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sone Hing bah hhas be ome Yeat ‘ oe wy Ask we a oats Intyoduction : 7 ae Te Science of Collec tng , Summasi fing and Adalyging — Numexical Jauantitetive data, x Faels & Figques Goleced aad artaged fee Information £ Combination . Science ox Stotisdics is the byanch of #4 including Such Techoinyues thd are used to Collect, Process and Analyse Numerical date te make ational decisions under uncertain” Conditions. eg ox Stedisties Provides He models Hat ave needed to study Situation inve Wing Lun Cer dain ties. ey when a auslity Cond gol Enjineey aceepd ot Yejeet Manufactured —Preduecds- when an Economist fave Casd trends. wh w AN My oy \ wae Scanned with CamScanner ee - 7 chatacferistics ‘ O Descriptive Static , | Numerical facds sgstemadical artaged Inclede — Procedute & Techniques used to Collect, Psocess and analyze numerical data to make inferences and ko each decisions in the fae of uacertainitg > Scanned with CamScanner SPD&&S6eHq Mathemadica madital Sdotistics : ———eeeee Mathematical statistics is te study of Statistics fiom @ purely mathematics ( Stand Point. a Mattematical ctatistics is the shady of stetislics frm wiatemadical stand point, | with Uses of pasha bility F 8nd otter branches | of Moathemetics Cuch as linear Algebra fant na (ysis - Course Out line Books : Se) — babilit Q: Introduction Lo the thee be J of statistics a Random Variables (acd Edition) 8) Alexander M: mood Discrete Dis ibutions Q: The €-Freuti Confinuons Disdvibutions Monreal shins Toind Distributions @ tatteduction to Mathematical * statistics (Uth Edition) Curve Fitting By Robert Vowayg & Allen. craig Multiple xeqression Q: shauws out lines Statishes (aed Edition) Sampling Testy Muctag & Spiegel QO) Introduction te stetistical ~ y Theory (tod-) PHof. she Muhanned chaudheg Da Shahid Kamel Scanned with CamScanner @ CHAPTER #1 (Probability) Experiment : fla experiment is any Process which jeneredes a set of data. The Yesults of the eaperiment axe Called the out Comes of the experiment . Example: Experiment out Come Tossing a Coin He Rolling a Six-sided die. 12,3456 There axe @ Tuto Types of Experiment, Des hettet t.- Experiment , ened a eee The. experiment fes which te oud mes Cannot be determined encept Had it is Known to be one foo set of Pessible aut Gomes, js Called Experiment. © teates eq: Tossinh a Coin Relling a Die xz — Simply in Random Experiment Uncertainity is involved. Scanned with CamScanner | SS) i is Said it be De termina istic. Experiment : An experiment for wich oul Gomes Can be dedevained « ef Te Beilin § freind of later Mote,» fa tet TyPe of enperiment able te Ceatrel Callipers , Screed guefe, Temperate ve is loo - we are ey Vernier of body check wit Thermometer. of Subsets of 1S (aniveral set) Field > A Class a field, denoted by F if: Fis non-empty sed. Fis clesed unde! Complemen tatio’, ve if AEF then Ave F F is closed under fai wise unions , ie if A, Ae F ten Ava éF. Fe {¢, 8] is a field. (Tout) fe fal subsets op SP is a Field. (dusctete) Fe 4,5, 0} fx pefes is a Field. Scanned with CamScanner the Value of Certain Variable. @ @) 7) Since. Qo [Consequences of dhe Definition: 7. ee S,oeF we Knew rem ef: thet fe - Aer {y a} | fo AuA‘e F fa ain} = (SEF fle Sef > Seek fy Wf 2 &éF There fore OS Fer lf Aer 12,3, mn, Then oy) Umer ow REF Since A, AL€F implies A,vheF fy Gi} = A,uhuheF O4 €F AA, —y AoE implies ot MM — Mek fay 8} ; 2 UM €F Uh fy 2) (da) E z (a eF fh ci} Scanned with CamScanner Denumer able: which have one- beene » Cottenpendent with the -~ Sc field A class . of Subseds of iS wis aid to be a .o-field and is denoted by U-. if it is a field and is Closed under denumerable, Unions el if Ape Wo, debts tet r atable: A set which Then. U ape is either finite 7 Denumerable. t Sonple’” spaces The Set of all Possible outcomes of a Random erperiment is Called a Sample space ond is densted ba SY. The elements #of § are Called Sample Points. Event ; The elements of U (s-field) ave V~ Called events and Ui itselt is Called the @-field of evends « dn Set termialyy , ang Subset of a Somp le Space is Called an event. Events of the fevm: Sa fs} is Called Simple, event , while an event Containing at least tire element (snl Point) is Called Compound event o¥ Comp asite evert. Scanned with CamScanner Infinife. Sample Space : Enxpesinend If a Gin is Flipped until a head oppeats fos the fits Hime, His Could happen on he first fly, He and fp, He adh php, He fourth flip, oo: and tere are infinitely mony Possibilities. je $= fA, TH, TTH, TTTM, TI TTH, ork Exhaustive Events: when, a Sample Spate is distributed ae down Jato Some. mutual exclusive events Such thot ther union fotms te . Sample Space itself, then Such events ate Called exhaustive events ramh shh qo anova ——™Y red with CamScanner S is Called the Sute event or Certain. event. event . Called the impessi ble ah is Note : If te Random experiment yesults et and owe A, we Sey Hat te eveot A occurs oF happens - if, one He Ay occuts. The UR occurs Aj occurs. The aj occurs if all if A, occurs but A fails AA, occurs fo OCCU. Mutually Exclusive Events : ER F are Said te be mutually Tuo Events exclusive if they Cannot occus at the Same time ie Ear e+ are Said Similarly the events Ep, f= 23-6 fo be mutually exclusive if Hey ened ie E;0G =P fox all j#y get Function : A function whose Domain is a Set. ie A function which has a Value af a Set of Points is Called functio °. set Simply a Set function, a “ Scanned with CamScanner | Definition of Probability : (Asiomadic) A Probability mee Pe (set) function Pi QR Such that : lees 1a non-negative re Pla)oo, Aeul pis normed ie P(s)= 1 eee eee te for every Collection of Paix nse disjoint evends (mutually exclusive) 4 pela Then we have PC SM) © 4 PCA) ast = axiomatic (Kolmegosy) definition of Probability The triple (6, WP) is Called as the Probability Space. Scanned with CamScanner

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