversible

2. Two atoms with the same number of protons and electrons, but different
numbers of neutrons are called - isotopes

3. subatomic particles located in the nucleus of an atom are called the protons
and neutrons

4. Are highly organized units containing organelles, which performs specific

functions- cells

5. Contains genetic material and cytoplasm in the living material between the
nucleus and the cell membrane- nucleus

6. Forms the outer boundary of the cell. -cell membrane

7. protein function as- membrane channel, carrier molecules, receptor molecules,

enzymes, and structural component of the membrane.

8. if an iron atom lost three electrons, what would be the charge of the resulting
ion- Fe+3

9. it is the movement of a solute from an area of higher concentraiton to an area of

lower concentration within a solvent- diffusion

10. It is the concentration of a solute at one point in a solvent minus the

concentration of that solute at another point- concentration agent

11. It is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane-osmosis

12. it is the force required to prevent movement of water across a selectively

permeable membrane- osmotic pressure

13. Cell swell and undergo lysis- hypotonic solution

14. cell swell nor shrink- isotonic solution

15. cell shrink and undergo crenation-hypertonic solution

16. nonpolar molecules-result from polar covalent bonds, are created when the
bonding of an atoms shares electrons equally between themselves, have
an asymmetrical electrical charge, are also considered as ions.

17. it is formed when one atom loses an electron and another atom accepts that
electron- ionic bond

18. the chemical behavior of an atom is largely determined by- its outermost

19. it is the movement of a substance across a membrane by means of a carrier

molecule. the substance tend to be large, water-soluble molecule or ions-carrier
mediated transport

20. Can move substances from a higher to a lower concentration and dowes not
require energy in the form of ATP- facilitated diffusion

21. can move substance from a lower to high concentrations and requires ATP-
active transport

22. the conversion between different states of energy - bot is 100% efficient and
typically generates heat

23. it is a form of potential energy resulting from positions and interactions among
the subatomic particlesw- chemical energy

24. it is the movement of materials into cells by the formation of vessicles-


25. movement of solid material into cells- phagocytosis

26. the material that is ingested is much smaller and is a solution- pinocytosis

27. DNA- associated proteins are found inside the nucleus as chromatin, dna
is the heriditary material of the cell and controls cell activity

28. It is consists of RNA and proteins and are the site of ribosomal subunit
assembly- NUCLEOLI

29. are the sites of protein synthesis, composed of one large and one small subunit -

30. if you wanted to use a dialysis machine to remove only urea from blood, what
could you use for the dialysis fluid- a solution that is isotonic and contains
the same concentrations of substances as blood, except having no urea
on it.

31. which of the following cell organelles does not correctly match to its function-
nucleus- contain genes that determine the structure and function of each

32. Contains digestive enzyme- lysosome

33. site of lipid synthesis- SMOOTH ER

34. site of protein synthesis- mitochondria

35. Packages of protein in secretory vesicles- golgi apparatus

36. it is the major sites for the production of ATP- mitochondria

37. supports the cytoplasm and organelles and is involved with cell movements,
composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filament-

38. They facilitate chromosome movement during cell division, located in the
centrosome, are made of microtubules- centrioles

39. moves the substance over the surface of the cells- cilia

40. are much longer than cilia anf propel sperm cell- flagella

41. Increase the surface area of cells and thus aid in absorption- microvilli

42. two phase of cell division- interphase, and cell division

43. which of the ff statements concerning solutes and solvents is true- solvent is
the predominant liquid or gas in a solution

44. in cotransport- the diffusing substance and the transported substance move
in the same direction.

45. protein component of cytoskeleton- microfilaments, intermediate filaments,

and microtubules

46. substance outside the cell membrane are called- extracellular material,
intercellular material

47. cell division occurs through mitosis

48. chromosomes consists of two chromatids joined at centromere- prophase

49. chromosomes align at the center of the cell- metaphase

50. chromatids separate at the center of the cell- anaphase

51. the two nuclei assume their cormal structure, and cell division is completed,
producing two new daughter cells- telophase

52. it is a programmed death of cells, regulates the number of cells within various
tissue of the body- apoptosis


1. it is a group of cells with similar structure and function- tissue

2. study of tissue- histology

3. Covers the surface, usually has basement membrane, little extracellular material
and no blood vessel- epithelial tissue

