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Internship Program Overview

Internship opportunity with Pragyan SmartAI Technology through The will provide a platform to students - form
a team, collaborate and track progress.

The Objective of our program is to give corporate working life experience to

students and make them Industry ready.

Whole Internships run online and like corporates execute projects -distributed
/work from home system.

Program will be regressively tracked by Internal Internship Coordination Team -

Few Faculties from Each Institute. And Pragyan AI and AI-Interns.

It needs effort and time from us, we are ready to give good for students.

Student Registration, Coordination Team registration and Faculty

who are keen to guide student registration have to be created by
JSS, we don't have access to them.

Route Map

1. Timelines: 15 June 2021 to 20 Oct 2021

2. Building Coordination Team - 2 or 3 faculties from each institute.
3. Selection of 100-200 Students from each institute - CSE/IS/EC
4. Team Formation - 4/5 Students per team
5. For every 4/5 students ( 1 Team) one faculty should be nominated
6. Allocation of Team Numbers and then the team has to select the
Projects, from the List of projects given. First cum First Service.
a. Note: It is not Selection of Project important, it is completion
of project is important.
7. Pragyan Team will do the Project Induction programme -10-20
Mins explain the Project - Subtasks - Final Deliverables - Subjects
they should be self learning.
8. Accordingly, respective teams should submit the Detailed Project
plan with milestones.
9. Both teams( Coordination Team and Pragyan AI Team) will
coordinate and move forward for the execution.

Procedure for completing the Project

1. Coordination Team formation to be completed by 1st June.

2. Internal Student Registration For Internship by 4-5th June.
3. Faculty per team nomination - one faculty can take 1-5 batches at
max, depending on their comfort.
4. Every students have to create Profile at
a. Refer Video:
5. Pragyan AI - will Upload all Projects at and Student
teams have to select the Projects - First cum First Service - or
Pragyan AI will select based on Students profile and interest areas
filled in the profile at
6. From June 6 to June 10 - Pragyan Team will do the Project
Induction programme.
a. Meetings will be conducted online and we will record each
b. The Team with Faculty and coordination team have to attend
7. Complete self study prerequisite courses before 15 June 2021. -
Here Faculty has to guide them, we give few references - Basic
a. Python programming
b. Data structure and algorithm
c. Machine Learning
d. Deep Learning
8. Team has to submit the First Draft of Project Schedule By 15th
June 2021 - College - Faculties have to Guide here for students to
complete the Project Schedule.
9. Every Team will have one leader and weekly Progress Meeting -
Online have to be conducted - under Chair of Guide and Submit
the Meeting minutes and Video recording of meeting.
a. Pragyan will Provide Slides / Templates to Fill the Progress
of Project along with meeting minutes and Videos
b. Faculty will Allocate Marks/Grades to it.
c. These Meeting are internal meetings with Your
d. Faculty will give 30% Marks - Internal Meeting and
Biweekly Meeting and Progress done by students
10. Bi weekly Project Progress review and Technical Discussion -
any concerns for each team will be done by pragyan in presence of
JSS Coordination Team.
a. Schedule and Meeting Requests will all be done by JSS
Coordination Team.
b. These meetings are external meetings - Pragyan AI team, JSS
Coordination Team and Project Team with Faculties will be
c. All Meetings will be recorded and Online - Students have to
present progress and share what issues they are facing - if
they are facing while executing a project.
11. 20th Aug First Project Partial Demo - Each team will schedule
the Project Demo meeting with External Team
a. 10 Mins each - What is done, and what is planned to
complete by 20th Oct.
b. Modified Schedule / Project Road Map - Submitted At start
and now
c. Any concerns they are facing in execution.
d. Pragyan will Allocate Marks/Grades to it.
e. 10% of Weightage /Marks for this Demo
12. 20th Sep Second Project Demo - Each team will schedule the
Project Demo meeting with External Team
a. 10 Mins each - What is done, and what is planned to
complete by 20 Oct.
b. Modified Schedule / Project Road Map - Submitted At start
and now
c. Any concerns they are facing in execution.
d. Pragyan will Allocate Marks/Grades to it.
e. 10% of Weightage /Marks for this Demo
13. After 2nd Demo - Team will work on suggestions given by
external team to complete the project
14. Work on Project Report - Detailed Report - Template Pragyan
AI will provide
a. Checking in code to Github
b. Use version Control Tools to modify code here after so that
team is not breaking the partly working code.
15. 20th Oct Every One should Demo Project to Whole JSS
Community and External Experts and JSS Management
a. 10-20 Mins per team
b. Demo will be Recorded
c. Marks / Grades will be Given All JSS Faculty, Management,
Pragyan AI and External Experts.
d. The Final demo has 40% of total weightage
e. 10% weightage for
i. Report
ii. Checking in Code
iii. Uploading the All Demo Videos - to YouTube - Gitam
& Pragyan AI Channels.
16. Group Virtual Photo & Last Validatory Session from JSS
Management / Coordination Team
17. Internship e-Certificate will be provided by
and Pragyan AI.
a. Within 1 week of program completion - with Marks &
Ranking - 10 ranks
b. Appreciation Letters from Pragyan AI - on Letterhead
18. The Top 5 Best performing Team will be selected for a 12
Months Data Science & AI program, without any initial fee, which
is 10K per student. It means each team got Total 40K Prize money
for executing the project well.
a. Congratulations Letter to all winning teams and Procedure to
enroll the program and terms and conditions of the program.

