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(n> Country Bankers INsuRANCE CORPORATION courte Saners Cnr, 6M, aa Avene, Ems Mant ol Noe 520621193, S185 1989 + Fae 20422 °F Be 280 Manta Wet: + tmat giccutobanerscom "AT eg, TR oD 840673.00| abisea ance 960, BOND APPLICATION ‘The undersigned hereby applies for a____surety ond in the amount of? 301,611.63, in favor of. PHIL-NIPPON KyOEI CORPORATION (indicate details of undertaking, or attach copy of contract and/or corresponding document or documents or which bond are required) For your consideration, am stating below the following information: 1. Name ELOISA E, CORNEL Nationality S1PINO Status SINGLE Resident Address, 21 Corie Townhomes, Pasacola St, Queron City _Tel. No. 9176363047 —_ 3. fice Adress Uamosa Compound, Bahay Pare Road, Meycavavan Oty, uacan Tel. No. (0217213 4633 4, Provincial Address Wa 5. Profesion /Ocupation ENGAGED IN BUSINESS 6. How longhave you been engaged a such? 2.yars 7. Whats your monthly story orincome? wy 8, Ifyou are engaged in busines, please describe its nature and state the Income monthy or annually that you ve from this source ELECTRICAL SERVICES: 200,000 MONTHLY 9, Doyou have savings or checking account? Ifo, with that bank and what i the present balance? -BPLEAMILY SAVINGS BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT: PRESENT BALANCE 150,000.09 10.1f you own cea estate properties, please give the following particulars: (Land-state if tled or unregistered, ‘whether residential, commercial or agricultural and also area thereof, building, state numberof storeys, nature of occupancy (residential, commercial, et.) and type of construction (concrete, timber, ght materials, ete} DESCRIPTION tocaTion ASSESSED VALUE MARKET VALUE 2. NONE b 4 (Submit copies of TCT and Tax Declaration) 21. fany ofthe above mentioned properties is/are presently mortgaged, please state name of mortgagee, amount ‘ofthe original loan, present balance and when due. N/A 12. Do you carry insurance on any of these properties? [1] Ifo with what company and for what amount ? gi la en Dy 13. Do you own stocks of companies listed inthe Phil pine Stock Exchange? [Ho] so, state name of issuing ‘Company, kind and number of shares owned and currency vale, iii TE 14. f you carry ire insurance, state how much: ia what company, the beneficiary, how long has the policy been in force, and appronimate value thereof? WA 15. Are you Indebted to anyone for sums of money? [RE] s0, state name of creer, how much, on what account, and when due? N/A 16, State whether you are an endorser or surety for anyone and to what extent (Ra I 117. Have you ever had a bond cancelled or an application declined by any surety company ? [ie] so, when and why 7A 18. 1f you have ever before given bond state particulars: Nome ofSutety Type ofBond Amount Obligee Date of Terminated ‘The above and foregoing statements and requirements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and ate made for the purpose of including COUNTRY BANKERS INSURANCE CORPORATION to issue 3 bond of my behal Dated at MEYCAUAYANCHTY this 6TH _dayof_apay 20.21 Submitting Agent CANo, ‘Community Tx Cert. No, Issued at Issued on TAN, 445-514-790-090 CO-SIGNERS STATEMENTS To THE COUNTRY BANKERS INSURANCE CORPORATION Mania hippies ate 6.2024 am agseeabie to sgn with the appa, 101s, come overng the Bond applies {or by him rom your Company nthe amount of r__1,30,61163 in favor of __PHL-NPPON KYOX CORPORATION am wae ofthe esponsbity of which wil sume nsigningwith______—ELOSAF,CoRNEL st amalso are that you wi rely on the truth f the fllowing statements inthe conslderation threo "author you to ota such information as you may require concerning the statements made hereunder and ace that this document shall remain you property whether not he bond is rome (1th folowing questions must ely answered itnane, sate “None") (Pete ptr yee) oma