4. Function of epithelia: protecting underlying structures, acting as a barrier,

permitting the passage of substance, secreting substance, absorbing substance-

5. Involved with diffusion, secretion or absorption, serve as protective roles- simple


6. Contain more organelles, secreted or absorb- cuboidal or columnar cells

7. type of tissue would the movement of materials into or out of the body be fastest-
simple squamous epithelial tissue

8. Bind adjacent cells together and form a permeability barrier- tight junction

9. Mechanically bind cells together- desmosomes

10. Mechanically bind cells to the basement membrane- hemidesmosome

11. allows intercellular communication- gap junction

12. New cells of the same type are created, and normal function is usually restored-

13. connective tissue that makes up the external ear- elastic cartilage

14. It is a single cell or a multicellular structure that secretes- gland

15. glands have ducts- exocrine, glands do not- endocrine

16. following an injury, chemicals are released or activated in the injured tissues,
these chemicals called chemical mediators- histamine and prostaglandins

17. FUNCTION OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE: enclose and separates organ and

tissue, connect tissue to one another, help support and move body parts, store
compunds, cushion and insulate the body, transport substance, and protect
against toxins and injury.

18. commonly contains adipocytes, mast cells, wbc, macrophages, mesenchymal

cells- connective cells

19. Major component of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue: protein fiber,
ground substance, and fluid

20. Packing material of the body- areolar connective tissue


22. Forms framework for lympathic structure- reticular tissue

23. Provides support and is found in structures such as the disks- cartilage

24. Has a mineralized matrix and forms most of the skeleton of the body- bone

25. Has a liquid matrix and is found in blood vessels- blood

26. does not occur because of increased permeability of blood vessel during the
inflammatory process- pus leaks of blood vessels

27. active transport, facilitated diffusion or secretion- simple cuboidal epithelium

28. Protection from abrasion- stratified squamous epithelium

29. Diffusion or filtration- simple squamous epithelium

30. Secretion or absorption- simple columnar epithelium

31. When new viable cells replace dead cells, the process is called- fibrosis, and

32. Is specialized to shorten or contract- muscle tissue

33. Three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle

34. Specialized to conduct action potentials (electrical signals)- nervous tissue

35. Conduct action potential- neurons

36. Supports neurons- glia

37. Lines cavities that open to the outside of the body- mucous membrane

38. Line trunk cavities that do not open to the outside of the body.- serous

39. Line join cavities and secrete a lubricating fluid- synovial membrane

40. Produces redness, heat, swelling, pain, and disturbance of function-


41. Involves clot formation, inflammation, the formation of granulation tissue, and the
regeneration of fibrosis tissue- tissue repair


1. consists of skin, hair, glands, and nails- integumentary system

2. function of integumentary: protects us from the external environment, sensation,

vitamin D production, temperature regulation, excretion of small amounts of
waste products

3. New cells are produced in the stratum basale

4. Consists of many layers of dead squamous cells containing keratin. the most
superficial layers are sloughed- stratum corneum

5. it is the transformation of stratum basale cells into stratum corneum cells-


6. It is the dense connective tissue- dermis

7. Provides structural strength, and the blood vessels of the papillae supply the
epidermis with nutrients- COLLAGEN AND ELASTIC FIBERS

8. produces melanin, which is responsible for different skin color- melanocytes

9. production is determined genetically but can be modified by exposure to UV light

and by hormones- melanin

10. a plant pigment ingested as a source of vitamin A, can cause the skin to appeal
yellowish- carotene

11. increased blood flow produces a skin color, whereas decreased blood flow
causes a pale skin color, decreased blood O2 results in the blue skin color of -

12. which is not part of the skin, loose connective tissue that attaches the skin to
underlying tissue- subcutaneous tissue

13. Can fade with age, determinded by the varying amount and types of melanin,
produce by the melanocytes in the hair bulb- hair color

