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Definition 1: chemistry that deals with the chemical compounds and

processes occurring in organisms
2: the chemical characteristics and reactions of a particular
living organism or biological substance
Spelling bi – ai – ou – si – eij – I – em – ai – es – ti – ar – wai
Syllables bio·chem·is·try
Pronounciation \ ˌbī-ō-ˈke-mə-strē \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin International Scientific Vocabulary
Plural form biochemistries
Common meaning  advances in the field of biochemistry

Definition 1. : the manipulation (as through genetic engineering) of living
organisms or their components to produce useful usually
commercial products (such as pest resistant crops, new
bacterial strains, or novel pharmaceuticals) also : any of
various applications of biological science used in such
Spelling Bi – I – ou – ti – i – si – eij – en – ou – el – ou – ji – wai
Syllables bio·tech·nol·o·gy
Pronounciation  \ ˌbī-ō-tek-ˈnä-lə-jē  \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin -
Plural form Biotechnologies
Common meaning Recursion • Founded in 2013, this biotechnology  company is located
in Salt Lake City’s Gateway.— Kaitlyn Bancroft, The Salt Lake
Tribune, 3 Nov. 2021

In 2010, under City Manager Sheryl Sculley and Mayor Julián Castro,
the city agreed to invest $6 million in InCube Labs, a San Jose, Calif.-
based biotechnology  incubator.— Greg Jefferson, San Antonio
Express-News, 29 Oct. 2021
Definition : any of various neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
(such as sugars, starches, and celluloses) most of which are formed by
green plants and which constitute a major class of animal foods

Spelling Si – ei – ar – bi – ou – eij – wai – di – ar – ei – ti – i

Syllables car·bo·hy·drate 
Pronounciation \ ˌkär-bō-ˈhī-ˌdrāt  , -drət \
Part of Speech Noun
Plural form Carbohydrates
Common meaning  a food that is low in protein but high in carbohydrate

Definition : dead and putrefying fleshVultures live chiefly on carrion.also : flesh
unfit for food
Spelling Si – ei – ar – ar – ai – ou – en
Syllables car·ri·on
Pronounciation  \ ˈker-ē-ən  , ˈka-rē- \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin Middle English caroine, from Anglo-French caroine, charoine, from
Vulgar Latin *caronia, irregular from Latin carn-, caro flesh
Plural form Carrions
Common meaning  Vultures live chiefly on carrion.

Definition : a steroid alcohol C27H45OH that is present in animal cells and body
fluids, regulates membrane fluidity, and functions as a precursor
molecule in various metabolic pathways and as a constituent of LDL
may cause atherosclerosis
Spelling Si – eij – ou – el – I – es – ti – I – ar – ou – el
Syllables cho·les·ter·ol
Pronounciation \ kə-ˈle-stə-ˌrōl  , -ˌrȯl \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin International Scientific Vocabulary, from chol- + Greek stereos solid
Plural form Carbohydrates
Common meaning Did your doctor check your cholesterol?

Definition : an enzyme that coagulates milk and is used in making cheese and
especially : one from the mucous membrane of the stomach of a calf
: a crystallizable enzyme that coagulates milk, that occurs especially
with pepsin in the gastric juice of young animals and is obtained as a
yellowish powder, grains, or scales usually by extraction of the
mucous membrane of the fourth stomach of calves, and that is used
chiefly in making cheese and casein for plastics
— called also chymosin
Spelling Si – eij – wai – em – ou – es – ai – en
Syllables chy·mo·sin
Pronounciation \ ˈkī-mə-sən  \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin -
Plural form chymosins
Common meaning an enzyme that occurs in gastric juice; causes milk to coagulate.