ed, on snes Ades moe Congo, aby Fae Roa, Meyasnan Oty, aan Yoho nya 459 dene 406 QUE AIAG St GY, UGONG, VAENZLACITY et No gama rou Ades A ‘stn, Wages pr yar CORNET SERVES °. “opnace Income mbes, moan pervs Marine _mariadto LUCENA MERA Ung with sbnd or ie, amber of dependents 2 tamer ee seta erplyeslee sate: Antunes fret ate: Feo ade ame fe Name of employer EE COREL LCTMCALSEIVEES addres a ies een Cy, 1 no A nd one om ee, Number of earth empoyer 230 Conta nese * ‘nt bros tenor SLETRO-MECHAMCA SERVES Sete omnet sre, rea cid by omar ENGICTRNG HAD Tete, nae, Iredowsemolyet WA tree eta Do csr ep feat eat met scQUBKD ——AOGATON AND IMPROVEMAENT —MARAET. ASSESSED EMCUMINCE Oe /iO1) VARNCUGAGTY 206M _sCSOONTAL eon50 400400000, None wa rare 0) WE os oSine wi sate whether at ee been borrower Fema {afm tech fh answers hen the forego questions ee NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT XEROX COPY OF LATEST COME TAKETURN AND ROE OF REAL ESTATEEROPERTHS TCD CO-SIGNERS STATEMENTS To THE COUNIRY BANKERS INSURANCE CORPORATION Monte Phipones ote Ane 62021 am agreeable to sign wih the appcant, Lotsa cone ‘covering the bond appled for by him fom your Company inthe amount of ?__1301.61.63 in favor of__PHIL-NIPPON KYO CORPORATION 1am aware f the esponblty of which wil assume in sgning with, ELOISAF. COANEL am ao ware that you wil relyon the tt ofthe fllouing statements athe consideration there { authorte you to obtaln such information as you may reque concerning the statements made hereunder and aoe that this document shal mai you property whether o¢ nat the bond i granted. (A the folowing uestions must be uy answered if pone state "None") (ese etre nae) oma weds. on anes Adesso Compound, aby Pave ow Meyaunan cyte et no fozanagmy Pron Abbe A EE Sate, Wate per yor ORME CTE SERVES v. oomn00 Income mbes, te MA ‘amet pe ye sy Maried/Snle tito ANNE UA ing with bend or wie, Number ct dependents, to rons soot sawn nto cut PUM 5 OSA SUSAN NOVALCHES CEMENTAN "HAEUIELOVEE, PUR 2 wa. ZAVEON PUM 3 wa emoloed less ste He buses ors plese ate fen ortade neve af Maret mpoyer £5 CORN. LECTAL ss sare. a aes Mop usm Te No RTA kno ses, ow ore, umber of yearn emplover 2s att invested p id of ones employer LECTRO MECHA SERVERS Sede nner peroer Putten ace emer SALES AND OPERATION HAD Tad etree, aires ame ana if sipeor LOSE COMM aires, Predousempane NLA pares woe, an counts Where Kept ‘Sng, TRY SS AE el sat owned ont amAor enDa vauE ano vaiu ‘AcqumD LOCATION LAND IMPROVEMENT MARKET” ASSESSED EACUMMBRANCE, ELD BY 2a/yPO1 MOSEANCTY 450M RESDENTAL 450900000 10900000 ves racine Ticino on A ‘amour F ‘ogni sate whe appeant read thin ade hahaa ROWER ote wastatehow ong as now appa 2 YE (ot wise wheter he as ver Been borrower 2 mak on pean nt at ry bank or aan wh ther ample ‘ati ck Country Bankers INsurANCe CORPORATION curry nts corr, 48 TM ale, ita Mand Toe sat OF toh Se InN wear Se 412 “PO en 1250, Man "Web: orn couybanit com mat: chahowtnanir en blade 1968, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT —ptease refer (BIC Bond No. NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: ‘AMOUNT OF THE BOND: ~ The wndesgned, jointly and several, hereby app to COUNTRY BANKERS INSURANCE CORPORATION 9 xrporation duly oranzed and esting unde the laws ofthe Philippines, with its head ofc at Man, Philooines, and authorized to engage in the sureoysip busines erenafter to be known atthe COMPANY to become surety, for our accommodation, upon Bond in the amount of ‘ONE MILLION THREE HUNORED ONE THOUSAND Sk HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 64/100 PESOS 4,301611.53) Filippi Cureny in ave of, iL NIPPON KYOELCORPORATION Tora period being eR 701 othe same i cancelled,» dupleate of which Bond & wacked hereto and made part Tere and of any renewal, onenson or abstain thereof ‘Aste consideration forthe surtysip herein applied fr, an the responsibilty undertaken