How Should I-WPS Office

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3. How should IMs be developed/designed?

I think Instructional materials should be developed/designed with the used of Kurt (2015) model which is the Assure, "
it is an instructional design model that has the goal of producing more effective teaching and learning" . “ASSURE” is an
acronym that stands for Analyze your learners characteristics , State your objectives, Select strategies, technology, media
and materials , Utilized technology, media and materials, Require learner participation, evaluate and revise.

So for first step is Analyze you learners characteristics, so as a teachers we should really analyze certain attributes or
characteristics of our students enable to choose a specific strategies and resources to aid the learning process. Indeed,
the analysis of your learners should include: The general attributes of your learners, such as age, academic abilities,
gender, interests, etc. Prior competencies and their Learning styles, such as auditory, visual, and tactile. Therefore,
everytime we teach something lets bear in mind to analyze our students characteristics first to ensure that students will
effectively learn the lesson. Let's take for instance, by providing a diagnostic test can actually help us teacher to
understand their learning competencies what are their strengths and weaknesses and by providing them short activity we
could get to understand what types of learners they are.

Second step is state your standards and objectives. Indeed, the objectives can be used in assessing the success of the
students, perhaps for the grading process. Also, we can use them to let the learners know what they will accomplish
through the class. Therefore, before we are going to start explain our topic is is vital to let our students understand what
they will going to keran for the lesson so let's them understand what is the objective of t. I lesson so that t hey will be
aware of what they are actually learning after the lesson.

So, "the mark of a good set of learning objectives is conformity to the ABCDs of well-statedlearning objectives" . They are
as follows:Audience – For whom is the objective intended? Behavior – What is the behavior or performance to be
demonstrated? Conditions – What are the conditions under which the behavior or performance will be observed? Degree
– To what degree will the knowledge or skill be mastered? Hence, we have to really consider th ese ABCD's in order to
ensure that the students are actually learning the lesson.
And for the third step is Select strategies, technology, media and materials. Here is we have to really know what delivery
method we will going to used in teaching our learners like me I prefer student centered approach because I believe
through tat way the learners can effectively learn. So once we already selected our delivery method its time to select
which technology, media or materials you will going to apply that will support your topic. Like for instance, during my
senior high school at MSU-TCTO our teacher in English used a printed storybooks to let us learn some literature stories.
And because of that the classroom became more interactive.

For the fourth step is Utilized the Technology, Media, and Materials. It is also vital that we have to used technology since
we are now living in a technological era in which students are more likely to learn using various technologies that have
right now, so usually powerpoint presentation is a common thing that we used in presenting our topic. Aside from that,
other media such as short video clips can actually helps students learn the lesson. Just in my personal experienced
because of the short film that we watched about Jose Rizal I was being able to remember it vividly and make me realize
how he struggled in the hands of Spaniards just to help is Filipinos. Thus, utilizing technology, materials, media were
positively contributed to an effective teaching and learning Outcome.

Fifth step is require learning participation, it is also important that we required our students to actively participate in our
discussions like by asking them to take note, ask questions that is related to the topic. By that way, students can be more
interested and become interactive. Like in my experience as a learner since I have always participated inside because our
teacher ask some questions it actually helps me remember it faster even though it taught a week ago. So I think as
teachers we have to really apply this step.

Lastly, let's Evaluate and Revise, this final step in the ASSURE process is just as vital as all of the others. In this step, you
evaluate the impact of your teaching on student learning. This includes an evaluation of your teaching strategies and the
technology, media, and materials that you used. Therefore, after a certain discussion we have bear in mind that there is
always a certain evaluation so that we can make sure that our students were actually learning the material that we
taught. Also, the sued of revision is very significant so that the next time we teach it we could make it perfectly.

In addition to that, there are also other instructional designed that we could apply and this is System Approach Model
by Tomlinson (2012) ; Dick and Carey ( 1990) and they suggest ten components of this model :

So these ten components of instructional materials by Tomlinson are very important when we are planning to design a
certain instructional materials so that we can ensure that our students are actually learning. Also, by applying this design
everytime we made instructional materials can be a ways to help us become an effective teacher. Therefore, to
design/develop an accurate teaching material, each component in the systems has to be considered so that our teaching
process will go smoothly and effectively.

