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Carmela Jia Ming A.



In the midst of this global pandemic, we are reflecting in real-time on how systems
undergo large-scale transformation: how government, businesses, schools, cities, and
communities adopt and make fundamental changes to existing ways of working. At first, there’s
a lot of adjustments specially the home quarantine, social distancing, wearing face masks and
face shields and many more. Many people questioned and argue about the changes in our society
but somehow still see how important these steps for the betterment of the country.
This pandemic made me realize a lot of things in life. I really appreciate how important
life is. We are very lucky, my family, because we are still healthy, still alive and still have
something to eat. There’s a lot of people out there now lose their jobs and are not capable to eat
at least three times a day. Many people suffer from sickness and getting away from their love
ones. Appreciate what is in front of you today because now, everything is possible. My family
also suffered financially. My dad who was working our own business in Hongkong is affected
because of those industries that are not operating unlike the usual so the income is not good as
before. Aside from my dad living abroad, my mom together with my step dad also suffered
financially because many businesses also stopped operating and the firms that they’re working
into account also became closed. But with the help of God and believing that we can survive step
by step we overcome those struggles that we encounter and here I am now still enrolled and can
be able to learn more.
I can say that my life has indeed changed. I am a transferee last semester to FEU, and this
was not how I was planning to spend and enjoy my first semester to FEU with the suspension
last march. I expected to have many friends and have more time to spend with them but
unfortunately, this crisis happened. There’s a lot of difficulty that I suffered and I know I am not
the only one who was experiencing this kind of problems. At first, since I have my dorm in
Manila, we don’t have a stable internet here in our home. Then the suspension came, it is really
hard for me to passed all the requirements on time. Overall, I am still very thankful and grateful
that I can still continue to study with my chosen course and still be able to follow all the
guidelines and requirements that was given to us. There’s a huge adjustment for the all of us, not
only for us students but for the whole world. We just need to cooperate and do our part for the
betterment of the society. It should be two-way process, give and take. Do your part so that other
people will do the same thing.

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