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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address:

Name: ______________________________________ Grade/Section__________

School: _____________________________________ Date: __________________



I. Introduction

Learning Activity Sheet 1 taught us about the characteristics,

strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of research. For this session, we will
learn the importance of quantitative research across fields.

As you go over this learning sheet, you will realize that research is
everywhere. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we
close it as we sleep at the end of our day, products of research are spread
all around us, making our life more meaningful, easier, and more

Take this very moment as an example. Look around you. What do you
think are the things that were produced because of research? What kind
of life do you think you will be having if these things are not made? With
this reality, I hope that you will understand more why a senior high school
student like you should study research. It is also expected that as you
finish this session, you will develop a better appreciation of the existence
of research in our daily lives.

Just like the first learning activity sheet, I hope that this will open
more doors for you as you appreciate, learn, and embrace research.
II. Learning Competency

Demonstrate understanding of the importance of quantitative

research across fields.

III. Objectives:
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:

1. identify the importance of quantitative research across fields;

2. construct own research topics related to various fields;
3. appreciate quantitative research through a reflection guide.

IV. Discussion

Importance of Quantitative Research

What can we do without research? This is a question we need to keep

asking ourselves for us to realize the great importance of research in our lives.
All progress we have achieved as people in the last hundreds of years or so, we
owe to research. It has made our lives easier and more meaningful. This topic
may seem difficult at first, but when we try to read each importance, we will
realize all of this are just around us. The gadgets we use, the medicine we take,
all of these are brought into existence because of research. Ramos (2019) cited
some of the values of research to people to wit:

✓ Research improves quality of life.

True enough, research has led us in our search for ways to
improve our life. For example, before we start any business, we need to
conduct research for us to know the marketability of the product/service
we are going to sell or offer. We also must consider other things such as
the expenses, the location in which we are putting our business, and
other things that will eventually lead to our return of investment (ROI).
The author cited Mang Inasal as an example. He said that the owner of
Mang Inasal conducted a preliminary experimental research on inasal
chicken and pork before starting the business. It started small scale in
Iloilo City but has now become big and famous, with many branches
throughout the country. Because of research, Mang Inasal now is one of
the businesses in the country with billions of profits.
✓ Research improves instruction and students’ achievements.
With the curriculum of education courses leaning towards the
improvement of instruction through research, graduating education
students already have the mindset that research is really an essential
tool in ensuring the constant improvement of the quality of education.
There is also an increase of teachers who have entered the world of
research to improve the teaching-learning process in the classroom.
With the senior high school curriculum already introducing basics of
research to the students, it is certain that we will see more of this
progress in the coming years. As a former research teacher myself, I
have heard feedback from my students (second year college students
now) how easy it is for them to participate in research-based classes as
compared to their seniors with no senior high school background. This
is just a proof that with just proper guidance and excellent instruction
from our teachers, the additional two years in basic education is not just
a waste of time but an investment for students’ future achievements.

✓ Research reduces the burden of work.

Every move we make, we need the help of technology around us.
This tools, appliances and gadgets that make our life easier every single
day are all products of research. Have you experienced listening to a
seasoned teacher sharing his/her stories on how they live when they
were still young? Although you use it sometimes to trick your teachers
not to discuss your lesson, teachers are smart enough to share you
their experiences which will still teach you a lesson or two. As humans
become better in research, these technological advancements also
progress. Starting at your homes, these products of research are
everywhere - air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions, rice cookers,
oven toasters. As you go out, you need vehicles to make your travel time
faster and more convenient. When you go to your schools, these gadgets
are used to give better instruction to you.

✓ Research satisfies man’s needs.

Today, we can do so many things with just a snap of a finger. Back
when these gadgets are still in the mind of our genius researchers,
everything must be done manually. There were no appliances and tools
that can make their lives easier and more convenient. They must travel
by foot even if it means they must walk for miles for days or even weeks.
But thanks to these clever products of research, our way of living has
improved so much. And we will see more of these improvements as
various research studies are still being conducted up to this day.

✓ Research trains graduates to respond to the socioeconomic

development of the society and to compete globally.
According to the author, teachers should adopt innovative teaching
techniques using modern technology to produce graduates who can
respond to the socioeconomic needs of the country and are equipped
with skills and competencies necessary for global competitiveness.

Importance of Quantitative Research across Various Fields (Guanzon, 2019)



✓ Research focuses on designing new product to sell or service to offer.

✓ It ensures the demand towards the product or service.
✓ Research can also be used to guarantee sufficient distribution of
✓ It can also help businessmen to assess the proper timing of everything,
from opening a business or even another branch.
✓ Research may also come handy with small businesses as they can
decide whether to improve or change a certain strategy.
✓ Research also helps business owners to identify their customers’
preferences, the location where the business will be placed, and analyze
what the competitors are doing.
✓ In conclusion, it is safe to say that research is important for any
organization to remain in the market.


✓ Anthropology is a research method of combining qualitative and

quantitative research data. It is concerned with exploring connections
simultaneously, amidst cultural differences, alternatives, and identity. In
the contemporary academic, socio-cultural, and political climate, these
concepts have immense symbolic overtones (Verma, 2015).


✓ As stated by Allen, Titsworth, and Hunt (2009), common questions of

researchers in terms of communication are “What effect do punitive
behavioral control statements have on a classroom? What
communicative behaviors are associated with different stages in romantic
relationships? What communicative behaviors are used to respond to co-
workers displaying emotional stress?
✓ These are just examples that show how researchers are interested in how
an understanding of a communication phenomenon might generalize to a
larger population.


✓ Can sports be used as an alternative way to treat illness?


