Why Do You Think Is The Importance of Using Varied

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What do you think is the importance of using varied: methods

and strategies, instructional materials and assessment tools?

Methods are set of logically, orderly and arrange steps
in teaching. Strategies are method of approaching the task of
teaching. The importance of using varied methods and
strategies is to facilitate the learning of all students. It will
importantly engage, motivate and reach the students in their
classes. It will also help the teachers reach their desired goals
in teaching as well as their full potential as a teacher to
develop. This means we have to form the lessons in a sense
of manner in instruction that successfully challenge every
student to actively participate in the class.
Instructional Materials are the tools in educational
lessons which includes active learning and assessment. The
importance of using varied instructional materials is to catch up
the attention of the learner. As we all know the attention
span of the students is very short. You really need to exert
more effort the get their attention in the whole duration of
the class. By using instructional materials, you catch up
their attention and the same time, it also support the
learning content and by giving them opportunity to practice
and develop their level of understanding
Assessment tools are techniques used to measure
a students’ academic abilities, fluency and skills in a
specific subject or to measure one’s progress subject or to
measure one’s progress toward academic proficiency in a
specific subject area. The importance of using varied
assessment tools is to test what the learners have learned
about the topic. The result of the assessment will show
whether there is something to re – teach or reinforce with the

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