Iris Recognition System

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ABSTRACT compared with the stored IrisCode for

Identification of a person to be himself the identification of the individual.

has been a historical concern. The The unique nature of the Iris guarantee

persons today get identified by their that the individual is recognized to be

signatures, PIN, passwords. But with the himself. No two persons have the same

increasing insecure environment, where Iris structure,not even the same person’s

a person does not know when his ID two eyes have the same structure of

card, password or signature will be iris.The recognition principle is the

stolen, there is an increased need for failure of a test of statistical

providing an identification system that independence on iris phase structure

recognize a person based on attributes encoded by multi-scale quadrature

that are impossible to steal. The Iris with wavelets.

its unique characteristics provides the The image of iris is captured with a

errorless way of recognizing individuals. black and white video camera in a well-

The Iris recognition system uses a video lit environment. The pattern is extracted

based system to locate the Iris in the eye. after elastic deformations are reversed

The information of the Iris is then mathematically,which is possible after

converted to the IrisCode, which then is localizing the inner and outer boundaries
of iris. After pseudo polar coordinate |

mapping and using a method called seconds thus avoiding the wastage of
complex valued 2D Gabor wavelets,a bit time as is done in other techniques such
stream, typically total 256 bytes of as Fingerprint recognition system. This
information, is obtained. The amount technology does not use the retinal scan
and uniqueness of extracted information technology and no laser is projected in
make the False Accept probability the eye as in the retinal scan.
lowest of all known biometrics. The False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and
INTRODUCTION False Rejection Rate (FRR) of the Iris

Reliable, automatic recognition of recognition system is very low compared

person has long been an attractive goal. to the other biometric recognition system

In this discussion one of the most such as fingerprint recognition system.

promising biometric technique called Iris The Iris recognition system has

recognition system is described. It is the advantages such as speed, accuracy,

most efficient of all the techniques used stability, non-invasiveness, and ability to

for biometric authentication. do one-to-many matching, etc over the

Iris recognition system uses the Iris of other identification technologies which

the human to recognize him. Non- makes it a much sought-after method for

invasive, non-contact and extremely fast, authentication of individuals.

high-resolution cameras are used to IRIS :

capture the image of the iris, translating Before discussing how the Iris
it into an encrypted digital code, called recognition system works let us know
IrisCode. This is stored into the database about the Iris, which is used for
for future identification of the person. recognizing the person.
When the person needs to prove his The Iris is a protected internal organ of
identification, the same camera and the eye, behind the cornea and the
process is used to build the IrisCode. aqueous humor. It is the only internal
The code previously stored in the organ of the human that is externally
database is then used to compare with visible. Although small (11 mm) and
the obtained code and the result is sometimes problematic to image, the iris
informed. The complete process of has the great mathematical advantage
assessment may take not more than two that its pattern variability among |

different persons is enormous such that taken without any problem in dark or in
no two persons have the same Iris lights. Also the iris is non-invasive, i.e.
pattern. Even the identical twins have using of the spectacles or lens does not
different patterns for their irides. affect the performance of the system.
Iris recognition technology identifies
humans by the unique physiological
patterns in the iris of the eye to a degree
of accuracy surpassing even DNA
Iris technology is based on pattern
recognition and the pattern-capturing
As a planar object its image is relatively methodology based on video camera
insensitive to angle of illumination, and technology similar to that found in
changes in viewing angle cause only camcorders commonplace in consumer
reversible affine transformations; even electronics. Like these cameras, the
the non-affine pattern distortion caused image capture process does not require
by pupillary dilation is readily bright illumination or close-up imaging.
reversible. Finally, the ease of localizing The complete system can be divided into
eyes in faces, and the distinctive annular four important stages as
shape of the iris, facilitate reliable and 1. Finding an Iris in an image
precise isolation of this feature and the 2. Iris feature encoding with
creation of a size-invariant wavelength demodulation
representation. These features of iris 3. Storing into database.
give us the reason to use it for the 4. Test of statistical
identification of the individuals and once independence
formed the Iris does not ever change. FINDING IRIS IN AN IMAGE:
This stability of Iris makes the Iris To capture the rich details of iris
recognition system to be independent of patterns, an imaging system should
the age. The iris pattern can easily be resolve a minimum of 50 pixels in iris |