by the COMPANY fr te agi Bond ad for any renewal extensions, alterations and cbstutionthertct, the undersigned, jiny and several, bind themacves in favor of the sald COMPANY, nthe following terms: PREMIUM: ~ To pay tothe COMPANY the sum of INE THOUSANO SO HUNDRED AND 6/100 (» _,600.6 jn advance as premium thereon fr each pod ‘or racional pan therot {oe computed rom ths dat, sid amount tobe payable ono the. Gay of every sac porid oxtactnal par thereat, ‘nt ai Bon, or any renewal extension alteration or subston thereat, be canceled Ww Tallby the person entity in hese over it wos mode, by a court competent ursdcvon. INDEMNITY: ~ To indemnity and make good to the COMPANY Joly and several, any damages, prelude, os, cost, payments ‘ovonces and expenses of whatever kind and nature, including attorney's fees and legal ests, whe the COMPANY may at anytime sustain oF incur, as well as to reimburse to said COMPANY al sums and amounts of money which the COMPANY or is representatives shal or may pay oF ‘aust to be pa or become lable to pay, on account of o ring rom the execution of the above-mentioned Band or any extension, renewal aeration, or substitution thereof made atthe instance ofthe undersigned or anyone of them. [MATURITY OF OUR OBLIGATION AS CONTRACTED HEREWITH: ~ The ead indemnites wil be pad by the undersigned jointly and severally, to the COMPANY as soon as demand is receved fom the Creditor, ras 30002 Rs Becomes het make payment of any sum under the terms ofthe above-mentioned Bond, ts renews, extensions or substitutions regardless of whether the sad sum o sums or prt there have tbsen actualy paid or not. ‘We authorized the COMPANY, to acept in any case ad its env eicretion fom anyone of us payments on account ofthe pening ‘blgations, and to grant extensions to anyone of us te lauldate sald algatons, without necesiy of previous knowledge or consent fom the ter undersigned, PAYMENT OF INTEREST: ~The undersigned shall furthermore Jointly and severly, pay iterest on any amount pd by the COMPARY st the ate of twelve (12%) percent per annum. Which intrest f nt paid when due, shal be auidated monthy and added to the apt to ear the same rat of interest as above provided: this without peudie tothe Companys ight a demand judy oc extra judicial the ul payment of NCONTESTABIUTY OF PAYMENT MADE BY THE COMPANY: ~ Any payment or disbursement made by the COMPANY on account of the above mentioned Bond, Is renewal, extensions or sbsttution ether nthe bel hat the Company was obligated to make such payment or in the bole that sad payment was necessary or expedient in oder to aol greater losses or obligation for which the Company might be hale by ‘tue ofthe terms of the above-mentioned Bond, ks renewals, extensors, alterations or svbttutions, sal be fal and shal not be disputed By the undersigned, who hereby joiy and severally bind themselves to indemnity the COMPAR of any and all sich payments, a5 stated in the preceding davies, In ease the company shall have pid, settled or compromised any Habit, loss, costs, damages attorney's fes, expenses, chims ‘demands, sults o judgements a5 above stated, arsing out of ori conection with said bond an itemized statement theo, signed by an officer ofthe COMPANY and athe evidence to show aid payment, setiement or conpromse, shal be pia face evidence of sad payment, setiement or compromise, as well asthe abt ofthe undersigned i any and al ste and cams against the Undeigned aring ut sod bond or this bond appheation, WAVER OF VENUE OF ACTION: - We hereby agre tht any question which may arse between the COMPARY and the undersigned by reason of ths document and which has to be submited fr decson tothe Courts of hte, shal be brought before any Court of competent Jurisdiction within Metro Manat he election of the COMPANY waiving or ths purpose anyother prope ver WAIVER: ~ The terms of ts document shall be Interpreted