Definition 1. : notable for having an unusual amount of fat:
a: PLUMPa cute, fat little baby
b: having excessive body fat… a woman of medium height, a
little plump but not fat …— Mary McCarthy
c of a meat animal  : fattened for market
d of food  : OILY, GREASYa fat, rich cheese

a: well filled out : THICK, BIGa fat book

b: full in tone and quality : RICHa gorgeous fat bass voice
— Irish Digest
c: well stockeda fat larder
d: PROSPEROUS, WEALTHYgrew fat on the war— Time
e: being substantial and impressivea fat bank account

a: richly rewarding or profitablea fat part in a

moviea fat contract
b: practically nonexistenta fat chance

: PRODUCTIVE, FERTILEa fat year for crops

informal  : STUPID, FOOLISH" … if he had had any sense in

his fat head, he would have done it long ago, dash him!"— P.
G. Wodehouse
: being swollengot a fat lip from the fight

of a baseball pitch  : easy to hit

2. : to make fat : FATTEN

3. : animal tissue consisting chiefly of cells distended with greasy

or oily matter

a: oily or greasy matter making up the bulk of adipose tissue

and often abundant in seeds
b: any of various compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
that are glycerides of fatty acids, are the chief constituents of
plant and animal fat, are a major class of energy-rich food, and
are soluble in organic solvents but not in water
c: a solid or semisolid fat as distinguished from an oil

: the best or richest part

: something in excess : SUPERFLUITYtrim the fat from the
news operation— Ray Olson
Spelling Ef – ei – ti
Syllables Fat
Pronounciation \ ˈfat  \
Part of Speech 1. Adjective
2. Verb
3. Noun
Source/origin Middle English, from Old English fǣtt, past participle of fǣtan to
cram; akin to Old High German feizit fat
Plural form Fats
Common meaning The dog is getting fat because you feed him too much. 
I can't believe I've let myself get so fat.

Definition 1. 1: containing fat especially in unusual
amountsfatty foodsalso : unduly stout : CORPULENT
3: derived from or chemically related to fat
2. Informal
: one that is fatespecially, disparaging + offensive  : an
overweight person

Spelling Ef – ei – ti - ti – wai
Syllables fat·ty
Pronounciation  \ ˈfa-tē  \
Part of Speech 1. Adjective
2. Noun
Source/origin -
Plural form Fatties
Common meaning 1. : I try to avoid fatty foods (adjective)
2. : a fat person (noun)

Definition 1. a: to give food to
b: to give as food

a: to furnish something essential to the development,

sustenance, maintenance, or operation ofreading feeds the mind
b: to supply (material to be operated on) to a machine
c (1): to insert and deposit (something) repeatedly or
continuouslyfeed quarters into a parking meter
(2): to insert and deposit something into (something)Running
out to feed the meter every hour doesn't work, because the
meter will not permit more than one hour for a given car.— T.
R. Reid

: to produce or provide food for


(1): to supply for use or consumption

(1): to supply (a signal) to an electronic circuit
(2): to send (as by wire or satellite) to a transmitting station for

: to supply (a fellow actor) with cues and situations that make a
role more effective

: to pass a ball or puck to (a teammate) especially for a shot at

the goal

intransitive verb
- a: to consume food : EAT
b: PREY —used with on, upon, or off
- : to become nourished or satisfied or sustained as if by food
- a: to become channeled or directed
b: to move into a machine or opening in order to be used or

2. a: an act of eating

b: MEALespecially : a large meal

a: food for livestockspecifically : a mixture or preparation

for feeding livestock
b: the amount given at each feeding

a: material supplied (as to a furnace or machine)

b: a mechanism by which the action of feeding is effected
c: the motion or process of carrying forward the material to be
operated upon (as in a machine)
d: the act or process of feeding a signal (such as an audio or
video transmission) to a station for broadcastalso : the signal
being feda live satellite feed
e: an Internet service in which updates from electronic
information sources (such as blogs or social media accounts)
are presented in a continuous streaman RSS feed

also : the information presented by such a serviceI changed my

settings so that all of my cousin's posts would show up at the
top of my feed.

: the action of passing a ball or puck to a team member who is

in position to score
Spelling Ef – ei – ei – di
Syllables Feed
Pronounciation \ ˈfēd  \
Part of Speech 1. verb
2. noun
Source/origin Middle English feden, from Old English fēdan; akin to Old
English fōda food
Plural form Feeds
Common meaning (Verb)
He was too weak to feed himself. 
We feed the plants with a special fertilizer twice a week.