14. types of gland that helps to cool the body- eccrine sweat glands

15. Can become thickened and form a structure called a callus or corn- stratum
corneum of the epidermis

16. Following types of skin infection might be successfully treated with an antibiotic-

17. Produces sebum, which oils the hair and the surface of the skin- sebaceous

18. Sweat glands produce an organic secretion that causes body odor when broken
down by bacteria- apocrine

19. Consist of nail body and nail root- nails

20. Produces the nail, which composed of stratum corneum cells containing hard
keratin- nail matrix

21. Contains sensory receptors for pain, heat, cold, and pressure- SKIN

22. The nail grows from the- nail matrix

23. a hair is formed or made by cells within the- hair bulb

24. The lunula is part of the -nail matrix

25. increases calcium uptake in the small intestines- vitamin D

26. sweat cools the body through- evaporation

27. Damaged only the epidermis- first degree burn

28. Damaged the epidermis and dermis- second degree burn

29. Destroyed the epidermis and dermis and the underlying tissue- third degree

30. involves the cell of the stratum basale and is readily treatable- basal cell

31. Involves the cell immediately superficial to the stratum basale and can
metastasize- squamous cell carcinoma

32. Involves melanocytes, can metastasize, and is often fatal- malignant



1. provides major support of the body- skeletal system

2. protects internal organs- bone

3. Allows movement between bones- joints

4. Store and released minerals as needed by the body- bone

5. Give rises to blood cells and platelets- bone marrow

6. During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length in the - epiphyseal

7. the end of the epiphysis is covered by- articular cartilage

8. Are bone-forming cells- osteoblasts

9. Are bone cells located between thin sheets of extracellular matrix called
lamellae - OSTEOCYTES

10. tissues consists of osteons, which are composed of osteocytes, organized into
lamellae surrounding central canals- compact bone

11. Tissues consists of trabeculae without central canal- spongy bone

12. A haversian canal, with the lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it- compact

13. A LONG BONE- has medullary epiphysis, has endosteum lining the medullary
cavity, has red marrow and yellow marrow cavities, has an epiphysis at each

14. occurs at the epiphyseal plate as chondrocytes proliferate, enlarge, die, and are
replaced by new bone- bone elongation

15. Consist of removal of existing bone by osteoclasts and deposition of new bone
by osteoblasts- bone remodeling

16. which of these statements about bone remodeling and repair is correct?- bone
is the major storage site for the calcium in the body, the zone of tissue
repair between two bone fragment is called a callus

17. periosteum: consist of blood vessel and nerves, composed of dense connective
tissue, contains osteoblasts, covers the outer surface of the bone

18. removes calcium from the bone, causing blood calcium level to increase-

19. deposit calcium into bone, causing blood calcium level to decrease- osteoblasts

20. Increase bone breakdown, where calcitonin decrease bone breakdown-

parathyroid hormone


22. the styloid process are located on the radius and the ulna where they articulate
with the wrist- appendicular styloid process

23. Skulls consist of 22 bones: 8 forming the braincase and 14 facial bones. the
hyoid bone and 6 auditory ossicles

24. from a lateral view parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones can be seen

25. Vertebral column contains of 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar vertebrae, plus

1 sacral and 1 coccyx bone.

26. attach directly to the sternum by means of costal cartilage- true ribs

27. Rib cage is consist of: thoracic vertebrae, ribs and the sternum

28. 12 pair of ribs, 7 true and 5 false, 2 of the false ribs are called as the
floating ribs

29. Consists of manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process- sternum

30. Consist of bones of the upper and lower limbs and their girdle- appendicular

31. Includes the scapulae and clavicles- pectoral girdle

32. Pelvic girdle Is made up of 2 hip bones, each hip bones consist of ilium,
ischium, and a pubis. the hip bones, sacrum and coccyx form the pelvis

33. lower limb: consist of femur, tibia, fibula, 7 tarsal bones, metatarsal bones and

34. is a place where bone come together- joint

35. Consist of bone united by fibrous connective tissue. they allow little or no
movement- fibrous joints

36. Consist of bones united by cartilage, and they exhibit slight movement—
cartilaginous joints

37. Synovial joint consist of: articular cartilage over the uniting bone, a join cavity
lined by a synovial membrane, containing synovial fluid, and a joint capsule

38. synovial joint- can be classified as plane, saddle, hinge, pivot, ball and socket
or ellipsoid

39. path of nutrients needed by the osteocytes in compact bone. blood vessel in
periosteum and endosteum- blood vessel in central canals- diffusion
through the canaliculi- lacuna- osteocytes

