F Computer Architecture and Organization CSE205 F1-2

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Term End Examination - November 2012

Course : CSE205 - Computer Architecture and Organization Slot: F1

Class NBR : 3125 / 3138 / 3129

Time : Three Hours Max.Marks:100

PART – A (8 X 5 = 40 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions

1. Assume that in a certain byte-addressed machine all instructions are 32 bits long.
Assume the following state affairs for the machine: Identify the addressing mode and
value of R0 after execution of the following instructions.

Address Value
PC 100
R0 200
R1 300
100 200
104 300
108 400
200 500
300 600
500 700
a) load R0, #200
b) load R0, 200
c) load R0, (200)
d) load R0, R1
e) load R0, 200[PC]

2. If the last operation performed on a computer with a 8 bit word was an addition in
which two operands were 00000010 and 00000011, what would be the value of the
following flags?
a) Carry
b) Zero

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c) Overflow
d) Sign
e) Even parity
f) Half carry

3. Find the square root of 39, using square root algorithm.

4. What are the differences among sequential access, direct access and random access?

5. For the 8- bit word 00111001, the check bit stored with it would be 0111. Suppose
when the word is read from memory, the check bits are calculated to be 1101. What is
the data word that was read from memory?

6. What is DMA Access and Illustrate and explain the DMA controller?

7. What is bus arbitration? Explain the two types of bus arbitration.

8. List the types of external memory. Write a short note on floppy disk.

PART – B (6 X 10 = 60 Marks)
Answer any SIX Questions

9. Compute the memory traffic, total memory for encoding and storing code that
implements the expression evaluation for the following code. Assume that opcode
occupy one byte, address occupy three bytes, data values also occupy three bytes and
three bytes word length for 0,1,2,3 address machines.

10. a) Write an Assembly language program for the expression A= (X-Y)/D using IAS [5]
computer Instruction set and interpret to the flow of IAS computer.
b) Explain the mechanism and the steps being followed to execute a subroutine call. [5]
Why stack is found useful in handling subroutine call?

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11. Draw the hardware design and flow chart for signed-magnitude addition and
subtraction. Briefly explain.

12. Draw the flow chart of the floating point multiplication and explain the algorithm.

13. Design a 128 × 16 bit RAM using 128 × 4 bit RAM and explain the concept with the
help of the memory map.

14. The following sequence of virtual page numbers is encountered in the course of
execution on a computer with virtual memory:
Calculate the hit ratio considering FIFO replacement policy with two different memory
capacities adopted.
a) Three pages in main memory are resident in main memory after each page
b) Four pages in main memory are resident in main memory after each page reference.

15. a) What would be the problems in serial communication using strobe pulses? How [4]
can they be solved by Handshaking?
b) With a neat timing and block diagrams explain source initiated and destination [6]
initiated asynchronous transfer with Handshaking.

16. List out the advantages and disadvantages of each level of RAID Architecture.


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