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December 1, 2021



1.   Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why or Why not?

ANSWERE: I am proud being a Filipino because Filipinos are strong and resilient.
In times of trouble and challenges, Filipinos manage to come out strong and
faithful. Filipinos are fighters because they never give up on a fight and if ever
they do, they always make a good fight. 

2.   When is Filipino Hospitality positive? Negative? Why?

ANSWERE:  Accommodation, most commonly known as hospitality, is a trait or

behavior common to all Filipinos, portrayed by inspiring liberality and kind
disposition displayed to nonnatives and local people alike. Filipinos accept
visitors, even outsiders, in a warm and wonderful way, regularly making a
special effort to make the guest comfortable. This trait is showed not only by
the rich people, but the poor ones as well.

     Filipino hospitality existed even during the pre-Hispanic era. The locals
respected the Malays, the main outside pioneers in the nation and shared their
nearby ways and innovation. Indeed, even today, when visitors lands in Filipino
homes amid mealtime, they are offered whatever is being served for that
dinner. More often than not, another dinner is set up to the enjoying of the
guest. The Filipino cordiality is best exemplified as to outside visitors, who are
treated with the most extreme regard. Filipinos appreciate the organization of
remote guests, and most outsiders who have gone by the nation can vouch for
the glow and amicability of local people.
Their neighborliness is seen in the Philippines, as well as discovered wherever
Filipinos live. Filipino people group the world over help other people change in
accordance with the remote nation’s way of life and ways. They frequently
help their kindred Filipinos discover asylum and work, opening up their own
particular homes to give a transitory home at whatever point important.

     However, did you know that one of the reasons why we were colonized and
tricked by the Spaniards is because of this very same trait? YES, it’s true.
During that time, Filipinos are too naive to believe that the Spaniards are
simply visitors that are searching for the rumored Spice Islands found not too
far away from our country. As such, we accommodated them well, being a
genuine hospitable race. As a result, we’ve been colonized for more than 3
centuries by the Spaniards. We were impoverished, enslaved, and worked to
the bones until we fall to the ground. Like dogs, we were forced to sow the
fields day and night, no matter what age bracket you belong to. And most of
all, they used and exhausted our natural resources for them to gain more
riches and treasures.

     Hospitality has not only enslaved us in the past, but in the present day as
well. However, since we got too used to it, we seem to not notice it. For
example, Filipinos seem to cater foreigners in a way that exceeds the usual.
We might find it good since it helps our tourism, but if we try to see through
the other side, we might realize that what we’ve been dong is not merely a way
of service, but a form of slavery already. As such, we tend to neglect our own
sake during the process.
3.   Explain the following and cite some examples to further explain your answer.
     a. Bahala Na  Attitude

ANSWERE: Bahala Na is a Filipino attitude that expresses courage and faith in God. It means
to let go and let God. ... Those who say bahala na is not letting go of logic or of their lives. They
do so because they believe that not doing anything is worst.
EXAMPLE: Bahala na attitude is like in Gods well and when they are unable to decide their next
course of action or when they have no idea what will happen next .

 b. Manana Habit

ENSWERE: The 'Mañana habit,' synonymous to the Filipino expression “Mamaya na,” is just
another term for procrastination. This applies to all sorts of things but it can also affect your
health. Take small but doable steps so that you can easily incorporate them to your life and build
the confidence that you can make it work.Manana Habit or "MAMAYA NA" you always hear that to
Filipino if someone requesting to do something or ect. Filipino said mamaya na .

 C.Ningas kugon

ANSWERE: Ningas Cogon mentality is a lack of sustained perseverance. Just like a wildfire
burning out quickly. Filipino's are known for tremendous hospitality, generosity, and different
cultures yet some cultural trait are toxic. One of the Filipino toxic traits is “Ningas Cogon“.

      d. Crab Mentality / Colonial Mentality

ANSWERE: human crab mentality will not help to develop our country that if our own countrymen
rise in life they will pull it down and destroy it just to tarnish the character of his envy because he
does not want to be outdone

  e. Filipino Time

ANSWERE: Filipino time means being minutes to hours late compared to the standard time.
It's like having our own clock, albeit aware that the right time is the World Standard Time. ...
There are still people who arrive in meetings punctually, although 'being late' has become a
stereotype to Filipinos already.

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