Definition 1. a archaic  : ODOR, FRAGRANCE
b: the quality of something that affects the sense of taste
c: the blend of taste and smell sensations evoked by a
substance in the mouththe flavor of apples

: a substance that flavorsartificial flavors

a: characteristic or predominant qualitythe ethnic flavor of a

b: a distinctive appealing or enlivening qualityHer
performance adds flavor to the show.

b: a property that distinguishes different types of elementary
particles (such as quarks or neutrinos)also : any of the different
types of particles that are distinguished by flavor

: VERSION SENSE 2flavors of software

: one that is in the center of public attention for a limited
time —usually used in phrases like flavor of the month
2. : to give or add flavor to
Spelling Ef – el – ei – vi – ou – ar
Syllables fla·vor
Pronounciation \ ˈflā-vər  \
Part of Speech 1. Noun
2. Verb
Source/origin Middle English flavour, modification of Anglo-French flaur, flour,
from Vulgar Latin *flator, alteration of Latin flatus breath, act of
Plural form Flavored; flavoring; flavorful; flavorfully; flavorless; flavorsome
Common meaning to give or add flavor to (something) (verb)
This dish has an unusual flavor. (noun)
The hot, spicy flavors of Mexican food (noun)

Definition 1. Essential Meaning of food
1: the things that people and animals eata farmer who grows
his own fooddrought victims who don't have enough food to eat
2: a particular kind of foodItalian foodcat foodSee More
3: substances taken in by plants and used for growthplant food

2. Full Definition of food

1: material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and
fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair,
and vital processes and to furnish energyalso : such food
together with supplementary substances (such as minerals,
vitamins, and condiments)drought victims who don't have
enough food to eat
: inorganic substances absorbed by plants in gaseous form or in
water solution
2: nutriment in solid formShe gave food and drink to the
hungry travelers.
3: something that nourishes, sustains, or suppliesfood for
thoughtBooks were his mental food.

Spelling Ef – ou – ou – di
Syllables Food
Pronounciation \ ˈfüd  \
Part of Speech Noun, often attributive
Source/origin Middle English fode, from Old English fōda; akin to Old High
German fuotar food, fodder, Latin panis bread, pascere to feed
Plural form Foods
Common meaning a farmer who grows his own food 
drought victims who don't have enough food to eat

Definition 1: sanctioned by Islamic lawespecially : ritually fit for usehalal foods
2: selling or serving food ritually fit according to Islamic
lawa halal restaurant
Spelling Eih – ei – el – ei - eil
Syllables ha·lal 
Pronounciation \ hə-ˈläl  \
Part of Speech adjective
Source/origin Arabic ḥalāl permissible
Plural form halal
Common meaning In Urumqi, the regional capital, authorities have waged campaigns
against halal  dietary restrictions.— Nury Turkel, Time, 8 June 2020

Al Madina Meat Market: This halal  meat market doesn’t stock pork,

but it was well supplied with chicken, beef, lamb and goat.— Paul
Stephen, ExpressNews.com, 17 Mar. 2020

Definition : enjoying good
healthy children
tips for staying healthy
: free from disease
Damping off rots healthy seedlings at soil level, breaking the heart of
the gardener as surely as it breaks tender stems.
— Leslie Land
A person with heart disease will not be able to tolerate the same doses
and drugs as a person with a healthy heart.
— Sallie Tisdale
b: not displaying clinical signs of disease or infection
A patient with HIV may be healthy for several years before
developing either the cluster of symptoms identified as AIDS or any
of the bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoal infections known as AIDS
Related Complex
— Al Veerhoff

: beneficial to one's physical, mental, or emotional state 

: conducive to or associated with good health or reduced risk of
healthy foodsa healthy lifestyle… walk three miles every day … a
beastly bore, but healthy.
— G. S. Patton

: showing physical, mental, or emotional well-being : evincing good

a healthy complexionhas a healthy appetiteThe best thing about a
good sense of humor, of course, is that it's a sure sign that you have
a healthy attitude—always a refreshing check in the plus column.
— Glamour

a: PROSPEROUS, FLOURISHINGa healthy economy
b: not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLEa healthy sum of money
Spelling Eij – I – ei – el – ti – eih - wai
Syllables healthy
Pronounciation \ ˈhel-thē  also  ˈhelt- \
Part of Speech adjective
Source/origin Middle English helthe, from Old English hǣlth, from hāl
Plural form healths
Common meaning The company is financially healthy. 