Sample Projects

1. Heart Sound Based - Heart Beat Calculation - BP & Pulse rate
2. Based on Lung Sound - Predicting Respiratory Rate
3. GAN based - Audio File Creation
4. GAN Based CT SCAN / MRI SCAN Image Generation
a. MRI to CT conversion, 3T to 7T conversion using Generative Adversarial
Network (GAN).
5. GAN based X-Ray Image of chest Generation
6. GAN based Ultrasound - Heart Image Generation
7. Based on Symptoms - What kind of Health Tests one needs to undergo - Possible
Health issues one may get.
8. Extract Health Information from Scanned PDF File - Medical Report - Diagnostic Tests
9. Health care Image Viewer - DICOM, INFI etc File Formats - Different Images CT Scan,
MRI Scans, Ultrasound Images etc.
10. Data Analytics and DashBoard for Health Key Parameters, Person Activities, Food

Education Tech
1. AI solution to Scan PDF file of Detailed Curriculum- Generating Multiple Labels and
association. Feed Questions on Topics - Extract Keywords and associate Labels it
belongs to. Graph view of Concept Association - relationships.
2. Dynamic Question Level Assigning - Gamification - Depending on Its Labels ( Concepts
it associated and attempts by different students). GRE/CAT kind adaptive Question
generating Platform. Analytic Dashboard and Deep Insight analysis
3. NLP based ChatBot based Question classification - aggregations and Mood or Learning
impact. Analytic Dashboard and Deep Insight analysis
4. Identity Platform - Identity Matching - Student ID, Face, Adhaar, PAN, Date of Birth,
Address, Phone, email, thumb impression, Passport, Voice Match, etc belongs to the
same person mapped and generate Universal Identity of person. Enable multiple
Identities to authenticate a person.
5. NLP: Scanned ID Proof: Extract Information from Different IDs- Student ID,Adhaar,
PAN,Date of Birth, Address, Phone, email, Passport, Marks from Scanned MarkSheets
6. NLP Based Chat Bot Data Science & AI Help Desk - Gives information about Program
(XLS Sheet), Schedule of Course works( Reading and Calendar), Deadlines (Calendar),
check Student interest/concerns about the program and help students during the
7. Auto Evaluation of Exam Paper Scanned PDF File , 1-2 line answers, Fill in the blanks,
1-2 word answers, Scrambled Words, Organize Sequence of Events, etc.
8. Video - Text → Summarize Points/key concepts.
a. YouTube transcriber - Automatically transcribe YouTube videos.

1. Stock Price Prediction - Based on History, Similar Stocks From Other Countries with
different time zone, using Index performance,
2. Stock prediction based GDP Predictions, Earning prediction, Management quality, Past
Balance Sheets, Index Performance, Budget/Govt Policy Impact, Rate of Interest,
inflation, Currency exchange rate, order pipelines

Research Based Projects

1. Person fall detection, Wrong Sleeping/ wrong place of sleeping detection
2. Person activity prediction and write ways of activity or wrong way of activity prediction
3. Google Home - Voice based smart classrooms turn on and off electronics or electrical
objects - light, fan. Mic, speaker, projector etc.
4. Voice based - Search, stream Video - play, pause and play - Based on Student
Question/statement - Extract key Points and play asked video
5. Detect - student activity in class, listening, sleeping, talking, asking questions - raised
hand, Happy, angry, class interesting/ boring etc and identify student and position in
class room - row and table.

25 Live Projects & 25 - 40 Case Studies Based Projects

Case Study Based Projects

New Launch Price, On Possession Price Prediction, Second Sale Price Prediction
- Number of Years Used, new, etc.
Placement Prediction & Income Prediction

Student Academic, Branch, Extra Learning, Communication Skills, Aptitude,

others Skills - Predict Placement

Predict Possible Salary - Market Hiring Condition, GDP, Demand and Supply Gap
of specific Skills.
Social Media Based Brand/popularity Ranking
Face Mask Wearing Detection - CCTV Feed Based Video

Face Mask Wearing Detection - Correctly wearing or not, Mask is there or not.
Basic Violations - Helmet Wearing or Not - CCTV Feed Based Video

Two Wheeler Detection, Every one wearing helmet or not detection

Basic Violations - More then two Detection and Over Speed Detection
- CCTV Feed Based Video

Two Wheeler Detection, More than two people riding and over speed
driving detection.

Object Detection & Information Extraction

CCTV Footage/Photo Based - Number Plate Detection and Getting
Numbers from That.