liberal In such 3 way thatthe Lablty ofthe COMPANY shall be fly protected and covered To ths end, the undersigned hereby inviasaly and collet wane in vance athe hts prvieges and Benefits that "they have or may have under Arties 2077, 2078, 2079, 2080 and 208 othe cv Code Each and everyone of he undersigned jy and Severay by ti isrument grant 3 special power of attorney n favor of allo any of the other undersigned jon severally, that anyone o some of theunde-sgned may reeesen athe Other rancacton lated to this Bond its ‘renewals, extensions, or any other agreement in conection with ths Courter Guaranty, without the necessity of the knowledge or consent of he ‘other undesied who hereby expresty agree to accept as vad each and every act done or executed by any of the attorney fot by tue, ofthese specal power of attorney hereln provided. CANCELLATION OF BOND BY THE COMPANT: ~ The company may at any tine cancel the above-mentioned Bond, is renewals, ‘extensions, or subststions subject oa lbity which might have acre prot tothe date of cancelation, refund the proportionate smut ‘ofthe premium unearned the date of canelton RENEWALS, ALTERATIONS AND SUBSTITUTION: ~The undersed hereby empower and authorie the Company to change the prince sends, to execte of consent tothe execution of any extensions, continuation, Increase, modtfeaton, change, aeration and or renewal of ‘he ergnal bond herein ceferred to, and to execute or consent tothe execition of any substitution for said ton with the same or ferent nos and partes, i being understood that sid change, extersion, continuation, inreate, modifi, eration or renewal may be aflected even without the corsent ofthe undersigned who shal be understood as having piven, by these presents the consent in savanc,indualy ‘and colectvey, to the same, being understood further that the undersigned hereby hold themselves jointly and severly able othe COMPANY for the orginal bond herein above-mentioned or for any extension, continuation, crease, modification, change, aeration, renewal, of sabittution thereof, unt the fl amount incuding pica, ees, remus, costs, attorneys fees and ater expenses dc to the company thereunder fly ald we. “he undersigned hereby aso empower and authore the COMPANY to atach hereto copy ot copies of sald bond til the blank spaces, ‘that might have been Fetn blank and to corect the mistakes that might have been comrted in ling these lank space onthe description of ‘284 bond or reardng the amount of premium on regarding any other mater, beng understood that sd coby or copies ths attached and sad Insertions or corectonif made, sallbe deemed ra Face caret, OTHER CONOTIONS:~ That nothing inthis document shall be construed or interpreted asa waiver or dmintion of any ight and remedy thatthe COMPANY has or might have against the undersigned as 3 consequence of rarang fom the execution ofthe bord here sled or of ‘this bond appiation ‘The undersigned hereby jolnty and collectively waWve any and al notices of whatsoever hind as regards any Violation of he Bond o regards any act or fut that might gv ise to any calm under the terms of he bond herein applied for, In event default ofthe principal or princpate upon the bond shall ot be necessary for the COMPANY fst to bring suits against the ‘Principal or principals nor to exhaust the property of sald principal or principals, the labity of the undersigned hereunder being hereby Understood a5 jt and several, primary one together wth sid princi, ad shal be enforceable immudaty upon deft aga a the undersigned oily and severly The COMPANY may, a ts option, require the undersigned to put up quarantes or collateral sects or adiona euaratis and/or ‘tonal colateral securities, andthe undersigned hereby agrees joity and several to comply with sid demand: and should the undesired {ato put up or ursh such guaranties or collateral secuties or addRonal secures