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The Effect of Financial Problem to the Academic Performance of Grade 11

Senior High School in UMGC.


Education and financial problem nowadays even in the past become more

defined and disseminated with various definitions, and that what makes it more

broad (Foley, Holland, Levinson, 2016). Financial stress and anxiety can also be

seen as aspects of financial mental health (Perna, 2008).

Globally, being financially stable became a serious matter when it comes

to productivity and creativity in Southeast Asian countries (Curan, 2013). In daily

survival where such circumstances occurs, the people tend to stop study and just

work for daily living. They don't matters about degree anymore, as long as to

overcome poverty (Salma, 2016). Financial cognitive wellness has recently

become a cultivating issue of interest among researchers. (Archuleta, Dale,

Scott, Spann, 2013).

In the Philippines, a scientific study conducted by Gullas (2014), revealed

recent studies about K-12 program implementation, that considered as hardships

in some of the Filipinos in terms of financial concerns as determined as burden

for another two more years of compensation. Furthermore, Only 18 percent of

Filipinos considered themselves as "thriumphant" financially (Diola, 2015).

In local areas, observing a normal people doing their daily life cycle in Los,

Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City. As we explored them, Uneducated person

considered as product of poverty and being frail. Those factors that shape them

well as well as a person does not even considered as an inspiration for them

anymore, to strive hard and fulfill their dreams.

In view of the above scenario, relies to uneducated persons, emotional

challenge and experiences. The researcher conducted this study very applicable

for the present situation wherein people and educational institutions are

apprehensive with the aspects, affecting educational productivity. The researcher

therefore moved like to determined Uneducated and aspire intercycle program

that would contribute for the innovation of each individual’s perception towards

education, good personality and faith, when you have nothing.


The importance of this study is for us to understand the collected information about
of my study if there is an effect of financial problem to the academic performance.
This study also can help to the ff.

Next Researcher - This research can be useful to the next researcher with the
same or related topic of my student.

To the Teacher – For them to know what are the same reason of the performance of
their students in terms of financial.


Concept Variable Operation Definition

Financial Level of financial income of the family

Approval degree of approval by scale of low, medium, high

Academic Performance Refers to the first quarter grades
earned in the first semester

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