radius. In the field trials to date, a coarse-to-.fine strategy terminating in

resolved iris radius of 100 single-pixel precision estimates of the
to 140 pixels has been more typical. center coordinates and radius of both the
Monochrome CCD cameras (480 x 640) iris and the pupil. Once the coarse-to-
will be been used because NIR (near fine iterative searches for both these
infrared) illumination in the 700nm - boundaries have reached single pixel
900nm band was required for imaging to precision, then a similar approach to
be invisible to humans. Some imaging detecting curvilinear edges is used to
platforms deployed a wide-angle camera localize both the upper and lower eyelid
for coarse localization of eyes in faces, boundaries. The result of all these
to steer the optics of a narrow-angle localization operations is the isolation of
pan/tilt camera that acquired higher iris tissue from all other image regions,
resolution images of eyes. Imaging can as illustrated in Figure below.
be done without active pan/tilt camera
optics, by exploiting visual feedback via
a mirror or video image to enable
cooperating Subjects to position their
own eyes within the field of view of a
single narrow-angle camera. IRIS FEATURE ENCODING
Focus assessment will be performed in
real-time (faster than video frame rate) Each isolated iris pattern is then
by measuring the total high-frequency demodulated to extract its phase
power in the 2D Fourier spectrum of information using quadrature 2D Gabor
each frame, and seeking to maximize wavelets. It amounts to a patch-wise
this quantity either by moving an active phase quantization of the iris pattern, by
lens or by providing audio feedback to identifying in which quadrant of the
Subjects to adjust their range complex plane each resultant phasor lies
appropriately. Images passing a when a given area of the iris is projected
minimum focus criterion will be then onto complex-valued 2D Gabor
analyzed to find the iris, with precise
localization of its boundaries using a |

wavelets. benefit, which arises from the fact that

phase bits are set also for, a poorly
focused image, even if based only on
random CCD noise, is that different
poorly focused irides never become
confused with each other when their
phase codes are compared. By contrast,
images of different faces look
increasingly alike when poorly resolved,
and may be confused with each other by
appearance-based face recognition
Altogether 2,048 such phase bits are
computed for each iris. Also an equal DATABASE:
number of masking bits are computed to The feature extracted from the iris is
signify whether any iris region is stored into a database for the future use
obscured by eyelids, contains any when the person is produced for the
eyelash occlusions, specular reflections, identification. The database generally is
boundary artifacts of hard contact lenses, the central database as the Iris
or poor signal-to-noise ratio and thus recognition system works for
should be ignored in the demodulation identification (one to many). The data
code as artifact. stored is 2048 bits (512 bytes) consisting
Only phase information is used for of 256 bytes of the iris pattern and 256
recognizing irises because amplitude byte of masking pattern. The iris
information is not very discriminating, recognition system works even for large
and it depends upon extraneous factors size database of around 1 million iris
such as imaging contrast, illumination, pattern stored into the database.
and camera gain.The extraction of phase TEST OF STATISTICAL
has the further advantage that phase INDEPENDENCE:
The key to iris recognition is the failure
angles are assigned regardless of how
of a test of statistical independence,
low the image contrast may be.The
which involves so many degrees-of- |

freedom that this test is virtually correspond to those stored in the

guaranteed to be passed whenever the database.
phase codes for two different eyes are
compared, but to be uniquely failed
when any eye’s phase code is compared
with another version of itself. The test of
statistical independence is implemented
by the simple Boolean Exclusive-OR
operator (XOR) applied to the 2,048 bit
phase vectors that encode any two iris
patterns, masked (AND’ed) by both of
their corresponding mask bit vectors to The histogram of the 2.3 million best
prevent non-iris artifacts from HDs is shown in Fig below. The fact that
influencing iris comparisons. The XOR the minimum HD observed in all of
operator detects disagreement between these rotated comparisons was never
any corresponding pair of bits, while the smaller than 0.333 illustrates the extreme
AND operator ensures that the compared improbability that the phase sequences
bits are both deemed to have been for two different irises might disagree in
uncorrupted by eyelashes, eyelids, fewer than a third of their bits. This
specular reflections, or other noise. The suggests that in order to identify people
norms of the resultant bit vector and of by their iris patterns with high
the AND’ed mask vectors are then confidence, we need to demand only a
measured in order to compute a very forgiving degree of match (say, HD
fractional Hamming Distance (HD) as < 0.330).
the measure of the dissimilarity between
any two irides. A Hamming Distance of
zero would represent a perfect match.
The below equation describes the
process of finding the hamming distance.
CodeA and maskA corresponds to the
live IrisCode, and codeB and maskB |

performance standards for this

technology, while an unmatched
EER (equal error rate) performance
of 1 in 1.2 million is delivered. Other
electronic authentication
technologies sometimes select a
number of templates that represent
"possible matches" - perpetuating the