✓ Quantitative research in medical education seems to be more

observational research based on surveys or correlational studies.
✓ Cause and effect generalizations are also inferred.


✓ Quasi-experimental research is often used in education.

✓ Researchers apply a certain technique to improve a skill or learning
ability of their students.


✓ Mertens (2005) says that the dominant paradigms that guided early
psychological research were positivism and its successor, post
✓ The underlying assumptions of positivism include the belief that the
social world can be studied in the same way as the natural world, that
there is a method for studying the social world that is value-free, and
that explanations of a causal nature can be provided.



✓ Science: Researchers conduct scientific studies to obtain significant

information about diseases trends and risk factors, results of various
health interventions, patterns of care and health care cost and use.
✓ Technology: Researchers do their best to develop new gadgets, tools, or
instruments to make the life of man easier and more convenient.
✓ Engineering: Provides design with consideration of convenience and
✓ Mathematics: Develops formula to answer questions around us and keep
these formulae updated, revised, or changed if needed.

V. Activities
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly. Your output will be
evaluated using the 5-point rubric below.

1. How important is quantitative research across fields? Choose at least

five (5) and provide at least 3 important points for each.
2. What kind of society do you think we will be having if research did
not exist? Draw a diagram to illustrate your thoughts and briefly
explain your drawing.


5-point Rubric
Level Description Value
Outstanding Well written and very organized. 5
Excellent grammar mechanics.
Clear and concise statements.
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Good Writes fairly clear. 4
Good grammar mechanics.
Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Fair Minimal effort. 3
Minimal grammar mechanics.
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details.
Poor Somewhat unclear. 2
Shows little effort.
Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very Poor Lacking effort. 1
Very poor grammar mechanics.
Very unclear.
Does not address topic.
B. IDENTIFICATION. Write the area of interest/field being described in the
following statements.
1. Obtain significant information about diseases trends and risk
factors, results of various health interventions, patterns of care
and health care cost and use.
2. Develop new gadgets, tools, or instruments to make the life of man
easier and more convenient.
3. Provides design with consideration of convenience and efficiency.
4. Develops formula to answer questions around us and keep these
formulae updated, revised, or changed if needed.
5. Improve a skill or learning ability of their students.
6. Explore connections simultaneously, amidst cultural differences,
alternatives, and identity.
7. Focuses on designing new product to sell or service to offer.
8. Ensures the demand towards the product or service.
9. Interested in how an understanding of this type of phenomenon
might generalize to a larger population.
10. Helps business owners to identify their customers’ preferences,
the location where the business will be placed, and analyze what
the competitors are doing.

C. SEARCH FOR IT. Search three (3) research titles and the corresponding
author in each of the area of interest written below.

Area of Interest Research Title Author/s


Social Sciences



Home Economics



D. APPLY AND CONQUER. Think of your own research questions for each
area of interest (3 each).

Area of Interest Research Title Author/s


Social Sciences



Home Economics



E. FOCUS ON YOUR OWN. Depending on your strand, write a topic you

might be interested in using as your research study for this subject. After
this, write at least three (3) questions you want to be answered in
relation to the topic you have chosen.
F. PEER CHECK. Using chosen channel, choose a partner and show each
other’s work in Activity E. Take note of all your comments and write it in
the space provided.

VI. Assessment
Multiple Choice. Directions: Identify which area of interest the following
research questions belong. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What communicative behaviors are associated with different stages in

romantic relationships?
A. Accountancy, Business and Management
B. Communication
C. Anthropology
D. Sports Medicine

2. What effect do punitive behavioral control statements have on a classroom?

A. Accountancy, Business and Management
B. Communication
C. Anthropology
D. Sports Medicine
3. What is the level of marketability of handmade keychains when sold to
foreign tourists?
A. Accountancy, Business and Management
B. Communication
C. Anthropology
D. Sports Medicine

4. Can triathlon reduce the chance of being diagnosed with cancer?

A. Accountancy, Business and Management
B. Communication
C. Anthropology
D. Sports Medicine

5. What are the causes of racism?

A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology

6. Is stem cell research the hope for COVID 19 cure?

A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology

7. What are the effects of brainstorming technique to the writing skills of grade
4 students?
A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology

8. What are the factors that may affect teachers’ mental health?
A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology
9. What are the effects of DNA switch for whole body regeneration?
A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology

10. What are the best practices of research teachers in teaching research?
A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
B. Psychology
C. Education
D. Anthropology

VII. Reflection

A. Write 3 things that you have learned from this Learning Activity Sheet, 2
things which need further explanation, and 1 word to represent today’s
learning session. Explain each of your answers.

3 things you have learned

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________

2 things which need further explanation

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
1 word to represent today’s learning session

1. _____________________________________________________________________

B. Consolidate all your answers and draw a diagram illustrating your

experience for this session.


Head Teacher I, Poonbato Integrated School
Botolan District Research Coordinator


Education Program Supervisor, Mathematics
Schools Division of Zambales

Bueno, D. (2016). Practical qualitative research writing. Quezon City: Great

Books Trading

Bueno, D. (2016). Practical quantitative research writing (for senior high

school). Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Chetty, P. (2016). Limitations and weakness of quantitative research methods.

Project Guru. Retrieved at

Cristobal, A. & Dela Cruz – Cristobal, M. (2017). Practical research for senior
high school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

DeFranzo, S. (2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative

research? Retrieved at

Jauod-Guanzon, L. (2019). Lesson 2: Importance of quantitative research

across various fields. Retrieved at

Ramos, M.Z. (2019). Lesson 2- The importance of Quantitative Research across

fields-2.pdf. Retrieved at

Verma, M. (2015). Anthropology is a qualitative and quantitative research

Method. Data Science Central. Retrieved at

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