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SUBJECT: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Semester and Term: 2nd - Midterm

GRADE LEVEL: 12 PREPARED BY: Mr. Ramos and Ms. Ventura

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
● The purposes of establishing business enterprises
● The core principles underlying fairness, accountability, and transparency in
business operation and stewardship (respect for others’ property)
Performance Standard:
The learners are able to…
● Explain the purpose of business organizations and their role in socioeconomic
● Explain the core principles of fairness, accountability and transparency in the
socioeconomic development of a country
Title of the Performance Task: “My Ethical Speech”
The goal of this task is to have their deep and critical understanding
GOAL(S) and analyzation in different topics and issues happened in business
● Student as researcher and analyzer
● Student as presenter

AUDIENCE(S) Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Teachers

Even before the pandemic, some of the companies/businesses faced

SITUATION the different circumstances because of their unethical decisions and
moved to their business.

As a student of ABM track you must think and act based on what is
ethically and morally right. Research and analyze for the topics and
issues happening in business ethics. Task will be presented through raw
video presentation.

Students must accomplish the following:

An individual performance where students will present their work

through video presentation.

TAKE NOTE: We strongly discouraged the editing of your video. Only

the raw video from your phone/any devices with clear voice or clean
shot will be enough. You must be focus on the quality of the content
and goals of this task

1. “The Speech”
PRODUCT(S) ● Individually you must research or browse the internet
about the ethical issues in the business here in the
Philippines. It can be last few years or up to date much
● You must study and have a depth background about
your chosen issue
● You must analyze it with the guidance of the discussed
topic in this subject
● You must formulate your own narration of your
analyzations, stands, and insights to your chosen
● The total length of your speech must be 2-4 minutes.
● You are the in-charge on how to deliberate your speech
● You must be direct to the point and your own stand

● Clarity
● Presentation
STANDARD(S) ● Conviction and Stance
● Application
● Usefulness


Clarity (0-2 points) (3-6points) (7-9points) (10points)

(10points) All of the narration Most of the The narration The narration
and description narration and and description and description
was partially not description was was partially was clear for the
clear for the entire partially not clear for the entire
presentation clear for the entire presentation
entire presentation
Presentation (0-5) (6-10points) (11-14points) (15points)
(15points) All of sequence of Most of the The sequence The sequence of
data presentation sequence of of data data
was jumbled. The data presentation presentation was
findings and presentation was properly properly
information were was improperly arranged. Some arranged. Well
missing arranged. of the partial of organized the
Some of the the findings and findings and
partial of the information was information
findings and not fully
information organized
was not fully
Conviction and (0-5pts) (6-10pts) (11-14pts) (15pts)
Stance The presenter was The presenter The presenter The presenter
(15points) not able to shows was not able to partially shows shows the
the conviction and show the the conviction conviction and
stance on his/her conviction and and stance on stance on his/her
speech stance for most his/her speech speech
of the part
Application (0-2points) (3-6points) (7-9points) (10points)
(10points) The fundamentals The The The
concept was fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals
missing and does concept was concept was concept was
not used in not illustrated not fully well illustrated
different situation and does not illustrated and and used in
and problem used in used in different different situation
different situation and and problem
situation and problem
Informative (15points) (6-10points) (11-14points) (15points)
and Useful The whole product The most part The most part of The whole
(15points) does not have of product product product provides
information and does not provides a a complete
details, and provide a complete information and
cannot be used in complete information and details, and may
different problem information details, and use in different
and real-life and details, may use in problem and
situation and may use in different real-life situation
different problem and
problem and real-life situation

Checked by:

Ms. Gemma H. Requiez

Subject Coordinator

Ms. Denise Mahabague

Academic Coordinator

Noted by:

Dr. Arsenia T. Lozano

Basic Education Principal

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