and/or additonal eltral secures, the COMPANY, Moy hewise atts opton, bring suk agaist the undersigned forthe whole ably, incurred by witue of the bond or bonds thet may have bee Lnderwritan by vieue hereof whether such lat has been de of no COLLATERAL SECURITY: ~ That the undersgned —_____nave, dered to the COMPANY, a colatralsecrty by way of pledge, forte laters protecion ond guarantee the payment of any Tabhiy or obligation tht has or might have in consequence of having extcuted the bond herein soiited, and do hereby authorte the COMPANY to retain ats dstretion Calateral security unis abit, In consequence ofthe execution of sid bond, hal have ben cormletely discharged aid COMPANY rey ‘empowered tos said calateral secant ether at private or pubis, without any neces of matics to the undersigned and als to Duy aid secu by Rif i the event the COMPANY has paid or has to pay any amount of money or has contracted any obligation to pay any amauta "money in connection with the execution of said bond, andthe blonce rom the procseds ofthe sale, Hany, shal be delivered to the persons authored to receive the same after deducing al legal expenses and costs relative with the sae, as wl asthe premium due onthe Bon, IT ‘BEING UNDERSTOOO, furthermore, than incase sa colateral scanty shoud nthe opision ofthe COMPANY, dns value by the twenty (20%) percent, then the undersigned shal, upon demand of the COMPANY, put up or furs addtional secures tothe satfecton of the COMPANY, andin cae of default onthe part ofthe undersigned, the COMPANY is hereby empowered, tose nthe manner herein above powied whatever secures it may havent possesion. ATTORNEY'S FEES:~ nthe event a case instute forthe recovery of any amount under this bond applation and/or under such bond 3 the COMPANY may execute pursuant tothe tems hereof or under any extension, renewal, alteration substan of sad bond the undersigned hereby agree and obligate themselves joni nd severly to pay unt the COMPANY, a5 a for attorney's fees, sum eau twenty (20%) percent ofthe amount came by the COMPANY in sich action, the sme to be due and povble respective of whether the ove ‘sete ud rent judicly being understood, however that sai attorneys ees hall n no case be ss than 00000. [NOMIFCATION: ~The undersigned hereby acept due notes tot the COMPANY hs accepted the Bond undertaking in consideration of this indemnity Agreement execvted by the undersigned in avr ofthe COMPANY IN WITNESS WMHEREOF, these presents are signed at the Cy of Man, Philpsnes on ths ay of Strate: Name 8 Adress Senatre Siroture pag pac reece Name naires a Spat Sienature Mieke Se Wee ae Sioned in the Presence of: REPUBUC OF THE PHILPPINES) Iss. Inthe ary of Ptipine this ayo 20. ewsonaty appeared before Te Name CTC No. & Vat Gow-ssue 0 No, awed at ate to me known to be the same persons who sgned and executed the foregoing instrument and knowedged before me that same io her own voluary ac an deed IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thave hereunto set my hand and afxed my Nota Sea a the place and onthe date above witen. NoraRY PuBUC Doc Mo, My commision exten a December 31,20 (meaner Tae PrRNO, series of ised on DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ‘Land Registration Authority ‘QUEZON city Registry of Deeds for Caloocan City Transter Certificate of Title ee wo.007-2014004203 15 MEREBY CERTIFIED that certain land situated in | hounded and HAND (Lor 27, Buocy”\30 oF Tr” cons” sunb. PLAN, 0, BERNE EORGTON De THE COs. OF wor S79. TAL 7, PCS~13-002829,y-LRC REC. MO. 5657, SITUATED IN THE OF RAGUMRONG, CITY OF “CALOOCAN, METRO MANILA, ISLAND OF eied in accordance with the provision of the Property ee in the name of DARLENE F. PURA MARRIED TO-GAUSON Oc “PORK; OTH OF Lean: AGE, FILIPENOS,~ { Address:No.” LAP LAP" St., DORA ROSARIO, NOVA PROPER, QUEZON { ih fee simple, subject to such of the encumbranaes 44 of