Always a hard worker, Grandma has remained healthy into her 80s

Definition 1. : furnishing nourishment
2. : a substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides
energy, and maintains life.
Spelling En – yu – ti – ar – ai – I – en - ti
Syllables nu·tri·ent 
Pronounciation \ ˈnü-trē-ənt  , ˈnyü- \
Part of Speech 1. Adjective
2. Noun
Source/origin Latin nutrient-, nutriens, present participle of nutrire to nourish —
more at NOURISH
Plural form nutrients
Common meaning Adjective a breakfast drink enriched with nutrient proteins and
Noun Fruits and vegetables have important nutrients.

Definition : a specialist in the study of nutrition

Spelling En – yu – ti – ar – ai – ti – ai – ou – en – ai – es – ti
Syllables nu·tri·tion·ist
Pronounciation \ nu̇-ˈtri-sh(ə-)nist  , nyu̇- \
Part of Speech noun
Source/origin -
Plural form nutritionist
Common meaning Karen worked at JCPenney at Security Square Mall and wanted to
become a nutritionist  to help others.— Tim
Prudente, baltimoresun.com, 8 Nov. 2021

One great way to slash sodium from your diet is to reach for your
spice rack instead of the salt shaker, says Erin Rossi, RD,
a nutritionist  who specializes in kidney disease at the Cleveland
Clinic.— Hallie Levine, Health.com, 1 Nov. 2021

Definition : giving nourishment : NUTRITIOUS
Spelling En – yu – ti – ar – ei – ti - ei – ou – yu - es
Syllables nu·tri·tious
Pronounciation \ nu̇-ˈtri-shəs  , nyu̇- \
Part of Speech adjective
Source/origin -
Plural form Nutritious
Common meaning The food was both nutritious and delicious. 
opted for a nutritious snack and bought an apple instead of a candy

Definition 1: any of various naturally occurring extremely complex substances
that consist of amino-acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain
the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulfur, and
occasionally other elements (such as phosphorus or iron), and include
many essential biological compounds (such as enzymes, hormones, or
2: the total nitrogenous material in plant or animal substances
Spelling Pi – ar – ou – ti – I – ai - en
Syllables pro·tein
Pronounciation \ ˈprō-ˌtēn  also  ˈprō-tē-ən  \
Part of Speech Noun, often attributive
Source/origin -
Plural form Proteins
Common meaning You need more protein in your diet. 
These foods are an excellent source of protein.
Definition : a microorganism (such as lactobacillus ) that when consumed (as in a
food or a dietary supplement) maintains or restores beneficial bacteria
to the digestive tract
also : a product or preparation that contains such microorganisms
— compare PREBIOTIC
Spelling Pi – ar – ou – bi – ai – ou – ti – ai - si
Syllables pro·bi·ot·ic 
Pronounciation \ prō-bī-ˈä-tik  , -bē-ˈä- \
Part of Speech Noun
Source/origin PRO- ENTRY 2 + -biotic (as in antibiotic)
Plural form probiotics
Common meaning For constipation, select a probiotic  with B. longum.— Ana
Sanchez, chicagotribune.com, 5 Apr. 2021
This will boost your dog’s urinary tract health, thanks to the nearly six
billion CFUs that make each bite a powerful probiotic.— Chris
Hachey, BGR, 12 May 2021

Definition : a precursor of a vitamin convertible into the vitamin in an organism
Spelling Pi – ar – ou – vi – ai – ti – ei – em – ai – en
Syllables pro·vi·ta·min
Pronounciation \ (ˌ)prō-ˈvī-tə-mən  \
Part of Speech noun
Source/origin -
Plural form provitamins
Common meaning In addition to the high concentration of hydrating hyaluronic acid at
the base of the formula, there are also ceramides, which help skin hold
in moisture, and redness-reducing provitamin  B5.— Nykia
Spradley, Allure, 25 Feb. 2021

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