Extended / Other Case Studies

Document Retrieval using Clustering and Similarity:

● Used the k nearest neighbors algorithm for document retrieval of similar
● Calculated similarity using tf-idf for every document present in the corpus and the
distance between two documents using cosine distance.
● Performed queries such as top 5 documents closest to the given document.
Personalized Song Recommender using Item Similarity:
● Created a simple popularity based recommender based on total times each song
has been played and personalized song recommender and concluded the latter
to be more accurate.
● Performed analysis to find most recommended songs, similar songs, and
recommended each user with a different list of songs based on the past history of
songs the user has listened to.

University Data
● Used K mean clustering to clusters universities as Private or Public based
on various features provided

Breast Cancer Data

● Worked on Breast cancer data to predict whether a cell is cancer cell or not
using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and GridSearchCV to predict
parameters for C and gamma best for our model

Food Classification with Deep Learning in Keras / Tensorflow

DeepLearning based Food Image Recognition And Calorie


Amazon Fine Food Reviews

The Amazon Fine Food Reviews dataset consists of 568,454 food reviews
Amazon users left up to October 2012.

The purpose of this analysis is to make up a prediction model where we will be

able to predict whether a recommendation is positive or negative. In this analysis,
we will not focus on the Score, but only the positive/negative sentiment of the
Sale Prediction for Restaurant


Restaurant Location Recommendation

This repository contains the files used to create Restaurant Risk, an app that
assesses the risk of opening a restaurant at a given NYC street address and
suggests alternative locations.

Yield Prediction

Yield - Agricultural analysis looking at crop yields in Ukraine

Crop Based Filed Segmentation

Segmentation - Agricultural field parcel segmentation using satellite images.

Insurance Claim Frauds

● Claim Fraud - Predictive models to determine which automobile claims are


Electricity Demand Forecasting

Electricity demand forecasting for Austin, TX, using a combination of time series
methods and regression models.
Optimal Wind+Hydrogen+Other+Battery+Solar (WHOBS)
electricity systems for European countries

This free software uses open data to calculate what it would cost to create a
constant "baseload" generation profile from a combination of wind power, solar
power and storage (using batteries and the electrolysis of hydrogen) for different
European countries. Total costs are calculated using projected assumptions for
2020, 2030 and 2050

Smart meter load disaggregation

This is when smart meter disaggregation (also known as Non-intrusive load

monitoring or NILM) can be useful. To put simply smart meter disaggregation is a
process of extracting individual appliance power signatures from the total
aggregate signal. It can be argued that directly measuring individual appliance
consumption by means of installing smart plugs would be easier and lead to
more precise measurements. While this is conceptually true, installing smart
plugs is an expensive and cumbersome process and considering how many
appliances an average household uses this solution will simply not scale.

OIL and GAS Price Prediction AI Models

Safe Water Project

The Safe Water Project is a team of volunteers at Code for Boston who are using
data modeling, data visualization and machine learning to predict, visualize, and
share data about the presence of hazardous drinking and surface water
contaminants in the United States.

Monitoring Water Levels of Lakes

Water Observatory - Monitoring water levels of lakes and reservoirs using
satellite imagery.
Flood Prediction from Water Level of river
Flood Prediction - Applying LSTM on river water level data

Air Quality Prediction

Predict air quality(aq) in Beijing and London in the next 48 hours.
Internship Guidelines - 2022 Batch

The idea behind carrying out summer internships is to give the students exposure to industrial
practices and enhance their practical knowledge. Students are guided to correlate the theoretical
knowledge learned in the classroom to the procedures adopted in the industry and to get practical
knowledge. Students are advised to maintain a diary, in which they are supposed to make note of
all the works carried out in the industry while they are under training and have to submit a
detailed report of his/her experience that they have gained in the industry.

Total Credits allotted: 02

➢ Undergoing summer Industry Internship is a must for each and every student passing out
in the year 2022.

➢ This is a 6 weeks summer internship program, starting from 7 Jun 2021, Monday to 18
July 2021, Sunday - i.e a period 42 days [Including Sundays]

➢ Students who are willing to undergo this Industry internship program on their own from a
reputed organization, need to submit a letter of acceptance from the concerned head of the
organization for the necessary approvals from Heads of the Departments to proceed
further. [Annexure 1 - Sample format for Internship Acceptance letter]

➢ All such students who are interested in doing the internship in some organization pan
India, but couldn't make it out anywhere by themselves need to bring to our notice
expressing their interest in doing an internship on or before 30 April 2021 irrespective of
the location, organization and keeping the current situation i.e COVID 19 in mind.

➢ And all the remaining students who don't fall under either of the conditions mentioned
above have to undergo an Inhouse Internship Program on the Campus itself, under the
guidance of your own faculties under the supervision of some industry professionals.

➢ Each and every student has to choose any one of the options provided and complete the
internship program in the mentioned time, failing which you are not eligible for getting the
required credits.

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