said Decree as may be subsisting. chat said Jand was riginally registered a2 Cae no Orig. Rag. Dave ue Ortainal RO : PRCVINCE oF RIEKL Galtma not Ace Original Oreaz: tt = cortit. sfer from TRANSFER CERTIFICATE (OF TITLE tsberti (torn of Uictod ere! dnt SOtar as” he above-described 1 concerned. Entered at Caloocan City, . Philippines the 26th day of AUGUST 2014 at 04:02pm. 1C OF THE Puinntppy HIMENTOF tite hence wont af tet Maes seme anne crank Yate? SNIOD NO NID NO 9NIOS NO NID NO aalndWwoo gaiz1dWwoo aaiz1awoo aaimawoo aaLadWwoo aaLndWoo aaindWwoo aain1awoo aaiz14Wo> aai714woo aandWwoo g3131dWOD aa3z14WoD aa3z1dWo> aaiz14Wo> aalz14Wo aalsdWoo ga3z14Woo aalatdWoo aaizidWoo aalz14Wod aaL3dWoo g3131¢WOD g31a1éWoo aa1314Wo2 a31314WOo aais4woo aaisiawoo snuvas Nvoving ‘WE2u Nev HANOHS waIDv19 NYeXV vovivo ‘oWa oinova ‘vonia LWIWIN 40 ALISHBAIND ozoz NYviva ouigs Nyovina ‘soy, aNd ules VIBVIZONVD ‘INIddlIHd 1hvd WaLad NOLLWYOUOD 13315 HS NOLLWYOdHOD 13415 »¥S NOLY¥OdNOD 1341s ¥¥S VINVIZGNVD “ANIddlTId hyd ¥3L3d Inova SAL VINVIZQNVO ‘BNIddlIHd 1d W3L3d NvOViNa ‘OWGAH TH HiW3MNOWWO9 0253109 ¥3A3 NOLLY¥OdNOD HIBLOUALS VAIO “WLS VIWVIZONVD ‘INIddhIHd 1hvd YaL3d Nvovina ‘OWGAH TIHd OWO 30 NYAVOVD ‘ISLOIN. NvINd ¥aIDvI9 N3W39 319¥3 ‘SNIddIIHd 9INDAL WSNVHLIN1 NvOVING ‘OUGAH Td NYOVING ‘OUGAH THE vovwwo ‘owa Noww201 YOLVYIN3O VAINS'T 4O JDNVNALNIVN AALLN3AIYd AAD ONW YIWYOISNVUL IALLIOVEYD 4O NOLLYTIVISNI ZHd 8 THd HLNOHS® LV 3ONVNGLNIVIN 3ALLNBARUd NV@XVIW LV 13SN39 8 JO JONVNINIVW 3ALLNA3Ud INIGUNL YOLVYINID 4O ONINOLLIGNOI3Y VONIG ‘ZLLIOBV NS LV SANIBNL YOLVYINID 4O ONUSIL SLW OL ONITINd T19¥D 3HL YOd 3SLLYIdXG TOINHIAL B YORVT JO ATddNS UITIOWLNOD 1130 3AM 4O TIVISNI GNY Alddns SONVNALNIYN AALLNSAgYE UALV3H 110 Y3XNNB 4O ONINOLLIGNOI3Y INYOISNVUL VAN $'Z SLINN Z 40 NOLLWOISISV93G D1IGS-¥3183ANI JO NOLLVTIVISNI GNY ONUOOHS3TENOUL UAIWHOISNVUL G3LNNOW Qvd 8 4O JONVNSLNIVN 3ALNIARUd YOLOW ONIWAMS MASZ JO ONINIMZY YOLOW MSL 40 ONIGNIM3E YOLOW M005 40 SNINOLLIGNOI3E SLBYDWUA ONY SAVUL 31BVD 4O ATdaNs B 3LNOW-3H 413SN39 JO SINd HO STWIUALVN GNY Yoav] JO ATadNs ‘98e3]0A YBIH 40} 21144 BuIpunouD jo uoHe||erSU| ANUVOVZHON OUGAH TIHd LV ONITINd 318 GNY YOLOW 40 NOLLWIOT3" UBINYOJSNVUL NIS3Y 1SVD VAWE 4O NOLLIGNOD3Y GNV 3DNVNALNIVA 3ALN3ARUE UITTIHD NVAOId 40 SNTINVHYIAO URINYOJSNVUL NIS3U_LSV9 VAINT YOS UNSOTONA 4O ATddNS GNY NOLLVTTVISNI 89/ 4O uivd3¥ GNV SNUOOHS3TENOwL YOLOW dHOOE SLINN € JO NOLLIGNOD38 NOWWNIGHOOD AVIZE SISATYNY WNALSAS Y3MOd YOLVYINSD VAWZ'T 4O ONICTINGAY/IVd3Y ulvd3¥ 8A, YOLOW dHOOE JO NOLLYTIVISNI YOLOW JO NOLWNIWY3L GNY ONIDSIY AINIDUIN YOLVYIN39 OBYNL 4O ONLLSL NOLWINAWNYLSNI sip3foud TWINVisEns SADIAUAS TWIIYLIITA TANYOD “4 “J 4O SLIAFOUd IWILNVLSENS ze Te of oz st a 9 se ve & zw 1 oz 6r 8t a or st or er a TRADE a INDUSTRY This certifies that E. F. CORNEL ELECTRICAL SERVICES (National) is a business name registered in this office pursuant to the provisions of Act 3883, as amended by Act 4147 and Republic Act No. 863, and in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations prescribed by the Department of Trade and Industry. This certificate issued to ELOISA FORTES CORNEL is valid from 21 November 2018 to 21 November 2023 subject to continuing compliance with the above-mentioned laws and all applicable laws of the Philippines, unless voluntarily cancelled. In testimony whereof, | hereby sign this Certificate of Business Name Registration and issue the same on this 21st day of November 2018 in the Philippines. Certificate No. 05631822 This certificate is not a license to engage in any kind of business and valid only at the scope indicated herein. ‘TRN 9238896 Documentary Stamp Tax Paid PHP 30.00 Profit and Loss EF, Cornel Electrical Services Date Range: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31, ACCOUNTS: Income Sales Total income Cost of Goods Sold Commission and Fees Cost of