40. extracellular matrix- contain collagen fiber, elastic fiber, and proteoglycan

41. pectoral girdle: attaches lower limb to the body, part of the axial skeleton,
consist of clavicle and scapula, attached to the body only where the
clavicle attaches to the vertebrae

42. smooth muscle- may be autorhythmic, no distinct sarcomeres, contracts
more slowly than skeletal muscle, does not develop an oxygen deficit

43. ATP- provides energy for the movement of the cross-bridge, is required for
muscle relaxation, attaches to the myosin filaments, releases parts f its
energy as heat

44. upper limb: humerus, ulna, radius, carpal bones, metacarpal bones,


1. function of muscular system: produces body movement, maintain posture,

causes respiration, produces body heat, performs movements involved in
communication, constricts organs and vessels, and pump bloods

2. Ability of muscle to shorten forcefully, contract- contractility

3. capacity of muscle to respond to a stimulus- excitability

4. Mans that a muscle can be stretched beyond its normal resting length and still
be able to contract.-extensibility

5. Muscle to recoil to its original resting length after it has been stretched. -

6. Composed of actin and myosin myofilaments- myofibrils

7. Are joined end to end to form myofibrils- sarcomeres

8. cell membrane have a negative charge on the inside relative to positive charge
outside. -resting membrane potential

9. sodium ion move into cells during depolarization, K+ moves out of cells during

10. Carry action potential to skeletal muscles, where the neurons and muscle fiberes
from neuromuscular junctions.- motor neurons

11. The hip muscle commonly used as a site for injections- gluteus medius

12. aerobic respiration: takes place in mitochondria located within the muscle
fiber sarcoplasm, produces atp, co2 and h2o, breaks down glucose, and
requires oxygen

13. it is the end of a muscle attached to a bone undergoing the greatest movement-

14. single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervate is called-
motor unit

15. The myosin myofilament are anchored in the center of the sarcomere by the- m

16. it is a group of muscle gibers surrounded by perimysium- muscle fascicle

17. it is the characteristic that allows muscles to have a slow, smooth, sustained,
contraction is - recruitment of motor units

18. Muscles are named according to their: function or action, location or number
of heads, origin or insertion point, size or shape

19. ACTION POTENTIAL : jump between nodes of ranvier and occur in all or
none fashion

20. action potential- carried along T tubules to the sarcoplasmic reticulum,

where they release of calcium ion

21. Muscle contraction- requires atp breakdown

22. it is a contraction of muscle fiber in response to stimulus, consist of lag phase, a

contraction phase, and a relaxation phase- muscle twitch

23. Occurs when stimuli occur so rapidly that a muscle does not relax between
twitches tetanus

24. Energy is product by aerobic with oxygen, and anaerobic without oxygen

25. consist of a small percentage of muscle fibers contracting tetanically and is

responsible for posture- muscle tone

26. is not striated, has one nucleus per cel, contracts more slowly than skeletal
muscle, autorhythmic and is under involuntary control- smooth muscle

27. It is striated, usually has one nucleus per cell, intercalated disks and is under
involuntary control- cardiac muscle

28. A muscle causing a specific movement is an- agonist

29. A muscle causing the opposite movement is an antagonist

30. It is a muscle of a synergistic group that is primarily responsible for the

movement- prime mover


1. function of nervous system: receiving sensory input, integrating information,
controlling muscle and glands, maintaining homeostasis, and serving as the
center of mental activity.

2. CNS consist of the brain and spinal cord

3. PNS consist of the nervous tissue outside the CNS

4. innvervates skeletal muscle and is mostly under voluntary control- somatic

nervous system

5. Innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands and is mostly under
involuntary control- autonomic nervous system

6. The entric nervous system contains both sensory and motor neurons

7. It receives stimuli and conduct action potential- NEURON, consist of cell body,
dendrite and an axon

8. Cerebellum: involved in balance, maintenance of muscle tone, coordination

of fine motor movement

9. clusters of neuron ccell bodies located in the PNS are called as the ganglia

10. A space between the dura mater that collects blood from the small veins of the
brain is called the dural venous sinuses

11. type of memory that is involved in riding a bike- procedural memory

12. Supplies motor innervation to the muscle of the pelvic floor and supplies sensory
cutaneous innervation to the skin over the coccyx- coccygeal plexus