Furthermore, when we plan to develop/design materials we have also ti consider to evaluate the teaching materials so
that we could be able to value the material that we are planning to used as an instructional materials just like for
instance, the textbook that we used should be carefully evaluated so that we can be able to ensure the effectiveness and
quality of the materials the we will used in teaching our students . Certainly, in many cases this is done
"impressionistically and consists of attempts to predict whether or not the materials will work, in the sense that the
learners will be able to use them without too much difficulty and will enjoy the experience of doing so" . As matter of fact,
Tomlinson (2001) highlight the ideas that for materials to be valuable, the learning points should be useful or meaningful
to the students and that the learning procedures must maximize the likelihood of the students actually learning what they
want and need to learn.

So it is not necessarily enough that the learners enjoy and value the materials. So, Tomlinson and Manuhara (2004) use
the term “materials evaluation” as the activity which will measures the value of a set of learning materials by making
critical judgment on the positive or negative effect of the materials on the people using them. It tries to measure, for
example: Is the materials appeals the to the learners, is the materials are validity/flexibility, when we say validity which
means the materials are clear and accurate? Is the materials ability to interest the learners? Like does it include some
interactive activities before or after the lesson? Or they have entertainment activities? Is the materials have a potential
learning value like what the value that students can get from learning a certain topic? Is the delivery & assessment of
materials can be possible or effective for teaching? Therefore these following questions should be considered when we
evaluate the materials so that we can measure its effectiveness and value.

So it is clear means that when evaluating a textbook we need to undergo to an assessment. So as a teacher when we try
to open a page in the textbook that we found at the library or somewhere else it is really vital to to decide whether we
must use the lesson on that page in our class or not . So let's see the content of the textbook If the

language is easier to fathom or maybe the book has included most esoteric words that students might not discern the
exact meaning of it, so that is some of the query that we have to consider when evaluating the materials. Second is let's
try to have keen observations on the content and sequencing of the textbook that we found like if it's appropriate to
used? Does it suit to the myriad learning styles of the students? So if the textbook does not contain ambiguous language,
and the content and sequencing of the content is good then as a teacher we might want to go ahead and use it in class. If,
however, there is something wrong with the textbook, the then we have the power to decide what we will go next.

Also, when evaluating the quality of a textbook’s exercises or activities, that four key questions should be answered
according to (Garnier, 2002): the first one is do the exercises and activities in textbook contribute to student’s language
acquisition? second, are the exercises balanced in their format, containing both controlled and free practice? Third are
the exercises progressive as the students move through the textbook? Lastly, are the exercises varied and challenging. So,
we have to bear in our mind to always ask these four key questions to ensure that the materials we used in teaching our
students are appropriate and effective.
In addition to that, when we want develop and design the instructional materials we have to consider adapting
Materials from myriad sources in order to make it more suitable to the learning styles of the students. Because according
to Edge (1993) he stated that materials exist in order to support learning/teaching, so they should be designed to suit the
people & the processes involved. Since most teachers are not creators of teaching materials but providers of good
materials. For that purpose, teachers may conduct materials adaptation in order that they can provide good materials for
their students.

Materials adaptation is a really hard and takes time to change existing materials so that they become more suitable for
specific learners, teachers or situations. In fact, to Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004) they suggest that the most effective
way of conducting a material adaptation is to have a large bank of categorized materials that you can readily retrieve for
adaptation. So, it is really important to have many resources so that we can select which materials is the best, however
we have to be very observant when selecting.we have to make sure that the materials are appropriate in the level of the
learner's competencies.

Another thing is, have colleagues with whom you can share resources and who are willing to go through the adaptation
process together; have colleagues who are happy to give you feedback on your adapted materials because that is very a
good way to make your adapting materials more useful and effective. Aside from that, to be in an environment in which
materials evaluation, adaptation and development are encourage and teacher’s time and efforts are acknowledged.
Lastly, revisit adapted materials and improve them and that is highly encouraged to revisit your materials in order to
improve it and make it more effective the next time we teach it to our students.

To sum it up, those instructional materials should be develop and designed through the used of ASSURE design and
Systematic Approach models by Tomlinson and with the used of the strategy of evaluating materials and adapting
materials can provide a positive effect on the effectiveness of the instructional materials that we develop and design.

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