Sales. Total Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Bank Service Charges Board and Lodging Charity and donation Communication Computer — Hosting Depreciation Expense Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Office Supplies Payroll ~ Salary & Wages Permits and Licenses Professional Fees Rent Representation Toll Fee and Parking ‘Transportation Utilities Vehicle - Fuel Vehicle ~ Repairs & Maintenance Total Operating Expenses Net Profit Before Tax Income Tax (Graduated) ‘Net Profit After Tax Jan 01, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019 127,52380_ 2720 186,983.45 1,118,599.45 12,220.06 84,083.02 8,000.00 400.00 8,955.00 5,633.97 300.00 87,745.85 ‘15,762.37 206,135.00 74a 65 12,500.00, 50.300.00 120,306.14 12.835 61 8370.00 24,033.48 25,364.88 60,200.00 771,790.05 Balance Sheet EF, Cornel Electrical Services As of 2019-12-31, ACCOUNTS 31-Dec-19 Assets Cash and Bank BOL-Family CA 207,095.04 ‘cash on Hand Petty Cash Fund- AWP Total Cash and Bank Other Current Assets ‘Advances to Contractor 20,000.00 Account Receivable $6,000.88 Due to Officers- AWP 101,284.63 Due to Officers-1CP 244,200.00 Supplies ‘Total Other Current Assets Long-term Assets ‘Accumulated Depreciation Motorcycle Office Equipment Prepaid Expense 6,187.93 Tools and Equipment 132,855.66 ‘Total Long-term Assets 227,762.29 Total Assets 860,813.56 abilities Current Liabilities Interest Payable 900.00 ‘Metrobank Credit Card-Peso 415,000.00 vat 28,834.78 Total Current Liabilities 14,734.78 Long-term Liabilities Loans ‘Total Long-term Uabllities Total Liabilities Equity ‘Owner investment / Drawings 72,254.65 Retained Earnings Profit fo all prior years 89,565.72, Profit between Jan 1, 2019 and Dec 31, 2019 346,809.40 (Owner's Equity 406,580.44 Total Retained Earnings 703,824.13 Total Equity 775 078.78 5 sresrawae hid oh eee Sareea | Annual Income Tax Return Dea smd | trem ena MRE mar ae Eng HR | ‘whine Twoeapes GT be fig wi t BA ne oneness enema) [2 meee Oe 3 borhan O= e= ‘BART I- BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF TAXPAVERFFILER Tay eaten Naneo i 5 oO cae = 6 Taser pe oe om Om Om ete 7 Ponanete Cat A70) one Oo Onin oo oe oa aaa) cpp Nae Narm Fa, Mes NareSTATE OF thane. 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Amount Paid php 19362.00 Biller Name Total Amount ‘Amount Paid Fee Form Series Branch Code Tax Type Tin Form Type Retum Period DateTime GCash Ref. No. Email Receipt Sent To BIR php 19362.00 php 19362.00 hp 0.00 1700 (Income Tax Return) ‘00000 fd 445514790 1701 123119 12 June 2020 12:18:02 PM 733995453 M1 Gmail angelo Wong Tax Return Receipt Confirmation ‘1’ message Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 3:48 AM To: This confirms receipt of your submission with the following details subject to validation by BIR: File name: — 445514790000-1701v2018-122019.xm Date received by BIR: 9 June 2020 Time received by BIR: 02:36 AM Penalties may be imposed for any violation ofthe provisions of the NIRC and issuances thereof. FOR RETURNS WITH PAYMENT Please print this e-mail together with the RETURN and proceed to pay through the Authorized Agent Bank / Collection Agent / GCASH ‘or use other payment options, ‘This is a system-generated email. Please do not reply. Bureau of Internal Revenue DISCLAIMER This email and its attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. you are not the intended recipient of this email and its attachments, you ‘must take no action based upon them, nor must you disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please contact the sender immediately if you believe you have received this email in error. E-mail transmission cannot be quaranteed to be secure or error-free. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The Bureau of Internal Revenue does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission, | PEPHLCORNEL<

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