ADVANTAGES: potential for error, in that final

Iris recognition has many advantages determination of identity relies on a

over the other forms of biometric human interpretation.

identification.  Fingerprints, facial recognition

1. Accuracy: and hand geometry have far less

Simply put, iris recognition is the most detailed input in template

accurate form of identification known to construction. In fact, it's probably

man. More accurate than even DNA fair to say that one iris template

matching. contains more data than is collected

 Due to the process of chaotic in creating templates for a finger, a

morphogenesis, every iris is unique face and a hand combined. This is

to a degree that the probability of 2 one reason why iris recognition can

irises being identical is 1 in 10 to the authenticate with confidence even

power of 78. Additionally, our iris when significantly less than the

recognition system captures over 249 whole eye is visible.

'degrees of freedom' or points of 2. Speed:

interest.  No other biometric technology is

 Another differentiator impacting designed to deliver 1-n searching of

accuracy is that no human large databases in real time. This

intervention is required to "set" technology has nearly 20 times more

thresholds for False Accept and matches per minute than its closest

False Reject performance. Instead, competitor. Looking at speed in

the human element plays no role in conjunction with accuracy, there's |

simply no other technology that can This means that an iris image need only
deliver high accuracy authentication in be captured once and does not need to be
anything close to the real-time updated. Other biometric measures
performance of iris recognition. change over time. Hands and fingers
IDENTIFICATION VS grow, our voices change, our skin

VERIFICATION: degrades and other biometric measures

are subject to labor, health, genetics,
Iris recognition identifies people rather
climate and age.
than verifying their identity.
What this means is that the performance
Verification asks; is this person who
of such systems is unreliable and
they say they are? This is one-to-one
frequent re-enrolments are required to
matching which means a person must
accommodate these changes.
first suggest their identity through a
password, card or name and the system
then seeks to determine whether or not  No bright lights or lasers are used

there is a match between the suggested in the imaging and iris authentication

and true identities. process. The user can stand as far as

Identification asks; who is this person? 10" away from the unit, and even

This is one-to-many matching meaning wear glasses or contact lenses

that the person is not required to carry without compromising system

anything or volunteer any information. accuracy. Unlike some other popular

The system simply captures the iris biometrics, iris authentication

image, searches the entire database and involves no physical contact.

either finds their identity or reports that  It is also important to note that

they are unknown. This is obviously a iris recognition is a completely

much more powerful form of separate technology to retinal

authentication as no information is scanning. No bright lights or lasers

required from the user. are beamed into the eye, only a
digital photograph is taken. This

3. Stability means that not only is iris

The iris image remains stable from the recognition the most accurate

age of about 10 months up until death. |

biometric technology, it is also the • Productivity enhancing applications

safest. like time and attendance.
Iris provides the highly accurate and
The birth rate of identical twins is 1 in
positive personal recognition technique
121 births or 0.82%. As identical twins
for authentication. This unique and
share the same DNA, the false
complex organ, which has more
acceptance rate for any DNA based
dimensions (measures) of variation than
system must be at least 0.82% due to the
any other biometric feature currently in
birth rate alone. DNA testing is an
use, remains stable throughout a lifetime
invasive technology with a cotton swab
and is readily available for sampling in
inserted into the mouth the most
non-intrusive way.
common method of obtaining a sample.
This makes iris recognition the most
preferred of all authentication system
• John Daugman PhD, OBE High
confidence Recognition of

The Iris recognition system covers a Persons by their Iris patterns

wide range of application in University of Cambridge, The

authenticating persons It can be Computer Laboratory,

deployed in: Cambridge CB2 3QG, U.K.

• Border control system • Ga’el Hacihez, Francois Koeune,

• Airports Jean-Jacques Quisquater:

• Biometric passports Biometrics, Access Control,

• Banking systems, ATM’s Smart Cards: A Not So Simple

• Authorized access to healthcare Combination. UCL Crypto

records, intellectual property, etc Group, University catholique de

• Identification of criminals Louvain, Belgium.

• In Govt. organization where •

restricted access exists •


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