13. To understand a word that one hears, action potential from the ear reach the
auditory cortex travel to the auditory association cortex, and are comprehended
as meaninful words by- wernicke area

14. Afferent fibers carrying general sensory input synapse in the thalamus, from
where the information is relayed to the general sensory area

15. it is apoint of contact between two neurons or between a neuron and another
cell, such as muscle or gland cell- synapse

16. Are the functional unit of the nervous system- reflex

17. it extends from the foramen magnum to the second lumbar vertebra0 spinal

18. Contains nuclei that control activiies such as heart rate, breathing, swallowing,
and balance- medulla oblongata

19. Contains several nuclei- brainstem

20. Contains relay nuclei between the cerebrum and cerebellum- pons

21. It is involved in hearing and in visual reflexes- midtbrain

22. transmit action potential from the periphery to the brain- Ascending tracts

23. help to plan, organize and coordinate motor movements and posture- basal

24. left hemisphere thought to be dominant analytical, and the right hemisphere is
though to be dominant for spaital perception and musical ability.

25. which are a summation of the electrical activity of the brain- EEG Monitors


1. It is an unpleasant sensation that may be either localized or diffuse- pain

2. can be reduced or controlled by gating mechanism involving the gate control

theory- pain

3. It respond to chemical stimulation- smell and taste

4. Light stimulation- vision

5. mechanical stimulation- hearinng and balance

6. Have enlarged distal ends with long cilia- olfactory neurons

7. Contains taste cells, with hairs that extend to taste pores, receptors on the hair
detect dissolved substance- taste buds

8. There re 5 basic types of taste- sour, salty, bitter, sweet and umami

9. Light rays: are refracted by the cornea, lens and humors, striking the retina
cause action potential to be delayed to the brain, are refracted as they
pass through a convex lens, that are converging reach a crossing point
called the focal point

10. Sensory retina- contains of rod and cone cells

11. prevent perspiration from entering the eye-eyebrows

12. protects the eye from foreign objects- eyelids

13. Covers the inner eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyes- conjunctiva

14. Produces tears that flow across the eye surface to lubricate and protect the eye-
lacrimal glands

15. Moves the eyeballs- extrinsic eye muscles

16. Outer layer of the eye, consist of sclera and cornea- fibrous tunic

17. It is the middle layer of the eye, consist of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris-
vascular tunic

18. the lends is held in place by the suspensory ligaments.

19. it is the inner layer of the eye that is contains of neurons sensitive to light-
nervous tunic retina

20. are the one who is responsible for vision in low illumination (night vision)-rods

21. Are responsible for color vision- cones

22. It is where the optic nerve exits the eye and blood vessel enter- optic disc or
blind spot

23. it keeps the eye inflated, refract light, and provide nutrients to the inner surface
of the eye- humor

24. VESTIBULE: Can be divided into utricle, and saccule, associated with static
equilibrium, has chamber with patches of specialized epithelium called
maculae, contains maculae, which have hair cells embedded into a
gelatinous mass

25. To focus on object close than 20 feet away- the ciliary muscles must contract

26. retinal: a synthesis in rod cells required vitamin A

27. gelatinous mas inside of the eye is called the- vitreous humor

28. meissner corpuscles- Respond to fine, discriminative touch and are found just
deep the epidermis

29. the hair cells and tectorial membrane are found in the cochlea

30. It is a canal shaped like a snail's shell- cochlea

31. Middle ear consist of three auditory ossicles

32. It is the position of the head relative to the gravity- static equilibrium

33. Evaluates movement of the head- dynamic equilibrium

34. another name for pain receptor- nonciceptors

35. the choroid of the eye- consists of vascular network and large number of
melanin containing cells

36. The firm, opaque, white, outer connective tissue layer of the posterior five-sixths
of the eye is the-sclera

37. SPIRAL ORGAN- contains specialized sensory cells with hairlike projection

38. scala vestibuli- it is in the cochlea, the space that extends from the oval
window to the apex of the cochlear spiral

39. the auditory ossicles- contains of malleus, incus, and stapes

40. accurately describe a sensation- an action potential is generated when touch

receptors is stimulated

41. The fleshy part of the external ear on the outside of the head- auricle


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