Electro-Motion Devices: Lecture 6-Power Transformer - 1

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Lecture 6- Power Transformer_1
Electrical Transformers

Electrical transformers have many applications:

• Step up voltages (for electrical energy transmission with

minimized losses)

• Step down voltages to suite load requirements

• Provide electrical isolation between different grids

• Provide impedance matching for maximum power transfer (XL

= XC)

• Provide reduced AC voltages and currents for protection and

metering purposes
Construction of Electrical Power Transformers

1. Magnetic sheet steel to reduce eddy currents

2. Primary windings (receive power from source)

2 3. Secondary windings (delivers power to load)

Operation principle

When the primary winding is connected to a primary source VP, an alternating Flux φ is produced in the
magnetic core. This flux links the turns of the secondary Winding and induces a voltage E2, it also induces
E1 in the primary windings

e1 = N1 dφ/dt = - N1 φmax w Cos wt

e2 = N2 dφ/dt = - N2 φmax w Cos wt

If the secondary winding is connected to a load, a current i2 flows where
Instantaneous power input = instantaneous power output
V1i1 = V2i2

The transformation ratio “α” is given by


> 1…………………… Step down Transformer

< 1…………………… Step up Transformer
As IP = Imax Sin wt, then the produced e1 = N1 dφ/dt = - N1 φmax w Cos wt
Flux is time varying, consequently
φ = φmax Sin wt e2 = N2 dφ/dt = - N2 φmax w Cos wt

e1 = - N1 φmax w Cos wt = -E1max Cos wt e2 = - N2 φmax w Cos wt = -E2max Cos wt

E1max = N1 φ w = 2πFN1 φmax E2max = N2 φ w = 2πFN2 φmax

The r.m.s value of the e.m.f can be written as:

E1rms = 2πFN1 φmax /√ 2 = 4.44 FN1 φmax

E2rms = 2πFN2 φmax /√ 2 = 4.44 FN2 φmax

Ideal Transformers

In Ideal transformers, the following is assumed

• No core or copper losses • Infinite core permeability

• No leakage fluxes • Same m.m.f for both sides


A single phase transformer has a primary winding with 1500 turns and a Secondary
winding with 80 turns. If the primary winding is connected to a 2300 V, 60 Hz supply,
calculate: (a) the secondary voltage
(b) maximum flux


(a) V1/V2 = N1/N2 , then V2 = 2300 × 80/1500 = 122.67 V

(b) Φmax = V1/ 4.44 N1F = 2300/4.44×1500×60 = 0.0058 wb

Referring the Load Impedance

V2 = I2ZL ………………….. ZL = V2/I2

This means that the load impedance can be replaced by an equivalent value Z\L
In the primary circuit of the transformer


A 200 KVA, 500/250 V single phase ideal transformer supplies its full KVA to a resistive
load at 200 V, find:
• Secondary voltage, current and VA
• Load resistance
• Primary Voltage and current
• load resistance referred to primary

• V2 =200V, S2 = 200 KVA, then I2 = 200×103/200 = 1000 A

• RL = V2/I2 = 200/1000 = 0.2 ohm

• V1 = V2 × N1/N2 = 200×500/250 = 400 V , then I1 = 200×103/400 = 500 A

9 • R\L = V1/I1 = 400/500 = 0.8 ohm = 0.2 ×(500/250)2 = 0.8 ohm


A stereo system can be represented by a voltage source of 50 V and an internal

Resistance of 16 ohm has to supply power to 4 ohm speakers. Calculate the turns
Ratio of an ideal transformer that can be used to allow speakers to receive max.
Power , calculate this max. power

For max. power Ri = R\L , then Ri R\L

R\L = 16 = (N1/N2)2 RL = α2 ×4, then α = 2

I\2 = V1/ (R1+R\L) = 50/(16+16) = 1.5625 A ~ 50 V

Pmax = I\22 R\L = 1.56252 ×16 = 39.1 W

Practical single phase Transformers

The restrictions previously assumed for ideal transformers are removed as follows:

(1) Winding Resistance (2) Leakage Fluxes

• The inclusion of winding • Primary leakage flux set up by

resistance leads to: Pinput > Poutput the primary does not all link the
i.e. Efficiency < 100% secondary

• Secondary leakage flux set up by

the secondary does not all link the

• The terminal voltage V1 is not

equal to the Induced emf E1

Phase diagram for non ideal transformers

V1 = E1 + I1 (R1+jX1 ) I1X1

V2 = E2 – I2 (R2+jX2 ) I1R1

A 23 KVA, 2300/230 V, 60 Hz step down transformer has the following

resistance and leakage reactance values: R1 = 4 ohm, R2= 0.04 ohm, X1= 12
ohm, X2=0.12 ohm. The transformer is operating at 75% of its rated load at
rated voltage at the load. If the power factor of the load is 0.866 leading,
determine the efficiency of the transformer.
• I2 = S2/V2 = 23×103 ×0.75/230 = 75 A, as p.f is 0.866 then I2 = 75 300
E2 = V2 +I2 (R2+jX2) = 230 00 + 75 300 (0.04+j0.12) = 228.287 2.330 V
a = (N1/N2) =2300/230 = 10, then E1= aE2 = 10×228.287 = 2282.78 V
I1 = I2/a= 75/10 = 7.5 300
V1 =E1 +I1 (R1+jX1) = 2282.78 2.330 + 7.5 300 (4+j12) = 2269.578 4.70 V
P0 = Re( V2I*2) = Re(230×75 -300) = 14.94 Kw
Pin = Re (V1I*1) = Re (2269.578 4.70 ×7.5 -300 ) = 15.39 Kw
13 η = P0/Pin = 14.94/15.39 = 0.971 = 97.1%
(3) Finite Permeability

The core of non ideal transformer has a finite permeability and core loss, where It draws
some current Iφ even at no load
Iφ = IC +Im
Iφ : Excitation current, IC : core loss current, Im : magnetization current

Iφ = I1-Ip = I1 – (I2/a) Xm = E1/jIm …….. Sets up the mutual flux in the core
The referred exact equivalent Circuit
As seen from Primary side

R1 X1 R\2 X\2
I1 I\2

V1 RC Xm R\L
~ V\2

R\2 = a2 R2 = (Np/NS)2 R2 R\L = a2 RL = (Np/NS)2 RL X\2 = a2 X2 = (Np/NS)2 X2

I\2 = I2/a = I2 NS/Np V\2 = V2 a = V (Np/NS)

As seen from Secondary side

I\1 R\1 X\1 I2 R2 X2

I\C I\m
V\1 R\C X\m V2 RL

R\1 = R1 / a2 X\1 = X1 / a2 R\C = RC / a2 X\m = Xm / a2

I\1 = I1×a I\φ = Iφ×a I\C = IC × a


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