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World History Modern , grades 9 to 12 Standards

168 Describe the characteristics of the Renaissance and understand why it began in Italy.

169 Identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts of the period.

170 Understand how writers of the time addressed Renaissance themes.

171 Explain the impact of the Renaissance.

172 Describe the themes that northern European artists, humanists, and writers explored.

173 Explain how the printing revolution shaped European society.

174 Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.

175 Explain the impact of the printing press on the Reformation.

176 Analyze Martin Luther's role in shaping the Protestant Reformation.

177 Explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.

178 Describe the new ideas that Protestant sects embraced.

179 Understand why England formed a new church.

180 Analyze how the Catholic Church reformed itself.

181 Explain why many groups faced persecution during the Reformation.

182 Explain the impact of the Reformation.

183 Explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe.

184 Understand the new scientific method and how it developed.

185 Identify the contributions that Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, and other scientists made to the
Scientific Revolution.

186 Understand the major causes of European exploration.

187 Analyze early Portuguese and Spanish explorations and expansion.

188 Describe how the Portuguese established footholds on Africa's coasts.

189 Describe European searches for a direct route to Asia.

190 Summarize how Portugal built a trading empire in South and Southeast Asia.

191 Analyze the rise of Dutch and Spanish dominance in Asia and the Indian Ocean.

192 Understand how the decline of Mughal India affected European traders in the region.

193 Describe European contacts with Ming and Qing China.

194 Summarize Korea's and Japan's attitudes toward contact with the outside world.

195 Analyze the results of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans.

196 Explain how the Aztec and Inca empires were impacted by Spanish conquistadors and European

197 Describe how Portugal and other European nations challenged Spanish power.

198 Analyze the major features of Spanish colonial government, society and culture.

199 Describe the impact of Spanish colonization of the Americas.

200 Explain why the colony of New France grew slowly.

201 Analyze the establishment and growth of the English colonies.

202 Understand why Europeans competed for power in North America and how their struggle affected
Native Americans.

203 Summarize the expansion of the African slave trade.

204 Explain how triangular trade worked.

205 Understand the nature of the Middle Passage and describe its effects.

206 Analyze the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa and the Americas.

207 Explain how European exploration led to the Columbian Exchange.

208 Explain new economic factors and principles that contributed to the success of the commercial

209 Understand the impact of mercantilism on European and colonial economies.

210 Identify the characteristics of absolute monarchy, including the concept of divine right.

211 Explain how Spanish power grew under Charles V and Philip II.

212 Understand how France built a centralized monarchy after the wars of religion.

213 Evaluate Louis XIV as an absolute monarch.

214 Describe how the arts flourished in Spain and France.

215 Outline the causes and results of the Thirty Years' War.

216 Understand how Austria and Prussia emerged as great powers.

217 Explain the steps Peter the Great took to modernize Russia.

218 Describe how Russia grew under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great.

219 Describe how European nations tried to maintain a balance of power.

220 Describe the relationship between Parliament and the monarchy under the Tudors and Stuarts.

221 Explain how English government developed after the English Civil War.

222 Identify the causes of the Glorious Revolution and the ideas contained in the English Bill of Rights.

223 Identify the characteristics of limited monarchy and constitutional government in England.

224 Describe how science led to the Enlightenment.

225 Explain the political philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.

226 Summarize the economic ideas of the physiocrats and Adam Smith.

227 Describe how Enlightenment ideas spread and influenced the arts.

228 Understand the role of enlightened despots.

229 Describe how Britain became a global power.

230 Understand the events and ideas leading up to the American Revolution, including the impact of the

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